#items and scans both at 100%
coldgoldlazarus · 4 months
I have (re)beaten Metroid Prime in glorious HD! It was great ^.^
Now to just wait for Echoes...
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Seventeen and first dates (all members)
More like this on Seventeen Masterlist <3 Requests are open! Genre: FLUFF
→ Choi Seungcheol
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“You do look like a fish” he says.
You and cheol were walking around in an aquarium as your first official date. You both have been really close friends for a while before you decided to finally give into your feelings and see where it goes with each other.
You couldn’t be happier, cheol really was the best thing that happened to you, even friendship wise. The sweetest boy.
“Look, that looks exactly like you” he points to ansilly looking fish through the glass.
You put you lips out and pout like a fish.
“Close your eyes; you look exactly like this fish behind you,”
You giggle at that, you’ve never been told you look like a fish and that made you laugh,
“let me take a picture” he says.
You stand at the glass, with your lips out and eyes closed. After two clicks you feel someone in front of you and a pair of lips, pecking yours.
“Hey!” You were fully red. It was your first kiss with him. It was playful and so sweet. Nothing like you imagined but a 100 times cuter, innocent.
“Sue me! I stole a kiss” he says running away from you while you chase him.
“Come back here”
→Yoon Jeonghan
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“You can’t eat anything if you don’t catch anything!,” jeonghan tells you while you stand at this pool like area for fishes.
You and Jeonghan confessed quite mutually to each other that you liked each other. All your friends could see it, how you would kick your feet at his messages and how he would giggle at yours. You weren’t just friends.
“You’ll let your girlfriend starve?” You ask acting offended.
He pauses for a second and scans you top to bottom.
You playfully smack him while the fish catching turns into a competition about who catches more fish. At the end of the night you had 6 fishes you caught, and you couldn't possibly eat 6 fishes so you gave some away to the kids who couldn’t catch any.
“If this is how we were going to catch fish, I would’ve taken you fishing instead”
“I am somewhat of a master fisherman myself”
You giggle at the reference.
→ Hong Joshua
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You’ve liked joshua ever since he transfered to you school in high school. He was your bench mate and it wasn’t a long time before you fell for his charm, he was a handsome boy with such a kind heart. You still had an umbrella he gave you to use.
You met him again at a reunion after years and the group of friends planned to go to an amusement park that weekend at the reunion.
Seeing him again, after years set you off with some feelings, all unresolved.
You reached the amusement park as a group but little did you know it was a set up and suddenly you and Joshua were left alone.
You ended up touring the entire park, you realised he was the same crazy shua you knew and liked. Everything he did made you laugh.
“Here!” He says and hands you a bracelet he won shooting at balloons.
“A souvenir from our first date” he adds.
You look up at him in surprise.
“First date?”
“Unless you don’t want it to be”
“No, of course, I like that”
‘Our first date’ rang in your head the rest of the day.
→ Moon Junhui
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This was the first time you had gone over to your boyfriend, Jun's apartment. He liked decorating his apartment and interior design, his apartment was full of decorative items, you went through them all. it was fascinating how much you realise of a person just by seeing how they decorate their spaces.
Jun had called you over for a home cooked meal that he was so confident about. He was so excited to make you this Malapot that he knows he makes the best. He wanted to almost show off to you and impress you with his food.
You were excited for the food too, just listening to him talk about it made you drool when you made the plan.
"Ah it's ruined" you hear jun's voice from the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" you walk over.
"Somethings wrong, it's not tasting the way it's supposed to" he says dejected. You go over and he gives you a spoonful of broth from the pot. It was quite flavourful.
"It's good Jun, what's wrong?" you ask again.
"It's good, not great, I can do so much better" he was very disappointed. He just wanted you to enjoy his food and like his food.
"I'll eat anything you make junnie" you say hugging his side while his eyes never leave the pot in front of him.
You force him to look at you.
"There's always a next time, I'm not going anywhere"
He finally smiles.
→ Kwon Hoshi
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You were cycling with your boyfriend of 1 week, hoshi. You met at a fashion show and immediately clicked. You fell for his goofy personality and felt this urge to protect him from the world.
He asked you out first and you happily agreed. Both of you had some feelings some flirtatious text messages happening between the two of you.
But today you could taste blood, he was cycling way too hard and you couldn’t catch up.
He was a little ahead of you while you volunteered to crash in the grass to relax, you would’ve died if you went on for a little longer.
You were panting while the tiger came back to you to check if you are okay.
“Cycling is too hard” you say between laboured breaths.
“You have no stamina” he smirks suggesting something completely different.
It was your chance to chase him down for that comment.
“We’ll see” you blush but also respond sassily chasing him in the grass.
→ Jeon Wonwoo
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Jeon Wonwoo, your next door neighbour that had taken a liking to you, has made it routine to pick you up from office everyday, so you could go back home together.
You were still unsure about dating him and he gave you all the time in the world to come to a decision.
You wanted to surprise him today, by agreeing to date him. You had spent a lot of time together and he was a sweet guy. You were just scared of something, past relationships weren’t exactly a flower path. He understood that.
You came out of your office building, to see wonwoo, hopefully your soon to be boyfriend, waiting at his bike.
“Did you wait for too long?”
He smiles. “I’ll wait forever, if its for you”
Maybe you don’t have to wait anymore.
You take a deep breath and take his hands in yours.
“Listen, I had to talk to you about something”
His body language changes and he’s almost nervous. You fidget with his thumb, very embarrassed and shy.
“Whats wrong?” He asks getting concerned at how you couldn’t make eye contact with him.
“I gave us a thought”
He visibly freezes. Like he’s preparing himself for anything thats to come.
“I like you Wonwoo, I know I’ve been scared but Im ready to get through that”
There is a glowing smile on his face. “I’ll treat you so well, I promise” his hand pats your hair. It makes you feel safe and reassured.
“So girlfriend?” He asks putting your helmet on you and buckling up for you.
Him calling you girlfriend sets your chest on fire.
“Yes, boyfriend” you squeak out, not used to this.
“Let me take you to the moon, our first date”
“I’ll go anywhere with you” you say softly, getting on his bike.
→ Lee Jihoon
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Jihoon was a schoolmate first, your co worker second, he recommended you at the company you work at now. You became close with him being the only person you knew. Soon, this closeness turned into romantic feelings. You couldn’t get him out of your head.
You asked him out, you straight up told him, you like him and what he thinks about it. It was the first time you had seen him speechless. He took a minute to collect himself before he said “sure” and you started dating. Although his demeanour may seem as if he doesn’t care but you know he likes you too. There has been multiple times jihoon has gone out of his way to help you blend into your work and otherwise.
“Our first dinner in the studio” he said and it made you smile. You like when he says ‘ours’
“You never let me eat in the studio, how cone today you called me here”
His face turns red before he answers. “I thought it’ll be rude to have your girlfriend eat out while I work in the studio”
It was your turn to turn red. You mutter “cute” under your breath.
The power suddenly shuts down and the whole room goes pitch black. Jihoon steps out to see if its just his studio.
“I think something wrong with the generator on this wing” he says sitting next to you on the couch while you gobble up the food you brought for the both of you.
You hear him sigh and carefully lay his hesd on your shoulder.
“Are you tired?”
He shakes his head cuddling closer, you never took him for a cuddler but its like a cat, if a cat CHOOSES you to cuddle, you shouldn’t move. Thats exactly what you did.
You turn on the light on your phone and set it on the coffee table next to your food.
“Torch light dinner”
You hear him chuckle at that while you offer him some food almost feeding him.
You hoped the light never came back and this stayed like this forever.
→ Seo Myungho
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You ran an art workshop where you met Minghao for the first time. You didn’t know what he did and who he was until you saw your pictures plastered all over the internet one day.
He was the first to say he likes you. You liked him too, he brought perspective to your life and you loved that about him.
You and him were at a library having a relaxed date but the thing is you suggested going to a library when you didn’t even read.
You look over at hao, sitting by the window completely immersed in his book, he looked gorgeous. You pick out a comic to read from the shelf. You were a bad reader, even comics bored you after a while. But since Hao liked reading you thought you can enjoy it too. You sat next to him on the couch he was at.
You flipped through the pages and almost got bored instantly.
“Trouble reading?” You hear a whisper next to you.
You look up, not being able to manage this front you put on to impress him.
This was the second time he caught you looking bored.
“I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a reader”
“Everyone’s a reader, you just haven’t found the right book yet”
He’s so wise and calm, he brings stability to your chaos. He suggested a book you might like and he was right, you were immediately hooked to the premise and discovered that you like the thriller genre that doesn’t let you put your book down.
→ Kim Mingyu
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“Are you sure you don’t want anything?”
You shake your head no. Kim Mingyu was a random guy you bumped into at a coffee shop you frequented at. You madecthe first move and dared to ask his number.
Turns out he was the sweetest guy you had spoken to in 4 years. He really reset your brain and suddenly you just wanted to do everything in your power to see where things go. You felt an instant connection you didn’t want to let go of and regret later. You decided you’d go for it.
Kim mingyu comes back to your car, you and him decide to watch a screening of cars 2 in a drive in theatre. You have never been to one and he was excited to show you.
As soon as he opens his package of food, the air is filled with the smell of burrito. It makes you hungry as soon as it hits your nose. But you already told him you didn’t want any, and asking for even a bite felt criminal.
But you were subconsciously staring at his food.
“You’re staring y:n” he calls you out.
You immediately snap out of it and look away, muttering a quick sorry under your breath.
You see him dig into his package and pull out another burrito wrap.
“This is for you” he hands you a wrap.
“No, Im really fine” you defend yourself again, but you were so so hungry.
“I know what ‘im fine’ means y/n, it means you’ll get hungry when you watch me eat” he says smiling like the big puppy he is.
You can’t help but give in, you take a wrap from him smiling sheepishly. He really was the best.
“You eat so well, it could make anyone hungry” you say cutely while he gobbled up his burrito in literally 2 bites. It was insane to watch this man eat.
He pats your head softly.
“HEY! Burrito hands!” You squeal while he laughs.
→ Lee Dokyeom
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You and Dokyeom were cycling in the park. It was one of your first dates. You had met him at a coffee shop,ordering something you also liked so he offered to pay for yours too.
Here you were on another date with the goofball. The original plan was to bicycle around the park and get some lunch at a picnic spot.
But, as with dokyeom, he fell off his bike showing off some ‘cool’ moves to you. Although he made you laugh but the fall looked bad. You ended up getting him some ice from the store to press on his wrist.
“This is very normal”
“What do you mean?”
"I was a very… curious kid, i’d put my feet out on the road as a car would pass, just to see how it feels” you laugh out loud at that. “That’s hilarious”
“At least this is making you hold my hand” he says looking down at your hands pressing his with ice while your other hand hold his wrist in place.
This realisation makes your ears go red.
→ Boo Seungkwan
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“I can’t believe it” seungkwan exclaims.
You met seungkwan as a trainee and you had become fast friends. But life happened and you decided not to be a trainee anymore. You ended up going for artist management and becoming a manager.
Life had plans of its own when they assigned you to seungkwan and your friendship rekindled. This time the friendship took a step further and you started to love spending time with him laughing with him.
One fine day in the car you blurted out that you liked him while driving him to a solo schedule. To your surprise he reciprocated these feelings. You were the happiest girl that day.
“What what happened?” You ask. You and seungkwan had come hiking to a mountain close to his place.
“My pants tore”
You laugh out loud. “What a memorable first date” you continue laughing while he scurries to cover himself with his bag and a towel he had brought in his little backpack.
“What a story, ‘kids, your dad hiked so hard, his pants tore on our first date’” you laugh thinking about the anecdote you have now you can use. Its a funny story.
“You want to have kids with me?” He asks stopping what he did and looks up at you
You freeze at what had just come out of your mouth. You did not mean it like that but now that you think about it definitely sounded like you wanted to have his babies.
“Thats cute” he says and a sense of relief washes over you as you try to come up with something else to catch the subject STAT.
→ Choi Vernon
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Vernon wanted to watch this scary movie and you liked him so much you just wanted to be with him. But you forgot how scary scary movies can become.
Half way through the movie you were flinching and just uncomfortable in your seat, it really felt like someone was going to grab your feet from under the seat.
Seeing you this uncomfortable, vernon casually decided to put his arm around you and cover your eyes for you while you covered your ears with both your hands to protect yourself from jumpscares.
This position automatically made you lean into him a little and it made you feel a million types of a ways. He smelled good was the only consistent thought.
“Are you okay?” He asks leaning into your ears and whispering.
It sent a shiver down your spine. You nod without being able to push out any words. You liked being this close to him. ‘The things you do to me Choi Vernon’ you think to yourself.
You could watch a thousand horror movies if this is how you watch it.
→ Lee Chan
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“Its burnt!” He exclaimed looking at the marshmellow you decided to toast for yourself.
“Thats the flavour!” You defend. You liked slightly burnt marshmallows.
You and chan are childhood friends that ended up falling for each other. Your way of showing love was through constant banter.
One such banter, Chan ended up confessing his feelings for you and you found it so cute.
You move away to get some crackers for the marshmallows. As you come back you hear a scream.
“Whats wrong whats wrong?” You panic and rush to him. You see Chan holding his fingers out and hissing in pain.
You immediately take his hand to inspect.
You see that it was a little red, he probably burnt himself. You see him think for a second. He is going to say something funny, you knew that look on his face, trying to cook up a joke.
“I burnt myself so you’ll like me” he said dramatically looking into your eyes.
The lamest joke ever made you laugh so hard, only because it was Chan who said it.
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vox more than anything fic ending with fluffy makeup sex is all i need :,))) LET ME HOLD THAT TV MAN!!!
I didn't end up adding the spice because it didn't flow naturally with how this came out. I do headcanon that Vox would 100% try to initiate spicy times during a makeup because he wouldn't know how to handle the emotional vulnerability in any other way. Homeboy hasn't exactly had any healthy fight aftermaths. Hope yall are ready for the fluffy pain <3
Tag List: @luzzbuzz
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More Than Anything Part 3 [Vox x Reader]
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2.5 (Vox POV)
Things at the Vee's Tower seemed relatively normal when you stepped into the lobby. It felt a little weird if anything. When Vox was upset, it could shut down the entire tower for days on end if it was something more serious. You didn't hear the hum of the overbearing generators that would keep things running during his fits and your worry only grew as you stepped into the elevator. You swallowed down your anxiety as you scanned your badge that would let you onto the elite floor where the penthouses of the Vee's were at the top.
Did something happen to Vox? Was he not here for some reason? Where would he go? Did he... just not care?
Anxiety swirled in your mind as the elevator doors slid open. You saw Velvette on the couch scrolling through her phone and the young overlord perked up when she saw you.
"Bout fucking time," she groaned as she pocketed her phone and got off the couch. "Do you have any idea what a pain in the ass it's been to babysit the man-child?" Velvette poked at your chest and you couldn't help but notice the dark circles under her eyes as she frowned at you. "You owe me for this."
Ninety percent of hell didn't see past Velvette's tough-as-nails exterior and if it hadn't been for the time you'd spent with the Vee's due to your relationship with Vox, you doubt you would have ever seen through the cracks in her demeanor either. For all her bark and bite, you could tell she cared for Vox and Valentino deeply. She wouldn't look so damn exhausted right now if she didn't.
"I'll make it up to you," you sigh in relief as you drop your bag to the side. "Where is he?"
To say you were less than pleased when you saw the door held shut by the smokey chains of Valentino's magic was an understatement. You were pissed. While you still felt a semblance of gratitude for the other Vee's keeping Vox from doing anything rash, you were going to tear them both a new one for keeping him caged like a fucking animal.
Velvette lifted her hands and got the cue to leave as you triggered your demon form and slashed Valentino's magic to wispy shreds. You yanked open the door and your eyes searched the room for Vox maniacally. There we no cameras and the windows had been covered with some sort of blockers. It looked like the Vee's had the sense to leave him with some comfort items and non-tech-involved things to pass the time, but the only technology you saw was some ancient Nokia-looking phone lying by his foot that he wouldn't be able to use to teleport out of the room.
"Vox?" You breathed as you saw him curled up in a corner with his screen buried against his knees.
His head whipped up and he breathed your name, only to curse as his body glitched hard from the prolonged stress.
"Y̶o̸u̴ ̸c̶a̷m̴e̸ ̸b̶a̸c̸k̴?̷," he asks, and your heart aches as you watch him flinch at the static in his voice.
"Oh hun, come here," you sigh as you get down on your knees and pull his screen towards you. You didn't know much about tech, but his personal repair sinner had shown you some of the basics to take care of Vox if anything ever got out of hand.
You reached around the back of his head and did a hard reset for him, holding him close to you as he went limp against your chest. When Vox powered back up, he flinched hard and pushed himself away from you, backing up with wide eyes and frantic breathing before he processed it was you who had been holding him and not Valentino.
"Woah! Easy," you gasp, not expecting the sudden movement. You look over him and instantly regret leaving him for as long as you had. "What... What happened?"
Vox's heart was pounding rapidly in his chest as flashes of Valentino's manipulative words flitted through his mind. The promises of affection if he crawled back. The venom in his voice as he told Vox you'd never love him again. The back and forth between gentle lies and cold hard truths. The one time he almost, almost caved into Valentino's whims.
With a shaky breath, Vox stomped down on as much of his weakness as he could and turned away from you. "It's not important."
"Like hell, it's not," you frowned as you reached toward him, only to pause as he flinched at the tone in your voice.
It was obvious there was a whole new can of worms to handle and most likely a moth to strangle. But you steady yourself and take a deep breath, deciding to take things one step at a time.
"I'm sorry for leaving," you start slowly as you sit properly on the floor with Vox. "I was scared and angry and processing everything. I needed space. But I should have at least texted you back or checked in. I didn't..." your voice wavers. "I didn't think that..."
"It's fine," Vox sighed. "I get it. What I don't get is why you're here. Why did you come back?"
"I was always going to come back," you say as you reach towards him slowly. Your heart ached to know he had genuinely started to believe you'd just abandon him, but given the pieces of the unsettling image of what happened while you were gone, you understood where it was coming from.
Vox looks at you and hesitates before he leans into your touch and lets you cup the side of his face. "I was angry and hurt and scared," you admit. "I needed time to process my feelings. I didn't want to say something I'd regret."
You shake your head and chuckle, "I'd say I should have known better, but this is our first big fight now that I think about it. It's uncharted territory for us both."
Vox was silent as he slowly reached up and took your hand. He let out a shaky breath as he looked down. "I've... any connection I've had with someone. It's never... survived this sort of thing. Once shit hits the fan, that tends to be the end of it. I thought... I thought you were gone for good."
"I won't let you think that ever again," you say as you cup the other side of his face with your free hand. You make him look at you, but you're gentle. "We'll talk about this. I'm in this for the long run, you dorky TV man."
"But I tricked you," Vox shook. His face flickered between heartbreak and frustration. "I stole your soul. You have no reason to fucking t̵͍͌r̸̰̈u̵͉̍s̸̯͛ẗ̶̫ me."
"I love you," you say without hesitation. Vox's eyebrows furrow and he opens his mouth to retort, but you shake your head and stop him. "You did a bad thing. You did break my trust. But I know why you did it. Loving you doesn't mean I'll forgive you every time you cross a major boundary, but it does mean that I will do whatever it takes to worth through the bullshit together," you say softly.
Your thumb swipes over Vox's screen as you feel him tremble in your hold. "You're worth that effort to me, Vox."
"Why?" Vox asked as his eyes darted over your face as if the answer to his confusion would be found there. He didn't understand. How could you come back? How could you want to forgive him? How could you be here in front of him, looking like he was the one who hung the stars in the sky rather than the one who drew souls to their doom like a siren song on a screen?
You kiss his forehead and pull him close as he shakes harder in your arms. "W̸̻͝h̴͖̒y̵̞̍?̵̝̕"
His claws dig into the back of your shirt as he hangs onto you like a lifeline. "I̵ ̷d̴o̶n̵'̶t̶.��.̶.̵," Vox growls in frustration at the emotion that sticks in his throat. "I can't... I don't d̷e̴s̶e̷r̷v̴e̷ this."
"Because loving you has never been about what either of us deserves," you sigh as you kiss his head. "It's because despite everything, I know I could never replace you. So I'm willing to put in the work if you are."
A broken sob ripped itself from Vox's chest unwillingly as he held you tighter. Your heart broke, knowing this very well could be the first time anyone had actually tried to stick around after any of his fuck-ups. You held him close, rubbing his back as he worked through his emotions. You were there for him as he glitched and let out an anguished scream as everything he'd been holding in for so long finally poured out.
You don't know how long it is before he finally calms down. He looks up at you and you know his eyes would be bloodshot from the breakdown if that was how his screen functioned. He let out a deep breath and you smiled softly as he cupped your cheek.
"This isn't the first time I've thought you didn't belong down here," Vox admitted. His voice was hoarse from exhaustion and the pure angst session some cruel fucker decided would be entertaining to put him through. If he ever found that bitch, he'd wrangle her neck.
You laugh as you feel tears prick the corner of your eyes as you finally see the familiar spark in his eyes for the first time since you'd come back. "Nah, you know heaven wouldn't know the first thing about how to put up with my shit."
Vox barked out a tired laugh. "Damn right, they wouldn't. You're a menace."
"Yeah," you giggle as you press a kiss to his cheek. "But I'm your menace."
Vox reached up, his fingers tangling softly in your hair as he brought you in for a proper kiss. "Yeah. You're my menace. And I love you, more than anything."
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archiveof22048 · 9 months
13:34 - asakura shin sfw | fem!reader, she/her pronouns used 1.3k words
there she is again.
shin watches you enter the convenience store, grocery list floating around in your thoughts. cooking oil that your mother has requested that you buy (she's the reason you're out on this inconvenient convenience store trip, you were hoping to spend the day lounging around at home). your favorite brand of strawberry milk that you might as well get since you're out. your sister's favorite brand of potato chips that she texted you to get for her.
just like the past few times since he had first seen you in the store, you're just as pretty as ever. you've got this bored look on your face, one riddled with annoyance due to your mother, but shin finds it cute.
he smiles when the two of you make brief eye contact, one that lasts just barely over a second, a smile not only at you but also the fact that you looked his way in the first place.
sakamoto, adept as ever at reading facial expressions, doesn't need clairvoyance to understand that shin's taken an interest in the girl perusing the store. sakamoto watches shin's lovestruck face, his eyes nearing the shape of hearts and his cheeks and ears dusted with pink all over.
'how cute,' sakamoto thinks. he reminisces of the time he first fell in love with aoi, a picturesque love at first sight, set in a convenience store just like this. his story seems to be the opposite of shin's, where the store clerk, now, is the one who's fallen for the customer.
immediately, shin turns to face sakamoto, who's got a blank stare as he slurps on his nissin ramen. "sakamoto...!! i heard that!"
again, sakamoto remains blank-faced.
then, shin sighs. "it's not like i can do anything about it. i'm a worker and she's a customer. it'd be weird for me to make a move, don't you think?"
'not exactly,' sakamoto thinks. he looks down at his watch. it's almost 2 pm. 'your shift is almost up anyways, shin. lu and heisuke should be arriving soon.'
"huh? i thought i don't get out 'til 5 pm, though."
in response, sakamoto just stares at shin until he understands. then, he blushes. "oh..."
then, some rustling occurs from the other side of the counter. "excuse me... i'm ready to pay."
it's you.
sakamoto takes a step back and lets shin be the one to ring up your items.
you lay all of your items out on the counter haphazardly, all over the place. it's sort of silly in shin's eyes, knowing your thoughts behind it. 'agh, my sister seriously wanted five bags of these chips... and mom, does she really need three bottles of cooking oil? they better both pay me back as soon as possible.'
you look down meekly. 'please don't judge me,' you think, 'i just want to go back home.'
shin is silent. is now the time to strike up a conversation? should he be 100% professional and remain quiet? he's getting more and more flustered, so much so that he can't focus and rings up four bags of chips instead of five. he's feeling the same amount of stress as he would during an assassination mission.
"um... i think you need to scan one more bag of chips," you say.
you spoke to him. your voice is cute. you're cute.
just as quiet as your thoughts, he responds with a simple "...oh, you're right. sorry."
then, he hears a blessing.
'he's cute...'
after keeping his eyes down for so long, he glances up at you, who's already staring back at him. you're a little shocked from how sudden he looked up. especially with after that one little thought of yours, you may as well think he could read your thoughts.
you swallow dryly, flustered with his brief yet intense glance.
'he's finally the one scanning my items. it's always the guy behind him,' you think. you look up at his apron to read his name tag. 'shin...'
shin blushes heavily. it takes a great amount of effort for him to ask, "do you need a bag?"
"yes, please."
then, you're carrying 4 bags out the door, saying a "thank you, have a good day!" over your shoulder. despite carrying mainly bags of potato chips, what you're carrying is quite heavy and is slowing down your walking. even if the walk is only ten minutes, you think you may need to stop halfway to give your hands a rest.
you hear a faint "wait!" from behind you. when you turn around, it's the cute store clerk jogging up towards you.
"hey," he says, not even out of breath. he hasn't gotten an apron on, but you remember his name-- shin. "do you need help carrying your bags?"
you don't answer his question, and instead you ask one yourself. "aren't you supposed to be working right now?" it's not a question out of annoyance or malice, but pure curiosity.
"oh," shin says nervously, "sakamoto let me end my shift early. business is slow today, anyways."
you silently cheer to yourself. shin can hear the fireworks go off in your mind, and he has to do the best he can from confessing right then and there.
you give him two of your bags, beaming at him. "okay, then. my place isn't far from here."
the two of you walk side by side, and it's a silent walk. you're both keeping silly little grins to yourselves. yours is due to the cute store clerk helping you out, and shin is smiling because he can hear all of your thoughts; his feelings are not unrequited.
you break the silence first. "you're shin, right? i saw it on your name tag."
"yep, that's me. and you are...?"
you give him your name, and it's a beautiful name. you're beautiful.
"it's nice to meet you, shin."
he blushes. "nice to meet you, too."
"y'know, my mom wanted me to get all these groceries, but she wanted me to go to the grocery store downtown. she insisted i didn't go to sakamoto's, even though it's closer, 'cause it's 'too dangerous.'" you laugh to yourself. "pfft, ridiculous, right? i decided to go to sakamoto's 'cause..."
'because of the cute store clerk i'm talking to right now,' you think. 'wait, that's a little too personal, especially since we just met.'
shin smiles slyly, turning to you. "because...?"
"ah, i forgot."
shin nudges your shoulder with his, laughing. "you were definitely gonna say something, say it!"
you laugh, too. "no, no! i actually forgot!"
he can hear you affirm to yourself, 'he's so easy to get along with. i want to keep talking to him, but we're almost home...'
you stop in your tracks and turn to him. "we're almost at my place, it's just a couple houses down. i can take the bags from here."
he silently gives you the bags, a pout forming on his face. it's almost as if shin is trying to tell you he doesn't want to go just yet. "can i at least walk you there?"
you giggle. "sure."
by the time you reach the gate to your house, the sun is setting. "well, here's my place. thank you so much for helping me out. i really appreciate it."
both you and shin lean against the gate. he huffs out a laugh, trying to play himself as nonchalant. "it was nothing. i'm glad i got to meet you."
as the two of you are beginning to say your farewells, there's a whisper that hushes all around the two of you, stemming from your thoughts. 'please, ask me out. please, ask me out.'
shoving his hands in his pockets, looking up at the sky so as not to show you his flustered face, shin starts, "so, uh..."
you look up at him, a glistening hope in your eyes.
"would you want to get crepes some time?"
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blueiscoool · 4 months
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US Returns $80 Million-Worth of Stolen Artifacts to Italy
It looked more like a museum exhibition of Italian art than a crime scene, but in the Central Institute for Restoration’s offices, located inside a former women’s prison in central Rome, some 600 works of art were put on display Tuesday morning.
Ranging from life-sized bronze statues to tiny Roman coins, from oil paintings to mosaic flooring, the pieces span the 9th century BC to the 2nd century AD and amount to just one year’s stolen and trafficked art confiscated by Manhattan prosecutor Col. Matthew Bogdanos’ team and returned to Italy.
The trafficked works, pillaged from the Italian regions of Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Calabria and Sicily, were sequestered in New York and New Jersey last year.
The returned works, together with 60 items repatriated last year, are worth more than $80 million (or roughly €73.6 million) — but are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to artwork still hidden away in private warehouses and on display in museums in the United States, Bogdanos said on the sidelines of a presentation to the media on Tuesday.
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Bogdanos said the $80 million of items does not include a further 100 items his team has just seized in the US.
What makes the seizure and return of stolen artifacts so difficult is that authorities often have no idea what they are looking for, according to Gen. D. Francesco Gargaro, commander of the Carabinieri for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
“When artifacts are taken from clandestine graves, they have never been cataloged,” he said. That means that, in addition to the items themselves, their historical context was stolen, robbing archaeologists of valuable information. (Instead, investigators work backwards, assessing paperwork and provenance claims for artifacts provided by their owners, as well as undertaking technical tests to best confirm a piece’s true origins.)
Most of the recent items returned to Italy were dug out of clandestine excavations or stolen from churches, museums and private individuals, Gargaro said.
Among the items on display on Tuesday was a cuirass and two bronze heads dating back to the 4th-3rd century BC that were confiscated from a gallery owner in New York.
There was also an Umbrian bronze statue depicting a warrior stolen from an Italian museum in 1962 that was found in a well-known American museum.
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And a mosaic floor depicting the myth of Orpheus enchanting wild animals with the sound of the lyre from the mid-3rd to mid-4th century AD was recovered after being stolen from a clandestine excavation in Sicily in the early 1990s. It was confiscated from the private collection of a well-known New York collector.
Italy’s Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection unit uses artificial intelligence to search for stolen cultural assets under a new program called “Stolen Works Of Art Detection System” (SWOADS), which searches for taken items by scanning the web and social media for images.
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“The return to Italy of cultural assets of such importance, both for their numerical consistency and for their historical-artistic value, is another significant achievement, Italy’s culture ministry undersecretary Gianmarco Mazzi said Tuesday.
“In addition to being works of art of inestimable value, they represent the high expression of our history, our culture and our national identity.”
In 2023 alone, 105,474 pieces of art worth more than €264 million (or $287 million) were found and confiscated worldwide thanks to the artificial intelligence project, according to Gargaro.
By Barbie Latza Nadeau.
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lizzyk137 · 1 year
Baby's Secret- An Agent Gibbs Fic (Gibbs X Reader)
Description: After keeping your relationship a secret, what will it take for Gibbs to admit your his. Warnings: Mentions of bombings, swearing, hospital, fluff
(Part One) Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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Dinner at Gibbs place was great, and it certainly wasn't food you both were devouring.
The next few months kept you busy with new cases, therapy sessions and at-home date with Gibbs. Gibbs wasn't one to leave his house much when he was home from work. He was stubborn, stating he goes out enough at work that he doesn't need to on his days off, and he stays with that statement no matter how much you try to change his mind.
Now you didn't mind staying home with Gibbs. It was relaxing and brought a calm over you that you needed after a stressful job, plus, some of the activities were very entertaining. But you wanted more.
As time went on, and your relationship stayed a secret from the team, due to Gibbs breaking one of his own rules, you were starting to get irritated that it didn't seem like he wanted people to know about you. On cases he always stayed a far enough distance away from you so no one could assume and reserved to checking on you when you were out of work when you got hurt. He also never expressed how he felt about you. He was a man of few words and you could feel that he cared about you when you were alone but you also know that things could be very much different as they were presented to you. And as good as he made you feel, he also equally was hurting you.
"Where are you going?" He asked six months into your relationship. It was a quiet Sunday morning, and it was gorgeous out, so you thought of going out and enjoying it.
"I'm going to the farmers market with Tim." You had answered back as you grabbed your purse and a reusable bag.
"McGee?" You could hear him getting up from his chair.
You turned around to meet his eyes, "Yes McGee, we always go to the farmers market on our days off."
"Yes, really. We've been doing it for the last year." You laughed.
"Oh." You walked up to him and gave him a peck on the lips, hoping his scowl would wipe away from his face, but it stayed.
"I'll be back in a few hours. See you!"
You didn't realize that day would leave to you two having to expose the very secret Gibbs had hidden for months.
"Y/N, look at this!" McGee was holding up a poster for an old video game.
"Wow, twenty dollars? I don't know if it's a steal or a rip-off." You laughed as he handed you the framed poster and reached into his wallet for cash. He paid the merchant and grabbed the poster back.
"Defiently a steal for me, the starting price online for this is $100. So where to next, Y/N?"
"There is a cute little stall selling plushies that I was eyeing, if that's okay?" He nodded, and let you lead.
You headed over to the stall when you felt a pair of eyes on you in the crowd. You scanned the area but didn't seem to find anyone out of the ordinary. You reached your stall, and you and Tim were checking out the plushies when you felt the same feeling as before on you.
"Tim, I think someone is watching us." You whispered as you held up a small plush bat.
You showed him the plush bat, "Yeah, while we were walking over here and now. No one seems out of the ordinary. I might just be paranoid. What do you think for Abbie?"
He nodded, and you held the bat in your arms. "I'll keep an eye out." You nodded back to him and grabbed a cute orange kitten plush.
"I think I want this!" You smiled up at him, trying to make the air a bit lighter.
His lips morphed into a smile, "Well then, I guess we better get it. It's on me since you bought me coffee."
"Aw, Tim! That's sweet of you, thanks!" You showed the merchant your items and they tallied them up and you both paid. "Alright, I think it's lunch time!"
Tim stood next to you, looking around. "I feel it too. Lets head to another stall, I don't like this feeling of being watched.
"Sure." You took a step forward when you felt and heard a sudden blast behind you. Warm air hit you, shoving your body forwards as you flew through the air, body tumbling as soon as it touched back down to the ground. Wood flew everywhere around you, as you tried to get up to look at the damage, when you felt another blast from another stall besides you as the world grew black.
Gibbs was frightened. He hadn't been this frightened in a long time. Two of his teammates were lying unconscious in the hospital from some lunatic setting of a bomb and your condition wasn't the greatest as he watched your heart monitor bounce around irregularly.
"Hey, boss." Tony's voice interrupted his thoughts. "McGee just woke up. The doctor is checking him over and once he's done, we can talk to him."
The doctor came out an hour later and let the team know they could go in to see their friend.
"Take your time but what happened, McGee?" Ziva asked.
"Everything was normal until we got to our last stall. Y/N said she felt like someone was watching us but she didn't see anyone, and neither did I. I felt it as we were leaving but it was too late." McGee looked worried as he explained what happened to Gibbs. "I didn't see anyone but if I had just suggested we leave right off then she wouldn't here."
"Hey, nothing could have stopped those bombs from going off." Tony said gently, seeing McGee getting worked up as his heart monitor started beeping louder.
"Bombs? There was more than one? I only remember one of them."
Ziva nodded, "There was two. One at the stall you went too and one that was behind it."
They eventually left McGee after calming him down, and headed back into the waiting room.
"Tony, see what Abby has on the bomb. Ziva, figure out what stalls McGee and Y/L/N visit every week this past year."
"Past year? McGee didn't say anything about the past-"
"Just do it, Ziva!" Gibbs barked out.
"On it."
Gibbs circled around back to your room and watched you lying there. "We'll get them for you. I won't stop until I catch those bastards. Wait for me just a little longer."
Gibbs didn't visit the hospital for the next few days as he stayed up going over every little detail they had and trying to discover new leads. You still had yet to wake up, which fueled him even more to find whoever did this to you.
"Gibbs, I found something." Abby said over the phone.
"I'll be down." He said and ended the call. "Abby has a something, let's go."
The elevators chimed and as he and the team stepped off and into Abby's lab. "Whatcha got, Abs?"
"I found something in the security cameras. The shop that Y/N went to every week was this one here," Abby pulled up the shop's logo on the screen, "it's a small business that sells stuffed animals. She had been eyeing this cat for weeks. With my findings on the surveillance and evidence from the bomb, it looked like whoever made the cat used it as a trigger. Once out of the safe zone, it set off both bombs. The second one was delayed due to the stall being moved slightly during set up." She showed a few slides of the stuffed cat, one that looked similar to her cat that had just past away, and then to a video display of how the bombs worked. "I did some more digging, and found that the maker for these stuffed animals come from a company located just out of D.C."
"We spoke with the shop keepers and they said they draw up the designs and then send them out to a group that then goes around to manufacturers." Tony said.
"Tony, Ziva, go to the factory and interview the workers."
"Wait! I can do you one better." Abby said. "I managed to hack into their surveillance cameras, courtesy of McGee, and found exactly who worked on the stuffed cats for our small business. He goes by the name, James Harrington." Abby hit a key on the keyboard pulling up his James' social media. "It looks like Y/N and him had gone out a few times but about six months ago they haven't communicated or gone out."
"Let's bring him in." Gibbs said through a clenched jaw.
Gibbs was pumped for the interrogation and with a bit of yelling and one slam of the desk, James was putty in his hands. Spilling everything from how you rejected him after a few dates, and that you were always around McGee and he was furious that you could be with anyone but him.
"She always was with him. It was disgusting to watch them together every Sunday. I had to teach her boyfriend a lesson." James spat.
Gibbs eyes narrowed at the word boyfriend. "Well lucky for you, her boyfriend gets to ruin your life. Have fun in prison, while I get to continue dating her." He got up and slammed the interrogation room door closed and headed straight to the hospital, ignoring the shocked looks from Ziva and Tony.
Gibbs pulled your hand closer to him and rested his cheek on it as he clasped it in his. Ever since he got the confession out of James, he had been by your side waiting for you to wake up.
Ziva, Tony and McGee watched from the door way, Gibbs oblivious to the three of them watching which was very much unlike him.
"I can't believe they're dating. How did we miss this?" Ziva whispered.
"What I wanna know is how." McGee answered back.
Tony chuckled, "I bet it was after they went 50 Shades of Grey during that undercover mission."
"Do you think they've been together that long?" Ziva questioned. "That was like half a year ago."
"It explains why Gibbs avoids her during cases."
"But why keep it a secret?" McGee asked.
"Maybe it's because they're happy with just each other." Tony replied, watching Gibbs gently kiss your forehead.
Gibbs watched as you slept peacefully. You looked like an angel, to him you always did, but especially now because you looked so peaceful. You were always peaceful when you slept. He could watch you for hours, running his fingers through your hair as you cuddled into him, your head on his chest.
He closed his eyes, feeling days worth of no sleep catching up to him.
"Jethro?" He thought it was your voice, but how could it be? You've been unconscious for the past week.
"Jethro?" The voice was clearing up and it definitely sounded like you. But it had to be a dream, he thought.
"Jethro!" Your voice was much louder this time, enough that Gibbs' head sprang up off the mattress and his eyes opened to meet yours.
"Y/N?" Gibbs said shakily.
You were sitting up, your hand still in his, with a big smile on your face. "You've been asleep for a few hours, you're quite cute when you're sleeping." You giggled.
Gibbs looked at you in disbelief for a second before he crushed you to his chest, holding you tightly. "Don't you ever leave me like that again." He whispered. "From now on, anywhere you want to go I'll follow. I can't lose you."
You pulled him away and cupped his cheek. "Are you okay with that?"
"This whole thing has made me realized how much I care for you. I'm not letting you walk out that door again, especially when you want me there."
He watched you smile, cupped the back of your head and placed a sweet kiss on your lips.
"No more hiding?"
"No more hiding."
So sorry this took forever! So many things in my life popped up half way through writing this! The second half of this doesn't do the story line justice. Let me know what you think down below!!
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part 3 of #FreeRei (temporary title) with a Rei POV! and I finally get to explore my favourite flavour of Rei Todoroki, completely fucking unhinged and absolutely determined to make it Endeavor's problem
(you can read from the beginning here)
She felt a little silly, practically vibrating with glee over a bit of basic shopping, but it had been so long, even just the feel and sound of the money jingling in her hands was almost nostalgic, like something from a long ago dream. It almost didn't feel real.
The woman behind the counter was tilted back on a tall stool, a braided tendril of dark brown hair streaked with grey lifted a can of coffee to her lips as she flipped through a gossip rag. There were was a photo of two heroes on the cover that Rei vaguely recognised, one with long white ears and one with red wings, she was pretty sure they were both in the top ten, but it was hard to keep up with current hero rankings when she wasn't allowed to watch the news. They were covered in obnoxious yellow text declaring something about a secret relationship, they just looked like friends having coffee together to her.
If only they knew of the scandal sitting right beneath everyone's noses, she wondered what kind of mockery the bright yellow text would make about her husband's misdeeds, had they not been covered up at every turn. Something outrageous and distasteful probably.
'No. 1 Hero or No Good Husband?'
'Flame Hero's Marriage up in Smoke!'
'Endeavor Beats Villains in the Streets and his Wife in the Sheets!'
Rei put her items on the counter and tried to hold back the giddy grin she could feel pulling at her lips, she failed to keep from bouncing on her toes. The woman put her magazine down and shifted her seat back onto all fours, she paused as tired eyes tracked Rei's constant motion.
"Someone's in a good mood this morning." she commented in a husky monotone, her hair grabbing the items to scan them. "What's got you so excited?"
"Oh you know," Rei laughed nervously. "It's just nice to be out of the house, I'm not normally allow- I don't get out much." she clamped her lips shut with an airy little chuckle.
Be careful be careful don't be suspicious don't get caught can't go back can't go back-
"Right," the woman said, gaze flitting over Rei as if looking for something, Rei tugged her sleeve down, making sure her hospital grade quirk cancelling cuff was well hidden beneath her hoodie, the woman's keen eyes tracked the motion before quickly glancing to the side. "He got something to do with that?" she asked, jerking her head toward the window where Touya was pacing back and forth on the phone.
"Oh, no! No no that's just my son, he's a good boy, he's nothing like his- he's just helping me with my shopping!" Rei could feel her legs trembling, she'd barely been out of the hospital for a few hours and she was already fucking everything up, shit she shouldn't have said he was her son shit shit shit.
"Alright then," the woman's narrowed eyes shifted back down as she bagged the items, ringing up the total and counting the scattered change Rei's trembling hands dropped onto the counter.
"Sorry, but you're 100¥ short." The woman shrugged, frowning at the bag, a tendril of hair fidgeted with one of her earrings.
"Oh," Touya had scrounged through all of his pockets to gather that change, she was pretty sure it was the last of his money. "Um, you can take out the toothbrush then."
"So just the face masks and hair dye?" the woman asked in a carefully neutral tone, her braids curled over on themselves in the air behind her. "Going for a new look?"
"Haha, yeah I just figured it was time to do something different you know?" Rei tilted her head innocently, putting on her best unassuming polite smile, the one she'd learned could keep the new nurses from checking under her tongue after giving her sedatives at night.
The woman kept staring at the bag as she chewed at the inside of her cheek. Rei could feel sweat beading at her hairline, she glanced around at anything she could potentially use as a weapon should it come to that, she didn't particularly want to bludgeon this woman's head in but-
I won't go back I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I WON'T-
The woman sighed heavily and pushed the plastic bag toward Rei, the toothbrush still inside.
"I'll overlook the 100¥, if you answer a question for me," she said, eyes locking onto Rei's, her expression sank into something softer, concerned. "If someone comes in here later asking if I've seen a woman with white hair, should I keep my mouth shut?"
Rei's stomach did an odd little swoop, her heart was beating in her throat. "I would... I would be very very grateful if you did." she said in a small, trembling voice.
The woman nodded, her smile melancholy, a braided tendril picked up the bag and dropped it into Rei's hands before going lax against her back, the rest stopped their antsy fidgeting to follow suit. "Good luck girl, stay safe alright?"
Rei's hands and feet tingled as she walked out of the store, as soon as the cool early morning air hit her face she took in a deep and desperate lungful, her chest ached like she couldn't get enough in.
Touya seemed to have finished his phone call as he was simply lounging low on a public bench just outside. His head was tilted back as he stared up at a nearby streetlight, eyebrows furrowed, lost in thought, his pale, almost translucent eyelashes practically glowed under the yellow tinted light. Despite all of his scars his face still looked so... gentle, so unlike Natsuo who'd inherited Enji's squared jaw and broad shoulders, Touya was all soft edges and elegant curves.
He looks like me.
The thought lightened her chest and her breathing slowed back down to a regular pace. A different emotion climbed up her throat, something warm and pleasant, this was her son, all grown up. Even after everything Enji had done, after he tried to mould Touya into a monster like him, after he left her baby boy to burn alive alone on that mountaintop, he was here, right in front of her, alive.
And he looks like me.
Touya lifted his head, whatever thoughts were ghosting behind his eyes cleared as he stood up and offered her his arm, Rei took it, and they walked out into the early morning, the barest hint of light seeping into the dark sky.
You tried to take him from me but he isn't yours anymore, he's mine mine mine mine and I will rip you apart with my bare hands before I ever let you come between me and my son again Enji I swear it on my breath and my bones I will never let you have him you don't deserve him you don't deserve any of us.
The distant sounds of birds and traffic began to wake the sleeping streets, as the edge of sunlight peeked at them between buildings, Touya pulled one of the medical facemasks from the plastic bag hanging from Rei's wrist and handed it to her. He tugged her dark blue hoodie over her head before the light could catch on the bright white strands of her hair, she always loved seeing her children play at dawn and dusk, especially in the winter, the angled sunshine from the snow making their hair practically glow, they looked almost ethereal, otherworldly.
You were right to be afraid of letting me out, I spent years pretending I wasn't clawing at the walls, fooling the doctors, fooling my own children, but I couldn't fool you, you knew you broke me beyond repair, you knew I wasn't going to forget what I promised you the last time you dared look me in the eye.
Sometimes she would hope that some spirit of light would realise it had left its children down on earth where they didn't belong, she would hope that one day when they played out in the late afternoon they would chase those sunlit snowflakes up up up into the sky, far away from the house that had wrongfully trapped them within its walls, far away from her husband's burning cruelty and blistering neglect, she would hope that when the sun finally set and took its light away from her garden, it would take her children home with it. Some days, the bad days after the fire on Sekoto, she would forget that it was only a daydream, she would sit in the yard with Shouto held up to the sky, and with tears in her eyes she would beg those sunlit snowflakes to take her baby away somewhere safe, to take him to wherever they took Touya.
Mark my fucking words Enji Todoroki I will bathe myself in your blood I will carve your hollow heart from your chest and crush it in my fist as I watch the light die in your eyes and I'm going to laugh and laugh and laugh and LAUGH-
"What's so funny?" Touya smiled gently down at her, his eyes as blue as his father's but utterly void of the terrifying cold indifference that once haunted her daily waking life.
"Oh it's nothing," she assured him, hysterical giggles still fighting their way up her throat, her cheeks ached but she couldn't stop smiling. "I'm just so happy to have you back sweetheart."
Touya was quiet for a few moments, when he finally spoke his voice was thick with something close to melancholy.
"I... yeah... me too."
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I've been dying to say this and I may as well say it to u (and i also want ur opinion on it)
I do not subscribe to the Sub!Tonowari ideology plaguing tumblr.
Tonowari is a complete Pleasure Dom and I will never change my mind. He loves drowning his mate in pleasure and he'll go right along with her. Sweat, drool, tears, jizz, sometimes blood (real freaky like) just everywhere. His long, dark, beautiful hair unbound and falling around both of them like a curtain.
Sorry, I got a bit lost there. 🔥🔥🔥
Okokokok I LOVE thissss
Yessss tonowari is 100% a pleasure dom. Like I cannot envision him being anywhere but between your thighs, loving how you're fucked dumb, how you're drunk on the feel of his mouth and hands. He refuses to fuck you if you haven't come on his mouth and fingers first, I SWEAR
Human fem!reader x Tonowari
A special thanks to @touchedflowers for the idea+the collaboration with the dialogue!!! ILY BABYYYYY
He's not really sure who discovered it first, and he's not really interested in it. All he knows is, it works.
Tonowari stands in front of you, his large hand wrapped around his thick cock as he jerks it.
Your eyes glow as you watch him through the mask, your breathing growing heavy, nerves filling you as you glance up at him.
You look so innocent as the candlelight in his pod washes over your skin, making you look like a divine apparition of sorts.
As Tonowari feels his orgasm creeping closer, he orders, “Open up, flower.”
“'re you sure this will work?” you question, nervous.
Tonowari nods. “It will work,” he assures you. “Trust me.”
“Okay,” you say softly, taking a deep breath before taking your mask off, and you open your mouth, eager.
Tonowari's thick load spills into your mouth and he grunts, “Swallow for me, pup.”
You follow his order, drinking his hot seed. Your eyes are wide, you're nervous, and then you feel it—a soft, fresh sensation in your lungs. And you take a deep breath, surprised to find that you can breathe.
Tonowari smirks down at you. “I told you it would work, didn't I?”
You nod. “It worked,” you echo.
Tonowari offers you a small smile. “It'll also make you a little dizzy, 'kay?”
You nod again, except that you don't just feel dizzy, you feel like you're floating off, your head buzzing pleasantly. The sensation makes your eyes grow lidded, and you glance up at Tonowari through your eyelashes.
He smiles softly. “C'mere, flower,” he says, as he kneels on the floor, his hands reaching for you and pulling you to him. Even when he's on his knees, he's taller than you, his hands much larger, his shoulders huge, his entire being just dwarfing yours.
You wrap your small arms around his thick neck as you watch him. His eyes scan over your attire: a pair of shorts, a tank top, feet bare, legs bare, shoulders bare. But you're covering more than he'd like you to.
One of his enormous hands finds the hem of your shorts and he tugs at them, tearing them so he can discard them. You complain wordlessly, scoffing softly, before he simply gives you a look warning you not to say anything. Then, he pulls your top off, leaving your chest bare, your cunt covered only by a thin layer of cotton.
Tonowari leans down to your chest, his huge tongue licking over your tiny nipple, moving between one breast and the other as one of his hands makes its way between your thighs. He finds your pussy and his thick finger rubs your clit through your panties.
You mewl softly, leaning into his touch, as he slowly pushes you to lie on your back. You let him crawl on top of you, his enormous body caging yours, and he softly kisses your forehead before he begins moving down your body. His large tongue licks its way down your chest, between your breasts, down your torso, and to the hem of your panties. He grabs the flimsy material between his sharp teeth and pulls it off, lowering it to your thighs before his hands completely free you of the item.
Tonowari raises them to his face and inhales the scent of your pussy on the soft cotton. You blush as he does, and when he glances back at you, you find his eyes have grown wide, pupils blown, and you shudder softly.
That soft dizziness has begun to spread, filling your body, making you dazed, your lust and whatever it is his seed did to you scattering your thoughts.
Tonowari places his face between your thighs, and he just keeps his predatory eyes on you as he licks you. He flattens his tongue to your clit, making you shiver, and his massive hands hold your quivering thighs open.
You gasp softly, your hands reaching for his head. You find his hair grabbed in a bun and you pull it loose, allowing his soft hair to fall down his face, covering your hips, giving you something to tug on as he eats you out.
You're so small compared to Tonowari. He loves how tiny you are, how your pussy is tight around his tongue when he slides it inside you, loves how his tongue covers your entire cunt, how you're almost a rag doll for him to use.
You're seeing stars, eyes rolling into the back of your head as the haze takes over, making everything glow in soft tones of purple and pink, your entire being just floating in bliss.
He moves his tongue to your tiny clit, flicking the wet muscle against your sensitive bud as one of his fingers sinks into you.
You gasp, back arching, as his rough finger spreads you open. If you're this tight around his finger, Tonowari can't imagine how tight you'll be around his cock.
He sucks on your tiny clit, and it feels like a tiny pear against his tongue. It makes you quiver, cunt clenching around his middle finger as it curls up to press against that spongey spot he knows you love.
Your hands are buried in his hair, your mind foggy with pleasure and that soft high, and you can't do much more than mewl, bucking your hips up against his mouth, dripping over his lips and his chin.
Tonowari watches you closely, admiring the way you react to his touch, loving how easy it is for him to rile you up. And that look in your eyes, that drowsy look about you, it makes you look heavenly, makes his cock grow stiff, and he begins grinding against the floor in search of relief.
“Daddy,” you whine. “Oh, please! 's so good,” you gasp, legs trembling, your body struggling to manage the pleasure his mouth and finger deliver.
“Shh, it's okay, flower,” Tonowari coos against your pussy. “I know what you need. 's okay. You'll get everything you want.”
Your flimsy hands tug his hair, desperate, nails digging into his scalp, and he can't help but chuckle at the feel of how puny you are, how small and delicate, how he could ravage you with so much ease...
Tonowari increases the speed and pressure of his fingers, making you mewl as the pleasure threatens to burn you alive.
“Daddy! Daddy!” you whimper, pussy clenching, juices dripping onto his knuckles, coating his fingers.
Tonowari keeps his eyes on you, measuring his movements, and he watches as your orgasm finally crashes over you. You gasp and moan, eyes fluttering shut, the candlelight illuminating your skin as it glistens with sweat.
He pulls his finger out and replaces it with his tongue so he can taste your release. He continues eating you out, despite your feeble hands that try to push his face away.
“No, no, I can't!” you beg, but he ignores you. He knows you can do it, knows it'll be fine, and he has you drowning in pleasure again.
Your back arches, your fingers tangling in his hair and pulling it, your toes pointing. That soft high combined with the pleasure of Tonowari's mouth on you makes you see stars, your eyes watering with the intensity of it all.
“Daddy,” you cry. “Daddy, please!” But you don't even know what you're begging for. Are you begging him to stop? Or are you begging him to keep going? You're so dozed, you can't even decide. Your brain is a jumble of incoherent thoughts, constantly wavering between consciousness and an almost trance, the pleasure wrecking through you.
“Fuck,” you gasp. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Tears start to fall from your eyes, slipping down your pretty face. Your mouth is agape, your perfect lips wet with your own spit.
Tonowari admires you as he eats the meal between your thighs, loves the way you look, still rubbing his cock into the floor. He needs to be inside you, so bad. Needs to stretch you out, needs to see the bulge that forms in your stomach when he fills your pussy. He needs you.
Your head thrashes from side to side with ecstasy, your mind swimming in that wonderful, half-conscious bliss. “Daddy,” you mewl. “Oh, Daddy!”
Tonowari keeps going, the instinctive, predatory feeling inside him urging him to fuck you already. But he holds back, keeps his tongue deep inside you, nuzzles his nose into your clit, his massive head making it impossible for you to even consider closing your thighs against his attack.
He rubs his face against your cunt, and you cry out as another orgasm overcomes you, shaking your entire body, gushing your juices right into his eager mouth. He drinks it all, his body alight with the lust that fills him at the taste, and he doesn't let up.
You can't even form coherent thoughts anymore, let alone words. All you manage to do is whimper as a third orgasm hits you, making you squirt on his face, leaving you a weak, boneless mess.
And it's then that Tonowari decides it's time.
He pulls his face, soaked in your juices, away from your puffy pussy, admiring the mess you've made. You're high on the pleasure and the daze his seed has offered, your mind swimming. You feel half-asleep as he pulls you to sit up and then pulls you on his lap. Your tiny thighs rest on his massive ones, the muscles under his light blue skin flexing as his cock twitches, almost sensing your cunt is close.
“Be good f'r Daddy and take all of my cock, yeah?” he says, nudging the thick head of his cock between your folds, prodding your entrance.
You're barely aware of what he's saying; you only nod, agreeing to something you don't quite understand, but you know you want it.
When it comes to Tonowari, you want everything from him.
His humongous hands grab onto your hips and pull you down, your pussy offering resistance against his cock before the head slides into you with a soft squelching sound.
You gasp as pain and pleasure fill you, and then Tonowari's pulling you lower, allowing his cock to sink all the way in. He reaches your womb, and he can see his cock prodding your insides; the bulge in your lower stomach easily visible, and it drives him insane.
Your tiny hands rise to rest on his shoulders, holding you upright as you mewl, grinding your hips against his. Tonowari's cock is too long, too thick, but you love it. And you take it like a good girl, too.
He makes sure to let you know.
“That's right, pup,” he groans, his ears folding back from how tight you are around him. “Just like that. Always so good f'r me.”
You don't understand him. You're fucking drunk on the feeling of him, high and silly, unsure if you're dreaming or if this is real. But you make the best of it anyway.
You slowly lift and lower your hips, relishing in the way Tonowari's cock presses against your gummy walls, loving how deep he is in you.
Your nails dig into his shoulders, your slick decorates his thighs, and Tonowari just can't help how dirty it all feels.
One of his enormous hands grabs your face and he instructs, “Open your pretty mouth, pup.”
You do as asked, eyes fluttering shut, and he spits into your mouth, making you shudder, pussy clenching at the taste of his saliva. You swallow it, but he's nowhere near done with that. He spits onto your chest, watching as his saliva trickles between your breasts, down your stomach and all the way to where your bodies meet.
You're still crying, from the pain or the pleasure, you don't know. All you know is, you love it.
And Tonowari licks your tears away, relishing in their saltiness, smearing his drool all over your face.
You blubber out something incoherent, eyes trying to open so you can look at him, but the sensations are too overwhelming, and your eyelids feel heavy.
“What was that, flower?” he asks, kissing your neck, licking your jaw, spitting on your tits and watching his drool trickle over your nipples.
“Kiss me,” you mewl, slurring your words, as you increase the rise and fall of your tiny hips. “Daddy, kiss me!”
Tonowari chuckles softly before pressing his mouth against yours. His tongue pushes your lips apart, filling your mouth as it rolls against your tongue. You try to kiss him back, but it's damn near impossible for you. You just let him suck on your lips, his canines dragging against the plump flesh as his tongue tastes you. Your tears slip between your mouths, making the kiss salty, and Tonowari groans softly.
The pleasure is so intense, you're so full of him, just about fucking drugged on him, and you begin to whine into the kiss, “Daddy, I love you! I love you so bad!”
Tonowari's cock twitches at the sound of that, and you clench around him.
“I love you!” you insist, words muffled by his huge tongue inside your mouth. “I love you, I love you.”
Against your lips, Tonowari replies, “I know you do, pup.” He moves his eyes to where your bodies meet, his gaze focused on the way you grind on him, your soaked folds dragging over his skin, smearing your slick everywhere.
Then Tonowari's eyes are on your face, a dominant, possessive look as he thinks, she's mine. She's all mine. She'll never be anyone else's because she can only be mine. 
“I love you!” you cry out again, shaking as your orgasm claws closer. “I love you! Love you!”
He spans his hands over your hips, his fingers finding your clit, and he says, “Come for daddy, pup. Come on my cock, yeah?”
You nod, tears falling down your face, your body coated in his spit and your slick. “Gonna come on your cock, Daddy. Gonna come for you.”
Tonowari uses his strength to move you as your own body grows weak, your hips stuttering their movements. He pulls you up and down, his cock almost pulling out of you before it sinks back in, making your cunt squeeze his girth.
“Y're almost there, flower,” he encourages. “Come on, I know you can do it.”
You shudder, body shaking, before you come again, pussy dripping all over him, as you cry out and mewl. You're so fucked, you can barely feel anything anymore, you're barely aware that he's still fucking you, his hips slowly and softly rutting into you.
“Please,” you blubber, whimpering, as more tears cascade down your face. “Daddy, please.“
And Tonowari keeps going, keeps his pace purposely lazy and gentle, loving the look of pleasure and pain on your face, loves how he can see the bulge of his cock moving inside you.
You press your lips to him, delivering a sloppy, messy kiss, before resting your forehead on his shoulder, your body exhausted, allowing him to just fuck you.
Tonowari's own orgasm is close, his balls swollen, his cock twitching inside of you. He groans and grunts, holding up your limp body as it just takes the abuse on your poor, raw cunt.
“'m gonna fill you,” he says even though you're barely conscious anymore. “I'm gonna give you my cum, let it drip out 'f you all night, and then I'll lick you clean tomorrow morning, hm?”
You blubber out a response, unintelligible, as you come, yet again, on his cock, your body barely reacting to the pleasure. You're so full of his cock, so drunk on him, you can barely do anything but take it.
And then Tonowari's coming inside you, groaning and gasping as his load spills into you, coating your gummy walls. He comes and comes and comes, the liquid thick and warm, oozing out of you as he slows his thrusts, your weak, boneless body shuddering.
Tonowari pulls out of you, lying you on your back. Your eyes are closed, body sore and mind gone. Your chest heaves up and down—the only sign you haven't literally died from how amazing the sex is.
He smiles softly as he glances between your thighs, admiring how his cum drips out of you, glowing softly in the darkness that surrounds you.
He can't help himself. He licks his way up your body, from your cunt to your breasts, then to your neck and your jaw.
You're too high to do anything but lie there, your body almost shutting off from the unbearable pleasure.
And Tonowari takes the opportunity to talk to you. “I love you,“ he says. “I would die and destroy for you. I would take on your entire race to keep you at my side. You are more precious to me than pearls, as needed as the sea. My heart lusts for you endlessly. You are a plague burned into my flesh and my soul. If you asked it of me, I would forsake Eywa and all her blessings for your love; for you. As mates, you are at my mercy, but as a man, you command my every breath, my every desire. Deep inside my heart, I worship you. I crave to slake my lusts upon your body. You are my lover, my perfect fuckmate, my reason for living. Never will you be apart from me, I will carry you always.”
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creachureboy · 9 months
Tf2 mercs playing Lethal Company
Will laugh at you if you die and then proceed to get fuckin anhiliated immediately after
Spews the funniest shit when hes afraid and has genuinely tried flirting w one of the monsters to see if his "charm" would woo it
without fail when he finds a giant axel will go "yo get on my pipe". Nobody knows why he says it or how he came up with it.
Really bad at being the person commanding from the ship because he'll go "monster in the room on your left. No, the other left ! WAIT ITS COMING CLOSER GO TO THE ROOM ON THE RIGHT.. THE OTHER RIGHT !!!"
The second most annoying person to get his hands on a horn, with the first being Pyro.
Is actually good at figuring out how to deal with certain monsters, but is not as good at actually doing it
Doesnt remember the names of the monsters and just calls them by names he made up, which confuses the shit out of everyone until they figure out which is which.
Tries to fight every single monster and only wins half of the time.
Gives motivational speeches inside the ship
adores using walky talkies so he can use military terms.
Hes a real team player you can rely on, but has died several times because he refused to leave behind any of his mens corpses.
Is really bad at making parkour jumps but refuses to accept defeat and then falls to his death every time
Insists on buying a shovel every time so they can run blindly into the darkess and beat the shit out of monsters.
They honestly dont even know you can scan stuff theyll just run in guns blazing.
100% stepped onto a landmine like "oh whats this do ?"
Tried to befriend the bug mafia and fucked the whole team over by giving the bugs all the loot in the facility.
Also never give them a horn.
Likes to sing along to the ice cream truck song
nobody ever knows if hes died or if hes still alive cause he doesnt fucking talk.
He jumpscares people usually on accident
Is very brave and will be the one to take the lead if everyone is bickering or too afraid.
Gives very clear instructions from the ship
Just enjoys seeing everyone have fun.
Reads the bestiary thoroughly and loves scanning creatures just so he can read about them later
the glue of the team honestly
he doesnt take it very seriously so he dies a LOT and makes the best fucking screams as he goes out.
Loves using stun grenades and then beating the crap out of enemies with Pyro.
Really good at giving directions from the ship but he hardly ever does it cause hes constantly chasing the serotonin high of collecting loot.
Sings when hes scared.
Has been chased by the ghost girl several times and then gaslit into thinking he's just going insane
Likes learning abt the monsters' attack patterns and figuring out how to deal with each one of them.
Will advise everyone with well thought out plans which always fall apart when everyone inevitably scatters in terror.
Found a stop sign and likes hitting monsters w it and telling them to "stop it".
Will say the weirdest southern shit when he's scared.
Works quite well with Medic cause they both like to come overprepared, so they tend to tag team while everyone else runs off
Has a fucking tierlist of every item in the shop, and impulse buys if its on sale.
Uses most of his inventory slots for equipment to "be prepared" and then cant carry back loot.
Died at the company by ringing the bell 1000 times.
Enjoys giving commands from the ship and shit talking the others when they cant hear him.
Never shuts up so has died to eyeless dogs several times.
Becomes a top tier voice actor when playing this game due to The Horrors
hates the game but is too prideful to admit it.
When giving commands on the ship, its all fun and games until someone doesnt listen to his advice about a certain room being dangerous, and he starts yelling at them thru the walky talky.
Insists on bringing a weapon of some sort but doesnt fucking use it bcs he will turn tail and run if there are any monsters.
Died by quicksand an embarrassing amount of times.
Has "accidentally" killed Scout with a shovel during "friendly banter"
honestly just loves to gaslight the shit out of people.
Will withhold information about if theres a monster when commanding from the ship, and then tell them at the last second just to hear the others scream through the walky talky.
Got scared once and screamed like a cat getting its tail stepped on, and ever since then they stopped playing because the game "encourages immature behaviour" and not because he doesnt wanna make a fool of themself
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bleachbleachbleach · 4 months
Our favorite free online film festival is BACK! It runs for the next two weeks and features *twenty three* films, which is tragically a lot more films than we'll have time for; we've watched every offering in past years, and have watched some real weird films, but also some true gems (and some that were both).
In the second half of June, the festival will transition its lineup to two dramas, one of which I'm pretty sure we commissioned in some past life, because the summary is, "A moving drama about a “tabi” (Japanese traditional socks) manufacturer’s rise to the challenge of developing running shoes."
Anyway, the four films I am personally most intrigued by, based on a quick scan:
Single8 (2023)
The year is 1978. Obsessed with Star Wars, a high-schooler called Hiroshi (UEMURA Yu) attempts to make his own sci-fi film featuring a big space ship. His film-loving friends also join him to begin building a fake space ship and shooting it with an 8mm camera. Eventually, they learn that a film is not only about the shooting but that the story and themes are important. Working hard, they write a script and show it to Natsumi, a girl in their class (TAKAISHI Akari). She agrees to appear in the film and they begin production!
School Meals Time Graduation (2022)
Japanese public schools provide lunch, and it is normal for teachers and students to eat together in the classroom. School meals are unique elements of Japanese culture and education. Popular menu items include “Napolitan” spaghetti flavored with ketchup and “koppe” bread. Amarida (ICHIHARA Hayato) is a middle school teacher who lives for these school meals. He is secretly competing with his student Kamino (SATO Taishi) who has been experimenting every day on the best way to make their lunches taste even better. One day, they are threatened by a decline in the flavor of school lunches when a new revamp that prioritizes healthiness is suggested. Amarida rises to the challenge of protecting the flavor of school meals!
My Broken Mariko (2022)
Tomoyo (NAGANO Mei), an office worker, learns from the television news that her best friend Mariko (NAO) had died falling from an apartment building. Tomoyo knew that Mariko had been terribly abused by her father since childhood. She steals her best friend’s bones away from the father and runs. Mariko had also been physically abused by her partner while she was alive—she constantly had her life ruined by men. As Tomoyo remembers her memories with Mariko, she heads towards the sea, where Mariko had always wanted to go. While on the road, Tomoyo meets Makio (KUBOTA Masataka) who she involves into her final journey with Mariko, as she carries her bones.
Japan Horror Film Competition (2022)
The Japan Horror Film Competition began in 2021 with the goal of discovering and supporting new talents in Japanese horror. The competition, which had an open submission and focused on the horror film genre, was the first of its kind in Japan and the inaugural edition received over 100 submissions. The Grand Prize winner was given the opportunity to direct a new full-length feature film in a commercial setting.
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moontaingoat · 2 years
Shoplifting Tips for Beginners:
(compiling some of my tried and true advice in no particular order. these mostly apply to grocery stores because i find grocery stores the easiest to steal from, but you can apply most tips to other stores. none of these tips are guaranteed to keep you safe but they've always worked for me. also this is only about shoplifting small items that can fit on your person, because stealing large items is too risky for me personally.)
- be aware of who is around you without constantly looking around or appearing nervous. stay casual. don't let other customers witness you stealing, you never know who's a snitch.
- case the joint days beforehand without taking anything, buy an item or two. watch how vigilant the employees are, locate all the security cameras, find good unpopulated corners of the store where you can subtly stuff something in a pocket.
- FOOL THE CAMERAS TOO. i cant stress this point enough. most stores don't have someone consistently watching the cameras, but they'll roll back the footage to watch your whole trip if they see you being suspicious enough. ideally you'd like to find a place in the cameras' blind spots but it's not always possible. the footage is low res and limited by angle which can be exploited if you're smart about it. don't just stuff things in your pocket when no one's standing nearby. trick the cameras with sleight of hand. example: hold a small product in your hand. take your phone out of your pocket or purse and hold it in front of the product in the same hand while you pretend to text or something. then casually place both the phone and the product back in the phone's place. example 2: open a freezer door and stand between the door and the camera so the frosty glass blocks you as you fill your pockets or purse.
- purchase a couple of things when you steal. the more you actually buy, the less suspicious employees will be of you. you can get away with stealing a LOT just by going to a self checkout with over $100 of groceries and "forgetting" to scan several small items. (of course this requires the investment of actually buying groceries which not everyone can afford.)
- know the habits of the store you're stealing from. most walmarts ive been to check receipts after self checkout, so make sure any items not on your receipt are hidden under items you did pay for. ive never had my receipt checked at target but you never know.
- learn what kind of items have concealed security tags. usually this is limited to clothing, perfume, jewelry, and expensive meats or seafood, but stores that get shoplifted from frequently will often add their own. those ones are usually just a sticker that you can stealthily remove before taking the product past the security detectors at the door.
- speaking of detectors, they're imperfect technology. a lot of stores ignore the detectors going off unless they already suspect you of stealing because they glitch so much. pay attention to this and see if a store near you has this problem you can exploit
- if a security detector does go off while you walk past, you can just keep walking and pretend you didn't notice. employees will almost never follow you unless they already suspect you of stealing.
- if you do get caught with an item you didn't pay for, you can just say "whoopsie! must have missed this one!" and then go pay for it. as long as the employees don't recognize you as a repeat offender, they're not going to call the cops on you if you immediately act innocent and pay for the product.
- try to look well groomed. if you're stealing for survival you might not be able to dress well and look your best before a shoplifting trip but the "poorer" you look, the more employees will keep an eye on you.
- don't bring a big purse or a backpack. instantly makes you look suspicious. go for a small bag with barely any contents or baggy clothes with concealed pockets (weather permitting, because a huge jacket in the summer is another red flag)
- go during the busiest hours. at grocery stores, early afternoon on sunday is the busiest time of the week. especially the first sunday of the month because the food stamps customers have just gotten their month's supply. this means more customers and employees that could be witnesses, but it also means employees will be too busy to worry about you unless they think you're stealing a LOT. alternatively you can go in close to closing time where there won't be many witnesses and employees will be too busy getting ready to close to pay much attention to suspicious behavior.
- most grocery stores don't mind if you eat or drink the product before buying it, especially if you're feeding it to a fussy baby. you can exploit this rule by eating or drinking an entire single-serving product and then stashing the packaging somewhere without paying for it.
- if you're going to be a regular, be a friendly one. stealing from the same store too often is risky, but there's no good reason not to slip a block of cheese into your pocket instead of your cart on a routine trip, so to protect yourself from suspicion it helps to be a friendly regular. if you go a little past polite small talk with cashiers and bond with them, they'll trust you more.
- if youre underage stealing alcohol, don't be overconfident. limit yourself to 1 can of high abv seltzer or beer at a time and make sure your pocket bulging isn't obvious enough to give you away.
thats all i have for now i think. cops and losers and idiots who think law=morals dni
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dollsonmain · 2 months
I think the manager at the gas station is getting frustrated with me. She keeps saying I need to do X faster, and I have warned her repeatedly I am not fast in any way.
Refill the cooler faster: I can't do that. I have to match labels to know what is what because I don't consume any of those drinks (alcohol or otherwise, it's mostly soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks and I don't drink those other than V8 Energy), and I have to lift product slowly and carefully so as not to hurt myself.
And the back stock is not organized in a way that facilitates going faster. It's cramped and messy and there are vague places for things indicated by signs on the walls but no storage structure at all other than Big Pile Here.
Make the sandwiches faster: Do you want sandwiches on the floor? That is how we end up with sandwiches on the floor. Also try a mini ice cream scoop for the "salad" sandwiches instead of a tiny plastic spoon and provide a larger workspace.
Get to the register faster when someone comes in no matter what I'm doing: I am not fast, and I don't want to break the glass bottles so have to set them down very gently otherwise my arm may decide I told it to slam them down or to punch a shelf.
Ring people up faster: Make everything scan, then. I cannot find all the little arbitrary buttons on the register quickly, and am not going to be able to memorize that an ice cream sandwich and a watermelon popsicle are both considered "ice cream eclair" in the sub-sub-sub menu for ice creams, or remember which chips do and do not scan, or which medicines, or which non-food items are in what category (grocery 1 or grocery 2). Every item not made in-shop has bar codes. Take some time to input them into the system to be scanable, OR, show me how to do it and someone else run the register while I set it up for you. I will have it done in two days if not interrupted.
Then, take the in-shop items, assign them bar codes (this does require a program that can do that), make a print out with pictures and bar codes, and set that by the register to be scanned.
I also can't find cigarettes quickly because I have no experience with them so saying something to me like "Marlboro red black 100 menthols" means nothing (and I am only familiar with Marlboro because cigarette ads were legal when I was a kid) and all I have to go on is what the end of the package looks like nestled in among 50 or so other nearly identical packages. We're lucky if I can even find the brand in the display.
Count the change faster: I cannot numbers quickly.
Bag products faster: I am clumsy that is not happening. I struggle to get the bag off the hook, even.
Count the drawer faster: Ma'am, this is numbers, again.
I don't have any faster in me.
I am very not suited to gas station cashier. I'd probably do fine at a place like Walmart where the customer brings everything to you, cigarettes are stored front-facing, and everything scans.
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archivehornets · 7 months
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TAGS WE USE ☆ ABOUT US ☆ OUR WEBSITE Hello, and welcome to Archivehornets! We’re a freelance archival project dedicated to collecting & cataloguing digital media related to internet horror series Marble Hornets. Submissions are always open; ensure you read our submission guidelines! Leave any questions in our inbox, and they will be dutifully answered by either mod. Never be afraid to ask a question! We have an answer, or can direct you to a person that does know. Below is our FAQ, what we're currently in search of, and a breakdown of our significant resources.
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I’m looking for X special feature, can you help? The only “special features” you will find here will be the occasional picture from the DVDs. We are not going to post or archive anything in bulk that can be bought that is still available on the Grampo store. We are currently on the lookout for any original Kickstarter special features, as they are not available anymore. If you're looking for a specific moment that hasn't been lost to time, you should purchase it directly from the Grampo storefront. (Blu-ray special features, comics, etc.) I'm in some pictures from your post, what can I do? If you happen to be in any pictures that have been posted and do not want them archived or shared around, feel free to send a DM to either mod or an ask with a link to the specific post. It happens! We will willingly delete them for you.
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-ANY Old Kickstarter reward videos, from the $100 tier of the original MH S3 DVD Kickstarter.
-ANY old THAC Patreon content lost to time, personalized videos, BTS bits, etc.
-ANY Ustream clips, recordings, screenshots of any of the THAC guys. Together OR separate.
-Scans of any papers that fans received as a bonus from buying auctioned MH clothes or other various items, or through other means.
-Personal anecdotes from meeting anyone behind MH at cons or otherwise
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Archive.org: Our Archive.org profile lists not only all of MH, but various BTS videos, THAC bits, and other content! Soon to host all of BNWYDSE. Troy's Blogspot: Along with personal anecdotes, notes about movies he enjoys, etc. This includes notes here and there about BTS of MH! Fanmix Playlists: Our YouTube has a collection of fan content & bits and bobs from across the years. Being updated still. MH Fan Content Playlist: Sorted by year, these playlists have lots of fan content from 2009-2014. Reactions, memes, that sort of thing. MH Interviews & Misc: This is a STILL updating playlist full of interviews, demo reels, and film projects from the guys behind MH. Music/Animation Playlist: A mix of both animated and musical projects based around MH.
Make sure to check out our tags we use, and don't be afraid to shoot us an ask if you have any questions!
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joongsmassiveship · 1 year
Ateez Headcanons
Hongjoong and physical affection with his s/o
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For starters, I don't think Hongjoong is as against touch as people think
I think he 1. Doesn't like doing it for show
And 2. Likes it on his terms, mostly when he initiates (because he actually initiates kind of a lot, even on camera)
So if you are particularly touch starved all you have to do is tell him, really.
The way he'll respond depends on where the two of you are, what's going on around you and what his current mood is
If you're home, just the two of you, it's 100% no problem usually. He'll put an arm around you on the couch and let you rest your legs in his lap
Or he'll lay you down with your head in his lap and play with your hair while the two of you watch TV or listen to music or something
He's not adverse to too many things as long as they're not over the top
He probably doesn't want you clinging to him or sitting in his lap or anything like that
He can cling to you at times, however.
It's just that you clinging to him makes him feel a little trapped, so he prefers it the other way around
But calm, simple cuddling is A okay in his book
He'll even slip some kisses in there, but only if he's feeling particularly comfortable at that time
Kisses with him are probably a little rare outside of heated moments
If he's feeling particularly overwhelmed or having a bad day, that's about the only time he might refuse physical contact
But even then, if you need it he'll at least do the bare minimum and hold your hand or something for a little bit to try and help
If you're in his place of work, be it the studio or visiting at a dance practice or back stage at a shoot or show or anything like that, he'll be a lot less forthcoming with the affection
Especially if it's places with others around, and especially if it's a lot of other people
If it's again just the two of you, say in his studio as an example, he'll be a little touchy for you
He might put his hand on your thigh while he works, or let you lay your head on his shoulder
Not much but definitely more than a simple hand hold
If a lot of people are around, hand holding might actually be all you're going to get, but he won't give you nothing
He will never give you just nothing if touch is something that you need
The closest thing you'll get to him denying you entirely is if he's too busy and you ask him
He'll tell you he can't now, but that when he's done he will do what he can for you
Again what that is fully depends on where you are and how many people are there
If you two are just casually out and about like at the grocery store or a café or restaurant, it'll be hit or miss depending on how busy it is
Since for the most part, the people around don't have their attention specifically on him, he'll be more apt to be a little physical with his affection
Holding your hand or even your waist as you scan over items in the aisles
Rubbing your shoulders as you're picking out hair products or make up or whatever you need from the hand and body section at your local super market
Playing with your hands on the table while you wait for your food at restaurants and things
Even reaching across the table to playfully touch your face sometimes
He's not too touch shy for him, because the attention isn't really on him in these moments
So he doesn't really feel like he's being judged for the way he acts with you
All in all physical touch with Hongjoong is something special and should be cherished
It takes a strong bond with him to be able to get these things
But when you do, it's worth a thousand stars
Both to you and to him
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impawsiblecat · 4 months
100 Days of Deathduo
Customer Service AU!!
This is made for @mintyteasoup because they are so very cool. Happy birthday Minty! You are so beloved. I hope I did this au justice, even though I've never worked in customer service these are all real stories haha.
    Oh, this was exciting. Well, the job itself wasn’t, and Icee had originally wanted to work somewhere else, a library maybe, or a teacher’s assistant, or something, but this was a decent enough option. It would give them money at least. And Clover was here, worked here, and was an assistant manager here, which was the exciting part. Clover was so cool. Working at a store was just stocking shelves and bagging items right? So it would be fine.
    They were a tad nervous, it was a new job, a new situation, but it would be fine! Probably. And so, Icee walked up to the store doors and waited for them to open automatically. It made them feel like a jedi whenever it happened, and they sneakily looked around before holding their hand out to pretend they were using the force. Only for the doors to not open. Right. The store was closed.
    Icee got their phone out and texted Clover. They texted her on the app they had downloaded for work, instead of discord, which was a bit strange, but this was a work related thing! And so should be kept in the work app chat messages. Which was great. Amazing, really.
    Oh. According to Clover, Icee was supposed to go into the side entrance. Not the front entrance. That made a lot of sense, actually. Just as she said, when they got to the correct door, it was unlocked. And Clover was on the other side when Icee entered. Which was such great news.
    “Icee! Hello! Welcome to your new job. Here, let me show you where to clock in and then I can instruct you what to do. We haven’t opened yet but there are a few things we need to do beforehand. Any questions?” Clover asked.
    Icee shook their head, and headed to the clipboard, signing in and logging their hours. It was a fairly straightforward thing, really, just writing their name and the time they entered the building. What job would Clover assign them? Maybe Icee would have to restock some of the shelves, or put away some of the items.
    “Great, now that that’s done, I’m gonna show you to the cleaning supplies and the bathrooms, which you will be cleaning during your morning shifts. All the newbie’s do it.” And oh. Clover was assigning the bathroom duties to Icee. They made a face showing their displeasure.
    “Clover. Clover do I have to? Can’t I help somewhere else?” Icee asked. Clover just looked at them amused.
    “Sorry Icee, that’s not how it works. Bathroom duties don’t care about friendships.” She says, shaking her head and gesturing to follow.
    “Please Clover? What if I get you hot cocoa? And gummy worms?” Icee begs, a last ditch effort. Clover just laughs again.
    “No. And we both know you are gonna do that anyways. Even though you absolutely do not have to ever.” She smiles amusedly. “Now come on, follow me to the cleaning closet.
    Icee follows, grumbling under their breath. So much for Clover being the exciting part of the job.
    It was a pretty average Tuesday, not the busiest but busy enough that there was a steady stream of customers at Clover’s register. It was nice sometimes, getting into the lull of scanning and bagging items, making pleasant small talk with the customers. Sure, occasionally there were a few rude ones, but today had been pretty calm in terms of the customers. 
    “Hello there.” Clover politely smiled as she started scanning the items, smiling at the customer in front of her while she worked. They let out a polite hello, but when Clover looked up, their eyes were focused on something behind her. Which wasn’t too strange, they were probably checking out some of the items required to stay back there.
    And then Clover felt a chill down her spine when she heard a voice directly behind her say “Boo,” as she felt someone poke her shoulder, and she yelped and swiftly turned, properly startled.
    “Icee! How could you do this to me?” She asked as she started laughing, seeing her coworker and friend in front of her. They just laughed in response and grabbed one of the spare keys from the counter behind Clover before waving and leaving, continuing to chuckle. 
    Clover shook her head fondly and looked at the customer who was also laughing slightly. “You saw them, didn’t you?” She asked, and she she grinned when they nodded their head. ‘I will get them back, don’t worry.” She responded as she gave them their order.
It was Icee’s first day at the register without assistance. They were really moving up in the world. Kind of. Maybe just moving up in the store, but hey, progress is progress. It was going smoothly, really, and Clover was only a text away if they needed help, which was pretty nice.
They smiled at the man who was next and focused on scanning and bagging the items, making sure to put the bread on top and ask if he wanted a bag for his milk, doing all of the things that a good register worker did. It was perfect. And then the man’s card declined when he tried to pay, and he started walking away before they realized what has happened. 
“Sir? Sir, your card declined.” They called out, but the store was loud and a bit busier than normal, and they didn’t think he could hear them. So obviously, Icee did the only logical thing to do.
And jumped directly over the counter. They apologized to the next customer in line and started running over to the man. “Sir, your card declined!’ They said, huffing from the sprint. I’m so sorry, but would you, uh, possibly come back to pay?” They said, as calmly as they could while out of breath.
Luckily, the man seemed to only be annoyed instead of outright angry, and he came back without much of a hassle. And when they got back to their station, they saw Clover behind the register, smiling amusedly at them.
“You really shouldn’t leave your station unattended, you know. But it’s ok, you did your best and I'm proud of you.’ Clover said, letting Icee take their place back to complete the transaction. “Next time, you could always call me or the security guards, you don’t have to become an Olympian to try to catch someone.” She said, tapping the phone next to the register. “I’m always gonna be here if you need me.”
Icee just laughed, a bit embarrassed, and started finishing the transaction with the man.
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Titanic: First ever full-sized scans reveal wreck as never seen before
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Titanic departing Southampton on 10 April 1912
By Rebecca Morelle and Alison Francis
BBC News Climate and Science
17 May 2023
The world's most famous shipwreck has been revealed as never seen before.
The first full-sized digital scan of the Titanic, which lies 3,800m (12,500ft) down in the Atlantic, has been created using deep-sea mapping.
It provides a unique 3D view of the entire ship, enabling it to be seen as if the water has been drained away.
The hope is that this will shed new light on exactly what happened to the liner, which sank on 15 April 1912.
More than 1,500 people died when the ship struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York.
"There are still questions, basic questions, that need to be answered about the ship," Parks Stephenson, a Titanic analyst, told BBC News.
He said the model was "one of the first major steps to driving the Titanic story towards evidence-based research - and not speculation."
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The Titanic has been extensively explored since the wreck was discovered in 1985.
But it's so huge that in the gloom of the deep, cameras can only ever show us tantalizing snapshots of the decaying ship - never the whole thing.
The new scan captures the wreck in its entirety, revealing a complete view of the Titanic.
It lies in two parts, with the bow and the stern separated by about 800m (2,600ft). A huge debris field surrounds the broken vessel.
The scan was carried out in summer 2022 by Magellan Ltd, a deep-sea mapping company, and Atlantic Productions, who are making a documentary about the project.
Submersibles, remotely controlled by a team on board a specialist ship, spent more than 200 hours surveying the length and breadth of the wreck.
They took more than 700,000 images from every angle, creating an exact 3D reconstruction.
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Magellan's Gerhard Seiffert, who led the planning for the expedition, said it was the largest underwater scanning project he'd ever undertaken.
"The depth of it, almost 4,000m, represents a challenge, and you have currents at the site, too - and we're not allowed to touch anything so as not to damage the wreck," he explained.
"And the other challenge is that you have to map every square centimetre - even uninteresting parts, like on the debris field you have to map mud, but you need this to fill in between all these interesting objects."
The scan shows both the scale of the ship, as well as some minute details, such as the serial number on one of the propellers.
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The bow, now covered in stalactites of rust, is still instantly recognisable even 100 years after the ship was lost.
Sitting on top is the boat deck, where a gaping hole provides a glimpse into a void where the grand staircase once stood.
The stern though, is a chaotic mess of metal. This part of the ship collapsed as it corkscrewed into the sea floor.
In the surrounding debris field, items are scattered, including ornate metalwork from the ship, statues and unopened champagne bottles.
There are also personal possessions, including dozens of shoes resting on the sediment.
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Parks Stephenson, who has studied the Titanic for many years, said he was "blown away" when he first saw the scans.
"It allows you to see the wreck as you can never see it from a submersible, and you can see the wreck in its entirety. You can see it in context and perspective. And what it's showing you now is the true state of the wreck."
He said that studying the scans could offer new insight into what happened to the Titanic on that fateful night of 1912.
"We really don't understand the character of the collision with the iceberg. We don't even know if she hit it along the starboard side, as is shown in all the movies - she might have grounded on the iceberg," he explained.
Studying the stern, he added, could reveal the mechanics of how the ship struck the sea floor.
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The sea is taking its toll on the wreck, microbes are eating away at it and parts are disintegrating.
Historians are well aware that time is running out to fully understand the maritime disaster.
But the scan now freezes the wreck in time and will allow experts to pore over every tiny detail.
The hope is that the Titanic may yet give up its secrets.
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