#italian cafeteria
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carlopicenni · 3 months ago
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Good morning
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fungoideale · 2 years ago
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springtime saturdays 🐥🤍
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years ago
Same guy who keeps making fun of my accent and who once told me i seem french now insisting i'm italian. Am i being fucking hatecrimed
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paulpingminho · 2 years ago
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pencilcult · 2 months ago
i really need to go to italy for a solid month to try bolognese at at least 18 different restaurants i'm still haunted by the taste of my high school cafteria meat sauce spaghetti that i ate once a week -- it was good enough that i didn't get sick of it. and i need to stop having it as the standard for judging restaurant bolognese wtf.
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flickys-storywritings · 5 months ago
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Nathan and Teresa are in their fancy clothes, to which it appears that they're both ready for their night out. Their son Barry(who is aged three at this timeline) is playing with his toys. It is said that two special relatives of his father are coming to babysit him.
Barry: Where are you going dad, mom?
Nathan: Well, me and mommy are gonna go somewhere for tonight
Barry: But I'm gonna be all alone in the house
Teresa: Oh you won't dear
Nathan: In the meantime, I'll have my two special relatives of mine to babysit you while we're gone
Barry: What's "babysit" mean
Teresa: It's a task giving by an adult to look after children when their parents are out
Barry: Oh, right
Nathan: [hears the doorbell] Looks like they have arrived [Barry gets up, and walks to his dad as he gets to the door]
[Nathan opens the door and sees a darker grey female cat wearing a hazel brown dress and a darker grey male cat wearing a jade green suit with lighter stripes]
???: Ah, Nathan! My mira nepos(wonderful grandson)
Nathan: Hey grandma
Nathan: Hey grandpa
???: Buonasera(Good evening), Nathan [pats his grandson's head]
???: Teresa, my carus(dear)
Teresa: Cinnamon!
Cinnamon: Oh how it is wonderful to see you
Teresa: Piperita, wonderful to see you too
Piperita: Grateful as always Teresa
[Nathan and Teresa speak with Cinnamon and Piperita for a while. As for Barry, he was playing “Sherlock Paws” with his plushies]
Teresa: Barry?
Barry: Yeah mom?
Teresa: We're gonna go now Barry [she kissed her son's cheek]
Nathan: [lifts Barry up] We will back till your bedtime, okay [kissed his son's cheek] [Teresa leaves the room, his grandparents came in]
Cinnamon: Hello my little darling
Nathan: Barry, this is your great grandmother Cinnamon
Barry: …Hello
Cinnamon: Ah Barry, my great grandson. I have heard so much about you dear Barry
Barry: [points at Piperita] Who's that… behind you?
Cinnamon: This is my husband; Piperita
Piperita: Hello, Barry
Barry: Hi
Nathan: See you later Barry
Barry: Bye dad. Bye mom
[Nathan and Teresa left the house. While Barry, Cinnamon and Piperita watch them at the window]
[It cuts to them in the kitchen. Barry was sitting at the table. He was looking at Piperita rolling the dough, then he tossed it into the air until it became a flat circle. He spreads a spoonful of red tomato sauce all over the circle. Cinnamon came around with one bowl full of grated cheese and one bowl full of sliced up fish and salmon. Barry was fuzzled of what are his great grandparents are making by the counter]
[15 minutes later. Piperita opens the oven door and he is now taking the dish which is a fish and salmon pizza out of the oven]
Piperita: Finito–(Finished–) [he places it on the table]
Barry: [looks in awe, his eyes sparkling] Whoa–
Piperita: Italians like myself called this capolavoro(masterpiece)... Pizza! [he pulls out a circular pizza cutter, which he cuts a slice out of it] Puoi mangiare, ragazzo(You may eat, boy)
[Barry takes the pizza slice and eats it. His eyes are sparkling by the consuming delight of this wonderful dish. He immediately eats it all up]
[2 hours came, it was now Barry's bedtime. Despite that, the three are watching a film in the living room]
Piperita: Well, Nathan and Teresa are gonna be back till bedtime, Barry [latter nods in response]
[While they are almost at the end of the film, Barry's eyes begin to feel drowsy, meaning that he is starting to get tired. He lays his head on the side of Piperita's body. Piperita and Cinnamon see him falling asleep on him]
Cinnamon: ¡Ay, qué linda!(Oh, how pretty!)
[Piperita lets out a chuckle, he looks at Cinnamon and she looks at him]
Piperita: Ti amo, fascino mio(I love you, my charm)
Cinnamon: Te quoque amo, mi smaragdus(I love you too, my emerald)
[Then it cuts to Barry's bedroom. Piperita lays him gently in his bed, and he places the blanket over him and his plush to the right side of him]
Cinnamon: [whispers] Te quoque amo, mi smaragdus(Good night, my dear) [she then gently kisses him on the forehead]
Piperita: Dormi bene, pronipote(Sleep well, great grandson) [rubs his head gently, which the lil cat smiles while sleeping]
[An hour later. Nathan and Teresa came back from their night out. They didn't notice that Cinnamon and Piperita have left already and they even already put their son to bed]
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(dividers owned by @enchanthings-a)
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quillandwand · 2 years ago
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Goulash - Chef John's American Goulash This one-pot cafeteria-style goulash is a comforting mix of ground beef, macaroni, and a seasoned tomato sauce.
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the-witty-pen-name · 2 months ago
New Years, New Beginnings
Steve Harrington x PlusSize!F!Reader
Summary: You don’t believe he’s sincere any time Steve Harrington has asked you out. It’s not until a messy New Year's Eve confession that you realize you may have been wrong. 
Warnings: 18+ for suggestive content; cursing; body image issues/insecurity; mentions of bullying; miscommunication; slight angst; horniness but no smut; slightly sub!steve if you squint
Word Count: 3.0k
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You pride yourself on graduating Hawkins High as inconspicuous as possible. You detest attention in most forms and your priority was moving through those three years avoiding most of your peers. Describing yourself as shy was an understatement. Your preteen and teenage years were riddled with the most intense insecurity. 
You were never bullied for your appearance- at least not directly. However, you absorbed every look and every offhand comment like a sponge. You were very aware of the space you took up in a room and how different you felt compared to your friends. As a kid, you remember when you caught on to the way your Halloween costumes were always homemade while your friends had no issue fitting into store bought costumes. You feel like you stand out in group pictures so you slouch, and suck in your tummy and stick out your chin- overtime it just became second nature to contort yourself to fit into boxes. 
Despite your best efforts, you did unfortunately catch the attention of one person in particular. King of Hawkins High- the infamous Steve Harrington with his infuriating hair.
You were blessed with the misfortune of having to sit behind him in study hall. He would turn around and pester you constantly. He seemed to enjoy making you uncomfortable and even though you would ignore him, it seemed to just incite him to tease you more.
He’d sit in his chair backwards and cross his arms to rest them over the top. He’d rest his chin on his arms and stare at you, or watch your hands as you worked on your homework. He’d annoy you with stupid questions, or take your pens.  
“What kind of movies do you like?” he’d ask, out of the blue after an annoying amount of staring you’d effectively ignore. 
“I don’t know,” you answer, without looking up. You’d offer a shrug and then just move on to the next math problem. 
“They’re playing the Star Wars movies at the drive-in,” he volunteers and you love Star Wars. However, you can’t bring yourself to say anything. He’s baiting you. And you refuse to bite. 
He eventually got the hint and let you be. He slowly turned around and focused his attention on the clock at the front of the classroom. 
It was the worst type of teasing, the faking interest- the attempts to make you think he’d be legitimately interested. You knew the outcome already; you’d seen that teen movie and you refuse to be the victim in that cruel game. 
He’d wait at your locker and you’d turn the other way when you saw him in the distance. He’d lean against your locker, looking around expectantly for Tommy and Carol, you’d assume, to see if they were watching. You’d wait until the bell rang and risk being late to class before walking up to him at your locker. 
When you would get there before him, he’d come out of nowhere. He’d sneak up on you and lean on the locker next to yours. He’d smile with that signature look of his and you refused to let yourself acknowledge how great it was. Your heart would tug, wishing it was real if you let yourself dwell on it. 
“You don’t like me,” he’d smirk, like he was trying to break some code to you. “We should really go out and talk about it.”
You’d be in the cafeteria lunchline, moving through the stations with your tray. Steve would cut-in next to you. Everyone loved him so no one cared when he’d cut the lunch line. He’d slide in close to you, and you’d ignore the way his cologne always smelled so good. 
“So the lasagna, huh?” he’d smile, looking at the contents on your tray. “Do you like Italian?”
“It’s fine,” you grumble, moving down the line. 
“You ever been to Enzo’s?” he asks and you realize he doesn’t even have his own tray. He’s just here to mess with you. “They have really good lasagna. We should go.” 
You get to the register to pay and Steve beats you to it, offering a few bills to the lunch lady. “It’s on me, sweetheart,” he flirted, and you just walked away. 
Unbeknownst to you, Steve Harrington was pathetically in love with you. Past the suave and charming exterior and his overcompensation of unfound confidence, Steve had been pining after you since the summer you moved to Hawkins, right before 10th grade. He thought you were the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. He thought your shyness was endearing and he liked that he seemed to make you nervous- because maybe that meant you felt the same way about him. After a year of rejection, Steve finally decided to leave you alone because you made it clear you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. 
Steve didn’t realize how he was coming across to you. He’d never had to think about things like you had. At school and amongst his peers, he didn’t need to have his guard up all the time like you felt you needed. His experiences with social interactions didn’t prepare him for the way you reacted to his advances. He was used to adoration and popularity, he didn’t face rejection. Both of you, with completely opposite experiences, couldn’t figure out or make sense of the other. You shrouded in your defences and Steve was stung for the first time. 
Like a cliche, you’re back in your parents’ town for Christmas and New Years. It’s been a few years since you’d been back for longer than a weekend stay. Now, you’ve managed to get enough time off approved that you arrived before Christmas and will leave shortly after New Years. So far, you've done an excellent job avoiding anyone from school. You had friends you wanted to see, of course. But you skillfully avoided any chance encounter by dodging the errands your mom attempted to pass off to you. 
Your luck had run out when she pulled you aside and told you to go out and get a few movies for you and your parents to watch together. Which is how you ended up at Family Video on a random Thursday and ending up face to face with Steve Harrington. 
When you walked in, you immediately saw him at the counter and the two of you made eye contact for maybe a couple of seconds before you averted your eyes and headed down one of the aisles. It’s fine, you rationalize as you pretend to look at the cases, high school is far enough behind us that he won’t remember me at all. 
It was only a few minutes before your grand entrance back into his world that Steve was complaining to Robin about his nonexistent dating life. Robin does her best to help him out of the slump he seems to have found himself in lately, but he can’t seem to ever feel like his old self. When you walked in, he couldn’t even believe his eyes. But just like before, you immediately dodge him. 
“Oh shit,” Robin smiles, immediately recognizing you. “Hey!” She saunters over and Steve watches from the front counter. He watches the way seeing Robin has brought a huge smile to your face. 
“Oh my god, Robin!” You exclaim happily, pulling her in for a hug. Out of the many people who went to Hawkins High, Robin is probably one of the only people you’d be happy running into. 
The two of you talk and catch up, and Steve stares at the computer screen pretending to keep busy while simultaneously attempting to eavesdrop on your conversation. He straightens his posture when he sees Robin bringing you up to the register. He doesn’t acknowledge you as Robin checks out your movies. 
“Don’t forget, 7- okay?” Robin says with a wave when you leave. The bell rings and then Steve turns to look at Robin expectantly. “What?” she asks, scrunching her nose at him in annoyance. 
“Did you fucking invite her to New Years Eve?” he asks incredulously. She nods. 
“Uh yeah- she’s my friend, I figured you’d be fine with that,” she responds, but raises an eyebrow, “Did I do something wrong?”
“Do you remember when I told you about that girl I liked in the tenth grade-” 
“Holy shit!” Robin exclaims, spinning around on the stool she sat on. “That’s insane,” she continues, “She was like the only cool person in my lab- we talked all the time.”
“She hated me, probably still does,” he shrugged, and Robin rolled her eyes. 
“You were a douchebag,” Robin reasons. 
“Not to her!” Steve insisted. “I asked her out like a thousand times- I really liked her. I wasn’t a douche… I don’t think.” 
“You had a reputation Steve,” Robin points out, “Even if you didn’t necessarily do anything to her specifically, Tommy or Carol might have. Or, she just knew you were a grade-A asshole and was steering clear. You’re much better now.”
“Gee, thanks for that enlightening assessment,” he grumbles, sarcastically. 
“At least if she shows up to the party, you can ask her,” Robin suggests, stealing a box of movie candy from one of the shelves, “Just clear the air so you can move on, you know? Get some closure, cause clearly you’re not over it.”
Had you realized that you were attending a New Years Eve party at Steve’s house, of course you wouldn’t have gone. No one greeted you at the door, it was just left unlocked for everyone to come and go as they pleased. 
People filled the hallway, chatting amongst themselves or dancing to the loud music that was coming from the living room. You couldn’t hear yourself think, and you just wanted a minute to compose yourself before venturing too far into the crowd. 
You navigated down the front hall, having to squeeze and push past people, and found yourself in the kitchen, and just your luck, the only person there was Steve. You hoped to immediately leave before he noticed you. 
“Wait,” he pleaded, when you turned to walk out, “please, can we talk?” 
You pause, and turn back to him. 
“Why do you hate me so much?” He asks, and he sounds broken. 
“You have a lot of fucking nerve Harrington,” you say. “You were so mean to me all the time and you have the audacity to play the victim?” 
“How was I mean?” He asks and you scoff because he sounds so genuinely confused. 
“You know, don’t play fucking stupid.” 
“I’m not! Look I understand if I made you uncomfortable,” he explains, “I probably should’ve taken the hint that you weren’t interested and I just kept perusing it- but I thought it was a thing. I was wrong.” 
“What do you mean take a hint?” You ask, tilting your head in confusion. Steve looks at you, completely dumbfounded that you seem to have no idea what he’s talking about. 
“You clearly didn’t like me back,” he explains, like it’s obvious. “I wouldn’t take the hint, and I kept asking you out and it made you upset. I just thought- I thought you and I had like a little back and forth thing. I realized way too late that I was wrong.” 
“Do you seriously think I’m that stupid?” You ask, your tone is incredibly harsh. “You don’t get to flip the story around to save face. You’re a terrible person Steve. It’s not fair to mess with someone’s feelings like that.” 
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, “please just explain to me what I did wrong so we can work through it.” 
“Don’t pretend like you weren’t just messing with me to make fun of me,” you snap, your voice beginning to tremble. 
“What are you talking about?” Steve asks softly, walking towards you and for once you let him. 
“I knew the whole time Steve,” you mumble, looking at the ground. “I know you weren’t actually flirting with me or asking me out all those times. I know it was a joke.” 
“None of it was a joke,” he admits. “I liked you a lot. So I would try to ask you out and you’d never talk to me. I thought maybe you were shy and nervous because you liked me back so I just kept the bit going- I’m sorry. I clearly was a dick who made you uncomfortable.” 
“Wait,” you say, thinking back on as many of the interactions as you can remember. “You were actually asking me out?” 
“Why is that so hard to believe?” Steve counters. 
You’re actually rendered speechless. You’re overwhelmed with this new information and you can’t actually bring yourself to fully believe him. There’s no way, you reason, there’s absolutely no way that Steve would’ve been interested in you. 
“I mean come on,” Steve continues when you say nothing, “look at you.” 
“You’re doing it again,” you respond, defeatedly. 
“I’ve wanted you since we were like 15,” Steve confesses. “Fuck, I literally remember the first time I fucking saw you. Do you even remember that?” 
He moves away and goes to lean against the kitchen counters behind him. He crosses his arms and looks down on the floor, kicking at nothing. You don’t know how to react to this confession. It felt like for once, you were seeing the real Steve. The one he’d been trying to show you forever but didn’t know how. And your guard had  been  up the whole time anyways. 
“This is so stupid,” he scoffs at himself, as he remembers the day and puts himself back in the shoes of his love sick teenage self. “Summer right before tenth grade. July 8th.” 
“You had just moved here and it was at the pool,” Steve continues. “You had on this black bathing suit… literally couldn’t keep it together. I couldn’t focus on literally anything else.” 
You remember the day, but you don’t remember Steve being there at all. You remember feeling awkward in your suit, worried people were judging you. You almost didn’t swim, too self conscious- so you ended up sunbathing for a long while before the heat became too unbearable and you needed to jump in. You didn’t even know Steve had been there. 
“I was too nervous to say anything,” he admits, “so I didn’t go up to you that day and I regretted it. I thought about you the whole rest of the summer. I thought maybe you were like visiting family or something and I’d never see you again… but when you showed up in my class, I had to just go for it. I’m sorry I didn’t just let it go.” 
“But you dated Nancy… and went out with girls like Brenda and Laurie. Why would someone like you- fucking King Steve- want anything to do with a girl who looks like me?” you ask, almost sarcastically. Your walls of defense creep up again, lulling you back to safety. 
Steve is finally sick of this nonsense. He’s done with dancing around the subject. He’s still in love with you, and it’s growing unbearable being in the same space as you if he can’t be near you. It’s taking over all of his senses, everything about it just consumes him whole. He can’t understand why you can’t just see how wrecked you’ve made him. 
He strides over to you and cups your face in his hands. You tilt your head up to him in surprise at his gesture. Yet, you don’t pull away. He sighs, it’s a relief to even touch you as simply as this. The soft skin of your cheeks against the pads of his fingertips is enough to ground him just enough that he doesn’t spiral. He takes in a sharp breath once he realizes how close you are like this. The reaction he has to you makes you dizzy and goosebumps rise on your skin.
You don’t know who leaned in first- don’t know who started it. It was like your mind was completely white static and then you realized you and Steve were kissing. It wasn’t anything like the way you’ve ever been kissed before. It made all your senses fuzzy and your body melt into him. He couldn’t help but smile against your pretty lips when you pulled yourself closer to him. It’s all he’s wanted. 
Your hands grasp tightly to the front of his tshirt, and you feel his arms wrap around your waist. His hands land on the small of your back and it feels like the skin under his touch is on fire even if it is over the material of your top. You gasp against his lips when his hands slide down to rest in the back pockets of your jeans and he pulls you even closer than before. He leans against the counter and he pulls you flush against him. Instinctively, your arms wrap around his neck. Your hands play with the ends of his hair at his neck and he moans so prettily. 
“Fuck, fuck sweetheart,” he gasps, reluctantly pulling away. You pout, and all he can think looking at you with your big eyes and swollen lips that he’s so royally fucked. “I wanna talk about this.” 
You nod, catching your breath, and you don’t miss how his eyes flicker to watch the rise and fall of your chest. You bite your lip to hold back a smile that’s risking to spill out. “Shit,” he sighs, finding your eyes, “I think I’m still in love with you.” 
His hands are still planted firmly in your back pockets. You match his stance, trailing your hands across his slender waist and then settle them into the back pockets of his jeans. You watch as his cheeks turn bright red and the blush blossoms across the length of his neck. He’s so sweet like this, you can’t help but think to yourself. 
“Oh yeah?” You tease flirtatiously. He’s convinced you could probably see his heart beating rapidly out of his chest. He gulps, his Adam’s apple bobs and you can’t help but smirk. Newfound confidence swells up through you, finally seeing the way you affect him. 
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meangirls-imagines · 1 year ago
'ELLO! I wanted to request something simple and angsty but turns into fluff. So basically R was getting bullied in highschool. At the time Regina and R were dating. R and her family got into a car crash. R faked her death after finding out her father passed after waking up in the hospital. Regina visits R grave and states how she's upset that R left her all alone. But when Cady arrives at Northshore. R popped back into town and waltzed into the cafeteria unannounced to Regina. Obviously R gets a slap to the face and a whole bunch of kisses from Regina. R says how she just had to get away from the bullies and Regina can't even be made at her.
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Come Back To Me
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Description: Reader loves Regina but hates North Shore. People bully her, even knowing who her girlfriend is. To make matters a lot worse, her and her dad are hit by a drunk driver, killing her dad. Reader wakes up in the hospital, heartbroken by the news. She decides to leave, leaving behind Regina, who believes her girl is dead. After a year supposedly "dead", Reader returns to North Shore, shocking everyone, including Regina.
WARNINGS: this is going to be a RIDE, angst with a happy ending, car crash, mention of death, sad regina, mentions of injury, regina slaps reader, fluffy towards the end i promise.
Life sucked for Y/N Y/L/N.
She was a freshman at North Shore High School and ever since middle school, she was mercilessly bullied by her classmates.
She was shoved into lockers on the daily, berated by football players, called slurs and derogatory names. The whole nine yards.
Y/N didn't have a reason to live, or at least that's what she thought. A ray of light entered her life towards the end of seventh grade.
That ray of light was Regina George.
Regina had defended her from a bunch of football boys when they had cornered Y/N after school. They had planned on jumping her but the blonde had stopped it, threatening to tell the principal and make their lives hell.
Since then, Regina hadn't let Y/N out of her sight. Even though the whole school knew not to mess with Y/N, that never stopped them. They just messed with her behind Regina's back. Y/N never told Regina, she didn't want to worry her.
When they got to high school, the bullying got worse. It got more physical. The jocks would always get Y/N when Regina or the plastics weren't around. They always made sure to not bruise somewhere that was visible.
The only one who knew about the bullying was her dad. He had gone to the principal and the school board but since he had no proof, they couldn't do anything. He had been the one to help Y/N with her bruises and injuries. He had been the one she ranted to.
He was her rock.
Nothing could prepare Y/N for what would happen to him.
It all happened so fast. They had gone out to dinner, her dad hoping to lift her mood. He had taken Y/N to her favorite Italian restaurant and taken her to ice cream after. They were waiting at a stoplight, singing loudly to her dad's favorite 80s rock. The light turned green, Y/N felt immense pain, and everything went black.
The next day, Regina walked into school looking at her phone worriedly. She hadst heard from Y/N since yesterday. The last text Y/N had sent her was that her dad was taking her out to dinner. She spotted Karen and Gretchen in the hall and approached them.
"Have you guys heard from Y/N?" The girls shook their heads but before they could speak, Principal Duvall came on the intercom.
"Can I have Regina George, Gretchen Wieners, and Karen Shetty to my office, please. Immediately."
The trio looked at each other confused and headed to his office.
Their parents were waiting for them.
All three girls felt numb listening to the words leaving Duvall's mouth.
Regina screamed as she felt her world collapse around her.
Y/N woke up a few days later, confused to her surroundings. She spotted her grandparents sitting next to her bed. The two burst into tears at the sight of their granddaughter awake. Her grandpa went to get the doctor as her grandmother gently kissed her head.
Y/N felt pain radiating through her body. Her head was wrapped in a thick layer of gauze, her arm was in a cast, as was her left leg. She felt bandages wrapped around her torso and her shoulder. Her mind was foggy so she asked her grandmother what happened.
Her grandmother's breath hitched as her grandpa returned with the doctor. The doctor had gone over the extent of her injuries, explaining that she was hit by a drunk driver.
Then, Y/N asked the question everyone was dreading.
"Where's my dad?"
Y/N's heart dropped and she became numb.
Regina walked up the familiar path, holding a bouquet of pink roses and carnations, her girl's favorite flower.
It had been almost two years since she lost the love of her life. She had felt numb ever since that day in Principal Duvall's office. She had become a shell of her former self. How could she go on? Her other half was dead.
The numbness was constant. She just went through the motions of each day. Get up, go to school, come home, cry, sleep, repeat. Her mom had put her in therapy to help her cope, but it wasn't working. Regina just went to get her mom off her back.
She finally made it to where she was going, gently putting the flowers on the grave.
"Hi baby. It's me again. I miss you more and more everyday. I wish you were still here with me. I never thought I would have to start a school year without you. We've always been together on the first day of school."
Regina sniffled, tears running down her face. "Karen and Gretchen miss you a lot. They miss their gossip buddy. They have so much to tell you. I miss your laugh. I miss your hugs. I miss your kisses. I miss everything about you baby."
She wiped her tears again. "They finally caught that guy that hit you and your dad. The bastard got life in jail. He can rot in hell for all i care." She sobbed quietly.
"It's so hard doing life without you Y/N. I don't think I can do it much longer. I just wanna be with you again. I just wish I could go back in time and change everything. You and your dad would be here." Her phone pinged. She looked down, seeing a text from her mom, informing her that Karen and Gretchen were at their house, ready for their annual first day sleepover.
She smiled and wiped her tears again. "That's my cue baby. I wish I could stay longer. I'll be back tomorrow to tell you all about it." She kissed her fingers and gently touched the stone. "I love you baby."
She walked away from the tombstone, heading to her jeep and heading home. Her, Karen, and Gretchen all cried together that night. They were not prepared for what was going to happen tomorrow.
Y/N woke up the next morning, feeling nervous. She was going back to North Shore. She had convinced her mom and stepdad to move back to the district. Her mom had called the school and explained everything to them, from the car crash to now.
The school was very understanding and got Y/N re-enrolled quite quickly. Her mom came into her room after she got dressed. "You ready, baby?" Y/N nodded and took a deep breath. "Mom? What if she's moved on?"
Her mom came and hugged her. "If she's moved on, she's moved on. Baby, she's been under the impression that you died, remember? She can't be faulted for moving on. But just know, that girl loved you so much. I don't think she's moved on, sweetie."
Y/N nodded and took another deep breath.
"Okay. Let's do this."
Regina walked into North Shore, Karen and Gretchen flanked behind her. They all walked to Regina's locker. Gretchen felt her phone buzz, indicating a text. "Ooh! We have a couple new students!" Her thumbs began typing back a reply as Regina smirked.
"New students? Interesting." The bell interrupted them as they all went their separate ways. Cady Heron was waiting in the office for her schedule when a girl came walking into the office. She shyly waved at the girl who smiled brightly back.
"Hi, I'm Cady Heron!"
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you, Cady."
The two chatted as the school secretary came with their schedules, the woman welcoming Y/N back to the school. Cady looked at her confused. "I thought you were new?" Y/N shrugged. "It's a long story. Let me show you where your homeroom is."
After showing Cady to her homeroom, she waltzed into her homeroom, the teacher barely sparing a glance at the girl. The students however, began talking, jaws dropped at the girl who apparently rose from the dead.
News spread like wildfire and by lunch, everyone was talking about it. When Regina sat down, Gretchen told her that everyone was saying a girl that looked just like Y/N was one of the new students. Regina scoffed. "Yeah, I'll be the judge of that. Y/N was one of one Gretchen."
The blonde stopped Gretchen from talking as she saw Cady walk into the cafeteria. Curiosity got the better of her as she called the girl over. She began to make small talk with the short girl, liking her already.
The conversation was cut short by Gretchen screaming. "OH MY GOD!" She got up and took off running to the newest student to walk into the cafeteria. Regina couldn't see who she was hugging but Karen could and also screamed before running in the same direction Gretchen did.
The blonde excused herself from the shorter girl to see what the ruckus was about. As she got closer, she froze in her tracks.
No. It couldn't be.
Regina's heart began to race as Gretchen and Karen pulled away from the stranger. Then, Regina made eye contact with familiar Y/E/C eyes.
The girl smiled at the blonde, her heart racing at seeing her girlfriend for the first time in a long time.
"Hi Gina." Regina shook herself out of her stupor, walking up to Y/N and slapping her. Hard. The cafeteria went silent and Y/N went to speak but was cut off by Regina's lips.
Regina felt her world become complete again as her and Y/N kissed for the first time in almost a year. Y/N could taste the saltiness of Regina's tears but she didn't care. She missed Regina.
The two kissed for a couple more minutes before Regina pulled away and placed kisses all over Y/N's face and burying her face in Y/N's neck.
"I thought I lost you. Don't EVER fucking do that again." Y/N smiled and kissed Regina's temple. "Never again baby. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." The plastics lead Y/N to their table to explain everything.
By the time Y/N was done explaining, the three girls were sobbing. Regina was clinging to Y/N's side. "I'm so sorry you went through that baby. But I'll never let it happen again. I'll protect you. I'm sorry I didn't do more baby." Y/N shook her head. "It's not your fault baby. The past is in the past. I'm here. Let's focus on the now."
The girls nodded, Regina gently kissing a scar on Y/N's cheek.
The bell rang and the girls reluctantly parted from Y/N, with the promise of seeing the couple after school. Regina didn't wanna let go, she didn't want it to be a dream. She offered to skip, which Y/N reluctantly went with, making sure to shoot her mom a text as to what was happening.
Regina led Y/N to her jeep, and drove to her house.
After a tearful reunion with Regina's mom, and a couple of rounds of "I missed you" sex, the two laid in bed in comfy clothes. Regina traced shapes on Y/N's stomach, her head laying on the girl's chest.
"I thought I lost you forever, baby. I never want go through that again." Y/N kissed Regina's head, pulling her closer. "I know baby. And I'm so sorry. But I'm not going anywhere ever again. You're stuck with me."
Regina giggled and kissed Y/N gently.
"I can live with that."
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fungoideale · 1 year ago
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i know the end - vettel
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(gif not mine @usersewis)
pairing: sebastian vettel x reader
summary: Sebastian came into your life in 2015 and left in 2020 - but you fell in love with him and he just wanted a championship.
themes/warnings: alcohol, ANGST, no use of y/n, description of a panic attack, unrequited love, waxing poetic about ferrari - can you tell they're my fav team, kimi mentioned, charles is here too !! THIS IS FICTION
wc: 3.6k
a/n: someone on tumblr said that ferrari is a haunted house with a picket fence and i have never stopped thinking about it since. i have also never stopped thinking about sebastian vettel - subcategory of seb thoughts is seb in ferrari. also still open to do requests - trying out this whole fic writing thing. will also need help with organising my blog if anyone is keen :)
read on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/60713827
Sebastian joined Ferrari in 2015. The team were ecstatic to have the four time world champion join their ranks, determined to bring Ferrari back to its former glory. 
You were working on the strategy team, fairly new but established enough to be listened to on the rare occasion. 
You met Seb in the pre-season at his factory introduction. He made his speech, charming the floor with his near perfect Italian. He popped into the strategy meeting room during his tour, a war room that had become home for you with its laptops and papers spread out. Sebastian was the perfect gentleman, shaking hands with everyone, though you thought he may have held on a bit longer with you.
The season started soon after, the entire garage working overtime. You were given the opportunity to accompany the team at races, rather than being stuck at Maranello.This is how you became Sebastian’s favourite strategist. 
You’re not exactly sure when it happened. You made a good strategy call in Malaysia, a well timed pit stop in Hungary and by Singapore, the lion knew your coffee order from the Ferrari cafeteria, ensuring to always pass you some before a long meeting. 
Falling for Sebastian was drawn out, comprised of lingering greeting hugs, good conversation at team dinners, long nights at the factory and searing glances across foreign nightclubs. 
You didn’t realise it for a while, and you wouldn’t realise it until it was too late. The attention you received was perhaps just part of Seb’s charm, and he had the whole motorsport world wrapped around his infamous finger. 
2016 brought on a winless year for Ferrari, both Kimi and Sebastian unable to make it to that crucial top step. 
You found Seb at the back of the Ferrari motorhome after a particularly tough race, hiding between tyre stacks. You overheard his PR team scrambling to find him - you slipped out to the back unnoticed, knowing exactly where he was. 
The tyre stacks were sort of a shared place for you and Sebastian, free from the prying eyes of the world. The only person who knew about it was Sebastian’s head mechanic, who accidentally stumbled upon you two sharing champagne after a podium last year. 
I’ll be there soon. Sebastian recognised your footsteps before even looking up. 
You sat down beside him, trying to find the words while he absentmindedly played with his water bottle. 
I’m sorr-
I don’t want to hear it. 
Sebastian had never snapped at you. You knew the strategy calls were bad today, resulting in an ill timed pitstop and Sebastian falling through the other. This Seb, this was completely foreign to you. 
Seb stood and left, sparing no further glance at you. It was a punch to your gut. Did he blame you? Drivers were always temperamental, that you knew, but Sebastian had always been nothing but kind and mature with you. 
Your body went into autopilot mode, packing up what you can before the team debrief. 
Sebastian barely spared you a glance as everyone settled in for the debrief. Perhaps a sign that he calmed down during media duties, but you knew better than to play detective with another man’s emotions. 
Strategy seemed to be the biggest issue to tackle with your boss taking the lead. You half listened, taking notes occasionally until he mentioned your name. 
One of the plans you brought up in pre-race meetings was bold and daring. It was entertained, but ultimately shoved aside for what ended up happening during the race. However after witnessing what happened in the race, it would have gained the team some higher positions. 
Ferrari is a team, one where we win and lose together. Every aspect is just as important as each other. Admitting mistakes and learning for them is how the team gets stronger. 
The strategy admission had Sebastian sneaking glances at you for the rest of the meeting. You felt it, but you weren’t exactly ready to forgive yet. 
You returned to your home in Maranello without so much as another word to Sebastian. You were, however, greeted by a bouquet of peonies on your dining table, along with a note from the man you were so desperately trying not to think about.
By 7PM the same day, you and Seb were sharing a blanket on the couch and watching a romcom, having devoured pizza and now working your way through a giant bag of chocolate wafers. 
Unfortunately, Seb knew the way to your heart. As you tucked yourself into bed that night, you realised that you never shared a conversation with him about Sunday and an even scarier thought, you had forgiven him. 
2017 saw you and Sebastian grow even closer. Movie nights at your apartment became the norm and Seb often took you to dinner on race weekends, despite your protests that the dinners were too fancy. He had to spoil his favourite strategist would always be his response. 
Sebastian returned to the top step of Monaco that year, the Italian anthem blaring across the track along with a chorus of devoted Tifosi. He sneaked off after the celebrations, pulling you with him to the tyre stacks, champagne bottle on the other hand. 
Seb passed you the bottle and you took a large sip, pushing down the thought that his lips were on it mere moments ago. 
Are you coming to the afterparty?
Yes, but I don’t have anything to wear? 
No party dress packed? Ye of little faith. 
You rolled your eyes and shoved the bottle back into his hands. The endless banter and teasing simultaneously made you forget about your feelings for Seb but also made you fall harder for him. 
Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. He kissed your cheek and walked away. 
Cheek kisses weren’t new for Seb, having evolved from greeting hugs long ago. But “take care of it”? Well, he better not be doing what you were thinking. 
You returned to your hotel room to a large black box on your bed, an extravagant red bow tied around it with a handwritten note, definitely scrawled on by a tipsy Seb. 
The box revealed a red dress, and on top of it, another small box. You opened it and out dangled a small necklace with a heart charm. Engraved on one side was the number 5. Sebastian. 
Sebastian knocked on your door two hours later, dressed sharp and ready for the night ahead. He took you in, the dress he picked out was the perfect fit against your skin. There was however, one missing detail. 
The necklace? 
It’s a bit much, no?
Sebastian walked into your room and spotted the necklace on the bed. He took it out of its pouch and motioned for you to stand in front of the mirror. He stood behind, putting the necklace on you. His fingers ghosted over your neck, raising the tiny hairs on your skin. 
Team number 5. 
Sebastian kissed the side of your head and his fingers trailed down your arm to grab your hand. You followed him out in a daze to the elevator. 
The dim light of the elevator and Sebastian’s intoxicating cologne enveloping the cramped box. The elevator dinged, letting in more people. The sound woke you from whatever spell Sebastian cast. You counted down the floors until you had to leave the warmth of Sebastian’s side and his calloused hand around yours. 
Ground floor. The air was clearer as you exited the bubble - reality. Because despite everything, Sebastian wasn’t yours. He is Ferrari’s. You are Ferrari’s. For now, sharing a home would be enough. 
You never left Sebastian’s line of sight all night. Between partying with your girlfriends, sharing a drink with your boss and a few dances with Seb, the clarity in the haze of the club was Sebastian. 
As the night began winding down, Sebastian approached you at a booth. He was holding a mystery drink and his pupils were blown wide. He began blabbering about something Kimi did, the Finn possibly to blame for Sebastian’s current state. You took one look at him and began arranging a cab back to the hotel. 
You managed to drag a half asleep Sebastian back to his room. You sat him on the edge of the bed while you filled up a water bottle. You came back and found him spread eagle on the bed. At least he took his shoes off. 
Goodnight Seb. 
You were halfway out the room when you heard it. 
I love you.
You froze. Looking back, you saw Seb snoring peacefully, hugging a pillow to his chest. No, he’s drunk and sleeping. It wasn’t for you. It could’ve been for his bed for all you cared for. It didn’t matter, despite your heart wishing it was for you.
2018 was another successful year for Ferrari. Sebastian came home with five wins that year, placing second in the drivers standings and Kimi in third. All in all, you were quite proud of the team’s efforts that year and you knew you could unlock more of that potential. 
However, you could feel something bothering Sebastian. An itch that had been present all season. You had asked a few times, but Seb always insisted it was nothing. You knew Sebastian well enough by this point. You could read him, to an extent. But if he truly wanted to hide something, you would be helpless at getting it out. 
Sebastian invited you to stay at his farm in Switzerland for a week during the winter break. You happily obliged, having not seen him since wrapping up in Abu dhabi. You could use the tranquillity of farm life for a bit. 
Your days there were spent helping Sebastian with the animals. He taught you horse riding and you taught him baking. You let yourself get lost in that life, if just for a mere moment. Perhaps in some alternate universe, this was your home with him, that you weren’t only playing house for a week. 
You and Sebastian were laying on the carpet in front of the fireplace, sharing a bowl of attempted smores. It was your last night there before you had to jet off back to Maranello to begin pre season work. 
Seb got quiet, not exactly rare but it was different when something was on his mind. 
Would you ever leave? 
Leave where?
No. Ferrari is home. 
Sebastian hummed, adding nothing more but deciding to bite into another smore. A bit of chocolate dripped onto his chin. You chuckled and wiped it off with your thumb.
Besides, you don’t need to worry about that new French kid. You’re still my favourite, world champion. 
Sebastian laughed, but you missed the melancholy in his eyes and the smile not quite reaching his eyes. 
Being a Tifosi came with many highs and lows - any balding Italian man can tell you that. It was felt even more within the team, especially for Sebastian this year. 
2019 saw the meteoric rise of Charles Leclerc, the predestined. He cemented his place as not only the future of Ferrari itself, but of the sport as well. 
Charles was full of energy and light. You grew fond of the kid and it was nice to have his company amidst the turmoil surrounding the team that year. 
You went into that year determined to get Sebastian his championship he so desperately craved. You were instead met by cheating rumours, bad calls, power shifting and well, an increasingly frustrated Sebastian. 
Sebastian who has been chasing that championship feeling for years. Sebastian who bleeds Ferrari red. Sebastian who is determined to bring the team back to the top. Sebastian, who is not quite yours, but you devoted your red heart to. 
Perhaps that’s how you ended up in this position. 
Sebastian pulled you into his driver’s room after a race. The habit has raised a few eyebrows from passing crew, but none have said a word. 
Nothing ever happened anyways. 
Seb would sit you on his couch and you’d listen. Listen as he rambled in a heinous mix of German, Italian and English. Listen as he let out his emotions after a race and all the lows he went through that weekend. 
You’d bring up some of these points to relevant crew members. It would be worked on and by the following race, it would be better. But it was never enough for Sebastian. 
You understood, he was supposed to bring Ferrari back, follow in the footsteps of his mentor and hero. It was an immense pressure and responsibility that has been carried for years. Now, the Italians have put their faith in his teammate, throwing him aside like an old toy. 
It was draining for you too, being subjected to this almost every weekend. It wasn’t your burden to bear, but this was Sebastian. He is still Rosso Corsa, and you weren’t one to deny a cry for help. 
Singapore rolled around, one of Sebastian’s favourites. He crossed the line in first place that night. You haven’t been so happy in months. 
Sebastian found you at your desk after media duties. You were still on the adrenaline high, but the tiredness began seeping back into your bones. You knew you weren’t sleeping well, the stress of the season getting to you and your eyes looked darker than ever. For Ferrari, the pain was always worth it. 
Come out tonight. 
Seb, I feel dead. 
And the race winner is personally inviting you. 
You could never resist him, which is how you have an extremely plastered Seb on your arm as you walk back to the hotel. Apparently being part of Team 5 also meant babysitting when he’s had one too many. 
May 2020. F1 was still on the break. The only place you went was your home in Maranello and occasionally the factory. You hadn’t seen Sebastian in months and to be honest, you haven’t heard from him as much as you wanted to. 
Then, the announcement. Sebastian Vettel to leave Ferrari by the end of the 2020 season. 
It came as a shock to you. Seb’s contract was up for renewal, you knew that. But he never said anything about leaving, at least, not to your face. And to find out from Instagram, rather than from the man himself, that was a whole other issue. 
You left several messages on Seb’s number over the next week, all remained unanswered. You knew he was a bit of a recluse sometimes, preferring quiet company over the glitz and glamour other drivers seemed to surround themselves with. Ignoring you however, that was unheard of. 
You asked some of Seb’s mechanics, but none have heard from him. You even asked Charles, but all he received was a polite thank you message. 
After a while, you gave up on contacting him. You knew better than to beg for a man’s attention, even Sebastian’s. It broke your heart to walk away, but you had to keep pushing and Ferrari needed to keep pushing. 
Red Bull Ring, Austria. The first race back was a much quieter environment than what you’ve been used to. Despite wanting to stay in Maranello, mainly to stay safe but also to avoid a certain German, your boss wanted you at the races. Who were you to deny the call of the Prancing Horse. 
You ignored him all weekend, refusing to make eye contact or be in his general presence at all. It was perhaps a bit petty, but you deserved to be after the last two months. 
Charles placed P2, a great result from the team for the first race back. You chatted to him at your desk after the race. Charles was a young man that had raw talent, immense passion and was wise beyond his years. You were lucky to call him a friend. 
Mid conversation, Charles glanced behind you. You knew exactly who was standing there, but he could wait his turn. 
You finished up with Charles, giving him a hug before he left. 
You stared at Seb standing awkwardly in the doorway. He shifted on his feet, for once not knowing what to say to you. 
Please say something. 
I have nothing to say to you. You’re the one who went radio silent for months. 
I’m sorry. 
You shook your head and looked away, not wanting him to see how much this affected you. 
I didn’t know how to tell you. 
Seb moved closer, stepping into your space. He reached out a shaky hand to yours. You gripped his, you couldn’t help it. A silent sob escaped your body. 
Come with me. 
You whipped around, searching his pleading eyes. 
Come with me. To Aston Martin. 
His other hand came up to the side of your head, cupping your cheeks and wiping away the tears on your cheek. 
Come with me. I need you. 
His hand brushed down the side of your neck, fingers finding the necklace he gifted all those years ago. 
Team 5. That’s our home. Please. 
Sebastian fiddled with the charm. He found the engraved 5 turned around, no longer facing outward like how you’ve always worn it. 
You took Sebastian’s hand and pressed a tender kiss to it. 
Ferrari is my home. I can’t come with you. 
You dropped his hand and looked anywhere else but him. You couldn’t bear to see the tears welling in his eyes. 
Please leave. 
Sebastian walked out, hesitating at the door. He took a last look at you and left. 
You let the cries come out. Every emotion you’ve kept the last few years came out in a tidal wave. 
You felt an arm wrapping around your shoulders, recognising Charles’ hand. He helped you to the floor and let you lean against him. 
I’m sorry. 
You requested to be transferred to Maranello for the rest of the season, citing health concerns. The team was sad to see you go, many of them enjoying your company on long race weekends. 
You only saw Sebastian in passing for the rest of the year, heard about him from mechanics, through strategy feedback and once from Charles. He knew not to press, but you didn’t miss the occasional flicker of sympathy from his eyes. 
Sebastian came by the factory after the season ended, a formal goodbye to Ferrari. There was food and drinks passed around and some quick speeches made. 
Sebastian was the last to come forward. 
It has been my dream to race for the Scuderia since I was a boy. Here I stand now, as a Ferrari driver for six incredible seasons. It still feels like cloud nine everytime I get to walk into this beautiful place and be greeted by the passion from every single one of you. I thank you all for the hard work you’ve put in all these years. 
Sebastian took a breath, as if hesitating on what to say next. You found yourself waiting, a small part of you hoping for him to say something, anything that would allow you to forgive him. 
I want to say a special thank you to those who have been by my side. You know who you are. I know I haven’t always made it easy, and I am sorry for that. But I am eternally grateful for you. 
Sebastian’s eyes found yours in the crowd. You found yourself fiddling with the necklace for comfort, forcing your eyes to hold back tears. 
Thank you all. Forza Ferrari sempre. 
The crowd erupted in cheers, applauding Seb as he made his way back into the crowd. 
Your ears were ringing, vision blurry and the swell of the crowd was suddenly too much. Your feet relief on instinct, turning you around and leading you towards the exit. 
A hand found your arm as you reached the lobby. Charles. The youngster took one look at you and said something about a car and to wait. Your body curled into a ball as you heaved. 
This was it. Sebastian was leaving. Leaving Ferrari and the home you built in it, with him. And neither of you could muster the courage for a proper goodbye. What an irony, Ferrari who creates heroes and legends but two of their best and brightest are cowards with each other. 
A sleek black Ferrari pulled up to the front. The rumble of the engine was enough to push yourself to stand and stumble your way to Charles who had opened the door for you. 
You turned, taking a look at the building. Ferrari is always going to be home, but the people in it give it meaning. Sebastian left, and your sun set, but it will rise again soon. 
You were at the door and hesitated for the briefest moment. That was enough for Sebastian to come running into the lobby. 
You stood in the moonlight with windswept hair and teary eyes. From the distance, Sebastian could just make out the glimmer of the necklace he gave you all those years ago and the most important thought - you were still the most beautiful woman he ever got the chance to know. 
He loved you. Loves you. It was real all along, not some drunken stupor that he convinced himself it was all those years ago, hiding because it would be easier than to let himself fall. 
He understood. You were always by his side, and he was too late to notice it, much less be grateful for it. You can't forgive him now, and he’s caused too much harm. It would be selfish of him to keep you tethered.  
 He needs to let you go. 
Sebastian nodded at you from his frozen place in the lobby. This is the end. You touched your hand to your heart, where your necklace fell. In another life. 
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playboysaleen · 7 months ago
Kalopisa: (n.) The delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are. 
Parings: Victoria Neuman x Supe!Reader (GN) (Slight AU)
Chapter One - Chapter Two
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Summary: You never had the best life. Being abducted at a young age, being raised in the most wanted mafia as a weapon, hell- becoming the most feared in the gang. But…Truth is, you only wanted freedom. Being able to wake up and not have to wonder if you were going to see the sunset again. What happens when your wish partially comes true and you are offered your freedom but at what cost? Oh, you’ll see. 
Warnings: Death, Swearing, and supes dawg.
Word Count: 2.5k (Shits not proof read.)
Slight AU.  Slight German and Italian dialect. Reader does have a french accent. 
I just had to write about my girl I cant get her out of my head and im swooning over every little thing i see on all my timelines. AND the audacity for her to pop up in my dream just confirmed it for me to write this. my other fic Metanoia just helped me come up with a good plot for this one. I hope you all enjoy and bare with me on this one. RIP my shawty bae.
“Boss is waiting for you in his office.” 
You fluttered your eyes open, adjusting from the bright lamp that lit the small room you laid in. Swinging your feet over the small cot, you leaned over placing your elbows on your knees. What the fuck does he want now? Another family shredded to bits? Another Cocaine bust? Yawning, you rubbed the remaining blood that was stained on your arms- you just wanted to sleep ‘forever’. You stood on your feet sending the buff man a nod walking out your room into the hallway as he followed you. 
“Boss is very happy man with what you done last night.” He spoke as the both of you made way through the corridors into the ‘cafeteria’. Sending your hellos with a nod to the men cleaning weapons a man stood up waving the two of you down. 
“Danill, did you give boss the news?” Alexi asked. Rolling your eyes, Dani grumbled out something to the man which sent him planting his feet yelling out, 
“Das kann doch nicht dein Ernst sein!” (You can’t be serious) Danill placed a hand against your chest stopping your walk to the private hall. He sent you a look which you nodded turning on your heels walking to the man. Everyone went quiet and the only thing that could be heard was the echo of your combat boots against the concrete floor. Sending the man a tight lipped smile, your hand gripped his jaw staring deep into his orbs. 
“Why don’t you sit back down and clean those guns you depend on huh?” You whispered looking between both his eyes. You could smell the fear coursing through his veins, his body began to squirm under your stare, he sent you a nod as you let him go.
“Get back to fucking work.” You grumbled out which he cowered away back to his table with the rest of his workers. You started back walking to the door that was guarded by two men, Dani sent them a nod causing them to move out the way. Walking down the long hall, you turned to Dani hearing his heartbeat speed up. 
“Something is not right.” He whispered, the door coming in view. Grabbing the door handle, the hairs on your arms rose. Looking back at Dani, heat engulfed you as you were blown back into the wall. You laid under a pile of rubble, alarms blaring all around you- everyone was on their feet. Gunshots were heard and the smell of blood was loud. 
“FBSA!” Someone yelled out. Using the strength you have left, you moved the pillar that was laid on top of you, moving it across the hall. Groaning at the pain now subsiding, you limped to the bosses room looking out the window to see nothing but war.  
“Alptraum.” You turned to see Danill leaning against the doorframe. He sent you a light nod holding his lower abdomen. Blood swarmed your nostrils when your eyes widen, 
“Go, this is your time.” You saw blood spilling from his lips as he spoke. All you could do is nod, his body dropped against the floor when you grabbed the iron bars from the window swiftly yanking it off. Sitting on the windowpane with one foot out, you heard footsteps and comms from Americans. You huffed taking one last look at Danill’s lifeless body dropping out the window onto the moist grass. You sprinted the scene as fast and discreetly as possible. 
After running a few miles, your head was filled on what to do- better yet who to call. Placing your hood on top of your head to shield what you could for your identity. A view of a diner was seen a few yards down from your position. Huffing, you adjusted your hood walking down to the front doors, looks were thrown your way with the blood, debris and injuries that were visible. Leaning against the bar, you sent a look towards the man taking orders from the couple just a few chairs down. 
“You look like you got in a fight with the Seven.”  A young boy joked out in front of you. Eyeing his work attire, you grabbed a fist full of his shirt pulling him centimeters from your face. 
“I will send your head directly to the Seven if you press that button.” You whispered, both your eyes and his slowly moved down over the register where his finger hovered over the red button. You stared back when he looked up flashing him a wide smile. The color drained from his face when he saw the large fangs poking out your gums. 
“Give me your phone….now.” You gritted out, he nodded, removing his hand from the button grabbing the phone from his pocket, placing the device on the table. You grabbed the device shoving it into your pocket letting go of the boys uniform. You gave him one more smile backing out the diner to the side of the building. You fumbled the phone out of your pocket dialing the only number you could remember. The line rang until you heard the voice you didn't think would bring a small smile out of you. 
“de quoi avez-vous besoin?” (What do you need?) He mumbled out. Clanging and banging was heard in the background, this man never catches a break. 
“Cela fait longtemps Frenchie.” (It’s been a while Frenchie.)  You spoke looking around, a loud bang was heard then silence. 
You chuckled nodding, 
“The one and only.” You breathed out, making your way across the street. He laughed softly through the phone when you heard hurried footsteps. 
“Where are you kid?” You looked around, giving him the street sign and diner name. An engine roared and tires screeching was heard from the phone, you hummed leaning against the wall feeling the adrenaline fade. 
“Please hurry.” You begged when the weight of the phone was too overbearing to hold causing it to drop onto the ground. Your legs bucked as you slid down the wall sitting onto the ground. You could hear Frenchie on the phone asking if you were okay. You hummed letting the black dots swarm your vision. 
“Oui, who the fuck is laying on your therapy couch M.M?” A voice was heard awaking you from your slumber. You lifted your head eyeing the man speaking, Frenchie stood from his stepping in front of the man with his hands up. M.M handed you a water bottle in which you kindly accepted, grabbing the top of the bottle you struggled to open due to the shaking in your hands. 
A hand was placed on top of yours when you turned to face a woman sending you a small smile. She carefully took the bottle from your hands, opening it with ease. Damn PTSD. 
      “You brought a stray from the street so Kimiko can have herself a friend?” the man spoke out pointing your way, you rolled your eyes sending Kimiko a look. 
She started moving her hands, tilting your head trying to grasp what was going on. Frenchie appeared behind her, sending her a smile while you heard M.M and the other man walk out. 
  “Forgive Butcher, he is ah… “ he started but Kimiko (you're assuming) signed and you snorted. 
                  “an asshole?” you whispered. Kimiko nodded happily, patting Frenchies' arms. Frenchie smiled nodding, pointing your way. 
“Now you got your rest, what happened?” Frenchie whispered taking a seat next to you. You placed your head in your hands groaning softly. 
“FBSA infiltrated the underground.” You answered still in your same position. The underground was your home for as long as you could remember. Everything was ‘perfect’ in your eyes. Well, they clothed you. Put food in your stomach and gave you everything you needed to feel at home but everything comes with a price right? You’ve grown used to walking back to your room (A literal cell but with shit load of space and air conditioning.) soaked in blood. Your thrist was quenched, but more lives were added to your book that you took. The cries still echoed in the back of your mind but after your first real interaction it all became numb. Walking into some italian home during a night of a full thunderstorm after slaughtering and draining the entire malitia that had the entire area guarded. You could remember the cries of a woman who cradled her dead child with the other staring at you with pleading eyes. The man had a gun to the childs head speaking non-sense but everything turned dark when the triggered was pulled and you were too late. You were ordered to kill all but it left a foul taste in your mouth when you turned away from the mans body that the blood began to soak the very exspensive carpet to see the mother staring back at you. She begged you to kill her. You could remember her cries, 
“Prendi la mia vita!” (Take my life!)
“Lasciami stare con i miei figli.” (Let me be with my children.)
You lost it that night. You watched the sun peak from the horizon as the storm clouds evaporated from the sky till Danill was at your door again escorting you to the boss for your next body to kill… and drain. 
“Merda…well you are safe now.” Frenchie spoke giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. You sent him a nod burying your head into his chest. Frenchie was like a big brother when he was doing his time with the underground. From him teaching you how to disassemble firearms when you were in your early teenage years to watching you shove a partial AK-47 into a mans throat that had the intent on ending Frenchies life. 
“I heard all of the things going on,” You spoke standing up walking to his desk grabbing the handgun examining the faded stickers. You chuckled softly waving the firearm his way, he snorted shaking his head, “I hope this still has the powers you used to tell me about.” 
Frenchie huffed out a laughter signing something to Kimiko which she smiled softly your way, you sent her a bashful nod. The door opened revealing a very stressed Hugie and- 
“Huh, I did not know you worked for the Seven Frenchie, c'est super” (that’s great) you mumbled out sending a glare towards the woman in her normal attire. Hugies eyes widen jogging your way, 
“Long time no see huh.” Hugie laughed out bringing you into a hug, you accepted but once you seen the womans stare you slightly released. 
“I used to buy some tech from his store.” You mumbled at Frenchies fatherly stare. Hugie used to be the only friend you could talk to outside the underground. Your daily runs to the store for more techware for the guys lead to you leaning against the front desk laughing at his horrible dad jokes. Hugies expression soon changed once he connected the dots, 
“You’re a supe…” He whispered. You nodded patting his back, turning to the woman sending her a glare, 
“But it is funny how you hated them and here you are banging one.” Frenchie chuckled but quickly wrapped his arms around you when the girl infront of you took a step forward. 
“Alright, what’s your fucking problem?” The woman seethed trying to lock her gaze behind a panicking Hugie. You sent her a tight lipped smile, 
“Oh, I did not know THE starlight had a mouth on her.” You joked but coughed when Frenchie sent a warning finger into your side. He sent you a look which you stood straight nodding. What? You could go all day getting under this little twinklers skin but Frenchie was family and you did not want to make his friends your enemies. You raised your hands, surrendering. 
“Okay, désolé.” (sorry) you mumbled taking a step away from Frenchie sending Annie a nod and an extending hand. “No more. I can not make enemies with Frenchies little family.” You spoke out sincerely to which she shook your hand not without getting in a very tight squeeze. 
“So, what brings you here?” Hugie spoke out, you looked over to Frenchie as he answered for you and decided to give your whole life story too. You wandered around the office building sending them a nod or a tight lipped smile every now and then till you heard Frenchie slip up a little more than what needed to be said, 
“Enough Frenchie, I think they have all the background they need on me.” You argued, Frenchies mouth shut when Hugie, Annie and Kimikos eyes were on you. You hated the stares but with the new information they knew…who knows. 
“You guys got a new plan to take down Homelander is what I am hearing.” A voice was heard from the door when all eyes turned. Your vision blurred and the overbearing feeling of anger bubbled in your chest. 
“Neuman. What a surprise.” Frenchie mumbled out dropping onto his chair rolling his eyes. You darted towards the woman bumping Kimikos shoulder in the process of her trying to stop you. Placing a hand around the womans neck you shoved her against the wall, everyone went into panic mode. 
“You…killed Malina.” You gritted out pushing your hand deeper into her neck when you noticed her face turning purple. Her eyes turned white but a sinister smiled painted yours when you leaned closer placing your lips near her ear. 
“Your little powers do not work on me mon amour,” You whispered, her eyes were now back to normal filled with fear when your eyes ran over her face, “I am a blood drainer, not a blood storer.” You removed your hand from her neck watching her slide down the wall but kept her eyes locked onto yours. Taking a few steps back, you stared at her in disgust when she stood to her feet pointing your way. 
“I do not recall such name.” She argued, you rolled your eyes dismissing her ability to rile you up. You shook your head, walking to the couch taking a seat next to a surprised Kimiko. 
“I am not going to waste my time with a murderer.” you mumbled out and right on que Butcher and M.M walked in. Everyone was in complete shock at what just happened, Butcher looked around the room looking for some sort of answer. 
“Looks like you all got your tongues scraped out, no offense Kimiko.” He sent a smile to the girl who glared his way. 
“Vicky just tried to blow Frenchies friends head and well, she can’t.” Hughie spoke, M.M and Butcher turned to you with wide eyes. 
“Well, what do we have here.” Butcher sang out making his way towards where you were now seated at the windowpane. You flashed him your fangs which he stopped smiling.
“A bloody vampire.” 
“I am called many things.” You started looking out at the window watching the waterdroplets paint the glass. “Cauchemar, Koshmar, Alptraum, der Teufel, other names that make this gift I have a sickness but I will stop at nothing to kill Homelander.” You finished turning your way to the people watching you. Everyone held a different look but you couldn’t stop your eyes locking on to the one person you wanted to drain every last drop of blood stored within them. 
Victoria Neuman.
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kawaii-queen-kaiju · 1 year ago
Maribat March - Prompt 10
"He gave me a diamond the size of my fist! You can't tell anyone though; the paparazzi would be all over us." Lila loudly proclaimed from across the cafeteria. Marinette scoffed, throwing a disgusted sneer over her shoulder at the Italian. This was the fifth celebrity engagement story. She wondered just how she got unfortunate enough to be surrounded by these idiots. She could kill everyone in this room in two minutes flat, and yet, she had to restrain herself for the sake of the mission. Keep playing the role of meek little 'Mari', keep pretending she wasn't one of the most skilled assassins in the world. Stupid Hawkmoth. Because of some random ass dude, she was stuck among these sheeple.
She quickly left the cafeteria, exiting the school and heading to the bakery. She greeted Sabine - a member of the Order of the Miraculous and one of her old handlers - and climbed the stairs to her room. Just a little longer. She was so close to finding the man who had enough audacity to steal from the Order. And Hawkmoth, him too.
Her phone rang, startling her out of her inner monologue. It was Damian, her betrothed. She happily answered, the smile on her face genuine for once. 'Habibti. How was your day?' He asked, an odd whirring echoing in the background. 'Have you stabbed the harlot yet?'
She rolled her eyes, the smile on her face persisting. "It was fine. And no, I have not stabbed Lila, as much as I may want to. It's annoying, but it's helping my cover. She keeps the idiots from following me around, and it makes easier to search Paris for the lousy fake-Guardian and whatever asshat he let take the Butterfly." 
'And you're still sure you would not like me to join you and help?'
She sighed, the conversation a common one since she was sent to Paris. "I've got this, Dami. Besides, you wouldn't last five minutes here. I love you, but you are very temperamental."
He squawked angrily, and she could picture the offended look on his face, his jade green eyes crinkling adorably. 'I am not temperamental! You seem to be forgetting just how many of our trainers you sent to the infirmary.'
She rolled her eyes. "They were misogynistic pricks, and you know it."
'I was not arguing that they weren't, Habibti, merely stating that you extensively hurt each of them. In fact, I am quite glad for what you did. Had you not, Mother never would have seen fit to have us betrothed.'
Marinette smiled happily at the memory, standing in the middle of the large al-Ghul throne room in ceremonial garb, opposite Damian in matching robes. "Yeah." She glanced at the clock on the wall and cursed. "Sorry, Dami. I need to head back. Call you back later?"
'Of course. I love you, Habibti.' He answered curtly, though she could tell he was peeved at being cut off. "I love you too."
She came back to excited whispers throughout the classroom, and a huddle around Lila's desk. Marinette rolled her eyes, heading towards her own desk at the back of the room. Except...
She was stopped in her tracks by one whispered word. 'Damian'. There were plenty of Damians in the world, and several rich ones Lila could be claiming she's engaged to; but what if? Marinette continued up the stairs, but kept an ear on the conversation at the front.
Marinette clenched her teeth. They were talking about Damian. Her Damian. She'd seen articles and heard rumors before, right after Damian's debut as a billionaire's son, but something about hearing her beloved's name come from that liar's mouth made her see green. She was fuming, trying to force away the murderous haze. She was chosen for this mission specifically because of the ease it took to banish the Pit's influence from her mind, and she was not going to let Lila of all people ruin it for her. 
At the front of the room, the door slammed open. Marinette's mind screeched to a halt, because standing there in all of his glory was Damian. She shot to her feet and raced down the stairs before she registered what she was doing. He was here, right in front of her! She flung her arms around him, squeezing tight.
"Hello, Habibti." He whispered in her ear, squeezing her back. "What are you doing here?" She asked, pulling back to look at him. "Father found something. Camera footage of the akumas, and an identity, over a hundred and twenty years old. They're going after them now." He said, a happy gleam in his eye despite the lack of emotion on his face. Marinette grinned widely. Her mission is over! She can go back to Nanda Parbat - or Gotham!
"Marinette, what's going on?"
She turned around abruptly, remembering their audience. "Who is this?" Alya was front and center, glaring at her accusingly. Marinette's mind was whirling, trying to find an in-character way to answer. Except they found them. The false Guardian and the Butterfly. She didn't have to keep up her cover anymore. She grinned, her true smile, not the meek thing she'd developed the past few months.
She watched as Lila's little lapdog recoiled, enjoying the effect she finally got to have on her classmates. Marinette stalked forward, easily falling back into her natural gait. The walk of a predator. "I'm happy to announce that I'm done! I don't have to sit here and pretend anymore! You're all horribly stupid, and it was definitely not a pleasure to have known you." She let her smile widen to that terrifying degree that always made her targets believe she was inhuman. She never dissuaded those thoughts, instead encouraging them. "And you, Lila Rossi. You are a lying sociopath, and to be honest, I can respect that! But you chose to put my beloved's name in your mouth, and you've made me mad. Unfortunately for you, that is an unpleasant situation to be in."
"M-Marinette?" Alya tripped backwards on the steps, falling on her butt. She was ignored. Marinette's focus was on Lila, the repulsive girl who dared to soil her beloved's name with her tongue. To her credit, Lila was managing to hold eye contact with Marinette, even if it was in paralysis. "Tell me," Marinette slammed her hands on the lying girl's desk. "Do you do any research before you decide to spread rumors?" 
Lila was pale and shaking, her mouth a thin line. She didn't answer. "You do, don't you? You recognize my beloved, and you realize your house of lies is toppling around you." Marinette ended with a whisper, her face inches from the Italian's.
The room was silent, everyone's focus on the scene before them. On the way Marinette's personality did a complete one-eighty and froze everyone in their spots. Well, everyone except for the boy. He was staring at Marinette in adoration, hands clasped behind him as he watched his betrothed tear into her hemorrhoid of the last several months. His phone buzzed in his pocket, the only sound in the room. "Habibti. It's done."
Marinette whirled around, her sunshine smile back. "Then why are we still here?" She linked arms with the boy and left the room in stunned silence.
(The LoA and The Order are the same organization under different names)
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ssentimentals · 18 days ago
it was always you - fernando alonso/lance stroll, 6k, rated T, completed!
Lance takes a sip and lets warm liquid settle his anxiety and mentally prepare him for the beginning of this week. He decides to think of this cup as one-time thing, mismatched coffee that somehow ended up on his desk; he’s sure that there will be no more gifts.
He is wrong. So, so wrong.
or, secret admirer!AU. It gets worse before it gets better.
(Read on AO3) or read below the cut!
a/n: this work is a part of Lance Love Fest collection by @no00000000. thank you so much for creating this wonderful fest of the most wonderful boy ever :') 💜
It starts with coffee on his desk on a random Monday morning. Cappuccino on oat milk with vanilla syrup in a fancy takeaway cup. It’s not from Starbucks on the first floor and nor is it from their cafeteria; Lance immediately recognizes small and pretty logo from his favorite little Italian place not far from the office. It’s horrifically overpriced, but what’s the point of making money if not to spend it on stuff that makes work a little more bearable? Coffee is amazing and their butter tarts are to die for – Lance is ready to close his eyes at the cash register for this goodness; sue him for being picky and particular with his food. Lance places his laptop on the desk and gingerly takes the cup in his hands, smiling a little – it’s still warm.
‘Thanks, Este.’ Lance turns to his friend, who is the only other person in their open space at the moment. Esteban looks up from his laptop, giving Lance a little wave for the greeting. ‘I thought you hated the place though.’
‘Which place?’ Esteban asks and when Lance points at his cup, he only shrugs. ‘Still hate it. I’m not posh enough to close my eyes on their ridiculous prices for the coffee.’
Lance’s heart warms up at the thought of his friend hating it and yet still going there to grab him a cup of coffee. ‘Thanks for the coffee, then.’
Esteban frowns. ‘I didn’t buy it.’ And then, because it’s Esteban and there’s no way he’s not interested in someone else’s business, he instantly is up on his feet, coming closer to Lance. ‘You just found it on the desk? Was there a note?’
Lance turns to look but his desk is spotless save for his laptop and whatever disaster he’s got going on with six different cables. There’s nothing on the cup as well, which makes Lance frown. ‘It’s just us here, no?’
Esteban and Lance always come the earliest, turning on their laptop at six thirty – both leave too far from the office to have the luxury of waking up at seven and not being late. Lance takes the cursory glance at their open space, but there’s no one here and it will stay like that for at least thirty minutes – then little by little this place will become lively and full of people.
‘Just you and me,’ Esteban confirms and then turns to the side, squinting. ‘And probably some higher ups from director’s board. You know, the usuals.’
The ‘usuals’ being Mark who is CFO and Fernando who is COO. Lance glances at the cup in his hands. Crazy thought comes to his mind, and he instantly squashes it down, not letting himself even think about it – there’s simply no way.
‘Oh my god,’ Esteban is whispering but he’s too excited to actually hold his voice down, ‘I think that you, my friend, got yourself a secret admirer!’
Lance blinks. He looks at the cup and then back at Este, arching his eyebrow. ‘Sounds unlikely.’
It’s not like Lance finds himself unworthy of such attention, it’s more that Lance is a very self-aware guy. He knows how he looks, knows what kind of impression he makes, knows his pluses and minuses. He’s not self-conscious, but he is also not the guy who is at the top of anyone’s rating and it’s- fine. It is absolutely fine.
‘Let’s wait,’ Esteban says, ever the wise one. ‘If there will be more gifts then it is a secret admirer!’
Lance takes a sip and lets warm liquid settle his anxiety and mentally prepare him for the beginning of this week. He decides to think of this cup as one-time thing, mismatched coffee that somehow ended up on his desk; he’s sure that there will be no more gifts.
He is wrong. So, so wrong. 
It doesn’t stop with the coffee. There’s a special thing for his cables waiting on the desk and a box of chocolates. Third day starts from another cup of coffee but this time with butter tarts and a small note with ‘they finally had them today, enjoy!’ written in a neat handwriting. On a fourth day Lance finally admits to insistent Esteban that yes, he indeed has a secret admirer. On a fourth day Lance finally lets himself feel the giddiness that rushes through his veins at the sight of something waiting for him on his desk. On a fourth day Lance lets himself hope. He first thought it’d be silly to let this somehow affect him, but what makes life worth living if not those little moments of joy? So, Lance lets himself feel it. Lets smile curl corners of his lips upwards, lets excitement start a fire in the pit of his stomach, lets joy creep in every single corner of his heart. The box that greets him on the fourth day is rather big and Lance hesitates a little before opening it. Esteban, who finds the whole ordeal extremely amusing and now eagerly waits for Lance at his desk every morning, is right next to him, smiling widely with hands clasped in front of him. ‘Lancey, think. Mon couer, you really gotta think, cause if you have someone fancying you enough to gift you something from Hugo Boss then it’s gotta be someone who makes it obvious that they like you. Think. Also, whoever it is, what if they have single friends? I’d also like to receive some presents.’
Lance snorts unattractively. He doesn’t have many friends and none of them would ever pretend to be his secret admirer, and he also doesn’t know anyone who’d be interested in him romantically; Lance kind of forgot how dates look like, at this point. Which is tragic, according to his mother. ‘I have no idea who this might be,’ he replies honestly, opening the box. ‘I think if someone was hitting on me, I’d definitely noti-‘ Lance pauses right when Esteban gasps. ‘Oh.’
It's a scarf. Black one with no logos or any kind of patterns on it. Rather wide but not very long. Cashmere is so soft in his hands and Lance takes his time to appreciate the quality, while Esteban rambles on and on, channeling his inner detective: ‘If it’s not anyone from the outside then it’s someone from the company, one of our co-workers. You and I rarely have meetings with people from other departments, right? So it’s someone from finance. We have around twenty people here, give or take.’
‘Half of the people here are married.’
Esteban nods with a thoughtful look on his face: ‘True. Have you recently told anyone apart from me that you need a new scarf?’
Lance is not exactly a chatterbox; he is also not someone who prefers to stay silent, but he doesn’t often talk about non-work-related things with his co-workers. Unfortunately (or fortunately) working in finance department is very true to all stereotypes in most of the cases: people are not the friendliest bunch, no one is overly excited or loud, closeness between colleagues is a not a common thing here. So, no, Lance doesn’t just go around talking about his shopping needs to anyone who’s willing to listen.
‘Yesterday after the meeting!’ Esteban lights up like a lightbulb. ‘Remember? You and I stayed together with Mark and Fernando, Nico and Kev were there too to go over timings again. We all started talking about snowboarding and stuff. You started the whole conversation about Switzerland, Lancey.’
Lance remembers. He remembers sitting in front of Fernando, trying his hardest to stay concentrated on his laptop screen even when he could feel the older man’s gaze on him. He remembers accidentally bumping their feet together and looking up to find Fernando’s soft smile and ‘no worries, Lance’ thrown at him with a wink. He remembers biting his lower lip to prevent himself from smiling like an idiot but quickly putting his neutral mask on after hearing Mark’s loud sigh. He remembers feeling a slight commotion underneath the table and then Mark’s pained groan. Lance started talking about Switzerland only because Mark suddenly turned to him with a frown, clipping out: ‘Where do you like to snowboard, Lance?’ question at him like he’s being forced to ask this.
‘Yeah, I remember. Talked about Alps… Then I said that I bought gloves recently and that I needed to look for a scarf.’
Esteban looks like he’ll vibrate out of his skin. ‘Let’s see: Nico and Kevin are married. Mark is single, right? Fernando too. And me but I am obviously not gonna gift you a fucking Hugo Boss scarf-‘
‘Obviously,’ Lance mutters, smiling when Esteban slaps his shoulder.
‘Dick. You know I love you, I don’t have to spend that much money on you.’
Lance shrugs. ‘I don’t know, would’ve been nice to receive something expensive from you as well.’
Esteban ignores him completely, too lost in his thoughts. ‘Can it be Mark? Cause it definitely can’t be Fernando. Holy shit, Lance, did you manage to pull a freaking CFO-‘
‘Shh!’ Lance hisses, looking around frantically. There’s no one around but Esteban never fully grasped the concept of ‘whispering’, so Lance still worries. ‘Este, fuck, do you even hear yourself?’
Esteban shrugs like he didn’t just say the most ridiculous thing ever. ‘Mark always kinda favored you, no?’
And that’s – well, Lance has nothing to say about this. Mark did sort of favor him from the start, gave Lance much more trust than someone in his position deserved, but Lance never let him down, always delivered everything in the best way, so he guesses it’s all fair. But just the thought of Mark being his secret admirer makes his stomach churn. Lance tries to sound uninterested as he questions: ‘Why so sure that it’s not Fernando?’
Esteban raises his eyebrow and looks at Lance like he suddenly grew two heads. ‘Are you kidding?’
It shouldn’t sting. It shouldn’t, shouldn’t, shouldn’t – but it does. Lance puts the scarf away and almost wants to laugh at what an idiotic thought crossed his mind, what an idiotic hope flared in his chest. Of course it’s not Fernando. It can never be Fernando, never for Lance. Really, who is he kidding?
The thing is – Lance has a very silly crush on Fernando. Not the ‘he is hot and I want him’ kind, although Lance can readily admit that Fernando is hot and that he does want him in a sexual way. Actually, if his crush stayed solely on that territory it would’ve made everything easier, but Lance never wanted easy, so his heart chose to get involved as well and complicated everything.
On his very first day when he came to this company as an intern, he met Fernando in the cafeteria, bumping into his back on accident and spilling his coffee all over both of them. He still remembers freezing, remembers feeling like his heart is in his throat, remembers mumbling apologies and looking distraught. He also remembers warm hands on his forearms, amused but kind smile, chocolate eyes looking at him with curiosity. He remembers strong voice with a distinct accent and cheeky wink thrown with ‘you’re good at first impressions’ comment, which made his cheeks burn. For the three years Fernando worked mostly from Spain, so to Lance he stayed as a distant figure on the important meetings with whom he has no correlation. Everything changed when Fernando moved back here from Spain; he started coming to the office almost every day and given Lance’s promotions, number of meetings where both of them were present increased. And with that… Lance can’t exactly point the time when he developed this crush. Maybe it happened when Fernando asked in the middle of the meeting: ‘And you? What do you think, Lance?’ and stared at him like his opinion mattered. Or maybe it happened during their late-night talks, when Fernando would come over to Lance who was hunched on his chair, frantically finalizing his report, with a coffee in hand, asking softly if he needed any help. Fernando was never Lance’s mentor (that role went to Mark), but he somehow always made sure Lance knew for a fact that he’d support him and back him up in anything. From an unreachable big boss in two years Fernando turned into a constant presence by his side – never overwhelming, only supporting. And Lance is not strong enough to resist the pull of his heart, crush developed against his will, and he fell hard. There were times when Lance thought that his feelings might be reciprocated – he knew Fernando didn’t really engage with anyone other high-level seniors and yet he always made time for Lance, a simple mid-level employee. He felt Fernando’s intense gaze at him too many times, but nothing followed this, no action and… well. Lance is not stupid. If Fernando wanted him, he’d show, he’d do something; men like Fernando never hesitate. Realizing this crushed his hopes and he thought it hurt then, but the way it hurts now is incomparable. Wrapped in the scarf that is most likely gifted from Mark and not from Fernando, Lance feels sluggish and downright miserable, not wanting to see what waits for him on the fifth day. Now that he is pretty sure that it’s Mark, these presents have no meaning, zero excitement – it’s a pity and sad. He doesn’t even try to look happy in front of Esteban, who is leaning on the wall next to his desk, waiting for him.
‘Coffee and brand-new notebook,’ Esteban announces. He looks at his friend and frowns, stepping closer. ‘What is it? You look shitty.’
Lance scoffs at this. He regards the new notebook with disdain, and it pains him to admit how actually nice it looks. He finished his old one yesterday on the meeting, receiving many chuckles on how ‘hardworking’ he is; part of him expected this gift.
‘Mark has always been very attentive.’ Esteban comments, handing Lance his coffee. ‘But to be honest I am surprised; he doesn’t look like someone who has balls to start flirting with someone right at work. Especially with him being the big boss and all that jazz.’
Lance hates how Esteban is sure that Mark is his secret admirer and hates how much sense it makes. Mark is the one who spends most time with Lance at work, Mark is attentive, Mark is- not Fernando. Lance looks at the coffee and feels that he’s going to throw up. Mark is not Fernando, and these presents are not from Fernando and Lance now has a fucking CFO courting him. Oh, he is going to throw up. Barely swallowing, Lance puts coffee cup back on the desk and rushes towards the bathrooms still in his coat and all. He didn’t have breakfast, but he swears he is going to vomit-
‘Whoa, careful,’ strong hands catch him when he collides with someone at the turn. Lance blinks, looks up and freezes at the sight of one and only, Fernando Alonso. COO of their company first smiles at him and then frowns, catching wild look on Lance’s face. ‘Lance? Is everything okay?’
Lance forces his mind to restart. ‘Uh- yeah, yeah. Just um. Bathroom. Yeah.’
Fernando looks unconvinced but then his gaze drops to the scarf wrapped around Lance’s neck. Something passes on his face and his eyes stay locked on the scarf so intently that Lance momentarily forgets about his churning stomach and instead also looks down – did he manage to leave a stain there? He’s about to ask this, when Fernando’s hand moves from his forearm and gently touches the scarf, smiling softly. ‘You like it?’ He asks in that smooth voice of his that never fails to make Lance’s heart beat a bit faster.
‘I do,’ Lance replies sincerely. Even if it’s from Mark, he still likes it.
Fernando nods, looking pleased. His hand drops and he takes a step back, regarding Lance with a fond look that makes him warm all over. ‘Good. It suits you very well.’
Lance is lucky enough to be at the receiving end of many, many compliments throughout his life but this one makes his cheeks burn. It’s ridiculous. ‘Thank you.’
He manages not to combust in the bathroom and stays sane throughout the whole day until him and Este enter the meeting room for the short project timings check and Mark is there, looking grim as death itself. He smiles at both of them tiredly and only smiles when he notices Lance’s new notebook. Esteban, of course, notices this and nudges Lance briefly with a knowing gleam in his eyes before quickly starting to present his updates. He’s out once he’s done and Lance feels dread settling in him, once he realizes that he’s left alone with Mark. Under normal circumstances he’d absolutely fine with this, but now he’s uncomfortable and full of desire to get out of here. Mark smiles warmly at him, gesturing to start. Lance tries his best not to make any eye contact and gives his updates in a curt manner, squeezing his legs together to stop them from shaking.
‘Thank you, Lance. Very clear, as always.’ Mark praises and then his phone pings with incoming message. He looks at it and his eyes first grow wider and then he squints at the screen like it personally offended him. He quickly looks up at Lance and then back at the screen before sighing so deeply that Lance for a second fears for his own life. ‘Um. Lance. I have a question.’
Lance tenses up. God, please no. ‘About?’
Mark looks very uncomfortable, and it only unsettles Lance even more. ‘Do you…’ Mark starts and then coughs like any word out hurts him. ‘Fuck- I mean, sorry, sorry for the cursing.’ Mark shakes his head, glancing briefly at his phone before turning back to Lance. ‘Do you have plans for tomorrow?’
Lance hopes the ground will break and swallow him whole. ‘Why?’ He croaks out, hoping his voice doesn’t betray how he feels.
Mark grimaces like he’s eating a lemon. ‘Tomorrow is a big day, no?’ Seeing Lance’s confusion, he elaborates: ‘It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow.’
Oh. Oh. Lance’s pretty sure all colors drown out from his face. Now it all makes sense – all these gifts and this question. Everything was leading up to this, to Valentine’s Day. His heart is at his throat with how nervous he is at this realization – Mark is about to ask him out. For Valentine’s Day. Lance fears that this time he actually might throw up for real. Before he can come up with something along the lines of ‘this is a rather personal question’, Mark saves him by groaning loudly and hiding his face in his hands. He groans something about being friends with an idiot and Lance has an inkling that he is watching his boss lose his mind right in front of him.
‘I’m sorry, Lance, god, I’m sorry.’ Mark sounds sincere as he looks at him. ‘I’m just cursed for being friends with an idiot. Forget I asked that. I- just- let me rephrase it, yeah? Don’t freak out, please.’
It’s kind of too late for that, but Lance nods. He trusts Mark – after five years working together, he likes to think that he knows his boss well; Mark will never do anything to hurt him. He nods, showing Mark that he can go on. CFO chews on his bottom lip for a few moments before finally settling on: ‘What would you like on Valentine’s Day? To do, to get as a present. I’m asking for a friend.’
A friend. Lance knows it’s a lie, but he pretends to be unaware of this and breathes out, calming himself. He can do this. He’s a mature adult, he can answer the question and then rush back home and forget this ever happened. ‘Flowers,’ he responses, hoping he sounds friendly enough. ‘I think flowers are very nice.’
Mark solemnly nods, listening to him attentively like Lance is telling him something related to work. ‘Flowers, got it. Anything else?’
Lance shrugs. He thinks of what he’d like to receive and doesn’t even stop himself from imagining Fernando giving it all to him. With a dreamy small smile on his face, Lance adds: ‘I would love to receive some jewelry piece. Something unique, maybe. With a special engraving, something very personal.’ He blinks out of his reverie, blushing a little. ‘Um, yeah.’
Mark watches him for a while and then smiles, leaning back. ‘Thank you, Lance. Sorry for keeping you – thanks for the updates. See you tomorrow.’
Lance nods and does what he wanted to do the same second he entered this room – he gets out of it with a relieved sigh.
It’s a bit sad how life gets so hectic that Valentine’s Day would’ve gone completely unnoticed by Lance if not for yesterday's talk with Mark. He dreads going to work today, but they do not have flexible working hours and Lance drags himself out of bed with reluctance that can rival Esteban’s hatred for Pierre. Despite everything Lance does his best in cleaning up for today, knowing that he has two separate sessions with senior management (and yes, one of them is with Fernando) and comes to the office a bit later than usual but with combed hair and a nice suit. Esteban whistles at the sight of him once he enters, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively: ‘Excited for the secret admirer reveal?’
Lance rolls his eyes, taking off his coat. ‘Excited for two sessions with leaders. It’s the first time I’ll talk to Oliver.’
Esteban steps closer, sliding his arm easily around Lance’s waist with a wide smile on his face. ‘You’re getting that promotion, mon ami. Don’t worry about it. You know that no one meets Ollie unless it’s about promotions.’
Lance tries not to let negative thoughts win; logically, he knows Esteban is right. When Mark first commented that Oliver wanted to speak with him, Lance almost spilled coffee on himself and Mark only smiled softly and told him that he had nothing to worry about. Lance is not sure that meeting CEO of the company for the first time in a 1-1 meeting is a casual affair, but he is not going to mess it up by being a jumble of nerves. ‘Fingers crossed.’
Esteban squeezes him in a tight hug before letting go. ‘You deserve it more than anyone else, Lance. Just like you deserve some rich man showering you with gifts.’
‘Oh fucking hell,’ Lance mutters, ignoring loud cackle of his friend. They both move towards their places, and he notes with a sigh of relief that there’s nothing on his desk. ‘See? Nothing.’
Esteban looks surprised and almost disappointed by the whole ordeal. He even checks under the desk, coming back up with a pout. ‘Weird. It’s Valentine’s! If you’re free tonight then lets go to the new Marvel movie?’ At Lance’s raised eyebrow, he elaborates: ‘I assumed you’d have a date tonight, so I didn’t ask, but..’
‘Lets go,’ Lance easily agrees.
Not having a gift from Mark on the desk instantly lightened up his mood. The first half of the day passes quickly, and his mood elevates even more when Henry lets him know that Mark won’t come today. His hope that maybe it’s not Mark behind all of his presents reignites, but it’s all forgotten when he finally meets Oliver face to face. It’s hard to describe the crushing disappointment he feels, when he realizes that this talk is not about promotion; Oliver kindly asks Lance to cover Marta’s role, who will be leaving soon on her maternity leave. While Oliver explains the full reimbursement package, Lance focuses on dealing with a tight knot in his chest that refuses to let him breathe properly. Even genuine compliments from CEO do not help with the overwhelming weight on his chest; Lance’s face doesn’t a single emotion by a sheer power of will. He manages a tight-lipped smile at the end, promising to give his answer by the end of next week. He exists on shaky legs, trying to calm himself down with breathing techniques. This is nothing, he knows. This is such a small thing to get upset about, he knows. But the hope he had had never been crushed this cruelly, Lance leans on the wall for support. The promotion served as the best motivation for the whole year and now that it’s taken away, he feels stripped bare of everything no matter how dramatic it sounds. Groaning in frustration at his own emotional turbulence Lance scrubs furiously at his face, moving away from the corridor to the lavatories side. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He should’ve known. He should’ve known that promotion is not in line for him despite all the efforts. He should’ve worked harder. He should’ve tried better, he should’ve-
Lance is not going to cry. He blinks and comes back to reality, facing Fernando. His warm hands as always are on his forearms, his chocolate orbs are gazing at him with unhidden worry. Lance opens his mouth to say something, anything, but what comes off is a choked whimper. Embarrassment coils hot in his stomach and he’s ready to apologize and move on but those words die on his tongue as Fernando grips the back of his neck strongly but lovingly, forcing Lance to lean closer.
‘Lancito,’ Fernando breathes out, frown etched deep on his forehead. ‘What’s wrong? Tell me.’
Lance is not going to cry. His throat constricts with unspoken words, but his pride is stronger, so he shakes his head, taking a deep breath. The affectionate Lancito colors his cheeks and without meaning to, his gaze drops to Fernando’s mouth before he looks away. ‘Nothing,’ Lance mutters, clearing his throat. He doesn’t want to be snappy with Fernando, but he can’t bear anyone seeing him in this state. ‘I’m fine, I-‘
The way Fernando’s grip tightens up on his neck shuts him up. Fernando’s eyes are looking into his soul and Lance lets Fernando see all the despair he’s feeling – his walls crumble in front of this man. ‘Come,’ Fernando says and it clearly is an order, not a request. ‘Come with me, Lance.’
Lance has a feeling that the world in which he stays strong and says ‘no’ to Fernando simply doesn’t exist. He follows him, trying to regulate his emotions but when they enter Fernando’s own room and the door closes behind him, Lance has to clench his hands into fists and bite his lower lip hard to prevent himself from crying. Fernando locks the door and gently guides Lance to the plush sofa, sitting him down like a child. Lance supposes he is a child with how he’s overreacting, and this thought sends him into the spiral of shame.
‘What is it, Lance?’ Fernando asks softly, gingerly reaching out and uncurling his hands. He carefully takes them into his and slow swipe of his thumb over Lance’s wrist makes him a bit crazy. ‘What happened? You were with Oliver, no? Did he upset you? Is this about your promotion?’
Lance freezes. God, of course Fernando knows. He is a member of director board, he is Mark’s closest friend, of course he knows about Lance and promotion. Hot shame rushes through his body and Lance swallows. Does Fernando find him stupid? Childish for being upset over this? Incompetent? Lance will fucking change companies, he swears. ‘Yes,’ he breathes out because there’s no point in lying. ‘It’s just- a lot.’
Fernando nods in understanding. He lets go of his hand and Lance supposes that this is it, he’s going to get thrown out, when the same hand gently brushes away teardrops from his cheek. The action stuns him into silence, renders him immobile – Lance blinks stupidly, looking up at Fernando. The expression older man wears is… Lance doesn’t dare to hope. That’s not how one looks at a co-worker. That’s not how one looks at a co-worker for who he doesn’t have any feelings for.
‘Everyone acknowledges your contribution to the team, Lance. We believe-‘
‘Don’t give me that,’ Lance hastily cuts him off. The last thing he wants to hear right now is a lame excuse. ‘I don’t- I don’t want to hear it.’
Fernando doesn’t seem to be shaken with how brazen Lance acted, he simply nods and drops his hand from Lance’s face, covering his knee with it instead. They sit in a silence for a while, which lets Lance finally get his emotions under control. He lets them simmer in the background, coming back down as a tidal wave. Fernando doesn’t rush him, just holds his hands and his caresses calm Lance down more than he cares to admit. It’s almost disturbingly comfortable to stay like this with Fernando, he realizes. To have this man sit close to him, to have him hold his hands, have his attention – it’s addicting. Lance doesn’t miss how Fernando stares at their joined hands lovingly, almost wistfully, with a small smile on his face. Could it be that he’s also picturing them holding hands outside of the office? Could it be that in his dreams he sees Lance next to him, walking side by side? Hope is such a scary thing; after one disappointment, bearing another one almost immediately is too harsh for Lance.
 ‘Okay,’ Fernando finally says, noting how Lance looks much more relaxed. ‘If you don’t want to hear anything about the promotion then perhaps, you’d like to hear about your final present, then?’
‘What?’ Lance asks, confused. ‘Final present?’
Fernando nods and moves to stand up. Lance, in an anxious spur, tightens his hold on their hands before realizing what he’s doing and letting Fernando’s hands go like he’s burned. With red cheeks, he glances at the COO of the company, who only chuckles softly and taps twice on Lance’s knee. ‘I’ll be right back.’
Lance nods, too afraid to speak up. God, what was that? Why did he just- his train of thoughts stops at the sight of the bouquet that Fernando pulls out somewhere from behind the desk. Red roses, at least thirty of them, glare at Lance mockingly, stunning him. Wrapped in a crafted paper, their smell wafts in the air, reminding him suddenly that it’s Valentine’s. It’s Valentine’s Day today and Fernando bought someone roses. Lance’s throat suddenly is drier than any desert. His heart falls somewhere down, down, down –
‘Do you like them?’ Fernando asks, coming closer.
Lance, in fact, hates them. Also irrationally hates whoever these flowers are meant for. ‘They are very beautiful,’ he answers dutifully in a shaky voice. The worst thing is that they are beautiful, goddammit. And because jealousy is an ugly green monster that apparently leaves in his heart, he can’t stop himself from asking: ‘For who?’
Flowers are moved out of his sight and instead he sees Fernando’s amused expression. ‘For who?’ He repeats, eyes twinkling with mirth. ‘For who do you think, Lance?’
This is pure torture. Lance doesn’t want to think of any other love interest Fernando might have, he can’t bear imagining someone else on the receiving end of this. God, why can’t it be him? When will luck be on his side? ‘For your partner, I presume.’
Fernando quirks an eyebrow. ‘Not yet. But hopefully, yes.’ He looks at the flowers and then back at Lance. ‘Do you think this would sway them in the right direction? Make them say ‘yes’ to me, maybe?’
How can anyone say ‘no’ to Fernando? Lance bites the inside of his cheek to keep his expression in check and not show how devastated he is. He looks at the flowers and just the image of Fernando giving them to someone precious, someone he regards highly, someone like him –  ‘Mhm, yes. I think so, yes.’
Fernando’s face breaks into a breathtaking smile. He hands the bouquet to Lance, never breaking their eye contact. ‘Then is it a ‘yes’, Lance? From you?’
Hope is such a scary thing. Lance can feel it bloom full force in his chest, making his heart beat twice as fast. His fingers tremble as he carefully reaches out, afraid that Fernando might pull back and call this all a joke. But man of his dreams stands steady and only watches Lance with unhidden adoration. Fernando looks at Lance like he might grab him the moon if he asks for it – it kind of drives Lance wild.
‘Happy Valentine’s Day, Lance.’ Fernando says softly, not moving. He keeps a respectable distance, watching as Lance’s entire face brightens when he sniffs the flowers. ‘Hope you liked the flowers.’
‘They are beautiful,’ Lance whispers, holding them gently. The reality is not fully registered in his brain, so he doesn’t look up at Fernando. ‘Very pretty.’
‘Not as pretty as you,’ Fernando instantly says and it doesn’t sound cringy at all when his voice is filled with sincerity that echoes back in Lance’s heart. ‘Did you like all other presents?’
At this Lance looks up. With wide eyes, he gasps: ‘It was you?’
Fernando blinks. ‘Yes?’
‘I thought they were from Mark Webber.’ Lance admits and now it’s Fernando’s turn to go wide-eyed.
‘Wha- no! Mark was helping me with presents, that’s all. I wanted it all to be secret, so I asked Mark to learn what you like and etc.’ Fernando frowns: ‘Did you want them to be from Mark?’
‘No!’ Lance yells out probably louder than needed. Suddenly all Mark’s weird behavior makes sense in Lance’s head: all the looking at his phone, eyes rolling, general ‘I am tired of this bullshit’ face. ‘No, no, I wanted them to be from you!’
Ah. Lance knows he confessed too much, when Fernando’s frown melts into a cheshire grin. He looks too smug and Lance hates how all he wants to do is just kiss that smirk off his face. ‘You wanted them to be from me?’ Fernando steps closer, finally breaching the distance between them. ‘Good.’
Lance doesn’t dare to breathe. He clenches crafted paper between his fingers, licking his lips nervously. Fernando’s eyes follow the movement, and he leans just a tad bit closer, enough for Lance’s heart to break the ribcage and fall into his arms. ‘Why?’ Lance asks breathlessly.
Fernando meets his eyes and smile so fondly that Lance has a hard time standing still. His hand is back on Lance’s face, this time cupping it gently, eyes shining bright with affection. ‘Why? How can I not, Lance?’ Fernando’s hushed voice brushes over him like a soothing balm. ‘Have you seen yourself? You’re so good, Lance, too good. I wanted to do this for a long time.’
‘Give me presents?’
Fernando chuckles. ‘That as well. But mostly this, being able to touch you like this.’ His thumb strokes tender skin under Lance’s eye. ‘I was scared at first. But then I thought if not now then when? I don’t want to leave this place and I don’t want you to leave it. Corporate politics are important, of course, but…’ Fernando takes Lance’s hand and brings it to his mouth, kissing his knuckles. ‘But you and me, and what we might have – nothing is more important than that.’
If Fernando is not going to stop then Lance will do something extremely reckless. Like kiss him senseless and drop on his knees or ask him to marry him. Taking a deep breath, he wills himself to be normal about this man at least for one fucking second. ‘Fernando,’ he calls. ‘I- I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much for the gifts. I loved every single one of them.’
‘There’s one more.’ Fernando smiles at the way Lance instantly perks up at this. A beautiful silver bracelet with 'F' letter and en emerald pendant. It would look so pretty on Lance. ‘But you will get it only if you go out with me tonight. For dinner.’
Lance gulps. He doesn’t want to assume, but- ‘Dinner on the Valentine’s Day? Is this a date?’
Fernando looks at the bouquet in his hands and then back at him. ‘I’d hope so, yes. Or do you have just friends who send you bouquets on this day and ask you out?’
It’s meant as a joke, obviously, but there’s something underneath it. A tiny spark of possessiveness that has Lance shivering in delight. ‘A date, then.’
Fernando smiles at him with eyes full of love. ‘A date. We’ll go straight from work if you don’t mind.’
Lance shakes his head. ‘I don’t mind.’
Fernando looks at him with such a pleased smile that Lance can’t help but giggle a little, ducking his head down shyly. Fernando’s hands move to his waist, squeezing gently but firmly. He leans in slightly, brushing their noses together. Lance’s breath hitches. Could it be..?
‘Later,’ Fernando promises.
Lance gulps. With his eyes trained on Fernando’s lips, he clarifies: ‘Tonight?’
Lance nods. He lets himself bask I the closeness for few more moments before slowly extracting himself from Fernando’s grip. Holding flowers close, he moves to the door, smiling at the feeling of a warm hand on his back. He turns – he can’t not turn, not glance one more time – Fernando meets his gaze with adoration mirrored back to him. Only it’s there tenfold, mixed with fondness and something hot – Lance can’t really be blamed for his self-control fraying. He turns fully and boldly brings their mouths together, moaning appreciatively when Fernando instantly kisses him back with so much fervor that it steals his breath away. This kiss is everything Lance ever wanted: it makes his knees weak, melts his heart, turns him into a maniac with how much he doesn’t want this to ever stop. Fernando kisses him like he’s making a point, proving something, claiming – Lance kisses back like he won’t ever let go, like he wants to blend them into one.
‘Precioso,’ Fernando mutters, when Lance pulls back with a gasp. He leans in, peppering his face with kisses. ‘Ah, Lance. The things you make me do.’
Lance giggles – a tiny, happy sound that makes Fernando smile affectionately. ‘I’ll see you at dinner,’ he whispers, licking his lips once more just to be a tease. ‘Bye, Fernando.’
‘See you,’ Fernando echoes, eyes blazing with heat that makes Lance want to forget about the work and just stay here forever.
Lance closes the door behind him and takes a deep breath. It’s Fernando. His secret admirer, the one responsible for all the gifts. It’s Fernando, Lance’s crush. Lance takes a steadying breath and clutches the flowers closer to his chest. Yes, he may have lost the promotion, but it feels like he won something much, much bigger in the end.
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bradshawshawaiianshirt · 6 months ago
stuck on the past | part 3
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Ex-girlfriend!Reader
you never thought you'd see Bradley Bradshaw again, especially the way things ended between the two of you. So what happens when he's suddenly back for a special mission and is determined to win you back too?
warnings: angst (ish), adult language, drinking
length: 1.6k
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"Who are you texting?" Bradley looked up from his phone to see Nat sitting down across from him. He'd had a bad day, that was for sure. With training for this mission and almost fighting Hangman earlier, he'd come straight to the cafeteria thinking food might help. Instead, he found himself staring at your texts, wondering if he should message to make sure you still wanted to meet, or if you'd turn him down and his day would hit rock bottom.
He looked up as Nat sat on the bench across from him, "No-one."
Nat rolled her eyes, leaning on the table in between them, "Come on, spill it. I need some drama around here that isn't to do with either Hangman or this mission."
Bradley poked at his food, "You're gonna tell me its a bad idea."
Nat smirked, "Can't be worse than other things you've done,"
Bradley chuckled and put his fork down, "I'm going out with my ex-girlfriend tonight. I think."
"Going out with an ex huh?" Nat shrugged, "Not the worst idea. We've all ran back to an ex once or twice."
"It's not like that." He sighed, "We were together a long time, while I was at Top Gun, haven't seen her in a few years now. Back then I really thought... I don't know. She was the only girl I saw myself making a life with, you know? Settling down."
"So, what happened? She dump you?"
"No." Bradley ran a hand through his hair, "I fucked it up. I ran.. but she didn't try to make me stay. Maybe she saw it coming, I don't know. I just knew I'd end up spending so much time away from her, I couldn't.. She deserved more."
"So... what? You want her back?"
Bradley shrugged, "I don't know. We're both in the same city, first time in years..."
Nat grinned, "It's like the universe is giving you a second chance, right?"
"You think I'm crazy?" Bradley chuckled.
"No." Nat stood, ready to leave, "But you want my advice? Don't fuck it up again."
You looked at your reflection in the mirror. He would be here any minute, and this was the third outfit you'd tried on. You shook your head, you're acting stupid. This wasn't even a date.. was it? It was just dinner. You could do dinner. Glancing at the mirror again, you started to panic. The dress looked good, but was it too dressy? Shit.
Your phone buzzed from your bed. He's here. The dress would have to do now.
You slipped on your shoes and headed downstairs to the front of your building, where Bradley was waiting, leaning against the side of his bronco. When he saw you coming, he grinned, "You look amazing."
Maybe the dress wasn't such a bad idea.
"Thanks." You looked Bradley up and down. He was in jeans and one of his classic Hawaiian shirts, his aviators hanging on the edge of his nose. "You look good too."
He opened the passenger door of the bronco for you and you climbed in. He reached over you to buckle your seat belt and you felt your stomach flip as you looked up at him. He smiled slightly and shut the door. You couldn't give in. You had to be strong.
Focus on the article.
He climbed into the driver's seat and turned on the engine, pulling away from your street, "You still love Italian food?"
You chuckled, "Are you kidding? I will always be down for pasta. Where are we going?"
Bradley smirked, "You'll see."
After a little while, he was pulling into a parking spot right outside the old Italian restaurant on the corner of the street. You almost couldn't believe it, the memories overwhelming you slightly. This had been your go-to for dates with Bradley back in the day. You looked out of your window and back to Bradley as he parked, opening and closing your mouth, unable to figure out what to say.
He turned off the engine, suddenly looking a little sheepish, "I know it's cheesy taking you here, if you wanna go somewhere else-"
"No." you interjected, "I love it here."
His shoulders relaxed and he began to smile, "Remember that time you were sick so I ordered like, five different meals from here and brought them to your place?."
You giggled, you guys had so much left over pasta that day, it practically fed you for the next week. "I remember." You said, "I also remember you trying to pour me a glass of wine and instead spilling it all down my front."
Bradley began to laugh, "That was so embarrassing! What was that, like, our second date too?"
You started laughing too and Bradley watched you, struggling to hold back his own laughter. You were so magnetic, your laugh so real and genuine, he'd missed it more than he thought.
"Yeah." you giggled, "You know, I never got the stain out of that dress, had to throw it away."
Bradley smiled wide as both of your laughter subsided, "Shame. You looked beautiful that night."
You cheeks burned as you both got out of the car and you felt yourself smiling harder than you had in a while.
Focus on the article.
He placed his hand on the small of your back as you both walked inside. It was a small restaurant, with a few seats by the front window and some further towards the back. The host showed you to your seat, right by the large front window. You'd sat here with Bradley before and you felt yourself wonder if he had requested this table especially. He ordered a bottle of wine for you both to share. If it were a first date, you would have been giddy with infatuation.
But it wasn't a first date, not really.
Once the waitress had poured you each a glass and left you to look at the menu, you decided to make a move. "How's the mission going?" You tried to sound as casual as you could.
Bradley gazed up at you from the menu, "Haven't spoken to Maverick, almost got in a fight with Hangman."
You frowned, putting the menu down, "You got in a fight? Are you okay?"
He chuckled, "Yeah sweetheart, I'm fine."
"So Hangman's still an ass?"
"Oh yeah. You remember him huh?"
You nodded, "I remember how much you used to bitch about him at Top Gun. Seems like he hasn't changed."
"Nope." Bradley looked back at the menu and smirked, "Wanna share their mega pasta? Think we can finish it all this time?"
You chuckled, reliving the memory. The restaurant was known for doing massive portions of any pasta you choose, meant for 4 people to share. Last time you and Bradley had barely made a dent in it.
"Sure." you smiled, leaning across the table, "As long as it's spaghetti bolognaise."
When you'd both finished your food, Bradley eating a lot more than he did the last time but still not managing to finish the whole plate, he paid the bill, ignoring your protests. The two of you decided to walk along the beach after that and you felt sparks as your hand brushed his every now and then.
Focus on the article.
"So, uh," you cleared your throat, keeping your eyes trained on the sand beneath your feet, "What's the deal with this mission? Is it dangerous?"
Bradley chuckled, "Why? You worried about me, sweetheart?"
You rolled your eyes, "Bradley."
He shrugged, "All missions are dangerous to some degree." He stopped walking, and you followed his lead, "I had a really good time with you tonight."
You smiled, "I had a good time with you too."
"I was thinking, you never answered my question the other day." You frowned as he continued, "Did you forgive me?"
You let out a puff of air and glanced down at the sand, "I did. After a while."
"Why didn't you ask me to stay?"
You looked up at him, his eyes were glistening in the moonlight, never leaving yours, he looked vulnerable. You shrugged, "You'd been distant for a while. I didn't want to beg you to stay with me and I thought if I did, it might make you run further away."
Bradley sighed, "I regretted it. Leaving you. I always wanted you to know that."
You looked down to the sand, suddenly feeling a lump in your throat. "Everything happens for a reason, right?" You chuckled bitterly.
It had been such a long time since you'd really thought about Bradley and everything that had happened between you. This trip down memory lane suddenly had you feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
Bradley thought back to his conversation with Nat earlier in the day, "I was young and stupid. I never meant to hurt you like I did."
"You're not all to blame. I knew you'd been distant but I never said anything. Maybe if I did, we could have talked about it. Things might not have ended the way they did." You replied, shivering a little as the wind picked up.
Bradley immediately took his Hawaiian shirt off and wrapped it around your shoulders, leaving him in a white undershirt. He pulled you slightly closer to him and you thought your heart might explode. "I don't want to rush things," He said carefully, "but I'd really love to get to know you again. If you'll let me."
You looked up at him. It was on the tip of your tongue to mention the task your boss had given you, to tell Bradley the truth. But looking into his eyes in the dark of the night, his shirt wrapped around you and his fingers gently rubbing circles over your shoulders, you couldn't muster up the courage.
The only thing you could say was, "Yeah. I'd like that."
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