#it's worth checking out for sure if you haven't yet
theanimeroom · 2 days
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synopsis: five men, five women, one villa. with hearts and a $50,000 cash prize on the line, who will win the race to find love?
warnings: love island au featuring: tokyo revengers, blue lock, and jujutsu kaisen, lots of kissing, smut, multi characters × reader, lots of mixed pairings, very random challenges, fluff, slow burns, mentions of cheating, drama, angst, plenty of tears, multi fandom, and playlists included!
a/n: content warnings will be posted with each chapter, so be sure to read thoroughly before indulging! i haven't written a full fic in a while, so any beta readers would be appreciated to make sure that the story comes out as best as it could <3 the story will progress through my own discretion as well as voting at the end of each chapter, so make sure to cast your votes to see how the plot will unfold!
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your heartbeat was erratic as you stood in front of the fire pit and your host, eyes scanning the expanse of the large, beautiful villa that you'd been staying at for the past four weeks.
you still remember the first day that you walked in here; a plethora of pretty faces greeting you with happy smiles and intrigued expressions. you reminisced the way that you were almost as nervous as you are now, eyes wide and palms clammy as you tried to ignore the growing anxiety surging through you. you thought about all the experiences you'd had up until this point, all the friends you made, all the things you learned about yourself, and most importantly, him.
out of everything that you had been through in your time at the villa, one thing that made the whole experience worth it was finally meeting the person of your dreams. you came onto the show thinking that it would be something fun, maybe slightly embarrassing, but fun nonetheless. you never thought that you would come out the end with someone that you could call your own, someone who understood you seemingly better than you knew yourself. despite all the fights, all the tears, and everything in between, you managed to come out the other end okay. happy even.
and you weren't the only one.
your gaze fluttered to your best friend, who stood two people away from you, a proud smile crossing your lips even with your nerves consuming you. you weren't the only person who came into the villa with baggage on their shoulders, yet none of you let it stop you. a brief image of you holding her as she cried into your arms flashed through your mind, the sadness and betrayal leaving her a wreck in your makeup room. you'd thought for a moment that it would be the end of your time together, yet you were happy to see her pull through and find happiness in the end.
everyone here had done their absolute best, even with their rights and wrongs, and that thought alone was enough to quell the queasy feeling building up in your stomach.
"alright islanders, it is officially time," the hosts' voice chopped through the nerve-wracking silence with ease, her calm expression giving no hints as to how the end of the night would go. a long sigh escaped your flared nostrils as you closed your eyes, teeth grazing your bottom lip as you forced your emotions to stay in check.
a soft hand turned your attention to your left, air escaping you as you looked up at the man you could truly say you were starting to love. he smirked at you, his own expression laced with playfulness as he tried his best to calm you down. a large grin spread across your face when you felt fingers interlocking with yours, a gentle squeeze giving you all the reassurance you needed to keep yourself grounded for the time being. your breath halted as he leaned down, lips just barely touching the shell of your ear as he whispered to you softly. "we'll be fine, baby."
you pulled away so you could glance into his eyes, a small nod giving him confirmation that you heard what he said. you trust him, probably more than you should.
"it has been a long, hard journey for those of you remaining," your host started, giving a soft smile to each of the islanders standing on the other side of the firepit. "yet, each of you has managed to find a connection here in the villa. although some of you have been through more struggles than others," you could feel the heat rising onto your face when your eyes made direct contact with hers, a snort escaping you as you laughed with the rest of the islanders that you could now call your best friends. "you all have made it to the finals, and are now in the running for the 50,000 dollar prize on the line."
you subconsciously tightened your grip on his hand at the mention of the prize, your body weight shifting from one foot to the other. you wanted to win, wanted that 50,000 so badly so you could finish your schooling without issues. yet, you were content with whatever outcome was prepared for you. in the end, as long as you had him next to you, you would give up the money in a heartbeat.
"since the start of the show, the country has been voting for their favorite love island couple," each word she spoke left your anxiety spiking, your mind begging her to just hurry up and give the results before your heart exploded from suspense. "but now, they have voted for their official love island winner."
you held your breath as you stared at the host, silence taking over the villa as she picked up a small envelope from the couch behind her. you eyed the paper with angst as she peeled it open slowly, reading the results before looking up at the lot of you behind the fire pit.
you watched as her jaw flexed, a breath getting sucked into your mouth as your heart started to beat so fast you thought it would jump out of your chest.
her mouth opened, eyes scanning the crowd before the first words left her lips. "and the winner... of love island is..."
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probablygoodrpgideas · 8 months
I think Fabula Ultima is a really cool RPG with a lot of great ideas and figuring out a build for a PC seems super fun (haven't character played yet so can't judge) but its bestiary feels so limited and there is so little adivce on how to properly balance homebrew monsters that running the game is just incredibly exhausting to me.
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yuukiiqwq · 5 months
Satoru was confident that you liked him back. He was positive. He had no doubt in his mind that you were going to be his pretty little wife. Is he getting ahead of himself? Sure, he is, but he's that confident. That's until he noticed how he hadn't received any chocolate from you.
It was Valentine's Day, and he still hasn't received any chocolate from you. Yeah, he had a mountain worth of chocolate from all those people who gave him it, but where was yours? He couldn't find it anywhere. He was sure that you would have placed your chocolate on his desk since you hadn't given him his. He double no triple checked all the chocolates, yet he could not find the one that has your pretty little name written on it. He continued to search through the chocolate pile for the fourth time today.
He must have missed it, right? Or did someone steal it? He swear he's going to hunt that person to the end of the Earth. Who dared to steal something that was rightfully his?
"Satoru, calm down."
He looked up at his best friend, who was trying to hold down a laugh at his panic.
"She'll probably give it to you later. The day just begun."
Right. Suguru is right. You'll give him his chocolate later. He's a good boy. He can wait.
That's what he told himself, but Suguru and Shoko have already received theirs this morning, and his is still nowhere to be found. Where is his chocolate? You're just sitting there in your seat, looking all pretty as if Satoru is not going through a huge dilemma because of you.
He couldn't help his hands that kept inching itself closer to the chocolate you gave Suguru. He wouldn't know if he snatched it, right? Suguru had received a lot of chocolate! He wouldn't know if he took it... was what he convinced himself before Suguru slapped his hand away.
"Satoru," he sighs.
"But Suguru!!!" Satoru whined as he sunk down into his seat.
"Be patient. You'll get yours soon."
But how soon is soon? Satoru isn't exactly known for his patient.
It was the end of the day, and still no chocolate from you. He asked Suguru and Shoko to leave first because he thought you would finally give it to him when both of you were alone. But you haven't. Where was his chocolate?
The two of you were approaching the exit of school, so Satoru made a quick decision, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into an empty classroom. He quickly shut the door and locked it.
"Satoru?" You asked in confusion. "What's wrong?"
"My chocolate."
"Your chocolate?"
"My chocolate from you! The symbol of your love towards me!"
"I didn't make you any," you replied smoothly. "Forgot to make them yesterday, so I woke up early today to make them, but I guess not early enough. I only had time to finish Shoko's and Suguru's. I didn't have time to make yours. Otherwise, I would have been late."
Satoru swear the world just ended. He looked down at his chest because he swears his heart ripped out of his chest at your words. Nope. Still alive. Why is he still alive in this cruel world? You had no chocolate for him? None? Not even a crumb?
"That's fine with you, right? I mean, you got a bunch of chocolate from other girls! You don't need mine."
He swear he is about to burst into tears. He didn't care about other girls. He didn't care about their chocolate. He wanted yours. How could you be so cruel and deny him of your chocolate? To reject him like this? He was devastated. No. Beyond devastated. Where is the closest cliff so he can jump off?
Pure silence radiated the room as Satoru tried to comprehend this horrible situation. Then he heard a small giggle slip pass your lips. That small giggle soon turns into a full-out laugh.
"You should have seen the look on your face, Satoru," you say as you try to stop laughing.
Was this funny to you? Why were you laughing at his suffering? Do you know how much he looked forward to today? To receive the cute little wrapped up chocolate you made for him? He dreamed of today, and you didn't have chocolate for him?
He then sees you reach into your bag and pull out exactly what he had imagined. A cute little chocolate box wrapped up in a baby blue color with a touch of white ribbon to finish it off. Fuck. He thinks he just got a heart attack seeing your chocolate. His chocolate.
"Princess, please don't joke like that to me ever again. You scared me half to death. I was going to jump off a cliff," he whined as he took the chocolate from your hand.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his dramatic behavior. "Stop being dramatic, Satoru. It's just chocolate."
A look of offense dawned his face as you utter those horrendous words to him.
"Chocolate? Just chocolate?" He huffed at you. He can't believe you as you treat this amazing god send gift as just chocolate. "Don't you dare call this just chocolate! This! This right here is proof of your undying love towards me!"
You laughed at his antics– "You're getting ahead of yourself, Satoru."
He delicately placed the chocolate safety away in his bag, treating it as a prized possession. He's looking forward towards white day. He already knows what he wants to get for you. He pulled you into a hug, nuzzling his face against your neck as he mutters– "You won't be saying that after I wife you up."
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galedekarios · 5 months
gale & karlach
i think out of all the dynamics between the companions, i've come to enjoy gale and karlach the most over my time with the game. karlach especially bc she's the only one who genuinely seems to care about and for gale.
she repeatedly checks in on him after the orb reveal and doesn't turn it into a joke about slurping carrots, or sipping wine, or wanting him to be gone entirely from the group.
not only does she advocate for him to stay three times, depending on which dialogue path you pick:
gale's background story reveal & the reveal about the netherese orb
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Karlach: Come on. We all have our secrets - and our risks. If Gale leaves, we might as well disband completely. - Karlach: Absolutely. We're all risky in our own ways. We stick together anyway. Right? - Karlach: If having dangerous, otherworldly objects stuck in your skin is wrong, then Gale and I both have to go. We're not really splitting up, are we?
but she's also the only one who repeatedly asks him throughout the game how he is doing, to make sure how he's faring, both in general and with his debilitating condition:
act 2 - shadow-cursed lands banter
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Karlach: Doing all right, Gale? Gale: Oh, you know... Still alive and kicking, despite being surrounded on all sides by an endless manifestation of darkness and decay... devnote: Almost with a sigh. That's just how things are - Grim humour to it. Karlach: I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
act 3 - after mystra stabilised the orb
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Karlach: How's the orb treating you, Gale? Gale: Oh, quite well as a matter of fact. Since it was stabilised, it's been humming along nicely. Gale: I have noticed one adverse side-effect. I seem to be losing hair in some, er, unexpected places. Karlach: I can only imagine.
i think it really bears repeating/stressing that no other companion does this. not one checks in on gale like karlach does, after his affliction has become known to his companions - with the exception of the protag potentially.
karlach also arguably has the strongest reaction in response to mystra's demands in act 2, showing again her care for gale, as well as her protective side:
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Karlach: Aw, was that Gale's granddad? Player: That was Elminster Aumar - the most famous wizard in the realms. Karlach: Huh. Doesn't ring a bell. But all right! Must've had something important to say to Gale, if he came all this way. Good news, I hope. Player: I don't think it was. It turns out Gale has an explosive bomb in his chest - and Mystra has asked him to use it to blow up the heart of the Absolute. Karlach: Whoa, now. He's got a... well, I guess that would explain a little, but... Mystra... I mean, this is a lot to take in. Karlach: What's he going to do? - Player - Option 1: I think he's going to follow through with it. Karlach: Fuck me. There's devotion, and then there's stupidity. If the god of magic can't handle this without sacrificing Gale, she's no god at all. - Player - Option 2: I don't think he'd do that to himself, even if Mystra commanded it. Karlach: Good. I'm one hundred percent sure there's another way to bring down this cult. No true god would ask such a thing from her faithful. That's for certain. Karlach: Poor Gale. He must be in bits after hearing that. I'll distract him. Tell him I haven't read a book since secondary school, watch his face melt off. - Player - Option 3: I'm not sure. I think he's of several minds. Karlach: Well, tell him to pick the right one. Better yet, I'll do it. Fucking wizards, man! They always need help picking the simple, obvious option. Karlach: If Mystra can't think of another way to stop the Absolute than sacrificing Gale, she's no god worth worshipping. I'll say that to Gale - in, you know, gentle terms. - Player - Option 4: You know that bomb in Gale's chest? Mystra has asked him to use it to explode the heart of the Absolute. Karlach: She what?! Is she mad?! - Player - Option 5: Don't worry about it. Karlach: Karlach doesn't worry, she acts. So if Gale needs me, now's the time to tell me.
i particularly like that last response bc it really echoes throughout her relationship with gale ("karlach doesn't worry, she acts. so if gale needs me, now's the time to tell me.").
their banters are often playful, but also genuine. both karlach and gale tease each other, they joke with each other, showing how comfortable they are with each other despite their many differences, but there are also moments of understanding and care between them, allowing them to emphasise with each other:
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Karlach: Man, it's good to be home. First round on who? Gale: She who thirsts buys drinks the first. devnote: Like it's a well-known saying Karlach: You won't pin me down with a rhyme, wizard! devnote: Jockeying with Gale (prob supposed to be Joking with Gale) Gale: She who declines gets the worst of the wines.
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Karlach: Just when I was getting used to the sky again... Gale: Fear not, Karlach. Sun, moon and stars will still be there waiting for us. devnote: Reassuring Karlach: Meanwhile, this place is pretty spectacular, isn't it? Gale: No book or painting could ever do its strange beauty justice. But perhaps our stories might, when we return to the surface. devnote: Agreeing with Karlach, enjoying the sense of wonder as you explore
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Gale: I've always felt flames to be a rather perfect expression of love, Karlach. Gale: Passionate, primal, capable of bestowing the most life-affirming comfort, or inflicting the profoundest damage. devnote: Listing the qualities of fire, Romantic, indulging in the poetry of the image Karlach: That's... pretty nice. Never thought about it like that. But now I will.
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Karlach: Wouldn't mind a dancing axe of my own. Gale: A simple movement charm wouldn't be too hard to apply to such an object. I could conjure one up for you if you like? Karlach: Yes! I like! Gale: Very wel then. Once the city is saved, Karlach's Kinetic Cleaver will be first on my list.
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Karlach: So, Gale - got any book recommendations for me?devnote: With concern Gale: You can read?! devnote: Taking the piss - knows full well Karlach can read, and that she's always claimed not to enjoy it Karlach: Very funny. Yes - I can read. School put me off big boring tomes. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing. devnote: Friendly rather than flirtatious Gale: Say no more - I'll find the perfect book for you. I might even lend it to you from my library in Waterdeep. devnote: Jumping on the opportunity to give a book recommendation (a favourite hobby) Karlach: Ooh! Something with magic, please. And no devils.
even at his most vulnerable moments, karlach is there to support him:
before the stormshore tabernacle audience with mystra
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Karlach: You can do this, Gale. And I'll be right here when you're done.
she allows herself to be protective of him and get angry on his behalf not after when it comes to mystra, but also when he is potentially kidnapped by orin:
karlach's reaction to gale being kidnapped
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Karlach: That bloody freak won't get away with this. That's my wizard she took. And we're going to get him back.
once again, it's a good callback to her previous line: "karlach doesn't worry, she acts. so if gale needs me, now's the time to tell me."
she's willing to be needed by him - and he does need her. whether that is as a friend, or (if you chose to play so during an origin pt) as a romantic partner. it's a lovely dynamic either way.
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pseudowho · 6 months
A Reliable Man
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Sometimes the hero you want, isn't always the hero you need.
A Kiyotaka Ijichi appreciation smutfic.
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, loss of virginity
"Ijichi...can you come and collect me, please?"
"Of course. Just send your location over."
"Ijichi, it's so late. Are you okay to collect me?"
"Don't worry, I've been waiting. Have you eaten?"
"Oh...I haven't. It's alright, I can sort myself out--"
"I'll pick something up. It's no trouble."
"--ah, shit-- Ijichi, call the school-- I need backup, urgently."
"Hold on. Get somewhere safe. I'll call everyone-- anyone. Get to safety. Please."
"Ijichi, I--...I can't thank you enough. I wouldn't have made it out of there if you hadn't called for help. I...I really am sorry."
A pause. A soft sigh.
"...please, don't be sorry. You're out there saving lives. You don't have to be sorry about anything."
...your finger hovered over your phone screen. You saw the time; 10pm. You felt a familiar squirm of shame, disgusted by yourself for demanding so much of Kiyotaka Ijichi.
He was off the clock...you were in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere along the way, you had forgotten how hard he worked; while directing all of the assistants should have been a full time job in itself, Ijichi stepped above and beyond, by sacrificing his time, his effort, his safety, shift after shift after shift.
You tapped your phone against your forehead, eyes closed as you sighed. You decided to walk home. It would take you hours, but it was still better than--
Your phone vibrated in your hand. You looked at the screen.
Kiyotaka Ijichi.
You answered immediately, flustered, the words catching in your throat. Ijichi got there first. His voice, calm, soft, worried.
"I just...thought I'd check in. There aren't any drivers on tonight, but you're out on a mission. Are you home yet?" Tears pricked in your eyes, and you gulped.
"Ijichi.. you're not even at work. What are you doing? Calling me? You need a break." You chastised him. He laughed weakly, apologising in a flurry as you told him off.
"--it's my job to make sure you get hom--"
"--no it's not, Ijichi." Silence on the line. Ijichi waited for you, as he had a hundred times before, "It's not your job to get me home. Not every time. You...why are you...you need a break."
Another soft sigh; another warm pause.
"And I'll have a break," he continued, quietly determined, "when you're home safe. Send me your location. I'm on my way."
He had opened the door for you. Gently laughed off your reproach. The seats were already warm. A hot drink, in a thermos. A snack bar in the glovebox.
Ijichi looked tired; by this point, you weren't sure if that was just his face, but you felt a strange flutter of sweet relief, joy, to be smiled at by him, as if you were worth the late hour and lack of sleep.
Ijichi cast his eyes over you, relaxing, "You're...not hurt. That's good. I'm--...I'm happy to pick you up," he offered, awkwardly, "but I've had enough of scraping you up and dragging you to Shoko."
You felt such prickling uncertainty bubble in you. Why were you suddenly shy in his presence? Why did his eyes casting over you feel so like a caress? Why did you not want the journey to end?
"Dinner," you blurted out, and Ijichi raised his eyebrows, eyes fixed on the road, "we should get dinner. If you've not eaten. I've not eaten. But if you don't want to eat then that's fine too I know it's late--"
"No no no, please don't-- yes, please, dinner sounds...lovely."
You took a moment to look down at yourself; muddy, dirty, bedraggled.
"Uhm...at yours, maybe? We'll order takeout?" You were too busy examining the state of yourself to see the blush that fizzed across Ijichi's sharp cheeks.
"I-- uhm--...sure. Yes. That would be...agreeable."
"So formal, Ijichi."
"Shush. I'm a professional."
"So..." you finished your mouthful, trying not to feel embarrassed about being dressed in one of Ijichi's old t-shirts and sweatpants, "...he really said that? To quit, and get a driving licence?"
Ijichi laughed, his smile parting the clouds and making him look fifteen years younger. You couldn't help but laugh with him, your hand coming to cover your mouth, giggling together on his sofa like teenagers.
Ijichi wiped his eyes, sighing; "Gojo's a force of nature, it's true...but I probably owe him my life. I...feel like I can do more good in my current role, than I could have ever done on the front lines."
Setting down your plate, and wrapping your arms around your knees, you watched Ijichi, fascinated to see him slowly unwind, his loosening coils releasing the stresses of the day. You had never seen him like this...so relaxed. So happy.
You felt another odd squirm, this time a possessive, protective determination that he should never participate in Jujutsu Sorcery. That he should always be safe. You reached out for his hand, stroking his long, smooth fingers in yours.
Ijichi froze, so uncertain about how to react, having never had anyone show interest in him, barely even his parents, let alone a beautiful woman like you--
"You are the lifeblood of the sorcerers, Ijichi," you smiled, "and we'd fall apart without you. I'd fall apart--"
You were close now, almost sat on his lap. Your face was so close to his, that he felt your breath fan against his neck. He couldn't keep pretending he only checked in on you because it was his job. He couldn't keep pretending it barely bothered him when he saw you walk into danger. He couldn't keep pretending he didn't think about you all day and all night--
Ijichi pressed a kiss to your lips so fast, it felt like butterfly's wings. You gaped, wide-eyed, a blush creeping across your cheeks.
"I--I'm so sorry, that was-- that was highly inappropriate of me and I--...mmmfff..."
You had pulled Ijichi in by his collar, continuing the kiss he had started, with such heartfelt sincerity that Ijichi could have cried. You felt the wounds of so many horrible, selfish, unreliable boyfriends past. Ijichi felt the wounds of so many crushes, hopes and rejections past. Neither of you had noticed the treasure beneath your feet for the longest time-- unforgivably long.
Ijichi's hands clenched uncertainly as you kissed him, unsure where they should sit. He happily took your lead, tentatively responding to every press, every fluid movement of your supple lips against his. Only when your tongue swiped across his mouth, did Ijichi groan and respond instinctively, one hand coming up to push his glasses on top of his head, the other snaking to the back of your neck as he tugged you onto his lap.
You had never kissed someone who you knew would fight to the ends of the earth for you, and for whom you would reciprocate without question. A man who appreciated you as you were and wholeheartedly, and about whom you felt the same. A trustworthy man. A sincere man. A reliable man.
You pulled away for a moment, still holding his collar as you straddled his lap, panting against his lips; "Where have you been all my life?"
"In the front seat...just hoping to catch your eye in the mirror."
Crashing your lips against his again, sighing into his mouth, Ijichi's body strained with the heat of your thighs trapping him in. He was desperate to pull his shirt off, to feel your skin on his...except you needed him to act like he knew exactly what he was doing and--
"--wait...wait," Ijichi panted, resting his head against your shoulder, his hair ruffled, a pained grimace on his face. You cupped his cheeks, feeling him, hard and aching beneath you as he squirmed with an uneasy admission.
"I've...I've never-- I haven't--..." Ijichi winced, moving to lean back, mortified and humiliated. You saw his shame start to bubble over, and quickly slammed a lid on the pot. You did not let go of his collar, and did not let him lean back. Instead, you whispered against his lips, enough to make a whimper leave his lips and a drop of pre-cum leave his cock.
"Let's fix that then, shall we?"
Standing, full of divine purpose, you pulled Ijichi to his feet, nuzzling up into his ear until he shivered, his hands ghosting over your hips again.
"My room-- please--" he pressed, smiling into your neck as you laughed, being pushed gently backwards towards his bedroom. Stumbling together into his bedroom, giggling, stealing kisses, and necking like teenagers, you felt yourself thrown back into some sweet young love that you always wanted to have, but never received.
You fell back onto his bed with a bounce and Ijichi stood nervously before you, wanting to follow his instinct to crawl on top of you and bracket you under his arms, but crippled by his lack of confidence. You raised your foot, slipping your toes under his t-shirt and tickling his belly. Ijichi smiled, buckling and grabbing your foot, crawling over you with lovesick eyes. You made it all so easy.
"Ijichi..." you hummed, nosing at his neck, "...whatever your gut tells you to do, is probably right. I trust you. So please, show me what you want."
Ijichi felt shivers down his spine at your open invitation. His fingertips grazed down your plush inner arm, the little squidge of fat between your breast and armpit, the smooth untouched plane beneath your breast. Your eyes fluttered closed, delighted by his reverent touch. His hand gripped your shirt, and you almost felt tears prick in your eyes as he gently shielded your face to pull it off over your head.
Your bra had shifted with wandering hands, and your nipple peeked half-in-half-out, pressed by the edge of the cup. Ijichi ducked his mouth towards it, and you saw him hesitate again. You reached back, undoing your bra and removing it. Your eyes flicked down to his mouth, and back up to his eyes, dark and drunk.
"I'd like that," you whispered, and Ijichi breathed a shuddering gasp of relief before taking your nipple into his mouth, tasting you with open-mouthed sucks and laps. You heard his wet little grumbles of appreciation against your skin, when his hand came up to gently finger the softly yielding squidge of your other breast, Ijichi's fingers playing with your nipple with delighted exploration.
Ijichi was so overstimulated already, so touch-starved, and his cock so rigid, that he felt worryingly close to finishing-- so unable to control his own excitement at exploring someone's body so intimately for the first time. That the body belonged to you, the woman he had been falling in love with for years, was the final nail in the coffin, of him threatening to spill in his boxers.
You felt this in him, already prepared for him to want to curl up and die from embarrassment, if he didn't last. You were thrilled by his worship of you, having been treated as expendable more than once before. Teaching him would be a privilege and an honour. All the while, you failed to see how he taught you the bare basics of being respected and revered by a lover.
Ijichi was finely-tuned to subtle shifts in the atmosphere around him, and he learned quickly what you liked as he took your breasts into his hands and mouth. He felt the flickering of your hips up towards his when he licked you a certain way, and the hairs on his neck stood up to hear the breathy moans from your lips when he countered, pressing his twitching cock down against your clothed pussy.
Feeling a warning trickle of pre-cum, Ijichi pulled away from your breasts with a hiss, wrapped up in need and barely ashamed to hear himself beg you; "--please, I-- gosh, I'm sorry so sorry-- not going-- not going to make it--"
You kissed him again, soft and reassuring, as you finished unbuttoning his shirt. Ijichi moaned, long and shaking, as you draped his tie around your neck, the tails trailing over your wet-nippled breasts.
"God, you're lovely," he blurted out, blushing as you laughed, your head thrown back in genuine joy.
"Not nearly as lovely as you, beautiful man," you purred, ecstatic to see Ijichi's blush deepen when he moved to hide his face, his nose nuzzling in unbridled affection against your neck. Pushing his shirt off his slim shoulders, you raised your feet to hook around his trousers, looking at him with a playful glint.
Ijichi raised his eyebrows in question, and cried out to feel you push his trousers and boxers down, shivering as his cock bobbed out, red-tipped and wet with pre-cum. Ijichi quaked to feel the cool air hit his length, a drip of pre-cum dropping onto your belly.
You felt Ijichi tensed, brittle above you, and knew he risked spilling in your hand if you touched him. Still, you trailed your hand down his belly, nails grazing in the barely-there black hair, before slowly encircling his cock, hot and heavy in your hand.
Ijichi saw stars, his own hand the only one his skin had even known, and groaned into your neck, instinctively bucking into your grip; "--ooohhh, f--...gosh," he whined against you, coughing in alarm as you giggled again, your fingers tightening almost imperceptibly around his length. Your other hand pushed down Ijichi's borrowed sweatpants and your panties.
"...are you ready?" You asked Ijichi, smiling at his enthusiastic nod. You rolled the head of his cock between your folds, wet and warm, and Ijichi's arms almost buckled with the bliss and promise.
You guided Ijichi into you, squeaking as he bucked into you, bottoming out in one thrust. Ijichi snapped, cursing in a way that was so alien to the Ijichi you had always known. He gasped, one hand reaching down to sink into the side of your hip, relishing the way you jolted beneath him as he filled you with ragged thrusts.
Never had a man been so captivated by you. The feeling of Ijichi's inexperienced desperate rutting, was so vastly outweighed by the enthusiasm with which he treated your body. By the time you rolled your hips in time to meet his thrusts, pushing his cock deeply enough that you felt the first hot stirs of pleasure in your belly, Ijichi was crumbling around you.
"--please please please...please please please-- oohhhh fuck-- ooohhh fuck a condom, shi--"
Ijichi came with a strangled cry, so lost in his base instinct to cum inside you, that he couldn't help but let his seed spill into you, in ragged, disjointed bucks. You drank in the bliss on Ijichi's face...slowly seeing it morph into horror, and you were quick to reassure him, peppering kisses on his lips and cheeks.
"You're okay, it's okay...I'm on protection, shhh it's okay, I loved it, I loved it--"
"God I forgot all about you--"
"---you didn't, you did so well, and besides, we've got all night--"
"All ni...? Oh...oh. All night," Ijichi smiled, absolutely burning with adoration, as you burned for him. Your eyes flickered up to his head, and you pressed a hand over your mouth, eyes sparkling.
"...your glasses are still on your head, Ijichi."
"Ah! Oh...gosh."
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freakyformula · 3 days
How could I say no to such a pretty plea...
Summary: Reader and Max "wind down"
Writers comment: I've been wanting to do a Max fic for so long now and I finally got to it lmfao
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, praise kink, smut without a plot, google translated dutch, oral (both receiving), fingering, not proofread
Word count: 1,1k
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"Max, please…" You whine as you look down at him between your legs.
His mouth was attached to your drenched cunt, working you up towards another orgasm.
"You're so beautiful, liefje. My good girl." He says as he dives down again, preparing you for him.
You feel him sucking on your clit, and then he adds a finger, teasing your entrance.
It slowly slips in and you both moan in unison.
"So fucking wet for me." He says in awe and curls his finger toward your sensitive spot, making you roll your eyes back and see stars.
As he adds another finger, you feel the stretch, but it's a nice and very welcome feeling.
"More…" You ask of him.
"Patience, love." He states.
He's good with his hands, there's no denying it. He knows exactly how to make you feel good. Something you hadn't experienced with any man before.
Max pumps his pointer and middle finger in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace. You grab his wrist out of instinct to pull him and his fingers closer, deeper. Then, he pulls out of your sopping pussy, making you grunt disapprovingly.
He knows exactly how to tease you and you can confirm that his antics work.
"Only good girls get to cum." He says with a smirk on his face, leaning back.
"I am! Please, I'll be a good girl for you, Max."
"To prove it, I'll give you a task. Now, wait here."
And with that, Max gets out of the bed and undresses in record time. You take a moment to admire his naked body and Max takes notice, posing for you.
"Like what you see?" He beams at you.
You nod, biting your lip.
He crawls back into bed and grabs your face and squeezes your cheeks, making your jaw fall open.
"Open up wide for me, you want to be good for me, don't you?"
And you do as you're told and open even wider.
He brings his cock to your mouth and you close the space between his tip and your lips. Max surely enjoys the treatment as he leans back on his back.
As you bob your head up and down, you also grow bolder, going deeper. When you feel his tip at the back of your throat, you start gagging. Max's head springs up to look at you in an instant.
He smiles at you, "Just a little deeper, okay, mijn schat?" He asks of you.
You look up at him with hooded eyes, sucking on him languidly, feeling his hands at the back of your head. He isn't pressing you down, but rather guiding you further down on his length. You haven't even worked down half of his cock yet.
You take a deep breath and manage to swallow his member just a little bit further down, gagging, struggling, and desperate to make him feel good. Max pulls you off him after a couple of seconds and you gasp for air. You repeat the same procedure a couple of times.
"I-I'm close." He admits as he pulls you off him one last time.
He sits up on his knees and hovers over you, making you fall back on your back as you straddle his hips.
"Do you feel ready for me?" He checks in as he idly plays with your clit and adds a couple of fingers into your heat.
"Max, please, need you." You breathe out.
"How could I say no to such a pretty plea…" He answers as he gives his cock a couple of pumps and lines himself up with you, adding some lube to his tip.
You could swear that you'd never get used to Max's size. He wasn't just long, he was also thick. The first time you did it you thought he wouldn't fit but after a couple of attempts, it worked.
"I'm so sorry for hurting you, liefste. The pain will be worth it." He tries to comfort you.
As he works his tip into you slowly, you tense up and whimper, making it impossible for him to get in.
"Shhhh, relax." He leans down and peppers kisses all over your face. His gesture makes you relax just enough for him to slide in, if only just a couple of millimeters, but enough for you to yelp.
He watches your contorted face and holds your head in his hands.
"Deep breaths… I wish I could do something to make this easier." He looks down at you with pity in his eyes.
You focus on your breathing and on Max's face, giving him a pained smile.
When he pulls out and penetrates you a little further, you scream out in pain. Your pussy was on fire, it felt like. Sliding your hand down between your bodies and to the place you were connected, you felt him pumping his tip in and out of you carefully. You start circling your clit to feel some sort of pleasure and you quickly feel the familiar feeling of ecstacy building up. The pleasure helps you relax your body, helping him on his journey into you.
When you feel ready, you pull him a little closer with your legs.
The burning sensation wasn't as intense as before, you start to actually enjoy him pushing his way deep inside of your tight pussy.
"Mijn god..." He whispers in your ear.
As he bottoms out, you grunt loudly, enjoying the feeling of him in you.
He looks at you for approval to move and as you give him a quick nod, he starts to pump into you slowly, still taking care not to hurt you.
"You feel so good, Y/N, I won't last long." He breathes out.
"Please, please, please..." You shant.
He slides out and picks you up with his strong arms, turning you around. You end up on your hands and knees, much to Max's liking, giving him a good view of your body. This was your favourite position and you were sure he enjoyed it as much.
Before you can comprehend that you've even turned around, you feel him sheathing his cock inside of you again.
Max and you moan out in pleasure, with him pumping into you and holding you close. He slides his hands down to your lower stomach, feeling his cock deep within you through the skin.
You feel yourself getting closer again as he starts playing with your clit and picking up the pace even further.
"Cum with me, yeah?" He asks.
"I'm close!" You yell out.
And with a couple of final thrusts, you feel Max's cock twitching and you tumbling over the edge. You both scream out your orgasms and grab each other for some sort of stability.
As you come down, Max collapses on top of you, clearly tired, just like you.
"That was..."
"...Amazing." You finish with a smile.
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dunnerlars · 2 months
always attract - matthew tkachuk
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pairing: matthew tkachuk x fem!reader summary: matthew mistakenly tells your brother that you're his date to his wedding. word count: 5.7k warnings: none? i don't think a/n: this is my fic for @sc0tters for the #the summer fic exchange 2k24 hosted by the wonderful @wyattjohnston! i haven't written in forever so this was fun to dive into- and it's not beta'd because i'm terrified to ask someone to look it over so all mistakes are my own 😅
Matthew 🐀: I know its 5am for you but i think fucked up
Matthew 🐀: Will you be my date to your brothers wedding
The text has you blinking rapidly as you check the time, your phone bright in the dark of the room. Why the fuck is he up right now? Squinting, you see it’s just past 5am and groan, falling back into bed and wondering what the fuck Matthew’s even talking about. It takes a second for you to put everything together, mind failing to keep up with the words date, wedding, and brother.
Me: Sorry what??? What are you talking about
Matthew 🐀: we’re at connor’s bach party and leon asked if i had a date yet and i might’ve told connor you were going to be my date
Me: It’s 5AM 
Matthew 🐀: i know we’re heading back to the hotel now but Please b my date
Me: What did connor say?
You huff and roll over, sitting up to turn the light on your nightstand on. Matthew hadn’t responded back yet and you quick to type:
Me: Is he pissed??
Matthew 🐀: its hard to tell w him you know? So what do you say? Date? To the wedding? pleaseeeeeeee
Suddenly a knot forms in your stomach at the thought and despite it not being your fault you feel guilty for Connor thinking you were hiding something from him. Matthew is your friend….He wouldn’t be the worst date. Might as well get something out of it.
Me: What’s in it for me?
Matthew 🐀: literally whatever
Having a favor from Matthew could come in handy at some point, you think. And it could be worth all of this fucking nonsense he’s putting you through at now 5:22am. 
Me: Fine, but you owe me a no-barred favor. I can ask for whatever, whenever I want no matter what.
You pause-
Me: How did this even happen?
Matthew 🐀: i’ll explain tomorrow and we can figure out details!!! Thnks babe 😘
Rolling your eyes, you set your phone back down on the nightstand and sigh. It’s almost too much to think about how quickly Connor and Matthew had become close over the last couple of weeks. You’d thought for sure there would be some residual hate from the Panthers Cup win but then Matthew had invited Connor out to his day with the Cup and it was love at first bro hug or whatever excuse they used. And despite the invites going out months ago, Connor had finagled an invite for Matthew and now here you were.
Ever since your move to southern Florida last year, your growing friendship with Matthew had always bugged Connor so it was funny to you now, seeing the tables turned. 
The vibration of your phone breaks you from your thoughts and you prepare yourself for another text from Matthew only to be surprised to see it’s a text from your brother.
Connor 👼🏻: So Tkachuk huh?
Deciding it was far too early to deal with this anymore, you turn the phone over and will yourself back to sleep.
It’s the next day when Matthew requests to FaceTime you, your phone ringing with a video call as you step outside to your backyard and get settled on a patio chair.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Matthew greets, his grin the most endearingly annoying thing about him.
“You don’t have to use lines on me, Matthew. I’ve already said yes,” you remind him, eyebrows raised as you try your best to glare at him. You take stock of his surroundings and frown. “Are you back in St. Louis already?”
“Yeah, I had a charity thing scheduled with my dad for tonight so I flew back late yesterday.”
“Oh.. Hope you’re not too hungover.” 
He shrugs and regroups, sliding his sunglasses up into his curls. “I’m alright. So-,” he starts but you cut him off.
“I need you to explain to me what happened last night before we figure out everything else.” It’s something you’ve tried to piece together and you still haven’t texted Connor back, afraid you might break Matthew’s cover.
“Alright, that’s fair,” he nods, “We were walking back from a bar and Leon asked if I had a date to the wedding, since it was short notice that I was going. And the way he asked- it just really bugged me. Like his tone? I dunno. It just rubbed me wrong. And the guys were making shitty comments. Whatever.”
You know the tone Matthew’s referring to, grateful you’ve never been on the receiving end. Leon was a hard one to crack and it’d taken you at least a year to wear him down. Nodding at him to continue, he shifts his eyes and you can tell he’s embarrassed. 
“So obviously I told them I had a date and they stopped and it was fine- until your brother pulled me back from the group and asked who I was bringing, so he could tell Lauren, and I panicked and said you,” he mumbles the next part, your ears straining to pick up the words, “And I might've mentioned we’ve been dating.”
You pause, wondering if Matthew just said what you think he did and yeah- he did. He at least has the nerve to look sheepish, apologetic. “Dating? Are you… What? Matthew!”
“Look, I was on the spot okay! And drunk! And it’s not like it’s out of the question. You’re one of my best friends. My mom loves you, I swear you talk to my sister more than I do. I can go on,” he shoots you a pleading look.
“Well when you put it that way, sure. I guess.”
“You guess? You know I’m right.”
Sighing, you nod. “Fine. Whatever. Did you give him any details? I can’t imagine Connor didn’t have a million questions, I tell him everything.”
“What do you mean everything?”
“Matthew, that’s not the point. Did he question you at all?” 
“No. Just patted me on the shoulder and we caught up with everyone else.”
That’s…. Weird. And out of character for your brother, who’s nosy as fuck when it comes to your personal life. Maybe he already thinks it’s all a lie. Or is just actually super pissed, which isn’t any better. Would this even be worth it? How often would a favor from Mattew come in handy? Okay, actually pretty handy. He’s got money, connections. Could be good to have for things you don’t wanna ask Connor for… Ugh.
Glancing up, you catch Matthew waiting for you to say something and his curls catch the back light of the St. Louis sun from behind him, casting an almost halo glow around his head. His eyes are bright, sunglasses still tucked up on the top of his head. Two front teeth catching his bottom lip and biting and God, he’s pretty. 
Maybe this wasn’t the worst idea. What could go wrong? 
“Alright, let’s figure this out…”
It’s hours later when you finally work up the nerve to call Connor, lying in bed after a long day. Since he hadn’t questioned Matthew for details, it was easy enough to make up a backstory for you and Matthew: it’s only been a couple of months, things aren’t serious but they’re fun and easy and you both like each other enough that it’s exclusive. Which was all real except that when you hung out, it just wasn’t a date. Because you weren’t dating. Nope.
The call finally connects, sure you were almost going to get his voicemail, and Connor greets you with, “Thanks for letting me know you’re alive.”
It’s easy to tell by the tone of his voice, short, quick and void of any emotion, that he’s disappointed because it’s the voice you know he uses when he loses a game he felt they should’ve won.
“You’re mad.”
“And why am I mad?”
“Because I found out you’ve been secretly dating Tkachuk behind my back, from him? Why did I have to find out from him and not you, my own sister? Was this going on throughout our entire Cup series? Or has it been longer?”
“Matthew lying to me is- It’s whatever. You’re my sister. Why didn’t you tell me? What about telling me made you straight up lie when I’ve asked you about your trips up to wherever the fuck the Panthers play? Or when he’s down there with you?”
Fort Lauderdale your mind supplies but you know it won’t do any good to say so.
“You always made it seem like it was just buddies when you told me you were meeting with him for lunch or whatever, someone that reminded you of home, but I guess that’s what made it so easy, huh?” The heat in Connor’s voice has petered out, like he’s figuring it all out and he sighs. “Fuck. I’m sorry. This is probably why you didn’t want to say anything to me.”
“It really was just friends, Con. I promise,” you tell him. “Then… I dunno. Things just got more real. I didn’t want to see anyone else and he didn’t either. It’s only been a couple of months, I swear.”
“So, through the series, huh?”
Connor lets out a long breath, like he’s deciding his next words carefully. “I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell me. I get it. It wasn’t the best reaction.”
“No shit,” you laugh.
“But you’re coming to the wedding together?” You hear someone shout in the background and grin when you recognize Lauren’s voice. “Lauren wants to know if she should switch your escort down the aisle to Chucky.”
“I mean,” you pause, thinking. It would be nice to know who was walking down with you, one of Lauren’s second cousins or something was supposed to be your escort but having Matthew on your arm would be nice. “Yeah, sure. As long as it doesn’t fuck anything up on her end.”
Connor grunts, “As if Lauren would let anything fuck that day up. It’s fine. Let Chucky know for us, yeah? She’s making the calls already.”
“Alright. Thanks, Con. And tell Lauren thank you too.”
“Will do. Love ya, kiddo. Sorry I freaked out.”
You roll your eyes. Brothers. 
“Love you too. I’ll text you once I talk to him.”
Lauren and Connor both shouted their goodbyes as you hung up.
Me: So you’re gonna be my escort down the aisle next week in the wedding 🙂
Matthew 🐀: Fuck you
Me: You wish
Matthew 🐀: well yeah
Of course he didn’t mean it like that- Matthew always down for a joke, and you calm your racing heart, gulping down some water.
So now you not only have a fake boyfriend but also said (fake) boyfriend was going to walk you down the aisle at your brother’s wedding. In a week. Great.
You fly into St. Louis. The plan was to meet up with Matthew on the Saturday before the wedding and then you’d fly up to Toronto and drive up to Muskoka together on Wednesday. Trying to keep up appearances, Matthew had said. Thankfully the flight from Miami to Missouri wasn’t too terrible, even if the lady that was sat next to you had a perfume on that made you nauseous. 
Matthew had texted you that he was idling on the curb, waiting, and once you had your bags, you headed outside into the muggy heat. The loud honk of a horn coming from a giant black SUV startles you and Matthew rolls down the window with a laugh, “Come on, they’re gonna make me move again.”
It was tempting to make him squirm but you caught the eye of one of the traffic guards and scurry forward, dumping your bags into the backseat before jumping into the passenger’s side. 
“Hey,” he grins, turning on his blinker before merging onto the road. “Seatbelt please.”
The quietness of the truck surprises you as you buckle your seatbelt, having expected some kind of rap music or sports podcast to be playing through the speakers. Or at least that’s what he normally was listening to when you’d meet up in Miami, and he’d pick you up at your apartment. The silence was comfortable though, the quiet hum of the AC and the tapping of Matthew’s fingers against the steering wheel filling the cab. His posture was relaxed, slouched in the driver’s seat.
Matthew swats lightly at your thigh, pulling your attention away from the window, “You should let Connor know you’re here.”
Digging through your bag, you search for your phone and fire off a quick text to the group chat with your brother and parents that you’d made it safely to St. Louis and were with Matthew, heading back to his house.
“So, how was the flight?”
Well it was fine in the sense that nothing went wrong and there weren’t any screaming babies and you managed to fall asleep since you’d been up at the ass crack of dawn to make sure you got to the airport in time but- Well. Your dreams had been filled with flashes of Matthew’s smile and his laugh and how he always managed to make you feel better after a bad day at work and he’d called just to say he was bored and was wondering what you were doing and, and and-. 
Where was this even coming from?
You obviously couldn’t say all of that so you shrug, “It was okay. The lady next to me must’ve bathed in perfume because I almost gagged but I pulled a mask on and managed to fall asleep against the window.”
Matthew whistles in sympathy, “God that’s always the worst.”
Nodding, you chew on your bottom lip and turn to face him in your seat and get a good look at him. “You look nice.”
And he did. There was something different about him and you weren’t sure if it was the glowing tan that covered his neck and arms, the blonde that was starting to weave its way into the curls that sat neatly on his head, or just the ease at which he was holding himself but he looked different. Maybe part of it was the fact that the last time you’d seen Matthew in person was right after the Panthers victory and he’d been dog tired and worn out, bushy beard and clothes hanging off his frame. This Matthew was refreshed and had a Stanley Cup under his belt, carefree and like nothing could bring him down. 
Matthew glances at you quickly, a sly smile overtaking his face. “Yeah? Well, gotta look good for my girlfriend ya know? Figured I’d shower, at the very least.”
“Your parents don’t think we’re dating, right?”
Matthew’s quick to shake his head with a honking laugh, “Nah, I explained to them what happened. My mom’s excited to see you again though. And Taryn.”
“Not your dad?”
Pulling off the highway, he chuckles and shrugs. “Big Walt’s not home. He’s on some golf trip for the week.”
It’s hard not to let your relief show. Keith wasn’t your favorite person and taking him out of the equation of this short trip was a small victory you were willing to celebrate. To yourself.
“Cool cool cool.”
“It’s okay that you don’t like him,” Matthew assures you as he pulls up to what you can only assume is his parents home. It wasn’t familiar to you in the way Matthew’s St. Louis home was becoming from all of the play-by-play videos he’s sent during his off time, describing the day he’s had while grabbing his mail, or going for a walk around the neighborhood while telling you about the latest update on Brady’s incoming baby or what he was going to have for dinner.
“I don’t like how he treats you,” you remind him, voice quiet.
It was no secret to Matthew how you felt about his father. You couldn’t even begin to count how many times you’d heard Keith put him down through solo interviews or in passing comments from Matthew or even Tayrn, when she’d call to tell you about another argument the two of them had that she’d overheard.
Matthew nods, grimacing. “Well, we don’t have to deal with him while we’re here. Come on, let’s head in before my mom wonders why we’re sitting out here instead.”
The rest of the day was uneventful. You and Taryn hang out in the backyard with White Claws while she tells you horror stories from her last semester at college and Matthew flits in and out, helping his mom with dinner while also trying to get the juicy gossip. It was comfortable, even if the St. Louis air was sticky with humidity and dinner went by quickly and soon enough, you were back in Matthew’s car heading to his place.
“Well this is nice. Not as nice as the one in Florida but- nice,” you whistle, taking in the coziness of Matthew’s home. There was an overstuffed couch in the center of the living room, a coffee table littered with sports magazines, and further back you could see the kitchen with deep brown cabinets and hardwood floors to match. “Very cozy.”
“Yeah, my mom took care of most of it during the season. I just sent a bunch of pictures of things for her to copy,” Matthew shrugs, nodding up the stairs. “Uh, guest rooms are up there. You tired?”
“Really fucking tired.”
“Come on then, up we go.”
Matthew led the way up the stairs, carrying your suitcase. The temptation to smack his ass was a hard one to quell but you just barely managed when you hit the landing. 
“So,” he points to the left. “That room I use as an office but it’s got an en suite. Bed’s kinda small though.” Pointing to the right, he glances at you before speaking. “That one’s closest to my room. Bigger bed. No bathroom though.”
“Well obviously I’m taking the bigger bed.” You nudge his arm with yours, taking the suitcase and heading towards the room. “So, plans for tomorrow: Taryn said something about getting lunch? I don’t know if you’re invited. Also you’ve gotta take me to that bakery here you’ve been talking about for months so I can judge the almond croissant you’ve deemed better than the ones from True Loaf. Which are the best. Obviously.”
As you dig through your suitcase in search of pajamas, you glance up to see Matthew leaning against the doorway with a weird smile on his face as he looks at you. “You good?”
“Yeah, just-,” he pauses, crossing his arms over his chest. “Glad to have you here. It’s been a while.”
“Happy to be here. Boyfriend.” You shoot him a wide grin, hoping it covers up the clear nervousness you’re feeling now that you’re settling in. Sleeping in his house.
Matthew snorts, shaking his head. “See you in the morning.”
The rest of your time in St. Louis was kind of great, all things considered. Matthew was an attentive host and Taryn and Chantal were eager to fill your time- from gossiping about the league, to things you needed to check out the next time you were in town. And Chantal had made you promise that you would- come back, that is, on your last night in St. Louis with the four of you crowded around the table in the backyard of Matthew’s house, sharing a bottle of wine and embarrassing stories.
You’d had to double, and triple check, with Matthew to make sure his mom or sister didn’t think the two of you were actually dating, especially when promises were being made to come back.
He’d just shrugged and said, “They just like you. I like you. Jeez, do people not tell you they like you?”
You were kind of bummed to be leaving as you packed your bag the morning of the flight up to Toronto, Matthew’s obnoxious singing ringing loudly throughout the house. After combing through the room a third time, you deemed it free and clear of your belongings and headed down the stairs, rolling your suitcase next to Matthew’s and chuckled at the sight before you as you turned towards the kitchen.
Singing horribly out of tune with Dancing Queen blasting on his phone’s speaker, was Matthew dancing like an idiot around the island in the center of his kitchen, eyes closed and belting the lyrics.
The live concert comes to an end, Matthew scrambling to pause the music. “Sorry,” he replies, ears tinged red in embarrassment. 
“Hey no complaints from me, but Taryn’s gonna be here in a minute,” you remind him, the fond smile on your face giving away far too much.
Matthew pockets his phone, nodding. He holds your gaze for a second before asking, “Come here?”
As soon as you’re a couple of steps away, Matthew pulls you into his chest and you go with a surprised oof.
“Thank you. For doing this.”
You turn your head into his chest, ear pressed against where his heart was and find comfort in the timed beating while you nod. “You’re welcome,” you mumble, turning your chin up and glancing at him.
Your gazes lock, his blue eyes searching yours. For what, you’re unsure but he seems to find the answers he’s looking for a short minute later, because he gives you another squeeze and steps back, letting out a breath. 
“I’ll grab the bags if you can shut the lights off?”
You’re already on it as Matthew walks away, flipping the switch in the kitchen and checking the backdoor to make sure it’s locked. The living room lights are next, and you meet him at the front door, catching Taryn’s car parked on the curb waiting. 
The drive to the airport is short, the early morning hours more forgiving with traffic and after giving Taryn a quick hug and a promise to text her when you both landed, you stepped away to give her and Matthew some privacy while dropping your bags at the kiosk outside. 
“Ready?” He asks, as you both wave goodbye to Taryn as she pulls away from the curb. 
“Let’s do this.”
The flight is smooth for how short it is, 2 hours passing by quickly. Arriving in Toronto is a nightmare, as usual, and Matthew spends over 30 minutes at the rental car desk trying to figure out where your reservation went. Eventually it gets sorted out and you’re on the road, tucked into the passenger seat of a sports car that you didn’t ask for. 
“If I fall asleep, don’t get mad at me please,” you yawn, pulling your feet up under you to get comfortable and leaning on the center console.
“Want me to turn the radio down?” Matthew doesn’t wait for your answer, his hand going for the volume knob but you stop him, your fingers wrapping around his wrist.
“No, it’s good. I know it helps keep you awake.” Pulling your hand away from his slowly you tuck it underneath your head and nudge your forehead against his arm. “Thank you for driving, by the way.”
“Happy to, honestly. Driving helps me clear my head,” he tells you, glancing down and shooting you a grin.
You’re tempted to ask what’s going on with him- he’s been acting a little out of character since this morning but sense that he’s not ready to talk about it, so you just hum in acknowledgement and turn into your arms, willing for sleep to find you.
Thankfully you manage to fall asleep on the ride up, a small 2 hour nap doing the trick because you wake up feeling rested.
The cottages were set on the lake in Muskoka where everyone would be staying for the wedding and you and Matthew were set to share one with your parents with Connor and Lauren next door in the one they own and spend his off season in. 
Your mom and dad are sat on the front porch in a set of rocking chairs as Matthew pulls up and  you’re quick to jump out of the car once it stops, calling out to them as they wave to you in greeting while he grabs the bags out of the trunk, “Long time, no see!”
Once hellos and introductions are done, with your dad and Matthew bonding what feels like instantly and your mom hugs you so hard you almost can’t breathe, the four of you make the small trek over to Connor and Lauren’s for dinner after dropping your bags off.
Dinner is comfortable, Matthew sat on your right with his arm draped across the back of your chair the whole time. Connor doesn’t give you two any weird looks and you count it as a win as you settle down for the night, avoiding talking about the fact that there’s only one bed in the room while you both brush your teeth. 
“I forget how involved these things are,” Matthew says, leaning against the counter watching while you finish washing your face.
“Weddings? Yeah, I mean. I think this is a little different, though,” you laugh, pat drying your face. “Lauren’s dialed everything up to a thousand for it.”
Matthew nods, thinking about it. “I’ve noticed,” he finally answers with, nudging you out of the bathroom. 
“And there was one bed,” you dramatically announce, sweeping your arms around the room and Matthew honest to god giggles which causes you to start giggling, both of you falling into a heap on the bed, trying to catch your breath.
Clearing his throat, Matthew grunts, “We’re adults, we can share a bed. Right?” His head turns towards yours and you swallow, realizing how close the two of you are. 
If you scooted an inch closer, you’d be able to tilt your head up and press your lips to his and- No.
“Right,” you finally manage to mumble out.
The air is stilted while you both turn down the bed, shuffling under the covers once the light is out and you make sure to stay tucked to your side of the bed, legs curled under you and knees almost hanging off the bed.
This was going to be a long weekend.
From morning yoga to late night barbecues, swimming and then rehearsals, you were exhausted. Not to mention keeping up appearances with Matthew: hand holding, arms wrapped around waists, and too many forehead kisses to count were wearing on you. It was starting to feel real and thinking about what was to come when the weekend was over and you’d go your separate ways was overwhelming.
If you were being completely honest with yourself, which was hard enough, was that the last week or so with Matthew had been nothing short of amazing. You didn’t date, really ever. It was hard enough being Connor McDavid’s sister and trying to figure out if someone actually wanted to be with you vs. wanting to know your brother and the perks it comes with but, with Matthew that didn’t exist. You didn’t have to question why he wanted to be around, and while yes, you know each other because of Connor, you were friends in your own right.
The morning of the wedding came quickly, finally managing to get a solid amount of sleep and it was easy to figure out why when you accounted for the fact Matthew’s chest was beneath your cheek when you woke up. So far you’d both managed to keep separate throughout the night, at least as far as you could tell since he was up before you most mornings so this was surprising. 
Matthew shifts beneath you and you peer up as he blinks his eyes open, gaze catching yours. “Sorry,” you mumble, about to roll away when he catches you by the waist to hold you tight to him.
He groans deep in his chest as he stretches out and settles back against the pillows, content with a smile. “Mmm, don’t apologize. This is nice,” he tells you, thumb rubbing against the bare skin of your arm.
You hum in agreement before catching the time on the alarm clock opposite of you and sigh. “It is, but I’ve gotta get up. Bridesmaids duties call and if I’m late, Lauren will murder me and I’ve been having a nice time so I’d like to not ruin that.”
“I have too,” Matthew agrees, “I was nervous at first but it’s been kind of- fun? And having you around hasn’t been too terrible either.”
You pinch him in the side at that and he squawks, shuffling away. “Alright, alright. Damn,” he laughs, jumping out of bed. “I ruined the mood, I get it.”
A knock sounds on the door, your mother’s voice ringing out on the other side. “Sweetie, Lauren just called to make sure you’re awake. We’ve gotta head over soon.”
“I’ll be down in five,” you call back, throwing the covers off and shooting Matthew a glare. 
His hands come up in surrender and you laugh, closing the bathroom door behind you.
You don’t have to do much before leaving, since the ladies are getting ready over at Connor and Lauren’s cottage and the guys are coming here. Washing up and grabbing your bag, you blow a sarcastic kiss to Matthew on your way out and he rolls his eyes and catches it before you leave and your mother just laughs, teasing you for how cute the both of you are. 
The wedding is beautiful, as expected. The guest list is full of people who you’ve known most of your life, who have supported Connor throughout his career, and you’re immensely proud of the person he’s become.
You stand at the altar among Lauren’s best friends and watch your brother get married, near tears, seeing how happy he is. How happy they both are- you’re gaining a sister in her and it’s all kinds of crazy magical, how everything’s come together and that includes having Matthew as your date because he’s been kind of the best. 
Once dinner is done, the cake is cut and the happy couple has come through and been announced and their first dance out of the way, the dance floor opens up and everyone lets loose. The DJ is fun and plays throwback after throwback and Matthew keeps close to you, offering to refill your drink or ask if you need a break when slow songs come on. Eventually you do, toeing off your shoes and hiding them under your chair before slumping into the table. 
“I am pooped,” you whine, blowing your hair out of your face and groaning into your arms. 
“It’s a little early to be tapping out, babe,” Matthew chuckles, finishing off his beer. 
“God, I know. Lauren will kill me if I leave early,” you glance around the dance floor for her and see Celeste behind her, arms wrapped around each other's necks and you smile. “Are you having fun? I’m not keeping you from anything? I know the guys are around here somewhere.”
Matthew’s quick to shake his head, nudging his knee with yours. “Nope, nowhere else I wanna be.” He licks his lips and you track the movement, mesmerized. “And yeah, lots of fun. You’re not too bad of a date.”
You snort, “Thanks. Really appreciate that.”
A few songs later and a discussion of the rest of your summer plans gone, you both join the dance floor again when a slow song hits. Matthew’s hands slide low on your waist and your hands clasp behind his neck, swaying to the beat. The music is soft and you can hear the nighttime noises from the woods behind you, the lapping of the lake against the dock that’s not too far away. It’s calming and Matthew pulls you a little closer, your head just close enough to rest against his chest.
“Have you thought about the favor you want when this is all done?” He wonders, keeping his voice low so only you can hear.
Honestly you’d forgotten all about the deal you’d made- it wasn’t exactly a hardship to play fake girlfriend to Matthew because it wasn’t all that different to how you normally interacted with him. But now that you’re thinking about it, maybe there was something you wanted. More time.
You tell him honestly, “Yeah. Later though,” and tuck your face back into his chest and will for the moment to never end.
It does come to an end. The wedding dies down a couple of hours later, Connor and Lauren waving everyone off and thanking the guests for coming. You and Matthew are both sober enough to make the small trek back to the cottage next door and he holds your hand the entire way back, using the excuse of not wanting to lose you in the dark. It’s tempting to call him on it but you don’t want him to let go either.
Your parents are already settled in bed when you both tiptoe up the stairs and you sigh in relief when you’re finally back in the bedroom, closing the door and immediately chucking your heels across the room.
Settling in for the last night, you turn over and feel brave, scooting closer to Matthew in the dark. 
“I don’t think I wanna fly back to Miami tomorrow,” you whisper, heart hammering. “I’ve still got the next week off and I was going to use it to catch up on some things around my apartment but I just. Don’t want to. You’re going back to St. Louis right?”
Matthew turns on his side to face you and you feel warmth spreading through your chest at the way he’s taking you in- like you’re something special, something to be taken care of. 
“Yeah, I was planning on it,” he tells you. “What are you thinking?”
“That I’m ready to cash in my favor.”
“Alright, hit me. What’ve you got?”
The look Matthew’s giving you is encouraging and you suddenly feel brave and steadily say, “Go somewhere with me.”
Matthew reaches across the short distance and his hand catches yours, twining your fingers together and asks, “Where are we going?”
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vixstarria · 9 months
Mark me as yours
This takes place immediately after and is interlinked with 'Missionary with the lights off' but from Astarion's rather than Tav's POV - check it out if you haven't already, the fics complement each other.
Soft sassy Astarion, F!Tav, Gale, minor appearances by other origin characters, Astarion POV
Fluff, humour, banter, pining, non-explicit sexual references
A day in camp in the life of Astarion. Features brooding, sewing, doing laundry, being dramatic, engaging in improper use of archmage of Waterdeep, reading erotica, and more!
Approx. 2,000 words
You frowned at the stuffed bear you held in your hands, weighing up your desire to showcase your skills against the absurdity of the task at hand.  
The whole thing was coming apart and needed to be washed and restuffed if you were to do this properly. What was inside, anyway? Fur..? You supposed you could go hunt something furry. Or maybe save yourself the time and just give Scratch a quick partial shave, he wouldn’t mind – the mutt lying at your feet was stupid enough to like you. To prefer you over anyone else, in fact.  
You reached down to give him a fond, absentminded pet.  
And then there was the matter of not letting it burn to a crisp the moment Karlach touched it. 
“Is there a flame ward enchantment on this..? Can you reapply it?” you asked Gale, who was nearby at his usual spot by the fire, concocting something edible for the rest of your group. 
“There is and I sure can,” he replied.  
Great. You had gotten yourself into a group project with the wizard to rescue a teddy bear.  
“Don’t tell me this is what Wyll was so concerned about earlier...” Tav had finally made it out of your tent and sat down next to you, looking somewhat less disheveled than how you’d left her.  
“The bag of holding finally tore. Naturally I was the only one competent enough to fix it.” 
You gestured with your thumb towards a towering pile of assorted crap that Wyll and Lae’zel were still sifting through: Lae’zel inspecting and setting aside any weapons and armour she deemed worth keeping, and Wyll sorting through an array of scrolls and potions no one was ever going to use, or would forget were in your possession if the need for them ever did arise.  
“Darling, this is your fault, you know,” you added. “Must you pick up everything?” 
“Karlach made me do it. Also I don’t know what you’re talking about, I am prudence and sensibility personified,” she said. 
“You’re uh... You’re also bleeding,” Gale said, pointing at her neck. 
A trail of blood had started running down from the puncture wounds, which must have reopened.  
Before you could reason yourself out of it, your instincts kicked in and you pressed your mouth against her neck, licking the blood off. By the gods, she actually leaned into you as you did that, not away. You glimpsed a guilty, sheepish smile she threw at Gale, as you pulled away.  
“Idiot... Here, apply pressure, I’ll get the amulet,” you said. 
“I’m the idiot?! You’re the one who ran off to resolve a sewing emergency, like a good little seamstress, before sorting me out!” 
You strode over to your tent, in part to grab the amulet of Silvanus, in part to discreetly tuck away the erection that had immediately started developing as soon as you tasted her blood.  
Hells, am I 239 or 15? you thought, annoyed with yourself.  
“An amulet? I was wondering why you’d stopped visiting me in the mornings...” you heard from Shadowheart. 
“We have a system,” Tav replied.  
“Clearly,” laughed Shadowheart. 
A scene from the night sprung up in your mind as you went about your day: 
She’d fallen asleep on your shoulder, half lying on you, her nose buried in your neck.  
It was... nice. Really nice. And you didn’t think this bizarre scenario would ever happen again.  
And yet, pleasant as it was, she still felt too far. You needed to feel her closer. Perhaps you were being greedy, but after all these years, why should you get anything less than exactly what you wanted? 
Carefully, very carefully lest she stir awake and leave, you rolled over onto your side, holding her against you.
She was still asleep. Good...   
You cautiously slipped lower and lower until your head was at her chest, delicately wrapping your arms around her torso. 
Then she stirred.  
Without waking, she sighed, drawing you into a tight embrace, clutching you against her chest, complete with throwing a leg over your hips to pull you even closer. 
You finally relaxed, your arms wrapped around her waist. 
She felt so warm... She smelled of comfort. 
You could indulge in this for the night. You would wake up before she did anyway.  
You drifted away, lulled by the beating of her heart. 
You didn’t have any nightmares that night.  
“Is your boyfriend coming?” you heard Karlach somewhere in the distance.  
You cringed at the juvenile term. Still, you were curious how she would answer.  
“He’s on laundry duty,” she responded. “Just us gals today.” 
“So your idea of doing washing is to pawn everything off to me,” said Gale. 
“Vampires and running water, remember,” you said. “Also you don’t look like you’re exerting an awfully large amount of effort yourself... Although I must admit, this is ingenious.” A little flattery wouldn’t hurt.
Gale sat at a riverbank at a deeper section of the river. Some sheets and clothing were being tossed and spun in a small bubbling whirlpool within the water, together with foaming slivers of soap. 
“Surely few archmages possess such finesse and creativity?” you continued. 
Gale sighed and motioned for you to throw your bundle in as well, expanding the whirlpool.  
“Just toss your shirt in too, it's splattered with blood,” Gale added wearily.  
Her scent lingered on it. The last thing you wanted was to wash it off.
You pulled the shirt over your head and hurled it into the whirlpool.  
“Not Tav’s creative nailwork, I presume..?” Gale asked with a wince, looking at your back.  
“Nope” was all you said, as you pulled a book out from your pocket, making yourself comfortable on the bank. To his credit, the wizard did not probe further. 
‘Mark me as yours’ 
Those words had been echoing in your mind over and over all day.  
It couldn’t have meant anything.  
A little expression of some vampire fetishism finally poking through – you shouldn’t have expected any different from her, she did offer you her blood consistently, not even asking for anything in return.  
Still, you’d felt like something inside you might burst from your desire and thrill when you heard those words.   
And then everything that followed after... 
You had actually lost yourself for a short while. Not dissociated and detached. Lost yourself. In bliss. In the scent of her skin, in the sounds of her need for you, in the sensation of her blood merging with yours and flowing through your veins. 
And now she was walking around somewhere, with telltale bitemarks on her neck for all the world to see. Scandalous... 
No, it couldn’t have meant anything.  
‘Mark me as yours’ 
Still... What a pleasant little fantasy... 
“You’ve been smiling at that page for ten minutes straight now,” Gale’s voice snapped you out of your musings.  
“It’s my favourite page,” you retorted. 
“What’s it about?” he asked snidely after a short pause.  
“I have no idea,” you confessed, begrudgingly, snapping the book shut. If the wizard knew what was best for him, he would abstain from any further comments.  
“She’s quite fond of you,” Gale said sombrely after another pause.  
“Is this about to turn into one of those ‘You break her heart – I'll break your face’ talks?” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. 
“Oh gods no,” Gale laughed. "No, I would go straight to incineration... You just strike me as the type that needs to have the obvious spelled out for them.” 
“I am not entering this type of discourse with someone who’s presently washing my spend off my bed sheets,” you said, laying back and shutting your eyes, to bask in the sun. No answer followed. 
Not even a minute had passed when a shadow fell over you.  
Odd, you thought. There hadn’t been a single cloud in the sky. 
You opened your eyes to see a giant water bubble hovering a few meters above you. Was that... a bedsheet floating in the middle..? 
Worth it, you thought just as the undulating bubble spilt and crashed over you.  
You coughed and spat, trying to untangle yourself from the sheet, as the unleashed torrent nearly swept you off the bank. And yet, above all else, you found yourself curious. 
The water had no longer been running as part of the river, true, but given its sheer volume and the velocity at which it hit you, it should have hurt more than merely your pride.  
You made it to the edge of the bank, and cautiously dipped a finger in.
You proceeded to submerge your hand, then your entire forearm, to your elbow. 
Of all things... Why this? Why not your reflection? Why not the blood craving? Oh well. Beggars, choosers... 
You were laughing.  
“This tadpole,” you turned and shouted at Gale, unabashedly stripping yourself of your pants, as Gale turned away, muttering something about going blind, “is the best thing that’s happened to me in centuries!” 
The best? Maybe second best? It had some tight competition, but you supposed nothing would have been possible without it, so it reigned supreme. 
You leaped into the river, diving and letting the gentle current carry you downstream for a while.  
You knew what you would be doing later that evening with her.  
“What have you got there?”  
She slid onto your lap like a cat that refused to take ‘no’ for an answer as it sought attention. You had been idling away your time by your tent, with some pulp you had picked up earlier. The rest of the group had been drinking and roasting something at the campfire.  
“Trash. Disappointingly boring trash, this time,” you answered. 
“No pulsating flesh tunnels in this one?” 
“Alas... There were not one but two mentions of ‘velvet-wrapped steel’ however, and plenty of ‘sword-sheathing’.” 
“To the hilt?” 
“Is there any other way?” 
“Wouldn’t want to sheathe it only partially, I suppose...” she mused. “Come join us. We found some half-decent wine. And you don’t have to be alone all the time, you know.” 
“Spare me, I’ve had enough of Gale’s lectures and Wyll’s tales for the day. And besides, ugh, all those chewing noises!” You made a gagging sound. 
None of them want me there. 
“Oh don’t be such a delicate princess,” she rolled her eyes. “How’s this: it’s our joint meal time. It would be rude and completely unfair to exclude anyone. You should sit down with everyone, bite down on my wrist and make a great deal of slurping.” 
“You can’t be serious.” 
Delightful. Simply delightful. 
“It will be funny!” 
“I fear you might be the only one laughing, darling.” 
That is hilarious, I can just imagine Gale squealing or getting sick. 
“Is there anyone else you’d care to make laugh?” she asked with a slight upturn of her lips. 
Not in the least. 
“I could die again knowing I have accomplished something if I ever make Lae’zel laugh. But perish the thought – I am perfectly happy right here with my literature.” 
“Well, if you don’t want to join the group, perhaps I will stay and you can...” She snatched the book from your hands and tossed it aside, leaning in and bringing her lips up to your ear. “...Release your kraken in my field of rose petals,” she purred in a sultry voice. 
“Stop,” you choked back a snicker.  
“Get tangled up in my beef curtains?” she continued with the same tone. 
“You’re disgusting.” 
“Sink your meat shaft in my cream tart!” she persevered.  
“By the gods, woman, I am never having sex with your again.” 
“Suckle the nectar from my weeping core!” 
“Alright, fine, I’ll go, anything is better than this.” You got up, pushing her off your lap. 
“Taste my forbidden, oozing fruit, Astarion!” she cried out from the ground behind you as you covered your ears and shouted “LALALALA”, making your way towards the campfire. 
You would endure the prattle of your companions.  
Then you would take her for a moonlit swim in the river.  
Then you would see if she might spend the whole night in your arms again.  
Perhaps she could sleep in your shirt and leave her scent on it again – it was foolish to sleep completely in the nude out in the wild after all, what if there were intruders? 
Everything was going according to plan, you reminded yourself.  
Next in series - Down by the river
Series master list
Tags: @littleenglishfangirl @something-pithy @darlingxdragon @tallymonster @tragedybunny
Also @spacebarbarianweird - you haven't asked for a tag but sounded interested
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What's your favorite 'Nikto has a crush on reader and must now do something about it' approach
The silent Nikto that stares at reader trying to manifest their affection? The stray cat Nikto that just walks into their life and refuses to leave? The socially inept Nikto who's afraid to approach so he injects himself in little ways; watching over them from afar while they're on a run or at a bar? The direct Nikto who straight up goes to reader and asks them out? The tsundere Nikto that becomes a little mean because he doesn't know how to handle his feelings? Or something else? (love me all versions)
I love all versions of nikto but honestly rn I could use a nikto who forces himself into your life while you're sick. Like you're on base and you got a headache, a cough, and a runny nose. Resting in your room as directed by the medic and while you're under the covers you hear the door click open. Sure your first thought is that it's your colonel checking in on you but after hearing the first step the words die in your mouth.
Nikto who carefully untucks you out of your comfy covers, knowing and smelling the fact that you haven't showered well in over a week due to your sickness. Nikto who just came back and also needs one himself as he ungraciously undresses you while you weakly protest. Unable to even do much, dizzy yet recognizing that he's trying to take care of you.
An equally tired Nikto who dragged a plastic chair into your room along with him just so you could sit down while you shower. Making sure the water was far too warm for himself yet the perfect temperature for you. Washing your hair and all, debating tying you up when you protest that you don't need any help. Nikto who forces your arms down when you try swatting him away. Pressing a kiss to your forehead as he does, understanding that you're not in the right state of mind to even think.
Nikto who likes seeing the dazed out relaxed look on your face as the warmth melts you. Holding you close and gently picking you up just so he can sit down and place you on his lap while you feel some form of peace after your week-long headache.
"Better yes?", chuckling while he asks. A low laugh that rocks through your body in gentle vibration as he presses a kiss to your forehead, knowing you can't even resist.
Nikto who turns off the shower hours later when it starts to go cold. Using up a whole base's worth of warm water supply for the both of you. Sure he's basically scolding himself till his skins raw and red but the pain free look in your eyes is all he needs to breathe clearly through the suffocating moisture of the shower.
Nikto who brought extra towels just to unroll them flat on your bed, slowly drying you head to toe as he makes sure not to wake you up. A frown on his face when he realizes how warm you already were.
Nikto who obliges happily when your unconscious body reaches out to him. Your soft muscles and skin pulling him down into a chokehold as you mumble incoherently through your dreams. Nikto who tries hard not to moan at the feeling of the front of your body against his back.
Nikto, exhausted and stuck, placed in a chokehold of you, falls asleep. But not before he places a hand around your wrist, making sure that you don't escape when you wake up.
××××××××××××××××××××××x x××××××××××××××××××××××
Idk I like delusional nikto who tries to manifest the attraction too. Cause honestly it would work on me. Like those eyes. Me when. Yk? Oh also domestic kink Nikto. Idk...but he would.
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rinhaler · 8 months
i’m in love with your yakuza toji and shiu like actually OBSESSED!! if your requests are still open, can you do one like the meeting, but you’re being a brat to get their attention and they’re won’t do anything till after the meeting? you can see how the rest goes thoo!! lots of loveee -🦦anon
I'm so behind on requests I'm so sorry agdjsjklaghsj hopefully this is worth the wait tho!! Haven't thought about that drabble in forever but I'm glad u liked it so much!!
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, daddy kink, exhibitionism?, public setting, cucking? shiu idk, reader used as an ashtray low key, spanking, pussy slaps, face slapping, vaginal sex, degradation, praise, creampie, orgasm denial, brat taming. (lmk if i missed any!)
words: 1.3k
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“Shush, baby. Gotta pay attention.” Toji tells you, bringing his finger to his lips to tell you what you need to do. You need to be quiet and behave. And yet, you can’t.
You aren’t sure what’s wrong with you today. His jaw is strong and his muscular frame dominates the room. He won’t mind if you touch him a little, you’re sure. He’s just as insatiable as you are. More so, normally. You’re a little surprised to see him actually focus on a meeting for once, but you’re confident that you can steal his attention from it.
He looks down at his thigh as your hand settles there, dainty fingers start to grab and squeeze at his quads. They roam upwards towards his crotch, and you smile to yourself as you get closer and closer. Though you gasp, lightly, when you feel his hand grasp firmly around your wrist.
You look up to see his eyes fixed on yours. There isn’t a hint of amusement in his expression.
“Was daddy unclear when he said pay attention?” he asks. You quickly shake your head with a downtrodden pout. Even your little sniffles don’t bother him, his face stoic and unchanging. “I thought as much. So sit still and be quiet, brat.” he warns you.
You fold your arms over each other and you pout harder than you thought possible. Your eyebrows scrunch as you do all of you can to focus on the meeting, just like your daddy. But you can’t. It’s so boring and you just don’t care. It scares you to hear about murder and violence, even if it is menial to them.
It’s their norm, not yours.
“S-Shiu…” you whisper, turning your head to face Toji’s second in command who sits on the other side of you. “Wanna go home.”
You don’t notice Toji looking at you, but Shiu does. It’s brief, but scathing. A subtle look out of the corner of his eyes to display his frustration with you. Shiu swallows lightly, feeling sorry for your predicament. Normally Toji is so mindful of you and your neediness, he can’t help but wonder what has encouraged his boss’ change of heart today. Perhaps he’s trying to train you better. Regardless, he clears his throat and looks into your eyes.
“You can be good for a few more minutes, sweetheart.” Shiu tells you as he checks the time on his wristwatch. “Not much longer, promise.” he assures you, he lightly holds your chin and strokes it with his thumb.
Just a few more minutes.
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“Keep your fucking legs open or I’m not touchin’ your cunt for the rest of the year.” Toji warns you. You sniff as tears spill from your lashline, slowly opening your legs again for the man circling the meeting table. You yelp as a stinging slap comes down atop your thigh, and another harsh wet smack hits your pussy.
“Ah!” you scream, squirming from the impact.
“Sh, sh shhh, ‘m here.” Shiu coos from behind you.
You’re flat against the desk while Shiu stands behind you. Your wrists are crossed while he holds them against the table above your head. His cigarette dangles from his lips, and you can’t help but wince as ash flickers down on occasion.
Toji told him to use you like an ash tray.
“I fuck you one time in a meeting, and you think that’s how they’re all gonna go? Hm.” Toji states. It feels like a question, though you don’t try to speak in fear of making things worse. Your eyes roll back as his thumb carefully rubs over your clit, only twice, before he wipes the residue on your exposed stomach. “Glad you’re wet, jus’ how daddy likes…” he starts.
“You risk embarrassing your daddy when you misbehave like that, you know.” Shiu tells you. He’s seamlessly able to pin your wrists down with just one hand, deciding to flick ash down into your face to accentuate his point. “Do you want people to think he’s weak?”
“N-No! Daddy isn’t weak!” you explain. You should be ashamed of yourself when your eyes cross and you silence yourself with a bite to your lower lip as Toji stuffs his thick cock into you.
“You should have just fucked her.” Shiu smiles. You don’t even react when you feel his palm land harshly against your cheek. In fact, your tongue lolls as you lose yourself to the feeling of being their toy. “Look how quiet she’s being now, little slut.”
“You don’t even deserve my cock,” Toji speaks. And you know he’s right.
You shouldn’t be rewarded for disobeying him like you did. But you don’t care, you’re getting what you wanted all along. Toji does your thinking for you, after all. And right now, he doesn’t want you to think. He just wants to remind you that you’re his dumb pet. He wants to remind you of what you love so much and what he can easily take away if you choose to act up again.
“Wasn’t gonna do this for ya, princess. But I can’t help myself, not when there’s a perfect wet cunt in my face.”
Shiu strikes your face again. And your face contorts as you feel dry, tarred ash land on the tip of your tongue after he aims it to land there. You almost choke from the vile taste, but you’re prevented from thinking again as Shiu offers you a third and final slap on your cheek.
The hardest one yet.
“Say ‘thank you’ to your daddy.” he orders.
“T-Thank you daddy! Thank you.” you cry, looking into his eyes as he continues to perfectly angle his cock into your sweet spot. You know you won’t last much longer at this rate. You want to tell him. You want to tell him that you aren’t going to be able to hold out and that you’re going to make a mess any second now. “I love you, d-daddy!” you wail, and he smirks.
“Yeah? You fuckin’ love me?” he chuckles. “I love you, princess, such a good girl f’me.”
“S-So much!” you answer. “Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou I—!”
“Something tells me she’s going to cum, Toji.” Shiu smirks. He looks down at you, focusing on your eyes as they begin to squint harder and harder. “Are you cumming for daddy, sweetheart? Are you going to let her?” he asks, looking at his superior after speaking to you.
Toji grunts as he cums inside of you, and you feel the warmth spread throughout your womb. You feel so full. So content. Because this is what you wanted all along. You wanted daddy’s love. And it’s almost enough to pull you over the edge right along with him.
But his hips begin to slow, the pressure he’d built up within you begins to dissipate and you feel like you’ve been thrown out of a rocket ship without any gear. You’re starved for oxygen and you can’t take a single breath.
“Daddy, daddy don’t stop.. ‘m g-gonna cum for you. I was s-o so close!” you whimper, lip wobbling as you try your damnedest to convince him to finish you off, too.
But you don’t like the look in his eye. The menacing, mischievous look that tell you no such thing shall transpire. You aren’t going to get to cum. After all of this, you don’t get to fucking cum.
“I will decide when you are allowed to cum again, princess.” Toji tells you. “But after your bratting today, that won’t be for a very long time.”
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© 2023 rinhaler
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bonknigirlinthehood · 4 months
I went nuts upon discovering Calcharo cares about his mercenary members so much. Even the game itself said he has a strong fatherly instinct ... .HOW COULD I LIVE knowing this man is such a FAMILY MAN???༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
As an artist, I realize the power I hold, but as a uni student, I also realize the debuff I have to face that is TIME MANAGEMENT. I haven't drawn anything for a week now because of how busy I am, AND WHEN I TELL YOU I'M STARVING FOR CALCHARO CONTENT.
I had to feed myself using fanfiction as an emergency meal.
Content: basically Calcharo (try) being a father (which he does a good job).
Calcharo has a very strong fatherly instinct, as shown by how he keeps his lads in check before and after a mission. So imagine if one day, by accident, he ended up with a baby…
Part of him wants to take care of it because after all, it's his baby. Yet his other side keeps reality-checking him, saying how dangerous it is for the baby to be raised by someone who keeps venturing into the danger of Tacet Discord everyday, especially in a dangerous environment since he is the leader of a mercenary group.
However, most of his members would support and help him take care of the baby. They encourage their leader to keep it instead of giving it to an orphanage.
“Leader, do you really think the baby will grow happily and well-fed in an orphanage? You do know some of us came from there, right?”
“We'll help you take care of them!, they're our little landlord now!”
Of course, Calcharo couldn't refuse. They even already made a baby crib for the baby, even the medics going as far as to research about baby foods and formulas to help him ease his burden (which he highly appreciated).
This man tried his best to give as much affection as possible to this little bundle of joy, knowing he never received one and always emotionally constipated. He asked Jiyan if he could enroll his child into a preschool in Jinzhou, in which the general happily helped.
It was not easy for a dangerous man like Calcharo to have a dog, let alone a child. But after experiencing it firsthand, he concluded that raising one is not that bad. Sure, he was having a hard time sleeping now, but seeing his baby's face every morning has been worth it.
I'm pretty sure Calcharo is the type of man who makes sure his kiddo is prepped thoroughly for the day before actually starting his own day. He would wake, shower them, brush their hair, and feed his child before work. His room that was always gloomy and smells like iron now filled with toys and smelled like a baby cologne instead.
I knew this man would be good at changing diapers and making milk🍼and his baby probably only wants to drink milk made by him since the measurements are just perfect.
But because of his occupation, Calcharo had no choice but to hide his baby from the world. He does feel bad about it though, keeping them locked in the base with only so much entertainment he and his mercenary members can offer. That's why every once in a while, he would bring them to Jinzhou city, walking around all day and enjoying Lingyang performance. Calcharo even bothers to actually dress like the locals more, he even entertains the pre-school flyers the teachers give out there.
And how surprised Jiyan was when Calcharo offered another deal in exchange he and his members went in and out of Jinzhou city freely. He wanted to enroll his child into Jinzhou’s preschool, and possibly until they graduate high school, that's why he needs to be able to enter the city freely since his mercenary gang itself is located outside the city.
At first, Jiyan offered to give him a house inside the city, but after much consideration, Calcharo told the general he might need more time thinking about it.
All in all, Calcharo is a very responsible man. He loves and adores his little one, and tries his best giving them the best childhood he could offer–despite never having a proper one himself–though there's also some things he couldn't give, he sincerely hopes they would forgive him someday for it.
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winwintea · 3 months
heart to heart - zhong chenle
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PAIRING ▸ art dealer!zhong chenle x fem!reader (ft. huang renjun)
GENRES ▸ fluff, romance, y/n discovers she has the ability to read chenle's mind, chenle lowkey jealous for a bit, painter renjun agenda, little bit of harassment but y/n is a badass
AUTHOR'S NOTE ▸ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST WIFE DAI DAI <33 @galacticskz @galacticseonghwa go check out her fics trust. i grinded this in 12 hours are you proud of me. I HOPE YOU ENJOY
WORD COUNT ▸ 3.7K (not proofread)
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One night, I looked up at the stars, and I made a wish on them—a wish about my beloved Chenle.
The next morning, I woke up slowly, yawning and blinking as the world came into focus. It took me a moment to realize I was wrapped in someone's warm arms, my face buried in their warm chest. 
Oh, that's right... you were helping Chenle with his work last night, and then you fell asleep.
“Y/N? You awake?"
"Mmm... morning, Chenle." There was something so perfect about waking up in the arms of the man I loved, and having his voice be the first thing I heard. I lifted my head, smiling up at him, and our lips came together in a soft kiss that woke me up better than anything else could. I sighed softly as our lips parted again, my eyes still half-closed.
'You're adorable as ever this morning.'
"Hey, why are you shrieking in my ear?"
"Because you normally never say things like that to me!"
"Huh? I didn't say anything, let alone anything worth shrieking over." Were you imagining things? I swear that was his voice, saying I look adorable! 
Chenle had such a sharp tongue that hearing his voice say something that sweet had left my thoughts pinging and my heart racing. But then why would he immediately say he didn't say anything? And he looked suspicious and confused, not embarrassed or bashful. "Sorry... I guess I'm still half-asleep."
"Get it together, 宝子." Chenle chuckled softly, tousling my hair before letting me go and climbing out of bed, and I watched him bemusedly. 
There's no way Chenle would ever say something like that so casually. You must have been half-asleep and dreamed the whole thing.
I was still thinking about what had happened that morning as I carried the freshly-cooked pancakes to the dining room. "Here you go."
"Thanks." As I handed Chenle the bottle of syrup, my fingers brushed against his.
'These smell so good... I could easily use a whole bottle of syrup on them.'
"That's WAY too much!" I rolled my eyes at Chenle, but a moment later I realized the room was eerily silent, and everyone was staring at me.
Haechan looked at you confused, "...What's the matter, Y/N? It's not like you to just burst out with something like that."
"Huh? But Chenle was going to put a whole bottle of syrup on his pancakes."
Chenle looked at you with a guilty look, “...I haven't put anything on them yet." There wasn't so much as a single drop of syrup on Chenle’s pancakes yet, and he was staring very oddly at me.
"Um—well-just try not to use too much, okay!" I couldn't stand being subjected to that stare any longer, and I fled back into the kitchen.
It happened when we kissed this morning, and later when I handed Chenle the syrup. The voice I heard was his, but... different. I was thinking hard as I went about my morning chores, but in the end there only seemed to be one answer that explained things.
Somehow, I can read minds all of a sudden…? But I have to be touching them to hear what they're thinking. At least, based on what happened this morning. It was more like something out of a book or a movie than real life, and I felt like I had to test it to be absolutely sure.
I entered Renjun’s room to see if Chenle had come by to collect some of his paintings. "Hmm? Is something the matter, Y/N?" Renjun greeted me with a smile.
"Have you seen Chenle? I can't find him anywhere, so I thought maybe he'd be here, but..."
"He hasn't come by yet today."
I desperately wanted to test my theory by touching Chenle again, but he wasn't in any of the places I'd expected him to be.
Well, maybe you could test your theory on Renjun, instead? "Renjun, do you mind if we shake hands?"
"Hmm? Well, I don't mind, if that's what you want."
Renjun held out his hand without hesitation, his smile guileless, and I reached out and gripped it firmly.
Well, I can't hear anything, but- "Renjun... what are you thinking about right now?"
"Well, I was wondering why you wanted to shake my hand all of a sudden, and I was thinking how soft and small your hands are."
"Oh, right." His smile was that of a gentle angel, and I suddenly felt embarrassed and silly. I guess I really was just imagining things after all…
I stared down at our linked hands, still mulling it over, when suddenly a familiar voice spoke right in my ear. “..What are you two doing?"
"Hello, Chenle! Y/N and I are just shaking hands."
"That's right! We just felt like shaking hands!" I realized Chenle was staring down at our linked hands, and I quickly let go of Renjun, dropping my hand to my side. Great, now Chenle’s going to think I'm a total weirdo.
"I have no idea why you want to shake hands, but... try not to interrupt Renjun too much, 宝子." Chenle reached out to ruffle my hair lightly, the gesture as familiar as ever.
'It looked more like you were holding hands, and the ambiance was far too intimate for my liking. Don't tell me—‘
Chenle’s voice seemed to speak directly inside my mind, but l'd never heard him sound so unsure before. I'm not imagining things! That was definitely your voice, Chenle! Does that mean his is the only mind I can read?
I caught my breath, looking up at him, and his dark brown eyes met mine directly, his hand still resting lightly in my hair.
'I won't give you up to anyone, Y/N... not even Renjun.'
Wait, wait, hold up— Chenle, are you jealous?! My heart leapt with an odd sense of exhilaration to know that Chenle cared about me that much. But a moment later I felt suddenly guilty for making him worry like that, and I reached out, grabbing hold of his hands. "Chenle... you're the only man I love."
"Where did that come from?!"
"I just wanted to tell you, that's all!"
I was staring right up at him, and so l saw the faint flush that crept across his cheeks. I tried to think of what to say, and then I realized Chenle had gone unusually quiet. Chenle and Renjun were both staring at me, but I couldn't stop giggling at how honest and earnest Chenle’s inner voice was.
"We have two stops today. Let's go, 宝子."
"Okay!" Chenle had sold several of Renjun’s paintings, and we were in town to deliver them to the buyers. 
I still can't believe I can read his mind, just by touching him. I mean, I thought it would be nice if I could, but... now that I can do it, it feels kind of like I'm invading his privacy. I glanced over at him as he walked by my side, but then I found myself staring at my feet, my step slowing. I'll just have to be careful not to touch him unless I have to. But... what if it never goes away? What am I going to—
"Y/N!!" Chenle grabbed me, pulling me towards him, just as a car went whizzing past right where l'd been standing. "What are you doing? Be more careful!"
'That was really dangerous. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt.'
'And you're acting oddly today. You had your head in the clouds earlier, too. I'd better keep a closer eye on you.'
His arms were warm around me, and I could clearly hear the worry in his inner voice, and suddenly I couldn't stop grinning. Ahh, I was just telling myself not to invade his privacy, and yet... knowing how much he cares makes me so happy.
"What are you smirking about?" Oops! You weren't meant to see that! I reminded myself I shouldn't be listening to Chenle’s thoughts, and I started to slip free of his embrace.
"Nothing-hey!" But then I felt his hand on my head, its warmth reassuring and familiar as he tousled my hair. "C'mon, Chenle, you're gonna make a mess of my hair!"
"Like that any different from how it usually looks."
"Speak for yourself, Bedhead!" He was back to his usual teasing, and I pulled a face at him, but then I saw the way his expression relaxed a little.
'That's better. You're acting more like your usual self.'
Wait, does that mean he did that on purpose? Was he teasing me to provoke a reaction because he was worried about me acting strangely? It was strange to think that his sharp words might be a roundabout expression of his kindness, and I studied his expression. Does that mean all his teasing is just a way to hide how he really feels?
‘I love it when you smile, but I love that pout, too, and those faces you pull at me. They make me want to provoke you more.'
Never mind, I take it back. He just likes messing with me.
'I want to tease you more, and make you pout more, and then I want to kiss that pout away.'
His thoughts took a very sudden turn, his inner voice suddenly sultry as it murmured inside my head, and my heart leapt. "Not here!" 
Oh crap. It was only after I'd spoken that I realized I was responding to his thoughts, not his words, and I froze as he stared at me. 
"What's that supposed to mean? Don't tell me—"
Ugh, how do I even start to explain that I can suddenly read his mind? I don't even know how it happened! "Seriously, Chenle, we're getting in people's way here! That's enough teasing!" 
A frown creased his brow as he stared down at me, and it was obvious that he was still suspicious. But I did my best to ignore it as I grabbed him and dragged him off down the street towards our destination.
"My, my, Chenle, this latest painting really is quite divine! As you know, I pride myself on my ability to recognize fine art! You must look at this painting I bought just the other day..." This collector regularly bought Renjun’s paintings from Chenle, and his voice was openly admiring as he gazed on his latest piece. But soon he was leading us through his collection, and talking cheerfully as he showed us his latest acquisitions.
"Haha, yes, quite. You have good taste, Sir." Chenle followed after the collector, making all the right sort of responses, and yet he seemed oddly restless.
"Chenle, what's the matter?"
"Nothing, it's just..."
"Chenle, you simply must tell me what you think of this one!" Chenle quickly turned his attention back to the collector, and I cursed the man silently for his bad timing.
Was something bothering you, Chenle? Okay, listen, I really am sorry about this, but—
I stepped a little closer to Chenle, placing my hand on his arm in what I hoped seemed like a casual gesture.
'This isn't good.'
'He's clearly nowhere near finished, but if he goes on much longer, we'll be late.'
I let the collector talk to Chenle for a moment, so that he wouldn't realize I'd read his thoughts again, and then leaned close. "Chenle, I just realized... are we meant to be delivering the next painting soon?"
"Yeah, we are. If we don't leave soon, we'll be late, but..."
'This guy loves the sound of his own voice. But he's a good patron-and he supports new talent. I don't want to do wrong by him.'
Now, I get it. Not that I'm surprised that he cared about his customers—it's so like him. But I wish he’d rely on me a little more, even for little stuff like this.
Chenle had a tendency to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, whether those around him wanted him to or not. He'd started opening up to me more since we'd become a couple, and it meant a lot to me each time he did. But I still felt like he took too much on to avoid relying too heavily on me. Especially when I wanted him to rely on me. "How about I go deliver the painting for you? You don't really need me here right now."
‘I'm not sure I should be sending you off on your own like that.'
I smiled up at Chenle, delighted that this strange power had allowed me to see new sides of him l'd never known existed. "Don't worry, I'll be fine! Stay here and keep the marquis company, okay? I mean, it's an important part of your job too, right?"
"..Fine. If you could, l'd appreciate it. I'll be there as soon as I can." He reluctantly handed over Renjun’s other painting, but I gave him a confident smile as I turned to leave.
I hurried through the busy streets of town and made it to the next appointment on time, but it was all downhill from there.
"I'm sorry, but... what do you mean, you no longer need the painting?"
"A painting by an artist not even associated with L'Académie des Beaux-Arts does not deserve to be displayed in our fine home. At least, that's what Mother said. And I find myself in agreement with her."
Paintings adorned the walls around us, none of them as good as Renjun’s, and I frowned at the young man's careless words. "But... I thought you attended his solo exhibition, and that you fell in love with this painting on the spot?"
"I suppose I thought it curious, and novel. But everything has a 'status' it can't rise above... people and objects both." The young man glanced at the canvas I carried, still concealed carefully in cloth to protect it, and gave a scornful snort.
I bit my lip as I hugged the canvas tighter, trying to stop myself from saying the first angry thing that came to mind. I can't believe that he’d actually dare to make a mockery of Renjun and Chenle like this! "I think it's a mistake to decide the value of a painting solely by whether its artist has been approved by L'Académie or not." My voice was tight, but I managed to keep my words mostly polite, and the young man gave me an appraising look.
"How about this, then? Tonight, you can tell me your thoughts on fine art... in my bedroom.
And if you manage to persuade me, I'll buy the painting.” 
Are you kidding me?! I was so horrified and angered by the man's sudden power play that I froze, unable to figure out how to react without exploding. "Well, what do you think?" He must have seen the fury in my eyes, and yet his expression was smug as he reached towards me
Chenle—this idiot would never dare do this to you, would he? How do I get out of this without punching anyone?! How would YOU get out of it? I know you, Chenle. No matter how ridiculous something was, you'd face it undaunted.
"In that case—" The young nobleman smirked, but before his hand could actually touch me, I slapped it away.
"If you don't want to buy the painting, that's fine. This painting deserves better than being sullied by your lewd suggestions. It should go to someone who truly appreciates its beauty, and all the love and effort the artist put into painting it." I stood straight and proud as I met the man's gaze, and his expression stiffened at once, anger flaring in his eyes.
"I was prepared to do you a favor! How dare you mock me like that! I'll make you sorry you ever said that, you and that worthless painting both!" There was real anger in his voice, the anger of man not used to anyone ever crossing him, and I took a quick, wary step back.
"You're the one who's worthless, if that's how you think." I glanced back and saw Chenle standing just inside the doorway, a confident, brazen smile on his face.
"You-you're the dealer who arranged that solo exhibition, aren't you? You're not even from my status, yet you dare call ME worthless?" Um. I’m pretty sure Chenle’s family was worth triple your fortune, but Chenle firmly stood there. 
"Yeah, I do. You use your power to blackmail women. You sneer at artists, without even trying to appreciate art itself. There's no way l'd ever sell art to someone as worthless as you."
"You filthy common-blood! How dare you speak to me like that!" The man's voice grew louder with each word, his face bright red, but Chenle ignored him as he gazed around the room.
"And since l'm such a kind man, I feel obliged to tell you that 90% of the paintings in this room are counterfeit."
"What?! There's no way that's true—" The man stumbled back a step, looking stunned and flustered, and Chenle gave him one last disinterested glance. Then he reached out and took the canvas I was carrying, cradling it carefully in his arms.
"Let's go, Y/N." Chenle turned and strode out of the room, and I hurried after him. 
I thought he'd say something once we were outside, but he was silent as we walked down the street side by side. But it feels like he really wants to say something... so I'm just going to wait him out. 
He veered off into a deserted alleyway, and as soon as I followed him, he turned and caught my hand, pulling me closer. "Chenle? What is it?"
"Y/N... I'm sorry."
Chenle’s warmth enfolded me as he wrapped me in a tight embrace. "I sent you there alone, even though I knew he'd probably only gone to the exhibition to sneer at us 'peasants'. It's my fault you went through that. I should have been more careful, but I prioritized the collector’s feelings over your safety."
'What might that snobby 鸭蛋 have done to you, if I hadn't arrived when I did?' 
'Dammit. I'm a complete and utter fool, putting the woman I love in danger like that.'
His spoken voice was calm and earnest, but his inner voice was thick with anger-anger aimed at himself. He hugged me tighter against him, as if responding to the intensity of his own feelings. Oh, Chenle- he hides it so well that I didn't realize just how strongly he cared for me. But I can't stand the idea of him blaming himself for what happened. 
He patted my back gently, perhaps reassuring himself as much as me, and I lifted my head, looking up at him. His expression was calm, almost like a mask, but as I cupped his cheeks with my hands, I saw emotions trembling in his eyes. "It's okay, Chenle. It's not your fault. And I'm glad to know you were so worried about me." 
"That's not something to be glad about."
"Heh, I guess you're right." But it wasn't just this incident—it was the way he'd been taking care of me and watching out for me the entire day. But it didn't start today. He’s always been like this, hasn’t he? I just didn't realize it until I could read his mind. He teases me and he’s gruff and rude, but it's all bluster to cover up how kind he is, and how much he loves me. "I love you, Chenle. I love you with all my heart."
His eyes widened just slightly at my words, and then a sudden smile lit up his face, the worry and anger fading away. "With all your heart, huh? Does that mean your heart is mine?"
"I hadn't thought about it like that, but I guess it does."
"Good. Now show me you mean it." His smile turned into a smirk as he caught my chin, tilting my face up towards him. A moment later his lips pressed against mine in a sudden kiss, and I sighed softly with pleasure. "And if your heart's mine, I guess you should know that my heart's yours, too."
'It'll always be yours, and yours alone.'
Chenle-this time his spoken words and his thoughts are the same. It made me realize just how much he meant it, and I beamed up at him, wrapping my arms around him.
"You're smirking again. You're a whirlwind of moods today. First you're gloomy, then you're laughing, then next thing I know you're reading my mind, and—"
"What?!" Chenle spoke the words casually, yet my heart lurched uneasily in my chest.
"It was a random guess, but I'm right, aren't l? Even the things you said back there sounded like you were channeling me. When you told that noble brat where to shove it."
"Honestly, I was so mad that he was mocking Renjun’s painting, and when I thought about what you'd do, the words just came." I wasn't actually reading his mind then!
"You were trying to protect Renjun’s painting... and the value of the arts industry as a whole. Thanks, Y/N. You realize that makes you a fully-fledged art dealer, right?" His smile was gentle as he reached down and tousled my hair, and instead of ducking away from his hand, I grinned up at him. You have no idea how happy that makes me. But the thing that made me happiest was realizing that I hadn't needed to use my strange power to understand Chenle in that moment. We were close enough now that I understood the man he was, and the things that mattered to him. 
Hang on-he’s touching me, but I can't hear his thoughts anymore. As his hand fell away from my hair, I reached out and grabbed hold of it, but no thoughts flowed into my mind. Maybe I don't need it anymore, now that we're even closer than we were before? The idea made me happy, and I smiled to myself as I gazed down at our linked hands.
But when I looked up at Chenle again, he was studying me, his expression dubious. "Listen, Y/N... you can't really read my mind, right?" 
"Haha! Are you sure?" 
I grinned mischievously up at him as I twined our fingers together and pulled him closer for one more kiss...
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perm taglist: @lyvhie
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When the Corroded Coffin makes it, Eddie leans into the success completely. He can't really help it, he never thought he'd make it anywhere, wouldn't even have a moderately comfortable life and now he's here, people love him, want him, think he's worth their time. It's intoxicating and he feels like if he slows down for just a second, he'll lose it all.
Steve is supportive, of course he is. It's everything Eddie's ever wanted, success in the world and the most amazing person at home, loving him unconditionally. But Eddie grows more and more frantic about his work, tours, everything. He loves Steve so much, he talks about him in awards ceremonies, in interviews and credits him as his forever muse that he maybe forgets a little that random people who he'll never meet hear more about his love for his boyfriend than Steve himself.
Maybe if he took a moment to think, Eddie would have remembered that Steve was left alone for most of his teenage years, that the love he had was real but distant. That this love always stopped him from asking for more, asking for time spent together, for actions, not words. But he didn't.
After many dinners wrapped in cellophane and tossed in the fridge, postponed dates, hurried goodbye kisses and whispered promises over the phone that never come true, it happens. Steve doesn't blame him, doesn't scream or snap, but Eddie would have preferred if he did. He just calmly tells him that he loves him, will always love Eddie and he can't imagine there being anyone else, but he finally realized that while he's happy for Eddie, he can't live through someone else's dream. He needs, wants more than another empty house and waiting, so much waiting. He kisses Eddie goodbye and whispers, "I'm so happy you managed to break your cycle, Eddie. The crime, poverty...I'm so proud of you. But now I need to break my own."
As Steve fully settles in his own apartment almost a year later, heart aching but finally not paralyzed, he turns on the radio and hears a familiar voice, like the sweetest pain. He sings a new song, one that Steve doesn't know.
I painted your room at midnight
So I'd know yesterday was over
I put all your books on the top shelf
Even the one with the four leaf clover
Man, I'm getting older
I took all your pictures off the wall
And wrapped them in a newspaper blanket
I haven't slept in what seems like a century
And now I can barely breathe
Just like a crow chasing the butterfly
Dandelions lost in the summer sky
When you and I were getting high as outer space
I never thought you'd slip away
I guess I was just a little too late
Your words still serenade me
Your lullabies won't let me sleep
I've never heard such a haunting melody
Oh, it's killing me
You know I can barely breathe
Just like a crow chasing the butterfly
Dandelions lost in the summer sky
When you and I were getting high as outer space
I never thought you'd slip away
I guess I was just a little too late
The last soft tones finish and Steve takes a deep breath, shaky and uncertain. He loves his new life, loves what he's doing, studying to save lives, and yet...
It's almost funny. They broke up a year ago, yet Eddie never left him behind. There was no pressure to get back together, no unwanted declarations of love, just...showing. Steve told Eddie that he needed actions, not words, and here he was, for a year, giving Steve the space he needed but always checking in, always making sure Steve was okay.
Eddie's words were his actions and Steve finally understands how to break his own cycle. Being alone doesn't mean he's lonely. Not when Eddie's thoughts never leave him.
Not when he remembers the four leaf clover he scribbled into his textbook.
When he says he always thinks of Steve when seeing dandelions, so bright and comforting, like home.
The nights they spent together, drunk on each other's presence.
And the melody Steve always hummed when he got out of shower.
He reaches for his phone, their careful messages blinking at him, making him wonder how this love can feel so distant yet so real.
I hope your classes are going well, Stevie.
Wayne says hi. He says he'll call you next Tuesday.
I hope you found what you were looking for.
I hope you're happy.
I'm thinking about you, always.
He types something cheesy and ridiculous, but he can't help himself. He just feels loved, seen.
What if I told you that you aren't too late, crow?
His phone dings back almost immediately and he smiles.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual ? )
Warnings: canon gore, canon violence, discussing parental death, coping with grief
Word Count: 4540
A/N: Happy Juneteenth, my lovebugs!
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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 You were barely clinging to consciousness in the backseat as the brothers’ bickering acted as a bizarre lullaby. Sam insisted on going to visit his mother’s grave following his father’s death, but Dean was— as always— stubbornly skeptical. You were, as usual, just along for the ride. 
When you did finally arrive at the site of Mary’s grave, Dean refused to go within a fifty-yard radius of her headstone. When you asked him why, he refused to answer. 
“Wait, (Y/N/N), look,” he said, gesturing to a tree with a perfect circle of dead grass around a grave right next to it. 
“Huh,” you replied, stooping down to the dead flowers laid on the gravestone. “What’re your thoughts?”
“I don’t know, but I think I’m gonna talk to the groundskeeper and find out.” With that, he walked away from you and over to a man who was tending the graves. You headed over to Sam and noticed he was burying John’s dogtags in the spot next to his mother’s grave.
“That’s really sweet,” you told him, and he looked up at you with teary eyes. “Hey, I know this is a bad time, but I think we got something.”
He tilted his head in confusion.
“I know, I know, weird coincidence, but come look.” You showed him over to the circle of dead grass. 
He just furrowed his brows at it as Dean walked back up to you. “Angela Mason,” Dean explained. “She was a student at the local college; funeral was three days ago.”
The three of you began to walk back to the car. “And?” Sam questioned.
“And? You saw her grave,” you said. “You don’t think that’s a little weird?”
“Maybe the groundskeeper went a little agro with the pesticide,” the brunet shrugged.
Dean shook his head. “No, I asked him. No pesticide, no chemicals. Nobody can explain it.”
“Okay, so what are you thinking?”
“I don’t know,” his brother responded. “Unholy ground, maybe?”
“Un—” Sam stopped himself, speechless.
“What? If something evil happened there, it could easily poison the ground. Remember the- the farm outside of Cedar Rapids?” Dean continued. “Could be the sign of a demonic presence. Or the Angela girl's spirit, if it's powerful enough.”
Sam nodded and turned away. 
“Well, don't get too excited, you might pull something,” Dean deadpanned.
“It's just,” Sam began, “stumbling onto a hunt? Here, of all places?”
You shrugged. “So?”
“So—” Sam turned to his brother, “—are you sure this is about a hunt, and not about something else?”
Dean was immediately on the defensive. “What else would it be about?”
Sam sighed and went to duck into the Impala. “You know, just forget about it.”
“Sam, I have no connection to this whole thing, and I think it’s worth checking out,” you protested.
“Yeah, fine,” Sam grumbled, getting into the car.
You and the Winchesters went to speak to the deceased’s father next. The tension in the room had been high as the brothers subtly digged at one another; their feelings on the case began to seep through into their words while they talked to the professor. Something you found interesting was the man’s ancient Greek textbook, and the fact that he taught a course on ancient Greece. 
Dean and Sam were bickering as soon as you got back to their motel room.
“I'm telling you, there's something going on here. We just haven't found it yet.”
“Dean, so far you've got a patch of dead grass and nothing.”
“Well, something turned that grave into unholy ground.”
Sam scoffed. “There's no reason for it to be unholy ground. Angela Mason was a nice girl who died in a car crash. That's not exactly vengeful spirit material. You heard her father.”
“Yeah, well, maybe Daddy doesn't know everything there is to know about his little angel, huh?” Dean suggested.
“You know what? We never should have bothered that poor man. We shouldn't even be here anymore,” Sam argued.
“Boys, quit it!” you tried, but Dean talked right over you.
“So what, Sam? What, we just bail? Without even figuring out what's going on?”
Sam’s voice softened. “I think I know what's going on here. It's the only reason I went along with you this far.”
“What are you talking about?” Dean scoffed.
“This is about Mom's grave.”
Dean glared. “That's got nothing to do with it.”
“You wouldn't step within a hundred yards of it. Look, maybe you're imagining a hunt where there isn't one so you don't have to think about Mom. Or Dad,” Sam continued.
Dean turned to look at him, his face angry. 
“You wanna take a swing?” Sam sighed. “Go ahead, if it'll make you feel better.”
Dean shook his head and grabbed his keys and jacket. “I don't need this crap.”
“Dean, where are you going?” you asked, following him.
“I'm going to go get a drink. Alone.”
Your feelings were slightly hurt, but you understood. You allowed him his space and backed off immediately. 
Dean called you the next morning, waking you up at around six in the morning. “Dee?” you rasped, rubbing your eyes. “Why are you up this early?” You sat up, suddenly snapping to attention. “Don’t tell me you’re still out—”
“No, (Y/N/N), I’m not,” he responded. “I’ve been working my imaginary case.”
“Dean, I never said it was imaginary. I think you’re onto something here. Don’t get snippy with me just ‘cause you’re mad at Sam,” you scolded.
He sighed. “You’re right, I’m sorry. And… I’m sorry I shut you out.”
“I get it,” you replied softly. “You needed space. That’s okay.”
He chuckled. “Thanks, Dr. Phil, but seriously. Angela’s ex-boyfriend is dead. Meet me in the room with Sam. I’ll be there in five.”
And so, you obliged, meeting him outside their motel room. When you opened the door, Sam immediately turned off the television and awkwardly looked around. 
“Hey,” he said.
You entered cautiously, glancing between Sam and the television.
“What?” he asked you and his brother.
Dean grimaced. “Awkward.”
“Where in the hell were you?” Sam questioned pointedly. 
“Well, you were right. Didn’t find much.” Dean said, glaring a little at Sam. “Except Angela's boyfriend died last night. Slit his own throat. But, you know, that's normal. Uh, let's see, what else. Oh, he was seeing Angela everywhere before he died. But you know, I'm sure that's just me transferring my own feelings.”
“Okay, I get it. I'm sorry, maybe there is something going on here,” Sam sighed.
“Maybe?” you snickered.
“Sam, I know how to do my job, despite what you might think,” Dean deadpanned.
“Did you check out the dude’s apartment?” you asked Dean.
“Pile of dead plants, just like the cemetery. Hell, dead goldfish too.”
“Great, more unholy ground,” you noted.
“Maybe. I'm still not getting that powerful angry spirit vibe from Angela.” He leaned against the dresser and held up the pink book he had in his hand. “I have been reading this, though.”
You scoffed, smiling a little. “You stole the chick’s journal?”
“Yeah. And if anything, the girl's a little too nice.” 
Sam asked, “So what do you want to do?”
“Keep digging; talk to more of her friends.”
“You get any names?” the brunet asked.
Dean smirked. “Are you kidding me? I have her bestest friend in the whole wide world.” He wiggled the diary around. 
“Okay, well, who’d you find?” you questioned.
Dean leafed through the book. “This guy Neil shows up a lot. I think he’d be a good place to start.”
“Okay. Give me, like, ten minutes,” you replied. “I just woke up when you called me.”
Dean followed you out of his and his brother’s room and back to yours.
“What’s up?” you asked, noticing he was behind you. 
“Nothin’. Just wanted to hang out with you.”
You scoffed as you closed the door behind him. “I have to change, though.”
He smirked. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“Perv.” You took your clothes and headed toward the bathroom.
“Whoa, where ya goin’?” he asked.
You turned back to him. “Dean, I just feel weird moving so fast after everything with your dad. You’re tired. I can see it. Of course, I want to be more than just friends, but I don’t think the timing is right.”
He scoffed and looked at the floor. "Don't do the same thing Sam's doing."
Your formerly understanding tone hardened. I'm not. Don't do that to me. I am the furthest thing from patronizing you right now. And it's not all about you, dude. This isn't exactly ideal conditions for a relationship. And if you're gonna get mean every time we disagree, then this is not for me."
Dean's jaw tightened, and he went to say something. However, he seemed to realize that was a bad idea. Eventually, he admitted, “I know you’re right.”
You walked back over to him and pulled his face up to look at you. “Hey, I don’t mean ‘never.’ Just… not right now. You’re still my best friend, though. That will never change.”
He relaxed into your hand and closed his eyes, sadly saying, “Yeah. You, too.”
You felt slightly awkward around Dean after your conversation with him. You wanted him badly, and it killed every part of you to not let yourself be close to him. However, you knew he needed time and space to recover from his father’s death.
You knew he was going to continue to struggle with that for the rest of his life just as you did with the deaths of your parents, but you also knew he would eventually find a way to cope. You just didn’t want to be more of a distraction to his healing process than hunting already was.
You could tell he was burying so much just below the surface, and it threatened to boil over at any moment. You wanted so badly to hold him and tell him everything would be okay, but you knew that would be an awful idea at that particular moment. 
You continued with the hunt as usual, though, and went to visit Angela’s best friend, Neil. He seemed a little awkward upon meeting him, but not just in the “I have trouble socializing” way. He was awkward in a way that unsettled you. What unsettled you even more was the dead plant on the table just behind him in the doorway of his home. Something interesting you’d learned from him, too, was that Angela’s boyfriend cheated on her just before her accident. 
You and the brothers walked away from Neil’s house, tossing around potential theories.
Dean began, “Well, that vengeful spirit theory's starting to make a little more sense. I mean, hell hath no fury…”
“So, if Angela got her revenge on Matt, you think it’s over?” you asked him.
“Well, there's one way to be sure.”
You got in the car and noticed Sam was looking at his brother stunned. “Burn the bones? Are you high? Angela died last week!”
“So?” Dean argued.
“So, there's not gonna be bones. There's gonna be a ripe, rotting body in the coffin.” Sam’s nose twisted in disgust.
Dean smirked. “Since when are you afraid to get dirty? Huh?”
When you did exhume the coffin, you and the boys were shocked to find the coffin completely empty with strange Greek lettering etched on the inside of the coffin’s lid.
Dean insisted on going to Dr. Mason’s home to confront him then and there. He figured that he would be the only person with access to an ancient Greek ritual like the one you’d found etched in Angela’s coffin. Despite yours and Sam's protesting, Dean's unbelievable stubbornness prevailed.
The older Winchester pounded on the door, incredibly agitated.
“Dean, relax,” you stated firmly. 
He didn’t look at you or give a response.
Dr. Mason opened the door and forced a smile. “You're Angie's friends, right?”
Sam began to gently say, “Dr. Mason—” when his brother cut him off harshly.
“We need to talk.”
Dr. Mason seemed surprised. You glared at Dean, hoping he would be able to feel your aggravated warning. 
You could tell the poor man was a little startled, but he still invited you inside. Dean stepped over the threshold and immediately began unfolding a paper he’d copied the Greek characters from Angela’s coffin onto. “You teach Ancient Greek. Tell me—” Dean held out the paper, “what are these?”
“I don't understand. Does this have something to do with Angela?”
“It does. Please, just humor me.”
The old man was confused. “They're part of an ancient Greek divination ritual.”
Dean’s tone never softened. “Used for necromancy, right? See, before we came over here we stopped by the library and did a little homework ourselves. Apparently they used rituals like this one for communicating with the dead. Even bringing corpses back to life. Full-on zombie action.”
Dr. Mason chuckled uncomfortably. “Yes. I mean, according to the legends. Now, what's all this about?”
He didn’t seem guilty to you, but Dean kept pushing. “I think you know.”
“Dean—” you and Sam tried, but Dean continued on.
“Look, I get it. Okay?” he spat. “There are people that I would give anything to see again. But what gives you the right?”
“Dean!” Sam scolded.
“What are you talking about?” the man stuttered out, looking between you and the brothers.
“What's dead should stay dead!” Dean growled.
Sam jumped in front of Dean. “Stop it!”
“What you brought back isn't even your daughter anymore. These things are vicious, they're violent, they're so nasty they rot the ground around them. I mean, come on, haven't you seen Pet Sematary?” the older brother snarled.
“You’re insane,” Dr. Mason muttered.
“Where is she?!”
Dr. Mason rushed over to his phone. “Get out of my house.”
Dean continued his pursuit. “I know you're hiding her somewhere. Where is she?!” 
You rushed in front of Dean and grabbed his jacket. “Dean! Stop it, that’s enough! Look!” You jerked him around to face the window sill with a row of plants sitting on it.
Sam turned to Dr. Mason. “We’re leaving.”
The shell-shocked professor still held the phone to his ear. “I'm calling the police.”
Dean pulled away from you and stormed toward the door.
“Sir, we're sorry. We won't bother you again,” Sam said.
You followed Dean, footsteps heavy with anger. “What the hell is wrong with you, Dean?”
“Back off,” he told you.
“Dean, he didn’t do anything! He didn’t deserve that!” you protested.
Dean huffed. “Okay, so she's not here, maybe he's keeping her somewhere else.”
“Stop it! That's enough, okay? Enough!” Sam piled on.
“Sam, I know what I'm doing,” the older brother grumbled.
“No, you don't," you responded for Sam. "At all. Dean, I don't scare easy, but man, you're scaring the crap out of me.”
The man rolled his eyes. “Don't be overdramatic, (Y/N).”
“You're lucky this turned out to be a real case. Because if it wasn't you would have just found something else to kill. You’re on edge, you’re erratic, except for when you’re hunting, ‘cause that's when you’re downright scary,” Sam stated firmly. 
“You’re tailspinning. You refuse to talk to even me about it, and you barely let me help you; let alone Sam,” you jumped back in.
“I can take care of myself, thanks,” Dean chided.
“No, you can’t,” you challenged. “And you’re the only one who thinks you should have to. You can’t handle this alone; nobody can. I couldn’t!”
Dean went to cut you off, saying, “(Y/N), if you bring my dad into this, I swear—”
“Dean, no. You’re scaring me." Your voice was still firm but had an empathetic undertone. "You’re killing yourself. I mean, I had to set boundaries with you earlier because I don’t want you to use me as a distraction. Whether you are intentionally or not, that would be what you’re doing.”
“(Y/N)—” he tried.
“No! Stop it. Quit burying your head in other shit to distract you. I’ve lost everything. I’ve lost my family. I’ve lost friends. And as much as it kills me, I’m driving a wedge between us because I don’t want to lose you. Please, Dean. Don’t make me lose you.”
Dean paused before murmuring, “We better get out of here before the cops come.”
You frowned at him.
“I hear you. Okay? I know, I'm being an ass. And I'm sorry,” he said earnestly. “But right now, we've got a fuckin’ zombie running around, and we need to figure out how to kill it.”
Sam laughed. “Our lives are weird, man.”
Dean’s tone lightened slightly. “You're telling me? Come on.”
Later that evening, Dean paced around his motel room while you and Sam sat at the table looking through John’s journal.
“We can't just waste it with a head shot?” Dean questioned.
“Dude. You've been watching way too many Romero flicks,” Sam quipped.
The older Winchester quirked a brow. “You're telling me there's no lore on how to smoke 'em.”
“No, he’s saying there’s too much,” you chimed in. “Every fuckin’ zombie legend has a different way to kill it.”
“Some say setting them on fire, uh, one said, where is it?” Sam paused, looking for the right page. “Right here. Feeding their hearts to wild dogs. That's my personal favorite. I mean, who knows what's real and what's myth?”
“Is there anything they all have in common?” Dean asked.
“No. But a few said silver might work,” you replied.
“Silver's a start,” he nodded.
“Yeah. But now, how are we going to find Angela?” Sam added.
“We've got to figure out the person who brought her back.”
“Any ideas?” you questioned. 
Dean considered for a moment. “I think if it's not her dad, it might be that guy Neil.”
“I agree. He had a dead plant on the table behind him in the doorway,” you chimed in.
Dean looked at you. “And you didn’t think to mention that till now?”
“Well, sorry, I’ve had more important stuff on my mind,” you replied sarcastically.
“And get this,” Dean said, picking up Angela’s pink journal. “ ‘Neil's a real shoulder to cry on, he so understands what I'm going through with Matt.’ There's more in here where that came from. It's got unrequited Duckie love written all over it.”
You giggled. “You’ve seen Pretty in Pink?”
Dean looked at you, opening and then shutting his mouth, unsure of how to respond. He went back to Neil. “Did I mention he's Professor Mason's TA? Has access to all the same books.”
You looked at Sam, who seemed pensive.
Your next stop was the home of Neil. The house was dark and there were no cars in the driveway. Dean picked the lock on the door, and called up the stairs, “Hello? Neil? It's your grief counselors. We've come to hug.”
You burst out laughing at Dean’s remark, and he looked down at you, smirking. He pulled out his gun and cocked it.
“Silver bullets?” you asked.
“Yeah, enough to make her rattle like a change purse.”
You started walking through the house and led the brothers over to what seemed to lead down to the basement, noticing wilted plants all along the walls. 
Dean nodded at the door to the basement. “Unless it's where he keeps his porn…”
You gave him a look and pushed the door open. “Ladies first.”
He glared at you playfully, but went down the stairs first nonetheless.
“Sure looks like a zombie pen to me,” Dean said upon seeing the dank, dark room with a thin mattress on the floor in the corner.
“Yeah. An empty one. You think Angela's going after somebody?” Sam questioned.
You walked over to a loose grate on the wall and pulled it aside. “Nah, she’s probably goin’ after Dean looking for her diary.”
“Look, smartass, she might kill someone. We gotta find her, (Y/N),” Sam remarked.
“Yeah. Alright. She, uh, she clipped Matt because he was cheating, right?” Dean jumped in. “Well, it takes two to, y’know, have hardcore sex.”
You giggled, but felt your cheeks heat up and opted for looking at the floor. 
“I don't know, it just seemed that, uh, Angela's roommate was broken up over Matt's death. I mean, like, really broken up,” Dean continued.
You sucked in air through your teeth. “Yikes.”
When you entered Angela’s former home, you and the brothers heard two women struggling and screaming at each other. You jumped out from behind the wall leading to the kitchen and shot at Angela, landing them squarely in the middle of her back.
Angela’s corpse convulsed and turned to face you angrily. You shot at her again, and she stuttered before running out through the kitchen window. You immediately followed her, sprinting after her for quite a while before fatigue began to catch up to you.
Her white dress became smaller and smaller before you turned to run back to the house. You met Sam and Dean back at the house’s exterior. “Fuck, that dead bitch can run.”
Dean chuckled at you. “What now, Quicksilver?”
You deadpanned at him. “Let’s go talk to Neil. After I catch my fucking breath.” ***
The best possible solution you and the brothers could come up with for killing Angela was nailing her back into her coffin. However, that required you being able to get Angela back to the cemetery. Dean said he had a plan, but you were a little skeptical. 
Neil sat in his office in the dark, seeming nervous. “What are you guys doing here?”
“You know, I've heard of people doing some pretty desperate things to get laid, but you; you take the cake,” Dean scowled.
“Okay. Who are you guys?” Neil asked.
“You might want to ask Angela that question,” Dean replied.
You could tell he knew what Dean was talking about but was trying very hard not to let that on. “What?”
“We know what you did,” you said. “The ritual? Ringing any bells?”
Neil scoffed. “You're crazy.”
“Your girlfriend's past her expiration date, and we're crazy? When someone's gone, they should stay gone. You don't mess with that kind of stuff,” Dean responded.
“Angela killed Matt. She tried to kill Lindsey,” Sam added.
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
Dean stomped over to the other side of the desk and hauled Neil up by his collar. You mentally scolded yourself for finding that attractive. “Hey! No more crap, Neil. His blood is on your hands. Now. Me and him can make this right, but you've gotta tell us where she is. Tell us!” Dean demanded.
“My house,” he rushed out. “She’s at my house.”
As Dean let him go, you followed his line of sight to dead plants beside Neil on the windowsill. “You sure about that?”
Neil nodded and looked around nervously. You nodded your head toward the closet. Dean seemed to catch on to what you were saying and subtly gave you a look. He then raised his voice slightly. “Listen. It doesn't really matter where she is. There's only one way to stop her. We've got to perform another ritual over her grave, to reverse the one that you did. We're going to need some black root, some, some scar weed, some candles... It's very complicated, but it'll get the job done. She'll be dead again in a couple hours. I think you should come with us.” Dean stared him down. “I'm serious, Neil. Leave with us. Right now.”
Neil shook his head. “No, no!”
Dean leaned into Neil and quieted down again. “Listen to me. Get out of here as soon as you can. But most of all, be cool. No sudden movements. Don't make her mad.” He nodded to you and Sam. “Let’s go.”
You and the brothers set up candles around Angela’s open grave, and Sam asked, “You really think this is going to work?”
Dean huffed. “No, not really. But it was the only thing I could come up with.”
You heard a noise behind you and looked to Sam, who stood and pulled his gun toward the sound. He walked hesitantly toward the sound, and you followed his retreating form till you couldn’t see him anymore.
The next time something emerged from the trees, it was Angela’s pale body, which you shot at. She stumbled back all the way to her open grave, and the last shot sent her falling back into it. Dean ran toward the grave with the metal stake he was holding and slid the last few feet on his knees. He dove into the coffin, and you kept him from completely falling in by holding his jacket. 
“Wait, no!” Angela cried as Dean plunged the metal stake through her chest and pinned her into her coffin.
You pulled Dean back up, and he looked down into the grave. “What's dead should stay dead,” he said.
You looked at him sadly, knowing what he meant by that. “Dean—”
He shook his head. “Don’t.”
You sighed and set to work reburying Angela. The whole time you buried her, you were consumed by your own thoughts surrounding what you knew Dean meant when he stabbed Angela. Sam and Dean went back and forth as they usually did about the last battles of their hunts. The brothers then wiped the dirt off their hands and moved to the car. You stood up, too, and followed them. 
Dean sighed suddenly and paused. “Sam, wait in the car, will you?” he asked, throwing the keys to his brother.
Sam seemed confused but obliged anyway and walked away from you. Once Sam was out of eyesight, Dean turned back to you. 
“What’s goin’ on?” you asked.
He looked down at his shoes, unable to meet your gaze. “I'm sorry.”
You shook your head, surprised. “Uh, for what?”
“The way I've been acting,” he continued. “It’s just… it's my fault that he's gone.”
“What are you talking about?”
Dean’s head hung low as he spoke. “I know Sam’s been thinking it; so have I. And maybe you, too. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Back at the hospital, I made a full recovery. It was a miracle. And five minutes later, my dad's dead, and the Colt's gone.”
You stepped toward him. “Dean—”
He looked up at you, tears in his eyes that he was trying desperately to keep at bay. “You can't tell me there's not a connection there. I don't know how the demon was involved. I don't know how the whole thing went down, exactly. But Dad's dead because of me. And that much I do know.”
“We don’t know that. Not for sure,” you protested, although you were pretty sure. You just didn’t want to affirm that for Dean and send him even further into a tailspin.
“(Y/N)—” his voice broke as he began to cry. “You, Sam, Dad... you're the most important people in my life. And now— I never should've come back, (Y/N/N). It wasn't natural. And now look what's come of it. I was dead. And I should have stayed dead.” He sniffed and tried to gain his composure. “You wanted to know how I was feeling. Well, that's it.”
You nodded, unsure of what to say. You looked up at his glassy eyes, your heart breaking.
“So tell me, what could you possibly say to make that all right?”
You bit the inside of your cheek thoughtfully and did the only thing you could think to do at the time. You wrapped your arms around his torso and pulled his head down to your shoulder. He tensed at first but eventually relaxed into you. Quiet, choked breaths wracked him, and tears began to soak your shirt. You stroked the hair at the nape of his neck and stood with him for a long while.
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
250 notes · View notes
rationaliity · 4 months
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modern! blade lives a surprisingly domestic life compared to what a lot of people could think for him. was he covered in scars and tattoos, with long dyed hair and piercings ? absolutely he was. did he drive a motorcycle and smoke weed whenever he got the chance, and sometimes whenever he didn't even have the chance ? yeah. was he rough around the edges, and so hard to approach that any normal person with even a slight sense of self worth would rather die then be forced to say even a simple ' hello ' to him ? that was just blade, it was who he was as a whole, and that's okay. but when the two of you were home alone, he was.. almost a different person.
" bladie ~ " you called out, poking your head from the bedroom. he'd been in the shower for a while, you were wondering if he was smoking without you again, or if he had finally keeled over from all of his self destructive habits. you knew the latter wasn't possible. blade was almost indestructible at this point, nothing could hurt him that he had tried. and it's blade, he's tried nearly everything that he could think of. not necessarily out of a wish to die, and not because he wanted to live on the edge. the darker aspects of life just called to him, as if he were atoning for sins he'd made in a past life and still couldn't do it.
" yes ? " blade asked, opened the bathroom door, his hair wrapped in one of your floral towels, his lazy black tee shirt having stains from a funny mix of his poor attempt at trying bleach art and how many times the both of you had dyed your hair over and over again. his grey sweatpants hung on his hips, and you were pretty sure you could find god in his skin that peaked underneath his shirt as his hand raised to grab the towel around his hair. " do you need something ? "
" nah, " you shook your head, obviously staring at him as he let his damp hair fall down his back, throwing the towel in the bathroom and really not caring where it landed. " i was just checking up on you. making sure you aren't dead yet or anything. " at least you were honest, he had to give you that.
" i haven't died yet, are you so eager to attend my funeral ? " he joked, walking towards you. if you were anyone else, you might've shrunk back with the way that he was looking at you. but he was your blade, you knew that he wouldn't hurt you no matter what was happening, and especially not in such a surprisingly tender moment like this.
" can't wait.. although it'd be a double funeral. it's definitely a funeral i can't miss, since i'm going to be a participate and all. " by the time you spoke, he was already in front of you, his hand on your cheek. blade grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
" a double funeral ? how.. charming. " he didn't smile or anything, but you could tell that he was happy with your little proclamation." are you ready for bed ? "
yeah, the two of you were a little morbid. maybe you smoked with him from time to time, maybe you were his passenger on his motorcycle. maybe you traced patterns in his tattoos and kissed his his piercings. maybe he loved you. maybe you loved him. maybe you were willing to die together just as much as you were willing to live together.
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— ♡ rationaliity 2024
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185 notes · View notes
sparklingsjy · 2 years
enhypen's reaction to you wearing revealing clothes and other members checking you out
note: requested by anon!
contains: suggestive (hyung line) and tiny bit of smut (sunghoon), these big babies have jealousy issues, mentions of getting drunk and niki threatening his hyung LOL
first off he LOVES when you wear revealing clothes
heeseung loves admiring your body so whenever you show it off, he's your number one hype man
unfortunately he does get possessive once he notices jake checking you out
"y/n you are looking GOOD"
"watch your mouth jake"
"yes sir!"
he knows jake means no harm but once you dress to impress, he has to remind EVERYONE that you belong to him <3
. . . . which means a long night of seeing stars and the members teasing you guys for being loud :')
you're funny if you think he's going to let you be with the members for 5 minutes in a two piece skintight black dress
his girlfriend in revealing clothes near his members is already a sign to run
once jay sees you WHEW you better cancel your plans tomorrow cause you will NOT be walking straight
"trying to show off what's mine? hm?"
you are in for a night of aggressive make outs (and more) but the after care is AMAZING
i love jay sm can he be mine already
he's so down bad
this man genuinely cannot believe you're his when he sees you in a short silky red dress
he caresses your curves and gives you kisses all over until he hears sunoo and jungwon complimenting you
"how did jake get so lucky with y/n..."
"she looks so pretty"
"do i always have to remind you guys that she's with ME? keep your compliments to yourself!"
once he takes you to his room he gets all pouty bc he's a big baby who gets jealous quick and wants reassurance LOL
"yo sunghoon y/n is looking hot tonight"
"can i take her upstairs with me?"
jay and niki LOVE pushing hoon's limits
maybe it was a mistake wearing a very revealing dress to heeseung's party
but did you care when hoon had you bent over in front of the mirror in the guest room? nah!
yes he's a shy boyfriend but this man WILL claim you if you test him
"you looked so pretty tonight baby" "only i can see you like that" "you dressed like that for me, right?"
hoon will leave you looking like a mess and covered in hickies
but only he'll be the only one seeing them so i guess it's worth it at the end :>
you wearing a tiny pink dress is what lead you to being showered in compliments by sunoo
"y/n you look like a princess!" "i'm so lucky to have you"
sunoo is so cautious with you and makes sure you're comfortable :(
"are you sure you want to go out like this? i'm happy you wore this for me but i want you to be comfortable too!"
however, you dressing like that had jay and heeseung's eyes on you
"sunoo you should share y/n with us"
"yeahh she looks so pretty! how did she fall for you?"
"maybe because i'm the only normal one in this group . . . and better looking"
wonnie is used to you wearing revealing clothes when going out at night with your friends
but he's not used to the teasing that comes from his members yet, especially sunghoon
"jungwon you're a brave man for letting her go out looking all sexy"
of course, wonnie was already staring daggers at sunghoon once he noticed him checking you out
"she knows who she belongs to so quit watching her every move hyung"
before you leave the house, he's telling you to not fall for another guy and if anyone tries to bother her, he's outside waiting to pick her up
jungwon trusts you that you'll make the right decisions and will help you get ready for bed once you guys return <3
even if it means causing a ruckus because of how drunk you got LOL
you and niki both love fashion so it's not a surprise that you're wearing the tiniest clothes in existence for a photoshoot
niki and his members went to support you but they ended up drooling over you instead
"stop drooling over someone you can't have"
"you're lucky she's even with you when i exist"
"you're lucky i haven't laid my hands on you jake"
"niki! he's older than you, be nice"
"he's drooling over my girl!"
he gets feisty when his members tease him over you LMFAO
but then again, seeing you dressed like that just made him love you even more
ending note: thank you for reading !
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