#it's when it's quiet and you can't see him anymore that you should worry
yamujiburo · 1 month
Here's an arc I thought about doing but won't do because, it'd be a bit too sad and also it's too similar to the Turing Point Arc I already did and also it would be long. But I'll write it here for you angst enjoyers. This ended up being longer than I thought.
Despite getting the "okay" from Ash to date Jessie, Delia still worries that she's not doing the right thing or being a bad mom. Up until now she'd convinced herself that she had the right to be selfish for once after knowing only sacrifice and putting herself last.
Jessie and Ash, while not as antagonistic towards each other, still go at it. A Pikachu zap here, an angry "twerp" being uttered there. The guilt settles in for Delia and figures that it's best to just cut things off before things potentially get worse or before she gets too attached to Jessie. Her son comes first after all. That's what she signed up for when becoming a parent.
She sits Jessie down, eyes watery (it's the first time Jessie's ever seen Delia come close to crying). Delia says she thinks they should end things. Jessie is stunned but accepts it quickly. She sucks it up in the moment, puts a resigned smile on her face and tells Delia she'll leave immediately and not to worry about her. Delia's also broken up about it but promised herself she'd never cry over a goodbye and she wasn't gonna start now.
Jessie goes to James and Meowth's place greeted similarly to this, lightly teasing her about blowing it with Delia, and she breaks down sobbing. Oops it's real this time. James and Meowth do everything in their power to make her feel better. They let her know that things like this happen and they're ready to go wherever she wants to go (knowing that it'd likely be to painful for her to stay in Pallet). As much as she wants to leave, she doesn't want James and Meowth to lose the good thing they have going. She's not in the right headspace to make any decisions so she'll get to it later.
Ash returns home after doing a little training at Oak's lab. He notices Jessie's not around and asks his mom where she is. Delia is about to tell him but can't quite bring herself to say the truth out loud yet. She simply says "I don't know". Ash looks disappointed. "Aw man, I wanted to see if she wanted to battle. She makes a good battle buddy for all of my newer, baby Pokémon." Delia perks up that this. As quickly as he came, he leaves again to go train his Pokémon.
Later, Delia approaches Ash, asking him if he really meant that what he said about Jessie being a good battle partner. He gives her an enthusiastic "yeah!" and tells her that it's been nice having another battle ready trainer around since there's not many in Pallet. Delia starts to pry a little more. "I thought you and Jessie didn't get along?" Ash is confused, and tells Delia they get along great! "Jessie doesn't steal anymore! And she's getting better at battling which is cool." Delia brings up that she's head them argue before. "Oh... well I guess that's just how we are. I'd be weirded out if she was suddenly too nice to me all the time. Jessie's actually a lot like Misty. But taller!" This gives Delia a lot to think about but what's done is done and it's no use pressing on. It's easier this way.
The next morning Delia's getting ready for work. She must not have noticed that she was acting weird but Ash picks up on it. "What's wrong mom?" Delia's shocked he noticed (he's not usually this perceptive). She tells him it's nothing and that she just slept bad. "Hm. But Jessie says that when you're upset you get really quiet and intense." Delia notices that she was pretty intensely mixing the pancake batter. "Jessie told you that?" Ash nods. "Hey speaking of, where is Jessie? Haven't seen her since yesterday." Delia stops mixing and tells Ash that she and Jessie aren't together anymore. Ash is confused and upset at the idea of Jessie doing something that would hurt his mom enough for them to break up. Delia lets him know that Jessie didn't do anything like that and that them breaking up was just for the best. But Ash questions this, pointing out that he's never seen Delia as happy as she was when Jessie was there and also how Delia looks really sad now. Delia can't argue with that but then tells him that it's complicated. Ash, to Delia's surprise, looks a bit disappointed. He's bummed he wasn't able to say goodbye first and asks if she thinks Jessie would still be willing to come by and train with him sometimes. Delia asks him once more if he was really okay with her and Jessie dating. "Yeah I thought I said that already? Jessie's pretty cool when she's not being evil. And she really likes Pokémon which is a plus!" Such simple criteria. Delia's now worried that she might've made a mistake. She finishes making breakfast and heads to work.
At the restaurant she's met by James. She can feel an awkwardness hanging in the air. She knows that James knows. Before she can say anything James tells Delia thank you for employing him and helping him, Meowth and Jessie get back on their feet but that he's going to quit working at the restaurant and that they'll likely be leaving Pallet soon. Delia's heart sinks. There's now a ticking clock and she has to decide what she wants to do SOON. She asks James where Jessie is. James hesitantly tells her that she's at his and Meowth's place. Delia pleads with James to work the restaurant for one more day at least and to cover this shift. She has to go talk to Jessie. He agrees, hoping that this is a good thing.
Delia runs to James and Meowth's place. She knocks on the door upon arrival and waits. It takes a moment but she hears the door unlock. Jessie opens the door, disheveled, tears and snot all over her face, draped in a blanket. Jessie notices it's Delia and, frightened, slams the door. Delia's stunned for a moment and goes to knock on the door again but before she can the door opens. This time Jessie's tears are gone, her hair's fixed and she ditched the blanket. "Oh hey, Delia! What brings you here?" Delia can't help but be charmed. But this is serious. She shakes it off and asks if they could talk. Jessie invites her in. They get to the couch and Jessie starts frantically cleaning up all the crumpled tissues and dirty dishes off the ground. "Heh I caught a cold yesterday. A one day cold. I'm fine now." Delia doesn't call out the obvious lie and gets straight to the point.
She tells Jessie that she's worried she made a mistake. She made a panicked decision that she was hoping would protect Ash and her future self. But now realizes that she was afraid of the idea that she'd made a selfish decision by dating her. It was a selfish decision but that didn't mean it was a bad one. She was the happiest she'd been, Jessie and Ash were learning to get along and were getting along much better than she'd though. She acknowledges that Jessie has been there for Ash in a way that she can't quite be and is also grateful to her for managing to keep Ash home a little longer. She asks if Jessie would be willing to take her back (despite the distress she caused). Jessie starts sobbing with happy tears. She tearfully says she'll try even harder to get along with Ash and be a better person. Delia reassures her that she's doing just fine.
They kiss passionately but then realize it's weird that they're making out in James in Meowth's place and say they'll continue later. Delia tells Jessie to head back home and that Ash is looking forward to battling with her (and she also needs to let James and Meowth not to quit their jobs).
The end~
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ozzgin · 10 months
I love your reader insert stuff!! The yandere yazuka series was vvvv entertaining, I wish I had a big scary gangster to scare away my stalker lol
If you are open to requests, how about Idol!Reader x Yandere!Bodyguard. I love the trope so much, and I'm interested and what you'd do with the idea. No worries if you're not interested tho!
Best wishes
I just finished writing it and you've got me punching the air with your prompt. It wasn't really my thing but I'm now sold. Thank you for the trope idea. :’)
Yandere!Bodyguard x Idol!Reader (I)
Short scenario featuring your bodyguard that takes his duty a little too seriously. Not that you’d mind…
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
TW: violence
(Cover from the manga “A girl and her guard dog”)
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"Fantastic show tonight!"
The older man guides you in and closes the door behind him. You smile warmly and seat yourself on the sofa. He quickly follows, although at a terribly uncomfortable proximity. His legs are pressed against yours and he extends an arm behind you, pretending to stretch. You shuffle awkwardly and lock your hands in your lap. You can already tell where this is going.
"With your talent, I'm confident we could triple the number of attendants. We just need a bigger venue." He nods at you and taps your thigh with his other free hand as encouragement. You notice the wedding band digging into his skin. 
"Alas, let us not waste the evening with business talk. I'm sure a stunning lady like you has better things to do." He laughs at his own compliment and ponders for a minute. "In fact, why don't we have dinner together? I know a great restaurant in the area."
You open your mouth to speak, but are distracted by the sudden, mild pressure on your leg. Somehow, his greasy fingers have wandered further up in the time you listened to his shameless offer. You've been in this career for long enough to guess what such proposals entail. If you say no, best case scenario he presses further, calling you a stuck up bitch and reminding you who has the power in this partnership. Worst case scenario, he leaves the room and the calls and invitations to perform will gradually drop. 
Yet your situation is special, benefitting from an additional possibility. A loophole, if you may.
Should you scream? Oh, he always gets so angry when you act scared. It's an immediate trigger. He really has a soft spot for your glistening, frightened eyes. You glance up one final time at the perverted smirk silently disregarding you. If you are to be honest with yourself, you'd very much enjoy seeing it wiped off forever. Why not? You're feeling particularly mean today.
So without hesitation, you release a high pitched yell of help. The door bursts open and the hinges creak. A tall, toned man walks in, and without a word he lunges at the manager, pulling him by the collar of his cheap dress jacket. You hold your cheeks dramatically, and bat your eyelashes at your bodyguard.
"H-he tried to molest me..." you mumble between sobs.
That's all he needs to proceed. Now the real fun begins. You can hear the muffled screams of protest. The bones crack and the flesh bends under his iron fists. Standing before your bodyguard, they all end up looking like ragdolls. Comically limp and weak, folding and breaking with no resistance. It amuses you greatly.
When did it all begin? You can't remember anymore. You were in your early years and this scary looking stranger entered your little backstage room. His explanation was brief and to the point: as your fame increases, so will the threats to your safety. He was appointed as your bodyguard. You couldn't care less, so you just shrugged. 
You've always been on the playful side. Not necessarily rude, just some innocent tease and banter wherever it's well received. Seeing him so quiet and stoic, you couldn't help but try to push his buttons: changing in front of him and requiring his assistance, occasionally asking him to pick you up and carry you because you could no longer walk. Naturally you would've stopped at the first complaint, but that's the strange part: no reaction ever came. He went along with everything. You assumed it's part of the job. Celebrities aren't known for their good manners, so hiring someone that loses their temper easily would be a fast ticket to termination.
Then you had your first encounter with one of the unpleasant fans you've been warned about. You could only stare in terror at your bodyguard's feral, unhinged reaction. The unfortunate fan's face was so disfigured, you wondered if anyone could ever manage to fix it back into shape. The bodyguard was panting and you could see the sweat coating his face and chest. You were rather confident there were many other ways to deal with it and this wasn't on the recommended list. Thus you felt compelled to ask the million dollar question:
"You act like a jealous spouse. Do you have a crush on me or something?"
You kind of regretted your audacity towards a man that had just nearly killed someone. But his features softened instantly and he turned to you, wiping his forehead and straightening his collar. 
"I suppose so. Is that an issue?"
As you stared ahead, processing his unbothered act, you sensed your cheeks feverishly burning. Uh oh. You hadn't anticipated such a nonchalant confession. You thought back to all the times you stood before him, bare and flirty. Was he merely holding back his urges the entire time? Or was he finally paying you back for all the teasing? Then again, his face didn't betray any hint of humor.
"I've never heard you joke before", you decided to test the waters.
"I'm not. Why would I joke about something like this?" He gazed at you incredulously. 
As somber and honest as ever. Well, that would indeed explain why he'd let you get away with the cheeky behavior. The more you considered it, the more entranced you became with the idea of indulging in such a relationship. As a famous idol, you couldn't be seen dating anyone. One rumor of you having a boyfriend and the agency would've had your ass suspended. But no one said anything about messing around with your bodyguard. He has to be with you all the time, so no one would suspect a thing. And you could definitely expand his list of responsibilities. You'd been terribly stressed lately, after all, and an outlet to release your frustrations would be most welcomed. Your bodyguard would never refuse pleasing his beloved.
You chuckled and pulled him towards your dressing room, giddy with excitement. Something about his imposing presence, like a wild animal that had just escaped from the leash, aroused you to no end. You've had your share of crazy fans, but this was the cherry on top. 
"Should we leave?"
You're jolted out of your daydreams by his low, rough voice. Ah, you missed the grand finale. Too bad. The bodyguard approaches you, with the shirt wrinkled and the top buttons popped open under the shuffle of his vicious attack. You can feel the knot forming in your stomach.
"Not yet. You know how I get when you act like this..." You pout and look away. "You need to take care of me first."
He grins at your last statement.
"Of course. Is the sofa okay?"
You nod.
"Then let's get you undressed, miss."
Is this what they call a scary dog privilege? 
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nariism · 1 year
you're mad at him.
you're mad at him and he knows it. you've been giving wriothesley the silent treatment ever since you arrived at the fortress of meropide, bandages in hand and a flurry of curses erupting nonstop from your mouth.
not a single word has been uttered between you since you sat him down in his office. despite refusing to speak to him, much less look him in the eye, you're dutifully bandaging up his raw knuckles like you remember sigewinne showing you back when she decided to go on vacation.
"it's very easy," her voice rings in your ears. you bite your tongue to prevent yourself from snarking back at her imaginary presence.
you only hoped she was enjoying herself up on the surface, accompanying neuvillette for the first time in ages. while she absolutely did deserve a vacation, you wished that she had given wriothesley a stern set of instructions to take care of himself in her absence.
if she did, maybe you wouldn't have had to come all the way down here just to witness him in such a state. your poor heart can't take this kind of worry.
the warden has come out the pankration the most unscathed, only sporting a split lip and bloody nose. his knuckles are red and cut, but it's nothing in comparison to the two inmates who had decided it was a good idea to incite a riot in what should be a controlled environment of the prison.
physically, he's fine. emotionally, he's having a complete meltdown.
he can't take this silence anymore; can't bear having you be upset with him, knowing that he should have been more careful about rushing in to stop the riot himself. the prison is crawling with guards for a reason, yet in his haste he decided it would be faster to intervene alone.
"hey," wriothesley calls out softly, timid despite his looming presence over you. "i didn't mean to worry you or–"
"why can't you be more careful?" you suddenly interrupt, voice cracking weakly. you gaze up from where you're kneeling on the floor, bandages halting in the air while you challenge him with your eyes. "don't you know how stupid and reckless that was?"
he holds your stare for a few moments, stunned by your sudden rebuttal. and then you tear your eyes away from his again, focusing back on tenderly wrapping up his hand.
"you always make me so worried staying down here day and night," you continue, voice so quiet he can barely make out your words.
"i'm sorry," he tells you earnestly.
"i know you're strong. i know it. but you're not invincible. would it kill you to cherish your life a little more?"
"i'm sorry," he says again.
you falter, a sigh escaping you as you peer up at him again. there's something softer in the way you look at him now, with all your frustration melting away into concern. you rummage through your bag for a wet wipe before standing to cradle his face.
wriothesley can't breathe when you're being so gentle with him. his hands find your waist and squeeze it to draw you even closer, until he can almost rest his head against your stomach.
"i love you," you finally tell him, and he feels the relief wash over him. "i can't stand seeing you hurt, so please be more careful."
you swipe the cloth under his nose a few times, gently dabbing at the skin and cleaning up the blood that has dried there. his steely eyes drift shut under your warm touch, allowing you to clean his face. when he only nods in response, your hand stops.
"promise me."
he looks at you again, a brow raised at your stern tone. but he would always relent to you, no matter what it is you wanted.
"i promise."
you blink down at him for a second, taking in how beautiful he is underneath his bloody nose. finally, you lean down to kiss the top of his head— a gesture of forgiveness and love that he's grown so accustomed to.
there's sunshine in your smile when you pull away from him to discard the used wipe, all previous signs of anguish gone from your expression.
his heart nearly stops at the sight.
you were right. he should cherish himself more. he can't stand seeing you fret over him even if it is a little endearing.
for now, he'll just enjoy having you take care of him. it's been so long since he returned to the surface, all he wants to do right now is bask in the light you bring down here with you.
"oh nurse," he teases, giving your hips another squeeze. "my lip got busted, too. got a remedy?"
you roll your eyes but press a kiss to his lips anyways.
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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strwberri-milk · 1 month
hiii :3 could i please request lads boys reactions to mc flinching during an intense argument 🖤
hello!! please read the request to make sure you're okay w the content - there are going to be the implication of something going on to make reader flinch during an intense argument but nothing specifically detailed
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Zayne rarely gets riled up like this. He just couldn't do it anymore - he hated seeing the way you kept things to yourself and refused to listen to his advice when he just wanted to see you take better care of yourself.
He wasn't yelling at you thankfully but he was being much more confrontational with you. It's not until his hands come up to gesture mildly at your direction that you flinch, stepping back from him as you wait for his next move. His brows furrow, trying to understand what he just witnessed. When he puts together the pieces he's devastated that your response to him raising his hand is that he's going to hit you.
Zayne immediately puts his hand down, avoiding reaching out and touching you to worsen your reaction. You hate how pathetic you feel in this moment, unable to properly voice to him what's wrong. Thankfully he doesn't ask you - instead choosing to just let you come to him at your own pace. Thankfully you quickly come to him, knowing that whatever it was you were afraid of it's not actually due to him. You love him and you know he's going to take care of you.
He ends up spending the rest of the night telling you softly that he doesn't want to annoy you or anger you but he's just worried about you. The two of you have a good heart to heart that night, finding the perfect compromise.
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Xavier also tends not to get very riled up. For whatever reason the two of you just couldn't agree, things escalating far past their normal threshold. Xavier tends not to be very physical when it comes to conversations but when he flicks his wrists in frustration, almost as though reaching for you you can't help but yelp and back yourself up against a wall, apologising desperately.
He has no idea where this came from, the confusion and sadness at your reaction stopping any sign of anger that he might have had. He offers his hand to you, wanting you to take it but also knowing he can't force you to take it. He's glad when you do, even if it took you a second, reassuring you that he's not mad at you, just at the situation. He wants you to trust him and you should know he'd never do anything to hurt you on purpose.
It takes a while but he'll also ask if you feel comfortable telling him what happened to make you react that way. The two of you talk about the situation and what to do in the future. He tells you that he'd never hurt you, ever and that you can trust him. All he wants is to keep you safe and protect you, he swears.
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Rafayel is always very animated when he speaks and unfortunately this does end up being intimidating sometimes. You can't help the way you flinch when he steps towards you, his intention to be to try and get closer to you but the look on his face terrifies you. You immediately flinch, unable to look at him as he realises what's happened to you.
He's immediately on his knees in front of you, trying to get you to tell him what's wrong. The quiet feels awkward after all the yelling, but Rafayel is somehow always incredibly patient whenever it comes to you. He waits for you to tell him what's wrong and reassures you that he's here for you, not the other way around.
He'll hold you tightly through the night, reminding you that he loves you and he'd never hurt you. From there on he's very careful with how he deals with his anger and shows it to you, never wanting to make you feel that way ever again.
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Sylus is aware he's intimidating but he never thought that he was intimidating to you. When a gesture of his makes you flinch back though he can't help but worry. He narrows his eyes at you, asking you what the problem is. Unfortunately, he isn't aware yet that this is just making things worse. You decide to try and leave, Sylus even more confused as he tries to understand what's happening to you.
You have to tell him that he's scaring you - beginning to scramble apologies much to his dismay. He immediately steps back a bit, telling you that you don't need to apologise. He wants to reach out to you though, clearly looking very conflicted despite his words. It takes you a second to clear your throat, telling him that it's okay and you just need a minute. You've never seen him this hurt before, the slight drop in his brows and lips makes it obvious how he's feeling, coming to him and apologising for your response.
He takes it well thankfully, telling you that you really didn't need to worry about him. He wants you to focus on doing what you think is right for you, never holding it against you. You have to convince him that you're okay with him and you trust him, choosing to confide in him why you reacted so strongly. He's glad you trust him, showing a more vulnerable side to you as thanks for doing so.
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dreamescapeswriting · 8 months
Stray Kids Reaction || He Throws His Wedding Ring [Hyung Line] [Mafia Edition]
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - February 2024
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of blood, killing, sex trafficking (not involving the reader) murder and fighting.
You couldn't even remember how the argument had and now you and Chan were standing in his living room staring at one another. Your breathing was rapid as you fought back the tears that were threatening to spill.
"Chan, I can't do this anymore. This life, the constant worrying and danger...Secrets...Not knowing if you're going to come home or not." You were exhausted from fighting with him, it had been going on for hours now and it felt as though he was never going to see your point of view behind this.
"This is who I am, Yn. You knew that when we got married, I can't just walk away from this."
"I didn't sign up for a life where I'm constantly worried if you'll come home alive! Or worried that someone will grab me!" You sniffled a little tears streaming down your cheeks.
"I want a normal life, a family without the fear of losing you every fucking day!" You finally yelled out but Chan scoffed at you like you were a child talking back to him.
"Normal? You think we can just walk away from this and be a normal couple?" He stared you down and shook his head at you, 
"It's not that simple. I have responsibilities, they won't just let us go." He grumbled at you, pouring himself a drink from the mini bar in the living room as you stared at the back of his head.
"Responsibilities?! Chan, you have a responsibility to me, you know...your wife! I won't be a widow before I'm at least 80!" You yelled at him finally losing your last bit of patience.
"You'll always put this life above me...Won't you?" You questioned, waiting for him to tell you that was crazy and that he loved you more than that,
"You knew when you married me that this was our life. Don't go trying to change the rules now." He downed the glass in one and you stared at him, the tears finally stopping as you felt nothing but anger for him now.
"Then maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I never should have married a man who thinks throwing his life away is honourable," The words flew from your lips before you had a chance to process them and the air turned thick and silent. You swore you could hear the faucet in the kitchen dripping, that's how quiet it was in the home now.
Chan silently twisted the ring around his finger before slipping it off and hurling it across the room, the ring clattered against the wall and onto the floor,
"There, happy now?! Is that what you wanted?!" He screamed at you, and your eyes searched him for any sign of your once-happy husband, the one you wanted to spend your life with.
"No, Chan. I wanted a husband, not some mafia boss..." You slowly slid the ring off your own finger and placed it down onto the coffee table,
"I can't sit here night after night waiting for that phone call to tell me you're not coming home." You wiped the tears from your face and walked toward the front door, Chan didn't stop you he just stared down at the wedding ring on the floor, the weight of his choices crushing him down onto the floor.
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It had been two days since the huge blowout with Chan and you'd been hiding out in one of your friend's places for those two days, no phone or tracker for Chan to find you with which was why it was surprising to find him waiting for you at the door.
"What are you doing here?"
"Kat called," You scoffed a little, she'd been threatening to do it but you never thought she would. Whatever happened to the girl code?
"I'm not interested in fighting anymore. If you send divorce papers I'll sign, I don't want anything." You explained as you moved around him, unlocking the front door to head inside. You'd been apart and it killed you but anything was better than worrying every day about whether he was alive or not.
"Yn." He called out but you shook your head at him,
"You can keep everything,"
"I have nothing." The words stopped you in your tracks as you slowly turned to face him,
"I walked away. Not without consequences but I did." It was then you noticed the sling around his arm, within seconds you were by his arm and inspecting it.
"It's just a minor break," He whispered as you stared up at him,.
"You walked away?" You whispered in shock, staring down at the ring that was back on his finger.
"Given the choice between that life and the love of my life? I needed to." He held out your wedding ring and you stared into his eyes, the mafia life was everything to him,
"I'll still work for them but mostly low-level stuff...You're looking at a desk boy." He said proudly to you, it hurt his ego but he'd rather be chained to a desk than risk losing you. You slipped your ring back on before throwing your arms around Chan and hugging him tightly.
The living room was thick with tension as you paced back and forth in front of Minho who lounged on the sofa with a sombre look on his face but it only made you more frustrated to look at him.
"You promised me," You seethed out, shaking your head at him.
"You promised me that you were done with this...Done with all of the killing." You gestured to his shirt which was drenched in blood and then looked at his face. Streaks of blood and skin were dripping down his face as you felt the bile in your throat beginning to come up again. He'd walked through the door all nonchalant thinking you weren't home today only to find you waiting for him,
"I did what needed to be done, Yn!" He didn't yell or scream he just sighed at you. He thought he might have been able to get away with it if he could get home before you and shower before you had a chance to see him. 
Sure he would have been lying to you but anything was better than getting into a fight with you over the same thing you always thought over.
"You told me things were going to change once I got pregnant," Your sight began to blur from the tears that were building up,
"You said you wanted our child to have a father but look at you!" You gestured once again to the state of him,
"If our child sees this what are they going to think!?" You yelled and threw your hands up in frustration. All of this was supposed to stop once you got pregnant, he promised he'd take a step back and leave the dirty work to his minions. 
"You think it's easy for me?!" He finally screamed, getting up from the sofa and staring you down.
"Do you actually think I enjoy living like this?! Killing people?! Sometimes there is no other choice!" He yelled at you, your eyes unblinking as you stared at him.
"There's always a choice! You could have found another way." You grumbled at him, you were sick of this fight. Every time it was the same, he'd promise to stop killing only to pick it back up a few days later.
"I won't raise our child in his environment, Minho. I won't let him grow up to think it's normal to kill people in order to get what he wants."
"Yn. It wasn't to get what I wanted."
"No? Then what was it? He looked at you wrong? Flirted with me?" You listed off all the excuses he'd given to you before and Minho finally snapped, pulling off his ring and throwing it across the room. It skittered across the floor coming to a stop at your feet.
"Whatever. You want something so normal, go on and try it." With that he walked out, slamming the door behind him as you stared down at the wedding band on the floor. Something that had once been a symbol of your commitment to one another now meant nothing as it sat there.
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"Changbin told me everything." You told Minho as you sat in the hospital waiting room together. It was deserted since Minho would never let anyone be alone with you,
"Hmm." He answered blandly, staring down at the floor. It had been a week since your fight and despite living in the same house you'd barely spoken a word to one another.
"Why didn't you tell me he was a sex trafficker."
"Would it have made a difference?" He slowly turned his head to look at you, your eyes were already staring into his as you nodded at him,
"I only kill who I have to. It's not something I do for fun." He admitted, his voice shaking a little. It wasn't as though it didn't affect him, he was taking another person's life which twisted him up in a way.
"I try and limit what I have to do myself but sometimes I have to do it." He told you with tears running down his cheeks, you nodded a little before kissing his cheek and squeezing his hand in yours.
"I understand,"
"I won't bring work home with me...Please, just don't leave." He begged, Minho wasn't the type to beg anybody for anything and you nodded.
"Wouldn't dream of it," You whispered before kissing him once more.
You stared at Changbin from across the table with an unimpressed look on your face, Changbin had sweat dripping down his forehead as he glanced down at his phone for the time again.
"This was supposed to be our night," You were pissed at him, you wanted to yell at him for standing you up but you were in such an upscale restaurant you couldn't even do that.
"A simple dinner date and you couldn't even make it on time." You mumbled at him, 
"I got held up. Business came up." Changbin answered as if it made the whole thing better
"Business always comes up. I'm tired of being second best to your business." As you spoke Changbin took out his phone clearly not listening to you as he began texting with someone, probably one of his men if you knew him well enough by now.
"It's not like I enjoy this but it's the life I have." He shrugged his shoulders as you stared at him, his head still in his phone, he didn't even see the tears rolling down your cheeks in a silent cry. 
It seemed that was all you ever did lately when it came to your relationship, you'd be left crying while he pretended he didn't notice or maybe he didn't even notice, you didn't know anymore.
"We're drifting apart, Binnie. You're never here and I need more." Your voice broke as you spoke to him, your frustration getting the better of you.
"I knew who you were when we got married but I didn't sign up to be stood up, or for anniversaries and birthdays to be missed." You'd finally broken, he'd missed so much of married life you weren't even sure you could count each other as a married couple. 
"I want a life with you, not one where I'm always waiting for you to show up and magically decide I'm worthy that day." Changbin stared down at the ring on his finger before he twisted it, throwing it onto the table and gaining attention from nearby diners.
"Maybe you're right. I can't give you what you need." Was all he said before storming off, leaving you to stare down at the ring on the table as people around you muttered about what had happened.
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"You know this is getting a little exhausting," Changbin told you as he followed you from the car to the house just like he had been doing every day since the night he'd given you his wedding ring back.
"I want a divorce." You told him plainly as you headed into the house you once had called home and he followed swiftly. 
"You know you can't walk away. I've been trying, Yn."
"I'm not interested in you trying anymore Changbin, I'm tired of never being put first..." Your voice trailed to a stop as you walked into the living room, there must have been thousands of your favourite flowers around the living room in vases and different arrangements.
"A thousand and one flowers...To make up for the dates I missed." He explained once he saw you trying to work out how many there were.
"W-What?" You stuttered a little walking toward them and running your hands on them to make sure that they were real.
"I missed too many to count so a thousand and one seemed fitting." He shrugged his shoulders and you turned around to stare at him.
"You didn't miss anywhere near a thousand." You laughed weakly and he stood in front of you, running his hand gently over your cheek as he stared down into your eyes,
"I won't miss a single one again...If you'll take me back." You wanted to, more than anything but it was going to take a lot more than flowers to make up for all of the time you'd lost together.
"It's going to take more than some-"
"I know." He told you with a smirk on his lips,
"And you're going to have to show me change." He planned on it, he had a plan in place for everything he was going to do.
"I know."
"And I- I wanted to go out regularly, once a week." You told him, right now Changbin would have given you whatever you wanted and one date a week sounded too easy on him in his eyes,
"Okay." He smiled at you,
"Okay?" You frowned as he smirked down at you.
"Yes, okay. Now will you let me kiss you?" You went to speak but it was quickly stopped as Changbin kissed you deeply.
You couldn't believe it was coming down to this, you stared at your husband as he stared back at you with a scowl on his face clearly unamused by what was happening but you were tired of all of this. Tired and hurt about second guessing where you fell in Hyunjin's life.
"I need to know..." Your voice came out shakey as you stared at him,
"Do you even love me anymore?" You finished before he scoffed at you, downing the glass of whiskey he'd been nursing and shaking his head at you.
"What kind of question is that? Of course, I do." It wasn't a silly question, it was something you'd been agonising over for weeks now, months even.
"Your actions say otherwise." You scoffed, staring at him as he poured himself another glass and began to slowly nurse it as you stared at him.
"You're always so caught up in your business and I'm always here wondering if I even matter to you."
"This is the life of a mafia wife Yn. You knew that when you married me." You did, which was a fair point but he'd shown you that while it was a lot of waiting for him it was supposed to be a lavish lifestyle the two of you could share. You couldn't even remember the last time you'd gone out together that wasn't an obligation to the both of you.
"I didn't sign up to be a in loveless marriage! You promised me it would be in sickness and in health, for better or worse." He drank from his glass before pouring a third one for the night, usually two were his cut off so you knew you were getting under his skin a little and if that's what it took for him to see your point then you didn't care.
"I need more than lavish gifts from you every now and again and empty promises that we'll do something eventually."
"I take you out." He defended angrily but you didn't back down. There hadn't been a real date since you got married to one another, everything else was parties you had to be seen at or charity events you couldn't miss.
"To your stupid parties where your presence is required. You never take me somewhere we want to go."
"You don't think I provide for you!? Is that it?!" He finally yelled, losing his patience with you. Hyunjin adored you, practically worshipped the ground you walked on and for you to suggest otherwise was a knife to his chest,
"I work like a dog, day and night and I give you everything you could ever possibly need in life!" He shouted out, not meaning to shout at you but he'd snapped that last bit that was holding him back,
"I don't NEED material things, I need you! I need your love! I need your presence!" You yelled at him.
"You know what I feel when we go out to your parties?" He doesn't answer you, instead, he stares down at the liquid in his glass that is burning his throat,
"I feel like a fucking trophy on your arm, something you can show off as the "Ha I got her" look." You started down at the wedding ring on his finger. Hyunjin had no idea you felt that way, his heart broke a little as he stared back at you, how could he have not seen it before?
"If you love me, then show it. Actions speak louder than words." In a fit of frustration, Hyunjin takes the ring off his finger and hurls it onto the table, the metal echoing around the room.
"You don't love me." You barely whispered before walking out of the room,
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You'd walked out on him two weeks ago and since then he'd been nothing but sweet to you, showing up every day to walk you to work and bring you lunch.
"Why are you doing all this?" You asked as you stared at the picnic that was on your office floor.
"I'm starting again." He told you as if it explained everything he'd been doing for the last two weeks.
"What?" You slowly sat down on the floor noticing that everything he had was all of your favourite foods.
"You said actions speak louder than words. I'm starting from the beginning with you, more dates, more time together." He held out a glass for you and you took it from him,
"To new beginnings." Your eyes stared down at his hand as you noticed the ring was back in its rightful place.
"New beginnings." You said, clinking your glass with his and smiling a little. Maybe it wasn't the best way to start again but if it was him truly trying to change you were going to give it your best shot.
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @myyouthdonut @extrhotjne @ca11me3mily @elissasimp @xakx @sleepb @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @kpopmenace143 @minhosify @loveforred @b1nn1e-1s-cut3
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rogueddie · 1 year
Steve wakes up to a beeping noise- a heart monitor. He struggles to open his eyes, turning to squint around the hospital room. Something about it feels off, though he can’t tell what.
A woman stumbles in, almost spilling her coffee. She looks familiar.
“Hey,” Steve tries, only to end up coughing. His throat is painfully dry.
“Steve!” She exclaims. She hurries over, swapping the coffee for a plastic cup of water. She carefully holds it to his mouth for him to drink. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you awake! I know we can’t talk here but… fuck, man, you really had us scared for a minute. Promise me you won’t do anything like that again!”
“I promise?”
“Oh! Eddie finally woke up too! Just the other week. He keeps asking about you, I should go-”
Steve is only more confused. There’s only one Eddie he knows and that Eddie wouldn’t be caught dead worrying about someone like Steve. Not unless...
“Duh. Oh! Nancy! I was supposed to- you’re ok, right? I’ll just be a minute!”
“Yeah, sure.”
She throws him a thumbs up, darting out the room, calling for Nancy.
His head throbs. He’s not sure what is going on, what happened… maybe that thing in the Byers house did get him after all? Maybe this is just a dream.
"Ah, Mr Harrington," a nurse greets with a warm smile. "It's good to see you awake. I'm just going to check your vitals and all of that stuff, then we'll need to go over some questions. Does that sound alright?"
"You've been asleep for a few weeks. We need to make sure that everything up there is ok." She lightly raps her knuckles on the side of her head.
Despite how light she's trying to be, Steve feels a sinking in his stomach.
"Is that possible? What- what could be wrong?"
"Nothing too serious. You're speech is clear and legible, you're conscious and cognitive." She lifts the clipboard off the end of the hospital bed. "You remember your name?"
"Yeah," he says. After a moment, he realizes; "oh! Right, sorry. Steve Harrington."
"Date of birth?"
"April 29th, 1967."
"Do you know what todays date is?"
"Um... how long have I been out? You said a few weeks, right?"
"Almost three weeks, yes."
"Three weeks, so that would make today... December 4th?"
She doesn't respond for a moment. The way she keeps her eyes on the clipboard feels too calculated.
"The year?"
"Uh... 1983?"
She only pauses for a moment, before continuing to ask simple questions about current events, how he's feeling, where he feels any pain or discomfort.
He lies when she asks if he remembers what caused him to be hospitalized. He's not sure what the story Nancy and Byers will give. He can't imagine people... involved, would want the truth out. And he's not willing to risk whatever consequences will come with that.
"I'm going to talk with your doctor," she finally says. "I'll be one minute."
"Wait! What- am I ok?"
"Your doctor will explain everything, don't worry."
Amnesia, his doctor explains.
Three years of his life, gone. They try to reassure him, say that it's still early days and he could completely regain his memory, no problem.
But they don't know. Not really. It's all 'possibly's, and 'maybe's. No guarentee. There's still a chance that he may never remember.
The woman who ran in when he woke up, sat by his bedside and holding his hand in a death grip, doesn't look anymore reassured by their optimism than he is.
"We're... close?" He asks her.
"Yeah," she says, forcing a smile. "Platonic soulmates. It's, um... Robin, by the way. Robin Buckley."
"Do we have that... Mrs Click, you sit behind me, right?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I did." She looks stunned, almost dazed. "I didn't think you remembered, or even noticed me."
"How could I not? You're hilarious!"
"What? We never-"
"Oh, uh, you're muttering. Behind me. It wasn't exactly, um... quiet."
"Oh my god," she slaps a hand to her mouth, eyes wide. "You heard me talk about you!"
"Yeah, like I said; you're funny."
Luckily, someone else bursts into the room, interrupting whatever epiphany Robin is having.
"Steve!" He yells.
The guy looks like a kid, barely out of middle school. But he rushes to Steve, eyeing him up like he's Steves babysitter.
"Uh, hi?"
"Oh no," is the kids response. He turns to Robin. "How much does he remember?"
"He is right here, you know."
"I think some time in 83?" Robin replies, ignoring him.
"Before or after the whole... uh..." He glances at Steve with suspicion, then pointedly to the door.
"Jesus," Steve mutters, rubbing at the crease between his brows. "Did Nancy and Jonathan tell you, or what?"
"Tell us about... what?"
He rolls his eyes at them, pointing to the kid. "Whatever has short stack paranoid. The thing with the-" he flops one hand around, raised towards the ceiling, "the lights."
"Do you remember anything that happened after that?" The kid quickly asks. "At the hospital, and Will?"
"You mean the Byers kid? Isn't he, like... dead?"
"So you... don't remember me."
"It's fine," he lies.
Steve hates how sad the kid sounds. He glances between the two of them, both seemingly wallowing quietly about the situation.
"Which room is Munson in?" He asks, breaking the silence.
"What?" The kid frowns. "Eddie? Why?"
"Which room?"
"He's two doors down to the left," Robin answers. "Why- woah! Don't get up! You're still-"
"I'm fine," Steve gently pushes her away, ignoring both of them trying to plead for him to get back into bed.
Despite the bandages, bruises and sick look to him, Munson somehow looks better than Steve remembers him looking. The longer hair definitely suits him.
"Steve?" He frowns. He tries to sit up but, grimacing, he soon stops. "What the hell are you doing up? You're gonna freak Dustin out."
"Dustin? That the kid?" He asks, grunting as he sits on the edge of his bed.
"What do-" he pauses, expressions slowly twisting with the horror and realization. "Yeah. Yeah, man, Dustin is the kid."
"Right. So... um... we're friends now?"
Eddie winces. "We haven't exactly had time to talk about... that."
"What? It's been years!"
"It's not that simple."
"Are you saying that because it's true or because you don't-"
"Because it's true," Eddie rolls his eyes. "A lot has happened since then, Steve. You fell in love with Wheeler."
"What?" Steve can't hide his confusion. "Nancy?"
"Yes, Nancy. You made sure everyone fucking knew about that."
Steve snorts, having to grab at his side with a wince. He bites the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing.
"So you're still easy to rile up?" He asks, smirking.
"Wh- you-" Eddie gasps. He tries to sit up again, grunting when he flops back down. "You were trying to make me jealous?!"
He's looking at Steve with disbelief, but he's also smiling.
"Are we friends now?" Steve asks.
"Yeah, Stevie. We're friends."
"Just friends?"
"I don't... Steve, how bad is your amnesia?"
Steve quickly looks away, wincing. "Not... that bad? I remember that- the first time. This, um... monster shit. Falling out with Tommy. And the doctors are optimistic- they're pretty sure I'm going to remember."
"Alright... maybe it'd be better if we talk then, instead of rushing into it now."
"Jesus," Steve frowns. "I really have missed a lot. When did you get mature?"
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amomentsescape · 6 months
OooooO! Could I get a Slasher X reader! Like where another "rival" Slasher gets interested in another Slasher's So?
When Another Slasher Becomes Interested in Reader
Brahms Heelshire x Reader
A/N: I decided to not go into specifics on who the "rival" slasher was since it would have involved a lot of background and explanation on why they were in the UK in the first place.
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Brahms's jealousy and possession over you knows no bounds
He doesn't even want you within a 3 foot radius of the man whose only job is to drop off groceries
He enjoys having you all to himself, living in the middle of nowhere with only him as your company
He may be the one who needs to be taken care of, but that's not to say that he doesn't want you to rely on him too
He has always wanted you to seek out his protection
He loves to see you curl up beside him and just fully relax in his presence
In fact, Brahms is never satisfied unless he is fully enveloping you with an iron grip, making sure nothing else can touch you and you can't sneak away
So when the feelings of paranoia began, Brahms went into a frenzy
He triple checked the locks on all the doors and windows every single night
He set up a security system to prevent anyone from breaking in
He even stopped hiding within the walls during the day and instead spent 24/7 right next to you
You questioned his sudden change in behavior
He told you he could feel someone watching you two
He could tell that you weren't really alone anymore
This freaked you out a bit
Brahms may be childish, but he's not stupid
You began to trust his word a bit more after that
It wasn't until one day that you decide to slip out of the house for a couple minutes
Brahms refused to let you outside or to even open a window the past few weeks, and this was beginning to wear on you
The cool air immediately calmed you down, and you began to question what he was so worried about in the first place
But right as the thought crossed your mind, you heard a branch snap beside you
You immediately turned and saw a masked man standing there, his height towering over you
He had a massive blade in his hand that sent a shiver down your spine
In that moment, you knew you should have listened to Brahms
You turned to run, but the Slasher was faster
He grabbed you by the jaw and turned you towards him, forcing you to look at him
To your surprise, his grip loosened slightly as he began to rub his thumb along your cheek
The feeling was familiar in a way to what Brahms would do sometimes
But that didn't make the moment any less terrifying
You tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he kept a firm hold on you
Just when you were about to call out for Brahms, the Slasher was slammed to the ground
You could see Brahms and the Slasher in a tussle, rolling around in the dirt while the sound of hard hits and cracking knuckles echoed throughout the quiet forest
You were worried for Brahms since the other Slasher was just as tall and strong as he was
But to your surprise, Brahms got the upper hand
He slammed his fist over and over again onto the man's mask, causing it to crack and splinter into his skin
This distracted him for just long enough that Brahms could grab a large rock, forcing it straight into the man's forehead
All movement ceased, and Brahms sat there, breathing heavily
When he finally turned to you, you slowly walked over to make sure he was okay
Before you could even say a word, Brahms had you pinned to a tree
His hands snaked along your waist as he pulled you flush against him
His lips were on yours in a hurry, his kisses hungrier than you had ever felt them before
He'll most definitely lock you back inside the house for the foreseeable future after this, but at least for now, you can just relish in his possessiveness and desire
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 5 months
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⋆˚࿔ 𝐃𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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synopsis: how genshin men would degrade you <3
tags: degrading (obviously) facesitting, mentions of gagging, oral, penetration, explicit
wrd cnt: 800+
a/n: cooking up an hsr version soon
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Ayato is always complete and proper in his semantics, he's fair and he loves to praise you.
But tonight...you stretched his patience too thin and his only choice was to stretch your little cunt til you couldn't talk back anymore. "Fuck, you're tight, honey.. this is what you want, isn't it?"
This day was big for Ayato, but you just had to keep pestering him with question after question. Usually, he'd entertain your playfulness but tonight was stressful. So he took it out on you instead. Call it karma?
"Clenching from my vulgarity..what a whore you are." He whispered into your ear, bending you across his desk, while all the guests sat outside having tea while you got fucked hard from behind by Ayato, who put a hand over your mouth, warning you greatly to stay quiet and stop those slutty moans of yours.
"Am I wrong or, did you not hear me? Ayato said lowly, slowly growing more and more annoyed and irritated at your misbehavior.
"Do you need me to gag that mouth of yours, y/n?�� Sounding more like a promised threat than a question.
The only way you can get yourself out of this is giving Mr. Kamisato all he asks for and more, and be an obedient girl.
Nothing could really piss off Alhaitham as much as you, but not in the way that's most obvious.
He hated how much you doubted yourself, looked down on yourself, and harbored deep annoyance of the fact you didn't love the things about you he can't get enough of.
Sure, he could give you a little cute pep-talk but, fucking it into you is the approach that'll really make it stick. Some reverse psychology maybe?
After hearing you badmouth yourself for what felt like hours, he's stripping you of all your clothes and sitting you onto the couch armrest, forcing you to look him in the eyes; daring you to say those things again.
"Fucking pathetic is what you are. You're lucky I'm not fucking that stupid shit out of your mouth". He said, grabbing your hips as he sat down, positioning your cunt over him.
Not sure if you should just hover, his large hand lands on your ass, surely leaving a handprint.
"Sit down y/n." Alhaitham groaned, pulling your hips down onto his face and swallowing your clit with his tongue; his eyes never leaving you and your perfect tits.
Wriothesley loved showering you with compliments and nothing but the sweetest of words, but sometimes he just can't hold back all the filthy things he knows you want from him.
Oftentimes he's just worried you're gonna start crying, but fuck is it hot when you do.
"Fuck, I'm gonna ruin your pretty little mouth." He breathes out, watching you kiss up his cock. On your knees and eyes up is his favorite way to gaze at you, and it's just so easy for him to fuck your face.
"Wrio...you said-"
"Sluts don't get to talk." He cuts you off, his brows raised in amusement as he lights up a cigarette and throws the lighter somewhere, taking his cock in one hand to push past your lips as the other keeps the cig inbetween his fingers.
"Open that dirty fucking mouth of yours... can't take it all of a sudden?" He says, shoving it deep into your throat while his hand grips the back of your head, letting you take it at your own pace before he throws his head back and thrusts his hips up as he hears all the sloppy noises, waiting for your glossy eyes to make an appearance.
Now, Childe really tries to be sweet and praiseful, but he loves how disgusting and filthy you can be, and it's even better when he gets to tells you how much he loves it.
Wearing a new outfit wasn't something you expected to lead to something like this.
Definitely not being put in a tight mating press by your lover, pressed into the couch cushions while he left marks all over your neck and collar, biting and sucking places anyone could see to leave no guessing who's you belong to.
"Look at your thighs...they're just spilling out. You look like a filthy slut, do you want me to fuck you like one? Is that it?" He asked, pulling and smacking the material of your stocking that you didn't think too much of, but the minute he saw you walk out in them his cock wanted to spring out and get in between your thighs. But your pussy was an even better spot.
Deep and deeper be thrusted, the springs in the furniture squeaking while your voice almost did the same, cursing and moaning his name while he kept you close. Small protests for him to be quick fell from your lips, urging him so the two of you could get to where you were headed prior to this..."short" break.
"Are you gonna be a good girl or a fucking headache?" He asked, only fucking your harder and slower, a hand finding to squeeze the sides of your neck.
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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arcanume · 6 days
Whispered prayers — Aemond Targaryen.
overview & pairing; : Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader : When Aemond is deep within the pleasure of himself — and you, he seems to find his own treacherous, pathetic, thoughts start to wander. his prayers begin to audibly force their way through his lips, and in turn — you start to see a side of aemond; raw, and untouched, materialize.
type; Drabble + Smut, with a tinge of angst.
warning(s); p in v, dirty talk, aemond starts to cry at some point, reader is confused but supportive, aemond needs a hug (canon)
a/n: omgomgomg!! 🥹🎉, i hope u guys enjoy this !! pls leave feedback, it’s so greatly appreciated and lets me know that i at least satisfied somebody !! ♥️♥️
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His touch is rather harsh at times, it encapsulates his anger, his nature, perhaps even his pain at times as well. His nights spent with you are a way to manage this..pain? anger? he's not quite sure anymore - frankly he's not sure he ever was sure, or aware, or ever fully in touch with his mind and body.
A wretched thing, his mind, beautiful but wretched - he supposes that's the rest of him too, behind every beautiful corner there's a wretched sickly thing waiting along with it. Perhaps that's why he enjoys you - a simple servant of the castle, something he can dirty over and over again, not quite his but still his.
When his cock glides in and out of you nearly every night, his mind is a quiet echo similar to the darkest hours of the forests he's so frequently rode through. Your touch brings him that of one a mother's might've - might've but never did. He does suppose it's pathetic to chase after something, search for something in a plain servant girl.
But then again you're not plain are you? You hold all the things he longs for, the things he's seen his family to give everybody but him. He realizes his mind will always be broken, always reach out to something he simply cannot have. It's why he holds you the way he does when you're spending yet another night with him, the way his hands make their journey down the curves of your back, gripping every bit of skin he can - grounding himself.
Your breasts pressed against his chest only fuel this desire, this carnal urge to destroy you and savor you all the same. He can't help but press his face into the crook of your neck and let out a noise of just pure pathetic resolve - the way your cunt clenches around him, your scent, your everything.
It's truly not his fault he starts to tear up, anybody would if they had been in the position he was in currently. "I..I do believe I find myself needing you more and more every night and my god is it devastating me to my absolute core." His eyes stare at you with such intensity you start to worry it'll be enough to make you surrender to his every whim and request - not that you don't already of course, but you're truly terrified you'll never be able to stop.
"My prince, where is this coming from?" You start to stir from underneath him and attempt to sit your body up, he however doesn't let that happen, pressing his hand deep into the skin and bone of your hip, confining you to his cock and muscle. "No, no just.. stay where you are my dear one, please?" A simple nod from you is all Aemond needs to continue his thrusts into you. His tears however do not stop, only intensifying with each thrust into your honey sweet cunt.
His behavior sends an echo of confusion into your mind, but you don't press it. Far too afraid of what the cunning prince could do. You let his rambunctious actions on your body continue, choosing to savor the pleasure - rather than dwell on the pain and even possible death that could come with you opening a door to something not quite somebody of your status should ever do.
Perhaps somebody you'll take a leap of bravery and open this door. For now however, you're content with being the warmth and indulgence Aemond needs In his life - it's a high honor isn't it? To be chosen by a prince as beautiful and accomplished as Aemond? You cannot complain when his pleasure blends with your own to create a harmony of completeness, a satisfaction that rests deep in your soul days after an encounter with the prince.
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@ arcanume 2024 , do not copy, repost, or steal.
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quimichi · 8 months
I Read Your Twisted Wonderland 'When You Wake Him Up With Nonsense" and Wanted To Ask If We Can Get One With The Staff(With Staff!Reader) and RSA(With RSA!Reader)? 🥺
Feel Free To Ignore😭
Love You❤️ And Have a Great Day!
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⌕ pt. 1 here
warnings: bad writing, as usual, some characters may seem ooc, I apologize, pet names, some might dislike those
summary: You wake him up in the middle of the night with some nonsense
characters: RSA, NRC Staff and Rollo x GN!Reader
word count: 1,995
a/n: some are shorter or longer, it's just that I find some characters hard to write or I write them like I view them :) I HOPE YOU ALSO HAVE A VEEEERY NICE DAY TOO!
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The sound of your voice draws his attention to you. His breath hitches as he tries to stay asleep. He does not respond, instead he remains still as a statue. It is as if he wants to hear every word you have to say. And he wants to keep sleeping.
"Chenya, Chenya, Chenya, Chenya...Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker." Your voice cuts through the quiet. Your words pull him out of a dream.
He opens his eyes, and he looks straight at you and whines. "Why you gotta pull my full naaaaame...jus' wanna sleeeep..." "Yesterday I saw a motorcycle on the sun kissing the curtains in a cow." He blinks, utterly baffled by your words. His brow furrows and he is at a complete loss with how to respond. Finally, he settles on a simple and tired, "Wha-?" "What I said." You are utterly illogical. It makes it nearly impossible for him to comprehend you.
Your mind is fascinating, weird. You're fucking dumb sometimes.
His lips twitch upwards. That's why he loves you.
"You make no sense, ya know." He signs hard, rubbing his eyes. "And ya woke me up for that bullshit...you gotta pay me back, you better."
The sound of your voice is so familiar, and the words hit him like a wave of cool air while he's asleep. His body shifts as he starts to respond in the depths of his sleep.
"Wha-" He starts to say, his words faltering on the cusp of waking. "Cutie are you...is everything okay?" he asks groggily, a bit of sleep still clinging to him. If he could blush in his slumber, he would have been scarlet in shame for how his words slurred and garbled on his tongue. He slowly sits up, looking more worried than ever.
"I just saw a chicken picking up McDonald's at the gas station for detention." The words catch him off-guard once more, and he stares at you with a small confused smile on his face. He tries to process what you've said, but finds it impossible without more explanation.
His mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, and he tilts his head to the side, looking way to adorable for his own good. His confusion soon gives way to a brief chuckle, and he smiles widely and nods, still processing your words.
"That's such a nice story!...You should tell me the ending tomorrow though..." and with that he pulls you back against him and pets your head gently before both of you fall back asleep. He's still confused tho...
He begins to stir, slowly waking to consciousness. His eyes dart around the room, his vision blurred and unfocused as he sits up. "Mmm, yes?" Rollo could never be mad if you woken him up for a reason, a good reason.
"I forgot to tell you that the telephone told me about the flying elephant with rainbow eyes and silver shoes." Rollo raises one eyebrow at first, thinking you're playing a trick on him. The joke is too outlandish to be real. Even this is to stupid for you.
But seeing that you're serious, he has no idea what to say. He is speechless. Oh...so you are that dumb huh? At this point the lord can't save him anymore.
"Is...that so?" he finally asks. "Yes!" Rollo stares at you incredulously as you continue. Every detail you describe is nonsensical and unrealistic. But his gaze remains firmly fixed on yours, and his thoughts are blank.
He struggles to understand why you woke him up. Is this a game? He is utterly puzzled. And his annoyance is starting to seep in. But the look in your eyes is magnetic, and it is difficult for him to hold his frustration. He sighs, "You...you are truly one of a kind, are you aware of that?" But Rollo can't help but smile at you, you just had to turn his life upside down, huh?
He stirs slightly, his eyes blinking slowly open. He opens his mouth to speak, but then he realizes you are next to him and closes it again. His expression is soft and delicate, like your presence is a beacon of light in the darkness, and all he can focus on is you. You'd be surprised, moments of his adoration aren't that rare.
"What is it?" he asks with a slight yawn, his voice still soft and sleepy. "So like, I cooked us a clock with sprinkles of snow and the clock then when away with the pan because of their date at the baseball doctor." In spite of his tired mood, he bursts into laughter. A hearty, full-bellied laugh that only he would be so amused by such ridiculous, nonsensical statements.
"Ah, my love. It seems you have discovered the wonders of a dream," the headmaster chuckles, running his fingers curiously through your hair. For a moment he ponders about what other kinds of nonsense you would utter, if this is what your brain conjures just during your sleep.
He chuckles again in amusement. "Do go on," he encourages you, still looking through you with a light in his eyes. "Did the clock turn into a frog? Did the frog wear green boots and sing rock songs in kitchen utensils?" He's amused, but he also wants to know.
As you call to him, you can see his eyelids twitch underneath. Your voice seems to permeate his dreams. There is no immediate answer as his eyes flutter in a way that seems to indicate that he's trying to force himself awake but still struggles to do so. He turns onto his back, his head tilting towards the sound of your voice. After a moment, he finally manages to open his eyes with a low groan. His hand reaches for his forehead and rubs it, as though he's suffered from a particularly intense headache. But once he sees you, he stops, his eyes brightening at the sight of your face.
All the weariness seems to leave him in an instance, yet not entirely. He manages a smile for you. "Puppy?..." "I just ate a singing pizza who told me the story of the bees and the snakes who danced underwater." "Ah..." Divus manages a confused hum. It takes him a moment as he seems to try and work it out in his head.
"They danced in...underwater?" He asks, voice soft. "Underwater...is a body of water...but...how does one..." he looks away from you as he attempts to picture the scenario. After a moment, he shakes his head, chuckling softly into his palm. "No matter. That is quite a tale, indeed my pup."
Divus draws you close and wraps his arms around you, burying his face into your shoulder and hugging you tightly. His breath is hot against your neck, his muscles tensing underneath.  "Sleep..." he mumbles softly, his voice seeming to get thicker as a low growl rumbles from his chest.
"Or does my pup want to keep being disobedient?"
(Solid grandpa issues ya'll have here)
It is almost as you say his name that his eyes blink quickly. They become wide and concerned. "Dearest?" he whispers with a hint of urgency in his voice. Though his expression turns gentle as he notices you aren't hurt or sick. His shoulders relax. "Yuu, have you not been feeling well?" Mozus asks, his voice a soothing melody. After a moment, he sits up. The bed creaks with the weight of his shifting body. Even Lucius wakes up from his slumber to tip tap his way over to your shared bed.
"Did you perhaps catch a cold? I could fetch some medicine if you would like." He doesn't want to see you in pain, not even for a moment. Oh, how caring he can be sometimes..."My hair turned purple because I washed it with dirt in the afternoon 13 years ago on a full red moon at midnight."
Silence hangs in the air as you speak. Mozus's expression remains concerned; worried. And then it turns into a frown. "Ah... You must've hit your head. Or else you wouldn't speak of such nonsense" he says. Though he tries to conceal it, a flicker of irritation flashes across his eyes. Your sudden statements seem to have sparked his annoyance.
"Or are you perhaps playing a childish prank on me at unholy hours?" he asks sharply, tone becoming stern. "If there is nothing else you require, I believe you've wasted enough of your time together." He tries to keep his voice neutral, but is obviously still slightly peeved at your game. "I-Im sorry..." His anger melts at your apology. His face melts back to a soft expression as he pulls you into his arms. His voice returns to its soothing tone as he presses his lips to yours.
When he pulls away, only seconds later, there's a content smile on to his lips. "Do not apologize," he says softly, voice quiet. Yet you feel a surge of pleasure run through your body. You feel almost as light as a feather once again. "I'm happy you're in best condition."
Ashton jolts awake as he hears your voice, immediately rising into a defensive stance as he looks at you. Protectively he stands before the bed frantically looking around for potential danger with both his fists up, ready to punch whatever lurks in your shared bedroom.
"It's okay! Is there something wrong? Are you hurt?!" he asks anxiously but wild as he still holds his position. "Wha--no?!" He reacted so fast you couldn't keep up. "Oh...!" Asthon blinks a few times as he seems to calm himself. He lowers his fists, though now he seems completely at a loss for words. He stares at you blankly.
"That is good," he clears his throat, clearly embarrassed about the situation, "very good, yes " he offers a small smile, though you can sense him struggling to gather himself. "...so I woke up because the curtains were running away from a wild toaster." Ashton blinks a few times, processing this information. He seems to ponder it for a moment and then... bursts out into laughter.
It's a loud sound, like a true suburban father laugh. It's a sound of complete delight. Though, it doesn't take him too much effort to bring himself back. "Ah... yes," he says, "Wild toasters. They are very problematic." He lets himself sink into bed again, and like before, you're to slow to react. Because the moment his head hits the pillow, he's gone. Snoring the night away...
"Hm?" The mighty lord stirs in his sleep. He pulls the sheets tighter around him, his body twitching in his sleep. The sound of his name being uttered by you seems to have broken through his slumber. "Wake uuuup~!" "Hm?" Sam finally looks up at you, his eyes barely open. They seem to focus on you, taking a moment to adjust to the darkness of the room before he finally smiles. "Impy...?" He speaks in the softest of whispers, his voice almost hoarse as though it had been a while. "Did my friends wakw you...or...was it my snoring?"
"My shampoo ran out cause the towel used it for their skincare routine." "Ah..." He sits up, his expression still weary from sleep. Before you can even tell him to stop, he's already risen from the bed. He's practically half-asleep as he waddles towards the shop and comes back with a bottle of shampoo in hand.
He doesn't question you or the strange request at all. "There you go," he holds up a bottle of shampoo. "Only the best for my little imp, and since its you...its on the house" he says, although he looks like he's in a trance he does smirk at you.
"Thank...you?" You question as you take the bottle from his hands. Before you know it he drops face first into bed, "But...if ya need anythin' else...get it yourself...alright?" he mumbles into the pillow.
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He can't hurt anyone
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! Saigiku Jouno x GN! Reader
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Description: In Creator's Cathedral of the Mondstadt found a helpless blind man was found. There is no way said man can hurt anyone.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Mentions of torture. Non-descriptive violence. Mentions of killing. Mentioning of fanatism. Jounou is a protective yandere(ish)
Sequel to For your safety
From diary of Guy, New Cathedral Captain of the Holy Knights of Mondstadt
Creator's Cathedral of Mondstadt is a holy place. Everyone can find help and sanctuary here. If you're a pure at heart, believe in Blessed Creator and haven't sinned, you can come here and ask for help.
Beggars and homeless, sick and healthy, can find help here.
Tomorrow I will become a Captain of Cathedral's guards. I can't find wait!
It will be much more interesting, then guarding the northern side gate.
I wish father would see me. If only he wasn't cursed by Impostor's lies.
I love my new title. Other guards respect me. I have become someone.
The Cathedral is beautiful.
I even noticed an afterglow inside the Cathedral through the day.
There are many beggars in the Cathedral. Some of them live on Cathedral grounds.
They are quiet. They either pray for All-Creator or share stories about Dreaded Imposter.
This thing is still talked about. Some stories are quite amusing to hear about.
Tomorrow, Their Holiness will visit the Cathedral.
There will be more beggars.
And I will make sure, that no one will hurt Creator.
Creator are magnificent. Truly magnificent. Perfect in every way. Without any flaws inside or outside.
The visit went fine. The new beggar was allowed to live in the Cathedral.
A young man. The man has white hair with red tips, he was dressed in rugs. He wore an earring with a small bell attached to it. And he is blind. Milky-white eyes, with a hint of reddish iris, lacked the pupil. Man was starring in the nothingness. He didn't pay attention to anything around him.
Their Holiness stepped closer to the blind man. Creator spoke. Their voice sounded magnificent. As it should be.
"My poor dear creation, you must be starving. Come with me. I will order giving you a warm bath, a warm meal and a new home."
The blind man raised his head. And reached his hand towards Creator.
And Their Holiness ordered to take a blind man with them.
I am not even worry about this one. A blind person can't hurt anyone.
The lucky bastard was hugged by an All Creator. Their Holiness are so kind!
When you disappeared two months ago, Jouno felt lost. No matter, how hard he looked for you, he couldn't find you. You have disappeared without a trace.
For a whole month he and others were searching. Skipping lunches, without sleeping. They were looking for you.
Jouno remembered, how kids were crying in their pillows all night.
One month of search, tears and darkness passed.
And you finally returned home.
Tortured. Starving. Scared.
Almost shattered.
Mouth has passed after your return.
There were no scars on your body, thanks to Doctor Yosano.
You weren't hungry anymore.
But you still were shattered.
Always quiet. Scared of looking anyone in the eyes.
You had nightmares every night. Jouno heard your screaming or crying. Begging to be let go. Begging to be left alone.
And every night all of them would go to your room. To held you close. To calm you down. To assure you, that they weren't sleeping, and you didn't wake them up.
But, no matter, how many nightmares you have had, you never spoke about where you were and what happened to you.
Jouno felt, that you wanted to open up to them. But you couldn't. You were afraid. Terrified.
And then, Capitano came here, to look for you.
Saigiku Jouno was thinking. He was playing with his earring, and a small bell was jingling.
There were a man in the basement. Capitano. But, Jouno agreed with Tetchou, and called it a different name.
An abomination, that dared to hurt and scared you.
Hunting Dogs and Doctor Yosano just finished interrogating it. And Jouno didn't like what they have learned.
They broke the news to others.
Lovecraft left for a few minutes. He wanted to check the barn. Maybe, there was something else here. Something, that would hurt you.
Fyodor Dostoevsky and Dazai Osamu were whispering to each other. They spoke in some kind of code, and Jouno wasn't interested in trying to decipher it.
Captain Fukuchi, Mori and Fukuzawa were discussing what to do with Capitano, who still was in the basement, chained, with his limbs amputated.
Everyone was discussing with someone what to do next.
All conversations came to an end, when Lovecraft returned. He was holding a bucket, full of water. Jounou heard, that some sort of fish was swimming in it.
Steinbeck, who was standing next to the door, take a look at the fish. He raised his eyebrows.
"Where did you find this fish? I have never seen a fish like this."
Lovecraft put a bucket on the floor and answered.
"On the other side of the portal. In Teyvat."
Well, isn't it just great? They have a portal in a barn. Portal, that leads to the world, where His Firefly was tortured.
Dazai and Fyodor looked at each other. They exchanged a few more coded sentences. Dazai spoke, talking to everyone.
"Gave Fyodor and I a day or two. And we will have a plan. A plan, how to make them all pay..."
That's how Jouno get here. He volunteered to spy on one of the Cathedrals. To understand this strange faith better.
Today was a nice day. Nothing strange has happened. Except for one incident.
The blind one, Jouno, fall into the compost pit we had in a Cathedral's fruit garden. What a klutz.
Jouno's senses betrayed him. He couldn't focus on anything else, besides this horrible smell.
The stink, that came from "Creator".
This thing was hideous. Jouno wanted to puke, when they came near him. And almost thrown up, when it hugged him. Only a strong stomach and an ability to control himself didn't let him do it.
To cover that smell, Jouno jumped into the compost pit and now was taking a bath. The water was hot, almost boiling. He scrubbed his skin raw. To get rid of Creator's filth.
He tried to focus his thoughts on you.
On your heartbeat. On the sound of your breathing. They sound like a music to his ears.
On your scent. You always carry around a sweet aroma. It reminds Jouno of fresh fruits.
On your warmth. On nights you spend cuddling each other. On movie nights, when you were sandwiched between him and Tetchou. When your head was on his chest, and he can feel you near him.
Jouno sighs.
He should focus on finding new information.
He hoped, that it won't take much time.
Today we had a visitor.
Kaeya Alberich, Calvary Captain of the Holy Knights of Mondstadt, visited the Cathedral. He was pleased with my job as a Captain.
Captain Kaeya brought gifts from Creator. With guards, he shared a few drinks. And some stories. My favorite one was about Captain Kaeya's involvement in punishing Dirty Sinner.
The alcohol made me see things. I saw the afterglow again. At night.
"Tell you about an Imposter? Why not. It was the day before their execution. The good people of Mondstadt did their best in showing Imposter it's place. But, there were one thing I couldn't stand. It still has two eyes. So, I came to them, took a dagger, and..."
Jouno's blood boiled. He left the room, guards were in, and returned to a room he was allowed to stay. He deactivated his ability.
Doctor Yosano was the only one, who knew, what scars and wounds you had, when you returned. Jouno could only smell your blood, heard your weak heartbeat.
He wanted to learn about your injuries. So he can infect them on them.
But, Doctor Yosano refused to tell any details about your wounds.
And now, Jouno realized, why.
He wanted to do something.
Good thing, he hid some knives, before his mission truly started.
Two guards were found dead. They were disemboweled and left to lay on a throne, Creator sat on during their visits.
I don't understand, who could do this. None other guard have noticed anything suspicious.
Did someone from the inside did it?
We look through everyone's belongings. Search all rooms.
We couldn't find even the single clue.
Three sisters were found dead.
The room they were found was closed.
From the inside.
There's no logical explanation.
It would be impossible for a human to do this.
And who would dare to soil holly place!
Maybe, an Abyss Order isn't that loyal to Creator?
Creator called for me. They are worried about what is happening in the Cathedral.
I accused Abyss Order.
The only reason I wasn't torn to shreds by an Abyss Lector was Their Holiness.
I am alive.
I am not a Captain anymore.
... two more corpses were found...
Another corpse. Eights one this week. Still, nothing suspicious has happened. No one walked in, no one walked out.
Captain Kaeya has arrived. He will take over duties.
Interrogated everyone. Look through everyone's stuff.
Nothing suspicious.
Didn't bother to look through Jouno's stuff. He is harmless.
Killer can't be stopped. They can get even in closed doors.
How? Why?
We didn't do anything wrong!
We are good people! We believe in Creator!
We have punished Dirty....
/The rest of the page is soaked in blood/
Up. Down. Left. Up. Right. Down...
Two swords clashed again and again.
Kaeya's breathing was hard. He was tried.
Yet, he can't even land one hit on Jounou. Blind man was a skilled fighter. And he managed to dodge every Cryo attack.
Jouno was playing with Kaeya.
The Cathedral behind them was burning. Jounou wasn't attacking. He was only blocking Kaeya's attacks. Kaeya growled.
"Where did you come from, demon? How dared you to soil the holy land?"
Jouno didn't answer. He blocked the next hit.
'I am not a demon. I am a soldier. Besides, Fyodor won't like me taking his title.'
Up. Left. Up. Down. Right. Up. Left. Right. Kick. Cryo. Up. Down.
A loud shattering sound.
Kaeya didn't realize, that he got too close to the Cathedral. The same moment, the stained-glass window (the main decoration of the façade) shattered due to the heat. Glasses fell on Kaeya and Jouno.
Both became disorientated for a moment.
And Jouno recovered first.
Kaeya can't move.
His legs were pierced by Jouno's sword.
Jouno was sitting on Kaeya's chest. He had a dagger in his hands.
"Listen, to what I will say, Captain. Look at me, Captain. Scream, Captain. It is the last time you will see, hear or talk, Captain."
Jouno pointed a dagger at Kaeya's mouth.
"Their name is [Y/N]. They are the kindest person in the world. They are interesting to talk with. We love to spend time with them. Yes, they aren't perfect. They aren't fake as this thing you put on a throne. They are real. They have faults. Sometimes we argue. But we will always make up. And we will burn everyone, who dared to touch them."
Jouno left Kaeya at the Cathedral's remains.
It was time for him to return home.
After getting his backpack, full of stolen holy texts and fruits he picked up in the wild, Jouno was on his way to the sea shore.
Lovecraft was waiting for him.
Together they will get back to the portal.
You heard loud stomping sounds behind you. The next moment, a pair of hands hugged you from behind. Jouno pick up a habit to be loud, when he approaches you. He didn't want to scare you.
"Hello. I missed you, My Firefly."
You tilted your head slightly and rubbed your nose against Jouno's cheek.
"Hi... Are you okay?"
Jouno nodded.
"I am. Don't worry. Up for some Bulle Fruits, Apples and Sunsettias?"
You nodded and let Jouno lead you to the kitchen.
"I will do anything for your safety. Even if it means to do something drastic."
In the next few weeks, near Creator's Shrine of Liyue a blind man was found.
A harmless blind man named Jouno.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz
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astralstarlight · 8 months
it would be nice to sit somewhere quiet with you
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pairing: wriothesley x reader
summary: wriothesley is getting used to having you in his life (fluff)
word count: 1.9k+
a/n: i just assumed he lives in the fortress of meropide + he has a voiceline about how his handcuffs are built differently and can't be unlocked by any old master key, which prompted this ! i love him sm and i want to treat him so kindly
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"What's this?"
The question leaves your lips before Wriothesley has completely let go of the small, metallic item in his fist. It's rare for him to invite you out for lunch, especially when it's an offer to meet you in the heart of Fontaine's main city. His invitation arrived at your desk in the form of a handwritten note, stating the time and place.
It's where you find yourself sitting opposite him now -- in a small cafe within a hidden corner of the city. A mostly empty area, but serving a delicious choice of tea and sweets. His words, not yours.
A beat of silence passes between the two of you.
It's broken when you gasp in surprise, cupping the key with one of your hands and dropping it onto the other hand as though expecting it to disappear between your motions. "Oh, I didn't realise this was a special occasion."
"It's so you don't always have to ask when you come down to visit me." He explains plainly, as though his actions haven't caused a complete rewiring in your brain of what you can expect from Wriothesley. He brings out his own room key to compare with yours.
A look of delight crosses your face when you see that they look completely identical. Clearing his throat, he drops his key back into his pocket, leaning his chin onto the palm of his hand. If he lets down his guard anymore, he's certain he'll blush at the adorable way you're acting right now. An odd, panicked thud hits within his chest when he realises you're not even looking at him, too busy gazing down at the key he's given you fondly. His nervousness changes to a pleasant warmth when you look up at him with a smile on your face.
"Thank you."
Wriothesley shrugs, crossing his arms in what he hopes is a nonchalant motion. "If it's for you..." The words trail off quietly as a different train of thought crosses his mind. "I'm glad you liked it." He says instead.
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In the fourth months since then, you've visited him exactly six times and stayed over once. Although he's starting to think that it doesn't count, considering you left before he'd woken up. Not that he can recall the note that you left behind for him clearly in his mind. Not that he's counting your visits or memorising your excuses for coming this far his way. And he's definitely not got an eye out for you, knowing when you step into the Fortress of Meropide and the times of your exits.
So, as he stands, eyeing the dark and empty room which should hold you in some corner but doesn't seem to, he gets a little panicky. He knows you entered the Fortress of Meropide a little over an hour ago, although he hasn't kept track of your whereabouts since then. It takes a second for the panicked flutter in his heart to register as worry. But it's rendered him slightly useless. All he's doing is staring at the mattress covered in the soft sheets you'd brought with you on one of your visits in a stupid way.
There's a click from the bathroom door and he just manages to get a glimpse of your silhouette before you've barrelled into his chest. Wriothesley lets out a sigh of relief, letting his hands tangle into your hair. The bathroom, of course.
He hadn't even thought to check whether there was a light peeking out from underneath the door of the bathroom.
"Hi." You mumble, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing lightly. Screw his dislike of surprises apparently. "Did I scare you?"
The subtle teasing tone in your voice has the corners of his lips twitching.
"Obviously." He replies. "Who doesn't turn on the light when they enter the room in complete darkness? Even if they're going to the bathroom to shower first." He interrupts you as he notices you open your mouth to retort back to his question. Without waiting another moment, his hand slides from your hair to your cheeks, using a thumb to stroke your skin gently. His other hand reaches to flick on the light switch, revealing your flushed cheeks from the warm shower.
"I missed you." You say quietly.
He returns your sappiness with a roll of his eyes and a grin. "Can't even go without me for a couple of days, huh?"
"Mhm." You twirl a piece of your hair around your finger in thought. His eyes catch the motion, deciding whether to intertwine his free hand with yours. "When did you get the body wash I liked?"
Without answering, he buries his head into the crook of your neck and breathes deeply. It's warm. You feel yourself squirm at the ticklish sensation, only relaxing once his hand comes up to the back of your neck and massages it. An image sprouts in your mind of a hand holding a kitten by the scruff of its neck and you laugh.
It's always been like this; feeling a little like a give-and-take, except he keeps giving and so do you. A mumbled 'what?' brushes over your shoulder. Something seems to bloom in his chest when he notices you've left things behind in his room again. You don't apologise for it anymore. He wonders exactly when that happened.
Maybe somewhere between the third and fourth time you came over just to sit on his bed with him.
"Nothing." You pull away from the hug to look him over. His hair is tousled a bit more than it usually is, as though he ran all the way here from one side of the fortress to the other. A smile threatens to spread over your face and you bite your lip to stop it from appearing.
Wriothesley raises an eyebrow. You look all warm and cozy after your shower, and he honestly just wants to bundle you up and fall asleep with you in his arms. As though you can see the thought crossing his mind, you untangle yourself from his arms immediately, flopping back onto the bed with your arms spread wide.
Your eyes are closed lazily and you let out a contented sigh. "Ahh, it's so nice that I can curl up in bed since I'm all showered and clean."
Wriothesley gives a throaty laugh at the sight of you. His hands rest on his hips now as he rakes his eyes over your form. "Fine, fine. Want to help?"
You shoot up in bed instantly, eyes wide. "Yes."
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"C'mon! Let me see how many layers you're actually wearing."
"Don't dissect me like some kind of insect--"
Wriothesley isn't stopping any of your movements though. Maybe he had something a little more dirty in mind when he made the offer, but it seemed that all you wanted to do was undress him and curl back into bed. He can live with that.
The cape comes off his shoulders first, and surprisingly, it's heavy. A quiet settles over the both of you once you actually move to undress him, and you can feel his eyes scanning your every move. Every movement of your hands against his bare skin or every notice of your intense gaze at his layers of clothing sends a jolt of electricity through him.
It's difficult to tell what he's thinking when he gets like this. You fold his cape neatly in half and place it to the side. You'll start a pile, you decide. As you get to work on pulling off his tie, you realise too late that he'll probably want to hang it up.
Your eyes don't leave his exposed collarbones as you toss his tie over to the side. A guilty feeling weighs you down, and you look up at him, only to find him still watching you with a curious look on his face.
"What? You're pretty," You state, only slightly embarrassed that you've been caught. Before he can retort with anything, you give him a kiss just above his collarbone. Wriothesley takes in a visible sharp breath, and you feel like you've won something. The waistcoat slides off his arms with ease as he lets you nudge him wherever you want.
It's self-consciousness instead of guilt that creeps up onto your next as he still doesn't say a word, merely watching your movements with an intense gaze. You feel a heat burn across your cheeks. You don't even realise you're clenching your fists until one of his hands envelops yours and swipes a thumb over your knuckles.
"You wear so many layers." You're throwing the waistcoat to the side now, shaky hands unbuttoning his shirt.
"It's cold down here." He pauses, tilting his head to think. "And it looks professional."
You snort. "Mm, yes, your loose tie is very professional."
"It adds personality and it makes me look good."
"Not going to argue with that last part." You mumble as your fingers fiddle with his shirt buttons clumsily. Finally, you’re able to get everything off, leaving him shirtless. It’s easier to see his breathing this way. It’s mesmerising. You brush over the scars on his chest absentmindedly. The way his even breathing stutters as you do so brings you back to focus on what you're doing. “Ah, sorry.” 
Before you can move away, he grabs your wrist, holding your splayed, apologetic hand in place. “It’s okay.” His voice is softer when he says that, almost shy. When he’s sure you’re not going to stop touching him, he lets go of your wrist. There are scars accumulated over years of fights and whatever else he hasn’t told you yet. Using just one finger, you trace the outline of a few of them on his chest and his stomach. The whole time, he keeps his breathing even, watching the thoughtful look on your face. As you slowly drop your hand back to your side, he asks a lingering question in his mind. “Can I touch you?” 
“I just showered.” You pout, shoulders slumping slightly at his suggestion. 
“Nothing else, I promise.” 
Wriothesley takes his time. His hand nudges at the top of your loose, bedtime shirt until he can kiss you on your shoulder. Soft pecks trail up to your jawline and his hand tilts your head slightly so he can bite you gently. A tentative hand travels up to the bare skin under your shirt and squeezes the side of your waist. When you don’t object, he pulls the shirt off of you, returning to wrap his arms around you as soon as he does and pulling you close to him. Another kiss, on your cheek this time. Again, on the corner of your lips. And the last one, a yearning press of his lips against yours as his hand strokes your jaw. 
He leans his forehead against yours and closes his eyes. “Just one more minute like this, and then I will be getting into the shower.” 
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It’s warm in bed next to you. He’s curled up behind you, still placing kisses against your neck and brushing your hair aside as you squirm in his hold. With his arm slung over your waist, there’s not very much you can do. Maybe he’s addicted to kissing your skin. 
“I think I want to follow you around tomorrow.” You suggest hesitantly. There’s a small moment where you think he might actually say no to you, but he just nods and goes back to kissing your neck, brushing his lips down to your shoulder. 
“It’s pretty boring though. All paperwork and other things that I probably should be doing but I’ll ignore for a bit. Until I can't."
You’ve known him a bit too long, you realise. There’s a distinct lilt to his voice that tells you he’s smiling as he’s saying it, even though he’s got you facing the other way so that you can’t see him. 
“Don’t care.” A sigh leaves your lips as he gives you one more long kiss against your shoulder before pulling away. “I want to hang out with you.” 
You thread your fingers with the hand wrapped around your midriff, fiddling with them as you drift off to sleep. Wriothesley watches the silhouette of you breathing before deciding to leave you be and pull you closer to him instead. 
I think I’m afraid of losing you, he thinks. But maybe it’s still a bit too early to tell you that. 
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honeygrahambitch · 2 months
"You're quiet." Will observed while pretending to be busy with smelling the flavour of the wine in his glass.
"Does that bother you?" Hannibal asked, not lifting his eyes from his Ipad. The answer felt slightly confrontational but overall genuine.
"It's just, unlike you."
"If I started speaking, you wouldn't be fond of what's on my mind. Let's not dwell on this anymore, shall we?"
Will's not-yet-husband senses screamed that he was in danger and that he should walk carefully.
"Avoiding the elephant in the room is even more unlike you. The fact that you are not looking at me as well. You usually look at me, Hannibal." Will said, leaning over the table.
Hannibal put his Ipad on the table and obeyed Will's request. He looked at him.
"Wh- What...have you been crying?"
"I often do when I feel powerless. Even more if I feel powerless and left out at the same time." Hannibal confessed.
"May I know what happened?" Will asked and realized his own voice didn't sound as brave as it did in the beginning. Of course the only reason Hannibal would cry for would be frustration.
He is used to things going his way.
Hannibal turned on the Ipad again, did some scrolling and then pushed the Ipad to Will on the table.
Will grabbed it and started reading but stopped after the first few lines of the news article.
"So this has to do with the case I worked on yesterday?"
"It has to do with the way you started negotiating with someone holding a gun to your head after telling the snipers and SWAT teams to drop their weapons."
"I knew he wouldn't press the trigger, he was just a scared boy. I wanted to avoid his death."
"You wanted to avoid his death by having him cause yours? Very smart, Will." Hannibal remarked. Will wanted to say something but Hannibal went on. "Do you remember what he told you when his gun was pressed against your temple? Many articles cited his exact words."
"That he wouldn't cause any harm if he killed me because the Bureau would replace me in a second."
Hannibal nodded. "See, Will, he was right. Jack has lost ponies before, it would take him only a few months before he would find someone smart enough to do his dirty work."
Will decided to say nothing and keep listening.
"And do you remember what you said yesterday after you survived this incident? You came here, you were really satisfied with how it went. You didn't give me any details and I really believed it was just an ordinary day at work. And the reason you didn't give me any detail is because you don't actually care about how close you were to losing your life."
"I had it under control."
"You did not. It was not even your job to negotiate. You told the official negotiator to let you take care of it. While you had a pipe pressed to your temple."
"I am confused. Are you mad because I didn't tell you about this or because I risked my life?"
"I am mad because you made me worry. I have huge faith in you and your resourcefulness and strength. I have hardly ever been worried about you. However this situation...caused me great distress."
"Did you spend the whole night reading all the articles on that?"
"Not the whole night. Half of it. I was busy during the second half."
Will frowned. Then it made sense.
"The guy who almost blew my brains... he was in the kidney pie." He phrased it as a statement and not as a question because he knew he was right.
Hannibal sighed. "I needed some sort of control. After I killed him I realized that I would have done exactly the same thing if he had killed you. Which made me realize I still had zero control over the outcome."
"If he had killed me, the FBI would have killed him before you got a chance to do so."
The thought made Hannibal spiral even more.
"I can't change what happened. But, I am sorry you were worried." Will said as he was observing the dark bags under Hannibal's eyes. A rare sight. "I take it the the articles didn't cite what I told him while he was deciding whether to shoot or not? I wasn't loud enough for anyone else to hear."
"No." Hannibal replied thoughtfully. "What did you tell him?"
"I said that while the Bureau would indeed replace me in a second, I have someone at home who is waiting for me." Will answered. "I told him I mean so much to you that you wouldn't be able to replace me. I told him that I am stupidly in love. I told him that by killing me, he is ruining us both."
Hannibal remained petrified.
Will was in fact aware of how much he meant to him. His confession did not make what he did less stupid but it changed something.
"Is that so?" Hannibal whispered as he reached for the bottle of Cabernet.
"It obviously is. I'm wondering if what you did was in fact more stupid than what I did."
"How so?"
"You read a few articles, you threw a little tantrum because you could not play God, you cried then you went to murder the guy. Then you didn't feel better so you started crying again."
"Rough night." Hannibal commented, a bit amused by the fact that Will had accurately described his night.
"I'm staying here tonight."
"You don't have to, darling." Hannibal said, still reflecting on the lovely things Will had said about him.
"No, I will stay. You might discover what happened today at work and I'm not letting you spiral again."
"What hap-"
"Were you saying you made Tiramisu?"
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mythicmanuscripts · 1 month
Imagine aegon going into sub space for the first time
This is such a great question anon!! I can't believe I've actually never discussed Aegon going into subspace for the first time.
Originally I planned on only writing about the first time he went into subspace but I ended up also just talking in general about the first few weeks of him starting to submit as well so I guess you guys are just getting more sub!aegon than planned. Anyway, sub!aegon below the cut!
So firstly, I definitely think there would be a few times he came very close to subspace in non-sexual settings first??? Like, he so desperately wants someone who can guide him gently.
And gently really is the key word there.
Alicent ‘guides’ him all the time, but she’s harsh and cold and she makes him feel bad. When you smile gently at him and take his head and suggest that maybe he should let the master coin finish their sentence before he kicks them out… he melts. And then when he listens and then dismisses the master of coin and you praise him for being so good? He’s a puddle. You no longer have a husband you have a happy little puddle at your feet, absolutely zero thoughts left.
Anyway point is, those types of interactions are the first times where he starts to come close to subspace. This is especially true when you’re sitting alone with him in your shared bedroom. When the fire is roaring and the blankets are so soft and you’ve got a hand in his hair, of course he’s gonna start to feel all fuzzy and warm and it’s utterly perfect.
Once you start to show that guidance aspect, he stops with the summoning of you to your shared chambers to try for an heir. He can’t do that anymore when he starts to see you as the most special thing he’s ever had. He doesn’t care how much Alicent yaps on and on about him getting an heir, he won’t do that, not when he can spend that time genuinely feeling safe again.
Of course because it’s Aegon things will turn sexual eventually. And this is an idea I had a while ago but I haven’t found a reason to bring it up so I’m just gonna do it now: once that intimacy starts he stops going to brothels and stops fucking servants, he can’t do it. He can’t do anything with anyone else. But this of course does eventually cause a bit of an issue because he’s a very sexual person.
Long story short, the first time he goes into subspace properly with you is after a few weeks of him not going to any brothels. He ends up taking an impromptu nap in your shared bed after he had spoken to you for a while and he wakes up so hard. He’s cuddled against your chest and grinding his hips down against your thigh and of course when he wakes he’s absolutely mortified.
But well, he’s been so good. Of course you’re going to help him.
You end up giving him a hand job, letting him hide against your shoulder as you slowly stroke him and he loses his little mind because it’s perfect.
That’s the first time he truly reaches subspace, and you can tell because he’s actually quiet. Usually he’s a babbler, always talking, never being able to stay still or silent, but now he’s relaxed back into your arms not making a single sound besides the occasional little whine when he breathes out. He cums with just a whisper of your name and then turns to nuzzle into your chest, his body completely devoid of tension.
(Side note: Aemond is the opposite, he’s loud in subspace, so so loud)
You get worried actually, because you’ve never known him to act like he is right then. But at the same time, he’s clearly happy?
When he recovers and finds the ability to speak again, you ask him if he’s alright and what can you do to help him and he just says he’s fine, he’s absolutely perfect in fact.
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littleseasiren · 1 year
Tell me often
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Summary: You’re afraid to tell Bucky you love him too often, but he needs to hear it more.
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Fluff
Words: ~ 1000
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You startle when you hear the door softly open and close but smile when you don't hear any footsteps. Bucky must be home.
"Bucky? I'm in the bedroom."
"Don't move, babydoll." He groans as he enters the bedroom. 
When he sees you reading a book on the bed, his eyes soften as he smiles at you. He walks to the edge of the bed before sinking onto his knees and almost collapsing on top of you, only his strong arms holding him up so he doesn't squash you. 
You can't help laughing as he sets his head on your stomach, his hair tickling the skin not covered by your camisole. His arms wrap around your waist, squeezing you softly as he groans against you.
"You ok, babe?" Your voice is laced with concern as he huffs against your chest. 
"Yeah, it was just a long day. The meeting started ok, then..." He becomes quiet once again, clenching his jaw against your stomach.
"You want to tell me about it? It's ok if you don't want to." 
He takes a deep breath and gives you another short squeeze. "One of the agents came to the meeting and started saying the mission failure was my fault, that having me there was a bad idea and that they should remove me from active missions."
"What! Are they crazy?" Your voice increases in pitch with your irritation. "You weren't even in charge of the team! How the hell do they think it was your fault?" You wrap your hands in Bucky's hair, playing with it to give you something to do.
"Apparently, having the Winter Soldier there is distracting, not knowing which side I'm on." Bucky's tone makes you worry even more: it's flat and emotionless. Does he believe this idiot? When he feels you draw in a deep breath he talks before you can.
"Don't worry, babydoll. Steve already ripped him a new one. And surprisingly, Tony jumped in too. He told the agent that I'm not the Winter Soldier anymore, and that everyone knows I'm on their side. When he wouldn't back down, they fired him and blacklisted him from ever going on active missions again. It just - it just brought back some bad memories, you know? I just need to snuggle with you a bit more then I'll be fine."
You move his hair to the side, then trace your finger down his temple, over his nose, circling his full lips before moving back to his temple again. Concentrating on your faint touch helps calm his anxiety. "What can I do to make it better?"
He stills for a moment then you feel his breath against your stomach. "Can you - can you..." he starts but doesn't finish. You give him time, knowing he sometimes struggles to vocalise his needs. He growls against your stomach before he clears his throat. "Can you tell me how you feel about me? That you like me?" That you... like him? What was he talking about, this man of yours?
"Bucky, I need you to look at me." You wiggle until he reluctantly lifts his head and sits opposite you on the large bed, close enough to touch. "You want me to tell you how much I like you?" 
Bucky's cheeks are tinged pink as he nods silently at you. "Bucky, you idiot. I love you! I love you so much, babe!"
Bucky closes his eyes as goosebumps appear on his skin, a smile growing on his face. When he opens his eyes again, you see they are filled with excitement and happiness. He breathes in deeply as if savouring the moment.
"You know that, right? That I love you?" You can't help but ask.
He glances up at you, the look in his eyes making you pause mid-breath. A flash of uncertainty appears before he looks down and plays with the bed cover.
"Bucky, babe, I love you so much. There is nothing in this world that will stop me from loving you. I'd tell you all the time if I could."
He's quiet for a moment before his beautiful blue eyes meet yours. "Why don't you? I mean, why can't you?"
You clench your hands together as you think about how best to answer him. "Um, well, I grew up in a very loving family, you know? We were close and we were never afraid to remind each other how much we cared. But I sometimes forget that not everyone is like that. My previous partner got angry when I said it too often. And I didn't love him nearly as much as I love you. I don't want you to ever feel like I'm just saying it without meaning it." You glance up at him, "Does that make sense?"
"It does, babydoll. But every time you tell me you love me, you mean it, right?"
You gasp at his stupid question. "Of course!"
"Then it will never be too much for me. I'm not like that moron who broke your heart. Maybe...um, can you tell me more often?" He grasps your hand as he pulls you into his lap, his large arms wrapping around you. "Every time you say it, I'll know you mean it, I promise."
You squeal as you wrap your arms around his neck; he wants you to tell him how you feel more often! "Of course, babe. How much more, just a little bit or lots?" You don't want to overdo it.
"Lots more, so I don't forget. Tell me every day at least, if that's not too much?"
"It's not! I Love you so much, Bucky Barnes! I love you so much that it feels like my heart is going to burst out of my chest! I love you more than a canary loves to sing, more than the sun loves the moon!" 
The smile that lights up his face is contagious as he lays you down on the bed and starts kissing your neck, pulling you as close as humanly possible. "I love you too, babydoll. I love you so much!"
If Bucky is ok with you telling him how you feel, if he knows how much you really mean it, then you might just have to tell him every chance you get.
Even if it's every minute of the day, just so he never forgets. 
Tag List:
@morganmofresh @dottirose @cjand10 @Krm22332 @buggy14 @crazyunsexycool @tripleoyaa
@mandijo17 @fluffysucker @shelbygeek @moviegurl2002​
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 9 months
Yandere! Idol! Group x F! Reader
Nurse Bee 🐝Part (2)
Part 1
TW: spankings, dubcon, force-feeding, overstimulation, mind control
After they humiliated you, your devoted idols decided to make a schedule for who gets to have you every day of the week. Sol gets you on Sunday, Haneul on Monday, Jason on Tuesday, and Honey/Hani on Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, they all share you. Today was Monday.
"Wakey, wakey, Y/N! I made breakfast for you!" Haneul says, opening your door. "I knew those idiots didn't come back to dress you. Look at you, shivering and cold. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
Haneul puts your body into his arms and carries you into the bathtub. The warm water with lavender flowers soothes your aching body. Haneul walks out and returns with your breakfast.
"Ah, open wide! I made your favorite, buttermilk pancakes," Haneul says, holding a piece of pancake on a fork.
You refuse to entertain his antics and sink your body deeper into the tub.
"Y/N, I said ah. Open your mouth," Haneul growls, his smile about to waver.
You turn your head, and he drops the fork to the ground. He pulls your arm so your body is halfway out of the tub, and rests his hand on your wet bottom.
"Haneul, what are you doing?" You stammer, wriggling as his other arm holds you down.
"Disciplining our queen," Haneul says, spanking your ass.
His hands hit your ass several more times, each time harder than the last, and all you can do is take it. You sniffle as the pain becomes too much, and Haneul finally stops.
"Now open your mouth," Haneul commands, holding your jaw.
You do as he says and eat the pancakes.
"It wasn't that hard was it? Now you get a reward," Haneul says, pulling out a phallic-shaped vibrator. "Spread your legs like a good girl."
Your legs slowly spread, and your hands grip the bathtub. Haneul puts the vibrator into your pussy, and you twitch from the pleasure.
"Aw, those spankings warmed your pussy right up and made it wet for me," Haneul says, pushing the vibrator in and out of you slowly. "If you cum for me, I'll give you some really nice clothes."
You don't pay attention to his words as the vibrator's feeling takes over your brain. You move Haneul's hand away from the vibrator and push it all the way in. Haneul looks at you in slight shock and laughs at your reaction.
"I knew it was a good idea to put that aphrodisiac in the bath water. You can't even help yourself," Haneul whispers, pulling you onto him and groping your breasts. "Would you look at that? My clothes are wet just like you."
Haneul takes advantage of you not paying attention and strips all of his clothes. He moves you into the bath again, then joins you.
"You don't need this anymore," Haneul says, taking the vibrator out of your pussy, and moving it to your mouth where you happily accept it. "That should keep you quiet enough."
Haneul puts his cock inside your pussy and you begin to ride him before he even has a chance to thrust. He laughs at your horniness and begins to thrust. Drool goes down your mouth from sucking on the vibrator, but you couldn't care less. After sucking on the vibrator for so long, you take it out once you realize there's no point if there's no cum for you to swallow.
"Ah, baby, you're rocking my world," Haneul moans, rapidly thrusting into your pussy. "Ah, ah, keep that vibrator in."
Haneul shoves the vibrator back into your mouth, and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"That's it. Focus on the vibrator. Let it overstimulate you into submission," Haneul says, rubbing your head. "Just keep sucking."
You obey him, not noticing you've been riding his dick in tandem with his thrusting the entire time. When Haneul cums in you, pleasure rocks your body and you're seeing white. Haneul takes the vibrator out of your mouth and laughs as you keep sucking nothing but air. He moves your head to his dick and you mindlessly suck that.
"We can't let our queen's cum from breeding go to waste," Haneul says, grabbing a plug with a bee design and putting it in your pussy.
The plug shines in the water making Haneul smirk.
"Haneul, I can't believe she's been sucking you off like that for hours. Shouldn't she be hungry?" Sol asks, looking at you sucking off Haneul on your bed.
"I know, but she does blowjobs so well. I'll stop after I cum," Haneul responds, rubbing your head.
"Fine. Just make sure she gets rest," Sol says, walking out of your room and closing the door.
And that's how your day with Haneul went.
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