#it's what i do
inchidentally · 1 month
something something Lando trying to to hold in his smile and looking like he's about to burst bc of Oscar something something [ x x x x x ]
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not a delusional shipper but not a naysayer but a secret (and very simple) third thing...
a fan who enjoys overanalyzing narratives and sometimes might get things wrong but is willing to go along for the fun of it and keep reading a little too much (but maybe the right amount) into stuff
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cherrydreamer · 2 years
Thinking about Billy rocking up early one morning at Steve's house and hearing the muffled sound of Metallica coming through the open windows. So he wanders in, a little confused, only to find Steve in the kitchen making breakfast while Jump in the Fire blares out from the fancy music centre in the living room. And Billy just watches for a moment, leaning on the doorframe, a soft smile growing on his face as Steve bobs along to the rhythm of the music, flipping pancakes and pouring out coffee and occasionally mumble-singing a little, "Jump in the fi-yah," under his breath as he works.
And when Steve finally notices that he's being watched- jumping back with a hand on his heart and a Jeez Louise, the very picture of a Midwestern grandpa- Billy can't help but tease him a little, plucking that fresh cup of coffee right out of his hands and purring, "Nice tunes, Stevie. Looks like I'm rubbing off on you in a whole other way, huh?"
But Steve's answering smile doesn't quite reach his eyes, and it takes more than a little bit of Billy's gentle coaxing before he sheepishly admits that, sometimes, when he wakes up alone and the emptiness of the house feels a little too much, he'll grab one of Billy's left behind tapes, set it playing nice and loud and just kinda... pretend that Billy's there too. Pretend that he's only a couple of rooms away, sprawled out on the Cassina couch, getting a little too into one of Mrs Harrington's Harlequin romances and blasting his music out with no regard for the neighbours. Cause it feels a little less lonely that way.
And Billy has to rein himself in from punching a hole through the drywall of the kitchen.
Because he's been trying so damn hard to pretend that all he wants from this is something casual. He's been trying so hard not to fall, and then, when that ship sailed immediately, trying even harder not to let on just how deeply he has fallen. He's been forcing himself to get out of Steve's bed the moment he's caught his breath, shoving on his boots and lighting a cigarette and practically hurling himself down the stairs without even risking a backwards glance because he knew that, if he gave into the temptation of actually taking any of the morsels of affection that Steve is so willing to hand out, well, he'd lose himself entirely.
But now Steve is looking at Billy, all big doe eyes and pouty lips and saying, "It's dumb, I know, but it...it just makes me miss you a bit less, I guess."
And Billy is lost. Entirely.
But he can't say that he really minds. Not when Steve's already found so much of him and apparently declared it something worth keeping.
So he stops pretending.
And the next time the mid-morning sun fills the Harrington's kitchen, it falls on Steve making breakfast. For two this time. And it also falls on Billy standing right beside him, pouring out two mugs of coffee before leaning over to pepper a whole constellation of kisses against Steve's exposed shoulder. And this time the only music they need is the soft crackle of the transistor radio on the counter, a gentle hum of The Beach Boys asking, "Wouldn't it be nice?"
And it is.
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irbcallmefynn · 6 months
Running at you at top speed and tackling you with my entire bodyweight because I saw you from far away and got excited.
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thisismyobsessionnow · 6 months
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Happy birthday babe, I miss you 💕
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 2 months
Intersex transmasc trent on the mind today
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angeart · 1 month
ok yeah so maybe i angsted two blocks of terracotta so what
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Discord changed?
Ah. The update layout isn't that bad. But I don't need to deal with it. Soooo.
"But your phone will force the update"
No it won't. My apps are set to never update automatically. That's not something they do.
Look, I had Discord Moblie Crash every time I uploaded a picture or posted a gif for like 5 months, not realizing that it needed an update to work.
I am a stubborn and Patient Person.
My phone will keep running the old discord moblie until it sets my phone on fire.
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akayna · 7 months
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If anyone asks, this is now my official title.
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imekitty · 1 year
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Can't believe Dash actually punches Danny during class and even warns he's about to do it and Lancer says nothing lol.
I mean, yeah, a ghost attacks right after, but Danny yells OW! and rubs his arm for a couple seconds, that's enough time to at least say something.
(Also I just grabbed these screenshots from Paramount Plus, it should be "whale" and not "wail," I know...)
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kanerallels · 5 months
One thing about me is that if I write a modern au I will make it a crossover
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atonalginger · 5 months
so I've been taking the day to rest after the past two days but that doesn't mean my brain doesn't stop thinking/plotting/planning.
And I'm thinking that after the latest case, Kitty would be getting a promotion to full fledged ranger...
Except the fic is "Ranger and the Deputy"
Husband has reminded me that this isn't that deep and I don't need to change/end anything and can stay on course and just keep updating this fic...and I think I will because I don't need to create yet another series to juggle...but it also feels like I should?
Like it could have the 'intermission' chapters and end with her getting promoted and then I start a new fic with her. But that wasn't what I originally planned....
I don't know and I feel like I'm worrying too much and overthinking a niche fic when I could be putting more effort into fics that could be more well received...but I also Like DelKitty
I'm just rambling into the void. And being hard on myself
I just feel like I screwed up somehow even though I'm really happy with what I have...because my mind can't let me be happy or something
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thejagermeister · 6 months
"It's What I Do" Lyrics - Back to the Future the Musical
Biff had a song that was cut from the musical, taking place as he enters Lou's Café in 1955 to pick on George. The song was cut the morning of the 14th preview in 2020, both for time and to let Goldie's number shine, as it took place in the same scene.
However the two versions are so distinct that I consider them separate songs. The first is "It's What I Do," an unapologetic villain song first performed at the 2017 song showcase. The next, "Good at Being Bad," is more introspective and gives Biff a sadder backstory. I'll talk more about the second version in its own post.
Demo on YouTube | Lyric transcription under the cut
BIFF I'm a bully Down to the roots And every goody two shoes Should be shakin' in their boots I'm a bully It's who I am Better make just like a tree and beat it I don't give a damn
You see we're all connected The predator, the prey It's just to be expected It's in my DNA
It's what I do Just what I do It's what I do
And if you ever wonder why I pick on you Your weakness only baits me The scent is in the air You know you can't escape me And you wouldn't even dare
And how you love to hate me Who said that life was fair? So get a clue I can't pity you It's what I do
ENSEMBLE He's a bully!
BIFF You bet I am
ENSEMBLE And nothing's gonna change him
BIFF 'Cause I love to boom and bam![?]
ENSEMBLE He's a bully!
BIFF And I'm comin' after you
ENSEMBLE You give him all your money
BIFF And you'll wind up black and blue
I wake up every morning A smile on my face I'm pushin' and I'm shovin' I'm gonna win this human race
It's what I do Just what I do It's what I do
And if you ever wonder why I pick on you You think that I don't see you Sneaking in that door "Maybe he's forgotten me He won't hurt us anymore" That ain't gonna happen 'Cause I'm rotten to the core
Let me review Don't misconstrue It's what I do
We're all in this together We all have roles to play The oppressed and the oppressor It's always been that way
ENSEMBLE He's a bully!
BIFF It's what I do
ENSEMBLE And nothing we can do or say Will make him go away He's a bully
BIFF It's just what I do
ENSEMBLE All we do is pay and pay
BIFF Every single day
ENSEMBLE He's a bully!
BIFF (SARCASTIC) Wha? A bully?
ENSEMBLE He's a bully!
BIFF Can this be true?
ENSEMBLE He's a bully!
BIFF I'm a bully?
ENSEMBLE He's a bully!
BIFF It's What I Do
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moon-ruled-rising · 1 year
This dinner is too important, Jon reminded himself, though the temptation to simply leave was too great.
Dany sat on the opposite side of the table, a few more seats down, but it didn't stop either of them from getting caught up in each other.
And with every sip of fine wine, Jon found it harder and harder to focus on the conversation at hand. The need to escape the dull talk of weather and agriculture grew ever more urgent as thoughts of other things he could be doing with his time crept in. Things that were much, much more pleasurable than feigning interest in another course of food and commentary on the wildlife population. Thoughts that involved just him and Dany.
She caught his eye again over the rim of her glass. The corner of her mouth curved into the beautiful, soft smile hinting at an inside joke between them and Jon couldn't look away. That was until he registered Lord Tyrell using his honorific to get his attention.
—snippet from Chapter Thirty of as the rain hides the stars. Coming sometime in June.
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scifrey · 9 months
The rewritten, revised, and red-penned draft of my novel has been turned in to my editor.
I'm gonna sleep for a week.
(Just kidding, I have soooo much proofreading to do on SEVEN other projects.)
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