#You can just set your apps to never update to save on space
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Discord changed?
Ah. The update layout isn't that bad. But I don't need to deal with it. Soooo.
"But your phone will force the update"
No it won't. My apps are set to never update automatically. That's not something they do.
Look, I had Discord Moblie Crash every time I uploaded a picture or posted a gif for like 5 months, not realizing that it needed an update to work.
I am a stubborn and Patient Person.
My phone will keep running the old discord moblie until it sets my phone on fire.
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milkweedtussocktubers · 1 month ago
An Extensive "What Now?" List
So, I made a list. A very extensive "Trump Is President-Elect. What Now?" list. And it's fucking ten pages long and I know it's incomplete, because I am white, and multi-gender, and own my own home, and live in a blue state with enshrined abortion rights and so honestly can't know everything that needs to be on that list. BUT I'm posting what I've got so far. I'll also post the link, because it's a Google Doc that I'm continuously updating and sharing. PLEASE do not take my word as gospel - comment, add, share, spread, correct, message me. This is just a jumping off point, because so many of my friends wanted an action plan. All links except the What If Trump Wins? website are credited to @creature-wizard; they don't know it, but I read their posts and find their work very helpful, so I hope they don't mind that I included some of their links and info. Better than reinventing the wheel.
So THIS is the link:
I put together a list of ideas that I hope folks find inspiration in. This can be a personal action plan, a path towards resistance, or just an opportunity to feel a bit better. I welcome all thoughts, suggestions and changes. Please note that I am writing this from the perspective of a white, multi-gender farmer, and that will color and inhibit my ability to see certain issues or solutions. This is not a complete list, but can be a jumping-off point.
I've found this website incredibly helpful: https://whatiftrumpwins.org. All links found within this document are credited to @creature-wizard on Tumblr. 
Community ties are the most important things we’ve got - that’s where our strength lies. All those small-scale mutual aid projects? That’s what’s going to make life possible on the day to day. So: 
Take a deep breath, and knock on someone’s door. 
Check in with your neighbors - this can be a scheduled date, or just swinging by with an extra loaf of zucchini bread, or chatting over the garden fence. 
Offer to help someone with a simple task - cleaning gutters, building a raised bed, taking their dog to the vet.
Create a carpool system. 
Set up little libraries, freezers and fridges. 
Develop a list of ten local people you trust, with their contact information, and who you know will try to help you. Put the list in your phone, on your fridge, in your wallet. Put yourself on someone else’s list, and commit to it. 
Make friends and meet up with them on a regular basis. Have tea, cook together, go for walks, play video games. Just be there consistently. 
Open your house once a month for community get-togethers. Maybe these are queer/women/BIPOC-only safe spaces, maybe they’re street-wide potlucks. Maybe you make art while crying together. Maybe you binge-watch Lord of the Rings, eat popcorn and share joy.
Think about starting Swaps with your community. Swaps of clothing you don’t need anymore. Swaps of home-made food, seeds, plants or artwork. Swaps of household goods. Get yourself trading and sharing with each other. 
Get a roommate or two. It’ll help each of you save money, reduce loneliness, and might save someone from becoming unhoused. Don't feel obligated to retain that roommate if it's negatively impacting you. This is about a healthy present in a chaotic world, not a desperate act that results in abuse and destruction.
Libraries are funded in large part based on the number of cards they hand out, not books. Get a library card, even if you never use it. Many libraries let you apply online. If your library isn’t physically accessible, or you can’t safely leave your home but you have a cellphone, download the Libby app for books and audiobooks. It’s free, you just need your library card number. If you live or have an address in New York State, you can also get cards to the Brooklyn Public Library and NYC Public Libraries.
Places to volunteer: libraries, hospitals, schools, mental health hotlines, small farms and community gardens, animal shelters, food pantries, mutual aid organizations, medical clinics, harm reduction centers, fire stations, emergency rescue services. 
Advocate for handicapped accessibility in all public spaces. Does your library have a ramp? Your local co-op? Your house? Learn what your disabled community members needs are that are not being met, because it will get worse. 
Do you have skills that can contribute in new ways? For instance, if you're a great bike mechanic, I'll bet you can fix wheelchairs. If you're an electrician, you could help with your neighbor's solar system. If you're handy with a sewing machine, you can make flags and banners.
Keep it local - donate to the after-school music program in your town instead of, say, Planned Parenthood. National organizations will be getting a flood of funding from concerned citizens right now, but local organizations are often more effective and know their community’s needs more intimately.
If you want to participate but in person is too much, or not accessible, go to Zoom meetings. Call or email folks. Perform online tasks, or put up posters.
If you're not sure what you can offer, just ask what people need. Sometimes someone needs their dogs walked, or an emergency baby-sitter. Sometimes a non-profit needs someone to table at an event. Perhaps someone wants a logo designed, or just someone to keep them company. It doesn't have to seem big to you; it could still mean the world to someone else.
Online communities are just as important, and often more accessible. Make the space and time for those meet-ups, whether you’re messaging folks, playing video games together, or finding forums and inspiration. 
Become a safe person for those who need to go back in the closet, or who need to trust someone with their sexuality or gender. 
Run for local office, or sit on the school board. Be the opposing voice in a conservative group.
If you feel safe doing it: advertise. Put up every damn flag at your house except the American flag. Pride, Black Lives Matter, feminism, Earth first, land back - become a visible beacon of safety and hope. If you are still safe, now is NOT the time to go underground. Now is the time to find your people, and be someone for others. So flags, volunteering, barter, lending, carpooling, offering tea, offering your guest room. Make the connections.
The more we connect with and care for our neighbors, the more our neighbors will connect with and care for us. Let’s strengthen and widen our circles. 
*I recognize that for many, much of what I offer can be a genuine safety concern. Sometimes housemates are abusive. Sometimes neighbors threaten you with guns. Use your own discretion and trust your instincts. 
Small plots of ecological sanctuary make a huge difference. You can plant flowers, collect rainwater, start a compost bin, let your lawn grow, build a hedgerow. Stop spraying pesticides, pick up litter, plant a garden, research native species, celebrate milkweed…
Volunteer or donate to a local conservation organization. 
Visit a park or go for a hike. Visit a local protected zone and learn about the ecosystem with whom you live. Discover your watershed. 
Learn about local pollutants and advocate for protections. Check out your city’s water health publications. 
Question the installation of new businesses, factories and industries. How will they impact the air, water, soil and human health? Protest them with your friends - on a local level, it actually only takes a few hundred people to make waves. I’ve seen huge projects stopped because my friends sat in on every town hall meeting.
Become a citizen scientist - birdwatch, identify local plants and animals, track the weather and then report your findings to naturalist organizations. The Merlin App is a free app that matches birdcalls to the birds in your backyard, iNaturalist takes really accurate photos and identifies them. It can become a whole hobby that also helps maintain consistent scientific data. 
Get your generator in working order. Storms are gonna get worse and you'll need it when the lights go out. Batteries, light bulbs, candles. Get them now. Prepare as if for a blizzard or tornado.
Consider an air filter or a gas mask for after the Clean Air Act is repealed.
Find out whether or not you’re in a flood or hurricane zone, or if you will be in one as climate change continues.��What can you do to prepare for or mitigate the damage?
Remember that you are WORTHY of receiving gifts and help. Allow yourself to receive help with grace. ASK when you need help, even if you’re not quite sure what you need. 
Eat a lot of food and drink plenty of water; your stressed mindset will make you burn calories. 
Treat yourself. Maybe that means binging television, or buying a cute pair of earrings, or taking a bike ride to your favorite place, or resting in the bath with some fancy soaps. 
Don't isolate. Meet friends for coffee, or Ultimate Frisbee, or to learn to make a cake together. 
Create joy. 
         Don’t Hesitate by Mary Oliver
If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy, don’t hesitate. Give in to it. There are plenty of lives and whole towns destroyed or about to be. We are not wise, and not very often kind. And much can never be redeemed. Still, life has some possibility left. Perhaps this is its way of fighting back, that sometimes something happens better than all the riches or power in the world. It could be anything, but very likely you notice it in the instant when love begins. Anyway, that’s often the case. Anyway, whatever it is, don’t be afraid of its plenty. Joy is not made to be a crumb.
Greet the sun. Listen to the stars. Breathe with the trees. Lay in the grass. Cuddle a cat. Talk with the moon. Find a new book. Take up knitting. Make music. Journal. Make art. 
Have set days each week for long-distance friends, and check in with each other at least once a week. Send them care packages. Ask for care packages.
Accept that you will not do everything every day, that some days you will stay in bed until one, eat ice cream in your pajamas and just nap with the dog. That is real and beautiful. That chance to relax? That's something they're trying to take away from us. Rest and relaxation and hammocks and good books are all at risk, so enjoying them is also revolutionary. It's important to keep normalcy alive.
Think about your boundaries. Are you, for instance, comfortable housing someone in need? Comfortable helping someone through grief? It's okay if not. But find those boundaries so that you don't overtax yourself.
Download all of your favorite online media that feature queerness, whether it’s videos, fanfiction or artwork. If content featuring LGBTQ+ becomes listed as porn, and porn is banned, then sites like AO3 will have to wipe all of it from their listings. Contact the creators and see what support you can offer each other.
Find a list of banned books and obtain them somehow so that there are physical copies for when the online sites are shut down. 
Make your own art, and share it!
Don't be shy about your presence, and use art to make your presence known. Slap rainbow stickers on every telephone pole, spray paint a building wall with Black Lives Matter murals, knit a cozy sweater that doubles as a pronoun pin. Write a play that centers around the Land Back fights. Host an impromptu concert in the park, and invite the audience to donate to their local library fund.
Get a medical alert bracelet or have a medical alert card in your wallet. This way, no matter where you are, if you’re unconscious and sent to the ER, EMTs and staff know of your allergies and needs.  For instance, I’m allergic to penicillin, have low vitamin D and take St John’s Wort, a powerful herbal SSRI that could interfere with drugs. 
Find your state’s free Narcan programs, and request Narcan and drug testing strips so that you have them on hand if an emergency arises. 
Get a stockpile of COVID tests, decent masks, and if you plan to get the vaccines, do it now. 
Do not use a period tracking app; do nothing to alert the government to your reproductive medical needs. Unless it’s medically relevant, do not tell your doctor the date of your last menstrual cycle. Pay for all medical needs possible with cash, whether it’s Plan B off the shelf or a co-pay on a prescription. 
If you have any prescriptions, get them refilled as soon as possible. Get extras if you can.  
Get all your birth control needs met now. Implants and IUDs last for years, but if the IUD shifts, you will need medical assistance, so keep that in mind. 
Stock up on condoms and dental dams, get your STD screenings and all similar or related procedures, like colposcopies, mammograms and biopsies done now. 
Consider whether or not you need PrEP for HIV prevention. If you’re at risk but don’t have insurance, there are over-the-counter HIV test kits. They ARE pricey, though.
Stock up on pads and tampons or switch to cloth pads, period underwear or cups. They last at least six years. Cups take less water to clean, though. 
If you're planning to get yourself, your kids or your pets vaccines, do it before January. 
Those who don't want to have kids for the next four years and for whom it’s medically viable should consider a vasectomy. They're reversible, and no one gets stuck with an expected pregnancy. Tube tying is generally irreversible and reversal only has about a 50 percent success rate, depending on how the original procedure was done.
Stock up on basic first aid supplies and educate yourself in basic med training, like CPR, the Heimlich and how to treat pepper spray in the eyes (lots of water). Maybe you’ll find yourself at a protest and your friends get hurt, and you want to be able to help. Perhaps it’s an emergency and there are no safe options to call for help. 
Carry antihistamines with you, even if you don’t have allergies - the woman outside your local coffee shop may not be able to afford an Epi-Pen and you could be the one that keeps her alive long enough for the ambulance to get there. 
Get an umbrella, face mask,bullet-proof vest, and goggles, especially if you are considering joining a protest. Pepper spray, rubber bullets, shrapnel and real bullets are no joke and will be used against you. 
Invest in wood heating - real wood, not a pellet stove. When fuel prices go up, you will need to have a reliable source of heat. Best to get a wood cook stove. Investigate masonry or rocket stoves because they are very efficient and often can be built by a local company and don't rely on steel, which will also go up as more tariffs are implemented
Put some cash aside outside the bank. Put money in a high interest savings account, but NOT a CD.
Take your car to the mechanic now. Buy snow tires and get your vehicle in working order, because parts will skyrocket in price. 
In your trunk, put together a box of: motor oil, windshield fluid, a small empty gas tank, two gallons of fresh water, brake fluid, tire changing kit, tire pump - anything your car needs. Get two of everything. Have another crate with a blanket, gloves, $200 cash, dishware, a dog leash, some jars or Tupperware. That's for you, if you're in an emergency, want to bring home food, or need to rescue a stray dog. Put a snow shovel in, both for digging yourself out and for moving turtles.
Having a working bike with a tow-behind trailer is an asset, especially as gas and car parts rise in price.
Apply for food stamps, heating assistance, energy discounts, phone discounts, and health insurance now, so you have it for as long as possible before they cut programs.
Anyone close to being able to retire and collect on retirement should consider how that might impact their finances. It might be best to retire early, if you can collect.
Get all your fuel tanks filled now. Propane, oil, kerosene. Even gas stoves, and make sure they're in working order. 
Snail mail will be safer than online communications. Stock up on stamps; sometimes you can get discounts on the USPS website. If you’re sending a lot of packages, try PirateShip.com for discounts. 
Grow and preserve your own. Learn to cook and share with friends. Start or join a garden club or urban garden. Talk to farmers, read books, watch videos. 
Start looking around your area to see where you can wild harvest. Come Autumn, will you be able to harvest apples from the trees in the city park, or the old farmyard? Rose hips from the bushes along the sidewalk? In the Spring, dandelion leaves from your backyard?
Save seeds. Preserving specific varieties is good, but all seeds are valuable. 
Get a water filter, even if it’s just a water bottle filter. Save it for AFTER the Clean Water Act is slashed, unless your water is already too contaminated to wait. 
Find out how to buy local foods, because tariffs will raise the price of all international goods.
Stock up on food that has to cross a border, like black pepper, chocolate and coffee. Those are my top three, anyway. 
Find a space in your house to use as a root cellar, where it’s cool and damp and dark. Root crops, winter crops and fruits will store longer. You don't have to doomstock, but it's important to have a stored base until your community is strong enough to create its own food. So if during the Winter, you can't grow food, you have a few months supply until it's warm enough to grow again.
Learn how to grow sprouts or shoots on your windowsill. 
Small farms will become havens and targets. Grow with them, preserve, volunteer there, learn. 
Find a local source of meat, because the FDA will not be regulating food-borne illnesses anymore. And eggs, if possible. Buy half a cow or something.
Farmers markets will often accept FoodStamps as payment, and prices may be lower than the stores. 
Start sharing meals with neighbors - maybe you host dinner on Mondays and they host dinner on Thursdays. Lets you practice cooking and gives you a social life. 
Unless they’re actively attacking, don’t trust anything the government says. But the minute they say they’re coming for migrants/trans folx/BIPOC - you go find those people, get them to safety, and pretend you never, ever, ever saw them. 
Do not tell figures of authority of your plans, your ideologies, your efforts to help those under attack. 
Take a self-defense course; the chances you have a weapon if you’re attacked are slim, so you need to learn how to use your body. 
Carry a lighter. It’s small, lightweight and legal with no permit. If you’re grabbed, then putting a flame - even a small one - to someone’s skin can make them let go long enough for you to run. 
Switch your Internet browser to DuckDuckGo. It blocks surveillance and ads. AdNauseam is  a browser extension that scrambles your data so it's less traceable, so the government can't see what you're doing. Get them both. They're free
Install blackout or dark curtains so that visual surveillance into your house is limited. I recognize the military has heat sensors, but your neighbor probably doesn't.
Be aware that Venmo and related apps tell the IRS what you're spending money on. Be careful what you use it for and how you record transactions. 
If making a “suspicious purchase,” like of Plan B, use cash. Wear a baseball cap, sunglasses, mask and contour makeup to hide your face from the security cameras.
Think about security proofing your windows, which makes them less breakable, or backglazing them with bulletproof glass.
The police, now more than ever, are an entity of the state. DO NOT CALL THEM, do not trust them. If you are raped or attacked, go straight to the hospital first. Do NOT shower. Go to the ER, tell them what happened and request a full rape kit. Go next to an independent organization that will help protect you and your rights, and help you decide next steps.
If there's something happening that you might otherwise have called the cops for, but there are people of color or trans individuals involved, DO NOT CALL THE COPS. They WILL kill trans and BIPOC folk. 
If you’re considering a divorce, and you’re serious about it, do it now. No-fault divorces are on the chopping block. 
If you're in the US, you can call 211 to help you find resources.
Crisis Text Line offers services to the US, Ireland, Canada, and the UK.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is a US service offers a lot of information for sexual abuse survivors.
The Trevor Lifeline is a service for queer youth in the US.
If you're a minor, you may wish to read How To Escape Abusive Parents: A Guide For Minors.
If you're an adult, you may wish to read How To Escape Abusive Parents: A Guide For Adults.
You might search on Qwant for like something like "resources for people in abuse" or "abuse resources help" or "domestic violence survivors resources".
Make clear decisions and plans about what protests you'll be a part of and how. Tell only your most trusted friends where you are going, but be sure to tell them.
Obtain safety/riot gear, like masks, goggles and padding. Always carry fresh water for washing out wounds and pepper-sprayed eyes.
Practice that self defense you learned. What are the easiest moves?
Become someone's protest buddy, especially if they, for any reason, might be more vulnerable. Stick to one another and get each other out of dangerous situations. Come up with a safe word, and a safe way to communicate across a protest. A song, a wolf howl, a walkie talkie.
I know nothing about apps, but there are communication apps and social media out there that folx under oppressive regimes use and recommend. Find those.
Keep emergency contacts on standby if you're going to protest. Make sure there's someone who could help bail you out of jail or can help raise money for bail. 
Know your rights, and don’t give them anything when they arrest you. Make a list of lawyers and advocacy groups you feel safe trusting. 
Train in proper video and recording methods to track what happens and what the police do. 
If you're participating in a long term protest, plan properly for your health and the health of your home, partners and pets. 
Get your affairs in order. You may not make it out of a protest alive. 
When planning discussions with folks who might disagree with you, know that you may NOT actually be the best person for said discussion. If you’re really far left and you want to chat with your MAGA uncle about immigration, maybe find someone who’s more center-leaning but unsure to be a go-between. It’s less alienating to your uncle and less traumatizing for you.  
I know I’ve said this already, but carry first-aid supplies, learn basic first-aid, and carry a lighter, so that you can help those in need and protect yourself. 
Fight back with everyday statements. When someone says, “Those illegals are taking all our jobs,” say something like, “Wow, that sounds like some shit a weird Nazi would say.” Add “weird Nazi” to your responses. Laugh at the absurdities of MAGA statements. Make them feel foolish, or give good one-liners that leave them scratching their heads. Can’t think of any? Start binging comedians to learn how to give quick comebacks. 
In order to keep yourself from falling into a bad group, it's important to develop your critical thinking skills:  (credit to @creature-wizard)
Learn to apply the Five W's (who, what, when, where, and why) when encountering any information.
Learn common logical fallacies.
Learn the difference between fact, opinion, belief, and prejudice.
Don't equate emotional reactions with some kind of innate or higher moral guidance.
Ask yourself if you're "thinking for yourself" or being led to believe you're thinking for yourself.
Know what emotional manipulation tactics look like.
Watch out for these behaviors in any new group you join.
Yes, there are ways to confirm the age of an old text without having the original text itself.
Learn how propaganda works.
Watch out for these red flags in spiritual groups.
And watch out for this red flag.
Understand that belief doesn't have to be binary.
This post is again from @creature-wizard:
Get a passport. It's also an easy way to officially change your gender market. Canada is becoming really conservative, but Mexico has some of the safest queer cities in the world. You can stay there for no reason for more than three months, leave for three days and come back and keep doing that indefinitely. It's cheap and warm and the food is spectacular. Plus the entire country enshrined abortion rights. 
You will need a go bag. It should include non perishable snacks, water, paperwork, copies of your id, cash, meds, and whatever you love for comfort. Know where it is at all times. Keep it near an exit. My go bag will at least contain my ancestral seeds, my teddy bear, and extra socks.
DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE WHAT THEY WILL DO. Remember the bomb threats, the arson and the insurrection. THEY WILL NOT HESITATE TO BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN AND TARGET YOUR LOVED ONES AND PETS. Believe them. PLEASE believe them when they say they are Hitler. Trump is just a figurehead. He has the force of an entire party behind him. It will change everything. He can implement martial law overnight. 
Make two or three escape plans. During WWII, people escaped by walking, by hiding under garbage in trucks, by building hot air balloons that they flew, by living in attics for years. 
It can be done, but you have to think ahead. We don't have the time to say, "Oh, it won't get that bad.” People are already dying. It is that bad. 
If you know someone who is MAGA or even close to it, NEVER tell them your escape plan. Never tell anyone anything if you don't trust them enough to hold a loaded gun to your head.
If you’re leaving, consider how to bring your pets. Do they need vaccines to cross a border? Do you even have a cat carrier, and adequate food for travel? What about costs for boarding while you resettled in your new home?
Who will house you if you need a safe space? Make a list of places you have friends, or couches you can sleep on.
Overall, the more you rely on community and less on capitalism, the more security you could have during difficult times. The more secure you are, the more you can and will feel comfortable helping others. 
The Holocaust happened because a lot of good people did nothing, in large part because they decided it couldn't possibly get that bad. But the right-wingers know how to play the long game, and they are actively chipping away at our liberties. 
The way I see it, there are now three primary parts to this rebellion: 
Those physically stopping the issues by destroying dams and animal testing labs, harassing and attacking politicians or corporations, and chaining themselves to bulldozers.
Those ferrying others to safety and providing the necessary resources for those leaving or hiding.
Those feeding, comforting and healing others through food growing, meal prep, offering tea and therapy, and putting down roots to grow community. 
So where do you stand? Do you fight or flee? Do you share cookies or get out the protest signs? Can you do all three? (Probably not, so choose wisely.)
And in the end:
Everything is on fire, but everyone I love is doing beautiful things
and trying to make life worth living.
and I know I don’t have to believe in everything,
but I believe in that. 
~ Nikita Gill 
Take care of each other and take care of yourself. You are not alone. Godspeed. 
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mysticmiav · 2 years ago
I've gotta ask (also I absolutely love your Solomon brainrot art <3) how did you get to lesson 11? I'm stuck on six and just can't advance 😭
Aidjake thank you for liking it!
Tbh the only correct answer is that I got to lesson 11 through the power of desperation🫠
I had pretty much used support items to just get past the c point of lesson 11 levels cuz I was that desperate🫠
I'll drop pics of my teams below! I always just let the game choose for me which cards are best in the battle lol
-> I do have to say that since I've updated the cards a bit since lesson 11 released, they can now probably pass the levels of it with like a B~ score. The URs used to be leveled up to around 50ish, and the SSRs to 30, now they are at 70 to 45 respectively so yeah. Just wanted to mention that cuz the stats in the images are higher than when I played 11, hence why I had to use support itmes all the way through the lesson x)))
I have only been doing free rolls so far, cuz I wanna save up my devil points for future banners I might really wanna pull on, and I'm f2p so yea~
I'd say if you're stuck due to cards not being strong enough/levels being too hard, you'll have to be a bit patient and level up the cards! Il
If you're short on grimm to level up the cards, go farm grimm from fabsnap (I know, the app scares me too, but bear with it.)
Basically if you go there and go to the search page, choose one of the videos that show up there and then spam hearts on it, you get an achievement every 50 interactions, and it's 1000× grimm per "milestone". It's per character, and the videos from Asmo, Luke, Simeon, Lucifer and Belphie are all open, so you can get grimm from each of their characters!
Make sure to level up the cards and unlock devil tree spaces! They rlly help make ur deck stronger~
But if the problem is more or less the rhythm battles being too difficult, then Idk if I have helpful tips man.
I really am not that good with rhythm games, I've only ever played piano tiles a few years ago when it blew up.
Tbh the rhythm battles-format of NB is very confusing to me, and I could just never get used to it (the way you click right-left or up-down) with the way the tiles slide horizontally. My brain and fingers can't coordinate that stuff at all🫠
So, I just play the battles like they are piano tiles levels x) I've set the rhythm settings to up-down, and whenever I play I flip my phone so that it's vertical, and that the tiles and buttons move "towards me" kinda. It made the levels more fun and somewhat easier, so if you think it might help, go ahead!
But yeah that's pretty much the way I've been playing so far. Hope it has helped and good luck getting past those lessons!
The pics below are the decks the game tends to select for me on the battles, since they are my strongest cards (other than those 2 URs and 3 SSRs, all my other cards are sr and below x)
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uncle-fruity · 1 year ago
The unsettling thing about smart appliances is that the companies can control them. Or update the app so older "smart" appliances are no longer supported and will need to be upgraded to new, "smarter" appliances. Not to mention what happens when the internet is down. I mean, the fact that you have to have internet at all! It's hostile towards poor folks who might not want to spend money on something that's free at their local library, but who still need a place to keep their food cold. It's hostile towards anyone who doesn't want to buy a smartphone or download a billion apps. Are they going to pay me for the storage space they're forcing me to use on my device? Definitely not. Or, as we're already seeing with some printers: the "smart" application is to make it impossible to use a competitor's ink once you're low. So if you don't like their ink or if you find ink that's cheaper, well...fuck you! Fuck you, and pay them money to do it. Idk, I'm just saying that adding apps & shit to appliances that demonstratively *do not need them* should either have an alternative not-smart option or should be outright illegal.
I am not anti-technology, either. Like, I don't tend to keep up with the trends, and I super don't *care* about a lot of the technology that comes out (I don't find much of the new stuff to do anything of consequence aside from complicating problems we've already solved (and the stuff that IS of consequence gets so little attention)), but in general I think technology has a place in the world & makes things easier/more convenient in many ways. However, I feel that we are misusing precious fucking resources for the likes of corporate greed and individual comforts that were not asked for and are not needed. I think the people supplying the technology are fucking power-hungry goons who wouldn't hesitate to set their grandmas on fire if it would save them a buck or if her ashes turned to data by the end of it.
In short, it's not that new stuff is bad, it's just that new stuff isn't by default *better* than older models, and tbh we all need to complain as loudly as we can against these corporate chucklefucks. Make everyone involved in the process hate "smart" appliances as much as we do for how ferociously we voice our hatred and how much we complain & demand alternative options. Tbh, we probably need to do a big protest and shut down of a major company to show that the people Do Not Want these "innovations" and the companies had better fucking do something about it.
Please, kids, listen to me: it's not because we hate technology; it's not because we hate you; it's not because we can't cope with the changing times -- it's that we SEE the changes that you never saw because you're growing up in a "smart" world and so it's automatically normalized for you, and that's a dangerous precedent. These appliances are sinister and do not do anything better than the old-ass "dumb" appliances. You are trading your privacy for Nothing. For Whistles and Bells. For things that Do Not Matter.
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saltyrunawaynight · 5 months ago
Ever tried to flag down a taxi during Mumbai’s monsoon season? It's like trying to get a cat to perform a synchronized swimming routine—nearly impossible and pretty darn frustrating. So, why not skip the soaked shoes and gridlock by hopping on a bike rental in Mumbai? It's not only about the thrill of wind in your hair but also the joy of discovering Mumbai’s nooks without a meter running faster than your heartbeat.
Let's dive into some little-known tips that make getting a bike on rent in Mumbai as easy as enjoying a vada pav by the beach – effortless, affordable, and deliciously rewarding.
Quick Tip #1: Best Times to Rent
Plan Your Rental for the Weekdays: Let's face it, Mumbai never sleeps, but it does take a brief nap on early weekday mornings. Getting a bike rental in Mumbai early in the day from places like Rentnhop ensures you avoid the weekend rush and sometimes even scores you a better rate.
Quick Tip #2: Select the Right Bike
Choose a Bike That Matches Mumbai’s Terrain: Not all bikes are created equal, especially when they need to tackle Mumbai’s bustling bazaars and occasional potholes. Opt for something sturdy yet nimble—a scooter or a lightweight motorcycle perhaps, something that lets you weave through traffic like a local street dog chasing the infamous Mumbai crows.
Quick Tip #3: Understand Traffic Nuances
Master the Mumbai Traffic Mantra: If you think the 'Yellow Light' in traffic signals is a suggestion to slow down, Mumbai's pace will teach you otherwise. It's more of a dare to speed up before the red appears. Understanding local driving behavior helps in navigating safely. Always be alert, especially during peak hours, and remember that the horn is your best friend.
Quick Tip #4: Know the Parking Hacks
Scout for Smart Parking Spots: One does not simply park anywhere in Mumbai. To avoid tickets, towed bikes, or scratches from passersby, look for designated parking areas, often hidden behind the main streets or underneath city flyovers. Better yet, apps and services like Rentnhop provide insights into the best parking spaces citywide.
Quick Tip #5: Leverage Local Apps for Navigation
Use Navigation Apps for Real-Time Traffic Updates: While Google Maps is a common go-to, try using local apps that cater specifically to Mumbai’s traffic patterns. They offer real-time updates and can sometimes suggest quicker, alternative routes that save time and fuel.
Discovering Mumbai’s Hidden Secrets
Here’s something many don’t know: Mumbai is home to one of the largest national parks within city limits worldwide—Sanjay Gandhi National Park. It’s a breath of fresh air, literally, amidst the concrete jungle. Why not get a bike on rent in Mumbai and explore this natural wonder? You might even spot a deer or two, a rare sight more thrilling than spotting a celebrity in the wild suburbs of Bandra!
As you gear up to return your bike, maybe with a heart a little heavier and hair a tad messier, it’s hard not to smile. Mumbai, with its chaotic charm, has been a little more accessible thanks to your two-wheeled companion. Remember, in a city that thrives on the buzz of activity, opting for a bike on rent in Mumbai isn't just smart; it’s practically a survival tactic.
So, next time you find yourself at the mercy of Mumbai's monsoon or stuck in an endless cab queue, remember that a set of wheels from Rentnhop could be your ticket to freedom. After all, in Mumbai, sometimes the quickest way to move forward is on two wheels, not four. And who knows? Maybe on your next bike adventure, you'll discover more than just shortcuts—you might just discover a new part of yourself. Happy biking, and remember: when life throws you traffic, get a bike on rent in Mumbai. 
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rohankumar1276 · 6 months ago
Embrace the Future of Messaging: WhatsApp AI – Your New Smart Assistant
In the dynamic world of digital communication, WhatsApp has once again set the bar higher with its latest feature: WhatsApp AI. This innovative smart assistant is designed to streamline your messaging experience, making your interactions more efficient and personalized. Let’s delve into how WhatsApp AI is poised to transform the way you communicate and manage tasks.
The Evolution of WhatsApp
WhatsApp began as a simple messaging app and has grown into a comprehensive communication platform with over 2 billion users worldwide. It offers a wide range of features, including voice and video calls, status updates, and secure messaging. The introduction of WhatsApp AI marks a new chapter in this journey, promising to enhance user experience significantly.
What is WhatsApp AI?
WhatsApp AI is an intelligent assistant integrated within the WhatsApp app. It leverages advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to assist users in managing their conversations and tasks. Whether you need to schedule a meeting, find specific information, or organize your messages, WhatsApp AI is here to help.
Key Features of WhatsApp AI
Smart Replies and Suggestions: WhatsApp AI can analyze the context of your conversations and offer smart reply suggestions. This feature not only saves time but also enhances the flow of your interactions. For example, if someone asks about your availability for a meeting, WhatsApp AI might suggest replies like "I’m available at 3 PM" or "Can we reschedule?"
Automated Task Management: Managing tasks has never been easier. WhatsApp AI can set reminders, create to-do lists, and schedule appointments directly from your chats. You can simply instruct the AI with commands like "Remind me to call Alex at 5 PM" or "Add meeting with the team to my calendar," and it will handle the rest.
Enhanced Search Functionality: Finding specific information in your chat history can be cumbersome. With WhatsApp AI, the enhanced search feature allows you to quickly locate messages, documents, or media by understanding the context and keywords of your request.
Personalized Recommendations: Based on your interactions and preferences, WhatsApp AI can offer personalized recommendations. These might include suggesting new chat themes, recommending contacts to connect with, or providing tips on optimizing your app usage.
Language Translation: In our globalized world, communicating in different languages is essential. WhatsApp AI offers real-time translation services, making it easier to chat with friends, family, or colleagues who speak different languages.
How WhatsApp AI Works
The technology behind WhatsApp AI involves sophisticated algorithms and natural language processing (NLP). By analyzing vast amounts of data and learning from user interactions, the AI becomes more accurate and efficient over time. It recognizes patterns, understands context, and adapts to individual user preferences, ensuring a personalized experience.
Privacy and Security
One of the primary concerns with AI integration is privacy. WhatsApp has addressed this by ensuring that all AI functionalities adhere to its stringent privacy policies. The app uses end-to-end encryption, meaning that all messages and interactions remain secure and private. User data is not shared with third parties, and AI operations are designed to function within this secure framework.
The Future of WhatsApp AI
The introduction of WhatsApp AI is just the beginning. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more advanced features and capabilities. Future updates might include deeper integration with other apps and services, more sophisticated task automation, and enhanced user interaction models. WhatsApp’s commitment to innovation ensures that it will remain a leader in the messaging app space.
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ear-worthy · 11 months ago
Never Post Podcast Debuts: Why The Internet Can Be So Good, Bad & Evil
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Think about the biggest disappointments so far in our lives. Not your life. Sure, you didn't get that job because you never went to the interview, but we're talking about our society. 
Maybe it's that flying cars and jetpacks are still relegated to Bond movies. Or the Marvel Cinematic Universe went down like the Hindenburg in 2023. Or Elon Musk went from genius to someone who makes less sense than your grandpa.
Just like Apple's old slogan -- "There's an app for that" -- we've updated it for podcasting -- "There's a podcast for that."
I have a new podcast for you that should make your ears burn.
  Never Post, a groundbreaking member-supported, employee-owned podcast, is making its mark in the podcasting space with a mission to redefine discussions surrounding the internet. In bi-weekly episodes, Never Post explores the weird, wonderful, and contradictory aspects of the online experience from philosophical, legal, linguistic, and artistic perspectives, among others. 
What does that all mean? Simply, why is the online experience so time-saving, helpful, supportive, and informative, and, at the same time, a Dante's Inferno of trolls, incels, conspiracy theorists, racists, Russian bots, Chinese Bots, and Elon Musk.
Well, Never Post will draw connections and pose questions, hoping to unravel the complexities of technology and human relationships. Through engaging conversations that foster collective curiosity, Never Post aligns itself with a community of listeners marveling at, being frustrated by, or simply navigating the intricate landscape of the internet.
Made by a collective of writers, independent producers, researchers, composers, and inquisitive creators, Never Post’s staff live online. They set out to understand why the internet – and the world, because of the internet – is the way it is.
The show is hosted by Mike Rugnetta (Fun City, Reasonably Sound), a five-time Webby award-winning co-creator of the YouTube series Idea Channel (PBS Digital Studios), original cast member of the renowned Know Your Meme web series, and internet video pioneer. Rugnetta is joined by senior producer Hans Buetow, an award-winning podcast veteran whose work at The New York Times and American Public Media has reached millions of listeners.
Prior to never posting himself, executive producer and Charts & Leisure founder Jason Oberholtzer grew a community of nearly a million followers on Tumblr, and has published two books related to the internet as a creative space.
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Never Post explores why the internet – and the world, because of the internet – is the way it is. In addition to reporting on current events, the show facilitates conversations about what it's like Being Online in 2024, looking at the internet through the lenses of art, philosophy, fashion, linguistics, and more. Big ideas meet personal stories, with tech lawyers, security researchers, artists and others as guests.
Led by a team of dedicated, long-time creators, Never Post is committed to modeling a content-production process that is sustainable, and inclusive both on the mic, and behind it. The team of Never Post is also working towards providing resources for those who want to learn how to tell stories with audio, or run their own audio-first productions. Never Post is available on all podcast distribution platforms starting January 31, 2024, with exclusive premium content accessible at www.neverpo.st for members and subscribers.
Check out Never Post. It's employee-owned, so it's not some media play toy owned by a narcissistic billionaire. Plus, it'll explore the internet for us. Thank goodness, because I don't want to deal with Nigerian Princes, QAnon sycophants, flat earthers, people who don't read books but still want to ban them, people who fire off a Bible quote for every possible situation, evildoers tricking you into clicking that one link, deepfakes, photos of Aunt Rose's colonoscopy, and Walmart clearance items that even China won't take back.
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myresellerhome · 1 year ago
The Best WordPress Backup Practices, Solutions and Plugins
Are you ready for the worst-case situation with your WordPress website? Numerous hazards could harm your valuable information and data, ranging from cyberattacks to server outages. This article will look into the best WordPress backup techniques, solutions, and plugins to ensure you have the tools you need to protect your website from potential disasters.
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A WordPress backup plugin—what is it?
As a safety measure, you can back up your website by getting a copy of all of its files and databases. It is possible to back up your WordPress site by hand, but most people forget to do it, and it takes a lot of time. A WordPress backup tool makes it easy to back up your site automatically, so you don't have to. You can store your backups in the cloud with most backup apps because they work with third-party storage services like Google Drive and Dropbox. In case your whole website goes down, this will keep your backups safe. You might be able to fix your problems and get your site back up and running without a backup. On the other hand, having a backup plan is smart.
Other Ways to Back Up WordPress 
You can back up your WordPress site in other ways as well. A lot of WordPress users use the backup services offered by their web hosting service to keep daily copies of their sites and easily recover them. The majority of managed WordPress hosting will also let you make a staging page that can be backed up. Some companies even offer full WordPress maintenance help packages that include backups and other services to make your site run better. No matter what method you use to back up your site, you should always keep a different copy in case something goes wrong with your web hosting server or you get the "white screen of death." You'll need a solution that keeps your data safe, gets updates often, and helps lessen the damage from attacks or malware.
What you should look for in a backup app for WordPress
There are so many WordPress backup plugins out there; How do you chose the one that is the best?
When picking the best WordPress backup tool for your site, here are the most important things you should look for:
Ability to be easily used
One of the most important things about the best apps to back up WordPress is that they are easy to use. With just a few clicks, you should be able to back up and recover your website.
Using automated backups
One of the best things about the best tools for backing up WordPress sites is that they do it automatically. You can pick the exact time you want to make a backup of your site under "automated backup settings." So, you won't have to worry about forgetting to back up your data.
Backups your data
The best backup apps for WordPress should be able to back up all of your files and databases.
Storage for backups
It's also important to make sure that the plugin has enough backup space to protect your whole website and keep your information safe. Also, keep in mind that backups should never be kept on the computer.  It is recommended that they be stored in the cloud instead.
Back up in real-time
Some of the best WordPress backup apps have great features, like backups that happen in real-time. This tool will save the data on your website every time you make a change, so you won't lose any updates or changes.
Backups that are encrypted
Encrypting your backups is always a good idea, even if they don't hold any private information. It is also very important for business owners to use a backup plugin that protects their data. In this way, you'll protect the private information of both your business and your clients.
The best WordPress backup plugins:
1. Solid Backups
Solid Backups is one of the first backup apps for WordPress. Solid WP released the first version in 2010, and every year since then, it has been improved and made better.
You can back up your whole website or just certain parts of it with the Solid Backups WordPress backup app. You can make a backup of just your WordPress theme, plugins, database, and other things. A lot of people say that Solid Backups is one of the best WordPress backup apps because it has so many useful features:
Automatic and planned backups happen in real-time.
It works with Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox.
Plus, more security tools, like finding malware.
Rollback to a previous version of the database without doing a full reset.
The ability to make backup accounts.
Specific backup and repair of WordPress files.
Repair and check databases.
2. The UpdraftPlus
One of the best tools for backing up your WordPress site is UpdraftPlus. Every one of your databases and files will be backed up automatically at the times you pick.
You can choose to store your backups on the server or send them to a remote storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox. When it comes to backup plugins, this stands out as one of the most essential tools.
It comes with both scheduled and manual backups.
It is possible to recover backups right from the WordPress control panel.
With the Migrator add-on, you can make a copy of your WordPress site and move it to a different host or name.
There are incremental backups, which let you choose only to back up changes to your files that happened since the last backup.
WordPress multisites can be backed up.
Amazingly helpful customer service.
3. The BlogVault
The best thing about BlogVault is that it stores your backed-up WordPress site in the cloud, which saves your web hosting plan resources.
BlogVault lets you make as many backup copies as you want and set up incremental saves. You can also change the script so that it backs up your website after a certain amount of time.
Integration of a third-party service for backup storage.
Starts incremental backups, which makes your computer less busy.
It works with WordPress multisites.
You can connect BlogVault to Malcare to get extra protection.
You can get your website back up and running even if it's completely down.
4. Duplicator
It's one of the best backup apps for WordPress sites, and the free version has almost all the important features, so it's about the same as paying for a plugin.
You can back up your whole website or just certain parts of it with Duplicator. For example, you can back up plugins, databases, and files. You can quickly clone or move your WordPress site, in addition to making backups. The only bad thing about this WordPress backup tool is that the free version doesn't work with third-party storage.
Back up a WordPress site by hand, either the whole thing or just certain parts of it.
You can copy or move your WordPress site between hosts or domains without having to wait for it to load.
Full website transfer without having to import and export SQL scripts by hand
5. Jetpack Backup
Jetpack Backup, also known as VaultPress Backup, is a feature of the famous Jetpack plugin that was made by Automatic, the company that owns WordPress.
With one click, Jetpack Backup lets you bring back a backup of your website. This plugin backs up your website automatically and saves it safely in the cloud. It doesn't slow down your site.
Because Jetpack Backup is easy to use, you don't need to know how to code or deal with difficult settings.
You can have your website restored with only one click.
You can recover your website from anywhere with the Jetpack mobile app.
You can back up both the information and files on your website.
I can get your page back to a certain point.
Setting up regular backups in real-time.
You can use incremental saves.
6. The WP Time Capsule
The WP Time Capsule backs up every change you make to your website. This way, you don't have to worry about the safety of your files because the backups are always up-to-date. Hackers can't get into your website, so if they do get in, you can easily fix it with just one click.
You can use WP Time Capsule to test the changes and updates you made to your website on the testing site without having to wait for the live site to load. You can also store your savings using tools from outside the program, giving you full control.
You can recover only certain files or your whole WordPress site.
From the WordPress homepage, you can easily bring back your site with just one click.
Test changes on a staging site that won't go down.
Works with cloud storage tools from other companies.
Ability to get your website back up and running, even if it's totally down.
7. WPvid
When you use WPvid, you can back up, move, and use staging tools for your WordPress site. People from all walks of life can use this plugin, from companies to website owners to freelancers.
You can use third-party cloud storage with WPvivid. Your files can be saved on Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, FTP, or SFTP. It's easy to install and use WPvivid, so even people who have never used it before won't have any problems.
It only takes one click to restore files.
The ability to select large files from a backup.
Your whole site can be moved with just one click.
Automatic backups of your WordPress site that you can set up.
Being able to get rid of unwanted or specific pictures.
Finally, reliable backups are essential to WordPress website security and integrity. The best backup techniques and effective plugins can safeguard your website from data loss, virus attacks, and other unexpected issues. Stay proactive and test your backup systems regularly to ensure they're operating. Take care of your website's security today by using the best WordPress backup methods.
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techvault · 1 year ago
Techvault's Top Picks: Must-Have Home Automation Devices for Delhi Living
In the bustling metropolises, where life never seems to slow down, embracing the convenience of home automation technology in Delhi is a game-changer. Techvault, a pioneer in tech solutions, brings you a curated list of must-have home automation devices that promise to enhance your living experience in the heart of India.
1. Smart Lighting for Mood Enhancement
Transform the ambiance of your living space with smart lighting solutions. We recommend integrating smart bulbs and switches that allow you to control the intensity and color of lights through a mobile app or voice commands. Create the perfect setting for every occasion, whether it's a cozy dinner or a lively gathering, with just a tap on your smartphone.
2. Intelligent Thermostats for Climate Control
Delhi's climate can be unpredictable, but you can stay ahead with smart thermostats. These devices learn your preferences over time and adjust the temperature automatically, ensuring a comfortable environment when you're at home and energy savings when you're away. Our top picks include thermostats that seamlessly integrate with popular voice assistants for hands-free control.
3. Smart Security Systems for Peace of Mind
Safety is paramount, and Techvault has handpicked smart security systems to keep your home secure. From smart cameras with motion detection to smart locks that allow you to grant access remotely, these devices provide peace of mind, especially in bustling cities. Receive real-time alerts and monitor your home from anywhere through a dedicated mobile app.
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4. Tech-Savvy Home Entertainment
Unwind after a hectic day with Techvault's selection of smart sound solutions. From wireless speakers to soundbars with built-in virtual assistants, these devices bring a cinematic experience to your living room. Immerse yourself in your favorite music or enjoy a movie night with family and friends, all controlled effortlessly from your smartphone.
5. Voice-Activated Assistants for Hands-Free Living
Say goodbye to manual tasks with voice-activated assistants. Techvault recommends integrating devices like Amazon Echo or Google Home to control various smart devices using smart sound solutions. Ask for weather updates, set reminders, or even order groceries without lifting a finger. These voice-activated assistants add a touch of futuristic living to your Delhi home.
6. Automated Blinds and Curtains
Embrace convenience with automated blinds and curtains. Program them to open and close at specific times of the day, allowing natural light to flood your space or providing privacy when needed. Our top picks ensure seamless integration with your existing smart home ecosystem for a truly automated living experience.
In conclusion, Techvault's selection of home automation technology Delhi caters to the unique needs of living. From smart lighting that adapts to your mood to intelligent security systems offering peace of mind, these devices transform your home into a technologically advanced haven. Experience the future of living with Techvault's top picks, bringing the latest in automation devices to the vibrant city.
Enhance your lifestyle, simplify daily tasks, and embrace the power of smart living with their carefully curated home automation solutions. Transform your home into a haven of convenience and innovation, where technology works seamlessly to make your life more comfortable and enjoyable.
Also, read: 
Top Benefits of Home Theatre Automation for Movie Enthusiasts
Smart Home Automation and Sustainability in Noida: A Green Perspective
Originally Published by: https://automationsmarthome.blogspot.com/
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joinchris · 1 year ago
Navigating the Seas of Science and Technology: Tips and Tricks to Stay Informed
In today's fast-paced world, keeping up with the latest developments in science and technology is not just a luxury—it's a necessity. Whether you're a professional in the field or a curious mind eager to stay in the know, here are some tips and tricks to help you chart a course through the vast ocean of information.
1. **Dive into Newsletters and RSS Feeds**
Subscribe to newsletters from reputable science and technology websites, research institutions, and publications. These curated updates offer a snapshot of the most significant developments, saving you time while keeping you well-informed. Additionally, leverage RSS feeds to customize your information stream and aggregate content from diverse sources.
 2. **Social Media: More Than Just Cat Videos**
Harness the power of social media by following scientists, researchers, and organizations on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. These platforms serve as real-time hubs for the latest findings and insights. Joining relevant groups and communities will immerse you in discussions, turning your social media feed into a dynamic source of information.
3. **Aggregator Platforms: Your Personalized Newsstand**
Explore aggregator websites and apps such as Flipboard, Feedly, and Google News. These platforms allow you to tailor your feed based on your interests, ensuring that you receive a well-rounded collection of articles and updates from various sources.
4. **Listen and Learn: Podcasts and Webinars**
Podcasts are an excellent way to absorb information on the go. Subscribe to science and technology podcasts that feature interviews with experts and discussions on recent breakthroughs. Attend webinars hosted by universities, research institutions, and technology companies to gain deeper insights and engage with the experts.
5. **Set Sail with Google Alerts**
Stay on top of your chosen topics by setting up Google Alerts. This tool sends email notifications whenever new content matching your specified keywords is published, ensuring you never miss a crucial update.
6. **Online Courses: Learning Beyond Borders**
Enroll in online courses and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to deepen your understanding of the latest developments. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy offer courses taught by industry experts, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
7. **Peer into Journals: Uncover the Source**
Access scientific journals and publications to get a firsthand look at cutting-edge research. Platforms like PubMed, IEEE Xplore, and JSTOR provide access to a wealth of scientific articles, giving you a direct line to the forefront of knowledge.
8. **Connect at Conferences and Events**
Attend scientific conferences, workshops, and technology events to immerse yourself in the latest trends and breakthroughs. Many events now offer virtual attendance options, making it easier than ever to participate from the comfort of your own space.
9. **Professional Organizations: Join the Community**
Become a member of professional organizations related to your field. These organizations often provide members with newsletters, journals, and exclusive content, fostering a sense of community among like-minded individuals.
10. **Network and Collaborate: Broaden Your Horizons**
Engage in collaborative projects and discussions with professionals in your field. Networking can provide valuable insights and early access to information, turning your connections into a source of continuous learning.
By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can create a roadmap to stay informed about the ever-evolving landscape of science and technology. Remember, the key is to diversify your sources and embrace a multifaceted approach to ensure you're not just riding the waves but navigating the currents of progress. Happy exploring!
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skilledmiraj · 1 year ago
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Your All-in-One Digital Workspace
In today's fast-paced world, staying organized and maximizing productivity are essential for both personal and professional success. With numerous tools available, finding a centralized solution that seamlessly integrates all aspects of your life can be challenging. However, one platform that has revolutionized the concept of digital organization is Notion. In this blog, we'll explore how Notion can transform the way you work, collaborate, and manage information, empowering you to achieve optimal efficiency and clarity.
1. A Versatile and Customizable Workspace:
Notion serves as an all-in-one digital workspace, offering a wide range of functionalities to suit your unique needs. From task management and note-taking to project planning and database creation, Notion adapts to your workflow seamlessly. Its flexible and customizable nature allows you to design your workspace exactly the way you want, reflecting your personal preferences and enhancing your productivity.
2. Task and Project Management Made Effortless:
Gone are the days of juggling multiple task management apps. Notion consolidates your to-do lists, project timelines, and collaborative workflows in one place. With features like Kanban boards, calendars, and reminders, you can prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress effortlessly. Whether you're managing personal projects or collaborating with a team, Notion streamlines the entire process, keeping everyone on the same page and enhancing overall productivity.
3. Centralizing Knowledge and Information:
With its powerful note-taking capabilities, Notion transforms the way you capture and organize information. It allows you to create structured and interconnected notes, making it easy to find and reference important details. Whether you're brainstorming ideas, saving articles, or creating comprehensive documentation, Notion empowers you to build a knowledge repository that grows with you over time. Say goodbye to scattered documents and endless searches – everything you need is just a few clicks away.
4. Collaborate and Share with Ease:
Notion excels in fostering collaboration, whether you're working with a small team or collaborating with clients. With features like real-time editing, comments, and task assignments, you can streamline communication, gather feedback, and ensure everyone is on the same page. Notion's collaborative environment encourages transparency and boosts productivity by minimizing email exchanges and providing a centralized space for discussions and updates.
5. Stay Organized On the Go:
In an increasingly mobile world, Notion's availability across platforms ensures you stay organized no matter where you are. With its intuitive mobile apps, you can access and update your workspace from your smartphone or tablet, allowing you to capture ideas, complete tasks, and stay in sync with your team even when you're on the move. Never miss a beat – Notion keeps you connected and productive wherever you are.
Notion is more than just a productivity tool; it's a game-changer in the realm of digital organization. By consolidating various functionalities and providing a customizable workspace, Notion empowers individuals and teams to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and unlock their full potential. Whether you're a student, entrepreneur, or creative professional, embracing Notion can revolutionize the way you work, helping you achieve greater clarity, efficiency, and success in every aspect of your life. So, why wait? Dive into the world of Notion and experience the transformative power of a centralized digital workspace.
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jeonshookith · 4 years ago
I wanna share all of the jikook fics I have saved in my phone tabs (1/2)
if you see a reoccurring theme no you don’t
these are all so so good and a majority of them are chaptered or longer one shots since i don’t like reading shorter fics!!
99% of them are completed
these are in no particular order, just as they are opened in my tabs
i did not write any of these fics. i am not claiming ownership.
these are ALL ao3 links
Illuminate -incomplete as of 01/12/2021 but the author updates regularly-ish. (Its 54 chapters so far!)
The Gentle Centaur and The Sea Flower
Waiting on the One (Peace has decided to release this as a book! available on the Kindle App with Kindle Unlimited! u can search the title)
bone appétit
Rubies for A King
the prettiest prize.
heavenly bodies
you put a spell on me
Dazzle Me With Gold
Winter Song
i'm packing a bag of bad ideas (every time i'm thinking of you)
Chasing Broken Dreams
set my love on fire
why don’t you review me?
count your blessings
My Heart’s On Fire For Your Love
the nightbird and the kitten
Paper Planes
Smash or Pass?
Promise I’m Still With You
The One
Flowers in Hades
My Promise
The God of Fertility
Vanilla Baby -chef’s kiss 😘
Rain and Tangerines
Greece and Roses
Tender Peach
Park’s Anatomy
Let's Tessellate ♡
In violence I found you -incomplete as on 01/12/2021. The author updated the title issuing hiatus. 2/3 chapters so far.
(Pick me up) - Playing With Fire
Wax, Wane
Strong eyes -update as of 08/27/21 :( i wanted to reread this and realized (i’m devastated) this is not finished. 12/? hasnt been updated since 03/2020
Black Rabbit -incomplete as of 01/12/2021. i’m not sure on this one since the author hasnt updated since 07/03/2020 so.. 31/?
Be My Eyes
Nemesis: Sex
Cutting the Braid -chef’s kiss 😘 i’ve read this like 8 times.
Hotter Than Hell -incomplete as of 01/12/2021. uhm the author hasn’t updated in almost a year but they have been writing this since 2018. its a good read though! 11/?
call it what you want
Favorite Clothes
until the spring comes again, until the flowers bloom again (stay here a little longer)
i have died every day waiting for you (but loved you for a thousand more)
The Dreaming of Escape
Never Judge a Book by its Cover
What Do You See?
A Guardian “Angel”
(my heart beats) for you
Listen Closely
longing: a yearning desire
warm me up (with your lips)
love, the shoreline where you and i meet
Be Not the Slave of Your Own Past
mi casa
to the end of this imagination, i’ll go
unwrap me (and see the present underneath)
Stolen Kisses Under the Sheets
we kiss like lovers (and laugh like best friends)
Chamomile and Honey
知己 (Ego)
Baptise in your Thighs (‘Till It Hurts)
at the edge of your touch
How Do You Say ‘Fuck Me’ In Swedish?
he smells like wolf, Jimin
You Don’t Need Your Airplane Mode
Cherry on the Cake
Hard to Get
false impressions
the seaweed is always greener
Dissonance -this is part of a WHOLE ASS series. these authors are amazing. this is just the jikook fic that belongs to the series.
The Dreaming of Escape
sun and moon
Blank Space -unfinished as of 01/12/2021. 3/4 chapter so far.
You’re Safe Now
love is a wild thing
3 nights
a bite that burns
Almond Dream
Matcha Frappe, No Whip
stay a little longer
The Golden Flower
You had me feel the world
Your Song
jimin, I love you
Tangled Up In You
fuck the feral out of you
touch me more
from yesterday, for tomorrow
i wanna feel you in my bones
Talk Nerdy To Me
lets fall in love for the night (and forget in the morning)
Lemon Tree
Fold It Up Like Oragami
Peach in the Garden
laughs and kisses
I hit the 100 link per post limit 🙃 So I’ll do another one I guess? Part 2 posted here!
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rohankumar1276 · 6 months ago
WhatsApp AI: Transforming Communication with Intelligent Assistance
In the ever-evolving world of digital communication, WhatsApp has introduced a groundbreaking feature: WhatsApp AI. This new smart assistant is designed to enhance user experience by making interactions smoother and more efficient. In this blog, we'll explore how WhatsApp AI is set to revolutionize the way we communicate and manage tasks.
The Journey of WhatsApp
WhatsApp started as a simple messaging app and has grown into a comprehensive communication platform with over 2 billion users globally. It offers features such as voice and video calls, status updates, and secure messaging. The introduction of WhatsApp AI marks a significant milestone in the app’s evolution, promising to further enrich user experience.
What is WhatsApp AI?
WhatsApp AI is an intelligent assistant integrated within the WhatsApp application. It leverages advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to assist users in managing their conversations and daily tasks. Whether it’s scheduling a meeting, finding specific information, or organizing messages, WhatsApp AI is designed to help.
Key Features of WhatsApp AI
Smart Replies and Suggestions: WhatsApp AI can analyze the context of your conversations and offer smart reply suggestions. This feature not only saves time but also enhances the flow of your interactions. For example, if someone asks about your availability for a meeting, WhatsApp AI might suggest replies like "I’m available at 3 PM" or "Can we reschedule?"
Automated Task Management: Managing tasks has never been easier. WhatsApp AI can set reminders, create to-do lists, and schedule appointments directly from your chats. You can simply instruct the AI with commands like "Remind me to call Alex at 5 PM" or "Add meeting with the team to my calendar," and it will handle the rest.
Enhanced Search Functionality: Finding specific information in your chat history can be cumbersome. With WhatsApp AI, the enhanced search feature allows you to quickly locate messages, documents, or media by understanding the context and keywords of your request.
Personalized Recommendations: Based on your interactions and preferences, WhatsApp AI can offer personalized recommendations. These might include suggesting new chat themes, recommending contacts to connect with, or providing tips on optimizing your app usage.
Language Translation: In our globalized world, communicating in different languages is essential. WhatsApp AI offers real-time translation services, making it easier to chat with friends, family, or colleagues who speak different languages.
How WhatsApp AI Works
The technology behind WhatsApp AI involves sophisticated algorithms and natural language processing (NLP). By analyzing vast amounts of data and learning from user interactions, the AI becomes more accurate and efficient over time. It recognizes patterns, understands context, and adapts to individual user preferences, ensuring a personalized experience.
Privacy and Security
One of the primary concerns with AI integration is privacy. WhatsApp has addressed this by ensuring that all AI functionalities adhere to its stringent privacy policies. The app uses end-to-end encryption, meaning that all messages and interactions remain secure and private. User data is not shared with third parties, and AI operations are designed to function within this secure framework.
The Future of WhatsApp AI
The introduction of WhatsApp AI is just the beginning. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more advanced features and capabilities. Future updates might include deeper integration with other apps and services, more sophisticated task automation, and enhanced user interaction models. WhatsApp’s commitment to innovation ensures that it will remain a leader in the messaging app space.
0 notes
itsany62 · 4 years ago
SteveTony - Fix-Its
Here are some Fix-Its to mend your heart. Don't forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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Making Amends, by TheseStoriesAreWrittenOnMyHeart, 100 k > words, Post-CA Civil War.
Everything about them happened in seconds. Their first meeting was quick, with Tony landing next to the Captain, each man giving a curt nod and name in greeting. Their argument on the hellicarrier took mere seconds to escalate. Until Steve was goading Tony into putting on the suit and going a few rounds and Tony not so subtly reminding Steve that he wasn’t afraid to hit an old man.
It was only seconds of staring at Tony on that New York City Street, his arc reactor dark, no rise and fall of his chest, for Steve to know that inside the tin can, was a good man.
Then Ultron happened, and it took seconds for their world to change, seconds for Steve to throw his shield at Tony and for the billionaire to send a repulsor blast back. They went from laughing and relaxing to standing on an edge thousands of feet above solid ground.
And now…now everything’s changed. And all it took was a combination of seconds; of decisions made, actions performed and words spoken that they couldn’t get back.
Just a few ticks of the clock for their world to shatter.
It’ll take more than that to make things right.
almeno tu nell’universo, by silkspectred, 100 k > words, Post-CA Civil War.
Tony drives off.
Well, he wants to.
But he can’t.
Steve Rogers is in front of his car.
Steve fucking Rogers. Is in front of Tony’s fucking car.
you'll wait a long time, by nanasekei, 16 k > words.
Steve and Tony share a moment during a wedding. Things escalate from there.
Alternatively: Four weddings, a funeral, and one very emotionally stunted idiot.
Down in Lonesome Town by resurrectedhippo, 79 k > words, Endgame Fix-It.
“Why do I always find my way back to you?”
Maybe he didn’t necessarily return to Steve, but fate is a funny little thing, and after living a life of loss, Steve wants something that’s his to keep. Tony deserves a love that’s unrestrained. Steve thinks he’ll erupt with it.
Love is messy, not easy, and takes work.
Maybe love feels like rage.
But maybe love could just be jumping off a rocky mountain and smiling anyway.
After the universe is restored, Steve is lost without any direction. Retiring from the Avengers, he moves across the country and ends up building a house by a misty blue lake. Across the bridge is Tony Stark’s new workshop.
The Butterfly Effect by itsallAvengers, 20 k > words, Time Travel, Canon Divergence.
While fighting with Loki, Steve Rogers from 2012 hears the two simple words: "Bucky's alive."
And the whole universe ripples with the aftershocks.
Saving the World is a 12 Step Program by janonny, 34 k > words, Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Canon Diverge.
Tony and Steve fall to pieces when Thanos’ wins.
Then they pick themselves up, and find a solution. They also find something infinitely more precious in the process.
“It’s going to sound pretty outrageous,” Tony admitted, rubbing a hand over his brow. While he had put on some weight and wasn’t as gaunt anymore, he was still easily tired nowadays.
“More outrageous than talking racoons and a purple villain traveling through space to collect magic stones?” Steve asked drily.
Here's How it Happens by tonystarkssnipples, 1 k < words, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie).
“I got my chance with him. Now it's your turn.” Pepper smiles, shaking and brittle, but honest. “Go love him.”
The fic where Steve uses time travel to go back and relive his life with Tony.
You smile, but you don't mean it by Cap_Sweet_And_Salty_Sadness, 10 k > words, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie).
"I want to drink to forget I’m supposed to be mad at you, that we’re supposed to hate each other. I want to drink because we’re so bad with words it was easier to fight with our fists rather than talk our problems through."
Tony doesn't know how to fix himself, but he will try if it means fixing Steve and him.
To Have My Time Again... by WilmaKins, 166 k > words, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie).
It's been two years since Siberia, and Tony Stark is still dealing with the fallout - personal and political. Life is quite complicated enough, without Bruce falling through a wizards roof yelling that Thanos is coming.
Thor and Loki are stalling, but time is running out. The fate of the universe is at stake. Steve Rogers is back in the picture. Really, the last thing Tony needs is for their plan to go horribly wrong and bring Howard Stark forward in time.
But his Dad *is* standing in his office, whether he likes it or not.
So, it looks like Tony will have to fix that mess too.
The Facility by WilmaKins, 155 k > words, Fake/Pretend relationship, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie).
After coming so close to losing against Thanos, the Avengers have decided to set aside their differences and work as a team again. Well, they're trying... But there are a lot of hurts that haven't gone away, and a lot of things still unsaid, and a lot of tension...
And that was BEFORE Tony accidentally ended up on an undercover mission with Steve as his fake boyfriend - at what turns out to be an alien sex club.
Canon Divergent post IW AU - Tags to be updated as updates are written... but I think you probably get the gist.
check yes (if the feeling isn't new) by cvptains, 12 k > words, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie).
After the battle with Thanos, both Tony and Steve struggle with reconnecting in certain aspects of their lives. Sam Wilson and Peter Parker are totally over it.
Where both Steve and Tony's respective friends make accounts for them on the renowned dating app, FlickLove, and the results come out a bit... surprising. Cue unadvisable meddling that really — honestly — comes from good intentions.
Bright Things and Fair by sheron for ishipallthings, 21 k > words, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie).
The course of true love never did run smooth — and neither did time-travel to retrieve the Tesseract. When circumstances outside their control force Steve and Tony to spend more time together in the 1970, they do what two people with their history do under the circumstances: work together and try to get through it without unnecessary feelings getting in the way. Falling for each other is definitely a bad idea, isn't it?
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devildomdoofus · 4 years ago
Winter Storm
Part 1
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan
‼️contains spoilers from chp. 16‼️
[[ angst, cursing, anxiety, fear/terror, depression, survival, near death experiences, mentions of blood/bleeding, hypothermia, dehydration, fainting, severe pain, cliffhangers ]]
Authors Note (sorry it’s long):
My sincerest apologies for how long you all had to wait!! I’m hoping what I’ve created was worth it. Because each brothers’ pieces were rather extensive especially being on mobile, I’ve decided to divide them into two parts where part one includes the four eldest brothers and part two includes the remaining. This is also to test the waters a bit and see if my writing style is decent enough to continue or if there are changes that need to be made before posting part two. Also, I purposefully wrote “cliffhangers” because I felt that, as reader, you should be able to decide MC’s fate for yourself according to your personal tastes/moods/etc. I hope it doesn’t come off as lazy.. it was intentional so that you may enjoy the content to the fullest and take it in the direction that you choose and not the author.CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED!! Good, bad, or indifferent, your feedback will help me write better for you in the future so you can enjoy my content to the upmost extent!! ALSO: If the spacing is weird with the paragraphs and such, I’m very sorry but for the time being, I have no idea how to fix that considering I’m on mobile and there’s only so much the app allows me to do. Anyway, I hope you all dig what I dish out! Thanks again for your patience, support, and understanding!! -DevildomDoofus
UPDATE (2-19-2021): Part 2 is out!! Unfortunately I don’t have enough content to make a master list quite yet but until then, forgive me, but you’ll have to search my blog using the hastag “devildomdoofus” or “my posts.” Don’t worry, I’ll get my blog in order eventually, I’m just a little slow with these kinds of things 😅 thank you for your patience and understanding!!
- DevildomDoofus
One word, a pair of twinkling eyes, and a pouty lip was all it took for you to convince him to vacation with you up in the human world. Maybe a few more ‘fluffy’ words and a bigger pout had to be used on Lucifer, as his paranoia was, more often times than not, justified by his brothers’ antics so... he needed further convincing.
When you two arrive at the cabin that you were to stay in for the week, you eyed the place over and it was rather beautifully decorated and cozy enough to never set foot outside for eternity, but with the wonderland that was just right outside your door, how could you not? By the celestial realm, it was like a dream. The ground was carpeted with fresh sheets or large comforters, rather of glistening white snow that reached just above your ankles, so soft to the touch that it could almost be compared to the cushy feel of Belphegor’s favorite pillow. The mighty mountains reach up to graze their fingers through the few clouds that wisp across the bluest skies... have they always been this blue? The nearby forest that towered over all, beckoned you to join them in their dance with the gentle wind. In other words, you HAD to explore! You set out on a solo trip to get aquatinted with your surroundings and take pictures to reminisce about later, while the one you came with unpacked your belongings to get rightfully settled in. You promised you wouldn’t wander far, just enough to really take in the scenery before venturing further out together. As a precaution, you dug markings on nearby trees as you tread and left stones in consistent, peculiar piles so that in the event of an emergency, any who might have to come looking for you would notice these things and easily be able to follow in your footsteps. Well, more or less, considering the clouds had secretly huddled up above you for another gentle snow shower and are now covering up your footprints. No worries though, right? You left plenty of stone piles and tree markings and you’re not even that far from the cabin. Someone could surely find you if you needed them to. You pushed onward, too entranced by the world around you to turn back now.
As time passed, storm clouds gathered faster than a pack of hungry wolves over a freshly fallen corpse and this became your cue to hurry home. To your dismay, you couldn’t find ANY of the markings you left on the trees or ANY of the stone piles you made. Ok, that’s not great but everything’s fine. The trick is to not panic. Maybe you just wandered a little farther of the beaten path than you realized. You’ll surely find your way back. As you searched high and low for your markings, the wind began to pick up, howling furiously in your ear and the once gently drifting little snowflakes became hardened, frosted hornets, stinging your face until they bit through your exposed skin and caused you to bleed. So much snow and ice, you could barely see 2 feet in front of you and could hardly lift your legs high enough to move forward as the levels of snow quickly rose to just above your knee. You had packed and dressed for whatever these snowy mountains could throw at you, but nothing could protect you from the fury of a raging blizzard for long. Pain from the dropping temperatures began at the tips of your toes and fingers and the longer you tried to find your way back, the more the pain spread and the harder it was to move anything at all. Everything inside of you, every fiber of your being was screaming for you to stop, for the pain was becoming too great but you just HAD to make your way back or you would surely die out here. These thoughts were starting to make you panic. Just as you were thinking it couldn’t get any worse, the wind grew even stronger and was starting to knock you to your knees. At this rate, you were causing more harm than good to yourself, perilously trying to toughen it out. Instead, you decided to find a makeshift shelter, just strong and big enough to keep the snow and wind off of you as you would attempt to warm up.
As if by divine intervention, you could make out a large rock formation with an opening big enough for you to huddle up under, just ahead of you. You ducked low and crawled in, hunkering down in your saving grace. As you shivered in the shadows, heaving and trying to collect yourself before deciding what to do next, you realized that numbness had settled into your limbs and you could no longer feel them, much less move them. You tried, desperately, over and over to inch them in any way but damn it, nothing would. Tears began to puddle at the corners of your eyes as your mind began to race. You should have never left the cabin alone. You knew better, you just couldn’t help yourself. The tears started to fall more and more as the thoughts started spiraling. How could you be so stupid? Now no one is going to find you and you’re going to die here, alone and deathly afraid. You could no longer contain your cries and in one last fleeting attempt to be rescued, you screamed for help with as much force as your withering lungs would allow. Nothing but the wind answered your cries. Before you knew it, your body was shutting down and your eyes fluttered shut right as you fainted against the rocky wall behind you. The panic, the wet and the cold, dehydration, the pain that once gripped your entire body that then turned to numbness, the overexertion, the hypothermia that was setting in; it was all too much for your body to handle anymore. Limp against the stone, you were quickly turning into a human icicle. This is how he finds you.
Lucifer had been prepping for dinner for later that evening, as some meals tend to take an eternity to prepare, when the hair on the back of his neck pricked up and an uneasy feeling settled into his stomach. He could sense something was wrong even before the storm clouds rolled in. There was no way to explain it other than something is or was going to be terribly, terribly wrong. It’s the same feeling he gets when his brothers are up to no good or are in some form of trouble. It comes with the responsibility of being the eldest brother. He, indeed, trusted you enough for you to go alone for the simple fact that you were the most responsible out of his brothers, but that did not mean he didn’t still feel a bit uncomfortable with you out of his immediate supervision considering you’re human and humans tend to make many, many mistakes. You’re a child by no means and can handle yourself incredibly well, as evident by your time in the devildom and at R.A.D. He knows this and believes you could conquer the world if you so chose to do so. But even YOU know that he only acts and does these certain things that can come off as overbearing to some because he cares so deeply for you that he tries his damndest to prevent any harm that may come to you. Physcial or emotional, accidental or self-inflicted, whatever the case may be. He would give his life and soul up for you, just as he had done for Lilith. That is why this unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach upset him so. He had to find you. He set out to look for you and quickly noticed a pattern. The markings and piles of stones, he assumed, were yours and, for a fleeting moment, it filled him with pride to know that you went about your adventure with a proper head upon your shoulders. Still, he had to see you and be able to hold you in his arms so that his worrisome mind could be put to rest. He followed the trail until it ended with you nowhere in sight. “MC, darling, what have you gotten yourself into this time?” Though calm in his demeaner, he was still fidgeting beneath the surface. Through the wind and hail that was picking up, he heard your cries from miles off and like a bat out of devildom, races to you. From pounding out of his chest to dropping through the crust of the Earth, Lucifer’s heart collapsed when he found you. “MC...” He rushed to your side in the blink of an eye and shouted your name over and over, but you didn’t respond. He rips a glove off and places two fingers to the side of your neck. Your pulse was so low, he had to press his ear to your chest, but even your heart was far too faint to be heard by human ear. Thank Diavolo he was a demon or he would have assumed the worst. You rarely see this man lose his composure, even behind closed doors. But now, when he looks at you and your state of comatose for the second time in his life, he becomes frantic. So many emotions racing through him, he doesn’t notice the tears welling in his eyes or his demon form breaking the surface. His fist clenches and he slams it into the ground next you, creating a cavity in the stone. He almost lost you once, he won’t let it happen again.
Before his emotions get the better of him, he swiftly yet ever so gently scoops you into his arms and immediately transports you both back to the cabin where he could try and warm you up and bring you back to your old self. Back to him. Bursting through the door, he rushes to place you gingerly onto the couch in front of the fireplace and carefully strips you of all the wet clothing, replacing them with warm, dry pairs. He wraps your neck with a thick scarf, slips fuzzy mittens on your hands, covers your head in a knitted hat, and drapes multiple blankets over your body. He then tosses wood into the fireplace, setting them ablaze before circling the couch and pushing it, and inherently you, closer to the warmth of the fire. All of this within the blink of an eye. He finally sits next to you on the cushions and takes you back into his arms, fearing that if he ever lets go, he will truly lose you once and for all. He’ll occasionally reach a hand up to the side of your neck or to your wrist, checking your pulse. Still too damn low. How in the devildom could he let this happen? For hours, he stays like this with you, keeping you so close to his chest that from the outside looking in, it would seem he was smothering you. The entire time he cradles you, he is mentally abusing himself for not being with you. For letting you go out alone. For not protecting you. For going against his better judgement and agreeing to come out here with you in the first place- no... that’s not it.. He’s frustrated with himself for you going against your better judgement and choosing him to be the one to come with you. Him of all people. He couldn’t protect Lilith in the Great War, he couldn’t protect you when Belphegor tried to kill you, and now here you are, lifeless in his embrace and fighting to stay alive once again because he couldn’t protect you from the storm. The tears began to fall from his eyes once more and they dropped onto your cheek. He looks down at you, cupping your face in his hand and tenderly wipes his tears from your skin. “Please,” he begs through the lips that threaten to quiver. “Please MC. Come back to me, darling.” He shuts his eyes and presses his forehead to yours over the knitted hat. Hoping, if only he could pray, for you to come back.
Before the storm even rolled in, Mammon went looking for you. It was unnatural for you two to be separated for this long and he didn’t like it. Not one bit. “Damn it, MC! We’re supposed to be doing this stupid vacation thing together,” he grumbles, as he stomps out of the house in a little Mammon tantrum. He saw your markings on the trees and piles of stones and began to think you set up the whole ‘going on a solo adventure’ thing as a prank. He chuckles to himself and beams a bit in pride. “My clever little human, turning into me.” A seemingly great idea at first, but the more he thought on it, SERIOUSLY thought on it, the more that two Mammons seemed like a bad idea. But he’d like to go over the so called ‘bad idea’ with you if he could just find you. He followed your markings until they stopped and that’s when the storm clouds rolled in. He was starting to get nervous. Yes, you hid and jumped out at him in an attempt to scare him on numerous occasions (which hardly worked, considering he was a demon and quite frankly, a powerful demon at that) back in the devildom but... this situation seemed different. Having been around you and your person the longest, he gained a sixth sense specifically for you. Your warm presence, your delectable soul essence, your precious voice, your thoughts and feelings, your wonderful heartbeat; he could feel them all, even when you returned to the human world for a bit. He could feel them all until now and it felt like he had gone numb. His nervousness turned to anxiousness. The only other time this numbing sensation has happened to him before is when Belphegor tried to off you right in front of him. He so very often wishes he could just wipe those memories from his mind forever...
For a moment, he thinks he can hear your voice, as faint as it is. “MC!!” He follows the direction he thinks your voice is coming from and calls your name again but with no reply. Then he hears it. One ever so minute thump of your heartbeat. He follows the sound like a wolf after a lamb until he comes across the little miniature cave his lamb had taken shelter under. He crawls in and he‘s instantly frozen in place. “MC?” You’re.. ? No you couldn’t be, you just couldn’t be. “C’mon MC, qu-quit foolin’ around. We have to go home. It’s s-storming like crazy out there, ya know?” Only the little echo of the cracks in his voice are his reply. He takes one of your hands in his and- shit! They’re so cold! Colder than when held you that time you were almost kill-NO! He lets go of your hand and grabs you by the shoulders instead, shaking you frantically. “MC, please, ya gotta wake up! This isn’t funny anymore!” The longer he shook you with no sign of you waking up, the more his eyes glazed over with tears. “MC!! WAKE UP!!” He growls, frustration and demon form taking over. Your body slides like a rag doll into his arms and that’s when he finally realizes that this is no prank and you’re in serious, serious danger. His heart disintegrates in his chest and nothing could stop the tears from cascading down his face like rain. For just a few moments, he sits there in that cave, holding your frozen body in his arms and rocking you as he cries heavily into your hair. He’s so hurt, so fucking hurt that this is the second time that he couldn’t protect you when he said he would. But by Diavolo, he had to keep trying until the absolute very last millisecond.
He gets a grip on himself, cradles you tightly into his embrace and skyrockets back to the cabin. Once there, he’s doing anything and everything in his power to get you warm. Heated blankets, warm and dry clothes, thick gloves, fuzzy hats, warmed pillows and cushions, a fire in the fireplace, the thermostat cranked up by 5 degrees, EVERYTHING. He even went to the extent of placing his bare hands into the fire, pulling them out to cool them down to an appropriate temperature, and then placing them over your ears, under the hat and across your forehead, or he would cradle your face in his hands to gingerly brush his warmed thumbs over your cheeks and nose. He simply could not sit still. There had to be something more he could do to help you, something more he could do to make up for his mistakes. He couldn’t stop no matter what. He loved you too much to give up so easily.
Leviathan had originally intended to get both of your belongings unpacked as quickly as possible so that later that evening, you two could have a video game binge with the new game the TSL franchise came out with, honestly he did, but... as soon as he turned on the tv to test the reception in the area, one of the human shows you often mentioned to him popped up on the screen and he was instantly glued to the couch. The characters were as entertaining as you had described them in that cute way where your eyes sparkled and lips curled into a smile. He loved the way you beamed with joy He loved y- He couldn’t pry his eyes away from the screen, not even for a second. That is, until 20 minutes later and the show turned to static. “Oh for crying out loud,” he grumbles as he clicks the tv off and tosses the remote to the side. It was just like this normie of a human world to have terrible reception, especially during an intense episode. Surely he had it recorded somewhere back in his room in the Devildom. With newfound boredom, he stepped to the window and looked outside. Sheesh, it had gotten dark rather quick. It would be an awful shame for someone to be stuck out in this impending weather, just as the food in TSL had been stuck in terrible weather that The Lord of Fools sent The Lord of Flies. Such a kind gesture from the Lord of Fools, considering his former lover, Geldie, was found frozen in- “OH SHIT! MC!!”
He kicked open the door and stumbled around in the snow and gusting winds before getting his snow legs, then frantically circled the cabin, looking for any sign of you. He finds the markings in the trees and little stone piles and figured that they must belong to you. As he tread, he couldn’t help but beat himself up for letting you go alone, especially considering neither of you knew the area well enough. He understood, more than anyone in all the realms, that time alone is sacred and shouldn’t be interrupted without a legitimate reason. But even still, he wished that you would have teased him to go with you, like you often times did, until he would inevitably cave and follow behind you as he would then talk about the situation being “like that one scene from that one anime we watched together where the male protagonist somehow turns into a puppy, lost and confused, until the female protagonist comes along and takes him in and loves him for who he is and he turns back into a human and follows her around like he did when he was a puppy and-...” The rest of the walk would be filled with talks of which anime or show or video game resembled each moment you two shared.. and you loved every second of it. His eyes lit up like the sun shone right behind them and his precious little grin when he would recall humorous scenes. He would blush when he caught you staring and stumble over the next few sentences before eventually shutting up and just holding your hand (for safety of course) as you giggled at him for being so damn cute. His memories of those times kept him warm as they could as he continued onward in search of you, hoping that you weren’t in too much danger. But with how little mercy the storm was showing him, the possibility of you being safe and sound was rapidly decreasing.
Your marked trail came to an end but you weren’t there. Instead, there was only the howling winds and cascading ice to mock him. Oh no, this is bad. This is very, very bad. He shouted your name in an attempt for you to hear his voice and be able to find your way to him but he received no answer. He shouted louder and louder but you simply wouldn’t answer. “Shit, MC, where the hell are you?!” Anxiety began to make its way through him and he had to lean against a nearby tree to try and collect himself. That’s when he could faintly hear your voice crying for help. He darted towards your direction, coming upon the shelter you hid away in and as he moved closer to you, he froze. You were deathly still and your skin was so incredibly pale compared to it’s usual hue. He couldn’t think, he couldn’t breathe, he was just frozen in place with nothing but your limp body and emotionless face in front of him. He had no clue what to do but try and wake you up as he swallows the lump in his throat to call your name. “M-MC?” No answer. He takes your hand in his. Shit, you’re colder than ice. “MC, pl-please... please wake up, MC.” The wind outside seem to laugh at him and his feeble attempt to wake you up. Tears welled in his eyes and the lump in his throat thickened, almost to a point where he felt he couldn’t breathe, much less cry. As his demon form creeps to the surface, he grabs your shoulders and gently shakes you. “MC, please!! I can’t do this without you!!” Your body droops into his embrace and his heart feels like it’s been dropped into a blender and turned to mush. For a moment, all he can do is stare at your solidified face and wonder why oh why was this happening to him. To his precious ‘Henry’... “That’s it!! Henry!!” He shouted to himself. What would Henry do for his loved ones? He wouldn’t sit here and feel sorry for himself, he would do everything in his power to help the ones he cared about most! Leviathan shakes away his tears, holds you tightly in his arms, and bolts to the cabin to attempt to save you. He wasn’t going to let himself get in his own way, he was going to try his damndest to save you and bring you back. To bring back his Henry.
In the midst of folding and putting away yours and his clothes, Satan paused. Similar as much as he hated to be so to Lucifer, he had developed a sort of instinct to tell when something or anything was off and this sense was only heightened by his incredibly refined observation and detective skills. He couldn’t quite place his finger on it just yet but something was clearly off. That’s when he went looking for you. Knicks in the trees and your piles of stones made him feel a bit more at ease about going after you, as he felt you were at least intelligent about your endeavors and not as callow as most of his brothers seemed to be. That is, until the trail of markings came to a stopping point. It was difficult to admit, but this situation was throwing him for a loop. You wouldn’t have just randomly stopped placing markers for yourself unless something bad had happened and even then, you would have called for him using the pact if you were in danger, right? There had to be an explanation for all of this. He leaned against a nearby tree, neck deep in furrowed brow concentration until the sky darkened with thick, furious looking clouds stampeding in, breaking his many trains of thought. With a new indication of urgency, he continued onward in search of you. As the storm picked up, so did that ominous feeling and inherently his blood pressure. If this was your idea of a joke, it was highly inappropriate and if he’s blatantly honest, irritating, to say the least. Very. irritating. Although he was a demon and basically immortal, that didn’t negate the fact that he felt his time was precious and any amount of time with you was that much more precious. He had not come up to the human world, with the presumption that you two could finally spend some time alone together, just for the whole trip to be some pathetic excuse of a prank. You could do so much better; that he was certain of and for you to do something as lowly as this was an insult to his intelligence, his affection towards you, and an insult to him in general. He wouldn’t let his wrath, his sin, get the better of him nor would he ever use either against you but when he finds you, you will know very soon of his immense displeasure.
“Ugh...” He could hear how much he sounded like Lucifer as he is in punishment mode and it made him want to vomit.
Before the wind could really drown out any other sound, he thinks he hears your voice crying out through the storm. All of the anger that was building up instantly vanished and he hurries after you. Years and years (we’re talking thousands) of constant meditation, reading self-improvement novels, and studying a multitude of ways to strengthen one’s emotional fortitude, absolutely NOTHING could have prepared him for the way he felt when he found you. Frozen, limp, and lifeless against the stone; He didn’t have to touch you or call your name to know you weren’t going to answer. All of this was because he simply didn’t accompany you on your scouting trip.
It was too much. His wrath instantly took hold and his demon form bubbled to the surface. He wasn’t angry with you in the least, no. He was absolutely furious with himself because he didn’t protect you and he wasn’t there for you when you needed him most and he had no one else to be angry with but himself. Overcome with and blinded by the pure, white hot rage, he screams his broken heart out of his chest and into the sky above, and the earth trembled around you. The steadfast shelter that once braced against the harsh storm crumbled into trillions of pieces as the sheer force of his voice crushed them to bits. The trees no longer bent to the will of the blizzard, but to him and him alone. His anger practically created ‘an eye in the middle of the storm’ and all but Satan had stilled within it. As the last bits of his wrath dispelled and he could finally get a better grip of himself, he looked down at you before taking you in his arms as the storm closed back in around you. Using the last of his energy, he bolted to the cabin with you clutched to his chest and settled you onto the couch to start the warming process. More than anything, he wanted to reach inside of you, grab the coldness by its throat, rip it out of you, and proceed to pummel it into a fist-dug grave. He wanted to take your pain, your fear, your sadness and tears, everything that caused you harm and reign devildom upon them all. To make your suffering know the name of wrath, to know his name personally and properly. Yet all he could do is kneel at your side and wait patiently for your possible recovery.
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salty-ironstrange-shipper · 4 years ago
Could you maybe post a long-ass list of good ironstrange fics because at this point, there's nothing else to do and you seem like you have great taste
puppets on a string
Summary: Stephen Strange is a villain. But a hot one.
Words: 103,206 (incomplete)
This fic is courtesy of our very own @funkylittlebidiot​, so definitely give it a read!
Find a Way (to break the fall)
Summary: Stephen didn't think about it anymore. It had been buried deep beneath all the other shit he'd had to live through in the last couple of years and it didn't impact his day to day life in any way whatsoever. Until the day it does.
Words: 2,170
This one is short, but emotional and impactful. Warning for discussions of past rape/non-con.
The Brands We Carry
Summary: Tony Stark is almost thirteen years old when he gets ready to settle down to bed one early-early-morning and happens to look in the mirror on his childhood wall and catches sight of a circular brand on the skin above his heart.
“About fucking time,” Tony mutters, and goes to sleep without bothering to tell anybody he just cussed out a baby that’s only just crying its way into its new life somewhere on the planet.
The date is February 17, 1983. Happy birthday, whoever you are. Took you long enough.
Or: Tony Stark and Stephen Strange are soulmates. You'd think that would mean they would be perfect for each other right from the start, but it turns out that their soulbond is a long path of mutual distrust, dislike, and miscommunication. Just their luck.
Words: 10,497
I love a good soulmate au, and this is a good soulmate au. Very interesting look at both characters and also what happens if someone’s soulmate has  a not insignificant age gap (though they only meet in person for the first time as adults)
A Crown of Thorn and Shadows
Summary: Anthony Stark, King of Blood and Darkness, ruler of the Unseelie court, did not expect to find Prince Stephen Strange of the Seelie chained up in his torture chamber, cold iron being driven into his hands. Stephen Strange, a Seelie healer, never dreamed of finding himself in the court of nightmares, being cared for by the king that the Seelie called a monster. They must work together to find the traitors in two Faerie courts that have not spoken in over six hundred years and reclaim Stephen's memories before the courts descend into war once more.
Words: 58,465
Wonderful fantasy au, great worldbuilding and relationship buildup. Lots of fun.
Villain Stephen Strange and His Obsession with Tony Stark
Summary: Just a bunch of prompty oneshots that are partially based but 100% inspired by Tumblr IronStrange Posts. Rated T-M
Words: 1,029
Do I even have to explain it? This is just fun. 
Ten times outta nine, I’m a hand grenade
Summary: Though neither remembered that night, it turns out that Tony Stark and Stephen Strange had first encountered each other years earlier. Unfortunately, that might end up destroying the universe.
Words: 419,141
This is a loooooooooong boi. But oh, it’s a good one. Stephen and Tony basically go back in time, change the universe, and fall in love. It’s everything you could want from them. Complete with romance, angst, drama, and humor.
Where Severus Snape is hot, not a stalker, and somehow gets the girl
Summary: And then, as if he wasn’t already the most embarrassing estranged biological dad ever, Tony stopped in his tracks, raised his sunglasses (because of course he would wear sunglasses inside a lecture hall in April), and gave Professor Strange the most blatant, sustained once-over in the history of fuckboyness.
Then he put down his glasses, shot a winning smile at the teacher, and said, “Well, I’m Tony Stark, of course.”Or: Peter Parker is sick and wants to cut his Neuroscience class. Tony just wants to help (and maybe date his son's hot teacher). Stephen Strange just wants to give his lecture in peace.
Words: 2,387
Stephen is a college professor. Peter is his student. Tony is having too much fun with this.
You Remind Me of a Man
Summary: Tony Stark cannot stand the overly opinionated and egotistical Dr. Strange and the feeling is extremely mutual.
Words: 44,788
Perfect no-powers au for them. They’re assholes who fall in love and see another side to each other. It’s amazing, 10/10 would recommend.
I am here
Summary: There’s a technical reason Stephen must surrender the Time Stone to save Tony’s life. It has to be done, and that’s enough for him to do it. But just in case, the universe decides to give him a personal reason as well.
Words: 11,708
This one is so soft. Basically, while looking through time, Stephen keeps showing up in the past at various points throughout Tony’s life. And then they fall in love! Good for them.
T For Tony
Summary: Your soul mark is the first letter of your soulmate's name. Stephen has an 'A'. But he's in love with Tony. Cue anxiety, jealousy, angst.
Words: 2,794
They’re so stupid in this fic. It’s great. It took them so much effort to remember Anthony starts with an A. (I still think this fic should’ve been titled A For Tony, but I didn’t write it, so)
something taken, something new
Summary: The ChronicConnection implement and app allows a person that lives with chronic or illness-induced pain to transfer their burden temporarily to a willing loved one. Tony and Stephen sign up as beta testers.
Words: 14,541.
15 Million
Summary: For every alternate reality there were ten thousand alternate realities from that. And from those ten thousand more. And then ten thousand more off each of those. And so it goes.
The Avengers win once. There’s ten thousand versions of it. 
Stephen Strange doesn’t know what to make of the fact that Tony Stark seems to be *his* victory.
Words: 2,755
Obligatory “Stephen looks through 15 million possible futures and falls in love with Tony in the process fic”. Can’t have a fic rec list without it.
Hero Swap AU
Summary: It's a boring day for the Avengers until Tony Stark attacks.
Words: 17,391.
Just pure, fun crack.
Only a Matter of Time
Summary: Captured by aliens, mistaken for a mating pair, Tony and Stephen find themselves having the universe’s most awkward honeymoon.
Words: 6,056.
Smut. Good smut, though. 
Sunrise in Exile
Summary: Tony does the math and realizes their best chance to save the universe is by... not confronting Thanos on his own turf. 
So he steals a wizard and a spider and a space ship. And he runs.
(Three humans and an A.I in space, the alien friendships they make along the way, and discovering how science and magic might coexist in a universe where they can be one and the same.)
Words: 352,079 (incomplete, has not been updated in a while)
A long fic set during Infinity War where they just ... run away to space. And it’s great.
Rewriting Icarus
Summary: Stephen and Tony, from the beginning to the end and beyond.
Words: 23,504
Pre-powers AU, except they fall in love then get powers. Sad, angsty, beautiful. 
variations on a theme
Summary: Stephen sees into millions of possibilities and finds only one where they win, but he never expected to end up falling in love with Tony Stark in almost every single one of them.
Words: 5,134
Another Stephen looks through the possible futures and falls in love with Tony? ... Guess you can’t have just one. 
Five’s A Party
Summary: It's an orgy fic, I'm not sure what else to say
Words: 2,639
... Not much I can add to that. Magic smut. 
A Lapse in Judgement
Summary: Stephen, the newly minted Sorcerer Supreme, is strong, powerful, and in control of his life in every micromanaged detail, because failure to do so could result in (another) cataclysmic event within the universe. He is. But then Stephen accepts an off-handed offer to spar from Tony Stark – a man who is Stephen’s non-magical equal, a man who Stephen barely sees outside of bi-weekly meetings and the few and far between fight against a villain – and Stark discovers Stephen’s biggest weakness, his most hateful secret that is a deeply fundamental part of Stephen’s psyche.
Except instead of judgement, and horror, and disgust, Stark meets him halfway, and a lapse in judgement turns into a possibility that could change their lives forever.
Words: 22,694
This is the first of a series which was just updated (haven’t finished reading the new part yet, looking forward to it) and is just a really good, surprisingly soft and emotional BDSM series/fic.
Ironstrange Fics and Ironstrange Cinematic Universe
Oh, how did these get here?
Yes, I’m reccing my own work. I’ve written 29 fics and 377,132 words for this ship, I think I’m entitled.
Ironstrange Fics is a collection of every ironstrange fic I’ve written, short, long, sweet, angst, and everything in between. Ironstrange Cinematic Universe (itself responsible for 49% of those 377k words) is my ironstrange rewrite of the MCU specifically. Please read, enjoy, and leave comments, I’m not updating any fics for a couple of weeks and I need the validation. 
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