#it's too damn hot outside
flynamu · 1 year
Harry testing out Peter's fan
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Suddenly Blackout
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zibaldone-di-pensieri · 2 months
Mood: mi sto sciogliendo, sto evaporando 🥵🫠
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anonymousmothman · 2 months
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Captain's Log, Stadate: -298330.6
Today I was put in charge of a starship, the USS Riverside. Despite having no prior experience in this position, I was up to the challenge. Unfortunately, my crew failed to arrive as they were blown up by the Borg, so I had to pilot the ship myself. I also had no prior experience as a pilot, so quickly I found myself plummeting towards a Class P planet. I ran to my ready room to try and get help from Starfleet, but comms were cut off by the dueterium rich atmosphere.
Once I had landed rather unsmoothly on the planets surface, I was met face to face with a Gorn which I fought off by throwing a cardboard cutout of James T. Kirk in the opposite direction. I then came across Lieutenant Commander Data, who told me he was stranded here due to being kidnapped by an evil collector who left him for dead once he realized that he posessed consciousness and a desire to be free. I told him about my own ship issues and he promised to work on it so we could return safely home. I continued to trek across the dangerous terrain and ran into the one and only, immortal doctor, Leonard McCoy. I admit, I may have acted a bit unprofessional as I proposed on the spot, but he smacked the ring away from my hands and told me off for not taking the situation seriously. Bravely, I wiped a tear from my eye and led him back to my ship, where we found Data finished with the repairs. All three of us boarded and headed into space again to find our way back home.
Once back on Earth, Starfleet rewarded my heroic efforts by stripping me of my rank and forbidding me from serving on a starship for 6 months. It didn't bother me much as I spent my newly found freetime seeking out a statue of Kirk to apologize to for sacrificing his cardboard brother to the Gorn.
End log.
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burirammin · 4 months
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Thailand 2018 | Marc Marquez arrested for being too cunty on the streets.
Source : The Standard MThai
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rawwithlove · 3 months
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Milo and I are pros at staying in & relaxing.
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luneyverse · 3 months
the fact that i didnt get myself any cookies or candies from the store today fills me with an indescribable amount of pain and regret
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glitter-and-be-gay · 1 year
My ADHD is working so hard today to pull me into 7 different directions that not even my autism is enough to counteract it
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hesterias · 8 months
remember that one person that met alex and said he smelled like garlic chicken left outside like did i fucking dream that or is it real cause i think about that an embarrassing amount of times and i've yet to look at garlic chicken the same way
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i. hate summer
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 2 months
(guy whos computer broke) been getting really into movies lately
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a-drama-addict · 2 months
modern au bg3 always haunts me. lae’zel gas station. shadowheart playing pool. what’s next— Wyll being a lifeguard at the local pool?
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One of the saddest things in my life I have discovered of late is that I make my therapist nervous. My therapy-session yesterday: Had me going on one of my most frequent topics (after health-issues / worrying about the partner and money-stuff) - politics. The cool thing about her is that, while this is usually a taboo-subject for most people, something one might not even talk to one's therapist about, I have a therapist who agrees with me that Trump is a horrible person who is horrible for the country, and all his ilk. (She's expressed fearing Desantis to me in the past). Anyway, I've talked about recent events - mostly the fear that certain event might rocket asshole to a win, also public violence is scary. I go on about my fears of potentially living under Fascism in the near future. This woman is supposed to help me with my anxiety, depression, mania and whatnot. And she does, mostly. However, it feels like there are just things she cannot do. The world is just like that, I guess. There are some things that even the people who are paid to help you cope are limited in helping you cope with. I told her I plan to vote, and, well, she concurred with me "That's all that we can do." She told me to limit my news-intake and said that is what she does because she "tries not to think about it, because it makes her anxious, too." Apparently, I'm the only client who brings this stuff up to her - I really thought she'd have almost everybody. I wonder if I'm the only client *she* trusts with political bull-sessions? I'm in a situation of "How is therapy supposed to help me with one of my current MAJOR issues when my therapist is just as scared as I am?!"
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thebookworm0001 · 3 months
Was trying to figure out what the weird noises outside were and briefly forgot that i live in Texas and it’s the week of July 4th
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errorciphersystem · 1 year
I honestly don't know whether or not people outside my circle do this or not but when it gets too hot in my apartment I'll just sit in a cold shower. Like a COLD shower. I used to DESPISE cold showers, now I use them for comfort in the damn heat.
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xx-justsomeguy-xx · 6 months
sigh maybe i do need to go out and be somewhere else for a little while? i’m suddenly so extremely miserable and restless
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rxsiistance · 1 year
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"Oof, it's so hot.. My fur feels like it's burning."
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