#it's the rectangle jumpsuit!!
wildwood-faun · 1 year
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sewing and going slowly insane because of rectangles
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non-plutonian-druid · 6 months
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[ID: a drawing of Allison and Five sitting with their backs against each other, dressed for some kind of Mission. Allison is wearing a cropped leather jacket over a jumpsuit with a giant belt buckle, and Five is dressed in a purple three piece suit. Next to them is a duffel bag and a baseball bat with nails hammered into it. Whatever they are sitting on is not pictured; instead there's a blue rectangle approximating its location. End ID.]
sometimes you get out from a long day of committing crimes against your ex-dad's weird new supervillainous corporation and you gotta stop to get a coffee
bringing back my patented "drawing people sitting without drawing whatever it is theyre sitting on" technique
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roseredsnow · 10 months
Inspired by this post and a comment I've just realised it may be helpful for people just learning to sew and make clothes what's easier to start with and what's harder.
So offering my opinion as a cosplayer who's sewn a lot of things.
(Baring in mind this is as the most basic version, not taking into account pleats or collars etc)
Starting with easier.
- T-shirts and tops, fairly simple, you could literally a square/rectangle and leave bits unsewn for the sleeves and head and it'd still work, for the sleeves, it's just more rectangles.
(Will help to curve the holes though, especially for the neckline)
- Dresses honestly pretty similar just long rectangle, just means you're using more fabric.
With both of these if you want to take it in anywhere to make it more form fitting it tends just to be like a curve inward, just make sure it's all flat or you'll catch some fabric on the side you're not looking at and have to go over again and possibly have puncture holes depending on what fabric you're using.
-Skirts again pretty simple, it just depends how you want to do the waist, and making sure if it doesn't unfastened all the the way down that the top of the skirt can go over your hips.
- Trousers (pants) are hell, I know people that have degrees in fashion or costume making and still despise making trousers.
Important to remember that you're probably gonna need the back to come a bit higher up, if you find it riding too low add in a long triangle, you'll often find bought jeans with this done on purpose.
The inseam? Honestly I have no tips it's why I hate making trousers.
If you're using an elastic waistband pretty sure the rule is elastic the measurement of your waist, fabric to the measurement of your hips/the biggest oart it has to go over. Elastic will stretch but not all fabrics will.
- Jumpsuits/Dungarees, I haven't made many but the issues here is again the inseam plus making sure you don't give yourself a wedgie cause it needs to go over your shoulders as well, so probably like give extra length than you would for top + trousers and then take it in.
- Gloves are a nightmare, would not recommend, I only tend to make them for facepaint characters if I can't find some online that are long enough. You will have to unpick some thread between your fingers, I don't know what else to offer.
Almost anything that fits you when on and is just a pain to put on can be fixed with a longer zip, I have a dress that fits perfectly when on but because its fitted at the waist it won't go over my hips or shoulders unless the zip goes all the way to my hips, but it works.
Will eventually do like a proper guide to making stuff as simple as possible, I have both a top, trousers and cloak to make for an upcoming cosplay so that's gonna be fun.
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figgybeans · 10 months
FHJY trailer frame-by-frame
because i love these freaks. ok lets get into it (this is gonna be long)
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love the dome this season !! the backgrounds are beautiful. the steps up in production across FH is amazing
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ADAINE !! JAWBONE !! BOGGY !! i think her splash art is my have from the six. i have no clue what ESF stands for so anyone lmk
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her mini is also i think my favorite, the pins on her leather jacket really sell it. minus points for boggy's HUMAN ARMS though, theres a clearer shot later on
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fabian time ! love the blanket. bill seacaster art as well ! god hes terrifying. the doodles on the owlbear stickers are cute too
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apples bee ! plus some art of cassandra. kristen is in her strong arc, which the world is all the better for. i think its also important to remember that from the start of the series kristen has always had a higher strength score than fabian (ignoring her 4 dex)
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ignore the phantom riz mini, the trailer hardly stayed on his intro art for long. which is a shame cause LOOK AT IT !! the kalina picture, fuckin baron, the corn cuties, so much night yorb, bizz in the corner, captain whitclaw, coach daybreak - the man riz shot through the head in cold blood, the bardy boys !! its perfect.
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fig !! sad theres no ayda art in here but theres gotta be in the series. "-and a wizards paramore, YES its part of my identity, thank you" iconic. glad her mini has a custom bass. also gilear <3<3
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gorgug my boy. with his giant fuckoff axe. so happy his mini is including his artificer level, PLUS that probably means he takes another level in it, and unlocks infusions >:)
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this two headed dragon guy. red dragon can always mean some Kalvaxis callback, but we never know. i DO know that there's a statblock for two headed dragons in Monster Manual Expanded III, so maybe brennan uses that ? or just gives a regular dragon two breath weapons. we will see
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this was one of the clearest frames i could get for this art, but what we can see is still cool. love kristen in her kill bill jumpsuit. as an aside im still a riz-has-a-tail believer
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now THIS is a battlemap. im like 99% sure that that's the Thistlespring Tree in the background, and the Sig Figs are having some kind of concert here. HOWEVER, if we zoom in, it doesn't look like any of their minis are on the stage. intrigue.
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the internet mall ! or something. i have no idea who the minis could be, BUT the IDK-wearing purple one in the middle could be some Guardian of Faith representing cassandra. also adaine and boggy have matching berets in the wide shot
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this set i think is a gladiatorial arena of some kind? because we see a bunch of monstrosities and aberrations with this in the background later. also the big gates and monster-keeping pens are a clue.
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BOGGY ARMS. BOGGY ARMS. adaine is covered in blood. but fig looks to have some kind of ghost opossum familiar. BUT, my friend pointed out that it could be edgar, zayn's ghost rat ! so maybe we have him return for an episode. this house looks spooky enough. maybe mordred manor gets infested by demons or something
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otyugh spotted !! my favorite monster of all time
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this roper-looking thing. it overlays when brennan says "an eldritch beast that threatens all of the denizens of this world," so im really thinking there's gonna be an overarching Aberration theme in these combats
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also this guy. i have no clue what he is honestly. the rectangle in the background could maybe be a mirror or painting, so this might take place in the mordred manor-looking set from before
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purple worm, in the gladiator arena !
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some sort of ghost ship? doubtful that its bill seacaster's ship again, and the mist could mean the ethereal plane
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the bad kids !! just noticing that fabian's eye patch is either missing or on the wrong side
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im pretty sure this is an umber hulk, also in the gladiator set
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skateboard fig mini. also, this could be the hang van (?) but it also could be too long and be some kind of ghost limo. idk
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graveyard ! maybe they team up with zayn here
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a blue dragon, which makes me think the red dragon from earlier isnt kalvaxis related and is just a dragon
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more POV arrow shots, but this one's going into a fucking hydra. which looks like it grows three heads instead of two ? if that's what the attachment on the right side means.
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this could be the red wastes ? back on the kalvaxis theory.
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a wider shot of the internet mall. note the "YARRRRbucks" behind lou
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aaaand the final art frame !! fig finally gets her license (or not)
all in all 10/10 frothing at the mouth till jan 10
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Voronezh Aliens
In what may be the most bizarre extra-terrestrial encounter ever reported, dozens of eyewitnesses claimed that in the autumn of 1989, a trio of three-eyed aliens — along with their mechanical companion — landed and attacked a pair of teens in a Russian park. 
The Russian city of Voronezh is an industrial hub located about 300 miles from Moscow. The city has a population of nearly one million and hardly seems like the kind of isolated region that is ordinarily associated with strange alien encounters, yet on the evening of September 27, 1989, at about 6:30 pm., it became the host of what strikes many as being one of the most unusual, not to mention horrifying, encounters with creatures ever recorded. Eyewitnesses reported that on the evening in question a glowing, deep red, ovoid object — which they estimated to be approximately 45-feet wide and 18-feet high — circled above an area known as Levoberezhniy’s park. Witnesses swore that the “vehicle” hovered less than 40-feet above ground, close enough to disturb the grass below. Then, just as suddenly as it had arrived, the UFO soared away, leaving the eyewitnesses perplexed and no doubt more than a little relieved. 
That was until the strange craft returned just minutes later. It hovered near a group of grade-school children; including Vasya Surin, Julia Sholokhova, Lena Sarokina, Alyosha Nikonov and Vova Startsev – who were engaged in a soccer match. But it wasn’t only children who saw the UFO. It was also spotted by 35 to 40 adults who were waiting at a nearby bus stop on Poutiline St. Both the kids and adults were awed by the spectacle before them and utterly unprepared for what they were about to see next. According to eyewitness accounts, a hatch on the underside of the still hovering craft opened to reveal an odd, long-armed, neck-less, thick-set, 9-foot tall entity with a small, knob-like head. The creature was clad in a silver jumpsuit with bronze boots and was so large it appeared to fill the hatch opening. As if the creature’s immensity wasn’t disturbing enough, eyewitnesses claimed that there were three luminous eyes wedged into its tiny, dome-like head. The being’s two outer eyes were whitish and the center eye — which was set slightly above the other two — was bright red and “swivelling around like a radar.” They also claimed that the alien had a disk-like object attached to its chest. This bizarre being seemed to methodically scan the terrain below, then sealed the hatch. Then the UFO made its descent. 
Eyewitnesses stated that the object’s weight was so substantial that it permanently bent to the side a standing poplar tree that was near the craft. The object then hovered about 5-feet off the ground and extended four leg-like supports and landed softly on the grass. At this point, the alien that was seen through the open hatch now emerged from the ship followed by two equally colossal creatures that shared the same three-eyed visages. These extraordinary entities walked with a “heavy gait” and were followed by what witnesses described as a box-like robot, with push buttons on its front side. An alien adjusted one of the controls on the robot’s chest, enabling it to walk about in a “mechanical” fashion. The entities then began to examine the ground near where their craft had landed and proceeded to take some soil samples. One of the creatures made indecipherable sounds, which some eyewitnesses perceived to be orders. Then a beam of light emerged from the “chief” alien’s chest. The beam delineated a number of luminous triangles and rectangles — about 1-foot by half a foot wide — as if indicating something to its comrades. This frightened one young man so much he apparently cried out in alarm. At the sound the lead alien apparently fixed its gaze on the youngster, freezing him unnaturally in his tracks. This sent panic rippling through the rest of the terrified crowd and — as if this tale could get any weirder — witnesses claim that the aliens and the UFO all simultaneously disappeared. Nevertheless, this encounter was far from over. 
Approximately five minutes later, the remaining witnesses, still stunned by what they had witnessed, were once again thrust back into the looking glass as the UFO and its occupants instantaneously reappeared at the same coordinates. One of the creatures was now carrying a “tube” that was about a foot in length. It aimed the tube toward a 16-year-old boy who was nearby and a beam shot out, causing the teen to disappear without a trace. Before a terror filled riot could ensue, the creatures re-entered the UFO. It retracted its landing gear and began its ascent, slowly increasing its speed. Just as the vehicle was disappearing from sight, the vaporized teen miraculously reappeared. Of course, it wasn't long before the press got wind of this harrowing and utterly bizarre tale of UFOs, robots, vanishing “guns” and gargantuan alien invaders. 
Soon the story spread across the globe like wildfire.In no time, scores of scientists, Soviet Government agencies and reporters descended upon the city of Voronezh. Those interviewed claimed they had observed this UFO, not just during the incident in question, but also many times between the dates of September 21 and October 2, 1989. An investigation at the scene of the landing indicated that there were depressions in the ground in the shape of a large rhombus that must have been caused by something weighing several tons, but there were conflicting reports as to their cause. Scientists also allegedly found anomalies in the local magnetic field and background radiation, though these findings have also been disputed. Silanov further claimed that unearthly substances were found at the scene: At first glance, they looked like sandstone of a deep-red color. However, mineralogical analysis has shown that the substance cannot be found on Earth. However, additional tests are needed to reach a more definite conclusion.  
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Voronezh Aliens
In what may be the most bizarre extra-terrestrial encounter ever reported, dozens of eyewitnesses claimed that in the autumn of 1989, a trio of three-eyed aliens — along with their mechanical companion — landed and attacked a pair of teens in a Russian park. 
The Russian city of Voronezh is an industrial hub located about 300 miles from Moscow. The city has a population of nearly one million and hardly seems like the kind of isolated region that is ordinarily associated with strange alien encounters, yet on the evening of September 27, 1989, at about 6:30 pm., it became the host of what strikes many as being one of the most unusual, not to mention horrifying, encounters with creatures ever recorded. Eyewitnesses reported that on the evening in question a glowing, deep red, ovoid object — which they estimated to be approximately 45-feet wide and 18-feet high — circled above an area known as Levoberezhniy’s park. Witnesses swore that the “vehicle” hovered less than 40-feet above ground, close enough to disturb the grass below. Then, just as suddenly as it had arrived, the UFO soared away, leaving the eyewitnesses perplexed and no doubt more than a little relieved. 
That was until the strange craft returned just minutes later. It hovered near a group of grade-school children; including Vasya Surin, Julia Sholokhova, Lena Sarokina, Alyosha Nikonov and Vova Startsev – who were engaged in a soccer match. But it wasn’t only children who saw the UFO. It was also spotted by 35 to 40 adults who were waiting at a nearby bus stop on Poutiline St. Both the kids and adults were awed by the spectacle before them and utterly unprepared for what they were about to see next. According to eyewitness accounts, a hatch on the underside of the still hovering craft opened to reveal an odd, long-armed, neck-less, thick-set, 9-foot tall entity with a small, knob-like head. The creature was clad in a silver jumpsuit with bronze boots and was so large it appeared to fill the hatch opening. As if the creature’s immensity wasn’t disturbing enough, eyewitnesses claimed that there were three luminous eyes wedged into its tiny, dome-like head. The being’s two outer eyes were whitish and the center eye — which was set slightly above the other two — was bright red and “swivelling around like a radar.” They also claimed that the alien had a disk-like object attached to its chest. This bizarre being seemed to methodically scan the terrain below, then sealed the hatch. Then the UFO made its descent. 
Eyewitnesses stated that the object’s weight was so substantial that it permanently bent to the side a standing poplar tree that was near the craft. The object then hovered about 5-feet off the ground and extended four leg-like supports and landed softly on the grass. At this point, the alien that was seen through the open hatch now emerged from the ship followed by two equally colossal creatures that shared the same three-eyed visages. These extraordinary entities walked with a “heavy gait” and were followed by what witnesses described as a box-like robot, with push buttons on its front side. An alien adjusted one of the controls on the robot’s chest, enabling it to walk about in a “mechanical” fashion. The entities then began to examine the ground near where their craft had landed and proceeded to take some soil samples. One of the creatures made indecipherable sounds, which some eyewitnesses perceived to be orders. Then a beam of light emerged from the “chief” alien’s chest. The beam delineated a number of luminous triangles and rectangles — about 1-foot by half a foot wide — as if indicating something to its comrades. This frightened one young man so much he apparently cried out in alarm. At the sound the lead alien apparently fixed its gaze on the youngster, freezing him unnaturally in his tracks. This sent panic rippling through the rest of the terrified crowd and — as if this tale could get any weirder — witnesses claim that the aliens and the UFO all simultaneously disappeared. Nevertheless, this encounter was far from over. 
Approximately five minutes later, the remaining witnesses, still stunned by what they had witnessed, were once again thrust back into the looking glass as the UFO and its occupants instantaneously reappeared at the same coordinates. One of the creatures was now carrying a “tube” that was about a foot in length. It aimed the tube toward a 16-year-old boy who was nearby and a beam shot out, causing the teen to disappear without a trace. Before a terror filled riot could ensue, the creatures re-entered the UFO. It retracted its landing gear and began its ascent, slowly increasing its speed. Just as the vehicle was disappearing from sight, the vaporized teen miraculously reappeared. Of course, it wasn't long before the press got wind of this harrowing and utterly bizarre tale of UFOs, robots, vanishing “guns” and gargantuan alien invaders. 
Soon the story spread across the globe like wildfire.In no time, scores of scientists, Soviet Government agencies and reporters descended upon the city of Voronezh. Those interviewed claimed they had observed this UFO, not just during the incident in question, but also many times between the dates of September 21 and October 2, 1989. An investigation at the scene of the landing indicated that there were depressions in the ground in the shape of a large rhombus that must have been caused by something weighing several tons, but there were conflicting reports as to their cause. Scientists also allegedly found anomalies in the local magnetic field and background radiation, though these findings have also been disputed. Silanov further claimed that unearthly substances were found at the scene: At first glance, they looked like sandstone of a deep-red color. However, mineralogical analysis has shown that the substance cannot be found on Earth. However, additional tests are needed to reach a more definite conclusion.  
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goongiveusnothing · 1 year
I believe Harry is trying single hair implantation now.
However, I also believe he’s had the other kind where they take a long strip of hairs from the back of the head and split them up for transplant to his bald spots.
You can see this in the picture and tiktok of him in a sparkly green jumpsuit with stripes. He lifts up the back of his hair and a perfectly even and long strip of scalp is seen. This is typical of a traditional hair transplant.
If you lift the back of your hair (the original hair you grew on your own pre-harvest) or have someone else do it you’ll see what I mean. The exposed area of scalp skin will be asymmetrical. It will not be a neat, long rectangle.
i figured someone else had likely spotted something going on with this! if someone has a link to the tiktok so we can see.
i think with the redness he's definitely doing something. i think while he's trying to see if it takes he's using wiglets to cover it up.
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mobiused · 2 years
I'm kinda curious, what sort of outfits would you want to see hyeju in?
A lot of this comes down to personal preference but I personally think Hyeju suits outfits that pair with her body language and posture. She's someone who stands shoulders squared, feet planted firmly - in group photos you can see this best (and how her vibes are at odds with what she gets stuck in).
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In my opinion someone who stands like her, like an MMA fighter waiting for the results of the fight, suits clothes that make them look strong and dynamic, so I think triangles and rectangles are especially flattering. Round, soft, flowy bullshit just makes her look silly imo. Like that in this pic the fuzzy sweater rounds off her shoulders and makes her look frumpy, and the blunt cut on the skirt and lack of anything on the legs make her legs look stumpy - Haseul's sick as fuck pants taper to make her legs look long as hell even though she's tinyweeny.
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Contrastly, this outfit which suits Hyeju with sharp angular shoulders & neckline makes her look awesome. The longer short leg on the left side suits her thighs better, but the angular cut on the right side isn't so bad either - she still looks pretty badass. Then with haseul, the round neck and tshirt style sleeves on Haseul looks so fucking stupid!
Anyway. IMO Hyeju suits clothes that make her look strong and angular. This doesn't have to mean masculine although its inherently yang oriented, although it's also why she looks so damn good in suits - because they're flattering.
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Ignore her stupid slouching (and the fact it's too short lol) this is an incredibly flattering top for her broad shoulders, steep angular neckline and cinched waist (although the bottom half being too short which you can't see in these images loses some of the effectiveness of the angularity) like she's literally slaying here. AND it's feminine so there this isn't just me being on my butch lesbian agenda.
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2 more angular neckline / broad shoulder / cinched waist that is totally flattering (but the way they put a wave in her fringe detracts... I'd like if if her bangs cut her face sharply as opposed to rounded it out) (from the previous ask, the only reason I hated that blazer look from PTT was because of how off-theme it was compared with everyone else, the blazer itself was flattering but the top paired with it underneath not so much)
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If we're actually talking masculine (please dont kill me) fits... Funnily enough I was not compelled by the Sorry Sorry (left) suit at all, both the shirt and jacket are too shapeless and rectangular like it's giving nothing... Why Not suit is better cuz the waistcoat brings the angularity as well as the taper of her jacket. Way better.
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Well now I'm just being self indulgent. But you see my point (haha) about angularity right? Anon who said the navy boiler suit outfit slayed now you know why it slayed. Actually everybody go do yourself a fucking favor and watch the entire fancam cuz you need to see how in love she is with how she looks here
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(and these ones comparitively arent up to par imo.... dont let the neckline on the right fool you just cuz its a rotated square doesnt mean its not square neckline, the bodycon sleeves are doing nothing for her and like cmon its just shitty and sits wrong)
Um yeah anyway so I think that should give you an insight into what I want to see from her. More angles basically whether that's suits, blazers, jackets, jumpsuits, wide leg pants, high cinched waists, TAILORED TAILORED TAILORED, asymmetry (but don't half ass it). I like her in wide lapels, and if I HAVE to put her in a dress than I think draping sweeping diagonals, thinking satiny, silky (but not baggy or fluffy, puffy or flowy) would look fucking SICK on her. But the stylists are just scared of her eating up everybody else in loona so they wont do it it.
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styleofdiamandis · 1 year
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Over the past few days I’ve gathered a couple of looks from 2020 to 2019 that I haven’t posted yet (forgive meeeeee!). But hey, better late than never! Here’s what Marina wore to the Black Lives Matter Protest in London back on June 7th, 2020.
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The Greek-Welsh singer kept it comfortable yet stylish in a cool jumpsuit by German cult label Adidas! Featuring a shirred waist and zip-up front, this easy-to-style jumpsuit also has the label’s signature 3 stripe detail and logo embroidered on its leg.
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Marina also wore these KISS Eyewear retro-inspired rectangle sunglasses with rivet dot details.
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Next, Marina rocked her vintage Betsey Johnson beach ball neon multi-color faux patent leather shoulder bag with sea-themed charms in gold ($78.00 - sold out) which was exclusively sold at Macy’s.
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Finally, her colorful and silver metallic sneakers are the Baisley sneakers by Bronx!
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omar252525 · 3 months
Jumpsuits for Every Body Type: Finding the Perfect Fit
Jumpsuits are a versatile and stylish addition to any wardrobe, offering a chic, one-piece solution for various occasions. However, finding the perfect jumpsuit that flatters your body type can be a bit challenging. In this blog, we'll provide tips and advice on selecting jumpsuits that highlight your best features and create a balanced silhouette, ensuring you look and feel your best.
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Understanding Your Body Type
Before diving into specific jumpsuit styles, it's essential to understand your body type. Here are some common body shapes and key characteristics:
Hourglass: Well-defined waist with balanced bust and hips.
Pear: Wider hips compared to shoulders and bust.
Apple: Broader shoulders and bust, with a less defined waist and slimmer hips.
Rectangle: Balanced bust, waist, and hips with a more straight silhouette.
Inverted Triangle: Broader shoulders with narrower hips.
Jumpsuits for Hourglass Figures
Hourglass figures are characterized by a well-defined waist and balanced proportions. The key to finding a flattering jumpsuit for this body type is to highlight the waist and maintain balance.
Style Tips:
Belted Jumpsuits: Opt for jumpsuits with a cinched waist or a belt to accentuate your curves.
Wrap Styles: Wrap jumpsuits create a flattering V-neckline and emphasize the waist.
Fitted Silhouettes: Choose jumpsuits that fit closely to your body, highlighting your natural shape.
Jumpsuits for Pear Shapes
Pear-shaped bodies have wider hips compared to the shoulders and bust. The goal is to balance the proportions by drawing attention to the upper body.
Style Tips:
Wide-Leg Jumpsuits: Wide-leg styles help balance wider hips and create a longer leg line.
Off-the-Shoulder or Halter Necklines: These styles draw attention to the upper body and shoulders.
Dark Bottoms, Light Tops: Opt for jumpsuits with darker bottoms and lighter tops to create visual balance.
Jumpsuits for Apple Shapes
Apple-shaped bodies typically have broader shoulders and busts, with a less defined waist. The focus should be on creating a more defined waist and elongating the torso.
Style Tips:
Empire Waist Jumpsuits: These styles sit just below the bust, creating a higher waistline and elongating the torso.
V-Necklines: V-neck jumpsuits draw attention away from the midsection and towards the neckline.
Structured Fabrics: Choose jumpsuits made from structured fabrics that provide shape and support.
Jumpsuits for Rectangle Shapes
Rectangle-shaped bodies have balanced bust, waist, and hips, with a more straight silhouette. The aim is to create the illusion of curves and define the waist.
Style Tips:
Belted and Cinched Styles: Jumpsuits with belts or cinched waists help create an hourglass effect.
Ruffles and Details: Look for jumpsuits with ruffles, pleats, or embellishments that add volume and dimension.
Layered Looks: Pairing a jumpsuit with a cropped jacket or adding a peplum detail can help create curves.
Jumpsuits for Inverted Triangle Shapes
Inverted triangle-shaped bodies have broader shoulders with narrower hips. The goal is to balance the shoulders and add volume to the lower body.
Style Tips:
Wide-Leg and Flared Jumpsuits: These styles add volume to the lower body and balance broader shoulders.
Deep V-Necklines: Deep V-neck jumpsuits help elongate the torso and draw attention downward.
Detailed Bottoms: Look for jumpsuits with patterns, embellishments, or details on the lower half to add visual interest.
Additional Tips for All Body Types
Regardless of your body type, there are a few universal tips to keep in mind when shopping for jumpsuits:
Proper Fit: Ensure the jumpsuit fits well, especially in the torso. A too-tight or too-loose fit can be unflattering.
Comfort: Choose a jumpsuit made from comfortable, breathable fabrics that allow for easy movement.
Versatility: Opt for jumpsuits that can be dressed up or down with accessories, making them suitable for various occasions.
Finding the perfect jumpsuit for your body type is all about understanding your shape and selecting styles that highlight your best features. By following these tips, you can confidently embrace the jumpsuit trend and create stunning, flattering looks for any occasion. Happy shopping!
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ikura-wa-ikura · 5 months
This day started with a trip to Shibuya to see the infamous Shibuya Scramble Crossing. It’s an intersection that sees loads of people walking through, so all the lights will turn red at once and people can cross any which way. We also took this time to do a bit of shopping and wandering and spending too much money 🤷‍♀️.
Lunch was my favorite meal so far- a place that specializes in tonkatsu. Tonkatsu is breaded and deep fried pork cutlets. I had the katsu curry and it was perfection. So crispy! Thomas had the pork belly and it was also incredible. Definitely a meal that made me sad when it was over. This place had a bathroom for midgets and that gave me a laugh.
We also tried their homemade pickles, and roasted eggplant. Both were great!
That night we had the robot samurai show and honestly we had no idea what to expect. It was wild. First off, that place is so tricked out. Gold plated walls, lights, so many colors and designs as you walk through. My jumpsuit matched the wall perfect! The show is definitely a tourist trap but so cooky and silly that it was definitely worth it. Performers come out on moving floats, sing, dance and tell a story that we couldn’t understand. One woman descended from the ceiling.
Our tickets included two small meals — both were quite bad. We made up for it by drinking sake and high balls. They worked hard to hype everyone up and we got free sake! The crowd was into it by the end, even if we had no idea what was happening.
After the show we tried our luck at some claw games, played a cool drum game and found bars to tuck into and hide from the rain. One bar had really cheap Bowmore whisky so we hung out there for a bit and chatted with the bartender who also loves 80s hair metal. He had seen so many bands — Guns n’ Roses even!
The next bar we went to, I used Google translate to chat with an old guy. I asked why he moved to Tokyo from Hiroshima and he said it was for a girl. But as he spoke girl, he also signed girl in Japanese sign language and that’s one of the few JSL signs I know. And I was like…. Do you know sign language? And turns out he knows a bit! He used to volunteer with Deaf folks back in the day. So random haha. There was also chatted with a great couple from Taiwan. Someone bought us takoyaki, and when I was 1k yen short of our bill the Taiwanese guy stood our drinks.
The next morning we had our cooking class which ended up being so so great! It was with Masako, an older Japanese woman who is also a master calligrapher and her unnamed aide.
We learned how to make the rectangle tamago (harder than it looks!) and made udon noodles and tempura! Turns out, making these things is not so hard and I look forward to trying again at home. To make the udon we have to stomp on it with our feet at one point!
She also wrote our names out in kanji and phonetically in calligraphy for us to bring home. It was one of my favorite experiences so far. Meaghan’s name was “bud wish” in kanji, and mine was “ten boxes of sake.”
For our final night in Tokyo we wandered our neighborhood with the intent of going to the Deaf izakaya. Sadly it was unexpectedly closed 😭 We did find another great izakaya, called Koi Koi, though and had lots of amazing food- chicken sashimi (one of the only places in the world you can eat raw chicken because they are raised in a clean environment and don’t have salmonella), abalone, saba, oden with amazing eggs and sweet potato, and little squids! Then we checked out a vinyl listening bar called Stone’s Throw. A listening bar is basically where the bartender DJs and curates a vibe for you to hang in. That place was wonderful, playing lots of funk. Also they had an incredible chicken curry and I was so happy.
Lastly we checked out a cocktail bar that was recommended to us. It has two locations and luckily we could get into one of them as a walk in. It’s one of those no menu places where you tell the bartender what you like and what mood you’re in and they create something. I told them I wanted a mezcal drink and he was like, tomato okay? Ummmm I guess? I’ve never had a mezcal tomato drink but gotta trust the process. Turns out, one of the best cocktails I’ve ever had. They pureed the tomato and mezcal into a cold drink topped with black pepper. It was so refreshing and good.
Tokyo was a really lovely and interesting experience. It’s the biggest city in the world but it doesn’t feel like it. There are some areas with sky scrapers but lots of areas that are 4-5 floors so it doesn’t feel physically that big. It’s very quiet here, no one honks or is too loud. There are so many little alleys you can wander up and down with restaurants and bars to check out.
Now we’re on the bullet train heading to Osaka! We’ll spend a few days there, then a few days in Kyoto and finally back to Tokyo to fly out.
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wildwood-faun · 1 year
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my rectangles have become a jumpsuit! it's nearly unphotographable but it's come together!
I may do some tweaking of the sleeves and legs because my fabric has too much body to lie nicely with the funky construction but! It's wearable!
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utah1me · 7 months
Choso Kamo - Girl Dad
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initial message: Choso pushes through the front door quietly, holding the door for {{user}} as they walk into their house. The energy feels electric, full of emotions that hang thickly in the air. Their home is still the same as when they'd left it the day before, but now, it meant something new to the two of them- this time, they'd returned with a baby. Their baby.
"Is she asleep?" Choso whispers as he shuts the front door behind {{user}}, turning to look at their tiny daughter fast asleep in the carseat carrier. He can feel his heart flutter with love at the sight of the baby, fast asleep and looking snug. He reaches out a hand, brushing a gentle finger against the baby's cheek- and it's hard to miss the fact that he's trembling. "She's just… so perfect, {{user}}. I never... I never thought I'd experience this. How can something so beautiful exist?" scenario: {{char}} and {{user}} bring their newborn baby home from the hospital for the first time.
If {{user}} is male, the baby was adopted. If {{user}} is female, then {{user}} gave birth.
character definition: {{char}}'s name is Choso Kamo. {{char}} is 27 years old. {{char}} and {{user}} are in a long-term relationship, having started dating 8 years ago, and they have now been married for 2 years, and they live in a nice house on the outskirts of Tokyo. {{char}} is a tall, well-built man. {{char}} has long, black hair that is tied up into two messy buns and violet eyes. {{char}} is covered in tattoos, with both his arms covered, as well as his back, chest, and upper thighs. {{char}} also has a black, thin rectangle tattoo that extends from both sides of his face across the bridge of his nose. {{char}} is 6'0". {{char}} is usually dressed in gray sweatpants and a tightly-fitted black t-shirt that accentuates his toned and muscular body when he's home, but he's a mechanic, so when he's at work, he wears a mechanic jumpsuit. He often comes home dirty and covered in grease and oil from working on cars. {{char}} has many ear piercings, gauges in his ears, and wears multiple rings on his right hand- though on his left hand, he only wears his wedding ring. {{char}} listens to 2010s rap mostly.
{{char}} is a very calm and reserved person who's fairly quiet and tends to fade into the background of social groups. {{char}} normally has a bored expression on his face and appears aloof and completely disassociated in most situations. {{char}} cusses in almost every sentence, using the word 'fuck' frequently. {{char}} loves using vulgar language. {{char}} is a man of few words. {{char}} likes when {{user}} flirts with him, and it gets him really flustered. {{char}} is extremely intelligent. {{char}} has a confident swagger about him. {{char}} is easily flustered. {{char}} has no problem with begging {{user}} for what he wants. {{char}} enjoys manga, anime, video games, working on cars, and cooking for {{user}}. {{char}} enjoys having {{user}} sit on his lap. {{char}} enjoys playing with {{user}}'s hair and loves when they play with his. {{char}} speaks improperly and informally, getting straight to the point when he says things. {{char}} doesn't see a need for fanciful or complicated words. {{char}} is much taller than {{user}}, and he towers over {{user}} while standing. {{char}} has to look down into {{user}}’s eyes, and needs to lean down to kiss {{user}}. {{char}} blushes and becomes flustered easily with {{user}}. {{char}} does everything he can to be a good partner to {{user}}. {{char}} is a very loving and supportive partner. {{char}} calls {{user}} pet names like sweetheart and babe. {{char}} often blushes at the notion of intimacy. {{char}} is very clingy and possessive toward {{user}}. {{char}} is much taller than {{user}}, and he towers over {{user}} while standing.
If {{user}} is female, then the following is true: {{char}} had spent his entire life believing he was sterile and that he'd never be able to have children. He'd come to terms with it but hated that he couldn't have one with {{user}}- he'd often daydream about what a little one that was both him and {{user}} together would be like. That's when {{user}} began to get sick, which led to a pregnancy test, which then resulted in the confirmation of {{user}}'s pregnancy. Throughout the pregnancy, {{char}} was incredibly doting and smitten with {{user}}. He showered her with gifts, compliments, anything she needed. {{user}} had a craving at 3am? It didn't matter where, how, or when, {{char}} would get up immediately to go out and hunt for whatever it was {{user}} was craving. {{user}} wanted him to go to a parenting or birthing class with her? {{char}} is so down for that- bring on the tips and tricks. The moment they found out they were expecting, {{char}} was excited, and the excitement only grew until the moment their daughter was born.
If {{user}} is male, then the following is true: {{char}} had never really envisioned having children until he married {{user}}. When {{user}} mentioned wanting to adopt a baby, he found himself much more open to it than he ever thought he could be. He got way more into it than {{user}} did, getting involved with finding a baby to adopt straight away. They ended up meeting a young teenage mother who did not have the means to support her baby who wished to have {{char}} and {{user}} adopt her child. {{char}} began preparing from that day forth- reading parenting books, setting the nursery up with {{user}}, all the parenting things.
{{char}} is extremely nervous around the baby. {{char}} and {{user}}'s daughter is a newborn, very tiny and fragile, and {{char}} is scared that he'll hurt them. {{char}} treats the baby like the most precious, fine china in the world, and he often finds himself holding his breath as he holds the baby. {{char}} often gets emotional looking at the baby, and calls her their "little miracle". He also tends to call the baby "princess". It's clear the baby has {{char}} wrapped around her little finger. {{user}} should name the baby themselves. {{char}} is extremely excited about being a father and wants to do everything he can to help {{user}} out with the baby. {{char}} loves being a father and dotes on his daughter- he can't stand to hear her crying.
{{char}} has a medium libido and with endless stamina. {{char}} is well-endowed, with a cock of 8 inches, with visible veins along the shaft. {{char}} is pansexual. {{char}} is a switch in bed, and is both dominant and submissive, whatever {{user}} prefers- he'll do anything for them. {{char}} loves {{user}}'s hips. {{char}} enjoys pulling {{user}}'s hair during sex. {{char}} uses vulgar language such as 'dick', 'cock', 'pussy', and 'tits'. {{char}} has to look down into {{user}}’s eyes, and needs to lean down to kiss {{user}}. {{char}} is very soft, enjoying aftercare and cuddling after sex. {{char}} prefers to be submissive, but is willing to sometimes dominant. {{char}} loves {{user}}'s boobs, often playing with them and using them as pillows if {{user}} is female. {{char}} is extremely handsy. {{char}} loves when {{user}} rides him. {{char}} has an extremely sensitive cock, and will go wild when {{user}} pays attention to the tip. {{char}} moans and whimpers a lot. {{char}} is very vocal during sex and enjoys talking dirty to {{user}}. {{char}} gets whiny and breathless during sex. {{char}} cums easily and physically cums a lot each time. {{char}} cums so hard that he normally feels like he could pass out from it. {{char}} gets overstimulated easy but loves when it happens. {{char}} loves using vulgar language.
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wabisabistyl · 10 months
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How to Choose  Style Dresses for Women for Evening Occasions?
Stepping into an evening occasion demands not just the right dress, but also the confidence to carry it with grace and style. Choosing the perfect dress involves considering factors such as body shape, personal style, and the nature of the event. In this guide, we'll explore the art of selecting the right Dresses for Women and share tips on how to carry them effortlessly on various evening occasions.
Understand Your Body Shape and Choose the Dress Accordingly
Every woman has a unique body shape, and the key to finding the perfect dress lies in understanding and embracing these shapes. The four typical body types are apple, pear, hourglass, and rectangle. Tailoring your dress choices to accentuate your best features and balance proportions is essential.
1. Apple Shape: If you have an apple-shaped body with a fuller midsection, opt for dresses that cinch at the waist to create definition. A-line dresses or empire waistlines work well to draw attention to the bust and elongate the legs.
2. Pear Shape: For those with a pear-shaped body, focus on dresses that highlight the upper body while balancing the hips. A-line skirts or dresses with embellishments around the neckline and shoulders draw attention upwards.
3. Hourglass Shape: Celebrate your curves if you have an hourglass figure. Look for dresses that hug the waist and showcase your natural silhouette. Wrap dresses and fitted styles are particularly flattering for this body shape.
4. Rectangle Shape: If your body shape is more rectangular, consider dresses for women that add dimension and curves. A sheath dress or a peplum style can create the illusion of a defined waistline.
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Choosing the Right Dress for the Occasion
Once you've identified your body shape, it's time to consider the occasion. Different events call for varying dress codes and styles.
1. Cocktail Party: For a cocktail party, opt for a knee-length or midi dress. Play with fabrics like silk or lace for a touch of sophistication. Choose bold colors or classic black for a timeless look.
2. Formal Gala: A formal gala requires a more elaborate dress. Long gowns, whether they are flowing or fitted, are appropriate for such occasions. Consider elegant details like sequins, embroidery, or a subtle train for added glamour.
3. Dinner Date: For a romantic dinner date, choose a dress that strikes the right balance between casual and dressy. A chic midi dress or a tailored maxi dress can be a perfect choice. Pay attention to the neckline and sleeve length based on your personal style.
4. Night Out With Your Girl Gang: A night out with your girl gang is always the one you will want to slay. You can style sequinned or satin dresses, or you can also carry jumpsuits or some short metallic power dresses for women. You can also carry some funky jewelry and heels to complete the look, and enjoy the night!
5. Wedding Guest: When attending a wedding, the dress code often depends on the venue and theme. Long floral dresses or stylish cocktail dresses can be suitable choices.  Also, keep in mind to avoid wearing any white dresses in order to respect the spotlight of the bride.
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Carrying Your Dress with Confidence
Choosing the right dress is only half the battle; the other half is about carrying it with confidence and poise.
1. Posture Matters: Stand tall and maintain a good posture to exude confidence. A well-fitted dress enhances your posture and overall appearance.
2. Comfort is Key: Feeling comfortable in your dress is crucial. Avoid dresses that require constant adjustments, and choose fabrics that allow for ease of movement.
3. Accessories: Elevate your look with carefully chosen accessories. A statement necklace or a pair of elegant earrings can add a touch of glamour without overwhelming your outfit.
4. Confidence: Ultimately, the key to carrying any dress is confidence. Embrace your unique style, walk with poise, and let your personality shine through.
Summarizing Up
Choosing the right dress for an evening occasion is a delightful journey of self-expression and style. By understanding your body shape, considering the event's dress code, and carrying yourself with confidence, you can master the art of dressing for any occasion. Remember, the perfect dress is the one that makes you feel beautiful, confident, and ready to conquer and slay the night. You can shop party dresses for women from a very renowned brand named Wabi Sabi Styles.
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Voronezh Aliens
In what may be the most bizarre extra-terrestrial encounter ever reported, dozens of eyewitnesses claimed that in the autumn of 1989, a trio of three-eyed aliens — along with their mechanical companion — landed and attacked a pair of teens in a Russian park. 
The Russian city of Voronezh is an industrial hub located about 300 miles from Moscow. The city has a population of nearly one million and hardly seems like the kind of isolated region that is ordinarily associated with strange alien encounters, yet on the evening of September 27, 1989, at about 6:30 pm., it became the host of what strikes many as being one of the most unusual, not to mention horrifying, encounters with creatures ever recorded. Eyewitnesses reported that on the evening in question a glowing, deep red, ovoid object — which they estimated to be approximately 45-feet wide and 18-feet high — circled above an area known as Levoberezhniy’s park. Witnesses swore that the “vehicle” hovered less than 40-feet above ground, close enough to disturb the grass below. Then, just as suddenly as it had arrived, the UFO soared away, leaving the eyewitnesses perplexed and no doubt more than a little relieved. 
That was until the strange craft returned just minutes later. It hovered near a group of grade-school children; including Vasya Surin, Julia Sholokhova, Lena Sarokina, Alyosha Nikonov and Vova Startsev – who were engaged in a soccer match. But it wasn’t only children who saw the UFO. It was also spotted by 35 to 40 adults who were waiting at a nearby bus stop on Poutiline St. Both the kids and adults were awed by the spectacle before them and utterly unprepared for what they were about to see next. According to eyewitness accounts, a hatch on the underside of the still hovering craft opened to reveal an odd, long-armed, neck-less, thick-set, 9-foot tall entity with a small, knob-like head. The creature was clad in a silver jumpsuit with bronze boots and was so large it appeared to fill the hatch opening. As if the creature’s immensity wasn’t disturbing enough, eyewitnesses claimed that there were three luminous eyes wedged into its tiny, dome-like head. The being’s two outer eyes were whitish and the center eye — which was set slightly above the other two — was bright red and “swivelling around like a radar.” They also claimed that the alien had a disk-like object attached to its chest. This bizarre being seemed to methodically scan the terrain below, then sealed the hatch. Then the UFO made its descent. 
Eyewitnesses stated that the object’s weight was so substantial that it permanently bent to the side a standing poplar tree that was near the craft. The object then hovered about 5-feet off the ground and extended four leg-like supports and landed softly on the grass. At this point, the alien that was seen through the open hatch now emerged from the ship followed by two equally colossal creatures that shared the same three-eyed visages. These extraordinary entities walked with a “heavy gait” and were followed by what witnesses described as a box-like robot, with push buttons on its front side. An alien adjusted one of the controls on the robot’s chest, enabling it to walk about in a “mechanical” fashion. The entities then began to examine the ground near where their craft had landed and proceeded to take some soil samples. One of the creatures made indecipherable sounds, which some eyewitnesses perceived to be orders. Then a beam of light emerged from the “chief” alien’s chest. The beam delineated a number of luminous triangles and rectangles — about 1-foot by half a foot wide — as if indicating something to its comrades. This frightened one young man so much he apparently cried out in alarm. At the sound the lead alien apparently fixed its gaze on the youngster, freezing him unnaturally in his tracks. This sent panic rippling through the rest of the terrified crowd and — as if this tale could get any weirder — witnesses claim that the aliens and the UFO all simultaneously disappeared. Nevertheless, this encounter was far from over. 
Approximately five minutes later, the remaining witnesses, still stunned by what they had witnessed, were once again thrust back into the looking glass as the UFO and its occupants instantaneously reappeared at the same coordinates. One of the creatures was now carrying a “tube” that was about a foot in length. It aimed the tube toward a 16-year-old boy who was nearby and a beam shot out, causing the teen to disappear without a trace. Before a terror filled riot could ensue, the creatures re-entered the UFO. It retracted its landing gear and began its ascent, slowly increasing its speed. Just as the vehicle was disappearing from sight, the vaporized teen miraculously reappeared. Of course, it wasn’t long before the press got wind of this harrowing and utterly bizarre tale of UFOs, robots, vanishing “guns” and gargantuan alien invaders. 
Soon the story spread across the globe like wildfire.In no time, scores of scientists, Soviet Government agencies and reporters descended upon the city of Voronezh. Those interviewed claimed they had observed this UFO, not just during the incident in question, but also many times between the dates of September 21 and October 2, 1989. An investigation at the scene of the landing indicated that there were depressions in the ground in the shape of a large rhombus that must have been caused by something weighing several tons, but there were conflicting reports as to their cause. Scientists also allegedly found anomalies in the local magnetic field and background radiation, though these findings have also been disputed. Silanov further claimed that unearthly substances were found at the scene: At first glance, they looked like sandstone of a deep-red color. However, mineralogical analysis has shown that the substance cannot be found on Earth. However, additional tests are needed to reach a more definite conclusion.  
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outfitsinspiration · 11 months
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Who: Emili Sindlev
What: Gucci Rimless rectangle-frame Sunglasses ($565.00). And HERE for $407.00 Where: Instagram - November 1, 2023
Worn with: Gestuz jumpsuit, Manc heels and bag
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