#it's the pain and confusion and shock and not being fully aware of what's going on without or within
dreamedfyre-a · 27 days
not to be morbid on main but i saw this art and honestly that and the one f&b art where she's running towards jaehaerys' body while b&c leave always makes me think of the horrible violence and its aftermath, the grief and loss, the trauma and shock, a mother unwilling to let her son's mutilated body go, his blood on her hands, her dress, her hair (it doesn't matter; nothing matters but the fact there is no life in him anymore). she holds on to bloodied clothes even after. she haunts the room where the stones are stained with her child's blood. more self flagellation than remembrance, because it hurts and she wants to hurt, because she doesn't think she deserves to stop hurting. it's her blood on the stones, on the clothes she won't let go of. the life she birthed, the horror she let happen, it's all hers and she won't let go of it. it's repulsive and frightening and horrible and her fault in so many ways. she can't let go.
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letstalkaboutshtufff · 6 months
In another life
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Pairing: Gojo x reader
Summary: Reader is transported to another dimension where nobody knows her.
Warnings: Language, mentions of blood and minor injury.
Hope you guys enjoy, I actually found this deep in my drafts and said what the hell and posted.
Next Part
It was just another typical day where Gojo and his students were walking to the destination of their next mission.
"Why do curses have to cause trouble on hot days, ugh what a pain" Nobara groaned shielding her eyes from the scorching sun.
"I told you to bring a hat" Yuji pointed out, somehow unbothered by the tortuous weather.
"But hats are so tacky!"
"Then don't complain" Megumi sighed annoyed as usual.
"Don't worry, we can get some nice cold ice cream after we exorcise the curse, in fact I know the best spot! It's a little hole in the wall place but they have the best- huh?"
Gojo suddenly whipped around at the sudden burst of curse energy he sensed.
"What the hell is that?!" Yuji shouted as he stared at a hole crackling in the sky getting bigger and bigger.
"Not sure, but I don't like what I'm sensing. Everyone be ready..”
"Right" they all tensed and got into attack positions.
What they didn't except though was to see a head pop out of the warp, followed by a body. A woman seemingly limp, began to plummet from the warp. Which promptly closed the second she had left.
"What the hell?" Nobara squinted trying to figure out if the figure looked dangerous.
Gojo didn't feel any malicious energy anymore now that the warp had vanished so he sprung into action and caught the woman before she became a pile of mush on the ground.
"Sensei what if shes dangerous?" Yuji frowned.
"Hm" he kneeled down still holding the woman. He eyed down her figure. She had some scratches and a few bruises but other than that she seemed ok...
So what was a human doing falling through a warp in the sky.
"I don't believe shes a threat, not that I can sense anyway..."
"The energy from that warp felt seriously freaky" Nobara shivered.
Gojo was about to respond when a glint made him freeze. His brows furrowed when he grabbed the girls hand and brought it closer to his face. Now that was definitely peculiar…
"Mm" the group suddenly all jerked to the form now rousing in Gojos arms.
The womans eyes began to open slowly. It took them a moment to adjust to the light but then when they were fully open they suddenly became full of life.
"Eh?! What happened??" Her eyes widened as she looked around, becoming aware of her surroundings. "T-toru!!" No one was more shocked than Gojo as the woman launched her arms around their teacher as if her life depended on it.
"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he? Ah Of course he didn’t what am I saying…?! I-I'm sorry you had to come save me again, I don't know how he even snuck up on me!" the woman pulled back only a bit to face him, but still held on. "I promise you can train me as hard as you want from now on and I won't complain anymore"
(From now on you are the woman)
You paused noticing his bewildered expression. "What Is it Toru?"
"Um… not to sound rude or anything but….who are you?”
Your face twitched in shock, "Um Toru, now really isn't the time for jokes you know" you pouted slightly.
It was when he took your arms off of him that you felt something was majorly off.
"I assure you I'm not joking" he gently pushed you off and you shakily got to your feet and so did he.
"I don't...I don't understand...Toru, what do you mean you don't know me?" You tried to quell the panic that was rising. Surely he was just playing a prank right?? Right?!?
"You know who I am it seems…" he stated, eying you curiously.
"Know who you- Satoru Gojo if this is a joke you better stop it right now or I swear I'm going to eat all the kikifuku you brought back yesterday! It's not nice to confuse me after being so close to death you know!!"
He only quirked a brow at this, "Listen lady, you just fell from a hole in the sky, If anyones confused its us..."
This caught your attention, "Wait…What did you say?"
"He's right, you fell from this big hole in the sky miss. It closed right away after you came through". Your eyes drew to the new voice and you realized the others were here too.
"Yuji..." his eyes widened and he pointed to himself, "You know me?"
You felt your panic rise more, "Of course I know you! All of you, Megumi, Nobara you're all like family to me, why don't you know who I-" you froze. A cold fear overtaking you. The hole. His technique. You got caught up in it. You weren't saved. Satoru hadn't made it in time.
"I t-think, I u-um" you felt your breathing begin to quicken and forming words seemed impossible.
"I t-think I got t-t-transported by the curse I was f-fighting" you felt your whole body shaking and tried to control your breathing.
"Hey calm down, we'll figure things out soon enough" you stepped back abruptly knowing what that tone and outstretched hand meant.
"D-don't knock me out, you promised you wouldn't do it anymore.." although you supposed that this Gojo had no idea.
He seemed troubled at what to do but sighed a moment later.
"For now why don't we just head back to the school..." you reguarded him for a moment then hesitantly shook your head.
"Alright..." you silently followed everyone, feeling more nervous with every silent step.
The quiet was maddening and you were grateful that Yuji spoke up finally,probably becoming aware of your borderline panic attack "Don't worry, weird things are always happening here. We'll figure whatever this is out ok?" You managed to crack a little tired smile.
Of the many times you had been sat across Yaga, this was the first time you were ever intimidated.
"Start from the beginning" was all he said as you fidgeted in discomfort. Gojo stood beside Yaga, leaning back on the wall, while Yaga sat imposing as if he was dealing with a curse.
You took a deep breathe and recalled what had happened just before all this madness.
"Well I was just leaving my house to go to the school... I recieved a message saying I needed to report there immediately and I didn't hesitate, thinking maybe something bad had happened...but on the way I was attacked by a curse. I'm not really much of a fighter but I am a little skilled at barriars, so I was able to shield myself against his attacks. The curse became frustrated when he realized he couldn't land a major hit and before I knew it he had sent a huge blast in my direction. I shielded but it didn't matter, I remember feeling really hot and then the next thing I knew I was waking up in Satoru’s arms..."
You peeked at Yaga and saw he was deep in thought. Finally after painful silence he finally spoke, "This curse you fought, what did it look like?"
"He looked kinda like that tree curse thing that the kids fought back at the exchange event, except his presence was..." it was then something struck you. You recall feeling something was off the entire fight. Something oddly familiar and it had just hit you what that was. The smell the energy the odd aura.
"Wait…” both men perked up at this.
"What is it?"
"That's why he felt so familiar!" you said more to yourself in your horror.
"Who are you talking about?"
"The curse...he felt familiar because I've sensed that same presence before..."
They waited for you to continue, "Back when Toru and Megumi first recovered that cursed object...and had me place an extra seal on it...but Toru never mentioned it was stolen? Why didn't he say anything...unless it wasn't stolen but then how did he get unseal- shit"
You ran a hand over your face, "You were right about the spy after all Toru..."
"How can you know all this- the exchange event, who we are, private information if we don't even know who you are?” Yaga eyed you suspiciously.
"I think I can answer that" all eyes snapped to Gojo.
"You mentioned a curse being unsealed, one that megumi and I brought in correct?"
You nodded
"Its a just a theory but I have a hunch I'm correct, tell me, what was the curses name?"
"Ah um...lemme think, it was definitely...uh...ama...amamoo, amamee, uh wait...."
"Amamotetsu?" Gojo offered which promptly made Yaga flinch in shock.
"Yeah that's it!" You jumped up.
"Amamotetsu-! But how?!" Yaga tensed shooting up.
"I'm not sure how he got unsealed but...this isn't the first time I've heard this type of thing happening before.."
This caught your attention, "What do you mean?"
"When Megumi and I first retrieved the curse, we teamed up with Nanami. He was the one who told us about this curse's history... apparently this particular curse is known for transcending through times and universes-"
"W-what?" You felt your body slump down. What did that mean?? Did that mean you- that you were in a different universe?! How-what- you felt your whole body begin to shake.
This was the first time Yaga seemed to let down his guard because he now was beginning to understand you weren't a threat.
You felt something warm being placed on your shoulders. You looked up at Yaga through blurred lenses.
"Yaga..." your voice broke as did the dam holding back your tears... how could this have happened?! What were you even supposed to do?! And Satoru, what was he even going through now?!"
"Listen, theres no need to panic, we'll figure it out alright?" He assured you, but it wasn't quite the same knowing he didn't know you." You nodded anyway.
"Satoru, why don't you call Nanami, we'll see what more he can tell us...in the meantime it would help if we knew some more about you and the curse." You nodded and braced yourself for the onslaught of questions.
"First off, it's quite clear you're close to us, so are you a teacher here or something?" You a teacher? If you weren't so upset you'd laugh
"Teacher? No, I actually work in the city..but I do help out occasionally at the school when I'm needed.."
"So then how did you get involved with us in the first place?" you looked over to where Satoru was finishing the call with Nanami.
"Well...Satoru helped me fight off a curse one time, that's how we met. He basically saved me and then convinced me to train with him...since then I've always kinda been around.." you twiddled with the ring on your finger, more specifically the ring he gave you on that special day.
Yaga must've of noticed your hesitance. "Something tells me there's more to the story.." you looked up with sad eyes, then over to where satoru was also now tuned in, phone in his pocket. You took a deep breathe.
"No it's just, it's finally sinking in ya know..." you decided to keep that part about your relationship quiet for now. You were already overwhelmed and just wanted to lie down for awhile. Your injured although mild still hurt and you were now feeling the true exhaustion settle in.
Yaga looked at you sympathetically then nodded, "Why don't you rest for little, Satoru?" He got off the wall, "Nanami will come by tonight, for now I'll take her to Shoko. Yaga nodded then patted your shoulder gently, "Try to get some sleep, we'll figure all this out" you thanked him quietly then followed Satoru out the room.
You quietly trailed behind him in the dim hallway. His back had never made you feel so lonely.
You didn't even realize you were crying until you felt the coldness on your cheeks. Satoru pasued a sec to turn around.
"Hey, there's no need for tears, didn't you hear us? We'll figure it out"
You nodded despondently.
"C'mon, have I ever let you down before?" He smirked.
You smirked through the tears, "Always so confident, no matter what universe huh" you wiped away your tears with your sleeve and walked next to him.
"Well I am the strongest, I'm sure any other version of me would no doubt be the same"
"Yeah maybe arrogant is the better word.."
"Awe don't be mean now, after all for you to be so casual around me, we must be friends yeah?"
"Yeah you could say that..." you absentmindedly twirled the ring around your finger. Remembering the way he proposed all those years ago.
"And here we are, Shoko!” He called busting inside without knocking.
"How many times have I told you not just to barge in here?”
"Well it's an emergency of sorts"
"Huh?" She finally looked up from her work.
You waved shyly.
"And who's this?"
"Well now that's a bit complicated..."
"Take it easy alright, and if you need anything here's my cell"
"Thanks Shoko, oh wait my phone!" You suddenly remembered and frantically patted your body down.
You sighed in relief pulling out the device, seemingly unharmed by some miracle.
But then your brows furrowed seeing the blue case instead of your own and a sticky note with a tongue sticking out. *Bring this to me at work will you baby, then I can see your beautiful face*
You felt your irritation rise, "Of all the days Satoru you had to switch our phones today!? Ugh" you ripped off the note, usually you loved these little pranks but now you wanted to kill him.
"Huh what did I do?"
"Sorry not you, other you.." you clicked the on button and tried a variety of passwords.
Dammit satoru
"Wait is that my phone?" He peered over your shoulder.
You perked up, "yeah it is! Do you know the password?”
"Hmm lemme try" he grabbed it out of your hands and you waited anxiously.
"Got it"
"Wait really?!"
"Yep, All great gojos think alike-" he suddenly froze.
"What's wrong?" You eyed him curiously but he just stared at his phone dumfoundedly.
"How close did you say we were again...?"
Shoko curious leaned over and her eyes went wide.
"What do you mean, what are you looking at?" You moved next to him and gasped at the saved screen. A picture of you asleep in bed in something strappy, barely covered by the sheets and toru leaned over kissing your cheek.
"AH DON'T LOOK" you tried snatching the phone away but he held It above his head.
Ugh his stupid tallness!!
"Satoru wait!" You reached helplessly as he started scrolling through his camera roll. You were mortified to learn that most of them were candid shots of you. Some appropriate and some not.
You excersizing bent over, your sillohette behind the shower curtain, you licking a lollipop, you wearing a shirt of his on laundry day…
"Geez were you stalking her or something" shoko commented disturbed.
"Satoru! please!" Finally he let you snatch the phone back. Your face hotter than the sun.
"So I guess that's what you were hiding..."
you sighed knowing you couldn't keep it hidden much longer.
"I guess that explains a little why you have my grandmothers ring..”
this got your attention.
"Wait what??" Your eyes widened.
"This is you're grandmothers ring?!"
"You mean you didn't know...?" Shoko asked.
"No...you just gave it to me, but you never said it was hers" You felt a rush of warmth knowing how much she meant to him. Probably the only member of his clan that actually cared for him. Sadly she passed when he was young. The truth is this was the ring he gave you when he proposed- or more like told you he was gonna marry you and you didn't have a choice- not that you were gonna say no to the cocky idiot.
"So what's your relationship with other Gojo then?" Shoko asked.
"Well uh...that's a little...." You hesitated wondering if you should say.
"Might as well say it, I mean obviously other me and you are pretty close" he motioned to the phone.
here goes
"I guess some might say...well if you look at it one way...um... I guess legally and technically other you, and me are what some might call...married"
"What no way?! Gojo actually settled down!?”
“Hey don’t sound so surprised! Although to be honest.. I’m finding that a little hard to believe myself..”
“Well you weren’t exactly a one woman guy when I met you..”you recalled all his various flings in the time before you were dating.
“The other me must be worried then huh?”
I sigh, “I wonder if you’ve figured out what happened yet..”
“Don’t worry, I’m really smart, there’s no way I wouldn’t know”
“Cocky bastard” I let out a tired laugh.
“Wait is other gojos phone ringing?”
“Yeah it says “Wifey is calling..”
“What no way!? How?!” I jump to grab the phone and answer the call. Not knowing really what to expect. Maybe the tower got mingled weirdly.
“H-hello??” I call out anxiously.
“Y/n? Where are you!?”
“T-Toru!!!” I can’t help but cry out.
“Are you ok? What happened?? Why can’t I sense your energy in the city?”
“T-Toru I was attacked on the way to the school! I think that curse- amamama got free and he sent me to another dimension!!!”
“Babe..have you been drinking?”
“I’m serious Toru! That curse! The one you and Megumi brought for me to add a seal to! He sent me to another dimension! I’m here with another version of you!!”
“…is this payback for because I said your ass got bigger? Because you know I meant that as a compliment.”
“Y-you idiot!! I’m serious!!”
“No kidding? You’re being serious?”
“Would I joke about something like this?”
“… hold on a sec” a woosh sound emits from the speaker
“I just transported to the road. I can sense the residual energy…I see blood, were you hurt?” He sounds more serious now.
“I’m ok.. Shoko fixed me up..”
“So what…you’re in a dimension parallel to ours?”
“Not exactly… I guess I don’t exist here.. or at least I’m not apart of everyone’s lives..”
“…don’t worry alright? I’ll figure this out, have I ever let you down?”
I give this gojo a knowing look,
“Plus my birthdays coming up, and you promised to do that thing I like as much as I want so how can I let you be in another dimension for too long?”
“Ah Toru you’re on speaker you know!!”
“Hey other me you there?!” Your gojo suddenly shouted.
“Uh yep I’m here..”
“This is definitely a first.. ahem well anyway until I get this sorted out take care of our girl alright?!She’s pretty weak so keep an ey-“
“As I was saying, keep an eye on her. Also make sure she gets iron pills from the pharmacy since hers are here. Oh and she’s allergic to tuna and if she stays out in the sun too long she’ll get this weird rash-“
“I’m hanging up” you reached for the button.
“Hey cmon I’m not there-well I’m kind of there but I just wanna make sure my baby is taken care of!!”
“I’m an adult not a child! You don’t need to say all these things, I can take care of myself here just fine!!”
“Pfft says the one who made me transport home in the middle of a mission to kill a cockroach.”
“Alright alright, I know you’re a big girl. Let me go so I can figure this all out quickly and get you back.”
“Hey, no crying ok?”
“Ok.. I guess I’ll talk to you later? We are meeting Nanami here because he has knowledge about the curse apparently. I’ll let you know how that goes..”
“Alright, later then.”
“Love you Toru…”
“Not as much as I love me”
“Pfft asshole”
“Heh, there’s that laugh I love so much. love ya sweetheart, be careful ok?”
“I will”
For the first time since your arrival you felt some relief.
You awkwardly looked up to the pair and found Shoko dumbfounded and satoru scratching the back of his head.
“Still can’t believe it…”
“Um well that was definitely a first…”
“So what now?” Shoko took a drag seeming bored already.
“Now we go and see if Nanami can make sense of this. Come on, he’s waiting for us.” He motioned and you followed with a bit more hope now.
The power of two Gojos with one goal? Yeah you’d be home before you knew it.
Should I continue this? Make it into a series? Lemme know:) thanks for reading!
Part 2
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jenomi · 2 months
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i love you, i'm sorry
pairing: idol!jeno x idol!reader c/w: light physical abuse (reader falls on the floor) a/n: you ask and you shall receive! i got a lot of requests for a part 2, so here it is :3 read part 1 here!! but this can be read on its own :)
I push my luck, it shows Thankful you don't send someone to kill me
"why??" you cried tears streaming down your face, "just tell me why, and i'll go."
jeno could only look down at his feet as you asked him for a real reason why he was breaking up with you.
you were fully aware how pathetic this looks from an outsiders perspective, crying and begging for an explanation from a man. but it wasn't any man. it was jeno. your jeno.
"is it something i did? tell me, i'm sorry! let me fix it and make it up to you" your knees stung from crouching on the couch and your eyes and throat hurt from the tears you're shedding.
"i don't see a future with you, y/n" jeno whispered.
you looked up quickly, your eyes opened wide in shock. your voice is so small, you weren't sure if he heard you when you said, "what?"
you always talked about your future. in all honesty, jeno would talk about it more than you. how he'd buy a house for the both of you to start a family and a place comfortable enough to stay home and never have to leave. you loved talking about your future with jeno. it brought you so much joy and comfort. so him using this as a reason to break up didn't make sense but it also hit you where it hurt. how could it bring you comfort when it was the same reason jeno was leaving you?
"look at us now!" jeno was frustrated now, "we barely do anything together, we can't even go outside without being scared. you barely have time for me. how would we ever last?"
you sat there stunned. you were at a lost for words. you thought your love for each other rose above all those problems. you talked about them at length with each other, and you would always assure each other that it was no problem. even last week, you had reassured each other. but now, jeno's coming back and saying it was all a lie? and he's not happy?
jeno shakes his head as he gets up off the couch, "i'm going out, when i come back, have your stuffed packed up and go"
you chase after him and grab his hand. "please baby no. i'll tell my company, i'll find a way to make it work please just don't leave right now. let's talk." you were back to begging.
jeno tried to shake your hand off his. overcome with emotion, jeno used too much strength, and when he tried to shake you off, his force caused you to fall on the floor.
you cried out when you landed on your hands and knees. jeno was so shocked and confused. it was an accident, he never meant to hurt you.
you started sobbing but jeno couldn't comfort you, so he left. he left you crying and bruised on the floor of his apartment.
jeno winces at the memory. he couldn't believe he hurt you, both emotionally and physically, at the same time. what possessed him to do that? he was raised to be a gentleman, but in that moment, he was everything but.
he's surprised he's even alive right now. he knows you told all your closest friends, including his best friend, jisung who you were closest to. he knows the only reason his life wasn't threatened was because you told your friends not to come for him.
and now he's at your door. he knows there's a high chance you'll slam the door in his face, but he needed to see you and speak to you to ease the pain in his chest. he hopes with his whole heart and soul that you'll let him in, because if you don't, he doesn't know if he'll ever be able to recover.
jeno takes a deep breath before knocking on your door.
I tend to laugh whenever I'm sad I stare at the crash, it actually works
you open the door only to pause in shock to see your ex-boyfriend at your door with take out from your favorite restaurant.
"hi?" jeno meant to say but it comes out as a question, a scratch of nervousness and sadness in his voice. "did you eat yet?" he raises the takeout to his chest.
your heart throbs at the question. he would ask you that all the time when you were together and would always nag you to eat something. in the end, he would always order the perfect thing for you, exactly what you wanted even if you didn't know yourself.
"no.." you whisper.
"can i come in?"
ashamedly, you open the door further to let him in without any hesitation. relief floods through jeno's veins.
jeno moves through your apartment with ease, knowing where all your utensils and plates are, knowing which drawers have soft close and which don't, it's like he never left. your heart splints down the middle once again remembering that your relationship isn't what it once was. despite that, you let out a small laugh.
"why are you laughing?" he faces you, eyes curious.
"i don't know," you reply, "i guess i'm sad."
now it's jeno's turn for his heart to split, since when do you laugh when you're sad? is he the reason why? he hopes not, he wants you to remain the girl whose laughter is full of joy, not a girl who laughs to cover for her sadness.
jeno doesn't know what to say, so instead he asks, "how have you been?"
you think it's ironic that he's asking you that knowing full well that he saw you cry during your performance last week. your performance dedicated to him. that night brought up a lot of memories for you, happy memories and seeing jeno on the verge of tears there made you think he missed you too.
but then you remember how it ended. how he left you broken on his apartment floor and then told you to stop reaching out to him. looking back at the mess that was the end of your relationship, you found yourself pushing the memories towards the back of your mind yet again as a feeble attempt to move on.
"fine," you lie. jeno only nods in response.
I wanna speak in code Hope that I don't, won't make it about me
jeno pulls out a chair for you and gestured for you to sit down, then takes the seat closest to you. he begins plating the take out food for you. you want to stop him and tell him you can do it yourself, but its been so long since someone's taken care of you that you can't help but just let it happen. jeno's glad you're not retaliating since he wants to take care of you. it's like second nature to him. he wants to take care of you for the rest of his days. but he doesn't want to scare you off. especially after what he did.
"i saw a smiski at a cafe the other day," jeno says before digging into his food, "i thought of you."
you loved smiskis. they were scattered all around your house, with one sitting with you at the dinner table now. you loved how they were little companions representing a silly, comfortable home life. it reminded you of your own life, and your life with jeno as homebodies.
you smiled at jeno before taking a bite as well. it was cute that he saw those figurines and thought of you. "my friend went to watch the f1 race in the UK and I thought of you when McLaren didn't win," you tease.
jeno chuckles, flashing his signature smile making your heart throb, in agony or love? you're not sure.
you fall into a comfortable silence as you share your meal together. it was alarmingly easy to act like this was just another day after work with your boyfriend.
"how have you been?" you finally ask in return. it was only right.
"busy," he admits. he doesn't want to say there was a reason he purposely tried to keep busy. he didn't want to burden you. and he definitely didn't want you to think you were the problem because he knows it's all him.
"are you taking care of yourself?" you ask him.
"not as well as i was when i had you," he looks into your eyes.
you're stunned into silence, yet again, but with hope and not dread like the last time he spoke to you.
he sets down his chopsticks before folding his hands and facing you, "i came here to tell you i'm sorry. i'm sorry for how we ended and how i left you. it was a shitty thing to do and it haunts me every time i close my eyes to sleep. i don't expect you to forgive me, i wouldn't forgive me. but i know i hurt you with the way i treated you, you didn't deserve that. and i just want to say i'm sorry and you didn't do anything wrong. i was out of my mind. please don't blame yourself."
the wind is knocked out of your lungs at his confession. you were overwhelmed by him admitting his wrongs and calling you out to tell you not to blame yourself, because you were. he apologized but didn't do it to make you forgive him, he wanted to help take the burden of wondering what you did wrong off your own shoulders. it was the closure you needed.
the back of your eyes tingle with tears.
"don't cry," he says wrapping his warm hand over yours on the dining table, "i'll go. i don't want to bother you any longer."
he grabs his plate and rinses it quickly in the sink before heading towards the door.
much like the last time, you quickly get up and grab his hand, "don't go."
jeno turns around, eyes wide and looking into your soul.
"don't go. stay. it's late. you can sleep on the couch." you say still grasping his hand with tears in your eyes.
"okay," he whispers slowly. how could he leave when you ask him to stay?
you grab an extra pillow and blanket from your bedroom and bring it to the couch. as much as you wanted jeno to sleep in bed with you tonight, you needed space to think about what he said and sort out your own thoughts. but you wanted the comfort of knowing he was at home. with you.
you and jeno work together to set up the couch, working in silent synchrony and harmony. the domesticity of it all makes you both emotional.
as you stand back up after tucking a sheet into the couch, jeno wraps you in his arms and says what he came here to say all along,
i love you, i'm sorry
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loveindefinitely · 10 months
O b s e s s e d with need to listen to me. I can't get it out of my head.
I mostly can't stop thinking of soap who is so disgruntled and moody after the whole ordeal. Just absolutely pent up, so he starts acting out, snapping, talking back, that sort of thing. As promised price extends his punishment and it only breaks soap down more and more until finally he's sobbing and begging price to please do Something.
I have no idea where to go from here I just love the mental image of soap acting out when he doesn't get what he wants, maybe price extends ghost and gaz's punishments as well. Says something like "you can thank him for this" and now they're All huffy and upset.
Reader's the only one who is spared so they take out their frustration on her.
Ok i'm done thank you so much have a good day
you are a GENIUS omg. ily. this is sososo canon in this mini poly141 verse.
warning. nsfw drabble (cont. ntltm)
because you're so right. soap would be a total bitch afterwards. needy and pent up and kinda jealous that you two are the only ones that got to get off, even though he put so much effort into eating you out. homeboy is stressed.
cue the next morning, where he's grumpy, whiney and just overall being a frustrating guy to be around.
ghost is in the kitchen, fixing up breakfast in the mess, and soap would just come up behind him, nuzzling his head into his neck and pressing his dick against simon. rutting into him kinda, before ghost shoots him a vicious glare. he backs off.
but then, he sees gaz walking in, and he rushes over to him, pulling him into a deep hug. one that was a bit too much for their usual morning interactions.
that's when you stumble in, weary eyed and still kinda lethargic from last night's ordeal.
and soap's not mad, not really, but he's frustrated that you got the better end of the deal.
so, he pulls you in, hands at your hips, before he's assaulting your mouth with feverish kisses. they're frantic, and you can feel how hard he is where it presses against your stomach. you try and pull away, and when you do, the man huffs like a disgruntled pup.
when it's price who comes in next, soap is pissed off beyond relief.
rising a brow, a challenging one, price would ask how he slept. soap would roll his eyes and mutter something under his breath that would have your eyes blowing wide, a little shocked, a little dismayed.
gaz would blow out a deep exhale, extracting himself from the situation, walking quietly over to ghost. which, for once, would be the safest option out of you four.
and price would narrow his eyes, daring soap to keep up his pissy attitude. soap would, of course, because this man has absolutely ZERO self preservation skills.
he'd then have the nerve to ask if he can bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck you. just, openly asking, as if you yourself aren't standing right there.
price would simply tell him that he won't be allowed to stick his dick in anything for the rest of the week.
then, he'd stride over to the other two men without another word, tell them the same thing, and get to work cutting up some spinach.
and you'd be left there, gaping, confused, as soap stands with a similar expression. as if he wasn't fully aware that his actions held consequences, and he really shouldn't have been such a brat after last night.
he'd narrow his eyes at you, snarky, saying something about how you yet again evaded punishment.
say something about how price 'dinnae said nothin' 'bout bendin' ye over, aye?" and he'd forcefully bend you over the table, rutting into your back like a mutt, using your body without inserting anything anywhere.
and, with a moment of clarity, you'd realise that gaz and ghost are watching, with a glint of envy in their eyes.
you'd been in for a long week.
this is absolutely shit btw because halfway through writing this my BED BROKE and i think i may have also broken my toe. so this is coming from a place of pain and distress. great idea tho !! thanks for enjoying my writing mwah mwah
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cannellee · 5 months
Hi. This is about the alpha South x omega x alpha Mikey post for clarity.
Imagine how furious alpha Mikey would be if he found out that alpha South already got omega (name) pregnant.
I think he would go nuts lmao
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୨୧ alpha! south x omega! reader x yandere!alpha! mikey (read this for more context)
— mikey finds out you're pregnant with south's kid
cw : delusional mikey, violence, slight breeding kink, baby trapping
a/n : btw I don't like yanderes who are violent towards their s/o, so mikey acts sweetly towards reader even though that might not be a representative reaction!! I hope you'll still enjoy!
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it would definitely not end well for any of you.
while dating south, you were in such a vulnerable state of mind that you got carried away. he showered you with the affection you came to miss and crave when you were with mikey and you honestly didn't give too much thought about what you were doing with south at night...
it wasn't surprising for you to end up the way you did, little bump on your stomach, which you always caressed and touched after you learned the news.
south was fine with having his omega pregnant, only thing which prevented him from being fully happy was his worry for your safety.
now imagine you left mikey's side for more than two months, so that your belly could show a little. you're growing more and more stressed because of south's behaviour, it's suspicious and weird and with your hormones being all over the place, you're feeling even more distressed.
when you follow him and are met with the most unexpected sight, your breathing quickens and your scent couldn't be more sour. you were sensitive before, but now that you were pregnant that's another story.
when you threw yourself on south, all mikey could feel was pure anger and grabbed your arms roughly to pry you off of him.
yes you were fragile, mikey knew that. but when you fell on your side after he simply pushed you away, he flinched at the pained whine you involuntarily let out.
he looked at you, confused and worried. albeit his initial rage, he managed to decipher your scent between all the strong pheromones of all the alphas out there. it was sweet, sugary and very soft. mikey would've recognisable it with no efforts.
but something wasn't right, something was different. you watched as he breathed through his nose, frown deepening at the foreign aroma around you. your strawberry pheromones were all over the place and decoupled, and among it, a nice new smell of pink sugar grazed his nostrils.
it smelled divinely good, but most importantly, it stirred up mikey's instincts in an abnormal way. he felt on edge, protective thoughts circling in his mind. it's like you wanted everyone to be aware of how fragile you were, to have them know you were powerless and in need of reassurance.
and when mikey looked you up and down, that's when he noticed your slightly round belly, a protective hand over it.
wide eyes, mikey took a while before actually understanding what exactly he was seeing, completely shocked. he questioned you with his eyes, hoping you would simply shake your head 'no' and grace him with the answer he wanted to hear. but you didn't and he couldn't feel more enraged.
he furiously looked at south and wasted no time in showering him with punches. all his yelling hurt your poor ears as your hands did nothing at trying to cover the noise.
mikey was unstoppable as he screamed profanities at south, promising him to never let him go unless he was perfectly sure he would never touch you again.
not only did you run away from him and gave yourself to another alpha, but that bastard even had the audacity to get you fucking pregnant. the marks mikey had left on your body months ago were deep enough to surely be still present ; it was a clear indicator that you were somebody else's. anyone would have backed off and refuse to have sex with you. but this asshole just had to ignore all those claims and deliberately court his omega.
mikey was simply blinded with rage as he hit him relentlessly, aiming for south's weak spots, wrecking his limp body as much as he could.
you couldn't muster the courage to move and you had no choice but to witness mikey's terrifying actions. you were still on the floor, silently sobbing because of the more than monstrous scene in front of you.
fortunately, your current state had made your scent more easily detectable so that you could communicate your desires and troubles better with your alpha during such a vulnerable time.
it flew right to mikey's nose, instincts to take care of his omega took over him and he found the control in himself to actually stop his butchery.
you saw mikey whip his head towards you, instantly letting go of south's bruised body. he slowly came up to you, disapproval written all over his face and urge to take you away from here eating him up alive.
he couldn't get his eyes off of your belly when he helped you sit down properly. he didn't know how to feel about this. be mad at you ? get into an argument with you to convey just how fucking furious he was ?
truthfully, you weren't to blame here, mikey thought. you were just a poor omega seeking comfort, south was the one who took advantage of you. he exploited your need for a strong presence next to you when mikey couldn't give you that.
you could've said anything to deny his words, mikey was clearly not admitting that it was a choice you made consciously. his lovely omega would have never betrayed him this much.
amidst the chaos, he couldn't think properly and instead chose to end his fight with south. he had to make sure you were safely taken away from south's greedy hands, in mikey's home where it was definitely the safest for you to stay considering your condition.
you should be cocooned by your alpha inside a warm nest, safe and sound and surrounded by reassuring items. but instead you're out there in the wild, all alone and unsupervised and trying to stop a fight right in the middle of a place crowed with thousands of alphas.
mikey was fuming, absolutely devastated by how poorly you were taken care of and the rage he felt was incomparable to anything he had ever felt.
he knew he would have done a better job at protecting you and while he had that tiny hope the baby inside you was his, at this time it really didn't matter in his eyes.
all he could see was your shaking form, forehead sweating from how much pressure you were under. your alpha was supposed to provide you anything, shelter you and protect you, especially during such a precious moment of pure vulnerability.
but here you were. you couldn't count on anybody and mikey's heart shattered upon seeing your tear-stained face and defenceless arms desperately trying to defend your poor excuse of an alpha.
he carefully carried you away from this place, placing a jacket over you to prevent you from getting sick.
you had no words to say in this situation, you simply had to follow what mikey wanted and considered to be the right thing.
he placed you gently on the soft bed, showering you with his clothes to remove all foreign smells from you. mikey had to claim you again, make sure you were scented from head to toe. this is what good alphas do to soothe their omegas after all!
and this was his priority at the moment. to put you to sleep, get your mind off of south and all the problems he brought to you.
you were easier to manipulate as the hormones of pregnancy made your omega more receptive to the orders and voice of an alpha. you could try and fight off your instincts, mikey still had the upper hand and wouldn't give up until you obeyed and followed what he considered as the best choice right now. you needed rest and that's what you were gonna get.
and the hectic day soon got the best of you that you finally dozed off, calmly breathing in the familiar scent of mikey's sheets.
your sleeping figure helped mikey release a bit of tension, knowing his omega was right where she belonged and that her future pup was in good hands.
all that remained to be done now was to get your stuff back from south's apartment and take care of south himself. there was no way he was gonna let some stranger be the father of your kid. you belonged to mikey and by extension, the child you bore was also his, he wouldn't have it any other way.
he'll go out his way to find south again and prevent him from claiming your child, probably aiming to kill him in the process. mikey was going to be the only support in your life, the only pillar you'll need. he'll be the only one present during your pregnancy, guaranteeing you to never let you feel hurt or scared ever again.
you won't go out again as well, he saw how today affected you and quickly understood it was all too much for your poor little pregnant omega heart. too sensitive and emotional...
mikey will force you to stay still, waiting at home for him until you finally give birth. his instincts are so strong and overwhelming, he'll enter a blind rage if his omega isn't cocooned in the warmth and safety of her nest, in her alpha's home.
he's actually somehow glad you got pregnant, although he would have preferred to be the biological father. but now he has a great excuse to keep you by his side. he exploits your weaknesses and lack of financial support to insert himself into your life for good. he scares you into thinking you need him to keep you safe, that alphas will rush to hurt you once they learn you're this helpless and trying to raise a kid on your own.
he'll definitely get you pregnant soon after you give birth, wanting a kid of his own blood. he's so deep into a possessive state of mind that he wants nothing more than to see you all cutely waddle around the house because of the seeds he put into you. he wants to claim you in the most primal way. his intentions are mostly triggered by your past with south but also because he feels like baby trapping you is the most efficient way to keep you right next to him.
in the end, mikey's commitment towards you will grow significantly in the future. once south is disposed of, he'll purely focus on you, knowing nothing will ever get in between the two of you ever again.
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byalexisness · 1 year
☆my pain will only go away when you are mine☆
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Rin Itoshi x gn! reader
content warning: yandere themes, heavy jealousy, detailed methods of torture (in Rin's head, for his 'enemy'), manipulation, toxic friendship, slight degradation (slut, whore, harlot, idiot), pet name ('pet'), slapping, sadistic tendencies if you squint.
"but, Rin..." you tried saying, but his harsh glare was more than enough to shut you up instantly.
the way his teal eyes bore daggers into yours, as if he was staring right through you, made you shiver. it's like you weren't even there, like he was staring at the wall behind you.
"quiet." he said coldly and kept his glare on you.
you really couldn't wrap your mind around what you did wrong? why was your boy bestfriend so angry at you? you couldn't understand, and he knew it.
he analyzed your face and, by the way your brows furrowed confused and your lips formed a slight pout gave it away. that you were clueless about the pain you caused him.
oh, but of course you couldn't understand.
how could someone so innocent and adorable as you understand his sick, twisted mind?
you looked completely adorable, so small and fragile, pinned against the wall, squirming under his cruel grasp.
in reality, you didn't do anything. intentionally, at least.
all you did was hang around your newest friend, Isagi, neglecting him while you were at it.
even at practice, the way you were patiently waiting for him to finish while chatting with Isagi, his hand so close to touching yours while you smiled and chuckled at his every joke.
it made Rin's blood boil.
it brought out his most sick and twisted thoughts, his animalistic instincts driving him mad. he wanted to do unspeakable things to that bastard for daring to even breathe next to you.
Rin felt his brow twitch at the memory of what happened earlier today. the way you jumped in Isagi's arms when he brought you your favorite candy bar, your arms wrapping tightly around his torso and he hugged you back, resting his chin on the top of your head. just like you do with him.
and you did it with another man.
right before his eyes.
Rin felt his head spinning as the thoughts of what he wanted to do to Isagi in that moment filled his mind yet again. he wanted to rip you away from the boy's arms and rip his hands out for daring to touch you.
pull his hair strands one by one and watch him suffer. cut deep through him with his pocket knife, stab him countless times to let all of his anger out. there's nothing the younger Itoshi wanted to hear more in that moment than Isagi cry and beg for mercy, only for Rin to not stop and torture him more and more, until suffers a slow and painful death.
he chuckled slightly at the thought, but his eyes were still blankly staring into your soul, making you shiver in fear as he pressed your wrists tighter against the wall.
"Rin..." you winced out in pain as your teary eyes stared back into his, begging for him to loosen his merciless grip. "...i-it hurts." you sounded so pathetic, your voice cracking.
oh, how much he loved seeing you like this. so helpless under him. only him.
"you know, i never imaginer my best friend to be such a filthy, stupid slut." he blurted out, his voice annoyed and cruel. his words cut deep into your heart and you felt tears flow down your cheeks at them as you looked at him shocked.
"throwing yourself over every guy you see, ain't you? am i not enough for you anymore?" the taller boy spoke coldly, fully aware of how his words affected you. he grabbed your chin with his free hand.
"w-what do you mean...?" you asked, looking at him, hurt plastered all over your face.
"i mean exactly what i said. you think it's funny, don't you? being all over Isagi because he brought you a fucking candy bar, huh?" he snarled, clearly pissed off at your actions. "i guess it's to be expected from such a worthless whore."
"w-wha..." you wanted to ask again but he quickly hushed you by pressing his hand over your mouth, glaring at you.
"quiet. i am speaking, you are listening. i'm so sick of stupid harlots like you. you aren't allowed to be near anyone except me." he spoke harshly and, when your eyes filled with tears again, fear visible in your pretty orbs, Rin flashed a smirk. "you are mine. only mine. got that?"
you didn't answer, your body shaking in terror. that made him click his tongue, glaring at you. the hand previously on your mouth was now raised, and its contact agains made you cry in pain.
"tsk, idiot. when you are asked something, you answer. so, i repeat. did you get that?" a small growl erupted from his chest and you nodded fearfully. "good pet, such a good pet. do you know how much it hurts me? how much pain i feel when you throw yourself over that fucking bastard?"
you shook your head, afraid of not being slapped again. you've never seen this side of Rin—the sick, twisted glint in his eyes.
"of course you don't know. stupid sluts don't think." he chuckled meanly and slapped you again, even if you didn't do anything. "now tell me, my good pet...who do you belong to?"
the question made your heart sink in your stomach, anxiety filling you. you took too long and Rin raised his hand again, making you gasp and widen your eyes.
"y-you! you!" the word came out your throat shakily as you felt like throwing up from the pure terror.
"good. that's what i want to hear, my lovely slut. you are mine. and don't you dare forget that." his serious, cold stare told you this wasn't a sick joke.
Rin was serious.
and he won't ever allow anyone else to touch you again.
his pain would only go away if you were there, next to him, always near him. that's where you belong, after all.
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shadowbriar · 1 year
Remus Lupin - Weekend Randezvous
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Pairing : Remus Lupin x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 2.9k Warning : Alcohol. Cliffhanger. No resolution. Synopsis : Having spent more times together post-Hogwarts made her wonder if there was ever a possibility that Remus would see her more than just a friend. Notes : Post no 5 for my Year Anniversary Celebrationn. If you'd like to be tagged for the next chapters, please fill the form here! If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕ Taglist: @sofiacblair @jsjcue @coffeehurricanes @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ineedmentalhelp123
She lets out a laugh as Marlene twirls her, bumping to everyone carelessly as they let the music guide their bodies. It’s obvious that they’ve taken one too many shots for the night but neither of the girls could care less. They know that no matter how plastered they’ll get, they’ll still be safe with their group of friends watching over at their table. You can never get into too much trouble with Lily Evans’ hawk eyes glued on you, anyway.
Life post Hogwarts has gone much better than she expected. Meeting her group of friends along with the Marauders every other weekend, getting drunk and throwing up on the street, spending the next day groaning in pain as the haze starts to descend. She wouldn’t even say she missed her days back in Hogwarts. Shocking.
But how would she? Back in Hogwarts she could only see him from afar. No matter how close their circles are, the many classes they share and not to mention both being prefects of their houses, she could never really get close to him. He’s always been a little out of her reach.
“Alright, quick question.” Marlene says, still swaying her hips and dancing with her “What’s going on between you and Lupin?”
Her brows furrow, “Nothing.”
“Yeah, right.” Marlene rolls her eyes “You’ve always gone home with him, there’s no way you two aren’t shagging each other.”
Now it’s her turn to roll her eyes. 
She spins Marlene, now exchanging spots with her so that she could see their table. There he was, sitting in between James and Sirius who were bickering with each other. Drunk Sirius and James were never a good combination, so he said. She could already imagine him whining about being stuck around those two chatterboxes. So much for being a good friend.
She bites down her smile. A sense of pleasant warmth starts to fill her heart, thinking of the growth of their relationship. If one could even call it that.
There was no label, she’s fully aware of it, but you couldn’t really blame the girl who’s been head over heels for the boy for years to have the highest hope when he finally starts to return the affections. He would always wait for her, getting her home safely and helping her out of her clothes before cuddling her to sleep. If she was lucky, and by lucky we mean by getting a heavy hangover that she couldn’t even get out of the bed, he would stay in all day and take care of her.
How could you not gain the slightest hope from that?
“Stop ogling him for a second, would you?” Marlene says “I’m literally in front of you and you still have your eyes glued on somebody else.”
She rolls her eyes, “Dorcas would have my head if I have my eyes on you, Em, you know that.”
“True,” Marlene responds “But that still doesn’t nullify the fact that you need to stop staring at him.”
“Why not?”
“Because he wouldn’t stare at you if you’re staring at him first.”
She turns her eyes to her, looking confused, “What do you mean?”
“It’s the push and pull method, babe.” Marlene says, spinning her again so that she wouldn’t face him “You’ve made your move, shown him that you’re interested in him. Now let him do his work.”
“Yeah, sure.” She snorts, finding her best friend's suggestion to be silly “That’ll only work if he likes me back, Em. Remus certainly doesn’t.”
“Oh, Darling, he likes you alright.”
She frowns, not believing a word she says.
“You can’t see it and you can’t turn,” Marlene says, a victorious smile spreading on her face “But he’s literally looking straight at us right now.”
Marlene clicks her tongue, “Why don’t you ask Lily or Dorcas later and prove me wrong? I’ll give you my next paycheck if they say Remus wasn’t staring at you all night.”
If it weren’t for the dim light, Marlene would’ve seen her cheeks turn red. The butterflies in her stomach were going rampant, flipping her inside out and bursting into flames. She wanted to suppress her growing expectancy but it proved to be an impossible task with her friends only encouraging the possible blooming romance between them.
Remus is a complicated guy. He was nice, sure, but she could hardly ever recall him being committed to any serious relationship. As much as it pleases her to know that he has supposedly never been in love with anyone, she wasn’t built for casual relationships and it scares her. It scares her to think that this is the most she could get of him. The most she could taste of him.
“I wish you were right, Marlene, but we know him. Remus doesn’t do relationships.”
“Well, there’s always a first to everything.” Marlene says, shrugging “I mean when else do you ever see Remus bother taking a girl home multiple times?”
“It’s because we’re friends.”
“No, don’t give me that.” She laughs mockingly “He likes you, believe me.”
She rolls her eyes yet still smiling at her friend’s comment.
The silly sensation of bliss starts to pollute her chest again. The oh so familiar feeling she’s been having lately whenever his name was brought up. She knew that her friends’ words were not groundless, she too can notice the affection and silent glances he’s thrown at her, but it’s too early to say that Remus has any stronger feeling that interest. They’ve only met each other on the weekends, anyway. Making him fall for her would require much more than just 2 days in a week.
Because if it was ever that easy for him to fall for her, surely it would’ve happened years ago back in Hogwarts.
Feeling their feet tire, the two girls find themselves walking back to their table. Now the boys are up on their feet, wanting to hit the dance floor so that the girls can take their seat. All of the boys but one, of course.
“Having a good time?” He asks with a smile, patting the empty spot next to him.
“Brilliant so far, yes.” She nods, her eyes getting heavy “I could use more drink, though.”
She takes his drink, gulping it down and making a face from the bitterness.
Remus chuckles, “You have one too many already, Love.”
“No, not enough to get me plastered.”
The boy smiles sweetly, gazing intently into her eyes. He put away the strands of her hair way from her face, noticing how red her cheeks are now. If she wasn’t pissed she would have seen the admiration and love Remus has on his face. She smiles from the delicate gesture, sighing in bliss. That boy always knew how to make her flustered.
Remus chuckles lightly, "You're already drunk aren’t you?"
“No, just a little bit.” She answers, making a hand gesture to show a tiny amount.
“How much did you drink before I came, Love?”
“Just a few shots.”
“How many is few?”
“Like, 2 or 7.”
“That’s quite a gap to guess.” He comments, frowning “I don’t like seeing you drunk like this.”
“Yeah? Well, I like it because you finally show that you care for me.”
 For once his stares linger longer than usual. Like he hoped from the split seconds his eyes were boring to her, he could whisper her a message his lips couldn’t utter. A flash of guilt was evident on his face, as if he was debating if he should keep his ground or do whatever it is his brain was telling him to do.
But as always, Remus chose the safest option possible.
“Right, we’re going home now.” Remus says as he stands up, holding out a hand for her to take before turning to the others “Enjoy the rest of the night, ladies.”
She was pouting, wanting to complain and argue about his sudden decision, yet all the annoyance in her vessels dissipated as he took her hand, holding it gently and pulling her away from the table. She turned to her friends, waving her goodbye only to be greeted by their teasing expressions. They would certainly taunt her tomorrow.
When they reach the outside of the bar, Remus turns to her and cupped her face, studying her state if it was safe enough for them to apparate. She giggles from his serious face, finding his expression to be silly and endearing at the same time.
He smiles, “What?”
“You look funny.” She admits between her hiccups “I’m drunk, aren’t I?”
“No, just a little bit.” He teases, noting her earlier words “Would you be able to apparate or should we order a taxi instead?”
She whines, unable to comprehend the words he said just now.
“Taxi it is, then.”
She groans aloud as the sensation of her head pounding forces her to open her eyes. The sky was already bright outside, lights peeking through the drapes as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. Her hands begin to move, trying to scan around the bed without having to turn herself to the side. She frowns at the lack of touch.
Has he left?
A small frown forms on her lips, feeling the slight disappointment of his absence. She sighs, cursing herself to have downed too much alcohol last night as it now not only hammers her head but also makes her lose the chance to see him. She should’ve been more responsible. Or perhaps get a little bit more plastered so he’d stay the night.
Sighing, she sits up and grabs the glass of water on her bedside table. A strip of aspirin lays next to it, along with a small piece of letter.
She frowns, taking it and reading the words.
Had to run. I’ll make it up within the week, promise. - RL.
A small smile creeps to her face. The note was scribbled as if he was leaving in a haste, hardly even readable. He was never the one with the prettiest handwriting, no that title would’ve been of Sirius’, but it was never as scrawled as this. Still, she holds the piece of paper dearly. This might be the only physical evidence she has of his budding affection.
Sure, she notices how his gesture has changed over the weeks. How he’s been staying longer each morning, how he doesn’t hide his smile or the hint of rose in his cheeks anymore whenever they talk, or how he would be more comfortable with placing his hands on her, be it her wrist or waist. Remus was growing fond of her and she noticed it.
It feels like a long awaited reward, to have the man you’ve been crushing for years to finally return the giddiness and frivolity whenever they’re around you. It was like she was looking at a mirror. Every silly action she’s done over the years for him, he’s doing them all for her now. Like the universe has finally switched on the flicker.
Still, it was too early for her to think that her happy ending would come in a day or two. Too premature of her to hope that he would pop the question and officially put a label between them. He’s always been casual and laid back with his previous relationships, anyway. Surely he’ll take his time this time too.
And what could be so bad for waiting this time when she’s waited much longer before, right?
It was certainly worse.
Monday passed so slow, then came Tuesday, Wednesday was beginning to be dull, Thursday was dreadful, Friday felt like it lasted forever, and the next thing she knows she’s already back at another party with her friends. The ‘make up’ Remus promised within the week never happened. No letters, no words. As if they were empty words hanging on the ceiling of an abandoned house. 
And now she has to pretend like everything was fine in front of everyone. The girls knew about Remus’ promise and how he failed to fulfil it so they tried their best to avoid talking about him, yet the boys were as oblivious as ever. Not noticing the nervous shake of her feet or how long she’s been chewing on her lower lip, waiting for the tall dirty blonde boy to arrive.
“Moony’s awfully late.” James says with a frown, checking on the watch on his wrist “He’s never been this tardy before.”
“Has work been giving him a hard time?” Dorcas asks.
Peter shrugs, “Not that we’re aware of.”
“Maybe he’s out with that girl, what’s her name again?” Sirius asks, snapping his finger as he tries to make his brain work “That girl from his job, remember?”
She frowns, hiding her heart aching and racing at the same time now, “Who?”
“There’s this girl Moony’s talked about for weeks.” Sirius answers “Think she’s his new bird. He did mention that she was his type. Clever, beautiful, funny. He wouldn’t shut up for the life of him.”
The rest of Sirius’ words seem to be blurred. Like the buzzing noise of a busy road when you’re stuck inside a car, incomprehensible yet filling your ears still. The colours in her world begin to desaturate. All these times she thought there was something going on between them two, only to be slapped by reality that it was only of her delusion. Remus was interested in another, not her. Never her.
“Honestly, I don’t think we ever caught her name.” James says, bursting her bubble of thought “He talks about her a lot but never gave us her name.”
“He never did, did he?” Peter agrees.
“Evening, lads, ladies.” Remus says, appearing behind her and placing his hand on the back of her chair, thumb grazing her shoulder lightly “Sorry, I got hold up at work.”
She shifts her seat, leaning forward so that he wouldn’t be able to touch her. Remus frowns lightly at the gesture but pretends to not be bothered as he takes a seat by the boys, now seated across from her, thinking that she must be at the very least pissed over his failed attempt to make up with her.
How she wished she could leave the room now.
Hearing that Remus has got a new bird was never a new thing for her. She’s heard about such news every other week back in Hogwarts, but this time it hurts differently. A whole new level of pain she never knew one was able to experience. Perhaps it was her own fault to have hoped for the best, to let the encouragement and teasing of her girls cloud her head, but Remus has changed. He’s shown much more fondness, more tenderness in his words and actions. If it’s true that he’s got his eyes set on someone else then it’s just plain cruel for him to treat her this way.
Or perhaps Remus Lupin never learned to change.
The night continues with more shots drunk. Peter has fallen asleep, leaning on Mary who seemingly is about to drift off any second too now. James and Sirius are now on the dance floor, along with Lily, Dorcas, and Marlene. She wanted to join them, leaving Remus who had glued his eyes on her as if she held all of the answers he might have in his whole life, but her head was spinning from the drinks. Walking to the dancefloor would only do more harm for her than good.
“Shut up, Remus.” She snaps, closing her eyes “My head’s pounding. Don’t talk.”
She places a hand to her forehead, massaging her temples lightly in an attempt to ease her headache. The loud music was seething her. She wanted to scream. Her head was loud but her heart was crumbling. Why does this night have to take such a turn?
“Love, are you alright?” Remus asks softly, his hand reaching for her that was laying on the table “Should we get back now?”
“We?” She asked, looking up to him now “There’s no we, Remus. Stop acting like you care for me.”
He frowns, taken aback at her testy remarks, “What do you mean acting? I do care for you.”
“Yeah, right.”
Remus was appalled. He looked hurt, disappointed, and puzzled at the same time. Was it because of the note? Was it because he couldn’t make up with her during the week? Was it because of that?
“You know what, I’m gonna head home.” She announces, picking up her purse “Tell the other’s I left first.”
“I’m coming with you.”
“No, you’re not.” She says sharply “In fact, Rem, I don’t want you to ever come to my place again.”
“Where are all these coming from?” He asked, bitterly chuckling at the pathetic state he’s in “I’m sorry I couldn’t come during the week, alright? Something happened at work and—”
“You know, Remus, I don’t wanna hear about it.” She cuts, not letting him give an explanation “I just want to go home and get away from you so if you could please step away.”
Hurt was clearly evident on his face, even with the dim light of the bar she could see clearly the spark on his eyes water down as he nodded and took a seat. He was still watching her, hoping for her to change her mind but as she walked away from the club, he knew that she meant what she said. For the first time since forever, she went home alone.
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daphnefisherofficial · 11 months
bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Avatar Fem!Reader
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You awoke in a haze, the relentless pounding in your skull matching the rhythmic throbbing of your heart as the agony of yesterday’s hangover threatened to tear your head apart. Your recollection of the previous night was hazy at best, cloudy as the recent dreams you’ve had that you couldn’t quite grasp. As you tried to piece together the fragments of memory, your surroundings slowly came into focus. You found yourself in an unfamiliar room, and for a disorienting moment, you couldn’t place where you were. You were lying in a strange bed, the sheets soft and inviting, but the disarray of the room told a different story.
The dim, morning light filtered in through the curtains, revealing your disheveled state. Slowly, as the fog began to lift, you became aware of another presence in the room. A warm body pressed against your side, soft breaths brushing against your face as they tickled your cheek. A brief moment of panic coursed through you at the prospect of a complete stranger wrapping you in their arms. Slowly turning your head to find out the identity of your mystery companion, fear was soon replaced with mild relief as you saw a familiar face within your line of sight.
Marc's sleeping form greets your eyes, his bare chest in contact with your own as a rosy blush slowly makes its way to your cheeks at your close proximity. His arms were wrapped around your torso in a secure embrace, his grip on your waist tight as if he were afraid to let you go. Your relief at his presence was now replaced with confusion, completely puzzled at how you ended up in Marc’s bed together in the first place. 
Flickers of last night’s escapades began to resurface in your mind like bubbles in a pot of boiling water. There were your tipsy smiles and boisterous laughter, your ill-advised attempt at pole dancing on a nearby lamppost, and the sudden, terrifying sound of gunshots ringing in your ears. You remembered the searing pain in your shoulder and lower back as you crumpled to the ground.
Your eyes widened as the memory of the attack from last night finally became crystal clear, the realization sending shivers down your spine. Your left hand immediately shot to your right shoulder, your fingers cautiously reaching to touch the spots where the bullets had struck. But to your great surprise and shock, the skin was healed, smooth and unblemished, as if the gunshot wounds had never existed in the first place.
You turned your head, fully alert now, as you moved to check his body for any similar wounds, the sound of gunshots still ringing inside your head. To your great relief, Marc’s chest and torso were clear of any injuries.
“You’re okay”, you whispered, a lone tear escaping your eye. “We’re okay, Marc, thank heavens”
Marc began to stir beside you, his gruff morning voice breaking through the silence. "Tranquila, cariño," he murmured, his words laced with a hint of a Spanish accent. “Estoy aquí para protegerte”
It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here to protect you.
You froze as you registered his words, feeling like an ice-cold bucket of water has been splashed on your entire being. His voice was familiar, but something was definitely off. You couldn’t quite put a finger on what it was as the world around you seemed to grind to a halt. 
You watched with bated breath as he slowly woke, his eyelids slowly fluttering open as deep, piercing brown eyes eerily identical to Marc Spector’s familiar ones met your puzzled stare. Your heart raced as you looked into his dark, intense eyes, immediately realizing that the man before is definitely not Marc Spector. And certainly not Steven Grant, as you knew him to be at his aunt’s house, tending to her ailing, sick self. It was someone entirely different who’s in bed with you, and the slow realization hit you like a ton of bricks.
You couldn't move, couldn't speak as your entire being was frozen in disbelief. The growing confusion was written plainly on your face, but the stranger seemed unperturbed. He offered you a reassuring smile, his fingers gently tracing your jawline.
“¿Estás bien, querida? Te duele algo?”
Are you all right, dear? Are you in any pain?
You took a deep breath, trying to calm the emotions that swirled within you as the recesses of moon magic slowly danced at your fingertips. Despite the new moon significantly reducing your power, your fight-and-flight instincts immediately surged forth as your adrenaline kicked in.
You swallowed hard, your mind racing. "Tú no eres Marc Spector," you managed to say, your voice shaky with a mixture of fear and confusion. "¿Quién eres exactamente?"
You are not Marc Spector. Who exactly are you?
“Hablas español, eh?” Jake chuckled, sleep finally evading him as he slowly got up, looking at anywhere but you as he couldn’t bear to see your frightened expression. “Creía que sólo hablabas tu lengua materna.”
You speak Spanish, huh? I thought you only spoke your native language.
“Hablé la lengua de los conquistadores durante un breve tiempo”, you responded, briefly telling him of how your linguistic ability in Spanish came to be. “Pero no respondiste a mi pregunta. ¿Quién eres exactamente?”
I spoke the language of the conquerors for a short time. But you didn't answer my question. Who exactly are you?
Seeing you scramble away from him slightly broke Jake’s heart - he never wanted you to see him as the enemy. But he understood your current reaction as it was warranted. You do not know of him, nor his existence. He was supposed to be a secret.
“Mira”, Jake faced your way and edged closer, trying to reassure you that he meant no harm. “I will not hurt you”
"That’s not what I asked you" you demanded, your tone sharp as you scrambled away from the strange man before you. "Who are you, and where is Marc? What did you do to him?"
“I’m not Marc Spector, but I can’t explain everything right now”, the man resigned, regarding you with an inscrutable expression. He seemed cautious, choosing his words carefully. "It's not my place to tell you."
Your patience, frayed as it was, wore thin at his vague response. The weariness of your body was no match for the surge of power building within you. It was as if your very essence, your supernatural abilities, demanded answers. You could feel your magical prowess ready to burst forth, a tempest trapped within your being, seeking release.
"Then whose place is it?!" you exclaimed, your voice trembling with emotion. "You can't just tell me that and expect me to just accept your words without any explanation. Make me understand!"
Jake shifted uncomfortably, but he didn't yield. "I'm sorry, but I can't."
It was clear to you that he wasn't going to give up the information easily, and a surge of determination coursed through you. You were a babaylan (priestess), skilled in witchcraft and mystic arts for a long period of time, and if brute force was what it took to get the answers you sought, so be it.
Without warning, you lunged at Jake, tackling him to the bed. He tried to evade your punches and hits, but you were relentless. Fueled by your growing frustration, you were like a tempest, unrelenting in your pursuit of the truth. Blow after blow, you rained down upon him, your fists like hammers.
Then, with a sudden burst of energy, your fist hit him square in the chest with brutal force. As the impact connected, there was an otherworldly explosion of energy, and Jake's body convulsed violently. You watched in astonishment as a spectral, translucent form was ejected from his physical body, his soul or astral form.
And then, the impossible happened. Not one, but three souls were pushed out of Jake's body, hovering above him. Marc and Steven, identical expressions of shock etched across their faces, were among them. Their voices rang out in unison, echoing through the room, as if they believed it to be a strange, shared dream.
“What the hell, Steven?!”
“Bloody hell, Marc! I dunno what’s happening!”
You, too, were taken aback, your heart pounding in your chest. It was a surreal, unbelievable sight. You had never witnessed anything like this before. And as your eyes darted between the three astral forms, you realized that this was a moment of truth. The identities of these men, once shrouded in mystery, had been laid bare before you.
As if sensing your gaze, Marc and Steven turned to you, their dread evident in their eyes. They no longer had the veil of secrecy to hide behind. Their true natures were exposed, and there was no going back.
"Marc? Steven?" you whispered their names, your voice trembling. "Is that really you?"
The two figures, once identical yet distinctly different, turned toward you, their expressions a tumultuous blend of fear, relief, and resignation. They seemed to be searching for the right words, the right way to explain the unexplainable.
And as you gazed into their eyes, your own powers receded, retreating like a retreating tide, their urgency replaced by a profound curiosity. You watched as Marc's astral form approached, hovering directly in front of you while Steven trailing closely behind. Jake, on the other hand, sensed that it was not his place and instead resigned to observe from the sidelines. Choosing a nearby chair to sit, he watched the unfolding conversation before him.
“Mira!” Marc shouted, remembering what happened last night as his translucent hands grasped your arms tightly, eyes checking your body for any injuries. “Are you alright? You’ve been shot, I–”
“I’m alright”, you spoke, briefly pulling the neckline and the hem of your t-shirt away to reveal your healed skin from your shoulder and lower back to Marc and Steven. 
“Thank heavens”, Steven sighed in pure relief, the tears in his translucent facade evident. “We thought we’d lost you”
“Well, one of you saved me”, you replied, prompting everyone’s eyes including your own to dart at the newcomer’s direction. Jake avoided your gazes and hung his head low, folding his arms as he refused to acknowledge everyone’s presence. He was supposed to stay hidden. They weren’t supposed to know of his existence. You weren’t supposed to meet him.
You knelt before Jake, your eyes carefully regarding him as your hands slowly made their way to his own. “You’re the one who saved me last night, right?”
Jake slowly nodded, prompting Marc and Steven’s translucent forms to mimic your movements to get a closer look at their mystery savior - the man who only appeared during dire situations akin to life and death to save them. 
“That night at Cairo”, Steven started. “When we were fighting Arthur Harrow, that was also you who saved Marc and I, wasn’t it?”
“Sí, that was me. I saved your sorry asses”, Jake chuckled, prompting Marc’s countenance to shift.
“This fucking guy–”
“Marc!” you snapped, prompting him to stop and give their third alter a dirty finger instead. You rolled your eyes at his actions, shortly before you returned your gaze to Jake. “Thank you for saving my life. What do I call you?”
“My name’s Jake”, he finally spoke, looking directly at everyone in the vicinity as the introductions were finally in order. “Jake Lockley”
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mattsdae · 1 year
Matt Stone? Period sex? FUCK YES!! I’m so down for that idea!!!
the thing is, i feel like matt would be so nonchalant about periods that he doesn’t even make a big deal out of it? like as long as you’re fine with it, he’s down. if anything, i think he would actually like it bc he can slide in easier and with less preparation. plus i heard sex helps with cramps sooo
anyways here’s some content warnings
matt stone x fem reader , period sex obviously , matt is actually nice for once ??
“i’m on my period.”
he looked down at you, thinking for a moment. you hadn’t been dating matt for long and this was the first time he’s tried to have sex while you were on your period. it sucks, but you were fully aware of the fact that most men are grossed out by periods. it made you nervous telling him because matt’s such a nice guy, but him being weird around periods would definitely end the relationship.
“and?” he said, visibly confused. you adjusted yourself, leaning on your elbows as he pulled away, no longer pinning you to the bed.
“i just wanted to let you know. are you fine with that?” you asked, clinching the sheets as you said it. he rose an eyebrow.
“are you?” he responded. you nodded. “lemme get a towel real quick. you need to do anything or..?” he stood. you went to the bathroom, removing your tampon before getting back into his bed, which now had several towels laid down.
“isn’t this a little overkill?” you joke. he shrugged.
“i didn’t know what your flow is like so i just put a ton to be safe,” he said as he crawled back over. you played with the corner of one of the towels.
“why did you grab white towels?” you asked with a laugh. he shrugged and lifted your legs, wrapping them around him and lifting the shirt you stole from him.
“i’ll just buy more, babe. it’s not like i have red towels on hand,” he grumbled as he leaned down, kissing your neck. you giggled and squirmed under him. it wasn’t your first time having sex with him, but everything he did was still so new you didn’t know how to react.
“i’ve never done this before,” you mumble. he glances up at you, still confused.
“ever?” he clarifies. you nod. he leaned back, letting himself settle between your legs. his fingers slowly trailed down your chest and towards your stomach. “you want me to talk you through it?”
you nod again and smile. he slowly dipped his fingers between your folds. you shivered, finding yourself for sensitive than usual. he leaned down and kissed along your tummy. you sigh as he circled your clit.
“you know, i heard somewhere that sex can help with cramps,” he started. you laughed.
“that’s not true,” you say. he smiled up at you.
“seriously! i looked it up ‘cause i didn’t believe it either. says there’s some endorphins that release during sex that helps with pain,” he explained. as his fingers ran along your hole, never going more than a knuckle deep.
“are you saying that so i’ll have sex with you everytime i’m on my period?” you ask, barely holding back a moan from his touching. it was embarassing how well he knew you already. he wasn’t even fully touching you, but you still arched your back.
“why would i have to convince you? i’m sure you’ll enjoy it since you’re already writhing.” you blushed while he chuckled. he finally inserted two fingers, sighing himself as you moan. you grab at his triceps, shocked by how easily he fingered you. “see how easy this is? i’m sure you’ve gotten horny while on your period, right?”
“yeah,” you moan, rutting against his fingers as he curled them. you whimper at the obscene squelching noise. he didn’t mind, though, instead massaging your walls until you gasped.
“there we are. have you ever touched yourself during your period?” you shook your head. “well, you can be more sensitive, which makes everything ten times better and it helps with the sexual frustration,” he spoke smoothly. his tone was even as you fell apart under him. his voice almost punctuated every movement, a subconscious rhythm to it.
“matt, i think i’m gonna cum,” you whimper. he pulled his fingers out, causing you to whine. after wiping his fingers off on the towel, he undressed, tossing his boxers and shorts to the side. he gave himself a few tugs before lining up.
“i’m gonna slide in real easy, okay?” he said, quietly asking if you were sure. you nodded. it would be impossible to back out now, not with your orgasm being right there. you shut your eyes tight, covering your face as you felt the head against your pussy. as you took a deep breath, he pushed in. he stopped at the tip, letting you adjust. it did go in easily, which only made you beg for more.
“please, please, please,” you chanted, trying to grab onto his shoulder and pull him close. he chuckled above you, clearly enjoying your reactions to everything he was doing. he held still, circling your clit again.
“you gotta be patient, momma. don’t wanna hurt you,” he teased. you whimpered. he knew that was your favorite pet name, so using it only made you more desperate. that was his motive, of coarse, so he slowly thrusted inside, letting you feel every inch inside of you.
“matt, please,” you begged. “just, kiss me? please?”
his clean hand held you by the back of your head, pulling you close and planting his lips on yours. you moaned into his mouth as he finally bottomed out. he bit your bottom lip as you trembled, clinching around him.
“fuck, you feel so good. such a good girl, huh?” he huffed as he pulled out just as slow. you grabbed his cheeks, desperate for more. he chuckled against your lips, pulling away just enough that you weren’t touching anymore. he brushed a hair out of your face, enjoying your red cheeks and lips.
“i want you to fuck me, matt. please,” you begged again. you looked up at him with the best puppy dog eyes you could muster. he smiled and pinched your cheek.
“you don’t have to beg, baby. you’re doing so good,” he smiled before thrusting back in, still gentle and experimental. your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him close. his smile pressed against your neck before kissing along your tensed muscles.
his hands ran along your sides before staying on your hips, holding you in place. he’s been rough before, but this wasn’t one of those times. he caressed you, causing shivers down your spine as his fingers just barely brushed over your skin.
“i’m close,” you whimper. he kept his pace, gripping your hips just a bit harder as his stuttered. he was close, too, but he held himself back. your nails dug into his shoulders, dragging down as you tried to pull him closer. he couldn’t get any closer, chest pressed against yours, but you still tried.
“go ahead, baby. you deserve it,” he hummed. your face scrunched up, pushing against his neck. you trembled, choking out a sob as you came. he moaned above you as you throbbed around him, arms tightening around his neck. “so good, honey. so good.”
you slowly relaxed, falling back onto the sheets as he pulled out and came on the towel under you, which was now soaked in cum and blood. he kissed your cheek before going to the bathroom, wiping himself off and returning with a wet towel for you.
“thank you.” it was quiet, but you spoke just loud enough for him to hear it. he laughed.
“why are you thanking me?” he asked with a grin.
“that was just.. really good.”
“well, thank you for trusting me enough to do that.”
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swampertisbest · 4 months
@heropartnerweek Day 6 - Farewell
A few days ago, I found this prompt I wrote starting my PMD OCs, which has my take on that ever-so-sad ending of the Explorers games, so I thought I’d clean it up a bit and make it a submission, because the timing happened to be just right. Also, please note that while the story events these guys go through are a close match to those in Explorers, several of them are changed heavily or even removed, so mentions of past events that don’t quite match up to what happened in the game, simply chalk up to those changes I made. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Companionship Concluded
After completing their chaotic bout with the master of time himself, and a long and exhausting climb down Temporal Tower, DJ and Storm had finally reached the more straightforward path leading to the Rainbow Stoneship, and by extension, their home.
Both had been relatively quiet on the climb down, not finding much necessary to say after pretty much everything had already been said for them, but finding the silence boring, Storm decided to speak up.
“Phew, that was some fight, huh DJ? My leg’s absolutely dying!”
“Yeah, mine too!” DJ hastily responded, eager to keep a conversation going.
Storm gave DJ a judgmental stare in response to that comment, the latter not fully realizing his insensitive reply.
“Oh, sorry! Not like that!” DJ added quickly upon realization, to which Storm responded with a simple smile, letting him know that they were still cool.
As much as he had been just trying to say something though, DJ’s legs really did hurt. Like a lot, way more than usual. His thoughts started racing.
“…This… doesn’t feel like normal leg pain, this feels… oddly strange, kinda like they… Wait… could this be…”
His thought process was cut short by one last earthquake, which robbed both him and Storm of their balance and toppled them over. Storm yelped in pain and stayed on the ground for a good 30 seconds or so, before wobbling his way up, the fall having done even more damage to his already broken leg.
“You OK, DJ?” Storm yelled out as he limped his way toward him, his next thought being to see how his friend had fared against the tremor. He was pinned to the ground by his belly, similar to the Shinx, but something looked a little… different. There were multiple yellow lights flying out of his body, which now appeared slightly more transparent than usual, and the expression displayed on the Mudkip’s face was one of somber defeat.
“Hey, What’s wrong? W-why are you glowing like that, I thought that was something only I could do!” Storm sputtered, wanting to interject humor to distract from how concerned he was.
DJ knew there was no more delaying the matter, and he had to explain at this very moment.
“I…guess it’s time I tell you.” He forced out, with the least broken face he could make.
Storm was understandably confused. “Tell me what?” he questioned, before realization hit him like a boulder.
“Well…this is…it’s…I have to go.” DJ muttered, his voice already breaking.
“Oh… I… I completely forgot this was still happening.” Storm’s voice was starting to project at a lower and more sad pitch than before.
DJ was surprised by that comment, however. “Forgot? You knew I was gonna disappear? I… I didn’t think you—.“
He was cut off swiftly by Storm. “I… heard the whole thing. When the words left Timber’s mouth, I was just as shocked as you were. But… just like you, I eventually accepted that there wasn’t any way around this without paralyzing the planet, so I pressed on with you, fully aware this was gonna happen. Well, until the fight, at least, determination and excitement completely took over my thoughts during that.”
“But… If you knew, why didn’t you just tell me?” DJ questioned, curious as to why Storm had kept his knowledge of these events secret this whole time.
“I saw how hard Timber’s sacrifice hit you, I really didn’t want to bring up a question so… grim. You just weren’t acting yourself at all, so I kept my energetic and positive personality through the whole rest of the journey to raise your spirits, and help us both keep going. You needed to achieve this goal, and I was willing to make sure you would do just that. I think I did a pretty good job watching your back this whole time, you?” the Shinx responded, with a slightly proud undertone in his voice.
Those words. “Watching your back”. DJ recalled on everything Timber had told him before jumping into that portal with Dusknoir, as tears began to flow freely from his eyes.
“…That’s…You did that… for me?” DJ croaked, the sadness in his voice now incredibly evident.
“I… just wanted to make sure you were feeling OK…” Storm’s eyes were welling up with tears as well.
“It’s…I…don’t…I don’t know what to say… It’s just… thank you…” the Mudkip mumbled in a whispery voice, giving all he had to keep his composure.
“You know what though?” DJ’s voice suddenly gained certainty, “I’m… personally glad I’m not going in vain. Because that would suck extremely hard.” He laughed briefly, “But, the fact that the last thing I did was save the world, especially with you there by my side, just… makes me happy, knowing… everyone’s gonna be OK now… including you.” he finished, a heartwarming, but still tearful grin written on his face.
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Storm replied, a soft smile also present.
As the seconds passed by, the lights surrounding DJ became increasingly brighter, and the amount increasingly higher, almost to the point that Storm couldn’t look at him anymore.
“Wow, those lights are getting bright, I don’t think you have that much time left.” the Shinx noted, as if it wasn’t already painfully obvious.
DJ silently nodded, before speaking once again, “There’s something important I need to tell you before I disappear completely. Once I’m gone, I want you to go home, tell everyone at the guild everything that’s happened, so nobody who has rocks for an IQ redoes these things, and most important of all…continue our legacy. Mal’s still waiting at home. I know, she’s like… absolutely not the ideal choice at all, especially if you’re not careful, but she’s literally the only other teammate that’s left, the fate of Team P.E.A.C.E. is literally in both your paws right now. Make the guild impressed by ranking up or something. Please make me proud. You promise you’ll do all that for me?”
“I promise I’ll do that. Team P.E.A.C.E. is in good paws.” Storm agreed, with a burst of determination. All DJ could think to do was smile back at him.
“There’s… something I want to say to you too.”tears were returning to the Shinx’s eyes, “Please excuse me if it’s a little…mushy.”
“I’m literally on the brink of extinction, I’ll listen to anything now, regardless of the mush” DJ remarked, attempting to lighten the mood a bit.
“I just wanted to say… I know we… we didn’t really… get along that well, but… I can’t thank you enough for being one of the best friends I could have ever had. Before you showed up, I was the lazy homeless loser nobody wanted to be good friends with, sure, people were nice to me, but nobody’s been there for me on the same level you have. Like, it’s probably not comprehendible to anybody how much you really mean to me.” Storm confessed, sounding like he could burst into tears at any moment.
A bittersweet feeling enveloped the Mudkip. “Even after how rocky our friendship’s been, he still cares this much about me?” He thought, now feeling triply bad about leaving him behind.
“Well, uh, thank you for saying that.” DJ began. “If we’re being completely honest, the only reason I ever went with you is because given the situation I was in, and the gravity of yours, I literally had no other choice but to stick with you. But… looking back, it was definitely the best decision I’ve ever made in my life as a Mudkip. And if I had to go back and do it all again, I wouldn’t do it any other way, or choose anybody else to stick with. Sure, maybe the way we met was… strange, but you’re a true friend regardless of what way I put it, and even after I’m gone, I won’t forget about you. Ever.”
Storm began to cry softly. “I… I really appreciate that… T-t-thank you…” he murmured through his weeping. Not long after, the Shinx enveloped his friend into a tight embrace. DJ cringed a bit out of surprise, but eventually got comfortable, and hugged him back. The two smiled, and continued their hug for another minute or so, before DJ was reduced to nothing but the remaining lights floating up into the sky above.
Storm, having fallen flat on his face due to having nothing else to grip onto, looked around a bit to see if the moment he’d been dreading had finally happened. There was no question about it, his friend was gone.
“Well, that’s… that’s it then…“ he sighed depressively, “bye… DJ…”
Storm laid there for a few minutes, pondering the conversation he and DJ had just shared, before thinking back on that promise he made to him.
“DJ… I promise… and I mean, promise, your requests… every single one of them… I will fulfill…” the Shinx vowed, another sudden burst of determination flowing through.
Storm struggled back up onto his feet and began limping towards the Rainbow Stoneship, ready to accept a new life without his best friend… or at least give his best shot at that.
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halfyearsqueen · 6 days
( for the what was going through their head meme ) Rhaenyra being named heir and having the lords pledge to her
Send me a quote/scene from my character’s canon, and I will explain (ic or ooc) what went through my character’s head during said quote/scene! | @celtigaar
honestly she was still processing the fact that aemma was gone when she was named heir 😭 we kind of know the relative time span of when exactly she was given the title of princess of dragonstone and declared heir officially in the books, because it says she was named heir to the throne after her father’s grieving period was over, and his own shock and outrage at rhaenyra’s remarriage to daemon ( “ neither of their spouses had been dead half a year “ ) makes me think it was at least that width of time between aemma and baelon’s actual passing and their funeral and her investiture. though I honestly think ? she was told she was going to be heir relatively soon after he was told about the whole ‘ the heir for a day’ and daemon was subsequently disinherited as a result. which would give the hundreds of lords who attended it the time to actually travel to get there if ( more then likely ) the brunt of them weren’t already living there at court. I think he waited a few days to tell her that he had changed the order of his succession and that he was naming her heir to the throne officially. but it was still…. overwhelming, it was confusing. she didn’t believe it was real at first and like it was ? surprising in not the best of ways because it felt too much like she was ? that it meant SHE was somehow profiting off the loss of her mother and brother, that if she felt any sort of happiness about this or joy or excitement, that it would be an insult to their memories. but she also can’t be as upset as she felt about it in public because then that would make her seem ungrateful and she ? did not want to make it seem like that because ? she is fully aware of what her father did and the leap he made in declaring her heir to the iron throne.
like this is a child who’s spent the majority of her life at court and at her father’s side listening to him rule and the proceedings that followed and likely the court gossip about how people wanted to set her over daemon, otto had wanted to set her over daemon. she would be aware to some extent people wanted her to ascend BUT, the constant roadblock in the way was that she was not a son, and as long as viserys had a living male relative to actually succeed him, there would always be some level of dissent and disagreement. but he did it anyway. and even though part of her does wish, will always wish, that if he had believed her worthy and that she could be worthy to succeed him he would’ve done so before they had lost aemma so she could still be there with them - he’s still her father 😭 she’s lived eight years of her life at that point in that strange sort of feeling where like she’s ? she’s been indulged by him and adored and cherished by her parents and been treated like the heir in everything but name and like though I don’t think she ever considered herself a successor to viserys in that sense, before her mother passed, I think she was always a bit frustrated with herself that the one thing the both of them really needed was a thing she could never be. she could never be the son they needed and that meant her mother would have? to continue in the name of duty, in that cycle of pain and loss all for the aim of giving viserys a male successor. they loved her, they adored her, but she wasn’t a brother, she wasn’t a son. and I think it always made her feel so utterly helpless watching as her mother’s belly began to swell and change, watching her suffer again and again for the one thing she could never be. the notion she lost her mother because she was ? valued, considering worthy and yet still wasn’t enough because of her gender was something that stuck with her for ? 😭 most of her life. it was why she ended up pushing herself as hard as she did, it was that single seemingly insurmountable hurdle that she was determined to pass so her mother was not remembered as a failure. so she wasn’t remembered as the woman who couldn’t give viserys an actual true heir.
she was completely fine with the idea daemon was going to be king, because it meant her mother didn’t need to keep trying for a son. she did want a brother, she did want to have siblings and to be an older sister to siblings, but it was just hurting her mother to keep trying. and she wanted her around more and if they just accepted that daemon was going to succeed viserys maybe it wouldn’t need be so pressing for her mother to have a prince. she ? internalized a lot of her own fears and struggles with taking up the position because she didn’t want to disappoint viserys 😭 and moreover, she didn’t want him to take it away. the idea her father would have remarried eventually was inevitable and so was the idea he would ? have a male heir. but now she has it, now she has this thing that her mother spent her entire life trying to make an heir for and she has it, and she was her mother’s only living child, and it’s ? it just doesn’t matter if she wants it or not. like she has to take it and she has to succeed in it because what she was given was so genuinely monumental — and the weight of that doesn’t quite settle on her shoulders at that point entirely, but she knows what the decision means for her personally, and means for her mother, and her. it teaches her that cause and effect of things coming at a cost, because she was uplifted, and she was risen up to be viserys’ heir, at the cost of daemon being ousted from the position. the only reason she was a consideration at all was because her mother and brother died and she ? does struggle with feeling worthy of it because that doesn’t ? that’s too big of a loss, that’s too high of a price for her own success and like that’s ? she would sooner have them back, she would sooner have them there. she doesn’t have that comfort and solace of her mom and she can’t take it in viserys anymore because she’s so afraid if she does anything even slightly imperfect he’s going to take it from her ( regardless of how unfounded that is ) or more likely, if she says it’s stressing her out he would take it away then too.
I think having the lords kneel to her was when it really sunk in that it was real and it wasn’t something that was going to be taken. that viserys was serious about her and that her being named heir was something that was legitimate now, and it was something that she couldn’t turn away from or back down from now that it was hers. she was ? an eight year old little girl sitting on the steps of the highest seat in the realm watching as men knelt to her by the hundreds and swore her their loyalty for the first time and it was ? there was a feeling of possibility. that her being there wasn’t as impermanent as she had feared it would be. it felt as it had when she had flew for the first time. she had spent months trying and failing to mount syrax and had kept going and going until the day they had done it and like, I think the feeling of it well and truly being possible to fight for was all she needed to fight for it despite how unendingly hard it would no doubt be.
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vixletserenity · 3 months
It seemed that the chaos of everyone's past was getting to them tonight. This must be what the shrine maidens meant when they wanted people to focus more on the self this year.
That was when she saw her again. The little girl in a light blue summer dress wearing a Minccino mask and her beloved plush Pecha held tightly in her arms; her own kind of these spirits.
Celeste could tell that she had been crying for some time. Being in such a scary and unknown place; desperately looking for anything familiar. But also the fear she knew would be addressed.
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"We need to go home...! Or Daddy's gonna get mad!"
She could hear the child say as she ran up towards Celeste. Her tears were endless and the trembling was so harsh even against the yukata she wore. Celeste could feel the soft fabric of the toy against her leg.
"I don't want Daddy getting mad! If we're a good girl maybe he'll still love us...!" The spirit cried out as Celeste gently pulled her away. She was feeling this pain in her heart again; knowing the truth yet being aware of the ramifications of admitting it out loud.
"Dad...he never loved us." Celeste softly spoke, making the girl look up at her confused. How could be pretty girl she became ever say such a thing?! "Th-That's not true...! Daddy loves us!" The girl pleaded as Celeste tightened her grip on the spirit's hands.
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"DAD DOESN'T LOVE US! HE NEVER DID! HE ONLY SHOWED AFFECTION JUST FOR APPEARENCES TO LOOK LIKE HE DID!" Celeste screamed at the top of her lungs. People around her could probably hear that.
The harsh truth that she knew, but never said out loud.
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"Y-Y-Yes he does...!" The girl looked shocked and confused as she heard that. Instinctively holding the toy tighter for protection. "Then why would he hurt us? Purposely give Charlotte more attention? Get angry that we ever snuck out?" Celeste replied, feeling her own eyes water up.
"Because he never loved us. He would've preferred if we died...to that Krookodile; he grieved more for Audie dying than being relieved that we were still alive like Mom and Charlotte were.
All because of how our mind works. That it's so different from his and everyone else's. And instead of doing the right thing...Dad wanted to pretend in his mind that we did die; that he wanted the entire world to believe that we died that day too."
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The girl wailed at what she had just heard. Even she knew that was true, but had continued to deny it. "But Daddy still has to love us...he has to!" She continued to plea that it was true while it was muffled by Pecha covering her face. "I'm sorry...but that's the truth. Daddy would never love us...no matter how hard we try to hope that maybe one day he would."
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"But...it's okay now. Because we have people who genuinely love us now. We have friends. We can watch the stars whenever when want. Learn everything that homeschooling never taught us; even if some people find shock that we don't know certain things.
The world is our oyster, and we can fully dive in without being scared of it and if Dad would hurt us again for it."
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"Then why...why do all those people try to protect us...in that way like Daddy getting mad for sneaking out?" Her ikiryo questioned; seeming to finally accept the reality of her situation. "They don't want us knowing anything either...!"
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"Because they still think that we're like you...still thinking we're a little kid whose innocence still needs to be kept sacred." Celeste answered with a cold tone in her voice, "This world only sees kids and adults, and if they don't see you in anyway like a grown up; they treat you like a kid. All because we were born later than they were.
Even with everything we've done...all the changes that are for better or worse, even if we try to be more stoic to be taken more seriously...all they'll ever see is a kid until that same kid has to do something that the adults refuse to do or relies on us for."
"But then...they're not any better than Daddy...!" The girl replied. A quiet sigh came to Celeste. "They still genuinely care about us, they want to make sure we don't get hurt. I have to work on making them realize how much this need to protect us hurts us just as much as any physical injury."
Celeste bent down to hug this version of herself that not that long ago she was. "In the end, we're happier without Daddy in our lives. We're happier being out here and living the life that we've always wanted."
"I'm sorry...that it took us this long to say it out loud." Celeste apologized, "It hurts, I know. But we have to acknowledge it, or we can't go any further; continuing to live the life for both ourself and out of spite that we're proving Daddy wrong."
Her ikiryo stepped back as she looked up to the sky; the toy no longer being in her arms and dangling by one hand. "I know there isn't really much from before moving that we can keep, but let's hold what we can tightly and keep living for us. Because we deserve to be happy, and we have people who truly do love us for us."
The girl gave one last hug before she started to fade away. "I'm happy..." She started to speak before fiddling with her dress again like earlier, "That we're strong and pretty like Elesa! And...And that we're braver too!"
The glow in her eyes got a bit brighter when she finally noticed the ribbon in Celeste's hair, she truly had become the type of person she wanted to be.
She waved and made Pecha wave too with one hand as the spirit became more and more transparent; almost close to nothing, "Bye bye! I love us too!"
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Celeste couldn't help but smile, though it also felt a little sad too. "Don't worry, we'll be okay. The hardest part of it all has finally passed."
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fabianvalencia561 · 1 year
*When D10 heard the news about Jerry being an corrupt he was quick to anger and confusion.*
Diesel: Hey dad I need to ask you something - *he stopped before he could say anything more. He knows that D10 wasn't happy* ..... Dad? You ok?...... Dad?....
D10: *he nods slowly but his face and voice says otherwise* .... I'm fine.... I just need some air... *He quickly walks out of his room.*
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*Diesel already knew that D10 was not happy one bit, he watched his dad rush outside.*
D10: *he was pissed off, he tried to keep himself calm by breathing but the more he tried the more angry he got. Then he snapped and screamed loudly in frustration and anger. He felt betrayed by Jerry at this very moment.* THAT FUCKING TRAITOR! HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR MOST OF THOSE CASES!! HE MURDER MOST OF THOSE PEOPLE!!!! HE TRICKED ME AND EVERYONE ELSE!!! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!!!!
*D10 was so angry and betrayed that he couldn't control his own self. His power grew as his anger grew more.*
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D10: *He screams loudly in anger.*
*Even though he used his powers for a bit it was enough to make the ground shake violently*
Diesel: !!!!!!!- DAD STOP PLEASE YOU'RE HURTING YOURSELF AND YOU'RE GOING TO HURT US IF YOU DON'T STOP THIS!!! *He ran fast to his dad and grabbed him by the arm. He called out for his dad to make him pay attention to him and to calm down.* ..... Dad please calm down..... Please..... Please.... Just calmed down.....
D10: *he looked at Diesel and his eyes widen he saw the calm down a bit but before he fully could he heard something click in his head and then his body went all weak it was almost paralyzed then d10 knew that this was not good blood started to drip out from his mouth, nose, eyes, neck, and also where where his horrible injury was on his face. He was in a lot of pain his breathing was harsh and heavy he sounded like if someone's lungs were filling up with their own blood.* H-Help,......
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Diesel: !!!!!- DAD!
James: *He quickly runs out to see what happened and he was in shock* WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!?!
Atharva: *He quickly walks over when he too heard all of this* What is going on - *gasp!!* ...... *He took one good look at d10 and he already knew what was up.* .......
D10: *he looked at everyone and then fainted.*
*a few hours later*
D10: *he slowly wakes up and realizes that he is no longer outside in fact he was in the diesel works his body was in less pain he looked around as the room was empty it was only him and some equipment to fix broken humanoids.* What happened? ..... Why am I here?
Mavis: You're awake! I was so worried about you old man....
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D10: Mavis? Is that you?
Mavis: Of course it is! I'm surprised you even remember me...
D10: what happened?
Mavis: You somehow put so much pressure in your brain that it ripped open from the inside! ....... but luckily I was able to put it all back together.. and also you were very lucky that the injury was small....
D10: .... Oh God..... *He felt the back of his head where he could feel where they fixed his head and patched it up.*
Mavis: Do you even remember how you added so much pressure to your brain? *She asked quietly* ......
D10: I don't know..... Every time I try to remember my head goes blank........
Mavis: yikes it must be that bad .... Hmm .
*Then the two hear Atharva and Proteus talking to the others.*
Proteus: *he whispered a bit* aren't diesels not supposed to be magic humanoids?...
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Atharva: YES I AM!!
*Everyone was arguing loudly while James kept on trying to talk and then he got frustrated that no one was listening to him*
James: EVERYONE SHUT UP NOW!!! *He whistles loudly that a glass window cracked a bit*
*Everyone went quite fast. They all look at James.*
James: *he breathed heavily and then sighs* ..... We are not going to remove anything from anyone ya hear? ....
Atharva: But diesel's are not supposed to have this power!
James: I DON'T GIVE A DAMN! WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE HIS POWERS AWAY!!.... *he sighs heavily* Besides didn't you listen? Proteus said that D10 would become weak if you do.... And if you do take his powers... He might as well be dead... So we are not going to take his powers if it's only keeping him alive and well....
Proteus: and...... And maybe we could teach him how to fully control his powers?
Atharva: ...... *Sigh* fine..... Fine.....
D10: ...... *His eyes widen* ...... What's going on you guys? ... *He walks out of the room to them*
Diesel: DAD! *He runs up to his dad*
Atharva: *he was stunned* How.... How is he still... alive?...... *He thought to himself*
*Everyone else was glad that D10 was..... ok.... Though Atharva was confused.... He knew that D10 was alive and well but..... These incidents normally caused the humanoid to be dead ..... Maybe it was the necklace that kept him safe?.... Who even knows...*
Diesel: Dad! Do you remember what happened? .... I heard that your brain was ripped up from the.... Inside.... Can you remember anything?
D10: Yeah.... But I...... I don't remember.... How this happened.... What happened?
Diesel: ..... We'll.... We'll tell you later.... But now... You should go back and get some rest.....
D10: ..... I .. *sigh* .... Yeah ... I guess you're right.... I guess I should......
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eorzeashan · 1 year
THE FINAL CHAPTER: a rather chaotic compilation of some truly throne-ending stuff, KOTET (Battle of Odessen to Eternal Throne)
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Theron: Using yourself as bait is a dangerous game. You're gonna need some help.
Aww Theron... that's nice, but Eight would be so adamant about fighting Vaylin alone since he feels it's his duty to protect them. Plus being bait means you're supposed to be the only target. Self-sacrificial lone warrior whose only ever relied on himself psych eval yadda yadda. Not that Theron or Lana would listen either, which results in an ugh fine from our favorite operative.
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I guess he got so stubborn he wouldn't even let Theron on the back of his speeder (which was a glitch where Theron could only run behind him like a pet) in an attempt to leave him behind for his own safety, lol.
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To make this whole outlandish scenario worse, Theron not only could not stealth the entire chapter ("Theron, you're ruining my speedrun." 'Theron!' "Well I'm sorry I don't have stealth generators like you two!") he also lost his blasters and started fistfighting Vaylin. Yes, he also fistfought the prior mobs. I was very confused as to why the enemies weren't going down fast enough with 2 comps until I looked over to see him punching skytroopers with all the damage of a wet bagel.
This is why he tried to leave you behind, Theron.
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One defeated Vaylin and a storming of Zakuul Palace later, and Theron still was having the same problem of aggro-ing all the mobs due to having no stealth and only his fists, so I tried to stealth out of combat and call him over to see if he could evade them........instead, he died while Eight and Lana buried their faces in their hands.
Which was fine since it let Eight and Lana stealth for the rest of it without him, but his dead body kept showing up after them and it gave me a mental image of the two of them dragging his unconscious body behind them by the legs after he accidentally got caught in an explosion.
Not his best moment.
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Valkorion: The Sith who fled her empire. And the charming spy, sired by Republic heroes. Do they truly serve you? Or do they plot your downfall, to claim the throne for their respective factions?
Eight: I'm done listening to you, old man.
"Idiot. It's the other way around," as Eight would say. He's fully aware Valkorion is making a desperate ploy right now to turn him against them, but he has thought about their loyalties ever since the start. It doesn't matter to him: he's bounced between both sides and has no right to judge. Even if they held no thought for him in the end, with him as the means for their own goals.....he'd still have fought for their sake.
Also, I lost count of how many times Eight called Valkorion a decrepit old geezer and told him to shut up these chapters.
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Me, shocked: How is he tanking that lightning without a flinch?!
Then again, he did do the exact same thing during the Arcann fight, so maybe it's a combination of his sheer endurance/pain threshold as well as getting used to it. Either way, what a way to stunt on Valkorion. I'd be reeling if I threw lightning at an agent and they stood up. Extremely badass glitch.
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Eight: My head's not a halfway house for immortal Sith, but I guess you found that out the hard way.
The only house it is for is Jadus, and you're no Jadus! Get lost!
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Arcann: The Outlander didn't kill us. You did.
Oddly enough, I found I liked this ending more than the LS spare everyone version, most likely because it felt more cathartic for Vaylin and Arcann to face Valkorion with their full rage. Eight and Vaylin for some reason....saw eye-to-eye in their brief and vitriolic interactions, which sounds insane to say but can be attributed to how they understand primal emotion more than anything else.
It also felt more rewarding to fight the whole family with little to no help-- as an Echani warrior and one who fights alone, Eight would have it no other way; anything less than their full power would besmirch the honor of their duel and if he cannot have honor anywhere else, he'll make damn sure to have it on the battlefield. No help. No mitigation. Just his own strength, and theirs.
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Lana: Theron!
Theron: Go. Save yourself. I'll cover you.
Lana: We fight together, we die together.
Theron: Now that's more like it.
The besties....;_; And poor Theron's sad face getting injured, he looks like a kicked puppy?? Why is he sad? Did it hurt that much? I really love them looking out for one another-- I rarely ever got this moment because it was always Arcann and Senya, so seeing them literally go ride or die was insane. They're lucky Eight can't hear or see them; he'd have thrashed that whole room to bits. What kind of agent would he be if his keepers had to die for him?
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Eight followed Theron's example and decided Valkorion's crusty ass was overdue for a massive whoopin', and there's nothing he wanted more than to beat him to death with his bare hands. No powers. No poison. No blasters. Just the feeling of having your skull bashed in with mortal fists. As a martial artist, it was his duty to bring that Sith Lord who'd relied too long on power borrowed from others crashing back down into the cold, hard earth... starting with his body.
Can you imagine the absolute bewilderment he had to feel seeing this goddamn agent crack his knuckles and decide to go mano-e-mano to his godly self? It's the ultimate humiliation.
He beat him. He had to. For Jadus. For himself. Valkorion stood no chance at conquering his mind, to be honest-- for that to work, he himself would have to have a mind like people and on the inside....he is not that.
I'll write out exactly how I imagined it soon, but there's something about Valkorion stepping in and expecting a man, and finding instead what can only be called a wolf in his place.
I also headcanon he only used Eight as a stepping stool to get to Jadus, who shares the other side of the force bond and is his real goal to possess; but where he expected an easy fight he got a mind he couldn't break because it in no way resembled that of any other sentient he'd met. Eight's other personal stake in this is that Valkorion is blocking both sides of his and Jadus' force bond, and for this arrogant Sith to take away what had given him meaning in his life would instill a rage like he'd never known.
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Eight: No more nightmares. No more interruptions from a crusty old ghost. I can get used to this.
It's finally fucking over. This was an ultimately tragic part of his life despite the good it meant for others around him and the galaxy; but it had left him isolated and more soaked in blood than the entire agent chapter. It was his duty. It was his burden. It was his wound to bear.
He's laid the dead to rest, and now he will leave. Whatever that means for him.
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clicruz13 · 1 year
Peter and Bruce
Chapter 2: Of Hellspawn and Parker Luck, Part 2
'Wha-' Peter attempted to move.
Beep. Beep.
'Hospital.' Peter sluggishly tried to recall why was he in the hospital.
Beep. Beep.
Beep. Beep.
"Easy there." A deep-voice intoned, carefully pushing him back down.
'Wayne.' Peter identified the voice.
"You're safe. Just rest."
Peter wanted to protest but he slipped back under.
Beep. Beep.
Peter drifted from the deep.
'Floaty.' Peter tried to smile but his body didn't seem to respond.
Peter heard what he thought were two people in conversation. A woman and a man. Peter lolled mentally and let the darkness take him back under
'Ah.' Peter thought.
"- grounded me for a week.."
'Littlest Hell-spawn?' Peter drifted up.
"Father seemed relieved." Damian appeared to be sitting, kicking his legs by the movement of the blur. "Not completely sure why."
The lights were thankfully low but his eyes weren't cooperating with him fully. Everything was blobs of color and movement. Peter felt like several large semis rolled him over. Peter managed a faint wheeze.
'Wha?' Peter managed to turn his head. Something shifted in his throat and nose, tugging the opposite way. 'No Parker?'
Peter winced as metal clang in the room. Damian was shouting for someone. 'My head.'
Feeling more aware, Peter tried sitting up. He winced as pain flared - everywhere. Groaning, he flopped back on the bed. Peter wanted to get whatever was on his face and in his throat out.
'Okay, Peter Parker. What the hell happened...'
"Hello, Mr. Parker." Peter shifted in shock at the woman's voice. " Let's straighten you out."
Peter flinched as a pair of strong slender hands moved him about. The bed shifted so he was partially sitting. Peter huffed in annoyance.
"Doing quite well, considering." The woman moved about, clipped. "It's not often that a man recovers from being shot by an explosive round relatively quickly."
Peter froze. 'Fuck.'
Peter felt a cold stethoscope on his chest on the right side. "Breathe."
Peter numbly obeyed.
"Luckily for you, your healing factor prioritized your inner organs." The woman moved closer. "However, it was touch and go for a bit -"
She seemed to notice Peter's frozen state. "Tch, Mr. Parker, you are perfectly safe. I am not about to out you as a metahuman. Nor will Bruce, Alfred, or any of the children."
A confused noise escaped Peter as the fear abated.
"Right. You probably don't remember the last four times you woke up." Peter watched the mostly white blob shift slightly. "I'm Leslie Thompson, Bruce's personal doctor. You've been comatose for... nearly two weeks."
Peter shifted, wincing in pain. 'Great.'
'Wait. Wayne's personal doctor?!'
"I'm not about to remove any tubing yet... not until you remain consistently lucid." The woman bustled around. She fiddled with a few tubes. "As long as you don't have any setbacks, you should be fully healed in four months - though you'll probably have to wear bandages for a year - at least. Hm."
Peter listened to the woman drop into a mutter. He listened to the background noise. The beep of the heart monitor and the drip of the IV bag didn't quite hide the sounds of machines and echo of a large space.
Peter's stomach sank as he fully realized the situation he was in. A medical bay deep enough underground that no one could be heard screaming.
'Dang it. Wayne has to be a crime lord.' Peter groggily thought to himself. 'I am so screwed.'
The doctor flashed a light in his eyes. He managed a faint hiss.
She hummed. "Light sensitivity… might be a side effect of the pain-killer or the sedative. We'll reduce the dosage by another ten mg."
Peter's brow furrowed. The doctor patted his cheek
"We've been using drugs we typically use on the likes of Superman. You metabolize at too high a rate for most to be effective. We were lucky that we were able to reinflate your lung before your healing factor kicked in."
Peter tiredly shifted. "That said, you cannot afford to skip meals for at least half a year. You are dangerously underweight, Mr. Parker. The next time…”
The rest went unsaid. Peter closed his eyes. 'And here I was worrying that I might not be killable. Alright, stop. No need to go down that pathway again.'
Peter drifted into a light doze. Peter felt the sheet being tucked around him.
Peter woke to a shift in the air. Blinking in the dark, Peter could hear someone breathing and a heartbeat.
'Come in, said the spider to the fly.' Peter thought irrelevantly.
Light footsteps, feminine, moved over to the chair. Peter was slow to relax. Whomever it was simply sat. Despite himself, Peter drifted into a doze. When he woke up, an origami crane sat perched on his chest and the mysterious woman was gone.
Peter gagged and glared at Doctor Thompson as Pennyworth pushed him back. His side twigged slightly from his heaving.
Thompson dropped the feeding tubes and gloves in a trash can. Peter twitched when she snapped on a new pair.
The elder woman smirked. "He's a much better patient than the rest."
"Leslie, please." Pennyworth spoke in a much-suffering tone.
'Oye, I'm right here you know.' Peter sipped his water cup moodily.
"He learns quickly and follows directions." The Doctor ticked off. "Most of them either do one or the other."
Peter winced as she undressed his healing side. He didn't enjoy seeing the still missing layer of skin.
"Hm, you're healing quicker. Gain about a centimeter more." Thompson brushed the new skin. Peter shielded away from the ticklish touch.
"I'm going to recommend he's fed more often, once he tolerates solid food." Peter scowled at the woman. "He's still underweight."
The good Doctor raised a brow at his expression. "If you don't gain the needed weight, Parker, I will replace the feeding tube and keep you sedated."
Peter gulped at the woman's expression. She brightened and patted him on the head. Alfred couldn't hide the laughter in his eyes. Peter groaned.
"I will be back in a few days. I trust you'll be able to change the dressing."
"Of course."
Peter stared at the ceiling. Peter turned moodily to the origami
“Psst. Is the devil-woman gone?” Damiam poked his head in.
“Hm.” Peter hummed.
Damian trotted in, dressed in a middle-school uniform. "Jason sends his regrets for not visiting you. Father sent him on some 'business trip' with Richard yesterday. But he gave me the books he promised to get for you."
Peter rolled his eyes affectionately. The littlest Hellspawn grew on him. Damian placed three books on the table.
'Probably because you see him the most out of the others.' Peter shoved the thought back.
"Cass visited?" Damian carefully poked the crane.
'Who?' Peter watched Damian shrug to himself before perching in the visitor's chair.
Damian tucked his legs in the chair bar. "You're looking much better. Less like a mummy."
Peter gave a hum. Damian kept quiet for a beat
"I joined the art club at school."
Peter smiled patiently as Damian collected his thoughts
"Only you and Alfred know so far.." Damian began kicking his legs. "I haven't told Father yet. He's busy - again."
Peter felt a tick of annoyance.
'Okay, Wayne is something else. I can accept that I am his prisoner more or less but this…' Peter kept his expression fairly smooth as Damian continued.
"Alfred is pleased I am making friends. I'm not sure I understand why it is so important." Damian's brow cutely furrowed. "I don't understand a lot of things. Sometimes I miss when I was living with Mother. It seemed easier than."
'God, I should have spent more time expanding my vocabulary.' Peter berated himself.
"Ah, Master Damian, there you are."
Both Peter and Damian startled badly as Pennyworth rolled a serving cart in. Peter yelped as his nerves fired off. Damian barely kept onto the chair.
"Apologies, Mr. Parker." Pennyworth was instantly at his bedside, fussing.
Peter tiredly put up with it. He flashed Damian a reassuring smile at the wide eyed look.
"Hopefully any bleeding is very negligible." Pennyworth sounded contrite. "I didn't mean to catch either one of you unaware."
"Now, Master Damian, I believe you haven't completed your homework yet. And Mister Parker still needs to eat and rest more." Pennyworth gave them both the look. "You may visit Mr. Parker after school tomorrow."
"Of course, Alfred. Night, Peter."
His sixth sense spiked and he wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t until he managed to down most of the broth that he recognized the aftertaste. Alfred tutted as he plucked the spoon out of Peter’s hand.
‘Really?’ Peter was unable to resist as Alfred tucked him in. ‘Wha-’
'What is it with this family and their butler sneaking up on everyone?' Peter took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm his heart rate. 'Glad they don't intend to harm me… yet.
Wayne, dressed in a three piece suit, sat. He sat with his hands stepped as his arms rested on the arm rests. The normally jovial man’s brow furrowed.
Peter raised a brow as the silence stretched out. Bruce opened his mouth once.
'What the heck?' Peter watched as Bruce finally stood up.
"I'm glad that you're doing better." The doors hissed closed as the man walked off.
'Seriously!' Peter stared in disbelief. 'What is his problem?!'
“So when are they letting you out on parole?” Jason greeted as he strolled into the room. Bandages looking freshly wrapped. He plopped two more books on the pile. Peter’s nose twitched at the faint order of blood.
Peter stared blankly from the top of the Fellowship of the Ring as Jason flipped the chair to sit in.
“Surprised you haven’t tried to break out.” Jason scratched his cheek idly.
Peter scowled. ‘It ain’t from the lack of trying. You sure the doctor and Pennyworth aren’t metahumans themselves?’
‘Or am I that predictable at this point?’
“I tried smuggling in a phone for ya but the Old Man keeps confiscating it.” Jason propped his chin up. “Not that there’s too much going on really. Still.”
Peter shrugged. ‘I’m a prisoner, kid. Not sure when you guys will realize it.’
“Question. Is the -” Jason pointed at his own throat. “Recent?”
Peter held up three fingers. “Years?”
Peter hummed.
“Why don't you really sign?” Jason squinted.
‘Never had much time to expand my vocabulary when my voice finally gave out.’ Peter made a sour face. ‘Too busy, working any job I could get.’
Peter signed. [No time.]
A long silence. “That sucks, man.”
Peter screamed inarticulately as he flailed.
Someone called his last name over the whine and crackled of machine and fire. He was trapped under the rubble of a bridge as smoke vaporized his lungs. A metal beam pressed against his neck. He sobbed as he struggled to free himself.
‘No. No. No.’
“Peter.” Peter jolted at his name.
Alfred’s grip was tight on his shoulders. Somehow they were on the ground. Jason, Dick, and Wayne had him pinned partially under them. Wayne had a blossoming bruise on his cheekbone while the two younger merely looked a bit ruffled.
“Are you with us, lad?”
Peter paled, staring at Wayne who watched with narrowed eyes. Alfred repeated his question. Peter, confused, finally nodded.
All three men let go of Peter and backed away, while Alfred maintained his grip.
“That’s a good lad.” Alfred drew Peter’s attention.
Peter flinched despite himself when the door to the room hissed open. Wayne seemed to have decided that Alfred had things under control. Alfred’s frown grew slightly but he became all business.
Jason and Dick stayed long enough to help Alfred upright the bed. Jason remained to help Alfred get Peter back into the bed. Alfred sent Jason off. Alfred sat down in the visitor chair and began recounting when he had been part of the British Army.
Peter drifted into a dreamless rest.
Four meals later, a peeved Pennyworth came in with the tea set. "I owe you an apology, Mr. Parker. I was operating under the assumption that Master Bruce had finally learned how to communicate."
'So it's not just me.' Peter quipped.
Alfred sighed before sitting down. "Now I am quite sure you have wondered about the status of your employment."
Peter sheepishly tilted his head before indicating a small bit. Alfred paused before sighing deeply, burying his head in his hands.
"Leslie was correct." Alfred muttered. 'I’ve certainly lost that bet."
'I don't think I want to know.' Peter waited.
"Mr. Parker, Peter. Do you remember the terms of the contract you signed?"
Peter shrugged after a long awkward moment.
Alfred deadpanned. "Mr. Parker…"
Peter thought he heard Pennyworth say. "Thus history repeats."
Alfred shook his head ruefully. "You remember you were on a two week probationary?"
'What does… wait.' Peter paled.
"Congratulations, my boy, and welcome to the family." Alfred continued drily. "I'm afraid that the only form of resignation acceptable involves six feet under and a wooden box."
Alfred's lip twitched with a suppressed smile. "Fret not, Peter. I suspect you will come to appreciate your position soon enough."
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xiv-wolfram · 1 year
Ancient Hearts - Comic Script
Endwalker - lvl 89
Wolfram and Hydaelyn have a chat.
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number. A/B mean a frame is split.
Zoomed out shot. In the Mother Crystal arena. Wolf /converse with Hydaelyn. Narrator - "After fighting Hydaelyn, Wolfram has some things to get off his chest and asks the others to continue on so that he may have a private word with her before she disappears."
A) Wolf annoyed - "- and so - after you abandoned Ysayle, took Minfillia as your puppet, and ruined the lives of countless girls on the First I've come to see that you use people like tools. In that way you're no different from Emet-Selch. I'll do as you ask because it happens to be the side that will save the people I care for. Not out of duty to a false god." B) Hydaelyn smiles sadly (if possible) - "That's…truly all you think of me? Of him?"
Wolf furrows his brow and looks away - "No - I’ll admit I cared for the both of you. Your ancient selves who I recently met. Venat and Hades. You aren't my mother or my god, but you were my friend for a time in Elpis… and that's who I'll mourn. Not this manipulative thing you've become."
A) Hydaelyn fades. B) Venat appears, smiling - “Then perhaps you would prefer this form?”
A) Venat smiles sadly - "I understand that you blame me for the difficult decisions I made and the times I did not intervene. You are rightfully angry for all of it. Would that I could have done more. Yet before I go - may I have recognition for the things I did intervene in?" B) Wolf frowns, confused - "Like what?"
Venat smiles hopefully - "I kept your grandmother alive long enough to banish the voidsent from you almost two decades ago. You are aware how rare it is to survive a possession. Did you never question it?" 
Wolf raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms - "I did not know you had a hand in that …yet you hardly get credit for keeping me alive. Of course you needed me alive to be your weapon. And what a painful life it has been."
A) Venat smiles hopefully - "I have saved you countless times - even before I gave you my blessing. You are correct about my motivations. Yet I have intervened elsewhere in your life as well." B) Wolf curious - "What do you mean?"
Venat smiles - "I know your own life matters very little to you, but you care for the lives of others. There are some you thought lost that I saved…you will reunite with them in time. For now, something you can fully appreciate. -”
A) Venat grins knowingly - “- What care have you for the life of Raubahn Aldynn?" B) Wolf shocked (comedically) - "The hells you have to do with him?!"
Venat smiles with pity - "Oh dear… you almost lost him so many times. Many before you'd even known him. And so many times after. One happened right in front of you. Did you never question how he could lose an arm and keep fighting for so long without succumbing to his wound?"
A) Wolf expression softens - "You…saved Rau?" B) Wolf smiles.
A) Venat smiles kindly - "The man that you chose to love has led a dangerous life. Nothing like his ancient self." B) Wolf amazed - "Azem and he?!"
Arachne and Amyntas fighting a rogue experiment side by side. Venat (off frame) - "He was her world and she his - not that they were lesser beings on their own of course.”
Arachne and Amyntas sweet couples pose. Venat (off frame) - “They didn’t *need* each other but they certainly wanted each other. For centuries. Each time they left the star together and were reborn together. Until she accepted the seat of Azem they were rarely seen apart. I was always in awe of their love. They were both my dear friends...”
A) Wolfram looks away, brow furrowed, speechless. B) Wolf smiles sadly. Thought - ‘Centuries…’
A) Venat beams - “As you know - my powers are limited here. Therefore I helped where I could. I intervened on behalf of the soul that could help you the most to become the man who would save our star." B) Wolf tears up, smiling - "Thank you… It doesn't change how I feel about your other actions, but thank you for saving him. I will not let this star fall. You have my word, Venat."
Venat beams - "I know. I have full faith in you. Afterwards - do not squander what little happiness I could give to you. What you believe you deserve matters not. Your souls were bound long before they were shattered."
I need to take a proper pic in Elpis and with mods to remove the elezen ears, but - Amyntas and Arachne (Azem)
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Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
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