#it's the mirror scene from evil dead 2
hehosts · 2 years
also a favorite “play” method or tactic that goro uses is becoming “your mirror image.” 
the mirror isn’t a necessity to show a “reflection” ... but it does add a creep factor he likes given people are already so distrustful of their own reflections. (we’ll talk reflections in another post with ren/yori shortly). it’s basically appearing to you as yourself, but in a way you would recognize.**
** this plot for like anything is always hard for me because technically we wouldn’t be able to really see our clone / doppelganger / etc as looking like us because we don’t know what we truly look like, if that makes sense. we always see reflections, we don’t see ourselves, so recognizing “us” as an entity outside of our reflected vision, which can already be skewed by a variety of factors (from lighting techniques to mirror types to emotional view of the self, etc). so...you know me, i have to make it somewhat reality oriented, so i think goro would appear to you in the way you would recognize yourself. taking your face for real would mean he’s taking you as you really are, not as you see yourself, which is how other people would also see you. the first is taking an emotional form whereas the second is more equivalent to taking the legitimate physical form of someone. i say “face” but he really does take the whole body, especially if he’s taking that identity for himself. there’s no limit to “who” goro will become, seek out, or engage with. **
he likes to bend or distort reality, so he typically uses this technique (this “trick”) mostly for fun, but sometimes to move a “plot” along. it’s a way to a) challenge someone, who better than themselves? and b) to have fun, it’s boring having ji-hun and deng (and others) do everything. so, while he doesn’t do everything himself, there are some things he still enjoys doing, and he likes to “get out in the field.” 
since he is not “taking” the actual face, just “using it,” it falls under his “parlor tricks.”
i also use this imagery for ren, but that’s in the comic with another character. it’s good imagery. 
a lot of it comes from when i first saw evil dead 2 when i was a kid. this part really stuck out with me, and i’ve used it before in other storytelling, but not as obvious. i also find it fitting to other characters i’ve ended up writing, such as yagami raito, because mirror imagery and mirror play are used a lot in death note to symbolize specific changes in yagami when becoming kira.
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“i’m fine...i’m fine...”
“i don’t think so!”
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Mirror scenes are my one weakness man when something that is meant to be safe and familiar suddenly overpowers you and makes you face an ugly truth i just go so apeshit.
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paperclipninja · 8 months
Middle of the night GO thoughts after reflecting on a couple of comments that the 'you're being silly' scene is actually not just the adorable soft exchange I have been caught up in. I mean it is, but it also isn't.
And it got me thinking that the whole of season 2 is like this, almost the entire time we have two truths in play. The whole season is one of duality.
A few examples (there are many more woven throughout but just to illustrate the point):
Right off the bat, the opening scene, it's both ominous and hopeful. Aziraphale is restrained while angel Crowley full of abandon; one angel is aware of the danger of questioning, the other is naïve. Both are experiencing the same moment in rather different ways. It sets the tone of the season immediately and puts in motion this layered truth within the story.
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The minisode with wee Morag and Elspeth, the entire graverobbing premise presents us with the dual truth that digging up the dead is bad but the selling of the bodies to the surgeon, thus contributing to saving lives, is good.
Aziraphale grapples with the duality here, justifying the actions of Elspeth by convincing himself that one truth is greater than the other. We also see that Crowley is far more able to recognise the complexity of multiple truths being valid depending on circumstance. This whole minisode feels like Neil showing his hand a little bit, the duality is so explicitly addressed, meanwhile we, the audience, are engaged in a larger unfolding story in which we are observing similar layered truths playing out in different ways.
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Now the scene that made this whole thought process unravel, still one of my favourite scenes and will remain so, is the "smitten, I believe...you're being silly" exchange. It is both tender and awful.
Here we have Crowley, expressing his very real fear of JimGabriel, opening up to Aziraphale that he doesn't feel safe in the bookshop because of the constant fear he will wake up, and Aziraphale just looks at him with heart eyes and tells him he's being silly. This flags so loudly that we're watching two characters who are experiencing very different versions of their current reality, due to past experience, yes, but also, Aziraphale and Crowley each have their own idea about the right way to react to the current situation.
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It's been pointed out by many before me, but the ball is another example of incredible juxtaposition and an extraordinary display of two truths existing at once. It is both incredibly romantic and an actual nightmare.
It is reflected, once again, in the way Aziraphale and Crowley are experiencing it, we know one character is caught up in the romance, the other in the horror show, but as a viewer, we are being tasked with holding both truths in our mind simultaneously. And both are true.
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Aziraphale the entire season is both giddy in love and completely dismissive of Crowley. It is adorable and infuriating at the same time.
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And yes, it is a reflection of the very duality the entire premise of Good Omens presents us with - that something can be good and bad at the same time, pure and corrupt, that the entire binary of Heaven and Hell/good and evil is flawed because those concepts can and do co-exist.
But the way it is seen in the interactions on a personal level this season is what has leapt out at me. It's why I think we see people falling into different interpretations of a lot of the scenes and moments, because they are more than that, they are observations. We are often observing two sides of the same coin, and both are true. The sheer genius of it and the way it is a mirror to the characters and the entire concept of the show we are observing is, quite frankly, mind boggling.
And it all comes to a head in the final fifteen™. There is so much duality in play here that it is no wonder there are hundreds of posts untangling bits of it and trying to extract the meaning from within the many layers. It's because we are given two truths in this final scene that are both heartbreaking.
Crowley loves Aziraphale and wants them to be together, free at last. Aziraphale loves Crowley and wants them to be together, free at last.
Aziraphale wants to use the system to keep them both safe. Crowley wants to escape the system to keep them both safe.
And then all the moments of duality between them throughout the season reach a critical juncture: Aziraphale in love but dismissive, Crowley understanding that Heaven = good is too simplistic and trying to compel Aziraphale to remember the lesson from Edinburgh ("when Heaven ends life here on Earth, it'll be just as dead as if Hell ended it"), Crowley trying to use the notion of romance to counter the nightmare with a desperate kiss.
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It's a complete inversion of those two truths in the opening scene of the season, the entire scene is at the same time ominous and hopeful, but it is Aziraphale who largely being naïve and Crowley who is aware of the danger.
I mean, it was all spelled out for us really, this duality and the fact that those multiple truths in play were always going to come to a head. It was all there, wrapped up in this quote:
"What does your exactly mean, exactly? I feel like your exactly and my exactly are different exactlies".
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
Reasons to love Cinder Fall from RWBY, by June / Blightmxb on Twitter
1. Her outfits.
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She's had MORE wardrobe changes than any other RWBY character. she's a fashion victim and she looks GORGEOUS while doing every evil deed
2. Her story.
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She's the survivor of an abusive environment in a world where nothing was given to her, she learned that taking the things she wants is the only way to survive. She's such a tragic villain cause there was never a kind hand that could've lead her on a different path
3. Jessica Nigri's VA skills.
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I cannot stress enough how much i LOVE Cinder's voicing. Her velvety voice when she's being mean, her grunts of frustration, how raw she sounds when she FIGHTS. Jessica Nigri does a marvellous job for her volume after volume!
4. She's a girlfailure.
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She has been defeated numerous times by a little girl, has been allegedly killed by another maiden, challenged by Jaune (affectionate), kicked by THE Blake Belladonna. The list of failures goes on and i support her ALWAYS coming back
5. Her powers.
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She can materialize incandescent cristals, fire, make any given weapon on the spot and BREATHE FIRE. how absolutely COOL is that !!
6. How PETTY she is.
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"Do you believe in destiny?" "Yes." // "Someone once asked me if I believed in destiny and I'm happy to say I still do" Cause after coming back from the dead (almost) she es yet again ready to commit atrocities to become even stronger, i respect her tenacity
7. She looks so awesome.
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The atrocities look GOOD on her and she is a feast to the eyes when she's on screen
8. She is an overconfident, manipulative, intelligent, ruthless, cunning, villain who knows exactly how to get what she wants AND she's a woman.
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Enough of morally corrupted men in media, I want morally corrupted WOMEN who are POWER-HUNGRY & not afraid to take what they want !!
9. If Ruby is the light of RWBY, Cinder is the shadow.
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As the show goes on, Ruby & Cinder both face failure, loss, trauma and they both slowly lose parts of themselves. But while Ruby overcomes the struggles and becomes better, Cinder doesn't change her ways and becomes worse
10. Her Cinderella theme
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i'm obsessed with how she's based on cinderella but she mirrors that entire tale and instead of becoming kind and forgiving and loving she becomes ruthless, cold hearted, and vengeful
11. She is the heart of the conflict in RWBY.
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She’s the only consistent villain that brings conflict to the story. Grimm are background threats, & Salem & the other villains have less impactful scenes but Cinder is ALWAYS at the centre of the main events that further the plot
12. She would give it a shot to bisexuality.
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And I think that's very cool of her to love women !!
13. Overall, I think she's a pivotal character in the RWBY universe who stirs things up and gives us such memorable (and painful) moments and I just love a complex and morally dubious villain !!
Disclaimer, cause I know you guys like to take things out of context. Do I condone her actions? No. She's done terrible things and she'll have to pay for them. Do I think she deserves a happy ending? I think she's too far gone for any hope of redemption, so probably no.
I personally don't want her to die, but knowing how RWBY works there's a slim chance she'll survive after what she's done. So. I would like her to hit rock bottom so hard she realizes she's neck deep in the wrong path, but she can still do One Good thing before she's done for(+)+) and that is sacrifice herself for Ruby. Or save her/help her in any capacity when all seems lost and she's too far gone to survive. Her own little redemption to all the terrible things she's done. That isn't enough but it's Something. I want her dark life to end with a light
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hxlplessheart · 3 months
I’ve decided to open myself back up to finding some more roleplays! I’ve been a bit busy with uni recently and I’ve been missing DMs and such. So, I figured I’d make an official post!
So, Hi! My name varies on the internet, but you can call me V. I’m a 19yo female who has been roleplaying for close to seven years— with a main focus on OC x Canon and OC x OC doubles. My writing style has developed over the years, and I’ve learned how to mirror my partner’s styles pretty well! But, I have a strong preference for literate to novella writing.
My Roleplay Rules and Guidelines:
1. Third person POV writing only.
I really dislike any other POV writing, as I feel like it not only disrupts the flow, but it forces me to have to try and merge my own third person writing into another POV. This makes it clunky and hard to read back on.
2. Doubles for OC x Canon Characters are MANDATORY
I will not budge on this rule. Although I love roleplaying for the connection and a good story, I absolutely will not roleplay just a canon character against your oc because you ‘don’t know how to do doubles’. I know you can do doubles if you wanted to, you just choose not to. And that’s completely fine! I would simply rather not roleplay with you if I am confined to just a canon character and I can’t write my OCs against a canon character. The only exception to this rule is OC x OC threads.
3. NSFW is preferred
I am an adult who is interested in roleplaying adult themes. I am not looking for a strictly NSFW roleplay, but I am interested in the themes being present.
NSFW in this context includes:
- S3xually explicit scenes
- Unhealthy relationships/depictions of toxic behaviors
- Character death/character injuries/ etc etc
- Infidelity/Relationship breaks/ etc etc
This list is not here to be a checklist for everything I want in a roleplay. Rather, it’s a list of examples for what I’m interested in.
4. A minimum of 5 lines is required for a reply
As a descriptive roleplayer, I feel as if it is important to note that I simply will not reply to oneliners, * text, or [Character]:
5. Communication is important!
Please, please please please communicate with me. If you are unhappy with what is going on in a roleplay— please tell me. I will not be upset! Or, if you want to stop, or you’re uninterested in the subject anymore, please let me know! You will not upset me! Also, any sort of NSFW themes must be discussed heavily, and boundaries must be communicated.
6. All participants must be 18 or older
No exceptions.
7. Discord Roleplays Only
And there we go! Those are all of my guidelines for roleplaying with me!
My Fandoms:
- Arcane
- The Arcana
- Gravity Falls
- Resident Evil
- Scream
- Most Slashers
- The Price of Flesh
- Boyfriend to Death
- Lovers Trophy
- Inside Job
- Lackadaisy
- Telltale’s The Walking Dead
- Dying Light 1 & 2
- Stardew Valley
- Hazbin Hotel
- The Wolf Among Us
- The Last of Us
- The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
- Stranger Things
- My Hero Academia
- Ouran High School Host Club
And many, many more
If you have any questions or if you’re interested in a thread please dm me! I’d be happy to discuss specifics from there! :}
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coraniaid · 1 year
Top 5 Faith Moments
Okay.  Just sorting these chronologically and not trying to rank them: it was hard enough to cut the list down to five.  But I think these are the most quintessential Faith moments. Not necessarily my favorites, but the moments that reveal the most about who she is.
from Amends (S3E10)
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“Thanks, but I got plans. There’s this … big party that I’ve been invited to.”
I know that Amends is not a popular episode around here, and I don’t really care for the stuff with the First myself (except for Buffy’s speech to Angel about the importance of fighting and not giving up, which I think is very good). But I have a bit of a soft spot for it because of the Faith content.
The porch scene later on is more probably more of a crowd pleaser, but – as I think I’ve said before – it was this earlier moment in the episode where Faith as a character really clicked for me. The sad little Christmas decorations in her motel room; the way she immediately assumes (correctly!) that inviting her over wasn’t Buffy’s own idea; and the fact she lies – and lies really badly – about already having plans, rather than admit that, just as she doesn’t have anything in her life beyond Slaying, she doesn’t really have anyone in her life who cares about her except Buffy. Even if Buffy doesn't care about her as much as (or in the way that) Faith wants.
She is such a loser (affectionate).
2. from Consequences (S3E15)
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"I've seen it, B. You've got the lust [...] You can’t handle watching me living my own way, having a blast, because it tempts you.  You know it could be you […] There’s my girl."
I think Consequences is probably the best Faith episode -- probably one of the best episodes of Buffy altogether -- and I could have easily picked a few different moments from it. The way Faith keeps trying to convince Buffy (and herself) that she doesn't care about Finch's death. The way she compares herself to Angel when asking why Buffy won't cover for her. Her little muttered "um, sorry" after she lies to Giles about who killed Finch. "I hope evil takes MasterCard".
But I think this scene is probably the best, and the most important for who Faith is as a character: not just a mirror and a shadow to Buffy, but somebody who on some level knows that that's what they are and chafes at the thought of it.
As we'll increasingly see later, Faith is not "having a blast" right now. But part of her is still convinced that, if she can just convince Buffy that she's like her, then somehow everything's going to be okay. Because Buffy is better than other people ("didn't you stop the world from ending?") and so if she and Buffy are the same then so is Faith.
And if she's wrong, if they're not the same after all, well ... maybe she should just try to be more like Angel, then. Didn't Angel just tell her they were a lot alike? And after all, Buffy would have protected Angel. Buffy's into Angel: "Bet a part you even dug him when he went pyscho." Maybe if she were more like Angel, it wouldn't matter if she's wrong that killing Finch didn't matter. Maybe she really wouldn't care.
3. from This Year's Girl (S4E15)
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"I know what it’s like.  You think you matter, you think you’re a part of something, and then you get dumped.  It's like the whole world is moving and you're stuck, like those animals in the tar pits. It's like you just keep sinking a little deeper everyday and no-one even sees."
This is both really sad, in a way that echoes Faith's speech to Buffy in Sanctuary a few episodes later ("there's just pain and hate and nothing you do means anything"), and weirdly funny. I mean, with the Mayor dead, Joyce is probably the adult that Faith has the best relationship with in the world at this point. (Faith describes her as "really cool" when she first meets her, she knows that it was her who invited her over for Christmas, and next episode we see that she still has a lot of sympathy for Faith, even after this episode.)
I think that (given her own parental situation), Faith really does feel affronted on Joyce's behalf that Buffy hasn't been around to visit more. And it's not like she has any friends she could go and pour her heart out to about waking up to find that she's been 'dumped'.
But Faith has just broken into Joyce's house and taken her hostage. Faith is holding a knife to her throat. She keeps reminding her that she could and probably will kill her. This is not, perhaps, the best time to complain that her daughter has moved on from Angel to somebody else who still isn't Faith.
4. from Who Are You? (S4E16)
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"Because [...] I could do anything I want, and instead I choose to pout and whine and feel the burden of Slayerness. I mean [...] I could have anything. Anyone. Even you, Spike."
Cannot stress enough that this is the first time Faith has ever met Spike. Five seconds ago she didn't know who she was talking to, she didn't even know he was a vampire. Now she's sharing as detailed a fantasy as late 90s network television would allow on air about just how amazing it be to have sex with Buffy Summers, while complaining bitterly that Buffy is a "stuck-up tight-ass with no sense of fun".
I ... uh. Somehow I don't think it's Spike that Faith is upset Buffy won't have sex with.
5. from Dirty Girls (S7E18)
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"Willow said you needed me. Didn't give it a lot of thought."
I really don’t like the second half of Season 7 much but I think one of its saving graces (after Chosen) is that it brings Faith back to the show.
And I love the dynamic that Faith and Buffy have this season: the way Faith says "Willow says you needed me" with that slight stress on 'needed', as if it perfectly explains why she's here, only to immediately second guess herself and ask if Buffy wants her to leave. The way Buffy awkwardly says she's "glad" that Faith is back in town (echoing the Amends porch scene). All the other callbacks to Seasons 3 and 4, to Consequences and Who Are You?, that the show manages in its last half a dozen episodes.
And I love how quickly the show re-establishes Faith as a major character, and how her relationship with Buffy is both so different and so similar to when she was last in Sunnydale. How the constant throughline of her character throughout both Buffy and Angel is really just "being weirdly obsessed about Buffy Summers all the time", but that obsession evolves from resenting the thought that she should be more like Buffy to trying to persuade or force Buffy to be more like her instead, then trying to do what she thinks Buffy would want her to (go to jail, come back to Sunnydale), and then finally to being forced against her wishes into taking over from Buffy as 'the' Slayer ("this was supposed to be my town!") and realizing how little she really wants that.
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adarkrainbow · 9 months
Spooky season fairytales (2)
If there are two "Halloween fairytales" among the great and well-known classics, it would be "Hansel and Gretel" (see my previous post), and "Snow-White".
I have to admit that Snow-White has strong connotations with winter, and has been interpreted many times as a winter or spring tale (the spring interpretation being part of this wave of analysis which has every female fairytale protagonist saved from death or sleep be a symbol of spring - Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, and many more). But when you think about it, Snow-White is the perfect Halloween tale. It involves kind of "resurrecting" the dead. It involves a witch as an antagonist. It is centered around an apple, which is THE Halloween fruit. It relies on the use of disguises. It has a magical mirror - and Halloween was a night for divination by mirror and other mirror-rituals. EVERYTHING IS HERE!
And it also helps that surprisingly, it got the horror treatment many, many times. More than actual horrifying fairytales. But I'll blame this on the first movie in my "Spooky watch-list":
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Why is it on a list of creepy, dark and horror movies you ask? Because this movie, despite being incredibly sweet and a childhood classic, was also frigginly terrifying. It traumatized entire generations of children - kids had to be removed from theaters due to some of the creepy sequences. And still today horror pieces take inspiration from Disney's movie!
Three specific sequences form the "horror trio" of this movie. 1) The scene of Snow-White fleeing the hunter in the forest, and her terror-induced hallucinations which make the forest a place of horror. 2) The scene of the Witch-Queen going in her skeletons-flled dungeons, brewing deadly poisons, and ESPECIALLY the scene of her painful and frightening transformation into the old hag. The old hag herself is a terrifying visual which defined the image of a witch for most of the 20th century, and stayed a children's bogeywoman for generations. (By extension the Magic Mirror itself is a very creepy element of the movie, with its eeriness and uncanniness) 3) The sequence going from Snow-White's death to the death of the wicked queen. This climax of the movie is also yet another scene of great terror for any little kid.
Overall, it is ironic, but Disney's Snow-White stays one of the creepiest and more frightening faithful retellings of the Grimm fairytales - at least for a third of the movie. The rest is just wholeness cuteness and beautiful animation.
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Of course, nowadays when you search for "dark fairytale movies", you will always end up hearing about 2012's "Snow-White and the Huntsman". One of the two Snow-White movies released on this year, alongside "Mirror Mirror" - and the two competing in very different lanes, since Mirror Mirror was a more light-hearted, humoristic, and "traditional fantasy" take on the fairytale, whereas "Snow-White and the Huntsman" was a "grimdark" take on the story, which marked the grimdark genre of the 2010s clearly embodied by the televisual success of "Game of Thrones".
I also like to draw a parallel between this movie and "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters", which form the two "adult dark action-fantasy" fairytale movies of the 2010s. Not that they are identical, far from it - "Witch Hunters" is a fast-paced, video-game-like, "punch-em-all-kill-em-all-and-big-explosions-everywhere" type of "dark fantasy action movie", with a lot of humor (or of attempts at humor), while this movie truly goes for gritty fight scenes, vicious war depictions, and is dead-serious in its treatment of the story as a grand epic about survival in the wilds, the destruction of nature, evil sorcery and kingdom-destroying conflicts.
If you ask me, I understand why the reception of this movie was very divisive, and why it was a success despite everybody mocking it or hating it at the time of its release. This movie is a true "neutral" piece. It is an admirable movie - because it has absolutely stunning visuals, impressing special effects, and it is a gorgeous movies with some fascinating and clever ideas. It does take inspiration from the Disney movie "Snow White and the seven dwarfs", very clearly, but the way it twists these references into proper horror material or true dark fantasy matter (such as the "dark forest") is done very well. But it is also unfortunately a forgetable movie by many aspects. For example, I personally did not care about the two titular characters (Snow-White and the Huntsman) which did not felt like actual characters, but more like simple "plot-puppets", here to clearly fulfill a very archetypal and stereotyped fantasy plotline filled with rushed elements and extremely-thin character development. Hopefully not all the characters are bad - and in fact, beyond the stunning visuals, there is one character this movie should be seen for.
Ravenna, the evil queen. She is definitively one of the "best" part of this movie (though definitively one of the most evil and vile characters of fairytale movies) - everything about her from her concept (the queen of Snow-White turned fantasy evil overlord/inhuman witch-queen) to her crazy outfits passing by her impressive magic spells and the way her actress truly offers an intensely deranged embodiment of narcissistic evil... This is one of the more monstrous and frightening depictions of the evil queen I saw and I am all here for it. Two scenes in particular stand out for me: the poisoned apple scene (which is a true twist that does come off as very well executed) and the concept of the "magic" mirror and how it works.
Unfortunately, for an excellent half of the movie, there is another that is... at best average, at worst boring - hence the "neutral" of this movie. And of course, there is also the very awkward fact that instead of hiring dwarf actors for playing the dwarfs, they hired big-named actors of average height who were then "shrunk" by special effects... A very bad move that did not go unnoticed at the movie's release and does hit a bit more this very ambitious but ultimately half-working piece. Go watch it for Ravenna, for the Dark Forest, for the Sanctuary and the Magic Mirror and the poisoned apple scene... But the rest you can skip without losing much.
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However, "Snow White and the Huntsman" was certainly not the first attempt at making Snow-White a dark and mature fantasy movie. Oh no! There was a predecessor long before it - a movie that should not be forgotten and did mark the history of Snow-White adaptations. I am talking of course of the 1997's "Snow White: A Tale of Terror", still coming at the top of "dark fairytale movie" lists.
This movie as to my knowledge the first real attempt at making a horror story out of Snow-White - in a time when making fairytales dark and "edgy" wasn't a common fashion. It also stood out for many different reasons - but it most notably stood out for its treatment of the "evil queen" character, Lady Claudia, played by none other than friggin' Sigourney Weaver herself! One has to watch the movie just to see Weaver's performance and appreciate the handling of the character of Claudia. This movie was one of the first ones who tried to depict the "wicked stepmother" of the tale as an actual human being, driven to evil rather than just evil from the beginning. Claudia is a woman who is seen falling into despair and madness as she is hit with all sorts of blights, ranging from things we can relate to (an impossible relationship between step-daughter and step-mother) to absolutely awful things - and this all serves to draw an explanation as to where her narcissistic vanity and where her hatred from Snow-White comes from, instead of just cartoonish petty jealousy. And once the human side of the character has been fully established, we delve into a terrifyingly inhuman one, as she becomes a dreadfully powerful wicked witch - to tell you the scope of this movie, the first two attempts at murdering Snow-White, the comb and the corset, were replaced here by Claudia summoning NATURAL DISASTERS.
Mind you this movie is far from being perfect - and while it is admirable in term of fairytale movies, it is definitively not working great as a movie simple. For the most part it works and is absolutely "gorgeous" (sometimes in the most repulsive ways): you have good acting, cool ideas and concepts, fascinating costumes and set pieces (the "magic mirror" is immensely cool), some good practical special effects, and very cunning use and display of character psychology and character growth (I especially appreciated the twist of Snow-White, here Lilly, trusting the obviously monstrous and frightening old woman, because she learned from experiences to not trust appearances and that ugliness doesn't mean evilness).
But all that being said, there's flaws. Already if you are an animal lover be careful: there are some visuals that can be harsh, and there are some animal stunts that seemed dangerously unsafe (I unfortunately could not find information on if animals were actually hurt). Outside of that, the climax of the story and grand final does seem a bit confusing and throw-around a bit, with some stuff coming out of nowhere, some things never explained (and not in the good "mysterious" way, in the "I want the visual and the idea but I don't know how to fit it in" kind of way), and there's some moments where you sense they truly wanted to go far with the shock value (*cough cough* the father tied to the upside-down cross* cough cough*). Plus there's the whole rushed relationship between Lilly (Snow White) and the outlaws (seven dwarfs - except here only one is a dwarf). You start with a point A (Lily is the terrified hostage of outlaws that are not pleasant nor kind) and you have a point C (Lily is now a good friend of the outlaws and admired by them, and even has a romantic tension with one of them - you can guess which, he's the one they purposefully made sexier than the other), but the point B about the development of such a character growth is missing.
Overall it feels that this movie was a project too ambitious for its means and for its time - but we won't hold a grudge towards it, because for its two thirds it stays a brilliant and truly strong piece of dark fairytale storytelling with excellent ideas (that were truly new and groundbreaking at the time of the movie's release), and while the last third is confused, rushed and incomplete, you still feel the heart and the intentions there.
However if I end up learning animals were actually hurt during the making of the movie, I'll really be pissed off (I am especially thinking about the horse stunts at the beginning, which didn't look really safe).
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Not a movie, but to conclude this post I HAVE to mention Neil Gaiman's brilliant and disturbing shot story "Snow, Glass Apples". Released in 1994 - and it is no spoiler what the story is about now - it is not the first time someone reimagined Snow-White as a vampire (Tanith Lee did it before in her "Red as Blood" book), but it is certainly the most popular take on this idea and what in fact made this concept more well-known in popular culture.
Beware however - because this isn't just about Snow-White being a vampire, and the "stepmother" an actual benevolent queen and good witch, in a simple twist of the original tale. Oh no... It is a dark and depraved (in a good way) piece that depicts Snow-White as a old-fashioned vampire, in the style of the original Dracula and the folk monsters that came before him. We are talking of a frightening nightmare, of a village-decimating plague, of a repulsive undead succubus, of a blood-sucking beast in human shape...
One thing I do find fascinating with this story is that in its depraved elements, it ends up being an eerie echo to the first chapter of "Ludwig Revolution". Those that read the manga will know what I am talking about.
If you do not want to read the short story (despite it being actually available for public freely right here), there is a brilliant and gorgeous comic-book adaptation by Colleen Doran released in 2019. The beautiful, detailled, richly ornated, carefully-crafted art of Doran serves to better highlight the Gothic morbidity and the repulsive folklore behind this tragic and poetically bleak retelling, by adding fairytale colors to the nightmare, and freezing the horror in a stained glass.
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chikinan · 3 months
the mirror scene from evil dead 2 happens to me every morning I'm just chill about it
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booasaur · 1 year
SPOILERS for Warrior Episode 4
Where to fucking start with this episode? The beginning of the episode broke my heart all over again. So much death and destruction! Even worse is the rift it caused between Ah Toy and Nellie. Ah Toy blaming Nellie and herself for indulging in this fantasy that was too good to be true. It’s easier for Nellie to be optimistic with her privilege as a wealthy white lady. In season 2 she pushed Nellie away because it wasn’t safe in Chinatown. Now she’s pushing Nellie away because it’s not  safe for them outside of Chinatown. Ah Toy leaving after telling Nellie “Happy mean nothing if you are dead.” Fucking hell. 
Ah Toy going back to Chinatown and immediately throwing herself back into work. Staring in the mirror, the bruises on her face. Covering up her wounds and trauma with makeup, wearing her dress like armor. Back to square one again and it sucks. It was sweet when Ah Sahm came to see her though. We also see the darkness in Lai rising again, poor baby. I guessed that Ah Toy’s line was gonna be the title, “In Chinatown, no one think about forever.”
Finally, Nellie is crushed when that judge took her away their land as “imminent domain.” She starting to see the limits of her power as a wealthy white woman, because of sexism. The fucking audacity of Dickhead to be like “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Nellie was unhinged and dragged his ass in front of everyone. Flashbacks to Penny and Buckley last season…please don’t throw her in an asylum! It wasn’t surprising that he bribed the judge. If he did that, then what’s the point of attacking the vineyard and killing innocent women?? Male ego and pettiness, that’s what!
I hope we’ll see Ah Toy and Nellie  together again next episode. They need each other more than ever now! Ah Toy will get revenge eventually, so Dickhead better watch out!
Yeah, the opening was brutal, and the thing is, normally I'd think Ah Toy is reacting more to her internalized fear and indeed, punishing herself for daring to wish for more, for herself, but in the end she's right. Usually Nellie WOULD be able to use her lawyers and money would win, but you can't win against someone who's just as white and wealthy as you and also male and who wants power and uses that to influence others. It's such a good point, why attack when you were already going to get the land? Just plain evil.
Indeed, now, I'm not sure what the plot is for Nellie going forward. They probably won't repeat something from before, but her role on the show is tied so strongly to Ah Toy, what is there for her if they're separated? And as much as I wish they are back together in the next ep, I think this is the part of that review where Ah Toy is going to be depressed, because in effect she has lost Nellie. If she were to get that support again, I feel like that would help resolve her arc too quickly. I think there's more of downward spiral in store for her, for all of them, until enough is enough.
But, you know, that actually makes me more hopeful for Nellie's future, at least at the moment. It's absolutely very possible that she does die in the next eps, but there's no narrative weight to it now, she's already lost everything, and she and Ah Toy are already separated. Its biggest impact would have been when they were happy together, so in ep 3, actually. Now... I'm just not sure.
That scene of Ah Toy putting on the makeup was so good! Sad but very effective and honestly, kind of beautiful. Although, see, that's where I think it IS her punishment for herself and inability to accept she deserves more that stops Ah Sahm, because, well, why not assassinate him? They've done it before. But I guess that's literally her season's arc. It'll happen, hopefully, even if later on, that's the "getting even" part the review addresses.
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abbymorla · 5 months
Blog Project Day 9 2/4/24
Perfect Blue
I was not prepared for the fake rape scene what the heck. I feel like this truly provides an insight into what it is like as an actress and pop idol. People constantly want more from you. It makes me empathize with people who take on such difficult roles. This poor girl feels societal pressure to perform this role that clearly makes her uncomfortable but she does it anyways because she doesn’t want to be a pop star anymore. It’s sad and twisted that she has to choose between two evils.
Not to mention the fact that she has a literal stalker watching her and posting on the internet about her. It seems accurate to what celebrities really go through invasion of privacy wise. Maybe this is why we see celebrities go off the walls sometimes. This girl came home thought her fish were dead, tore up her room, and then hallucinated herself in the mirror from the stress this role put on her.
It’s funny because she can’t do anything right. When she was a pop idol people threw stuff at her, now as an actress people view her as tarnished and not so innocent anymore. No matter what she does she is also sexualized in a weird way.
Mima’s stalker has a mental illness or a skewed perception of her in his head. He thinks that the actions of Mima now are not applicable to his perception of her. Therefore he has convinced himself that he must kill this version of Mima.
“So maybe she is more like me than myself”. This is super sad to hear Mima say. In a world with so much public eye, it seems as though everyone is so scrutinized that you cannot be yourself. This is very applicable to today’s society.
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
Howd you rank your liking of Megop thru the continuities?
Before I get to that, let me just sat that the idea of megop in itself does a lot or me, so I'm probably gonna be into any megop as long as it vagely follows the standard TF pattern. The inherent intimacy of being archnemesis, being each other's equal match, only being able to stand on equal footing with the enemy leader, the respect among fellow warriors, blurring the lines of what romance even means, the grandiosity of it all.
So, the actual ranking after tfp and idw is not something set in stone or anything, my answer may have been different on another day. Only includes things I've watched/read, which aren't that many:
1.- IDW1 and TFP: You cannot make me choose between these two. IDW1 is, of course, my favorite continuity, and even tho the megop is not as strong in some parts, it still has all the elements I like. The fact that they know and understand each other so well despite never being friends. Megatron lives to fight, he needs a dance partner. Optimus has spent his entire life chasing after Megatron one way or another, Megatron made him who he is. Their paths mirror each other even when they're in separate series altogeher. Megatron doesn't hate Optimus. Look at Chaos Theory! That thing is one step from being a megop bdsm fic! Lots of things to say here, but we need to move on.
Now on the other hand we have TFP, that's the classic, the blueprint, my-nemesis-comic.jpg. If I had to guess, I'd say there was a before and after TFP in fandom regarding megop, but I have no idea actually, so don't quote me on that. Still, that show is insane, Megatron basically flirts with Optimus every time they're on screen, having Megatron back is the one thing Optimus wants for himself and he gives up even that. It has all the breakup drama! Except for Megatron, they might as well not have broken up, but the nature of their relationship changed. Battling Optimus is his favorite thing in the world. The show really does give the impression that these two are on a world of their own. And while I usually like to disregard most of the Aligned side materials on my reading of tfp, those megop bits of Exodus really are something, huh.
2.- IDW2 they were friends, now they're destined to fight each other for the next million years. They're not as intense as tfp but damn, Megatron might as well be telling Optimus he wants him chained in his bed.
3.- Cyberverse: Same thing but goofier. Megatron literally didn't win the war because he was too gay to kill Optimus and then died in his arms. Amazing. (He's not dead he's in the hospital).
4.- Sunbow Cartoon/General G1 concept: It's simple and straightforward, you can project onto it the things I like about megop and because it's G1 it's very malleable. You can take it in all kinds of directions! Always love to see what fandom does with it.
4.5.- Shattered Glass: same thing but in reverse and evil Optimus is hot. That's it.
5.- Prime Wars: It's G1, but they're old, tired and retired. They should meet and beat each other up like old times. And the whole sequence of Optimus firing Megatron? 10/10
6.- Netflix' War for Cybertron: this couls have been so good, except the show was pretty bad at properly explaining its backstory. Still, a girl takes what she can get and those scenes in season 2 are juicy. But I tempted to put this higher in the list because WFC gave me on of the best takes on megop NEMESIS/GALVATRON. Evil angst boyfriends!! They are in this situation because they were both idiots, Megatron finally got to kill Optimus and ended his last moments as himself regreting not working with him. Now they are together again. It took being enslaved by Unicron for them to get along again, but they have each other now, they have nothing but each other, not even who they used to be. It's depressing, it's great. I'm gonna have to be the change I want to see and write something about them because I'm obsessed.
7.- TFA: I used to enjoy it more, but I've fallen out of love for it. Lacks a lot of the elements I like about most megop, but there's appeal in Optimus catching the eye of this almost-mythological terror because he managed to beat him. Most of the content for it is not really to my taste, tho, but House Divided is my favorite take on it.
8.- Beast Wars: It's okay. It's not a bad ship or anything, but it doesn't really awaken anything in me. They hate each other, sure, but not in a gay way, more in the way you hate a mosquito. And then, as far as hatemances go, Rampage and Depth Charge show up to completely.
Mmm that should be it, unless I'm forgetting something. I have still read fic for other megops and I must say the whole Protector/Prime concept really appeals to me, but afaik it doesn't show up in the movies and I'm not interested in watching them regardless.
I'm eagerly awaiting Earthspark, not to have hope, but I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind.
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crowning-art · 2 years
OK what I love so much is that the mask Hua Cheng has chosen for himself is of a smiling face, not split emotion, just smiling. And like there is soooooo much going on with that.
-There's the fact that when Xie Lian is with Hua Cheng, he understands his emotions better, and there's no confusion of whether to laugh or cry. Which is basically a running theme of Hua Cheng always bringing the 'best' out of Xie Lian (whether it's true kindness and happiness or finally being able to release all the pent up anger and emotions).
-There's the fact that it represents his true state of happiness being beside his beloved and being a source of help and protection for him after so long.
-It's about the fact that the mask hides his true sorrow and anguish because the pain he felt that day in the temple had not subsided.
It's just so cool to see how many different things are going on with ONE mask.
UGH AND ANOTHER THING! It seems that after the uhh stabbing incident, everything is suddenly reflecting the events from book 1 and 3. The parallels are insane, for instance;
One end of that white silk band was wrapped around Xie Lian’s wrist, the other wrapped on that black-clad youth’s wrist, and the silk band itself was pulling taut gradually. It wasn’t that it didn’t want to break away, but that black-clad youth had kept a tight hold on it, like it was squeezing a venomous snake at its fatal point, and from his hand emitted an endless chilling air.
This is exactly what happens when they were in the desert headed to Banyue and he sends Rouye to save him and it's the same thing but the circumstances are sooo different.
Also when he sets the Yong'an palace ablaze and it's literally mirroring the day Xianle fell as well.
After causing such havoc, all the attendants within the Yong'an Palace were jolted awake, and the air was filled with the cries and curses of those putting out the fires and those making their escape, very much the same scene as when the Palace of Xianle was set ablaze.
More ✨️parallels✨️
It feels as tho books 2 and 4 are a dirty mirror reflection of books 1 and 3 and I dunno, it's so cool to see that.
A moment later, he said profoundly, “I swear to die following Your Highness.”
Xie Lian, however, pulled back his hand, tucking his arms into his sleeves. He turned around and said cooly, “You’re already dead. Come.”
Acc he was kinda always witty, but he's more deadpan and sassy in his evil form lol
Lol I don't know where the whole thing came from that Xie Lian is represented by a ferret/bunny when it's written right there that he is white cat lol. (Not that I mind the ferret/bunny cuz it's so so absolutely adorable either way!)
Xie Lian arrived deep in the night. Beneath the moonlight, he was like a white cat soundlessly flying through the dense and tightly-packed spines of roofs of the new imperial city, and that black-clad warrior was like a black spirit fox, following closely behind. Soon, the two shadows landed before a large gate.
Hua Cheng as a fox has stuck tho which is very interesting lol
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blurbry · 11 months
Rambles That Noone asks for Day 2:
Todays topic: Vidow Development? (I guess)
I noticed something common, not just in the FS fandom either, often times in other Zelda fandoms or Just in general, that a lot of people ignore the character development and instantly jump to The conclusion of toxicity in the relationship because they saw one glimps of a commonly used scene and refused to see it any furthur.
The one development i notice, most commonly skipped over, is Vio and Shadows redemption arch.
Shadow may have outwardly attacked out of anger that vio would betray Lord vaati and his trust, but on the inside i feel it was also personal, past the trust. Vio took a hammer to the dark mirror, had he smashed the glass shadow would have died and or been weakened severely (depending on how badly vio damaged it). In retaliation Shadow attempts to execute vio. Betrayal of trust. Protection of self. I feel his brain process was "eliminate the threat" its like an animal, if you threaten an animal who is known for its sharp claws and holding grudges, its going to attempt to alleviate its pain and eliminate its threat.
The end of the manga, Shadow took Vios disguise. He could have turned to any link, as evident by the manga beginning when he pretended to be whole link to fool Links dad.
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But he chose vio.
He helped the heros rather than going on a foot stomping tantrum and raving through the tower to sabatouge them. Zelda had helped a little with this by showing him light wasnt that bad and he too was a hero.
He smashed the mirror on his own accord, used it to see VIO one last time, before ultimately putting himself through his demise. (Which in reality i think it only killed his physical body, evident from when the sword is returned and shadow gives a thumbs up) (i say its vio because the side by side comparison matches)
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Green even, said youre one of us, a friend. Then the light shimmered on him and he poofed (rip shadow.)
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Vio then states: he wasn't evil, he just wanted attention of which he doesn't receive as a shadow. "He wanted to be with us...to be with his family"
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Shadows are put behind people, always to weakly follow like pawns to a game, no one (except maybe kids) turn to acknowledge what is there, they just keep their eyes forward to the warm sun. I feel the statement "wanting to be with his family" can be taken two ways! Shadow wanted to be accepted and attentioned by the links, the very thing he branched from when born from darkness, Or, The links are his brothers and we're just blind as bats (I doubt this though, it would have been explained if it were so.) All In all, Vidow is only Toxic if you make it toxic. It's funny that If the iconic trust betrayal scene never happened Vidow would probably be a very rare ship and or a dead ship because it wouldn't have that uniqueness that we all fell in love with 18(?) years ago.
Anyways, Its 3am I have no idea what I'm rambling about. Day 3 will be about Fic rewrite progress.
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boltedfruit · 5 months
I have totally stolen this tag from @ladyvaderpixetc, for fifteen fave shows!
1. The OA: I will never forgive its cancellation. Contains my number one problematic ship of all time. A true declaration of love in all its forms in a neat two seasons that should have been allowed to grow and continue. I adore it.
2. Altered Carbon (season 1): still love season 2 but it lacked some kind of pizazz I still can't pinpoint. Wonderful exploration of grief and life. Better than the book. Women led!!
3. True Blood: Eric being uninvited from Sookie's house and levitating backwards, offended, out the door will never not be peak comedy. I will never read the books because I don't want to read a world where Lafayette does not live.
4. Daredevil season 2/The Punisher season 1: season 2 of The Punisher was bad. I miss him.
5. Midnight Mass: beautiful, gorgeous, perfection in all its forms. The priest is hot and misguided.
6. Haunting of Bly Manor: queer grief, Big Sads, falling in love with a ghost, blows Hill House out of the water.
7.Battlestar Galactica: the only good thing my worst ex ever introduced me to. Suffering always for my crush on angry old man Saul Tigh. Bisexual disasters everywhere. Starbuck would beat me up and I'd let her.
8. Succession: only time I care about billionaires. Cycle of abuse in all its forms. Would Get Down Mr. President for Kieran Culkin any day of the week.
9. Sharp Objects: gorgeous, heartbreaking, equally as wonderful as the book.
10. Lucifer: goofy as hell award. Would simply declare my love for Amenadiel always. Also Mazikeen.
11. Raised by Wolves: when I tell you I had dreams of flying around like Mother for MONTHS. Incensed by the cancellation. Let beautiful things exist and continue!! Sadly suffers from annoying main character syndrome.
12. Evil: only religious themed show to not give me the ick. Actually frightening antagonist in the form of a pathetic little incel wet man who is constantly being foiled by a gaggle of prepubescent girls. Old nun who is fighting her own war with a broom and a mop.
13. The Americans: loved it more than Breaking Bad 🤷‍♂️, very bittersweet ending.
14. Shameless: never over Mandy's everything, Lip, Carl going from chaos incarnate to Good Man and the scene of Frank thinking that little sick girl in the hospital who passed was Fiona. They did Debbie dirty.
15. Walking Dead season 4: hot cowboy cop rips man's throat out with teeth, reaffirms familial bonds, more at eleven.
Honorary mentions: Mindhunter, House MD, Yellowjackets, The Office (US), Halo, True Detective, Boardwalk Empire, Mare of Easttown, The Outsider, American Horror Story, The Last Kingdom, Black Mirror, Sons if Anarchy, Westworld, Spartacus.
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I'm so glad you opened a new blog for this game!
I can't wait until it gets out!
I actually understand a little bit of Japanese vocal (but not the kanji lol)
So to what I get of the character relationship with eachother (it might not correct though!)
Liam: says that will is their and doesn't want be hated him
Victor: says tha he and will are the head of the CROWN but their relationship doesn't go to be so close and advise to be careful around him
Liam: says that the 2 of them are partner and That he is a bit of a troublemaker but still kind but for some reason Harry looks at him with sad eyes
Victor: he likes him and finds him cool!!!! But it one-sided love...
William:(his lines are so complicated!!!) He finds him cute and says that Liam is ready to hurt someone or himself for love (not so sure about this one!)
Harrison:he doesn't not think of as a partner but as an acquaintance but doesn't think he's evil at all
Alphons: Since the first time they met he thinks he's a weirdo
Ellis: says that Elbert is always searching for beauty and he wants to help him and wonders when will he be happy
Elbert: thinks that Al know him better than himself
Roger:(i really had a hard time to get what he says) Al has the mirror of snow white which mean he can see through people (really not sure about this, but anyway Roger seems an expert of curses!)
Alphons:he say he is cruel and very egoist and for that reason to be careful around him
Jude:(I'm in love with his accent but it's to damn hard to understand every single word!!!) Roger is a messed dude and he used to do experiments on people (not sure! Cause this dude speaks kansai!)
Roger: they used to do the same profession (so doctor i guess?) But he decides to stop, still he didn't quit the habit to smoke
Ellis:the day he met him Jude made a promise and for that reason they are together! Doesn't say he is a good person but hoes he can find happiness
Elbert: says that Ellis gives him a lot of things and it hurts him that he can't reach ellis' expectation
Jude:(he sounds like his dad lol!!!) Says that he might seems like quiet but is actually pretty stubborn and because of that he is a pain in the ass and he doesn't want to be with him forever
William:(i really have a hard to understand the lines of this beautiful dude) since the day he met him he's free (not sure!) But is suspicious about the queen from Victor's story (maybe she might be dead JUST A THEORY)
Harrison: Vic puts a lot of tension on him, he is a pain, and a big liar! He can continue to talk bad about for the rest of the day!
First of all, thank you for this! This can be helpful for everyone!
William: I'm happy that William sounds dangerous. Please remain dangerous forever.
Victor: I agree with you! Even I think that Queen Victoria is dead and Victor hiding this truth from the others and is giving orders in her majesty's place...and if the male leads demand that they want to see Queen Victoria, then Victor can pose as Queen Victoria...that's why he grew that long hair, right? Victor? lol
Harry: Sounds like a free-spirited guy, who doesn't care about anything and is cool. Nice! Also, no pun intended.
Liam: This guy looks to be veryyyyyyyyyyyyy self-giving and I don't like those kinds of people. I don't mind if people are a little selfish about themselves. I hope he's not too selfless.
Elbert: I can imagine a scene where Elbert calls MC beautiful and keeps her locked inside his cage as the most beautiful thing in the world.
Alphonse: Still is a psychopath and I don't know why, but out of all, he is the most forgettable character for me. Sorry, Alphonse fans...
Roger: Jude has an accent? Since when? Am I racist for not noticing?
Jude: Okay, I came back after listening to Jude's voice lines and.....i didn't notice the accent, feel free to call me racist... I mean, it's not as noticeable as Yoimiya's accent. I'm sorry. When the trailer comes out, I might notice it. Sorry Japanese people, IF I'VE OFFENDED YOU.
Ellis: Sounds like he's very innocent and clingy?
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Author Interview
Thank you for the tag @galadrieljones!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
111 (I wrote a lot of one shots back in the day)
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I have written for Dragon Age, Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption 2, ASOIAF/GOT, and recently Baldur's Gate. Also, the The Mirror Visitor book series, and another certain video game fandom that we now don't talk about, heheh.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
-Love Song on Sapphire Isle, Jaime x Brienne, GOT/ASOIAF
-In Waking Dreams, Cullen x Quiz, DAI
-The Sweetest Sorrow, RDR2, Arthur x Charlotte,
-Voila, Leon x Ada, Resident Evil
-Our Immortal Longings, Connor x OFC, DBH
5. do you respond to comments?
As much as I can! If someone leaves me a string of comments in succession I'll usually reply to the most recent.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
There was a one-shot where I explored the Inquisitor losing Cullen, and nothing will top that. However, in my small series Leon and Ada fics there tends to be a note of sadness in each one, even if the main fic has a happy ending.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my longfics have happy endings, but I find it doesn't ring true to life if everything is happyhappyjoyjoy. It probably also depends on what your definition of happiness is. Probably Love Song on Sapphire Isle because Jaime and Brienne get married and literally have a pack of children and travel the world--the ending written solely to say Fuck you to the GOT writers for doing that to Jaime and brienne, and at this point I can't count on GRRM for a happy ending for them.
I mean that's what I want, so I would say this ending. (I'd prefer 2/3 kids however, LOL.)
8. do you get hate on fics?
I've been fortunate but I've had a few frankly very stupid comments over the years. One person claimed I was a fetishist because I noted Cullen and Lydia gain weight when they retire but they still think each other is hot. It's more accurate to say I've received unsolicited concrit, which I'm sorry, is and forever will be annoying when you don't ask for it. concrit is helpful, but don't give it when the author doesn't ask. Trust me, we will ask when we want it from people we trust.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I used to write a lot...and I used to enjoy it a lot, but frankly at this point in my life I find I don't enjoy writing it as much unless there's a character exploration to it or something else beneath the surface. I joked a while ago that falling for an IRL man killed my smut writing career, but I think it's more accurate that as I started writing original fiction again I learned to be more purposeful with sex.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
No, but there is a scene in In Waking Dreams that is an homage, if not outright rip off of my favorite scene in one of my favorite movies, That Hamilton Woman. It's the scene before he gives her the coin when they're staying at in inn
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I know of. I'd honestly love it!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
Cullen x Inquisitor for getting me into writing again, but it honestly fluctuates.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I am quite proud of myself for finishing most of the fics I've begun. The one fic though I'd love to finish would be my Morrigan x warden fic simply because it's not a ship I see often. At this point however I'm not going to say I am done with fanfic, but my priorities have shifted.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I have been told it's lyrical, poetic writing and characterization.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I like to rely on dialogue and my descriptions tend to me minimal. There is a fine line of course, too much description will bog a story down.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Should be used sensibly and sparingly and you should know what you're doing. Read a book fairly recently where the characters were bilingual, Spanish and English, and as someone who grew up with a lot of Spanish speakers it rang hollow to me.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age
20. favourite fic you've written?
Why is this so hard? I like them all to a certain degree. There's just something about my one shot Leon and Ada fic Barcelona though. I hadn't even been in the city yet and I still think I got it down so well. The utter helplessness, the slight angst, the longing, the pinning. It reminds me of a version of me that I can't go back to, a version of me so etched in that certain point in time, and yet you wouldn't know it unless you were me. You'd just read it and say "yes."
tagging @myreia @verai-marcel @fiannans @wintersongstress and anyone else!
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