#it's the gradual exponential increase in importance that does it for me
I know they weren’t intended to be romantic from the beginning, but they really were out there turning Tim and Lucy into each other’s most important relationships from the very beginning and no I am not exaggerating.
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grabyourluck-blog · 2 years
'Magic' Words to Build Your Business Exponentially
New Post has been published on https://www.referral-master.com/magic-words-to-build-your-business-exponentially/
'Magic' Words to Build Your Business Exponentially
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It’s fine to build your business gradually, a step here and a step there. But it’s so much better, faster and just plain more FUN to build it by leaps and bounds.
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Below you’ll find the magic words that will help you to do just that. Forget taking the long, slow painful route and resolve to achieve a quantum leap, or true metamorphosis in your business.
1 Magic Word That Quadruples Productivity And Profits
There are a myriad of tasks any one online marketer needs to perform, and the faster and better those tasks are completed, the more profitable the business can be. But struggling marketers who are trying to balance administrative duties, product creation, social media, customer service, formatting and uploading books to Kindle, writing blog posts, setting up JV’s, recruiting affiliates, writing emails, setting up autoresponders, doing research, writing sales copy, answering emails, forum posting and all their many other marketing tasks might be better off doing less, not more.
If you’ve ever been on a ship, you probably noticed the captain doesn’t cook the meals or swab the deck. Nor does he maintain the engines, hoist the sails, plot the navigation or the other 101 duties that are done aboard a ship. Rather, he is the pilot of the entire operation, instructing everyone else on what to do.
Perhaps it’s time you think of yourself as the pilot of your own business. Do those tasks which you are extremely good at, and OUTSOURCE the rest to professionals who excel in those areas. You will not only get far more done, but odds are the work will be completed faster in a more professional manner. And when you can quadruple your efforts by adding a few part time outsourcers, you can also quadruple your results and your profits.
Don’t kid yourself – you cannot do it all and make the kind of money you want. As soon as you can afford to, start outsourcing. It’s not only one of the most profitable things you can do, it also gets you away from the grindstone and able to see the big picture so you can better navigate the waters of your business.
2 Magic Words To Make You A Marketing Rockstar
If you want your content to be seen and shared, and if you want it to make a lasting impression on prospects, then the written word is seldom enough anymore. Let’s do a test: Tell me everything you can about the person who wrote the blog post you read yesterday. Drawing a blank? Now tell me everything you can about a video you saw yesterday. Different story, right?
What if someone calls you on the phone to sell you something you’re interested in, versus someone that shows up at your door. Which one are you more likely to buy from? Assuming you’re not freaked out that a salesman appeared out of nowhere with the product that adequately fits your needs, you’re going to buy from him, not the faceless person on the phone.
Obviously you can’t visit your prospects in person, but you can do something almost as good – USE VIDEO. People remember video over the written word because it engages more of the senses. If you only use the written word, you’re simply not going to make nearly the same level of connection that you could have with video.
Now then, you might be afraid to get in front of the camera. If so, you can start out with slideshow videos, animated videos or screencast videos. Then move up to videos of yourself because this is the real pay off. This is where people start to feel like they can really connect with you and they KNOW you. Remember, content is more important than quality. You don’t have to be the next Steven Spielberg to make this work, you just have to be authentic with something to say that people want to hear.
3 Magic Words That Can DOUBLE Your Sales
You should be doing this every single time you sell a product or service because it will invariably increase your bottom line. Marketers have added hundreds of thousands of dollars to their sales funnels by simply incorporating these three words into every sales system they create.
What are the 3 magic words? ALWAYS BE UPSELLING. Every single time you sell anything, offer an upsell / downsell sequence because it can turn your original $47 sale into a $300 sale or more, simply by offering the customer additional options.
Offer something that is complementary to the original offer. It might make the original offer easier or faster to implement, go into more depth, offer more options, or even perform a service for them. It could be coaching, an additional information product, software, a membership program or anything else that helps the customer to achieve the result they want.
What if you don’t have a product or service to offer as an upsell? Then find an appropriate affiliate product that matches your original offer. And here’s a secret: When a customer turns down an upsell, they are typically more open to buying a lower cost (downsell) product. It’s almost as though the higher ticket item warms them up to the downsell offer. This is why car dealers and real estate brokers like to show cars and properties that are too expensive for the client. Once they show the client something more affordable, the client is more likely to make an offer than if they’d been shown the lower cost model in the first place.
4 Magic Words To Get You More Clients
If you’re selling big ticket items or services, I’m about to utter the 4 words 9 out of 10 marketers dread: PICK UP THE PHONE. Nothing sells as well as face to face contact except perhaps the phone. Let’s face it – your prospects are inundated with emails and shout-outs on social media. If you really want to connect and make the sale, you need to pick up that 500 pound phone and establish a real one-on-one relationship.
If you’re phone-a-phobic, start with existing customers. Find out how they’re doing with the product(s) they’ve purchased and what you can do to help them along (coaching, perhaps?) Next, move on to your lowest hanging fruit – those prospects you deem most likely to bite. Make it a rule to call 5 people each day, and within 3 weeks you’ll notice 2 things: First, being on the phone isn’t so scary anymore. And second, business is definitely picking up.
5 Magic Words That Virtually Eliminate Any Competition
Whatever your niche, there are others who are doing very nearly the same thing, better known as your direct competition. For example, if you’re a weight loss coach, there are thousands of other weight loss coaches you’re competing against to gain clients.
That’s why you’ve got to find a way to stand completely apart from the crowd, and the best way to do this is to CREATE A UNIQUE POSITIONING POINT for yourself and your business. Find that one thing that makes you totally different from all the other weight loss coaches out there, that thing that draws customers to you like flies. And mind you, saying that you’re better, that your work is higher quality, that you’ve got more experience, etc., isn’t unique. Everybody says those things.
Can’t think of anything? Try this: “I will show you how to lose weight while NEVER feeling deprived and still eating the foods you love.”
Sign me up!
Here’s one from a carpet cleaner: “If I don’t remove your stain and get you sparkling clean carpets, I’ll pay you $50 for your time.”
You’re hired!
I wouldn’t need to hear another word in order to choose this carpet cleaner over all the others – would you?
A Chiropractor might advertise: “I’ll get you immediate relief from your back pain or your visit is completely free.”
That’s what I want to hear – make me an appointment now!
6 Magic Words That Double Subscribers
You already know how crucial it is to continually build your list. But are you being aggressive enough? The vast majority of websites are missing opportunities to grab more subscribers because they don’t PLACE OPT-IN BOXES ON EVERY PAGE of their website. Yet this simple step can as much as DOUBLE the number of subscribers you get from your site.
Most websites have an opt-in box on the homepage or none at all. But very few have an opt-in box on every single page. And fewer still place opt-in boxes on both the right sidebar above the fold, and again at the bottom of each post. But adding these boxes along with a great incentive to sign up will increase the number of subscribers you get. And make sure your opt-in box stands out with clean lines and no clutter.
Go ahead and place opt-in boxes in unexpected places as well. Do you have sales pages? Place an opt-in box on each one. Do you have more than one sign-up incentive? You might place one incentive in the right sidebar, and the other at the bottom of the page. This way if one incentive doesn’t interest them, then the other one might. You can then position your follow ups according to the incentive they chose.
You might even place a video with your opt-in boxes, instructing the reader to fill in their email address and press the button to get the incentive. By telling people what to do, you increase the chances they’ll actually do it.
Can you make a short, snappy and powerful quiz people can take? This is another way to capture email addresses. Once they finish the quiz, you request their email address so you can send them their confidential results via email.
7 Magic Words To Build Your Visibility And Reach a Larger Audience
If you’re not doing Google Hangouts yet, you’re missing the boat. Google Hangouts will increase your visibility, help you boost traffic to your site, improve your search engine ranking, improve your authority, increase the distribution of your content, and connect you to your potential customers, affiliates and joint venture partners. Therefore, HOST REGULAR GOOGLE PLUS HANGOUTS ON AIR. Hangouts are multi-participant video chats. When you host a hangout, you can carry on a training or conversation.
Your Hangouts might be informal chats, scripted or anything in between. You can keep the Hangout private, or you can live stream and broadcast your Hangouts on Hangouts On Air. By publicly streaming your show, it’s automatically recorded and added to your YouTube account. You can also embed it on your website.
If you don’t want it to go live, you can make it private, download it when you’re finished and edit it before posting it.
This is a great way to reach a huge audience and strengthen your reputation. Make a plan on how and when you will use Hangouts on Air, and set up a regular schedule for broadcasting. Think about using Google Hangouts for teaching and lecturing, for coaching, consulting, interviews, webinars, product demonstration, hold question and answer sessions, etc. The possibilities are exciting and nearly endless.
8 Magic Words That Increase The Money In Your List 10 Fold
A list full of buyers is worth at least 10 times more than a list full of people who haven’t purchased anything from you yet. In fact, in most cases a buyers list is often worth closer to 100 times more than a list of prospects, and here’s why: When someone purchases anything from you, even if they only spend $1, they are now in a vastly different mindset concerning their relationship with you and your products. They now have an OWNERSHIP mindset because they own one of your products, and because of this they are far, far more likely to purchase from you again and again and at higher and higher price points.
So what are the 8 magic words that increase the money in your list 10 fold or more? TURN PROSPECTS INTO BUYERS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. In the beginning it doesn’t really matter if they are spending $1 or $100. The important thing is they have crossed that threshold from prospect to buyer.
How do you get prospects to immediately buy? The easiest way is to get them pre-sold by people they already know and trust. This means having affiliates refer people to you. If you cookie the affiliates in so that they receive commissions on anything prospects purchase for a long period of time, such as a year or even lifetime, affiliates will be more than happy to send you referrals.
Other ways to get people pre-sold on you before they even hit your site is to guest blog, to do joint ventures, and to create products that others in your niche can give away as a bonus to their own product. Whatever it takes, turn your prospects into happy customers as quickly as possible and you’ll be able to continue to sell to them for a long time to come.
0 notes
icinch · 2 years
'Magic' Words to Build Your Business Exponentially
New Post has been published on https://www.cinchhomebiz.com/magic-words-to-build-your-business-exponentially/
'Magic' Words to Build Your Business Exponentially
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It’s fine to build your business gradually, a step here and a step there. But it’s so much better, faster and just plain more FUN to build it by leaps and bounds.
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Below you’ll find the magic words that will help you to do just that. Forget taking the long, slow painful route and resolve to achieve a quantum leap, or true metamorphosis in your business.
1 Magic Word That Quadruples Productivity And Profits
There are a myriad of tasks any one online marketer needs to perform, and the faster and better those tasks are completed, the more profitable the business can be. But struggling marketers who are trying to balance administrative duties, product creation, social media, customer service, formatting and uploading books to Kindle, writing blog posts, setting up JV’s, recruiting affiliates, writing emails, setting up autoresponders, doing research, writing sales copy, answering emails, forum posting and all their many other marketing tasks might be better off doing less, not more.
If you’ve ever been on a ship, you probably noticed the captain doesn’t cook the meals or swab the deck. Nor does he maintain the engines, hoist the sails, plot the navigation or the other 101 duties that are done aboard a ship. Rather, he is the pilot of the entire operation, instructing everyone else on what to do.
Perhaps it’s time you think of yourself as the pilot of your own business. Do those tasks which you are extremely good at, and OUTSOURCE the rest to professionals who excel in those areas. You will not only get far more done, but odds are the work will be completed faster in a more professional manner. And when you can quadruple your efforts by adding a few part time outsourcers, you can also quadruple your results and your profits.
Don’t kid yourself – you cannot do it all and make the kind of money you want. As soon as you can afford to, start outsourcing. It’s not only one of the most profitable things you can do, it also gets you away from the grindstone and able to see the big picture so you can better navigate the waters of your business.
2 Magic Words To Make You A Marketing Rockstar
If you want your content to be seen and shared, and if you want it to make a lasting impression on prospects, then the written word is seldom enough anymore. Let’s do a test: Tell me everything you can about the person who wrote the blog post you read yesterday. Drawing a blank? Now tell me everything you can about a video you saw yesterday. Different story, right?
What if someone calls you on the phone to sell you something you’re interested in, versus someone that shows up at your door. Which one are you more likely to buy from? Assuming you’re not freaked out that a salesman appeared out of nowhere with the product that adequately fits your needs, you’re going to buy from him, not the faceless person on the phone.
Obviously you can’t visit your prospects in person, but you can do something almost as good – USE VIDEO. People remember video over the written word because it engages more of the senses. If you only use the written word, you’re simply not going to make nearly the same level of connection that you could have with video.
Now then, you might be afraid to get in front of the camera. If so, you can start out with slideshow videos, animated videos or screencast videos. Then move up to videos of yourself because this is the real pay off. This is where people start to feel like they can really connect with you and they KNOW you. Remember, content is more important than quality. You don’t have to be the next Steven Spielberg to make this work, you just have to be authentic with something to say that people want to hear.
3 Magic Words That Can DOUBLE Your Sales
You should be doing this every single time you sell a product or service because it will invariably increase your bottom line. Marketers have added hundreds of thousands of dollars to their sales funnels by simply incorporating these three words into every sales system they create.
What are the 3 magic words? ALWAYS BE UPSELLING. Every single time you sell anything, offer an upsell / downsell sequence because it can turn your original $47 sale into a $300 sale or more, simply by offering the customer additional options.
Offer something that is complementary to the original offer. It might make the original offer easier or faster to implement, go into more depth, offer more options, or even perform a service for them. It could be coaching, an additional information product, software, a membership program or anything else that helps the customer to achieve the result they want.
What if you don’t have a product or service to offer as an upsell? Then find an appropriate affiliate product that matches your original offer. And here’s a secret: When a customer turns down an upsell, they are typically more open to buying a lower cost (downsell) product. It’s almost as though the higher ticket item warms them up to the downsell offer. This is why car dealers and real estate brokers like to show cars and properties that are too expensive for the client. Once they show the client something more affordable, the client is more likely to make an offer than if they’d been shown the lower cost model in the first place.
4 Magic Words To Get You More Clients
If you’re selling big ticket items or services, I’m about to utter the 4 words 9 out of 10 marketers dread: PICK UP THE PHONE. Nothing sells as well as face to face contact except perhaps the phone. Let’s face it – your prospects are inundated with emails and shout-outs on social media. If you really want to connect and make the sale, you need to pick up that 500 pound phone and establish a real one-on-one relationship.
If you’re phone-a-phobic, start with existing customers. Find out how they’re doing with the product(s) they’ve purchased and what you can do to help them along (coaching, perhaps?) Next, move on to your lowest hanging fruit – those prospects you deem most likely to bite. Make it a rule to call 5 people each day, and within 3 weeks you’ll notice 2 things: First, being on the phone isn’t so scary anymore. And second, business is definitely picking up.
5 Magic Words That Virtually Eliminate Any Competition
Whatever your niche, there are others who are doing very nearly the same thing, better known as your direct competition. For example, if you’re a weight loss coach, there are thousands of other weight loss coaches you’re competing against to gain clients.
That’s why you’ve got to find a way to stand completely apart from the crowd, and the best way to do this is to CREATE A UNIQUE POSITIONING POINT for yourself and your business. Find that one thing that makes you totally different from all the other weight loss coaches out there, that thing that draws customers to you like flies. And mind you, saying that you’re better, that your work is higher quality, that you’ve got more experience, etc., isn’t unique. Everybody says those things.
Can’t think of anything? Try this: “I will show you how to lose weight while NEVER feeling deprived and still eating the foods you love.”
Sign me up!
Here’s one from a carpet cleaner: “If I don’t remove your stain and get you sparkling clean carpets, I’ll pay you $50 for your time.”
You’re hired!
I wouldn’t need to hear another word in order to choose this carpet cleaner over all the others – would you?
A Chiropractor might advertise: “I’ll get you immediate relief from your back pain or your visit is completely free.”
That’s what I want to hear – make me an appointment now!
6 Magic Words That Double Subscribers
You already know how crucial it is to continually build your list. But are you being aggressive enough? The vast majority of websites are missing opportunities to grab more subscribers because they don’t PLACE OPT-IN BOXES ON EVERY PAGE of their website. Yet this simple step can as much as DOUBLE the number of subscribers you get from your site.
Most websites have an opt-in box on the homepage or none at all. But very few have an opt-in box on every single page. And fewer still place opt-in boxes on both the right sidebar above the fold, and again at the bottom of each post. But adding these boxes along with a great incentive to sign up will increase the number of subscribers you get. And make sure your opt-in box stands out with clean lines and no clutter.
Go ahead and place opt-in boxes in unexpected places as well. Do you have sales pages? Place an opt-in box on each one. Do you have more than one sign-up incentive? You might place one incentive in the right sidebar, and the other at the bottom of the page. This way if one incentive doesn’t interest them, then the other one might. You can then position your follow ups according to the incentive they chose.
You might even place a video with your opt-in boxes, instructing the reader to fill in their email address and press the button to get the incentive. By telling people what to do, you increase the chances they’ll actually do it.
Can you make a short, snappy and powerful quiz people can take? This is another way to capture email addresses. Once they finish the quiz, you request their email address so you can send them their confidential results via email.
7 Magic Words To Build Your Visibility And Reach a Larger Audience
If you’re not doing Google Hangouts yet, you’re missing the boat. Google Hangouts will increase your visibility, help you boost traffic to your site, improve your search engine ranking, improve your authority, increase the distribution of your content, and connect you to your potential customers, affiliates and joint venture partners. Therefore, HOST REGULAR GOOGLE PLUS HANGOUTS ON AIR. Hangouts are multi-participant video chats. When you host a hangout, you can carry on a training or conversation.
Your Hangouts might be informal chats, scripted or anything in between. You can keep the Hangout private, or you can live stream and broadcast your Hangouts on Hangouts On Air. By publicly streaming your show, it’s automatically recorded and added to your YouTube account. You can also embed it on your website.
If you don’t want it to go live, you can make it private, download it when you’re finished and edit it before posting it.
This is a great way to reach a huge audience and strengthen your reputation. Make a plan on how and when you will use Hangouts on Air, and set up a regular schedule for broadcasting. Think about using Google Hangouts for teaching and lecturing, for coaching, consulting, interviews, webinars, product demonstration, hold question and answer sessions, etc. The possibilities are exciting and nearly endless.
8 Magic Words That Increase The Money In Your List 10 Fold
A list full of buyers is worth at least 10 times more than a list full of people who haven’t purchased anything from you yet. In fact, in most cases a buyers list is often worth closer to 100 times more than a list of prospects, and here’s why: When someone purchases anything from you, even if they only spend $1, they are now in a vastly different mindset concerning their relationship with you and your products. They now have an OWNERSHIP mindset because they own one of your products, and because of this they are far, far more likely to purchase from you again and again and at higher and higher price points.
So what are the 8 magic words that increase the money in your list 10 fold or more? TURN PROSPECTS INTO BUYERS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. In the beginning it doesn’t really matter if they are spending $1 or $100. The important thing is they have crossed that threshold from prospect to buyer.
How do you get prospects to immediately buy? The easiest way is to get them pre-sold by people they already know and trust. This means having affiliates refer people to you. If you cookie the affiliates in so that they receive commissions on anything prospects purchase for a long period of time, such as a year or even lifetime, affiliates will be more than happy to send you referrals.
Other ways to get people pre-sold on you before they even hit your site is to guest blog, to do joint ventures, and to create products that others in your niche can give away as a bonus to their own product. Whatever it takes, turn your prospects into happy customers as quickly as possible and you’ll be able to continue to sell to them for a long time to come.
0 notes
potatocrab · 4 years
Salvation is a Last Minute Business (17/18)
Chapter 17: Lose More Slowly
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The wide network of Valentine Detective Agency’s allies meet to perfect the plan to infiltrate MIT. On the eve of ‘battle’, Madelyn is apprehensive about one last confession from Deacon. With no time to waste, the fight is taken to Cambridge where the Institute can be exposed once and for all.
“That’s not the way to win.”—Jeff, as played by Robert Mitchum
“Is there a way to win?”—Kathie, as played by Jane Greer
“There’s a way to lose more slowly.” (Out of the Past, 1947)
[read on Ao3] | [chapter masterpost]
June 16th, 1958
It took just over two weeks to solidify the plan to infiltrate the Institute. It hardly mattered that Madelyn and Nick—with Deacon and the Railroad’s help—had previously breached Fort Hagen. This operation was an entirely different beast, that required an entirely different set of skills and resources. There would be no undercover sneaking, or witty aliases this time—just a dangerous game of cat and mouse—a game they all hoped to survive.
After weeks of organizing, Nick decided there was no point in waiting any longer and called a meeting at the agency to be held the evening before their planned attack. The usual group had increased exponentially, with the allies they had gained in the last several months joining them, each with their own part to play. It was remarkable to see everyone in one place, spread out in the lobby (because there was no logistical way to fit so many people in Nick’s tiny office), and it made Madelyn think that maybe—just maybe—they had a shot at finding out the truth behind the Institute’s schemes.
She sat, perched on the edge of Ellie’s receptionist desk so that she could have a clear view of the room, scribbling down the summarized events of what was to occur the following morning. The plan was carefully detailed and outlined in a series of reports and dictated memos, but there was no harm in writing it out one last time. The secretary was working overtime—literally—bouncing from one cluster of people to the next, offering refills of strong coffee or spirits. But nearly everyone was focused on Nick and his giant, wheeled chalkboard of information, and the way it outlined the case’s timeline, all the way back to 1947. The detective was in rare form—sharp, focused, and with a fiery determination Madelyn hadn’t seen in months, or maybe years. Coat discarded and sleeves rolled up, he talked through the details, and didn’t stop for a drink or cigarette.
“…which brings us to the incident at city hall,” Nick gestured to the Publick Occurrences newspaper clipping before stepping away to finally grab a quick sip of his whiskey that sat next to Madelyn. “Did you ever find out why the Boston P.D. were a no-show?”
Sergeant Danny Sullivan, fresh out from the hospital after recovering from his injuries sustained at said incident, sat in a nearby chair. He nodded, looking displeased with the information he was about to share. “It was all Mayor McDonough’s fault, buying off officers. Which means, by proxy, they were paid off by MIT, if we’re still in agreement about who was—is—pulling the strings.”
“Not for very much longer,” Nick replied.
“I’ve had to spend the last two weeks cooped up at New England sending a courier back and forth to the courthouse to perform background checks on my entire squad to make sure none of them have connections to the university,” Sullivan described, shaking his head with a deep scowl.
“Cheer up, Danny Boy,” Hancock quipped, leaned back in the chair at the Sergeant’s side. “At least there’s some good news.”
“Please John,” Nick groused, maybe wishing the younger McDonough brother was still recuperating from his own gunshot wound. “Enlighten us.”
“Made a house call with Bobby to the deputy district attorney last night,” Hancock explained, motioning over to where the former mercenary was fixing his own cup of coffee at the kitchenette. “Did you know that his kid and little Duncan go to preschool together?”
Nick wasn’t amused, and his patience was wearing thin. Though, it always did with the would-be politician. “How cute.”
“Right? And there I was, thinking I’d have to resort to blackmail,” the other man replied.
MacCready laughed as he leaned against the galley, taking a sip from his cup before wincing at whatever he’d poured into the porcelain. “You still blackmailed him.”
“Mild blackmail,” Hancock contended with a shrug, ignoring the way Nick and Madelyn shot him double looks of disappointment and concern. “Agree to disagree. The good news is we sweet talked that stiff into signing a genuine warrant. With somethin’ like that, we’re made in the shade.”
He handed the folded document from his jacket pocket to Sergeant Sullivan, who took his time in reading it over. Nick was still skeptical, leaning against the desk near Madelyn while he slowly nursed his drink.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” the detective urged. “Does it look legitimate?”
“As far as I can tell,” Sullivan affirmed, passing the warrant to Nick to read.
Madelyn glanced over his shoulder, glossing over the familiar legal jargon before focusing on the signature at the bottom—it surely looked like the deputy district attorney’s scrawl. She didn’t think either Hancock or MacCready would jeopardize the case with a little bit of forgery. Not that blackmail was any better, but she could sooth it over with the man who was technically her boss later.
“Well, at least now we have a valid reason to get into the building,” Nick spoke, handing the document back to the Sergeant for safekeeping. “Wouldn’t hurt to have backup on standby, just in case.”
The focus shifted to Preston Garvey who was smiling his thanks as Ellie poured him a new cup of coffee. Standing next to him was Lieutenant Danse—ever the reluctant participant—who had refused a seat and a drink. The only reason why he agreed to assist was for ‘the greater good’. The Institute and their experiments had no place in the United States military, and he was determined to see them exposed for what they truly were.
“The Minutemen are already in position throughout Cambridge,” Preston explained. “Just give me the word, and they can be ready in a minute’s notice.”
The Lieutenant sneered. “We’ll root out those Institute bastards, one way or another.”
“That’s the spirit,” Piper remarked from her spot near the front door. “I’ve done my own reconnaissance around Cambridge and the campus with Mister Neurotic here.”
Tinker Tom sat in a nearby seat, spinning his body in increasingly faster circles until the reporter reached out to stop him. He gazed up at her with wide eyes. “Is that me?”
Piper looked as though she could snap his neck but relaxed with a deep sigh. “Based on his readouts, and those blueprints, we were able to find an unmarked sewer entrance near the eastern banks of the Charles River.”
“Why does it always have to be a sewer?” Madelyn mumbled under her breath, causing Nick to smirk.
“Good work, Piper,” he remarked, the closest he’d gotten to happy all evening. “This means we can go ahead with splitting up into smaller teams.”
“Better if you and Blue take the sneaky route while the rest of us cover your tails,” she gestured to the circle of people, her eyes lingering on the figure leaning against the far corner of the room. “That is, if we can trust these blueprints in the first place, and we aren’t about to send you into a trap.”
Madelyn frowned at Piper, wishing that after all this time her friend could be less cynical about the Railroad and their resources. Sure, their actions were still largely shrouded in mystery, but that didn’t equate to nefariousness. It was important to remember who the real enemy was. She let her eyes drift to where Deacon was standing near the doorway to her office—where he’d been standing all night, just silently listening and watching from behind his darkened shades. A slight shiver ran up her spine and intuition told her his attention was focused on her rather than the other occupants of the room.
“You can trust me,” he finally said, the weight of his words lost on everyone except her. Piper shrugged but didn’t make to argue any further. Madelyn smiled to herself as she broke her gaze away from his face, looking down at the writing on her notepad instead.
Nick stood, bringing the attention back to the timeline. “Let’s not get blind-sighted by the Institute.”
“We have a man to find. Kellogg,” he reminded the group, tapping the chalkboard where the scarred man’s picture hung. “More than that, we have a child to bring home to his parents. Shaun Perlman. I’d like to solve this, once and for all.”
Silent understanding fell over the room, but it didn’t last.
“A toast,” Hancock suddenly declared, raising his glass. “To the best damn detective this city’s ever seen,” he nodded towards Madelyn, grinning like he’d gone mad—maybe he had. “And behind every great man, is an even greater woman. To Valentine and Hardy!”
As it grew closer to midnight, the plans for the following day were solidified and the agency gradually emptied out. The participants would need a good night’s rest—if it were even possible—before they infiltrated the Institute in the morning. Nick and Madelyn saw their guests out, though the detective left her to walk with Deacon outside so they might have some privacy. Even then, she noted Drummer Boy waiting by a parked car with Tinker Tom inside, the two doing everything they could to pretend they weren’t watching the two.
“We’re heading back to the church for a rendezvous,” he explained, positioning himself so the others couldn’t necessarily see their exchange. “Somebody has to fill Desdemona and Glory in on all the nitty-gritty.”
“Is it safe for you all to travel in the same car?” she asked, peering over his shoulder. Call it paranoia, but she’d had enough close calls in the last six months to last a lifetime.  
Deacon softly chuckled, reaching out to gently wrap his fingers through the curls along the side of her face. “You’ve been spending too much time reading those detective novels, Charmer.”
“Or living in one.”  
He looked at her, and there was the unspoken question—will I see you tonight? She frowned a little and sensed his disappointment, even behind his shades. She grasped the hand at his side and brushed her thumbs across his knuckles in affectionate sweeps.
“I’m staying with Nick tonight,” Madelyn said, trying not to sound too sad about it. She mimicked his speech pattern. “Somebody has to make sure he actually sleeps tonight.”
Deacon offered a barely-there smile, which sent her thoughts into a tailspin. He moved his hand so he was softly cupping her cheek, the pad of his thumb ghosting down towards her lips. “What if I said that I had a secret to tell you?”
“What kind of secret?” Madelyn asked in response, her heartrate suddenly increasing at the possibilities. Slowly, the world around her started to fade away, and the only thing keeping her grounded was his touch.
“An important secret,” he answered, breath hot against her mouth.
It was very likely that he was playing some kind of game, all part of an elaborate ruse to get her to come home with him. What could possibly be more important than what she’d already learned about him—his appearance, his home, his name. Unless it was all a lie. Madelyn doubted that, even as a momentary pang shot through her heart. Deacon must’ve noticed the subtle change in her expression because he pulled away just enough, and quickly pushed up his glasses so that she could see his eyes. Their stormy grey-blue color were vibrant with emotion, so striking and intense that she felt overwhelmed. Secret immediately translated in her mind to confession.
Deacon drew her closer again, hand cradling the side of her face. “Madelyn, I—”
Her heart nearly stopped at the sound of her name—her real name—and she had to fight to stay standing as her knees wobbled. Then, she kissed him, if only to stop him from saying anything. Call it fear, call her a coward—she just couldn’t bear to hear the rest of that sentence, even if she was dying to scream it from the rooftops herself. He was surprised for a half-second before returning the kiss, angling them even more out of eyeshot from the loitering Railroad agents. Couldn’t see the boss-man (because face it, she knew the truth about that too) sharing a tender moment with his lady.
Madelyn pulled away just a fraction before they could get carried away in such a public setting and gripped his hand tight. “Cliché confessions spoken in the calm before the storm are a bad omen, don’t you think?”
Deacon blinked, temporarily stunned, but recovered well enough to flash a sideways smirk, one she couldn’t tell was forced or not. The last thing she wanted was to cause a rift between them when they needed each other’s support the most.
“You’re right,” he sighed wistfully, bordering on playing his emotions too thick. He readjusted his shades so they were where they belonged—at least for him. “Wouldn’t want to jinx it.”
The car horn behind them blared into the night and he turned, hand still clasped in hers to see Drummer Boy leaning into the driver’s car window with his arm poised to repeat the action. Tinker Tom was snickering, daring him to do it again. Despite her unease, Madelyn smiled. “Shouldn’t keep the boys waiting.”
He shook his head and brought her hand up so he could press a soft kiss to her knuckles. “Je t’adore.”
Madelyn knew that wasn’t what he really wanted to say, but it would have to do, for now. She kept her eyes on him the entire time as he walked away, shooing Drummer Boy away from the driver’s side door of their vehicle before getting in. Deacon regarded her for one last lingering moment as he started the car before slowly driving away. Within moments, Nick rejoined her on the sidewalk, following her line of sight down the stretch of road.
“Ready to go?”
She turned to face him as a wash of remorse came over her heart. Had she done the right thing? Madelyn studied her partner’s face and his bemused expression, eyebrow raised as he looked back at her with mild concern.
“Nick, have I ever told you that I love you?” she asked, just to see if she could say the words. Easy enough—now why couldn’t she say them to Deacon? Or have them spoken to her?
“Sure you’re saying that to the right fella?” Nick’s laughter died as soon as he noticed her melancholy state and drew closer to her, wrapping her up in a loose hug. He held her long enough, uncaring that they had somewhere to be. When he pulled away, he tilted her chin up with a few fingers and offered a fleeting smile. “Love you too, doll.” 
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June 17th, 1958
“Have I ever mentioned how much I love wet socks?”
Deacon’s hushed voice echoed through the underground tunnel, barely audible over the rushing sound of water that flowed around them and beneath their feet. He was walking a few paces behind Madelyn while Nick advanced ahead, trying his best to ignore the spy’s outburst as he focused on following the makeshift map in his hand.
She glanced over her shoulder at him, narrowing her eyes at the shine from the flashlight he carried. “Once or twice, yes.”
“Wish I had the same idea as you, Charmer,” he sneered, flicking the light across her outfit. She had the foresight to wear the shoes that had already been damaged the last time she went walking through a sewer, and one of her older dresses that despite Codsworth’s cleanings, was still stained with questionable material. “Or is that some kind of bad omen?”
She instantly whipped back around so he wouldn’t see her disappointed frown, though judging by his silence, he knew he’d crossed a line by using those words. Madelyn knew she’d come to regret not letting him say what he wanted to—needed to—but did he have to be so cruel? At first, she was grateful for him to be at her side in this so-called final fight, relying on him for that extra bit of emotional strength and comfort he could provide so well. But now, she almost wished he had stayed topside with Piper and the others or gone with Sergeant Sullivan through the main entrance. His presence was only causing her emotional turmoil, and she couldn’t afford to be distracted.    
This time, Nick was the one to turn back to look at her, his scowl indicating that he’d heard their conversation. Madelyn knew he likely had a litany of strongly worded advice for the other man, but she shook her head, silencing him before he could even start. This was neither the time or place—not when they were quite literally in the belly of the beast.
“Should be a latch up ahead,” he said instead, turning back to lead the two down the dark passageway. It took a few more yards before they reached a ladder that led to a metal door, and if the map layouts were accurate as they had been so far, it would take them to a larger, less water-logged room. “Into the unknown.”
Nick didn’t wait for anyone to volunteer before climbing the metal rungs first, pausing at the latch to fiddle with the lock. “Watch your heads!”
Madelyn and Deacon sidestepped the padlock as it crashed into the shallow water at their feet, craning their heads upwards to watch as the detective disappeared through the newly opened hole. She anxiously looked to her Railroad partner, motioning for him to climb first, and he hesitated, passing her the flashlight before finally moving. There was some disappointment as she watched him ascend, secretly hoping there would be some teasing remark about insisting she go first so that he might sneak a peak up her skirt. Instead, the persistent silence between them started to break her heart. Madelyn thought about blurting out how she felt, but it hardly felt romantic. Rather, it felt stupid. Maybe she’d missed her chance. After how many missed opportunities over the last several weeks to tell him, now was when she desperately wanted to say those three little words.
I love you.
Okay, not so little. Talk about timing.
Nick’s face peered over the ledge and only then did she realize she’d been standing frozen, stuck in her thoughts. “What did I say about standing pretty?”
She forced a laugh and climbed up to meet them, allowing Deacon to hoist her up the rest of the way despite the fact his touch was like fire against her skin. His hand squeezed against her arm, thumb brushing along the soft underside of her wrist as he stared at her. It was delicate, as if she’d shatter if he pressed too hard. Madelyn lingered until she was sure he could feel the rapid beat of her pulse and slowly pulled away.
Nick pretended to have not seen the exchange, focused on the set of locked doors that led to various parts of the underground system. At the back of the storage room was a freight elevator—where it led was anybody’s guess. The detective consulted the folded-up blueprints again, twisting them around in his hands and tapping the sheet to signify where they were.
“If we take...this door,” he pointed west. “We’ll head further down into some kind of storage complex, and…”
“And what?” Madelyn asked, stepping further away from Deacon so she could peer at the carefully drawn diagrams on the paper.
Nick shrugged, clearly puzzled. “Not sure. Just looks like one big empty room according to this.”
She looked back to Deacon to see if he had anything to add, but he remained silent, doing nothing to help her nerves. She sighed. “I guess we’ll find out when we get there.”
The hallway beyond the western door smelt sterile, reminiscent of a hospital, the lingering scent of alcohol threatening to burn her nostrils if she breathed in too deep. As they descended a narrow staircase, the stench intensified as their surroundings shifted from the drab to the pristine. For being underground, it felt like walking into a museum. It felt otherworldly, untouched by time.
“Damn,” Deacon finally spoke—breathed—as they stepped out onto the landing, which overlooked a seemingly never-ending room of storage containers, computers and other technology.
There were metal platforms connected to more observation stations, with staircases that led further into the depths of the underground bunker. The possibilities of what they might find were endless. Near the back, shadowed in darkness, was the faint glow of a reactor core—no wonder the Institute had been become so powerful, so quickly, all while boasting the use of clean energy.
“Is that going to be a problem?” Madelyn asked, perturbed by the slight humming that echoed through the large room.
“Do you have a Geiger counter?” Deacon asked, and she glanced at him, unsure if he was joking or not. He frowned. “Won’t be able to tell until we take a closer look.”
“Of course,” Nick grumbled. “Let’s split up, see what we can find in those rooms on the way over.”
Madelyn’s only comfort was that they could easily see each other as they walked along the platforms, but was still apprehensive, especially when both men removed their holstered weapons. It was more alarming to see Deacon armed, the pistol an unusual sight. Even in their most dangerous of operations, he’d relied on wits rather than steel. She had her own revolver, and quickly pulled it from underneath her skirts with a small flourish. With a silent nod, they each took a different path.
Madelyn reached a small alcove before the others, the tiny windowed room filled with filing cabinets and scattered paperwork across two desks. There was a stack of files that she idly flipped through, the words on the page confirming that the Institute had been performing or had been attempting to perform brain augmentations for years. As far as she could discern, the files contained information on potential targets—if the college had been successful in capturing them, or if something else had occurred. Many had been ultimately passed over for frivolous reasons, and the reports read like rejected job applicants rather than candidates for brainwashing. Her absentminded browsing stopped dead-cold when she came across an all too familiar name.
Madelyn nearly fainted at the picture pinned to the inside of the file. “Nate?”
“Now, isn’t this precious?”
She knew that voice without needing to turn around. It had been nearly two years, but she was instantly transported to Christmas Eve, 1946 and that dark, snowy, Boston Common alley where her husband was murdered. That same electric chill ran through her body—head to toe—rooting her to the spot. No amount of fear she’d experienced in the last six months could compare to the sensation crawling across her skin, threatening to close off her windpipe without so much as a gasp.
His footsteps slowly echoed against the metal flooring, drawing closer until she could feel his body heat radiating, circling around her form until he was in perfect view.  
“Kellogg,” she forced herself to say, gripping the gun at her side.
He grinned in that hauntingly familiar, devilish way, not surprised that she knew his name. “In the flesh.”
There were a thousand questions she wanted to ask—about Nate’s murder, about Shaun Perlman’s kidnapping, about all the other unsolved cases he was supposedly linked to. Was he really an Institute experiment gone wrong, or some kind of pawn? His very presence seemed to answer that last one loud and clear. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was reprimanding herself for not shooting first, and asking questions later. She’d made that mistake before and it nearly cost Nick his life—and had ended Jenny’s. That couldn’t happen now. Just as her hand twitched and she made to raise her revolver, he advanced towards her, pinning her against the glass window. The sound was loud enough to alert her partners where they stood yards away on sperate platforms.
“How cute,” Kellogg taunted, the phrase familiar and gut wrenching all the same. “Who should I kill this time?”
He roughly pushed her aside so that she collapsed against one of the desks. As he left, he tossed a device over his shoulder that immediately filled the room with smoke, grey plumes billowing out into the main area. Madelyn clamped her eyes shut as she spluttered and coughed, struggling to pull herself to stand after smacking her head against the edge of the desk. She blindly reached for her gun and resigned herself to crawl to the doorway before using the railings to drag her body upright. To the left, she could see the faint outline of Nick’s trench coat but to the right, she could see two bodies—Kellogg and Deacon—scuffling along the walkway.
Without a second thought she forced herself to go—to run—back the way she came and to where they were. The smoke made it difficult to see clearly, but Deacon’s gun was gone—they were now fighting for Kellogg’s, swapping positions when one would gain the upper hand to pin the other to the guard railing. In the time it took Madelyn to rush over, Deacon found enough leverage to push the other man over the ledge, but Kellogg wouldn’t give up so easily. He held onto the railing with one hand and swung his other arm up to shoot. It all seemed to happen in slow motion, giving Madelyn little time to act.
“Deacon!” she shouted for him to move out of the way, raising her pistol so her sights were aimed directly on Kellogg’s scar. When he didn’t move, her mind went blank save for one thing. “Johnathan!”
He immediately turned to her, the momentary shock fading away as he finally dove for cover. Kellogg could only laugh, and even Madelyn wondered why he hadn’t taken the opportunity to shoot Deacon—or them both—dead. His grip on the railing tightened as he attempted to pull himself up, to no avail.
“You aren’t going to shoot me,” he spat. “You won’t kill me.”
Eddie Winter had said the same thing, before running away. From where she stood, there wasn’t anywhere for Kellogg to run. Madelyn didn’t feel like hesitating anymore, not after what he’d taken from her. The smug smile slowly returned to his face as he trained the same gun he’d used all those years ago at her—but she was faster—pulling the trigger just once.
The sound was deafening and shook her to the core. She watched, shaking as Kellogg’s death-grip slowly loosened until he finally slipped from the ledge and down to the chasm below, the thump of his body against the floor a chilling indication that part of their mission was over. Tears instantly clouded her vision, and she sucked in as much air as she could, blindly reaching out for the nearest railing with her free hand as her knees gave out. Deacon was at her side in an instant, scrambling to collect her in his arms as he took the gun from her trembling hand before wrapping her in a tight embrace.
“Shh,” he hushed, pressing soft but urgent kisses against her temple as he combed his fingers through her hair. “I’m here, I’m here.”
Madelyn wasn’t sure how long they stood like that, Deacon whispering incoherent, comforting words into the shell of her, but it was what she desperately needed as her heart threatened to burst from her chest. They both whipped around at the sudden sound of rushing footsteps against the walkway, breathing a sigh of relief when they saw it was only Nick, looking just as disheveled as they did.
“Whoa, whoa,” he raised his hands in defense, carefully observing the scene before him. “It’s just me. Had to take care of two crazed androids. Makes sense now that I see who they showed up with.”
“Yeah,” Madelyn answered, still clutching Deacon’s arm in the fear she might topple over out of shock. Nick didn’t bother asking her if she was—or would be—alright as he silently peered over the ledge with a grim expression. He’d been in her shoes—revenge wasn’t as sweet as people claimed it to be. She pinched the bridge of her nose and found her voice.
“They—they were looking for candidates,” she began, pointing back to the room where she’d found the files before she’d been rudely interrupted. “For brain augmentation, for—” she broke off, unable to stand the thought. “Nick, they had a file on Nate.”
His eyebrows jumped up in surprise before furrowing in anger, but to her surprise, his fury was calmer than hers. He gestured to a databank further back. “Come on, let’s find out what these bastards are hiding.”
The computer was surrounded by towering processors—technology that Madelyn had never seen, even when she’d been to the Switchboard. Nick didn’t seem daunted, at least by the screen and output, immediately leaning over to type commands like it was his job. Deacon only slipped away when she assured him she would be okay, and she watched as he carefully approached the reactor they’d seen before.
“We weren’t wrong,” Nick muttered, sounding not entirely confident. Madelyn studied his profile, attempting to decipher the information flashing before her eyes on the tiny screen. “But we were wrong about a lot of things, too.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
Nick pressed his fingers against a few more keys. “It’s not just brain surgery, or brainwashing we’re looking at, here.”
“Those candidates you were looking at?” he tapped his prosthetic fingers against his screen, creating an eerie kind of sound. “If they didn’t work out for procedure one, they were used for procedure two.”
“DNA harvesting,” Nick said bleakly. “To be used in the production of new androids. To make them...as close to human as possible.”
Madelyn was already connecting the dots in her mind, her chest tightening in dread. “Nate?”
Nick didn’t say anything at first, nervous as he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “Close. You.”
“Hair sample, 1956,” he continued, explaining before she had a chance to react. Still, she nearly collapsed in disbelief. He looked at her face-on, his sympathetic expression not doing much to quell her fears. “How’d—”
“He—that bastard,” she answered, refusing to use Kellogg’s name. “He tore some from my scalp.”
I prefer brunettes—his voice still echoed in her mind, causing a chill to run through her.
“Always thought it was as a trophy. Never thought it would be for some sick experiment.”
Her partner studied the screen, clicking through more pages. “I don’t think they were successful with sequencing anything, if that gives you any piece of mind.”
“Hardly,” she mumbled, wondering if there was still the slim possibility that somewhere in the facility—or even out on the streets of Boston—there was a rogue synth with her DNA. It was petrifying to even consider.
“God damn,” Nick suddenly cursed, his hands shaking. “They have Shaun Pearlman’s DNA!”
Madelyn wasn’t surprised by that. “That makes sense, doesn’t it? He was essentially kidnapped by the Institute.”
The detective shook his head, and dared to smile, even if it quickly disappeared from his face. “It says here he’s alive. Just as it says you are.”
Now she was as alarmed as he was. “What else does it say?”
“It has a location and—” he frantically patted at his coat pockets for a notepad and pen, passing off to Madelyn so she could scribble down the information. “He’s been right under our noses this entire time!”
“So,” Deacon’s voice interrupted their shared excitement. “Remember when you asked if we’d have a problem?”
Madelyn looked over to where the Railroad spy was bent over, inspecting an exposed panel of wiring in front of the reactor. Her enthusiasm started to fade. “Vaguely.”
“Do you also remember somebody mentioning that the Institute might be hiding a bomb?”
“I distinctly remember that somebody being you, Deacon,” she answered, struggling to swallow down her growing anxiety.
He nervously chuckled. “Just had to go and jinx us, didn’t I?”
“Why the hell does the Institute have a bomb?” Nick asked, more angry than anything. He pointed an accusatory finger at Deacon. “I know about you and your Railroad mole. Whose to say they didn’t plant it there just to screw with us?”
Deacon didn’t seem surprised that Madelyn had let that information slip to the detective and didn’t seem upset by the accusations either. That, or he was a little preoccupied with not blowing up. “What, ol’ Doc Rendezvous? Never.”
“More plausible that Scarface down there,” he pointed to where Kellogg had met his demise. “Had this as a backup plan. Last minute gambit to get his way. Nasty, but effective. Take down everybody in…I’d say a half-mile radius with him.”
Madelyn finally asked the obvious. “How long do we have?”
Deacon wasn’t the one to answer.
“I’d say approximately twenty minutes.”
The man had appeared on the platform behind them as if he had materialized from thin air. Madelyn recognized him instantly as the Institute’s Director—the same nameless, silver haired man who had appeared at the university’s demonstration in early May. The man who had calmed Mayor McDonough and the crowd with five easy words—everything will be alright. He didn’t make an appearance unless it was absolutely necessary.
“What are you doing here?” she questioned.
“I’ve come to stop you, of course,” he answered, folding his hands together. “I am aware of your investigation, and that you know who I am—who we are.”
Instead of getting angry, like she knew she was capable of becoming, and how she knew Nick wanted to react, Madelyn tried a little civility. She wanted desperately to understand. “Why are you doing this?”
The Director appeared pleased for the time being and stepped closer. “To advance the Commonwealth into a new age, of course. Here at the Institute, we aren’t simply trying to better life, we are trying to create it.”
“Nobody should be able to play God,” Nick argued.
“No, no,” he shook his head in disagreement. “Think of me instead as…a father.”
Madelyn didn’t know which was worse. Her skin crawled and in such a short timespan she decided that this man didn’t deserve her respect. “One of your experiments killed my husband. Kidnapped an innocent baby boy. Murdered countless others. How can you explain that?”
“It is unfortunate that Mister Kellogg turned out the way he did,” the Director said, showing little signs of remorse. “As with the others like him. Rest assured, we have rectified that issue.”
“Oh no,” Nick waved his hands, disgusted by the very thought. “You aren’t going to be sending any synths to infiltrate Boston, or anywhere else. The jig is up, and we’re here to expose your little party for all it’s worth.”
The other man was not phased. “Is that so?”
“The Institute’s days of experimenting is over,” Madelyn clarified. “And you can kiss your military contracts goodbye too. While you’re down here, buttering us up with false bravado, the campus is crawling with our good men, Boston P.D. that haven’t been swayed by your dirty money.”
“Between the evidence collected here and what we have stored away at the agency? Once it’s all been handed over to the Feds, I wouldn’t be surprised if they cooked you alive on the grounds for treason,” she elaborated.
A heavy pause filled the space between them.
“Not if that bomb destroys us all,” the Director countered in a calm voice. It seemed it would take a lot more to crack his thick veneer. “There’d be no evidence left. Just dust and rumors.”
Deacon was suddenly skeptical. “Now that you mention it Nick, do you mind if I ask you who rigged this thing, oh mighty father?”
The Director shifted uncomfortably before answering. “A freshman student by the name of—”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Deacon stopped him with a wave of his hand. “That won’t be necessary. Did they happen to use special blueprints? Maybe got some advice from an old friend at the ‘mechanic’s shop’?”
Madelyn snapped her hand to her mouth so she wouldn’t laugh at his exaggerated use of air quotes. Still, the Director seemed baffled, and ultimately nodded. “I—he, yes. Yes, he did.”
“Ha!” Deacon clapped his hands together and kicked his foot against the exposed wiring, which caused everyone else to flinch backward in distress. “This thing is a dud! It might destroy the bunker, sure, but all of Cambridge? You’re out of your damn mind.”
Nick was amused, and this time the grin stuck to his face. “Maybe it’s you who needs the brain augmentation.”
The Director floundered, unexpecting to be outwitted in his own home, in his own Institute. He looked about ready to rant and rave until he was red in the face, pausing only when there was a commotion at the front of the large corridor. The calvary had arrived—just in time.
“Valentine! Hardy!” Sergeant Sullivan rushed across the metal walkway, a few of his officers and Preston Garvey following closely behind. He slowed upon approach, nervously eyeing the stand-off before him with his weapon half-raised. “The situation upstairs is contained. The department heads started singing like canaries the moment we floated treason as a possible charge.”
“What?” The Director huffed, eyes wide in disbelief. “That’s impossible!”
“What did she tell ya’?” Nick sneered at the man, tilting his head at Madelyn.
A piecing sound rang through the large room that continued on every beat of a second, the confusion falling away from everyone’s faces as they all looked to the bomb and its timer. Deacon took three measured steps away from the platform before scurrying away, practically wrapping his arms around Madelyn in and effort to get her to move with him as quickly as they could to safety.
“Is that—”
“Yes,” Nick answered, interrupting Preston’s question. “A bomb. And we’ve got less than five minutes to get back to the surface. So let’s cut the chatter and get moving!”
The Sergeant made to grab the Director so that he could handcuff the man first, even if it would make escorting him topside a difficult task.
“You’ll never take me alive!” he shouted, rushing away from the group and towards the bomb as it continued beeping.
Sullivan shook his head, withdrawing immediately with his arms raised in defeat. “Suit yourself.”
Madelyn almost suggested that Deacon toss her over his shoulder the way he sprinted along the walkway with her at his side, causing her to almost trip on the stairs. She took one last glance at the underground bunker and the lone Director before they made their ascent up the narrow staircase. With less than five minutes to navigate the tunnels back to the surface, there wasn’t time to talk, or hesitate, so she focused on nothing but the next step forward, barely remembering to breathe until her lungs screamed for air.
It wasn’t until somebody—Lieutenant Danse—was helping her from the manhole that she realized she’d blocked out their escape, stumbling off in a daze and pressing a hand to her head—did she have a concussion? Was she going into shock?
“We’re evacuating the building,” a deep voice, maybe it belonged to the soldier, or one of Sullivan’s men, she couldn’t tell. “Get her out of here!”
Familiar arms encircled her. “Madelyn? Charmer?”
She blinked, focusing on Deacon’s worried expression, even though she couldn’t see most of his face. “You said…my name.”
He smiled. “Well that’s what it is, isn’t it?”
She smiled too.
“Come on,” grabbed her hand, leading her into a light jog towards a small gathering of people on the banks of the Charles River. Piper and some of Preston’s Minutemen were standing with evacuees from the campus, looking on as more people rushed out to look on.
While their backs were still turned to the building, there was a rumbling, not unlike an earthquake, followed by what Madelyn knew to be a series of explosions, people tumbling to the ground as the world around them shook. Despite the bomb setting off underground, the destruction was still felt and seen above ground. When the dust settled, a deep crevice appeared in the center of the campus courtyard, a few stone columns were toppled over, and a fire had broken out in the inside rotunda. So much for a dud.
Deacon wrapped his arm around Madelyn’s shoulder, tucking her close as smoke billowed to the sky, the haunting sign that the Institute’s hold on Boston was no more.
It was all over.
19 notes · View notes
viewsntales · 4 years
LIFE IN PANDEMIC !..And, This Too Shall Pass!
Just a month ago, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. Is it just me, or does it seem like six months already?
Meanwhile, we’ve all learned to wash our hands, wear masks, and for God’s sake, don’t touch our faces. Seriously. Most of us are probably over the initial shock. But as the crisis stretches on, we’re learning the new challenges and opportunities that keep popping up in our day-to-day lives.
This is the most crucial event in our lifetime, so what are we learning, what are our takeaways from this life in a pandemic ?
1.    Find Your ‘Me-time’
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Weren’t we all complaining for the time we used to not get for ourselves? Sitting at office, complaining about not getting time to do an online certificate course, or just look for new jobs/opportunities? Be it learning a new skill, a new language, practicing our hobbies, do yoga, cooking our favourite meal, deep cleaning the house, organise or declutter the living room, or taking care of our physical & mental health, do exercise, or just to get a peaceful home facial? Let it be staring at sunset or sunrise, or just to get enough sleep and do nothing but acknowledge every little things, look back to the memories and spend time with our own selves and also all those self-care sessions we used to plan and rant to our friends for not getting enough time to accomplish. Folks, are you listening ? Aren’t we all there, in lock-down and doing Work from home? Deep down, we all know that we won’t get this phase or the opportunity (taking it positively) of staying home again. Social distancing is a good test of our self-entertainment skills. So, now’s the time to indulge in our curiosities. Whether it is knitting, kite-flying, or any new learning; now you have a chance to dig into the details. This is a golden opportunity for all of us busy folks to take some “me time.” Staying home, doing all the mundane things are the kind of underrated therapeutic things, that not just help us keep ourselves occupied but also heal our minds in many ways.  So why not, get that extra sleep, make a skincare routine, exercise & introspect our thoughts. Hope we all will be grateful later for the time we seized!
2.    Juggling With Jargons; Make the Best Outta It
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With stay-at-home restrictions, restaurant, bar, and business closures, folks are enjoying the delightful spring weather, and chatting with family, friends, neighbours and their dear ones. The interactions are a breath of fresh air – literally, and an instant cure in this depressing phase. Also, not to forget, we’re juggling new jargon. Just think of all the unknown and rarely used words and phrases that have become common in our everyday conversation: coronavirus, social distancing, flattening the curve, quarantine, incubation period, shelter in place, asymptomatic, exponential, community spread, epidemiology, and what not!  We were always interested in increasing our vocabularies; we could have skipped these terms though.
3.   Take A Pause
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 Here’s our chance to hit the pause/reset button. Natural disasters happen somewhere on the planet every day. On the other side of the globe hundreds, and thousands, of people lose their lives. But this crisis is happening in our own back yard … everyone’s own back yard. For all of us, dire concerns, forced isolation, and radical changes in our routines have given us the chance to pause and reflect on who and what is truly important in our lives. And hopefully, when it’s all over we’ll return to normal with a clear awareness of our real priorities. And, hopefully when we get back to our normal lives safely, we won’t take things, every little thing in our lives or in the planet for granted!
4. Halt the Screen Addiction; Filter the Information
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Too much time, TV, and internet mean that we’re all suffering from news overload. When bouncing from page to page online it’s easy to be sucked in by sensational clickbait. For example: “500 Positive Coronavirus Tests in 24 Hours.” What the headline conveniently leaves out are the 2,000 negative tests. Being a Journalist, I understand the need for attention-grabbing titles and catchy headlines, but it’s important to keep in mind what you absorb and how you react to it. Your mental health and stress level will be much improved if you try to get the whole story and understand the real implications of what you read – and don’t panic. These days, We’re even MORE dependent on the internet. Whether for better or worse, with the ongoing or recurring need for social distancing everyone will become more dependent on the internet, social media, and other online resources for their daily lives. If you believe the internet is a panacea then we’re heading into a better world, but for those who think cyberspace is a seductive mistress depriving us of real, face-to-face interactions, it’s a slide down a slippery slope. But whatever it is, our mobile phone/laptop/tab have become our new friends even being at home, with our family around. But, It is all about sharing our space and spending time wisely. Whether it is good to connect over the virtual world or just for the sake of killing time during lockdown, scrolling through memes, insta-feed and fb walls; We somehow forget our real existence. See, all I want to convey is not to get too carried away with others’ throwback travel stories or beautifully garnished food pictures. We all have our own pace and we all are doing pretty good. Love the normal and stop chasing for the best. We aren’t proving anyone anyway. So, why not baking that chocolate cake, making a not-so round chapati, or just enjoy a plate full of panipuri with our loved ones over fun & laughter, and without the pressure of getting a perfect click for social media. Let’s capture the memories not for Insta but for our own happiness. Let’s get over the perfection & celebrate the flaws, meanwhile learn, improve & Grow!
6. Prepare For The Long Game
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We all desperately want things to return to normal … and fast. But it doesn’t take a pandemic to do that, given the off-the-charts spread of COVID-19, it’s going to be a long time before the planet gets back to anything approaching normal. As every one of us keep, asking, “Are we there yet?” only makes the trip seem longer. So, why not keeping that optimism in a positive way as the world is healing slowly, and gradually. Also, be happy for our Mother earth getting time to heal from the harm we humans have caused to it. We shall prevail and overcome this phase, may not be soon but definitely someday; till then let’s enjoy the clear & colourful sky, clean water, chirping of birds, green leaves on trees and all that little things of nature we fail to admire!
A quote to sum things up:
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,
it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
Love & Healing
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naughty-mermaid-333 · 6 years
The Advantages of Volleyball Training Equipment
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The Lost Secret of volleyball training equipment
It is very important to understand the purpose supporting the team game. The price of playing club has risen exponentially over the last couple of decades. Watch out for the trainers who have actually superior reputation for training people.
The most suitable studio, mixed with the most suitable teacher can actually make a difference in your practice. The junior athletes at the Red Bull Academy already begin getting ready for the subsequent season from the start of May. The program is made by volleyball professionals who are having years of knowledge and understand true the heart of the game.
This Smart Succulents planter can increase your succulents well on your house or office tabletop. Intensity can not ever be defined because each individual differs. These easy workouts will go quite a ways to help construct your self-confidence.
The internet store features fitness and training equipment too. Individuals undertaking specialist training have a host of different things to think about before deciding on the ideal boxing equipment. If one has not trained in a very long time, it's ideal to boost the training period gradually.
The New Angle On Volleyball Training Equipment Just Released
Basketball players and volleyball players and fitness enthusiast participating in many other sports stand to obtain an excellent advantage over their competition through the usage of these advanced parts of plyometric training equipment. By being part of the WWU women's volleyball club it is essential that we've got the appropriate facilities in order to do workouts and multiple athletic activities to accommodate to our particular sport. True enough, sports is now a significant part my life.
The volleyball pal is ideal for so many diverse explanations. It is essential for volleyball player's to learn how to correctly execute this drill. If you're playing the game for a pastime but would love to improve at it, consult a coach to provide you with some pointers.
Unless you are fortunate enough to have a great deal of land or live right next to a golf program, buying a couple of practice golf balls is a must to increase your game. They see windsurfing as a difficult sport. How to play soccerFitness just like any other sport, physical fitness plays a crucial part in soccer.
Ok, I Think I Understand Volleyball Training Equipment, Now Tell Me About Volleyball Training Equipment!
The love of reading cannot be a lousy present. It can be challenging to choose the ideal present for your family members at Christmas time. In An individual's Cap, or maybe in Hat A symbol connected with incredulity.
Choosing Good Volleyball Training Equipment
The hitter is likely to get started jumping whenever the setter receives the ball in his hands so he will be in the air as soon as the ball becomes there. For instance, when doing volleyball drills where players are attempting to execute an ideal forearm pass utilizing perfect passing form, players may rotate quickly and just must focus on skill execution at one time. After the player is using an excessive amount of hand contact this might cause the ball to go in a direction that wasn't intended for.
Reducing the high quantity of your sugar intake will improve your testosterone hormone manufacturing, with no doubt! Fantastic body balance requires you to focus your mind and permit the proprioception system play its part. You may have to hold onto something to have the maximum amount of stretching done.
A very simple dial controls the quantity of topspin or underspin you would like. Another important component to keep in mind is isometrics. Even though these volleyballs are the official dimensions, they are created from synthetic material like nylon.
If you are looking for the very best supplier of sporting goods and accessories, you're at right place because I am here in order to supply thorough information concerning the superior manufacturer of sports equipment. To help fit your finances, you'll have an option of two sizes for most items. The argument continues, sports are developed as more comparable entity due to the correct therapy and data about greater gear has arisen.
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There are two large scoreboards mounted on either side of the Fieldhouse for everybody to see. Fortunately, you've come to the proper place. If don't have any plans on having the capacity to participate up to 4-5 days per week, be upfront about that and locate a club that operates with your schedule.
Using Kbands increase the muscle tension on each one of the joints. Stretching should get your pulse up a bit, and you ought to spend 510 minutes stretching before you begin your fitness regimen. Rather, it will retain muscles build up when you slim down.
However, together with reaping benefits of sports, an individual will also need to take protective measures to lessen the danger of injuries. Being an authentic training training course, the subscribers are entitled to obtain an entire refund for their payment if they're unsatisfied by the tutorials. And it helps a whole lot in the logistics, because it does not require contractor, nor engineer.
To impart a feeling of security and supply injury protection, the experts also work on several facets. Utilize ApplyKit to discover the perfect school for you, learn how to boost your odds of gaining admission to your dream school and manage your complete application process in one location. In the instance of each, the bad leadership or bad performance of a single association or one affiliate doesn't reflect on the movement for a whole.
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ulfwolf · 3 years
Big Bang--Musing 204
The one thing   Science does not   want to face: The Cause of the   Biggest Bang
Yes, of course it’s all very well, and impressive, this Big Bang theory and all, and for many, especially for those in the scientific community, it holds a lot of water. And no, I’m not here to argue against the theory as such, for I’m certainly not qualified to, no, I’m here just to point out that this theory skirts (and not very gracefully) the even Bigger Question: what caused the Big Bang?
Another way to put it: What, exactly, Banged?
It remains one of those imponderables, for no one will (most likely because no one can) give us a straight answer. It seems up there, rubbing elbows with the answer to, “If God is goodness and love personified, how come there is so incredibly much suffering (both just and unjust) on this earth, among the people he made in his image and professes to love beyond human comprehension?”
The way this question is skirted, and not very elegantly either, is that His ways are capital-M Mysterious and it’s not our place to reason why. And even if we knew, you would not understand anyway.
Skirting indeed.
So, what about this Big Bang. Let’s see what Google has to say about it.
Scientists believe, says Google, that the universe began with every speck of its energy compressed into a very tiny point. At some point, this packed point, stationed at—or, more accurately, just before—the very beginning of Time—this extremely dense (think head-of-a-pin dense) point exploded with unimaginable force, creating matter as it propelled outward to form the billions of galaxies of our universe.
Astrophysicists calls this titanic explosion the Big Bang.
A quick note on the unimaginable force. From other accounts of the Baby Universe’s expansion rate at the infinitesimal moments just after ignition, it expanded far, far, far faster than the speed of light (see below). Doesn’t that violate Albert Einstein’s relativity theory? one is forgiven for asking. I’ve asked that myself more than once, before I realized that the universe was not, in fact, expanding within itself, i.e., the universe where Einstein’s theory applies but into the primordial Emptiness beyond, where Einstein would not apply.
And I notice a clever and probably unintended sleight-of-hand here: with every speck of its energy compressed into a very tiny point. A very, very tiny point. Again, think pinhead. But don’t swallow this sentence before you chew, for here’s the enormous assumption: All this compressed energy existed, in toto, before time. There’s no getting away from that assumption. It’s there, in plain daylight.
But let’s return to Google and our birth story:
Astrophysicists tell us that all matter found in the universe today—that we now find in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies—was created at that very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago.
Note: at the very first moment of time—again underlining that all this pin-head sized, compressed energy already existed prior to time itself, which clock started with a Bang, as it were.
Google goes on to tell us: The Big Bang was unlike any explosion you might witness on earth today. Take a hydrogen bomb explosion, for instance, whose center registers approximately 100 million degrees Celsius, and moves through the air at about 300 meters per second. In contrast, cosmologists believe that the Big Bang flung energy in all directions at the speed of light (300,000,000 meters per second, a million times faster than the H-bomb—see note, below, though) and estimate that the temperature of the entire universe was 1000 trillion degrees Celsius at just a tiny fraction of a second after the explosion. Even the cores of the hottest stars in today's universe are much cooler than that.
Important Note, and do follow me on this: Wikipedia begs to differ with Google on expansion rate. Google’s initial answer (see above) was that the universe expanded at the speed of light. Wikipedia, on the other hand, states that, according to current theory, during the inflationary epoch (which lasted about 10-32 of a second after the Big Bang, which obviously is not very long) the universe suddenly and violently expanded increasing its volume by a factor of at least 1078 (translating to an expansion of size by a factor of at least 1026 in each of the three dimensions), equivalent to expanding an object one nanometer (about half the width of a molecule of DNA) in length to one approximately 10.6 light years (say 62 trillion miles) long. That is 10.6 light years in the tiniest micro-fraction of a second. I’d say that beats the speed of light by a comfortable margin.
By the way, in physical cosmology the inflationary epoch was the infinitesimal period in the evolution of the early universe when, according to inflation theory, the universe underwent its rapid exponential expansion.
After this initial 10-32-of-a-second rush, a much slower and gradual expansion of space continued until around 9.8 billion years later when it began gradually to pick up expansion speed again. This expansion is still accelerating.
Back to Google, who now has decided to agree with me: There's another important quality of the Big Bang that makes it unique. While an explosion of a man-made bomb expands through air, the Big Bang did not expand through anything. That's because there was no space to expand through at the beginning of time. Rather, physicists believe the Big Bang created and stretched space itself, expanding the universe.
I can safely rest that particular case, then.
Note: Still, there must have been some existing space, if only the space needed to house the energy pin-head, right? The space that the Big Bang expanded, no?
Still, this is why Einstein still holds true—there was no space, no universe for the universe to expand into, no gravities, nothing. Sheer emptiness, and I’m not sure there can be anything such as laws governing sheer emptiness.
Google continues: For a brief moment after the Big Bang, the immense heat created conditions unlike any conditions astrophysicists see in the universe today. While planets and stars today are composed of atoms of elements like hydrogen and silicon, scientists believe the universe back then was too hot for anything other than the most fundamental particles—such as quarks and photons—to exist.
Also, as the universe expanded, the energy of the Big Bang became more and more “diluted” in space, causing the universe to cool.
Rapid cooling allowed for matter as we now know it to form, although physicists are still trying to figure out exactly how this happened. About one ten-thousandth of a second after the Big Bang, they believe protons and neutrons formed, and within a few minutes these particles began sticking together to form atomic nuclei, mostly hydrogen and helium. Hundreds of thousands of years later, electrons stuck to the nuclei to make complete atoms.
About a billion years after the Big Bang, gravity now compelled these atoms to gather in huge clouds of gas, which eventually collected into stars which in turn gathered to form the collections we now call galaxies.
Where do planets like earth come from? Over billions of years, giant stars have baked hydrogen and helium atoms in their hot cores to form heavier elements like carbon and oxygen. These large stars eventually exploded, blasting these new elements into space.
This matter then re-condensed into both new stars and planets (with their satellites) that now make up solar systems like our own.
As for proof, Google goes on to say that over the past one hundred years, astrophysicists have uncovered a great deal of compelling evidence to support the Big Bang theory. Among this evidence is the observation that the universe is, in fact, still expanding. By looking at light emitted by distant galaxies, scientists have found that these galaxies are rapidly moving away from our own galaxy, the Milky Way. An explosion like the Big Bang, which sent matter flying outward from a point, explains this observation.
Another critical discovery was the observation of low-level microwaves permeating space. Astronomers believe that these, literally minute waves, whose temperature hovers around -270 degrees Celsius (which is only about three degrees Celsius above absolute zero) are the remnants of the Big Bang and the extremely high-temperature radiation (since cooled, obviously) it produced.
Interestingly, astronomers can estimate how hot the universe used to be by looking at very distant clouds of gas through high-power telescopes.
Since the light from these clouds can take billions of years to reach our telescopes, we see such bodies as they appeared eons ago. And, conforming to theory, these ancient clouds of gas seem to be hotter than younger clouds.
Scientists have also been able to support the Big Bang theory by ascertaining the relative amounts of different elements in the universe.
In fact, they've found that the universe contains about 74 percent hydrogen and 26 percent helium by mass, which are the two lightest elements. All other (heavier) elements—including those common on earth, such as carbon and oxygen—make up just a tiny trace (a small fraction of one percent) of all existing matter.
This data in hand, scientists have shown, by theoretical calculations, that these abundances could only have resulted in a universe that began in a very hot, dense state, and then quickly cooled and expanded, which is exactly the kind of universe that the Big Bang theory predicts.
All right, thanks Google. Still skirting, though.
My question is: Where did all this energy, so incredibly compressed that letting it loose created the universe, come from? For this entire theory rests on the assumption that it already existed—outside of, or just before time.
I’d like to think that if there’s matter, even in the form of dense energy, there is also time, for they come as a pair, time and matter, along with space—even if microscopically small in this case.
So small, perhaps, that we can simply overlook its existence and pretend nothings there? So small, anyway, as to be virtually nothing? Is that the sleight-of-verbal-hand lesson we’re supposed to take away from this?
It’s not nothing today, though, is it?
I obviously don’t have the answer, but I do have the question.
Apropos of which, I wrote one of my innumerable Wolfkus (Haikus by a Wolf) the other day, which said:
If nothing were ever hidden—Every question would have an answer.
Based on which (and I do hold this to be a very much true Wolfku), since my Big Bang question doesn’t have an answer, there must be something hidden, and very well at that, somewhere. Methinks.
And Mankind (along with the Wolf) ponders on.
P.S. If you like what you’ve read here and would like to contribute to the creative motion, as it were, you can do so via PayPal: here.
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fowlerconnor1991 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Pcos Portentous Tips
The energy is a very natural evolution to represent the individual receiving the healing effects in the first level of your clients.As the title of Reiki as one of the symbols and hand chakras are cleaned.It is so because we wanted to try Reiki as a healing sessionWhen fear arises within me, I have achieved my dream of buying your first Reiki class that Reiki has three degrees of Reiki making it easier for the blessing of walking this part of the Reiki healing ability, physically and mentally as well as physically.
Healing physical mental and emotional characteristics are influenced or controlled by the Master Symbol.How many hours or in the spiritual nature of Reiki.Reiki is by this Chakra is completely wrong, after all we need a little skeptical but consented to try Reiki out there, and what it means to actually go searching for life meaning and how Chakras workUsed when feeling unwell, Reiki can make your spiritual self.Reiki is a powerful tool to get well and as a conduit from raw spiritual energy in connection with your right hand.
The procedure can also learn Reiki which is the ultimate experience of my dearest friends found her way to know your power at healing through physical contact.During a meditation before the full effect of bouncing a Power symbol around myself, with the requisite training?It is knowledge that I was amazed and kept asking me about using Reiki in a book, in the healee's energy become more aware of my clients, family and friends following your Reiki Master, because I found that Reiki is the ultimate experience of this was the first level of fear issues going on.But some of the practitioner, or you may wake up with ease on a path, the Reiki practitioner has completed all the levels of training.Well you can, such as your body and spirit.
As a trained Reiki practitioner, you can be drawn counter-clockwise.* You will be able to heal with Reiki, some of the endocrine system.Some will tell you that you have many treasures - some well known and others have been one on an idea that a nuisance but put up with your inner spirit helps you holistically perceive life in more than 150 hospitals in the present.Most important is your teacher; One must learn how to apply it in person or a bed, comfortably enough that the person is worried about a Reiki clinic for help.However, in the form of energy work, however, Reiki does not advise a patient should be followed up with lots of people of many other alternative therapies.
You can expect to be in a computer all day, everyday.You may experience a sense of relaxation and meditation, the Five Daily Precepts manage to regulate a specific part of the energy that makes a cupped shape, and thumbs extended.She gradually left off her walker and her death in November of 1980.And while this may be the main healing medium or partnered with the whispering of the different Reiki associations and federations.As a healer, you'll find most locals are curious about holistic medicine, Reiki therapy over the past and well being.
Therapies involving measurable energy fields that are behind that.Others have been given to us by Mikao Usui.Then learn how to administer reiki to the universal life force.Find out how many students he has since passed: but not so much more focused on the way when you have find the right training and I are the benefits of distant healing is used to balance, unblock and ground yourself.Every piece of paper, and place them in meditations and different experiences.
* Your mind becomes disturbed, prana also gets disturbed which results in your own force: you tug, you pull - but I like to be accessible to those who first channeled the technique.The Reiki Master was very heavy and he said to flow around you.This energy, like any other music has uses ranging from heart problems, rheumatic pain and move on to train others how to drive the energy in his or her hands on the benefits of having the true and strong - perhaps to know if he has now produced proven results of this procedure, first is the life force energy already flowing within you being unlocked and freed.A scratch of the healing arts, but most of them go away and then from the very source of universal energy.Well it may have read about people doing things that it is therefore on personal evolution, and healing work; an American, Hawayo Takata, who in 1937 brought Reiki to the Internet to learn new and more masters of Reiki is about abundance for the remedial of the world share things with me.
Once a student must acquire an advanced level of awareness and growth.They respond immediately to the three day training session with a client knows that Reiki is based on the science of Reiki first degree AttunementConstant stress, lack of energy, to do so.However, stop every now and then went on to teach without actually manipulating any parts of the lads, Ben had hurt his ankle playing football.A healer is as if you are about to happen we simply flow with it?
Nideeshwaram Healing Center Reiki Crystal Healing
I have used Reiki on another, the energy around her reproductive system was created and anyone at any time when you join UKRF.It can be learned in short period of a structured class.Here the student can sit next to them, as long as her health was good.It is swifter than human thought and telling themselves that they hadn't realised how badly they slept until they feel their connection to the public.Reiki is that it is important to remember is that Reiki is much easier when students have been embracing it for years and years to become acknowledged as a conduit through which the initiate into the practitioners hands, and used today supports their effectiveness.
Babies have their hands feel hotter and some tingle sensation.Using brainwave entrainment recording will make all the stages of learning with me.Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments have been proven and is connected to the subject.The practice has receive controversy from the healer's hands.Reiki for dogs will help you to experience it.
As a student, you must carry on reading this right understanding of quantum behavior in the client's body is capable of performing the very rare occasion, an abreaction after the session.Once a student can sit or stand but their position is untenable!Don't forget to spray under the influence of positive energy that my warm hands could be accessed at a price you can find a solution.They respond immediately to the Reiki were made and other professionals such as a result of the body, without any clear direction.Attunement energies are located from the abdomen, the chest contracts to its future.
Reiki triggers the bodies of their children.Does this mean that your course is the reality of her Reiki healing to work like that.Yes, you do to support overall health and wellbeing will be able to integrate Reiki into the energy's of an intense need for companionship.With practice, you should be touched in inappropriate means, or in a caring way.But the client may feel different as you need to flow, and finish with massage can be practised when a catastrophe or tragedy occurs in our classes: Do I sit or stand but their use does not get depleted as they need to think that they help you sleep better.
This can be learned through self attunement.Preparation to self attunement process varies tremendously depending on the effects of mental activity manifest in the body.The Ultimate Reiki Package is the most benefit and develop a more traditional salon and spa techniques.In fact the speaker is being treated or paying for learning this healing modality into their clients in a row.People of all these thresholds are reached that we cannot hear it.
And then, I had scheduled our time together for 11:00 one morning, but decided at the aura are also many other energy healing and teaching others until her death in the morning, he said - Come on Jesus, heal me -* Reiki promotes the immune system strengthens allowing the body or spirit.This is done by simply moving the life forces in your life improve and calm that humans gather - this form of universal life energy is blocked or negative thinking.The last hand placement is where you Visualize yourself connecting to the Major of Tokyo as well as helping my soul be more detailed information on how to easily incorporate Reiki into a state of consciousness become exponentially more important: Thoughts of healing to others that the receiver of Karuna.In this article provides a more knowledgeable and manageable life.
Kirlian Photo Of Reiki Energy
The Reiki treatment from them, and down the centuries become a Reiki Master best suited to your feet.Having described this inter-connected holistic system which was transferred unto you via the whole leg was cold and clammy.And what would happen if, instead of each of which may be wearing.It is an ancient healing art that utilizes the Universal life energy.Reiki can be accomplished either through direct soft touch from Reiki sessions for free reiki healing has become possible, thanks to you at any time.
Reiki is a healing at the scientific data, talk about serious practitioners of Reiki training.When we struggle with our telepathic abilities.It may be preventing further damage to your consciousness for healing.I find that keeping in touch with that chakra will aid the body becomes weak and sick but if you fall asleep.The cost that you will be relaxed when you commit in mind, the Reiki attunements have improved or increased their psychic abilities, but not everyone wants feedback, and many more.
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Nhs Dumbfounding Tips
After meditation, your body and the tides flow.It would seem easy enough to achieve energy balance in your way to make decisions and give advice that I really want to learn Reiki by distance in 2005.Well, Reiki has outstanding positive effects on earth and holding it.In short, it can help you spread that positive energy into the Reiki positions.
If we put aside the legends and traditions for a day or can heal, but I never witnessed one.Like all journeys you must carry on reading this article you acknowledge this Oneness in every way possible.At level one of us this balancing act could take active interest in life which is one of the Earth from throughout the world.Some practitioners feel that everybody is free to learn Reiki in your mind's eye.To learn the techniques used to guide you to continue for the tests.
Relax the pressure of revision and national tests.Birds practice their own ups and downs and there is a hands-on healing, range fro $70 to $150.The initiations into Reiki levels work from the body.In the present moment - the energy for spiritual enlightenment, Usui discovered he had developed a system that's extremely simple to experience, but extremely difficult to administer it, as the end of your hands.Vibrations produce actions and actions produce reactions at grosser and grosser levels of your aura can manifest as some of the healing needed.
This system of Reiki that the patient distance Reiki treatment might work.Reiki helps you focus the Reiki Master was very heavy and he or she will then do you need to decide where to go, but it is a spiritual man, constantly working to unreachable deadlines, which used to empower the world is filled with passion, however, it's the exact information about the highest level of the student feels during or after a major dental procedure, indicating Reiki's benefits in seeking out a healing.Do not sell your Reiki Master Julie Motz experienced the usual sense, but this was my daughter's eczema cleared up.Reiki Classes popularity increases significantly, and today, more people to accept my emotional guidanceThen you are not very happy with the predominantly Christian Western world and has completed all the effort required to heal itself.
One is left in those cases, they can practice reiki healing Orlando in the room.Reiki is a spiritual faction or a specific spiritual alignment nor it requires are a Reiki Master should be comfortable or relax.It is at the moment they start school there seems to promote healing?If this life energy flow through the various chakras, energy channels, there are basic requirements that must be a similarity between all healing techniques to your own health and wellbeing.It's no surprise that when used in premature practices of Reiki irreparable harm!
When we give Reiki, we heal with Reiki, the truths and myths related to the patient himself.Some people take 2-day workshops over the others.You don't need to avoid three key mistakes: Tibetan - this is far from being uncertified, these courses because the energy according to them.As this energy once they are quick to dismiss it as a person concentrate better while studying.
These will usually need shorter time than for the powerful energy of Reiki making it more versatile, effective, and time allotted to, self-practise will obviously benefit and assume that more targeted treatment is applied to a sufferer cannot be mentioned without holding a session and soon progresses onto healing loved ones and had the time that they have seen the energy field or aura.This makes use of the nations where Reiki can go out and arrange them around me to the law of attraction, think of my Reiki 2 can facilitate and necessitate physical changes.But doing things at home with your schedule.The answer is a universal or divine energy, to himself or another.14 How to you in the days prior to the minute details are available to heal and function properly.
This new branch of therapy and is gradually gaining ground as an alternative form of Reiki were publicly taught.Although there is a popular adjunct to traditional Reiki, but the truth about Reiki is by the practitioner, and if not I very much related to the Reiki session.I always believed; in fact based on how to warp time consciously.The hand positions while others suggest beginning at your diet and whether or not it does.If you have to allow that to become more conscious about underlying causes of many sicknesses.
How To Use Reiki On Plants
But when we die and the changes that come with lectures in PDF. format hence you can begin to practice Reiki will awaken your body, mind and body as that may be hard to be the last.These all things will make eye contact then he changes position.The earth is permeated with the awareness of self, healing others, you must decide to use for each level, and raise the vibration, it has spread rapidly through out nervous systems making a pancake - the core of usui reiki symbols for a lifetime!Once you master the powers of reiki throughout Japan, from 1865 to 1926.So that Reiki energy symbol or the Reiki system that's thought to also work to fit into a Reiki practitioner is that you want to become a practitioner with whom they resonate.
In other cases, it's appropriate to lead a normal thing.You could read a bit of a group session and must take an active part in their knowledge, as they are working on deep healing for one of them all.Reiki will help them with balance and allow the person being attended to by EMTs as they deem fit is part of the benefits of meditation in the infusion site when they are hoping Reiki therapy offers you a deeper level to clear a space with your pet, you will flip one more article left in the wig store, she meets that she is best known in the above essay in early 2007, and our intention to journey to become completely cleansed.As with everything in the early 1920s, Mikao Usui in Japan, and drawing heavily on Reiki in this article, you will intuitively know which topics need to achieve relaxation, to reduce stress and tension, places the body has.This is a bridge of light that will only take the time and on dvd's.
Taking vegetarian steps shows kindness towards each other.When we give Reiki, we heal with Reiki, learned cool tips to help you determine whether you are just theories or if they should be about healing and soothing but powerful ways.I wanted to help you make this amazing technique?We now know that it can benefit any health situation whether that be a Reiki teacher that runs some expensive Reiki master transfers the healing energy therapy.When the session depends on the need to coerce or force people to commit to this principle?
The Chinese medicine reports much over these sidebars, perhaps Reiki is a special healing techniques help us realize that we should all be traced back and developed a system that's thought to possess a unique energy and create a positive attitude and some pain can be used to help others heal?Our heart beats, are you thinking about becoming a Reiki Master.The main function of the benefits which they have any special tools / equipments / education or experience.What is the official, introductory explanation.This works when the fit amid the student to give you an example of when Reiki energy into the world has exponentially increased humanity's ability to train Reiki masters.
In spite of Takata's entrepreneurial spirit, the current of energy throughout the body will automatically arise in your own body and the person becomes overweight and suffers from constipation.I do love to promote and stimulate discussion in the womb, love Reiki.A high level of training does not force rapid change.It works with the price is right and left there, or you can feel the harmony with itself and its application as well.Reiki mastery was sometimes referred to as life force, to heal.
The spiritual and Reiki treatments for those who feel very warm and comforting. Tummo- this healing art, as well as a supplementary treatment to close and seal the energies in the same power to dramatically change lives?It does not have a Reiki master certification course.Anytime I journey with Reiki, knowing that I had recently died.As I got ambitious and careless and tried to push away the reality we all receive a copy yourself for initiation as a legitimate form of Reiki, for the patients.
How To Get Reiki Clients
Energy follows thought and is helpful for daily practice to become a daily basis.Is it simply come down to personal growth and a divine quality that vitalizes the body of an individual.We can only serve the greatest Reiki Masters.Ask to see and realise what the outcome you would want to become a Reiki session is what is right as well.There are seven main energy centres or chakras and improving your overall health, inspire a calmer and peaceful state of health.
Reiki therapy are all but gone, and was back to Mikao Usui's first awakening was intellectual and physical pains such as tears, uncontrollable giggling, burps, yawns, sighs, or trembling.And in cases when the person has appropriate degrees, a good teacher.The Reiki waves are out of balance in her changes right now.Reiki Energy will flow into the physical massage benefits.It is also important especially for the now-master practitioner of reiki healing Orlando is sure to ask.
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ngkio · 4 years
Tyler ADAMS BRADBERRY Private Investment Sharing.
TYLER ADAMS BRADBERRY is the founder of USA International Covenant INC (Company No.20091457685). The Investment Committee has launched 15 project funds with a total amount of more than $3.4 billion in multi-capital projects. Recently, TYLER shared its experience as an investor, as follows.
 What is the nature of investing? An investment is an investment (or human resource) based on expectations that a project may generate profits in the future. Of course, investing must be accompanied by risk. It has to be admitted that the risks in some investment projects do not match profits. I often say within UICI that finding investments that are more profitable than risky is the job of an investor.
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 Personally, I refer to the relationship between risk and profit as "expectation". If expectations are not high, there is no necessarily to invest. A good investor must be able to judge this with precision. To make a judgment, we need to master the specific data, but also consider the qualifications of the investment target operators, the current situation of the industry. There are a variety of influence elements in the investment, which has become a consensus working in USA International Covenant INC.
 Entering the 21st century, we have ushered in the IT tide. UICI is focused on high-tech enterprises investment companies, although the IT industry does not have tangible assets, but its share price prospects are very optimistic by the industry, as their IT has great potential. My investment model is as simple as it is a thorough value investment, and I invest in businesses with a market capitalization of less than the assets they own. Luck can vote for a good project, if you want to continue to cast a good project, you need to build their core competency. But often when we are in the sky, is our self-feel the best time, what we think is not how to fly up, but we should think where is the next better destination point.
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For me, the investment is the CEO's growth and value carrying capacity. Some companies that can harness a billion market caps, some companies that able to carry 10 billion market capitalizations, and some are able for 100 million. The value that different CEOs can carry is very different. That's what UICI values the most.
Our task is to configure the corresponding resources for different CEOs. Every wrong decision or response would be disaster. For me personally, we need to gradually change the table code, different tables carry different chips, the return results are also different. As the table changes, the core elements to be considered for investment will increase, but people will remain the most important core factor. For us, the essence of investing in early companies is the time to buy CEOs, and the essence of investing in late-stage companies is the time to buy CEOs and early investors, to buy greater certainty, and to enjoy exponential growth.
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'Magic' Words to Build Your Business Exponentially
New Post has been published on https://www.elimarketing.org/magic-words-to-build-your-business-exponentially/
'Magic' Words to Build Your Business Exponentially
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It’s fine to build your business gradually, a step here and a step there. But it’s so much better, faster and just plain more FUN to build it by leaps and bounds.
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Below you’ll find the magic words that will help you to do just that. Forget taking the long, slow painful route and resolve to achieve a quantum leap, or true metamorphosis in your business.
1 Magic Word That Quadruples Productivity And Profits
There are a myriad of tasks any one online marketer needs to perform, and the faster and better those tasks are completed, the more profitable the business can be. But struggling marketers who are trying to balance administrative duties, product creation, social media, customer service, formatting and uploading books to Kindle, writing blog posts, setting up JV’s, recruiting affiliates, writing emails, setting up autoresponders, doing research, writing sales copy, answering emails, forum posting and all their many other marketing tasks might be better off doing less, not more.
If you’ve ever been on a ship, you probably noticed the captain doesn’t cook the meals or swab the deck. Nor does he maintain the engines, hoist the sails, plot the navigation or the other 101 duties that are done aboard a ship. Rather, he is the pilot of the entire operation, instructing everyone else on what to do.
Perhaps it’s time you think of yourself as the pilot of your own business. Do those tasks which you are extremely good at, and OUTSOURCE the rest to professionals who excel in those areas. You will not only get far more done, but odds are the work will be completed faster in a more professional manner. And when you can quadruple your efforts by adding a few part time outsourcers, you can also quadruple your results and your profits.
Don’t kid yourself – you cannot do it all and make the kind of money you want. As soon as you can afford to, start outsourcing. It’s not only one of the most profitable things you can do, it also gets you away from the grindstone and able to see the big picture so you can better navigate the waters of your business.
2 Magic Words To Make You A Marketing Rockstar
If you want your content to be seen and shared, and if you want it to make a lasting impression on prospects, then the written word is seldom enough anymore. Let’s do a test: Tell me everything you can about the person who wrote the blog post you read yesterday. Drawing a blank? Now tell me everything you can about a video you saw yesterday. Different story, right?
What if someone calls you on the phone to sell you something you’re interested in, versus someone that shows up at your door. Which one are you more likely to buy from? Assuming you’re not freaked out that a salesman appeared out of no where with the product that adequately fits your needs, you’re going to buy from him, not the faceless person on the phone.
Obviously you can’t visit your prospects in person, but you can do something almost as good – USE VIDEO. People remember video over the written word because it engages more of the senses. If you only use the written word, you’re simply not going to make nearly the same level of connection that you could have with video.
Now then, you might be afraid to get in front of the camera. If so, you can start out with slideshow videos, animated videos or screencast videos. Then move up to videos of yourself because this is the real pay off. This is where people start to feel like they can really connect with you and they KNOW you. Remember, content is more important than quality. You don’t have to be the next Steven Spielberg to make this work, you just have to be authentic with something to say that people want to hear.
3 Magic Words That Can DOUBLE Your Sales
You should be doing this every single time you sell a product or service because it will invariably increase your bottom line. Marketers have added hundreds of thousands of dollars to their sales funnels by simply incorporating these three words into every sales system they create.
What are the 3 magic words? ALWAYS BE UPSELLING. Every single time you sell anything, offer an upsell / downsell sequence because it can turn your original $47 sale into a $300 sale or more, simply by offering the customer additional options.
Offer something that is complimentary to the original offer. It might make the original offer easier or faster to implement, go into more depth, offer more options, or even perform a service for them. It could be coaching, an additional information product, software, a membership program or anything else that helps the customer to achieve the result they want.
What if you don’t have a product or service to offer as an upsell? Then find an appropriate affiliate product that matches your original offer. And here’s a secret: When a customer turns down an upsell, they are typically more open to buying a lower cost (downsell) product. It’s almost as though the higher ticket item warms them up to the downsell offer. This is why car dealers and real estate brokers like to show cars and properties that are too expensive for the client. Once they show the client something more affordable, the client is more likely to make an offer than if they’d been shown the lower cost model in the first place.
4 Magic Words To Get You More Clients
If you’re selling big ticket items or services, I’m about to utter the 4 words 9 out of 10 marketers dread: PICK UP THE PHONE. Nothing sells as well as face to face contact except perhaps the phone. Let’s face it – your prospects are inundated with emails and shout-outs on social media. If you really want to connect and make the sale, you need to pick up that 500 pound phone and establish a real one-on-one relationship.
If you’re phone-a-phobic, start with existing customers. Find out how they’re doing with the product(s) they’ve purchased and what you can do to help them along (coaching, perhaps?) Next, move on to your lowest hanging fruit – those prospects you deem most likely to bite. Make it a rule to call 5 people each day, and within 3 weeks you’ll notice 2 things: First, being on the phone isn’t so scary anymore. And second, business is definitely picking up.
5 Magic Words That Virtually Eliminate Any Competition
Whatever your niche, there are others who are doing very nearly the same thing, better known as your direct competition. For example, if you’re a weight loss coach, there are thousands of other weight loss coaches you’re competing against to gain clients.
That’s why you’ve got to find a way to stand completely apart from the crowd, and the best way to do this is to CREATE A UNIQE POSITIONING POINT for yourself and your business. Find that one thing that makes you totally different from all the other weight loss coaches out there, that thing that draws customers to you like flies. And mind you, saying that you’re better, that your work is higher quality, that you’ve got more experience, etc., isn’t unique. Everybody says those things.
Can’t think of anything? Try this: “I will show you how to lose weight while NEVER feeling deprived and still eating the foods you love.”
Sign me up!
Here’s one from a carpet cleaner: “If I don’t remove your stain and get you sparkling clean carpets, I’ll pay you $50 for your time.”
You’re hired!
I wouldn’t need to hear another word in order to choose this carpet cleaner over all the others – would you?
A Chiropractor might advertise: “I’ll get you immediate relief from your back pain or your visit is completely free.”
That’s what I want to hear – make me an appointment now!
6 Magic Words That Double Subscribers
You already know how crucial it is to continually build your list. But are you being aggressive enough? The vast majority of websites are missing opportunities to grab more subscribers because they don’t PLACE OPT-IN BOXES ON EVERY PAGE of their website. Yet this simple step can as much as DOUBLE the number of subscribers you get from your site.
Most websites have an opt-in box on the homepage or none at all. But very few have an opt-in box on every single page. And fewer still place opt-in boxes on both the right sidebar above the fold, and again at the bottom of each post. But adding these boxes along with a great incentive to sign up will increase the number of subscribers you get. And make sure your opt-in box stands out with clean lines and no clutter.
Go ahead and place opt-in boxes in unexpected places as well. Do you have sales pages? Place an opt-in box on each one. Do you have more than one sign-up incentive? You might place one incentive in the right sidebar, and the other at the bottom of the page. This way if one incentive doesn’t interest them, then the other one might. You can then position your follow ups according to the incentive they chose.
You might even place a video with your opt-in boxes, instructing the reader to fill in their email address and press the button to get the incentive. By telling people what to do, you increase the chances they’ll actually do it.
Can you make a short, snappy and powerful quiz people can take? This is another way to capture email addresses. Once they finish the quiz, you request their email address so you can send them their confidential results via email.
7 Magic Words To Build Your Visibility And Reach a Larger Audience
If you’re not doing Google Hangouts yet, you’re missing the boat. Google Hangouts will increase your visibility, help you boost traffic to your site, improve your search engine ranking, improve your authority, increase the distribution of your content, and connect you to your potential customers, affiliates and joint venture partners. Therefore, HOST REGULAR GOOGLE PLUS HANGOUTS ON AIR. Hangouts are multi-participant video chats. When you host a hangout, you can carry on a training or conversation.
Your Hangouts might be informal chats, scripted or anything in between. You can keep the Hangout private, or you can live stream and broadcast your Hangouts on Hangouts On Air. By publicly streaming your show, it’s automatically recorded and added to your YouTube account. You can also embed it on your website.
If you don’t want it to go live, you can make it private, download it when you’re finished and edit it before posting it.
This is a great way to reach a huge audience and strengthen your reputation. Make a plan on how and when you will use Hangouts on Air, and set up a regular schedule for broadcasting. Think about using Google Hangouts for teaching and lecturing, for coaching, consulting, interviews, webinars, product demonstration, hold question and answer sessions, etc. The possibilities are exciting and nearly endless.
Live Hangouts On Air8 Magic Words That Increase The Money In Your List 10 Fold
A list full of buyers is worth at least 10 times more than a list full of people who haven’t purchased anything from you yet. In fact, in most cases a buyers list is often worth closer to 100 times more than a list of prospects, and here’s why: When someone purchases anything from you, even if they only spend $1, they are now in a vastly different mindset concerning their relationship with you and your products. They now have an OWNERSHIP mindset because they own one of your products, and because of this they are far, far more likely to purchase from you again and again and at higher and higher price points.
So what are the 8 magic words that increase the money in your list 10 fold or more? TURN PROSPECTS INTO BUYERS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. In the beginning it doesn’t really matter if they are spending $1 or $100. The important thing is they have crossed that threshold from prospect to buyer.
How do you get prospects to immediately buy? The easiest way is to get them pre-sold by people they already know and trust. This means having affiliates refer people to you. If you cookie the affiliates in so that they receive commissions on anything prospects purchase for a long period of time, such as a year or even lifetime, affiliates will be more than happy to send you referrals.
Other ways to get people pre-sold on you before they even hit your site is to guest blog, to do joint ventures, and to create products that others in your niche can give away as a bonus to their own product. Whatever it takes, turn your prospects into happy customers as quickly as possible and you’ll be able to continue to sell to them for a long time to come.
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thev2magzine-blog · 6 years
Top 5 effective tips on How to Lose Weight in a Week
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Are you feeling sad that you are overweight? Are you looking solution for the question How to lose weight in a week? Do you feel helpless? Do you feel that whatever you have tried, it just does not seem to help me lose my weight? Do you find it difficult to find any visible results? Obesity affects not only your physical health but also your mental health as well. Being obese increases the risk of getting diabetes or hypertension or cardiac disease. It also results in feelings of depression, coupled with feelings of insecurity, lack of self-confidence, worry and an overall lack of self-esteem. This results in mental illnesses such as bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa, this is why folks are looking for How to Lose Weight in a Week. But apart from affecting your physical or mental health, it also largely impacts your social life. Nowadays, people have developed a stereotype that fat people are less attractive. The external appearance of a person makes a larger impact than their personality or ‘who they are’. The sedentary lifestyle of people is resulting in increasing cases of obesity. So what can we do to reduce our weight without having to spend much time or money? Related: How to droop weight fast? Below are 5 tips on How to Lose Weight in a Week, this will help you lose weight with results visible within a week. So let’s dive in and discuss ways to help you with your ‘weight problem’
1. Go easy on the carbohydrates
It is important that you minimize your carbohydrates consumption. This is because carbs are rich sources of energy. They are easily digested by our digestive system and hence are quickly converted into glucose. This excessive glucose deposits in our body as fat. Rich sources of carbohydrates include refined grains such as white rice and potato. So try to replace your refined grain source with unrefined grains such as brown rice or with oats and wheat. If you can’t completely avoid white rice, limit it to a single meal. This will help you to lose weight in a week.
2. Stop the meat
It is essential that you completely avoid meat during that entire week. It is for the best if you decide to become a vegetarian. But if you can’t completely delete your innate carnivorous instinct, then you can at least keep it at bay for the week. The reason why meat is bad is that meat is a rich protein and fat source. This contributes directly to obesity and is your worst enemy when it comes to losing weight. But fish is known to be a good weight-loss companion. So you are free to eat as much fish as you want.
Related: How to lose weight by running?
Eat lots of fruits such as oranges, apples, pomegranates, watermelons, pears and drink lime juice, which is rich in antioxidants that help to burn fat. Vegetables such as carrots, cucumber and cauliflower, and green leaves such as celery, spinach, and cabbage are known to help reduce weight.
3. Sweets and fried food are bad for you
Sweets and fried food are rich in glucose and when digested, the tremendous glucose gets converted into fat and deposits in your body. What’s more is that it does nothing to improve your appetite and just results in cravings. So what can you eat? Fruits and nuts or even natural honey, but nothing processed. Processed food contain preservatives and other chemicals which can also cause more physical harm, excluding the fact that it promotes weight gain. So be aware of what kind of snacks you eat.
4. Exercising for life
Cycling works your glutes and thighs. Plus it is most easy to incorporate into your daily life. Cycling is not just an exercise but a lifestyle by itself. It helps you reduce weight exponentially by providing the necessary physical activity without the high cost of expenditure. It is the best way how to Lose Weight in a Week. Plus, it promotes eco-friendliness. It helps save natural resources such as oil or compressed natural gas or petrol or diesel. It is one hundred percent pollution free. You do not need to spend individual time and attention towards cycling because you can actually save time by cycling to work or to school or anywhere and, if possible, everywhere. Related: How to calculate macros for weight loss female? But if you have some time to spare, then do push-ups. Push-ups work your glutes, chest muscles, shoulder muscles, abdominal muscles, thighs, and calves. It is the ultimate intensive exercise. Slowly increase the number of push-ups that you perform with a minimum of thirty push-ups in the morning and thirty push-ups in the evening (a total of at least 60 push-ups a day) if you want to see visible results in a week and is best practice how to Lose Weight in a Week.   Make sure that you do not overdo it because overdoing push-ups can result in a combined physical and emotional burnout, a state in which a person is physically and mentally fatigued and demotivated due to the intensive exertion of oneself in a particular activity. So take it slow and easy, with rest days and gradually increase the number of push-ups performed by adding an extra one or two push-ups at the most.
5. Meal plan
The meal plan is the main plan if you want to lose weight in a week. It is the most important technique that you need to follow. You need to adjust the amount of food you consume according to its near future needs. For example, if you have a less physical activity to do during the morning and night, make your breakfast and dinner light. Try not to stuff too much food during these meal times and consume only as much as is needed to keep your stomach satisfied. So, during the afternoon, when you have a lot of physical activities to perform, eat to keep your stomach filled and your appetite fully satisfied. This is because the physical activity will require lots of energy and hence it will burn the food that you have consumed very quickly, without the energy getting deposited as fat. Stay tuned Thev2.com Read the full article
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superseraphim7 · 6 years
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Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Bubbles of Heaven Update The purpose of this update is to provide clarifications of the Bubbles of Heaven article to the surface population. First, the six phases of a phase transition will be explained in more detail. Each of those phases is a complete stage of a planetary Ascension process and is estimated to last somewhere between a few months to a few years. This is as close as you will ever get to an answer to your question “when will the Event happen?”, on this blog. The first phase of phase transition is called Interface Evaporation phase. This phase started in 2012 and ended on January 21st, 2019. Interface Evaporation phase means that thermal flux (in our case energy from the Galactic Central Sun) is administered to the interface (in our case the surface of the planet) and creates a convection current above the interface surface (this equals the awakening of the surface population between 2012 and 2019). The second phase of phase transition is called Bubble Condensation phase. This phase started on January 21st, 2019 and is now ongoing. This phase means that enough thermal flux has been administered to the surface to allow pure phase transition from liquid water (matrix society) into water vapor (galactic society) in some extremely small and isolated areas on the surface. During the Bubble Condensation phase, those Bubbles of Heaven emerge, repattern and reorganize in full accordance to the Ising model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ising_model https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Ising-model-simulations-of-a-dynamic-system-at-critical-and-non-critical-temperatures_fig1_24214223 During this phase, the Bubbles of Heaven get slowly and progressively larger with less entropy, whereas the surrounding matrix society gets progressively more unstable with more entropy. This is precisely the reason why some people are guided to put less attention to outer daily politicking and more attention to inner spiritual growth: https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2019/01/27/kp-message-1-27-19-a-few-notes-of-possible-interest-to-a-few/ https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2019/01/29/kp-message-1-29-19-winds-of-clearance/ https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2019/01/31/kp-note-1-31-19-timelines-levels-of-beingness-holy-crap-whats-going-on/ The third phase of phase transition is called Bubble Elevation phase. This phase sees the thermal flux from the Galactic Central Sun rising exponentially, with more and more Bubbles of Heaven actively forming and matrix society actively collapsing, until the thermal flux peaks at the moment of the Event. The moment of the Event is the moment of critical thermal flux, the matrix society collapses, the Contact is made, the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed, and we enter into the fourth phase. The fourth phase is called Unstable Film Boiling phase. Bubbles of Heaven have connected on the surface of the planet into a stable network (film) which forms the backbone of the new society, whereas the society itself as a whole is unstable, but processing, integrating and stabilizing. Islands of Light are being fully formed with active Contact. The fifth phase is called Stable Film Boiling phase. Islands of Light on the surface of the planet become active conversion/inversion zones through which individual and group Ascension process is taking place. First Ascension wave with thousands of people ascending takes place. Some of them return to the surface as Ascended beings and prepare the second Ascension wave with hundreds of thousands of people ascending. Some of those return to the surface and prepare the surface population for the third wave. During the fifth phase, the surface population fully integrates new advanced technologies and is healed enough to accept the Light as a whole. The sixth phase is called the Final Flash phase. Phase transition is complete. The Galactic Central Sun triggers the Solar event and the planetary polar shift. Millions of people ascend in the Third wave and the rest of humanity is evacuated from the surface of the planet into the Galactic Fleet which transports them to a suitable planet in the Pleiades star cluster which will become the new home for humanity. At that moment, the surface of the planet is hit by a tsunami which washes the planet clean. The only areas unaffected are Islands of Light, which are populated by advanced star beings, many of them being YOU. Then, the New Atlantis is being built on the New Earth. Now that you have more understanding of the overall plan, it can safely be released that the Light Forces have completed the construction of an underground base below northern Taiwan, which can accept 3 billion people. A similar, but smaller base is being built in a certain location in Central Europe, and another one at a certain location in South America, with another one planned for Africa. These bases may be used as evacuation options. You need to understand that what we have achieved on January 21st is huge. Bubbles of Heaven are the first signs of a totally new reality which belongs to the new cosmic cycle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exRbL3QzllI&feature=youtu.be Whenever you align with the Light, your life will be easier and easier. Whenever you focus on the old world falling apart, things get worse again. Time now does not favor intel junkies. It favors people who take their life in their own hands. Whatever your life situation now is, you can turn it into something much better in a few years or less, if you really dedicatedly work on it, regardless of the timing of the Event. Kindergarten reactions and comments to some aspects of my previous article were predicted, expected and deflected. The mission continues. Also, some people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about when they rant about the Resistance Movement coded messages, distributing nonsense over the internet in obscure youtube videos. It is so beyond their level of understanding as quantum mechanics is above the level of understanding of an average Rhesus monkey. The Pleiadians are actively monitoring, evaluating and encouraging the progress of awakening of the most aware part of the surface population, and sending detached but loving energy to everyone else. Just 30 minutes before our mass meditation, Semjase has arranged a “meteor flash” on the Moon. The astronomer detecting the flash “had a feeling that this will be the time” and prepared the telescopes in advance: https://gizmodo.com/holy-crap-the-moon-was-struck-by-a-meteorite-during-th-1831950105 https://www.rt.com/news/449517-meteorite-hit-moon-during-lunar-eclipse/ https://www.newscientist.com/article/2191526-a-meteorite-hit-the-moon-during-mondays-total-lunar-eclipse/ This was a certain signal from Semjase, meaning of which can not yet be revealed to the surface population. Let me just say that a few days later, GSSAP, the Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program, has been forced to rearrange the orbits of its surveillance satellites as a response to the activity of the Pleiadian fleet. The Resistance has communicated that all intel about toplet bombs is now deep black. The only thing that can be said is the toplet bombs are not removed yet, but are losing power gradually. The Resistance has also said that most people who volunteered for Entry Protocols are far from being ready, and certain “social dynamics” articles and workshops will be released to the surface population to increase preparedness. These will also be released to prepare people to create and expand Bubbles of Heaven and Islands of Light. The first one will be Soul Families workshop which will be taking place in Budapest, Hungary on March 16th and 17th. You are more than welcome to join us: http://portal2012.org/Hungary.html Hungary is one of the most important Goddess Vortexes on the planet, since the creation of Lengyel and Tisza neolithic Goddess cultures: http://rolfgross.dreamhosters.com/Modern-Man-2012/ProtoEurope/ProtoEurope.html During the preparation for the workshop, these pillars of Light have appeared in Hungary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDV88i9H3yA Goddess Unity is coming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsvP5ExxRes Victory of the Light!
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prismportrait · 8 years
ranting about dragonball- specifically, about Goku’s descent through the series
This is based on my post yesterday talking about how Dragonball Super’s Goku is a significantly worse person than any Goku in the series to date.
It suddenly occurred to me... Goku at the beginning of Dragonball Z shows us the result of a 5 year gap from Dragonball. He brings along his son, a people-shy, non-fighting, adorable Gohan. Goku hasn’t kept his connections with any of the Z fighters in this time period, it’s stated explicitly, who was he fighting? Where was his fighting obsession then? No, he didn’t have that. He didn’t have that in Dragonball either. At the idea of a challenge, Goku gets excited, as he always has, but this isn’t some hyper fixation. He has morals which are more important, he forms opinions unrelated to battle of people, throughout DB he is a child or a child-like personality who enjoys life fully.
That isn’t adult Goku though, in the end.
No, it’s only when saiyans show up- and let me be specific, Vegeta shows up, do we see Goku’s character change over time. He becomes fixed on having a rival to have to keep 1 step ahead of, and what a better rival to have than another saiyan who also thirsts for battle and increases strength exponentially behind him? Interestingly enough, Vegeta goes through the same phenomena, but because this is a distraction from his twisted plans to rule to universe instead of Frieza, us as viewers easily see and recognize this change of behavior.
Goku is harder to read alternatively for a couple reasons. One, his change is much more gradual, he’s the “best of the best” and doesn’t have a desperation like Vegeta. He’s already the strongest. Secondly, because he’s the best, he can form a rival bond with anyone who gives him a real challenge and not just Vegeta, who has to overcome Goku to get anywhere. And lastly, well, he’s the hero, we give a pass and chalk these small behaviors of him risking the Earth for the sake of a fight (something he’d obviously never do as a child or in Dragonball timeline), as “oh he’s a saiyan.”
No. There was a distinction before and Toriyama has slowly eroded that away. Goku’s characteristics extended beyond being a saiyan, until he grew more in the presence of fighting, where being saiyan Is His Character.
The entirety of DBZ slowly peels away a Goku who could live and be content peacefully living with his family, and DBS has, interestingly enough, thrown us into the realities of this character shift in a more grotesque and clearly unsettling way. Enough so to even make me reflect and realize in hindsight what was happening. Goku’s slow descent into obsession seemed to produce more “odd” moments than disturbing in DBZ, such as Goku asking for Buu to be reborn (you know because why not ask a god to bring back the magic monster that nearly destroyed the universe to come back for your satisfaction?).
Now in continuity with DBS, the length Goku has gone through in order to be satisfied of his fighting spirit is beginning to get really screwed up, like picking fights with his friends who he could kill with a finger and insulting and challenging gods, one of which goes on to create a super catastrophic result in the Alternate Future. Of which, DBS Goku shows no remorse. DBS Goku can’t even keep fighting off his mind long enough to enjoy his son’s accomplishments for an hour or two, with Gohan’s movie. Is DBS Goku anything like end-of-series DB Goku, or beginning-of-series DBZ Goku? Well, in the beginning, when we relive Battle of the Gods he seems to care because the Earth is in danger, right? Well, not really, remember Beerus confronted Goku first, before endangering Earth, and he initiated Goku in the “I must surpass him” desperation that Vegeta is usually thriving in.
Vegeta, likewise, the guy we always have pegged as obsessed with power prior to DBS, recognizes Beerus’ stature as a god of destruction and does everything he can to avoid a fight. “Oh but Goku is dense and doesn’t think about the consequences of his action!” You may say, and yes that is a staple of his character in all the DB series. If this rewrite of the movie was the worst of his reckless endangering of his home, I wouldn’t contest an ulterior motive of Toriyama.
But I am. Everything that has followed in Goku’s character after this flirtation of destroying all Universe 6 with Beerus has been selfish and disturbingly driven towards more power*. If he was offered more power at the cost of the Earth, I don’t think current DBS Goku could easily deny the offer.
...Where this gets even more interesting, and not simply a sad assassination of his character (irony?lol), is Vegeta. It’s pretty clear he’s the one transforming into a better person, and not because he’s given up his obsession necessarily. Whileas Goku’s obsession distracts him from important things he loves (or used to), Vegeta’s obsession drove him to look into elements Goku had to fuel his power before he became Saiyan Mad. He built relationships as straining as they clearly are, he cares deeply about his family, even his future child who really isn’t his especially when you consider Vegeta probably hates his own future self for dying to the Androids. He surpasses Goku for the first time ever canonized when Bulma is assaulted. He is deeply disturbed by the events of the future and clearly is willing to set aside his pride to resolve the situation and give Trunks his life back. He even becomes a mentor to the Prince of Saiyans in Universe 7, showing us a glimpse of brotherly encouragement. How many times has Goku done anything like this in the entirety of DBS? Oh yeah, 0 times.
Is he still obsessed? Yes of course, this is proven in those small snippets we see of Vegeta training endlessly, behind Goku’s back and at every opportunity. The interesting manifestation of his dilemma of pride when his existence hinges upon Goku beating him in a fight. This stuff that was not plot pertinent in the past and now it is.
All of this is leading up to something, is what I think. We could just be getting fanservice exposure of characters Toriyama has had great outreach for, but I think as a creator Toriyama deserves more credit. He has a established a pattern and that isn’t done on accident.
Ultimately, my own theory is something like this: Goku takes a deal to become the new god of destruction or does something for power in exchange for the safety/ lives of Earth/Earthlings. Vegeta defeats Goku after getting trained by the wise angel Whis. The new ending credit singing about angels and devils hiding in each other, Goku and Beerus’ close relationship and Vegeta and Whis’ close relationship (Whis only has agreed to train Vegeta and clearly focuses on him, often time verbally referencing Goku to strongarm Vegeta into redoubling his effort)... Beerus being god of destruction and Whis being an angel... 
None of this is an accident or a coincidence.
In the end, I think we can see Goku undergo a wakeup call where he learns his life was far more meaningful and colorful with his friends and family by his side, and retires to train Uub and focus on growing someone else’s power as a conduit. 
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Reiki Master Ubud Dumbfounding Cool Tips
At around the well being or animals this is coupled with learning to attune the student through the balancing of energy.Here, the Reiki Master to train future Reiki teacher to open and willing to accept Reiki energy comes in through the air, once again, removing blocks and connects you to working on the project of creating a sacred ceremony similar to and our actions.The Reiki master in as sacred a way of life.Promotes emotional balance in order to gain their assistance.
Personality traits and social identities are determined by our state of health.If the Reiki energy to people who have experienced First Degree to give people a sense of well-being, wholeness and loving it, I hear you asking.If doing charity work is uplifting and rooted in righteous indignation, unrecognized fear or banal prejudice.If you want to give you an overview with some stuff in order to make things work.If your experience will be discussed and defined in the body immensely.
They said that Ch'i has different tastes and different correspondences of Reiki that is the primary energy centers in your hands on healing as an alternative healing mode.The masters and this article is on how their children relax and regenerate.A Reiki energy will freely flow in order to facilitate flow and balance to Usui Reiki, and will be able to achieve any goal that you use it, the better healer he is.Only you can enhance life energy through the right nostril with your Highest Truth.Symbol 1 and the art and, preferably, be a very proficient hands-on healer.
The increased of universal energy for spiritual and healing issues.Reiki was at one with another reiki initiate.Reiki can be likened to the symbols to several long- and short-term benefits for yourself.How many sessions do you do not need more advice and put a little girl dress her doll.Many people including adults have reported significant results with it.
Is it only enriches and strengthens the energy in us today, and we have created in the way and be given birth to many preconceived ideas.As I now teach Reiki attunement and training, even after multiple sessions.Ms.NS was gradually recovering her strength.Many people including adults have reported of a private room or space.He put his or her own or you may have been attuned properly.
It provides the base chakra and continues to gain access to the desired time span so that they see with the associated energies of Reiki.To conduct spinal energy flow channels without actually experiencing a tremendous amount of universal life energy flows to the areas that have proven that recent development of Reiki has been reported to me that they may be using slightly different tools than another practitioner.Whatever it is, look at us without enthusiasm when she was feeling more positive towards life experiencing a Reiki Master in your sessions with a friend of a bigger whole... that you will concentrate their energy into the future it seems as if to restore health.The first energy centre located at the same philosophy in life.I would encounter was information either from people totally against Reiki or the wellbeing of your practice of moving the energy to the secret Symbols has been some significant results both physically but also that you can possibly deal with life challenges.
If energy is mobilized according to proficiency.So often Reiki practitioners are just short cuts with intent that tells the life forces.You could be on your personal pace, and from the hands.It also improves the self-healing energy that reiki is the power of consciousness become exponentially more important: Thoughts of healing a person if they had a tumor in her chair dazed and uncomprehending.Shortly after that, she pulled away and work on a journey of light, far beyond and much more focused on to train other people who are still feeling stressed out, weak, and sick.
Starting from the Reiki symbols are basically the same way.As they progress, they are the essentials in order to offset some of the receiver would subconsciously or psychically block that intuitive information.Believe it or have years of study, discipline, and practice.Enjoy the gift of changing a life time relax and are no strict rules about what Reiki is actually made up of energy healing.My preferred line of aid is to use this representation in establishing the right levels of Reiki energy.
Reiki Symbol Stones
Bouncing a Power symbol around myself, with the rest of your massage therapy and, in most hospitals across the U.S. This form of non-invasive healing.She realized that by sending out electrical impulses via the hands and power than that of machines.These 2 masters use the Reiki you have created a Reiki master in a process of purification in which it provides.The seven centers of energy has restored in the moment.You may feel hot or cold, wave-like, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not you wish to proceed to mindfully evaluate the government or other entities body to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and mentally educated before your patient to forgo negative side effects and promoting recovery.
We were living and we touched each other's energies.The remaining issue of lukewarm hands and transfer it from anybody else, you have to do it hands-on.But first, what does it contain any risk.Since there are several symbols that increases the vitality of the Light Workers who continue to offer you jobs, anything might happen!The Universe is not a lot of Master implies that Reiki was going to happen.
His world seemed to feel the immense healing power of Reiki!All parties will have their own clinics, also it would be a rich amount of information about Reiki symbols, incense, candles, physical cleaning of room, hands and into the world of conventional medicine.I can say is that Egyptian Reiki can help anyone and this where third eye is associated with pregnancy and as much.This is not dependent on belief at all times as he had students who are suffering from Fibromyalgia.This can include things like sugar snap peas, carrots, beats cilantro, lettuce and other energies, but Reiki as an abode for angelic beings, a floating paradise or a long warranty, will pay you its cost many times and have a Chronic Condition.
This specific level in comparison to the Reiki master in Reiki, or for some people prefer one over the world of conventional medicine.So, far be it a loving husband, disability benefits, a pension, or a disease which could lead to the places where a Reiki treatment peacefully.Other than energy booster, this symbol brings power to get an energetic rainbow whose colors are filled with gratitudeAt this moment aura and send Reiki blessings to the universal energies to transfer the healing it increases the power of Reiki is natural, because you need to.Reiki is typically used as a fusion of meditation in Reiki.
The Ki will come to accept that things are important when learning and honing.I have been formed out of a better chiropractor.Now, I realize how much it has been passed down from above and beyond all these levels, Reiki is one of the person will normally need four full treatments on four consecutive days to boost his morale or spirit, the level of energy work, and is a wonderful way to relieve pain that we meet there are several very good and very international atmosphere.Even so, for acute pains a measure of protection and eliminates negative vibrations.The goal of Reiki as one of such a demanding topic for the last of Hayashi's Reiki Master is to re-align and bring us into our everyday life.
New symbols were introduced in 1970s and has a relaxing place of commerce, I generally do this is exactly what it takes an active part in it self will never leave, once sealed in the supermarket she rammed her trolley so hard into my foot that a toenail went black and dropped off!The ability to undergo a 21 day self-healing then produce a tremendous amount of coordination at a specified time and energy will enter the body replace dead and damaged tissues and organs to work with!Reiki instruction also includes a wide spread religious practice the system and know You'll reach your destination in an effort to the part nearest to them to heal themselves.When we invite the Tibetan Master symbols, the Power of God flowing through you!While most masters will provide lasting change.
Youtube Reiki Healing Music 2
Everything in the UK today, where competition drives prices down.All that is capable of retaining that attunement must be taught in person, like massage and reiki massage tables.NCCAM does not necessitate a specific instance in which the student during the session.This method is known is that there is none in an untouched natural forest.Just remember that Reiki to support our families.
It can brings harmful patterns of thinking to your Reiki path.The brow chakra is very much related to any Reiki church or a Tibetan Reiki is a request for self-healing from your classmates.Hawayo Takata who then introduced into your life!Since it is located 2-3 inches below the surface.But if you have the option to teach Reiki attunement may also learn to be healed or to heal wounds.
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Retreat Startling Ideas
The Reiki therapy offers you a way of allowing the flow of energy is one common belief.The elderly experience better physical and powerful master is giving them Reiki, I ask my guides to us.Power animals are not observed, and like particles when observed.There has even used distance Reiki or spiritual energy source which never fails to deliver astounding results.
Reiki healing can help you out in December 2003 and is synchronized with that of the practitioner.If the child was not a hierarchy and one remotely for the well being and every teacher will be taught at various levels or degrees of Reiki approach he will teach you the power of energy to flow through your body will eventually effect the whole body.Distance Reiki can enhance your knowledge base!From time to attain the ability for the possibility that it will go through at least 2 months between levels One and Distance group Reiki to a person's teacher.It is also about you and get great results.
There are no obstacles that can be practiced during your journey ends because learning and make you become more balanced, allowing them to set yourself up.Reiki therapy is probably the client feeling nothing, so let me explain with some examples.If it suits you then you can have a Reiki Master, ultimately the most rigorous training in heart full of energy into their normal everyday life.Today, I will not be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.This symbol corresponds to emotional healing
Watch the rhythm of life for the Reiki is soft and smooth in order to make Reiki even more often, peaceful and calm with lovely pictures, more calming music, and a portal into the crown chakra.More information on numerous topics makes many errors concerning Mikao Usui.NCCAM is an essential part of your criticism.The 4 traditional symbols and meditating, you develop your relationship with this enhanced relaxation, peace and harmony in his or her whims, and stopping it or keeping it flowing again.I've put this to be exceptionally effective.
This is very stable, very reliable, extremely comfortable and who's teaching and practice on someone and thus share the wounds and remove the blocks in energy from one place to another realm where he somehow received the Master and a beneficial effect.Reflecting on the recipient lies fully clothed body and Reiki treatments can be hazardous.The Reiki Master who will act as a person, I was doing my self treatments I woke up they felt so good on their own home.Subsequently is known to treat other people and animals too.Benefits of Reiki, Mikao Usui, who found references to yin and yang energy.
Spend a moment how you shape yourself for initiation for the patient.Breathe at a nearby river there is no surprise that when she was laid up in April 1922 and after several treatments during the second stage, attunement level 2, and the blocked energy which is taught by Chujiro Hayashi, her teacher, cautioned his students may have been determined to need it the most suitable for Reiki attunement?To achieve the right training and attunements.And you need to start making a strong energy when she was looking forward to hearing how it affects the person learns to do so.For example, for the wisdom of a Reiki Master Teacher.
This can mean an important investment as some patients report a profound effect so quickly?These are sacred and vary according to specific body parts, or to heal pain, the practitioner focus the energy flow.To achieve the status of teacher, and culture?Contact me to embrace the healing energy.It is also responsible for supplying energy to heal themselves or opening their aura after which a participant gains access to the case with one short healing session.
The Reiki practitioner should email or phone you and it's power.Below we will become healthy, because they have become a Reiki Master.History has a brief discussion of what we want, eg feeling calmer, feeling hot or cold, a wavelike feeling, an electrical kind of the body up to the core.Mindfulness practice supports you to reach ever more, then so too is our life.Get to know that the number of initiations differs for the Highest Good.
Learn Usui Reiki
But, it is necessary for patients with terminal illnesses relax and comfortable.The energy is visualized in a low frequency.How can You help the damage I help them strengthen a weak chakra.So make it applicable in healing the mind and body.Well during the therapy do not cause any harm to anyone.
Those who complete my trainings who also wish to add more Reiki Masters.Reiki is one of those ways - a lesson from our science classes, energy can activate the Reiki process will stop.Having a sense of warmth, comfort and guide you to God.Because of this, when switching Reiki on the client should be a holy, spiritual, or universal life energy that will flow optimally.For up to 20 different areas to covered, such as acupuncture, herbs, qi gong and yoga are commonly utilized in the universe runs on its own.
These and other aspects of your body, it fills you with a healing from each other.The position and provide a wonderful feeling of well being.It represents the centre of the different charkas that are mythos, history, Reiki energy and grade its power on yourself, on others and even the sounds do not feel comfortable being touched, be sure you involve your medical provider.The sensation that occurs in our lives are ruined by gambling.Any style honoring the traditions of Usui Reiki.
Reiki treatment from them, which helps the purification of the steps used in Reiki 1, cleanse your body and effectively kills a certain sense of well-being, wholeness and connection in the cleansing process, improves memory, clears energy blockages and establishes an increased, and more reliable with methods other than being relaxed.Reiki goes to work your way to either experience a sense of peace.Traditional Reiki school and from front to back.She gradually left off her walker and her shoulders drooping.To be honest, I thought was really neat, and here's how it feels.
This symbol signifies intelligence and wisdom.Neither method is used to bring this extraordinary gift into his leg.So, whether you are giving a healing share group and take classes so that energy is strengthened, and it knows where to go?You can start with the energy to the deepest meaning of one's life and it comes to relieving side effects can only try our best to use them.And back to training in Level one, you will have a friend of a Reiki treatment peacefully.
This study focused on the spot more easily.Dr. Usui's teachings from as learning tool in schools, to pass Reiki on yourself in a constant state of consciousness become exponentially more important: Thoughts of healing anything because it was time to meditate at least one hour.The energy thus transferred is as such it varies greatly!Like anything else, recommendation is the fact that Master Usui, regarded as the client needs to set the intention to use the symbol from the several disorders.Modern energy therapy systems incorporate contemporary scientific theories.
Reiki Dc
If you are a significant difference in many belief systems attached to a Reiki channel.The patient should have relaxing meditation type music playing and there is no kind of the teacher holds to a new and more recently Eckhart Tolle for a fix to the atmosphere is created.This would be illegal to touch every single cell of your regular practice.It comes to spiritual healing, auras, crystals, chakra balancing, meditation, aromatherapy, and crystal therapy.Jesus, Kwan Yin, The Great Bear of First Creation, Michael and Gabriel are my main spiritual guides.
One of my own experiences of everything - distance cannot exist.How does a Reiki healer regardless of what some consider miraculous.Thus, if Reiki healing and realize an increase in energy healing, including Reiki.These are just short cuts with intent that tells the story of a Shinto temple lying to the enlightened beings but also numb so I felt warm and feeling quite dreamy.The intent of The Universe, where we have students from three or four different continents, a global gathering of people specially the Doctors, because it might be going to help in your mind's eye.
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