#it's the arsonist's garden btw
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dracomeir · 7 months ago
Me: I'm going to finish this on-going fic I have before starting anything else.
Also me: Started another fic, and is almost done writing a whole chapter after one day.
The need for Darnell x Pico was too strong. lmao
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spiritstar477 · 7 months ago
I’m thinking of writing a fic where Sirius gets amnesia (unknown how as of yet) and such. Modern muggle au. I want it to be a pretty chill, happy story with probably not much plot just vibes.
Wolfstar as the main coupling.
These are my character descriptions for our marauders era peeps. Any ideas on any changes or additions to them?
See below the break ⬇️
Also, Sirius isn’t listed bc he doesn’t know who he is bc of the amnesia.
Remus: gay, five years old was attacked by Greyback and cut up, gets tremors on chronic pain now, uses a cane to walk, nerd (will read anything but mostly loves textbooks/educational books), lowkey autistic (you don’t know til you know), always spouting weird facts when he’s uncomfortable, obvi super pining for sirius
James: pansexual, dating Regulus, plays basketball, does one on one with Marlene and they gossip/vent about their day, works out all the time, super smart but a dumbass, actual sunshine with abandonment issues
Regulus: trans (formerly Lyra), bisexual, dating James, nerd (big into learning like remus, he and remus hang out to learn random shit together) plays badminton singles, autistic af, very quiet until he gets comfy then he never shuts up, likes legos (touch and you’ll die)
Peter: aroace, everyone’s bestie, chill and just living his best life, closest with Mary (both just chill but always judging everyone together)
Barty: gay af, dating Evan obvi, graffiti vandal/lowkey arsonist, besties with Pandora, intentionally does stereotypical ‘quiet kid’ stuff just to fuck with his peers, everyone’s afraid of him just how he likes,
Evan: asexual but will ruin Barty sexually (doesn’t get any sexual gratification but enjoys watching Barty squirm and have the best time), collects animal parts in jars and has a ‘bone room’, is that creepy kid, has definitely been to the psych ward before
Lily: lesbian, poly-ish, dating Mary and Pandora, huge chemistry nerd, in the debate club, very popular/friends with nearly everyone
Mary: bisexual, poly-ish, dating Lily and Pandora, very cottagecore, quiet vibes, besties with Peter, vegan/all about saving the planet (but not in a awful way), forgetful and always has a million alarms and reminders on her phone
Marlene: nonbinary they/them, so lesbian they never had to come out, obsessed with gf Dorcas, plays basketball, them and James often do one on one and vent, loves movies and will watch literally anything
Dorcas: lesbian, dating Marlene, most said words are probably “wtf Marlene”, party girl, cheerleader, legit hates men except Reggie but only because they were close before he transitioned and she’d miss him
Pandora: unknown sexuality (always just shrugs when asked), very manic pixie girl vibes, heavy on the manic, sometimes commits arson with bestie Barty, Evan’s unused dead things’ parts are made into fertilizer for her garden (which is impressive btw, mostly flowers but a hidden section of poisonous plants), always has something creepy or downright unsettling to say
-James is Indian
-Remus is technically white but he does not look it (and it always surprises people), and he’s conveniently unattractive bc I love ugly remus
-Pandora and Evan are black (with naturally white blond hair ofc) and Pandora has vitiligo
-Sirius and Regulus moved from France as children
-Mary is black
-Dorcas is black
It takes place in Canada bc I’m Canadian and I know fuck all about European anything and am too lazy to do research.
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literaila · 7 months ago
I was re reading ATF and I saw you said listen to be acoustic version-hozier (ur so real for that) and I was wondering what hozier songs you would give to the characters in ATF?
yay! my powers finally come into play! i love hozier and i loooove musical comparisons so fab, lit, etc. you better listen to all of these and completely take them in before moving on. this is a threat.
reader and satoru are obviously damage gets done.
see: literally anything they’ve ever done. the two of them struggle so much (and mostly due to outside circumstances) but when they’re all grown, they’ll look back fondly and wish they could do it all again. because, as mentioned, if the world offers so much pain just to bring them to each other, it’s all worth it in the end.
the tank was always filled up only enough for their getting there btw
(honorable mention: wasteland baby and moments silence (common tongue) shhh)
satoru’s song is from eden
satoru is always positive, always the strongest, but he would flee eden—a garden of all paradise—for anyone he loves. he would give up his mantle, give up his life for all of these kids, and more importantly—for you. he’s made all of these plans and they may never come to fathom, but at least he tried.
and he continues to try, to crawl to his family and protect them with all he’s got. he’s not afraid of abandoning paradise, as long as there’s something waiting there for him.
satoru might not be human, but he’ll damn well try to be.
and there is something so precious about this, babe. and something so broken about this too.
reader is it will come back and no plan
maybe it’s because of her childhood, maybe its always been apart of her, but if satoru can’t see himself as human, reader can’t see herself as worth it. her parents brushed her—and her monster, her curse—aside, and from that point forward, she was alone and content with being so. she doesn’t want to contaminate anything else, doesn’t want to scare anyone away.
it’s a kindness you can’t afford, she might whisper to satoru, but he’s obviously not listening. and just as she comes to depend on him, and their family, they begin to depend on her as well.
and why would you make out of words a cage for your own birds?
why should she see her talents, her techniques, her stubbornness as something to fear? her own mind was a prison for so long—but she’s going to crawl out, day by day. and when that finally happens—everyone will be waiting for her, smiles on their faces.
the harder the rain, the sweeter the sun, after all.
tsumiki is first light
tsumiki sees everything very clearly. her life is a simple thing, something to be grateful for, even if there’s sadness, even if she’s got those blank spaces in her heart (the ones reader taught her about), she understands that it’s simply fate. nothing to be too concerned about.
she is sweet because she wants to be, laughs because she wants to. she finds a home wherever she goes.
and sure, darkness finds you either way, but the sun always comes up. and the light will feel brand new—but it’ll be there all the same.
megumi is hard to choose, but ultimately i think he’s abstract (psychopomp)
he’s said it himself: he’s not a hero, he’s not dictated by normal morals, but he is human. he always has been. he makes stupid decisions and he knows it. and he can’t see the positivity his father, mother, or sister do.
and still, for whatever reason he still watches the world shine. he can see the memories of all of you, and he can’t turn away from that happiness, no matter how dark it gets. love and terror go hand and hand, after all, and megumi is overwhelmed with both.
but, that’s fine, though. it’s not like he can choose who he loves, anyway.
for a little bonus: megumi and satoru are both arsonists lullaby
they’ve both got responsibilities to their bloodlines, to the people around them, and their own legacy’s to fulfill.
jujutsu is simple. don’t tame your demons, just keep them on a leash.
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bluelotuswrites · 1 year ago
Red is the Color of Sinners playlist
Welp. It's official! Red is the Color of Sinners was posted one year ago today! I unfortunately don't have a new chapter for the anniversary because life is a bitch. So have this playlist instead.
Feel free to add on in comments or tags what songs you think fit the series. Also, pay attention to the lyrics. Some of them may or may not be hints to future fics ;)
(All of these are on YouTube BTW because I don't have Spotify)
The End of Jason Todd- the Smyrk
Red Hood's Titans Theme
Blossoms- The Amazing Devil
Bottom of the River- Delta Rae
Ain't No Sunshine- Bill Withers
Daredevil Rock Theme- KillSwitch
A Sadness Runs Through Him- The Hoosiers
Sinners- Barns Country
Climbing the Eyewall- Diablo Swing Orchestra
Religion- Isak Danielson
Little Lion Man- Mumford and Sons
Remedy - A rock song about existential crisis- Some Fish
Church- Fall Out Boy
Somehow You Know What I Mean- The Bohicas
Hell to Your Doorstep- The Count of Monte Cristo Musical
Tongues and Teeth- The Crane Wives
Snake Oil Baptism- Diablo Swing Orchestra
The Garden- The Crane Wives
New Invention- IDKBTFM
Funeral- Neoni
Red Hood Theme- Blush
Angry Too- Lola Blanc
Human- Rag'n'Bone Man
The Jesuit Blues- EXORCISTIC Musical
For the Departed- Shayfer James
Arsonist's Lullabye- Hozier
Moscow- Autoheart
Future- Mystery Skulls
Stalker's Tango- Autoheart
Hayloft PT II- Mother, Mother
Paint it Black- The Rolling Stones
Tamer- Beautiful Crime
Trouble's Coming- Royal Blood
This is Gospel- Panic! at the Disco
Bury a friend- Billie Eilish
Heathens- Twenty-One Pilots
Too Sweet- Hozier
Horns- Bryce Fox
I See Red- Everybody Loves an Outlaw
Bleed- Xabien
The Waking Nightmare- Frakenstein the Musical
Grenade- Bruno Mars
Take Me to War- The Crane Wives
Thanks @speaching for the Isak Danielson song, it fits very well
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tare-anime · 3 years ago
SxF Mission 58-1
(Beware spoilers)
Oh wow, Endo made draft for a chapter, and it ended up waaaayy longer than 25 pages, that he had to divide the chapter??? 👀
Seems suspiscious.
But the man is really busy. I hope he stays healty. 🙏
Anyway, didn't expect we get to see Loid and Bond days out.
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As always, love the details!!
Loid looks so at ease, I totally love it. Flopped hair, cozy coat (I can't believe I was hoping to see flower button on that coat 🤣. Me just craving for TwiYor content so bad).
Bond is, as always, the best angel 🥰
So we get to see Bond and his training.
Things that Loid had been want to do, since chp 24!
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Bond was so kind that he was not good at barking and biting people.
And it looks like, all this training invoke a bad memory from the dog. I was quite surprised to see that Frankie was the one who realized about this.
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While Loid, still trying his best to understand his dog, that unconsciously, was treated like a son of his. (I found that really cute, tbh 🥰)
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This tiny gesture: forcing Bond's head to bow, like how he did? So so soooo cute 🥰
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Bond is Loid's son. As Anya is his daughter. Unfortunately, both of them gave him headaches 🤣
Now Bond is a really good dog. He always tried his best to help people.
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Unfortunately, just like Anya, despite having super power, these two can hardly use them well. The results were not what Bond had expected.
Especially, since Loid cannot read his minds. So Bond also needs to figure out how to comunicate with Loid.
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Poor Bond.
This chapter looked like a happy go lucky one, but, as always, there were something happen in the background
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"Given the state of things..."
What things? The bombing at the cruise? The missing people? The war?
Arson?? 👀
Will we entered an arc where Loid had to deal with arsonist?
Will this arsonist so treathening that push WISE and Garden to take care of them? Oooorr??? The SSS? The situation that forced Loid and Yuri to cooperate, while at the same time try to hide their identities, with the brother-in-law awkward relationship? (Just like how @lacrow had theorized)
Or just a simple Loid and Bond saved the day?
So curiouusss 🥰🥰
Well, at least this first part of the chapter already give us Bond the hero.
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(Tbh, I thought Daisy was a name of a baby... but no. It was the name of a very cute pug!)
And a very proud Loid's fatherly "heh"
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(Squeaaaallllll 🥰🥰🥰) I really love soft Loid. 🥰
I can't wait to read the continuation!!
Btw, during this time, where were Yor and Anya?
Stay at home? Or went shopping? 😏 (I wanna see more Yor-Anya mother daugther moments)
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dismalzelenka · 4 years ago
100 Days of Writing, Day 24
for @the-wip-project
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Firstly, I'm double posting these today because yesterday I got overtaken by the most manic handers muse I've ever experienced and spent literally the entire day writing and neglected everything else. Oops.
I'm the kind of person who just sort of absorbs inspo from around me wherever I can find it. It's kind of shitty sometimes, because occasionally bad things happen and my brain's first response (sometimes I wonder if it's a weird knee jerk defense mechanism I've developed) is to distance from it a little and be like "ok but how can I work that into a narrative theme" while the rest of me is beating at myself with a rolled up newspaper like dude this is NOT THE TIME.
So in reality there are way too many things to name. But in terms of general themes, I mentally break down a lot of the things I read if I think they're really good and try to pinpoint the things about it I find appealing, and then I try to find an excuse to work it into a WIP somewhere as soon as I can so I can seal it into my memory.
The only big specific thing that is coming to mind though is from songs. Oh boy. SO much of my writing is built around music. Yea I'm one of those people. So, fun fact about Diz: I took a film scoring class in college and barely passed it because I am Very Bad at being a student, BUT one of the things I learned in it was the difference between diagetic and non-diagetic music.
(Lots of links and examples below the cut btw. Definitely check these songs out if you haven't heard them. They're great.)
If you're unfamiliar with the term, diagetic music is music in the score that is an active part of the scene. If it's playing from a jukebox in the scene for example. That Dawn Will Come scene from Inquisition, that's an example of diagetic music. As opposed to ambient music that sets a mood but isn't an active part of the scene. This doesn't actively translate to writing obviously as the music isn't actively playing, but loosely speaking:
I've done this before in Your Arms Feel Like Home: the mages at the big protest in Kirkwall stand in a circle around the memorial garden and sing Will the Circle be Unbroken and I used the version from Bioshock as inspo because it was just super great. And I don't think I'd learned to embed in ao3 yet, but that's the song and sound that I had in mind.
Recently I also did this in Lonely Sons and Daughters when I talked about the modern version of the Joining the way the Ferelden branch does it, and I incorporated the song Sons and Daughters (from where the title is taken) by American Spirit because I heard it and was like JESUS CHRIST THAT'S PERFECT. So in the scene they all beat the drum beat on the tables and sing it after the new recruits drink from the cup.
I also took the words from Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier and made them a bit canon for The Place Where I Belong. I write Malcolm Hawke as this like, dramatic and larger than life person (almost definitely a Leo) who always has Iconic Quotes that his recruits always rib him for but admire anyway. (I based that on a band director I had in high school actually.) The line about never taming your demons but always keeping them on a leash became one of those sayings that he said a lot to Hawke as she was growing up and learning how to control her magic.
Shit, the entirety of The Place Where I Belong is literally built around a Faunts album called Feel.Love.Thinking.Of. So much of my writing wouldn't exist without these songs propelling them through the ether.
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lhaewiel · 4 years ago
So, I finally got my hands on the Black Mirror game trilogy.
One of my all-time favourite games. Be prepared, bc I have a series of headcanons post-Black Mirror III.
I don’t know if I should tag for spoilers, I mean, the game is pretty old, so yeah.
Anyway, here’s my series of headcanons.
Adrian Gordon, finally free of Mordred’s curse, decides it’s time to properly sue Murray not for extortion, or blackmail, because he knows that this would be a lost battle, BUT over the USE THE GORDON’S NAME FOR HIS HORRIBLE AND TACKY MERCH AND THE ILLICIT USE OF THE GORDON’S NAME IN GENERAL
His solicitor is more than happy to comply.
THe second thing he does is making sure no one accidentally opens the portals ever again - he makes the constructors pour concrete over all openings. He’s had enough of magic portals, rituals, blood, curses and whatnot. Sister Antolini is not exactly happy, but she gets it. Yes, also the entrance to the catacombs underneath the castle’s cellar gets properly sealed.
The dismantling of the horror museum and Murray out of the game is the starting point for the people of Willow Creek to trust Adrian.
It is still a bit of a stretch to say that the Willow Creek people are warming up to him, but whenever someone hints at Adrian being an arsonist/murderer they get cut off by someone else chiming in with: that is the Crazy Yankee, our good Lord Gordon has never done anything at all.
Tom gets discovered - he was killed by Ralph, who is taken away to a proper structure. Adrian goes to visit him whenever he can.
Adrian really takes on Dr. Winterbottom’s advise: Edward is hired as butler and is allowed to live at the Black Mirror castle. Adrian also manages to hire 2 gardeners and a stable hand/carpenter. Edward conscientiously helps Adrian with administration.
Adrian graduates in Physics at the University of Bath. He then takes on photography as a hobby. He is pretty good and his photos end up through the years to several showings. He has one wing of the castle dedicated especially to his photography shoots.
He keeps writing his diary, under the suggestion of Dr. Winterbottom.
He has restored the paintings in the castle and has filled the empty spaces with photos of his mother Cathrin, his adoptive mother Rebecca and landscapes from all over the world.
He still keeps that one photo of Angelina, but it’s kept mostly under lock and key.
Edward suggests the employment of a cook and Adrian complies - mostly because Edward is not the best at proper cooking.
Because both Edward and Adrian are more or less the same age, they do become good friends - just like old Bates had been for Lady Victoria and Sir William.
Once Adrian is stabilised enough financially and emotionally, he decides that Willow Creek deserves a good revamp - who knows, the town per se is not bad, but it suffers from years of neglect.
The pub gets a new owner, who renews the whole place and brings the Three Kegs back to its golden age.
Abaya, the shop owner, renews the shop, as new people start to arrive.
The former Ashburry sanatorium, former Gordon’s palace gets a new name and a new owner - Murray, finally conceding that he is too old, retires and spends the rest of his days in his house - which is now the former museum and pawn shop.
Bobby gets a proper carer and a proper house to live in, thanks to Adrian.
Inspector Spooner gets transferred back to London, Denise leaves with him against her father’s wishes. She will never come back to Willow Creek.
Dr. Hermann’s house gets acquired by a proper pathologist.
Now Adrian needs to think to his castle in Wales. He does not know what to do with that castle exactly, but he has to bring it back. By now Black Mirror castle has been nearly all restored - new electronics have made their way in the medieval walls too - a computer and a laptop just to start with, the fire actually gave him the chance to choose furniture and decorations which are a bit more practical whilst still keeping the “old castle” vibe.
Something very similar to the Black Mirror castle happens to the Wales castle - marshes get reclaimed, the place is restored.
Adrian does find love again - he makes sure that his beloved knows everything.
They adopt for 2 reasons mainly: the blood of a Gordon is sure something to be wary, also Adrian wants to honour his adoptive mother. Also Adrian is the one and only Gordon so far, no one can say anything.
The wedding is very simple - Willow Creek residents, the bride/groom family, Adrian and the new Warmhill priest, Father Valerius.
Mark the gravedigger finally gets an apprentice BTW.
I will write more if I think of other stuff.
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hekawitch · 5 years ago
Get to know me prompts! Thank you @gretavankiszka 💚
Nicknames: Babs, Babi, B
Zodiac: cancer
Height: 5' 7"
Hogwarts House: Idk ☹
Last thing googled: how to use after effects (it’s really hard)
Do you get asks: not often but I have awesome mutuals that always send something! (feel free to ask me anything btw)
Amount of sleep: 4-5 I wish that be more
Lucky number: 6
What are you wearing: pajamas
Dream trip: Amsterdam! 
Instruments: I sing so I should say that I play the vocals!
Languages: English, Portuguese and some Spanish
Favorite Song(s): brave new world - greta van fleet, old money - lana del rey, last night I dreamt that somebody loved me - the smiths, arsonist’s lullabye - hozier
Random fact: I have 207 bones (a normal person has 206)
Aesthetic: gardens, stars, skies
I tag @starshinekiszka @angelstraightfr0mhell @satans-helper @jacobthomass @thatflowerpower @woman-ina-dream @kiszkawagnergvf @jake-thomas-kiszka sorry if I forgot to tag you, feel free to do!
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starrypawz · 4 years ago
For the weird Hozier asks: “Shrike” (fav bird) and “Foreigner’s God”? Also I am realizing that I’ve only ever heard like. One Hozier song, and it’s none of these
Hozier Themed Asks
Shrike: answered before but
Like tbh I basically like all birds because well birds are neat and I just like animals in general but
Broadly, Corvids, Ducks, Owls, Penguins, Raptors and Parrots are all neat
tOn a more specific level, Robins, Sparrows, Starlings (even if they’re noisy lil poop machines) Blue Tits,  Pied Wagtails (see picture)
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(basically a lot of common British garden birds are adorable and are friend shaped
- Arsonist’s Lullabye- Do you ever feel lost?
I mean I’m basically the embodiment of this gif
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btw i recc both these hozier songs they’re good
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