#it's still july 31st my time
thatsitso · 1 year
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I just caught up with the manga and found out it's about to end 😭??? I'll miss them 💔
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journalsforpalestine · 2 months
Journal Raffle for Wafaa's Children and Grandchildren!
Hello! ❤️💚🤍 I wanted to take a moment to share a raffle we're been holding for this fundraiser. Originally it was being hosted by @/rafflesforpalestine, but it's now independent! Unfortunately this means that we don't have the proof of donation that was sent in before this switch happened - if you participated in the raffle before, please resend your proof of donation and we can make sure you're counted among the entries!
The situation Wafaa's family is in continues to worsen. At the start of this raffle, I remember seeing her fundraiser and realizing it wasn't the first time I had - I could remember Wafaa's niece, whose smile looked very much like hope. Two weeks ago, Wafaa received news that her niece and daughter had been martyred just days apart from each other. Please take a moment to read this and remember them.
Wafaa's family is still in danger, and their situation worsens by the day. Their home has now been destroyed, and they suffer from illness and malnutrition. Tumblr continues to shadowban Wafaa's blog, making it even more difficult for her to seek help for her family, and today shadowbanned Wafaa again for what is the third time in recent weeks. Wafaa's campaign has begun to stagnate, and still has a long way to go! Please, if you have a moment, consider donating. If not, please reblog and share Wafaa's story as much as you're able!
We will be raffling some journals to help Wafaa's fundraising efforts!
In order to be entered to win one of them, please donate €5 to Wafaa's campaign and send proof of donation either to @journalsforpalestine through ask, submit, or ims, or through this google form! €10 will get you two entries, €15 will get you three, and so on and so forth.
All of these journals can be shipped internationally.
Winners will be chosen on July 31st !
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tagging for reach! @appsa @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @malcriada @brutaliakhoa @communistchilchuck @briarhips @timetravellingkitty @commissions4aid-international @mazzikah @kibumkim @stuckinapril @malcriada @dykesbat @aces-and-angels @rhubarbspring @irhabiya
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southislandwren · 2 years
I saw pillars and ribbons with my naked eye tonight and I’m supposed to just be normal now? I just lived through a 7.67 KP solar storm and I have to wake up in 6 hours for school? And all this on the second anniversary of one of the most traumatic days of my life. I bet he’s up in the sky and that’s why it was so good tonight
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raguiras · 2 months
Mionn's art & writing ship trade event
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(Click the art for better quality!)
I'm hosting an art & writing event centered around ships & duos (multifandom)!
I've recently reached 200 followers on this blog, 900 on my meme blog, and 100 on Instagram!! Honestly, I don't even know what to say... I feel so damn honored and am so grateful for the support!! 🖤🖤🙏
As a multi-milestone celebration as well as an event for the official Spade of Storms (Deuce x Allen) day, which is on the 27th of July, I decided to host a TRADE EVENT!!!
Basically, this event is going to be an open art/writing trade that's all about ships (or platonic duos).
The event starts on 7/23 (today) and lasts for rest of July as well as for the entirety of August. For every Allen x Deuce art/writing that I receive during this duration, you get one of your own ship from ANY FANDOM back!
Why am I hosting this?
it's a way to thank everyone for three different follower milestones
a contest/DTIYS/raffle wouldn't promise that everyone gets something back, so I went for a trade event
the event allows me to post more about other canon TWST characters and draw them while not having to neglect Allen x Deuce
I wanna make new mutuals & friends, get to know more ships, and strengthen friendships with mutuals I already have!
Artfight is/was tons of fun, but I only do/did colored sketches there & ships are a tricky subject. Meanwhile, I'll do ANYTHING here!
Basic information:
Make a drawing/writing/comic of Allen x Deuce. (Ideas can be found in this post's pink "starters for my ship" section.)
Post it on your blog, tag me in it, and refer to my event. (While posting is by far preferred — especially for bigger artworks and written stuff — you can also just DM it to me.)
In return, you'll receive a gift of the same type for your own ship from any fandom (OC x canon, canon x canon, OC x OC)! I'll DM you about the ship, so make sure that your DMs are open.
For example: If you submit a sketch, you'll get a sketch back. If you submit a fully shaded drawing, I'II make a fully shaded drawing for you, too. If you add a background, I'll (do my best to) do the same. If you write a drabble... You know the drill!
ANYONE can join, whether you follow me or not! However, new followers through the event are super appreciated!
EVENT TIME: July 23th (today) - August 31st
Anything submitted before or after this event duration will not receive anything back (unless we explicitly do a trade), but be held in high regard nonetheless!
The portrayal of Allen x Deuce must be shippy/romantic.
Please keep angst at a minimum unless it has a happy ending. Comfort is allowed.
Please DO NOT add your own OC or another canon character to the submission. Including them in the background as a wingman or something is alright, though. Additionally, any kind of romantic implications between Deuce and another character/OC are NOT allowed.
Please no NSFW. Harmless implications and slight spice are okay, but keep in mind that these characters are both minors.
AUs are very much allowed! All the previous rules apply here, too, and I'm willing to give an overview of some AUs via DMs.
Please no genderbending.
Please DO NOT draw Allen or Deuce as a standalone character. This is a SHIP event for a reason.
Please don't change their appearances too much, especially when it comes to the color schemes & body types.
Giving them different outfits — especially event outfits — is absolutely cool (yes, you can draw Allen in a skirt if you wanna), and changing their hairstyles is okay as long as they still look like themselves.
This is NOT A DTIYS event, so please DO NOT redraw one of my Allen x Deuce arts. Please come up with something original.
If you have any more questions, please DM me!
What CAN you submit?
drawings // comics // writings // animatics
For drawings, anything from a quick sketch to an extremely detailed drawing with a background is allowed! You'll get something of the same quality back. The same also goes for writings/fanfics.
Animatics will receive a drawing in return.
What CAN'T be submitted?
Gacha videos // edits // memes
-> You can theoretically submit all of these and I'd appreciate them, but I wouldn't be able to give you anything back.
Memes refer to funny pictures that simply have Allen & Deuce's faces in them. DRAWN memes/meme redraws count as DRAWINGS.
Starters for Allen x Deuce
Got no clue what to draw/write about?
Check out the few already existing Allen x Deuce posts on this blog for proper lore and facts.
Check @spade-of-storms for fun facts, shorter rambles and additional info.
In any case, you can't go wrong with simple fluffy, romantic scenarios! Dates, kisses, cuddles, whatever!
For information about Allen himself, please check my pinned post.
I want to join the event, but I don't have any ship (OC x canon, canon x canon, OC x OC) you could draw/write about for me in return.
That's okay! In that case, I'll gladly draw/write about two separate characters or a platonic duo for you.
Can I do multiple submissions for this event?
Obviously, and every single one will be "revenged"!
Can I get something of another type/quality back? For example, can I get a fully shaded drawing for my sketch, or art for my drabble?
Unfortunately not, as I prefer to always give something of the same type back. There are only the following two exceptions that I AM willing to do:
you do a drabble/oneshot —> I do a sketch
you do any type of art —> I write a drabble/oneshot
Is there anything you refuse to draw/write about?
Deuce ships (other than Deuce x Allen). NSFW. Family x family. Minor x adult. Any ship considered to be problematic.
How do I tell you about the ship I want you to draw/write about for me?
I'll DM you after you post your event submissions.
Do you prefer to do OC x canon, canon x canon, or OC x OC?
I have a bias towards OC x canon and canon x canon ships. However, I'm willing to do any ship that's not problematic! In the case of OC x OC, I simply need you to provide information on two OCs instead of one only.
Will you do poly ships?
In order to keep things fair, no. But I could include the third party as a plush or chibi head.
I want to make Allen x Deuce content for you, but not receive anything in return.
That's also super appreciated anytime (and totally doesn't make me freak out /pos)! Simply share it as a gift and don't mention the event.
How long is it going to take you to finish your "revenge" on me?
It depends on the type of submission you make & what I'm giving you back. Some things can be done within a day while others may take much longer, but either way, you WILL get something of the SAME TYPE back & that's guaranteed.
Personal notes:
My health isn't the best and I also have a job. Please be respectful and don't rush me nor get mad when I'm being slow.
Please do not start a discussion nor get mad at me if I refuse to draw/write about a ship I deem problematic & want you to pick another one instead. Preferably pick a ship that's by far NOT problematic from the beginning.
I'm unwilling to draw/write about any Deuce ships other than Deuce x Allen because I kin Deuce a ton and tend to feel uncomfortable with many of his ships, so please don't ask for any. I'm asking you to not start a discussion over this, either.
I won't post everything I make for the event on this blog. Sketches and writings will either be DMed to you or posted on one of my other blogs.
That's it for now! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to DM me.
And again, thank you so much for 200 followers!
♤ Happy trading! ♤
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ladykailitha · 22 days
Steve's Rewind
Just an idea I had stewing in my brain, buckle up this is going to get angsty as fuck. Thanks to my discord for helping me with some of the fiddlier details.
Here we go.
The Harrington family were once a clan a powerful magic users, though their bloodline is diluted now they barely have the smallest spark of it left in their blood. It allows them to use the device left to them by their ancestor. Althenea’s Life Spool, or the Spool most of the time.
It allows the user to go back and do over one event at the cost of one year of their life. In addition they remember the previous timeline. It is handed to the eldest child on their 16th birthday.
Usually only members of the Harrington clan remember previous timelines, but when Steve meets El, he finds out that the experiments done to her and the other children make it so she can see the previous timelines, too.
She commends him for the two times he’s used it so far.
The first time was on Nov. 12th, 1983. The night he went to Jonathan’s to apologize about the camera. The first time, he ran. Their screams ringing in his ears as he flees. Only now all the Byers family is dead, along with Nancy and the Mind Flayer breaks through to the surface world, screaming like a banshee.
He doesn’t know what will happen if he runs back into that house, but he knows at least he’ll have tried.
And while it doesn’t work out perfect, he’s pretty satisfied with the results.
On Oct. 31st, 1984 he thinks about using it again, but doesn’t. He doesn’t know what event started the relationship with Nancy to go south. So he leaves it be and silently deals with the broken heart.
On July 5th, 1985. Steve learns that El can see the previous timelines too and asks him to rewind so Hopper lives. Steve tells her about the cost and she turns pale. He asks her if she still wants that and she shakes her head. No. That would not be fair.
Then on Mar. 29th, 1986, she comes to him again. This time it’s all of Hawkins that swings in the balance and he agrees. He was just waiting for her to return so that they could plan out what needed to be changed.
So they hatch out a plan: Give everyone an extra twenty minutes to get into place. Towels in the vents of the trailer. Time for Hopper et al to kill the demogorgon, time for Jason and his cronies to find the Creel House, come up empty and leave, time for El to get into a better place to protect Max. Steve stocks up on flares and torches to bring as much heat as possible to the Vecna fight.
They win, Eddie and Max escape unharmed, Vecna and Upside Down falls. Everything is good for awhile.
Eddie and Steve start dating and they’re really happy. Until Steve arrives to their favorite gay bar a little late because of work and finds Eddie in a corner with another guy and just leaves.
When Eddie stumbles home that night Steve tears into him and threatens to break up with him.
Only Eddie starts crying.
Like full on sobs and the truth comes out, that guy had roofied Eddie and was assaulting him.
Now Steve is devastated and cleans Eddie up, putting him to bed. Then he calls El. Tells her he’s going to rewind the events of that night. And at first she argues against using the device for something so trivial especially one that didn’t end in someone’s death. If he wouldn’t do it for Hopper, what’s so different about this moment.
He reminds her that Hopper is alive, that his being in the Russian prison camp is part of the reason they were able to defeat Vecna and she concedes. Asks again why this is worth a year of his life and he explains that it’s not about his relationship with Eddie. They talked and Eddie already forgave him and said that he would have done the same thing. It might take a bit, but they’ll be fine.
No, the reason Steve wants to do this is because Eddie has suffered so much. Because none of the other Party members got introduced to this shit by watching a nice girl who had done nothing wrong, twisted and torn apart before their eyes.
That the witch hunt and getting off the murder charges had put a dent in Eddie’s confidence. This would destroy it entirely.
This is about a person who deserves a boyfriend who would give up everything for him to show him how loved he is, even at the cost of one year of his life.
El eventually agrees.
Steve goes to the back of the closet and pulls it out. But Eddie finds him, tells him he overheard him talking to El and he won’t let Steve do that. He’s not worth a year of his life.
Steve kisses him gently and explains what it is and what it’s done. Sometimes things work out for the better, sometimes they don’t. But always, always, always the change is worth it to the user. It’s why after nearly five hundred years the Spool has not been used up, because the string is finite, it will run out one day. But each person that has been gifted it knows the change is always worth it.
Once his father rewound cheating on his mother. The demogorgon that killed Barb, killed her instead and the world ended. He hated having to go back rewind that moment, but he knew the consequences of that moment needed an empty house that day.
Eddie sighs in relief. The moment can be rewound. So he puts his trust in Steve. That his boyfriend whose family has had this device for literal centuries knows the cost better than anyone, understands what hes’ doing.
Steve rewinds the moment and they are stronger together for it.
Steve will use it only use it one more time, when the birth of their daughter kills Robin who was their surrogate. They wait a year and everything turns out fine the second time.
Then on Julie Barbara Munson’s 16th birthday, her papa gives her his most precious item. A small spool of red thread.
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stayconnecteed · 2 months
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🪐˓⠀˚⠀underwater rendezvous⠀@⠀bang chan.
fluff fic to celebrate one year friendship w my soulmate @starlostastronaut ! this is the idea i had, which in reality is yours ㅤ—⠀⠀bangchan's part of the sport dates headcanon that made us start talking that july 31st... and because swimmer golden boy chris is just too delicious 🫶🏼 not proofread, enjoy! 🤍
SEE MORE.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀1.2k words. ⠀⠀general mlist.⠀⠀join taglist.
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You took a step closer, unsure, and stood still, the door to the women's changing rooms at your back. A gentle breeze was blowing inside the room, shivers caressing the bare skin of your legs and shoulders, and you did not hesitate to hug yourself, slightly uncomfortable. It was dark, you could barely see the large pool in front of you, and Chan was taking too long. Being there without the coach, in off-training hours, felt illegal somehow.
But you had agreed to meet the golden boy. He had the keys to the campus pool because as the star of the swim team he got up early to train every day, had even earned the trust of professors and administrators, and the shadow of dimples on his cheeks when he smiled would charm anyone. Of course, no one would think it was wrong if he decided to invite a girl for a swim. Perhaps the only person who might object would be you —using communal facilities for personal leisure activities seemed unethical— but since you were the girl he had proposed the date to, you couldn't complain. Girlfriend privileges.
The lights suddenly went on, making you jump and clutch your arms tighter, turning towards the door where the electrical panel was located, and you heard a string of insults in deep English. You sighed, waiting for him to turn off the main spotlights and switch on the small underwater lamps instead. Being in the dark wasn't part of the plan, but neither did everyone need to know that there were people in the pool at midnight.
“Well, that's it,” he murmured, and you heard the loud thud of his flip-flops on the floor, approaching you, “all set.”
“There wasn't much to prepare,” you pronounced, raising an eyebrow, teasingly. He was still dressed in the tank top he'd worn to class in the morning, his hair a mess of salt water and sand —a reminder of the afternoon he'd spent at the beach with his friends. It was summer, and his mood reflected it.
You heard him repeat your words in a mocking tone before you felt him behind you, the softness of his chest deliciously warm against your bare back, and his arms slid around you. He rested his chin on your shoulder, his breath drifting down your throat as he spoke, and he asked you again, as he had texted you so often throughout the afternoon, if you were sure you wanted to be there. With him.
“We've already bathed in the sea at night, baby,” you replied, placing your hands on his, and running your thumb affectionately over his skin. “This won't be any different.”
“But I know you're panicking about getting caught.”
“If we get caught,” you replied, leaning your head against his temple, squinting your eyes. The smell of chlorine made you feel at home, after so many hours submerged under the waters of the swimming pool, and you had always felt at ease in his embrace.
“If we get caught,” he said, his voice a soft cascade of comfort, soaking in every shared breath.
“Wanna race?” you asked, tapping your feet with unspilled energy on the tiled edge of the pool.
“Is that even a question?”
You didn't wait for him to finish pronouncing the last letter, already twisting in his arms until he let you free, and you didn't hesitate either to run towards the pool, jumping, creating an elegant curve in the air before hitting the surface of the water and let it swallow you. Time stopped in the first moments, your mind emptying of thoughts and your heart of worries, and you floated. You slid in parallel to the deep part of the pool, feeling the coolness of the water surrounding you, and you heard the splash of your boyfriend's body as he threw himself next to you.
You smiled, opening your eyes, and began to move your legs at full speed, stretched like an arrow, surfacing to breathe but without losing pace. You didn't want to check how close you were to Chan, so you started moving your legs and hands in a rehearsed choreography, sticking your hands out and drawing an arc in the air before breathing again. You had it calculated. You had done that same exercise too many times. You needed only ten strokes to get to the other side.
Unfortunately, Chan just needed eight.
When you reached the other side, he was already waiting, chest flushed and breathing swiftly. He had arrived barely six seconds before you, but in the sport you both practised, every second counted. And he had a strength trained in the gym daily, which always managed to beat you when you competed against each other. One of the reasons why he was the star of the team.
You still entered championships from time to time, but you valued the little moments with him much more than the adrenaline of a victory. You hadn't demanded that he give up swimming for you when you had been injured, and even though he had offered it to you, you loved him too much not to allow him to dedicate himself to his greatest passion. That was why he had proposed starting those date nights, and that was why you always said yes.
You approached him, feeling your heart racing everywhere, your shoulder protesting about the effort you had put him through, and you rested your forehead against his chest. Every time you swam, you ended up hurting yourself more, and you both knew it. But you couldn't stop. Being underwater was as important as breathing for you. Chan understood that, and supported every decision you made.
He slid the tips of his fingers over your wet skin, following the droplets of water until they reached your shoulders, and left them there, applying just enough pressure to ease the discomfort. He knew where to touch to make you feel better, and you always breathed a sigh of relief when he massaged you like that.
“Thank you,” you whispered, “I don't know what I would do without you.”
You heard him hum, a sound that indicated he had heard you, and then he held your head in his hands, making you look into his eyes. Two quick touches against your jaw, one long caress. I. Love. You. You got lost in the depths of his gaze, dark as an autumn forest, or a hot chocolate on a cold afternoon, and you smiled. The skin of your cheeks stretched under his fingers, and he returned the curve of his lips, mirroing yours, eternally accompanied by those charming dimples.
You placed your hand over his, leaning against it, and let the moment last a little longer. Two quick kisses against the palm of his hand, one that lasted forever. I. Love. You. You didn't need words.
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© stayconnecteed 2024 ★ do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms ! consider leaving a comment or reblogging.
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@rosekillermicrofic, July 31st - Organ, G, Word Count - 477
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CW: mentions of body horror
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Evan reached out a hand for Barty to grab onto as they climbed out of his bedroom window. “Don’t fall, okay? I don’t need to scrape you off my mom's driveway.”
He grabs Evan’s hand and laughs as he finds his footing on the roof. “You sure? I can’t interest you with a smeared intestine? An organ?”
“God, you really know how to sweet talk, don't you?” Evan lowers himself onto the roof, finding a comfortable position on the shingles.
“If that’s sweet talk, maybe you’ll just push me off instead,” Barty teases, finding a spot next to Evan.
The stars are out tonight, shining brightly over the two boys. Evan’s the first to lean back and look over the endless sky. Barty quickly follows, hitting his head a little harder than he meant to on the roof. The other boy stifles a laugh. “Maybe I should be worried about scraping you off the roof.”
Ignoring his comment with an eyeroll, Barty admires the stars. “Pretty out here tonight,” he mentions. Evan agrees with a nod. The raven-haired boy smiles before continuing, “Not as pretty as you, though.”
“You’re so cheesy, Bat,” Evan lightly smacks his arm, distracting the other boy from the blush that was spreading on his cheeks.
“What? Calling my beautiful, handsome boyfriend pretty is not cheesy. It’s romantic.”
Shaking his head, Evan mutters to himself, not out of Barty’s earshot, “Insufferable.”
“Ha! Already said that one!” Barty chides. “Thought a pretty boy like yourself would have a larger vocabulary.”
Barty rolls over to face him and laughs. “So what? I find you pretty.”
“You compared me to the stars,” Evan corrects. It was not just a simple compliment.
“You shine brighter than any of them, Ev.”
“See! You did it again!” Evan' exclaims, exasperated.
Curious as to his reaction, Barty turns serious for a moment. “Does that bother you?”
The other boy looks away. “A little.” He takes a deep breath. “It’s just... so easy for you to compliment me. It’s natural for you. I’m not like that. Surely you want to be complimented too.”
“Evan. I could care less if you say I’m attractive. Not when I can feel it. For starters, you constantly have your hands on me or are leaning over my shoulders admiring my work, and you’ve got a massive staring issue.”
“Real kind Barty,” he responds sarcastically. Evan can’t deny that his words soothed him; he was worried that Barty thought that he didn’t like him as much because he never really complimented the boy, never told him how smart he was or how pretty he was. Learning that Barty still saw Evan’s love calmed him. He didn’t have to be good with words to show his love.
“See! You’re getting there! A little more genuine next time, though.” Barty teases.
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grantgustluv · 1 year
his champion - lando norris
pairings: lando norris x fem!footballer!reader
author’s notes: THIS IS MY FIRST IMAGINE AHHHH so let me know what I need to improve on. Also, just pretend that it wasn’t the Hungarian GP on 31st July 2022
warnings: some mentions of anxiety, implied smut (i’m not ready to write that yet sorry)
comment any requests please - i’m going to try and put a new one out every Wednesday
30th July 2022 - the night before the final
Lando and Y/N had been together 4 years, but known each other since the age of 4 and despite their demanding work schedules and busy lives, still found time to love and support one another. They decided to keep their relationship private (with the exception of close friends) because they knew just how brutal their “fans” could be with the introduction of a significant other in their lives, and, although they considered themselves too young to be fully settling down yet, they still only saw each other as their future and they didn’t want that ending yet, especially not by fake fans.
Lando was incredibly proud of his girlfriend and all her achievements despite her only being 23, he had been by her side through everything, all the best parts, like signing for her childhood club, scoring her first goal for both Manchester United and England and making her first appearance at the 2015 World Cup at the age of 16, but also all the lowest moments of her career too, the injuries, the hate, the doubt and all the rumours. Lando had been there through it all and he would always be her biggest supporter no matter what. The same could also be said for Y/N, she was his biggest fan and came to as many of his races as she possibly could and Lando insisted that she was his lucky charm. The only way they could support each other while not physically being there was by sporting the number 4 on their backs, Lando being McLaren’s number 4 and Y/N being number 4 for both Manchester United and England. It was their number. They were each other’s person.
The Women’s Euro tournament had been life changing for England’s Lionesses so far, they had truly done their country proud in every game, but they still had one more to go, the final, against Germany, their toughest opponents yet. Y/N was the top scorer of the tournament so far and was determined to walk away with the golden boot, but she knew it wouldn’t be the same without also winning the Euros altogether with her team.
She never usually got nervous before her games, but this was different, it was one of the biggest games of her career. But all that took over her mind was that she knew that Lando was going to be there. Thankfully, a break in the f1 season had fallen right on the day of the final, which meant Lando and a few of the other drivers were able to come and show their support.
Y/N couldn’t help the smile that took over her face when she looked at her phone, more specifically, her home screen as a notification popped up. It was a picture of Lando wearing her football shirt from last season with the cheesiest grin on his face. Lando hated the photo, but she absolutely loved it, because whenever she would look at it, it would brighten up her day. In that moment she couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have someone that radiated so much joy and happiness by her side. He was the daylight in her life.
A soft knock interrupted her thoughts. Slowly, she walked over to the door of her hotel room and opened it to be greeted by a bouquet of gorgeous roses and the very same smile she was grinning to herself about a few minutes ago. “Missed me?” asked Lando as he handed her the flowers. Y/N didn’t even answer as she jumped straight into his arms and held him as tight as possible. They both breathed a sigh of relief at finally being back in each other’s arms and they weren’t ready to let go yet, they could’ve stayed like this forever. Y/N pulled away first and looked at the flowers. “They’re gorgeous Lan, thank you,” she beamed as she walked over to put them on the side table. She felt his arms wrap around her waist and the tickle of his faint stubble in the crook of her neck. “Not as beautiful as you sweetheart,” he mumbled softly, kissing her neck. He gripped onto her hips and spun her round so they were face to face. “How are you feeling?” he asked, knowing how anxious she could sometimes get before big games like this. “I just feel like I want to get out there and play, I hate the waiting around before,” she ranted. He chuckled lightly, “I know baby, but you’re going to do so amazing, Daniel and I have already predicted what’s going to happen” she raised her eyebrows encouraging him to carry on. “You’re going to score, I just know it. And not just one, but two. It’ll be a tight game but I really believe you girls will win, you all deserve it so much, especially you Miss L/N” he finished. She just gazed at him lovingly and said with a teasing smile, “I hope you’re right Mr Norris.”
It was the day of the final at Wembley and all the girls were getting ready in the changing rooms for the last push of the tournament, giving each other encouraging talks and of course a last minute motivational speech from Leah. Higher up within the stadium was Lando, he was in one of the family boxes with the rest of the L/Ns and had brought along Daniel, Carlos, Max, George, Lewis and Charles (Y/N’s second family, she would call them), all there to support not only their friend’s girlfriend, but someone who had supported them in their careers too.
As Y/N was listening to her pre-game music, her phone buzzed, it was a message from Lando. She tapped on it and chuckled to herself, it was a picture of Lando, Daniel, Max, George, Carlos, Charles and Lewis looking out onto the pitch, all wearing an England shirt with her name and number on the back. She felt a tear form in the corner of her eye at the sweet gesture from the boys and replied back quickly with a red heart when she felt a tap on her shoulder from her teammate, signalling that they need to go line up ready to walk out.
Stood behind her was Jill who squeezed her shoulders and said “We’ve got this kiddo.” Y/N laughed at the nickname that had stuck since the first time she played with Jill in 2015 when she was in fact still a kid. She took a deep breath and replied with “Yes we do.” All of a sudden she was walking out into a packed out Wembley, screams and cheers surrounded her as the two teams made their way onto the pitch. Lining up, Y/N started to look around and her eyes locked onto him. There he was. They gazed at each other lovingly and Lando waved down at her and then made a love heart with his hands, causing Y/N to blush and a big grin to take over her face showing off the dimples that Lando loved so much. It wasn’t until a nudge in her ribs from Lucy Bronze broke her loving gaze from him, letting her know that the national anthem was about to start.
The first half had been pretty uneventful with neither teams scoring a goal and England knew they needed to up their game in the second half or their dream of winning might just slip away. It was in the 62nd minute when Lucy was running down the wing and spotted Y/N outside of the box with no one marking her. Y/N saw the ball coming her way but she knew she wouldn’t have time to stop the ball in order to get the right angle for her shot, so as it came closer she prepared herself and as the ball made contact with her right boot, she volleyed it into the top corner of the net. She couldn’t believe it. She had scored for her country in the European final. She ran to the corner of the pitch towards the England fans and the subs that were warming up alongside the rest of her team, with Leah launching herself onto Y/N’s back. All she could hear around her was her famous chant the fans had come up with a few years ago and the encouragement from the girls. This was a dream come true.
The stadium was still buzzing as the players made their way back to their positions, she looked around for him and when she spotted him she held up an ‘L’ with her fingers and then formed a heart. Lando got a few teasing shoves and comments from his friends. “I think that one was for you mate,” Daniel said with a chuckle. Lando just blushed and mumbled “I know” back to him.
Unfortunately, due to Germany scoring as well and bringing the score to a draw, the game was forced into 30 minutes of extra time. The last thing any of them wanted was it going to penalties, because they knew how much pressure they were, especially in a final. Everyone was on the edge of their seats as it edged into the last 2 minutes of the game and Germany were given a corner. Y/N decided to hang back instead of getting in the box with every other player, even the Germany goalkeeper had joined the rest of her team in the box in hopes of scoring a last minute winner. The delivery into the box was near perfect but no way was Mary letting that ball into the goal at this point so she pushed it away straight out of the box. The ball flew over all the player’s heads and straight towards Y/N and the player that was marking her. She collected the ball, turned around and started running as she already knew that she was onside. She could feel the German player close to her trying to catch her up but she kept pushing. She was running towards an open goal and they were surely into the last minute by now, so she increased her pace as much as she could for one last push. She kept her gaze forward as she took the shot just after entering the box.
Time slowed down completely as she and nearly ever person in the country watched the ball hit the back of the net. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion as she ripped her shirt of her head and swung it round throwing it to the ground as she saw her teammates running towards her. She looked around the stadium. The fans were screaming, the girls were grinning from ear to ear and Lando was cheering and beaming down at the love of his life. He already thought that he was madly in love with her but right now he swore he had never felt this much love for a person, his heart felt like it was about to beat out of his chest and without thought reached into his pocket to feel the little box he had been carrying around with him for the last 3 months. He wanted this, he wanted forever with her, no, he needed forever with her. He caught her looking up at him and nearly fell to his knees when she grinned up at him with teary eyes, pointing to herself, forming a heart and then pointing at him. Lando chuckled nervously to himself, wiped his eyes and then repeated the action.
All the players were eagerly awaiting the full time whistle from the referee and finally it came. Y/N dropped to her knees and burst into tears, they had done it. She had done it. She felt herself being lifted off the floor by a few of her teammates and they couldn’t even produce words as they just cried into each other’s embraces. They approached the German players, congratulating them on a good game and comforting those in tears.
‘Three Lions’ started blaring through the speakers after a few minutes causing the girls to start dancing and singing on the pitch, the whole of Wembley sung in unison and gazed down at their Lionesses, their champions.
After applauding their fans and the German players receiving their silver medals, it was time for the Lionesses to collect their Gold medals, she was nearly there. “And now, give it up for your golden boot winner, your player of the tournament, your number 4, Y/N L/N!” the announcer spoke and suddenly, a loud roar burst through the stadium. She couldn’t believe it. To have the support of your family and team was one thing but to have the support of your country was like no other feeling in the world. She shook Prince William’s hand after receiving her medal and walked over to the trophy, admiring it before walking over to the rest of the team who were now just waiting for their skipper Leah to bring over the trophy ready for the proper celebration to begin.
She didn’t think it was possible, but as Leah lifted up the trophy into the air, the stadium grew louder than ever. Y/N and Millie were then handed a bottle of champagne each and they knew exactly what they needed to do. Y/N turned up to her families box and winked at Lando and he immediately caught on as to what was about to happen. She gave the champagne a little shake and with some force banged the bottom of the bottle against the floor, causing the champagne to shoot out of the top and high into the air, the screams of her teammates then took over as Rachel stole the bottle out of her hands and started spraying everyone with it. Y/N looked up at Lando and could see Daniel and Max next to him cackling at the stunned and lovestruck expression on his face. He was a little embarrassed by himself with how easily that turned him on.
The girls all jumped around on the pitch taking turns holding the trophy and when it was finally handed to her, Y/N kissed the top of it and lifted it high into the air. Just as she was about to pass it on, she felt multiple pairs of arms lift her up in the air and the stadium yet again let out a huge cheer for their number 4. The girls had never experienced an atmosphere like this, things were changing and they knew that they were a part of that change.
As the celebrations had died down, the player’s families were allowed to come down onto the pitch, and as Y/N was getting yet another picture with the trophy, she felt arms wrap around her from every angle. She turned around to be met by the proud expressions of her mum, dad and little brother, she shared tight hugs with all of them before she heard her name being called by a familiar voice behind her. She turned round and jumped straight into Lando’s arms as her legs wrapped around his waist. After a few moments she unhooked her legs and Lando placed her down onto the ground with their foreheads still touching, neither of them could care less about being private anymore as they both leaned in and connected their lips together in a loving and passionate kiss, hearing the sound of cameras clicking around them. They were pulled apart by the sounds of fake gags coming from behind them, they turned around to be met with the boys sharing fake looks of disgust on their faces. Y/N and Lando went over to them and they all joined together for a group hug, which again, caused a ricochet of camera clicks to go off around them. This moment was exactly what Y/N had waited for, winning the European Final and doing it with her team, her family and the love of her life.
Lando and Y/N walked out the stadium hand in hand, heading back to the hotel to get changed ready for the real celebrations to begin.
Lando couldn’t tear his eyes away from her all night, she was jumping up and down to the song playing, her hair bouncing as she did so, her dimples prominent due to the gorgeous smile on her face, her dress clinging to her beautiful figure and her angelic glow causing her to stand out perfectly in the room full of people. Lando could confidently say that he was the luckiest man on earth to have a girl as perfect as her being in love with a guy like him.
It was getting into the early hours of the morning now and both Lando and Y/N were ready to go back to the hotel room, both had craved to be sleeping in each other’s arms again after a month away from each other. They arrived back at the hotel room 15 minutes later and Lando watched as Y/N flopped onto the bed dramatically. Chuckling to himself, he began to remove her heels that she had been complaining about for the majority of the evening and placed them to the side, before carefully lifting her up with her clinging to him like a koala and carrying her to the bathroom and placing her gently on the countertop. Lando stared at her lovingly and softly pushed her hair out of her face. Her eyes flickered open slightly and she let out a little hum as her eyes met her favourite person. Lando proceeded to gently remove the makeup from her face and then carry her back through to the bedroom before removing her dress and replacing it with one of his tops that drowned her figure.
Just as Lando had snuggled in beside her, he felt her shift slightly in his hold. “I love you Lan, you’re everything to me” she mumbled tiredly, followed shortly by her soft snores. The faint traces of the early morning sunrise had started to peek through the curtains allowing Lando to gaze at her sleeping figure. Being careful not to wake her, he placed a gentle kiss on the side of her head, “I love you too my champion,” he whispered softly into the kiss, before drifting off to sleep, holding his girlfriend tightly to his chest.
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 23 - prompt 23: Rescue [word count 798]
Sirius had learned to recognise every single sound around him. He could hear the legions of rats plaguing Azkaban scurrying in the walls. They hadn’t come into his cell after the first night he had spent there, when the first rat to poke its head in the newcomer’s cell had ended up crushed in Padfoot’s jaw, paying for another rat. He could hear every sound traveling down the corridor. He could tell how many Dementors were by his cell by the swish of their coats alone. Sometimes a hysterical laughter echoed from who knew exactly where up to his cell. The first time he had heard it, Sirius had had to lean on the wall and had immediately transformed into Padfoot again, curling up in the corner opposite the door. Now when he heard it it barely fazed him.
“Hello there, Bella. Still alive then,” he would murmur before resuming what he was doing which was usually trying to stare out of the small grated window above his cot.
Other sounds traveled to his cell, mainly screams or begging, and other times a voice talking. Sirius had taken quite some time to recognise the voice, despite having heard it often in the corridors at Hogwarts years before. Crouch Jr. The only person left for him to blame for Regulus’s death since Orion and Walburga had apparently died from the utter shock of having no heirs left after October 31st. And now he was stuck in a place where the other’s voice would drift through the door, sometimes arguing loudly, sometimes possibly reciting whole pages of books Sirius remembered having studied himself, sometimes laughing almost as hysterically as Bellatrix, sometimes repeating the same word over and over like the night before when Sirius hadn’t been able to sleep because the whole prison seemed to be filled with one word.
“Rose, rose, rose, rose, rose, rose, rose.”
Come dawn, Sirius hadn’t been able to know if he wanted to ask Crouch when he had become so interested in botanic or just strangle him.
So it was natural for him to hear an unusual sound as soon as it echoed somewhere. Footsteps. The Dementors only glided, and no one was ever allowed to visit Azkaban. It was a double sound, as if two people were walking in the corridors, their steps different. Sirius was about to move to the door to better listen when the footsteps stopped somewhere. A couple of seconds later, his door blew up in a flash of bright green light and smoke. Sirius coughed and tried to better look at the shape coming through the smoke. He blinked, feeling his heart skip a beat, then he was crushed by two arms.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, my love,” Remus’s voice whispered in his ear.
“Moony,” Sirius looked up at his boyfriend’s face. “I thought… I mean, they must have told you…”
“They packed you up without even a trial and sent Harry away somewhere just as fast. It was all too easy, I knew something was missing even if I don’t know what.”
“I swapped with Peter. He was Secret Keeper instead of me.”
As he watched the colour drain from Remus’s face, Sirius realised he had never been able to say that sentence out loud. Remus swallowed.
“Alright,” he managed to say. “We’ll deal with this as soon as we’re back on land.”
“How did you get in here?”
“I had help,” Remus motioned to the door.
The green smoke had almost cleared by now, and on the threshold stood a pretty blonde woman, her hands calmly crossed on her very pregnant belly.
“Pandora Lovegood,” she smiled at him. “You might remember me as Pandora Rosier back in school.”
Sirius just nodded. The Rosier twins, other people who had constantly been around Regulus. He remembered the Order meeting when Alastor Moody had proudly announced Evan Rosier had been killed in a run-in with the Aurors.
“She’s got a knack for explosives,” Remus said as if it was the most natural thing in the world, running around Azkaban with the sister of a Death Eater. “The smoke stuns the Dementors as well.”
“But not forever,” Pandora said. “Come on, I have another cell door to blow up before we can go, and I don’t want to be too long, my husband worries easily.”
“Which door?” Sirius asked as he followed Remus in the corridor, strewn with motionless Dementors.
“Barty Crouch Jr,” Remus said. “I had to agree to it to rescue you.”
“Crouch?” Sirius repeated. “But he’s been condemned to life here!”
“As were you,” Pandora smiled. “Besides, there’s something him and me have to tell you about your brother.”
“Regulus?” Sirius breathed.
“Come on,” Pandora started down the corridor. “We have an awful lot to do.”
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simpxxstan · 2 months
what about softdom leaning switch!dokyeomie..
thank you for requesting this BECAUSE I AM OBSESSED WITH HIM! this is my first time writing nsfw headcanons without any proper plot (?) so i'm nervous. hopefully you'll not regret requesting this!
this is part of my 550 followers celebration event! find the rest of the content of this event here! the event ends tomorrow (31st July) at 12 midnight UTC. if you wish to request anything (although be warned, i write very slowly), my inbox is open. to those who have requested, thank you for being patient! i'm going to answer them all i promise!
warnings: nsfw minors do not interact implied established relationship with fem!reader, nsfw headcanons. not tagging everything here to avoid spoiling the content but nothing extreme (lmk if you still want me to tag something)
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thinking about softdom leaning switch!dokyeom:
who cannot fathom being rough or mean to you, making him literally the softest dom ever. the primary reason he still doms you is likely to be because of your natural size difference (dokyeom LOVES how much bigger he is than you and how he can use his strength to give you pleasure). the second reason is because his life's aim is to pleasure you- thereby making him a service top.
picture him fucking you facing each other literally all the time. EYE CONTACT AND KISSES. my boy needs validation from your expressions and non-verbal behaviour that he's doing it right. missionary, cowgirl, on the tabletop, on the bathroom sink, on the kitchen counter, on a chair. eyes on him.
he doesn't mind the place and time if a. you're willing and in the mood and b. he gets to make you happy. dokyeom, being the energy ball he is, has a high sex drive, and even very little can get him horny. naturally, the two of you have done it EVERYWHERE. concert venue backstage. cafe washroom. shopping mall trial room (yes he got hard when you tried a really pretty dress for him and could. not. hold. back). even the bathroom of one of the member's houses when all of svt and their partners are hanging out.
punishments? dokyeom hasn't heard of it. not into spanking or edging- he would much rather give you as many orgasms as humanly possible. however, this leads to you getting overstimulated without him even realising it. you enjoy it to a certain extent but when it gets a little too tough to bear and you tell him the same, he immediately starts apologising so much and kisses you all over and stops whatever he was doing and lets you rest EVEN if he's still hard. he would much rather jerk himself off if needed rather than seeing you in pain.
not particularly kinky, rather he's a bit old-fashioned. so he's not into roleplay during sex, not into torture or pain, and definitely not into degradation. but his breeding kink is intense. dokyeom's fantasised about having a family from a very early age, and now he's found his perfect partner, he absolutely goes wild about it. (he tracks your ovulation period with you and tries to convince you every time to let him breed you full of cum whenever you fuck during that time. you tell him no but you let him fuck you without a condom those nights, taking the plan b pill afterwards without miss. after the high of the orgasm dies down, he curses himself for pushing you too hard and apologises for wanting to fuck you without a condom. who's gonna tell him the truth?)
BUT i think he's definitely into using toys to spice up things in the bedroom. also into filming your sexy time together. you do it more for him because he seems to LOVE it. he's out of town for a lot of time, so finding a video where you're pole dancing for him has him giggling, blushing, and nearly coming in his pants at the same time. when at home, he doesn't use a lot of toys except maybe a vibrator, but when he's away he asks you specifically to pick out certain toys to help yourself (and him too) to get through nights- like that time he bought a monster dildo for you and you filmed yourself riding it for almost an hour (it was so incredibly hot, seeing you babbling and drooling at the constant stretch but dokyeom got worried for a moment that you'll never like his cock after taking a bigger one. who's gonna tell him the truth?)
and it's the sex toys that bring out the switch in dokyeom. what's better than you riding him and pulling his hair towards your chest until he's sucking mindlessly at your tits as you milk him dry? you pinching his nipples using nipple clamps and  tying his hands back so that you can touch him and kiss him everywhere but he absolutely can't even touch you like he so wants to.
talking about tits: dokyeom is obsessed with them. he loves your entire body, but your boobs are the absolute cherry on top of the cake for him (pun not intended). he's just so happy that he has full access to your pretty breasts all the time- for him to kiss when waking up, for him to sleep on while napping, for him to tease with his ridiculously large tongue when he's in a particularly wild mood. he wants them all the time- video call sex? "baby show me your tits once please" and he cums as soon as you do. quickie? you're blowing his cock, and he's bending down to fondle your soft tits. mirror sex? his eyes are FIXATED at your tits. doggy style? he's groping your tits as his balls slam against your ass. morning cuddle? he makes you wear his softest t-shirts and nuzzles against your warm chest.
unsurprisingly, his love for your tits also enables a little bit of his submissiveness. he may or may not want to suck on your tits while you work on your laptop. he may or may not focus more on rubbing his spit on your tits instead of the film you both are supposed to be watching. he may or may not go cross-eyed watching your tits when you're on top of him, fucking yourself on his dick, during make-up sex (you're bouncing so harshly on him, he can't feel his legs anymore and he's completely at your mercy).
and he particularly loves to be taken care of whenever he's had a bad day and heard something negative about his looks or performances. (words are insufficient so you show him how manly he is, how handsome he is, how he's an all-rounder and how he's born for the stage. he worries he takes too much from you, and he's a burden. who's gonna tell him the truth?)
his biggest fetish perhaps is clothed sex. he LOVES dressing you up in beautiful clothes and lingerie. and there's something so exciting like unwrapping layers of you- each layer more mysterious and pretty than the previous. he loves the subtle sensualness of clothed making out- the way he can touch your thighs through a slit in the dress, the way you grind shamelessly on his dick when it's separated from your wet pussy by the soft cotton of his trackpants.
all in all, he's a 100% romantic partner through and through. which includes eye contact during sex, holding hands when he ruts into you and constant kisses and praise every second of the day, in and out of the bed. it goes both ways- he loves being praised too, all shy and soft, blushing whenever you call him sexy. (he tries to do that thing again and again, hoping he can be the sexiest man in your eyes but he thinks he's hoping for too much. who's going to tell him the truth?)
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gunsatthaphan · 2 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: July 2024 ~ 
🫐 Happy August!!! 🐝
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Takara no Vidro - July 1st (Japan)
🌟 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - July 5th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 The Boyfriend (Gay Dating Reality Show) - July 9th (Japan)
🌟 The Next Altitude (BOC lineup event) - July 9th (Thailand)
🌟 Century of Love - July 10th (Thailand)
🌟 Meet You at the Blossom - July 11th (China/Thailand/Taiwan)
🌟 Heavens x Candy - July 13th (Japan)
🌟 Sky Valley - July 20th (Philippines)
🌟 I Saw You in My Dream - July 24th (Thailand)
🌟 4 Minutes - July 26th (Thailand)
🌟 Love Enemy - July 26th (Thailand)
🌟 Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke - July 26th (Japan)
🌟 Battle of the Writers - July 29th (Thailand)
Monthly Likes / Dislikes
❣️ - 👎🏻 No series but I find the whole Y-Find thing really fucked up like what are they thinking? I know it's the usual capitalism but to leave the winner with nothing but a paycheck and NO rights to their story whatsoever is wild to me. Kinda makes me want to write a story about Thailand's biggest company completely screwing over their fans and submit it lmao 💀
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 P.S. You (starring Yoon Phusanu) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Buddy Boy - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Project Red (movie, starring BillkinPP) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Dear My Paradise - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 I'll Turn Back This Time - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Host Friend - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Pretty Boys - Date TBA (Philippines)
🎥 Luminous Begins (prequel to The Luminous Solution) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Eternal Butler (sequel to Anti-Reset) - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 The Hell Guard - Date TBA (Thailand)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ After the withdrawal of Chimon W. from the upcoming BL Perfect10 Liners, GMMTV announced that company-newbie Santa P. will be taking on the role of Gun and thus become Perth's new partner in the show. Furthermore they announced that Chimon will still be taking part in the upcoming series Hide & Sis.
❗️ The production company Headliner Thailand announced that actor Seng Wichai will no longer participate in the upcoming BL project The Bangkok Boys due to scheduling conflicts. It has not been revealed whether or not his role will be recast.
❗️ Actor Frank T. made a post on Instagram, announcing the end of his ship with fellow actor Long Shi Lee, saying that there won't be any more joint projects as they are pursuing separate acting careers.
❗️ The annual Digital Awards Thailand were held on July 14th. The following BL actors/productions won:
UpPoom - Most popular pairing (My Stand-in)
GreatInn - Couple of the Year (Wandee Goodday)
MeenPing - Best Couple in a Sports Themed Series (The Rebound)
MosBank - Best BL Couple
❗️ Max Nattapol (Manner of Death) and Na Naphat (Until We Meet Again) will be paired as a side couple in the upcoming GL Petrichor. The show is an adaption of the novel of the same name and author Sammon has been confirmed as the screenwriter. An airdate is still unknown.
❗️ Former GMMTV actor Mike Chinnarat has joined the cast for the upcoming Domundi BL Your Sky as the character Oh. An airdate is still unknown.
❗️ GMMTV announced that their newly announced project Y-Find will accept submissions until August 31st. The project gives (only Thai) fans the opportunity to submit original BL/GL stories, one of which will be chosen to be extended and adapted into a series. The winner receives 30.000 Baht (~800$) and has to sign a copyright transfer agreement for the story and will not be involved in any of the further productions processes as all rights will be transferred to GMMTV. (wtf lmao)
❗️ The Korean vlog-style BL City Boy Log is getting a fourth season. An airdate is unknown.
❗️ GMMTV released a statement, declaring the end of Ohm P. and Nanon K.'s work as a pair and the end of the OhmNanon ship as a result. The pair debuted in Bad Buddy in 2021 and reunited for Our Skyy2 in 2023. According to the statement they want to pursue separate careers - Ohm will be the lead in the upcoming BL Kidnap where he is paired with Leng T. while Nanon has taken a step back from acting.
Upcoming series & movies for August
👉🏻 Sugar Dog Life - August 4th (Japan)
👉🏻 Summer Night (bl side story) - August 5th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Cosmetic Playlover - August 6th (Japan)
👉🏻 Monster Next Door - August 8th (Thailand)
👉🏻 First Note of Love - August 12th (Taiwan)
👉🏻 The Paradise of Thorns - August 22nd (Thailand)
👉🏻 My Idol - August TBA (South Korea)
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eirenical · 18 days
Done Playing Games (2201 words) by eirenical
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 莲花楼 | Mysterious Lotus Casebook (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua | Li Xiangyi Characters: Di Feisheng, Li Lianhua | Li Xiangyi Additional Tags: Dual Cultivation, Episode Related, Missing Scene, episode 13, Fight Sex, Fighting As Foreplay, First Time, Banter
"Di-mengzhu… what are you doing." Di Feisheng worried at the distended meridian beneath his teeth for just one moment more before shifting to nibble at the collarbone just beside it. And as the muscles beneath his hands tensed, prelude to a shift that would send an elbow flying back into his stomach, he stepped back out of reach. "Li Xiangyi, Li Xiangyi… what do you think I'm doing?"
  ...a.k.a. the dual cultivation fic that we all wanted to write when Episode 13 first aired and that I somehow never got around to posting? Oops? ;D
September 6, 2024: OK, so this actually was the first fic I wrote for this fandom. I started it back on July 31st, 2023 and finished it not long after. It wasn't the first fic I posted, though, because my original plan for it was for it to be much much longer than this one scene. But since then, my ideas on whether or not dual cultivation would actually work to solve LLH's poison problem have shifted dramatically and I don't think I can write more of this as it is. But I'm still proud of this little part of it and I think it can stand alone, so I'm just going to go ahead and publish it. ...enjoy? ;D
My original reaction when I hit this episode is still amusing to me, so feel free to visit. ;D
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #23
Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins
PFFT-EH?-EHHH? It's confirmed daylight savings time? Then take down the posters that've been up for 30 episodes implying it was November, you goofs.
I'm thinking Hazel showed up around September or October (i.e. before the November Sneezy Hawkins dance and we know she was in school for a few weeks before the exam at the end of "Teacher's Pal," because she told us), then Antony came home for winter break, and now it's March. That gives us a good estimate of things like founder's day and Dev's birthday. In fact, we know exactly what the length of time between those two dates is because Dev told us his birthday was 9 years, 7 months, and 14 days ago. I guess that checks out since Antony probably came home in December. If it's March for daylight savings, that would be another 3 months. This also implies Dimmadelphia is farther south than Dimmsdale, which occasionally saw snow (though it's possible godkids were wishing for it). Dimmadelphia doesn't seem to get snow.
Or he could just say "set your clocks BACK" as soon as I unpause and I'll just... sit here with my little notes. it's fine.
We're confirmed for fall, then. Possibly Hazel's been here a year if the posters are to be believed, but also at this point, those posters stay up all year round, so they're not to be trusted even for Episode 1. Unclear what the summer situation is, but I'll make a proper timeline another time.
I would say this is the key episode to build a timeline around. Then roughly place Dev's birthday and then Founder's Day the appropriate time apart and fill in the blanks.
Looks like "Operation: Birthday Takeback" aired July 31st, which might be a good place to start if I want to canonize Dev's birthday date for fanfic purposes.
Founder's Day was around school because Dale was prepping during "A New Dev-elopment," when we know school was in session, so I'll do math and consider my options when I'm done with Season 1.
So... Dev just told Hazel someone has a crush on her, but I find that hard to believe because they're at odds and I can't imagine he has good reasons for chatting like this.
He called her a nickname, which he only does when they're not friendly. And no Peri to give her any clues...
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I would not trust this man, but I respect the hustle.
Are we going to be manipulating time and space; is that why it's daylight savings?
They have a class pet:
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Aw, I like how Winn became a Prime Meridian fan after the book club episode, apparently.
Huh. Was it Winn who had Shakespeare for Mimes early on? It's clearly in their locker. I could've sworn it was Jasmine, which is why I was confused she was afraid of clowns. Maybe she finished and gave it to them. I'm gonna check.
I say as I look up and see the clown toy sitting in her locker. Good for her for conquering her fears.
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No, it was Jasmine (end of "Teacher's Pal")
Yes, those dance posters are still up. They're getting the boot from my canon.
Hazel's "next class" is Room 104, so that could theoretically be used to scout her classroom number. Which confuses me because we know she's on the 2nd floor, but okay.
I love Father Time; he's such a silly guy.
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I like how Hazel is just... so stressed out about Jenkins having a crush on her.
I particularly enjoy like how after he said she was so confident in a flirty voice, Hazel's body literally shatters and then she rushes to the cereal, throws back her head, and gobbles it in bulk. She wants this so little, she's not willing to return his affection whatsoever. sldfkj.
Hazel in "Prime Meridian Love": I don't want a relationship; I'm only 10. Hazel now, even after I was starting to believe she might be growing a crush on Dev: I don't want a relationship; I'm only 10.
That's so funny...
Timmy: I have a crush on someone even though she's not interested in me, but I hope she'll change her mind. Hazel: you guys are having crushes??
I really like how Hazel's specific reason for not wanting Jenkins to like her is "I'm too self-conscious and can't remember how to act normal." She's a very anxious character...
It's not that she's into someone else, and it's not that she has anything against Jenkins specifically. She just is way too anxious and doesn't want to deal with it.
Hazel, scrambling for a way out without hurting Jenkins' feelings: I can't go around with you. I have a crush on someone else. Uh... Trev. Trev, who was behind her and she didn't notice: Did I just hear you have a crush on me, Hazel?? Hazel: /absorbs entire box of cereal in .2 seconds
She doesn't want ANYONE to like her!! she is 10 and squirmy!
I'm once again sad Dev cited Trev as "his bud" in Episode 1, but we haven't seen them interact. I feel like Trev existing on the periphery of her interactions with Dev would've made this even funnier, lmao.
That said, it's funny that Dev's description of Trev was "He's my bud, so he probably won't give YOU time of day" and Trev is out here like "I am totally down to give Hazel the time of day." He's just chillin' and smiling. I like him.
Hazel at the top of her lungs when the entire hallway flirts with her: I don't CARE who like-likes me! I don't like any of you BACK!!
Chloe and Hazel (to me):
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Holy cow, Hazel. I don't have much to say, but I enjoy watching her screw people's memories up by manipulating time. And that's a heavy sentence to drop out of context, but...
Yeah, she just did 568 timeloops speedrun and now everyone has a crush on her.
Including Dev, apparently.
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Should we be worried that Dev specifically cited the thing he finds attractive about Hazel to be "how ruthless she is," because buddy... You're on track to continue the Dimmadome abuse cycle!
Hey Dev, it's kind of weird to know her middle name. What've you been doing; who've you been talking to?
Wow, it took absolutely 0 thought for Dev to yell loudly about how in love he is with Hazel [in this time loop] for the whole hall to hear.
I am once again fascinated by how he's never cared for "maintaining a reputation" at this school in any way and he's willing to dropkick whatever "cool, tough, and closed-off" persona he's formed at the first sign of what he thinks is a better future.
Local rich kid desperate for affection once again willing to jump 12 feet if you ask him to jump 6. She asked him to jump 0. She asked him to sit down and not even think about jumping.
Dev "I would commit B&E for you a second time; please let me commit B&E for you a second time" Dimmadome.
I like how Dimmadomes are known for putting the Dimm name on everything, but we keep seeing Dev's first name used (such as in the episode title "A New Dev-elopment" or Peri's quote "I'm going to take you from Dev to Dev-ine!")
It gives me the vibe that yes, he's a Dimmadome, but he's a little disconnected. Wow, it's a pun AND sadness!
I can't stop thinking about how annoyed he sounded when the time came to finally tell Vicky his last name. All the other Dimmadomes repeatedly introduce themselves by their full name... but he holds back.
Also, I like how the O-pairs are always down for anything. Dev is their special boy <3
I really really like them for some reason and I'm sorry because I can already tell any Dev 'fic I write is going to lean into them. My curse of getting attached to weird background characters unfortunately continues and these might be the worst ones I've ever fallen for. I don't look forward to trying to search up cute 'fics or fanart of them. haha; I'm in danger...
I just looked up how to spell O-pair because I was tired of not knowing and I found this Wikipedia page:
au pair /ˌō ˈper/ - An au pair (/oʊˈpɛər/; pl.: au pairs) is a person working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family's responsibility for child care as well as some housework, and receive a monetary allowance or stipend for personal use.
oh. okay.
IMBD's "Operation: Birthday Takeback" page lists them as O-Pair #1 and O-Pair #2, which just hurts.
Dev: My dad gives me the coolest gadgets. They have fancy futuristic names. They're my friends and I love them :) Dale, who knew exactly what he was doing:
Wow, it's TWO puns and sadness!!
Hazel's theme song, but it's rewritten for Dev and the "pair quite strange" who changed his life are the O-Pairs.
I like how in "Operation: Birthday Takeback," Peri's instinctual disguise was an O-Pair, which is incredibly fitting now that I see this description.
I wish we saw signs of Peri hanging around Dev, like a pin on his shirt or the headphones again. Or maybe I'm afraid.
This is nuts. How many hours did Hazel just live through? She needs a nap... Aw, I like the moral lesson for this episode (Letting go and not obsessing over things you can't change). Mr. Guzman is a lovely character; he's so friendly.
Jenkins: Um... I don't have a crush on you, Hazel. Dev: PSYCH! I made it up~!
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She's SO mad. sdfjk
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I've never seen her this mad. That's great.
Local anxious girl just put herself through some of the worst experiences she's faced, and for WHAT??
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He's just a quirky little guy! You wouldn't hurt a quirky little guy!! He's just goofin' with you~
- This feels extremely in-character for Dev considering he outfoxed the never-before-beaten negotiator aliens in "Peace of Pizza" by memeing on them. He's just a silly wittle boy... I'm fascinated by the way his mind works. - I'm not sure Dev even knows how his mind works.
That was great! I liked that. I don't often see a character trying to work through feelings about crushes like this and I enjoyed it.
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blackcrowing · 1 year
Important Facts about Lughnasadh from an Irish Celtic Reconstructionist
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Spelling and Pronunciation
OI. Lughnasadh (Loo-na-sa), sometimes spelled Lughnasa or Modern Irish Lúnasa. Not to be confused with other harvest festivals like Lammas.
Most reconstructionists celebrate Lughnasadh on July 31st - August 1st from sundown to sundown by the Gregorian calendar, while others choose to celebrate the transitional period between the months as they would have been by the Julian calendar (about 13 days later by the Gregorian calendar).
Traditionally this festival likely would have happened as the grains were ready for harvesting or possibly even when the wild bilberries were ripe (as some scholars mention that if the grains were not ripe they would still preform a ritualized ‘first harvesting’ but it is possible this tradition came after the festival was firmly tied to a calendar date.)
Importance in the Mythos
In the mythologies it is well documented that this festival coincides with Lugh’s funeral games in honor of his foster-mother Tailtiu, known as Aonach Tailteann. In the mythologies she is said to have died of exhaustion after clearing the plains of Ireland for agricultural needs. The first documented instance of Lughnasadh in the mythologies was in the Wooing of Emer, Tochmarc Emire, which makes sense given the importance of marriages at this time of the year. It is not known specifically but widely speculated that the curse of the Ulstermen by Macha took place at a horse race for this festival.
In later time periods it is common to see a form of struggle, normally between the ‘protective’ forces and ‘destructive’ forces. The modern equivalent being the struggle between Saint Patrick and Crom Dubh but this is likely a reflection of an early struggle between Lugh and Balor (which I previously mentioned in my info-dump on Bealtaine).
Celebration Traditions
Aonachs, funeral games, have (to the best of our knowledge) been a custom in Ireland since the bronze age and were practiced on and off into the middle ages. They had both personal and community functions and occurred in three stages. Stage one was the funeral proceedings themselves. They would last one to three days, likely depending on the importance of the individual in question. Mourning songs and chants were participated in by both the attendees and the Druids. The second stage was for proclaiming of laws. Aonachs were a time when universal peace between túaths was declared. The third stage was that of Cuiteach Fuait, games that tested mental and physical abilities. These games included the well known horse and chariot races, wrestling games, boxing, high jumps but also competitions in strategy, singing, story telling and between various skilled craftsmen.
It was incredibly common for marriages to be arranged and preformed during this festival. More well known ‘trial marriages’ (lasting a year and a day) were still preformed at this festival up until the 13th century. It is likely that the coupling occurring at this time of year had an effect on the relationship to births seen at Imbolg (which falls 9 months later).
MacNeill, a leading scholarly expert on the festival, notes that a ritualistic bull sacrifice was made at this festival and the bull would then be eaten. I could not find any definitive evidence to support the idea, but I think it was likely that bulls in general would be culled from the herd at this point in the year to supply the feast.
Art credit @ire-ethereal
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juniperberrypipebomb · 6 months
Decided to finally take a look into my photo folder after almost 2 years of not looking there
Gonna share some them here bc this blog is MY autism and IM gonna be the one who chooses how its gonna look like (im not gonna be mentioning vrc worlds here bc i dont rember lol)
22nd of march 2024 - a friend of mine showering me with affection while i was afk (she gay)
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20th of february 2024 - "Sunset in the ocean" (despite how bad it looks i love it honestly)
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23rd of december 2023 - "Universal bandit named: Fukc" (probably one of my greatest most beautiful creations /hj)
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31st of august 2023 - "The autism" (probably was the loudest and longest laugh i've had; all of the other options were so fucking good too but the outpocketness of the last one got me harrrrrrrd)
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20th of july 2023 - "Highest tower"
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31st of march 2023 - Probably the prettiest world i have seen in vrchat (i miss that avi.. its not only been made unavailable but also the creator of it nuked; that avi is my pfp atm, still yet to decide again what avi i have captures the "me" energy)
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16th of february 2023 - One of earliest memory i have with my long time friend gwen @virapyon
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21st of july 2022 - Probably the 1st time i ever tried using pens in vrc (glad to know my sense of humor havent changed since then)
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Also despite being besties with @doggirlpaws we share 0 pictures together, at least on my end; mind sharing them if you find any bestie?
@virapyon this applies to you too as well girlie
also ahem,
tagging into my other, but nonetheless beloved mutuals im not that active with to say hi, you are welcome to add your good experiences that you had, be it vrc, gaming, life or anything else, would love to hear more from you people; no pressure tho
@letrayofash @suchlostflame @redheadedfailgirl @labgrownmeat @collector-of-dust
@parasocial-hermit @raspberrypie4u
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Hello Users!!!! We are very excited to announce our much-anticipated Database Head Counselor Event!! HOW EXCITING!!!! For the month of August, we will be establishing Head Counselors for all the cabins listed on our blog!!! We're sure you have a lot of questions, so let's get right down to it and see if we can answer them!!
Event Explanation:
The purpose of this event is to establish a broader list of users for First-Timers to interact with! We will have a list of our Head Counselors on the database, and each Head Counselor will be listed at the top of their respective pages! So... how do you participate?
Users will send in requests to be head counselor of their respective cabin using the form below. We will compile a poll for one cabin a day with all the counselors listed on it, and campers will vote for their head counselor!!
Database Head Counselors will be required to meet the following requirements: Must be at least Semi-active (posts 4 or 5 days out of the week) Cannot be associated with any large conflicts in the community (such as sending hate/intentionally causing issues/etc.) Must be comfortable receiving asks/being tagged in open starters
Head Counselor application: (Please send us this form in an In-Character Ask) Name: Cabin: Your User (@): Why you would be a good fit:
Event FAQ's
But Sys!! Some of the cabins already have head counselors!!
True!!! However, all our users are at different places in the series, and as we know, the head counselors change considerably as the series progresses! Some of them even change two or three times!! The purpose of this event is to establish a Database Canon, which is mostly so we can establish a tag list for our users!!! We are not attempting to rewrite cannon in any way!!!
Sys, my character is already the head counselor!!! It's in my pinned post!!
That's alright too! Again, this is just for this blog, and mostly to establish a tag list! We're not trying to write over anyone's personal canon!!
Sys, can I still participate in this if I have a Canon character blog?
Yes!!! Absolutely you can!!! However, only one @ will be designated as a head counselor on the database!! That means if Will Solace wins the Apollo cabin poll for example, not every Will Solace will be added to our list, only the one who applied and won the poll!!
Can I apply to be Head Counselor even if my character doesn't really stay at camp? (Like if they're a god, or an enemy, or something...)
Erm... yes?? If you win, you win, we suppose...
What happens if I am the only person who submits an application for my Cabin, or if I am the only person IN my cabin?
If this occurs, you will win automatically!!! In addition, if we do not receive ANY submissions for a cabin, there will be no Head Counselor designated. We want this decision to be up to the community!!!
Event Timeline
This amazing event begins today (July 31st, 2024)!!!! You may begin to submit your applications right now, as soon as you're done reading!!!
Submissions for Head Counselor will close in a week, on August 7th.
Polls will be posted after that, starting on August 8th. There will be two polls a day, and results will be posted at the end of each day!
When all submissions have been voted on, the official head Counselor list will be posted to the blog!!!!
Good Luck Users!!!! We're so excited to see what you have for us!!!
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