#it's so hard choosing one part of a fic to quote
Fanbinding: Dirt and Ashes, or: The One-and-a-Half Body Problem by @tozettastone
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In which Sakura carries half of Hidan across two countries, leaving a trail of blood, bodies, and other people's legs.
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I made this book for @aetherseer as part of an exchange we did, and I had such a great time making it. I saw this fic on their list and remembered reading it ages ago and was like I CAN DO SOMETHING WITH THAT! and here it is.
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The cover is Colibri bookcloth, handpainted with acrylic (all of the lettering is freehand- easy when the font you choose is irregular). @pleasantboatpress suggested including a quote on the spine since the title wasn't working there, so I got to add the absolutely banger quote from this fic "Your pain is sacred. Your suffering is beautiful."
For the edges, I used fluid graphite and polished and waxed them. On the endbands I used my Japanese silk thread for the first time (its a dream tbh).
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For the typeset, I leaned in hard on the blood sacrifice aesthetic, creating the Jashinist symbol for the front page (and also the cover) and using a font aptly called "Bloody Scratch." You can't see them here but for paragraph breaks there are little scythe.
@tozettastone, if you would like a copy I would be happy to make you one!! (I think my ask to you got eaten, feel free to dm).
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Hi! Firstly, thank you for creating this blog and helping all of us out! Secondly, and sorry if this is such a silly question, but how do you write an engaging summary?
I find my own fic summaries are so… lackluster… and not even I’m interested in reading it — so how I can I expect others to be? Even if I like my story, when I write the summary in the start of my fic/in my masterlist, I’m like “Wow… this is not even remotely interesting! 😭”
So yeah, I was wondering if you had any tips/advice for that? 😭 Totally fine if not, I just figured I’d ask. Thanks and have a great day/night! 😘
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Summaries are the bane of many writers’ existences, including my own. It’s already hard enough to get the words down on paper for the actual story, and now people want you to convince them to read it with something more than “I WORKED REALLY HARD ON IT PLEASE IT’S GOOD I PROMISE!!!!”
Squishing a ton of context into a small blurb seems impossible, but I promise it can be done!
Obviously everyone goes about things differently, and a lot of these tips may not work for everyone, but nevertheless, here are some tricks on how to write an engaging summary!
Here’s a simple template I like to use, which will be the focus of this post:
Hook (Draw the reader in!)
Context (What are the core elements of your story?)
Cliffhanger (Introduce a question/scenario that the reader will want to click to know more about!)
1. Start With a Hook
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Just like with the first sentence of a story, the first sentence of your summary should immediately spark the reader’s interest.
A bold statement! A good (short) quote from your fic! A shocking discovery! A cool word definition/the definition of your title!
I always like to put the hook of the story on its own line/paragraph, just to emphasize it.
Examples of a hook (Note, these are rushed and off the top of my head. Just meant to give a general idea, not be literary masterpieces): - "It all started when Character A puked on their Uber driver." - "War was inevitable." - "Character A would be dead by sunrise. That’s what Character B vowed." - "By the time they got to the city, it was too late."
Your hook is probably the most important part of your summary; someone will know within milliseconds whether or not they will continue reading.
Once you’re past that initial hump, it’ll be easier to convince a potential reader to skim the rest of the summary. Giving something that jumps out at them will set your story apart from others and ensure it gets that click you deserve!
2. Give Some Context
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For shorter one-shots, sometimes a single hook is enough! But if your fic is longer, with a bit more moving parts, you might want to choose a few highlights. Get the essence of your story on paper.
This can be super hard, so don’t feel discouraged if you feel like you’re not getting it. I’d suggest keeping your context to about 1-3 sentences depending on the length of your story, so make sure they count.
Buzzwords are a key factor in getting the main points across. Use ones that relate to your main plot to your advantage! 
For example, if I were to make a short summary of Game of Thrones for someone who has never watched it before, I would definitely include some of these buzzwords: - Dragons - Conquest - Succession - Revenge - Slaughter - Betrayal
Using powerful words (i.e. slaughtered instead of killed) can help draw in your audience!
I can't dictate exactly how you should write your context, since every fic is different and shouldn't be brought under an umbrella of the same rules, so it might help to find inspiration from other people’s summaries.
3. Pose a Question the Reader Will Want the Answer To
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The biggest point of a summary is the “so what?” factor. You have all of these tags, but how does the fic make use of them?
A summary shouldn’t be giving all of the answers, but it should still leave crumbs for the reader’s imagination! This doesn’t mean that you literally need to put a question in the summary, but rather pose an unresolved scenario/problem that the reader will want to click to know the solution to.
Here are some example sentence templates that pose an indirect question, often put at the end of a summary to spark interest (Note, these are rushed and off the top of my head. Just meant to give a general idea, not be literary masterpieces): - "Everything changes the moment Character A makes a choice they can't take back." (What is that choice? How does it affect the other characters?) - "As the truth comes to light, nothing will ever be the same." (What is the truth? How does it change things?) - "A dangerous game begins, and only one can emerge unscathed." (Who will be that person?) - “It’s the first time they meet, but it won’t be the last” (What will be these next instances? How do their worlds collide?)
4. Some General Advice
If you don't think the above format works well with your fic, here's just some general advice that can help you out!
The biggest mistake I see writers making when posting their work is having a giant four-paragraph summary for their story that takes up half of the feed.
Unfortunately, in an age of fast swiping and instant gratification, a reader may skip over a super long summary simply because they don’t feel like reading all of it.
(The reason why long summaries work for books is because people are more patient when they intend on paying to read something; they’ll take more time considering investments than they would with a free read, since they want to make sure it's worth their money. It’s not fair, but that’s kind of how it goes.)
In my opinion, a fic summary should be no more than one short paragraph, two or three sentences max for a one-shot and maybe five sentences for a long fic.
This isn't exact. It really depends on the length and complexity of the sentence, because no matter the how many you use, if there are enough words to make folks comprehend it as a big block of text, then they’re going to be more likely to skip it.
People looking for long fics will be more patient (since they’re making an investment with their time, rather than money) but if you want to appeal to a wider audience that may be casually browsing and stumble across your fic, definitely consider a more brief route.
Because summaries are often an afterthought, many writers don’t put as much effort into it as they would the rest of their story.
I wouldn’t recommend this; people are basing their ENTIRE initial opinion of your fic on this small blurb.
If you rush it and make spelling or grammar errors, people will assume that the rest of your fic is also riddled with errors and scroll past!
Make sure to proofread!
Hope this helped, and happy writing!
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sunflowersbones · 14 days
Stalker’s Tango
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Warnings: This fic will contain NON-CON, Discussion on mental health, Psychological distress, Stalking, Violence. My warnings are not exhaustive, proceed at your own risk.
[AUGUST WALKER x reader]
18+ only. This is a dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: The therapy sessions with your new patient have been going well lately; something that surprises you due to his initial distaste towards the mandatory sessions his unit commands. You’re glad that there is progress in some part of your life, as your own mental health seems to be slowly sinking. You chalk it up to exhaustion and stress; but as the events of your life unfold, you realise that your mind hadn’t been playing games. It had been warning you; that danger truly did lurk around the corner.
NOTE: I'm absolutely devastated that I couldn’t put this out in August; my laptop decided to die on me. I know it's not that big of a deal, but still. So for my sake, let's presume that I did post this in August cuz I'm not waiting until next year.
DIVIDERS: @firefly-graphics
You observe him as you slowly twirl your pen around; in between your fingers. He was so unlike any of the other patients you’ve ever had.
He always seems so calm and collected. His attire always put together. His clothes were just as stiff and polished as him. He seems to gravitate more towards a monotone cool palette of blues, blacks, and greys, and if he desires to experiment a little; he’ll try brown or a pale yellow, but that’s about it.
You had been having a hard time, trying to figure out if it was due to his personal likes and dislikes or if he chooses it due to a societal and corporate expectation from men’s fashion, but you dismantled the latter thought quite quickly.
His voice is always loud and clear; it never quivers, and he rarely repeats himself. He always just seems so sure of himself. You suppose that’s why he hated this in the beginning—not that he's so fond of it now, but at least he's moved on from his initial grunts and one-word answers.
It must be an offence to a man like him to presume that he is, quote-unquote, “weak”. That talking about your emotions and difficulties or having regular therapy sessions is only for those who make their way into lunatic asylums. That they; as normal citizens, are better than the others.
Even educated people cannot shroud themselves from the taboo around mental health. You of all people know that very well; you’ve dealt with it quite personally. He reminded you of your father, not just in attitude but also in tone. Both of them carry a patronizing effect in their voice, even through the most simple remarks.
Your father was a man of voice and vigour to whom even the notion of mental health was absurd. His anger, most likely contributing to his denial of most problems. People of his generation tend to be like that, while it is changing—not at the pace you wish it would.
Having a patient who does not even try to get better unnerved you a little. You had never been very persuasive, all you can do is help bring clarity. You tell yourself to keep calm; perseverance is the only way to survive in this line of work.
His eyes land on you, onto your pen, and then above you; on to the clock, you presume. In the beginning his eyes never left it, at least now they only longingly look up half way through the session.
“Well, won't you look at that, doc? Times up,” he says in a tone of farce surprise, as if he hasn’t been yearning for the clock to strike.
You heave a small sigh as a smile forms on your lips; for a man his size, he can be quite childish.
“You know, August, it’s not your job to keep up with the clock; it's mine. Your mind is supposed to be relaxed in here.”
“Of course, I simply wouldn’t want to keep your other patients waiting; you're quite in demand, you know.” Your eyes quirk up in a questioning gaze; he already seems to have anticipated it.
“This generation loves coming in here, they think that you can fix all of their problems. They believe that their minds are broken simply because they can't handle the reality of life,” his voice laced with contempt and disappointment.
“Well anyway, see you next week, doc.” His tone was determined, so you didn’t bother to keep him longer than what was required. Your half-assured goodbye was only met by the creaking hinges of the closing door.
The entire bus ride home, your mind had been preoccupied with him; you nearly missed your stop. To some people, it's just a notion; their rigidity tends to crack from the sides, but he truly believes that all of this is useless, and that’s what makes it all the more difficult. It's not just prejudice; it's a true belief. You have to find a way around this or all your work will go down the drain.
You crack your neck as you walk into your apartment, fatigue taking over your entire body. You’d initially planned on taking a warm, long bath, but now you just want to fill your stomach and pass out. You heat up yesterday's mac and cheese, while it's nothing elaborate; it's enough to fill you up. The low rhythmic whirring of the oven lulls you as you think of all your other patients; you still have to come up with a proper time schedule to alternate between all of them, and then there’s August. You’ve met teenagers who are less adamant than he is, the oven beeps as it snaps you out of your thoughts. The smell of cheese fills you with ease, and you decide not to bring work to the dinner table, you’ll think about it tomorrow.
You walk into your bedroom ready to crash when your eyes land on the bluebells you bought a week ago. You curse yourself for forgetting about it again. None of your indoor plants ever seem to survive, no matter how much you care for them. But the wild ones growing outside your window seem to have no problem flourishing as they grow out through the thin cracks of the wall.
You fill a glass up and move to water the plants. As you lean in, you notice that the soil seems damp; a small crinkle forms in between your brows. You can’t remember watering them this morning, but then again, you did everything in a hurry today. Terrified that you’ll miss your morning bus. You don’t think much of it as you place the glass down. Your bluebells seem to be retaining their colour; you hope this one won't die on you.
A strong thud startles you from your repose; suddenly wide awake, your annoyance turns into dread as you suspect that the noise was coming from inside your apartment—you couldn’t remember if you had locked the front door. Nighttime stirs up the imagination of your ears; as you sit up on your bed, your mind convinces you that you can hear low symphonies mixed in the silence. You're sure that you can hear footsteps outside the room, or was it the creak of the door? You feel goosebumps etch your entire body as you force yourself to take a deep breath.
You slowly get out of bed, careful as to not make any noise. You look around for your phone only to realise that you’d left it on the kitchen table. Now your worry increases even more; you can hear your heart beating in your chest. You’re unsure of what to do. You could simply lock the door to your room, but then what? Wait until the morning? For all you know, it was nothing, simply your paranoid nature freaking out.
Your mother tends to make it a habit of informing you about every single crime activity that pops up on the news; whether you're interested in it or not. Her own fear and paranoia seem to have transmitted onto you in an increasing degree. If you are hopefully alive by tomorrow, you’ll keep in mind to stop watching those missing persons documentary.
You slowly peep out of your room. You look over to the left, slightly straining your neck, only to find the main door locked. You heave a relieved sigh at that. You walk into the kitchen and find your phone on the table just where you had left it. The light from the streetlight fills your kitchen with a low yellow glow as you hear another thud. You look over through the window and see a truck unload some boxes, the noise now you’re certain was from this ruckus. You absent-mindedly wonder if someone new was moving in as you make your way back to bed.
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The slow-moving normalcy of everyday life makes you indifferent of others in the daytime, but at night... that’s when every little movement terrifies you. You clutch your handbag around a little tighter, your head spins around every few minutes, and your feet pick up their pace no matter how exhausted you are. A pepper spray bottle has found a permanent residence in your bag. You’ve made a habit to always make sure that your door is closed and locked. You don’t want to admit it, but you're actually a little perturbed after last week's incident, mostly about your own forgetfulness.
You wonder if the stress of it is evident on your face; the raven-haired man in front of you has been rather cooperative today. He answers you without the usual quirky remarks. You wonder if it's due to his own interest in taking these sessions seriously or if it's because of the dark circles that lace your eyes. His eyes landed on your face the second he entered and has remained on them since. He looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it; however, his inquisitive nature could only keep it in for so long.
“Not to be harsh, Doc, but you look like shit. Not getting enough sleep?”
“Sleep has been evading me as of lately, yes.”
“Nothing much, just work.”
“Huh, I didn’t think dealing with a bunch of paper work and people would be that hard; regret signing up for it?,” he says as he crosses his ankle onto his other leg. His condescending baritone reminds you of a familiar one, and you momentarily snap back a “no,” but you compose yourself rather quickly. Deflection—that’s what they all do.
“Every job has its hurdles, August. But we are not here to talk about mine; we’re here to talk about yours.”
“So tell me how’s work?”
“Can’t talk about it; confidentiality agreement, remember?.” He quips.
“Of course, I didn’t mean the intricacies of it. I meant, how does it make you feel? I’m sure working for the government has its own complicacies.”
“Do you enjoy your work? Does it stress you? Do you ever feel like you’ve neglected life?” His jaw clenches at that as his voice turns gruff.
“No, I do what I have to; I’m ready to make sacrifices for my work, and yes, you could say that I enjoy it. In fact, I think it’s the only thing I enjoy in life sometimes...” The last part seems to be a careless whisper, but you catch on to it anyway.
“Well, that’s not very healthy; why? Do you find life outside of work difficult? Stressful?”
“No. I just find it mundane.”
There’s something in his eyes that makes you feel like it's aimed at you rather than the conversation you’re having, but you don’t dwell on it.
The rest of your conversation carries on, and after August’s session, you call onto your next patient. Your greeted by a familiar strawberry blonde; you’d completely forgotten about her.
“Gee Y/N, sometimes I wonder how you even work when you have to deal with a hottie like that fella!.”
“Ha-ha, I survive, Nance. I survive.”
“But seriously, look at him—what an absolute specimen.”
“That he is.”
“Ohhh, I sense tension; is he the grumpy kind?”
“Spot on.”
“Hmm.. well, the hot ones do tend to be like that.”
“So how are the babies?”
“Oh great, its been great as of lately; Charlie said his first words, you know.”
“Ahh, how wonderful!; was it mom?”
The gleam on her rosy cheeks makes the answer apparent. You're so happy to see the girl you’ve now known for two years, who at first meeting was just a gloom of anxiety and sadness. She’s changed so much, and only for the better. You listen to her carefully as she continues; but even then, in the back of your mind, his staring eyes persist.
You huff as you run towards the bus stop, unable to reach on time as you watch your bus leave. You look around; the evening is darker than usual, indicative of the fast approaching winter. You have no idea when the next bus will arrive. This junction being nooked into the corner had fewer buses on this route compared to the main one. So you decide to just walk your way to it.
Your feet ache as your slippers slap onto the road. You should have left the office earlier; it would have spared you the walk. You continue on through the cold night, wrapping your arms around yourself, when you hear a soft snap behind you. You turn around thinking nothing of it, purely based on instinct.
Surprised to find yourself all alone; a tiny part of you is uncomfortable. You start to walk a little faster, restless to reach the bus stop. However, as you turn around a corner, you hear light footsteps behind you; they sound much calmer compared to yours. It means nothing; it’s most likely just somebody walking towards the bus stop, just like you. But your nerves get the best of you, and to ease your mind, you increase your pace. The second you do your followers pace increases as well. They sound much louder now; it puts your heart in a frenzy. You could see the dim light of the bus stop ahead of you. Your body sprints towards it.
You reach the bus stop a little calm now due to the lights that fill the stop; its saxe hue comforts you from the danger your mind intuits. You notice a man asleep on one of the seats. The new-found comfort of the lights and the company gives you the courage to look behind. You come to regret the decision as you feel your heart skip a beat.
A tall shadow stands a few meters away, their figure looming in the darkness. You're unable to see anything but a dark outline; but you suspect it’s a man. Even from afar, his enormous size is terrifying.
You’re so grateful to see a bus approach; you climb into it immediately as its doors buzz open and peep out through the glass window only to find nothing. Nobody’s around except for the man who was asleep on the bench; it's almost as if you had imagined a ghost up. But you know, that was not true because that little heart of yours was still thundering inside you; assuring you that the fear you felt had been very real.
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The days ahead had been increasingly difficult, your fear transmuting into insomnia as you lay awake at night petrified of every little noise you hear. The chances of somebody stalking you seem ridiculous, but how many women had believed such and been the victims of an attack?
Your cautiousness skyrocketed these days, and you carried two bottles of pepper spray along with you. You’ve decided to put an installment on a car; your house was not very far away from work but enough to evoke the fear within. You could not rely on the buses anymore; you did not want to end up suffering because of their impunctual timing.
You had been searching through your cabinet to make sure you had all the files that were required. That’s when you found it, it had arrived a week ago; you remember receiving it, but you’d been too busy to check it out. August's health and history files had been finally transferred on to you; you had requested it nearly a month ago.
You skim through the papers, nearly missing it at first, but you reread the part again, and a frown forms in-between your brows. His first mission... he… he’d lied to you.
It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary; all clients lie to a certain extent. Especially during the initial stages of therapy, even when it isn’t a case of "pseudologia fantastica." It's just the initial distress of being vulnerable and the desire to express ones own narrative rather than the truth.
But with August... while you never really thought of it before, now you slightly suspect if August has a case of pathological lying. For some people, it's not about a grand lie; it's about the smaller details. And you're sure it’s the norm in his line of work; the lines between lying and withholding the truth tend to blend pretty soon when one is not cautious. You won't lie; you’re a little disappointed in him, or with yourself; you're unsure.
You don’t know why you thought this conversation would go easily; the clench in his jaw, the anger in his eyes, and the tight grip of his fingers clearly suggested otherwise.
“I have no idea what you're talking about, doc.”
“August please. Let's not waste our time, I know. They sent me your files. I need to have certain knowledge about my patient's history.” His gaze pierces through you at that.
You try your best to approach the topic as softly as you can. “Your mission, your first mission; you weren’t alone; you had a team... and there were casualties. You’d suffered from a severe head trauma too. It was—
“A disaster?” The grimace in his voice was mixed with pain and anger.
“…difficult. Is that why you lied? August I need you to know this is a safe space. I’m not here to judge you; that’s not what we are here to do.”
“You’re a practical person; you know that lying doesn’t help. It simply convinces you that you’ve made progress when, truthfully, you’ve just been stagnant the whole time.”
“I, we, all... all of this,” you say, waving your hand around, “we exist to help you, not to condemn you. You can open up to me; that’s what I’m here for.”
His aggression at that makes you flinch. All you hear is the scraping of his chair, and before you could voice anything, he was gone. No other patient had stumped you the way he had, and when you finally snap out of it and go out in search of him, he’s nowhere to be found.
Your day had gone by uneventfully; August’s departure had been lingering on your mind the whole day. Coming back from work, both your mind and body had been exhausted. You didn’t even bother with dinner, your eyes closing the second you meet the bed.
Your body allowed your mind to sleep for a few hours before the familiar pang of hunger stirred you awake. You turn around and feel your heart clench; an overflow of fear courses through you. Your throat constricted as you whimper; the darkened, sharp outline of the man seated before now moves forward. The small strand of silver moonlight shines onto his face.
“You tend to talk in your sleep, you know.”
Fear paralyses you completely as you stay put. He stands up and walks over to your bed, his entire frame towering over you. He stares at you for a few seconds before flinching away.
One would imagine you were the one who broke into his place to hurt him if they saw him now. The pain etched on his face changes from discomfort to anger. You hear him draw a deep breath in as he composes himself.
“You’re on my mind a lot doc.”
“At first I entertained it, it was just a harmless little fantasy. And you… you’re such a cliché, ” he sighs, “your clothes, your glasses, your office, it doesn’t help.”
“Your table is always meticulously arranged, everything’s always in order, even your stupid post-it notes are colour coded,” he hisses, “I’d wanted to throw everything off of that table and fuck you on it until you were a babbling mess.”
“Not to belittle you doc, but you look like you’d get cock drunk pretty fast.”
He turns toward you, his broad shoulders straightened as he slightly tilts his head
“I’d have my hand around your throat, tight enough for you to barely breath,” he growls, “could make you shut up for once.”
“But then you decided that you wanna fuck with my head. And now I can’t get you out of my fucking mind.”
Your eyes travel towards the door, you could just make a dash for it but he seems to have read your mind. “Don’t even try.”
Your fear overclouds your judgment and you bolt out of the bed, but you barely take three steps, before he grabs onto you and throws you back onto the bed.
“Why do you have to make this so fucking difficult.”
You try again never the less as you smack him. None of this seems to deter him, one of his hand moves to twist your arm around your back. You scream in pain, only to have his other hand warp around your throat. You try to scratch his face, shoulders, neck anything just to make him let you go.
His fingers dig into you harder, his hand now moves around to the back of your neck making you wince “Please,” you whisper as he pushes your face onto you pillow.
“What did you think, you could run away from me? I’m ten times faster that you are. The only way you got away from me is because I let you.”
“Please, please, August. This isn—
You feel him hard against your ass, as he presses himself on to you.
“I didn’t expect you to be begging so soon Y/N, why hurry? we have the whole night for that don’t we.”
Your whole body stills with fear. His hands loosens around you as he’s moves to unbuckle his belt. Suddenly, you sense a rush of energy bloom within you; this might be your only chance.
You use all of your strength to push him away. He slightly looses his balance; just as you use the opportunity to move out of the bed, his hand lands on your ankle making you fall, face flat on to the floor.
You wince as your head and nose pound in pain, your body moving as he turns you around. His hands dig into the flesh of your arms as he looks at you.
“That was your own doing. I don’t want to hurt you, but I can if I wanted to. I can make this really painful for you Y/N, but if you co-operate I’ll go easy on you, understand?”
A slight nod of your head is all you can manage as you hear the sound of your shirt being ripped apart. Your shorts and underpants gone just as easily. Your face ends up on the bed again, as his left arm palms your breast. His other hand moves to coat your cunt with his juices. You feel a rush of disgust and shame course through you.
He rubs his leaking tip on your folds, his teeth gently nipping on your shoulders. He pushes himself into you, your mouth gently  parts as you feel his length inside your body. You hear him curse as pulls you up, your hands extending as you use them to balance yourself.
His hands land on you hip, “shit, your tight. Should have expected that from you.”
He begins to thrust in, slowly at first but then just as he gets comfortable his pace increases. You could hear the sound of his hips slapping into you. The girth of him nearly ripping your core apart. The fabric of his shirt and pants felt like they were made out of small metal pins as they grazed your naked skin.
Your mind still couldn’t believe this was actually happening, your eyes focused onto the movement of the headboard; the bed shaking because of him.
His hand on your hip tightens and as he spills into you, you hear a low carnal moan. You feel him soften inside you as he finally pulls out. You lay down on to your soft sheets— as he lets you go— now stained forever as you feel him trickle down your thigh. You hide your face in the pillow as you feel the tears brim your eyes; you just want to sleep.
“Ah ah, not so fast” he voice carelessly drawls as he pulls you up with your upper arm. He drags you around and before you can wonder where to, he opens the door to your shower.
The expectation is clear in his eyes and as you move in you hear him lock the door. The scalding water helps your mind from dwelling, you don’t want to think about anything right now. You’re more focused on rubbing yourself raw, nearly making your skin bleed as the hot water burning your skin cleans you.
When you come out you’re surprised to find him still there, casually sitting on your hair. He’s tidied himself up, not even a crinkle formed on his shirt unlike your ripped clothes that lay on the floor. Your eyes land on to your bed; they have a new pair of sheets shabbily placed on them. The old ones crumbled, down next to the foot it.
“You should get some rest, your body probably isn’t used to so much work.”
“Now, after you wake up tomorrow your brain will try to come up with ideas to get rid of me. You can try, but let me tell you right now you’ll have to deal with consequences. I can get really, really ugly.”
“It’s not easy to convict people without proof these days. If you try to leave, I will find you and you don’t want that.”
He stands up and walks over to you. You slightly step back, your body moving on its own as he gets closer. His hand moves to lift your head making you look at him.
“I like this arrangement a lot, so be good. We can help each other. So long as you behave I’ll be good to you.” A slight smirk forms on his features “Who knows?, I might just open up to you…doc.”
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supercorpkid · 4 months
How You Get the Girl
Supergirl. Lena Luthor x Reader!, Kara Danvers.
Word Count: 2500.
Notes: I really love this fic, and part 2 (my favorite ever written) is coming soon :)
"Hey, remember my friend Barry?" Kara asks as you settle onto her couch, balancing containers of takeout food. The late hour has granted Kara a break from her Supergirl duties, allowing for a rare moment of tranquility.
"Barry Allen?" You confirm, and she nods. "The one from another Earth?"
"Yeah." She hands you your food and takes a seat beside you, facing you. "Sometimes we meet just to talk, instead of dealing with end-of-the-multiverse situations."
"Nice. I didn't know that." You start eating, but Kara hesitates, an uncommon occurrence as she's typically the one speaking with her mouth full. "Have you seen him recently?"
"Yeah, and he told me something amusing." Kara tilts her head, uncertain. "He ended up in the wrong universe, thinking he was coming here. He was very confused because everything was oddly similar. You know, there was me, you, Alex, Lena, J'onn…"
"Isn't that normal for different universes?" You furrow your brows. "I might not know much about it, but Lena explained once that when a diversion event occurs, a new Earth is created, so—"
"Yeah, yeah." Kara interrupts, contemplating her words as you watch curiously. "The weird part was that you and Lena were..." She pauses, choosing her words carefully. "Together."
"Okay?" You return your attention to your food, losing interest. "We do spend a lot of time together."
"No, I mean, romantically together. Dating." Kara's revelation makes you snap your head up, heart racing. "More than that, actually. You guys were married! And had a kid!"
"A kid?" You laugh nervously. "Now that's absurd."
"Really? The kid part is absurd?" Kara sets aside her untouched food. "So you and Lena being married didn't strike you as absurd enough?"
You swallow hard, avoiding Kara's gaze as your cheeks flush. Is any of what Kara's saying absurd? Not entirely. Have you thought about you and Lena together before? Definitely. Have you secretly hoped for the day Lena will stop pining over Kara so you can do something about your love for her? Absolutely. Will you ever confess this to Kara? Not a chance.
"I mean," You take a deep breath, raising your head and trying to compose yourself. "Perhaps that's why the new Earth was created, right? A wild new scenario? Me and Lena."
Kara blinks, then chuckles. "I guess you're right." She finally picks up her food and begins eating. "I'm not sure if that's how a new Earth is created, but it's certainly wild enough."
Yeah. Wild enough.
Lena steps off the elevator, and you lift your head to admire her before she notices. Her hair is in perfect dark waves down her shoulders. She looks so tiny in her white sneakers, but you love them so dearly because you know how much more comfortable she's been ever since she stopped wearing those awful heels for work. Her lips, just a splash of red in them, as she's recently been dabbing with wearing less makeup than usual. You don't think she's ever looked this pretty.
The headquarters is unusually quiet; J'onn is in another room, Kara is at work, Alex is out with her girlfriend, and Winn is occupied in one of the computers. For now, it's just you and Lena, which means pining is almost allowed. 
"Hey, Y/N." Lena approaches, carrying a gigantic book and sporting a playful grin. "I know you're gearing up to tease me about my book, so go ahead."
"Honestly, Lena. You think too little of me." She raises one eyebrow at you and you hold back your smile. You manage your best British accent. "Have you gone mad, Hermione? Are you a witch or not?"
"Ah. There it is—the Harry Potter quote I've been waiting for." Lena drops the book onto the table with a thud, and you glance at the cover. "Ironically, it's actually about magic." You offer her a smirk, earning an eye roll in return. "So, has Kara mentioned anything about her last encounter with The Flash?"
"Uh." Your mouth drops, why is Lena bringing this up? "She – She might've mentioned seeing him."
"Right. So apparently she told him about my theory on elseworlds and he doesn't agree with it." Lena opens her book, looking for a page. And you breathe out, relieved you won't need to have that fun conversation with someone else. "So, you know, obviously I have to prove him wrong."
You stare at her lips, curving into a smile. So red and perfect. So close and yet so far away. She might be beside you, but the gap between you feels insurmountable.
"Oh, and he also said something about us being married!" She says and you choke on your own saliva and starts coughing violently. Lena's hand goes to your back and she soothes you, in a protective manner. "I mean, I know it's a little far-fetched, but that's an odd reaction."
"I just –" You try to breathe again, ignoring Lena's hands on your back and the way it makes your body shiver under her touch. "I wasn't expecting that. Sorry."
Lena chooses to ignore your awkwardness, which is very much appreciated, and you fall silent thinking about things you will not have, body parts you will not hold, and the reciprocated love that you won't feel. Thoughts etched in the inside of your mind, so addicted to the illusion of a love that never was and never will be.
"How –" You look back at her and she raises her head, previously nose buried in the book, and you swallow your nervousness. "How does a diversion event occur in order to create a new Earth? Is it something big and worldwide, or is it something small and insignificant?"
"Well, it is commonly thought to be big events. The small insignificant things that follow are usually in response to them."
"I see." You breathe deep one more time, mastering your best courage. "So, what would happen if I were to meet the other me or you from another universe? Would it be a paradox or something?"
"No. We're all different people." You bite the inside of your mouth thinking about it. Lena's voice brings you back from your trance. "Why the sudden interest?"
"Hm? Oh, I'm just trying to understand more." You smile getting up from your place. "Thanks for explaining it to me." She looks at you curiously and you over explain things with your arms, like a lunatic. "Things are slow today. I'm just gonna head home. If there's an emergency, just hit me up."
"Oh, sure." Lena has barely noticed you're gone, nose buried in the book once again. "Yeah, we'll let you know."
Is it madness? You pace the apartment floor, wrestling with your thoughts. Is it crazy to entertain the idea of venturing into another Earth just to witness a scenario where you and Lena are together? Is it reckless and irresponsible? Is it even fair?
But this love you feel for her has been eating you from the inside. You don't believe there's ever been a space quite as big as the one she wished into existence between your heart and hers. So how can you not? How can you not go on an excursion to find out how to summon this love into being?
"Hey!" Kara taps on your window and you turn around to look at her. "What's the emergency?"
"I need to go on a trip." You say. Packed bags at the edge of the couch, forced smile on your face. She flies in, landing close to it.
"Whe –"
"Can't tell you where. Just wanted to give you a heads-up so you won't worry."
Kara studies you, suspicion evident in her eyes. "Did something happen? Are you going on a mission?"
"No!" You rush to assure her, preventing any further questions. "No, no. Nothing happened, really. It's not a –" But it is a mission of sorts. "Not a real mission, maybe one just to answer a question that keeps me fast awake at night."
Kara squints her eyes looking at you, clearly finding your act extremely suspicious, and you curse yourself for your breath stuck in your lungs and the heart beating almost out of your body.
"Kara, you don't need to worry, I promise."
"Too late! Am worried!" She breathes out, sitting on your couch, right next to your bag. "What's going on? You've been acting weird these days. And DON'T –" She points at you accusingly, because she knows you were about to open your mouth and defend yourself. "say you're not, because I know you and you can't fool me, no matter how much you want to."
She's right. Kara knows you inside out. But there's one thing she's mistaken about: you've been successfully fooling her for months.
This pining over Lena, this ridiculous huge crush you've been nurturing for Lena Luthor has been going for far too long. You crave the way she smells and how she talks. You dream about green eyes and perfect arched eyebrows directed at you. You're consistently going out of your way just to see her. You jump on cases, and suggest team pairings. It's crazy the fact that no one noticed yet, because honestly? You don't think you're doing a far too good of a job when your mouth literally drops at the sight of her.
And yet, your best friends haven't figured it out. None of them. Not even the Kryptonian with super hearing and x-ray vision. 
"You have nothing to worry about, really. But I can't tell you where I'm going, so you're just gonna have to trust me on this one." You try your best puppy eyes and sweet smile. "You do, right? You trust me?"
Kara's eyes soften immediately as she stands and comes closer to you, "Of course I do, Y/N. You're a strong, powerful woman and you can take care of yourself." She reaches for your arm and winks at you. "Plus, you have me on speed dial."
She means the watch.
You agree with your head and hug her goodbye.
You've never been to another Earth. Have heard enough about it, though, to not look completely lost and out of place. So you do your research, does Supergirl exist? Is Lena running some kind of business empire? Where do all the heroes meet up?
You're quick to find out, LuthorCorp is still very much a thing here, and it's run by yours truly, your so-called wife, Lena. So you make your way there first thing. 
"Hi," You try, while talking to the receptionist. "I'm here to see Lena, I'm –"
"Mrs. Luthor!"
Startled, you glance behind, finding no one. "Where?" Then the realization dawns. "Oh. Oh! You mean me. Yeah, I never quite got used to it. Can I go up?"
"Of course, ma'am."
You step into the elevator, musing over how Lena's last name sounds rather fitting when associated with you. In fact, you might prefer it to your own.
"Mrs. Luthor," you overhear Lena's assistant on the phone as soon as she spots you. "Your wife is here."
You make a gesture to correct her, but she's already running to the door. "Mrs. Luthor, please." she nods at you.
"Oh, you don't have – it's ok. I can –" You finally smile back at her. "I'll take it from here, thanks."
As soon as the door closes behind you, Lena makes her way towards you.
Holy shit, she's a mirror image of your Lena. Not a single strand of hair out of place. She even wears the same style of heels your Lena used to, with a high ponytail and those perfect red lips curved into a smile.
"Darling, I didn't know you were dropping by." Before you can say anything, she's planting a kiss on you—a short, sweet peck that catches you off guard. It takes a few moments for you to close your eyes and reciprocate, only to find Lena pulling away. "Is everything all right?"
"I'm not your wife!" The words burst out before she can lean in again, the realization hitting you hard. It hurts to say, especially when all you want is to kiss Lena once more, even though she's not truly your Lena.
"What?" Lena's eyebrows knit together in confusion.
"I'm a different Y/N. From another Earth." You point to yourself, trying to convey the truth. She stares at you in disbelief, so you rack your brain for ways to convince her. "Call your wife, and you'll see."
Lena blinks, then reaches for her phone on her desk. After a brief conversation, she hangs up. "You're not my wife," she confirms, setting her phone down. "Sorry for the unexpected kiss. You look exactly like her. Well, you are her."
"It's okay. I can't say I hated it." You admit, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks at her amused smirk. Maybe you shouldn't have said that.
"Let me guess, your own world is in danger, and you need our help, or something equally insane?" Lena guesses with a sigh.
"My world is fine. But I do need your help with something insane."
Lena gestures toward the couch, and you follow suit. "Do tell, not-my-wife."
"How did we end up together in this universe? How did I win you over?" You're not even half seated yet and are blurting out questions.
"Win me over?" Lena chuckles at your choice of words. "Oh, darling. You fell in love with a Lena?"
"I'm afraid I did. Except mine is in love with Kara, so –"
"Oh, ok." This Lena shakes her head like that thought is insane. "Can't help you in that area. I was always in love with you – your version from here. In fact, you didn't win me over. I was the one who had to win you."
"Oh yeah, that was probably so hard. Flash those green eyes and a knowing smirk at me, and I'm already head over heels for you." 
Lena nods in agreement, a smile playing on her lips. "To be honest, that was pretty much it."
Great, this entire excursion to another universe was useless. This Y/N finally got the girl, and you can't be helped.
"I'm sorry," Lena is quick to say. "I know I was of no help, but don't lose hope!"
"How do you know–"
"Please, Y/N. I am your wife." She reaches for your hand, smiling warmly. "If you fell in love with me here and in your universe, there's likely others where we end up together. I'm not saying you can visit them all—"
"I will visit them all!" You declare, rising from the couch, and you can practically feel Lena rolling her eyes. As you stand, she does too, and you share a goodbye hug. "Thanks for your help, not-my-wife! A pity kiss goodbye in case I never get the girl?"
She chuckles at your jest and plants a kiss on your cheek. "I'm certain you'll get her."
With renewed determination, you prepare for another journey to another Earth.
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
Hello hi- back to my shenanigans again (the one with the fake dating + lobby portal + frozen half the pentagram surely not an OC ahahah anonymous asker) - anyway- heres some MORE angst.
Reader's past lover- died waaay before reader back in their teens because readers mother found out about their not so heterosexual relationship and decided to shoot them both but only killed one- reader escaping and killing her mom in return (let’s name her Charlotte- with mane wolf features- so wolf+fox+deer features a combination! ) and barely moved on after meeting Alastor like years later, yet still haunted by Charlottes dead eyes reader saw when she woke up from some sleepy poison. Now Charlotte is in heaven and reader in hell alongside their radio-lover lover!
Yet somehow- maybe though a very uncanonical accurate meeting where angels go down to see the new hotel after hearing sinners can get redeemed Charlotte (not to be confused with Charlie) is one of said angels and suddenly all those waves of emotions come rushing back and reader can do nothing but stare.
but oh wait! Angels/Winner dont remember their past life so reader goes to her- and shes just “Oh hello! Whats your name? :3” (shes an angel and loves the stars and plants and everything nice can do no wrong) “I-… I guess you dont know me in this lifetime” (AND DOESNT TELL HER THEYVE MET BEFORE because what good would that bring?)
But alastor is also there lurking in the back. watching them- he knew someone was in readers life before him but reader never said more than that. Will readers feelings for Charlotte come back? Will reader stay to the infatuation of murderous acts that Alastor bought them? Will reader choose the pure love that might not spring again?
The infamous blizzard demon overlord! that never dropped their mask around others that always seemed to have the upper hand in any situation, the cold- charismatic- brutal and ruthless overlord- suddenly speechless at the reappearance of someone they used to know. How will everyone react?! “Sweet as a pea, but sharp as a knife- now shocked like the stars have fallen”
GAAAH MY BRAIN IS TOO BIG ANF FULL OF ANGST!!!!! Heres some kisses too: maybe next fic its me x you pookie 😘😘🥰🥰😘😘😘😘
A/N What a wild way to close off a request, I honestly got so much respect for that. I don't do OCs but for the sign off comment, I'll make an exception. Also I am assuming you want this as a part two to Frostbite because she's still a blizzard demon?? Apologies in advance if I got that wrong. Also,, not you quoting something else I've written in your request. That's crazy, thank you so much for the love.
Day Lilies (Alastor x Blizzard demon!Reader x Angel!OC)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Part One: Frostbite (Alastor x Reader)
Warnings: Homophobia (from other people and internalized) and murder. Smoking/cigarettes and angst. Always angst. I think that is it, please correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 2,969
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
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The best thing about the Hazbin Hotel, according to some, was the fact that not one but two overlords who had found a home there. The Radio Demon and the Frost. Feared, revered, respected, and making an appearance for the first time in seven long years.
Without Alastor and Y/n's help, Charlie would not have been able to achieve all she had and she was eternally grateful to the pair, even if they were a tad confrontational and violent at times. Deeply in love, indebted to one another in a billion and five different ways, Alastor and Y/n had worked hard for their life in the underworld. As the angel stepped gently out of the portal, following her superior, Y/n felt the pressure of that life as it began to crash down around her.
When Charlie had struck the deal with Heaven to have an angel come down to the hotel to track its progress and assess if any of its inhabitants were worthy of redemption, Y/n had thought nothing of it. Sure, it was a bit irritating but if anything, the deal seemed ripe for entertainment and thats really all she and Alastor were after at the end of the day. She had figured the angel would be some low ranking nobody. She had thought it would be amusing, that they would torture the poor creature, that things would stay roughly the same. Never in her wildest dreams had the notion ever crossed Y/n's mind that the angel might be Charlotte.
Of course, Y/n had known Charlotte must be in Heaven. The girl had always been so kind, so good to her very core. It had just all seemed so far away and now, somehow, there she was, peeking timidly out from behind the seraphim's back.
Charlotte looked different, having taken on some animalistic, wolfish features since her death. Sharp ears sprouted from the untamed mess of her hair, fangs peeked their way out from the corners of her lips but Y/n was sure. It was Charlotte. It was all in the eyes.
"Welcome, Sera." Charlie politely began, taking a step forward.
Normally, such a show of self restraint from the young demon princess would have caused curiosity to spark a fire in Y/n's chest. Now, she just stood beside Angel as Charlie had requested, eyes wide and mind reeling.
"Is this who we will be working with?"
Sera looked at the shy wolf of a girl behind her and nodded her head, gesturing for the girl to step forward.
"Yes." she replied, her voice cold and haughty, "This is Charlotte, she has been with us for a while and we trust her judgment on matters such as this."
"Oh how funny!" Charlie brightly exclaimed, "My full name is Charlotte too but, I go by Charlie. Do you have a nickname you'd prefer?"
"Just Charlotte is fine." the angel softly replied and Y/n's breath caught in her throat.
The girls voice was honeysuckle, it was sticky sweet teen love.
"Why her?" Husk asked and Charlie shot him a glare, "She just seems a little..."
Sera laughed lightly, a caring smile sneaking on to her face.
"She's a little shy, but she is smart. Even when she was alive, she had an ability to read people, to see right through to the essence of their beings."
Charlotte blushed slightly at the compliment, turning away.
The southern sun beat down over head, long grass whipping at their legs as Charlotte, running, dragged Y/n to the center of the field.
"Lottie!" Y/n exclaimed, half laughing, "Where on earth are you taking me?"
Charlotte glanced back at her companion, a mischievous smirk painting her lips that sent bolts of red hot fire through to Y/n's fingertips.
"You'll see."
After a few more paces, they came to a panting halt. Charlotte turned to Y/n, placing a hand gently over the other girl's eyes. With a guiding hand, she lead the blinded girl to a spot a little ways off where she had snuck off to earlier and set up a picnic. There was fresh fruit, Georgia peaches from her family's own orchard, and home made lemonade. Slowly, Charlotte gifted Y/n with sight.
Y/n's mouth fell slightly open as she surveyed the scene before her. Sixteen and in love, she turned to Charlotte, taking both the girl's hands in her own.
"When... how..."
"I know things have been rough at home lately. I wanted to do something to make you smile."
"How did you know? I never..." Y/n cleared her throat, "I never said anything... I nev-"
"You didn't have to. I know you, love. You never have to say a word."
Alastor watched his lover silently from the other side of the group. Charlie had insisted they flank the guests, dragging Y/n away from his side just as the portal had opened. She didn't show it, not obviously, but he knew something was wrong. From the second the portal had opened and the angels had stepped through, she had gone tense, her eyes fixed on the one called Charlotte, the tips of her frostbite blackened fingers tapped against one another in wild thought.
"Well," Sera sighed, looking around at the ragtag group of sinners and demons, "I had best be on my way. I will be back in a few days to pick Charlotte up, please be kind to her over the course of her stay."
With those parting words and a reassuring pat on the angel's shoulder, Sera stepped back through the portal which closed behind her.
"Well," Charlie began brightly, clapping her hands together, "let's do introductions! I am Charlie Morningstar and I run the Hazbin Hotel with my girlfriend, Vaggie."
Vaggie sent Charlotte a wave which she timidly returned. With a deep breath, Charlotte stepped towards the line of sinners before her.
"Alastor." Alastor hummed, grabbing Charlottes hand and shaking it harshly, "A pleasure to be meeting you my dear, quite the pleasure."
It struck Charlie as a bit odd he said and did nothing else but, she made no mention of it. In her mind, Alastor was simply on his best behavior as requested. In reality, he was far too focused on the way a slight flurry of snow had begun to settle on Y/n's sharp shoulders.
"Nice to meet you too." Charlotte replied, extracting her hand from his grip and moving down the line.
Y/n's heart pounded wildly against her chest as Charlotte grew closer. Her tail twitched behind her, flicking back and forth gently, and her breaths grew slightly heavy. Although he noticed the odd behavior, it was impossible not to from his place beside her, Angel said nothing. At long last, Charlotte came to a stop before her.
"Disgusting!" Y/n's mother's voice rang out through the yard, "You are both complete and utter disgraces!"
They hadn't meant to be found out. As far as Y/n's mother had known, Y/n and Charlotte were best friends. Charlotte had come over to help Y/n with her chores, they had been doing laundry out in the yard when Charlotte had playfully flicked water towards her beloved. One thing had lead to another and before long, they had been wrapped up in one another, planting a singular, soft kiss on each other's lips. Y/n felt Charlotte's hand tighten around her own, she took a step forward.
"Don't you dare speak to her that way!" Y/n yelled back, anger burning brightly in her eyes and adrenaline shaking her limbs with wild courage, "Don't you dare!"
Her mother scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"She is a bad influence on you! The devil sent to curse me!"
Y/n's mother stepped forward, grabbing Y/n and wrenching her from Charlotte's grip. Charlotte tugged at Y/n's mother's dress as she dragged her girlfriend harshly into the small house.
"Let her go!" Charlotte cried, "Stop it! We weren't doing anything wrong!"
With a harsh slap to her face, Charlotte was sent to the ground. Her mother threw Y/n through the door, the unfinished wood of the floor sending splinters deep into Y/n's knees as she struggled to get to her feet. Her head had hit the corner of the table in her fall, the world was spinning. Y/n's mother grabbed the shot gun from where it lay beside the door. Just as Y/n managed to stumble to her feet, holding her swaying body up with a hand on the table she had hit, her mother stepped outside and slammed the door behind her, locking it.
Y/n rushed over, trying desperately to wrench it open to no avail. The anger had turned to panic as she heard her mother cock the gun.
"What are you doing!" she heard Charlotte yell and Y/n rushed to the window.
From her vantage point, Y/n watched her mother train the gun on Charlotte who had her hands raised and was stumbling backwards.
"Run!" she yelled, banging her fists on the glass, "Lottie, run!"
"Please." Charlotte was pleading, tears wetting her cheeks, "I promise I wont ever come here again, I wont ever come near her again. Please!"
"Lottie!" Y/n yelled again.
With no regard for her own safety, Y/n punched the glass of the window. The pane shattered around her hand, puncturing her soft skin. Blood, hot and wet, ran down her arm as she pulled her hand back to her side.
"Yeah, you sure as hell wont!" Y/n's mother yelled, her voice thick and low with rage, "You'll be dead!"
Y/n flung her leg over the window sill, shards of glass digging into her as she pulled herself through the hole she had created.
"Lottie!" she yelled again, "Run!"
Her screams were drowned out by the sound of a gunshot. Charlotte held her hands to her stomach, blood pouring from between her fingers. Their eyes met.
"And you are?" Charlotte asked expectently.
Y/n shook her head slightly, pulling herself from the depths of her memories. Everyone was staring at her, she had no idea how long the angel had been standing before her. She cleared her throat.
Alastor didn't know what was going on but, whatever it was, he knew he didn't like it. Using his shadows, he appeared behind Y/n and placed a protective hand on the top of her head between her horns. Her hair was damp from freshly fallen snow and Charlotte gasped slightly in surprise at his appearance.
"My dear," he grinned, leaning down to Y/n's ear, "you're snowing."
Y/n looked up, her cheeks flushing pink and the heart on the tip of her tail puffing up as she realized what he said.
"O-oh." she stuttered, brushing his hand from her head and the snow from her shoulders as she regained control of her powers again, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."
The other members of the hotel watched in a mixture of shock and confusion. They had always known Y/n to be cold, to be harsh. They had always seen her devotion to the man behind her as infallible. No one had any idea what was going on but, the presence of the angel stopped them all in their tracks.
"It's quite all right, what's your name?" Charlotte asked again, her voice honey sweet.
Y/n took a deep breath, morphing her features into the closest thing to a kind smile she could muster.
"Y/n." she firmly replied, "I'm Y/n."
Her eyes scanned Charlotte's face intently as their hands made contact. She waited for the shock of recognition, for the tears her Lottie had always been so prone to. There was nothing.
"That's a very pretty name." Charlotte replied, "It sounds like it is from the same era as mine."
That raised some small hope in Y/n's chest. She took a step forward, bringing herself closer to the angel.
"Which is?"
"Oh, I don't know." Charlotte replied, her cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment, "Angels don't get to remember their lives on earth unless they are pretty high in the ranks. I've been told I was from Georgia though, that I died in the early 1900s."
Y/n froze, her breath trapped in her chest, a knife buried deep within her heart.
"Oh." she mumbled out in a broken whisper, "I guess you... you don't know me in this lifetime."
"What was that?" Charlotte asked, leaning in a bit.
Y/n shook her head, letting go of Charlotte's hand.
"Nothing. I... I need some fresh air, I think. If you would all excuse me."
It didn't take Alastor long to find Y/n once Charlie had let him return to his duties in favor of showing Charlotte around the hotel. She stood out in back of the hotel, her back pressed firmly against the wall and a cigarette crushed between her fingers. Shakily, she took a drag.
"What was that about?" Alastor asked, leaning up against the wall beside her and folding his arms across his chest.
"What was what about." Y/n cooly replied.
"Y/n, don't play dumb."
"I knew her back when we were alive, thats all."
"Is that all?" Alastor asked after a moment, "You seemed..."
He trailed off. Alastor was angry. He had always been the jealous type, protective to a fault. He could see how shaken up Y/n was however and so, running a finger over the ring he wore, Alastor took a deep breath.
"That angel, Charlotte..." her name lingered poisonously on his tongue, "it seemed there was something a lot more than just you knowing her."
"I picked these for you." Y/n bashfully stated, shoving a bouquet tied with a rough bit of twine towards the pretty girl beside her, "Here."
Tentatively, Charlotte took the bouquet from Y/n's hand. She held it gently, watching the way the breeze played with the petals.
"Georgia asters?" Charlotte hummed thoughtfully, "And yarrow?"
"My momma didn't used to be poor. She grew up in a rich family, gave it up when she married my dad. Her momma taught her floriography." Y/n's words came out in a big rush, they chased after one another in a breathless flurry of nerves, "It was big in the victorian era for fancy people, all about talking through flowers. She taught me asters symbolized wisdom, faith, and valor and that yarrow was for healing and... and love... besides, I know you like them. You're always staring at them when were out."
Charlotte looked over at Y/n who's cheeks were bright red. She smiled, her eyes shining.
"I love you too." she said, nudging Y/n gently with her elbow.
"Yeah, but..." Y/n sighed, running a hand through her messy hair, "I... god, Lottie! I don't just love you like a sister. Its... I understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore I just couldn't... I couldn't keep it in anymore."
Y/n looked away, tears pressing hotly at the backs of her eyes. Charlotte's eyes went wide.
"I understand... I won't be mad... I just... I'll leave."
Charlotte's hand shot out, grabbing Y/n's wrist as she pushed herself from the fence they were leaning against. Slowly, Y/n turned to face her. Charlotte was blushing now too and looked away, still holding Y/n tightly.
"I don't..." she took a deep breath, "I don't love you like a sister either."
"It's wrong... it's so wrong... what would my mother say... what would your mother say, I-"
Charlotte cut Y/n off, standing on her toes to press a soft kiss to the slightly taller girl's lips. It was clumsy and foreign. Y/n trembled, her eyes fluttered shut.
"I don't care." Charlotte said, "I don't care."
"Yeah." Y/n sighed, taking a final drag from her cigarette before stamping it out beneath her heel, "Yeah."
"Do I have anything to worry about?" Alastor asked and Y/n's eyes met his.
He had known her long enough, he could see the conflict.
"She was my first love, Al." Y/n admitted, "We were girls together."
"You're my wife."
"It's different."
"Do I have anything to worry about?" Alastor asked again and Y/n looked back out at the sky.
"She doesn't remember me."
"But you remember her."
"But I remember her." Y/n confirmed, her voice cracking, "I couldn't forget if I tried. She haunts me, Al. She has always haunted me, since long before I even met you. Lottie died in my arms, Al. My mother killed her, shot her right in the stomach. I...."
Y/n trailed off into silence. It was more about her life before she had met him than she had ever revealed before. Alastor took a deep breath, conflicting emotions battling behind his eyes.
"What are you thinking about?"
He was trying to keep his cool, to save face. He was failing, anger and a secret fear ate away at the edges of his words.
"Day lilies."
"Day lilies?" Alastor repeated and Y/n nodded, meeting his eyes once again.
"A floriography thing again?"
Alastor knew of Y/n's interest in the symbolic properties of plants. It was one of the only things she ever spoke about concerning her mother and her shadowed past before that night in Mimzy's bar.
"What do they mean?" Alastor sighed, resigning himself to his fate because god, if Alastor knew anything he knew his fate was Y/n. She held his heart in the palms of her hands.
"Love for lovers. Love for mothers..."
His heart pounded against his chest.
"And loss of memory."
the ones in red are ones I am not sure worked/having trouble linking.
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0@kahlan170@wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007
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hotd-bigbang · 1 year
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Hello! For those that missed out on signing up for the 2023 HotD Big Bang, or who are taking part but would like to take on an additional challenge, here is the first of many of our prompt events - to celebrate the turn of Autumn, this quarter's creation event will be inspired by famous literary quotes.
September 1st: “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” (Wuthering Heights)
September 8th: "I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.” (Frankenstein)
September 15th: “Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven.” (Paradise Lost)
September 22nd: "All my means are sane, my motive and my object mad." (Moby Dick)
September 29th: “He was prisoned in thought. Memory, like a horrible malady, was eating his soul away.” (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
What is this?
To inspire people's creativity we will be hosting a month long prompt event once a quarter. Each week a prompt will be posted and creatives can use it for inspiration for fics, gifs, artwork - anything you'd like to make!
Please make sure you tag @hotd-bigbang and use the tag "hotd autumn prompts 23" to ensure we can find your creations and reblog them.
You don't have to participate every week - choose as many as you'd like, and there's no hard deadline - i.e. if by September 8th, you've not created anything for September 1st's prompt, you can still create for that prompt if you'd like to. However, we will be making a round-up post on October 15th for all creations, so if you miss this date then your work will not make it onto the list.
All are welcome to participate. Please don't hesitate to send an ask if you have questions.
Happy creating!
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
hi karaaaaaa talk to me about any rare pair you feel like yapping about <3
aaaaaa hiii this made me so happy <333 i’ve decided it’s Time for us to have a proper chat about tomlily….. @quillkiller and i’s second-born child
the first thing you need to know is that they’re both sociopaths (sociopath lily oh how i looove youuu)..... i made this post before about the quote 'beautiful monsters composed of every individual perfection' and how it relates to lily, but i think it's interesting to consider in terms of her being a sociopath (this is actually how our first tomlily convo began, way back whenever it was). her making sure that every part of herself is viewed as perfect, carefully curating her public image - she's the miracle muggleborn! so smart, so kind, so helpful and friendly and every single good characteristic! a shoe-in for head girl, the perfect prefect, responsible and hard-working and everything that anyone could possibly want from her! and she's good at it too. everyone sees her exactly as she wants them too..... not unlike our good friend tom marvolo riddle when he was at hogwarts...........
i think one of the central parts of their relationship is the concept of immortality. they’re both kind of made up of the same sort of thing. they’re the same at their cores. both of them showed up at hogwarts as muggleborns thrust into a completely new world and they’re both so determined to succeed and be more than what they came from and to have absolutely everything, to have their cake and eat it too!!!!! for lily, this comes in the form of being revered, putting herself on a pedestal, she’s going to Leave Her Mark and be remembered and she doesn’t care what she has to do to get there (btw i really recommend this fic about sociopath lily, it’s so so interesting and i think nearly entirely encapsulates my vision of her……). the idea that if she can’t be immortalised in her deeds while she’s alive, she’s going to become immortal in her death, martyring herself. she’s a saint, she’s a puppet master, she’s as close to a god as a girl can get.
without. of course. resorting to actual immortality. which is the path tommy boy chooses. obviously. i think there are such parallels here. he’s a presumed-muggleborn, in slytherin, the house of the ambitious and the pureblood supremacists, he’s got the biggest god complex known to man and he grew up in an orphanage in london in the middle of the blitz!!!! all factors that contribute to his fear of death and his desperation to be More Than That. more than just another orphan killed by a bomb. more than just another nameless muggleborn lost in the pureblood-centric society. more than anything that anyone has ever seen before. he’s going to make a name for himself, and he’s going to make sure that nobody ever forgets it, and he’s going to be immortal. he’s going to be more god than man (even if it makes him a monster).
anyway. taking them together, as you can see, they’re cut from the same cloth (although side note!! i think lily’s lack of fear of death gives her the potential to be even more dangerous than tom is….) and bc of this, they’re the only ones who can see under each other’s carefully curated masks (although!! another side note… i think they each have another person who can - dumbledore for tom, and petunia for lily, but that’s not entirely relevant rn).
they understand each other and they want to cut each other open and burrow their way into each other’s rib cages. they kill people together - lily is much more messy w it, all blood under her nails and on her teeth. tom prefers the cleanliness of an avada kedavra but the blood gets all over his clothes anyway from when he touches lily. also cannibalism and intricate blood rituals that bind them together forever and intertwining themselves so thoroughly that nothing could ever separate them (although! another side note! jen and i don’t think they’re at all interested in sex. the other things they do (murder etc) are far more intimate and romantic and exciting to them!!!!).
and in the end, they’ll kill each other, pull each other apart and devour each other entirely. the only person who could possibly kill tom is lily, and vice versa, they’re the only ones that would have the right to, or the power to, or deserve to etc etc. at the end it’s always them, a ticking time-bomb. them and a knife or a gun or a curse or a fire and their teeth sinking into each other and their blood flowing through each other’s veins and over each other's dying bodies. bc tom is the only one that Sees lily and lily is the only one that Sees tom, and they recognise themselves in each other and it’s soul-deep and dangerous and nasty and hungry and knowing and self-destructive and so so so sooooo interesting to me
consider: two people w the most Pristine public reputations. they’re politicians or something w bright white smiles and absolutely No skeletons in the closet. it’s a Win for non-purebloods worldwide to see them succeeding, they’re exemplary students and people and Public Figures. EXCEPT!!!! as it turns out!!!! they’re fucking serial killers!!!!! i imagine them falling asleep in each other’s arms covered in blood from their latest victim, having their morning shower together, washing the blood out of each other’s hair and then going into the office….. they get caught. eventually. obviously. and it’s probs lily’s fault lol. but GOD guysss just imagine the scandal. the headlines. the shock and intrigue and horror at these two Perfect People having done such horrific things. they go on the run and/or commit a little bit of murder-suicide before they get caught btw. like i said nobody kills them but each other…. anyway enough from me!!!! thank you for letting me ramble <333
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velvet-serenity · 3 months
Hello! My name is Lucian and Im in dire straights rn. I am a trans, intersex, disabled, otherkin who really does not want to be on the streets. My commissions are open in a sort of emergency mode as my housing has become incredibly unstable and I need to get out of the state I'm in (Missouri) and preferably this country.
Between all of us (my two partners, who also need to escape) we have 3 cats and a dog who all need to come with us. I cannot leave them behind.
Here are my goals so you know what any money you spend or donate will be going towards:
Feeding me and my cats: pretty self explanatory I think.
Passports: we all three need them and they're about 165 dollars each.
A mobile home or RV big enough to fit all of us, used: I have no idea how much this will cost but I know it's a lot. We may also need a vehicle if it's a 5th wheel.
Everything you give will go to keeping me and my pets off the streets.
If you aren't interested in Fursuits, Bleach Painted Clothes, Traditional Art or Pixel Art, but you ARE willing to donate, please send it to $SignalEhxx on cashapp. Everything helps, even one dollar.
I am willing to take "after dark" style commissions! Please feel free to dm me if you have any questions regarding ANYTHING.
I'm thinking of offering writing (fic/custom work) coms but I have no idea how to price those so if you're interested in having a fic written please message me about it.
Fursuit commissions:
! quotes required for full pricing !
This list does not include material pricing, which will be a part of your quote. These prices can, will, and do go up based on complexity and other factors such as tail length and plantigrade (humanlike) or digitigrade (animal like) legs.
Head Only: Starts at a baseline of 100USD.
Head+Handpaws: Starts at 150USD.
Mini Partials(Head+Hands+Feet+Tail): Starts at 200USD.
Partial(Head+Hands+Feet+Tail+Armsleeves OR Legsleeves): Starts at 300USD, if choosing legs, digitigrade legs add 50USD.
Full Partial(Head+Hands+Feet+Tail+Armsleeves+Legsleeves): Starts at 400USD for plantigrade legs or 450USD for digitigrade legs.
No Fullsuits at this time.
Individual Part Prices:
Handpaws: Starts at 50USD
Feetpaws: Starts at 75USD
Tails: Depends on length. Nubs/Short tails start at 25 USD, Long Tails+Husky Curls start at 75 USD, Floor Draggers/Oversized Tails start at 150USD.
Armsleeves: Start at 100USD.
Legsleeves: Start at 150USD plantigrade, 200USD digitigrade.
Price will go up depending on certain factors and complexities in your design. Here are a few:
Colours: Suits exceeding 3 colours (including blacks, whites, and greys,) will have an additional 25USD added per colour. this is because it will add to the working time.
Markings: Stripes, Spots, Lines, Swirls, and other numerous small markings will raise the price by 50USD per type, this is because i have to hand sew them and they take a very, very long time. if it is a single marking, i likely wont charge for it unless its very complex, like a cutiemark.
Specialty Fabrics: Fabrics including Vinyl, PVC and Metalic/Leather look type fabrics will raise the price by 25USD per. this is because theyre very hard to work with, especially when hand sewing.
Payment Plans Available.
Material Costs will be expected to be fully covered before work begins. Completed items will not be sent until all costs are covered. At this time, I cannot give refunds.
Bleach clothes:
Simple designs: 15 dollars + shipping
Medium design (ie lots or words or a character) 20 + shipping
Complex/Dual Sided: starts at 30 and depending on just how much you want may go up! + shipping
Traditional Art:
Simple doodle: 5 dollars, may be less depending what you ask
Bust: starts at 10
Half body: starts at 15
Full body: starts at 25
Full body + scenery (ie furniture, background): starts at 35
Shaded Sketch:
Bust: starts at 15
Half body: starts at 20
Full body: starts at 30
Full body + Scenery: starts at 40
Badges: must pay shipping! Otherwise prices above + 10 (so I can laminate them!)
Full colour:
Bust: starts at 20
Half Body : starts at 30
Full Body : starts at 40
Full body + Scenery: starts at 50
Badges: must pay shipping! Otherwise prices above + 10 (so I can laminate them!)
After dark adds a small fee of 5 dollars for all of the above
Pixel art: all of the above prices, but does not offer badges.
My work is under no circumstances allowed to be used for nfts or ai generation.
You are not allowed to claim my art as work you did.
Please don't post my work on Pinterest just for personal comfort
Won't do:
Any of V1vzie P0ps works
Z00, n3cr0, or p3d0 nonsense. Get out of here.
Anything promoting racism or bigotry, including exclusionism or medicalism of any kind.
Extensive gore.
Wont do AD (tbh this mostly all applies to everything):
All of the above
Sc4t or Di4pers
R4p3 or anything non consenting
Anything where one of the characters is dead or dies.
L0li, sh0ta, or anyone who is not of age
Abdl/ddlg or anything similar.
Thank you so much for reading, if you made it all the way down here. I will be posting examples separately! Please scroll my page to see them 🥺
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laughroditee · 4 months
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Okay, so this is a screenshot of Barry Sloane’s Spotify playlist that he made for Captain Price. He included “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails, which I thought was very interesting. I’d given some thoughts on a previous post reblogged from @staytrueblue about what I thought concerning the implications of its inclusion, but I thought it would be fun to make a headcanon of just how closer!price would show up in bed in fics. I wrote a lot of this at 3 AM when I was plagued with sudden insomnia, so I apologize if anything is hard to follow or, conversely, over-explanative. My brain juices are very bad. I hope I’m doing this right.
So, let’s take a look at the song lyrics in chunks and apply them to Price.
CW: we get a little religious, but it’s more like him worshipping you and not an actual religion. I just thought I’d warn you if that sort of talk bothers you. (It’s in the song lyrics, so…)
You let me violate you You let me desecrate you You let me penetrate you You let me complicate you
So we have some pretty negative, violent words here like “violate,” “penetrate” (which, we know what that means in this context obviously), and “complicate.” Still, it’s the inclusion of “desecrate” that I want to focus on here. To desecrate something is to “to treat a sacred place or thing with violent disrespect” meaning that closer!price views you as something sacred. Conversely, he’s applying all of these negative, violent words to himself, turning himself into not only an aggressor but one who acts against divine or holy things. In other words, he sees himself as a sinner or something profane. (We’re moving with the vocabulary of the song here.)
So why would closer!price think of himself in this way? Well, let’s look at one of his quotes from Modern Warfare (2019):
"We get dirty and the world stays clean. That's the mission."
John chooses to make this soul-sacrifice willingly. And he chooses this every time so that other people don't have to. This is His Duty™️. And he does it without complaint. But just because you choose something doesn't mean you like it. John is always driven to do The Right Thing™️, at least by his own moral compass, even if it means disobeying orders or shooting a US General in the face for betraying his team. (Chaotic Good king.) However, no choice is without consequence, even if it's merely subconscious. So, going by this line, closer!price views himself as dirty, and I think it's more than just blood on his hands. The atrocities he’s performed in order to protect his country and the world take their toll on the soul. But he accepts that.
At the same time, closer!price sees you as clean. He thinks you're out of his league, that he doesn't deserve you. He could be almost apologetic about wanting to be with you at first, not wanting to disrupt your nice and clean life with the darkness of war that lives within him. He might even resist you for as long as possible.
(Honestly a lot of this runs parallel to how I tend to interpret Simon, but there are a lot of differences there too. Simon, I think wears his dark underbelly very openly – just look at the guy’s design FFS, and personality. But Price’s shadow seems less obvious than Simon’s, and maybe that’s due to the latter’s additional childhood trauma on top of his military trauma.)
Getting back to the lyrics, let’s narrow in on the first parts of those lyrics: “you let me.” closer!price needs your consent, because if you let him “violate/desecrate/penetrate/complicate” you, someone so pure in his eyes, taking such a miserable sinner like him into their body, then he must have some chance at redemption. The path to his absolution lies in your acceptance of him into your body.
I broke apart my insides (Help me) I've got no soul to sell (Help me) the only thing that works for me Help me get away from myself
We get more into the broken/soulless imagery here, and his desperate desire to escape himself. Where else would he escape to but into you?
closer!price would probably want someone outside of the military, a safe haven when he's home and away from the battlefield. He wants to have a piece of that world he's keeping clean, even if he doesn't feel like he deserves it and feels separate from it. You are his link to his own humanity, which he feels is actively eroding with every mission.
closer!price would think you're cute talking about your normal civilian life, but not in a patronizing way. He takes it as evidence that his sacrifice is worth it. That, because your life is quiet and mundane, he’s doing his job right.
closer!price would also try to keep you as far away from his work life as possible, to protect you and keep you clean, not for him but for your own good.
I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal
Barry also included many songs on the playlist with “beast” in the title, which goes back to the whole “I’m not human, I’m an animal” thing, echoing that loss of humanity.
My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to God
closer!price may not be a religious man, but fucking you is transcendental for him. Every time is a blessing. Every noise you make is a benediction.
He isn't needy as much as he becomes existential, as if being inside you were a matter of his continued existence on this plane. He becomes weak in this moment because this becomes a fight for his soul. (Not that he would force anything, because that's not okay.)
He would worship your body, your temple, filling you with his cum as if this is how you draw the sins out of his body. And he is absolved. For now.
You can have my isolation You can have the hate that it brings You can have my absence of faith You can have my everything
Here, we’re seeing this idea of giving over to the divine (which is you). The stripping away of all the bullshit that’s in closer!price’s head as he’s lost in fucking you.
you tear down my reason (Help me) it's your sex I can smell (Help me) you make me perfect Help me become somebody else
Here, you can see him getting more animalistic or primal from the loss of his ability to reason (what are humans known for if not their power to reason?) to enhanced senses. You take away all of that for closer!price in an all-encompassing, deconstructive way. He sheds his identity when he’s with you, that identity of “Captain Price, soldier.” This is more of a “universal oneness” concept than a Biblical God here IMO; “help me become somebody else” is a plea for rebirth.
I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to God Through every forest Above the trees Within my stomach Scraped off my knees I drink the honey Inside your hive You are the reason I stay alive
Boy’s not afraid to kneel. He will treat you like the deity you are. He basically lives for your p/bussy and is a giant fucking munch; I don’t know what else to say.
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loverboyjamespotter · 10 months
What’re your general prongsfoot head canons
hiii!!! im so sorry for the late reply ive not been online much recently!
and thank you for asking about prongsfoot hcs bc honestly i could talk about them all day lmaooo OKAY SO:
sirius has borderline personality disorder and his favourite person is james
this isnt really prongsfoot this is more james but i firmly believe he has adhd
on a similar note i definitely DEFINITELY think sirius is autistic
i think that no one truly UNDERSTOOD james like sirius. i think one of the most compelling things about prongsfoot is that james is obviously a performer. he enjoys attention and he likes being the centre of attention. however, i think at the end of the day that really is just an Image if you get what i mean? like everyone wants a part of james hes the most popular boy in school hes practically a legend like i really really feel like people underestimate the fucking FORCE OF NATURE that was james potter like he was the gryffindor chaser IN SECOND YEAR!!!!! but i feel like ... hmm this is hard to articulate but i think what i mean is sirius sees Through the facade and loves james for who he is not in spite of who he is. like in SWM when theres people in the crowd who are laughing at james' antics (along the vein of 'oh that james! what a card!') and lily telling james to stop it but i think sirius just sees the worst parts of james and loves them just as much as the good parts. i think he sees through the spoilt naivety, the arrogance, the everything to who james is as a person. and heres the really crazy thing: i really dont even think ... james KNOWS he putting on this performance for the benefit of everyone else because i think he absolutely is the most oblivious person when it comes to his feelings but sirius knows.
this links into my next big hc which is that i think BOTH sirius AND james love each other for who they are in their entirety like i think james saw sirius and adored him for everything he was.
i think theyre simultaneously the same person and polar opposites.
i think sirius because of the the fact he had the upbringing he did is hyperconscious of what hes feeling at any time so he knew he was in love with james like. within first year. but i genuinely think james didnt even realise he was in love with sirius just because he always WAS ... hes just has TERRIBLE reflection skills like that guy is sooo oblivious to his own feelings its hilarious. like hes ALSO been in love with sirius since first year he just didnt realise bc the feelings always been there.
theres this popular thing in fics and it really annoys me its like my pet peeve in fics where its like sirius only was obsessed with james bc james was his first friend or the first person that was kind to him :| i genuinely think thats just terrible analysis. firstly we KNOW andromeda and sirius were always on good terms and alphard cared for sirius too. but even if that wasnt true i genuinely dont think sirius is the kind of person to be obsessed with the first person who's nice to him. i think theres a tendency to remove sirius from his own canonical context like sirius is ... at best indifferent and at worst disinterested in ... pretty much EVERYONE. like he wouldn't just choose some random kid to obsess over. i think sirius consciously and DELIBERATELY chose james to obsess over because it was JAMES not because james HAPPENED to be the first person to be kind to sirius. also this is soo silly because if you re-read their first meeting ... JAMES ISNT EVEN NICE TO HIM LMFAOOOOO???? like hes a little shit he LITERALLY SAYS AND I QUOTE 'blimey and i thought you were alright' LIKE SIRIUS JUST SAID HIS WHOLE FAMILY ARE SLYTHERINS AND JAMES SAID THE EQUIVALENT OF 'lmfaooo your family sux' like????
this is canon but i just want to stress it more but i think the whole entire school knew james and sirius were obsessed with each other like again yes this is canon the fact 'you never saw one without the other' but i genuinely think everyone was absolutely so sick of them.
this is another popular thing in fics where it has jily being together and sirius 'moving on' ... sorry but sirius is not ever dating anyone that isnt james he is never moving on he is never trying to get past james. is that healthy? fuck no. but also prongsfoot as a dynamic is absolutely insane like it really really irritates me when fic has sirius trying to 'move on' sorry that guy is NEVER EVER going to try and get over james. ever.
another thing that is a pet peeve of mine and i realise this is now just becoming a pet peeves list but bare with me is that fic often under-emphasises how the nature of prongsfoots relationship was definitely reciprocal and by that i mean james was EQUALLY as obsessed with sirius like again to point to SWM .... it SAYS. IN THE TEXT. that harry got the feeling that james wouldnt stop being an asshole for anyone other than sirius. HARRY FEELS THAT PALPABLY BY WATCHING THEM FROM A DISTANCE!!!!!!!!!!!! but my hc is that over the summers before sirius runs away james mopes around the whole house sighing and everything because he misses sirius. like to the point where james' parents are concerned for him bc james is NOT the brooding type yet he spends a full day flat on his back glaring at the ceiling because walburga confiscated sirius' two way mirror and sirius hasnt stolen it back yet.
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vintagelacerosette · 5 months
Weekly tag game & procrastinate tag game
Thanks yall for the tag 🥰 Sorry I'm late😅
Macy @heymacy Evie @energievie Kaka @stocious
Deanna @deedala Alice @spookygingerr Lyds @ardent-fox
Lyle @kiinard Julia @blue-disco-lights Vey @look-i-love-u Jade @jademickian
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Your time zone: AEST
What do you do for work? Gov customer service with ppls licences, registrations & stuff
Do you have any pets? Doggy named Roxy
What first drew you to this fandom? I wanted a YouTube compilation
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Bit of both when I get my sleep schedule right lol. I can be a morning person lol but usually a night owl 😆
What are your hobbies? Drawing, painting, singing karaoke, reading fanfic
How tall are you? 151cm or 4'11
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Iceland or Finland give me a meadow side by the beach
Favourite colour? Pink 🌸🎀🩷
Favourite book? Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Favourite movie? Ahhh so hard to choose but I'll go with The Old Guard
Favourite fic?
Oh my goodness too many to choose from!! The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher: An iconic fic favourite of all time tbh
Let the bodies do the talking: EMT Ian & emotionally repressed, but Soft Mickey. Slow burn & smut glore!
The cauldron born series: A magical Ian & Mickey falling in love
Favourite musical artist: Currently Sabrina Carpenter
What is your average screen time so far this week? Omg 12hours & 28 minutes??? 😅
What's the first app you open in the morning? Tumblr for y'all 🥰
How long have you been on tumblr? On a technicality, it's 13 bc I made my account in 2012, but spirituality it's 10 bc I wasn't active until 2014 lol
Finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: I was apart of a Filipino music concert as a kid Called Twinkle Twinkle Music Star. We sanf many songs like We will Rock You, Part of your world in DIY costumes. I had a duet Solo with a guy singing Somewhere Out There & I have the DVD of it haha.
rules: first celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic pic on pinterest is your vibe
Omg it took so long to find a damn quote jeez
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Not tagging anyone bc I'm late 😜
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buckybarnesevents · 1 year
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Mods:  HR (buckyismybicycle) &  Maya (cable-knit-sweater) Email: [email protected] Discord: https://discord.gg/buckybarnesevents
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What is Build-a-Bucky Bingo?
Very much like Build a Bear, you get to customize what your Bingo card will look like! You will get a list of prompts to choose from for each month. Each list will include a few of the following: AUs, NSFW/kinks, SFW prompts, quotes, places and general prompts open for interpretation.
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This is an 18+ only event. All participants acknowledge that they are over the age of 18 by signing up.
Be kind. Any kind of hate (kink bashing/shaming, harassment, hate speech, toxic behavior, etc.) will not be tolerated at any point. There will be no warnings given and if proven to have exhibited any disagreeable behaviors, you will be removed from the event.
Tag your works accordingly. We expect explicit works, and that will contain squicks, triggers, etc.  We believe in Kinktomato here. YKINMKATOK (Your Kink Is Not My Kink (And That’s OK) but you are responsible for advising our readers what to expect.
Bucky Barnes (in any form) must be prominently featured in your fanwork - the main character, or part of the main ship/pairing of your fic/art/creation/etc.  For example, if you write a fic with Stony as the main pairing and Stucky as a side pairing, this would not be eligible for the BABB as it is not Bucky-focused. This event, as always, is open to any and all pairings as long as they involve our favorite murder muffin.
All works must be tagged for any Major Archive Warnings (Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage) that the work contains. If there are none, make sure to select No Archive Warnings Apply. Works tagged as Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings and works not tagged will not be shared. 
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October 1, 2023 - Sign-ups for round one premade cards & build-your-own cards open
November 1, 2023 - All cards go out / First prompt list is published
September 1, 2024 - Last day to request a premade card or build-your-own card
October 31, 2024 - Last day to post fills & submit final masterpost
November 30, 2024 - All badges go out
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Join this round of Build-A-Bucky-Bingo using this link. Be sure to use an email you check regularly – if we need to be in touch, that is likely how we will reach out! 
For this bingo there will be two options: a premade card or a build-your-own-card. 
Premade cards:
There will be two types of premade cards: SFW or NSFW. 
Build-Your-Own cards
At the start of each month, a list of 12 prompts and 1 substitute will be shared (by email, tumblr, and on the discord server). The prompt list will include prompts from each of the following categories: Angst, Tropes, SFW, NSFW and General. 
When you sign up, you’ll receive your bingo card that you can fill out as you go. This can be done on any program from Paint to Canva, but should you have any questions, please contact a mod.
You’ll be able to choose as many of the monthly prompts as you’d like, and take as long as you want (until the end of the round) to fill them.
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Tumblr: When posting to Tumblr, please mention us so we can reblog using "@buckybarnesevents"
Tags for your post should include #BaBB2023 and all your usual fic tags, warnings, etc. as mentioned above.
Please list what month & prompt you are posting for.
AO3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/BuildABuckyBingo2023 
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Looking for a reward for your hard work? We have 4 different badges you can earn throughout this event. We’re working on the honour system – if you think you’ve met the criteria, then you get the badge! Keep an eye out for the badge claim form in early October 2024. 
It’s Plum Season: Plums are in season for three months of the year – you’ve completed 3/12 squares of your card! 
Some Assembly Required: Completed 9/12 squares – you’re really just missing like… the left arm, really 
Build-a-Blackout: completed a full card!
Participant Badge: completed at least one fill.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I have more than one card?  BBE wants to promote as many low stress events as possible. It is recommended that you only have 1 card, as that is still 12 fills to complete. If you truly feel like you want a challenge and would like more than 1 card, please reach out to a mod or reach us at [email protected]
What if I sign up, but I miss a month? If you missed a month (ie - did not take a prompt or did not complete the fill), not to worry. You can still complete this fill, even if the month has passed. So long as you have finished all twelve prompts before the end of the event, it still counts!  
What kind of works can I submit? All works should be new content (ie - has not been previously posted).  New chapters to existing works are allowed. They must be tagged appropriately. Bucky Barnes in any form (Winter Soldier, Bucky Cap, etc.) must be the focus of your work.  ✵ FANFICTION: The minimum word count is 200 words, unless you are writing a drabble, which has to be 100 words exactly. ✵ FANART: Minimum a linked sketch ✵ MOODBOARDS: At least 3 images. ✵ PLAYLISTS: At least 10 songs and some sort of graphic.  ✵ REC LISTS: At least 5 works and some sort of graphic.  ✵ GIFSETS: At least 3 images.  ✵ CRAFT: Something you can photograph You can create as many works as you want for any of the prompts, but the minimum is only 1 fill each prompt you choose (event minimum: 12 fills).
Does this event require a masterpost? Yes. Because we do not require you to fill out a submission form for each fic, your masterpost acts as one big submission form and your badge claim(s). If you do not submit a masterpost, we cannot verify your fills.
If you still have any questions or concerns, please let us know! dividers from @rookthornesartistry 💕
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pouroverpaloma · 1 month
Writing Interview Tag Game! Thanks @cinnamontails-ff !
When did you start writing?
I don’t actually remember! I was a desperately weird and introverted kid (surprise) and I read voraciously, all the time, so I also started writing really early. Stories, plays, poems, comics, whatever. I also kept a meticulous diary when I was in high school, and I’m so glad I did because it’s so fucking funny to read now. Teenage Paloma had a lot going on, to put it kindly
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Have I watched Supernatural? No. Have I been an insatiable consumer of Destiel fanfiction for years? Absolutely. I gave a PowerPoint presentation to my book club once titled “All the best romance novels are Supernatural fanfiction,” and I stand by that thesis. I don’t care. Those babes were cooking.
Like, I’m sorry, the soulmate AU trope is never going to get better than Don’t Look Back by @goldenraeofsun. It’s just not. No one is ever going to write an academic romance as compelling as And This, Your Living Kiss by @asecretvice. If you haven’t poked around that part of Ao3 because you don’t watch the show, I beg you to get in there because treasures await ye
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
This isn’t going to make a ton of sense outside of my own brain, probably, but my goal is always to write prose that feels the way Ada Limón’s poems make me feel. She’s really frank without being unserious, and I love the way she creates imagery without telling you she’s doing it.
Also, this weekend, I read a Tessa Dare historical romance while I was on the beach, and I loved it! It was so fun, but not at the expense of the plot, and the supporting characters were so funny without getting in the way. A masterclass in froth.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
At home, I write in bed with my laptop on my lap and a can of seltzer within reach at all times. Sometimes I go to a cafe near my house, but I’m always worried someone will look over my shoulder and see what I’m writing and post me for cringe on TikTok or something. Which, now that I’m typing it out, is maybe a stupid thing to worry about
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I have a couple recs!
1. Go for a biiiiiig walk. Listen to classical music, nothing with words. Don’t try to think too hard. It’ll come.
2. Read something you find genuinely terrible. You’ll get so mad that you’ll start thinking of ways you could have done it better. For me, this is usually the book Haunting Adeline, which for whatever reason activates every “um actually” in my body at once
3. Type up something deeply unserious that you have no intention of publishing. Chances are you’ll end up loving it in the rewrite and post it. This is how that Rolan fic of mine got made
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Oh god, yeah, and oh god, yeah. I’ve learned a lot. Some of it’s actually been helpful in therapy, like how I keep writing about overcoming domestic violence trauma. Some of it has been discovering, in a very public way that I can’t undo, that I’m into choking. We do not have the dignity of choosing how enlightenment comes to us
What is your reason for writing?
It’s for fun. It’s all for fun. I am having such a fucking good time.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I love when people talk back and forth with me! And I love love looooooove when people tell me how something made them feel. Or when someone points out a literary device I was proud of. If there’s a quote, too? I’m dead. I’ve died.
Writing is fun, but it’s solitary. It’s so motivating to have people who are willing to step into my little universe with me and talk about it. I’m extraordinarily lucky.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I want people to see me as someone who shares their enthusiasm, ultimately. We’re all here for the same reason, and it’s That Fucking Wizard.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
My voice is really distinctive! My friends have always been able to pick out my writing, even in anonymized settings, and I think that’s neat
How do you feel about your own writing?
It’s been a long way getting here, but I view my writing as a thing I made, that I liked making, that I now have no ownership over. Once it’s out, it’s not mine anymore, it’s the reader’s. And that’s a good thing! Everyone brings their own rich experiences to everything they read. Interpretation is amazing, even for something as prima facie trivial as video game erotica. When people tell me how they related to or analyzed something I wrote, it’s like I get to read my own story again.
:) I’ll tag @lemonstealinglibrarian @lastlight-inn and @toads-treasures , if you want! No presh
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callivich · 9 days
Thank you @deedala @iandarling @burninface for the tags 💖 this was fun! Some of these were very close so it was hard to choose!
This or That??
Fanfic Tropes:
Canon Compliant OR Canon Divergent
Only One Bed OR Fake Dating
Coffee Shop AU OR Historical AU
Omegaverse OR Soulmates
Fluff OR Angst
Fix-It OR Post-Canon
Slow Burn OR Established Relationship
High School AU OR Fake Relationship
College AU OR Dystopian Future
Shameless Characters:
Date Night with Ian OR Netflix and Chill with Mickey
Clubbing with Fiona OR Bike Racing with Lip
Pub Night with Debbie OR Video Games with Carl and Liam
Wandering the streets with Frank OR The Alibi with Tommy and Kermit
Training at KevFit OR Girl's Night with Veronica
Reading Fics OR Watching Video Edits
Headcanons OR Meta
Incorrect Quotes OR Text Post
Tagging anyone who sees this and wants to take part 💖
and also -> @gallavichsuperfan @mickeyheartian @howlinchickhowl @spookygingerr @astaraels @meta-squash @biblionerd07 @zutaralesbian @spacerockwriting @energievie @sam-loves-seb @whatthebodygraspsnot @ladykakata @gallafics @tidalrace @echotrees @atthedugouts @ohkate @redwiccanrobin @thirstyvampyr @izzyspussy
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dwarfsized · 28 days
author quastions
tagged by my beloved @aevallare i love you. mwah mwah mwah
When did you start writing?
I've been telling stories since forever. I have notebooks upon notebooks, going back to when my handwriting was illegibly terrible, with stories that were also. terrible. but baby leetle was trying. and bigger leetle is still trying.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I think i wouldn't want to try writing a pure sci-fi story? and i love reading those.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
uh maybe Mary Oliver, the poet? i come back to her work over and over again. I also love Tamsyn Muir's blend of absurdism and gut-punch. I'd be very happy if someone compared me to either, but I try to just be myself when I write.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I write in my living room on my laptop, curled up like a shrimp on the couch. this is bad for my back (and the rest of my body) but if i sat Correctly i think i'd die.
I also write on my phone Whenever and Wherever i have an idea.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
:') go do stuff. read books and poetry, watch movies, take a walk, see your friends, go to a new grocery store, experience something. you can't pour from an empty pitcher, and you can't write when you have nothing in the tank. At least, *I* can't write.
If you just want to be putting words down every day, you can also try having multiple projects. This wont mean that any of them get finished. But you'll be able to pick and choose what you work on and possibly muster up creative zest for something on any given day if you have several irons in the fire.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
That you will change and you can't do anything about it. That you can't go back, not really. That everyone is working with their own information and biases and that fucks things up, even when they mean well.
The one that surprised me was "looking for a sense of belonging" because, hey. Can I stop putting that in stuff, please.
What is your reason for writing?
Because I have to. I have no other choice. The stories have to come out.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
All comments rule but there's something really special about ones that quote something from the fic that they liked in particular.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
"wow she's really a freak about this concept huh (affectionate)"
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
i think my internal monologue rules and i think about worldbuilding a lot
How do you feel about your own writing?
i like it. i can see the cracks but when i put something out there for people to read, ive really worked hard on it. I'm proud of the effort i put in.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
mostly its about what i want to write, because i cant stay motivated otherwise, but things like troubled thoughts that are love letters to people (hi alex) are total joys. that was so fucking fun. cant wait to finish parts 2 and 3. :)
i tag @mutualcombat and @again-please and @lyzelky and @kittenintheden and @septemberskye sorry if you've been tagged already im in a con vortex rn
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antianakin · 1 year
Do you think it’s a common thing in the fandom (especially when writing fan-works featuring the Skywalker Father-Son Duo(TM)) to give Anakin a lot of Luke’s more noble and good attributes and act like he’s been like that the whole time, and give Luke some of Anakin’s worse attributes to make Anakin seem more centrist compared canon Luke and the “old Jedi” (quotes used ironically)?
Cause as a kid I loved Anakin for many of the reasons I now realize don’t apply to him at all, and moreso apply to Luke, and it’s really getting irritating to look up cool Luke fic and realize that this has been done to ma boi. What do you think?
I gotta be honest, I don't think I read enough fics with that dynamic in it to be able to say with any degree of certainty whether that's true or not.
What I will say is that I think fic writers who like Anakin tend to smooth him out a LOT and, yes, give him traits that are more applicable to other characters in order to make him likable. And in fairness, that's exactly what TCW did as well by effectively just giving him Obi-Wan's personality and erasing some of his less likable characteristics from the films.
Because Anakin is... a difficult character in many ways. The core of him is fear, so there's a tendency to want to sympathize with him, but what gets ignored is that Anakin is 1000% a fascist by AOTC, someone who can and will let himself be filled with enough anger to commit a massacre of an entire village down to the last child, and someone who is perfectly fine with pressuring a woman into a relationship with him. None of that is necessarily fun to write and it's hard to write Anakin as a sympathetic character if those things are kept in mind. So they just get... smoothed away. He's not REALLY a fascist, he's just confused or brainwashed and one good conversation with someone can completely fix that little problem. Anakin isn't pressuring Padme, he just could tell that she was into him and he TOTALLY would back off if Padme said no. The Tuskens deserved it anyway! So on and so forth.
Luke, by contrast, is a very easy character. There's a reason he gets labeled "sunshine boy" by the fandom and his struggles with anger get sort-of... forgotten and overlooked in favor of just seeing him as this easy, likable, charming farmboy. He's sweet and honorable and passionate. He IS a lot like Anakin in many ways, and that's deliberate. Fandom has taken a turn recently towards wanting Leia to be like Anakin and Luke to be like Padme, and there's reasons to make that comparison, but Luke's similarities to Anakin are very deliberately there in the narrative for a reason. Luke has to struggle with anger and fear and be filled with righteous passion because that's exactly what Anakin struggled with and Luke's ability to overcome that in a way Anakin never could is what makes the entire story interesting and meaningful.
Luke also is one of those characters who tends to get handed the "grey Jedi" label which tends to lead to Luke choosing to look down on the Prequels Jedi and decreeing that attachments are totally fine actually and HIS Jedi aren't going to be repressed anymore blah blah blah. And this does come from fans who have fallen into the fandom osmosis hole of "the Prequels are about the Jedi's failure" and have twisted the entire Skywalker Saga around that theory, including Luke's journey. And part of that theory tends to be a lot more sympathetic towards Anakin, as well. If only the Jedi had been more understanding and less oppressive, Anakin wouldn't have fallen. So it's not shocking that fans who are writing from that perspective are going to make Anakin seem softer and more sympathetic.
So yeah, sure, it's entirely possible that some fic writers are choosing to give Anakin more of Luke's nobler characteristics in order to help smooth him out and make him easier to like, while giving Luke some of Anakin's more arrogant or dismissive traits in order to make those traits seem more "centrist." I don't think it's something that ONLY happens with Luke and Anakin, though. Like I said, TCW gave Anakin most of Obi-Wan's traits and then tossed a few of Anakin's onto Obi-Wan, as well. I think you could make an argument that we're seeing some of that happen with Ahsoka, too.
I wish I could offer you some Luke fic recs, so instead I will simply say I hope you find some good ones that feel like they're more in character!
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