#it's since moving here that i sleep like shit because besides needing to share the room at night with my mother since the house is half
coffeeworldsasaki · 1 year
Okay I won't be able to work much today but god I did need the sleep
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prettyflyforawhitelie · 7 months
I love your Husk pieces! He's my favorite =^.^= I wanna hug the shit out of him 😆
If you have time, could you do one where Charlie planned a movie night for "bonding" lol and the reader ends up falling asleep on Husk? Everyone ships them and encourages him to confess to her? So much fluff please! Thanks hon! ^.^
A/N: This is so adorable!! Love this! I hope you enjoy! XD
Pairing: Husk x fem!Reader
“Until I Smile at You” - Husk x Reader
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After living at the Hazbin Hotel for a while, Charlie’s “trust exercises” had become less of an annoying nuisance and simply a part of daily life. Actually, they were kind of refreshing and - dare you say - fun! They ranged from trust falls and share circles to your personal favorite - movie night. Movie night happened once a week and every week the person who chose the movie rotated. This week was supposed to be Angel’s turn, but ever since he chose his movie to be the most graphic porn anybody had ever had the displeasure of seeing, he was banned from choosing the movies. Instead of Angel, the group decided to let Alastor choose. He was always a marvel, as his movies ranged from silent films to disgustingly gorey horror movies. Tonight, however, he picked a noir detective film that he enjoyed while he was still alive (not before endlessly complaining about how radio is the superior media form, though).
One thing that nobody could stand about Alastor’s movies was how much he talked during them. I guess it's because he's so used to working in radio that he cannot comprehend that maybe, just maybe, not everybody wants to hear his voice all the time. He would either explain every little detail about the leading actors or talk about a living memory that he associated with the specific scene.  This night, though, Alastor seemed so enamored by the movie that he was completely silent. You were sitting on the couch with Alastor, Angel, and Husk, and found your eyes getting slightly heavier with every passing minute. The combination of the dark room, boring movie, and precious silence was just what you needed to drift into a peaceful slumber. Slowly resting your head and body on the irresistibly soft and warm cat demon beside you, your consciousness fades in and out until your mind is finally met with sleep.
The second Husk felt your head meet his shoulder in a gentle embrace, he froze. He had only ever imagined this happening, and was nowhere near prepared for it to actually happen tonight. Despite his hard and tough facade, Husk craved nothing more than soft affection, and knowing that you trusted him enough to not disturb your slumber flattered him. He remained completely still (so as not to wake you) for more than an hour until the movie finished. Charlie, using the remote to find another movie, said, 
“Thank you guys for spending tonight with me! This was amazing! I think I’m going to put on another movie, if anybody wants to stay down here, but you’re welcome to go upstairs and go to slee-'' she is cut off when she turns around to see you asleep on Husk, practically beaming with joy. “AWWWWW-” she is cut off by Husk’s “Shh!”, partially because he is embarrassed but also because he doesn’t want you to wake up in embarrassment. This caused everybody’s attention to turn to the two of you, not quite as surprised as Charlie.
“I mean, are we shocked? He’s been fawning over Y/N ever since she moved in. Don’t shame the poor guy…” Angel says in a mocking tone.
Everyone’s eyes slightly divert, not wanting to completely show that Husk’s attraction to Y/N is anything short of obvious.
“Shut the fuck up, man” Husk replies. 
“I’m not saying that she’s told me that she likes you back… buuuuut you should definitely just tell her. Trust me.” Charlie says, literally gleaming with excitement. 
Hearing this, Husk’s insides flip, his internal monologue running wild.
‘Did she- does she- could Y/N actually like someone like me? She’s just so… perfect. I don’t deserve her. But - let’s just - don’t get your hopes up, man. This could just be Charlie being Charlie, saying shit to make people leave their comfort zones or something.’
“Alright idiots, let’s not wake her up.” he says, sighing and gently picking you up. 
“I hear a single word about this tomorrow, and I’ll kill ya.” he says, while quietly walking to your room. 
He rolls his eyes while listening to Angel making fun of him and Charlie trying earnestly to defend you guys, saying something along the lines of “But this is how Vaggie and I started to fall in love!”
Opening your door as quietly as possible, he gently places you down on your bed. Covering you with blankets, he turns to leave until he hears your soft voice call to him:
“Was all that stuff they said about you true?”
Shit. You heard? Should he deny it? Pretend he didn’t even hear you?
Deny it is.
“The stuff that Charlie and Angel said… about you liking me. Is that true?” you ask.
“I don’t know what kind of dream you were having, but everyone was dead silent during the movie, because, yknow, bonding time or whatever.”
He was avoiding your gaze until now, hoping that you would just accept the lie and go back to sleep. Instead, when he looked at you, he was met with your disbelieving face staring right back at him. 
“Mhm.” you say sarcastically. 
Moments of awkward silence lead to Husk trying to make a quick escape, muttering goodnight and walking to your door. He’s halfway out of the doorway when he hears your voice again.
“It’s a shame, I was hoping that what they were saying was true.” you say teasingly, just loud enough for him to come back into the room.
“What did you say?” he asks.
“Oh, nothing” you reply, smugly. 
“Don’t do that.” he says, clearly intrigued but trying to seem annoyed. 
“Do what?” you say, teasingly.
“Satan, just tell me what you said. I don’t like playing games.” he says.
“Oh, but, clearly you do, if you’ve been ‘fawning’ over me since the day I've walked in,  yet.. said nothing.”
He looks - embarrassed. Almost hurt. 
“Fine, yeah, I like you. No need to rub it in and be an asshole about it, I know you don’t like me.”
You look at his diverting eyes and immediately regret your teasing tone.
“Oh, Husk, I wasn’t making fun of you, I was just being stupid. Come here.” you say, patting the spot next to you on the bed. 
He sits next to you, looking confused.
“Here.” you say, while holding his hands in yours. 
“Listen. I wasn’t trying to embarrass you. I’m sorry if it came across that way. I mean, obviously I like you too. Was it not clear?” you giggle. 
Husk’s eyes widened in shock.
“What- I mea- You like me? Why?” he blurts out.
“Why? Come on, don’t be dumb. You’re the funniest person I know, you’re always willing to listen to me, and you’ve never once turned me away when I needed help. And, you're truly handsome, but that’s just a bonus. You’ve made being trapped in Hell actually enjoyable, which is something that you should be proud of. I wake up everyday excited to see you, to talk to you. I just wish you would've told me that you liked me sooner (and yourself)” you say.
Husk’s eyes are glued on you like you’re the last thing he’ll ever see, like he has to memorize your every feature before he blinks. He has never been more enamored with anybody before. 
In lack of a better response, all he can blurt out is, “Thank you!?”
You giggle, a slight blush creeping up your face. 
“And you are clearly tired. How about you sleep in here tonight? We can cuddle, or talk, or just sit with each other.” you ask.
“That - That sounds great.” he says, truly letting his guard down for the first time in years. As he lays next to you, finally becoming truly comfortable, he swears that he can see a white, fuzzy hand holding a phone by the slightly-ajar door.
“Angel, if that’s you by that door right now, you’re gonna want to run.”
You can hear the spider’s screams of “I GOT IT GUYS! THE FULL VIDEO!! AHAHAHAHA!” as Husk reluctantly leaves the bed.
“Excuse me,” he says, “I’m gonna go take care of this. I’ll be back.”
As he leaves, you start to realize how you got from the couch to the bed in the first place. Smiling to yourself, you savor the fact that, though you were condemned to eternal damnation, these people that you have found could not have created a better heaven for you.
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golden-cherry · 1 year
deal - cl16 (12/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Friendships are very important. It's good that you have new ones (who you can share things with).
Warnings: FLIRTING, PINING (you’ve been warned!), Charles is sweet, a bit of angst (talking of cheating, manipulation, ex-boxfriend)
Word Count: 3.3k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: sorry for the delay! I love you! feedback is appreciated!
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Except for the warm light of the floor lamp in the corner behind you and the white light from the kitchen, the apartment is dark. On the TV in front of you, you see a still from The Vampire Diaries and the white blanket on the dark blue couch next to you is crumpled, as if it had been used only recently. Sounds come from the kitchen, glasses clink together, and the refrigerator door opens and closes before the kitchen light is turned off again. 
"I'm glad you're here," Kika says as she comes back into the living room with two glasses of water, "but since you called, I'm afraid the reason isn't very positive." She places the two glasses on the coffee table in front of you and sits down next to you. 
Calling Kika was the only logical option. Of course, you could have called Charles, but he's had such an incredibly lousy day and he should be at the club with his friends instead of helping you with your problems. Besides, you don't want to burden him with something he simply can't solve. Something neither of you can't solve. 
You pull your knees to your chest. "I didn't mean to bother you, I really didn't. Especially because you said you had to get up early tomorrow and I'm so sorry to just barge in, but I just didn't know where to go."
Kika puts her hand on your knee and squeezes it gently. "I told you that you could call me anytime. And I meant it." She reaches for the cozy blanket between you and spreads it over your legs. And even though you're already warm, you pull the blanket closer to you. 
"I know, but-"
"No buts," she interrupts you. Her gaze is gentle as she rubs your arm. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?"
You'd love to hog the cozy blanket and wrap yourself so tightly in it that you can barely breathe. Most of all, you'd like to just go to sleep and forget what happened. But you called Kika to give you shelter while your ex waits outside your apartment for you to come home. 
You owe her an answer.
"After Lando walked me to my car," you begin, and Kika raises her eyebrows with a grin. You roll your eyes. "Stop that. So. I drove home after that, and when I turned into the street, I saw my ex's car."
Kika narrows her eyes a little and tilts her head, as if she doesn't understand why your ex-boyfriend's appearance ruined your night. "Aaaaaand we don't like your ex?" she asks. 
You shake your head vehemently. "Definitely not."
Your new friend smooths the blanket over her legs. "What happened?"
"The better question would be: What didn't happen?" You reach for your water glass and take a big gulp. "Do you want the short version or the long version?"
The way Kika leans against the armrest of the couch and pulls the blanket up to her chin, looking at you with huge eyes, you don't need a verbatim answer.
You slide around a bit on the couch to get a little more comfortable, and cross your legs to sit cross-legged. "When I moved here to work a few months ago, I met Raphael at a photo shoot and we hit it off right away," you begin to tell her. Kika soaks up every word as if it was water and she was a sponge. "We went on a few dates and at one point he asked me to be his girlfriend and at first everything was really perfect. He was an absolute gentleman, his friends became my friends and we all got along so great."
"That sounds like there's a big fat "but" following that," Kika interjects and you tap your index finger against your nose. 
"We were together for some time and everything was okay until he, um..." You don't know how to finish the sentence without making your ex look like the biggest asshole in the world. Although he definitely deserves that. You wring your hands. 
"Spit it out, you'll feel better."
You rub your palms over your cheeks and run your fingers through your hair once before closing your eyes. "He pressured me into sleeping with him."
Kika slaps her hand in front of her mouth. "Please tell me you didn't sleep with him." She leans forward and puts her hands on your shoulders to shake you. "Tell me you didn't fuck that asshole!"
You shake your head and look down at your hands in your lap. "Of course I didn't. I'm not stupid." You purse your lips and look up at the ceiling. "I thought I loved him, and I was this close to caving in." You hold your thumb and index finger close together.
"And then?"
"Then he slept with someone else."
Kika leans back and presses her left fist into her right palm to make her knuckles crack. "I'm going to kill that motherfucker."
"It's okay," you counter, but Kika just raises an eyebrow. 
"It's definitely not okay, Y/N."
"Of course it's not okay," you confirm her, ruffling your hair, "But I can't help it, and I broke up with him right away, too. Pressuring me for sex is one thing," Kika throws a pillow at you, "a mega super duper shitty thing, but cheating on me and trying to manipulate me into sleeping with him as a result - that's where I draw the line."
Only that's where you draw the line?!" Kika puts her face in her hands and shakes her head. "Okay, okay." She takes a deep breath. "So you broke up with him. What happened next?"
"He wouldn't leave me alone. He keeps calling, trying to convince me to get back with him."
"I hope you told him that's never going to happen and he can kiss your ass."
You pucker your mouth a little. "Not really. He called yesterday and Charles took the call."
Kika grabs a pillow and wraps her arms around it like she's watching a gruesome horror movie and not listening to your ex-boyfriend problems. "He did not."
You purse your lips. "He did."
Kika bites the pillow. "And then?"
"Well, he answered the phone with „this is her roomate“."
"And now you're afraid that's exactly why Raphael was standing outside your apartment? Do you think he would want to hurt you or Charles?" she asks, taking a sip of her water. 
You shrug your shoulders. "He was never violent, not at all. But by now I don't even recognize him. It's like he's done a 180."
Inside, you're struggling with yourself. Confiding all this to Kika feels right and wrong at the same time. After all, you've only known each other for a few hours. And if you weren't hogging her couch and she was kind enough to let you have it, you certainly wouldn't have spilled your guts either. 
You're not particularly good at it either, which is why you usually handle problems yourself and work them out with yourself. But something about this matter tells you that's not possible this time. But that doesn't mean you won't try to handle it all on your own.
Kika slides closer to you and clasps your hands with hers. "Did you tell Charles about this?"
You shake your head. "Not all of it. I filled him in on the circumstances after I kicked his ass for answering my phone."
Kika has to grin. "Very good." She strokes the back of your hand with her thumb. Why are her hands so soft? "But don't you think you should tell him about it? Especially since Raphael is waiting for you, or rather you, outside your apartment now?"
She's not necessarily wrong. For sure, it would be smarter to tell your roommate about it. But Charles has a lot on his plate. Burdening him with your problems is the last thing you want. 
You clear your throat and look towards the TV, where Elena and Damon are dancing together. Kika notices your look and also that you don't want to talk about the subject anymore, and you're very grateful that she doesn't push you. 
"Are you Team Delena or Stelena?" she asks, reaching for the remote. 
"Team Klaroline."
Kika presses play and the characters move again. "The only right answer."
The two of you continue watching the show together and talking until the two of you actually fall asleep, snuggled into the covers, shoulder to shoulder. 
Your vibrating cell phone, which is next to you on the couch, wakes you up, and without looking to see who's calling you, you hit the green button.
"Hello?" you ask sleepily, carefully pushing Kika's head off your shoulder so you can sit up properly. As your spine cracks, you screw up your face.
"Y/N?" someone almost yells into the phone, and you have to hold the phone away from your ear to keep from going deaf. "Where the hell are you?"
A glance at the screen tells you it's your roommate yelling at you through the receiver, jolting you awake as abruptly as an ice-cold shower. You rub your eyes and look down at Kika, who's clutching the blanket tightly. "I - um - I'm at Kika's," you answer him, slowly getting up from the couch so as not to wake your friend. At least someone should be able to get some decent sleep. 
"What the heck are you doing at Kika's? And why aren't you home?" He speaks more softly now, but still sounds irritated. 
Confused, you look at the clock. 3:54 am. 
You sneak out of the living room on your socks and close the door behind you. "Are you home?" you ask him, and the thought that Raphael might be waiting there sends a shiver down your spine. 
"Of course I'm home. Joris picked me up because you didn't answer the phone."
And sure enough. Twelve missed calls in the last hour. Mentally, you slap your forehead. "I'm so sorry, Charles. We were watching a show and fell asleep. I'll be right home."
In the kitchen, you find a pen and paper and leave a note for Kika that you drove home. No one needs to know that you're sure to commit some driving violations in the form of speeding.
What do you do when you arrive and the green Nissan is still on the scene? Would you pretend it wasn't even there? And what if Raphael was sitting in it? Would you talk to him so he wouldn't knock on the door of your apartment? 
Thank God you don't have to worry about that, because when you turn onto your street, the Nissan is nowhere to be seen, so you breathe a sigh of relief. Which sends a brief stab through your spine. Kika's couch may look comfortable, but you definitely don't want to sleep on it again. 
Before you can put the apartment key in the lock, it's yanked open from the inside and an irritated - and slightly tipsy - Charles is standing in front of you, his hands on his hips and his green eyes twinkling. 
"Do you have any idea how much I worried about you?" He turns and walks further into the apartment, a silent sign for you to follow him. "First I can't reach you, and then I come home and you're not here! I was this close to calling the police, Y/N!"
"I'm sorry, Charles. Really." When you say his name, he winces. "I didn't want you to worry. I was with Kika and we fell asleep. It wasn't intentional, and I should have let you know." 
He eyes you up and down, and only when he's sure everything is okay with you, do his hard features soften. Charles takes a step toward you. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Except for the fact that your ex, who cheated on you and manipulated you, was suddenly waiting for you outside your apartment?
"Everything's fine, really. Just a little back pain. Kika's couch is not conducive to sleeping."
Charles nods slightly. "Then let's go to sleep. It's getting really late."
A few minutes later, when Charles goes to take his bedding out of the closet in the hallway, he stands puzzled in the bathroom doorway where you are brushing your teeth. "Where is my stuff?"
You nod toward the bedroom before spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing your mouth. "In the bedroom. I promised you could sleep in the bed tonight, didn't I?" Noticing his disheveled hair and tired eyes, you have to smile. "And I think you need to sleep on a soft mattress tonight more than I do."
Charles lifts one hand and rests it on the upper door frame. His shirt slides up a little, revealing a strip of his belly. "And you said you had a sore back. I think it's pretty clear who's sleeping in the bed."
You reach for the brush and comb your hair so you don't have to stare at his stomach. "It is. You."
"Can we maybe not do this?" He rubs his face with his free hand. Noticing your unyielding gaze, he drops his arms and puts his palms together. "I have a proposition." He rubs his palms together. "Since neither of us can win this argument, how about this: we share the bed."
The brush gets stuck halfway through your hair and your eyes go wide. "We - what?"
Charles shrugs, as if it's the most normal suggestion ever. "The bed is huge and the couch is so fucking uncomfortable it would be an imposition to let you sleep on it with back pain. And since you insist I sleep in the bed, why don't you just lie down on it, too?"
Your blood pounds so loudly in your ears that you can barely hear him. First you almost touch each other in the restaurant and now he wants you to share the bed? What's next?
When you don't answer, Charles gets nervous. "If you don't want to, that's perfectly okay. It was just a suggestion so that two friends could have a decent night's sleep." He nods in your direction. "And so neither your back nor mine gets ruined."
Hadn't you decided to draw a line to make this friendship work? And how is that going to work when you're lying next to each other in a cozy bed? Oh god, what if you snuggle up to him at night and he doesn't even want that? Would you even be able to sleep if he was that close to you?
Before you can answer, Charles raises his hands. "I get it. It was a stupid idea."
"No!" Rubbing your forehead, Charles looks at you in confusion. "Um, we can try this out if you want. For one night." You put the brush back in its place. "I mean, friends can share a bed, no? There's nothing to it."
Charles breathes a sigh of relief, and a smile that makes your heart beat faster spreads across his face. "Do you have a favorite side?" When you shake your head, he nods slightly. "I'll get everything ready and then we'll sleep together right away. Sorry. That came out wrong." He runs a hand through his hair and flush shoots into his cheeks. "We'll, um, see you in a bit," he stumbles over his words, then disappears toward the bedroom.
After closing the bathroom door, you hit your forehead with the palm of your hand. Why did you agree to his offer? Are you completely stupid? There are so many things that could happen! You could talk in your sleep, or snore, or, as already stated, snuggle up to him! Only a complete idiot would get into bed with him now!
Before you can slide down the spiral any further, you leave the bathroom in sleeping clothes and follow Charles into the bedroom. He's just pulling his shirt over his head and his back muscles are dancing under his skin, and you regret a little that you agreed to the proposition. 
The line between friendship and more is somehow getting thinner and thinner. And there's nothing you can do about it. 
"I prefer to sleep on the right side. I hope that's okay," Charles says as he pulls another shirt over his head. He walks around the bed, which has both his and your bedding on it. "I can sleep in tomorrow, so it would be cool if you were quiet when you have to go to work," he smiles as he pulls back the covers and then sits down. 
Seeing him in bed is so intimate, so private, you have to look away.
"Is everything all right?" he asks as he slides down on the bed and pulls the covers up to his waist. 
You don't dare follow him at all, but you can't stand around any further than that, so you slip under the covers on the other side of the bed. ""Everything's fine."" You plug your phone into the charger before turning over onto your back. 
Charles turns off the bedside lamp, leaving only a strip of moonlight in the room, and turns onto his back as well. In the darkness, he seems even closer than he actually is. You feel his warmth, even though there are a few inches and all the bedding between you, and the whole situation makes you so nervous that you can only breathe shallowly. God, his scentl is everywhere.
"I liked you coming with me today," Charles says into the darkness. "I enjoy spending time with you."
Blood rushes to your cheeks, and you're glad he can't see you very well. "I like spending time with you, too."
You feel Charles move, and thanks to the moonlight, you realize he's turned in your direction. You do the same.
"We're okay, aren't we?" he asks, bending his elbow and resting his head on it. 
You slide your hand under your cheek and have to swallow. "Of course," you answer him. "Why do you ask?"
He smirks. "Because we've only known each other for two days, and we've already fought so much, and now we're sharing a bed. It's all been quite a roller coaster ride." He pulls the covers a little higher toward his chest. 
You'd love to put your hand to his cheek and stroke it with your thumb, but that would surely cross a friendship line. "We're not just friends, Charles. We're roommates, too. And you're my first roommate. It's completely understandable that we need to get used to each other."
Charles exhales, and it's not until you can feel his breath on your heated skin that you realize how close he really is. "I just want us to make this work." He pauses for a moment, and even though it's dark, you can see him wrestling with himself to say the next words.
"You're just too important to me to screw this up." His voice is soft and gentle as he lifts his hand and places it between your faces, as if he's letting you decide if you want to take it. "I don't think you realize how important you are to me."
next part
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janiehellion · 2 months
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Under The Radar
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: After the fall of Hershel's farm and Rick's revelation about the Wildfire virus, the group finds temporary refuge near Elders Mill Road. All the while you share a secret relationship with Daryl that often threatens to get you both caught. But when the stress of survival becomes unbearable, how far would you really go with your teasing to find some much-needed relief?
ꜱᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ: S2E13—ʙᴇꜱɪᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʏɪɴɢ ꜰɪʀᴇ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3.232
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ɴᴏᴛᴇ: Written for @itwasntaphasema because she's the very first person who requested to be on my Tag-List! ♡
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You were sitting around the fire near the waterfall of the Elders Mill Road, the current makeshift campsite after Hershel's farm was overrun and got destroyed by a walker herd, with the group eating whatever rations you all could find and trying to cling to some normalcy after Rick had revealed that you're all infected. Only Daryl sat apart from the rest of the group, like he did most of the time. He had claimed a spot on the edge of the fire, leaning back against one of the stone walls, his crossbow beside him as always.
You sat near him, your body leaning towards the fire, but your eyes kept drifting to him every now and then. You and Daryl had a secret that the rest of the group didn't know about—a relationship, or rather, so far you were just sleeping with each other, since neither of you had fully acknowledged that it was anything more than just sex.
As the group talked, your mind was only half on the conversations happening around you. You were more focused on Daryl.
Glenn, meanwhile, was talking about the latest supply run, since you were currently stranded and needed supplies, before finding a place that'd finally keep you safe. "We had to fight our way through a whole bunch of walkers," he said, gesticulating wildly around. "I thought that was finally it—the actual end—but we made it out! To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if those walkers were from the horde, you know?"
Lori nodded. "My god, we're glad that you got back safely."
She was sitting next to Rick, holding Carl close, who was by now already sleeping in her arms. "Just another day in this nightmare. I hope we won't stay here for much longer. The baby—"
You took the opportunity of everyone else talking, moving quickly closer to Daryl as the conversations around you continued. "Hey, Daryl," you whispered. "I’m feeling a little bored right now, you know?"
Daryl stiffened slightly but didn’t turn to look at you. "Yeah? And why’s that my problem now?"
You bit your lower lip, trying to hide a smirk. "I’m not sure. Maybe I just need a little distraction. I really don't know. I mean, with all that stress lately. We barely made it out alive, ain't that right?"
You reached out, letting your fingers slide along his leg. Daryl’s muscles tensed under your touch, and he moved away a bit, his eyes narrowing. "What’re ya doin’, woman?"
Your hand reached out again and traveled even further up his thigh, just close enough to make him feel uncomfortable but not enough to really provoke him. "Just checking out if you’re as bored as I am."
Daryl moved again, his eyes looking toward the rest of the group to make sure no one was paying attention. "Ya should know better than to be messin’ ‘round like this. ’Specially after all the shit that's happened."
You let your fingers on his leg for a while longer before pulling back. "I know. But it’s always kinda hard when you’re so close."
As the conversations around the fire continued, you leaned closer, but he remained stoic, his eyes locked on the fire.
Meanwhile, Glenn looked over to the both of you. "Hey! Are you guys alright over there?"
"Yeah," Daryl grunted, not really listening to the question. "‘S fine."
You couldn’t help but smirk at his more than obvious discomfort and moved even closer, your shoulder pressing against his strong arm. "Come on, Daryl. A little bit of fun never hurt anyone. It would do us both good, don't you think? A little stress relief."
"Shut it. Ain’t the time or place," he answered, pushing you away slightly.
"Are you sure about that? Because it seems like the perfect time and place to me," you pouted back at him.
Daryl snorted and finally turned his head to the side, his eyes meeting yours in a moment where he was sure no one else was looking at neither him nor you. "Yer really fuckin’ pushin’ it right now."
The rest of the group continued to talk, seemingly oblivious. T-Dog, who was chatting with Hershel meanwhile, glanced your way every now and then in hopes that you would join the conversation, but he didn’t seem to notice anything.
You took the chance again when everyone was looking away and let your fingers brush along Daryl's neck this time, gently letting your fingertips slide up towards his earlobe. "Come on! What’s the matter, Daryl? Afraid of a little attention after all the stress?"
"I ain’t afraid of nothin', woman," he answered, gritting his teeth. "Hell, just stop and be normal for once."
You giggled quietly, your lips now brushing against his neck. "Normal? You mean normal, like how we’re pretending there’s nothing between us and how we're simply normal friends? Oh, wait, the rest of the group doesn't even know that we're friends, or… the real reason behind this so-called friendship. What a shame," you teased him further.
Daryl looked around the campfire, making sure everyone was still engaged in their conversations. "Ain't nothin' and ain't the damn point either. Now, shut it."
You leaned in closer to his face, your lips almost touching his. "Or what? You’ll get mad?"
Daryl’s focus crumbled a bit, his breath coming out faster. "Yeah, or I’ll do somethin’ you’ll regret."
You smirked, your hand sliding down to rest on his thigh again, your fingers brushing dangerously close to his growing bulge. "Well, that’s not really a threat, you know… Threatening me with a good time like that. So scary…"
Daryl’s eyes narrowed, and he grabbed your wrist, his grip strong but not painful. "‘M serious. Knock it off."
You pulled back slightly, putting your hands up innocently. "Okay, okay. I’ll behave. For now…"
Daryl’s expression remained annoyed, his eyes looking back to the fire as if trying to distract himself.
But the uncomfortable tension between you and him only grew as the time went by. Every little touch of your hand against his, your playful eye contact—simply everything increased the tension between you.
T-Dog, who had been looking around while talking to Hershel, finally spoke up as well. "Everything alright?"
Daryl shot him a glare, clearly frustrated. "Just fine! Said it already."
"Oh, we’re just having a little discussion. Don't worry," you smiled sweetly before leaning closer again. "You know, I can’t help but wonder if you’re really as tough as you pretend to be."
"What the hell are ya playin’ at?" Daryl asked and shot you a quick glance.
You tilted your head, your lips brushing against his jaw. "Just wanting to see how much a certain tough guy can actually handle."
He shivered uncomfortably, his eyes moving around to make sure the rest of the group was still talking with each other. Carol had fallen asleep next to Beth, and Glenn and Maggie were deep in discussion about their next supply run.
You took your chance, and your hand slid up Daryl’s thigh once more, this time brushing against the growing bulge in his pants on purpose. "I can see that you want this just as much," you whispered.
Daryl’s breath hitched, and he gulped. "Ya need to stop this shit."
You moved closer, your lips kissing his ear. "Or what? You’ll do something about it?"
"Yeah, or I’ll make ya regret it," he answered, moving his knees a bit more to his chest.
Your fingers still moved teasingly over the bulge in his pants before pulling back. "Come on, Daryl. Don’t be so boring."
Daryl’s patience was slowly breaking, and he growled at you. "Yer pushin’ it. This ain’t the time or place for ya damn games. Told ya that already. Can't ya just listen?"
You smirked at him, leaning in closer, your lips brushing against his neck again. "But that’s what makes it exciting, doesn’t it? Come on, just a quick stress relief."
His control finally snapped, and he grabbed your wrist roughly, his voice low and angry. "Goddammit, stop this bullshit, woman!"
You tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. "Why? Are you afraid of what’ll happen if you let go and show me what you can do, right here and right now?"
His eyes darkened, and he pulled you closer, his voice rough and harsh. "Ya wanna play dirty? Fine. But don’t think I won’t make ya pay for it."
Meanwhile, Rick glanced over too, his eyes narrowing as he noticed the whispering between you and Daryl. "Everything alright over there?"
Daryl smirked annoyed, his grip still tight around your wrist. "Goddamnit, can ya'll stop askin'? 'S all fine!"
Rick’s eyes remained for a moment longer on the both of you before he turned back to keep a watchful eye on the surroundings. As the night wore on, more of the group began to drift off to sleep. Maggie fell asleep by now as well, snoring quietly, just like most of them, while cuddling up to Glenn. The remaining watchmen, including him and Rick, were still alert, their eyes scanning the woods and the street beyond the light of the campfire.
Unable to hold back, you took advantage of the situation once more, teasing Daryl with your touch. "Come on, Daryl. I know you want this."
His eyes narrowed. "Yer really fuckin’ pushin’ it." He shoved you back slightly, his voice rising a little in frustration. "The hell is wrong with ya? Can’t ya see that yer makin’ a goddamn scene?"
You looked around, realizing that the remaining people on watch were still close enough to notice most of what was happening around the camp. You lowered your voice, trying to ease the situation for him. "I’m just trying to have a little fun. You’re the one making it difficult, not me."
Daryl’s expression was clearly angry by now, but there was also something else—something that almost looked like desperation. He reached out and grabbed you by the shoulders, his grip tight. "Ya think this is a game? Yer just makin’ shit worse for both of us, woman."
"I’m not trying to make things worse. I just want you," you answered him quietly, looking into his eyes.
"Yer really testin’ my damn patience." Without waiting for a response, Daryl pulled you roughly towards the edge of the light that came from the campfire, away from the eyes of the group.
"Hey! Where are we going? What are you doing? It's not safe to go away from the fire just like that! Daryl?" You asked, but Daryl didn’t answer immediately.
He dragged you behind one of the other remaining stone walls, away from the light of the fire but still within earshot of the camp. His grip on your arm was almost painful by now, and he shoved you against the side of the wall before he leaned in. "Ya wanna play dirty? Fine. Let’s see how ya can handle it."
You gasped as Daryl’s strong hands grabbed your face and as his lips crashed down on yours with a hunger that made your head spin. His hands slid down your sides, pulling you roughly against him, his body pressing against yours with force, and you could feel his hard cock pressing against you through his pants.
His fingers moved lower, finding their way to your inner thighs and guiding you to spread your legs just enough for him to get what he wanted. The sudden contact with your soaked panties made you flinch and moan against his mouth, your hips bucking into his touch and grinding against his hand, making you open your pants as fast as possible.
"Yer always so fuckin’ needy," he growled against your lips. "Can’t even keep yer hands off me for one damn second. Can’t resist the way I make ya feel."
"Oh, fuck!" You moaned again into the kiss, your hips instinctively arching towards his touch again as his fingers pressed against your clit through the fabric. "Daryl, please," you whispered, your voice trembling with need.
He pulled back slightly, his lips just inches from yours as his mouth curled into a smirk. "Please what?" He demanded. "Ya want me to fuck ya right here, right now? To give ya what yer beggin’ for?"
The way he spoke, the way he teased and controlled you, made you whimper in desperation.
He leaned in closer. "Or do ya need me to make ya beg a little more? To make ya show me just how much ya need me?"
Daryl’s expression hardened as he felt how you squirmed against him. He quickly reached out for your panties, pushing them aside, and without any hesitation, his fingers slid inside you, moving with an aggression that took your breath away.
You gasped, biting down on your lower lip to stifle a loud moan as his fingers worked inside of you ever so roughly. "Keep it quiet," he ordered harshly, his voice barely above a whisper but carrying an unmistakable authority. "Don’t wanna wake up the whole damn group."
You nodded, struggling to keep quiet as your body responded to his every touch. His fingers moved inside you, each thrust deeper than the last. His thumb found your clit, rubbing against it in a way that made you see stars, and his free hand gripped your hip, his fingers digging into your flesh to hold you steady.
"Daryl," you whispered, your voice trembling. "Please…"
Please… Please… Please, what?" He smirked, slowing his movements to drive you wild. "Ya want me to stop? Make ya wait?"
"No," you gasped in desperation. "Don’t stop! God, don’t stop, please!"
"That’s what I thought." He increased the pressure on your clit, his thumb moving in slow circles that made you tremble, while his fingers curled themselves inside your pussy.
Your hands reached for his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin as you tried your best not to fall as he made you a trembling, desperate mess.
"Yer not cummin’ yet. Not until I say so," he whispered as he felt how close you were, and you nodded frantically.
Daryl continued to tease you, driving you to the edge again and again, only to pull back at the last moment. "Good girl," he murmured. "Ya don’t get to cum until I let ya."
You nodded again, even though your body was shaking with the effort to hold back and obey his every command.
"Fuck, Daryl," you pleaded in a whisper. "Please, please, just."
He smirked, holding you close still. "Not yet," he growled, his fingers not slowing down.
Your hips bucked against his hand, but he continued with his teasing. "Ya really like that, don’t ya? Ya’ve been teasin’ me, and now look at ya. So fuckin’ desperate for me."
You nodded, unable to form words, your hands gripping and scratching his shoulders. It was becoming more and more difficult to control your moans, each thrust of his fingers pushing you closer to the edge.
"Hell. Yer such a needy little slut," he growled, teasing you further. "Can’t ever get enough, can ya?"
You couldn’t answer him anymore. Your body was trembling, your breathing ragged as you fought to hold back your cries. His mouth was now trailing down your neck, his teeth biting your flesh and sucking on it until you were panting with need.
"Look at ya," he murmured against your skin as he left his marks. "So desperate. So fuckin' wet. So ready to cum for me."
His free hand slid up your body, grabbing your breast and squeezing it roughly, his thumb flicking over your hardened nipple. "Daryl, please," you begged again, your voice a broken whisper. "I'm already so close! Fuck! I need to cum. Please!"
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he leaned in close, his lips kissing and biting your cheek as he whispered, "Cum for me, darlin'. Now…"
The command was your undoing. You obeyed, and your body convulsed with the force of your orgasm, but Daryl’s fingers continued to move inside you as you clenched around him, prolonging your orgasm until you were a trembling, breathless mess in his arm.
He held you close, and when you finally came down, your body still shivering, he pulled you into a rough kiss. "Such a good girl," he mumbled against your lips. "Ya did so good for me; keepin' quiet like that."
You nodded weakly, your mind still spinning from your orgasm as Daryl withdrew his fingers from you.
"Ya better be glad I ain’t lettin’ this shit go any further. 'Cause I wouldn't hold back anymore, ya know," he growled, and you nodded, your face flushed red and your body still trembling.
"I understand, I do. I just… needed you after what has happened at the farm," you answered him, adjusting your clothes. 
"Ya got what ya wanted," he said. "Now keep yer damn hands to yerself before I lose my shit completely and fuck ya in front of everyone and take ya how I wanna take ya."
The warning was clear, but you could still see the struggle in his eyes to not take you right there in front of everyone else.
"Just remember," he continued, his voice sounding softer now. "Ain’t one for teasin’. Next time ya need me, ya better come to me straight; no damn games."
"I will. I promise," you nodded quickly, trying to steady yourself. "Let’s get back before someone notices…"
He nodded and walked in front of you as you followed him back towards the campfire, seeing the remaining members of the group settling down for the night. Daryl kept looking around as you approached, his eyes scanning the area.
As you neared the campfire, Rick suddenly appeared, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Where the hell have you two been?"
You and Daryl exchanged a quick glance, and you stepped forward, trying to sound casual. "I, well… I needed to use the bathroom. Daryl was just keeping an eye out."
Rick raised an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between you and Daryl. "Really? Didn’t think we had a bathroom around here."
"She just needed to take a piss, so what?" Daryl jumped in. "Figured it was better to keep an eye on her than let her wander off alone."
Rick’s expression was still skeptical, but he seemed to accept the explanation for now. "Alright. Just don’t make a habit of it. Especially not now. Not until we’ve found a safe place to stay."
With a nod, you and Daryl made your way back to your spots by the fire. The both of you sat down carefully, with you trying to ignore wetness that was still present between your legs. You watched as Daryl’s eyes moved to his own fingers, still coated with a bit of your juices. Without breaking eye contact with you, he slowly brought his hand up to his mouth, and his tongue slid out, moving slowly over his fingers as he licked them off once more. It was both humiliating and intensely erotic, making you shiver involuntarily.
Daryl leaned forward, his eyes still fixed on yours. "Remember," he said quietly, "this doesn’t mean ya get to act like a damn tease every fuckin’ time."
You nodded and grinned back at him. "Got it," you answered him, "but maybe, just maybe I should tease you more often every now and then."
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TAG-LIST: @itwasntaphasema
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paradiseprincesss · 5 months
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imperfect for you | jonathan crane
i saw the moodboard @mothhball made for jonathan cranes mornings, and i was like i must write a fluffy fic about this immediately! also this is inspired by imperfect for you by ariana grande because as an ari stan, i had to write something based off her songs and this fit perfect with this song.
summary: you and jonathan spend the morning together, and you're feeling a little anxious from the stressful week you've had - but not to worry, your psychiatrist boyfriend knows exactly how to calm you down and cheer you up.
warnings: reader has a shitty week lol, minor age gap, kissing, jon spoils the reader hehehehe just fluff really
word count: 1.3k
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it was a quiet sunday morning, the sunlight beamed through the window of you and jonathan's shared apartment, and you stirred softly, waking from your sleep. you softly opened your eyes as you quietly awoke from your slumber - but you felt the absence of arms wrapped around you.
turning around, you noticed that the other side of the bed was empty, and you glanced over to the sunshine that was starting to peek through the curtains covering your big window; it was peaceful, serene.
you could hear water running in the kitchen, and some dishes being moved around as well as what sounded like utensils. with a yawn, you reached over to the bedside table and unplugged your phone, scrolling through the notifications. after a few moments of looking through your phone and replying to a few unanswered messages from your friends, you toss the phone on the pillow beside you with a quiet little huff.
the week you had with truly a week sent from hell. nothing seemed to be going right for you - nothing! true story. it all started on monday when your alarm didn't go off, and you were embarrassingly late to your lecture, which your professor wasn't too happy about. after the last half hour of the lecture you managed to catch, you had to beg your professor to extend the deadline for an assignment you had forgotten to hand in over the previous weekend, god it was humiliating.
then tuesday rolled around, and it was like the universe was punishing you. as you were driving to the gym, the check engine light in your car flicked on.
so, wednesday came along...and you didn't have a car since it was getting serviced in the shop, and jonathan was at work but you had to get groceries. you didn't want to walk to the grocery store because you'd have to carry the heavy groceries all the way back to your apartment, so you spent a ridiculous amount of money on getting your groceries delivered.
thursday and friday came and went, nothing too crazy happened until the end of the day on friday. as you were on your way home from the mechanics, with your repaired car (were not going to talk about the financial damage that did), you received a notification on your phone that your grade was updated for the late project you handed in, and the grade was...well, it wasn't the best mark you received, let's just say that.
when it came to saturday, you spent the day napping and wallowing in self pity, because after the week you had - why wouldn't you? jonathan was unfortunately working on saturday, which was unusual but he occasionally worked an extra shift on saturday if he needed to work through any extra patient files, intake forms, prescriptions and such. after he was off work, you were already curled up in bed and fast asleep, so he quietly showered and got into bed with you.
and now, finally, were here - sunday morning.
"sweetheart?" jonathan's voice snapped you out of your mental reflection of the shit week you just had, and you quickly looked up to see your boyfriend leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom.
jonathan wasn't in his usual suit and tie - no, he was in his grey sweats (don't even get me started on what those did to you), and his black t-shirt, and his glasses.
"i called out your name because i thought i heard you and i thought you had woken up, but you didn't respond. i came in here to check on you - are you okay, sweetheart?" he asks softly, looking at you with an expression that was mixed with him being both concerned but smitten at you in your sleepy state, bedhead and all.
as soon as he finished his sentence, the tears started to fall. you didn't even notice them really, but as soon as he saw you start to cry, he was rushing to sit with you on the bed, wrapping his arms around you in hopes to comfort you. jonathan placed a chaste kiss on the top of your head and spoke softly to you.
"oh, sweetheart..." he takes his hand and tilts your chin up to look at your pretty face, and uses his thumb to wipe the tears streaming down your cheeks, "what's wrong?"
you choked back a sob as he asked you that, and you looked away, embarrassed. "i've just had such a shitty week, jon. i feel like such a failure." you mumble, feeling yourself get worked up emotionally.
"hey," he says gently, softly guiding you to look at him again, "deep breaths, my love, deep breaths. you are not a failure."
you look at him with a pouty expression and teary eyes, his words always had an effect on you. "i barely passed on my last assignment, and i just- i just feel like i fucked up. it's so stupid."
"i understand, i can't imagine how stressful that must be." he softly says to you, even though he can imagine how stressful that is, he studied to be a doctor after all - but to him, your feelings were always a top priority, he always wanted you to feel validated.
"and," you say, tears overflowing again, "since the car was in the shop, i had to get the groceries delivered to the apartment and it was expensive - and don't even get me started on the car. that was a nightmare, it was expensive to fix the stupid thing."
jonathan just chuckles softly, "i told you to use my card for things like that, sweetheart. groceries, car payments, shopping, all that - i gave you my other credit card specifically so that you wouldn't have to worry about that kind of stuff." jonathan says softly, kissing the top of your head again.
"...well, i was stressed, okay? i forgot you gave it to me." you say, looking up at him innocently.
he just shook his head and laughed softly, pulling you into a kiss, and kept his arms around you, to hold you close, keep you there, be there for you.
after a moment, you pulled away to whisper softly to him. "thank you for loving me even when i'm a mess."
he looks at you lovingly, "i'll love you under any circumstance, darling, don't be silly." he says to you, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip, the little action making your heart leap.
"before i knew you, i was always fucked up - like, so anxious all the time. emotionally distressed, i'm not even kidding...but i'm not like that since i met you." you say softly to him, as he kept you in his arms.
"you're the love of my life, you know that?" he mumbles against your lips as he leans in for another kiss, which you gladly let him do.
"you make the bad stuff delightful. i love you." you say, breathlessly, between kisses.
after he heard you say that, he kept you wrapped up in his arms, the two of you tangled slightly in between the white sheets of your shared bed, the sun gently glimmering through the window. for a moment, the world was still, just the two of you - perfection in a world of imperfection.
"i made breakfast and coffee..." he says softly, and took your hand in his, "we should have it before it gets cold."
you giggle softly with a nod, and take his hand letting him lead you into the kitchen.
these were your favourite kind of mornings, the ones spent with the man you love, the ones where you could blissfully ignore the world as you were too wrapped up in jonathans warm embrance to care about anything else.
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aphrogeneias · 7 months
how do rockstar!eddie and assistant!reader try and enjoy valentines in secret? does he spoil her? steal kisses through the day? subtly dedicate a song to her at the show? swooooon
pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x assistant!reader
warnings: secret relationship. disgusting fluff. two people desperately in love, avert your eyes.
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“You have time, but I highly suggest no one's late for this interview. We need to be there at 4 because it's live, let's not make these people wait or else they'll start talking shit about you, remember last time? Anyway, remind Gareth to not take too long…”
“Babe, relax.” Eddie stretches out, reaching for the cup of coffee in your hand. He rests it on the tray in the middle of the bed, and takes your notepad from your other hand. He rests it on the side table, away from your reach. “It's Valentine's Day.”
“Since when do you care?”
“Since I met this girl who controls my every move and won't leave me alone.”
“Wow,” you deadpan, lying back beside him, “you’re such a romantic."
You've seen Eddie sprawled out on hotel beds what feels like a million times, but you can never get used to the sight of it.
The contrast of the immaculate white sheets to his dark hair, still mussed from his bedhead, the dark ink of the tattoos that covered his lean body, the dark fabric of his underwear — the only thing he could bring himself to put on before answering the door to get the room service tray.
You bite your bottom lip to stop a sigh. He's smiling at you, lounging like a lazy cat. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm here pouring my heart out to you but it's just a normal Wednesday, right? No need for it.”
Eddie isn't looking at you, he's got one hand on top of his chest, and another on his forehead, feigning distress. Instead of rolling your eyes, you roll over to him, careful to not knock the tray, still full of bread and fruit and single flower in a tiny glass vase, and climb on top of his lap, straddling his hips.
Careful not to laugh, you pry his arms from where they are and pull him to the sides of his face, holding them there, while you slowly lace your fingers together. He doesn't fight it, but he's still staging a frown, full lips jutted forward, inviting you in.
Leaning down, you press a gentle kiss to them. “I'm just trying to help,” you murmur, face still close to his, “didn't know you were serious about today.”
“I was when I told you we should at least try to seize it, even if it's just a little. I know I want to.”
Eddie kisses your face — your cheeks, your nose, your jaw, the tip of your chin — before pushing himself up, and taking you with him. You sit together, foreheads pressed together, sharing a coffee-stained breath.
“I want it too.” You confess, and he knows what you mean. “I wish… I wish we could.”
“We could. Tell’em they don't need us. Stay here all day, sleep a little more, fuck until we’re tired and sleep again. Order some more room service.”
You smile despite yourself. “Yeah? What else? Jump on the bed, pillow fight?”
“Nah, I'd crush you. Don't ever wanna do that to my baby.”
Without thinking, you giggled. Buried your face where his shoulder meets neck, and nuzzled yourself in there. You inhale his scent as you did, the lingering perfume from last night and this morning’s cigarette.
He laughs too, and you feel his hand rise slowly, from your spine to the back of your neck, settling there. “I have a surprise for you later.”
“Yeah. A real good one.” Eddie squeezes your neck gently, and his thumb runs back and forth on the sensitive skin of your neck, making it difficult for you to lift your head from where it comfortably rests. “Just gotta stand pretty at the side of the stage, as you do.”
“Ed…” This time, you reluctantly face him. “What are you going to do?”
Something cold drops in your stomach. You try not to show, simply raising an eyebrow at him, but he knows you worry, knows his impulsivity keeps you up at night, sometimes.
“Nothing you need to upset your pretty little head with.” As if to make a point, he kisses your forehead. “I promise.”
You're not convinced. “On stage, Eddie? Seriously?”
He smiles, all dimples and teeth, as his hands wander over your hips and thighs, over and under the robe you're still wearing. “As a heart attack.”
“That's what you're going to give me.”
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Super excited to see more Fourth Wing content on Tumblr. I don't have any specific ideas yet, but maybe some fluff with our hot wingleader Xaden? Or some wholesome training scenes with the dragons?
It needs to be brought here because it's a crime to have practically nothing here!!!
Morning lights
The morning sun wasn't even fully out when Aetos banged on every single door on the first year's floor shouting something about the promised training and how lucky everyone should feel that he's taking his time to put in extra work even if it should be a punishment for performing worse then others squads in the last training session.
You suddenly become hyper-aware of the still-cold morning air seeping through the window, that you left ajar last night. Dawn is still breaking outside. Light shades of pinks and oranges painting the horizon. It's a beautiful sight. One you wouldn't want to miss or at least enjoy one of the mornings when someone isn't forcing you out of bed.
You move to get up slowly but two strong hands instantly tighten over your lower stomach, drawing you back to where you were laying moments ago. "Remind me to spit into Aetos morning coffee", the husky voice fills the space. You let out a breathy chuckle, turning slightly in the embrace of the man who's been sharing your bed for some nights now. "Don't, he might come swinging at me", you mutter, trying not to fully chase his sleep away since his eyes were still closed. He lets out a slightly frustrated huff, "I would love to see him try", and here it is real Xaden Riorson lethal, powerful, ready to fight at any given moment.
It was slightly funny how this big muscular male was squeezed beside you looking like an absolute work of art that didn't belong in the first year's bedroom. Your fingers carefully moved to run through Xaden's dark hair, nails scratching the scalp softly. The most content sigh leaves his lips as his hands grip your hips tightly.
"Wingleader, the cadet is needed on the training grounds", you say in a more serious tone, in a way mocking Aetos. But you also know that time is working against you now. You do need to get out of bed and get ready. The last thing you want to listen to is grumpy males complaining. "This cadet is needed in bed", Xaden mumbled against your skin, bringing you even closer to him, his warmth seeping into your skin and now you understand why you didn't feel the cold breeze from outside. How could you when you have a whole personal heater in your bed? "Is that an order?", you tease, Xaden opens one eye, throwing a glare your way, "Yes. Yes, it is".
Yet it all wasn't that simple. He was still a wingleader. A wingleader who shouldn't even be here in the first place. Because the conclusion that everyone would go straight to would be that you slept your way into safety. And you don't want to be labeled as a whore. This place was a shit show as it is most of the time.
You firmly push at Xaden's arms, the last thought fueling you with enough strength to pull away from him. "No...", he tries to grab onto your hips once more but you're out of his reach now. Could he easily drag you back? Yes. One flicker of his shadows and you would be pinned to the bed. But he's not stupid too. The commotion outside the door is getting louder. Meaning that you're running out of time.
"Now you're being a whiny baby", you tease, pulling Xaden's shirt from your body and reaching for your flying leathers instantly. Better safe than sorry in these kinds of situations. "I'm not a whiny baby", he argues back and you can hear the announcer in his voice that makes you chuckle, "And now his masculinity has been scarred", you place your hand on your chest sighing dramatically. "Sometimes I hate you", he rolls his eyes, before moving to sit up. His muscular chest somehow looking even more unreal in the early morning light. But you shake your head quickly, reaching for your daggers, "Oh same... look at us sharing mutual emotions", you flash him a smile that he doesn't return.
"Be careful", he says, eyes now practically cutting right through you. One of his shadows move to caress the scar that now was forming on your forearm. You brush your fingers over the shadow, "I'm always careful". But you can tell that the worry growing within him is much bigger than most mornings. "This is something Aetos came up with. Most definitely no one in command...", but you cut the distance between you, knee pressing into your mattress as you lean closer to him, "I will be fine, Riorson", you lean in brushing your lips over his. The kiss is gentle and soft. A rare moment because most of the time it's filled with so much speed and desire that you lose yourself in the moment. Not even noticing when it ends. "And I have Liam" you mumble, packing his lips one more time before turning to leave. Xaden growls and you know that it's because you said another male's name right before kissing him. Territorial bastard.
"Any clues about what this is?", you catch up with Liam, who instantly wraps you up in a side hug as you walk alongside the others.
"Not really. Some bullshit", he grumbles still sleepy. "Use your far sight signit", you wrap your hands around his middle. "And look into Aetos insides?", you let out a laugh, quickly clasping your hand over your mouth and shoving Liam slightly. Yet a couple of heads instantly turned your way. Jack one of them. Instantly glaring at you. You return the favor by flipping him off but that only makes his snarl more.
Morag. You call out. Not far away. The voice rings out, soothing you in a way. Do you stink of wingleader once again? You roll your eyes. Mind your business. Morag lets out a dramatic sigh. I have to carry your stinky ass. You flip him off mentally. Out of the two of us, it's you who stinks.
"I'll see you out there", Liam taps your shoulder as he walks towards his dragon. Wrapping your arms around yourself you watch as he jog towards Deigh. You can't imagine your life without him now either. You two had bonded almost immediately. After crossing the parapet you burst into tears. Liam had instantly stood in front of you shielding you from the crowd and equally as much not letting others see your tears. "If it helps, I'm sure a shat myself midway", he had whispered, making you let out a chuckle as you whipped your tears.
But you're brought out of your head as a hand holding a cloth clasps over your mouth and you're brought into a tight chest with a huff. Your hands instantly move to push away from the person holding you down, moving and wiggling in its hold. "Squad whore", the words ring in your ears and you instantly know how this is. Just don't have much time to be mad when a wave of dizziness hit you. That fuck must have dosed the material in something.
I'm almost there. Hold on. Morag's voice fills your head. Your nails dig into his pam as you try to rip it off your face. But then you see the gleam of light. Reflection. Sun. A dagger. Your eyes widen. Jack strikes for a kill just you move you heal up shoving between his legs as hard as you can. The blade zaps the side of your neck, and the warm blood trickles down almost immediately. "I'll end you bitch", Jack barks from behind you. You try to step away but your legs buck as you come in contact with the ground. The roar pierces the field. For a moment you feel relief flowing through you because it has to be Morag but it's the blue wings that make your gut drop. Even the shouting from cadets dies down. Sgaeyl. Why is she here? She shouldn't be here. You try to push your hands against the ground. You need to get out of her way as well, yet your body feels so heavy. She lads with a thud, sending dirt debris flying all over.
Xaden you plea in your head, gods what a way to die by his dragon. Just Sgaeyl steps closer, growling as she glares ahead. You count your last seconds and then her wing moves over you. Drawing away the early sun. You feel the blast of heat and then an agony-filled cry.
Breath Morag orders. What's happening? You ask, feeling your consciousness starting to slip, your hand now clasping the side of your neck. You stink of someone and you're sure Morag is rolling his eyes. Xaden. Sgaeyl felt Xaden on you. Or has he told her something? Does he know? Sgaeyl moves her wing away, and her snout if you can call it that moves closer to you as she inhales your scent. "Thank you", you mutter, "Just tell Xaden a less dramatic story, please", you're not sure but it sounds like she lets out a snort before moving to nudge your hand and then everything goes black.
When you open your eyes once more it takes you a moment to realize what had happened as memories filled your head. Head. Head that was pounding. The tightest on your neck piercing with pain. "Love", a voice rings out and you flinch instantly. Warm fingers run down your arm, that same comforting warmth that you know. You blink your eyes a couple of times. Waiting for your eyes to concentrate. And there he is. His hair was messy from all the pulling he must have done. The shirt slightly wrinkly. "Why are you here?", you ask groggy, hand instantly reaching for your throat at the uncomfortable pulling. "In my room? Or with you?", panic runs through you. You can't be in his room. No. No. No. People will talk. You move to sit up but Xaden's arms instantly hold you down.
"You're not going anywhere. Gave me enough of a fright", he grumbles in frustration, "I didn't ask for it", you argue back. Something in his eyes darken, "And I did? I've never ran faster and you were there behind Sgaeyl wing all bloody", his voice raising with every word he spoke. Your gaze softens. Losing had always been his biggest fear. And it's been a long while since he had something precious to lose. "Sgaeyl saved me all thanks to you I'm sure", you lace your fingers through his. Xaden shakes his head, "That's all her doing. I did get a lecture about not taking proper care of you", you let out a slight chuckle, imagining her lecturing him and him not being able to talk back, "Say thank you to her from me", you mutter.
Xaden runs his fingers through your hair, letting out a sigh, "I...I love you", he whispers, bringing your hand closer to his lips. You smile at him sweetly, brushing your free fingers across his cheek, "And I love you". Xaden leans in, brushing his lips over yours before pressing his forehead against your shoulder, "Though I wish I could bring him back just so I could kill him myself", he grumbles, "Xaden!", you warn him, yet let yourself chuckle.
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twst-drabbles · 7 months
Floyd 10
Summary: Sometimes when Crowley irritates you, you like to throw Floyd right at him.
(Really like the thought of slinging this eel around like a ferret.)
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Ever since Crowley installed a number of automatic systems that basically did his chores for him, he's been coming over more and more often out of sheer boredom. He pops over in your house unannounced, hogs your television when you want to use it, and has even taken over a lot of your chores just as you were in the mood to do them.
And right now, he's watering your berry bushes like he didn't take the hose from your hand.
"Neglecting your berry bushes like this, how awful!" Crowley complained loudly like you weren't right there in your backyard, splashing your feet about with Floyd chasing after your toes. "But, because I am very kind, I shall do it for you at almost no cost!"
You pinched Floyd between your ankles and threw him to the end of the pond. He flailed and squealed as he went sailing.
You yelled back, "No Crowley, you're not watching your shows on my TV! And I'm not making you snacks!"
He has his own television! And you know he can make his own snacks! You've seen him on a cooking show once at 1 AM! He knows this stuff! He doesn't need you to do any of this. And besides, when he gets too into whatever drama he got himself into, he whoops and hollers just as you're about to enter the realm of sleep.
Seriously, you already have issues with sleeping at a consistent time and this bird-brained man is not making things better for you. You have things to do! Pets to take care of and entertain when their solo enrichment wasn't enough.
"Oh come on," Crowley scoffed in that way that never fails to irritates you. That specific scoff like you're some silly kid that's claiming things for themselves because they haven't digested the concept of sharing. "Don't tell me you have forgotten basic manners. You haven't been an adult for that long and already you don't want to show appreciation for all these things I'm doing for you."
"I don't need you to do shit for me, Old Crow," your whisper came out as a hiss.
Crowley was struck by nickname he probably thought was dead on your tongue. "Old-!"
"What I need from you," you smiled and dunked your entire arm into the pond. You grabbed Floyd just as he was about to nip at your calves. "Is for you to get a hobby!"
And like a rocket being launched, you threw Floyd directly to the back of Crowley's head. You may have thrown this eel one too many times. His posture was perfectly straight, arms sticking right out like he's one of those superheroes in a cartoon, and his face was perfectly pensive as though you're sending him off on a mission.
You didn't really mean for him to land perfectly on the back of Crowley's head. You just wanted Floyd to get, like, around his back but oh well. Too late now.
Floyd gripped his teeth and claws into Crowley's hair just as he tipped forward at the new weight.
"What in-" Then, Floyd slipped his tail under Crowley's collar, then whipped it around with no mercy! "Mmmah!"
"Ah, Floyd's slime wiping attack," you noted with a chuckle. You've been victim of that move a few times before. You're pretty sure it's not any sort of territory marking so much as he wants to gross people out. "I am not sorry."
Seriously, just because he's bored, Crowley thinks he can annoy you and not face any of your antics. If he wants to spend time with you so much, he should at least call or text ahead. Or go hang out with literally anyone else in this neighborhood. There's not a single person here that doesn't know him by name.
"Get him off!" Crowley sprinted right past you, trying to grab Floyd but his poor hands are covered in slime, "Get him off!"
"Hmm," you splashed around the pond some more. "Nah."
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lit3rallyll0yd · 1 year
๋࣭ ⭑ taking care of you when your sick. request. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: scenario/short imagine
characters: dazai, chuuya, atsushi, akutagawa, kunikida, and ranpo
warnings: lowercase writing
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๋࣭ ⭑ dazai gives you all the love and attention you could ask for! you don't even need to ask, this man is all over you. doesn't give a shit if he's at the risk of getting sick! when your sick, this is his moment to be michivious. "you look like rudolph.." he teased, feeding you another spoonful of chicken soup. you glared at him, your body covered in a fuzzy blanket and tissue boxes all over the bed. he had his trench coat off, resting against the handle of your door, meaning...he is not leaving until you feel better. work? since when did he ever go? "shut up.." you growled, taking one last bute before finishing the bowl. dazai chuckles, putting the bowl on the ground beside your bed. he moved closer to you, cuddling in on you. "dazai..no..i'll get you sick-" "that sounds like a future me, problem~" you sighed, playing with his hair as he rests his head on your chest. "can you get me take-out?" he smiled playfully, "don't push it, 'donna.."
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๋࣭ ⭑ chuuya does what he can here and there to help you feel better. no matter what you say, "chuuya, it was a tiny cough-" "that's how it starts! next thing we know you're in a hospital bed!" tells the boss to give you day offs and when you come back to work, he says to take things slow. "come on, babe! drink the medicine!" chuuya begged, holding a spoonful for (any flavor) medicine. you turn your head, "no! taste like ass!" your boyfriend sighed, "it will make you feel better. i can't stand seeing you in pain." if you said either yes or no, you opened your mouth and took a drink of the medicine. chuuya chuckled at your resistance to barfing it up, "there we go.." he would do this every couple of hours, having to usual chase you, but you always end up taking it. i wanna add this real quick, he holds your hair back (if it's long enough) when your throwing up.
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๋࣭ ⭑ atsushi sat on your lap, a spoonful of medicine in his hand, hovering it in front of your mouth. "here comes the airplane~" he sang, making a propeller noise with his lips. you laughed, taking the spoonful of medicine and scrunched your nose, "bleh.." your boyfriend smiled, stepping off you to put the medicine away. when your sick, he's full-on MOM he is going to whatever he can to help. cuddles? 100% dinner? what do you want? sleep? he'll leave you be if you want him to. finds it cute how the littlest of things make you tired. carries you around the apartment and he has no problem doing so. he also forms his arms into his uhhh weretiger form and you rest your head on his fur- ITS SO CUTE<3 he was 99% in the risk of getting sick, so days after you recovered...he got sick :( now it's your turn to return the love he gave you<3
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๋࣭ ⭑ akutagawa is asking every 5 minutes how your feeling and if he can do anything? dude, you just want to sleep. you don't get mad with him though, you just call him over to you and hug him, pulling him into the bed with you and cuddled into his side. he lays there, unsure what to do. however, he moves his arms around your waist and hugs you. if you sneeze, you have to kind of sneeze into his coat- which...is kinda gross but he doesn't mind...your sick! attempts to cook for you, but ended up burning the pot..making burnt chicken soup....he ended up just ordering your dinner and you both share it. he's pretty good and bribing you into eating the medicine, it kinda scares you. he gets kinda scared when your sick because he has no idea how long it will take for you to get better :(
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๋࣭ ⭑ kunikida shouts, "Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT WORK! YOU HAVE A FEVER!" everyone looks at you, causing you to blush. your nose was runny(just a little) and your undereyes were a light black. "but..donuts.." you pout, pointing to the box on the table. kunikida sighed, taking a donut out from the box and walked toward you, pushing you out of the door and down the hall. he handed you the donut, watching you take a bite out of it. "i told you to stay in bed..." he rubbed your nose with a tissue, throwing it out as you both walked out of the agency. "but it got boring without you.." you rested your head on his shoulder as you both waited for a taxi to drop you off home. kunikida literally doesn't want you to move a muscule...he has to trouble doing things for you. doing your paperwork, making your foods, carrying you around your home, or running hot baths and showers for you<3 makes sure you eating healthy and keeping your body healthy when you get better.
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๋࣭ ⭑ ranpo boops your nose, "i know your sick, y/n~" you sighed, moving your computer away from your lap. "congrats insepcter gadget, you cracked the code!" he giggled, "i always do!" last night you went to bed not feeling well. you just thought it was dinner, but when you woke up this morning barfing on your toilet. to your surprise, or not, ranpo came over to take care of you. don't even bother arguing with him,he is going to be taking care of you and babying you. he doesn't let you do anything. "ranpo, i can feed myself. my arms are fine-" "shshshsh- less talking, more chewing..now, open wide~" rolling your eyes, you gave in to your boyfriend babying you. when do you end up feeling better, he will be accpeting thank you's<3 aaaaand maybe even a kiss or more on the lips😚
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littlemissaddict · 1 year
No point or plot to this, it's just a silly little idea that my brain would not let me let go of. Shy!Reader falls asleep on the couch and her shirt rides up exposing her ass and Eddie makes sure to cover her up before company arrives.
Word Count: 1148
Eddie let himself into their shared apartment, closely followed by Steve, or he was until he spotted her lying on the couch. It seemed she had fallen asleep in front of the tv watching a long since finished video if the static screen was anything to go by.
"Hey, wait here a second, okay" Eddie spoke, sticking his left arm backwards and stopping Steve in his tracks. Steve gave him a confused look but complied with Eddie's request instead watching him venture further into the apartment albeit a little more quietly this time.
He crossed the room in a few long strides over to her now seeing fully what he'd only glimpsed from the doorway. Her oversized shirt had ridden up her back while she'd slept, leaving her ass exposed to the room as god knows the tiny panties she had on did little to cover her. It was also the reason he'd stopped Steve before he'd crossed the threshold knowing how embarrassed she'd be if she knew anyone other than Eddie had seen her like that because even though he'd managed to get her to admit that nudity wasn't as bad as she'd been made to believe, she still had a hard time with anyone seeing her bare including Eddie occasionally. Reaching for the blanket she always kept over the arm of the couch, mainly because she always seemed to be cold, he laid it over her body to cover her and her modesty before Steve's voice pulled him back to the present.
"Hey man everything good"
"Yeah, yeah you can come in now" he encouraged, crouching beside her and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, smiling when she sighed softly in her sleep. After he straightened back up, he turned to find a bemused looking Steve who looked as if he was going to tease Eddie. "Don't even think about it, I'm just being a good boyfriend and making sure shits not on display that's for my eyes only" he scolds ushering Steve out of the main room and into the spare bedroom that was used instead as their own mini library/recording studio/games room and general storage room for all their belongs that didn't fit anywhere else in the apartment. It wasn’t ideal but it meant that they wouldn't wake the sleeping girl on the couch because Eddie thought she'd been overworking herself lately and was glad she was getting some rest which she clearly needed.
When she awoke, she could hear the muffled voices from elsewhere in the apartment and when she tried to move she felt her legs tangled in fabric. Body still heavy with sleep she reached down clumsily to find the blanket dropped over her lower body. Funny, she thought, she didn't remember pulling that over her and then she realised the tv was now off but that was definitely on, she vividly remembers that Ferris Bueller's Day Off was playing on the now black screen, which means only one thing - Eddie was home.
She mumbles his name as she fumbles with the blanket, finally freeing herself from it and she stands, feeling the shirt fall to her mid thighs as it now registers to her that the muffled voices she can hear belong to Eddie and Steve. Padding her way across the room to the closed door where the voices are coming from, she screws her eyes shut as the brightness of the overhead light hits her eyes especially as it's much brighter than the lamp light in the room she's come from. She says his name again as she rubs her eyes, willing them to adjust to the light quicker than they are.
The voices stop as both boys turn to look at her in the doorway and Eddie smiles, opening his arms towards her as he speaks, "there she is, my sleeping beauty" she lets him wrap her up in a hug as he pulls her into his lap and her head drops to rest on his shoulder.
"How long was I out" she asks, voice quiet and still groggy from sleep.
"Well we've been here, what an hour or so?" He asks, double checking with Steve who confirms Eddie's statement, "and you were flat out then so a while I'd say" he finishes and she nods against his neck as she feels his warm hands pulling the shirt down her thighs, covering the skin where it had ridden up once again, this time from when she'd sat down.
"And you covered me up?" She asked, even though she knew the answer was more than likely going to be a yes and while she was expecting the answer to be from him, Steve answered for him.
"He sure did, had me wait in the hall until he was sure you were decent" Steve nodded, even though she couldn't see it from where her face was still buried in Eddie's neck as she still hadn't adjusted to the brightness of the lights fully.
"Thank you" she mumbled, voice muffled and Eddie felt her words more than heard but he understood anyway.
"Anything for you princess" he reassured, his voice soft as it always was for her as he brought a hand up to brush through her hair, sharing a moment together almost as if they'd forgotten Steve was there. "We didn't wake you did we?" He asked, worried for a second that they had disturbed her much needed sleep.
"Nope, m'hungry is all" she replied with a shake of her head and then as if on cue her stomach rumbled.
"Yeah it seems it, how does pizza sound?" He laughed and she nodded her head eagerly. "Steve?" Eddie inquired, confirming that he hadn't forgotten about him but as he looked over at the other boy he found him glancing at his watch.
"It's getting late, I should be heading out" he said with a shake of his head as he looked up from the watch, "another time though" he added and Eddie nodded in understanding.
"You sure, you can stay" she spoke, a pout on her lips as she finally lifted her head out from the crook of Eddie's neck now that she was a little more accustomed to the light. Steve only nodded in response, a small reassuring smile on his face.
Her focus was pulled away from Steve when Eddie's hands tapped against her thighs, "come on then sweet thing, let's see Steve out and then we'll order pizza" he encouraged, waiting for her to stand before the two boys followed, saying their goodnights before he left which left the two of them alone.
"You want your usual" Eddie laughed as her stomach growled again and she nodded, settling herself on the couch again with the blanket while she waited as Eddie placed their order, hoping that she didn't fall asleep again before it arrived.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
reader has a breakdown ab something and mark is there
This was a little longer than intended
It’s their fourth year, and normalcy is starting to work its way back into the little family.
Philippe has moved on with his crush, realizing that Mom is happy with Mark and that maybe they were just meant to stay friends. He’s happy for Mom and Mark and had really matured in the past few months. The co-parents were back to being best friends once again, her moving in with Mark after dating for a few months helped relieve the strain that had been put on their friendship.
Philippe had let one of the sophomore’s girlfriends set him up with a girl who was seemingly super sweet, Jess was in her third year and was really good to Phil, she was super understanding of his situation and was extremely patient with him, even when it seemed like he was being the most shit boyfriend in the world.
She was perfect, in every aspect, except for the fact that she hated one of the most important individuals in his life. The woman wasn’t sure if it was because Jess saw her as a threat or if it was just because she hated the relationship that the two shared, but she knew that Phil’s girlfriend wanted nothing to do with her. So she held her tongue, she knew that this relationship was important to him, and he was accepting of her and Mark so she let the comments and stares roll off her back.
On the other hand, Mark hated listening to this girl make comments about his girlfriend’s parenting, her relationships, and other big things that the girl was insecure about. It was hard because he knew that she wanted to stay quiet, hoping that the tension between them would die off once she was no longer deemed a threat.
It all went to shit at the first hockey party of the year, the now Juniors decided to hold the first party of the year, meaning Mark, Ethan, and Dylan had accumulated as much beer as possible and were ready for a rager.
“Phil it’s no problem really,” she said trying to convince him to go out, “I heard Jess was going, go be with your girlfriend” She smiled as he rolled his eyes and sunk deeper into the couch cushion, his year-old daughter squished against his chest. “Y’know its okay for you to go out and have fun too” he deadpanned, “besides it’s my weekend with our daughter so I’m gonna sit here watch Disney movies and go to sleep at a reasonable time,” he said motioning to the paused movie on the screen, his new favourite ‘Tangled.’
“Boo you’re no fun” “I’m no fun? You need to go out and get sloppy drunk with your boyfriend, you’ve earned it!” He exclaimed and pointed towards the front door.
And that’s what led to now, the first real-time she’s been out and socialized since she had Florence.
“I forgot how good I was at beer pong” She smiled and turned to Luca whose jaw dropped, she had sunk the pong ball in 5 different cups on her first round. “Drink” she reminded the stunned boys with a smile, Gavin and Seamus who stood on the other side of the long table widened their eyes they took turns drinking the cups she had knocked off the table. “I like this version of you” Luca grinned as he high-fived her. “This feels like frosh year all over again,” she said as she watched both Seamus and Gavin throw the balls and miss the cups.
“Hey, Jess” Seamus greeted as she maneuvered her way around the kitchen, her friends just behind her as she searched the house for someone. She stopped and smiled at the two sophomores, “Oh hey boys, have you guys seen Phil?” “He not here, he’s at home with Flo” Gavin smiled and nodded over to the woman who stood at the other end of the table with a soft smile on her lips, awkward tension filling her chest.
“Why are you here?” Jess’ brows furrowed as she fully came to a stop and turned her whole body to the group. “I live here?” She said confused looking at the boys whom all shrugged at the weird feeling in the air.
She smiled innocently before ushering for her friends to continue looking for the rest of their group, “Shouldn’t you be the one with Flo, you are her mother?”  “Philippe is with her, trust me she’s in good hands” she joked as the boys all smiled, everyone quietly praying that this interaction would end soon and put them all out of their misery. Jess smiled sweetly once more, “I’m just saying, you do put a lot of pressure on him, you think you’d at least let him go out with his friends once in a while” Luca’s jaw dropped and looked over to the girl standing next to him whose eyes just glossed over with tears, “Thank you for the suggestion Jess, really, I’ll take it into account next time I decide to put my needs over his and my daughters” her tone wavering between venomous and tearful as Jess nodded and walked away.
A laugh left the girl’s mouth as she shook her head, “I can’t believe she just said that to me” she said with a soft but shocked tone before excusing herself to go upstairs to her and Mark’s room.
Mark knocked gently on the door and opened it to see her sitting on the edge of her bed, changed into her pyjamas, looking up at Mark with smudged makeup under her eyes, “I can’t do a single thing for myself without feeling like I’m being judged for it” she said quietly as he sat next to her, his arms wrapped around her shoulders to pull her closer, “I feel like such a bad mom all the time lately.” “You’re allowed to have a life, I know you feel like you can’t, but you are allowed to have fun,” he said lowly as she nodded into his frame, her hands gently making their way around his torso as she hugs him, “and trust me there is no better mother out there, Flo is so lucky to have you as her mom, you cherish that little girl more than life itself”.
“Is there anything I can do to make it feel better?” He whispers, his fingers drawing circles on her back as she pulled away with a serious look on her face.
“Have you drank anything tonight?” He shook his head, “No, not yet” She smiled and placed a short kiss on his lips “Grab your keys, we need to go see Flo” She smiled and grabbed him by the hand to pull him to his feet.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Don’t even get me started on fairies 💀 like have you seen the folklore? Just stealing people for eternity into their realm, screaming in front of their houses, tricking them, drugging them, hypnotizing, treating their lovers like dolls, completely unaware of human sensibilities/limitations so they could force you to dance for an entire night non-stop and find it funny when you’re fainting from exhaustion, I could keep going.
I’d place them above werewolves in the “how fucked would you to have them as a yandere” but definitely not above vampires. They have some similar abilities but I’ll still say fairies are less dangerous when compared to vampires because:
1) No blood-sucking (although that is debatable lmao)
2) Seemingly limited to their natural habitat based on folklore, aka fairy realms/forests, rural or isolated areas. You probably won’t have fairies following you if you leave the country and their powers will likely lose effect.
3) Very oblivious to the human world!
Though if you’re on their territory or anywhere accessible to them and they get a hold of you you’ll definitely have a hard time escaping.
I DUNNO MAN, I think in terms of "how powerful are these creatures usually depicted in media" fairies and the fae and whatnot are like literally probably the WORST, besides outright literal demons and gods, because not only are they often depicted as powerful magic users but they're usually described as psychotic little freaks who dont even bother developing or caring for a concept of humans or human emotions or time? You're just a young woman attending your first harvest festival since coming of age and the nice man you danced with for a few minutes breaks into your home and snatches you away to a magical realm because he liked your eyes and when you finally convince him "just let me go home, if even just for a visit" you go back and it's been like 300 years and all your friends and family are dead and your little cottage is an IKEA now
You get offered a drink by a cute funny little man in the woods and you're both drunk and giggling and sharing stories and even though he's really nice it's getting late and you go to leave and he stands upright suddenly two feet taller than before and growing horns like as a stag adorned with lichen and honeybees as he's all " well actually sharing that drink was a ritual and we're like married now? So imma need you to come home to the fae kingdom with me"
You lend aid to an old man struggling to load his oxen cart and he shape-shifts into some bishounen 30yo pretty boy lookin shit with golden hair down to his ankles, "AND AS MY THANKS FOR THIS DEED, I SHALL TAKE YOU AS A MATE, KIND MORTAL" like calm down bro I basically just helped you load a moving van like what is this entrapment going on here?
God there was a writer on here who eventually deactivated that was writing some real god tier yandere fae king stuff and like i think one thing they wrote was the Reader kept having recurring dreams of getting really freaky and nasty and having fun with this guy and being at these weird fancy little balls/parties and it turns out yeah uh he was actually just really legitimately bringing you to the fae realm in your sleep and you actually were legitimately getting fucked on a throne by a full room of faeriefolk while drinking sweet berry wine that made your head empty"
Like absolutely not, you get a fae after your ass and you might as well be being chased by an evil wizard or fucking demon 💀 sure it could be fun, but the potential to be absolutely horrifying is ever present
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iammistressofmyfate · 2 years
Oh ho, let's see how we do lol Thanks for the tag @kelliealtogether
Rules: Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or a few), and share it! Then tag people!
Teaghlach - “There you are,” Adam whispered, sliding a hand over Ronan’s back, fitting it around him. Ronan’s heart felt too full and he didn’t think he could talk, because then he’d just start crying. Adam rested his head against Ronan’s shoulder and they watched Aoife sleeping together. Ronan slid his hand over Adam’s where it rested on the crib and Adam tangled their fingers. They eventually left the nursery, turning off the light, and went across the hall to their bedroom. 
Blue & the Raven Boys - Adam woke up the next morning to the slow realization that someone was curled around him in his bed. It took him a second to register that said someone was Ronan Lynch . Ronan was warm against him, his breath ghosting over the back of Adam’s neck, making Adam shiver. He was afraid to move, not wanting to disturb Ronan, but also wanting to know what Ronan looked like while he slept. 
I had sex with Ronan Lynch last night. 
Ronan Lynch is sleeping in my bed. 
Adam very gingerly rolled over so as not to wake his bedmate. He settled under Ronan’s arm, staring in awe at the sleeping man beside him. 
Lace - “What?” he asked, chuckling. Ronan could only blink, his eyes roaming from the top of Adam’s head to the tips of his toes. Ronan swallowed. 
“What? Are you…? Is that…?”
Ronan stared, mouth hanging open. 
“Is this a dream? Am I dreaming right now?”
Adam laughed softly. 
“I can assure you, this is reality.”
He made a sultry little move that Ronan wasn’t expecting, that he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Adam do before, the robe falling enticingly off of one shoulder. 
Sweet Nothing - Adam turned at the shout, spotting Ronan in the field. He waved and Ronan was sure Adam was smiling as he started racing down from the drive to the field toward Ronan. Ronan laughed, bracing for impact as Adam pelted down the field, launching himself right into Ronan’s arms. Their bodies slammed together and Ronan nearly lost his footing as Adam’s legs went around his waist. Ronan held Adam tight, tight, tight . He was warm and solid in his arms, finally back from his drive to community college and done with his classes for the week. Ronan had him to himself all weekend. He closed his eyes, feeling Adam tuck his face against Ronan’s cheek. 
Adorably Pathetic - “You’re the dumbest smart person I know,” he said. “You don’t have to suffer in silence or do this alone. You look like shit and I doubt you’re going to take care of yourself the way you need to. You’re gonna be right back here tomorrow, with a fever, working, and you’re just gonna make it worse.” 
Ronan wasn’t exactly wrong and this just made Adam angrier. 
He opened his mouth but Ronan cut in with, “let me do this, Adam.” 
The way he said it, soft and gentle, caught Adam off guard. He still wasn’t used to that. To seeing this tender part of Ronan. It did weird things to his heart. 
“I’m your boyfriend. That’s what boyfriends do, right? Take care of each other and shit?”
Sweetmetal Sea - They were an amalgamation of one another, spiraled around and through one another. Feeling everything. Knowing everything.  I still want you. I still love you.  Always. Always. Always.  I’m sorry. It’s okay. An image passed between them, a combination of a memory and a desire. Adam cupping Ronan’s face in his hands, pulling him close. He pressed his cheek to Ronan’s and closed his eyes. They held each other like this, in the mix of memories and wanting, before turning to one another. Memories flickered, one after another, like flipping through a picture book, of every kiss they had ever shared. 
Wide & Infinite - Adam seemed excited. Ronan liked that he was excited. Since Harvard, after transferring schools twice, Adam had finally seemed to settle. He had school, he had Ronan, he had magic. He smiled more. Laughed more. The unhappy, pensive line of his mouth seemed to ease. His brows unfurrowed. His shoulders relaxed. And Ronan had Adam. Ronan knew he would have Adam forever. He knew Adam wanted him forever, too. It wasn’t something that they had actually said to one another. It was just something they knew. 
Art Imitates Life - “Do you care if I post this?” he asked, turning his phone so Ronan could see the picture. It was of him, from the Teeling Distillery. He had a dram of whiskey in one hand and was making a funny face at Adam as he took the picture. 
“Sure,” Ronan chuckled, shrugging. 
Adam looked pleased and Ronan watched him as he held his phone, moving things with his finger, typing. 
“Here. For your approval. I’ll tag you in it.”
Ronan looked at the picture. Adam hadn’t altered it at all besides cropping it a little and the caption read: Ireland trip is off to a great start 💖
Ronan handed the phone back to Adam. 
“Sounds good. Approved.”
Higher Than Soul Can Hope - Adam did not let himself want. He did not allow himself to desire. He took what he wanted and kicked it down the road. If there was something that he wanted, then he had to plan for it, work for it, deny himself of it so he could invest for it later. But this was different. This was Ronan. Adam would want Ronan no matter what and there was no way to plan for that. Wanting Ronan was constant. Never ending. Insatiable. Loving him was all-consuming. It was the only thing that Adam had allowed himself to have in the now. There were risks that came with that. Unpredictability. 
This New and Fragile Thing - He wanted to hold Adam in his arms, feel the comfort of his weight and warmth, and know that he would be there when Ronan woke up in the morning. Contrary to popular belief, Ronan was a romantic. He would never, in a million years, under pain of death, admit this. But it was true. He knew that Adam was his person. True love. Soulmate. Godsent. Kismet. There would never be anyone else for Ronan. Adam, with his lovely hands and pretty eyes and secret smiles that only Ronan got to see. Ronan loved him with the intensity of a thousand burning suns. 
Tagging: @mens-frights-activist, @unknowablecore, @itwasabout and anyone else who's interested! No pressure if you're tagged!
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neon-danger · 1 year
Tours over and they all went back to their respective homes and Jack can’t seem to be getting any sleep
Do y’all have insomnia or have y’all just realized that I do all my best work after midnight
Something’s Up With Jack
Jet lag is a bitch, so Jack doesn’t think much of it at first.
Until it’s night three and he’s gotten maybe four hours of sleep in the last 72 hours.
It’s not his fault he and Alex had been uh,,, close,,, this last tour. Alex probably isn’t even the reason Jack can’t sleep. Sure, it’s been months of sharing a mattress, but that doesn’t mean anything,
Besides, Alex is back in his own home, sleeping just fine.
Jack will just have to power through until his brain resets. Except, when it finally does, he’s having,,,, dreams,,,,
They’re not even, like, dirty. Alex is just there. It’s pretty boring if you ask Jack. So boring, I’m fact, that Jack is now purposely avoiding sleep, which has the entire rest of the band worried.
Apparently, people can start to hallucinate if they don’t sleep for too long. Who knew!
So, yeah, um, that’s how Jack ended up calling Alex, terrified because the shadow demon was going to kill him or something? Alex only caught half of what Jack was saying because he was talking so fast.
Clearly something’s seriously wrong, which is why Alex is on a plane to LA without much of a second thought.
Jack must’ve missed his text though, because he’s completely convinced Alex isn’t actually there and he’s just hallucinating again.
Alex isn’t very impressed by this, but he’s pretty sure trying to convince Jack would be a waste of time. This guy needs to go to bed.
“Alright, fine, I’m not real,” Alex lies. “But let’s pretend for a second that maybe I am.”
Jack eyes him incredulously, the dark circles underneath are more prominent in person compared to when they’d been on FaceTime just a few nights ago. “Why?”
“Because if I was real, I probably have a very good reason for being here, and I think the reason is to make sure you go to sleep.”
For some reason, Jack laughs. Alex doesn’t think the situation is very funny, but maybe he’s missed something. Apparently, it’s a very big something.
“Not gonna happen,” Jack mutters, brushing off his so-called ‘hallucination’ and heading for the kitchen. He pulls a mug out of one of the cabinets and turns on the coffee machine, ignoring Alex when he sits down on the counter.
“Talk to me,” Alex tries instead. “There’s gotta be a reason you’re not sleeping.”
Seriously, what is so funny? Can’t Jack take him seriously for two seconds?
“Shouldn’t you know already? Jack doesn’t look up from his task. “You’re a figment of my imagination.”
“Enlighten me.”
Rolling his eyes, Jack makes his way to the fridge. The milk is spoiled. Shit, what day is it? Jack must’ve gone to the grocery store since he got back from the tour. He hasn’t left dairy products in his fridge during a tour since he moved out of his parents’ house.
“It’s because of the dreams, duh.” He pours the remnants of the sour milk into the sink, and tries not to gag at the smell.
Okay, maybe Alex’s Sure-I’m-Not-Real plan isn’t working as well as he’d hoped. In Alex’s defense, he’s never been in this situation before. He asks about the dreams.
“Look, if I go to sleep, I have dreams with you in them, and then I have to, like, think about shit, and I don’t want to, so I’m not going to sleep.”
That definitely shuts Alex up.
This last tour had been pretty,,, intimate,,, Alex definitely left with some,,, feelings,,,
Leave it to Jack to ignore his own.
“Alright,” Alex starts, jumping down from his seat on the counter. “We’re go to bed.”
Jack raises an eyebrow. “We?”
Alex nods, grabbing him by the wrist. “Yep. It’ll be great. Best sleep you’ve ever had.”
Reluctantly, Jack lets Alex drag him down the hall to his own room, which is weird because how could a hallucination touch him?
He doesn’t protest (much) when Alex pulls him into bed, snuggling up next to Jack in a way that feels a little more than friendly.
“Go to sleep,” Alex says, though it’s clear he has no intention of doing the same.
“You’re not actually a figment of my imagination, are you.” It’s not a question.
Alex grins. “You catch on pretty quick for an idiot.” His expression softens as he reaches for Jack’s hand. “Please go to sleep?” He tries instead. “The sooner you’re well rested, the sooner we can talk about shit. Then you don’t have to think about it anymore.”
Yes. Definitely not nerve wracking at all. No pressure or anything.
Too bad Jack’s way too fucking tired to protest, or have any sort of argument. He’s passed out cold before Alex even has to ask again.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
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Like, comment, share, and come talk if you enjoyed the fic.
I write for free - so if you would like to support my work, you can donate here.
Harry is predictable.
He falls into the same patterns during every tour since he was on the Up All Night with One Direction.
The excitement that comes with the first couple of shows begins to fade as he starts his world wide tour that doesn’t end for nearly eight months.
His constant adrenaline wears off and his exhaustion from not having toured in two years settles deep in his bones.
YN senses it from a mile away, has nearly eleven years experience dealing with her jet-lagged, exhausted, and stubborn husband.
It hits the day of the Philadelphia show, they got in late the night before, and YN always set her alarm for seven thirty in the morning to workout.
Ninety-five percent of the time, Harry got up with her and they either did a jog around the new city or they took advantage of the in-hotel gym.
Four percent of the time, he would whine and tug the comforter over his head, whimpering, “M’too tired, baby. Stay in bed w’me.”
And then the one percent, which was today.
The alarm emits a low, constant beep that rouses YN, in the time she takes to rub her eye and come back into reality - Harry hisses with a sharp edge, “Turn tha’ fuckin’ thing off.”
She bites her tongue at his tone, reaching to turn it off but she can already tell what day they’re going to have.
YN slips out from under the covers and automatically gets a comment from her husband, it another whiney demand, “Cover m’feet, y’too the blanket off them.”
“Yes, your majesty,” YN replies reproachfully, rearranging the blankets before quietly moving around the room to change.
“Stop makin’ so much noise.”
“Turn off tha’ light.”
“S’too early f’this, d’you not care that m’tired?”
She chooses to ignore the remarks, hoping that he can sleep off the attitude.
When YN is about to leave, he grumbles, “Y’need to kiss me goodbye.”
Harry purses his lips for a soft kiss, not moving a muscle, and after that - she leaves to head down to the gym.
YN is required a body guard, definitely when she isn’t with Harry or a group of people, and she decided not to follow those rules today.
She had her TPWK water bottle in hand, a cute workout set on ***, and her AirPods tucked in her ear with some Spice Girls playing.
It’s only about twenty minutes into her exercise, a light jog on the treadmill, that a young girl slips up beside the machine.
YN is kind, stopping the belt to smile for a selfie before the girl scampers off and she resumes her run - music blasting.
However, what YN didn’t know, is that fans had found out early in the morning which hotel they where at and a hoard was rushing towards the small gym.
It’s not even ten minutes later when a swarm of fans in rushing into the work area, lining up around her machine with their phones flashing and recording.
She tries to be nice, “Hey! Uh, I’m just trying to workout. I’m sorry, but no pictures please.”
Then there is loud protest and people shoving each other, begging and pleading for a selfie or for her to sign something - all because she was Harry’s wife.
There is literally no exit to escape to, so she relents and anxiously calls Frank - one of the body guards - to come retrieve her.
The whole way back up to her hotel room, Frank is lecturing her about safety and how she could have gotten hurt.
And when he scans the keycard for her hotel room, she feels her stomach drop because Harry is sat against the kitchen counter.
His brown locks are rumpled and going every which way, just in his briefs that are low on his narrow hips, and absolutely irate expression on his face.
“Are y’fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” Harry snaps, brow furrowed and jaw clenched - his arms were crossed tightly against his chest.
“Good morning to you, sunshine,” YN mutters, shutting the door and kicking off her tennis shoes to the side.
“Don’t,” Harry replies sourly, “Please explain t’me why I get woken up by Frank to be told y’getting mobbed in the gym? And y’didn’t to call him.”
YN bristles at his tone, giving him a pointed look as she steps further into the room, “It’s not a big deal. I just wasn’t thinking.”
“Y’right about that, y’weren’t thinkin’. It is a big deal, y’could have gotten hurt - shouldn’t have t’babysit m’own wife,” Harry huffs, stomping back over to the bed and sliding back under the covers.
“You better watch your tone-“
They’re interrupted with a knock to their door, Harry throws the covers over his head and leaves YN to open the door.
It’s Jeff, who barges in with a coffee in one hand, “Come on, H. Did you forget? You have soundcheck early today and then you have to meet with FullStop to review the details of that new merchandise contract.”
“No, move it,” The popstar groans, muffled from the heavy blankets over him, and his manager and wife give each other a knowing look.
“We can’t. Get up, we need to leave in fifteen,” Jeff replies casually, unbothered as he sips from his to-go mug.
It has Harry dramatically ripping off the covers and getting out of bed, as he charges off towards the bathroom, he shouts backwards, “Wish someone would have fuckin’ told me! Like m’manager or m’wife!”
“Oh my god, here we go,” YN groans quietly to Jeff, snatching up the few things she needs for the venue as well as Harry’s and shoving them in his duffle.
He comes out a few moments later, dressed in running shorts and a vintage Queen shirt - going to tug on his Nikes without a word to either.
But in true Harry fashion, even when he’s mad, he’s still a gentleman. He slips the duffle off his wife’s shoulder so she doesn’t have to carry it.
“Thank you,” She murmurs but he avoids eye contact, being the first to open the hotel room and trudge towards the awaiting car.
It’s a quiet ride, Harry looks out the window with a deep frown and puffy eyes - eyes heavy from the lack of sleep.
Usually, he’d be curled into YN - snuggling as close as possible and asking for her to pet his hair to soothe him.
Not today. But he does have his hand on her thigh.
There’s already fans at the arena and Harry doesn’t acknowledge them - keeps his head down and walks quickly into the private entrance past the barricades.
When a irritated fan screams, “Asshole! We waited all night here for you!”
YN watches as Harry goes to turn, to say something but she pushes him forward through the door to prevent him from doing something he’d regret when wasn’t in a foul mood.
They manage through the long hallways, filled with bustling tour crew, and everybody there to make the show happen.
Sound check isn’t as fun as it usually is, the band stays low-key when Harry does exactly what he needs to do and nothing more.
And after the merch meeting, Harry has reached his limit apparently.
He was so tired, so fucking moody that he couldn’t deal with anymore human interaction.
YN has to step in when she gets a text from Harry Lambert.
Come get your husband. Sarah’s Kitchen.
She sighs, excusing herself from hanging out with Jeff and Glenne - she can hear him from the hallway and now she’s finally get irritated.
“I asked for that specific brand. It’s literally one of the only things I’ve asked for on this tour.”
YN takes a deep breathe before stepping in, there are crew trying not to stare as Harry complains to Sarah about something unimportant.
“Harry,” She says flatly, “Come on.”
He snatches his water bottle and follows his wife out without another word, trailing behind until they end up in his dressing room.
“You need to stop. You’re being a literal nightmare today,” YN tells him, watching him as he digs in the duffle.
“Where is m’charger? Did y’not pack it?” He ignores her words.
“I must have forgot. Harry, I know you’re tired but you can’t be treating everyone like-“
Harry pushes back the bag, seething for no reason, “I’ll treat people however the fuck I want!”
“You’re acting like a spoiled popstar right now,” YN replies, attempting to stay level-headed and calm with him.
“S’my show! M’tour!”
“Yes and everyone is here to support you and you’re treating them like shit. Including me, I’m your wife - the one person in the world that’s here for you no matter what and you’re being downright mean.”
“Y’so fuckin’ sensitive,” Harry mutters angrily, digging around to try to find a charger in a different bag.
And…that stung a bit.
When he doesn’t get a response, he looks up and notices how her demeanor had changed - it brings him back to reality for a little bit.
“I’m not going to stay here and be talked to like that because you don’t feel good. I’ll leave you alone because you are being insufferable.”
YN is already out the door, storming back to Sarah’s kitchen to apologize for her husband’s diva behavior and everyone shrugs her off - knowing it’s not her fault.
She is sat down with the band and a few others when her husband saunters in, he doesn’t look at anyone else as he walks up to his wife.
“Baby, can I talk to you?” He mumbles, his warm hand coming to cup her shoulder.
“Harry,” YN says back, they’ve been together for so long that those words are all she needs to say for him to formulate a response.
“Come nap w’me please, need you. I’ll apologize t’you,” Harry says, his palm encompassing and big on her.
“Harry,” She repeats.
The crew looks on in amusement as Harry huffs, he lifts his head and speaks loudly to the room at once, “I apologize for my behavior. I have no excuse for getting upset like I have been today. I hope you guys can forgive me.”
Everyone assures him that they forgive him, most of them have dealt with actual spoiled celebrities and Harry was just having a bad day (which still really wasn’t that bad.)
“Okay, come on, bunny,” YN agrees, satisfied and can’t help but smile a bit when she stands up and Harry automatically intertwines their fingers to hold her hand.
The sofa in his dressing room folds out to be a bed and they still had hours before the show.
Once they’ve locked the doo and settled down on the mattress - they’re both laying on their sides, facing each other.
“M’sorry, darlin’,” Harry whispers, “I haven’t been very nice t’you today. I was just upset about the gym thing and just being so tired.”
YN hums, combing throwing his fluffy curls with her fingers as his hands explore over her hips and belly like always.
“You always get like this every once in a while on tour, like a little spoiled popstar,” YN says softly, no sharpness in her tone, “You also need to be nice to your wife.”
“M’always nice t’my wife,” He mumbles childishly, leaning forward to nip at her chin, “I am sorry, know tha’ when I act like that it embarrasses you.”
“You’re better than acting like that,” YN reminds him, allowing him to tug her into his warm, now bare chest, “I’m never gonna let you turn into some fame monster. You’re gonna stay the kind, funny, compassionate person I met when I was young.”
And when YN doesn’t get a reply, she glances to see Harry’s eyes shut, mouth slightly parted as he breathes rhythmically and his entire face relaxes as he sleeps.
“Still my boy,” YN murmurs lovingly, nuzzling before letting sleep overtake her.
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thatoneidiotdts · 3 years
Sleeping (+morning routine) headcanons for some genshin boys
A/n: hello ladies and gentlemen I'm happy to announce that I may be back now that my life has decided to stop throwing endless shit at me. Now I also write for genshin so feel free to send asks in my inbox!!
Warnings: nightmares for xiao, favoritism in diluc's part, purposeful misspelling and slander in C*ilde's part,overall tooth rotting fluff
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Zhong li
Sleeps like a rock (pun intended)
This man will not wake up unless there is an emergency
No matter how much noise you make or whatever is going on around him he'll stay there laying in bed completely silent
His breathing is so quiet you think he's dead half the time if not for his endless sleep talking
And you can actually have full on conversations with him while he's asleep
Also he sleeps in a solider position which leaves you to cling on him like a koala on a big ass tree
Sleeps in really soft bamboo pyjamas that you bought for him
Zhong li will only wake up at exactly 7:30 am no matter if it's a week day or a weekend/ his day off
He also doesn't stay in bed for more than 10 minutes unless as stated before its his day off and you aren't awake yet
The man will stay there taking in the sunshine rays from the window as he's looking at your peaceful face
After an hour or two hell rub your back and gently wake you up with forehead kisses while softly calling your name
When you finally wake up you usually start with the morning hygiene and whatnot
Also he will ask you if you want to take a morning bath together but absolutely respects you decision if you won't and you don't need to even give him a reason you declined in the first place but will make sure you know he loves you no matter what
After that he will sit down with you and drink tea and have breakfast with you for the next two hours
It's the only reason he wakes up so early
After that he goes to do his usual shift at the wangsheng funeral parlor
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Menace to society
He either sleeps sprawled out in a starfish position with his arm and leg over your body or in a fetal position with his face buried in your breasts/chest
He usually sleeps in your clothes or in his everyday clothes
His little snores are super cute tho
Venti's snoring isn't super loud, it's actually really quiet but still there
Since he's a bard he stays at the Angel's share until it closes which is usually very late into the night so he sleeps until like 2pm
He isn't a heavy sleeper so you usually accidentally wake him up if you have some errands to run early in the morning
Venti will cling to you and pretend that he's asleep so that you can stay in bed with him
After like 20 minutes of this he finally let's you go and makes you promise him that you'll be back quickly
When you returned to your shared house from doing commissions you found him still sleeping in the bed so you quietly took a shower and snuggled in with him for another hour or two
After he finally wakes up for real this time he has breakfast lunch with you and goes off to Angel's share but not before giving you a thousand kisses
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He's sleep schedule is ON POINT
He always gets back from Angel's share at exactly 1:00am, showers, eats and does his skin care routine and gets in bed around 1:30am
He also wakes up at exactly 9am but stays in bed until ten
He trashes through the night, he also talks in his sleep but it really weird and it's mostly things that are in English but you can't understand them at all
Kaeya is also a blanket snatcher and will snatch your blanket if you aren't holding it tightly
I feel like he also sleeps with socks on but has a few special pairs of socks that have some cute patterns that he would rather be caught working with the fatui by his own brother than wear them outside once
Also sleeps in silk pyjamas, doesn't care if the cotton ones are easier to breathe through, he likes the feeling of silk on his skin
Kaeya loves his personal space and he doesn't like to be touched while he sleeps but makes up for it when he's awake but still in bed
The only exception is when it's cold outside, I headcannon he's naturally cold and he doesn't like it at all
His morning routine is 90% of him taking care of his face and showering
His skincare routine is also more expensive than some people's houses so don't touch his products plz
Kaeya will gladly teach you the basics of skin care and will buy you your own products that thinks will suit your skin better
He's also almost late to work every day so every day you see him put on his shoes calmly, take in a deep breath and then he kisses you goodbye and runs off like a mad man in order to get to the headquarters on time
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He has so much unprocessed trauma I would be surprised is sleep schedule is anything but a mess
Diluc doesn't sleep a lot, he would have a normal sleep schedule but since he has a lot of stuff to do all the time it stops him from sleeping property
Not only does he work as a bartender at Angel's share when Charles can't he also works as the Mondstat's one and only Dark Night Hero
He usually comes home around 4 or 5 am and will only sleep until like 8 and you will have to force him to have a nap in the afternoon
Also he sleeps in his everyday clothing and he's sometimes too tired to even take his coat off
Diluc sleeps on his stomach which causes him to have back and neck problems but it's the only way he can actually fall asleep
He's a really light sleeper which also adds up to his sleeping problem
Also he snores loudly, like really loudly, and he only snores at night for some weird reason
You discovered that because one day you accidentally woke up at like 6 am and you couldn't fall back asleep because of his loud snoring but you didn't dare to move since you knew how little rest he gets
He's not a morning person at all, if he didn't hate alcohol, he would be the person that chugs half a bottle of vodka in the morning just to keep him awake
Diluc usually starts his morning off with some personal hygiene and then starts doing the endless paperwork without even having breakfast or anything to drink
So out will have to force him to eat and drink so that he doesn't pass out from work
On the rare days he doesn't have any work to do he usually sleeps them off to make up for the time he didn't sleep
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Chalk boy over here also has a terrible sleep schedule
He's not really forcing himself to stay up but rather doesn't realize how late it is
You will have to pull him out of his work in order for him to go to sleep
Albedo has a special pair of pyjamas that he wears when he's sleeping and he only wears them because for his last birthday Klee has given him a pair of pyjamas that were originally grey but she hand painted them herself with the help of Jean and Lisa and he's been sleeping in them ever since
And when i say every day I mean every day
But don't worry he hand washes them every two days and takes special care of them in order to not wash of the fabric paint
His snores are also really quiet and quite cute, I recommend commenting on that if you wanna see him blush ^-^
Albedo usually sleeps on his stomach but unlike Diluc he is small enough to not crush you under his weight so he usually sleeps with his head on your stomach or buried in your neck
Pease touch his hair he melts when you do
Albedo can sleep for a looonng time if you don't wake him up so he relies on you to wake him up or else he'll spend the next 16 hours in bed sleeping without a care in the wold
When he wake up he does his usual morning routine, which is usually a quick shower, breakfast, brushing his teeth and his hair out, and then goes off to work
He will absolutely make you have a nap with him in the afternoon or whenever he feels tired
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He doesn't sleep much, hell I don't this man sleeps at all sometimes
Adepti don't really require sleep or food like normal humans do
It took a lot of time for him to trust you enough to sleep besides him
Xiao doesn't feel safe while sleeping at all, he also fears that his karmic dept might take affect on you so he keeps his distance for quite some time
For the first month or two he would wear his normal every day clothes but then you gift him a cute plain green onesie and at first he straight up refused to put 'that thing' on but he gave in and hasn't sleep in anything else since
At first he would be the big spoon so that he can protect you from any harm but when you spooned him for the first time he felt so safe and warm he never wanted to let go of that feeling ever again
After that he would ask you under his breath if you could spoon him more often, you barely understood what he was saying but perfectly understood what he wanted and needed.
He also regularly has nightmares which causes him to trash around and maybe whack you in the face once or twice but you're quick to calm him down
Xiao never really realized that he was hurting you until he gently hugged you and you winced because he accidentally touched the small mark he left the previous night after having another nightmare
Doesn't touch you or sleep with you for a week after that, he already hurt you enough but you don't really care so you coaxed him into sleeping with you again very easily since he missed your warmth a lot
He doesn't really have a morning routine but he does wake up every morning before you so that he can teleport to the Huaguang Stone Forest to pick some Qingxin flowers for you
He's also gets back into your arms right before you wake up so that it seems like he never left in the first place
But you always notice the new fresh bouquet of the beautiful white flower on your desk and thank him for it
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Listen here ok I'mma be real with y'all
Turbulence sleeps exactly one hour less than normal people but makes it seem like he gets like 2 hours of sleep per night
"Ugh I didn't sleep last night at all😩😏" Like bro stfu
He also makes jokes about sleeping so little because he was with you last night or that he was training so hard or doing a mountain of paper work
While you know damn well he was with you entire night sleeping like a baby right by your side
He sleeps naked solely so that one day when a hypothetical intruder gets into your home he can scare them off by yelling at them while being completely naked 💀
But he will put a pair of pyjamas on if you're uncomfortable
He mostly sleeps on his side because he needs to hold something while he's sleeping, if you aren't with him that night he will hug your pillow and sleep like that
Tagliatelle also doesn't like to sleep when in a cold room so he will have one of those water bottles that people use for back pain and will put one in the pillow he's holding and two in the blanket itself
He's totally a morning person and has no problem with getting out of the bed in less than like 10 minutes unless you ask him not to
If he has a day off he won't sleep in that much but he will curl up beside you and 'accidentally' place his head on your boobs/chest
Y'all saying Terrorism is the caring older brother? WRONG he's the forgotten middle child. we ofc know about Tonia, Anthon and Teucer but he also has two older brothers and at least one older sister
I feel like he's the middle child that had to take all the responsibilities when the older three/four moved out
So yeah he can make a damn fine breakfast for you without skipping a beat
But don't let me even start on his personal hygiene
Like shower are fine ok and he baths once a week only because he can but like
I know damn well his back teeth are ROTTING
He only uses mouthwash and brushes the front and bottom part of the teeth so that they look presentable meanwhile his back teeth got their souls sucked out
Moving on from that Tellurium can't really spend the whole morning with you so he will have to leave you late in the morning.
Coffee? :>
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