#it's really not that hard to remember everything they post is either someone else's gif or a screenshot of someone else's gif so
thehusbandoden · 1 year
You Flinch During an Argument -Bakugo Katsuki
I finished this yesterday but forced myself to wait to post it due to my one part a day pattern I've had going on.
Anyways~ as I said in Shoto's part, I did make this one a bit angstier, but I hope I didn't stray too far away from the original prompt :'). It's kinda bittersweet lol but I kinda like it.
Angst to fluff/Comfort | Kinda bittersweet~ | 993 words | female reader
Warnings!: arguing, yelling, being scared of your partner, parents arguing (the kids were not present), kids being left at school (not for very long), caps, excuses, self hatred, and insulting themselves (Bakugo). Please let me know if I miss any <33
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
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You both had been fighting for at least half an hour, screaming at one another for this and that. It started with Bakugo 'forgetting' to pick up your sons from school, and has now escalated into you screaming at him for not 'caring about this family' and his yelling about how hard he works for your family.
No one was totally to blame, both parties had some points that were right, and some that were wrong. But it should have never reached that point.
Blazing anger filled Bakugo as he stepped towards you, planning on simply getting closer to you to somehow try and make you see his side of things. He didn't mean to forget about picking up his kids, he loves his kids, he was simply engrossed in talking about them to his friends as he gamed, totally forgetting about the time and the fact that they were at school, waiting for someone to pick them up.
In truth, Bakugo felt bad. Really bad. But you wouldn't stop, so he continued, his unwavering pride making it near impossible to simply apologize and leave the argument behind.
Storming towards you, Bakugo stopped dead in his tracks as you flinched from him, eyes holding a certain terror. Wait- did you- did you think he was going to hurt you?!
Apologies and 'are you okay's were caught in Bakugo's throat as he opened his mouth, too terrified to speak.
Y/n.. his y/n was scared..of him. HIs y/n- the person that tore him out of his 'I don't care about anything or anyone' stage. She brought him out of his dark pit of self loathing, hating himself for how weak he was, how he couldn't do anything compared to that idiot Deku. She brought light into his world, she is his light. His first and last love, his wife, his center, his other half, his partner, his reason for life, the mother of his children, his one and only lover, his queen, his everything.
And he scared her.
Screamed at her for something that was his fault.
Treated her so badly that she flinched away from him- terror filling her eyes.
Her gorgeous e/c eyes. The same eyes that his sons had inherited. Now he's brought tears to three sets of those goregous eyes. What a scum bag.
Pain seared through Bakguo as he embraced his y/n, knowing if he left now she would entirely break, thinking that he was giving up on her. On their love. When in reality, he would't be. He would never dream of leaving her, or their beautiful children.
Because no matter how much of an a-hole Bakugo may be, he would never stoop that low. Never. And so he held her, and continued to hold her as she tearfully cussed him out, telling him how much she loved him and how much of an a-hole he was for treating her like that, their kids like that.
He just held her, telling her that he was sorry, that he knew, that he would make it up to her -and their seven year old twins- somehow.
And for now, that was enough. His love, and comfort was enough as you clung to him, insulting him while telling him that you loved his idiotic self in the same sentence, telling him that you loved him too much to not be able to forgive him.
And that if he was serious about making things right, that you would help him.
Because you were Bakugo y/n*. You chose to take his name and become his wife. Bakugo has helped you through so many up and downs, so you would do the same for him. Because he truly loved you, and you truly loved him.
*Japanese last names go in front of the first name to pay respect to the family name, and that's why Kirishima and Bakugo's other classmates call him Bakugo instead of Katsuki -to pay respect to his family name-. So you would be (in Japan anyway) Bakugo y/n (if you choose to take his last name) and strangers/aquaintnesses/not so close friends and co-workers would call you Bakugo instead of y/n. Annd due to me not liking Bakugo a whole lot I call him Bakugo or Baka/Bakuhoe instead of Katuski and call Todoroki and Midoriya, Shoto and Izuku- do you get what I'm saying?? I hope you do <33
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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spider-man-199999 · 1 year
No need to hide it
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gif by @userjoel
pairing: college!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader; Post nwh; not too canon
word count: 6K
warnings: underage drinking for USA citizens; mentions of sex
summary: Peter thought no one remembered him after the spell, however you did, but not for the reasons he was afraid you would. Mostly fluff and slow burn romance.
a/n: I'm a sucker for college!Peter, I literally cannot think about anything else. ANY SCIENCE TALK IS A BUNCH OF BS I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT CHEMISTRY OR SCIENCE.
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"Hey, catch!" you heard a male voice from somewhere behind you, making you turn towards the sound. A brown leather football flew throgh the air, landing in your feet. You picked it up, throwing it back to the shirtless man that was jogging in your direction.
"Thanks!!" He said after he caught it, running off back to whoever the other shirtless dude he was playing with was.
"Yeah no problem..." you muttered under your breath, trying to hide how flustered you were.
It was orientation week at Empire State University.
The weather, apparently, was still warm enough to have people running shirtless around campus, and being the shy, awkward geek you were, it was hard not to get embarrassed by any social interaction, let alone one that included both sport and a half-naked man. Overall, orientation week was going well. You checked out a few classes that sparked some interest, went to the library, the gym, even got completely settled in your dorm room. Things were going smoothly, excluding the fact you hadn't really met anyone new. Most of the people in your classes seemed like they already knew at least one person and stuck to them. Since you were not really the type to go out of your way and approach people, it left you walking around campus alone, sitting in class alone and even eating alone. It wasn't all that bad, just lonely. Your roommate hadn't arrived on campus yet either, so everything felt especially odd to you, like you were invisible to everyone. 
Four days in and the long walks between buildings were already annoying. It was so easy to get lost or distracted on the way between buildings. You didn't know the shortcuts yet, so it was always a hazard whether you would make it to class on time. Miraculously you got there early, and gave yourself a mental praise for that. You didn't expect to actually be in a lab on the first day of class, and were glad you got there on time because there were barely enough lab coats for everyone in the room. You really didn't want to be the freak who wasn't wearing one. You scanned the room as you sat down on one of the desks, secretly praying that this class wouldn't require having a lab partner or work in groups because it was going to make you feel even worse. And as you were stalking the people around you, your eyes landed on someone who looked suspiciously familiar. He wasn't terribly tall, curly brown hair, one backpack over his shoulder, flannel shirt over a plain white t-shirt and regular blue jeans. You could recognise Peter Parker from miles away. You've never felt so terrified and so excited at the same time. You finally knew someone in this university and it had to be him of all people. He never told you he was going to ESU. In his defense, you couldn't really recall ever speaking to him. You used to have the biggest crush on him back in high school, but never gathered the courage to actually chat him up, even if it were about homework. He never got assigned as your partner on a project either (no matter how many times you would fantasize about it), so you just graduated one day and accepted the fact it just wasn't meant to be. 
But now you were presented with the perfect opportunity to actually talk to him and decided to take it. Unfortunately, the class started before you could approach him. You tried your best to keep your focus on the professor, but it seemed as if that was not necessary, he was only going over the main goals of the class and what books you would need. You sneakily looked over Peter from time to time, thinking about what would be best to say to him and not make it awkward. 
The class was over in the blink of an eye, which made your heart beat pick up because you no longer had an excuse to not approach him. There was a line forming around the coat hangers, which you thought was going to be the best way to casually start a conversation. You cut the line when you saw Peter hang up his coat, putting yours next to his and smiling at him. He smiled back when the two of you locked eyes. 
"Hey" you said "Peter Parker, right?"
He looked a bit stunned by your question. First, he was starstruck because the prettiest girl he had ever seen came out of nowhere and greeted him and secondly, she knew his name. And that was not supposed to be like this at all. His mind was rushing and calculating how it were possible. Were you a supervillain from an alternate reality trying to expose him? Or did the spell just not work on you? All of the scenarios seemed very bad for him. 
The way he just sat there and said nothing was making you extremely nervous. It did feel like a terrible idea now that you had done it. 
"We used to take Spanish together in high school." you added, your voice shaking slightly from the anxiety. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, I'm really sorr-"
"Wait Spanish?" he finally said, his theories crumbling down when he realized what was actually going on. You were no supervillain, just an old classmate. Yet, he was sure he would have remembered you. 
"I really don't remember..." he continued, feeling his cheek heat up.
"Oh that's fine, we never really... spoke? Like at all, I sat all the way in the back and no one could make me say a word."
He laughed softly at your words. 
"Wanna discuss this over coffee? If you don't have any other classes?"
"I'm free, so yeah, we could grab a coffee"
20 minutes later the two of you were laughing over how ridiculous you looked in the yearbook. Peter was holding your phone and looking at the photo in which you still had braces on, your eyebrows were so badly drawn on because you thought shaping them with a razor the night before was a good idea. It was not, you shaved off so much from one of them you had to fill it in. And since it was your first ever filling eyebrows in, it was very, very bad.  Also, your hair looked like it was made out of dark matter, because you recently had it dyed black, straightened it and accidentally put a bit too much hair oil on it. You were definitely not having a good time back then, but it was a small price to pay to hear Peter laugh so hard. A 4-month accutane treatment to acne and taking your braces off could really make a person change enough. It was a glow up and Peter could really see it now. 
"Okay now that I've seen that, I actually do remember you! You're the girl that got hit in the head with a basketball while tying her shoes on the bench during gym! Somehow you fell back and got under the benches so I had to pull you out."
"Oh no" you whined, hiding your face in your hands to hide how hard you were blushing. And he was right, that really did happen once, and it was that moment that actually started your little crush on him. You were probably 14 when it happened. You fell under the bleachers and felt so embarrassed that you froze on the spot, feeling like crying. People came running towards you, Peter beating them to it, and pulled you out by the hand. He dusted your shirt off and asked if you were alright. To your teenage mind he came in like a knight in shining armor, and it made you fall for him, very hard. 
''Come on, it wasn't that bad!" he said between laughs, giving your phone back. 
"It was bad, like really bad. How can your only memory of me be my worst moment in high school?''
"If that's your worst moment, you were doing good."
You took a sip from your coffee, your finger tracing the rim of the paper cup once you placed it down on the table. You really were regretting not talking to him in school, he seemed like such a nice person, you would have been good friends. 
"Why did you decide to go to ESU? I thought you had plans to go to MIT with your friends."
"Oh, I didn't get in."
"Yeah, totally sounds believable, Peter Parker, the Stark intern, highest SAT score in our grade, didn't get into MIT" you said sarcastically, shaking your head at him. 
He sighed, looking down at his hands. His leg started bouncing under the table and he suddenly seemed tense. Now it really did feel believable, based on his reaction. 
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"It's okay, honestly I was so sure I would get in too, but I don't think I ended up at a bad place"
"Obviously you didn't, I chose ESU, which makes it the best place ever. And now that I know you're here too, I get double confirmation for that." 
He laughed softly at your words.
A few weeks later you were actually glad to have to work in pairs in the lab because Peter asked you to be his partner. 
You arrived just before the class started, sitting down at the table and putting your protective goggles on. 
"Sorry" you said as you sat down next to him, taking the empty flask that was sitting in front of him and immediately starting to mix the things you managed to read on the board. 
Peter smiled at you as he watched you, doing his own thing which you didn't pay too much attention to. 
"Roommate problems again?" he asked. 
Being lab partners meant the two of you had to talk regularly, which led to getting closer. You didn't know many people there besides him and your nightmare of a roommate. 
"You have no idea." you sighed, dropping a few droplets into a test tube. The mixture inside started smoking up slightly, you swirled it around until it stopped, passing it to him so he could heat it up. 
"What did she do this time?"
"Locked me in and took both of the keys on her way out. I had to call her to come back and unlock, she was pissed."
"Still don't get how someone can be so rude to you for no reason."
"I don't think she hates me really, she hates the idea of me. Not every 3rd year student is keen on the idea of babysitting a freshmen, I totally get that."
Peter wrote something down in his notebook after the mixture started bubbling up. You looked at it, brows furrowing. 
"What's the temperature?"
"140 F" 
"Peter that's not supposed to happen" you said worried 
"Actually it is, you didn't have the time to read the board and put only half"
He removed the test tube, letting it cool down.
"It's okay, we'll just multiply it by two."
"Sometimes I wonder what I would do if you weren't here."
"Probably blow up the place."
You rolled your eyes at him before the both of you laughed, continuing your work. You tried being more concentrated now, and for the most part it was working out. Until Peter would roll up his sleeves and expose his forearms. Or when he would take the goggles off to fix his hair. You tried staring as discreetly as possible, but he probably did notice it every time.
That same night was your first ever frat party. You weren't really a fan of parties, the high school ones you went to were boring but you were hoping that college ones were going to live up to the hype everyone was giving them. Plus, you were trying to make amends with your roommate, and she wanted some alone time with her boyfriend back at your place. The idea of frat boys really turned you off, you had seen more than enough of them in class and around campus. 
The music was booming through the speakers as you entered the house, people were everywhere. You could barely squish through the crowd, it was barely 10 pm and people were already wasted. You really wanted to let loose that night too, so you made it over to the bar and took whatever drink was handed to you first. It was vodka. Tasted bitter and burned down your throat and stomach as you drank it. The stress from university and the complicated relationship with Ruth, your roommate, were really starting to get you. Add your unresolved feelings for Peter to the mix and you really do have a strong enough pressure to make you explode like a time bomb. So, you wanted to take some pressure off by drinking and dancing. No one knew you here anyway so it was relatively easy to just do whatever you wanted. 
Five shots of vodka were already in your system by the first hour. The dance floor was yours to take. A red plastic cup in your hand while you were swaying to the rhythm of the song playing, boys were coming from left and right to dance together. And you did dance with them, probably even made out with one or two as well. It continued for what felt like forever, until 2 am rolled around and you started feeling tired and wasted. And the alcohol in your blood was about to hit you in the worst way possible and make you overthink everything that was going on around you. At that point you were sat on a couch in the trashed living room and some dude was talking to you. His hand was on your knee. You were too preoccupied by your own thoughts to even listen to whatever he had to say.
Peter hid behind his apartment building on campus, looking around to make sure no one would see him as he took off the spider-man costume. Ever since he went back to no one knowing his identity, he had to sneak around. He couldn't risk any of his roommates seeing him accidentally so he took the costume off outside after patrol, shoved it in his backpack and walked in. If anyone was ever awake and asked where he was, he would say either the library or doing lab work with you. He really did use you as an excuse a lot to his roommates, which gave them all kinds of wrong ideas. He didn't share a bedroom with anyone, which made his life so much easier, but there was a whole other bedroom with two boys in it in his apartment. 
No one was awake when he walked in, throwing his bag on the floor next to his bed. He felt shattered. The whole studying and spider-man business was draining his batteries like never before. Peter lay down on the bed, too tired to even get out of his jeans. He was rapidly drifting into sleep when his phone started ringing. He groaned in annoyance, looking at the screen only to see it were from you. Peter quickly picked it up, any feeling of tiredness leaving his body when he heard you crying on the other side of the phone. 
"Hey, hey, what happened? Are you hurt? Where are you?" he asked, panicked. 
"Ruth locked me out again." you cried on the phone "She left her key in, she was with her boyfriend and they were probably doing the deed and locked themselves and fell asleep."
You babbled really fast, he was trying to understand what you were saying but it was muffled by soft sobs. And you didn't sound sober either. 
"Peter, you fix all of my lab mistakes, please fix this."
He wasn’t sure what to do, especially since he didn’t know where you lived exactly. There weren’t many opinions in this situation, he could either find you and kick the door down so you could get in your place or he could take you in his room and let you sleep there. 
“Can you tell me where you are?” 
“In front of my dorm?”
“I don’t know where that is, genius”
You continued sobbing at his words, which made him feel even worse. You were very vulnerable and probably scared and he was acting poorly. 
“Okay, okay, sorry, I didn't mean that. Tell me where your dorm is and I’ll come fix it, okay?”
“It’s the one next to the library” 
He hopped out of his bed, rushing towards the building. 
When he got there he saw you sitting on the steps, looking down at your feet. 
"Hey" he said, standing in front of you, his hands in his pockets as he watched you slowly look up to him. Your eyes were red from all the crying and your cheeks were still wet from the tears. Peter sat down next to you with a sigh, the second he did that he could tell you had been drinking. The smell of vodka and cigarettes were all over your clothes. 
"Hi" you muttered back after a while, not really sure what to say or do at this point. 
"So what happened?" he whispered to you, bumping his shoulder into yours
"I got locked out, again" you whispered back, looking at him. He was smiling, a warm, comforting smile that made you feel so incredibly guilty that you called him. 
It made you realize what time it actually was, and that you probably woke him up. It was the middle of the night, and you woke up the closest thing you had to a friend here to help you. You ruined his sleep so he could save you from something you could have probably figured out on your own if you weren’t drunk. 
"Come on" he said, getting up and reaching out his hand to help you up as well. ''Let's get you out of here" 
You took his hand, the tears were welling up in your eyes again as you looked at him. He seemed so tired, yet he came rushing to your rescue. 
He walked in his room, trying to be as quiet as possible. 
"Wow you have a double bed??" you said as you looked around his room.
"Oh, yeah" he said, blushing when he saw the state of it. He didn't really think about making the bed before he left and the bedding looked like scrambled eggs with all the pillows and blankets everywhere. Peter didn’t want to look messing in front of you but it was too late for that.
"Lucky duck" 
Peter was kind enough to take out some clothes for you to sleep in while you showered. It was a spare pair of pajama pants and an old star wars t-shirt. He looked away while you got dressed and helped you into bed after that. 
"I can't thank you enough for this."
"Oh, you can, you can do my calculus homework."
The both of you laughed after that. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket, with the intention of sleeping on the couch. 
"Where are you going?"
"To sleep?"
"Not here?"
"Well, no-.... I-.... Don't want to invade...."
"I feel bad enough about it as it is, please come sleep in your bed, it's big enough" you whined.
Peter stood at the door. He really didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, or crush you while he slept but at that point he was so shattered that the bed seemed like the best thing that could happen to him. You got up and pulled him towards the bed, grabbing the pillow and blanket with your other hand and throwing them on.
Peter was asleep the second his head hit the pillow, and you followed a minute or two later. It didn't feel as weird to sleep in the same bed as the two of you had anticipated. Maybe the alcohol helped. You were pretty sure that it was, in fact, the alcohol that made you call him, the one that insisted on sharing the bed as well. Sober you would probably be a flustered mess just from the thought of being in Peter's bedroom alone. 
The second Ruth knew you had somewhere to sleep over, she took advantage of it. It was happening so often that you basically had a schedule when you would sleep over at Peter's. He didn't mind one bit because it was a reason to spend time with you. Plus, you did all your work for classes together, even in classes you or him weren't taking. So by the middle of the semester, you two were practically platonically dating. 
And it made you feel the worst and the best type of ways at the same time. You absolutely loved spending time with him and your feelings were only getting deeper and deeper with each day. Somehow, you still felt like you were taking away the college experience from him. He declined every party opportunity his roommates suggested, he rarely spoke to other girls and if he went out with friends from other classes, he would always make you tag along with them. Everyone thought that if you were not dating, then you were definitely hooking up, no matter how many times you denied it. Truth being told, it was actually kind of weird that you weren't doing either of those. And it got even weirder when someone else started expressing an interest in Peter.
Surprisingly enough, even to yourself, you actually liked going to parties. The alcohol helped you loosen up and talk and since Peter actually had other friends, now you knew some people here and there. You would always find someone to chat with at a party and you learned that socializing wasn't at all as scary as it seemed before. 
Tonight you found yourself at a random party in some basement of the dorm on the other side of campus. You knew that you'd be home late so the arrangements of staying over at Peter's were already made. As you were speaking to someone from your beginner-friendly biology class, a girl approached you. She was tall, way taller than you, had long dark hair and an amazing body. She grabbed your arm and said your name in a questioning tone. You nodded slightly taken aback from the interaction. 
"Can I borrow you for a second?" she asked, turning to the other person in an apologetic smile. 
She pulled you a bit away, still holding your arm right above the elbow. The whole thing was making you tense for some reason. 
"I'm sorry that I asked like this." she said, letting your arm go. "Actually, we've met before, I take calculus with Peter Parker, he brought you over at one of our group study sessions."
"Oh. Right." you did remember her now, but she looked slightly different with heavy makeup on. She definitely looked like one of the it girls on campus and you got the impression that she actually was. 
"So I wanted to ask if you and Peter were a thing?"
Once again you were stunned by a question from her. You looked around for some reason, she was making you feel uneasy. 
"Um, no, we're not."
"Great!" she said with a bright smile. "Do you think he'd be into me? He has this nerdy sex appeal, I actually really want to get with him."
You were blinking in disbelief towards her. This whole thing was really not making you feel well about your situation. She was gorgeous and she wanted to fuck your crush, it was going to end badly for you. You felt something like a ball in your throat that you knew even the gin couldn't wash down. 
"Well, good luck with that." you said, patted her shoulder and walked away before you started crying in front of her.
The whole situation really put you in a bad mood. There was nothing particularly wrong with it, but it managed to burst the bubble you were so peacefully living in. It got you wondering if Peter had his eyes on someone, if he was sleeping around with different girls, if he was going on dates. You kept imagining it, and drinking to try to stop, but nothing seemed to help. You couldn't spend every waking second with him to know, plus he never talked about girls with you. You didn't know who he was texting, or if he were going out with someone and not telling you. You were sure he wasn't because no girlfriend would ever feel okay with some random girl sleeping over as much as you did. Then again, he could be hooking up with someone, you were only sleeping over two or three times a week. 
You were so preoccupied by your worries that you almost didn't pick up your phone when Peter called. He said he finished whatever work he had to do and was going to come to the party and pick you up. It made you even more anxious. 
He walked through the door 15 minutes after the phone call. The whole thing was a sensory overload for him, the music was way too loud, the colors were too flashy, people were everywhere. He was constantly on edge because people were walking a little too close and his reflexes were being triggered. He hated parties. He hated the idea of you liking them even more. With the amount of time the two of you were spending together in the last few months, he grew very attached, he even developed a little crush of his own, but he was too terrified to admit that. Given his background and his secret, he wasn't too sure he wanted to put you through what MJ had gone through. He felt like it would be unfair to lie to you at the same time, it's not something you could hide from the person you're dating. 
People greeted him here and there, giving him brofists and handshakes. Peter really felt like a real frat boy, but he hated the experience. He froze in his tracks when he saw a girl that looked just like you making out with some dude. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears, his chest tightened and it felt like someone set his lungs on fire. You were wearing black skinny jeans and a black top, hair was tied in a bun and your tongue was in someone's mouth. Was that why you sounded so weird on the phone? Was that why you waited so long to pick up? Peter was too stunned to even move so he just stood there in shock for a few seconds. He felt a hand on his shoulder, which made him snap out of it, turning his head. He met your eyes when he looked down, giving you a confused look. His head turned back to the other you that was still exchanging saliva with a guy, then back to the actual you. He finally started breathing again. Your outfit was actually nothing like the girl's, you had a long-sleeved light blue dress on that had a v-cut. It made you look really desirable and the way the color mixed so well with the lighting in the room, you looked like you walked straight out of Peter's dreams. He was practically trying to take pictures of you with his eyes for later. 
"What?" you asked as you noticed his stare, looking at your dress for accidental spills or any signs of why he was looking at you like that. 
"Nothing, actually." he said, taking the cup you were holding and finishing whatever was in it. He didn't really care what was in, alcohol had little to no effect on him but he liked to pretend. 
You expected to go home shortly after Peter's arrival, but things didn't play out that way. The girl that talked to you about him earlier tonight saw the two of you and came over to chat. After 15 minutes of them talking and you awkwardly standing there, holding an empty cup in your hand, you were feeling more annoyed than ever. And pretty drunk too. You were already in a bad mood because of her, and when Peter suggested walking her to her dorm you just felt like crying. Your feet were killing you because of the heels you were wearing and you made sure to inform him but he seemed to have forgotten about that. 
And now, all three of you were walking around campus to get her safely to her room. You were giving them a side eye the whole time while she tried to scoot over closer to him. And when she said she was cold she could offer his flannel, you rolled your eyes so hard you got scared they'd get stuck and not come back. Unfortunately, they did come back and you had to witness him putting his shirt over her shoulders. Once at her dorm, she even had the audacity to kiss his cheek before walking in. It made him blush, and you, you were really about to throw up at that point. It felt like a very weird game of chess, and she had checked you in it. 
"Are you okay?" Peter asked when he saw how you looked. Gorgeous, he thought, but kind of pale and like you would collapse any second. 
"No" you said, your eyes meeting his. You could see the lipstick stain on his skin from the other girl and now you really did feel like throwing up. You were only 3 steps away from him and he made them so fast you felt like he teleported. 
"No, no, Peter, step away" you told him, your hand covering your mouth while you rushed to the nearest trash can and actually threw up. He rushed after you, holding your hair as you did. 
"You didn't look THAT drunk."  he said, patting your back while you were coughing. 
"This is so embarrassing" you cried softly, as if this night wasn't humiliating enough. 
"There, there, I hope you got it all out because I am not changing my sheets for the second time today." 
"I'm thinking about switching my field of studies." you said, looking at Peter. 
He took his glasses, looking at you in disbelief. He was sat at his desk, trying to solve a math problem while you were lying on his bed, playing on your phone. 
"Chemistry doesn't do it for you anymore?" he asked mockingly.
"No, I just hate spending so much time with you." you replied in the same tone, sticking your tongue out at him. 
It had been a week since the whole party thing. You didn't throw up at his place, but you did have the worst hangover of your life. Peter helped you through it, but didn't pass up an opportunity to make fun of you.
"Then why are you here? I'm sure there's a party somewhere on campus."
"Shut upppp" you groaned, throwing a pillow at him. He caught it mid air and put it on the back of his chair before turning to finish his work. 
It felt like it was too early to sleep but you didn't have anything better to do since Peter was so busy with math. You turned on your side, facing the wall, since you liked sleeping on the side next to the wall, and closed your eyes. You didn't know how long it had been but you were definitely asleep when you got woken up by a knock on the door. You looked up with confusion, half asleep when Peter gave you an apologetic smile and got up from his chair to check who it was. 
He assumed it was one of his roommates that either lost or forgot his key, but he was surprised to open the door to his calculous classmate. 
"Hey, Pete." She said "May I come in?"
"Sure-" he said, letting her in
The girl walked over to the couch and sat down. 
"Remember last week when you gave me this shirt?" 
"I do." he said, only now noticing what she was wearing. It was his flannel, with a belt around her waist.
"Well, I came to return it." she said, unbuttoning it and taking it off. She got up, only in her underwear and walked towards him, handing him the shirt.
Peter was so flustered that he had to stare at his feet the whole time. 
"I think you got the wrong idea here-" he started, squeezing the flannel in his hand.
"About what?" she asked, squatting down in front of him so he could see her, and, well, you know...
Just as he was about to move, the door of his bedroom flew open. You stood there, wearing his shirt as your pajamas, double taking on what you were seeing. You didn't think there would be anything serious happening, but the chatter was disturbing your sleeping attempts and you wanted to check what was going on. But now you were just frozen in your spot, staring at a half-naked girl that was on her knees in front of Peter. Both of their heads turned towards you, staring in the same amount of disbelief. It felt like your worst nightmares had turned into reality. Neither of you knew what to do or what to say and you just stood there in silence, the tension so heavy it could suffocate someone. 
"It's not what it looks like." Peter managed to say, holding eye contact with you. 
''I'm so sorry, I didn't know-'' she started, getting up from the floor. 
"I think I'll pretend I dreamt that and go back to sleep." you said, closing the door before anyone could do or say anything else. 
"Peter, I didn't know, she told me you two weren't a thing last week."
He handed her the shirt, not even bothering to look at her. 
"We're not. You can keep this, go home."
She walked to the door, stopping at it to look at his back. 
"I'm really sorry, if I can do anything, tell me." 
He knocked gently on the door before walking in. He saw you tucked in the bed, hugging one of the pillows. You weren't really sure what to feel right now and you were trying your best not to cry. It wasn't like the things between you had changed and you had no right to be upset over his personal affairs. Peter sat on the bed next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
"I know you're not sleeping, can we talk about this?"
"Talk about what?"
"What happened back there."
"There is nothing to talk about."
"I don't want you to get the wrong idea."
You sat up, still hugging the pillow. You pressed the back against the wall, looking directly into his eyes.
"Why what?"
"Why don't you want me to get the wrong idea? Whatever that is supposed to mean."
He looked at his lap, unsure of what to say next. 
"Because I'm not that kind of guy."
"Peter, it's none of my business what you do for fun."
"For fun? You think I do this for fun?"
"You're not doing math for fun, that's for sure."
"Are you always a bitch or is it a defense mechanism?"
"You were the one who wanted me to ''not get the wrong idea'' and suddenly I turned into a bitch?"
"Okay, I overstepped on that one. Nothing happened there, I haven't talked to her or seen her since we left the party together and you threw up."
"Okay, for some reason I believe that, but why should it be concerning me?"
"Stop pretending."
"Excuse me?"
He didn't say anything after that, just pulled your arm so you could get closer to him and kissed you. It happened so fast you couldn't really process it. Once the shock was over, you kissed him back. You probably looked like a teen movie kissing scene, you on your knees and arms while he was sitting, one arm for support and the other one cupping your face as you kissed. 
"I should have done this way sooner." he said after you parted.
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Behind the Crime
Warren Lipka x f!reader
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warnings: smut, unprotected p in v, oral male receiving, dominate warren, underage drinking, underage smoking, use of marijuana, rough sex, hint of choking, talk of robbery, um yeah i think that’s it
summary: from the moment you were brought into the heist, you knew working with warren was going to be hard…
word count: 3.4k
a/n: sorry for not posting guys i have not been on the grind lately. i watched this movie and omfg evan was so attractive i just needed to write. if you’re the real warren lipka just scroll this is about evan…
You sit back in your chair, the crew members adjusting your mic. You’re starting to regret doing this interview, but it’s too late to back out now. Everything’s already set up, the camera is about to be rolling. The interviewer is sitting a few feet away from you, notes in his hand. He waits for you to give him the signal that you’re ready. You nod, he begins.
“So, y/n, how did you become involved with the group?” He asks.
“I was first approached by Spencer when I was eating lunch outside one day...”
You were sitting alone, the cool fall breeze almost too cold to be comforting. You didn’t pay much mind to it though, you were more focussed on your studying. You were flipping through the pages of another history article when suddenly there was a presence beside you. Looking up at them as soon as you noticed, you recognized the boy as someone from your class.
“Can I help you?” You asked, your tone polite.
He looked nervous as if he were about to ask you out. “Hi, uh, I don’t know if you remember my name, I’m Spencer we have Art History together.”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve seen you,” you replied. “Do you need help with the homework or something?”
“No, I actually wanted to talk to you about something else, if you’re not busy or anything,” he said, his voice quiet.
You look away for a second before replying. “Sure, sit down if you want I’m not busy.”
He smiled at you before quickly sitting at the spot across from you. He put his bag on the table, you could see him take a deep breath. Was he really going to ask you out? You thought he was cute, but definitely not your type. You started to pray he wouldn’t say anything along those lines.
“I started to ask around a week or two ago about people who are good with computers and stuff, a lot of people told me you were the best person to go to,” he started. He lacked confidence in his voice, you felt bad for the poor guy but paid close attention to his words. “I need some... help with cameras.”
“What kind of cameras?” You asked, intrigued.
What he was saying was true, you were decently good with computers. You mostly would hack into places and disable things you didn’t like, like the cameras on the public library computers. It wasn’t anything illegal, at least you didn’t think it was illegal. It probably was, but you didn’t care.
“Just you know cameras in... semipublic places...”
You raised an eyebrow. “Like what kind though? Phone, laptop, desktop, security?”
“Security,” he answered quietly. “But before you say no listen, how does a couple hundred thousand dollars' worth of payment sound?
“I won’t tell you the details till I know you’re on board but let's just say something is going down and we need help with the cameras. The pay would be huge and all you’d have to do is just mess with some cameras for like twenty minutes.”
You only stared at him; your mouth slightly hung open. Was he being serious? Was he really asking you to join him in a potential robbery that would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars? You never would’ve expected to be asked such a question on a cloudy Thursday at lunch. You shut your book completely and look around to make sure nobody is close.
“This money, it’s guaranteed?”
He nods. “As long as we get the job done, you’ll have it.”
You knew it was crazy, you knew whatever was going to happen would either result in you going to prison or having to run off into hiding. But the thought of being able to pay all your student loans off and have extra money to live off of was more appealing. Hacking into cameras wasn’t that hard, and it wasn’t going to hurt anyone. Unless it was.
“If you’re trying to get me to make sure a murder or rape isn’t on camera I’ll snitch,” you warned him.
“Oh no, nothing like that is happening at all. It’s just you know a robbery,” he replied, his expression genuine.
You nodded your head, convinced whatever he was asking couldn’t be that bad. “Okay, yeah, I’ll do it.”
“What was your first impression of the guys?
You smile. “They were really cool, funny, just overall really fun people to hang out with.”
“Do you remember the first time you met all of them?”
“Of course, like it was yesterday...”
The house you sat in front of didn’t look like a typical criminal's house. It looked like an average American’s family house actually. You were parked out on the road outside the house Spencer told you to go to, you were meeting the rest of the people involved with the robbery. It had been about ten minutes of you sitting out there debating whether or not to go in before you got a text from Spencer asking where you were. You sighed, praying to God this decision was the right one before getting out of your car.
You knocked on the front door with a shaky fist. You started to regret your decision, you thought about turning around and leaving, but the door was opened before you could act on it. An older woman stood in front of you, she looked to be in her 50s.
“Oh, you’re very pretty,” she said, making your cheeks turn red. “You’re here to see Warren, right?”
You had no idea who Warren was, but you nodded. The lady's smile grew, and she opened the door for you and ushered you inside. She directed you to the basement entrance, asking you a million questions you had no answers to. After those few but excruciating painful minutes though, you walked down the basement stairs and finally caught sight of Spencer.
There were three other guys in the room and all of their eyes were on you. Two, along with Spencer, were sitting on a couch. One of them was skinny with glasses, the other muscular with no glasses. They didn’t grasp your attention though. The last guy who was standing did. He had long dark curly hair, and eyes to match. His eyes met yours before you watched them slowly move up and down your body. You didn’t know how to react.
“Guys, this is y/n,” Spencer said, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“Hello, I’m Eric,” the guy with glasses introduced himself.
“Chas,” the muscular guy spoke, not paying much attention to you. “Are you sure this was a good idea, Spence? How much do we really know about this chick? No offense.”
“Shut up, we agreed,” Spencer hissed. He waved you over and you complied, walking to the couch and sitting on the end beside him.
The standing guy took a step forward and held out his hand to you. You looked up at him before accepting his handshake. His hand was rough, you liked the feeling of it in yours. “I’m Warren and you are our cameraman or woman I guess.”
You laughed. “I guess.”
“How much has Spencer told you?” Warren asked after letting go of your hand and stepping back. It was then you noticed the maps on the wall with drawings all over them, the layout looked familiar.
“Just that I need to hack some cameras and that it’ll pay me a lot,” you answered. “I don’t even know what you guys are stealing.”
“Well y/n, I’m sure you’ve been to your own school's library right?”
You nodded.
“Have you ever taken a tour of the library’s rare book collection?”
You nodded again.
Warren smirked. “Then you know exactly what we’re stealing.”
Your face fell and you immediately looked at Spencer and the rest of the guys. “Are you serious? You guys want to steal historic books?”
“I told you this was a bad idea,” Chas mumbled from his chair.
“Shut up Chas,” Warren quickly snapped. He looked back at you, his dark eyes engulfing yours completely. “We’ve been planning this out for months, and you are the last piece to our puzzle y/n. Think about how much you’ll be earning.”
You didn’t say anything. Maybe it was a bad idea.
“Chas eventually stopped being cold to me, I actually think in the end he became my closest friend in the group,” you say, finishing your story.
The interviewer gives you a look. “Well, besides Warren right?”
“I don’t know what you mean,” you reply, a confused look on your face.
“I have to ask if the stories are true, you know about you and him. The other guys say something changed between the two of you after a party you all attended. I mean, didn’t the police even question if your involvement had a deeper meaning than simply the money?”
You shake your head, giving your best performance. “Me and Warren were only ever best friends, there was never a deeper meaning behind anything.”
Music was pumping through your body, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head you could feel it. It had been a few weeks since you met the guys, and they all wanted to do something fun before the heist. So, a frat party was naturally the easiest option. That’s where you were now, already two shots and half a joint in. You didn’t know where Spencer, Nick, and Warren were, but Chas was dancing with you.
Though the two of you got off on the wrong foot, you and Chas quickly learned how well you get along. He was a good friend, all of the guys were. You liked how easily they could make you laugh and brighten your mood. They were all good people who you enjoyed being around.
Warren was the only one that you felt different for. You didn’t know why, but from the first day you met you knew your feelings for him would be different than the other three. The way he looked at you alone was completely different than the others. There was always something darker in his eyes, something you knew wasn’t supposed to be there for simply a friend. Every time the two of you looked at each other, your stomach filled with butterflies. You wanted it too. But in those first few weeks, nothing had happened. No matter how much either of you wanted it.
After some minutes of you and Chas dancing, Warren and Spencer appeared. They asked if the two of you wanted to go out and smoke, you both agreed and followed them outside the back. Not too many people were in the backyard, but there were enough for there to be a bonfire going. The four of you found an empty spot near the fire and sat down. Warren took out a joint and lit it before passing it around.
“Where’s Nick?” You asked after taking a hit.
Spencer shrugged. “Probably with the weird kids doing weird stuff.”
“He’s not that weird,” Chas replied. “He’s just awkward.”
You watched as Warren took another long hit of the joint. Because of the weed and alcohol, you found yourself even more attracted to him than when you were sober. You wanted so desperately to run your fingers through his hair, you wanted to hear his voice as you touched him. He suddenly met your gaze, his lips curled up into a mesmerizing smile. You wanted to kiss him. It was too much for you to handle.
You swallowed and stood up, brushing the dirt off your shorts. “I need to um use the bathroom.”
You didn’t wait for any of their replies. Instead, you rushed back into the house straight to the kitchen. You poured yourself a shot, downing it before giving it a second thought. You needed these feelings to go away. How were you supposed to work with Warren if you couldn’t even look at him without thinking about having sex with him? It made you feel awful. A hookup couldn’t be the reason the robbery went bad, you refused to let that happen.
After another shot, you started to forget about your feelings. In fact, you started to forget about Warren completely. All you felt was the burning sensation of the alcohol in your stomach and chest, it felt good. You stumbled out of the kitchen and into the hallway, grabbing the railings of the staircase for support. Suddenly, you felt a presence next to you, their hand on your back.
“Y/N, are you good?” It was Warren.
You turned your head and looked at him, God how could he look even better? “No- I’m not okay.”
“You’re wasted, you need some water,” he said. He moved his hand around your waist and pulled you up straight. You felt like you were on fire. “Come on, back to the kitchen.”
“Why are you here? I just- I just wanna forget about you,” you mumbled.
He started helping you walk back to the kitchen. “What? Why would you want to forget about me?”
“Because... I want you but I can’t have you. I thought you- felt the same that’s why it’s been so hard to resist,” you spoke, stumbling over your words. “I can’t look at you without thinking about you fucking me.”
Even in your drunken state, you could still see the cockiness on Warren’s face. He lifted you up onto the kitchen counter effortlessly before turning and getting you a cup of water. You leaned your head back against one of the cabinets, your head was spinning. You couldn’t think straight.
“Drink,” Warren’s voice filled your ears.
You lifted your head and grabbed the solo cup from his hand, downing the water faster than ever. When you finished, you threw the cup to the floor, your eyes meeting Warren’s once again. He was standing close enough that if you reached, you could touch him.
Perhaps it was because of the alcohol, or perhaps it was because of how long you’d felt the tension between you two, that gave you the courage to gently place your hand on the top of his head. His hair was soft, just like you’d expected it to be. You smiled and played with his curls. He didn’t object, you were glad. You needed this.
“Do you want me?” You asked, your voice barely audible against the loud music.
“What do you think?”
You shrugged. “I thought so, but I could always be wrong.”
“Maybe I should make it clearer,” he said. He grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand off his head before stepping closer to you. “If this house wasn’t crowded, I’d fuck you right here, right now.”
Your heart was racing, your cheeks bright red. You couldn’t believe this was happening. Warren was still holding your wrist, it sent electric shocks throughout your body. His eyes began to shift from your eyes to your lips and so on. You swallowed; a lump had formed in your throat.
“There’s probably an empty room somewhere,” you mentioned. “You could take me to one of them and show me you mean what you say.”
Warren raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know, you’re pretty drunk.”
“I’m not- I swear. I consent, I’ll remember all of this in the morning,” you replied quickly.
“All right.”
Before you could say anything else, Warren scooped you into his arms and began to carry you through the house. You didn’t know whether to pretend you were drunk so it wouldn’t look suspicious or stay awake to also not make it look suspicious. You chose to stay awake and within minutes you and Warren were alone in a bedroom, your lips connected.
The kiss was fast and rough, everything you expected from him. His arms were wrapped around your waist, he towered over you. You wasted no time, immediately kicking off your shoes and pushing Warren back until he fell onto the bed. He pulled you on top of him, guiding your hips in slow motions over his clothed erection. You felt like you were on fire, you needed more.
You broke this kiss and leaned back so you were straddling him. You pulled off your shirt and bra, Warren followed your actions. Once your eyes fell upon his toned abdomen, you audibly moaned. You quickly leaned down again and kissed his chest, beginning a trail down his body. Each breath that left his mouth made your pussy drip even more. And when you reached his navel, his breaths turned into soft whispers.
“Keep going.”
“I’ll do anything.”
When you no longer had any skin left to kiss you looked back up at him, his eyes were already on you. He got your signal and instantly pulled his shorts and boxers off, leaving him completely naked. You weren’t surprised at his size; you had a feeling he’d be big. You started off by slowly stroking him with your hand, the expressions on his face already enough to make you cum.
After a minute or so of that, you bent down and pressed a small kiss to his tip. You loved the way his leg twitched. It made you proud. So, you took him into your mouth. He gasped, one of his hands finding its way to the back of your head. He didn’t push you; he only twirled your hair back into a ponytail-like style and gripped it tight. You moved your head up and down, taking as much of him in your mouth as you could. You were never a fan of giving head to guys, but with Warren, it was a different story.
Not much time passed before Warren pushed you gently, telling you he wasn’t going to last much longer. You didn’t care, you wanted him to finish in your mouth. But he told you he wanted to have sex, so you stopped. You peeled off your shorts and underwear before you climbed back onto him. His naked body against yours felt unreal, you were almost convinced this was all part of your drunken imagination.
However, when Warren pulled your head down and began to kiss your lips again, you knew it had to be real. His hands gripped your ass, kneading and playing with your skin. You positioned his tip at your entrance, you were so wet you didn’t need any lube. You broke the kiss and looked into his eyes, you wanted to know it was okay. He gave you a nod and so you began to push yourself down on him.
He filled you well, just the perfect amount. You had thrown your head back, a moan escaping your lips. You hadn’t had sex in months, and this was the perfect way to break that streak. You started to move your body forward and backward while simultaneously going up and down. Warren’s grip on your ass tightened with each movement you made.
“Fuck baby,” he moaned. “You do it so well.”
Your confidence was boosted; you began to move faster. This only lasted a few minutes though, much to your dismay. You weren’t too athletic; you didn’t have good stamina. Warren noticed this, and without saying anything he flipped your bodies. Once on top of you, he began violent thrusts. You almost screamed from the pleasure; you’d never felt anything remotely close to it in your life. He hit your cervix each time, it made your back arch off the mattress and your nails dig into his back.
“Warren,” you whimpered. “Oh, fuck Warren.”
One of his hands wrapped around your neck. He didn’t squeeze, he just rested it there. You felt the knot in your stomach form at this. It felt so good to be dominated by him. It had been your dream for weeks, and it had finally come true. You closed your eyes and let the feeling of Warren fucking you fill your senses.
When you came, you practically screamed his name. You swore you could see stars. You’d never experienced an orgasm so hard in your life. Warren came a few seconds after you, you felt his dick pulsing inside you. He collapsed on you. You didn’t care about how his weight crushed you, you still held him as the two of you began to come down from your highs.
As the crew packs up, you remain in your chair, staring blankly out one of your windows. The interviewer is still across from you, but you don’t notice until he speaks.
“Just tell me one thing, off the record,” he says, grabbing your attention. “Did you love him?”
A small smile grows on your lips. “With all my heart.”
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andy-wm · 6 months
I’m gonna be real with y’all, most of the time these days I don’t think Jikook are dating per se But they are… they are… they’re… what are they? What’s their problem? What’s their DEAL like one min you’re just cute bros and then I remember jungkook sucked on jimin’s EAR
Said a long time army-jkkr on Twitter. You may know her - Jennie, a lesbian in a long term relationship, who once was a hard-core jikooker. But for past two years, she thinks they are not dating but are two cute bros. There are only 1-2 incidents which make her rethink her 'Jikook are bros' final decision. Just like majority of jkkrs, it's either ear sucking or hickey, which one day if JK himself comes and say it didn't meant a shit or does same thing with someone else gets immediately debunked. But does 2 incidents matter when rest everything they does, if we look around us or even among bts are all common dynamics between two men who are super close ? If even long term Jikookers don't think they are dating then why would we have to believe they are a couple 🤔 Because majority here are super convinced they are a couple when in reality it's 90% chance that they are not.
I think this is the anon in my previous post who was frustrated i didn't answer their question. I am not exactly sure what the question is.
Anon, if you are asking if i think they're dating, i really can't comment on that.
Relationships come in many forms. As many as there are people on earth. What you call dating, i might call hooking up, or FWB, or partnered. They may have booty calls or they may be married. Or maybe they're poly and are dating several people. Or maybe they're asexual and they really adore each other and they don't have sex at all ever because they just don't.
We don't know how they define their relationship and its pointless to speculate.
It's also not important.
It's not important at all.
The term we use doesn't matter. What matters is what they are to each other.
I think they love each other.
I think they are or have been intimate partners (I lean towards are).
I think they are very invested in one another, and they support each other emotionally and physically and professionally.
(Watch the original clip of the gif below and you'll notice Jungkook helping Jimin ease into his seat. Boy couldn't sit down without help. I'm not speculating as to why.)
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If they call that dating, cool.
If they call it life partners, awesome.
If they call it BFF who regularly go to bed together, I'm happy if they're happy.
And just for the record, I watch their intractions and take my cue from them. I am not really influenced by the opinions of others. "The majority of jikookers think X" doesn't affect me. I see what I see. And what i see is deep love and attraction and mutual respect and healthy boundaries.
I dont know if they are or are not dating, but if you're looking for a guidebook on dating, you could do worse that watching these two
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valenschmidt · 21 days
Thanks for answering my ask! Yes, that's very true, Ryan has been consistently hated/viewed with suspicion and skepticism for years, so the majority of buddie fandom (who are Oliver stans) wouldn't want to ship him with Oliver. I distinctly remember one particular post (in Ryan's tag) a year or two ago that was like, "ugh if buddie goes canon i feel sorry for oliver having to kiss that man" 🙄
Lol yes I guess we have to thank bt shippers and their OTT vitriol for turning the tide somewhat. It's been nice to see a recent influx of vocal Eddie/Ryan fans join the fandom. So refreshing and entertaining.
Yes also I remember the super cute bts vids that popped up during/toward the end of s6, and some people tagging positively about Ryan (albeit begrudgingly!). But definitely a lot more people were on edge about rpf compared to now.
Ooooh so about Oliver being single, that's what I thought too! But someone else I sent an ask(?) to a while ago said that he didn't actually say anything concrete in his insta live, and that he is still with his gf 🤔 does anyone have any further confirmation either way? I'd love to know!
"this happens quite a lot when ships are about to go canon. People start projecting the ship onto the actors, especially when chemistry is REALLY huge " - this is a really interesting phenomenon you've pointed out!
No provblem anon! I love receiving asks!!
YES!!! I completely understand why people were really mad back then, especially black people and I also understand if there are still black people who haven't quite forgiven him and it's totally valid, because what he did was not ok (even if he never said that word he was still trying to justify his then wife's actions and that should have been a big no no) the problem is that people let it get a tad too far and spreading things that were NOT true to new fans in the recent years out of anger, making him seen like a terrible person who is a racist and hates black people when that is not true... Aisha and Angela were really mad back then but they both clearly have forgiven him (since Angela invited him to his anniversary party and Aisha to his wedding) and he has never done anything remotely similar again so I think he truly changed and has become better so I really believe people have started to see that and the bt being awful to him probably was a changing point to most of the fandom (not all because some still hate him) but well you can't change someone's views on people changing...
Also yes anon! A lot were completely against it calling it awful and whatnot and now are the biggest ryliver shippers (and getting viral over it when less than 6 months ago they would cancel you) and taking everything as ryliver signs but whatever I just hope they don't take things too far
To the Oliver thing... I watched that interview live and I'm 100% sure he said he's single but I can't for the life of me find a clip of the interview (if anyone finds it please send it to me!!!) But I remember that he said he was single and then kind of shaded his ex (lol) so yeah
As for the last thing... yup not many notice but it happens quite a lot. Just like how actors tend to fall in love with eachother (which doesn't happen all the time but it happens) in fandom it also happens that they believe they fall in love. Take heartstopper for example... Kit and Joe plan Nick and Charlie who are very in love but in reality they're just very good friends but people insist on shipping them or the Bridgerton actors that play Colin and Penelope as well... people project the feelings of their characters into their real life personalities because of the chemistry the actors have together. It's hard to comprehend the idea of acting so close to someone and play lovers and have so much chemistry but not falling in love
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Wow now that was quite a lot 🤣
Sorry anon I got carried away
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tabbedtabby · 8 months
i bet on losing dogs
johanna mason x fem reader
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summary: After Johanna fails her Block exam to participate in the invasion of the Capitol, you go say your farewells to her, bearing a gift.
a/n: i haven’t posted on tumblr since like 2021 so sorry if this looks ugly LMAO idk how to be aesthetic on here. anyway if you have any thoughts lmk!
cw: angst, not proofread
words: 1.9k
Your hands fumble with the bulletproof vest covering you as you exit the Block. You have passed your personal assessment, it seems. The one that decides whether you’re fit enough to storm the Capitol with the rest of the victors; well, considering they pass it, too. The Block throws you into a simulated version of what a battle in the Capitol would be like, and personally preys on the weakness of each person who enters. So, in your case, it was fully checking an area before entering it. You’re not the most careful person in the world, you’ll admit.
You take the vest off, and see only a handful more soldiers waiting for their assessment, including Katniss. You had trained with her. She fought hard for this, and you know how badly she wants to go to the Capitol herself. You know how she feels. You, too, are a victim of Snow’s treachery.
You glance around, searching for Johanna. She’s pretty easy to spot, with the shaved head and everything. So when you don’t see her, you frown. She’d gone in only a couple more people before you did, but you don’t remember seeing her leave the Block, either. There is one face you recognize, though. Haymitch. You assume he’s waiting for Katniss, but when he walks up to you, you realize you’re mistaken.
“Johanna’s back in the hospital.”
You ask the question, but you’re not really waiting for an explanation. You’re already shoving past everyone to get to the elevator. Of course. Johanna’s greatest weakness. They flooded the streets during her assessment.
When the elevator door opens into the hospital sector, you already know where to look. Johanna’s sitting up in a hospital bed, her eyes wide and her chest rising and falling rapidly. They must have stripped her of her soldier uniform, because she’s back in the same hospital gown she was given when rescued from the Capitol. What little hair she’s managed to grow from then until now is damp and spiky, and your suspicions are confirmed.
When Johanna sees you, your heart almost shatters. You’ve never seen her so empty of life. Not even when she’d first came back from the Capitol. She’s completely stripped of her anger, her abrasiveness, her bold personality. All that’s left is fear.
You don’t say anything to her. You just sit down at the foot of her bed. She wouldn’t want your pity, you know this. Instead, your hands close around something in the pocket of your pants. Something you’ve been meaning to give to Johanna, and there couldn’t be a better moment than now, now that you’ll be storming the Capitol without her.
“Here.” you say, your hand extending towards her. She stares blankly at you for a moment, almost certainly pumped full of morphling.
Johanna’s hands unfurl the handkerchief to reveal a set of rusted golden earrings shaped like little suns. Your mother’s. The only fine thing you’d ever owned before becoming a victor that you could never bring yourself to sell. The things that comforted you while being hunted in the arena, and again when you were reaped a second time for the Quarter Quell. Your lifeline at one point.
Her eyes glisten over with tears, but she quickly squeezes them shut. “I can’t take these, (Y/N).” she croaks out.
“Yes, you can, stupid. I’m giving them to you,” you tell her gently, a small smile on your lips as you stare into Johanna’s eyes. Even on the morphling, her eyes are filled with emotion.
“She died a long time before the rest of my family. I don’t need them anymore.” you don’t mention how there’s a good chance you might die in the Capitol, and you want those earrings to be passed on to someone else you care about. And the fact that Johanna has nothing to her name except District 13’s depressing dark green jumpsuit makes you feel sad.
“He has to die.” Johanna responds after a couple of minutes, her voice still hoarse. But she doesn’t say it with her normal ferocity. The contact with her method of torture has truly broken her.
“I know. Katniss is going to kill him, Johanna.” you say, placing one of your hands over hers. She stares up at you.
“And then… we’ll be free. Forever. We’ll go to District Seven and do whatever we’d like for the rest of our stupid lives. Get some real food. These bland-ass meals here are killing me,” you joke, and that makes the corner of Johanna’s mouth twitch up. But you can sense her considering your offer, too. Of course, she was always going to go home to District 7, but she can’t deny the idea of you coming with her excites her. Someone to fill that lonely old house that has gone so long without another resident besides herself.
Johanna’s hand clutches around the fabric that holds your parting gift. You squeeze her other hand, cold and damp. You don’t mind warming her up.
But there’s something in the air that neither of you address. That looming reality that you may not come back. Neither you nor Johanna have spoken about how you felt about each other, but you’re all each other has at this point. You share a room here in District 13 and hold each other through nightmares when they inevitably come each night. But that’s about the extent of how far your relationship has gone.
Before you think about it, you lean down and press your lips onto hers. Admittedly, you’ve wanted to for months now. But nothing could compare to how it felt in reality. Although brief, the feeling of her soft and faintly warm lips sends goosebucks running up your neck. Johanna’s lips are a wet and warm abyss that you never want to escape. You are forced to pull away anyway.
“Damn, brainless,” Johanna whispers, the hint of a smirk on her lips. You can’t stop the grin that spreads onto your face. She sounds more like her old self. Sarcastic. Witty. When you look into those deep green eyes, you know she will be able to put herself back together again. Just as she has done before, again and again. She has rebuilt herself into the woman you’re afraid you’ve fallen in love with as you stare into those eyes.
Almost on queue, the hospital quarter’s door opens, revealing a sympathetic looking Katniss and Finnick. Katniss holds a small bundle of something in her hands, and you realize they’ve come to say their own farewells to Johanna. The four of you have become somewhat of friends after going through training together.
Katniss’ gift ends up being a wad of pine needles to remind Johanna of home, which receives an emotional response from Johanna. She misses District 7 badly. You promise yourself the minute that Snow is dead, you will take her home. Home to the thick trunks of the trees and the sound of pine needles crunching under sturdy boots.
Eventually, you realize you need to get going. Katniss and Finnick have finished their goodbyes, and are already heading towards the door. You give Johanna one last look as you follow them out.
“I’ll see you soon.” you say, flashing her a promising smile before the door closes behind you.
Finnick was right. The last thing you thought of was her lips.
Bright green leaves rustle lightly, their branches flickering across the sky. The wind flows through them effortlessly, causing the deep emerald forest to appear alive in its movements. Birdsong ricochets on the sturdy trunks of the trees, filling the canopy with the hopeful sound of music.
One of the birds flitters down to the rock in front of where Johanna sits, its tiny feet hopping on the smooth gray. Its black, beady eyes stare up at her in question before launching back up into the leaves.
This is where she spends most of her days. Sitting at the base of a tree, head leaned back. Staring up into where the leaves catch the sunlight. Watching as the sun moves across the sky before it sets beyond the horizon. Only then does she take the trek back home.
She still lives in the Victor’s Village in District 7. After all, where else was she supposed to go? She yearned for her home. Even more so after your promise to go back with her once the war ended. How it was foolish of her to believe she’d ever share those walls with another body again. Snow took her family. She never truly came to terms with it, but it had been long enough that she could stand to be in that house again without reliving it all. That conversation after she’d become a victor, and the consequences that came soon after. It stung like a rotting wound every time she entered her own home. It was hard to sleep knowing she lived in a murder site.
Johanna tried, she really did. She tried not to let herself love again. Because as soon as she did, Snow’s offer would be on the table again. And this time, she would know what would happen if her answer was no. It would mean another bleeding body on the floor. Another soul to haunt those walls. More screams to ricochet inside her skull every time she closed her eyes. It would never be worth it. No matter how badly she wanted someone to care about her. Most days it would have helped more than anything to just know that there was someone out there who gave a shit about her.
But she couldn’t help it. Johanna couldn’t help that feeling she got around you. And, damn it, she tried. Lord knows she did. But you were so kind, and more than anything, unafraid. Unafraid of her anger and ferocity. You weren’t scared of her like everyone else; you were curious. You wanted to know Johanna, why she acted the way she did. Not immediately write her off like everyone else. No. You were different.
In the Quarter Quell, she had begun to get to know you. But it wasn’t until Johanna was rescued from the Capitol—she hates that word, rescued—that she began to be truly afraid of what she was feeling. The way her face would get hot every time you’d give her one of those wide, genuine grins that Johanna didn’t know was possible to be found on the face of a victor. She hated the feeling of skin against her own more than anything, but with you, she craved it. That’s when she knew she was in trouble; or rather that you were. Loving Johanna Mason is a death sentence.
And, unfortunately, you were guilty of that crime. Blown up into a million tiny pieces at the hands of the same bomb that killed Katniss’ little sister. She tries to reach out to Johanna. Or rather, she thinks Peeta encourages her to. But she can’t bring herself to answer. Not when Katniss gets the pleasure of living out the rest of her life with Peeta. Johanna doesn’t care if her sister is dead. She’s lost more and still has ended up alone.
So, that’s her fate. She doesn’t try again. To love. To care. Not about other people. Not about anything. But to sit alone under forest canopy, an axe still held firmly in her calloused hands. Some habits are hard to break.
So Johanna rots in that empty house that is too big for her, but too small for her grief, until the large doses of morphling will eventually get to her. She will die alone and unwanted. Her happy ending.
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nycbaby21 · 1 year
Mackie Samoskevich Imagine
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prompt: inspired by an ask for @ijustreallylovethem
Where the reader and Mackie aren't public with their relationship and Dylan accidentally posts a picture of them
word count: 1,481
“Hey guys,” I say sitting down at the table and taking a seat next to Mackie, placing a small kiss on his cheek. He blushes and smiles. “Hey baby,” he whispers grabbing my hand under the table. We had been together for around four months now but we were trying to keep it quiet. We both have seen what the other guys have gone through with fangirls being rude to their girlfriends and Mackie didn’t want to put me through that. I was thankful for that because I remember last year hearing one of them cry because of the hate comments on her posts. It was easy for us to still be around each other and be kind of touchy because I have been friends with the guys since last year.
“You guys are so cute,” Dylan smiles staring at us. “Thanks, Dyl,” I laugh squeezing Mack’s hand, he gets flustered really easily. “Okay before he starts on an hour-long rant about how you two are his favorite couple ever, let’s talk about Saturday night,” Ethan shifts the attention away from us, which Mackie is happy about. It’s really cute how he is so confident about everything else like hockey and school but he gets all nervous and shy around other people. Which is the opposite of what he was before we started dating.
“What’s Saturday,” I asked picking up a piece of fruit off my plate and eating it. Mark opens his mouth but I quickly stop him,” Estapa if you say it’s for the boys I am going to throw this grape at your head.” Everyone laughs while Mark says it anyway just to mess with me. I throw the grape and he catches it in his mouth. Mark was actually the reason I became friends with the other guys. We partnered together on a project at the beginning of last year and I’ve been stuck with them ever since, not that I mind. 
“Some of the guys are coming over to watch the game,” Luke says before gathering his things. He and Mark had a class across campus so they started heading that way early. “See you guys,” Mark says swiping another grape from my plate. I roll my eyes at him and flip him off. He gives me a big grin and catches up with Luke. The guys start talking about what they need to grab for the gathering and I put my head on Mackie’s shoulder. Dylan stops mid-sentence and takes a picture of us. “Dylan seriously knock it off,” Mackie pleads while Ethan smacks him on the back of the head. 
“Okay we gotta go, but I’ll come over tonight after practice. Does that work for you,” I say sitting up and turning towards my boyfriend. He gives me a nod and stands up with me. He grabs all of my things and puts them in Dylan’s arms, who I have in my next class. “Sounds good. I’ll see you then,” he gives me a quick hug and grabs his stuff too. Ethan rounds the table and throws himself on me. I laugh and try to keep him up while attempting to hug him back. “I just needed a hug, since someone says he can’t anymore,” Ethan says dramatically glancing over at Mackie. “Sorry all reserved for my girlfriend buddy,” he jokes. “Yeah we’ll see about that Samo,” Ethan says before running at him with his arms open. 
Dylan and I watch the two of them run for a second before finally heading to class. “I can carry that Dyl,” I say trying to take my stuff back. “Y/n it’s two books and a laptop I think I can handle it,” he laughs rolling his eyes. I just give up because I know he isn’t gonna budge. “Does it actually bother you when I talk about how cute you and Mack are,” he asks while we walk in step. “No way. I mean it makes him flustered but it doesn’t bother either of us. The guys are just giving you a hard time Dyl,” I say placing my hand on his arm and patting it. “Besides if you didn’t take all of those pictures of us, I wouldn’t have this cute lock screen,” I show him. It was one of us after a game Mackie hugging me from behind as I tried to get away because he was super sweaty. We were both laughing and it was one of my favorites.
With my last class of the day being canceled, I was finished for the day and headed to the guys’s house. As I got there I noticed I still had at least a couple of hours before they got home. I started straightening up around the house so the boys didn’t have to come in all tired and do it. After finishing that I made my way to the kitchen and started making something for dinner. My choices were limited obviously, but they did have everything to make pasta with. After getting that started I grabbed the things I would need for brownies and got those ready.
The food was done and I was mixing the batter when I heard five very loud hockey players enter the house. They all followed the sound of my music and the smell of the food into the kitchen. “Oh my god I love you,” Luke says making his way into the kitchen first. “For cleaning or for cooking,” I laugh putting the bowl on the counter and looking for a pan. “Both,” he says grabbing a bowl and putting food onto it. The guys all quickly follow suit and while they are pushing and shoving to try and get some first, Mackie comes up behind me and puts his head on my shoulder. I relax and lean back into him.
“Thank you. You do know that you don’t have to do all of this right? We will all still love you even if you don’t,” he says before kissing my cheek. “Speak for yourself. I would actually love you a little less if you stopped taking care of us,” Mark jokes and I whacked with the rubber spatula I had on the counter near me. We all sat down and started eating and Dyaln took a picture of me sitting on Mackie’s lap with a bowl of pasta we were sharing. “I am so sending this to the group chat and bragging to the freshies,” he says and we smile at the camera. After everyone was done and the brownies were cooling, the boys did the dishes while I set up the TV in the living room. 
Last week the guys were going out and Mackie and I decided to stay in and watch something. I put on Pretty Little Liars because I was making Mackie watch it for the first time. One by one each guy had come downstairs after getting ready to wait for the others. Slowly each guy started watching it and then asking questions and I finally started it all over so we could all watch it together. 
“Okay, so how many times are we actually gonna see this video of her in the yellow shirt saying that,” Luke asks and I laugh because I thought the same thing when I first watched it. “Only a couple dozen more times,” my answer makes them all groan. The girls all got a text on the screen and my phone started going off. Five sets of eyes snap my way,” seriously,” I laugh checking my phone. I see tons of new followers and texts from some of my friends. “Dyl didn’t you say you sent that picture to the group chat,” I ask pausing the show. “Yeah, why,” he asks looking up from his spot on the ground.
I pull up his Instagram story and show him that he actually posted it on his story and not into the chat. “Oh shit. I am so sorry guys. I’ll go delete it now,” he fumbles with his phone trying to delete it. “Don’t worry about it. Leave it up,” Mackie says pulling it up on his phone and reposting it to his story. “You sure,” I ask and he leans over and gives me a quick peck on the lips. “Yeah. As long as you are,” he looks at me. I nod and scroll through and share it with my story too. “So you guys aren’t mad at me,” Dylan asks. “No Dyl. We could never be mad at our number one supporter,” I ruffle his hair and smile. After posting it, we both turn our phones on Do Not Disturb and I play the show. “So does this mean I can post the album of pictures I have of you know,” he asks already scrolling through trying to pick his favorites.
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justwritedreams · 10 months
Thinking of you | Junmyeon
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Mafia!Junmyeon x Reader
Word count: 2826 Genre: fluff, angst. Author: maari  Warnings: Post-breakup, mention of alcohol Note:  I'm not used to writing with him, Sammy used to do that soooo my first story with Junmyeon that I post here 🙈 i got really carried away with this one Request:  you could do a oneshot of junmyeon, where he is the mafia boss and in a club he meets his ex girlfriend, who broke up with him because she found out what he works for. they are suffering apart and want to be together! angst and fluffy ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Y/N looked at the dark landscape outside the car completely thoughtful. It had been like this in the last few weeks, she had relived the scene of her breakup countless times and tears always accompanied her.
Was it torture? Possibly.
But it still hurt her so much to remember that she no longer had his arms wrapped around her waist, or the way he always buried his face in her neck to smell the sweet perfume he loved for her to wear.
She swallowed the urge to cry once again, she had chosen to break up because it was the best thing to do in the situation she had found herself in.
She loved him so much, she didn't even know how it was possible to love someone that much, but she couldn't be with him. As much as she wanted to.
That night in particular she had promised her best friend that she would do everything she could to have a little fun and forget about the crack that had lodged itself in her heart since then, well either it was that or her friend would have dragged her by force to “live a little ”, in her friend’s words she should stop being so miserable.
Of course, not even her friends or family knew why she broke up with him, or else things would get worse.
But going to the club reminded her of all the nights she went out with him, especially the night they met. So even though she was fighting not to think about him, the memories came.
She took a deep breath as she got out of her friend's car, smiling lightly at her to assure her she was okay, or at least pretend like she was.
As soon as she entered the club, she felt an icy wind and a chill down her spine, she hugged her body and swallowed hard as she tried to shake off the clouds of memories that invaded her head.
She had barely arrived and she already knew it was a bad idea to go there.
She and her friend went to a high table that was empty, they talked a little while observing the place, Y/N's anxious eyes looked for a single person and her reason said that it would be better if he wasn't there.
As time went on, the music got slightly louder and the place got a little more crowded.
“Tae!” Y/N's friend called a boy with her hand, as soon as he turned and found her, he smiled widely.
"What are you doing here?" He asked as he approached her to hug her, he was accompanied by another boy. “This is Jinyoung, my friend.” he introduced and the boy extended his hand to shake both of them.
“This is Y/N, my best friend.”
Y/N smiled at the two of them and when she shook Jinyoung's hand her eyes stopped at his neck.
“Are you a soldier?” She asked, curious.
She recognized the ID necklace anywhere.
“Yes, army lieutenant.” He smiled, proudly.
"Really? My brother is a sergeant, but in the navy.” she explained and he smiled slightly at the answer.
“Y/N comes from a long line of soldiers.” Her best friend commented, smiling when she finally saw her talking.
“And you’re a soldier too?” Jinyoung asked, interested.
She laughed, shaking her head.
“No, I’m the only one who has a boring job.” She joked and got a laugh from the soldier.
Y/N had a lively conversation with Jinyoung, her best friend and Tae left them alone with the excuse of going dancing.
Jinyoung was pleasant to talk to and had a captivating smile, he didn't take his eyes off her and even though she was shy, she wasn't uncomfortable. Although her initial plan hadn't taken into account going out with a guy that night, she wasn't depriving herself of wanting to get to know him better.
But she had one small problem. The ex that wouldn't leave her sober mind.
That's why she decided to do what anyone in her position would do, drink until the image of her ex's eyes evaporated from her mind along with all the walls she had built around herself since the breakup.
She excused herself from Jinyoung, telling him that she would go to the bar and come back soon, he quickly patted her arm.
When she arrived, she looked at the drinks. She wasn't that big a fan of alcohol but she knew that the only way to forget about him was to do it.
“Double whiskey, please.” she asked the bartender who nodded before leaving to get her drink.
“Whiskey?” Y/N felt every hair on her body stand up and her legs trembled. “I always thought you preferred wine.”
She swallowed hard and the bartender returned, holding out the glass which Y/N quickly took, feeling her hands go cold.
Without any courage, she turned around and saw him standing next to her. She had to lock her jaw so a sigh wouldn't escape her lips.
He was still intoxicating.
His slightly wavy dark hair didn't fall entirely into his eyes, his face was hard and serious with his eyes fixed on her, he was wearing a white silk blouse with the first few buttons open that left a part of his chest exposed so that the necklace he wore sparkled. The necklace she had given him.
He wore a black vest and she couldn't resist continuing to analyze, her eyes went down to the black pants he wore and the expensive shoes.
It wasn't possible for a man to be as beautiful as him, it must be a crime.
Although he knew very well about crimes…
When her eyes returned to his face, he saw the slight smile that threatened to break.
“Not everything is what it seems.” She spoke quietly, unable to control how weak her voice sounded. “You know this better than me, Suho.”
She wasn't used to calling him by that name, he would always be Junmyeon to her.
Her Junmyeon.
But Suho was his battle name and since she discovered that, she used the name a few times just to speak to all the hurt she felt for having been betrayed.
Feeling the world around her spin in a spiral, she left without waiting for his response and returned to the table feeling watched.
Jinyoung greeted her with a smile and she did the same before downing the glass, drinking the whiskey in one gulp, making the poor boy next to her get a little scared.
The liquid ran down Y/N's throat but nothing was as strong and intense as Junmyeon's eyes staring at her from the other side of the club.
She didn't want to be the worst person in the world but she couldn't follow what Jinyoung said, she also didn't want to return Junmyeon's gaze but it was an impossible task.
Mainly because he divided the attention of his eyes between her and Jinyoung, as if he was reading what was happening between them.
During their relationship, he was never jealous because Y/N always assured him that her eyes were always on him, that no other boy would take her focus away from him.
But now they were no longer together and there was a slightly strong soldier beside her.
Yes, he had identified that he was a soldier before even noticing the identification necklace he wore.
People like him had training to recognize soldiers and police from miles away.
And when Y/N didn't look back, she lost the chance to see the fear in his eyes.
Y/N has always been a very correct woman, she was taught to be like that by her family, war heroes who had respect and principle.
And Junmyeon was the opposite of all that. He wasn't honorable and definitely not a hero, he was nothing that she really deserved it.
It was clear that after she had broken up with him, when she discovered the illicit work he did, he was afraid of losing her for good.
Not because his enemies could go after her, firstly, he would never let that happen, secondly, he had some of his  men protecting her in secret to prevent that.
But because he knew she could find someone better than him easily, she just snapped her fingers and a line of men would form.
Because, after everything that had been said between them, he imagined that she would look for someone with the same principles as hers.
Someone very different from him.
And well, a soldier was exactly what he imagined she would find.
He just didn't think it would be so difficult to see her around a man other than him.
But Junmyeon didn't even know what was going on in her head, even though she was looking at Jinyoung attentively, she wasn't listening to a word he was saying.
What was happening inside her was a real battle.
She knew it was wrong and dangerous, but seeing him there only concluded what her heart already knew, she was still crazy about him.
Even if his work or business, she still didn't know how to say it, went against everything she believed in, it was impossible for her feelings not to speak louder.
Jinyoung was a correct and honest man, from what little they talked she concluded that, she only had one problem: he was not Junmyeon.
Even though he was just as handsome, knowing that her ex was there watching her nullified any less friendly thoughts she might have had with Jinyoung.
Y/N felt her head spinning, there were many reasons, and the alcohol she had spilled wasn’t the only one. In fact, she had only made her situation worse because she had been drinking to forget her ex-boyfriend and here she was, remembering him more vividly.
“Y/N is everything okay?” Jinyoung asked, worried, seeing her face suddenly turn white.
She took a deep breath, nodding.
“Yeah, I just…” she looked at the bar where he was, Junmyeon didn’t even blink when he looked at her. Even from afar she felt how intense his eyes still were. “I need some air.” she confirmed, looking away from Jinyoung.
“Do you need me to…” he let the sentence die in the air and she smiled slightly
She brought her hand to his arm and gently stroked it.
“It’s okay, I just need 5 minutes alone.”
He nodded, placing his hand over hers, understanding what she was saying.
Y/N left feeling the air running out of her lungs as if she had run a marathon and when she finally found the exit of the club, she closed her eyes feeling the first tear run down her face.
She had promised herself that she would try to be strong, she even tried to convince herself that she didn't feel what she felt for Junmyeon - a failed attempt to forget him - but she didn't count on finding him there.
In fact, she didn't even imagine one day meeting him again. After the harsh words she used, she thought he would never talk to her again.
Y/N looked for a corner to sit down, hugging her legs to cry in silence.
It hurt her to be away from him, more than she had imagined. But it hurt even more to be so close and at the same time so far away from him.
She was so wrapped up in her own pain that she didn't notice when he crouched down beside her.
"Don't cry, please." he pleaded and she sobbed. “You know I can’t stand it.”
Y/N lifted her head with her face soaked, looking to the side and seeing him grimacing in pain.
She kept her eyes fixed on him as Junmyeon raised his hand to dry her face with his fingertips, making Y/N close her eyes at the gentle touch.
She had missed that. Much more than she should have.
"I can't."
"What?" He caressed her face for a longer time, making her open her eyes.
“I can’t look at you and forget everything I know.” she admitted, hurt.
Junmyeon gave in, fingers retracting to cease the caress.
Y/N sighed and stood up, pushing him away completely. Ready to get out of there, she just didn't expect him to step in front of her, stopping her from going.
“I'm still the same.”
She laughed in disbelief and tried to pass, but he held her arm without hurting her and brought her closer so she could look into his eyes.
“I’m still who I’ve always been with you.”
Y/N felt her breathing became labored for two reasons, he was too close that she could feel his breath against her face, and because his eyes didn't lie.
And that disconcerted her, broke all the arguments she could have and that she had rehearsed in her head.
“You have a side that I never imagined and that I don’t agree with!” She tried to speak a little more firmly, her rational side was being drowned out by her heart at that moment.
She was finally where she wanted, in his arms.
“This is just business, Y/N.”
"Business?" she asked, frowning. “A mafia is not a business, Junmyeon, it is a sect. One from which you will never be free because you’re the boss.”
"You’re right!" he agreed, seriously. “But look into my eyes.”
She looked away, shaking her head. That was why one of his hands released her arm and went to her chin, making her look at him.
“Look into my eyes and say you don’t see how much I love you.” he begged and she was silent. “If you say that you don't see how much I need you then that's fine, I'll let you go into the arms of a guy who has the same principles, who is your hero.”
Y/N felt her eyes water.
He was her hero long before she found out where his money came from.
"I cant do it." She spoke quietly, shrugging her shoulders.
"And why not?"
“Because I would be denying the whole truth, including that my love for you also exists.”
The corners of his lips threatened to lift into a sad yet happy smile, all he needed to hear was how much she still loved him, the rest they could take care of later.
He could find a way out as long as he was with her.
Without having anything to say, Junmyeon put his hand on the back of her head, making her goosebumps rise from head to toe, she knew what was coming and didn't stop it.
He brought his face closer to her, without taking his eyes off her because he wanted to make sure she wanted it so much as him and when he didn't see any sign to the contrary, he sealed their lips.
Y/N sighed, resting her hands on his chest as she closed her eyes at the feeling of his warm lips once again against hers.
Junmyeon's hand went down her arms to her waist, hugging her with a certain desperation as he moved his lips slowly, as if he was discovering her again.
Junmyeon tilted his head to the side as he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, all Y/N could do was grab the vest he was wearing tightly as their tongues met, eager for the sensual dance they were in accustomed.
Y/N's entire body seemed to light up, she felt so warm and so alive, it was as if she had awakened from a deep, cold sleep.
Their kiss became more desperate, causing him to press her against any surface he could find in the dark, which ended up being the club wall itself.
Completely panting, they separate, he even takes her lips in one last kiss before touching their foreheads.
“I've been thinking about you every second.” he spoke quietly and Y/N kept her eyes closed, her legs still wobbly. “I can’t live without you, Y/N.”
She smiled sideways, put her hands on his shoulders and then opened her eyes, looked at his red and swollen lips before moving up to his eyes, Junmyeon looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes.
“I could be making the biggest mistake of my life.” She sighed, reaching up to caress his face when she saw him frown. “But if I had to choose you a thousand times, I would.”
He smiled restrainedly.
“It was always you, Junmyeon. Always."
“You’re my eternal love,” he said firmly. “And you always will be.”
She smiled before pulling his face for another kiss that wouldn't be the last that night.
Was it wrong? Maybe, but everything she believed in didn't make any difference when she was with him or thinking about him.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year
Suguru Geto x Disabled! Reader
Sinopsis: Geto's S/o is a Disabled Non-Sorcerer
Reader: Neutral/Female
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings:small divergence from Canon at the end, friends to lovers, soft Geto, Reader is DISABLED (Which type of disability will not be specified, but it is one that makes mobility difficult, which could be using crutches, lack of limbs, wheelchair, etc. I will try to be vague about it, to cover as much as possible), Reader gets to receive BULLYING (NOT FROM GETO! Japanese society is considered very inclusive and everything, but people with disabilities don't have a very good time), some Soft yandere Geto? More like how he would act if something like that really happens in canon, Angst with Fluff. LONG POST
okay, I figured that you and Geto could probably be either 1- neighbors or 2- having gone to the same school (before being a Sorcerer obviously).
Be that as it may, Geto has known you for a long time, since you were young he remembers to give you a hand when you couldn't on your own (whether pushing your wheelchair/reaching for your crutches).
He always felt that he naturally gravitated towards you, he thought it was because of his belief that Non-Sorcerers needed protection, and in your case it was more serious, because of your disability, he felt that he had to take care of you.
but he soon realized that that wasn't really the reason, because despite your cadences, you were really capable, you were smart, creative, you had a good academic and even motor level, so he felt calmer in some way, knowing that he wanted to be with you to Bc of YOU in general.
Thus a beautiful friendship was born.
Geto was a very fun friend to have around, especially because, in general, he was very attentive so that you didn't feel left out.
It was like that even when they were little, if there was a game where you couldn't play, he would change it so you could be in it too. Translated to today, if he saw that his teammates were leaving you aside, he would intervene to assert yourself.
God forbid someone made a bad comment about your disability around him☠️
Geto didn't tolerate that shit.
For the same reason, when he went to Jujustu High, he was a little worried that you didn't have anyone who had as much experience helping you as he did, although at that moment you reassured him and wished him luck in his "new school".
...yes, at first you didn't really know what Jujutsu High was, you always had the feeling that Geto had certain strange qualities, but you just thought he was eccentric.
(Geto definitely ate several curses that tried to get closer to you or your home over the years)
Although Geto helped you with what you will need, he also wanted you to do things on your own so that you could have more capacity and generally feel more "normal" so to speak. obviously things that wouldn't make you uncomfortable.
That's why you had a lot of confidence in yourself, even when he left, it was another reason why I thought you would be fine without him. that someone else might be able to take care of you.
and at first, everything seemed to be going well! You continued going to high school, getting weekly updates from Geto (whether in person or via text), and everything felt almost unchanged. except that...
You realized that, apart from Geto, no one else dared to talk to you now. It wasn't even because you didn't try, people saw you (with a strange expression) and said goodbye immediately.
and you tried MANY times, again, and again, and again, and again, but always the same, they saw you and walked away in a hurry, with that expression on their faces.
That was your story during the first part of the year, where you also identified the feeling behind those faces.
"It's normal" they used to say when you complained to someone "if you can't keep up with others, they'll leave you behind or you'll isolate yourself, you're not trying hard enough."
That just made you feel worse obviously.
but you didn't dare to share that part with Geto, not when you saw each other and he was so happy to see you and tell you about his classmates (normal classmates, apparently), especially a "Satoru" who always appeared in his anecdotes, it was nice to see him this happy.
You didn't dare to break his bubble with your "meaningless problems" so you only talked about the academic part and things at home, and he believed it.
In a way, these outings were what helped you stay sane, because the loneliness of the first year was overwhelming.
but the second year was worse. much worse.
They already knew that you wouldn't do much against isolation, so they took a step further, aggression.
At first they were typical comments from someone ignorant (not necessarily malicious) but they escalated to hurtful jokes and more unpleasant comments as time went by.
although at least one or two people took pity on your situation and started helping you when you had problems with your disability (previously, most of the time only teachers did it). and you talked about them as "friends" (although they were barely acquaintances) when you hung out with Geto, thus managing to elude his radars for another year.
that's what you thought, Although Geto began to notice certain changes in your attitude in the second year, he thought that maybe these "friends" could be toxic friends, which made him ask you out more often.
You even got to meet his teammates! Satoru and Shoko. Although you felt that they were leaving some things... out of the conversations, they were fun, especially Gojo, you understood why Geto was so delighted with him.
Even at one point when Geto left them alone with you, they continued talking to you about the most normal things, even joking that Geto talked about you every now and then at school, as if they were insinuating something...
but Geto returned before they continued with that.
Does anyone remember that scene where Geto and Gojo are riding a bike together? They'd probably try that on you, with a LOT of precautions Obviously, but you'll get it done somehow (is this even physically possible? Don't ask) and WOW it's almost like flying.
this would happen a couple more times in the second year, while you weren't even HALF as close to Shoko and Gojo as Geto, they were definitely good people that you enjoyed hanging out with. almost friends, so to speak.
While things at your own school weren't getting better, but at least they weren't trying anything besides verbal bullying, a part of you feels like you should have expected it.
Your family was not happy about this, they were much more aware of your situation, but since there was no physical damage, they couldn't do much, and you didn't want to waste their time.
The bullying would continue even if you changed schools, you knew it. they knew it.
At least you still had Geto and that helped you cope with everything.
That was until the third year, where everything went to hell.
That was the first thing Geto noticed.
He decided to be honest with what he did at Jujutsu High, even if he didn't give all the information, now everything made MUCH more sense, it's the first thing you remember from that year.
The third year was a blur, what started as typical school bullying turned into direct physical violence and more direct grievances.
hide your things, throw them in the trash, shake you and pull your hair, make rounds to push you, pinch you until you cry, hit you with a ruler-
Everything escalated so quickly that your family decided halfway through the year that you would no longer go to school, but instead study at home.
How so, you never told Geto this, mostly because you only let him tell how he was doing lately and if he asked, you would just tell him some family drama story.
This time he didn't buy it from you.
And to make matters worse, your relatives accidentally spilled the beans on HIS parents.
There was no escape, you had to tell him.
and surprisingly he wasn't mad at you. not at all.
Rather, he was angry that he didn't ask more deeply, knowing that there were holes in your story, and maybe help you through the whole process.
but he settled for comforting you and giving you a hand now that you would be more within reach than before.
If your family had some business to attend to and couldn't take care of you, Geto would offer. Obviously they were skeptical at first, but they realized very quickly that there was nothing to worry about.
Those days it would practically just be the two of you doing things like kids your age, playing some games, watching trash TV, taking a break from the outside world.
Geto also ends up learning even more about your condition to be able to take better care of yourself these days, although he believes that it is best to ask your family for advice since they are the ones who interact with you the most during the day and know best how to treat your specific case.
Although you also care a lot about him, even if you don't fully understand his "job", you don't want him to neglect taking care of you.
You only make him fall even harder, honestly.
If you are even an "unofficial couple" at this point, Geto is very careful with you, in the sense that he does not want the world of Jujustu to reach you in some way.
Maybe that's why he doesn't share much of what he does in Jujutsu High, not only because technically he shouldn't, but because he feels that if he tells you EVERYTHING he would be tarnishing you in some way - it's just that you're so friendly and cute! He wants to keep you always like that!
Then, when he is spiraling down, you are the first to notice and try to talk to him, but at first he seems to avoid you :(
Maybe it doesn't last long (maybe a week) before he comes back (practically running) and apologizes for it, he just can't handle seeing you hurt because of him :'(
He also continues to show worrying behavior, when he talks about the Non-Sorcerer for example, you can see the HATE in his eyes when he talks about them, saying frankly creepy things, only to completely turn around and say that it doesn't include you, you're different, you are good.
You try to talk to Shoko and Gojo but you don't have their contacts, and you honestly don't know if it's a good idea to ask Geto for them in his current state.
and one day... it just happens, the last straw.
and Geto disappears for a time, a time that seems eternal.
and the last thing you remember about it is already being in the cult. without having an idea of how or when, but you were already there.
but...do you feel strangely safe?
As You could, you leave the comfortable room that you wake up and search for any clue that tell you what they hell just happen.
Your family is also with you, but unlike you, they are much more bewildered by the whole situation. Everyone is dressed in strange clothes, well, except for you, you have clothes quite similar to what you wear at home.
When you least realize it, Geto is with you, by your side, asking how you feel (as if he hadn't just fucking kidnapped you all), he's different, you notice, he's much calmer.
although he looks noticeably more irritated when talking to your family (he even goes so far as to call them "monkeys").
and basically explains to them WHY they are all here.
You are an exception to his rule, and your family can stay as long as they take care of you (because he wouldn't even let some stranger or "monkey" take care of your condition).
You don't understand much of what he's talking about, but that seems to be his intention. and is again incredibly gentle when addressing you.
Being with Geto is a delight, even when he's evil, you know he's up to no good, but there's little you can do to stop him. So you do what anyone would do, accept their advantageous situation.
Besides, it's not bad at all.
Geto introduces you to the family, who although they were VERY skeptical of you at first, grew fonder of you much faster than they want to admit.
Except for the twins, they already had you in high regard because of how Geto talked about you.
Now that he has the resources, rest assured that he will get you things to make your condition more manageable (if he doesn't get some Sorcerer who can alleviate the symptoms, but he will still get them for you just in case)
YOU. ARE. SPOILED. ROTTEN. It's not even fun now, before young Geto would have done anything so you could stand on your own or walk towards him, but nowadays it seems like he doesn't even want you to move a muscle. Just stay on his lap and let him pamper you.
That's another thing, it becomes considerably more Clingy. He respect if you don't want to have contact due to sensory overload, but the man is literally SHAKEING when he can't even give you 3 hugs.
You also become more chubby, he insist that you should eat more to be more healty(Even insist on spoon feed you if youre having a Bad day). Maybe he just don't want to see you in a sickly state like in the School days(he still has a Little guilty for that).
Don't misunderstand, if you want to improve your condition, Geto will give you all his support (and that of the family alongside yours, they are your cheerleaders🤣), any progress is an achievement.
Do you know those videos of paraplegic brides who walk to the altar (even if it's with a support)? If you do that with Geto (whether the evil one or Teacher) he will most likely start crying (from happiness and pure love)
Your family went from = completely approving to = HATING HIM WITH ALL THEIR SOUL. Geto is the same, but he realized that it would put you in a bad mood if he referred to them as "monkeys" (at least in front of you), so they made a "Cold War" pact, they only say things to each other when you are not close.
*You:Go shopping with the twins*
Geto:(make sure youre gone)MONKEYS
if we're talking about an AU where Geto doesn't turn evil (aka, free therapy) IT'S ALL FLUFF.
Mimiko and Nanako LOVES YOU!(independent of the AU) and will definitely defend you from any idiot who thinks making fun of you is "fun"
(in canon no one would even dare to look the wrong way in your direction thanks to Geto's protection)
In general he is much more open to letting you do things.
He is still cuddly, but at a "normal" level so to speak, he can die at any moment despite being (along with Satoru) the strongest, so he greatly appreciates the moments with you and the girls.
He often goes with you with Shoko, who becomes something of a close friend of the family.
Gojo makes many many MANY "lovebird" jokes when the two of you are around, or when Geto calls you to check on you, you can hear Gojo mockingly affectionately.
"I'm going to get you a divorce lawyer for your birthday.""fuck you Satoru"
In general, Geto sees you as someone precious, and that your disability (apart from not preventing you from being a capable person) only highlights your soft and friendly personality despite everything, how you approach life, sincerely he just wants to take care of you.
He loves you very much regardless of your abilities.
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Haruka Sakurai - Eyes Analysis in MILGRAM
Alright, so let's start with Haruka and his two MVs - Weakness and All Knowing and All Agony.
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Starting with Weakness, we see that the victim's face and the mom's face (and therefore their eyes) are blocked out. We can see the victim's expression, but not the mom's. This could be for a few reasons, but I don't think it's dehumanization here, because Haruka, as we all know, adores his mom, and he looks happy with the victim in the left picture.
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A lot of people theorize that Haruka is autistic, and these scenes with the eyes plus the faces getting blocked out plus Haruka struggling with eye contact in Trial 1 is one of the many reasons why - autistic people can have a hard time making eye contact and reading people's facial expressions and such. As an autistic person myself, I can speak to my own experience that I personally find eye contact very uncomfortable, and I don't always look at other people's faces when I'm talking to them.
These eyes that keep showing up are symbolism for something. This is just my take on things, but I think these eyes represent both what Haruka wants (for someone to see him, for someone to notice him) and the negative looks and responses he's been getting from being himself and acting in a certain way.
Part of the reason why the faces are blocked out in those scenes with the mom and the girl might be because Haruka can't look these people in the eyes, can't look at their faces, can't read their expressions, but let's dig a little deeper, shall we? Because they're not the only ones who are eyeless in this MV.
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Take a look at this scene near the end of Weakness. Haruka doesn't have eyes here, but he's the focus of this MV! What's going on?
Well, as I'll bring up in later posts, like Kotoko's and Mikoto's, there are some MVs where the prisoner involved doesn't have eyes in some scenes. In this scene, neither Haruka has eyes, and my take on why the eyes are gone is that Haruka's kinda unconsciously dehumanizing himself and his victim here. The little Haruka represents not only his younger self that his mom loved, but also the "right version" of him that he's implied exists in both in the lyrics of Weakness ("the right future unfairly chose the wrong me") and in one of his interrogation questions (he said "Everything. Every single thing is wrong." as an answer to one of the trial 2 interrogation questions - "What's the difference between you and someone else?" - according to this translation). We also know now that AKAA has come out that younger Haruka in this scene also represents Haruka's victim - the braid girl. He believes that he's worthless and not worth paying attention to until Muu comes along, and he tries to dehumanize and push down his victim in the same way, but in the end, he can't fully do that. He still sees himself as less than her. Why do I say that? Well, considering that even when he's been told he's in the right, he still thinks "[every] single thing is wrong" about him, some bits from the second trial VD that I only vaguely remember, and considering the lyrics of Weakness and AKAA go deep into self hatred and believing he's "a disappointment," "why was I born like this," "hopeless," and so on, I really don't think he thinks he's any better than his victim.
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We sure do see a lot of eye close ups for Haruka, huh? He seems sad or distressed or depressed in a lot of them. There's not much light there, either, but there's enough to where he doesn't look like he's in despair. He's holding onto a little bit of hope that maybe things will be alright again.
Before we move on to AKAA, I just want to analyze one last frame.
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Haruka looks angry in this one, and it's the only one where you can see his eyes when he looks angry. In fact, it's right before the scene where Haruka's eyes are missing. It's interesting because he's upside down here, his full expression is angry, not just his eyes, and he's looking at his younger self (who is his younger self, his idealized self, and his victim). He said in this interrogation question that he was envious of his victim, so what do we get from that plus this? Haruka seems to have lashed out at his victim for being what he wanted to be so desperately - the golden child who was loved.
Now, onto All Knowing and All Agony!
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Haruka shows a lot of emotions with just his eyes (although his expressions help). For example, here he's looking up at us, curious, and then...
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In these shots, we see Haruka being determined to do something. Eye close ups are gonna be a bit of a thing in this MV too.
There seems to be more light in Haruka's eyes in this MV. He has a purpose; he's not loosely sinking into water anymore. This comes through in the lyrics too - "Don't leave me" "I will make you love me again" "I will keep on killing to be a good boy" "I want to be your favorite next." I think this is partly because of the innocent verdict, and he's speaking to Es/us in some of these lines.
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This is one of the only shots in AKAA where Haruka's eyes are blocked out, actually. He's dehumanizing himself less (even though he's not portrayed as just a normal person in AKAA; he's portrayed as animalistic, which bothers me, but that's a personal gripe), and it's possibly because of the innocent verdict. After all, we told him he was innocent and forgivable, so he probably took that to mean that he's not totally worthless and less than human, because...yeah, Haruka seems to struggle with that a bit.
One interesting thing that shifts from Weakness to All Knowing and All Agony (that also shifts between half and Cat, but that's for another post) is that someone who didn't have eyes in the first MV now has eyes - Haruka's mom.
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She is clearly horrified and afraid in these shots, but Haruka doesn't seem to take her actions and reactions that way, judging by his expressions after she slaps him.
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"She slapped me" turns into "she finally noticed me and acknowledged my existence" turns into "she loves/cares about me." Someone should really sit Haruka down and explain to him how affection is actually supposed to work, because it's not like that. But it is interesting how Haruka's eyes shift from having no light in them to being filled with tearful joy. I just want to give him a hug.
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I really, *really* want to analyze this shot. They're trying to make little Haruka look like a monster here with the viewpoint and the way his mom looks scared, but if you look closely, little Haruka is (1) happy to be noticed and (2) just wants a hug. He is a child who wants love, but he's being portrayed as wild and scary here. So why would the animators go for this point of view, rather than a different, more balanced point of view? I'll leave that to y'all to determine.
I...think that's about it for my Haruka eye analysis? (Although some of it was more just me pointing things out, but whatever.) I hope y'all liked it! Next up will be either Kotoko's or Kazui's, whichever one I feel like doing first.
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Thank you for reading!
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scandalouslamb · 4 months
How I Personally Read/Characterize Festus Creed
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Because not everything can be about Felix Ravinstill. (Also yes, I'm using my own gif for visual interest.)
@persephoneprice, since you asked so nicely, I finally finished this post. This will probably feel familiar to you/anyone else who's read my oc fics.
Most people I've seen portray Festus as either a golden retriever type character (with a side of himbo at times?) or someone on the meaner side of Capitol students, and I suppose that I land somewhere in the middle.
Personally, I see him less as a traditional himbo (he's in the top 24 students at the Academy that's got to count for something in terms of booksmarts) and more of just someone who lacks polish in his interactions and social graces. We see him suggest very blunt force/violent approaches as solutions to get people to watch the Games in the book (Ch.6), and he seems to have less control over his emotions (crying about Arachne, obviously Clemensia admits to crying about the death of their friend too, but she and Coriolanus seem to quickly leave Festus at his apartment when he starts maybe implying it's not normally socially acceptable to be so emotional in public?) (Ch. 7).
In my mind, I think this lack of social grace makes some of the other Capitolites occasionally look down on him. Everyone has their slips once in awhile, but Festus has them more frequently.
Also I think the briefly mentioned dare that Festus put Coriolanus up to about making out with (hooking up with?) a girl in an alleyway (Ch. 13) speaks to Festus having a tendency to get himself and other people into some sort of mischief/potentially goofing off. I can't remember any other specific examples, but just his general vibe tells me he likes to goof off.)
Festus definitely has a cruel streak, just based on the casual way that he talks about his animal cruelty side hobby (dogfighting), and the aforementioned very blunt force solutions of getting people to watch the Games (Ch. 6). I don't think he's cruel in a malicious way (which is in a way perhaps more frightening but also more interesting to me). He's just not reflecting on his actions and realizing that he's cruel or mean. He takes things at a surface-level most of the time and won't delve into any moral quandaries without severe prompting.
Connecting to his movie portrayal, I don't actually think that there is much of a gap to bridge between my read of his book personality and his movie personality (This might be an unpopular opinion, idk.). Like ignoring the fact that a lot of the mentor's more sympathetic moments were cut from the movie, the film is consistent with the crueler aspects of Festus' personality that the book kind of hints at to me.
It might be hard for most people to imagine Coriolanus inviting Movie! Festus to Sejanus' memorial dinner at the end of tbosas if Festus interacts with Sejanus like this, but if you follow my headcanon that Festus is constantly putting his foot in his mouth in conversations and taking the occasional verbal spar a bit too far, then, while he still obviously looks down on Sejanus, there is a possibility that he doesn't actually treat Sejanus that differently from how he treats other people (see him teasing Felix). Thus, to Coriolanus, he would actually seem like a viable person to bring to that dinner.
While I'm disappointed that Festus organizing people to carry Coriolanus around on a chair after Lucy Gray wins was cut from the movie (Ch. 20), I do think Movie! Festus' more hostile reaction to Coriolanus' tribute winning isn't that out of character from Book! Festus if we consider that Coral was the runner up, and as the Games end with the release of the snakes in the movie, Festus probably felt that Coral really was about to win before that happened.
I also personally headcanon that Festus was at least a little upset that Coral died, because he had gotten used to the idea of her winning. Obviously, that isn't exactly on par with thinking of her as a equal and fellow human being, but there's a seed here for him to start thinking critically and sympathetically and realize that the tributes are people like him. Unfortunately, like with most of the mentors, I think it would take a lot to force him to reflect in that way, and in most universes probably isn't in the cards for him.
Overall, however, I do think that he is a great friend to those close to him just based on how he acts with Coriolanus throughout the the book, and he does seem to want to do what he considers the right thing, like when Reaper's starving and he tries to convince Clemensia to feed him (Ch. 18, although he does retract this statement in the next chapter). Unfortunately, the right thing for someone raised in the Capitol is very skewed.
Bonus: the reason I think that Felix and Festus might be drawn romantically but also in the platonic sense is actually Festus' constant putting his foot in his mouth/lack of social graces. It would appeal to Felix, because he can always count of Festus to be at least somewhat genuine in a world where so many people might be trying to use Felix's connection to the president for personal gain. On Festus' end, I imagine that having someone so accepting of his social foibles would be very comforting. So, yeah, I think they would get along even if I didn't ship them!
Anyway, I hope this makes sense! Surprisingly, I do have thoughts about characters other than Felix!
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ikamigami · 1 month
Thank you for all of you who were worried about me.
It turned out that it was mistake but it triggered my delusion - guilt delusion - and because my mind was tired because it was night time for me it was easier to spiral.
I really thought that I did something bad but just somehow didn't even remember anything..
But everything is alright now ^^
I'm so grateful for everything you all send me and told me. I'll respond to everything ^^
But I'm a bit tired right now and I also don't have much time for now either so I decided to make this post so you all wouldn't have to worry about me anymore ^^
I can't thank you enough everyone ^^
I'm sorry that I scared you all so badly.. it thankfully turned out that it wasn't because of any false rumors about me.. but that person just mistaken someone else for me..
Everything is okay now.. but I'm truly sorry for worrying you all.. and that I said that someone had to tell some lies about me.. it was hard for me to think straight and I was paranoid and I thought that maybe it's like then all over again..
But gladly it wasn't the case and everything is okay ^^
So thank you everyone so much for your kind words and support 💗🫂
I feel a bit better and I'll try to relax and rest to not think about this anymore (because bad thoughts will only get worse if I'll continue to think about it) ^^
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lifeontoast · 1 year
Could you write a thing for a study date with Cedric Diggory? I’m a Ravenclaw, but as most of us know (Ravenclaws don’t always enjoy schoolwork).
Study Date 

Cedric Diggory x reader

SUMMARY: Cedric and the reader have an important test to study for, but they’ve been putting it off as long as they can… just some fluff!

A/N: hello lovely @tgarrett26 ! I am very sorry that this took so long to write and post, but I really hope you enjoy it :)
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‘Y/N? the exam is literally tomorrow, we HAVE to study!’ Cedric said to you as you walked down the corridor together. Tomorrow was the day of your big Transfiguration exam, that McGonagall had been pestering you about for weeks now. You hated studying with a passion, so you never bothered to do any work for exams. To be honest, you’d put it out of your mind totally, until Cedric brought it up. A tiny part of you felt a little nervous that you hadn’t done any revision, but you quickly squashed that feeling. You’d been working hard enough without adding an exam into the mix.
‘I know, but I really can’t be bothered. What does this one exam matter, anyway?’ you replied.
‘It doesn’t matter at all, I agree, but McGonagall will kill us if we don’t pass, you know that!’ he looked at you imploringly. Cedric had always been a bit anxious about any exam or test either one of you had to take, so he was always keen to make sure he revised everything, even if the content wasn’t in the exam. ‘just in case’ he would tell you. He often managed to coerce you into doing the same. You hated to admit it, but he was right. You needed to do well in these exams, or else risk the stability of your future Hogwarts career. However, his words didn’t make you change your mind; his beautiful warm eyes made you melt and relent easily.
You sighed. ‘Fine. We’ll go to the library after class.’


‘Come on, Y/N. To the library with us.’ Cedric smiled brightly, walking out of Charms. Far too brightly for someone who was about to spend hours slaving away over Transfiguration revision. You nodded solemnly and followed him to the library. Flitwick had been unusually hard on the class today; piling on the homework like there was no tomorrow. You had also learned a particularly tricky little Charm that lesson, and were keen to practise and master it as soon as you could – well, after your study session of course.

Sitting down at your regular table by the fire, you opened your books and got to it. Soon, ten minutes had passed, and you were already bored out of your mind. When you looked up, you saw that Cedric still looked fairly concentrated; his eyes were flitting across the pages of his textbook with a practised ease. He had always been able to throw himself into his studies with what he called enthusiasm and zeal. You called it reckless abandon; he was known to overwork himself far too frequently for your liking. He would work for endless hours into the night, not even the midnight chimes of the clock bringing him to bed. You decided to leave him alone for a while, and try to keep going. It was infinitely better to let him work than risk him staying up far too late again tonight.
After 20 minutes, it became unbearable. You remembered why you hated studying so much every time you sat down to do it; the task was mind-numbing, and you really struggled to retain concentration for the long periods of time the intensive Hogwarts exams required. Covering all the content required was going to be impossible. Still, you attempted once again to read the words of the textbook in front of you. You realised, putting your head in your hands, that it was totally futile; the words swam up and down like the Merpeople in the Black Lake. Your head throbbed with the effort. The several late nights you’d been having recently weren’t helping your headache, although you had the teachers’ homework-setting to thank for that.

‘Cedric!’ you whisper shouted. He looked up at you. ‘I’m so bored!’ you whined. He just rolled his eyes playfully and grinned at you.
‘I know, Y/N, I am too, but we really need to study! How about we try and make this fun?’ he said back, trying to keep you in a studying state of mind. He always looked out for you and did things for the best – although you didn’t always see that until after the fact. You quirked a brow inquisitively. Anything to make studying more bearable!
‘When you finish a chapter, you get a kiss. How does that sound?’ his velvety voice offered. Nodding eagerly, you instantly reopened your book and attempted to race through your Transfiguration notes, suddenly motivated. Cedric really was so good to you.

You surprised yourself by reaching the end of the chapter in no time at all, and looked up at Cedric expectantly. 
‘Well done. I thought that would work.’ He laughed teasingly. ‘Well, a promise is a promise.’ He took your hand in his and kissed it gently. You smiled at him, and he reciprocated it. Getting back to studying, you found yourself suddenly much more motivated than you normally were, and once again raced through the chapter. Another kiss. This time you worked even faster, the promise of a kiss spurring you on to no end. Another chapter. Another kiss. On and on it went, until you found yourself having finished everything in record time.

Cedric gave you one final kiss well done before you exited the library hand in hand, for some cuddles in the common room. However, before you could do that, Cedric made a quick diversion to the kitchen for some well-deserved snacks and hot chocolates. The kitchen elves loved you and Cedric, as you were both so polite and appreciative when they gave you something. Today was no different. Cedric told them how hard the two of you had been studying, and the elves must have taken pity on you, as they sent you back to the common room with enough delicious snacks to feed the entire school. 
The Hufflepuffs never minded having you in the common room, as you were always kind to them and made them laugh (A/N: if you’re in Hufflepuff you can just ignore that). Choruses of ‘hey, Y/N!’ and ‘hi Cedric!’ greeted your ears when you entered the cosy, near-empty room. Wandering over towards the fireplace, your usual place was inviting you to sit and forget about the hardships of the day. Cuddling up together, you shared the food you had been given, and toasted many marshmallows too, watching their delicate white skins crisp up and darken with the flames’ gentle caresses. All the cares of the day simply melted away, and you lived in the moment, enjoying every little second with Cedric. 

Oh, how you hated studying. But Cedric made it just a little bit better.


A/N: as usual, thanks so much for reading! You guys rock!
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Hello,i wanted to ask you if everything is alright and if you could do some hc, remember my ask where musashi's and mumon's S/O almost died?Well... could you please make some hc where their S/O didn't make it either because their enemy found them and killed the on the hospital bed or due to organ failure and how would they react, but then they would come back in the form of a spirit because they didn't want to leave their side.
Thanks for posting and here's a bear hug
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These kinds of ideas need a story/one-short to develop them properly… And all I can offer are miserable headcanons 🥺🥺 I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for giving so little when I get so much 😭😞
Situation: Spirit! S/O who follows their man Baki even after death / Espíritu! S/O que sigue a su hombre Baki aún después de la muerte.
Characters: Mumon Katsuragi and Musashi Miyamoto.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon is so sad when you left, he worked hard at the funeral services so he could have a good place to bury your body. He cries when he has to say goodbye to you and stays even when everyone has already left. It was there when he felt you for the first time, it was a breath that caused a chill down his spine, he didn't know it was your intangible hand that was trying to caress his back to console him for your death.
The second time he felt your presence was when he was cleaning the house, he thought he saw a diffuse figure moving in the corner of the room and he could only see it out of the corner of his eye, his gaze remained at that point for a few seconds until he decided to let it pass and continue doing his thing, your ghostly self sighs of relief when he ignores you; You tried to help him clean the house with small air currents that would dissipate the dust faster.
The third time, and when he realized that it was really you, was when a month had passed since your death. You had decided that you would just observe him and not try to get noticed for a while so that he would forget the first two incidents. That day Mumon had returned home early and cooked a big dinner for two people, he set up a stall for him and another for you, you couldn't let him eat alone. You couldn't help but take your rightful place at the table even in your intangible form, you smiled melancholy when you realized how much you missed Mumon despite following him all the time and as you lamented with the memories Mumon smiled at you.
“I don't know if I finally went crazy, but if you're there, I want you to know that I love you a lot.”
Musashi Miyamoto.
He's not exactly the best at describing his grief, nor is he the best at experiencing it. He has no idea what to do now, death is not something new to him, God knows it is not, Musashi walks on a crimson red path of the spilled blood of his opponents, but he has never experienced anything like the emotional pain of the death of a loved one. He doesn't handle it well at all.
But he is undoubtedly calm, he is handling it too well to be him. The people around him notice this strange pattern of him; He stares at one point in the room, hums affirmations at nothing, and lingers for a few seconds before leaving any room, as if he were giving way to someone else. Furthermore, he turns to look at anyone who talks about his S/O as if he were warning them to watch their words before he glances around the room, nods, and goes about his business.
Musashi knows you're there, you know, one of those weird strength things that explain why Musashi can sense the fluctuation of energy your spirit gives off. That is why he is not affected by your departure, because he knows you are there. With him.
"I know you are there. I got some green tea, do you want to join me?”
Versión en Español.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon está tan triste cuando te fuiste, se esforzó en los servicios fúnebres para que pudiera tener un buen lugar en donde enterrar tu cuerpo. Llora cuando debe darte el último adiós y se queda aun cuando todos ya se han marchado. Fue ahí cuando te sintió por primera vez, fue un soplo que le provoco un escalofrío en toda la espalda, no sabía que era tu intangible mano que trataba de acariciar su espalda para consolarlo por tu muerte.
La segunda vez que sintió tu presencia fue cuando estaba limpiando la casa, creyó haber visto una figura difusa que se movía en la esquina de la habitación y que solo pudo verla de reojo, su mirada permaneció en ese punto unos segundos hasta que decidió dejarlo pasar y seguir en lo suyo, tú yo fantasmagórico suspiro de alivio cuando él te ignoro; trataste de ayudarlo a limpiar la casa con pequeñas corrientes de aire que disiparan el polvo más rápido.
La tercera vez, y cuando se percató de que realmente eras tú, fue cuando se cumplió un mes desde tu muerte. Habías decidido que solo lo observarías y no tratarías de hacerte notar durante un tiempo para que él olvidara los dos primeros incidentes. Ese día Mumon había regresado a casa temprano y cocino una gran cena para dos personas, coloco un puesto para él y otro para ti, no podías dejar que comiera solo. No pudiste evitar ocupar el lugar que te correspondía en la mesa aún en tu forma intangible, sonreíste con melancolía cuando te diste cuenta de cuanto extrañabas a Mumon a pesar de seguirlo todo el tiempo y mientras te lamentabas con los recuerdos Mumon te sonrió.
“No sé si finalmente enloquecí, pero, si estás ahí, quiero que sepas que te entraño muchísimo”
Musashi Miyamoto.
Él no es precisamente el mejor para describir su duelo, tampoco es el mejor para experimentarlo. No tiene idea de que hacer ahora, la muerte no es algo nuevo para él, Dios sabe que no lo es, Musashi camina sobre un sendero rojo carmesí de la sangre derramada de sus oponentes, pero nunca ha experimentado nada como el dolor emocional de la muerte de un ser querido. No lo lleva para nada bien.
Pero está indudablemente tranquilo, lo está llevando demasiado bien para ser él. Las personas a su alrededor notan este patrón extraño suyo; se queda mirando fijamente a un punto en la habitación, tararea afirmaciones a la nada y se demora unos segundos antes de salir de cualquier habitación, como si le cediera el paso a otra persona. Además, voltea a ver a cualquier persona que habla de su difunto S/O como si le advirtiera de que cuidara sus palabras antes de dar un vistazo a la habitación, asentir y seguir en lo suyo.
Musashi sabe que estás ahí, ya sabes, una de esas cosas extrañas de la fuerza que explica que Musashi puede sentir la fluctuación de la energía que desprende tu espíritu. Es por ello que no se ve afectado por tu partida, porque sabe que estás ahí. Con él.
“Sé que estás ahí. Conseguí algo de té verde, ¿quieres acompañarme?”
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darsynia · 2 years
do you take requests? if so, I’d like to formally request reader comforting Tony and just showering him in praise because he truly deserves it and we never see him get treated like that in the movies
it can end with smut if you’d like, up to you 🫶🏻
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Summary: Tony Stark was a broken, angry man after he survived his snap to save the universe, but you've brought him back to life slowly, carefully, lovingly. He comes home with bad news after a meeting with his doctor, and you offer him as much comfort and encouragement as you can. Warnings: hurt/comfort, toxic anger, mentions of amputation (story is set post-Endgame) Pairings: Tony Stark/GN!Reader Word Count: 3,171
Thank you so much for your request! I've updated the layout of this story and hope that you did see it back when it was posted.
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Build Me a Cocoon So I Can Crawl Inside Your Love
Tony’s back from the specialist’s appointment he didn’t want to let you come along for, and he looks really discouraged. The gamma radiation damage had required an amputation above the elbow. It was a strategic choice, designed to offer the best possible outcome for prosthetics. The problem is, it hasn’t been healing well enough to be fitted yet, and by the look on his face, that’s still the case.
Every time he goes in to be assessed, the fitting date is pushed back, and Tony comes home feeling some kind of way. This time he’s sad, resigned even, which you suppose is better than when he was angry and ready to burn off enough flesh to start over. Tony Stark’s righteous anger is hard to refute, but his sadness? It breaks your heart.
You’d met Tony after the heroics, after the messy divorce, after the custody battle. He was never a man who knew how best to heal, and healing the whole universe of its colossal loss was meant to kill him. When it didn’t, he… didn’t handle that very well. 
If you had been a home health nurse, one of the court-ordered psychologists, or even among the number of Morgan’s many home tutors (the daughter of the savior of the universe was too valuable to go to regular school, one of the things Pepper and Tony had fought over, with Tony on the side of ‘I know what boarding school and isolation does to a rich kid, you cannot do this to our daughter.’ He’d lost.), Tony would never have given you the time of day. He wants nothing at all to do with anything from before, not even by association.
No, you��re an artist. He’d run into you completely by accident on one of the worst days of his new life, though the events did end up creating an accidental bond. In a bid to completely revamp his life, Tony had been spending time at national parks, and, woefully unprepared for the heat, he’d stumbled into your day camp set up. You’d fed and watered him, but then he’d had a phantom pain attack, and in response, an attack of temper.
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“-- not expect to spend the rest of my life in this much fucking PAIN!” Tony had roared, his remaining hand scrabbling at the knot made out of the empty bottom half of his right sleeve, trying to untie it. You’d come over to help, and in blind frustration, he’d shoved you away, probably remembering someone else, someone who made him feel guilty for being angry.
You’d fallen back into your easel, your ass sliding across your unfinished art, ruining many hours of work.
There was no way you wanted to make things worse for him-- after all, he was the reason you got some of the people you loved most in the world back! --so you’d tried to minimize the damage. They were only things, after all, and you could recreate what you lost. The two of you had quarantined yourselves at either side of your camp, each tending to your own ‘wounds.’ In all honesty, you’d expected him to walk off, but he hadn’t.
An indeterminate number of minutes later, after you’d cleaned everything up and were trying to decide how best to carry it back down to your car, Stark’s left hand thrust into view. He was holding a piece of paper, a receipt, it looked like, with some information scrawled onto the back of it.
“Figure out how much that all cost and I’ll reimburse you. Send me a message on that. It’s private, so,” Tony had heaved a sigh, then continued, “--don’t share--”
“Are you kidding?” you’d said, covering his shaking hand with yours instinctively, to steady it. “I wouldn’t dream of making your life worse, after all you’ve done!”
“Please.” You can still remember his voice, how weary he’d sounded. “No Thanos.”
“Yeah, I’m with you there. Fuck that guy,” you had blurted. “I meant your inventions, the prosthetics! Not just that, but in three months you’ve revolutionized the entire industry, created a whole new sweat-wicking fabric-- can I ask you?” You’d turned around, still holding onto his hand like a complete idiot, too excited to realize you were holding him physically captive. “Is it the same stuff you came up with for Banner? Because that is just genius-- though, I guess I don’t need to tell you that! You’ve always been a genius. I bet you have fifty hard drives full of that kind of stuff, really useful inventions, but people like Obediah Stane and the jerks in the army weren’t ever willing to listen.”
Tony had just blinked at you, a tiny, molecule-thick smile forming on his lips. You knew he’d been in self-destruct mode for months, but impossibly, you did not choose that moment to keep your mouth shut.
“I’m sorry you’re in such pain still. I follow tech news but don’t know much about the actual process, but that’s even more amazing, you know that, right? Pain saps creativity, and so does sadness. You’ve done all that while you’re hurt and miserable? True hero, I swear it.”
“Are you for real?” he had asked, his face a mix of consternation and reluctant happiness. “No one put you up to this? Rhodey?”
“No offense, Mr. Stark, but if War Machine flew my ass up here to make you feel better, do you think I’d have the guts to tell you that?”
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It’s been ten months, the first six of which had been full of affectionate-antagonistic messages sent back and forth, sometimes with large gaps. You hadn’t wanted to take payment, he’d insisted, and you’d both found creative ways to either send money or send the sent money back, right up until the time he’d found out you were about to become homeless.
Tony Stark had moved you into his house. He’d risked the headlines, the speculation, the condemnation, and done it anyway. It didn’t feel like billionaire behavior at the time, and it still doesn’t now that you’re in the clandestine relationship the media speculated about. It felt like something someone does because they love you.
You’re not sure you’ll ever get over that. You don’t want to.
Even so, he’s hard to live with sometimes, even especially on days like this. You almost miss the anger. His attitude today feels like resigned, miserable acceptance, the thing he’d already gone through when he’d lost custody of Morgan to Pepper. You two had already hashed that out, and he’d agreed he wasn’t any kind of parent, might not be for a while. He’d tried to say he wasn’t any kind of partner, and you’d spent a few nights specifically proving that was bullshit.
Sometimes you want to scream at the whole world. To you, Tony Stark is the best of them, because he didn’t have an unassailable moral code. He hadn’t been a model of perfect humanity, and he still isn’t. And still he’d saved everyone. He’d saved people on planets ‘hitherto undreamt of,’ to quote an interaction he’d be upset you’d found out about. You’d thought about trying to rehabilitate his relationships with the people from Before, but it’s going to take a few more years of love, affection, and encouragement to get him there.
It used to be one step forward and four steps back, but now it’s more the reverse. He’s thriving, and you know it’s because he’s getting to hear the good things first, instead of constant critique.
“You’re too quiet,” Tony says from the couch.
“I was gathering rose petals,” you lie. It’s a running joke between you, but one of these days you’ll actually do it, set up a bath or something, knock his socks off.
“Please say it’s for some kind of mind-numbing tea that lets me skip forward a few days,” he groans, scrubbing his hand over his face. “I need the stronger painkillers. I know I said I wouldn’t--”
“Hey, hey,” you soothe, coming over with the pills already in hand.
Tony makes the same face he always does when you anticipate his needs. It’s surprised, pleased, even confused, but the percentages have steadily changed to be more pleased, less confused, and almost never surprised anymore. That’s progress.
You sit on the arm of the couch, next to his residual limb, and he frowns up at you.
“Don’t think I don’t notice that you keep doing that.”
“Do what?” You know, but you want him to address it.
His glare is sexy as hell, but you push your desire back and focus on his emotional state. In your head, you’re cheering him on, and maybe he can feel it, because he says, “I can’t touch you with my hand over there. Not without twisting around.”
You run your hand through his hair to soften his reaction to your response, and thrill at the rumbling ‘mmmm’ sound he makes. “Because I love all of you. If I don’t shy away from your pissy attitude when you’re an entire grump, I’m not going to shy away from--”
For the first time since you’ve been together, he reaches out with his right arm and sweeps you off of the arm of the couch and onto his lap. You try not to react, try not to show how important the moment is, but Tony’s looking right at you, and he can tell something’s up.
“Really?” he says, shaking his head in confusion like you’re some sort of bizarre cryptid.
“You never touch me with your right side on purpose,” you say carefully.
He leans down to kiss you, and it’s not a lust kiss, it’s gratitude, and something about it is sweetly calming. You can tell he got bad news today, but he’ll tell you when he’s up for it, and until then, you can show him he’s loved. When the kiss ends, he leans his head in the direction of the bedroom, and you nod. 
It’s mid afternoon, but the blackout curtains on the windows lend an air of evening finality to the room, which you maintain by putting on a small, dim lamp by the bed. Tony changes out of his formal clothes while you watch appreciatively, and when he’s in his sweats, he walks over and lets himself fall onto the bed.
“Fuck,” he says. “Would it be crazy to just--”
“Sleep?” you finish with him. In response, Tony hugs you to him, and you kiss his chest. “Alarm?”
“No, I’ve figured out you’re mostly harmless by now,” he jokes, the words broken up by a ferocious yawn.
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The two of you wake up in a jumble. Tony’s rolled over and thrown his right leg possessively over your hip. He’s awake, as it happens, and when you meet his eyes, he gives a little tug of his left arm, which you’ve been sleeping on. The two of you adjust, which mostly means you end up facing each other, each on your own pillow pile.
“Did the nap help any?” you whisper.
“Always and never,” he says back, and you get it. Some things just… stay broken.
Girding yourself mentally for a negative reaction, you reach up and set your left hand against the spiderweb of scars on the right side of his face.
“I have wanted to say this for months, but every time I thought about it, I recognized that you were too hurt, too full of distorted, hateful thinking to accept it.”
He breaks in, his wry expression undergirded with iron. “You’re so sure I’m ready to hear you now? After the news I got?” You can feel the tightness to his jaw under your fingertips, and you lean over to kiss it away. The way the tension eases almost as soon as your lips brush against his skin is answer enough.
“Yes.” You slide your hand down to rest against his chest, partly to feel the steady beat of his heart. “Your father did too little too late, and it’s okay to acknowledge that.”
“You’re starting there? I need a drink,” he teases, but he doesn’t take his eyes off of you, and his leg doesn’t tense up like he’s ready to get up and run away from what you’re saying.
“Hell yes I’m starting there. You watched me try to live up to my friends’ expectations, do you remember what you said?”
His lips twitch with reluctant amusement. “I said ‘those fuckers want to make you into the friend they want, not the friend they already have.”
“Point taken,” Tony grunts. “Next?”
“It’s not your fault that you made things that were misused by people with shitty intentions.”
He turns in bed, shifting so he can lay on his back. You cuddle up, rest your head on his shoulder. “And when those people were the government?” he asks.
“What’s the alternative? Watching them self destruct with Hammer’s shit? When you saw the weapons dealing get too far, you cut it off. You lost a ton of money. You gotta let that go, Tony. You were misled, you lived the life you thought you were meant to, right up until you didn’t.”
You skip over some things. They’ll keep, and the last thing you want to do is have him sit there worrying about what you’re going to say next.
“Last one for now: that thing with the nuclear warhead and the Chitauri is the most heroic thing you’ve ever done,” you say, scooting impossibly closer. He’s gonna challenge this one.
Tony’s scorn as he turns his head to look at you is palpable, as expected.
“Hear me out: it was amazing that you built the suit for the stones, ok? But you had time to figure that out. You decided about that ahead of time. You had the choice. But the nuke? You just worked on instinct. Do you understand how amazing that was? You knew you could do it and you did it-- and you were afraid. You were terrified, Tony. That’s heroism.” His jaw is working like his teeth can’t settle against each other, and you run your fingertips through the too-long hair spilling over onto his forehead. “You also sat through that even though you wanted me to shut up.”
“You want to tell me more about your day?”
“Not even a little bit,” he grins, but you start rubbing comfort along his chest, kissing his shoulder, and he sighs. “They’re going to take more off. Reset the stump, basically. They say that will give it a better chance of actually healing, so I can end up with something I can actually do something useful with.”
“You’ve got a million ideas for prosthetics for your suit, don’t you?” you guess. “It dawns on you that this is the issue. He hasn’t been himself without the fucking Iron Man suit, because even though it’ll conform to him, it’s not pain free until his arm heals. Tony’s been knocked back to larval form for over a year.
This whole time you thought he wasn’t doing anything with the suit because it nearly killed him, because it reminds him of Before, but that’s not it at all. Tony Stark’s suit has always been his saving grace, and he hasn’t really been himself without it.
You extricate yourself and sit up. “Holy shit.”
“Now what?” he says, vulnerable, irritated.
“This is it, this is the thing we’ve been waiting for. When did they say they’re going to do the surgery?”
“You’re excited about this?”
You stand up, too full of energy and excitement to stay still. “Tony, you’re not seeing the big picture! You’re, you’re…” You light on it, a remnant of the very few visits he still has with Morgan. That light at the end of the tunnel is so distant as to be physically painful, but you go for it, because he needs this hope, and so do you. “You’re like a cross between the seventeen-year cicadas and the Very Hungry Caterpillar, Tony!”
He’s shaking his head, sitting up in bed, hand going to massage his stump, brows furrowed.
“The suit! You’ve been exiled from it, right? Because it hurts. It hurts to leave your most vulnerable part exposed and unarmored, and the effort it takes to be the old you long enough to code it to account for what’s missing hurts too. It’s been symbolic, all this time, right?”
His left hand is fisted in his lap, and his jaw is tight, but Tony nods.
“You’ve been buried in the ground without it, it’s the only place you’re safe.” You’re probably pushing the metaphor too far, but you love this beautiful, glorious genius, and it’s not your fault you weren’t smart enough to figure this out before. “You had to heal your heart first, in order to have enough physical capital to heal your arm. You had to be willing to give something up for both-- your privacy, your right to avoid being vulnerable around someone else. Literal inches of the precious amount of arm you have left.”
“Breathe, will you? You’re turning purple,” he teases. It’s a deflection, but a gentle one. You can tell he wants you to continue, even if he can’t bring himself to admit it.
“It’s almost time to come up from the ground, Tony-- and honestly? I think if that arm of yours took less time to heal, you might actually have trashed the rest of your suits. You needed the time. And now, you can turn into a fucking IRON BUTTERFLY. You can already make that suit do anything. Fuck actual prosthetics-- as soon as you figure out the best way to pad out your stump, the sky’s the actual--” you break off and tear up.
Tony gets up, comes over, pulls you close. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but what the fuck are you--”
“You haven’t flown. Since you snapped. You love to fly.” You’re fucking inconsolable. Tony’s toxic fury has led you to compartmentalize everything about his life Before, but it’s part of him, and if you’d have just made those connections earlier--
Tony’s got his hand on your face, walking you back to the door of the bedroom, and now he’s kissing you. It’s tender, forgiving, and despite yourself, you cling to him, your guilt slipping through your fingers no matter how hard you try to grip it. 
“Goddamnit, Tony!” you whisper when he shifts his lips to your cheek.
“You called me a butterfly. This is self defense.”
You sniffle defensively. “You’re a beautiful butterfly, Tony. An Iron Monarch.”
“Not yet, I’m not. But you’re going to fucking drag me there, aren’t you?” He sounds pissed, but for one of the first times since you’ve known him, it’s not a toxic anger. It’s the kind of angry you get when you’re loved so much you’re given what you need, not just what you want.
“You’d better fucking believe it,” you say.
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Ok, so SOOO much to unpack here, brace yourself. I posted prior on as anonymous 🫥 to get some quick info out, but now I’m really hankering in to unpack.
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Ok, so I get it, Gojo definitely has valid reasons to suspect Rinko, but also…
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I agree with anonymous (ง'̀-'́)ง, I was ready to fight Gojo (and everyone else who’s an ass to Rinko). Congrats, you have turned a group of Gojo simps to an army of Rinko protectors 🛡️
Anywho, back on point here. Gojo suspecting Rinko was valid because literally everything pointed to her, and while they do communicate to each other often, Rinko has proven to not always share everything because of either Clan shit, or I suspect to keep the barrier of friends with benefits with Gojo.
That said, like, Gojo literally out here claiming she’s his “You’re mine”, like it’s nothing. It’s definitely something, and I get Rinko not addressing in the moment, but she has to question it (Right? 👀)
Also, thank you for representing her feels so eloquently 🥹 as someone who’s recently discovered I have PTSD and panic attacks, and trying to recover from, you handled her own feelings so well! Sometimes reading those experiences can make it hard for myself, but I was able to get through it. So thanks 😊
Well hello! I will also address your anon message in this, so everything is below the cut!! 😊😊
If you're new and HAVEN'T already, you can read Another Level on AO3 :)
I'm pasting your Anon message:
I’m so very impressed with the recent writing of Rinko and Gojo’s life. The way you handled Rinko’s breakdown was true to form of the panic instilling, the body dissociating - all scarily accurate. Literally was screaming at Gojo the entire time to help her breathe by breathing. From my own experience with panic attacks, having a loved one help you through it works wonders (even if you may not want it, you need it). Rinko’s story has found a special place in my heart, and you do her justice in expressing it in your writing. Truly impressed
I will first address the panic attacks and how accurately they are written:
I have had panic attacks for as long as I can remember. I have also had PTSD from past relationships. I recently discovered that I am also autistic 🙃 and 'autistic meltdowns' are often mistaken for panic attacks in undiagnosed people. So, there's that.
I have written about my mental health for a long, long time. Many years. If you'd like, I can share those, but I don't want to make you feel pressured to read them! (also don't want to out myself for how much of myself I've accidentally written into Rinko 👀)
I can tell you who will be LEADING that army:
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Gojo staking his claim and what Rinko thinks:
I'm gonna be real with you. Rinko thought almost nothing of him saying that for two reasons: 1) He was drunk. 2) She straight up thinks he is the dumbest man alive.
Rinko genuinely thinks that Gojo is just stupid and doesn't realize that things he says and does send messages of more than being friends.
Why, you ask? Let's take a lil trip down memory lane:
We'll start with this bit from Let Me Know You:
“Friends don’t typically do this,” she said quietly, a small laugh escaping when he pouted. “Unless you’re going to tell me this is how all of your friendships are? Because that’d be very interesting.” That made him laugh, his eyes crinkling at the corners, hand moving to the back of her neck to pull her lips to meet his again. Pressing his tongue into her mouth, his other hand went to her shirt again. “I’ll admit this might not be a conventional friendship,” he murmured, unbuttoning the few buttons she’d managed to fasten earlier. “But that’s what makes it fun. We can have sleepovers-”
Then, I Say "Sayonara":
But she couldn’t, she wouldn’t, tell her mother about her ‘unconventional’ friendship with Gojo Satoru. Not the typical friendship, he would always say as he grinned, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple or forehead. Such a contrast to how he would spend the next few hours taking her apart in every way he could.
AND THEN, FINALLY, New Memories:
“You know,” she said, reluctantly allowing him to pull her along with him again. “That isn’t exactly how friends-” “Not a typical friendship, baby,” he cut her off. “Now,” he paused, grabbing her by the waist and warping them to her apartment. “Get changed.”
I'm going to write an Author Discussion once we've gotten through (Please) Prove Me Wrong, so that will break down quite a bit and hopefully answer some of your other questions!! 😊😊
Full disclosure: Gojo's POV was never meant to be as big of a deal as it's become, and I am struggling to write it rn 🙃🙃🙃
Thank you for reading and sending these TWO amazing asks 🥹💕
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