#it's offense/offence and defence/defense that always gets me now like
umbane · 7 months
the canadian experience is just having red lines under your words all the time
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Assuming the "mass hypnosis" theory doesn't play out, I have my own theory on how the Vees will try to take over Hell, or at least Pentagram City. Angelic steel made weapons have been presented as the strongest and most powerful weapons in the Hellaverse, and we know that Vox runs a company that's always making technological breakthroughs. Maybe Vox will salvage what little bit of the steel he can find and build an army of angelic drones/warbots. He can either use these machines to wage war on the other Overlords or sell them to gangs and crime lords throughout the city to cause chaos for the Overlords in his stead that he can use to further the common demon's dependence on the Vees resources. Plus, I just KNOW that he'd make an angelic superweapon specifically to kill Alastor (maybe his own holy mech suit with a battle axe like the one Adam used just to rub salt in the wound).
It's a little bit of an over-the-top theory, but I think the possibility is there.
Also, if you get tired of me sending you my theories and questions nonstop, just tell me you're tired of me and I'll give you breathing room.
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I'm not tired of them at all. Quite the contrary. I'm more merely bewildered to be approached by them is all. But I in fact, quite enjoy the topics of discussions. It also brought somethings to my attention I haven't stop to considered before. I enjoy your thoughts and theories as well.
For those reading and unaware this is a follow up question from :
I think Vox creating a mecha would be hilarious. I don't think it will happen, but I can also see when everything else fails, Vox will use it as a trump card and it be so over the top that it just comical. For whatever reason, it gets destroyed quickly. Funnier if the Vees were "blasted off agaiiiiin" like team rocket.
But your idea of combining Angelitic steel to Vox machines is not far fetched at all and not something I thought of. In fact, it was already hinted at in the show.
Vox at the time was pretty much making shit up in front of paparazzi but I think he general pulls all nighters to solve the design/program on whatever product he promise and make them actually happen. He promised Angelic security to his consumers. He already figured out that he needed the angelic steel for it because he quickly demanded to his assist to cancel all meetings of the day but get Carmine on the books.
So, I assume he did actually have that meeting and bought a bulk of steel from her already. He has the material already since after episode 2....which is roughly 6 months Vox got to experiment with before extermination day.
Now, he was making defense system, but as the saying go, a best defence is a good offence. He can easily tweak his products and redesign them to be more oppressive offensive task force he can control. Or even more sinister, have his consumer buy the defense system but have them turn around against them once they solde enough.
Carmilla probably be beyond piss that her steel supply is used for to oppress and also against her as well. She may be a overlord but she vibing she actually cares the state of Hell and the city. The balance and order of things. She's a true uncorrupted politician.
Even if Voxtech Angelic warmachines doesnt come into fruition, I have no doubt that Vox does not carry an angelic blade or gun with the angelic bullets as a precaution. Especially after witnessing Alastor defeat and that alone would put ideas in his head about being able be to similarly wound Alasor himself.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Rewatching season 1 (and actually paying attention to Sky to figure out what the fuck everyone is talking about): Part 5
EP 21:
Bloom will barely react to near death but will shun herself after a break up, nothing about her priorities are normal
✨⭐ Shine bright like a diamond ⭐✨
Stella should be exhausted from melting all this ice
Daphne is suddenly blue now
Who the FUCK is that voice when she grabbed the crown
"the king and queen of Domino, convinced they lost both their daughters chose to go into exile to grive."
.....I forgot that up to the first movie was planned, yeah them bitches were always ment to be alive huh
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If Bloom is about 5'6, and Daphne is more than full head taller than her
Daphne is at least 6'0 ok???
Also blue Daphne!!
"I'm off to find you!" Daphne is alive??? And hiding??? Also Bloom referring to Daphne in third person
This episode has one to the best pre transformation scenes!!! They way they all jump up!!!
I guess we all know if Flora would of passed the bringing life to a desolate planet exam now :)
Tecna should turn her hood into a helmet more often
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Musa finally using her focus in combat!!!!
(magical tools like Stella's "sword" and Nabu's staff are called focuses now bc they help focus magic, yes I'm bad at names)
"Isn't there a saying that goes the best defence is a good offence!"
Stella takes only offensive magic and basic magic classes confirmed
Tecna cracking so many jokes about Bloom being a princess
Musa's speaker spells are the best, just under her disco ball spells
I love how Bloom just hits shit when she can't transform, love her
Flora doesn't have any true offensive spells (spells that hurt on impact) she creates plants to attack (which is technically categorized as defensive and I need better names)
Stella: Cool ✨💖
Stella: wait I'm supposed to be mad at you, I retract that cool
Holy shit I didn't realize how fucking big that thing was until now
Bloom being a leader and telling Tecna what to do even while she can't do anything herself...it was ment to be
They could use version of convergence in s1, the mixing of magical spells, but cannot use true convergence, the mixing of raw magic
Stella is being so nice to Brandon for how angry she was
Bloom you are accepting Sky's apology wayyy too fucking fast
He doesn't get that apology accepted until at least the season finale, come on! Cheating is like one of the the biggest dick moves you can make in a relationship!!
Sky really really said "you always said I was your friend and nothing more", trying to put this on her omg, are the writers ok???
Bloom should of smacked the shit out of him for that one 💕💞
Winx club acknowledge that you have two of your male leads starting off as huge pieces of shit, and not just one 💗
"I forgive you" NO TF YOU DON'T
Oh wow this is making me angry at the writers. You had a another perfectly good meow meow in need of a redemption arc and a scene where he confronts the bad parts of himself and you throw it away to let Sky be the prince in shining armor
*ripping Sky out of the hands of the writers* I'll give him consequences!!!! And a character arc!!!!! AND ITS GONNA HAVE BLACK JACK AND—
Hmmmm of course the Sky Riven rivalry needs to be less one sided, to make it more obvious that their both bastards. Add a couple parallel scenes of Darcy/Riven, Sky/Diaspro (if I'm smart enough to do that), to set up Diaspro mind controlling Sky in s3. A few moments of each girl commenting on how Sky can be kinda a dick, a jokingly slightly snide comment about how "at least Riven isn't hiding he's a jackass", make a little Brandon glaring a hole though Sky's head all though out s1 on the top for flavor.....tbh I don't know what anyone was expecting. My favorite characters are Riven and Musa, I like it when characters are kinda bad people and have to learn to be better. Thats fucking god tier
If they just leaned into this angle of Sky being raised wrong and trying to unlearn his worst behaviors but still fucking up royally, with maybe a heart to heart about why he makes these horrible decisions sometimes, I'd like him a lot more!!
Idk in arguments with Bloom it's like he's not allowed to be straight up wrong, it's like none of the girls are allowed to be straight up wrong, cringe. I'm going to hit Sky with a stick labeled "character development" and "flavor" I'll be back
I'm actually going to punch Sky 💕💞, who told you your allowed to be happy rn? Your supposed to be as miserable as Riven rn, go to your corner cheater
EP 22:
Bloom should be way more unhappy about the Knut thing after her parents nearly died lol
Red Fountain castle....these schools are castles
Literally all of the Winx are making eye contact with eachother when Fragona says "the boys will stay here for now", Tecna may be aroace but she loves and supports her allos
Riven does (1) self reflection
Can he hear Stormy and Darcy talking out side of his cell about messing with his head???? Wait, kids show nvm
Why is Riven reacting so strongly, like he knows this is just Darcy right?
What is that thing??? Is that one of the army of decay but recolored or is that Darcy's original monster do not steal
Riven regains his sense of self with free help from Darcy!
Darcy's illusions...can be touched bestie
"There are many things I don't like about myself but I'm far from being a monster"
Would of loved if you expressed any of this BEFORE this moment
"I have a heart!!!!"
I'm not crying shut up
Ughh I just wanna give him a hug, is that so bad??
Riven bby understanding that becoming a better person isn't about making people forgive you, and no one owes your forgiveness if you become better
Sky definitely would struggle with that *laughs maniacally*
"I have a few friends too"
Hmmm I mean in the context of "hey I was manipulated and also Darcy was literally in my head" yeah
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My meow meow is more pathetic than yours
"hey! Kiddo!" Glad you finally decided to speak up Griffin
"it would of been impossible to guess what their planning"
They tried to kill people. Are we forgetting that?
"I've always been good a picking locks [....] The person hasn't been born yet who can keep me locked up."
And then this trait is never shown again
He just walks out
Griffin got a cooler lock than him lmao
Riven with magic is a fun headcanon exclusively if you don't give him enough to over power anyone, then he has to use his ingenuity—which is one of his best traits!!
Like Riven with enough fairy magic but can't transform and vice versa with witch magic
I think witch magic seems more complicated??? Compared to fairy?? Which would make it more fun to give him bc then hed have to really work to do weird shit
All of this to say:
That's the only thing Riven having magic is necessary for, bc then magic locks CAN keep him locked up and thats just not right babes
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Background characters that could of been main characters with designs that pretty number 1, the witch Hecate
Goddamn rocking that light blue and red combo
That chick in the background comes from the same planet as Riven, you can tell by the shonen anime hair
Griffin sounds genuinely scared for Riven
He changed into his specialist uniform...but didn't bring any weapons?? Wouldn't that just be on his suit?
"Is this were it ends? No. You'll never get me."
Riven going from "I'm going to die" to "I'm too spiteful to die" to "the only one that kills me is me"
Salidin remembering that Faragona is a lying liar
I need to think more about thoese twins that work at CT
Bloom????? Are you ok????
She doesn't feel fear apparently
Sky agreed too quickly for how upset he seemed
Icy: NO—! Oh well he chose his own fate
All of the Trix have pretty strong on Riven apparently
"it's the same story as always, your stubborn as a mule" SAY IT MUSA
You'd think that Bloom would have a suit or something rather than her nomral clothes
Stella: So. Your not a prince.
Brandon: unfortunately, no. I'm Brandon, Sky's page
(First a squire, now a page, which...his job description is still bodyguard)
Stella: So Sky tricked Bloom and you tricked me
Brandon: and that changes everything
Stella: maybe, maybe not
Brandon, unlike Sky who attempted to push blame off of himself and instantly apologized, seems to have done the emotional equivalent of rolling over and dying
Man's has given up
Stella should not have enough magic to go on this mission. She should of collapsed after unfreezing Domino Palace
Icy wants to torture Alfea
Knut is a fucking dumbass 💕
The fact that Stella hasn't set him on fire yes is astounding, I wouldn't have enough patience for this
You know, CT is alive but I wouldn't assume the tunnels under it would be too
Why does CT have a personal garbage dumb?
Oh that's why, they have bugs that eat them
"No! Wait! If we attack we run the risk of blowing our cover!" "True. If we kill one the witches will sense it and we can kiss our surprise attack goodbye."
What? Are the BUGS apart of the tower??
These bugs are made of metal what the fuck
Bloom is definitely up there with the girls that can get along fine in a fight without magic, she's so unhinged
I love it when Bloom growls
(no seriously why are these bugs made of metal)
Good afternoon blorbo
There has to be like different tracks one can go into at RF. What ever Riven is in he's clearly the best at it bc everyone is freaking the fuck out over him
Is this an excuse to make all the boys "top of their class" by having them in different sections? Yeah, absolutely. Why?
You should of broken so many bones
Sky is so excited to see Riven, did you to not hate eachother the last time you saw— you know what whatever, this is admittedly adorable
Riven tries to apologize and Sky accepts it before he can even finish
Bloom is even jumping on Riven
Y'all are too nice around here
He's so pointy
EP 23:
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Riven, babe, when did you have time to change clothes
This show is so poorly made (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Brandon sassing Sky and Riven in quick succession. What ever Brandon is being paid it's not enough
That eye thing is fucking disgusting
"I still can't get over what's happening! I mean....this should of been a normal school year. Instead, were involved in a major crisis and we've got to safe Alfea! And the magic dimension!"
Musa having some very normal thoughts
"Look at it this way. This experience is teaching us so much more than school books could. We're part of historical events. We've had to come up with spells that can never be reproduced! We've got to fight alongside some of the most powerful people in the dimension!"
Tecna being fucking badshit (affectionate)
"you find all that thrilling do you! Well I don't like it at all! I'd rather be safe!!! At home!! With my parents!!!"
Nomral thoughts from a very interesting looking background character (seriously. Spot the main character is weirdly hard in Winx)
Musa: Flora's right!!!! We're like a big orchestra!!!! And each one of us has a very important part to play!!!!
Shut up I love her
Musa: each one of us is absolutely essential
I could write an essay about this moment, I won't tho. Just understand that Musa is perfect and I love her
Musa, Flora, and Tecna rallying the troops fjsndne
Tecna, talking about love: it can't be that bad
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Knut: See! Over there is where they hide all their secrets!!
Riven: are you trying to make me homesick?
I—what the FUCK was your home life like to warrant this comment
How can Bloom not recognize her own power????
When Bloom growls >>>>
"most powerful", get swatted aside by Griffin
When did all these background witches get cloaks
Where are the other two teachers??? :(( Where are the other members of staff that I care about so deeply???? Cruel
And they can't teleport off planet?
Sky is really dedicated....to everything but taking responsibility for his own actions ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖💙
Hi Stormy, I see you've made it out of the cage
EP 24:
Adults stop being upset in front of the kids
Some of these characters look like normal humans and others are so obvious alien. That's never more clear than when Griffin and Faragonda talk
Griffin and Faragonda are divorced
Sky is a kind guy™ but he's also a weird selfish inconsiderate person, at the same time. Layers
I now hc that Sky is specifically Codatorta's best student (even tho it should really be Brandon)
Where is Alfea's magical barrier???
The only thing the weird s3 call back had on this was the dedication on maintaining the barrier
Separate then incinerate, guys, come on
What the fuck is Salidn's and Codatorta's relationship?? They seem like they should be related or something.... Son in law maybe?
Brandon: don't be scared, I'm right here with you
Stella: well that's exactly what I'm afraid of my darling prince
Brandon: I want to ask you to forgive me for-
(Brandon runs his hands though his hair when nervous)
Stella: making me believe your a prince when in fact your just a simple attendant
Brandon: yeah
Stella: dont worry about that Brandon, I don't care if your a prince or not. My parents are royalty and it hasn't done then any good, has it!
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What is with this show and giving characters horrible undercuts?!
I see people, rightfully, mocking Riven for his stupid hair and not enough people dragging Brandon for this tragedy on his head
Musa: Hey love birds~! What are you doing? It seems we can't leave you alone for a second
Flora: oh leave them alone, they're so cute together
Stella: don't you two have something better to do? *Magic's a pillow at Musa's face*
Brandon: Ha! You were three feet off the ground
Stella: Please. Be nice to my friends. I'm the only one allowed to torment them
Flora may be the mom friend of all mom friends, but Stella older sister friend reigns supreme
Sky really said as you wish, sir, did your tutor teach you that
There's nothing quite as cool as Stella teleporting mid battle
This music is so depressing
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Magixs is going to have a very strong therepy industry soon methinks
EP 25:
How have they not saved Mirta yet?
Omg Musa is so sassy about helping Mirta
Daphne is so pretty 🥰
I feel so bad for what I wanna do with this scene, but tbh Daphne makes no sense in canon (with the way she just disappears after s1) so I think I'm justified
Bloom how are you breathing underwater
Anyways Charmix should of been it's one transformation
Magic Winx gets a cutesy theme, Charmix would get a more metal one (like the RF theme), and Enchantix would keep the hauntingly beautiful one it has
And suddenly BOOM Charmix transformation
Bloom is BACK BABY!!!
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I can't believe they fridged Mirta for a whole season, that has got to be a crime
"don't be silly! I think I'll go for a walk."
Musa is so adorable and obvious about her crush. She tries to hard to not be like other girls, but in reality she's a blushing school girl though and though
Mirta being smug about them lmao
Stella: Riven!!! I think she's coming down!!!
Riven: oh god, oh fuck, I'm not ready—
This has got to be in Sky's top ten list for trauma, just the whole city dead
Tecna: must you always be joking Stella?
Stella: what do you want me to do! When I get serious I think of Bloom and I go nuts!
Tecna will always be bothered by Stella's main coping mechanism
"the children are beginning to show effects of battle fatigue" BEGINNING?!
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The chairs are fucking dope, ngl, this is sick as fuck
So much time dedicated to Sky fighting this thing, not enough time dedicated to Sky realizing that being a cheater makes him a fucking dick, cringe fail writers—
Hey Bloomy! Your amazing as always
Bloom absolutely carried Sky all the way to Alfea. This is just a fact
Icy's number one weakness is her pride
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bellasweetwriting · 4 years
football and foreing films
spencer reid x reader
(not my gif)
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plot: football is your thing, and since the start of the season you’ve had invited the team to watch the games every Sunday. After being absence a few times due to the reason of not liking sports, Spencer makes his first appearence at your place one night
warnings: football talk, language, kissing, incredibly cute spencer, too much fluff
note: I thought of writing this since it’s the beginning of the football season and I love football so enjoy !!
word count: 4k
Y/N loves football in a way that Spencer couldn't describe as usual for an FBI agent. Screw that, for a person.
  As a Kansas City native, your team was obviously the Kansas City Chiefs. And since every member of the BAU had their thing that described him best, you made clear that yours was football.
You would invite the BAU to your small and cosy Virginia apartment to watch the games. Nobody besides JJ liked football as much as you did, and even JJ considered you a die-hard fan because you were. You were a die-hard football fan.
"Hey, Morgan!" You exclaimed opening the door. "Is that beer? 'Gimme!" You yelled, grabbing the cases. If Morgan wasn't fast enough, you would have close the door in his face. "The beer came with Morgan!" You exclaimed, making Hotch and Emily stand up from the couch and grab some. "You could have bought colder ones, though."
"You really get grumpy in football season, Y/N," he mumbled, grabbing one of the cans and jumping into the couch next to Rossi. The elder of the group was sipping from his glass of wine. He was staring at the TV as the fans were filling the stadium. "You don't want a beer, Rossi?"
"No, I don't want beer, Morgan," he replied, making the man laugh. "I don't get why you get all excited by these games, Y/N," he told you as you sat down on the floor, opening the beer and drinking. You were wearing your Chiefs jersey and looking anxiously at the TV. 
"Hey, I have to be in your six-hour-long cooking lesson every Friday without having any cooking talent. You can at least hang out with me for three hours on Sunday." Football got you on defensive mode, and you always had to be like that to feel respected in the team.
You've been in the BAU for at least eight months now, and you've become closer to practically everyone. Now, they even give you their Sundays. Hotch sometimes comes with Jack, and he stays playing in your apartment office while you watch the game. The team was your family now... well, everyone except one.
You had nothing in common with the young doctor who's desk was in front of yours. You've had invited him to watch every football game since the beginning of the season with you, but he has never said yes. He is, or busy, or he simply likes to stay home and talk to his online friends about philosophy. You had no idea what Reid fancied to do in his free time, and honestly, you tossed your curiosity aside a long time ago.
The doorbell rang, making you get up from the floor quickly since you didn't want to miss the beginning of the game.
You walk backwards as your sight was focused on the screen. You looked over to your friends and did a headcount to see who was at the door. Rossi, Morgan, Prentiss, Hotch and JJ were there, so it could only mean that...
"Beautiful lady," you said as you opened the door to welcome Penelope Garcia as she held a box of cookies. "Are those Chiefs themed cookies?" You questioned as you looked at the cookies with red and yellow decoration. "That is so sweet."
"Anything for an important game. And guess who I found wandering through the hallway looking for your apartment."
That's when Spencer Reid appeared in your door frame. His hair was all messy, letting a single curl bounce against his forehead. He was wearing a shirt and a cardigan, definitely not appropriate football attire. You let a little smile as you saw him, being surprised to even see him there.
Penelope let himself in being welcomed by the rest of the team. While she sat down, you were still staring at the young doctor, who seemed even more surprise to be there than you were.
"Hey," you said softly.
"Hey," he replied in the same tone, giving you a tiny smile.
"You brought wine," you pointed out. Spencer quickly remembered he had a bottle in his hand and gave it to you nervously. "Thanks."
"JJ told me that your team is red, so I tried to match a little," he let you know, showing you his red cardigan. You chuckled. "Can I come in?"
"Huh? Oh sure! Come in." He smiled before entering, being received with a smile from the rest of the team.
"Look who's here!" Exclaimed Emily.
"Pretty boy!" Yelled Morgan. "You'll have to sit on the floor, though."
"It's okay," the doctor murmured as he sat down, turning around to look at you walking towards them.
Suddenly, you felt uncomfortable in your outfit. You felt the need of changing. It wasn't your best look. 
You had no idea why you thought of changing into your pretty tight black dress that minute but decided to ignore it and sit down next to Spencer on the floor, on your usual spot.
Not that your usual spot was next to Reid, you always sat in the floor. It was not on purpose.
This is your house, for God's sake, chill out.
"Hey, Rossi, the doctor brought you wine," you said, giving the bottle to Rossi, who smiled.
Spencer whispered to you.
"You don't drink wine? I didn't know."
"Oh no, I do, I love wine. But on football night, we drink beer." You grabbed one bottle and gave it to Spencer with a smile. He just held on to it, not making any movement towards opening it. "Oh my God, the game is starting." 
Suddenly, all your mind was on the game. You didn't care that Spencer was too close to you, or that you were the only two one in the floor. 
You celebrated every yard your team advanced. Every pass that Patrick Mahomes did you were there to scream and cheer for it, and Spencer didn't get it, so you explained it to him.
"The goal is to get to the other side," you whispered to his ear. "Each team has four tries to move forward ten yards, and the defence of the other team needs to prevent the rival offence team of running the 10 yards in the four attempts because then it is their turn to attack." Spencer nodded. Even though you were terrible at explaining the game due to the alcohol and adrenaline running through your system, he now understood the game more clearly. "When the ball gets to the endzone on the other side of the field, it's called a touchdown, that equivalents to six points. After the touchdown, you can either go for a field goal, that is to kick the ball between the goalposts, or you can go for a two-point conversion, which is riskier."
"Got it," he whispered to you. "And why do you like the game so much?"
"It's so organized." He looked at you strangely. "You can't see it?" He shook his head. "There are at least sixty different offensive formations and plays, each one of them with different outcomes. The players have to move according to the positions of their teammates. You can't see it, but each one of the men that are on the line is crucial to get the ball to the other side. If you remove one of them, all the tactic, all the play, falls apart. There is no one play similar to the other, and they have to be able to change quickly if something doesn't go as planned or if the rival team reads your game. There is no game equal to another. There are thousands of different possibilities."
"Like chess," he said, and you nodded.
"Yeah, something like chess." You pointed out the player number 15 the quarterback. "That is the most valuable player on the board. He is the one in charge to change the play in seconds when something changes. If his left receptor is not in his position or was taken down by the rival, he needs, by any source, to pass the ball. He can't be taken down with the ball in hand because it adds yards."
Spencer was impressed. This was the most long-running conversation you both have ever had since you'd met. 
He stared at you as you watched the game. How your expressions would change beneath seconds. The sport was a lot faster than he had expected, but time didn't go quick as he looked at you. It was like slow-motion. He had time to pay attention to the details.
He didn't realize he had been staring for at least five minutes until you stood up screaming.
"That was a clear fault!" You yelled, receiving complainings from your friends as you were blocking the screen. "For God's sake, where the hell is the referee? That was a fault! Get him out of the field!"
"He was lumping anyways," said Emily, receiving an angry look from the rest, including Spencer. "Sorry."
You sat down again, watching the rest of the third quarter in silence, still upset about that obvious fault of the rival team against the left receptor.
Spencer offered you the beer that he hadn't drink since the beginning, surprising you. You gave him a tiny smile, grabbing the bottle and opening it by hitting the cap against the table. 
"You get in a whole new personality while watching football," he commented, making you laugh.
The ads gave an end to the third quarter, and you stood up quickly, walking towards the kitchen at fast speed. Spencer watched you as you ran away, being followed by JJ and Garcia.
"So," whispered JJ to you while Garcia took off her red and yellow headband and left it on the counter, "what's up with you and Spence?"
"What do you mean?"
"You didn't think we didn't notice how you've been whispering to his ear sensually all night?" Questioned Garcia, making you open your eyes widely.
"Woah, Woah, sensually?" You asked, finishing to drink your beer. "No, no, I was explaining the game to him."
"Right, right," said JJ slowly, clearly not believing you. "Sure, mhm."
"Guys, nothing is going on between the doctor and me. I'm actually surprised he even showed up." 
"What do you mean?" Interrogated Garcia as you place the empty bottle next to the other ones.
"The doctor and I are friends, like us right now. Don't try to read between the lines that don't even exist."
"How come you never call him by his name? Or last name?"
You stared at JJ, confused, as you chew one of Garcia's cookies.
"Yeah, that's right," agreed Garcia. "You only call Reid "the doctor" like he was Frankenstein or something. I had never noticed before."
You hadn't either.
"I don't know," you replied. "Some of my middle school Doctor Who obsessed personality is still there, who cares? It means nothing."
"I don't know," said JJ innocently, "sounds to me like a nickname."
"It is not a nickname, it's called a PhD, and he has three of them. Now, I'm gonna continue to watch my game. Please, don't ruin that for me too."
You avoided any of their theories for the rest of the night. You sat down next to Spencer again, but this time, you laid a farther away from him. Not so much as to be noticeable for the rest, but both of you could clearly feel it.
The Chiefs won that night, but you weren't as happy as usual. The voices of JJ and Garcia were still rumbling in your head. Was it possible that you were sensually whispering to his ear?
What on Earth did you just think?
"Bye guys, see you tomorrow," you said to your friends as they started leaving your apartment. "I called you an Uber, Prentiss, please don't drive!" You exclaimed to your friend with a smile. "Bye!"
"A good wine is a kiss to the palate," you heard Rossi explain to Reid. The older of the team was clearly drunk, trying to teach the doctor about wine at 1 am while Spencer was clearly not interested in the talk. "And you, my friend, are a good kisser."
You couldn't help but laugh when you saw the young guy's reaction to that phrase coming from drunk Rossi. The man kissed both of your cheeks, rambled something in Italian and left your apartment, holding the empty bottle of wine that Reid brought.
You two were the only ones left, and it was like it was made on purpose. You questioned if JJ and Garcia said something to your friends, but you were too drunk and tired to be speculating, so you just let it slide.
"It was fun," said Reid, cutting the silence that was left between both of you. "Kinda makes me regret not coming the last three weeks."
"Well, football season is long; you always have time to repair for your absence," you comforted him, walking towards the living room and collecting the empty bottles Morgan and Emily left. "I told you it was fun, doctor."
"Yeah, it was," he agreed, helping you leave the empty plates in the sink.
"Oh, don't worry, I'll do it tomorrow," you said, but he continued. You gave up and let him. "Although you'll have to buy an actual red t-shirt for next time. Weren't you uncomfortable all night with that shirt?"
"Nah, I'm used to it," he replied, smiling a little. "Hey, Y/N." You look at him. "There is this... there's this... there is this representation of The Rules of the Game, next Friday."
"I've never seen it."
"It is a French satirical comedy-drama film" he started to rant, making you smile unconsciously. "It is directed by Jean Renoir. Though this tale of the idle rich in France is technically a country-estate farce, it's far more than a mere satire of upper-crust affectations. Under the guise of mocking the bourgeoisie as they negotiate romantic minefields, he had also delivered a cunning commentary on old-world Europe; a heart cry at the hypocrisy of class pretensions; and finally, a rich, rewarding work of art that's equal parts irony and sympathy. "
"Sounds great," you pointed out, and he nodded, like if that was the whole point of his presentation.
"Exactly. This movie rewrote the rules of cinema entirely." He sounded so excited about it like he was quoting it accurately from the textbook. Well, everything he said seemed like quoted from an article. "It's also in French and made in 1939, so you could guess I'm going alone."
And now, you understood why he was telling you all of these. He wanted you to go with him. He wanted for both of you to go and watch the film with him.
"Well, I can go with you if you want." He immediately smiled after you said those words, "but I don't know any French, so it better have subtitles." He nodded, excited. That reaction made you wonder how many times has he had to go alone to this kind of things.
"If you like it, we can also go to watch M. It's the first serial killer movie where the killer is actually portrayed as a victim. It also makes political references to World War II since it was made at the beginning of the war."
"Okay, doctor, one movie at a time." He noticed he got too excited. "After work on Friday, we will go to see your movie."
"Thanks, Y/N. See you tomorrow at the office."
"See you tomorrow, doc." He stepped outside, and you slowly closed the door, looking at him wave you goodbye.
This wasn't a date. The doctor just watched three hours of football, and you were repaying him with a favour. Not a date.
"Are you ready for your nerdy date tonight, pretty lady?" Asked Morgan, making you throw a pen at him. "Don't get violent, princess, save it for the passionate make out."
"Shut up."
Morgan quickly became your best friend in the team, and you know he would take a bullet for you presented the case.
Sometimes you wished the bullet would come quicker.
Like now, when he was making kissing noises in your ear as you tried to finish your paperwork.
"Don't you have work to do!?" You angrily exclaimed while he found it hilarious. "It's impossible that you finished your paperwork already."
"What are you going to wear? A sexy Doctor Who costume? Or a cardigan and no shirt?"
"Have anyone tell you not to mess with a woman that carries a gun?" He laughed. "And it's not a date. He sat down and watched three hours of football for me, I'm repaying the favor by watching one of his films. Have a problem with that?"
"Not at all, princess, but knowing that those movies don't necessarily have a killing audience, you and pretty boy will be all alone in the theatre tonight."
You rolled your eyes, looking for something else on your desk to throw at him, but not finding something sharp enough.
"Hotch confiscated your scissors when you tried to stab me with them two weeks ago," he reminded you as he laughed, making you angrier.
"At least you know I'm capable of doing it," you said to him.
Reid appeared ready at your desk, receiving a tiny smile from your part.
"You ready?" You nodded, grabbing your purse, your badge and gun. You walked away not before giving Morgan a threatening look, leaving to the elevator with the doctor. "Oh, I found out the movie does not have subtitles, but I can translate you most of it. I've been practising my French."
You smiled at him. This was going to be a long night.
You were scared that the only thing that was in your mind was Morgan's lousy comment about the empty theatre.
"Okay, so I bought popcorn, sodas and some candy," you said, giving him his stuff, which he grabbed with lack of ability. "Also, this guy sells pins with the poster of the movie on them. I got one for you," you grabbed his shirt and pinned the button to it, making him blush, "and one for me." You pinned the button to your blouse, smiling. "Look, we look like well-prepared film enthusiasts. We rock."
He laughed, walking you towards the entrance of the theatre. You hadn't realized how nervous you were. This wasn't a date, but what if it was? It looked like a date, you were wearing something you would wear on a date. You even grabbed him by the shirt and pinned a button on his shirt.
It didn't sound as sexy as you were making it sound, but it was definitely something.
You both sat down on your seats, looking at the white screen waiting to be projected on. Your palms were a little bit sweaty, and you were envying your company for being so calm.
"So, doctor," you called him, and he raised his eyebrows. " Have you ever brought a girl to watch a foreign movie before?"
Well, what kind of idiotic comment was that? "Have you ever brought a girl...?" What answer were you searching for?
"Uhm, no. You are the first," he said nervously.
That was a valid answer.
Not a date.
"Hey, so, am I expecting you at my place on Sunday?" You watched him as he almost choked on his drink.
"Football night. Sunday's game is crucial. Morgan even rambled about the idea of bets, but I don't take chances, you know?" He nodded. "Do you like bets?"
"Not when I can't be sure that I'm going to win." You laughed.
"Right. You always go save, Vegas." He chuckled, but before he said something, the movie started.
You saw him as he accommodated closer to you, and before you could move, you remembered that the movie didn't have subtitles.
He had to whisper the movie to you.
Like you did with the football game.
Garcia's voice as she mentioned the "sensual whisper" came to your mind. Thanks, Garcia, real thanks.
The man on the film started talking, and you could feel Spencer's soft voice near to your ear as he whispered the words in English.
At some point, you didn't even listen to what he was saying, you just worried about the feeling of his soft breathing crashing with your ear and neck. How he sounded so calm, translating each word with delicacy, making regular English sound as poesy in your ears.
After a few minutes of being guided by his voice, you turned around to look at him. Your noses were almost touching each other, and your breaths were crashing onto the other's skin. You liked the feeling.
Ugh, you hated when Morgan was right.
"Spencer..." you murmured his name for the first time. You've never called him like that before, not even in the field. He didn't know how his name sounded in your lips, and now that he knew, it was his favourite sound in the world.
And without saying something else, Spencer Reid leaned in, closing the distance between the two of you and impacting his lips into yours.
If all the striking and fantabulous feelings you've ever experienced in your life would morph together in one action, would be kissing Spencer Reid. Kissing him felt like finishing a book that you read all night or drinking a cup of tea on a cold day. His lips tasted like how eating feels after spending hours of hunger or like strawberries with chocolate under the sun with friends. He smelled like flowers on spring and the fragrance of an antique store in Greece.
You have never been to Greece, but he smelled like that, you just knew.
What you didn't know is for how long you didn't let him go. One second the lights were dark and the sound of a French man's accent is playing loudly, and next, the lights turned on, and the music of the credits filled the theatre, making both of you break apart.
"Finally, beer, I've been waiting for you," you said to the cases that were on your best friend's hands. "Damn, you brought Morgan again. You could've left him. He's a big boy, he can take it."
"Would you stop talking to the beer? It's weird," claimed Morgan, giving you a loud kiss on your cheek before entering. "Hey, you never told me how the date went."
"See? This is why I tell the beer not to bring you; you are so annoying." You grabbed one of the bottles and gave it to him, pushing him towards the living room.
The doorbell rang again, making you turn around. You quickly opened the door, looking at JJ, Garcia and the doctor standing outside your apartment. You immediately smiled at the sight of Spencer behind the girls.
"Welcome to the best night of the week, ladies and gentlemen. Cookies and food on the kitchen, the rest of the annoying people are in the living room looking at the TV like zombies," you told with a smile, letting them in.
JJ and Garcia quickly walked towards the kitchen, while Spencer stayed next to you in front of the door.
"Hey," he mumbled to you, making you smile even more.
"Hey," you repeated as he kissed your cheek.
You decided to give it a chance, but for any motive, you were going to tell the team. You determined that it was best to see if it works before hoping the team, especially Garcia and JJ.
"I brought wine again," he said, showing you the bottle, and you smiled, "and I was thinking if we could drink it after the game, you know, both of us."
"That sounds so nice, Doc, but next time tell me because I'm in my third beer." He laughed. "You can drink it with Rossi if you like."
"I really need to get used to football mode."
"Yeah, you should." 
You grabbed the bottle of wine after winking at him, walking towards the living room where the rest of the team was.
"The doctor brought wine again, Rossi." The man smiled, grabbing the bottle.
"I hope you listened to my suggestions from last week, Reid," he said, and Spencer nodded.
"You bet I did."
Both of you sat on the floor like last time, and you proceeded to explain the game to him to his ear, even though he already understood it.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Chelsea 0-2 Liverpool LIVE: Score, Roberto Firmino doubles lead after VAR disallows goal | Football | Sport
Chelsea XI: Arrizabalaga, Christensen, Tomori, Azpilicueta, Emerson, Jorginho, Kovacic, Kante, Willian, Mount, Abraham
Liverpool XI: Adrian, Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Van Dijk, Robertson, Henderson, Fabinho, Wijnaldum, Salah, Mane, Firmino
Trent Alexander-Anrold opens the scoring with powerful free-kick
Cesar Azpilicueta goal disallowed for offside – VAR ruling
Firmino doubles Liverpool’s lead three minutes later with header
57: Some nice stuff from Chelsea going forward. Willian switches play to the left flank where Marcos Alonso opts to prod it to Jorginho. He spots Willian’s run down the right but the pass is overcooked.
54: Chaos inside the Chelsea penalty area. Trent’s low cross from the byline is turned towards his own goal by Azpilicueta, and Kepa claws it away. Everyone’s expecting the referee to look at his watch to check the goal line technology but the linesman’s flag is raised.
Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
51: It’s been all Liverpool since the resumption. Jurgen Klopp’s side want a third to put this to bed. And y’know what? I suspect they’ll get it.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
48: Save! Could and probably should be 3-0. Trent loops a cross over to the unmarked Firmino at the back post. The Brazilian volleys it towards goal and Kepa manages to palm it wide of the target. Brilliant left-handed save.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
45: And we’re back underway. Graeme Souness thinks Mason Mount was clearly offside and came out with an odd analogy. “You can’t be a little bit pregnant, you’re either onside or you’re offside,” he told Sky Sports.
Always a pleasure to hear your thoughts, Graeme…
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
Twitter round-up
Hasan: I just can’t describe how much I love Vigil Van Dijk.. Colossus. Bargain of the century.
Alan: I’ve been saying it since April; VAR is the death of football as we know it. ‘Clear and Obvious’ has been replaced by microscopes and an almost perverse enjoyment in destroying teams’ hopes.
Nate: That high Liverpool press is even giving me anxiety and I’m sat in the pub.
I’m sure there’s a remedy for that in the pub, Nate…
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
HT: Well an action-packed first 45 minutes comes to a close with Liverpool boasting a two-goal lead. Trent Alexander-Arnold’s powerful free-kick gave the visitors the perfect start and Roberto Firmino punished Chelsea, who were still reeling from the disallowed goal.
47: Spillage! Marcos Alonso sweeps a cross in from the left and Adrian spills it. Willian and Tammy Abraham look to convert the rebound but the Liverpool goalkeeper recovers.
45: Three minutes added time.
43: Things go from bad to worse for Arsenal, who are trailing Aston Villa at home, are now down to ten with Ainsley Maitland-Niles sent off for a second bookable offence.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
41: Yep, Andreas Christensen off and Kurt Zouma replaces him. That’s two enforced changes that Frank Lampard has made now. Just one substitution left at his disposal.
38: Not good news for Chelsea as Christensen stays down injured after that block. Looks to have done something to his shoulder. Kurt Zouma starts warming up on the sidelines.
36: Mohamed Salah goes past Tomori like he’s not there and cuts inside onto his left. He tries to curl it into the far corner but Christensen makes a decent block.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
34: Quick update from the Emirates… Arsenal are losing. John McGinn gave Aston Villa the lead in the 20th-minute.
31: Tough one for Chelsea to swallow that. It’s clearly rattled Frank Lampard’s side, who are struggling to rebuild. Another blow sees Tammy Abraham on the deck after some no-nonsense goalkeeping from Adrian.
29: GOAL! The ultimate sucker-punch! Two minutes after Chelsea think they’ve equalised – Liverpool double their advantage!
It’s poor defending from the hosts as Andrew Robertson drifts a free-kick into the penalty area, where Roberto Firmino rises highest to head home.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
27: Disallowed! Chelsea are celebrating… but it doesn’t last long because VAR has ruled it out.
Mason Mount collects the ball and drives down the left before clipping it into the penalty area. Adrian makes a terrific reflex save to prevent an own goal before Cesar Azpilicueta prods home the rebound. VAR shows Mount was fractionally offside in the build up.
24: Huge chance. Massive chance. Big miss. Tammy Abraham peels off Joel Matip and finds himself one-on-one with Adrian. Everyone’s expecting the net to ripple but the Liverpool goalkeeper makes the stop from a fairly tame effort. Frank Lampard swipes the air in frustration.
21: Booked! Fikayo Tomori goes in the book for sliding in on Jordan Henderson for no real reason. The centre-back now has 70 minutes to last against the most potent front three in world football.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
24: Huge chance. Massive chance. Big miss. Tammy Abraham peels off Joel Matip and finds himself one-on-one with Adrian. Everyone’s expecting the net to ripple but the Liverpool goalkeeper makes the stop from a fairly tame effort. Frank Lampard swipes the air in frustration.
21: Booked! Fikayo Tomori goes in the book for sliding in on Jordan Henderson for no real reason. The centre-back now has 70 minutes to last against the most potent front three in world football.
18: Alonso wastes no time getting involved when flying down the left and drilling another dangerous ball in. Liverpool clear.
17: Frank Lampard does indeed send on Marcos Alonso, who replaces the injured Emerson. Not a change Frank Lampard wanted to make this early in the afternoon.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
14: GOAL! Bang! When Trent Alexander-Arnold hits them – they stay hit!
Sadio Mane draws the foul from Andreas Christensen just outside the penalty area and the writing is on the wall. Mohamed Salah rolls the ball to the full-back, who absolutely leathers it past the driving Kepa. Thunderbolt.
11: Close! Mason Mount drives down the left channel and sweeps a lovely cross into the middle, but neither Tammy Abraham or Willian could connected Liverpool hack it away.
I spy Marcos Alonso being readied on the the sidelines… not quite sure who he’s going to replace.
8: As you’d expect, Liverpool have started the stronger. Jurgen Klopp’s side look more assured and relaxed as they probe from left to right trying to stretch this young Chelsea side.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
5: The Steven Gerrard song is getting an early run out at Stamford Bridge. What else did you expect?
For matter on the field, nothing much has happened in these early stages. In fact, nothing has happened aside from Willian hitting the deck clutching his back after a strong challenge from Virgil Van Dijk.
3: Apparently that Eden Hazard banner is a show of support from Chelsea fans after his 2/10 rating in L’Équipe for the PSG game. Bizarre considering his comments about the Blues last week.
1: And we’re underway at Stamford Bridge. Any predictions you’d like to share? I’m going for a 3-1 Liverpool win. Really strange to see the Chelsea fans passing around a massive banner of Eden Hazard. Gone but not forgotten clearly…
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
Here they come!
16:27: The players are just emerging now to a packed Stamford Bridge. There’s a real sense of excitement that Chelsea’s youngsters can get a result today. But with Chelsea’s leaky defence – they’ll probably have to score more than once.
Ten-minute warning
16:25: Just under five minutes until we’re underway at Stamford Bridge. Any thought that Manchester City would crumble this season was truly put to bed after their emphatic 8-0 win over Watford. Must-win for Liverpool today.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
Improvements required
16:20: Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp admits they have to improve the defensive side of their game but says a lack of clean sheets is not down to a more attacking approach.
In five matches this season they have scored 15 goals and conceded five in the Premier League, with just one clean sheet – at Burnley last month – in eight matches in all competitions this season.
At the same stage last season the Reds had scored 11 and conceded just two, having opened the league campaign with three successive clean sheets.
“There is no difference. We didn’t focus more on defensive or offensive things,” he said. “The goals have been strange. There would have been a second clean sheet at Southampton if we didn’t concede that goal would have been a clean sheet, there could have been clean sheets in other games.
“It is still early in the season, we have to improve and develop. But it’s not because we have a different approach to last year.”
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
16:15: Sky Sports pundits Graeme Souness, Roy Keane and Jose Mourinho are currently taking chunks out of Manchester United after their lacklustre defeat to West Ham.
Mourinho: “Any positives? No. We were bad last season, but I don’t see any improvements this season. I like the three (signings), they bring some good quality to the team. The team as a team, I don’t like at all. I’m not surprised by the result.”
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
Team news – Chelsea
16:10: Fantasy football managers and Chelsea fans rejoice – Mason Mount starts.
N’Golo Kante makes his first start in four games after an ankle problem. Frank Lampard reverts to a traditional back four.
There is also a start for Emerson after the full-back recovered from injury. He replaces Marcos Alonso.
Team news – Liverpool
16:05: Jurgen Klopp makes two changes with Jordan Henderson and Roberto Firmino returning to the starting XI.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
Starting XI’s…
16:00: Mason Mount overcomes his ankle injury to start for Chelsea. There’s also room for N’Golo Kante. It’s a very familiar looking Liverpool side.
Chelsea XI: Arrizabalaga, Christensen, Tomori, Azpilicueta, Emerson, Jorginho, Kovacic, Kante, Willian, Mount, Abraham.
Subs: Caballero, Alonso, Barkley, Pedro, Zouma, Pulisic, Batshuayi.
Liverpool XI: Adrian, Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Van Dijk, Robertson, Henderson, Fabinho, Wijnaldum, Salah, Mane, Firmino.
Subs: Kelleher, Milner, Gomez, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Lallana, Shaqiri, Brewster.
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Chelsea vs Liverpool LIVE: Premier League score, goals, highlights and updates (Image: GETTY)
Mason Mount could feature for Chelsea against Liverpool on Sunday.
Mount limped out of the Champions League defeat by Valencia on Tuesday with a nasty-looking ankle injury after he was caught by a late challenge from Francis Coquelin, but boss Frank Lampard has not ruled out the young midfielder.
N’Golo Kante has recovered from an ankle injury and his general fitness will be assessed. Callum Hudson-Odoi should return from his Achilles injury next week.
Liverpool goalkeeper Alisson Becker and midfielder Naby Keita have returned to training but are not yet in contention.
Alisson has been absent since sustaining a calf injury 39 minutes into the Reds’ opening league match but has started individual sessions with goalkeeping coach John Achterberg.
Keita, who has not played since the Community Shield because of a groin injury, has rejoined team training but striker Divock Origi (ankle) is unlikely to feature at Stamford Bridge.
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wealthbronze59-blog · 5 years
Playfair Discusses Defensive Tactics
Jim Playfair was drafted by the Edmonton Oilers in the first round, 20th overall, in 1982. He is one of only 14 players to average a point-per-game in their time with the Oilers. Playfair only played two NHL games with the Oilers, but he produced one goal and an assist. “I scored in the 13-4 game against New Jersey where Gretz got into trouble, (called the Devils a Mickey-Mouse organization). I think it was the 11th goal and Wayne brought the puck over to the bench and said ‘big goal,’’ chuckled Playfair.
Wayne Gretzky averaged 2.4 points-per-game in Edmonton scoring 1669 points in 696 games. While their games, and positions, were different Playfair can claim he is the rare group of point-per-game Oilers. Playfair was a rugged defensive defender as a pro. He played three years on the Oilers farm team in Nova Scotia, and then signed as a free agent with the Chicago Blackhawks. He played 19 NHL games with the Hawks, but spent much of his time in the now-defunct International Hockey League.
After eight seasons of pro hockey he retired, was off for a year before being named the head coach of the Dayton Bombers in the ECHL. He coached there for three seasons, then moved up as an assistant coach with Michigan in the IHL for three seasons. Then he got a head coaching job in the AHL for two and a half seasons with the Saint Johns Flames. He won an AHL title in his first season, and in the middle of his third year he was promoted to Calgary as an assistant coach.
In 2006/2007 he was the Flames head coach for one season, then was associate coach for the next two. He went back to being a head coach in the AHL for two years, and then Dave Tippett hired him to be his assistant in Phoenix (now Arizona) in 2011/2012. They were together for six years, before being let go at the end of the 2017 season. He had two years off, before Tippett hired him in Edmonton last month.
Playfair has 22 years of coaching experience and he is looking forward to helping the Oilers become a better defensive team.
There has been a lot of focus on the Oilers lack of scoring depth, and rightfully so, but I’d argue the biggest area they need to improve is limiting their goals against. Over the past two seasons Edmonton has allowed 533 goals, 4th most in the NHL. Their offence is only 21st, so it needs help also, but reducing goals against will be at the top of head coach Dave Tippett’s to-do list.
Playfair will have a big role in that area as he oversees the defence.
Jason Strudwick and I spoke with Playfair recently about defensive play, his approach to coaching and he outlined his views on how he plans to help the Oilers defenders maximize their potential.
Jason Gregor: Now that you have the job, how quickly do you dive in? Are you calling each one of the defencmen individually to get a sense of who they are? Do you build that rapport with the players now or do you wait until camp?
Jim Playfair: I think we will reach out to the guys and speak to them right away. More importantly, I think my responsibility is to create an identity with them that I can put some fresh eyes on their game and give them the ability to start with kind of a clear identity.
I actually started back with Robyn Regehr in Calgary years ago by just watching a bunch of shifts, putting it together, and then sitting down and created an identity of a player that he could become at the top end of his game. So as we started that process we had a whole bunch of other guys come along and do the same. Whether they are older players, or younger players, I think all believe they can get better.
They want clear direction, they want accountability, and they want a common shared vision of how they can improve. And I think that is my responsibility for the rest of the summer. To go through their style of play, where we see them at now, and then meet them in training camp and have meetings with them, and then have group meetings with them and get them all on the same page and build the rapport. I think when an individual player has an identity and has a role, and he believes he can be successful in that role, then that is a great starting point.
Jason Strudwick: Do you set up posts, or markers that say when you’ve had a good game, and this is how you’ve done? Not so much goals and points or plus or minus but you angled here, or pushed guys off there,  just so that when they do it right, they feel good about that shift-by-shift rather than being measured by games?
Playfair: What I started doing in the last four or five years was give them a four-point base to their game. If you’re doing these four things well consistently then you are going to be a good player. If one of them is off, you’re still going to be a good player. If one of them is on and the other three are off, what do we have to do to get these three back on?
They all want to play good, they all want to play well. They’re all under pressure, they’re all under the intensity of trying to win that game so you have to give them an internal visual that if I’m doing this right over and over again then this is going to give us a chance to win and me a chance to be a really solid player.
And I think developing that rapport with the players is; they’re going to play, they’re going to have bad shifts, they’re going to have bad periods, they’re going to have bad games.
My job is to make sure that they don’t have two or three in a row and just give them the accountability and the responsibility.
When players are playing well, they don’t want to talk to coaches, they’re good to go. But when they start to struggle a little bit and they start to feel like they’re getting disconnected to their own game you (coach) can jump and give them some clear direction.
I know from playing the game, playing defense has changed. The pressure on the players; they have to defend the rush, they have to accept the forecheck, they have to create the rush, now they’ve got to join the rush. To build all of that into an individual shift consistently, I think they need to feel good about themselves and they need to have clarity on what their game should feel like when they’re playing well.
Gregor: Jim, moving the puck up the middle of the ice today has become a necessity in the game. How do you help defenders to be able to move the puck more efficiently through the middle of the ice?
Playfair: I think the big thing is when they go back (for the puck) you have a structured system that you work with your centre down low, or your wingers down low in the corners. Those little pop passes, those little short little plays down low, they’re not always going to work and when they don’t work, the opposition is going to get a great scoring chance. But you stick with it.
I think that when those things break down, and the opposition has a scoring chance and the guy comes back to the bench you have to tell him that pass was right, we want to keep doing that. That’s not something you have to get scared and come away from. That’s our structure, that’s our system, it’s not going to work 100% of the time.
I didn’t really understand the value of that until we had a year end meeting with a group a couple of years ago in Phoenix and we were going through the defensemen and Ekman-Larsson said, ‘You know when you tell us it’s okay when those things happen, it gives our whole bench confidence to try it again’. Naturally, you want to shy away from it because it’s a turnover, it’s a dangerous play, and my theory is that you have a goaltender, so you have to be able to trust that down low play and I think that offense is created going side to side, low to high.
Defense is a defender containing them (opposition) in a certain area of the rink. So I’ve watched a bunch of the Oilers previous games and a bunch of games all across the NHL as a matter of fact, so I’ve got a bunch of clips prepared. Look at the Stanley Cup playoffs when Boston goes back, or St Louis goes back they make a four-foot pass to a centre iceman and they’re out of trouble. That’s what bringing pucks up to the centre of the ice is about and that’s a dangerous area to play in.
We’ve been brought up in minor hockey to never pass to the middle of the ice and now were seeing the change in the game, that’s a really viable option in the game to get them out. So you have to support them, you have to encourage them to do it and then when they’re having a bad game, they don’t want to do it. They want to shy away from that. So it’s a process, but it’s a trust process.
Strudwick: Oliver Ekman-Larsson said it’s a positive reinforcement, and you keep going at it. Is your approach like that all over the ice? To reinforce the good, rather than hammer on the bad?
Playfair: Yeah I think the players are under enough pressure today to be top performers and they get it from every different angle. When they come in with the assistant coaches and you’re sitting down and showing them some structure in their gameplay, I try to teach from the offensive blue line and back. The offensive zone is where the players have the most fun and that’s where many feel the best about your game, because they can get up there and play in the offensive zone for a while.
From there when you start to defend the rush, whether you’re reading through the rush or you’ve got your gaps and your dots and your sticks is good…When you’re in those positions it’s such a confidence thing for a player to feel like I’m good, I managed my ice and my job is to put you in bad ice, but I have good ice to start with.
So I think that becomes the issue and then what happens is they’ll start watching videotape with you, and if they start with bad ice then they’ll recognize right away that ‘okay the reason that happened is I was outside of the dots on the start of the rush as opposed to inside.’ And then they manage it themselves, and I think that comes with the evolution of your foundation of teaching at the start of the season, training camp and developing it.
Going back to Robyn Regehr. When you go back quite a few years like in 2004 I think I said, ‘You’re a million dollar defenseman. In your next contract you want to make three million dollars a year. What do those defensemen look like, what do they do, what are the consistencies of that player?’ And that’s how we built his game up to that. And that was a neat way to do it because everybody wins. He becomes a better player, we win more games, he gets what he needs and I think that’s still true today with these guys.
Gregor: I like that strategy of asking a player what he wants to become. Let’s switch from an individual to the team concept. The Oilers have struggled on the penalty kill for three consecutive years. They’ve had numerous different coaches, different defense coaches so I can’t sit here and say it’s just the system. When I look here at the minutes played, just on the defensive guys it’s Nurse, Klefbom, and Larsson, and Russell, your top guys. So how do you improve a penalty kill? Obviously, I know the goaltender has to play well of course, but what’s your strategy and theory on how to improve a penalty kill from the defense perspective and then adding in the forwards?
Playfair: I think you look at it like it’s the rhythm of the group, it’s the trust, it’s the consistency and you have to have your fundamentals. You’re going to give up something, the PP has good players, so try to limit them to give up something that everybody recognizes that if the puck goes there, they’re probably going to get a shot from there.
This is what we’ll try to eliminate: Shots from the middle, across ice passes, rebound scoring chances. So if those are your fundamental core values, you build off of that what you want to do. My big thing is in the defensive zone it really is five-on-five. Our goaltender counts right? So how do you get that mentality built into their mind; ‘Yeah I have ice on the entry, you’re disadvantaged but obviously in the zone, it’s five-on-five. That’s what it is.
So again there are fundamentals we have got to play on. But you’re right, everyone is trying to do the same thing and how do you eliminate the components that you think are important? I think shots through the middle are dangerous, I think cross seam passes are dangerous and I think those second chances around the net are hard to defend. So in saying that it’s not just the two defensemen, it is also the two forwards. I think it’s the group of the five guys on the ice and what is your rhythm and where are you going to push them into ice that allows you to pressure them.
Look at Arizona, one of the top penalty killers, San Jose, one of the top penalty killers, they put a lot of pressure on the wall. They come down a lot of the time and then the defenseman jumps and then it’s just a collapse in pressure. Boston in the playoffs held, they were just a little more controlled, but under one bad pass they all jumped and attacked. I think that’s going to become a hot topic and such a talked about issue and Edmonton I think we just have to say here is what we’re looking to get done. Some nights the bad guys are going to score. We just have to carry on from what we believe in and build it.
I don’t think there is one thing you can look at with the Edmonton Oilers penalty killing and say, ‘Okay if we can just change this one component we’re good to go.’ I think it’s a belief and the players have to feel good about going over the boards to kill a penalty and not go out there and go ‘I hope they don’t score.’
Gregor: What have you been doing the last few years?
Playfair: What have I been doing? I have three boys and they’re all a little bit older now so I’ve been lucky to spend some time with them. One is in school in Vancouver, one is playing hockey in Dalhousie pand one is an actor.
I rebuilt our house in Arizona, I fixed the cottage up, and I watched a lot of hockey. It was interesting watching hockey because it wasn’t about preparation for the next day, it was just to observe maybe what my friends were doing in the game, how the players were doing that I had coached and then just observing the changes in the game. What was new in the game, what players were trying in the game, what teams are trying in the game. I bought a Harley (laughs) and rode that for a while. And I acted in a movie, my son was in a movie in New York. I went down to referee in a movie if you can believe that after my history.
Gregor: You weren’t throwing any benches or anything?
Playfair: No, no, (laughs) I was a Swedish referee in the movie. The movie shot for two nights, it was the most boring two nights of my life. Standing on the ice for twelve hours and working for twelve minutes is like… painful but it was what it was (laughs).
Playfair’s enthusiasm was noticeable throughout our conversation. He had Strudwick all fired up, because of how he talked about defence. Struds really liked Playfair’s approach to encouraging defenders to keep making the quick passes, even when it doesn’t work. That is coaching. Mistakes are part of the game. You just want to limit them, but if you freak out every time a bad pass occurs the players won’t have any confidence and you can’t succeed in the NHL without it. It is impossible.
The Oilers won’t be the best defensive team in the NHL next season, but if they can be 16th (middle of the pack), then they should compete for a playoff spot. They were 26th in GA last year at 271. Colorado was 16th at 244. If Edmonton can cut down 27 goals they will be middle of the pack. I don’t think that is unrealistic.
They were 20th in goals scored at 229. The Carolina Hurricanes were 16th with 243. So an improvement of 14 goals puts them middle of the pack.
To me, those are realistic goals. Of course, you’d want them higher than 16th in both categories, but I don’t expect massive improvements.
They just need to become more attentive and work in unison defensively. I think their defence is capable of being middle of the pack, and we’ll see how Playfair’s approach helps get them there.
Source: https://oilersnation.com/2019/07/03/edmonton-oilers-assistant-coach-jim-playfair-discusses-defensive-tactics/
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chocolatequeennk · 8 years
Write all the Words, 3/5
Well, I started earlier tonight and I’m still finishing at just after 4. I’m not sure what’s up with that. Maybe tomorrow I’ll start even earlier? I can hope.
Tonight, I finally put in solid time/word count on something besides FANA! I worked for about an hour on the next (possibly final?) piece in As Time Goes By. My goal is to post this by Tuesday evening. 
FANA went really well. When I decided to send Jenny off investigating with Donna, I realised it was the perfect opportunity for her to ask a few questions...
Word count: 
FANA: 2043 Other: 634 Deleted: 345
“Donna, can I ask you something?” Jenny asked as they rifled through the Colonel’s study.
Donna held up a magazine between her thumb and forefinger. “Oh, I do not want to know what he does with that,” she muttered, then tossed it aside. “Yeah, go ahead Jenny. You can always ask me anything.”
Jenny bit her lip, then nodded once. She couldn’t really back away now, not once she’d brought it up.
“Why are you so defensive all the time?”
Donna’s spine stiffened, and when she spun around to look at Jenny, there were red spots on her cheeks. “What do you mean, defensive? I’m not defensive!”
“You’re doing it right now,” Jenny pointed out calmly. “It’s like… like you have to get angry with people before they can be angry with you.”
Donna’s eyes flashed, and Jenny sucked in a breath. “Oh, that’s it. Because the best defence is a good offence. That’s why all the offensive measures were always downloaded into a new soldier’s mind first, so we could protect our weaknesses by making them too weak to attack.”
“We’re done in this room.” Donna stalked past Jenny. “Time to go search the bedrooms.”
“I don’t understand though, Donna,” she said as Donna flung open the bedroom door so hard that it hit the wall behind it. “You’re brilliant, and so much fun. Why do you constantly expect people to get upset with you?”
Donna pressed her lips together, but Jenny thought she saw her chin tremble and a glint of moisture in her eyes. “I’m not talking about this,” Donna said, but the words didn’t come out as harshly as Jenny thought she’d maybe been trying for.
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xlewandowski · 5 years
NFL Mock Draft — 2019
conflicted, adjective having or showing confused and mutually inconsistent feelings.
Let me start off this mock draft with saying that I’m conflicted. I’m conflicted at what Arizona will be doing with their pick. I’m conflicted because I don’t know if Kliff Kingsbury is a genius or in over his head; does he truly have an infatuation with Kyler Murray or is this the ultimate smokescreen. This is one of the toughest drafts to read because the two players that I’m conflicted with Arizona choosing, Kyler Murray, Nick Bosa, could not be more opposite, obviously Matt, they play a completely different position. The entire first half of the draft is going to be determined between whichever one of these players gets his name called first.
Another thing I’m conflicted on, is Tumblr still a thing?… So, without any further ado, my annual 1st round mock draft beings now!
Please note, I do not try and predict trades as they are impossible to determine, which makes this entire exercise useless, but we have fun!..
Arizona Cardinals — Kyler Murray, Quarterback I’m doing it! I’m committing to it! Look, this move may be questionable or it may be perfect, all depends on which side of the coin you look at. Kingsbury doesn’t owe Josh Rosen anything; he wants his first pick to be his guy and what better guy then Murray whom he called out way back in October that he would draft him number 1 overall if he had the chance. Plus, Josh Rosen always felt like he had this entitlement that he was better than everyone, and not in the fun Jay Cutler way. Bold prediction: after the draft Arizona fires GM Steve Keim.
San Francisco 49ers — Joey Bosa, Defensive End Bosa has been said to be the best overall player in this years draft for awhile now and with Arizona passing on him he will have two times a year to prove them that they got it wrong for passing over him. San Francisco’s defensive line has become one of the best this off-season.
New York Jets — Josh Allen, Defensive Line The pick of Allen just makes too much sense especially with the new Gregg Williams defense that’s being installed. Allen can flip between putting his hand in the dirt and rushing the passer to dropping back and being a giant linebacker. See how Houston utilizes Jadeveon Clowney, that’s how New York will try and utilized Allen.
Oakland Raiders — Ed Oliver, Defensive Line A few of you may be shocked that it’s not Quinnen Williams, but over the past few drafts Alabama defensive lineman have slipped a little in the draft for unknown reasons. However I made this pick as recently Oliver's workouts have flashed potential to be in the Aaron Donald mold, and even though it’s potential I feel that Gruden and especially new GM Mike Mayock can’t pass that up and deliver the first surprise of the draft.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers — Devin White, Linebacker The new era linebacker started with Roquon Smith last year in Chicago, this year Tampa continues the trend in drafting athletically gifted linebackers early. White is the pick that not only works for need at position (Kwon Alexander leaving in free agency) but as well with a need in the division; with so many weapons in the NFC South, Tampa needs a player that can defend on all levels. 
New York Giants — Quinnen Williams, Defensive Tackle New York desperately needs help along the defensive line and at quarterback, but the latter Dave Gettlemen (stubbornly) refuses to admit. Williams is the pick here as he is one of the few players that you can justify putting an on hold prior to getting your franchise quarterback. He will also anchor down a defensive line that has grown scarce on talent and production.
Jacksonville Jaguars — Jawaan Taylor, Offensive Tackle So you spend 88M on a quarterback, what do you do next? You either get him weapons or protection, I’m (surprisingly) going with protection as I believe there will still be talent at wideout in the second round. Taylor is an aggressive mauler and gets the Jags doing what they do best, running the football.
Detroit Lions — Rashan Gary, Defensive End With Detroit slowly but surely building up their defence why not add a physical specimen like Gary to a what is becoming a deep defensive line. Gary can initially be used in pass rush situations while he learns to play the run more stoutly, and who better to learn from then a do-it-all player like the recently signed Trey Flowers.
Buffalo Bills — Andre Dillard, Offensive Tackle Similar to Jacksonville, Buffalo opts to protect it’s young quarterback and roll with their newly signed and returning weapons. Dillard isn’t the sexiest of picks but with the investment of Josh Allen and the focus on building for the future this pick makes too much sense. Buffalo has quickly solved it’s issues from two years ago when the bulk of their offensive line abruptly retired.
Denver Broncos — Montez Sweat, Defensive End Instead of John Elway chasing another tall quarterback he goes in a different direction, that direction is that of new head coach Vic Fangio. Denver continues to rebuild (reload?) it’s defence that now can deliver a pass rush from all across the front seven. Sweat is a huge athlete that can immediately learn from the best in Von Miller and last years first round pick, Bradley Chubb in how to adapt to attacking the offence.
Cincinnati Bengals — Dwayne Haskins, Quarterback I mean, do you believe in Andy Dalton? Have you ever believed in Andy Dalton? Does Zac Taylor believe in Andy Dalton? Look, Cincinnati doesn’t have a lot going for them, they barely made any moves in the off-season and they’ve become the worst team in Ohio, Haskins breathes new life into a Bengals offence that has grown stale and with him at the helm, I don’t want to say it will help them win, but it will make them more entertaining. Do it for Joe Mixon’s fantasy value at least.
Green Bay Packers — D.K. Metcalf, Wideout Ok, let me start this off by saying I believe Metcalf’s stock rose an insane amount after his combine. I also believe that from a stature standpoint he is what NFL teams want their wideouts to be built like HOWEVER he is not nearly as polished a route runner and still has a lot of learning, but this is a new Green Bay, this is a team that needs to make and continue to make Aaron Rodgers happy. Metcalf is the perfect compliment to Devante Adams + he won’t be thrown into the fire to be the teams number one wideout. Reward can definitely trump risk with this pick.
Miami Dolphins — Jonah Williams, Offensive Tackle With the pick of Williams this solidifies what Miami has planned for the 2019 season, and that is development, it’s a nicer, more political way of saying tanking. Brian Flores wants to build his team from the lines out; creating a well oiled unit along the offensive line will pay dividends for when Miami does draft their franchise quarterback.
Atlanta Falcons — Brian Burns, Defensive End Atlanta has been searching for a consistent pass rusher for what seems like forever; they had a taste of it when Vic Beasley decided to live up to his top 10 drafting, but that turned out to be a fluke. Enter Brian Burns, a former basketball player that has thrust himself into the first round with his outstanding athleticism. He still needs some seasoning but a player that can not only rush the passer but also cover isn’t easy to find.
Washington Redskins — TJ Hockenson, Tight End Washington is hoping for the best with Case Keenum and also the (eventual) return of Alex Smith, they are also trying to restock in the weapons department which haven’t existed since DeSean Jackson. Hockenson may be a bit of a surprise considering the presence of Jordan Reed and Vernon Davis, however the former is a shell of his former self and the latter is shockingly still playing, Hockenson provides the start of a youth movement in D.C. and what better player to select then one of the best tight ends to come out in years.
Carolina Panters — Greg Litte, Offensive Tackle Priority #1 protect Cam Newton. Priority #2 protect Cam Newton. Priority…well you get the point. Carolina needs to protect their former MVP quarterback, I mean, he could also not run as much and slide, but we all know that’s not going to happen. Carolina needs to erase that mistake of thinking Matt Khalil was a competent left tackle and build through the draft. Little can develop into an elite left tackle, his most notable knock is his run game could use some improvement, but with Carolina a very run heavy team, Little will pick it up quickly.
New York Giants — Clelin Ferrell, Defensive End New York continues to rebuild their defence from the line out; while also refusing to accept the fact that Eli Manning hasn’t been relevant for awhile now. Ferrell slides into the role that was left from Olivier Vernon. With both Quinnen Williams and Ferrell the Giants have significantly upgraded their line especially in the run game.
Minnesota Vikings — Garrett Bradbury, Offensive Line Minnesota lost a year of production of Kirk Cousins as their line wasn’t anywhere close to be competent let alone elite. Bradburry gives Minnesota the flexibility of centre and both guard positions, as well as gives Mike Zimmer what he wants in an offence, to run the ball down the oppositions throats.
Tennessee Titans — Dexter Lawrence, Defensive Tackle Let’s start with the obvious, Lawrence is one of the biggest prospects we’ve seen in awhile, he is massive standing at 6’5 and almost 350lbs, and the crazy thing is, he’s very quick. Tennessee has rebuilt their front seven over the last few drafts and pairing Lawrence with the very underrated Jurrell Casey will allow last years picks (Evans, Landry) and newly signed Cameron Wake get after the passer.
Pittsburgh Steelers — Devin Bush, Linebacker I just want to get this out of that way, the Ryan Shazier story is one of the best in not just the NFL but sports, what he is doing now is bigger than all of us and he is injecting hope for those who were told they can’t, but, football is still a business and as many strides as he’s taking, he should not ever play the game again; it’s a harsh reality, but a reality Pittsburgh has to accept. Devin Bush is neck and neck with Devin White as being the best linebacker that has those hybrid skills to play in the modern era, the fact that they can get him 15 slots after White is beyond a steal. Pittsburgh gets their sideline-to-sideline field general back with the Bush pick.
Seattle Seahawks — Noah Fant, Tight End Russell Wilson just received the largest (per year) contract in NFL history, and the best way to let the league and especially themselves know that they made the right decision is to surround Wilson with (actual) weapons. When Seattle opted not to resign Jimmy Graham it left a big hole in the middle for production; Wilson can make a lot of guys look good, but having a top notch big bodied receiving weapon is where he thrives. Enter Fant, a kid who has the body of a tight end, but the moves of a wideout; think Evan Engram, but not as prone to concussions. Tight ends don’t typically have monster rookie seasons, but keep your eye on Fant.
Baltimore Ravens — Hakeem Butler, Wideout Let’s be honest, the only type of player that is going to further help develop Lamar Jackson from glorified running back to legitimate quarterback is a receiving option with an absurd catch radius, and seeing as Baltimore drafted their tight ends of the future last year, this year they get a tremendous upgrade in the receiver department in Hakeem Butler, a man who has drawn comparisons to Calvin Johnson FROM Calvin Johnson. Butler still has a long way to go in developing into a true weapon at the wideout position, but so does Jackson in the quarterback position, why not team them up and grow together.
Houston Texans — Dalton Risner, Offensive Tackle Houston opts for Risner over Ford as they view him as the cleaner, more versatile player. Risner has experience playing all across the line which is a plus for Houston as they need help all across the line in hopes that Deshaun Watson doesn’t get David Carr syndrome and sees his line breaking down in his sleep. Risner is best suited to play guard at the pro level, but regardless, Houston (Watson) is happy.
Oakland Raiders — Christian Wilkins, Defensive Tackle Oakland, similar to the Giants, continues to strengthen their line in what is a draft filled with top end defensive talent. Pairing Wilkins with the earlier drafted Ed Oliver will further the notion that trading away Khalil Mack was the right decision. Wilkins, though may not have the ceiling of Oliver he does have a much higher floor; he is one of the safest prospects in this year’s draft.
Philadelphia Eagles — Cody Ford, Offensive Tackle The end of a glorious era is coming to an end for Jason Peters and his hall of fame career. Philadelphia needs to start thinking of life after Peters and drafting Ford allows him to have a smooth transition into the pros while learning from one of the best. It would be in Philadelphia’s best interest to strengthen the line so Carson Wentz can stay healthy for the first time while shaking that injury prone label he current has placed over him.
Indianapolis Colts — Byron Murphy, Cornerback Indianapolis is going with the best player available, and seeing how you can never have enough corners they opt with arguably the number 1 corner in this years draft. Murphy posses a below average size that todays NFL is currently seeking, however think Jason Verrett, before the injuries completely derailed his career. Murphy can cover a wideout all over the field and then has the ball skills to make big plays.
Oakland Raiders — Josh Jacobs, Running Back Rounding out the third pick in the 1st round for Oakland, Josh Jacobs is built for the modern day NFL, he can run, he can catch, and the trait everyone forgets about, he can block; he’s Alvin Kamara without the discount of being a third round pick. Jacobs, though didn’t have a lot of carries in college shouldn’t be viewed as a bad thing. Running back is one of the few positions where the jump from the pros isn’t as difficult and with significantly less wear and tear Jacobs should explode out of the gate with the revamped Raiders.
Los Angeles Chargers — Greedy Williams, Cornerback If I say that this is more of luxury pick for the Chargers I don’t have to make a pun of them being greedy (dad joke)… San Diego Los Angeles has two stud corners in Casey Hayward and Desmond King, however both are on the smaller/average size at 5’11; Williams stands in at 6’3. With his size he can not only blanket whoever is up against him but with his speed can also keep up with the smaller/shifter receivers in the league. With Antonio Brown and all the Kansas City weapons, it’s best for the Chargers to continue to stock up at the corner position.  
Kansas City Chiefs — Deandre Baker, Cornerback Kansas City has an amazing high powered offence, and a very very average defence. The main issue is that their offence scores so much and so frequently that their defence is often playing with a lead, which means the opposition needs to throw. Add Baker and a huge upgrade at corner is in play. Baker is a very physical corner and in division that has Antonio Brown, Mike Williams and Keenan Allen, physicality is a must.
Green Bay Packers — Nasir Adderley, Safety Even with the signing of Adrian Amos Green Bay is one more safety away from completely rebuilding their secondary from 2 years ago. Adderley is one of the few safeties that has a first round grade in this year’s class; he has average size but has phenomenal ball skills, pairing him with Amos will certainly allows Green Bay to pick off a ton more passes than they’ve grown accustom to.
Los Angels Rams — Jerry Tillery, Defensive Line Tillery has the prototypical size and versatility that is needed in this era of the NFL for a defensive lineman, think Chris Jones of Kansas City. Last year LA showed that one of their strengths, if not their best strength is along the defensive line. Tillery slides into the vacated spot left by Ndamukong Suh right beside Aaron Donald, which will benefit him adjusting to the pros as he doesn’t need to be relied on as ‘the guy’.
New England Patriots — Marquise ‘Hollywood’ Brown, Wideout I know I know, Marquise Brown isn't the typical wideout New England usually rosters… New England needed to address their receiving situation, with age, retirements and suspensions Tom Brady doesn’t have as much ammo as he’s used too, and he’s already not used to a lot. Brown gives them the deep threat that was solely missed from when they shipped off Brandin Cooks. Also New England was looking to add Antonio Brown, so why not add his cousin and hope that he has the athletic traits and not the social traits.
As you can see I do not have Drew Lock or Daniel Jones being picked in the first round HOWEVER I do believe that Lock and probably (though he shouldn’t) Jones are going to be picked in the first round via trade. There is also a good chance Seattle trades Frank Clark for a late first round pick which would of course throw more wrenches into my mock which is all but certain to be completely botched.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and how I believe the first round will unfold.
Enjoy the draft on Thursday ladies and gentlemen! I know I would be but my girlfriend bought us tickets to a play, yes a play. Good times…
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Capped: Playing Either/Or with Different Salary Levels
  The regular season is winding down, and with it, we are almost to the offseason, when we can start preparing our teams for next year. Whether your league is bigger or smaller, the start players are the ones that play the biggest roles. However, being the most talked about players, their names get a reputation for producing, even if they may not be living up to the hype anymore. This week we’re going to lay out the stats for two skaters, without giving the name associated with them, discuss the contracts of both players, and then reveal the names with the hope that you can use this new perspective when evaluating players in your own leagues.
Numbers are from before Wednesday night’s games.
Player A – 72 GP, 11 G, 49 A, plus-3, 127 SOG, 91 Hits, 15 PPPs, 730 FOWs – AAV $8,000,000
Player B – 73 GP, 25 G, 29A, minus-7, 209 SOG, 54 Hits, 16 PPPs, 977 FOWs – AAV $5,500,000
  Here we have two first-line centremen. One of them is paid like a first line centre, while the other is only the 40th highest paid centre in the league. Both have put up over 50 points through 70 games this season, with varying peripherals. Player A lacks in shots, but provides over one hit per game, while Player B is a faceoff ace, and doesn’t hurt you in the other categories.
Which one would you rather on your cap league team? For me, I would certainly rather pay $5.5 million for the production of Player B, instead of paying $2.5 million more for hardly any upgrade.
Player A is the first-line centre for Nashville, Ryan Johansen, while Player B is the most reliable centre on Vancouver, Bo Horvat. Johansen has much more value attached to his name, due to his single season where he hit the 70-point plateau, while Horvat is hiding away as a growing asset in the far northwest geographical corner of the league. In a fantasy league, you could almost certainly get Horvat and a plus for Johansen, while in cap leagues it could end up being more of a one-for-one deal. If you can make it happen, you’re likely better off with the younger Horvat, and the extra $2.5 million in cap space.
Additional note. Johansen is only plus three on a Nashville team with a goal differential of +27, and after starting two-thirds of his shifts in the offensive zone. Horvat on the other hand, is only minus seven, and has started 60% of his shifts in the defensive zone. His contract also runs through to the summer of 2023. If you want a younger version of Patrice Bergeron, a player who just keeps getting better with age, look no further.
Player A – 52 GP, 18 G, 16 A, plus-7, 132 SOG, 22 Hits, 6 PPPs – AAV $6,000,000
Player B – 67 GP, 28 G, 18 A, minus-6, 194 SOG, 29 Hits, 7 PPPs – AAV $3,000,000
  Both wingers are in their fourth season. Player A is on pace for a season worse than his second and third years in the league, while Player B is showing signs of a breakout. Having played 15 more games also helps player B, but either way he is pacing to more goals and shots than player A, even had he been healthy, while the other production is similar. Both are more useful in points-only leagues, but not as much in leagues where more and more of the utility categories are counted.
Personally, I would want the same production at half the price, even with the minus attached.
Player A is one of the skilled wingers on a deep Winnipeg team, the underused Nikolaj Ehlers. Player B is the underappreciated Andreas Athanasiou, trying to help prop up the mostly barren fantasy wasteland that are the Detroit Red Wings. Based on team alone, Ehlers has the higher perceived value, and the career stats bear that out. However, having been moved off of the main powerplay unit, Ehlers has dropped off, and hasn’t been able to carry his own line when not playing with the bigger guns. Athanasiou on the other hand, is seeing more powerplay time, and has some of the best scoring rates per time on ice in the league. If anyone wants to make a friendly bet on which of these two has the best career season when all is said and done, I’ll put my money on the Red Wings winger.
Player A – 66 GP, 10 G, 37 A, plus-19, 169 SOG, 52 Hits, 95 Blocks, 23 PPPs – AAV $7,875,000
Player B – 59 GP, 6 G, 42 A, minus-3, 139 SOG, 51 Hits, 53 Blocks, 29 PPPs – AAV $5,250,000
Player C – 73 GP, 9 G, 48 A, minus-16, 188 SOG, 37 Hits, 68 Blocks, 37 PPPs – AAV $6,350,000
  Three defencemen here, the first one is someone that is being viewed as one of the better fantasy assets on defence, while the other two provide different options at a cheaper cost. Player B is younger and has yet to establish his ceiling. Player C is past 30 years old but is as reliable as they come (as long as you can stomach the plus-minus). None are your traditional bruiser defenceman that will rack up hits and blocks on top of the offence, such as a Shea Weber would. However, offence seems to be the name of the game, and these guys all bring it.
Personally, I would take Player B on my team first, then Player C, and then Player A at these cap hits. The point distributions are similar, each pacing for close to 10 goals and 50-55 assists in a full season. Shot rates are similar, Player A has an edge in blocks, while Player C loses some value in the plus-minus and hits categories. The powerplay production drops Player A down a rung though, and that can be key to get out of your top defencemen in any league.
Recently voted the top defenceman in the NHL players poll, player A is the stalwart defenceman for the best team in the league, and it seems his name value gets propped up a little as a result. However, with Steven Stamkos, Brayden Point, Nikita Kucherov, and the rest of the forwards eating up all the production, there just isn’t as much leftover for our Player A, Victor Hedman. Player B is milking his exposure to Boston’s top line, yet somehow Torey Krug doesn’t carry the same name value yet. Player C is Keith Yandle, consistent as they come. Well, on offence anyway. His plus-minus could be in line for an improvement next year with some growth in Florida as well. A little older, but for now, just as productive. Feel free to try and change my mind on Victor Hedman in the comments.
Player A – 66 GP, 27 G, 24 A, minus-2, 151 PIMs, 239 SOG, 146 Hits, 10 PPPs – AAV $7,000,000
Player B – 55 GP, 21 G, 16 A, plus-16, 113 PIMs, 113 SOG, 162 Hits, 5 PPPs – AAV $5,166,666
  This is for those of you in the leagues that still count penalty minutes as a positive, in addition to all of the other usual stats. Two of the most valuable players in these leagues (both wingers) are put side by side here so that we can make a case Player B’s contract is not as far-fetched as some believe. Looking at a per-game pace, these players provide some relatively equal value. Player A takes a large edge in shot volume, while Player B has an edge in plus-minus. However, both play on very good teams, so that may be less of a factor come next year. Add in that both players have a few short-handed points this season, and there really isn’t anything these guys don’t do.
Personally, I would be happy owning either player in leagues that count all of these stats. However, Player A is being lauded as the fantasy MVP for multi-category leagues, while Player B seems to actually be putting up worse numbers than were generally expected of him this year. He could be a bit of a value buy this offseason.
Player A is the enigmatic Evander Kane, who seems to have finally found some consistency in California with the Sharks. Player B is the controversial Tom Wilson, who, despite performing very well in the supplemental categories, is actually scoring at a pace that gives him value in even the shallowest of leagues with any kind of peripheral categories. Both are must owns if you can get your hands on them in multi-cat leagues.
That caps off this week’s article, thanks for reading. As always, you can find me on twitter @alexdmaclean.
Previous Capped articles:
Positional Scarcity and Buy/Sell
Deeper Streaming Additions for the Stretch Run
All info taken from FrozenTools.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/capped/capped-playing-eitheror-with-different-salary-levels/
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marilynngmesalo · 6 years
AFC wins 3rd straight Pro Bowl
AFC wins 3rd straight Pro Bowl AFC wins 3rd straight Pro Bowl https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
ORLANDO, Fla. — The Pro Bowl has long been considered a laughable representation of the NFL game.
It reached a new level of comedy Sunday as several players swapped positions during the annual all-star game.
Jacksonville Jaguars cornerback Jalen Ramsey caught a touchdown pass in the final minute, capping a dominate performance for the AFC defence in a 26-7 victory over the NFC in steady rain. It was the third consecutive victory for the AFC, all of them at Camping World Stadium.
The last two were played in sloppy weather, with the latest one also coming amid temperatures in the mid-50s. It was far from ideal conditions, raising speculation about the game’s future in Orlando, but fairly fitting considering the effort players provided. It was two-hand touch most of the day, with officials blowing plays dead at the slightest hint of contact.
“Who cares, man?” New York Jets safety Jamal Adams said. “At the end of the day, we’re like little kids out there just playing in the mud, playing in the rain.”
Regardless of the elements, the AFC made the plays the NFC didn’t.
Kansas City’s Patrick Mahomes completed an 18-yard touchdown pass to Indianapolis’ Eric Ebron on the opening possession, helping Mahomes earn the offensive Most Valuable Player award. Mahomes pleaded with voters to give it to Chiefs fullback Anthony Sherman, who caught three passes for 92 yards and ran for a score.
“Sherman had my vote. Sherman had my vote,” said Mahomes, who completed 7 of 14 passes for 156 yards. “I thought I told everybody on the camera. He made some plays out there. For a fullback, we have one of the best in the league so I’m always happy to try to get him a little vote like that.”
Adams, who made headlines for sacking the New England Patriots mascot during a Pro Bowl skills competition, was named the defensive MVP thanks to an interception and a sack.
“It’s a great achievement, but the main thing was to come out here and get the victory,” Adams said. “That was the main thing, just to get the money, man. That’s what we wanted.”
Mahomes and Adams each got a luxury vehicle.
AFC players will get $67,000 each for the victory, $8,000 more than the guys who lose the Super Bowl next week in Atlanta. The Pro Bowl losers will get $39,000 each.
The AFC defenders earned their share of the pot. The conference allowed the NFC 148 total yards and 10 first downs while intercepting three passes and notching seven sacks.
Ramsey got in on offence late, catching a 6-yard slant pass from Houston’s Deshaun Watson with 19 seconds remaining. Los Angeles Chargers rookie safety Derwin James failed to haul in the 2-point conversion.
“Man, me and Deshaun, that’s my brother from another mother,” Ramsey said. “We’ve been plotting and scheming all week, manifesting, and it just came about.”
New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley, Dallas running back Ezekiel Elliott, Tampa Bay receiver Mike Evans and New Orleans’ Alvin Kamara all got in on defence for the NFC. Evans notched an interception.
The AFC led 20-0 early in the fourth quarter, looking like it might record the first shutout in Pro Bowl history. But Dallas’ Dak Prescott found Atlanta’s Austin Hooper for a 20-yard score on fourth down with 9:09 remaining.
The NFC had plenty of chances before that. The conference failed to score on a fourth-and-goal run early. Chicago’s Mitchell Trubisky, Minnesota receiver Adam Thielen and Prescott threw interceptions.
Trubisky was sacked by Adams on a flea flicker, and Dallas’ Amari Cooper had a wide-open touchdown pass bounce off his face mask.
Seattle’s Russell Wilson also was sacked four times.
Adams’ hit on the Pats mascot went viral, leading to false reports about the guy being hospitalized.
“It’s dying down now,” Adams said. “He never went to the hospital. They blew it up. It was all for the fans. I gained some fans and I gained some enemies, put it like that.”
Indianapolis Colts tight end Eric Ebron had his phone tucked into the pocket of his sweatshirt and used it between the third and fourth quarters. Ebron took pics with opposing players, working his way around the entire NFC defence.
Adams hugged a line judge who didn’t throw a flag on an obvious pass interference play against Green Bay receiver Davonte Adams. Davonte Adams dropped to the ground in disbelief, and several NFC teammates protested.
Players from both conferences spent the week lamenting a now-infamous no-call in the NFC title game.
Pittsburgh Steelers receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster and Los Angeles Chargers receiver Keenan Allen left the game with bruised knees. Neither was considered serious, although Smith-Schuster was limping on the way to the bus and declined comment. Allen caught four passes for 95 yards before sitting out.
New England and the Los Angeles Rams play in the Super Bowl next Sunday.
//<![CDATA[ ( function() { pnLoadVideo( "videos", "b8RsK10SMb8", "pn_video_844449", "", "", {"controls":1,"autoplay":0,"is_mobile":""} ); } )(); //]]> Click for update news Bangla news http://bit.ly/2B7CTgq world news
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currentbdnews · 6 years
http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png‘IT’S A BLESSING’: Rams make Aaron Donald highest-paid defensive player in NFLhttps://ift.tt/eA8V8J ‘IT’S A BLESSING’: Rams make Aaron Donald highest-paid defensive player in NFL For update news visit All Bd Newspaper
LOS ANGELES — Aaron Donald’s two-year quest to become the NFL’s highest-paid defensive player finally ended in success Friday morning.
And just a few minutes after signing his deal, Donald was at work on the Los Angeles Rams’ practice fields for the first time in months, determined to keep doing the same things that made him so very wealthy.
The All-Pro defensive tackle agreed to a six-year, US$135-million deal, ending his second consecutive preseason holdout with a landmark commitment from the Rams.
“I feel good right now,” Donald said. “To be back out here playing football again, that’s what it is all about. Long process and a long wait. It was tough. Definitely it was tough for me, having a love for the game, having to push that to the side and handle the business side.”
The reigning NFL Defensive Player of the Year is signed through 2024, and the Rams’ defence can rest solidly on its cornerstone as Los Angeles attempts to capitalize on last season’s success with a Super Bowl run.
ESPN and the NFL Network reported the new deal includes a $40 million signing bonus and $87 million guaranteed. Donald is already under contract this season for $6.89 million in the final year of his rookie deal.
“It’s a blessing,” Donald said of his new deal, which surpasses Von Miller’s contract in Denver as the new benchmark for defenders. “Growing up thinking about playing in the NFL, you never think that big, or expect something like that. But my dad told me since Day One, hard work pays off. I’m going to continue to work nonstop.”
After skipping the Rams’ entire off-season program and training camp, Donald started work right away, even showing up at the Rams’ training complex to sign his contract earlier than scheduled Friday morning. When he joined practice later, the Rams finally got to see Donald alongside newcomer Ndamukong Suh and veteran Michael Brockers on their potentially destructive defensive line.
Earlier this week, Rams coach Sean McVay said Donald should be able to play in the Rams’ Monday night regular-season opener in Oakland on Sept. 10 if he signed within the next few days. Donald has been working out at home in Pittsburgh during his holdout, and McVay checked in regularly with him.
“I feel good, but I’ve still got to get in football mode, as far as pass rushing moves and just knocking the rust off a little bit,” Donald said. “But that will come in a couple of days.”
The Rams managed to maintain a civil relationship with Donald throughout the two years of difficult negotiations. Donald and his representatives were determined to make him one of the NFL’s highest-paid players at any position, but the Rams wanted to reward Donald while keeping their overall salary structure intact.
“I don’t think you were ever miles apart,” Rams general manager Les Snead said. “Everybody with common sense knew Aaron Donald was, at minimum, going to be the highest-paid defensive player in football. From there, you had to figure it out.”
Since his rookie season in St. Louis as the 13th overall pick in the draft, the 27-year-old Pitt product has been one of the NFL’s most dominant linemen with remarkable effectiveness against the run and the pass.
The compact powerhouse was chosen for the Pro Bowl after each of his four seasons, and he was a key component of Los Angeles’ extraordinary one-year turnaround under McVay in 2017. With Donald adapting quickly to new veteran co-ordinator Wade Phillips despite missing training camp, the Rams won their division for the first time since 2003 and ended the franchise’s streaks of 13 consecutive non-winning seasons and 12 straight non-playoff seasons.
Although Donald has 39 sacks in four NFL seasons, traditional statistics don’t reflect the full measure of his disruptive play on the line. Phillips rhapsodizes about Donald’s ability to force opposing offences into bad decisions by his ability to wreck any blocking scheme with his low, ferocious charges through the line.
But Donald also took a hard line in negotiating his football future: Along with his training camp holdouts, he also skipped the Rams’ entire off-season program this year. He didn’t report last year until the day before the regular-season opener, forcing him to miss the Rams’ first game.
He still was named the NFL’s top defensive player despite playing in only 14 games, racking up 11 sacks and 41 tackles while forcing five fumbles for the NFC West champions. He also led the NFL with 91 quarterback pressures, according to Pro Football Focus.
Donald now must learn how to play alongside Suh after the five-time Pro Bowl selection joined the Rams as a free agent in March. They’ll work together on a revamped defence that also includes new cornerbacks Marcus Peters and Aqib Talib.
“It’s interesting, ’cause it’s always been on paper, right?” Snead said. “Oh, Aaron Donald paired with Brockers and Suh and everyone else and the DBs. But to see him on the practice field now beside (Brockers), besides (Suh), with Aqib, you’re like, ‘OK, wait a minute. Here’s what we set out to do.’ And now you just look forward to going and playing a game.”
With Donald in camp, the Rams finally have their near-term roster settled while still maintaining significant room on their payroll for 2019 — just in time for quarterback Jared Goff to reach the fourth year of his rookie deal with the chance to negotiate a long-term contract.
Los Angeles demonstrated its willingness to pay top dollar for talent in recent months by acquiring those three defensive stars and agreeing to lucrative long-term deals with NFL Offensive Player of the Year Todd Gurley, receiver Brandin Cooks and right tackle Rob Havenstein.
Yet those deals also were structured to make sure Donald could get the contract he deserved.
“They all made some sort of sacrifice for this moment,” Snead said of Gurley, Cooks and Havenstein. “They didn’t take less money. They just may have delayed some gratification, because we always said, ‘We have this room in the budget and we need to save it, and this is the goal.'”
// from https://ift.tt/2NFvF7L https://ift.tt/2MJOb2j
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Ramblings: Coyle Traded; Smith-Pelly Waived; Gudas Suspended; Athanasiou – February 21
  There was a concern that Dmitrij Jaskin has been waived by the Washington Capitals. With everyone healthy, it was a numbers game and it seemed Jaskin was the odd-man out. However, the earlier report was refuted by Elliotte Friedman and Devante Smith-Pelly was waived instead.
Jaskin was a guy I fell in love with after he scored 13 goals in 54 games in the 2014-15 season. He had strong underlying numbers and looked like he’d be a very good two-way winger moving forward. My anticipation was that he’d be something like Nino Niederreiter, if a bit ‘worse’. While he has maintained very strong defensive numbers, his offence never caught up. It’s nice to see him still be valued by an NHL team, though.
I don’t imagine Smith-Pelly clears waivers. He’s a Cup winner on a cheap contract. Teams love that sort of player.
Just to add a bit of intrigue, this particular player being waived might be part of a trade down the road. Was it a team that wanted Jaskin? Washington clearing cap space? Stay tuned.
Radko Gudas was suspended two games for his “high-sticking” incident with Nikita Kucherov.
Gudas is a guy that I’ll never understand. He plays a tough game but is reliable as a defenceman by many metrics. He helps drive the play better than most realize. He does, however, do dumb stuff like this with far too much regularity. It’s not even the first time he’s been suspended for swinging his stick at a player’s head, for the love of god.
While he wasn’t skating with a line and wasn’t in the lineup Wednesday night, Nikolaj Ehlers was on the ice for Jets practice Wednesday morning, skating on a defence pairing of scratches in a non-contact jersey. Though he’s not ready to come back quite yet, it does feel like he’s on the verge.
This is huge news for the Jets. Since his injury, their team play has plummeted from top-10 team to a bottom-10 team. Their shot share since the calendar turned to 2019 is lower than the New York Rangers, which is not where any team wants to find themselves. Adding him back to the lineup will give them a much-needed boost.
One rumour that has caught my eye of late was the Mark Stone-to-Boston rumour. After David Pastrnak, this team is woefully thin at right wing (depending on your opinion of Danton Heinen), to the point where Pastrnak had to be moved to the second line before his freak injury. Having a second line of DeBrusk-Krejci-Stone would give Boston a top-6 that could compete with anyone, and allow Heinen to bring some scoring to the bottom-6. This team desperately needs an impact right winger and Stone is one of the best in the league, let alone the best available.
Note: I wrote the above before the Charlie Coyle trade. I guess that’s something?
Click here to read Cam Robinson's take on the Coyle/Donato swap. 
One thing I'd like to add is that this is a smart gamble from Minnesota. Coyle was probably gone in a year anyway and this year is shot. They're essentially giving up one year of Coyle to find out whether or not Ryan Donato can make good on the potential he's shown in lower leagues. Remember that Donato was very highly thought of in the fantasy community coming into the year, and also by the Bruins as they had him on the top PP unit way back when. For a team that seemingly wants to re-tool on the fly than full-out rebuild, this is a solid move. 
Colin Miller was a healthy scratch Wednesday night for Vegas. Nick Holden took his spot in the lineup.
This is curious for a couple reasons. First, Miller is pretty good. Second, the trade deadline is around the corner. Could they be holding him out in anticipation of a trade? I personally think that’d be a bad idea but bad ideas have never stopped NHL GMs before.
In a piece for The Athletic, Pierre LeBrun intimated that Jakob Silfverberg already has a five-year extension in place with Anaheim but there are some small issues that need clarity first. Either way, that’s probably one name that can be knocked off the trade bait board.
I’d like to add: why? The Ducks are already loaded with expensive contracts for guys over the age of 30. Silfverberg, believe it or not, turns 29 in October. This is a team that should be looking toward Comtois, Steel, Terry, and others, not keeping around more older players. I get that they probably want one more kick at the can next year with a (hopefully) healthy Getzlaf, Perry, Rakell, and Kesler, but Perry and Kesler in particular are already a sunk cost. This is just chasing bad money with more bad money, even if Silfverberg is a good middle-six winger.
Regardless, dynasty owners hoping Silfverberg would get a fresh start somewhere else are likely out of luck.
Can we talk about Andreas Athanasiou for a second?
A couple nights ago, I was looking up Jake Guentzel’s career scoring rates, and came across something interesting:
  Goals/60 at 5v5 since the start of the 2016-17 season https://t.co/TImfloH9MN this is quite the grouping pic.twitter.com/LZF8CUvvWG
— Michael Clifford (@SlimCliffy) February 20, 2019
  There’s Andreas Athanasiou, one of the top goal scorers in the league at five-on-five over the last 2.5+ seasons. His 1.67 primary points/60 minutes at five-on-five (goals and first assists only, data from Natural Stat Trick) is tied with Taylor Hall and Anders Lee for 35th in the league over that span, slightly ahead of names like Jack Eichel, Aleksander Barkov, and Sean Monahan. Keep in mind, he’s done this on terrible Detroit teams while spending less than one-third of his ice time on a line with Dylan Larkin. Maybe that gives him easier matchups, but it’s also given him considerably worse line mates – he’s spent nearly half his ice time with at least one of Darren Helm, Justin Abdelkader, or Luke Glendening.
Detroit could look quite different next year with Gustav Nyquist likely to be traded, Thomas Vanek on a one-year deal, and both Niklas Kronwall and Nick Jensen pending UFAs, the latter also likely to be traded. That doesn’t include Filip Zadina likely being on the main roster. Where Athanasiou will fit in here is uncertain. It shouldn’t be a concern, though, given Athanasiou has shown he can be plenty productive without top-tier line mates. He just needs more ice time. This guy should be over 18 minutes a game, not playing just 13 seconds more per game at 5v5 than Abdelkader.  
Just as a small aside: when looking up the primary points rates over the last three seasons, one name jumped out: Brett Connolly. His primary points/60 at 5v5 over that span ties him for 28th among forwards with Leon Draisaitl and Evgeny Kuznetsov.
I really enjoyed Cam Metz’s head-to-head playoff previews that he’s been doing over at Eastern Edge the last couple of weeks. You can read part 1 here and part 2 here. It’s crazy to think how fast the season has gone, but many of us are just 10 days away from embarking on H2H playoffs, which means we should probably be getting ready for that right now. Reading Metz’s H2H previews has been a help for me so I assume they’ll be a help for the rest of the Dobber community as well.
The San Jose Sharks claimed Michael Haley off waivers. I guess this in response to Nashville trading for Cody McLeod. What exactly is going on here? Why are playoff teams acquiring pure fighters?
One team that is very interesting for me heading into the deadline is St. Louis. Craig Berube has completely turned this team around, and has done so with strong underlying metrics and not smoke and mirrors. Three months ago, there were rumours of trading Brayden Schenn and/or Vladimir Tarasenko. Now it looks like they’ll be buyers. This is another team that could use Mark Stone, though I imagine that conversation starts with guys like Thomas, Fabbri, or Kyrou, and I’m not sure that the Blues would want to part with pieces like that. Maybe they just add some depth pieces, considering how well this team is playing right now.
I will say that one guy I’m starting to get worried about is Tyson Jost. I was pretty high on him coming out of the draft, thinking he’d turn into a reliable two-way second-line centre. A watered-down version of Mikael Backlund or something like that. Things haven’t gone well, obviously. I was always concerned that he could take longer to develop because he’d have to learn how to play a well-rounded game to make an impact, and defence usually takes longer to develop than offence. All the same, he’s been below-average offensively and defensively this year, resulting in a brief AHL stint not too long ago.
There is still time, obviously. He’s only 20 years old and the lack of production means the Avalanche can probably extend him for cheap once his ELC runs out next year. They probably have at least three years of cheap control for him to find the next gear. It would be nice to see some turnaround over the final six weeks or whatever, though. My fear is that he turns into a guy we named above in Dmitrij Jaskin, someone who is solid defensively but whose offence is poor enough to keep them out of the lineup.
Calgary started Wednesday night’s game with Matthew Tkachuk on the top line with Johnny Gaudreau and Sean Monahan. I’m interested to see how long it lasts. Obviously, Tkachuk should fit in very well on the top line but it also depletes their depth a bit, which was a strength of this team. I wouldn’t read too much into this until we pass the trade deadline.
Speaking of top line changes, the Sabres had Evan Rodrigues on the top line with Jack Eichel and Sam Reinhart in practice. We know about the history between Rodrigues and Eichel dating back to college, so maybe this is something that will last with chemistry. The team is 7-13-2 since Christmas so this feels like a desperate attempt to spark something. I doubt it’ll last very long.
Updates on the games in the morning. 
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-coyle-traded-smith-pelly-waived-gudas-suspended-athanasiou-february-21/
0 notes
marilynngmesalo · 6 years
‘IT’S A BLESSING’: Rams make Aaron Donald highest-paid defensive player in NFL
‘IT’S A BLESSING’: Rams make Aaron Donald highest-paid defensive player in NFL https://ift.tt/eA8V8J ‘IT’S A BLESSING’: Rams make Aaron Donald highest-paid defensive player in NFL
LOS ANGELES — Aaron Donald’s two-year quest to become the NFL’s highest-paid defensive player finally ended in success Friday morning.
And just a few minutes after signing his deal, Donald was at work on the Los Angeles Rams’ practice fields for the first time in months, determined to keep doing the same things that made him so very wealthy.
The All-Pro defensive tackle agreed to a six-year, US$135-million deal, ending his second consecutive preseason holdout with a landmark commitment from the Rams.
“I feel good right now,” Donald said. “To be back out here playing football again, that’s what it is all about. Long process and a long wait. It was tough. Definitely it was tough for me, having a love for the game, having to push that to the side and handle the business side.”
The reigning NFL Defensive Player of the Year is signed through 2024, and the Rams’ defence can rest solidly on its cornerstone as Los Angeles attempts to capitalize on last season’s success with a Super Bowl run.
ESPN and the NFL Network reported the new deal includes a $40 million signing bonus and $87 million guaranteed. Donald is already under contract this season for $6.89 million in the final year of his rookie deal.
“It’s a blessing,” Donald said of his new deal, which surpasses Von Miller’s contract in Denver as the new benchmark for defenders. “Growing up thinking about playing in the NFL, you never think that big, or expect something like that. But my dad told me since Day One, hard work pays off. I’m going to continue to work nonstop.”
After skipping the Rams’ entire off-season program and training camp, Donald started work right away, even showing up at the Rams’ training complex to sign his contract earlier than scheduled Friday morning. When he joined practice later, the Rams finally got to see Donald alongside newcomer Ndamukong Suh and veteran Michael Brockers on their potentially destructive defensive line.
Earlier this week, Rams coach Sean McVay said Donald should be able to play in the Rams’ Monday night regular-season opener in Oakland on Sept. 10 if he signed within the next few days. Donald has been working out at home in Pittsburgh during his holdout, and McVay checked in regularly with him.
“I feel good, but I’ve still got to get in football mode, as far as pass rushing moves and just knocking the rust off a little bit,” Donald said. “But that will come in a couple of days.”
The Rams managed to maintain a civil relationship with Donald throughout the two years of difficult negotiations. Donald and his representatives were determined to make him one of the NFL’s highest-paid players at any position, but the Rams wanted to reward Donald while keeping their overall salary structure intact.
“I don’t think you were ever miles apart,” Rams general manager Les Snead said. “Everybody with common sense knew Aaron Donald was, at minimum, going to be the highest-paid defensive player in football. From there, you had to figure it out.”
Since his rookie season in St. Louis as the 13th overall pick in the draft, the 27-year-old Pitt product has been one of the NFL’s most dominant linemen with remarkable effectiveness against the run and the pass.
The compact powerhouse was chosen for the Pro Bowl after each of his four seasons, and he was a key component of Los Angeles’ extraordinary one-year turnaround under McVay in 2017. With Donald adapting quickly to new veteran co-ordinator Wade Phillips despite missing training camp, the Rams won their division for the first time since 2003 and ended the franchise’s streaks of 13 consecutive non-winning seasons and 12 straight non-playoff seasons.
Although Donald has 39 sacks in four NFL seasons, traditional statistics don’t reflect the full measure of his disruptive play on the line. Phillips rhapsodizes about Donald’s ability to force opposing offences into bad decisions by his ability to wreck any blocking scheme with his low, ferocious charges through the line.
But Donald also took a hard line in negotiating his football future: Along with his training camp holdouts, he also skipped the Rams’ entire off-season program this year. He didn’t report last year until the day before the regular-season opener, forcing him to miss the Rams’ first game.
He still was named the NFL’s top defensive player despite playing in only 14 games, racking up 11 sacks and 41 tackles while forcing five fumbles for the NFC West champions. He also led the NFL with 91 quarterback pressures, according to Pro Football Focus.
Donald now must learn how to play alongside Suh after the five-time Pro Bowl selection joined the Rams as a free agent in March. They’ll work together on a revamped defence that also includes new cornerbacks Marcus Peters and Aqib Talib.
“It’s interesting, ’cause it’s always been on paper, right?” Snead said. “Oh, Aaron Donald paired with Brockers and Suh and everyone else and the DBs. But to see him on the practice field now beside (Brockers), besides (Suh), with Aqib, you’re like, ‘OK, wait a minute. Here’s what we set out to do.’ And now you just look forward to going and playing a game.”
With Donald in camp, the Rams finally have their near-term roster settled while still maintaining significant room on their payroll for 2019 — just in time for quarterback Jared Goff to reach the fourth year of his rookie deal with the chance to negotiate a long-term contract.
Los Angeles demonstrated its willingness to pay top dollar for talent in recent months by acquiring those three defensive stars and agreeing to lucrative long-term deals with NFL Offensive Player of the Year Todd Gurley, receiver Brandin Cooks and right tackle Rob Havenstein.
Yet those deals also were structured to make sure Donald could get the contract he deserved.
“They all made some sort of sacrifice for this moment,” Snead said of Gurley, Cooks and Havenstein. “They didn’t take less money. They just may have delayed some gratification, because we always said, ‘We have this room in the budget and we need to save it, and this is the goal.'”
//<![CDATA[ ( function() { pnLoadVideo( "videos", "CMLButYbtHY", "pn_video_501839", "", "", {"is_mobile":""} ); } )(); //]]> Canoe Click for update news world news https://ift.tt/2wBcXqs world news
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