#it's nothing terrible it just kinda bugs me
hunter-sylvester · 8 months
Getting my only tattoo with meaning removed because life is meaningless 🥰
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samsqueerpolycule · 7 months
So you’re an American who watched Emily in Paris and now you have a little voice in your ear saying that it might be cool to move to Europe. Heed my warning! Do not listen to him! That little voice is the devil and he wants to ruin your life. Trust me. Trust me look me in the eyes do NOT move to Europe. It is not the fun quirky adventure you think it is. Do not do it! Don’t make the same mistakes I have
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bingusbongu · 9 months
Hey can you do a legoshi x male lion reader dating hcs? Bug boy means everything to me fr 🤞
A/N: RaAAAHHHHH I LOVE LEGOSHI HE IS MY FAVORITE BOY, he is so silly!!!!! Im absolutely happy to do this request!!! Tysm!!!! Happy reading~!
Legoshi x Male! Lion reader dating hcs!
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○ at First glance, Legoshi didnt like you, because well, youre a lion and he has had some terrible experiences regarding lion business
○ he was weary, especially with how you easily toward him despite being in the same year of school as him. Let alone, he didnt like it when you were near the more vulnerable students, he was afraid for their saftey. He knew what those teeth and claws could do.
○ though, when you were nice, especially towards the herbivores. Legoshi let off some of his worry, deciding to cut you some slack. After all, you were still a student after all. How could you have done anything bad, you weren't one of the lions who hurt him, or Haru. Maybe you werent actually a threat
○ though, when you ended up joining the drama class, he was shocked. That a big predator wanting to join acting stunned him, so did everyone! But, you managed to get along with everyone great! And the students started to warm up to you very quickly
○ and in time, you managed to actually talk to Legoshi, after him avoiding you for so long, you finally managed to crack out some conversation from him. You told him you understand his weariness, but reminded him that he couldnt always just judge a predator by his looks or past, shoving practically all his doubts up his ass
○ you manage to get Legoshi to talk to you more often! Yay!
○ he was, of course, his shy lil wolf self but you were destined to crack that shy shell and get him to talk to you more
○ which led you to getting help from Jack, who happily helped you out
○ now, you knew the secret, so, one day you brought Legoshi a free egg sandwich for breakfast and seeing how happy he got brightened your day for sure
○ so, you bringing him an egg sandwich got common, it was one of the ways you actually managed to get Legoshi to warm up to you and to actually talk to you! Win win!
○ eventually, you guys would day greetings in the halls, or after classes you meet up and talk to eachother! Legoshi obviously still afraid to share certain things, but you left it be, decided not to pry tell he was ready to tell you
○ legoshi was.. conflicted. You were a deadly preditor, that many animals feared, but you were so nice, so gentle.. unlike the other lions he had met before.
○ you kinda reminded him abit of himself, a gentle predator who wanted nothing more than to be validated and seen as sonething more than a carnivore, yet, you were alot bolder than he was
○ he started enjoying hanging out with you, even just looking forward to it, getting excited when you even gave him your number so you guys could keep in contact!
○ he started to go down a crisis, realizing how much he started liking the time with you, and how his mind would recall back to a moment where you two were touching, whether it be you patting his shoulder to comfoft him, or your swaying tail accidentally brushing past him, amd it made his tail start wagging furiously
○ jack noticed You and Legoshi hanging out alot more, and he absolutely teased the big wolfy about it
○ definitely went to Louis for advice, he was so embarrassed about it, but the deer caved in and helped him, it was kinda pathetic to see Legoshi so lost, almost worst than with Haru
○ Louis tried to persuade Legoshi to make the first move, but Legoshi, our lovely boio, was to nervous
○ so, you took matters in your own hands and invited him out to the city after school to go eat somewhere
○ Legoshi was extreamly nervous after this, especially during because he kept looking at you the whole time.
○ sweet mans wanted to hold your hand but was to anxious
○ You took his hand in his and he nearly choked on his food
○ after that, yall start dating, yippe!!!!!!
○ wolf man is absolutely smitten by you, hardly able to keeo his eyes off of you, especially during drama, which he gets yelled at for
○ Jack and the fog squad are his hype mans! Definitely hyping him up when you two of little dates like- "thats our wolf boy look at him go<333333"
○ Legoshi is to nervous to take initiative or to be the first to make any moves, so youre mainly the one who does them, like holding his habd or kissing his head?????
○ Flustered baby
○ he definitely asks you once and awhile to touch your main fur, which you happily oblige and he just melts at the softness
○ sometimes, Legoshi definitely needs Validation, he hardly gets any:((
○ So youre his supplier, making sure he knows that you care about him and love him and that he isnt a monster
○ soon, when he is comfortable, he will start coming to you if he has problems or just needs comfort
○ he will talk about bugs forever and you attempt to listen but youre to focused on how cute he is when he is excited (your ass is not listening!!!!)
○ i feel like if you pet him he would absolutely melt, like he starts shaking his leg like a dog and ITS ADORABLE
○ he is so touch starved, it took him forever to open up to it, but when he does he is clingy, only in private though, he would be to embarrassed if it was public
○ you two are the carnivore couple
○ what??? You think people dont notice how excited legoshi gets when you enter a room???? And the way you smile at him and come and sit by him?????
○ its so obvious hun
○ i like to imagine some people are just happy to see Legoshi in an actual healthy relationship, regardless if its with a big lion guy, hey atleast hes happy!!!
○ you need to take care of him, this poor man forgets that he has to take care of himself, so sometimes you have to force him to rest, drink water, or to eat
○ you lecture him while your probably petting him so he aint listening
○ he wants to get stronger for you to impress you and show you he is strong too!! Even though your basically the man of the relationship he still tries
○ Let him impress you, he gets so happy when you praise him like cmon
○ would throw himself into danger just to keep you safe, though you would do the same but ur like 'baby please dont'
○ definitely lets you brush his fur, and if you let him, would love to brush out your main
○ love. Him. Validate. Him.
○ he has been through alot, he needs so much love i swear
○ good thing he has you:)
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
what’s your opinion on “lebanon”? as it actually is in the show and how fans/fic writers interpret/approach it.
cause i’ve been binge-reading “lebanon” fics and i’ve noticed two patterns: sam might argue with john or he stays calm but regardless he preaches to dean about what a terrible father john was, and dean always falls back into his performing and just keeps defending john. now i love all that angst, really i love it so much, these fics are phenomenally written… but i’m just wondering if i’m crazy to think that dean wouldn’t actually fall back into that role to such an extent, and whether the episode actually kinda got it right by having dean feel secure with his family as it is. iirc my issue with the episode is that neither dean nor sam got to express any issues with john in an honest but civil way (and that john is too nice) but that still i liked dean’s expression of security, but tbh it’s been awhile since i last watched it so maybe i’m missing/misremembering smth… thanks!
One of the strangest things I see in fandom is how many people's sense of how Sam views John versus how Dean views John is just flat out wrong. The idea that Dean is always defending John while Sam is always criticizing him the whole show is negated over and over and over in the actual show itself—extremely overtly.
There's two issues here in my mind that lend to this fandom problem.
The fandom accepting Sam and Dean's "John Narratives" at face value in the early episodes of season 1. For example, watching 1.08 "Bugs", where Dean claims to have no resentments toward John and says Sam also was a dick during Sam and John's fight, and going, "Well there we go. Dean has no resentments and refuses to criticize John but Sam will." At this point, we already know from 1.06 "Skin" that Dean does have resentments toward John for not appearing to care about him and for abandoning him, and we get further indications in 1.11, and 1.21 in this season alone. Another example is Sam and Dean's clashes in 1.10 "Asylum" and in 1.11 "Scarecrow", which are largely analyzed by the fandom as moments where Dean is blindly following orders when they have some other, better option Sam is pushing, and Dean is just refusing to go along with Sam's much better ideas because he's too focused on believing their dad knows best... when that is not actually what is happening at all. Sam's alternative plans in the beginning of 1.10 and 1.11 are absolutely stupid. In 1.10, he wants to call the FBI on John to find him. That's his big idea—instead of following the coordinates John just sent them and seeing if he's there. In 1.11, Sam's big bright idea on finding John is to abandon some people to die on a time-sensitive case so he can go search all of Sacramento for John with nothing but an area code. His plans are dumb, plain and simple—and while we do see Dean hiding his own resentments in these episodes too, that does not remain true—which brings me to the other issue here.
Fandom doesn't leave room for the brothers perspectives on John and their outward expressions of those perspectives to shift or mature over the series. This is particularly funny because their perspectives are literally swapping over the course of season 1, and have pretty much fully swapped by 2.02.
Sam's shifting season 1 perspective on John
What actually happens in season 1, is that Sam, who starts out burning with resentment and hurt toward John for disowning him and being a smothering drill sergeant and absent, binge-drinking dad, slowly begins empathizing him because he's now suffered a similar trauma and is having extreme difficulty coping with it himself! Sam's empathy for and understanding of John (and hell—even respect for John handling it as well as Sam thinks he was capable) is already beginning to show in 1.02—where Sam asks Dean "How does Dad do it?" (i.e., deal with the same burning rage and desperation for vengeance that is tearing Sam apart) (gifset). In 1.04, he learns John was bragging about Sam's accomplishments to other people (gifset). In 1.08, when Dean tells Sam that John was never actually disappointed in him—that he was scared Sam would get hurt if he wasn't around (gifset here) a lot of Sam's anger about the Stanford fight fades. He ends the episode saying "Dad did the best he could" (a repeated quote often misattributed as coming more from Dean) and saying he wants to find him to apologize to him for the things he said (gifset). John and Sam share a heartfelt, tearful hug in 1.16—at the end of which Sam begs John not to leave, and in 1.20, John himself apologizes and explains what was going on in his head when they fought, and it ends with them smiling and laughing as they acknowledge they understand each other and they're the same. I track Sam and John's relationship through the tag, #we probably have a lot more in common than just about anyone because Sam says that during that conversation in 1.20 (gifset).
Dean's shifting season 1 perspective on John
At the same time this shift is happening in Sam, we see Dean going the exact opposite direction. He starts out believing John has their best interest at heart even if they don't understand his actions, but the resentment is there too (1.06). In 1.09 and in 1.12, Dean needs help desperately, and John doesn't answer. While Sam is learning that John actually cares about him, Dean is growing more and more concerned that John doesn't care about him (Dean) specifically. We see this resentment start to come out (season 1 compilation set here) in 1.20, when John says he wants to keep the boys safe and that's why he's ditching them, and Dean calls it "A bunch of crap". Dean begins standing up to John to his face from this episode onward—finishing 1.20 with a "Yeah well we saved your ass" in response to John saying they disobeyed him. In 1.21, John tries to get on his case, and Dean lays into him about not answering the phone and specifically about abandoning Dean when Dean needed him in 1.09 and 1.12. In 1.22, Sam tries to get his way by telling Dean that John wouldn't want them to bring The Colt to save him, and Dean yells "I don't care what Dad wants!" and then when Sam starts throwing the blame on him for everything, Dean says,
Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can’t wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? I’m gonna be the one to bury you. You’re selfish, you know that? You don’t care about anything but revenge.
Dean has compared Sam and John more than once during the series, and it has never ever been a compliment.
Sam and Dean in the rest of the series
Sam and Dean's interactions about John in rest of the series are... almost universally the opposite of what the fanfics you've picked up suggest. Their interactions almost always show Dean criticizing John and Sam keeping silent or defending him, or reiterating that John did what he had to/the best he could.
Gifset on Dean's whole season 2 "Fuck John Winchester" vibe here.
In 2.01, Dean shouts at John for (it appears) abandoning him to die:
DEAN Come on, Dad. You've gotta help me. I've gotta get better, I've gotta get back in there. I mean, you haven't called a soul for help. You haven't even tried. Aren't you going to do anything? Aren't you even going to say anything? I've done everything you have ever asked me. Everything. I have given everything I've ever had. And you're just going to sit there and you're going to watch me die? I mean, what the hell kind of father are you?
Sam and John have a horrible fight where John blames him for Dean's condition and Sam tells him to go to Hell only for him to make a demon deal and literally go to Hell that same day (gifset) and Sam tries to start another fight right before John dies but John refuses to engage (gifset). The result ends up being that Sam and Dean have fully swapped places on John by 2.02 with John's death as the catalyst. John's death leaves Sam with regrets that their last interaction was Sam trying to start a fight (2.02). He decides he wants to hunt in John's memory (2.02) (gifset1, gifset2) while a part of Dean desperately wants to quit the life altogether—he's clawing the walls but feels helplessly trapped (2.09, 2.10, 2.20).
Sam defends John while Dean suggests John lead them down the wrong path with a dogmatic rule book (2.03). He demands they go to Lawrence so he can place John's dog tags over Mary's grave (2.04). He spends the season regurgitating John's orders, pushing Dean to do what John told him to do (2.11, 2.14, 2.20) while Dean wants to quit the life (2.09, 2.10, 2.20) and burns with anger toward John. In 2.10, Dean says "I wish to god he'd never opened his mouth!" about John.
In 2.11 "Playthings":
SAM (shoving DEAN to face him) Dean! Dad told you to do it, you have to. DEAN Yeah, well, Dad's an ass! (SAM frowns in confusion) He never should have said anything! I mean, you don't do that, you don't, you don't lay that kind of crap on your kids! SAM No. He was right to say it! Who knows what I might become? Even now, everyone around me dies!
We see Dean seething with resentment while Sam defends John's orders and tries to enforce them on Dean, carrying the legacy of their father in more ways than one.
Over and over, we get indications that a part of John treated Dean as disposable while he sheltered Sam, and that Dean is increasingly aware of the impact that's difference has had on him—to the point he realizes his father's neglect and abuse is the reason he isn't fighting to save himself in 3.10 "Dream A Little Dream Of Me". Dean and John's relationship is intentionally paralleled with a physically abusive relationship between a father and son in this same episode (gifset, meta), and in this episode, Dean rejects his father as an "obsessed bastard", calls Bobby his father (gifset), and decides from this point forward, he's going to fight to save himself from his demon deal because fuck John Winchester.
DREAM DEAN Dad knew who you really were. A good soldier and nothing else. Daddy's blunt little instrument. Your own father didn't care whether you lived or died. Why should you? DEAN Son of a bitch! My father was an obsessed bastard! All that crap he dumped on me, about protecting Sam! That was his crap! He's the one who couldn't protect his family! He– who wasn't there for Sam! I always was! He wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me! And I don't deserve to go to Hell!
And yeah! Dean also still loves John! And more than that—he craves John's protection. We see this in 3.14 "Long Distance Call" when the Crocotta calls to Dean as John from beyond the grave, telling Dean exactly what Dean wants to hear: "I never wanted this. Never. You're my boy, I love you. I can't watch you to go to hell, Dean," and telling Dean he can save him. This is pure longing for the love and protection Dean has always desired from John but feels like he's never received. Instead, he's always felt disposable.
In season 4? Oh boy... we get this incredible bit in 4.10 between Dean and Anna:
ANNA I was stationed on earth 2,000 years. Just... watching... silent... invisible... out on the road... sick for home... waiting on orders from an unknowable father I can't begin to understand. So don't tell me that -- DEAN laughs. ANNA What is so funny? What? DEAN Nothing. Sorry. It's just...I can relate.
Then in after meeting Adam in 4.19, Sam and Dean have a fight about whether to bring Adam hunting with them or leave him to a normal life:
DEAN 'Hunting is life. You can't have connections.' Dad gave you that exact same speech, remember? It was just before you ditched us for Stanford. You hated Dad for saying that stuff, and now you're quoting him? SAM Yeah, well, turns out Dad was right. DEAN Since when? SAM Since always. Dean, when I look at Adam, you know what I see? DEAN A normal kid. SAM No. Meat. Because the demons and monsters out there, that's all he is. I hated Dad for a long time. I did. But now I think I understand. So we didn't have a dog and a white picket fence. So what? Dad did right by us. He taught us how to protect ourselves. Adam deserves the same. DEAN Listen to yourself, man. SAM You think I’m wrong? DEAN I think it's too late for us. This is our life. This is who we are, okay? And it's fine. I accept that. But with Adam, he's still got a chance, man. He can go to school. He could be a doctor.
Sam says John did right by them. Dean thinks he absolutely didn't, but they can't change who they are now—they can only keep others from falling down the same path.
At the end of the episode? Oh boy...
DEAN You know, I finally get why you and Dad butted heads so much. You two were practically the same person. SAM looks over. DEAN I mean, I worshipped the guy, you know? I dressed like him, I acted like him, I listen to the same music. But you were more like him than I will ever be. And I see that now. SAM I'll take that as a compliment. DEAN You take it any way you want.
It is NOT a compliment.
In 5.16, Dean is confronted with god's intentional absence, and burning with resentment, says to Joshua,
Forget it. Just another dead-beat dad with a bunch of excuses, right. I’m used to that. I’ll muddle through.
In 5.13, Sam takes the opportunity presented to him by young John's presence to defend their father and tell John that he forgives him (gifset).
JOHN Look, how long have you known about this...hunting stuff? SAM Pretty much forever. My dad raised me in it. JOHN You're serious? Who the hell does that to a kid? SAM Well, I mean, for the record, Mary's parents did. JOHN I don't care. You know, what kind of irresponsible bastard lets a child anywhere near—Y-you know, you could've been killed! SAM I, uh...came kind of close. SAM laughs. JOHN The number it must've done on your head...Your father was supposed to protect you. SAM He was trying. He died trying. Believe me. SAM sits down on the bench under a window. SAM I used to be mad at him. I—I mean, I used to... I used to hate the guy. But now I—I... I get it. He was...just doing the best he could. And he was trying to keep it together in—in—in this impossible situation. See... My mom, um... She was amazing, beautiful, and she was the love of his life. And she got killed. And...I think he would have gone crazy if he didn't do something. Truth is, um, my dad died before I got to tell him that I understand why he did what he did. And I forgive him for what it did to us. I do. And I just—I love him.
What Lebanon does is present Sam with the opportunity to reiterate his forgiveness toward a John who understands the context:
SAM Dad… for me? That fight… that was a lifetime ago. I don’t even remember what I said, and – I mean… yeah. You know what? You did some messed-up things. But I don’t… I mean, when I think about you… [voice breaks] and I think about you a lot… I don’t think about our – our fights. I think about you… I think about you on the floor of that hospital. And I think about how I never got to say goodbye. JOHN Sam. Son. I am so sorry. SAM I’m sorry, too. But you did your best, dad. You – you fought for us, and you loved us, and… that’s enough.
So yeah! The fanfic narrative here where Sam is Mr. "Dad was bad" and Dean is Mr. "Nooo dad did the best he could" IS ABSOLUTE NONSENSE!!!!!
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heartfeltcherie · 2 months
hiya! I wanted to know if you could either do
A) An Alastor x G/N Reader angst thing where he’s having a 🤩mental💕breakdown🤞 and just…sobs to them while hugging them kinda? Idk I’m just feeling like a comfort/angst mood rn
B) Platonic headcanons of Lucifer x Teen!Reader where he basically adopted them.
— i kinda went a different route but i hope u enjoy nonetheless!
☾. °.   ࿐  ` , •
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the battle wasn’t supposed to end like this.
alastor was the one who should’ve killed adam. alastor was the one who was supposed to to leave a mark on that disgusting angel.
but here he was, sat on the floor in his beaten up radio tower, his wound open and leaving itty bitty cirlces of blood where he previously walked. he was rethinking his steps; how could i have possibly lost that?
he was distracted.
not only when his precious staff broke, but the entire time he was going back and forth with adam… he was thinking about you.
where were you during the fight? were you okay? were you hurt? you were still alive right?
you’re his darling doe, of course you’d still be alive.
because if you got hurt, or somehow ended up dead, he’d be ready to hunt down those idiotic extermination angels and use their screams in his next broadcast for everyone to know that-
his eyes are wide and he didn’t even realize he was tugging on his hair, his face damp from… tears? what is this? he doesn’t shed tears, only his selected victims do. he stiffens up, takes his fingers out of his hair and stands up.
it hurts. the gash hurts. but he won’t let his face show it.
but you already know.
“mon cher… you’re alive. i knew my little doe would make it through” that’s a lie, he didn’t. he just hoped you would- is that a bruise around your eye? and a scar on your cheek? those bastards.
“i needed to. i had to get back to you, somehow”
oh, how his heart flutters at your little statement.
“oh, my dear…” alastor puts a gentle hand on your face, examining the bruise and scar at a closer angle. “they hurt you. i’m terribly sorry i wasn’t there in your defence” you put your hand around alastor’s wrist. “you don’t need to be sorry, al. you were busy with more important things” he hums. “to me, nothing is more important than you, doe”
you smile softly up at him. then your eyes trail down his body and the smile is quickly replaced with a frown.
“alastor, you’re bleeding! oh my god!” a surge of panic goes through you, acting as if your beloved deer demon might pass away in your arms if you didn’t act quickly. alastor chuckles, trying not to wince as he does so. “my dear, no need for all the dramatics. i’m perfectly fine! hardly a scratch!” you squint your eyes at him — now was not the time for his antics.
“if you don’t make bandages appear right now, i’m not gonna have tea with you in the morning for the rest of the week”
alastor rolls his eyes but complies nonetheless, snapping his fingers as some bandage rolls appear out of thin air. he hands you them; he’ll be even more damned if he doesn’t get to spend his morning quality time with you.
“sit” you notion to the chair he usually sits in. he follows your instructions as you kneel in front of him to get at a better angle.
you begin to put the roll of cloth material around your beloved deer demon’s wound, making sure it’s not too tight but also not too loose. you look up every once in a while to see his beautiful irises already looking at you and suddenly your fingers become clumsy and your a blushing and shy mess.
“nifty killed adam, by the way” you pipe up. “ahh, the little one finally got to stab something other than bugs” you finish wrapping the bandage around him, securing it with the clip it came with.
“it’s a good thing she did, otherwise i would have. when your shield broke, everyone… i thought… you were”
you don’t say anything, continuing to look at a nice piece of floor board that you suddenly thought was interesting while you were still kneeling on the floor in front of alastor. he uses his pointer finger to tilt your chin up.
“my dear. my darling doe,” all those pet names made your face feel like molten lava — and you’re sure you looked the part, too. “you should know that, of all beings, adam wouldn’t have been able to kill me. he’s far too messy and lacks control”
“but your wound? he got to you”
alastor stands up from his chair, putting his hand out for you to take. of course you do, and his hand is nice and warm compared to yours as he guides you up off the floor. he’s still holding your hand as his thumb glides over your knuckles in a soothing manner.
everyone would call you crazy if you said the feared radio demon was gentle with you; so soft and careful. but the butterflies in your tummy and the flutter of your heart says that it was all meant to be… for you.
“that’s hardly a topic of conversation, mon chérie. a worthy discussion, if i may,” he puts his empty hand, that isn’t holding yours, up against your cheek, cupping it. he uses his thumb on that hand to gently caress your skin. “is how… ravishing… you still look. even after the tell tale signs of a battle” you can’t help but to lean into his touch.
“and there you go, changing the topic of conversation, again” you sigh, eyes half lidded. “i don’t hear any complaints from your end” you shake your head because no… there wasn’t anything to complain about.
“not one bit, al. not one bit”
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tags; @crystalrayn @drxgonspine @alastorthirsty @speedycoffeedelight
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star-girl69 · 2 years
Head Cannons of Jake x Reader x Neytiri being parents of three kids under three (Neteyam,Lo’ak,Kiri) and all the crazyness that comes with it. Ie, little Kiri wandering off to see plants, Neteyam being a total cuddle bug and baby Lo’ak trying to play with/eat Jakes weapons. Just overall madness 🤣🤣💕
Keep Me Ablaze Series
when kiri, lo’ak, and neteyam were younger
a/n: i’ve gotten a few requests for this so i’m just rolling them all into one haha
neteyam is the perfect baby.
he always sleeps through the night, rarely throws tantrums and he’s just so perfect and calm all the time you’re all kinda scared??
like especially just after he was born and you were still pregnant, kiri was coming soon, and none of you had any idea what you were doing.
there were tears several times, a lot of screaming “WHY ISNT HE CRYING??? WHY WON’T HE BE BAD???”
as he gets older he does start to have a few tantrums but nothing that bad
he just gets kinda sad sometimes ☹️☹️
he’ll just waddle over to one of you and asked to be picked up, and if he could he would spend the entire day on jake’s shoulders bc he feels like a king up there
his absolute favorite game is just like getting thrown around??? loves when someone swings him through the air, or if jake throws him up and down, LOVES JUMPING INTO THE WATER!!!
this boy is already trying to backflip and he’s like 4??? crazy. (he has barely mastered the somersault)
kiri cried and cried and then jake would hold her and suddenly it would all stop!!!
at this point, you’re still pregnant and sleep deprived and FULL of hormones so many tears were shed over that.
she is very prone to getting into fights with her siblings, a little bit of a troublemaker, but then she’ll just run into jake’s arms and scream about how she did nothing wrong and ofc jake is gonna believe her???
he has no backbone when it comes to his girls ❤️
i am a firm believer that kiri is a collector.
shells, rocks, flowers, plants anything!!
the book that grace gave you, with the dried flowers from neytiri? her favorite thing ever.
loves learning about all the plants!!!
she is so much like grace sometimes it physically hurts!!
lo’ak is a menace.
the most mama’s boy mama’s boy there ever was or is.
he’s so confused as to why he has to like… share you???
you’re HIS mom??? why are these other two random kids hugging you and calling you mama?!?? how rude!!
eventually he does realize that he is not in fact an only child, and does have to share his mama, and that is when the terrible twos kick in.
will do anything and everything for attention, stealing toys, attacking neteyam for some reason?? trying to ruin kiri’s carefully organized collections, A MENACE.
then you have to pick him up so he will STOP DESTROYING EVERYTHING, and then he’s like “mama! mama, mama, mama!”
totally tries to eat jake’s gun on several occasions.
(jake got yelled at for leaving it where lo’ak could see it. does he not even know his own son?!)
you, jake, and neytiri are struggling a bit, because you’re dealing with all of these children so close together and it feels like you’re first time parents to triplets.
a lot of trips to mo’at, random women in the clan just casually slipping advice into conversation, and major sleep deprivation.
but the kids are just so cute and so AHHH and you love them and you love your mates ❤️
@monsterwasstolen @fanboyluvr @artologia-blog1 @tulipatheticee @elvyshiarieko @fluffisalliwant @fluffi19 @jeizllz @myheartfollower @fy-fy-world @minkyungseokie @ivy-plays @blueberryfailureclinic @cryingwhilereading @thatratprincessforever @dumb-fawkin-bitch @sillyblues @buttercup-beeee @smollangrycat @n7cje @eternallyvenus @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap @w3ird11 @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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Miraculous is always weird about apology but it's also weird about the thing that count as joke and not. Like Marinette stalkery behavior? It used to be a joke but then BAM! S5 say nope, Marinette is just mentally unstable. And then there's the whole LB throwing CN to the trash can, "it's a joke!" Fandom said, except CN reaction said otherwise. He's basically beat himself for almost half of the episode because of his untiming joke.
I don't know what part of throwing someone in the trash is supposed to be a joke. Maybe if the character isn't affected by it at all, but considering he even talked about it to Marinette then it's not supposed to be a joke!
Miraculous' main humor style is absurdist humor and throwing someone in the trash is pretty classic absurdist humor.
To give a quick overview, "absurdist humor" is humor that is based on the absurdity of the situation the characters are in or the things the characters are saying or the way they're reacting to things. A key component of this humor style is irreverence. Even the darkest of topics aren't taken seriously, making it a terrible humor style to use in serious scenes assuming that you want the scene to actually feel serious.
If you want an example of absurdist humor done right, then watch some Looney Tunes cartoons. They're classic absurdist humor where nothing is sacred and nothing is ever treated seriously.
That doesn't mean that you're not allowed to be upset by one of these cartoons. It's perfectly understandable if one of them gets under your skin because a lot of what we see in Looney Tunes would be terribly cruel or straight up horrific if someone did the same thing in the real world. For example, this Daffy Duck cartoon always makes me laugh, but at the same time, I feel kinda bad for poor Daffy. If he was a real person, then this would not be okay:
The trash can stuff in Glaciator 2.0 falls in line with the above examples. It's very clearly there to be an absurd punch line:
Marinette: She doesn't hate you! Cat Noir: She threw me in the trash today.
But just because something is clearly a joke doesn't mean that you need to think that it was a good joke. Even if you think it was a good joke, you can still think it was a poor call for the overall narrative, which is where I fall. I love absurdist humor, but I'd never use it to have my romantic leads treat each other poorly because - joke or not - it's still establishing part of their relationship dynamic. The more you make jokes about them being cruel to each other, the more that's just who they are, jokes or not.
Circling back to Looney Tunes, when I think of Bug Bunny and Daffy Duck, I don't think of loving friends who cherish each other. I think of two characters who delight in torturing each other. If you asked me to write these two in a more serious story without any of the humor, they'd be toxic and abusive because that's the only dynamic they have. I can't think of a Looney Tunes story that shows them being nice to each other.
That doesn't mean that you can't use absurdist humor between people who love each other. You just have to be careful about what type of jokes you tell. If you stick to situational absurdist humor such as Marinette needing to steal Adrien's phone to erase a message, then you can get away with a lot more questionable behavior because there's a strong argument that a serious show would just never put her in that situation, making her actions easy to ignore.
Stuff that's a lot harder to ignore would include things like a running gag where Ladybug throws Chat Noir in trashcans when he annoys her. The more you do that, the more it comes across like she actively dislikes him. Eventually, it will reach a point where, even if you remove the joke, you still feel like you can't write her as actually liking her partner because the show never writes her as liking him. This is a problem I'd argue that the show actually has. They massively overplayed the pushy Chat Noir/annoyed Ladybug dynamic to the point where it was painful. I can only overlook it in my own writing because of how massively it goes against their intended character roles.
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eddieismypimp · 30 days
My love, are you okay?
Chapter 1: I haven't seen you around before
Wanings: definite grammar errors, cussing, cringe lowkey, probably major spelling errors. nothing to major or serious. That will be happening in the later chapters.
A/N: This is quite literally terrible but maybe it's because I'm rusty. I haven't wrote in a while. I hope you guys enjoy anyway and I hope it gets better in the future chapters.
Five days. It's been five days since I officially moved to the little, weird town of Nockfell. Five days since I started my job at the record store, and five days since I've had any interaction with anyone I actually ENJOYED conversing with. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I made the decision to move out on my own, I love my job, but I didn't realize how lonely I would be with no one here. Today has been especially excruciating considering my manager only had me scheduled today and there's only been two customers. I looked at the clock... I still had an hour and a half until I can clock out and go home to cuddle with my cat Dior. She was a cute, fluffy black cat. She's a cuddle bug too. I slumped over the desk with a groan. I would kill to be at home relaxing with Dior right now.... Just as I was daydreaming about being home in my comfy bed, watching netflix, I heard the chime of the front door. Oh thank god. I thought, standing up straight, looking towards the door. I saw a group of about 5 people walk in. "Hi guys!" I said. Getting a chorus of hey's, and hi's in return. "Welcome in, let me know if there's anything you need help with" I say. "Alright, thank you!" A guy with long brown hair responded barely even acknowledging my existence as they explored the store. "No problem!" I said, walking around the store, putting records away, pretending that I had been working the whole time. I took some time to observe the people who came in. There was a guy with long brown hair, a boy with dark skin with his arm around the shoulders of a boy with bright orange hair, a pale girl with long dark brown hair and a very pale guy with long blue hair and.... a mask? I looked at the person in interest and confusion. Then they spoke to the guy with the brown hair. "Larry look, they have it!" He said holding up a record, I couldn't see the artist though. Damn... he's got a deep voice.... lowkey got some muscle to him too... I don't know if this is my mask kink talking but he's kinda fine..."Hell yeah!" The guy he called Larry shouted, walking over to him. I decided to walk over to the two, maybe I could even make friends with them so I wouldn't be so lonely here. I doubt it though, I'm absolutely terrible at making conversation. "Hey, you guys finding everything okay?" I asked with a smile. You couldn't have thought of anything more basic? I thought, scolding myself internally. They paused for a moment, both giving me a once over. A few seconds go by neither one of them saying anything until the guy with brown hair nudges the guy with blue hair with his elbow. He cleared his throat. "Oh, uh, yeah. We're good." He says. Damn...I thought, Boring ass response. "Okay." I say with a smile and beginning to walk off, accepting the fact that these people probably did not want to be bothered by the worker. "Uh, wait.." I heard one of them say. I turned around. "What's up?" I asked politely.
Sal's POV:
Larry, Neil, Todd, Ashley and I decided to go to the record store today. Sanity's Fall released a new album a couple days ago and we were hoping the record store would have it. We were greeted as soon as we walked in. We all let out a hey, or a hi. I looked over to see who the voice was connected to and my breathe hitched. Holy shit.....I've never seen her before...she's gorgeous... "Welcome in, let me know if there's anything you need help with" She says. "Alright, thank you!" Larry responded, going to walk in the opposite direction. "Larry," I said walking up to him. "What's up?" He asked looking through records. "Bro, look at the worker, shes so hot." I said pointing to where she was standing putting some records away. She had brown skin, black super curly hair, a lip piercing, both sides of her nose done, her septum done, her eyebrow... multiple tattoos on her arms and legs. She was wearing a maroon corset, black skirt with two chains hanging from it, and black platforms. My god.. Larry chuckled. "She is hot bro, go get her man, go talk to her." Larry said nudging me towards her. "No man... she's way to hot for me." I said pushing him back. "Shut up." He said laughing. Then we split off into our own directions looking for the Sanity's fall record. After barely even a minute of looking I found the Sanity's fall record. "Larry look, they have it!" I said. "Hell yeah!" Larry said walking over to me. "Hey, you guys finding everything okay?" I heard. I turned my head. I knew it was her but I was still taken by surprise to see her standing so close. I took her in, seeing her piercings and tattoos up close. I saw a tattoo of a pumpkin on her wrist and bats going up her arm. There was alot more but those are the main ones that caught my eye. I didn't realize I was just staring until Larry nudged me. I cleared my throat. "Oh, uh, yeah. We're good." I say, internally cursing myself for that boring ass response. "Okay." She said with a smile, turning to walk away. I couldn't let her walk away, I had to say something. . "Uh, wait.." I say nervously. Nice one dumbass.. She turned around! Thank god. "What's up?" She asked politely. Think Sal, come on... "Are you from here? I haven't seen you around before?" I asked. She smiled. "No, I'm not from here," She said, "I actually just moved here like five days ago." "Oh, that's cool!" I said a little to enthusiastically, "Do you have family or friends here?" I hope she doesn't think that was creepy.
"Do you have family or friends here?" He asked me. I smiled slighlty, glad he's attempting to continue the conversation but also not knowing if I should answer truthfully or not. Considering I still didn't even know his name. Yes he's hot but he's still a whole ass stranger. Fuck it.."Nope," I decided to answer truthfully, "I decided to move out on my own. I don't know why I chose somewhere with absolutely no one that I know." I say, nervously chuckling. He chuckled a little too. I noticed that the Larry guy had walked away to join his other friends and left the blue haired guy here alone to converse with me. "Doesn't that get lonely though?" He asked sounding genuinely concerned. I sighed. "Yeah, it does get pretty lonely, and boring," I say, "It's just my cat and I." "You have a cat?!" He asked excitedly. "Yes! Her name is dior." I said with a smile. "I have a cat too, his name is Gizmo." He said. "Awww, I love cats." I said in adoration. "I do too," He said, "So, whats your name?" He asked, he semed a little nervous or anxious. Glad I'm not the only one. "My name is y/n," I said, sticking my hand out. This feels way to formal, why the hell did I stick my hand out... "My name is Sal." He said, thankfully taking my hand in his and shaking it, making me feel less awkward. "Hi Sal." I said sweetly. "Hi y/n." He mocked in a playful way making me chuckle a bit. "Well.. if you ever need someone to hang out with or something... my friends and I would be down.." He said, looking down, putting a hand on the back of his neck. I damn near let out a squeal. Fuck yeah.. thank you god. Okay, okay y/n, compose yourself. Keep your cool. "Uh, yeah," I said smiling, "I would love that!" To enthusiastic girl come on now...He chuckled. "Cool.. can I have your number?" He asked, holding out his phone to me. "Sure." I said, taking the phone from him and putting my number in. He took his phone back. "I guess I'll be texting you." He said. "I hope so." I said, looking him up and down, trying to sound flirty. Hopefully that was sexy and not dumb as shit. "Y-yeah," He said, turning to go join his friends again. "I'll see you." "Yeah, I'll see you." I said, walking back to the register.
Sal's POV:
I actually asked for her number, fuck yeah. Go Sal. "I guess I'll be texting you." I said, trying to sound confident. "I hope so." She said looking me up and down. My god that was sexy. "Y-yeah," I said. Goddamn stuttering. "I'll see you." I said, turning around to head back to everyone. "Yeah, I'll see you." She said with that sweet voice of hers. Fuck... my jeans are tight...
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pixeljade · 9 months
Ways I've found to fight the bullshit feelings capitalism leaves me with:
1) Alienation from other people--I have two things that work for this. First, if you have friends you feel comfortable enough doing so, initiate some deep talk! Just bring up some insecurities, and listen to theirs, and that connection feels stronger. But, of course, not everyone has that, and sometimes the ones you have arent available, so method #2 for me is acts of kindness, or asking for help on something! Help and kindness are great ways to grow closer with others, and ive had people hug me just for offering to carry part of their load.
2) Alienation from the world--This one is almost always cured by a return to a natural area, even if its just walking through a city park! I like to specifically count the lives I see out in the park, or nature path that i choose. Not just human lives too, the squirrells and the birds, and the bugs and the deer...think about them as you walk, and how you all exist together in this world, and how youre all parts of the same ecosystem. Never fails to reconnect me to the world.
3) Alienation from self--When I dont feel connected to myself, I shut myself in my room and do something indulgent. Not like, hedonistic, or mindless consumption, but something like doodling something that I'm specifically never going to show to anyone. Or singing badly to myself! Just doing activities that allow self-expression without strings of judgment. Its best when you do things that you never plan to make a living doing, i.e., if you draw comics dont draw comics, draw a fursona or a shitty anime boy! Or simply do something else.
4) The "I'm Not Being Productive Right Now" urge--This ones tricky. I kinda gotta keep reminding myself that its actually okay to just "be", so long as my basic needs are met! But its also easy to overlook basic needs because capitalism demands we increasingly ignore those needs. Overall though, if you have fed yourself, and you dont have things that NEED immediate dealing with, you can relax, but give yourself a set time limit. I do try to do something that doesnt feel connected to productivity in this relaxation tho. For instance, a lot of video games these days mimic work, and those are usually TERRIBLE for this mood! You're better off just doing nothing, and as long as you have that time limit, you wont feel AS MUCH guilt for not being productive--because hey, you'll be productive later, yeah?
Thats all i can think of right now, but i may add more as i think of them.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
As I recall, Ranma 1/2 was kind of just. Like that. It's kinda like 8-Bit Theater. Nearly every character is an extreme over-the-top caricature of an asshole in one way or another, and the comedy is driven by the wild antics these characters inflict on each other with their behavior.
Basically, yes.
That and the cast's wild antics and wacky anime hijinx don't really hurt each-other, Ranma and Akane view their rivals as friends and even hang out with them. Think about how many times, the cast have come to eachother's aid or attended parties.
Like in one episode of the anime, Akane sprains her ankle and goes to the hospital, everyone including Shampoo and Ukyo come to bring her gifts and well wishes.
Well Kodachi gave a bomb that only ended up blowing Kuno, but it just covered him in soot and everybody including Akane laughs like "oh that Kodachi always playing practical jokes" rather than thinking "oh my god, she tried to murder me!"
To think of a western show comparison, I guess its like how Bugs Bunny counts Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, and Daffy Duck as his friends even though all they seem to do is antagonize eachother.
On a similar note, many things in Ranma 1/2 are parodies of other Japanese works of fiction like Genma and Ranma's relationship.
Many Japanese books, plays and anime have harsh father figures that put their sons through rigorous and hellish training, this training makes their son strong and strengthens the father/son relationship.
With Genma's neko ken, not only is the martial art extremely situational and not all that useful, but everyone calls out Genma as a terrible father/master and Ranma is very resentful of Genma for putting him through that.
I think western fans aren't familiar with the works being parodied so thus take it more seriously.
I have nothing to add; This is all just really interesting.
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astrophileous · 1 year
Important! Please read!
I'm tagging the people who are on the Love Bugs taglist, so if you don't feel like reading through all of this that's fine!
Tag(s): @camilaheroine @crazyunsexycool @whateverrrrrrrrs @wifeyofeveryone @louderfortheback @marvelousgoldroses
Hello everyone, first of all I wanna start by saying I'm sorry for having seemingly disappeared for the past week. I know that I was supposed to be uploading two new parts of Love Bugs on Monday and Thursday, and I've missed both days so far without so much as an explanation. The truth is, I've been logging in and out for days trying to come up with a justified excuse for this delay, but I decided today that I will just tell you the truth of what's really happening.
I'm not doing very good at the moment.
I know this seems like a pathetic excuse, but it's the truth. As some of you know, I'm a full time college student and I've been slammed with school work for the past week. I'm tired all the time. Whenever I have even a little bit of free time, I use it to sleep. Life is just so hectic for me right now that writing Love Bugs has been kinda put in the back burner.
But that's not all the reason why I've been MIA.
A few days ago, someone left me an anonymous ask telling me that I've done a terrible job on the last few parts of Love Bugs.
Now, at first, I was gonna be the bigger person and ignore them altogether. But apparently that one little comment did more damage than I ever thought it could. For the past week, every time I went to revise my drafts for Love Bugs, all I could think about was how badly I needed them to be done perfectly to make sure no one else was gonna have this same thought about the upcoming parts. I kept thinking that what I wrote was lacking something. That it wasn't good enough to be published yet. And as a drastic measure, I ended up uploading nothing at all.
I know it seems silly to be this badly affected by one rude comment when I've gotten nothing but love from everyone else. But I guess this is your daily reminder that words do hurt, and even if they are written on the internet, it doesn't make them hurt less because behind all of these makeshift profiles and avatars are real people with real feelings and emotions.
Today, I finally braced myself to make this post. I thought it was unfair for all of you to not be offered at least an explanation about what's happening. If you're wondering when I will finally upload the next chapter of Love Bugs, then I'm sorry to tell you that I don't know yet. I have one completed part, but as I've explained above, I just keep going back to revise it again and again because I'm just not satisfied with it.
So, there you go. The reason behind my absence. I want to remind all of you too while we're here to please, please, please be kind to all of the fic writers and/or other content creators in your fandom. We're all doing all of this free of charge. So please, if you don't like something we make, scroll past it. Don't be mean. We don't owe you anything. Don't ruin something that's supposed to be fun just because you don't find it as enjoyable as others might.
This is all I'm gonna say for now. Hopefully, I will have gotten my shit together by the time next upload schedule rolls around so that you guys could have the next part of Love Bugs on Monday.
Thank you for reading all the way through of this long-ass rant. Have a great day xx
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palialaina · 7 months
I am almost sad that the Luna Festival version of the Maji Market is done.
Almost. It was fun, but no lie, with nothing calling out to be bought, I was kinda bored with it. Though hotpot is fun, and I hope that game comes back in the future.
Hodari came by the other morning and told me he'd finished the tunnel between my plot and Bahari, and he wanted me to see it. I have to say, this will definitely make getting there so much faster!
Tish, Jel, Reth, and even Zeki all got shipments of new stuff, though Zeki insisted I keep his quiet. I might be cautiously warming upt to Subira, but he's sure not. Can't blame him, a fine is a fine, and it's not minimal to someone like Zeki.
Anyways, so Reth said I needed more kitchen clutter. Which.. yeah, okay, he's not entirely wrong.
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But I wasn't exactly expecting to have to make my own pots and pans and things. They came out really nicely though, I'm impressed.
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Je; got some new outfits, and some were delightful, others were just... odd. But not terribly surprising. I'd like something simple every now and again, but I'm happy to see some cute stuff too.
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I really like these glasses too. I feel like I see better with them on for sure.
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There's some generalized weirdness going on in Bahari again, but none of it's felt like bad-weird. Just... weird weird. I tripped over the ghost of a rock! Honestly didn't expect the kamera to pick it up, but there it is!
And I think the flow groves are putting off more... magic? Not sure how to reference it. It just seems like there's more sparklies. It was nice, if strange.
That metal sign turned up down in the tunnels near the beach, glowing like it belonged to one of the temples. I still think that area farther down has something to do with it all. Maybe it'll turn out to be a flow gate again, who knows...
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Tish got the best wallpaper in existence. My room is pink and floral, and I have zero regrets~
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I tried to make those garnets into a heart shape, but I need to move them about a little more, I think. Close!
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I found another weird schematic from Florentine again. Najuma said it looked like a prototype glider but.... bad. Like, couldn't even fly bad. She built it for me anyways, I just had to promise to hang it up instead of using it, so now it's hanging up in the workshop!
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I really want to know where Auni found these bugs. It's so pretty, not to mention soothing. But I haven't seen shimmerflies in Kilima or Bahari! Maybe it's a different name for those weird glowbugs?
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Progress is being made on the caretaker home at my temple. After this I just need two more small rooms! (I already bought the hallway) And then I'll fill it with furniture.
Also, after much thought, I decided the wish trees looked better in front of the temple. It just seems like the right place to put them.
Okay, I need to go hunting clay because someone decided I needed to learn how to make my own dishes after my bratty palcats broke what I had. I mean, I get that it's hard to ship stuff here, but c'mon!
Oh well. Dish making, here I come, I suppose.
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vur-amoth · 2 years
Queen coral is the worst and terrible and abusive
Ppl get on kestrel's case bc of the way shes written all the time but seemingly ignore coral's abusive behavior as if its nothing and it kinda bugs me ngl
Second book had such a good tone around coral then just suddenly said "she was just manipulated and uwuuwuwuwuu Whirlpool nd blister did everything shes good 🥺🥺🥺🥺" when we literally see her being awful throughout the entire book(keeping her child on a leash her entire life and not allowing her to have friends, trying to get said child to marry an old man, murdering a woman and pulling out all her teeth in front of her kids which was implied to not be an isolated incident, the way she gaslights everyone i really could go on) not to mention the son situation
I hope anemone kills her slowly (but how dare an abused child act up amiright)
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crazy-narnian · 2 years
im watching the voyage of the dawn treader as I type this and one thing that bugs me to death is how eustace is treated by the narnians after he arrives in narnia.
like not a single one them is friendly or welcoming to him the minute he steps on the ship. yeah sure he throws a shouting fit about wanting to know wherever the hell he is and sure a minotaur tells him and he faints whatever but if i were in his shoes I would probably be reacting the same way and would want to know where I am too but like no one tries to explain to him where he is or tries to comfort him. all they do is laugh or shout back at him. not one of them realizes he’s a fish out of water. that he’s new to their world. it’s like they kinda assume he should know where he is being he arrived with his cousins edmund and lucy. but on a side note, he is their cousin so shouldn’t they be treating him with a little more decency in some respect?
like it’s honestly quite sad seeing eustace be treated like he’s nothing more than an annoying squealing pig when his cousins are literally royalty and are treated as such. like it’s so disheartening to watch at times. for example when the minotaur makes fun of him for talking to a bird thinking it could talk or when everyone leaves him snoring on the beach when lucy is taken by dufflepuds or when caspian acts slightly annoyed to hand him a knife to defend himself with after they arrive on the slavetrader island or worse when caspian has the audacity to say “and your certain he’s related by blood?” i was like “woah dude, that was a low blow” i’m sorry but just because he acts like he has know idea what he’s doing or is confused beyond all reason doesn’t mean you get to question his familial ties to edmund and lucy bruh. no just no.
however. i do understand that eustace is made to be annoying, grumpy, snobbish, logical, and a pain for edmund and lucy to deal with but that shouldn’t mean he needs to be treated like shit by narnians who frankly worship his cousins for saving them from 1) a one-hundred year winter and 2) extinction. like I know he hasn’t done anything spectacular for you guys yet but he’s still related to “royalty”. TREAT HIM AS SUCH OR SOMETHING MODERATELY CLOSE TO IT. plz and thx.
anyways. eustace deserves to be treated better in my opinion. the rude behavior that everybody displays towards him upsets me terribly. like I get it that he’s supposed be annoying but it’s not like the narnians know him like edmund and lucy do. the least they could’ve done was to make him feel welcome. ugh it bothers me.
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unfortunate-songbird · 6 months
i have two groups of funky ocs and they’re silly and important
space it’s literally just knockoff star wars:
-aggressively promotes self care guy with guns and anxiety
-tragic-childhood-house-fire-orphan girl with anger issues who likes baking
-non-binary dork with adhd who does nothing but #hacking and playing Google snake
-literally dick Grayson from Batman but without the eldest daughter syndrome (alternatively Mikey from tmnt)
-angst magnet guy who decided dying in an explosion was better than owning up to his Series Of Terrible Life Choices
-minor character: boss who is strict but secretly amused by the groups’ shenanigans and also eats bugs
Bonus! They have a dnd fantasy au because I have no self control and C is an enabler
basically like all those middle school series about a kid who falls into a fantasy world that kinda thing:
-“shut up ok ur twelve years old obviously I, a 17 year old, am smarter and knows everything” (knows literally nothing)
-girl who decides the best way to deal with her grief over her plot-relevant mysteriously dead mom is by explosions and overthrowing a government because a kid she’s never met asked her to
-embodiment of all those weird girl who wears bright colors and stares at bugs every recess
-biggest Spider-Man fanboy ever (found out what Spider-Man is two days ago)
-“what if we just went home instead of going on a super dangerous quest for no real reason” (nobody listens to her)
Anyways they’re my Silly Goobers please ask me about them
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vampsickle · 2 years
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go to sleep. ☆ ( vendetta ) leon s. kennedy
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☆ tags - no plot kinda, rough sex, v!leon is so sexy :(, degradation if u squint?, fem! reader, unprotected, very very slight dub-con.
☆ wc - 1.7k
☆ a/n - uggghhhh this came from the dark parts of my brain bc i think vendetta leon is a hot piece of ass i love mean (fictional) men☹️☹️☹️☹️
☆ synopsis - you’re partnered up with your superior, leon, for a mission. when you can’t sleep that night, leon decides to help you.
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Being a D.S.O agent was not fun. In fact, it was exhausting. Especially when you basically work with a man who could be your father, is terribly moody, and is constantly pushing you to the side. As rude as Leon was, how his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance whenever you spoke to him, you couldn’t deny that you found him incredibly attractive. You constantly were at his side, hugging files to your chest, attempting to make small talk— Yet all he’d do is nod or mumble in response. Honestly, you just wanted to get to know him better, or at least bring some of his walls down so you could actually work with him.
The two of you had been assigned to a new mission, in a country you had never heard the name of, and you’d both be sharing a hotel room. Leon scoffed when he learned that, but it’s his job to save people, so sleeping in a hotel room with you for a night would be fine. I mean, better you than some other random rookie. 
The plane ride was hell, your back ached after, and you sulked to the door of your room. Leon was right behind you, carrying a small duffel bag, his piercing blue eyes carefully watching you. A relieved sigh passes through your lips, and you fall backwards onto the plush bed, eyes fluttering shut for a few moments. 
There’s only one bed. Part of you is giddy that there’s one bed. Maybe Leon will enjoy your presence then. 
“Shit. One bed?”
“Leon, it’s like— one in the morning. Having to sleep in a bed with someone isn’t going to ruin your life.”
Leon clicks his tongue in response, his eyes narrowing, but he flops onto a chair, crossing one leg over the other. You huff, sitting back up and rubbing your eyes. You knew your body was tired but you didn’t feel tired. Maybe a hot shower would help.
“Mind if I shower?”
“Why are you asking me?”
You roll your eyes at that familiar attitude of his, kicking your boots off, and slamming the bathroom door shut behind you. He’s a pain in the ass, you think. Of course, years of government work is going to mess someone up, but the least he could do is pretend to be nice. Especially since the both of you will be working together on this mission.
Once the hot water hits your skin you sigh, tilting your head back so it can run through your locks, running your hands over your bare body. Is it weird to be thinking of Leon while you shower? No.. He’s so handsome, anyone would think of him. So, it’s not weird, right? 
Water pools at your feet when you step out of the shower, beads rolling down your face to your chest, but you gently dry yourself off with the scratchy towel the hotel has offered. You grab the long pajama shirt and your lace underwear you brought in the bathroom and put them on, then you continue drying your hair off. After about thirty minutes it went from sopping wet to barely damp, and your arms were so sore from moving them for that long, but you finally stepped out of the bathroom.
“Jesus.. Took you long enough.”
“I don’t want to hear it,” you turn off the lights in the room, practically diving under the covers, and curling up like a bug to get comfy. “If you aren’t gonna sleep in the bed then you can stay on the floor or something.”
You hear Leon sigh, then shuffling around, the sound of his belt being unbuckled makes your stomach coil. You bury your face into the pillow, jumping slightly when Leon’s suddenly on the bed, facing your backside. Now you can’t sleep.
It’s been nearly forty minutes of you tossing and turning, so Leon puts one rough hand on your hip, his breath hot on your ear.
“Stop moving.”
“I— I can’t sleep..”
Leon says nothing, and you feel nervous in your own skin, his nails digging into your hip. You squeak in protest, but Leon huffs, pulling you flush against him.
“I’ll help you sleep, then.”
You don’t respond, raising one eyebrow in question, not like he could see you. But your question is answered when he sits up just enough to lean over you and press a rough kiss to your lips. Oh. So that’s how he’ll help. You both have to get up early tomorrow, so you at least hope you won’t be sore, because that’d be a pain in the ass. 
Leon bites down on your bottom lip as to pull you away from your thoughts, and you whimper in response, which makes him smirk. What an asshole. His tongue slithers into your mouth, pressing against your muscle, exploring the cavern that is your mouth. Your hand pushes against his bare chest, which is surprisingly soft, he probably shaves his chest. When he pulls away a trail of saliva follows, and he wipes it away, swiping his thumb over your swollen bottom lip.
“Ugh.. You’re awful…”
Even in the darkness, your eyes have adjusted, and you can clearly see the frown settled on Leon’s face. He grabs your face, squeezing til it hurts, and you mewl softly. 
“I’m gonna fuck that attitude out of you.”
He lets you go, shoving his hand under your shirt, squeezing your breast roughly. He’s not messing around, clearly. Even if he’s mean, it makes you wet, borderline giddy at the thought of him having his way with you. 
“Take your shirt and underwear off.”
“Can’t you do it for me?”
“I won’t repeat myself.”
He won’t. His command takes a moment to process in your head, so you move away from him and sit up, tugging your shirt up and over your head. Your pink buds stiffen when the cool air his them, and your thighs feel sticky and wet. Tentatively, you pull down your underwear, kicking them off onto the floor.
“Lay back, and spread your legs for me.”
For Leon, it’s easy to give orders, as his commands fall effortlessly from his lips. You swallow, mouth feeling suddenly dry, and lean back onto the thick pillow, slowly opening your legs. He whispers curses to himself, running two fingers up and down your wet folds, barely pushing the tips inside.
“Fuck.. I knew you wanted me.”
“Shut— Shut up.. I thought you—“ but Leon won’t allow that attitude of yours any longer, plunging both fingers inside your dripping entrance, and it makes your back arch. You moan, embarrassed at how easily his fingers slipped inside you, and Leon loved it. The moonlight peeks in through the window, which then lit up Leon’s face, and you can see the lust swirling within his eyes. 
He continues to pump his fingers in and out, testing the waters, seeing what you like. He’s going to remember all of this. And you’ll remember all of him as well. Before you can cum, Leon pulls out of you, and you whine.
He shoves those fingers into your mouth, nearly making you gag, but you breathe in deeply through your nose, allowing him to explore.
“Atta girl..” his voice became somewhat husky, and he shoves his pajama pants down to the floor, along with his boxers. He can’t wait anymore. He needs you right now.
Leon grabs your thighs and flips you over, something you weren’t expecting, and your face is shoved into the pillow. Your eyes widen when you feel the tip of his cock rubbing against your slit, teasing your entrance, and you keen, toes curling.
“Wait— Wait, aren’t you- Gonna put a condom on?”
He chuckles darkly, squeezing your ass, spreading you open.
“Don’t act so innocent.. You know you want my cum inside you, slut.”
His words make you blush, you feel shameful because of it, attempting to protest— But what is there to say? As much as you don’t want to admit it, you do want it. 
“I’m not.. I’m not a-“
But Leon hates it when you try and quip back, you should learn to be quiet and agree, so he bottoms out immediately. You cry out, walls fluttering around him, your chest heaving. He starts out with a brutal pace, and you wonder where he has the energy to do that, but Leon’s so fucking big that he’s already reaching your cervix, and you’re seeing stars.
You repeatedly cry his name, tears flooding your vision, so you squeeze your eyes shut and let them roll down your flushed cheeks. You can hear Leon softly moaning and grunting behind you, the obscene squelching makes you moan even louder, trying to block the noises out. This is so embarrassing, being fucked by your superior, but you wanted this. You can’t lie to yourself anymore. Day and night you’ve thought of him.
“Fuuuck.. Look at you— Moaning like a little slut. I knew— I knew you’d feel good,” he curses some more under his breath, grabbing your wrists and pulling you back so he could reach even deeper inside you. You’re sobbing, all you can feel is Leon, he’s all you can think about. Before you realize it, you’re cumming all over his cock, walls spasming around him.
“Shit—! Don’t do that,” Leon groans, throwing his head back, and his thrusts become sloppier, desperate. He lets go of your wrists and shoves your face into the pillow and you can hardly breathe, and he won’t stop fucking his cock into you. He finally cums inside you, it’s so fucking deep, and you thank god you took your birth control. It’s so much, so much that it runs down your quivering thighs, and you think about how pent up Leon must’ve been.
He pulls out of you, your bottom half flopping over on the bed, and you try to catch your breath. Leon gives a couple reassuring squeezes to your ass, which makes you smile slightly, and your eyes suddenly feel heavy. Your mind can hardly register it, but you feel Leon wipe away all the cum that was running down your thighs, and he lifts your chin up.
You open your mouth for him, and Leon knows he has you where he wants you. Being good for him and listening. His fingers slowly slide into your warm, wet mouth, and you lick all his cum off, swallowing slowly.
“Mm.. Night, Leon..”
Leon sits on the edge of the bed, reaching down to grab his boxers, but you’re already half-asleep, and in no time you’re fully asleep. He quietly lifts up the blanket and pulls it over your bare body, moving some hair behind your ear. 
“You fall asleep fast..” he whispers to, well, himself really. Now he’s sleepy, maybe not as tired as you, but tired enough that he’ll be able to fall asleep fast. Maybe you both can do this again.
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