#it's not only torbjorn but bastion as well and that's not okay
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The Torbjorn vs. Mina Liao rant.
Mina Liao was introduced to Overwatch to lampshade out Torbjorn’s intended role in the greater lore. Here’s the deal:
(Obligatory disclaimer, since I know how this fandom can get sometimes: I don’t hate women. I don’t hate people of color. Me hating Mina Liao and defending Torbjorn is not because I hate women of color and worship white men. There, we good?)
In Torbjorn’s comic Destroyer, Torbjorn is making it his business to take down an Omnic titan that’s currently in the process of razing a city to the ground. While he sneaks onboard the titan, he gives us a very compelling monologue about why he’s here.
“I helped design the beast. I weighed in on a ton of research and development during my days in the Ironclad guild. The initial vision behind the titan was to create a mech that could build high rises, not destroy them.”
This comic, the comic that establishes Torbjorn into the lore of Overwatch, leans very heavily into the idea that Torbjorn feels personal guilt over his role in designing the Omnics. It sets up this guilt as Torbjorn’s character arc, his personal mission. The writing makes it clear that this was his motivation to join Overwatch from day one. The man learned about this Omnic attack a day ago, for heaven’s sake, and he had already traveled to the scene to take it down. That’s dedication!
And now, in 2020, we’re introduced to Mina Liao.
Who is Mina Liao? Why, she worked directly for Omnica! None of this middle-man Ironclad nonsense! She helped develop the Omnics. She felt guilty that her work on the Omnics was used for evil. She joined Overwatch because of this guilt.
Boy, doesn’t that all sound awful familiar?
Even worse, we’re told this in a cinematic that isn’t even supposed to be about her. Liao is supposed to be just a footnote in Echo’s story. But instead, almost the entire animated origin short is dedicated to giving us Liao’s story. Why?
Look, it’s no secret that Torbjorn is not a fan favorite character. He’s gruff, doesn’t like Omnics, and the worst sin of all: he’s short. Because of his height, he isn’t taken seriously by the fanbase. He’s a meme character, the butt of all the jokes. He’s considered ‘pervy’.
What’s even worse is that Blizzard is leaning into the joke. Every voiceline that they’ve given him last year has been some variation of “too hot for you?” or “try my meatballs!”. And I get it- characters get joke voice lines from time to time, but with Torbjorn, they’re a constant.
I think what Blizzard has learned is that no one takes Torbjorn seriously. As a result, they don’t treat him seriously. But because they need that essential figure in the lore- the regretful builder of Omnics -they made a new character who they thought would be taken seriously, copy-pasted the backstory, and let it run.
The only reason they got away with this was by killing her off in the origin short.
But that’s not the end to Torbjorn’s erasure from future intended storylines. No, it gets worse. Much worse. Why is it so much worse? Because it robs the story from not only Torbjorn, but Bastion as well.
Enter the comic Binary. It’s the first time we’ve seen Bastion since their animated short. They’ve wound up in Sweden. Torbjorn sets out to deactivate them permanently. But along the way, he remarks about how odd Bastion seems,
“Never heard of a rust bucket running. They’re programmed to fight against any odds until they get shut down. Something’s not right.”
Torbjorn then directly confronts Bastion and is confused when Bastion doesn’t try to defend themself. However, interrupting the perfect moment is a bunch of other humans. Torbjorn shouts at them,
“I’m asking you as someone who’s spent many long years fighting these things. This Bastion is different. And if it can change. . .”
Again and again, the narrative hammers the point home about how the Last Bastion is different. They are not like other Omnics. Why? Because their programming changed. When Torbjorn realizes this, the idea alone is enough to cause him to betray the local law enforcement to protect Bastion.
The law enforcement agents try to protest against his actions, saying, “Don’t you have enough blood on your hands?”
And Torbjorn replies, “Enough for a lifetime.”
In this line, Torbjorn is implying that he thinks Bastion could be the solution to Omnic troubles. By not dismissing the question, he’s addressing what he’s done. So what other reason would he help Bastion go free if he didn’t think that they could help solve his ‘lifetime’ of guilt?
This sets up Torbjorn and Bastion to be the keystone to the entire Overwatch narrative. One of the biggest mysteries in the Overwatch universe is what caused the Omnic Crisis and what still causes Omnics in Russia and Korea to be violent. Through Bastion, an old Crisis Omnic who learned how to change, Torbjorn could have figured out!
But then, but then. . . Echo comes along.
She’s a specially built Omnic built by Mina Liao, our newer and cooler Regretful Builder Of Omnics. Echo is not like other Omnics- she’s special! All of these other Omnics are just pretending to have a learning AI. She’s the only one who actually has it. She’s a super uber top secret project that’s the key to reversing the legacy (yes, the legacy, it’s clearly mentioned in her origin short) of all other Omnics. She’s so important, the McCree and Ashe short got hijacked to introduce her into the narrative!
Okay, enough snide comments. But Echo’s introduction in the Reunion animated short places a lot of narrative weight on her. The fact that it was her introduction, instead of her origin story, tells us that Blizzard intends for her to be a serious player. 3D animation ain’t cheap, fellas, and they wouldn’t have wasted the eight minute animated build-up on some minor character.
It isn’t just the narrative similarities either. Even her character feels like a copy. She’s portrayed as naive and curious about the world, just like Bastion is. She is thought of as a ‘dangerous’ Omnic by the more anti-Omnic characters, just like Bastion is. The only difference is that she has a direct relationship with McCree, a known fan favorite, as her way in to the rest of the grander narrative. That’s the equivalent of rolling out the red carpet for her arrival. Oh, and she can talk. That’s another difference. Because mute characters are just too much effort to portray in visual media, apparently.
We had Bastion built up as a unique Omnic, only for that to be swept aside by our showstopper Echo. We had Torbjorn set up as the face of the inventors of the Omnics in the lore, only for that to be swept aside by Dr. Liao. Is this really just a coincidence? Two sets of characters that fill the exact same narrative role?
I don’t think so. And I’m going to die mad about it.
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Overwatch Characters as MPGIS quotes
(crude humor warning)
Ana: Oh come on, punching that girl in the face showed some real initiative! That's the kind of attitude that the youth of today need! Always with the texting and the Instagrams, it's like none of them have any balls anymore!
Ashe: Yeah, you think you can bitch me out? I am the queen of bitch! You look up bitch up in the dictionary and you're gonna see my fucking face!
Baptiste: You gonna come in this doghouse, you're gonna get bit.
Bastion: beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep...
Brigitte: Well, I mean, it's funny, but it's not Cat Dressed as a Shark Riding a Roomba Chasing a Duck funny.
D.Va: I mean, are we supposed to believe that it's his colored beak that gives him the power to turn the fruit into loops?
Doomfist: It's like a stew. If you use too much salt and pepper, when you taste it, you're not gonna like it. Curses have to be looked at like spices. You never want to use too much or they lose their impact. You've got to pick your spots. The less you curse, the more powerful the words can be. (on phone) Tell me something good, Frank. Well then you tell those little f cking b tchy c nts that if they don't get their f cking sh t together, I will personally b tch slap each one of those p ssies up and down f cking Wall Street. If this f cking deal goes f cking f ckity f ck sh t, I will happily knuckle-f ck every last one of those p ssy-ass b tches, rings on! And you know my rings, Frank. You f cking hear me? Good! Now get it done, you f ck. You b tch. You little b tchy f ck b tch! (off phone) So like I was saying, the key is moderation.
Echo: Now, remember! Confidence! You are a sexy bitch!
Genji: (probably sarcastically) I’ll die before that pig-tailed labradoodle ruins the legacy that you worked so hard to build
Hanzo: (sighs and sits down) Every single one of you is a wrinkle in my face.
Junkrat: Here's my rule for eating crayons: red before blue, very happy poo, blue before red, you're gonna have to go to the emergency room.
Lucio: Now are you ready for me to blow your mind? Kickball is just baseball but with your feet!
McCree: Alright, alright, somebody's ass isn't being a team player. *bonus* Aw, you fuckin’ traitor.
Mei: I would like a Dora the Explorer with gumball eyes, please, and those little poppers that you throw on the ground to scare away little kids with?
Mercy: Relax? I'm sorry doc, but I don't live in a goddamn mentos commercial!
Moira: Well if ignorance is bliss, you must be one very happy fucking idiot.
Orisa: I think we should probably be paying attention to what's being said back here, because it sounds like someone's confessing to several very serious felonies.
Pharah: Here I was trying to be the bigger person. And there you were, being, well, the degenerate trashbag slut that you've always been.
Reaper: How many times have I told you that I am not allowed to let you out of my sight? So you know, don’t tell anybody.
Reinhardt: I won! But I lost! But I won!
Roadhog: Okay, so just to be sure, we're a no on car fires, correct?
Sigma: Do you guys ever talk about anything other than, like, revenge? I just saw this video of a kid online who could light up a lightbulb by sticking it in his mouth. I mean, what's going on there, right?
Soldier 76: Oh, I'm sorry, do you not want to be here? Would you rather be at home with a nice glass of red WINE, sitting next to your pet WEIMaraner while you guys WIND down your day by catching up on old episodes of Mad Men, created by Matthew WEINer? Is that what you'd like?
Sombra: Tú es un bitcho.
Symmetra: (laughs) I'm sorry, do you know who the fuck you're talking to?
Torbjorn: ... It doesn't matter where you go, there's always gonna be bitches and assholes in your life. So the only thing you can do is surround yourself with the few bitches and assholes you can actually stand being around. And for me, that's you guys.
Tracer: I’m in the Matrix! (screams)
Widowmaker: Listen, I am buying this bottle of wine. Now you can sell it to me or I can sell your organs on the black market! So far tonight, your little power trip has cost me twenty-five minutes that I could've spent eating a delicious chicken fried prime rib dinner! So, while I hold your fragile little life in my stainless steel fingertips, I ask you cashier, do you need my ID? Do you?
Winston: Alright, sorry, geez, just trying to build some team morale.
Wrecking Ball: Yeah, lookin' good! Who's the best? You're the best! You've had all year long to prepare for this day, are you ready? You're goddamn right I'm ready! Gobble gobble, motherfucker. Gobble, gobble.
Zarya: So then he was like, "Give me a lap!" And then I was all like, "Hey coach, why don't you give me a lap?" And then he was all like, "You know what? I respect you."
Zenyatta: The only true happiness comes in death.
Bonus interaction between D.Va and Widowmaker
D.Va: Can you get me a two liter of Mountain Dew? Or whatever the French equivalent is of Mountain Dew? Like a Mountain Deux
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How about some post-defection Spiderbyte, realising that they enjoy the domestic life?
*Checks fic continuity* Clearly I need more fics of Spiderbyte settling in to the Watchpoint.
Late afternoon light shined through the doorway as Sombra’s eyes flicked around the apartment skeptically. She could hear Widowmaker opening and closing drawers from the kitchen. A kitchen! A part of Sombra wanted to laugh at the concept--the illegal splinter cell of a disgraced UN Peacekeeping force having apartments with kitchens! But another part of her mind was flinching back from the idea. People didn’t just give apartments--the dormitory, yes, that was acceptable. Drafty, annoyingly exposed, literally anyone able to come down the stairs at any stupid moment because she and Widowmaker were defectors and therefore not to be trusted. But an apartment--an apartment with a kitchen---Sombra rapped a knuckle against the wall, frowning.
“It’s quite solid,” Symmetra explained behind her, “Since architectural hard-light’s primary function is, well, structure, it’s far more resilient than my other constructs you’ve seen.”
“Do... do you like it?” Winston’s voice seemed almost shy, just as laughable as this apartment.
“...what’s the catch?” said Sombra.
“Catch?” said Winston.
“You need me to hack into the Pentagon again, is that it?” said Sombra.
“Penta--I never asked you to hack into the Pentagon--When did you hack--? I just thought---”
“All the kitchen utilities are functioning?” Widowmaker cut in and Sombra shot her a bewildered look. This was Overwatch--not real estate agents!
“Well, with all the engineers and scientists on the team, and our resident architech, of course,” Winston gave a gesture to Symmetra, who gave a gracious nod, “It wasn’t all that much trouble to put together--”
“Yes or no?” said Widowmaker, turning the sink in the kitchen on and off.
“Yes,” said Winston, “Though uh... the higher settings on the oven may need some adjustments. Torbjorn’s been known to set things a little hot. But feel free to call us if you run into any trouble!”
Like a building super... thought Sombra with a short huff out her nostrils. It wasn’t exactly premium real estate--there was an ugly support column in the middle of their would-be living room, a remnant of the auxiliary server room for Athena this space used to be, but it was still pretty much right next to the other watchpoint apartments.
“And what was it you wanted me to do?” said Sombra.
“Live...here...?” said Winston, “Er--that is--you could stay in the dormitories if you prefer, but we figured with you risking your life on this team as much as anyone else...”
This team, the words caught Sombra.
“You might want a space with more... privacy,” said Symmetra, pressing her hands together in front of herself primly on the word ‘privacy.’ Sombra resisted snorting under her breath. As if Symmetra and Pharah had any right to judge with the way they swooned and hung on each other.
“You sure you can risk that?” said Sombra, arching her eyebrow, “Giving the Talon Defectors privacy?”
“Sombra...” Widowmaker started wearily.
“I’m just asking!” said Sombra.
“Trust is an important part of any team,” said Winston, as if that was obvious.
He keeps saying ‘team,’ Sombra rolled the words over in her mind, Are we on this team? I thought we were just trying not to die.
“We’ll try it out for a few days,” said Widowmaker.
“What?” said Sombra.
“If we don’t like it, we can stay in the dormitories,” Widowmaker finished, glancing at Sombra.
“You’re sure?” there was a brightness in Winston’s voice now. An earnest, ‘You like it?’ as he looked at Sombra.
“...a few days,” Sombra conceded, her side-eye flicking between Winston and Widowmaker.
“Excellent,” said Symmetra, quickly weaving miniature holograms of different furniture out of thin air just above her prosthetic arm, “Do you have any preferences for furniture? Revival? Craftsman? Ooh--! Bauhaus?”
“We’ll uh... just move in some futons from the dorms for now,” said Sombra, “...we’re old fashioned like that.”
“But--!” Symmetra started.
“Understandable,” said Winston, with a wave of his hand.
“...you’re being weirdly okay with this,” said Sombra, the first night.
“Vaswani was right. We’d be better off with privacy,” said Widowmaker, spooning her with her bare only faintly lavender-blue arm draped over Sombra.
They had shoved their dormitory mattresses together on the floor of the bedroom. The dim glow of evening hung at their window. Widowmaker liked having a window. It was a nice change from the dormitory.
“Well, yeah, but they’ll want something for it. No such thing as a free lunch,” said Sombra.
“Winston said we were already risking our lives just as much as anyone else on the team,” said Widowmaker.
“So this is what they want,” Sombra huffed, “Their stupid little ‘Team.’”
“Why shouldn’t we be on the same team? We’re just as invested in taking down Talon as they are... if not more so,” said Widowmaker.
“Do you hear yourself right now?” said Sombra, suddenly turning over on her mattress to look at Widowmaker dead in her yellow eyes, “You remember the reason why you’ve gone through all the shit you’ve gone through is because they failed you, right? They couldn’t protect you. I didn’t get us out of Talon so we could die for the people who should have kept you safe in the first place.”
“Do you think we’ll die for them?” said Widowmaker.
“I’m just saying we should be able to cut our losses if shit starts hitting the fan,” said Sombra, furrowing her brow.
Widowmaker smoothly tucked some of Sombra’s hair back from her temple, before craning her neck forward to kiss Sombra just between the eyebrows. “My survivor,” she said, running her hand down the side of Sombra’s face, “I hold you to no fate but what you choose.”
Sombra’s brow crinkled. “Don’t do that,” she said quietly.
“Don’t act like you’re just a part of this fight and not an entire fucking person,” Sombra’s voice was thick.
Widowmaker’s face softened at her words, and she pulled Sombra close, setting her chin on top of Sombra’s head.
“I’m sticking with you, you get that, right?” Sombra’s voice was quiet against her collarbone, “I don’t do that for anyone. You--” Sombra’s voice took on a dense, suppressed quality, like she was stuffing a sob down to the pit of her solarplexus, “You might be the first. I don’t remember having anyone in my life I would be willing to do that for. And I hate it. I feel stupid. I feel--” she huffed a breath against Widowmaker’s neck.
“...Are you afraid of having a home?” said Widowmaker, smoothing Sombra’s hair slightly.
“This isn’t a home. It’s an apartment they whipped up out of junk, hard light and an old server room,” said Sombra.
“I’m not talking about this place. I’m talking about me. I’m talking about you,” Widowmaker’s whisper hung in the air of the room.
Sombra pulled away slightly to study Widowmaker’s face. Widowmaker looked back at her with placid affection.
“...I don’t think I can be anyone’s home,” muttered Sombra, breaking eye contact, “I’ve built so much of myself around climbing up, tearing down, and disappearing.”
Widowmaker ran her fingers down the spinal implants running down the back of Sombra’s neck. “You’ve been the surest thing in my life for a while now,” she said quietly.
“Says a lot about you, huh?” Sombra fell back into the safety of her own snarking, a grin tugging at one corner of her mouth, but it faded as Widowmaker curved her body around her, holding her tighter. Widowmaker closed her own eyes but knew Sombra’s were open.
“...it’s not that bad,” Sombra said after a few minutes of silence, “...as far as a converted server room goes...better than the dormitories, anyway.”
“Mm,” Widowmaker grunted in agreement.
“...would probably be a better place for the new processors....” Sombra murmured. Widowmaker smiled a little sleepily. At the very least, she could trust Sombra to push practicality in front of her own Crisis Orphan hangups. There was an incredible bravery in that, Widowmaker thought. Another few minutes of silence passed, and the words in the air of the room sank down, surrendering to Widowmaker and Sombra’s mutual exhaustion.
“Mon coeur?” Widowmaker said at last.
“Mm?” Sombra stirred in her arms.
“...we’re having Satya put in a bedframe,” said Widowmaker.
Sombra snorted.
Over the next few weeks their apartment (their apartment) came to be furnished with a mix of hard-light, what they could manage to grab from rummage sales and giveaways around Gibraltar, and a few bits of furniture Sombra had delivered to an anonymous P.O. box and had definitely not paid for with her own money. The dining room table was hard-light, the couch was not. The bedframe was hard-light, the mattresses were not. The apartment came to remind Sombra of an art piece where sections were being painted in but there were still swathes where the sketch and canvas were still visible. Moving her own processors in to the apartment was probably what marked the mental change from “just trying it out” to “dwelling place” for Sombra. There was a caginess in her she knew would never fully leave, but she did appreciate having what she could call “A base of operations” to get back to from missions.
The Watchpoint itself seemed to come more of a firmament in that time--what had previously felt like squatting started to feel like something... almost like a neighborhood. “Compound” would have been the closest word but that didn’t seem right either. Not disciplined like a Talon base, but the rocket launchpad, the hangar, the turrets, and the fact that virtually everyone on the base was more or less equipped to fight Talon, including a clunking Crisis-era bastion unit, made it feel significantly removed from any normal living situation. And yet, opening the door to the apartment and smelling food cooking filled her with a feeling she couldn’t describe, or maybe didn’t want to describe because giving it shape might make it that much harder to deal with when it was inevitably ripped away from her.
“What is that?” said Sombra, closing the front door behind her and trailing into the kitchen.
“A poor man’s cassoulet,” Widowmaker answered from their well-worn couch, not looking up from her book, “...technically all cassoulets are that but--” she gave a dismissive wave, not looking up from the book, “Anyway. They had white beans and frozen chicken in the watchpoint mess hall.”
“Since when did you cook?” said Sombra, a slight laugh shaking the word ‘cook.’
“It was on Ziegler’s recommendation... try new things, maybe get more involved in the process of making food to get myself more used to the concept of... eating,” she glanced up from her book at Sombra, “How was session 97 of spilling hundreds of secrets Talon will most certainly kill you for?”
Sombra snickered and slid over the arm of the couch, “Same old same old,” she said with a shrug, “When’s dinner ready?”
“Another half hour. But I warn you: I don’t even know if it’s edible,” said Widowmaker, setting her book down.
“I trust you,” said Sombra, with mock offense.
“Or are you hungry and don’t want to bother with heading to the mess hall?” said Widowmaker.
“It’s called multitasking,” said Sombra, bringing up a purple screen with a flick of her wrist, “What’re you in the mood for? Action? Period drama?”
“...you have some of the powerful known neural interfacing technology in the world grafted onto you, and you’re using to pretend to be a streaming service?” said Widowmaker.
“Hey, I’m not a streaming service for just anybody,” said Sombra, snuggling in close to Widowmaker.
“Mm... something short,” said Widowmaker.
“And in black and white? And depressing?” said Sombra.
“Ha-ha,” said Widowmaker dryly, adjusting herself so that she and Sombra were comfortably leaning against each other as Sombra mindlessly flicked through different data streams.
“...this is weird, isn’t it?” said Sombra, still scrolling.
“It’s... certainly unlike anything we were doing with Talon,” said Widowmaker.
“Should we stop?” said Sombra, bringing up several pre-crisis media streams and leafing through them.
“...no,” said Widowmaker after a beat, “I... I like this.”
Sombra turned her head to look at Widowmaker and smiled, then kissed her on the jawline. “You’re getting soft,” she said, teasingly.
“I am not.”
“You really are.”
“So are you.”
“Am not.”
“You’re worse than me.”
“Don’t make me put something terrible on, Araña.”
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Give us the good boy Bap tips 👀 I’ve been playing him a lot and it’d be nice to learn some new things!
yall want TIPS? yall want to see an autistic ramble at full power for an embarrassingly long post??
OKAY so baptiste is a really interesting support hero in that he rewards good mechanics, but he isnt completely useless if your aim isnt that good, especially if you just focus on healing your team and using your abilities
that being said! his primary fire can be very deadly and its absolutely worth it to practice using his gun so you can take out enemies on your own. his burst fire is a little weird to get used to, but after a while ive found that his gun plays really similar to soldier, so if youve played him bap might be a little easier
baptist’s spread is a vertical three round burst that looks like this:
(i tried to get an in-game pic but it didnt show up well lol)
the shape of it means that its better to aim his crosshair at the neck of heroes as opposed to their head, but the verticality is mainly due to his recoil. as such, it helps a lot if you pull down slightly when you shoot
heres a gif of me shooting at the head without fighting the recoil
and one where i am. note that at this range it only takes two shots
baptistes primary fire is best used when:
behind a shield/in a bunker. baptiste can help a lot with shield wars so dont just pump grenades into your team afraid that they might take tiny bits of damage if you focus on something else for a second
to finish off low health targets. it helps if your team calls them out but usually you’ll have to keep an eye out yourself. baptiste is very good for this as opposed to trying to get solo kills, especially if you just have average mechanics (like me)
in chaotic teamfights that could go either way, use your best judgement as to whether to do damage or healing. on attack, i would say to try being more offensive, and on defense always be defensive with his kit unless youre the only person left alive
against tanks and certain squishies (hes really good against pharah/mercy, zen, junkrat, etc, but has trouble fighting tracer/mini dva and snipers that are out of range)
when using his ultimate. the extra damage is actually really good
important note as of the current patch (6/18): baptistes ult is bugged so that it doesnt amplify healing, so dps away until its fixed lol
now onto his healing grenades!
they have a lot less range than you would think (like 3m i think) its good to go into the practice range and see for yourself just how close they have to be to hit teammates so you have a better feel for it in game.
he does 60 heals per second (120 when his matrix,, actually works.) and has 12 ammo per clip, making him a decent primary healer.
in general, his healing works best when youre on the high ground, due to them being grenades. so use his jump boots to take high ground as needed to heal your team! also, if youre in an area that has open sky, they can be shot directly up into the air for a delayed healing effect
technically, you can shoot his primary and secondary fire at the same time, but its rare that doing so would actually be helpful imo, where you aim for each is very different. i guess it wouldnt hurt to practice it just in case
also, his grenades have the same projectile trajectory as his immortality field, which is good to keep in mind if you want to aim the field more precisely. when i first picked up baptiste i made a lot of mistakes bc i flung it way too far lol
speaking of his immortality field, my Most General baptiste tip would be to use his ultimate on cooldown like an ability (since it charges so fast) and to use his immortality field like an ultimate
if you play zenyatta or lucio, i would compare using it to their ultimates. ive found that the longer i wait before using it the better (in my replays i see myself use it too early out of panic and the result is Sad), but you dont want to avoid using it completely and end up with a dead team. finding the balance is hard but it comes with practice
like lucios ult (and sometimes zen) it can be used for initiation! i had a really good team that fought a bastion bunker on paris with dive, and i helped by throwing my immortality frisbee on top of the bastion when they went in. if you have a winston, try throwing it in after him when he initiates
its also very important to pay attention to where exactly the frisbee ends up, because if you place it right, it cant be hit by the enemy team. try to place it slightly behind cover whenever possible. this is by far the most abusable part of his kit and i wouldnt be surprised if the duration of it gets nerfed to compensate. so if you want to cheese your way up the ranks, go into each map in custom games and practice where to put the field so that enemies cant hit it. this alone wont do much if you dont have the game sense to know when to do it, though
ultimates that immortality field is good at countering:
GRAV. zaryas get so mad about this bc people forget to shoot it and its so funny. also hanzos dragons cant kill the field so it can counter that combo entirely, just be sure to communicate to your zen so they dont waste ult
dva bomb/junkrat, but it will be instantly destroyed and your team will be very low health, so be careful. it also counters pulse bomb if you get stuck
earth shatter. if you suspect rein has it, stick to the high ground at all costs to avoid being caught! this is good advice in general for supports, but especially for ones with defensive abilities
in that same vein, you can counter emp if you can avoid being caught by sombra. note that sombra can hack baps frisbee so watch out
genji. genji can kill the field but it takes away from the amount of slashes he has and in this time your team should be able to kill him. if hes nanoboosted, you have less time to get to safety, so try charging your boots to get away from him in the meantime
mccree. high noon cant target the field. press f for everyones favorite trash cowboy. (it can however help friendly mccrees and pharahs from dying as soon as they hit q so try to combo!)
speaking of pharah, its possible to get her to kill herself with barrage if you put your frisbee right in front of her face
not good ultimates to try to counter:
doomfists ult can be avoided by charging your shoes and jumping up in the air (as long as youre not directly beneath him lol) so its not worth it unless you see someone else about to be smashed
related to doomfist, if he gets on you it can be hard to set the field down right bc of how his abilities displace you, so be sure to look straight down when you use it
reaper, soldier, and bob all auto target the field, so if its out in the open it just disintegrates
torbjorn and hammonds ults also kill the field pretty much immediately
also, as good as immortality is, there are some situations where baptiste just doesnt work as well as other heroes. if you have a good zen or lucio who use their ults well, or if you have a really mobile/spread out comp, you might want to pick one of the other main healers.
if in general you feel like youre not doing enough healing, try switching to mercy to reach your teammates better. if you need crowd control or anti heal then pick ana, and moira can be good at lower ranks if youre not getting any peel/dying too much (just please keep focusing on healing)
on that note, if your other healer insists on playing dps moira, baptiste is a good fit since he can main heal and also provide defense abilities to make up for that
as for his regenerative burst, all i really have to say is to try not to use it out of panic every time you take chip shots (i do this still lol) it works best when you and your teammates are all in a fight, actively taking damage
im sure that even with all i wrote im still forgetting something but i think im gonna call this done for now. i uhhhh love baptiste a lot and think hes a good hero to try to rank up with bc his primary fire has a high skill ceiling but his healing/abilities are more forgiving at lower ranks
#baptiste#long post#god i really wrote all this out and made gifs#this is Fun for me ok#used bold mostly to just break up.. all of this#Anonymous
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Okay but in Gabriel's debriefing (on Twitter, after Retribution came out, yes I know that was a while ago bear with me), something stands out to me: his very last sentence. After he says he stands by his decision, his explanation is "things don't always go according to plan." But as far as we knew, things DID go according to plan. They got in undetected, they cornered their target, he told them a bunch of things they already knew and had planned for, and then Gabriel changed the plan from "smash and grab" to "assassinate." Which means there's probably something we DON'T know going on here, because if Gabriel had simply reevaluated the situation and decided that kidnapping Antonio was a bandage solution and he needed a better plan, he would have phrased it more along the lines of "When you're on operation, sometimes you realize your original plan isn't good enough." "Things don't always go according to plan" SPECIFICALLY implies that something happened on that mission BEFORE he changed the plan that he hadn't anticipated. Especially considering that it's directly contrasted with McCree's debriefing line "everything was going according to plan" (emphasis added).
And to tie this to a larger theory, consider this: all we're shown of that mission is Antonio's speech, and Gabriel takes a second to think before shooting Antonio, so I think whatever it is happens in that short conversation. Antonio repeats nearly word-for-word exactly what Gabriel and McCree and Seven-Six had been talking about before the mission, and despite the stealthy nature of the operation Antonio is completely unsurprised to see Blackwatch in his office. That, plus the fact that Antonio immediately recognizes Gabriel and his team despite their official nonexistence, plus the ease with which Talon snuck a BOMB into an OVERWATCH FACILITY, pretty much confirms that by this point Talon has infiltrated Overwatch/Blackwatch/the UN/all three??? to a frightening degree. If Gabriel realized this because of Antonio's improbable foreknowledge and slip of the tongue, it would make sense why he would suddenly decide that bringing him back to Overwatch would be a TERRIBLE mistake.
(It also helps explain why Gabriel jumps fifteen levels from "No one will ever know Blackwatch was there" to "shooting a dude out of a fourth story window": Blackwatch has already been compromised, and their enemies already know details about an organization they shouldn't even know exists. The primary advantage of Blackwatch's covert ops status is gone. Their being a secret to the public has its advantages, but the fact remains that if they've been infiltrated and compromised, how Blackwatch functions will have to change dramatically. That, plus the fact that he's standing in front of the man who nearly killed Gerard, could easily push Gabriel to pull the trigger.)
Moira may or may not be tied to Talon at this point. She wasn't involved in the conversations that Antonio parrots, and although she could've been eavesdropping she's hardly the only character for whom that's true. And considering her sketchy history and the fact that so many characters don't trust her at this point, it's unlikely she could have helped sneak that bomb anywhere without risking being caught. In all honesty, with everything Antonio knew I doubt there was only one major spy operating in the Overwatch umbrella; considering there's still the question of Gabriel's genetic alterations turning toxic and him and Seven-Six being turned against each other, all under EXTREMELY mysterious circumstances, there's honestly no telling how deep this rabbit hole goes.
Also, some have theorized that Moira secretly working for Talon could explain why several Talon elites have Overwatch-esque abilities considering she's a scientist, but the thing about this is that she's a GENETICIST. She could copy the secrets to her own and Gabriel's shadow powers, and empower the enforcers and heavies to superhuman durability, but that wouldn't explain where the heavies got the tech for Reinhardt's charge or the bastion-type weaponry from -- note that although it's possible they picked it up from old bastion units from the war, we haven't seen anyone else pull this off and the bastions were TORBJORN'S design. And if the assassins are using Tracer's blink ability, that originated from an Overwatch-affiliated PLANE that disappeared into thin air; Moira would have no more knowledge or access to that kind of information than any other Overwatch agent. And considering the sheer amount and breadth of stolen information here, it seems far more likely to me that if Moira IS a Talon spy at this point, she's only the tip of the iceberg.
(I personally doubt that Moira was a Talon spy; she's too single-minded and amoral to give a damn about their ideology, and Blackwatch could likely give her all the resources and freedom of movement she wanted with their near blank-check approach to solving crises. This may have been slightly limited by her reputation and McCree's distrust of her, but Gabriel actually seemed to like and trust her rather well so there likely would have been few genuine limits to those blank checks, and losing that along with possibly her life would have hardly been worth whatever resources Talon could bring to the table unless they could offer her something unique and incredibly valuable.)
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Of course! That’s kind of a lot of boys, so I’m going to limit that to attack and defense heroes for now, and the imagines will be fairly short. Hope you don't mind!
These were really fun to write! Thinking about all of their faces lighting up after seeing their s/o made me really happy.
Just a note: I won’t be doing Bastion or Torbjorn, I just couldn’t think of anything for them
Imagines below the cut.
Doomfist/Akande Ogundimu
When you come home, he is working on official Talon paperwork in your shared room. He will come to greet you and ensure you are safe and healthy, then return to whatever he was doing prior.
It’s not that he doesn’t care if you’re there, he just doesn���t want to overwhelm you right after a tough mission.
Separating work and his intimate life is very difficult for him, so it can be hard for him to realize if you want attention. If you do, don’t be afraid to get his attention and he will gladly put aside his work.
Once you do, he will do whatever mundane thing you want to do, with only a little bit of playful sassing.
Genji Shimada
During his playboy days he would’ve immediately been clinging onto you and doing some NSFW things.
Now he’s older, wiser, and less hormonal. He’s more concerned about your well-being than anything.
Anything you need he’s more than happy to get for you. Hot tea? Done. Massage? Got it. Healing? He’s already on the phone with Angela.
Just really happy you’re back.
Jesse McCree
This boy missed you sooooooooo much!
He would try to act more nonchalant than he’s feeling though. But it’s pretty obvious he missed you. Long hugs, plenty of pecks on the cheek, cheesy pick-up lines, you name it.
If you’re injured he would patch it up to the best of his ability and keep a close eye on it for the coming days.
He just wants to relax with you for a while. Expect cuddling on the couch with a marathon of both of your favorite movies until you doze off.
Reaper/Gabriel Reyes
Being in Blackwatch and then Talon taught him to treasure all the time with his s/o he possible. But how he shows his affection very differently than others.
Once you get back home late one afternoon, it’s as if you never left. You both help prepare dinner, eat it while watching TV, and just enjoy each other‘s presence that evening.
He wants to treasure every moment where you two can be a “normal” couple, and he wants you to feel as if you two were.
Expect a lot of casual conversation and domestic moments
Soldier: 76/Jack Morrison
This poor old man has a hard time showing emotion and affection. That doesn’t stop him from missing you when you’re gone and fretting over you when you return
Any injuries you have are being tended to within ten minutes of you getting back. If the injuries are in need of more serious attention, he’s already scheduling an appointment with Angela.
Once he knows you’re alright, he lets you sit down and makes you your favorite hot beverage while you relax.
If you want cuddles, you’ll have to initiate them, but if you do he’ll be so happy.
He just missed you so much.
Hanzo Shimada
Being the former head of yakuza clan then a travelling mercenary, Hanzo has trouble connecting to people. But if you do, he is one of the most loving person one can ever meet.
He wants to spoil you rotten, but constantly being in firefights prevents him from doing so.
He finds other ways to spoil you though. Once you come home anything you could ever want, he is on it. If your favorite food is being served in the mess hall, he smuggled seconds for you. If your feet hurt, better sit down because you’re getting a foot massage.
He’s happy to do so just to show his love for you while you’re both safe.
Junkrat/Jamie Fawkes
Super affectionate. Hugs for days. LITERAL DAYS. Not normal hugs, hugs with every single limb he can. His kisses are messy even if you two are in front of the whole team. He doesn't care. You’re home with him and that’s all that matters to him.
Almost guaranteed to forget that you could be injured. But if his clinging does end up hurting, all you have to do is tell him and he will automatically go from clingy puppy man to protective guard dog.
If he or Roadhog can’t patch you up themselves, he will rush (usually carrying you as he runs) you to the infirmary without notifying Angela before-hand
Sure, he caused a ruckus. But he wants to make sure you are okay.
#overwatch#overwatch imagines#Soldier 76#soldier 76 x reader#doomfist#doomfist x reader#jack morrison#akande ogundimu#genji x reader#genji shimada#mccree x reader#jesse mccree#reaper#reaper x reader#gabriel reyes#hanzo shimada#hanzo x reader#junkrat x reader#Junkrat#jamie fawkes#reader imagine
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I lived bitch I'm back with new material for ye since I just got a week off school and though I have work I can still keep on writing through it.
This is a Part 2 to the Amnesiac!Reader x D.va story I wrote a while back
More time passed and there was no prospect of recovering your memories and so now you were just a blank slate of a person with a person whom you didn't know how to feel about. She was always affectionate towards you but said affection didn't break through the wall and for Hana it seemed almost like she was going to lose you. The overwatch higher ups decided that you were ready for a mission despite the resistance from both Hana and Angela Ziegler because your battle practice performance was still 'excellently above average" and you still managed to remember the exact specifications of your own 2 weapons, a standard 45. pistol and a straightsword forged by Torbjorn that frequently put Genji's own to the test. You jumped from the dropship as a scout soldier in the battlefield of King's row and your mission was to eliminate Talon soldiers, one of the few things that you excelled at. It was quite standard at this point because all you were doing was finding the soldiers and eliminating them but there was one, he obviously didn't realise this was what he signed up for and had a look of fear and regret on his face, he clutched a picture of his family, the ones he was fighting for in his hands and bled out in the rain while you could only shield yourself with the face that those were your orders. You thought you had fufilled your orders at this point until you got an SOS ping on your comms and upon investigation you found Hana's mech tied to the alley wall with her stuck in it and the Talon soldiers trying to break into it, with those Talon soldiers trying to harm her, to hurt her, to kill her. This image made a wall break and you charged forth with your blade drawn ready to tear the lives from these people but this sequence became automatic as your anger forced your blade through their armor until their very essence had left them and your hands were covered in blood and your tears mixed in the rain like their dying breath in the wind. Back at base you sat in your quarters with the blood of your actions still weighting on your hands and wallowing in self hate until Hana entered the room with a distressed look on her face, she was obviously worried about your state of mind and after what had just happened in the mission "Are you okay Y/N?" the bastions of her strength were beginning to break "I saw you in trouble out there and something snapped and I was filled with anger. I don't know why." tears began to well up in Hana's eyes at the memory of the mission "I never want to have that happen again, I never want to see you in pain again, I never want you to see that side of me ever again, I just want to know why I feel this way, I want to know you" you bowed your head in shame while tears poured down Hana's face "I hope that doesn't sound too greedy of me" and then she took you into a hug "No, it wasn't. How about we just start again"
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Kitty Kompanion Ch 11
"Tired, Honey. Tired," you complained to Genji.
He had returned with your food and to check on you, to give you support emotionally and physically. You were so tired that his armour was comfortable lean against.
The next few days, you were a milk-producing machine. You caught a precious hour, or less, of sleep before Genji, Torbjorn, or Angela passed you a crying baby to feed. They changed your kittens' diapers and bathed them when needed. They were a godsend, but you found yourself wondering if you could breastfeed in your sleep.
Pretty soon Angela was encouraging you to leave the medical bay to get some air and start sleeping in your own quarters. You were against this, assuming the help you were getting would stop. You didn't voice this, though. You fed the babies and got into a wheelchair with Genji at the ready. You were relieved he was still here. So relieved that you might cry.
"Everyone wants to see you," he said.
He pushed the wheelchair into the hallway.
"They do?"
You were suspicious. You felt like shit and were convinced you looked like it. No way would anyone want to see your face right now.
You were proved very wrong when Lena nearly smacked into your chest for a hug. Genji took you to the mess hall, with Lena walking beside you. She chattered about how adorable your squishy little babies were (she wanted to squish them with hugs). Everyone who was a hugger obliged you with a tight one. You weren't sure why, but it felt it had been ages since you saw them. Holding them all eased something deep inside.
"Winston and I had a good idea. He was going to tell you, but I'm excited and I want to tell you now."
Genji was unusually bubbly for someone who was recently rescued from torture. You were still tired, so you just hummed in acknowledgment.
He explained that one of his missions was clearing possibly dormant bastions out of Eichinwalde, Germany. Genji pretended to get annoyed when you chuckled at his stumbling over the pronounciation of 'Eichinwalde.' It was so cute.
"Bend down so I can pinch your cheeks," you said, reaching back.
"No," he huffed, tail swishing.
Anyway, there was an old bunker there that was still in working condition. Generator and everything. Talon had hardly any activity in Germany.
"We could live in that bunker together, as a family," he continued happily. "Winston agreed to give me paternal leave. The only stipulation is... we have to bring Hanzo." His voice lowered at the end, as if admitting something that would upset you.
"W-what, why?"
"Hanzo is the one in trouble this time." He was pleased about that. "I volunteered to help him heal. That way I could keep an eye on him."
"Winston agreed to that?"
He had. When you saw Winston, he repeated what Genji said. And then some.
"You can decide if you want to return to the watchpoint with your children after Hanzo is ready to return to active duty."
"Oh," you said dumbly.
You had always assumed it would be a 'it takes a village to raise a child' type of situation. Raising kids at the watchpoint didn't bother you. Especially with people like Torbjorn and Angela around. Having your own place was something else, and the idea hadn't sunk in yet. You leaned towards Genji during a lull in the conversation.
"I was looking forward to seeing Winston trying to deal with two curious kiddies," you whispered to him.
You could picture it, the twins climbing all over the gorilla and getting in his way. Asking him questions about everything. Genji grinned and gently pinched your side for being rude, making you jump. That stretched your stitches.
"Ow...ow..." You swiftly brought your hands up to hover over them, hissing and mentally willing away the pain.
Genji whined in distress, guilt-ridden over causing you pain. He joined you with his own hovering hands, and his tail whipped back and forth.
"Are you...alright?" Winston asked awkwardly.
"I'll be fine," you said curtly. You blushed. "Maybe we can think about this?"
He blinked.
"Of course!" he exclaimed. "I think it's the best course of action to transfer you and your family to the bunker, but no one is making you go."
Winston had effectively excused you, so Genji stood up and wheeled you back. But back to your shared room, not the medbay. You whined when he pushed you into an empty room.
"My babies..."
"I thought you wanted rest. They're being taken care of."
"Okay, but tomorrow, I'm gonna take care of them."
You weren't the most joyful mother. 'Dutiful' was the better word. Loving the kittens as best you could, considering how tired you were. You insisted on doing most of the work yourself. Maybe it was a mistake, but they were your babies. If someone else raised them, even for a few weeks, you might regret it. You didn't want to miss anything. The next few weeks were a blur of diapers, screaming, dragging yourself out of bed, and trying to refuse Genji's help.
Soon you did break down, cry, and accept his help.
"I just want to make love to you, but I'm so tired," you sobbed pitifully as he held you. Even though he had been there every day, you missed him terribly. It was confusing and distressing for your tired mind.
"I know, I know," he told you softly. He didn't like to see you like this, but he also wanted to laugh. You got yourself into this mess.
You lay your head on his shoulder. Your arms dangled like you held a weight in each hand. Every cell in your body cried out for rest. But it was almost time to change Sae's diaper, and Ichiro was about to wake up. You may have been wearing yourself to the bone carrying for your babies, but you knew them the best out of anyone by now. Every time you anticipated their needs correctly was a happy little victory. You truly felt like you were doing a good job as a mother in those moments.
"Don't," you said, poking a finger up at his face.
"Don't what?"
"Don't be smug. You wanna say 'I told you so.'"
Genji let a little laughter out. You pouted at him childishly and turned around to seek Sae.
"No! No! Wait!"
Genji followed with a grin. After a few verbal exchanges, you gave in and let him put you to bed. Sae's wail interrupted him tucking you in. You felt an emotional tug in her direction as Genji left to tend to her.
Genji came back to the doorway after a few seconds.
"What does she need?"
"Thanks, Mama."
And he left. You snuggled into the pillow with a smile. You were a good mom. You felt it.
Genji was a good dad, as well. His presence soothed his kittens to the point of them falling asleep in his arms almost every time. In some cases, they slept more deeply being held than in their cribs. You had a pang of jealousy; they seemed to cry less when he took care of them.
During a checkup for the kittens, Angela casually mentioned that Hanzo's recovery was going as well as can be expected. Genji tsked at himself for forgetting about his brother. He had been so wrapped up in helping you. Sae needed a feeding, so he dropped her off with you.
"Thank you, Genji. I love you," you told him, taking the baby girl.
Genji rubbed his cheek on yours, did the same to Sae, and took Ichiro to Hanzo.
Warm tears streamed down Hanzo's scrunched face. An ugly cry. He felt ugly inside. He inwardly berated himself for not feeling happy for Genji. Instead, he was jealous and resentful. It should have been him that had a mate and two healthy, precious kittens. He was the elder brother. The serious, responsible one. Why was it backwards? It wasn't fair.
"Hanzo! Do you want to hold Ichiro?"
Genji's voice interrupted Hanzo's downward spiral. Hanzo scrambled mentally, pulling walls up. He forced himself to meet Genji's eyes. Hanzo didn't like the way his brother was staring into his soul. His pride kept his gaze level, however.
"Sorry, I," Genji began tentatively, "You seem upset. Hanzo, I can see that. I just thought seeing your nephew might help. He makes me happy. I want to share that."
Hanzo didn't expect Genji to consider his feelings and to give him an opportunity to decline Genji's offer. Since when had Genji grown into a fine young man? No, that wasn't right. He was 35 and not a young man anymore. Hanzo's reality shifted under him as he was forced to admit that he was wrong. It was staring at him in the face, his adult brother holding his newborn kitten.
Genji was distracted by his kitten's face and broke eye contact to look at his child. He frowned slightly, eyes alight with the passion that he would defend his kittens with. And Hanzo wanted to be there by his side to help.
"Let me see him."
Hanzo lifted his arms slowly. His hands shook with weakness. Genji ignored that and gingerly placed Ichiro into Hanzo's arms.
"Like this," Genji murmured, arranging Hanzo's arms and hands properly around the kitten.
Hanzo was too tired to argue against the indignity of being 'arranged'. His gaze softened when he looked at Ichiro. He nearly cried anew when he spotted the tiny, down-soft ears folded against his skull. He wished deep in his heart that this was his kitten. Either way, what he saw confirmed his previous resolution. To protect this baby boy and his twin sister with his life.
#genji x reader#kitty!genji#fluff#domestic fluff#light angst#hanzo is a source of angst that's just how it is imo#female reader#my shit
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Okay but consider this:
Torbjorn/Ingrid/Reinhardt is a thing, and they all raised the kids with their unique skillsets bc who knows who belongs to who, really?
What if Ingrid was one of the knights, like Reinhardt, and she taught the kids to kick ass? Perhaps she met Torb through him, or vice versa? We need a bit more info on Ingrid, maybe... but if anyone can deal with ol’ fuckmachine torb, it’d have to be someone who is equally as passionate/talented.
You know how people are when they get within four feet of another talented person and the ideas fly. Ingrid fights with Reinhardt, in or out of her old armour and they laugh reminiscing over old battles, old friends they no longer have the chance to drink with...
There are in-jokes and bad puns. Rein is overenthusiastic about most things, and Ingrid was just the same for a long time until Torb came home minus an arm one day, and reality sort of shattered. The people they had lost in the past... that was one thing. Losing torb, or Rein? After all they had built and sacrificed for the chance to be happy? No.
Love can sometimes mean fear and worry, for the other person, when they’re far away and out of reach of your protective barrier/shield range. Ingrid understood why torb would often venture away, and had even gone on her own missions sans the craftsman before, and yet... the impending arrival of their first child changed things.
Really, none of them had actively envisioned growing old, having a home or a family like people did before the Omnic crisis... all that existed was the here, the now, the moment in which you were still breathing and could fight for something better, fight for tomorrow. And then it happened.
Ingrid had always been very close with Reinhardt, had been since she first picked up her squire attire, training alongside him in the guard. Good times, bad times, bruises and terrible jokes at the worst times... it had bonded them. Torb knew, he understood how that sort of thing came about; had it himself with the other original members of overwatch. You couldn’t risk your life beside someone, watching their back in battle, and not feel at least some degree of familiarity with them...
But whatever was between Rein and Ingrid always seemed just off anything concrete, like there was a missing element that would weld them together. Well, it happened like that sometimes, when you were battleborn and welded together in that way; there needed to be a push, or some event to change the way you perceived one another. But they were content as they were.
After the bastion units were introduced, the knights needed something more, something better, stronger, to keep them alive when facing down these metallic demons. Only one smith in the world could possibly have the ability to forge something of that nature... the man who originally created the omnics, good and bad. Torbjorn.
They sought him out, and he adapted their ancient suits and weaponry, allowing more protection, longer lasting shields, stronger attacks. Ingrid liked the smaller man from the moment she laid eyes upon him, even if his way of speaking was a tad brusque and dismissive; he was used to working amidst chaos, she could understand that.
Ingrid also enjoyed the look of admiration in his eyes as he gazed up at her the first time, like he’d seen a Valkyrie or other such ethereal warrior descend from above. She did tower over him somewhat, and the armour added an extra inch or two; he seemed to take his time reworking her attire and weaponry, fine-tuning it a tad more than he did for most of the others.
The swede didn’t say all that much, just grumbled somewhat as he clanged the hammer, tweaked wiring, fiddled with various decorative pieces and scoffed at damaged components. He was confident it could be dealt with. Nothing was too difficult for him.
Ingrid held a liking for him, and felt it reciprocated, but also noticed she seemed not to be the only one in her garrison with such sentiments. And judging from the expression this Torbjorn wore when he beheld the dashing Reinhardt entering his workshop... well, she might have been jealous, under other circumstances. She was, however, a tad put out when discovering that Rein had beaten her into asking the engineer out, and had to put up with the all-but-glowing Reinhardt regaling her with tales of the outings they went on (if you could call them that, she was relatively certain Torb just took him places so he’d have someone to carry all the components he got for their armour, back to base) and the dates they spent in the workshop talking. Well, Rein talking and Torb hammering away, occasionally interjecting something...
Although, things changed after the... Bastion Incident. Losing their leader changed them all, most importantly Reinhardt... the brash young man seemed downcast, crushed inside, darker... since then. It was guilt, it was shame and anger and sadness, a regret for impulsive actions, a thousand what-if scenarios weighing him down...
Torbjorn couldn’t reach him, in that pit of despair in which the larger man languished. He did try, but it just seemed beyond him; he could sympathise, his own actions had unleashed the omnics, and yet... there was a gap between them that grew wider for every day Reinhardt slipped further into darkness. Ingrid had to step in, though she grieved too a man who had been not unlike a father to them all, an inspiration and hero as well as their leader. She could understand Reinhardt’s pain, could speak to him on that level, through the bond forged of years fighting together, training side by side and failing spectacularly in front of one another.
Ingrid hurt, but knew in her heart nothing could have been done that day to change their fates. She managed to drag Rein from the darkness, day by day, prodding at him until a reaction other than void filled the room. She made him angry, made him sad, made him yell, cry, laugh, rage, clutch his head in shame and... hope. Grief locked inside and trapped by guilt was a poison, it wormed its way through your veins, slowly eating away emotions, feeling, memory, friendship... it had to be drawn out, cast out and away before it reached the heart.
With meticulous bullying, Shieldmaiden Ingrid dragged Reinhardt through all the stages of grief and loss with her bare hands. And afterwards, was rewarded to see him smile again, even if sadly as he recalled the past.
In all of this, they had forgotten someone... and when they recalled his absence, it was too late. Torbjorn had been called away, and left quickly, feeling rejected and helpless to assist the knights he adored through such dark times. He was a man of action, of thinking and preventing; healing was not his forte, nor were words.
At least on a mission he could help someone, save someone else, DO something. Feel he had saved the world with every omnic shot down by a turret. And he felt that, perhaps, he had been replaced anyway. The captivating, competent, Ingrid had stepped into the breach and shielded Reinhardt from his darkest feelings when he most needed it... and Torbjorn had done nothing. No, it was over. He could not fix what had been broken, and that was a blow to his heart.
Still, there was truth in the thought. Reinhardt and Ingrid were very close, much more than before, after he finally began to stabilise. His youthful vigour and good humour returning. She told him he looked every bit the warrior and did not flinch at the scar over his eye, an eternal reminder of what he had done... she called it distinguished, and then joked about it. Her laugh warmed his heart, as his smile did hers.
In quiet times they would date, it was hard to ask another person to move in with you when you already lived together (although they also had to put up with the other members of the guard, all crammed into the traditional rooms of eichenwalde). But their love was good, a light of hope that pushed them through each day, and made things easier.
Still, he had a duty to join Overwatch... and she, had to remain, to follow the new leader and fight the Omnics again to defend the people of her homeland. Ingrid often wrote to Reinhardt, but it was a long time before she received a reply, as they were always moving about the globe. His first letter was a delighted missive about having found Torbjorn again, and that even though it was a little awkward he had done everything he could to fix the situation. She had buried her face in her battleworn hands at that, imagining with horror, the terrible jokes and puns and tales of glory Rein would have told the engineer (at top volume), probably following him around like a puppy until the grumpy builder finally just gave up trying to avoid the knight.
Hilarious. Though her heart ached a little to be so far from them; even though their work was important. Ingrid was called once or twice, to Overwatch, for a mission they felt would suit her abilities in tandem with the other members. Mostly she and Rein were alternating shields for Torbjorn, who did his best to get a turret or three going from alternating angles, mowing down robotic enemies in all directions.
Rein seemed distant, in his element at this Overwatch, and no longer... hers. Not completely. She could understand, that was simply how life could be. But it stung a little. Though, another seemed to notice this, and take extra time working dents from her armour, and analysing her weaponry before and after battle. Talking to her all the while, so she would feel included, feel part of the team. A small flicker reawakened, one that had burst to life many years before when first meeting the Engineer; and slowly, but surely, the two began to drift together like a pair of magnets. Forging something between them in the workshop that was far stronger than it might have been before...
Love seemed a paltry word, but it was there. It was hard to see one another for a long time, with the world constantly demanding they be in different places and times, always. But they found a way. If Reinhardt was hurt by their unintended exclusion of him, he made no mention; she still got letters, and the occasional souvenir from places around the world she would have loved to see one day. Some she eventually got to travel to, and others... well they were on the list for ‘One Day’.
Ingrid surprised the engineer when she proposed, he honestly hadn’t seen it coming at all, but was pleasantly surprised all the same. Torbjorn agreed immediately, and turned away to begin furiously working on the ring he had been crafting to ask her...
The other original members of Overwatch were amused, because they’d just held a wedding for a certain other pair of officers, and some commented that it just ‘seemed to be in the air’ right now. Still, Reinhardt hugged the pair as he sobbed delightedly, nearly crushing their spines by accident when they asked him to be best man...
But of course, things don’t always go to plan. Marriage ceremonies are magical things, when there’s time, but often in these times they were brief but beautiful and then the omnics arrived. Luckily, none did on that day for them, but everyone was prepared anyway... just in case.
Reinhardt had mentioned to Torb the places Ingrid had lamented not having seen, in her letters to him, and he managed to coerce the strike commander into letting him borrow a shuttle to take her to a few of them for their honeymoon. Ingrid had an excellent time, and felt that nothing could be more exciting.
It was months later, when she took a hit in battle that they realised she needed to reinforce her abdominal armour... Torb was over the moon, but frantic about her still fighting ‘in her condition’. She asked him at what point he felt that having a child would drain her ability to crush omnic skulls with her warhammer? And he, wisely, kept silent. She did stop after a while, the armour was protective but as she swelled somewhat, it began to get a little tight.
She wasn’t the only one either. Now that things seemed to be calming down, a few other members of the guard were expecting (whether it was they, themselves or their partners) and she at least had someone to talk to about it. Or complain about everything with, as Bjorn often said, as he patted his own bump (his partner Olga had been frantically making baby chainmail for the last four months, and he was exceptionally amused by the whole situation. Ingrid somehow felt Torb was probably doing the exact same thing).
But then... she got the letter. Her heart seized in horror, knowing that his downplaying of the event was nothing more than a feeble attempt to calm her. Her beloved Torbjorn had lost an arm, an eye... to those robotic bastards. She was furious, angry, guilty... I could have shielded him, she thought over and over again as she re-read the sentences. But no, Reinhardt was there, thank all the gods, Reinhardt had saved their Torbjorn.
If he had been a moment too late... Of course they had all dealt with injuries and the injured during battle, and after; seen terrible things, held dying teammates’ stomachs closed as their entrails threatened to fall out onto the filthy ground... but this, this was worse. He was so far away. But he was safe, that’s all that mattered. He was SAFE, she told herself. Reinhardt would keep him that way.
Ingrid had apparently gotten so pale that Bjorn had called out for the garrison medic to check she was alright; he and his wife, Olga, sitting with her long after the medic had left, reassuring her. They understood her fear, her fright, the strange ache of loss. She woke up squished between them early in the morning, and placed a hand to her bump, silently reassuring herself that all was well.
It was only when calm that she could finish the letter, and laughed the others awake accidentally as she found Torb had promised to let Reinhardt name their firstborn, and also allow him to be Godfather. Well, she could not say he had not earned it, and she had an inkling of what the name might be... Long before, when they had dated, the pair had talked over (hypothetically) names for children they might have... and he had always favoured Svengard and Brigette. He thought they sounded heroic, a good legacy. She had no objection, and immediately went for a pen and paper to return the message...
Given the circumstances, she found a way to get to Overwatch’s current base as soon as possible. Just about kicking down the infirmary door wearing half her armour and wielding the warhammer like she was going to knock some common sense into her husband. It took a second before Reinhardt realised who the intruder was, and deactivated his shield. Laughing and greeting her with a warm hug, expressing delight when an impatient and overactive future shieldmaiden kicked at him from within her mother’s stomach. “A little warrior!” he grinned, in delight, but surpassed his obvious desire to ask more by stepping aside so she could see her husband.
Torbjorn was smaller than before, but clean, crisp infirmary sheets had that effect on people. One eye was covered by a patch, and there was a rudimentary socket at his shoulder where they would eventually provide a prosthetic instead. Ingrid wrapped herself around him, a litany of greetings and admonishments fell from her lips in swift succession as she assured herself he was alive, and considering the circumstances... doing well enough.
He laughed tiredly and answered her statements as best he could. When the pair had calmed, basking in the sensation of relief that both were alive and safe; they noticed Reinhardt was missing, having excused himself to give them time.
“Ah, the big softie...” Torb sighed, “Took my injury to heart, he did. Can’t help but love him for how much he cares, though... but you might want to go and make sure he’s not sobbing in a corner somewhere. Don’t have any armour to fix that sort of thing...”
Ingrid laughs, that did sound like their big knight. She kisses Torb on the nose, “Well, I will be back with him in a minute, we’ll sort this out.” She was not entirely familiar with the base, but Rein wasn’t hard to find at all. He liked to find a high vantage point when brooding, or thinking things through, so he could be alone but still protect the others by keeping watch for threats. He was, predictably, on a balcony, staring off into the distance. That same look was on his face. The one he had worn after-... well, After.
“He’s alive, thanks to you.” Ingrid reminds him, placing a hand to his shoulder, and feeling how tense he was under the armour. “Sure, you didn’t save all of him, but I’m certain he can craft something far more fun to play with, when he’s stronger...”
He huffs a laugh at her teasing, “Well, I suppose I will just have to make up the slack in the meantime. You recall how good I am at chopping wood and doing dishes...”
Ingrid smiles, indeed recalling the domesticity of their lives as part of the garrison, as a couple. “Excellent qualities. I trained you well.” “Oho, did you now?” Reinhardt grins, rising to the bait. “I seem to recall a certain someone whose understanding of cooking was limited to hot water and instant noodles...”
“You recall no such thing.” Ingrid retorts, trying hard to look angry, but bursting into laughter anyway. He was right, she had not always been great at cooking, though he had not been averse to doing it for their formative training years until he manage to trick her into helping... it was how he relaxed from the day’s work, the same way she would wind down by doing the sweeping or something easily repetitive while her mind wandered.
“Does Torbjorn know you once managed to boil an egg until it exploded?” Reinhardt asked, expression conspiratorial and mirthful. “Or perhaps you failed to mention the occasion when you mixed up the bottles of salad dressing and wasabi?”
She smacked his arm, playfully. “You will tell him no such thing. He’ll leave me for you if he ever finds out how terribly I used to cook...” Ingrid pauses at the flash of expression Reinhardt quickly concealed. “You still love him too, don’t you, Rein?”
His expression widened, guilty, unconsciously moving away from her.
“It’s alright, Rein... I suspect he returns those feelings, as much as I do.” she replied, airily, as if it wasn’t a big deal, as if Ingrid’s heart wasn’t pounding a mile a minute hoping to all the gods and valkyries she was correct.
He was so quiet, she thought for a second that maybe-...
“You always were so perceptive, Lady Ingrid.” he finally answered, using the familiar term of endearment that used to annoy her so much when she was younger. Reinhardt seemed to comprehend the remainder of her sentence then, and he jolted as if shocked. “...as well?” he tried to articulate.
Instead of answering, she simply takes his hand and begins to tow the romantic warrior back inside, back to the infirmary. They were of a height, and seemed to fill the corridor as they moved through the base, seemingly on a mission of urgent proportions.
For the second time that day, though thankfully without her hammer this time as it had remained behind with her husband, Ingrid burst through the infirmary doors to gaze upon Torbjorn.
“Husband, will you marry this big fool so he can stop quietly pining on the roof?” she starts with, and Torb startles in surprise. He manages to clear his throat, but no words come out. The engineer simply nods, slightly confused, but using his good hand to pat around his attire for something vaguely circular and ring-like.
Ingrid spins about to face Reinhardt, and half-kneels as best a rather pregnant person can, holding out a gauntlet she’d stripped off in lieu of a ring. “Reinhardt, would you do me the honour of marrying Torbjorn and myself, so we can stop pretending we can exist without one another in this world?”
“I-... of course, are you certain?” the large knight splutters, inexplicably caught between confusion and joy, both warring for dominance on his face. He had not anticipated this. Rein took the gauntlet, and helped Ingrid to rise again, and looked to Torbjorn to gauge the other’s reaction.
A large nut, possibly off a bastion unit, hit his square in the forehead. “That’ll have to do for the moment, I’m afraid.” Torbjorn apologised, “I didn’t exactly have time to make a ring, now did I...?”
Confused, delighted, and certain the world had gone mad, but in his favour, Reinhardt threw back his head and laughed until tears fell from his eyes. Torbjorn muttered, “I’ll take that as a Yes then...” in the background, as Ingrid pecked a kiss to his forehead.
Rein swooped her off the ground, and spun around, joyously and she whooped. She’d loved it when they were younger; back then she could still lift him up properly and return the favour... “I’ll take a Rein-check on that particular ride...” Torb added, when the knight put Ingrid down again.
“And you shall HAVE IT my small beloved!” Rein responded enthusiastically, at great volume. “Hah ha! We must tell the others!”
“What’s this about ‘small’?” torbjorn mutters, before he registers what the knight had said. “Oh no you don’t, get back in here Rein, we’ve got plans to discuss...”
But it was too late, Rein was already down the hallway shouting at some Overwatch member or other that he was getting married, and couldn’t be happier. Ingrid laughed, “Oh Rein...” she glanced to her husband, “I suppose you could say, he’s all... hardt.”
She had to dodge the pillow Torb threw at her, and the engineer groaned. “Five minutes and he’s already infected you with his bad puns... how will any of our children turn out normal under these circumstances?”
Ingrid moved over to the bed and placed his remaining hand on her abdomen, and their little shieldmaiden obligingly kicked back. “Because she will have the best parents imaginable, my clever craftsman.”
In the distance, Reinhardt was still delightedly telling people, his delight echoing off the walls and corridors of the base. Torbjorn laughed, “Yes, it seems so, my warrior queen... it seems so.”
By the time Brigette was born, the trio had mostly worked out how to function as a family unit whilst being pulled away one or two at a time, with little warning. At the very least, Ingrid would have Olga and Bjorn around the base they shared when the other two were away.
They had intended to get a house, but realistically it was impossible. They had a choice of the Overwatch bases, or Eichenwalde; Ingrid chose the latter, so she could be closer to the others they had grown up with. They were also family. Bjorn and Olga’s child was three weeks Brigette’s senior, which meant that it only made sense for them to stay in the same quarters; a little further away from the other knights, who prized their sleep no matter how adorable the newborns were when not shrieking the base awake.��
Ingrid did miss Torb and Rein when they were away, but they always came back as swiftly as they could... turning down several missions where possible, to spend more time with them. Torbjorn adored his daughter, she was the light of his life, and Rein equally loved the babe, even if she was so small Brigette almost disappeared in his arms when held.
Torb had had to work on how he held their baby, as the new prosthetic had a claw at the end rather than a hand, it worked better for crafting he had said when first revealing it. But it made holding Brigette a rather unique task until he got used to it; he liked to hold her, talk to her about his projects, even if she was so young he didn’t think she understood. But there was a spark in her eyes when she beheld his workshop that always made him wonder...
Reinhardt treated Brigette like she was made of porcelain. She was just so small, he felt too big and clumsy to hold her; but then, Ana Amari said he’d been just the same when Fareeha was born, no matter how many times the medic had tried to reassure him he would not drop his goddaughter. It was an endearing trait.
Ingrid had no siblings other than those she had bonded with during her time in the guard, and there were not so many babies there; it was lucky that Bjorn and Olga both came from large families, and were able to let her practice holding their own infant daughter, prior to Brigette’s arrival. It made her feel more confident, training always did.
The children cried in the night, and various people arose to see to their need. More often than not Brigette just wanted to be held, whereas baby Anya was often hungry. Eventually everyone learned to distinguish a vague semblance of which cry meant what...
If it sounded like someone was hungry, Ingrid or Bjorn would get up to see to their daughter/technical niece’s needs. However if the wail seemed to be one of distress, pain, fear, fright or need for comfort, then Torb, Olga, or Reinhardt would get up. Certainly they had it mixed up a few times, and there was always formula in the fridge in case certain people were too exhausted to rise and feed... but it worked.
It also saved their lives.
The five new parents and their daughters were living in combined quarters at one end of the eichenwalde castle quarters, and the rest at the other; to prevent crying awakening all of the base several times a night and such. (Not to say the others did not delight in the chance to play with and/or babysit the girls, everyone in the knights was practically their aunt or uncle. and there was something adorably hilarious about massively bulky men, women and gnc warriors cooing over teeny little infants).
Which is most likely why they survived when a battalion of omnics smashed through the doors, killing those on night watch instantly and horrifically, before aiming their canons towards the densely populated guard quarters. Fire and splintered wood, cinders and scream, it shook them awake.
Ingrid and Rein had their shields up before they were even properly awake. Torbjorn threw down a turret and ran for the infants while his partners armoured up; Olga and Bjorn were shielding the cribs with their own weapons, and neither girl was harmed. Only crying, frightened and needing reassurance.
Bjorn grabbed Anya; Torb took Brigette, and together the group made a run for it. Now was not the time to fight, but retreat. If the omnics were here, then there was no one in the surrounding town left to save, and no one they could help in the guard barracks. Screams tugged at their heartstrings as they ran, but the shrieks of their children made then turn a deaf ear to them...
Bastion units signalled victory in horrifying beeps as they ran into the night, alive but left with nothing.
Contacts from the Overwatch days managed to find them, smuggle the group away from the danger; though the group was split up for safety, anonymity. Quiet, heartfelt farewells were offered, before they each took transports to new lives...
And so it was.
Ingrid and Reinhardt and Torbjorn raised their daughter, and all the sons and daughters who followed, in seclusion and safety. Well, as safe as it could be.
There was occasional trouble, but that was how life was, really. Nothing two knights and a mechanical genius couldn’t handle...
Then one day, they got a call.
And everything changed.
#overwatch#torb#ingrid#rein#random headcanon bc brigette clearly has a badass mother figure#two random ocs in there as members of the guard bc no one stopped me
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You are the only person I can think of who would Understand this but. Overwatch + RE. How would the BSAA and Overwatch interact? What sort of effect would the events of both universes have on each other? Given that the game seems to take place in 2076, do you think the "old guard" of the RE cast had any sort of effect on the OW cast growing up or at least, their stories did? And failing that: RE CHARACTERS PLAYING OVERWATCH. WHO MAINS WHO. LEECH I NEED ANSWERS.
Okay. So.
The first thing that popped into my head was “god the omnic crisis would have been SO much worse if the omnic forces had access to BOWs”
The second thing that popped into my head is BOWs and bioorganic weapons are probably still used but more people are vaccinated-- Overwatch runs a tight ship on making sure people won’t get contaminated by the C-virus or what have you. I can also see the legacy of the BSAA lasting through, Tera-Save as well, the organizations lasting (although probably not without their own troubles-- I could see Talon interested in taking away the safeguards the BSAA represent...)
The third thing that popped into my head is me opening my RE2/Overwatch fic because of Reasons
Ada: You’d think she’d play Widowmaker or Sombra but her character of choice is either Ana or Tracer
Leon: He is McCree
Chris: He splits his play time between 76 and Sombra.
Claire: She’s a battle Mercy or a Symmetra player.
Jill: She plays Pharah whenever Ada is playing as Ana-- she’s always playing as an Amari
Rebecca: She only plays Lucio but she’s deadly
Billy: He usually plays McCree but if Leon is playing then he tends to use Mei
Sherry: She’s an exclusive Reaper player
Jake: He switches between Doomfist and Reinhardt
Barry: Winston. Or 76 to Moira’s Tracer
Moira: Tracer or D.Va
Helena: She likes Doomfist or Zarya
Sheva: She's the most lethal Junkrat or Roadhog player out there, but she also likes Orisa
Piers: He used to play as Orisa or Bastion, but was really the best with Zenyatta
Wesker: He would play Torbjorn and only get turret potg’s
Ashley: She plays the Shimadas and is the only Hanzo main you ever want on your team
Carla: Only ever played Widowmaker
Steve: He mained Genji and was decent at 1) keeping Claire’s Mercy alive and 2) actually being near a healer when healing was needed
Alexia: Symmetra all the way
Alfred: He’d rotate between the snipers
#not texts#leechanswers#Overwatch/Resident Evil is a good#great now I wanna work on that fic instead of finishing cannibalisim#themysterioust
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I'm having a shitty day and could use some team dad 76 content. Preferably dumb. Thanks in advance
Headcanons, coming right up! I’ll apologize in advance because this turned out more wholesome than dumb because I literally cannot stop myself from writing fluff.
the amount of dad energy this not-dad has is insane.
Even in the early days of Overwatch he was always voted top as “having the most dad energy”
(something that Torbjorn is still bitter about!)
It all stems from his tendency to take care of others’ needs without telling them. Actions, not words, are how he shows his love and care towards others. He’s the kind to silently drop off your favorite coffee by your desk, or to fix that tech issue that’s been bothering you for weeks while you’re away.
. . . which means that when he starts being dad-like to the new Overwatch crew, at first they’re all confused.
There was a light flickering by Lucio’s room in the Watchpoint. Lucio woke up one day to find Jack with a ladder and a new bulb, and he wondered if he had done something wrong like
“Was I, like, supposed to fix that earlier? I mean, I’ve never gotten around to-”
“No. I got it.”
“Oh, uh, okay. Thank you?”
Hana once forgot to bring her mission report to a meeting. Jack wordlessly got up and left the room and immediately alarm bells were going off in her head. “oh shit, I’m in so much trouble he just left-”
And he jogs back a few minutes later (because he’s able to sprint across the base that fast due to super soldier shenanigans) and hands the paper to her. “Here you go.” Warm, neutral tone.
And as he does more and more of these favors the crew realize that he isn’t being passive aggressive, he’s doing it because he genuinely cares about them.
It all culminates when he helps everyone do their taxes (Yes, even Junkrat, somehow!) and everyone realizes that he didn’t have to help them if he didn’t want to.
The only ones who know what’s going on from the beginning are McCree and Tracer.
Jack has always been Tracer’s dad-figure (and yes I will fight you on that.)
Back in the old Overwatch days, when things started getting stressful, Lena was one of the few people that could get him out of a funk with her cheery personality and optimism.
For the longest while he’d been “too busy” and “too recognizable” to go to the local pride parades in June. When Lena found out about this, she dragged his ass out of his office to go with her and Emily. They had a blast. At the end of the day he was yell-singing pride anthems at the festival and people were all clapping along.
And back to my point about McCree- Jack isn’t the closest to him (let’s face it, that was always Gabe) but seeing the cowboy always elicits a loving shoulder pat and a “you’re doing good, son”.
(Which McCree finds simultaneously corny as hell and deeply touching.)
The first time the new Overwatch got together, McCree just about cried when Jack came up and gave the pat-pat. Ever since going “criminal” he’d had some doubt about his life choices, and to know that Jack still thought he was “doing good” meant the world. And now for some dumber ones:
When Orisa joined the team, Jack didn’t know what to do. This. . . big Omnic child makes him nervous. More specifically, he’s not sure how much to baby her. Because she’s basically a kid, right? Right?
As a result, he doesn’t allow anyone to swear near her, like at all. Doing so elicits a stern glare and a “watch your tone!”
One time Orisa said “fuck” and he went on a fucking manhunt to figure out who taught her it. He never found them. . .
(It was Bastion.)
(Who learned it from Brigitte.)
Speaking of Brigitte- he was never super close to her but he has always, always ruffled her hair as a greeting since she was young.
He did the same thing with Fareeha as well.
He hasn’t stopped even though they’re both fully grown.
Another headcanon: you’d better believe that Jack gets after Hana for her terrible eating habits. He’s always nagging at her to drink more water and less mountain dew.
He got her a clear water bottle as a joke gift, to “encourage hydration”. Joke’s on him, though- she just buys the soda with no artificial coloring instead.
It’s a good-humored fight between them. In all reality she does appreciate the reminders to take care of herself.
And yet, despite all of this mentioned above, Jack will still refuse to admit that he’s acting fatherly. Hana and Tracer especially have heard the “I’m not your father” line far too many times to count.
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Shipwatch Week - Day 5 - Lucio/Bastion
All the pillows in the base were missing.
Well, not the pillows located on people’s beds. But the communal pillows? All gone. Every couch, chair, and secret nap spot was bare. The blankets were gone too. Even Genji Jr, the large pachimari that lived in the main break room was missing. But the weirdest thing of all was the fact that no one seemed to care. No one, cept Lúcio Correia dos Santos. He was a man on a mission. A mission to find missing pillows. Mostly because he had been looking forward to a nice afternoon couch-nap.
“Right. Gotta think this out,” Lúcio muttered as he paced around the barren couch. “Who on base would need almost two dozen pillows, a bunch of blankets, and Genji’s octopus-onion son? Reinhardt’s big enough to use that many pillows, but he doesn’t use blankets. Mako just sorta sleeps on the ground, same with Jamie. Zarya’s on a mission with Mei, Efi’s helping Torbjorn in the lab, maybe they’re working on a pillow experiment?”
An imagine of a turret that shot pillows fluttered into Lúcio’s mind only to be brushed away. “No no, that’d be terrible in battle. Oh! Jesse could be washing them all at once down in the laundry room! But if he’s in the laundry room then there’s a pretty good chance he and Hanzo are-”
“Agent Correia dos Santos? Do you wish to know the location of the pillows?”
Lúcio looked up at the vague direction of Athena’s omnipresent voice. “You know where they are?”
“Of course, Agent Correia dos Santos. I know where everything and everyone is. And I am sure Agent McCree and Agent Hanzo Shimada do not wish to be interrupted.”
“You’re an angel, Athena!” Lúcio grinned. “Hit me!”
Lúcio’s grin vanished. “What?”
“You are currently cold.”
A bolt of inspiration struck Lúcio and he took a single step forward.
“You are less cold than you were before but still relatively cold.”
Following Athena’s commands Lúcio ran out of the room and down the hall. Then past the kitchen, across the gym, back down another hallway, dangerously close to the laundry room but not too close to hear anything, a quick stop to fist-bump Efi and then finally to the doors leading out to Bastion’s gardens.
What had once been a barren piece of dirt between buildings had been transformed by Bastion into a small slice of paradise. Part farm, part garden, it was Lúcio’s favorite place to hang out between missions. There was such poetry to the place, to Bastion, to a machine that had gone through so much only to come out the other end with peace in its heart. At that moment all of the flowers were in bloom and the air was filled with their sweet perfume. Also all of the pillows were in a pile next to Bastion’s charging station.
No, not just the pillows. The blankets were there too. And Genji Jr. All of it was surrounded by some glittery rocks, shined scrap metal, and the occasional piece of silverware. Between all of the shiny objects ran a string of green yarn that had indubitably been pilfered from Reinhardt’s knitting basket. Why, it almost looked as if Bastion had built-
“A nest,” Lúcio said. “It’s a nest.”
A chorus of panicked beeps got Lúcio to turn around. Bastion was running his way, waving their gun arm and making every sound and whistle they could muster. The noises were almost too much for Lúcio to follow. Worry? Scared? Sad? Lúcio held up his hands as Bastion got near.
“Whoa, slow down buddy! It’s okay! I just wanted to see where all the pillows ran off to!”
Bastion came to a complete stop in front of Lúcio and beeped louder. Understanding Bastion was tricky, but not impossible. Lúcio learned what certain beeps meant, how Bastion expressed themselves in whistles and clicks, all of that. For example that high beep meant bird. A beep whistle was singing bird, which was what Bastion called Lúcio. A beep click was Torbjorn, a beep beep was Lena, and so on and so on.
Singing bird, beeped Bastion. Singing bird no look singing bird stop!
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Lúcio reached up and rubbed Bastion’s arm. “I won’t tell anyone about your nest. I promise. But I gotta say, I didn’t know you were into pillows and shiny objects that much! Or the color green.”
Bastion nervously twiddled their fingers around the edge of their gun barrel. Ganymede (two quick whistles) said make nest for mate. Best nest for best mate.
“Oh hoho?” Lúcio nudged Bastion, not caring about hitting his elbow against the hard metal. “Lookin’ to impress a bird, huh? I know how that whole nature thing goes. So who is the lucky bird?”
Bastion hesitated for only a second before placing its hand on top of Lúcio’s. They didn’t beep. They didn’t need to. Lúcio looked up at Bastion’s faceplate. A machine drenched in blood, made of deadly weapons, made a nest in hopes of winning Lúcio over. As if he wasn’t impressed by the omnic already.
“Bastion…” Lúcio twisted his hand around so he could entwine their fingers together. His small hand was engulfed by Bastions’, but he didn’t mind. “I’d be honored to be your songbird. But uh, don’t think any eggs are in our future.”
From the way Bastion picked Lúcio up and hugged him the omnic didn’t seem to mind at all.
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Chronic Foot Pain- An Overwatch Imagine Series featuring Zenyatta, Hanzo and D.va
Written for the lovely @overwatch-reader-imagines: thank you for all of the work you do for the community!
When Zenyatta noticed that you hadn’t been attending the Friday night parties with the others like you commonly did, he was concerned. It wasn’t like you to miss a party, or an opportunity to see your friends. The caring omnic gently hovered his way into your room, his orbs carefully swirling and glowing around you.
“Greetings, y/n. How is my favorite operative doing today, on this beautiful evening?”
As soon as you turned, Zenyatta knew that something was entirely wrong. After a quick scan, he saw that your feet were wrapped in bandages and covered in chilled rags, and that your bedside table was covered in painkillers. Zenyatta has seen chronic pain before, especially with Commander Morrison’s resurrection aches, but nothing to this level of secrecy.
“Oh my goodness, y/n… I am so very sorry. I didn’t know…” Even a computer could get flustered, apparently.
“No, Zen, it’s okay. It’s just a litt-” Your failed attempt at lying ended when a bolt of lightning pain struck up your leg, a sign that no, not everything was “okay”.
“Here,” Zenyatta soothed, carefully approaching your bedside. He activated the chill-dispersion pads in his hands, and pulled the lukewarm towel off of your feet. “It appears that the towel has been rising in temperature for the last twenty minutes, due to negligent icing… this should do the trick.” He placed his hands on what looked to be the source of pain, and pressed gently. Immediately, the liquid fire in your muscles began to cool, and your breathing slowed.
“My dear friend, the next time that you need assistance, please call upon me. Pain is not an easy demon to conquer; I learned that with our dear Mr. Shimada and his brother. But it can be helped, as long as you reach out, okay?”
“Thank you, Zenyatta.”
Hanzo Shimada was an insightful man. He noticed the small details; the flick of an eyebrow, the tilt of the mouth, a shift of the eyes. He had to; as a archer, and a sniper, he could not be anything less than perfect when aligning a shot. However, he tends to notice emotional things as well. He notices when Lena begins to have a panic attack when memories of the Slipstream incident trigger in her mind, and is able to bring her back to the present time before she starts blinking out of time. He notices when Angela feels guilty about the pain she has brought Reyes, and Morrison, and Genji… though she was not to blame for the latter’s anguish.
When Hanzo noticed you dancing in the corner of the party, he could tell that you were not your usual self. Most of the time, you were doing the robot with Bastion, or trying to keep up with Lucio’s latest beats, but not this time. You were only tapping your foot, the energy drained from your actions; even with such subtle movements, Hanzo noticed that you could not keep a smile across your face. Gently excusing himself from a heated conversation between Jesse and Torbjorn as to who had the better metal arm, the eldest Shimada paced himself over to your corner and squatted down to speak with you.
“Y/n, has Reyes stole your soul?”
“Well, you seem to be an empty shell of what you usually are at these events. It’s cause for a celebration: Lena did just complete her two-hundredth mission,” Hanzo reminded you.
“Yes, I know. I just… the pain has… come back.”
Hanzo could recall the last time the haunting aches tormented your feet. You were nearly out for a week, and nobody was entirely sure what they could do.
“Here, let me help you.”
Carefully setting you down in your bed, Hanzo quickly submerged a towel into a iced bowl of water and wrapped your foot, laying it back onto a soft pillow. The wrap on the other foot was done with more efficiency, and with such grace that it seemed second nature.
“There. Now, this won’t hold long, but I’ll come back in thirty minutes to soak the cloth once more. Until then, I must insist that you take a moment to yourself and heal, okay?” The archer’s voice was smooth, reassuring, and confident. He had experienced this sort of pain before, and knew exactly what he was doing.
“Thank you, Hanzo.” You smiled, relieved that you had such a caring and understanding friend.
“No, I will not chug my bottle of soda for twenty dollars! Fifty? Well…” Hana’s streams were loud, yes, but not as loud as the battlefield. Which would often include Hana’s streams. But that wasn’t the point. D.va’s shoutouts and quips were enough to keep you focused on something besides the pain in your foot, an ache and a striking frequency that would simply not go away, no matter what you tried. Yep, Hana was doing it. Three, two, one, she’s already finished it. Wait a second… stream alert… money donated. It was a pattern when it came to her ‘challenges’, but a routine was just what you needed.
A bolt of pain suddenly scraped itself across the arch of your foot, leading all the way up to your mid-calf. The out-of-the-blue resurrection of the pain was too much, and you yelped out in agony. The hall was silent, until Hana muttered something to her followers. The thud of two feet climbing out of her reclined mech, a sound uncommon to hear, were accompanied by the silhouette of Ms. Song in your doorway. She peered around the corner, unsure if there was a rogue Talon operative in your room, or a mouse under your bed.
“Y/n… what’s wrong?” D.va’s voice was filled with genuine concern. It must have sounded really painful, then.
“No- I mean, yes, Hana, I’m… nothing’s wrong. I’m okay. Just a bit of pa-” Another shot in your leg jetted across the muscle, and you called out once more. Hana rushed over to your bed, pulling off her headphones and turning on your bedside lamp.
“What is happening, y/n?”
“It’s the… it’s the pain in my feet again, Hana. I can’t get it to stop, and it’s persistent.” It was a wild case of aches, as your last sentence was nearly cut off, but saved by a push of emotional strength.
“Oh no… I remember. Here, lemme get Angela, she’ll patch you up straight away,” D.va muttered, pulling out her cell phone to contact the patron angel of Overwatch.
“No, it’s okay, I’ll be fine, really.”
“Y/n, you are one of the biggest troopers I know. You are tough as nails, and a great friend. But you need help, right now.” You were shocked. Hana Song thought all of that, about you?
“Thank you, Hana.”
“No, thank you. Make sure to drink some water, okay? I’ll be right back!” And just like that, D.va sprinted down the hallways, calling out for Dr. Mom.
#Overwatch#Headcanons#Imagine#Overwatch Imagines#Mercy#D.va#D va#Dva#Hana Song#Hanzo#Hanzo Shimada#Tiddy Man#Zenyatta#Genji#Angela#Request#Requests#overwatch-reader-imagines
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So what's are your headcannons about the overwatch recall? Who accepted it, who didn't, what kind of things do you think they would get up to?
Well Tracer was the first to respond, obviously. She’s Winston’s best friend and “The world could always use more heroes.” In my fic continuity, It’s Tracer first, then Reinhardt came in pretty quick with Brigitte in tow.
Winston: *settling back in his seat after activating the Recall* Phew. I hope everyone got the message.
Reinhardt: *charges through door in full armor* I AM HERE! WHEN DO WE START!?
Mei joined pretty soon as well what with the “Rise and Shine” cinematic.
Pharah joins in because she has her mother’s comm and she doesn’t feel like she’s doing enough with Helix Securities and being a part of Overwatch was always her dream. McCree wanted to ignore the recall, but then Tracer and Reinhardt and Pharah ended up rescuing his ass from Deadlock/Bounty Hunters and he figured maybe the solo thing wasn’t working out as well as it could be and he claimed he was just using the Watchpoint to ‘Lay low for a while’ but whoops he’s joining in on the missions and he’s invested now.
Torbjörn held out for a few weeks before he finally buckled and came in grumbling like “If you’re all going to insist on acting like heroic idiots, you may as well have some armor while you’re doing so.” And everyone was like, “Who is that with you.” And Torbjorn’s just like, “This is… Bastion.” And everyone’s like “Torb, that’s an omnic siege automaton” and Torb’s like “I know.” And Bastion’s just excited to make new friends!!
Then a couple of rough and bumpy missions later everyone was definitely like, “Okay yeah we need Doctor Ziegler if we’re going to survive this,” and McCree was sent to track her down and like… she of course ran her whole “Overwatch was shut down for a reason, maybe it’s best it stay that way” spiel, and she only came along with McCree to check on everyone and make sure they were all right but then she gets there and she’s seeing everyone again and it’s like… “oh right these guys were the closest thing I had to family for years and I can’t let them run off and get themselves killed” so Mercy ended up staying (also it didn’t hurt that she had access to a lot of the lab resources she had been missing out on while pretty much traveling the world doing relief work).
Genji and Zen joined in a short while later—Genji had been delayed in trying to convince Hanzo to stop being all dramatic and start his redemption arc already. And like, Genji tries to be kind of lowkey about joining (”Our paths cross for now, as for the future, we will see”), and like Mercy, he is pretty skeptical about restarting Overwatch, but like, now that he’s in a much better place thanks to Zen, he’s able to like… form connections with the people who he was kind of pushing away before because of his own pain. So, like Mercy and McCree, he ends up invested too. Zen was down to join because, following Mondatta’s death, he’d probably come to the understanding that there are powerful forces at work in the world devoted to profiting off of continued human/omnic conflicts, so Overwatch might be his best bet for bringing peace.
I imagine members whose status we aren’t really sure of yet, (Such as Kimiko, Mirembe, and Singh) are in hiding because Reaper and Talon’s hunting them down. That one kid in the cinematic trailer did say “half of them are mercenaries now” so that’s an option too.
At some point D.Va and Lúcio join the squad but for a while it’s a pretty nebulous like “give me a call and if I’m available, I’ll lend a hand” sort of thing. I’m still working out the details around that. Ana and Jack are the last original Overwatch members to join. They’re pretty much doing their own thing for months, trying to counteract Talon on their own while keeping their identities hidden, and they don’t join until the Volskaya incident. Zarya joins shortly after the Volskaya incident. Like, everyone is going to give Jack endless shit when they find out he’s been alive this whole time.
Mercy: I can’t believe you let us think you were dead all these years! I mourned you! I wept over you!
Genji: *equally outraged* She wept over you!
Jack: did… you weep over me?
Genji: *dismissive hand wave* ehhhh….
…So i guess that’s my rough chronology of who joins when. It’s also outlined a bit in my fic masterpost.
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If the Overwatch characters had blogs, what do you think they’d blog about? Who has the most followers? Who spends the most time on it?
i’ll put this under a cut cause i have the feeling it’ll get long
Ana - I don’t think she’d be the most active on her blog, but she would post every now and then. She gets featured on Fareeha’s and Gabe’s accounts more often than her own. When she does post, it always has some vague caption with it that makes her followers a little worried but still reassured that she’ll be fine.
Bastion - don’t think so but if they did they’d have a lot of plants. they’re that one ‘uwu love my cactus’ kid.
D.Va - Streams more often than blogs - her blog is just a way for her to promote herself and any causes, as well as accidentally reblog stuff Lúcio tags her in with no comment.
Genji - no blog, goes out into the street and shouts everything he’s thinking instead.
Hanzo - see above.
Junkrat - Has a blog but does not know how to use it. Posts pictures of his thumb or a terrifying close up he took while trying to tear a scab. Sometimes uses it as google, resulting in multiple posts of ‘where’s the nearest gas station’ and ‘how much gas can I take from a gas station without having someone come over and get mad at me’
Lúcio - Lots of kickstarters and local news, as well as demos of his new music. He replies to every single ask in his inbox without fail, and is the first person to post an awareness post about something happening in the world. His icon is a frog and I think that’s all you need to know.
McCree - no blog, prints out memes and sends them to Genji in snail mail. Gabe says he tried to get him to stop it but Jesse wouldn’t listen.
Mei - Cutest pastel blog around, lots of plants reblogged from Bastion and awareness posts from Lúcio. She reblogs everyone’s promos and answers every nice ask with a long string of ‘thank you aaaaa’. Zarya is her number one mutual and they don’t know how to use IMs. Her personal posts tag is ‘a-mei-zing!’
Mercy - Started a blog but never got around to using it. Most of her posts are just descriptions of what happened in her day and which member of Overwatch had to come to medbay to get something taken out of their ass that day.
Pharah - Best blog. Posts the freshest memes and the best aesthetics. She has the most followers out of everyone and she calls all of them her best friends. Features her mom sometimes on her posts that gets everyone asking if they can follow her too. Gets memes in the mail from Jesse sometimes as well.
Reaper - Had a sick blog where he posted a bunch of pictures with Ana, Jack, Fareeha, and Jesse that got a lot of followers. His followers were mainly nice but if someone stepped out of line they never forgot it. Blog got deleted at some point unfortunately.
Reinhardt - Probably the same as Ana, except all his personal posts are in all caps and his followers refer to him as dad.
Roadhog - Has a blog but unfortunately his fingers are too big for the keyboard.
Soldier: 76 - don’t know, don’t care
Sombra - Neon purple #aesthetic. Doesn’t make any personal posts and sometimes goes offline for a long time only to come back months later like nothing’s wrong. Any attempts at finding out more about her have been unsuccessful.
Symmetra - Has a pretty nice blog, actually. Mei and Pharah are her best friends online and help her get started and understand anything confusing. Mainly pictures that she thinks are pretty.
Torbjorn - posts toes.
Tracer - I don’t think she’d use a blog that much, but when she does she uses it only to update on her personal life. Lots of training pics, post-workout selfies, old Overwatch crew group pics, and lots and lots of things related to Emily and how gay she is.
Widowmaker - no blog, but sometimes checks up on how everyone else’s is doing.
Winston - Adds a nice caption to every picture he reblogs, mentioning either who it reminds him of or a fun fact about whatever the picture is of. Doesn’t have a very big following but that’s okay, he still appreciates the few.
Zarya - Half fitspo and half gay. Her post-workout selfies got her the most followers, and she has a lot of body-posi stuff there as well. Her IMs with Mei go on forever, and she often reblogs stuff from Pharah with a caption on exactly how funny the meme is and if she can make a better one or not.
Zenyatta - Quiet blog, posts pictures that are nice and reblogs reference sheets and tips so he can keep them around. Follows Symmetra and sends her lots of pictures that he thinks she might like. Doesn’t have too many personal posts, but every time he does post his thoughts it gets liked by the entire Overwatch crew, including Genji borrowing someone’s phone.
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Who in Overwatch Sings, Dances, Plays an Instrument, Does a Combination of Them, or None
This set of headcanons is so important me like you guys don’t even know. XD
Roadhog - I feel like this one is self-explanatory because have you heard his voice that bass
D.Va - Did someone say YouTuber who sings amped up song covers because I certainly did
Mercy - She kind of does it for the same reason Symmetra does but seriously these girls should be doing something with their voices other than being salty in combat
Winston - Fight me the monkey sings and the monkey sings well
Tracer - Really likes show-tunes like they are her jam (her singing is also strongly influenced by Emily who encouraged her to develop on the skill); tried to dance in the past but her speed makes her a bit spazzy overpowering to partners so she just sticks to her show-tunes
Zenyatta - Rarely does so (he usually just hums) when he does hoo boi
Junkrat - he’s amazing at dancing despite his lack of limbs and often just dances about while working when his muscles start getting tense and I will legit fight anyone who disagrees with me on the subject of Junkrat dancing okay
Hanzo - highly skilled with classical dance; could also probably sing if he wanted to but he doesn’t so
Zarya - you can often witness this rare phenomenon if you peek in on her at the gym while she’s working out alone; big girl’s bomb on the dance floor let me tell you
Sombra - She is a force to be reckoned with, especially when it comes to fast-paced single-person dancing
Torbjorn - This is a rare sight to see but when he goes home he and his wife are like one of those couples to just dance dorkily around the living room in front of the fireplace after the kids are asleep; used to be a pretty decent singer as well (if not a little tone-deaf) but these days his voice gets all cracked and raspy and he really just kind of can’t anymore due to his constant screaming damaging his vocal chords (he still tries to sing lullabies for the kiddos tho and they love it)
Plays an Instrument:
Bastion - hear me out he plays a ukulele made specifically for him so his big mecha hands don’t break it (By who? Torb,obviou-- The world may never know.)
Genji - All three; has an amazing singing voice but rarely does, skilled in various forms of has (mainly classical), aaaand angsty drummer boy used to drum away his feelings and got gud in the process
McCree - Sings and dances; he can’t play guitar but everyone thinks he does because stereotypes and he likes the attention so he tries to keep up the charade but whenever anyone asks him to play he’s like, “Uh, well, I’m kinda of busy so I’mma just slip outta here beforeyoususpectanythingbye”
Reaper/Gabriel - All three; is the one who can actually play guitar but no one knows it and he tries to hide it from everyone because he thinks it makes him seem softer
Soldier: 76/Jack Morrison - Sings and plays guitar and ukuele; has tried to dance in the past as well but trips over his own feet literally all the time like it’s a wonder this man is the poised creature he usually is but when you get him on the dance floor it’s like one, two, three-- Gah, fuck! He just faceplanted alright bad idea abort abORT
Lucio - All three, obviously; surprisingly can’t play many instruments, though he’s quite fond of the drums and the ukulele
Ana - Sings and dances; used to sing for her daughter and sometimes just when she was annoyed and/or stressed; also one of the most bomb-ass dancers ever when it comes to fast-based dancing like yES
Reinhardt - Sings and dances; Daddy Rein is the best flamenco/salsa dancer around like why I dunno he probably learned to show off to attractive ladies and gents back in the day but he’s still got it like only Ana and Sombra can get close to his skill like not even Gabe can he’s great
Widowmaker - Sings and dances; literally only sings in French and they’re usually lullabies or ballads; skilled in classical dance (I consider ballet a classical type of dance but just to point out, since some people were confused, she does/used to do ballet) but you may catch a glimpse of her wriggling her hips in a seductive dance club-dancing way if there’s music on that gets her in such a mood; all of this is very very rare to see
Pharah - See here! https://imagines-hub.tumblr.com/post/159588067929/zarmethyst-replied-to-your-post-who-in
Symmetra - Sings and dances; doesn’t really sing for any other reason than to create and sing little songs to help her remember things but her voice is so pretty when she sings like hnnnNNN; she also knows the way of traditional Indian dance
Mei - She’s just smart as hell in her own fields and is totally okay with this
Orisa - She’s just a bab but maybe she shall learn someday like ukulele duets with Bastion
#these headcanons make me very happy#overwatch#overwatch headcanons#overwatch imagines#imagines-hub#overwatch genji#genji shimada#overwatch mccree#jesse mccree#overwatch jesse mccree#overwatch hanzo#hanzo shimada#overwatch reinhardt#reinhardt#overwatch sombra#sombra#overwatch reaper#gabriel reyes#overwatch soldier 76#soldier:76#overwatch jack morrison#overwatch winston#overwatch zarya#overwatch widowmaker#overwatch mercy#overwatch bastion#overwatch mei#overwatch ana amari#ana amari#jack morrison
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