#it's my vigilante boyfriends fix it au!!
lady-of-snails · 3 years
found some angsty-ish dialogue I scribbled out after ch309 and rewrote it to fit with current canon kinda...here u go it’s too short for ao3 (I prob put it on twitter too) (bkdk, angst, open ending, bnha manga spoilers)
“I nearly died for you and you just leave?” Katsuki yells, hating the way unshed tears burn in his chest, threatening to spill out along with the rest of him.
“That’s why I left, Kacchan!” Deku yells back, not as loud because he saves that passion for his stupidity, saves his anger for a fight, saves that fire for when the odds are stacked against him. Maybe that’s why he burns brighter than Katsuki ever has. “You nearly died because I failed! I can’t-I can’t lose more people I care about. I have to be stronger than…than the useless Deku you had to save.”
“So, what?” Katsuki spits, “You’re running off to play hero by yourself when I told you not to? When I…” He trails off and bites down on his tongue, the words getting stuck in his throat.
“I’m not alone, Kacchan,” Deku says, with the gall to let a tear roll down his cheek as if he’s the one getting hurt here, “I have All Might, and Hawks, and-”
“ARE YOU SAYING THEY’RE BETTER THAN ME?” Katsuki screams over him, every part of him aching. It’s only when he feels Deku’s shaky breath on his skin at the same time he hears it does he realize how close he’s gotten. He meets Deku’s eyes and he hopes, he knows, that Deku knows what he’s really trying to say.
I can protect you. Let me protect you. Please don’t leave me behind.
“We both know that you’re only with them so you can get closer to AfO,” Katsuki says, voice lowered and gravelly with the tears he’s forcing back, “and the second you do, it’s right back to your save everybody bullshit.”
“I…” Deku sniffled and inhales deeply, breaking eye contact, “it’s the only choice I have.”
“Bullshit,” Katsuki growls again, shoving a finger into Deku’s chest, “You could fucking stay. You could fucking…you could stay with…” Me. “…the people that actually give a shit about you. You could give a shit about yourself.”
“I don’t…I have a job to do, Kacchan,” Deku says, still not looking him in the eyes because apparently Katsuki’s not worth that, “It doesn’t matter what happens to me as long as-”
Deku sucks in a sharp breath like he’s been punched, and Katsuki swallows the lump in his throat.
“There’s a future after AFO, Deku. A future you deserve.” Katsuki’s close to begging now, something he never dreamed he’d do, especially not to Deku, but here he is. Begging the most important person in his life to not leave it. “And a future I’m selfish enough to hope I’m a part of,” he admits quietly. He bows his head further, bringing his forehead to Deku’s, then cups his soft cheeks with a shaky hand. “God damn it.
“Since when did you become an acceptable loss?”
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