#it's my favorite food so i'll spend the energy to make it every few months
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sadlittlestray · 6 months ago
i have bad flu aches rn (from cfs not from the flu i'm in the middle of moving) but i cooked a meal before the ingredients went bad :) i made golden curry
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jjmaybanksbaby · 4 years ago
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer II
Part 03: Been A While
series masterlist | previous part
summary: Your second summer in the Outer Banks becomes a whole lot more complicated when you realize a year away from Rafe hasn't changed your feelings for him at all.
a/n: And we're back with summer two - the summer before sophomore year whoop whoop! Writing this gave me butterflies so I hope you have the same feeling reading it! I always love hearing y’all’s commentary so don't be shy to scream about your favorite parts back at me.
word count: 2.5k words
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Your mom reached over and tapped you gently on the arm.
"Put your phone away please, y/n. You can text Evan when we land."
"We're not even moving yet." You replied.
As if on cue, the pilot's voice echoed over the intercom. "Good morning passengers. This is your captain speaking. Welcome onboard Flight 4B7 with service from Portland to the Outer Banks. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage..."
You stashed your phone in the pocket of the seat in front of you and closed your eyes, hoping that by the time you woke up you would be landing.
After the way last summer had gone, you were surprised when your mom announced that you were spending the summer in the Outer Banks again.
Frankly, you weren't that happy to be headed to North Carolina. Alice and Kensie, your two best friends back home, had opted not to go to camp this summer so the three of you had planned to spend every day at Alice's pool, biking to the Dairy Queen a few blocks away or begging of your moms to drive you to the mall.
Plus, there was Evan. Your boyfriend of six months. You'd both been cast as the understudies for the leads in the fall musical. Because of some freak food-poisoning accident, both you and Evan had to go on as Cinderella and Prince Charming in the final show. When he kissed you under the bright stage lights, it had felt like more than just a stage kiss. He'd asked you out at the cast party later than night and you'd been dating ever since.
Evan was great. He really was. He was thoughtful and cared about you. But ever since your mom had bought the plane tickets to the Outer Banks back in March, every time you kissed Evan you could only think of Rafe Cameron.
You trailed behind your mother on the way to baggage claim, bent over your phone responding to the texts Alice and Kensie had sent in the group chat while you'd been in the air. Apparently, they'd bumped into Kensie's crush and need to analyze every detail. A feeling of jealously you hadn't anticipated crept into your chest, weighing you down. Even indoors, the muggy heat of the Outer Banks made it clear how far from Oregan - and from your people - you were.
You looked around the airport, searching for the baggage claim with your flight number and noticed an incredibly familiar head of blonde head of hair standing nearby.
"Sarah Cameron?" You asked.
Sarah spun around a joyful smile on her face. "Oh my god! Y/n!" She ran over, wrapping you in a hug. "Are you back for the summer?"
You nodded your head which elicited another excited scream from her.
"What are you doing at the airport?" You asked her.
"You'll never guess! We're getting a house in the Bahamas!" She gushed.
"Sarah!" A deep voice called. You looked up to see another older-looking version of Rafe headed in your direction.
Your mom froze beside you. "Oh dear," she whispered.
The man's gaze didn't leave your mom. "Heather," he said.
"Ward," she responded.
Oh, you thought. So that's Rafe's dad.
"It's good to see you," your mom continued. "You look," she paused for moment, "good."
"You as well," Ward responded.
The carousel behind you started to move and luggage streamed out.
"That's us," your mom said, pointing over to the moving carousel. "We should go."
"I'll tell Rafe you're back," Sarah whispered to you. "He's gonna be so excited."
You smiled down at her knowing that you'd already made a vow to yourself to avoid him all summer. You refused to let Rafe ruin what you and Evan had and the only way you could guarantee that was making sure you didn't see him at all.
Sarah bounded in the front door of the Cameron's house. "We're home" she called out, her sing-songy voice echoing through the big house. Ward entered after her, carrying their luggage.
"Welcome home," Rose said, greeting Ward at the door with a kiss.
Sarah rolled her eyes at the exchange. It wasn't that she actively hated her step-mom, she would just have rather her dad not married her. Though he was buying her a house in the Bahamas as an anniversary present so maybe she wasn't all bad.
"Is Rafe upstairs?" Sarah asked.
"I think so," Rose replied.
Sarah ran up the stairs, skipping every other one, the way Ward always told her not to do. She came to a sudden stop in front of Rafe's closed door.
"Rafeeeeee," she yelled, knocking rapidly until his voice bellowed back at her through the wall.
"What do you want Sarah? Go away!" He yelled.
"Fine," Sarah said. "I guess you don't care that y/n is back in town then?"
The door swung open just a few seconds later. “What did you say?” Rafe asked.
“Y/n was at the airport. She’s back in the Outer Banks for the summer.” Sarah turned on her heel and sashayed her way to her own bedroom leaving Rafe in his doorway to process the information.
Maybe this summer will be a whole less boring, Rafe thought.
The summer was going exactly how you'd expected. It was surprisingly nice to have your younger brother to keep you company and more importantly, keep you busy. You spend your days either on the beach, tanning, watching your brother splash in the waves, and making your way through the reading list of the Honors English class you had opted to take next year or at the Club's pool, eating chicken tenders for lunch and washing them down with the thick chocolate milkshakes.
Rafe's friends frequently made an appearance at the Club. You watched them sneak vodka from flaskes into cups of spirit from being your shaded sunglasses. So far, Rafe had yet to join them.
Currently, Phoebe was flirting hardcore with Sawyer, begging him to put sunscreen on her back so she wouldn't burn. It was all too predictable.
You turned your attention back to Nick Carraway and his descriptions of Gatsby's grand parties momentarily.
You heard Sarah's voice before she appeared next to you and plopped down on the chair your brother had been occupying before he decided he needed more ketchup for his fries and had ran off.
"Y/n," she started with the same youthful energy she always talked with, "has Rafe invited you to our Fourth of July party yet?"
"Umm," you hesitated. "No, he hasn't said anything about it."
"Ugh," Sarah threw her head back in a dramatic motion. "I told him to text you about it. He's useless. Anyway, we throw a huge party for the Fourth every year and you have to come. There are fireworks and everything..."
Sarah's monologue faded to the background as you looked up and noticed Rafe standing at the top of the steps that lead down the pool. Your stomach flopped in the same way it always did when you saw him.
Rafe started walking down the steps and a small panic set in. His own eyes wandered across the pool deck and it was only time before he recognized you. You shifted your body slightly, trying to use Sarah to block yourself from his view.
You turned your attention back to his younger sister, afraid that you'd accidentally make eye contact with Rafe.
Crap, crap crap, you repeated in your head. Rafe was for sure heading in your direction. Even as you forced yourself to focus on Sarah, you couldn't stop yourself from watching Rafe out of the corner of your eye and he was walking straight toward you. Your 'avoid-Rafe-all-summer' plan was going to be impossible now. With every step he took, you could feel your heart beating faster. It felt just like last summer.
Rafe stopped in front of the chair Sarah was sitting in and you couldn't stop yourself from looking up at him, a smile threaten to slide onto your face. The same warm but dangerous feeling you only got when Rafe was around took ahold of you.
"Sarah," he said, cutting her off mid-sentence. "Ward's looking for you."
She jumped up with a sudden spurt of energy, "Okay, I'll go find him!" She leaned down engulfing you in another hug. "See you around y/n." She said before running off.
"Bye Sarah." You replied.
"You know, you're like my sister's favorite person," Rafe said, still standing above you. "She mentioned you were in-town for the summer..." He let his sentence trail off.
But I hadn't seen you around. You finished for him in your head.
"Yeah, we got in about a week ago." You said. The tension that hung in the air between the two of you was exactly the reason you were trying to avoid him. The last time you had seen him he'd kissed you in a way you hadn't been able to get out your head for months afterward. It was a dangerous game. Nonetheless, here he was standing in front of you and you were barely holding it together.
Your phone began to ring and the photo of Evan kissing your check from homecoming popped up with the caller id. Rafe's eyes glanced over it and an unreadable expression crossed his face.
Right, it was 4 o'clock on Wednesday. The time and day you and Evan had decided you would call each other every week.
"Uhh, I gotta get this." You said to Rafe, reaching over and picking up the phone.
"Yeah, okay. See you later y/n." He replied before walking away from you and to his friends.
Your eyes followed him all the way even as you clicked answered and Evan's voice filled your ear.
A feeling of nervousness set in as you approached the Cameron's, the absurd number of cars parked outside confirming you were at the right place. You glanced over each of your shoulders worried that your mom would pull up any second to drag you back home after you lied about where you were spending your evening. You felt decently bad about saying you were going to the Club to watch fireworks and coming to the Cameron's instead but you knew your family's stance on Rafe and his dad.
It seemed like the entire population of the Outer Banks was spread across the Cameron's backyard. Adults sipped festive cocktails as little kids, hyped-up onto much sugar, weaved in between their legs, chasing one another around. You looked around hesitantly, thankful when Sarah emerged from the crowd, frosting smeared across her face.
"You made it! I'm so happy you're here!" She screamed.
"Sarah," you laughed. "You have blue frosting all over you." You used your finger to wipe it from her cheek.
"Rose ordered the most delicious cake you've ever had. You have to try it. I can get you some. Do you want some?" She asked eagerly.
"I'm okay right now. Thank you though. Have you seen Rafe?" You asked. You were at his party, after all, it wasn't like there was any point in avoiding him now.
Sarah turned and pointed to the dock where Rafe and his group of friends were standing. "He's over there."
"Great. Okay! I'm going to go say hi."
"Have fun!" Sarah replied with a smile before running off in the same direction she's appeared in.
You made your way through the crowd to the dock, the groups' attention turning to you as you approached.
"Hey," you said, shyly.
Cleo and Riley jumped up from where they had been sitting with their legs dangling in the water.
"Y/n, right?" Cleo asked before leaning in for a hug.
"Yeah. Hi! It's good to see you guys again." You replied.
"You too! Rafe said you were back in town and I was wondering when you'd finally make an appearance." Cleo said.
You look over at Rafe to find him already watching you. He pushed through Cole and Milo and was suddenly in front of you
"Um, y/n and I need to get the fireworks." He said to the group. You watched Riley shoot Cleo a confused look but Cleo just shrugged it off.
Rafe grabbed your hand and pulled you along, leaving you no choice but to follow him. You walked in silence, other than the sound of your heart beating rapidly.
Rafe stopped at a small brick shed on the side of the house. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, pulling you in after. There were kayaks and paddleboards hanging on the walls and some old lifejackets littered the floor.
"Rafe-" you tried to start but he cut you off.
"Y/n, I seriously can't go one more minute without kissing you again."
Rafe looped his arm around your waist, cupped the back of your neck with his hand, and landed his lips on yours.
For a moment, you tilted your face upwards and leaned your body into his before your senses came rushing back to you and you shoved him backwards off of you. Surprise registered on his face.
"Rafe. No. I can't do this." Your voice broke, panic coursed through your whole body. "God, I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have come here today or followed you here."
"Y/n." Rafe said but held your hand up warning him to say quiet.
"I have to go. I have to go," you repeated. "Tell Sarah I'm sorry I missed the fireworks. I know she'll be disappointed. I have to go."
You turned to leave but Rafe grabbed your wrist and his eyes locked with yours, his expression begging you to stay.
"I have a boyfriend." You blurted out. The weight of those four words settled on Rafe's face and you jerked your arm out of his grasp. You spun on your heel and walked out the shed and putting distance between you and the boy making your life so complicated.
You crossed the Cameron's yard, trying to gather yourself and slow your chaotic, unsteady breathing. You hurried down the long driveway, making it to the road without any tears slipping out of your eyes.
Rafe had tried to kiss you. He hadn't tried, he had kissed you. And you sorta kissed him back. No, not sorta. You kissed him back. But then you stopped. You pushed him away. You realized it was wrong. You didn't want to hurt Evan. You weren't gonna hurt Evan.
The fireworks began to explode behind you, large booms thundered across the sky, their big colors illuminating the night. You didn't dare turn around watch them. They reminded you too much of Rafe: the boy pulling your head and your heart in two different directions.
taglist! @oreoenthusiast13 [drop a ☀️ in my inbox or messages if you want to be added]
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chaiscentedcandle · 4 years ago
Like You (George Weasley x fem!reader)
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: George Weasley
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Y/n can’t find anybody else like George
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: none
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: lil angsty, cursing, mentions of food, gets happy towards the end!
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,461
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is inspired by my all time freaking favorite Doja Catsong, Streets, omg I love it, I also had a different idea for this song but as I was writing it just took a turn so I might write another one but it’ll be different, but anyways if you guys haven’t listened to Streets you should omgggg but you don’t have too!! Anyways I hope you guys like it!💗💗 I ONLY USED KATIE BELL AS DRAMA NO KATIE BELL SLANDER🤚🏼
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Like you, like you
Like you, ooh
I found it hard to find someone like you
To say Y/n love life was sad was kinda far behind it, sure he’s dated boys in the past before, but the feelings never stayed. She dated boys and not men because back then her judgement never got the best of her. She did feel bad that after only a few weeks of dating she questioned her feelings, they’d gone so soon but why?
Like you, like you
Send your location come through
I can’t sleep no more
In my head we belong
Y/n always felt like she was doing something wrong when she broke up with them, it wasn’t their fault she lost feelings she just....did. Dating is hard, it’s very hard and no one will tell you that, all these other people make it look easy and fun but it’s just the exact opposite.
And I can’t be without you
Why can’t I find no one like you?
I can’t sleep no more
In my head we belong
Maybe dating was hard because your soul knew the person your with is not the person you want to be with. Maybe it’s hard because deep down you know you won’t have a future with said person and it feels like waisted time. Maybe datings hard because the person you want to be with is with someone else.
These thoughts plagued Y/n and George at night. In each other’s head they belonged together.
And I can’t be without you
Why can’t I find no one like you?
Baby, we tried to fight it
We all been there some days
Sometimes it’s not just hard for one party, sometimes it’s hard for the other party as well. Because George has been in love with Y/n for as long as he could remember, his best friend, and it didn’t feel weird to be in love with her, he tried to push his feelings down, so far down that he couldn’t feel them, yet the feelings are too strong.
Thought I need something else
And acted like I was okay
We just had to work it out
And baby, I needed space
George thought maybe if he dated someone else things would be okay instead of acting like it was okay. He needed to work things out, he gave himself space from Y/n which not only left her confused but Fred as well, he tells everything to Fred so why is he distancing himself from her?.
So when he started dating Katie Bell, it didn’t feel right. Something in his gut told him it wasn’t right and he shouldn’t be doing it, but how could he tell his best friend he’s in love with her? She probably wasn’t even in love with him, he wasn’t even Katie’s first choice.
Ain't nobody 'round here wrong
You love all yours so far away
You're pouring your heart out
I'm acting like I knew
George and Katie’s relationship didn’t last long, he refused to kiss her and only wanted to hold her hand, anytime she’d try to find way to kiss him he’d make a silly excuse to slip away. After a few months they finally split, he couldn’t deny how he felt towards Y/n anymore, he’s been denying it too long.
Late at night he would create scenarios where he poured his heart out to Y/n and she acted like she knew already, his words were moving and he didn’t stumble over his words and they’d share a fiery kiss. Every night he wished something like that would happen.
You held me so down
So down I never grew, oh
I tried to find out
When none of them came through
Before George could confess his feelings for Y/n she also dated someone for a span of months, Adrian Pucey. Adrian Pucey was well known around the school, being on the Slytherin quidditch team had its perks, but Y/n never knew why he was well known for it, other people had been on the quidditch team.
Adrian Pucey put Y/n in a corner when he asked her to be his girlfriend in front of everyone at the great hall, Y/n was speechless for a moment, of course it had to be in front of everyone, if she said no she’d be seen as a heartless bitch. Y/n convinced herself that maybe since George had dated someone else she should too.
Their relationship lasted shorter then George and Katie’s. Adrian had no idea what to do with a relationship nor how to treat a women, he was cold and mean to Y/n, he always backed her into a corner and called her names when she didn’t agree with him, so in a flurry of emotions she broke up with him in front of a decent sized group of people. She felt like he had held her down, she’s a delicate flower who’s trying to blossom into a beautiful hibiscus but Adrian was a slug who was holding her down from growing.
And now I'm stuck in the middle
And baby had to pull me out, oh
Like you, like you
Like you, ooh
George was beyond aggravated when Adrian had asked Y/n out, his Y/n, Fred tried to talk to him later that day in the common room. “Y/n is her own person and can date whoever she wants” Fred told him, “yeah, but it’s angering too see her with some prat as Adrian Pucey”. Ron had butted into the conversation to joke and say that the twins roles had been reversed and one was acting like the other, alas he was told to shut up.
Before Y/n had broken up with Adrian he tried to figure out all the things wrong Adrian was doing, he could’ve made a bullet point list of a few pages from the things he picked up on. He brought them all to Y/n’s attention, she didn’t deny them because, well, she already knew. She had no idea why she was with him. She was more than grateful that George had helped pull her out from the middle.
I found it hard to find someone like you
Like you, like you
Send your location, come through (Yeah)
Damn papa, you a rare breed, no comparing
Now that they are both single George thought it would be a great time to tell Y/n how he feels, but it’s harder done than said. Anytime he’d find a lull in a conversation or comfortable silence he could feel his heart wanting to tell her, wearing to tell her but his mouth just wouldn’t move and his brain just wouldn’t function.
Y/n also wanted to tell George how she felt for so long but could never come to either, whenever they’d be apart from each other she’d have other students or friends come find her then tell her George was looking for her, he’s always looking for her. Y/n thought most of the guys at Hogwarts were just like Adrian, but when she left Adrian she realized there was many guys way different then Adrian, like George, he wasn’t like anyone she’s really seen and it took her this long to realize how rare he is.
And it's motherfuckin' scary
Tryna keep him 'cause I found him
Let a hoe know, I ain't motherfuckin' sharing
I could take you to the parents, then to Paris
Rumors began to spread that Katie was wanting George back, people said she was very sulky and quiet. Her friends said all she brought up was George and how annoying it was getting. “She spends most of her time talking about George, she’s had a few nights where all she talked about was him, it’s quite annoying actually” recalled one of her friends.
This made Y/n jealous. She tried to not get jealous but George had said he was done with Katie. Her mother always told her jealousy is bad medicine. Y/n couldn’t help the way she felt, she knows not to surprise feelings so she embraced it instead, she was jealous and she had a right to be. She waited this long, she didn’t want to share.
You the type I wanna marry (Yeah) and keep you merry
I'll put the ring on when you ready
We play our fantasies out in real life ways and
Y/n’s friend group who consisted of George, Fred, Lee, and Angelina had been talking about the situation in the Gryffindor common room, Y/n was slumped in a arm chair with her arms and legs crossed. She wasn’t pleased to hear the situation again, the students at Hogwarts grabbed onto any drama like a leech. “Are you okay, Y/n?” Angelina asked her, giving a glance to her then to the fire “I’m fine” she mumbled
No Final Fantasy, can we end these games though?
You give me energy, make me feel lightweight
Like the birds of a feather, baby
We real life made for each other
The drama started to disperse, people started to find other things to talk about. Y/n finally felt like she could breathe and she didn’t have to hear someone mumbling about Katie and George. Of course it couldn’t last forever, at lunch everyone chatted about something in the Great Hall. Katie and her friends sat more towards the front of the table while Y/n and her friends sat more towards the middle, Y/n noticed how Katie couldn’t keep her eyes from wandering. Soon Fred picked up on what was happening.
“Oi! George! Looks like a certain someone can’t take her eyes off you” as soon as it passed Fred’s lips, Y/n had tightly gripped a piece of bread she had been eating, crunching sound from the crust and crumps falling to her plate. George nudged her “are you alright?” He asked,Y/n didn’t even look up “I’m fine, do I not look fine?” She snapped. George hadn’t said another word.
Y/n felt like she was stuck in a game she’s meant to lose. To her luck, Katie came wondering over to their part of the table, you could tell she was nervous and she was playing with her fingers. She stopped in front of George “u-uhm, George?” She said quietly, almost to quiet. George looked up from his plate, meeting her eyes “yes?” He said confused. Katie played with her fingers more “i....I just wanted to say that, uhm....I miss you, quite a bit actually” she tucked her hair behind her ear and casted her gaze to the floor “and I was wondering if we could possibly....try again?” George was speechless, and shocked, sure Katie is a nice girl but she’s not his, not when his flower is sitting next to him, clearly seething. However, George didn’t want to embarrass her by saying no, he didn’t want to embarrass her like that. “Uhm...I’ll-I’ll think about it” Katie gave a silent “okay!” With a smile and walked back to her spot, a slight skip in her step.
This only aggravated Y/n more, why couldn’t George be the one to give her so much energy from just a single glance that made her head spin, why wouldn’t he make Y/n feel weightless. Why couldn’t they be birds of a feather?, maybe thinking they were made for each other didn’t really mean they were.
And it's hard to keep my cool
When other bitches tryna get with my dude and
When other chickens tryna get in my coop
'Cause you're a one in a million
There ain’t no man like you
Y/n didn’t want to cause a scene but it didn’t take a fool to notice how affected she was by what Katie had done, especially George’s response. Grabbing her bag, she stood up from her seat hastily and speed walked out of the Great Hall. Her cold and hard stare could send shivers down your spine, she looked like she was ready to exploded any second.
Maybe it was just her head telling her that George was hers, they hadn’t really talked about it for that matter. George had watched her leave the Great Hall, he kept his eyes in the direction she left still, his lips pressed into a fine line, his brain was running around with what he should do. He didn’t move until Hermione said something “well, what are you doing? Go after her!” He didn’t give it a second thought and was out the door.
It wasn’t long before George found Y/n at a spot over looking the Great Lake. Her elbow rested on a ledge with her chin in her hand, she looked a little more calm. George stood next to her, Y/n glanced at him then back to the lake. “What’s wrong?” George said, Y/n gave him another quick glance before she spoke “I thought you said you were done with Katie Bell” she had nothing against Katie, not really, she was just jealous. “I am” George said, Y/n rolled her eyes “didn’t look like it” she replied. Y/n didn’t want to hear it anymore, she turned on her heel to leave but only making a few steps before George grabbed her arms and turned her towards him “I don’t love her!” George said defensively “why are you so jealous anyways?” Y/n scoffed, she wasn’t going to admit she was jealous “I’m not jealous” she mumbled “yes, you are! Why are you jealous?” He repeated “because you’re one in a million! There’s no man like you! I want you for myself” Y/n spoke before she could think.
Like you, like you
Like you, ooh
I found it hard to find someone like you
Like you, like you
Y/n and George couldn’t believe what she had said, George often doubted himself but to hear that from someone he loves. It was refreshing. “I don’t love her” George said again “I love you” the tension was so thick you could cut it with a butcher knife. One was waiting for the other to do something. Y/n’s hands had been shaking a little, George was playing with his pointer finger and staring at his shoes, it was so unreal to them that they both were dumb enough to not see they both fancied each other.
Slowly Y/n took a few steps forward, she wrapped her arms around George’s neck and pulled him in. He buried his face in her neck “it was hard to find someone like you, and I don’t want to let you go” Y/n whispered “I don’t want to let you go either” George added. They both pulled away to look at each other, looking each other in the eyes to find something. George placed a soft kiss on Y/n’s forehead then placed his on hers. Finally they got to have each other.
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moonlitberrry · 4 years ago
not so popular
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➀ ᴀ/ɴ: based from what wonho wore last halloween i'll be following in pursuit of this school themed au where he's a football player and you're his best friend off the same year and i won't disclose that you're a nerd in this but be whoever you want. kinda christmas theme actually
➁ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: football player! lee hoseok/wonho x reader
➂ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff, school au
➃ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: none
once the football team opened vacant spots for new comers that's where wonho popped in
he trained a whole lot for this to join the football team and that include:
working out and staying fit
he plays as their new tight end offensive line
you wouldn't worry much about his well-being since he never skips meals or anything just like a couple of people who would prefer protein bars and drinks instead of other food
he uses that but also eats
he healthy boy
always attends practices and would never skip a single one unless there's an emergency
have grown popular in the football team quickly after one game
he was really nervous in playing in their first game like,
he can't focus and kept jumping like a lil bunny all around, trying to convince himself
"i can do this, i can do this."
"of course you can, hoseok!"
he felt so relieved that you’re always there with him. you’ve always been there with him ever since childhood
the both of you are friends since grade school and have always hanged out in each other’s homes. whenever wonho’s parents were out he always stay in around yours
as usual some people and a few of your friends thought that the both of you were a couple because of how close you are with him
you refused 
you weren’t in a denial but you just saw him as one of your family members, like a brother and everyone respected that
no one from your classes ever decided to push you about your relationship with wonho and you were glad they stopped because it gets annoying when they do
so, you’re comforting wonho and his anxiousness over playing in the field
at first you’re not allowed inside the locker room of the football players until a few of wonho’s teammates, the captain, let you in
you almost resulted to kicking one of them until they let you in but decided against detention than anything else
wonho would flip and ask you how you end up there
once you were by wonho’s side you comforted him and pat his back, telling him you’ll be cheering him on 
he keeps asking questions regarding his worries
“what if i mess up?”
“this is my first game, omg omg. this is my first!”
“oh hoseok, you won’t mess up. you’ve been practicing this all week. kill that game!”
because of your encouragements, it made him more pumped up into playing on the field
his teammates found it impossible to bring his mood up, but somehow you’re able to cheer him up for every crisis he receives
from that day on, wonho’s teammates allow you inside the locker room every time wonho becomes nervous 
ever since wonho’s first game his popularity grew
he became busy over the following years that the both of you hardly even talked to each other
you proposed on talking every night but he’s always tired after practice or hanging out with the guys
he promises to hang out with you, which resulted to movie nights every month 
the both of you scheduled on every friday night of the week but wonho kept canceling your plans with him
he’s very guilty about it
he wants to spend time with you everyday like before, but the both of you grew busy over your academics and school curricular activities 
expect random texts from your boi
to: [ your caller I.D ]
from: hoho
hey! have a great day, don't forget to eat your breakfast. i got you a pancake bunny :D see you then!
when you got downstairs you found oddly shaped pancakes but it cutely formed into a bunny
with whip cream as the tail
because he's whipped for you, get it? :'D ahAHa i need to stop laughing at my own jokes
a cute lil bunny just like him
you never cared how different it looked like, it honestly looks unique and cute making you snap a photo of it and save it for keep sakes
almost everyday whenever he had the time he would always leave little small texts to you which you happily see at any given time of the day
and you text him back the same kind of affection and his heart goes CRAZY
you don't know that yet because the both of you hardly see each other but when he looks at you he has heart eyes
that whipped that you aren't aware of but anyway
you wish you could see him in person somehow
i mean, you do see him in school but he's usually busy with practice so you weren't sure
he also found a new group of friends recently that are not much of your status level
they all seem nice but you're not exactly sure on how to talk to wonho's new friends
somehow you find his name being off and across the campus of how a lot of people thought he was cool and how much a couple of them had a crush on him too
you aren't lying, you also find wonho that way
except for the crush
there is no way you would be crushing on your best friend, that would be awkward to handle
but you did
and you didn't know how to handle it
but one night
you get to hang out with him again after so long and it made the both of you relieved
thanking it all to your holidays break! (happy holidays! :D)
wonho made you pick out the movie for the both of you to watch while he chose the food
ever since then
he NEVER changed
well except for the fact of being really obvious of how much he likes you
would sometimes consult a couple of his friends on how to talk to you about it
and or ask you out
i mean he has asked someone out before and you were aware of it until he broke up with them around some year ago
so yes, boi is nervous
what else didn't change from him?
oh yeah, ramen
expect two bowls of ramen that he prepared for the both of you to have
"i. really. love. ramen. owki?"
"aww, more than you love me? ;("
"... but i do love you."
you laughed it off and decided to eat but he was serious though
it made you stop and stare at him like,
wait wait wait
you love who?
"i love you, (y/n)... i really do."
ok so you actually thought he liked someone else and not you
he has a bunch of admirers recently that you can't count how much because THEY'RE A LOT
and wonho is hot so
oh wow look im rhyming
you can't blame them for it but i guess you stole his bunny heart already
for a very long time really
"i actually thought you liked someone else."
"you might think that way but you never failed to cross my mind ever since we were busy. i like talking to you and ever since we were separated like that it made me miss you a whole lot, you know?"
and here you are, gradually melting
honestly, the both of you don't know what to do next but one of you should speak
"i'm so thankful to have this time with you again. so, will you spend it now with your best friend?"
"oh hoseok, not best friend."
"iM nOt yOur fRienD aNymOre??? D:"
"no, but my boyfriend, silly"
this made you laugh at how cute he is
"well in that case ;)"
of course, made the move to kiss you first right on your break with him
had the need to initiate it right when the both of you confessed
"time to watch some sweet holidays flicks to start the day with my favorite person"
"oh, absolutely"
that's not your last kiss though
kisses you a lot lot ever since then
also made a make shift headband where a mistletoe hung
only wears it when the both of you are alone and he can have his sweet time of kissing you,,, under the mistletoe
he just wants your affection, owki?
he just wants all of your loveeee
but wow though, your friends cheering you both for finally getting into a relationship
they thought it was so obvious
that the both of you would like each other at some point
and you guys did ♡
so this is not over guys, i got a little more info as football player wonho aight?
you always come to his games of course and he always asks for a kiss before a game starts
its to boost up his energy and you're just,
"don't you have a lot energy already?"
he won't stop whining about it
honestly just wants your kisses and your love
and so it became a habit of you kissing him before a game starts
when he looses you give extra affection
when he wins he will take you out somewhere or just host up a lazy date at your place
he always ask for a hug or a kiss every after practice
"babe, i'm home! now how about a-."
"i'll give you a kiss after you shower-."
always sweaty after practice, the sweat of hard work
you only give him a peck on the cheek after he's done with practice but no cuddle until he showers
you would always help him catch up whenever he misses a class or two because of practices where a big game is on
boy lacks a bit of sleep so yes
always remind him to pack extra food and water just in case
sometimes you would do it because he forgets
am i done now? yes yes i am finally done.
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