#it's more in sync on mobile but whatevs
mortifying-macaroni · 5 months
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L.A's Power Players
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blackbird-brewster · 6 months
Highlights from Catherine Tate's Q&A Panel at Armageddon Expo 2024 (NZ) :
[I took notes best I could during the panel but some may be paraphrased]
Q: What's your favourite Doctor Who alien?
CT: The wonderful Ood!
Q: Who's your favourite Doctor? (Crowd gasps in anticipation)
CT: Well, I get asked this a lot, and obviously it's David (Tennant). I don't know what number he is, he keeps coming back. But definitely, David. Although, someone recently pointed out that I was technically the first ever female Doctor. So you know what? Me, I'm my favourite Doctor.
Q: What's your favourite episode you were in of Doctor Who?
CT:The Runaway Bride, because that's where it all began.
Q: What's a favourite memory of working with David Tennant on Doctor Who?
CT: The scene in 'Partners in Crime', the one with the Adipose, there's the scene where Donna and the Doctor see each other from across a room. But they're both behind glass and they have the whole mime scene with the windows. Well, I remember it was about 3am when we were filming that - - Russel really likes to film at night if the story is taking place at night - so it was 3am, and I said to the director 'Uh, right here it just says Donna Mimes' and he said 'Yeah do whatever'.
So that whole scene was ad-lib during shooting and David and I were so in sync with it, we did that first take and the director said cut and print!
Q: How emotional were you filming your final scene in Journey's End?
CT: So, we didn't always film in order. And I'm not really a sentimental person, but I will say I thought Donna's ending was absolutely perfect. When she meets the Doctor she was always yelling at the world, and she was so different than what she was by the end, she had so much growth with the Doctor and she changed so much in her time with him, but then, she forgets the him and all those memories. And that final scene, what really got me was how he says 'Donna, I'm off' and she's just, I think she's on the phone, and she just waves dismissively. She doesn't know him anymore. Russell, the way he ties things together, he's brilliant, that man.
Q: What was it like working with Bernard (Cribbins)?
CT: Oh, Bernard. God, I love him. He was so funny and talented. He always had stories and voices and sound effects. He loved making people laugh. But we had a gag where every single time I called him I'd say (Donna Voice) 'GRANDAD!'
He'd say, "Who is this?"
"It's Catherine."
"Catherine who?"
"Catherine Tate"
"Never heard of her."
We did this every time I called him and I loved it.
Q: Is there anything annoying about working with David Tennant?
CT: No, absolutely not. He's perfect. He's the best person to work with. I will say though, I was annoying him a lot. When we did the 60th Anniversary specials, our trailers looked exactly the same and I never knew where my trailer was. I'd walk into his all the time!
Sometimes I'd walk in and see his shoes in the trailer and instead of thinking 'Oops, wrong trailer', my brain went 'What's he gone and left his shoes in my trailer for?'
It got so bad, sometimes I'd walk up the stairs and from inside I'd hear 'NO.'
Q: Was it weird coming back to play Donna after all these years? Especially when it was along side David Tennant?
CT: It was a bit weird, more in the 'Oh I hope i still know how to do this' way than anything. But I did think it would be hilarious if David and I arrived on set and every take we just did completely wrong voices. Just thought it'd be hilarious for him to go (in an airy upper-crust British accent) 'Ohhhh, hellloooo. I'm the Doctor'
Q: If you could take any prop from set, what would you take?
CT: Ohhhh, I'd have very large pockets and see what I could fit. But mostly I think it'd be a sonic screwdriver. It's gotta be a sonic screwdriver, doesn't it? It's small and mobile... Easy to steal. Plus, it'd fetch a great price on Ebay!
Q: Best show you've ever worked on?
CT: The Office, they paid me tons of money.
Q: My mum loves David Tennant, is there something you can say to dissuade her?
CT: Hm, something to convince her he's not.... Oh, he doesn't believe in astrology! I'll say 'It's Mercury Retrograde' and he'll say 'NO, NO, NO I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT'.
Other Highlights:
As soon as she came out, she saw the stage had no steps to the audience, so she stayed on mic and went the long way round to go into the audience and interview people, trying to find who had traveled the furthest to be here. She was sorely disappointed everyone was just from Aotearoa 🤣
Donna Lines She Performed:
"Oi Spaceman! You're not mating with me sunshine!" (Crowd went wild for that)
"Binary. Binary. Binary." (🥺)
She did some of her characters: Lauren Cooper mostly, but also wished someone Happy birthday as Nan
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You Better Cross the Line
I'm Bright Baby Blue, Falling Into You
Chelsea!Roy Kent x Coach's Daughter!Reader
2k words
Warnings: Language, reader has a nickname, lying/sneaking around, adults drink beer, Roy is already down bad, no Ted Lasso characters except for Roy, fluff & flirting
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“Yeah, Kent. You could call me sometime.”
Roy nodded, clearly fighting the urge to smile, and squeezed your hand. “You should probably go inside soon,” he sighed as he turned his face towards the sky. “Your dad’ll be looking for you.” As though he couldn’t help it, he looked back at you. “But I’ll call you,” he promised with a firm nod.
You reluctantly left Roy on the pitch, your head swimming with wondering when the footballer would call you and what he would say. Or ask. It was clear you were no longer alone in your attraction, and that this was at least something more than an entertaining flirtation on his end.
The questions still floated in your mind while you watched your father gather his work things. When he wasn’t looking, you quickly scribbled your mobile number on a sticky note and tucked it into Roy’s locker when no one was paying attention.
In the car you were uncharacteristically quiet; normally, you and your dad would spend the drive chatting about training, about the players, about any football news or rumors you’d read while sitting in his office. But today, your thoughts were too full of Roy Kent and his brown eyes and wondering when he’d call to offer anything more than little Mmm hmms and Yeahs to your increasingly perplexed father.
It was the moment you walked through the front door that your mobile and the universe had mercy on you. You all but scrambled up the stairs as you answered it.
“Hello?” Fuck, since when was your voice this damn breathy?
Your heart and your bedroom door slammed in sync. Roy Kent was calling you.
How were you supposed to breathe, let alone talk, when a gorgeous, funny, talented, famous footballer called you up after holding your hand on the pitch?
Clearly, Roy could tell you were struggling to form words, because he went on speaking. “This is Roy.” As if you wouldn’t know that delicious growl anywhere.
“I know,” you finally managed. You collapsed on your bed. “You called fast,” you teased.
“Didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten,” he replied with a small chuckle. Why the hell did he sound nervous? You were the one living in a fantasy, lying in your room, chatting on the phone with Chelsea’s star player. For him, this was probably just a Thursday night. “I was wondering…” He cleared his throat, a low, gruff sound. “D’you want to come over? We could watch a film, have some pizza.”
You were living in the Matrix. That was it. That had to be it. There was no other explanation to why Roy fucking Kent was asking you out. Well, in. But still. How the fuck was this happening?
“Sure,” you managed, hoping he couldn’t hear how thick your voice felt. “That sounds great.” You sat up and cleared your throat, grimacing at your reflection in the mirror and trying to flatten your suddenly unruly hair. “What time?”
“Whenever.” There was that Roy Kent aloofness, almost as if he was trying to convince you he didn’t care as much as he truly did. “Just… you’re not telling your dad, right?”
There it was. The thing that was going to be perpetually hanging over whatever this thing was going to end up being. Dear Old Dad, Chelsea’s fearless leader, Roy’s boss. He’d never in a million years approve of you seeing Roy Kent. He knew what footballers were like, and he knew what Roy Kent was like. Your dad might have that heart attack he was always joking about if he got even a whiff of this conversation.
Not that you were going to let that stop you.
“Course not,” you hummed. “You’d be buried under Stamford Bridge if the old man ever found out you called.”
His chuckle echoed in your ear. “Appreciate it.”
He quickly gave you directions to his flat, and you agreed to be over in about an hour. When you hung up, you fought the urge to scream into a pillow. You were going to Roy Kent’s place. You’d be watching a movie, hanging out, with Roy Kent. Hell, you might wind up kissing Roy Kent by the end of the night.
You clambered out of bed and rushed to your closet. You’d gone on lots of dates, you reminded yourself. Dates with ridiculously good-looking guys even. Successful dates, you might add. But none with Roy Kent, the little voice in your head pointed out.
After stressing over whether or not you could even call this a date, you finally forced yourself to find a flattering pair of jeans and a light sweater. Comfortable, casual enough for a movie night, but something you knew you looked good in. A quick brush through your hair, a little lip gloss, some trainers on your feet. It was just right for a night in, and hopefully simple enough to not rouse your father’s attention.
“’m taking the car!” you shouted as you practically skipped downstairs.
“Where are you off to?” Your mother’s soft smile was a welcome sight when you were hoping to avoid your dad.
You fiddled with the strap of your purse. “Angela’s,” you blurted out, naming a friend your mother knew well. “Just having a girls’ night.”
She nodded; there was no reason to doubt you, not when your summers were always full of evenings with your friends. “Have fun.” A kiss landed on your forehead. “Be safe, alright?”
Be safe. Her words bounced around in your head as you climbed into your dad’s car, the one you usually borrowed when you were home. Be safe. Was spending time like this, alone in Roy Kent’s flat, being safe? You weren’t an innocent little dove, but you knew his reputation. You knew it well. You giggled over it with your friends, wondering if the things you read in the tabloids were true, rolling your eyes lightheartedly when the girls asked if you’d ever seen anything in the changing room.
Oh, the things they’d say if they knew what you were up to.
The drive to his building was shorter than you expected, shorter than you needed it to be with the nerves you were trying to control. Somehow, they got worse as you strolled into the building and found your way to Roy Kent’s flat. After a shake of your shoulders to try to get rid of the tension they carried, you gave a quick rap to the door.
You waited maybe two beats before you heard the knob turn. Roy Kent filled the doorway in a pair of dark jeans and a black shirt that fit him too perfectly. He smirked at the sight of you, not bothering to hide the way his eyes flickered down your body. He was less the guy on the pitch who quietly asked if he could call you and more the cocky man you’d read about in tabloids; you weren’t sure which you preferred, but you’d take either one in a heartbeat.
“C’mon in,” he hummed as he opened the door wider for you. You followed him inside, pretending you often found yourself in the flats of professional footballers. He nodded to a shelf filled with DVDs. “Pick something,” he said simply. “You want a beer?”
“Sure.” You turned your attention to the movies as you listened to his footsteps recede to what you assumed was his kitchen. He had a decent collection, you observed. A little bit of everything, and even a couple things you’d never heard of. A smile crossed your face when you caught sight of a familiar movie title.
Roy returned with a couple of beers and a box of pizza, his eyebrows raised when he saw the movie you were holding up. “When Harry Met Sally?” he read.
You nodded and accepted the bottle he handed you as well as the pizza box. “That alright? I really like this one.”
“Whatever you want, princess.” He took the case from you and nodded for you to have a seat.
Roy Kent’s couch was comfortable. It didn’t creak when you sat, not like the couches in residence halls tended to do. You put the pizza on his coffee table and opened the box, letting the delicious smell fill the room. After he turned on the television and set up the movie, Roy turned to look at you, something unreadable flickering on his face for a brief moment.
“Grab a slice,” he mumbled as he plopped down next to you. His eyes found yours, searching for a brief moment. “Thanks for coming over.”
There he was. The guy who’d laid next to you on the pitch and gently touched your hand and asked if he could call you. The guy you liked best, you decided.
“Thanks for inviting me,” you murmured, grabbing a piece of pizza before settling back into the couch. For the second time that day, you found yourself far too close to Roy Kent. Even with the whole couch to sit on, he chose to sit close to you, close enough for your arms to brush every time you took a sip of your beer.
The two of you watched the start of the movie in silence, except for a few breathy chuckles here and there when Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan were particularly funny. Thankful that the food had filled your stomach with something besides butterflies, you stole a glance at Roy. He looked comfortable, almost happy as he brought his bottle to his lips. With his eyes still on the screen, he lifted his arm and settled it behind the couch- behind you. His gazed flickered to you for a moment, eyebrows raised playfully, before he slouched into the cushions.
Was this what Roy Kent making a move looked like?
You tried to focus your attention on the movie, you really did. But you could hear his breathing and feel his side pressed against yours and your peripheral vision could see the pink in this cheeks and fuck, why did he have to smell so good?
When he leaned forward to place his beer on the coffee table, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. Oh, shit, you forgot how to breathe. Especially when he kept his arm firmly there once he sat back against the cushions.
Your inability to breathe only got worse when he bowed his head and whispered in your ear, “This alright?”
“Yeah,” you exhaled, feeling bold enough to turn to face him.
From this close, you could count every freckle on his face, memorize the shape of his nose and lips, see the brightness in his eyes. You could practically feel the rise and fall of his chest as he leaned forward, letting his nose brush against yours.
“This alright?”
Your heartbeat pounded in your ear, drowning out the sound of Billy Crystal singing “Surrey with the Fringe on Top” on the telly. The only thing you could think about was the tip of Roy’s nose bumping your burning skin and his lips only centimetres away from your own.
Far too many nights in your dorm had been spent imagining Roy Kent’s lips on yours. But none of those dreams compared to the real thing. Because those fantasies didn’t tell you how soft his lips were, or how his hand rested on your thigh with a gentle firmness. Or how he tasted like pizza and beer and delight. Or the way his mouth parted so his tongue could gently flick against your lips before he pulled away, looking as breathless as you felt. Or, worst of all, how you knew he’d just ruined every other kiss for you.
He cleared his throat as he leaned back, his eyes roaming your face. “Well?”
“Well, what?” You knew he could see the flush on your face, but you hoped that you could hide it by acting as cool as he usually did.
“Well, are you going to let me kiss you again?” There was that cocky grin, the one you often saw on the pitch, the one that made your entire body go warm. “Or are you going to run and tell The Sun that Roy Kent is a shit kisser?”
Despite the swarm of butterflies fluttering in your chest, you laughed and rolled your eyes. “Sorry, I think I need another demonstration.”
Roy shook his head at you and cupped your face. “If you insist, princess.”
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Taglist: @gee72sstuff @book-of-roses @kissykissymouth @emmy2811 @hart-kinsella @klaine-92 @dearvoidgoodnight @misshall14 @issieruby @royal-sunflower @kissmekent @veryprairieberry @itswhateveripromise
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cupidddd-d · 6 months
you like what i represent, i like the attention
in which you're both selfish-- greedy, even.
cw: age gap
the reader doesn't have any pronouns addressed towards them, so feel free to read in whatever gender you prefer :)
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what was it called when animals would use each other for their own benefits? like the crocodile and the plover? the crocodile would allow the plover to pick bits of meat from its teeth, and in turn, the plover would get a meal. a symbiotic relationship.
you were a model plastered on every magazine cover, every billboard. the type of model that children dreamed of becoming. the type of model who drowned in designer clothes and luxury brand deals.
tony was a billionaire, of course. everyone knew who tony stark was. and he didn't like you. not really, anyway. he only paraded you around because the paparazzi was always watching, and he needed you to hold his arm and look pretty, which you did.
he bought you expensive gifts and took you to fancy restaurants, and of course you'd go along with it. who wouldn't? you got even more attention, and tony's fame was only adding to yours.
and of course, the age gap between the two of you was very controversial. he was almost 40, and you were barely in your 20s. it made for a lot of bad press, and people were constantly making judgmental comments. but the way you saw it, all publicity was good publicity.
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"i have to make an appearance at some nascar race on the 25th," tony said offhandedly. "there's gonna be a lot of reporters there."
you were having your monthly meeting about syncing up your schedules-- which was, of course, an essential piece in your ruse.
"i can't-- i have a photoshoot then from 8am to 4pm. but that's the latest date we can see each other unless we want to risk rumors about a break up between us," you frowned, pausing your mobile game to think.
"maybe it's good, right? it'll get people talking again. we've been too stable. people are getting used to us-- that's what my publicist said."
"no, no...people were waiting for us to break up. they'll cheer for, like, two seconds, and then they'll move on. is it possible for you to be late to the race?" you mused, tapping your nails on the side of your phone.
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"oh, tony, you shouldn't have!" you gushed, your arms barely able to encase the massive bouquet of gold-dipped roses.
your mouth felt too big for your face, as if it was stretching your cheeks awkwardly, but it always felt this way when you were faking your enthusiasm. were your eyes crinkling enough to make your smile seem realistic? nobody ever commented on it, so perhaps you were better at acting than you thought.
"i just wanted to give my baby a little gift before taking you to the nascar race," tony flashed you a charming grin, his whitened teeth sparkling in the bounce lights. his expression seemed natural, but you supposed he had more experience in crafting his persona than you did.
you ducked your head to smell the flowers, hiding a triumphant grin as you noticed the flashing of a camera in your peripheral vision.
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morkitten · 6 months
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Recently, this wonderful 80s anime received a Blu-Ray HD release in Japan, but there are no English subtitles available for it. So I took it upon myself to rip the English DVD subtitles for Giant Gorg, run them through OCR transcription, fix line by line machine transcription mistakes, and re-time the whole thing to sync to the Blu-Ray rips online! To do that for 26 episodes was a big, often boring task, but if it makes anyone else watch and enjoy this series as much as I did, it's worth it, to me. Here's the link! Click on Keep Reading below if you wanna know more about this series before jumping in:
Giant Gorg was directed by the legendary Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, known as the character designer of the original Mobile Suit Gundam and Dirty Pair, and the director of the recent Gundam movie, Cucuruz Doan's Island, plus the creator of several manga, anime and film works like Gundam: The Origin, Arion, Jesus, Venus Wars, and many others.
Giant Gorg is kind of a precious baby of his that unfortunately never took off in popularity the way it deserved to. It's a wonderful series in the style of old adventure serials like Johnny Quest, about a boy named Yuu Tagami who, through a series of events, ends up joining/founding an exploration group to research the mysterious tropical island of New Austral, that is also on the aim of an evil corporation called GAIL, who'll do whatever it takes to claim the island and its secrets its exclusive property.
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Yuu ends up finding and seemingly befriending a mysterious, ancient, and extremely powerful golem residing in the island, the titular GIANT GORG, deepening the mysteries of the land. The expedition group juggles surviving the island's natural and less-than-natural perils, managing internal conflicts, scraping by GAIL's assaults and dealing with other parties interested in the island for themselves. Plus, they now have to figure out just what the Giant Gorg is, if it can be relied on, and what is its intent. Whether this incredible being really is a Messenger of the Gods, some cataclysmic ancient weapon, or something else entirely. If I had to reduce it to something, it's old adventure serials mixed in with Mobile Suit Gundam and the Iron Giant. That's kind of what Giant Gorg is. The expedition group has a similar feeling to a much more scaled down White Base in Gundam, a group of people mostly barely related to one another forced into becoming a found family, relying on each other and surviving the strikes of a much bigger military force that's after them, with their own bureaucratic conflicts and machineries. Giant Gorg even has its own Char, in the form of Rod Balboa, a hotshot heir of GAIL that has been given control of its New Austral initiative. He's voiced by the same actor and everything!
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What's truly great about GIANT GORG is how it creates a real, powerful sense of danger as stakes change and things escalate, both materially and emotionally. Characters feel like truly strong individuals that develop and peel out layers of complexity as the series goes on, and it tests your faith heavily in who they are and whether they'll do the right thing for themselves and the people they care for. There's such a great mix of excitement, sentimentalism, danger, discomfort, comedy, that makes this series feel like a truly all-encompassing and fullfilled Adventure.
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So yeah, and the Blu-Ray looks fantastic, especially as someone who had to watch it originally in dim, blurry 420p resolution. So please give it a try!
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2. Writing Set Up: Where to Write Your Draft
Before you even start writing, you’ll need to find a writing program/medium you feel comfortable working with. 
I promise you—from start to finish—you’ll look at your draft for a couple of hours at minimum, so I suggest you choose a program/medium that aligns with your individual needs. Now it’s time for you to identify what those needs might be. 
Here are some options:
Creativity strikes while you’re cuddled up in bed or on your commute to work? 
Try writing on your phone/tablet (unless you’re the one driving, of course!)—you can use pre-installed apps like Pages (iOS) or your Notes/Memo app. You can also download free writing applications like Google Docs. Google Docs works on and offline on basically any mobile device, which is great for when you’re on the go! 
You prefer writing/typing on a computer? 
There are many desktop writing programs like LibreOffice (free for Windows, Mac and Linux), MS Word (needs to be purchased/subscription-based), countless online text editors or the browser version of Google Docs. 
You need to physically feel the words flowing through your body? 
Well, imagine you’re a classic author and write them down by hand on generously perfumed paper (preferably with royal blue ink)! Of course, you can also use Post-it notes or that coffee-stained notebook from 2013. Regular paper will do, too, though it’s obviously not as cool. 
Of course, there are many more options to choose from, but since you’re just starting out, I suggest you try free and more readily available programs first. Everything has its pros and cons, but digital writing is generally pretty clean-cut and saves you the trouble of digitising hand-written drafts (which you’ll need to do if you want to share your writing online! Unless you want to share scans of your beautiful handwritten writing, of course!). 
But before you settle for one (or more!) program/media of your choice, you might want to consider a few things: 
Is your writing easily accessible to you? → Can you add to your draft whenever and wherever creativity strikes? 
Does your writing program save your progress automatically? → You don’t want to lose hours upon hours of work because you forgot to save your progress! 
Is your writing secure? → Is your writing uploaded to a cloud? Will you still be able to access your writing if your computer crashes or you lose your login data/ phone/notebook? Can you easily create external backups of your files?
It really doesn’t matter what you need to write down at this early point. Be it an idea, rough outline, dialogue, stream of consciousness, mind map or a finished draft—you just want your entire writing process to happen in a secure, accessible location that you feel confident working in. There is no perfect writing program; whatever program works best for you is the best program for you! 
For example: 
I almost exclusively write on Google Docs since it meets all my personal writing needs: It’s a free cloud service that syncs my files all across my devices (phone, laptop, tablet) regardless of where I am. It has an intuitive interface with all the basic writing/formatting tools I need. 
Once a month, I download my most recent drafts as “.docx”-files and back them up on an external hard drive—so even if I can’t, for whatever reason, access my Google Docs account, my files are still secured in a different location. 
Sometimes, I make use of handwritten notes, too—though I keep losing them or can’t decipher my handwriting…This seems minuscule or even funny, but it’s hard to come back to an idea when you’ve literally lost the physical manifestation of it! 
Next: The Idea: Coming Up With and Developing Your Idea (with examples)
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hollowsart · 5 months
Pokemon Masters is a very unfair game. The gacha mechanic is not worth your money, and they bring back specific sync pairs with unique costumes, but they make them paywalled. You have to spend money to get paid gems and to earn any non paid gems takes years cuz they hate non buying customers. They want your money only. They don't care if you have fun playing the game or not.
Pokemon Masters needs to change and open itself up and stop being a literal greed machine. Make the game play and stories more fun and more engaging. Make it so that you can earn gems a lot easier without having to spend an absurd amount of money for just a few measly gems. Make it so that you can scout for more a lot easier for a lot less.
I don't care. I don't care. Make this game actually fun and worth playing. I don't know how this game has lasted so long, but it's so infuriating that it is like this and that I've literally seen someone complain about the events and gacha pairs, but they said not to change the pricing??? Excuse me??? No? Make it cheaper and more affordable and accessible to those who LITERALLY can not spend money on a stupid game that shouldn't even be this inaccessible and expensive for what little it actually provides you as a player??
You get a whole lot more out of the main games and the spin-off games on mainline consoles rather than on your mobile phone.
Pokemon Masters is a mid game. Below mid even. I would mourn the loss of Wikstrom if they shut down the game, but it's whatever in the end. I haven't spent a single penny in the game (I did try once, but it was so complicated, and I forgot some password stuff, so we just quit. The discount thing wasn't even worth it tbh). So I'm really not losing much of anything.
Anyways. That's it. That's my rant post for the day.
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stvlti · 1 year
Snippet from my untitled Blue Beetle & Teen Titans rejects fic :)
Click. Snap. Click. Snap.
They're sat inside a Big Belly Burger, waiting for their order of fries. A female singer he doesn't recognise croons Spanglish over weirdly retro beats on the speakers. Eddie is fidgeting with the catch on his now-useless slider phone, out of nerves or boredom, he doesn't know.
The first thing they did once they got into town was to buy a mobile phone. It's strange, but there aren't many payphones around, and whatever happened to them while they were in the Bleed and subsequently in their fall back to Earth must have fried their cellphones. Luckily, he found one of those rundown stores selling spare electronics for cheap that accepts cash and doesn't ask questions. At least one thing hasn't changed.
Click. Snap. Click. Snap.
The phone they bought is a palm-sized thing with a wide touch-screen, one of those smart-phone models that only came out last year, and yet the store owner seemed almost happy to part with it. "It's ancient," he'd said in a comfortingly thick accent, "I was about to chuck it out with the garbage. I'd sell it to you for free, chiquito." Things only get stranger from there. It took less than a minute for Khaji to jail break the phone and recalibrate itself to the local network. They tried his family's numbers again, even tried the Titans Tower secure line, but no dice. What Jaime found on the internet was even less reassuring.
Click. Snap. Click. Snap.
"Hey, Eddie."
The fidgeting stops.
"Could you go grab us some drinks? I need a minute alone with the scarab."
"Sure...?" Eddie throws another glance at Jaime, not quite hiding his worry as he slides out of his seat.
[ You were vexed by his opening and shutting of his phone case. ]
"I didn't realise it was state the obvious hour."
Khaji Da does not respond. Jaime rubs his temple.
"Sorry, sorry. Yes, I'm stressed. Tell me you have some good news, at least."
[ You are still alive, as is Eddie Bloomberg. You have enough money to acquire sustenance for another week, during which I can help you find a job and — ]
"Khaji. I need to get home."
[ You are technically in your hometown. ]
"But it's not the El Paso I know. Right? Tell me I'm not crazy."
[ Jaime Reyes is correct. Based on our quick search of the government domains, social network platforms and news sites, the Reyes family never lived in El Paso. There is no record of your parents or extended family in the state registry. Your name does not exist in the class registers of your high school. Your sister— ]
"Also doesn't exist! I know! I got it the first time." Jaime looks over to the self-service machine. What is taking Eddie so long? "I asked you for good news, Khaji."
[ Actually, your sister exists. Milagro Reyes, age 18, enrolled in Edge Keys High School. According to her posts on Instagram, she was last seen at the Kord Centre Mall — ]
"Did you say eighteen? And where the heck is Edge Key?"
[ I have some more good news. While there is no record of your other family members in the state of Texas, a Reyes Auto Repair Shop was recently removed from the business registry in Edge Key, Greater Palmera City. ]
"What? We have to go to Edge Key!"
"What's Edge Key?" Eddie sets a tray down, almost spilling the two extra-large cups of soda balanced precariously on it. The fries look tiny in comparison.
"That's what I'm trying to find out. Khaji, can you — hold on, I'm syncing you to the phone so Eddie can see."
The phone lights up, and Jaime expects Khaji's words to crawl across the screen like text messages the way he's done the few times Jaime tried to sync the scarab to his old phone via blue-tooth. Instead, the phone starts talking in a lady computer voice.
"Your scarab was a chick this whole time?" Eddie exclaims, the half-chewed fry in his hand forgotten.
"What? No! I didn't even know it could speak like this."
"I simply utilised this phone's built-in text-to-speech system. It is not my problem that the manufacturers could only imagine AI voices as female."
"I think it just insulted every super-computer in the cape community..."
"Anyway, the coordinates?"
[ There is one last thing you should know before you go, Jaime Reyes. The Blue Beetle was last sighted in Palmera City six hours ago. ]
The boys pause and look at each other.
"Show me, Khaji."
And on the screen of the phone appears a crisp, 4K picture of a guy in a costume that looks exactly like him, mid-flight in the streets of a city he's never been to.
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chottopoco · 5 months
Syncing Scrivener 3 with Mega
Because Dropbox is dumb and being very glitchy lately, the sync function is no longer reliable. I spent a day trying to figure out why it wasn't syncing only to find out this is now an issue among Android and iOS users alike. Given the piddly space Dropbox gives as well as these ongoing issues, I decided to jump ship. If have Scrivener and are thinking of doing the same, here's a lil guide for you.
I opted to go with Mega. Their free account comes with 20 GB. Their website says 20, but if you download the mobile and desktop app, you get a 5 GB bonus for each. I suspect it might not be a permanent bonus, likely for a year, but I'll check again in the summer of 2025. They are also more privacy-oriented and have no AI scraping (like Google).
This walkthrough is for Android. I'd imagine the steps are similar for iOS, but I can't say for sure.
1. Make a Mega account, go through all that registration stuff.
2. Download the mobile app. Log in.
3. Download the desktop app. Log in
4. Open File Explorer and make a folder wherever you'd like your files to be synced from.
5. Once the desktop app is installed, you need to look for the icon to open the program. I found it in my task bar. The little red M icon is what you need to open.
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6. Go to the three dots and double click to open up options.
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7. Go to settings.
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8. Go to the Sync option in the Settings menu. Select Add.
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9. Another dialogue box will pop up. One the 'Local Folder' line, click 'Add'.
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10. Select the folder you made specifically for sync. For this walkthrough, I'm using the 'Testing' folder.
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11. Once you've selected your folder, you'll be back at the previous dialogue box. Now click on 'Select' on the MEGA folder line.
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12. I forgot to take a screenshot, but you'll have a new dialogue box pop up with an empty list. Select the grey box saying 'New Folder'. You can name it whatever you want but I gave it the name 'Test'. Once done, your screen should look similar to the one below. Then click 'OK'.
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13. When done, your dialogue box should look like below. This is the crucial step as this is how the Mega program will help you sync with Scrivener. Make sure these folders are exactly where you want them to be and are named as you want. Once you're certain, click 'Add'
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14. When done, you'll have a list that looks similar to this. The first step is done.
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prettyfuckinhot · 1 year
Step-by-Step guide to adding Xkit rewritten to mobile android
Small intro: if you're like me and really hate features in the tumblr app like tumblr live, tracking URLs, and ads, this may interest you. If there are things in xkit you desperately want on your phone, that you can't achieve with ublock, this is DEFINITELY for you. This guide also works for any extension you want on mobile. If you're a normal user and don't mind those things, the functionality and streamlining you lose by using the mobile website is probably not worth it, just stick to the app from google play. Alternatively, if you only want to get rid of ads and Tumblr live, look into the Firefox Tumblr web app. You can easily add ublock to base Firefox and have Tumblr with no ads and no live (use the element picker liberally). This guide is for people who aren't terribly tech-savvy, and should be approachable to anyone with basic computer knowledge, even if the steps are convoluted.
You need to have an updated version of android and you need to make a Firefox account before you can start this guide. A desktop computer with firefox may not be required, but is highly recommended.
Install f-droid here. This is an app that allows you to install free and open source apps. Your phone will probably try really hard not to let you do this, be patient, don't click away, and approve whatever needs to be approved. You shouldn't just trust a Tumblr post about installing unapproved app, so do your research, but f-droid is very reputable.
After that, on f-droid search and install Mull web browser (same safety caveat as before; do research). It should be a green and magenta fox. This is essentially a version of Firefox that will let us install unapproved extensions.
On Mull, log into your firefox account by clicking the three dots in the bottom left corner (this account should have been set up previously; see step 1). After this, in the settings screen, scroll down to the "about mull" section. Click on this, then tap on the big Mull logo until a message pops up that says you have activated developer or debug mode.
If this has worked, under the Add-ons setting, there should be a new setting for "Custom Add-on collection". At this point, I would recommend switching to a desktop computer for convenience. It might be doable on a phone, and if you have no desktop, try to accomplish this by switching all mobile webpages to desktop mode until this guide is complete.
Navigate to the webpage for xkit rewritten here. Scroll down untill you see "add to collection". Add xkit to a new collection with a name you choose. You will have to type this in later, so make it something easy like "phone".
Now, in the top right corner, hover over your user and select "view my collections". Click on the one you just made. You will see the name you just wrote and a number between "firefox user" and "Creator" on the left hand side. Save this number.
Back on the mull app, select custom add-on collection where we found it earlier. Put the firefox user number first, and the name of the collection second. You have now synced all the add-ons in the collection with your phone. Note: you can add whatever extensions you want to this collection and they will sync to your phone! Yay! But be aware none of the extensions you add this way were optimized for mobile and it can get really janky.
Now select add-ons and you should see xkit there. Click on it and turn on the features you want as usual. I would also recommend navigating to tumblr, selecting the three dots, and then selecting "add to homescreen" so you can use it more like an app.
You should mess with the mull settings to your liking and add whatever extensions you trust, ESPECIALLY UBLOCK! Check out the default add-ons. I keep the regular app installed, because this web version is not perfect for a lot of things. This is for patient people who hate corporate control more than they love convenience. If you experience any issues or have any questions please reach out, I'd love to talk more about this and how much this has improved my tumblr experience. Major shout out to @april, the author of xkit rewritten.
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regallibellbright · 1 year
Okay but picking up a plot thread that finally came together this episode:
- Gundams as medical technology and Gundams as “necessary next step” for humanity to go into space: “She has a new body now.” No wonder Prospera’s scarily Not Concerned about turning her daughter into a Gundam - this was, if not the end goal of her research with her mentor, something close enough she can justify it as a conclusion.
- “My father wants to become a god?”: Judging from the way Prospera talks about Eri here, she may well think Eri’s already become one. Either way, “She’s waiting for us beyond the data storm.” Quiet Zero sounded ominous just from what she described last episode and at the beginning of this one. From the way she’s talking about it here, I’m getting downright transhuman death cult vibes.
- Like EP Four, Sophie recognized Eri reaching for her. I’d have to rewatch to check, but I think we’ve only gotten the clearly humanoid sense of Eri and possibly whatever else is going on with the Gund-bits (more clones assuming Suletta is one, any other option I will sum up with *SCREAMING*) with Gundam pilots. Maybe it’s only whatever’s going on with Permet scores and the sort of implied syncing your mental state with the mobile suit that lets you see her. It would also fit with that bit about being beyond the data storm.
- Again, screaming! I thought this was coming and still seeing it revealed, it’s horrifying!
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aghostinmyownmachine · 7 months
dbh-adjacent writing-program nonsense under the cut, a.k.a. let's talk a bit about WriteMonkey 3
I've used WriteMonkey 2 and 3 on and off for. hm. I guess it's gotta be eight or nine years now? but those instances of use have always been erratic and short lived, and I've usually returned to either Scrivener or, more frequently for many reasons, MS Word. (I also did just a ton of first-draft writing in discord back when I had an account and c/ped my writing from there into Word. near-peerless syncing between devices, appalling security practices. what can ya do 🙃)
anyway, due to ~circumstances~ I've switched to writing on a computer that isn't my writing program–filled work laptop, and so I've been experimenting with WM3 again because it's super lightweight due to plaintext markdown instead of rich text and I have a license key for it, which = fun plugins. it's also way less complicated and labor intensive to set up per project and use than, say, Scrivener. I love Scrivener! but scriv can be overwhelming and distracting when all I want to do is write, especially if I want a unique, quick-to-set-up theme (and I always do, because Aesthetic Is Everything), which is one of the reasons WM3 is so handy
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in addition to the gorgeous stripped-down UI that showcases whatever background I choose (mine can be found here!), WM3 has some really neat little plugins? I don't actually use the word-frequency checker myself, but WM3's shows you where each word appears in the document via the little indicator bars to the right of the word, which. rad! (you can tell at a glance which chapters are written in whose POV based off name usage alone and I think that's neat.) also, when you click on a given word in the frequency list, it'll highlight that word throughout the document and also display all uses of it vertically over the scroll bar path. lots of nice little visual indicators of what's going on. I just really like the design, it's simple but extremely useful and intuitive
admittedly, Scrivener cannot be beat when it comes to how easily you're able to make notes in it due to its multitude of note-taking locations, plus it has internal splitscreen capabilities that make referencing a second document a breeze, so there's definitely a mental transition involved when it comes to WM3 and its single-document-at-a-time system, on top of switching to markdown-style comments/reminders. that said! being able to not only see those comments below the headings in the left-hand sidebar but also jump to them when they're clicked? stellar 10/10 would use again
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finally, the repository. I <3 the repository. being able to quickly toss whatever text I'm not quite ready to delete or info I know I'll want to reference at some point in the future into the repository is great. it's a seamless process, only a couple seconds' worth of effort required, allowing my focus to stay on what I'm writing instead of distracting myself by tabbing my way through various open files to find my notes. plus the repository is searchable(!!!!!), and using it also keeps the actual text editor clean visually, especially since the right-hand sidebar can be hidden too:
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hm! possibly that is a sneak preview of chapter one! who can say!
so yeah! if you're looking for a stripped-down, highly customizable, portable writing program, I absolutely recommend it. there are downsides, of course, the biggest one being no official WM3 mobile options available at present, but since the program is both portable and plaintext, you can toss it into a syncing service and access it via your handheld devices that way. it's also not open source, and you need to pay to access the truly useful plugin features. with all that said, if you don't mind fiddling around with some CSS to make everything look juuuuuuuuust right, you can get yourself a really snazzy setup with relatively little effort. but maybe that's just me—aesthetic is king and all that
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better-off-crazy · 1 year
Anyways Spoilers --i never figured out how to do that undrcut thing on mobil if thats not obvious by now but whatever its tumblr your here for the Spoilers! Whether you like it or not really-- and not like many people are posting bout sandrock anyways(lame its great!) and when they do its all Spoilers anyhow and this is long enoguh so should do it automatically. Probably.
This is not in any order whatso ever.
Did they bascilly just spell out what the next game is gonna be? With the northern development? Could be dlc but it feels like a whole game could go there. Altho theres also the stuff happing in Ethea too so that could also be the next one.
This should help! Gives salt.
Tbh i thoguht they were gonna kill off Mort at the end of it.
It awalys ends by building a ship. I like that its like one last hurrah!
Bronco shows up? At the party?? In a room full of basic npcs??? Ok???? And bogan jack is there too??? And it made me fight him??? And then teleported me into the desert?!?!
Getting to see all the representatives is really cool!
Luna looks awsome, her concert was pretty nice. Except for the fact it was a bit outif sync
"Its been my honor to sink... so that others could swim" thats freaking sad! And inspirational!
Gaudi looks like he stole his outfit from Gust
Wei says Excelsior. Cute
The fact that they asked cooper to fill up about 10hrs worth of time is not surprising
Avrio did it! Catori too! proud of Them!
Seeing Gale made me tear up a bit. Its been a long time buddy
Unsuur being Unsuur, wanna give him extra hugs, i know how you feel reaching the end of the journey and its beeeen a long one.
Curie looks really cool! But where is that wind coming from to make her cape so flowy?
I love that there are items from portia now
That new story didnt work out to well for justice and owen did it? Lol
Why did matlida take that shot to the arm? It didnt extaly help her in the end? No one in sandrock suspected her? I did tho! I was right to be suspicious of her! I will awalys be happy about that.
Im glad larry and xena were able to stay and see that sandrocks not so bad and were actully pretty cool people
Justices real name is Maurice! The one question i never had has been answered!
We get to see mom and dad this time! Its not just dad! Its both! Cool!
THATS OUR PARENTS?! Wow they look so normal. And dapper. My Pa's eyes are left pink and right green, Unexpected. Unless thats like a bit of you inherited it from him? But my builds eyes are just pink n blue with heart irises.
Why dose the one rep look like J. Johnas Jameson
How did they convince cooper to give up that much land?
"Blessings to your sacred tree!" It sure is
Kept that promise to bring sandrock back. Feels good.
Nice I get to sit next to the pretty boy.
Love the fact that it was either me orr portia me to be the next top builder. Love that they exist at the same time.
Miguel is just there. Watching learing to be better.
Haha they still haven't found the rouge knight wonder if hell pop up next time?
Oh Qi awalys trying to show off the robot and hes relly improved with controlling it too!
FINAL BOSS!! : Cooper and his moon man conspiracy story witch i actully find kinda entertaining. Winner: Me
I would love to see more of the reps and just more ingeneral sandrock really made me feel things just like portia did! but just a lil bit more then portia did.
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etrosgate · 2 years
i have a bad computer and poor hand mobility. do you have any reccs for lets plays of ffxiii
unfortunately im a big baby who hesitates watching any video about ffxiii because i'm afraid they'll say something that'll make me dis-proportionally mad and make 1 million tweets about it so i don't really have any recs for ones with commentary. truly sorry about that. i'll grow up someday.
there actually is a fairly big difference between the japanese and english audio tracks, as they've actually gone in and like reanimated the cutscenes a bit, for lip syncing but Also more major stuff like changing the facial expressions of lightning and hope from smiling to not-smiling for the english release (in an attempt to compensate for cultural differences in stoicism apparently???). there's also two places where a jp pop song plays that are replaced with different tracks in the eng release. i personally prefer the eng version (even if i do really miss the smiles 🥺) but just so you know.
so as far as non-commentary playthroughs go:
this playthrough covers some post-game stuff and all the datalogs. there's some good stuff in those, but a lot of the entries early on (and especially dealing with the main plot) are a summary of events you just experienced and trying to read them all can drag down the pacing.
this playthrough skips datalogs and just covers the main story (there isn't much narratively in post-game so if you're not playing it, you won't lose out on much if you decide to skip it)
If you watch something without datalogs, I've made a little terminology guide that'll hopefully make the opening to the game waaay easier to follow (as it's pretty confusing on first viewing). actually it might even help a lot even with datalogs.... whatever. i really do recommend it.
for cutscene compilations:
all in one video w/english voice acting and subtitles, and it includes boss fights.
playlist of cutscenes w/english va and subtitles but no fights. also it's missing the final cutscene (likely due to copyright from the song that plays) so make sure to watch it here
another playlist of cutscenes but w/japanese va and eng subtitles.
idk if i'd recommend it as your first watch, but this playlist has the japanese cutscenes with fan translated eng subtitles of the jp audio (as it does have some differences from the localization).
SIDE NOTE: there's two pretty important optional cutscenes in the game, most people get the first but even compilations tend to miss the second. so when the party are about to go back to cocoon after being on pulse for a while, make sure you've seen this one (with vanille and hope) and this one (with fang and sazh). you can watch them afterwards of course but that is when they take place.
ANYWAYS after you watch any playthrough, i Highly recommend watching a speedrun of the game (like this one) to really see the depths of the combat system! they use few glitches so pretty much every fight is done through pure skill, so it's truly the best place to see what this system is capable of (and hear some great analysis of it in the commentary). and they're just fun to watch in general.
hope any of this helps ❤️
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Magicite Dungeons Clears Part 4
The rewards from clearing the quests in the Magicite Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are permanent.
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But sometimes, we get time limited campaigns and such that require us to clear some of the harder quests in the Magicite Dungeons.
So far, I’ve been able to clear most, if not all, of the easy quests in these dungeons. I’ve also been able to clear some of the harder content here but there’s still a lot that I have yet to do.
Whenever we get time limited missions, I always try to see if I can clear any of them. Whenever I get new Soul Breaks that are actually good, I feel inspired to try and see if there are any hard quests that I can clear with these new relics.
Other than these time limited missions though, I’ve never really felt pressured to hurry up and try to finish all these hard quests that I have yet to do.
Yeah, I do feel kina annoyed whenever we get time limited missions that I can’t clear but I just try not to let it get to me. I miss out on the time limited rewards, which sucks, but at least the content itself won’t disappear and I should be able to do said quest in the future when I get better relics and such.
I always thought that I’d always have time to eventually be able to clear all of these fights. I thought it was better to wait for more powercreep to come before tackling these hard quests.
Why struggle trying to clear these fights now when you can just wait until you get better Soul Breaks to help you out and make things easier for you, right? That’s what I thought. Besides, I just get annoyed and frustrated whenever I try these fights and find out that they’re too difficult for my current relics.
So I clear what I can and just ignore the rest for now. Because, really, what’s the rush, right?
But then Final Fantasy Record Keeper announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
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This news came as a very unpleasant and unexpected surprise. I talk more about that in another post.
But anyway, this news meant that there was now a time limit to everything. I want to finish as much as I can before the game ends.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to with my current relics and whatever else I might be able to get before the end though. I guess I can only hope.
I know it doesn’t really matter, but still. I want to try to finish as much as I can before the end. For now, I don’t want to say goodbye to Final Fantasy Record Keeper yet. Heck, I wish this game didn’t have to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, so I started going through the Magicite Dungeons, checking each quest and looking to see which ones I’ve already cleared. Will try to do the ones I haven’t cleared yet. Also trying to see if I can sub-30 these fights.
Magical Wind Argent Odin
The White Odin or Argent Odin fights are quest level 600. There are 2 versions of these fights, one that’s weak to physical attacks and another that’s weak to magical attacks.
The wind version of White Odin is weak to the ice element. For this fight, my team was:
Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII
Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII (#ad)
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Rinoa and Vivi served as my DPS. Have 1 of Rinoa’s Syncs and 2 of her Awakenings. Have 1 of Vivi’s Syncs and 1 of his Awakenings. Cait Sith and Elarra served as my healers, supports, and buffers.
Laguna served as my ice Chain holder. He was also in charge of lowering the enemy’s weakness to the ice element. Laguna has a really good ice Chain but it buffs the attack stat.
Before going with Laguna, I was actually eyeing Fran from Final Fantasy XII as my ice Chain holder. I don’t have anything for her but one of her Awakenings  is Lensable. One of her ice Chain Soul Breaks is Lensable too.
This ice Chain sucks though. But I thought it shouldn’t be that bad since at least I’ll have Fran as another magical DPS. She can imperil the ice element as well. So I Lensed her crappy Chain.
I was about to Lens her Awakening when I noticed that it deals ranged damage. Had to do a double take when I saw that. All this time, I’d somehow been under the impression that Fran dealt magical damage.
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Ugh. What a mistake. At least I realized it before I wasted the Lenses needed to buy her Awakening. Too bad I already bought her Chain. At least it didn’t cost that much because that Chain is really crappy. And, well, I guess, it doesn’t really matter either way since the game is ending soon.
Anyway, after realizing Fran dealt physical damage, didn’t want to bother with using her anymore so I turned my attention to Laguna. 
I already have a few of his relics, including both of his Awakenings. Also already have his Hero Ability, which imperils ice.
Just needed to buy his ice Chain. Didn’t have an issue with doing so since I need his Chain for my physical ice team anyway.
Laguna’s Chain worked well enough for my magical ice team. It helped that I had Cait Sith who is actually the premier buffer and support for mages. 
Cait’s buffs helped make up for the fact that Laguna’s Chain didn’t provide any for mages. The imperils from Laguna helped as well. And Elarra’s healing helped keep the party safe. 
Rinoa and Vivi did very well. I do wish that I have more of their BDL relics though. Could use more ice tech as well, including a good magical ice Chain.
Anyway, was able to get the win in 38.65 seconds. It’s too bad I wasn’t able to sub-30 this quest. The good news is it doesn’t really matter since this fight doesn’t give any rewards if you clear it within 30 seconds.
So not gonna bother trying to go for sub-30 anymore, at least not right now. After all, still have plenty of other quest to take on.
Physical Wind Argent Odin
For this fight, my team was:
Delita Heiral from Final Fantasy Tactics
Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Laguna served as my ice Chain holder and my ice imperiler. Aerith and Elarra were my healers slash buffers slash supports. Both of them can reduce the delay of the party’s actions for a few turns.
Have both of Aerith’s Awakenings but I’m missing her Sync. She can easily provide Last Stand with one of her Ultra Soul Breaks (USB). 
Aerith is especially good as a support for physical DPS because she can reduce the delay of the party’s physical attacks for 3 turns.
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Have 2 of Elarra’s USBs and her Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB). Missing her Awakening and both of her Syncs. She provides Regenga with one of her Ultras. Her other Ultra temporarily increases the critical hit damage of the party.
Really wish I have Elarra’s Sync 2. It makes her even better as a physical support. Her Awakening is Lensable but I don’t want to get it since I’m missing her Sync 2.
With 2 top-tier healers in my party, there was no danger of anyone dying. Aerith and Elarra did a great job in keeping everyone alive and buffing and supporting my DPS.
Delita and Squall did very well as my DPS although I do wish I have more BDL relics for them. Could definitely use more physical ice tech as well. Anyway, managed to get the win in 46.65 seconds.
Physical, Earth-weak Ramuh
The 6-star Magicite fights are quest level 550. There are 2 versions of these fights, one that’s weak to physical attacks and another that’s weak to magical attacks.
The 6-star Magicite quests have long since been powercrept by now but they all have annoying mechanics and gimmicks so even with the latest tech, some of them can still be quite tricky to beat.
Ramuh is the 6-star Magicite who is weak to the earth element. For this fight, my team was:
Gladiolus Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV
Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V
Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Gladio and Tifa served as my DPS. Galuf was my Chain holder but since I also have multiple BDL relics for him, he was able to act as a secondary DPS. Also have Galuf’s Ultra Soul Break that can imperil the earth element. Elarra and Aerith served as my supports, as usual.
My physical earth team is pretty stacked. Have multiple BDL relics for Galuf, Tifa, and Gladio. For Galuf, have both of his Awakenings and one of his Syncs. For Tifa, have 2 of her Awakenings, 1 of her Syncs, and her DASB. 
For Gladiolus, have his Sync and his DASB. His Awakening is Lensable but I decided to see if I could do this fight without it.
Although my earth team was really good, still had some trouble with this quest. First, couldn’t even get past the first few turns because Ramuh kept on killing one of my chars who was in slot 3.
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Initially, Gladio was on that slot. Have his Hero Equipment and they were all at a pretty high level. His Hero Ability also gives him a damage reduction barrier aside from dealing damage. But even with all that, he still ended up dying to Ramuh’s single-target attack.
So I put Galuf on that slot instead. He doesn’t have his Hero Equipment yet but he has a Hero Ability that’s pretty similar to Gladio’s. And I did give him some high level equipment. The same thing happened anyway. Ramuh still killed him.
Even if I make sure that Aerith and Elarra keep the char in slot 3 at full health, that char would still end up dying no matter what. It was very frustrating.
Finally, I decided to just have that char use defend instead after like 1 turn of using their equipped ability. Thankfully, that actually worked.
Really glad to have gotten past that annoying gimmick. After that, things were a bit easier although Ramuh still has some other annoying mechanics to watch out for.
IIRC, at some point, my chars all got paralyzed as well. Thankfully, my healers were able to quickly shrug this off. Also have Aerith’s Glint+ Soul Break which lets her quickly esuna the party.
Managed to get the win in 25.60 seconds. So pleased that I was able to sub-30 this fight. There are no extra good rewards for doing so but still (well, you can get some arcana and such but meh). And it’s nice to finally be done with this annoying 6-star Magicite quest.
Magical, Ice-weak Valefor
Valefor is the 6-star Magicite who is weak to the ice element. For this fight, my team was:
Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII
Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Basically, brought the same team I used to beat the magical, ice-weak version of Argent Odin.
Valefor’s gimmicks include slowing down the party so needed a source of haste. He also speeds himself up so needed to dispel him. 
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And he tends to fly off at certain intervals. When that happens, his minions will show up so you have to deal with them first while waiting for Valefor to return to the field. Valefor can also call on his minions while he’s on the field.
Cait Sith and Elarra can grant haste to the party. Also brought the Roaming Warrior that can grant haste. Had Elarra equipped with the dispel ability.
This fight was kinda annoying. Glad I was able to get the win. My clear time was 36.90 seconds. Too bad I missed the sub-30 but really don’t want to do this again.
Other Magicite Fights
The following is a list of the rest of the Magicite Dungeons fights that I have yet to do and that I’m hoping to be able to do before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ends.
Poison Argent Odin
Poison Dark Odin
Poison Argent Odin
The poison version of White Odin doesn’t have a physical or magical version. There’s only one version of this fight. The Odin boss here is weak to the poison element.
Poison Dark Odin
The Dark Odin fights are quest level 500. These have different elements but no physical or magical version. The poison Dark Odin fight is weak to the poison element.
Poison Team
The poison Dark Odin and the poison Argent Odin are the last 2 Magicite fights I need to do. Haven’t tried either yet because really lacking in poison tech. Hopefully, I can get more poison tech before the game ends.
At the moment, don’t even have a single char with 2 or more BDL relics for poison. I think I have like 3 or so chars with 1 poison BDL relic each. Don’t know if I’ll be able to take on the poison Dark Odin and White Odin quests with just those.
Planning to give it a try later on but, for now, I’m gonna try to do the Cardia Dungeons next since I still have lots of quests to clear there.
So what about you? Have you done any of the quests in the Magicite Dungeons? What do you think about these fights? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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yoonia · 2 months
Hey i was wondering where do you write all your drafts? I wanted to start getting into writing but someone told me Google docs isn’t the best so I’m a little lost. Love all your work btw 🥺
I use scrivener and Notion to help me write, as explained on my previous post here. but I write my drafts mainly on scrivener, which is a writing program that is available offline yet is capable of being saved in an online cloud (I save my backup in dropbox with autosave and save some copies in my google drive for extra measures)
I used to write my drafts on Google docs in the past. It's actually a really good place to save up your draft, only that there have been issues in the past that made me reluctant in doing it again. I'm guessing I'm not the only one having these problems though, seeing that many others have switched from Google docs to other available options.
The thing about writing in Google docs is that the web features aren't going to make it easy for you in terms of organizing your drafts. Unlike Scrivener which allows you to save multiple drafts and create separate folders in one file, you won't be able to do the same in Docs. Your drafts remain separate and you can only combine them in folders which is (as of now) only accessible through Google drive. Opening different drafts mean opening them in separate tabs so it can be a hassle if you're working on chaptered series.
and there are also risks of losing your progress on Docs. This was what led me to ditching the web and started to move everything into Scrivener, after losing some written progress for my series in the past (including Chance Encounter). Google docs' autosave often takes you back to your previous progress when it's lagging, deleting whatever progress you've made while in between, and I think I've lost an entire written draft from the folder once when an error occurred or because the web claimed the storage was full (my google drive was, in fact, not full)
Scrivener is a paid program though, which means you'll need to buy it. So if you're looking for other options that are free or more affordable, you can check out Evernote (highly recommended. this was the program that I used back in the day before I found Scrivener. you can even sync your progress to your mobile app to write everywhere you go) or Freedom. Both are free but with paid and pro versions if you want an upgrade.
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