#it's like an oven besties i am boiling
neonvqmpire · 2 years
i want whoever decided to sell and market mixed fabric instead of pure cotton for bed sheets and duvet covers to never have a good sleep ever again because i cant sleep in this shit
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
Bestie you have to write seb coming down after waking up in the morning and fucking you on the kitchen counter+ breeding kink
Haven't stopped thinking about it since I saw your seb inspo reblog ong
the seb inspo 
“Smells good in here,” your husband yawns, stopping by the fridge before stretching. “I have cinnamon buns in the oven.” You tell him, putting the kettle on to boil. 
“I’ll put a bun in your oven,” he wiggles his eyebrows and you can’t help but laugh. “You are soooo not serious.” 
Sebastian walks over to you, grabbing you by the hips. “I am dead serious, as serious as a heart attack.” 
Your arms slung over his shoulders, a hand tangled in his messy curls. “How am I supposed to take you seriously when you say stuff like that?” You smiled at him, your husband leaning down to kiss you. 
A hand slides down to rest on his shoulder when he lifts you up onto the counter, you could feel the slightly raised skin on his back from last night’s activities. Sebastian’s hand slips between your legs, “forget something?” he asks when he finds your lack of panties. 
“No,” you smile, kissing him once more. Sebastian laughs, “you’re wicked.” 
“You love it, shut up.” You kissed him once more as he pulls you to the edge of the counter. One arm over his shoulder and the other hand pressed to the counter to hold you up when he pushes into you. 
Sebastian has one of your legs over his hip, holding you in place. “Such a good girl,” he whispers into the crook of your neck, “taking it so well for me, hm?” 
Your skin’s all sticky and his hands roam across your body, Seb’s lips find yours as he leans down to kiss you. His thrusts are sloppy, his hands holding your hips tightly as he rams into you, your own hand on his back and surely his pale skin is covered in red marks; your nails the primary cause of that.
He can see the look on your face, feel the way you were clench around him or how your perfectly manicured nails were digging into him. “Want to give you a baby, pretty girl.” He says to you, and he doesn't miss the way your eyes light up.
He smiles, “that’s my girl. You’d look so pretty with my baby hm?” 
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gh0st-write · 3 years
Hello I am back! I am in love with your writing, the venti one turned out so good !! 🥺🥺 may I trouble you with another request? Lil baby clemmy wants to be fed. I now ask for some fluff with Kaeya, because I’m in love with himm😔❤️ Also we should be friends!! ❤️
A/N: Welcome back shaw tea
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Bestie I’m so down to be friends whaat UPPP 😻😻
Pronouns: G/N
CW: Cursing (always is HAHHA); alcohol/drinking {wine}
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So to get started while he may seem like he’s cold his body temperature is normally warm and norma, however he can drop it and can also with stand very cold temperatures fine prob why his titties always out
But this little shit... he loves to make his hands freezing cold and put them on you at random times I stg-
: You were cooking dinner in the kitchen while your loving boyfriend was finishing up some paper work in his office down the hall. You were making some spaghetti -y’all rocking with the noodles?-, standing over the oven stirring the boiling pasta. Unknown to you, Kaeya finished his work a few minutes ago and was just cleaning up his desk and headed to the kitchen. He was leaning on the doorway when you noticed him, he had changed into a simple black turtle neck sweater with most likely a boob window and in white sweatpants with black stripes. His blue hair tangled and messy, most likely from him raking his hands through it and sighing while finishing up work. With a deep chuckle he stood up straight and sauntered his way over to you. “Ohoho, what’s this?” He gently wrapped his arms around your torso and left a gentle kiss on the top of your head, to then rest his head on your shoulder, ultimately leaning into you. Turning around you gave him a peck on the cheek and with a smile and soft voice replied, “I’m just making some dinner. You finished already?” With a hum he snuggled his nose into your neck and softly sighed, his face lit up with a mischievous smile. His hands made their way down to your hip, their temperature dropping until they felt like ice on your skin. You jumped with a yelp and whipped around “Kaeya.....”
On the plus side of this, he gives you his little cape all the time to keep warm while he keeps an arm wrapped around your shoulder or waist, tugging you to his side
Once he gets tipsy enough he’ll be from flirty to all sappy and sweet, clinging to you like another to a flame
He’d love to hold you close to his chest, whispering sweet nothing into your ears. Wishes and hopes for the future, what he loves about you, how much he loved you, his or your day, or anything that peaks his interest or he feels like talking about. His voice is very soothing and helps ease you to sleep every time
Sometimes however, you’ll need to be the one to comfort him
On the nights where the past catches up to him and he’s too tired to run and farther. On the nights when the nightmares plague his mind and shivers rack his body
On those nights, he’s completely vulnerable to you, a very rare sight and a way to show how he trusts you with his entire being
On those nights you hold him and whisper gently to him, holding him as the sobs and shakes turn into hiccups and small whimpers as he curls up more irl you and snuggles up closer, slowly drifting to sleep
It’s those nights you’re reminded how hurt he has been, and how much he loves and trusts you to be able to allow you to see that side of him, to allow you close to comfort him and to trust that you too won’t leave or betray him
It’s those nights you see how truly human this man is, and how much he truly and genuinely loves you so
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incorrectnewsies · 4 years
Ben Fankhauser’s Insta Live story highlights (4/5) aka Ben’s Broadway Bistro 
So there’s a lot to unpack here. It’s an hour of footage. I only did the first half but this is still long af
You have 24 hours to rewatch it on his instagram story (plznfanku) but there were also some lovely people who recorded it and have posted it either on here or on youtube (I don’t have any links so feel free to reblog/comment with them)
- his little wave when he’s playing piano (and he’s so good wtf) 
- I love how happy and joyful he looks while performing, even to a simple camera and Kyle 
- if you don’t know who Kyle is, he’s his roommate and bestie and let me tell you, Kyle was amazing
- when the song he’s singing (idk what it was sorry) changes tempo and becomes all upbeat he just radiates sunshine I love him!!!!
- glad to say he still owns the title of “riff daddy”
- admitting he’s terrible at Instagram HA 
- his little spin and snap 
- ”we’re making breakfast” 
- 2 seconds later, someone commenting: “what are we making?”
- Ben Fank: “we’re making breakfast”
- “that’s how I’m getting through this corona virus. Coffee, I guess.” 
- “let me tell you about oven bacon. merp merp merp merp muow” yes tell me about oven bacon
- “set your oven to 380 degrees. Why 380 degress? Cause I’m a random motherfu err” he says when he said shit a minute earlier
- “*quoting a comment* an erster. Mkay, okay I see you.”
- he asks for tips from chefs like three times 
- shows off his 3D Illuminati pepper 
- intermission: show some love for Kyle!!!! 
- has great cutting technique (you curl your fingertips in slightly on top of what you’re cutting to keep your fingertips from being under the knife)
- precision + Ben Fank = a match made in heaven 
- Kyle flipping the camera on himself by accident 
- favorite song from Newsies: Carrying the Banner + clapping and a salsa dance 
- sort of sad because Ben doesn’t sing in that song :( 
- he talks with his hands and with his facial expressions so much wow I love
- little wink wink ;)
- everyone asking him to sing Poor Guys Head is Spinning (abbreviated PGHIS) with Alex Wong encouraging everyone
- he acknowledges them and then goes on to ignore them LMFAO
- Ben (sort of, not really) wanting to be Evan Hansen shakes me to MY CORE the power that could cause...
- okay... like... this man I mean I know he is literally Davey Jacobs BUT HE IS LITERALLY DAVEY JACOBS
- “tall ass potato”
- he stops everything to make sure it is shown how he cuts his potatoes
- intermission: gratitude towards first responders  ❤️
- the way he looks up while talking about burritos is really cute but also lmao 
- when he’s asked his favorite dog breed: “oooooOHHHHHHHH”
- “Y’all are literally watching me cut potatoes” YES AND WE DON’T REGRET A THING
- “wITH preCISION” 
- doesn’t know what kind of potato he’s working with (gold potatoes, Ben. Gold potatoes) 
- “y’all didn’t think you’d get this closeup to my *haaaaands*
- “can y’all appreciate the precision? Cause I can.”
- Intermission: I am once again asking for your cooking tips
- Kyle: “Someone wants to know what’s your favorite thing about Kyle?” Ben: *high pitched* Is that for real?”
- he goes on to talk about how Kyle is tech savy and rigged up their apartment instead of talking about his personality or qualities lmao
- his little sneeze and spin, also people telling him to wash his hands afterwards
- calls himself a grandpa 
- his mom sent him to theatre camp when he was a LAD
- “this is getting pretty hot” he says with a head bob
- also gets excited that we got a look at Kyle when he accidently switches the camera onto him
- everyone commenting about the bacon because he hasn’t checked on it since the start of the video
- doesn’t know how much olive oil he put in his pan but it must cover the bottom
- “hot grEEse”
- *vegetables sizzle when he puts them in oiled pan* “that’s the sound when you make a really good zinger at a friend and you walk away it’s like zzzz” *snaps*
- I want to know when he went to Bryant Park Christmas market because I was there this year and if he was there when I was there and didn’t know I would scream
- “this water is a beralin” 
- you can see how proud he is of his potatoes when he puts them into the water
- calls the boiling water water, then grEEse, then water again
- intermission: condolences to people who have had their plays and musicals canceled because of Corona virus 
- his profile is so nice w o w
- uses the same spoon to stir the vegetables to stir the potatoes because he’s a “dirty birdie” 
- demands for the PGHIS in the comment section (led by Alex Wong again)
- his favorite yiddish slang word is slamazel (might have spelt that wrong)
- intermission: love for the Flamingo Kid 
- checks on the bacon finally
- *talking about bacon* “you like it crisp or what? If you don’t like it crisp begone.” (favorite quote of the video)
- him and his grubby lil fingers
- *talking about Ozark* “wuufh wuufh! it’s great”
- gets sort of bashful about talking about him playing poker hehe
- the way he “walks down the street”
- *Ben goes offscreen* question: what’s you go to hand washing song?” Ben *slides back onscreen with a smile on his face* I’m going to play it for you
- couldn’t think to describe his potatoes as hard
- *bacon pops* “Did you hear that? This bacon is trying to sass me! Did you hear that?”
- messes up the abbreviation for PGHIS a couple of times
- his little “poor” when he’s trying to figure out what he wants to do 🥺!!!!!! 
- I’m sure you heard his performance already. Amazing.
Okay that was the halfway point of the video so if you want me to do the other part lmk haha
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warcats-cat · 6 years
A Month and the Aftermath
A/n: Heya!! your friendly neighborhood vent-writer here! Some of you may remember about a month ago I wrote the fic Accident about a car wreck that I had been in. It has not been roughly a month since that event and I am finding myself in the awkward place of wanting to move on but feeling stuck. Since the last fic did help a lot to process the emotions immediately surrounding the event, I decided to give them another go and let myself reflect on the incident. This follow-up fic is not true-to-life like the other one was so much as a boiling-down of a lot of advice and reassurances I have received from my family, friends, and my therapist. I hope you enjoy and please let me know if I have missed anything. ((Also you can now find my fics on ao3!))
As always, I want to take my two besties, @radioactivecitylights and @bleustatic, for supporting me and being with me thorough everything. This fic is UN-BETA’D so you can feel free to comment if you see anything majorly wrong or confusing, but PLEASE DON’T NIT-PICK as it doesn’t help anyone in the long run. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR: Car accident, talk of a past accident, frustration, violent talk, crying, physical closeness.
Patton stormed into the kitchen through their small garage, kicking his shoes off slightly more roughly than necessary as he went. Logan sat at the kitchen table, something savory-smelling in the oven, reading.
“And what has happened?” Logan asked, his voice neutral and without looking up.
“I hate that car. It's awful! I should have never bought it!” Patton started gruffly, perhaps more nastily than he really intended, “I should have never let you talk me into buying it!” He shoved an accusatory finger in Logan's direction as he moved to make himself a cup of tea. Something to hopefully calm him down.
Logan sighed through his nose and glanced up at Patton, watching as the other tramped around the kitchen as if he could physically stomp the anger out of his body.
Ah, he had such temper tantrums.
“What has happened now?” Logan asked. The behavior had been slowly building since Patton had gotten the car, to replace the one he had totaled a month prior. It was well out of place on the usually calm and positive man; but it was somewhat to be expected with all of the stress he had been holding onto since that day.
Patton grumbled as Logan finally shut and set the book aside. “I don't like it! It's--” Patton flexed his fingers and worked his jaw, as if he could capture and chew the thoughts in his head and spit them out as the exact word he needed, “It's grumpy!”
That brought a small smile to Logan's face. There was his silly friend, shining through the angry haze. “It’s grumpy?” He questioned.
“Yeah! It's grumpy!” Patton answered, turning to Logan for a moment, “it buckles when I turn and the horn is going bad and the air conditioner doesn't work and the steering doesn't move like I want it to. It's a grumpy car!” He stomped with an air of finality and turned back to his tea.
Logan shook his head fondly. “Alright then. What exactly do you mean by 'buckles when you turn’?”
“It just…” Patton sighed and paused a moment, setting his hands on the counter but leaning back a bit. “I go to make a turn and the wheels swerve before it starts going, or it does that in the middle of a turn and it's….” He trailed off and began fiddling with a packet of sweetener.
Logan pressed, although he had a feeling he already knew the answer, “it's what?”
Patton flicked the packet a few more times before answering, quietly, almost meekly. “It's scary.”
Logan quietly pushed his book aside and stood, moving to circle his arms around Patton's waist from behind. He knew that his housemate found deep comfort in physical gestures, and that was something that Logan was always ready to provide, even if it wasn't something that he himself enjoyed.
“I was turning left when I… when it happened. And it feels like this new car just knows that somehow. It only happens on left turns. And there's always another car coming at me and I-” Patton’s voice became thicker as he tried not to cry. Logan held his waist a bit tighter, and Patton leaned into him, letting his head rest against Logan's just lightly.
“You know, most would not have even begun driving as quickly as you did. You were behind the wheel again not two weeks after the accident. You must remember to account for the fact that this is still a wound you are trying to heal.” Logan said softly.
Patton set the packet down and tapped his fingers on the countertop. A few tears dripped down from his eyes as his emotions overwhelmed him. “I know that. I just- every time it happens all I can think about is the noise and the spinning and I was so stupid to make the turn in the first place and-”
“No. We talked about this.” Logan fully snaked his arms around Patton's waist, giving him a slightly backwards but otherwise full hug. “You were as careful as you could have been under the given conditions. No one was hurt. This is the first time you had been in an accident and it was a relatively traumatizing experience. But you cannot speak so negatively of something that happened that was an accident.” His voice was firm but not harsh. He felt Patton shudder a bit as the man began to fully cry, and he gently turned him to give him a more conventional (and more comforting) hug.
“I just want to go back. Before it happened. Just go home and not get dinner. Not turn off the street. Anything.” Patton’s crying was slowly soaking into Logan's shirt as he held his friend. This was not the first time this conversation had been had, but it had certainly been a while since the last.
Logan hummed lightly and rocked his friend slightly on the balls of his feet. He let Patton cry; the best way to allow the other time to calm down.
“I know that. But we live time as a linear journey. We cannot go back and change things. And I know that this has been a difficult experience, between the costs of a new, albeit previously owned, vehicle, and trying to balance your time at work and other obligations.” Logan searched for a while for the right words, continuing to hum as he thought.
“You are unaccountably brave to have pushed yourself into driving so soon after the accident. And I think now that decision and the stress it carries is beginning to catch up with you. But you have to keep in mind that you are still allowed to be upset, and uncomfortable, and anything else. What is it that you always tell Virgil?” Logan smirked as he tipped his head down to look at the man curled into his chest.
Patton sniffled but a tiny smile broke through as he rubbed tears away from under his glasses. “Feeling things makes a person a person. And you have to let yourself feel things to be healthy.” He said softly.
“Exactly.” Logan said gently. “Therefore, it is only logical that you follow your own line of thinking and give yourself the time to experience and release your emotions. And then you will heal, and things will be easier, yes?”
“Yeah, I guess.” Patton said softly. He sniffled again, and Logan semi-proudly noted that the crying had all but stopped.
They stayed that way for a while, until the teapot began to whistle and the oven’s timer chimed. Patton squeezed around the base of Logan's chest in a tight hug of thanks, and pressed his face into Logan's chest plate for a brief moment before turning to quiet the 'angry pot’ as he called it. Logan moved to grab his oven mitts and pull their dinner from the oven, as the pair heard their garage door opening once again, signaling the return home of their other housemates.
“Logan?” Patton asked, in their few remaining minutes of silence.
“I think I need to put stickers on the new car. Maybe it's just upset because it doesn't have any.”
Logan smiled broadly at his curious, confusing, and bubbly housemate, shaking his head at the sudden turn in thought. He pulled dinner from the oven and set it aside as the others walked in, and their cozy home was once again filled and smiling.
“Of course, that must be it.”
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russiandance · 7 years
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Check out my new stuff on http://www.gingerwithspice.com/recipe/saffron-buns-st-lucy-lussekatter/
Saffron Buns for St. Lucy (Lussekatter)
  In order to keep the blog up and running this post contains affiliate links, it will be at no extra cost to you, please read the disclosure for more information.
  I am so happy today! The snow is piling up outside my window, and I love it! There’s currently 25 cm (10 inches) of snow and counting. Snow is such a calming weather, the snow falls slowly and turns into a sound blanket, the sounds of the town is fading away as the snow hits the ground.
  The layers of clothes get larger and the food more comforting. I have a tradition, that whenever snow comes for a visit, I have to throw everything out of my hands and go straight to the kitchen and make some hot chocolate. Yes, hot chocolate and snow are besties. I cannot deprive them of meeting, you know…
    So what do I eat next to my hot chocolate? December 13th is coming up close, and do you know what day that is? It’s St. Lucy’s Day (or St. Lucia), which is a feast day. St. Lucy brought food and aid to Christians hiding in the catacombs during the Diocletianic Persecution (source). Mostly celebrated in Norway and Sweden, but also Italy.
  Although I’m not that into religion and Christianity, I like the food. Specifically the saffron buns. This is regular sweet buns (delicious!), but added saffron and raisins. The saffron gives the buns a really bright and yellow color, as well as a very distinct taste. The taste of saffron is sweet and hay-like, and fits perfectly into these saffron buns for St. Lucy’s Day.
  Saffron Buns for St. Lucy’s Day
  In Norway and Sweden we call saffron buns for Lussekatter, which probably could translate to Lucy Cats, don’t ask me why we call them cats. Maybe it’s the S-shape that could reminiscent a cat with its tale out like half an S? Nevertheless, they taste amazing and Christmassy.
    If you want a more detailed explanation of how to make sweet buns, I suggest you read my recipe for regular Norwegian Sweet Buns first.
  This recipe is adapted from Det Søte Liv. In a medium sauce pan, give milk, butter and powdered sugar a boil. Remove from heat and stir in the saffron*. Let it cool to body temperature.
  * If you don’t want to spend luxurious saffron on buns, you could substitute with turmeric. The taste will not be the same obviously, but they will get a yellow color. 1/2 tsp turmeric for 1 gr saffron.
    When it is lukewarm (body temperature), stir in the yeast. In a large bowl, mix flour, salt and cardamom. Knead the dough until it’s smooth and lets go of the bowl (see pictures in Sweet Buns recipe). Place a towel over the bowl and let it rest on a warm place until it doubles in size. Approximately 1 hour. Not everyone does this step, but I think they’re crazy if they don’t.
  Take the dough onto a floured surface and cut them into equal sizes, approximately golf ball+ size. Shape them into reverse S-shape and tuck them together (or any other shape you like, mine is all over the place here). Place them on a prepared baking tray with parchment paper. Let them rest and rise on a warm place for another 45-60 minutes.
  Decorate with two raisins, one in each center, brush the saffron buns with whisked egg. Bake in the middle of the oven at 210C (410F) for 10-12 minutes. Watch closely as the temperature is high. The buns will get a golden color, and if you knock on the backside of a bun and the sound is hollow, they are done! Cool on a cooling rack. Serve as is, or slice up and spread butter on each side! You could also use Norwegian brown cheese (as mentioned in my Sweet Buns recipe).
    Enjoy next to a cup of delicious Rich and Decadent Hot Chocolate!
  If you just had a cup of hot chocolate, and would like something different with your saffron buns, I would highly recommend Scandinavian Mulled Wine (Gløgg).
  And if saffron is too strong a taste for you, regular sweet buns are also amazing.
  Tip for storage: They can easily be freezed. When you want to eat them, just thaw on the counter or warm in the oven for a few minutes and they will be as crispy and tasty as newly baked. I often thaw a whole bag full, and then just pop one in the microwave for 30 seconds. They will not be crispy any more, but still the same comforting taste and fluffy bun.
  I would love to hear what you thought of this recipe, either in the comment section below or tag me @thegingerwithspice on Instagram. And don’t forget to Pin it for later!
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recipesfromapantry · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://recipesfromapantry.com/20-minutes-bacon-chilli-pies-chili/
20 Minute Bacon Chilli Pies
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Hey pie lovers, let me pietroduce to an easy pie recipe. Yeap, I am talking about these 20 minutes bacon chilli pies whipped up with just FIVE ingredients.
Spring onion
Tomato salsa
Yorkshire puddings
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Simple, quick and even my “rather scared of having anything to do with pies” bestie can make these. Result peeps, result.
I been making these bacon chilli pies like crazy. Why I hear you ask? Well.
It is coming up to national pie week and well, you got to make pie during pie week. Because it is pie week.
I do have about half a freezer full of spoiltpig bacon (best bacon EVER) that I have the urge to put in anything and everything like well, pies. See, this totally makes sense right?
( Food blogger confession time) all those lasagne tacos pie things that have been all over the place (Pinterest and Instagram I am looking at you) have become so imprinted in my brain that I just had to make them – but of course I have to be different – so Yorkshire pudding pies they became.
The bestie has been asking me to teach him how to make easy pies to impress his date. What sort of friend will I be if I don’t oblige.
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So the recipe is pretty simple. Fry the bacon and then the spring onion, then add in beans and simmer everything is some tomato salsa. Stuff that simple bacon chilli mix into your Yorkshire puddings (so no pie crust-making and refrigerating and rolling, nope not on my watch folks) and pop in the oven. Less than 20 mins to golden, crunchy yet fluffy, tasty easy bacon chilli pies.  It took me less than 2 mins to sell the idea to the bestie who made them, loved them and fed his date. Result.
Just see how easy they are to make in this video.
Ps for more easy pie recipes why not check out this quick bacon tomato tart, this caramelised onion, brie and brussels sprout tart or tons of easy pie recipes from BBC Good Food?
This post is sponsored by some really lovely folk. Thank you for supporting them, as they make it possible for me to continue dreaming up recipes, travel plans and much more for you. Opinions as always, are my own.
The Easiest Ever Bacon Chilli Pies
Recipe Type: Main
Author: Recipes From A Pantry
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 20 mins
Total time: 25 mins
Serves: 8
The Easiest Ever Bacon Chilli Pies
1 tbsp olive oil
6 slices smoked bacon, diced (I used spoiltpig smoked bacon)
2 spring onions, diced
500g (1.1lb) tomato salsa
400g (14oz) tin of borlotti beans, rinsed and drained
8 large Yorkshire puddings
Preheat the oven to fan assisted 180C / 200C / 400F / gas 6.
Heat olive oil in a pan and fry the bacon till done. Remove the bacon and set aside somewhere warm.
Add spring onions into the same pan and cook for 1 min, then stir in the tomato salsa, beans and bacon. Mix well, bring to the boil, cover and then simmer for 12 mins. Switch of the heat.
Place the Yorkshire puddings in a baking tray and fill them with the bacon chilli mixture.
Bake the puddings in the hot oven for 6 mins, take out, top with avocadoes and greens, before serving.
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