#I spent 45 minutes making this instead of doing homework oops
incorrectnewsies · 4 years
Ben Fankhauser’s Insta Live story highlights (4/5) aka Ben’s Broadway Bistro 
So there’s a lot to unpack here. It’s an hour of footage. I only did the first half but this is still long af
You have 24 hours to rewatch it on his instagram story (plznfanku) but there were also some lovely people who recorded it and have posted it either on here or on youtube (I don’t have any links so feel free to reblog/comment with them)
- his little wave when he’s playing piano (and he’s so good wtf) 
- I love how happy and joyful he looks while performing, even to a simple camera and Kyle 
- if you don’t know who Kyle is, he’s his roommate and bestie and let me tell you, Kyle was amazing
- when the song he’s singing (idk what it was sorry) changes tempo and becomes all upbeat he just radiates sunshine I love him!!!!
- glad to say he still owns the title of “riff daddy”
- admitting he’s terrible at Instagram HA 
- his little spin and snap 
- ”we’re making breakfast” 
- 2 seconds later, someone commenting: “what are we making?”
- Ben Fank: “we’re making breakfast”
- “that’s how I’m getting through this corona virus. Coffee, I guess.” 
- “let me tell you about oven bacon. merp merp merp merp muow” yes tell me about oven bacon
- “set your oven to 380 degrees. Why 380 degress? Cause I’m a random motherfu err” he says when he said shit a minute earlier
- “*quoting a comment* an erster. Mkay, okay I see you.”
- he asks for tips from chefs like three times 
- shows off his 3D Illuminati pepper 
- intermission: show some love for Kyle!!!! 
- has great cutting technique (you curl your fingertips in slightly on top of what you’re cutting to keep your fingertips from being under the knife)
- precision + Ben Fank = a match made in heaven 
- Kyle flipping the camera on himself by accident 
- favorite song from Newsies: Carrying the Banner + clapping and a salsa dance 
- sort of sad because Ben doesn’t sing in that song :( 
- he talks with his hands and with his facial expressions so much wow I love
- little wink wink ;)
- everyone asking him to sing Poor Guys Head is Spinning (abbreviated PGHIS) with Alex Wong encouraging everyone
- he acknowledges them and then goes on to ignore them LMFAO
- Ben (sort of, not really) wanting to be Evan Hansen shakes me to MY CORE the power that could cause...
- okay... like... this man I mean I know he is literally Davey Jacobs BUT HE IS LITERALLY DAVEY JACOBS
- “tall ass potato”
- he stops everything to make sure it is shown how he cuts his potatoes
- intermission: gratitude towards first responders  ❤️
- the way he looks up while talking about burritos is really cute but also lmao 
- when he’s asked his favorite dog breed: “oooooOHHHHHHHH”
- “Y’all are literally watching me cut potatoes” YES AND WE DON’T REGRET A THING
- “wITH preCISION” 
- doesn’t know what kind of potato he’s working with (gold potatoes, Ben. Gold potatoes) 
- “y’all didn’t think you’d get this closeup to my *haaaaands*
- “can y’all appreciate the precision? Cause I can.”
- Intermission: I am once again asking for your cooking tips
- Kyle: “Someone wants to know what’s your favorite thing about Kyle?” Ben: *high pitched* Is that for real?”
- he goes on to talk about how Kyle is tech savy and rigged up their apartment instead of talking about his personality or qualities lmao
- his little sneeze and spin, also people telling him to wash his hands afterwards
- calls himself a grandpa 
- his mom sent him to theatre camp when he was a LAD
- “this is getting pretty hot” he says with a head bob
- also gets excited that we got a look at Kyle when he accidently switches the camera onto him
- everyone commenting about the bacon because he hasn’t checked on it since the start of the video
- doesn’t know how much olive oil he put in his pan but it must cover the bottom
- “hot grEEse”
- *vegetables sizzle when he puts them in oiled pan* “that’s the sound when you make a really good zinger at a friend and you walk away it’s like zzzz” *snaps*
- I want to know when he went to Bryant Park Christmas market because I was there this year and if he was there when I was there and didn’t know I would scream
- “this water is a beralin” 
- you can see how proud he is of his potatoes when he puts them into the water
- calls the boiling water water, then grEEse, then water again
- intermission: condolences to people who have had their plays and musicals canceled because of Corona virus 
- his profile is so nice w o w
- uses the same spoon to stir the vegetables to stir the potatoes because he’s a “dirty birdie” 
- demands for the PGHIS in the comment section (led by Alex Wong again)
- his favorite yiddish slang word is slamazel (might have spelt that wrong)
- intermission: love for the Flamingo Kid 
- checks on the bacon finally
- *talking about bacon* “you like it crisp or what? If you don’t like it crisp begone.” (favorite quote of the video)
- him and his grubby lil fingers
- *talking about Ozark* “wuufh wuufh! it’s great”
- gets sort of bashful about talking about him playing poker hehe
- the way he “walks down the street”
- *Ben goes offscreen* question: what’s you go to hand washing song?” Ben *slides back onscreen with a smile on his face* I’m going to play it for you
- couldn’t think to describe his potatoes as hard
- *bacon pops* “Did you hear that? This bacon is trying to sass me! Did you hear that?”
- messes up the abbreviation for PGHIS a couple of times
- his little “poor” when he’s trying to figure out what he wants to do 🥺!!!!!! 
- I’m sure you heard his performance already. Amazing.
Okay that was the halfway point of the video so if you want me to do the other part lmk haha
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