#it's like 2 am and im passing out at my keyboard and im sure there's a million typos in this fucking novel of a post but
p0is0nvalz · 2 years
Just sum stranger things stuff i thought of :) (each are separate)
(Chrissy is 18) •It was your birthday and your secret girlfriend, chrissy cunningham had special plans for you. your other friends, however, decided they wanted to throw a suprise party for you. In your house. “chrissy.. i want.. you..” you spoke between rough kisses and struggling to open your front door between heated kisses. Finally, the second you unlocked the door, you pinned her up against the wall “i get to top this time, yeah?” “Yeah baby, the little birthday girl gets to destroy me tonight”
“Supri..se?” You both whipped your heads to see Eddie, Steve, Dustin, and Mike with their eyes popped out, their mouths dragging on the floor, Lucas passed out, Johnathan and nancy looking at a bug on the ceiling like it just painted the mona lisa, will trying to set up a dnd campaign, using forks and spoons as characters, Robin biting her fist and beet red, and max and el blinking at you both “aww thanks guys bye!! Shoo!” You quickly pushed them out of your house
“well.. atleast we have cake now?” Chrissy giggled “atleast i get to put on on your body and lick it off you” you purred in her ear.
2. (Modern!au) •you, Robin, Eddie, Steve and Nancy were playing games
“any last words, edward joseph munson?” “Yeah. MOMMY-“ he screeched just as he was getting killed, leaving you and the others dying of laughter “mommy!?” Steve wheezed and slammed his head down on his keyboard.
As he respawned, you came closer to his character “thats ma’am to you, naughty boy” you made a ‘tsk’ sound as he choked on his water “i um.. ive gotta *cough* go..” Eddie sounded very flustered through his mic, only sending everyones giggles further “what did you say to him, y/n!?” “Why me?!” There was a sudden knocking on your door, causing you to get up and look through the window. It was Eddie. “Bitch Eddies here. I gotta go” you left before anyone could protest
‘suck his dick extra hard for me y/n❤️!!’ Steve texted you, but you were too busy to check. (Get it lmao ahaha) (why am i so childish)
3. •steve walks in on you searching up lesbians wooo
“y/n?” Steve entered the room un announced, leaving you to quickly close the tab you were looking at and turn around, trying to act cool “yep?” “Oh my god!” Steve ran out of the room
“steve dont tell anyone i sweartogod ill kill everyone you love” “im not gonna tell anyone! I just..mayknowagirlwhosinterestedinyou” “well IM not interested, i already know someone whos caught my eye” you crossed your arms and puffed out your chest “oh yeah, who?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
“….ᴿᵒᵇᶦⁿ…..” Steve squealed and threw his arms around “ugh im litterally cupid. Im gonna call her right now and you’ll awnser.” He typed in robins number, much to your protests “Buckley residence, Robin speaking” “hi….” “Oh! Y/n h-hi, hey, whats up?” You giggled at her nervousness “uh.. so.. do you wanna hang out with me? As a date..?” You silently banged your head on the wall, thinking of 20 different ways that couldve been way smoother.
after a long hard 30 seconds she responded “y-yeah! Sure.. um ill pick you up at around 8:00?” “Sure” you agreed with a smile and hung up, squealing.
you and steve joint hands and started dancing around the room “sooo.. are we gonna talk about you searching up lesbians..?” “No.”
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dariadraws · 4 years
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and my final piece so far for @geekinthecorner‘s @batfam-big-bang fic Bats Of The West, it’s Jason Todd! ngl i think this is one of the ones i had the most fun with, and also the one i crammed the most details into that no one but me will ever know exist, but i’ll share a few of them under the cut, along with the image description. plus, a list of all of Jason’s scars in this au, and how he got them.
also, like i said, this is my final piece so far but i fully intend to come back and round out the batfam, draw all the other characters i havent had a chance to get to yet, so keep an eye out for that, and in the meantime here’s some fun facts!
alright so. first off, just some general overall thoughts on Jason and some of the details i added here.
 his gun in the first pic is super expensive and pretty, but i imagine he doesnt use is as often as some of his other ones, simply because when he’s out in The Wilderness tracking down criminals for weeks on end, it’s not really the kind of place you want to bring your prettiest, most expensive gun. when he’s on the ranch or in town tho, or really just anywhere where he doesnt anticipate needing to rough it for more than a couple days (which isnt the same as not expecting the need to get rough), he’s probably got this gun.
his gun belt and holster are a whole other story tho. he spent exactly zero dollars and zero cents on them, just assembled them from some spare leather they had lying around, which is why theyre in such Not Great condition, and also why the belt itself ended up so long. he could cut it down to a more reasonable size, but it’s not like there’s anything else he could make from those scraps anyways, so why bother.
that big gun in the second image isn’t technically his tho, it’s the Communal Ranch Rifle. mainly it’s just used to scare away coyotes (or, yknow, actually hit coyotes) but it does occasionally see real action as well, tho not often.
also. does it even need to be said? his hat.. holder... bead... thing. with the turquoise inlay. is a gift from Dick
alright and now the fun part! i go through all of jason’s scars, and how he got them. there are quite a few and a lot of them are. Sad. so be warned, and take care of yourselves! (also just for the record, i promise the fic itself isnt actually as dark as this will make it sound. basically none of this shows up in the story, i was just given free reign to design whatever i wanted, and poor jason ended up paying the price)
ok so. scars. 
first off, the claw and bit marks on his arms and shoulders are from getting attacked by some coyotes back when he was still just a kid. to quote my explanation back when i pitched this to Em, “bc as a Young Human with minimal supervision and not necessarily having someone to call him inside once it gets dark, he was unfortunately Very Delicious, if somewhat scrawny, by coyote standards”
next up: a bullet scar on his abdomen, on his lower left side (our right), from some kind of shootout with a criminal. this one is middling-recent; after bruce adopted him, but before the joker thing. i dont really have anything concrete for that one but it was a through and through, and somehow, miraculously, missed hitting any bones, and any organs. just missed his lower rib by like. an inch. that one messed bruce up more than jason, honestly. if anything, he was just surprised it took him that long to get shot, with the life he's had
the ones on his cheek and on his chin were just Regular Childhood Shenanigans scars, no real story.
the one through his mouth is from his time with the joker though. there's also the J brand on his right bicep, also from the joker.
also joker related, hes got a lot of scars on his hands, especially his knuckles and fingertips, from trying to fight his way out of his captivity, and scratching his fingers raw trying to pry open the door to his cell/untie the rough rope he way tied with/whatever the specific situation was. also some minor rope burn scars on his wrists from the same deal.
also some blade scars across his palms from trying to stop/block knives. definitely with the joker, but probably at some point in his youth as well
a few faint lines across his neck from being a temporary hostage a few time while helping Bruce on cases when he was younger, but none of them ever went deep or caused any serious damage
oh and also, whip scars on his back from his time with the joker, which arent too prominent, and mostly cant be seen from the front, except for a couple of spots where they crest over his shoulders and the very tail ends of them can be seen, but they’re there 
and also some kind of straight scar on his left forearm, which was a carry-over from my usual Jason design, that i like but dont really have a story for, so that one’s purely aesthetic, lol
and that’s it! i think? that’s all my notes on that? either way this post is getting Way Too Long, and i still gotta do the image descriptions, so i’m calling it there. 
[IMAGE ID: two images of Jason Todd in old-fashioned cowboy clothing. He has red, curly hair with a streak of white running through it at the front. his skin is pale but sunburnt, has deep-blue eyes, many freckles both on his face and on the rest of his exposed skin, and his body is broad and muscular, and he has many scars. he has small round metal piercings in the lobes of both ears, as well as an additional two in the top cartilege of his right ear.
in the first image, he is facing directly at the viewer with his arms crossed, and a challenging look on his face. he is wearing a maroon cowboy shirt with checkered red accent at the chest and the sleeves rolled up to his upper arms. he has a dark blue polka-dot bandana tied around his neck, and over that pass two strands of red braided cord holding his tan cowboy hat, which is visible hanging off his neck behind him. the cords are tipped with small metal beads, and pass through a large, dark brown wooden bead inset with turquoise, which regulates their length. he is wearing dark-wash blue jeans with prominent yellow stitching, pulled over his cowboy boots up to the ankle until only the foot of each boot is visible. the boots are dark brown with pale seams and red stitching, and light brown heels and soles. fastened around each boot are embossed red spur-straps, with metal spurs extending from them behind the boots. at his waist are two cracked leather belts. one is dark brown, with a pale silver buckle stamped with vine designs, and it is threaded through his belt loops. the second belt is hanging diagonally over his hips and holds his gun and holster. this belt is a reddish tan with a pattern of darker brown, overlapping rings down its length, and has a darker silver buckle. it is long enough that the loose end of it wraps back around itself several times before hanging down. the holster is simple brown leather folded over the gun, with two straps to tighten it. the gun itself is an ornate and expensive-looking revolver, black metal with intricate gold detailing and a mother-of-pearl grip.
in the second image, he is facing slightly to the side, with a long shotgun propped over his shoulder with one hand and an unimpressed expression on his face as he looks somewhere to the right of the viewer. he is shirtless, and his torso is muscled, stocky, and as sunburned and freckled as the rest of him. his cowboy hat is hanging off his neck again behind him, once more held in place by the braided red cord and round wood-and-turquoise bead. he is wearing tan, high-waisted pants tucked into his cowboy boots, which are the same as in the first image but now fully visible, with red pulls at the top. the pants are attached to red suspenders, though they are not on his shoulders and hang down around him instead. his gunbelt is once more around his hips, but the holster is obscured behind him, and isn't visible. the hand not holding the shotgun is down loosely at his side, and has a red and white bandana wrapped around the wrist. END ID]
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icarusthefoolish · 2 years
Character's: Eret, Sapnap
Warnings: Panic attack, Depression, overworking, fighting, cussing
(A/N: Ok finally a new oneshot, this is actually based on something that happens to me a lot, since this is an Eret Oneshot im going to use multiple pronounce but i'll mostly stick with He and They. And I'm going to go over my storys and change the gender and pronounce to they/them. Anyways that's all. i hope you enjoy it!)
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The perfect ending for a not so perfekt week
You had been sitting in your office since about noonish and now it was two in the morning, music was blasting out of a Bluetooth speaker on your desk, as you relentlessly typed away on your keyboard. You were a story writer manly and did streaming as a little hobby and you had to finish the last two chapters for your book, so you had to take all nighters to even come close to finishing, since the deadline was about 2 days away. Your eyes were quickly becoming bleary and your brain couldn't form correct sentences anymore, since you hadn't had more than 3 hours of sleep in the last few days with the deadline coming up and you also having to stream.
Even though Eret always told you to just take a day or so of of streaming and writing so you could actually get some sleep you said no every time stating that your viewers would surely be mad if you took a day of. You and Eret had been in a relationship for about one year now and you couldn't be happier but the stress of everything happening was putting somewhat of a strain in your relationship, you had so much to do in so little time that you simply didn't have the time to do something with Eret even though you really wanted to.
You rubbed your bleary eyes groaning slightly as the grammar corrector didn't seem to agree with your writing, you ended up just deleting the entire last sentence with a frown, you blindly grabbed for your now 4th can of Monster managing to tipp it over and spill most of its contents on the floor, you let out a aggravated groan pushing yourself away from your desk to stand up and clean up the floor. You let out a sigh and made your way to the kitchen grabbing a wet rag and some paper towels before going back to your office. You didn't look where you were going since your eyes were basically falling closed at this point so you ran straight into Eret, "oof!" You somehow managed to keep yourself upright before looking up at him.
They looked down at you with a frown, "you should really just go to sleep..." You huffed and shook your head trying to walk past him, they didn't let you though. You crossed your arms not really caring if your shirt got wet due to the rag you were holding, "would you mind letting me pass? I still need to write and stream..." You where honestly getting tired of this, not of Eret but of the constant fighting you two did due to you being stressed and tired. He shook his head, "no I'm not you are gonna go to sleep this this the third night you've been staying up and not getting any sleep your gonna end up destroying yourself." They crossed their arms lifting one eyebrow.
You sighed your eyes closing, "i am not if you haven't already noticed I'm trying to finish my damn book! If i don't finish these last two chapters in the next two days I'm not getting any money and we both wouldn't like that very much would we?" With that you squeezed past Eret and walked to your office to clean up the sticky mess of energy still on the floor. What you didn't realize was that Eret was following you. You were partially kneeling on the floor to get rid of the sticky energy and you were quickly getting annoyed by Eret who's eyes were basically starring a hole into your skull.
You turned your head to him with an exasperated sigh, "how can i help you? Can't you see that im cleaning up right now?" They huffed crossing their arms, "well i wasn't done talking with you because you need sleep, we both know that you've been getting angry more easily and we haven't spend proper time with each other in the last 2 months all because you are constantly overworking yourself."
You rolled your eyes drying off the floor before throwing away the paper towels into the trash can under your desk which was partially overflowing with empty Starbucks cups, "Well I'm sorry your 'highness' theres people on this earth who can't earn money doing nothing but playing a fucking block game all Day!" You stood up glaring at him, "i have to somehow earn money since im sure as hell not just fucking sitting around all day doing nothing unlike you." He glared at you scoffing, "oh so that's what you think? You think I'm just sitting on my ass doing nothing!?" You nodded even though you wanted to shake your head no, you didn't mean what you said. You didn't mean to blow up at Eret and you most definitely didn't mean to say that he did nothing.
They let out a humorless chuckle before turning around and leaving, before he slammed the door shut they said, "let's see how you continue to live like how you have been without me 'doing nothing' have fun all alone Y/N" they slammed the door closed and you heard him go to the front door and it shutting shortly after.
You were still standing in the room your eyes were wide you didn't know what had just happened if you were gonna be honest, the only thing you did know was that you had probably just lost the only person who really gave a damn about you.
You sat down in your chair your hands shaking while your breathing picked up, your eyes watered while you curled into yourself, you didn't know what to do, it felt like Eret had taken most of your heart with him when they left. You didn't know what to do without Eret, they always calmed you down whenever your anxiety was bad but he wasn't here now and it was your fault.
You didn't know how long you sat on your office chair the only thing you knew was that you had to stream, you didn't know if you could hold up a happy persona during the stream but you hoped so, you got everything ready and quickly went into the bathroom to check what you looked like.
You looked like hell, your eyes were red and puffy and you had massive bags under them. You shook your head and walked out and back into your office to start the stream. People started pouring in and you forced yourself to smile, "hello everyone! I hope your having a good day!" You smiled even though you wanted to just curl up and cry but you needed to be strong, "if you can hear me just type a hi into chat!"
You watched a lot of hi's pouring into the chat and you giggled though it just sounded hollow, you talked to your viewer's chuckling at their antic's when a Donation came through "Hi Y/N! I have a question, you look really really tired are you alright?"
You got a little nervous at that but just smiled, "yea I'm alright, just a little tired but nothing i can't handle!" You sounded nervous and you wanted to curs yourself for making it so obvious that you weren't ok. You started shaking slightly when more and more people commented about your appearance and how you looked like you needed sleep and that you looked like you had been crying a lot.
Your leg started bouncing and you shook your head, "I'm ok guys just....just stop asking im f-fine!!" Your eyes started to fill with tears and your hands immediately went to your hair tugging on it. Your breathing started getting more uneven and you didn't notice when your office door opened and someone shut off your stream, your eyes were squeezed close trying your hardest not to get a full blown panic Attack.
A hand set itself on your shoulder and you froze looking up into Sapnaps face, you were confused as to why he was here when you remembered that he had come to visit two weeks ago. You let out a whimper and he pulled you close, he had always been an older brother for you and you just felt safe with him. He shushed you running his fingers through your hair, "hey your ok calm down" you shook your head, nothing was ok you broke down in the middle of a stream amd your viewer's were sure to be mad at you, so that's exactly what you told him, you told him every thing even the fight with Eret.
You just felt lost you didn't know what to do, you felt like you wanted to curl up and die. He picked you up and went to the couch with you and just continued calming you down until you finally fell asleep. He smiled slightly before getting his phone out and making an announcement on Twitter on your behalf.
Hey everyone, I'm just making a quick announcement on @Y/T/N behalf, I'm sure you all noticed that they weren't doing ok when they streamed earlier, i won't go into detail because it's not my place to say anything but i just want everyone to know that they will be taking a well deserved break. They have been working themselves to exhaustion and are finally asleep now. I wish everyone a good day and by everyone!
After he posted the announcement he Pocketed his phone and stood up carefully, he draped a blanket over you before walking to your computer and saving the open document with your writing in it. You could work on it once you had enough energy to work again. After that he shut of everything and closed the door before sitting down on the couch in the Living room, he let out a sigh running his hand through his hair.
He was worried about you all of your friends and Fans were, you had worked yourself to absolute exhaustion, he was just glad that you were sleeping now and he was sure Eret would come around if he didn't then he'd have a talk with him.
When you woke up you were confused, you didn't remember much of what happened yesterday and you certainly didn't remember laying down on the couch in your office to sleep, but here you were now. You sat up and stretched with a groan before humming confused when you smelled breakfast. You stood up padding out of your office and into the Kitchen to see Sapnap standing there, his hair messed up while making some bacon and eggs.
You sat on the Island confused, "Sap? What are you doing here and what happened?" He looked back at you smiling when he saw that you looked way more rested then the night before. He explained what happened and also told you that he had put up an announcement saying that you were taking a break, you weren't happy with that but there was really nothing you could do against it. You sighed placing plates and cutlery onto the table for two people.
You both ate chatting about whatever came to your minds. You actually laughed about some awful jokes Sapnap told and he was happy that you were begging to be yourself again.
Sapnap had spend the entire week with you making you sleep and take proper care of yourself, he even managed to make you forget about your troubles with Eret even if it was only for a short while.
By the end of the week you were mostly back to normal, you hadn't touched your set up and computer for that entire week and while you were sure that you had angry mails from your publisher you quiet honestly didn't care, it was the last day of Sapnaps stay with you since he had to get back to Florida soon. So you ended up just watching movies and chilling in your apartment.
You were leaning on his shoulder laughing some stupid Romance movie you were watching when the door bell rang, you were confused as to who it was, Sapnap stood up to go to the door before you stopped him, "I'll go you wait here" he nodded and you stood up and walked to the front door.
When you opened it you didn't expect Eret standing there, he looked sad and tired but his face brightened when he saw you and that your condition was way better then the last time he saw you, "hey...." He looked to the side scratching his neck. You bit your lip and looked to the side not sure what to say when Sapnap came to the door as well.
He smiled at Eret slightly before looking at you, "i better get going you two have some stuff to talk about." He ruffled your hair before squeezing past Eret and waving, you stepped to the side and let Eret in, Sap was right you really did have some stuff to talk about.
He stepped inside and you both took a seat in the Living room, "so..." You really didn't know what to say and just ended up looking at the floor so Eret took over the talking, "im sorry.... I know running out wasn't the right thing to do but i was just so angry by what you said..." You shook your head looking at him, "what are you talking about? If anything I'm the one who needs to apologize, i said some stuff thay i really shouldn't have....i was just so tired and stressed because of the deadline. I was so angry and i just didn't know what to do, i shouldn't have taken that anger out on you since you had nothing to do with it and just wanted to help." They smiled at you before scooting closer and hugging you, you nuzzled your face into his neck and basically melted into the hug, "I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you love." They shook his head smiling, "it's alright I'm just glad that your ok." You smiled leaning up and placing your lips on theirs.
For you this was the perfect ending for a not so perfekt week.
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Taglist @sapnapbubbas
(send me an ask to be added!)
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mushroomminded · 2 years
I forgot to tell everyone about work tea!!!! its so good!!
we're implementing a new POS (point of sale) system at work and it went live yesterday. The entire service staff got 1 hour of a presentation the day before learning it and that's all and it was as much of a disaster as you'd expect.
I'd like to mention that 2 of the 3 managers who had further training on the system have been with the company less than a year, so during that 1 hour presentation, myself and 2 others who had been there longer pointed out SO MANY things they missed and needed to be changed before we went live so things would run smoothly between the guests, ourselves, and the kitchen (reader, I can't say they werent ALL implemented but...)
Day of launch I got to do a practice run ringing in food for staff before dinner started. Couldnt do it. I had a manager over my shoulder as I rang in the salad, no problem. "How do I ring in a side of fries?" I ask. "You can't..." he muttered. (I demand he add a button that lets me set a price and message to the kitchen under threat we will go belly-up tonight without it.)
"Ok, how about this off-menu item?"
(I write the order down on a piece of paper and hand it to the kitchen)
we go to our pre-shift meeting. our representative from the pos company "Gloria" is there. (We all HATE Gloria. I'm a gossip so I'm telling everyone Gloria got on my NERVES while we were training on the system and every one of them says "Oh whew, I thought it was just me")
I'm telling Gloria "I need buttons that let me set a price and send items to the kitchen". she says the manager is working on it.
We go live and reader, guess what isn't there.
I open my first table. I cannot get it open. I talk to manager and he has to change the seating chart so I can open my table.
I open my second table. I cannot get it open. I point this out to Gloria and she directs me to a roundabout way to open it with promises that she'll fix it (I had to use the roundabout way for the rest of the evening. (I would also like to note that the roundabout way was made for a touchscreen with scroll enabled. this touchscreen is not scroll enabled. I do not have a keyboard. i am desperately trying to tap the tiny, tiny scroll bar with my fingertip))
"there's no house wine buttons" I say.
"use the button where you can set the price" the bartender says.
"there isnt one"
"there's no button for house liquor" i say
"use the button where you can set the price"
"there isnt one"
(im sure that despite my best efforts, people got some free drinks that night)
I open my third table (the roundabout way). and have a moment of time, so I try to arrange the check so that i can split it properly. I cant seem to recall how. (i freeze a terminal in the process). I ask a manager to remind me. (he has no luck). I'm forced to ask Gloria for help.
"Why, you just press this button and-"
"I dont suppose the popup didnt show up on your screen either"
"Nor did the other popup at the start of your table"
no ma'am
"I'll fix it"
One terminal has a webpage error screen. I laugh so loud it fills the dining room.
(I freeze another terminal. the 'freeze terminal' button is right next to the 'exit' button)
I'm asked for help running a credit card because I've generally been able to crack this system and help my team with it. (The credit card machine is not working)
As things slow down, my favorite, we're all griping in passing about the new system, the poor implementation, Gloria. I'm having the time of my life.
So excited for my shift tonight to do it all over again.
(forgot to mention I had a poor kind young woman training with me that day who learned nothing at all because heaven knows I didnt know what I was doing either)
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jaesvelvet · 3 years
jealousy jealousy — kim junkyu
words: 1.7k words
warning: grammartical errors,idk what i write does it make sense? reader being insecure!
pairing: junkyu+fem reader
notes: i want to publish my jihoon's ff but i haven't finish it yet since my school is starting soon😭 anyway this ff inspired by olvia rodrigo's song, jealousy jealousy (remember you're beautiful just like the way you are!!!🤍)
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you couldn't help but grinned as you step into the famous YG building. it feels like a dream come true. you used to be a trainee in a small company for 5 months before decided to left, you realized that you didn't have the talent to be an idol, you're just average on everything, that's all. you gasped when you saw a huge screen in front of the escalator playing blackpink's mv on the screen. YG is that rich exactly like the news said.
you turn, grinning widely at junkyu, who from the convenience store with some snacks on both of his hands. you waved at him and junkyu laugh in response
"i'm sorry for being late," he said, handing some bread to you
"no it's okay i just got here," you said
you and junkyu are best friends since high school, you're the one who supported junkyu's journey to debut, and junkyu was grateful to have a friend like you, junkyu always convince you to audition at YG but you refused since you now want to focus on your studies. but after junkyu accidentally saw a book full of lyrics song at your desk, he forced you to record one of the songs in his studio and release it on soundcloud so junkyu could promote the song to his fans.
of course, you reject the offer saying you can't sing and you don't want any attention in the university. a medical science student releases a song on a soundcloud, out of the blue, and treasure junkyu promoted her music?? no way!
however junkyu being junkyu, he didn't give up and keep encouraging you to record one of your songs, you didn't need to prepare anything just bring the lyrics and yourself, and the rest, he will work on it. after weeks tried to convince the you, you finally agreed with one term; which is junkyu need to buy you food. a lot of food.
"okay so here it's my studio, um it isn't something to brag about since half of the members have their studio," he said, opening the door of his studio showing his messy studio with a big portrait of treasure on the wall.
"you should clean your studio if you want to impress a girl kyu" you joked, getting a whine from junkyu mumbling that he would never see the world again if he brings a 'girlfriend' over.
junkyu pressed something on his keyboard and bass sound came out, making you flinch, the instrument that junkyu creates is mellow and kinda strident? as soon as you heard the instrument you know which lyrics from your lyrics book would go along and make a perfect song
"i have a perfect song for this" you excited, taking out your black notebook and turn to a back page—clearly the lyrics are fresh from the oven.
"okay i'm gonna play it and you sing the lyrics okay?"
you nodded and sing a little bit of the lyrics
"i kinda wanna throw
my phone across the room
'cause all i see are girls
too good to be true"
"woah! it's perfect" junkyu gasped, amazed at how the instrument he made suits perfectly with your lyrics. you smile, you didn't suprised much since you know how much passion junkyu has in music.
"okay now you eat first, i'm gonna rearrange the lyrics to suit with the melody," he said and get a nod from you. you eat the bread that junkyu bought for you, you also eyeing the studio, it's kinda cold in here cause the space not too big and they put a big ass aircond on top of you.
junkyu notice your quiver, he rolled his eye when you only wearing a thin black shirt material, he scoffs before handing you his pink hoodie that he left in the studio yesterday.
"i won't turn off the aircond so you must wear this hoodie, it's been a week since i wash it," he said in a teasing voice, you frown yet you have no choice to wear the pink treasure hoodie or else, you're gonna die in this cold studio.
you sigh in relief when the hoodie warms your cold body, you side-eyeing junkyu who looks so serious rearrange the lyrics, you then click on the instagram icon, you felt blue as you saw haeri post on your feed— haeri is a popular rich girl in your university, you and her once assigned in a group for an assignment and she is very kind and open about her opinions, she also very serious when it comes to study/work and she is pretty, to your eyes she is like a goddess. she is so pretty, kind, and selfless, and you really lying if you didn't jealous of her. she has a perfect life and you still struggling to get a diploma.
you slowly pressed the screen twice, liking a picture of haeri; wearing a beanie and a mask in a cafe without posing too much, getting 2 thousand likes within 1 hour. you wonder how is it to be like a rich popular pretty girl in university? well, damn sure you will get all of the pretty privileges in your life. you sighed as you realized you're comparing yourself again with haeri. you always remind yourself not to compare yourself to anyone since you're beautiful enough but you can't. the funniest thing is you and haeri didn't even know each other, yet you being so jealous of her life. sometimes you just feel small, you want to be like them.
"y/n!" junkyu shakes your body making you slap his hand
"i called you for like thousand times! you didn't hear me?" junkyu said, stroking his hand that got slapped by you
"oh i'm sorry, im zoning out, you're done rearranging?"
junkyu nodded
"you can listen to the instrument and practice your lyric with it," he said
an hour passed, you finally get the tempo, beat, and rhythm right, you grin excitedly as junkyu put the headphones on your head and directing the microphone to you
"you ready?" junkyu asked
"yes i am" with that, junkyu clicked on something and you could hear the instrument, you begin to sing the verse of your song choice.
i kinda wanna throw my phone across the room
'cause all i see are girls too good to be true
with paper-white teeth and perfect bodies
wish i didn't care
you stop singing and look at junkyu curiously making junkyu paused the song and look back at you with a confused look
"doesn't singer usually stop singing for producers fix their mistakes?" you asked making junkyu giggle
"yes that's true but you didn't have any mistake, you're doing good, i will pause the music if i have something to fix" he explained, getting an 'oh' from you. you continue singing the song.
i know their beauty's not my lack
but it feels like that weight is on my back
and i can't let it go
com-comparison is killin' me slowly
i think i think too much
'bout kids who don't know me
i'm so sick of myself
i'd rather be, rather be
anyone, anyone else
my jealousy, jealousy started followin' me
started followin' me
as you singing the song that you wrote, junkyu couldn't help but wonder who is the person, you dedicated to? or how you inspired to write this song? this song is obviously about your insecurities about some girl, and you don't even know her! junkyu pout when you felt like this, he knew how insecurities could kill you, back then when he was a trainee he felt insecure with all of the trainees that beat him to debut, he felt he doesn't belong in here but with you and his members on his side, he gained confidence and prove to the world that he is himself and nothing can change that.
all your friends are so cool, you go out every night
in your daddy's nice car, yeah, you're livin' the life
got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend, too
i wanna be you so bad and i don't even know you
all i see is what u should be
happier, prettier, jealousy, jealousy
all i see is what i should be
i'm losin' it, all i get's jealousy, jealousy
you remove the headphone as soon as the instrument stop playing, you handing the headphone without noticing junkyu's face, chaeyul grabbed the water bottle and drink, her throat felt dry after singing a whole song which you have never done in your life, making you wonder how did singer voice so stable when singing live?
"kyu—oh my god why are you looking at me like that?" you take one step back as you saw junkyu looking at you with frowns on his face, you bit her lips was your singing that terrible?
"sit down here" he ordered, you quickly took a seat beside him without saying anything
junkyu grab your hand and rubs it softly while looking at you with his brown eyes.
"what you see is all fake y/n. she living her best life is what you see what you want, but you didn't see her pain, how hard she must through a day in her life, we didn't know if she struggles behind, you also know you can't compare yourself to others right? you're beautiful" he said
"but, i don't know kyu. i couldn't help but felt all jealous of her, i feel like a total loser" you said
“no y/n, you're not a loser! hear me out, you do great, you beautiful and an amazing person, so why do you need to be insecure to a person you never know? everyone is beautiful on their own, you're an original version of yourself and no one else could be you. you are special and unique, you wouldn't know if someone is jealous of your life, a successful medical student who has a great voice. you need to love yourself more, let yourself shine in your spotlight. trust me popular life wouldn't great as you think" he said
you smile at his words
"thank you kyu, honestly, you're right.i didn't appreciate myself enough this past week, hearing you said that making me feel great about myself, i am me, there's nothing anyone could change about me"
junkyu smile and pat your head
"that's my girl"
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calistawon · 3 years
YOU WROTE CANT BE HERSELF WHEN SHES SOMEBODY ELSE. You wrote so many stories i love!!!! And i didnt even realized!!!!!
Holy fuck!!!!!!
Okay. Okay listen. Im gonna start by apologizing cause 1 english is not my main language so my phones keyboard is en spanish and that leads to 2 im gonna hace a lot of typos cause EXCITED, and 3, this whole ask is gonna be So Long Im So Sorry
Oh my god. Okay. Clemminnit just. My daughter now. Holy shit i think i read it all (plus the other parts of the series) in a night/morning. Pretty sure i like passed out at like 7-8 am after reading the whole night
Cried my eyes out in the best way possible, just. Fuck. Knowing everyone was there for her!!!!! The whole Wil situation with everyone Absolutely Ready To Throw Hands against him because he refused to listen!!!! And then he just being Devastated when he realized he fucked up????
The groupchat of people ready to stab for Clem!! (George going "unworthy of existing" sent me to another dimention. Also Karl!!! Stopping the whole stream!!!!! To scream at transphobes!!!!)
Wilbur after his mistake just being The Best Brother i swear im crying remembering it!!!
Just Some Lads Being Dudes
God. This story. Im pretty sure this story was the first one i read.
Its so???? Nice???? And wholesome??? And endaring???
Tubbo being So Sure he had told them before and then just Panik (tm) when he realized he told them in a dream
Ranboo worried Tommy was gonna react badly snd then being so blindsided by the fact that All 3 Of Them are Trans was so hilarious and so dear to my heart!
Tommy just so excited to meet Ranboo and then so worried when he tought Ranboo aceptes Tubbo but not him, but then the 3 of them just Laughing!!! So relieved!!!!
Also Tommy and Tubbo getting worried Ranboo was binding unsafely was just, my heart dude im not made to have this many pretty emotions.
Bass!Ranboo my beloved (The fact you gave my comfort streamer my fave instrument (plus kind of the only one i know how to play) absolutelt made my week and im so happy now)
I love the fact that this helped them understand a little the whole ammount of pressure that being a faceless streamer/musician/celebrity can have on a person. The level of stress!
Also i love that Tommy was the most worried of face revealing. Hes just so worried about being made fun of (mood) but he also loves this.
The fact they wanted to be... appreciated, for their talent rather than their success as streamers.
God. I could go for longer but i dont want to tire you too much! Just. Know i am in love with your writting style!!
okay so the first time i read this i was in an airport, extremely tired and jetlagged, so i forgot to respond. sorry! I just wanted to say, though, that this totally made my day. thank you so much. you have no idea how happy this made me. i'm so glad you enjoy my work and it's nice to know that other people get as excited about it as i do.
thank you again. seriously thank you! :D
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Maltese Falcon Job
leverage 2.15
Hardison (checking phone): Guys, they are ripping through Nate and Tara's cover stories. All their financials are blown. So look, until I know what they know, no credit cards, no debit cards, no ATMs, nothing that can be traced back to us. OK? Cash in hand only.
- - - - -
Nevins (on phone): No, not a safe house. Interpol wants Culpepper someplace off our system. We're taking him to the Governor Hotel.
Nate: OK, that's it. That's where we're gonna hole up.
Tara: The Governor Hotel?
Nate: Yeah.
Tara: The hotel crawling with FBI?
Eliot: FBI and Interpol.
Nate: Yeah, you know, it's the one place in Boston they won't be lookin' for us. Come on, we just gotta get there first
- - - - -
Tara: Oh, thank God! I just stepped out to get the paper and then my door closed behind me and I tried to find a house phone, but you guys don't have those anymore. (drops towel) Oops.
Man: Uh...
(Eliot and Parker look down the hall, then at each other, then down the hall)
parker, g i r l, close your mouth
they were both slightly Into It™ and you can’t change my mind
- - - - -
Hardison: In-room checkout. (sits down on bed with keyboard) OK, look, this means that I have access to the hotel's billing computers. It's a big ol' backdoor in every hotel room in America. (hacks system) As of right now, we've been here for a week, and our reservations are good for another week, courtesy of this man's platinum card, Mr. Ogden Shields, who has spent a lot of time in the adult section of pay-per-view. I mean, did he even leave the room?
Parker: In-de-panties Day?
~ a few moments later ~
(Parker takes keyboard from Hardison’s hands)
Eliot: All right, I'm gonna go get some keys made. I'm goin' to the gym. Make sure I can charge stuff on the room.
Hardison: I gotcha.
(women moaning on TV)
Parker: Wow, she really wants that car clean.
Hardison: That’s-that's enough of that
parker is baby and hardison wants to protect her from that nastiness
- - - - -
Nate: Why do we care about him?
Hardison: 'Cause he's big on the surplus weapons market.
Eliot: (laughs) That's just a polite way of saying arms dealer.
Tara: His specialty's buying cheap guns from Third World countries and reselling 'em.
- - - - -
Nate: Don't worry about Sterling.
Eliot: Did you just say, "Don't worry about Sterling?"
Nate: Yeah, don't worry about Sterling. What you don't think I can beat Sterling?
Eliot: I think in the last six months, Nate, I've heard you talk about beating the Triads, beating the Russians. All right? Maggie's boyfriend. Huh? How'd that work out? We all said that meet was a bad idea, right? But you got a taste for taking down this Mayor and you can't resist.
Nate: You wanna walk away? Walk away.
Eliot: I'm not walkin' away. It's not my job. My job is to get your back. And, Nate, I'm gonna do it. All the way down. But I need you to do your job.
Nate: And what's that?
Parker: Be Nathan Ford. Be the person we came back for
PARKER BABY she showed emotion I’m so proud of her
- - - - -
(Eliot holds up the piece of paper taken from Bonanno’s house that reads ‘Maltese Falcon’)
Eliot: That's still bugging me, man.
we love to see eliot confiding/leveling with hardison
- - - - -
Parker: Ooh! But, uh, I have mini-bar.
her in the maid outfit with the french accent
- - - - -
Nate: You help Tara and Parker. I'm gonna stall Sterling.
Hardison: How?
Nate: I'm thinking.
(Sterling gets into an elevator. Nate heads up the stairs, stopping at every floor to push the elevator button. Sterling begins to get irritated when the elevator stops at every floor but never sees Nate, who gets progressively more tired as they go upward)
(Sterling gets off on the 14th floor. Behind him, Eliot pushes his cart into the elevator. Sterling glances at him but the door closes before he can get a good look. Sterling approaches the door the FBI agents are guarding)
petty and fucking ICONIC I wouldn’t have the stamina for that but neither would nate tbh and honestly he was probably running on pure spite to make that happen and I respect him for that
- - - - -
Parker: Housekeeping!
(she goes inside, pulling her cart in behind her. Once in the room, she finds Tara and Hardison in the window. Hardison is tangled in his line, and Tara is trying to help him)
Hardison: Ow. That's... Stop. Hey, I got this. Stop. I don't need help.
Tara: Clearly you do.
Hardison: I got this. I got this. Go.
we love to see the running bit of hardison utterly FAILING at anything rappelling related
- - - - -
Culpepper: Where are the agents? Where are the agents? There should be two FBI agents standing at the door.
(Eliot walks in with Parker thrown over his shoulder)
Nate: Did you have to?
Eliot: She saw our faces.
Nate: OK. Yeah, put her in the tub with the others.
(Eliot takes her into the bathroom)
- - - - -
eliot can always knock a bitch out with one (1) punch
- - - - -
Sterling: So, I'm gonna make you a deal. You find Kadjic, tie him to the guns, I'll give you a free pass. Just this once, you get to walk away with your record wiped clean.
Nate: My team?
Sterling: They go down. Every last one of 'em. They deserve to go down. They're criminals, Nate. Thieves. So that's the deal. You bring me Kadjic and the guns, and I cut you and you alone loose. Because at the end of the day you're always right. You're not a thief. This is your second chance.
(Sterling picks up the flask and walks away)
this was actually really interesting to see. sterling leveled with nate. he knows nate, knows how he works, thinks he knows who nate really is on the inside. they have a Past™
- - - - -
Nate: Yeah. No. I... I, uh... Listen, I need you to come back. Um... I need you. Uh, I need you.
[Interior Helicopter]
Sophie: No, no, no. Speak up. I'm traveling and...
[Leverage Headquarters]
Nate: Not the team. Me. For me. Not for a con. I just... Listen, I... I don't know who I am anymore, Sophie. And, ah... When, when I was chasing you and everything and we were doing cons, I knew who I was, but not anymore. As crazy as this sounds, I need you to tell me, tell me when I'm goin' too far. I mean, it just... It gets out of control and I just don't know who I am and, and you've always been... .y compass. And, you know, I care about you more than yo-you'll ever know, because I lo... I lo...
lmfao when the signal is lost? tragic
- - - - -
eliot is wearing a flannel in the final scenes
- - - - -
the obama portrait very visible in the background of the government building? we love to see it
- - - - -
eliot DING DONG WE’RE HOME spencer owns my whole (whole) heart
- - - - -
Nate: What are you doing?
Eliot: Countin' all the guys with guns.
Nate: How many?
Eliot: A lot
smart and TOTALLY an eliot thing to do
- - - - -
Parker: Don't worry. No one's ever died going in through an air duct.
Tara: Oh, this is comforting.
Parker: I mean, worst case, you slip and fall. Break your legs. Lay there for days, scratching on the metal. It's like a long, metal coffin with wind. (excited) Let's go!
(Parker runs across the roof)
she’s baby and I love her. never, ever change parker
- - - - -
Computer: Match identified.
Hardison (bending over keyboard): Damn, you finally found something, half-pint?
- - - - -
Hardison: Parker, where are you?
Parker: Sorry, had a buzz from the alarm system, I couldn't hear a... thing. What?
(Parker’s face hardens and she heads for Tara, who is putting the rappelling gear back in the oxygen tank)
Tara: Parker, what's wrong?
(Parker grabs Tara by the throat and pushes her back until she is leaning over the edge of the building)
Tara: You're really strong.
Parker: Yeah. I hang from buildings with my fingertips.
Tara: It's not what you think. I was setting up a meeting!
Parker: Actually, that was exactly what I was thinking. Bye now.
Tara: Not for myself
- - - - -
- - - - -
(Eliot, his hands tied, is being led to some stairs by two goons.)
Man: I'll get the hatch.
(one man moves ahead of Eliot while the other stays behind him. When Eliot doesn’t follow the first man up the stairs, the second pushes him)
Man 2: Come on.
Eliot: Thirteen.
(Eliot and the second man struggle, sending gunfire rifling across the ceiling before the second man is knocked down. The first man comes back and kicks Eliot in the face. Eliot kicks him in return)
Eliot: Come here!
(Eliot swings his hands across the first man’s face, knocking him back)
Eliot: Twelve.
(Eliot knocks the first man out)
Eliot: Eleven.
(Eliot starts up the stairs, but hears someone else coming and waits around a corner. After a brief struggle, he knocks this man out as well and breaks the zip ties on his wrist)
Eliot: Ten. (heads up the stairs
also if parker and hardison know what he was doing? they’d be marked down as the same
- - - - -
Tara: All she asked was that I report back to her every now and then. Are we sure this is the fastest way?
Parker: Yeah, look. (looking at car GPS) There's no traffic this way. So, you were spying on us.
Tara: I was not spying. I was an early warning system. Sophie just, she was worried Nate might go off the rails. So, if it ever looked like he was spinning out of control, I was supposed to call and let Sophie lay in a backup plan just in case.
Parker: Yeah. Why not us?
Tara: Because you were too likely to forgive him.
Parker: I suppose gettin’ busted by the FBI and trying to bring down arms dealers while kidnapping a mayor does qualify as out of control.
Tara: So, anyway, I used my contacts to get Sophie set up as a buyer for the guns. You know... You actually had me worried for a second that you were gonna drop me.
Parker (laughs): That is silly
- - - - -
(Hardison is carrying a large monkey wrench and smiling. He hears noises and goes to investigate, seeing Eliot starting up a ladder)
Hardison: Hey. It took you long enough.
Eliot: What?
(Eliot starts toward Hardison, but a man points a gun to his head)
Man: Freeze.
(Eliot grabs the gun and knocks the man out)
Eliot: One.
Hardison: What
hardison if he knew what eliot was doing: hot damn
- - - - -
(the team gathers together. Parker hugs Sophie)
Sophie: Ooh. Parker touching.
Parker: Kinda, yeah.
- - - - -
Eliot: There's not that many ways out of here.
Sophie: Eliot, when I arrange a rescue, I do it properly.
(a helicopter lands on the docks near the ship. The team heads down the stairs, but Nate hesitates, looking down at the blood on his hand from his side. He goes down the ladder to join the team on the lower deck)
- - - - -
Nate: I've destroyed all the evidence the FBI has on Culpepper and Kadjic. You have no photos, no tapes, you don't have anything. You don't have a case on anybody, unless you arrest me. And only me.
Sophie: Nate?
Nate: I agree to turn state's evidence. I testify to what Kadjic told me, how he put the hit on Bonanno. Hell, I'll even give you Bonanno's evidence against the gunrunning.
Eliot: Nate, I can take these guys.
Hardison: It's just ten more yards to the chopper, man.
Nate: Listen, guys. I got you into this mess. This is the only way to get you out.
eliot is still ready to fight for his family no matter what and hardison just wants them to leave because they’re SO CLOSE
- - - - -
Nate: Come here.
(the team moves closer to him)
Nate: You guys are the most honorable people I have ever met in my life. You've become my family. My only family. I won't forget that. (looks at Eliot) Now get 'em on the chopper. Please. Now!
Eliot: Let's go.
(Eliot nudges Parker and she reluctantly heads for the gangplank. Eliot touches Hardison’s arm)
Eliot: Let's go, man.
(Hardison walks away. Eliot hesitates a moment, shaking his head, then follows the others, hesitating at the top of the gangplank near Sterling)
nate trusts eliot, and only eliot, to be the one to be able to get the rest of the team out of there and into the helicopter. he knows eliot and how much he cares for his family and will do anything to make sure they’re safe, and nate is betting on that to get them out of there
eliot has to be the one to make parker and hardison move because they’ll listen to him and also there would be a good chance that they’d try to stay with Nate otherwise
his gentle hands leading them away have my whole (whole) heart
- - - - -
(Sophie and Eliot get on the helicopter, Eliot hesitating one last time before getting in)
this hurts eliot so much because he’s the RETRIEVAL SPECIALIST and he’s supposed to get everyone safe and never leave anyone behind I’m-
- - - - -
Agent: Who the hell is this guy?
Sterling: I don't know.
Nate: My name's Nate Ford, and I am a thief.
(more sirens are heard. Nate begins laughing as the helicopter lifts off and more police cars and agents arrive, surrounding Nate and the dock. Nate watches the helicopter fly away)
MAJOR character development for nate this season (2.01 had him refusing that he was a thief and in multiple other episodes in this season)
oh and also, y’all, just like last season, if I had to watch this go down like that with my own two eyes and have that be the end of leverage (because they close every season like it’d be the last) I would have fucking R E V O L T E D
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turntechcatnip · 4 years
Hello! Só, hows going living with.. Bro?? Are you living with him? 🤔
<View Mewssage History>
You decide to go back in after about half-past two, not at all surprised to find the place a dingy dark mess, especially outside the thin band of light allowed into the apartment from the opened hallway door.
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The silhouette vanishes almost instantly, leaving the smuppet he’d been working on with a needle stuck in it’s plush nose lying across the keyboard of the still playing tunes.
Yup. Normal.
You opened the floodgates now, playing pin the tail on the cryptid and openly acknowledging your badly side-stepped elephants. Bro vanishing the second you enter the room isn’t that uncommon. Far too common, even if you can still feel the prickle of his attention between your wings, right at the back of your neck, meaning he’s paying attention to you. Probably up in the crawlspace.
He’d come down if you called, you know that. But he’d be grumpy as fuck if you didn’t have a good reason for it. The dude was jumpy at night.
In some ways the situation is not all that unfamiliar. It’s just stealth mode pushed up to 8 ¾ of the time. But just because you know he isn’t gonna ambush you as an exercise doesn’t mean your nerves entirely get it.
You think back to the message you answered before you left the roof.
TC: i dont s33 him around much if im honest
TC: as soon as he stopped n33din to hover to make sure i didnt end up fallin on my face he kinda went full cryptid
TC: until like a w33k ago
TC: now its only mostly cryptid
TC: anyway
TC: its weird
TC: i cant stand the silence so ill talk to myself to fill it and he cant stand being talked at unless hes in the right mood
TC: it works about as well as youd expect
TC: i f33l like i drive him into hiding sometimes
TC: straight up cant find the dude anywhere and he didnt fly the coop beclaws the keys are still there
TC: hes not much of a talker unless it’s quips and one liners or i push too far and you can guess i purrobably have and will push too far
TC: ive already pushed that glass right off the table n watched it shatter a couple times
TC: im online a lot recently beclaws i pestered him to the point where he snapped at me to go find a chatroom or somefang if i was so desperate to talk to someone
TC: there was a new pack of apple juice in the fridge later
TC: i think it was supposed to be an apawlogy
You know better than to chase him. If he was in the mood to be social he wouldn’t have flash stepped out of there like a cat outta hell. Plus it’s like. 2 am. Not that it means anything considering you are all but nocturnal and you aren’t sure he’s got any sleep schedule that isn’t pass out face first in a pile of smuppets when he can’t stay awake any longer.
He’s probably wondering why you’re just standing there in the middle of the kitchen. 
Just go back to your room, kid.
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this DLC has me FUCKED UP and i keep screaming
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spoilers for Bounty of Blood under the cut, keep reading at ur own peril. Also some Guardian Takedown spoilers for anyone who hasn’t beat it yet
tl;dr: a comparison between something taken from BL2 and a thing taken from Bounty of Blood. more spoilery tl;dr below the cut.
also the siren thing is not spoilers so i’ll share it here for anyone curious, it’s just this: siren tattoos are blue but when lily absorbs eridium in 2, they turn pinkish/purple. just like how vaults do from bl1 to bl2. they’re white/blue in bl1, then purple-pink in bl2 (and tps), y’know, after Eridium begins erupting from the ground. just a neat little detail i noticed that im not entirely sure was intentional but im gonna believe it is.
tl;dr: Gythian Blood = Core and the Ruiner is of Eridian Origin even tho everyone in the DLC likes to say it was created with Jakobs’ bioengineering. disclaimer: idk if I’ve found every hidden ECHO so I may be missing a few things but I have done every side quest and took ample screenshots of all important dialogue in the DLC : )
“man i just sat here for like 15 minutes staring at my keyboard mentally comparing core and eridium like the dumb bitch i am. 
it's not like we can do an actual comparison because we have no idea what the natural fauna of gehenna was like before jakobs came and mutated everything with core unlike pandora where we know what skags and rakk and shit were like BEFORE the eridium crust erupted. 
altho!!! there's a neat comparison between joey ultraviolet and rose. like obviously he wasn't getting tattoos and was just doing lines of crushed up eridium but the point stands they both have glowy eyes and unique powers so i don't necessarily think this means rose is a siren just because she has magic powers especially when we know she got the whistling passed down to her from her grandmother. 
especially because we've never seen a siren interact with core before. altho that leaves the question we have seen core tattoos now what are eridium tattoos like? actually rose's tattoos were on her right arm obviously she isn't a siren as we know them right now (I saw a post on reddit where people thought rose was a siren) 
of course that brings up the point perhaps siren tattoos ARE eridium tattoos. but then we hear the general's log about how the devil riders were tattooing a man with core and blood so obviously they're not ‘naturally’ occurring unlike siren tattoos. so odds are they're probably not equivalents but something interesting i thought of while thinking about this is how well siren tattoos compare to the Vaults from borderlands 1 and borderlands 2″
anyway. this is all ive been thinking about. yes yes i know guardian takedown post but! >:( im still salty even tho this update has been lovely (outside of Blane not getting his correct damage scaling ‘till today......). so i’ll do that at my own damn pace. now let me elaborate so i can sleep at night lmao
refinement produces slag, which weakens people and can mutate things
has mutating properties, mostly with imbuing elements into shit- possibly causes insanity
seems to be connected to another dimension, likely the one the Eridians are from
has a secondary form of Infused Core
has mutating properties, mostly regarding a thing’s body and mind
apparently radioactive
there are some things i wanna note
1) People throughout the DLC say the Ruiner was created by the Jakobs corp (the company) thru bio-engineering but I’m 99% sure that’s not true. The paperwork seems to me like they found the egg somewhere on Gehenna and decided to roll and experiment with it like all corporations do when they find weird alien shit. so maybe they experimented with whatever was inside the egg, but I don’t think they actually created it entirely
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“Excavated from [REDACTED] ... Local legends speaks of a [REDACTED]. This theory is not endorsed by our research personnel.
2) The Ruiner’s design reminds me a lot of the Warrior.
3) Core immediately reminded me of Gythian Blood from Guns Love and Tentacles and I don’t think that’s coincidence to have 2 back-to-back DLCs where the big bad is focused on green death juice. I think Gythian Blood and Core are of the same stuffs.
4) Therefore, I think the Ruiner is (mostly) of Eridian origin (if you haven’t already guessed). 
This gives us an amazing look into how the Eridians actually create their beasts!!! And I’m so happy they showed us this.
(side note, Interitus Regina (the long name for Ruiner) literally means Destruction Queen and I think that’s beautiful <3)
i mean the idea that they plunge them from orbit to create an explosion similar to a nuke is fucking horrifying (but holy shit I love it so much ahhh it’s so cool!!!!)
the one side line from Oletta about how the company couldn’t control the Ruiner deffo makes me double down on this theory. I’m not entirely sure how Rose’s grandma knew about the whistling (I don’t think I’ve found every echo log in that area YET), but I would bet it was part of the testing given how many fuckin’ tape players they have throughout the facility. The Warrior was controlled by verbal commands via Jack, so it’s possible that the Ruiner was intended to be controlled similarly, but Jakobs intervention (or something like the way Rose hatched it) fucked it up.
now we know the Warrior was created to protect the Vault of the Destroyer (hmm.) so what the heck was the Ruiner created for? Ruiner is a name given to it by Jakobs/the people of Gehenna so we can’t really assume, but then again the monster names are pretty apt in this series even tho they probably technically shouldn’t be. 
it was only an egg, so maybe it was another test of Core? A Vault Monster incubating until it was ready to protecc and attacc but was never hatched because the Eridians ‘sacrificed’ themselves before it could? (I’m still not convinced the Eridians are the good guys. Listen. LISTEN. The guardian takedown is something to think about, BUT it doesn’t disprove that theory and I’ll stand by it because I 100% trust the Overseer more than bitchpants mcgee over here who thinks he’s soooo special for no reason fuck you and your dumb ‘I did what the Watcher could not’ bull you haven’t done shit.) ok sorry im done he just angers me. stupid guardian man. your whip is stupid and you should feel bad. oh also I totally called us actually being Guardians thru Guardian Rank before the game came out aha yeah.
I definitely think Gythian was a test/use of Core from the Eridians. We see in Bounty of Blood that core seems to mutate more the physical (and occasionally mental) parts of people, like with the crew challenges u do for Juno with all the weird hybrid people and whatnot. Gythian had the whole ‘the heart still beats’ thing going on (which is definitely a physical mutation if i’ve ever seen one), plus the whole, you know, mind control and shit. Which is p similar to what the menta gnats can do when charged with Infused Core. And keep in mind in BLaT we see DAHL notes on what happens to test subjects when injected with Gythian Blood. They mutated physically and went insane.
What im saying is Sirens and Eridium and Elements are connected, so what does Core equal? body/mind sure but are there unique creatures for core (yes holy shit I’m not talking about h2o au for once and FINALLY they gave us a canon name for the green stuff!!!). If not, I’d love to see a Siren interact with Core to see what it does to them. seriously why hasn’t tannis interrupted us yet. horrible excuse for a science lover (kidding kidding, I love her). I’d also really love a fuller rundown on what the hell Rose’s powers were. Because the whistling thing seemed to just be her grandma’s thingie passed down to her from her mom
but the core stuff
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her gun seems to be infused with it. So did her sword thing. I didn’t really get a good look at it i was too busy trying to see thru my blurry tears of LOVE for this DLC.
Strangely while her tattoos are (mostly) green I actually don’t know if they’re core infused bc look at this
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n look back at hers. hers aren’t very lime.
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her eyes
I’d love to know if the core gives her immediate future sight or just increased perception or reaction times. there’s a huge difference but she seemed to be able to shoot the gun outta the sheriff’s hand near immediately and it seems kinda implied its because of the core (or at least because her eyes are glowing green)
there’s a possibility she has some unique core powers/possibly implants because of her relations to the project in the first place, or as leader of the devil riders after looting the facility. it’s really hard to say without more info and like i said im not sure if i missed an ECHO or two or not regarding her backstory :( 
Her hair is also green which I just noticed. Maybe she has core powers bc her grandmother got suuuuuuuuper irradiated/influenced working on project horizons and it passed down thru her n Rose’s mom, to Rose. Tannis does have a line about Sirens having unique hair colors and, if Sirens are linked to Eridium, perhaps those linked to Core also have unique hair color. Could also explain why only Rose seems to have those whistling powers. That said we don’t really see anyone else trying that whistling thing out afaik and idk if it was, like, a special ability or a certain tone/ditty or w h a t. 
i know being vague with everything gives them more creative freedom to create amazing characters and scenarios, but dammit I want A N S W E R S.
All THAT said man I’m so glad magic is real in the borderlands universe. oh, sorry, “magic”. It’s magic. Science it, tannis, I dare you. either way, I win. Either it’s magic and H2O AU is canon, or it’s science and I finally get my goddamn answers. Hey gearbox can you make a book just explaining all the science and eridian stuff. please. I’d love you forever. please. pleaheheheheaaasseee it’s all i’ve ever wanted.
oh also can i just say, suuuper disappointed we didn’t learn anything about anshin. Really wish non-fan favorite corporations would get the spotlight/lore for once. Like, I like Jakobs as much as the next guy, and I get WHY they did it (can’t have a corporation looking too good!!!) but they now have 3 DLCs (Jakobs Cove, GLaT, and Bounty of Blood) and also a hefty chunk of the main game. Like... we all know Jakobs fuckin sucks, look at what they did on Pandora. I really just want info on a medical corporation 😭 I have to do everything my damn s e l f. but SERIOUSLY IMAGINE the possibilities that could come from a medical corp getting its hands on eridian tech. like, yeah obviously the weapons corps are gonna use it for weaponry and stuff BUT WOULDN’T THE MEDICAL CORPS MUTATING PEOPLE MAKE MORE SENSE??? ldfhgldfshg I have to do everything my damn self...
anyway all that aside, this is definitely by favorite borderlands dlc by a LONG shot. Nothing comes close. Ahhh the lore, the nuclear aspect, the a e s t h e t i c (seriously, have I mentioned how much I adore Trigun???), the art, the music, the cryoslinger, the fact I can bust out going beeEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAans like Ray Chase at any time and it will MAKE SENSE. I love all of it.
oh, also, Rose is totally not dead. C’mon, they couldn’t find her body. She pulled a Lilith. “Are you sure she didn’t just suffer a wound that LOOKS fatal, only for her to come back in a blockbuster sequel...?” is a line from mr Jones himself (the movie guy)
I just hope when she comes back she gets to meet Captain Scarlett. I’d love to watch their interactions plus pirates and or ninjas. That’s 2 DLC villains now that have vanished without a trace. And I like Captain Scarlett way more than Rose (seriously I spent the entire beginning of the DLC complaining about how her voice bothered me- I was so happy she was a villain, I was hoping that was the case).
oh yeah, reminder, the people of vestige were living next to highly radioactive egg for likely years. i feel really bad for them :(
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this made me smile
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manggojooz · 5 years
Foolish Love, Fake Love (Part 3)
pairing: idol!Jungkook x bodyguard!reader
word count: ~1,800
genre: idol!au; angst; romance; drama; enemies to lovers sort of thing
warnings: none
previous part: Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2
summary: If all you can give me is a fake love, then I will be the fool to pretend that it is all true.
comments: sorry if the chapter is a bit short haha but im trying to get myself back into writing in baby steps =) pls comment or reblog if you liked this <3 
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How do you explain love? Is it a feeling? Is it an agreement? Is it an experience? 
The day felt like months.  
You were using Yuri’s phone to surf the net, her nose poking into the side of your chin as she leaned against your shoulder, trying to read the tiny words on her phone too.  
“When are you getting your phone back?”, Yuri asked soullessly.  
“Whenever the reporters stop calling, I hope...”, you answered. As though on cue, Sejoon bursts into the waiting room, causing Yuri to knock her forehead into your cheekbone when she abruptly shot up straight.  
Sejoon dragged his feet along as he approached your side and held out a handphone for you. “Use this phone in the meantime, I've saved a few contacts in it for you. And Director Lee wants to see you for a while”, he said sheepishly.  
You handed Yuri’s phone back to her and Sejoon caught a glimpse of the article you had been reading.  
As you made your way to the higher floors of the BH building, the lift ride was silent and awkward. Half a day has since passed after Rapid released the exclusive article confirming that Jungkook was dating you. Sejoon suddenly blurted, “I suggest you don’t read any of the articles...”  
You looked at him silently.  
“You know the saying right... a pen is mightier than a sword... in this case, a keyboard is definitely mightier than a gun”, his tone was serious yet soothing at the same time.  
“I know... I won’t take the articles or the comments too seriously”, you said almost nonchalantly.  
He shook his head slightly, “it’s easier said than done, Y/N. It’s better if you just don’t read them at all”, he stared ahead as he nagged gently at you.  
Somehow you felt a tinge of warmth from the situation, which softened the otherwise difficult and draining day.  
“Since it doesn’t make sense for you to be a bodyguard anymore, we just said you are a staff member. But let’s be clear, you are not qualified to do any other job so your job will still be the same. In fact, now you have more to guard...”, Director Lee was rambling on more than she usually would.
You only nodded in response. For some reason, since the earlier part of the day you have felt like you no longer own a voice. It is as if you had given your tongue to the sea witch but in return you got a fake prince.  
“We have put all the policies in place to ensure employee confidentiality on this situation. But since you are a lead character in all of this, we believe it calls for a little more documentation...”, she fumbled around, tossing files around her desk. It was the first time her room seemed a little messier than it usually would be.  
Her assistant who had been standing next to her this whole time, meekly pointed towards a black thin folder resting under her elbow. “Alright, I got it”, she snapped. 
She opens the folder and tosses a document in front of you. “Sign it”, she instructs, and her assistant almost immediately holds out a pen to you.  
You stare at them with a puzzled expression and Sejoon, who had been standing in the far corner of the room, peers over in concern.  
“I’ll read through it first...”, you were hardly even batting an eyelash at the whole situation now. After all the entire day has been incredulous on top of more incredulity. 
Director Lee scoffs and was about to say something when Sejoon swoops in, grabs the document as well as your arm, hurrying to pacify the executive, “I will explain it all to her quickly and will get it signed by the end of today, Director Lee.”  
“Clause 4.3, basically it’s just saying that this arrangement will be for an initial three months from today, and the management can decide whether to shorten or lengthen this term. Clause 4.4 says that you shall not speak about this arrangement with anyone outside the company...”, Sejoon was rattling all the terms written in the contract.  
“... Clause 5.2...”, he paused and cleared his throat while scratching his forehead, looking rather uneasy, “... Clause 5.2 says that you cannot fall in love with Jungkook... ummm... I can’t read the rest of it to you, it’s too cringe for me... anyway point is that you should just stay professional ok?”, Sejoon gave you those little sheepish glances he was always so good at.  
“What if I break any of these terms?”, you asked outrightly with folded arms, sitting across from Sejoon in the tiny pantry reserved for staff members.  
“Ummm... let’s see”, he flips to one of the pages at the back, “here... you gotta return all the advance payment made to your company and its employees... meaning the payments made to Ssam Chun and Yuri too... and there’s a penalty sum”, Sejoon pauses again. “But Y/N, I hope you know this isn’t what should be of concern right? If you get into the bad books of the management, it’s not going to be just paying back all these monies.”  
Sejoon was right, the power and influence that a relatively large company like BH would have, cannot be summarised in just monetary terms.  
“I’ll think about it...”, it all made you more reluctant to sign off on that stupid contract.
“Y/N, there isn’t much of an option here...”, Sejoon said but he still handed the agreement to you, knowing you probably needed some time to come to terms with it.  
You clenched the contract tightly in one hand and walked down the long corridor. This feeling was indescribable, you were confused, you were alone, you were afraid  – it just felt so wrong and your entire body felt the weight of it. 
You were trudging along towards the lift lobby when you think you heard Jungkook’s voice coming from a room further down. You couldn’t hear what he was saying but as you approached the room you heard a woman’s voice too.  
“No Jungkook, it’s ok... I have no right to meddle in your private life like that”, she said coyly and you recognise that it is Yeonjoo’s voice. She had a distinct tonality when she spoke, and people often praised her for it – it was somehow cute and cool at the same time but not unnatural sounding.
“What do you mean, Noona?”, Jungkook sounded taken aback.  
“I mean... if you are really dating her, I should be.. no, I am happy for you... I really shouldn’t have come down here today... but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened the other night and I hope nothing has changed between us...”, her voice was getting softer and you had to strain your ears to hear what she was saying.  
You rolled your eyes, “she’s good”, you thought to yourself. This was a classic example of managing her fish farm and Jungkook was one dumb fish trapped inside. It's not that he can’t leave, he willingly does not leave, and she sure seemed bent on making sure it stays this way.  
“No, Noona... you have no idea how grateful I am that you came down. They took my phone away since this morning and I've been stuck here wondering how I am going to explain all this to you... She’s really our new bodyguard, I mean... staff member... I didn’t even know her name before today! So how can it be possible that I am dating her?”, Jungkook was exasperated.  
To think about it, half the people you have guarded before probably do not remember your name. Yet now he remembers you, even though it is for one of the worst reasons ever.  
Just when Yeonjoo was going on about Jungkook not having to explain himself to her, someone taps your shoulder, giving you quite the shock and you lunged backwards almost hitting him in the process.  
“Oh it’s you! You gave me a shock!”, Kijin exclaimed.  
“Look who’s talking”, you mumbled snidely, glaring at the man who landed you in this situation in the first place.  
“Oppa? Is someone outside?”, Yeonjoo called out.  
Kijin gestured for you to enter the room, as though saying ‘would you rather go in yourself or have me drag you inside?’
The moment you entered, Jungkook visibly tensed up.  
“Were you eavesdropping on us?”, his frown was so deep that you started getting a little nervous.  
“I was just walking past, and I heard your voice so I wanted to see if it’s a good time to talk because there’s something-”, you were making an attempt to explain yourself.  
“There’s nothing to talk about between us...”, he cut you off promptly and continued frowning, his tone was very hostile.  
“Jungkook, there’s no need to talk to her like that...”, Yeonjoo gently chided him, “she probably isn’t happy about landing in this situation either, just like how you are feeling.”  
Jungkook lets out a light chuckle, “Apparently her handphone wallpaper is a photo of me... so I really don’t think she’s feeling what I’m feeling right now”, he said rather dejectedly. This somehow piqued Yeonjoo’s attention.  
“So you are a fan?”, her eyes were already pretty huge but it got even larger, “wow... and will you still be following Jungkook around for his schedule after all the... news?”  
“Seems like it... it’s still my job to do it...”, you answered earnestly, regretting coming towards the room at all.  
“You must really love your job”, Jungkook suddenly turned sarcastic and you felt a twitch in your chest.  
“I do...”, you tried to keep up that professional posture but was sure that your insides were tangling up slowly.  
“Even if your job is making a fool of you like this?”, this was the longest Jungkook had ever looked at you in your eyes.  
“I’d rather be a fool”, you answered.  
“As opposed to a ---?”, he asked, still with the same annoyance he had when you had entered the room.
“As opposed to a liar...”, you thought to yourself.
You decided to face the situation and his concerns head on. "Yes, I like you as a fan, but it won’t become anything else just because of this situation.”, you said as you put down the contract on the desk before them, flipping to Clause 5.2.  
“Love is not an arrangement, and it can never come from a contract. This...”, you tapped the agreement slightly with your fingertip, “this is not love. And I'm not foolish enough to believe it is. So, you really need not be worried about it either. If nothing else, just know that... as a fan, I want you to be happy at the end of the day.”  
“And I will be... if you can keep that promise...”, Jungkook replied after glancing at the page laid opened before his eyes. To say his words didn’t hurt you would be a lie, but there was also a sense of relief that at least he killed any hopes before they could be groomed. 
Without answering him, you picked up a random pen from the notepad holder in the middle of the table and signed your name at the end of the document. 
Love is a promise.  
And you promised, never to love him.  
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localmagicalboi · 4 years
✨ local unfriendly black hottie.
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———  BASICS! ♡
name! ♡     rae or diren or i don’t care, im gonna pull a prince and turn my name into a symbol u can’t even pronounce. dont perceive me. im holy and gorgeous. pronouns! ♡     i dont!!!! give a shit zodiac sign! ♡     capricorn sun, leo moon, leo rising, scorpio venus. we’re mean over here! we have ego! we dress very well! and we love it! taken or single! ♡     engaged to this dumbass  fuckwagon ~> @notevenjupiter​ <~ that’s the dumbass fuckwagon in question.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡     not to toot my own horn ( tooooooooooooot ) but i really am that bitch at music. flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe, saxophone. by saxophones i mean the only ones that matter, the tenor and the baritone. no offense to alto sax players out there but r u aware that ur playing a police siren. french horn, trombone, sousaphone, all the keyboards. im talkin marimba, vibraphone, tubular bells, glockenspiel. snare drum, bass drum, quads, timpani. ur other percussion but who cares about that unless ur a big ass fan of the bongos. or gongs.
i only fiddle on the piano these days tho no more of that for me. i am, tho, working on my digital production! buy my beat tape when i drop it in the year 2038. i havent opened the files for it since 2017 and i think that’s very sexy of me!
2! ♡    i know over 100 kinds of flowers and plants by appearance, alone. i was captain of the floriculture team against my will! however i kept up my studies and i keep myself sharp on the flower world™ for some reason. who knows. guess ill open a greenhouse. sell nothin but venus flytraps
call that the trap house
ba dum tsssssss.
3! ♡     i can lift about 200Ibs. don’t be fooled by my selfies, i’m actually built like a tank glkfjglkdfjgdflgdf. i once broke someone’s nose in one punch. contemplated going to wrestling school but my sensitive side said ‘u should…… do art or music or something……’
bonus fact! ♡ i used to run an improv comedy club in middle school! doing stuff that’s basically ‘whose line is it anyway’ except we werent as funny and we were inexperienced since we were... kids lol. but it taught me a lot on being creative and cohesive on the spot. speaking of improv i wrote an entire, plot hole free novel with a friend using two notebooks and our free time for fun. we had our characters and the basics with what we wanted. one of us would write like 5 pages, pass the notebook to the other during lunch, and then back-forth like that. ‘til we were done.
platforms used! ♡     currently? tumblr. overall? i’m not going back to 2001 to list off all the horrible forums, shoutout to aol babey,
gender! ♡   female muses, actually! :/// hmu @ deadblush my daughter deserves love.
least favourite face(s)! i never wanna see jake gyllenhaal dopey lookin ass ever again
multi or single! ♡   single. i need a one solid, streamlined motif and focus.
fluff / angst / smut! ♡    
fluff:  yeah sure! but it has to have comedy in it or something, ya bih get bored
angst:   yeah! but it has to be angst with a reason??? i dont like that angst for the sake of angst, lets give it an anchor and a reason for existing pls.
smut :   sure thing babey but vi hasnt had a sex in like 84 years so who’s gonna smang him
plot / memes! ♡   im gonna be honest, i dont like memes because a lot of people dont know how to make them work. you end up with like 6-10 replies in to a thread w. no solid location and its like? lol. and my muse is too erratic for plots. i dont like being tethered to plots either, not when my muse is unpredictable as fuck. i like on-the-fly, on-the-go improv. we have a solid location, a solid motive to start with, and we improvise from there. either learn how to keep up or dont.
✨ TAGGED BY: i stole it :) ✨ TAGGING: im lazy so anyone that wanna do it
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Is there someone you’d like to hug right now? Not at the moment.
Do you feel like you’re gonna lose someone that means a lot to you? I pray that doesn’t happen for a very long time, but it is a thought that likes to creep to the forefront a lot for some reason to mess with me.
Do you want someone dead? No.
Why aren’t you in bed? I am.
How many hours did you sleep last night? Almost 9 hours, which is extremely unusual. 
Last person you talked to? My brother.
How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over? Too many.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Nope.
Do you like ferris wheels? Nooo.
Anything you’re giving up on? I’ve given up on a lot over the past few years. :/
What is on your mind right now? My mind is jumbled.
Are you waiting for anything to happen? I really wish it’d start cooling down now ughhh. We’re STILL having triple digits and high 90s with no end in sight. D: With the way 2020 is going, I’m honestly scared we’re going to get an even longer summer. In California it doesn’t start to feel like fall until like mid October, but we can see the temps dropping progressively. This year we’re having record highs for this time of year.
Do you like anyone right now? Not in the romantic sense.
Do you like to sleep? I love it.
Do you enjoy late night phone conversations? I don’t have any.
Last movie you saw in theaters? The Invisible Man back in February. I miss going to the movies.
Are you a jealous person? I can be, but I haven’t felt that in years. I feel envy often, though. :/
Do you enjoy Facebook? Sure. I don’t spend a lot of time on there, but there’s interesting stuff. On my feed, anyway.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Nope. Could you go out in public looking like you do now? I’d fix my bun first. I don’t go anywhere nowadays except for my one doctor appointment a month.
Are you a morning person or a night person? Night.
What did you do Saturday night? Same stuff I do every night that I’ve listed many times.
Is your bed comfortable? Yeah, I mean it better be since I spend most of my time in it.
What were you doing at 1 in the morning? Eating ramen and watching YouTube videos.
On a scale from 1 - 10, how much do you like to cuddle? I don’t have much cuddling experience to be honest.
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yeah, only like once or twice.
Get asked anything ridiculous lately? No.
Does it annoy you when people send three more texts while you are trying to respond to the question they asked in the text before that? Not really.
Do you like to read? I love to read.
Have you ever played a Wii? Yeah.
Would you ever become a vegetarian? No.
Who was the first person you talked to today? My brother.
Are you sarcastic? Sometimes.
How is school? I’ve been done with school for awhile now.
What color eyes does the person you like / love have? Are they pretty? I don’t like anyone in that way.
What color is the keyboard you are currently using? The keys are black with white lettering. <<<
When was the last time someone took your picture? My mom did on my birthday.
What color was the last jacket or hoodie you wore? Black.
Can you recite the alphabet backward? I could, but it would take me a little longer.
Do you eat chili when you get a hot dog, or do you like it plain? Was never much of a hot dog person, but on rare occasions I’d have a chili dog or one with just mustard and ketchup.
Would you say it’s easy for people to make you smile or laugh? Usually.
Do you own any dresses? If so, what colors are they? I have one back dress.
Would you say you drink more pop / soda than you should? Nope. I only drink a little bit when I have to take my medicine, otherwise I don’t drink soda. I used to have one can or sometimes one 16oz bottle a day for several years until about 2 years ago.
Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast? Ew, two disgusting options. Give me coffee.
How many different colors has your bedroom been painted? Just white. I’ve never painted it.
Would you ever tell your mom about the things you’ve done sexually? Even though my mom and I are close, that’s not something I’d want to discuss. 
What was the worst news you’ve heard this entire week? My state is still burning, in fact yet another huge fire started recently because of someone’s gender reveal party gone wrong. That really infuriates me because it’s like, we’re already burning and they decided to literally add more fuel to the fire. It’s fire season and we’re having triple digit temperatures, like wtf were they thinking? AND we’re in a pandemic, why were they having a party anyway??? Ugh. In other bad news, it’s still really hot and there’s no cool down in site. D;
Have you ever been in a car wreck? No, thankfully.
Do you have your ears pierced? If not, what do you have pierced? I do.
Has anyone ever told you that they think you have ADHD? No. I can’t imagine why anyone would think I had that.
Would you say you’re really good at cooking and baking things? Uh, no. I don’t cook or bake.
How is the weather outside right this second? At 5:32AM it’s 73 F. That is way too warm for this early in the morning.
Do you have a lot of trees around your house? What about buildings? Around the neighborhood, yeah. There’s a lot of buildings nearby as well.
Has anyone ever called you a sociopath before? No. I can’t see why anyone would call me that either.
What did you last heat up in the microwave? My eye mask when I was dealing with that awful stye last week.
What is the last thing someone bought you? Food.
Who was the last person you talked to last night in person before bed? I’m still up, but my brother came to say goodnight a few hours ago as he was headed off to bed.
What are you listening to? An ASMR video.
Have you made a mistake this past week? I make a lot of mistakes.
Has anyone ever taken your clothes off of you before? No.
Have you ever stayed up at night waiting for someone to call/text you back? I’ve waited for texts/IMs in the past.
Have you ever touched a dead body? I touched my grandma’s hand at the viewing. I’m surprised I did that, but I was an absolute mess when she passed away and seeing her lying there like that was really hard and for some reason I just did it. I almost wish I hadn’t because I don’t want that image of her in my mind. It also made it harder because touching her was obviously not the same as when she was alive.
Were you anybody’s New Years kiss? Nope.
Laptop or desktop? Laptop. I haven’t had a desktop since like 2004. After that, the only time I used one was at school.
Don’t you hate when radio stations continue to play the same songs? That was always annoying, but it’s been a few years since I’ve listened to the radio, so I no longer have that problem. Although, I listen to the same stuff on my Spotify playlist lol but that’s different okay.
Does your bedroom door have a lock on it? Yes.
Have you ever had a real tea party? Or been to one? I went to a cute tea place with my Nana, aunt, and cousin for high tea on my Nana’s birthday a few years ago. The finger sandwiches and desserts were delicious. I forget what tea I had, but it was good.
Where’s the last place you got Mexican food? This local place.
Have you been called a tease? Yeah, which I never understood. I never led him on, used him, or played him like he did me.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Through His Eyes - Part 8
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Summary: Losing your sight after your accident was traumatic, and Jaebum’s guilt of knowing it should have been him instead creates an intricate bond between you both, as you overcome adversity and try to find your way in life again.
Genre: angst / romance
Characters: Im Jaebum x female reader
A/N: This story is emotional and raw compared to some of the content on my blog. It is in no way an attempt to glamourise or undervalue the lives of those who suffer from something similar. This story is purely fictional.
Through His Eyes will be posted every Tuesday at 10am NZST.
Index: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 [M] | 13 - FINAL
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“I’m home,” you called out after successfully unlocking the door to your apartment within the first three attempts and stepped inside. You turned and bowed to your new minder, Suzie, and fare-welled her before closing the door.
“You’re home much earlier than I anticipated.”
You sighed heavily, stepping into your slippers and following the ramp up into the living area. You were now used to calculating your steps in the back of your mind as you did other tasks, and placed your bag down on the table before heading to the refrigerator. Feeling in the door for a bottle of water, you pulled one out and took it over to a chair at the table. “Don’t ask.”
“You seem unhappy, was your day bad?” You heard another chair pull out and your mother sat down, reaching for your hand gently. You frustrations eased with her touch, and you forgot all about your initial barrier of continuing the conversation.
“I have to do a group project.”
“On what?”
“We’re reading a classic novel called Jane Eyre at the moment and instead of doing an essay on it, which I would have much preferred, our lecturer has assigned us into groups of four to come up with a presentation on a topic within the novel. And of course, none of my partners are happy they got stuck with me.”
“I’m sure they aren’t that put-”
You placed your bottle down with more force than needed and shifted your head towards her direction. “They must think blind people are deaf as well, because they didn’t seem to realise I was nearby when they started to complain about having a disadvantage!”
“Oh.” Your Mum shifted uncomfortably in her seat, no doubt feeling angry hearing of another incident of you being singled out. You felt sorry for her having a daughter that faced so many woes within her education, when in the past you had never caused her any need to be concerned about your academics.
“And to top it off, others were very happy to not have me in their team. Do they think I can’t do the project because I’m blind?!”
“You work even harder than the average student to make sure you don’t fall behind. I’m sure when they realise that, they’ll be more accommodating towards you.”
You shook your head. “It shouldn’t be that I have to prove to them that I’m good enough though. They have no idea who I am, and how many offers I used to get from artists and galleries for my work in the past.”
“But that isn’t who you are now, Y/N,” she reminded gently, and you snapped your head towards her again, anger rising within your chest. She seemed to sense it and reached for your hand once more, which you shook off immediately. “It’s hard I-”
Getting up in a rush, you stumbled towards your bedroom and then slammed the door shut, panting heavily with your outburst. Soon the tears came and you sank to the ground, wrapping your arms around you for comfort. Ignoring the knocking and the calls on the other side of the door, you felt ashamed for taking your mood out on her. You hated that even when you were hurting the most, you still felt guilty towards how much she did for you every day and the sacrifices she had taken to help you.
“But for one day, I wish she would just allow me to complain without giving me the known answer,” you mumbled aloud before burying your head into your arms.
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Two days went by and your mood had darkened further with the lack of faith from your fellow partners with the presentation. Since it was the weekend, your mother went to help your Aunt run her vegetable store, which you welcomed greatly.
You didn’t intend to move from bed for the entire day.
Around mid-morning, your stomach had other ideas however, so you relinquished to the hunger and went out to make some breakfast. Once fed, you stood within the middle of the living room, wrestling with your options. Bed had been your original safety zone, but now that you were up, it was tempting to go on your computer and waste your day listening to Youtube videos, catching up with online friends in the blind community, and peruse some trivial websites. After grabbing a bottle of water, you headed back into your room and opened the curtains, wincing at the same time as rejoicing in the bright light invading the room. It was an odd experience, you hated the intensity of the light at times, yet it made you feel as close to normal in your greyscale world as you could be.
“Let’s check my emails first,” you said to yourself as you set about the computer, mimicking the sounds the accessibility settings did as you navigated your way around the device. You opened your emails one after the other, listening through the message the robotic voice delivered and then discarded or replied to them as necessary. You were onto the last email when you froze, listening to the message as a cold sweat rushed over you.
“Y/N is invited to the opening of Lee Jaemin’s debut art exhibition, by the title of Expressive. The event-”
The computer started making incomprehensible sounds as you banged on the keyboard to make it stop talking, your breathing becoming erratic. You held your hands to your heaving chest as the sentence repeated over and over in your head, your body shaking at the idea of the girl opening her own exhibition. She had been your biggest competition throughout the years and had always come second to you in major events. Now with you out of the competition, not only had she been able to take your places within the local art scene, but was also offered what you had been working towards earlier this year.
For the first time since the accident, you hated Im Jaebum. For those first few moments, as you digested the information, you cursed your love of GOT7, of kpop, of even knowing the seven men existed. As your body shook all over with anger, you wanted nothing more than to return to the day you had won the exclusive pass and decline the opportunity.
You wanted your career back.
Yet, just as fast as it came, your mind travelled to that fateful moment, your once seeing eyes widening as you noticed the faulty beam first. Your instant reaction to save him, and the weight of the beam hitting you before it all went black. As the tears fell rapidly, your thoughts stopped on every gesture Jaebum had done for you since your world had turned upside down. The anger subdued for a bit, as you coped with the intense grief and guilt you suffered from wishing the beam onto him briefly instead. You rocked back and forth in the chair, unable to cope with the rapid directions your emotions were taking you, hoping your thoughts would ease off.
Instead, your needs narrowed onto one thing and you eventually stood up, heading out of your room as you roughly wiped the tears aside, as if the removal of them would assist in your blind search through the apartment for what you required. Feeling yourself around the walls, you found the storage closet and began using your hands and other senses to locate what you knew your mother hadn’t thrown out like you had insisted her to. It didn’t take long, your fingers falling upon the well-known texture of canvas, shifting along to find four others beside it. You yanked them all out from their hiding spot, tapping around on the ground for any of your tools. You found a bag and pulled that out as well, stopping when you banged into something as you moved the bag. You took that out too and then dragged your discoveries out around you, dropping in between it all and taking a steady breath.
You felt irrationally calm in that moment, and not because you were finally surrounded by what your life had consisted of. The need to feel each object in a slow, methodical examination outweighed anything else, letting your fingers run over every inch of each item. You became familiar all over again with how your tools felt, brushes and sculpting tools all being recognised by your hands. You soon realised the item next to the bag was the prized vase you had made earlier in the year, the ribbons awarded to it still attached. Your attention soon turned to the canvases, the bumps and textures making you think of all the Braille lessons so far, except the words were spoken in an art form, with no distinct answer as to what each piece was. For an immeasurable time, you attempted to guess what was which piece you had created. Every time you thought you had an answer, the next bump of paint would throw you off, frustrating you further. By the fifth canvas inspection, you were rigid, unable to understand anything you were touching.
The pent up emotions built until you could no longer suppress them and you got up, throwing the canvas down with a heavy thud. The sound it made seemed to provoke some kind of release in you and so you bent down, fumbling to find something else to throw, becoming fully invested in destroying everything you had just spent intricate effort in deciphering. The more noise, the more vigorous your actions became until the sound of the shattering clay hit you as if you were shattering your own heart. You crouched down in exhaustion from your emotions, crying consistently until you heard the keypad signal go off.
You didn’t have any energy to move to greet your mother, or to do anything about cleaning your mess either. You waited for her scolding to begin but the rushed feet towards you sounded too heavy to be her. You were confused and for a moment, you guarded yourself, not knowing what to expect.
“What…” You heard Jaebum utter and this was enough to make your legs give out, a cry leaving your lips as you landed on the shards of clay. “Y/N what are you doing?!”
“How did you know the passcode?” you asked tiredly, not giving him any help in lifting you away from the destruction scene. All the same, he attempted to pick you up again, your body trying to fight but had no energy left to leave any effect. He placed you down on the couch and you glared at what you hoped to be his direction. “Im Jaebum!”
“Your mother called me,” he explained, his hands ceasing in their examination of injuries. He shifted back, concerned at how you had spoken. “She told me you were having a hard time and so I said I would come and see you today in between my schedules. I was outside banging and pressing the doorbell, but you didn’t hear me at all. So I used the code I’ve seen you put in.”
You didn’t answer, unable to decide if you were angry with him for interrupting or thankful for his presence.
“Why were you doing that?” he questioned softly, his hands slowly returning to your legs. “Y/N, you’re bleeding.”
“I don’t care.” You looked away from him and tried to push his hands away. He grabbed your hand instead, his gentle nature having an effect on easing your frustrations. Even so, you attempted to hold onto the agitated emotion for as long as you could. “You should just go.”
“I’m not leaving you like this, you should see this place!”
“I wish I could!” you blurted out, and his grip on your hand eased off. You got up shakily from where he had put you and walked back down to where you had been. He grabbed you before you stepped on anything and you pointed to it desperately. “This is me, this is my world. Do you see how shattered this all is now? That is me!”
“Is it really?”
You nodded fervently. “You told me to express how I feel so I am! I’m sick of becoming something new. I am not an English Lit major, but an Art and Design student! I created all of this myself! Now… now I can’t even paint a single line across a piece of paper! Whilst people who I had worked hard to impress for years are now giving Lee Jaemin all the opportunities I was aiming for, I’m here in sweatpants and a tee with no hope of looking good to anyone, let alone impress them that I am someone to invest in. I’m here unable to do anything I want to because, because-”
“Because of me,” Jaebum concluded from behind you, lowering his head to your shoulder and his body began to shake with his own emotions. You moved around in his arms and hugged him tightly, both crying until you could no longer.
For some time you didn’t speak, not having any words to share with each other. And then you felt Jaebum move away from your side, his hands reaching for something on the ground. “This is beautiful.”
“What is?”
“This sunrise over a building top,” he mentioned and your mind went towards the artwork you had created after watching their You Are music video. “It’s captured beautifully.”
“It was inspired by you.” “It was?” You nodded and felt Jaebum move back to your side again, his hand reaching for yours and passing you the canvas. You felt the weight within your hand and sighed.
“I painted it after the You Are MV.”
“Ahh.” He was silent again, but moved back to the mess upon the floor. From his examination, three of the canvases were salvageable, whilst two remained helpless on the floor with the ceramic vase.
“I guess there is a lot of mess to clean up,” you said sadly, lowering your head and holding onto the sunrise canvas more preciously than you had all day.
“But we can clean it up and heal from it together,” he replied firmly, referring to more than the physical mess you had made.
You smiled, nodding your head. “I like the sound of that.”
[Part 9]
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x-useobwa-x · 5 years
༄ are you mad? | 너 화났어?
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Jungkook x Reader
➺ Word count: + 1k
╰Due to his PC being broken, Jungkook finds himself visiting the internet cafe daily for hours to play Overwatch. He's an outstanding player, by far better than many of his teammates and he carries his games, but there's one player he always encounters over and over again.
a/n: yooo! I've been itching to write this short thing for a while already! It's nothing special or anything, but I really enjoyed it! It was a nice change from my usual stuff! 🤧👌🏼
Start reading!
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Jesus fucking christ.
„Fuck!“ he curses under his breath.
This is the seventh time he got sniped down out of the blue and everytime he peeks at the kill-feed, he's burning with rage.
It's the same name. All over again, he's getting killed by the same goddamn player. This has been going on since the day his PC broke.
How it broke in the first place? Well, in his opinion it was because of said player. Even while he was playing at home, he already got hunted down by that one person behind the screen somewhere in the world, making him question all the talent he actually has. At some point he got so angry that he lost his control and kept kicking his computer, loaded with rage.
This is now two weeks ago, and he can't get over the fact that this guy is better than him. Usually he would look up to these better than him, but with this goddamn little shit he just can't get any clear thoughts.
He's so fixated on finding the enemies' Widowmaker that he got too careless and- shoot.
„What the FUCK,“ he yells into his headset, having the majority of the internet cafe turning around and giving him looks.
This damn guy.
Venom. Once again, it was Venom that shot him down.
‚I'm so sick and tired of this dude. Jesus fucking christ.‘
Jungkook is far beyond reaching his limit. This has to be settled, once and for good. He's furiously typing something down in the game-chat.
[Seagull: yo venom, after this game, let's go 1vs1 and lets put an end to this. Its been weeks and you can't seem to fucking stop.]
[Venom: lol what you so triggered for. its just a game bro.]
‚It's just a game? Jesus christ. This... this dude really is something.‘
[Seagull: are you scared?]
[Venom: nope. just not serious about this game. but if you insist, lol sure.]
Jungkook is evily grinning to himself.
This will be the last time he'll get his ass whooped by Venom. That dude might be good with 5 other players on his team that distract Jungkook, but on a 1vs1 battle he definitely will have the upper hand.
„Kook are you sure you want to do that?“ Seokjin calls out to him through the voice chat.
„Yeah I am. I am so sick of getting my ass beaten by that kid, I have to.“
„Well, good luck, because the game's ending now.“
Jungkook doesn't fucking care. He just wants to settle this. He has to show off that he's better, he has to-
‚What the actual fuck?‘
Now he's really pissed. As soon as the game finishes and the ‚Play of the game‘ comes up, he has to fight the urge to throw away the keyboard.
The recap shows one of the many times Venom has shot him down, and it wasn't even a good one in Jungkooks opinion.
[Seagull: wow kinda sad that you got the POTG with that.]
[Venom: you butthurt or smth?]
„B-butthurt??“ he scoffs. „This little...“
„Well. See you, Kook. Good luck with Venom.“ Seokjin says and leaves the group.
He's waiting. He's waiting for Venom to invite him into a private game so he can restore his pride. He is butthurt, but that doesn't mean that he has to admit that to everyone.
,Finally. Took him long enough.‘ is all he thinks as he clicks ,accept‘.
[Venom: widowmaker 1vs1?]
[Seagull: yes ofc]
[Venom: lol aight]
As both of them enter the game, Jungkooks fingers are itching to turn this around.
‚5...4...3...2...1...go!‘ the game counts down and both of them rush out of their bases to hide.
Jungkook is concentrating with all he has while he zooms into his scope as he tries to track down Venom.
„There you are,“ he whispers as he finds the hated enemy and slowly moves his cursor to steady his aim on Venoms head.
Jungkook immediately takes the lead. He's feeling so content right now- they're roughly 20 seconds in and he already shot him down. Using the time until Venom respawns, he repositions himself and hides, scope fixated in the direction of the enemy's base.
‚Come out, come on, show yourself.‘
Just as he finished his thought, he gets shot, and Jungkook can‘t help but stare in disbelief. Where the fuck did he hide? Why didn't he see him? He hates to admit it, but that was a very good play.
[Seagull: yo wtf. that was actually sick,,,]
[Venom: thx broski]
[Seagull: nah we aint bros man. but still, that was dope as fuck.]
The game keeps going like this; both are pretty much equally good, and Jungkook hates that he realizes that. Well, at least he isn't worse. But what actually is worse, is that he starts enjoying playing with Venom. It has been ages that Jungkook met someone that could keep up with his skill.
It stands 29-29 right now, the game limit being 30 kills. This is now going to decide things.
[Venom: this is actually pretty fun. i mean, i have my cursor on your head for the past 2 minutes but i don't want to shoot, i'on want this to be over yet]
[Seagull: ikr, tbh i even feel bad for all the hate and the tons of reports i sent in because of you lmao]
[Seagull: ,,,sOrry??? idk man you really pissed me off ajfksk i hated that you were better its not even that you were better its just that you were always so cOckY OOF i hated it but ur actually?? pretty fun??]
[Venom: lol i'm sorry but your reactions always were gold kfkdls]
[Seagull: yea i,,, i can see that LOL i got pretty worked up. I even crushed my computer in anger oops]
[Venom: you did wHat]
Jungkook is smiling to himself. This guy isn't all too bad after all. Not even half as cocky as he thought. Maybe he'd even end up teaming up with him some time. That thought is immediately cancelled again, though.
Suddenly, his character falls, shot down by the person he just praised for not being as bad as he initially thought. Fuck that.
[Venom: lol i thought i'm not your bro]
[Seagull: yEah NOT ANYMORE NOW,,,]
[Venom: are you mad?]
[Seagull: uhh y e s ?? I thought we didn't want to finish this fkdkls]
Jungkook sighs. He wants to be pissed, but he can't really. He knows it was just meant as a joke, but still, that means the game is over now, and he's kind of feeling sad.
[Seagull: yo... you maybe wanna stay in the group and keep talking a bit? y'know, just being on the title screen and ,,, t a l k]
[Venom: u mean voice chat?]
[Seagull: yea i mean if you want to,,,]
[Venom: uhh sure why not]
Jungkook enables the voice chat and waits for Venom to do the same.
As soon as he gets the notification that his new mate joined the voice chat, there's some sort of awkward silence; it seems like neither of them wants to go first, but then they happen to start talking at the same time.
„Uhh hello?“
„Uhm, hi?“
Silence. Jungkooks eyes widen an unreal amount and his mouth slightly falls open.
There are two things that he would like to point out. First, the voice belongs to a girl, which he didn't expect at all. But the second thing is, that the voice came from nowhere else than the booth right next to him.
He jumps out of his chair and watches as you do the exact same- and there you both are, looking at each other like two idiots.
„You- you're Venom??“
„You are Seagull? Dude we've been both coming here everyday sitting in the same damn places??“
„As if I didn't figure that yet. What the- so you are the person that keeps hunting me down?“ he says as if he's just figured out all the mysteries of the world.
„What do you mean ‚hunting you down‘? YOU are hunting me down!“
The both of you stare at each other, pouts on your faces before you burst into laughter.
What the actual fuck is happening right now? An hour ago he wished to rip the gamer that goes by the name Venom into pieces, and now he's standing infront of you and your smile and the melody of your laughter is sending his stomach tingling. Is this what people call ‚love at the first sight‘? Because if so, that's definitely what's happening right now. A girl? Not to mention a very beautiful one? Playing his favorite game almost better than he himself does? And on top of that she's funny and seems nice so far? He'd be damned if he'd let this opportunity slide. He could be living the dream of many, many men and he's not one to pass a chance he'd like to take.
„You know, what do you think about us just logging out for now and grab a coffee together? Getting to know each other and continuing our talk offline?“ he smirks, eyes big and full of hope.
„Hmm, I guess that does sound fair, I mean, I owe you one for all the teasing and for your broken computer, huh?“
„You totally do,“ he says as a wide smile starts spreading across his lips.
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legion1993 · 5 years
Is It True?
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AN: i love amazing writers. i love writing amazing pieces. this piece goes out to @icantlivewithyou in celebration of her 800 followers challenge! hope this makes you smile!
prompt “you’re really pregnant?”
pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
summery: its a secret!
8 years ago, you were a graduate student...
8 years ago you got an internship with Wayne Enterprises!
8 years ago was the first encounter you ever had with the Batman. he save your life. 
not too long after that you had a magical date with your boss Bruce Wayne! this began your magical journey.
6 years later you are at the office and lunch time roles around. you and Bruce would normally go out for lunch at the usual fancy restaurant. you loved your time with Bruce, but today was different you walked into his office and he has a strange look to his eye... 
Bruce: “close the door love and come here...”
you close the door and go over to the desk he turns to face you welcoming you into his lap...
YN: “hey baby... are you ready for lunch?”
Bruce: “we are not going to lunch today... we will do dinner instead but right now can i show you something... i feel like i need to confide this to you, we have been together for a while now and im looking forward to many more years with you but not without you knowing my biggest well kept secret...”
YN: “Bruce whatever you have to tell me, i’ll go into it with you. i love you Bruce! you know that! so what is it that you wish to share with me?”
Bruce: “well first we have to get up off this chair... ive already cleared us to go for the rest of the day... think of this as a vacation! a small one where we arent going far but yet we are gonna have traveled the distances...”
you were now very curious... you had no idea what was about to happen... but got up off your boyfriends lap and held his hand as he led you to the wall pannel, he took his other hand and placed it to the wall. 
it then spoke...
AI: “good afternoon mr wayne...”
you were amazed that you never knew about this panel being here... but you walked inside with Bruce as he spoke next.
Bruce: “take us to the cave!”
immediately you were both on one crazy roller coaster ride... it was a tunnel system that seemed to go from the top of wayne tower to some underground cavern... 
the ride stopped and Bruce once more spoke...
Bruce: “through these doors is a world that no-one but Alfred has known about like ever... now to you i present this my most valuable secret... the entire reason behind the tunnel system. the entire reason behind all my so called late nights at the office or pre-preparations for a gala that is months away... well i never actually ever left the manor.. id be down here working out, training, and monitoring the city... you may exit the doors when your ready...”
you went passed Bruce and the doors opened automatically... you walked out onto a literal rock solid floor, and into a cavern where tech and a bunch of equipment lay around all over the place... 
you wandered around a bit before arriving at the main area, or what assumed was the main area for it had a really big computer setup with 6 different screens and one tiny ass keyboard. the computers powered up and revealed a giant bat symbol... thats when it hit you like a freight train. 
you turned to Bruce and decided to test your theory make sure it was true...
you went into a low spin kick to which Bruce jumped over. blocking each move you threw at him you had to now think quickly... you decided to pull a Natasha romanov and wrap your legs around his neck flipping him to the ground but he had grabbed your wrist and twisted your arm when you did that. 
Bruce got off of you and smiled as he extended his hand to you...
Bruce: “if you wanted to test my skills how was that?”
YN: “you’re batman... why didnt you tell me sooner?”
Bruce could only chuckle as he smiled...
Bruce: “i was afraid of how you would react... had i known you would react that way i would have told you sooner... are you ok love? you look kinda pale?”
you shook your head, truth be told you hadnt been feeling well for a few days now... you just thought you were getting ready for your period... but this morning you had thrown up... you werent sure what was wrong...
YN: “i think i need a doctor...”
Bruce picked you up bridal style, carrying you to the elevator you both emerge in the library of the manor, where Alfred greets both of you...
Alfred: “good heavens, is Miss YN alright?”
Bruce: “Alfred can you get the car and take us to Gotham General... please?”
Alfred: “of course sir...”
Alfred brings the car to the front of the house where you and Bruce now waiting Alfred opens the door helping to get both of you inside before driving reasonably to Gotham General. 
upon arrival at the hospital, Bruce had Alfred once more help to get you out of the car... Alfred then went to park the car while Bruce carried you inside. walking inside he was greeted by 2 nurses...
Nurse 1: “how can we help you both tonight?”
Bruce: “my girlfriend is pale and not well we need a check up... run all the necessary tests rule out anything and everything please...”
Nurse 2: “okay sir calm down please... we need a name to process her under...”
Bruce: “Bruce wayne... i help fund this hospital... my girlfriends name is YN... she can barely stand on her own...”
the nurses both led you and Bruce through the secluded doors, to a room secluded and away from prying eyes... Bruce had laid you on the bed, you were not sure yet as to your condition but you had your suspicions...
it was about 5 minutes later when a doctor walked in one of the nurses who had helped you both in here walked in bringing several things with...
Dr. Jason: “Bruce,  YN i’m Dr. Jason... i understand that your not feeling well tonight Miss... can you tell me how long you havent been well?”
YN: “its been on and off for the last week or so...”
Dr. Jason relays notes to the nurse and asks the next question...
Dr. Jason: “when was your last period? or do you know when your next period is supposed to arrive?”
you took one small breath before answering...
YN: “its due... as of yesterday...”
Dr. Jason: “let me guess it hasnt arrived yet, has it...?”
you shake your head, Dr. Jason has the nurse bring in an ultrasound cart...  Bruce moves to the other side and gives the okay to do whatever necessary not wanting to leave your side...
Dr. Jason: “have you ever had an ultrasound before YN?” 
you shoke your head...
Dr. Jason: “okay its very simple, nothing to worry about... now im gonna need access to your abdomen as well as your stomach... so your waist line on your pants is gonna have to go down a bit... i will place some gel on your stomach, then i will use this equipment to through the gel be able to take a peak inside your belly... see if there is anything noticeable...”
the doctor did as he said, placing the gel on made you shiver a bit but Bruce’s touch kept you nice and warm... as Dr. Jason now moved the transducer around on the gel, the nurse was ready to record anything found... 
you and Bruce anxiously watched the screen... waiting for answers of any kind to come up... Dr Jason then stopped moving the tansducer, he kinda stayed in one spot for a while... it was then that he knew what the cause was... he had the nurse make a few notes and then sent her out of the room... 
Dr. Jason: “it seems congratulations are in order...”
Bruce: “im sorry what do you mean Congratulations are in order...”
Dr Jason: “well it seems YN isnt sick sick after all its just a little bit of morning sickness...”
your eyes widened... before your head collapsed from the shock of the news... you knew full well what the congratulations was for but no one knew how shocked you were till you fainted...
it was 10 minutes later when you woke again to find Bruce filling out paper work, after being told by Dr Jason not to worry too much that you would wake eventually that you fainted from the aftershock of the news...
Bruce’s head swam with the thoughts of being a father, sure something he had thought about but never dreamed would ever happen. a few moments later Bruce looked up as he often did to find you sitting up and stretching slightly... 
Bruce: “hey love how are you feeling?”
YN: “is it true?”
Bruce comes over to your side and smiles lovingly at you.
Bruce: “you’re really pregnant?
Bruce gestures to the ultrasound photo sitting beside you on the bed...
YN: “yes i am... i had my suspisions but i wasnt ever gonna admit them to anyone or myself... however, i know we never actually discussed the thought of kids, but believe me when i say i wouldnt be here today if you werent the most amazing man i had ever met...”
Bruce: “i cant even begin to describe how much excitement im holding in right now... i mean we are gonna be parents... its gonna be an honor to raise this child with you...”
Bruce with you holds the photo and then Bruce lifts your shirt to once again expose your belly and he places soft kisses to it, then he comes up to place a longing kiss to your lips... you were now in a happy place... 
you finally felt like your life was finally underway...
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emybain · 5 years
Danna and Celeste fluff, please
these two are literally adorable. I wanted to write more, as usual, but then decided to keep it short and sweet. in all honesty I didn't think people would care much about danna having a wife in that Christmas fic I posted forever ago, but I was wrong lol. I personally love celeste, and I really want marissa to at least hint at Danna getting a girlfriend in the third book bc after everything’s she’s been through, sis deserves one. also, side note, i apologize for my french bc 1) im a little rusty bc i havent taken a class in a while and 2) i tried to give context for when it was being spoken. anyways, hope you enjoy! it’s been fun writing this!
Also, as a note to everyone, if you like this fic PLEASE reblog! likes are nice, but reblogging really helps the work spread! always reblog other people's art/music/writing/etc!!!
summary: Danna is 19 and traveling across the world, learning about different cultures and customs. currently, she is in Lyon, France. her next destination is Paris, where she plans on seeing all the major monuments and artworks. however, a run in (literally) with a stranger may push back her trip to Paris a few days, or maybe even longer...
   It was a rainy day in Lyon. Most days were rainy in Lyon.
    Danna sighed. When she had first come to Lyon a few days ago, she was excited to see that it was raining. Other parts of France that she had visited so far were sunny, which was nice, but she loved rain.
    But it had been raining for three days now, and according to locals, that was normal for October.
    Danna pulled her sweater closer to her body, getting a sudden chill. In front of her sat her keyboard and tablet. On the tablet sat an open document with detailed notes and comments. For over a year now, she had been travelling the world, visiting country after country and learning new cultures. She wanted to write a book about becoming an active member in the community and giving a voice to people who didn’t have one. But Danna had a problem: she had no idea how to write a book, or even where to start. No number of how-to-write-for-beginners books had come in handy.
    She sipped at her black coffee and tapped her stylus against the table she was sitting at. She was at a coffee shop near her hotel, Le Café, if she remembered correctly. She had been holed up in her hotel room all morning and afternoon, having visited most of the city in the first two days, and finally decided to leave in search of inspiration.
    So far she had nothing.
    Danna set down her stylus and rubbed her eyes. A notification showed up on the top of her tablet. She clicked on it, not even checking to see what it was for. Her messenger app opened, revealing her chat with Ruby. Danna tried to keep in touch with her friends in Gatlon, but the time differences made things hard. While it was currently just after five in the afternoon in Lyon, France, it was only eleven in the mid morning in Gatlon. It wasn’t as bad as when Danna was in Beijing, though. When she was eating lunch, it was still the previous day in Gatlon. Just to give an example.
    She looked at the photo Ruby had sent her. It was of a passed out Oscar on the couch of their apartment. Danna snorted. On closer examination, she saw a plate laying in his lap that was scraped clean. Their cat, Craig, was sprawled out across his chest.
        thinking of you! how’s france? also, is it okay if we video chat later? everyone’s coming over for game night and we want you to join in!
    Danna mulled over the question. If she chose to play with them, it would be well after midnight. It wouldn’t be the first time Danna had joined in on their game nights, a tradition she had once been a part of before leaving Gatlon.
            France is great! I miss you guys so much...thinking about a quick trip home. And that depends...what’s the chosen game?
    Ruby responded immediately. 
    ooh yes PLEASE come home!!! craig misses you the most! and the game is your choice!
        Danna chuckled. Craig was a good cat.
        Will your fiancé be okay with me choosing? 
    Oscar was the usual game-chooser for game nights, as he knew some good games. He took it personally when someone else wanted to choose. It had since become a running joke in their friend group.
A large group of girls walked into the shop, chattering and laughing loudly. Danna took one glance at them and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. They were around her age, university students. She was sure they were nice people, but did they have to be so loud? In a coffee shop? Hopefully, they were getting drinks to-go.
        he will be if i say he will be.
    Danna laughed into her coffee cup, snickering silently. Ruby and Oscar had gotten engaged a few months ago. No one was really surprised; they weren’t even twenty yet, but they were the definition of soulmates, perfect for one another. She sent Ruby a laughing image and closed their conversation.
    She sighed again, grateful for the distraction. For a few minutes, she just sat there, staring out the window beside her table. People and cars went by. It would be dark pretty soon. The aroma of pastries surrounded her, and her mouth watered. She checked the time, and decided she deserved a quick snack before heading out for dinner.
    Grabbing her wallet and turning off her tablet, Danna stood from her table. Only to stumble back and clumsily fall onto her seat as she was immediately drenched in something wet. And cold. Very. Cold.
    “Zut alors!” a voice gasped. Danna sat paralyzed, staring down at the iced coffee that was now all over her shirt she had bought in Vienna. “Je suis désolé! Je ne savais pas que vous-”
    “Ne vous inquiétez pas à ce sujet.” Danna winced at her accent. She had learned some French when she was younger, but it wasn’t her strongest language. Thankfully, she could at least understand that the person was apologizing, and she knew enough to be able to tell them it was fine. “J’ai besoin de serv...” Her words died in her mouth as she looked up at the girl who spilled her ice coffee on her. It was one of the girls from the loud group of college students. She looked just as shocked as Danna was.
    They blinked at one another, and the girl offered a shaky smile. “Serviettes?” she said softly, and Danna nodded numbly, unable to tell if it was from the cold or something else. The girl left and returned shortly with a handful of napkins.
    “Merci.” Danna took a few of the napkins and began wiping at her shirt, but to no avail. Hopefully, it would come out in the laundry. The girl busied herself with cleaning up her drink on the floor, blushing furiously. Danna opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by one of the girl’s friends, who hollered at her from across the shop.
    “Celeste! Allons-y!” The other girl waved for her friend, Celeste, to go. She and the rest of their group were at the door, waiting for Celeste to join them.
    The girl grumbled underneath her breath, too soft for Danna to understand it. “Attends, Annette! Une minute!”
    Danna grasped for something to say. After stumbling over a few words, she managed to tell the girl she could go, that Danna could clean the rest. But the girl just smiled and shook her head. Then, she turned her head to the rest of her party of friends and told them to go without her. She would catch up later.
    “Est-ce que vous êtes Français?” she asked after her friends left, dropping wet napkins into her spilled cup. Danna shook her head and told her that no, that she was from Gatlon, headquarters for Renegades, and that she spoke English. The girl gasped and looked up at Danna, eyes wide. Danna’s heart lurched. She asked if Danna was a Renegade, and when Danna didn’t answer, she giggled.
    “I am joking,” she said with a thick accent, smiling. “That’s not my business.”
    “You can speak English?” Danna blinked, surprised. The only English speakers she had come across in France were mainly tourists and shopkeepers who wanted to be able to communicate with their customers.
    “Yes. My maman is from Edinburgh, but my papa is from here.” She stood, finished with cleaning her spill. She grabbed Danna’s used napkins and put them in her cup. “I’ll be right back.” She went to a trash can near the order counter, then returned.
    “Um...thank you.” Danna swallowed. “I’m Danna, by the way. Danna Bell.” She held out an awkward hand, not really sure why she was introducing herself to a stranger who was going to leave soon anyways.
    The girl smiled brightly and accepted her handshake. “Celeste de la Fontaine. It’s a pleasure spilling coffee on you, Danna.”  
    “Iced coffee, too.” Danna managed to smile in return. “It’s October and freezing outside. Why did you order an iced coffee?”
    Celeste giggled, and Danna’s cheeks grew warm. “I don’t like hot coffee. It’s better iced.”
    Danna raised an eyebrow. “Oh, you’re one of those people?” she teased. Immediately, she was surprised how easy it came out. She was usually very stiff around strangers.
    “You could say I’m rare,” Celeste retorted. She gestured to the seat across from Danna. “May I sit?”
    Danna nodded.
    “Your friend sounds like a likeable guy,” Celeste said, unable to contain her laughter as she took a bite of her pastry. “But also very stupid.” Danna had just finished telling Celeste a story about how Oscar had pranked Adrian’s dads and the rest of the Council and gotten away with it. The only people who were truly mad about the main lobby floor being covered from wall to wall in balloons were Thunderbird and Tsunami. Adrian’s dads and Blacklight were highly amused, probably because they knew who was behind the prank, and knew that his accomplice was Adrian, who helped by drawing the balloons. It was a better idea than the one Oscar had originally planned, which involved covering all the walls in papers stating a required inspection of all male Renegades concerning...something Danna would rather not repeat. But then Danna, Nova, and Ruby heard of his plans, and they all took turns in lecturing him on the stupidity of his prank, and how he could potentially offend or scar someone.
    Danna snorted. “Yeah. Oscar’s a special one. He annoys me seventy-five percent of the time, but I tolerate him the rest of the time.”
    They had been sitting in the coffee shop for over an hour, chatting and laughing. Danna had smiled more in an hour than she had in a year. There was something about Celeste that made Danna be so drawn to her. She was intelligent, kind, and was an activist like Danna, although she only had enough time to spread activist information via social media. She was also pretty, with brown eyes and dark hair and olive toned skin. But there was something else that made Danna’s heart flutter.
    One of the workers approached their table and kindly told them that the shop would be closing soon. Danna and Celeste collected their things and threw out their trash. When they stepped outside, now night, they were met with a blast of cold air. Celeste grinned and pulled her jacket tighter around her frame.
    “I love the cold.” She breathed in deeply. “Gives me an excuse to wear big sweaters.”
    They strolled down the sidewalk, neither in a huge hurry. Danna shifted her bag on her back and stuffed her hands in her pockets. “I meant to ask you earlier, but what happened to all of your friends?”
    Celeste shook her head, nose scrunched up. “They were going off to some movie that I wasn’t really interested in. Some predictable romantic comedy.”
    “So, you just used me to get out of it?” Danna bit her lip, glancing at Celeste, who shot her a full smile, white teeth showing.
    “Perhaps.” Maybe it was Danna’s imagination, but she thought she saw Celeste drift closer to her. “Or perhaps I just wanted to stay and talk to you.”
    They stopped on a street corner. Danna turned to face Celeste, both of their faces illuminated by the street lamp above them. Celeste’s cheeks were rosy, her eyes bright.
    “How long are you in Lyon?” Celeste asked, voice dropping just slightly. Danna knew for a fact that she shifted closer this time. She took note how much shorter Celeste was than her.
    Danna toed her boot against the pavement. “I was planning on leaving tomorrow, but I told myself I would stay a little longer if I found something really interesting.”
    Celeste nodded slowly. “And?”
    Looking down at the ground, then back up at Celeste, suddenly feeling a wave of embarrassment overtake her, Danna said. “I think I can stay for a few more days.”
    They exchanged numbers and social medias, Danna promising that they could meet up again before she moved on to Paris.
    But something deep inside of Danna told her that she wouldn’t make it to Paris for a while.
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