#it's legal + free + less rude
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 years ago
Or the reason you’re overthinking it is because you’re just trying to find a reason to be mad at the game when you could use that energy at something else to make you happy instead of nitpicking at it.
I suggest you block my account and go have fun with the game unfettered by my takes, you have my Blanket Permission! I'm just a rando with a tumblr blog. Worry about your own happiness first.
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tgedbookclub · 2 months ago
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Let's read The Greatest Estate Developer together!
Welcome! This blog is for encouraging each other on our reading journeys. Webnovels are long, and having people to read along with can make everything much more fun!
At around 2.5k words a chapter, we will start with 6 chapters a week! We can speed up or slow down if there is desire to do so.
Current week:
February 10th-February 16th Chapters 19-24
Guidelines and Info below!
Relax and have fun! This is just a blog to get excited about the TGED novel and share our thoughts. No need to pressure yourself!
Tagging etiquette: Let's be kind to our tiny main fandom tag, and please use either #tgedbookclub or #tgedliveblog when writing out posts! This is not a hard rule - please feel free to tag #tged if you want to share your thoughts wider!
New and old, welcome! Whether you're finally taking the plunge to read, or are reading it all again, all are welcome! We only ask that those who know the full novel to tag #tgednovelspoilers for those who are new here.
Where can I read TGED?? Yonder has the full official english translation available with one free chapter every day! Please support the author if you can, so to encourage Yonder to do more translation work in the future! If Yonder is not your speed, you can use this kind 🤫 tumblr blog with all the chapters posted, or the EPUB file they have created as well. EDIT: Apparently Yonder is shutting down July 31st, 2025, and you will no longer be able to buy coins starting February 12th. If you see this post after these dates... well, there are only the less legal options available now.
Wait, if I'm making posts, what are you doing? You make posts, and this blog will reblog them so everyone can join the party! I (Sun) will also contribute on my own blog as well probably. Additionally, I hope to do weekly chapter image polls, and weekly roundups.
I'm shy though... And I don't want to clog my blog. That's okay! We have Submissions turned on so that if you want to blast your thoughts, you can submit a post directly to the blog!
I came late. :( Can I still join? Of course! The book club will continue at the normal pace, but all contributions, no matter when they're made, are welcome!
And least fun, but most important - We must emphasize that this is for fun, so harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. In the end, we are all just being silly on the internet. There is no need to be rude or hurtful.
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emiliosandozsequence · 1 month ago
shaking someone is not assault. (should children be arrested for shaking each other during an argument?) It might have triggered you because it reminds you of your sa trauma, just like being yelled at can be a trigger. you can't equate yelling to a sexual violation. it IS rude. he should not have done that. you should not have used your phone in the cinema. be polite to others, you also wouldn't want someone to ruin your free evening. if you can't comprehend why anyone would be annoyed by light in a dark room, imagine someone dancing in front of the screen. Super annyoing, right? Some people are more sensitive than others. Even phones with turned off brightness would make the experience less fun.
this is going to come as a shock to you, but putting your hands on someone no matter what they're doing is legally considered assault if the touch is unwanted. assault can also be a reference to physical violence, not just sexual.
and you people are acting like me being on my phone is as bad as someone touching and physically shaking someone else without their consent. spoiler alert: it's not.
my point was never "it's fine to use your phones as much as you want during a movie in the cinema". it was: it doesn't fucking matter what he paid or what he wanted for his afternoon: what he did was not okay under ANY scenario and i should've stood up for myself over it.
but the way you people are talking as if you want me to say "yeah i shouldn't have done that bc then i wouldn't have gotten assaulted" IS VICTIM BLAMING!!!!!! and that is what i have a problem with lmao.
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cupcraft · 2 years ago
Why is that when people are fat phobic about America they sometimes conclude its because "American food is poison and you're all on medication and etc etc type points". Like what is up with this shit and weird pseudoscience? And please dont respond to this "but american food is poison" with absolutely no nuance or science whatsoever because i will block you and will refuse to entertain it.
Like I'm sorry but American food is not "poison", or at least this generalization is just simply frustrating to me. It is true there are ingredients that are legal in the US but are not in other parts of the world, but you can't generalize that as "american food is poison" as it's more complicated than that. You can't make up claims about american food in order to be fatphobic. You can't make generalizations about american diets and nutrition without understanding the social determinants of what go into diet and accessibility of food. You can't have conversations about this without discussing socioeconomics, racism, ableism, food deserts, transportation access, healthcare, and etc. You can't just push bigoted and bullshit diet culture talking points and think you're saying something good here.
And on the science end, you can't look up how a preservative/ingredient that's in food "is also used as a paint thinner/[insert scare tactic]" without understanding food science and what makes something food grade. You can't say GMO's are evil without understanding what a GMO is and how its developed and what it actually means. You can't say "natural and organic is better! that's why american food is toxic" without really understanding food safety/what organic labels mean/etc. You can't say preservatives are evil without understanding why they're important for foods to be shelf stable and accessible, and also just the fact is they are not evil and bad.
And this is not to say there are not things that are able to be criticized about the american food system under capitalism. There is plenty to criticize. There is plenty to talk about within nutrition, access to food, farming/livestock practices, and much more. There's a lot to talk about with water runoff and the effects of american agriculture on the environment. There is so much to talk about with our food within capitalism but the thing is you dont want to talk about it. You don't actually care about improving the health and access to food and minimizing hunger and mitigating social determinants of health. You don't care, because if you did you'd be talking about these things in nuanced scientific and empathetic ways. But instead, you're just fatphobic and you really just want to make it seem like youre not by making up fake pseudoscientific and ableist points about american health in order to justify it. I'd much rather people admit that instead of scaremongering and spreading misinformation that could cause harm.
And for the recordthat's just my short point on the food topic, I haven't even gotten into the "americans are on too many meds" point which is just fucking terrible to say in itself, and ablelist. Like i for one people take meds if they want im glad people have medications that can help them. I'm glad medications exist. I hope to take my meds for the rest of time actually if it means I don't suffer from my shit 😭!! Instead of worrying about the amt of meds ppl are on as a moral failing focus on how we can make meds better more accessible and with less side effects. The end.
And feel free to rb and reply and send asks and add on btw!! There's a lot of nuance to my very short rant on a huge topic. Just don't be weird and rude.
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akirasarchives · 2 years ago
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Chishiya wants to recruit your small group into a risky plan. He seems to have something up his sleeve when you refuse.
🃅 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 03: Rejection
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“Thank you for shopping with us!” A painfully tight smile strains across your features as you hand the particularly well-dressed woman her shopping bag. The woman thanks you, taking her items swiftly and exiting the store with her bored husband in tow.
Each day has started to feel the same as each interaction blends together. Working part-time in a clothing outlet has provided you with a range of opportunities, much noted as: having fun sucked from daily life. With a strict manager who rotates shifts depending on whether the coworkers get along, you often find yourself stuck behind the cash register having to listen to your narcissistic coworker ramble about their love life.
The only excitement that gets you through your shift is watching the numbers change on the til, signifying that you’re legally free from your shift in less than two minutes. Thank God, as you’re sure that spending even five minutes longer in the brightly-lit, overstimulating hellhole with a broken AC would cause you to have a public freakout. Even so, you enviously watch the customers walk around your store. The people who actually enjoy being in it’s confinements.
“Shifts over!” You call, not caring for an answer. With your bag and coat being strung up in the small cloak-closet - and a sorry excuse for a cloak room - it’s easy to grab your items swiftly and leave. You’re pretty sure the coworker that was jabbering at you for the better part of five hours is complaining that you can’t leave yet as the girl who is due to come in after you isn’t here yet but you don’t pay her much mind.
Almost comically, a gust of cool air douses over you after standing in what felt like a fire pit. The relief flushed over you like an ice bath on a hot day which would be welcome at the moment as the sweltering heat of summer still manages to heat up the rest of the air conditioned shopping centre.
“Hey [l/n]!” Kuina calls from her shop opposite yours. A smile graces your face as you walk over to the woman. She’s smiling at you despite very obviously struggling to pull a tight fitted top over the mannequins' weirdly large shoulders.
“Did you just get off?” She asks, to which you nod.
“I told you to call me [y/n]” She tutts, rolling her eyes at you. You can tell she’s thinking about giving you her usual ‘just because you spent time overseas and feel like the last name culture thing is weird now doesn’t make her look any less rude for calling you your first name!’ But she doesn’t. With one last pull, the shirt finally rests on the mannequin. She stands proudly, dusting her hands off and places them on her hips.
“Lucky for you, my break just started!” She explains, kicking over the rest of the clothes that she was most likely meant to put on the mannequin too, but she rounds the display case and follows you outside the store.
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It’s nice, thinking back on your time spent with Kuina. Though, all good things must come to an end as Usagi and Arisu basically barge into your room. Despite the short knock in your door, the two don’t exactly wait for a reply before walking in.
“You’re up” Usagi notes, smiling at the sight of you already propped up at the vanity area.
“Yeah” You confirm “Just thinking”
Arisu walks forward, careful to not trip on anything that could be scattered around the room.
“Did you find out any information?” He asks. Usagi follows behind Arisu, perching on the edge of your bed.
“No, not really” You shrug, standing from the rickety chair. Arisu exhales “You were talking to Kuina… and the blonde guy” He mentions. You suppose the two probably saw you chatting to the duo in the lobby area.
“Ah, Kuina pulled me for a drink” You remember “Though they asked me what I specialise in”
“What do you mean?” Usagi asked, suddenly intrigued by the minuscule conversation.
“As in, what game I’m best at” The two glance between each other “Kuina is good at spades and Chishiya is an expert in diamonds”
“You’re great at spades too, Usagi” The woman smiles, nodding her head at the compliment.
“Arisu, you’re great at almost everything so I can’t really pinpoint you” An airy laugh breaks from your mouth as Arisu ducks his head shyly.
“What are you good at?” Usagi asks. The question stumps you, as your previous conversation with the other duo had ended up without a clear answer too. Your silence is met with two curious looks.
“Honestly, I’m not sure” Sighing, you begin to walk towards the doorway of the hotel room “I just get by…”
“Hatter said you had six or seven cards, right?” Usagi recalls “Surely in those games you could see what you did better in!”
“They were mostly clubs and low-level spades games”
Arisu’s head snaps, as if something astonishing had clicked in his head “Maybe you’re good at hearts!”
The conversation was redundant. The same outcome as your one with the other duo.
Only time will tell.
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Getting information from others was anything but easy. Most people were too drunk, high or simply spewed out weird conspiracies which did nothing but make your head hurt. Regrouping with Arisu and Usagi showed that the three of you all concluded that no one exactly knew what was going on.
“I’ll head to the annex basement for supplies” Usagi explains, not giving either you or Arisu a chance to join as she briskly walks away. You suppose she could keep a lower profile that way, but leaving her alone isn’t comforting either.
Gunshots ring out, causing both you and Arisu to share a confused look. Weaponry was banned from the Beach and those who were allowed were militants. That only meant that whatever was around the corner would cause trouble.
“Arisu” Hissing, you follow behind the man with a scowl on your face. Only he would follow the sound of gunshots and impending danger yet you suppose you're not any better as you follow behind.
Three men walk away from a blue bin with a tarp thrown over it. All three have guns meaning that they are part of the militant group in the Beach, but they’re quick to flee the scene. Arisu is quick to make his way over to the mysterious bin, yet he throws the tarp back over the top of the bin almost as quickly as he unveils it. He coughs, backing away from whatever is inside the bin.
From the corner of your eye, you spot the two familiar beings from yesterday. Chishiya and Kuina soundlessly walk down the steps which the militants had just walked on minutes before.
“That is the true nature of this utopia” Chishiya announces with his hands once again stuffed in his hoodie pockets. Kuina shoots you a smile once she sees you, despite the grim situation.
“This is part of the Beaches rule” He explains, finally making it to the bottom step.
“Death to traitors”
Surprisingly, finding out that dead bodies are inside the container doesn’t surprise you. In fact, judging from Arisu’s repulsed reaction the idea floated in the back of your mind.
Arisu heaves slightly, disturbed by the sight of decaying bodies and by the information. All in all, the grotesque and violent nature of the Beach does not surprise you as the fact the Hatter said you can’t leave makes you think that you will be forced to stay. Especially with the militants and their arsenal of weapons.
“Follow us” Chishiya commands, turning on his heel to walk up the steps again.
In a split second, you and Arisu share a look. Both of you are unsure where the blonde will lead you to; you comply and slowly follow after the mysterious man with Arisu in tow.
They lead you to one of the back entrances of the Beach. It’s not well kept as it’s obvious that militants probably only use this exit of the Beach to bring dead bodies or those facing their fate to this side. The carpet is covered in splotches of mould, splatters of blood and what is probably vomit. Each of your steps are calculated as you aim for pieces of the red carpet which appears decently clean.
“Watch” Arisu hisses, pushing you away from a pile of… something. The patch is neither wet nor dry, yet there’s a clump of black goo just centimetres away from your flip-flop clad feet. A disgusted yelp leaves your mouth as you flinch away from the mass, allowing Arisu’s hand on your shoulder to guide you away from it.
When you look up, Chishiya is looking at you over his shoulder. You can’t read what he’s thinking but the sight of him staring so intensely at you when caught off guard causes a flush of embarrassment to wash over your body. Your eyes snap back to the carpet only seconds later.
The ding of the elevator breaks you from the thoughts. Your small group of four easily filter into the roomy yet rickety box. It’s almost like deja vú - being in the lift. Your first proper conversation with Chishiya happened in one.
“Where are we going?” Arisu asks to break the silence. Kuina’s arms uncross as she gestures at the top floor button which is highlighted by a ring of light.
“Rooftop” She nods.
“Are you guys gonna throw us off of it or something?” You joke, fingers strumming against the cool, metal railing. Kuina laughs breathily as she fiddles with the familiar chewing stick.
“You never know.” She jokes, giggling softly to herself. Despite both of your efforts to cut the tense atmosphere, the sight of the two glowering men in the corner reduced your efforts. Kuina glances at you after noticing the two men’s guarded postures but stays silent as the elevator continues to fly past the floors and to the rooftop.
Cold air slaps your face when you finally arrive at the roof. It seeps through the opening doors and twirls around your scantily clad figure. You hold back the urge to chatter your teeth as you step out with your arms automatically clasping onto each other to seek some sort of warmth.
Kuina and Chishiya walk towards the sunnier part of the rooftop, about 5 feet apart between the two. For being a duo, the obvious difference in personal space between the two can be jarring at times.
Arisu cautiously walks forward, taking in his surroundings. Obviously there’s no one else on the rooftop - that you hope - and there’s little to no chances of people hearing the conversation, yet he very obviously snaps his head around to look for others. You suppose his time in the executive room would explain his caution as from the little detail he’s spared, the executives are not to be messed with.
“What’s this about?” Arisu asks, staring at Chishiya under a glare.
The blonde stares back amused, finding it funny how easily he’s seemingly gotten under Arisu’s skin.
“Your group seems to have collected a vast amount of information” He begins, nodding towards your figure. Your hands rest on your hips as you stare back, looking between both him and Kuina. She fiddles with her chewing stick, staring off into the clouds.
“What are you planning?” He asks. You look at Arisu, who looks greatly offended.
“Doing the same as you two” You shrug, stepping further out of the shade to join in on the conversation.
“You want to know why you’re here and want to get out too, right?” Chishiya nods with a subtle smirk ghosting his lips. Arisu glances at you, unsure if you’re answer was right or not.
“I’ll cut to the chase, then” Chishiya sighs, rolling his neck. His behaviour is odd to you. Despite lurking in the shadows his confidence seems to exude almost obnoxiously from his smaller stature.
“How will you live in a world full of despair?”
The question throws a spanner into the works. He’s not really cutting to the chase, in your opinion, more so trying to prompt more information from you and Arisu.
“How?” Arisu echoes, staring at Chishiya with a cocked brow.
The two have a stand-off. The gentle breeze tousles with Chishiya’s longer strands, allowing them to graze over his features in an almost movie-like manner. Arisu stills, mulling over his answer,
“I just want to know the answer to my questions” He states, looking back at your supportingly, You reply with a soft nod.
“… Who killed Karube and Chota” He adds solomley. Luckily, being thrown into this vast world on your own meant you didn’t have to worry about your close friends dying, though with your newfound friendships, fate might come to bite you as well.
“I thought I’d be able to survive… and return to the original world with everyone” He continues. A stabbing pain of guilt twists in your chest as you listen to him speak.
“Arisu…” You call, silently telling him he doesn’t need to share. He sighs.
“If that is not possible, I want Usagi and [y/n] to return to the real world, at the very least” He nods.
You weren’t too sure you meant that much to the taller man, but his words cause a sad smile to prick at the corners of your lips. It’s nice to know that the two really have your back, besides their secretive pining for each other.
“What a tearjerker” Chishiya observes. Arisu glares.
“Your dream… it’s cool, but it’s not practical at all” Chishiya begins to walk, pacing closer to you as he rounds Arisu. In your head, you know it’s just an intimidation technique but his cruel words cause a spike of anger to flare within you.
“Seriously?” You scoff, arms crossing over your chest. Chishiya stops, mere inches from your form. His lack of empathy is somewhat shocking, especially for a world filled with death.
However, you’re almost 100 percent certain he finds it amusing how you’re so blatantly showing your emotions, but it’s exactly what he was going for.
“You’ll have to win all the games and become the next Number One, but that’s impossible” Kuina attempts to cool the mood by mentioning your earlier explanation of wanting to leave the borderlands.
“It has nothing to do with you guys.” Arisu spits, scuffing his sandal against the hot concrete.
“We think that you have potential,” Chishiya interjects.
“That’s why we came to meet you”
“What do you mean?”
At this point, you’re feeling invisible. Whatever intellectual dick-swinging contest is going between the two is beyond your thought process.
“What if I said there’s a way to change the status quo all at once?”
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“This is so stupid Arisu, don’t get involved with their plan.” You scold the messy haired man from your standing position. Usagi was briefly informed of the strange interaction you had on the roof with the duo but she had kept her opinions to herself as she processed the whole ordeal.
“We could get out of here” He explains.
“You think what… Four people against the executives and the Hatter can change the whole way this place runs?”
“Five” Usagi interjects, standing from the bed. You stare at her, shocked by her answer. As liberating as the whole plan sounds, it’s most likely going to blow back in your faces. The militants are literally armed to the teeth and you all have no idea what power or weapons the other executives hold. Chishiya may be one, but the eleven others and their minions outnumber your small vigilante group by too much.
“Usagi! You can’t be serious” Baffled by the duo, you can’t help but throw your arms out.
“You don’t have to get involved, [y/n]” Usagi explains, trying to ease the tension.
“I’m not, but you two are. You’re both going to get hurt and never mind the fact that you both don’t know either Chishiya or Kuina - or their intentions.”
“We’re aware of that, and it’s a risk we’ll take,” Arisu explains.
The conversation begins to seriously piss you off. You’re sure that the two can see your frustration written all over your face and body language.
“Like I said on the roof, I’ll make sure to get both you and Usagi back to the real world” Arisu repeats, attempting to ease your mood. But it doesn’t. The only thing you can think of is how selfish he sounds.
“Get us back to the real world by endangering yourself for something that you don’t even know will work? You two are the only people I have here and you’re throwing yourself headfirst into danger for no reason.” With that, you leave. Ignoring their pleas for your return and to reconsider your stance, it falls on deaf ears as you slam Arisu’s hotel room door shut, not caring for how the few people scattered around the hallways stare at your huffing figure. Maybe Arisu’s speech on the rooftop had secretly rooted a fear that you’d experience losing them.
Navigating through the hallways is tough, especially when you’re power walking and holding back every fiber of your being that encourages you to shout at the nosey onlookers. Having the two only people you consider friends endanger themselves outside of a game environment weighs heavily on your conscience. What are you meant to do if it backfires? Luckily, most people have headed to game venues after the Hatter announced he would be going to one himself, so the sight of people slowly disappears from your vision as you travel towards your room on the floor above.
As you're rounding the corner to your room, something stops you in your tracks. The door to your room is slightly adjacent. Either someone is in your room at this exact moment or someone has trifled through your belongings.
Quietly, you creep forwards, keeping an eye on the stream of light pouring from the doorway to watch for any movement. Nothing seems to have moved, so you hesitantly creek the door open.
Fear is replaced by curiosity, to which you fully enter the room once a wave of confidence hits you. Because in actuality, this person is in your room so why should you feel to be the awkward one?
“What the fuck are you doing in my room?” A frown rests on your lips as you stare at the blonde resting on your bed. The same smug, condescending look rests on his face as he stares at your standoffish body language. Your arms immediately cross over your chest as you stare down at the man who ruins your perfectly made bedding.
“Your door was open” He sighs, looking towards the ceiling.
“They’re all open, smartass” Rebuting, you walk around to sit at the wooden vanity table. He pays no mind as he continues gazing off.
“If this is some sort of plan to recruit me, don’t even bother” You bring your right arm up so that you can lean against your palm. Chishiya shakes his head, adjusting his position so that he can get a better look at you.
“No. Kuina doesn’t want to involve you anyway” He states. Your brow quirks automatically. Kuina doesn’t want you involved? and for what reason?
“So why are you here then?” As much as you want to know the answer you’re realistically not going to get it from Chishiya.
He pauses, turning his head slowly to stare blankly at the wardrobe in front him.
What a weird guy. The thought has crossed your head more than you would like to admit. During your last game with him, specifically.
“It seems I misunderstood you” He admits. The statements all but perplexes you.
“I thought you would follow your friends…” He stands from your bed, turning once again to face you. His deep brown orbs seem to have darkened as he stares down at you. The usual condescending look has shifted to something more serious.
“Maybe I was stupid to think that?” He questions with his tone almost teasingly heightening at the end.
“What are you even on about?” You manage to splitter through your confusion. The dim lighting of your room casts a shadow behind him. The sight of his shadow reflecting onto your ceiling and creating an almost sinister halo which makes him seem almost taller causes a spike in anxiety.
In your short time of knowing this man, all you know is that he’s shifty.
“You’re a liability.” He declares as he steps forward once more. From your seated position, he hovers above you with only a ruler's space between your bodies. The proximity and general uneasiness caused by the sudden atmosphere shift causes your breath to get stuck in your throat.
The small hitch of breath causes a light to shimmer in his eyes. Perhaps the sight of slight fear causes Chishiya to thrive.
“You know what we want to do… When we’re going to do it and I can’t have you get in my way” His left hand plays with something stuffed in the pocket of his usual white jacket. With a quick flicker on your eyes, you assume his fiddling with what could be the taser he had in the first game.
Is he insinuating he’s going to taze me?
“But I’m sure we can work something out” He finishes with a soft smile, enjoying how you try to hold back how utterly confused and petrified you are by his attitude shift.
Your lip quivers as you try to think of something to say. The blonde is so unpredictable. At first he was just something of a mystery to you, then he ends up being an executive, then he watches over you in a game and now he’s threatening you because you won’t cooperate with his plan to endanger yourself? Had you just experienced all stages of any potential friendship and animosity with this man?
“I wasn’t going to tattle” The sentence comes out slightly hushed. His face remains uncomfortably close to yours, but you can’t tear your eyes away from him. It’s as if you’re in a trance. Every detail of his face slowly engraves into your brain. Each imperfection. Each freckle and crevice.
“There’s no need to threaten me.” You spit with a furrowed brow. His own brows turn upwards, showing surprise for a few seconds. Maybe Chishiya thought you’d sit silently and take his threats with no more than a frown on your face.
“Maybe so.” He muses, standing back. It’s as if you can finally breathe as your shoulders finally drop. Your body had closed up as he grew closer.
“But I can’t just take your word for it” He shrugs.
“You think I’m gonna run to the militants about this?” You ask. He simply stares back, as if your question was idiotic.
“I’m not.” You state “Risking getting Arisu and Usagi hurt - even Kuina - is the last thing I want to do”
He snorts “You would let me, though?”
“You haven’t given me a reason to care whether you’re hurt or not.”
“Your friends agreed to my plan anyway,” He switches the subject. A part of you wishes it’s because your reply pissed him off but it’s unlikely. The man has left you with the impression that insults roll off his back like water off a duck's back.
“If you get my friends hurt I won’t hesitate to tell the militants you’re nothing but the puppet master”
“A bit contradictory, no?”
You stand from the chair, ignoring how it screeches against the wooden floor. He simply leans back as you begin to invade his personal space, even without physically stepping towards him.
“Will you just get out of my room?”
He smiles once more as an airy chuckle passes through his lips.
“I hope you’re not serious about telling the militants” He spares you a pitiful glance “I wouldn’t want to do anything too strenuous”
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taglist: @itzz-me-duh @annieray @yanfei-kisser @huachengsbestie01
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You have to give infinitely more props to every character who's immortal or at least invulnerable or less vulnerable in some significant way [can't be greatly or permanently harmed by anything or by very much, or just resurrects, Super man, super boy, Klaus, Logan, even Hank or Luthor etc...] and doesn't act like -I- would about it. [They can be shamed and I can't. good luck]
Literally I would simply follow every impulse I had to:
Just walk off, especially into rivers, lakes, forests, and just keep going in that direction until I felt better
Explore wherever the fuck, swim an entire river just to see where it goes, wander off for months at a time because I started looking around and somehow got away from where there were roads
Go look at the moss, and then leaves, and then follow a little creature, and then get hungry and go looking for timmies or some berries, just jump into a river for salmon, whatever
Like I would not announce my leaving either, but I wouldn't wait until I was about to have a mental breakdown to go, I would simply get bored of whatever movie was on or the conversation, or someone would say something rude to me, and I'd just go "Hey I wonder what that island halfway across this lake is up to" and I'd just start swimming.
And experience junkie or not I -really- don't like extreme injury or suffering, but especially not endangering other people, so I'd go about things the most unhinged and patient "scenic" way possible... Like walk all the way to another country [in a big country] or swim somewhere instead of taking or stealing a boat. Take a little photo journaling tour through the desert or forest. Things with motors are for people who don't like to stop and look at the lichen.
I probably wouldn't do drugs much, but without anything being able to harm me I'd be a lot more free spirited about experiences in general. And I'm a writer, and I think that makes me worse. I could literally just test things myself or on myself. I'm not a reckless person, but if you made 90%+ of things not actually reckless for me... All bets are suddenly off. I have time now to figure it all out.
And trying to make me feel guilty for it would result in "sorry I wandered off and got a bit lost, lol" I'm a grown adult who is not contractually obligated to make myself available to other people 24/7 and I was raised by parents who tried to control me with guilt. It stopped working on my when I was a child.
And trying to make me feel weird or less human about it would result in "Sorry I'm autistic and I don't actually value social convention, I'm not hurting anyone... expect maybe the salmon, and frankly I think you need to review what natural human behaviours are, and also what ableism is..." I'm a grown ass adult and I don't answer to anyone who tries to tell me I can't go fishing however I want to, so long as I have my license. [I only answer to OSHA and fish and wildlife services.]
You could try to accuse me of not thinking, or of acting feral or whatever and I'd just be like "No I made the very calm and rational decision that I wanted to go for a walk in the woods and was hungry for fish and that none of this would harm me and isn't really any of your business <3"
The only way to remotely tether me would be if I had a dependent to get back to like my cat, and you would simply be very aware that was the only thing keeping me from downsizing my life to a camping pack with a fancy laptop and existing wherever the fuck I wanted to at any given moment, provided I at least have a fixed address at which to store books and things I collected, and for like, legal reasons.
Like my whole bit is having boundaries and whimsy in my heart... And it would make me completely ungovernable.
Every person/character would be like "why can't you be more like _____" And name the guy who they *currently* get mad at for leaving sometimes without notice or coming back and getting blood on the carpet, or wanting a month off on occasion to go get something out of his system, because by comparison he's the new favourite [Also he doesn't have an annoying fixation with keeping giant pine cones and big fossils and interestingly shaped driftwood that everyone keeps complaining are making the room I was assigned look like I am taking the forest home with me (you were the ones who said I was free to keep stuff in this room and act like I live here when I want to, I can go if you want)].
And OH! Weird 'pets'. My reluctance to kill things I don't have to, plus not having to worry about them accidentally or intentionally hurting me? Oh I would be rescuing things no person ought be rescuing all the time and there would just be a bear sometimes and I'd be the only person who could get near it but there I am with 'my' bear... Reminding you that he is a wild bear. There would be a bear in the pool and people would be like "get your bear out of the pool" and I'd be like "s'not my bear" and they'd be like "Whatever, he's his own bear, yeah yeah, but get him the fuck out of our pool" just assuming that the bear is there because of me, and I'd have never seen *that* bear before in my life but I'd be like "Well I guess that's my friend now and I need to go convince him out of the pool, ig". Eventually people would be like "Your bees are becoming a problem" and I'd have to be like "What bees?" [ig I am adopting bees now?].
Frankly, people would start to wish I woke up and chose violence *more* often... As opposed to my established RP habit of "can I gain it's/their confidence instead of having to kill it/them, and also do they like pies?".
The only reason I wouldn't get kicked out is because when I am around I would be *nice* to people and cook and bake a lot and keep bringing things like smoked salmon. I would be able to have this patience with people because of all the time I'd take not being around people.
And the other guys you were trying to stuff into a mold of conventional living even if it makes them a bit crazy? I'd make them all worse [read: better]. And you'd let me because there would be 20% fewer mental breakdowns happening with my influence, and probably less drugs or other acting out. And way more cookies. But also some people would just stay 100% infuriated by it/me at all times.
"Why are you like this? >.>"
"Because nothing can stop me, and I'm not hurting anyone <3"
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b4b3tte · 2 years ago
Hi can u please make a Rowan x gn reader but afab where reader is a new student and shy little water nymph who is part of Bianca's clique and they become friends for a while but Rowan feels he's out of their league so they reassure him and it's friends to lovers? No rush, i like reading ur stuff 💞
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — outcast Rowan befriends a popular water nymph and accidentally develops feelings, he feels out of readers league since they are apart of a popular clique but Reader makes sure he thinks otherwise!! ( might make this a series!! )
Contains of — fluff,friends to lovers, comfort, kisses slight bullying,feeling like an outcast, negative thoughts and more!!
Babette’s note — Hi I am literally so fucking excited for this request like AAA- but tysm for requesting! At first I didn’t know what a water nymph was so I researched what it was and got an idea, I looked at some photos so please if I described or anything of the sort wrong I deeply apologize and would be more than happy to fix it! This is part one, part two is going to be full on fluff and if you want maybe some smut if you’d like :0!! Not proofread
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- Going to Public school while being a nymph was extremely difficult and frustrating. Having to get up early in the morning to hide your identity from other students was such a hassle.
- Your legal guardian decided to hire a private teacher but obviously it was expensive none of the less, that is when your legal guardian came across Nevermore academy, a school for outcasts
- your legal guardian thought it was a dream come true, finally having a school suitable for you, but after so many promises and lies that your going to finally fit in somewhere
- you didn’t think that this was any different but you were grateful for how hard they were trying to find a place suitable for you. The day of going to nevermore academy was the worse, you had second thoughts and got into a argument with your legal guardian
- you just wanted a private teacher so you can stay at home, you were tired of feeling like an outcast. But at the end of the day you realized that this might be the last chance you'll have at feeling normal at a school environment or in general.
- It’s been a month since you transferred to nevermore academy, and so far it’s been a blast not having to hide who you are and having a group of peers just like you was a dream, you became great friends with Bianca,divina and Kent a group of sirens
- you also befriended a shy outcast which other people refer him as a “ freak “ , “ geek “ , “ nerd “ , “ lazy “ , “ loser “. sadly the people who referred him as that were your group of friends
- they were fun to hang out with but you have to admit, they were rude to other students although on your free time you’d hang out with Rowan in the library, which happened a lot,
- it wasn’t a surprise that you both developed feelings for each other, of course none of you made it clear that you guys were in-love, rowan was the one that had the most doubt, you being in a popular clique already Made him feel worse about himself and bring more negativity in his mind “ why would they want someone like me? “
- rowan naturally had a negative mindset since he was little, mainly about his uniqueness and interesting mindset, yet you looked past that, you thought it didn’t matter but Rowan thought otherwise
- rowan was whispering to himself in his dorm room, Xavier was out and about so he was alone, meanwhile you were walking down the dormitory hallway going to return his study book since he left it in the library
- weirdly the door was cracked open, which made you think something was up so you slowly walked to the door and putting your ear to the door you only hear soft whispering so you open the door
- you see Rowan sitting at his desk and hear him say “ would y/n ever love me back? “ you were genuinely surprised at the sudden sentence Rowan said, you were at the lost for words really.
- you wanted to say something but also stay quiet, but the quietness turned to loudness from the unexpected ring from both ends of the door.
- one from being sent and one from being received
- “ oh shit “
- the ring was a text. A text from Rowan saying “ hey are you free right now? “ thing is you know Rowan heard the ring, so obviously he looked at the door and saw a figure.
- he quickly got up and opened the door, shocked to find out it was you.
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Hey thank you for reading!! I truly appreciate it!! Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside!! Love you so much take care part two coming up!!🫶🤍⭐️
side note Someone please write me some rocky balboa fanfics<3 mwah mwah
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delusionalisted · 2 years ago
Brief PSA since I haven’t made any proper spreadsheet or carrd:
This blog is and will be used as a mean to keep practicing divination and work with different kinds of energies coming from outside my circle/coven. I’m going to take advantage of this opportunity to practice and compose in the English language as well.
My readings are FREE and will remain as such, that said, they will be shorter and less detailed than my usual, in-person readings — for my energy, health and time’s sake, I’ll go straight to the point and core of the matter at hand. (I’m able of answering more questions if I keep them short and direct for your needs. Translating and writing take time, too.)
Aside from readings, I’m going to treat this blog as a personal journey too. You will find the occasional gratitude post and more, so don’t expect this to be a soulless divination ATM.
Regarding my readings:
1. I expect you to take everything with a grain of salt. Don’t look at divination as an omniscient tool at your disposal. Destiny is not set in stone, and I trust you’re conscious of that.
2. I do not believe we are all meant for every diviner, and my readings are not for everybody. Don’t expect sugarcoating, don’t ask test-questions, don’t ask questions expecting a certain answer and so on.
Remember that not every diviner will look at the same picture. If you feel drawn to my energy or readings, then you’re welcome in this space. If you come from a place of skepticism, trying to prove or cross-test the reading another diviner has given you, then you’re going to be disappointed. Whether it’s mine or their reading that looks more accurate or trustworthy to you, it’s not an invite to be rude or offensive. Any holier-than-thou attitude will meet an immediate block. Don’t be disrespectful towards ANY diviner.
3. I DO NOT believe in lesser-valuable questions. Love readings, within their limits, are welcome, but keep in mind that simple questions require simple answers.
“Did XYZ enjoy our date?” is NOT a question that requires a full dive into channeling, you’re probably going to get a pendulum or tarot reading for that.
No readings about celebrities, doppelgängers, or anything of the sorts. Be honest and realist.
I don’t usually ask for detailed feedback because I don’t feel like pressuring anyone into giving one, especially since my services are free. I’m way more interested in how YOU felt, if YOU resonated with it, and if I provided any clarity or comfort to you. Your well-being is more important to me than skill-based feedback.
LOVE READINGS: I won’t read FOR third parties, that means I won’t tap into their energy nor I will give you private info about them. Giving me wrong initials, zodiac signs, etc. will not work.
LOVE READINGS: My readings are SFW unless stated otherwise, but I doubt strong or sexual language will be necessary for most of my readings.
HEALTH-LEGAL-FINANCIAL: These questions will not be answered, for your safety and well-being. I’m not a professional in any of those areas.
LUCK-FORTUNE-WEALTH: There’s a limit to what I do and don’t answer to. I won’t give numbers, symbols, days or whatnot for you to gamble or invest.
4. I have the right to turn down any question I don’t want to answer if I deem it inappropriate, uncomfortable or nonsensical (AND/OR bigoted, hateful, etc.) at my discretion.
5. I’m more than open to share or talk about my experiences, my craft and my practice. If you want to know anything about that before asking for a reading, feel free to send an ask.
That’s all from me at this moment. Wishing you all a nice weekend. <3
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beck-a-leck · 1 year ago
I'm gonna vent about fic comment etiquette for a hot minute beneath the cut and I'll probably delete this later after I've slept on it but...
I thought I would take my fics off of Registered Users Only lockdown, after being on it for several months. Not gonna lie I missed my guest readers and commenters.
But literally less than 2 hours after I did that I got this comment from a repeat guest commenter who has pretty much exclusively only asked the same thing when they comment
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I'm legally allowed to commit murder now, right?
Like. For the last 3+ years this person has been reading my fics almost all of their comments are like this.
I'll post a brand new chapter and they'll comment 30 seconds later, "update when?"
Like. 😤
I get being excited over a fic. I get eagerly waiting for the next chapter. I even get the impatience that can come when a fic hasn't been updated in over a year.
I am very flattered to know that people feel that way about my stories.
But, mother fucker, I have been working on other things. If you just took 30 seconds to look at the rest of my profile, you would see that I have been writing other stories. I've been thinking about other fandoms. I've been juggling a dozen different projects at any one time. And I just want to shake them and shout "You'll get it when you get it! Stop asking!"
Like. I'm pretty sure this person commented a few months ago under a different name trying to semi-guilt trip me into continuing the story, which is not and never has been abandoned, and all they ever do it trigger the contrarian little gremlin in my brain that immediately says "well, now it's gonna take even longer. Nyeh!"
I just... idk. Part of me doesn't want to assume they're intentionally being rude. But also.
There are ways to comment on a fic you enjoy and would like to see more of, even if it's been on hiatus for a while without just demanding an update. They've MADE comments in the past that have been enthused and not demanding. But recently they've just gotten rude about it, treating me like I'm a vending machine and if they drop a comment (and comment) they'll get the content they want churned out to them in 2-3 business days.
I mean. Jfc saying "Please and Thank You" can go a really long way when you're asking people for things.
I just wonder if readers like that don't realize that every frustration they feel about an unfinished story, the writer feels tenfold along with a dozen other complicated feelings about it.
I certainly didn't expect that fic to still be in progress 3 years later. I thought it would be done in 6-8 months. But I can't control my damn muses and sometimes the inspiration just goes away for a very long time, and as the writer it's infuriating and guilt-inducing to see that Last Updated date getting farther and farther away.
But as the writer who is also doing all of this for free and for fun, I want to keep writing the stories that are currently fun for me, which means enjoying when different fandoms and new story ideas come and grab me by the hand and drag me off on new adventures.
I should just ignore the comment. Or at the very least wait until I'm less annoyed about it so I can respond civilly. But right now I'm just lying in bed, considering taking away guest reader privileges again. Just because I'm feeling petty.
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mneiai · 2 years ago
i apologise, i didn't mean to come off as rude. i'm on anon because my following is far smaller than yours and i am admittedly scared of getting harassed (not that i think you'd condone/encourage it, but only that it tends to happen with smaller blogs as a side effect of tumblr being tumblr).
i ask from a place of genuine ignorance; i don't understand how propaganda or direct lobbying would be more effective than a legal fund, nor why you'd choose to use a platform like ao3 if you disagree with their management of funding. it's not like posting to ao3 is mandatory for engaging with fandom, although i do acknowledge that it's likely where as a fic writer you'd have the largest reach.
feel free to ignore me though, i'm not trying to start anything. regardless, i wish you the best, and have a nice day.
lol you have zero clue how many followers I have and I barely have any interactions so you're not even inferring from that, come up with a better excuse next time.
The legal fund is, as I in the post you saw and many, many others have said, useless in its current state. It could not fund any real legal battle against a challenge to fanfiction. Those are expensive. Going directly for authors, directors, etc. to have better opinions of fanworks would be significantly cheaper and make them less likely to support an anti-fanwork suit or more likely to support OTW/fanworks if one happened.
OTW are a non-profit. They should not have excess money, they should always be finding a way to spend it if they get extra. This is the way non-profits work, this is not an opinion, this is the norm that they are going against for no good reason. There are multiple projects that they've said for years they're considering, as well as features people have been asking for since the very beginning, that they could be funding with their excess funds.
AO3 is the only real platform for fanfic for most of my fandoms. I have spoken about this before. Multiple times. I created fanfic tumblrs on here specifically because I wanted to move off of AO3 and have complained many times about how useless they have been.
Many of us use AO3 not because we like it, but because we want to reach more readers who would otherwise not see my fanfic. Look at my fucking fanfic blogs on here if you don't believe me, the amount of likes/reblogs compared to the amount of kudos/bookmarks for the same fic is vastly different. The amount of subscribers on most of my ongoing fic is far more than the number of followers I have on any of them or even on this blog (despite your attempts to act like I'm some big account).
AO3 created a monopoly, a large portion of older fanfic sites that may have continued on shut down because AO3 made a big deal about handling importing fanfic onto their site (there are fics on there that the writer didn't ever consent to have on there because the archive was absorbed into AO3). There have also been no real competitors because people refuse to accept that AO3 is a highly flawed site for the actual fanfic community and support the early stage projects that have popped up over the years the way people once supported AO3.
Point me to a usable competitor for my fandom and topics I write about and I'll show you a massive amount of issues they have, too.
Anyway, just block me if you're too far up AO3's ass to realize it has issues. I have no interest in people who think the status quo for the fanfic community is a good thing.
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mememanufactorum · 2 years ago
Things I've said to my friends out of context (July 2023 edition)
Stop tiptoeing your fucking death.
I see someone else has played Project Wingman.
Get your Taco Bell orchestrion roll.
I already know the smart thing to do in this situation, but when you're both enforcing it on me like this, it makes me want to buy it out of spite.
It'll just make my bank angrier, that's all.
Don't you flimflam me here, fucker.
Have we just been Mandela Effecting ourselves this entire time into thinking that [name] was ever smart?
But there's a lot of little factors that probably wouldn't end up killing things that are already basically dead.
Dogs don't tend to like fireworks.
He wanted the magic fire stick.
I have TWO legs.
Where's the part where God sends down legally distinct Godzilla?
God wants to pick a fight with the human race? We're going to shoot God.
We don't quite have the power of God and anime on our side, but we do have the power of anime and a ridiculous defense budget.
One guy manages to survive and put out his own fire by RAPIDLY SPINNING on the ground.
Sure hope he found out he can punch his own shotgun blasts.
You know the funny thing? I wasn't about to yell at [name].
Man goes "Who the hell is Story of the Year?" I felt personally attacked.
I learned to claw and I liked it.
Just don't stare at the mirror, that way you don't have to worry about the mirror demons.
Whatever you do, don't look up Tallgeese Flugel.
Everything exists so [name] and [name] can slam and jam.
So I have finally found something that made me experience cringe overload for the first time in years.
I feel like I got gut-punched.
How the fuck did you make it through 90% of this game without ever using items?
You know how my ass has consistently played Pokemon since I was a kid? Pick my starter, literally use nothing but my starter, Unga Bunga my way through 100% of the game. Wing bang boom done.
Thank God we don't actually live in Armored Core timeline shenanigans, because something like this would probably result in war crimes between corporate mercenaries using mechs.
Missile launcher: Not actually a missile launcher. Just fires non-explosive, pointy, metal rods.
I also have food, you're not so special.
It wasn't just that I walked into a web, it's that fucking spooders kept shooting webs at me.
That's super fucking rude of you.
Fuck it. Take me, YHVH.
I'll blare Ace of Spades by Motorhead the whole time while we're on the freeway and the whole trip will take less than 2 hours.
Drop the bomb on me, [name]. I'm ready.
But if the dog comes to me and refuses to leave me, I have no choice but to give the affection.
I want to go back to the times where I could shitpost openly again.
Bad cosplay. He still has two arms.
So [name] is about to get BAJA BLASTED for once.
I am not sure what to say other than the fact that this sounds like an intricately layered shitcake.
Surely you would not mix and match M&M's and Skittles together, right?
You're both fucking creatures.
You fucking nondescript entity, beyond a creature at this point.
So I reserve the right to sit back and heckle from my heckler box.
I bet you ate it like a squirrel.
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mint-moon25 · 1 month ago
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91 SW 3 ST
18 AND OLDER - $1.00 - EACH - TAX
$5.00 - ONLY - HERE - SUPERB - YES
$7 - ADD - 7% - TAX
2ND AV - AND - 6 ST
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monhavre · 3 months ago
The sovereign of this haven,
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Warm greetings, dear people. I go by the name Asla—nothing more, nothing less, though you're welcome to call me Aca or any nickname you feel suits me. My pronouns are she/her, and for your peace of mind, I am above the legal age. While I don't let my zodiac or MBTI define me, I'm a Leo and an ISFP, in case you're curious, but I prefer to be seen for who I am beyond those labels.
Speaking of my interests, let's start with my playlist. In K-Pop, I'm really into TOMORROW X TOGETHER, KISS OF LIFE, ENHYPEN, NewJeans, NMIXX, DAY6, Dreamcatcher, fromis_9, BOYNEXTDOOR, STAYC, and many others. Besides that, I casually listen to NIKI, LANY, and Indonesian artists like Sheila On 7, Hivi, Vierratale, MALIQ & D'Essentials and more. When the mood strikes, I binge-watch movies, dramas, or anime—anything except horror. As for gaming, I play Genshin Impact, Roblox, and Plato.
I'm open to any friendship invites, but there are a few things you should keep in mind. Do not follow if you're rude, frequently involved in public drama, or hate my interests. This account is also FUB free, and you always have the option to break the mutuals whenever you want.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via DM or ask through my Retrospring (use it wisely, please).
0 notes
jodilinbio · 3 months ago
Part 42
I’ve often been told I’m very smart. Yet even the smartest people can make poor decisions at times, and so I responded to Tammy’s brief Facebook message in early 2009 saying that she hoped I was doing well. I saw no harm in sharing why I felt I could never forgive her, leaving a link to my journal in my reply so she could read my feelings in more detail. God knows I’d discussed them enough there, after all.
However, instead of apologizing for her irrational behavior in defending her abusive ex and her role in my arrest, she denied any wrongdoing, insisting she never knew where I’d moved to and that it was Bill who’d called the police, not her.
I thought about it and realized that yes, Bill might have been the one to call the cops, but he couldn’t have known where to send them if he or Tammy didn’t have some clue as to my location. My guess? Tammy had probably called people in the Phoenix area with our last name until she found someone in Tom’s family willing to share our address. I’m sure they believed her intentions were good, but I still felt betrayed.
Tammy might not have known about the default warrant any more than we did, yet she still called and sent letters to Tom, bashing me and defending Bill. By then, she was married to her third husband, so I had no reason to think she still had feelings for Bill—especially after his abuse of both her and Lisa. Over the years, I’d read about how domestic violence can severely impact a person’s psyche. I felt for the women who stood up to their abusers, ending the cycle, but I struggled to empathize with those who not only didn’t fight back but seemed to seek out abusive relationships and attack those who spoke out against their abusers. I don’t think Tammy enjoyed the abuse itself; rather, I think she enjoyed the sympathy she’d receive when discussing it with others. But only Tammy could truly know, and I wasn’t about to try to dissect her mind. She was an adult, free to make her choices, however harmful they might be. All I knew was that I felt shocked, angry, and disgusted with her behavior, convinced more than ever that she wasn’t someone I should be associating with, sister or not.
Yet Tammy piqued my curiosity—was it really that easy to find someone online?
I typed in my nieces’ names.
It was.
I found myself staring at a profile photo of my youngest niece and noticed her rather vulgar screen name. Her profile, like her sisters’, was private, so I couldn’t see much else.
Stupid mistake number two: I messaged her, mentioning her screen name and casually saying hello. I added that she didn’t have to reply, and while I was sure most of what she’d heard about me was exaggerated, it was best for us to continue on our separate ways. Then I wished her luck and signed off.
If I’m honest, the message was less about reconnecting and more about curiosity. So yes, I admit it. I didn’t care about saying hi or wishing her a happy birthday. I got a kick out of the thought of her reading my journal and sharing it with her sisters if she followed the link on my profile. I knew Tammy wouldn’t be pleased.
She wasn’t.
My inbox was flooded the next day with messages from both Tammy and Sarah on MySpace and the journal site. I hadn’t expected to hear from Sarah, so her rude response caught me off guard. But really, why should I have been surprised? Didn’t the apple usually fall close to the tree?
Her message said she was standing by her mother, unsurprisingly, given she was just 18 at the time. She mentioned there was still some “damage” there and hinted at remembering past letters I’d sent her parents.
Then the cyberbullying began. I was stalked from site to site and threatened. Eventually, Tammy admitted she’d called the cops a decade ago, intending to get me in jail, and could do it again. She didn’t say it outright, but “I did it once; I can do it again” was enough for me.
She threatened to show up at our “dingy trailer” in California and take legal action against me for harassment and slander, even though they had sought out my journal on their own, and I was simply sharing my opinions and thoughts, not for any profit and not providing any identifying info. She demanded I never contact anyone in her family again, mocked my photos, called my husband “queer,” and wished us ill. She even made fun of our financial struggles.
When I’m angry, I try to keep things fair, and I wasn’t about to say she was a bad cook, for example, just because I was mad at her. The truth is, no matter my feelings toward her, she was a good cook.
Tammy was just the opposite. Suddenly, I wasn’t good at the things she once said I excelled in when she wasn’t angry at me. She mocked the things she’d empathize with if we were on good terms. She’d also invent events that never happened. If she was mad at me for something I actually said or did, she’d not only be quick to mention it but would also add in anything else she could make up on the spot.
I began posting their nasty messages in my journal, hoping it would embarrass them enough to back off since the diary site didn’t have a ‘block user’ feature. But they didn’t seem to care about how they were incriminating themselves. I had checked the laws because I learned the hard way that what you didn’t know really could hurt you, and I knew I wasn’t doing anything illegal. Tammy, on the other hand, was.
Eventually, Lisa contacted me, insisting that despite what they’d said, I was still her aunt. She bashed her mother and gave me the impression that they were no longer speaking.
I was hesitant to respond but eventually told her that while I wished her well, I didn’t think it was wise for us to be in touch, knowing her mother would likely pressure her to stop if she found out.
Lisa insisted she had been trying to locate me for years and genuinely wanted a place in my life, so I left it at that. I answered whatever messages she sent without initiating any of my own. I just wanted to be polite, not necessarily friendly.
Not long after, Lisa exposed her true colors. She messaged me in a fury, accusing me of “lying” to her grandfather about when we’d first talked, saying I’d mentioned April when it was actually August. Her message also declared that whatever happened between her and her mother was none of my business (after taking it upon herself to divulge info about it).
I finished reading her message, saddened and embarrassed for her and her mother. The sudden change in her was astonishing. She’d gone from zero to a hundred in seconds. I wasn’t sure if it was drugs or plain instability, but it was sad knowing that some people had nothing better to do than jump to conclusions and then harass others. If she had calmly asked me, I’d have explained that I never mentioned when we began talking to my father. In fact, I hadn’t even mentioned her at all—just that Tammy had reached out, and I wasn’t interested in reconnecting. But, sure enough, they dragged my parents into it, involving them in drama they didn’t need at their age and with their own challenges.
I didn’t bother responding to Lisa’s message. Instead, I added it to my daily entry, knowing she would read it and not be pleased. Maybe this would teach her to ask questions before accusing.
But then I stopped to think. Did my writing about them actually bother them? Hmm… I wasn’t so sure anymore. If it really did, why were they still reading my journal? And why did they keep sending me nasty messages that they knew I’d publish?
Holy crap, I thought as Tammy and Lisa continued their harassment. They’re getting a thrill out of this! They actually want me to write about them. It almost chilled me to think that someone in their fifties could enjoy such childish nonsense. It saddened me too. Had Tammy’s life become that miserable? I also realized that their desire to get me jailed wasn’t because my writing bothered them but because they were simply that vengeful.
I started closing as many access points as I could, now disturbed by the idea of them reading my journal, knowing they were enjoying it. But then I came to not care one way or the other who read it, something I suspect Tammy and her kids eventually tired of. After all, what’s so exciting about someone’s “dingy trailer” life full of “rats, dolls, and a ‘queer’ husband”?
Ah, the sweetness of cyber revenge. It was gratifying for a while, and I even slipped my journal link to a few others whose names I won’t mention.
But I’d had enough of Tammy and her unstable brood and was ready to move on without them. Even if we’d gotten along, I saw no point in buddying up with someone on the other side of the country with whom I shared nothing in common. We had different interests, tastes, and views on life. She was night; I was day. And I certainly didn’t need to associate with a bunch of twenty-somethings either.
Any “get-lost” spells out there? I wondered. God seemed to be ignoring most of my prayers, including the ones asking for Tom to get a job, so I didn’t expect any divine help. Instead, I lay down and entered a meditative state. I visualized their faces, distasteful as it was, and then imagined those images dissolving into nothing. Just nothing. I reminded myself they couldn’t harm me and that I had done nothing wrong. It wasn’t that I was afraid they’d actually harm me or take me to court. I was just tired of their harassment on the one site where I couldn’t block them, and I certainly wasn’t about to inconvenience myself by leaving. So I willed them out of my life as hard as I could.
And then I stopped hearing from them.
But Tammy left me with something: a newfound interest in social sites. I updated and spruced up my profiles. I didn’t care about racking up “friends,” but I was curious to see if I could reconnect with people I’d known.
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officeobject · 4 months ago
New "lawyer" needed, because my last one got mad that I insisted my unconventional friendship with someone, was still a friendship.
(Full context at the reblog thing before this aka https://www.tumblr.com/officeobject/767340263580499968/im-unsure-how-old-you-are-but-your-fixation-on?source=share , but),
If you wanna basically role-play as a lawyer but it's serious and like a job but you also don't get court cases or paid, then this might be for you!
My last "lawyer" basically quit (unrelated to "lawyer" stuff though), so I'm gonna need a new one, who won't quit on the personality with a unique brain, that they have to defend!
I'm not good in any arguments at all, and I'm emotional, so if you wanna answer questions about why people are the way that they are sometimes, or how I should respond, or even generate an answer, then GOOD, because holy shit I'm bad at social interaction, but maybe you're bad in a good enough way! You might need to look at stuff, step in instead of me, or tell me I should've sent you the case a long time ago, because personal conversations that turn weird, might be your life now!
You might have to tell me what to do, and generally speak for me, trying to make the person see MY point of view or shut the fuck up, and when you're done saving my fragile confused self, you can enjoy compensation in the form of absolutely nothing, or a "thank you"!
Sudden cases and spending time with me in a non-real job with a spontaneous and unspecified schedule as you try to tell me that wishing the worst things upon me is indeed overreaction - is indeed possible, with EXCITING additions, such as: different ages that matured less than my local 9 year old, nonsensical sentences, overly rude people, extra curse words, AND, people being ableist (and whatever else), for no fecking reason!
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Tell me what to do with armchair-diagnoses and people calling me all kinds of things for believing in ghosts (might be a reoccurring thing)!
WAIT ... THERE'S MORE! Get funny moments where I say stuff like "wait 'til I tell my lawyer about this!" Or something.
THERE'S MORE! You get to tell me what the feck a "lawyer" is called.
AAAAAAND, NO AGE-LIMIT! I don't unironically know who would sign up for this, and I don't know why, and yes I trust a fecking teenager to handle this stuff over me -
*Insert variation towards end of commercial*! This is legal (I think), and not a job so you won't have to deal with money, and you will have something to spend time on anyway!
Deal with obnoxious people NOW, and get a FREE "what the fuck?!"-included sentence!
Message NOW, and get an additional judgement towards you as a person, and a lot of confusing questions asked, along with the opportunity to meet ME! Start your free Tumblr-lawyer legally not legal not-job today!
Friendship not required or guaranteed.
(I'm posting this as a joke because funny commercial joke "who the feck would actually want this?!" Thing, but I do genuinely need this, and this DOES have genuine information, and I AM genuinely looking, and it's for my autism, so it gets the autism tag).
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caneiwestminster · 5 months ago
What is the Impact of Not Consulting a Trademark Attorney on Your Business in Westminster, CA?
When I first started my business in Westminster, CA, I was excited to bring my ideas to life. As a small business owner, I focused on creating a unique product, developing a strong brand, and growing my customer base. I didn’t fully understand the legal implications of protecting my brand’s identity through trademarks, and, like many new entrepreneurs, I made the mistake of not consulting a trademark attorney. This decision eventually led to challenges I had not anticipated, costing me both time and money.
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Looking back, I realize how important it is to seek professional legal advice, especially when it comes to trademarks, which are essential to a brand's identity. Westminster, nestled in the heart of Orange County, is home to many budding businesses like mine. While it’s easy to be consumed by marketing strategies and operations, skipping over the legalities of trademarks can be a costly oversight. I want to share what I learned about the risks and consequences of not consulting a trademark attorney, particularly for businesses in Westminster, CA.
Understanding the Role of a Trademark Attorney
Before I dive into the potential impacts of not consulting a trademark attorney, let’s first understand their role. Trademark attorneys are legal professionals specializing in intellectual property law. They help businesses like mine register trademarks, which protect logos, brand names, slogans, and other elements that differentiate products or services in the marketplace.
The primary job of a trademark attorney is to ensure that your brand’s identity is legally protected. This involves conducting thorough research to ensure that the trademark you wish to register does not conflict with any existing ones, as well as navigating the complex application process with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). I didn’t realize the depth of these responsibilities until it was too late.
Risk of Trademark Infringement
When I launched my business, I came up with a name that I believed was unique. Excitedly, I created a logo and branded all my marketing materials, only to find out a few months later that a similar brand name existed in another state. This was a rude awakening for me. Because I had not consulted a trademark attorney, I had failed to do a thorough trademark search. I soon received a cease-and-desist letter from the business with the similar name, claiming that I was infringing on their trademark.
Without legal guidance, I had no idea how to respond. The cease-and-desist letter not only threatened legal action but also demanded that I rebrand entirely, a costly and time-consuming process. Hiring a trademark attorney earlier in the process could have helped me avoid this nightmare by ensuring that my brand name was legally distinct and free from potential conflicts.
Financial Consequences of Rebranding
Rebranding was an expensive and stressful process. I had to redesign my logo, change my website domain, update all my marketing materials, and notify my customers of the new brand. The costs added up quickly, and I realized that the price of hiring a trademark attorney in the beginning would have been far less than the financial hit of rebranding.
Furthermore, the loss of brand recognition hurt my business in Westminster, CA. Customers who had come to know my business under the old name were confused, and it took significant effort to regain their trust and rebuild my brand's visibility. In a competitive market like Westminster, this was a setback that I could have avoided with the help of a trademark attorney.
Legal Complications and Litigation
When I received the cease-and-desist letter, I had no idea how to handle it. Without legal knowledge, I was tempted to ignore it, but that would have likely led to expensive litigation. Trademark disputes often escalate to lawsuits, which can drain a small business’s resources quickly.
Consulting a trademark attorney before launching my brand would have saved me from these legal headaches. Attorneys are skilled in drafting responses to cease-and-desist letters and negotiating settlements, if necessary. They also help prevent litigation by ensuring that businesses operate within legal boundaries from the outset. Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way after already facing legal threats and potential litigation.
Trademark Registration Process
The trademark registration process with the USPTO is more complicated than it seems. I initially attempted to file the trademark application myself, thinking it would save me money. However, I soon realized that the process is full of legal jargon and potential pitfalls that can lead to a rejected application.
For instance, I didn’t fully understand the different classes of goods and services that needed to be specified in the application. I also missed some important details in my application, which delayed the approval process. This was time I could have spent growing my business instead of dealing with paperwork.
Trademark attorneys are familiar with the intricacies of the application process and can ensure that everything is submitted correctly and on time. Had I hired one, I would have avoided these delays and frustrations, securing my brand’s protection much faster.
Limited Legal Recourse Without a Registered Trademark
Another thing I didn’t realize was that without a registered trademark, my legal recourse in the event of infringement was limited. Because I hadn’t officially registered my brand name, I had little ground to stand on if another company had decided to use a similar name or logo in the future. A trademark attorney would have explained that a registered trademark provides stronger legal protection and makes it easier to take action against infringers.
In Westminster, CA, where businesses are constantly competing for visibility, protecting intellectual property is crucial. Trademark attorneys not only help with registering trademarks but also provide advice on how to enforce your rights and take action against those who might try to steal your brand identity.
Local Knowledge and Expertise
One of the reasons I initially didn’t think I needed a trademark attorney was that I assumed it was only necessary for larger, more established businesses. I thought I could handle the process on my own as a small business owner in Westminster. However, I soon realized that trademark law is complex, and the rules can vary depending on the region.
Trademark attorneys in Westminster, CA, have local knowledge and expertise that can be invaluable to new businesses. They understand the nuances of state and federal laws, and they can tailor their advice to the specific needs of businesses in the area. This local expertise would have helped me navigate the legal landscape more effectively, avoiding costly mistakes along the way.
Reflecting on my experience, I now understand the importance of consulting a trademark attorney when starting a business in Westminster, CA. The financial, legal, and emotional toll of navigating trademark issues on my own was overwhelming. From the risk of infringement and costly rebranding to the complexities of the registration process, the challenges I faced could have been avoided by seeking professional legal advice from the start.
If you’re starting a business or thinking about launching a new product or service, I highly recommend investing in a trademark attorney. It’s a small price to pay compared to the potential consequences of not protecting your brand. Don’t make the same mistake I did – ensure that your business’s identity is safeguarded from the very beginning.
Contact us: CANEI 13950 Milton Ave. Suite 300, Westminster, CA 92683, United States 714-783-2222 https://caneilaw.com/
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