#it's kind of like that in my family atm but in all directions
flimsy-roost · 1 year
the copies of Unmasking Autism got delivered a week ago to every member of my immediate family, the "aha!" moments regarding other close family members have already begun
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shidoukanae · 1 month
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Lineart to lineless art progress thingie (for funsies! and also bc im running out of things atm to put in queue lol). My fashion sense is very basic but i really like the left & right designs for Helene!
It's interesting to see how many details get lost/added in the process between lining things out/turning the lines to full color. Helene's face on the left loses the angle I was going for (OTL) and i fiddled with the anatomy a bit to make it better on the right
Wanted to make this as a glimpse at what a modern AU!version of Helene would look like (and im really hoping to see her on Earth and her reactions to being on Earth! but atm it's hinted only dragons are capable of tracking down people across 'verses so im just saying...hey Paris...regarding Helene and your Dragon Pact powers...).
#TME art#for how much i obsess about Helene I don't draw her often lol#partly bc it's really hard to draw her right in my eyes#on things i really hope happen in the manhwa: it's PARIS who gets to visit Lyla on Earth first and learn her real name because in the LN-#he WAS the first one to find out her name so it'd be kind of a fitting homage to his LN self if he learned her Korean name first#and teleported to her first the way he did in the LN before Fian did#PLUS PLUS PLUS#I've been thinking about it a lot but irl!Lyla and Paris look like they could be siblings#and it'd be REALLY FUNNY if Paris appeared on Earth and was mistaken as a long lost brother or something#plus im ngl i kind of want to see him build a bond with Lyla and big brother her the way he did in the LN#either by protecting her from her shitty family or scaring them off#but also it'd be really funny to see Twilight's reaction to Paris in particular appearing on Earth#(also god i forgot Twilight was a plot point in the manhwa bc she never shows up in the LN lmao)#but at least i get to have hope we might get a IRL arc with Paris or Fian or Helene (or hopefully all 3!!!)#plus i don't think it's Twilight who found Lyla when she last passed out bc the person who saved Lyla didn't look like Twilight#so im wondering if either that was Fian from the future his reincarnation in this world or someone else?#now that im thinking of Twilight im wondering who she is even more now beyond being the author#is she really Sienna reincarnated like speculations assume?#perhaps even the old Lyla herself?#and will Twilight get to meet Helene aka the heroine she royally screwed over in more ways than one?#and what would Twilight think of Paris getting close to Helene considering what she knows about their OG relationship?#gosh im looking forward to the manhwa and how it handles Twilight/the dragons hopping dimensions (hopefully w/ their gals)#also just saying but Helene probably is the only one who has the capacity to reach Lyla atm bc she knew about Sienna's teleportation magic#and hypothetically she can reverse-engineer it to reach Lyla once she learns what the hell is going on#but considering Helene doesn't know Lyla's an imposter much less that she comes from another world would she be willing to do so?#and then there's the archery festival too that's either being skipped or going to see Lyla attend it like in the LN#waaaaaah i love all the changes the manhwa introduces it makes me so excited to see how Yuria will shake things up#especially since this round Lyla IS an imposter separate from the OG!Lyla and not someone who will end up turning into Lyla#i have SO MANY THOUGHTS on this manhwa and its direction esp compared to the LN jfc#im DEFINITELY waiting for the promise of Paris going to Helene to finally ask for her help
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 1 month
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Sloppy Arackniss Redesign (?)
Before I get into this, clarifying, I SAY SLURS IN THIS!!! I CAN RECLAIM SAID SLURS!!! That is all thank you. I kiss boys and love men. Carry on.
Arackniss’s design is bound to change drastically sometime eventually but atm this is just what im doing. My main problem is how he just looks exactly like angel but black. I know thats originally what the whole thing is and they’re opposites but it’s just kinda boring now. Angel is an entirely different character at this point now and Arackniss’s design should accommodate the changes while still being a bit similar looking. I want him to still look very similar to Angel in specific ways like that stupidass headshape but not because of a sibling thing. Honestly when the two were alive they hardly looked anything alike I’m 100% sure of that. Antonio (Arackniss) had black hair and much broader features and was relatively tall and kind of bulky while Anthony & Molly had light blonde hair and more subtle and soft round features and basically one of the only ways to tell them apart aside from personality was Anthony having polycoria and having bloodshot eyes pretty often.
Arackniss hardly looks how he did when he was alive anymore and has taken on many more features of Angel because of his deep rooted rivalry with his brother. I assume hating your middle-child brother that literally got named after you only to have him overdose and kill himself before actually doing anything with his life is enough to stir up more than a little bit of inner turmoil. These guys probably beat each other up OFTEN. Antonio was the first born son and dealt with so much shit before these other guys even were born and when they did show up, Anthony was named after him because their parents honestly just got lazy, and even though Molly didn’t have the name Molly yet, she was still treated like a golden child even though she contributed next to nothing to the family business which yeah that helped her in the long run but to Antonio that’s his number one priority in life. Appeasing his family is what keeps his brain running. And with that, seeing this random kid show up, get named after you, and be treated so much more leniently than you were AND he’s practically your problem because youre 15 hes like fucking 3 years old and your parents are busy all of the goddamn time AND when you DIE you take on the traits of this stupid fucking kid. He has a horrid case of eldest child syndrome and probably some insane identity issues.
This isn’t to say his hatred is only directed at Anthony either, he definitely has his issues with Molly as well, but she kept more to herself and even if she followed Anthony nonstop she was copying what Anthony was doing instead of what he was doing. Copying is the highest form of flattery but flattery gets annoying when everyone cares about the younger “better behaved” version of you. This is one of the biggest reasons Arackniss berates Angel now and in the past. Even though they havent spoken in years, Arackniss still holds Angel to the status of “faggot” because that was practically the only thing he was “worse” than him at. It was the biggest dirt he had on Angel possible to the point that became a genuine used name for him as Anthony “the fag” Benetti. Finding out your angel of a brother is gay during a time where it’s heavily frowned upon, especially by your own family is like a gold mine.
Arackniss is NOT a good person if you couldn’t somehow tell already. He’s homophobic, has a masculinity and classism problem, has little to no regard for other’s well being, and a bunch of other shit. For as distressed as he was over Anthony’s death, a lot of it was because it left their family even more dysfunctional. To him it was Anthony abandoning everyone because they weren’t worth enough to keep him going and then in return he continues to be praised and talked about so wonderfully as if he never did anything wrong “just because he’s dead”.
Thats just BEFORE Arackniss died too! AFTER dying shit got even worse to the extent he ended up even getting disowned! How fun!! This part delves more into Husk and his backstory as well which I think I may save for another time, but these guys know each other and have a lot of beef and also simultaneously are kind of chill in an odd way? By the way, Angel also has the big neck puff, he just shaves it because he doesn’t like the look and like association from trauma
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Hiii since you said you were interested in what others think about the whole Sami/Bron/MITB situation.... I have thoughts and it's a bit much to write in the comments so, Here goes... (this isn't even all the thoughts BTW 😂
@thesmallworldofsamizayn I got to agree a bit there, with your statement of Bron being unstoppable and Sami being the underdog, as well as getting sick of the comments being made about Sami being the Champ. Usually I don't really give into or pay much attention to all the talk, and if I do, it only makes me want to fight harder, but I'll be honest; this time round, Sami doesn't NEED the belt...
He's good enough on his own and he's proven it time and time again. It was a nice icing on the cake type situation (having the belt), but, the point is that there is and was plenty of delicious cake already there! (if that makes any sense) So bottom line, he'll survive without it, he can survive without it. If anything, it'll probably light a bigger fire under him, reigniting that fiery passion of his. The one that keeps drawing us to him and into his world.
Honestly, this is going to sound so bad, but I won't be overly upset if/when Sami drops the belt (note I too am an avid Sami fan and I'd be a bit sad, but not devastated). To me (personally), before he won the IC championship, and even though he had more loses than wins, he was more intriguing to watch. Idk why, and may be it's just me atm, after that long drawn out (weeksss of) Alpha Academy saga - may be that's what's got me feeling this way fn...
A few weeks ago I would have said that they are building up to Chad winning it, but now that Bron and Sheamus are involved who knows the hands the title will eventually fall into. Also, it's going to be hard to get Sami to drop the belt this quick (even though it's been what? A couple of months now already?) when it clearly (you can SEE it) means so much to him... It'll be hard but they'll eventually have to do it. So may be MITB will be it.
Also got to agree a bit here with @shanie too, I would love to see Sami get involved in the BL saga and if there's anyone who believes in redemption, always seeing the good in people, fighting for the greater good, and what's good and right AND against all odds, it's Sami Zayn. He's got the innate need to rescue people out of toxic situations and to fix said situation. So he would definitely fit the narrative if they decide to insert him into it.
BUT the big issue is with the fans. Again. There's quite certainly going to be a LOT of hate if this happens. I'm already hearing rumblings of people unhappy with just the mere thought of it. Saying he's not family so why is he involving himself in it, as much as that's true, have they completely forgotten that he in fact was a THE 'honorary Uce'? The closest an 'outsider' has ever gotten to the family or being 'family'? Heck he almost became 'Sami Uso'.
So in the end people can and will make up their own minds and there nothing anyone can do about it. And also in the end each to their own I guess... (BTW people need to chill out and remember this is fiction NOT real life 😭)
Anywayy just a few of my thoughts....sorry about the long winded answer 😂😅
(no pressure to to respond to this BTW 😊
hello! thank you very much for these detailed thoughts. youve actually articulated a lot of what i was feeling. first, the fact that a) i dont like seeing fans bitch about sami and b) i especially dont like it when they're kind of right. it is someone else's turn, and maybe yeah that person should have been chad. i was more than ready for it to be chad at catc personally. im not too mad that it's gone in a different direction cause it does actually look like they have other storyline ideas for chad now, but as far as sami's concerned, yeah the belt isn't doing anything more for him now than it has till this point. it's weird to think he hasn't held a title as a face since the nxt championship 10 years ago. but thinking back on that, and everything since, everything he's been so good at - yeah, im not sure that long term champion is the right look on him! he won it in 2014 and lost it devastatingly to kevin 2 months later, and i would not have wanted that to happen any other way.
thing is, i will be sad if sami loses to bron at mitb. especially if he loses clean, not unlike he did to kevin all those years ago, futilely continuing to kick out long after he should have quit until he's physically incapable of doing so. what's maybe harder to explain as a wrestling fan is that i want to be sad about sami zayn. i like those heavy emotions, i like feeling like my favourite character can't catch a break. that's the entire essence of the underdog appeal. further to that, this is kind of the state im most used to and therefore most comfortable in when it comes to characters im invested in. in the words of mitski, i bet on losing dogs. and sami winning was an incredible feeling and so deserved, but i really don't mind him losing! he's both more compelling overall and gets more interesting stories, and just inspires so much sympathy in that position. (look i also like seeing him in pain i'll say it. he clearly likes acting being in pain just as much so everyone's happy i think)
then there's the bloodline and yeah, i'd sit up to watch sami back with those guys especially roman. im apparently one of the few people who really doesn't want roman to come back as a face no matter how much the fans cheer him, but if he is going to have a face turn, it's got to involve sami god damn it. i was just talking with @milk-crater about this, how it makes more sense with sami being a bit more removed, because that makes him a better person to forgive roman, and to be his moral guide. also it's sami, if anyone in all pro wrestling would reach out a hand to a genuienly remorseful roman reigns it's him. all that and the two just have such great chemistry, and it was the baseline for everything that made the honorary uce arc so fantastic and beloved, and it'd be nice to come back to some of that. maybe show these smarks what they've forgotten about why sami is the absolute best again.
thanks again for hopping in my inbox and never worry about being long winded. anyone who's ever been in a conversation with me knows im the last person to take issue with that!
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 7 months
Summary: Getting settled at the compound starts with some uncomfortable conversations. And Bucky gives you the grand tour.
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Talks of nightmares, past trauma, talks of PTSD, talks of brainwashing and abuse, talks of death, flirting, fluff, smut but not graphic atm.
A/N: Enjoy and it leave a comment!
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*Everyone is getting off the jet, getting their stuff inside and looking absolutely exhausted. Wanda walks over to you*
Wanda- So I feel I should let you know that I can kinda read minds. *She looks at you for a moment and you realize what she’s saying* If you ever need to talk, I'm here. *Wanda gives you a hug and walks inside. You look around the yard for Bucky, he walked off the jet after Steve and you haven’t seen him since. You walk off the jet ramp and you see him talking to Nat and Steve. Peter is standing there as well just listening. As you walk closer you can hear what they are saying*
Nat- She told me a couple months back that she was fine. *Steve gives her a look*
Steve- I was flying the jet and I could hear her- look, she's obviously not fine. Buck why didn't you wake her or something? Ya know, snap her out of it. *Bucky stares at Steve like he just said the stupidest thing he’s ever heard.*
Bucky- Because she is a highly skilled Super Soldier Assassin who could have killed all of us without breaking a sweat if I had woken her up while she was still in her dream- You've had the PTSD Dreams, Steve. You know it's not that simple. *Steve sighs and nods.*
Steve- I'm sorry Buck... I'm just worried is all *You take that moment and you into their conversation*
Y/N- I don't mean to interrupt *They all jump like they weren’t just talking about you.* but I feel I should let you know that was the first time I've had that dream in 5 years. *Peter interrupts*
Peter- Weren't you snapped 5 years ago? *You look at Peter and just shake your head.*
Y/N-....No... Look it was a combination of Bucky showing up out of the blue, Hydra trying to kill me, the Avengers showing up, and having to fly in a jet while conscious for the first time since- well- *You sigh and speak quickly* my express ticket to the ground. *Bucky mutters under his breath and look at you and Peter covers his mouth, appreciating your dark humor.* It was kind of a stressful day but I promise *You take Bucky’s hand* I'm fine. *You look at Nat and Steve, reassuring them both.* There is no need to worry. Now can we eat because I'm starving. *Bucky nods and turns you to direct you to the compound. Bucky nudges you and look up at him.*
Bucky- Express ticket to the ground... really?!? *You laugh and Blush as you explain.*
Y/N- look if I don't joke about it sometimes I'll just cry. *Bucky laughs and wraps his arm around you and you as you both walk inside. Before you get inside Bucky leans down and whispers, his lips brushing your ear.*
Bucky- How hungry are you really? Because we have a lot of catching up to do. *Bucky pulls back and winks. Your heart skips a beat at his suggestion*
Y/N- okay, I agree. *You take a breath as Bucky’s hand strokes up and down your back.* But I feel like there are other things we need to talk about before we get to that. *Bucky laughs and agrees.*
Bucky- okay, let's go eat and then we can talk. Yeah? *You nod and Bucky kisses your head as you walk inside.*
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*While you are eating a quick dinner and getting to know everyone. A man in a wheelchair comes rolling through the door. You gasp and try to hide your shock when You realize it's Tony Stark. You think to yourself I thought he died Wanda leans over and whispers.*
Wanda- That's what we told the world. He and his family live here and the cabin. They move between the 2 to keep people from catching on. He now stays behind and directs all of our missions from here. *You are confused as to how she knew what you were thinking, you remember her comment from earlier. She read your thoughts.*
Y/N- oh. *You nod and look at Tony and then back at Wanda as you whisper.* but how did he survive?
Tony- Wakanda! They are pretty amazing. Kept the old ticker ticking and with time I'll fully recover. *He stops at the table* Now I'm able to watch my daughter grow up. And your name is? *you say your full name* See, thats funny because that's not the name I found in this file. *He holds up a thick file, the Hydra emblem on it tells you everything you need to know.* Tell me who is Odette? *Bucky tenses up, Stand and Nat look at you and you keep a straight face, not letting Tony know what that name does to you.*
Bucky- Tony, watch it. *Bucky warns. Tony holds his hand up*
Tony- Excuse me Manchurian Candidate I don't believe I was addressing you. *Bucky shakes his head and sighs. You rub his arm as you answer.*
Y/N- It's okay Buck. Why do you want to know about Odette? *You ask Tony*
Tony- Oh, I just want to know if your friend will be making any surprise visits because I've had my personal share of crazy and I'm not looking to add to it. *He says in normal Tony fashion. You assure him*
Y/N- No, she won't. *Peter whispers to Sam*
Peter- Who is Odette and should I be worried too? *Sam rolls his eyes*
Sam- Do you even look at the Mission Briefs we give you or do you just put them directly into the trash? *Peter just stares at Sam and Sam stares back in disbelief and annoyance. Bucky turns to everyone to explain.*
Bucky- Odette is Y/N's equivalent to my Winter Soldier. It's the name she used on assignments and what they called her when she was brainwashed. *Everyone one nods*
Thor- interesting choice *Thor comments*
Y/N- It's the name of the good swan in the Ballet Swan Lake... I just wanted something about my life to be good so I chose Odette. *Bucky looks at you and gives a little smile as he laughs to himself.* But I haven't been her *You look at everyone* or used that name in over 10 years. *you look at Tony* so are we good? *You ask. Tony thinks for a minute and then nods*
Tony- Yeah Tchaikovsky, we're good. *Tony pats you on the arm and rolls past you. You look at Bucky and Bucky laughs as he shrugs*
Bucky- he's got a thing about nicknames. That ones gonna follow you. *You follow Tony out of the room and Bucky can hear you yelling after Tony.*
Y/N- Tony we gotta talk about that nickname.
Tony- Sorry I can't hear you over my music *he starts blaring AC/DC. Bucky lightly laughs and waves to everyone as he quickly leaves the room to find you and Tony. Peter, Sam, Thor, Wanda, Steve, and Nat are left in the kitchen. Peter looks around and then asks*
Peter- what/who is Tchaikovsky? *Nat looks at Peter like she is offended. Steve looks at Nat and then explains when Nat doesn’t.*
Steve- He is a Russian composer. He wrote Swan Lake, the ballet y/n got her assassin name from.
Peter- oh, gotcha! *Peter nods* I love that movie, that's the one with Natalie Portman right? *Nat gets up and leaves the table and she grumbles under her breath*
Nat- He is a kid Nat, you can't kill a kid. *She yells* I'm taking a walk. *Peter looks around.*
Peter- Was it something I said?
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*Bucky finds you and Tony right as your conversation is ending. He stands back and listens for a moment.*
Y/N- you understand where I'm coming from? *Tony nods*
Tony- yes I do. No hard feeling, chai! *Tony rolls away and you look at Bucky*
Y/N- Well, that's as good as it's gonna get I guess. *Bucky laughs and takes your hand.*
Bucky- follow me *He smirks and pulls you along.*
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*Bucky shows you around the compound, showing you the gym, conference rooms, the weapon storage, he shows you where the bedrooms are.*
Bucky- Here is the last stop on the tour. *Bucky leans against the wall and crosses his arms.*
Y/N- what is it? *You smile as you ask, already knowing where this is going.*
Bucky- My room *he winks at you and opens the door. You walk through the door and Bucky follows. You start to remind Bucky that you just want to talk right now but he surprises you again.*
Bucky- So, let’s talk. *He sits on the edge of his bed and leans back a little, his palms flat on the bed behind him. You smile at Bucky as you are reminded of how considerate he always was*
Y/N- Well, about earlier, before we were blown up and everything, You asked me about that day on the Plane and I said I'd regret what I did till the day I die. *Bucky nods and sits back up, resting his hands on his knees.*
Bucky- yeah, what about it? *He looks up at you as you move closer.*
Y/N- I want you to know I will never regret choosing you. Yes, that day was horrible and I regret some of the choices we made. Like running and not fighting and free falling out of the plane, but *you put your hands on his chest as you move and stand between his spread knees.* I will never regret saying yes and I know this seems fast but if you choose to ask me again one day I will say yes, again. You are my forever, Bucky Barnes. *Bucky stands up and pulls you into his arms so there is no space between you two. He brushes his thumb over your cheek as he stares into your eyes.*
Bucky- I will love you till my dying breath *He caresses your face and gently pulls you in for a kiss. You melt into his embrace as things are starting to heat up. Suddenly someone is knocking on the door and it starts to open.*
Y/N- you didn't lock the door? *You ask.*
Bucky- No! *Bucky exclaims in a hushed whisper.*
Y/N- why not? *You ask, slightly irritated that this moment was ruined. Bucky rolls his eyes.*
Bucky- I was trying to be respectful. *He points out. Sam, Steve, and Peter walk in right as you two separate*
Steve- Hey Buck- oh sorry! *Steve lightly laughs. You blush and give Steve a look.*
Sam- Y'all know this door locks right. *Sam jokes and Steve laughs.*
Bucky- yeah yeah, you could've waited for an answer before walking in. *Bucky says as he crosses his arms.*
Steve- by the looks of it we probably wouldn't have gotten one. *Steve and Sam smile. Bucky rolls his eyes and pulls you close, standing behind you a little and wrapping his metal arm around your shoulders as you lean back against him.*
Bucky- Okay was there a reason for the intrusion or?!
Sam- oh, well Steve and I were-
Peter- and me! *Sam looks at Peter and glares before he looks back at you and answers.*
Sam- Steve, Peter, and I were- *Steve finishes the sentence.*
Steve-  We were going to offer to give Y/N a tour of the compound and let her pick her room-
Peter- but it looks like she's already had the grand tour. *Peter jokes*
Bucky- okay, really Peter? *Bucky is getting annoyed, even if they all mean well. You pat Bucky’s arm and move away from Bucky to handle this situation*
Y/N- that is so nice thank you! *You very innocently place you hand on Peter's shoulder but you know exactly what you are doing* And Peter I'm sure there are some pretty cool places around here that these old grumps don't know about. How about you make a list and you can show me tomorrow. *you smile at him and Peter beams.*
Peter- Yeah sure! *Peter runs off. Sam and Steve start laughing*
Y/N- and you two? *You start pushing them out of the room* You need to leave. *you push them out the door*
Sam/ Steve- hey, oh, what, why, can't we hang- *You see Steve smile a little and then wave as you shut and lock the door before they can finish what they were saying. You turn around and look at Bucky*
Y/N- where were we? *You smirk*
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Bucky- I believe *he walks over and picks you up, takes you over to the bed and throws you down on it. You giggle, he jumps on the bed and lands right next to you. He settles on top of you.* We were right here. *You put your hands on his face and run your thumb over his lips and he kisses it*
Y/N- Bucky, I have been running away from so many things for so long... Hydra, the Red Room, you- I'm tired of running away. I'd rather be running towards someone. I thought you would have moved on by now- Thank you for never giving up on me.
Bucky- There was no way I was ever going to move on and I was never going to let anything happen to you. That's why I showed up today. I'm just glad you are okay. *He kisses you sweetly.*
Y/N- I'm really ready to give us a shot. *You whisper against his lips*
Bucky- Me too *He whispers back and then deepens the kiss. Bucky Kisses you with so much passion you can't contain your excitement and a moan escapes your lips. You say his name breathlessly.*
Y/N- Bucky *Moaning as your hands start to wonder. Within a mater of seconds there is nothing between your bodies. He starts kissing you all over and You're on fire with just the touch of his mouth and you can't take it anymore. You pull him in for a kiss. You breathe and move as one. He whispers in your ear.*
Bucky- say my name *He moans in your ear.*
Y/N- Bucky *You gasp and whimper. He kisses you again. It's just like you remembered, filled with passion but covered in gentleness and love. It was like you had never been apart and you know each other like the back of your hands*
Bucky-I love you so much, Y/N.
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*You are laying on Bucky's chest, drawing patters along it and leaving kisses as you listen to his heat beat.*
Bucky- So much for just talking. *He jokes and you laugh as you kiss his chest.*
Y/N- I said all I needed to say. *You look up and meet his gaze. He reaches up and brushes his thumb over your lips. You give his thumb a kiss and then lay your head back down and you both drift off to sleep*
*When you wake up, Bucky is still asleep. You take this time to shower and get ready for the day. You go and sit down on Bucky's bed and look at him sleeping. He is so peaceful and he looks, happy. Really truly happy. You sit there for a few moments, running your fingers through his hair when You remember you were supposed to meet Peter. So you give Bucky a gentle kiss and go to leave. As you are getting up to head downstairs Bucky wakes up.*
Bucky- Good morning. *he gets up and walks over to you and give you a kiss* I'm sure they'll understand if the teacher doesn't show up today considering the school was blown up last night. *You remember what happen last night and you nod*
Y/N- oh yeah, I should probably give my two weeks. *You grimace and Bucky pulls you close*
Bucky- I think they have more to worry about than your letter of resignation. *You laugh and agree.*
Y/N- true! *Bucky kisses you and rubs your back.*
Bucky- So, you're going to stay? *Bucky asks, his eyes glowing with hope. You gently smile and nod.*
Y/N- I just got you back, why wouldn't I? *You ask and play with the hair at the nape of his neck as you gaze up at him.*
Bucky- You said you made a family and a life there. You said you weren't going to fight because you didn't want to leave and involve them. *You nod and lean forward to kiss his chest before looking back up at him.*
Y/N- I was reminded last night that you are my home, Bucky. You are my family. *you run your hand through his hair again.* And someone's trying to hurt you, hurt us. So I'm gonna fight like hell. Like you said this is still my fight and now I intend to end it. *Bucky kisses you and you smile against his lips. As you pull back you go to leave the room, Bucky stops you again.*
Bucky- where are you going? *He asks, a little glint in his eyes. You smile*
Y/N- remember last night-
Bucky- oh I remember last night *he smiles and pulls you closer, you giggle and roll your eyes.*
Y/N- Not that! Well, yes but before that. I made plans with Peter. *Bucky nods*
Bucky- oh yeah, okay well go make friends and play nice. *You lean in close enough that your lips will touch if you speak*
Y/N- I always do *you give him a little peck and walk out of the room. Bucky walks back and falls backwards on the bed with the biggest smile on his face* 
Taglist: @hisredheadedgoddess28 @jessieasher1616 @janineb86 @cadencejames87 @cjand10 @theinheriteddutchess @slytherinqueen4life @rainydayandmondays @georgiapeach30513 @anastasiamariebarnes
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dalishborne · 8 months
ok so here is the thing.
i'm a very ships-motivated writer. not exclusive to romantic ships – friendships, frenemies, familial, colleagues, mentors, unlikely besties, whatever. i think discussing a potential connection between our characters helps a lot with not only my motivation but kind of having an idea for what sort of situations our muses might find themselves in. connections are ultimately what i love to explore through rp
i'd love to consider this as a shipping call – if you'd like to chat about how our muses may connect and what direction(s) their relationship could potentially take, like this post! i will be very honest with you about what i envision for revie and your muse atm & i am incredibly open to all ideas.
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plusultraetc · 7 months
lowkey highkey stalking ur blog and saw a tag abt how u have thoughts abt s6 shigaraki. share🥹
HI thank you for asking!!
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So I think you might be referring to this post about Shigaraki's s6 Fit Of All Time. The spiritual TL;DR of those tags is: I know this version of Shigaraki is a character who has reached Peak Manipulated, Tragic Story Potential, but his look is lowkey fire anyway.
(A note on the outfit: I stand by the fact that it is the Fit Of All Time. Simple. Classic. Very very cool. I overthought about it when I first saw it because I <3 overthinking about MHA and had a small Moment about Shigaraki reaching this final-ish villainous form and immediately donning a hero's cape, and the possible implications of this. Plus, and this is more of a USAmerican view I think, but a red cape is like The Superhero Accessory, because Superman (and Thor. And Doctor Strange. But mostly Superman.))
So. For context, I'm halfway-ish through Season 6 atm. It's me and my pockets full of spoilers against the world, but there have been Several Things that no amount of spoilers could have prepared me for, Shigaraki being one of them. I mean. TALK ABOUT A CORRUPTION ARC.
The thing about Shiggy is that, by the time we meet him, he has already had his traditional 'corruption arc' when AFO found him as a child and manipulated him into becoming a villain. When we talk about corruption arcs in literature, we're usually talking about this kind of moral decay (pun intended). It's the movement from 'hero' to 'villain' (or, in Shigaraki's case, 'innocent child' to 'supervillain successor.' And, yes, I know he decayed his family before he met AFO, but I'm really not going to assign any moral blame there for obvious reasons).
But Shigaraki has also had numerous other negative character arcs before we met him. He starts his life perhaps not with a happy, normal family, but with a family and a house and a dog. By the time we are introduced to him in s1, he's been living in the shadows, is isolated emotionally and physically from the people around him, and has garbage interpersonal skills and relationships. Even his name has been 'corrupted,' from the name of a hero (Shimura) to that of a villain (Shigaraki). So, it seems like Shigaraki has undergone every possible negative/corruption arc long before s6.
The s1 -> s6 Shigaraki journey isn't a corruption of morals or circumstances. It's a corruption of wills. When we meet Shigaraki, he's a whiny, impulsive 'manchild' (I don't remember who called him that after USJ, but it was iconic and they were correct. It might have been All Might. You go All Might). But in spite of, or maybe because of, his manchild-ness, you can definitely see that Shigaraki has willpower. He's bossy. He's actually kind of bratty. He pretty much stomps his foot and expects people to comply with his demands. If he doesn't like something, he's like, "Ew, Kurogiri, get rid of it/them this instant." AFO definitely has an unhealthy amount of influence over him at this point, but Shigaraki still plays a very active (though often unsuccessful) role in his own schemes (the Nomu attack in Hosu City, for example).
And, after AFO's arrest at Kamino, we actually see Shigaraki's will get stronger. He might flounder a little at first, lost without AFO's direct supervision, but eventually he's forced to start making real decisions for and about the League. This character growth reaches its apex when he takes over the Paranormal Liberation Front. (Note: red cape again. Grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him, etc.)
But THEN. Season 6. The literal battle of wills. If AFO prevails, he will have destroyed pretty much the only thing Shigaraki has left. It's like. The ultimate corruption arc. Corruption of the self. BTW in case it wasn't clear I want to roundhouse kick AFO into another dimension. I genuinely like most of the villains in MHA but he is the Emperor Palpatine of this story and it shows. [MANGA SPOILERS FOR THE REST OF THIS PARAGRAPH] I really, really wanted Shigaraki to throw him down the proverbial reactor shaft Darth Vader-style, but from what I understand that ship has sailed. Boooooo.
So now s6 Shigaraki is walking a very thin line between the success of this final corruption arc, that of his autonomy, and finally breaking some aspect of AFO's control over his entire life. It is a very, very thin line, because even if AFO can't control him anymore, he's the reason Shigaraki is WHO he is and WHERE he is (and WHAT he is, if we get into the whole Nomu-ification storyline).
So, yeah. Walking a very thin line. But at least he looks good doing it!! Wearing a disembodied hand on your face is OUT, wearing a tattered red cape is IN. What does it symbolize? Shigaraki personifying what he blames heroes for--destroying society--while dressing up as one of them? Shigaraki becoming his own hero by finally 'achieving his dream' of being powerful enough to destroy the world that hurt him? Foreshadowing that Shigaraki, wearing a hero's literal costume, and AFO are in some way opposed now? The author wanting to draw a really cool cape??? Who knows!! But I love it sm.
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zypria · 1 year
Atla The Rift comic sucks part 1
Comparing apples and zucchinis
The past vs future, change vs tradition is very interesting dilemma to explore. And they've chosen two good representatives for each side - Aang, the last of his kind and the avatar vs Toph who refuses to be bound, creates new style of bending utilizing modern structure, does what she wants really. Secondary are acolytes vs factory, same thing. And my God do they suck at pitting these two against each other. Both of these sides take everything in the world and go me. Like those Katara touches necklace memes "lets eat. my mother used to eat". Connecting things that have very little to do each other just so we can have a conflict. misunderstanding but it's unintentional. They just lost the ability to make comprehensive parallels.
100+ year old ritual = bad parenting
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Rituals are rooted in tradition. We do them because they are symbolic, we do what we do because that's how it's done. We honor our roots, ancestors etc etc
The phrase triggers unhappy memories for Toph, particularly of her restrictive childhood. Fair enough. But. Some of these aren't even "tradition", her parents were just like that. "This is how it's done" is no logical response to "why can't I play with other kids". There have to be rich kids with friends out there. Blind kids with friends. This is solely Beifong issue. I despise forced parallels
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The following statement is just incorrect:
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He didn't forget (although 100+ years are justifiable excuse). He was 10 and wasn't paying attention in the first place, figured there is plenty more festivals to remember. It wasn't celebrated because the peeps are dead. A genocide if you will. The world wouldn't end even if there were no humans around, doesn't mean we should just cease all cultural activities
Also it was ESTABLISHED that we're doing this for AANG. You know, our beloved friend the last Airbender? He wants to honor his long gone culture for a special day. Also also past avatar has something important to say, what if something happens (and something ALWAYS happens)
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Instead of addressing any of this Aang goes the air nomad philosophy route. just WHY? These are not insults just for the sake of insulting, they have opposing views and should talk about it maybe. Were not even in the place to have change vs tradition argument, we're just having a field trip atm. Simple "this is really important for me and I want to share this day with my found family" solves everything but noooo. Zen mode, it will sort itself out, I'm not actively getting involved (man. this is TOPH. you should know better. rock beats airbender etc etc)
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Toph is mean just to be mean. Not the cuddliest character but when did she go around insulting your every move? Especially since they didn't really ask her to do anything. You don't have to actively participate, why are you complaining in every panel? OOC behavior just to keep that gaang rift nice and divided
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I can't spend 30 seconds to explain why we're about to be pulverized but I can do ancient history 101
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he doesn't deny this! why. to have aang vs toph and co that's why. the most pointless fight in existence. because we have time for that apparently
the spirit is just asshole in the end
I'm not pulling caps for this. Yangchen did everything to keep her promise, not her fault Sozin happened. And let's not forget people ran away in all directions from fire nation for a century, why wouldn't they inhabit this nice empty land? The spirit was angry about his friend's demise (turns out she did that herself and is very chill. And can manifest freely too). Spirit does not ask for balance in any way, shape or form, humans must die so that I can have this land to stare at. What if some spirits decided to reside in Ba Sing Se, we destroy entire city? I thought that refinery screwing nature was going to be the big plot point but nope. Cabbage restaurant -gone. Houses - gone. You can't even walk here, disrespectful, gtfo. Extreme situation that calls for stupid resolution - spirit dead. Although looking back I can find some appreciation for not managing to tie everything nicely, cookie cutter avatar style. But imagine how much better it would've been if conflicts were well written in the first place
We got another festival so all is well?
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needlesscontrarian · 7 months
Just saw a TikTok about Rent and how poorly Joanne was treated as a character despite the fact that she was a lawyer at Legal Aid helping underprivileged defendants and I have THOUGHTS.
I think it's a mistake to view Rent with the assumption that you are supposed to be on board with the principal characters' antics right off the bat. I think at multiple points Jonathan Larson calls the audience to directly interrogate the moral posturing of every member of the friend group EXCEPT for Joanne.
Mark is called out repeatedly for being more interested in abstract artistic principles and furthering his own career than he is about the actual suffering of what he claims to be his community. It's extremely obvious that he (like Larson) is a guy from an upstate middle class family who is cosplaying poverty in the big city out of a sense of disaffection with society. I've heard arguments back and forth about whether or not Larson glamorizes the stereotype of the starving artist or merely portrays it as it was, but I think the numerous points at which Mark, a blatant self-insert character, is called out for his self-pitying bullshit shows more self-awareness than Larson is often given credit for nowadays.
As for the other characters? Roger is directly portrayed as using his disease and addiction as an excuse to self-sabotage both in his personal life and his artistic aspirations. Maureen uses her queer awakening as an excuse to treat the people in her life like shit. Collins talks a big game about being an anarchist, but when we are introduced to him the sole evidence we have for this is that he blew up some MIT equipment in a mostly symbolic act of protest. It isn't until the end of the play when he does some genuine direct action by hacking into an ATM to give his poor friends free money. Angel killed a fucking dog for money. The only one who comes away looking mostly okay is Mimi, and that's just because she's too busy occupying the role of World's Biggest Victim.
My point is not that these characters are all evil, rather that Larson is displaying how life on the edge of society is full of just as much needless unkindness as anywhere else.
And on the other end of that spectrum we have the people who are able to live somewhat comfortably within society. I think appreciating the character of Joanne requires viewing her not as a foil to Maureen, but to Benny. Benny was able to marry into wealth, and while you might be able to see his point about how a shiny new corporate building will breathe life into the downtown art scene, the audience also clearly understands that it's not worth forcefully evicting dozens of homeless people. Benny has been taken in by the system and adopted its logic.
Joanne is also the beneficiary of inherited wealth from, but she's not like Benny at all. She channels what privilege she has towards giving back to her community. She works within the system, but also against its injustices to help people in a very tangible way. Sure, she just wants to be a tourist to the world of hedonistic gay sex while living comfortably and respectably uptown in a nice apartment, but just because she's not committed to the artistic revolutionary lifestyle doesn't mean she's hurting anyone, and she's not above assisting with a little B&E for her friends.
So while it is a fair observation that Joanne isn't treated very well by people who frankly aren't good enough for her, I think that's more of a feature than a bug. Mark, Roger, Maureen, and Collins are people who have been hurt and are continuing to be hurt to the point that they've kind of lost the plot on what they believe in and why they're doing any of this shit. They're so deep in their bullshit that they reflexively disdain any representative of what they perceive to be the dominant system, even when it's a great person like Joanne. Joanne is a reminder that, yes, society is fucked, but there are plenty of good people living and thriving within it, and those people are not your enemy.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 2 months
For the OC heraldry game, Azure 1, Gold 2, and Black 3 for Ella!
Azure 1: Does your OC have a guiding principle by which they live their life--such as duty, self restraint or vengeance? Has this ever been tested by circumstance or challenged by another person?
I'd say that Ella's guiding principals are love & loyalty. Primarily to her family, but that kind of intense love can be pointed in the direction of a friend. A lot of what she does can be tied back into whoever she's showing this kind of devotion to & what she's decided to tie her love & loyalty onto.
This does get tested in some major ways throughout her arc, & I wouldn't say she ever wavers, but the tether these principles are tied to gets shifted around when her mother is murdered, when she confronts her dad later, when she finds out about Laenamon, when her favorite cousins respectively act like a freak & a half, with the whole Evyn Waters situation, when the stuff at Driftmark happens. And like, these are just the things I have happened or have been planned so far (no one ever ask me what the middle of my outlines look like). TBH, a lot of Ella's arc is finding where to place her big emotions & how to deal with them.
Or 2: Does your OC have any wishes or desires of which they are ashamed or otherwise wish to keep secret? Or do they loudly proclaim their every wish to those around them?
Everyone is gonna know what she wants whether they want to or not. I think she'd be ashamed to admit she used to want her parents to fix their marriage & for them all to be a big, happy family, but at the time that she was experiencing that want she was definitely gonna let people know about it. She was maybe quieter about that desire when she was a teenager, but, like, if you asked you were definitely gonna know about it/she wasn't gonna lie or hide it.
In terms of things she wants/desires/wishes for now there's not really a whole lot at this particular moment in the fic. She wants justice/vengeance for her mom, but her family wants that too. Otherwise? She's kind of getting everything she wants. She has a hunky simp boy toy malewife, she has a son she loves to bits, she gets to keep living at Runestone, she has her dragon, she has her brothers (even if one is being fostered atm), she's surrounded by friends--she wishes that the friend breakup with Laena hadn't happened, but that's more a "she shouldn't have done what she did" thing & she's not really ready to move on to fix that bond yet.
Sable 3: Is your OC comfortable in expressing their grief? Such as by crying at funerals or memorial events? Or do they always keep their emotions intensely private? Or perhaps not express them at all?
Babygirl has such a complicated relationship with grief & its expression therein.
She's good at expressing it in the moment, but she kind of also never got over that little kid thing where all your emotions feel like the biggest, most intense, extra version of that thing because you have never felt something so big in your life considering you haven't been doing this "alive" thing for too long. RIP Ella Royce, you would have loved modern psychiatric medicine & getting a proper diagnosis for the mood disorder you most definitely have.
She'll cry & carry on for however long she deems appropriate/believes that the cause of her grief is fresh, but she also gets incredibly overwhelmed by negative emotions so after a while she's going to run from it. She'll cry at the funeral & when a situation has just happened, but afterwards she's going to try to find some way to try to move on because "I want to be done now."
When her Grandfather Yorbert came home from being Jeyne Arryn's regent because he was sick, & she was having to watch him die, she started writing her fantastical, escapist self-insert history OC. When her Aunt Aemma died, she went back to those stories & actually finished writing them even though she hasn't touched them in at least a year. When her mom died she threatened to burn down King's Landing & then ran away from home so she wouldn't be at the place that was the source of her grief.
So, like, she's very good at the initial catharsis, & about as comfortable with it as one can be, but she's not good at when you have to process the feelings that come after that initial out pour.
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fish-bowl-2 · 9 months
do you have any headcanons about bro?
Oh boy! Lemme see... Admittedly, for some details, they are more akin to loose ideas since I haven't fully decided which direction I would take for my interpretation. Here are some that I am pretty confident in:
1. I like the common sentiment people seem to have that Eddy's parents had Bro when they were young (probably just out of high school or during) and inexperienced. Eddy's father might have been more heavy-handed with his discipline (which would only escalate with Bro's clear proclivity to misbehavior). I also like the idea that they lived in a city/urban area before moving to Peach Creek. Bro would have probably been a late preteen/young teen by that point, and moving at that age can be pretty tumultuous. After all, you are leaving behind everything you are familiar with to an entirely different environment. He probably held on to a lot of resentment towards his parents for that (and ultimately took that out on his baby brother).
2. On that note, I think that moving could have served a multipurpose opportunity in his parents' eyes. Not only would it be a "fresh" start for them with a new kid, but a way to get Bro away from "bad influences," aka friends and people he was already aquainting himself with. Being pulled away from those people, no matter if the intention was well-meaning, likely just made Bro feel more alienated.
3. I see Bro as pretty pretentious personalitywise lol. His room definitely speaks to that alone. It is more like a pop art exhibit than a sleeping abode. He also plays a harp? And enjoys traditional European folk music? He absolutely is the type of guy to see himself as an authority on any subject. Probably because it makes him feel clever and important. He gives me the vibe of a guy who'd have a Pulp Fiction poster in his room. Does that track?
3. Not only is he good at making scams, but falling for them. He's definitely tried investing in one or more shoddy business/company/start-up a friend of a friend promised would go places. All of which end up down the gutter. My mom's coworker has a son who is trying to make it as what he calls a "professional gambler." That is the kind of career investment I see Bro attempting to move forward with. (Tbh, I kind of see Eddy as being similarly gullible to business investments/scams. Maybe it is some kind of McGee family curse, lmao).
4. Steely Dan enjoyer. I see Eddy liking them as well, but I mean Bro, probably "handed down" more than just his pornos and clothing.
That's all I can think of atm. Thank you so much for the ask. I love thinking/responding about this kind of stuff : )
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iihavenomouth · 1 year
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@bunnymajo did a super cute character questionnaire for the upcoming OC tournament, and I thought it looked like a lot of fun, so here's my own, for Haunt!
Feel free to check out his Toyhou.se also! Linked here. It's a bit barebones ATM while I work on a lot of different things, but there'll be more eventually, and he's got some refs on there.
Name: Haunt
Species: Bigfin Squid
Type: Power
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Home: The Sunken City
✨How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Haunt, like most of my ocs, bounced around between a few different names before I settled on one. I wanted something that would reflect his powers and ghostly appearance, though, and settled on Haunt!
🌼  - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
He's 23!
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Every villain he's ever met. He's deeply infatuated with power and confidence and the people who wield it.
🍕  - What is their favorite food?
He's eaten nothing but raw fish for his entire life.
💼  - What do they do for a living?
Haunt is the sole resident of a magically-protected sunken city. He's the heir of an extinct royal bloodline that ruled a kingdom that no longer exists. He's an aspiring henchman, though. He wants to do villainy and uphold the family legacy, but doesn't have the backbone to take charge.
Literally. No bones.
🎹  - Do they have any hobbies?
He does magic and sinks ships for fun.
🎯  -What do they do best?
He's an excellent mage, but an even better powerhouse. He has incredible strength, and underwater he's fast and deadly ... though he doesn't really utilize his capabilities well.
🥊  -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
He loves people-watching. It's his favourite thing in the world. He'll find a person to fixate on and watch every video, memorize every photo, learn every mannerism. He idolizes people like Doctor Eggman, and practices his own grand villain monologues in the mirror sometimes. Aside from that, he enjoys reading - hard to do underwater, though.
He hates cleaning, and feels awkward and nervous with any sort of social interaction. Talking to people is difficult, and impressing them even more so. He wilts under attention.
❤️  - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The first time he conjured a little ball of light underwater. It was his first spell, and kickstarted his passion for magic.
✂️   - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Every day he endures the terrors. It isn't so much one solid memory so much as the realization that he was alone, always had been alone, and unless he made a name for himself, he always would be alone.
Though his first trip to the surface is a close second. The sun is a deadly laser.
🧊  - Is their current design the first one?
Yes! He's gone through very minor palette tweaks but that's it.
🍀  - What originally inspired the OC?
I wanted to make a Mobian who was a funky animal you don't see a lot! Mammals are obviously a bit cuter and more appealing, but I think the aquatics are vastly underrated. And you ever seen that oil rig camera footage of a bigfin squid? They're terrifying.
🌂  - What genre do they belong in?
Haunt is the sometimes-useless antagonist in a horror/comedy. He's a nightmare of the deep ... and he cries like a baby if he has to endure direct sunlight.
💚  -What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Haunt's a cis man (he/him) and he's gay!
🙌  - How many siblings does your OC have?
None! Only child.
🍎  - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
He never met his father, and his mother is a ghost who haunts a building in the city, so that's ... awkward. She raves about his destiny and bringing death to the surface-dwellers and he's just like "what in the sea's name art thou talking about, spectre. nay. i seek the tome behind ye, be all. silence thy beak."
classic mother son bonding
🧠  - What do you like most about the OC?
He's just kind of ... pathetic. Like, he's wildly capable of so much and too pathetic to be a real threat unless utilized by someone bolder. It gives him a lot of interesting dynamic potential with whatever villain I team him up with.
✏️  - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Haunt's a roleplay character sooo semi-often. But not too often! I need to draw him more, he's a funny little guy.
💎  - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
No I don't like killing OCs in general and Haunt's my little guy!
💀  - Does your OC have any phobias?
The sun. Dry air. Fire. He thinks skeletons are gross and scary. Afraid of ghosts, VERY haunted.
🍩  -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Just about every 'good guy' he meets, but entirely one-sidedly. He wants to be someone's nemesis sooo badly but no one takes him seriously.
🎓  - How long have you had the OC?
Not long at all! He's only had a finalized design for, like, two months.
He speaks in some bizarre approximation of Olde English. He rarely walks on his feet, preferring to walk on his tentacles. Same with picking things up. His hands are near-exclusively used for spellwork. He doesn't have a set amount of tentacles, either. He only blinks when it's funny. When casting spells, he writes runes in ink. Squid ink. It's his own tears. He's just in general a wet, boneless freak. He's TINY, under three feet tall, but his tentacles can extend to nearly any length and he tends to match the height of or tower over anyone he meets. If your character's a villain, assume he would do anything to impress them.
I really want to try drawing a picture or two for every matchup Haunt makes it to, but if that doesn't happen and you still have thoughts as to how that'd work out, lemme know ... I think abt him a normal amount and everyone's OCs I've seen are SO cute so far
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theghostofashton · 1 year
hi neha! just wanted to pop in and tell you how much i love your fics and love seeing you on the dash <3 i’d love to know if you have any headcanons (for any of the 126) you feel super strongly about, and if any of those headcanons have emerged in your writing in any way? — maddie/reyesstrand <3
hi maddie!! this is so kind, thank you <3 same to you and your writing! i'm working my way through your fics and each one is such a treat, i'm enjoying them all so much <3
this is such a good question! i think most of my headcanons end up making their way into fics, i don't have the self-control to keep them out haha
one of my big ones is that andrea taught carlos to cook, and one of the reasons he loves it so much is because of the connection with his family. i imagine andrea being taught by her mom, and carlos hearing all these stories about her first time making certain dishes from his abuela, growing up. i think the way he gravitates toward food and cooking as a way to care for the people he loves is definitely something he inherited from andrea, something she inherited from her mom, a love language passed down.
going off that, i feel like carlos is often the one to cook and send food, when something happens. like i can see him making a bunch of things for marjan while she was recovering from her gunshot wound, for paul when he was recovering from having the internal defibrillator put in in s3, after mateo lost marvin in s4. i could see him stress cooking a bit after the events of 2x08 and having a bunch of things to take over to judd and grace as they recover. like, i see him wanting to do something, and if he can cook and stock their fridges and make sure they don't have to worry, he will.
i think another one of mine is prob the strong carlos and paul friendship tbh, it's not huge in the show, but it definitely shows up a ton in my fics because i love it so much. i just feel like they'd really get each other and have a lot to talk about. catch me adding carlos and paul moments to every one of my fics lol
i've always headcanoned iris as bi. i haven't written her too much yet, but she plays a pretty big role in both my wips atm and i'm having a lot of fun writing about her navigating her attraction to women.
also hasn't shown up in my fics yet but it will, but i think marjan sets aside one night a week to spend hours facetiming with her family back in miami. and when i say hours, i mean she calls as soon as she's off work and then she's just talking, cooks and talks, gets passed around from family member to family member, that kind of thing. i think she's very close to them and definitely misses them a lot, so these nights are her favorites of the week.
i think tk has a very good eye for furniture and decor, having grown up with the parents that he did. there was a little nod to that in you saw the truth in me, that his house in LA was very black and white and kinda boring, doesn't feel like him at all, and that's because it was done by a designer and he gave them no direction. if he had decorated his own house it would've looked so different, so much brighter and quirkier. i can see everyone texting him when they're moving or they just want to change up the decor in their places for his thoughts, and him having a lot of them. (usually offering to go furniture shopping and point things out, i think that'd be very cute)
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cosmik-homo · 1 year
hi :) i would like to hear about 2s physical/social presentation if you fancy👀 :)
I CANNOT be coherent atm and i am doing this rocket speed cuz i need to go to slepe but
Its like. sooo gender dyspraxia to me. which is how i refer to the ways dyspraxia kind of effects my sense of self like. my own personal philosophy recently is. I'm gonna use a weird example cuz it's partially when i codified this thought but one time I was having lunch on an airplane. I know as someone with dyspraxia eating in a very limmited physical space- and rice, with a fork- while having a drink can open- is going ot be a careful buisness so i start setting up carefully everything as i want it and then im like hey, what the fuck. im already at this point, right, and i add to it an honestly black-and-white movie style, donald duck style, spread paper towl and excited hand rub in my seat, right? you get to the door of the clownhood. go in.
and it's like. I'm sooo obsessed with the bow tie that's just a cloth bow held to the shirt with a safety pin. that IS what gender dyspraxia is like. the signifyer and the act of the signifier are seperate things and the act is A Whole Thing I Can't Quite Do so i'm doing away with it, all i need is the symbol anyways. and with a bow tie! a symbol of, like,
Quirky Officialness, right, this IS an "im being somewhat serious here", its not casual. but the complete disregard to the. tying of the bow tie and the proper form of it and the, yknow. all he wants and needs is a floppy little bow cuz he's not doing this to be looked at, hes doing this cuz he wants to wear one. and that's an aspect i think really brings the final balance to the whole. "silly and smart and playing the fool and also an idiot" web. he straight up doesnt, care about dignity or respect as much and in the way some other incarnations of the doctor do- especially one or three. hes not really bothering making many shows of force he doesnt want to; he isn't trying to impress anyone; literally look at Power Of The Daleks. "how do we know you are the real doctor?" asks ben. "are you the real examiner?" ask the people finding out he isnt. "lmao. lol" says two, trying to focus on the daleks.
so it's like the thing with the whole. Modus Oparendai, clever clown, is it afacade blah blah is that Outward Wise he's just chilling and much prefers outlandish disguises/ overdoing roles (war games commander impersonation?) to actually trying to ever adjust his Real self to a situation. he Wont mask any of his goofy and if a situation needs Something Else he won't fold on that, he'll just go in a new direction.
and THEN the other half of the equation is his, negotiation-y, people-y attitude to problemsolving, which shows quite well in the three doctors and enemy of the world but i think is most, summarized with "Human beings, jamie, are always in reach of other human beings". he Interacts with the enemy, either to bring them to his side and try to solve problems interpersonally- his soft demeanor with ben in macraterror is suchhh a moment for me- or to learn them/ their weakness, to connect with them to put ideas in their heads or decieve them. and since being underestimated - or correctly estimated for his physical capability which i feel a lot of DW media does accept as Lesser Than Later Doctors- i mean this positively im cheering and clapping- WORKS to gurther his methods, and being regarded as soft frivolous harmless clown man works for Good connections too- earning peoples trust and the likes, as well as like. bonding with victoria after she just lost her family. Surprise Child Aqquisition. the lines betweeen being yourself + (On Purpose) sometimes blur.
but yeah in macra terror he is like WHO has EVER needed shined shoes ew. so i think theres definitely osme Autism as well on the comfort level; he likes the same kind of clothes and they need to be comfy to him but also there is a whole, idea connection to it. hes chasing fun hats, yknow? he wants to enjoy the way he is in the world and the way he presents and he will learn to work with or around what people think.
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fruitsilly · 2 years
10 people you want to know better (tagged ppl are under no obligation to do this <3!!)
thank you jude @pansyfem for tagging me! this looks like fun :3
relationship status: single, but heavily lushing/meshing (the sensual/alterous equivalents of crushing respectively) on this guy in my class at uni rn. and i really. Really want him to be my boyfriend holy fucking shit he's so cute. anyways. i also have a milder squish on a girl who's also in my class. i have two exes but i am aromantic and since they were romantic relationships which needed reciprocation they didn't work out. i am still friends with one of my exes (who's also arospec) tho so it's all good!! :•D
favourite colours: my top 5 fave colours are
in that order :)
favourite foods: ough pasta. any kind of pasta really but i am especially partial to lasagne. i also love cheese and pizza. oh and how could i forget!!! millionaire's shortbread!!
song stuck in my head: TOXIC BY BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!!!!!!! although before this it was the borgia family horrible histories song :)
last thing you googled: i use firefox bc im swag so technically i duckduckgo'ed this Anyways. i searched for the tv show "you" bc i saw a gifset from that show featuring a lady i am incredibly bi for and i was like 👀 will i have to watch this now
time: 9.32PM (im gonna write the time of posting this bc i wrote this in my notes app)
dream trip: spain or scotland!! spain bc im learning spanish and scotland bc it's just such a lovely country <3
last thing you read: "the children" by lucy kirkwood! it's a play im reading for my course :)
last book you enjoyed reading: ugh i haven't had the capacity to actually sit down and read a physical book for... too long it's been ages. it's mostly to do with my disabilities and time :( i started reading good omens on my phone but i didn't finish it (i like it so much better than the show lmao). but the actual physical book i read last was "death sets sail" by robin stevens, the final book in her "murder most unladylike" series. ough. ive been with that book series from literally the very beginning. id highly recommend 👍
favourite thing to cook/bake: sadly i don't do enough cooking or baking to know but what i have made is fudge which was quite fun! ive also made a delicious cheesy pasta bake hehe
favourite craft to do in your free time: again. i haven't had the capacity or time to actually make any art since like... march, so, 7 months. yeesh. i miss making digital art. id like to pick it up again but idk when that'll be. id also like to try and get a badge maker bc i have loads of ideas but ugh time is a problem. im just so busy at uni.
most niche dislike: im sure there's Something since im autistic and autism is the Strong Opinions Disorder but nothing's coming to me atm [shrugs]
opinion on circuses: ive only been to one in my life and i really enjoyed it apart from the clowns who i found scary but i was like 8 i think. im less scared of clowns now. also the general aesthetics of them fuck severely
do you have any sense of direction: hardly lol! i have a great photographic memory so even going a certain route once with someone who knows the way i can remember it HOWEVER i am utter shit at finding my way with a map on my own. google maps is always open when im trying to find a place and even then i frequently go in the wrong direction or miss a turning. i just cannot translate distance on a digital map to irl distance. don't even get me started on using a traditional map bc g-d above. id end up more lost than i was before. im excellent at just confusing the hell out of myself <3
tagging: @sillyspooky @skylightz @bromantically @transgenderpolyhedrals @folderone @gir-posting @nvr-pass-spookier-version @heartslobbf @taikacohen @laymedowninsheetsoflinen (plus anyone who sees this and wants to do it just say i tagged you ^_^). again no obligation to do this !! :)
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
//customer asked me to grab something for him, I asked him what it was he needed help getting because I can't lift anything heavy. He just kept not answering me (I even said to him it depended on what because I can lift heavy things atm and he can clearly see my elbow and wrist braces) so I followed him. Turned out to not be heavy but he was real snippy with me when I got it for him like dude all you needed to do was tell me it was some treats. The direction he was pointing when he wasn't telling me what he needed help getting was towards the dog food which I'm not doing which is why I needed to know WHAT it was so I could grab someone else if necessary 🙄
On the up side I had a private 1 off class this morning with a family that has never owned a dog before and just picked up their first ever puppy yesterday so that was kind of fun
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