#it's just super special to me and always will be and I'm gonna be *forever* grateful that
imwritesometimes · 1 year
I do not understand any of the chatter abt this story being 'undeserving' of Indy or whatever like. it was so good. truly like... as a continuation of the story of this (fictional) man. to say goodbye to this franchise. it was just. it felt like such a beautiful goodbye to this beloved (fictional) man and respectful tbh of all the movies before and all the love that was there for them and the whole history of who Indy was. and who he became as we watched him go on these adventures and 🥰🥹
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that-wildwolf · 1 month
I still am and will continue to be a little bit messed up about how Garrus, self proclaimed bad boy and vigilante, super capable special ops soldier, best sniper in the galaxy, played his biggest part in the Reaper War not on the front lines but away from any combat. I will never be normal about this. In ME3, no one else checks up on Shepard like he does. Romance or not, Garrus tells Shepard to get some sleep, asks her how she's doing, lets her air out her doubts and insecurities to him... Like I am not joking I am fully serious, Garrus pretty much singlehandedly won the Reaper War. I'm sure she would have broken down if it weren't for that support. Do you think she would have made it otherwise? Do you think she would have had the strength to go on, to win? I'm so so obsessed with this. Mr action hero over there quite literally won that war with the power of love. Not with a gun but with some compassion for a person he loved. Can not will not be normal.
And what messes me up even more is he would absolutely not recognise his part in that victory. Like she won is all that matters. It was her victory. I'm sure it never even occurred to him that no one else checked up on her, it never occurred to him that he was the only thread she was hanging on. Because he loves her, she's his best friend, so of course he's gonna check up on her. He doesn't see this as anything special. It just makes sense for him. I really do think she could tell him outright "hey Garrus actually you're the only reason we won at all" and his brain would not connect that a non-combat thing equals war victory. I'm always and forever going to be a little bit insane about this.
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I don't know if this has been done before, if it has ignore my ask but i was wondering if you could do a set of headcanons explaining how the boys show love? Like do they compliment? Do they do things for their s/o? Are they constantly expressing affection or is it special when they show love? Do they do grand gestures or is it more of a low-key thing? Again I haven't read all of your posts so if this has been done already I'm sorry. It feels like something that would have been done before but I can't find it.
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A/N: This request has been making its round in the fandom, but I haven’t done this yet! I’ve done dating headcanons before, but not an in-depth of how the boys show their love! Thank you so much for requesting, I was super jazzed to write this!
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For Darry, I definitely think he’s acts of service or quality time as his giving love language, and maybe words of affirmation for receiving?
He’s giving the vibes that he’d always be trying to do things for you or having you around, I really think those moments are seriously when he’s the most happy and thriving
So for acts of service specifically, I can see him being the boyfriend to carry your bags or hold doors for you, cook you dinner, or do chores around the house that benefit you like picking up your favorite foods when he goes grocery shopping
Also! Doing your laundry! Got a feeling you’re spending so much time around the house, your clothes work themselves into the laundry cycle and Darry makes sure to leave them on the foot of the bed for you, carefully folded up
And with quality time, he just likes having you around him, y’know? It’s kind of self-explanatory-
Boyo just wants to be with you, watching a movie, cooking, shopping, sitting, working, watching, Darry wants to be at your side and just stay there, hanging out in your orbit
Physical touch and words of affirmation as his giving love language and quality time as his receiving language!
I think Sodapop has a little problem with wondering if people really like him or not? Like if they just think he’s pretty or actually like him? So going out of your way to hang out with him makes him feel really appreciated
But he’s definitely gotta have his hands on you, both as a way to get out all of his chaotic energy and as a way of loving on you at all hours of the day!
Hands on your waist, keeping you close when you go dancing, toying with your fingers, or nuzzling along the line of your jaw when you cuddle, Sodapop is very tactile and very dexterous
And the words of affirmation, oh my good Lord, this boy will shower you with so much sweetness that you’ll feel like you took a bath in syrup
He thinks you’re pretty, thinks you’re smart, thinks you’re incredible, gorgeous, hard-working, lovely, funny, you’re everything to him and he’s gonna let you know it every day
Pony’s giving love languages are words of affirmation and quality time and his receiving is physical touch because I say so
Pet his hair, kiss his cheek, lace your fingers with his and tug him around, pressing into his side, Pony absolutely melts whenever you touch him
Words are really kind of his thing? He’s a writer babes, let me just tell you, you’re gonna be immortalized in his writing as his muse, forever and ever no matter what happens between you two
He writes you love letters and little notes, chock full of compliments and affirmatives about how much he cares about you! I highly suggest keeping these and thumbing at the corners when you miss him <3
And quality time? You guys do spend a lot of time together, but it’s usually around the guys, so Ponyboy does try and take some time out so it’s just the two of you guys together 
You go to the movies together a lot, do your homework together (either at his place or yours), and go on walks to watch the sunset like the hopeless romantics you both are!
You can argue with me all you want, but Dally’s receiving is words of affirmation and his givings are acts of service and physical touch
He may be all big and tough, but Dally’s got a soft spot for you and your words always manage to resonate with him, he values your thoughts and opinions over anyone else’s
Yes, I know that he’s an asshole with a bunch of unresolved trauma, but he’s got some gallant traits and I think that he knows how to treat a lover, knows how to be a good person 
He defends you endlessly, guards your drink, picks you up from wherever you are, and takes you out all the time. Dally wants to do things for you, okay? Ya might as well let him do what he wants
And physical touch is such a straightforward concept for him, you can’t look me in the eye and convince me that he’s not one of the touchiest boys, you just can’t, okay?
So many kisses you think you’ll never breathe again, hands finding homes in the dips of your hips or the pockets of your jeans, linking his fingers with yours to give you a little more freedom but still keeping you close when you guys go out!
Johnnycake my beloved, I’m gonna give him words of affirmation and acts of service for giving and words of affirmation as receiving too!
I think he’s got a rough relationship with touch that’s too long to discuss here, but I really do think he flourishes under compliments! Tell him he’s smart, tell him you like his hair when it’s ungreased, just tell him you like him for crying out loud- 
Johnny likes to talk with you? Which seems weird cause he’s often painted as this shy and quiet kid who never really talks to anyone, but he’s got some sass, we see it when he’s with Ponyboy
So he talks with you and I kid you not, every other statement out of his mouth is a compliment your way, he’s constantly praising you for every little thing under the sun, I’m not even joking
And he’s always down to do things for you! You need something, he’s jumping to get it for you or already giving up what he has to give it over to you
Johnny’s personally offended whenever you try to downplay your needs or thoughts, he wants so badly to help you out and show you how much he loves you, I’m begging you just ask if you need something 
This handsy little man definitely has physical touch as one of his giving languages and I think gift-giving is another! I’m torn between acts of service and quality time as his receiving
Two-Bit likes having you around and will often call you up just to hang out or join him on whatever adventure he finds himself in, whether that’s just watching his sister or hitting up a part in the neighborhood
He shows a lot of his love through little trinkets? You’ve probably got shelves full of the little doo-dads he’s given you-
Some of them are stolen, some of them were handmade, and some were actually bought, but all of them, you can rest assured, were given to you with nothing but love and adoration
Hands, hands, hands, if Two’s not touching you, he’s not going to have a good day and he will throw a hellacious fit if you don’t let him keep at least one finger linked with yours
Two likes to have his hands on your hips or tracing the lines of your body, he’s a sucker for your eyes and likes to draw shapes on your skin, especially over your stomach and shoulder blades!
Love languages for Steve-o are acts of service and words of affirmation for giving and physical touch for receiving!
I think he’d benefit from you showering him in hugs and kisses? Tracing the greased swirls of his hair and squeezing his hand whenever you go to link your fingers together-
With acts of service, he’s constantly trying to do everything for you, man’s a cheerleader and wants nothing more out of life than to be at your beck and call
Carrying your backpack or shopping bags, driving you around when you guys go out on the town and all that! He will not let you pay for anything, it’s a fight every time you try to pay for food- 
Cheerleader also literally means nothing but compliments, okay? He’s got nothing but kind words to give to you in he’s gonna tell you all about it, every single thought that passes through that head of his
Wearing an outfit he likes? Compliments and kisses. Helped him out with a car at the DX? Tells you how well you did and how you’re a far better helper than Sodapop ever was
Darling Timothy Shepard has acts of service and physical touch as his giving love languages and acts of service for receiving too 
It means a lot to him when you do things, helps him know that you really do care for him like you’ve been saying, it’s that reassurance he needs, especially if you’re taking care of him by taking care of his siblings
Giving acts of service looks like him defending you, picking you up or driving you around town for things other than dates, and paying for dinner when you guys go out
You’re his doll, y’know? He’s never really had anyone steady to take care of him so he’s gonna make sure that he’s steady in your relationship, he’s gonna be there always to take care of you
He’s iffy with receiving physical touch but gives it out very freely, mostly focused through touches or kisses
He’ll run his fingers through your hair, trace your cheekbones, hold your hand or slip a hand into your back pocket, kiss your cheeks and the spot below your ear, making sure you feel his love <3
Curly’s got physical touch and acts of service as his giving love languages, much like his older brother, but his receiving is words of affirmation!
He needs to be smothered in kind words, okay? He won’t believe them at first but just keep it up and he’ll be a happy little Curly in no time, you’ve got to get through that tough outside
As for physical touch, it’s self-explanatory. He likes to have his hands on you and he’s gonna touch you all the time, just as long as you don’t mind, of course, he’d never do something you’re not okay with
Specifically, I’m talking about him tracing shapes into your skin when you’re laying next to each other, his hand finding a home on the inside of your thigh when you’re sitting in a booth at the diner, tons and tons of kisses all over your face, neck, and hands
Acts of service looks like him giving over his jacket when it gets cold in the evenings, sharing the fries on his plate when he can tell you’re still hungry, carrying your backpack down the school hallways
He doesn’t always know how to show his love through words or anything, so he relies heavily on actions and doing things for you as a way to try and make sure you know how he feels about you
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whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#15: I'm Gonna See/You Ready? (S5E11)
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Ok, one last tie. 🤗 The Distance is one of the goated Richonne pre-canon episodes. I always enjoy this one for showing all throuhgout why Rick and Michonne are the most dynamic duo. They lead so well together as partners, parents, and as two people who genuinely care about each other. The episode has several great Richonne moments, but two specific ones get a tie for 15th place on this list because they're both really special...
(Also honorable mention to their scene at the top of this ep when they give married vibes as Michonne lets Rick know her look was not a "let's attack that man" look lol. I always love that Michonne knows her look at Rick might have played a part in him punching Aaron and that Rick has this brief entranced look at Michonne like he's making a mental note to get better at reading her looks. 😋)
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Rick and Michonne were undeniably partners and co-leaders during this whole episode. And after Michonne makes the call and tells the group they're going to Alexandria, Rick co-signs and they share this look in the barn that suggests 'we should talk privately' - which leads to their lovely top 15 moment alone outside.
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Their private moment outside the barn begins when Michonne approaches Rick, who is working on a car. He's immediately getting this Alexandria plan in motion because when Michonne convinces him of something, his mind is genuinely made up to do what she thinks is best. #RealOne.
I love how the first thing Rick says is stuff about the plan, showing he’s really up for this and not at all upset about Michonne taking charge of the group. In fact, Rick seemed somewhat alleviated (and low-key turned on lol) by Michonne taking the initiative earlier in the barn. Then he voices that he wants Michonne to be with him when driving with Aaron cuz of course. 🧲
Rick mentions how Carl and Judith are safer in the RV, and this just tells you loud and clear that they’re the parents. That was evident when Michonne mentioned not wanting to pass up a place for Judith to live in this ep and then with Rick talking about the kids here. Look at this beautiful mom and dad, y’all. 🥰
Michonne is silent hearing Rick say this, and I will forever love that Rick notices the silence, looks up at her, and so sweetly asks, “You okay?” Like she always matters to him and even after trusting her instinct over his own with the plan, he still wants to check in on her and ensure she’s good with everything.
Michonne knows she can be candid with Rick, so she asks if he was for real when saying they’re going. It’s sweet cuz right here she gets to learn just how much Rick continually trusts her and will follow her lead.
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And then Rick stands up and assuredly says they’re going. Michonne wants to confirm that they’re going no matter what it takes, and what proceeds to me has always felt like this moment of Rick really letting Michonne into the thought process he often has as a leader because he officially knows that she's his co-leader now.
So he shares this important insight and leader perspective with her and does it by asking good questions rather than just outright stating it, which is great and effective. I really like the dialogue in this scene.
Rick asks her what she heard outside the gates of Woodbury and Terminus, and Michonne answers "Nothing" both times, quickly getting and respecting where Rick is going with this. Their communication is just A1, even when they have a few different feelings about things.
Rick tells her how sometime tonight without seeing inside the walls he’s going to have to decide whether to bring his family in. I love the way he emphasizes 'family' when he says this. The best family man on TV. 🙌🏽 And I love that Michonne is included in that family that he’s so passionately talking about.
And again, I talk a lot about how Rick looks at Michonne throughout the series cuz I adore it, and he’s super attentive to her in this scene - but y’all, the way Michonne looks at Rick is also just so passionate and filled with love and respect. They both have this arresting effect on each other, and I’m beyond here for it. 
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Then I love this part where Rick says Aaron asked him what it would take to believe his offer is real, and he admits, “Truth is, I’m not sure if anything could convince me to go in there…but I’m gonna see. I’m gonna see.”  Tell me this scene is not giving romantic. ❤️‍🔥 The way he pauses and leans toward her as he says he’s going to see. He looks right into her eyes as he softly repeats, "I’m gonna see." It’s for her, y’all. 🥰
The reason I love this scene is because Rick is pretty much saying that there’s only one thing that could really get him to take this kind of a leap...and it’s her.
What would it take for him to believe it’s real? Michonne. What could convince him to go in there? Michonne. Why is he going to see? Michonne. Of course, he wants a great place for his family to call home too. But at this point, Rick doesn’t seem to trust that Aaron’s story is even legit, so he really is taking this big leap because he is willing to trust Michonne’s gut even over his own. 
It’s a big deal and this scene was just a beautiful exchange between them that really further watered the seed for how Rick and Michonne will continue to operate as leaders and sounding boards for each other.
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Richonne was just in their bubble the whole episode, and I know as a newcomer Aaron had to be looking at the rest of team family like...
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And then there isn’t a better way to end this Rick and Michonne-centered episode than with this moment right here. 😍 One of my all-time favorite endings to a TWD ep.
I love that the very first scene at Alexandria is one between the two who will lead this place. Rick and Michonne pull up to the gate and sit side by side in the car outside the place tf will call home for the next 6 seasons, the place where they will build their life as husband and wife and expand their family.
But without knowing just how much this community is going to work out for them, right now in this 5.11 moment, they're just preparing to take a huge leap of faith to try and make yet another community work after experiencing many a fallen community.
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Just from the jump, I’ve always loved that Rick and Michonne were in this car with their kids while the rest of TF was in the RV. It’s already setting them up as this inner family unit. Like there's found family among the whole group which is a beautiful thing - but then there's immediate family which for Rick is the three people in this car with him.
In this car are the people Rick feels most fiercely protective of which is why he wants the three of them with him as they approach this unknown territory.
Also I know Richonne didn’t become canon until they entered those Alexandria gates but, truly, in this moment they were already a couple. It was so clear, and it was only a matter of time before they called it what it was. 
They pull up to the spot, and Andy just does incredible acting with his eyes alone as his face softens upon hearing kids playing on the other side of the wall. 👏🏽 Andy really should have won every award for his acting throughout the series, but especially for his work in season 5.
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Something subtle I’ve always loved about this moment is the fact that Rick is already looking at Michonne once the car stops. I used to think it was her putting her hand on his that grabbed his attention. But no. Even before then, in this extremely stressful moment for Rick where he has to fight to put his PTSD and paranoia aside and bravely go and see for the sake of his family - what does he do?...he looks to Michonne. 😊
She led him here. And he needs her reassurance right now. After all, pretty much the only reason he’s outside these gates right now is because of her.
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Rick’s the leader who often has to put his own fear aside for the sake of his people, but here he can be a guy who's anxious and needs some reassurance cuz what they’re about to do is risky.
And because Michonne is his elegant and calming soulmate she gives him such precious reassurance when she takes his hand and smiles and asks, “You ready?” 😊
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I appreciate that she asks him the question and how it’s also this motivational encouragement. And I love that this is Michonne's first time initiating this type of physical contact with him. That touch alone shows they’ve come a long way and she has come to trust and feel comfortable with Rick so much since her "don’t you ever touch me again" days in season 3.
And the smile and everything just feels like that attraction, that “something more,” that magnetic connection between them is slowly but surely becoming fully realized. The way she does this just communicates loud and clear that these two are in it together. Whatever’s on the other side of that ASZ gate - and I do mean whatever it may be - Rick and Michonne are going to get through it and ultimately come out stronger and closer than ever because they have each other to guide them. 
Another poetic element of this to me is that Michonne knows what it's like to walk up to a fence and not know exactly what you're going to find on the other side. That was her experience arriving at the prison in season 3.
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But by showing up at those prison gates, she found something more valuable than gold - she found her family and the love of her life. The leap Michonne took to show up to a new place more than paid off.
And now here she is, side by side with Rick this time, and facing a new gate. And she's able to instill hope that this gate too can have good on the other side. 👌🏽
Also, it hit me that yes this is a shining moment of Michonne’s calming presence in Rick’s life - But Rick’s words also have an impact on Michonne too.
In that “I’m gonna see” scene, Rick tells Michonne how not hearing silence outside a community doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe. So when they’re outside Alexandria, the fact that they hear children laughing and playing is a sign for not just Rick but Michonne too that this is different from those other places. I feel like she's recalling his words at this moment and finding comfort in them.
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And to make even more of a connection, Michonne knows how reassuring it can be to see kids in the community cuz when she showed up at the prison, I truly believe that Carl and Judith being there and cared for by all the adults in the group is a factor in helping her know this place was more genuine than others.
Her conversation with Rick and the valuable insights he imparted helps her to feel more confident about getting out of this car and taking on this community. And she’s able to transfer that energy to Rick like only she can. 
After receiving the calming reassurance from Michonne, which always resonates with him, Rick then nods and gets out and goes to grab Judith and takes this huge game-changing step to enter this new community.
The power and love between Rick and Michonne is what got them here. Richonne is what got the entire group to their new home. And I love that in that sedan was the greatest family the show has seen. And once they entered those gates they’d only become more and more of a family. 👌🏽
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In retrospect, I love this closing 5.11 scene for being the moment Alexandria got their king and queen. 👑 Those two upgraded the heck out of this place over the course of the seasons, to where it became a community that really thrived.
Don’t get me wrong, Alexandria threw them some obstacles when they first arrived, but they overcame them because when Rick and Michonne are united, this power couple can rise above anything. 
These two tied scenes show the way that Rick and Michonne are truly co-leaders and partners who care so much about each other as human beings and are in it together always. And I love that these scenes served as this reminder that Rick and Michonne are only growing closer and have something special between them that will flourish even more once they take the leap. 😌
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lollytea · 9 months
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Hi Hello!! It's a bright day!! A happy day!!! Its been stressful with last minute Christmas stuff but I've been looking at these drawings in between doing tasks and it's had me like 😌 all day long. I love them so much, they're my sweethearts <333 Thank you Miss Terrace I am very grateful for these!! I never lost hope that you'd post hunlow one day.
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It's giving "Barbie has a great day every day. Ken has a great day if Barbie looks at him."
Willowww!!! Her pumped fist!!! Her flexed biceps!!! The loud chaotic invigorating energy here!!!! She's got such a big presence I love her so much. I notice that Dana has a thing about drawing Willow with bandages, so I imagine the girl plays it way more loose and reckless than what's been shown in the series. In my head Hunter is the one who patches her up <333
And Hunterrrr he's so puppy. Literally love this art so much for the little glimpse into how content and happy he is in this relationship. He's all sappy and silly in love, I adore it. He gets a little affectionate touch from his girlfriend and he just happily melts into it. Man just wants her to keep touching him forever and ever.
Agsbdjnk it kinda looks like she's showing him off to other people. Either as her star player or her boyfriend. Based on the clipboard Hunter is holding its probably the former. Maybe they're looking for new recruits.
Hunter: hehehehehehehe she's talking about meeeee 😊
They're precious. I'd die for them.
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This is so soft I'm dying. Something about hunlow being touchy is super special to me. I still haven't recovered from the end of WAD where Willow was looking for her Dads and Hunter was comforting her with a hand on her back. That's what this reminds me of. I think it's interesting and super sweet that this was apparently a very early drawing of them, while the crew was still figuring out their relationship. His hand on her back, something that became a clear display of how protective and careful he was with her, and its the first thing Dana ever drew of them. I'm insane.
ASGBDJNK AND ALSO WILLOW'S HAND ON HIS WAIST. First Dana hunlow drawing and it involves Willow babygirling him. God bless.
It also looks like he's blabbering away about something, eager to show her. I'm gonna cry. He's happy. He's comfortable. He wants to share his passions with her.
And her soft fond little smile. AAAAA!!! The crew drawing heart eyes Willows will always be so special to me. I see Willow looking like Hunter like he's her whole world and I want to blow up the sun.
Anyway AAAAAAAA!!!! This has made me very happy. I love hunlow so much.
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xzinbdg · 1 month
zerobaseone as songs from my playlist!
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⭑.ᐟ jiwoong
apocalypse - cigarettes after sex
it's the softness of the song for me! like it feels very calm and that's how also jiwoong feels..
older - isabel larosa
jiwoong may be a bit older than the rest of the members but this man is so fine!!! aging like a fine wine 😵‍💫
babydoll - dominic fike
this gives jiwoong in a suit 😵‍💫 oh lord it fits him so much omg " babydoll I can't move on" yea me too
⭑.ᐟ zhanghao
360 - charli xcx
hao is a brat!!!!! like he owns brat summer let's be real!!!!!
symphony - clean bandit, zara larsson
i absolutely love this song!!! and a big part of it is this beautiful violin!!! it almost seems like the violin is singing as well and that always makes me think of hao 🥹
new flame - chris brown, usher, rick ross
"you gon' be my baby, love me, love you crazy" i love this song for hao so much 😭😭😭 it's so cute in it's own way
⭑.ᐟ hanbin
agora hills - doja cat
"baby let me lick on your tattoos" INSANE BUT I ALWAYS THINK OF HANBIN WHEN THIS PART COMES ON 😵‍💫
daddy issues - the neighborhood
now....i had to sorry...he feels very warm to me and the way he treats the younger members is 🫠🫠🫠 him saying that he's rising yujin was my 13 reason
that's me right there - jasmine v, kendrick lamar
"yea that my man" 🤭😋 he may not be my bias but he definitely is on my mind a lot
⭑.ᐟ matthew
souvenir - selena gomez
"you're giving me chills at a 100 degrees" and he would...his whole being is so attractive i cannot
save your tears - the weeknd
now why do I feel like he would slay a cover of this song like it has his vibes!!!
everytime - ariana grande
"why oh why does god keep bringing me back to you?" so you see everytime I have a bias wracker this man comes to remind me who really is the bias here
⭑.ᐟ taerae
please please please - sabrina carpenter
"i beg you don't embarrass me mfucker" except it's him talking to his members 😭😭😭😭
super lady - (g)-idle
duvet -bôa
taerae pls for the love of god cover this song 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 like his voice would sound heavenly 😭
⭑.ᐟ ricky
role model - brent faiyaz
"i can be your role model" i think is pretty obvious why i choose this song 🤭🤭🤭 it does give off that "rich" vibe tho
heartbreaker - justin bieber
"don't tell me you're my heartbreaker" he may look cold but that man is the softest person on earth and gets hurt really easily :(((
i'm yours - isabel larosa
"you're so pretty it hurts" and he is....insanely pretty and everytime i see him he just gets more and more pretty it's crazy
⭑.ᐟ gyuvin
see you again - tyler, the creator, kali uchis
"can I get a kiss? and can you make it last forever?" YES YES YES YES SO GYUVIN!!!!
i don't do drugs - doja cat, ariana grande
i think it's more the instrumental and overall mood of the song but it does fit gyuvin in my opinion 🥹
paris - sabrina carpenter
"but i already have love in la" it's like he's your biggest bias wrecker (he is for me) but you're trying TRYING to stay loyal to your bias 😭😭😭
⭑.ᐟ gunwook
nun id change - yeat
this right here is peak gunwook vibes, it's the boys planet entry gunwook that everyone was afraid of 😋
ta ta ta - bayanni, jason derulo
please it's a crime that I haven't seen an edit of wook with this song (if anyone have seen it send it to me rachel) it's soooo wook im gonna cry
500lbs - lil tecca
"it's like you don't know your a star tell her that I'm still adjusting" and i feel like he did adjust, wook was confident from the very beginning but now he's just glowing with that confidence!!!
⭑.ᐟ yujin
baby i - ariana grande
"everytime i try to say it words they only complicate it" here's our shy baby yujin!! it's honestly crazy to me that he's younger than me! MY SON!!!!
glue song - beabadoobee
"I've never known someone like you" yujin to me is so special like i truly never seen an idol with his personality! just a kid being a kid and i love it!
misery - nimstarr
"ima walk how i want cause you'll never be like me" he truly is a once in a million idol to me! imagine being this talented and successful at his age!!
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zerobaseone masterlist
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kindlespice · 9 months
🍉 actual hiatus 🍉
hi hi! so... it's been a while! *checks notes* i have not posted since august... of last year x.x i've been lurking around a bit occasionally dropping likes here and there, but for the most part been entirely absent. i feel like it's wayyyy past time for me to check-in, let everybody know i'm okay and all that jazz. but i am declaring this an actual hiatus now
i lost the simblr itch, i thought "surely it will come back" but it never came back and now i'm hyperfixating on other things.
i'm gonna put specifics under a read more if anyone's that interested in what i've been doing, what i will be doing, where i'll be hanging out now, etc. but it's really nothing big or major--just interests changing.
⭐ my content + patreon
(since it's kinda important and i want everyone to be able to see this) i'm not deleting this account and i'm still keeping my content up both on patreon and sfs! you will still be able to download things for free!!! i will be deleting my patreon tier! even though it was basically a donation tier, i feel bad keeping it up knowing i'm consciously not making more sims content (or being really active in the community) for the foreseeable future i'll be reaching out to existing patrons and making a similar post over there as well about the tier change!
i also wanna say thank you to everyone who's ever followed, donated, liked, commented, messaged, lurked or just been sweet and kind to me ❤️! simblr will always have a special place in my heart, so i don't think i'll ever leave leave, but i owe it to you guys to let you know that i'm making the conscious decision to be inactive for some time.
as a closing statement, fk isr*el and i am absolutely 100% without a doubt full stop
you should be too if you're any kind of decent human being :)
⭐what will happen to my account?
nothing really. or at least nothing different from how it's been for the last year and some change XD like i said, i'm still keeping my blogs up, downloads won't move, etc. i am just committing to not actively posting content or really being on simblr that much. maybe i'll drop some likes or comments when the mood hits (like i have been), but not really much else. i guess if there's any questions about this i'll answer them since my active attention will be back on simblr for at least a few days while i clean some things up. i would like to do one last thing as a kind of parting gift at some point... i never did end up cleaning up my downloads page or organize the thumbs/sorting for my cc like i said i would so maybe i'll do that before it gets away from me again but i'm not making any promises
⭐why am i on hiatus?
nothing bad happened or anything, i just.... lost interest. I already wasn't really playing the game that much even when i was super active; i mostly just took pictures and did edits. but i just wasn't having as much fun as i used to, opening the game started feeling like a chore, i wasn't all that inspired to make content, etc. i've burnt out on simblr on many an occasion so i just took a break like i always do but it kept going...and going.......and going.........until i realized it had been FOREVER and i hadn't really felt the itch to create here during that time, it wasn't coming back, and i was having much more fun doing other stuff. the times i did consider coming back it was more bc i felt bad about not creating rather than any actual desire to create. so i had to think long and hard about whether or not i even really wanted to come back. and i flip-flopped for probably 6 months--trying to drum up creative projects and never committing--before coming to the conclusion that i think i just need to call it a hiatus XD
⭐what have i been up to?
annoying my family with boycott lists and making them buy alternatively :D bouncing back and forth between many different hyperfixations... i fell back down the skyrim rabbithole several times, genshin, stardew, acnh, made a million notion pages i'll never use--the usual suspects. BUT BG3! at one point i swore i was gonna come back end of july/early aug but then BG3 dropped early and it was over... i definitely did A LOT of heavy lurking here when the girlies were all posting GORGEOUS tavs omg... i spent a while getting ts3 up and running, even made a sideblog thinking "maybe i'll come back with ts3 content that would be cool!"... just to not end up playing and not using the sideblog and not coming back -.- 4LIENS were supposed to have a comeback like... 4 separate times and it just did not happen... i've been making a concerted effort to get back into drawing and art. i've been in a kind of... depression? slump? with it for years now; always feeling like it wasn't good enough, that i should be better since i'm so "gifted and talented", i should be monetizing it and not "wasting" all that skill, blah blah imposter syndrome blah blah getting frustrated when i'm not 100% perfect all the time blah blah feeling like a disappointment to my family blah blah... but i am HELLA sick and tired of having all this anxiety and fear surrounding something i used to love so much so i'm pushing through! i've been trying out lots of different mediums and actually using my sketchbooks and just generally trying to introduce more fun into the process and stop being so hard on myself all the time. i picked up crocheting for a bit. at this point i haven't touched it in so long i probably forgot how to do it but... maybe one day i'll make a blanket or smth I started journalling (relatively) regularly for a bit. i was feeling really down at several points throughout the year and i thought having daily entries would help combat the feeling like every day was just absolute shit. on the contrary, the majority of days are good--at worst mundane--the bad ones just tend to stick out more. trying to get back into reading again... i miss doing it for leisure and taking notes bc i want to and not because i have a 300 annotation school assignment :P and a whole bunch of other stuff probably but it's hard to remember every single thing that's been on my mind for 16 months lol
⭐what will i be doing / where can you find me now?
i'm hoping to start a webtoon/build up art socials in the new year as a part of my "reconnecting to art" process. i made some art socials @kbearie-art here and @/kbearie_art on insta, youtube, tiktok, and twitter; they're empty for now though bc i got scared the minute i made them and never posted anything -.- but i'll be real with you... twitter is a cesspool, and im not fond of tiktok so i think tumblr, insta and youtube will probably be where i'll dedicate my time i've been thinking about getting back into posting videos on youtube again just in general. in fact this thought was the final push for me to make this post bc i was like... if i post a video out of the blue with no word to simblr that would be fked up XD i play games all the time and i had such a fun time recording, learning to edit and stuff that i think i'd like to pursue that further. i wouldn't be doing sims related stuff though bc...well... i don't play anymore XD but other games ya know. my other youtube is kspice (the same place with my tutorials, speed edits, the acnh vid, etc.) if you'd be interested in that
and i guess that's pretty much it!
again, for at least the next couple of days i'll probably actively have my eyes on this post/simblr in general (and i am gonna clear out my inbox hopefully) so if you have questions i'd ask em quickly before i go back into hiding XD
thanks again, i love you guys, free palestine, and have a good new year! 🍉⭐💖
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manicplank · 6 months
The Color Pink (Part 9)
This one is fucking long. Buckle up.
Hazel came home after another long, slow day at the cafe. Business was still dull. Her only customer seemed to be The Vigilante, but things grew tense between them as she spent more time with The Noise. The Vigilante always seemed to have something curt to say. However, she hadn't seen The Noise much since he had been so overwhelmed by work. She was so bored around her house. She just sat around waiting for 7 p.m. to come. She was always excited to get her daily phone call from Theodore, even if it was just him explaining that he was too tired to talk. The time finally came, and her phone rang. She answered it without hesitation. "Hello?"
"Hey! It's me," Theodore greeted.
"Hey! I was waiting for you to call."
"I was wondering if you wanted to do something tomorrow. I know you're usually off on weekends."
"Of course! What were you thinking we do?"
"I don't know... I was hoping you would have some ideas."
"Um... Hm... Maybe we could just do something casual, like hanging out at the park or one of our houses."
"Oh! Uh... I think I'd prefer the park. I'd feel more comfortable with that."
"I understand that. It's supposed to be super nice out."
"Cool! What time were you thinkin'?"
"How about one or two?"
"One works for me. The sooner the better."
"I have this thing where if I have plans later in the day, I won't really do anything else. I get stuck in waiting mode."
"Same here! I thought it was just me!"
"I think it's an ADHD thing."
"You have ADHD, too?"
"Yep! Got it bad."
"That's crazy!"
"I kind of suspected that you had it. No offense. It sort of takes one to know one."
"I guess that's true. I don't try to hide it. I guess looking back, I can see it in you now."
"It's kind of the basis of my whole character."
"I can see that."
"What park where you thinkin' we go to?"
"Hmm... There's that one in the Gnome Forest that's real pretty. We can go loiter around there!"
"I think I know which one you're talking about. I think it's literally called "Picnic Park" since nearly everybody who visits has a picnic."
"We could do that."
"Maybe. We would have to be careful of the bees, though."
"Oh yeah... I guess we could just walk around."
"If we get hungry, we could always go somewhere."
"The Gnome Forest has a lot of good places to eat."
"Exactly! So... I guess I'll see you then?"
"Okay, cool! I'm gonna let you go so I can get some rest. I'm a little tired from working."
"I get it. I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Yep! If anything happens, just call me and let me know!"
"Of course! Goodnight, Theodore."
"G'night, Hazel."
The Second Date
Hazel was ecstatic. She finally got to go on another date with The Noise. At this point, she didn't like him for being a celebrity. She liked him for who he was. Of course, she was amazed that her celebrity crush was interacting with her, but now she saw him as just a regular crush. She had waited for what seemed like forever until it was time to get ready. She didn't want to do anything special to her appearance, but she still wanted to look her best. She went to the vanity and sat in front of it. Her hair was already curled at the ends like she usually kept it.
She hummed in thought. What was she going to wear? She went through her closet and dresser drawers. After several minutes, she finally decided on an outfit; a cropped sleeveless white turtle neck with a cropped pink cardigan with high waisted straight leg jeans and white platform sneakers with pink laces. She grabbed a fuzzy white mini purse to finish her look.
She picked up the phone and dialed a cab. It arrived shortly after, and she ran into it excitedly. "Where to," the cab driver asked?
"Picnic Park in the Gnome Forest," she responded.
The pig man driving the cab nodded and drove off. She watched out the window excitedly as they cruised through the tower. Her heart fluttered in anticipation. They quickly reached the park. She paid and got out. She looked around, but she didn't see Theodore. Even though she knew better, she was worried he wouldn't show. She wandered through the park hoping to find him. He arrived shortly after she did and called out to her. She came running, but she couldn't run very quick in the platforms. When she reached him, she jumped onto him in a hug, nearly knocking him down. He caught her and twirled her around. He smelled pleasantly like a gentle cologne.
"Hey, you," he greeted with a huge smile. He was wearing a white "Thrasher" t-shirt overlapped by a denim jacket with solid black jean pants and black "Vans" shoes.
"Hey," she put her fists to her chest in excitement.
"You look cute," he scanned her from head to toe.
She shrugged her shoulders. "Oh," she giggled, "thanks." She tucked her hair behind her ear. "You look cute, too."
He scratched the back of his head and blushed. "Nah, I look like a mess."
"Shush," she pushed him playfully, "take the compliment."
"Fine, fine."
"So, what were you thinking we do?"
"I don't know. I was hoping maybe to just walk around and," he shrugged, "enjoy the scenery. Talk and get to know each other better. I mean, I've been so busy with work, it'd be a nice change of pace just to talk to you."
She was still smiling. "It sounds like a good idea. I enjoy simple things. I'm not hard to please. Plus, I like the flowers in the park."
"Well, come on," he held out his hand, "let's go."
She looked at his hand with a slightly shocked expression. "Oh," she grabbed his hand, and their fingers intertwined. She smiled once again. "Right." They walked side by side down a stone path. Their arms swung back and forth as they strutted along.
"So," she spoke, "how's everything been? I haven't seen you since..." She chuckled nervously, "I think the last time I saw you was when we bumped into each other at the bar?"
"At the bar," he asked, confused.
"When you were drunk."
"Oh, my gosh." He face palmed with his free hand. "I'm still so embarrassed about all of that."
"Please, you didn't do anything to upset me."
"I acted like a total fool!"
She stopped and pushed his arm to make him face her, their hands still together. "Stop it. You didn't do anything wrong. You were funny, actually."
"Was I? I don't really remember what I said."
"You were giving your pig friend a ton of trouble."
"James? Oh yeah, I always give him shit, especially when I'm drunk."
"He kept yelling at you for hugging me a bunch."
Theo chuckled. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that, too."
"Shut up," she said teasingly. "It was silly. If I didn't like it, I would've just pushed you off. You know I don't take shit."
He laughed again. "It's funny when you're assertive."
"Well, people see my sweet demeanor and assume I'm a pushover. I don't stand for that."
"Oh, yeah, the pushover doesn't stand."
She hit his arm playfully, "Shut up!"
He cackled and nudged her shoulder. "Don't hit me!"
"What, you scared?" She puffed out her chest and taunted him.
He threw her arm over his head and hoisted her over his shoulder. She screeched in surprise and kicked out.
"Put me down," she yelled through laughter. "Put me down!"
"Don't dish it if you can't take it!"
He carried her for a few steps before he put her down gently. She charged at him, but he grabbed her arms. She swung around and kicked at him, both of them laughing hysterically.
"Okay, okay, okay," he said through chuckles, "stop, stop."
She stopped, and he let go of her wrists. "Don't dish it if you can't take it," she spoke in a mocking tone.
"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. "Come on," he grabbed her hand again. "Let's go."
She smiled as she looked at him. "Okay, I'll behave."
"Thank you."
"For now," she giggled.
As they started to walk off, it began to drizzle. The rain started off lightly, but picked up very quickly. Before they could even process it, the rain was pouring down on them. Hazel put her hand up to shield her eyes. Theodore swiftly took off his jacket and held it over her head. "Come on," he said, "let's go to that pavilion." They ran over to a small pavilion. It covered a small patch of concrete and a few picnic tables. They sat at one of the tables across from each other. Theo put his jacket beside him. The two of them looked over and watched the rain.
"Shit, that came out of nowhere," he spoke.
"Yeah, I didn't even know it was going to rain today," Hazel exclaimed.
"It wasn't supposed to! I checked like five times."
"Aw, man." She looked at him. "Theo, you're soaked!"
"Eh, I'm okay."
"You didn't have to shield me. I would've been fine."
"It was first instinct. I mean, you're wearing crop tops."
"But you must be freezing!"
"It's a little cold, yeah. I'll be fine, though."
"No, you're gonna get sick!"
"Hazel, I'll be fine."
She grunted. "Maybe we should just... Go home and change."
"What? We've barely been here for a half hour."
"No, I mean, go home, change, and maybe do something else? We could go get food or watch a movie or something."
"Oh! Yeah, I guess that could work."
"Okay," she pulled her cell phone out of her purse. "I can call a cab and-"
"No, save your money, I'll drive us."
"What? No, no, no, I don't want to be a bother."
"Hazel." He grabbed her hand. "You're not going to bother me. Let me drive you so you don't have to take three different cabs."
"Oh, okay, fine."
"We're gonna have to run through the rain again, though."
The two of them got up, and Theo pulled out his keys. He went to hold his jacket over her head, but she grabbed one side while he held the other. "We'll share it," she said. He chuckled and held part of the jacket over his head, too.
He grabbed her hand. "Ready?"
She nodded at him.
"Okay, go!"
The two of them took off, laughing as they held hands. Rain soaked the jacket held above them. It was a fair distance between them and the parking area. They got to his car, and he let go of the jacket. She held it over her head as she went to the other side. He quickly unlocked the car, and they got in. They caught their breath and continued to laugh. "Holy shit," Theo sighed. His hair was dripping wet and his shoulders were drenched. Hazel only had a handful of drips on her.
"Oh, my gosh," she put her hand on her chest and leaned back into her seat. "I can't believe that just happened." She let out a small chuckle.
"I know, right?" Theo had a huge smile on his face. He suddenly felt nervous as they sat side by side.
"I feel bad getting your nice car all wet."
"Oh this? Nah, it's alright. I wasn't really looking for anything fancy. I mostly bought it so the salesman would leave me the fuck alone."
"What kind of car is it?"
"Cadillac CTS."
"A cadillac?! And you're claiming it isn't nice?" She crossed her arms.
"I'm not saying it isn't. I'm just saying, a little rain water won't hurt it."
"Uh huh, okay, you're not trying to act all humble."
"No, I totally want to impress you with my expensive-ass car," he said sarcastically.
She hit his shoulder jokingly. "Shut up."
He chuckled. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."
The two of them smiled and made eye contact for a minute. Hazel felt butterflies in her chest. He started up the car and spoke, "Alright, just give me the directions."
"For what?"
"To get to your place."
"You don't want to go to yours, first? You're soaked..."
"I'll be fine."
"Right or left?"
"Right or left?!"
"Oh, my gosh, you're so stubborn!"
He got a worried look on his face. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."
"What? Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I was just playing with you."
"Oh," he sighed in relief. "Sorry, I just... I actually can be really stubborn, sometimes."
"No, I didn't mean to alarm you." She rubbed his arm, and he smiled at her. "You can take a right out of here. Then at that tree, take a left."
It was only a short drive over to Hazel's house. It was a small, humble abode in a normal-looking neighborhood. They pulled up in her driveway, and Theo put the car in park. "Okay," she said as she unbuckled, "come on." Theo gave her a confused look. She nodded her head towards the door. "Let's go."
"Huh," he responded, "I thought I was waiting out here."
"No, that'd be rude. Now, come on!"
Theodore and Hazel quickly got out of the car and ran to the door. She unlocked it as fast as she could, and they went in. Her house was sweet but petite. The walls were a off-white color. She had a small brown love seat couch in front of a T.V. on a wooden stand. On the stand were small decorative dolls. There were family portraits on the walls, as well as some metallic floral decorations. Theo looked around feeling slightly nervous. "Stay here," Hazel poked his chest. "I'll grab you a towel. She turned the corner and opened up a small closet. She grabbed a towel and ran up to Theodore. "Thanks," he smiled as he took the towel and began to dry off his hair. "I'll be back," she spoke as she ran off.
Theodore stood there and waited. He was stiff as a board, he wasn't sure what to do with himself. Her house was incredibly clean. He toweled off his shoulders and tried his best to dry off his shirt. Hazel came out pretty quickly. She came out in a over-sized pastel pink cardigan buttoned up with a lacy white camisole tank top underneath. She also wore straight legged soft pants and white Converse sneakers. Her cardigan was so big that the sleeves covered her hands, but it was one of her favorite shirts. "Sorry," she said, "I figured I'd put on something more comfortable than stylish."
"What do you mean," Theo responded, "you look cute."
She slapped him jokingly with her sleeve. "You say that with anything I wear."
"Cause you look good in everything."
She slapped him repeatedly with her long sleeves. He chuckled and put his arm up as defense. "Okay, come on," she grabbed his hand and headed for the door, "let's go to your place so you can get changed."
"Oh, uh-"
"What? You gonna change in the sewer?"
"Well, my house is sort of... shitty."
She tilted her head and crossed her arms. "Theodore. You said the same thing about your expensive car." She grabbed an umbrella with one hand and his hand with her other. "Now, come on, let's go." She opened up the umbrella as they stepped out, and they ran under the umbrella together until they got to his car.
They came into an average neighborhood to a medium-sized house. Hazel was a little surprised. She was expecting something big and fancy like his car was. As they pulled into the driveway, Theo sighed, "Alright, so, I'm gonna warn you now. My house is... old. I've only been in it for a few years, but I'm not necessarily the best at keeping up with cleaning or maintenance. So... It's a little messy."
Hazel shrugged. "What, are you a hoarder or something?"
"No, no. I just... hate cleaning."
"Who doesn't? I doubt your house is as bad as you think it is. You think I'm gonna care if you didn't clean the whole thing before I came here?"
"No! You've barely had time to sleep the last few weeks. I understand if your house is a little messy."
He took a deep breath. "Okay, let's go."
Hazel opened her umbrella and laughed as they ran to the door. Theodore was incredibly nervous. He felt a little insecure of his house at times, and now was especially one of them. He held the door for her. She closed her umbrella and shook off the excess water as she walked in. She turned around and observed her surroundings. There was a leather couch and a glass coffee table over a pale tan rug across from a T.V. on a glass mount. There were family portraits and small pieces of artwork scattered around the walls. Hazel walked in further. "This is what you were worried about?!"
"I know, it's-"
"It's fine, Theodore! It's not messy! Oh, so what? Your glass table has some smudges on it here and there. Oh no!"
"Hazel, please..."
"Theo," she walked up to him and held his upper arms. "You don't have to be insecure. I don't care. You're not a hoarder, you don't have rotting food everywhere, you don't have roaches; your house is fine!"
He sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry. I just... I don't know what came over me."
"Now go get changed before you get a head cold." She patted him on the arm as he walked off. She sat on the couch as she waited. She looked around and saw a photo of a young, tiny Theodore with his mother. She smiled. It was a cute picture.
In his room, Theodore was doing his best not to freak out. Despite his opinion, his house was quite nice and humble. It wasn't super fancy like his car was, but he still couldn't seem to shake the feeling of insecurity. He got changed into a yellow hoodie with an orange hood and strings. He put on some casual black pants and slipped on some checkered slide on canvas shoes. He took a deep breath before he headed back into the living room. Hazel was no longer on the couch...
"Hazel," he called out.
"I'm in here!"
He walked into his kitchen, Hazel was just walking out of it. "Sorry," she said, "I got nosy."
"It's fine..."
"Your house is nice, Theo. It's not a mansion, but it's not a straw hut, either. I'm not going to judge you for having a few dishes in your sink."
"Oh, my gosh," he laughed it off. "You're ridiculous. So, where do you want to go?"
"Well, we could go grab some food or go watch a movie."
"How about we just stay here?"
"We can watch a movie here, right?"
"Oh, uh, I guess. I have a few movies I've been meaning to watch, I just haven't had time."
"Great! We can watch them together."
Hazel dragged Theodore over into the living room. He had a couple movies on one of the shelves of the T.V. mount.
"You want to choose one," he asked her.
"Yeah, sure." She went over to the mount. She looked through three different DVDs. She hummed as she thought. "This one!" She held it up with excitement.
"Okay, cool." Theo came over and knelt down. He powered on the DVD player and put in the movie. Hazel went over to the couch and waited. As everything was set up, Theo came and sat next to her. She scooted over until they were hip to hip. She leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped both of her arms around his one. Theo's heart was racing, and his body went stiff. She could feel how tense he was.
"Relax," she said. "I'm not going to hurt you."
"I know," he sighed. "I don't know why I'm so anxious."
"I know why... but I won't say it."
"Figure it out." She smiled, remembering what he had said to her when he was drunk.
After a few hours, the movie finally came to an end. Hazel and Theodore both had disgruntled looks on their faces. They faced each other.
"So..." Theodore started. "What did you think?"
"It sucked," Hazel exclaimed.
Theo burst into laughter. "Oh, thank fuck, I'm not the only one. I didn't want to seem like I was being cocky since I make movies."
"No, no, that was awful! I mean, the plot made absolutely no sense! It was so rushed. Another hour would've done the movie good."
"And maybe different writers."
"Yes! It was terrible!"
The two laughed together for a moment. "Want to watch another one," Theo asked.
"Maybe. What time is it?"
Theo looked over his shoulder. "It's 6:30."
"No, I should probably be heading home by now."
"I'll call a cab."
"I can drive you."
"I will call a cab. I appreciate you being so nice to me, but I'd really hate to be a bother. Truthfully, I need a little time to decompress."
"Oh, okay. I understand."
Hazel called up a cab, and it wasn't too far away. Theo walked her over to the door, and they hugged their goodbyes. As they pulled away, Theo ran his hand down her arm and grabbed her hand. He looked from her eyes to her lips then back to her eyes with a smile on his face.
"This might seem out of line," he says. "You know what? Nevermind."
Hazel tilted her head. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing."
"Come on." She stood on her toes for a second then back down. "You can tell me."
"I don't want to scare you."
"Um..." He cleared his throat. "Can I kiss you?"
Hazel gasped. "What?!"
"Sorry, sorry, I know that was weird." Theo got incredibly nervous.
"No, I mean, yes, you can kiss me!" She giggled and bounced excitedly.
"Wait, really?" He smiled, a little shocked.
"Yes! Please!"
He chuckled nervously. "Okay, um..." He held the side of her face and closed his eyes as he slowly leaned in. Hazel closed her eyes, but she started squealing and giggling in excitement. Theo pulled back and laughed.
"Sorry, sorry," she giggled, "I just... Hehehehe!"
"Just tell me when you're ready."
She took a few deep breaths. "Okay, I'm ready."
He gently grabbed the side of her neck with his other hand on her hip and leaned in, but she started to smile and squeak again.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She giggled. She took another deep breath. "I'm ready, I'm ready."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I promise this time."
"One more time, okay? If you're too nervous, I won't do it."
"No, I'm not nervous. I mean, I am, but I'm also just excited!" She chuckled again.
He grabbed her chin and slowly leaned in. She closed her eyes once he got close. He closed his eyes, leaned his head to the right, and kissed her softly. She put her hands on his jaw as she kissed him back. It wasn't just a small peck. It was a genuine, romantic kiss. He drew back slowly and laughed nervously. "Sorry," he apologized.
"Why are you apologizing? You're soft."
He blushed heavily. "Oh, um-"
"Can we kiss again?"
"Can we kiss again?"
"Oh, yeah, um-"
She grabbed him behind the head and pulled him in for a deep kiss. They got lost as they kissed passionately for a few minutes. Theo pulled back and gulped. She laughed at the bashful look on his face.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry," he said.
"For what?"
"I... I don't know."
She smiled at him and shrugged. "Stop worrying about it and come here." She hugged him, and she could feel his body relax in her arms. They swayed slowly side to side. Theo felt his heart rate slow. He felt like he could fall asleep in her arms. He quickly went from awkwardly tense to securely relaxed. The moment was ruined as her cab pulled up and honked. "I gotta go," she spoke with a huge smile. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
Theo smiled. "Okay."
She kissed him on the cheek as a goodbye before she walked out of the door and opened her umbrella. He closed the door and put his back to it. He slid down to the ground and put his hands on his face. He was completely flustered again. He couldn't believe that just happened, he couldn't believe he just did that! He took a few sharp breaths. He went to the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water. He was freaking out a little bit. He kissed her, and she kissed him back. The moment seemed so small but felt so big to him. She made him so nervous but in a good way. When she came around, he was mostly calm, but when she was gone, he couldn't stop overthinking and worrying about ruining it or scaring her away.
But as her cab pulled off, she couldn't stop smiling as she watched out the window. She was so happy that he finally kissed her. It ensured her that he really did like her. He like liked her. Her heart was fluttering, and her legs felt weak. At this point, she felt that she was head over heels for him, and she was almost sure he felt the same way. She kicked her legs as she kept thinking about the kiss; how soft he was, how gentle he was... It kept playing over and over in her head. Then she remembered something. She pulled out her cell phone and sent a text to her friend Lia:
It happened. We kissed.
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bakvrue · 2 months
Coming in hot with all my rue x leo selfship questions!!! What’s your shipname? How did you two meet? Also tell me more about your self-insert pretty please :3
Aaaaaaaa first of all thank you for being interested and asking!! Leo has literally swooped in and taken up almost every corner of my brain and I love him so much, he makes me crazy. Our ship name is ruepold!!! It's kinda silly and funky
I mention one spoiler part very breifly!!! Just a location and something they do there!!
My self insert, oh man, okay so I am a noble lady. Not super high up but upper middle status. I grew up in the capital with an older brother and my parents. My brother is gonna be our next head of house so I don't realllly have to worry about that. But ever since we were kids leo has always had a crush on me and we were in the same circles growing up so I had always known him a little bit.
And during a Christmas party when we were both 15 he got me an extra special present, and he intended on it being a present to woo my favor. Which it honestly didn't take much LOL cuz I had a huge crush on him too.
We're madly in love for a while until he goes to train at the heart kingdom, I haven't figured out why exactly we break up but there's a reason!! Probably stress, distance, heading in different directions. And then we get back together when we reunite (which has been my fall asleep scenario for like the past week. Just running into his arms after not seeing him forever and I just ughhhh).
I am also apart of the Golden Dawn!! Which makes it a lot more difficult for us to spend time together with training and the bases being in different areas. I'm on the same team with klaus and mimosa and yuno!! I have what I'm calling spark magic! Most of my spells have a similar look of a sparkler or sparkler machines, so it's very glittery and bright and hot!!
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hikennosabo · 9 months
#tristampparty day 7, episode 7: wolfwood
this is another episode i've watched multiple times, but mostly just the first half for Livio Reasons. once again... LET'S GOOOOO
i've seen ppl say this is razlo at the start of the episode... i wonder... he is more razlo-like in his movements, and he starts yelling a lot... but his expressions are still livio-like, i think... i mean he is more expressive BUT he's not grinning like razlo usually does? sigh... see the problem is that we ALSO have a level of EoM brainwashing (and whatever the fuck else is going on) on top of everything which throws a wrench in trying to figure things out. I Just Wanna See My Boy.
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i love vash holding his gun backwards and using it as a bludgeon and i love going frame by frame to get cool screencaps like this 💖
wolfwood vial count: 4
at the very least, by the time of this next scene, it's definitely livio and not razlo because he's mumbling about "catching up" again which is a livio thing
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when i saw the corresponding manga panel for this my brain neurons activated so hard LOL i wonder even more how orange will adapt razlo... since originally livio was trying to catch up with razlo. which i love and think is super interesting. so what is orange planning? ...is livio even aware razlo exists at this point...?
oh also livio looks a bit older here. which once again has me wondering about the timeline. the way the experiments were presented with rollo and nicholas, it looked like they were just on that table forever. as in there were no breaks in between. so... when is this? how long is it between livio volunteering himself for EoM and the experiments on him taking place?
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i think it's cute that nico bumps into him :(
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let's take ibuprofen together
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i wonder who these people are... i thought they might be the EoM soldiers that razlo killed, but those aren't EoM uniforms... it looks like the prison uniform wolfwood was wearing... wolfwood tried to run away, so it makes sense that he wouldn't be the only one, although the phrasing "stand in our way" more implies they tried to stop the operation altogether. but... hmm... they just had regular goons as guards at the time of wolfwood's escape attempt. livio is special... would they really give him a job like guard duty?
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razlo sweetiepie there you are!!! mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
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since zazie is the one talking, our attention is drawn to them, so i'm glad i paused on this because the fact that legato is also looking up at wolfwood and smirking is so funny to me. EYES ON THE ROAD BESTIE!!!!
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this line is always so funny to me. shonen protagonist ass
i love the scene of vash at the spaceship controls, the animation when he's working the keyboard is so smooth. hmmm, it also reminds me of wolfwood's introduction episode in 98... serves the same narrative purpose of Vash Knowing Things He Shouldn't about spaceships
i love that wolfwood thinks shooting the base of the cannon will do anything. like that's the first thing he tries. shoot first ask questions later i guess
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going frame by frame on scenes of legato because i'm unwell... his eyebrows are surprisingly thick! and his eye color is grey... it was gold in 98... oh, i just noticed his eyelashes are light blue!! cute!!
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i just think this is a handsome angle for him. his facial features are so pretty and delicate
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this is why he buckled his seatbelt :)
... i need to stop posting legato pictures
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no because what the hell is this
wolfwood vial count: 5
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episode 5 had me asking about the wind... legato asks zazie if they were the one who caused the sandstorm (which they deny)... could it be... is it possible...?
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my dumb ass watching this for the first time: damn it's so sad that livio is dead and now they're even gonna use his corpse for nefarious purposes :(
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vash's plant markings are so pretty fr <3 orange was big brained for this too
everyone always points out the episode title card being a gut punch but THIS was an unexpected one:
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this is how wolfwood is credited this episode and because i'm insane i immediately had to go back and check - this is also how he's credited in episodes 5 and 6: as "nicholas d. wolfwood/nicholas the punisher". in episode 4, he's only listed as "nicholas d. wolfwood". haha ouch!
this post ended up being a little less substantial than expected LOL but we'll soon be getting into the episodes that really give me psychic damage so :^) looking forward to it!!
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iwakuraz · 9 days
hello can i ask you about your ocs? your art of them is so cool, i’d love to know more about them
:0 YES!!!! THANK U SM thats so nice of you!!! going on a rant under the cut hehe. hope u do not mind that super bad at explaining so its all just me saying random stuff ajshdj. sorry about that
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the one with buns is called rue and shes an oc I've had since like 2020 ,, shes kinda rude and mean but shes also pretty gay w/ the other character next to her. I think I'm gonna call the other girl paige? but I haven't reallyyyy decided on a name yet! one thing about me is that I'm pretty bad at naming characters. I named her after this one old art website I used as a kid though, the website was called 'paigeeworld'. dunno how many people remember paigeeworld but I do. and paige is def the kinda person to go on art websites like paigeeworld and deviantart. so thats why I'm thinking of using that name. also I named rue after the flower rue
I have a story for them vaguely planned out in my head but I need to flesh it out more. I have the ending planned out but uh. the other parts of the story? yeah. I only have those vaguely decided. they're pretty fucked up tho and .yeah . they make eachother worse probably.
rues birthday is 18th august, paiges birthday is 6th of june. these dates do mean something! paiges birthday is the same day that paigeeworld originally announced their closure (I think?) but rues birthday is something a bit more personal 2 me. their story isn't really connected with any of my other ocs, they're sorta just chilling. I started making a fun silly comic thing with them a bit ago but have barely gotten anything done with that cause school. :[
in my head, paige sorta reminds me of the stummy book song 'we all fall down'. thats why I gave her a cup. bc haha get it...... we're all just drinking out of cups waiting for the day when we can't get enough,,, I think her character item is gonna be a cup. always has a cup of like milkshake or something. yum I love milkshake. a song that I associate with rue is 'please tell me mr wonder' by siinamota. and rues character items is her plush of a bear and a bunny! her plushies are alive btw and talk to her sometimes. but I should probably draw her with her plushies more because right now I only have a slightly old animation of her with them. blehhh
there is another oc who is relevant to these two, her name is rini. but I haven't done a proper drawing of her in a while,, I have a drawing of her from 2022 and I am not showing that. rini is in the same class as paige and rue tho. shes the class representative
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next here is dot. shes the mascot of my neocities site but I like her quite a lot :] shes a pretty big nerd I think. nerd bunny. her main source of literature consumption is reading old instruction manuals on how to use windows 98.
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OKAY NOW TALKIGN ABOUT VIN MY FRIEND VIN!!!! definitely the oc I've posted about the most. full name is vincent but you can call him vin for short, or vinny for medium. I named him after the car seat headrest song vincent. his favourite food is salt packets (the type you get in restaurants) and his favourite beverage is vinegar. VINegar. I like him a Lot and hes basicallyyy my fursona :3 hes a lonely sad teenage cat and I love him so much!!! he doesn't talk a lot, but I think he communicates through likee his tamagotchi or something. again this is another character I have a story planned out for vaguely but I should flesh him out a lot more. I think right now I'm more just using him to represent myself. just know he is very very special to me -w-
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AND. do u see the cat on the left. I think I will name them pepper. they're meant to contrast with vin, I think they're rlly energetic and fun and yeah!!!! :3c <- basically they are that emoticon! been trying to think of a name for pepper forever. I'm thinking maybe the name pepper will work. like yeah sure. I don't think they'd enjoy spicy food so they wouldn't like peppers. thats why I think pepper is the perfect name for them. peppers favourite food is probably dip dab? or whatever those things are called? yknow those weird lollipops you can get that come in a packet full of these weird powder thing and you're meant to dip the lolly into the powder? thats what pepper would eat
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this is (tama)rini!!!! tamarini. basically the bunny version of the rini oc I mentioned earlier and then said nothing about! they collect tamagotchis and are very very very normal about tamagotchi. she looks sorta similar to dot, but thats not intentional. I just like the colour purple and I also like bunnies.
there are SOME others but these are my favourite ocs right now. holds them in my hands and shakes them.
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noodle-anime · 10 months
just! finished saiyuki og series!!! discovered the first resurrected edition volume recently and it has been. well. it's been a journey lol
oooooooooh boy there sure was some Anatomy and Proportions happening in the first volume but it was super fun to see the art style progress actually. it encouraged me to notice more complex poses and things in the later volumes, and when there was an occasional repeat panel like Sanzo and Goku's first look it was very cool to see the difference in quality.
i have a coupla favorite panels/spreads and generally tried to pay a little more attention to how things are precisely laid out and it was a fun aspect of reading. i want to do some actual breakdowns now, maybe compare early and later layouts.
also! i discovered and watched zeroin! my first intro to saiyuki was discovering reload blast forever ago. the art style in zeroin and the fact that there's a whole set of characters i'd never heard of before made it feel like an au or semi-canonical anime movie, sorta, but i enjoyed it So much and there are some specific notes on sanzo characterization that i want to dig into
sanzo is my fave and the kami-sama arc was So Very Good in that respect but it also grew my love for gojyo three sizes.
the way that they all react when gojyo leaves cracks me up so much. they're So Offended. something so funny and also so tasty that they will not under any circumstances admit out loud that they care about gojyo and miss him so instead they're like we are going to Hurt Him (because he hurt us) for Disrupting Our Daily Routine (he's a fundamental part of our lives) and FORCING us to turn this car around (he left with the full knowledge and expectation that they would follow through with actually continuing to pursue this Very Important job like they always said they would)
mmmmm gojyo's savior complex mmmm it's good.
got blasted by the idea of gojyo and hakkai starting an orphanage when they're done with the mission. hakkai was a teacher and still models himself as a "childcare professional"/co-parent to goku and gojyo wants to save somebody So Badly. also good luck resocializing goku to not be killing people/fighting for his life every other day for Two Entire Formative Teenage Years, helping kids and not having it backfire spectacularly in his face would be good for him
i just read the fourth volume so that's most of what i've got on my mind, i know i have More thoughts from the other volumes
besides the fact that sanzo's joints are gonna/have gotta be So Fucked Up. he really is a grandpa. poor guy.
feels good to nail some characterization aspects like genjyo "i'm a coldhearted bastard and you'd better stay out of my way" (developed coping mechanisms to deal with the traumatic loss of a parent and people repeatedly Attacking Him at an early age) sanzo, cho "yes i'm the wife/mother, please excuse these skeletons, the cleaver is only for special occasions" hakkai, sha "i'm the only one here who understands how to be a normal person" (he does not but he does have the highest emotional intelligence) gojyo, and son "i'm a teenager" (he's a teenager, also growing up with the aforementioned trio as parental/familial figures and starting to come into his own!!) goku
not a single one of these men has had a normal relationship or even prolonged interaction with a woman
i had no idea there was a whole brainwashing segment with kougaiji?? and i really want to see more of lirin, there are fun parallels there to explore that i really wanna dig into
i had no idea to what level sanzo was a bastard gremlin with a gun who just Happens to also be the highest of high priests before and now that i do it delights me. the very hypocrisy of his acceptance in his position disgusts him because He Is Not Priest Material but also it's what his dad wanted for him so fuck everybody who tries to take that from him. in any other situation he'd be the shady penniless vagabond gun for hire but koumyou happened. and now we all get to enjoy it.
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iheartgod175 · 10 months
Fanfic Sneak Peek Theater ACT 2: For the Lovers
Super, SUPER sorry it took me forever to get back to the Fanfic Sneak Peek Theaters. Life happened, lol XD But I’m back ^^
Part two of my Fanfic Sneak Peek Theater is, as it’s titled, for the shippers. Including myself XD All of me OG OTPs get a fic to themselves, and I’m super excited to write them ^^
First up is a fic that’s had an insane grip on my brain: Love Language, which is the sequel to my first Multo/Zeeter fic, Heavenly. This story is a collection of vignettes (some long, some short) of how their relationship progresses, and there’s sweetness, bitterness…and even some spiciness. 😏 This story was going to be a three part fic, but things happened, and well…now y’all are going to get five parts. The good thing is, part one is almost done (I’d like to say I have about 70% of it finished). I just need someone to smack me in the head before I keep adding more stuff. XD
Here’s a sneak peek of the cuteness ^^ (taken from chapter 1’s vignette: Awed):
"Wow, you two look gorgeous!" Wizzy was the first to offer her praises, her eyes gleaming with stars.

"Yeah! You look like movie stars!" Wigg said.

Bonnie giggled. "Thanks, you two." She walked up to Bula, noting how his face was slightly red. "And I hope I'll be able to wow them on the red carpet tonight...with my equally handsome plus one."

Bula swallowed hard. "R-Right." He cleared his throat. "Well, we won't be the only good-looking ones tonight, right Multo?" His smile faded slightly when he saw Multo's face. "Um, Multo?"

If Multo heard him, he gave no indication. He stared at Zeeter, mouth open and eyes wide to where she could see the whites, a small blush on his face. Two words escaped his mouth, said in a hushed tone filled with utter surprise and wonder. "My stars..."

Zeeter's heart raced as he slowly approached her. It was the first time in a long time that she'd ever worn proper formal wear...and this was the first time he'd ever seen her wearing it, which she was acutely aware of. And rather than renting this, she'd outright bought it.

Why, she had no idea.

She met his eyes, her own face flushing under his stare.

She had expected him to compliment her in his unique fashion.

What she did not expect was for him to take her left hand in his right, lift it to his lips, and plant a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

Zeeter squeaked.

Everyone else gasped, with Wizzy and Bonnie taking a keen interest in this, practically pushing Bula aside.

Heat equal to the sun flooded her face as he gently looked up at her. She hadn't been prepared for the lightning bolt that hit her when he did that. Nor was she prepared for the look of utter wonder and adoration that graced his face.

"My dear," he breathed, "you look absolutely radiant tonight."

It wasn't enough that he'd kissed her knuckles and made her brain short-circuit. He just had to call her that, too.

She was sure she resembled a cooked lobster by now.
Next up on the list is a small Whyatt/Red ficlet that I’ve been working on. I’ve titled it “Sweet Victory”. And I totally wasn’t thinking of that song, lol XD
Also, flustered Whyatt is always a treat XD
"Whyatt, that's enough chocolate for four people!" She started.

"I know, but I'm gonna share it!" he said. "Please, Mom? I've gotta have it!"

"You do, huh?" Ever the cautious skeptic, Mrs. Beanstalk gave her son a pointed look. "And just what are you buying this chocolate for?"

At that question, Whyatt looked away shyly. "Um...it's for someone special."

That gave Pig pause. Poppa Pig looked at him with one eyebrow raised, an odd look in his eye.

Compared to her earlier demeanor, Mrs. Beanstalk looked absolutely surprised.

"Someone special?" A glint of joy appeared in his mom's eye, and her lips quirked into a smile. "Is it a girl?"

Whyatt looked up so fast, Pig thought his head would fly loose from his neck. "Wha-NO! No way!" he said, shaking his head emphatically, but then paused. "Well, it is for a girl, but she's just a friend, Mom!"


"No, really! It's nothing like that," he said quickly. "I-I just wanted to get her something really nice for her birthday, and I figured she'd like it..."

"It seems you've got a bit of a crush, Why."

"Wha-no I don't!" Whyatt argued, although his face was certainly arguing otherwise. It was turning as red as the candy he was holding.
My last one is a cute little piece that I’ve been working on since earlier this week, for Walden/Widget. @mooshieblue got me back into the pair ^^ The title of this fic is so light-novel esque it deserves an anime adaptation: The Science of Love (Side Note: It Doesn’t Make Much Sense)
"So, ya got anybody in mind?"

"Hmm..." He scratched his chin in thought. The idea of romance was, and still is, a bit of a mystery to him. In fact, while he could deduct it for others, imagining himself having a crush or some other romantic feelings for someone was unthinkable. He wasn't even sure if he could answer her question.

In fact, he was just about to tell her that...when his mind came up with an answer.


His eyes widened.

I like you a lot more than a friend.

His chest suddenly felt tight at the revelation. Where in world had come from?

I've thought about you so much it's driving me crazy.

"My, my, my..." was all he could say as the revelation came clear to him.

"Helloooo? Earth ta Walden, do ya copy?" The smell of machine oil flitted through his nostrils, courtesy of her waving her hand in front of his face. He blinked, snapping out of his reverie. He looked up to see her green eyes narrowed quizzically at him. "Ya spaced out on me for a second there."

"O-Oh. Sorry about that, Widget. I-I, uh...I guess I put a little too much thought into that question."

"As always." She leaned back against the wall with a small smirk. "But ya think you got an answer?"

His mind betrayed him, and the realization made his face heat up to an absurd degree. Like, "center of the sun" degree.

"...I-I'd rather not say..."
If I have any more fluffy romantic stuff, I’ll post them accordingly ^^
But I want to know your thoughts! Which fics are you interested in seeing?
And if anyone leaves any hate, I’ll just use the flames to whip up some more stories for ‘em ^^
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corn-fanfiction · 11 months
18+ ONLY
CW: canon-typical violence, language, smut (p + v sex), dub-con, mentions of r*pe. If I missed any, let me know.
"Easy, easy. No, no, tighten that one first."
"I'd do a lot better without you hovering over my shoulder."
"Someone's gotta make sure you don't blow up the warehouse."
You stick your tongue between your teeth as you do when you're concentrating. Mark's eyes flick to it. He never slows down. Never stops.
Whatever bolt you're supposed to be tightening you manage to get it done. Mark exhales and straightens behind you. You feel a kiss on the back of your head.
"Good girl. Proud of you."
You giggle but he can't see your face drop and the way you suppress a shudder. He thinks you're brainwashed. He thinks you've fallen. He doesn't know you despise his touch even still, months later.
Laying it on thick, you turn your body that's trapped between his and the table.
"Did you sigh? You're not supposed to sigh. You're the one showing me what to do."
Mark leans in and you lean back. It looks like you're teasing him. He doesn't know you're doing everything in your power to create distance.
"Well, I'm not the perfect teacher."
He's fishing. You'll bite.
"Well maybe I'm a bad student."
Oh he likes that. He seizes your lips in a kiss and you inhale to distract yourself. He takes this as enthusiasm. A hand travels up your shirt to grab a breast but you gently push it away.
"What if Amanda comes in?" You smile against lips.
"Let her watch, she's just jealous anyway."
"No, Mark..." You squirm, but don't want to put up too much of a fight. However, thankfully, he pulls back.
"Ah, you're right. I'm a selfish man after all."
No kidding.
He places one final kiss on your cheek and finally frees your body.
"I'm gonna wash this grease off my hands," you say and head to the bathroom. He doesn't respond, which is a good thing. Mark doesn't keep a super tight leash on you, at least not in the warehouse.
In the bathroom you scrub your hands raw under hot water. You imagine you're also scrubbing off his touch, his smell, even his taste.
"Scrub all you want, Princess. No washing that away."
You look into the mirror and spot Amanda behind you, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. You turn off the sink and dry your hands.
"What do you want, Amanda?"
"Oh, that's not very welcoming. How do you greet Mark?"
She steps up behind you and brushes hair away from your neck. You do your best to act unbothered.
"Wouldn't you love to know."
"Actually, I would."
She allows you to duck away from her touch and leave the bathroom. Anywhere you can go to be away from Mark and Amanda is top of your list.
Amanda follows you out of the bathroom and into the expansive center space. It's decently organized for what it is: some long abandoned warehouse fitted to all the Jigsaw's personal and business needs.
Mark catches you by the waist before you can get too far and an immediate spike of panic shoots through you. But a wet kiss on your cheek lets you know that he's only trying to be affectionate. In his sick way.
"Get a room," Amanda groans, going to work on her own project.
"Not such a bad idea," Mark nuzzles into your neck. How much longer, you wonder. How much more do you have to endure to secure your freedom?
As much as it takes, you know. You'll only have one shot and you have to make absolutely certain you don't throw it away.
So you let him lead you to a specially locked room- your room. Or at least, it had been for a while. He knew he couldn't keep you there forever, and you had a sneaking suspicion that John Kramer wouldn't let him. Not that you've ever met the man. It's almost like a rite of passage you've yet to earn.
Mark had always kept the room nice for you which you could appreciate. It wasn't a dirty stained mattress on the floor with handcuffs hanging from the walls. It was as nice as a makeshift bedroom in an abandoned warehouse could be.
After the initial shock of having kidnapped a coworker wore off, Mark started keeping you at his apartment, then occasionally bringing you to "work" with him.
The deal had been, in his words, 'simple'.
"You're gonna quit your job at the precinct-"
"Yes. You're gonna drop school. You're going to tell everyone in your life that you found a better situation. No forwarding address."
"And you don't think anyone would look for me when they realize I'm gone?"
He gave you a villainous grin. "Like who?"
And now, he's got you on top of him. Once he realized he could basically force you to ride him (like he could force you to do anything) it had become his favorite pastime. Him with a bruising grip on your hips, you will nails carving crescents into the headboard. You've found ways to make this as enjoyable as possible for yourself, of course. Disassociating, pretending he's someone else. It started as anyone random but soon your fantasies had zeroed in on one specific guy; some poor man you went on a single date with months ago. You'd wanted to keep seeing him. For obvious reasons, it didn't work out. It's easy to see him under you now instead of Mark.
And then, there are the times that you can't imagine anyone else. These aren't the times you're proud of.
Call it Stockholm Syndrome. You're doing what it takes to survive. You've got your eye on the prize. Your race to freedom.
Sometimes, it is enough to just have his thick, veiny cock inside of you. It makes lying to him easier, anyway.
"Fuck Sweetheart. You're so good for me, aren't you?"
You can't stand his dirty talk. But you're not going to tell him that.
"Yes," you moan.
"So good at taking my fucking cock."
He's close. You know by now when to tell. If you really play into the moans it'll get him there even faster. Faking your own orgasm helps, too. So does letting yourself have a real one.
He does want you to feel good, for his own fucked up reasons. He wants power. He wants you to hate yourself. Or at least that's how it started.
You still can't imagine why he's kept you alive this long. Surely the complacency has bored him. Surely there's nothing else he can want from you.
He cums and makes sure you do as well. You can let yourself enjoy it. Even as he cleans you up and insists on cuddling afterwards. You'd never ever pegged him as a cuddler. Well, maybe you could've, before you knew what he was capable of.
It goes on like this. Mark teaches you more and more about how to build Jigsaw traps, though you and Amanda both know he's not the best at it. He's too aggressive, sloppy. You're more careful.
"You're gonna help me build traps."
"What? Why me?"
"Because you're smart, and capable... sometimes. But we'll work on that. Or, if you prefer, you can end up in a trap. One of mine, too. And mine are rough. Maybe I'll even be assigned your case. Distraught with grief because 'oh, she was such a sweet girl. Such a diligent worker'. And oh, when we find your body... I might even cry. And no one can believe it because 'what could she possibly have done to end up in one of those?'"
"And if I don't? I'd rather kill myself the first chance I get."
"You won't. You're too stubborn. You hate me too much. You'll go on for forever trying to beat me."
Not that you'd ever tell anyone, but he was right about that. He was right about that.
"Fuck, fuck!"
You zap yourself as you try wiring a head trap for the fifth time in a row. Giving up you toss the wires onto the table and sit back.
"You're rushing," Amanda says over her shoulder. Mark is out.
"I don't know why he wants me to do the electrics. I'm not good at it."
"That's why. He wants you to learn."
You huff. "I don't get it. Why hasn't he just killed me yet?"
Amanda snorts. "Don't let John hear you say that."
You know that Jigsaw has the place bugged with mics and cameras.
"I'm not saying I want to die, I'm saying I don't understand it. And why would John give a shit about me asking questions when Mark is a rapist?"
"Ooh, nasty word."
"Accurate one."
"I'm not arguing." Amanda turns to face you. "To tell you the truth? I don't know why either. I've wondered a lot, myself. But, it's John. If he's doing something it means he has his reasons."
You slam your hand on the table.
"That's not good enough!"
Amanda looks at you, shocked at your bravado. Then, a smile creeps onto her lips.
She's impressed.
"Look, you have pull with John. You could talk to him!"
"Why would I do anything to help you? Letting you live was a mercy. You should be thankful. Anything more and you would've ratted us out in a heartbeat. You still would."
An idea strikes you.
"You hate Mark."
Amanda crosses her arms.
"It's no secret."
"Wouldn't you wanna see him squirm? Pissed beyond reason? Being beat by the two of us would wreck him. If I can get satisfaction out of that I know you can too."
Amanda looks you over.
"Shit. You might be as clever as Mark thinks you are. Alright, suppose I agree. What do you suggest, short of me just letting you walk out of here?"
"That's not enough?"
Amanda clicks her tongue.
"Aww, you think I'm not gonna make you work for it even a little bit?"
You close your eyes. Sigh. Shudder.
"What do you suggest?"
Amanda wanders around, finger to her chin for effect. But then you see a gleam in her eyes that you know is real.
"How about...you go into one of my traps?"
The words send you dizzy.
"Come on. If you're half as smart as I think you are, you may just stand a chance."
You know the kind of traps Amanda does- the kind that are impossible to escape. She and Mark share a brutality; hers is just better crafted.
"If you get out, then I'll help you escape. If you die, I get to watch Mark suffer anyway. At least this way I get something in return."
"Will it even be possible to get out of?"
"Come on. If I made it impossible it would ruin the game."
You chew the inside of your cheek. If this is your only option, it may as well be the best one.
"So how do we dress this up? Make it look like anything other than you just trying to kill me?"
"Practice. What better way to learn traps than to be in one?"
You comb over the possibilities in your brain. What could she possibly use against you to create some twisted form of poetic "justice" in her game?
"It'll be survivable?"
She crosses her heart. "Scout's honor."
You exhale a shaky breath. "Okay. Fine. Let's do it."
It was a hard sell to Mark, but once you backed Amanda's reasoning, he hesitantly agreed to it, even though you and Amanda working together prompted some suspicion. One kiss and fuck session and he forgot about that real quick.
Amanda was going to drug you beforehand to give you an "authentic" experience. Beforehand, Mark gives you a quick, almost gentle kiss.
"You've got this, okay? If it gets to be too much, I'll pull you out."
You search his eyes and you're surprised to see them filled with concern. Holy shit. He means it.
Amanda jabs you with a needle a little harder than necessary and soon, you're asleep.
When you wake up, you're in a room unfamiliar to you, secured to a chair with mechanized wrist cuffs, the outsides of which are patterned with rusty spikes. You wonder if she took you from the warehouse to a different location. The walls are tall, and when you look up you see a window on some sort of office- likely a factory floor or something. Behind the grimy glass you can make out Amanda, Mark, and another silhouette. White wispy hair, calm demeanor, eyes like a hawk-
Holy shit, you think.
Holy shit.
It's John Kramer.
Suddenly you get a feeling almost like stage fright. Like, if you weren't afraid of dying in this trap or never being able to escape Mark, then you'd be afraid of disappointing Jigsaw.
Okay, so maybe there was a little bit of Stockholm Syndrome.
"Hello. I would like to play a game."
The familiar, altered voice plays out over a speaker.
"You've ended up in our...strange little family due to your inability to know your place. To know when to stop looking. Perhaps now, you'll learn a lesson."
As if you haven't already.
"You will notice that the cuffs attached to your wrists are mechanized. The spikes on the outside are rigged to a timer. If you do not complete your task in time, the spikes will be forced inward, puncturing your veins. Apart from being excruciatingly painful, it will also cause you to bleed to death.
"To your left you will see a table with a tray holding a syringe. This is a chemical that will heighten your pain receptors. Inject it into your bloodstream when the timer starts.
"Once you have completed that task, you will search the desk behind you for a key. Get the key, secure your freedom. Allow the timer to run out, and face your demise. Live or die. Make your choice."
The directions swim in your head but all you can think is the word death. Something releases the cuffs from the chair and you launch yourself forward and face the window.
"Amanda! You said it was survivable!"
Amanda leans over to a microphone with a grin. "It is. You just have to survive it."
You don't bother looking at Mark to gauge his reaction because the timer is ticking down from three minutes.
Whatever pain you will suffer here is nothing compared to what you have, and could possibly feel.
You run to the tray and uncap the syringe with unsteady hands. You inject it into your arm and wince as you inject the heavy fluid. Almost immediately, the sensation of the needle in you arm is unbearably present and you jerk it out and throw it to the ground.
Okay, first part done.
You rush to the desk. You go to yank open the first drawer but an electric jolt is sent through your body and you fall, twitching against the ground.
Damn bitch electrified the handles.
You sit up again and look at the timer.
You fumble and remove your belt and bite onto it. You yank open the same drawer, screaming through the pain only to find it empty. There's three more.
You open the second. Empty. Tears are streaming down your face.
You open the third. Inside, thin shards of glass. Sharp as knife-point. Beneath them you can see a key.
You barely spare a thought for the pain and plunge your hand inside.
The screams escape you anyway and the belt falls from your mouth.
If you were in the room above, you would hear the ensuing argument.
"Amanda, that's enough. She's gonna bleed to death," Mark says and makes his way to the release button.
"Don't you even think about it, Hoffman. She knows what she signed up for."
"You can't kill her!"
John Kramer watches you. You tug on the drawer to remove it from the desk, presumably to dump it to the ground. Smart, he thinks, but it's secure in its place. You curse and continue digging your hand inside.
Mark tires to shoulder past Amanda but she pulls a gun on him.
Meanwhile, you're losing the skin on your hand. But, right as you think you'd rather just die and get it over with, your fingers wrap around the key and you yank your hand out, passing the key to your unmarred hand.
There's a door behind the desk.
You struggle to fit the key in the lock through your tears and your entire body shaking.
You slot the key in and turn it. An alarm blares. The clock stops. You cry out in relief and throw the door open.
But your relief is cut short when you see two bodies kneeling in the adjoining room. You don't recognize either of them.
You turn back to the window.
"Amanda? What the fuck is this?"
But Amanda just smiles as another recording begins to play.
"Before you are two corrupt businessmen. Never mind their crimes. You absence at the precinct has caused certain things to slip through the cracks, including any justice for the individuals in the room with you. You have a choice. Pick up the knife on the floor next to you. Kill one of them. You have one minute. If you do not, the wrist bands will deploy. One sacrifice for two lives. Make your choice."
You can't think straight and the timer has already started. Both of the men are shouting at you, begging, pleading, telling you about their families and their hardships. You're going numb.
"Amanda, you can't make me do this!"
"You're right. It's your choice."
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" You yell. You pick up the knife.
To you, it doesn't matter who you kill. You look between them. One looks to be a bit older than the other. Wedding ring.
You look at the younger man.
"I am so sorry."
Whatever it takes.
The man hardly has time to respond before you plunge the knife into the left side of his neck, aiming for the carotid artery to give him as quick a death as possible.
You hear the timer buzz. The shackles undo and fall from your wrist. You drop the knife. The man's blood has sprayed onto you. You ignore the other man's relentless thanks and wander back into the main room.
The sound of a door opening and closing doesn't register to you. Hands come to your shoulders, then your face.
"Hey, hey, look at me. You're okay." A kiss on your forehead. "I'm so proud of you. You're safe now."
No, not now.
But soon.
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knifvd · 9 months
quick , obligatory new year's eve post . thank you to everyone for always being so kind , accomodating , and amazing to me and welcoming me back from my third blog once again :pleading: . you guys make me so happy to write and i can't wait to continue to do so into the new year . i'm gonna b a little gay after this , but i want to give a special thanks 2 these people .
@killerhubby ori , my love . thank u for being one of the main reasons i continue to write and come back to tumblr . i've only known u for a couple months but it feels like years , and now we're married and i pocket sage you ? we're clearly 4lyfers and i ripped up the return reciept . you're mine ( and im urs ) forever n ever . icb i used to be afraid of u , but i'm so so blessed 2 have u in my life . here's to u moving in w me so i can finally pee on ur desk ( real ) i can't wait to continue to write and hang out with u more . thank u for helping me feel safe and loved nd welcome . love u lotsa .
@stamour god we need to get off this godforsaken app LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but somehow we always come back to each other . thank you for turning away whenever i bring aiko back from the dead for the 30th time and always always indulging with me and making fun of the rpc w me . i'm so glad to have made a friend like you and making this site bearable . okay lets go just send each other inboxes and never do threads threads are overrated <3
@solivcgant mochi . i love you . you've seen me through it all and i am so BLESSED to have met u and for you to always put up with my shit . i love writing and talking with you and you always follow me even though ive been through a billion blogs . you're always a pleasure to write with and talk to and i appreciate you not giving up on me when i take forever and a day to respond . xoxo ily
@daemonry god they've been friends for too long but hi we still need to sprint it on some LEAGUE together ( real ) but you're always super fun to talk to and write with , so thank you for putting up with me and all my stupid muses .
@valhiir em... my love ... my one connection to the league community ... you're an AMAZING writer i know i still owe you that soraka reply but ill give it to you soon . thank you for always checking up on me and messaging me even though you don't have to and ive been awol for thirteen years :sob: i cant wait to write more with you in this upcoming year and force u to adc for me ( mwahahahha ) ...
@galaxythixf NOVAAA aa i absolutely adore writing with you and talking with you ooc , thank you for letting me scream in your ear about any little thing whether it be something abt life , val , our muses , anything . heres to playing val and all the angst in the future for us !
and ofc , shouts out to @ferinehuntress , @florspinae , @puckish-rogue , @tealsteel , @dimensionalspades , @un1awful , @todestochter & @pinkminxed for putting up with me spamming u with silly questions , chatting with me ooc when i'm a scared little weenie and writing with me . here's to writing more in the future <3
and of course , last but not least , you , the person reading this . thank you for being here and supporting me while i attempt to be active and explore my muses . i cant wait to get to know all of you and write with you more . and with that being said .
pees on 2024's desk . thank you for coming to my ted talk .
♥ love , bunny
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halfmoth-halfman · 2 years
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it's a new year, so i wanna try something new (a month late lol) where i make a little post for all of the fics i enjoyed each month!
this is gonna specifically be for fics that were also written that month, but if you wanna see more of my fic recs and favs, i have em all organized on my recs blog, here!
if you have any fic recs of your own, feel free to send em my way here or on my sideblog- i love finding new fics and writers!
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Alex Keller
sun and stars - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ sunshine!alex is something i never knew i needed until i read this fic. and sunshine!alex with grumpy!gf is such a perfect combination! this entire fic is so beautifully written, so cute and so tender. this is definitely going to be a new comfort fic for me!
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Joel Miller
yours and mine - @uselsshuman
✧ i'm already weak for soft!joel, but this just knocked it out of the park for me. the interactions between sarah and reader, and reader's determination to prove stepmothers can be good too is just uugghh. i always come back to this fic whenever the show gets too sad, it's the perfect pick-me-up.
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John Price
to the flame || pt. 7 | pt. 8 - @lunarvicar
✧ a series i found forever ago, then lost track of! i had no idea there were more chapters, but when i tell you i was over the moon to find out there was more. this series has everything: angst, fluff, just enough smut, an oc named moth, and an amazing characterization of price!
kiss time! - @newcomernewcums
✧ price covered lipstick marks??? sign me tf up. two separate scenarios and both are absolutely perfect. and the added detail of price letting reader reapply their lipstick so they can cover him in even more marks?? i'm feral.
small, dark, and kind of shady - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ there really are no words for how perfect i think this fic is. undercover missions are already a weakness of mine and coupled with one of the best characterizations of price i've seen, i'm completely smitten.
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John "Soap" Mactavish
his wistful yearning - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes and this is one of the best portrayals i've read. the teasing, the flirting, soap being so completely obvious and in love, and the reaction from the rest of the 141 is all written absolutely beautifully.
soap and squid || adjusting. | hands and stars | softest kisses - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ nothing but pure softness, i am melting. soap and squid are one of my favorite fic couples to read, and these valentine's fic have only just cemented my love for them.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
speak now - @sprout-fics
✧ i'm already feral over this because it's a gaz fic, but oh. my. god. this fic absolutely killed me, it hurt so so good and the ending just killed me. wonderfully written and only got more and more perfect with every reread.
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Multi Characters
mask on, mask off - @m4ctavish
✧ very cute, and honestly got me kinda obsessed with the idea of a masked reader?? love the way both characters and both scenarios are handled, and the idea of ghost trading masks???? 👀
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Original Works
unnamed - @uselsshuman
✧ we stan original works and stories on this blog. we got fantasy, assassins, shadow people, and i'm already excited to see where this goes!!
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
earl gray tea | come stay awhile | stay here with me - @a-sibyl
✧ a mini-series that has found a special place in heart, i can't count the amount of times i've reread this. such a wholesome set of fic showing a softer side to ghost outside the 141.
ghost panics when he realizes he likes you just a little too much - @euovennia
✧ such a good look at how ghost would process catching feelings for someone, especially a friend. the internal struggle, the constant worry, the sharknado series, this fic has it all!
ghost and helen || just the softest touch | fluffy headcanons re: his super king bed | pt. 2 - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ i have no words for the entire ghost x helen!reader series, it's literal perfection. probably one of the best portrayals of ghost i've ever seen and every fic is so beautifully written and has me thinking about them for days i've read them. idk how jo manages to knock it out of the park every single time, but i am in awe of her talent.
sometimes, i dream - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ another ghost and helen fic (and one of my favorites), but it gets it own section for this line alone: “Would you still love me if I was a rock, Simon?”
happiness series || imagine it | twice a question, once an answer | will never be enough | almost | bigger than the whole sky - @lethalchiralium
✧ this series is so cute and fun. i am such a sucker for family man simon riley and this scratches that itch in all right ways. even the sad chapters. and seeing the 141 loving and supporting the riley family just makes my heart swell.
the captain - @as-is-above-so-below
✧ my crops are watered, my livestock fed, my bills paid. ghost has a badass sniper wife and she's pregananante and i love it. ghost going feral on price and then shamelessly flirting with his wife had me rolling, but i love the interactions here between ghost and the team!
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