#it's just frustrating
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blanceyblance · 2 months ago
Lance is such an interesting character to me in part because of how the narrative wants to portray him to the point it becomes contradictory.
His "arc" is supposed to be "cocky and immature teenager grows from his need for glory into a reliable team member"
And he does! He becomes Keith's right hand man, taking charge in battle, covering the team's backs and becoming an emotional support for other members when the time was needed.
But he is also a Comedic Relief™
Other characters have comedic relief moments too, like Hunk's love for food, Pidge's excitement about tech, Keith being socially awkward, etc.
And as aggravating as Hunk's fat jokes can be they don't contradict the fact that he is a brilliant engineer and became a brave paladin. Keith's social awkwardness doesn't contradict the fact that he became a capable leader.
But then you have Pidge and Hunk, making fun of Lance being "naturally dumb", and then a space deity calling him "the dumb one"one moment then following Lance's orders in battle and having him give emotional speeches to others the other.
The writers want us to take him seriously and see he is growing only to make fun of him when its needed for a laugh.
I feel the episode The Grudge is a good example of this:
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Lance finds a way to find where they left their Lions.
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Hunk and Allura seem impressed but Pidge dismisses it.
That would be the end of it until later when Veronica is talking with "Keith" (actually a hacker pretending to be him) and the says "Lance has it figured out", Veronica then in a sarcastic way says "Lance, the navigation genius".
Keith agrees and that's what clues them about something being wrong.
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Is it a joke about Keith being openly nice to Lance? A joke about Lance's navigation skills?
Either way, the joke is at his expense, even when early in the episode we see him actually suggesting a way to correctly navigate.
In the end what I'm trying to say is, that the writers want to have their cake and eat it too. Showing Lance growing and being capable but also making fun of him and not really having that much respect for his character.
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quaranmine · 2 years ago
i'm aware much of mcyt is a fairly interconnected small community but what gets me on this is that it just doesn't...really happen or make sense if you replace it with another community. i mean, not that i should expect the internet mob to understand nuance. but what if everyone suddenly decided that anyone who makes videos on the Sims was racist. or like idk if a commentary youtuber turns out to suck people don't assume that everyone who watches a different commentary youtuber also sucks 😭
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veinsfullofstars · 6 months ago
This probably won't do much, but... if you guys ever see reblogs of my old GOmens art floating around out there, could you please not interact with them? I'm trying to move on from that fandom, and it triggers my anxiety something fierce whenever I see folks still liking or sharing them now. Obviously, I'd prefer if they weren't shared around at all anymore, and I've done all I can on my end to mitigate that (privating the original posts, turning off notifs, etc.), but... well, the site makes it so reblogs are virtually impossible to remove, so odds are slim on that front, y'know? Just, I dunno... ignore them when you see them? I think that's the best I can ask for at this point.
EDIT: I have learned you can set posts to be non-rebloggable, so I've done that for those ones. We'll see if it helps.
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anartificialsatellite · 9 months ago
Being an adult sucks ass, I just got paid this morning and it's already mostly gone.
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heretherebedork · 8 months ago
My upset at OMG Vampire for the 'we're boyfriends so it's not rape' line is seeping out into other places and now I'm just frustrated because there are so many shows doing so well out there and then we get these moments that just remind me of how far we have to go in understanding consent and acting on it in shows. And then I get reminded of another show making a no means no joke about boundaries because the entire plot of that show is about how bad having boundaries is and I get frustrated all over again. And then I find myself thinking about how Ohm got the police called on him for what he did to Taem and how no one even considered it for Ter and there's just this frustration that no matter how good the show is, there always a level of downplay in it when it's two men. Now, I don't think that Ter's actions and Dee's choices in that are equivalent to the others nor do I think that a show about boundaries being bad is as bad as 'having sex with you while sleeping is okay because I'm your BF' which is the worst of this nor do I need shows to teach moral lessons but it's just frustrating how the shows treat these things. If you're gonna do them, at least know what you're doing.
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normal-with-adhd-is-a-joke · 3 months ago
Realized as we were driving home from Thanksgiving last night that it's been a year since the car accident and I still shut my eyes and brace during merges or if the car slows down too quickly. I hate being predisposed to bad trauma responses
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c-130jsuperhercules · 5 months ago
goddddd my teacher for written communication is being frustrating but I think I'm frustrating her as well....but like. I mean come on professor you had all week to grade it and evidently you're able to grade the last assignment in like. ten minutes. so what's the deal. I don't feel like this one was my fault. plus she put in a discussion board assignment as a zero even though that one isn't due til the 11th....
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beware-the-jabberwock · 7 months ago
I'm already tired of the "leafs fans don't want Matthews as captain narrative". Like who are you interviewing? The same boomer men demographic? The twitter bros? They will never be happy no matter what...
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rainbowtiedx · 8 months ago
im gonna be mad for judy garland cause her estate sold usage of her voice in ai
like im against most use of ai including ai voices of real people
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supercoolsuperqueer · 11 months ago
anyone else on here able to write really eloquently and get your thoughts down in an orderly manner but speaking is unreasonably hard???
like I can write to get a point across but if I have to speak with no preparation? IT'S OVER FOR ME!!! I'm always stuttering and fucking up my words and saying things in the wrong order
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stormyweaver · 9 months ago
remembering the time I had C*vid for a week and my boss was like "Well technically we don't have those guidelines in place, you could have come in, we had a new hire and she didn't get trained bc you were out."
like. are you stupid? no i'm sorry you're just ignorant. stupid people can be taught.
not even gonna tell you what profession i was in at the time bc it'd just make it all worse.
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bloodfreakcastiel · 2 years ago
i hate when i go through a tag and just see posts of reposted gifs
they're all different styles and sizes like cmon y'all are not slick, just reblog the gifs you like or learn how to make them yourself
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originaltragedie · 1 year ago
Sitting in a bar in Nowhere, Wisconsin, and I overhear patrons talking about "Ryan Gosling and that girl who played Barbie." Please let me die somewhere more cultured than this.
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heretherebedork · 1 year ago
My deepest fear for Playboyy is that everyone is going to get a happy ending and I am going to regret watching this show because so many of them don't deserve the happy ending the show is writing them towards (or even the happiness the show has already given them) because fuck this if Boston ends up with the worst ending that Den has written I am going to be so pissed off you don't even understand.
How the fuck was Boston the best written promiscuous character when the other show is literally written about sex workers? Oh, wait, it's because the treatment of sex worker's sex is very, very different than chosen casual sex by the writers. Casual sex is fine if you're being paid for it and you need the money but if you're just doing it for enjoyment? Nope! Not allowed! Absolutely forbidden.
I went into this for messy gays with mixed endings so why the fuck is the couple that started with horrifying blackmail and where all the growth happened off-screen getting the sappiest, simplest ending of the whole bunch!? Why.
And why is the show suddenly deadset of villainizing Zouey and turning him into the worst person and having Teena staring at Captain? Why did First and Soong already just... forget about First's father who apparently doesn't matter any more? I appreciate that Keen got Captain kicked out but why make sure he also hurt Puen? Why did Zouey have to apologize for calling them monsters when First literally admitted to Soong he was being a monster and felt he had to make it up to Puen but Zouey still had to beg on his knees and not get forgiven?
sgjkgdf this show is like a punishment made specifically for me.
(Particularly how the show cannot seem to make the connection between kink and romance and, in fact, seems to have placed them in diametric opposition to each other and all the kink vanishes the instant romance enters the chat particularly for the subs in the relationships who are rarely there by choice and never seem to be able to say no without saying no to all of it and are often forced into places of being hurt by the Dom despite talk of safe words. The sub never chooses to be kinky, it is always forced on them by the Dom and they regularly express being 'tired' of being kinky or hating it and it is quickly removed from the relationship when they get serious.)
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robynshellhole · 2 years ago
Found out my classmates really do hate me for being LGBT. Like, okay Gregory, you're the one who decided to nickname me "Gay Guy" in second year, and you're also probably a nazi considering you genuinely call Hitler a socialist, but go off I guess.
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bunposting · 2 years ago
scout saying they never even mentioned rabbits is just a flat out lie, at you saying they deleted the post i checked. and yup, it's gone now and they now claim the rabbit people just came out of the woodworks to attack them. i think people are often too harsh on scout but in this case scout is just wrong in how they are acting.
Yep. It's incredibly frustrating. We deal with enough bs as it is; we really don't need a popular animal welfare blog making it worse. I understand this partly started because of some folks that were making responses to a post that didn't originally have anything to do with rabbits, but at the end of the day, Scout chose to bring rabbits into it themselves by making that post. Whether that was their intent or not isn't really important because it just is what it is. Each post they've made about it afterwards has just been throwing water onto a grease fire.
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