#it's gotta be RABU
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eveningspringbreeze · 8 months ago
A First Step, Towards Friendship
Season: Spring (ES!! second year)
Characters: Kohaku, Hiiro, Madara
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Hiiro and Kohaku: Nom nom….
Hiiro: Ah, I accidentally got some on the table. Could you get a wipe, Kohaku-san?
Kohaku: ‘Course, here ya go. Ya gotta open yer mouth big an’ wide so that ya don't spill crumbs. 
Hiiro: Thank you, I’ll take note of that! 
Kohaku: (...He looks ‘bout as normal a boy as they come when he’s eatin’ breakfast, huh)
(The Hiiro-han I saw durin’ Matrix astonished me so much that I can’t help but incessantly worry away just from bein’ near him) 
(He disciplines in a way that dredges up memories of my sisters… or particularly, the way he made us prepare for all kinds o’ things) 
(He dived headfirst into playin’ villain just so Crazy:B could secure the first win)
(There sure were lotsa things happenin’ in the Amagi village, but by far my biggest shocker would be…) 
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Hiiro: Umu. Today’s bread was baked wonderfully. It was so delicious. Maybe I should get seconds? 
Kohaku: (whispering) With that face, he follows every rule to an absolute. He forces everyone to follow them with him, an’ any opposition turns him into a terrifyin’ lad)
(Like say, were there to be a rule that determined that all breakfasts shall be bread, what would Hiiro-han do?) 
(Would he even go as far as to tell me, who’s currently eatin’ rice, to have bread instead?) 
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Phew. I got so caught up with these stupid ideas that simply eatin’ breakfast took far too long. 
???: I’m hooooome!!!! ☆ I’m so thirsty after running! 
Kohaku: Mm… no doubt, that’s Madara-han’s voice. G’mornin’. 
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Madara: Ohh, if it isn’t Kohaku-san! Goooood morniiiiing! ☆
Kohaku: Yer always so damn loud. 
Anyhow, there’s somethin’ I wanted to ask… 
Would ya rather have rice or bread for breakfast? 
Madara: …Hmm? That’s quite the unexpected question. 
Have you been wondering about what food I like? I’m so happy to hear that ♪
Kohaku: Ah, no, this ain’t the type o’ question that should be thrillin’ ya. Not like I’ll die without yer answer anyhow. 
Madara: Now now, don't be shy and say it with your chest! "I'm dyin' to make breakfast for Madara-han", right? ♪
Kohaku: Who’s sayin’ what? And the same goes to you. Rather than "accidentally" pullin’ it outta me, can'tcha just ask directly? Y'know, "Why is Kohaku-san asking me something like this, hmm?"
Anyhow, I’ll explain… I was eatin’ with Hiiro-han just now. 
So we were in the Matrix project, where this an’ that happened… Now, I’ve got this slightly odd relationship with Hiiro-han. 
Madara: Mmhm. I see, I get the situation now. 
Oh, to think that Kohaku-san would consult me for relationship advice ♪
Mama’s delighted! Moved beyond words! So happy, in fact, that I feel inclined to ruffle Kohaku-san’s head ☆
Kohaku: Uwaah!? Stop! 
Actually, what’s with this weirdass attitude? Are ya makin’ fun of me, ya jerk? 
Madara: Hahaha, who’s to say? 
Anyway. Personally, I’d say that becoming friends with Hiiro-san could alleviate much of your worries, Kohaku-san. 
Kohaku: Friends? 
Madara: Yep. For example… if Hiiro-san were to invite you to a meal, you wouldn’t turn him down, right? 
Kohaku: Well, I ‘spose so. We were eatin’ together earlier too. 
Madara: Then, let’s extend it from within the Starmony dorms to ES as a whole. What would you do if he asked you to go shopping with him? Turn him down? 
Kohaku: Maybe if I had other plans… ‘sides that, I don’t see a reason to not go. 
Madara: Yep. So basically, you two are already on pretty decent terms. 
But what would you consider Hiiro-san to be to you? 
Is he an acquaintance from a different unit? Or perhaps someone close to a good friend of yours? …Try taking a step back to reevaluate. 
Kohaku: That’s true. Who knows whether or not Rabu-han an’ I have the same thoughts on this person. 
Madara: I’m also assuming that, since whatever happened during Matrix, your thoughts on him have complicated since. 
You two may be on relatively good terms, but with your perspective, it seems you can’t quite put a good name to your relationship. 
And that’s exactly why if you were able to get to a point where you could start calling him a “friend”, you could reforge your relationship with him entirely. 
Kohaku: Woah… I’d never expected you to give such sound advice. 
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Madara: ….That’s odd. I’m supposed to be your older senpai with plenty of life experience under my belt, no?
Kohaku: My bad. I just didn’t expect the friendless Madara-han to be the one advisin’ me on makin’ friends. 
Madara: Hrm… what was that about me making fun of you earlier? 
Kohaku: Ahaha! ‘Course, I think I can do this with yer idea. Thank ya kindly ♪
Now, I’ll call Hiiro-han right away—
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Hiiro: This… is a store selling idol merchandise, yes? 
Did you want to come to this store with me, Kohaku-san? 
Kohaku: It must’ve been a doozy to be called an’ brought here so suddenly, sorry ‘bout that. 
I was just glad to have gotten in touch with ya… but the only spot I can think for bringin’ “friends” is this idol goods store. (2)
Hiiro: “Friends”? 
Kohaku: Mmhm. I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout wantin’ to be such with ya, Hiiro-han. 
I thought of talkin’ it out with fists too, since I reckon that a playfight could bring us closer. 
Hiiro: With fists? Playfight? 
Kohaku: Ah, I’m just talkin’ to myself. Don’t worry ‘bout that. 
…So far, I believe you and I’ve been toddlin’ along on just ���being on decent terms”. 
What do you think ‘bout callin’ each other “friends” from now on? 
We’ve even worked together as one unit before, so how ‘bout we continue workin' together? 
I’d never really tried to make friends before, so I may slip an’ say weird things from time to time. If that’s okay with you…. how about it? 
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Hiiro: ….Umu! I’d love to, Kohaku-san! 
Kohaku: Really? 
Hiiro: Of course ♪ You’re a close friend of Aira’s, so I assumed that the two of us were already friends. 
But now that I think about it, I never did walk up to you and go, “let’s be friends!”, did I? 
From now on, as newfound friends… I’ll be in your care, Kohaku-san ♪
Kohaku: Ahaha, shakin’ hands as proof of our friendship, huh. What a nice feelin’ ♪
I planned on the two of us just goin’ shopping as friends, but I’d like ta hear more ‘bout ya, Hiiro-han. 
Do you have any other friends, like Hinata-han? What hobbies do you have, and what do ya usually talk about? Can ya tell me?
Hiiro: Of course! Let’s shop and chat away! 
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Kohaku: Thanks, Hiiro-han. As friends, from now on… I’ll be in yer care ♪
Translation Notes
Callback to Aira's FS1 4* story, "Novices in Friendship", where Aira brings Kohaku to presumably the exact same merch store. 
Thank you for reading! This is not proofread at the moment, but this was such a cute story that I had to translate it!! ^^ 
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ikeoji-subs · 9 months ago
translation note: opening theme lyrics
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Towel here! I thought folks might be interested in hearing more about my process for making the more literal translation of the opening theme lyrics into something that would make sense and flow in English. 
Big thanks to @my-rose-tinted-glasses for these gifs! This explanation wouldn't be the same without a peek at the bonkers retro styling of these opening credits or a reminder of how weirdly dreamy Inukai Atsuhiro looks when gussied up like a 70s teen idol.
Before I describe my post-translation interpretation process, we thought some folks might like to have a romanized version of the opening theme lyrics in Japanese, as transcribed by Snow:
BL! BL! Zettai BL! x2
Furagu sa, koi no yokan wa furagu sa
Inochigake kaihi sa
Aragate B L
Koi shite mo runaway, far away*
Datte ore wa mobu
Kitto ore wa mobu
Iya sa (zettai)
Dame sa (BL)
Suki sa BL!
Boysu Rabu beraborena
Junjou nigete yokete
Zettai teppeki no mobu mobu
BL! BL! Zettai BL!
*This is how the Japanese captions portray the English part of this line, so Snow kept that wording. But it doesn't entirely match up with the way Tominaga Yuya sings it, which has one less syllable and to my ear, sounds more like "run away, go 'way."
I figured even non-Japanese-speakers like myself might find this useful. Maybe it's just because I've watched these episodes so many times for the fansub, but I get the opening theme in my head a lot and I've been (brokenly) singing it to myself while I'm doing things around my house. Now that I have the real romanized lyrics, I can be more accurate when I'm singing to myself while doing the dishes or what-have-you.
Now, down to business! I started my interpretation process with an initial, more literally translated version of the theme song, provided by Snow:
BL! BL! Absolute BL! BL! BL! Absolute BL! Flags, flags are a premonition of love Risking my life avoiding them Resist BL Even if I fall in love Run away far away Because I am a mob character  I am undoubtedly a mob character The dislike The not-good-ness The love Boy’s Love beraborena  Pure heart, run away, avoid it Absolutely impenetrable mob mob BL! BL! Absolute BL!
Here it is after a round of easier rewording changes were done:
BL! BL! Absolute BL! BL! BL! Absolute BL! Flags, flags are a premonition warning of love Risking I’ll risk my life avoiding to avoid them Resist BL Even if I fall in love I’ll run away far, far away Because I am I’m a mob side character  I am undoubtedly a mob side character The dislike The not-good-ness The love Boy’s Love beraborena Pure heart, run away, avoid it I’m absolutely impenetrable totally, completely mob mob a side character BL! BL! Absolute BL!
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Now for the trickier changes (the small numbers are footnotes and the notes that correspond to them are below): 
BL! BL! Absolute BL! BL! BL! Absolute BL! Flags, flags are a warning of love I’ll risk my life to avoid them Resist BL 1 Even if I fall in love I’ll run far, far away Because I’m a side character  I am undoubtedly a side character 2 The dislike 3 The not-good-ness 3 The love 3 Boy’s Love beraborena 4 Pure heart, run away, avoid it 5 I’m totally, completely a side character BL! BL! Absolute BL!
1. At this point in the song, It seemed best for the subject of the lyrics to be Mob, or “I.” That would make “resist BL” something more like “I resist BL” or “I will resist BL.” I wasn’t trying to make the English lyrics scan perfectly like real song lyrics that go together easily, but “I will resist BL” really, blatantly didn’t scan. But it’s just one mild rewording step from the latter to get to “I refuse to L a B.” 
2. “Undoubtedly” gets its point across, but it doesn’t sound like a song lyric. So I thought about the kind of wording people use in the lyrics of pop songs, especially pop songs from the mid-70s, which this song seems to be emulating. So I replaced “I am undoubtedly…” with “I gotta be…”
3. These lines seem to be linked together, so I tried to find something that Mob might say that would link disliking, not-good-ness, and love. (For the record, Snow would totally have come up with something more polished-sounding than "not-good-ness" if she was translating for another purpose, but I needed the meaning of the lyrics presented in a direct way. A perfect final translation not only wasn't needed, but wouldn't have suited my purposes as well.) I thought the first two lines might be referring to the third, making this a statement that when Mob looks at this love, he dislikes it and thinks it lacks goodness. “The dislike” became “I dislike.” “The not-good-ness” became “worthless” because my understanding was that this wasn’t supposed to mean “not quite good” but rather “totally lacking in anything good.” And I had to make “the love” specific enough to refer to, so I knew I needed something like “this love” or something similar. Then it was just a short step to “I can’t stand” (a slightly stronger/more vivid way of saying “I dislike”) / “this worthless” (“this” because it’s referring to the love in the next line) / “kind of love” (using "kind of ____" to indicate a particular example of something). 
4. “Beraborena” means “falling in love in an absurd way.” According to Snow's Japanese friend, it comes from べら棒 (berabou), which means absurd or foolish, and 惚れる (horeru), which means "to fall in love". When horeru is attached to another word, the "ho" turns into "bo", so "bera" from "berabou" and "bore" from "horeru" (like in "hitome-bore" meaning "love at first sight"). Apparently it’s a dated term that hasn’t been in wide use since the 1980s, which is interesting. The meaning of “beraborena” meant that this line literally meant “Boy’s Love, falling in love in an absurd way,” which I took to mean something like “Boy’s Love involves falling in love in an absurd way.” Rewording this and cutting out redundancy resulted in “Boy’s Love is absurd.” Given that the next line talks about running away and so forth, I thought the “beraborena” line might be the reason why someone should do all of this running away and avoiding. Hence “This Boy’s Love is too absurd.” A specific type of love (Boy’s Love) is being referred to, hence “this,” and it’s too absurd because the excessiveness of this absurdity is what makes it necessary to run away (if it was a tolerable kind of absurdity, why would you bother?).
5. So far, I had been viewing the song as Mob speaking from his own point of view about himself. That’s why “I” will risk my life, “I” refuse, “I” will run far away, etc. But something about this latter portion seemed like it could represent a shift toward addressing another person. After all, Mob is always advising those of us in the audience on how to steer clear of flags in the world of BL. It seems like he would include us in his song. So I decided that having a pure heart, running away, and avoiding it were things Mob was advising the listener to do. “Pure heart” became “stay pure” and the rest was just making the verb tenses fit.
After all of that, I ended up with:
BL! BL! Absolute BL! BL! BL! Absolute BL! Flags, flags are a warning of love I’ll risk my life to avoid them I refuse to L a B Even if I fall in love I’ll run far, far away Because I’m a side character  I gotta be a side character I can’t stand This worthless Kind of love This Boy’s Love is too absurd Stay pure, run away, avoid it I’m totally, completely a side character BL! BL! Absolute BL!
My process wasn’t actually this linear, as you might imagine. But I think it makes more sense presented in this way, and individual things did proceed more or less in this order.
I’m sure there are other valid ways of interpreting these lyrics so that they make sense in English, but I hope this one is decent! I really enjoyed this despite its being a bit more nerve-wracking than working with dialogue. 
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triafm · 1 year ago
"Do you ever get a little bit tired of life, like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die, like you're hangging by a thread but you gotta survive, cause you gotta survive"
Cuplikan lagu yang cocok banget diputar setelah Prof Tur bilang klo Pak Dosen yang ku cari baruuu aja pergi.
Ternyata memang ada aja ya seni-nya, kayak seni menunggu wa yg tak kunjung dibalas, entah terbaca atau mungkin terlewat karena memang gak ada ceklis birunya. Tapi, karena ini Fitria yang kesabarannya setipis tisu, mau ada balasan atau belum, ia akan tetap ke kampus mencoba bertemu dan memastikan.
Ketemu dosenku ini sebetulnya bukan sesuatu yang sulit, kalaauuu.. memang ikut kelasnya. Tapi, akan jauh berbeda ketika mau bimbingan karena emang gak dijadwalin kaya masuk kelas gitu lho. Minggu lalu, beliau bilang aku bisa bimbingan di hari Rabu siang sampai sebelum kelas beliau selanjutnya yg dimulai setelah asar. Baiklah, aku chat dulu paginya, karena belum ada tanda² balasan, jadi aku akan langsung ke ruangan beliau tepat di jam satu.
Aku sudah bersiap duduk di dekat ruangan beliau 10 menit sebelum jam satu. Meskipun duduknya nggak tepat di depan ruangan, tapi kurang lebih dari tempatku duduk, aku bisa memantau semua pergerakan yang ada di depan ruangan tersebut. Jam satu kurang satu menit aku mulai jalan ke depan ruangan, jam satu tepat aku sampai di depan pintu ruangan beliau, tapi ternyata beliau dah pergi. Hiks. Kapan? Kok aku gak lihat ya? Hmmm... lagian ngapain sih Fit ke toilet untuk ngaca? Tapi ya mau gimana lagi, kalau memang ada jam ngajar, nggak mungkin juga bimbingan, wkwkwk.
Sebetulnya aku juga gak berekspektasi kalau prosesku akan mudah dan lancar seperti jalanan Jakarta saat lebaran. Terlebih, karena aku juga percaya, kalau biasanya hal² yang challenging itu memang cuma dititipkan ke orang² yang speisyel. Kayaakk... Aku, ^^
Ok, terus tadi jadinya gimana?
Hmmm... mau nyusulin ke kelas belio pun belum tentu ketemu juga kan, wkwkwk gak tau juga kelasnya di mana guys karena jadwal beliau di hari itu gak ada di website kampus. Jadi, yaudah deh aku lanjutin kerjaan titipan temanku terlebih dulu, terus duduk sebentar. berpikir. gimana ya besok? Apa minta bimbingan setelah kelas? Apa dateng lebih awal terus nembak bapaknya untuk bimbingan?
Fit, life must go on. Aku padaku.
Ok, yuk lah balik ke kosan, kita cicil revisi sendiri dulu, biar pas laporan, nggak ada celah lagi untuk gak di acc. Fitria pada hati dan pikirannya yg ia panggil 'kita'.
F.R.T.T = Fitria Road To Thesis.
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ichigoichiesworld · 3 years ago
(Recent insta-live with Revice cast)
Kentaro (Ikki): Rabu (Love)  (≧◡≦)
Also Kentaro: What the h*ll I’ve just done?  (>﹏<)
(Gotta admit that’s too cute lmao)
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nilesmoon · 3 years ago
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Sometimes you just gotta TORAIANGURU△sankaku Nakama to sankaku atsumeyou Sono SUMAIRU mo kitto shiawase no sankaku atsume TORAIANGURU△sankaku RABU & PIISU no sankakkei de Sekai heiwa kimi mo shiawase no sankaku atsumeyo?
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asknarashikari · 3 years ago
ReviceCast react to HikaGo being sappy like HiroDaiji and JojIkki.
Hikaru: *slowly brushing against the side of Tamaki's face* *smiles Tamaki: *holding his hand warmly* *Looks to him with a soft smile*
Rustling of leaves from behind the bushes. All pop their heads with camo and everything.
Vice: Hey... they're acting like you 4. Lovekov: *Incoherent fangirling*
HikaGo both slowly go in for a kiss as their lips touch then a bit of soft action.
Lovekov: *Faints from the heart throbbing moment as it made a big dent on the ground* Rabu rabu... (I can't anymore.)
I feel like Ikki is going to feel conflicted lmao. It's those 'I gotta meddle' genes he inherited from Mama Igarashi acting up.
Daiji be like "Nii-chan he's not even your brother, don't meddle in their affairs" and drag him away by the ear, Hiromi and Vice following behind them
Sakura and Hana worry over Lovekov instead
And George... be George and record this cutesy lovey dovey shit for the wedding videos (he's getting way ahead of himself lmao)
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zenyuu · 2 years ago
So the rabu ka? wxs cover. Love it or hate it you gotta admit the mv pops
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years ago
Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Epi-
Spoilers, I guess...
-Wow, Subaru Kimura does like... a really good job?
-Eitoku too, that man is a living legend.
-Tama-chan :D
-You're doin' great buddy, just keep doing what you're doing :)
-How's Genta doin???
-He's back!!
-I don't mean to harp on how suspicious I find Weekend, but I really hope getting put back into a militaristic organization involving Vistamps, demons, and Kamen Riders doesn't affect Genta's mental state too badly.
-Hug your daughter, man!
-Damn, like... Gen-chan looked really cool in that last shot. It's hard to believe that goofy Japanese dad ByTuber Genta Igarashi and hardened private military veteran Junpei Shiranami are the same person, but uh... whew, I see why Yukimi fell for him.
-Igarashi Fam got me cryin' in the old Deadmans Nightclub for real
-Oh God, we're seeing Aguilera as a kid again. ...and yep, those creepy-ass doomers trying to mold this young child into a bridal sacrifice still make me deeply uncomfortable, which... is kinda the point, so good job guys.
-Damn, even in the throes of despair brought upon by years of deception and doubt... you're still slaying in those outfits, queen.
-Hikaru, do you even have creepy-ass parents? Or are Tasuke and Kimiko the closest thing you have?
-"I'm the interrupting Tamaki-kun~! :D"
-Guess that's why they say be careful what you wish for, huh Sakura?
-"1v1 me, bitch"
-Slayin' with Queen Bee!
-"Hold my bag, Hikaru-kun. Girlbosses are talking."
-Heated drama between men... and women! Kinoshita knows exactly what we as a society want!
-"Hahaha, good job my well-intentioned soldiers! With these Vistamps recovered, we are one step closer to our ultimate goal~! Mwahahahahahahahaha! Er, I mean- Hahahaha, isn't that wild to think about?"
-Man, Jun Hashimoto looks like he's having the time of his life playing Akaishi, and honestly I respect that so hard.
-Wow, ok. "She's only your sister's stalker bro, fuck her lmao."
-Oh hi George. Akemi-san.
-"For the greater gooood~!"
-You'll go find evidence... alone, you mean? I mean, I'm absolutely living for the ladies in this show being so proactive and important, but are you sure you wanna do that?
-"Ohhhh, okay, I won't be reckless." said Akemi-sensei, the liar.
-Love-chan, help us, you're our salvation!
-She went kaboom.
-Ohhhh, I guess it's taking a toll on Lovekov.
-Is the Queen Bea Deadman... Deadwoman? Who cares, is she covered in honey?
-Damn, cool touch.
-Aaaaand, Aguilera wins on a technicality.
-"Rabu... Sakura :("
-She gone.
-Ohhhhhh, wow, that's dark.
-Raised in isolation to become a dark messiah. A Queen of All Evil for the brainwashed masses of the Deadmans.
-Fuck, dude.
-...gotta say though, that's a really good drawing of Ikki, Vice. Is there some sort of hidden artistic side to Ikki we haven't seen?
-Guess we need to be the best oldest brother in the universe, again!
-Akemi the infiltration expert. Never has inevitable shock and terror been so good looking.
-"The driver's fine." ...kinda looks like Sakura should give the screen a bit of the old iCloth though. ...maybe a spray of EVEO.
-"You need to get a grip, gurl" said Papa Karizaki in his Bane voice.
-Aww, Hikaru's actually concerned.
-As much of an asshole Tasuke is, he does kinda have a point. Regardless of the circumstance, Aguilera's a national criminal, and even if she were to live out her life as Hana Natsuki, she'd still have to deal with the trauma and abuse she suffered at the hands of Akaishi and the rest of the cult.
-I guess the big question here isn't "Could Sakura stick to her ideals?" but instead "Can Sakura live with whatever consequence that comes from her sense of justice?"
-Oh this is fucked.
-Spirited away, OH THAT IS FUCKED.
-Busting out a pun to downplay the tremendous loss of a human life, that is sick.
-"Shut up and go, Igarashi. You've got people to save."
-Rooftop time.
-Tamaki really is like a dog, isn't he? His loyalty really is unshakable, even if Aguilera dismisses him.
-Wow, Aguilera really told her to "git gud".
-"You want a job opening?"
-"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, she mad!"
-Ohhhhh, Lovekov sounds dejected.
-De-demonize her!
-Ohhh, she do the ponytail thing!
-I can't imagine how many innocent Fenix soldiers must've died because of Akaishi's plotting.
-Mmmmm, shoot 'em up, Dai-chan! It'll be great practice for the director!
-Daaaaaaamn, Aguilera's really kicking ass.
-Lovekov's rage boils over!
-They seem so removed from Junpei's Rider form too!
-Heated drama between women.
-Fuck, what am I gonna do for seven days now!?
-Ok, I read that the new Hashibirokou Genome is based on a shoebill... and Hibiki, of all Riders. Shoebills are absolutely horrific birds, but Hibiki seems a bit ill-fitting for a scythe. ...it kinda looks like the Armed Saber if I squint a bit, but this seems kinda... no, very random. Hibiki representation, even if in weird, limited capacity is nice though, I won't knock it.
-If Aguilera dies, I riot. ...I know that's not gonna happen though, so I guess I'll just have to wait.
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feefifosims · 5 years ago
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His name is Rinne Rabu  ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 
Just a quick screenshot of one of my simmies in my Royal Kingdom World. 
He is a royal servant and a robot.   🤖
(still not sure why screenshots from in game are so butt ugly quality lol. all my settings are as high as they can go  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I’ve just gotta remember to press printscreen button rather than C. but old habits die hard!)
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thekagepro24 · 6 years ago
Love Live Sunshine Over The Rainbow Predictions
I’m very excited for this! There seems to be an overall plot theme of keeping Aqours going without the third years, unlike Muse ending their group as it was. 
At the start of the 90-second trailer, they say “Even if we go to a new school, Aqours will still continue.” “That’s everyone’s answer!”
and in the 60-second trailer, Chika wonders what ���a new Aqours’ would even be like. She also seems to have ditched her signature clover hairclip for a plain green one, so that’ll probably be a motif for letting go of the old to make way for the new.
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Speaking of which, Saint Snow shows up as well. However, Leah yells “Our older sisters aren’t here anymore!” and runs off. Seeing as Ruby shows up a lot in the trailers, that plotline from the Awaken the Power episodes might be explored further. They’re supposed to be fine by themselves, but when Ruby finds Dia, she runs to her in tears for a hug. 
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However, Ruby says, “We’ve been doing nothing but depending on them this whole time, so...!” and “I want you to leave this live performance to us!”, so perhaps Ruby (and Leah??) learn how to be independent? They still seem sad about it though, so expect tears.
Also, from how the sequence of events seems to be laid out...
The 2nd and 1st years go to their new school, only for it to be beaten-up and shabby. 
They then meet Mari’s mother, who shows off a bit for them:
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She then tells the 6 that the 3rd years are in Italy:
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But there’s something going on. Mari is missing?!
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This is probably the biggest mystery in the trailers.
-What about the other two? Are they made out to be Mari’s kidnappers?
-Who spread these fliers around? Was it Mari’s mom? Is it bc she doesn’t like the other two? 
-Are the 3rd years even aware of this? When Ruby runs up to them, they say “Whereabouts...unknown?” (no subject), implying they might not even know people are looking for them...
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-How were these pictures even taken if they’re pictured in their uniforms? I doubt any kind of old pictures that specifically incriminating are just lying around.
The only thing I can say for certain is that “DEATHWAR” is a mistranslation of “desu wa”, the way Dia always ends her sentences.
As for Kanan, whatever hers says is obstructed, thus completely impossible to read.
The possible culprits are either the 2nd and 1st years, Mari’s mom, or the 3rd years.
2nd and 1st years?
pros: They could have access to pictures like that if one of them was implied to have taken pictures of them goofing around forever ago.
And maybe the third years asking “whereabouts unknown?” is in response to a proposal from the 6 of this plan to pretend they’re missing?
Maybe Ruby’s crying just because she hasn’t seen Dia in a while, not because she’s gone missing.
If they’re keeping them hidden, then that would explain the 6 questioning Mari’s mother near the start, asking “You can’t contact them/her?!” (no subject). Maybe they found the 3rd years first, and then the dialogue of Kanan saying “Mari’s getting married”, and Yohane responding in shock would make sense. They find them, then get told what’ll happen to Mari, to then decide that they’ll keep the 3rd years hidden with this plan.
Would explain the accurate color-coding on the missing person poster
cons: How would they be able to spread the poster around that much?
Maybe the conversation You has with the mysterious person is her asking if they know where the 3rd years are.
motives? probably to keep the 3rd years whereabouts secret from Mari’s mom.
Mari’s mom? 
pros: She could spread posters around easily with her status and influence.
Perhaps the reason she even showed herself to the 6 of them in the first place is because she can’t contact the 3rd years/Mari, and wants their help.
Then maybe because even after bringing them to Italy to help look, they still couldn’t find them, so Mari’s mom gets desperate and then resorts to missing person posters.
Would explain why Dia and Kanan are made out to be evil, since maybe she suspects they are the reason her daughter’s missing.
Would explain “DEATHWAR”, as it might be a misspelling on her part.
cons: How did she color coordinate the poster accurately and know how Dia ends her sentences? Whether this is her doing or not might depend on how much she knows about Kanan and Dia.
3rd years?
pros: The poster only has the three of them, so they could've created it themselves.
Would explain how the pictures are so incriminating, because maybe they took pictures of themselves like this.
Would explain the color-coding.
Maybe Ruby’s crying because they didn’t tell the others about this plan, and after being found out by them, they admit what they did, and Kanan explains the reasoning. (Mari getting married)
cons: Why did they ask about it in the preview?
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I should probably end it with something, so uhhhhhhh Mari’s getting married but she doesn’t wanna so her gfs gotta save her and through the power of skuuru aidorus, they convince her mother that this is the rabu raifu her daughter chose for herself thank you and goodnight
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yubgam · 8 years ago
i love when my sons turn 3. they only turn 3 once. so special . as a mom, this is special to me. im touche.d my sons are THREE
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freudenstein · 7 years ago
💕 📝 :0
aw thanks!❤Two top fave fictional characters:dude,,,,I actually have a holy top three so. i can't give you two.1.Yashiro from Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai idk because he rewrites the formula of my very soul like everytime? I can't put it into words and that's part of it. The unfathomableness characterizes not just my appreciation of him but the character himself and its a multidimensional vaccum of reverent feelings and attachment. can't recall the amount I cried at just seeing him. I find him bewildering but at the same time have a strong synpath connection to him and it's baffling really....because he's different and I don't think I understand him but. Hikigaya Hachiman from Yahari Ore No Seishun Rabu Kome Wa Machigatteiru. My One True Synpath character. to put it briefly, he's me. I get him and you probably don't Orihara Izaya from Durarara!! who okay is a new addition. Differs from the others in that he's not someone I identify myself in but I feel a lot of empathy towards. He reached the upper echelons of my character faves really fast too and it's gotta mean something. I think he's special and unique and I could blabber on for an hour just about the technicalities of him as a character but the main main reason he's fave is because something about him really appeals to my feelings in some way so I get emotional about him easily, I guess. Would avoid him IRL. Fave quote: I,,don't. sorry. But instead you can have the lyrics stuck in my head right now:Party all night, party all day.
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5yearsjournal · 5 years ago
4 November
2019, senin
Sudden sadness. :c
2020, Rabu
Bangun siang, rencana yg udah gw buat tidak terjalankan jadinya. Karena harus ke dokter hewan, jadi gw diluar seharian. Sempet²nya ke kubik buat ngudud doang. Makan siomay trus dijemput. Seneng juga krna dpat proyek pengambilan video (walau rada malas baca instruksi yg lumayan panjang, but gotta do it for the dough). Malam lihat petir batuk², obatnya yang ilang kembalikanlah ya Tuhan!
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years ago
Happy 2022, everyone!
I can't exactly say I look forward to being forced to use Ninpo as an alternative energy source because of certain economy-related internet technology completely fucking us over so that art thieves, corporations, and stupid people can make money, but hey! That's (maybe) September Tsuki's problem for when he's gotta liveblog Kamen Rider Shinobi! Anyhow, it's been a couple of weeks, but it's Revice time!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Yeah, we really kicked their asses, huh?
-Oh wow, it's the Director man. So... I guess Hiromi's not in charge of everything, okay, good to know.
-Oh boy, he's hiding something! I'm trying to act surprised but like... he's a person of authority in a tokusatsu program, I figured out he was evil the moment he came on screen.
-Our boy Julio just barely missing the big picture.
-D-do you really wanna discuss this out in the open like that, Squid Boy?
-Ohhhh, Sakura, you're ok! Good! I guess you didn't wanna see what was in the creepy glowy green basement, and I don't blame you.
-No it's not normal, the hell are you on, gurl?
-Don't bully Buu-san! He has a nebulous job he probably has to go back to soon!
-Oh! Go Tamaki has a friend!
-Ok, Hiromi, I love you, I think you're an amazing character, I love seeing you on screen, but you gotta take a break, man! Like, Daiji and George can take care of things for you. ...well, Daiji can, anyways, I'm not holding my breath for george.
-Oh yeah, apparently Chameleon Man is like an actually notable figure? Played by him, at least. I just assumed he was some guy the casting department pulled off the streets, but he's Japanese comedian Ayumu Kato, who some of you may remember as the "Impossibru" meme guy. I never found it very funny myself, even in my less aware days, but it's aged even more poorly than a lot of things from the dark age of memes that was the early 2010s, and if I were Kato-san, I'd probably just duck out of the media entirely.
-Burning in the flames of hell like a true demon. And for such a noble cause too.
-So that's the Volcano Vistamp. It looks very cool, I like the little knob it has.
-Vice real. Everybody run.
-George's train-y hole kinda reminds me of the inside of Satellite Zea. I kinda figured it'd be all dark and stuff like the Sword of Logos's Liberation room.
-Ah, yep, there it is!
-Wow, launching straight into it!
-Ah, Tamaki's a card gamer. Pretty neat. ...I don't recognize what they're playing with but hey!
-Awwwwww, that's where he got his "Smile!" thing!
-Oh god ow, I can't imagine having something on me snap off like that.
-Rabu, rabu, rabu!
-That's a real dick move Yousuke, but at least you feel bad about it and are willing to atone.
-Wow, that's a real gorgeous shot though. I love that little time shift effect, it kinda reminds me of Kiva's.
-Ehhhh, Dai-chan! Don't you know, we have a chance!
-Ohhhhhhhh, man's mad!
-Ohhh, that's a lot of returning members! God, these villains are fucked up, man.
-Ohhhh boy! Here comes the big fight of the episode!
-Well, crap, he's completely forgotten.
-Gifterians, huh?
-So, does Olteca sometimes disappear into ink because that's what you write a contract in? Pretty clever.
-Boil the fuck out of that egg!
-What's so hot that it's cool and so cool that it's hot? No poptarts, but evidently Team Revice's Volcano Barid Rex Combo!
-3! 2! 1!
-So, we couldn't save the old lady... that... sucks, not gonna lie...
-Waste that motherfucker, Ikki-nii!
-Man, I... hope the hopeful preview for the next episode lasts. Otherwise, we're kind fucked
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kepoinus · 6 years ago
A Pink Menangkan Trofi Pertama di 'Show Champion' Dengan Lagu 'Eung Eung'
A Pink Menangkan Trofi Pertama di ‘Show Champion’ Dengan Lagu ‘Eung Eung’
A Pink akhirnya meraih trofi kemenangan pertama mereka dengan lagu baru yang berjudul ‘Eung Eung’.
Trofi kemenangan ini didapatkan oleh Naeun cs dalam episode ‘Show Champion’ pada hari Rabu (16/01).
Lagu ‘Eung Eung’ milik A Pink berhasil mengalahkan lagu ‘Love Shot’ EXO, ‘Gotta Go’ Chungha, ‘Millions’ WINNER dan ‘La La Love’ WJSN yang juga…
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onixradio887fm-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Madonna menuntut para petinggi sebuah rumah lelang New York untuk mencegah mereka menjual barang-barang bekasnya. Rumah lelang tersebut, Gotta Have Rock and Roll, merencanakan untuk melelang lebih dari 100 barang pribadi sang Ratu Pop, termasuk sebuah surat yang ditulis mantan kekasihnya, rapper Tupac Shakur, saat masih berada dalam penjara. Sesi pelelangan rencananya akan dimulai pada hari ini, Rabu, 19 Juli. Tapi Madonna bersikeras agar proses pelelangan bisa dihentikan dan telah meluncurkan sebuah tuntutan hukum, meminta perintah darurat agar pengadilan menghentikan pelelangan. Menurut Madonna, sebagaimana yang tertulis di tuntutan tertulisnya yang diajukan pada Selasa, 18 Juli, ia tidak menyadari jika surat Tupac itu tidak lagi berada di tangannya dan tentunya hal ini membuatnya sangat terkejut. Madonna lantas mengungkap tersangka yang “tega” mengambil barang-barang pribadinya ini dan kemudian berniat menjualnya. Ia adalah mantan temannya, seorang konsultan seni bernama Darlene Lutz. Menurut Madonna, Darlene bisa jadi mencuri barang-barang tersebut dari kediamannya. Selain surat dari Tupac, barang-barang lain yang akan dilelang adalah seperti sisir dengan sisa rambutnya dan bahkan celana dalam yang belum dicuci (!), foto-foto pribadi, rekaman yang belum pernah dirilis, korespondensi dan bahkan buku cek pribadi. Sampai berita ini ditulis, belum diketahui apakah pengadilan telah memberi keputusan apakah Gotta Have Rock and Roll secara resmi boleh menjual barang-barang tadi atau tidak. Sumber: http://creativedisc.com (at Onix Radio Balikpapan...)
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