#it's definitely crucified
lemonic-whimssyy · 8 months
Mmm... I wanna draw Crowley getting crucified <3
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fmnlibrary · 9 months
Thinking about how Percy is trying not to be 'special' from the beginning. Thinking about how out of place he feels. Thinking about Luke telling him, when he first arrives at camp half-blood, that this is the one place where, for the first time, he's just like everyone else. Thinking about Percy's prayer to his mom, how he talks about finding belonging and real friends.
Then thinking about Percy entering the Poseidon cabin for the first time, and Chiron's voice-over telling him that as a forbidden child, he is singular, even amongst demi-gods. Alone, again.
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itsdefinitely · 3 months
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shout out to gender loss
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sbeana · 1 year
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got bored on the plane and i drew these mock covers for gtn and my dad made me stop drawing because he was like "thats an awful lot of red. thats a lottttt of red"
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ef-1 · 6 months
Sending this to you specifically because I feel like you understand it best and you never shy away from calling Daniel out. Not an apologist for rich men, every single one of them is fucked up and has done fucked up shit. Would never defend Daniel from things he deserves to be criticized for, but so much of the uhhh 'dialogue' right now is just hate wanking lol. There is this blog who genuinely made a post celebrating that she would have never been able to tag Daniel hate in the past because he was too popular and she willingly (?!) admitted she regularly searches him up to look for hate and 'smile' LMAO? We're not even doing the ole' moralising our hatred thing now? Allow it 😭
1. where are you fucking finding these people I just screamed.
2. That one derek pope lyric
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sheltoner · 1 month
congrats to jannik, a little sad for frances, but i can be happy with this outcome
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xbuster · 2 years
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Marisa is familiar with Christian theology.
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musclesandhammering · 7 months
Real queerbaiting almost always has to do with an individual character’s identity rather than any romantic pairings but y’all aren’t ready to have that conversation.
#‘this show is such queerbait!’ *proceeds to talk about how two dudes didn’t kiss each other*#more often than not it’s 2 dudes the creators have said multiple times do not have romantic feelings for eachother#yet the fans always outright ignore that and act like they’ve been tricked & deceived#when like… no.. they straight up told you this gay ship wasn’t happening#& you just refused to believe them lmao#now if you wanna say ‘this was a missed opportunity to have a queer ship in this show’ then 90% of the time I’ll agree w you!#but there’s a massive difference between#‘I think this would’ve been a good chance to have a queer pairing & im bummed they didn’t take it’#and#‘I was intentionally queerbaited & these writers hate gay people’#and most of you guys are just. Unable to understand that#for example:#lokius not being canon was not qb#them butchering Loki’s genderfluidity & not acknowledging his bisexuality after specifically using it in their advertising?#that absolutely was.#destiel wasn’t qb#a missed opportunity to explore angels’ gender & sexuality? yes 100%.#johnlock wasn’t qb.#a missed opportunity to explore Sherlock’s sexuality? Definitely#yall get on my nerves screaming queerbait & crucifying creators as homophobes#just because your shitty no-chemistry-having toxic ass mlm ships didn’t go canon#after you delulu-ed & conspiracy theory-ed yourselves into thinking they would 😒#queerbaiting#fandom wank#anti destiel#anti johnlock#Loki#homophobia in fandom#johnlock#destiel
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 5 months
Happy one month of me watching jcs 2000 and unlocking a new chapter of my life
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Poem, title; Hunger Space
Not a black hole; a nothing, 
An emptiness which rejects the insertion of 
But especially love, especially truth
Especially ease and especially kindness. 
No, really, starving, 
A stomach on the verge of no return 
Anything imperfect, anything too real 
Too nutritious and too ‘empty calories’. 
Overwhelmed by it; more hunger than being, 
Craving a filling of purpose or 
But only hungry, only ravenous 
Only serving to crave. 
But like an abandoned dog who’s been taught 
Too well, 
How to resist the temptation of unauthorised food
It rejects, it rejects, it rejects. 
Untrusting of masters, 
It needs only to see 
Itself, in kind arms and patience, 
As worthy of steak.
Look; I'm starved. But, I'm a good dog, and I know your hands are loving. So I'll accept what little scraps you can give me in times of famine with utmost gratitude, and I'll help you lick the wounds it took to get them. After all... If you tried to give me a full course meal everyday without blood and without fail, I'd probably just puke it.
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it is insane to watch bible's actions nowadays. i will say, even back in kp era, there were one or two things he said that made him deeply unlikable to me, but like most i just ignored it. but holy hell has the facade dropped. the only thing he is now is a professional victim and you can tell he is SO pissed that his little show failed. these interviews or rather fluff pieces are just for bible to be sad on camera because it's the only way to stay relevant and ensure his fans continue to attack and blame build for everything, because despite it all, his fans couldn't be arsed to watch his show so this is all he has left. they will continue to beat the dead horse of "it was a thing that happened between two people", because anything else would mean they had to admit they chose the side of the woman who was sentenced to prison. oh and btw bible, weird how you never faced any repercussions for your social media posts about underage girls, rape, and transphobia... sure has its benefits being close to ponf hasn't it. god I hope karma comes for all of these people.
yeah, as an ex-stan i know i personally handwaved away a lot of stupid shit as his being young and having been catapulted into overnight fame and blah blah blah, but no. we got played for fools. dude's a piece of shit through and through and it's honestly kind of horrifying to watch. like, really, dude? pond is the fading star you want to hitch your wagon to? i'm just embarrassed watching him make a bigger and bigger ass of himself in every interview. it's always someone else's fault, he's always the victim, bloo bloo, crocodile tears (even more embarrassing since a lot of these interview questions are sent in advance so he can practice his fake waterworks).
and i think in his warped little mind, it IS build's fault that 4m is such a shitshow, or at least he's firmly convinced himself as such, because he and pond are glued at the asshole now and he can't let himself go against the party line. i've always thought sammon deliberately turned in a subpar product -- after all, did BOC ever say boo about the plagiarism accusations? because i sure don't remember it. and poi was punching way above her weight class by dragging in a much more respected writer when she was just trying to have a petty grudge match against her ex. i lost respect for sammon in the entire debacle for other reasons (i draw a hard line with animal violence, and the very vague details i know make it just sound gratuitous and lazy writing), but i was shocked she even stuck around to give them SOME kind of script. pond must have the best lawyers in thailand when he draws those contracts up.
but 4m was a shitshow not because of build, but because of poi and, more importantly, because of pond. pond sat back and dithered about which nong (gag, dude) he could wring more coins out of and tried, unsuccessfully, to play both sides like the loathsome little quisling he is. he did fuck-all to protect his talent and then he gambled on the 4m name still having enough appeal to gawkers to be successful, when anyone with two brain cells to rub together could have told you the project should have been scrapped with a quickness. (besides, if the version of the show we ultimately got bore ANY resemblance to its original vision, i sincerely question what was so tear-jerking about it. but i have a feeling what it was originally envisioned as is a far cry from the steaming pile we got.) the fact that they couldn't get anyone to pair with bible for ages is yet another red flag pond ignored, because god forbid he admit to any fuckups, and the coping about how jes is actually So Much Better and Lovely and Wonderful and their chemistry is So Incredible is...well, it's fucking pathetic. it's clowns all the way down.
and pond further bears responsibility for that fuckup of a 'rollout' of the show. how many countries did it get aired in, officially? seven? eight? half of those were places where explicit gay sex (which, as near as i can tell, is a good portion of the show to make up for the limp writing) is banned. european and american fans got entirely shut out from official support. i suppose that's probably because when build was in berlin, he personally spoke with the german government and explained that they needed not to air this particular show as an act of revenge, right?
but bible is never going to fucking look at the dumpster fire his life and career have become and lay the blame where it belongs, because he and pond are in this creepy symbiotic relationship where pond pimps him out to keep the business going -- seriously, jeff fucked off ages ago and mile is MIA with schrodinger's girlfriend, so they have no major talent outside bible to rely on -- and in return, bible gets shielded from repercussions outside of some well-deserved social media jeering. and both of them constantly pat each other's asses and soothe each other's egos and keep each other from any kind of introspection.
bottom line is, pond thought build was expendable at the time, because he was rolling in so much KP goodwill he thought the gravy train would never stop. turns out build wasn't expendable, so now pond's gotta choke the life out of the other half of the pairing to make sure he doesn't give up the grift (his constant european vacations don't pay for themselves, do they?), and that other half is more than content to play his simple-minded lackey because it's easier than having to fucking put a modicum of effort into anything.
karma will get them -- of that i have no doubt. there's too many rumblings of discontent, too many oldheads who have turned anti, not enough new people to stem the hemorrhage. man suang, for all pond's windbaggery, sank without a trace. THC is more notable for its controversy and rigging than anything else. DFF and 4m both couldn't sustain themselves through their entire runtimes and even people with no axe to grind with BOC were critical about the latter. they keep scrabbling for relevance in idiotic ways -- a sitcom with bible? a sitcom?! with what fucking comedic timing? -- or are late to the party -- they're supposedly planning a GL, which, by the time it gets to market, will just be one of many. gap was a while ago. GL isn't as much of a novelty as it was. and i mean, let's face it: do you trust this fucking studio with GL? i wouldn't trust pond to take out my trash without ripping the bag open, spilling it everywhere, and then making childish vague references about how SOMEONE he used to know paid off the hefty bag company to make his (pond's) life harder.
pond's all ego, greed, and stupidity. he'll trip over his dick (well, harder than he has already) soon enough. i personally can't wait to see it happen.
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momrikamayhem · 6 months
So ya girl, somehow, managed to mess herself up so bad (making perogi and pie? I have no idea) last night that she spent several hours in the ER today due to severe pain and cramping in her right arm and hand. I'm fine but I ended up missing what I'm sure was an incredible potluck Easter with my partner's family.
Which begs the question
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creekbed-burial · 4 months
Good evening, who else up thinking about how they definitely haunt the narrative in all the men they’ve been involved withs lives??
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chewwytwee · 7 months
OpenAI and Tumblr aren’t like, besties. Tumblr has always had issues with bots and spam so I don’t think they were exactly stumbling out the door to make a contract with the company that’s been the spearhead of modern day spam.
Tumblr and openAI negotiated the contract, so think for a second about what each company gets out of the deal. You can easily argue that OpenAI wouldn’t want an opt-out option, so you could also argue tumblr was the party behind the option existing. This is all speculation, but it’s just as valid to say ‘The opt-out option was a non-negotiable for tumblr, but OpenAI pressured them into making it opt-out instead of opt-in’ as it is to say ‘Tumblr only included the opt-out option to appease the user base’. People are only making the latter point (and I’d argue are primed to accept it) because all the fear-mongering has made everyone’s knee jerk reaction to AI fear and rage. Oooooo neural nets and weighted graphs Ooooooooooo they’re gonna kill art for real this time for real oooooo all the other panics about automation were wrong but THIS one is real I promise oooooooooooo we need to ‘Kill AI’ just like we had to ‘kill automation’ because technology has gotten too advanced. we need to make computers worse and then everything will get better ooooooooooo
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itsdefinitely · 1 year
i like him a lot
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moonsmultimusings · 7 months
Aigis/Minato, Yukari/Minato, and Ann/Akira
Ship Bingo - Accepting ☾
dangerous... you're going to get me cancelled by the persona rpc, anon- lmaO
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^ my hot take about aigis/minato is that i don't really see them as a romantic ship? i understand people who do, and i am SO not normal about these two... but i don't tend to view them as romantic in any sense. i wouldn't say they're just friends, per se, because things are definitely deeper than that between them, but i don't think that inherently means that romantic compatibility is the only other option. they're a Secret Third Thing to me (and whatever that thing is, it hurts me deeply).
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^ honestly, i haven't given a lot of thought to yukari/minato as a ship! it's not my main ship for either of the two, but i don't dislike it. i personally think yukari has better romantic chemistry with another member of the sees (mitsuru, tbh), but i wouldn't be opposed to trying it out in a thread! i like yukari's character and the dynamic between the two, especially their back and forth in the movies. i wouldn't say it's an OTP of mine, though.
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^ ann/akira are two pretty best friends to me. i love the aesthetic of them as a ship and always appreciate fanart of the two of them together because their designs are so strong, but i don't think they're really compatible in that way. especially in how i write akira, i don't think ann would put up with him as a boyfriend. it's much more fun to me to think about them as two best friends who love shopping and getting crepes and teasing ryuji together. i would love to do more threads with the two of them with that sort of dynamic!
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