#it's cold in that fridge
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lucinfernos · 7 months ago
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glitchh1337 · 2 months ago
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eyvahbae · 2 months ago
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*giggles faintly*
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3zethe3zr · 11 months ago
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Some more voice designs, switching the style to something more sketchy
Skeptic (Red billed blue magpie) & Cold (Common raven)
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poke-poke-poke · 3 months ago
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found a goomy doodle i did a few months back--- it's unfinished but cutee (who's gonna tell goomy that they're weak to ice,, they're gonna get sick rip)
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fisheito · 1 month ago
[Divergent Dream ends]
Phew ok i don't have to see him Every day on the rewards screen i can finally rest my cardiozone--
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pinkrelish · 1 year ago
I'd love to lay mechanic!Eddie back and suck the remaining energy out of him after a long day of work. Flipping him over to apply a deep pressured massage along his shoulders, back, forearms just any and every tender spot. I'd put on a incense and lather with him up with CBD lotion before I straddle and drain another orgasm out of him before I feed him and put him to bed. Definitely a dream of mine 🤭
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it's a personal preference prevalent in all my major work, but i like the position of Reader taking care of the love interest better. both in smut and normal situations, i just don't connect with being the one taken care of, i guess. doesn't rev my engine. however, the reverse? man. there's just something about a hard workin' man like Eddie shuffling in the door with all his exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders, hardly able to step out of his boots and fall onto the couch, where it's all my pleasure to unzip his coveralls and welcome him home with my mouth, relaxing him into true relief.
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astracora · 2 months ago
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A Mandated Holiday Break - Chapter 6
Characters: Sylus x gn!mc (poly lads)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 971
Written: 21st December 2024
Notes: Post-relationship Sylus/MC-centric but poly LADs, with my personal pov of the game and lil headcanons littered in.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Masterlist AO3
Sylus' body is an inferno. He's well used to running hotter than most. It's just another part of who he is, that doesn't occur to him the majority of the time.
The first few times you'd shared a bed, you'd wriggled out of his grasp, sweating and uncomfortable. Had he had less control over himself, he'd have pouted. (You probably didn't miss the furrow in his brow though.)
So he'd slept wearing as little as possible.
Still too much, waking up in the middle of his sleep schedule to find you across the bed, covers thrown off to cool down. Shedding your discomfort.
Next he'd taken to pulling your clothes off. Always a delight, this time a driven aim. It had worked somewhat, you'd wrapped yourself into his embrace and tangled around him, seeking out the heat of his body like he was your personal pillow.
It lasted longer, but still he was awoken by you edging away, seeking the chill of a turned over pillow and the outside of the duvet.
He'd changed the type of bedding he used, bought you new bedding.
You'd told him to stop worrying, to stop paying expenses, sometimes it was just too warm.
Sylus was sure at that he'd grumbled like a child. He wanted to hold you, and he wanted to wake up with you in his arms.
Everytime you moved out of his reach, he itched and ached like scales growing through raw skin. It was one of the few times he envied the doctor, he never seemed to have trouble with keeping you clinging throughout your slumber.
Eventually he had two things fitted, a ceiling fan and air conditioning. The change to temperature meant so little to him, unbothered by heat or cold. When you'd seen them on your next visit, you'd been incredulous. Since when did he need either of these?
He didn't answer that he needed them for you, for him, he just made an offhand comment about the best, and preparation for the future. (The immediate future. His sleep quality.)
His relief that day when he'd woken up, your head under his chin, legs tangled with his, and arms around him. Seeking out his skin against yours.
The second you left the bed, however, you'd complained for the chill. He left the remote for the new tools of his victory, in your hands, but he had gleefully held you as long as he could, chin on shoulder and hands dancing across cool skin.
Your week off has allowed him to experience that for a few days now, he's using your sleep pattern for the week, though there is no real track of time in the sky of the N109 Zone. He doesn't want to make your return to work difficult.
As he wakes, this morning you have stayed asleep, catching up on long hours. Your back is pressed to his chest and you're holding onto his arm. He won't tease you about the drool out the corner of your mouth, but he files away the image for himself. Tickled and endeared.
He doesn't want to wake you, you're so peaceful... but he can't stop himself from pulling as close as he can. Burying his nose in the crook of your neck, and breathing you in.
You smell like his last meal in every life. Like he could bite down and die happy, your blood in his mouth and your soul in his chest.
If he were a weaker man, perhaps he'd drool as well, salivating and starving.
He certainly feels starved when he cannot keep you close, desperate and dogged.
You'd teased him that he reminds you of a wolf, and he thinks that's more accurate than he likes. He would bite your hand lovingly, but tear and snarl at your command, if that's what you wanted from him.
Sylus wants to get up, if he can get breakfast ready, he can see your eyes light up. Hand you a mug of coffee, that turns his nose, in bed. So you'll kiss his cheek and sigh happily.
He feels satisfaction when he sees you happy because of him. Yet...
Pressed against you, your chest moving with each breath. So alive, and warm and his. You trust him to guard you, to kiss your neck when the scent drives him to madness, to keep you warm against the cold. He once mused that you still took his hand despite how dangerous he was, and every day he marvels more at how you continue to do so.
Now when you take his hand, you place a kiss on his knuckles. That if he had no healing ability, would be scarred and torn and ruinous. He thinks, that even if that were the case... you would still kiss them tender and raw.
You had always seen something in him that no one else did. Flowers suiting his soul, a smile worthy of his face, love belonging in his hands.
He feels sick with the feeling, overflowing from where joined hearts beat in his chest, but it's a sickness he would never wish to heal himself of. Peace found despite how little he probably deserves it.
Sylus is selfish though. A fragment, a taste, a burst of you had not been enough. Millennia's will not be enough. Until the end of the world itself he will never think this is enough.
No matter his sullied hands, or the actions he has made, some of which he would not apologise for, he will never relinquish his treasure.
His Soul.
You who owns his heart for eternity.
As he bites down at your shoulder, stirring your sleep, and laves with his tongue to your sleepy pleasure, he settles for a taste of the cure to his hunger, that he plans to draw out forever.
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electricpurrs · 1 year ago
tex red vs blue is insanely transgender but im the only one who sees it that way because im crazy in the head.
what if there was a past version of yourself. a woman, a wife, a mother, with long hair and a sweet smile. and she died long ago. and you are her. but you are not her. you're nothing like her, but the people who knew her desperately want you to be her, want to preserve the memory they have in their minds of the woman they loved through you. but you never asked to be her, never asked to carry the burden of someone else's expectation of who or what you should be. you have a new name. you prefer to go by this one. people remark on how weird it is that it's a guy's name. sometimes the people who loved [the past version of] you call you by your old name. they are not referring to you when they say it. you live in the shadows of someone who's long gone, and you're something different now, but you don't feel like you're ever allowed to define yourself on your own terms, to be your own person, to control your own life, because you exist solely through the memories people had of you. and the longer she has been gone for, the more desperately people try to get her back, the less you resemble her and the less you know who you are, or if you ever even got to be anything at all. what i mean is that transition could have saved him
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
VA(vet assistant) here again. Saw the other anon picking cat breeds and I can totally see Siamese for Charles 100% they are the friendliest and most talkative cats! (Plus they got them blue eyes)
Comic Erik would be a Maine Coon. The fridge of cats. Big boys. But he would have the personality of a feral cat. Could not take him to the vet without sedation (but we love you too sedation kitties!)
Adore the image of a Siamese just cat yappin at a giant fluffy monster of a cat.
cherik catverse gettin deep right before my eyes ....... epic ...
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glitchh1337 · 2 months ago
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Voice of the cold!!
I’m a sucker for plague doctor voice of the cold
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marsuro · 5 months ago
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Wordtober day 1: Frigo 🇫🇷
Challenge of this year is a word in a different language each day, so 31 languages in total!
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3zethe3zr · 1 year ago
I think you should draw your Cold and Smitten in those outfits 😇
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Oh, how could I not
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firenati0n · 1 year ago
several sentence sunday <3 :)
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hello friends :) thank you to @sparklepocalypse @onthewaytosomewhere @captainjunglegym @magicandarchery @getmehighonmagic @bigassbowlingballhead @junebugclaremontdiaz @violetbaudelaire-quagmire (HBD!!!!) @itsmaybitheway @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @anincompletelist for the tags <3
proposal au titled "the full spectrum of human emotion" coming eventually. there is spanking involved:
Alex leans closer to Henry's ear, watching a lone drop of sweat slide down the man's temple, and whispers, “I did say you were allowed, sweetheart.”  Henry's cheeks go a lurid shade of pink, almost glowing from within under the lights. He takes a second to assess, landing on a decision surely meant to end Alex's life prematurely. Extinguished in his youth; death by over-the-clothes lap dance spanking.  He raises his hand and brings it down with a swift crack and Alex feels it through his jeans, all the way to the blood vessels pounding in his temples. But Henry doesn't stop there. No, he goes the extra mile, goddamn overachieving fuck he is, and squeezes. Alex is going to die in this fucking bar. If the bull didn’t do it, and the dancing didn’t do it, it’s definitely going to be the fucking spanking. The patrons are wolf-whistling, Nora is yelling all sorts of dirty encouragement, and Alex. Well, Alex is over the fucking moon.  “That's the best you got, baby boy?” “I suggest you don't push me right now, Alex, if you don't want to cause a scene in this lovely bar.”
xoxo roop
+ tags below the cut and open tag as always <3
@ninzied @dumbpeachjuice @wordsofhoneydew @saturntheday @leaves-of-laurelin @inexplicablymine @sherryvalli @littlemisskittentoes @heybuddy-drabbles @priincebutt @whimsymanaged @ships-to-sail @futureseaempress @happiness-of-the-pursuit @theprinceandagcd @tintagel-or-cockleshells @cricketnationrise @tailsbeth-writes @lizzie-bennetdarcy��@myheartalivewrites @onward--upward @celeritas2997 @affectionatelyrs @tinyarmedtrex @14carrotghoul @rmd-writes @indomitable-love @anchoredarchangel @gay-flyboys @cultofsappho @welcometololaland @gayrootvegetable @rockyroadkylers @suseagull04 @eusuntgratie @orchidscript @cha-melodius @candyspandemonium @kiwiana-writes
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mimimimin · 1 year ago
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ispyspookymansion · 9 months ago
i dont believe in the death penalty but i do believe someone who eats or drinks the little treat you had in the fridge before you can do so should be stoned to death and sent to hell
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