#it's called productive procrastination not positive procrastination
gotham-response · 10 months
So many Gotham rogues are PhDs because they planned their crimes while procrastinating writing their thesis
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himegureisu · 5 months
Summary: Your period is late and that may mean one thing.
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Author's Rambles: I have a job interview tomorrow morning and I'm procrastinating. This fic was supposed to be for June but I can't wait that long.
Pairing: Severus Snape x Female Reader
Warning: Pregnancy.
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In the grand scheme of your life, there were three constants. Your husband, Severus, your job at the Ministry, and your period. Every month, on the second week, it arrives without fail until it didn’t.
In the beginning, you didn’t notice. Caught up in the routine of daily life, its’ absence is blissfully forgotten. Especially since every woman could do without the pain once in a while.
However, as days turned into weeks, your stash of products remained untouched in the bathroom cupboards, and the surplus reminds you of your monthly visitor missing in action. There could only be one reason but…
You could be wrong.
It could be stress from work or the constant time zone changes that affect your body. Yet, the overwhelming fatigue, the cramps, and the light spotting at what should be that time of the month were signs you couldn’t ignore.
In his Potions’ storage, you gather the necessary ingredients for the gravidity draught and head towards his vacant classroom. Your heart pounds beneath your chest as you walk through the halls mindlessly greeting the students that passed.
On his table, you lay the ingredients down following the steps in the tome, carefully measuring each one before adding them to the cauldron. Its’ color slowly changes as it brews. Your thoughts are overwhelmed by the possibility that you nearly jump at the sound of his voice.
“What are you doing?” he asks, his eyes narrow in suspicion, as he approaches the table, “Hm?”
“I’m making a Potion,” you mumble, unable to look him in the eye as you stir, as he muttered, “Obviously,”
“That begs the question, what are you making?”
“I’m certain you can make an educated guess from the ingredients I retrieved from your stores,”
His eyes meticulously roam over the herbs and extracts of creatures spread out in order of the steps the potion would be brewn. His sharp intake of breath after a minute or so tells you he’s deduced it.
“Let me,” he steps in front of you, taking the ladle from your trembling hands, as you step back and watch, “You didn’t call for me,”
“Sev,” you whisper, he huffs, as you wind your arms around his torso, “I was going to after…”
His hands deftly transfer the amount of liquid you need in your vial, the remainder needed to determine your condition, as you step up beside him. His face was incomprehensible, the first since your marriage that you couldn’t get a read on him.
“Unacceptable,” he simply said, “In hardship and in triumph, in sickness and in health, in every step of the way, I will be with you. From this day until the end, come what may, I am yours. ”
Your breath hitched at his deep voice professing those vows you exchanged years before. His eyes meet yours when you look up and stand by his side.
“You will never be alone whatever the outcome,” he professes, placing a gentle kiss on your left hand where your rings rest, and holding it as he takes the vial from the rack to offer it to you, “I promised,”
“I love you, so much,” you try to hold back tears as you take the vial in one hand, and grip his on the other, “Here goes,”
In a gulp, you drink the liquid and grimace at the awful taste.
“It takes two minutes,” he murmurs, taking you in an embrace, as you both stare at the other vial in the rack, “The color should change to green if it’s positive and red if it’s negative. If it’s yellow, it is too early to tell,”
“Can we turn around?” you ask anxiously, he complies as you turn to face the wall, and from there you start to ramble, “I know you’re not fond of children and I know we said we’d think about this when we get here and…”
“I’m not fond of children,” he does say, and your heart nearly breaks into a million pieces there, “But, they’re not ours and I wouldn’t truly know if we didn’t have one, no?”
“You’re okay if it’s positive?” your voice quivers, as he cups your cheeks and nudges you to look at him, “Or if it’s negative?”
“I wouldn’t mind a little girl that looks just like her mother,” he admits, and pulls you in, trying to resist the urge to sneak a glance, “Or a boy would be fortunate to inherit your nose. However, should it be negative we can stop contraception and leave it to fate,”
“Okay, is it time?” you nervously ask, he briefly glances at the clock at the end of the room and nods, and you compromise, “On the count of three, we turn around together,”
On one, you hold his hand tight. Two, has him squeeze back reassuringly. Three, has you both turning around to face the potion that would change the course of your lives forever.
Green. Positive.
“Oh my god,” your tears finally fall in a mixture of disbelief, joy, and fear. “Oh my god, Sev!”
There was a lone tear that glistened on Severus’ cheek.
His thoughts were a jumble ever since a student informed him that you were alone and making a potion in his classroom. His feelings were hurt because you didn’t confide in him of your suspicions. Especially considering the gravity of its implications, however, it seems he made the right choice by going to you.
“We’re going to be parents,” he whispers.
He never thought he would be. He never thought there would be anyone after Lily. He never thought he’d meet you. He never thought you’d return his love. But here you were together, years later after that fated day.
It was a whirlwind of emotions, but he couldn’t deny the joy and excitement at the thought that a manifestation of your love for each other would arrive in nine months.
“Severus?” you wipe the tear marks away, but he didn’t answer, “Sev —”
His arms hoist you up the free space on the edge of his table and he stands between your legs. His right hand rests on top of your lower abdomen lightly caressing the nonexistent bump.
“Thank you,” he breathed out, his heart near bursting, as you smiled, “I never thought I could be this happy.”
“I never thought I could be too,” you say, his eyes twinkling in happiness, but your stomach grumbled in hunger, “How about we go get a late lunch, Papa?”
“Anything for you two,”
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nayatarot777 · 3 months
What Should You Focus On About Your Internal Self?
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• Pile One •
Hi, Pile One! Welcome to your reading!
You’re being called to focus on your lack of productivity. It’s keeping you stagnant when you could be creating and manifesting great things for yourself. There needs to be a death to a part of you that’s stuck around for longer than necessary. You may be satisfied with less. Or seemingly satisfied with going without what you know that you could have. It’s time to change that. And it won’t be easy (a part of you will feel like it’s dying - because it is. Your ego will resist and try to drag you back from fully laying this procrastinator within you to rest) but it’ll catapult you out of this energy of being stuck in the same place. Your ego only resists death because it’s afraid of the unknown. Thats when you have to come in and soothe yourself by providing understanding to your ego about how the unknown is new, but positive. After death comes rebirth, right? There’ll be a brand new journey for you to embark on and learn about. You’ll be able to learn about your capabilities, your creative efforts and how far they can go, etc. This procrastination is a method of self-protection that your ego has utilised for a very long time, meaning that it’s afraid of experiencing failure which would ultimately lead to shame, disappointment, etc. However, it’s already experiencing these things because you’re allowing it to prevent you from doing anything anyway. There’s a reason why your ego is so closely linked to your inner-child. What do you do when a child doesn’t want to do something that you know would be good for them, due to their own fear? You calm them and slowly introduce them into the unknown that they’re afraid of, while reassuring them and praising them for ever step forward that they take. You don’t let them allow their fear to control them. You subdue their fear with comfort and assurance. This is what you need to do for yourself.
• Pile Two •
Hi, Pile Two! Welcome to your reading!
You are being called to focus on finding peace and contentment. Focus on finding satisfaction within yourself as well as a feeling of safety. There’s an internal transformation happening for you, and it does lead to this feeling of safety that we’re speaking of. You may have a history of not having the tools of self-protection, leaving you vulnerable to those who wanted to use you or take advantage of you. There’s a part of you opening up that is some type of warrior on behalf of yourself. A part of you that’s able to protect yourself from anyone who gets too close to you too soon. This protector is your intuition. Your crown chakra that’s the medium between your higher self and your human self. This is what’s opening and transforming within you. You may be experiencing ascension symptoms (specifically your third-eye opening a lot more, enabling you to read between the lines of what people say and the situations that you find yourself in). Trust that you don’t have to be in defence-mode anymore, because you’re capable of protecting yourself. Don’t be discouraged if you feel like your consciousness is slow to catch onto certain things either. Tapping into uncharted territory such as your intuition or your 3rd eye takes time. Let it develop naturally. The people who don’t usually end up going a bit crazy and unhinged because they’ve opened their third eye (their pineal gland) forcefully and too quickly. You don’t want to be one of them 🙃. You also need to ensure that you’re breathing life into your intuition. What do I mean by this? You need to validate that your intuition exists. Don’t suppress it - because that’s the opposite of giving life to something. That’s how you squash it, eventually killing it. Validate its existence and its being. Again, your intuition is the direct connection to your higher self. Your higher self is on a higher dimension compared to you, meaning that they see things that you can’t see with your physical eye - hence why you see symbolisms and messages in your metaphysical (non-physical eye - your third eye. Your mind’s eye). Try to bring to an end your habit of disregarding what you see spiritually.
• Pile Three •
Hi, Pile Three! Welcome to your reading!
There needs to be a lot of acknowledgement from you towards yourself in regard to how much work you’ve put into creating safety and peace within yourself. You’ve completed the journey that Pile Two is currently on. You’ve been busy putting yourself together internally, which your physical reality is probably reflecting in some way - as within, so without. I’m hearing “you can rest”. You’ve found a lot of the safety and peace that you were looking for, thanks to your own efforts. You can take some weight off of your shoulders and just relax. Get playful and treat yourself in some way. The reason why you’ve found this sense of safety is because you’ve protected your mind, in-turn protecting your peace. “The ALL is mind; the universe is mental” - for those of you who are avid readers, I suggest that you read The Kybalion if you haven’t already. It seems like you’ve already taught yourself one of the principles of mental alchemy, which probably means that you’ll be able to grasp the other principles relatively easily too. You’ve found peace because you’ve found trust in yourself and your inner-knowing. Your intuition has been working overtime 😂. Your intuition is why you can keep yourself in your serenity. I’m hearing clapping from your higher self. They’re proud of you. You’ve reached a stage that many of us are still working on completing. Now that this ability to connect and to have faith in your intuition comes so naturally to you, you can rest. You don’t have to be vigilant all of the time. If your intuition needs to tell you something, then it will. You don’t need to constantly stay alert to it because you’ve built a great connection to it now.
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hongyangi · 1 year
somnolent | jacob bae
⤷ bf!jacob, gn!reader, fluff, implied established relationship
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it's already late at night and your computer is still on, multiple tabs open and keyboard clicking. you were planning to pull an all-nighter so you can finish your work earlier than the deadline. coffee on hand, eyes fixed on the screen, you sip your coffee and set the mug aside. ideas are abundant in your brain right now so you didn't wanna waste more time. besides, you might forget them if you procrastinate. you would hate it if you'd be late on the deadline or if your plans won't be done as scheduled. you were already stressed at having too much work at the same duration so it's best to get them done as soon as you can.
feeling productive, you were so focused on your work that you haven't given much attention to your boyfriend beside you. jacob rests his head on your shoulder, still considerate to not distract you by not being too close. yet, he sighed several times. it's even louder than he anticipated but you still did not bat an eye. he pouts. hoping for any slight attention, or maybe a conversation starter, he slides his arm around your waist and moved a little closer. when he fails to get your attention, he calls, "baby..." in a slightly groggy voice. you hummed a small "hm?" but eyes still shifting from the screen to the keyboard.
he sighed, face somewhat closer to your neck so you felt his breath fan on the side of your cheek, neck, and to your ear. instinctively, you tilt your head enabling him to press his lips on the crook of your neck quite accidentally. chills invaded your body making you blush, "jacob?" you turned to him. feeling a sense of victory, he smiled smugly at you and took the chance to peck on your lips. the blush became worse for what he just did and you only giggled to him,
hoping you could stop the giddy feeling he just bestowed on you, you turned back to your computer screen, but now barely able to focus. "is this needed too soon?" he asks, brows furrowed in frustration. "in three weeks, but i have few parts left so i want it done sooner." you explained in response while typing. jacob sighs, "you can continue tomorrow-" he pauses, "no, later. or yeah, maybe tomorrow. you should rest all day today. look at the time!" he protests when he realizes the time. you stop midway, eyes darting at the date and time of your computer.
oh, shoot. you abruptly turn to jacob who's still pouting beside you. you felt sorry for making him wait until almost four in the morning so you can go to bed together. "you've been waiting that long?" your eyes widen at him. the disbelief was evident in his expression but still managed to tease you, "well, i'm glad you're aware." jacob shrugs.
"okay, hold on a minute. i'll just finish this-" you saved the file and were about to add a little edit for it but you didn't notice that jacob has already sat on the bed beside your work table and he cuts your sentence by pulling your swivel in his direction. he also easily yanks you up from your seat by the waist and plops down on the bed with you on top of him.
you were surprised by his antics. nevertheless, it still made you feel warm and thrilled. the position enabled you to feel his heartbeat against your own and it made both of you silent for a moment, albeit never awkward. you looked at him fondly under you. one hand on the small of your back, and one fixing the stray hair that falls on your face. jacob stares at you just as affectionately and gives you a soft smile, "you worked hard today," he says in an almost whisper, his palm resting on your cheek while his thumb caresses your face softly. "you always give your best at everything you do, y/n, and i'm proud of you..." jacob pats your back gently, "but i hope you're not too disappointed when you can't do something you like. it's alright to take it slow, okay? you should allow yourself to rest too."
his words of encouragement soften your heart and you wish you could replay this moment as many times as you can. you could feel your eyes become teary as you take his words to your heart, but you manage to conceal them as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. but jacob knows. you won't realize you're tired and overworked until he tells you to rest. you even thought that he knows you better than yourself. those were words you need to hear at least once when you're having a hard time, and he never fails to reassure you. you have a companion. you have a source of strength. "thank you..." you managed to say. jacob hugged you tightly and hums, "i love you." you returned it to him as you close your eyes and your body at ease.
after a few seconds before you could let the sleepiness control you, you lift your head again and blinks at him, "are we sleeping like this?" you ask perplexed. jacob was as confused as you are but he chuckles and holds your frame carefully, gently laying you down beside him. your head rested on his arm and his face was just above yours. you looked up at him, who was supposed to give you a forehead kiss but his lips touched the tip of your nose instead. jacob was slightly surprised as he opens his eyes, but his smile grew and proceeded to kiss your lips instead. "is this comfortable for you?" he asked and with no words left to protest at him, you nod, hiding your gleeful smile when you drape your arm on his waist and snuggles close to his chest where you could hear his heart beating.
"sleep well, my love." you softly whisper and lay quiet in his embrace, somnolent after the busy day. you hope you can wake up at the sight of him beside you once again. you feel a warm hand patting your back as you fell asleep.
"sleep well, my dearest."
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Woman taken by the wind - Roger Taylor x Fem!reader
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Summary: You've taken a liking to a new band and your boyfriend cant help but tease you about your recent infatuation. 
Warnings: no swearing, implied sex, mention of oral sex, minor stress, mainly just fluff
Word count: 1.6k
     Alone in your apartment, you skip over to the turntable set up in the living room and turn up the volume to fifteen. The recently released sound of ‘Rhiannon’ by Fleetwood Mac blared through your flat. You weren't a fan of the earlier stuff from the band, but with the newest addition of Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham to the group really brought a new interesting vocal and guitar sound, you couldn’t get enough of it. You heard the track that was playing from the speakers on the radio, and you demanded that Roger pull over the car so you could go get a copy of the album. 
     Your boyfriend, Roger, wasn't as much of a ‘Fleetwood Mac super fan’ as he so lovingly calls you. He preferred the heavier tracks of Jimi Hendrix, while still liking some of the softer stuff from Dylan and such. He didn’t mind when you played them, though.
     You were alone at the moment. Roger was off in the studio with the boys. He suggested you stay home this day so you don't get caught in the middle of their idiotic arguments over if the harmony should be sung with an ‘ah’ sound or an ‘oh’ sound. You had some work to do in the apartment that day, so you were fine with staying home. Your recent purchase was great background noise for your daily chores. 
     You take a moment to walk over to the turntable again and flip over the record to side B before you continue on with washing the dishes. Swaying your hips to the beat of the song, you sang along to lyrics you were able to figure out. You had most of them memorized after listening to the album a couple of times.
     Roger had always loved your dancing. You felt dorky and rarely danced in front of others, but Roger was able to bring that side of you to light. You felt free around him, even if you still felt embarrassed to dance around him.
     You dry off the dishes and put them into the cabinet. That was another chore knocked off your list. You were surprisingly productive this afternoon. You often procrastinated by saying you'll do it later or you get too invested in whatever TV show you're watching. 
     You boogie(Rogers words) out of the kitchen and bend over the dining room table, reaching for the little notepad and checking off ‘wash dishes’ on the list. You had finally finished everything you had to do, and it was only 2 pm. You flip the cardboard cover to the front of the notebook and hook the pen back into the metal coil holding it together. 
     The way you were dancing almost made you feel like a hippie. You were too engulfed in the booming music that you didn't hear the door of your apartment unlock.
     Roger enters the apartment. He could hear the music before he even reached the doorstep. He leans against the entrance frame of the living room, watching as you dance in a pair of short pj shorts and his t-shirt. He loved seeing you wear his clothes. 
     “Hey, cutie,” Roger says, and you almost jump out of your skin at the sudden sound of his voice. “What- Roger! That's not funny!” you whine. You scramble to the turntable and turn the volume down to three. 
     Roger laughs at your childish reaction. “I think it's very funny, actually,” he says with a smirk. You feel his strong arms wrap around your waist as your bent over the turntable. “Why are you turning it down, lovie?” he asks as he takes hold of your hand and turns it up to ten. 
     “Why are you home so early?” you ask, not answering his question about the volume. Roger spins you around, smiling at you as he holds onto you in a waltz-like position. “We decided to stop for today. Too much arguing,” he says. “Is that all?” you ask as you begin swaying in his hold. “And because I missed my girl,” he smiles and gives you a kiss. 
     You hum against his soft, pillowy lips. “You were only gone for a couple of hours,” you giggle. “Is it so criminal for a man to miss his woman?” Roger laughs. “If so, give me the electric chair,” he says as he spins you around, causing a small yelp of excitement from you. “Not criminal. Maybe needy,” you smirk back.
     “You look cute,” he says, laying a kiss on your lips and then your cheek. “Oh, do I?” you ask, and he hums. “Love it when you wear my shirts,” he smiles softly as he toys with the hem of the shirt. “Especially when you wear those tiny shorts,” he adds.
     “Why? Because it looks like I’m wearing nothing underneath?” you question. 
     “Yep,” he grins and spins you again. “Maybe I should send you to the chair,” you joke. “On what charges?” he asks. “Horniness,” you say. Roger's hands slide down your sides, poking at your hips. “Oh, you're not too innocent yourself,” he points out.
     You laugh and give him a kiss before pulling yourself from his hold. “Never said I was,” 
     Roger watches as you walk away from him. “Where do you think you're going?” he asks as he cocks an eyebrow. “Changing the record,” you chuckle. You carefully lift the vinyl from the padded surface and return it to the protective sleeve before you feel Roger's hot breath against your neck. 
     “You know, I was thinking about you earlier,” he whispers into your ear. You couldn't help but smirk. “What were you thinking?” you ask innocently, still keeping your attention fixed on the neatly organized display of your shared record collection in front of you. 
     “I was thinking about that little red outfit you wore on my birthday last year,” he says. You laugh under your breath. You had great memory of that night. “Mhm?” you hum, telling him to continue as you feel his hands wrap around your waist. “You had on your favourite red lipstick,” he continues. 
     “You mean your favourite red lipstick,” you laugh. Roger always loved how you looked in that specific shade of red. He loved when it smudged onto your chin, and when you would leave kiss marks all over his body with the lipstick just to get a rise out of him. “Whatever,” he chuckles.
     “And, my head between your thighs,” he whispers. “Roger!” you whine, hitting his hand like a mother disciplining their son for having a potty mouth. Your cheeks were as red as that god-forsaken lipstick. You turn around to face him, putting on a brave face as if your cheeks weren't blaring red. “And you screaming that!” he grinned. It took every ounce of strength in your body not to smack that smirk right off his face.
     “You're such a pervert,” you joke. Roger gave you a kiss and laughed. “You keep sleeping with that pervert, so you make up your mind, y/n” he hummed.
     “See, and I would ask if you were thinking about me too, but you were probably too focused on your artsy fartsy music,” he teased. You huff and cross your arms, but it was so difficult to stay mad at him when he was staring at you with those big blue eyes. “Hey, baby, don't be so mad. I like your music,” he says as he gives your cheek a kiss. You tighten your lips as you struggle to hide your smile. “There's that smile,” he hums, and you finally let it be seen. 
     “I hate you,” you mumble through an embarrassed laugh. “Love you, too, babe,” Roger smiles. He wraps his arms around you again as the sound of the second track on The Beatles album ‘Abbey Road’ begins playing. Roger nuzzles his face into your neck and gently kisses it as you sway. “Somewhere in her smile she knows, that I don't need no other lover…” he hums to you softly, and you smile yet again in response. 
     “How's the album coming?” you ask, and you feel as he shrugs. “Sort of behind schedule, but I much rather spend time with you,” he says. “Oh, Roger. You know I don't like it when you choose me over your work,” you annoyingly say. Roger sighs, and he moves his head from his neck to meet your eyes. “I know, I know. Just, you know, the constant bickering is exhausting,” he confesses.
     “I love making music, but now it's just like clockwork now,” he says. He didn't want to admit it, but he had to. “And the record company has us on a strict deadline, it's just… so stressful,” 
     You hated to see Roger like this. You remember the days when he was so excited to go to the studio and work on the albums. But now, every day he would come home more miserable than the day before. 
     “I understand,” you tell him, letting your fingers comb through his un-styled mop. “It will get better soon, I’m sure of it,” you say. “Just wait, soon you’ll be on tour, and you get to see the world and perform for thousands of fans!” you smile, hoping that the response from the fans would cheer him up. It did, in part. 
     Roger hugs you, burring his face in your neck yet again. “Thank you, y/n,” he whispers. The only thing he didn't favour about the tours is that he didn't get to see you. You both understood that it was an important part of his career and that it would get easier with time. 
     The next track, ‘Maxwells' Silver Hammer’ comes on. This one was a bit funny to you. You both giggle as the lyric “Bang Bang Maxwells’ silver hammer came down upon her head” came. 
     “You remember that thing you mentioned about the red dress and lipstick…?” you ask, and Roger smirks. “Of course, I do,” he says. “Still in the mood?” you ask. He didn't even have to answer, because the next thing you knew Roger was pulling you down the hall to your bedroom, not even bothering to turn off the record. 
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Okay literally nobody asked but since I am procrastinating AND restless:
My final thoughts/ranking of the Eternal mini:
(warning this is a full on yap sesh and I have next to no knowledge of music except for the very basics feel very very free to ignore)
1. Deja vu: I have feelings for this song. So gorgeous, dreamy and ethereal. Smiling so big because this song exists blah blah. Anyway the way I thought this song would be #chillvibes from the album preview snippet but then it turned out to be #nochill kajskajsj even tho there is definitely a lethargic quality to the song. I was so gagged but despite the tables turning on me I loved it immediately. Also the very random (but very well incorporated) tabla in the bridge? Slay. Initially I was mad that this wasn't the tt but with all the melodrama and orchestral arrangement, it has a similar vibe to guilty so I get it. But this song is ten fold of what guilty wanted to be (to me, that is). And I think this song remaining as a b-side to be occasionally performed instead of it being dragged through the promotional cycle and losing all the weight and impact of the song is a good choice too (the song itself is not very promotion cycle friendly either). I can't wait to see what the choreo looks like.
2. Horizon: Very kibumcore as a lot of people have also said, I think so too!! A very unexpected sound for a taemin song but he delivered sooo well. I do wish the song was longer tho. Don't know what being the second title track on this album means as of now but it's worthy of the position I'm sure.
3. Crush: Extremely shineecore! A cute and funky little number! Got me moving! The layers in the instrumentals are neat. I got exactly what was promised on the album preview. Well executed. No other notes. Other than the funky vibe there isn't really any standout element so I might get bored of it quickly tho.
Can't decide between ranks 4 and 5 so I'm calling it a tie.
4/5. Sexy in the air: I definitely should have let my brain soak this in a bit more before complaining about it cause now I literally can't stop listening to it helpppaksnakms cause Damn... This is crazy. What am I gonna do now?? Jaksjksks My first ranking for this song was literally second last (in a derogatory way) and now here we are. Also I held off from watching the mv first because I'm a very visual creature and I get easily swayed that way so I was trying to be #unbiased or whatever. I still think that the second verse is a bit meh, specially because of the English lyrics (i don't even know why I was so pissed off by the "turn me down" that was obviously supposed to be "turn me on", it wasn't even that serious 😭) but I was definitely being too harsh and it's not even as bad as I made it out to be and it doesn't stick out enough to get in the way of me enjoying the rest of the song. The switch up after the beat change is soooo good I've been obsessed with that part (the horny choreo definitely helps :D).
The good things about this song being the title track are: it's produced by dem jointz (the production is interesting and immaculate), the mastering of this song is better than most tracks on this album, it is performance oriented/friendly, both halves of the song are tied together so neatly that honestly the beat change doesn't even seem that unnatural even if it's shocking, tm devoured this track in a way that only he can, tm freak lore continues!!!! but most importantly it's bold!!! and it's a statement!!! (instead of playing it safe like he did with guilty imo lol, musically i mean). My only real grievance with this song is probably the fact that it wasn't allowed to go full freak nasty the way it was originally envisioned to be because we live in a society or whatever. Tm was moaning and groaning and saying fuck in the studio only for it to be muffled and be barely audible on the track. The dem jointz trademark of an addictive repeated word/phrase being distorted because otherwise tm would be put in horny jail fr (horny gay jail even because its so crazy that they had another man moaning on the track like skdkksksjdkd). Some of the lyrics being altered hastily (like "turn me down" ksjsjsks).This song being called sexy in the air instead of sex is in the air kajskaksksks. Sad. Because if anyone can pull off something like this without being cringe, it's tm. But it's okay I get it. Also notably this song has one of the veeery few ethical uses of that infamous bed creak sample (by ethical i mean relevant to the song at hand in a way that maximizes the slay of the song).
4/5. Say Less: Very pretty, short and sweet, could have been longer. A solid closer for this album and definitely stands it's own ground despite being on the track list after Deja vu. Which is lowkey a feat of its own. The instrumentals are infact drowning out his voice a bit but I don't think it bothers me as much as I had feared. Reminds me of Truth a bit.
6. The Unknown Sea: I don't have particularly strong opinions on ballads but I do generally only listen to ballads if I'm already super into the idol. And I do like most of the other ballads from tm. However. He's singing his ass off here but the vocal processing.... specially in the chorus his voice sounds very tinny. When I first heard the song I thought it wasn't that big of a deal but now it is definitely getting in the way of me enjoying this song. Beautiful bridge tho, definitely the highlight of the song for me.
7. G.O.A.T.: This instrumental is so fucking nasty I'm obsessedddd. Unfortunately the instrumental might just be the saving grace of this song. I went into this track thinking I was not even gonna be able to listen to this but thankfully it's not thaaaaaat bad. But we definitely need to get tm off his rapping agenda. Even after listening to this a bunch of times it's not sitting that well with me. (Which is crazy because after first listen I thought his voice was more well suited to GOAT than SITA???) I do understand that this song was meant to be a bit tongue in cheek like yeah the goat bleating sounds are hilarious in a good way but tm is Not giving the hardass aura that he thought he was going for and um. that's enough for me to be like :/ which is such a shame cause even the arrangement of this song is so interesting. But yeah whatever this track needed vocally is not in tm's strengths so. I'll wait for someone to upload the instrumental tho so that I can download it and play it with the rest of the album jksjsksksjsjs
I think it's a good choice to drop an album that's just him coming out swinging after such a drastic career altering decision. There's no more room for regrets or dilly dallying and he's confident. Which is a good thing. Because it definitely makes the statement he wants to make. The album as a whole is interesting, all the tracks differ from each other but that doesn't take away from the cohesiveness of the soundscape of the album. There is a clear logic in the way the tracklisting was done, the transition from one song to the next makes sense (even if I can't explain it properly).
That being said, yes the production and the mixing is a bit lacking (along with the other downsides of a low budget) but I don't think sm has songs like this in their vault anymore so... You win some you lose some idk.
Overall I do see this as a win. Yapping over and out.
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climatecalling · 10 months
Consumerism is the path to planetary ruin, but there are other ways to live
Faced with the now undeniable impacts of climate crisis created by humans, political leaders in wealthier countries incline towards one of two competing responses. They either question the urgency and feasibility of meeting net zero targets and generally procrastinate (the rightwing tendency); or they proclaim their faith in the powers of magical green technologies to protect the planet while prolonging and extending our present affluent ways of living (a position more favoured on the left and centre). Common to both approaches is a wrongheaded presumption that we can carry on growing while managing to hold off the floods and fires of growth-driven capitalism. ... Sustainable production and consumption must therefore replace undifferentiated economic growth as the goal of 21st-century political economy. And making the case for this means challenging the belief that sustainable consumption will always involve sacrifice, rather than improve wellbeing. Our so-called “good life” is, after all, a major cause of stress and ill health. It is noisy, polluting and wasteful. Its commercial priorities have forced people to gear everything to jobseeking and career development, but still leave many people facing chronically unfulfilling and precarious jobs and lives. ... By offering a broader cultural dimension to the existing arguments of those who dissent from today’s economic orthodoxy and want to promote a less unequal world, a compelling vision of alternative ways of living can help to inspire a more diverse, confident and substantial opposition. And in expanding on that vision we now need to look beyond western ideas of progress to include other influences and sources of inspiration.
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 7 months
hey zeepie! HIHIHIHII!!!!
irl bestie headcannons? why the hell not, happy Valentine's season (or smt) a lot of this is purely imaginative, as im cautious about ppl online. I hope you feel better ❤️
if we were irl besties, I would prolly be afraid to text you a lot. id send u shitty memes and funny shit id find on Pinterest and think you would judge me about it, before seeing you happily text me back.
we would text about things happening, like gen alpha slang, or about our future. lots of intrusive thoughts from my way with frightened commentary from you
while I may be busy often, I try to fit my friends with my schedule, even if they don't match often (they go to public school) so youd be invited to Mexican parties, bday parties, skating hangouts, or even the once-in-a-life-time boy girl party.
and other times, I just want to spend time w/ you. sometimes I would invite you to the park to simply interact, or we would visit each other's house for a self care day. Everytime I see you, I just tackle you in a giant hug, as you struggle to hold me a bit.
id bring all of my favorite masks, along with the best snacks possible. you would prolly have the blankets and towels. imagine me loading up fortnite on my Nintendo as I make you an account for your tv 💀💀💀
like the 'its my first time' adult x 'imma protect you no matter what' 16 yr old trope. you'd call me cringe as I finish setting you up, and invite to my party for 3 rounds of battle royale.
we lost all three 😭.... but! but- we did get at least 9 kills on average per round, that's a win for me 👀 the opps were too strong for us 😞🫴🏾
id steal your remote as i press the tubi app, choosing some trash iteration of the monkey king. you'd laugh so hard about it the whole time, while id be rambling about the quality of CGI and the differences between modern movies.
while we talk I may poke you a bit, you swatting my hands threatening to fight. it's just smt abt tickling that makes a blk person wanna throw hands 🫠 👊🏾💥👊🏾💥other times id sooth through your hair in a spaced out silence, not really minding anything.
you'd ask about my locs sometimes, and my haircare routine. (thinking abt it now, I haven't gotten my hair done in almost a month 💀) so you'd prolly ask why my roots are so fluffy instead of rolled up. a smile would com across your face as I continue to explain, telling you about the palm rolling + clipper process, the dangers of water, and oil buildup. you laugh as I tell you about my dream to dye my roots neon green, keeping my tips pink.
(fun fact: [and this could apply to every hair type, but especially locs] when you leave water in locs w/o drying properly, you could literally grow matted mold. it can become very smelly and strong, because hair in general ESPECIALLY CONJOINED HAIR soaks up water like a fuckin towel. and if you arent careful about the products u use/what products you use, and how often you wash your hair, it can cause oil buildup pretty easily.
im not sure why, but when I add water to my hair, my scalp dries up and it starts to shed 😭😭 I SWEAR I USE OIL-)
and sometimes ill disappear for a month. it won't be on purpose of course! as soon as I get my phone in my hands, I'm racing to send you my entire meme bank, making you cackle during the early hours of the morning.
and when we can't meet up, well just ramble to each other over call, or play shitty Roblox obbies on discord. throw writing ideas, communicate, au's fictional and irl, existential dread, carpet fuzz. anything really!
and we would be really good friends too- like, top tier verbalization, positive affirmations, and happiness all the way ❤️
the only thing I could think of you and me arguing about is the use of my n word tendencies for stupid things. or my procrastination-
but other than that, being your irl bestie would be awesome! id make sure of it ❤️
ohh uhym
just, uh, aha- gimme a second? chippy?- babe– ,,
[scampers away behind a conveniently placed bush, curls down into a squatting ball so only the back of my head is visible] Guueuuueeeeeeeeghehehgehegheeeghhhh,,, gaaaaasp– ghhhhhuuuuuuueeeerrrrrghhhhgehegeheeeeghehhhnngh 😭😭😭
I read this groggily after waking up from my sadness-induced nap and it immediately, IMMEDIATELY !!! ... made me smile. Like, so so big. SO, so BIG!!!
Aaaand I am so, MAD, that we don't know each other irl because?? I need this?? In my life??? I've,,, ALWAYS needed someone like this??????? & to finally have her!! But she is not here IN FRONT OF ME FOR ME TO HAVE AS THE BESTEST BESTIE EVER??? IT SHOULD BE A SIN PUNISHABLE BY INSTANT LIGHTNING STRIKE DEATH FROM GOD HIMSELF JKHHJHJHDJBSHDJHJ 👹😭🤬💔💔 LIKE I AM- FEENING FOR THIS ☝🏾 FRIENDSHIP EXACTLY GRUUURAGAHAGAAAAAAGHHHH
Like why are you not here in front of me rn?? WHy, *chokes* do you not live across from me in my lil ghetto ass neighborhood where the only thing that'd motivate me to go outside is you calling to me from my window?? Like it's not fair it simply isn't fair as a matter of fact, i think it's racist that we aren't irl friends like and ALL OF THIS DURING O U R MONTH likeeee. *sucks teeth* seems sketchy to me bro 😤💔 [I continue to ramble if only to shield the sounds of my heart shattering quite loudly in the background]
THE TUBI PART DID IT FOR ME 😭😭 HOW DO YOU KNOW I'VE SEEN THE CRUDDY REITERATIONS OF THE MONKEY KING??? I'd palette it MUCH more easier if it were you watching it with me instead of my parents :'')) I'm the type to crack up obnoxiously during movies and shows - our chaotic energy would bounce of e/o seamlessly and we'd be our own movie fr 🎬🤣
I ain't no gamer but I'd do it for you bookie. even if the opps did get us in the end. we did our best, trust 😞✊🏾 magic of friendship always prevails, feel me?
And !! Girl !! Black girl hair knowledge 😍💅🏾✨ AAAAAAAAAA!!! FROTHING AT THE MOUTH FOR IT SJDKDJ (/ns btw ksjsjsj just as a forewarning 😭😭💀 you get me girl) PLEASEEE I don't have thoroughly kinky hair, since i'm mixed so i never got the whole concept of it and anytime I'm bein made aware of afro-centric hair care i EAT THAT ISH UPPPPPPP. u're my new knowledge plug. like, this was edumacational. AND HONESTLY I THINK YOU HELPED ME TOO??? 🤣 I get reeeally bad buildup sometimes but I think it's because I air dry my hair, not really much at all!! :')) yes yes i know, cue the screams of horror. 💀 I SWEARRRR I'M LEARNING AND GROWING I JUST NEED TO USE MY BLOWDRYER JKJKS
AAAAAAAA we'd dye our hair together!!! 😍 that's honestly such a cute color combo, wholly underrated !! my tenderheaded self, but I'm a sucker for people stroking my hair/head bcuz it rarely happens nowadays 😭
sitting in comfortable silence? casual healthy platonic affection? posting up when you tryna start somethin with them pokes and tickles?? 😔✊🏾 yes please yes to all of it.
fr tho you can catch this fade if you keep tryin me bbygirl i be screeching like a banshee jsjsjsjss
UGHGHHHHHHHGGGGGGHHHHH the ✨positive reaffirmations and 🩷verbalization of love🩷✨
Like this a whole dream.
,,,real images of me caught in 8K UHD surround sound 32 Gigs ram, HDR GEFORCE RTX, TI-80 texas instruments, Triple A duracell battery ultrapower 100 Cargador Compatible iPhone 1A 5 W 1400 + Cable 100% 1 Metro Blanco Compatible iPhone 5 5 C 5S 6 SE 6S 7 8 X XR XS XS MAX GoPro hero 1 2 terabyte xbox series x Dell UltraSharp 49 Curved Monitor - U4919DW Sony HDC-3300R 2/3" CCD HD Super Motion Color Camera, 1080p Resolution Toshiba EM131A5C-SS Microwave Oven with Smart Sensor, Easy Clean Interior, ECO Mode and Sound On/Off, 1.2 Cu. ft, Stainless Steel HP LaserJet Pro M404n Monochrome Laser Printer with Built-in Ethernet (W1A52A) GE Voluson E10 Ultrasound Machine LG 23 Cu. Ft. Smart Wi-Fi Enabled InstaView Door-in-Door Counter-Depth Refrigerator with Craft Ice Maker GFW850SPNRS GE 28" Front Load Steam Washer 5.0 Cu. Ft. with SmartDispense, WiFi, OdorBlock and Sanitize and Allergen - Royal Sapphire Kohler K-3589 Cimarron Comfort Height Two-Piece Elongated 1.6 GPF Toilet with AquaPiston Flush Technology:
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......,,,, SOmeone should hELP her. 🧍👀
[clears throat and composes myself]
Ahhh, my Chippy Choco Chip girl. You are already such bestie material online, I can only imagine how viscerally that translates to in person :'')))
If I can get a little personal here?? Ever since I was young, I wished and prayed and begged, for a friend. Like, a GOOD friend. A best friend. Someone who'd be there for me and actually want to spend time with me; oh you have no idea how much you healed little me typing this out, Chips (´;ω;`) Tumblr, our moots as a whole have also healed the little Lilo in me and have simultaneously become my Stitch. :'))
This is the bestest thing I could've received for Valentine's (and yes I'm considering it as my valentine's/galentine's gift from u 🤨 problem?? *chkt chkt* ???..... yeah i didn't think so 😌. thank you.) and I am just. BLESSED. 🙏🏾😫
I love you pookie. ❤❤🫶🏾🫶🏾 Thanks for making me smile so hard my face almost stayed permanently that way today.
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Hiii! Can I please get a matchup for One piece, demon slayer and jjk? First of all, thank you so much for doing this... really... thank you!! ❤
Here i go....
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight
MBTI: INFP (sometimes i feel like i am a INTP)
Appearance: tall, black middle length hair. Dark brown eyes. Tan skin.
Personality: i am so introverted. I maybe seemed as selfish and uncaring. But i do care, especially for my family. I am sometimes paranoid about things. But i always try not to talk bad about others and try to be possitive. I always try to be a kind and mature person. I really try.
Likes and Dislikes: I love reading... watching anime... and character.ai... but i recently stopped using character.ai. i was addicted to it. Oh i love sleeping. I like drawing and painting... i like Writing... i like to fantasise things...
These days i am studying Mathematics, physics and chemistry for my final exams. It is so hard. I want to be a electrical engineer one day. And a businesswoman.
I must say my anime husband is Ace.
What more should i say? Oh i am kind of lazy... and procrastinating.... but i want to be a hard working person... i know just 'wanting to become' is nothing without 'trying to be'.... so i will try to overcome my had habits....
i don't have much friends... but i have my younger sister as a friend... a best friend....
that's pretty much it...
Hope you can get the idea...
Thank you again.... have a nice day!!!🌸
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In One Piece, I match you with...
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It’s a good thing you like Ace because he certainly likes you back! He’s fallen head over heels for your kindness and would do anything to be on the receiving end of it.
You’re both lazy sort of people and there’s nothing wrong with that in Ace’s eyes. He loves the fact that when he unexpectedly falls asleep, you’re happy to rest alongside him.
Speaking of, he also loves sleeping with you intentionally. He likes the intimacy and domesticity of drifting off to sleep knowing the person he cares about most is right beside him.
In a modern au, Ace would definitely be into anime. I can see him being a fan of things like Jujutsu Kaisen and Hunter x Hunter but he’s open to suggestions and will happily watch anything you like.
Definitely teases you a bit for liking character.ai. But at the same time, he totally gets it. There are some cool characters out there that he’d love to talk to as well. Maybe you’ll have to show him how to use it sometime…
In Demon Slayer, I match you with...
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You and Giyu are definitely more on the introverted side of things so it might take a while for your relationship to start. But once it does, you two are inseparable.
You’re definitely the more positive one in your relationship but Giyu is trying his best to change his view of the world. Hopefully over time you can show him that not everything in the world is as sad as he sometimes thinks it is.
Since neither of you have many friends, your bond would be even closer than you might expect. I can see you giving each other the courage to make new friends together as well which is always a good thing.
He loves watching you paint. He finds it relaxing and enjoys seeing your pieces come together. He might ask you to draw some things for him from time to time but won’t force you if you’re not feeling inspired.
In the same vein, he loves your writing as well. If you share any of your work with him, Giyu will read it carefully and give you good feedback, both positive and constructive.
In Jujutsu Kaisen, I match you with...
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Since you’re mature, I think you’d get along well with Itadori. He’s a fun loving guy but is able to be serious when the occasion calls for it. It’s a good combination.
He’s definitely a procrastinator so he totally gets where you’re coming from with that. Hopefully you can help each other be a bit more productive rather than encouraging the procrastination too much…
Itadori thinks it’s great that you like fantasising about things. He can be a bit spacy at times and doesn’t mind sitting together in silence, lost in your own thoughts.
Loves watching anime with you! I see him as a shonen fan publicly but a rom-com lover in private. He’s pretty happy watching anything you like though.
Itadori also really likes watching you draw. He’ll set up a notepad next to you and try to copy your work, even though he definitely doesn’t have the same level of skill you do.
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Step right up and get your horoscope!
(So, my friends and I used to just have fun by writing horoscopes for each other. Like, "Remember to thank the person you're cheating off the test for today. Who knows? Maybe they'll mark the wrong answer just to spite you." Or, my personal favorite. "Mercury is the fifth house. Compliment someone's outfit today. I know where you live, Sash.")
I wanna keep that tradition alive—because I'm nostalgic after going back through our text threads, so here you are.
♈︎ Aries: Today, your impulsive nature will lead you to buy something completely unnecessary—again. But my therapist-goldfish has told me to think positive, so: at least you’ll have a new conversation starter when your friends ask why you’ve suddenly got a collection of inflatable unicorns. You go, man! Embrace the thrill of instant regret.
♉︎ Taurus: Your love of comfort will backfire today when you refuse to leave your bed. The universe supports your decision to stay wrapped in a blanket burrito, but your boss might have other thoughts. Perhaps consider inventing a "National Stay in Bed Day."
♊︎ Gemini: Your dual personality shines today as you argue with yourself about whether to be productive or binge-watch another season of that show you don’t even like. Spoiler: you’ll do both, but poorly. Perhaps it best to invest in a famous book called Multitasking for Dummies.
♋︎ Cancer: Your emotional rollercoaster takes a nosedive today when you realize that eating your feelings only leads to a belly full of regrets and empty ice cream cartons. It’s okay to cry over spilled milk, but maybe not the entire dairy aisle.
♌︎ Leo: Today, your legendary procrastination skills will hit a new high, or should I say low? You’ll spend hours convincing yourself that starting tomorrow is a better idea, maybe even clean your house while you're at it—because, according to the very legit dictionary you have "in control" means putting off tasks until they become someone else’s problem. After all, why conquer the world today when you can nap and pretend you’re recharging your creative energy instead? Seriously, get off this website and do something. Productive procrastination is still procrastination.
♍︎ Virgo: Your obsession with perfection will reach new heights today when you alphabetize your spice rack for the third time this week. Come on, we both know you could be doing something more productive, like teaching your cat how to play the piano. Don't let your poor kitty down! (Also, your missing sock is under the couch.)
♎︎ Libra: You pride yourself on your ability to see both sides of any situation. Well, I'm here to tell you, WAKE UP, this isn't Dhar Mann; indecision isn't a superpower—it's just a way to avoid responsibility. As you debate whether to eat cereal or toast for breakfast, remember: even a coin flip is more decisive than you.
♏︎ Scorpio: You often believe you’re in control, but today the universe will remind you that you’re not the puppet master—you’re the puppet. And guess what? The strings are tangled. Try to survive the day without tripping over your own feet. But don't worry, another three weeks, and you'll be able to beat Fate at poker. Just don't piss off any black cats.
♐︎ Sagittarius: No amount of plane tickets or hiking trails can outrun your own mind. No horoscope can save you from the existential dread of realizing you’ve been running in circles. Maybe it's best to stay at home today.
♑︎ Capricorn: Don't think about it and don't stay in the house. They know where you live. Hide in the nearest Starbucks and ignore anybody who has a blue briefcase. This is for your own good. Oh, and also, pet a golden retriever and get some ice cream. Just ignore Cancer crying in the dairy aisle.
♒︎ Aquarius: Okay, I'm going to give it to you straight, you’re less of a trailblazer and more of a guy yelling at clouds. The good news? No one takes you seriously enough to care. The bad news? No one takes you seriously enough to care.
 ♓︎ Pisces: I love you, man, but you need to come up with better excuses. Your escapist tendencies will come crashing down today when reality hits you with the force of a sledgehammer. You can try to swim away, but the current of responsibility is stronger than your denial. This is the real world, and you're staring down the barrel of a looming deadline, my friend.
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pompadourpink · 2 years
Hi mom im 19 in college and i feel super depressed but i have no idea why, my life is great, i love my family, nothing is wrong, but i'm just super bored and miserable, feel like i'm wasting my time on social media but can't stop, do you have any advice?
Hello dear,
Two things: overstimulation and loneliness.
We are drowning in content (social media, YT, podcasts, shows, ads, music) as well as sensory experiences (traffic, chatter, crowds, colours, lights) and our cerebral activity is constantly through the roof. Spend twenty minutes on TikTok and you can easily have your heart broken by someone saying goodbye to their cat, be reminded of your singleness (and comment something that "the highway is looking real nice rn"), amazed by someone's beauty and laugh at a dog video.
This is an exhausting way to live. You should be the main character of your life but you choose, day after day, to be a spectator of everyone else's. You happily gamble away hours and hours of your existence that you will never get back in order to find out what this influencer ate today or what's happened to Ned Fulmer. That's the reason why I post very little on my own social media: I don't want to rob you of your time, the most precious thing you'll ever have.
You don't communicate much because you've never learned how to make friends (since you ignore people IRL - watching stories and liking tweets don't count). You don't call grandma, don't hang out with friends, don't have Halloween plans. You stroke your pet with one hand and your eyes pinned to your screen (could be a blanket and you wouldn't know), neglect your needs, and procrastinate until you are so disgusted with yourself that you have a breakdown.
And obviously, politics aren't helping. My gen isn't doing too good, gen Z is scarily passive when something bad happens because they're unsensitized to violence (as they binge true crime, fear school shootings and make suicide jokes constantly), and I don't even want to know how iPad babies are going to turn out.
The people who make content purposefully put you in a position where you will want to keep scrolling, watching, liking, they'll make you believe that you need their product until you buy it (and nothing happens because you never needed it but now you lost money and you're sad because the happy chemicals are already back home) and they know it's hurting you, but it makes them money, so they won't stop. This means you need to make the decision to walk away yourself.
You don't need to consume stuff all the time. You shouldn't feel a need to get your phone out when waiting in line. You shouldn't feel ugly without a filter (if you even like yourself at all). You shouldn't feel ghost vibrations when your phone is in your pocket. You shouldn't have something playing at all times. You shouldn't be afraid of eating out alone or of being empty-handed because then your demons would start talking and you're unwilling to see what they want and how they got there.
Put your phone on flying mode after 9pm. Dim the lights. Turn off the music. Open the window and see what the world is up to. Count red cars, find shapes in the clouds, guess people's jobs, look for dogs, whatever you want, but nothing else. No music, no screens, no distractions. Lie on the bed and try to feel every part of your body. Have a full conversation without taking your eyes away from the other person. Eat without something to watch. Leave your phone in the room when you're going potty. Go for walks and listen to birds. Make small talk with anyone who looks nice, on the subway, at the laundromat, in class.
Choose to live before it's too late. It's already your second chance.
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eats-the-stars · 2 years
love the guy assigned to my case at the “help you get a job” program. i have exactly 2 modes. 1) procrastinating until the absolute last minute. And 2) guess I will complete months worth of work that is also due at the end of the year in exactly 3 days of non-stop effort. You can basically flip a coin as to which approach my brain will decide to take for any given task.
so yeah I have a job now. and my poor case manager dude is like “wait. no. that was so fast. it’s been one week. you did how many interviews? and you picked...this one. the one that is not like anything you have done before and also was not on the “jobs I think would work out for me” list that we made?”
and he was scrambling like “accommodations. training. oh god. um. do i need to talk to your employers?” and getting more anxious when I was like “no i think I have it covered.” like i am sorry bro but i know that my vibes in person are like “quiet forgetful autistic person who can pass for either a high school student or a grandma at any moment” and this does not inspire confidence, but I am actually pretty independent once someone gives me a little push to start a thing.
also...dude you have my job history. winter sports area general worker (concessions, ticket sales, renting ski/snowshoe equipment, managing cross-country trails, monitoring the tube hill, etc.). family restaurant hostess (basically every role in the place except a cook). person selling fireworks out of tent for all of July while also living in a smaller tent behind the shipping crate filled with things that go boom. call center customer service rep handling 4 different clients that range from crafts and home decor to incontinence products and super expensive furniture. freelance dog-sitting with clients ranging from “rich couple who wants me to let their elderly cockapoos out twice a day for $50 bucks a pop in a house with a basement theater” to “i’ll give you $10 a day to exercise and feed the 3 huskies in our small apartment also they can jump higher than you are tall and scream louder than you thought possible.” bro we added a whole “volunteer experience” section to my resume because I wrote grants and worked with an environmental group to restore native bluebirds to the community and volunteered at the community table and the animal shelter and the library. like i have done lots of things that are not really connected at all. someone says “hey do you think you could do this?” and I am suddenly living out of a tent for a month googling “what the fuck is a crossette?” i once ended up in Memphis for 2 months doing volunteer construction work in the aftermath of a hurricane because my cousin didn’t want to go alone and everyone was like “oh we know someone who goes with the flow so hard.”
so you better believe i told you “oh i don’t know, maybe a receptionist position would be nice” and then applied to every local job known to god and then a few extra and took the first one to say “cool can you start next week?” i know i did not give off “I will try anything at least once if you ask me fast and then go ‘great!’ before I can process what i agreed to” vibes while sitting in your office in my colorful leggings, grandma sweaters and animal hats while not making eye contact and talking about how lovely my nephew is and how much I enjoy quiet time alone and gardening and i struggle with a poor memory and navigating social interactions. but i know you proofread my resume my guy. you asked questions about all these things except the construction thing because i actually forgot to mention that actually which is good because then i might have had to mention the cult involvement that i wasn’t aware of until i was stuck on-site but it all worked out so no sweat. still, i am glad that he is concerned by my “out of the blue” spontaneity. it’s kind of his job to help people settle into jobs that they can handle, and I also know that I would realistically need more assistance from him if I wasn’t so good at adapting on the fly due to my bad habit of saying “sure, I can do that” to literally anything. also my new job is honestly pretty tame, so i am not sure what he is freaking out about. i should really not mention some of the other jobs i spontaneously applied for before accepting this one. like..my friend...i could be working in a bridal shop. i could be training to install and repair vending machines or decorating cakes or delivering medical equipment. i applied for a job that was literally “window production.” none of these are actually as wild as that time I spent 2 months with a religious cult doing manual labor and living out of an abandoned, half-destroyed school building because my cousin talked me into it. i had to watch a dramatic reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus on my very first night that brought the whole gymnasium of strangers to wild, howling tears while I was awkwardly clapping my hands as my cousin sobbed incoherently into my shoulder. i once dog-sat a bluetick coonhound for 2 weeks in the dead of winter, and the snow if his yard was so high that he was able to jump the fence and book it down the street. i had to chase him through knee-high snow for over an hour before he stopped to sniff a bemused old lady long enough for me to catch him. i once had a customer at the restaurant rail at me for a good twenty minutes because she was absolutely sure that we did serve pineapple upside down cake and i was just withholding this dessert from her, specifically. the bar for “jobs I would apply for” is so low that I actually thought “well as long as nobody spits in my face, pukes on me consistently, or shanks me in the kidney again I could probably do anything.” although to be fair to my case manager i did not mention those things to him (except the pineapple upside down cake lady because I mention her all the time, i am still pissed off about that situation). also, my sister was actually the one to have a dog wake her up in the middle of the night only to puke directly into her mouth, but I watched it go down, so the psychic trauma of witnessing that still exists.
#honestly i think my poor social skills get me into half of the situations in my life#because i agree to things before i process them because most people talk and talk too fast for me#so i spend the whole conversation trying to keep up also figure out what the hell we're talking about#and then at the end i turn to my sister and say 'so what was that about?'#and she says something like 'you signed up to sell fireworks out of a tent for all of july' and i just have to run with that#the other half of the situations just come from having relatives and family friends that actively seek out situations#but want to drag someone adaptable and chill along who will also not say 'that's literally insane. no' when asked#also i need less cousins who take the zombie apocalypse life tip of always bringing a slow runner with you to situations#like i am a small person ok. my legs are shorter. i can't help it that everyone else is sprinting around on their stilt-legs#also just like i like to take walks with my dad because the mosquitoes love his blood way better than mine#i have a history of 'first person to get stabbed in a situation' that is probably just due to being the weakest looking person in any group#and i don't really panic in emergencies. i don't really know why. maybe it's something to do with being autistic#but if someone is screaming in pain and writhing on the floor#or an alarm goes off#or a bus skids on the ice and smears a stranger across the sidewalk right in front of me#or if i get mugged in a coffee shop while i'm studying for exams#i don't really do the things that other people around me do in the same situation#i personally think that the bubble i exist in just runs slower than everyone else's#so they're all having their reactions and freaking out while i'm still like 'damn something sure is happening right now.#am i supposed to do anything about this?'#and then if the answer is: 'yeah you should probably calm down that guy on the floor. figure out why he's screaming. then call 911 maybe?'#then i'll just do that while other people are saying things like 'oh god what's happening?!'#like if i panicked every time i had a dog that i was responsible for make a stupid life decision in front of me#or had a cult member ask me. an atheist. if i felt like i connected with god at the emotional catharsis activity#or honestly even just every time i've ever been stabbed in the left kidney even tho that's only happened twice#then i don't know i would probably be doing a lot of panicking#maybe it's an energy thing. i feel like panicking requires more energy than i usually have access to
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ainews · 4 days
Habits are important for both our mental and physical health, and can make a huge difference in our day to day lives. From the urge to procrastinate to forming healthy routines, our habits can be the deciding factor in success and failure. But why are habits so significant for figures?
When working in a leadership role, it’s important to stay on top of your tasks and maintain an organized system that will help you stay motivated and efficient. Forming positive habits help figures maintain momentum and consistency in their day-to-day work, allowing them to achieve their goals faster.
Having the ability to recognize and create healthy habits can also help figures create a better work-life balance. From taking regular breaks and organizing their day according to their priorities, to creating an effective system to prevent multitasking, leaders need to ensure they’re taking care of their health in order to be productive.
Habits will also give figures an edge when it comes to problem-solving. Developing a mindset that’s constantly alert for potential solutions and decisions will help any leader make the right call quickly, as well as reduce the chances of making bad decisions when under pressure. Similarly, having the discipline to be consistent and patient with a plan will help leaders see the complete picture.
Finally, figures should also strive to develop positive habits to ensure their relationships last. Fostering an understanding of how different people work, and the habit of always thinking of others first, can go a long way in making sure everyone is on the same page. It can also help leaders create collective goals that everyone can work together to achieve, rather than having each individual chasing their own goals.
Habits are certainly not easy to develop, but can be the key to success for any figure. Cultivating habits that foster consistency, dedicated problem-solving, and helpful relationships can be the difference between success and failure.
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mary-janewagner · 3 months
I got fired yesterday
“You are more trouble than you are a help” was what she said when she randomly called me a few hours before I was supposed to show up at the bar. I had not even worked there a whole month, but now have to again be writing job applications. Though my coworkers were weirdly passive aggressive to me from the beginning on - which I thought to be because they are just like how typical German urban people in their twenties are like here (entitled, privileged and lacking a sense of humour) I certainly did not expect to be laid off from that job really. In fact, I thought I was doing pretty well actually, was enjoying that work and looking forward to spend my summer nights in that bar.
Jas and me are sitting in this cafe that is attached to the movie theatre right now. We just had a pancake and a lentil soup after spending the day at different cafes being more or less productive...
Now, it is the next day. We watched The End We Start From. It was only us, a couple that was sitting close to us a few days ago at the library and some random guy in the tiny theatre hall. I had never heard of the movie before and the main reason we decided watching it was that it was being shown in English. I found it to be a good movie, thought provoking. The protagonists were (somewhat) white, priviledged urban people. That did not save them from being completely helpless against the floods though. The movie portrayed how natural disasters truly make us equal. With climate chance they will occur more frequently and in places we are not yet used to them occuring in. People literally sitting in the same boat.
My mood got very serious and pessimist throughout watching the movie. Do I want to set children into this world in which it seems a safe future even in our priviledged western societies cannot be taken for granted? How can I ensure a safe future for myself and my possible future family? Now that it's the first time I am with a partner with whom I could actually imagine a future together those questions suddenly feel so real.
Nowadays I read a lot about migration. I am taking this course on Migration and Belonging in Political Theory with that professor whom I absolutely adore. She is a great role model for me and my main motivation showing up and participating - something I have had a hard time doing throughout the past two years that I am studying already - is just to make her like me really. Ideally I would like to work for her, but that job is already taken by one of my fellow students. He though is not too appreciative of that student assistant job - he himself complained about it to me. However, with migration I have found a topic that I am hugely interested in. It is a phenomenon that with climate chance will become more and more present that it is already now.
Last week I applied to a student job of a another professor at the political science institute though - and she also works on migration! I got to know about the position being vacant through a researcher of political science who knows me through a series of absurd and akward situations rather than through university itself. Most importantly though he had me on mind when it came to this, which I greatly appreciate. Though I am not as advanced in my studies as I should be, having procrastinated a lot indeed, in the past two years my social and political engagement in two organisations in which I had leading positions and another friendship I made to a researcher in law (who at some point even was my partner) allowed me to gather precious experience as an event organisor and student assistant already. Especially the latter friendship enabled me to have very unique insights into research and academic life having observed the process of publishing a book with Oxford University Press, having helped organising an international academic conference inviting 13 prestigious researchers to my university and most interestingly: having lived in a New English town for three months already, taking part at seminars and lectures of very known professors.
Being back in Germany since April my claim was concentrating on my studies completely, being focused and extremly disciplined. For about two months I managed that pretty well: I had two jobs, was showing up to my courses, ate healthily, practiced a new sport (rowing) and helped the old British Gentleman that I am living with. Throughout the past weeks though I have been lenient. It was when Jas arrived from the US that I became distracted. So far I have not managed to get back on track yet. I do not necessarily regret the time we spent in different cities in which I showed him around, we went to art galleries, book stores or concerts or us going to all different cafés and bars of this very town. But I have troubles focusing again. It is time to get serious and become disciplined again though. I simply cannot afford procrastinating in my studies anymore. I have to make progress. This town eventually is becoming to small, I know too many people here, I want to become somebody myself, want my degree. If I manage to stay consistent I will be able to finish my Bachelor's aged 23, which I guess is still fair enough. Especially if one considers the experiences I made living in the US, travelling in general, being involved in projects and organisations and working several jobs.
I started this blog to remind me to keep going every day. Since February I publish my ramblings on tumblr already. I felt the need to make a new blog in which I be more concrete about my life as a student, write less about certain private parts of my life. I just want it to be able to be publicaly read. It will hard for me to distinguish in my writings and finding out which contents fit which blogs, but it will also make me feel more secure, being less explicit publicly, but more detailed about scientific/professional topics or cultural observations I make.
That being said I feel much lighter now and will hopefully make myself spend the rest of the day studying.
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gregorypodgorniak · 4 months
Hitler's return, World War III, Nuclear warfare, let's save our planet
One can believe or not into theory of reincarnation, but for my money this is one from religious conceptions which is valid - of course after certain and pretty thorough corrections, for example conception of karma is in big degree a superstition. Now in years 2040-2070 or 2090-2120 (what less probable, similarly as admissible whole range 2070-2120), it can be expected following public activity of A.Hitler. This information can appear insomuch important that probably he will lead to unleashing of nuclear war, what predictably will cause annihilation of biosphere. It is worth to notice that if he caused eruption of World War II so on the same basis his future political activity is practically tantamount with eruption of world war III.
One from basic methods of protection against effects of nuclear conflict is extension and improving system of atomic shelters. To much greater quantities, sizes and technical abilities than hitherto. Even building shelters of sizes of cities, equipped with ability of botanical and agricultural production, access to sources of water, ability of production of energy, industrial production and mining economy - let us notice that even many years of stay in shelters does not protect against long term effects of radiation, pollution of flora, waters and atmosphere.
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If this prognosis will not prove correct this will mean that I was right, because Hitler can be held back on the earlier stage, he can also be weakened. Whereas it will prove correct this then of course it will also prove that I was right. To avoid suspicions of formulating arguments of which cannot be subjected to the empirical verification, I can add 'probably' before in years 2030-2060 or 2050 etc.. It is worth to notice that the date of his following birth can be connected with terrorist attack on World Trade Centre in New York from September 2001. The date 2013 also seems likely. More exact time estimations - beginning of his perceivable activity possible from 2036 to 2045. From 2045 to 2060 visible aggressive political activity. From 2040-2050, war conflict with mass use of nuclear weapons. Round date of eruption of war 2045, 56 years after cold war this is as many as it took and as many years as Hitler had in a moment of death (1945). He can appear in such countries as China - motivating war with need of living space for overpopulated country, with racism, in Russia - after a lost cold war with reference to a tradition of communism, nationalism, chauvinism etc.. He comes to authority through military or political overturn, obtainment of general rank (eventually lower) or political position. Besides nuclear strike threatens also biological or chemical attack on a large scale as well as terrorist biological or chemical attack on a large scale. It is worth to add that in fact both - cold war and future war was and will be in a big degree also effect of politics of democratic president of USA H.Truman (1945-1953) - he made 'gift' for USSR in the form of Atomic weapon - what was a greatest political mistake in history. Truman procrastinated so long till the competitive power accessed to the new military technology. An other less meaning but a serious mistake was a foundation of post war Israel as small, located in unfavourable climatical conditions state. It should be formed big country for example on an area of south part of Africa - a side effect of such activities would be large migration of Jewish population diffuse in different countries to this new state which would become in the future one of regulators and stabilizers of political situation both regionally as and in the world scale. From time of invention of atomic weapon, mankind is standing on a verge of following total conflict. A period of so called cold war 1945-1991 was time of stable tenseness and permanent threat of such confrontation. Later followed detente which will last fairly long time. Then it comes, unless will undertake remedial steps, to a sudden conflict and series of nuclear strikes on a large scale.
Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, 2012
* There is a high probability that the prediction described above will not come true because God may intervene. I also recommend that readers pray to Christ, Father and Nothingness (see my other blog) to stop the current incarnation of Hitler from coming to power. There is one more problem. Even if it is possible to stop the current (it is probably correct to assume that Hitler has already incarnated) incarnation of Hitler from coming to power, there remains the problem of subsequent incarnations, influencing them and stopping Hitler from coming to power again. You should also pray for this intention.
(year 2024)
email contact: [email protected]
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thatmcgwords · 5 months
One of the first steps toward personal success is to examine your reason for being: why are you here on earth? The life purpose exercise can help you discover this.
To find your purpose, identify two of your strongest personality traits; describe the way you interact with others; and then imagine your ideal world. Once you have done this, combine these into a statement of life purpose.
You might come up with: “My purpose is to use my honesty and passion to inspire others to move forward in their chosen profession, to help contribute to a world where people have fulfilling careers.”
The next step is to create a vision – a mental picture of what your perfect future looks like. What would your perfect job be? How much free time would you have? What sort of friends?
Once you have your vision in mind, break it down into smaller goals that are ambitious, specific and tangible. What do you want to achieve, and how much time will you give yourself to achieve it?
For example, being nicer to your employees may be well-meaning, but it’s not a specific, measurable goal. A clearer goal would be, “I will acknowledge six employees for their help with the latest project by the end of this week.” As you can measure your progress, you’ll know when you have achieved your goal.
Defining a goal for every part of your vision will narrow the gap between your current reality and ultimate success.
Affirmation starts when you state your goal as if it has already been realized, in a complete sentence. The most effective affirmations are in the first person, are positive and to the point.
For example, “I love driving down the highway in my new yellow Lamborghini” is far more effective and precise than saying, “I want a new car.” You should specify exactly what your goal will look like once you have reached it.
It is also important to add to your affirmation sentence how you will feel when you have reached your goal. Researchers have found that ideas stick in our memory better when a thought is coupled with a strong emotion.
Thus, “I feel ecstatic when I’m driving down the highway in my new yellow Lamborghini” is a great affirmation!
Once you’ve crafted your affirmations, connect each with a vivid image of your affirmation, called a visualization.
To do this, close your eyes and imagine your affirmation in as much detail as you can. If your affirmation is, “I enjoy relaxing in the sunroom of my villa in Madrid,” visualize the colors of your house, the furniture in the sunroom, and so on.
Add sounds, smells and tastes to your mental picture. What does it physically feel like to sit on the couch in your sunroom? Can you hear the sounds of the busy street, or birds singing?
The more you fill your visualisation with emotions and sensory details, the more intensely you’ll feel it, giving you more power and momentum to reach your goal.
On your road toward your dream life, you need to excel at what you do. An important principle to focus on is to become an over-achiever. Don’t be afraid to keep trying, and work your way toward your goal one step at a time.
Now that we’ve explored the fundamentals of success, let’s focus on some work you need to finish before you can really achieve your dreams.
First, you need to address unfinished business. Do you have any projects you’ve abandoned or left half-done? Do you need to clean your closet,or finish last year’s taxes? These small things can take valuable energy from achieving your larger goals.
One useful method is to schedule a completion weekend, where you take time to clear your slate of all unfinished business. Be clear and decisive: either do it, delegate it, delay it or dump it.
Although choosing to delay a project doesn’t sound productive, it differs from procrastination in that you are consciously deciding to relegate the item.
This “cleaning up” is not only applicable to tangible stuff in your life, but also to your relationships.
One effective technique you can use to help you forgive someone is to write a “total truth letter” to vent your anger. Write down things that have angered you, and you’ll notice that acknowledging your pain and grudges is the first step toward forgiveness.
to succeed, you need to stem, if not eliminate completely, your negative thoughts.
Yet if you look deep enough, self-love is often found underneath self-criticism. You might think, “I’m fat and lazy,” but if you examine this thought, what you’re really saying is, “I’m scared.”
You’re scared that you might get sick by being overweight, and in your self-criticism, you’re asking yourself to take better care of your body. You’re really saying inside: “I care about myself. I want to be healthy and strong and I deserve to feel great about my body!” This is an expression of self-love.
By transitioning from judgment to admitting fear, to a request for action and then acknowledging love, you’ll start changing your limiting beliefs into thoughts that are positive and beneficial.
So stop judging yourself and start talking to yourself like you know your real value!
Having personal resolve is crucial on your path to success, but you can’t walk that path on your own. Highly successful people always have others to inspire or mentor them along the way.
One thing you can do is to create a support group. You can do this by gathering a so-called mastermind group, a supportive circle of people with whom you can share ideas and challenges.
Another powerful way you can find support is to identify a mentor.
Even though it’s tempting to ask advice from friends or coworkers, it’s far more useful to ask people who’ve already achieved what you want to achieve.
You needn’t be shy about approaching successful people, as most will be eager to share their recipe for success with you.
You can get the ball rolling by writing an email to someone you think would make a suitable mentor, and ask if they could spare 15 minutes per month for you to share ideas and ask questions.
How exactly do you do this? It depends on the type of person you are, whether auditory, visual or tactile. The best way to appreciate others is to discover what makes them tick and combine different ways to express appreciation.
For instance, you could invite someone for dinner, give them an encouraging pat on the back, praise them over the phone or write them a thank-you card.
But crucially, be as authentic as possible. You shouldn’t hide the truth when it needs to be told. But also remember to honor and thank the people who support you
Do you agree that “money is the root of all evil?”
If so, you need to redefine what wealth means to you. Most of us think that wealth is only about money, our assets or possessions. However, it’s much more than that: wealth also contains intellectual, human and civic facets.
In terms of financial assets, you may ask: what goals do I have for my property, and what stocks and bonds would I like to own?
Aside from tangible assets, try to also see how your relationships, health, morals and habits connect with how you create wealth. Also consider your education, your reputation and your skills.
Another factor that will add considerably to your personal well-being is to offer your time to a worthy cause. Helping others has a remarkable effect on keeping us content and satisfied in our lives.
Studies on volunteerism have shown that people who help others enjoy longer and healthier lives. Also, those of us who start volunteering and helping others at a young age are more likely to benefit from a successful career later on.
Consider which causes are closest to your heart. For example, if you love to read, you could volunteer to read to the blind. You could even start a business that makes books for blind people.
To get the most out of what life can offer, you need to become “wealthy,” which means so much more than just having financial assets.
Actionable advice:
Cross off a nagging task on your to-do list, today.
It may be as simple as filing some papers or getting your car’s oil checked, but completing a neglected task, even if just one per day, will make a huge difference toward achieving your more ambitious goals.
Ask someone you admire for 15 minutes of their time.
Find someone who has achieved a dream similar to your own and ask for 15 minutes of their time per month to advise and mentor you. The worst they can say is “no,” and in the best case, you might find a person who will be an invaluable resource in helping you live the life you want.
Suggested further reading: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People introduces the habits which single out people who deal effectively with the world around them. The author believes that people who lead successful and fulfilling lives do not pursue a state of individual independence as their ultimate goal, but instead align themselves internally with universal principles, such as honesty and integrity.
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