#it's betwen bakugou and izuku
ruyakasunshine · 1 year
ngl it's kinda weird seeing the fics where the whole class decides to turn their back on bakugou for what he's done in middle school when in Canon they literally decided to stay friends with the guy who was a spy for AFO
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mikeellee · 2 years
So am wondering, does Midoriya learning hand to hand combat and martial arts after USJ makes sense with his character? He is supposed to be the Deku who does his best. He declared to All might that he needs to become stronger. not just make it to UA and trial behind. Even during USJ Midoriya learnt an important lesson from Aizawa which is not be a One trick pony. All of this and yet he doesn't learn how to fight and advance his base combat skills, learn martial arts etc. Like he should've realised that he can't depend on his non mastered quirk all the time and started to learn MMA or any other martial arts. Yet he doesn't do it. Even during Grand Torino's internship, he doesn't reflect on his other weakness and try to overcome them. Once he controls OFA, he becomes bland and unbearable to watch. it makes no sense narrative wise for him to not learn and improve in combat with and without his quirk.
He is also way smarter, tactical and talented compared to Bakugou and i would even say at an equal to Momo and we can see this early on in Season 1. Izuku is capable of doing it. But yet he doesn't and instead he behaves like a dumb kid before the sports festival.
Makes me wonder if Hori, made him dumb so that other characters can shine at his expense. Like Bakugou, Uraraka, Momo, etc. Like why Uraraka who was mediocre in fighting and was way behind Izuku is allowed to learn Martial arts after Sports festival while Izuku is not given the same chance after the sports fest. He gets left behind. So is he supposed to be shit in fighting compared to characters who were way behind him once when he is supposed to be the strongest in S3.
He even loses to Bakugou at 8% which is supposed to more faster and stronger than explosion. He loses because he was predictable which is BS considering, this is the same kid who beat, Stain, Muscular and has real-life experience compared to Bakugou while the latter is just a hype and nothing more and also he wasn't in the right mind to think since he was busy bitching about All might's retirement. I honestly think that Hori Hyped Bakugou to the moon for his combat skill when he himself is mediocre. There is no evidence of him training his combat skills the right way. I mean this is the guy who only goes after the weak and acts as if winning against them is a big thing. Just a big fish in a little pond lol.
Hello 😀 thank you for your ask. I love talking about the flaws on MHA. So...before I answer, please, keep in mind how Hori is clearly playing against his MC. I don't know if you go to the writeblogger section of Tumbler but...in there some authors comment how "I need to hurt my ocs for character development"
We laugh (or not)
But here is the big difference betwen them and Hori.
"I killed MC's BFF just so he could see how the situation is serious and he needs to step up his game"
Hori? "Izu needs to be humble. So let make him be saddle with his abuser and still think he is useless and have no real support but give to his abuser"
Many people think Izu should have remained quirkless. I strongly disagre. If he had been quirkless...then he couldn't be a hero. We see how heroes NEED a quirk, we never ever seen a hero not rely on his quirk.
I also dont agree with the whole "quirkless = death" I was thinking about this last night. I think quirked peope just ignore quirkless and can co-exist with them.
Yes many fics make IZU be the butt of all "quirkless discrimination" but in canon ONLY BK show issues with Izu(and Izu alone, while he bullied others in Aldera he never mentioned "quikrless? Die" if Izu had a quirk since day 1...he would have bullied him too)
As for training...ask yourself this
What was Izu planning to do in order to be a hero? Say AM has said "yes everyone can be a hero" ok...then what?
This is a red flag.
Ok Izu is training during 10 months (time passage in mha is terrible) ok...he gains muscles, AM does nothing after that.
Aizawa is the worst teacher (he would be way worse if he was a true perv) his exam helped no one and was so pointless.
(It serves to prove how BK is the special boy for Hori)
Note how no one in UA helps the students - Aizawa went to help someone who is not his student, instead of the boy who has a quirk who breaks his bones- and no one cares Izu is breaking his bones.
"If he breaks his bones again. I wont heal hom" Recover Girl.
Izu, of he had a good writer, could have been the first hero to actually use quirkless style of fight.
He was amazing in that race as he didnt need his quirk.
He won.
But Hori is against his mc...for some wierd reason. Izu cant get credit nor win.
Plus Izu not only should have wipe BK's face on the floor but so should he have done the same to class A1 in "let's capture Midoriya bc we know best"
But again
Hori is against his MC.
He even went as far as to draw a "mascot" based on BK.
This man...ruined his entire manga in favour of a useless character such as BK.
Like Izu can't be mad for himself. He still think he is worthless.
His hero name is Dekiru but ...Hori still goes ans make him accept "useless" like Hori...you suck as writer.
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bookdragonlibrary · 2 years
If AFO = Izuku's father is true
It’s true we don’t know anything about Izuku’s father except that he is able to throw flames like a dragon. At the beginning I thought he might be dead or maybe abandoned his son for being quirkless (I don’t know if it’s still common in Japan when your child is disable, but I read a manga (A Silent Voice) with that plotline just before starting MHA).
Then I read a lot of the theory of AFO being Izuku's father and when I don't see narratively what the "I'm your father" moment could give, I see the symbolism and parallelism of it: with Tomura being the grandchild of a previous owner of OFA but being raised by AFO on the villain side.
And then I understood.
Izuku being his son could further add onto the theme of only your actions and choices make you a villain even with a tragic/sad backstory or trauma (Dabi VS Shotou), but a mistake isn't sufficient to mark you as one forever if you correct this mistake and do better in the future (Bakugou and Aoyama).
But could you guess Izuku's reaction if/when he learn this?
We all know he would take it badly. His self esteem would probably sink even lower.
But what if he remembers Katchan's words in the first chapter? The ones that were OOC even for Katchan's aggressivity? He would probably tell Katchan he was right, that he should jump from a roof, that he should have that day, that if he did, nothing of that would have happened. He wouldn’t have meet All Might and almost create Katchan’s death. Or maybe he won't tell him, but just do it straight away. With Bakugou stopping/saving him, telling him he was wrong that day, that he lied, that he was just afraid Deku will be better than him even without a quirk.
But another idea popped in my mind. If this theory is true, what if Izuku wasn't born quirkless, but his quirk was stolen in a really young age by AFO? Considering Inko's quirk, Izuku's could have been attractivity/gravity just like Fujitora in One Piece. (That could explain why everybody falls in love for him: because he attracts them! xD) So if Izuku lose OFA at the end of the manga, maybe he will ask AFO to give him back his born quirk. Or more probably his friends will ask so Deku could still be a hero with them if he loose OFA at the end.
I know that Deku was diagnosed quirkless because of a bone in his toe. But I always found the explanation stupid, especially in MHA world where everything is detailed and logical. And while watching the series again, I found out that the doctor who diagnosed Izuku being quirkless was the same doctor that works for AFO.
I read/watched another theory that said Inko was asked the same deal than Aoyama’s parents but refused and that was the real reason she said sorry to her son: because she just refused a way to still make his dream come true and was moved by her son’s tears.
So imagine if this doctor makes children with interesting quirk quirkless to then give them to AFO and call back the parents with an experimental procedure to still give their child a quirk so they won’t be discriminated by other children/society later. That would be a double win for AFO: he gains powerful quirks plus fragile families he could manipulate and blackmail.
If this theory is true, wouldn't it be ironic? That by taking Izuku's quirk, AFO made him into a hero that will defeat him with OFA? Because if Izuku had kept his original quirk, the events in chapter 1 wouldn't have happened (or differently) and All Might wouldn't have chose him for heriting his quirk. Maybe AFO chose Inko to have a child with only based on her quirk to make it evolved just like it happened betwen Mitsuki and Katsuki (where the quirk evolved from glycerin to nitroglycerin) because Inko's quirk was to weak to be useful yet.
Learning this, Bakugou would be so pissed at AFO because, because of him, he didn't feel like he had the right to be Izuku's friend because they were the opposite by having an awesome quirk and being quirkless. But if Izuku had his original awesome quirk, things would have been different between them. Maybe Bakugou would have grown into a different person with Izuku being able to stop him and make him more reasonable, to put it simply with Izuku being "worthy" in their society, so Katchan's equal since the beginning in terms of power. So Katsuki wouldn't feel like all those years were wasted and missed opportunities, he wouldn't feel like he has to fight to be able/worthy to be Izuku's friend again.
But I also have another theory: what if Izuku does have a quirk since birth? We AFO being his father, maybe he didn't inherit the toe mutation because it didn't happen yet when AFO was born (century/ies ago). But it's a passive quirk just like AFO's brother, a quirk that need another one to bloom: the quirk of using other quirks. That would explain why Izuku was able to unlock the previous owner's quirks when All Might couldn't. After all, they were the only quirkless owners of the OFA except the first one. The clue that made me think about this theory is Katchan's words: "You're just like him", talking to Izuku about AFO. A foreshadowing that he's his son?
PS: just to be sure in cas it isn’t obvious enough: Izuku’s true father is Dad Might, not AFO :)
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tokusashi · 4 years
Wonder Duo Rising // !!!SPOILERS!!!
This post cotains spoilers for the movie “BNHA: Heroes Rising”.
You’ve been warned.
Ok so.
I’ve FINALLY watched “BNHA/MHA: Heroes Rising” (subs were awful, but still- quality of the video was A++++ so I’m not complaining).
And what I have to say? Well...
1. This movie is my favourite among those made for shounen anime. Like, I don’t give a damn for “Naruto” movies, or “Bleach” ones. Like: Neh, they exist, it’s ok I guess? But is “Heroes Rising” a flawless movie? Oooooof course no.
2. Like, I feel that this movie was too short and plot overall was too easy. 
3. I have problems with Kacchan. Or rather, with OFA Kacchan. Like, if he had LOST his quirk, then inheriting OFA from Izuku would have more sense, and yeah, I know that Izuku passed it to him because they needed “Two OFA’s” but isn’t the whole thing in Katsuki about “beating All Might” about doing it with his own power? It would be great to see how Izuku and Katsuki are winning with great plan and even greater cooperation, using together OFA + Explosion.
4. ... Still I love Kacchan’s face when he realized that Izuku’s going to sacrifice his quirk and hero life, about which he always dreamed. Like, bro you do care a lot, and I’m fangirling with this bromance.
5. My best friend said that their “lightning-struck-me” OFA design looks kinda lame and... I agree? Their eyes were weird, and while I understand why they were looking like that but... We don’t need this saiyan sht here. At least I don’t. 
7. Also in this house we respect our girl Ochaco. If you think she’s useless like “Naruto’s” Sakura then come here and fite me. She was totally amazing and I’m glad she got screentime she deserved.
8. Also I wanted to adopt Mahoro and Katsuma right away. Adobrs little bbys. I joked like, a lot about them being BakuDeku children (to my bff’s “SIIIIGH”) but I think that they were great example and good bros for the kids.
9. I love WonderDuo content to the extreme. And while I do not ship those two romantically, I totally understand why BakuDeku shippers were and are screaming about this.
10. Like, come on, it was SO WEIRD BUT REFRESHING to see how Izuku and Katsuki have actually NORMAL conversations and how Katsuki is almost CALM around him just like around Kiri and Denki. My “I need them to be friends again” heart is happy af.
11. Also Nine is basically Squalo from KHR but calm.
12. Still, when WILL UA learn that sending 1-A ANYWHERE is a REALLY bad idea? Oh, island with people living in peace 30 years already? Yeah, let us send there those kid’s who are like a bait for death and destruction. I wonder what will go wrong.
13. Have I said how I love that noone was useless there? Like, ok, Mineta was... Mineta, but Ojiro? My baby Aoyama? Everyone else? You did AMAZING job my kids. Let me hug ya’ll!
14. So I’ve made a post few weeks ago about Bakugo forgetting about inheriting OFA: “I think the ending of the new movie is logical.After all in manga we have Bakugou that doesn’t remember sht, so if they would make him remember that he got ofa it would be “? ? ? ? ?”.Also we still need a big WonderDuo moment in manga, so yeah. It would be just bad if they would solve all of their problems in the movie.“ and while the movie IS A FILLER I still think it’s very reasonable FOR ANIME.
15. I mean it’s NOT rare for anime to mix a little fillers with canon content, so I guess it’s an “open door” for the future mixing in anime seasons. After all Nine is/was canon character.
16.  I’m still sad that there was no Aizawa content we all need. And no 1-B. Me sad.
17. Finally I think it was wrong to use MIGHT+U ost in season 4 for Overhaul vs InfiniteOFA moment. Like ok, it was great but it stole the effect of “woah” for me, when I saw final battle betwen 2 OFA’s and Nine, since I saw the season 4 first, and movie just yesterday. I think it would be a LOT BETTER If MIGHT+U would be “only for movie” OST.
Soooo yeah, I was hyped and I’m glad I watched this. Still I hope that third movie will be better than this one, if there will be a third one, that is. I really liked the fights and the animation, screeentime for every 1-A student. I had some problems, and yeah this movie is still not in the area of Hayao Miyazaki masterpieces (not even close tho). But it still was worth to watch, and I still would love to see this in cinema.
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 225 Review
So our villain arc continues and it looks like we have a Toga chapter. Also get ready to be sick of the word “interview.”
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After seeing how they’ve made a whole town abandoned, with the assistance of the heroes under their employ to make others detour around the city. So we open on the tower where Giran is being held and tries to talk down to Redestro. Explaining that the League has Noumu. But showing off his intellect and observational skill, Redesro brakes down why Noumu won’t show up.
He brings up a good point. Did the league become so recognized thanks to the Noumu? I know that seems silly to ask, as the group has used them on multiple occasions and all the time seem to lose. But, a creature who can have multiple quirks and literally bring the fight to UA in their first outing. Maybe the Noumu were a really big edge.
Anyway, back to the fighting.
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So apparently this army is a literal army. Training day after day for their liberation goals. Which shouldn’t be a surprise. I mean, when the liberation day comes, do they want a bunch of out of shape average folk showing up? Probably not.
Sh also says mentally, which I’m guessing means they’ve been conditioned in a way. Literally training the mind of the importance of being a liberator and their role. Which now suddenly shows off another difference between the Liberators and the League. The League values self expression.
If you join, its because you had nowhere else to fit in. Being a villain, and being crazy is the only place they belong. But a Liberator? How much of them is there, and how much of them have just been watered down to believe that this is right?
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While I don’t blame you for losing interest in sensitivity for interviewees, I’m going to say, maybe don’t say strip while you’re still in the evening dress and holding one of your soldiers like that.
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And Toga also straight up murders a guy. Also, she she shows off that skill she had as Camie and just is able to disappear when she needs to.
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Yeah, if you can’t tell, Kizuki’s gimmick is she’s into interviewing. This will be abundantly clear.
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I like the little touch of calling the ability a superpower in the infobox. Also, looks like I was right on her having an emitter quirk.
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Toga tries to drain the crowd of blood, but...
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Oh that’s gotta hurt.
Also, love the little inclusion of this one soldier who smiles while they blow. Happy to suffer for the cause.
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So Kizuki keeps expounding during this fight. She does hammer the point home with how soldiers are scene to the top brass of the Army. But this once again gives us another difference betwen the league and th liberators, the Leaguee cares about eachother. Like Overhaul, there’s no compassion felt for thir subordinates.
Also, we learn, Toga has siblings and she went missing after graduating middle school. Would make sense that her parents and classmates would’ve been interviewed. Wonder if we’ll ever see them again.
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Now this part was a bit hard to read at first, because both characters have a flashback, but we see what Toga looked like in middle school as she watch what looked to be Izuku getting into a fight. Also while being surrounded by people who kinda look like UA girls. I’m starting to see how Toga latches on to people.
We get a Kizuki flashback that shows her with with a younger redestro (look at that hair...) and basically how she developed her interview obsession. Basically, a Hirohiko Araki mentality of “reality” is valuable. So the most sawing thing is real people and thus interviews gain the most public sway.
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We See Toga finally respond to Kizuki and get another flashback of middle school Toga. We get another really subtle panel with that black shading over her face from the first flashback cracking away. Basically, its th obvious symbolism of young Toga’s mask breaking away and admitting to bing a murder and blood thirsty is her life. It is her normal.
And what better way to end a chapter like this, with some nightmare fuel.
Post Chapter Follow Up: Okay, this was a chapter that I liked, but I’m a bit torn on the quality.
I’ll start with what I liked and it was the subtly. There are so many little panels in this chapter that just tell you a million things with saying a word. It really dos go to show Hori’s strength as a visual storyteller.
The second thing is, Toga’s backstory. I want to find out more about her now. I want to see what the heck is in Toga’s past. While I can possibly guess some ideas, like she may be projecting this boy from her middle school onto Izuku. I wanna know her first victim. I wanna know about her family.
The action for the most part is decent and the scaling back of it is actually really effective. In a series with Bakugou’s big ass explosions and Todoroki shooting fire, it really is effective to see Toga just straight up murder someone with a knife. No flashiness, just knife!
Same with Kizuki’s explosions. Th repetition of them rally does feel more brutal.
But Kizuki is also why I wasn’t too big a fan of this chapter. Not only is she basically dominating all the dialogue this chapter and thinly guising exposition. But yet that’s still better than hr interview talk.
Also, this chapter didn’t hlp me feel confident in Kizuki as a threat. I don’t mind a character gimmick at all. And I do love that we get an explanation for that gimmick. Explaining why someone has their gimmick usually humanizes them. Shows the audience why they are how they are. But Kizuki, just went through it all in one chapter. Here’s my gimmick here’s why I do it, I’m pretty sure she’ll b beat next week.
Still, I liked Redestro. That was pretty good.
So is this one of the lesser chapters of the arc? Kinda, but only in the way its clearly building up for near future events that when they happen are probably going to be great.
Final Verdict: 7/10
Kinda conflicted
Love the subtlety
Found myself wanting more Toga
Not exactly all that impressed by Kizuki
I do believe that this is a build up chapter
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