amazona-joseph07 · 8 months
ABM 11 - Tan Group 2 Night of a Construction Worker
"Gabi ng Isang Piyon"
- Lamberto E. Antonio
1. Light bulb: The flickering light bulb represents the fleeting moments of hope and illumination amidst the darkness of the speaker's struggles. It symbolizes the fragile nature of their aspirations and the constant threat of their dreams being extinguished.
2. Dark: The dark represents the overwhelming challenges and difficulties that the speaker faces. It symbolizes the absence of comfort, rest, and relief from their laborious and exhausting life.
3. Stars: The stars symbolize dreams, aspirations, and possibilities. The speaker's inability to sleep and the stars being swallowed up by the towering roof suggest the suppression of their dreams and the limitations imposed on their potential.
4. Gravel, filling earth, and sand: These materials symbolize the weight and burden of the speaker's work. They represent the physical and emotional strain of their labor, which weighs heavily on their breath and prevents them from finding peace.
Marxist theory focuses on examining literature through the lens of class relations and social structures. The poem explores the struggles of the working class, the exploitation they face, and the unequal distribution of wealth and power. The statement that supports this interpretation is: "For prayers made musty by sweat and magic spell." This statement highlights the laborious nature of the speaker's work and the reliance on their physical effort to sustain themselves, which aligns with Marxist theory's emphasis on the exploitation of labor.
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amazona-joseph07 · 8 months
ABM 11 - Tan Group 2
Force of Circumference
"Santong Paspasan"
- Jose F. Lacaba
1. Stars: The flickering stars symbolize the uncertainty and instability of the situation. They represent the chaotic and dangerous circumstances surrounding Maritess' kidnapping.
2. Moon: The full moon symbolizes the presence of light and illumination in the midst of darkness. It represents hope and serves as a contrast to the disturbing events taking place.
3. Wind: The dancing wind with the tall grass symbolizes movement and agitation. It reflects the nervousness and tension in the atmosphere.
4. Cicadas: The whistling cicadas symbolize unease and anxiety. Their sound adds to the overall sense of tension and discomfort.
5. Mustang: The new Mustang car represents power and control. It signifies the privileged position of the son of a congressman and his gang.
6. Pantsuit: The expensive pantsuit made by a gay designer symbolizes Maritess' identity and individuality. Its removal by the gang represents the stripping away of her agency and dignity.
7. Earthquake: The earthquake symbolizes the upheaval and chaos caused by the actions of the gang. It reflects the disturbance and destruction that occurs during the kidnapping.
8. Tear gas: The tear gas crawling on the streets of Sampaloc symbolizes the violence and conflict surrounding Maritess' situation. It represents the use of force and the suppression of dissent.
9. Susan Roces: Susan Roces, a famous actress, is mentioned as a symbol of innocence and purity. Maritess is compared to her, highlighting the contrast between her appearance and the violent acts being committed against her.
10. Burning pubic hair: The burning of Maritess' pubic hair symbolizes the degradation and humiliation she experiences at the hands of the gang. It represents the violation of her bodily autonomy and the loss of her dignity.
1. Feminist criticism: The mention of Maritess' experience, the stripping away of her agency, and the focus on her appearance could suggest a feminist critique of gender roles and power dynamics.
2. Postcolonial theory: The mention of the son of a congressman and the social context of the events could indicate a critique of colonial or postcolonial power structures.
3. Reader-response criticism: The emphasis on the reader's emotional response and interpretation of the poem could align with a reader-response approach to literary analysis.
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amazona-joseph07 · 8 months
ABM 11 -Tan Group 2
On the Death of a Newspaper Delivery Boy
"Sa Pagkamatay ng Isang Newsboy"
- Lamberto E. Antonio
1. Pages: The pages mentioned in the poem can symbolize knowledge, protection, and a sense of security. They represent the boy's access to education and information, which provide a shield against vulnerability and hunger.
2. Nakedness and sharp hunger pangs: These phrases symbolize the boy's vulnerability and deprivation. They represent his physical and emotional needs, highlighting the harsh realities of poverty and the struggle for survival.
3. Flies: The flies mentioned in the poem can symbolize decay, insignificance, and the presence of death. They indicate the boy's lifeless body and the finality of his fate.
4. Space crowded with ads: This phrase symbolizes the overwhelming presence of commercialism and consumerism in society. It contrasts the boy's tragic death with the triviality of advertisements, highlighting the disparity between individual lives and the superficial distractions of the modern world.
5. Loose coin: The image of the boy's head rolling off like a loose coin symbolizes the loss of his life and the devaluation of human life in society. It represents the boy as a victim of circumstances beyond his control.
1. Marxist theory: Marxist theory examines literature through the lens of class relations and social structures. The mention of the newspaper delivery boy as a victim of a reckless driver could be analyzed in terms of the exploitation of the working class and the unequal distribution of power and resources.
2. Postcolonial theory: Postcolonial theory challenges the dominance of Western thought in literature and examines the impacts of colonialism. The poem could be analyzed in terms of power dynamics, the consequences of colonialism, and the marginalization of certain individuals or groups.
3. Reader-response criticism: Reader-response criticism emphasizes the reader's interpretation and reaction to the text. The poem elicits emotional responses and invites readers to reflect on the tragic fate of the newspaper delivery boy.
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amazona-joseph07 · 8 months
What must be Believe In
"Ang dapat Paniwalaan"
- Jose F. Lacaba
1. Ghouls, griffins, trolls, ogres: These mythical creatures symbolize fear, darkness, and the unknown. They represent the fears and anxieties that the protagonist carries with him from his childhood.
2. Latin incantations, stakes, crucifixes: These symbols represent the supernatural and the tools used to protect oneself from supernatural threats, such as vampires and witches. They symbolize the protagonist's reliance on rituals and objects to ward off evil.
3. Good gray grandmother: The grandmother symbolizes the source of the protagonist's knowledge and protection. She represents the comfort and safety of childhood, as well as the passing down of traditions and beliefs.
4. Hallowed halls of academe: This symbolizes the world of education and intellectualism. It represents the protagonist's transition from the beliefs and superstitions of his grandmother to the rational and skeptical mindset of academia.
5. Man: The symbol of man represents humanity as a whole and the potential for harm and evil that exists within individuals. It suggests that humans are the real source of fear and danger, rather than supernatural beings.
1. Psychoanalytic criticism: This theory looks at the psychological states of characters to interpret the text's meaning. In the poem, the protagonist's childhood fears of ghouls, griffins, trolls, and ogres can be analyzed through a psychoanalytic lens, exploring the influence of the grandmother's stories on the development of the protagonist's fears and anxieties.
2. Cultural studies: This theory examines a text within its socio-cultural context. The poem explores the influence of the grandmother's stories and the rituals passed down to the protagonist, reflecting cultural beliefs and practices related to protection against supernatural entities.
3. Reader-response criticism: This theory emphasizes the reader's interpretation and reaction to the text. In the poem, the reader can engage with the protagonist's journey from childhood beliefs to the realization that prayers are ineffective against the dangers posed by other human beings. The reader's response to this shift in perspective and the exploration of fear and human nature can be analyzed through a reader-response lens.
4. Post-structuralism: This theory challenges the idea of unified meaning and questions assumed truths. In the poem, the contrast between the protagonist's childhood beliefs and the realization that prayers are of no avail against human harm can be analyzed through a post-structuralist lens, questioning the assumed meanings and symbols associated with supernatural protection.
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amazona-joseph07 · 8 months
ABM 11 - Tan Group 2
Mareng Mensiya
- Fanny A. Garcia
1. Financial allotment: The regular financial allotment from Mareng Mensiya's husband symbolizes stability, comfort, and security. It represents the shift in their lives after the husband's death, as they are forced to face financial hardships and struggle to maintain their previous lifestyle.
2. Laundrywoman: Mareng Mensiya's job as a laundrywoman symbolizes her descent into a lower social class and the loss of her previous status. It represents the challenges she faces in providing for herself and her daughter.
3. Mely's elopement and marriage: Mely's decision to elope and marry Lino symbolizes her desire for independence and a different life. It represents a break from her mother and the responsibilities that come with caring for her.
4. Burden of caregiving: The narrator's burden of taking care of Mareng Mensiya symbolizes the sacrifices and challenges that come with caring for an aging parent. It highlights the emotional and financial strain that can arise in such situations.
5. Cold treatment and forgiveness: The narrator's cold treatment of Mareng Mensiya symbolizes resentment and envy towards Mely's seemingly happy life. It reflects the complexities of family dynamics and the emotions that can arise when one feels burdened by caregiving responsibilities. The theme of forgiveness emerges when both Mely and the narrator express remorse and ask for Mareng Mensiya's forgiveness upon her death.
The literary theorist used in the story can be identified as Marxist theory. Marxist theory examines literature along the lines of class relations and socialist ideals. In the story, Mareng Mensiya's life is depicted as being affected by her social and economic circumstances. She starts off as the mistress of a Manila policeman, living a comfortable life with her daughter Mely. However, after her husband's death, she becomes a laundrywoman and faces hardships. This portrayal of social class and the impact of economic circumstances aligns with the principles of Marxist theory.
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amazona-joseph07 · 8 months
What must be Believe In"Ang dapat Paniwalaan"- Jose F. Lacaba
1. Ghouls, griffins, trolls, ogres: These mythical creatures symbolize fear, darkness, and the unknown. They represent the fears and anxieties that the protagonist carries with him from his childhood.
2. Latin incantations, stakes, crucifixes: These symbols represent the supernatural and the tools used to protect oneself from supernatural threats, such as vampires and witches. They symbolize the protagonist's reliance on rituals and objects to ward off evil.
3. Good gray grandmother: The grandmother symbolizes the source of the protagonist's knowledge and protection. She represents the comfort and safety of childhood, as well as the passing down of traditions and beliefs.4. Hallowed halls of academe: This symbolizes the world of education and intellectualism. It represents the protagonist's transition from the beliefs and superstitions of his grandmother to the rational and skeptical mindset of academia.
5. Man: The symbol of man represents humanity as a whole and the potential for harm and evil that exists within individuals. It suggests that humans are the real source of fear and danger, rather than supernatural beings.
1. Psychoanalytic criticism: This theory looks at the psychological states of characters to interpret the text's meaning. In the poem, the protagonist's childhood fears of ghouls, griffins, trolls, and ogres can be analyzed through a psychoanalytic lens, exploring the influence of the grandmother's stories on the development of the protagonist's fears and anxieties.
2. Cultural studies: This theory examines a text within its socio-cultural context. The poem explores the influence of the grandmother's stories and the rituals passed down to the protagonist, reflecting cultural beliefs and practices related to protection against supernatural entities.
3. Reader-response criticism: This theory emphasizes the reader's interpretation and reaction to the text. In the poem, the reader can engage with the protagonist's journey from childhood beliefs to the realization that prayers are ineffective against the dangers posed by other human beings. The reader's response to this shift in perspective and the exploration of fear and human nature can be analyzed through a reader-response lens.
4. Post-structuralism: This theory challenges the idea of unified meaning and questions assumed truths. In the poem, the contrast between the protagonist's childhood beliefs and the realization that prayers are of no avail against human harm can be analyzed through a post-structuralist lens, questioning the assumed meanings and symbols associated with supernatural protection
Force of Circumference"Santong Paspasan"- Jose F. Lacaba
SYMBOLISM 1. Stars: The flickering stars symbolize the uncertainty and instability of the situation. They represent the chaotic and dangerous circumstances surrounding Maritess' kidnapping.
2. Moon: The full moon symbolizes the presence of light and illumination in the midst of darkness. It represents hope and serves as a contrast to the disturbing events taking place.
3. Wind: The dancing wind with the tall grass symbolizes movement and agitation. It reflects the nervousness and tension in the atmosphere.
4. Cicadas: The whistling cicadas symbolize unease and anxiety. Their sound adds to the overall sense of tension and discomfort.
5. Mustang: The new Mustang car represents power and control. It signifies the privileged position of the son of a congressman and his gang.
6. Pantsuit: The expensive pantsuit made by a gay designer symbolizes Maritess' identity and individuality. Its removal by the gang represents the stripping away of her agency and dignity.
7. Earthquake: The earthquake symbolizes the upheaval and chaos caused by the actions of the gang. It reflects the disturbance and destruction that occurs during the kidnapping.
8. Tear gas: The tear gas crawling on the streets of Sampaloc symbolizes the violence and conflict surrounding Maritess' situation. It represents the use of force and the suppression of dissent.
9. Susan Roces: Susan Roces, a famous actress, is mentioned as a symbol of innocence and purity. Maritess is compared to her, highlighting the contrast between her appearance and the violent acts being committed against her.
10. Burning pubic hair: The burning of Maritess' pubic hair symbolizes the degradation and humiliation she experiences at the hands of the gang. It represents the violation of her bodily autonomy and the loss of her dignity.
1. Feminist criticism: The mention of Maritess' experience, the stripping away of her agency, and the focus on her appearance could suggest a feminist critique of gender roles and power dynamics.
2. Postcolonial theory: The mention of the son of a congressman and the social context of the events could indicate a critique of colonial or postcolonial power structures.
3. Reader-response criticism: The emphasis on the reader's emotional response and interpretation of the poem could align with a reader-response approach to literary analysis.
Night of a Construction Worker"Gabi ng Isang Piyon"- Lamberto E. Antonio
1. Light bulb: The flickering light bulb represents the fleeting moments of hope and illumination amidst the darkness of the speaker's struggles. It symbolizes the fragile nature of their aspirations and the constant threat of their dreams being extinguished.
2. Dark: The dark represents the overwhelming challenges and difficulties that the speaker faces. It symbolizes the absence of comfort, rest, and relief from their laborious and exhausting life.
3. Stars: The stars symbolize dreams, aspirations, and possibilities. The speaker's inability to sleep and the stars being swallowed up by the towering roof suggest the suppression of their dreams and the limitations imposed on their potential.
4. Gravel, filling earth, and sand: These materials symbolize the weight and burden of the speaker's work. They represent the physical and emotional strain of their labor, which weighs heavily on their breath and prevents them from finding peace.
Marxist theory focuses on examining literature through the lens of class relations and social structures. In the poem, the depiction of labor, exploitation, and the struggle for survival aligns with the core ideas of Marxist theory. The statement that supports this interpretation is: "For dreaming up more construction jobs to come, For prayers made musty by sweat and magic spell." This statement highlights the working conditions, economic struggles, and the reliance on labor to sustain oneself. Marxist theory focuses on examining literature through the lens of class relations and social structures. The poem explores the struggles of the working class, the exploitation they face, and the unequal distribution of wealth and power. The statement that supports this interpretation is: "For prayers made musty by sweat and magic spell." This statement highlights the laborious nature of the speaker's work and the reliance on their physical effort to sustain themselves, which aligns with Marxist theory's emphasis on the exploitation of labor.
On the Death of a Newspaper Delivery Boy "Sa Pagkamatay ng Isang Newsboy"- Lamberto E. Antonio
1. Pages: The pages mentioned in the poem can symbolize knowledge, protection, and a sense of security. They represent the boy's access to education and information, which provide a shield against vulnerability and hunger.
2. Nakedness and sharp hunger pangs: These phrases symbolize the boy's vulnerability and deprivation. They represent his physical and emotional needs, highlighting the harsh realities of poverty and the struggle for survival.
3. Flies: The flies mentioned in the poem can symbolize decay, insignificance, and the presence of death. They indicate the boy's lifeless body and the finality of his fate.
4. Space crowded with ads: This phrase symbolizes the overwhelming presence of commercialism and consumerism in society. It contrasts the boy's tragic death with the triviality of advertisements, highlighting the disparity between individual lives and the superficial distractions of the modern world.
5. Loose coin: The image of the boy's head rolling off like a loose coin symbolizes the loss of his life and the devaluation of human life in society. It represents the boy as a victim of circumstances beyond his control.
1. Marxist theory: Marxist theory examines literature through the lens of class relations and social structures. The mention of the newspaper delivery boy as a victim of a reckless driver could be analyzed in terms of the exploitation of the working class and the unequal distribution of power and resources.
2. Postcolonial theory: Postcolonial theory challenges the dominance of Western thought in literature and examines the impacts of colonialism. The poem could be analyzed in terms of power dynamics, the consequences of colonialism, and the marginalization of certain individuals or groups.
3. Reader-response criticism: Reader-response criticism emphasizes the reader's interpretation and reaction to the text. The poem elicits emotional responses and invites readers to reflect on the tragic fate of the newspaper delivery boy.
Mareng Mensiya- Fanny A. Garcia
1. Financial allotment: The regular financial allotment from Mareng Mensiya's husband symbolizes stability, comfort, and security. It represents the shift in their lives after the husband's death, as they are forced to face financial hardships and struggle to maintain their previous lifestyle.
2. Laundrywoman: Mareng Mensiya's job as a laundrywoman symbolizes her descent into a lower social class and the loss of her previous status. It represents the challenges she faces in providing for herself and her daughter.
3. Mely's elopement and marriage: Mely's decision to elope and marry Lino symbolizes her desire for independence and a different life. It represents a break from her mother and the responsibilities that come with caring for her.
4. Burden of caregiving: The narrator's burden of taking care of Mareng Mensiya symbolizes the sacrifices and challenges that come with caring for an aging parent. It highlights the emotional and financial strain that can arise in such situations.
5. Cold treatment and forgiveness: The narrator's cold treatment of Mareng Mensiya symbolizes resentment and envy towards Mely's seemingly happy life. It reflects the complexities of family dynamics and the emotions that can arise when one feels burdened by caregiving responsibilities. The theme of forgiveness emerges when both Mely and the narrator express remorse and ask for Mareng Mensiya's forgiveness upon her death.
The literary theorist used in the story can be identified as Marxist theory. Marxist theory examines literature along the lines of class relations and socialist ideals. In the story, Mareng Mensiya's life is depicted as being affected by her social and economic circumstances. She starts off as the mistress of a Manila policeman, living a comfortable life with her daughter Mely. However, after her husband's death, she becomes a laundrywoman and faces hardships. This portrayal of social class and the impact of economic circumstances aligns with the principles of Marxist theory.
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amazona-joseph07 · 10 months
The dumbness era of my life
by: Amazona_M.J.
An essay based from "minsan may isang puta" by Mine Portes who wrote a short story about the situation that faced and experiencing by the Filipinos in their life due to negative impact of the society to everyone. maybe you've experience the dumbness era of your life, because me, I'm just facing and keep struggling the dumbness era of my life. How could I end this type of era if I still enjoying this situation right now? How could I overcome this dumbness? And what are the path that should I take, that will lead me to my success and normal life again.
I'm "bukas palad to accept the willingness of someone to help me to find the path that I should take to end my dumbness era. because I want to overcome this era. So please help me. Nah I should stop this drama, because dumbness is a choice and decision that I make, and the only way to to overcome this is to make a new choice and a good decision to overcome this dumbness era of my life.
Because of my dumbness "Para na akong isang aso na nangangagat because I'm still attractive by the bones even that I have no gain on it. This is me, the dumb among the dumb because of my unique behavior, I want to overcome this dumbness, but how??? I don't know how. Please help me. Stop begging someone because your self is the only way too overcome your dumbness, also the way you think has a big contribute to change your dumb thinking into genius thinking.
And everytime na titingin ako sa salamin I'm still wondering why I'm dumb, and i'm still wondering why the way I think is different to others? Please guide me, lead me to the right path to the success. One more beg and I will hit you. The only way to be success is think wisely, move wisely, and create a beneficiary decision that lead you to your success.
The only way to be success is to transform the way you think into something new, good mindset and critical thinking so by that, the way you think will be transformed from dumb into smart thinking and healthy mindset.
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amazona-joseph07 · 10 months
Equality is the way to prevent Discrimanation and Injustice Treatment in Individual Life
by: Mark Joseph A. Amazona
This essay is based from the poem called Equality that is written by Maya Angelou. The Poem that written by Maya is all about the unfairness treatment of the White people to the Black people, it is also about the tragic experience of Black American- African People in the Hands of White people.
This essay will tackle a lot of experience and information such as injustice treatment, Discrimination, and unfairness treatment of our cruelty world, that will lead to open our eyes about the reality and it will lead us to the fair and equal treatment to everyone to prevent the Injustice treatment, Discrimination and unfairness treatment. Now let us define the difference and similarities of Three.
First is Injustice treatment. They are the people that experiencing a lot of right ignorance, they are the people that experiencing human injustice and they are the one who experience that they have no freedom of expression, freedom of will and etc. How do we avoid this kind of situation? It will just avoided by having a equal treatment and fair justice to everyone.
Second is Discrimination, discrimination it is unjust or prejudicial treatment of categories of people that experience judgement by the way they walk, talk, and even their skin tone sometimes they are also judge by their group such that they came from such as being ethnic people. These People that experience this type of judgement can cause a big impact of losing a self confidence and trauma, regret and even their mindset will manipulate of negative thoughts. It will just stop if the discriminator will accept their personality and treat them fair. The other way of stop the discrimanation if the discriminator also experience being discriminate.
And lastly is unfairness treatment. It is just same concept of third and fourth paragraph, but among of this three the unfairness treatment is the most common. It is same in third and fourth paragraph on how we prevent this kind of treatment. The only way to prevent this is to treat everyone equally.
As I conclude this essay the only way to Prevent injustice treatment, discrimination, and unfairness treatment of our cruelty world is to treat all the people equally and no stop being biased to other.
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amazona-joseph07 · 11 months
I'm still hunted by your hug 😥
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amazona-joseph07 · 11 months
Israel versus Palestine Territorial and Religions conflict
The recent battle of Israel and Palestine
This battle was started last October 7, 2023 when the Hamas attack the Nova Music Festival at the Gaza Strip. Before the Hamas attack, the people here was celebrating and they dedicate the music Festival for the Palestine. Then suddenly the horror begin when the Hamas started to shoot the public restrooms in this area.
The people began to run to save their lives, this people go to the bomb shelter to hide. But the Hamas found the shelter that causes a lot of civilian being injured or worst due to the grenade throw inside the shelter. A lot of peoples suffer and died due to this unexpected attack. Six hours past six hundred (600) civilians where dead . The Hamas cornered their victims by surrounding the North, South, and West by forcing the people to flee and go to the East.
Israel versus Palestine Territorial Conflict
The death case due to battle is about more than six hundred (600), and more than two thousands (2000) are injured after Hamas terrorized the Israel. There are several American are considered dead and a dozen of it was a hostages. These hostages are all citizen such as children, father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother, and etc. Thirty six (6) hour later the Israel formerly declared war to battle Hamas after they terrorized the inside and outside of Gaza City. There are hundreds of videos that is posted in social media showing the horror of Hamas attack. In response of Israel they brutally battling against Hamas due to relentless bombing of these peoples on Gaza Cities.
The real reason why the Israel is battling in Palestine at the city of Gaza is because they're arguing about who is the real owner of the Gaza City. Also Palestine wants to be independent and have their own states that is why they leave the Israel.
Religion conflict of Israel and Palestine
The buildup to the latest conflagration—some have already called it a new intifada, Arabic for “uprising”— it began in a Jerusalem neighborhood near the Old City, close to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of Islam’s holiest sites for more than 1,200 years. On May 10, the Israeli police raided the mosque, firing rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades at Palestinians who had been fighting with them the previous night.
While Muslims pray at Al-Aqsa year-round, the mosque attracts even more worshipers during Ramadan. May 12 marked the end of Ramadan and the start of Eid al-Fitr, a joyous time at the conclusion of the monthlong fast.
There’s no doubt that the most extreme Jewish nationalists would like Israel to recapture the Al-Aqsa Mosque. They say it sits on top of the ruins of the ancient Jewish Temple, the only remainder of which is the Western Wall.
But aside from the setting, faith is only tangentially related to the violence.
Israel and Palestinian Conflict
The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is an ongoing military and political conflict in the Levant. It Began in the mid-20th century, it is one of the world's longest continuing conflicts. There are a lot of attempts have been made to resolve the conflict as part of the Israeli–Palestinian peace process, alongside other efforts to resolve the broader Arab–Israeli conflict. Public declarations of claims to a Jewish homeland in Palestine, including the First Zionist Congress of 1897 and the Balfour Declaration of 1917, created early tensions in the region after waves of Jewish immigration. Following World War I, the Mandate for Palestine included a binding obligation for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". Tensions grew into open sectarian conflict between Jews and Arabs. The 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was never implemented and provoked the 1947–1949 Palestine War. The current Israeli-Palestinian status began following Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in the 1967 also known as the Palestinian territories.
Progress was made towards a two-state solution with the Oslo Accords of 1993–1995. Final status issues include the status of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, borders, security and water rights as well as Palestinian freedom of movement and the Palestinian right of return. The violence of the conflict in the region—rich in sites of historic, cultural, and religious interest worldwide—has been the subject of numerous international conferences dealing with historic rights, security issues, and human rights; and has been a factor hampering tourism in, and general access to, areas that are hotly contested. The majority of peace efforts have been centred around the two-state solution, which involves the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. However, public support for a two-state solution, which formerly enjoyed support from both Israeli Jews and Palestinians, has dwindled in recent years.
Within Israeli and Palestinian society, the conflict generates a wide variety of views and opinions. Since its inception, the conflict's casualties have not been restricted to combatants, with a large number of civilian fatalities on both sides. A minority of Jewish Israelis (32 percent) support a two-state solution with the Palestinians..sraeli Jews are divided along ideological lines, and many favor maintaining the status quo. Approximately 60 percent of Palestinians (77% in the Gaza Strip and 46% in the West Bank), support armed attacks against Israelis within Israel as a means of ending the occupation, while 70% believe that a two-state solution is no longer practical or possible as a result of the expansion of Israeli settlements.[24] More than two-thirds of Israeli Jews say that if the West Bank were annexed by Israel, Palestinians resident there should not be permitted to vote. Mutual distrust and significant disagreements are deep over basic issues, as is the reciprocal skepticism about the other side's commitment to upholding obligations in an eventual bilateral agreement. Since 2006, the Palestinian side has been fractured by conflict between Fatah, the traditionally dominant party and its later electoral challenger, Hamas, a militant Islamist group that gained control of the Gaza Strip.[28] Attempts to remedy this have been repeated and continuing. Since 2019, the Israeli side has also been experiencing political upheaval, with four inconclusive legislative elections having been held over a span of two years.[29][30] The latest round of peace negotiations began in July 2013 but were suspended in 2014. Since 2006, Hamas and Israel have fought five wars, the most recent in 2023.
The two parties that engage in direct negotiation are the Israeli government and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Official negotiations are mediated by the Quartet on the Middle East, which consists of the United Nations, the United States, Russia, and the European Union. The Arab League, which has proposed the Arab Peace Initiative, is another important actor. Egypt, a founding member of the Arab League, has historically been a key participant in the Arab–Israeli conflict and related negotiations, more so since the Egypt–Israel peace treaty. Another equally key participant is Jordan, which annexed the West Bank in 1950 and held it until 1967, relinquishing its territorial claim over it to the Palestinians in 1988. An Israel–Jordan peace treaty was signed in 1994. The Jordanian royal family, the Hashemites, are responsible for custodianship over Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem.
- "Israeli–Palestinian conflict - WIKIPEDIA" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict
- Yonat Shimron (June 6,2021)"The religious aspect of the Israel-Palestine conflict | The Christian Century" https://www.christiancentury.org/article/news/religious-aspect-israel-palestine-conflict
- CNN.COM (October 7, 2023) Israel citizen describe sheltering during Hamas attackhttps://youtu.be/-q9ElFu5eJg?si=ij39zcWZ5_Zkh1Ms
- CNN.COM (October 14, 2023) How Hamas trapped civilians at Music Festival https://youtu.be/sScDHHNaHjI?si=gF7LeanQ9Fuqe-5m
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