#it's been two nights and people are already groping them and yelling mean stuff at them during the concert...
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thatfanficstuff · 4 years ago
Impossible - 18
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Pairing: Eric Northman x reader
Warnings: mentions of unwanted touching and assholes thinking of rape (no sexual assault takes place beyond groping)
A/N: This is longish. I'm lazy and didn't edit. If anything is glaring let me know.
It was decided that you and Sookie would present as friends looking for a new church. You intended to play quiet and if necessary you would pretend you were the puppet Stan thought you to be until you escaped from your horrible vampire boyfriend. You thought he loved you. Sob. So on and so forth.
Part of you wanted to go with Stan’s idea. Hell, if there was a way to be rid of the Fellowship without it pointing back to the vampires, you’d jump for it in a heartbeat. They were the epitome of everything wrong with so-called religions. Standing behind their gods to justify their hate and prejudices.
You sighed as you pulled into the parking lot. A perky blonde signaled for you to park and you frowned.
“Why does she look familiar?” Sookie asked.
“That’s Sarah Newlin, the reverend’s wife. I’m not happy that it appears we were expected, Sookie. I doubt she greets everyone that pulls in the parking lot.” You clenched your teeth together. Your gut was telling you to just pull right back out of the parking lot, but this was still your best bet to find Godric. “Just be on guard.”
Sookie nodded her head then slipped out of the car with a grin on her face, ready to greet the Mrs. You followed along behind her playing timid.
“Hi,” Sarah exclaimed. “I’m Sarah Newlin. I saw y’all pulling in and thought I’d come out and greet you myself.”
Sookie walked right up to her and shook her hand. “I can’t believe I’m actually getting to meet you. My name is Heidi Merlotte. This is my friend Sylvia North. We’ve recently moved to the area and are looking for a church.”
Sarah shifted that smile to you and held out her hand. You took it gingerly and kept your other arm wrapped around your waist. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sylvia.”
You just nodded in acknowledgement.
“Well, you’re a quiet thing aren’t you?”
Sookie wrapped her arm around you and leaned forward as if sharing a great secret. “We moved to get Sylvia out of a situation, so to speak. She’s still recovering.”
You could almost believe the look of sympathy Sarah directed your way. She turned and motioned for you to follow her. “Well, follow me and we’ll see if Steve’s available. I’m sure he’d just love to meet you.”
“The reverend himself?” Sookie enthused. “That would be amazing.”
The two of you followed Sarah to an office where Steve Newlin sat behind a large desk. “Honey, we’ve got a couple of friends here looking for a church. Heidi Merlotte and Sylvia North.” You shuffled in and took the offered hand, nodding at his greeting before looking around the office. Sarah bent over to whisper something in her husband’s ear that you weren’t meant to hear. “They insinuated they moved to escape some sort of trauma.”
Steve made a sound of agreement before gracing you with that megawatt smile he was so famous for. You settled into your chair, content to let Sookie do all the talking. She always chattered when she was nervous anyway.
“Sylvia and I met in church actually, but we left when we discovered that the pastor was
well he was
” Sookie trailed off dramatically and you managed to resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Homosexual?” Steve suggested.
Ugh, just when you thought you couldn’t hate this guy more than you already did. What an ass. “A sympathizer. He was a sympathizer,” you said before he could say something else that made you want to punch him in the face.
“Now see, that really makes me mad. How can you claim to love God if you love something God hates?” Too late. You wanted to punch him.
“Well, given Sylvia’s history, we know just how horrible vampires are,” Sookie added after a pause and you wondered what she’d heard in the asshole’s head. “No one will ever convince us that they have any sort of control. They are just evil.”
The Newlins’ attention turned to you with her words. You’d curse her, but this was the plan. You unbuttoned the top button on your shirt and pulled it open to show Eric’s marks. Normally you just wore one, but he’d given you a couple of extra the night before to add to your story. Once they’d seen, you buttoned your shirt back up as if you were ashamed.
You cleared your throat. “He was my boss. He was nice enough at first but then he started catching me in the backroom and feeding. He glamoured me into thinking I enjoyed it. That he loved me. I didn’t know until he came to my house one night and Heidi caught him doing it. She told me everything and helped me escape.” You reached over and grabbed Sookie’s hand. “She saved my life. I truly believe that.”
When you finished with your fantasy, you bent your head forward and wiped away a non-existent tear.
“I am sorry that such a horrible thing happened to you. But that’s what we’re here for is to help people like you. None of this was your fault,” Sarah’s voice comes.
“Thank you. I appreciate that.” You kept your head down so you didn’t have to meet their gazes again. Frankly, you were tired of looking at them.
Steve clapped his hands together. “Well, let’s take a little tour, shall we?”
A tremor of unease crawled down your spine. You were pretty sure the Rev. Newlin’s job description didn’t include giving tours to the peons. You looked up at them, attempting to appear upset instead of untrusting. Sookie and you followed the couple out of the office to what you assumed was the door of the sanctuary.
Steve stopped before opening them and turned to face you. “Now, be careful when I open the doors.”
You arched a brow. “Careful?”
He grinned. “Sometimes when we open these doors, so much love comes flowing out it just knocks you right over.”
You were pretty sure that was the flood of bullshit actually.
“We’ll be sure and brace ourselves,” Sookie responds with a chipper smile.
When they opened the doors, you were actually impressed with the sight that greeted you. The large wall of windows at the back of the church allowed sunlight to flood the sanctuary. It was quite a stunning display. “It’s beautiful.”
“Isn’t it? I just love this room. It just seems to glow in the afternoon light,” Sarah said, obviously meaning every word.
“It’s just so inspiring,” Steve added.
Sookie fidgeted beside you and you knew whatever the reverend was thinking, it wasn’t pleasant. You reached over and hooked your arm with hers.
He looked between the two of you. “Say have you two ever been to a lock-in?”
“A l-lock-in?” Sookie stuttered out.
You gave your brightest, fakest smile and channeled your inner Sookie. “Not since I was a kid. Gosh, those were good times.”
“Well, we’d love to have you join us,” Steve offered.
Whatever he was up to, Sarah didn’t like it if her body language was anything to go by.
Sookie tugged at your arm. “We should go home and get our stuff so we can do the lock-down.”
You looked down to cover your smirk. They were definitely behind Godric’s disappearance then. You understood Sookie wanting to get out of here, if she’d confirmed that, but in all honesty you were the best option for getting Godric out of here without causing a scene.
“You have plenty of time. The lock-inisn’t until tomorrow. Besides, we haven’t finished the tour yet,” Steve said.
“You wanted to see me?” a voice interrupted and Sarah only looked more concerned. A large bald man came to stand by the Newlins. He was obviously their muscle.
“Oh good. Heidi, Sylvia, I’d like you to meet Gabe, one of my aides,” Steve introduced.
Gabe shook your hands while running his gaze over both of you. He licked his lips and you wanted to kick him in the nuts. Maybe later. It would give you something to look forward to.
“Gabe will be joining us for the rest of the tour,” Steve said, patting the other man on the back.
The tour continued far longer than necessary. “I’m sorry but we need to be going. I don’t like to be out after dark,” you said.
“Oh there’s just one more thing I want to show you. It’s a very special part of the tour. Most people don’t get to see it. My father’s tomb.” He sounded entirely too happy about that.
“Steve, are you sure?” Sarah asked.
“I just don’t see why we need to go down there.”
“Not to be rude but I really don’t want to see someone’s grave,” you said.
Steve looked at you. “You have to see it. You can really feel his spirit down there. It’s the cornerstone our church is built on.” He opened a door that led down a steep set of stairs. Creepy basement. Check. And probably no windows. Perfect place to keep a vampire.
Sookie grasped your arm. “Sylvia?”
“What’s the matter?” Steve asked.
“She’s a little claustrophobic,” you lied.
“Well, at least take a little looksee so you can say you saw everything and you can make an informed decision,” the reverend argued.
“But we’ve already decided to go here so I don’t think it’s necessary,” Sookie said, her voice shaking. “We should go, Sylvia.”
“No,” Steve said. “Gabe!” Steve dived for Sookie and Gabe came after you. He grabbed you from behind, crossing his arms over the front of you, copping a cheap feel as he did so. Fucker. Irritation and Anger flooded through you and you knew Eric would pick up on it. He wouldn’t give you long before he came in after the two of you.
It wouldn’t take much for you to get free and to free Sookie as well, but you wouldn’t get a better opportunity to explore the basement. You feigned fighting and let the asshole carry you down the stairs with a firm grip on your breast.
You heard Sookie fighting behind you. “A little help, Gabe. I think the fucking banger’s on V,” Steve yelled.
“Quit fighting, Heidi. You’ll only get hurt,” you called and heard the commotion die down. At least she trusted you enough to do what you said.
They carried the two of you into a storage cage and locked you in after taking Sookie’s purse and searching both of you. As soon as they were out of sight and you heard the door shut upstairs, Sookie turned to you. “I sure as hell hope you have a plan because that Gabe guy is a total asshole.”
You hummed in agreement and pulled your lockpicking tools from your hair. They looked like barrettes and bobby pins to the untrained eye. “My plan is to find Godric before Eric gets here to rescue us.”
“You seem sure he’ll come,” she said, sounding surprised.
“I am. And if he doesn’t, I’ll get us out. Don’t worry about it.” You moved over to the gate to see the best way to go about getting the two of you out. The chain link configuration complicated things a bit but you’d figure it out.
“You’re always so sure about things. I wish I was like that.”
“A little bit of uncertainty makes life exciting,” you said with a grin before grabbing the gate and shaking it to see how sturdy it was. Keeping your grip you leaned against it. “Little god, little god, it’s time to go home,” you said in a singsong voice. Godric would hear you if he was anywhere in the basement.
“Little god?”
“Long story,” you assured her and shook the gate again. “Good news, the gate is designed to keep people out, not in. Also good news, I’m not completely human.”
“What’s the bad news?” she asked.
“This will be loud.” Unfortunately, the only top to the cage was the ceiling so there was nothing above you to grab onto. Instead, you grabbed onto the chain link beside the gate and used it to swing your body at an angle so your feet hit right where the lock was. You repeated the action two more times before dropping down so you could check the lock.
“Little god, I’m not leaving without you. I know you like me too much to let me die,” you said distracted as your focus was on the gate. You’d definitely done some damage but you decided to keep your feet on the ground and see what kind of damage side kicks could do.
After the second kick, you heard the door upstairs open. “What’s going on down there?” Gabe. Good.
“Nothing,” you called back even as you kicked again and the lock gave way. You grabbed the gate and pulled it shut as his feet thundered down the stairs.
He glared at the two of you before finally settling on you. You had no idea what Sookie looked like behind you but you were giving your best evil grin. “What are you up to, you little bitch?”
“That’s no way to talk to a lady,” you taunted, waiting for him to get closer.
“You’re not a lady,” he said. “You’re just some vampire’s whore.” He licked his lips and looked you over again as he pulled keys from his pocket. When he caught sight of the lock, he frowned and moved forward, “What the hell?”
Once he was within striking distance, you slammed the gate forward so it cracked him in the head and shoved him back. You didn’t give him time to recover before you attacked with punches and kicks. He got a couple of hits in as he tried to take you down. To regain the upper hand. But you weren’t about to let that happen. Finally, you got in position to put your arm around his neck. You kept the hold up until he dropped to his knees. When you would have continued until he quit breathing, a hand dropped on your shoulder.
You looked to Godric. He wasn’t your sire. You had no loyalty to him, but he was a friend. You released Gabe and took a step back. Your gaze ran over the little god. Other than being paler than usual, he looked good. The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. That was all the invitation you needed to wrap your arms around him.
He returned the hug. He moved his nose near your neck and inhaled. “You smell like my child.”
He held you at arms length and looked at you in surprise. “He’ll come for you then. Not that he wouldn’t have anyway.”
“Oh, yeah. I figure we’re about out of time.” You gestured to the cage. “Godric, meet Sookie. Sookie, Godric.”
Sookie gave him a smile and a little wave. “Nice to meet you.”
His mouth set in a firm line and his gaze settled on you. “You brought a human with you to rescue me?”
“She’s a little something else, if that makes you feel any better.”
“Not particularly, no. Especially considering what this one would have done had you not been who you are,” he gestured at Gabe.
“Speaking of, you should let me kill him. He groped me.” Reminded of the earlier incident you moved over to the prone form and nudged him so he was laying on his back. Then you kicked him in the balls as hard as you could. “Asshole.”
Godric’s lips twitched. “Feel better?”
“Much.” Sounds of a fight came from upstairs. “Eric.”
“Yes. I am here, my child. Down here.”
In a flash Eric was there. He stopped in front of you first, holding your arms as he looked you over. “I’m fine.”
He nodded once before turning to his maker. “Godric,” he said almost reverently before kneeling in front of him.
The moment was interrupted by Sookie’s laughter. The three of you turned your attention to her. She had a hand over her mouth as she tried to quiet herself. She shook her head. “I’m sorry. It’s just Eric is all respectful and kneeling while you hugged him and called him little god. It’s just funny.”
Eric got to his feet and gave you a look. “Of course, you did.”
“What? Godric likes my hugs.”
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wordshakerofgallifrey · 4 years ago
Do you still accept these? I'm late to the party.
If yes, Angsty/Fluff drabble With MĂ ma also being there.
If no, I totally respect that
this got...way longer than I meant for it to. sorry it took so long!
Maria's always been a light sleeper.
Between being a cop, a wife to a man who worked for Scrooge McDuck, and a mother to a boy who ran before he could crawl, the slightest noise had her eyes snapping open.
So when a cupboard in the kitchen closes a little too loudly, followed by a muffled curse, she throws back the covers and runs to the door.
"Pollito? Gandra?" she says softly, squinting in the dim light, hand groping along the wall for the light switch.
A sniffle greets her, one that spurs her actions, and Maria flips on the switch, bathing the kitchen in light.
Gandra raises a hand the shield her eyes. "Mar--M'ma," she sniffs, wiping her face with the back of her wrist. "I didn't mean to wake you, I'm sorry."
"No, no, mija, it's fine. Are you okay?" The question is rhetorical, of course, as her gaze slides from the girl's disheveled appearance and tear-stained face to the clock on the stove that reads 3:20.
"I'm fi--" Her shoulders slump as Maria raises an eyebrow, not in an uncaring way, simply disbelieving. "Yeah, this, uh, this doesn't look too convincing, does it?"
She shrugs a shoulder. "It raises some questions."
Hanging her head a little, Gandra scuffs her foot against the tile. “I was just making some tea, but I couldn’t find it.”
Maria's not surprised. She and Pollito mostly run on coffee, and she knows Gandra does too, but she keeps a light stash of chamomile for after long days at the station that's buried in one of these cupboards.
“I’ll make us some. SiĂ©ntate, it’ll just be a minute.” She moves around the kitchen without waiting for an answer, filling the kettle with water and setting it on the stove before rummaging through the cupboard for two mugs.
One is her ancient, chipping "I'm a mother, what's your superpower?" mug Fenton gave her ages ago. The other is newer, Gandra's, she bought a week after moving in with them.
(She doesn't get the joke--"No flux given"--accompanied by a complex scientific equation, but Pollito and Gandra think it's hilarious)
It's one of the few touches that remind her there's a third person living with them again--the shoes by the door, the extra pillow on Fenton's bed, the growing clutter on the second bathroom's counter.
Maria knows it's far from permanent. Gandra will move out someday, and Fenton will probably--definitely--follow her eventually, if not right away. But for now, having them both here...she likes it. The house feels full again.
The kettle whistles, pulling her out of her thoughts, and she clicks the burner off, pouring the water over the tea bags.
Picking up the mugs, she carries them to the table, sitting across from Gandra, placing it in front of her.
The girl looks a little less miserable, just sullen, dark circles under her eyes as she traces aimless shapes in the wood of the table.
"Do you want to talk about it, mija?" she finally asks after a moment of them sitting there, neither touching their tea.
“Just...bad dream,” Gandra says, tracing the rim of her mug. 
Maria doesn't press. She didn't get to where she was as a detective without learning how to read people. Gandra wants to talk, but she won't with too much prodding.
So she takes a sip of her tea and waits.
After a moment of sipping her tea, and clearly trying to hide her distaste for the drink, Gandra says, "I was back in the catacombs, in the cell. Only, uhm. Fenton was there, too. And he was so mad at me. Like, really mad. And he's...intense when he's angry, you know, he's gotta get that from you. Just, like, yelling at me about it being my fault that he was there, and then he was about to be wiped out of existence and he couldn't call the suit, and--"
She inhales shakily, cutting herself off, fresh tears pooling in her eyes and Maria slides her chair closer to her. “Oh, mija,” she whispers, reaching for her hand. 
“And, like, I know it’s a dream. I wake up, and he’s next to me and I’m not in the cell, but I can’t lose this tight feeling in my chest, like I’m breathing that stale air again and I don’t know if he’s going to be okay. And I don’t know why I can’t just tell myself it’s not real.”
She squeezes her hand tightly, feels the lines of her nanotechnology among her feathers. It’s a sensation she’s still getting used to, but Fenton had told her Gandra didn’t take her gloves off around just anyone, let alone let them touch it without intent to shock them, so she never let on that the wires in any way unnerved her.  
“Honey, you went through something traumatic, even if you didn’t realize it at the time, spending every free moment trying to escape. That’s not something you can just logic away, no matter how hard you try.”
“Then what do I do?” Gandra asks bluntly. “If I can’t logic my way out of it, what do I do?”
Fenton never had this problem--for all his smarts, he had too big a heart to try and think his way through his feelings.
“You have to let yourself feel it. All of it, even the bad stuff. You can’t lock it away, you can’t think your way out of it. You just have to feel it so you can work through it.”
Gandra leans her head on her hand. From her expression, that’s the last thing she wanted to hear. “That sounds shitty.”
Maria huffs a quiet laugh. “Sí, it’s not fun, but we’re here to help you with whatever you need.” 
“Fenton’s really lucky to have you.” Her voice is soft, and she gently retracts her hand; Maria lets her. 
“You have me, too, mija.” Not for the first time, she wonders about Gandra’s past, but even Fenton doesn’t know all that much, it seems. But, even though the tears are at bay for now, the girl looks drained. “For anything. Talks, late night tea. Although.” She nods towards the cooling cup, largely untouched. “You don’t really like tea, do you?”
Gandra snorts a laugh. “I can’t stand it. But I read somewhere it was supposed to be good if you couldn’t sleep. And my mom used to always make it after I had nightmares. Thought it might help.”
“More about the routine than actually drinking it, right?” Maria understands that. After Hamilton passed, she still fixed up his to-go thermos every morning for almost two years.
She nods, but before she can say anything, they hear a muffled voice from the other room.
“Gandra? Gandra!” 
“I’m in here, Suit,” she calls softly. A moment later, Pollito stumbles through the doorway.
He sighs in relief when he sees her. “There you are. Is everything okay, are you alright?"
Gandra slides over so he can share her chair, which he gladly does, wrapping an arm around her. "Just a nightmare, Fen. I came to make some tea and ran into your mom."
Pollito looks to her hesitantly, as though to confirm, and Maria nods slightly, already standing to quietly clear away her mug and give them some space.
"Okay. Is there anything I can do?" She hears him ask. "Do you want some more tea? Or something to eat? Or--"
Glancing over her shoulder when he cuts off, she sees Gandra's leaned her head on on his shoulder. "Just...stay here a minute, with me?"
His arm tightens around her, and Pollito leans his head against hers. "Always. Siempre."
Maria smiles softly at the two of them, slipping out of the kitchen, unnoticed.
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urlocalbunny · 4 years ago
.ruined orgasm - ethan.
hi, babes! My posting rate went DOWN, i’m aware, but lots of things happened and the national exams are nearing my asscheeks, so please understand that i’m overwhelmed so the requests are stopped in time lmao
1.675 words, enjoy!
Ethan was moody, and everybody knew that much. Always slamming doors, yelling, frowning, laughing at people evilly, sometimes, even... Hissing? But Eloise still put up with a lot to make their relationship work.
And in the end, it did make a difference. Ethan would tell her where he went and with who, how his day was, sometimes he'd even get her food instead of sending Beliath to learn more about her favorite things! Even if she told him that he didn't need to justify himself because they were dating, he tried to show her he could be more than just a moody young vampire. He wanted to show her he could be reliable when it counted.
That's why Eloise had the stupid idea of trying to be reliable too and got herself sitting on his bed, listening to him talking trash about everything possible with his head laying on her lap.
"And he's such a dumbass. Did you see his hair this morning? He looks like a mop. Aaron takes care of him, and he doesn't learn anything, probably burnt all his brain cells trying to find out how much is two plus two. Ah, speaking of Aaron, can you believe he ditched Leandra again? That tomato head is fucking crazy! I mean, there isn't any competition anymore because you're way hotter and you're my girlfriend, can't he do something?-"
"You're acting like a 72-year-old grandpa who likes a gossip." She deadpanned, watching his face contort into a disgusted frown.
"What the fuck? You're so mean! Pet my head." She sighed, patting his head.
"What's happening to you? You're talking too fast."
"I need to vent!" He exclaimed.
"Oh, god. Look, let's calm down. You have to sit down." She patted the bed near her. Ethan was very fast, but she never saw him using his powers inside his room like that. He sat down anyway, but then he fidgeted. "Sit down." She said softly and straddled him harmlessly. He blushed.
"What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously.
"I'm just chilling with you. I'm not going to hurt you."
Sometimes, talking to Ethan was like trying to aid a hurt animal. He was in pain, scared, angry. That made him have very wary reactions. She was the first girlfriend he took seriously, after all. He wasn't the type to stay too much in one place.
"You're... Um- close." He mumbled, a little uncomfortable.
"It's okay then. We can sit side by side again. I'm sorry for pushing. I didn't realize I was too quick." She smiled, beginning to scoot over, but he held her by the waist.
"N-no. Stay like this. You're warm." He hid his red face in the crook of her neck, smelling the perfume Beliath bought for her on her birthday. Fitting.
"You're cold." She said, squealing lightly. "It's not overwhelming, though. You're chilly. I like it." His head felt very heavy. Her treatment of him was too much to handle.
"Are you alright?" She asked, quirking one cute and now messy eyebrow. He huffed, looking at her hesitantly before cupping her face on his hands and kissing her softly.
Her tiny smile on the kiss pushed Ethan further. His heart hammered like crazy. He couldn't help but squeeze her waist, making her open her mouth to moan softly. His tongue slid in slowly, licking hers tentatively, tenderly. She returned the caress, scratching the hair on the nape of his neck as a treat for his boldness. His kisses got eager and full of little appreciation noises as his hands groped her thighs roughly. Her hands got rid of his coat. Eloise tried to spare him a glance to see if she needed to stop, but he urged her back with an annoying whine, tasting her tongue again. The feeling was as if they kissed for the first time again. He wished he could stop, but her lips were so good. He wanted her to keep going even if he didn't know where.
"Eloise, I want to fuck you so bad." He whispered, pulling her hips against him. She matched his movements, combining with wandering hands, to keep him calm until the situation escalated. Her eyes took in his glazed over stare, his panting, and his now swollen red lips. A small white hair stripe ran from his belly button and lower, hiding on his pants.
"Kick off your shoes," she panted, pulling his shirt off. He did as she asked, kicking them off and pulling his socks with his feet. The sight of his flushed neck made her suck in a breath and lean in, kissing his skin eagerly. His hands found themselves on her thighs again, this time creating little red marks under his fingertips.
"You don't have to be shy, love." She whispered, making him scoff.
"You think I'm some virgin you can control?" His hands slid to her ass, squeezing it. The friction his zipper gave made her clench around nothing, whimpering louder than usual. His composure fell, a shy yet pleading stare taking place. Her fingertips ran along with his nipples, eliciting a violent shudder. His back arched nicely against her hand. Her hands worked slowly, appreciating him while his own hands kneaded her ass slowly. His stare fell on her breasts, the way the dress strap hung down still engrained on his mind. He kissed her neck, daring.
"You're so lovely." His whisper woke her up from a deep daze, her hands squeezing his waist ever so slightly.
"You're beautiful." Her answer was almost immediate. He was taken aback by such warmth. No one-night stand ever did him like this. That was already intimate. He was told he's beautiful before. Not like this. Not by her.
Pushing him on the bed and standing up to allow him to raise his hips, Eloise pulled his pants and trousers down. He blushed.
"You look pent up." She sighed, running a hand through the tip. His cock twitched.
"Why am I naked, and you're fully dressed?!"
"That, honey, is called dominance." She gripped the hem of her dress, pulling it up and planting a knee between his own, revealing her thong. He had imagined, and he'd definitely seen and felt her before, but that laid beyond his expectations. The adoration he felt broke the last of the boundaries he had. His shoulders relaxed. Raising his arms above his head and laying them on the bed, he thought that maybe surrendering once wasn't so bad.
"Open your legs for me, honey." He obeyed. Placing herself between them, she kissed him intensely. He couldn't help but pinch one of her nipples, earning a high-pitched moan from her... And his nipple pinched in return. "My, my, you look so clever taking advantage of our positions, don't you?" His hand dropped by his sides, back arching against her hand. She began to slide her nail against his stomach, gripping his cock with her hand and jerking him carefully.
His eyes fluttered shut, a peaceful expression dancing on his face as he whined lowly and pushed his hips in sync with her hand. She gripped harder, coating him on his precum. Her hand worked up and down, sometimes he felt her other hand cup his balls, and she occasionally sucked on his nipple, appreciating his body, but Ethan wasn't going to last.
"Eloise, please. I'm close. So close, I'll be so good to you, so, so good, just p-please-"
"Oops!" Her hand shot up just as Ethan was about to cum. His hips jerked upwards as he moaned helplessly and loudly, sobs erupting from his throat as he thrashed around, orgasm now ruined. The pain mixed with the full pleasure that could've been something else. Betrayal danced behind his eyes, his back arched and his hips thrusting up against nothing, tears dripping from his cheeks.
"Eloise!" He sobbed pathetically, reaching for her hand. "Elo-" he coughed.
"Shhhh, it's okay, you're still so hard." She cooed, running a hand on his stomach to soothe him.
"You ruined it- why?" He was shocked, making her chuckle.
"I couldn't resist, honey. Here, let me fix it."
"How are you going to fix- ahn-" he shut up quickly when her entrance engulfed his tip, swallowing him and bringing him into her soaked heat.
"Like this." She struggled to say, holding herself against his shuddering form and waiting for him to adjust to her. Ethan kept panting, but soon enough, he came around, starting to grind up frantically until he was balls deep within her, earning some approving moans from her. She coaxed him into turning them around, making Ethan cradle her head on his arms and thrust desperately, looking for release no matter what. His cock twitched, the sensitive tip rubbing against the sweet spot that had Eloise seeing stars. The girl arched her back, nearing her end when Ethan lifted one of her legs and held it, bruising the skin and creating a new angle.
"That's it. You're doing amazing." He moaned at that compliment, snapping his hips in a low mantra of "Eloise, I wanna cum," and the groans when she pulled on his hair.
Ethan started growling incoherent stuff, tears streaming down his cheeks. His face and neck were red, and he held a breath. Eloise keened, gripping on his arm as her walls spasmed around him. Her back arched, legs trembled. His head was spinning, white dots all over the place.
"Eloise, I-" he didn't have time to explain, a long whine taking place followed by a gasp as he came inside, hips still snapping, then stilling comfortably.
"Are you okay?" She asked, caressing his back. He looked at her with his bloodshot eyes.
"That was amazing." He panted, resting his head against her chest. "Can I dom next time?"
"Of course, baby." She said softly. Ethan smirked when Eloise gasped, and the slap he gave on her leg made a loud sound in the room.
"Ah, ah. The baby is you. Get on all fours. Now. You're paying for not giving me what I wanted.
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spooky-ghost-boi · 4 years ago
Damn shawty, you definitely thicc.
A ReddNook weight gain fic.
Words: 2306
Description: Tom gets injured and has to sit on his ass for a couple months and work from home and Redd is making sure Tom doesn’t “Starve”
Warnings: people with climacophobia/traumatophobia this is definitely not your jam, mentions of a blowjob (I’m too unsure to actually write it out, I’m sorry), weight gain (duh), Tom Nook vs Ladder, prOfAniTieS, Redd AND Isabelle enjoy groping Tom’s fat don’t @ me on that.
A/N: depending on how well this does, I might write a part two. Also I had help brainstorming!
Ps: Imagine how good my grades would be if I wrote my assignments this quick and handed them in before the deadline.
Tom had rushed out of the door, realizing he was about to be too late if he didn’t hurry up to the Resident Services. His large breakfast still sat rather heavy in his stomach which made his stomach hurt slightly as he speed walked but he had a lot to get done today.
He was a little surprised to see that Isabelle hadn’t arrived yet, in the meantime he walked to the backroom so he could brew himself some coffee. He heard a dripping noise, thanks to his enhanced hearing. Looking up he noticed a hole in one of the pipes and sighed to himself.
Tom still felt rather tired and his movements were rather slow and sluggish as he made his way to the basement to get a ladder. He put the ladder against the wall and climbed it up, surprised by how.. Exhausting it seemed now.
Meanwhile Isabelle came in and smiled softly to herself when she saw Tom’s stuff already on his desk.
A slight groan in both pain and annoyance.
Her smile faded immediately and she rushed into the backroom, she noticed the chunky Tanuki lying on the floor under a leaking pipe and a broken ladder.
“Tom! Are you alright?!” Isabelle asked in shock.
“I’m doing splendid! It’s not like my leg is twisted at an unnatural angle, hm?.. Couldn’t be me! Yes, yes.” Tom said in slight annoyance.
After a couple nights in the hospital Tom was back home, his leg was broken.. Which obviously wasn’t ideal. He had to work from home and either Redd, Timmy or Tommy had to deliver his paperwork to Isabelle every evening.
He’d been spending roughly a week at home and it had been rather peaceful to his surprise, Redd was distracting him sometimes for.. Other things or he was making Tom food. Good food, a lot of food and of course Tom lacked self-restraint so he often just ended up accidentally stuffing himself when he was working. Sometimes to the point he had to unbutton his progressively tighter pants.
“Hey, Nookie~ I got you your favorite coffee and doughnuts, they’re still warm.” Redd said to his quite chunky boyfriend.
“I told you to not call me that! But, thank you, hm.” He said, as he filed papers. Eyeing the mess on the desk.
“Enjoy your doughnuts, I’ll be in the kitchen making lunch for you.” Redd said, smirking to himself before leaving the room. His plan was working.
After a couple of minutes of diligently working, Tom grabbed a donut and ate it. He moaned as the incredible flavor hit him. He had a huge sweet tooth, especially when it came to pastries.
Therefore he devoured those 6 doughnuts within 30 minutes, feeling quite stuffed. His pants were uncomfortable and he just unbuttoned them. The coffee gave him a boost of energy which is something he desperately needed as the huge snack he just had seemed to make him tired. He groaned and rubbed his stomach.
He took a breather. Then returned to filing papers and making the occasional call.
He wasn’t even hungry before Redd barged in with a nice and full plate of pasta and tomato sauce.. With loads of cheese on it.
“Redd.. I’m actually still quite stuffed.” Tom said as he shifted his weight in his chair, it creaked slightly and he didn’t actually pay attention to it.
“Awe, come on Tom. You wouldn’t want to eat cold pasta now, do you? You don’t have to eat all of it, just eat as much as you can! ” Redd told him.
“Fine! Just put it on the table.. I’ll eat it. Thank you, yes, yes.” Tom said and continued with his work. He somehow felt hungry again.. Or did he just feel the need to eat? Or was it boredom.
Redd smiled at the Tanuki, “I’ll pick up Timmy and Tommy later, but I’ll tell you before I leave. “ Redd said.
“That’s splendid..” Tom said as he grabbed the plate of pasta and began to eat. He was eating out of stress and boredom more than anything else. He failed to notice how much his belly was pushing out, making the fact evident he unbuttoned his pants.
“You need some bigger pants, Nookie~?” Redd said in a slightly teasing tone.
“No.. I’m just bloated. I guess it’s the lack of movement, hm?” Tom said, he ACTUALLY was convinced that was the reason and Redd found it cute.
“I see.. You don’t have that much to do right now, do you?” Redd asked and winked slightly at his boyfriend.
“That depends on what you mean.. Hm.?” Tom asked as he put a few papers aside. He totally understood what Redd meant but he wanted him to be more direct. For his entertainment of course.
“I could suck your dick.” Redd said, not really embarrassed because he’s.. Well, Redd.
“Why don’t you just say so?” Tom asked as he somehow managed to pull down his pants.
After giving Tom a decent blowjob, Redd had gotten him another snack.
“Have this while I’m gone, so you don’t waste away.” Redd chuckled as he said that to Tom, which just earned him a scoff.
“-And don’t miss me too much.” Redd promptly added before walking away.
“Trust me, I most definitely won’t!” Tom yelled after him.
Tom finished off all calls and paperwork he had to do for the day and leaned back in his chair, rather satisfied with himself as he ate the big slice of cheesecake and coffee Redd had gotten him.
He sighed softly and put a paw on his already pretty chubby belly, he felt bloated and honestly a little heavier than he was used to but he didn’t mind. It was probably the lack of movement as he didn’t walk to work or play with the boys. He had to rely on Redd to help him around the house, which seemed awkward since Redd was such a twink and he himself was probably almost twice as heavy as the Kitsune.
He actually hated being dependent on Redd, however he couldn’t do much.
After a little while Redd came back with the boys who rushed to the kitchen to eat dinner and Redd walked to Tom’s office.
“Hiya, Nookie! You wanna eat dinner on the kitchen? Need help to get there?” Redd asked.
“I would..” Tom said as he leaned onto the table for some support to get up, then leaned onto Redd. They both managed to make it to the kitchen and Tom plopped onto a chair opposing Timmy.
“How was work for you two?” Tom asked softly. Tom usually disliked showing vulnerability to other people, even Redd at times but that was slightly different with the boys, he wanted to be the best father figure for them, despite them being his employees. Afterall they were still kids and needed guidance in their life.
“Good! We’ve had lots of customers.. Customers.” They both said in unison.
“I’m glad.” Tom said as he ate his dinner, trying his best to ignore the Kitsune.
“You two want to watch a movie later?” Tom asked his boys. He felt guilty for being unable to play with them so he hoped watching a movie would make both of them and himself happier.
“Sure!” They replied.
After a couple of months he finally could walk again and go back to work, he wasn’t supposed to lift up heavy things still.
He took a shower the day prior and was getting ready for work, feeling good about himself again.
Redd watched his chonky boyfriend put on his khaki shorts, he noticed Tom struggle getting them over his hips. Oh shit, there was no way Tom was gonna get them buttoned.
“.. Redd? They don’t fit.” Tom said, deciding that maybe He’d have more luck with his work shirt.
He managed to get the two upper buttons buttoned but not the rest.
He looked a little panicked at Redd, who didn’t know what to do either. “.. What if you wore a sweater? It’s not that warm yet-“ Redd suggested.
“I guess that could work..” Tom said as he looked through his closet to get a sweater with the Nook Inc logo on it.
Redd despised the logo at this point, really.
The sweater fit, but it was really tight and giving Tom a muffin top along with the pants he was wearing. He didn’t have much time to worry about that right now as he had to head to work. Pretty ironic that this happened to the man making people wear their work uniforms because “clothes are a big part of business.”
In the mean time Redd headed to the Sable Sisters to make sure to get Tom some bigger clothes.
Tom was a little out of breath when he walked to the Residential Services, he opened the door and just sighed. He pulled down his sweater and walked into the backroom where Isabelle was waiting for him.
“Good morning, Tom!” She said as she handed him his coffee.
“Good morning and thanks for the coffee! Yes, yes.” Tom said, his stomach growled again and it also hurt.
“Seems like somebody is hungry! I made you some “welcome back ”cookies!” Isabelle said as she handed him a plate.
“That’s splendid, thank you.” Tom replied, before blushing a little. “Do you know whether we still have.. Err, bigger sized work uniforms?” Tom asked.
“For what?” Isabelle asked, pretending to be oblivious. She of course noticed how much bigger the Tanuki looked, he was so chunky and it surprised her.
“I put on a few and this.. Isn’t exactly the most comfortable outfit.” Tom said as he tried to pull his sweater down again.
“See for yourself! I’m pretty sure there is something at least.” Isabelle said and smiled at Tom.
Tom sighed as he went to the work uniform shelf and looked through various shirts, to his luck he found the exact same shirt he owned just a couple sizes bigger. He immediately slipped it on along with a pair of khaki shorts he had found.
To his surprise the shirt was a little loose on him.
Isabelle was already at the desk, working.
He walked to his own desk and plopped on the chair, which creaked under all the new weight. While doing his usual work he ate the cookies Isabelle had made for him and downed several cups of coffee. Occasionally He’d get snacks from the vending machine but he was still so oddly hungry.
He felt a little exhausted at the end of the day and especially after his walk home. Getting pampered by like everyone really affected his already in first place wide waistline, but now he was getting lazier too.
“Good evening, Nookie!” Redd said as Tom came home, he obviously noticed the change in attire and how bloated Tom looked. Despite being so bloated, Tom’s stomach growled.
“You sure you want dinner? You look like you just feasted. My, my, Nookie~” Redd teased, he just really wanted to unbutton Tom’s shirt and feel how much Tom let himself go.
“Busy and stressing day at work to be honest.. Isabelle made a lot of cookies for me as welcome back gift or something. I’m actually quite hungry though.” Tom said as he patted his belly.
“I’m not surprised.” Redd said as he practically shoved Tom into the kitchen. “It’s still a bit until dinner but I made you some cake.” He told him.
Tom lazily sat on a chair, “thanks, hmm.” He said as he ate a slice and then another.
“Do you want some coffee?” Redd asked.
“Sure.” Tom said and leaned back into his chair.
Redd put the coffee onto the table and smiled at his boyfriend. “There you go, Nookie~” He said.
Tom grumbled but drank his coffee.
What he didn’t know was that Redd had put some melted butter along with the milk and sugar in there, so he’d have a bigger boyfriend much faster.
Eventually the kids arrived and they all ate dinner together. After that they played with Tom and Redd, it made Tom happy that he could be there for the kids again.
Tom had brought them to bed at around 21 pm and then made his way to Redd’s and his bedroom. Tom’s stomach growled and he sighed softly as he sat on the bed, which creaked slightly under his weight.
“I got you doughnuts~” Redd mused, as he handed Tom the box.
“Thank you, yes.. Ye-“ Tom yawned and began eating a couple of doughnuts.
“Can’t stop eating lately, am I right, Nookie?” Redd teased as he unbuttoned Tom’s shorts and shirt and began rubbing his belly.
“I told you to stop calling me that since months now.. “ Tom complained and he would’ve pushed Redd away if he weren’t so godforsaken tired.
“Too tired to properly move?” Redd teased.
“Just.. Shut up for once, hm.” Tom huffed, as he closed the empty doughnut box. He then also drifted off to sleep, with Redd rubbing his belly gently.
After a couple months the Tanuki had to size up. . Again. It seemed that both Isabelle and Redd loved to pamper him.
His gut was well hanging over his waistband and he was way lazier and more easily exhausted.
Isabelle was closing off the shop and then walked over to Tom, playing with his hefty and bloated belly. Earning several moans in pleasure from him, he was so stuffed that it felt good to have somebody with his belly.
“It’s softer than I expected!” Isabelle said, smiling at the Tanuki.
“Yeah.. Everyone says that, hm.” He just replied, making no effort to fight her as it felt good.
Isabelle chuckled and patted the Tanuki’s soft tummy.
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taetae-tea · 5 years ago
La Farceur
A/N: I just saw the Joker and I just HAVE to write a story about it, so here ya go :). I am thinking of maybe making a part 2 of this, so just let me know if you like that idea! 
Genre: Joker!Taehyung, Angst, smut, oneshot (?)
Paring: Taehyung X reader
Word-count: 6.5k
Warnings: Sexual content, groping, kissing, pinning, smoking, slapping, name-calling, Stockholm-syndrome.
Summary: You’d never thought you had to face the well-known criminal: the Joker, since he always targets rich people. Still, somehow the tables turn when you go to the famous club ‘La Farceur’ and to be faced with (maybe?) your worse nightmare.
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‘Again, the so-called ‘Joker’ has raided another bank. 9 people have been shot during the raid, which of 4 have died. 20 people are badly wounded. This has been the fifth time this two weeks. How long do we have to wait for someone to act on this?’ 
You attentively watch the news as you see the blurred images of the man, who calls himself ‘the Joker’, and who does so much terrible things. You can’t imagine someone being so devilish; he doesn’t even do it for money you’ve heard. He is pure evil; he does it for his own satisfaction and happiness. People like this really do exist, which normally isn’t the case. People often do bad stuff because of lack of money or something, but he has all the money now and still continues to do bad stuff. Maybe he’s in depth with someone, it must be. It’s the only logical explanation. 
‘That guy is plainly sick’, you hear your friend comment from beside you, eating cereal just like you are doing. It’s really a tradition for the both of you to watch the news together in the morning, making that your bonding-time as roommates. Discussing politics and such. ‘He must be on some shit’, Lisa continues before taking another bite. You huff before agreeing, that man can’t be right in his mind. Or maybe he was fucked up in his childhood by his father or something, anything. Luckily you’re not likely to ever have to face him, being a student. He mostly targets rich people, like banks and stuff. Well ‘being rich’ is something that you certainly aren’t. 
‘He does have something hot though, I don’t know what’, Lisa comments, making you laugh out of disbelieve. ‘Damn Lisa, going out with criminals now hm?’, you tease her and she nudges you back. ‘I mean, it’s kind off wild. It isn’t a boring relationship, that’s for sure.’ You laugh even louder at that. ‘Well, true that honey. Still wouldn’t be my first pick though’, you response, shaking your head.   
The both of you finish your food and get ready for your first class. You walk to the campus together, talking about anything you could think of. You’ve really grown to like Lisa. You’ve now been roommates for 5 months, you being the somewhat silent person and she being the outgoing on. You really always need one of the two between friends, otherwise it won’t work. She takes you out to parties and you make sure she goes to school. You’re always together, having grown a strong bond together.
‘So, still up for some alcohol tonight? How about a bar or something?’, Lisa suggests and you nod. ‘Why not? It’s not like we have anything else to do.’ She looks with exciting eyes at you. ‘Wow, really? Thought you would’ve refused. Do I see a new woman in front of me?’ Lisa takes a step back as she looks at you in awe. You chuckle, lightly punching her shoulder. ‘We don’t have any tests or assignments, so why not? Therewith, I haven’t gotten laid in ages. It’s time’, you confess, carrying a frustrated face. She frowns. ‘How long’, she asks and you hold up 5 fingers. She gasps as she stops her pace beside you. ‘No
 I’m so sorry for you. Why didn’t you tell me?’ She puts an arm around you as she still has a worried face, making you huff. ‘Well damn, it’s not something to discuss on a daily basis.’ You look around you to see if anyone has heard your conversation, being slightly embarrassed. You don’t see anyone, except this big guy standing along the sidewalk. He does kind of seem odd to you, but you decide not to pay any attention to him and to continue your walk with your worried friend.
You both arrive at the class, entering as Lisa keeps on asking about your sex life. ‘Lisa stop! I will get laid tonight and I will be okay.’ You stop her ramble. She pouts before agreeing. ‘Okay, but you’re going to have to put my sexy clothes on. A normal skirt wont do it with this mission’, she notes and you scoff. ‘Whatever makes you satisfied’, you say before you let yourself focus on the class, which is just about to start.
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‘How does one own such a tight and short dress’, you complain as you walk down the street, trying to pull your dress further down. Lisa holds your arm hooked around hers, pulling you back up. ‘Don’t bend down like that, your boobies will maybe pop out doing that’, she giggles as she shakes her head. You scoff, not liking this outfit only one bit. Yeah, you want to get laid. But like this, it’s kind of cheap and that’s not really what you had in mind. You just want a one-night-stand, but not with some gross dude. He needs to have class and be a gentleman. But knowing Lisa, she doesn’t really mind about that. And there is nothing wrong with that; the girl has needs too. Your standards are just different.
You arrive at the familiar club ‘Le Farceur’, being one of the hottest clubs in the city right now. You often come here, knowing you’d get the optimal club-experience. You’d be surprised how many clubs aren’t great at all. Some clubs have old gross men on the side who keep on looking at you with there old eyes. Others just have awkward young people who don’t know how to party nor to throw one. ‘Le Farceur’ really knows how to do it having: great DJs; cute barmen; great lights and a beautiful dance floor made out of glass. You love the club and you always feel like you walk into another universe.
‘May I get that coat?’ The doorman asks and you nod, giving him exactly that. Lisa also gives her coat to the other man standing a bit further in the hall. You can already hear the music dancing off of the walls. When you take a turn to Lisa, you already see her flirting with that very guy. You don’t know how she does it with that much ease, you simply can’t. You can already hear Lisa say: ‘What makes you different, makes you special.’ Yeah, say that to the girl who will stay alone forever in her little house with her thousand cats.
ïżœïżœïżœReady?’, Lisa asks as she approaches you. You nod and the both of you enter the hall. The club is already full with sweaty dancing people. The smokers are fully on and everything looks blurry as you enter the room. Immediately Lisa grabs your hand and pushes through the crowd, trying to find the bar at the other side of the club. The music is loud as you walk through the people. Some people are singing, some are talking with their friends; some are trying to flirt with others. You like this, it’s as if anyone can finally let loose in this room. There are no worries, just maybe the growing feeling that you might throw up because of the many drinks one has taken. No tests, no pressure from school. Just loud music and beautiful people around you.
‘You want the usual?’ Lisa asks and you nod. You look around as Lisa starts ordering. You can see a few familiar faces in the crowd, being people you know from school. You’re not surprised, this is a well-known club. Everyone at the campus talks about it. About people who have hooked up there, or even split up.
‘Here you go, one tequila shot, a lemon and some salt. Let’s go!’ Lisa yells after putting some salt on your hand. You immediately lick it off of your hand, shot the tequila through your throat and put the lemon in your mouth. You frown out of disgust, but then laugh because of the thrill it gives you. Lisa mirrors you exact, making you laugh even more. The both of you do a few more shots before heading to the dance floor, dancing together before Lisa finds a very handsome young man to dance with.
You can feel yourself getting drunk by the second, loosing up and dancing more freely. You let yourself focus on the music, though you don’t know the song.  You don’t really care though.
Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, making you turn around. A tall guy stands in front of you. You giggle as you take a step closer and you can recognize his face. It’s the guy from this morning, he was standing along the sidewalk. I guess he did hear us talk and probably wants a peace. He looks mysterious, having dark glasses and this black suit on. It’s like he’s straight out of Man In Black. You just know he could take you just the way you’ve needed someone to for the last 5 months. A strong tall guy, maybe even a gentleman.
He now firmly holds your arm, almost painfully as he start dragging you through the crowd. You don’t know how to react, but you’re kind off too drunk to know how. You start pulling on your arm, hoping that the guy will just let go. It’s now that you’re beginning to panic, what does this guy want? Why is nobody stopping this guy? People see me right? They see me getting dragged out of the crowd? Or maybe I’ve done something wrong and is it security trying to escort me out. I just can’t remember myself misbehaving.
You arrive at a door in the corner of the club. The guy has been silent the whole time as you were trying to follow his fast pace through the crowd. You want to be sober so you could try to make sense out of this, but you can’t. You’re stuck being this drunk fuck that’s busy trying to keep her balance.
‘Who are you?’ you manage to get out. The man doesn’t answer and just starts dialing some number beside the door. You figured he is taking you in there. But why? This can’t be something bad, right? People didn’t just let a girl dragged through the club only to get raped. Or do things like this happen this easily? Thinking about it, drunk people don’t really keep an eye on others around them. So it’s possible. You begin to pull harder on your arm, even wiggling in hope that he magically let your arm go. The guy grunts, making the grip on your arm tighter. You let out a small yell out of pain, body falling in each other. You try to stay up, but together with your drunk mind you can’t really keep it that way.
You hear a soft beep and the door in front of you opens. The guy drags you through the door and closes it behind you. He didn’t come along with you; you’re just alone there in this room, that’s what you think at least. You don’t dare to look up; you just look down at your hands, which you can’t quite get focused because of the alcohol that flows through your system. You do notice the room is pinkish and the floor from is wood. Your eyes slowly make their way up and you now see a white carpet on the ground. Something like a sofa is on the end and a little coffee table on the side.
‘He hasn’t hurt you, has he?’ You suddenly hear someone say at the end of the room. Your body shocks by hearing this sudden voice. It does sound familiar, like you’ve heard it somewhere before, but not face-to-face. The voice doesn’t give you a good feeling though. You want to look up, but you’re a bit too dizzy to do so. At this point you don’t really know what’s real anyways.
‘You look weak, I didn’t fucking ask for a weak one’, the person says again, talking in a irritating manner. You frown, still looking down. ‘Then why don’t you fuck off’, you reply, not caring for the words you are using. You slowly sit up, finally finding your balance. You scan the room. You notice how the walls are red, the black ceiling and the golden decorations around the room. At the side you see a pole and you realize this must be some sex-room. At the end you see a big sofa with a man sitting on it. He’s sitting with his legs crossed and his head hiding behind a newspaper. You frown as you start to scan the man. He has a colorful appearance, wearing some form of a suit. You can even see the top of his head, showing a green color or maybe blue? You can’t really see that well, not with the blurry vision thanks to the alcohol. You do see some kind of smoke surrounding the man and when you start to smell, you just know it’s a cigarette.  
‘So you are feisty’, you hear him say with a smug sound. You scoff, trying to prove you’re not scared, but you fucking are. You don’t know what to do, but you do know this man has power.
Then his newspaper goes down and the painted face looks back at you, a cigarette resting on his lips and showing a cocky expression. Your eyes go wide and your heart starts to race a million times faster than it already was. It’s the fucking maniac. The guy you’ve now seen for months upon months, doing terrible things against the nation. It’s the man who has stolen billons of dollars from rich people and not hesitating to make a few kills for it.
He has a dark grin on his face, as he looks you up and down, standing up from the couch in the uncanny manner. You move your body as far as possibly away from him, that being your natural actions. How the fuck did I get in this situation. You try to move further back, but your head still tolls by the alcohol you’ve been drinking merely moments ago. He walks up to you with a fast pace, making you scared. He knows what he is doing and he loves it. He loves to make people scared.
He crouches down beside you and grabs your hair, pulling it back harshly so you look into his eyes. You can hear a soft thud beside your face, being it the cigarette he puts out on the wall you’re pressed up against. His face is very close to you now, his lips hovering above yours and breath hitting against your skin. The smoke is still coming out of his mouth when he starts speaking.
‘I’ve heard you that you are looking for something naughty, my ‘lady ’, he says with a low and dark voice, now letting himself sit down on your lap. You don’t know how to react to this, but your body does the job as you feel a certain warmth stream through you. You feel yourself now breathe much louder and your body wants something, you can feel it. You know the feeling all too well, maybe even loving the adrenaline flowing through your body that goes with it.
No, stop (y/n). It’s just the alcohol. You can’t feel this way towards this ‘man’.
The Joker smirks down at you upon seeing you struggle underneath him. He yanks your hair back ever so slightly, exposing your delicate neck to him. His eyes meet yours, still as dark as they always are, before he reaches down and gently kissing the exposed skin, surprising you with the gently touches. It’s not something you’d expect from such a masterminded criminal like him, the Joker. Your body shakes as you let yourself embrace the tinkling feeling on your skin, which are vastly changing into sloppy kisses and making you moan ever so quietly. Why is he so damn good at this?
‘Let’s see what you’ve got, baby’, he whispers into your ear after parting his lips with your neck, he even had inspected the red skin it had turned to. Suddenly he yanks on your hair as he stands up himself, forcing you to get off the ground. You let out a small whine as you try to follow his forcing moves. He pushes you towards the couch, not so gentle anymore, and bends you over right on that spot. You inhale sharply upon this action, but you don’t fight it for some reason. Your brains are telling you to scream and kick your way out of it, but the alcohol is letting that voice fade into the background together with the pounding noises from outside the wall, where people are still dancing and shouting along the music. The only thing you can focus on now is his groin pressed up against your ass, feeling so thick and long, and the way it makes your body ache for more.  
‘You know what ‘Le Farceur’ stands for baby?’ His hands are finding its way around your butt, tracing soothing circles and making it hard for your knees to stay up. Then, with no warner whatsoever, he pulls his hand up and lets it down with great force against your ass. You let out a small high-pitched moan, making yourself again amazed at the way this man can make you weak like this. You can hear him laugh behind you, cocky that he could make you feel this hot by only slapping you. ‘It stands for ‘the Joker’’, He says, both hands groping you harshly, your body pleading you for more. You lean into him as he does so and you can’t do anything but to plead out your pleasure.
‘F-Fuck daddy.’
You feel another slap on your butt, but this time a bit stronger and with more passion than before. You hiss this time, not feeling any pleasure by that, rather pain. But not the kind of pain you want to run away from. Your arms almost give in by the force of the slap. He grabs your hair again and pulls you up straight against his body, his hard cock pressed up against your butt with more force. You can already taste it on your mouth.
‘who?’ He asks as he moves his hips forcefully against your ass, making your back to arch into him. You love this, you love the way he makes you dripping wet, the way his cock forces its way against your ass and making you hope you didn’t have any panties on.
‘J-Joker’, you reply, almost moaning, as he remains to move against your ass from behind you. You can practically feel the way he smirks behind you, eyes printed on you as he does so. He lets go of your hair slowly, his fingers wondering down. He touches every single feature of yours, beginning from your neck, down to your arms and gently groping you and making you rill all over. His hands grab the soft fabric of your dress and pull the strings over your shoulder. The newly exposed skin are immediately marked with his wet kisses, making you arch into him. You want to be closer to him. He doesn’t react to it, he just continues his way down, letting the dress slowly slide off your body. You feel nervous as he does his action, too much anticipated and wanting him to fuck you already. You even let out a soft whine, hoping he would punish you or anything, but he doesn’t. A mastermind indeed.
When your dress finally hits the ground, only wearing your panties now, you can feel his hands caressing your breasts. You can hear him grunt when he start pinching your nipples, pleasure getting ahead of him as he does so. You hum when he gropes your breasts with more force, pulling you closer against his body and you feel his dick again close against you. He is such a tease, being so slow with you, not fucking you immediately.
‘Patience my baby girl’, He whispers into your ear as he lets go of you. You let out a small noise, feeling so naked and untouched when you don’t feel him against you anymore. You want to turn around, but you can hear a disapproving sound when you almost did. ‘No can do, baby doll. Patience I said’, he instructed and you obeyed. How hot he might be and how much you want him inside of you, he still is one of the biggest criminals. He is still dangerous and you wouldn’t want to get actually hurt by this little game he is playing with you.
You can hear something hitting the ground, some kind of fabric maybe. You don’t really know where he is in the room since the noise from outside is still pounding through the walls, music and talking people getting right through. It makes you even more wet upon knowing he’s about to fuck you so hard while people are right there outside. Oh, you want him to. So badly.
‘Lay down’, you suddenly hear from behind you. You say as you are told, lying down on the sofa in front of you. First you sit down, making eye contact with the man in the room and you are not upset with what you are met with. He is standing in front of you, fully naked. His body is painted with thick caramel-colored muscles, shining under the dim-pink lights around you. His legs look strong and his chest looks so inviting, something you want to have a taste of. His cock is standing strong and proudly, looking so good and delicious. You just know he’s going to fill you up the way you want him to and with that dazzling expression, he is promising he will just do that.
‘You like what you see, don’t you baby?’, He declares as he sees your longing eyes, finally laid down on the sofa. You swallow back your words, knowing you can’t get too excited. You’ve learned your lesson now; you won’t let him tease you that long again. You need him right now and toying with you is definitely not the way to go.
Your eyes are widened when he decides to slowly walk up to you, making your body ache of desire. His muscles move strongly, but still so delicate. You hate the fact that you can’t see his face, though you still find the façade kind of exciting. His eyes still look dark when he finally reaches you, like he is fucking you with them, but not touching you yet. You squirm on your place, trying to calm yourself down and to net get too excited.
In one swift move he had placed himself above your waist, his dick throbbing as you can basically taste him. He is so close, you just have to lean forward and you can just-
‘No no, sweetheart. I’ll guide you’, he says as he pushes you back on your place, making you whine once again. You knew you shouldn’t have whined that much, because suddenly his eyes looked angry, making you shiver. He grabs your hair once again and yanks it back. There flew a shot of pain through your neck, since he has bend your neck over the handrail. You let out a small yell upon feeling that, but before you could say anything was his face already close you yours.
‘Whine fucking once again and I will snap that neck.’ His threat got through to you and you just nod, eyes wide open, as you feel terrified. He sits back on your waist as he suddenly puts a cigarette in his mouth, lightening it with a small lighter. You look at him with awe as he pulls his hair back and taking a deep inhale of his cigarette. Though he had just threatened you, you still think he is so beautiful, in some ways.
‘Now, darling. Open wide’, He says as he suddenly closes the gab between you and his cock, his body now placed above you. You open your mouth as far as you could, your hands finding its way to his cock and placing it right in your mouth. You can hair him grunt as you lick his dick wet, making it ready for you to suck on. You begin slowly, making your mouth hallow as you let him enter your mouth. You can taste the saltiness of his skin, but still the way it’s so delicious. His hips slowly begin to rock with your movements, making a pace onto your mouth. You can now smell the smoke again and when you look up, you see him exhaling all that smoke out of his lungs.
How can one be so damn hot when smoking?
You begin to suck, making slurping sounds with your mouth as you do so. It’s now that he grabs your hair and starts to moan a little upon feeling your mouth surrounding his cock. You make sure your hands are making rotating movements around his dick while sucking him dry. He feels the urge to go faster, so he starts pulling your head and you let him guide you. His pace is fast and it’s not easy to keep on sucking, so you instead make your mouth hallow again and let him go as deep as he wants. He loved that move and immediately makes use of it.
‘Yes baby, let me fuck that mouth hmm’, he grunts as he rocks his dick as far as he could into your throat. You make gagging sounds and you have to gasp for air, but somehow that makes him hornier and he only goes faster by it. You don’t really care about it, you want him to abuse your mouth like this.
‘Fuck I need that pussy.’ He thrusts his dick as far as he could into your mouth for the last time, staying there for a few seconds, making your gasp as you almost past out for air before releasing you. You lay back as you have to come to your senses for a few seconds and look back up, seeing his cocky face with his dark eyes. He again blows out some smoke as he had just taken an inhale from that cigarette. It makes you frown in the haste of the moment, thinking of how bad smoking is. But it occurred to you that he isn’t a healthy man and that a cigarette is probably the least of his problems.
He puts the cigarette down on the edge of the coffee table beside the sofa. You look at him, anticipating on his next actions.
He grabs your hips and lays you on your belly in one swift move. He then pulls your hips up, leveling with his cock. He starts dragging his cock against your damp panties, which you sadly are still wearing. Your body leans into the touch and you start to wiggle your ass, hoping he would feel more tempted to fuck you. Instead he lets his hand fall down on your butt with a great force, making you exhale sharply and feeling the way your skin burns under his touch. If anything, that made you want him even more. You could never find a better sex partner than him.
‘P-Please’, you breathe out, arching yourself into him again. He presses his dick further up against you, rubbing up and down. ‘Please what, my princess’, he asks and you immediately reply. ‘Please
He suddenly pulls your panties to the side and you are met with something other than his dick. You can feel his tongue gliding between your folds, licking up and down. Your body sinks down and your ass perks up, wanting him to hit certain spots. He finds your clit with ease and his hand begins to toy with the little nub, making circular motions. You moan into the sofa as he finally gives you the relieve you’ve been searching. He even ads another finger into the mix, inserting it into your hole. His fingers a tall and thick as it moves through your insides, hitting al the right spots when hit curls inside of you. Nobody has ever known to pleasure you like this, not even once.
Through all of this he hasn’t stopped to taste you and even groan when he does so. He seems to enjoy you so much; he has never felt such passion with anyone before. Nobody ever really wants to fuck him, he is the Joker nonetheless. They are always afraid of him; so he often has to force them, really, and after that probably kill these women. But you, you have the same kind of crazy mind like he has. The way you want to stay good, but for him you’d do everything. His little slut. And no way he will throw that away. He will keep you, his own little whore to enjoy.
Your body begins to shake as he keeps on pleasuring you and you feel great heath rising in you. You can’t help yourself but to reach behind you and grab his hair, you need to hold something. In return, he grabs that hand and forces it down beside you and pushing your ass way further back so he can insert his tongue into you. Out of pleasure, you begin to moan loudly, calling his name multiple times. He keeps on thrusting into you and rubbing your clit when you finally come, the heath finally bursting out of you and leaving you breathless on that sofa.
You can feel his eyes on your back, probably smirking for the thousandth time as he sees you laying there, body still weak as you’ve just cum. That rest didn’t take long as he turns you back on your back and pulling your legs upwards, hooking them on his shoulders. You look up into his eyes, still breathing loudly as you do so. He looks back in yours, an uncanny grin on his face as his cigarette is back in his mouth. He blows some smoke out into your face, making you cough slightly. His grin turns into a small laugh upon seeing you like this, taking another inhale before taking out the cigarette and connecting your lips.
You inhale the smoke into your lungs as he kisses you with all the passion he has to offer. Your tongues immediately connect an you again can feel his cock pushing up against your entrance, making your inhale against his lips. He explores your mouth with his tongue as he slowly rocks his hips up and down, feeling your wetness against him. He grunts and his breath begins to make a pace. He makes one swift move, putting his cigarette back down before saying: ‘You really are one special slut, aren’t you my love?’
With that he suddenly thrusts his cock inside of you, breaking your lips apart as you inhale sharply. The pain shoots through your body, not being used to his size and also not having had sex for a couple of months. You grab his arms out of discomfort, nails digging into his flesh and making him his too. He stops moving by that as he looks at you, expression filled with passion, though you can’t see it since your eyes are tightly closed in pain.
‘Easy baby doll, relax’, he says, leaning down to your ear. He slowly starts kissing you on that spot, trying to make you focus on his lips and not on the pain that shoots through you. Like magic, you can only focus on his kisses and you start to hum in enjoyment. You thought he wouldn’t stop for you to adjust, but he does. That isn’t something the ‘Joker’ would do, is what you thought. Maybe he is just a big softy from the inside?
As his kisses become rougher, his hips slowly start to move, at first a bit rough, but slowly better and better. You begin to moan against his shoulders as his pace goes faster with the second, eyes frowning by the pleasure it is bringing you. Your arms find their way around his neck as you try to get him closer to you, smelling his scent and savoring it in your memories. God, you hope you can remember this tomorrow.
His pace has gone up again and is now pounding into you, skin making loud noises against each other in the room. Your moans are just as loudly heard, slipping through your lips when you are not kissing his neck. You love the way his body is so close to you, how he feels so good and big inside of you. He fills you up better than you’d thought he would. Everything is better than you’d thought, he is the perfect man. He knows just the right ways to please you, like how he angles his hips to hit that special spot inside you. Damn Joker, you look like a criminal but fuck like a goddamn god.
‘Fuck, you are so tight and so good. So well behaved, my little doll’, he mutters under his breath as he grabs your throat, putting a soft pressure on it. You feel the way your air ways are getting blocked until you can barely breath and you can’t help yourself but to moan. You want him to own you like this, to make you his slut. ‘Such a fucking freak.’ His eyes are so dark as he leans down to kiss you again, hand still on your throat and hips slamming into yours. You don’t know what to do with yourself as the pleasure rushes through you, heath again growing inside of you.
It’s then that he pulls out of you, making you pout as he does so. He smirks down at you before he grabs your legs and unhooking them from his shoulders. He sits down on the couch, legs spread widely as he grabs his still-lightened cigarette from the little coffee table. He takes another inhale before exhaling again, letting the smoke wander into the room. You look at him in awe as you sit right up, admiring his looks again. His silhouette looks so beautiful from this angle and the smoke seems to almost dance around him.
‘Take a seat, darling.’ He really loves naming you things and it always seems to work on you, since you get wetter every time. You do as he tells you and sit on his lap. He looks up at you, silent as he observes every single detail of your face, taking a few smokes a he does so. He then leans in to slowly lick your breast, making circular movements around your nipple. You hum in pleasure as you push your panties to the side and lining his dick up with your entrance. You slowly sink down on it until you can’t get any fuller. He grunts against your breasts, loving the feeling of you around him.
You move your hips up and down, slowly building up. He keeps on looking at you as he takes his inhales from his cigarettes, making you feel enchanted by his state of being. He does it just so well.
He puts his cigarette down again and starts to move with your hips, making a faster pace. You now are breathing loudly again as your body works hard to keep the pace that he wants and you can’t help but moan loudly because of it. He grabs your hips as he bounces you up and down his dick, making wet noises with your pussy rushing against his skin. He seems to love the noise as he keeps on trying to go harder into you. You pull your head back as you get lost in the pleasure he is giving you, body slightly beginning to tremble as the heath slowly grows into you. It only takes a few hard strokes for you to cum even harder than the last time. Your pussy clenches by the feeling and your body twitches, as you can’t help but to fall into his arms. He holds you, but doesn’t lose his pace as he also finds his own high. He makes a few hard thrusts as he suddenly comes into you, dick buried deep inside of you as he does so.
You both breathe loudly as you lay on top of him. He holds you tightly against his body when he still makes the last few strokes inside of you. He wants to burry that cum very deep inside of you, you’re his and that’s where his cum should be too.
‘Crazy girl’, he breathes out into your neck and you can’t help but to chuckle at that. You’ve just fucked the Joker, the person you basically hated. But you couldn’t get enough of him, though he might be a criminal. This must be some Stockholm syndrome or something.
‘You’re now mine, baby girl.’
Your eyes widen for a second, but then you realize that you probably don’t have a choice. He’s one of the bad guys and is probably the best one there is. You don’t have any input in this. That’s what you tell yourself at least. What’s really going on is, he fucks well and he feels good with you. You know it’s not good for wanting him, but it’s the plain truth and you actually don’t give a shit about it anymore. 
‘You will live with me, you don’t have to do anything but to fuck with me like a good girl’, he says before leaving small kisses on your neck. You hum by the feeling, again tingling your neck. ‘I don’t care, as long as I stay with you’, you answer and he huffs. ‘You really are my crazy doll, aren’t you?’
He hooks your legs around his waist, dick still buried inside of you and standing up. You cling close to him, as he seems to walk to a wall, pinning you up against it and pounding a few times into you, making you moan by the similar sensation. Then he continues his walk towards some door and opens it without hesitation, you still clinging onto him. A man is standing there, the same man who had brought you into this room. You widen your eyes and you try to hide yourself, but instead you only hear the Joker chuckle. 
‘We’ll be staying here for a couple of hours, get it done’, he says to the man before closing the door again. He lets you slowly slide down, his dick now out of you as he pins you to the door, which has been closed. He looks deep into your eyes with a small smile, looking like a different person.
‘Cause I’ve finally found my soulmate.’
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Hope you liked it!
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generous-dimensions · 8 years ago
im nervous bc i really want to meet nsp on tuesday and i’ve met artists at that venue before (it isnt hard) but i read that dan is a really private guy and i’m worried if i wait by the bus it’ll seem disrespectful or rude... i’m also worried the twrp guys will come out, most likely not in costume, and they’d get upset that i saw them without the stuff (they really hate being seen ooc and i would hate to see that too) 
i’m gonna aim to just meet brian and see where that goes bc i heard he helps put stuff up and when i saw tegan and sara at the tabernacle it was just a matter of waiting and hanging out with roadies?
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kweebtrash · 6 years ago
Gay Bars and Stripper Poles
Features: Johnny on a stripper pole, making out, grinding, nipple sucking,getting pressed against a wall, groping
"Wait so, Ten is here?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah, he's one of the performers for amateur night. He's super fish." I said as we stood in line to get into the gay bar. Quinn was on my other side clutching onto my arm as it was a bit brisk and they were hell bent on stealing what little warmth I had.
"Fish? ...what?"
"Fish. Fishy. It means that he looks really feminine in drag. He's a bit unclockable."
"Un-? Can you speak english? Please?"
I sighed. "Why are you so straight? Live a little tonight please." Little did I know I was going to regret ever saying that.
"Hey at least I'm here, aren't I? I've never been to a gay bar in my life. This is new." He said and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking around nervously.
Jaehyun snubbed out his black & mild into the brick of the building. "So...like what should I do if one hits on me?"
"ONE HITS ON YOU?" Quinn exclaimed. "Jae, were people not objects."
"No, I didn't mean it like that!"
"Dumbass. If a dude hits on you just turn them down like any other person. And if they don't quit just come get me." I rolled my eyes and moved up in the line, getting my id out. "Literally just chill. It's gonna be fun. Ten will be happy to see you."
They both grumbled and followed Quinn and I inside. We got our wristbands and paid our entrance fee, stepping into the club fully. Before I could even say anything Jae and Johnny went over to the bar, leaving Quinn and I by ourselves. "Do you want to try and dance? Today they at least have decent music instead of the bubblegum pop mix."
"You know I don't dance much but I'll follow you. Why did we bring these straight idiots with us?"
"Because they're cute and dumb and we like fucking them. Also I need to educate them so they're not as fucking stupid and full of this toxic masculinity. Like why is it that hard to be open without thinking that you're weak?"
"I mean, they're screwing us so I guess that's a step in the right direction?" Quinn offered.
I winced. "They don't acknowledge our genders or the fact that were really queer
"Listen, no one does. It's the bullshit we have to deal with every day of our lives."
"Hey it could be worse, you could be a queer non-binary person of color, ayyyyyyy." I gave them finger guns and they punched my shoulder lightly.
"Oh my god, shut up." They laughed. "I mean it's true but shut up."
I dragged them over to the dance floor then, keeping to a small corner and away from the rush of the crowd. We swayed to the music just a bit but spent most of the time talking about the stupid men we pocketed into our beds. Over a half hour had passed and neither Johnny or Jae had returned. We were starting to get worried and retreated towards the bar area spotting them surrounded by a couple of thirsty little twinks. Their perception of having guys hit on them seemed to have changed when they realized they could get drinks out of the flirtatious men.
"Oh my god." Quinn said. "Are they really-"
"Yep." I shook my head in disbelief as Johnny flirted and leaned into the boy closest to him, all smiles and casual touches. "These fucking idiots found out that thirsty sluts will buy them drinks if they baited them enough. Meanwhile, they haven't bought us anything and were the ones they actually fuck."
"This is homophobic."
"Absolutely." I pushed a few boys out the way and went over to Johnny.
"Excuse me, honey. You can leave." One of his "suitors" tried to interject. I scoffed and tossed my hair over my shoulder.
"That's funny, sweetie," I said bitterly. "Try me." I grabbed onto Johnny's shirt and pulled him to me, covering him in a rushed and heated kiss. He instantly grabbed my ass and smirked into my lips, digging his tongue into my mouth. My fingers crawled into his hair, tugging at the strands by the nape of his neck. I heard scoffs of disgust from the surrounding men and added a little leg pop for emphasis that Johnny was so not interested.
He parted from me and swiped his thumb across his bottom lip. "You're fucking hot when you're jealous."
"I'm not jealous. You're baiting them, idiot. Also are you already drunk?"
.no." He giggled.
"How much did you have?"
Johnny turned to Jae and hit his chest. "Bro, how much did we have?"
"Uh like we got 3 shots each...uh
" Jae eyes drifted to the left, squinting a bit as he thought. "Oh we had like 2 mixed drinks, I had- a what was that thing called?"
"A martini thingy!"
"Yeah, yeah, bro! That! Anyway, it's fucking great! I want boys to buy me more drinks!!"
"Yeah, well us too!" Quinn pouted. "Were you going to ask us if we wanted anything?"
Johnny waved them off. "Go buy your own stuff! We're about to play pool!" He put his arm around Jae's shoulder and veered him towards the pool tables that were near the walls.
I set my elbow on the bar and propped my chin in my hand. "Welp...guess we better start doing shots." I concluded.
"When in doubt, drink to forget." Quinn hopped into a bar stool and waved down the bartender.
It didn't take long for me to start feeling a little buzzed, thank god. Quinn had turned into a giggled and handsy mess and I let them have their fun touching my ass and giving me plenty of kisses. Just as we were in the beginnings of a make out session I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Ooh Ten!" I squealed as I turned to see him all glammed up. He really did look beautiful. His lithe body was made for skimpy outfits that showcased his dance moves and splits. His makeup was a glittery and seductive explosion, highlighted to the gods and blended to perfection.
He flipped his long wig over his shoulder and gave me a kiss. "I'm so happy you guys came! I'm kinda nervous."
"What for?!" Quinn hiccuped. "You're literally the best dancer ever and a giant slut! You're gonna do great!"
Ten laughed. "Thank you. I'm hoping I do well enough. I need some tips. I'm broke as fuck."
"Well you can definitely take a few from my tits." I joked.
"Duh, I'm always ready to have my face in your tits. But not in drag. My balls are so far up my ass I feel like my circulation is gonna be cut off."
"Have fun ripping that duct tape off." Quinn said before tossing back another shot.
"Eh, I don't mind the pain." Ten smirked. I nudged him playfully and motioned towards the bartender to get me another ale. "Anyway, who did you come with?"
"Johnny and Jae. They found out that desperate sluts will buy them drinks." I rolled my eyes.
"I mean, don't they already know that with you two?" Ten smirked.
"Hell no! We're the ones that they should be getting drinks for!" Quinn yelled and swayed a bit. "It's a damn crime. They haven't bought us anything."
"Well then ask them! Where the hell are they anyway?!" Ten scanned the dance floor quickly while I took a long sip of my ale and closed out my tab. "Ohhh my gooodddd." Ten gripped my shoulder and whipped me around in the stool roughly.
When I looked up I spit out my ale, sending myself in a coughing fit. Johnny was no longer at the pool table and instead he was climbed on top on one of the stripper poles that were placed on either side of the dance floor. Jae was on the other, the both of them surrounded by a swarm of men and a few girls, who were eager to give them singles. Johnny grabbed onto the pole and did a little twirl before jumping up to wrap his legs around it.
"Ooh daddy!!" Ten said excitedly as he clapped his hands.
"Holy fuck what is he doing?!" I screamed.
"What is Jae doing?!" Quinn questioned as well.
I looked over at the other pole to see Jae already doing body rolls as wandering hands crawled up his long legs.
"Listen, this may be my only chance to fuck Johnny so i'm about to take it!" Ten said
"Excuse me! Don't you dare! He's mi-" I didn't even get to finish as my attention drifted back to Johnny who had his tongue sticking out as he shimmied his hips and teased the crowd by raising his shirt to show off his abs. A stray hand also slid up his legs and tucked a dollar into the waistband of his underwear that just peeked above his jeans. I wanted to look away as it was equal parts embarrassing but also a bit sexy. What an absolute fucking idiot.
Ten waved me away and made a beeline for Johnny. I groaned and grabbed onto Quinn's hand, dragging them out of the seat. "Eri!! You're going too fast and my head is spinning!!"
"We need to get these idiots off these poles!"
"What's the big deaaalll! It's kinda hot actually. You can't tell me that Johnny shaking his ass isn't hot!"
My cheeks flared up and my mouth snapped shut. I didn't really know how to respond, especially because his cute little peach butt was my favorite. "W-well I...I mean...they just shouldn't be on there!"
"Why not? You and Ten get on the pole all the time. I've seen you flash plenty of people when you wore those mini skirts."
"Quinn!!" I whined. "That's not the point right now!"
"You're being a jelly baby." They stated flatly and crossed their arms
"I am not!! Oh my god, fine. You know what, fine. I'll leave him up there to-" Johnny was now bending backwards from the pole, mouth wide open to accept a jello shot from a glitter covered go go boy. He bounced back up as he chewed and rolled his hips, a huge dopey smile on his face. Ten had joined him on the pole, dragging his clawed hand up Johnny's torso and cupping his face. Ten had always wanted Johnny and seeing him act like this much of a fool had him thinking he could get away with trying to seduce him. I pouted just a bit as Johnny leaned into Ten, teasing him by getting close to his lips before pulling away. Ten was all over Johnny then, encouraging him to grind on the pole (and him).
I rolled my eyes and went to tell Quinn that I was going outside for a smoke but they had already run off to the pole Jaehyun was on. He had taken off his shirt and was spinning it above his head like damn helicopter blades. If this was them after a few shots and drinks I'd hate to see how they acted when they were about to be black out drunk. I maneuvered through the crowd and managed to get to the back door that lead out to the patio. A few people were scattered about, smoking, but it was definitely quieter out here. I descended the stairs and crunched over the gravel to the darkest corner beneath them. Most of the shadow from the stairs covered me and I relished in the fact that no one would probably notice me here. I took a cigarette from the carton in my small purse and lit it, inhaling deeply and closing my eyes.
My peacefulness was shattered a few moments later when I heard his booming voice. "There you are!" He laughed. "I was looking for you!"
I opened my eyes to see him sweat drenched with dollar bills sticking to his stomach and out of his underwear. He lifted the bottom of his shirt and wiped his forehead and neck. I plucked off one of the dollar bills as I exhaled a cloud of smoke. "Well Magic Mike, did you have fun?"
"Hell yeah! I didn't think I would get money and free drinks!This place is awesome!" He pulled off the singles and tucked them into the pocket of his jeans.
"Did you make out with Ten?"
"Ah, no. I'm not drunk enough for that. Definitely don't think I ever will be." He got closer and pressed his hand to the wall above me. "Why? Did you not want me too?"
"Oh no," I shrugged and tapped out my ashes. "I was just waiting to hear about your bisexual awakening. Those are always fun. And we could've had a nice threesome."
His smile disappeared almost instantly. "That's not funny, Eri. You know I don't share."
"You're such a dumbass." I took another drag and held it in for a bit. "Go pull your singles out and see if you can make yourself useful and buy me a drink."
"Why are you being bitchy? You still jealous I had all those guys all over me?" He leaned in closer and I exhaled the smoke in his face, making him scrunch his nose.
"Hardly, Mikey. I'd just like to be a little drunker than I am right now."
"What if I gave you a private show? Hmm?"
"Ooohh so now you're wanting to grind up on me? Well alright. Just let me start playing Pony and we'll cut to the chase." I quipped sarcastically.
He pressed himself against me, grabbing onto my hips and moving me with him. "If you're horny let's do it, ride it, my pony-" He sang and I burst into a fit of laughter.
"Johnny stop! Oh my god!!"I tried pushing him away but he put my arms around his shoulders. "You're such a dork!"
"My saddles, waiting, come on and jump on it." On the last few words his hands went back down to my ass and he lifted me onto his hips, pressing me between the wall and his body. I swallowed hard and noticed the plotting smirk on his lips.
"What are you doing?" I whispered. "Someone's gonna see us!"
"Let them." He took the cigarette from my fingers and took a long drag. He lowered his lips to mine and I parted them letting him shotgun the smoke into my mouth. "You look really hot tonight by the way."
I blushed slightly at the compliment. "T-thanks. You wanna put me down now?"
"Hell no." He crashed his lips against mine, giving me barely a second to react before his tongue was diving against mine. I kept myself steady around him as he dropped the cigarette and crushed it into the gravel. That freed up his hands to rubs my sides and travel up to my chest, groping roughly as he went. I whimpered against his tongue, arching my back into his touches which never stopped. He worked my shirt up above my chest which I tried to shove back down instantly.
"Johnny! I told you someone's gonna see us!"
"Bruh, we've had sex in bumper cars before. What does this matter?"
"We were completely in the dark and not surrounded by people! Besides...it's just like a thing here. If you're straight presenting it usually doesn't go well."
"I don't know what that means but you're fucking gorgeous and I'm a little drunk and I really want to fuck you, babe." He groaned and dove to lay bites beneath my jaw.
He knew that was one of my weak spots and continued to tease it. His large hand cupped my bare breast, rubbing his thumb over my nipple. I pressed my lips together, trying not to moan at the attention but it was proving to be a bit difficult. With our heats flush against each other he started grinding into me, slowly at first but building speed little by little. I clenched my thighs around him and fell into his touches against my will. I was always weak against him and his convincing wasn't making anything easier for me. His kisses trailed down my neck to take my nipple in his mouth this time, sucking hungrily and viciously. I clutched onto the back of his head, digging my nails in deep.
"I want this skirt off." He breathed against the wetness he left behind.
"I'm not gonna get naked here! Johnny I swear to God."
"Fuck it, let's go to the car. I need you too damn bad."
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the-twinventors · 5 years ago
The Dead of Night
“Good grief, I’m tired...” Jayce raked his hands through his hair, shaking his head a little. “Chaos, Professor Berry really knows how to drag something out...”
“I’m amazed you were even able to stay awake through all that...” Stella was still rubbing her eyes. “Can I see your notes tomorrow morning?”
“Course you can.” The older twin couldn’t help grinning a little. “Can’t promise that they’ll be coherent, though. I was half asleep for the majority of that...”
Stella couldn’t help giggling a little as they left the building. “Don’t blame ya... I mean, heck, I think I fell asleep partway through the whole thing on laser theory... is that even a thing?”
“I dunno...” Jayce looked up, observing the sky - it was pitch black, with only the streetlights lighting up the quad. “But y’know Berry’ll find anything to make his classes last as long as possible...”
“Mmmm...” Stella shivered, plunging her hands in her hoodie pockets. “Cold, isn’t it?”
“Yep.” Her brother inhaled deeply, sighing. “Winter’s on its way... and it’ll be our birthday next week tomorrow, huh?”
“Mmm. Wonder if the few friends we’ve made are gonna get us any presents?”
“Who knows? It’d be a nice change after all the disappointing birthdays we had growing up...”
The twins continued to talk amongst themselves as they walked across the quad, starting the long trek back to their apartment. Chaos, they wished they had their bikes... hopefully they’d have enough side money saved up for replacement tires soon - or at least some duct tape and a bicycle pump. But since mid-freshman year, they’d been stuck walking everywhere. One of these days they’d have their tires repaired or replaced, but for now, this was the best they could do. And usually, the walk home was uneventful.
But that was during the day. Now it was night, the campus covered in a blanket of darkness - when the streets were considerably emptier...
Soon enough... it didn’t take either twin long to notice the sound of footsteps behind them. Curiously, Stella peered over her shoulder. In the shadows, she could spot a vaguely familiar silhouette. Unnerved, she leaned in to her brother, whispering. “Bro, I think we’re being followed...”
“Stay calm, sis...” Jayce’s shoulders went tense as he said it. “We can probably hide out in a late night shop or something till they go away.”
With that, the twins kept walking, continuing to quietly talk amongst themselves and ignoring the footsteps behind them. However... something felt off. The further they walked, the more it sounded like those footsteps were echoing. A quick look over their shoulders determined something alarming - it wasn’t just one person following them now... it looked like an entire crowd. But... why? Now they were afraid, picking up the pace a little. But behind them... they heard the footsteps speed up as well. They increased their pace more, power-walking now. Nope - the footsteps were power-walking too.
And then they heard it.
That familiar, chilling voice whispering, “You’re done for now, freaks...”
Nope. They couldn’t handle it anymore. In a panic, Jayce and Stella broke into a sprint, tearing off as fast as they could. Immediately, they heard yelling behind them, followed by the thunderous roar of multiple people chasing after them. This was the worst possible time for them to get caught in a high-speed chase! They were tired, mentally done, and just wanted to go home! What had they ever done to deserve any of this?! First their mother treating them like they were nothing, their brother torturing them, and now Axel and his new legion terrorising them...
For a while, the twins just raced all over campus, determined to lose their pursuers. It was just another chase, but it was so much more terrifying in the dead of night. And the darkness meant it was so much easier for them to end up taking a wrong turn or two... or eight. It wouldn’t be long before they wound up in an area of the campus that they’d never even set foot on before. In a mad panic, the twins took a sharp right turn into another alleyway, ran a few feet--
--and let out simultaneous grunts as they slammed into a wall. Caught off guard, they shook their heads, then tried to make a left turn. Nope - another wall. OK then, a right turn - another wall.
Their stomachs sank.
They’d trapped themselves.
Terrified, the twins slowly turned to look back up the alley. Yep... there they were. The crowd of pursuers, all slowly flooding into the alley. Jayce and Stella could just about make out that some of them were wielding makeshift weapons - crowbars, pipes, baseball bats, and a few other things. And, sure enough, at the head of the crowd was a certain grey-furred wolf, the one who had started all this in the first place.
Jayce backed right up against the wall. “Axel, why are you doing this!? We’ve literally never done anything to you!”
“You know exactly what you did, you little freaks.” Axel took a step closer, his entourage following menacingly. “You’re disgusting - flaunting yourselves all the time, probably making out and groping each other between classes... I bet you’ve already got some little inbred bastards on the way, huh?”
“We’re not incestuous! How many times do we have to say it?!” Stella was trying so hard to keep a cool head - her claustrophobia was kicking in something major right now. “Why did you even start spreading those stupid rumours about us?!”
“Because it’s the truth, and everyone on campus knows it.” The group continued to advance, backing both twins right up against the wall. “And people like you don’t belong on this campus. You deserve to crawl back into whatever filthy hole you came from, curl up and die. And since you won’t do that...”
His teeth glinted in the dark. “Then we’ll just have to give you a helpin’ hand on that front...”
Jayce and Stella’s eyes widened in horror. “N-no... please--!”
The twins’ terrified scream was drowned out by the war cry of multiple Mobians surging forward, all with one thing in mind.
“Whoo...” Eli straightened up, panting for breath. He turned to look at Axel, his muzzle and chest stained with blood. “Yo, Axel, we gonna finish ’em off or what?!”
“I wouldn’t mind filleting their brains...” Kyler flicked the handle of his pocket knife, clearly eager to drive it straight through either twin’s temple.
Axel straightened up himself, wiping his bloodstained hands on his already bloodstained hoodie. He paused in consideration, looking down at the mangled bodies before him. Both Jayce and Stella were barely breathing, their clothes absolutely drenched in blood, their bodies covered in terrifying scars, gashes and bruises. Their eyes were shut - they were completely unconscious, unresponsive to anything anymore.
“... screw it. They’re practically dead anyway.” Axel dusted his hands off. “Besides, they deserve to suffer for being the freaks they are.”
“Word...” Eli draped his arm around the wolf’s shoulder. “Now, what say we go clean up, then hit up Seth’s party? I say we celebrate - get ourselves some o’ the good kush and some killer booze!”
“And I got some of the good stuff on campus today...” Kyler gave a toothy grin of his own. “We can definitely kick off our celebration right.”
Axel considered for a moment, then nodded, his own fanged grin widening. “Sounds like a plan! Alright, meet you all over at the frat house later! We are so gonna get wasted!!”
The group let out a resounding cheer, and steadily dispersed, chatting eagerly amongst themselves about their plans for the remainder of the night.
Leaving Jayce and Stella alone to bleed to death in the dark alley.
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insane-control-room · 6 years ago
He really should have counted those pills before shoving them in his mouth.
Willy groaned and put the pillow against his head harder, trying to sooth the pain, succeeding in only making it spread. His cell buzzed again, making him wince and curl up tighter. His head pounded. Not in a dull, deal with it headache kind of way, but the sharp, don't move or it'll break you kind of way. He hated it. It made him feel different to his normal preferences and values. For instance, normally he loved spending time with his brother and Shawn and Eska, and all the wonderful people at the studio, but when a migraine hit him, he honestly could tell them to go fuck themselves. Usually, he tried to be as courteous as possible, but today, he was snappish and lashing out. Airgead, the puppy Eska had given him out of the blue the day before, whimpered empathetically, curling up by his chest. He pressed his face to Airgead's chest. Like owner, the dog had already infused with a smell, however, unlike Willy's ever present lavender, Airgead smelled of mint. Willy's head continued to throb. All he wanted to do was sleep. Even, excuse his curtness, death seemed unappealing in comparison to just closing his eyes and falling asleep. He forced himself up, feeling the blood rush in his skull. He gripped some of his hair as he stumbled to the bathroom, pulling open the medicine cabinet, squinting through his pain to find the sleeping pills, grabbing the canister and bringing it to his bedside. He hadn't had any since before his basic training days, and he really should have thought of the consequences of taking them now. He poured some into his hand, putting the bottle on his bedside, it rolling off and clattering to the floor. He closed his eyes as another wave of nausea crossed over him from the slight noise. He was breathing hard when he opened his eyes. He saw three pills in his hand (weren't there more before?) and popped them in his mouth. He felt the drowsiness kick in instantly through his pain, and his lips twitched into a smile as he flopped back onto the bed, not bothering to cover himself with the sheets, legs hanging off the side, he was too damn exhausted. Airgead curled up beside him. And he fell asleep, and at the last moment panicked even as he lost consciousness. There were three major problems:
There had been seventeen pills.
He put back none.
He was a narcoleptic with memory lapses.
All of those added up to the fact he overdosed and could do nothing about it.
The worst part was that they were all going to think he did it on purpose.
Wally came back with a bundle of groceries. Shawn helped him carry some in, followed by Sammy and Thomas. Sammy was gushing over a performance he had seen the day before, Thomas gladly listening. Airgead rushed into the room, instantly jumping on Wally, nipping the bottom of his jeans, whining and trying to drag him to another room.
"Hey, hey," Wally chuckled, patting the pup's head. "Just a sec, air head."
"Airgead!" Shawn indignantly corrected. "Say it right, you air head!"
"Aw, shush, you lace curtain!" Wally insulted in Boston. Shawn looked confused, as did the other's. Airgead howled, headbumping Wally's ankle. "Okay, okay, I'm coming. Sheesh. Demanding, aren't ya?"
Airgead lead him to Willy's room, jumping on the bed and nudging his master's face with a whine. Wally sighed.
"He's just takin' a nap, is all," he reasoned, reaching for Airgead. The puppy yipped, leaping away and running under the bed. Wally made an agitated noise, getting down to get him out from there. "C'mon, Airy, you can't stay down he..." his hand brushed the pill bottle. Pills were scattered all over the floor. He looked closer at his brother. His chest was rising and falling irregularly. He grabbed his brother's hand. Inflamed and hot, pulsing way too fast for someone to be just sleeping. Wally's eyes widened; "holy shit... dammit! Wake up, Wilbur, you dunce! Someone, quick! Call an ambulance!"
"What happened?" Shawn demanded, running in, cell phone out, emergency number punched in already. His jaw dropped, and he turned to speak into the receiver. "Overdose! Uh, he's twenty two... what type of pills are those? Benzedrine Sulfate... for narcolepsy and depression... I don't know! I wasn't at home, or this wouldn't have happened!"
He was yelling now, on the verge of breaking down. Thomas snatched the phone away.
"Excuse me, but we need an ambulance," he rumbled authoritatively. "We do not know when the overdose occurred, and we don't want this to turn fatal. No, he's his..." he looked to Shawn for permission. Shawn nodded. "boyfriend. Yes, he has a brother, and yes, he's here, but he's panicking over his twin! Now, can you please send someone? Thank you."
"He'll be fine," Sammy assured Wally, who appeared to be in a shock. "At least, I'm pretty sure he'll be fine."
"I know," he replied sullenly, gripping the orange bottle. "I'm... kind of... mad, y-ya know? Heh, he promised he'd talk about doin' stuff like this if he wanted to... and he said he wouldn't just jump on it... ya get me?"
"Yeah," Shawn breathed, gazing out the window. He stirred out of his thoughts, pulling out his phone to contact Eska. As much as he wasn't the most comfortable around the guy, he still was Willy's best friend. "But we don't know the whole story. He is a narcoleptic, after all. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and say this was an accident."
"I agree with Shawn," Thomas muttered. He wrapped an arm around Wally. "Also, Willy is scarily more... planning. If this was on purpose, he never would have left the pills out. He wouldn't have been sloppy about it."
The ambulance arrived. Willy was taken on, Wally going with him and without any objections. Wally held his brother's hand. Willy's fingers tightened around his. He prayed it was an accident.
The room was bright and unnatural, and made Eska recall bad times. Willy looked defiant and soft compared to the hard synthetic around him. Eska calmed when he saw his friend, going over to his bedside to loom over him. Wally dozed in the chair. Willy flinched, as though trying to wake up. A smile touched Eska's non-visible lips. He nuzzled Willy's head, inhaling lavender. His heart twinged, scars crisscrossed on his best friend's arms coming into view as he shifted. Shawn quietly entered, acknowledging Eska with a nod and sitting on the edge of the bed. Silence for a few minutes, until a gasp, Willy shooting up, waking Wally with a jerk.
"I didn't mean to, I swear!" he shouted, the first thing that came out of his mouth. "I'm sorry, I just wanted three! I didn't mean to take seventeen!"
"Well, there's that answered," a young doctor joked, coming in with a clipboard. "I'm Dr. Gratuity Shannor, trauma specialist. And, Mr. Wilbur Franks, since you're up, I'm pleased to tell you that you can go out of here tomorrow. Not today, since it's too late for us to let you out. Also, visiting hours are over, sorry. Only one can stay overnight."
"Um..." Wally hesitated. "Shawn or Eska can. As long as you promise to talk to me tomorrow, 'kay bro? You gave me a scare."
"Sorry," he mumbled, leaning back onto the bed. "Yeah. I'll try."
Eska pointed frantically at Shawn. There was no way he was spending another night in a hospital. He waved to the two as he left. A small hand touched him.
"Eska, right?" the doctor gently asked. He stared. "Um, in case some of the freaks in the mental ward lock you up again, you can count on me to get you out of there. I hate them too."
Eska blinked, then nodded. And then he was gone.
Shawn got up, briskly walked to the door, exchanged a quick few words with Gratuity, then closed the door, locking it behind himself. He got onto the bed, crawling over to Willy with a glint in his eye. He leaned down to hiss into Willy's ear, sending chills up his spine.
"Never do that again," he growled. Willy held his breath as Shawn nipped his ear. Shawn wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close to spoon him. Willy pressed his back against his chest. Shawn smelled lavender, hugging Willy tighter. "I love you, but you did scare me, too."
"Sorry," Willy whispered, dozing off again. "I love you."
Willy woke up to Shawn pressing soft kisses to the back of his neck. He pushed back a smile, amused... until Shawn licked him. He let out an indignant squeak.
"Shawn!" he hissed, blush creeping onto his face. "We are in a hospital!"
"So?" he spitefully asked, hand sliding forward to fondle Willy's hip. "It's one AM and there are no cameras. I asked."
"What the hell Shawn?!" Willy asked, unsure if he should be bemused or appalled. Shawn only replied by slipping his hand onto Willy's stomach, feather light touches before dragging his nails down. Shawn gagged him by covering his mouth with his free hand. He growled into his hand, before Shawn's hand moved to explore (and exploit) his chest. His back arched, Shawn pulling his hips back. "Mmm! Swnn! Mfph!"
"Moanin' my name already?" Shawn chuckled, groping at Willy's hip, feeling down his leg. The dark skinned man groaned at his touch, but pulled away from him anyways. Shawn pouted. "Aw, c'mon."
"Uh uh," Willy pushed away. "What's gotten into you? Are you alright, Shawn?"
"I'm fine," he replied, but his voice wavered. "Just... fine."
"Love, please tell me what's wrong," Willy cupped his cheek. "I'm so sorry... about earlier. Is there anything else eatin' at ya?"
"No..." he answered, looking away. He moved closer to Willy, hoping to get a kiss. Willy ran his hands through chocolate hair, one stopping at the back of his neck to tug him close, lips meeting. "I just love you so much... you're so beautiful and I don't want to loose you."
"You won't," Willy murmured, pulling him closer. "I'll be right here."
Willy and Shawn returned home together the next day, both of them quiet and gentle. Shawn's arm was slung around Willy's waist. Wally greeted them, before going on a tangent rant to Willy about communication. Willy wholeheartedly agreed. Eska appeared at some point, scooping Willy up, hugging him tightly and not letting him go, growling when Shawn came near. Willy laughed at Shawn's bewildered expression.
Willy set up a mental sleep schedule. At least, he planned to. Right after this doze. He'll get to it, eventually, probably. Then again, napping with Eska and/or Shawn always sounded like a nice idea. Who needs healthy sleep patterns, anyways? His eyes slid over the room. They rested on Wally. Yeah. His brother would benefit from not having to worry about him more than he does. A sleep schedule. Right. He'll make one. His eyes drifted shut. He was exhausted. At least his head didn't hurt. That was one minor plus.
Jericho helped. A lot. The bar tender actually had a multitude of tips for sleeping right. He helped him set up an actual sleep schedule, and some hours for sleeping weren't at night, and Jericho explained "t'at way, ya narcalapsy ain't ganna bather ya so mach." It was a solid plan. Willy thanked his half brother profusely. Jericho laughed it off, telling him to thank him by actually using the schedule.
Petunia really tried her best to help, but seemed to have more trouble with sleeping than Willy. He directed her to Jericho.
Wally helped the most, just by being around. Willy wanted to keep his brother happy, and if this would help, so be it.
Also, he did enjoy waking up and not wanting to go right back to bed.
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pjbehindthesun · 7 years ago
chapter 15: have you heard the one about

Hey, I feel like this one needs a preface, if only because Chris shows up briefly, in a very lighthearted scene, and it's a tough time of year to feel very lighthearted. All I will say, inarticulately, is that I started tinkering with and ultimately sharing this old project last year to help me process what happened. Something about having an alternate universe where I could keep things exactly the way I wanted them, keep everybody safe, felt healing. I hope it feels that way for you, too.
So that's enough of that stuff. Peace, love, and I hope y’all like dirty jokes.
Tuesday, October 23rd, 1990
shit. Shit. Shit! SHIT! What was that??
I let go of my lip only when I'm positive I’ve regained enough control of myself not to say anything completely insane out loud. I keep my eyes shut tight though
 whether to avoid the awful, crashing reality of looking my boyfriend in the eyes and facing what a terrible person I am, or whether I'm just not ready to surrender the stolen image behind my eyelids quite yet, I can't begin to understand.
Meanwhile, Alex seems totally oblivious as he rides down from his own high, pressing a kiss to my damp forehead.
“Mmmh, where did that come from?” he mutters, brushing my hair back from my face.
Your guess is as good as mine. Well, maybe not exactly

I shake my head, still not feeling entirely trustworthy enough to speak, and let out a little laugh, shaky and slightly hysterical-sounding.
“Well, whatever it was, it was fuckin’ hot
” he says, nuzzling my nose.
Oh no, don't be sweet, please, after all this time, don't suddenly start being sweet now

“I'm gonna, uhm... I’ll be right back,” I stutter, nodding in the direction of the door. Really smooth, Cora, Christ Almighty.
After disentangling myself from him and bolting to the bathroom, I splash cold water on my face for several seconds while I try to get my heart rate under control. But it's no use, every time I close my eyes I see the same thing
 I try glaring at my own reflection instead, hoping to scowl some sense into myself.
God, get a grip Cora, it's nothing, okay? It's just been so long since you even had sex, you're all mixed up. And it doesn't mean anything, you were just hanging out with him earlier tonight, that's why he popped into your head, just a totally innocent fluke of the subconscious
 and you know your subconscious is a crazy motherfucker sometimes 
 but it doesn't mean anything, right?
It means one big thing, at least. It means I am the world's most horrible girlfriend. I didn't even want Alex tonight, not specifically
 I didn't even want him to kiss or touch me, I just wanted one thing
 even before I thought of, uhm, someone else
 so where do we go from here? If things have gotten so hollow and disconnected that the only sex we’re ever going to have now is this meaningless and empty? Doesn't this mean we’re completely through, if I can't even trust myself not to use him while I fantasize about someone else?
And of all the someone elses, it wasn't just anyone, it was Stone! Stone?! Fuck, it's like my subconscious is on a mission to destroy me. What was it about him tonight? How did he get me so unglued? What made me say such an idiotic thing to him? He probably thinks I’m insane now, or some kind of damn groupie or something. I have a thing for you playing an acoustic
 What the fuck, brain, have you been working on this scheme ever since that day at the fucking gallery? That level of treason takes commitment, kudos. But seriously, Stone?
...okay, fine, admit it, Stone’s not the problem here. He’s actually pretty fucking great. He’s insightful, and hilarious, and brilliant, and talented, and lately he's been a lot less of a shit for whatever reason
 last night, he seemed so much more sincere, or secure, or something, I can’t figure out what it was... and okay fine yes shut up he is also extremely good-looking shut up already. But it's one thing to respect and admire a friend, or even acknowledge their empirical attractiveness. It's another thing altogether to mentally cheat with one of them.
I scrunch up my face, like I can somehow squint hard enough to crush all these thoughts of him out of my disordered mind.
I grope for the shower faucet and turn it on, climbing in before the water even has a chance to heat up. I don't know how I expect soap and water to wash this night away, but with shaking hands and a sick heart, I have to try.
When Alex's alarm goes off, I slam my eyes shut and pretend to sleep. I spent the whole night staring at the ceiling while he snored softly, trying to figure out how I was going to face him in the morning. And the coward’s way out wins. After waiting the usual amount of time to get ready for work and only crack an eye open when I hear the front door open and shut. At least after my shame shower last night, getting myself ready this morning is a quick process
 oh, look, a silver lining

The only glimmer of clarity I found in my panicked thoughts all night was that if there’s any hope for me at all, any hope of retaining any decency or value as a girlfriend and human being, I’ve got to stay the fuck away from Stone for a while. No, strike that, make that all of the Mookie guys, just to be safe. My heart aches at the thought of such an extensive amputation. This could get messy.
The one thing that can make me smile right now is the sight of my little brother in pajama pants, eating cereal on the couch and watching garbage morning news.
“Morning, sunshine!” he quips.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You look like shit, C. Didn’t you sleep?” He peers at me through his shaggy bangs.
I shake my head and gravitate towards the coffee pot. “No. Busy week at school, I guess
 I’ve got a couple exams next week
He nods thoughtfully. “...your bratty kid brother all up in your business
“You know you’re not, drama queen.”
“Yeah, well, I was thinking, I’m liking this Portland idea more and more. I was gonna call around today and see if I can set something up for this weekend.”
My heart throbs painfully again. “So soon?”
“Well, yeah, C, I have to, like, find a job and be a productive member of society, I can’t freeload off of you and Alex forever.”
Definitely my little brother. I frown at him for long enough that he gets off the couch and comes over to give me a quick hug.
“What’s going on with you out here, Cora? You seem so unhappy.”
“I’m not, I --” I swear to god, I’m not, it’s just that none of the right things are bringing me happiness anymore, and I can’t begin to explain that to him “-- I’m okay,” I finish weakly.
“Oh yeah, sure
 and you and Alex, that’s okay too?”
“What do you --”
“Come on, it’s obvious, it’s been obvious since the day I got here. Maybe not to you, but I have the benefit of not having seen you in a while. You two are done. You know I love him to bits, C, but you gotta cut him loose if you’re done.”
Guilt churns through my chest as I echo him. “If I’m done
“Cora, you’re not happy. I fucking hate that. I don’t know what’s going on, and I for sure know you’re not going to tell me, but you deserve to be happy. You’re the smart one, you can figure it out.”
I allow him to pull me into another hug, which gives me a chance to try and squash the sob I can feel rising up in my throat and the tears pricking my eyes. Just as I think I’ve gotten it under control, there’s a knock at the door.
“Thanks, kiddo,” I mumble as he lets me go.
“You can repay me by letting me use up all your hot water,” he cackles, heading toward the hallway to take a shower.
I frown at Eddie in confusion when I find him standing outside my door, exposing one of the most obvious flaws in my plan. It’s a little tricky to amputate people from your life when they live across the hall.
“What’s up, bud?”
“Hey, sorry, hope it’s not too early, uh
 hey, you okay?” he frowns back at me, inspecting my face.
“Yeah, uh, just
 something in my eye.”
“Uh huh,” he muses, clearly not buying it but not pushing me for further details. Thank goodness for that.
“Anyway, what’s up?”
“Huh? Oh, uh, we’re gonna be at the gallery all day, we gotta record these demos, but uhm, we happened upon these six tickets for the game tonight, preseason game, Bulls at SuperSonics
“Oh right, your Chicago roots,” we share a grin. Damn it, I always forget about those dimples until they blind me.
“That’s right,” he beams.
“Your team’s got my guy, you know.”
“Jordan, who else?”
“Really?” he chuckles. “I didn’t know you were a fan.”
“He’s a Tar Heel, Eddie, of course!”
“Oh man, so then this is perfect timing
 we’re all going, the whole group, Lucy’s coming too, and Dave was gonna come but he can’t make it, so I was wondering if you wanted his ticket.”
The distraction of Michael Jordan is immediately replaced by panic swamping my brain at the thought of seeing Stone again so soon. Operation Amputation doesn’t seem to be going so well. And the thought of trying to explain to Lucy why I can’t hang out with her and her boyfriend gives me a bellyache. Why do you have to be so nice to me, Eddie? Be a jerk, make it easier.
“I really shouldn’t
 you know, I’ve got a lot of work, and my brother’s leaving soon, and Alex is gone all next week
 I should probably stay pretty close to home this week
Eddie nods sincerely, wrinkling his forehead. “Sure, yeah, I totally get that. Well, hopefully we see you around soon. You, uhm, you really helped me out last night, you know.”
Without another word, he turns on his heels and starts down the hallway. Suddenly, I remember something I should have said to him already, and I yell out to get his attention, “hey Eddie!”
He whirls around and gives me a questioning look.
“You did great last night.”
He lets loose another one of those massive, dimpled smiles, nods once, and disappears down the stairwell.
I decide to cut through the park on my way back. Maybe it’s not the most direct route from my house to the gallery, and I know I need to get back, but it’s a more scenic ride on the bike, and since last night I’ve been looking for any opportunity to be alone with my thoughts.
You know I have a thing for you playing an acoustic

I still get a thrill in my veins every time I replay it in my head. The little smile, the color in her cheeks, the awkwardness that took over as soon as she realized she’d said it out loud. It was undeniable, even for Cora. She’s gotta admit it now.
But what if she doesn’t? What if she regrets it? What if I try to talk to her about it and she bites my head off yet again? Talking to her last night felt so great, and as much as I want us to finally air out all of our feelings, I don’t want to blow up our whole friendship by fixating on an impossible crush. I just want us to start being more honest with each other. I want her to be more honest with herself. I know she’s not happy, I...
Way up ahead, I spot a redheaded girl on a bike heading towards me on the path
 that’s not her, is it? Jesus, man, get a grip, that’s ridiculous. Why would she be all the way up in this part of town? You’re hallucinating her.

“Stone?” The redhead in my thoughts is the same one braking right in front of my path, and I stop dead, blinking like a deer in the headlights. Funny thing is, she’s got the same expression on her face.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Cora asks, looking a little wild-eyed.
“I live around here, what’s your excuse?”
“I, uh,” she stammers, “just heading up to UW. Classes, and, uh, I wanted to do some stuff in the lab beforehand...”
“This is kinda out of your way though, isn’t it?”
“Uhm, I guess,” she chews her lip and looks around like she’s just realizing where she is, “but it’s pretty, and I guess
“It’s okay, Red, I’m taking the scenic route too.”
She fixes me with a questioning expression but can’t come up with anything to say. I can’t get over how nervous she looks. Something really shook her up, I just wish I knew what it was.
“I’m heading back down your way, actually,” I explain, “gotta get back to the gallery, but my parents are out of town for a couple weeks so I’m on geriatric dog piss break duty.”
“Glamorous. Well, I don’t want to keep you
“It’s okay.” I glance at my watch. “Did you eat lunch yet?”
“Uhm, yeah, why?”
“I don’t know, just wanted to know if you wanted to get a bite to eat.”
“I just told you, I already ate.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“So you very sensibly asked me to eat lunch with you because
?” she asks wryly, putting a giant crack in that nervous shell.
“I don’t know,” I smile stupidly, thankful for an idea that just popped into my head. “Hey, but there’s this great little ice cream place near here, we should go
“Ice cream? It’s almost November.”
“Right? Damn the man! Let’s go get ice cream in 50-degree weather. This place is worth it, honestly.”
“I’m sure it’s great, but I really should get to the lab
“Come on, Wet Blanket, there’s always time for ice cream. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
 in the land of the ice and snow
“What the fuck are you even talking about?” she laughs.
“That’s how the song goes, you uncultured swine, the ice cream song.”
“So Zeppelin ripped off a 1920s novelty song?”
“Honestly who didn’t they rip off? Come on, are we getting ice cream or not?”
Her smile broadens. “You’re not gonna drop it, are you?”
“You’re quick, Red.”
We steer our bikes across the park to the place I’m thinking of, talking idly on the way about nothing and everything, and she’s becoming more relaxed by the minute. Maybe this means things are really changing between us now. Maybe she doesn't regret what she said. Maybe the nerves are just because she’s finally letting her guard down.
We park our bikes outside the ice cream parlor and step inside. While she contemplates the choices, I place my order because I know exactly what I want.
“Seriously?” she asks with a snort. “Old lady butter pecan? That's what you're going with?”
“Is there a problem here?”
“No problem at all, granny,” she snickers as she scans the freezer case to make her own choice. “Actually, that's kinda perfect.”
“Granny?? I'm all man, Red. And what the fuck is that supposed to mean, perfect?”
The clerk hands me my cone and glances between us, obviously waiting for Cora to make up her mind but too polite to say anything. Cora, meanwhile, is occupied with way more important things.
“Uh huh. I don't know, butter pecan just makes sense. Like, it's you, in ice cream form. It's a little ironic, so it's got that going on, but it's also undeniably one of the best, most underrated flavors. And it's probably kind of a pain in the ass to make it just right, a little finicky, so the details are important. It explains you perfectly.”
“I'm not sure if I want you to keep describing me or order some damn ice cream so you’ll shut up,” I make like I’m going to mash my ice cream cone in her face, and she squeals with laughter. The clerk sighs and gives us a pleading look.
“Strawberry, please,” Cora finally says.
“Oh hell no, you're not getting off that easy,” I shake my head.
“And your problem would be
?” she raises a lazy eyebrow.
“In no possible scenario are you strawberry ice cream, my fine feisty friend.”
“Bonus points for alliteration, but I was not choosing myself as ice cream, I just fuckin’ wanted strawberry.” A mischievous smile spreads across her face. “But since you brought it up, what ice cream flavor am I?”
We pay for our cones -- I tried to pay for hers but she rolled her eyes and teased that it wasn't a date -- and go sit outside on a bench, which is ridiculous in this weather, but I’ve got a very serious question to ponder and a beautiful girl to eat ice cream with, so who gives a fuck if it's a little cold outside. None of it ever makes sense with her. That's why I love her.
As I'm figuring out how to define her in flavor terms, I glance over and watch her take a bite of her ice cream, thinking of how sweet she looks when she's completely unaware of having an audience. Well, bite’s not really the right word, she doesn't exactly use her teeth, and what kind of psychopath bites ice cream, anyway
 but she doesn't simply lick the whole thing, either, except for occasionally running her tongue along the bottom edge to catch a drip
 no, it's more like she gives a little lick to one chosen spot, and then applies her lips to melt a little circle of the ice cream, pulling it inwards, then licking again, starting over
 uh, Jesus
 lucky ice cream...
Her eyes travel up to mine just as she’s about to give another small lick, and she lets out a self-conscious giggle. “You're melting, Stoner.”
? Oh,” I switch my attention to my own ice cream, which is starting to run in a little rivulet down my hand, so I busy myself cleaning it up with my own tongue to stop myself from thinking about hers. It doesn't work particularly well
 I mean my hand’s clean now, but my thoughts...
“So, did you decide?”
“Mmhmm,” I say, simultaneously trying to corral my hormones and make sure I don't have ice cream on my face like a total dork, “I mean, you're something weird, let's just get that out of the way right now.”
“Strawberry is way too sweet.”
“Hey!” She elbows me hard and I almost lose the whole cone to the sidewalk.
“Obviously you’re a sweetheart,” I snort. “But, like, strawberry's too
 accessible, or something. Too mainstream.”
“Mmmhk,” she says skeptically through a mouthful of ice cream. I will not stare. I must not stare.
“So you're a weirder one. Something completely awesome, but an acquired taste. Offbeat, unknowable, unpredictable. But that’s the fun part. Most people totally wouldn’t get the appeal
“Well, definitely don’t quit your day job for a career in ice cream marketing
“Hush. What I meant was, maybe you wouldn’t find it in every shop, but that’s a shame, because it’s the best one when you do find it. Except, it’s a little scary, too, like
 the novelty makes it cool, and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be awesome, but can I really handle a whole serving of something so unfamiliar? So what would that even be? Blueberry? Like, I never see blueberry ice cream anywhere but it sounds so fucking cool
 but even that’s not quite right, ugh
She’s watching me ramble with the most curious expression, and she hasn’t even noticed that her own ice cream is dripping down her fingers. I nod at her and she jumps a bit before trying to clean up the mess and again running her tongue around the rim of the ice cream cone. Deep, steady breaths, man, come on, be cool. She smiles at me again.
“Offbeat scary blueberry, huh? I don’t know whether to be intensely flattered or completely insulted.”
“See? Perfect,” I beam at her, triumphant.
“You’re such a dick,” she giggles, her cheeks reddening just a little. Okay, if both of our minds are thinking about dicks, I might as well make the most of this opportunity.
“You wanna hear a joke?” I ask her, eyeing her as I take a bite out of the sugar cone.
“Okay, well it’s not really weather-appropriate, but I think it’ll still work
 have you heard the one about the penguin driving down from Alaska to his vacation down south --”
“Penguins don’t live in Alaska,” she frowns.
“Excuse me?”
“There are no penguins in Alaska, Stone, they live in the Southern Hemisphere.”
“This is what bothers you? The inaccuracy of the penguin’s habitat? Not, oh I don’t know, the fact that the penguin is DRIVING?”
“Well I was gonna get to that next, but as the resident scientist, I felt obligated to --”
“It’s a joke, you fucking pedant!”
“-- it’s a pretty piss-poor joke so far.”
“Yeah, because of all the pedantic interruptions. Here, shove some ice cream in there, maybe that’ll help,” I nudge her cone up towards her face. “Okay, so who the fuck knows, maybe he’s fleeing a zoo or something, anyway, he’s driving south
“...probably to get back to the Southern Hemisphere where he belongs
“God damn it,” I laugh. “Okay, fine, have it your way. So he’s driving home to the Southern Hemisphere after VISITING Alaska, and somewhere in Arizona, in that intense desert heat, his car gives out. So he calls a tow truck and ends up at this repair shop in a little town, you know the type, just a big Main Street but nothing else.”
“Sure.” She takes the last bite of her cone and crumples up the napkin.
“Okay. So the mechanic tells him it’ll be about an hour to figure out what’s wrong with the car, so the penguin waddles over to this cute little ice cream shop across the street.”
“Ah, synergy, I see what you did there,” she grins.
“I’m good that way. So the penguin gets himself some ice cream, and he’s sitting down enjoying it
“What flavor?”
“Anyone ever tell you you’re a joke killer? No? Alright, fine, it’s vanilla. And he loves it, right, he’s devouring it with his little bill. But penguins are not the most dextrous of animals, not having hands and all
 so he’s having trouble managing his treat with his little flippers, gets a little messy, and it's all hot out so the ice cream's melting, you know how it is. But he doesn’t care because he’s having a grand old time. Anyway, the hour’s up, so he waddles back over to the repair shop and asks the mechanic if he’s found the problem with his car. The mechanic looks at him and says, ‘it looks like you blew a seal.’ The penguin freaks out and says, ‘no no, it’s just ice cream!’”
The subtle red tint in her cheeks creeps through her whole face and her eyes widen for just a moment before her shoulders start shaking and her face scrunches up. I’ve never seen her laugh so hard that she forgets to make noise, but it’s so fucking irresistible that somehow I’m doing it now too, and soon we’re both laugh-sobbing so hard my sides are aching. After several minutes and a lot of disapproving glances from passersby, we manage to collect ourselves. Cora wipes a tear from her eye.
“Okay okay okay, my turn... uh, have you heard the one about the nun who --”  
“Oh, please, Red, your Catholic schoolgirl humor is no match for a fellating penguin.”
“You think so? Shows what you know about Catholic school.” Her playful smile takes on a hint of puzzlement. “Hey, when did I tell you I went to Catholic school?”
“Uhm,” I take a moment to make sure I’ve got my dates right, “it was my birthday.”
“Really? You remembered that?”
“Yeah, wow, I listen to you. What a concept.”
There’s an expression of shock in her eyes that’s going to be the death of me.  I nudge her with my shoulder, “just make with the nun joke, will ya?”
“Yeah, uhm
 okay, so Mother Superior’s at the convent, and she hears a knock on the door. She opens it up and is shocked to find two leprechauns standing at the door, holding their hats in their hands, all respectable-like
“Leprechauns? And my story was implausible?”
“Nah, you’re just funny when you’re all riled up,” she gives me a wicked look. “Anyway, the first leprechaun says, ‘Mother Superior, would you be havin’ any leprechaun nuns in this convent?’ And she says, ‘no, my son, we have no leprechaun nuns in this convent.’ So he asks, ‘and are there any leprechaun nuns in all of Ireland?’ And she says, ‘no, my son, I don’t believe there’s a single leprechaun nun in all of Ireland.’ So the leprechaun turns to his buddy and says, ‘oi, I told ye ye’d been fuckin’ a penguin!’”
We both crack up again, and this time she slumps into my shoulder while she tries to pull herself together. I lean back into her, trying to catch my breath too, but also jealously hoarding the feeling of having her so close. She lifts her face to look at me, her eyes still shining with laughter, her mouth curved open in an inviting smile, close enough that I can count the freckles on her nose, feel her breath on my lips
 she smells like strawberries...
She inhales sharply and then tries to disguise it as a laugh as she sits up straight, fidgeting, her shoulders tensed up practically around her ears. “Ha, uhm, sugar high,” she stammers, blushing furiously.
She may be rattled, but I’m experiencing the exact opposite sensation. My brain seems to have slowed every other operation down to a crawl in order to make room for how all-consumingly I want to kiss her. “yeah, maybe,” I mumble sluggishly, trying not to smile too wide.
“We should probably get going, huh?” She bites her lip, glancing at our bikes. I nod, trying to think of something to break the tension.
“Uh, speaking of bikes
 and nuns... have you heard the one about the side street?”
She shakes her head, watching me with a wary smile as we start walking our bikes back through the park toward the point where our routes diverge.
“Really, they didn’t teach you that one in Catholic school? The one about the two nuns who rode their bikes to the market, and they’re heading back to the convent? They decide to take a side street, this little cobblestone alley. After a couple of blocks, one nun says to the other, ‘I’ve never come this way before!’ and the other nun says, ‘must be the cobbles.’”
She cringes horribly, laughing in a much more frenzied way than I’ve ever heard, refusing to look at me. Damn it, I wish I didn’t have to go back to the gallery. I could spend all afternoon making her squirm with dirty jokes
 or other methods

Finally, she composes herself enough to rally with another joke, although she’s still stubbornly looking anywhere but at me. “What’s the difference between a woman and a computer?”
“Hm, you got me.”
“Computers don’t laugh at three and a half inch floppies.”
“Ohhh, brutal! Hey, did I ever tell you that I used to date an English teacher?” “No, why’d you break up?”
“She dumped me for improper use of the colon...”
Wednesday, October 24th, 1990
Okay, okay, so Operation Amputation’s kind of a colossal failure. Something about the combination of endearingly shy lead singers, my best friend dating the bassist, and the general Stoneness of Stone seems to be making that plan a little too complicated. Time to face facts, I can’t just cut them -- cut him -- out of my life. We’re way past that.
Not like I have any fucking clue what to do with that information, of course. So I settle for wiping this one section of the mirror behind the bar obsessively, until my reflection’s spotless
frowny and washed out under the ghastly halogen lights in this place, maybe, but spotless. At least the lunch shift has been pretty quiet so far today, letting me contemplate in peace. I don’t even look up when I hear the cafe’s front doorbell ring, signaling the arrival of a big group.
“What do you think you’re gonna find through the looking glass?” Eddie’s voice wafts over my shoulder, tinged with laughter, and even though I’m surprised by the ambush -- he’s flanked by Jeff, Chris, and Stone -- I have to laugh along with him.
“Hopefully no Jabberwocks.”
“Let’s hope not.”
“M’lady, a round of beers, if you’d be so kind?” Chris asks with a bow and a flourish, and Jeff bats his eyelashes. Eddie watches the two of them and laughs, but Stone’s quietly focused on me. His gaze makes me shaky all over again as my mind floods with sensory memories from yesterday. His green eyes, which were infinitely more vivid in the sunlight. The rhythm of his silent laughter shaking me as I leaned into his shoulder. The slight cedar smell of his sweatshirt. The way I imagined his lips feeling on mine, if we’d only leaned in a little closer. God, this is so much worse than I thought. I drop my washcloth and walk around the counter to say hi, hoping the rest of these idiots can distract me.
“How come you didn’t come out with us, Cora?” Jeff asks. “Eddie says you’re a big Jordan fan, you woulda loved it, he had a great game.”
“Bulls were victorious,” Eddie beams.
“Uhm, I just have a ton of work to do right now, you know, Patch and Alex are both leaving soon, and anyway I didn’t feel right going out on a school night,” I lie, trying not to look at the real reason for my absence, who is still watching me closely and who speaks up in his usual sardonic tone.
“Oh yes, there’s our good little Catholic girl,” Stone smirks.
Chris's eyes light up in that way that looks wholesome on most people’s faces but in his case always looks vaguely satanic. “Smokey Bear, I didn't know you were Catholic!”
“Recovering,” I fire back.
“Me too! I shoulda known, usually we can smell our own. Hey, you know what's even sexier than Catholic guilt?”
I shake my head, wary of where he’s going with this, and of the intensifying gleam in his eyes. He suddenly swirls an arm around me and dips me so low I worry my head’s going to hit the floor, but he’s got a tight hold on me.
“Absolutely nothing,” he sighs seductively in my ear, loud enough for everyone to hear. As he sets me back on my feet, the guys dissolve in laughter and chatter again, but Stone only gives me a tiny little smile. Even with Chris clowning around and monopolizing the whole cafe’s attention, it feels like there’s no one else in the room when Stone looks at me like that. I used to wish he wouldn’t do that. Now I don’t know what to wish.
The guys hang out at the bar for a while and finish their beers before saying goodbye, and I’ve just gotten back to my cleaning when I hear the bell ding a second time. When I turn around, my mind’s preoccupation is standing at the bar right in front of me, by himself.
“Uh, dropped my keys, had to run back,” Stone gives another little smile, waving his key ring as evidence and stowing it in his pocket. “Hey, you said Patch and Alex are both leaving? What’s going on?”
He really does listen, doesn’t he? “Oh, uh, Patch is heading out on a Greyhound on Friday morning, he’s gonna go visit a friend from high school who moved to Portland.”
“And Alex?”
“Work conference thing all next week, he leaves on Sunday.”
“Yeah. So forgive my antisocial behavior, I feel like I should probably spend time with them the next couple of days before I end up in an empty apartment for a whole week.”
“Sure, yeah. Just sucks, because I’m leaving Friday too.”
“What? Where are you going?”
“New York. With Jeff. We’re gonna meet with the record label folks and see if they’ll let us out of our old deal before we try to move ahead with this new stuff.”
“When are you leaving?”
“We fly out Friday some time, back Tuesday.”
I thought I’d feel relief at the idea of him traveling a few thousand miles away while I try to figure out what I’ve been feeling for him the past 48 hours, but somehow, relief’s not the word. What the hell, Stone, I’ve finally figured out that I can’t dodge you anymore, that I don’t even want to, and now you’re leaving town? No fair.
He seems to read my mind. In a soft, vulnerable voice I’ve never heard before, only slightly above a whisper, he asks very simply, “can I call you?”
His eyes widen with hope while he waits for my answer. A nod’s all I can manage, and only after he shoots me one more smile and ducks back out onto the street after the rest of the guys do I notice that I’ve been holding my breath.
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writeyouin · 7 years ago
Steve x Male!Reader AU: Reader is childhood friends and current roommate with Natasha... She takes reader to her boyfriend Clint's house to meet HIS roommate Steve, who is also bi... Natasha and Clint get too handsy and drunk and decide to have more fun at her house, so Reader decides to stay at Steve for the night because he knows he wouldn't get any sleep back at home...
Steve Rogers X Reader – Blind Date
A/N – On the first day of fanfic, my writer gave to me, a Steve Rogers date for free.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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“It’s really not that bad,” Natasha told you from inside her room.
You were leaning against the wall outside while she got changed for her date with Clint. “I don’t like blind dates Nat,” You argued bemusedly. “You’ve been dating Clint for ages, why do you need a tag along now?”
“I’ve told you already, Steve’s just moved up here and he’s Clint’s best friend, (Y/N); Clint wants to introduce me to Steve but doesn’t want him to feel like a third wheel in his own apartment, so you have to come along to break the tension.”
“Or create more.”
Natasha opened the door, coming out in jeans, a black vest and a red leather jacket. “Stop whining and get ready.”
“No,” You pouted. “It’s weird, I’ve never even met the guy, I’m not blind dating him.”
“(Y/N), for the last time, it’s not a date! It’s a friendly get together to meet Steve. Moving’s hard so you’re going to shut up complaining, put on a friendly smile and make him feel welcome, okay?”
Fine but for the record, I wasn’t complaining, I was whining.”
“Is that really any better?”
“No but it’s important to be accurate.”
“Just shut up and get changed.”
“I will but because I want to, not because I have to.”
Natasha smiled, that’s what you always said when she had you beat.
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You stood awkwardly behind Natasha, clutching a bottle of wine as she knocked on the door to Clint’s apartment.
A stranger answered the door, one you assumed must be Steve. You gawked at him, admiring his good looks; you were aware it was vain, but he was well built with a handsome face and warm eyes.
“You must be Steve,” Natasha greeted him warmly, offering her hand which Steve shook amiably. “I’m Natasha and this is my roommate (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you,” You added with what you hoped was a charming smile.
“Come on in,” Steve said comfortably, moving aside.
Prior to Steve moving in, the apartment had been more spartan with little decoration other than a few dart boards around the house. Now, there were posters of sports teams and old films around; you were particularly surprised by an old movie poster of The Wizard of Oz in the living room above the TV.
Steve found you admiring it and approached you a little sheepishly while Clint talked with Natasha.
“It’s uh, a really good film,” he explained.
“No arguments here, couldn’t agree more,” You replied.
“Really? Most people don’t think it’s masculine enough.”
“Most people are stupid, the film’s a masterpiece, especially the Scarecrow, that guy’s awesome.”
“Right! Hey, when I was a kid though, the Wicked Witch used to scare the pants off of me.”
“You kidding? She’s the victim.”
“What?” Steve asked dubiously.
“Dorothy kills her sister, albeit accidentally and gets her shoes. Then, everyone acts like the witch is the villain for wanting a precious family heirloom back; she’s not wicked, she’s grieving,” You answered gravely.
The two of you stared at one-another seriously before laughing hysterically. “Well, that’s one way to look at it I suppose,” Steve chuckled.
“Ha, yeah, this is for you by the way,” You offered the wine.
“Thanks, I’ll put this in the fridge, feel free to make yourself at home.”
You smiled and joined Natasha and Clint on the sofa where they’d set out various snacks and dips.
“Nice to see you again (Y/N),” Clint said.
“Same here.”
“Steve boring you about his old films?”
“Quite the opposite, I was boring him, I’m sure.”
“Lies,” Steve said, sitting opposite you on the square sofa.
“Steve, how’re you finding it here?” Natasha asked.
“Adjusting. It’s not exactly Brooklyn but it’s okay. I won’t bore you with the details. Tell me, how did you and (Y/N) meet?”
Natasha grinned knowingly as she regaled the story of how the two of you met during childhood and kept in close contact ever since, then decided to move in together. It led to various tales over drinks from each party regarding their younger years of friendship. Eventually, it seemed that each member of the small group was trying to embarrass each other with stories of the past. Clint told everyone of how Steve used to stuff his shoes with newspaper to be taller. In return, Steve reminded Clint the name of the teddy-bear he kept hidden under his bed. At Natasha’s laughter, Clint informed everyone of how she’d fallen down drunk just a week ago after a drinking contest; you added that she’d thought you were her ex and started yelling at you prior to blacking out. Natasha gave you a warning stare, claiming that she had more stories on you than you did on her; it shut you up hastily.
By the end of the story telling, it seemed that Natasha and Clint had drank most of the small apartments alcohol.  They were holding tightly onto each-other and occasionally, you would see Clint sneak a quick grope at Natasha’s breasts which she would return with an ass grab of her own; they probably thought they were being sneaky but with that much alcohol, it was impossible. Hiding your embarrassment, you excused yourself to the bathroom.
When you came back to the living room, Steve was alone, cleaning the night’s refuse into a bin bag.
“Be honest,” You said aloud, “Did they go for another game of drunk hide and seek like the last time they got this wasted?”
“They uh, they went back to your place,” Steve answered apologetically.
“You okay?”
“I’ve been better, it’s not too fun listening to your friends have sex.”
Steve blushed and continued cleaning; for the first time, you realised how old-fashioned he was. You started gathering cans and shoving them in the bin bag.
“Hey, don’t worry about that, I can clean this,” Steve protested lightly.
“I’m not going to leave this to you, besides, I’m in no rush to get home.”
Yeah. Y’know, you could stay here if you want to, I’ll take the sofa and you can have my room.”
“What? I mean, are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’s the decent thing to do.”
“Thanks, that’s really cool of you but hey, I’ll take the sofa, no arguments, ‘kay?”
“Deal. I uh, think that takes care of the cleaning for now, should we do something now or do you want to sleep now?”
You checked the time, it was already two in the morning, yet you didn’t feel the onset of tiredness.
“How about an old film with a wizard, some munchkins, and a trio of dysfunctional heroes?” You asked.
“I’ll get the popcorn.”
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dweebobeebo-blog · 7 years ago
Closing time- Gerard Way
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warnings; Mentions of vomit, drugs and abuse. 
Pairing; Y/n x Gerard way X the rest of the cuties in the band
words; 2514
It's the end of the day, I work a double shift which meant I've been here since five am and it's now ten pm and time to close, normally I would've gotten off at three but I filled in for my coworker James who happens to be sick, he went to the er last night from constant vomiting, our boss Paul said don't come in until you feel one hundred percent better. Right before I have to close up, a group of boys come in, straggly looken, the one who seems to be the leader of the group has red hair. Not wanting to tell them it's closing time I let them be
"Just take a seat boys, " I smile
"Is it closing time?" The red haired one asks, his voice is wow.
"Yeah but don't worry, I get lonely when I'm cleaning up so y'all can stay" I laugh "I have a few stuff left , so I can bring that out"
"Yours the best!" One says, he looks like the red headed one, maybe they're brothers, the group picks a table and settles in, I take the food I have left and set it on their table, I wipe my hands off on my apron
"What would you like to drink?" I ask, all but the red headed one wants water, he wants coffee I mid and go grab their drinks the coffee making so I take the water to them
"Thanks... Y/n" another one says
"No problem" I smile "now, I feel weird I don't who is who"
"Oh, that's Mikey and Gerard they're brothers, I'm Frank that's Ray, Bob, Matt and James" frank says
"Well nice to meet you boys, I'll be right back with your coffee" the quiet tap of my shoes being heard, I pour the coffee into a mug and take it back "also I'll discount y'all on the food"
They nod, I grab my cleaner and start cleaning off the tables, I put chair on top of the tables, and do whatever else I need too, yawning way to muc,ci go to the boys again
"Y'all doin ok?" I smile
"Yes this food is amazing" Mikey smiles, Gerard nudging him for having a mouth full, I giggle
"Do you always close?" Frank asks "how do you do it?"
"Twice a week yeah, I worked double today for a coworker" I say "not to bad sometime it's nice"
"Really?" Gerard asks, his voice I can't get over it, his hair is beautiful and he's just wow.
"Yeah it's pretty peaceful to close, but sometimes I get late comers and they keep me company while I clean" I say "anyways I better finish up"
I finish cleaning, I grab their dirty dishes and clean them all, they still hadn't left yet oh God they're planning on murdering me here for my boss to see. I hang my apron up and grab my bag and hoodie, I throw my hoodie on and head out if the break room they see me and stand up and leave too, I lock up the doors and start to walk off, I walk home. I live with a bunch of people cause I ran away. Only a couple girls. The guys are cruel a lot of the time
"Hey wait" Ray's voice shouts making me stop and turn round "are you walking home alone at the time?"
"I uh yeah it's not to far" I mutter
"Get in the car" Frank says, they all look at me expecting me to just jump right into the car, last time I went with strangers I staid and got beat up pretty badly.
"No I can't it's really not that far" I lie, it's pretty far maybe almost a good hour till I get home, I wave and walk away but before I can even leave the lot I'm picked up "put me the hell down! I don't even know you all!"
"Calm down we're not letting you walk this late" it was Gerard, he threw me over his shoulder my "something could happen to you"
"Nothing that probably hasn't already happened" I mutter, he sets me down and I reluctantly get in and so does he, Im between him and Frank I sigh and start to fidget the guys won't like this, I've been good but knowing that a bunch of random boys are bringing me home will cause problems.
I tell them my address and that's where we head, the radio blairing most of the music I like, before I know it, what would've taken me an hour on foot took thirty minutes by car, were at my place. I get out and thank them and run to the door stopping when I see Cody at the steps, they hadn't left yet and I didn't want them to see what was going to happen
"You're home early" he growls standing up "who are they?"
"Some friends from work Cody, they gave me a lift" I mutter "I got home before curfew"
"That you did, but those are boys I've never seen them at your work y/n" his voice getting louder, I'm mentally shaking and crying but that soon becomes reality when Cody grabs me by my hair
"They came in late when I was closing they're nice guys Cody" I whine at the pain "I'm sorry it won't happen again"
"Damn right it won't, get your fucking ass inside now! " He shouts, I barely look over my shoulder they're still here "now! Before I drag you in my your hair!"
I don't budge and that was a wrong choice, he violently grabs my arm, definitely leaving a bruise and drags me inside, I stand there for a minute. Before he starts yelling at me again, full on sobbing now, he slaps me hard. I go to my room and change into some PJs and lay down.
×× When I woke up, I got dressed, having to go for jeans and a t-shirt today because my dresses are dirty, I work from three to ten today, I grab my clothes and go into the bathroom to shower, I was right, he left a bruise on my arm, and ones barely forming on my cheek
I strip and get into the shower, scrubbing my body. I don't bother shaving because no one's ever seen my body, twenty years old and I'm living with a bunch of people who like to hit me. It's one, great that'll piss Cody and devin off, they have set rules for us girls. I'm the oldest so they're the harshest on me and I don't know why.
I braid my hair and go downstairs, a bowl of soup and a drink on the counwr, Devin standing next to it with his arms crossed
"You're up late y/n" he tssks "you know we don't like that"
"I'm sorry Devin I didn't mean too" I sigh "it won't happen again"
"Good, eat" he sets the bowl and drink on the table "work at three ? "
"Yes, and I close again tonight" I say "James is still sick so I have too for the next couple nights"
"This time don't fuck around " he says, Devin has always be the nicest, but the touchiest to me. He gropes me alot but never further I'm just waiting for that. I wonder off into my own world and I'm brought back when his lips touch my neck. With anyone else this would be pleasurable but for me I want to puke.
"Can I go early? I'll have a better pay check" I mutter
"Yeah, go get your shit and I'll be in the car" he says, I go get my stuff and brush my teeth and run to the car, we get to the restaurant I work at and i go to get out "no fucking around again"
"I know.." I sigh, he pulls me back and forcefully kisses me, when he pulls back I head inside my boss looking at me
"Y/n you're Early" he says, following me into the break room "why are you still with them"
"I have no where else to go.." I say
"They hurt you again" he sighs, Paul has been like a dad to me when we met and I got the job he looks out for me "you need to leave"
"Yeah I know, I can't though" I grab my apron and get to work
The day was busy and slow, people taking their sweet time ordering and staying here, but now it's time to clean up and close, the same guys from yesterday night came in, I sigh and start the coffee I hadn't put everything up so I have a lot more for them, I don't dare turn around right now. I knew it was them because I heard gerards voice. I go to the table I see them at and set down water and coffee, I was wrong it was just Frank and gerard.
"Hey what happened to your arm?" Frank asks
"Oh I ran into something this morning" I lie "I have more food tonight I'll bring it out"
"Wait a minute " gerard stops me fuck my life "what happened to your face? And your neck?"
"I uh, got into a fight This morning.." I lie
"You're lying." He says "you're being hurt at home, and that was That supposed to be there?"
"No." I say, I walk off and bring two plates out for the two that are here, I clean up, and do what exactly what I did yesterday night too, I clean their dishes. And walk out after them locking the doors. They try to offer me another ride
"Get in the car y/n" Frank says "seriously!"
"I can't! " I yell "I just can't okay. Drop it I can't have you take me home again."
I got home an hour later, I didn't get hit tonight. I went to my room and went to bed.
××× Today I took another double shift, it was chilly but I still had to walk because Devin and Cody both said don't wake them up at five am to drive me to work. When I got to the restaurant, I went in, Paul and wendy both came over to me Wendy had a cup of hot chocolate and Paul had some breakfast for me
"Thank you guys" I smile
"Yeah, your cheek looks worse " he says "we need to get you away"
"I know I know soon" I say, I eat my breakfast and drink my hot chocolate. An hour later we opened the doors, me and Wendy are laughing over something Paul did
"Hey stop laughing ladies!" He shouts dabbing the coffee off his pants "no bonus!"
We all laughed, Wendy and I both went and took some orders from tables, people love our breakfast, our cook Damian is the best!, We take the orders to him, and head back to get some more orders, before I can take my current tables order wendy stops me
"A group of boys are asking for you" she smiles, "I'll take this table, they're over by the doors"
"Thanks Wens" I smile and walk I know exactly who it is, when I get there I tell matt Ray and Bob to be quiet, and sneak up behind the other three I bend over the booth "hellooo"
Mikey and Frank both jump big time, Gerard just started laughing  I started laughing too and go into their view,  I smile at them all
"What's good here for breakfast?" Mikey asks
"Everything" I giggle "not kidding were the busiest in the mornings"
"Looks it" Gerard says "just give us the normal breakfast "
"Alrighty, drinks?"
"Coffee and juice" Ray says
"I'll be out with those drinks" I smile and walk away telling Damian to give me a catering size of pancakes, bacon sausage and eggs, I grab the coffee and juice and take it too then
"You know your cheek don't look to good" Frank says "does this always happen?"
"Only if I don't abide by they're rules" I say "don't worry I'm okay"
"If that's okay then yeah sure" Mikey says "are they family?"
"No but that's another story" I say " I've gotta get back to work"
As I walk off I ruffle Mikey's hair, I grab my tray and start giving out the orders to the right tables.
The morning went quickly, then the lunch rush came, Paul was walking around checking on people asking how the food is, they of course If like it and they do. The boys came in again for lunch Wendy and Paul laugh
"Back again?" I giggle, they nod and order drinks, I go grab the drinks,
"Y/n go ahead and take tour break two hours since you're closing" Paul says I smile and take my apron off I make myself a shake, the boys wave me over Wendy brought their food to them, I sat next to gerard.
"You need to eat more, I'll bring you your chicken sandwich"
"Thanks Wens" I say, Gerard puts his arm on the back of the seat "so why are y'all always coming back?"
"Good food" Ray says "and we think Gee here has the hots for you"
"Ray shut up" he says "you guys do have good food"
"Our cook is the best" I smile
"Can we ask what happened?" Ray asks pointing at my bruised cheek and my arm "if you don't want to tell us then dont"
"Oh well, I was hit and this was I uh" I start to think what I should say "I was grabbed by the arm"
"By?" Frank asks
"No one " I say "it's not important"
"Bull if someone lays a hand on you it is fucking important" Gerard says "no one should ever lay a hand on a woman"
"You know you can tell us" Mikey says "if anything we would want to help you"
"My house mates Cody did this my eye and arm Devin did that to my neck" I say "the night you guys dropped me off and yesterday"
"You live with two guys?" Frank says "why would they lay a hand on you"
"Me and a couple other girls, uhm if we don't listen and start screwing around this happens" I sigh "I ran away when I was fifteen that's where I ended up, I never want leave here at night so when you guys come in it gives me a stalling time"
"Then we should do that more often" Mikey nudges Gerard and he nods
"And out of that place" he says, I sigh and eat my food, we don't talk long.
I again close, they drive me but drop me off a couple blocks away and I walk the rest, when I reach the house I go in they ask who drove me I said no one I walked but I ran because I was cold. I went and changed and fell asleep.
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headoverhiddles · 8 years ago
I'm not that previous anon but maybe Gafou smut???
Here ya are, my friend :) Taken from my Gafou collection on ao3. 
Gaston was in his element.
Parties like these were where he could simultaneously show off and get hammered, a rather fun combination for a Friday night. He was currently doing both, chugging a beer down while holding Paulette, captain of the cheerleading team, up on his shoulder. As Gaston finished the can and crushed it in his fist, his peers cheered, and Paulette giggled, draping herself further over him as he set her down.
“You’re soooo strong,” she bit her lip, tugging on the lapel of his shirt, “I bet you’re pretty big under that shirt.”
“I’m big in other places too,” Gaston winked, picking her up as she squealed out another flirty giggle.
Meanwhile, Lefou, widely popular theatre kid, pulled Claudette aside onto the couch, steadying the tipsy cheerleader. He had the ulterior motive of all ulterior motives
 and he was usually very good at exercising such a plan.
“See your sister over there?” Lefou whispered, pointing to where Paulette was basically devouring Gaston.
“Mhmm,” Claudette frowned, crossing her arms.
“There’s about a ninety-eight percent chance she’s going to get fucked by Gaston tonight,” Lefou confessed, feigning sympathy, “I mean, just look at her. Practically throwing herself at him!”
“Whore,” Claudette muttered, hiccupping.
” Lefou scratched his chin nonchalantly, sighing.
“Unless?” Claudette frowned.
“You stop her.”
Claudette’s eyes widened, and she stood up. “You’re right! Leffy, you’re amazing.”
“Yeah,” Lefou sipped his beer, “I know.” He watched with a smirk as Claudette stormed over to her sister, knowing his work was almost finished. One more to get rid of

“Oh, Laurette?” he called with a little trill, and the last sister stumbled over with a hazy grin.
“I heard Gaston wanted to take you upstairs, but your sisters over there? They told me they’re plotting to steal him from you for a threesome.”
“Bitches!” Laurette spat, and shoved her vodka into someone’s hands as she stomped over, prepared to rain hellfire on her sisters’ heads and- most importantly- distract them.
As the three brunettes were fighting, Lefou coughed, stood up, and leaned into his fellow theatre student. “Hey, Stan- you might wanna take your little sisters home before they kill each other.”
Stanley whipped around from where he was seducing some freshman, and nearly tripped as he rushed to remove a vase from Laurette’s hands that she was about to break over Paulette’s head. Lefou wrung out his hands.
 with them out of the way

Gaston settled into an armchair as he watched the brunette sophomores fight over him. He enjoyed this kind of attention
 though honestly, all of his showing off wasn’t for them- or any other cheerleader for that matter. There was one boy that Gaston had never actually made the move to take out or even really talk to, someone he really shouldn’t be attracted to.
But he was.
Ever since that evening he had “accidentally” happened upon the school musical instead of the school’s athletic banquet, and he had seen Lefou as the star
 Gaston bit his lip as he remembered the talented drama student, prancing around the stage and declaring his love through song for someone that was not him, and how sad he felt at that fact.  
Now, here Lefou was tonight at Dick’s house party, looking every bit the sexy, confident little guy that he was, and it made Gaston mad. He wasn’t used to having to reach out and flirt with someone
 usually, everyone just came to him, begging for his attention. Yes, this guy always seemed a little nervous around him and in awe of his presence, but he had never explicitly come out and told Gaston how incredibly hot he was.
Gaston let out a huff, his good mood now slightly soured as he crushed another beer can. Did he have to do all the work?
He finally got bored with watching the triplets tearing each other apart, and got up from his seat, going to get some more beer from the kitchen. As he did, Lefou watched, and followed through the crowd of rowdy teenagers. They both went in, and poured themselves something. Lucas was in there making out with Justine, and Tom was filming Dick, who was passed out with dicks painted all over his face in whipped cream.
“Hey Lucas,” Lefou nodded at the couple, “How’s your girlfriend, Marie?”
Lucas’ eyes widened, and he got a slap from Justine, who stormed away as Lucas chased her, glaring at Lefou for exposing him. Lefou just laughed, and Gaston cleared his throat as he recognized the other’s presence.
“Hi,” he said, and Lefou feigned surprise at the interaction.
“Hey. You having a good night?”
“Yes, I am,” Gaston nodded, “You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“I could say the same for you,” Lefou laughed.
“If you’re talking about the girls, I have little to no interest in them,” Gaston scoffed, “It’s simply entertaining to watch them fight over me.”
“Must be nice,” Lefou nodded, “Having someone fight over you.” Gaston jerked his head over.
Please, he wanted to say, you must have hundreds falling all over you, with a voice like yours
 face like yours

But all he said was, “Yes, it is.”
Lefou nodded again, and took a sip of his vodka. “How do you know Dick? Or do you? I mean, most of these people just invite themselves to these things, so
“Tom and Dick both know me from middle school,” Gaston told Lefou, “They used to be my, eh
“Groupies?” Lefou smirked. Gaston smiled, puffing his chest out a little.  
“Well, yes.”
“And now they’re my groupies,” Lefou kept on smirking, and Gaston’s eyes went back to the shorter boy’s. He certainly was confident
 it ignited something in Gaston. This guy wasn’t boring, like the rest of them. He was different.
“Do you
?” Lefou continued.
“Go upstairs?” Gaston asked, licking his lips. Lefou raised an eyebrow.
“What kinda guy do you think I am?” he teased, and Gaston inhaled sharply, coaxing a gentle hand onto Lefou’s shoulder, down to the curve of his full hips.
“Someone who’s wanted me for a while.” He didn’t know for certain if that was even true, but it was worth a shot.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Lefou whispered, though Gaston was right- the football player could tell by the way the theatre student inclined himself into the taller of the two.
“You won’t be disappointed,” Gaston promised with a haughty grin.
“I’m sure I won’t,” Lefou volleyed back, flickering his gaze down to Gaston’s trousers.
“I want to feel you underneath me,” Gaston told Lefou, whispering it in his ear, and Lefou could feel himself being pressed back against the kitchen counter. He let out a low moan.
Mission accomplished.
“Upstairs then,” Gaston murmured, and took Lefou’s wrist, silently congratulating himself for winning Lefou’s attentions. Well, of course he did. He won everyone’s.
“I’m going to slice off all your hair!” Claudette was yelling as they passed.
“Well, I’m going to drop brown dye onto all your dresses, so it looks like you’re covered in shit!” Paulette screamed.
“I’m going to rub water proof mascara all over your legs while you’re sleeping so it looks like you’ve got
 really hairy legs!” Laurette screamed.
“I’m going to lock all of you in the basement and have Dick throw away the key if you don’t come with me right now!” Stanley shouted over them, pulling at his hair in exasperation, “Mon dieu, I was well on my way to getting laid
Lefou snorted a little as they passed to the stairs, and Gaston led them further up to the last room on the right. Thankfully, it wasn’t occupied.
Lefou took a look at Gaston, and sat on the bed. “How do you even know I exist?” he asked suddenly, eyes downcast. “I mean
 I thought I’d have to come to you.”
“You’re pretty well liked,” Gaston told him, already removing his shirt. “Of course I know who you are.” Lefou sucked in a breath at the sight of Gaston shirtless. He had a good amount of hair on his chest- more than most their age- and he was chiselled.
“You must go to the gym every day,” Lefou muttered, almost drooling. Gaston gave a cocky smile, inadvertently flexing a little.
“I’m an intimidating specimen, I’ll admit,” he grinned, and dodged a pillow Lefou threw at him.
“Get down here and get on top of me, Hercules,” Lefou grinned right back, starting to remove his pants. Gaston helped him with taking the rest off, and began to suck marks into Lefou’s thighs, climbing until he made it to the chubbier boy’s boxers.
“Ahh,” Lefou moaned, the breathy noise making Gaston’s already interested cock twitch. He wanted to be in Lefou, but he wasn’t sure what Lefou wanted

” he coughed, sitting back on his heels on the bed, “Just top stuff?”
“Fuck,” Lefou groaned, “Unless you’ve got condoms
 um, I guess.”
Gaston nodded, obviously disappointed, but Lefou sat up a little, successfully taking off his shirt and dropping it.
 we can do this again.”
Gaston stared at him with an almost unreadable look, seemingly speechless, and all of Lefou’s awkward nerves and insecurities he had managed to repress from middle school and early high school began to resurface.
 unless you don’t want to. Sorry. I’ve been a lot of people’s one night stands, I know how it is-”
“Lefou,” Gaston interrupted, waving this away, “No, I
 was simply taken aback by your body.”
” Lefou blushed, “Well, that’s
 refreshing.” Gaston responded by giving an animalistic growl, and knocking Lefou on his back into the pillows, climbing over top of him and pinning his wrists. Staring up at Gaston, who looked ready to attack him, Lefou got shivers
 too quickly, they found their hands on each other’s erections, eagerly groping each other through a deep kiss, groaning each others’ names.
They had barely spoken before tonight
 funny what alcohol and a little courage can do for a guy. Using the precum between them, they pumped each other until they were a slick mess, raging hard-ons throbbing between heaving bodies.
“Gaston, that’s
” Lefou gasped, wrapping his legs around the quarterback’s ass, “That’s so good, I need
“So close,” Gaston hissed, and if he had been a little more sober, he probably would’ve been embarrassed for being ready to finish so soon, but he couldn’t give a damn tonight, as Lefou also looked ready to combust at any moment.
 ohh, please,” Lefou babbled, “Please, so close, please, oh my god, don’t stop
“You’re chatty in bed,” Gaston growled, “Let’s fix that.” He enveloped Lefou’s lips again, and the passionate and sudden contact made Lefou let out a garbled shriek and come hard in Gaston’s fist. Feeling the shorter man’s release paint his fingers, Gaston also gave a low gasp into Lefou’s shoulder, and pumped his own cock with Lefou’s, finishing hard with him.
“Holy shit,” Lefou breathed loudly, “Please, please, I am begging you
 we’re doing Taboo as our spring musical
Gaston quirked his head down at his companion in confusion. “And?”
“And Stanley’s playing George
 I’m playing Leigh
 Gaston, you’ve gotta try out for the part of Billy
?” Gaston continued to frown, breathing heavily, inches apart from Lefou’s lips.
“So that we can have kinky backstage sex every Tuesday and Thursday after school,” Lefou giggled.
” Gaston murmured, considering how much attention he would get for a performance, “I am a wonderful singer, I’ll admit.” Lefou clapped with a grin, and surged up to kiss the bulkier young man on top of him. Gaston had to smile through the kiss. There was a lot more to this snarky little theatre kid than he thought.
Just then, the door burst open.
“What the fuck are you two doing in my room?” Dick complained, rubbing his head, and Gaston suppressed a loud laugh as he surveyed their friend’s vandalised visage.
“Go check the mirror, Dick.”
“Wha..?” he murmured, then let out a loud scream as he checked in the bathroom, sprinting down the stairs to completely murder Tom.
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xiumin-on-this-shit · 8 years ago
All My Idols Ch 29: Left Behind
“Are you ready?” Seungri yells over the speakers, deafening a few people with his energetic voice. I chuckle from my spot at the bar, sipping my drink while he has the time of his life. The club is completely packed with screaming people dancing like fools on the floor. I honestly want to join the crowd in their drunken stupors but someone has to stay sober to watch Seungri other wise things will get crazy. Regret on not allowing the others to come slowly fills me as I watch Ri make his way from the DJ booth back to me, downing shot after shot that was offered to him. I set my drink down, this one is enough for me I guess. “Are you ready to try a little dancing?”
I shake my head, “I’m not dancing with you Oppa, you would make feel ashamed for even standing next to you.”
“Come on,” He whines pulling by my hands. “I promise to be gentle with you.”
“Okay, but if you mess my ankle you are going to be the one explaining it to the others and anyone else who asks.”
He nods eagerly, “Whatever it takes!”
I sigh but push myself up from my seat and follow him onto the packed dance floor. It’s been too long since I’ve been to a club and tired to dance sober. The movements don’t come easily and with Seungri holding on to me, moving like the dancer he is. He senses my distress and can easily figure out what is wrong, he reaches behind me and catches a waitress passing through the crowd. I scoff as he grabs as many shots as he can. He manages to get three in each hand, offering a hand full to me.
“You look like you need some dancing juice,” He urges me to take one.
“Oppa, I’m the sober one, remember?” I yell in his ear over the music.
“We don’t need a sober one, you’ve got me, I’ve got you, sober or trashed, we will take care of each other, right?”
I know I should disagree but I haven’t been able to have fun with Seungri for a long time, I smile and take the shots, “I’ve got you.”
“Woo!” We shout together downing the shots. It doesn’t take much to get the warm feeling in my belly, my body starts to loosen up. I unwind my shoulders and slowly get my hips moving to the beat.
“That’s my girl,” Seungri moves behind me, his hands find my hips and he pulls me close so our bodies are pressed tightly together. I laugh when he grabs my hand and spins me out away from him before pulling me back to where I began. His arm now rests against my bare stomach, still holding my hand and I assume to keep me from getting away. Others around us begin moving the same as time flies by, their hips swing like ours, arms above their heads as they let the music and crowd take control of where their body goes. The crowd seems to get thicker and the grinding of bodies more intense. I feel every detail of Seungri’s body pressed up against my back, I can imagine the guy in front of me feels the same but he doesn’t seem to mind at all.
He spins around, a cocky grin on his face when he lays his eyes on me, completely forgetting the girl he was grinding on a moment ago. The moment his hands reach for me Seungri pushes the guy away with so much force that the man knocks over the girl behind him along with another man. The blonde man holding me flips me around so we are pressed chest to, his leg in between mine and mine in between his, still moving together. His arm now resting along my shoulders, my face is pressed against his shoulder, for a brief moment I think it’s to console me for the almost groping he stopped but I’m wrong. A string of cuss words leaves his mouth, surprising me and scaring away the stranger.
I stiffen in his hold, my hands rest against his chest, confused on what I should do. I’ve never seen Seungri actually mad, I’m hoping it’s just the alcohol in his system taking over making his usual child like personality more amplified. But when I push away and see his face I see that yet again, I’m wrong. His face is set in stone, angry features carved in, scaring away anyone that would try to come up behind me.
“Oppa?” I say, worried.
He looks down at me, dropping the scary face for a moment, “Sorry Charlie, I just don’t want anyone trying to feel you up or something.”
“Maybe we should go, I don’t want to ruin the good night we had with you getting into a fight.”
He is about to argue when he looks at his watch, “Shit it’s past two already, we’ve been dancing for almost two hours. I guess we could go sit down and hang out for a little while, I don’t want to bring you back yet.”
I know I should tell him to bring me back to the hotel but I feel guilty, “Of course Oppa, let s find a nice booth and sit down.” He eagerly leads me away from the crowd to the VIP area behind one of those velvet ropes. Seungri takes me up the horribly lit stairs, sweetly making sure I don’t trip on the steps, and quickly finds a booth that looks over the dance floor..
“You sit down and rest, I’m going to run down to the bar to grab us some drinks and say hi to a friend I noticed,” He yells in my ear.
I nod and scoot into the half circle booth. He disappears the way we came from for a moment before popping out back on the dance floor. I watch as he approaches the bar and a pretty Asian woman I’ve never seen before. He places his hand on her lower back and smiles at her, obviously hitting on her. She turns to him, a scowl obvious on her beautiful face even in the darkness. Her eyes scan the dance floor, she gestures in the direction of where we had been dancing and huffs. With her hands on her hips it’s easy to tell that she’s upset about something and I feel like it has something to do with me. He caresses her arm and gives her another smile, of course she caves, who could say no to Seungri’s handsome smile. A snicker escapes my lips.
“Did he just use me to make a girl jealous?” I wonder to myself. “I wish he would have told me, I would have made more of an effort.” I watch bored as they flirt back and forth for a few minutes, I’m surprised when he actually orders something from the bartender, maybe he hasn’t forgotten about me. To be honest I would only be upset that he is trying to pick up women because of how big of he deal he made about us getting our own night out. Seunghyun almost murdered him because of all of his whining, I agreed to avoid blood shed and because he is right. We haven’t been able to go out to lunch or dinner or have a night in since I went public, I’ve missed his energy even though I see him at home, it’s different when it’s just the two of us.
His childish personality is still there but with a hint of maturity when he pays for meals or little trinkets he buys me. I love seeing the confidence on his face when I hide behind him during a scary movie or when I rest my head on his shoulder. I love how little things like that make him feel so good. I watch on with a small smile as he flirts and flaunts his stuff, no longer feeling abandoned, just happy that he is having fun.
I don’t notice the three men creeping up on my booth, drinks in hand, lost in their own conversation, just trying to find an empty table. Instead the familiar men find me, “Charlie?”
I snap out of my daze and scan the three men, one who has since changed out of his fancy suit, “Oppas?”
Tao beams at me, “What are you doing here all by yourself? Can we join you?” He looks about ready to jump in the booth before the others have a chance to take the spot on either side of me.
“I’m with Seungri oppa, he went to get drinks but he got distracted by an old friend,” I point down at the bar where Seungri is now sipping on a drink with the woman.
“She’s a model,” Kris notes studying the woman, “I can’t think of her name but she’s pretty popular.”
“Ooo,” I click my tongue once again, “Get it Oppa,” I cheer from where I sit.
“So you two aren’t dating or anything?” Luhan asks with his brows up.
“I’m completely single,” I clarify.
“Does that mean these seats are open?” Tao asks again.
“Tao,” Kris elbows his young friend, “Could we keep you company until your friend returns?”
I hum, eyeing Seungri once more, deciding he is so focused on the beauty in front of him he would be distracted long enough for me to talk to my new friends, “Yes.”
That is all Tao needed to fly into the booth, basically sitting on my lap when he lands, “I was hoping we would run into you again!”
“Me too,” Luhan hums taking the spot on my other side while Kris slides in next to Tao.
In my buzzed state of mind I eye up Tao and voice something that occurred to me earlier, “You are a lot different than I expected.”
He cocks his head, his smile fades, “What do you mean?”
“Not anything bad, you are just a lot cuter. I had this idea in my head that you were this cool guy with a badass attitude, but you are really cute,” I smile at him.
“Well, I am a badass,” He points out as he lowers his voice an octave and straightens his voice.
“Yea, sure you are,” I laugh.
“Could I get you anything to drink?” Kris offers, “Since your other drink will be a moment.”
“Ah, sure, but remember boys, the minute Seungri oppa shows up you gotta go, it’s our night tonight,” I remind them.
They nod, “Of course.”
We talk for awhile, a lot longer than I thought we would, not that I mind it’s just that I was expecting Seungri to return before Kris did with my first drink, but no. It’s been twenty five minutes exactly, I give him more and more time because he seems to be enjoying talking to his friend but when I look down for him, like I’ve been doing every couple minutes, he is gone. I wait a few more, maybe he’s coming up the stair, but nothing. Worry settles in the pit of my stomach. I pull out my phone and text him.
“Is something wrong?” Luhan wonders when I don’t answer one of his questions.
“Seungri oppa should have been back by now, I can’t see him and it’s getting late,” I stare at my phone impatiently.
“Seungri walked out with that model a few minutes ago,” Kris tells me.
He repeats himself but it doesn’t make anymore sense than it did the first time.
“That’s impossible, it’s our night out tonight, he wouldn’t just leave me here,” That feeling of abandonment settles in my stomach, replacing my worry, making me feel sick. I quickly dial his number and hold the phone to my ear. He doesn’t answer the first time, worry returns until he answers my second call.
“What?” He snaps in a tone he’s never used with me.
“Oppa?” I question for a moment, not believing it’s actually him.
“I said what.”
“Where did you go? You went for our drinks and never came back.”
“Yea, took you a half hour to figure it out? I’m not surprised,” A slur is obvious in his voice. “You had someone new to talk to, like always, it’s not like it mattered that I was gone, some body filled my empty seat. Pretty quick I might add.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I snap, any worry I have gone.
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?” He actually yells back at me. I take the phone away from my ear and stare down at it, questioning if I called the right person but his name glows on my phone with a picture of us in the background hugging and smiling.
“Oppa, are you okay? Is something wrong? Did I do something to make you upset?” I whimper out, tears pricking my eyes.
“Yes! You keep adding more and more people, like we aren’t enough for you, you have to be friends with everyone! You can find your own way home right?” He doesn’t even give me a chance to respond, “Yes! Of course you can, you are the princess! Everyone loves you and you have to love everyone in return! It’s fine, it’s not like I care,” He hangs up. I pause there for a moment, completely dumbstruck.
“Charlie?” Luhan places a hand on my shoulder when a tear falls down my cheek.
“What happened?” Tao worries.
Kris leans in as well, “Are you okay?”
I gulp and set my phone down, turning it off in the process, “I’m fine,” I lie.
“You are crying, you are obviously not okay, where did Seungri go? Do we need to find him?” Kris quickly offers.
“Do you want to know what I actually really need?”
They all nod.
“I was just told by one of my closest friends that he is mad at me because he thinks I’m replacing him or that he isn’t enough for me and I don’t want to deal with his upset drunk ass at our hotel right now and if I wake up the others they will cause a scene, I don’t want to deal with that,” I explain with a heart breaking smile.
“This won’t solve anything,” Luhan tells me, pulling my drink away from me.
“You are very right,” I acknowledge, “But I’m not looking to solve the problem, I’m planning on drinking until I forget that I’m mad or that I don’t care about what happens when I go back. You don’t have to stay and watch me be sad, feel free to go, I promise to be more fun and happy next time we meet.”
“I have no where to be, so hope you are ready for a good time,” Tao swipes my drink away from the older and offers it back to me with a smile.
Two Hours Later
I barely manage to open the room door but once I do I kick it open with one of my wobbly legs. My fog filled mind keeps me on a nice high until I see a familiar figure passed out on the couch. Memories from a few hours ago come into my mind, Seungri leaving me basically alone at a bar, decently buzzed and in a forgien country where I barely speak the language. His harsh drunken words and my heart feels heavy again with both anger and sadness. How could he have just left me? No matter how angry he is we promised each other, we got each other.
I drop my heels that I’ve been carrying since Luhan had sweetly dropped me off at the front of the hotel, “Oppa!” I half cry and yell. Tears are streaming down my face as I let the slam behind me. “Oppa!” In drunken anger I chuck my phone at him with all my might, hitting him on the back, waking him enough to roll off the couch and onto the marble floor.
“Ah!” He groans.
“You asshole!” I snarl, “You fucking left me!”
“Charlie?” Youngbae shuffles into the living room in a pair of sweat pants and no shirt. Daesung is on his heels in the same attire. Both of them squinting in the darkness. The older flips on the lights scanning both Seungri and I in the new light.
“What in the world is going on?” Daesung rushes over to me when he sees that I’m crying.
“What the hell?” Seungri groans as he sits back on his ass, his eyes still closed.
“I was going to ask you that,” Youngbae nudges the youngest with his foot.
“I was passed out when Charlie stormed in and stared fucking bawling.”
There is a brief moment of silence before the older kicks him on to his back a bit less gentle than before, “Why the hell were you passed out on the couch when she is just getting home?” Youngbae snarls.
” Seungri’s voice is shaky as he tries to sit back up but is stopped by the older’s foot.
“You have five seconds to answer me before I wake up Jiyong and Seunghyun.”
“He left me!” I snap, still crying against Daesung’s shoulder.
Seungri scrambles away from Youngbae and puts the other couch in between them. But from the look the older is giving him I don’t think God himself could protect him.
“You left her?” Daesung repeats.
“It’s not like I just abandoned her!” He tries to defend himself, “I left her with those boys who left EXO.”
“You left her with three men we don’t know when she was drunk?”
“You guys are making it so much worse than it is! It’s not like anyone would hurt her, she’s the princess after all. Everyone loves her!” He spits.
“You’re right she is the princess, which means she has fans just like us, fans that could try and take her because they love her so much. It also means there are crazy stalker fans who don’t like her because she is the princess. Do you have any idea of what could have happened to her if she didn’t have someone watching her? She could have gotten lost in a foreign country, she could have gotten into a really bad situation because of some petty reason.”
“How do you know it’s petty? Maybe she did something wrong!”
Youngbae scoffs, “Okay, what did she do to make you leave her?”
The youngest puffs his pink cheeks, tears beginning to form in his own eyes, “She made new friends on our special night out!”
Youngbae pause for a brief moment before sighing, “I’m getting the others.”
I’m feeling better today! Incase you didn’t see, I was sick for a few days so that’s why I haven’t been posting. I have to work tomorrow so I don’t know if I’ll have much energy to write when I get off but I promise one on Thursday work and a long nap! Have a good night!
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ficdirectory · 8 years ago
Disuphere (An AU Fosters family fic) Chapter 41
Monday, November 24, 2014
Home:  3 years, 1 month and 10 days
Five days since Jesus sat down with Ethan, and he can’t stop dreaming about Jacob.  It’s been bad.  Put him on edge.  Made him pissed.  Scared.
It’s made Frankie so alert that now, she checks from the doorway of any room, to see if he’ll snap at her.  (“Buddy?  Are you scared right now?  I am not E.T., okay?  I promise.”)  In the three weeks since he’d touched base with her outside the restaurant, about fears, Frankie had been thinking about it.  Even though the conversation had been about way more than that, Frankie had zoned in on the being afraid part, and her own fear, and somehow merged both together whenever she approached him.  (And she always follows that up with: ‘By the way?  If you are scared?  Just say ‘back up,’ and I will, okay?  You don’t have to yell.”)
It’s getting under his skin, like almost everything is these days, but it also helps.  Frankie’s nothing if not direct.  She helps him keep that important stuff in his head when he’s freaked out.
Pretty much the only good thing that’s happened since Jesus came back from talking to Ethan was that he found a letter from Mariana in his mailbox that same night they came back from the park.  In five days, Jesus has read it a bunch.  He keeps it in his wallet like it’s money.  It’s that important to him.
At least three times a day, Jesus has to read the letter.  It’s written on bright pink stationery paper.  Pink flowers in two corners and Best Friends Forever across the bottom:
So I know we don’t talk about this, but I’m going crazy not talking.  Especially not talking to you.  If you don’t want to read this or if it’s too much for you after today, just throw it away.  But just in case it was like this for you...well...I thought I’d share.
When I think about That, or when people at school ask me about it, I never know what to say.  It’s not their business, I know, and I would never tell them anything personal about you.  It’s just...when I think about it?  Words don’t come.  Feelings do.  Mainly this one awful feeling.
People at school don’t get to know my memories, especially because they just want them for pity-gossip.  But YOU do...if you want them.  (Sorry, I’ve just been thinking about this ever since you put up the mailbox, but I wasn’t sure if you could take my baggage, with all you’re going through.  But since all I really want is a way for us to connect, maybe the mailbox and the random letters are you saying you want the same?  And maybe that means I should meet you halfway
Here goes:
There was this one night, right after we got to Stef and Lena’s.  Maybe it was the first night?  (But everything about that time is so blurry, so I don’t know for sure
Anyway, I just remember waking up in the middle of the night, and feeling totally alone.  Because you just weren’t there.  But I totally expected you to be.  You always were right next to  me.  But not that night.  
I was like, frozen with fear.  Scared to move.  I didn’t know where I was, and worse, I didn’t know where you were.  It wasn’t like at Ana’s where we were always together.  I just remember this huge amount of fear.  This crushing grief.  There was too much space without you.  It was like you just vanished.  And I couldn’t keep it together.   Started sobbing: “My brother’s gone!  My brother’s gone!”  I was beyond devastated because I thought it was forever.  It was dark and unfamiliar so I couldn’t even think about getting up to look for you.  (And even if I could have moved,, who would protect me from the dark and the Things in the dark?)
After what felt like years alone, crying my eyes out, Lena came.  She picked me up and I don’t remember her saying anything, but she just brought me down the hall and opened the door to your room.  You were in bed, asleep, and Lena said: “You’re brother’s here, love.  He’s right here.”
And it’s weird if I say to the girls at school that you being Gone and coming home again is like this one memory from when we were five, but maybe it’s not if I say it to you...and maybe it sounds like I’m minimizing it, but I’m not, I swear.  This is me being clear, Jesus.  This is me being honest.  This is the closest I can come to telling anybody what it was like.  I haven’t told Callie.  I haven’t told Moms.  Or Dr. Ramirez.  I’m telling you.  And I really hope it’s okay.
I hope YOU’RE okay after today and everything that happened.  I’m trying to respect you by understanding that you can’t share hard stuff over and over, especially right after it happens.  But if and when you need me, just let me know and I’ll be there.  Thanks for asking me to come today.
Always your backup,
Writing back to Mariana felt like coming home all over again, but mostly in a good way.  He’d been nervous, yeah, of course.  But the chance to connect with his sister again was pretty much all he’d ever wanted since coming back - he just hadn’t known how.
Taking a deep breath, he’d found some drawing paper.  Jesus sketched them from the back, holding hands.  He drew grass.  A path.  The sun going down, and in the distance?  A house with a front porch and a swing.  On the back, he wrote:
Mari - You never have to be afraid to share with me.  I love hearing your memories of us.  Even the hard ones.  I’m sorry it scared you that I wasn’t there when we were little, and later.  I always wanna be here for you, I just need a lot of time and space to deal sometimes.  But I’m always thinking of you.  I always love you.  Do you have anymore memories of us?  My memory is crappy, but I love hearing about us.  I drew you another memory instead of that scary one (even tho that one is totally valid.)  Just for in case you need something more positive ever.  This is us, on our way to Stef and Lena’s together.  I am not doing the best but your letter helps so much.  I already read it 3 times.  I hope you’ll write again.  I feel like we’re really talking for the first time.  AYB, Jesus
Jesus reads her letter when he wakes up from another dream about Jacob.  
It’s early Monday morning.  Still dark.  The dream had been so real, with him fighting to unlock Jacob’s chains with toy plastic keys.  
“My real name is Jesus,” dream-Jesus says.  (Not Josh.)  He’s sixteen.  “I found the keys.  I can get you out.”
“Try the yellow one,” dream-Jacob says.  He’s still eleven-or-twelve.  Covered in chocolate pudding.  “Yellow is my favorite color.  So that has to be right.”
Dream-Jesus tries all the keys but none work.  None fit.  And then there’s boots.  They’re gonna get caught.
Jacob’s crying and his tears are melting off all the chocolate pudding.  He tries to lick it but it’s fading like old ink.
Dream-Jesus thinks that Jacob is gonna say how hungry he is, but instead he looks straight into Jesus’s eyes and says: “You have to hide the keys.”
Jesus had gasped and started awake.  He’d turned on lights.  Read Mariana’s letter.  Played some Brandon-music in his headphones, but he could not stop shaking.  Could not get the smell of the damn basement out of his nose.  He stared at his wrists.  Level 1, at least.  
In a daze, with Jacob’s face and his voice still echoing in Jesus’s head, he feels his way around.  (He’s at home in the dark.)
Making his way to the front door, he gropes around for the wooden bowl that holds everyone’s keys.  Jesus brings it to his room, removes every key and then returns the empty bowl.
Finally, he falls into a fitful sleep.
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katmac95 · 7 years ago
Why the fuck do I have PTSD?
Some first blog post, eh?
I’ll be using this blog to say things that are a bit too long for Twitter, but things I still feel the need to say.
First, I want to talk about my PTSD and why I have it. 
Some people don’t like talking about their trauma. I need to. I don’t enjoy talking about it, but it does make me feel freer when I do. It gets it out of my head and off my chest, so to speak. And that helps me.
This post may not be pretty but it’s not supposed to be. The stuff I’m going to share is all very raw and rough, so its delivery will reflect that.
*deep breath* 
I’ll start from the beginning, I guess.
From the time I was small, my father beat my mother. Often, he did this in front of me. My mom left my father with me in tow after sixteen months of marriage, and they were divorced shortly after. I still remember him coming after us with a knife when I was a baby. I remember times when I’d hide behind the toilet and refuse to let anyone touch me. I remember screaming at the top of my lungs because I was scared to death and that terrified energy had nowhere else to go.
When they divorced, my father was awarded partial custody of me by the state. God knows how a man with multiple convictions of DV and drug possession could get partial custody, but whatever. He did.
During his visitation weekends, he would often: hit me, swear at me, call me names, hit me with a belt or other objects, hit my dogs, break my things, withhold medical care (I once broke my foot under his care, and he refused to take me to a hospital), didn’t feed me (I taught myself to cook at 5 years old because of this, though he’d get angry if I tried to feed myself on the days when he wouldn’t).
And when he’d get new girlfriends, he’d beat them, too (again, in front of me). I remember one night, my dad was mad at his long-time girlfriend (they were off and on for most of my childhood) for one thing or another, and he slammed her hand in a door and broke it. I was in the next room, and I still remember her screams and the mangled mess he’d made of her hand. She filed a police report against him, and he went to jail for that.
I believe he’d been to jail quite a few times by the time I came into the world. When I was a kid, I remember him being incarcerated three separate occasions. I’m pretty sure two of those three were for domestic violence, the other for drugs. Or perhaps vice versa. I’m not sure, but his buddy would always bail his sorry, stupid ass out. Even as a kid, I remember hating that buddy, and wishing my father would stay incarcerated until I turned eighteen. At least then, I wouldn’t have had to see him.
Yeah, so, about the drugs... My dad’s drug of choice was meth. Or, well, his buddies referred to it by its street name, aka “crank”. He smoked it, sometimes around me. It smelled like sweat, cat piss, and cookies, in case you wondered. Now, meth has a rep for being one of the worst drugs on the market, with good reason.
First, there’s the rush. The person will wig the fuck out, but at least they’re “happy”-ish
 It’s mania to the extreme. If depression is a low, then meth is high, HIGH, H I G H. Some people gouge their eyes out, others talk seven miles a minute and make you watch Alex Jones and read Andrew Anglin (yeah, my father was a keeper). He was never quite “gouge out his eyeballs” bad, but I do remember some weird manic shit (he once hooked a package of hamburger meat to some jumper cables from his car because the government had supposedly installed nanotechnology in this particular package of meat to spy on him).
Then would come the downward spiral when the rush began to fade. His mania would very quickly shift to irritability, anger, paranoia, and he would threaten to (or actually) beat the shit out of me for “looking at him wrong”. Or he’d threaten to kill himself if I did something he didn’t like. Or he’d threaten to drive us off a cliff, to kidnap me, or to [insert suggestion here]. Being with someone coming down from a rush is fucking terrifying, to say the least.
Finally, there’s the crash. The user will become so tired, they’ll spend entire days in bed. They don’t eat, they don’t acknowledge their responsibilities, they just kind of lie there like they’re dead for the whole weekend and get upset with you if you ask them to make you food (even though you’re a child and afraid of burning yourself on the stove because you’re not tall enough to actually reach it yet).
Through all this, my mom did pretty much nothing, despite the fact that I told her literally every single weekend that I was scared my father was going to kill me. I implored her to ask for sole custody (the fact that I knew that term at six should’ve been a clue that I knew what I was talking about), but she refused because she was scared of him. I was, too, only I couldn’t do anything about it without her help. CPS was called twice on him, but I wasn’t bruised “enough”. And my mother was too afraid to act, so nothing was done. Though I estranged myself from my father at fifteen, he had partial custody in the state’s eyes until I was eighteen.
Next up, my childhood babysitter, who was a right piece of work. Her children would steal my belongings and then claim they were theirs (I remember this little foam souvenir I got from Seattle that her kids took, and when I went to retrieve it, I was punished). This daycare provider’s methods of punishment were archaic. She and my father would’ve been great friends, I think. This woman would punish us by literally locking us in a 2x2 coat closet for hours at a time. We couldn’t sit, we had to stand. We couldn’t make noise, we had to “think about our actions”. And it was completely dark; even the gap under the door was covered. Now, I was kid who–with my trauma history–acted out a LOT (I mean, daily), so I dare say I likely spent more hours inside that closet than out of it when I was 3 and 4.
Oh, and when she was extra angry, she’d step on our hands or backs.
Yes, that sounds unbelievably barbaric. Her daycare facility was closed down in 1999 or 2000, I think, because a parent threatened to sue (or did sue, I’m not sure).
When I was young, my dad used to leave me with people I didn’t know in our neighborhood, while he
 well, I don’t know what he was doing, but I’m guessing it involved something illicit. Anyway, this one time, when I was six, he left me with a teenage boy who lived across the way (my dad gave him a few dollars to babysit or whatever). And this kid had seemed nice enough. But, part of the way through the day, we rode our bikes down to the local creek to skip rocks. The boy threatened to drown me if I didn’t let him grope me. I’m not proud of this, but I acquiesced. He got mad at me for resisting, and threw me and my bike into the creek. My dad got mad at me for it.
And onto the next trauma, which is definitely in the same vein as the last. I mentally and emotionally cannot handle going into specifics here, but when I was ten, I was raped by a doctor. I was then groped by another doctor when I was eighteen. This is the only chunk of trauma I will keep relatively private, because it remains the most traumatic experience of my life and I just can’t talk about, it other than to acknowledge that it happened and that I’m terrified of doctors as a result.
Last one about my dad, I promise.
My dad would sometimes show up at places where I was (school, out to meals, etc.). These were places he was not supposed to be, mind you, as he wasn’t supposed to see me outside of visitation weekends. Sometimes, he used to threaten to kill himself/ me/ others/ pets with his rifle (the only reason I knew he had a rifle was because he kept threatening to use it). He would physically block my exits, always had to control where I was or who I was with, and liked to grab my wrists to physically restrain me. I mean, he was the epitome of abusive white male. My father is the most vile excuse for a human being that I have ever had the misfortune of knowing.
While we’re talking physical abuse, when I was a kid, I had a scout leader. This one time, when I was fifteen, she was mad at me for “mouthing off” when I refused to do something (a chore, because I’d been doing all the chores and I didn’t think it was fair that I was always working while my peers had all the fun–that was a valid complaint, btw). She got mad, came up on deck of the scout boat, grabbed me hard enough to leave bruises, dragged me down a ladder by the arm, and physically prevented me from going back above deck until I had done the stupid chore.
Because I felt unsafe, I left the program and tried to join another unit. But they turned a blind eye (because that’s scouting in America). I left the program altogether and forfeited all the awards I’d spent multiple years to earn. I failed my junior year of high school because of the resulting period of depression (I also dissociated the entire year of 2012, and don’t remember 99% of that school year).
Throughout all of this, my mother was... I mean, she tried in her way. I believe that. But when I sought comfort or told her I was suicidal, she’d say things like I was annoying or she should’ve aborted me. So, while I’m sure she cared in her way, she didn’t (or couldn’t) be what I needed in a mother. She was often just as angry and unpredictable as my father, though far less violent.
My mom also tends to shut down or change the topic if the current one makes her uncomfortable. She’d often give me the silent treatment as a kid, until I dropped whatever it was we were talking about. Or she’d yell at me/ call me names/ whatever. Unfortunately, many of these conversations had to do with my abuse, so these hurtful things often came during times when she knew I was already vulnerable. While I believe my mother cares and has always cared, she was not able to protect me as a child, and I don’t know if I can make my peace with that. She wasn’t able to be what I needed, and that has weighed on me for most of my life now.
I’ve never really had a safe adult in my life to turn to. I don’t know if anyone can be what I need, but I know I still need it. And that’s a tricky place to be. My therapist has said I should’ve been placed in foster care, and I’ve often thought maybe my life would’ve turned out different—better, even—if I had been. Though, I suppose there’s little point dwelling on this; I will never know, and I’ll have to be okay not knowing. I just wish I had a safe “chosen family” to kind of balance out all the chaos. Like an anchor, I suppose.
I have tried to kill myself three times, the most recent of these attempts in September 2017. I regularly struggle with nightmares, suicidal thoughts, shame, guilt, anger, lying (I tell people I’m fine when I’m not, or that I’m taking better care of myself than I am), trouble focusing, and the list goes on and on. I also curse like a fucking sailor, in case you hadn’t noticed (it’s angry energy that needs a place to go... I’m not punching anybody).
So, that’s why the fuck I have PTSD.
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