#it's been too long and I'm not doing too good
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ddejavvu · 2 days ago
no cause now I'm thinking about Garcia freaking out when Spencer comes to work with a smartphone and asking him what made him finally get one after years of her asking him too and Spence just going bright red and stammering trying to think of a reason that isn't related to your nudes 🤭
part 1
Spencer's text tone is what gives him away, because he's not interested enough in the device to use it for anything other than necessity. But the familiar whistle has everyone digging in their pockets until they see Spencer reaching into his own bag.
"Reid, I don't think it's your landline," Prentiss snickers, checking her own phone to find a blank screen.
"I got a new phone yesterday." Spencer grumbles, "And I keep forgetting to ask Y/N how to turn the sounds off."
Penelope blinks at Spencer owlishly as he retracts a brand new, shiny iPhone from his messenger bag, default background shining especially bright against the dark wood table. She'll tell him later that it's the switch on the left side, but now she gawps, "Spencer, you got a new phone?"
"That's what I said, isn't it?" He already looks mildly annoyed at the teasing, probably because he'd stubbornly stuck to his outdated mobile for so long that his pride has an iPhone-shaped bruise.
"What made you make the change?" Hotch asks, voice gentler but curious all the same.
"Yeah, I've been begging you for, like, years, Reid." Garcia frowns, "Texting me isn't really texting me if I can't send you gifs from the gif keyboard."
"She favors the one of the dancing baby," Rossi drawls, "But I'm sure that's not what Dr. Reid felt compelled to upgrade for."
The notification that's displayed across his screen is a message from you, but that's predictable because he'd adamantly refused to get notifications from anything but text messages and calls. He's still partial to his newspapers, and he won't fill an online grocery cart if he can help it.
'Y/N: Attachment: 1 image'
There's not much he can see from the little thumbnail to the right of the notification, but- it's enough. It's the color of your skin, mostly the color of your skin, with splashes of red in between. He knows he can't open it now, and he wishes he had just a little more experience with situations like this so that he could maintain some composure.
"Uhm," He starts, cheeks most likely bright pink, "I don't know, I just- I just thought it was time, probably. Y/N says she didn't like that my messages were green."
"Oh, it's Y/N," Morgan croons, and JJ consoles Garcia with a sympathetic smile and a pat to the arm.
"Well-! And, and it's good for the GPS, but I do still prefer paper maps," Spencer rambles, "And it's- it's nice to see how many literary-themed emailing lists there are."
"Emailing lists," Morgan scoffs, "Pretty boy, you're signing up for spam. But whatever text has got you blushing there isn't about Shakespeare. Just let me know when you need a lesson in taking your own pictures, m'kay? She doesn't want weird angles or bad lighting, trust me."
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jacktheeldergod2 · 3 days ago
I'm just answering all of this right now
1 Satoru Gojo,Dio Brando
2 both lighters and matches are cool. I don't smoke
3 no
4 I believe that bigfoot sightings were just other primates. There is a confirmed case where a "bigfoot" was an orangutan. Similarly in some places on the world there are primates on cold biomes,there could've been ones with gigantism,making an irl yeti. I also want to believe unicorns existed cause come on. Giraffes are real but horses with a horn/antler and a goat's goatee are too far fetched? Let's not lose hope about that myth
5 my eyes are brown
6 why not?
7 only tried hair ties so them I guess
8 2 water bottles
9 I don't drink coffee it tastes like shit
10 of course
11 masturbation
12 it's a good day
13 like three hours ago when I had breakfast
14 who doesn't?
15 I'm 18 why the fuck would I get someone pregnant or adopt?
16 no I infact hate cars deeply
17 my vision is healthy
18 keratine gel thingy
19 I can try but I ain't done it before
20 soda
21 I didn't have that. The host of the body died and I'm a replacement. I was born when this body was 12,I've never known childhood
22 angry and only comfortable when with loved ones or alone. Bit of a shut-in really. If you mean philosophically,I am a hedonist
23 love chilly weather
24 depends on who the person that would send this ask would be. Either talking to the and drinking,doing the person,or throwing the person off the roof to keep the alcohol to myself
25 no. Use deodorant but that's it
26 murdering someone. Many people,many times,many situations,multiple times each
27 like 2.5 hours
28 in what context? If I'm sick yes ig but this question is vague as fuck
29 boiling
30 yeah
31 who wants to be kept grounded? Being grounded in reality is painful
32 no
33 trying to not beat one of my classmates to death. The daily struggle
34 I'm not sure probably not
35 somewhere in greece
36 once here once on discord
37 I haven't been the host of this body that long,before me was Constantine. So that's impossible
38 I dunno lavender?
39 I tear of my lip skin everytime it regrows,I'm not using lip balm. It'd probably infect the half regrown lip skin
40 no
41 I don't
42 the godforsaken chatroom
43 nice
44 all political leaders. Everywhere. Trump first
45 partially
46 the grinch
47 I dunno
48 like 4 years ago
49 no
50 yes. This goes for everyone
here’s weirder asks
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
lighter or matches?
do you leave the window open at night?
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
what color are your eyes?
why did you do that?
hair-ties or scrunchies?
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
would you slaughter the rich?
favorite extracurricular activity?
what kind of day is it?
when was the last time you ate?
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
can you drive?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
what hair products do you use?
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
do you say soda or pop?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
what type of person are you?
how do you feel about chilly weather?
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
perfume/body spray or lotion?
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
do you wear a mask?
how do you like your shower water?
is there dishes in your room?
what type of music keeps you grounded?
do you have a favorite towel?
the last adventure you’ve been on?
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
what’s your timezone?
how many times have you changed your url?
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
a soap bar that smells good?
do you use lip balm?
did you have any snacks today?
how do you take your coffee?
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
what’s your take on spicy foods?
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
can you remember what happened yesterday?
favorite holiday film?
what was the last message you sent?
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
can you skip rocks?
can i tag you in random stuff?
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alllgator-blood · 2 days ago
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GET SHAMURA'D @eliza-forget
I've wanted to draw your mura design for a long time, but I never got around to it til recently. I think you were my first mutual on here so I'm surprised it took this long, but HERE THEY ARE. I HOPE I DID THEM JUSTICE?? It is time for River's Top 3 Favorite Parts of Your Shamura Design:
The face for sure, I really dig the mask kinda look their face has, I have a pet tarantula and her face is also a big mask-type structure that comes off in one piece when she molts. But it's still like their ACTUAL FACE which makes it cooler than a mask.
THE HAIR?? C'MON. I had to dedicate a corner to just putting silly accessories in their hair. Idk if their hair quite counts as an enby mullet but that's what I've been calling it in my head lmao
How do I say I think their paws are really cute without sounding like a freak. Spider paws are just like cute by default c'mon. That's the #1 way to win my heart with a shamura design, making them scary as fuck but having random cute features snuck in. SO GOOD.
Was gonna draw them interacting with my pre-injury buff shamura because I think those two would hit it off, but I thought it'd funnier if I picked my skrunkly ancient version of them instead. The contrast of seeing like the scariest fuckin spider demon ever holding a wet noodle of a creature was too good to resist.
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rotagnus · 3 days ago
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how does this person feel about you?
can be asked about platonic/romantic bonds--but this person should be one you have interacted with at least once. doesn't apply to celebrities or people who don't know an ounce about your existence, sorry baby <3
uhhh this will be intuitive. and tarot reading, obviously. you can ask this for multiple people and pick different piles--if it doesn't resonate, don't force it to. a tarot reader cannot resonate for the whole population of tumblr pac enthusiasts!! :) i generally advise asking this about someone near your age, not figures who have an imbalance with you.
(it's a great time to be a ufc and frank ocean fan guys...)
pile 1.
this person has done a lot of growth in their life. for most, you'll know what i'm talking about--they may have gone through deep troubles in their life that left their soul mottled with burns and pains. yet they still keep a cheery face, bold and bright in this vast galaxy. a lot of them give off fire sign energy; particularly noticeable in a crowd. the kind of person who you'd know would smile at you if they saw you in a hallway. they suck at hiding their feelings.
okay, so right off the bat, they think you're way ahead of them in life. you may be older by a bit, or you simply exude a more commanding presence. they may be rebellious and do stupid things, and you're always the one who's like 'no, that's a bad idea'. you guys are like those pairings in old animated films, where the guy is kinda stupid and the girl is always like no bro what the hell are you doing. you may be particularly good academically is what i'm hearing, and a lot of you also kind of look diplomatic and smart. you may wear glasses and present yourself in a rather formal manner.
you, for them, possess a very strong radiance. they see you as well-versed in your feminine energy, and they like this. i can't really read what they feel about you, whether it's platonic or romantic; if you're friends with this person, that bond is appreciated greatly. they value you and trust you and know that you're a person they can lean on. i think this bond could last a life-time if you treat it right. a lot of you may live in apartments and MAY be roommates with the person you asked about. if you're looking for advice on what to do, i would say just go with the flow. humans live for a long time for a reason. take that as you may.
pile 2.
whoever this person is, i just want you to know that they see you. i'm not even sure in what way, but they do ☠️☠️. which can be good or bad. so be wary of that. okay, now they DEFINITELY see you, they're onto you...they're not quite sure what they're onto, but they see it. several eyes in these cards. anyways, this person is kind of on the darker side--alternative, dark-featured, or has simply been through it in life. they see themselves as a lone wolf...some of them may have brainrot humor, guys...they see themselves as self-righteous. they're probably the kind of person to try to be mysterious and end up falling over. endearing, though.
i'm not sure how well you conduct yourself in front of this person, but you're a mystery to them. always changing...you kind of make them, change, too. you don't realize it but you're a very hot and cold person, and some of you may have pushed this person away in the past (advertently or inadvertently). they know that you've struggled in the past, too, which can forge a sense of kinship OR a sense of distrust. they have some regrets towards you. you guys are very similar in certain ways, in the best ways, i'm hearing. they feel like they can be free around you, but also, are generally very distrusting so don't be surprised if they put up a cold front around you.
a lot of you scare the FUCK out of this person God help me. you're so positive and you're kind of...a catalyst for change in this person's life, and this scares them. they'll still be in their old habits, but they'll be thinking about you and how you change and grow and keep your chin up despite the odds. you're the STAR, literally, with this card. they want to be empathetic to you, listen to your woes, just be in your life. but they're scared. they're not a very...people person? they're scared that this is all temporary, in their life, and that you'll fade away. the magician fell out; i think that this will all come down soon, but you gotta stop focusing on this person. i am here to tell you that while they are worried about this situation, they are NOT going as nuts over it as you are. they care. promise. pinkie promise, in fact. but you overthink it. for most, this is romantic; crushes aren't supposed to be all-consuming. space out, a little; focus on something else for a while. it'll all come on God's timing.
pile 3.
this person is very sensual. they're very observant and on the quieter side, for a lot of you. i'm guessing that a lot of you aren't very close to them, particularly because they seem to be extremely selective with what they let into their life. they're suspicious of almost everything and everyone, and kind of come off unhinged and like the hermit. they seem very hurt, though. they're the kind of person who's eyes just look...aged beyond their years, carrying heavy, heavy weights. they seem like they need a hug, whoever they are.
they see you as a very strong person. you're the kind of person who acts like those silly characters in tv shows do, in front of a person they idolize. the type of person who'd flex in front of their crush or try to show off. LMAOOO you're so sweet. whatever you're trying to appear as to your person is working. they think you're the star...pile 2 may resonate for you too, as a lot of the same cards are popping up. however, this person thinks that you might hate them. TUN TUN TUN...you have terrible rbf, baby, and you're also not the most friendly person. you kind of come off as cold and distant towards most people, in a way that's different than this person you're asking about. they're quiet, but not your kind of quiet.
they think that this situation is very fragile. whatever they feel for you is a very friable impression they have. yeah, they think you're a cool person, but they don't know nothing about you. you're idealized in their head and this person is extremely self-aware and recognizes that. they may have gone through worse things than you (this doesn't undermine your own struggles, my love!!) and be more apprehensive. even if they're trying to open up, it may not work, and you may have to let go. they are on their own journey, and if you really REALLY want this person in your life, you'll have to watch them take their baby steps, bit by bit. examine what you want out of your life; if they lag behind, you may have to leave them there.
pile 4.
this person is probably rather tall and have lighter features, i think, compared to you. this person is very...spontaneous and sudden, restless even. they may deal with anxiety, social anxiety particularly, but they're the kind of person who still has a widespread social circle, but has panic attacks in locker rooms and closets. they're warm but also distant. why are them and pile 3's person so sad? you guys, check up on this person. they also have a strong sense of justice, most likely because they've seen their fair share of injustice. they have a very strong bond with their family, and they put their blood over their friends.
right of the bat, i can sense they have positive feelings about you. they think that you have a strong sense of justice just like them. you're a fighter, too. they may have tragedized you in their head, a little bit. they've got a very poetic heart, what can i say. but at the same time, they view you as a delicate creature. friable. they don't want to say the wrong thing around you. you seem like you shatter very easily, because you're very sensitive and observant to your surroundings. it's not in a bad way, but when you're near them, they can intuitively sense that you're noticing every. single. thing. that's going on around you. you might have anxiety, too.
okay, so lucky for you, i think that they don't have any bad feelings for you. they view you as a very...happy-go-lucky person, let's say. very bright minded, like a golden retriever!! at the same time, they want to know you better, so they can evaluate these feelings by themselves. they're not particularly sure if they've idealized you in their head, or if you're really what they're seeing. but the ball is in their court, and they can decide this for themselves. if you guys are friends, this will be good. if not, you should become friends.
pile 5.
this is a masculine energy for most of you asking. for a lot, they push themselves to the brink of failure--may be a gym rat, an academic junkie, or simply someone who has no where else to pour their energy into but this specific hobby. they're rather smart in many walks of life, but not emotionally. they don't let themselves feel emotions. they have problems with masculine figures in their life, many who have pronounced them weak for showing a teensy bit of feelings. right of the bat, you should be careful with this person--honey, you're a pure soul, and i don't want you getting hurt by someone who's destroying anything they touch because they're scared themselves.
they think you're very beautiful, but for those of the masculine energies that are extremely religious, they may view you as bait from God to mess up. they feel as if they're still on their journey and that they can't possibly get into this friendship, this relationship, when they still have SO much to learn. they think you're incredibly smart; although you are probably not as tied to their specific faith as they are, they still admire how strongly you believe in things. you have a remarkable belief in the goodness of humanity, and they love this quality of yours.
a lot of them will experience an ending of a cycle soon. this will bring them an ego death and they'll have a lot of realizations, some about general things like how they view relationships and how they view friendships. i don't think you interact with this person on the daily, and the next time you see them, i think they'll have a different opinion of you than they do now. i don't know if this is positive, but here's my two cents; if they're good to you then, keep them. it means this change has been good. if they're bad...honey, you're everything to someone. go and find that someone instead of chasing this person.
pile 6.
this person has some feminine energy, which for a lot of you who are asking about men is good; some of you may have issues with energies that are too masculine, and you and this person can forge a good bond. they have...a very naive sense of the world, despite seeing people hurt their whole life. they haven't been on the receiving end of pain very much, but they have a bit, so they know how bad it can be. they have a lot of respect towards people, and they are selfless and willing to help others with a steady hand. that's why you like them; because of their stability. however, they think themselves a coward, and they feel like they have a debt; so they try to be a better person. i'm listening to seigfried by frank ocean.
for a lot of you, this person wants to help you. they've firsthand seen how you were struggling, and they have pure intentions towards you, but this may not be on a particular personal note; they think themselves a martyr, which can be a good or bad thing. they'd give it all to help someone, anyone, you. they wouldn't be against developing a connection to you, though, but i would be wary if you're asking for romance. they...aren't exactly in the right headspace for that, and i know eventually they'll get out of it, but i don't want you waiting, either, sweetheart.
you guys can be man-eaters, which kind of makes this person go like uhh 😕😕😬😬...they have some trouble with feminine energies. their mom may have been a bit violent or emotionally manipulative, and even if that'd be to a small extent, it's enough for them to be hesitant. they're dog-loyal, but in order to do anything for a person, they have to have a deep connection to them. their love for the people in their life runs strong, but in order for this to happen. you have to bond. make sure there are no blockages, with you, either. you are on your journey, and i think you guys have potential to grow together--but still. be wary of faltering in your steps.
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mcrdvcks · 1 day ago
needy pt.1
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chapter summary: You're Scott's younger sister and for months you've been secretly dating Logan. How much longer can you and him keep the secret?
word count: 8.3k+ (19.3k+ total)
pairing: Logan Howlett x fem!reader
notes: don't ask how or why this is so long, it was meant to be be less than 10k words but it just kept going. i was having a lot of fun writing this, and if people want to see a continuation or some other part of the story with these two, don't be afraid to ask! for now, enjoy cause there are like 3 smut scenes
there are two parts! tumblr has a word limit so i had to split it up!
warnings/tags: smut, unprotected piv, slight exhibitionism, slight pain kink, creampie, age gap (that's obvi), oral (f!receiving), slight praise kink, fingering, secret relationship, jealously, some possessiveness, peter maximoff being a little shit, fluff, slight angst
❀ part 2 ❀
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“That’s it sweetheart.” Logan drawled, his body hovering over yours while slowly thrusting into you. “Doin’ so good for me.”
Your hands clawed at his shoulders, nail indents healing immediately.
Logan let out a low, rough chuckle against your throat. "Feisty, huh?" His voice was thick with heat, lips dragging along your pulse as he thrust deeper. "Go on, doll, mark me up all you want. Ain't like it'll stick—but I like feelin' you try."
Your breath hitched, legs tightening around his waist. "Shut up and move, Logan."
His smirk was all teeth. "Bossy." But he gave you what you wanted, picking up the pace, the bed rocking under both of you.
Knock. Knock.
Your body stiffened instantly. Logan froze too, just for a second, before his head snapped toward the door.
Your stomach flipped. Logan's grip on your hip tightened. "You've gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me," he muttered under his breath.
"Shut up," you hissed, slapping a hand over his mouth. He raised an eyebrow at you, clearly amused despite the situation.
Scott knocked again. "You in there?"
You scrambled for an excuse, trying to keep your voice normal. "Uh—yeah! What do you want?"
Logan leaned in, lips brushing your ear as he whispered, "Think he knows his baby sister's gettin' fucked dumb by the big bad Wolverine?"
You smacked his shoulder. "You're not helping."
Scott sighed on the other side of the door. "Jean said you weren’t in your room, and you missed training this morning. You okay?"
Shit. "Yeah! I'm fine! I just—I was asleep."
Logan stifled a laugh against your neck. "Not a total lie," he murmured, nipping at your jaw.
You shoved at his chest. "Stop it," you mouthed.
Scott hesitated. "You sure?"
Logan's hips rolled, and you barely bit back a moan. "Positive," you choked out. "Just… tired. Can we talk later?"
A pause. Then: "Alright. Just checkin'." His footsteps retreated down the hall.
Logan didn’t wait. The second Scott’s footsteps faded down the hall, he was back on you—mouth hot, breath rough, hands greedy.
"You shoulda heard yourself," he murmured, lips dragging along your jaw. "Tryin’ to sound all innocent when I got you stuffed full like this."
Your nails dug into his back again, legs still locked tight around his waist. "And whose fault is that?"
His smirk was downright filthy. "Mine. And I ain't even a little sorry."
He moved again—slow, deep thrusts that had you gasping against his shoulder. You bit down on his skin, just to keep quiet, and he groaned low in his chest. "Fuck, doll, do that again."
You did, dragging your teeth over his collarbone, then licking over the mark like an apology. His pace stuttered for half a second before he pressed you deeper into the mattress, forearm braced next to your head.
"You wanna play dirty, huh?" His voice was a growl now, rough as gravel. "You're gonna be real sorry 'bout that."
And then he set a punishing rhythm—hips slamming into yours, his body pressed so tight to you that you could feel the heat of him everywhere.
You couldn't think, couldn't breathe. Every drag, every thrust had you unraveling under him, nails clawing at his arms, his back, his shoulders—anything to ground yourself.
"Logan," you gasped.
He groaned, burying his face in your neck. "Yeah, sweetheart, I know. I got you."
His breath was hot against your skin, his weight solid, grounding. But there was nothing slow or sweet about the way he moved now—his hips drove into yours with an intensity that made your nails sink even deeper into his back.
"Fuck, Logan," you gasped, your voice barely above a whisper.
He chuckled, rough and dark. "S'what I like to hear," he muttered, dragging his teeth along the side of your throat. "All those little noises—only I get to hear ‘em, huh?"
Your fingers tangled in his hair, yanking just enough to make him grunt. "Maybe if you'd shut up and—oh, shit—keep going—"
Logan didn't need more encouragement. He pressed you further into the mattress, keeping you pinned beneath him, his pace relentless. Every roll of his hips sent a sharp, toe-curling heat through you, your pulse thudding loud in your ears.
Then—his mouth was at your ear again. "You still think Scott bought that bullshit excuse?"
Your stomach tightened, pleasure warring with panic. "Shut up," you hissed.
His smirk was pure sin. "Nah. Kinda fun knowin’ he was just outside while I had you like this—"
"Logan," you warned, biting back a moan.
He just hummed like the idea amused him. "Bet he'd lose his fuckin’ mind if he knew, huh? His sweet, innocent baby sister—" His hips slammed into yours, forcing out a sharp, breathless gasp. "—gettin' wrecked by the guy he hates most."
You slapped a hand over his mouth again, eyes flashing. "Do you want us to get caught?"
Logan just huffed against your palm, but his eyes burned with something darker. Amused. Possessive. A challenge.
Then, just as quickly, he shifted, dragging your hand away and pinning it above your head, his fingers laced through yours. "Nah, I like keepin’ you all to myself," he murmured against your lips before claiming them in a kiss—deep, messy, all tongue and teeth and heat.
The knock at the door had long since faded into silence, but the risk still lingered—your brother was right there, just down the hall. The thought alone made something coil tighter in your gut.
"Logan," you whispered, half warning, half plea.
"Shh," he muttered, his free hand slipping down your body, gripping tight at your waist as he drove into you again. "Just focus on me, sweetheart. Nothin’ else matters."
And for now, with his body pressing you deeper into the sheets, his breath ragged against your skin, and his hands branding you in ways that would never fade—he was right.
Dinner was already a disaster, and you hadn’t even sat down yet. Scott was in full big-brother mode, still eyeing you like he wasn’t convinced by your excuse from earlier. Jean had that look too—like she could hear your heart rate spike every time Scott brought it up. And Rogue? She was the worst of them all, smirking every time you so much as shifted in your seat.
“So,” Scott started, arms crossed as he leaned against the kitchen counter. “You sure you’re okay?”
You grabbed a plate, keeping your expression neutral. “Yeah, Scott. Just tired. I overslept.”
Scott frowned, clearly skeptical. “You never oversleep.”
Rogue snorted into her drink. “Maybe she had a long night,” she said innocently, then flicked her gaze toward you with way too much amusement.
Your stomach dropped. You shot her a glare, but she just smirked over the rim of her cup.
“Long night doing what?” Scott asked.
Jean sighed. “Scott.”
“No, seriously. She missed training. That’s not like her.”
“Maybe she was busy,” Rogue said, taking a slow sip. “Real busy.”
You swore you were going to kill her. Right here. At the dinner table.
Scott’s frown deepened. “Doing what?”
Before Rogue could dig your grave any deeper, Logan walked in like he owned the place, rolling his shoulders and grabbing a beer from the fridge. He barely spared you a glance, but you knew he was enjoying this way too much.
“Doin’ what, Summers?” Logan popped the cap off the bottle and took a swig, looking entirely unbothered.
Scott gestured toward you. “She missed training this morning. Said she was sleeping, but she never oversleeps.”
Logan shrugged. “Guess she needed it.”
Scott narrowed his eyes. “You don’t think that’s weird?”
Logan leaned against the counter, looking unimpressed. “What’s weird is you interrogatin’ her like she committed a crime.”
Rogue let out a cough that sounded a hell of a lot like a laugh.
Jean, who had been watching the entire thing unfold, finally spoke up. “Scott, drop it. If she says she was tired, she was tired.”
Scott exhaled sharply, clearly still unconvinced but finally letting it go. “Fine.” He grabbed his plate and moved to sit down.
Logan smirked over the rim of his beer before taking another sip. You didn’t even have to look at him to know exactly what was going through his head.
As soon as Scott turned away, Rogue leaned over and muttered under her breath, “You’re lucky Jean shut him up.”
You kicked her under the table. She just grinned.
Later that night you were in your bedroom reading a book when someone knocked on your door. “It’s open!” you called out. You knew it wouldn’t be Logan, not when it was only 9 pm.
Rogue plopped down beside you, stretching her legs out and giving you a shit-eating grin.
"So," she drawled, nudging your shoulder. "How's your nap?"
You groaned, already regretting not locking your door. "Not you too."
"Oh, especially me," she said, grinning. "C'mon, sugar, I deserve some details after helpin’ cover your ass at dinner."
You shot her a glare. "You almost got me caught."
"Please," she scoffed. "Scott's dense as hell when it comes to you. If Jean weren’t there, he’d still be tryin’ to figure out what was ‘off’ about you today." She smirked. "Meanwhile, I know exactly what was off."
You grabbed a pillow and smacked her with it. Rogue just laughed. "Hey, I ain't judgin’! I just think it’s funny how not subtle you two are."
You gave her a look. "We are subtle."
"Uh-huh. Sure," she said, rolling her eyes. "So subtle that I had to watch Logan barely contain his smug-ass smirk at dinner. You realize you got played, right? Scott started pushin’, and Logan shut it down in, like, two sentences."
You frowned. "That wasn’t playing me—that was helping me."
Rogue snorted. "Girl, Logan lives for this. He’s gettin’ off on the fact that he’s sneakin’ around with Scott Summers' baby sister."
You opened your mouth, then closed it. You hated that she was probably right.
Rogue grinned. "Bet he’s got a real nice ego boost right now."
You sighed, flopping back against your pillows. "I hate you."
"No, you don't," she said cheerfully. "But you do love makin’ bad decisions."
"Logan is not a bad decision." She raised an eyebrow. You crossed your arms. "He’s not."
Rogue just smirked. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, sugar."
You groaned. "Are you done?"
"Not even close," she said, kicking her feet up on your bed. "But I’ll give you a break—for now."
"Gee, thanks."
She chuckled, then eyed you for a moment before her smirk softened just a little. "You really like him, huh?"
You hesitated for half a second before nodding. "Yeah. I do."
Rogue nodded, like she already knew. "Then I guess I’ll keep coverin’ for you."
You smiled. "Thanks."
"Don’t thank me yet," she said, grinning. "If you two do get caught, I wanna be front row for Scott’s meltdown."
A few nights later, you barely made it two steps into your room before a rough hand grabbed your wrist and yanked you inside. The door shut behind you with a quiet click.
“Jesus—Logan!” You turned, ready to shove him off, but the moment you saw the look in his eyes, your stomach flipped.
His hands were already on your waist, pushing you back until your spine hit the door. His body was flush against yours, heat radiating from him.
“You’ve been drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy all day,” he muttered, voice low, rough. His fingers dug into your hips, holding you in place like he needed to. “Sittin’ across from me at dinner, actin’ all innocent, while I’m still thinkin’ ‘bout the way you came on my cock the other night.”
Your breath hitched, pulse spiking. “Logan—”
“Could barely keep my hands to myself,” he murmured, lips brushing your jaw, your throat. “You think Scott noticed how damn quiet I was?”
You swallowed hard, hands clutching at his arms. “You were quiet?”
Logan chuckled against your skin. “See? You weren’t payin’ attention either.” He pressed closer, one thigh slotting between yours, and you felt him—hot, hard, ready.
“Logan,” you breathed, your fingers twisting in his shirt.
“Yeah, sweetheart?” His lips brushed your ear, teasing. “Tell me what you want.”
A sharp knock made you both freeze. Again? Your stomach dropped as Logan exhaled sharply, muttering a curse under his breath.
“Y/N?” Scott’s voice.
You shut your eyes, biting back a groan. Logan’s forehead dropped against your shoulder, his whole body tense.
“You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me,” he whispered.
You shoved at his chest, mouthing move. He just smirked, staying right where he was.
Scott knocked again. “You in there?”
Logan's smirk widened, eyes gleaming with something smug. You cleared your throat, forcing your voice to sound normal. “Yeah, I’m here.”
“Open up.”
Panic shot through you. Logan just raised an eyebrow, amused. You shoved at his chest harder, whispering, “hide.”
He grinned. “No.”
Your glare was sharp. “Logan.”
He sighed, rolling his eyes before finally stepping back. “Fine.” He moved toward your closet, muttering, “This is fuckin’ humiliatin’,” under his breath.
You didn’t have time to argue. The moment he was out of sight, you exhaled hard and cracked the door open.
Scott frowned down at you. “Why’d that take so long?”
You forced a casual shrug. “I was getting ready for bed.”
Scott squinted at you, then looked over your shoulder, like he expected to find some kind of evidence of your lies. “You sure?”
Your heart pounded. “Yes, Scott,” you huffed, crossing your arms. “Why are you here?”
Scott still looked unconvinced, but finally said, “I wanted to see if you wanted to train in the morning. Just us.”
You blinked. “Uh… sure?”
“Cool. Early morning session. Don’t be late.” He gave you another suspicious look before stepping back. “Night, Y/N.”
You gave him the fakest smile you could muster. “Night.”
The second the door shut, Logan was out of the closet, shaking his head. “You owe me for that.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, poor you. Hiding for thirty seconds.”
He stepped close again, hands sliding back onto your waist. “Not the hidin’ part that pissed me off,” he muttered, pressing his mouth to your throat. “It’s the part where I didn’t get to finish what I started.”
Heat curled in your stomach. “Then finish it,” you whispered.
Logan’s grip tightened, fingers digging into your waist as he pressed you back against the door, his body flush against yours. Heat radiated off him in waves, thick and consuming.
"Thought you'd never ask," he murmured, his voice all gravel and dark amusement. His lips traced a slow path along your jaw before dragging down to your throat, teeth grazing sensitive skin.
Your fingers curled into his shirt, desperate to hold onto something as his hands moved—one sliding up your side, under your shirt, rough fingers splaying against bare skin. You sucked in a sharp breath as he pressed his thigh between yours, the pressure making your head spin.
"You were teasin' me all damn day," he muttered against your skin. "All wide eyes and sweet little smiles like you weren’t sittin’ there with my fuckin’ marks still on you."
Your breath hitched. His teeth caught on the spot where your shoulder met your neck, biting just enough to make you gasp. "Not my fault you left them," you whispered, your own hands slipping under his shirt, tracing over the hard muscle of his stomach.
Logan chuckled—low, dangerous. "Oh, it was on purpose, sweetheart. Wanted you rememberin' exactly where my mouth was."
His lips skimmed your jaw, his stubble scraping your skin as he worked his way lower, pressing open-mouthed kisses along the line of your throat. His hands were firm, fingers digging into your waist, holding you against him like he needed you there.
"You should've finished before Scott interrupted," you muttered, breathless, trying to keep some semblance of control.
Logan chuckled against your skin, the vibration sending a shiver down your spine. "Sweetheart, you really think I’m the kinda guy to rush this?" His teeth scraped over the sensitive spot just beneath your ear. "Nah. You started this game, now you gotta deal with the consequences."
His hands moved—one slipping beneath your shirt, fingers splaying across your ribs, rough and warm. The other slid lower, down the curve of your hip, before gripping the back of your thigh and hauling it up against his side. The movement sent you pressing closer, heat meeting heat, and you gasped.
"You feel that?" His voice was a low growl. "Been hard all damn day because of you."
Your fingers curled into his shirt, pulling him even closer. "Then do something about it."
His smirk was pure arrogance. "Oh, you got some fire tonight, huh?" His hand on your thigh tightened, his other sliding higher beneath your shirt, grazing the underside of your breast. "I like that."
Before you could snap back, he kissed you—hard. No hesitation, no teasing. His lips crashed against yours, his tongue sweeping into your mouth like he was claiming you, like he'd been waiting for this all day. And maybe he had.
Your back hit the door harder as he pressed into you, deepening the kiss, swallowing the quiet moan that slipped from your throat. His hands were everywhere—roaming, gripping, pulling.
Then, with no warning, he lifted you. You gasped against his lips, legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he turned, carrying you toward the bed like you weighed nothing.
"You just gonna manhandle me now?" you teased, breathless.
Logan smirked, dropping you onto the mattress with a bounce. "Damn right I am."
Before you could recover, he was on you—hands braced on either side of your head, knee pressing between your thighs. His lips were back on yours, insistent, hungry. He kissed like he fought—relentless, determined, and utterly in control.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, nails scraping lightly against his scalp, and the growl he let out sent heat pooling low in your stomach.
His fingers slipped beneath your shirt, dragging it up, his knuckles grazing heated skin as he peeled it over your head. The second it was gone, his mouth was everywhere—kissing, nipping, sucking at the newly exposed skin like he had something to prove.
"Logan—" Your voice hitched as his teeth scraped over your collarbone.
"Shh," he murmured against your skin, lips moving lower. "Let me enjoy this."
His hands found the waistband of your pants, tugging them down with far too much ease, his lips still moving, still teasing. You barely had time to process the cool air against your skin before his hands were on your thighs, spreading you open.
He looked up at you, eyes dark, heated, hungry. "You are gonna be real quiet for me, right?" His voice was nothing but rough gravel and amusement. "Wouldn't want your brother to come knockin' again."
You should've had a smart-ass response ready, but the moment his mouth was on you, your brain short-circuited. A sharp gasp tore from your throat as his tongue dragged slow and deliberate, a teasing flick before he sealed his lips around you and sucked. Your fingers shot to his hair, tangling in the thick mess, your back arching off the bed before you even realized it.
He growled against you, the vibration sending a shock straight through your system. His grip on your thighs tightened, holding you open, keeping you exactly where he wanted you.
"Quiet, sweetheart," he murmured, dragging his mouth away just enough to speak. His lips were slick, his voice dark with amusement.
You clenched your jaw, the reminder making your face burn—but not enough to stop you from tugging his hair, shoving him back down where he belonged. Logan chuckled, but didn’t argue.
He buried himself between your thighs again, tongue pressing, curling, teasing. Every flick sent heat pooling deep in your stomach, every slow, deliberate movement dragging you higher and higher, the tension coiling tight.
Your breathing turned uneven, fingers clutching at the sheets. "Logan," you gasped, your thighs threatening to clamp shut.
He didn’t let you. His hands flexed, holding you open as he devoured you, his pace slow and maddening, like he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
"You’re close," he muttered, voice muffled against your skin. He pressed a kiss right where you needed him most, almost gentle. "I can feel it."
You bit down hard on your lip, refusing to give him the satisfaction of begging. But Logan had other plans. He sucked, hard and sudden, and your whole body jerked.
A sharp cry broke from your throat, your hands flying to muffle yourself as heat crashed through you. The tension snapped, pleasure rolling through you in shuddering waves, your body trembling beneath his hold.
He groaned against you, like he was savoring every second, like he lived for this.
Only when you finally slumped back against the sheets, breathless and spent, did he pull away, dragging the back of his hand across his mouth.
"Sweetheart," he muttered, his voice thick with heat and satisfaction. "You taste so fuckin’ sweet when you come for me."
Your face burned, but you still shot him a glare. "Cocky."
Logan smirked. "Damn right."
Then he was on you again, lips crashing against yours, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. His body pressed flush against yours, his jeans rough against your bare skin, and—
Yeah. He was still hard as hell.
"You got yours," you murmured against his mouth, reaching between you. "Now let me return the favor."
His breath stuttered as your fingers brushed against the hard length straining behind his zipper, but before you could do anything else, his hand caught your wrist.
"Not yet." His voice was rough, strained. "I need to be inside you first."
Your stomach flipped. He reached down, making quick work of his belt, his jeans, shoving them down just enough. You caught the briefest glimpse of him before he was lining himself up, the heat of him pressing against you.
"Fuck," he groaned as he pushed inside, slow, stretching you open inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt.
Your mouth parted, a soft, breathless moan slipping free at the feeling of him—full, deep, overwhelming in the best way.
Logan shuddered. "You feel so fuckin’ good, doll," he rasped against your ear.
Then he moved. A slow, deliberate pull before thrusting back in, setting a steady, deep rhythm. Every movement sent sparks through your system, your fingers digging into his shoulders, your breath coming in soft gasps.
Logan groaned, forehead dropping to your shoulder. "Fuckin’ hell, I missed this."
You clung to him, your body tightening around him in response. His pace faltered for half a second before he growled—and snapped his hips into you. A sharp cry tore from your throat, and Logan grinned. "That’s what I thought."
Then he really started moving. Deep, rough thrusts, dragging you higher and higher, your nails raking down his back as pleasure coiled tight again, building faster this time.
"I got you," he muttered, voice wrecked. "Come on, sweetheart, let go for me."
You did. The pleasure crashed through you, your body trembling as you came around him, his name falling from your lips in a breathless moan.
Logan groaned, his thrusts turning erratic before he buried himself deep, his whole body tensing as he followed you over the edge.
For a long moment, neither of you moved, just tangled together, catching your breath.
"You’re heavy," you muttered, pushing weakly at his chest.
Logan huffed a laugh but finally rolled onto his side, dragging you with him.
"You love it," he muttered, pressing a lazy kiss to your temple.
You snorted. "You wish."
He just grinned, pulling you closer.
You and Logan rarely have date nights. It was hard to find a quiet, empty space in the mansion that you knew no one was going to go into.
Let alone Scott letting you go out at night, even if you were 25.
But, tonight, you had a way around that. Rogue had already gone out with Bobby to the carnival that was in town which gave you a perfect excuse to leave the mansion.
You walked to the front door and barely put your hand on the doorknob when Scott’s voice rang out.
"Where do you think you're going?"
You froze, forcing yourself to keep your expression neutral before turning around. "Carnival. Rogue and Bobby already went, so I figured I’d go check it out."
Scott crossed his arms, eyeing you suspiciously. "Since when do you like carnivals?"
You shrugged. "Since now." Scott frowned like he was trying to figure out what was off. You didn’t give him a chance to ask more questions. "You gonna let me go, or are we really about to have a whole interrogation over funnel cakes and rigged games?"
Before Scott could answer, Logan came strolling down the hallway, clearly on his way somewhere—until Scott turned to him.
"Logan, drive her."
Logan blinked. "What?"
Scott gestured toward you. "She’s going to the carnival. Drive her."
Your stomach flipped. You had to fight to keep the surprise off your face. This was perfect.
Logan’s expression didn’t change, but you knew him well enough to catch the slight twitch of amusement in his eyes. "Why?"
Scott gave Logan a flat look. "Because I don’t want her going alone."
"I can handle myself," you said quickly.
Scott ignored you, still looking at Logan. "Just drop her off and make sure she actually goes inside. Then pick her up when she’s ready to leave."
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "I’m twenty-five, Scott. Not fifteen."
"And yet, you’re still my little sister," he shot back.
Logan sighed like this whole conversation was exhausting. "Fine. C’mon, kid," he said, jerking his head toward the door.
You clenched your jaw at the nickname, knowing exactly why he used it in front of Scott. But you didn’t argue. Instead, you grabbed your jacket and walked past them, ignoring the smug look Scott gave you like he’d just ensured your safety for the night.
The second you and Logan stepped outside, he let out a low chuckle. "Well, ain’t this convenient?"
You shot him a look. "Don’t be smug."
"Too late."
The drive was quiet at first, just the hum of the engine and the occasional sound of Logan shifting gears. You knew Scott had probably expected Logan to drop you off, watch you go inside, then leave. But instead, Logan was taking the scenic route, driving further away from the carnival.
"You know, if Scott ever finds out about us, he’s gonna kill you," you said, watching the streetlights blur past.
Logan smirked, eyes still on the road. "Nah. He’s gonna try."
You rolled your eyes, but the warmth spreading in your chest betrayed you.
After a few minutes, Logan pulled into a small lot near a bar you both knew was usually quiet on weekdays. He killed the engine and turned to you. "So, what’s the plan, doll? We head in, grab a drink, then pretend you spent the whole night winnin’ stuffed animals?"
You smirked. "Something like that."
Logan leaned in slightly, eyes darkening. "Or… we could skip the drinks and find somethin’ else to do."
Your breath hitched, heart pounding. "Temptin’."
His smirk widened, but he didn’t push. Instead, he just reached for his door handle. "C’mon, let’s make this date look real."
You followed him inside, the warmth of the bar a stark contrast to the cool night air. It wasn’t crowded—just a few regulars, a couple playing pool in the corner, and a bartender who barely looked up as you both walked in.
Logan led you to a booth near the back, out of the way, and slid in across from you.
"So," he drawled, resting his arms on the table, "you gonna let me win you a giant teddy bear later?"
You snorted. "You? Win a carnival game? Please."
His eyes gleamed with amusement. "You doubtin’ me, sweetheart?"
You leaned forward slightly, a teasing smile on your lips. "I’m just saying… those games take skill. Precision. A soft touch. You’re more of a… smash things and ask questions later kind of guy."
Logan chuckled, shaking his head. "You got a real smart mouth, you know that?"
"Yeah, and you love it."
He smirked. "Damn right I do."
The bartender came by, and you both ordered drinks. Logan, of course, got whiskey. You opted for something lighter. As soon as the bartender walked away, Logan reached across the table, taking your hand in his. His thumb brushed over your knuckles, slow and deliberate.
"Been wantin’ to do that all day," he muttered.
Your heart flipped. You curled your fingers around Logan’s, warmth spreading from the simple touch. He never did this at the mansion—not where anyone could see. But here, away from prying eyes, he was different.
"Yeah?" you murmured, teasing, but your voice was softer than you intended.
Logan’s thumb traced lazy circles against your skin. "Yeah." His eyes flicked up, locking onto yours, something unreadable in them. "Kinda hate sneakin’ around all the time."
You swallowed, suddenly hyperaware of the weight behind his words. "I know."
He didn’t push, didn’t say anything else—just held your hand, like that was enough for now. And maybe it was.
The bartender dropped off your drinks, barely sparing either of you a glance. Logan finally let go, but not before giving your fingers one last squeeze.
You picked up your drink, taking a sip. "So, you actually gonna win me that teddy bear later, or were you just talking shit?"
Logan smirked, reaching for his whiskey. "Sweetheart, I ain’t losin’ to a rigged game."
"You sound awfully confident for someone who doesn’t exactly scream ‘hand-eye coordination.’"
Logan huffed a laugh, shaking his head. "You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?"
"You’re the one dating me."
"Yeah, yeah," he muttered, but the smirk tugging at his lips said he didn’t mind one bit.
The two of you sat there, drinking, talking, stealing quick touches when no one was looking. It felt easy—like it was supposed to be like this all the time.
You didn’t know how long you stayed, but eventually, Logan leaned back in the booth, stretching his arms across the seat. "Time to make this date look real."
You raised an eyebrow. "Meaning?"
"Meaning we go to the damn carnival, you let me win somethin’, and we make sure Summers doesn’t think you were out doin’ somethin’ reckless."
You smirked. "Technically, I am."
Logan snorted, throwing some cash on the table before standing up. "C’mon, trouble. Let’s get you a prize."
The carnival was packed, neon lights casting everything in a bright, chaotic glow. The scent of fried food, sugar, and asphalt filled the air, mixing with the hum of laughter and the occasional shriek from a nearby ride.
You walked beside Logan, your fingers grazing his every few steps, but neither of you reached out. Not here.
"Alright, hotshot," you said, stopping in front of a shooting game. "Let’s see if you’re actually as good as you claim."
Logan stepped up to the booth, rolling his shoulders like he was preparing for a fight. "You doubtin’ me?"
You crossed your arms, smirking. "I don’t doubt that you’re good at a lot of things, but precision? Patience? Not exactly your strong suit."
Logan just grunted, dropping some cash onto the counter. The guy running the booth handed him a plastic rifle, looking thoroughly unimpressed.
"You gotta hit all five targets," the guy drawled, popping gum in his mouth. "You miss one, you lose."
Logan spun the rifle in his hand like it was nothing, raising an eyebrow at you. "Watch and learn, sweetheart."
You huffed a laugh, but then—
The first target dropped.
Then the second.
Then the third, fourth, fifth—so fast the guy running the booth barely had time to register it before the last one clattered down.
Logan set the rifle down with a smirk. "Told ya."
You blinked. "Okay. That was… impressive."
"You're damn right it was." He turned to the booth guy, jerking his head toward the line of stuffed animals. "Pick whichever one she wants."
You looked at the rows of plush toys, pretending to think before pointing at the most obnoxious, oversized teddy bear in sight.
Logan’s smirk faltered. "Really?"
"You said I could pick," you reminded him, grinning.
He muttered something under his breath but took the giant bear when the guy handed it over, tossing it at you. "Happy now?"
You hugged the ridiculous thing to your chest. "Very."
Logan shook his head, amusement flickering in his eyes. "You’re gonna be the death of me, doll."
You grinned, looping your arm through his as you walked. "Yeah, but what a way to go."
By the time you got back to the mansion, it was late. The house was mostly quiet, save for the faint murmur of the TV in the common room.
Logan parked in the driveway, shutting off the engine. Neither of you moved right away.
He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. "You know we can’t keep this up forever."
Your chest tightened. "I know."
Silence stretched between you for a beat. Then he spoke, "you worth the trouble, sweetheart?" Logan’s voice was softer, rough in a different way.
You turned to him, meeting his gaze. "You tell me."
His lips twitched, but he didn’t answer. Instead, he reached over, curling a hand around the back of your neck, pulling you in for a slow, deliberate kiss.
It was different from earlier—less teasing, less rushed. Just warm, steady, like he was trying to say something without actually saying it.
When he finally pulled back, his forehead rested against yours for a second before he exhaled and pulled away completely. "Go on. Before Summers comes lookin’."
You rolled your eyes but grabbed the stupidly large teddy bear and climbed out. As you walked inside, you didn’t have to look back to know Logan was watching.
"Jesus, sugar. That’s a big teddy bear," Rogue said, leaning against your doorframe with her arms crossed, smirking.
You flopped onto your bed, the ridiculous oversized bear landing beside you. "Yeah, well, I earned it."
She raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Did you? ‘Cause I got a feelin’ Logan earned it, and you just picked the biggest, most obnoxious thing you could outta spite."
You grinned, not even trying to deny it. "He said I could pick."
Rogue let out a snort and stepped inside, flopping down next to the bear and poking its fluffy face. "So, how was date night with our favorite bad decision?"
"Great, actually," you admitted, hugging a pillow to your chest. "We got drinks, he won me this monstrosity, and Scott still thinks I was eating funnel cake and riding the Ferris wheel all night."
Rogue let out a dramatic sigh. "That boy is so clueless, it’s almost sad." Then she shot you a look. "But you know he’s gonna find out eventually, right?"
Your stomach twisted, but you shrugged. "I know."
She tilted her head. "And?"
"And… we’ll deal with it when we have to."
Rogue studied you for a moment, then smirked. "You’re fallin’ for him."
Your mouth opened, but no words came out. Instead, you grabbed the teddy bear and smacked her in the face with it.
She cackled, shoving it away. "Oh, sugar, you are so screwed."
"Shut up."
"Nah, I love this," she teased. "Big, bad Wolverine gettin’ all soft for little ol’ you. It’s cute."
"He is not—" You stopped yourself, because… yeah. He kind of was. At least with you.
Rogue grinned, smug as hell. "I bet he’s outside your window right now, just sittin’ there, all broody, waitin’ for me to leave so he can sneak in."
You rolled your eyes. "He’s not that predictable."
A faint tap at your window made you both freeze. Rogue's eyes went wide before she burst out laughing, smacking your arm. "No fuckin’ way."
You shot her a glare before pushing off the bed, crossing the room, and pulling the curtain back.
Sure enough, Logan stood outside, arms crossed, eyebrow raised. You cracked the window open just enough to whisper, "Are you serious?"
Logan just smirked. "You gonna let me in, or what?"
Rogue was still laughing behind you. "Oh, sugar, I’m never lettin’ you live this down."
“Where’d you get that necklace?” Jean asked, looking over the rim of her coffee mug.
You barely paused as you stirred sugar into your coffee. "Bought it for myself," you said, keeping your tone casual.
Jean hummed, watching you for a second longer before taking a sip. "It’s nice. Simple."
You nodded, fingers brushing over the small silver Earth pendant. "Yeah. Thought so too."
Across the table, Rogue smirked into her cup but said nothing. You could feel her amusement radiating off of her, but you refused to look at her. If you did, you’d probably give yourself away.
Jean, thankfully, didn’t press. She just shrugged and leaned back in her chair. "Well, good for you. You don’t usually wear jewelry."
You forced a small smile. "Guess I’m changing things up."
Rogue let out a quiet snort. You kicked her under the table.
Jean’s gaze flicked between the two of you, like she was debating whether or not to ask what that was about, but before she could, Scott walked in, yawning as he grabbed a cup of coffee.
"You training today?" he asked you, rubbing a hand over his face.
"Yeah," you said. "After breakfast."
Scott nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. He didn’t seem to notice the way Rogue was still fighting laughter or how Jean kept glancing at your necklace.
You exhaled quietly, focusing on your coffee. Crisis averted. For now.
Later that day, you found Logan in the garage, leaning against his bike, arms crossed as he watched you approach.
"You know," you said, stopping in front of him, "Jean noticed the necklace."
Logan raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? You tell her?"
"Nope," you said, rocking back on your heels. "Said I bought it for myself."
He huffed a quiet laugh. "Smart girl."
You smirked. "I try."
Logan reached out, hooking a finger under the chain and tugging you closer. "Y’could’ve just told her the truth."
You gave him a look. "Oh, sure. ‘Hey Jean, thanks for noticing! My secret boyfriend who my brother would literally kill bought it for me. Cool, right?’"
Logan smirked. "I’d pay to see the look on Summers’ face if you ever actually said that."
You rolled your eyes. "You just wanna see him lose his shit."
"Maybe," he admitted, voice full of amusement.
You sighed, shaking your head. "You are such a menace."
Logan’s grip on the necklace tightened for a second before he let it go, letting his fingers trail lightly over your collarbone. "You still wearin’ it, though."
Your breath hitched slightly at the touch, but you kept your expression neutral. "Yeah. I like it."
His smirk softened, just a little. "Good."
For a second, you just stood there, his fingers still ghosting over your skin, the garage quiet except for the distant hum of voices from the mansion.
"You gonna let me take you somewhere tonight?" Logan asked, tilting his head slightly.
You raised an eyebrow. "Somewhere like…?"
Logan shrugged. "Just a ride. No missions, no Scott breathin’ down your neck. Just us."
Your stomach flipped. You hadn’t had much alone time with him outside of stolen moments in your room or hidden corners of the mansion.
You hesitated for half a second before nodding. "Yeah. Alright."
Logan’s smirk widened. "Good girl."
Your face heated, but you ignored it, turning on your heel before he could say anything else. "I’ll meet you out here at eleven," you called over your shoulder.
"Don’t be late, sweetheart," he said, and you didn’t have to look back to know he was grinning.
The night air was cool against your skin as you stepped off the mansion’s back porch, your pulse quickening with every quiet step. You stuck to the shadows, moving with practiced ease—this wasn’t your first time sneaking out. But it was always a gamble. Always a risk.
Still, that didn’t stop the thrill from curling low in your stomach.
Logan was already waiting by his bike, leaning against it with his arms crossed, cigarette glowing faintly between his fingers. He exhaled, watching you with that familiar smirk—half amused, half something darker.
"Took you long enough," he muttered, flicking the cigar away.
“I said eleven," you shot back, coming to a stop in front of him. "It’s eleven."
Logan glanced at his watch like he didn’t believe you, then shrugged. "Close enough."
You rolled your eyes, but before you could say anything else, he grabbed the helmet from the handlebars and held it out. You hesitated for half a second before taking it, slipping it on as Logan swung a leg over the bike.
"Hop on, doll."
You did, settling in behind him, your arms wrapping around his waist automatically. He was warm, solid beneath your touch, the scent of leather and faint cigar smoke clinging to him.
"You gonna tell me where we're going?" you asked, voice slightly muffled behind the visor.
Logan reached down, gripping your thigh just enough to make you feel it. "Nope."
Your stomach flipped. Before you could push for an answer, the engine roared to life beneath you, and then you were moving—tearing down the quiet backroads, the wind rushing past, the world blurring into streaks of light and shadow.
You didn’t ask again. You just held on tighter.
Logan didn’t stop until you were well outside of town, pulling off onto a secluded dirt path surrounded by thick trees. The headlights cast long shadows against the trunks as he killed the engine. The night settled around you, quiet except for the faint hum of crickets and the cooling tick of the bike.
You pulled off the helmet, shaking out your hair before looking around. "This is either really romantic or the start of a horror movie."
Logan snorted, stepping off the bike. "Guess that depends on your definition of romantic."
You smirked, handing him the helmet as you stood. "So? What’s the plan, tough guy? You bringin’ me out here to bury a body?"
He huffed a laugh. "Nah. Just figured we could use some real privacy for once." He jerked his head toward a break in the trees. "C’mon."
You followed him down a small path, stepping carefully over the uneven ground. After a few minutes, the trees thinned out, revealing a stretch of open sky and a lake shimmering under the moonlight.
Your breath caught for half a second. You hadn't expected this.
Logan glanced at you, catching the look on your face. "Not bad, huh?"
You crossed your arms, pretending to consider. "It’s alright, I guess."
He smirked. "Brat."
You grinned but didn’t argue. Instead, you kicked off your shoes and stepped onto the wooden dock that stretched over the water, feeling the worn planks creak under your weight. Logan followed, hands in his pockets as he leaned against one of the wooden posts.
For a while, neither of you spoke. The air was crisp, the reflection of the stars rippling over the water’s surface. It was quiet. Peaceful. Something you didn’t get much of at the mansion.
Then Logan’s voice broke the silence. "You ever think about leavin’?"
You blinked, turning to him. "What?"
He kept his eyes on the water. "The mansion. The team. All of it."
You frowned. "Why would I?"
Logan let out a breath, running a hand through his hair. "Dunno. Just seems like sometimes you’re tryin’ to be somethin’ you ain’t."
You stared at him, caught off guard. "And what exactly do you think I am?"
Logan’s eyes finally met yours, something unreadable in them. "Someone who don’t belong in a cage. No matter how nice they make it look."
Your stomach twisted. You knew what he meant. The mansion was safe, sure. But it was also rules, expectations, eyes always watching. You’d built a life there. A good one. But was it really yours? Or was it just the one Scott expected you to have?
You swallowed, looking away. "And what about you?"
Logan tilted his head slightly. "What about me?"
"Do you ever think about leaving?" You asked.
A pause. "All the damn time."
Something about the way he said it made your chest ache.
You didn’t know what to say to that. So you didn’t say anything. Instead, you stepped closer, reaching for his hand. Logan let you take it, his fingers curling around yours automatically.
"You don’t have to stay, you know," you murmured. "If you really wanted to go."
Logan exhaled through his nose, shaking his head. "Yeah, doll. I do."
Your throat tightened. You knew what he meant. He wasn’t staying for the team.
He was staying for you.
For a moment, you just stood there, his hand warm in yours, the lake stretching out endless and quiet beneath the stars.
Then, finally, Logan smirked. "This is gettin’ a little too sentimental. You wanna go for a swim or somethin’?"
You snorted, shaking your head. "It’s freezing."
You rolled your eyes. "You go first, tough guy."
Logan didn’t hesitate. He kicked off his boots, shrugged out of his jacket, and before you could even process what was happening—
You gasped as water sprayed onto the dock, the surface rippling wildly where Logan had disappeared. You stared at the disturbance for half a second before Logan popped back up, slicking his hair back with both hands. "Water’s fine."
"You’re a liar," you laughed.
Logan grinned, then suddenly shot out an arm—grabbing your ankle.
Too late.
You yelped as he yanked, throwing you completely off balance. The last thing you saw before you hit the water was his smug, grinning face. The cold was a shock—freezing against your skin, stealing the breath from your lungs as you surfaced, gasping.
"You asshole!" you sputtered, shoving wet hair out of your face.
Logan just laughed, the deep sound echoing across the water. "You deserved it," he said, treading water.
"You’re dead," you threatened, lunging at him.
Logan dodged easily, still grinning. "Gotta catch me first, doll."
Oh, it was on now.
You lunged again, cutting through the water as fast as you could, but Logan was quick—too quick. He moved just out of reach every time, smirking like the smug bastard he was.
"That the best you got?" he taunted, backstroking away like he had all the time in the world.
You narrowed your eyes. "You realize I have powers, right?"
Logan’s smirk widened. "Then use ‘em, sweetheart. Let’s see what you got."
Oh, he was asking for it. You didn’t hesitate. You focused, letting energy pulse through your limbs, giving yourself a boost as you surged forward. Logan’s eyes barely had time to widen before you tackled him, sending both of you under the water.
Bubbles rushed around you, the muffled sound of movement filling your ears as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, dragging him down with you. You knew he could hold his breath longer than you, but you weren’t planning on letting this turn into a real fight.
Instead, you twisted, using the momentum to flip him over so you were the one pinning him, hands braced against his shoulders. Even underwater, his smirk was there—amused, challenging.
You rolled your eyes and pushed off, breaking the surface first.
A second later, Logan popped up in front of you, shaking water from his hair. "Not bad," he admitted, voice rougher than usual from the cold. "Didn’t think you had it in you."
"Yeah, well, you underestimate me a lot," you shot back, treading water.
Logan’s smirk softened just a little. "Never."
Your breath hitched, pulse stuttering for a second, but before you could dwell on it, Logan moved—closing the distance between you in one smooth motion. His hands found your waist under the water, steady, warm despite the chill.
"You’re shivering," he murmured.
You rolled your eyes. "Because you threw me in a freezing lake, dumbass."
Logan huffed a quiet laugh, but instead of teasing you again, he just pulled you closer. The warmth of him was instant, the solid weight of his body pressing against yours. His hands slid up, fingers tracing along your ribs, your back. You swallowed, heartbeat thudding as his lips brushed against your temple, then down to the edge of your jaw.
"You wanna get out?" he murmured, voice low.
You nodded, but neither of you moved. Instead, Logan dipped his head, lips ghosting over yours, slow and teasing, like he was giving you a chance to pull away. Like he wanted you to.
But you didn’t. You closed the space, pressing your mouth against his, your fingers slipping into his wet hair as he kissed you back—deep, slow, like he had all the time in the world.
The water rocked around you, your bodies drifting, the night air cool against your skin. It was dangerous, reckless—standing there like this, kissing in the open where anyone could find you.
But you didn’t care.
Not tonight.
Eventually, Logan pulled back just enough to murmur against your lips, "C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s get you warmed up."
His smirk was back, but there was something else in his eyes now—something softer, something real.
You exhaled, nodding. "Yeah. Okay."
Logan didn’t let you go as he led you back toward the shore, his grip firm, steady. Like he wasn’t planning on letting go anytime soon.
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a few things - one, reader's powers are energy manipulation. two, i think it's in the next part, but reader has a degree in something nature/environmental related. it's not heavily described though. anyways, enjoy part 2!
❀ part 2 ❀
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sirartwork · 2 days ago
hey Sir, I've been a fan of your art since the /Fit comics; your artstyle and comedy shaped who i was in high school and influenced my art to what it was today.
iirc, you had been into weed for some time and had cut back on it. I am a chronic weed smoker and have a hard time kicking the habit and I've near abandoned art all together. Any time I've brought it up to people they would just belittle the problem or ignore me so I figure you might have some advice on quitting?
"Into weed for some time" is sadly an understatement. I was using several times a day, every day, for the better part of the last 10-13 years or so. I have no "control" version of my life to compare it to, but I have a MASSIVE amount of regret tied up in the belief that my life trajectory could have been enormously better if I had redirected the time, money and energy I spent on weed into other things. I can never get my youth and those opportunities back.
(quick aside: I'm most certainly the sort of person who would have those kinds of thoughts even if I had remained a teetotaler, but that's another rant entirely)
That having been said, focusing on those negatives never helped me quit (at least not for very long). My current stretch of sobriety is only 2.5 months in, so I have no way of saying that it's going to stick, but given that my general desire/temptation to use is noticeably diminished compared to my last attempts, I suppose I can impart some advice that seems to be helping now:
Having too much free time (mainly being underemployed and sad) is a death sentence. Though I was still able to maintain the addiction and remain employed at my sedentary animation job, this last stretch has been complemented by a day-job that A.) Requires me to wake up at 3-4 AM at least twice a week and B.) Keeps me on my feet all day. I've also been getting back into doing SOME form of exercise every day, so that means that I have very little in the way of "fucking off" time between shifts, most of which is spent slowly chipping away at ancillary hobbies/pursuits.
Given that I have a chip on my shoulder about perceived lack of status and squandered time/potential, I elect to sublimate those feelings into a desire to keep moving, figuratively and in many ways literally. I also try not to lose sight of all of the things weed has taken from me, and all of the things that sobriety is giving me. It is a tremendous weight off your shoulders to realize that you've become the sort of person who doesn't have mental real estate being taken up by insecurities and anxieties about being a user (of whatever vice you know you're leaning on).
I am by no means perfect, and I still have many "undesirable" habits and thought patterns that I'd like to cull, so please take my advice with a grain of salt. If you find that you absolutely can't maintain sobriety yourself, don't be afraid to seek assistance. There are plenty of support groups and services that will take your problem as seriously as you do (and should, especially since you're trying to stop).
I really wish I had better/more salient advice, as my current stretch of sobriety is truly an outlier amongst my previous attempts (less temptation, less irritability), but I'm afraid it is ultimately something that you have to decide for yourself, over and over and over again.
Good luck and keep moving.
We're all gonna make it.
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jjjjisun · 16 hours ago
My Playmate, My Sister (Part 2)
Hanni X Male Reader | 5666 words
TW: Incest
Part 2 of My Playmate, My Sister
Buy me a Ko-Fi.
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My sister Hanni and I lay in each other's arms, Hanni's head nestled in the crook of my neck, allowing me to take in the sweet aroma of her hair. We had just encountered the most passionate sex either of us had ever had, and despite the fact we both wanted more of each other, neither of us had the energy to move. Instead, we drifted off into a satisfied slumber. Even though I had just experienced her in the most intimate way possible, my dreams were still filled with visions of my sister, and for good reason. She was the soon-to-be playboy playmate of the year and possibly the hottest woman in the universe: my Hanni. I imagined taking her in every position, in every place I could think of, immersed in her beautiful moans of ecstasy.
I knew I could tell nobody about this new direction in my life and the incredible luck I had stumbled upon, not that anyone would believe me anyway. It was all too much of a fairytale that a regular guy like me, though I like to think I'm handsome and charismatic, would ever find myself in the arms of a goddess like Hanni. She was the very image of perfection: smooth, with a toned form, soft, hand-filling breasts, flowing blond hair, and an angelic face. Though it had taken me to find her in the pages of a Playboy, I now couldn't imagine making love to a more ideal woman than Hanni.
"Girls like Hanni don't show me the time of day," I thought, "let alone my sister!"
Nonetheless, there she was as I awoke to an empty bed the following day and shuffled downstairs with sleep still in my eyes. She was a goddess, her silky blonde hair cascading around her gorgeous face. My eyes continued, taking in her petite frame, smooth and toned in all the right places. I watched her momentarily as she bounced around the kitchen; it was like I had court-side seats to one of the Playboy photo shoots I had found of her online only a week ago. She seemed so happy, with a beautiful smile and an energy in her step that made her glow; it was even better to know I had a part in her cheerfulness. As she bent over to reach one of the lower drawers, a flash went off in my mind, reminding me of a pose like one of the photos I had seen. Then she arched her back and reached her hands up, stretching out the morning stiffness, flash, a sexy pose only Hanni could do just right.
Flash again, and I wish I'd had a camera as Hanni reached up to a shelf just a bit too high for a coffee mug, the little yellow sundress riding high enough for me to see the pair of pink lace bottoms she was wearing. Hanni heard me behind her and knew she had been giving me a show, ensuring the cup she wanted was far enough back to prolong my view. As she finally grabbed the mug she wanted, I slid behind her, causing her to shiver just a little at my touch. I gently put my hands on her arms and simply stood there, taking her in.
"Good morning to you too, Y/N," Hanni said seductively.
"When you weren't there this morning, I thought I had dreamt it all up," I complained. I rubbed my hands up and down her arms, and she leaned into me lovingly.
"I considered giving you a little wake-up call," Hanni said, placing her hand gently on my hardening cock over my boxers, "but I figured you might want to rest a bit more. I don't think I've ever been with a guy who lasted that long before."
I couldn't help myself. I slid my hands under the bottom of her dress, intensely moving them over her smooth skin until we came to cup her flawless breasts. Hanni continued massaging me through my shorts, and my cock grew into her palm in response. She reached up and scratched at the back of my head with her free hand. Showing off her yoga flexibility, Hanni turned and arched her back to bring her lips to mine, still facing forward with my hands kneading her luscious mounds.
The feeling of our hands upon each other was so gratifying for both of us that we pushed against each other, Hanni firmly planting her toned ass against my growing member. She stood up a bit on her toes and moved her little bit over my shaft. A few soft and playful bounces against me, and my body was begging for her. My hands continued their worship of her body, one focusing on her squeezable tits and another on her curved hips. I reached for her bottoms while still grasping one of her breasts, rolling her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. We dry-humped each other like that for probably three minutes, our desperation and haste getting the better of us.
Hanni needed me, and she writhed beneath my grasp, her hands prying me closer to her. Her heavy breaths forced themselves out as she tried to keep her tongue locked in a back-and-forth battle with mine. She purred soft moans at me, her hips rotating her lower half around my hardness. I could almost feel the heat of her sex against my boxers, and it snapped me back to reality. I had to be inside this gorgeous playmate now and as much as I could while this sexy little jackpot of luck was within my reach. My sister was the very definition of my lust and love and probably was of any guy she had come across since her first photos were snapped. I reached down between us, hooked my finger on her panties, and began to push her bottoms down, preparing to take her right then and there. We were both aching for it, holding our breath as the material slid down her silky when...
"Hello!" said our mother, opening the front door.
The mug Hanni had been holding dropped from her hand into the sink, shattering, as both Hanni and I scrambled to separate. I slid onto the stool at the island, and Hanni smoothed out her shirt just as my mother rounded the corner and gasped.
"Hanni!" both of us frantically looked around, thinking we had missed something that would give us away, "you didn't tell me you were going to be home!"
I sighed in relief as my mother moved to hug Hanni, and I shook my dad's hand as he followed his wife into the kitchen. I noticed that my father looked across the kitchen instead of at me as I asked about their vacation. His eyes were locked on his little girl, whom he had not seen in months, and I figured he was reacting to the sight before him just as I had when I had first seen Hanni days ago.
"Hanni, don't you think you should be a little more covered around your brother?" asked our father as I poured myself a bowl of cereal.
"Nice to see you too dad," Hanni said with a smile on her face, "besides, it's not like I was looking at me anyway, he's too focused on his food as always."
I immediately looked down into my cereal bowl and shrugged, hoping my dad wouldn't push the issue any further. I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep my cool now that my mom and dad were back and our watchful eyes were upon us.
"I'm sorry, and it's good to see you too, Hanni, and I'm glad you're back," Dad rebounded. Just try to cover up a bit more, okay?"
"Sure Dad," Hanni drew out.
"Leave her alone, honey. She's a grown woman now," said our mom. "Speaking of which, Hanni, you have got to get me on whatever diet you are because you look great!"
As the women chatted, our dad told me that he had left his laptop charger at home and that they could only stay for two days on the boat trip they had planned; ten days was too long for a lawyer such as my father to be out of contact.
"So kids..." started Mom, "we still have the sailboat for eight more days, well seven now, and I think we should all head back to Florida today so we don't waste the money."
I could feel my luck turning from bad to worse. My morning had started with the prospect of fucking the most gorgeous blonde vixen I'd ever known, my sister, and a playboy playmate over the sink before I even ate breakfast, and who knows what the rest of the week could have held in store. I looked over at her. Even with the flowing dress, I could make out her sexy frame, and I couldn't believe I had just been cock-blocked by my parents. Hanni caught me looking at her and made eyes at me to answer my mother.
"I don't know, Mom," I said unenthusiastically. It's kind of short notice. Besides, how could we all fit on the boat, especially with your friends already there?"
"First of all," replied Mom, "I know for a fact you have nothing else to do. Second, this is not just any sailboat; it's built to comfortably fit six. Of course, you'll have to share a room with Hanni, but it's nothing you two haven't done before."
Hanni and I stole a glance, smirking at the double meaning, and we could both feel our luck turning. We knew we couldn't say no to our mother's request, and since Hanni didn't have any photo shoots with playboy scheduled for a few weeks, her tan could certainly use some work before then. (Her work with playboy was still unknown to Hanni's parents and she intended to keep it that way as long as possible.) We had nearly been caught fucking in the kitchen moments before and had planned to do so as often as possible before our parents returned home, but all was not yet lost.
Hours later, we were packed and headed to the airport once again. Hanni and I sat as close as possible in the backseat without looking inappropriate as the car bumbled along. Hanni had to fight off smiles and giggles as I gave her knowing looks, and we chatted with our parents. If we were alone, we wouldn't be able to keep our hands off each other, but in only a few hours, we would have the opportunity once again.
"I'm dying over here," I whispered to my sister as we both exited the vehicle.
"Me too, just a few hours and you can show me just how HARD it is for you." she whispered back and pretended to stumble as she exited the vehicle, pressing her little ass against my yearning cock.
As we made our way through the airport toward our gate, Hanni thought about how things had changed in the few nights since she had returned home. There had never been a shortage of guys begging for her attention, but how she and Y/N had come together had felt so... natural. He was just the kind of guy she was always looking for, caring and cute, but sturdy and down-to earth. All the guys she had met since college and now in her work with Playboy felt so fake to her. They were no different than the TSA officer who joked that she had been randomly selected for a pat down before eye-fucking her and waving her by. She nearly threw herself at me and wrapped her arm around mine when we were both through, she was so disgusted with everyone but me.
Our affection for each other became more manageable now that we had been forced to act appropriately for long enough. The flight to our connection in Nashville was uneventful save the not-so-jokingly references we both made toward joining the 'mile-high club.' We talked the entire flight, interesting and loving conversation that had brought us so close in the first place. Our parents looked across the aisle, happy to see our children getting along so well as Hanni slumbered on my shoulder for the last half-hour before landing.
Unfortunately, as most things usually do, not everything worked out so peachy in Nashville. Due to our short-notice seats, and though we had gotten lucky in Chicago on standby we would not be taking the afternoon flight to Jacksonville as planned. Even though our father could afford it, even the first class seats were sold out, so given the choice to stay the night and take the flight the next evening, we chose instead to rent a car and drive the rest of the way. Nobody was too happy about that, but once again we found themselves shooting down the freeway toward our destination in no time. Always opting for the more luxurious option, our dad had rented a large van with comfy captain's chairs and a large back row.
After we all stopped for dinner, our father announced that he would drive through the night and the rest of the family could sleep unless he needed a replacement. With the sky now completely dark and our mother keeping my father awake in the front seat, I moved toward the front, asking:
"Everything okay up here?"
"You bet. We've got our snacks, and this Cat Stevens special on the radio has put us in a great mood," Mom enthusiastically replied.
"Well, I haven't gotten much sleep from finals this past week so I think I may go pass out on the seat in the back," I said with grogginess in my voice.
"Hey!" fired Hanni, "I wanted that back seat, Y/N."
"You'll just have to share it then, it's plenty big for the two of you," Mom mediated.
I looked back, now realizing what my sister had intentionally done, and saw that naughty grin on her face she'd shown me multiple times since she'd been home. Our father turned the music down in the rear speakers and I made my way toward the back. Hanni quickly followed me, and as I laid down on the large backseat, Hanni took her place in front of me, sliding her sexy frame so that I spooned her ever so slightly.
Mom looked back at her two children; they seemed to be fidgeting a bit to get comfortable in the darkness of the backseat. She could just make out their forms but thought that the seat must have been smaller than she had previously judged.
"Y/N, why don't you be a gentleman? Take one of the blankets and lay on the floor so Hanni can sleep comfortably," she implored me.
"It's okay, Mom, he's a big oaf, but there's enough room for me," Hanni teased. "Oohmphf," she let out just as she was finishing her sentence.
"What's the matter honey," Mom asked upon hearing her daughter's funny noise.
"Nothing mom, just caught a bump back here," she lied.
Truthfully, as Hanni was teasing me to our mother, I had worked my hand to her breast and pinched her nipple solidly over the fabric of her cotton t-shirt. Hanni moistened at the contact and knew we had to be extra careful with our parents in the front. She reached behind her and took hold of my cock with her hand ever so slightly. She could feel me thrust my hips forward at her touch and she wished we were alone so we could both release the intense feelings of desire we had felt for the second time that day.
"You know, I actually wanted to get a little sleep," I said quietly.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, you go ahead," Hanni replied, cutting off all contact and crossing her arms in front of her.
Too turned on by having my fuckable playmate sister curled up in front of me, sleep was now the last thing on my mind. Instead I began to tease my sister by tickling lightly at the backs her crossed arms, trying to break her from her feigned stubbornness. Hanni leaned away as I touched her, trying to sell her act further, but I was not discouraged. I moved my hands down her abdomen and slipped my fingers just under the waist of her athletic shorts. I moved them slowly around the waistband, massaging gently; it was becoming impossible for Hanni not to react. Then I began pushing the shorts down just below her hips, exposing the white cotton panties underneath and the wet patch they held over her sweet quim. As I moved my fingers toward it and felt the spot, I knew she wouldn't be able to hold out for long. I began to push one finger against the puffy lips over her panties.
"Still going to hold out on me?" I challenged her quietly.
"You're the one who wanted the sleep," Hanni said, holding her ground.
But truthfully, Hanni couldn't take it anymore. Y/N was too good; it was as he I knew all her sweet spots as well as she did. She began to gyrate her hips back against me and we were once again spooning firmly against each other. If felt so good to have Hanni back in my arms, and having her mouth-watering cheeks split over my fully hard cock didn't feel so bad either.
Rather than let me continue, Hanni sat up quickly and quietly and reversed her position. Her face was now rather close to my cock, and she wasted no time. She grabbed at my waistband and pushed it down over my cock. I could feel her warm breath on my shaft and nearly shouted as she grabbed a hold of my member and took the tip into her mouth. Not to be outdone, I pushed her shorts and panties down her legs in one move and grabbed her hips in both hands. Simultaneously, we then began to pleasure the other.
I darted my tongue out over Hanni's clit, licking first in broad stokes and then quickly over her little nub. Hanni held back a scream, and may not have if she had not been inching my cock into her mouth at the time. After she worked it in and out about half-way a few times, Hanni sucked gently at my tip and flicked her tongue out over the slit. I was in heaven - and I too began to breathe heavily. Using my fingers while continuing my attack of her clit with my tongue, I reached up and worked a finger inside of her tight little hole. She began bucking at my touch and felt as if she could hardly concentrate on the blow job she so wanted me to enjoy. I continued to lap at her cunny, and Hanni started moving involuntarily; I could feel how strong her core was as her hips bucked in my hands. I sucked her clit into my mouth and pulsed around it as Hanni neared her orgasm, her pussy now getting wetter with each passing second.
Hanni, too, was getting the desired effect out of her efforts; I could barely keep up licking at her with my tongue in between heavy breaths as Hanni's head bobbed over my stiff cock. I had pulled her on top of me by now and placed a blanket over our bodies. The captain's chairs hid our heads from view, but if our parents had flipped the lights on, we would easily be found out. Not to mention that Hanni let out the occasional squeal that was just quiet enough to be drowned out by the radio. I was glad of it because I loved the sweet sounds that Hanni made, letting me know I was doing a good job on her.
"Hanni... Hanni... I'm almost there," I alerted her.
I expected her to release me as I continued stimulating her with my fingers and tongue, but Hanni had no such plans. Seconds away from release, she could feel me unintentionally thrusting toward her, and she took me in as far as I could go, massaging my soft sack with her nimble fingers. Once, twice, a third time,e she slid her luscious lips almost entirely up and down over the length of my cock. On the third, she held me there, and I began to pump my semen into her mouth. I was in heaven, breathing out heavily onto her wet pussy as I shot rope after rope into her throat. Never before had a blowjob made me orgasm so hard. I shuddered as Hanni pressed her lips over my sensitive tip, swallowing and erasing all traces of my release.
But Hanni had been close just before I came, so as she proudly kissed the tip of my member, I picked right back up where I had left off. Hanni was back in no time to her panting and twisting about as I grasped firmly at the soft skin of her ass and began to sink my tongue into her soaked canal. She tasted so sweet, and I held her tight as she involuntarily fought my hold on her because the pleasure was so intense. She was dripping now and had to bury her head in the seat to hide her moans from our parents. I began to fear that they might turn around, but ignored the thought as I sent my sister over the edge. She arched her back, pressing against me as I continued plunging my large tongue in and out of her, making sure to connect with her clit every time. Hanni came hard, and as her eyes rolled backward and her vision went stark white, she was immersed in a warm bath of ecstasy. It flowed over her body forever, and when she finally came to, she had to push my head away from her drenched pussy; even my breath was too much for the sensitivity I had caused her.
She returned to the spooning position, and we lay there with each other. Two lovers lay in a post-orgasmic bliss, unfathomably satisfied and proud.
"I don't think I'm ever going to be able to let you go, Hanni," I spoke to her softly.
"You don't have to," she whispered back. "Besides, I don't know where you learned it, but I've never cum like that from oral in my life, and I'm not about to give that up."
We held each other close, our unknowing parents sitting only a few feet away. Hanni's backside felt so good against my front that I still couldn't imagine sleeping despite the release we had both shared minutes before. Hanni's shorts and panties were still bunched just below her knees, so when my cock started to stir again, it pressed right between the gap between her legs. She was wet as ever, and my shaft slid slowly along her slit as it filled along with my desires.
"No way," Hanni protested, "it's too risky."
But as she resisted me verbally, her body sang another tune. With my hands exploring and massaging the tips of my fingers coming into contact with the sides of her breasts, Hanni once again began to writhe under My attention. I grasped at her body, hands firmly over 32C tits, her perfect, erect nipples poking into my palms. She could distinguish the tip of my cock from my shaft as we both began to gyrate against each other, Hanni still resisting penetration. It was almost animalistic; our bodies moved independently, and we needed each other just as much as we had the first time, only the night before. At some point, Hanni's worries about being discovered by our parents began to dissolve; she could only think of getting Y/N inside her. I hadn't even thought about our parents since I had first had my cock in the playmate's mouth minutes earlier, and I wasn't about to start now. Just as we thrust a final time and pulled away from each other, Hanni reached down between us and pointed my rod at her opening once more. I pushed past her slick folds and into her drenched tunnel, feeling like I belonged nowhere else as her walls clamped down on me.
"Do you two want to stop for something to eat or drink before you fall asleep?" Both the children froze as our mother looked back at them.
With my hard cock now fully inside of her, Hanni could barely think, let alone respond to her mother. It was all the two of us could do just to stop from continuing our incestuous activity without even responding. Hanni's bald pussy pulsed in anticipation, gushing around the invading member and ready for it to begin thrusting in and out of her. With much effort, Hanni managed, "I think I'd rather... oohhh... full at the moment, Mom." I could hear the ecstasy she was feeling in her voice and was now afraid our mother might too, but I gave her a daring little thrust mid-sentence anyway.
Hanni turned her head and looked at me wide-eyed, shocked that I would carelessly jeopardize our secrecy by fucking her as she spoke to our mother. Her big green eyes staring into my only made me want her more, and I pulled slowly out of her and pushed back in again, watching her mouth open, and pupils dilate in response. I couldn't even stop my slow assault on Hanni as she addressed me,
"You too Y/N," my father, Dad asked, "are you too comfortable back there to stop?"
"Yeah, pop, you don't know how good it feels..." I thrust into her again, "being able to get some..." another thrust, "rest finally."
"Alright then, we will see you in the AM," said my father.
Hanni and I were already miles away when our mother turned out the final light in the front, and the only lights came from the dashboard and headlights. We were the only ones on the road, and Hanni and I were in complete darkness. I resumed sliding my cock in and out of my big sister, the heat and feeling of having her tunnel wrapped around me excruciatingly pleasurable. She moved just right, and I relished the feeling of my hands upon her, feeling her strong, sexy body moving in front of me. I kissed her neck and sucked at it, her skin tasted sweet, and I wasn't even surprised. I pulled my cock out of her and held the tip right against her opening. I then prodded slowly at her, pushing into her pussy less than an inch each time. Hanni made a frustrated moan and reached down between us.
"God damn you....uhhh," she let out as I pushed into her just a bit, "just fuck me.... put it in.... fuck......ohh...... you asshole."
I loved what I was doing to her. Her need for me was genuine, and I enjoyed teasing her like this. One more prod and Hanni's patience was gone. She reached down and took a firm grasp of my cock, and pulled it towards her. Her hand wrapped around me felt so good that I lost track of my intentions and started to oblige her. The feeling of being halfway inside my sister and her hand holding onto my other half was like no other feeling in the world. In one last effort, I stopped and held there, grinning.
"If you don't fuck me.....oh god..... right now," Hanni demanded, "I'm going to straddle you.... and ride you right in front of mom and dad."
Happy with the results of my teasing, I gave in to Hanni and thrust the rest of my cock inside her velvety tunnel. I moved slowly at first and began to pick up speed, but Hanni was now panting for her approval. After a minute or so of jamming my pelvis against her soft, grab-able ass, I was now pounding into my sister with passion, and Hanni rotated her hips in earnest to get more of me inside of her. She felt like she had never been filled quite this perfectly and grasped onto my hands, interlocking our fingers as if to tell me.
Now free to move about, the little gymnast in Hanni maneuvered so I lay under her, and she rested atop me, weighing down against my chest as we remained locked together at the hips. I could only make out a little bit of the playmate's body, so I again began to paw at her with my hands. She loved the feeling of my big, strong fingers probing at her, rubbing every inch of her body and squeezing her breasts and ass lightly. Hanni lifted her tiny hips and then sank back down hard on my engorged member. Her mound mashed against me as she did so, and she rotated around a bit upon each meeting to stimulate herself further.
"Y/N... Y/N..." Hanni whispered in my ear with lust thick in her voice.
Her panting into my neck drove me crazy, even more so when she flicked her little tongue over my neck and earlobe. I took hold of her pistoning hips and added to her up-and-down plunging motion by pushing up to meet her. Our lips eventually found each other, and Hanni rubbed a hand through my hair as we explored each other's mouths. Hanni's tongue wrestled mine intensely, mimicking the rhythmic movement of our bodies.
Hanni could feel her orgasm approaching, and she knew it would be a powerful one. The little blonde playmate thought of how taboo it was that she was fucking her little brother and so dangerously close to our parents at that. The thought only served to bring her closer to climax, and Hanni continued to slide up and down on her brother's pole in search of it. She whimpered into my mouth and then released my lips slightly, breathing into them. The soft blows of her breath were stimulating and sensual; I was now close to cumming as well.
"I'm close, Hanni," I warned her.
"Oh my God, me too," my sister managed between thrusts. "Come inside me, please, Y/N... uhhh... come inside."
Her begging brought me so close to release that I held on for dear life so my sister could have time to climax. I didn't have to wait long, three more full strokes into her moist channel, and she was clawing at my back as she began to cum. My body tensed, and Hanni sat down hard on me, impaled and writhing on my cock. Then it hit: my sister and I began to orgasm in unison, clutching each other tight. Jet after jet, I pumped into her, and Hanni bit down on my muscular shoulder to hold back her screams. She could feel herself being filled with my cum, and her pussy only clamped down harder on me to experience it. As I released a torrent inside my sister, I was in absolute bliss, cumming so hard that I pushed into more strongly, seeking further depths in which to spray my incestuous seed. She was mine, and if I was going to mark my territory, I wanted to bury my cum as deep inside her unbelievably tight pussy as I possibly could. Hanni embraced it and shifted to allow me deeper, bucking in time with her heartbeat on my cock. She milked every single drop out of me as waves of ecstasy washed over her. Hanni's soft cries of passion were so sexy I felt like I was once again in a dream. My sister, the playmate of the year, was still climaxing atop me, holding my rod firmly inside of her as she came. I had her until she shuddered for the last time, my cock still too sensitive to move. Hanni relished the feeling of still being filled, and she lay limp atop me, taking deep breaths to recover.
It made me smile to think of how careless we were when making love, casting aside all cares in search of each other. Hanni's tight t-shirt was bunched over her beautiful breasts, and her bottoms had fallen to the ground. She was disheveled as we got up, and we both basked in our post-orgasmic amazement. Suddenly, a light flashed in the cabin, and our mother grabbed water from the package in the middle row. Hanni's shorts and panties were visible on the ground from her seat, and her naked children were a foot away from them. Were it not for the blanket, she would have been able to see my mostly-erect cock still buried inside Hanni, her daughter, fluids from our lovemaking escaping between us. Furthermore, seeing Hanni lying directly atop me would have taken minimal effort. We held our breath and begged that our mother wouldn't discover the hot, incestuous romp that had occurred right behind her.
Sure enough, Mom's eyes moved quickly over the cast-aside bottoms, her brain not making the connection. As she shut off the light, both of her children sighed in relief.
"That was close," I sighed. Hanni only giggled in response.
With that, I teased Hanni with one more little thrust and then slid my softening dick out of her. Hanni grinned naughtily at the action and kissed me firmly. Our tongues played lethargically for a moment before I rolled Hanni off of me. We hugged each other close, my package pressing tenderly against her folds and Hanni's soft breasts against my chest. Making eye contact, we examined each other in satisfied states before drifting off to sleep. We still had days of sharing a room ahead of us, but for now, fucking each other in the backseat of a car driven by our parents seemed enough for a lifetime, or at least until we woke up the following day.
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ddejavvu · 1 day ago
Hello i had an idea for a Spencer fic! So the BAU team have a party and Spencer's sitting by himself cause he doesn't drink and he feels awkward and reader goes to sit with him to comfort him about how he doesn't have to drink to have fun. They spend the rest of the night together and Spencer asks if they could hang out more at some point :,)
Spencer's not alone, but he's not exactly with the group, either. He's sitting at the end of the table, and you remember Penelope had been with him at the start, but now she's several shots deep in Emily's lap, trying to peer down Morgan's shirt.
Spencer's tapping a long, lithe finger against the table like a metronome, his plush pink lip tucked beneath his front teeth as he stares into his water glass. There's shrieking and laughter from the opposite end of the table but you vacate your seat, beelining for the BAU's youngest member.
"You're not drinking, Reid?" You maintain a slight air of professionality, forgoing JJ's nickname, 'Spence', because you're still less than a month into joining the team. Spencer's kind with you- everyone is, but you're trying not to overstep.
"Oh, I'm not much of a drinker," He smiles, his chin angled up slightly, "I just prefer water."
"I don't blame you. Drinking makes me sleepy." You admit, "I'd pass out in half an hour if I tried Rossi's concoction."
"His cocktails are lethal," Reid's nose wrinkles, "He says it's because he's an old man and he needs the strong stuff. I just think he doesn't like having to pay attention to any of us when we talk."
"Both are probably true," You take the seat across from Spencer at the vacant side of the table, "You don't bring anything else to do? I know you usually carry a book with you."
"It's in my bag." Spencer grimaces, "Everyone always makes fun of me when I read instead of drinking, so I don't anymore."
"Go get it." You urge, "I have one in my bag too. They could- y'know, make fun of us."
Spencer's eyes narrow in thought, his brow furrowed slightly as he glances past you at the rest of the team. They're not paying attention to either of you anymore, too caught up in their own fun, and he reaches for the bag draped over the back of his chair.
It's thick, heavy, and looks like a volume that should be gathering dust in a magic library. But he opens it to a page near the beginning, and is already turning to the next before you can wrench your book out of your own bag.
You settle into the groove of reading, a comfortable silence that Spencer looks much happier with than sitting alone. He turns pages faster than you can fathom, and it's incredible to know he's reading every word the same as you are.
"You know," He starts, his eyes still on the page, "There's a nice cafe a few blocks down from work. I go there and read on Saturday mornings if we're not on a case. It's quiet, it's- good for reading." He chances a glance up at you, and finds you hooked on his every word.
"You should come with me sometime." He notes, his voice purposefully casual, "Uh, they have good croissants."
"I like croissants." You smile, "I'm free this Saturday, Reid."
"You can call me Spencer," He offers, "Uh- Morgan has his phone out."
Morgan is, in fact, taking pictures of you and Spencer with your books out, and you're sure they'll appear in your team group chat within the minute. But you don't care, and you knock your foot against Spencer's beneath the table.
"I'll be there at nine, Spencer."
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hyunjincanraptoo · 3 days ago
hii could i ask for #11 please? 🫶🏼 ur prompts are amazingg
Hi, anon, ofc!! Thank you 🫶 I really wanted to make something different from the prompts I see out there, I'm glad you liked 💜
(this one is another I'm feeling tempted to write part 2 👀)
This is from my prompt list. Pick a number and send it to my asks.
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Warnings: smut, blowjob
Word count: 1.1k
Alexa, play Casual by Chappell Roan
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Car sex (I know isn't exactly sex but it's what I felt writing)
The night had been full of laughter, clinking glasses, and the kind of tipsy conversations that came with too many drinks. You had a great time, but now, in the passenger seat of Hyunjin’s car, things felt different. Your energy was starting to settle, leaving you with a sense of desire that was beginning to overtake your mind.
Hyunjin, however, wasn’t in the same mood. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his jaw clenched as he focused on the road ahead. He hadn’t said much since you both left the bar. His eyes, though, flickered to you from time to time, and you could tell he wasn’t exactly happy with the way the night had gone.
“I told you not to drink so much, didn’t I?”, he muttered, his voice tight, his usual cool demeanor replaced with irritation, “You always do this, Yn. You don’t think when you’re drunk”. You could tell he was trying to keep his cool, but the annoyance was evident. The way his lips pressed into a thin line, the way he kept his eyes on the road, not letting you distract him.
You leaned closer, your breath warm against his neck, “I’m fine”, you muttered softly, “I was just having fun. Don’t be so serious��”. It was then that your hand slipped, slowly at first, fingers brushing over his thigh. The motion was subtle, but it didn't take long before you were gently rubbing him through his pants. You could feel his muscles tense under your touch, the heat of his body responding to you, and it only made your pulse quicken.
“Yn, what are you doing?”, his voice was lower now, as he glanced over at you for a fraction of second. His grip on the wheel tightened again, knuckles pale. He was trying to stay focused, but you could tell how badly you were distracting him.
"I just want to make you feel good, Hyunie", you murmured, your fingers moving a little bolder, putting even more pressure. His cock twitched under your touch, and you smiled at the effect you were having on him. The alcohol in your system made everything feel so much more intense— the need to touch, to feel, to drive him crazy.
You slid your hand higher, brushing against his growing arousal, and that’s when he snapped. “Stop. Right now.” His voice was hard, commanding, but you could hear the breathlessness beneath it. His heart was racing, “You’re gonna get us both killed”. But your drunk neurons didn't care. The need for him, the way his body reacted to your touch, it drove you wild, got you intoxicated even. You needed him, and you needed him now.
Before he could scold you again, you moved faster, leaning forward to whisper in his ear, your lips brushing against the soft skin of his neck. “You’re too stressed”, you said, your breath hot, “Just let go, Hyunjin. Let me help you relax”.
He swore under his breath, hands shaking now as he brought the car to the side of the road, pulling over sharply, “This is dangerous”, he said, his voice low, shaky, as his gaze locked onto yours. He was so clearly fighting with himself, wanting you, but knowing how reckless it was to be doing this in the car while driving.
You couldn't care less. Your hand slid down to the waistband of his jeans, opening with practiced ease, your fingers brushing his hard member. Hyunjin’s eyes closed, a quiet moan escaping his lips. He bit his lip, looking like he was holding himself together by a thread.
“Yn…”, his voice was a mix of frustration and desperation, but you didn’t notice. You were already sliding your hand inside, finally feeling the warmth of him— his thick length already leaking. The sensation sent a jolt of pleasure through your own body. You could feel him twitching against your palm, his breath coming in shallow bursts.
“You’re so hard”, you whispered, your voice heavy with desire as you stroked him gently, teasingly. The car was now completely still, the only sounds were the quiet hum of the engine and the soft rustling of your movements. You leaned over, never breaking eye contact with him. His gaze was a mix of disbelief and hunger as you slowly took him into your mouth.
The first swirl of your tongue made him gasp, his hands clutching the steering wheel as he tried to hold on to the little control he had left. You moved slowly at first, savoring the taste of him, the way he trembled under your touch, the way his hands tugged at your hair. He was trying to keep it together, but the more you took him in, the more he lost himself in the pleasure you were giving him.
“Fuck, Yn”, he groaned, his head thrown back as you took him deeper, your hands working the parts of him your mouth couldn’t reach. You could feel the tension building in his body, the way his chest was rising and falling with every breath, how he gripped the seat in an attempt to anchor himself. His voice, low and broken, cut though the silence, “If you don’t stop… I’m not gonna last much longer”.
Well, that was the point. You moved faster, your mouth sucking him with purpose, with all the desire you felt. You wanted him so badly, wanted to take him as deep into your throat as you could. He was close, you could feel it, and you wanted to bring him to the edge, make him come undone in your mouth.
With a low, guttural groan, he finally reached his peak, his cock twitching as he released into your mouth. You swallowed, taking it all, your body still trembling. Hyunjin’s breath came in ragged gasps as he leaned back against the seat, trying to pull himself together. You smiled softly, wiping your mouth as you sat back up, the silence between you both heavy. “You’re insane”, he said, his voice still shaky. He ran a hand through his hair, looking at you with a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction, “You can’t just do that when I’m driving, babe. You know that, right?”
You smirked, leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips, “I couldn’t help it. You make me want you all the time”. His hand cupped your face gently, his thumb brushing over your lips, “We’ll talk about it later”, he muttered, but there was a small smile tugging at his lips. “You’re lucky I can't resist to you as well”. You just laughed, feeling the tension between you two ease, knowing that no matter how reckless the moment was, you both couldn’t deny how good it felt.
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If you enjoyed it please consider liking and reblogging. Feedbacks, loves notes and requests are very much appreciated 😊
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uhhhj13iguess · 3 days ago
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i should've kissed you
avenger!peter parker x fem!reader
summary: the five times peter almost kissed you and didn't, and the one time he finally did
kind of a song fic based off of 'i should've kissed you' by one direction lmao, no lyrics though! just heavily inspired from
peter fell back harshly onto his bed, a groan escaping his lips. he ran his hands over his face roughly before throwing his hands down to his side in frustration, small punches made at his mattress as he stared up at his ceiling.
he took a few deep breaths, cringing as he replayed the ending of your and peter's date in his mind.
the date had been going perfectly. in fact, peter had yet to be convinced the entire night wasn't a dream as he walked you back through the halls of the avengers tower after your dinner that evening.
everything felt so right, and he knew you felt it too. you were laughing at all of his jokes, small touches on his arm: for once in his life, he was being smooth. and for once in his life, it was actually working.
as you approached your door, you turned to face him, hand reaching out to meet his. he grabbed it with a smile, squeezing it gently and taking a step closer to you.
"i had a really good time tonight, pete. i'm really glad you asked me out." you looked up at him, nothing but love in your eyes. he melted just looking at them.
he smiled softly back at you. "i am too. i'd really love to do it again sometime, (y/n)."
"me too," you spoke in a whisper.
peter reached up to brush hair out of your eyes, tucking it gently behind your ear. you looked at him through your long lashes, a blush apparent across your features. you leaned into his touch and he held his hand there against your cheek, beaming at you. your eyes flickered down to his lips before returning to meet his gaze, lightly chewing on your own lips.
holyshitholyshitholyshit, okay. calm down. this is it. you have the signal, this is going to be awesome, just lean in and --
and he... didn't? wait, why am i not leaning in? kiss her, goddamn it!
peter stood there frozen, a look of awe still adorning his features as he stared at you. you gave him yet another soft smile, reaching up to grab his hand from your cheek. you gave it a quick squeeze before letting it go at his side.
"'night pete. i'll see you tomorrow?"
you reached for your door knob, giving him an eager look with a grin still plastered across your face.
he nodded feverntly, choking out a quiet "y-yeah, of course,"
you nodded and gave him a small wave before disappearing behind your door.
peter remained frozen for a few more seconds, still staring where you no longer stood in front of him. his eyes widened and he let out a shakey breath.
"holy shit, i should've kiss her."
peter let out another groan at the memory, rolling over to bury his head in his pillow.
he had just went on the most perfect date with the woman of his dreams. there's already no way the entire thing wasn't just the most beautiful dream he'd ever had, and there's no WAY he fucked up taking his chance to kiss you. he truly could not believe himself.
peter let out a damn near pathetic whine into his pillow as he replayed the moment for what would come to be many times that night.
"i don't know ned, i just... froze!"
"you just froze? are you fucking with me right now?"
peter let a sigh out as he placed his phone on speaker, setting it on his desk so he could finish pulling on his shirt. he wanted to call ned before running out to get coffee with you that next morning, and the more he spoke, the more he regretted it.
"i wish i was. i actually cannot describe to you how much i wish i was."
he heard ned let out another "dude" as he messed with his hair in the mirror.
"she's never going to talk to me again, is she?"
"dude, she's never going to look at you again. i don't know how much more to say you were already punching over your weight here, and somehow still landed the date, and you just fumbled it?? i mean, you went on a date with like, the woman of all women, and you didn't kiss her goodnight?!? i, i can't-"
"ughhh, ned you're not helping!!"
"what do you want me to say, dude? there's no way you fucked up this hard. you have to get in there and kiss her before you don't get the chance to fuck it up again."
peter let out a sigh as he picked up his phone, taking it off speaker and bringing it to his ear.
"do you think she's going to even give me another chance?" he asked solemnly, squeezing his eyes shut tight.
"you really better hope she does."
peter ended the call and grabbed his belongings, shaking off his not-so-helpful call with ned and heading downstairs to meet you out front. he had to admit it, he was relieved to see you still showed up. your patience with him must've been god-given, and he wasn't going to mess this up again.
"hey, you" peter called out to you, earning a smile in his direction as you turned back to see him.
"hey, pete. how'd you sleep?"
"good, you?" he lied through his teeth as if his disastrous decision allowed him one second of rest last night.
but you gave him yet another smile, and his nerves around the whole situation seemed to go away.
"good. ready to go? i'm starting to think if i don't get some caffeine in me soon, you're not going to want that second date." you laughed, beginning to walk down the street as peter joined your side.
"highly doubtful," he said with a nudge at your arm. "so you had a good time? last night, i mean?"
you nodded eagerly, your eyes lighting up as soon as you thought about the date.
"the best."
peter smiled at you, "good."
over the course of the walk over, you picked up normal conversation and peter felt relief wash through his body as he began to realize maybe he didn't blow his chance. he grew more confident, flirting with you and even interlocking your fingers together as he felt your hand brush his.
you blushed like a madman at the action, but gladly accepted as you rounded the corner to the coffee shop you and peter often frequented, even before he had expressed his feelings to you.
peter was feeling good again. he did his best to shake his attempt from last night and just plan for the next one. he got back in his groove, doing everything he could do to woo you. he grabbed the door to the shop for you, paid for your coffee, and pulled your stool out at the counter. he had this.
he picked up a conversation about something sam and bucky had gotten into this week, earning nothing but full belly laughs from you. peter felt on top of the world hearing your laugh, his smile faltering slightly as he watched you bring your coffee to your lips. he took a deep breath, his senses immediately overwhelmed as he saw you repeat the gesture towards him, the two of you silently flickering between eye contact and staring at the other's lips.
he didn't know who moved first, but you both began to lean closer to one another, whispers of your conversation falling on deaf ears as he focused on not missing his shot this time.
okay parker, you've got this. she's right here, all you have to do is just... kiss her. okay? just, for fucks sake just kiss her
you sat inches away from his face, once again staring up at peter through your lashes, batting them softly at him.
signal! that's the signal! peter! lean! in!
and again, he just... didn't?? there's no chance in hell he messed this up a second time. what the fuck is wrong with him.
the vibrations of his phone on the counter startled you both, earning a chuckle from you as he muttered an apology, picking up the phone. his face bright red.
"i, yeah? oh, yeah we can be there shortly. yeah. okay mr. stark, thanks."
he ended the call with a sad smile in your direction.
"tony wants us at the tower for a meeting asap." he let out with a breathy laugh, looking down at his hands.
he expected to look up and see disappointment in your eyes, but he was caught off guard when all he was met with was sincerity. you gave him a smile, grabbing his hand and giving it a small kiss before pulling him from the counter.
"no worries! it's not like we weren't going to get coffee tomorrow again anyways."
peter gave you a thankful smile, sliding out of the cafe with you, hand in hand. you were so quick to jump back to your usual self, carrying on your conversation like nothing happened. peter, however, was still absolutely distraught.
there's no way he fucked this up for a second time.
and there's no way you were as forgiving with him as you were about it. a second time.
jesus christ, he needed to get his shit together.
it had been a few days since the coffee shop incident, and since he'd been able to get you alone. he had swung by your room, wondering if you wanted to knock out some training with him. sure, sparring wasn't the most romantic, but he was desperate for any chance that came his way at this point.
this led to the two of you being in your current position, sweaty and out of breath, taking turns swinging at each other. you weren't much of a match against peter, but training seemed like a good enough excuse for you to spend some time with him.
peter let out a grunt as he dodged your right hook, immediately sensing your follow up hit and catching your wrist mid-air.
"that's good! if you're fighting against Dum-E, maybe."
you rolled your eyes at him, a scoff escaping your throat. "yeah, right, didn't he leave you quite the egg on your forehead last week?"
"i couldn't see, tony shut the lights off on me in the lab." peter grumbled, throwing a few punches your way only for you to dodge them with ease.
"stop pulling your punches so much, parker, I'm not fragile."
peter smirked at you, letting out a mumbled "as you wish" before instantly sweeping your feet from under you and pinning you against the mat. your back hit the ground with a thud, earning a heavy whine from you as you closed your eyes.
"oh, is this what you wanted?" peter teased, feeling cocky as he held your arms on either side of your head, his hips holding yours to the mat.
you fluttered your eyes open, a breath hitching in your throat as you realized the position you were in: peter on top of you for the first time ever, nose to nose. both of you were panting, from the exercise or the situation, neither of you knew.
peter felt hot. every part of him felt so hot, and he had to actively will his blood to stay in the upper half of his body ashe hovered over you. he took a moment away from his pride to realize how he had you under him, and his senses were overwhelmed again. his ears felt like they were going to burn off the sides of his head as you looked at him, again using the moment to flicker down to his lips. he licked them subconsciously, earning a barely audible whine from you as he did.
so help me god, if you don't kiss her right now, no spider-man for a week. a week!
but despite him pleading with his body to take action, he just couldn't seem to move and seal the deal. he muttered to himself, begging his body to respond and do something.
come on, come on, come on! why?!
peter barely got to see the smirk flash across your face before you moved, quickly flipping him and switching the position to pin him and take dominance.
he let out a groan as his back hit the mat, a half cough/half laugh escaping his lips.
"fuck, (y/n),"
you gave peter a grin, releasing your grip on his wrists and climbing off of him. you extended your hand outwards, peter reluctantly grabbing it to stand.
"never let your guard down, parker. you'll lose all the control."
he let out a scoff and a "yeah whatever," as he met you face to face again. "i let that happen. so, so you could get the practice, obviously."
you placed a hand on his cheek, giving it a soft pat. "I'm sure you did, bug boy."
peter rolled his eyes, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into him swiftly. you let out a soft gasp, your lips nearly grazing each others once again.
he leaned in so that your foreheads were pressed together, a hand still holding your wrist mid-air. he let out a deep laugh, his hot breath on your lips sending goosebumps across your skin. "funny that you think you're the one in--"
"little spider! lady (y/l/n)! i was hoping for some willing contenders this afternoon!" thor roared as he announced his presence in the gym.
peter let out a heavy sigh, dropping your wrist. "... control,"
you gave him an apologetic smile before greeting thor as he made his way over.
"holy shit, i might have to kill myself over this." peter whispered to himself.
"what was that, pete?"
"i said i think thor's going to kill us."
third time's not the fucking charm, to say the least.
yet another few days passed with no success on peter's front, and he was growing more worried with each passing moment that he'd never get to kiss you.
he seriously had no idea what was wrong with him and why he kept freezing, despite everything inside him pleading to just. kiss. you.
you had decided you wanted to plan the second date, finally getting to steal peter away after a week since the last time you'd gone out. on the menu for the evening was an in-house movie night in the lounge, fit with any and every star wars movie for peter to choose from. you'd brought in every pillow and blanket you'd owned, even stealing the ones from steve's bed on your way over. you loaded the couch with the bedding, shooting a text peter's way with instructions to bring drinks and to wear his pajamas. you swapped your phone for the remote, carefully getting the tv loaded as you heard footsteps enter the room.
"shit, pete you were quick, i'm kind of impressed-- oh, hey wanda!" you turned and saw the red-headed woman before you, amazed at the scene laid out in front of her.
"it looks great in here, (y/n). are you going to be watching a movie?"
you gave her a sweet smile. "yeah, peter's on his way down."
"this looks so relaxing, do you mind if vis and i join you? we're quiet movie watchers, i promise!"
you paused for a second, flashing a quick smile to hopefully hide some of your disappointment.
"oh! well, i..."
"hey (y/n), i grabbed you an apple juice, i didn't see grape in there. is this a movie night? I have a sneaking su-- oh! hey wanda, are you joining in too?" peter waltzed into the lounge, freezing when seeing both you and wanda in the designated location of his texts.
wanda looked in your direction, and you couldn't say no to that face (no matter how badly you wanted to right now).
"yeah, that's okay with me. what do you think, pete?"
he nodded quickly, hoping he was following you correctly as he hoped to grasp any context to the situation. "yeah no, i mean that's, of course."
wanda let out a squeal of excitement, rushing out of the room. "i'm going to grab vision, thanks guys! this is going to be awesome!"
you gave peter an apologetic smile as he walked closer to you, handing you the aforementioned drink.
"I didn't know we were already up to double dates." peter gave you a soft smirk.
"i didn't either," you pouted, grabbing a seat on the couch and patting the cushions next to you. "i'm sorry, pete. i'll make it up to you."
peter sat down, giving you a chuckle as he settled into the corner of the couch, grabbing your hands gently. "i'm happy wherever you are."
he was even more happy to discover the viewing of the evening was a star wars movie of his own picking.
the four of them settled in, wanda and vision wasting no time getting comfortable curling into one another. peter noticed this, feeling more at ease in putting his own arm around you. you reciprocated gladly, leaning into his side and swinging your legs over his. peter felt his sense of touch heighten by a thousand, the feeling of you against him pushing him into overdrive.
he took a deep breath to steady himself, wrapping you up tighter and focusing his best on your heartbeat. he'd never held you this close before, and he could swear it was the best thing he'd ever felt.
time passed and you and peter melted into each other, fully engrossed in the movie as you heard a rumble in his stomach. you laughed quietly, lifting your head from his chest.
"hungry, parker?"
he blushed and nodded sheepishly, hearing the giggles of wanda in the background.
"y-yeah, i guess so. i can throw on some popcorn, if you guys want some too?" he looked around the room.
vision shot up, beaming. "ah! i have just learned this recipe, allow me! i will be back momentarily." he voiced before phasing out of the room.
wanda stood up quickly. "last time he made the popcorn, we had to call the fire department. i'll be right back, keep watching!"
she ran out of the room, the frantic nature of the situation making you giggle. peter looked over to you, relief washing over him as he got to have you alone, even if just for a few minutes. that was all he needed.
you looked up to face him, a blush creeping on your cheeks as you noticed how close your faces were.
peter took a deep breath and smiled at you. "are you going to tony's gala on friday?"
you looked back up at him. "yeah, although i don't think i've got a single thing to wear. look at what i'm wearing right now, peter," you gestured downwards. "we're talking about an event that he's invited adele to."
"you're saying these sweats weren't what you had in mind? shit, i'm gonna need to rethink some things." peter made a thinking face and feigned concern.
you both laughed quietly, soaking in the presence of one another. you shiftly slightly in his lap so you could reach your hand to his curls, gently beginning to play with them. "i take that as you plan on going as well?"
he nodded against your hand, taking the other one in his own. he cleared his throat.
"i was... i was actually wondering if, if you wanted to come with me. like, as my... my date?"
your face lit up in an instant and any reservations peter held in his mind were gone. you smiled so wide it became contagious, peter grinning back at you with a shy laugh, no longer able to hold eye contact.
your hand previously in his hair dropped to his chin, earning his gaze once again. "i'd love to, peter. that sounds really fun."
at this point, your fingers were delicate on his chin and ghosting over his features, all attention focused on peter's pink lips.
he took a deep breath, taking in your proximity and touch. he was on fire again.
peter parker, she is literally touching your lips with her fingers! do something! now!
but he just sat there, breathing you in as your hand now confidently rested on his jawbone and your thumb tugged gently at his bottom lip.
but he just sat there, staring at your lips the entire time, not touching them.
"pete?" you asked as you bumped your noses together. he flickered his eyes back up to yours.
you let out a shakey breath, fluttering your eyes closed. "i... i-"
your eyes shot open and you pulled back sharply. "what's that smell?"
peter let out a whine as he lost your attention, his mouth hung open.
wanda came bursting through the door. "sorry guys! just a mild fire, but we put it out! i hope you like your popcorn a little... uh, charred."
she grimaced as she handed the two of you a bowl, completely unable to read the room.
vision followed in shortly, taking his seat back next to wanda. "my sincerest apologist. all fires have been extinguished and i have alerted mr. stark about the damage to his cabinets. he has a... guy on speed dial now."
you let out a laugh, thanking them for the popcorn and turning back to face the screen, once again snuggling into peter who remained slack-jawed and in disbelief.
i'm dead. i'm dead and i'm in a state of limbo for eternity. what the actual fuck is going on.
the four of you finished the first two star wars movies before calling it quits, you admitting how tired you'd grown over the evening. peter, on the other hand, had been sulking since wanda and vision came back in almost three hours ago now.
his spirits rose slightly, however, as you kissed him on the cheek before you bid goodnight to everyone, sending him one last smile before turning the corner.
ned was NOT going to believe this one.
when peter had picked you up friday night and saw you in your gown, he vowed to himself that he wouldn't bother coming home if he didn't kiss you.
you were the most stunning person he'd ever seen, a red dress adorning your body in all the best ways possible.
a red dress. his color. lord. have. mercy.
the night went accordingly, both of you mingling with the rest of the team, exchanging glances at the random a-list celebrities tony had invited for... actually, peter had no idea what the gala was for. he just knew it was an excuse to dance with you, and that was absolutely all he cared about.
as time passed and peter got more one-on-one time with you, he led you to the dance floor, wildly embarrassing himself in front of everyone just to hear your laugh. it was like medicine to him, and it healed things he didn't know were broken.
the upbeat rhythm of the current song slowed, the DJ transitioning the once high-energy music into a ballad. the lights dimmed to accompany the romantic atmosphere. you looked around as everyone paired up, swaying back and forth with their partners. you met peter's gaze, which was filled with anxiety, but he did his best not to show it. he gave you a sweet smile, extending his hand out in the corniest fashion he could think of. all you could do was laugh.
"may i have this dance, m'lady?"
you stifled giggles as you took his hand. "why of course, my good sir."
peter held you close, his hands around your waist as you snaked your arms around his neck respectively. you swayed together as peter held you, staring intently into your eyes. a smile began to curl at the edge of your lips, but you stayed quiet, lost in his gaze. peter took a deep breath.
okay. now or never. you literally cannot possibly fuck this up.
but he did.
parker, why the actual fuck are you not moving right now!!! holy shit kiss her!!!
but he didn't.
and you can see the frustration in his eyes, causing you to tilt your head curiously. the action moved your face slightly closer to peters, and you flickered momentarily down to his lips, desperately trying to make yourself as clear as possible.
but instead of leaning forward with you, peter just looked at your lips with a defeated sight before flashing his gaze elsewhere around the room.
for the first time since peter had tried and failed to kiss you, he saw your smile falter. you pulled away and averted your eyes, suddenly wishing you were anywhere else than where you were. you took a step back, finally locking eyes with peter again.
you gave him a smile, but this time, it didn't meet your eyes.
holy shit, he fucked up big time.
"i'm going to grab some air, pete. just feeling a bit crowded."
you were so gentle about it, but peter knew he'd hurt you this time. he tried to protest, but you moved quickly through the crowd of people, his calls after you being lost in the rest of the noise.
he let out another defeated sigh, his shoulders slumping as he watched you walk out the balcony doors.
he jumped, snapping to his left to see sam and bucky approaching him. he was so not in the mood for whatever teasing was about to happen.
"you've got to be kidding me, kid."
"sam, listen i'm really not-"
bucky cut him off. "what is your problem, dude?"
"(y/n) has practically been begging you to make a move all night, are you for fucking real right now?"
at this point, peter's angry. he wasn't sure more with himself or the guys for harassing him on this, but he was starting to get overwhelmed. everything started to grow louder, the lights suddenly brighter than they were before. peter took a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to stop himself from freaking out.
"i, i-i dont know! i've been trying to kiss her for over a week now, and i just-"
"a week? spidey, just kiss the woman! why are you overthinking this so much?"
"i dont know, okay! i don't know! i just keep freezing! i feel like i'm going fucking insane, literally the only thing i want to do on this planet is kiss her right now, but i just--"
"i think you need to tell her that, not us." sam cut in. bucky followed.
"yeah, i'm pretty sure she feels like you think she's disgusting right now."
a mixture of pain and panic overtook peter's features. "nononono! but i don't think that!
"you sure aren't making much of a case for yourself right now, kid."
peter ran his fingers through his hair anxiously. "i can't, okay! what if i fuck everything up! people who are close to me get hurt, and this is a really big step that means something, and i can't have her getting hurt."
bucky clapped him on the shoulder. "pete, you've always been the closest pair i know, even before you started dating. i don't know how to tell you this, but you might as well also get to kiss her."
sam smacks bucky across the chest, throwing a disapproving look his way. "that's not quite what he--"
"no. he's kind of right. maybe it really is that simple."
both of the guys gave peter an unconvinced look.
"really. i mean, she's already my best friend. she's already one of the closest people to me." peter looked up at bucky. "i mean, might as well get to kiss her too, right?"
bucky smirked at the younger boy, nodding his head slowly. "that's the spirit."
"i don't know if that's the full spir-" sam cut himself off with a sigh. "listen kid, i'm glad you're not freaking out over this anymore, but remember to still-"
"gotta go kiss a girl, thanks guys!" peter yelled as he began to run through the crowd towards to balcony you were on.
sam sighed and gave an unamused look at bucky.
"'might as well kiss her'? that's your chivalry?"
"clearly he knew exactly what i meant."
"don't highroad me right now."
peter nearly burst through the balcony doors, breathless and relieved to see you still out there.
you turned back to look at him, a smile washing over your features as you noticed it was peter out there with you. you were kind as ever, greeting him by name, but there was a sadness lingering in your eyes.
he approached you hastily, immediately reaching out for your hands as soon as he was within reach. you took them gladly, an inquisitive look settling on your face.
"i'm not going to fuck this up again." he panted.
you shot him a look. "what?"
he pulled you in close before his monologue:
"(y/n), i'm so stupid. i should've kissed you. i should've kissed you so many times by now, and i haven't. i havent kissed you yet despite it being literally the only thing i've wanted to do for the past week and a half. and that's so fucking stupid."
he took a step to reposition himself.
"this, i-i mean, you have given me some really big emotions after I've experienced a great deal of loss, and... and i think that's been a little hard to navigate. but i don't want it to be. i really like feeling this way with you. and i really want to kiss you."
you let out a soft chuckle as you shyed away from his forwardness, a blush raging across your cheeks. you felt peter's finger lift your chin to face him, and you met his eyes once more.
"(y/n), i cannot fucking believe that i didn't kiss you.
how... how do you feel about me, now?"
you felt like your heart was going to burst. you felt grateful for all the times he didn't kiss you so that you could be here in this moment, right now.
peter swore he'd never seen you smile bigger than at that moment. before he could even reciprocate, you grabbed him and pulled him in by his tie, finally connecting your lips for the first time. peter melted into you immediately, his hands flying up to hold the sides of your face as though he was afraid to lose you. you snaked your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, reassuring him you were exactly where you wanted to be.
after what felt like the shortest lifetime, you pulled away in a gasp for air, earning a chuckle from peter. he took a step back, mouth agape as he admired you in your entirety. he gave you a sweet smile before another soft peck on your lips, his contagious smile bleeding into the kiss.
with your foreheads pressed together, peter took a deep breath, a laugh interrupting the exhale. you looked up.
"i just can't believe we could've been doing that this whole time."
"i think this one was worth the wait."
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roseverdict · 8 hours ago
hamburger casserole. i will always advocate casseroles wherever possible. casseroles will save you. no fucking idea where my mom rediscovered the recipe (she lost track of the original copy at some point in the past 20 years) but it's how she taught me and it's how her mom made it before her. it is pushing the idea of an easy/quick meal by OP's metrics sliiightly but each individual thing really isn't super hard and then it's just combining it all and tossing it in the oven and waiting.
you get ground beef. 2-3 lbs suffices for our family but we're voracious enough that we need to make 2 9x13 dishes of this every time we make it. also we are huge advocates for making and eating leftovers. 1 lb should be more than enough for a single 9x9.
you get medium or wide egg noodles. we usually make 24 oz but, again, we hungy. 8-12 should suffice for one 9x9
you get corn. we usually do ~2 lbs frozen sweet corn, but ~1 lb should be fine.
you get cans of chicken noodle soup and of cream of chicken soup. we do 3 each. 1-2 of each or 1 of one and 2 of another should still be fine. or keep the 3 and 3 for extra creaminess i'm not your dad
these are all a bit loosey-goosey measurements also. it's not gonna explode if you do a little more meat and a little less pasta or smth
preheat the oven to 350℉
brown the meat. don't rush it but as long as you're checking it so it doesn't burn you should be fine. once it's browned, drain it.
cook the egg noodles as directed on the pkg. usually this entails bringing a pot of water to a boil, dumping the noodles in, and waiting 5-7 minutes for the noodles to cook before then draining those. honestly if you used a colander/strainer for the beef you could probably reuse it by bringing the drained beef back to its original pan so it's empty. it's all going into the same casserole after this anyway so having the noodles pick up little beef shnibbles from the strainer isn't gonna ruin it or anything.
we usually steam the corn in the microwave for 6 minutes on high. this is generally done using one of mom's Doohickeys™ and via running a very small amount of water in with the corn before microwaving it. if you do not have a Doohickey™ then putting the corn in a microwaveable bowl and covering with a microwaveable Small Plate will work too. this is the Doohickey™ btw:
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get a big bowl (or even reuse the pot from when you cooked the egg noodles (which is very important if you go the verdict family route and make 2 9x13s at once lmao)) and mix everything together. this includes the various chickeny soups.
pour into the dish(es) you're gonna bake it in.
bake for 30 minutes.
revel in the comfort of casserole.
it also reheats in a microwave really nicely so if this is something that might take more spoons than you usually have, you can make it for dinner on a night you have more than the usual amount of spoons and then eat casserole goodness for multiple meals without any further spoon expenditure afterwards
i made some two days ago and this is what we have left
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casseroles are dunked on on occasion but genuinely this will fill you up and be a nice change of pace from sandwiches. it fills me up and i'm the kind of person who eats like 2-3 platefuls at buffets and has only ever been "uncomfortably full" from it like once. and while i'm not really an adherent to "eat healthy food, by which i mean cut out all foods that give you joy" this does have a lil bit of red meat, a lil bit of poultry, a nice delicious chunk of carbs, and a fair bit of veggies, which probably explains why my mom made it a lot when me and the brothers who existed at the time were toddlers
Do any of u have decent recipes that are like 5 ingredients (not including spices) and take 45 mins or less to prepare i gotta stop eating sandwiches for dinner
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xxxnightcorequeenxxx · 1 day ago
PSA To the Phantom, we have a Troll/Stalker!
Those who know me know this is somthing I won't typically resort to this, but today, I've reached the end of my long patience. ( one and half a year of patience) There is a Stalker/ Troll whose whole stick is trying to get people to draw Dani and Danny fan art. Thir asks will look like this. They will delete them as soon as you answer. I mod on a few Discord servers, so when I informed people on Discord that I had a digital stalker, someone reached out to me to ask me if this was them, as they didn't want to deal with what I had to put up with. That's how I got a hold of this:
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On Deviantart, they try to get into people's good graces by subscribing and donating a dollar. (it's a tip you can do on DA, not required) They ask you to do art, and if you bite, They won't stop pestering you about it. Like you didn't do it fast enough, or you didn't do it. And if you do, they have a new request lined up the minute you post the last. So it's never good enough. They will try to monopolize your time, and you never get time to draw what you want to if you try being kind at first. One telltale sign that it's them is that if you reply to them, they will delete all their messages with you after your reply to avoid detection by moderators.
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So here are the usernames I know them by; Usernames of them on DA; DanielFentonPhantom DannyFenton2 DannyFenton3 DannyPhantom11 JacobFritzsching1 JacobFritzsching2 JacobPhantom1 JakeFritzsching JakeFritzsching1 The username of the stalker on Tumblr: JacobFritzsching1 & JacobPhantom
I've tried to block them multiple times, And I suspect DA staff have banned some of their accounts.
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They don't understand no and stay away or that people have boundaries. I've reported them multiple times. They have been suspended multiple times (I was lucky enough to get this screenshot for a suspended account)
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They have been bothering me since Aug 28, 2023 and the latest block for this person was today.
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This is me reaching out to others in my discord communities over time for help, showing what it did to me mentally and why I no longer take art requests. (For the privacy of the other users, I've only included what needed to go in there with their usernames hidden.) The only other user by name than me is the stalker.
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I lay myself bare to you phandom community so that you may not suffer silently by JacobFritzsching1 hand. I know I'm not his only target. I've stayed quiet and done what I could for a year and a half. They have not let up, and I fear they are driving good people out of the community through their behavior. I will confess to thoughts of wanting to permanently delete my stuff just to escape this stalker. But I'm not letting them win. I am a Phandom elder, I have been a phan since the show since it aired back in the day; some of you may know me by my old username Jeanette9a, some of you will know I'm sited as one of the earlier ones to keep DP ship names list that now exisits on Ao3, and I have to use my every connection and pull to see this troll/stalker not mess with more of my fellow Phandom community. That so be it. I will pull out my megaphone and scram their misdeeds to heaves, so they may never walk anywhere without people knowing who JacobFritzsching1 is in regards to the phandom. You wanted attention well, here you go may I hope you enjoy what you have sown.
---- If anyone else has more receipts about this person feel free to reblog with a me too and show the phandom just who JacobFritzsching1 / JacobPhantom is. Because I'm just one person finally speaking up. I don't expect people to believe me outright. Not without more people who can attest to their character. Here is another post about the same user that is by someone other than me:
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majorlb · 2 days ago
It's kind of nice hanging out with the boys when they don't have cases, but this is the first time that Charles had been lounging about with her alone since their kiss and subsequent 'break up'. If you can honestly break up with someone you never dated in the first place?
She's doing homework, asking questions at times that he answers while he lays on the bed, fiddling with something that looks like a frankensteined rubixcube and a snowglobe. Looking at it directly makes her eyes water, so she gave that up a while ago.
It's nice, and suspiciously quiet, which probably means that Charles is thinking deep about something and needed a place to do it, without Edwin asking questions.
She truly feels like a detective at times. Which is also why she knows that letting Charles decide when to talk works better than pushing when he's like this.
And she doesn't really have to wait that long, just until she's finished with all her assignments. Or maybe he was waiting her out.
"Edwin told me he's in love with me." and I don't know what to do goes unsaid.
"Huh, I thought you'd be the one to crack first." Truly, she did. The moment they told her that they weren't together but acted like the way they were, she thought it was just a matter of time. The fact that it was Edwin who spilled first is a surprise.
"You love him, he loves you. So why are you sulking?" Unless she should quit the detective business just as she's starting. What if Charles isn't in love?
"I'm not sulking! I.. told him I couldn't say it back, but that we'd figure it out. I do love him. I'm in love with him."
This is giving her a headache. "You're in love with him but said you can't say it. Why?"
It takes so long for Charles to answer that if she didn't know better she'd think he'd fallen asleep.
"What if.. What if I mess it up..? What if I hurt him?"
Head. Ache.
"Why would you?"
"I don't know! Maybe I wouldn't notice, maybe one day I'll look up and realize that I destroyed the person I love the most in the entire world and I didn't realize until it was too late! Maybe-"
Maybe I'm like my dad.
She can hear it in the shaky breath he takes. Charles thinks that if he let's himself be in love with Edwin, he'll destroy it all.
This was way heavier than she initially thought it would be. Honestly, she's not entirely sure she's equipped to have this conversation in the first place. But she doesn't know if there are any trauma specialized therapists out there who can see ghosts, so she's all Charles has at the moment.
So she gets up from her desk, sits down on the edge of the bed and pries one of Charles hands away from the rubi-globe-thing, to hold it in her own and stroke her thumb over his knuckles.
He might not be able to 'feel' it, but she thinks it's the thought that counts.
"Charles. Listen to me very carefully when I say this. You are a good person. You are kind, and loyal, protective and sweet. I don't think you could hurt Edwin. I don't think you would either. You marched straight into Hell for him"
"You tried to go too"
"Yeah, but I'm a crazy person. You're just crazy about a person."
It makes him snort and suppress a giggle, so she knows she's on the right track.
"I mean it, though. If you let yourself be in love with him, how much is really going to change? You'd still be Charles and Edwin, Dead Boy Detectives. Partners and best friends. You'd just also kiss an obscene amount"
"You can feel each other, don't even deny that productivity would go down a lot"
He doesn't. And when she glances at his face, he's smiling, if a bit wistfully.
"Really, though, do you honestly believe I'd let you hurt my friend, Charles? I'll kick your ass."
And- score! She made him laugh, so she lays down beside him and looks up at the ceiling also, waits for him to catch his nonexistent breath.
"I'm going to tell him. When I get back to the office, I'm going to tell him."
"Good! And I'll come visit in like....what three days of smooching should be enough for you guys to start with, right?"
"Crystal Palace Surname Von Hovenkraft! Give me a week, at least."
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urcoolgf · 2 days ago
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what's your deal? pt. 4
pairing : childhood bsf!rafe x reader
content : fluff
summary : desperate to distract you from enzo, rafe decides to go on a date of his own– but when it backfires, he’s left feeling even more hopeless than before
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he had spent all night thinking about it– about you. your smile when you talked about enzo, how giddy you got, the way he had never seen you like that over a guy before– the way he had never made you like that… it was driving him insane, even more insane than he already was. he didn't sleep much that night. he even peaked into your room around 4am to find you tangled in your comforter, the parts of you that were showing were clad in tiny pajamas barely covering anything. that image alone solidified the idea in his mind that enzo could never have you.
he didn't deserve you. enzo wasn't the one there for you when your first boyfriend dumped you– an idiot, by the way– he wasn't there that one time you got so sick you couldn't even feed yourself– he did it for you, and he did it happily (even if he gave you a hard time in the moment). enzo wasn't there when your mom died. he didn't stay at your house for weeks on end, doing anything, and everything he could to make you feel better, wiping your tears.
enzo. could. not. have. you.
you were his– everyone on kildare knew it. he wished everyone in the bahamas did, too. but, he wasn't a simple man. he wasn't just gonna flat out tell you that you were his, that enzo could never treat you as good as he could. so, he did the next best thing– he made a plan, duh. he's a proactive type of person after all.
at breakfast the next morning, rafe didn't speak to you– in fact, he didn't even really look at you. you knew he was probably mad, but he was 21 years old– he would have to get over it. throwing a tantrum wasn't gonna keep you from seeing enzo again. your dad hadn't planned any specific 'family outings' for the next two days, so you all were free to do what you wanted in the meantime.
usually, you would hang out with rafe– explore the area, find new restaurants, go to the beach, take walks… but he was proving to be difficult, to say the least. the good thing was, you had enzo to do all that stuff with while rafe continued pouting.
enzo couldn't hang out until tomorrow, so you decided to just chill at the beach for today. after you ate, you returned to your room to change into a swimsuit. sarah and wheezie said they would join you, but they've kind of been doing their own thing this whole time– which was fine by you, as long as they were having fun.
your bikini was a light pink (and pretty tiny)– trying to get every spare inch of your skin tan– so, when you walked back downstairs with a towel and your bag in hand, rafe finally decided to spare you a glance. his eyes widened in what seemed to be anger, but you couldn't care less.
your dad was already gone for the day. he met up with an old friend he made when him and your mom used to come here all the time, and they were going fishing today. sarah and wheezie were still eating as you walked out the back door, heading towards the beach.
rafe never said a word to you though– his plan wouldn't work if he did. as you laid your towel down on the warm sand, you felt a sense of peace. you were alone, the weather was perfect, and the sound of waves crashing was so calming it could lull you to sleep if you let it.
you pulled out your book you had brought for this trip, and began reading while you tanned your backside.
a few hours had passed, and you decided you wanted some lunch. sarah and wheezie had since joined you. sarah laid next to you while wheezie was playing in the water. you turned your head to look at sarah. she had her eyes closed, but you figured that was just to block the sun's rays.
"hey, sare? you want some lunch?," you asked, eyes squinting to keep the brightness out.
"i'm okay! i'll probably just make wheeze and i some sandwiches in a bit," she responded with a kind smile.
"alright! you cool if i go grab somethin' quick?," just as the words escaped your mouth, your phone pinged, but sarah replied anyway.
"alone?," she propped herself up on her elbows, clearly nervous about having you go off alone, even though you were older than her.
enzo: Hey! My afternoon freed up. Wanna get some lunch? There’s a great local place not too far from your house. It’s super lowkey :) I’ll meet you there?
y/n: sounds awesome! just send me the address
"no. not alone. i'll go with enzo," you couldn't help the smile that formed, almost giddy that he was able to hang out earlier than you expected.
"oh, okay! sounds good. have fun!," she gave you a sly smirk as if you were gonna do something your father wouldn't approve of.
"see ya later," you laughed, standing from your towel, and grabbing your stuff before walking back to the house to put some more clothes on– kind of.
you just threw on some tiny jean shorts, and a basically see through top over your bikini– when in rome, right? you put on some perfume, and fixed your curls a bit before slipping on some sneakers, and pulling your purse over your shoulder. rafe’s room was empty as you passed by it, and you realized you hadn’t seen him since breakfast. weird.
you headed out the front door. turning on your phone’s gps, plugging in the address enzo had sent you– only a 7 minute walk, not bad.
once you had arrived, enzo was standing by the entrance scrolling through his phone, his other hand rested in his pocket. he glanced up, when his eyes met yours you started almost skipping toward him. once you got to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck. you didn’t care if it seemed like too much, because he returned the hug without hesitation.
“hey pretty girl,” he flashed his perfect teeth, and you swore your heart skipped multiple beats because ‘pretty girl’? you were absolutely done for. the two of you made your way inside, which was actually still outside because the sitting area was all open. only a floor, and a roof– some railing lined the edges, but still gave the view of the ocean.
“this place is so cute! i can’t believe i haven’t been here!,” you said, turning toward enzo with a mixture of excitement, and shock in your eyes.
“it’s new. built it a few months ago, but it’s gotten great traction. people love it like it’s been around for years,” the hostess guided you to a table. enzo was right– it was super laid back. a bar on the opposite side of the railing, constant chatter, people in their swimsuits. it was nice to be somewhere so down to earth. you and enzo continued talking, totally oblivious to who was standing just mere feet away from you.
he was ‘laughing it up’ with some girl he couldn’t quite remember the name of. nothing she was saying was funny– he didn’t even find her interesting, but she was the first option he came across, and she didn’t have to be perfect to be part of the plan.
she touched his bicep, almost as if he had told her to act it up– he had not. her voice was honestly agitating him, but he forced himself to get over it. you were sat in the perfect position– once you glanced up from pretty boy over there– you’d get the perfect view of him and the girl hanging off of him. then you’d know how it felt to be replaced.
you looked around, taking in the atmosphere when low and behold– rafe cameron everybody. his blue eyes met yours, and you just gave him a quick wave and small smile. it was like you had only met him in a pass by, and not as if he’d been your friend your whole life– he was fuming inside. you turned back to enzo who was now talking about some other new restaurants around that you needed to try before you left. you listened intently, watching the way his lips moved, and how his brow quirked when he got passionate about sharing something.
man, you were so fucked.
a long enough time had passed where rafe was officially pissed. you hadn’t said anything to him, hadn’t come up asking who this girl was. you didn’t show the slightest sign of being mad that he had ignored you that morning only to have another girl with him later that day. rafe wrapped his arm around the woman with him, striding over to your table with a drink in his hand and a proud smirk on his face. he was gonna make you notice him.
“hey, guys. funny seein’ ya here,” he chucked a little, raising the brim of his beer bottle to his lip, still holding a smirk.
“hey, rafe,” you were nice, but you hated how he had been acting, and honestly you were really trying to just spend time with enzo.
“what’s up, man?,” enzo said calmly. he probably wasn’t oblivious to the tension between them two, but he was surely good at acting like he was. how mature– you weren’t even sure rafe knew what that word meant.
“not much, man. jus’ hangin’ out with my friend here,” he smiles down at the girl tucked under his arm, her eyes looking back up at him with clueless admiration. the waitress appeared behind rafe, ready to take your order.
“oh! i think it’s time to order… i’ll see you at the house, yeah?,” you absent-mindedly asked rafe. you didn’t really care what his answer was, or if he even gave one. you turned back to enzo quickly asking what was good there. you had been so caught up in talking you hadn’t even looked at the menu in front of you.
if you were paying any attention to the look rafe was giving you, you would swear he was burning holes in the side of your head right now. his anger evident in his wide eyes as he scoffed, and walked off with whatever-her-name-was.
“what can i get started for you guys?,” the waitress asked kindly. rafe could hear your laugh, fading as he got farther from you.
“i’ll just have whatever he has,” your giggles driving rafe mad. his envy only growing when he hears enzo laughing along with you.
“that’s a lot of pressure!,” he joked before saying his order– you even had the waitress chuckling, it was absurd.
his thoughts began to race as he walked off with some girl who wasn’t you, while you sat infatuated with some guy that wasn’t him.
rafe has never felt this out-of-control. usually he was always able to maintain a situation, but you were proving impossible to maintain. maybe that’s what he liked about you usually, but right now it was infuriating. the whole ‘vacation fling’ was supposed to be a joke– now, not only was it real, you were wanting to stay with the guy.
enzo had you… what the fuck was rafe supposed to do now?
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TAGS ! @yktayy9669 @drewsswifeyy @drewrry @frankoceanluvr11 @dearestmillls @icaqttt @mystic-megumi @hpboysslut2707
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verdancy-hime · 2 days ago
It's trying to kill her.
She's trying to kill herself instead.
Her alarm clock says "It's not a fashion statement, it's a deathwish."
The first time you met her, she was yelling at the cars in the road to get her to hit her to buy her a computer. Or was it that she was wearing all different colors of lipgloss around her neck and coming out of a tunnel full of bats and thinking "I am suddenly certain that the best years of my life are all behind me. I am going to kill myself one day." And you thought "that's a weird thing for a second grader to be thinking. Girls usually aren't that depressed until they have tits."
One of them keeps talking about how she moved on and she's healthy now.
The other has been saying over and over that she tries not to think about it because she knows they'll lock her up one day. She knows they made her wrong on purpose. She knows they have been trying to fix her but she won't fix. There's always some battle of wits and will and they all accuse her of being greedy but she always wins and always wonders why they didn't try bribery when bribery always works. She is lying on a floor at a party among a group of beautiful girls and you don't know why you are listening to her say this instead of them. This keeps happening. You will find her next to a girl with a perfect face for this moment, the girl will lick your shoulder blade. You wind up having a conversation about some book you never read and how you would like it based on this movie you mentioned. The other girl crawls into your lap. She walks over to your friend and starts asking him questions. You buy the book the next day. It sits on the shelf for three years after the girl with the face and the lips and the... other assets is gone. There are other girls in the meantime. You don't read it but you don't throw it away. One night you are in a new place and nothing is unpacked and you can't sleep and you can't even look at any more liquor after the last three weeks and here is this book. And on the first page when you open it up, you are reintroduced to yourself that year back then. And you know which girl is the girl who is telling the truth about who she is because she dies in the book. Unmistakably, she dies. And it's not even the end of the story. It's not the point of it. It's like here you are on the night you met and she dies and here you are going through all these miseries that hadn't happened yet when the book was written. And here you are on the next page of your own life.
You know it was her because she wants to. She talks about wanting everything, how to do anything. How to get away with it. How to make ugly things beautiful and evil things good and stupid things smart. but the one thing that never changes is that she stares into a cup or a light for too long, she writes a story, she tells you about things she's done-
You go to admire her for her bravery or what she's done. She can lie and say what she's supposed to say- yes, I know , I'm great. Or she says "people think I'm brave but really I just already have to live with the things they're afraid of. I'm not afraid of losing the things they have because I don't have them. And If I get stuck, I always think 'I'll just kill myself if this doesn't work."
You know it's her because she keeps getting into cars with boys because she thinks maybe one will murder her. And when she realizes they want to take her home and keep her, she stops doing that and starts asking them why they don't love their empty houses. And when she gets urged to make a wish, everyone offers her things she wants but the only wish she will take is "I wish I was dead." And the only way to talk her out of it is to say someone else will also die. And one day, you turn on your TV and it has a girl and it's not her face and it's not her name and it's not her voice speaking in her register and she dies and says everyone else will live if she does it. And one day you, even you, turn on the car radio and here's a song about her sung by someone who looks like her and sounds like her and you don't remember the story about how she read a book about a vampire hunter with a harem and said she didn't like it because the girl always is smug and mean about other women's makeup but a girl named after a legend in Arthurian myth put it in her face when she went out into the snow and walked around screaming for hours when she fell asleep next to a girl her friends tried to set her up with at a party after finding out she was too young and wrapping her in a blanket and talking to her a while. The cute hacker girl with the knee socks she bought her who begged to be turned into a girl and rescued from her parents who wanted to be a boy was giggling with another teenage girl that if you drink rum and diet coke it tastes just like skittles. Neither one of them were wearing any clothes. She went outside and screamed and screamed and screamed and after that night she couldn't sing anymore. Before that she got compliments. Sometimes. So she went inside and this girl named after a boy who went insane and died as a tree after he drank some potion and fell in love with the king's girl handed her a book so she would have something to do other than throw up from crying. Her father used to yell at her for crying so hard it made her sick. She still does it. Singing or no singing, her lungs still do that. Too big for the rest of her. She tells you the only thing she remembered was "you don't give somebody to the monsters." And the rest was just bullshit. And she tells you that she doesn't want anyone else to die when she dies.
And she tells you that she used to talk to this person. One she made up.
So you know it's worse than the time where she lost her singing voice when one day you see her saying there was this cult that she thinks tricks people into exorcising their own souls, they say it's mindfulness and they used to say it was demons they cast out. But what happens if you have too many souls? What then? She says she beat them but they killed her cat, but now her cat brings the souls back. She says now they want to kill her, but that's okay. Because no one else will die with her.
You know the other her is fake because it's immortal, but it writes songs about how it doesn't want to die. Maybe she might develop jealousy or pettiness or insecurity or rage or grief or anything else. She would never give up her death.
But you turn on the television, you go to read a book
And all the monsters aren't monsters, they're just people she used to know.
"What's that even supposed to mean, 'It's not her'? If it looks like her, talks like her, acts like her, thinks like her, thinks it IS her, who's to say that it is NOT her?"
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livvy-spaghetti · 3 days ago
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⇆classmate!soobin x fem!reader \\ warnings! :: MDNI ⊂sub soobin, car sex ,library sex, public sex, exhibitionism, edging, protected sex, recording, reader is a bit strict and mean⊃ WC ≋ 0.7k
💿 now playing... party poison: mcr!
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"thanks for coming," Soobin whispered. He was panting and choking back moans and sobs. You were in the back of the library, tucked away behind the fantasy books at one of the desks stroking his long, red cock.
"Shut up Soobin," you whispered back sternly. You grip him a little tighter, earning a whine from him. You sent him a glare and he pouted in return.
"I can't help it when you squeeze it like that!" He protested, squirming slightly in the desk chair. You sped up a little, wanting to get him as close as you could to finishing.
"Please please pleaseeee, let me cum," soobin whined, fists gripping the armrests of his chair and bucking his hips forward.
"Not yet, hold it," you ordered, not easing your grip. He sighed, tears started beading in the corner of his eyes. You heard footsteps from across the room so you quickly pulled away and Soobin was instantly dressed again. His face was red and he was teary eyed. The innocent girl who came over noticed it too.
"Are you ok sir? Have you been crying?" She asked, sounding empathetic and concerned. Soobin blushed.
"I- uh well, no. Its just my allergies," he shook his head and the girl bought his lie, walking off with a smile.
"We almost got caught," you said.
"I know... I'm sorry," he sounded apologetic. He knew the consequences you had in place if you two were to get caught ever.
"I still really need you, can we finish in my car?" He begged, pouting his lips since he knew you had a weakness for him.
"Yes but you owe me a coffee after," you said, to which he agreed and led you out of the library.
"Can I uh..." Soobin started. He opened the backseat door and let you in before climbing in behind you.
"Can I finish inside you?" He asked, voice shy and quiet.
"Do you have condoms?" You asked. You were strict with him and you were sure to take precautions. He liked your stern personality, he loved being controlled.
"Yes ma'am," he said while opening the glovebox and retrieving a condom.
"You slut, you already had these on hand," you laughed, but he loved being degraded.
"Take your clothes off whore," you instructed. Soobin was quick to obey, stripping himself of all his clothes. He was blushed all over and especially red from where you'd edged him earlier. He was still leaking precum.
You tore the package open, rolling the condom over him and then undressing yourself. You climbed on top of his lap, grabbing his cock and pushing it into you. Soobins eyes rolled back and he rested his head against the seat. He couldn't fit in you all the way, but a few thrusts had him close anyways. You pulled off and got your phone out, recording the scene in front of you.
"Come on Soobin, tell me how much of a whore you are or I won't let you cum," you grabbed his chin, forcing his fucked out, wet face to look right into the camera. His glazed over eyes and pouty lips looked even better with the camera flash.
"Please... Need to cum so bad," he whined, tears forming in his eyes again. His cock was painfully red and leaking furiously. He was probably in a lot of pain.
"Ok baby, I'll let you," you said, still recording as you grabbed his cock again. You peeled off the condom and stroked. Soobin spread his legs and whined out. He bucked his hips into your fist desperately chasing his high.
"Please- feels so good," he yelped. his head was pressing into the headrest and his eyes were furrowed. He was totally focused on the way you were touching him and recording every part of it too.
"I didn't get anything done today because of you," you scolded. He whimpered, unable to form any words. His cock twitched in your hand and he was spitting out hot strings of cum, covering your fist and his hoodie. He gasped, riding your hand through his high.
He opened his eyes after coming down, his body completely limp. "Thank you," he said, still breathing rough.
"Don't thank me, you're going to pay for it, you parasite," you said smiling. You climbed out of his car, now clothed, dragging him to the coffee shop down the road.
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