#leaving it out for a while beforehand can do this but if you have hot water you can also run hot water over the package
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roseverdict · 4 days ago
hamburger casserole. i will always advocate casseroles wherever possible. casseroles will save you. no fucking idea where my mom rediscovered the recipe (she lost track of the original copy at some point in the past 20 years) but it's how she taught me and it's how her mom made it before her. it is pushing the idea of an easy/quick meal by OP's metrics sliiightly but each individual thing really isn't super hard and then it's just combining it all and tossing it in the oven and waiting.
you get ground beef. 2-3 lbs suffices for our family but we're voracious enough that we need to make 2 9x13 dishes of this every time we make it. also we are huge advocates for making and eating leftovers. 1 lb should be more than enough for a single 9x9.
you get medium or wide egg noodles. we usually make 24 oz but, again, we hungy. 8-12 should suffice for one 9x9
you get corn. we usually do ~2 lbs frozen sweet corn, but ~1 lb should be fine.
you get cans of chicken noodle soup and of cream of chicken soup. we do 3 each. 1-2 of each or 1 of one and 2 of another should still be fine. or keep the 3 and 3 for extra creaminess i'm not your dad
these are all a bit loosey-goosey measurements also. it's not gonna explode if you do a little more meat and a little less pasta or smth
preheat the oven to 350℉
brown the meat. don't rush it but as long as you're checking it so it doesn't burn you should be fine. once it's browned, drain it.
cook the egg noodles as directed on the pkg. usually this entails bringing a pot of water to a boil, dumping the noodles in, and waiting 5-7 minutes for the noodles to cook before then draining those. honestly if you used a colander/strainer for the beef you could probably reuse it by bringing the drained beef back to its original pan so it's empty. it's all going into the same casserole after this anyway so having the noodles pick up little beef shnibbles from the strainer isn't gonna ruin it or anything.
we usually steam the corn in the microwave for 6 minutes on high. this is generally done using one of mom's Doohickeys™ and via running a very small amount of water in with the corn before microwaving it. if you do not have a Doohickey™ then putting the corn in a microwaveable bowl and covering with a microwaveable Small Plate will work too. this is the Doohickey™ btw:
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get a big bowl (or even reuse the pot from when you cooked the egg noodles (which is very important if you go the verdict family route and make 2 9x13s at once lmao)) and mix everything together. this includes the various chickeny soups.
pour into the dish(es) you're gonna bake it in.
bake for 30 minutes.
revel in the comfort of casserole.
it also reheats in a microwave really nicely so if this is something that might take more spoons than you usually have, you can make it for dinner on a night you have more than the usual amount of spoons and then eat casserole goodness for multiple meals without any further spoon expenditure afterwards
i made some two days ago and this is what we have left
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casseroles are dunked on on occasion but genuinely this will fill you up and be a nice change of pace from sandwiches. it fills me up and i'm the kind of person who eats like 2-3 platefuls at buffets and has only ever been "uncomfortably full" from it like once. and while i'm not really an adherent to "eat healthy food, by which i mean cut out all foods that give you joy" this does have a lil bit of red meat, a lil bit of poultry, a nice delicious chunk of carbs, and a fair bit of veggies, which probably explains why my mom made it a lot when me and the brothers who existed at the time were toddlers
Do any of u have decent recipes that are like 5 ingredients (not including spices) and take 45 mins or less to prepare i gotta stop eating sandwiches for dinner
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suiana · 2 months ago
bruh i was talking to my friends about our types in guys and i said "i like boyfailures, absolute losers" and rambled about how they were just so cute and I'd be going 'yeah that's cool babe, tell me more about your pokemon and dinosaurs☺️' but then later on in the dsy i realised bro what if i AM the loser and someone thought of me like that 😵 therefore i give you yandere! golden boy x loser! reader
basically you're a loser who doesn't think they're a loser. you're the type of loser who talks a lot of shit online about how 𝖘𝖎𝖌𝖒𝖆 and hot you are when in reality you can't order a meal without hyping yourself up for 5 minutes beforehand.
you'd be pretending you're hot and mysterious but the second someone indicates the SMALLEST hint of anything you're interested in, you go on full on rambles and rants. then you snap back to reality and realize that hey! you don't even know this stranger! and just... walk away.
you're the type of person to go to the doctor with your mommy because you're scared to talk to doctors yourself and you'll look at her when the doctor asks any question, expecing her to answer for you. 'so what's your name? looks at mother' ahhh reaction.
yeah. basically, a loser. with hyperfixations on anime/game characters that you consume millions of content of. you probably sleep with plushies too and read fanfiction before sleeping. or you're doomscrolling reddit/tiktok/some form of social media and sleeping at 3 in the morning.
enter, him.
the golden boy. the perfect boy with perfect grades and a perfect body and- basically everything. he does like 3 sports, speaks 5 languages, everyone loves him, he graduated from an ivy league or an ivy league equivalent, and he's going to inherit his father's company! rich, tall, handsome. he has everything set out for him. cool beans.
you don't know how, and you don't know why, but this man is now in love with you. you... probably met him while working your minimum wage job at some fast food restaurant.
"hi, i think you're really cute. would you like to go out on a date with me?"
"h-huh? erm..."
yeah, you don't know how to react so you just malfunctioned briefly before taking another customer's order. but he wouldn't let up. not at all, because he'd find your socials and have HOURS of conversation with you, on total accident, of course! no dirty work involved. totally. just pure coincidence, just like god or whatever is above intended!
"heh, must be my aura that allowed me to get that limited edition skin... what do you think, best friend?"
"yeah, this is the one guys. I'm marrying them."
"what did you say, best friend?"
"oh, nothing at all ☺️ go on with your rant, sweetie."
by some stroke of luck, definitely not him pulling some strings, you get a job offer that somehow is related to- wow, what do you know! his company! so you leave your boring 9-5 job and sign the contract. what a nice friend he is!
"here, just sign down on the line and you'll be able to start working right away."
"wow this contract is really long, best friend."
"haha... right, I'm definitely just a best friend..."
a contract that definitely does NOT bind you to him. yeah, no, definitely not. nuh uh. what? you're trying to read the fine print? there's no need for that! it's all just boring stuff...
yeah, definitely no conditions that will allow him to legally keep you trapped with him... and should you ever try to leave. well, it's just not possible.
but hey! at least now you get endless cash and you even have this cool best friend who really seems to spoil you!
oh, and now he's asking to be your boyfriend.
"sorry, you're not my type... i like the losers. boyfailures, even."
yeah, so now you're dating. it's all cool. yeah, you... totally don't mind this.
"best friend can we get some chicken nuggets? i really want some chicken nuggets and fries, best friend."
"it's boyfriend, sweetie. but of course! anything you want ☺️ we can get those chicken nuggets and more if you want."
okay well, at least it's not that bad... he's rich and handsome, he spoils you and loves you! like those guys in fanfiction, right? maybe a little too much though.
"sweetie, I'm throwing away all your merchandise of this man thing, okay? I'm replacing it with merchandise of me."
"don't tell me you're already throwing it away..."
"we're OVER."
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violet-eng · 1 year ago
F!reader spoils Lil Dragon!Zhongli... at first | Fluff🧸 (with dragon)+ 🔞 (with human Zhongli)
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🎨by: @nagarnia_art and @JeanGreyCG
Summary: You're doing some research in the woods, looking for certain minerals, when you feel some tiny tiny eyes staring at you. After Zhongli morpps from a dragon to a human, things get a bit... hot...
Tw: with human Zhongli smut 🔞, PIV. Insinuations of breeding season, with dragon Zhongli just some cute Dragon behavior bc I ended up traumatized after writing some angst.
•┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••✦ ● ✦••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•
Your research is going well. Your reports to the Fontaine Science Institute were successful during your last expedition, earning you praise from your superiors. You have been living in Liyue for over six months. After learning about minerals that can emanate energy, you sought out information to educate yourself on the subject. 
The rocks in Liyue seem to have a memory, possibly due to the work of their Archon or as a natural result of high evolution and energetic vestiges from ancient wars. 
Zhongli, the Parlor consultant, had told you about a spot at the foot of a valley that might interest you, and you were amazed. You had no reason to doubt the man's wisdom. You had formed a deep bond of friendship with him because you admire his extensive knowledge about everything. You set off almost immediately. He had offered to accompany you, but you had refused because you prefer to do your research alone, surrounded by nature and away from the attractive distraction that Zhongli could become.
Your friend is attractive, in a way that you tried to express in your letters to your friends at Fontaine, but never succeeded. Your banal words and names do not do justice to the physique of this man of unshakable character, steely sense, and tenacious gaze. You could not bear to make a mistake in his presence during the expedition, not because you were clumsy, but because his figure moved your senses, your ground, and betrayed your own perceptions.
So, as you walk through a pleasant area of foliage, covered by the fierce, scorching rays of the sun, you decide to let your guard down, to take off your jacket and your gloves. You use a ribbon to tie up your hair as you walk on, arriving at the place Zhongli had shown you beforehand. The passage is strangely comfortable, very suitable for a quiet investigation, full of strange figures of small rocks of irregular and curious shapes.
Under the canopy of large trees, you spread out your arsenal of tools on the grass, put on your protective visors, and get to work. Sequencing the rock profile takes little time, your agile skills allowing you to avoid unnecessary pauses or clumsy backtracking typical of an amateur. Then you take the samples, tiny particles that do not alter the correct and productive nature that King Geo has protected for years, and while you wait for the filtering to finish, a strange sensation runs down your spine.
You had let your guard down during your experiment, letting the peaceful appearance of the place convince you, something very unprofessional on your part. So you turn to the side and feel a presence. Among the bushes, you spot a pair of curious little spheres, and you jump as the leaves rustle in the presence of an unknown being. 
A deep relief washes over you as the creature in question appears on the scene. A small dragon, microscopic in physiognomy compared to adult forms, with curious eyes and a golden tail twisted into a spiral. Its little paws make furrows in the ground, its face dejected, as if it had been caught doing something illegal.
"Little one, have you been watching me all this time?" You ask the cute little creature, who hides his head between his front paws, realizing he can't do it with his tail, which isn't long enough.
"Come here, don't be afraid of me," you whisper, approaching it cautiously, holding out your hands.
The dragon gathers itself in its own anatomy, growling low, sounding almost like a common cat, you can't help but laugh at it. You bring your fingers up to the growling pellet and stroke its head, right between its underdeveloped horns. You notice a puff of breath coming from the little guy's nose.
"How cute, you liked that, didn't you?" you laugh as you stroke his head and then his back, causing the miniature dragon's tail to wag.
"Come, sit with me, we'll have to wait a long time until the filtering is finished," you take him in your hands, on your palms.
"Wow... I've never seen one of your species so small... and those scales," you comment, bringing your face close to the reptile's, "I'd swear you have very, very soft skin, you're very rare, uh," you add, while you turn to your tools, which emit a strange smell.
You leave the dragon on the ground and approach your machinery, no, nothing out of place... well, now you can turn your attention to the little guy who... what is he doing?
You notice the tiny creature rubbing against your foot, making strange squeaks. It's... it's mating with your shoe? You burst out laughing and shake your foot, pushing it away and picking it up again.
"You horny little bugger," you say, poking him in the nose, "I forgot that your species is in mating season. I regret to inform you that you will get nowhere with me, I am not of the same species... ours is impossible."
A sad sigh escapes from the little animal's chest, and you notice how its whole face becomes depressed, its horns and ears seem to droop in deep disappointment.
"Don't cry," you say, putting it on the ground in the grass and lying down in front of it, "we can play if you want, to distract you a little”.
That got his attention, because he looked at you again. He walks up to you with his little paws and puts one on your nose, he starts to sniff you with that little button in the middle of his little face.
"Ohhh... do you want a little kiss?" you ask, flooded with tenderness, "I would do anything to make you happy" you say, placing a tender kiss on the dragon's forehead. Is like a puppy...
The dragon retraces his steps, accelerating and rolling his head in madness. You see him writhing in place, as if he had suddenly fallen ill, and then... poof... a golden flash and a trail of smoke,  ike the one he had just exhaled through his nose. A faint wave of heat and a faint smell of sulfur as a figure began to form behind the column of smoke.
You straightened up in your seat as the column disintegrated, revealing the very embarrassed image of Zhongli, covering his mouth as he coughs, with traces of smoke and golden flames escaping from his throat.
He is wearing little clothing, a tunic of the same color as the skin of the dragon you spoke to earlier... is that perhaps...? 
"You," you point an accusing finger at Zhongli, and he looks at you with flushed cheeks, "what was that? Aren't you going to say anything about it?" you say to the man, appearing to be annoyed, although in reality, seeing him in that outfit has aroused something pleasurable in you.
"Well?" you insist.
"Are you going to give me that kiss or?" he interjects, his voice still weak and embarrassed.
His embarrassment fades for the next hour, during which he relentlessly thrusts himself into you, waiting for your boring explorer machine to end.
The filtering of the rocks continues, the particles falling into the vessel like sand in a crystal clock. The small machines emit tiny clicks and a faint plume of smoke and gas. The rumble of the cycle's drumbeat advances in rhythm with your moans as you feel Zhongli sink deep into you.
You lie on the grass, your pants and panties around your ankles, your hands on your head clinging to the foliage, your waist encircled by Zhongli's large hands holding you steady so he can work his way into your pussy. You feel his pelvic bone against your center, his balls against your skin, and then he pulls away to enter again. Gently, lovingly, afraid to break you and hurt you. He's painfully slow, but how good it feels.
You hear him make low, rasping noises as faint plumes of smoke rise from his nose, as when he looked like a dragon. His cock twists inside you, slapping against your cervix, massaging your wet, warm depths that mold to the shape of his member. You feel the warmth rush down your legs, an electric current coursing through every fiber of your limbs, your chest heaving in desperation.
The orgasm hits you both at the same time, decorating Zhongli's cock with a white ring as his cum spills into you like thick ropes from his ecstasy. He pulls back your panties and pants, leaving a chaste kiss on your cheek.
"May I mark you?" he asks with a look of honor, his face sublime and devoted.
"Don't even think about it," you say, joining in, noticing the sadness in his eyes, "we weren't even supposed to do it. It was just supposed to be a kiss and that's it," you seem to scold him, though it's you who's scolding yourself for being so unseemly and impetuous, though damn... you've enjoyed it so much... ....
Sensing your hostile tone, Zhongli wraps himself up and immediately transforms into his small reptilian form.
"Please stop being so dramatic," you express, leaning against one of the tree trunks and letting out a laugh. "Come back... I don't want to wait alone," you say, crossing your legs and putting your jacket down.
Zhongli, the dragon, approaches you with short steps, due to the length of his small legs, and climbs onto your lap, where he rubs the fabric of your coat, nestling into the fabric to take refuge, and lets out a yawn before closing his eyes and settling down for a nap. You stroke his back and coo to the little creature, feeling him purr like a cat.
"How cute you are when you sleep," you laugh, stroking his nose, causing him to bite your finger, "did you just mark me without my permission?" You ask, but he just squeals and jumps off your lap, looking for a way to escape. You catch him with your coat and throw it at him like a fleeing rat, but he manages to escape and hide in the bushes... you don't see him again for the rest of the afternoon, but you know that when you return to Liyue Harbour you will demand an apology, an explanation... and maybe a round two.
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deonsx · 1 year ago
If They Become Your Boyfriend
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor
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Content: Nsfw
Dazai Osamu
• It was really hard for Dazai to trust someone, and it was hard for you too, but when he realized that he was truly in love with you, the wall he built was broken down by you. It took him a long time to trust you, he waited a long time to tell you everything, but you gave him time
• He's a total physical contact freak, his hands are constantly wandering around your body, he caresses your leg while sitting next to you, he holds your hands while walking, he always hugs your waist at work and gives you lots of long kisses
• He uses a lot of endearments such as "baby" "my girl" "my love" "honey" "darling" but these are just the names he uses around people. Assuming that your relationship has really hot nights, then these can turn into things like "Slut" "Good girl" These only make you hotter for him
• You never pushed him about his bandages but you always complimented them you planted kisses on his beautiful brunette skin and caressed his hair that day was very gloomy but it was like you were on a cloud for you dazai gave you permission to untie his bandages
• He likes to be sensual and slow in bed. He is serious, of course he can be a tease sometimes, but in general he likes to listen to your slow moans and spend that moment slowly and pleasurably
Chuuya Nakahara
• He really cares about his woman, his long thin fingers are always on you and he is a very jealous boyfriend. If he feels suspicious around him, he will eliminate that person and he will not feel even the slightest regret while doing this
• He buys you a lot of gold and diamonds as a gift. He really doesn't want you to miss anything. He buys you the most beautiful and most suitable of everything, from the most beautiful lace dresses to the underwear (he will steal them later)
• His taste is amazing, he always cooks you the best meals, so you never need a chef, you can always offer to cook together. If he is tired that day, he will definitely accept it, but otherwise he never wants to tire you out, maybe this is possible during the marriage period (he really wants this but thinks it's too early)
• Even though he seems like a very tough guy, he is a delicate man and he loves to sleep on your lap. He loves to lie in the spoon position so that he can feel every part of you clearly.. he loves your hips very much and sometimes he tries to put his head there and sleep
• He likes to pour wine on you and clean them with his tongue. He always tells you how much he loves the pleasure of finding his two favorite things side by side. He is always kind and aims to be the best for you
Fyodor Dostoyevski
• He is a really cold person but you never paid any attention to his coldness and continued to love him and after he noticed you, you experienced a strange excitement and eventually you found yourself in a relationship with him for 2 years and you are very happy with it
• You loved to caress his purple hair and tug it while you was moaning under him, and you loved to leave multiple fingernail marks on his back and bruises on his body. His white Russian skin was completely covered in red. Your body is completely purple, he definitely can't control himself, you don't regret it
• He's a jealous guy but he's a real pokerface when it comes to showing it, if he sees someone too close to you he removes them invisibly, his love language is definitely when he speaks words he likes to use naughty words on you
• He keeps kissing you longer, long and deep kisses all the time... his fingers squeeze your waist and leave delicate kisses on your neck, He's always rough in bed but he gave you a safe word beforehand so if you feel too unbearable he'll stop when you say it and he actually gives you gentle massages and calms you down in those moments
• He buys you the most expensive clothes, he doesn't have any money-related problems, he gave you an unlimited card and allowed you to spend as much as you wanted, he never made you feel incomplete, he showered you with luxury everywhere, even if you didn't ask for money
There will be almost 500, requests are open, I will make them all as soon as possible
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thedemises · 3 months ago
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——— A BITE OF LOVE。 ★ jiaoqiu.
note; og idea — the idea of feeding your partner food & kissing them over the pots is so beautiful n intimate I wanna cry /j
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“say, ‘aaah’ ,” a spoon was brought over to where your lips are, a red liquid emitting a spicy yet delicious scent into the air enters your nostrils. even while you're reading, jiaoqiu always has an excuse to make you his taste testee for his new dish.
your eyes still remain focused on your own business as you obediently open your lips for him to push the spoon into your mouth, the splash of hot flavor hits your tongue as you savour the tasty soup your partner had provided you to taste — of course, he made sure to blow on the spoon for you beforehand.
although it tasted as it was you expected from his excellent culinary skills, despite being a healer (“using food to treat my patients is my specialty, y'know,” is what you recall him saying a while ago), something was off; a missing element perhaps.
“well?” his large, furry tail sways behind him while jiaoqiu anticipated for your awaiting response, eyes shut with a smile and scheme in his heart, he knows how honest you can be with your feedback — which is why he deems you best when it comes to tasting his spices and whatnot, or anything in general; if you will.
even though your eyes were trained on something else at the moment, you still paused to make the effort to share your thoughts on jiaoqiu's soup.
“it just needs a pinch of salt, but it still tastes as exceptional as you are.” you remarked just as you slowly turned a page, your eyes flickering from the book to settle on jiaoqiu, unintentionally giving him a chance to lean in and press a chaste kiss on the lips.
it felt like a second too long but he pulled away just as quickly as it came, chuckling a bit at your taken aback expression.
“thank you,” and just like that, jiaoqiu swiftly leaves your area with a satisfactory look on his face. his tail swaying behind him while he makes his exit out of the room.
you stare dumbfounded from where he just left; the flavoring of pepper, paprika, chili powder, and other constituents still lingers on your tongue like an unforgettable, pungent aroma.
subsequently that same day, jiaoqiu had called you over to help him prepare rations for his patients. despite your initial confusion, you still agreed to help either way — to help others is something you like to do, occasionally.
“here, see if you like this,” jiaoqiu, yet again, calls you over as he motions for you to try something he’s eager for you to taste. of course you can't say no — although you're busy mixing something in one of the pots and the two of you are just a few feet apart in the kitchen — you faced your body towards him and moved forwards. you notice him offering something that seems to have filling of some sorts, it looks delicious too that you can't seem to resist... well, it's jiaoqiu; anything he makes is very appetizing.
with an eager bite, the treat yielded to your teeth, releasing a burst of flavor that spread across your tongue. the creamy filling mingled with the crisp outer layer, creating a harmonious blend that made you hum with delight. the contrasting textures and tastes melded together perfectly, creating a delicious explosion on your palate. you hum in delight, expressing your visible contentment.
“mm, that's good.”
you comment, gazing back at jiaoqiu with a smile and he smiles back; satisfied with your reaction as he settles the treat to the side on a plate.
“I think your food's trying to escape—it's on your face,” the foxian chuckles as he points out the small mess you had on the side of your mouth, where a smudge of filling lingers as you savor the last bites of the treat. you murmur a small ‘oh,’ and your hand reaches to wipe it off for yourself.
then, with a quick motion, jiaoqiu swipes the smudge of filling from your face onto his finger before you could. pausing for a moment, he brought it to his lips and licked it right off.
“mm...” he lets out a noise of consideration, a playful glint in his eyes as he savors the flavor. “... delicious.”
the peach foxian whispers and leans in, pressing a brief yet tender kiss to the corner of your mouth where the smudge had been, a fleeting act of affection that lingers longer in your heart than on your skin. without a word, he steps away, returning to whatever task had called him, as if the moment was as natural as breathing.
for a heartbeat, the world feels suspended, the gentle warmth of his gesture radiating through you. it’s only the soft bubbling of the soup in the pot that pulls you back to reality, your hand resuming its stirring almost instinctively. though your thoughts remain adrift, you can't help replaying the sweetness of the moment in your head.
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© thedemises 2024. do not feed to ai, copy, steal, rewrite, or claim as your own. I will hunt you down for my sake.
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lilisettean · 1 year ago
Hot Steam | Xavier/Reader
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About: What started as a nice soak in the hot springs with Xavier turned into something more...
Pairing: Xavier/Reader
Notes: I don't have the memory Kind Words for Xavier itself so idk what goes on in that scene but the art itself made me go . I need him I need to write him and mc in the hot springs.
AO3: Read here!
Warnings: Age 18+ only please. Enjoy :)
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“This was not what I had in mind when you told me to come sit closer.”
You said, doing your best to look him in the eye and not let your eyes wander down further. But he did not extend the same courtesy to you.
“Then what did you have in mind?” Xavier asked as he toyed with the towel that was stubbornly wrapped around your body. He had complained about you sitting too far away from him while in the hot spring beforehand and caught you off guard when you scooted closer, grabbing and lifting you by the waist and then plopping you down onto his lap. While you didn’t mind the closeness of it all, something about being skin to skin and almost naked made you feel… exposed.
It didn’t help that his hand was still on your waist, resting at the small of your back. How easy would it for him to slide his hand down further and slip it under the flimsy towel–
A sudden kiss to your bare shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts. He was staring up at you, his eyes dark and intense. He didn’t care your breasts were pressed against him, the towel shielding your form from him barely holding on. 
Or maybe he did care, since you could suddenly feel something poking at your thigh.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked, his expression unchanging despite knowing you could feel his growing problem under you.
“What do you think?” You retorted as calmly as possible. You thought it was impossible to feel yourself grow even hotter, being in a hot spring and all. But you did, his touch planting seeds of desire under your skin. Especially when he hooked his fingers onto the hem of your towel.
You nodded when he looked toward you for permission. And with one smooth motion, the fabric that protected you from the world, from his dark, predatory gaze, fell around you and sunk into the hot spring. 
The soft sigh he let out then broke the peaceful silence of the hot spring, his hot breath fanning your exposed breast. Lifting his hand out of the water, he dragged a finger against the round of your right breast, as though committing the sight before him to memory.
“You’re so beautiful.” Xavier breathed out, before pulling you down to a kiss. It felt tender at first, gentle like he was to you. But as seconds ticked by, the kiss grew more intense, headier, with him palming your breast and thumbing over your pert nipple as his other hand drew you closer to him. 
And then, you felt it. You gasped as he pulled you flush against his hardness. The soft cotton fabric brushed past your clit and his clothed tip pushed insistently against your entrance. Taking advantage of your surprise, he slipped his tongue past your lips and deepened the kiss, slowly grinding himself up and down your heat.
“I don’t— I don’t think we should do this here.” You said, breathless after parting from his lips. His hands were incredibly distracting, wandering about and teasing you. But that was nothing compared to his hardened cock resting between your folds, throbbing every now and then to remind you of your shared predicament.
“You’re right. Shall we head back inside?” 
Before you could climb off his lap however, he slipped an arm under you and lifted you, hauling you up to his shoulder with one arm. 
Like a prize won by a successful hunter.
“Wait– I can walk–”
“No.” Xavier said, carrying up and into the room you booked, suddenly glad that you opted for a private hot spring instead. He gently laid you down on the bed before climbing on top of you, his piercing gaze never leaving you once. 
“What kind of hunter would I be if I let my prize go?”
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xxsugarbonesxx · 9 months ago
retired!Miguel rambling
🩷 I love domestic Miguel he is my everything
i guess this is head canons??? idk i just wrote what i thought felt right lol
mostly fluff, some smut, no gender is specified for reader,
though it doesn't go into depth, pregnancy and pregnancy sex is mentioned so read at your own risk 🩷
Miguel is naturally warm, his skin is so soft and warm. He smells like firewood and citrus, trust. In the winter you’ll lounge over his body like a seal on a rock in the sun. In the summer, you drag the kiddie pool from the back and fill it up. Dipping your feet in the cold water while you two watch the kiddos and dogs play in the sprinklers. 
He makes chunky babies. If you have the ability to get pregnant, most people will assume you’re having twins ‘cause how big your tummy is once you’re with child. But you just got one chubby little babe in there, and then they’re born with a whole head of their papa’s coffee colored curls. 
Piggy backing off the previous: once he gets out of his office in the Spider Society, leaving the Spider Man role behind, he’ll gain some weight. He’ll get that daddy pooch/dad bod going down, his pubes thick and curly. A whole forest is growing under his pudgy tummy. He doesn’t think shaving is that important once he’s settled down and has his kids but is willing to shave if that’s what you prefer. 
He did do the thing where he shaved his face completely to show the baby when they were around five months old. Popping out from behind the corner to show the babe his clean shaven face with you filming it. It all ended with all three of you crying and snuggling with the baby once they started sobbing and screeching since all they’re tiny life they’ve seen their daddy with a neat, salt and peppery beard.
And if you CAN’T get pregnant, (whether you’re amab or infertile) bro will be going at it with you like an ANIMAL. He’s got fat breeder balls, full of hot, sticky cum to pump into your needy hole. Once he’s cum, he’ll give one last thrust, nice and deep into your gummy walls. Plugging his semen deep inside you, keeping it there. After care in this instance is nonexistent, since he falls asleep on top of you, still deep in your guts.
He just likes touching you, if you’re alone in the car, waiting at the red light. His palm travels up and down your thigh absentmindedly as his eyes bore into the stop light. (He wears those glasses that turn into sunglasses when he goes outside, argue with the wall) Maybe he’ll get brave enough or the light still hasn’t changed for awhile, his hand will dip under your shirt, his thumb pad playing with your soft nipple until it hardens.
As long as you’re alone, he’ll have his hands on you. Six times out of ten it leads to actual sex.
I don’t think of him as a god in bed really, he’s just a guy. He’s gonna do what he thinks you and him are gonna like (what you want will always be top priority for him I know it) Acting on lizard brain, he’s gonna do what he’s gonna do without much thought beforehand. He couldn’t edge you to save his life, if you’re whining or crying, he’s just gonna let you cum, he just can’t say no to you. :(
Foreplay is always important to him though, mainly just because I want him to rub my back, I think he’d go for the whole massage thing. Spending a good amount of time rubbing and massaging your shoulders, back and cunny/cock. His hand is so big, he’d be able to grip the space between your thighs with one hand no issue. Rubbing back and forth until you cum from his hands alone. He likes to have you cum at least once before he’s actually inside you. He’s a gentleman after all. :))) His favorite positions are full nelson, side fucking, doggy style (I will die on the hill he’s more of an ass then a titties man I don’t care!!!) and face sitting.
If you can get pregnant, pregnant sex is even more tender and loving. Usually taking brakes to pepper your body and face with little kisses. 
@cupcakeinat0r wrote a tasty yummy fic about growing old with Miguel, and I’ve had that stuck in my brain since then. Around his forties, Miguel’s really mellowed out. He’s not as a perfectionist or cold and irritable as he used to be. Having kids has helped him calm more, having a more relaxed approach to problems now. Then his quick to anger, slow to calm back down personality when he was acting as spider man. Getting married and having kids has helped him realize that he doesn’t have to be the tough guy in the room. Though his kids are just as stubborn as him now. 
I love the domestic potential of Retired!Miguel, you two having a song, that’s your song as a couple. Cooking dinner together for your little babies. Having a show you two watch an episode or two of after putting kids to bed. Sitting on the couch, your legs over his lap, drinking wine with a kids movie on as your makeshift date night. 🩷
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im-ovulating · 11 months ago
(A/n: The Stoner! Sero brain rot is real)
(I'd say "don't do drugs and stay in school, kids" but y'all aren't supposed to be here so I think all my bases are covered lol)
(Not proofread)
Word Count: 1,352
Summary- The herb might relax him but nothing helps as much as sinking into your hot, wet cunt.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs (Sero smoked beforehand + him and reader smoke towards the end), Pull-out method (use protection ppl, STDs and pregnancy don't seem fun!)
Age Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
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Stoner! Sero x Fem! Reader: Stress Relief
From Hanta💕:
'Hey babe, mind if I swing by?'
Read 10:27 pm
It's as soon as your confirmation sends that you hear a knock at your window.
"There's no fucking way…" you mumble, moving to look past your curtains. Sure enough, the lazy grin of your boyfriend is just behind the glass.
"If you had said "no," this would be very awkward," his voice is muffled as he scratches the back of his head with a chuckle.
You slide the window open and yank him inside, ready to scold his recklessness. "What if you'd been caught? My parents would never allow you over again!"
Hanta pulls you in by the waist, "But I didn't~"
"Missed you…" He says, dipping down to kiss you.
The kiss tastes earthy and you immediately know the real reason for his visit. "Rough day?"
His head drops to your shoulder with a groan, "That obvious?"
"With the weed breath mixed with the way you're gripping my ass? Not at all." His hold loosens a bit at the call out, but his hands don't move.
"I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not."
"I never said you had to be," you guide his lips back to yours, backing up until your bed takes your legs out.
Hanta wastes no time following you down. His fingers come up to trace the line of your jaw before tangling in your hair, drawing it back so he can suck marks into the delicate skin. You can't help but to sigh out a moan when he nips at a particularly sensitive spot. "I want you so badly right now, baby…"
"Then have me," you gasp at the cool fingers that are suddenly under your shirt, inching their way up to toy with your breasts.
They stop in their tracks as he pulls back enough to gaze at you with blown pupils. "Oh, I plan to."
His voice is rough with need as he sits up to shed his shirt, exposing him to your ogling. Once his shirt is somewhere across the room, he slides his hands back up your shirt until he can pull it off of you.
You work on your pants and underwear while he watches as more and more of your skin becomes available.
"Fucking hell, babe-" He grips under your knees to yank you down the bed, flushing your hips with his. Hanta leans down to kiss you again, shifting his weight to one hand as the other slides between you to feel the growing dampness between your thighs. "So wet... This for me?"
Gathering your arousal, he brings his fingers to his lips and makes a show of tasting you. The sight of him sucking your juices off of his fingers has you clenching around air, desperate for any relief.
With a *pop*, his fingers leave his mouth; he wipes his spit off on your sheets as you pull him down for another kiss. The earthy flavor of the weed he smoked earlier mixes with your tangy sweetness in a way that has your eyes rolling back and a moan sneaking up your throat. He grinds his hips into yours, letting you feel the prominent bulge beneath the denim.
"Sero Hanta, if you don't fuck me right now, I'm gonna riot, I swear to god-" You tug on his beltloop, getting impatient with all the touching.
"Someone's impatient," He laughs, shaking his head as he stands up, "Don't worry, baby, I gotcha."
Deft fingers unbutton his jeans and slide down the zipper; he shimmies out of them, kicking them to the side along with his boxers and finally freeing his hard length. You reach out, pulling him close as he crawls back over you.
His arm flexes next to your head as it takes on his weight while the other lines the head of his cock up with your slick folds. Slowly, he pushes into you, inch by agonizing inch, until he's buried to the hilt. A guttural groan escapes his lips at the feeling of your tight cunt enveloping him. "Fuck, you feel amazing..."
Your hands grip at his shoulders at the stretch, but your legs eagerly fall apart, allowing him to sink even deeper inside.
"That's it, baby. Open up for me; let me make you feel good."
His calloused hands grip your hips, steadying you as he starts to thrust in long, languid strokes. HIs eyes are hooded with lust as he drinks in the sight of you sprawled out beneath him.
You clamp your hands over your mouth as he picks up the pace, not wanting to be caught. Especially not when you can feel your core tightening, preparing for release.
Hanta leans down, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth as he continues steadily thrusting into you.
Suddenly, he shifts, causing him to brush against you just right; the jolt it sends through you has your toes curling and your hand shooting up to grip his arm, desperate to grounding.
"Oh, my god, Hanta. Do that again," you plead, needing to feel that again.
A wolfish grin spreads across his face, his hips snapping forward again and again, abusing your cunt. "You like that, baby? I've got plenty more where that came from..."
"You feel incredible... so hot and tight around me." HIs thrusts pick up speed, pounding into you with deep, calculated strokes that leave you trembling. He slips his hand down once more to draw tight, little circles on your clit, matching the rhythm of his hips.
Your walls start clamping down, attempting to keep his length inside you as you get closer and closer to cumming. The sudden tightness makes Hanta choke out a groan; it forces him to slow to a grind inside of you. Your hips have started to roll up to meet his thrusts and god, you're so close.
His thumb presses harder against your sensitive bundle of nerves, coaxing you closer and closer to the edge. "C'mon, princess, come undone for me; I wanna feel you fall apart on my cock."
His pace grows more erratic, chasing both of your releases as the coil of pleasure clenches impossibly within you. It feels like as soon as it tightens to it's limit, the coil snaps and you cum with a debauched moan. Hanta's hand shoots up from playing with your clit to clamp down on your mouth.
"Shhh!" His frantic shushing does little in quieting you when his mouth returns to sucking and nipping at your neck.
His hips start to falter, the clamping of your walls around him drawing his own orgasm out; with a few more erratic thrusts, he finds his release, slipping out of you just in time to paint your thighs with his milky spend.
With a final shudder, he collapses against you, rolling to the side just enough to avoid crushing you. He holds you against him as you both thrum with the aftershocks of your climaxes. Thoroughly dazed and satisfied, Hanta presses sloppy, lazy kisses along your jaw and neck.
After laying together for a minute, Hanta rolls over to grab his jeans from the floor, rummaging through the pockets before he suddenly grins, producing a blunt and his dented zippo. He nestles back against the pillows, pulling you against him. Flicking the lighter to life, he sparks the end, taking a long, slow drag. He holds the smoke for a moment before exhaling, the fragrant haze curling around you both.
"Care to share, beautiful?" He holds it out to you, gaze heated as he watches you take a puff with it still held between his fingers, your fingers wrapped gently around his wrist. Your eyes don't leave his as you slowly breathe it out through your nose.
His hand caresses your jaw, careful to keep the cherry away from your skin. "My pretty baby..." he murmurs before taking another pull, savoring the heady sensation as the drug curls around his mind.
He presses a kiss to your lips, prying the open and breathing the smoke into you. "Let's stay like this for a while, hm?"
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xfgpng · 5 months ago
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— [ nsfw ] name calling, spanking, vibrators and edging
— : kink :: degradation (some edging too)
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“it’s pathetic actually” he grins, watching her squirm. he’s had her on all fours for an hour now, watching how she struggles to maintain composure. he was nice enough to put her on the bed but he knows she’s going to kick his ass when they were done.
“aw, what’s wrong my little hunter?” he smirks, lowering the intensity of the vibrator inside her. it’s a tiny thing but powerful, he did his research beforehand and it’s a delight to see it in action.
“ass..hole” she groans, biting the pillow underneath her. she’s not even tied up and she can move any time she wants but the fact that she doesn’t is amusing to him and he knows it makes her angrier.
“brat” he huffs, slapping her ass hard enough to hurt. she hisses, glaring back at him over her shoulder. she was such a work of art like this, he’d beg her to stay like this later so he could paint it.
“don’t give me that look, it’s not my fault you’re a nasty little slut” he grins, leaning over to bite her asscheek. “so eager to let me do this to you, how embarrassing”
“fuck off” she gasps, feeling him drag his long finger threw her folds. it wasn’t nearly enough to get her anywhere but she’d chew glass before she begged and it’s why he was having fun messing with her this way.
“fuck off huh?” he slaps her ass harder, closer to the back of her thigh and she cries out at the sting. “watch that pretty mouth of yours you damn brat, before i give you something to choke on”
she squeezes her eyes shut as her grip on the sheets tighten. he’s increased the speed of the toy and it’s driving her crazy. it pushes her closer to the edge every time before he stops it, laughing at her whimper.
he focuses attention in the middle of his palm, using his evol to heat it up just one the right side of hot before he slaps her ass again.
she screams as she clenches around the toy, embarrassingly close to coming. it finds it amusing how she was all cocky when she’d had him tied up in those red ropes, now she was the one whining.
“i warned you, didn’t i darling?” he chuckles, starting the toy up again on the lowest setting, “i’d make you feel everything i was feeling and more”
“rafa please” she bites the pillow, hiding her frustrated whimpers. when he really wanted to be mean, he was the worst.
“rafa please” he mocks, grinning as he steps closer and places soft kisses on her asscheeks, he knows it’s going to hurt for a few days but she didn’t seem to mind. she didn’t use her word yet and if she wanted him to stop, he’d stop immediately.
“you’re so pretty like this my little bodyguard” his grin is almost menacing as he watches her try to stay on all fours as he increases the intensity. she’d been close for a while now, he’s lost track of time really but time didn’t seem to matter much when he was with her.
he leaves the bedroom for a while and she cries out, yelling at him for just leaving her like that but when he comes back with his art supplies, her eyes widen and she really feels like she would cry right now.
“stay still” he lowers the vibrator, “if you can stay just like this until i finish painting you, i’ll fuck you real good but if not, we’ll start over, understood?”
she glares at him before hiding her face in the pillow, whimpering again because this was torture but she wasn’t one to back down from a challenge and he knew that.
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eufezco · 2 years ago
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SUMMARY – when Joel's keeping you company while you're showering, he sees something he wasn't supposed to.
english isn't my first language <3 // this is pure SMUT
A/N – omg it's been so long but i literally have no inspiration so if anyone has any request... also, i've been writing for the walking dead, especially daryl, but that's still in my drafts because i don't know if there's anyone interested in that. ANYWAYS, i hope this isn't so bad
He didn't mind. He truly didn't care. He was sitting on the toilet, bent forward, with his elbows on his knees and one of his legs shaking out of impatience. It was true that he'd rather be doing other things but with a bit of luck you'd be done soon and he'd leave. Although he didn't have much to do either, he was sure they needed some last-minute people to patrol.
He had been sitting on that toilet every night for at least thirty minutes every time you took a shower. Since you lacked music, you needed some other type of distraction and Joel wasn't the best for it but it was your only option.
"What was the last movie you saw?"
"I don't know. I can't remember."
"I'm sure you do remember, you are just too lazy to think. For me, it was Spiderman, my brother took me to the movies but I don't remember enjoying it. What was yours?"
"I think it was Catch Me If You Can."
"Never heard of that."
Of course not, he said to himself. The sound of falling water made your voice sound fainter so he had to readjust his position to hear you better. His back was now against the toilet, he ran his hands over his face. It was starting to get a little hot inside the bathroom as well. Joel looked in your direction, trying to understand what you were saying but quickly looked away. Joel closed his eyes tightly and then opened them wide again without knowing what to do. When he leaned back and looked in your direction, he expected nothing, only the curtain that was hiding you, but instead, he found a perfect view of your round and wet ass.
Joel swallowed nervously and shook his head, trying to erase that image from his mind, but it was so perfect and the water slid so easily down it. No, no, no, fuck he mumbled, massaging his temples. The way his teeth would sink into your skin there, and they would mark your soft skin just right.
"Are you okay?" You peeked your head through the curtain. Your brow furrowed as you saw him looking away.
He nodded.
"Can you pass me the bathrobe, then?"
Fuck, you were doing this on purpose, he thought. He stood from the toilet and you waited behind the curtains. You went out of the shower wrapped in the robe.
"I'll leave so you can change." He announced. His eyes briefly looked away and moved down to your breasts covered by your bathrobe, he could see how hard your nipples were and how the drops of water slid down your cleavage. You raised your eyebrows and Joel never looked you in the face again. He tried to get out of the bathroom, ashamed enough already, when you blocked his way with your body.
"I saw you looking at me, Joel. You won't get away so easily."
He didn't know what to say. Should he apologize? Should he leave anyway? He'd been looking after you practically since this started, since you two met in the woods, the least he could do was apologize for looking at you in such an inappropriate way.
"When was the last time you saw a naked woman?"
Your question caught him off guard. Joel shook his head and took his eyes off you, knowing beforehand what you were about to do. The bathrobe slipped off your shoulders and Joel closed his eyes, not even daring to look at your reflection in the mirror. You couldn't be doing this to him, he was not like the boys you'd been hanging out in Jackson.
"Look at me."
He shook his head. You told him again and this time his eyes laid on yours. You flashed him a smile, how innocent sweet Joel.
"I want you to look at my body, Joel."
Joel called your name, shaking his head again and swallowing nervously.
"I know you want to do it, I saw how you looked at me before. I want you too, but this isn't going to work if you can't even look at me."
His eyes shyly moved from yours to your breasts. He took a glance and closed his eyes. You smiled victorious. You guided one of his hands to caress one side of your body. Joel dared to look at the path his hand was making through your body, how soft the skin of your waist felt against his rough fingers.
You led his hand to cup one of your tits. Your nipple immediately became hard on contact with his palm and your pussy was already clenching around nothing. You'd dreamed so many times about how would his touch feel, and he was barely applying any pressure, nor squeezing it or pinching your nipple, he was just holding your tit in his hand.
Your hand pinched his chin and made him look up at you. His eyes were bright, darker than you'd ever seen them before, and his pupils were big. You fluttered your lashes, inocently and your thumb caressed his lips. You came close enough to his mouth for your breaths to become one, you could feel his beard tickling your lips. You ran your tongue over his lips and he leaned in for a kiss, his lips were so soft and gentle against yours compared to the thick hair of his beard.
You pushed his shoulders and made him sit on the toilet again. His cock was so hard and ready for you, already leaking precum against the fabric of his underwear. He was still unsure about this, not because he didn't want to do it but because you were so beautiful and he was an old man that doubled your age, and his cock was so hard and already throbbing against his stomach, it was almost embarrassing.
Joel put both of his hands on your hips when you placed one of your legs on each side of his body. You wrapped your fingers around his hard cock, giving it a couple of strokes and getting multiple groans from him. You could feel him twitching between your fingers. He was big, some black hairs like the ones on his head decorated the base of his cock and a prominent vein ran down its length, but the most important thing was, that he was thick. You could barely take it all in one hand, and you knew the stretch was going to be perfect.
You lined up his cock at your entrance, allowing only his tip to go inside you, and then you gently lowered yourself. One of your hands moved down to your clit and rub it to get used to the sensation of Joel filling you. He gave you all the time you needed but you were tight and he could feel his cock jumping inside you. Every time your fingers rubbed your clit your cunt clenched and squeezed him even harder.
"You good?" Joel asked, caressing one of your cheeks with the back of his hand. You nodded. "You sure? Oh, fuck-" He moaned when you started rolling your hips against his. Your movements were very delicate as your fingers continued working on your bundle of nerves, helping you to get even wetter and making it easy for you to take him. Joel could feel you dripping down the inside of his legs.
"Yeah, that's a good girl, fuck-" His eyes were locked on where you two connected although he could only see how his cock had completely disappeared inside your pussy. He was enjoying the way your tiny fingers played with your clit.
"Still good?" He asked again and you nodded. You suddenly stopped the movement of your hips against his and he was afraid that you'd hurt yourself. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders, getting a firm grip there to help you lift your hips from his lap. You pulled him out of you, his cock glistening with your juices, and then you dropped yourself back down onto his cock.
A sharp moan came out of Joel's throat and his fingers sank into the flesh of your ass. You repeated that again and again, finally getting used to Joel's width and to the sting of him going inside you deeper and deeper each time. Your hands moved from his shoulder to his face, cupping both of his cheeks and guiding his lips to yours, the sounds that escaped your mouths became one. His hands massaged your breasts shamelessly this time, his palms rubbed your nipples while you leaned your head back, giving him perfect access to your neck.
"I can't- I can't anymore." You cried out, your movements becoming more and more sloppy.
"It's okay. You did well." He gasped, his hands on your hips slowly guiding your movements, giving you enough time to recompose. Joel helped you to wrap your legs around his body, so that when he stood up from the toilet, he could move you with him, his dick still balls deep inside you.
Joel sat you on the sink and he splayed your legs completely open. You sat up on your elbows, looking through your eyelashes as he was admiring how your pussy sucked him. His dick slid inside you easily, his thrusts were stronger than you thought they would be and they made your whole body shake with them. Your throat felt dry and the burn in the pit of your stomach felt warmer and warmer. You dug your nails into his shoulders and pulled him to you, chest to chest.
Your hips rolled involuntarily against his, and you nodded to everything he muttered at you through gritted teeth. Yes, you were a good girl. Yes, you were his good girl. Yes, your pussy belonged to him. Yes, you were about to cum. Yes, you wanted his cum, and yes, you wanted it inside. And who was he to deny you your wishes? With a groan coming straight from his chest and your legs shaking and closing around his body, you both came seconds apart.
Joel stayed inside you, his head resting on your shoulder as you played with the hair on the back of his neck. You giggled. "Look at the shy one."
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littelovelunette · 19 days ago
Vi x reader where reader finds her in the bottom of the well after caitlyn butt her in the stomach and immediately she's like: "...I told you so." mad and distraught over vi having chosen a piltie over her. But the twist is: reader was on sevika and jinx and isha's side beforehand, but snuck away after sevika pulled the lever to check on vi. Reader wasn't reading the room (by accident) when she said: "Told you." and then it lead to a big argument with vi and reader, where it THEN paralleled s1 episode 3 and reader is like why did you leave me?! and then they're both crying now AND YEAH. ANGST
Contains angst
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When you climbed down, seeing Vi there, gauntlets a few feet away from herself, she was crying.
Vi looked so broken, so defeated as she stayed there on the ground. Her body shaking with each and every sob.
Her sobs echoed, she didn't even notice you come in because she was so drowned in her own sorrows.
Her heartbreak lingering in her body as did the fatigue.
"Vi," your voice was soft when you walked upto Vi and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze.
Anger at her for leaving you behind when she could've stayed instead she joined those Topsiders.
She joined Caitlyn Kiramman.
Vi looked up at her, "She left me," Vi whispered out, staring up at you with tears streaming down her cheeks.
Her face was slightly redenned.
"You, of all people, Vi," you started, voice soft yet firm, "Should've known better than to trust a Piltie..."
Vi didn't answer, eyes fixed on the ground.
"Vi, as much as I don't wanna say it, I told you so," you started and that was it.
Vi got up pushing you away, "You don't understand, Cait cares for me!"
"She left you!" You yelled back, tears starting to flood your eyes as you remembered the way Vi had left you when you needed her the most.
Vi didn't say anything for a while before she finally managed to ask, her voice weak and strained.
"You joined Silco, too...?"
There was a moment of silence.
"Why did you?" Vi asked but you didn't answer, you swallowed hard.
Hot tears were starting to fill your eyes and a single tear streamed down one of your cheeks.
"Why did you leave me?" You asked, voice choked with your sobs and you sunk down to your knees beside Vi.
Vi wanted to hit you. Hit herself. But she didn't, instead she cried.
Her body shook with the pressure of her sobs, one hand raising to wrap around you.
You both sobbed together, crying for a while until you slowly started to lose your breath.
"V-Vi, can't breathe," you whispered.
Vi pulled your hair back silently, helping you up but seeing that you couldn't even support your own weight, she picked you up bridal style instead.
Your head lolled towards Vi's chest, muscular arms protecting you as she held you close, "Fuck, where do I even take you...?"
"You have to fix this mess," you managed to mutter, "You have to go back to Jinx, you can still fix this."
"I don't— I..." Vi started but then she realised there was nothing more to do. Nothing more to do than agree. Nothing more to do but go back.
"Accept the truth, Vi, you belong here. The only thing Caitlyn might've been right about was the fact you share the same blood as Jinx," you said, leaning your head against her heart, listening to her heartbeat.
This time, Vi didn't push you away. She'd accept her faults, she'd make this right.
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borathae · 5 months ago
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"Jungkook knows that he can always use his safeword with you. Even during your most passionate of roleplays."
Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: married life!AU, Comfort Fluff, slight Smut in the beginning
Warnings: sub!Jungkook, Mommy Dom!Reader, implied sexual situations, implied prisoner & cop roleplay, implied spanking & pain play, nudity, use of his safeword, the most comforting & loving aftercare for both <3
Wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: i can't find the ask rn, but someone once asked me if Koo ever had to use the safeword with her and how that went. so i decided to write it for you besties and it comes without a surprise that this is incredibly comforting and lovely 💗
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Jungkook is a masochist. That much is sure to both him and you. He likes it when the ropes pinch a little. He likes it when the overstimulation burns so fiery. He likes it when the tug on his hair stings. And he likes it when the impact play leaves tender spots behind. Jungkook is a proud and very happy masochist. Pain is pleasurable to him, it gets him off.
But even for a proud and happy masochist such as himself, the pain can get too much. He is only human after all.
For tonight’s roleplay, you tied him to a metal pole with his back turned to you and his arms lifted above his head. He can rest against the metal post with his elbows if he wishes to do so. He is entirely naked and drenched in sweat by now, while you are still completely clothed. Tonight’s role play – like all your other role plays – was discussed into the smallest details beforehand. He is supposed to be your prisoner who refuses to give you crucial information and you are the morally corrupt detective who uses torture to get what she wants. It is so hot and sexy and so much fun. You interrogated him as he was tied to a chair and had a vibrator strapped to his cock, manhandled him a little as you shoved him from the interrogation room (your office on normal days) to the torture chamber (the playroom on normal days) and you used just the right impact toys in just the right order to really get him going. It was so much fun until suddenly it isn’t. 
You strike his tender and very red buttocks with the wooden pedal. You didn’t change anything in the way you strike him. You use the same angle, the same speed, the same strength, but it still gets too much for him. The once pleasurable pain becomes incredibly real. 
Jungkook tenses up and instantly yelps up, “ah! Red!”
“I’m stopping”, you exclaim and drop the pedal, “you’re safe. I’ll come closer and undo the bindings, okay?” 
“Yes”, he gets out, nodding his head. 
You caress his back slowly as you work with the other hand, studying his face worriedly.
“Are you okay? What happened?” you ask him. 
Jungkook meets your eyes and drops his temple against the metal pole, showing you how truly ruined you got him.
“I’m sorry”, he says.
“If you are sorry about using your safeword, be quiet. I’m happy that you used it. Did it get too much?” 
“Yes, too painful. I didn’t like it anymore.”
“I hear you. I’m sorry that I didn’t catch your signs.”
He shakes his head, “there were none. The pain suddenly felt too real.” 
“I see.” You lean in and kiss his cheek. “Good job for stopping it. I’m sorry for actually hurting you. I never meant to hurt you in a way where it feels real. Can you forgive me?”
“It’s okay, Mommy. It’s not your fault. You did everything right, but my body just had enough. Thank you for being such a good Domme.” 
You smile. He always knows exactly what to say to reassure you. There was never an instance when you felt like a bad Domme or like you had to be ashamed of what you did. He always reassures you and praises you just right.
“Thank you, Bunny. Thank you for being the best sub ever.”
He lets out a shy giggle. You smooch his cheek in reaction. The knot of the ropes finally opens. His weak arms instantly fall down, knocking a surprised groan out of him.
“Sorry, god sorry, I should have warned you. Are you okay?” 
“Yes, but everything hurts. Mommy, I can’t stand for long. I feel dizzy.” 
“Hold onto me. I’m here”, you gasp, instantly picking him up in your arms. 
He drops his head onto your shoulder, limbs wrapped tightly around you. He loves being carried by you. He thinks that it is impressive how strong you are. It is also really hot to him, but he can’t think of that aspect right now. He feels too ruined for it, finding comfort in your arms as you carry him to the sofa.
The sofa in the playroom is soft and has very comfortable cushions to rest on. He sinks into them with a relieved sigh, having to sigh again when you kiss his forehead.
He is currently resting on his side, while you are kneeling next to the sofa. You are facing each other. Jungkook can barely keep his eyes open when you brush his messy hair out of his forehead. He smiles tiredly. You retort it, kissing his forehead again.
“Does it hurt lots?”
“I guess. It feels like a numb pulsing.”
“I see. I’m sorry, Bunnybaby. I’ll get you something for the pain, yeah?”
He nods his head.
“Do you need pain meds as well? Or just something to cool?”
“Just something to cool.”
“Alrighty, I’ll be back really soon.”
You stand up and wrap him up in a warm blanket so he wouldn’t get cold.
“And, Mommy?”
“Yes, Bunny?”
“Maybe something to drink too, please?”
“Of course, Bunny.”
Jungkook sinks into a mixture of wakefulness and sleep while he waits for you to return. He dreams but it feels as if he was just vividly imagining things. It is such a nice and comfortable state to be in. 
He opens his tired eyes when he hears you come back. You are carrying a tray of snacks and whatever else you need to take care of him. 
You kneel down next to the couch, greeting him with a tender kiss to his cheek. 
“Hey, there.”
“Hey, Mommy”, he whispers, smiling sleepily. 
You lift the glass of water closer to him, guiding the metal straw to his lips. You put it there so he wouldn’t have to move out of the position. Jungkook gladly sips from it, gazing at you. He finishes half of the water.
“Good boy. Here’s a little treat for you. Open up.”
Jungkook obeys happily. You put a piece of hard candy on his tongue.
“Mhhhm, my favourite”, he gasps in a pitched voice, letting it melt on his tongue.
“Everything for my Bunny”, you say and kiss his cheek. You wipe the hair from his temple. “Now. I’ll get behind you and wipe some cream on your butt. Is that okay?”
“Yes, ‘is okay.” 
You climb on the sofa, nuzzling yourself into the cozy nook behind his legs. The couch is big enough to house both of you comfortably. It was very important to you and him when you purchased it that it has enough space for both of you. Aftercare for you and him is very touch-heavy. Cuddles, caresses and being physically close are what work best for the two of you. So it was important that your aftercare couch would accommodate these needs comfortably. 
You lift the blanket off his butt, making sure to keep the rest of him covered. You inspect him. Almost the entire space of his buttocks is reddened. In the middle of each cheek, the first indicators of bruises have started to form. No wonder that it got too much for him. Looking at him, it would have taken you maybe three more strikes and you would have stopped it for him. 
“Looking at you, I feel reassured I’m not an awful Domme. I think I would have given you like three spanks max before I’d have stopped it for you. So I still know the signs.”
“You’re not an awful Domme. You’re the best Domme ever. I feel so safe with you”, Jungkook whispers, dragging his words sleepily. 
“Thank you, Bunny”, you say, giving his back a little kiss before you straighten up again. You pick up the tub of cream and put some of the cooling ointment on your fingers. You spread it on his raw buttocks carefully, going especially gently on his bruised spots.
“This feels so good”, Jungkook breathes, body growing slack in relaxation, “I’m so tired.” 
“You can sleep if you need to.”
Jungkook hums. Afterwards, you and he fall into comfortable silence. You use it to massage his tender spots while he falls asleep. Or so you think until he breaks the silence in a soft voice.
“Do think that it’ll ever stop feeling so good?”
“What do you mean?” 
“Aftercare. It feels so good with you. It’s like coming home. Do you think this will ever stop?” 
“I don’t think it will. At least I hope it won’t. I try to make it nice.”
“It’s so nice.”
You smile fondly, gazing at the back of his head. 
“I don’t think so either. It’ll always feel so good. I know it”, he says and sighs contently.
You look at him, feeling your heart race unbearably. You love this man so much. You have to be closer to him. It is impossible to exist otherwise.
You open the blanket to get under it behind him. You spoon him, wiggling your arms around him. Jungkook melts into you, holding your hand instantly.
“You know that I adore you, don’t you?” you whisper into his hair. 
“I adore you too.” He kisses your knuckles. “And I loved today. Thank you for this. I’d like to do it again someday, just maybe with less spanks.”
You snicker. He does too.
“Mhm yeah, agreed. Less spanks, more edging.”
“Nooo. No edging”, he whines with a pout.
You chuckle, talking between kisses to his face and neck. 
“Yeees, all the edging for you.” 
“Mommy, this is so unfair”, he complains, shivering each time you kiss a new spot. This is so relaxing to him.
“I think it’s fair.”
Jungkook huffs out air and pouts. You laugh fondly, cradling his cheek so you can turn his head to you. He gazes, but pouts for dramatic effect. You decide to take matters into your own hands and kiss his cute pout away. 
Jungkook gladly accepts it, heart racing like crazy in his chest. He turns in your hold, hooking his arms behind your head which naturally deepens the kiss. 
Truly, being with each other feels like home. Even something as serious as using your safewords will always end in comfort and love. That’s what it means to be with your soulmate. 
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taojjang · 4 months ago
riize when you're on your period ✮⋆˙
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pairing: bf!riize x fem!reader, genre: fluff (tiny bit of crack idk), warnings: menstrual cycle, blood, medication
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♡⸝⸝ how he'd spoil you rotten during that time of the month
shotaro . . .
◦ oh how sweet he'd be :(
◦ taro is always the sweetest to you, treating you like a princess every waking moment of your life.
◦ but when you're on your period, he does everything in his power to lift your spirits and make you feel better.
◦ he wouldn't shy away from buying your feminine hygiene products! a real man, we love to see it!
◦ he'd be at your house every day, calling you beforehand to ask if you need him to get something for you.
◦ even if you say no, he'll never arrive empty-handed. he'll bring your favorite ice cream and maybe even a new teddy bear!
★ - "i'm sorry you're having a tough time, honey... is there anything i can do for you?"
eunseok . . .
◦ not a single day goes by where eunseok isn't spoiling you, waiting for your every request
◦ nothing changes during this time of the month; your caring boyfriend still stopping at nothing to make your life as easy as it can be.
◦ the only difference is that he'd never leave your side for even a second.
◦ he'd be sat beside you stroking your hair, occasionally checking to see if you're in pain or need anything from him.
◦ in the morning he'd ask you what you feel like eating so he can plan out today's meals, always ensuring his baby is happy and well-fed </3
◦ once he notices even a small wince from you, he wastes no time, rushing to grab a hot pack and leaving soothing kisses on your forehead.
★ - "i know it hurts, darling, i'm sorry. i'll take care of it, i promise."
sungchan . . .
◦ your cuddle buddy!
◦ whenever it's that time of the month, really all he wants to do is scoop you up in his arms and hug all of the pain away :( ... which conveniently works!
◦ when you're experiencing cramps, sungchan is always beside you, gently rubbing your tummy. he holds you delicately in his arms as if you'd shatter with too rough of a touch.
◦ his large, warm hands work wonders for your minor cramps and he knows that, so he never stays far from you in case you need him.
◦ but when your cramps are intense, sungchan always feels so sad and helpless :( he frantically researches remedies while you curl up in his lap, crying against his chest.
◦ he wipes your tears and kisses their trails, trying his best to soothe you in any way possible.
★ - "i'm so sorry, princess... the medicine should be kicking in any second now. should we try to take a nap?"
wonbin . . .
◦ a clueless cutie (・・ ) ?
◦ he'd be helplessly sitting beside you, too scared to touch you in fears of hurting you even more.
◦ nevertheless, he'd still be layering you with blankets and googling how to help his suffering gf (he's a loser and you love him!)
◦ in the end, he asks you to tell him whatever it is that you need, but all you want is cuddles and snacks :( so ofc he delivers!
◦ he'd order a bunch of your favorite snacks and find a good movie to watch
◦ would put on a comedy but laughing hurts your stomach so you watch a sappy romance instead, aaaand now he's stuck wiping your tears while you ugly cry over some cliche movie...!
★ - "you're such a crybaby. come here, let me kiss you."
seunghan . . .
◦ the way he treats you when you're on your period alone is already grounds for marriage
◦ seunghan would cater to your every need— buying your hygiene products, running errands, completing house chores, shit maybe even doing homework for you
◦ he just can't see his baby in pain :(
◦ the second you're leaning over in pain, he's running over to hug you probably with tears in his eyes
◦ every little flinch and he's asking if you need to go to the hospital
◦ he's the most caring boy in the world and he'd do anything for you <3
★ - "i'm sorry it hurts so much, angel... but i'm so proud of you, you know that?"
sohee . . .
◦ sohee would wear a stoic and confident act, but the poor boy is just a confused, scared, anxious little dude...
◦ he would be less clingy than the other members but would still travel lengths to make you feel better.
◦ sohee would work on lifting your spirits! he'd love to pick up food from your favorite restaurant and eat with you :3
◦ he'd do anything to make you smile— often ordering frozen yogurt at 2am and watching naruto until sunrise
◦ he knows how excruciating your menstrual cycle is, so he does everything in his power to make you happy even if its just for a split second.
◦ he's just your little ball of sunshine <3
★ - "i know it hurts, pretty girl... how about i order froyo? would that take your mind off of it..?"
anton . . .
◦ he is just about as emotionally drained as you are...
◦ every time you'd whine in pain, he'd hold you close to him and cry with you, constantly whispering apologies and comforting words.
◦ he goes out to buy your hygiene products but probably ends up calling you to tell him which one to buy... poor boy is super shy but he reminds himself it's for your girlfriend!
◦ he probably asks you questions about your period so he can become more prepared and knowledgeable, but you're not in the mood to talk so you end up cuddling instead (◡﹏◡)
◦ you lie cuddled up against his chest as he strokes your hair with one hand and rests the other on your lower back, soaking in each others' presence.
★ - "you're so admirable, my love. you're doing so well."
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barbiiecams · 1 year ago
baby trapping bfb!rafe omg 😖. it would most definitely be an accident, but now you could finally claim him. you weren’t so opposed to the fact of getting pregnant with his baby beforehand, but because sarah was genuinely your friend, you made sure not to for the time being.
now rafe? he’d be so mad yet happy at the same time. he was very reluctant to even take off the condom off with you, and this seemed like the consequence to his actions.
“right there!” you moaned out as he hit the perfect spot inside of you.
“yea? right there?” he’d taunt, smirking down at the position he had you in. he pulled out for a second which almost made you cuss him out, but then lifted one of your legs in the air and held it by the back of your thigh, plowing his way back in again.
this made your eyes roll so far back you were almost positive they got stuck for a hot minute.
“that’s the spot, huh baby?” he’d lean over and say into your ear. not being able to form words, all you could do was nod. but there was something you desperately wanted from all this.
he’d been folding you up, throwing you around and switching positions all night. and he knew exactly how you liked it. it’s like he could seriously do no wrong. all though this whole situation was wrong, you still seemed to forget that this was your friends brother. someone who’s supposed to be off limits.
but we can’t help who we like, right?
he definitely didn’t care though, matter of fact, his dirty talk never stopped about it. “yea? that feel good being fucked by your friend’s brother? imagine if she saw us now. shit, i finally wouldn’t have to hide my girl.”
and he just continues.
“yea rub that clit baby. soak this cock.”
“keep taking it baby, know you can.”
“let go baby, cum all over it.”
as soon as he felt your release, his came up not too long after.
“shit, you feel too good. gonna make me blow mine soon.” this right here is when you ask for whatever, knowing how easy it is for them to say yes when they’re balls deep, seconds away from nutting.
“inside me? please!” you’d grab onto his shoulders, while his arms were now pressing your hip down into the bed.
his movement doesn’t slow, but his face says the answer as well as his words. “you know we can’t. convincing me to go raw wasn’t enough?”
“i just wanna feel you… all full inside me.” you’d say, almost choking on your words the way he’s still milking out your orgasm.
“i’ll cum in your ass. how about that?”
“s’not the same! please, rafe. just once?”
he doesn’t answer for a little bit, but the way his face starts to scrunch up, he was bound to cum in a few seconds.
“fine,” he finally says. “better fuckin take it all.”
right after that, his hot and heavy flow streams right into you, making your brain feel like complete mush.
after a few moments of just laying there, he pulls out and lays down next to you, pulling your head into his chest. “won’t be leaving you alone anytime soon with a pussy like that.” he chuckles, & you playfully hitting his chest.
the only thing that brought you was a world full of trouble. because here you are now, sitting on the toilet with a nauseous stomach, and positive stick in your hand to top it off. this most definitely was not supposed to happen, but you didn’t feel that bad about it either.
taking a picture of it in your hands, you sent it to rafe then put your phone down and held your stomach again. you didn’t even need that pregnancy test. the way you were throwing up buckets confirmed it by itself.
not even 5 minutes later, he texts you back.
“didn’t i tell you it was a bad idea? now how are you gonna tell sarah, cus im not.”
now that was definitely something you weren’t thinking about in the heat of the moment.
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avocado-writing · 1 year ago
good boy
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notes: my mate M put this idea in my head. this is her fault. pairing: gale x f!reader (sub!gale, dom!reader; praise kink; mummy kink)
rating: E
Gale has been dealt an unnecessarily unfair hand in the card game of life, you think. 
Having a tumultuous relationship with a goddess is one thing, getting a bloody magic bomb sealed into your chest is quite another. And all on top of being infected with that damned tadpole?
Well. Those sorts of things can really grind a man’s self esteem down. 
You can see that he tries to paint over it with his erudite speech, using fifteen words where he could use one to trick his listener into believing he holds a sense of grandeur about himself—but you know how to look for the subtler signs. The way he casts his eyes down whenever you give him a fond word, flinching ever so slightly when someone reaches out to touch him in kindness. 
Deep down, the man does not believe he deserves to be treated well. 
You are trying to correct that in every way you know how. 
“That’s it… aren’t you gorgeous, Gale? Such a good boy for me…”
“Unf… I…”
You can tell he’s trying to think of something clever or witty to say. From where you ride him, you press a finger down onto his lips to corral him to silence. It works, and as his mouth slips open you let your thumb slide against his tongue so he can suck it. 
Gods he is gorgeous. Chestnut, silver-streaked hair fanned out like a halo against the velvet of his pillows, a soft sheen of sweat dripping down him to give away the rigour you’ve been putting his body through. You made a point to apply your reddest lipstick so you could leave a trail of your adoration on him. Marks are pressed along his jawbone, down his neck, across his collarbone and chest; he is a masterpiece of debauchery. 
“You’re so beautiful like this, Gale. So beautiful all the time, dancing across the battlefield while you weave your magic… such clever hands, darling, so lovely…”
Those hands are currently settled on your hips, holding you tightly as you fuck him. With each word of praise you feel his cock twitch inside you. It’s nice to know what you can do to him, how wild you can drive him. As wild as he drives you. 
A grind down of your pelvis, pressing your clit into the rough hair at the base of him and grinning as he moans. 
“Tell me you’re my good boy, Gale. I want to hear it from your pretty mouth.”
What happens next is in a tumble of words, so fast you don’t properly catch it for a moment. 
“I’m—fuck—I’m your good boy, mummy!”
He freezes. You pause in your riding. His eyes snap open from where they were squeezed shut in rapture. The flush of pink across his skin is now no longer from lust, but shame, and he realises he has made a mistake in voicing that out loud. 
“Gods. My deepest apologies, I never… didn’t mean to… we should have discussed this first, beforehand, I’m utterly horrified that… I’m sorry—!”
You reach down and silence his panic with a long, tender kiss, rolling your tongue across his. When you pull back, he’s returned to looking blissed-out rather than concerned. 
“‘Mummy’, is it?” you ask, mouth ticking upwards into a rather pleased smirk. “Well, darling boy. Mummy is very glad you know how good you are. How handsome and clever and wonderful.”
“Oh…” he whimpers, actually whimpers, and you know he won’t last long like this. You go back to riding him in earnest, fucking him until all he can do is gasp, and press one of your hands down across that mark on his chest, obscuring it beneath your touch. 
He is not Mystra’s. He is yours. 
“Come for mummy, you beautiful boy.”
Gale comes so hard you’re worried that he passes out for a second. His hips stutter beneath yours as hot jets fill you up, bringing you over the edge with him, the cocktail of the two of you leaking back down his length obscenely. 
He falls back and tries to catch his breath as you slowly pull off of him, grabbing the wet cloth you brought bedside earlier and gently wiping him down. The coolness makes him sigh in delight and he nuzzles into your touch, gulping down water gratefully when you bring a cup to his lips. 
“Are you alright, my love?” you ask gently, the rougher edge of your voice gone, giving away to something soft and caring. He nods and meets your eyes with his warm, adoring gaze. 
“Yes, my heart. Better than ever. And… I really didn’t mean to… I know we were swept up in the moment but if you’re not comfortable with it then you absolutely never have to…”
Another kiss. Less dominant, more reassuring. He hums delightedly into this one. 
“Whatever you need me to give you, my love,” you tell him. He melts into your arms, safe and loved. 
taglist: @ghosti02art @sadandanxiouswtf @yeethaw13 @trappedinlimbo15 @infinitely-kate@dhampling (lmk if you want to be added!)
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citrusickness · 7 months ago
Some burping scenarios based on a random word generator, because sometimes even people who create prompts need prompts of their own
* Someone has a horrifying nightmare in which they feel as though their belly is going to burst. They can hear it gurgling and groaning, and see it growing and moving, as though something were moving around inside of them. But just as their pain reaches its peak, they are waken up by their own belch. It turns out that eating right before bed isn't a good idea, and all that was moving around in their tummy was food and air. Speaking of which, should probably get the rest of that air out before they go back to sleep if they don't want to have another nightmare.
* Someone has to get their photo taken, and they decide to get some lunch beforehand. Said lunch does not agree with their stomach, but they have to go to their photo shoot straight away. They manage to tuck their belly into their clothes fairly well, but it ends up just putting more pressure on it. Still, they don't want to look bloated in their picture, so they, quite literally, suck it up. Until they are actually in front of the camera, and they can't stop a burp from working its way up their throat. The person taking the photo allows them to take a minute aside to settle their tummy, which leaves them humiliated, yet relieved.
* Someone, not feeling overly hungry, but still wanting to snack on something, settles on cutting up a whole watermelon, reasoning that it would be a light snack. They are correct in thinking that it is light, but they forget it is also has a very high water content. One watermelon later, and they have a sloshy tummy chock-full of the watery fruit. It's not terribly uncomfortable, but it still feels good to get the resulting wet burps out.
* A house party gets a bit wild, and a bucket ends up being filled with soda. Someone at the party gets pressured into being dared to chug the bucket. They only get a few gulps in before they have to pull back to relieve their belly of the countless bubbles via a long, wet belch. But they can't bring themself to give up, so they continue to drink from the bucket, letting out burps throughout. By the time they finally finish it, their belly is overwhelmingly bloated full of bubbly soda, and there is nothing that they can do to stop the airy burps from forcing their way out. You just can't back out of a dare, man.
* Someone is running a marathon on a very hot day, leaving them parched. So, once they are given a chance to take a break, they chug a bottle of sparkling water — because they're picky and can't just drink regular water, totally not for plot convenience. They are refreshed for all of five seconds before it causes them to burp. They don't have enough time to let their belly settle, though, as they have to go right back to running. All of the running jostles the liquid and bubbles in their tummy, which causes them to repeatedly burp all throughout the marathon. The other runners shoot them looks, but they just can't help it.
"Ink" (CW: Pregnancy)
* A pregnant person decides to get their partner to paint a design onto their belly. Except, their pregnancy has caused them to be exceptionally gassy, so as soon as the brush hits their belly, it works a burp out of them. They are thoroughly embarrassed, but their partner assures them that it's okay. So, they continue with the painting, while the pregnant person can't stop themself from burping until it is finally completed. Maybe the design ends up a bit shaky as a result of the burps causing their belly to quake slightly.
* Someone stays up extremely late to work on something, forgetting that they had plans for breakfast at a restaurant with a friend the next morning. They end up unwillingly falling asleep, until their alarm wakes them up less than an hour later. They end up getting to the restaurant on time, though their friend notices that they seem a bit tired. They assure them that they're peachy keen, and begin eating. In their tired state, however, they fail to recignize how much they're actually consuming, and don't notice until a burp is forced out of them. Even then, they are too tired to really care, and continue to allow themself to burp, because they just want the uncomfortable feeling in their tummy to go away. The friend urges them out of the restaurant, so they can get the rest of the air out of their belly without inadvertently embarrassing themself, or the friend, for that matter.
* One person accidentally eats too much, and ends up stuffed, just past the point of discomfort, while the other person, hating to see their partner uncomfortable, tends to their poor tummy. The stuffed person burps a few times, though none of them bring them any relief. That is, until the other person kisses their full belly. The gentle touch manages to work a huge belch out of them. They continue to kiss and lick their partner's stomach, causing a string of nonstop burps, until they are finally emptied of all of the uncomfortable air.
That’s all I can manage to write for now, enjoy~~
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