#it's been almost 6 years and I only have 2 papers to my name
abysskeeper · 1 year
Time to sit down and reevaluate all my life choices I guess.
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oval3000 · 10 months
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Chapter 5
Yandere Teacher Nanami x Student Reader
Warning: Abuse, (force) smut. Abduction, violence, rough play, toxic behavior, age gap, everything from all above. Mainly from his point of view...somewhat... modern au- ish idk. College teacher x student.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
"Mr. Nanami?" A man in a suit knocked on his classroom door. Nanami was grading some paperwork before his next class. He turned to the side and saw the man alongside some police officers." I hope we're not interrupting you? I'm detective Aki, this is officer Yamada and officer Fujikawa. We want to ask questions about one of your students, (Y/N)."
"Sir." Nanami stood as the man and two police officers entered, closing the door. Nanami knew this day would come. How could he not know? "Of course. Miss (Y/n) hasn't attended my classes for the past month.
"That's why we're here. Her friend had filed a missing person's report on her and we just want to know if you may know anything regarding her disappearance." The detective said.
"The last time I saw her, was when she was sitting on one of the campus benches. I asked her if everything was alright and she told me she was waiting for her ride." He explained. " She seemed a little down and mentioned something about an ex-boyfriend. I've dealt with many of my students who were dealing with hard breakups so I didn't think too much of it."
"Ex-boyfriend?" The detective said.
"Yes. I don't know his name it was never said, but she did mention an ex-boyfriend and by the look of it, it's not something she seemed happy about." Nanami looked at the detective as he jotted down what he was saying.
"Was she acting strange while attending your classes before her disappearance? Did she seem a little down?" Aki asked.
"No. She was a normal student. In fact, she was my best student. Although she had trouble with one assignment, she would stay after her classes for help. Other than that, she was fine. However, I am a teacher with many students, so I might've not pay too much attention to her because of the others, who might be in the same position as her. College is college. Nothing changes." Nanami fixed his glasses and sighed. "Her family must be worried sick if she hasn't shown up." Nanami asked, almost looking a bit sad.
Aki raised his eyebrow. "Have you noticed her disappearance?"
"I did at first. She never missed a class ever. Then again. I have many students who don't bother showing up for months."
"Why is that?" He asked.
"They want to give up. Math is too hard. Struggling with mental illness. I've been working here for ten years, I've seen at all." Nanami sighed, looking down at his papers. "Sadly, no matter what I do, I can't always fix their problems when it's out of my reach. I should've asked Miss. (Y/N), about what was bothering her that day. That was my mistake."
Aki looked at Nanami, who still kept a normal composer. "So her disappearance wasn't too strange for you?"
"Like I said, at first it did. Then again, it's not the first time a student stopped showing up here. I guess I was wrong about that." Nanami raised his eyebrows. "Has anyone seen her since then?" He asked so concerned.
"No, we're working on a timeline on who might've. So far, you're the last person who has seen her. However, no one mentioned an ex-boyfriend before." Aki tapped his little notepad with his pen.
"Oh. it makes sense now." Nanami scratched his head.
"What makes sense?" Aki questioned.
"When she mentioned the ex-boyfriend, it went like this." He hummed, " 'My ex-boyfriend is a jerk who only thinks about himself. We were hardly boyfriend and girlfriend since we dated for three months.' It was confusing to me. I don't know what these young adults think now about relationships; now there is a thing called situationship' or whatever it's called. Every day, I hear students talk about their 'situationship'—are they boyfriend and girlfriend? I don't know what kids are up to these days." He explained. "I was puzzled because, aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, boyfriend and girlfriend? Now, I realize, it must've been one of those situations where you're just with a guy, just cause, with no title. Now it makes sense why it's called situationship'. Either way, it can still break someone's heart. Maybe that's why no one mentioned him; it didn't seem like what they saw was a relationship. Nonetheless, for Miss (Y/n), it must've been more than that, but it was overlooked."
"Did she mention anything about this ex-boyfriend or lover she had?" The detective asked, jotting down as much information as he got.
"No. She was on her phone during the little conversation we had so it was cut short. I swear those kids are always on their phones like they're addicted to them." Nanami picked up his papers and hit them on the desk countertop to straighten them in place. He checked his watch and saw the time. "My next class is about to start. Is there anything I can help with?"
The detective closed his notepad, "No that'll be all for today. Thank you, Mr. Nanami." He shook his hand and headed his way out alongside the two officers.
"Oh! Please tell (Y/N)'s family my condolences. She's one of my students here. Hope she's found soon." Nanami said.
The detective gave him a sympathetic smile, "Sadly, her parents died recently, in a car accident. I'll tell her friend though, she's worried sick about her."
Nanami went back to teaching his class. He went on to be a normal regular teacher. He saw the detective and two officers roaming around, talking to other students and teachers. He kept his usual face and went on with his day. He would hear his colleagues about you, how they're saddened that you just vanished.
Some came up and spoke to Nanami since you were in his class, and he gave them the same type of response he gave to Detective Aki. When he got into his car, he drove off.
He went on to run some errands really quickly and got some snacks and a beverage. He went and decided to stop by a public library and started to use the public computers and continued to do some paperwork and make new homework and test assignments.
He looked at the time got up from his chair, logged off, and walked away from the library building. He got back in his car and drove off to a food place.
He ordered a meal for himself and ate in his car while grading more of his paperwork. When the sun was completely gone, he went to a copy, and fax machine place that was open 24 hours and started to make multiple copies before heading his way home near midnight.
He did this routine for 3 weeks. 3 whole weeks. 3 torture weeks for him.
The day he saw a man getting arrested on the college campus with Detective Aki and the two officers, his 3 whole weeks ended.
He got out of work, he went on to the library, and used the computer for some time. He went to an electronic store and bought himself a new computer. He got into his car and drove home.
He opened the door that was inside the garage and placed the store bag on the kitchen counter.
He walked upstairs and opened the bedroom door. "Sorry, I'm late. Work has been chaotic." He stared at you with your eyes glossy and the rag on your mouth. Your hands were still tied up to the headboard. He went towards and touched the rag and pulled it out. " Sorry about this, sweetheart. It was just a precaution. On the good news, they arrested that ex-boyfriend of yours. It wasn't good for him when they saw all the texts he had 'sent' you. Too bad they found your phone on his property."
"P-please...don't hurt me...Please don't hurt me." You cried to him.
He grabbed your cheeks with his hand, "Who's your best friend?" When you didn't answer him, he grabbed onto you harder, "Answer me!"
"E-Emi." You told him.
"Well, that Emi bitch made those 3 weeks a living fucking hell for me and I'm not too happy about that, sweetheart." He sighed and let you go. "At first I thought your family was gonna be in my way, but it turns out is Emi. Tell me, what should I do?"
You shook your head.
"You're right. It'll be too suspicious." He got on the bed and laid next to you. "I'm just happy to be with you." He slid his hand down to your body and stopped once it reached your stomach. "It must've been lonely here for you. Tell me something else, do you want some company while I'm gone?"
You felt your body shiver with his touch and talk. "N-no."
"No? You're fine here without me? Because if you ever feel alone, I can change that." He rubbed your stomach.
"I'm fine. I-I'm okay." You pulled your knees up to your chest feeling chills going through your body.
"I love you, I hope you know that." He said, smiling at you. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your body. "I'm doing this all for you."
He kissed your cheek, "This is all for love."
(Sorry for the long wait! R.I.P to Nanami 😩)
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melrodrigo · 1 year
Tardy, part 8
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: An unexpected family member reveal sends you spiraling, will anyone trust you now?
Warnings: Angst that turns into fluff, mention of violence, mention of sex
Word Count 2.6k
A/N: I was dying writing this chapter (both physically and mentally) but I think the writers block is gone! Thank you for 600 followers!! As always, love u guys, and tell me what you think <33
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“Mom, who’s my dad?” You asked absentmindedly, legs swinging from your living room couch.
“All the other kids at school know who their dad is, who’s mine?” You continued, blissfully unaware of the tension you had just created.
Your mom turned sharply, cigarette between her lips as she spoke.
“Oh, sweetie. Your dad’s gone. It’s just you and me now.” She said as she brought the lighter up and ignited the cigarette.
“What do you mean he’s gone?” You’d asked, eyebrows furrowed.
Your mom lets out a frustrated huff before she answers again.
“I don’t know, he’s just gone. Okay? He left town. Would you leave this topic alone now?” She sounded annoyed, and you don’t want to upset her any further, so you nodded quickly and turned your attention back to the TV screen.
“Okay, Ma.”
You flash back into another memory, this time you’re older; freshly graduated from high school, ready to move across the country to start university.
You’ve bid your farewells to friends and relatives, promising you’ll come visit every year.
Your mom’s pulling you aside looking at you weirdly. She’s getting old, you can tell by the increasing wrinkles on her face every day.
She smiles softly, and you think she looks like the sweetest grandma ever.
“Honey, I want you to know something. About your dad.”
You raise an eyebrow, mouth dropping slightly.
Your dad has always been a touchy subject for your mom, she’s never really allowed herself to tell you the full story.
Sure, as you’ve gotten older, you’ve learned bits and pieces. He was a dirtbag, leaving your mom right after she gave birth. You’d also learned that you were born in a small town called Woodsboro but had been whisked away almost immediately.
Your mom sighs now, and everything suddenly feels very heavy.
“I just tried so hard to be both parents for you, I know it wasn’t fair to keep this from you for so long. But if you’re ready to learn who your dad is, I’m ready to tell.” She says, voice cracking only the tiniest bit. You can see how strong she’s trying to be.
You suddenly see your whole childhood flash before your eyes. Your mom sending you off and picking you up every day after school. Making meals for the two of you every night, working overtime to support the family.
“No Ma. It’s okay. I already have a dad, and his name is you.” You say, pointing to her heart.
She opens her mouth but you cut in before she can say anything.
“No, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t need a dad when I have you.” You say, and you mean it wholeheartedly.
Your mother swells with happiness and takes you in a big hug. Wraps her arms around your shoulders.
“Be safe, honey.” She whispers into your ear.
You splutter, staring at the page in front of you with a jumble of letters that don’t look like coherent words anymore.
No…it couldn’t be?
There’s no way your dad was Stu Fucking Macher.
It doesn’t feel like you expected it would, finding out who your real father is. Years and years of endless crying; wondering why and why and why.
Every moment has led up to this.
This light, breakable paper in your palms. It’s telling you all you’ve ever wanted to hear, and yet somehow it’s also the thing you need to hear the least.
There’s quick flashes of déjà vu as you stare at the name.
Blood; lots of it. Splattered on the ceiling, all over your body. Screams, loud and clear as day, piercing through your eardrums and starting a ringing sound.
You snap back into reality as Sam steps up to you.
You brace yourself for the worse, you wouldn’t be mad if Sam kicked you out bare into the street right then and there, hell, she could hurt you and you wouldn’t even be mad.
She raises her hand but the impact never comes. Instead, she kneels down to you and holds your shoulders tight.
“It’s okay. I know it’s hard.” She says, soft. Her lips are pulled into a frown but her eyes are sorrowful.
“It’s- it’s okay?” Tara splutters, staring between you and her sister. Flabbergasted would be a minuet way to describe her expression.
“Yes. It’s okay. Can everyone leave the room for a minute? I want to talk to YN.” Sam says, and everyone heeds her orders; shuffling down through the living room hallway.
You stare at Sam, eyebrows knit tight together. She’s hated you since you the day you met, and now she’s the one protecting you?
“Why?” You ask, curiosity seeping through your voice.
“Everyone here has been through something.” She says, biting her lip. “And believe me, if anyone knows about being framed as the bad guy, it’s me.”
She hesitates a little before she opens her mouth again.
“Let’s not pretend that everyone here doesn’t have immensely traumatic things happen to them. Me and Tara…well we know about that. But Mindy and Anika and Chad? You wouldn’t believe the stories I’ve heard from them.” She says, twiddling with her thumbs.
“What if I’m actually the killer?” You press, gauging Sam’s reaction.
She tuts and answers sharply.
“I don’t believe for a second that you are.”
It takes you aback, her being so sure about it. You stay quiet, try to think of anything to say.
You can’t, it’s all too much information to get.
“How can you know that?” You say finally, tilting your head up to make eye contact with Sam.
She pats your back lightly. “You’re a good person YN. We can all tell.”
“We’re a family. One fucked up family, but family all the same. Including you.” She says, voice sure.
You hold eye contact for a while, a silent conversation being spoken. Setting aside all your differences, Sam was actually a really cool person. And you can tell she feels the same way.
Before you know it she’s out down the same hallway the group left in.
You’re sat on the couch, mouth open and eyes glazed.
“YN? Mind if I come in?” Tara’s voice sounds from in front of you. You can’t decipher what the tone is.
“Yeah…yeah of course.” You answer, watching as Tara enters and stands before you.
You can’t handle her intense stare, and you drop your head immediately. Anxiety floods you, heart picking up speed.
You don’t notice her until she’s right in front of you, taking your cheeks in her hands. Stroking, softly.
10 minutes ago she was mad, and now she’s comforting you? This girl and her mixed signals.
“I believe you.” She murmurs, leaning down to press her lips on your cheek. She’s so short that even when you’re sitting down you’re almost the same height.
You don’t want to think about any of this now, you don’t want to think about it ever. You want to tell Tara this, but you can’t bring yourself to speak.
Your throat feels dry, eyes slightly teary.
“So what do we do now?” You whisper.
She continues stroking your face fondly, cradles you in her arms.
“We continue with the plan.” She says, and there’s a sense of finality in it that makes you shiver.
They’ve pushed back the date on their plan to capture Ghostface a little bit. Tara won’t admit it, but you know she’s the one who suggested it. She must think you need time to process the sudden father reveal, no doubt.
It’s sweet, but she’s wrong. In fact, right now all you need is a distraction. Something to take your mind off all the racing thoughts through your head, the sense of betrayal you feel.
Maybe I should call my mom.
“Hey. Whatcha thinking bout?” A voice sounds from behind you. It’s Anika, and you send her a soft smile; feeling weirdly glad to be in her company.
“Oh nothing much. Just about how my dad was one of the original Ghostfaces and that we’re literally running straight into danger in a few days.” You say, trying to make your voice sound light and teasing.
Anika seems to pick up on the underlying message, and you hear her sigh a little before speaking.
She rounds the couch to come sit down beside you, a pack of medical supplies in her arms. She splays it across the table and turns back to face you.
“If it makes you feel any better, I know what it’s like to have a rough family. My parents were…dipshits to say the least.” She says, casually.
You try and think of something appropriate to say in response, but your brain seizes up and it goes blank.
“But you don’t have to feel bad for me. I have a new family now.” She continues, smiling at you; genuine crinkles at the tips of her eyes. She pats your back lightly.
“Just so you know, I don’t think you’re the killer. Who cares if your dad is Ghostface? It’s not like this is the first time it’s happened in our friend group. I trust you, really.”
It’s enough to make you teary-eyed again. You look away, hoping she can’t see them.
“Thank you.” You mumble. “That means a lot to me.”
She chuckles warmly before taking you in a hug. You guys don’t say anything the rest of the time she fixes up your wound.
“Are you blushing?” Tara asks immediately when Anika leaves the room, footsteps light.
“What? No, I’m not.” You say, running a hand through your hair.
“Did she make you blush?” She’s asking, a teasing smile on her lips.
You frown.
“She just said some very nice things to me, okay?” You huff, cross your arms like a child.
“Aw, baby. You look adorable.” She murmurs, giving you a peck on the lips.
“Are you not jealous?” You ask, cocking an eyebrow at her.
She brings a finger to her lips and feigns thoughtfulness. Then she smiles wide and takes your lips in a searing kiss.
“No.” She mumbles against them. “Because I know you’re mine. And I can definitely make you do a lot more than blush.”
It’s enough to make you flush completely red. You let out a little whine at her words.
“See?” She’s asking as she leans back, a smirk on her lips. You try and wipe it off by wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her in for another kiss.
She’s not wrong. But you’re not going to admit that. It’s a fatal flaw, really. How easily you relent when it comes to Tara. You’d die for her, you’d kill for her, and she knows it.
“Come on,” She’s whispering. “Let’s go to my room.”
You pull back, amused.
“I don’t think I can even stand and you’re asking me to do what?” You ask pointedly.
She tugs on your shirt, obviously not in the mood to play one of your games right now.
“Then maybe I’ll just take you right here.” She whispers into your ear, laughing as you shiver beneath her.
You gulp, stare at her with big eyes. She crawls forward, leaning her elbows into your sides on instinct.
You can’t help but wince.
It seems to break Tara out of her lustful haze, because now she’s looking at you with worried eyes.
She’s getting up kind of panicky, fiddling with her hands.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I should let you sleep.” She says, sort of fast, words tumbling out of her.
You smile at her, grip her hands tight.
“It’s okay, Tara. Although, I do want to hit the hay for a while. Care to join me?” You invite, tugging her closer slightly to make sure she doesn’t leave.
She grins shyly and nods.
“Okay.” She says, biting the inside of her cheek. She’s the cutest with the excitement that radiates off her.
When you wake, Tara’s not in your arms anymore. You stir, rubbing your eyes aggressively.
“Tara?” You groan, trying to look around the weirdly dim room for any sign of your girlfriend.
You notice the candles immediately, more than a dozen of them lining the table and making a little pathway to the fireplace.
Your girlfriend appears in front of you now, wearing a little white sundress; one you’d specifically bought for her weeks ago.
She looks so good, you almost start drooling. Like an angel, the way she’s standing and staring at you, playful, excited gaze.
“I was wondering when you were going to wake up.” She grins, bending down to press a kiss to your cheek.
“What is all this?” You question, looking around the room in further inspection.
There are two plates set up quite nicely on the dining table, along with a bottle of champagne and a single flower in the middle.
It’s all so, romantic.
Tara twirls, and gives you a little show of her dress. Then she takes your hand and gently helps you up, leading you to the dining room with her.
“I never got to take you on a date. I think it’s time I return the favor.” She says, nodding along to her sentence; like a reassurance.
“You’re adorable.“ You say, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. She blushes a little.
“Thank you.” She mumbles.
The smell as you enter the dining room is mouth-watering. You recognize it immediately. It’s your favorite pasta, ravioli with white wine and tomatoes.
Tara’s an amazing cook, you know this already. But the flavors that explode in your mouth when you take a bite out of it are otherworldly.
“This is the best thing you’ve ever cooked.” You speak through stuffed cheeks, eyes wide and happy.
Tara picks up a piece of her own and eats it.
“I didn’t know what to make you, so I called your mom. She said this was your favorite, so I went on youtube and tried to replicate the recipe.” She says, somewhat shyly.
You beam.
“You called my mom?” You ask, teasingly. Boop her on the nose. You celebrate internally when you see her flush red.
“Yeah, it was no biggie. Just a phone call.” She disregards, biting her bottom lip to try and stop the color that’s overtaking her whole face.
She reaches forward to grab another piece of ravioli before she stops short and gasps.
“Oh! I almost forgot to give you these.” Tara says, reaching behind her chair for something. She pulls out a huge bouquet of flowers, filled with your favorites.
You don’t try and hide the surprise in your face, mouth open and gaping.
She slaps your arm lightly at your reaction.
“Hey! I can be romantic too you know.”
You nod sarcastically.
“Oh yeah no doubt no doubt.” You say, taking the bouquet from her hands in favor of bending over the table and kissing her.
“Thank you, baby.” You say against her lips. She smiles wide, scrunching her nose as she pulls back.
“You taste like pasta!” She’s giggling, pushing you back into your chair.
You finish the dinner in record time, and that’s due entirely to how good the meal was. You and Tara sit and talk for a little while before moving to the floor to watch a movie.
Tara’s annoyingly secretive about it, not letting you see whatever she’s setting up. You huff and go grab snacks from the fridge instead.
When you get back it’s to the TV covered, and there’s a small projector at the side shining light on a random bed sheet she’s hung vertically.
“Impressive speed.” You praise.
Tara’s sitting smugly, arms open and inviting you to come sit.
It’s playing 10 Things I Hate About You, one of your all-time favorite movies. You settle down into the spot next to her and sneak a glance over, but she’s already staring at you; hard.
You let out a breath of happiness and pull her closer by the waist. Kiss her on the forehead, murmur against her skin.
“Thank you for this. I needed it.”
She nods into you and pulls you impossibly closer.
“Of course.” She says.
You decide Ghostface can wait, your dad can wait. All that matters right now is Tara. Her and this movie and you.
The only three things that exist in the world.
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impishcupid · 13 days
things i didn’t know before starting T- A master post of my own experiences that I didn’t see anywhere else! They might have been out there, I just didn’t see em
1. Bitch U Stank
Your smells not only get stronger, they change. I was a stinky boy during first puberty, but I’ll admit I’m not as stinky in second puberty. That being said, the smells are ABSOLUTELY different. My BO used to smell like weed mixed with onions, now I couldn’t even begin to tell u the smell I got goin on. It IS much easier to control with deodorant this time tho!
That being said, your genitals will also change in smell. Mine began to smell more semen-like (despite using condoms while having sex), as well my feet began smelling different too. This is normal!
2. Hypersexuals be aware, not beware!
Pre-T, I was SUPER hypersexual. Genuinely one of my worries was that I was going to be too horny all the time after T, because it was a problem pre-T. This is both true and false, and if you have an understanding going into it, you’ll be able to have a smoother ride then I did! (Giggity)
I’ve noticed my sexuality follows a solid week-long pattern now. Two to three days after I do my shot, thats when the Dirty Thoughts start a-comin and so do I. The first couple months, however, admittedly sex drive was much higher, but otherwise fairly consistent and manageable. Once you get through the first 6 months, it all evens itself out! Those months, however, are still manageable, believe it or not! You’ll find yourself exploring things you didn’t think you’d be into before, or maybe casually thinking about sex more often, but in my experience it’s not as bad as people make it out to be.
3. Bitch ur DICK
For some reason it never crossed my mind that when I grew my own chia pet penis, I would be uncircumcised. This means that once you have some growth to your dick, you’re going to have to clean it. Gently pull back your hood and get a cleanin’, but don’t make my mistakes! I’ve found a damp piece of toilet paper is the easiest thing to use so far, despite it taking a bit longer.
you’ll notice that your clitoris has taken a more penile shape, which is fantastic! But if your dick is anything like mine, right under the head you’ll have this bright red little line which is basically the seam connecting the head to the shaft. Proceed with caution here! Our penises are far more sensitive then a cis mans, and this is the area where it shows. This area is typically protected by the hood and head of your dick, so it would make sense to be unbelievably sensitive!
4. Is it covid, or am I becoming a man?
When your voice starts to deepen, and the cracks start coming, you might notice you have a sore throat. This is normal! None of the cis men around me let me know that “hey, yeah your throat is gonna be sore” until I was about 3 covid tests deep and about to go to the doctor. I recommend some tea and honey, or straight up honey, OR whatever your go-to sore throat remedy is!
Additionally on voice, you will still have to train yourself to talk in your new deep voice. Your average day-to-day voice WILL deepen, and you’ll hear from everyone who hasn’t seen you in 3-6 months “omg your voice is so deep now!” (/pos), but if you’re out in public and wondering why people are struggling to correctly assume you’re a man, it might be because you aren’t using your voice as deep as it goes!
(As well, you get a back-up “extra bass” voice, which is FANTASTIC for when people scream at you from a moving vehicle.)
5. Wait, when did my dad grow a beard?
Seeing as both my mom and my dad can grow beards, I figured i’d be smooth sailing and growing a beard rather quickly. Now, almost a year in, I still have one mustache hair named Phil with some darker upper lip, but no facial hair! If you have the access, reach out to your parents or whomever may have this information to get an estimate of what age your father or grandfather started growing facial hair. Turns out my dad couldn’t grow his king luxurious beard until 18!
6. what does it feel like?
do you have medical anxiety? Have you greened out too many times or been on one too many bad trips? Worried that you’ll take testorone and feel some kind of body or mind altering effect? I’ve been there brother!! When you administer your dose, you feel nothing but the needle or gel. I was worried i’d feel wonky in the head, or that it would give me some other effect. The only time I have ever felt a change directly after injections, is when I was late on my dose. Being late on a dose can make you feel depressed, tired, or the time I had a headache for 3 days straight, but about 5-10 minutes after injection I felt my energy bump back up to normal, or i finally had some goddamn peace from that headache, but that’s it! There is nothing to worry about!
And that’s the things I didn’t know going into being on T! I only covered things here that I didn’t see in other “going on T” master lists, so if you’re wondering why the common stuff isn’t here, that’s why! This is absolutely open to other trans men or transmascs to share their experiences on T that they didn’t know going in, and please reblog so pre-T transmascs/trans men can be informed!
Happy trails, brothers!
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sweetspidergirl · 26 days
A Tangled Web (Spider HRT Story)
Chapter 2:
My car pulled up to an empty parking space in front of the local recreation center. The grey, nondescript building was something I really only glimpsed at when passing by during my commute to work, back before I started working from home and started living like a recluse. Maybe if I had gotten myself a membership there I wouldn't have spent most of my adult life wallowing in my own regret and self-hatred, and wouldn't have needed to change my species.
Therian Support Group, Every other Monday at 6 PM! Snacks and drinks provided! Temp. is 72°F/22°C! Those questioning are also welcome!
The flyer sitting beside me in the passenger seat read the same information it had when I first received it last year, complete with the same image of a black dragon therian giving a thumbs up in approval. I had been putting off going to the support group for a good two weeks since my appointment with Dr. Erian. Part of it was because of the holiday season and assuming no one would be there during that time, but the bigger reason behind my reluctance was the fear of what everyone there would think of me. I had no knowledge on therian culture apart from the occasional news article and gossip Elisa told me from her clients. At best, I would come off as a clueless moron. At worst, a bigot.
With the turn of the new year, I decided to swallow my fears and actually work on improving myself. I could've easily just taken the pills and continued my antisocial life. However, I would still be in the same position I was prior to my change, just in a new body. I was going to prove to the doctor that I truly deserve to be a spider, and that started by becoming part of the therian community.
I had only just gotten my first dosage three days earlier. For how much spider HRT was supposed to change my body, it was a bit surprising that all I got was a month's supply of circular white pills in a standard translucent orange bottle, with the only instructions given to take one pill a day. Not helping matters was the lack of any substantial changes to my body. Sure, I was on HRT for less than a week, but I figured there would be something. Enough to at least start feeling like I was becoming a spider.
After enough procrastinating, I stepped out of the car and entered the lobby of the rec center. Almost immediately upon entering, I noticed sheets of paper taped to what felt like any surface they could be taped to, with giant red arrows pointing to what I assumed was the gymnasium. Already, I debated turning around and heading home. Maybe I should just come back when I've done more research on therians, or at least when I look more like a spider and less like a human. My car's right there, after all. I just have to go back the way I came and-
“You here for the meeting too?”
I nearly jumped out of my skin at those words. I turned around frantically, getting a good look at the person behind me. She looked to be around my age, maybe a bit younger. She too had brown hair and blue eyes, though the former was done up in one long ponytail instead of carelessly cascading past the shoulders. The red, long-sleeved shirt and black pants looked a lot like the casual garb I would throw on for social situations, like what I was wearing right now. If it weren't for the more laid-back, confident aura she exuded, I would've assumed I was looking in the mirror.
“Hey, you okay? I'm not that scary, honest.” The woman spoke again, confused and possibly a little concerned at my behavior. I tried my best to reset my mind, focusing on her words.
“Oh, uh, yeah, sorry about that. This is my first time here and I didn't wanna get lost.” I answered finally.
“Yeah… I imagine it's really easy to get lost with all those arrow signs. Name's Echo, by the way.” Echo responded. She may dress similarly to me, but our personalities couldn't have been farther apart. “Anyway, the meeting's about to start soon. We should go inside.”
With that, Echo ushered me through the double doors into the gymnasium. Any chance of turning back was gone now. Swallowing the newly-formed lump of anxiety in my throat, I made my way towards the ring of plastic folding chairs set up in the middle of the empty basketball court, sitting next to the only person there that I was vaguely familiar with. Nearby was a cooler filled with ice and various beverages and a small folding table with small bags of chips and other snacks set up on it. As I sat down, I noticed that there were a few different therians already seated and talking with each other. They looked much further along in their transition than I was, more clearly resembling a rabbit, cat, and mouse respectively. I should have introduced myself to them, but my stupid anxiety got the better of me once again. I just quietly accepted the bottle of water Echo offered me and waited to be done so I could return to the safe familiarity of my apartment.
“Alright. It looks like everyone's here.” A different therian spoke up as approached us. She was a dog therian with brown eyes and primarily brown and white fur. Fluffy brown hair topped her head, almost blending in with the fur. I assumed she was a Border Collie. She had on a nice blue dress that added an air of professionalism that wasn't too overwhelming.
“Welcome to the therian support group. My name’s Domino. I've been on dog HRT for three years at this point. I hope you all had a good holiday season.” The dog therian, Domino, said as she took a seat at one of the empty chairs. “I see we've got a few new faces here, so I think it'll be a good idea for everyone to introduce themselves to the group so we can get to know each other. Oh, Echo, would you mind starting us off to maybe make things less tense for the newcomers?”
“You make it sound like we're in rehab, but alright.” Echo replied before standing up. “You all probably already know this, but I'm Echo. I helped Domino set up this group, and I've been on dragon HRT for… probably a week at this point?”
“Oh, congratulations Echo! I was wondering when you were going to get started.” Domino exclaimed happily. She and the rest of us clapped as Echo took her seat once again. In hindsight, I should've expected Echo to be on humanity removal therapy too, but I assumed she was just an ally. She didn't show any signs of being on HRT that I could notice. No scales or horns or sharp claws or anything. Maybe she was hiding them under her clothes, but I wasn't going to investigate.
The rest of the group introduced themselves one after the other, talking about how long they were on their respective HRTs and answering some questions that were brought up. I stayed quiet and listened on as I drank from my bottle of water. Given how small of a group we were, it didn't take long until I was the only one who hadn't introduced themself to the group. All eyes were officially on me.
“Do I, um… do I have to?” I asked quietly.
“I mean, I suppose no one's forcing you.” Domino answered. “If you don't feel comfortable then I suppose you don't have-”
“Come on… you can't have seriously gone all this way to just sit here and listen.” Echo interrupted. “If you were strong enough to come here, surely you could manage a couple words. We're all therians here, after all.”
I looked at all the expectant faces around me, waiting in anticipation for my response. I could hear the pounding of my heart through the quiet stillness of the gymnasium. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't leave, nor could I curl up in fear and hope everyone would leave me alone. With a few deep breaths, I began to speak.
“My name is Taylor Thompson. I have been on Spider HRT for a few days, and… I'm not sure what else I can say here. I'm not really too familiar with therians, and, yeah…”
It took what felt like forever before anyone spoke up. In my mind, I felt like I had somehow screwed up, that I had made a fool of myself. I was about ready to grab my belongings and head home before Domino spoke up.
“Well, we're happy to have you in our little community.” Domino said with a supportive smile. “And we'll be happy to answer any questions you might have about therians.”
Echo nodded in agreement. “Yeah, and if anyone gives you a hard time, just let me know and I'll give them at least one black eye.”
“Let's maybe not go that far, Echo.” Domino responded.
I started to tear up at the positive affirmation given by Domino, Echo, and the other therians in attendance. Their kind words of approval were what I needed after weeks of uncertainty regarding transitioning. I didn't really speak much more over the course of the meeting, but I was feeling more comfortable there. I even managed to ask for Domino and Echo's phone numbers at the end of the meeting so I could keep in touch with them, something I never imagined doing prior to coming out of my shell. Maybe Dr. Erian had a point about going out and making friends.
Once I got home to my apartment, I flopped backwards onto my messy bed and pulled out my phone. I saw several messages from Elisa, asking me how the meeting went. With a smile, I started texting back, telling her all about my wonderful experience.
NEXT: Coming Soon
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So why do I think Dual Destinies is a dogshit game @elzux?
It all boils down to one very simple thing - almost nothing about the game feels like Ace Attorney.
I think the first important thing to note here is that by the time Dual Destinies came out, Ace Attorney had been my special interest for over 5 years. I was extremely familiar with the original trilogy, as well as Apollo Justice and both Investigations games. At that point I didn't dislike any of the games I had played, Apollo Justice was my least favourite but I still loved the game a lot.
Now to the meat. Why doesn't Dual Destinies feel like Ace Attorney? Let's break it down.
The dialogue - lacks the usual humour and snark. The game can't keep me focused on the dialogue. In a game where reading the dialogue is required to play the game. The dialogue is so, so boring and often nonsensical that I found myself skipping huge blocks of text, just because I either couldn't or didn't want to read what was going on. It's a massive drop in quality in a series that is known for its top tier dialogue, which usually effectively furthers both the plot and the characters. Here we instead have dialogue that feels like someone who only knew Phoenix Wright through early 2010s Youtube memes had written it. My favourite example is from DD-1 where Phoenix's inner dialogue reads (Noooo, come back my beautiful contradiction!). First glance, it's okay. Maybe even funny. Second glance, hold up. Phoenix would never think that. He might have used this as a punchline after 4-6 text boxes of lamenting, not just as a single one sentence reaction to one Objection by Payne, of all people.
The characters - closely tied to the dialogue. The returning characters don't act like themselves. The new characters are paper thin and without agency. The side characters are so boring I still barely remember anyone's names. Phoenix is stupid. Why is he stupid? Phoenix is goofy, yeah. He's a silly little guy. Sometimes he's slow, although his literal character arc of the first 3 games is becoming The Best Attorney Ever. He can't be stupid 10+ years into his career. Especially remembering that he JUST tried to reinvent the entire court system in his country (more on this later). That's simply not something an idiot or an incapable lawyer fucking does. Apollo isn't Apollo. He's given three new backstories here and in result, Apollo Justice ceased to exist. He was kind even if a little sarcastic, he was unsure about himself, and he was so willing to learn. And here? Here he's just a mean prick and a know-it-all. Yeah okay he's traumatised yadda yadda then why is he like that in DD-2 as well? You know, BEFORE his bEsT fRiEnD died? Also what fucking best friend? How about you talk about his mother instead? Why turn his cute speech patterns into some traumatic goddamn mess? Literally no one asked for that. Athena is an awful character for the first half of the game, then gets some meat, and is then devolved back to 0 by giving all her agency to Simon Blackquill. Amazing. THIS is the game series praised for its strong female characters? Give me a break. I don't know anything about Athena except that she's a polyglot and has PTSD. That's not a character, that's a plot device. Simon Blackquill is kinda okay but he's also the first major overstepping a line Ace Attorney does. His character is too ridiculous. Why is a death row convict a prosecutor. Even within the AA universe it just doesn't make sense. He's just too much. Bobby Fulbright/Phantom is the 3rd worst character of the entire series. Where is Klavier Gavin. And let's talk about character designs while we're here! They're awful! Not only are the 3D models ass, but Pearl Fey's aged up design is fucking horrendous! Also this is the first game that really feels like it was made for cosplayers. The characters don't feel like characters anymore. This is an anime convention in a courtroom, now.
The plot - again closely tied to the dialogue as dialogue is the main device used to move the plot along in Ace Attorney. It fucking sucks. The cases don't make sense. It's a trend started by AJ, but DD takes it a step or a hundred further. Every case is so deeply uninteresting that even after having now freshly played the first 2 cases, I couldn't really summarise their plots for you. Where's the motivation, or the motive for that matter? Who cares? Who are these people? The only interesting case is the last one, and it's only interesting because of the last half of it. That's where the game peaks, I'll admit it's even good for a moment there. Then it's of course brought down by the whole Phantom thing (refer to section "The characters"). It's so one-dimensional, something Ace Attorney has barely ever been before. It's like Berry Big Circus: The Game. I'm miserable writing this thinking about how I still have four more cases of this to go. But most importantly: WHY give Apollo all these fucking backstories? And WHY erase everything Phoenix did in AJ? Where's the jury? Why was it buried? What happened? What? Where's Klavier Gavin?
The game mechanics - this is huge. First off, let me go back to the beginning where I said by the time DD came out, I had already made Ace Attorney my entire personality. I knew those games through and through. There's this very specific Ace Attorney logic that one either has/learns along the way or doesn't. Like when you're cross examining and you can Just Tell what to press, or what to present, even if you're not entirely sure why. The games are intuitive, so to speak. Well, not DD! DD remains the only game in the series beside PLvsAA where I have to look up stuff in a guide or save scam to save my ass. DD diverts from the AA logic so much that playing it doesn't feel like Ace Attorney. I can excuse PLvsAA, it was a PL game to begin with so I can understand why sometimes the writing would be lacking, but the 5th installment of the main series!? No way. Also, the mood matrix is easy and stupid and comparable to how Pokémon for the past 10 years has tried to one up itself with each generation when there was no need. Mega evolution was great, why would we need all that other shit. Magatama was great, we don't need Perceive or Moods or Seances. Fuck you. Sorry I'm getting really riled up now. And finally, of course, the elephant in the room. Why. Why can you not examine each location? What? What the fuck? That's where the best dialogue happens. That's where you build the characters you fucking morons. In the background. That's why we have the entire stepladder thing. You can't just take that out. The moment I realised they had done this I lost all hope for the game and haven't seen it since. But Unski, there must be something you like about Dual Destinies, right? It can't all be that bad, right? Right?
Correct. Here's an exhaustive list of all the things I liked about Dual Destinies. -The OST was only the 3rd worst in the series. This isn't entirely on the composer though, it's also that while I like the orchestral arrangements well enough, they just don't quite hit the intensity I fell Ace Attorney deserves. Yes this includes DGS. -Speaking of OST, probably the best Truth theme of the series, and also some of the best Reminiscences are here. -Aura Blackquill is a solid good character with an interesting backstory and her own agenda. She is easily my favourite character in this game, and A tier in the over all series as well. -Phenomenal, haunting artwork. If you've played the game, you probably know which one I'm talking about. -Sometimes the cutscenes weren't entirely awful. -They brought back the black Psyche-Locks. If only they could have done that on someone more meaningful.
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roomwithanopenfire · 5 months
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Six Sentence Sunday
Happy Sunday Everyone!! Thanks to @monbons for tagging me, so excited for the next chapter of your fic!
I've been having a really good week, I finished up all my finals and all my papers, and I moved all my stuff out of my dorm room—meaning I'm back home now and ready for summer! I have two weeks before my main summer job starts, so that means a lot of time for writing! And I've already gotten a start by having a super productive week writing-wise this week as well (finally got some solid work in on my COBB fic, turns out getting some vampire name inspo from @fiend-for-culture and seeing the first peek of the artwork really brought back all my excitement for this wip!!!)
I'm posting the newest chapter of Proof of Life tomorrow, which is one that I'm super excited to share. Unfortunately, this is the last chapter in my backlog, so I'll have take a small posting break after this, but that just means that if you haven't had a chance to start reading yet, you have time to catch up 🙃
But even more exciting news! I realized that I missed the 2 year anniversary of the first fanfic I wrote for this fandom! After reading all three Carry On books, I absolutely devoured fanfiction for probably around 6 months before ever writing my own. And the only reason I wrote anything was because I had a scene absolutely stuck in my head, and no one else had written it yet. So honor of being a month late to it's birthday, here are 6ish sentences from the first fanfic I wrote: Tense Silence (under the cut because this is already getting long):
“You’re a vampire.” says Simon. His voice came from above me. “You really are.”
I look up to see Simon standing, staring down at me. He has the Sword of Mages in one hand and the silver cross dangling in the other. It is very close to my face. I turn my head away. He moves the cross closer. I close my eyes as I smell the metal hanging merely centimetres away from me. 
“You tried to bite me.” He says. “You really tried to drink my blood.”
As you can see, I started out the fandom almost exactly where I ended up—writing angsty vampire Baz fics. While there's some things that I would do differently now and a few noticeable mistakes (Simon's cross is gold not silver, Past Lily, get it right!), I'm still really proud of this fic. I remember spending weeks working on it and being very nervous to post this 6k fic, so it's definitely kind of crazy to look back it and see how much I've grown as a writer, and how many friends I've made in fandom since then.
Tags & Hellos!
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart @run-for-chamo-miles @raenestee @artsyunderstudy
@onepintobean @prettygoododds @noblecorgi @hushed-chorus @angelsfalling16
@thewholelemon @shrekgogurt @brendughh @a-maisie-ng @hertragedyconnoisseur
@beastmonstertitan @valeffelees @horsesarenotdeer @drowninginships @supercutedinosaurs
@fiend-for-culture @rimeswithpurple @cutestkilla @alexalexinii @ileadacharmedlife
@arthurkko @rbkzz
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blouisparadise · 1 year
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Today we have the fourth part to our established relationship rec list for you! If you'd like to check out the previous parts, you can find part one here, part two here, and part three here. If you enjoy our rec lists, please show these fics love and be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Heaven In These Sheets | Explicit | 3,557 words
Bunny Hybrid Louis has it out for his boyfriend’s phone.
2) Comfort Is Found When I'm the Only Thought on Your Mind | Mature | 5,087 words
Prompt 396: Established relationship - very domestic PWP. Louis complains about being out of his favorite moisturizer, and Harry suggests giving him a facial.
3) Stripper | Not Rated | 6,579 words
Harry is a bartender at the same strip club Louis works at. They're a power couple.
4) Call My Love In | Explicit | 6,601 words
And it’s cheeky and bold and so fucking Louis that Harry’s almost blindsided by it, takes it like a slap in the face to be reminded, yet again, that he is so eternally thankful to have found this boy. This boy who will bite at him with words, with teeth, will claw at him with hands, will destroy his heart by loving it fiercely, will put it back together again with a look, with a thought, and is never, ever, afraid to be so utterly himself around him; Harry’s so in love he can’t think straight.
5) Act Out | Explicit | 6,721 words
Harry leans forward so he's closer to Louis's ear, and murmurs, "If I was your husband, I'd never let you out of my sight." It’s ridiculous. He is his husband. There’s hundreds of photos, and official papers, and rings, and two babies with the last name Tomlinson Styles that prove it. But it’s also possessive, and hot and Louis doesn’t know what he was expecting when Harry told him he wanted to try roleplaying a little, but so far he’s not complaining.
6) Alone Too Long | Explicit | 10,371 words
By the time The Temptress finally reached bay, the Captain only had one thing on his mind, and that one thing was Louis Darling.
7) Under the Same Sun | Explicit | 10,662 words
Louis and Harry live 400 miles away from each other. Sometimes it’s hard. (internet boyfriends, indie bands, and happy endings) “I already miss you. I miss you all the damn time.” Louis says, because it’s late enough for honesty.
8) Out Of The Woods | Explicit | 15,560 words
The past and the future merge to meet us here. What luck. What a fucking curse.
9) Everything I Do | Explicit | 16,390 words
Harry’s ready, has been for a while now, and he’s fairly certain Louis is too, it just hasn’t been on the top of their priority list. There have been offhand mentions, a comment here and there, more in jest than anything, no serious discussion or consideration. Harry stands up straighter, a stomach-churning thought forming in his mind. Has Louis been waiting for him to ask?
10) Three's A Crowd, Four's A Party | Mature | 16,659 words
Harry and Louis tell their five year old they're pregnant.
11) Were We Ever This Young? | Explicit | 17,296 words
Hogwarts AU in which Harry and Louis both return to give talks to seventh years about the 'real world' with slightly varying results. Inspired by the Chilton scene between Rory and Paris in the new Gilmore Girls.
12) Under the Lights Tonight | Explicit | 20,905 words | Sequel
Note: There is a BH mention.
Harry’s an A-list supermodel, Louis’s his make-up artist boyfriend. They’re something of a dream team.
13) Suddenly They're Right | Explicit | 22,384 words
Louis is a painting professor with an art block the size of Texas and a global superstar for a non-boyfriend, who he wants to keep.
14) Wrote You a Love Letter | Not Rated | 23,092 words
Where Louis writes love letters to Harry through the good and bad times over their years together, until the very end.
15) The Devil’s In The Details | Explicit | 25,372 words | Sequel
He squeals when Harry smacks his bum as he bends over to pick up his bag, swinging it over his shoulder. Harry smiles smugly at him, bottom lip caught between his teeth. “When are you going to start calling me professor?” He asks. “When you actually are one,” Louis says with his hand on the doorknob. He cocks his head to the side in curiosity. “Isn’t that how words work? You did study English, right?” Louis’ quick to slip out the door before Harry can smack him again, his laugh echoing through the hallways as he makes his way to his next class with flushed cheeks and a bright smile.
16) Fetish For My Love | Explicit | 27,388 words
Louis has too many worries to even think about a moment of peace in the days that now exhaust him and become a complete rush for him. Fortunately, Harry doesn't take long to take care of the matter as he knows that he has wanted it so much, finding the solution in a particular sheet full of colored stickers.
17) Lovin' Online | Not Rated | 27,627 words
“Huh?” Harry asks, muffled by his forearm. He feels lips on his face and the tip of Louis’ nose against his ear when Louis repeats himself. Brain sluggish with sleep, it takes a moment for him to process the words, but his eyes snap open, and he’s met with darkness. He's got to be dreaming, there’s no way Louis just said what he thinks he said. “What did you say?” He can see the vague shrug from Louis before he turns around to toss the towel with the pile of their discarded clothes. “Did you say…” he starts slowly, automatically slinging his arm around Louis as he gets back into bed and throws the blankets over them. “That we should make a sex tape?” Louis asks rather nonchalantly for such a big proposition. He cuddles easily into the warm body and confirms, “Yes, I did.”
18) Like The Stars Above | Explicit | 33,759 words
Louis has a witchy little secret that is slowly ruining his relationship. When that secret comes out, it turns out that he has a lot more to worry about than just losing the love of his life. He might lose everything.
19) Beneath The Shining Stars | Explicit | 35,207 words
A Hamlet retelling/AU on steroids, where Harry is Hamlet, Louis is Horatio, and comedic chaos ensues (with a dash of tragedy). Featuring the rest of OT5 and the original characters of Shakespeare's "Hamlet".
20) These Hallowed Woods | Not Rated | 35,535 words
Louis becomes Luna of the Tomlinson Pack after the untimely death of his father, the Pack Alpha. Saddled with his newfound responsibility and an unpleasantly demanding pack council, he finds secret respite in the arms of a rogue wolf that camps out just outside his territory. The only problem? The rogue has no idea who Louis actually is, and as Louis falls harder and harder for the man he escapes to every night, the weight of his lies steers him along a path of certain misery.
21) This Glass House | Mature | 42,072 words
While deployed, Alpha Harry gets injured by an IED explosion, leaving him to deal with severe injuries in its devastating aftermath. During his road to acceptance and recovery he learns with the help of Louis and their children just how important family can be for the mind, body, and soul.
22) Show Me Life Like I've Never Seen | Mature | 42,948 words
Louis never expected to leave the small art studio three blocks down from his job with anything besides the painting he caught a glimpse of and simply couldn't forget.
23) Til' The Darkness Softly Clears | Explicit | 45,430 words
Something thuds nearby, and Callie sits up in bed, eyes still fuzzy from sleep. She yawns and rubs her eyes, looking around the room for the source of the noise. When she doesn’t see anything, she huffs quietly. Sliding to the floor, her feet take her towards the door. At the doorway, something disturbs the silence again: the distant sound of footsteps. Callie holds her breath and creeps out of the room. On the landing, she stands on her toes to peer over the railing. She can see the front door, and, outside, through the windows on either side of the door, she sees a shadow pass by. It walks one way, then disappears from sight for a second before it turns and walks back in front of the door. Callie’s eyes widen, and she backs up from view when the figure pauses its pacing directly in front of a window. Slowly, it turns, and it seems to stare right through the window, directly at her.
24) Flash Back To Me | Explicit | 73,068 words
Louis narrows his eyes, wanting more than anything to tell Liam to go fuck himself, but he can’t be sure, is the thing. As much as he knows for a fact that he would never date someone like Harry Styles, he has months missing from his memory. And it’s scary to think that, in that time, everything he’s come to know about himself could have changed so drastically.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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thereindeerlady · 1 year
Hello to the 2 Zukka fans who may actually see this, i bring you Free Thoughts of a 2 am snacker!
Zukka hockey player/figure skater au
Now, i know what you’re thinking: Lydia! Tupp! This has already been done before!
And you would be correct! However! My brain has tweaked it in a way i have personally yet to see (wink wink nudge nudge drop the fic links if you’ve read this before)
So! My thoughts on the subject:
Hockey Player Zuko and Figure Skater Sokka
Zuko, child figure skating prodigy who suffered a tragic accident, is hidden away for two years before he reemerges under his Uncle’s care as a fierce hockey competitor after everyone said he’d never skate again
Sokka, who’s sister Katara became a World Junior Champion at 16* in ice hockey and who Sokka feels he can never live up to, enjoys after-hours figure skating on the same ice he works to maintain. Sokka, who watches singles programs galore and learns his favorites and recreates them, posting them to youtube for his 6 followers (Hakoda, Bato, GranGran, some kid name Aang, and two other anonymous strangers). Sokka who has a natural grace to him despite the obvious lack of formal training, who skates like he’s got everything and nothing to lose, whose love for the art shows in every glide and every turn. Sokka who gets discovered one day by an old grumpy coach who offers to give him a few tips. Sokka who is a fast learner and spends ages 14 to 18 quickly climbing the local ranks.
Zuko, who, at 16 faces a second injury that takes him out of hockey forever. Zuko, who has just been officially disowned as his own sister takes to the spotlight. Zuko, angry at the world, lashing out at everyone around, but goes willingly with his uncle when Iroh suggests a change of scenery 6 months into his recovery. Zuko who is determined to skate again, if only for himself, if only to prove that yes, he is strong enough to come back again. Zuko who strikes a deal with local ice rink that if he sits and runs the front counter during the day while his uncle runs the popular new tea shop inside the rink, he can use the rink after hours once his injury is healed enough. Almost 17 year old Zuko who stays late to reorganize some papers behind the counter one night and sees Sokka step onto the ice and go through vigorous warm ups and exercises. Zuko, who drifts a little closer and watches as Sokka is told he can skate anything he wants for the first skate. Zuko, hearing the song from the last program he ever skated come on through the speakers and watching as Sokka skates through it easily, with a passion Zuko himself had never managed to feel. Zuko, who occasionally stays behind to secretly watch a pretty boy skate and never gets caught for 4 more months. Zuko, who is finally cleared by his physical therapist to get back on the ice but with orders to take it slow, gliding carefully out onto well-taken-care-of ice for the first time in almost a year in skates very different from his last pair, and it feels strangely like coming home.
Sokka who watches a stranger hesitantly enter the rink. He comes to the rink on his nights off when everything at home becomes too much. He loves his sister and his parents- because Bato never needed to marry his dad to be a second father to him- and he even loves his sweet crazy old GranGran, but sometimes it all gets to be too much. They know he’s seriously training in figure skating now but they’ve never come to any of his recitals**. Its not that they dont care, but theres always something else going on. “Oh, we cant, Katara has her out of state tournament that weekend” or “Oh no bud Im so sorry, Bato and I are going on a late anniversary trip that day” or even “I have too much homework, Sokka, I’ll come to the next one, promise!” The only one who never makes an excuse but he also never actually sees in the audience is GranGran (this’ll be important later on wink wink). So, when things get to be too much and Sokka gets tired of having to be the loudest person in the room just to simply be acknowledged, he comes to his safe place. The rink after hours. Sokka watches from the upper shadows as the stranger takes careful, measured, practiced glides. Like riding a bike for the first time in ages, they’re hesitant at first before they slowly gain traction. At first, he thinks the stranger is just going to glide from one end to the other all night but instead he watches as they slowly begin a few exercises. Very familiar exercises. (Do you see where im going with this?) And then, they turn around, and Sokka is suddenly breathless because before him is the most beautiful boy- the most beautiful human- he’s ever seen. And sure, maybe Sokka has always fallen too fast and too hard, and sure, Sokka has literally never talked to this boy in his entire life, but Sokka looks at him and sees that look on his face and knows. ‘He’s just like me.’
Zuko who keeps coming back and lingers before Sokka gets on the ice. Sokka who stays late to watch Zuko retrain himself. Piandao who is sick and tired of watching these two boys dance around each other when they could clearly be learning from one another because, though Zuko had not trained in figure skating in years, he had been a true prodigy and he picked it back up easier than he should have been able. Piandao who was Zuko’s first coach before his father transferred him to Zhao’s guidance. (Jeong Jeong, a retired pro hockey player who is tired of listening to his husband bitch all day anout oblivious idiots because they’re starting to remind him of himself and Piandao when they were young and headstrong.) Jeong Jeong who finally takes matters into his own hand and tells the boy who runs his front counter that Piandao would like for him to come to Sokka’s next practice and then tells Piandao to “Stop whining and do something now, I’ll see you at home” with a kiss on the cheek as the two boys shyly trade introductions.
Zuko who begins helping Sokka with his training even as he himself recovers and relearns. Sokka showing up on the nights Zuko skates alone with greasy takeout and the occasional baked good his GranGran made that day. Sokka and Zuko curling up on the couch in the back office watching old figure skating videos on an old laptop and Sokka finally realizing exactly who Zuko is as Zuko finally realizes Sokka is that one youtuber he watched for years when he was younger. Zuko laughing and telling him that the random subscriber Aang is actually a friend of his and the other anonymous subscriber was just Zuko’s second account after he lost the password to the first.
On one of their casual skate nights, once Zuko is back to full strength, Sokka suggests they learn a pairs skate tongether for fun. Ike a trust exercise!” He says as if he hasnt been dying to know what it would feel like to skate in tandem with Zuko since he first saw his face. Zuko agrees and he and Sokka find a program they both like. They decide who’s skating what and then begin to fumble through learning their individual parts. A week or two later, they try it together for the first time, no music, and its not half bad. They continue to learn it together and notice that the more they skate together, the better they get individually. Zuko’s refined control gives Sokka a more polished look without smothering his passion while Sokka’s passion and fluidity allows Zuko to loosen up and actually enjoy what he’s doing. (1 hour mark)
Eventually, they put it to music, and Piandao and Jeong Jeong emerge from the shadows at the end of the song. Piandao asks them if they want to learn their own pairs program to compete together this year. The two boys share a look and agree almost immediately. The next few months are spent learning the choreography. Sokka and Zuko both go through core strength training and lifting weights because Piandao is currently planning to have them both lift each other at some point in the program.
Time jumps forward to the competitions and Zuko and Sokka blow it out of the water. This time, Sokka spots his GranGran when Zuko is pointing out and waving to his Uncle Iroh near the top of the rink. She’s sitting with Zuko’s uncle and he’s elated to see her there and yet, disappointed that his family still hasn’t come to support him. Time jumps again. Sokka and Zuko spends hours training and then hours on their off days hanging around Zuko and Iroh’s house or even Iroh’s tea shop. They ofc have spent all of this time in continual pining.
But, time jump to when they’re both 18 and 19 and they’ve both just qualified to skate pairs at Junior Worlds for the second year and this year they’re sure to win. They’re in Zuko’s kitchen, baking, and as they’re waiting for the over timer to go off, a slow song comes on. Sokka, in contrast to his norm, is quiet and gentle in the way he offers Zuko his hand and they slow dance in the kitchen with flour in their hair. They’re a little giggly and high on adrenaline but neither are sure who leans in first, only that they are both very much on board with the whole kissing thing. Despite the years of tension, the kiss is tentative and sweet. They begin dating and it only makes their program better. The love they have for each other so clearly pours over into their skating.
This Junior Worlds is the first tike GranGran finally drags the rest of the family by the ear to come and watch Sokka compete and to Zuko’s surprise, he sees Aang and a few of his other friends in the audience. Sokka and Zuko win (to no ones surprise).
Insert sokka family angst and resolve here. Insert zuko family trauma etc here
Sokka and Zuko go om to do more pairs skating things and they live happily ever after etc ete
I ran out of steam there but its 3:10 in the morning and i started at 1:51. Hope you enjoyed, this has been 2 am thoughts with Lydia.
* i did minimal research here, be proud
** same thing but even less this fime
61 notes · View notes
verai-marcel · 10 months
Your Hearth Is My Home (BG3 Fanfic, Astarion x Female Reader, Part 12 of ?)
Summary, Notes, Tags, & Part 1 are here.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
AO3 Link is here, my dear.
Word Count: 4,401
Act I, Chapter 12 - The Grymforge
1479 DR, 13 Years Ago
Coughing up smoke and ash, you pushed yourself up from the ground. Fires were all around you, but they were being contained by magic users running around the area, casting water and ice spells. You blinked away the sleep in your eyes and spat out the remnants of whatever spell had been cast upon you.
A man nearby who was casting water magic at the retreating flames noticed that you had awoken and came up to you. Kneeling down, he handed you a waterskin.
“Are you alright?”
You nodded, and coughed up some more ash. 
The man raised an eyebrow, then his expression turned kind. “My name is Cardin. May I examine you?”
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow. You chugged some of the water. “I’m fine,” you croaked.
He shrugged. “If you say so. We found you under a Feign Death spell, a really strange one. Took us a while to undo it. Whoever cast must have really wanted to keep you hidden.”
Your heart clenched, but you held yourself together. There would be time to cry later. “Are there any other survivors?”
The man shook his head. “Not around here.”
You suddenly gasped. Oh shit, the children. “Did you find any children?”
He shook his head again.
You shakily got to your feet, determination coursing through your veins. “I think I know where they are.”
Getting the children to safety was your first priority. After finding them at the end of the cavern pathway, you made sure each of them had been accounted for and taken into custody by the rescue team. Though you felt bad leaving them in the care of others, you knew that they would do better in a stable situation, not wandering around with you, wherever you would go. Although you were only fifteen, your parents had trained you to be independent. Besides, you didn’t want to go to the orphanage with the children. You could work. You could make a living.
But part of you wished you had a bit more time to be a child.
Mother… Father…
You sat down and leaned against the trunk of a dead tree, your mind in a haze as you watched the knights, clerics, and mages running around the ruins of your village, putting out fires and performing the rites of the dead. The emblem of the city of Neverwinter was all over their tabards and flags.
Perhaps I could work in the city?
You saw Cardin walk over to you. He waved as he came closer, sitting beside you against the tree. “How are you feeling?”
You shrugged, shoving down your emotions. “I’ll live.”
He nodded. After a moment, he asked, “Do you have any family outside of the village?”
You shook your head.
“Do you have any skills? You’ll probably need to find a job to make your way.”
You sighed. Almost everyone’s dead, and he’s being practical. But he’s right, I don’t exactly have time to mourn. I can do that later. You searched your mind. What could you do? What skill did you have that few others did? “I can feel others’ emotions,” you replied.
You would later regret saying that.
He looked at you. “How so?”
You reached for his hand and held it. 
“You don’t believe me. And you’re tired.”
The man scoffed. “That much is obvious just from looking at me.”
“You feel pity. You’re sad about something.” You leaned in and looked him in the eye. “You regret something.”
The man blinked. He pulled his hand out of your grasp. “Well. Guess you can feel something.”
“I can also make potions. That might be a more… transferable skill.”
Cardin laughed. “That’s true. Being an empath is a hard sell.” He pulled out a small piece of paper from his satchel and used magic to scribble down an address and a name before handing it to you. “You seem like you got a good head on your shoulders. If you go here, let the guards know you need work as an apothecary and that Cardin Everember sent you. I can get you on a ship from the port in the city if you choose to go.”
You nodded. Nice of this guy to give you a head start on getting your life in order. He patted your shoulder and went back to work, while you stared at the note.
1492 DR, Present Day
In the morning, you got your small traveling pack together along with a separate backpack of goods you wanted to trade. Waving goodbye to Halsin, you set off north with Gale to the Myconid Colony.
You traded with the various denizens of the colony and had a great time speaking with Blurg and Omeluum about the different species of fungi and plants in the Underdark. You had to admit that Omeluum’s appearance startled you at first, but as you spoke more with him, you became comfortable with his presence.
In fact, you were so engrossed in your conversation with them that you had forgotten that Gale was waiting patiently for you. Turning towards him, you saw him staring far away, his head tipped to one side, as if he was listening to something only he could hear.
You waited until he nodded and his gaze focused onto you. “Are you alright?” you asked.
“Yes, I just received a Sending spell from Shadowheart. She said they could use my expertise at the arcane tower southwest of here.”
So he needs to escort me back to the camp. “Okay, let’s head back then.” You turned to Blurg and Omeluum. “Thank you so much for your time, I’ve learned a lot.”
It has been educational, Omeluum said in your mind. 
“Come find us in the Society of Brilliance in Baldur’s Gate, we would enjoy speaking with you again,” Blurg added.
You bowed and left with Gale, who set a rather rapid pace. I wonder if there’s something he’s not telling me.
Returning to camp, he barely made sure that Halsin was nearby before quickly leaving.
Oh, there is DEFINITELY something he isn’t telling me.
You decided that there was nothing that you could do about it now, so you turned to the pile of loot that was sitting on top of the travel chest. Alright, I suppose it’s sorting time.
Time passed, and without the sun, you found it difficult to tell how long the others had been gone. You had cleaned, prepared ingredients for quick cooking when they returned, and sorted all of the gathered loot into sell, keep, and discard. You wondered why they picked up some clearly rubbish items, but you guessed it was because some of them were hoarders and could not be stopped. You glanced at Gale’s tent, which had a few strange items piled in front of the tent flap, and surmised that at least some of the clutter was his fault.
With little else to do, you decided to renew the hot water rune in the water beneath the cliff, and also to explore a bit further along the shore. Walking down the path and around the rocky shoreline, you decided to go a bit further, wondering if there would be a better place to cast the rune. You turned a corner and found a small waterfall, just tall enough for a person to pass under. 
You had a thought. 
Taking off your outer clothes, you stepped into the cool water and circled around the waterfall, your arm in the air, your fingers passing through the water. You hummed the heating cantrip, drawing the lines in the air until it formed the rune. 
Moment of truth. 
You tentatively stepped into the waterfall.
It was hot and just the right amount of pressure. You felt that this rune drained you a bit more than normal, but it was worth it. You stood underneath the hot shower for a little while longer before you finally forced yourself to leave and get out of the water. Drying yourself off with a cantrip and pulling your clothes back on, you made your way back up the cliff and to the campfire. 
You told Halsin about the hot shower, and he gladly partook, leaving you alone with Withers, Scratch, and Owly for a half hour. You played fetch with the animals until he returned, then took your turn in the shower properly. But even that wasn't enough to keep your mind from clouding over with fatigue. 
You felt like a full day cycle had passed, but there was still no sign of the party. You couldn't wait any longer; you were getting too tired. So you prepped their tents, set up the wire trip alarm, and told Halsin that you were going to sleep. 
A montage of scenes went by in your dreams, memories half-remembered, emotions doubly felt. 
Serving your lord’s guests at a dinner party. A brush of a hand there, a light touch on a shoulder here. Gathering emotions like flowers for a bouquet, bringing them back to give to your lord. A warm smile. A pat on the head. The feeling of having done good, of being praised, addictive as silkroot.
Nobles, too arrogant for their own good, asking for more than just a dance. Getting too close, up in your face. Dodging hands, hiding from gazes that made you feel like property, like chattel.
Fellow servants and maids, butlers and guards, camaraderie built, then easily broken with a whispered word. Friendships made, friendships faded as people moved on.
Ten years passed. Nine of them in ignorance, one of them with knowledge you would have been happier, and yet more foolish, for not knowing. 
Three more years passed in relative freedom. But the constant urge to look over your shoulder, the constant suspicion of anyone coming by your cottage, was starting to wear you down. Anxiety building, building, but never a release—
You felt like you had just barely gotten to sleep before the chime of the alarm bells woke you up. Getting up and heading towards the entrance of the campsite, you saw everyone looking muddied, bloodied, and exhausted.
“Oh gods above, what happened?”
“I want a bath and a long rest,” Astarion muttered.
Everyone else began to mumble and grumble all at once, but you got the gist. They had gone to the arcane tower, retrieved the herbs that Omeluum had asked for the day prior in hopes of getting the tadpole out of their head, but that didn’t work. So they had gone to the beach, defeated the duergar dwarves, and found a boat that took them to the Grymforge. There, they had gone through a lot of trouble to get a drow out of a cave-in so they could get a moonlantern that could push back the shadow curse, only to find it broken and useless.
“But everyone else has practically cleared out of there, so we’re free to wander in and take the elevator up to the Shadow Cursed Lands,” Gale concluded.
“What about the curse?” you asked.
Halsin answered for Gale. “Any kind of light will work, but none of it will be as effective as a moonlantern. And we won’t be able to enter the strongly cursed areas without one.”
“We’ll work it out,” Wyll said with more confidence than you thought he ought to have, given the circumstances. 
You sighed. This journey was getting more dangerous all the time. But you had already pushed yourself this far. You would see this to the end, wherever, or whatever, that may be.
“Well, there is a hot water rune under the waterfall if you wish to shower, and I can make a meal quickly,” you announced to the group as you headed to the campfire. You heard some general mumbles of agreement as they all dispersed to their tents to change and take turns in the shower. 
Setting up the pot and heating the water took hardly any time at all, and you threw in your pre-chopped ingredients and left it to cook while you went around to each tent, collecting their clothes to clean and mend. 
With a pile of clothes & leather armor beside you, you started the tedious process of casting your cleaning and mending cantrips. You had seen the other magic users perform their cantrips in a very different way, with just a few words and some hand gestures, but also requiring some materials, like lodestone or phosphorous moss. But your method had always been purely songs.
You used to avoid using your magic where others could see while you were in Waterdeep, and even now, you tended to hide away in a corner to work, even though everyone here had already seen you and accepted your eclectic form of spells. Old habits, you supposed. You were never one to bring attention to yourself. 
Focused on your work, you got through the pile, folding everything and organizing them into separate stacks to bring back to their respective tents. As you hummed through the last shirt, you realized it was Astarion's shirt, the one you had mended thoroughly all those nights ago. 
You felt a soft smile on your lips, and you immediately bit your lip. Godsdammit. This… this isn’t that kind of feeling. I just care about him as a friend. He just needs a friend. I… I just want to be his friend. Right?
Nodding righteously, as if you had convinced yourself, you finished your work and distributed the stacks of clean & mended clothing back to their rightful owners.
Of course, you ended up saving Astarion’s things for last, laying his pile before his tent flap. You stared at the pile for a little bit too long before turning away.
…and running straight into his chest.
You staggered back a step and rubbed your nose. “How are you so sneaky?” you asked, your voice sounding a bit nasally.
“How are you so bad at situational awareness?” he asked in return.
“I’m not usually,” you countered. I just feel safe with everyone here. 
He raised an eyebrow, but let the subject go as his gaze slid to the pile of freshly cleaned & mended clothes. “Excellent timing,” he said as he moved to pick them up.
“You’re welcome,” you mumbled as you started to walk away, but you noticed his pained grunt and stiff and slow movements as he stood back up.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m sore from all the fighting today. Cure Wounds only does so much.”
“Do you want a massage?” Wait, why did I offer? He wouldn’t want that.
He blinked and looked at you for a moment before he smirked. “Darling, are you being coy?”
Your face heated up at his implication. “What, no! I simply meant a massage for your sore muscles!”
He laughed. “You’re so easy to tease, my dear.” Looking at you with his arms full of his clothes, it almost looked like he was wielding them as a shield. “If you think it’ll help, come in.”
You followed him into his tent. He set his pile of clothes aside and lay on his stomach on top of his bedroll.
“Where is the soreness the worst?”
That didn’t help. You rolled your eyes as you knelt down beside him. Deciding to start from the top and work your way down, you pressed your thumbs into his shoulder muscles and began to massage in circles. 
Gods, he has so many knots. Is this the first time he’s received a massage?
You realized that this probably was, and you felt a bit sad at the thought.
Astarion let out a soft breath and relaxed under your touch. You were grateful that his shirt was separating your bare hands from his skin so you could focus purely on his muscles. Which, quite honestly, was a distraction in of itself. But you concentrated on working out the knots, working down his back until you reached the waistline of his pants. 
He suddenly tensed. It was subtle, but you felt it. 
Quickly pulling your hands back, you debated your next move. His neck and head are bare. I don’t have my gloves, and I’m not sure I can mentally handle him right now if he’s not shielding.
“Are you done?”
“Do you want me to be? Otherwise, I could get your neck and head, if you want.” Why did I just offer the very thing I was wary of? I'm an idiot. 
He was silent for a moment. “Sure.”
Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself for whatever emotion you might feel from touching his bare skin. The neck was a particularly sensitive place, and though your mother had taught you how to put up mental shields against others’ emotions, you were never good at it. I wish I had listened to her more when she was training me.
You scooted over to kneel at the head of his bedroll and leaned over him, putting your palms on either side of his neck. He feels content, although he seems muted, so I guess this is fine. You gently pressed forward, going down along his shoulders slightly before coming back up, your fingers stroking his neck muscles. 
He groaned.
You immediately stopped, lifting your hands away. “Did I hurt you?”
“Keep going,” he said in a muffled voice, sounding annoyed that you had stopped.
You continued, doing the same thing as before a few more times before you started to use your thumbs on the muscles between his neck and shoulders, near his spine, gently rubbing circles, gradually moving up his neck. Eventually you switched to using your knuckles, running them up and down his neck.
“More,” he mumbled.
With your fingertips, you found the base of his skull, feeling for the little spaces and massaging small circles, around and around.
He moaned, and this time, you definitely didn’t mistake it for pain, since you could sense his pleasure.
You ran your hands through his hair, massaging his scalp until your knuckles cracked. 
“Alright, I need to stop, my hands are getting sore.” How long have I been in here? I’m losing all sense of time in the Underdark.
Astarion sat up slowly and pouted at you. “So soon, my dear?”
“Yes, yes.” You rotated your wrists and wriggled your fingers, hearing your joints crack. “I need to go sleep, it’s been a long day. Are you taking first or second watch?”
“Second. Karlach is taking first.”
“Alright. Can you wake me when you’re done so I can start breakfast?”
“Of course.”
You smiled. “Thanks.” You started to lean forward, intending to wish him sweet dreams like you always did.
He pulled back.
You just smiled to cover your surprise. “Well, have a good night,” you said quickly as you got up and left his tent, resisting the urge to run. You forced yourself to walk at a normal pace to your bedroll, managing not to panic. But the cracks around your heart were starting to make themselves known.
Of course. I shouldn’t have pushed. I should have let him come to me. I… I shouldn’t have expected anything.
It took a long while to fall asleep as regret ate at your thoughts, like crows at a carcass.
As soon as everyone was rested and camp was packed up and ready to go, you and your companions set off to Grymforge, taking the boat from the shoreline through the waterways of the Underdark, traversing through the now empty fortress, picking your way past all of the rocks and ruined walls to get to the elevator that would take you to the Shadow Cursed Lands. Halsin told you a bit about its history, and that to lift the curse, he would need to save Thaniel, the spirit of the land. He suspected that the spirit was trapped in the Shadowfell.
Wyll and Karlach were quick to agree to save the boy. Gale and Shadowheart seemed ambivalent, while Lae’zel and Astarion were downright irritated by the decision.
Meanwhile, the seal on your back tingled. You concentrated on it and thought of saving Thaniel, and it tingled more. You thought of not saving him, and the tingles went away.
I can’t believe that works. Hm. This may be a way to help decide what to do, as oblique as it may be.
“Don’t you think we should save him?” Karlach asked you suddenly. 
Dammit, I was trying to stay out of the conversation.
“It may be the right way forward,” you said slowly.
“And why is that?” Astarion said with some disdain.
“...Just a hunch.”
He blinked and looked at you. He subtly pointed at the small of his own back, a signal that no one else saw. 
You nodded imperceptibly back at him.
Astarion just shrugged. “Well, I guess it just means more enemies to kill along the way.”
By the time you all reached the elevator and headed up, you were starting to feel exhausted. Schlepping all the backpacks and gear while navigating all the difficult terrain was more tiring than usual.
As your group stepped out of the elevator and fanned out into the space to check for traps or enemies, you saw an old man appear nearby.
Gale looked at where you were pointing. “Elminster?”
Your head was whirling from the conversation between Gale and Elminster. The consequences. And the fact that he was willing to sacrifice himself so easily… You glanced over at Shadowheart, who looked more pained than usual. And you had the feeling it wasn’t due to the eternal injury on her hand.
I’ve been watching those two get closer…
You didn’t want to pry, and you had no concrete evidence, but if your guess was right, you figured those two would sort themselves out sooner or later.
After that set of news, the group decided to hole up here for the night before setting out once more. The shadow curse was just beyond the doorway, and this was likely the last night of relative safety before heading into unknown territory. Setting up camp quickly, you sat at the campfire alone while the others did their own thing. The sounds of the scraping of your spoon along the pot were accompanied by the clanging of swords where Wyll and Karlach practiced. Lae’zel, Halsin, and Shadowheart were meditating quietly, while Astarion and Gale were poring over their books.
Staring at the pot and wishing it would hurry up and boil, you hummed a song. Tongues of flame and wisps of water vapor, heating faster, bubbling and boiling…
In what felt like no time at all, your rather large pot of stew was letting out tendrils of steam. You looked at the stew more closely. It looked ready. It smelled ready. 
After a few moments of trying to figure out how in the hells you had sped up the cooking, you realized that Gale had come up to the campfire and was staring at you suspiciously.
“Do you know what you cast?”
“No, I was just… mumbling… a song… why do you look so confused?”
He pointed at the pot. “Your stew looks ready, and it’s only been a couple of minutes.”
“Oh, well, you wizards”—you gestured at Gale—“conjure things up all the time. Surely speeding up cooking isn’t that out of the ordinary.”
Gale furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, then shrugged. “That’s true. Well, I for one, am quite hungry. Let’s eat.”
Supper went by as normal, but you could catch Gale’s occasional curious glance in your direction.
Don’t look at me. I don’t know what in the hells I did either.
After cleaning up and packing up as much as possible to be ready to leave early tomorrow, everyone had gone to sleep. Usually whoever was taking watch would patrol the perimeter of camp, checking for enemies. But in this small foyer, there was hardly a need. So Astarion sat at the campfire, staring across at the occupied bedroll where the little hearth witch slept.
He spent some time ruminating on his previous interactions with her and discovered that he actually enjoyed spending time with her. From the first time he had teased her, to when she had tipped her head, exposing her lovely neck, to letting her touch his hair. He closed his eyes and remembered her soft caress. It was completely unlike what he had experienced with all those… targets… in the past. No, she was… different.
His impression of her had grown from mild irritation, to indifference, to amusement, and now to… whatever this was. 
Whatever it is, it’s certainly novel.
But it was interfering with his plan.
I thought she’d be easy to seduce. But she’s dodged me at every turn.
He had tried flirting with Gale, but he seemed too dense to recognize it as such. He had started to sweet talk Shadowheart, but she was as prickly as a cactus. Besides, he had caught the way she and Gale looked at each other. He could recognize a losing battle from a mile away. Lae’zel would probably slice his head off if he tried anything more than a smile, seducing Wyll might have worked if his righteousness hadn’t irritated him right off the bat, and Karlach brushed off any attempts like water off a duck’s back. Halsin seemed distracted; it would be hard to keep the druid’s attention on him long enough to tempt him.
So it has to be her.
But she had thwarted his every attempt to lure her into his bed. Surely, she wasn’t that pure. She knew what he offered. He wasn’t so out of practice, was he? But there was a connection; of that, there was no doubt. He’d seen the craving in her eyes whenever he touched her. As if she wanted more, but didn’t want to admit it.
So he was determined to seduce her, using whatever means necessary. Anything to get her to fall for him. All he had to do was keep her favor, and he’d be safe. She wasn’t a fighter, but the others cared for her, more than they did for him. She had already defended him once and they had listened. 
So why in the hells did I pull away from her last night?
Deep down, he knew the answer. He just didn’t want to admit it.
Act I, Chapter 12 End notes: Yup, I broke viewpoints again and added a small snippet of Astarion at the end. I thought it might help to get a sense of where he’s at, emotionally, in relation to Hearth Witch. Hopefully he came across as genuine, but let me know in the comments what you think! We’re off to Act 2 after this, and I’ll admit, there will probably be less chapters, since I actually sped through this part of the game.
Tag List: @numblytemporary @xalphafox @avitute
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Betrayal Never Felt So Good (König/Fem!Reader) Chapter 4
You can find Chapter 1 here, Chapter 2 here, Chapter 3 here, Chapter 5 here, and Chapter 6 here!
Word count: ~6
Rating: Mature
A/N: A bit of a filler chapter but it's adding pertinent info to the story, I promise! Some use of Y/N and Y/L/N. Some smut, feels, and story progression! Reader is still morally grey and morally questionable; a delulu girly, if you will. Reader has trauma that will be expanded upon later. Continued COD and military inaccuracies galore. Brief mentions of our beloved 141!
TW: Smut! Mutual masturbation, exhibitionism/voyeurism, dom/sub tones. Reader reflects a little on her trauma from Daniel. Reader tries to trust people and make new friends! Pet names (in English and German), bad German translations bc I’m STILL a lame monolingual American, and STILL no beta because we die like jackass Graves.
Crappy Translations:
Maus - Mouse
Mein schatz - My darling
Meine leibling - My love
Süßes mädchen- Sweet girl
Scheiße - Shit
Ja, das ist ein gutes Mädchen. Lass mich dich hören - Ja, that’s a good girl. Let me hear you.
Da ist mein wunderschöner Liebling - There is my beautiful love.
You were gonna be sick. You just knew it. Commander Graves’ stare was too much to handle, and yet you knew you had no other choice. The only other option was to give in, condemn both yourself and König to prison or death with the truth, and you refused to do that. You just had to trust in König’s plan, no matter how questionable.
“I’m sure, sir,” you replied, trying to keep your voice from shaking, “The last I saw was him going back into the bar.”
Graves’ tapped his pen on the table, his expression as unreadable as ever, before sitting up in his chair to lean over the desk. His intensity was overwhelming, making your heartbeat loud enough you were almost sure he could hear it too.
“Ya don’t have to be scared here, Y/N. This ain’t an interrogation. I’m just tryin’ ta get the facts about Carter before we call it.”
For the first time since that night, guilt licked the insides of your belly. Deserter. First, you’d allowed König to kill him and hide the body, and now you were willing to let his name be dragged through the mud, to allow his family to hear the worst about him when he wasn’t even alive to fight for himself. Fuck, but the lengths you would go through to protect König, just as he’d been protecting you for the better part of a year. It was honestly terrifying and made you question things about yourself that you’d never thought of before. Were you really as good of a person as you thought you were, as you tried to be, if you were willing to do all of this? Probably not.
“I understand, sir, I just kind of feel like I’ve been called into the principal’s office at school,” you joked quietly.
That brought a little smile to his face. Man, if he weren’t such a toxic fucker, he’d be pretty attractive. Too bad he was a righteous prick.
“That’s fair. Well, thank you for your time, Y/L/N. If I could just get you to sign this document here statin’ that you stand by your statement as the truth and allow for it to be used as necessary for legalities,” he sighed, pushing the paper and pen in your direction.
With a deep breath, you snagged up the pen and signed your name with a flourish. There it was, your deceit finalized in ink for all to see. It was to protect König, not for yourself, you kept repeating in your mind. It’s all for König. Anything for König.
“Am I good to go then, sir?” you asked with a forced smile.
“Actually, I have one more thing for you,” Graves replied, lifting a finger as he opened his desk drawer, “These… are papers of all the tasks I need you to go over with your trainer. After the last… episode, it’s become abundantly clear that you’re in dire need of a refresher course on the basics. Can’t have our best medic dying because she doesn’t know how to protect herself, hmm?”
You had to bite your tongue from giving a sassy reply and instead took the papers with a nod.
Looking over the pages, you asked curiously, “Who’s my trainer?”
“You’ll be workin’ with Private Declan every day, 1700 to 1900 after your normal shift until he feels you are well-equipped for future missions,” he explained, “Not havin’ ya do anythin’ too crazy so it shouldn’t take too long to complete, probably two weeks, give or take.”
Declan. The name sounded familiar. Hopefully he wasn’t one of Daniel’s close friends or things would end up real awkward real quick.
“Got it.”
“You’re dismissed,” Graves commented as he leaned back in his seat.
You couldn’t get back to your room fast enough, eager to be sheltered safe away from Graves’ intimidating stare. As soon as you were in your room, you dug your phone out and sent a quick text to König.
‘Hey love, you free to talk?’
You knew there was a chance he’d be busy or even have possibly been sent out on a mission since this morning, but it didn’t hurt to check. While you waited for his reply, you got changed from your scrubs into a comfortable pair of pajamas. You were debating on if you wanted to go through your rigorous skincare routine or just pass out when your phone started ringing.
Eagerly launching yourself onto the mattress, you quickly slid the green button when you saw König’s name pop up on the screen.
“Hi!” you said, a little too excitedly.
God, way to sound like a loser, Y/N. Could you be more embarrassing?
“Hello, Süßes mädchen.”
Fuck, just hearing his voice over the phone was enough to make your heart flutter. Chewing on your lower lip, you asked him about his day, wanting to start the call on a good note before you told him about Graves’ little meeting. He told you about some of the newest recruits, and how Horangi was talking to a civilian and it was more serious than his past conquests. He sounded like a proud older brother when he talked about Horangi and it was honestly adorable. A big grin was fixed on your face as you listened to his highs and lows, enjoying the shifts in his tone as he rambled for quite some time. It was nice, you realized, having someone to just talk to, even if it wasn’t in person.
“Ah, but enough about my day, how was your, meine liebling?” he asked.
“I enjoy hearing about what you’ve been up to,” you assured him warmly, “You know I love hearing you talk, but uh, my day was good. Got a little rocky at the end.”
“What happened?”
You could hear the instant change in his voice, protective König coming off the sidelines and ready to attack. It made you chuckle.
“Nothing that bad in the long run. Uh, Graves’ finally talked to me about Daniel. Had to sign a legal document backing up my statement. So far it seems everything is going well, but he also decided I need to redo training so I can protect myself better,” you explained.
He let out a little hum before sighing, “I have to agree with him there, maus. As much as I’d rather just be there to protect you, your safety is important.”
Cheeks flushing, you agree quietly. Of course, you’d rather have your big Austrian lover there as your guard but, unfortunately, that was just the way the world was for now. You snuggled farther back into the bed and began telling him about the mysterious case of chlamydia rampaging through the barracks, and all the chaos it was causing. It made you grateful you hadn’t made the choice to sleep with anyone there during the two months you’d not seen König.
“I will never understand the urge some have to fuck anything that moves,” he muttered quietly.
“Me either,” you replied, “Not that I’m innocent by any means. I’m all about people having fun. Hell, I’ve had my fair share of hook-ups, but… at least make sure ya use protection, you know?”
König let out a noise that almost sounded like a growl and you halted your words instantly, concerned by the sudden shift.
“You okay?” you asked tentatively.
“Fine, just don’t like thinking about that,” he sighed darkly, “That others have touched you. They didn’t deserve to have that access to you.”
Before you could stop it, a little giggle escaped, earning a disgruntled huff in reply.
“Don’t worry about it, big guy. If you want, I’ll gladly tell you about how much better you are than anyone I’ve ever been with,” you teased.
There was a soft groan from his side of the line before he retorted, “That doesn't help much.”
You thought about your words carefully, about what might ease that little twinge of jealousy, until finally, it hit. Prey on that possessive nature of his that you loved so much.
Lowering your voice to a seductive whisper, you murmured, “Okay, how about the fact you’re the only man I’ve had sex with without a condom? Also, just remember, love, they may have had me first… but you’re my last.”
Maybe a little stronghanded with the last sentence but you were willing to put your hopes out in the open. Unless something drastic occurred, you couldn’t see not wanting to be with him, and he seemed thoroughly content with you.
“Ah, maus, now that does make it better,” he purred warmly.
Smirking, you replied, “Thought so.”
A familiar warmth coiled low in your belly as you let your thoughts linger on König and just how much better he was than any other lover. It was torture not being allowed to be in his arms. Even without the sexual aspect, you wanted nothing more than to just be in his presence, be allowed to see him, and touch him. Memories of your last night together and his beautiful face created a dangerous combination between your thighs.
“You’re quiet, what’s going on in that pretty head, hmm?” he asked suddenly.
“Ah, um… taxes?” you squeaked out.
You could feel the heat returning to your cheeks as he laughed and you realized you’d been caught daydreaming about him. How were you still so easily flustered by that man when you’d fucked him seven ways from Sunday on multiple occasions now?
“Taxes huh? Must be pretty entertaining if it’s taking your attention off of me,” he teased.
Pursing your lips, you quickly retorted, “Nothing could take my attention off of you, König. You’re practically a permanent fixture in my head now.”
There was a little rumble and you barely made out his quiet “Good” before there was a rustling on his end. Now it was his turn to be oddly quiet.
“What are you doing over there?” you asked curiously.
The deep noise he let out made your heart thump harder.
His breathless tone scrambled your brain and it took a moment to comprehend what he meant but once it hit, you felt the niggle of lust in your core ramp up quickly. Clenching your thighs together, you let out a sigh at the slight relief.
“Hmm, do you need help with those taxes?” you mused gently.
His response was a decidedly determined, “Yes!”
“Video chat?”
The line went dead in the next instant, startling and confusing you until you saw the screen light up with the video call request. You could tell your face was flushed dark in the little square that showed your image in the top right and it only made your embarrassment grow.
“Da ist mein wunderschöner, Liebling.”
“Well hello there, handsome” you murmured, unable to stop the grin spreading across your lips.
To your surprise, König was maskless and it made your heart do a little happy dance. He really was one of the most stunning people you’d ever seen. It was a shame he hid it all the time but you also understood his need for privacy with his anxiety and for secrecy.
“You look absolutely beautiful, mein schatz,” he purred quietly.
Warmth quickly filled your cheeks again, his complement reminding you that you were in pajamas with your hair unstyled and only the remnants of the day's makeup on your face. Thankfully, your pajamas weren’t too incredibly bad; a dark grey tanktop with lace along the neckline and matching shorts. It could have been way worse but you also wished you’d had the chance to clean up before he’d seen you.
“Says the male model,” you replied cheekily, “So, wanna show me these taxes I have to help with?”
He let out a snort but suddenly the camera was facing down his body. Your sharp gasp filled the air as he groaned softly. He was already fully hard and leaking, all flushed and beautiful and demanding. Even his massive hand couldn’t cover it completely. God damn.
“I’ve been hard since the moment I heard your voice,” he rumbled softly, “You drive me crazy.”
You watched in awe as he began to stroke his length, throaty little noises filtering through the phone’s speaker like a siren’s song. Setting the phone precariously on your breasts, you quickly shoved your shorts down your legs and kicked them off the end of the bed before picking it back up.
“Need to see you, maus,” he demanded huskily, “Show me what is mine.”
If it were possible, you would have died right then and there from his words.
“Just so you know, I’ve never really done this whole video sex thing before,” you admitted meekly, suddenly nervous by the thought of showing off over the camera.
“And you think I have?” he snickered, “You enjoy seeing me, ja?”
“Of course!”
“Then let me see you too. You know just how much I love your body,” he cajoled sweetly, “Or do I have to punish you for disobedience when I see you next, hmm?”
“No sir!” you gasped.
With a shaky sigh, you switched to the back camera and moved the phone down, ensuring you could still see him at the same time. Your fingers twitched eagerly against your thigh as he let out a low moan.
“Gutes mädchen, now, show me how you tease yourself.”
Excitement brewed to life under the prospect of being controlled from afar and you quickly moved to follow his orders. Your eyes fluttered shut uncontrollably as you traced your fingertips up and down your slit, nearly jumping at the light sensation when goosebumps crawled across your skin. This continued on for only a minute or two before he gave in and told you to slide a finger into your cunt. An uncontrollable whimper escaped as you felt your warm walls clamp down around the digit.
Forcing your eyes open once again, you intentionally began to match your thrusts to the pace of his hand. It was nothing nearly as good as the real thing, but it was close enough and you couldn’t deny the things this interaction was making you feel.
“Gut, gut, that’s it. Show me how wet you are.”
It took a moment to get the angle right but the instant you caught the glistening sheen across your lips and fingers, he halted his hand with a broken groan.
“I would give anything to have my face buried in that pretty little cunt right now,” he growled, “Go on, maus, show me how you make yourself feel good.”
“O-Okay,” you breathed softly.
The awkwardness of touching yourself with an audience was beginning to fade away, lost to pleasure and lust as you watched him. When you finally sunk two fingers into your hole and hooked them up against your g-spot, you nearly saw stars, a weak whimper falling from your lips.
“Ja, das ist ein gutes Mädchen. Lass mich dich hören,” König groaned, “Faster, schatz, keep up with me.”
Eager to obey, you swiftly withdrew your fingers and used the slick to rub your nub. With a finger on either side, you squeezed and rubbed and teased until your legs were shaking with need. Ecstasy swirled rampantly in your belly, growing tighter and tighter with each pass over your clit. It was hard to keep your eyes open but you refused to miss even a second of him. As you got closer and your little noises became harder to control, you could see the chain reaction it had on him, his hips bucking up into each movement as precum spilled over his fist. Oh, and his sounds, the quick smacking and heavy breathing felt like they were connected directly to your core.
“K-König, I’m close,” you warned him weakly.
“Scheiße, heilige scheiße,” he snarled, thighs going tense, “Ja, okay, hold it just a bit longer.”
A debauched whine filled the air and your brows furrowed in frustration. You’d never been good at delaying your climax, too focused on instant gratification, but there was no denying the way his command made your belly twist eagerly. Jesus, what was this man doing to you?
“I know, but I want you to come with me,” he grunted.
The heat was becoming too intense so you instinctively slowed your fingers down to ease the burn, only for him to snap at you to keep going.
“B-But I- please König,” you whimpered needily, “König, bitte, bitte, I-”
The reaction to his native language was immediate, body jolting so hard you nearly expected him to fall off his bed.
“I’m gonna count back from three. At one, I want you to let go, leibling, can you do that for me?” he panted out through moans.
With a little curse, you whined, “Yes, please just- Yes!”
Fuck, he was doing it in German.
He fucking knew what that did to you.
“Eins… Now, now, Kleines!”
A cry of his name escaped in a breathless scream as your body nearly collapsed in on itself at his command, thighs shutting tight around your hand as rutted frantically into your hand. The pleasure coursing through your veins felt like it would drown you but it only got better when he followed suit. You watched in disbelief as ropes of cum shot out and covered his belly and hand, enamored by the way his cock twitched and throbbed as he squeezed out every last drop. Your name heavy on his lips brought that familiar heat back to your face.
“God, fuck,” you whined, jerking your hand away as the sensations became too strong.
A comfortable silence fell over you, only heavy pants breaking the quiet, until you felt rejuvenated enough to roll over and groan.
Picking up the phone, you turned it back to the front-facing camera and flashed him a little smile. His eyes were heavy and cheeks still flushed, lips quirked into a smirk as he ran a hand through his hair. How the fuck were you supposed to go the next four months without him?
“I have an embarrassing question,” you murmured after a moment.
He quirked a brow but replied, “Of course, maus, what is it?”
“Would- Would you be okay staying on call with me?” you asked before hastily adding, “Just til I fall asleep! I don’t wanna keep you too late.”
König’s expression turned into something soft.
“Of course but I’ll do better. We’ll stay on all night. Not as good as having you here but it’s better than being without you completely.”
Frustration broke through your lips in the form of an annoyed grunt as you punched the hand targets again; right, left, right. You narrowly missed getting hit in the face by the foam target when he swung it at you again. Unfortunately, between your exhaustion and poor balance, you collapsed to the floor with a yelp.
Max let out a honking laugh and you managed to open your eyes just enough to see him bent over, red-faced from laughter. What a jerk.
“Not funny,” you bit out coolly.
“On the contrary, I find it quite funny,” he retorted cheekily, “But, maybe this is a sign we need a break, aye?”
Lifting an eyebrow, you snapped back, “Ya think?! We’ve only been at this for like two hours!”
He shrugged his burly shoulders before settling down onto the ground next to you, handing over your water bottle as he drank from his own. It was a comfortable silence despite your panting, something you were grateful for. It was ironic, considering Max was filling in for Declan who was transferred out after some sketchy shit came up in his files. You couldn’t say you were upset by the change though. Max was the first soldier you’d been able to relatively get along with in months. There was something about his dry humor and easy-going nature that made him likable.
“Tomorrow it’ll be training at the range again. Wanna test you on more long-range options.”
You let your displeasure at the idea be known with the obnoxious long groan you released.
“I’m shit with long range! Just let me focus on getting better at what I’m good at,” you begged, turning to give him your best puppy dog eyes.
He simply stared you down with all the energy of a disappointed father.
“You won’t get good at it if you don’t practice.”
“… And?! I have gifted kid burnout syndrome,” you sighed, “All I want to do is what I’m already good at.”
If looks could kill, you were sure you’d be dead where you lay on the floor. You tossed him back an equally serious glare but within moments you both broke down into laughter.
“Shit, dude, you could kill with those eyes,” Max said, tossing his now-empty bottle aside, “What do ya say? Got ‘nother round in you or we packin’ it up?”
You took inventory of all your sore muscles and bruises before giving a little shrug.
“I’d prefer being able to walk at work tomorrow,” you retorted.
“Rest it is then,” he said as he got to his feet with a long groan.
Following suit, you snagged up your grey hoodie and released your hair from its messy ponytail, double-checking that you still had your phone before heading to the door.
“Hey, wait up a sec!” Max called before the door closed behind you.
You quickly caught it with your foot, trying to ignore the pain of the heavy door nearly crushing your littlest toe.
“A couple of the guys and I are goin’ out to Seven’s tonight, that one bar on Cedar, if you wanna join us?” he asked.
Bile rose in your throat instantaneously as the memories of your last bar experience filled your thoughts- Daniel, the date rape drug, how König killed him in cold blood. Max was nice, respectful even; he hadn’t done anything yet that would make you suspect that he had more than a friendly interest in you, but after Daniel… any man besides König was a terrifying unknown. Apparently, the hesitation was clear on your face because he slapped a heavy hand down on your shoulder, drawing you out of your thoughts.
“No pressure, Y/L/N,” he assured you with a gentle squeeze, “It’d be nice to hang with you without kickin’ your ass though.”
That brought a small smile to your lips. Damn him for being a nice person.
“I appreciate that but, uh, I don’t know many people here that well and-”
“Hey, that’s okay! This’ll be a good chance ta get ta know everyone, and, hey, I’ll be there so you’ll know someone,” he said.
Swallowing hard, you tried to think of a polite way to turn him down but it was impossible with how kind he had been this past week. When your lips parted finally to say no, he lifted up a hand, silencing you instantly.
“If this is about bein’ with a bunch of guys alone, I swear that I’ll protect ya,” he assured you gently, “My mum would have my ass if she knew I didn’t protect a lady, and that’s not even countin’ what’ll happen when Graves gets ahold of me.”
He was making this fucking hard, way harder than it should be. While you were used to being alone, there was no denying how painful it got at times. Especially on the nights when you couldn’t call König and talk to him. Having actual friends might be a nice change of pace.
“You swear?” you asked weakly.
He made an ‘X’ across his heart and said, “Solemnly swear.”
Letting out a sigh, you shifted your jacket farther up your arm before giving him a single nod.
“The instant I don’t feel safe, we’re out, got it?”
“Absolutely! And if anyone gives you trouble, just point me in their direction and they won’t even be a problem. Just consider me your guard dog for the night, yea?”
After agreeing to meet up outside the entrance gates, you scurried back to your room with your thoughts going a million miles an hour. Could you really trust Max? What would happen if you got separated? Would the other soldiers behave? Anxiety whirled through your brain like a tornado, creating more chaos than usual, until you were dressed and checking your reflection. You knew better than to dress in anything too eye-catching this time, settling for a simple black long-sleeved shirt and loose jeans with your work tennis shoes. Even with Max around, shit could happen.
You pulled your hair up into a tidy bun before dragging out your phone and shooting a text to König. He was gone on a mission and didn’t have the ability to answer calls on a whim, but you wanted to keep him updated on your whereabouts… just in case.
‘Hey love! I just wanted to let you know I’m going out to the local bar with some of the guys. My trainer Max, the one I told you about the other day, invited me. He promises he’s going to be my guard dog so I should be safe but I am bringing my pepper spray and self-defense keys too just so you know. No need to worry about me! I’ll text you again once I’m home safe. XO’
Once the text showed as delivered, you turned your ringer all the way up and slid it into your pocket, taking a deep breath for courage before braving the outside. Hopefully, this would be a turning point, a way for you to make friends and have people you could trust again. You shut and locked your door behind you, double-checking it out of cautiousness, then trekked across the base to the meeting point.
There had to be at least twelve to fifteen people gathered outside of the gates when you arrived. Thankfully, there wasn’t a single face you recognized from Daniel’s friend group in the little mass and you let out a relieved sigh before sliding up to Max’s side.
“Hey there! Glad ta see ya made it. Ready to go boys?” Max asked everyone.
A few affirmatives were thrown around before everyone split into separate groups, piling into three different cars. The two that split off with you and Max were chivalrous enough to insist you take the front seat and quickly started up a conversation about Yu-Gi-Oh of all things. Max, surprisingly, joined right in and even tried to involve you in the conversation a few times. It was sweet. By the time you were pulling up at the curb by the bar, somehow the topic had changed to poker and bets on who at the company would have the best poker face.
“I swear, Commander Graves would beat everyone,” you shot back, closing the car door behind you, “Have you been on the wrong side of his wrath yet?!”
“Nah, see, because scary doesn’t equate to a good liar,” Max retorted, “But, if we’re counting outside groups we’ve teamed with, you should see Captain Price. That man has nerves of steel. There’s no way to figure out when he’s bluffing!”
“Oh shit, yeah, haven’t thought about him in a while,” Luke, the younger of the trio shouted.
The chaotic conversation was overpowered by the sound of music, pool tables, and laughter when Max held the door open for you. You quickly slid by and waited right inside, unwilling to chance going more than a few steps away from them.
“Sooo, table first or drinks?” Trevor asked, rocking back and forth on his heels as he looked around the busy bar.
“Drinks. It’s gonna take a hot minute to get anything with that crowd,” Luke replied.
Falling in step beside them, you kept as close to Max as possible, doing your best to ignore the anxiety creeping up in your throat as you tried to decide on a drink. You didn’t want to be a wet blanket but you also weren’t sure about allowing yourself to become inebriated either. Plus with the drugs last time, the idea of alcohol you didn’t pour from the bottle yourself was unappealing. Thankfully, you had a good amount of time to think about it. Luke was correct in his assessment of the crowd. It took almost twenty minutes just to flag the bartender down and order your drinks.
“What’cha gettin’?” Max asked loudly.
You could only shrug in response. Max was nothing but attentive and instantly leaned down to your ear.
“Guard dog, remember? You don’t have to drink but if you do, I’ve got your back!” he reassured you.
“What’s it gonna be, doll?” the young woman across the counter asked blandly.
Shooting him a look that told him exactly how much trust you were putting into him, you smiled timidly at Max then leaned closer to the bartender.
“Just a lemon drop shot and a water please!”
With that, she was gone, and the guys picked back up on their previous discussion concerning the Captain Price they had mentioned, and some guys named Soap, Gaz, and Ghost. Just what the fuck kind of people had those names? Surely that had to be callsigns… right? 'Ghost' fucked with your mind the most. You could only imagine what he had done to earn that name. But Soap? Soap made you giggle. Did anyone take a soldier with that name seriously? You didn’t think you would if you met him.
A few minutes later, you all had your drinks and were headed to a table out on the back patio. It was perfectly cool outside, just a slight chilly breeze blustering about and filling the air with that familiar autumn scent. It was finally starting to feel like October. You sat beside Max and twirled your shot glass in circles, letting your gaze trail over all the different groups outside in the meantime. By twos and threes, the rest of the original clan joined the nearby tables until you were nestled comfortably between them all. You tried to keep up with the conversation but moreso just enjoyed watching them. It was a big group but they all talked together seamlessly. There was no denying the comradery between them and it created a warm, welcoming, feeling in your chest.
Max nudged your arm, pulling your gaze up to him, and you found him staring down at you with one brow lifted.
“You’re okay, right?” he asked.
Flashing him an easy smile, you nodded and replied, “Yeah, I actually am. Hey, uh, thanks for inviting me out.”
He rolled his eyes and waved you off with a scoff, before muttering, “Stop actin’ like it was some act of charity. You may not realize it, but you’re a joy to be around… well, when you’re not bein’ a pain in my ass and tryin’ to shoot me in the foot.”
Eyes widening in disbelief, you backhanded his arm gently.
“That was one time! And it was an accident!” you squeaked, cheeks burning hot.
“Yeah, one time too many,” he snickered back, taking a swig of his beer.
Muttering under your breath about the lack of trust and loyalty he had, you swallowed back the last of your anxiety and finally took the shot in front of you, which was surprisingly delicious.
“If ya need to get up and go anywhere, let me know, I’ll go with ya,” he added after a moment, “I’m on duty til I get ya back to your room.”
You gave him a thankful nod and nursed your water, tuning back into the conversation around you when Luke yelled at Max to defend him.
“What’d I miss?”
“Tell them I’m not actually bad at Mario Kart!” Luke whined, “I lost to Dave once and now he swears he’s better than me at it.”
Yu-Gi-Oh? Mario Kart? How in the fuck were these goofballs the same intimidating soldiers you saw around the barracks?
When Max actually spoke up for Luke, it created a mass of chaos and debates on who was actually better and led to bets for future games. Maybe you’d be lucky enough to join them when they did. It’d been some time since you’d played on more than your Nintendo Switch.
“So you’re coming out next time too, right?” Max asked, leaning up against the wall by your door.
“I guess,” you replied with a shrug, “If you guys want me to?”
He narrowed his eyes and bit out, “Noooo. I was asking because I was hoping you’d stay far far away on your lonesome.”
You nudged his ribs gently, trying to quiet your laughter in hopes of not disturbing any of the sleeping soldiers in nearby rooms.
“Shut up. I’m just not used to it is all,” you sighed.
“Well, get used to it, brat. I’m officially naming myself your guard dog older brother,” he retorted, “Now, go get some sleep. Don’t need you dead on your feet at training tomorrow.”
At the reminder of his plans to torture you with sniper training, you deflated against your door with a whine.
“Are you serious?!”
He smirked, patting your shoulder in mock sympathy, before rising to his full height once more.
“Gotta do it, kid. Better to get it done now than have Graves’ on our asses about slacking.”
You couldn’t find fault in his logic but that didn’t mean you liked it any more than you had before. Shooting him an evil glower, you popped your door open and stepped in.
“Night, brat!”
“Yeah, yeah, good night,” you huffed as you slammed the door shut.
Without even bothering to change, you flopped down into your bed and unlocked your phone, checking your notifications. There were a few updates from your social media but the only thing you cared to see were the texts from König.
‘Have fun and be safe. Please make sure you text me once you get home.’ at nine.
‘Leibling? Are you home yet?’ at ten thirty.
‘If I don’t hear from you by 12, I’m not responsible for my actions.’ at eleven thirty.
It was eleven-fifty now. Shit! You weren’t sure what he could do from so far away but you didn’t want to test his capabilities, nor did you want to worry him further. Pulling up his number, you hit call and waited nervously.
“Scheiße! Ich habe mir Sorgen gemacht, Liebling!”
His voice was tense and you instantly felt wilted, guilt filling your chest heavily.
“I’m so sorry, love. I had my ringer on but I didn’t hear any of the texts over the music,” you apologized quickly, “I didn’t mean to worry you, I promise!”
“It’s fine. I’m just glad to hear you safe,” he sighed, “Did you have a good time?”
Lips quirking into a little smile, you replied, “Yeah, it was nice. Would have been better with you there though. Oh, and I think Max has adopted me as his little sister.”
“Little sister, hmm?”
“Yup! He stood guard for me all night. Didn’t let a single person approach me and waited outside the bathroom for me and everything. I don’t know how, but I think he has an idea that something happened in the past,” you explained, “That or he’s just a really good guard dog.”
“That better be all he is,” you heard him grumble softly.
“Calm down, big guy,” you reassured him gently, “Or do I need to remind you why you’re my one and only?”
That got a reaction. The grunt of your name sent your hair on end and pulled a sly smirk to your lips. Yeah, you’d be glad to take the time to show him that you still belonged only to him.
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Redwood Pyschiatric Institute - Part 6
CWs: mention of ECT, mental hospital whump, mental health gaslighting, force used against patient (electric shock baton), forced psychiatric care
Matthew Cooper pulled up in front of a small house on the end of the street, pulling out his phone to send a quick text that read 'I'm here.'
On the screen were a series of previous, unanswered and unread messages he had sent to his friend Rowan.
'Hey Rowan. Just checking in.'
'Rowan, it's me. What's up bud?'
'Where are you?'
'Fine. If you won't talk to me, I'm not going to try anymore'
Then, from today. 'Rowan, I'm coming over.'
Matt sighed as he dropped his phone into his pocket and clambered out of the car. He walked up to the front door, and rang the doorbell. He waited a moment, and when there was no answer, he rapped on the door with his knuckles. Still, nothing. The whole house seemed to be silent and still. He pressed his face to the one of the windows, attempting to peer through.
"Rowan!" He called.
No answer.
"Crap." Matt murmured. "Where the hell are you.."
He strode around the back of the house, searching for any signs of life from his friend. Finally, he spotted a back door, slightly ajar. It struck Mathew as strange. Rowan was not a careless person - in fact, quite the opposite, he could be rather paranoid, in Mathew's opinion. So it was completly out of the ordinary for his friend to leave a door unlocked, and Mathew also had no idea how long it had been open or if Rowan was even in the house still.
Cautiously, Matthew entered through the door, calling Rowan's name as he went. There were no traces of recent life - everything was put away neatly as Mathew would expect of Rowan, until he reached his friend's bedroom. This room was a mess - papers were scattered everywhere, on the bed, on the floor, on the desk.. Rowan's laptop was also still there, but Mathew wasn't keen to go trying to break into that. He pick up a paper sitting on the desk, and scanned through it. It was a newspaper article.
'Redwood Asylum patients claim gross mistreatment'.  The headline read. The article was dated 1964. The next article, from 1970, announced the closing-down of the Institute. The outdated facility had claimed around 1000 lives by the time of its closure, almost a hundred years since it opened.
All the other papers and articles were about the institute, why puzzled Mathew further. Why was Rowan so obssessed with this place? And more importantly, where was Rowan?
Mathew did a quick google of the place, finding that it had since been reopened and claimed to now be running as a more modern psychiatric hospital. Matthew was all out of options - his only remaining option was right in front of him. He hit the phone number listed on the web page, drew a deep breath, and hit the call button.
"Hello, you've reached Redwood Psychiatric Institute. You're speaking to Carol, how can I help you?"
"Uh, hi Carol, my name's Mathew Cooper. I was wondering if you recently had a visitor by the name of Rowan Murdock?"
"I'm sorry but we can't disclose information on our visitors. We have, however, got a patient by that name. There's a note on his file saying he can't have visitors, are you family?"
"Oh, uh.. no, I'm a long-time friend of his though. I was just wondering if I could get some more information on what happened." Mathew stammered, shocked at the news. Rowan was a patient?
"I can arrange for you to meet his doctor, in that case. Doctor Wilson. I'm sure he'd be willing to discuss Rowan's - well, yes. Rowan's recent weeks with us."
Mathew arranged a time for the meeting and then hung up the phone. He began to head out the room, when he turned back, picked up one of the articles on the psychiatric institute, and then continued on his way out of the house.
"Mathew Cooper, I'm here to talk to Doctor Wilson." Matthew announced to the woman at the front desk.
"Sign here, and then take this visitor pass, and it'll be the third door on your left." She smiled, a friendly but tired, 'I've been here all day and I'm just trying to be friendly to you but I could care less' kind of smile.
"Thanks." Mathew smiled back as he followed her instructions and then headed down the hall.
Inside the office, the doctor sat behind the desk, looking comfortable but composed.
"Hello Mathew, take a seat. My name is Doctor Wilson." The doctor smiled from behind his glasses.
Mathew sat in the chair across from the doctor, and extended his hand to the doctor, who took it and shook it firmly.
"Thank you for coming, Mathew."  Doctor Wilson greeted. "I understand these circumstances must be.. rather confusing, and I appreciate your willingness to discuss this in person."
"Thank you for meeting with me, Doctor Wilson. I understand you must be very busy." Mathew acknowledged.
"Indeed. Now, allow us to get right into it. Now, when did you last see your friend?" The doctor asked.
"Well, I must have seen him last a few weeks ago." Mathew answered.
"I see. Well, he came here as a voluntary self-admission on September 13th. He was incredibly unstable, and we immediately began his treatment. When we admitted him, we looked into his medical records and his personal records. Now, while I'm afraid I have some hard news to digest, there is no other way to say this - his name isn't Rowan Murdock. His real name is James Lawton."
"What- you mean, he's been lying to me this whole time about who he is?"
"No, not at all. James is a very mentally ill young man, not a pathological liar. We discovered symptoms of schizophrenia throughout the last few years of his life, but it was not yet diagnosed or treated. It has just since accumulated and worsened. He has been in dire need of treatment for years, but when he came to us, he was at the height of a schizophrenic breakdown, believing he was Rowan Murdock, a profilic journalist investigating the asylum before deciding to admit himself.  We've been treating him with medications and ECT. He has been doing better the last few weeks, however,  we are worried that a visit with you, an old friend of 'Rowan's may cause another setback." The doctor sighed.
"Oh..." Mathew's heart sank at the explanation. He couldn't comprehend the whole story, it was not anything he could have imagined. Of course, he had accepted there was some horrible series of events that had led to Rowan- or, James - being here, but not like this. "I.. I'll do anything you need, I'll say anything, I just- I need to see him, I need to talk to him."
"Alright, I'll arrange a visit." Doctor Wilson conceded. "But you mustn't encourage any of his delusions relating to 'Rowan Murdock'."
"Understood, Doctor. Thank you very much."
"James, I have a visitor for you." Doctor Wilson stood in the doorway, ushering Matt ahead of him.
Matt entered the room hesitantly, his eyes scanning around until they landed on a small figure, hunched up in white in the corner of the small room.
The figure Matt had once known as Rowan did not acknowledge the presence of anyone in the room. He simply muttered something under his breath.
"James. I've brought you a visitor." Doctor Wilson repeated, mild annoyance already in his voice as he approached James and bent down, waving at his patient to try and gain his attention.
James blinked, several times, slow and sluggish, as if drawing himself out of a trance. He glanced around the room, eyes landing eventually on Mathew.
"Who.. whoareyouu-" James slurred softly, as Doctor Wilson grasped him by the arm and helped him onto his feet, bringing him over to the small bed in the centre of the room.
"He's on a lot of medication right now. He may be suffering some short-term memory loss right now, so remember that this will pass. Just remind him who you are." Doctor Wilson said to Mathew.
Mathew nodded and approached the bed, kneeling in front of his old friend. Rowa- James, he reminded himself, looked pale, and his usually-thin frame looked even thinner than usual, or maybe that was the ill-fitting hospital gown. The circles under his eyes were dark, and his face was pinched and gaunt.
"Hey, James. It's me, your old friend Mathew." He said softly, reaching out a hand.
James didn't take the hand, instead, he sat there, staring blankly at it as Matt continued talking.
"We've known each other since university. You used to come and 'study' at my house. I'd steal your notes, and then we'd play video games together until 3am, even if we had class the next morning at 9." Mathew chuckled slightly at the memory, his heart aching a little to see his friend of five years in this situation. They'd been very close through university, but in the last two years they'd drifted apart slightly as both adjusted to their adult lives. Still, he cared for his friend.
Matt drew himself out of his own thoughts and looked up to see James staring at him with an.. odd expression.
"James, are you alright?" Matthew asked gently.
"That's.. not my name." James said flatly.
Shit.. He'd triggered James. His friend began to cry - no, more like tears were slipping down from expressionless eyes.
James suddenly stood and lunged at Mathew, knocking him to the ground as he began to scream at Matt.
Mathew was so shocked, he couldn't react. James screamed himself hoarse until suddenly, he gave a suprised shout, and collapsed onto his back, convulsing in agony at the hands of orderlies who had appeared in the room.
"Are you alright?" Doctor Wilson asked as he extended a hand and helped Mathew to his feet, pulling him away as the orderlies descended upon James' form, brandishing a syringe. Quickly, Doctor Wilson escorted Mathew out of the room, away from James' dreaful shrieking protests.
They returned to the doctor's office, where Wilson handed Mathew a glass of water. Matt graciously accepted it, ignoring the odd drop spilling out from how badly his hands shook. He downed the glass, wiped his face, and finally spoke. "What- what will happen now?"
"We will have to change his medication, and I'm going to perscribe another course of ECT." The doctor replied, calm but with a hint of frustration.
Mathew realised that clearly, James' treatment had been quite a difficult process that was now far from over.
"Shock therapy?" he asked.
"While that is the outdated term for it.. yes. It is now quite safe, and often used in quite severe cases of mental illness. Clearly, his schizophrenic hallucinations and paranoia are not yet treated. We will have to increase our efforts to stop these delusions that he is being trapped here."
"Will I be able to return and visit him again, Doctor?"
"Maybe after the next round of ECT. Thank you for coming, Mathew."
As Mathew drove away from the Redwood hospital, he wondered what fate he was leaving his friend to.
@jazatronasmr @onthishamsterwheel @bumpthumpwhump @bloodsweatandpotato @whatiswhump @jancameforthewhump @dream-whump @ratking-whump @inkstainsonmyhands12 @halstead-shaw13 @sparrowsage @sowhumpful @whatwhumpcomments @caspersdelusion
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to ashes, in memoriam
Clint Barton x F!Reader
To Ashes, Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Summary: the third anniversary of the snap thaws some of the tension between the two of you.
Warnings: hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1,570
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Days Since the Decimation: Three Years
Springtime in London might have been lovely, had it not been for the blanket of solemnity hanging over every square mile of the city. The third anniversary of the Decimation had been looming over you, over everyone, for weeks now. And now that it had arrived… you had spent much of the day locked away in your room, hoping to simply sleep through it.
Clint had stayed, and the two of you had returned to old routines, making your way west until you’d finally found yourselves on the outskirts of London. If possible, the two of you communicated even less than before, and you found yourself avoiding him just to make it easier to ignore the tension between you. The longer it went on, the more frustrated with your situation you became. Much of your time seemed now to be spent expelling the energy building inside you.
So, when Clint knocked on the door to the room you had claimed when you’d found yourselves an apartment on the outskirts of the city in a building too rundown for the city to relocate locals into, you were surprised. You sat up in the bed, pushing hair out of your eyes.
“Come in?”
“Hey,” he said gruffly, averting his eyes as if you were in some way indecent. It was almost normal to you now; you swore the only time you ever really felt his eyes on you was when yours were turned away. “Did I wake you?”
You shook your head; you’d been laying there for the last two hours, staring out the window at nothing but the sliver of sky you could see between the curtains. But that didn’t feel like something worth mentioning. “What’s up?”
“Get dressed. We’re going out.”
You frowned, pushing the blankets off of your legs. “You’ve got a target?”
“It’s not work,” he replied, his tone unchanging. “Civilian clothes.”
“…Okay.” you said, confusion furrowing your brow. “Okay, just, uh… Just give me five minutes.”
Hyde Park was crowded, throngs of people choking the pathways that led to the lake. Lingering in any one place with this many people made you feel exposed in a way that you’d come to loathe over the last three years, and you tugged the baseball cap you wore a little lower on your brow.
“What are we doing here?” you asked quietly.
Clint shrugged a shoulder as though his leading you out that evening had been no more than a whim. But despite his reluctance to talk, to even spend time with you outside of a hunt, this was where he’d brought you. “It’s a memorial.”
Daylight was beginning to ebb as you approached Serpentine Lake, and the lights that marked the edges of the path the two of you were following were starting to glow against the soft light of dusk. The crowds around you collected in smaller parties, and the atmosphere that hung like a mist around the park kept their tones hushed. Reverent. The result was an almost hypnotic hum, and you found yourself stepping closer to Clint’s side at the noise.
He didn’t move away.
You didn’t understand quite what he meant until you finally reached the Lake proper. And your breath hitched.
Countless lights bobbed along the surface of the lake, slowly moving in and out of view between the bodies lining the shore. Each light was carried by a delicate paper lantern, the underside waxed against the water. As you drew closer, you could just make out the lines marking the sides of the lanterns still in the hands of the people ahead of you; the names of those they had lost.
He didn’t say anything; and you didn’t know how you were supposed to finish that sentence. Booths had been set up about thirty feet back from the shoreline, and you followed Clint wordlessly towards one of them. The table was carefully piled with paper lanterns and tealights, and after collecting two of each from a kind-faced woman, he led you to an unoccupied patch on the shore.
The sound of water shifting joined the soundscape around you, the scent of it at the edge of your mind. Clint knelt down on the grass, handing you one of the lanterns and a marker. You paused after taking them, running your fingertips over the dense paper before you joined him.
You wrote their names slowly, carefully, turning the lantern so the letters formed a morbid crown around its head.
Wanda… Sam… Bucky… Vision… Hill… Fury… Peter… T’Challa… Shuri…
You hesitated for a long moment before following their names with two more words.
I’m sorry.
The crowds grew so slowly and steadily around you that you barely noticed it before you stood and found yourself surrounded by bodies. Clint’s arm brushed against yours as he straightened too, the two of you holding your lanterns carefully before you. Your fingers tightened briefly on yours as though it would be ripped from your hands; wax slid under your nails.
Your eyes dropped to the near-identical lantern in Clint’s hands. His thumb stroked over the rigid paper almost idly, and you turned away again before your eyes could focus on the words that he had written on the side of it. Instead, you shouldered your way through the people crowding the shoreline until the toes of your boots were kissed by the soft ebb and flow of the water.
Once again you felt Clint’s presence by your shoulder, and you resisted the urge to lean back into the warmth of him. Instead, you turned to face him, swallowing as you took his lantern gingerly. You held them steady, your eyes meeting his in brief, flickering moments as he lit the candles within.
And the two of you set the lanterns down on the water, and you wrapped your arms around yourself as they ever so slowly bobbed out to join the others to reflect golden light on the mirror’s surface.
It wasn’t long, despite your best effort, before you lost sight of which lanterns were yours, eyes blurring with the pinpricks of light in front of you. Clint still stood by your side, and the more time stretched out before you the more the sounds of murmured conversation and the acoustic guitar someone played nearby fell away. It all fell away until all that anchored you to reality, to that spot you stood on, was the soft sound of Clint’s steady, calming breath.
The crowd moved around you in the same kind of slow ebb and flow as the water; the two of you standing sentinel on the edge of the lake. The sky darkened above you, and the lights on the lake warmed as the water turned to ink. Someone was speaking over a microphone, a grave voice intoning a eulogy to everyone that had been lost.
What you noticed of the speaker’s words soon turned to messages of hope and ‘togetherness in the face of adversity’, and Clint’s own voice broke you out of your revery.
“Hey,” he said softly, his hand touching the middle of your back. “Come with me.”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around yourself as he led you away from the bulk of the crowd. You found yourself needing to fill the silence that hung between you, and you spoke quietly. “How did you hear about all this?”
“There was something on the news,” he replied, an almost forced casualness to his tone. “I thought… I thought this might be good for you.”
You raised a brow in touched disbelief at his concern, a small, snide smile blooming at the corner of your lips. “Just me, huh?”
You saw his own smirk flash over his features beneath his hood despite himself, but he didn’t reply.
“Thank you, Clint.”
He nodded; his eyes still turned ahead of you. A part of you wondered what if would take for him to meet your eye again. He’d shaved, for the first time in weeks, and you cursed yourself silently even as you considered briefly what it would be like to trace the line of his jaw with your fingertips.
A shoulder knocked into yours – a passerby unaware of either of your identities – and you stumbled slightly. It was only for a second, but it was enough to separate the two of you for a brief moment. And you looked down in surprise as Clint turned back towards you and caught hold of your hand with his own.
You watched his hand slip around to take yours, his fingers lacing with your own. His palm was warm and softer than you remembered. He tugged you back into step beside him gently, and something selfish in your chest flipped when he didn’t immediately let go.
Clint led you to the bridge that overlooked Serpentine Lake, tucking his hands into his pockets as you stood against the rails. He’d later, when he’d heard your breath shudder, wrapped an arm around your shoulders and tucked you in against his side. You hadn’t questioned the change in his demeanor – the anniversary had granted the two of you a brief reprieve in his staunch avoidance of you – you’d just let your head rest against his shoulder.
It was hours before you left that spot, long after the last mourners had gone, and after the very last candle had gone out.
tags:@trekkingaroundasgard@lovely-dreamer19@wittyforachange@wefracturedmotivation@january-echoes@glossyloner@capitalnineteen@youclickedthislink@s0ftness@castieltrash1@drakelover78@queenoftheunderdark@lol-you-thought@akumune@xxboesefrauxx@enna-core@hearmyharmony@katsies@youralphawolf72@maenji@rhymesmenagerie@gwianasky@melaclintbartoncorner@loki-is-loved@whovianayesha @bradfordbantams @alice-the-nerd@fanofallthefics@ace-fandom-dumbass@kaelyn-lobrutto24@twsssmlmaa@earth-pig-fish@meeksmusic83@hallothankmas@justanothermagicalsara@janineb86@darsynia@rhymesmenagerie @thatwelshbi @lauraashley93
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imashoe69420 · 2 years
Opposite Directions
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Rise!Leo X Foot Recruit!Reader
Summary: Even though you’re supposed to be enemies, you and Leo often secretively hang out.
Relationship: Dating but not official
Pronouns: Feminine (she/her)
Warnings ⚠️: mild language, pure fluff then a lil angst
Timeline: Pre-movie (season 2)
I waited quietly on the rooftop, staring down at my phone with Leo’s messages open. He’d last texted me thirty minutes ago that he was on his way, but the location we’d picked was about ten or fifteen minutes away from the both of us. Where was he?
The night was cold, the November air causing me to wrap my hoodie around body further. He better hurry or else I’ll be heading home. No one was even out. The streets were clear aside from the psychopaths walking their dogs or going out on night strolls. On top of this, Leo was your one and only escape from The Foot’s outlandish plans for world domination.
We met almost a year ago now. He and his brothers had been out patrolling and I was sent to scope out the area for paper stores. The brothers spotted me and gave chase for a few minutes before I eventually lost them… or at least thought I did.
As I was catching my breath, a brash voice piped up with an unbelievably cheesy quip. Of course I was hesitant in talking to him. I’d joined The Foot to save up for college—I honestly didn’t know what it was until my first mission. But hey, it paid $15 an hour—so I had nothing against any of the clan’s foes. Nor did I know that any of them were mutants.
We spent a few months sneaking to various spots around the city. One spot we frequented was a hole-in-the-wall Traditional Japanese restaurant with some of the best Yakisoba I’d ever had. Leo preferred the chicken Gyoza over the rest of the menu because it “has the perfect crunch and was better compared to the ones I make at home”. The turtle was adventurous but never went too far out his comfort zone, which I never complained about.
Ironically, spending time with him reminded me of the pleasure of life’s normalcies. Talking to him was easy because we could talk about the most random things and completely understand what the other is talking about.
Our conversations switched periodically from the differences in our lives to which one of his brothers would die first in a zombie apocalypse, to how The Lieutenant and The Brute have names and aren’t just “flame heads”. And, god, did that guy make me laugh. It wasn’t always because he was funny, but because he said his jokes with such poise.
After about 6 months, our conversations and actions became more suggestive. Like, he would say something that could be interpreted as a pickup-line and I would retort with something to solidify his judgement. Or we would be walking down the street and I’d brush up against him or vice-versa. Something of the sort happened for a couple more weeks until he told me how he felt.
It was so unconventional and makes me laugh every time I think about it. Leo and I had been talking about the way we’d want to die (getting shot or having a heart attack were considered lame. Getting evaporated by a laser beam? People would talk about that for generations) when I paused to take a bite of the gyoza we’d taken to-go.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” He had asked me. “Or—a girlfriend, maybe? I don’t judge.”
When I shook my head and asked him why, he said something along the lines of, “well, you should. You’re fun to be around.”
I teased him, asking if that was his way of confessing his undying love to me.
“Er—well… sorta.”
Things hit off pretty quickly from there.
“Boo!” A voice suddenly screeched from behind me.
With a scream, I lurched forward and spun around to face my alleged assailant only to frown at the blue clad turtle hugging his sides in laughter.
“There’s no way that got you!” He wiped tears from his eyes.
I crossed my arms against my chest. “Well, you’re late so I wasn’t immediately expecting you.”
Leo scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. “Relax, they didn’t let me off as easily as last time. ‘You’re always going out, Leo. What’re you up to?’ and whatnot. You know the deal.”
I did know the deal. There were a couple of times we couldn’t meet up because I had the same line of questioning from the other members of The Foot, especially when I’d try to sneak out of patrol.
“Yeah, I guess so.” I placed a hand against his plastron before pressing a kiss against his cheek. “So, do you have anything planned? Or just gyoza tonight?”
“Hm,” he hummed to himself, temporarily stunned by the peck, “dunno. How about takeout and a movie? It’s been getting colder out and might I remind you I’m cold-blooded.”
As if on cue, a gust of crisp air blew down my hood. We both shivered before mutually agreeing on the plan.
While I searched for a movie, Leo chowed down talking about how glad he was that he found the Japanese restaurant. In reality, I had been the one looking for places to eat since—as stated before—Leo preferred to stick with what he knew and I told him previously that I refused to have pizza every time we hung out.
I squinted my eyes at him. “You found it? I think you may be remembering things wrong.”
He swallowed before cocking a would-be eyebrow at you, an arrogant smirk stretching across his face. “Eh, don’t think so. I remember you walking straight past it when we were looking for it on the GPS. I was the one who pointed it out.”
With an eye roll, I flicked the back of his head. “You wouldn’t have known that was the place if it wasn’t for me.”
The turtle shrugged before returning back to his meal. One of the things I enjoyed the most about Leo was the witty banter we’d often have. We would go on for several minutes snarling back and forth over the dumbest things to snark about, but it was always fun, especially when the banter became flirtatious.
Finally, we settled on a movie and cuddled up on the couch. I tried to immerse yourself as it was one of my favorites, but Leo often distracted you through any and all movies we watched together. Whether that was by pointing out a cringy couple saying, “that’s us!” or pulling me closer to him inch my inch. By the end of the movie, I would be in his lap or pressed against his plastron. If it was anybody else, I’d never let it slide.
In the midst of the film, my phone went off. Knowing what this meant, Leo snatched it off the coffee table and half-jokingly placed it behind his back before I could even think about raising my arm.
I groaned as I reached out toward him, urging him to return my phone. “I’m gonna have to go anyways, Leo. I can’t just ignore it.”
“Yeah, but you always have to go.” The turtle unhurriedly deposited the phone into my hand. “Skipping out one time won’t kill you, (Y/N).”
Shrugging, I stood up and ambled into my room to put my Foot gear on. When I return to the living room, Leo is still there. He looked me up and down before a grimace took over his features.
“Y’know, you don’t have to be a part of The Foot. I know it’s for college and whatnot but… they’re bad guys.” The blue clad turtle averted his gaze to the paused TV screen. “It’s just… I duwanna fight you if it comes down to it. And I want you to meet my family… I don’t like that we have to stay a secret.”
“Ah, Leo,” I stood in front of him and used my thumb and index finger to tilt his chin up towards my gaze, “aside from villains and heroes, we live in two different worlds. You don’t have to worry about things like money. I do. In a perfect world, we won’t have to be secret. But until I’m able to save enough, my hands are tied.”
Slowly, Leo followed you out the window and onto the rooftop. His home and The Foot Clan headquarters were in opposite directions. I could tell something was on his mind, but he opened and closed his mouth like the words simply couldn’t leave from between his lips. I tilted my head to the side in curiosity, and that seemed to get him to form words.
“(Y/N)—I just… I dunno, I just… I know college means a lot to you. And it means a lot to me that you’re passionate about something. But…” he looked off into the distance, a melancholy expression on his visage. “We can’t keep this up forever. One day, I’m gonna have to decide: you or my brothers. What’s gonna happen then?”
I stood frozen, conflicted by his statement. This was true. He and his brothers were enemies of The Foot Clan. And The Foot didn’t like them all that much either. Eventually, we were going to clash. Would we pretend to hate each other? Would we have to? I knew I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.
But as a villain, we had no standards. Betraying them would be easy, but I needed this money more than anything. And for Leo, he knew he was siding with the good guys. He would never turn on his own family for me, and I respected this.
With another shrug, I furrowed my eyebrows. “I don’t know. We’ll just have to see.”
I could tell that wasn’t the answer he was looking for by his disappointed expression, but it was the truth. Both of us held priorities above one another and wouldn’t give them up no matter what. Although, his was something you could respect undoubtedly. Mine was not.
Leo let out a sigh and offered you a half-smile. “I guess we will… but I hope not.” I’d thought he’d simply leave, but he walked towards me and pulled me close before pecking my lips. His sly smile afterwards melted into a look of admiration. It’s a look I’ll never forget.
With that, he disappeared into one of his brightly lit portals, leaving me in my lonesome atop my apartment in the chilly November night.
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jollyinha · 6 months
50 (+3) Facts About My Rook Listener (aka Félix)!
Because I love him in a hiperfocus kind of way 😭💙 If you want to see how he looks like, go to my yuurivoice tag, and you will find all my listeners! Although I probably should make an updated version, he has gotten a 2.0 version ever since... Also, tagging @itsargyle since they suggested taking other YV fans! I'm... Too shy to tag anyone else tho lmao
Anyway, here goes my big infodump on my favorite sunshine boy:
1 - Hey, I'm Félix Torres... Or not, because that's my middle name, and my actual name is Victor. But I'm not that fond of Victor, so I go by Félix!
2 - Victor was my mom's grandpa's name, and Félix is a tribute to my dad, whose name was Feliciano.
3 - Thanks to the acute accent, the correct pronunciation of Félix would be "feh-liks", not "fee-liks". Oh, and the "c" in Victor is mute. It's Vitor. But sometimes even I forget that it isn't supposed to be spelled like the gringos do, haha!
4 - My mom is Brazilian and my dad was Colombian. I was born in Brazil (Aracaju in Sergipe, to be more specific), but have been living in the USA for most of my life now. I used to spend the holidays in Colombia as a kid, but haven't been there ever since dad passed away... I really should pay it a visit again soon, though. It's a real nice country.
5 - I speak native Portuguese, fluent English and intermediary Spanish. I've been studying ASL (as of right now I just know basic stuff like "hi", "how are you?", how to introduce myself... But hey, at least I know the whole alphabet off the top of my head!) and French too, but it has been hard to find some free time... And when I do have it, I always end up drawing, crafting, cooking... Duolingo's owl wants to eat my ass.
6 - Speaking of which, these are my favorite hobbies! Drawing and painting are main passions in life, though. I've been in love with art as far as I can remember. I was in a few-years-long hiatus when it came to painting, only came back to it recently, but have been drawing non-stop ever since I was a little boy!
7 - When it comes to crafting, I enjoy many aspects of it... I've been really into papercraft these days. Origami, paper dolls, collages... But I also really like jewelry making and fabric painting (even if I find it so damn hard, haha!). I just love personalizing things in general. Sometimes, I see a piece of furniture, have an idea and just have to put my personal touch.
8 - I also know how to sew, but I can't say that I'm a big fan. I've tried crochet once, per example, and almost fell asleep on the couch. It's just a bit boring to me... But I'll gladly sew back a button or fix a hole if you ask nicely!
9 - And, last but not least, I love cooking! Not as much as I love to eat, but anyway. I picked up cooking as a way to deal with my pyrophobia and to bond with my uncle (he owns a restaurant!), and really took a liking to it... And modesty aside, I'm damn good at it!
10 - Speaking of which... I'm a bit of a bottomless pit when it comes to food! I'll eat (mostly) anything, am willing to try (mostly) everything and am hungry 24/7. Please, feed me.
11 - My favorite food is kind of specific, but: I love Thanksgiving pies. And breakfast foods. But anything that's chicken or has corn is also very damn good.
12 - I don't really like fruits. Most of them feel either bland (apples taste like NOTHING!) or straight up gross. I hate, HATE peach. Mango, guaba and pineapple too. Disgusting. I'm team vegetables all the way. Lemon and watermelon are the only ones that get a pass.
13 - My favorite ice cream favorite is chocomint!
14 - When it comes to drinks... I like coffee, as long as it has milk and unholy amounts of sugar (hate bitter coffee, as contradictory as it is). And while I'm not too big on alcoholic drinks, I like champagne.
15 - I also like biking, but, much like studying ASL and French, I don't have enough free time nowadays to really get into it again... But I try to bike every weekend I can!
16 - As a kid, I was in singing classes! I really enjoyed it and was pretty decent at it, but nowadays I do it just for fun. Love singing and listening to music around the house while doing other things.
17 - I have eight tattoos on total: Flower sleeves on both arms (featuring a clock among the flowers on the left arm and a bird on the right), music player symbols on the left side of my chest, "keep going" on the right side, an anchor on my upper back, a sun and a crescent moon on my lower back, a sea monster's tentacles going through my right hip and a paper plane on my left ankle!
18 - I also have a bunch of moles. On my face, on my back and on my chest. I used to be embarrassed by them, but nowadays, not nearly as much.
19 - I have been dyeing my hair blonde ever since college. I'm actually a brunette! I like being a blondie, but I'm considering going back to my roots... My hair is screaming for help. [He goes back to being a brunette and lets his hair grow after the events of Escape]
20 - Oh yeah, speaking of college... I have a Law degree. And am working on this field. Ya-hoo... Unfortunately, I needed a more lucrative career to support my family. But my long-term life goal is to be able to quit and live from art! And I like to believe I'm almost there.
21 - I pierced my ears in college too! I usually only wear my lucky sun earrings, but if I'm feeling fancy, I can go with a larger one.
22 - I considered becoming an English major for a while, but didn't happen either.
23 - I have a weird love for plaid jackets (of any color, but especially blue ones) and grungy bracelets. If you wanna give me anything that's wearable, going with either of these is the safest bet! Can't ever have enough of these!
24 - My favorite animals are octopuses (I had an obsession with sea monsters as a kid and this love never really died) and peacocks (they're just awesome)!
25 - My lucky number is sixteen, because my birthday is on February 16th, and because if you put "Félix Victor" together, there's a sixteen in Roman numerals right in the middle: XVI!
26 - Also, I'm 30 as of 2024, and... It's terrifying, to be honest. Buuut I'll find comfort on the fact that I look like I'm 20, hehe.
27 - This one will be hard to explain, but... I really like the sun. From summer to sunflowers to sun imageries... I like the sun. And all because of my dad. It's a long history, but yeah.
28 - I have a younger sister, her name is Alice! She's in college right now, she's History major! And... She's my pride and joy.
29 - And I also have five younger cousins: Ariel, Rafael, Leon, Joyce and Mercedes! I love them all, they're like my siblings. [Joyce is actually my Sunflower listener!]
30 - I... Have a... Weird relationship with my mom. It has been getting worse these last few years... Ah, nevermind, I shouldn't have brought this up.
31 - I had three relationships in my life... Well, three and a half, if you count that high school fling, but I digress: My first boyfriend lasted, like, half a year of my freshman year in college. It was nice, we just realized quickly that neither of us were serious. And my second boyfriend... Ergh. Tristan. We began dating in my junior year, and had a pretty messy break-up right after my graduation...
32 - ...But, nearly a whole decade after that, he sent me a DM on Instagram asking me how I was, and I mistakenly thought he became a decent human being. Hell, he was the one who got me my current job. He works in the Marketing department and was kind enough to tell me that Legal was hiring. I thought that we could at least be friends again, but... He's still a pain in the ass, at the end of the day. And still wants me back. ERGH...
33 - ...But, actually, I should thank him for that. Ironically, by trying to get back with me, he got me my third and current boyfriend... And... I won't talk too much about our relationship, but... This is the happiest I've ever been with someone. I mean it.
34 - Ok, how do I say this? I... Have been told that I... Have a pretty high libido. Or, if you want to be meaner, I'm a horny bastard. I... Will not elaborate if that's true or not. [It Is Literally Canonical]
35 - But even if I WAS a horny bastard, I'm a romantic at heart, believe it or not! I like being swept off my feet! I like flowers! I like cheesy pick-up lines! I like cuddles, god, I really like cuddles... Anyway.
36 - I'm a petite lil' guy. I'm 1m69cm tall... Or 5'8ft.
37 - I have ADHD. I was diagnosed when I was 20. I've been taking meds to help with my lack of focus, and it really has been helping.
38 - I also have insomnia. It isn't as bad as it was a few years ago, but it still sucks.
39 - My favorite song of all time is "Don't Stop (Color on the Walls)" by Foster The People!
40 - My favorite movie of all time... It's a tie between Footloose and Burlesque.
41 - My favorite animated movie of all time is Ponyo!
42 - My MBTI is ENFP, my Enneagram is 2w3, and I'm an Aquarius!
43 - In my opinion, my biggest strengths as a person are that I'm pretty charming, I can get along with nearly any kind of person (given enough time), and that I'm notoriously hard to piss off. As long as you're not messing with my loved ones, it takes A LOT to make me actually angry.
44 - And my weaknesses... Well, I let people get away with stepping all over me pretty frequently... And I'm very restless. And I don't mean only physically, I mean like... Mentally. I feel like I'm a shark: If I stop moving, I'll die, y’know? Oh, I've been told that I can be pretty shameless and a bit nosy... And, welp. I... Can't really deny that.
45 - I hate the cold. I hate winter. I hate snow. Fuck you, northern hemisphere.
46 - I really like sitting on the floor, ever since I was a little boy. It just... Grounds me. No pun intended.
47 - My favorite color is blue, but yellow and orange are also lovely... And I've been getting real fond of red these days. Hehe (Can't believe that it took me this long to say my favorite color, we're on fact 47th...).
48 - I'm a dog person! I never got to have one, though...
49 - I, not-so-secretly, really like cute things. I may or may not have a big octopus plushie on my bed. And may or may not love Pompompurin and Gudetama.
50 - I'm overall pretty confident on my looks... Except for my smile and my laugh. My ex-boyfriend (Tristan) once said that my smile is wide enough to be scary, and my mom said that my laugh is too loud, and I've been restraining myself from truly smiling and laughing out loud in public ever since. But I tend to let go when near people I trust.
51 (bonus!) - I have a very sensitive neck... Now, if I see it as a good thing or a bad thing... Depends on what your intentions are... If you know what I mean.
52 (bonus!)² - I'm also pretty great at typing. My words per minute game is insane, modesty aside.
53 (bonus!)³ - I... Can be a little bit jealous when I'm dating someone. I was never a pain in the ass about it, I mostly just sulk in silence, but... Yeah. It's my toxic trait.
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justinmitchellfan12 · 1 month
Part 94 of the mercariana/ MERCMAIA love story with tons of smut warning ⚠️ of mercedes varnado grande X Ariana grande and mercedes varnado grande X maia Valencia of the mercmaia love story
The continuation of the same day of July 10 of 2046 and the continuation of maias and mercedes one year anniversary amd Desmond has asked mercedes a question " when you marry our daughter at some in the future in 6 years, are you and your soon to be wife maia going to have kids says Desmond " yes me and my girlfriend will have kids someday in the future after we get married on the 6th year sir says mercedes " how many kids will you guys have when you two get married someday on the 6th year says mandy " me and my girlfriend will probably have either 1 or 2 kids after we get married on the 6th year mom says maia as they watch the first match on the tron in their shared locker room
And then mercedes gets up off of her girlfriends lap " where are you going baby girl says maia " I'm going to use the bathroom baby says mercedes as she goes towards the bathroom " where did your girlfriend amd her wife meet sweetie says Mandy " my girlfriend met her wife at one of her wife's concerts and they dated for 6 years and my girlfriend and her wife have been married for 16 years and then then my girlfriend fell in love with me when we met at the bowling alley mom says maia " did your girlfriend and her wife have a really bad argument at some point sweetheart says Mandy " you'll have to ask my girlfriend cause I don't know what argument they had but you can ask my girlfriend when she gets done using the bathroom mom says maia
And a few seconds later as mercedes comes back from the bathroom and she sits back on her girlfriends lap amd she wraps her arms around her girlfriends neck " my mom jas a question for you baby girl says maia " what is your question ma'am says mercedes " did you and your wife have an agreement a while back after you met our daughter and since you started dating our daughter which we approve of says mandy " me and my wife had a very bad argument that lead to me staying with my girlfriend for a few months and when I paid my wife and kids a visit at some point amd we had another argument and it nearly lead to a divorce but me and my wife made a deal to have our marriage last 6 more years and at the end of last month, I didn't want to go home to my wife but I had to even though I wanted to stay with my girlfriend says mercedes
" you never really wanted to go back home to your wife did you says Tyler Herro " no I didn't and I love your sister more than I do my wife Tyler says mercedes as she looks at her girlfriend and she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and maia kisses back " I love you with all of my heart baby says mercedes " I love you with all of my heart too baby girl says maia " you two are such a cute couple and I hope you two get married once you get a divorce from your wife on the 6th year mercedes says Desmond " I appreciate what you said and I have a divorce lawyer and he'll give me the divorce papers on the 6th year sir says mercedes " what is the name of your divorce lawyer says mandy
" his name is David o'conner ma'am and he helped me divorce my ex wife Pamela rose Martinez who cheated on me with someone else who she never told me who she was cheating on me with says mercedes " how many times have you been married mercedes says Desmond " I was only married to my ex husband for 6 months, 20 years with my ex wife ,so this is my third marriage with my current wife and before I forget, I had a relationship with bianca belair and that relationship only lasted 4 months cause she wouldn't fully satisfy me says mercedes
" let me guess, your girlfriend satisfies you to the fullest and I'll just say this, I think you two should wait to make love until you and your girlfriend are married says mandy " with all due respect ma'am, me and my girlfriend make love almost all the time and we're both fully grown women ma'am says mercedes " I agree with you on that baby girl says maia as she wraps her arms around her girlfriends waist " I won't argue with you cause I know you two do whatever you two want but when we head back to the penthouse, do we have our own showers in the guest bedrooms says mandy
" yes, there are separate showers and bathrooms in the guest bedrooms mom amd both me and my girlfriend have the queen sized bedroom of our own says maia " you got that right babe says mercedes as she gives her girlfriend a sweet and loving kiss on the lips and maia kisses back " you two love kissing each other all the time Don't you guys says Desmond " yes we do and you know I can't keep my hands off of my girlfriend when I'm next to her sir says mercedes " I respect that and I have one more question for you says Desmond " what Is your last question that you have for me and you don't have to make it your last question, all of us will be continuing our conversation with each other sir says mercedes " you're used calling me sir aren't you mercedes says Desmond " I am sir says mercedes
" why were you only married to your ex husband for 6 months says Desmond " that was back when I was figuring out my sexuality, like if I was gay or straight and then I fell in love with my ex wife and my ex husband told me that if I want to be with someone who makes me happy then I should be with someone who makes me happy and he is still my friend to this day sir says mercedes " what is his name says mandy " his name is sarath ton ma'am and he designed my gear back when I was in wwe but now I have someone else who designs my aew gear for me says mercedes and then they continue theor continue and then after the first match is done, mercedes gets off of her girlfriends lap to go do her backstage promo
" dont forget your aew women's championship baby girl says maia as she grabs her girlfriends championship from the coffee table and she hands the championship to her girlfriend and mercedes grabs her championship from her girlfriend " thanks for handing me my championship baby says mercedes " you're welcome baby girl says maia and mercedes outs the aew women's championship on her shoulder " who did you beat to become the aew women's champion mercedes says Mandy " I beat willow nightingale to become the aew women's championship and if you'll excuse me I need to be in character to do my promo ma'am says mercedes as she leaves the shared locker room to go do her promo " how long does a promo take sweetheart says Desmond
" it doesn't take long to do a promo dad and besides my girlfriend does really good promos says maia and then 5 minutes later as mercedes comes back into the shared locker room after doing her promo " how was your promo baby girl says maia as mercedes grabs her phone on the coffee table and she sets her championship back on the coffee table and she sits back on her girlfriends lap with her phone in her hand " my promo wen really well and I'm going to posts the pics on my Instagram account baby says mercedes as she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and maia kisses back and then mercedes logs onto her Instagram account and she posts the pics on her Instagram posts
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(Theses are the pics that I have of her with the dress cause I forgot to add the pics to my gallery when she did the promo backstage)
" what do you think of my posts baby says mercedes " the pics of you with the dress that you have on is so very sexy and very gorgeous baby girl says maia as she makes her girlfriend blush yet again and maia loves making her girlfriend blush a lot " you love making me blush every time don't you baby says mercedes " oh I absolutely love making you blush cause you are even more sexy when you blush baby girl says maia as she makes her girlfriend blush even harder
and then after maia retained her tbs championship against mercedes Martinez, she grabs her tbs championship from the ref, she attacks mercedes Martinez with the tbs championship once knocking mercedes Martinez to the mat and the audience start booing maia and maia doesn't care if the aew audience boos her and she then gets out of the ring and then a couple seconds later as maia shoots the middle finger to everyone in the audience and then she heads backstage and she is sweaty and a few seconds later as she is now backstage and she heads back towards her shared locker room to rejoin her family and her girlfriend and then Hikaru shida confronts maia
" I'll challenge you for your championship someday but once your girlfriend becomes two belts mone, tell her I want to face her for the aew women's championship way later on like in Norfolk Virginia says Hikaru shida " I'll let my girlfriend know and actually you already have a match against me for my tbs championship on Friday says maia " I forgot that I was facing you this Friday for your tbs championship and promise that you won't severely injure me after the match cause you know we are friends for real amd not enemies okay says Hikaru shida " I make no promises but I'll go easy on you this Friday says maia
" I know you'll do anything to keep that tbs championship but I'm going to try to beat you for the championship but if I lose you to then I'll move on have a normal match against someone else says Hikaru shida " sure thing and I gotta go cause my girlfriend amd my family are waiting for me in the locker room says maia " I wish you luck in our match this Friday says Hikaru shida as she walks past maia amd maia heads towards the shared locker room and then maia arrives back at the shared locker room and she enters the locker room " I loved that you flipped everyone in the audience off with the middle finger baby says mercedes as maia goes towards her girlfriend " I'm glad you loved what I did out in the ring baby girl says maia
" are we going back to the penthouse sis says Tyler Herro " we'll head back to the penthouse once I shower and once I shower, we'll all head back to the penthouse " did you and your girlfriend drive here in your blue Ferrari says lamelo ball " no, my personal driver Britney Cooper harper drove me and my girlfriend here lamelo says maia " do you pay every one of your staff money sweetheart says Desmond " I pay my staff money dad says maia as she goes over towards her suitcase and she unzips her suitcase and she puts her tbs championship in the suitcase and she grabs her clothes that she had on before and maia goes to take a quick shower as mandy asks mercedes a question " did you and your girlfriend already go on your one year anniversary date says mandy
" me and my girlfriend already went on our one year anniversary date this morning to a few different places and we had lots of fun and I want her to propose to me on the 6th year and have it better than how my wife proposed to me says mercedes " where did your wife propose to you says Desmond " me and my wife were in Paris for my birthday a long time ago and she proposed to me on top of the eiffel tower sir says mercedes " well let's hope our daughter does it way better than your wife who you are currently cheating on says mandy
" I do not regret cheating on my wife with my girlfriend but what my wife doesn't even know that I'm cheating on her or when I'm lying directly to her face ma'am says mercedes and a few minutes later as maia comes out of the bathroom with the clothes on from before and mercedes looks at her girlfriend and she bites her bottom lip as she sees how sexy her girlfriend looks in the buttoned shirt and the pants " you ready to head back to the penthouse baby girl and you guys as well says maia and mercedes gets up off the couch as she still has on the outfit
" I see that you still have your outfit on till we get back to the penthouse baby girl says maia as she seductively whispered to her girlfriend making mercedes get a bit horny at what her girlfriend said and mercedes goes towards her girlfriend " you do know that I have nothing on underneath my outfit baby says mercedes as she whispered in her slutty voice to her girlfriend and they both grab their suitcases " do you want us to meet you guys back at the penthouse says Desmond " go on ahead and we'll meet you at the hotel parking lot says maia " sure thing sweetie says Mandy and then maias family left the locker room as maia and her girlfriend mercedes has some privacy " oh I know you have nothing on underneath amd when we get back to the car and I know you're soaking wet between your legs , im going to eat you out real good in the car
And I'm going to make you cum so hard before we reach the hotel parking lot baby girl says maia making mercedes very wet between her legs " you'll have to take off my outfit in order to eat me out in the car on the way to the hotel daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend as they grab their suitcases and they both leave the locker room " oh I'm going to take off your outfit and I'll eat you out so very hard while you scream and moan at the top of her lungs in the car slut says Maia " oh I fucking love it when you eat me out real good daddy says mercedes as they head to leave the building as it is 8pm
" oh and before I forget, Hikaru shida wants to challenge you for your tbs championship in Norfolk Virginia in a few weeks baby girl says maia " that can wait, what I want Is for you to eat me out real good in the car before we both have to be quiet in our penthouse bedroom while your family is around and asleep daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend " once we get in the car, I'll immediately eat you out real good slut says Maia " oh I fucking love it when you talk dirty to me daddy says mercedes " oh I know you love it when I talk so dirty to you and I'm going to talk real dirty to you during sex when we get back to the penthouse slut says Maia as they both exit the building and they head towards the car
" I want you to talk so very dirty to me when we get in the car and your personal driver Britney Cooper harper doesn't mind if both me and you fuck in the car right daddy says mercedes as they are almost to the car " oh I'll talk so very dirty to you in the car and you can ask my personal driver baby girl says maia as they both arrive at the car and maia opens the trunk as mercedes sets her suitcase next to the back of the car and she goes towards the drivers side and Britney Cooper harper rolls down the window " is there something you want to ask me ma'am says Britney Cooper harper " you don't mind If my girlfriend eats me out in the car right says mercedes " I don't mind and I'll keep my mouth shut love says Britney Cooper harper " sure thing says mercedes as maia closes the trunk and both maia and her girlfriend get in the car
And maia closes the car door and then she turns her focus to her girlfriend who is so very horny " I want you to get on my lap and grind my bulge whore says maia with dirty talk to her girlfriend making Mercedes bite her lip as she gets in her girlfriends lap directly on her girlfriends slightly hard bulge and maia feels her girlfriends wet spot in between her girlfriends legs " you get so very soaking wet for me Don't you whore and I fucking love it when you become so wet in between your legs slut says Maia with very dirty talk to her girlfriend making Mercedes get even more horny and even more wet and she starts grinding on her girlfriends bulge as Britney Cooper left the parking lot as she is driving towards the hotel
And then maia is now very hard in her pants and mercedes stops grinding on her girlfriends now very hard bulge and maia grabs her girlfriends hips and she lays her girlfriend on her back on the seat and maia rubs her very hard bulge on her girlfriends soaking wet covered pussy as mercedes moans in pleasure and maia slides her left hand down towards her girlfriends covered pussy and maia rubs her girlfriends wet covered pussy as mercedes moans loud in pleasure and then maia slides her hand down towards the bottom of her girlfriends aew dress outfit and maia pulls her girlfriends dress up towards her girlfriends waist as mercedes unbuttons every button on her girlfriends shirt and then maia places her hand on her girlfriends soaking wet pussy and maia feels how wet her girlfriend is between her legs
" finger me daddy says mercedes as she begs her girlfriend to do so " oh I'll finger you so hard and real good whore says maia with more dirty talk to her girlfriend making Mercedes eyes turn very dark with lust and desire as maia starts fingering her girlfriends soaking wet pussy as mercedes moans her girlfriends name out loud in pleasure " how horny are you whore says maia as she fingers her girlfriends pussy even harder and faster " I'm so very horny daddy says mercedes as she moans so very loud and it doesn't take long for mercedes to reach her orgasm " fuck I'm about to cum daddy says mercedes as she lets out a sexual moan
" cum for me whore says maia as she continues to finger her girlfriend even harder and then a few seconds later as mercedes busts as she cums so hard on her girlfriends fingers and on the seat and maia then sucks the juices off her fingers and she moans at the taste " you taste so delicious slut says Maia as she gives her girlfriends pussy a hard slap making mercedes moan loud in pleasure " who does your pussy belong to whore says maia as she goes towards her girlfriends throbbing wet pussy " my pussy belongs and only belongs to you daddy says mercedes as she pants a little heavily " how far are we from the hotel Britney says maia as she licks her girlfriends pussy as mercedes moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her pussy
" we're about 20 minutes from the hotel boss says Britney Cooper harper " I'll pay you 250$ when we get to the hotel says maia as she bites the sensitive spot making mercedes buck a little as she moans in pleasure and maia attaches her lips very aggressively onto her girlfriends pussy making mercedes scream very loud at the top of her lungs as she loves how aggressive her girlfriend is and maia aggressively eats out her girlfriend so very hard and fast making mercedes scream and whimper very loud at the tip of her lungs like a little girl and about 15 minutes later as maia makes her girlfriend reach her orgasm very quickly a 2nd time
" please make me cum in your mouth daddy says mercedes as she moans very loud in pleasure " oh I will whore says maia as she goes even deeper on her girlfriends pussy abd then a few seconds later as mercedes busts as she cums even harder as she moans even louder and maia swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum and she pulls away from her girlfriends pussy and licks the leftover cum and maia cleans her face as they are 5 minutes from the hotel and maia pulls her girlfriends dress down and she buttons her shirt back up and mercedes sits back up in the seat and she gives her girlfriend a kiss and maia kisses back
" will that hold you off till we are in the bedroom baby girl says maia " yes baby and I'm still horny and I really want your dick inside of me and I'll try to keep my hands off of you in front of your family who are waiting outside the hotel for us babe says mercedes " don't worry, I'll satisfy you to the fullest when we are in the bedroom and do you mind if I give my family a tour of the penthouse baby girl says maia as she straightens her girlfriends hair " you can give your family a tour of the penthouse and I love you babe says mercedes " I love you too baby girl says maia as they kiss once more and 5 minutes later as they arrive back at the hotel and Britney Cooper harper parks the car in the parking spot and she turns the car off and maia pays Britney Cooper harper 250$
" where does your family live if I may ask says mercedes " my family and both me and my wife live here in Buffalo new York ma'am says Britney Cooper harper " how far do you live from the hotel says mercedes " about half an hour away from the hotel but I have a hotel room for tonight and I'll give my siblings, parents and my wife a call in my hotel room ma'am says Britney Cooper harper as all three get out of the car and maia goes to the trunk of the car and she opens the trunk as her personal driver heads towards her own hotel room and maia grabs her and her girlfriends suitcase and maia closes the trunk and mercedes grabs her suitcase as maia grabs her suitcase and they head towards the entrance of the hotel where maias family is waiting inside the hotel lobby and then both maia and her girlfriend mercedes enter the hotel lobby
" we've been waiting in the lobby sweetheart says Desmond " follow me and my girlfriend to our penthouse hotel room dad says maia as both her and her girlfriend mercedes head towards the elevator as maias family follows them and then all of them arrive at the hotel room door and maia grabs the room from her pocket and she unlocks the door with the hotel room key " I'll take mine and your suitcase in the bedroom baby says mercedes " sure thing baby girl says maia as she unlocks the hotel room door and they all enter the room amd maias brother Tyler Herro closes the door and mercedes takes both suitcases to the bedroom as maia gives her family a tour of the penthouse " this is a lot of blue furniture sweetie says Mandy
" me and my girlfriend picked out this penthouse together mom amd over there where those glass doors are is the balcony that has a veiw of the city, the kitchen, the living room and let's head down the hallway and I'll show you guys where you'll be sleeping for tonight says maia " where will your family be sleeping for tonight sweetheart says Desmond " you and mom will sleep in the first guest bedroom to my right and lamelo, you and your brother will take the other guest bedroom and both me and my girlfriend have our own bedroom and are you guys hungry says maia as mercedes joins the group in the hallway
" did you show them where they'll be sleeping babe says mercedes as she stands next to her girlfriend " I showed my family where they'll be sleeping and are you hungry baby girl says maia " I am baby says mercedes " let me go fix everyone including you and me something to eat baby girl says maia and then almost an hour later as everyone ate and they head towards the guest bedrooms as both maia and her girlfriend head towards their queen sized bedroom and then maia amd mercedes enter theor bedroom " by the way, do you still work at the strip club baby girl says maia
" I've never left that job and if I'm not with you or watching your matches is when I'm at the strip club doing stripper stuff and that's why I brought a half of my stripper outfits babe says mercedes " who is your boss currently when you work at the strip club baby girl says maia " Denise is my boss and she owns every strip club in every state and on Friday I won't be with you cause I'll be working at the strip club that's about 2 hours from this hotel babe says mercedes as she sexually struts towards her girlfriend " what days do you still work at the strip club baby girl says maia as she bites her bottom lip as she how her girlfriend is sexually strutting towards her " Friday, Saturday, Tuesday amd sometimes Thursday daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend as she stands very close to her girlfriend
" do you have to work tomorrow after you meet my personal drivers family baby girl says maia as mercedes grabs her girlfriends bulge making maia moan low in pleasure " I go to work at the strip club tomorrow at 3pm giving me enough time to meet your personal drivers family daddy says mercedes seductively whispered to her girlfriend as she squeezes her girlfriends almost now very hard bulge as maia has chills when her girlfriend stands so very close to her " you give me the chills when you stand very close to me slut says Maia as she moans low in pleasure " and I live giving you the chills and lock the door so no one comes barging in on us fucking daddy says mercedes seductively in her girlfriends ear as she nibbles on her girlfriends earlobe making maia get very hard in her pants
And then mercedes pulls away and she sexually struts towards the bed as maia bites her lip as she sees her girlfriends ass jiggle a little and maia locks the door and she unbuttons her shirt and unbuttons and unzips her pants as she goes towards her girlfriend as she takes off her shirt and pants as she is now in her sports bra and boxers and mercedes bends down towards the edge of the bed " fuck my ass and claim my ass daddy says mercedes as she pulls the bottom of her dress halfway up past her ass and very soaking wet pussy as maia takes off her boxers as her very hard huge thick 30 inch dick springs up as she gets behind her girlfriend
" oh I'll claim your ass but you'll have to be quiet so no one hears us fucking whore says maia " trust me I'll cover my mouth if I get too loud daddy says mercedes as she backs up a little amd she rubs her girlfriends dick in between her ass and then maia smacks her girlfriends ass so hard a few times as mercedes keeps herself from moaning real loud and maia smacks her girlfriends ass some more as mercedes covers her mouth as she muffles her loud moan and then maia grabs her girlfriends hips " lean on the bed with your elbows whore says maia as she watch her girlfriend lean on her elbows on the edge of the bed and before maia slams her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends ass, she goes towards her suitcase to grab a bottle of lubricant
" are you grabbing the lubricant to make more easy to slam your entire dick inside of my ass daddy says mercedes seductively " that's what I'm going to do whore says maia as she grabs the bottle of lubricant from her suitcase and she goes back towards her girlfriends ass and she opens the lubricant bottle and she pours some lubricant on her dick and on her girlfriends ass including the entrance and maia oils up her dick amd her girlfriends ass and she closes the bottle and she sets it on the end of the bed and she then slides her lubed up dick all the way inside of her girlfriends ass as mercedes moans low in pleasure " this is your first time fucking me with your family around correct daddy says mercedes as she grips the bedsheets a bit
" that's right whore says maia as she starts pounding on her girlfriends ass so hard and roughly as mercedes bites her lip to keep herself from moaning so very loud and maia smacks her girlfriends ass some more as she leaves a few red handprints on her girlfriends asscheeks as she continues to pound her girlfriends ass even harder and faster as mercedes tightens her grip on the bedsheets as she covers her very loud moans with her hand and about 12 minutes later as maia pulls her dick out of her girlfriends ass " get in the bed and I want you to give me a real good blowjob whore says maia as she watches her girlfriend get fully in the bed " oh I'll give you a real good blowjob daddy says mercedes seductively as she motions for her girlfriend to get in the bed and maia gets on the bed
And maia leans back on her elbows and she spreads her legs apart to give her girlfriend access to her huge thick very hard 30 inch dick amd mercedes goes towards her girlfriends huge thick dick " I love how huge your dick is daddy says mercedes as she kisses the tip of her girlfriends dick as Maia bites her lip to keep her moans real low as her family doesn't hear them fucking during sex and before mercedes sucks on her girlfriends oiled up dick, she leans further down towards her girlfriends balls as she grans her girlfriends dick with her hand
and mercedes licks her girlfriends balls as she strokes her girlfriends oiled up dick as Maia moans low in pleasure and then a few seconds later as mercedes licks her girlfriends dick as Maia moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her dick " your tounge feels so fucking good licking my dick whore says maia as she moans low in sensation once more and then mercedes sucks on the tip of her girlfriends dick as Maia almost moans loud in pleasure but not loud enough for her family to hear and mercedes starts sucking on her girlfriends dick at a fast pace as maia bites her lip to keep herself from moaning so loud as she watches her girlfriend give her a real good blowjob " I fucking love it when you give me a real good blowjob whore says maia as she moans slightly loud in pleasure
And mercedes continues to give her girlfriend very fast and rough sloppy blowjobs and maia is loving every bit of it and maia pushes her girlfriend even further down on her dick as mercedes sucks even deeper on her girlfriends dick as she still continues to give her girlfriend a sloppy blowjob as she sucks even faster and harder on her girlfriends dick and maia gets closer and closer to her orgasm as she covers another one of her loud moans with her hand and mercedes goes even deeper on her girlfriends dick as she now has her girlfriends entire dick in her mouth
and mercedes motions for her girlfriend to deepthroat her so hard and fast and maia grabs the side of her girlfriends head and she starts deepthroating her girlfriends mouth and throat real hard and fast as maia continues to bite her bottom lip to keep herself from moaning too loud and about 4 minutes later as maia reached her orgasm and she tries to hold on a bit longer but she busts as she cums hard in her girlfriends mouth and throat and mercedes swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum and she pulls away from her girlfriends dick and she licks the leftover cum from her girlfriends dick
" I want you to eat me out so hard and claim my pussy daddy says mercedes as she lays on her elbows and she spreads her legs wide apart giving her girlfriend more access to her very soaking wet pussy " oh I'll claim your pussy whore and I'm in charge this time says maia " yes daddy says mercedes as maia leans towards her girlfriends soaking wet pussy and she bites her girlfriends sensitive soaking wet pussy Making mercedes moan her girlfriends name real low and maia slaps her girlfriends clean shaven and very soaking wet pussy Making mercedes moan slightly loud in pleasure
" let's fuck till 3am daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend as maia slaps her girlfriends soaking wet pussy once more a couple times " oh we'll fuck till 3 in the morning whore says maia as she licks her girlfriends soaking wet pussy as mercedes moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her pussy " your tounge feels so fucking good licking my pussy daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure as she slightly grips the bedsheets and mercedes puts her legs on her girlfriends back as maia aggressively attaches her lips onto her girlfriends pussy making mercedes cover her very loud moan with her hand and maia aggressively eats out her girlfriends pussy at a very rough and fast pace and mercedes continues to her her mouth as she is loving how aggressive she us being eaten out by her girlfriend
" you eat me out real good daddy says mercedes so good daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " oh I've gotten real good at eating you out whore says maia as she eats out her girlfriend even harder and rougher as mercedes reaches her orgasm as she covers another loud moan with her hand and mercedes feels her stomach start to tighten due to the build up of her orgasm " fuck I'm about to cum daddy says mercedes as she moans slightly loud " then cum for me again whore says maia as she goes even deeper on her girlfriends pussy while eating out her girlfriend even harder and faster and then mercedes tries to hold on a bit longer but she busts as she cums so hard as she covers her very loud moan with her hand and maia swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum yet again
And maia pulls away from her girlfriends pussy " just how horny are you for me whore says maia " oh I'm very horny for you daddy and I want you inside me daddy says mercedes and Maia gets to her knees and she puts her dick real close to the entrance of her girlfriends wet pussy " how badly do you want me inside you whore says maia as she makes her girlfriend beg to be inside of her " I very badly want you inside of me daddy says mercedes as she begs to her girlfriend and after 4 minutes of mercedes begging her girlfriend, maia aggressively grabs her girlfriends hips making mercedes slightly moan loud yet again but not loud enough for her girlfriends family to hear and she is loving how aggressive her girlfriend is during sex
" I am loving how aggressive you are with me daddy says mercedes as maia slams her entire dick inside of her girlfriends pussy and maia covers her girlfriends mouth to cover her girlfriends loud moan successfully " oh I know how you love it when I'm aggressive with you during sex and who do you belong to whore says maia as she pulls her hand away from her girlfriends mouth " I belong and only belong to you and you only daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " that's right cause you belong and only belong to me whore says maia as she leans down towards her girlfriends as she still has her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends pussy as they do the Modified coital alignment technique and mercedes wraps her legs around her girlfriends waist as she has her hands on her girlfriends back
And maia smashes her lips onto her girlfriends lips as they aggressively French kiss with tounge as maia pounds on her girlfriends pussy at a very hard and very fast pace as mercedes moans through the kiss as she digs her nails in her girlfriends back as maia continues to pound her girlfriends pussy at an even much faster and harder pace as mercedes successfully holds in her moans as they continue to aggressively French kiss with tounge and about 20 seconds later as mercedes scratches her girlfriends back as maia continues to dominate her girlfriends pussy even much harder and much rougher as maia gets closer to her orgasm
" do you want me to cum inside of you whore says maia as she thrusts even faster and harder inside of her girlfriends pussy as mercedes holds in one of her very loud moans as she scratches her girlfriends back even harder " I want you to cum inside of me daddy says mercedes as she continues to hold in one of her loud moans and then a few minutes later as maia quickly reached her orgasm, she busts and she cums real hard inside of her girlfriends pussy and then maia calms down from her orgasm and she then flips them over making her girlfriend be on top of her in the cowgirl sex position " I want you to bounce on my dick while I grope your tits whore says maia as she gropes her girlfriends tits " with pleasure daddy says mercedes as she starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick at a very fast pace as maia moans in pleasure
" bounce on my dick even harder and faster whore says maia as she sexually grabs her girlfriends nipples and sexually pulls her girlfriends nipples as mercedes moans in pleasure " as you wish daddy says mercedes as she bounces even harder and faster on her girlfriends dick as they both moan in pleasure and then mercedes leans down towards her girlfriends lips as maia squeezes her girlfriends tits real hard making mercedes hold in a loud moan and mercedes smashes her lips onto her girlfriends lips as they aggressively French kiss with tounge once more and maia aggressively grabs her girlfriends hips as mercedes moans in pleasure through the kiss
then a few hours later as it is now 12:30am as they both cummed so many times in many different sex positions as they both are now very sweaty with very messy sex hair as they both fuck for 3 more hours till 3 in the morning and they do the reverse cowgirl sex position as maia has her hands on her girlfriends shoulders as maia has her hand on both sides of her girlfriend and mercedes slides her girlfriends entire dick all the way in her stretched out and very sore amd swollen pussy and mercedes then starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick once more at a very fast pace and mercedes still continues to bounce on her girlfriends dick
as Maia gropes her girlfriends tits once more and then a few minutes later as mercedes gets off of her girlfriends dick and she does the rider sex position and she she sticks her girlfriends entire very hard huge thick dick all the way inside of her ass as they used up half of the lubricant bottle and then mercedes starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick yet again as maia watches her girlfriend bounce on her dick as she moans in pleasure " keep bouncing on my dick till you make me cum in your ass whore says maia as she holds in a loud moan then 2 hours later as it is now 2am as they have an hour left as they both cummed a few more times
as they do two more sex positions and they do the doggy style sex position as maia grabs the bottle of lubricant and she pours what's left of the lube on her dick and on her girlfriends ass as well as the entrance and then maia throws away the empty lube bottle in the trash can next to the nightstand and then she arches her girlfriend down towards the mattress " do you love how I am dominating you but very quietly whore says maia " I am loving how you are dominating me daddy says mercedes as maia slaps her girlfriends very sore ass yet again making mercedes muffle her moans into the mattress
so no one hears both her amd her girlfriend moan during sex and maia slams her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends very stretched out ass and she immediately starts pounding her girlfriends ass at a very hard and fast pace as mercedes bites her lip as she holds in a very loud moan as maia continues to pound her girlfriends ass even much harder and faster as her balls slap so hard against her girlfriends very sore and swollen pussy as mercedes moans slightly loud in pleasure " fuck my ass even harder and faster daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " oh I'll fuck you so hard and good whore says maia as she pounds on her girlfriends ass even much faster and Eben more harder as mercedes bites the pillow to keep herself from moaning so loud
And then a few minutes later as mercedes hits her orgasm as she busts as she cums so hard on her girlfriends dick and her legs and maia feels the warm juices on her legs as she continues pounding her girlfriends ass very rough and very hard as she slaps her girlfriends very sore ass a few more times making mercedes hold in another one of her loud moans and then they both get on theor side and maia lifts up her girlfriends leg and she slides her very hard huge 30 inch dick all the way inside of her girlfriends very sore pussy and then lots of thrusting later as they both cum one last time together and they both finish having sex as they are both even more sweaty and they both catch their breaths
And they both cuddle as they passionately kiss " I love having almost quiet sex with you with your family around and you know I'm used to moaning so very loud and screaming at the top of my lungs babe says mercedes " I know you love it when I make you do that but we had to be real quiet tonight and when my family isn't around, you can be as loud as you want baby girl says maia " that's what I want to do when we have sex again maybe later on at the strip club when I go to work at 3pm baby says mercedes " what is your boss's last name baby girl says maia " her last name is Richard's and do you want me to show you a picture of what my boss looks like babe says mercedes " show me a picture of what your boss looks like baby girl and how many strip clubs does your boss own in the united states baby girl says maia
" she owns about 3,950 strip clubs and she's worth about 20 billion dollars and let me get my phone show I can show you a Picture of what my boss looks like baby says mercedes as she gets up and she grabs her phone from the nightstand and she goes to the gallery to find a Picture of her boss Denise richards amd mercedes finds the picture and she shows her girlfriend a picture of what her boss looks like
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" what do you think of my boss baby says mercedes " your boss is so sexy but not as sexy as you baby girl says maia as she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and mercedes kisses back " good Save and I'm always a very sexy person to you and only you babe says mercedes " is your boss married baby girl says maia " she's married to a guy named Aaron phypers and she's been married to him for 25 years baby and do you want me to introduce you to my boss when you come to work with me in a few hours at 3pm and I have enough time to meet your personal drivers family baby says mercedes and about 4 minutes later as they both catch their breaths " let's go take a shower and head straight to bed after cause we'll only get 5 hours of sleep baby girl says maia
" um babe, we've gone the whole day with sleeping cause we have sex almost the whole day to the next day baby says mercedes " that is true and since you'll be going to work in 12 hours, we'll both get a few hours of sleep baby girl says maia " sure thing and I love you babe says mercedes " I love you too baby girl says maia as they both kiss once more on the lips and they both get out of the bed amd they grab some clean clothes from theor suitcases and they head towards the bedroom " can I tell you something baby says mercedes " what do you want to tell me baby girl says maia
" it was so hard trying to keep my loud moans in when your family in both of the guests bedrooms and I don't want to do that again babe says mercedes " I know baby girl and we won't fuck when my family is around again at some point amd will that work for you baby says maia " I can work with that baby says mercedes as they both enter the bathroom and about 14 minutes later after their shower, they both get out of the shower and they do their Hygiene and skin care routine and maia puts on a clean pair of boxers and a sports bra and mercedes puts on one of her girlfriends hoodies and they both leave the bathroom and head back into the bedroom
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