#it's au time!
oh-nostalgiaa · 2 years
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Hi, @vesper-1898, it's me, your Rebelcaptain Secret Santa! The prompt was vibrating panties / modern au, and I admit it did throw me for a loop at first! But once motivation took hold (after I was sick for so many weeks, ugh), I got there in the end! I really hope you enjoy your gift, and I hope your holidays have indeed been merry and bright.
(You can also find this fic on A03.)
and give me your electric touch
Cassian was in trouble. 
Or - he would be, when Jyn got her hands on him. Thing was, he didn’t entirely mind the prospect. It was only fair, he thought, after the torture he was currently inflicting upon her, at her company’s holiday party, no less. 
He played the dutiful boyfriend role to perfection - mostly because he was totally dedicated to the little firebrand, but also because he didn’t want to raise anybody’s suspicions that something a little untoward was happening. Plausible deniability and all that. 
He’d never say something as ridiculous as she ‘belonged’ to him, because a: people weren’t property and b: if she belonged to anyone, it was wholly to herself, unapologetically so. It was one of the reasons that he’d fallen so head over heels for her. 
Jyn Erso didn’t need anybody - but she was choosing to share her life with him anyway. 
Hopefully, she would take it (marginally) easy on him once the night came to an end and they were blessedly back home. 
Doubtful, but maybe. 
After making the rounds, catching up with her co-workers he’d become familiar with over the years, Cassian took a seat away from the majority of the action - the drinking and dancing and general holiday carousing - grateful for his uncanny ability to just blend in, an ability that he had been cultivating his entire life.
And it wasn’t because he was antisocial or because he’d rather be anywhere else than at such a tedious function. Because it wasn’t. Tedious. He quite enjoyed most of Jyn’s co-workers and was happy to count them as friends, just as she did. 
He simply did not want an audience for what he was about to do, fingers idly tapping at his phone, making it appear to anyone that might look over that he was fully invested in whatever he was doing or whoever he was texting. But looks could be deceiving. From under his eyelashes, Cassian was busy. Watching. Waiting. 
Cassian knew that he couldn’t just play with the new toy willy-nilly. He had to wait for exactly the right opportunity. 
This game wasn’t the least bit about embarrassing Jyn. No - it was all about the tease. And to be honest, Cassian had needed a little convincing to even take part. Okay, it wasn’t as though he was 100% vanilla, but it had taken Jyn to light the spark of … experimentation. 
And boy, had their experiments yielded some positive results!
Cassian still wasn’t the biggest fan of overt public displays of affection … but he only pretended at uncertainty when she inevitably got bored at whatever function they were attending, grabbing his hand with a gleam in her eye to lead him somewhere semi-private so they could engage in some hasty, handsy fun. 
And, as it turned out, he really liked it when she took control. 
He loved giving it to her, trusting that he was in good hands and that whatever happened, she would take care of him.
If that wasn’t love, Cassian didn’t know what was. 
They had thoroughly tested out the remote control vibrating panties Jyn was currently wearing, but this was the first instance of taking their new toy into public and it was … interesting, to say the least. 
He found he really rather liked holding off and keeping Jyn on edge, the way he could see her clearly take a breath and surreptitiously look to where he sat, her expression a perfect mix of curiosity and wariness, like she was surprised that he hadn't raised the frequency of the vibration from its low baseline, like she was worried that he had changed his mind and wasn't going to do it at all. But Cassian Andor never backed down from a challenge - especially one that Jyn leveled at him. Meeting her eyes, he gestured toward the phone and mouthed 'my sister' even though that was, perhaps egregiously, a lie. 
Even from across the room, Cassian could see the relieved breath that Jyn took, could observe some of the tension dissolve from her taut shoulders, allowing them to drop, her rigid spine loosening enough to let her relax, at least momentarily. He let her relish the feeling for a little while longer, but as she ended a conversation with her boss and seemed to be heading toward the refreshments, Cassian decided that her reprieve was over. 
Oh, and he wasn't going to ease her into it. Where was the fun in that? All it took was a series of taps and suddenly, the vibrations increased from a tolerable level one to level five and Cassian felt what could only be described as a thrill race up the length of his spine to see Jyn react in real time, to watch how she practically jumped and shivered and pressed her thighs together in vain to try to muffle, somehow, the heavier vibrations wracking her body. He was impressed with himself for keeping his composure when Jyn found enough of hers to whip her head in his direction, glaring daggers from across the room before remembering that they weren't alone and turning her attention to making sure that nobody had caught on to what they were doing. 
Cassian did much the same, once he managed to tear his gaze away from Jyn long enough to scan the crowd and ensure that their little game hadn't been noticed. Only when he was satisfied that they were safe from prying eyes did Cassian tap a few more times and up the frequency from five to seven. 
And what a delectable sight Jyn made as her teeth bit into her plush bottom lip and her hands curled into fists at her sides and she wavered from side to side on shaky legs. Exquisite, the way he could see the flush of her cheeks darken all the moreso in the instant before she seemed to realize how openly she was enjoying the toy and their game and pulled herself together, shooting a heated glance at Cassian before making the move to slip away from the party. 
He was a smart enough man to realize that she wanted him to follow. 
It took no time at all to lock the phone and slip it back into his pocket, and barely any effort at all to slip from his seat and follow the path that Jyn blazed, cordially acknowledging those that acknowledged him first along the way. Soon enough, he ventured into the hallway just in time to watch Jyn disappear into an unlocked room, most likely an office, empty. Enough to hide them away for a while, but not to offer perfect privacy. But then - that just added to the excitement.
He reached the door in record time, curling his fingers around the handle, only pausing to give a cursory glance down one end of the hallway and then the other, ensuring again that they weren't being followed. Once he was certain that they weren't, he quietly opened the door and stepped inside - only to find himself crowded against the door in the instant that he closed and locked it behind him, Jyn's trembling hands pinning him where he was, her voice low as she growled for him to give her his thigh, which he did without preamble, curling a steadying arm around her middle as she parted her legs and positioned herself in exactly the right way to give herself the pleasure he'd been denying her all night. 
If Jyn wanted to use him as a toy, well, Cassian was more than okay with that. He could feel heat building under his collar as she began grinding against him, nothing slow or exploratory about the way she circled her hips and pressed down on him, her panting breaths and soft moans more than enough to set his mind racing with thoughts of all the things they could do while they were safely locked away from the world at large. But - this wasn't about him. Jyn didn't have to tell him so - Cassian could prove just how good he could be without being ordered to do it. And he was more than happy to sit back and watch Jyn chase her release, relish in the pink of her cheeks and the perfect little 'O' of her mouth, all the beautiful noises she made for him, the way she clutched at his sweater like he was the only thing keeping her feet on the ground. Christ, she never failed to set the blood in his veins on fire in the best ways. 
She didn't have to gasp a warning that she was close, the tightrope tautness of her body was a dead giveaway. And for as much as he didn't want to have to tear his eyes away from her, even for a second, he still needed to glance at his phone momentarily once he fumbled for it in his pocket and retrieved it successfully, the smirk on his lips slowly growing wider as he opened the app once more and jacked the frequency up as high as it would go, rewarded in the way her eyes widened and he gasped something incoherent, riding each vibration wracking her body just like how he imagined a seasoned rodeo rider would. 
It hardly took much more than three or four stuttered rolls of her hips and Cassian found himself witnessing Jyn falling, falling, falling into an abyss of pleasure, her body shuddering from the force of her orgasm. He cared little of his own pleasure - and why would he - when this was everything he needed and more, the ultimate gift made all the better knowing that he was partly responsible. 
As he adjusted his grip, Cassian was surprised by Jyn surging up on tiptoes to capture his lips in a fierce, possessive kiss, his breathless laughter muffled by her lips pressing against his. His expression must have registered the question on his mind, because Jyn didn't even give him a chance to ask it before she supplied an answer, her voice low and hungry. 
"I'm gonna fucking wreck you."
Cassian's eyes darkened in response, and he let his free hand drop to her waist, squeezing gently. Words, who needed words? They both already knew the truth of the matter. 
He couldn't wait. 
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noodles-and-tea · 13 days
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Yknow that one au
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mosslingg · 29 days
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life lessons with grunkle ford
you can support my work on kofi!
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hyperrbole · 23 days
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Hi <3
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oobbbear · 7 days
More portal fiddleford
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This is set after they’re a bit more used to dimension hopping, and their relationship is healing in progress :]✨
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tesscourtes · 27 days
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Grunkle in Training 👨🏽‍🦳
Finally some AU fan art! Part of the ‘a different form, a different time’ AU in which bill is turned into a mortal and, to their dismay, is stuck with the pines.
EDIT: I FUCKING FORGOT TO MENTION IT. But Mabels design belongs to @shnikkles !!!
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bamsara · 2 months
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The Time Travel Trope aka each side of the ship travel back in time somehow to the counterpart's past self but in TROD AU
I wrote a mini-draft for this idea that might turn into an actual one-shot but just these for now. Second half is more shitpost than serious cause I really think Narinder would have to navigate a distrustful Lamb very carefully, and Lamb would mess with Bishop Narinder
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allskywalkerswhine · 1 year
in fics where luke gets plopped into the prequels i want every jedi within ten metres of him to think hes the weirdest jedi theyve ever seen. he has negative lightsaber form. he doesnt know what a kata is. he handstands when he meditates. his solution to sith is to try and have a chat. hes a political radical who keeps suggesting revolution. you ask him what the jedi code is and he says "kindness and compassion and helping those in need :) ". you ask how he used the force like that and he says some shit about how you are a luminous being limited only by your mind. the councils authority is just a suggestion. he is somehow the new favourite of both qui gon and yoda
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momoiro-hime · 4 months
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putting my ocs in every AU i want part. 34791
| Do NOT repost or use without permission.
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crowkip · 10 days
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yeehaw, baby!
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oh-nostalgiaa · 2 years
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Hello, @asteroiideae, it's me, your R1 Crew Secret Santa! It's been a pleasure writing for you, although I had to take a big chunk of time to recover from a fun lil illness and this isn't nearly as long as I would have liked it to be!
The prompt was pretty much to write whatever my heart desired (a fun AU) and I was inspired by @carr-crashh-heartss-archive's lovely pirate au waves & the both of us, so have a sequel of sorts! I wish I could've sent snippets along the way but that would have ruined the pirate aspect! I really hope you like it and happy holidays to you. <3
You can find this fic on A03.
come back with the waves
The sea sometimes called to Captain Cassian Andor.
But he no longer heeded that call. Could no longer return to the man he had once been when sailing had been the very blood running through his veins. Decades worth of hard work and egregious injuries had taken their toll and against his better judgment, he had been forced to retire.
The same brutal battle that had seen a cannonball strike throw Cassian from the crow's nest to the deck below, breaking him into a thousand metaphorical pieces, his crew - Jyn and Bodhi and Chirrut and Baze and Kay and others they had picked up along the way - emerged victorious, the supposedly unbeatable, unsinkable Death Star sinking beneath the blue, blue waves, taking her villainous Captain Krennic with it.
They should have been celebrating the new beginning they (and every pirate ship from Scarif to Naboo) were being given now that other pirate hunters were going on the run - or would, if they knew what was good for them) but instead they were mourning their dead and quietly praying that their brave captain would pull through.
First Mate Kay deferred to Jyn, who ordered the Rising Hope to Takodana, where Cassian could receive the best medical care possible in the shortest amount of time. To Maz, who always knew what to do.
Even so, Cassian's condition had been touch and go for quite some time, and nobody knew whether his broken bones would heal correctly or at all, if he would walk, if he would wake a fraction of the man he had been before. The main crew stayed behind to watch over their captain, the others released to other ships, to new pursuits, to return home if they so chose. But there was no question for Jyn and Kay and Bodhi and Chirrut and Baze - they were going to stay until their Captain woke, they were going to stay at least until they knew he would recover.
So they sat with him and read to him, told stories and reminisced, prayed over him and sang to him, pleaded with him to just wake up, sat with each other in the reassurance that this was not all in vain. And the day that he finally opened his eyes was a day full of tears and cheering and thanking whatever deities that watched over pirates like them for allowing him to come back.
Cassian's recovery, however, was long and painful and not without its fair share of setbacks and complications. He fought tooth and nail to learn to walk again, and while he depended heavily upon a cane to get him places, was able to see Chirrut and Baze off to Jedha, where they planned on housing and teaching children orphaned by the piracy wars. And by the time Bodhi set off as navigator to intrepid young explorer Luke Skywalker, Cassian could walk without it (for short distances), only curling an arm around Jyn to keep himself steady.
Still, six years post-injury, Cassian still felt aches and pains deep in his bones when the weather dipped low, could foretell the brewing of a storm off the coast well before it ever reached land. Oh, he heard the call of the wild waves, but he could no longer answer in the ways he used to. He could dip his toes in from time to time, on the good days when his ever-present pain was minimal. He could walk along the beach on the calmest days when the wind wasn't whipping hard enough to make him unsteady on his feet.
He could sit on a blanket and teach their four year old daughter everything he knew, show her the wonders of the treasures the sea sent to them from time to time in the form of shells and stones and washed up driftwood. They would watch for whales and dolphins to breach the water's surface, imitate the barking of the seals, the calls of the seabirds soaring overhead, study crabs and snails and starfish and whatever else they might find on their shore adventures.
And on the clearest nights - if the weather allowed - they would all lay out under the blanket of the night sky and watch for shooting stars, Cassian teaching Asta how to look for constellations, telling her what they were meant to signify, but also making her eyes light up with wonder when he shared the myths surrounding them. He was slightly more restrained when regaling Asta with tales from their days at sea, but that didn't much matter, she knew enough and was bright enough with a vivid enough imagination to fill in the gaps.
Cassian certainly couldn't move with as much grace as he once did, but when Asta begged for him to swordfight her, he always obliged. Asta, Queen of the Pirates, always won easily, giggling madly at the way her silly papa crumpled to the ground and dramatically begged her for mercy. And for all his fears about not having the capacity to be a good father, when he glanced up at his wife and her gently rounding belly, he was reassured that despite his faults and the inevitable ups and downs they faced, he was doing just fine.
They were doing just fine.
With Kay living nearby ( "Someone's got to watch over the pair of you, and I'm the best man for the job") and letters coming in on a fairly regular basis from Bodhi and Chirrut and Baze, it was almost as though the little family they had cobbled together was still as strong as ever
Maybe it wasn't exactly the life Cassian had ever imagined having for himself - or even living long enough to have - but he wasn't sure that he would change a moment of it. Not the loss or the heartache or the pain. All of it, everything, was just leading him to where he was always meant to be. No longer fighting to see the next day, but living fully and loving with his whole heart.
With Jyn and Asta and their baby on the way.
Safe and happy.
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noodles-and-tea · 9 days
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PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4
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wasyago · 7 months
Can you draw that snail? You know the one who got out of Grian's power and started to eat Gem's lighthouse?
little guy <3
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alternatively: big guy.
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bakedbeanchan · 5 months
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Drawing from a mini comic where the timeline is reset but Zuko still has all his memories
Minicomic here
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 5 months
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Guardian swap au for 4/13 ^ ^
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honeqq · 17 days
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The retired Grunkle + doodle
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