#it's apple cider donut season!
filet-o-feelings · 1 year
Oops, I accidentally bought 7 donuts on my lunch break
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pusheensad · 3 months
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Autumn Days: Coffee, crunchy leaves, apple cider donuts, pumpkin patches, fresh apple cider and crisp fall air..🎃🍁🍂🍎☕️🍩
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kissthepumpkin · 11 months
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- my first and last pumpkin drink from starbucks - i started making my own pumpkin drinks at home! - my favorite stardew valley event - a new cider (that i love) from the bodega - my first pumpkin pie bake of the year - cinnamon cruffle, chai latte croissant, maple pecan donut
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reverbpotato · 1 year
it's the time of year when apple cider donuts come out alongside pumpkin spice lattes. i can see how pumpkin spice might be viewed as a "seasonal" flavor but we have apples literally all the time so i don't see why those have to be seasonal too
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sincerelykhalia · 1 year
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dolaredolon · 2 years
Baked mini pumpkin pies because it’s a fall delicacy 🥧
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djklutch · 1 year
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Fall favorite
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insomniumstella · 1 year
spice & honey
bucky x baker!reader
summary: cinnamon buns and wickedly strong coffee must be the only reasons James Buchanan Barnes visits your bakery daily, despite the inconvenience of driving to a small town on the outskirts of Upstate New York. right?
warnings: first dates and crushes (absolutely classified as warnings), mead consumption, a curse word or two, soft!bucky
word count: 4,565
author's note: i've been watching Gilmore Girls a little too much lately (hence the little easter egg). on another note, autumn is my favourite season, so prepared to be sick of James attending harvest festivals and drinking apple cider 🍂🥧🎃
all the stories i've written
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September 21st marks the official arrival of Autumn. Though the weather has been rather cheerful lately, today’s air is much crisper and heavier with the promise of looming rain. The streets of Eldermont remain far too green to your dismay, but Spice & Honey—the bakery you’ve owned for the past five years—is rich in shades of marigold and copper. A wide assortment of mugs, mostly in various shapes of pumpkins, and spiced teas, line the shelves, while the fresh jars of apple butter are neatly stacked alongside the register. Besides the usual treats, the glass display teems with seasonal favourite pumpkin tarts and apple cider donuts. 
The everlasting chatter of customers and soft sounds of a vintage record you scored at a neighbour’s garage sale just last month saturate the space as you place the second batch of cinnamon rolls on the counter. The clock reads 10:57 AM, and though you’ve been attempting to conceal your excitement, Vivienne could sense it the second you stepped through the door, teasing you about the very special visitor who’s always in need of sugary buns and black coffee at exactly five past eleven. 
James Buchanan Barnes is a regular customer, you often argue. The nervous babble, flustered movements, and beaming smiles convey otherwise. And so yes, you might have a little bit of a schoolgirl crush on the freakishly tall, muscular brunette who brings in the latest editions of The Culinary Canvas magazine each Monday and notices the smallest of changes in your recipes. Just maybe, you reluctantly ponder when your thoughts inadvertently wander to that charming grin and baby blue eyes every time you knead the dough for his adored treat — a dessert once reserved for Autumn suddenly available year around. 
“Staring at the entrance won’t make time pass quicker,” Vivienne whispers, arranging butterscotch cupcakes by the pumpkin tarts. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whisper back, covering the pans with aluminum foil. 
Perhaps hiding the pastries, a favourite amongst Spice & Honey shoppers, is not the best business decision, but Eldermont is merely a small town in Upstate New York. If it wasn’t located a thirty minute drive south of the Avengers compound, most people wouldn’t be aware of its presence in the first place. And besides, everybody in Eldermont is connected to everybody — the town holds no secrets, including the pastries you keep warm and frost fresh. 
“The tall, dark, and handsome man,” she points out, “still has a few minutes. Perchance the preparations of Eldermont’s Annual Harvest Festival made it trickier to find parking.” Vivienne turns to you with a mirthful grin, the cupcakes resting perfectly positioned in the glass case. “You should invite him. Heard Brad brewed an incredible batch of apple cider mead this year.”
You sigh, snatching the golden tray out of her grasp. “I’m not asking Bucky out.” 
“Ah! Bucky!” The woman’s grin widens. “Forgot his name for a second.” Shades of mischief dance in her tone as she marks Elijah’s, the eccentric owner of Marigold Meadows flower shop across the street, special order of fifty maple bacon BLTs as completed. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Only that you mention Bucky at least seven times a day.” 
“Seven’s oddly specific,” you note and swiftly, “also I do not,” disagree.
“Bucky smelled great today,” Vivienne mocks your voice, the grin you’ve come to love—and hate—remaining on her features. “Should I add apple to the cinnamon rolls? I wonder if Bucky would enjoy apple cinnamon rolls with brown butter and maple icing unless he’s a creature of habit. Maybe I should suggest a sprinkle of nutmeg in his coffee to test the waters first—“
“Vivienne,” you groan, yet she persists.
“What’s the worst that could happen? Bucky could say no. Bucky could also choose The Sugared Whisk. Bucky wouldn’t. I adore their croissants, but the coffee is terribly weak, and even their tea selection is mediocre. Indigo should include spiced teas. And sure, Luke's doesn't offer spiced teas, but Luke’s sells great coffee and danishes, except the danishes are only available on Wednesdays.” She recites a recent monologue of yours, and if you weren’t mortified, you’d actually be quite surprised at Vivienne’s ability to remember conversations as if they happened minutes ago. 
The doorbell chimes before she has the chance to finish, and you’re highly unsure of whether it’s a saved by the bell kind of situation or if you’d rather the floor magically swallow you whole. 
“Good morning.” James smiles, and it’s then that you decide you’d rather the floor split open because you’re awfully flustered by his entrance despite secretly anticipating the moment since the sun arose. 
“Hiya, Bucky,” she returns the favour, secretly nudging your side. “Have you ever been to the annual Eldermont’s Harvest Festival?” 
“Cannot say I have,” he chuckles, breaking eye contact between the two for just a second to glance at her. 
Though you’d never admit it aloud, those eyes, baby blue on sunny days and resembling the ocean on the ones of rain, cross your mind more than a pair of eyes should. This infatuation borders on obsessive, you often contemplate. James Buchanan Barnes is an Avenger for heaven’s sake, and you’re almost sure a man of his maturity and composure wouldn’t agree to a date with a baker, a clutz one at that. It’s not that you’d want to, nevertheless. The two of you have a great thing together — you serve coffee, he survives on coffee, and if time allows, the lighthearted conversations you have bring colours to otherwise monotone days. 
“The decorations, the food, the people are phenomenal.” You might have to assign the redhead to kneading duty if she’s heading to that territory. “This beauty right here could take you on a real good tour. Eldermont is gorgeous this time of year.” Enjoy kneading bread, Vivi. 
“Is it?” James grins, his stare flicking between you and Vivienne.
“Drop dead,” she reiterates, “much like the women.” 
“Vivienne,” you suddenly cut in, “the coffee station is out of paper cups. Could you bring some from the back?” 
She gives you another grin, less mischievous and more understanding, nodding at Bucky before she disappears into the kitchen. The heavy wooden doors create a boisterous sound once they close, and you couldn’t be happier for a distraction because you cannot look at the brunette just yet. The bakery is sweltering, and your hands are sweaty, and, if it wasn’t evident you’ve been nurturing a crush on James, Vivienne practically plastered a HEAD BAKER IN LOVE WITH SERGEANT BARNES sign out front. 
“The station’s out of cups?”
“Yes!” You glimpse behind the shoulder, deciding to keep the lie alive. “Spice & Honey gets busy during the afternoons, and we run out quickly.” The words leave your mouth rushed and a bit muttered, but the effort is there. “Black coffee and a cinnamon bun?”
“It’s a habit,” his smile is as charming as always. James hesitates for a beat, observing you locate the plastic to-go containers. “The festival Vivienne touched on, have you ever been?”
The atmosphere stills for an awkward second as you gawk at him. “Oh, sure,” you answer at last, praying her babbling wasn’t too obvious because you couldn’t fathom Bucky choosing The Sugared Whisk. “Every year since I was four. The festival’s great. Brad brews the best mead, and Johnny, the mayor, is comically strict about the decorations, so it’s all pumpkins, and string lights, and festive garlands,” you mumble, scrambling for the pan and cream cheese frosting. “I’ve even heard whispers of fireworks this year. It’s next Saturday if you want to drop by. Cassie bakes the best apple pies.” 
“Better than yours?”
“I don’t serve apple pies,” averting your eyes to study the grinder seems like the best decision to avoid his piercing gaze. 
“I’m sure they’d be the best if you did.” Bucky beams, leaning against the counter as he observes you make coffee. 
“Thank you,” the expression of gratitude melts into somewhat of a question despite your best attempts at keeping your voice level, “but the pies I bake often turn out horribly wrong. The apples were overcooked, and the dough raw last time I tried.” 
“How undercooked?” 
“The trash can enjoyed most of it.”
James laughs at that, the sound of it hearty and endearing. “I’m sure it found the pie delicious.” If he’s flirting with you, you can’t tell, and you don’t exactly want to, for expectations are the fool’s hope. “If you’re not terribly busy during the festival,” he speaks after a protracted moment of doubt, “I’d love to take you up on that tour Vivienne mentioned.”
“Tour?” The man in front of you must almost all but hear your heart pounding rapidly inside your chest.
“The tour of mead, pies, and decorations.” 
“Oh?” You tinker with a couple napkins, peering at him. “I’m not sure I could give you a real good tour, I’m barely a guide, believe me. I got lost in that new Target on Cedar Lane, and I cannot understand maps, and—“
“I’m asking you out on a date.” Bucky chuckles at your flustered visage, baby blues never once breaking the eye contact. 
“Shit,” the curse word leaves your mouth before you can stop it, and you silently reprimand yourself for the rash impulse of colourful words. “Alright.” 
The sergeant titters at your sudden reaction, a shy smile dancing on his lips. “We don’t have to do this if you’re uncomfortable. I just thought we might have something between us, chemistry of sorts, and that it might’ve been fun,” he briefly pauses, eyes wild and roaming around your face. “It’s just that Vivienne mentioned Eldermont being gorgeous in the fall, and it got me thinking that I’ve never truly experienced it, because the only thing I visit in this town is your bakery, not that it’s the only place worth visiting—“
“There are many stores I should probably check out, and Samuel’s birthday is in a couple of days, which is convenient. I wouldn’t describe Sam and I as the best of pals, but Steve likes him, so I should probably get him a gift.” 
“Who’s Samuel?” You ask puzzled, but the flustered soldier standing before you continues to ramble.
“Something small to indicate I remembered but not necessarily care. Something that screams I’m not a total jerk, but you are for reminding the whole compound that your birthday’s on the twenty third. A wooden statue of a bird. Sam likes birds, particularly Redwing, though Redwing’s not technically a bird. A wooden bird statue would certainly insult him, so it’s settled — the plan is to visit Artists & Wood on Land.” 
“The shop’s name is Woodland Artistry,” you correct with a gentle smile. 
“Right!” James clicks his tongue, studying your softly amused features. “We should probably forget this conversation happened. It was a stupid idea too—“
“Yes,” you interject. “I mean no.” Surely, this scenario is a strange dream that wicked mind of yours created to punish you for the sins you assumably committed in every single one of your previous lives. It’s the only possible explanation for the sergeant’s flustered behaviour. “I would absolutely love to go on a date,” you say and pinch the flesh of your thigh for reassurance, but the scene remains as it was, “with you.”
Gently placing a twenty on the counter, James gleams at you. “I’ve never actually given you my number, have I?” 
"No," you shake your head to indicate disagreement, pinching the flesh of your thighs once more. “Only the pleasure of our little chats,” the response makes you wince. The pleasure of our little chats? Something’s definitely wrong with me.
Chuckling, James grasps one of the pens you keep by the cash register and scribbles down a series of numbers on his receipt. "If I don't reply, Steve must be holding me hostage.”
"Duly noted," you grin, folding the piece of paper to tuck it into the back pocket of your denim shorts.
He stands there for a second as if absorbing the situation. “Good. It’s a date, then.” he smiles in the end, taking the coffee and the plastic box, and peeks at you behind his shoulder. “And keep the change, please. These treats of yours are more than worth it.”
A timid smile spreads across your lips at the compliment before you sink your teeth into the soft of your bottom lip, observing the soldier scramble out of the bakery, the phone in his flannel jacket ringing for attention.
“Next time,” the redhead appears beside you once James disappears out of sight with a final wave goodbye, “you should give the man coffee and buns on the house," Vivienne nudges you, "both of them." 
A surge of warmth rushes to your cheeks at her innuendo. “It’s great you suddenly possessed the ability to teleport and all, but the dough back there won’t knead itself.” 
“No,” she gasps, and you only laugh at her realisation, turning to help the next customer. 
It’s a date.
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The evening of Eldermont’s harvest festival is pleasant, neither too blazing nor cold, but despite the temperature and the appropriate sundress you’ve chosen for it, you’re on the verge of fainting. I cannot faint on our first date, you think and decide it’s the man next to you’s fault, really. The smell of his cologne is too addicting, the hints of pine and cinnamon in his aftershave too intoxicating. James is a gentleman, which you expected and appreciate, but it’s overwhelming, the way he holds your hand to lead you through crowds and attentively listens to your overdrawn stories about the origins of pumpkin carving. Heavens help me.
“Have you checked out the corn maze yet?” Brad asks cheerfully. He’s surrounded by large beverage urns and stacks of disposable drinkware. “Mary mentioned Elijah’s still in there,” he chuckles, pouring two paper cups full of steaming apple cider mead. “The fool must’ve gotten lost or something.” 
“Must’ve,” you glance at him, the corner of your mouth quirking up into a half smile. “Happens every year.”
“The two of you should go,” Brad speaks once again before smiling at Bucky. “It’s a great first date activity.”
James chuckles, and you wonder if he regrets asking you on a date. The small town you call home is ludicrously close, and if Vivienne didn’t spill the beans to Mary as she promised, Mary must’ve spread the ‘rumours’ around herself. The town’s beloved bookshop owner is an incredible woman, but she loves to gossip, and you should’ve expected the second person after Vivienne to consistently insert themselves into your dating life to jump to conclusions. Though the situation isn’t precisely comfortable for you, it must be worse for James. Whilst he has never outright mentioned, the soldier has important reasons to stay under the radar. Bucky has witnessed a lot, horrors you’ve even heard about on the TV, and currently, every resident of Eldermont is aware that James Buchanan Barnes is on a date. With a local baker, nonetheless. Participating in acorn tossing and harvest bingo and conversing with Brad Monty about all kinds of sneaky activities couples get up to in the corn maze. You're certain that James is bound to vanish without a trace due to the town's antics if your diffident and often rather awkward behavior hasn't already scared him away. The anxious parts of your brain have even compiled a mental list of today's disasters: 
Johnny wiped his sweaty hands on Bucky’s jacket, realising the blunder only to mumble “I love this jacket, Sergeant Barnes”, and pretending he wanted to initiate a hug before he disappeared.
Cassie offered you a sample of pecan pie, which you eagerly tasted due to Bucky’s “If I had to choose the second best pie after apple, it would be pecan” comment, and completely choked on. 
Vivienne located you in the farmer’s market to say “hello”, and persuaded James to purchase a pair of beaded bracelets, the two of you had ridiculed moments earlier, for “every first date needs a souvenir to remember it by”. 
James guided you to Mary’s bookstore because you conferred a series of rare hardbacks Mary hides in the back for special customers, and the older woman steered you towards a selection of intimacy guides. 
Indigo, The Sugared Whisk owner, pleaded with James for Captain America’s number in the middle of a busy intersection and discussed his “timeless looks” for the next couple of minutes until a car almost struck the three of you. 
Elijah phoned you in distress, panicking about “having to live out his best years in a smelly corn maze”, which disturbed the sergeant and resulted in an “Elijah will find the exit eventually” monologue on your side. 
You accepted to take a photo of a tourist couple, accidentally dropping the wife’s phone and shattering the screen because James stood so close, your hands wouldn’t stop shaking. 
“Thanks, Brad,” you fumble with your wallet, hastily placing a ten on the stand. “See you around.”
“Doll,” Bucky doesn’t move once you attempt to remove him from the nightmare that is the situation the two of you found yourselves in. It gives you a second to evaluate his expression, and much to your surprise, his features are as soft as ever. James is blushing, too. “I wanted to pay for that.”
“You paid for the apple pie,” the words slip past your lips mumbled because the only thing you can truly concentrate on is the fact James is blushing. Blushing as a result of Brad’s stories about couples so in love they simply cannot be bothered to locate the labyrinth’s exit before proving their emotions to the world. Couples that could be the two of you. Possibly. A sane person shouldn’t rush to assumptions unless they earned the sweetest nickname from a dream of a man. You’ve never paid much thought to whether you would enjoy being called a ‘doll’—you do, but you would probably adore every label he’d choose. The notion steers your head toward unexpected and dirty waters, and you couldn’t be happier for Brad’s decision to chime in.
“Cassie outdid herself this year,” he nods. “I’m most definitely going to dream about that blackberry pie tonight.” 
“Yes,” James agrees never once breaking the eye contact with you. “The pies were delicious, and it was my pleasure to pay. It was me who demanded a tour.”
“You may pay for the maze then,” you smile at him, “but leave the ten — I’m not that great of a tour guide, and I’m afraid of the dark.”
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“Dates should be fun,” James suddenly speaks. “We could’ve skipped the labyrinth.”
The corn maze is high and intimidating, but Bucky’s presence and the soft glow of an orange sunset manage to silence your fears a bit. The passages are almost entirely empty except for the two of you, and each corner you take makes your heart jump at the possibility of encountering spooky surprises. 
“This is fun,” you reassure, taking a sip of mead. James shoots you a look you cannot truly decipher, but you decide the meaning is somewhere between worried and teasing. “It is,” you hesitate for a beat. “I just keep remembering the haunted corn maze in Greenwood. They have scare actors there, who jump out of the bushes when you least expect it and completely startle you. Vivienne took me there last year, and I cannot shake the memories.” 
The expression on his face melts into sympathy. “If it’s any consolation, I would protect you against all the zombies and monsters this maze might throw at us,” he speaks before, “not that it has any,” adding. 
“If theme’s anything to go by, I think we’re OK,” you chuckle at his offer, referring to the cutesy signs and charmingly painted pumpkins scattered throughout the labyrinth, “unless Johnny decided to include a couple gory scenes at the end, though it’d end worse for him than it would for me.”
“Johnny The Mayor?” 
“Johnny The Mayor,” you take yet another sip, nodding. The beverage is barely warm twenty minutes into the attraction, providing only the comfort of a soft alcohol tipsiness. 
“He’s a charming little fella,” Bucky notes, and you don’t have it in yourself to deny the statement. “I’ve never experienced someone initiating a hug by wiping their hands on my jacket.” 
“Sorry,” you offer sheepishly because what could you say after an occurrence so bizarre. Everyone in this town is strange? James must’ve caught on to the fact by this time. 
“It’s alright, and besides, I now have a humorous story to recount at parties, which is a first,” he gleams at you. “It may come as a surprise, but I’m not usually the life of it.”
“Can I ask you a question?” You shift to gaze at him before emptying the cup of mead to steady your nerves. 
“I don’t promise to answer,” James grins, fiddling with the beaded bracelet, “but yes.” 
“Who’s Samuel?” 
“That’s your question?” He laughs as his flesh arm slithers to rest upon your waist. At least you think it’s his flesh arm. The man wears gloves whether the sun shines or the rain pours. You’ve seen pictures, though, and read stories of The Winter Soldier in possession of a metal arm. Neither raise concern, not for the reason you’re smitten with Bucky. Rather, because James was manipulated and stripped of free will, and if heaven would descend, perhaps because that metal arm is sinfully attractive. It’s a thought forbidden to be mentioned aloud, for the gloves are a large indicator he’d enjoy staying silent about the matter. “Who’s Samuel?” 
“Yes,” you sputter. The butterflies his simple action caused you don’t mention. “I want to hear about this Samuel. I’ve been informed he likes birds, especially Redwing, who’s not technically a bird?”
“The Samuel I was babbling about is Sam Wilson. The Falcon, if you’re a fan of CNN,” James teases, steering you into the left pathway of the maze. Despite your instinct to choose right, you stay silent. “Redwing’s a drone of sorts Sam uses on missions, and, this is a direct quote, for surveillance. I despise the thing.”
“If we get lost, forget the second date,” you playfully threaten. Though the coziness of his body pressed to yours is intoxicating, it does nothing to ease the goosebumps painted on your skin, and as the sky bleeds in shades of crimson and purple, the sun melts into the horizon, teasing you for forgetting a sweater. “I would’ve categorised holding a grudge against an object as below you.” 
“If the shoe fits,” he chortles, leading you down a long passage before abruptly stopping. Hesitating for a beat, he drapes the flannel jacket you’ve come to love on the man around your body. The garment is red and weighty, and it smells of James. The gesture makes your heart swell with admiration, but you ignore it. Dates should be approached with a blank slate because expectations are easily shattered. “I shouldn’t deliver Steve that woman’s phone number, should I?” Bucky’s arm finds your waist again. 
Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, “on the bright side, Indigo is quite a pleasant woman,” you verbalise the thought. James observes your expression, baby blues studying the same features he cannot resist thinking about at nightfall. Blood rushes to his cheeks at the notice of your fingers on his lower back, the heat of your skin piercing through his charcoal henley. “She’d certainly treat Captain America right. On the downside,” you pause, “Indigo is the exact opposite of Steve as the media portrays him. Come to think about it, both of us are.”
“How so?”
“The media portrays supersoldiers as courageous, but Indigo and I once had to call Luke to get rid of a teeny spider. Steve’s active in politics, whilst we often skip the town’s meetings—“
“Eldermont holds town meetings?” James chuckles, subconsciously drawing you in closer.
“Once a month, always on the first Tuesday,” you gleam at him before drawing in a deep breath to calm your violently beating heart. “Last time, we discussed the very pressing issue of Halloween decorations. Johnny insists every business on the main street must participate in the festivities. Indigo and I escaped out the back before the mayor could finish his speech. At the least, Steve would’ve stayed in that meeting, and at the most, he would’ve managed it.”  
“People do say opposites attract.” 
“Heard that before,” you agree. The loose strand of Bucky’s auburn hair tempts you to tuck it behind his ear, but you halt the impulse of committing such a ludicrous decision. “It must be true because you drink coffee black, and I prefer lattes. You have cinnamon buns for breakfast, and I, if time would be gracious enough for breakfast, would choose danishes.” 
“The jury’s decided, then.” The corners of his mouth quirk up into a lazy and wickedly attractive smile, and, you almost wonder if Bucky’s aware of the effect he has on your body because if he isn't, your buckling knees must’ve given it away. “Opposites do attract.” His wildly confident attitude is a new discovery, but you decide you like it. “It would be a shame to ignore matters of the universe.” Confidence is a good shade on him. 
“Is this your way of asking me on a second date?” You tease the man, memorising the pink hues veiling his cheekbones. 
James guides you around the corner, observing the corn maze’s exit, and halts his movements. “Only if the lady agrees,” he shifts to stand before you, catching your forearms in his gloved hands, “which I’m sincerely hoping she does.” 
Resting your arms on his shoulders, you gift yourself a quick moment to explore his features — the stubble gently lining his sharp jaw, the little scar above his eyebrow, and the red lips you, despite hiding it, wanted to kiss since he first visited Spice & Honey. “The lady would love to go on a second date.” 
“Good,” an emotion you cannot comprehend waltzes in his eyes, but, for the sake of your composure, you abstain from thinking it could possibly be lust. “The gentleman is looking forward to it.” There's an argument happening inside him, you can sense it by the way he keeps drawing you closer until the space between your bodies is virtually erased, but retains his posture straight and almost rigid. The weight of should he or should he not lingers in the air around you before James catches your stare and smiles timidly, shattering the flicker of hope you have for him to kiss you. You don’t exactly yearn for him to kiss you. In theory, kiss-less first dates are a great idea, paving the way for deeper conversations and a closer bond. They build anticipation. Anticipation is good, you ponder for a second, but all you can truly focus on is whether James would taste like apple cider mead or the sugary desserts you two savoured earlier. “The night is still young," he speaks, the tone of his voice light and reticent. "It would be a shame to end the date this early." 
“Luke’s open if you want to grab a quick dinner,” you say with a grin, stepping away from him. “Though we should probably exit the maze first.” 
“Yes,” Bucky laughs and extends his arm towards the light at the end of the passage. “Lead the way, pretty lady.” 
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huskscatnip · 20 days
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Husk and Angel on their way to get seasonal goodies <3
Husk loves apple cider donuts and the first day they drop he's first in line to get a dozen and Angel's too busy taking selfies in his sweater to pick up the pace.
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bryscorner · 15 days
౨ৎ☕︎ sweets & drinks bar - jace and apple cider donuts <3 xoxo
Beary this is soo cute <3 I hope this suffices babes !
Join FallFest !
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– baking with Jace wasn’t a hard task if we’re being honest here
– of course, being well prepared you both already had the necessary ingredients needed to make apple cider donuts !
– to make the atmosphere very cozy and fun, Jace puts on some seasonal fall music (jazz if he’s feeling it) to have as a background noise on the tv in the living room
– you both had an easy pace going, making sure to split each direction and task evenly amongst the both of you
– being the little sneaky sneak this little mischievous boy is, you didn’t miss the way he was coyly taking some chunks of apples and dipping them in the sugar cinnamon powder that was used to coat the outside of the donut
– that little double dipper! you catch him mid-act as he was about to dive into another bite, staring daggers at him while rolling your eyes
– he finishes the bite in his mouth and was trying to play it off as though he wasn’t found guilty of a crime
– he sneakily takes a chunk of the apple and dips it back into the sugary concoction, before you can protest, he puts the apple chunk in your mouth to taste
– the donuts were almost done baking, not missing the way the whole house smelled like fall with the hints of cinnamon, vanilla, pumpkin spice candle lit in the living room…
– you were at the stovetop now, making sure the apple cider caramel sauce doesn’t burn as you kept a slow but brisk turning motion with the whisk
– the music changed to Betty Johnson, her vocals pouring into the comforting air as she sings her rendition of ‘It’s Been A Long, Long Time’ at a softly and calming volume
– you feel a warmth raidiating from your back, before feeling two strong arms snake around your waist from behind, before Jace snuggles his head into your shoulder, swaying you two a bit to the song
– chuckling to yourself, you can feel and hear Jace’s voice humming softly into your ears, as if he’s the only one wanting to serenade you in a quite atmosphere
– he shuts off the stove, making sure the fire is completely off, and moving the pot to a safe spot
– feeling his slightly bigger hands take your waist and slowly spin you around to face him, noting his devilishly handsome face and smile
– taking you hands in his, he positions your hands around his neck, before his hands bring you so close that it’s like you’re almost hugging
– he continues to hum softly, trying not to ruin the song, and sways to a more rhythmic two-step sway
– there’s no way he was real. adorning down at you, softly humming to the song, and just absolutely loving and basking in your presence
– you two sway slow dance for awhile, no words needing to be exchanged, before remembering that the donuts needed to be taken out of the oven before it burns
– after coating the donuts and making it cool off, you make your way to the living room
– where there were already apple cider in two cups, some other snacks on the coffee table, and some autumn throw blankets to set the mood of fall
– Jace arrives with the donuts on the plate, setting it down before hastily diving onto the couch into you arms,
– feeling the pool of warmth radiating from you, not planning on leaving your side for the rest of the night whilst you find a movie to watch to cuddle to and eat your delicious apple cider donuts <3
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nevermorgue · 1 month
Nevermore Modern AU: Autumn Edition
to celebrate september coming soon and autumn rolling in (in like a month) some autumn hcs for my modern au... - Morella is the CEO of cozy sweaters. She tucks them into long skirts and she wears fleece leggings under when its extra chilly. - Pluto will wear the same hoodie until Duke steals it to put in the laundry. He has TONS, so he just keeps going through them and they rotate out. - Eulalie has sewn cat ears onto a couple of them. - The misfits go to the pumpkin patch. Berenice insists on getting the biggest possible pumpkin. Morella and Eulalie get tiny ones and name them, making them friends. Duke insists on everyone getting a normal one so they can carve them. And yes, Berenice tries to use her teeth to carve it at first. - Much later, Morella is super sad because the pumpkin she carved got eaten by a deer that climbed up her front steps. Lenore gave her her own to keep inside to make her feel better. - Duke will always get that local market apple cider and keep it in the fridge until autumn is officially over. It's illegal to NOT have it - Morella uses the season as the perfect opportunity to try baking her own apple cider donuts. But not alone, of course. She invites everyone over and they do it together. - Lenore is sad because now that the new semester is starting, she can't see her secret gf as much (Annabel does a lot of extracurriculars and stuff) - They go to a haunted house. Eulalie ends up disappearing the moment they get in, Pluto is practically hanging off of Duke's back, Morella jumps at every scare, and Berenice keeps teasing her and trying to scare her even more. Lenore half joins in, half tries to pretend to be slightly shocked every now and then. A couple scares got her for real though. - They get to the end and get the craziest scare of their life: Eulalie somehow became a prop. She ended up asking the actors to let her scare her friends, so they covered her in fake blood and let her sit there and wait. She then started to ask everyone at the haunted house if they were hiring. - Annabel and Prospero do silent study sessions every Thursday. New semester, new stress. - Prospero is such a scarf wearer. Scarf and double breasted overcoat. - Ada LOVES the fashion. She will wear the nicest skirts and sweaters with fall colors. She'll post pictures of the leaves or pumpkins with stupid captions. - Will loves pumpkin spice anything. - Annabel's group goes to a corn maze after Lenore encourages her to take them out to hang. They all end up getting separated. - Ada ended up finding Prospero halfway, which made his day worse. Luckily, Annabel was able to find them near the end- as she could hear his constant sighs and irritated scowls. - Montresor ended up finding the ENTRANCE and then didn't bother to go back in. He just went around it to the end, pretending he got out quickly. - Annabel still takes Lenore's advice to heart and gets them all a pie (a pumpkin pie of course) to share though. Ada tries to avoid eating it, claiming she has a "more refined palette" but once she sees Prospero eating it she tries it and loves it. - Will got his ears pierced the day before this outing and not a single person noticed.
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jungle-angel · 5 days
Tis The Harvest Season (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett get to do all the stuff you've ever wanted to do now that fall's in full swing
Warnings: Parenthood, Rhett being a softie, Rhett and wifey adopting Amy etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @callsign-birdie
"Alright pumpkin, out you go," Rhett said, lifting Amy out of her carseat.
She bolted right up the driveway and up the porch where Royal was still enjoying his coffee, ramming herself right into his lap. "See somebody had a good morning," he chuckled.
"Give a five year old two hours in a pumpkin patch and all the cider donuts she can eat and she's in heaven," Rhett told him. "Anything happen while (y/n) and I were gone?"
"Had to go over the hill to Granite Trail," Royal answered. "Russ called at five in the am, tellin me that one of the calves was breeched."
Rhett made a face. He knew all too well what that entailed from past experiences.
You and Rhett both unloaded the pumpkins and the bags of apples from the orchard store, bringing everything either to the porch or into the house. Rhett put on his Halloween Spotify playlist for Amy as she plopped herself in her little spot in the living room, drawing away with the Stockmar wax crayons he had gotten at her school's store along with a whole box of crayons and colored pencils.
You and Cece immediately set to work cutting the tops of the pumpkins and scooping out the innards. Before you knew it, Amy came into the kitchen wanting to help.
"Alright princess, go get your apron," Rhett told her.
Amy found her little blue checked apron that she used for helping Cecelia with cooking projects. As soon as she was all tied and ready, You, Rhett and Cece let her scoop out and play with the pumpkin innards.
"Good grief Charlie Brown," Cece half laughed. "We've got more pumpkin innards than we know what to do with."
"Yeah but at least we'll get to make Oma's pumpkin soup," Rhett reminded her.
"Oh God, my mother-in-law's Swiss pumpkin soup," Cecelia groaned, remembering the stew Royal's mother made every fall.
As soon as the innards had been cleared and the seeds separated, you and Rhett went to work on the cakey pumpkin cookies. In a matter of minutes, the entire house smelled of cinnamon, nutmeg and all the smells of autumn.
"Oooh Daddy! Daddy!" Amy chirped. "Can I watch Dacky-La?"
You and Rhett saw that when Cecelia had pulled up the streaming list on the TV that Francis Ford Coppola's adaptation of "Dracula" was in the mix. You and Rhett remembered seeing it at the Wabang Drive-In for one of your first dates and knew right off the bat that Amy would most likely be having nightmares for the next year or two.
"Nah princess, that movie's for grown-ups," Rhett told her. "We'll watch Jack Skellington after dinner."
Amy cheered and ran upstairs to wash her hands, leaving you and Rhett to enjoy the peace of the afternoon.
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suitsusboth · 11 months
I need a lovelight pumpkin patch story!! Pumpkin patch, corn maze or maybe just hay bales, piping hot cider. Sophie's apple cider donuts, along with other fall offerings! Romantic apple picking, maybe bobbing for apples? Although that's unsanitary. Whatever strikes your fancy!
You know what? Me too! All the fall feels! While I have a plan for a lovelights au fic that spans all seasons and will touch on the chaotic festivals that happen in Aubrey, here’s a small snippet of the annual corn maze race a year after that planned fic 😉
October 2024
Autumn in Aubrey was perhaps her favorite time of year.
“You say that about every season,” Sophie replied, smiling knowingly as she packed up some freshly made apple cider donuts into a box.
Kate sighed happily. Yeah, that was true.
It didn’t matter what time of year— she loved it here.
The back door of the bakehouse swung open then, revealing Anthony and Benedict holding two large coffee/tea dispensers.
“Ms. Agatha wants these back first thing,” Anthony told them as he and his brother placed the containers on the countertop, ready to be filled with Sophie homemade apple cider (a kid’s version and an adult version.) “And cleaned ‘properly.’”
From the way Anthony’s face was pinched, Kate knew the old woman hadn’t released her containers easily, even though she was joining them tonight.
Sophie must have known it too, by how she rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah.”
It had been two years since Ms. Agatha insulted Sophie for over-mixing her batter, and she had not let it go. A slow, low burning rivalry simmered between the two women and as much as Kate would love for them to reconcile, she could not help but enjoy the by-product of their feud—exceptionally delicious baked goods. Which she was enjoying more than ever, recently.
“Nearly ready?” Ben asked after they ladled the drinks into their containers (Ben probably pouring more liquor than he should in the adult container), and Sophie finished packing the last remaining tray of treats.
“Yep!” Sophie said brightly, gesturing to the eight boxes before her.
“God, Soph. How much did you make?”
Sophie swatted him in the stomach. “Do not judge! Do you know how big your family is? Plus Simon, Mary, Edwina, Ms. Agatha, Michael, John—”
“John isn’t here, he has a game.” Kate informed her, “But I think Eloise brought Penelope with her. And I will happily pick up the slack so there aren't too many leftovers.” She opened a box and pulled out a donut and bit into the sugary goodness and let out a little involuntarily moan. Sophie really was some sort of baking fairy.
“Should we leave you two alone?” Anthony quipped, then dodged Kate’s half-hearted swat in his direction.
“You’re just jealous,” she remarked back, and Anthony merely winked at her as he and Ben filled the drink containers.
“Enough, you two,” Ben interrupted, knowing how far they could take this if left unchecked. “Let’s get going. Everyone’s waiting for us.”
Sophie started to hand her boxes. “Kate, can you carry—?”
“Simon’s coming to help,” Anthony said abruptly, “He can carry them.”
Kate shot her husband a look, but luckily Ben and Sophie did not question him and went on to carry the stuff out of the bakehouse where Simon was approaching, ready to help. They all headed to the field where the rest of their family and friends were waiting. It was late October, and Halloween was approaching. That left only one Bridgerton Family tradition left to do for the fall season— the corn maze. Anthony had finished making it yesterday and everyone had gathered to try it out before they opened it to the public.
While for their guests on the farm, it was supposed to be a nice, leisurely activity, it was anything but this late afternoon. As most things with the Bridgertons, this was a competition. There were two objectives of the game— fastest time, and avoid getting shot by Anthony and his BB gun who acted as the “minotaur”. As the creator of the maze, it was unanimously decided he could not compete. It didn't b matter though. Anthony loved a chance to torment his siblings.
Last year, Colin got so lost in the maze it took him nearly three hours to compete. And by how pale Colin looked right now, maybe he was recalling that fact.
“Colin,” Kate sucked in a breath. “You look awful. Are you okay?”
Colin seemed to blanch, then smiled at her uneasily. “Peachy.”
Kate was about to ask him if he was sure, when Eloise said, “He’s sick.” Anthony discreetly pulled Kate away a few steps, putting some distance between her and his brother. “That’s what you get for doing the apple bobbing at the Fall Festival last week,” Eloise huffed, “In what world did you think that was a good idea? Think of all the germs.”
“The Collins kids went before you I think, and I think he had the flu,” Penelope hummed sympathetically.
Violet piped up then, grimacing. “He most certainly did. He was sick all over me on Tuesday.”
Colin made a little noise then, which Kate was nearly certain was a gag, as he slumped down on a picnic table bench, looking as if he really wanted to be in the fetal position.
“Maybe sit this one out, bud,” Ben said, patting him on the back, and Colin let out a noise in which Kate could only assume he agreed, seeing as standing posed difficulty at this moment.
“Here,” Anthony said, putting a piping cup of cider and a bottle of water in front of him. “Hydrate.”
“Thanks,” Colin half slurred, waving them off, “Go on without me.” He looked at Penelope. “Make sure you win, Pen. I got money on you.”
Penelope pinkened slightly, but nodded.
Kate left Penelope blushing, as Eloise— who was oblivious to her best friend's crush on her brother —started on a tangent about how she was going to win the maze and went to help set up the spread. In a slightly new part of the tradition of the corn maze day, Kate had added a little picnic/buffet situation to the day. Sophie brought the desserts, Violet brought some sort of crockpot/slow roast for sandwiches, Anthony made soup, and Mary brought her butternut squash raviolis and sage sauce.
Kate smiled to herself as she watched her step-mom happily chatting with Violet and Ms Agatha as they laughed over something or other. Mary had moved to Aubrey over the summer and it made her heart happy to have her so close now. Anthony wrapped an arm around her, giving her look as if to say he knew exactly what she was thinking. And he probably did.
“So,” Michael said, slinking up next to them with Edwina and Francesca in tow. “I’m being told that I might be shot at?”
“Yep!” Kate replied brightly, and Michael looked at her like she had gone insane. To be fair, he often gave her this look nowadays. He’s told her multiple times how she’s drank the cool aid on this town.
“Shoot at me Bridgerton and I will kick you in the balls,” Edwina told Anthony, and Anthony's expression tightened a fraction. He knew Edwina well enough that she was dead serious.
“You should probably start warming up,” Kate told him— who in turn looked baffled— then looked at Francesca. “Did you tell him about the hide and seek rules?” His eyes flicked to Michael and Edwina. “There’s no pushing allowed by the way. Instant disqualification.”
Michael shook his head. “The more I hear, the more troubling this becomes.”
“You should see them at Easter,” Kate shook her head. “That’s the real bloodbath. Pushing is allowed then.”
“But no gouging,” Fran helpfully added, obviously enjoying Michael’s despair over these weird family traditions and rules.
“What about shanking?” Michael joked.
Anthony hummed thoughtfully as his brows pulled together. “Not officially, but we should probably write that down. I wouldn’t put it past Eloise.”
“That reminds me,” Kate said, looking at Michael again, “Watch out for Hyacinth, she will go for your kneecaps.”
They all turned to look over at the teenage girl who was a few feet away. Hyacinth saw them and looked Michael dead in the eye, completely deadpan, and proceeded to give him the universal you’re dead gesture. Kate was pretty sure she heard Michael swear under his breath before Hyacinth broke out into giggles and skipped away.
Michael actually started to look nervous then, which was very unlike him. “I need a drink,” he stated, and stalked over to the cider stand.
“I’m gonna get set up,” Anthony said with a kiss to her temple. Kate waved him off, and Edwina and Frannie decided to help themselves to seconds. They asked Kate to come along with them but she waved them off.
She just wanted to stand there for a moment.
Kate took a long, deep breath, enjoying the crispness of the air as she looked around at the beauty around her. They had come to the golden hour, and on this perfect day the vibrant reds, yellows and oranges felt other worldly against the backdrop of the clear blue sky only topped by the breathtaking mouton peaks. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air as her family and friends mingled and ate. Kate tried to savor the moments like these. It was so easy to walk through life blindly, not even seeing or enjoying moments like these. And she had done it for so many years. She wanted to relish every happy moment that came her way. She wanted to appreciate everything she had.
Kate watched as Daphne split from the group and started to walk her way, two cups in hand. She stopped when she reached Kate and extended a cup to her.
She looked at the cup. “Oh, um,” Kate hesitated, “Which—?”
Daphne laughed, and pushed the cup into her hand. “The normal one, of course. I wouldn’t give the spiked one to you in your condition.”
Kate’s head whipped up. “How did you—?”
Daphne gave her a bemused look. “Anthony isn’t exactly subtle. He hasn’t let you pick up a thing and constantly wants to sit down. Not to mention he walks around like he’s on cloud nine and you smile like you have a special secret. Plus you come to the store once a week to look at baby onesies. And, well…” Daphne laid a hand on her own stomach. “One knows the signs.”
Kate was sure she let out a little squeak when she caught her meaning. “Oh my God, Daphne!”
Daphne hushed her, looking around to see if anyone heard them, but was grinning from ear to ear when she looked back at Kate. “Yeah, we’re really happy. We’ll tell everyone at Thanksgiving.” Daphne looked over to where Simon and Amelia were. Amelia was currently trying to steal the donut Simon had in hand, and she had the cutest pout when Simon moved it away.
She couldn’t wait to watch Anthony be with their own little one.
“When are you telling everyone?” Daphne asked.
“Today,” she replied, “we wanted to wait to get everyone together and tell them in person.” It was hard to get everyone together, especially with Edwina, Michael and Frannie being in the city.
Daphne reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m really happy for you both.”
“What are you happy about?” Anthony asked as he walked over to them.
Daphne didn’t say anything, instead smiled knowingly and gave her brother's arm a squeeze before heading back to join her own family.
“What was that about?” Anthony asked quietly, one brow raised as his arm circled her waist.
Kate smiled. “Daphne knows. Apparently we are not inconspicuous.”
Anthony chuckled softly. It was one of her favorite sounds. “Oops. Good thing the cat will be out of the bag by the end of the night.”
Kate leaned her head on his shoulder, smiling to herself. She couldn’t wait. She was fit to burst with this secret.
“I think it’s time,” Anthony murmured, giving her one last gentle squeeze before he stepped away and yelled out to ask if everyone was ready. Kate watched as he walked away, and the excited looks of everyone as they started to ready themselves.
Kate took another look as the sun started to set, the pumpkins they had carved and lit glowing steadily as Simon started to light the couple of fireplaces they had dragged over.
Kate smiled to herself and let out a happy sigh as she pulled her coat more closely around her.
Soon the brilliant colors would fade, leaving the muted browns and grays in their wake as the Earth died and the cold set in.
The nights would become long and the cold would bite, but Kate would barely feel. Not when she was surrounded by all this love.
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mothdruid · 2 years
Maybe It's Time
pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x fem!reader
summary: you and Bob decide to help out at his family pumpkin patch. seeing all the little kids throughout the day makes Bob realize he wants his own little ones. when brings it up to you, you confirm that it's making you feel the same way.
wc: 844
warnings: fluff, pregnancy talk, having kids talk.
a/n: the first of my four autumn/Halloween drabbles for the month!!
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Bob loved this time of year. He loved it because you loved it. The smell of changing leaves and the occasional apple or pumpkin pie made him happy. But seeing you react to them? It made his heart gush. So when his family asked for help this year at the pumpkin patch, he couldn’t decline. Bob didn’t know it would have this type of an effect on him though.
Small to medium sized children wandered around with their parents. Some tugged the adults in the direction of the goats, others heading straight to pick out their pumpkin for the season. Bob couldn’t contain his smile as he watched a few kids trying to pick up their pumpkins, failing because they were too big. It was the first time he realized he yearned for that. Yearned for the possibility of a family, especially with you.
Bob and you were stationed at the apple cider and donut area, passing out donuts and warm apple cider to the families. Your bright smile had attracted Bob’s attention as he poured a cup of warm cider. He took in the beautiful scene, you kneeling down to talk to a kid and handing them their apple donut. He finished handing the cup to the parent of the kid, adjusting his glasses and nodding. They were the last family for a moment, giving you both a little bit of time to rest.
“What’s that look for?” You questioned Bob. He didn’t hide it very well, the way he had been silently fawning over you all day. Bob tugged on the edge of his Carhart beanie, pulling it down over his ears a little bit.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bob didn’t want to tell you the truth. The truth about wanting to have kids with you. It wasn’t something you two avoided, having talked about it a handful of times. A few times you had mentioned how cute you thought certain names were or him mentioning what he would like to do with kids one day. Nothing extensive though.
“Fine, be like that.” Bob immediately smacked himself mentally on the forehead. He hated when you pulled out that tone. That tone always had a way of pulling the truth out of him.
“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.” Bob watched as you lit up, lips pulling into a big smile. Bob sat on the spare chair you had for breaks, staring up at you with puppy dog eyes. It was the first time you were able to take your husband in for the day, honestly since he came home. His metal frames outlined his eyes, the wire running back underneath his beanie. His bangs were peeking out the front of his beanie on his forehead. There was a soft rosy dusting on his cheeks, ears tucked underneath his beanie.
“These kids just have me thinking.” A small amount of embarrassment weaved into his words. He watched you raise an eyebrow, encouraging him to explain further.
“Thinking about?”
“Makes me think that I want my own.” Bob stared down at his hands, not wanting to meet your gaze. It was rather cute. You hadn’t seen Bob this shy since you two had started dating. You couldn’t hold it against him, it was a topic you two had never really talked about in depth. After spending the morning at his family’s pumpkin patch, you were starting to feel similar though. You took a step forward, hand reaching out to cup his face. The chill from the air had bit at his skin, looking like an out of season reindeer.
“Why are you embarrassed about it?” You brought his gaze up to yours. Bob smiled softly as your gaze welcomed him. The warmth you seemed to provide him was present. Bob leaned his cheek into your hand.
“It’s just something that we haven’t talked about. And what I want isn’t the only thing to take into account.” Always so thoughtful, you picked up exactly what he was putting down. The bodily changes you would have to go through while pregnant were terrifying, to you and Bob.
“But what if I said I might want it too.” Bob’s eyes went wide, bright blue orbs looking up at you.
“Are you..?” Bob couldn’t even finish the question. A big smile pulled to your lips, nodding your answer.
“Maybe, it’s time we start trying.” Bob shot up out of the chair, wrapping his arms around your waist. Your feet left the ground, Bob spinning you in a small circle and pressing a kiss to your cheek. A giggle burst through as he set you back on your feet, pulling him into a kiss. A big smile was on his face, tongue poking out the side of his lips slightly.
The rest of the day went by, you helping kids with their donuts while Bob handed out more cider. There were only two things on Bob and yours minds though. The prospect of starting a family and just how cute your kids would be while carving pumpkins.
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halloween-central · 1 year
Autumn Checklist:
• Decorate for fall/Halloween
• Go to a pumpkin patch
• Have a bonfire
• Drink apple cider
• Eat fall themed/flavored donuts
• Light a fall scented candle
• Carve pumpkins
• Bake pumpkin seeds
• Go to an apple orchard
• Eat pumpkin and/or apple pie
• Bake pumpkin bread
• Make a yummy soup
• Make caramel apples
• Drink a pumpkin spiced latte
• Jump in a pile of leaves
• Watch spooky/scary movies
• Watch Halloween specials
• Go on a hay ride
• Do a corn maze
• Go to a farmers market
• Make chili
• Go thrifting for sweaters
• Make a fall craft
• Decorate Halloween cookies or cupcakes
• Collect or take pictures of the changing leaves
• Get mums
• Make homemade applesauce
• Do a fall photoshoot
Disclaimer: These are just suggestions for getting into the spooky season! You obviously don’t have to do all of these this is just all I could think of! Feel free to make it your own :)
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emtb319 · 5 months
Fishtank week Day 5. Today's theme: Comfort Food/Food on the Go.
‘Do we really need to go back right away?’
‘Gordon, I’m tired, it’s been a long day, and we’ll both be over our flight hours soon.’
‘1 hour, tops, I promise.’  Virgil sighed.  It was really hard to say no to Gordon when he got a thought in his head.  Just how did he have so much energy right now?  The mountain rescue had been long and tiring.  There was barely enough coffee on 2 to get him through the flight home.
‘For what and might coffee be involved?’
‘They usually have coffee, but I’m not sure.  I know it’s apple cider season, and they’ll have gallons of their homemade stuff on hand.  Oooo…they probably even have those donuts that Scott loves.’
‘You want to stop by the orchard?’ Virgil asked him.  It was a tempting argument.  Their homemade goodies always hit the spot.  
‘Yup!’  Virgil debated a moment.  It wasn’t easy to park Thunderbird 2 near there, but this would make Gordon very happy.  They’d even get to bring some home too for everyone else.
‘Hold on Gords.  I need to find a place to land my bird.’
‘I already asked Mr. Jenkins.  He said that we can borrow his lot, even offered us some of his corn.’
‘Ok, so corn from the Jenkins farm and the rest from the orchard.’  Just as Gordon promised they were only down for an hour.  They brought back 2 carts filled with stuff.  Corn and apple pies from the Jenkins farm.  Fresh fruit, homemade apple donuts, and ice cream from the orchard.
‘Here I saw you eyeing it, so I got some for you for the ride home,’ Gordon said as he handed Virgil some raspberry ice cream.
‘Thanks. I haven't found anyone else that can make raspberry ice cream like them.  Let’s eat up and get going.  I’m tired, and I’m sure Mr. Jenkins wants his lot back.’
‘You eat your ice cream.  I’ll fly the first leg home.’
‘You sure Gords?  I’m fine to fly, just a little tired.’
‘I know she’s your bird Virg, but I promise to behave and not hit anything.’  Virgil chuckled.
‘Ok, ok.  Just the first leg while I finish this, then I’ll take over.’  Famous last words...Gordon flew the first leg, then all the way home.  As he was eating his ice cream, Virgil relaxed and fell asleep.  Gordon didn’t have the heart to wake him, but he made sure to grab the ice cream and store it before it fell out of Virgil’s hands.
‘You could have woken me up, you know.’
‘I know, but you were tired.  Let’s put this stuff away and get upstairs.  I know I need a shower and a nap….and don’t even think about shutting off my water again.’
‘Why, you don’t want to smell like ‘hard work’?’ Virgil barely had the words out of his mouth when something flew past his head.
‘It wasn’t funny then, and it’s not funny now,’ Gordon said.  ‘Keep it up funny man, and I’ll start giving Eos humor lessons again.’
‘Ok…ok, you win.  Go, I’ll finish up here and send some of this up to John before everyone jumps on it.’
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