#it's almost 6 am...... I haven't been awake this long since................. ............ ...... :((
gay-michael · 16 days
I think my suspensions were correct, the headache meds I take interferes with my sleep meds and causes adverse effects, such as being unable to sleep, being shakey, feeling slightly like shit. atleast I know now, though! imma be bringing it up with my mother
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creamyychann · 2 years
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⟬DILF!Tokyo Revengers x Baker!Reader⟭
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Chapter 1: Moving in
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Warning: None.
Character: You, Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Baji, Kazutora, Takemichi.
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Buy me some Ko-fi?
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It was a breeze morning. The sound of moving trucks could be heard across the small neighborhood. You look at your surroundings, it's a fresh yet a mysterious place, it's 3:30 AM of course, no one really awake at this point (EXCEPT ME, THE AUTHOR). You step in to your small yet cozy new house, wonder around, looking at each corner & sides of the interior of the house "Hmmm... It's quite dusty but some cleaning would do". After wondering about, you walk out of the house, walking to your next destination in only a few steps, you look up at the cottage, your bakery. It's a part of your house, your kitchen is connected to the back of the bakery so you can freely go in & out the bakery. A smile formed on your face, feeling proud for yourself "finally.. I can have my own bakery..." It has been your dream since a toddler to have a bakery & be a good baker, looking up at both of your parents who are a professional baker. You always make cakes & learn recipes from them, they're the best parents you'll ever get. "Mom, dad... I hope you're proud of me" a warm smile appear in your beautiful face.
You opens the glass door of your bakery & look inside. Everything seems fine, some dust but it wouldn't be much of a hassle to clean. It's definitely a big amount of money to bought the house, bakery, items & furniture that are necessary for both buildings but it was worth it, you can finally reach your dream. "Okay, enough of observing, let's clean up all these places" you took out your feather duster, mop, bucket full with water & floor cleaning soap & a broom. You tie your hair up into a bun, looking at your new cottages with a proud grin "let's get started!"
It's 6 AM, you've finished cleaning the whole house & the bakery, it's really a hard work, but since the places aren't that dirty, it doesn't take that long to clean a whole house & a bakery. You smile out of happiness but then you remember something "ah fuck.... I forgot placing the furnitures here" your smile understandably dropped, not to mention the heavy stuff... Couch, bed, shelves..... You let out a grunt.
Move forward to 9 AM, almost all the furnitures are in place, including the items & furniture for the bakery. You walk towards your couch, sighing heavily, after all of that. Some of the furnitures, especially the big & heavy ones are still haven't be in place but you definitely deserved a break. "Aaah.... So tired.... I'm gonna take a shower..." Picking up your toiletry, you walk towards the bathroom, taking a good hot bath.
As you dry your hair, you hear a doorbell ring. You put down your hair dryer & walk towards the front door curiously 'who's visiting me? Perhaps the neighbors?'. You look through your peephole & see several people. You open your door curiously but then your breath hitched.
In front of you is 7 hot & kind looking older mens who's around their late-mid 30s or early 40s. All of them has bits of graying hair, not to mention blonde streaks & hairs that are slowly fading away or replaced by their real black hair color. Their wrinkles are subtle but you can clearly see them when up close. Silence... You're in awe, seeing how masking hot the older mens are. The said mens are not so different either....
As you open the door, they weren't expecting such a gorgeous, young woman to appear in front of them. Your tangled hair that are still a bit wet from the shower. Strands of hair covering some parts of your beautiful features, giving them the urge to just tuck em away to admire more of your beautiful face. They were speechless honestly, they're expecting some kind, sweet old women to open the door, seeing the new empty bakery besides the house & the kinds of people living in this neighborhood. Yes. OLD PEOPLE. (Not too old ofc)
All of you stare at each other before you clear your throat "hi! How can I help you?" You smile warmly at the kind gentlemens in front of you. They went back into their track & smile back "hello young lady.... We're your neighbor, we were hoping we can give you some welcome gifts for moving here" a purple with a barely noticeable greying hair spoke softly with such gentle voice. The older gentlemens hold up their gifts, offering you them. "Oh my! There's no need for this!" You smile bashfully, seeing such many gifts "No no, we insist. Besides, it has been a long time since the last time someone new comes here, please take these" a tall black haired gentlemen with long hair that's braided spoke gently with his deep voice.
"T-thank you so much for these, would you all like to come inside & have some tea?" You offer, smiling softly as you step aside for their entrance. "Thank you dear, we'll gladly take your offer" the purple haired men smile gently as he nods a bit, meanwhile your face gone beet red from what he said... "dear".... Entering your house, there's of course still some boxes of furnitures but they don't seem to mind. You sit on a spare chair as the older mens sat on the couch. "Let me introduce myself, I am Manjiro Sano, but you can call me Mikey. This is Ken Ryuguji or Draken. This is Mitsuya Takashi, Baji Keisuke, Kazutora Hanemiya, Chifuyu Matsuno & lastly Takemitchy Hanagaki" the shorter black haired men with a few strands of grey hair spoke as he gesture to each person he introduced.
"Nice to meet you.. My name is Y/N L/N, I hope we can be a good neighbor" you bow a little to show respect as they nod "that's such a pretty name for a pretty lady..." Chifuyu said, not realizing the impact on you. You blushes madly but quickly shrugs it off, just thinking that as a kind gesture to you "T-thank you Mr. Matsuno" "There's no need for such formality, you can just call us by our first name, we don't mind" Kazutora said as he wave his fingers to reassure you "R-right... Alright then K-Kazutora" you spoke bashfully.
After some chitchat, Draken is eyeing the big boxes full of heavy & big furnitures in the room before offering you something "It seems like there's still some boxes here, would you like us to help you?" He smiles gently as the others nod in agreement "oh! I would be delighted! Thank you so much for wanting to help me! I hope it wouldn't bother you all..." They shook their head "we'll be more than happy to help you, you can ask for help to us anytime you want" said Takemitchy. You nodded happily as they start to unboxes stuff with you in the background watch them do so.
Your eyes widen when Draken easily lift up your shelf, you did notice all of them have some good biceps but you did not know they're this strong "where would you like this to go Y/N?" Draken said which startled you from your awe "y-you can move it there Draken!" You point at somewhere & he nodded. He easily moving the shelf over where you point at with no trouble at all. You're in awe the entire time, watching the guys lift all the heavy stuff so easily & move around while carrying it with little to no trouble.
"Okay, this is the big one. Where is your bedroom Y/N?" Said Baji as he, Draken, Kazutora & Mitsuya prepare to move the bed "right there..." They all nodded before lifting your bed & quickly move it to where your bedroom is so easily. You're so amazed by their strength... if they're that strong in this age, imagine how strong they're when they're younger.
"Huff! That was quite heavy! But I'm sure we're not done! There's still your bakery right? What should we move there?" Kazutora gleefully say as he crack his back, along with some others "A-ah! Yes! There's some stuff to move there, but no worries! Almost everything has been in place! It's just a couple more stuff to move & it's all done! Sorry to bother all of you" You answered, feeling bad for making them lifting such heavy stuff but they reassured "it's okay sweetie! Even if we're now oldies, we still got the strength like when we were younger!" Kazutora said as he flexed his biceps to you, Chifuyu & Takemitchy sweat dropped while you're blushing like crazy from the nickname.... You think you should start to get used to the nicknames.
After moving all of your stuff, the guys came back & sit on your couch "I'm really sorry for bothering all of you... I'm really grateful for the help" you scratch your neck as you look down in guilty-ness "no no sweetie, like we said, it's no problem, we'd be happy to help you again!" Chifuyu reassure you again which you only nodded at. Since they're probably tired from all the lifting & moving, you decide to give them some spare baked goods from yesterday. "Hey, I still have some spare baked goods I made yesterday, would you all like some?" They all seems to be interested & nodded. You stand up from your chair quickly go to the kitchen.
As you search for the baked goods, the older mens seems to have some tensions between them. They did notice how each of them eyeing you so..... Lustfully.... They look at each other, signalling they're thinking of the same thing. Takemitchy who notice the tension only sighed & rub the bridge of his eyebrows.
You came back with a plate of dorayakis on your hands "I'm back!" The guys notice & smile at your arrivals, Mikey in particular seems to be really excited & eyeing your dorayakis. "I baked these yesterday, I've warm them up but I don't think it'll be as good as yesterday..." You said pitifully as you place down the plate on the table. "No worries, I'm sure it'll still be fine!" Takemitchy smiles at you, as he reach to grab one, but someone beat him to it, who is it? Mikey of course. He quickly takes one & stuff it inside his mouth. As he eats the dorayaki, you watch intently, nervous on how it tastes. Mikey swallow the dorayaki & looks at you with stars in his eyes "wow!! Y/N! This is the best dorayaki I've ever had!! I couldn't imagine the fresh baked dorayaki taste like if this from yesterday!" Mikey compliments as he eats more of his dorayaki.
You blushes at his remarks but smile happily, when someone compliments your baking, especially the one you called not good, you couldn't help but blush & smiles a lot, even after days from the compliments, it's one of your favorite thing about baking, people appreciating your baking. You watch as the guys eats the dorayaki you gave & hear the compliments of how good it is, especially Mikey, he ate almost all of the dorayaki on the plate.
"Thank you so much for helping me today... When I finally opens my bakery, I'll be sure to give you all free dorayakis!" You smile happily as the older mens stand outside your house "Really?! Oh! I'll be sure to---" Mikey was cut off by Draken who slam his hands on Mikey's mouth "There's no need for you to do that.. We're always happy to help you, have a great day sweetie" him & the others bow as they all wave you good byes, you wave back & gets inside the house. You look at the gifts they gave you & remembers the compliments earlier.... It's a great idea to move here....
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My Tablet broke, elp
𓆩ꕥ⟬Have ideas or scenario you wanna add for the story? Give them away to the ask box!⟭ꕥ𓆪
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barmadumet · 6 months
So, @underacalicosky and @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart tagged me in the WIP Tag Game, AND THANK YOU FOR THAT, but I don't have any new WIPs since the last time 🤷🏻‍♀️and you all know about all of those. . . BUT I have been working on option 3 from that poll quite a lot - I have about 75k words, but I am nowhere near ready to post a first chapter. But you know what? I think part of my slump right now is that I haven't shared any of my writing in almost 6 months since I finished Streets. So, though I am nervous to do this - because knowing me, I'll probably end up changing this or scrapping it - here is a small sample of that fic I've been working on:
Ferus awakes to the smell of brewing tea, and he’s not even sure how Obi-Wan has achieved such a feat when he doesn’t even have a kitchen, but the aroma is unmistakable. He glances at the parallel palette a few feet away – Anakin is still sound asleep, and the first sun is not yet peeking into the interior of the cave.
When Ferus stirs, he sees Obi-Wan perched on the plateau in the entryway of the cavern. He sits beside him and the Jedi Master slides him a cup.
“I had another ready,” Obi-Wan comments evenly, but cheerfully. “I thought you might be up soon. . . Your Master used to talk of how you’d wake with the suns.”
Ferus’ lips curl at the mention of his former, deceased Master, Siri Tachi. “She was like Anakin, and could sleep all day if you’d let her.”
Obi-Wan smiles softly. “And he needs extra rest these days, it seems.”
“He does. He gets worn out so quickly. . . It’s strange to think it’s Anakin – always so competitive, pushing himself to the limit. Needing to be the best. To win.”
“That need for victory,” Obi-Wan somberly tsks. “I do believe that’s where I lost him.” He sighs. “His fear of losing. . . It impacted him in more ways than one, but now that he’s lost so much, I don’t think it frightens him anymore.”
“Well, he hasn’t lost you – and it’s clear you’re what matters most to him.”
“You mean a great deal to him as well,” Obi-Wan reminds intently.
Ferus marginally shifts the subject, “Obi-Wan? You don’t have to answer this, but. . . I saw the two of you last night, the way you. . . I know I only implied it before, but did the two of you have a relationship?”
“Not a romantic one, if that’s what you’re getting at.”
“That is what I’m getting at – the way you held him, and the way he was curled up against you – I can’t say it’s a position I’ve ever been in with my Master, but I’ve surely slept beside my husband in the same manner.”
“I never touched him,” Obi-Wan defends sharply. “Especially not when he was seventeen. But when he got older, when the war started. . . Well, we became less like Master and apprentice and more like. . . something else entirely. But nothing ever came of it. There was tension there, and to be honest, I think it caused problems between us. This chirpy Anakin is one I’ve not seen in a long time, and I’ve missed him terribly. I honestly don’t know what possessed us to curl up together last night, because it’s not something he’d remember us doing; it’s not something we did until he was older. We’d seek comfort during the war, but it was never really romantic so much as just comfortable – natural. . . and I suppose that’s why we ended up that way: it just felt natural. I’m sorry. I’m rambling, and I know that’s not much of an explanation, but when it comes to Anakin. . . in light of this situation. . . I’ve just never before been so confused and so sure of myself all at once.”
Ferus laughs ironically. “That’s exactly what I was trying to explain to you about taking him under my wing. It felt both wrong and right. I’m still conflicted at times. . . and I. . . I can’t stay, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan’s head turns sharp. “You can’t go,” he protests.
“I can’t stay,” Ferus reiterates. “I need to get back to the base – check on things there. Try to get back home and make sure Roan’s family is safe.”
“But you don’t intend to return.”
“I. . .”
“Anakin will be crushed. Please don’t do this. Not right now. Let him get settled.”
“He doesn’t need me, Obi-Wan; he has you.”
“Do you not hear how he refers to the two of you as one unit? Do you not see the way he lights up when you enter the room? Do you not see how he hangs on your every word? ‘Well, Ferus says. . . Ferus thinks. . . Ferus wants. . .’ ”
“That’s just because we’ve spent so much time together. I’m all he’s had for the last few weeks. He’ll be fine. I know you’ll take care of him.”
“You aren’t so sure. I can sense it – your worry for him, but you’re running away because it scares you –because of what he used to be, and I’m. . . I’m scared, too, and maybe I need you just as much as he does right now. You’re the only one that— Don’t go. I want you to stay.”
Obi-Wan and Ferus go quiet when they sense Anakin awake and approaching.
“Good morning, dear one,” Obi-Wan beams when a sleepy looking Anakin appears. His eyes are tired. His face is blank. His arms are folded, buried in his Master’s robe, head covered to hide his scarred face.
Anakin’s gaze is on the horizon, where the second sun is just starting to rise, the shadows of the cave now absorbing soft morning light. Both men have turned to watch him. Now, he watches them back and smirks. He wedges himself between the pair, then puts his head on Obi-Wan’s shoulder.
Ferus is just about to stand when an arm comes around his waist and pulls him closer. A cybernetic hand snakes up his back and rubs it gently. Ferus slowly turns to look at Anakin just as he lifts his head from Obi-Wan’s shoulder, and Ferus finds he can’t look away from the intense and engaging stare.
Anakin lets his forehead tenderly bump against Ferus.’ When he feels Obi-Wan’s arm stretch around him, he boldly decides to now use Ferus as his personal pillow instead, supremely content with having contact from each side.
Obi-Wan’s knuckles brush back and forth against Ferus’ ribs, an indirect way to communicate, a way to say he understands. He knows Ferus is wrestling with the very same qualm he himself had struggled with for many years: craving Anakin’s touch, while simultaneously fighting a guilt-ridden urge to push it away. He sees Ferus’ dark eyes peer at him from over the hood of the robe Anakin is still snuggled in – tethering between satisfaction and indecision.
Ferus is rigid, neck straight and chin high. But at Obi-Wan’s faint, but soothing smile, and with Anakin burrowing further into his side, he can’t help but rest his cheek to the top of Anakin’s head, shamefully giving in to the warmth and solace they both provide.   
The three remain huddled together as they watch the sky change colors in a comfortable silence.
Thoughts?? Any interests? I feel like this will be a fic about 4 people will read lol, but I've been wanting to write it for almost 2 years now. I feel rusty! Idk if I can pull it off, but I'm going to try.
Thanks again for the tags, friends! It looks like all of your WIPs have been inquired about (or I already have knowledge of them! 🤩) These all look DELISH!!!
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junoswrlld · 10 months
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ᓚᗢCHAP 11 — be quiet
summary: Kai, one of your closest friends, invites you as a plus one to one of his best friend's birthday party. but the bday boy is kinda cute…can you steal his heart?
Warnings: One-bed trope, fluff?, and jealousy
March 20, 2023
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recap: hours later after beomgyu's opened his present and the two of you had been hanging out, you both decided to watch movies together. after maybe the third movie you both get kinda tired but you both say nothing still wanting to hang out with each other. not the best idea since you both have school in the morning and you end up falling asleep, in the same bed.
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6:57 am
Yeah definitely not the best idea putting off sleeping to hang out longer, cause you find yourself waking up minutes before your 7 a.m. alarm for school goes off. and to make things worse your mom usually acts as a second alarm, banging on your door and sometimes opening it to make sure you're getting ready for school.
it genuinely freaked you out when you woke up hugging what you thought was a plushie of yours but had turned out to be beomgyu's arm as he was peacefully sleeping without a care in the world. he was really pretty in his sleep, long hair splayed across his face, the light shining in and hitting his face perfectly illuminating his beautifully sculpted features. in awe of his effortless charm, you almost forget the fact you need to be getting ready for school. like now.
trying to get up as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake the sleeping beauty, you turn off your alarm so it doesn't wake him up. you know what does though? your mom knocking on your door, trying to open it but lucky for you, you were smart enough to lock it the night before.
"y/n! you should be awake! you better have not been staying up all night doing something you're not supposed to," she shouts from just outside your bedroom door. you yell back telling her you were already up before looking at a very scared and nervous beomgyu that clearly has no idea what to do.
"Be quiet" you whisper, stepping closer to him. "she leaves for work in like twenty minutes. we can just leave once she does, okay?"
"Okay. and sorry, I didn't mean to get you in more trouble," he mutters just loud enough for you to make out what he says.
"It's okay, you haven't gotten me in any more trouble,,,, yet" you tell him as you reach over to your dresser, grabbing your hairbrush as you start to get ready as fast as you can so you have time to help beomgyu get ready for school too.
"Can I take a shower? and do you have any clothes I can wear?"
"I'll just have to dose you in perfume so you don't stink, and I can give you some of my clothes that are too big for me so you have something clean to wear"
"aww thanks y/n"
you look over to beomgyu, he seems to be a little flustered at the suggestion but not putting up a fight against it.
"Do you still feel sick?"
"I feel great"
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After rushing to get ready, the two of you are finally out of the house just 20 minutes before the school bell is supposed to ring. running to the side of the house beomgyu takes his bike to the sidewalk as you go to get yours. you both talk and listen to music the whole way to school, riding your bikes as quick as you can on the fastest route to school.
you both arrived at school 5 minutes after the bell had rung, and you both parted ways, going to your respective classes. you texted each other between and during your classes at every chance you got. It started with him asking for homework help, but it quickly evolved into casual conversations about your interests, like movies and music.
You share funny stories and jokes, making each other laugh. You hoped these texts would become a daily routine. you two texted all the way until lunch. you hoped that you could sit with him at lunch, thinking that it would be obvious that you would after talking to each other for so long even texting haerin and Minji to tell them that you probably wouldn't sit with her.
But Beomgyu isn't it only person you're getting notifications from.
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As you enter the bustling school cafeteria, the aroma of lunch fills the air, making your stomach growl in anticipation. You spot an empty seat at beomgyu's usual lunch table, and with your tray of food in hand, you make your way over. Your heart sinks as you notice her sitting there, Rami, chatting animatedly with none other than beomgyu. She looks at you for a moment before turning back to beomgyu, knowing you won't have the balls to come over to the lunch table she occupies with her shoulders touching beomgyu's.
thankfully for you though, beomgyu doesn't seem to be giving in to her flirty antics. and you miss it but he does see you when you enter the lunchroom. he thought you would sit with him, not really getting why you might not like Rami. but he seems lost when his eyes find you seemingly complaining to your friends.
you of course decide to stick to your usual lunch table with your friends. As you approach them, you can't help but feel a mix of relief and disappointment that you didn't go through with it, especially after spotting Rami chatting with Beomgyu.
Sitting down with your tray, you lean into haerin and Minji, keeping your voice low as you express your feelings. "You know, I was going to sit with Beomgyu, but Rami is there too, and it just feels awkward," you share. You describe the scene, how you spotted Rami with Beomgyu, their animated conversation, and how it made you feel. "it really bothered me. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though cause Rami's a bitch"
"oh she definitely knows you lied about dating him." haerin tells you as she takes another sip of her drink.
"I never said we're dating okay? but still, I have to hope and pray she doesn't tell him what I said."
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taglsit (always open): @heyanonymous123 @wccycc @beomomb @sweetheartsaku @woncheecks @gyuszie @kaewonie @flowerbe0m @tocupid @imsiriuslyreal @starsforbeomgyu @moa4lifeee @jype2papi @destairea @stqrrian @n034sy @cho8beomie
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skzhocomments · 9 months
I can read your smile - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter 18 - Christmas Eve
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 17 | Chapter 19
Chapter 18 - Christmas Eve
word count: 3.4k words
~Christmas Eve~
~Crystal's POV~
24th of December. If you open the TV on any channel, you would either see Home Alone, Grinch, The Nightmare Before Christmas or whatever other Christmas movie with "Miracle" in the title and with a lot of green, red or blue in its cover.
I didn't dislike these movies per-se, but they did make me feel bittersweet. Christmas was a nice holiday, but how can I enjoy it when I'm once again spending it on my own?
Instead of wasting away on the sofa, I decided to do something I haven't done in a while, which is go to the gym in the apartment complex.
I changed into sports clothes and made my way downstairs.
Damn, Minho would be proud of me.
That thought made me chuckle a bit, and I pondered on whether I should text him or not. I decided against it.
Opening the door to the reception, a nice lady with blonde hair and a perfect silhouette welcomed me.
"The apartment number, please?" She smiled, and I told her. "Oh, I see there's two memberships under the name Choi Minho. Is that right?"
"Yes, that's right."
"Then you must be..."
"Crystal Kang."
"Right." She smiled sweetly. "I see Mr. Choi hasn't extended the memberships for next month yet. Would you like me to extend them for you now? Since it's Christmas time, we have a bit of a discount. Nothing much, 5% off, but you might be interested."
Didn't Minho say that if you live in this building...
"How much are the memberships again?" I asked with a smile.
"You've been paying 200$ for the two memberships up until now, but if you renew today, you would get them both at 190$. Again, it's not much, but..."
"I see. Thank you for the information. I will talk to my friend and let you know." I smiled, then entered the gym.
He's been paying for my membership for the past 6 months or so, 100$ per month.
Almost my whole rent.
Fucking hell, Minho.
I sighed and went on the treadmill, trying to run away from my thoughts.
After my intense 30-minute running session, I made my way upstairs, took a long shower, then made something to eat.
5 PM.
Time is moving so slow when you're alone.
Maybe I should've gone to work today.
I laid down on the couch and looked around the room, at the Christmas tree. Minho's gift sat untouched underneath, and it will stay that way until after New Years' Eve, when he comes back, and I'll give it to him.
Maybe I shouldn't have put it there.
Of course, there was nothing for me under the tree, because I was all alone, and Santa wasn't real.
Turning on the TV only made me more depressed, because all the films were about happy families, happy moments, happy endings. It was getting tiring to see the same shit over and over again.
It didn't make me happy. On the contrary, actually.
Barely 5 PM.
I sighed and covered myself with the fluffy blanket I brought from my room. Despite it being warm, I felt so cold, that I covered my whole body with it and went in the fetal position, hugging the blanket around myself tightly.
I am feeling so lonely.
I shouldn't be crying.
It's not the first time I'm spending Christmas on my own.
But why...?
Why does this house feel so big?
I'm so sad.
Why am I so alone?
It's always been this way with me.
I am so utterly alone.
It hurts so bad.
Tears continued streaming down my face with no control, and I just sobbed and sobbed, until the crying made me too tired, and I fell into a deep slumber.
~Third person POV~
"Crystal, wake up." Minho nudged the sleeping girl awake and she opened her eyes slowly, confusion plastered over her face. He's been looking at her for a while, and frowned upon seeing her puffy eyes.
She must've been crying.
"Huh...? Minho...? I must be dreaming." She concluded, then closed her eyes again and tried to go back to sleep.
"You're not. Wake up." He nudged her again with a chuckle.
"Hm?" She opened her eyes, confused, and it finally set in that she was, in fact, awake. "What are you doing here?" She asked, almost in a whisper, raising herself from the sofa in a sitting position.
"I came to check if Santa brought me anything, of course. I see he brought you a lot of presents. You must've been good this year." Minho smiled and looked at the tree, making Crystal turn her head towards it as well.
"Huh...?" She asked, confused, noticing that there were indeed about 10 bags under the tree. "What..."
"Come, don't you want to open them?" Minho grabbed her hand and helped her stand up, dragging her towards the tree as the blanket fell from her body back on the sofa.
They went together to the tree and sat down next to it, and Crystal grabbed the bags one after another, opening them and pulling out the contents.
Some of them had clothes; there were a few sundresses, two sweaters, a bracelet and necklace jewellery set and some face creams and make-up.
"So, what do you think?" Minho's eyes sparkled with excitement.
"There's so many!" Crystal said. "Now I feel bad, I only got you this." She grabbed the bag with his gift – a sweater she really liked that she thought would look great on him – and gave it to him.
"Thanks!" He said, still excited, taking it out and examining it.
"I'm sorry, it's not much, but-"
"It's perfect. I love this colour so much. I'm gonna wear it tomorrow at the family lunch."
"Thank you." Crystal hugged him, taking him by surprise, and he hugged her back.
She was glad he was here, and she didn't spend the day completely alone, even if he would go back soon.
"You forgot to open one, though..." Minho pointed to a small gift bag that was left there, neglected.
"Oh, I must've not seen it. You got me too many." She chuckled and grabbed the small bag, opening it. Inside, there was a box swiftly wrapped in brown paper, with a red ribbon on top. "What is it?"
"Open it and check." He grinned, and she obliged, ripping the paper and seeing the box; it was a new phone, the latest model.
"Minho, what the-"
"Your phone is still broken, and you haven't gotten a new one yet, so I thought-"
"You're fucking crazy." She shook her head in disbelief. "This is really expensive. I really can't-"
"Take a shot every time Crystal says 'I can't accept it'!"
"What?!" She scoffed then burst out laughing.
"I'm serious. We'd be drunk all the time if we played this game." He mocked her a bit more, and she playfully slapped his arm.
"What am I supposed to do with this? My phone still works!" She protested and frowned.
"Yea, your phone whose screen is literally falling apart still works perfectly, as new!" He chuckled and grabbed her phone, taking off the protection foil from the screen - quite literally the only thing that was keeping the multiple broken pieces of the screen together in their rightful position. He then turned the phone upside down, and small bits of the screen fell off, and Crystal watched in horror.
"But..." she started, but she was left speechless. He won this one.
"If you don't want the phone, sell it or something. It's yours." He shrugged.
"You're crazy." She shook her head again, realising this would go nowhere, and she opened the box, taking the phone out and placing her SIM card inside.
It was as he said when they met: once he sets his mind on something, it's unlikely you'll get him to change it. And this time, even if she didn't want to admit it, he was right. She needed this phone, as hers wouldn't hold on much longer anyway, even without Minho's painful display of showing her how easily the broken bits would start falling out.
Minho watched satisfied as she turned on the phone and configured it, and when she was finally done, she asked him "Happy?", and he just nodded with a large smile on his face.
"Yes, very! Thank me again." He grinned.
"Woah!" Crystal scoffed. "Do you want a kiss on the cheek too?"
"Yes, right here!" He turned his left cheek to her and tapped on it a few times, and Crystal said fuck it, and grabbed his face and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you." She chuckled, noticing his flustered state. It was obvious he didn't actually expect her to kiss him, and he was quite cute.
"Okay, now that you opened the gifts, you have to go get changed." Minho changed the subject quickly, his fingertips still inspecting the skin her lips touched.
"Get changed?" She tilted her head. "Why?"
"My family is waiting for us. We have to hurry up, or else the chicken would get cold."
"Wait... what?"
"We're going to a Christmas dinner, silly."
"We? But... why?"
"Because I want you to come." Minho shrugged. "Now go get changed!"
"Okay..." Crystal stood up and went to her room, putting on some comfortable clothes. She wasn't sure exactly why Minho came to get her, but she started feeling excited, nonetheless. She's never been to a family dinner before.
She wondered what his family was like. Were they as nice as him? Did he have many siblings? She realised she's never asked him this before.
"Ready?" He smiled upon seeing her.
"Yes, but we have to go to the supermarket first. Is that okay?"
Minho nodded and they exited the building together, going to the supermarket in their complex. There, Crystal grabbed a small basket and filled it with Belgian chocolate.
"What is this for?" He asked, perplexed.
"Your family, of course. I can't go empty handed, and you can't go wrong with chocolate. This is my favourite."
"Is it? I've never seen you eat it though."
"That's because it's expensive, so I don't buy it on the daily basis." Crystal chuckled. "Should I get them anything else? Like... wine, or something? I don't know!"
"Don't stress it, Crys, they don't expect you to come by with anything."
"But is it really okay if I come? I mean, it's your family and I don't want to intrude-"
"They are quite excited for you to come, actually. Especially my brother's wife. She said family dinners always feel lonely because there's no one her age to talk to." He laughed.
"I see..." Crystal looked down in the basket, and then at the shelf. She picked one more box of chocolates, just for good measure, and they went to the checkout to pay.
Minho pulled out his wallet quickly, but Crystal already started intercepting his thoughts, and she was quicker. It was her gift for his family. She put her hand over his wallet and handed the cashier her card with a smile, and Minho grabbed the hem of her sleeve and dragged it with a pout.
"Let me pay-"
"Don't even start. I wanna rip your ear off about the gym membership anyway." She looked at him with squinted eyes, and he avoided her cold gaze.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Let's go!"
Minho's family house was a fairly large white picket fence house, just as the ones she's seen in Taemin's grandparents' villa town. All sorts of Christmas decorations made it literally sparkle in all the colours of the rainbow, and there was a big Christmas Tree on the front porch.
"You both made it! You must be Crystal!" A middle-aged woman with dark hair smiled brightly upon seeing them come in, and came and hugged Crystal tightly. "I'm Minho's mother"
"Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Choi." She spoke and smiled, letting the woman look her up and down. "This is for you. I'm sorry, I would've brought something more if I knew-"
"It's okay, love, we are just happy you're joining us." She grabbed the gift bag with chocolates and rubbed Crystal's arm lovingly. "Now, let's go to the dining room! Everyone was waiting for you two."
They both took their shoes off and Minho smiled at her assuringly, guiding her towards the dining. It was a spacious room with a big dinner table that had all sorts of foods on it, and it was full of family members of all ages, from kids to older people with white hair.
Minho introduced Crystal to everyone and helped her sit down, and then everyone started talking to her and placing all sorts of foods on her plate, wanting her to feel at home and eat as much as possible. Minho couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her flustered state, and he grabbed her hand under the table soothingly, letting her know that she can relax, and that everything is okay.
She talked a lot to his brother's wife and his aunts, and ate so much food, she was sure she would explode.
Still, Crystal never felt so happy.
So this is what a family dinner looks like. She thought, glancing around the table with a smile on her face, trying to hold back her tears.
"So, Crystal, I heard from my nephew you're also studying business." Minho's uncle smiled at her, and she nodded. The chatter around the table quieted down, as the children went to sleep and some of the adults were cleaning around the kitchen. She tried to help too, but Minho's mother refused vehemently, and urged her to sit down at the dinner table and just relax and be a guest.
They've been talking about business-related things for more than an hour now, but Crystal just listened closely and hasn't joined in the conversation, not wanting to interrupt. She was always more of a listener, and in the span of an hour she found out that Minho's family owned a large business called Choi Enterprises that his grandfather founded, his uncle being the actual CEO. His father was not working in the company; he was a famous football coach, which explained Minho's passion for football, and Minho was studying business because, despite his interest for football, he and his brother were supposed to take after the business in a few years when his uncle would retire.
After Minho's older brother and wife left the table, only him, Crystal and Mr. Choi, Minho's uncle, remained in the dimly lit room. He seemed like a stern man, but his eyes held warmth towards his family.
"Yes, that's right. I've just started the 3rd year." Crystal replied with a sweet smile.
"You have a long way to go." He smiled. "Business is tricky."
"Indeed." She affirmed and nodded.
"Let me ask you something. It's a riddle. If you have three, you have three. If you have two, you have two. But if you have one, you have none. What is it?" He asked, amused, and Minho shot her a curious glance as well.
Crystal pondered on the answer for a bit, rubbing her chin with her fingers.
"Choices." She replied after a few seconds, much to Mr. Choi's delight.
"You're clever." He grinned. "Okay... one more question. One of my employees made a harsh mistake that cost us a lot of money. Let's say, someone's salary for a whole year. Should I fire him?"
"That's more of a management question, isn't it?" Crystal smiled.
"Good management is part of any successful business."
"That's correct."
"Of course, this is dependent on more factors, including their performance up until that point and what kind of mistake they've made, but personally I wouldn't fire that employee."
"Why not?" He raised a brow questioningly.
"Because they will never make that mistake again. Someone new might."
"I see... that's an interesting take." Mr. Choi smirked.
"Did you fire them?" Crystal asked, curiosity lacing her tone.
"No. I had the same thoughts as you, and indeed, he hasn't made any mistakes since. He's proven to be a valuable employee."
"That's great. I'm glad it worked out in the end."
"Crystal, dear, what's your biggest weakness?"
"Oh, I'm definitely a perfectionist who doesn't know when to stop." She chuckled.
"Minho, you picked a good one." Mr. Choi stood up from his chair and looked at Crystal. "Apply for a summer internship at our company as an assistant manager. You might just be the right fit." He winked, and with that, he retreated to his room.
Crystal looked at Minho, who looked back at her shocked. He knew she was smart, he just didn't expect her to impress his uncle enough for him to offer her a job.
"So... we should go to sleep too. I'll take you back home tomorrow." Minho stood up and offered her his hand in support. "Sorry, but the whole house's full, so we'd have to sleep in my room... I can sleep on the floor if you're uncomfortable."
"Don't be silly." She chuckled. "We slept many times next to each other."
They went to his bedroom and Minho gave Crystal some clothes to change into. They were a bit too large for her, but they were his, and they smelled just like him, and her heart started beating faster.
She sat down on the bed and waited for him to come back, her heart ringing in her ears. She felt emotional, but most importantly, she felt happy, and he was the main reason for it.
"Thank you so much for today." She smiled as he sat down in front of her. "I've never... had a family dinner like this before. Your family is very sweet, and I had a great time."
"I'm glad you came." He returned her smile.
"Why did you come and get me?"
"Just... you being home on your own on Christmas Eve didn't sit right with me..." He briefly looked away, and she felt her eyes swell up with tears. Why the fuck was he always so thoughtful?
"Thank you. For everything." She leaned in and hugged him, and his arms surrounded her body, dragging her closer, until she ended up in his lap.
They stayed like that for a little while, their hearts beating in unison, and then Minho moved his head a bit away, looking at Crystal.
How beautiful she was like that, in his clothes, with her big dark eyes looking directly into his.
He would be stupid if he let her go again, so he cupped her cheek with his left hand and glanced at her beautiful lips.
The air was stuffy and hot, and he wanted nothing more but to kiss her. He wanted to give in and feel her lips against his, to tell her how beautiful she was, and that he's been in love with her for months now, that he rejected her because he was stupid, and that he's regretted it ever since. He wanted to tell her that she's been occupying his mind all the time, that ever since he left he's been wondering if she ate enough, if she was sleeping well, if work's been difficult.
She wanted to tell him how confused she was once again, because she thought he brought her over as a friend, but now she was in his lap, which must've been the most comfortable place on Earth, and her feelings were all over the place once again, because she's been trying to get rid of her feelings, but they would just come back stronger each time he would do something thoughtful for her.
Instead, they just looked in each other's eyes and tried to understand the other between their unspoken words.
They've both been waiting for the other to say something, and just when Minho gathered enough courage to close the distance between them, a knock on the door pulled them out of their trance, and the moment was gone as quickly as it came.
His mother wanted to check if they had enough pillows and blankets, if Crystal was comfortable, and if there was anything else she could do for them before they went to sleep.
The next morning, Crystal had breakfast with Minho's family, and they all opened presents together and ate the chocolates she brought.
Minho then took her home at her request, as she didn't want to intrude any more than she already had and she would have to get back to work soon anyway, and they both pondered on talking about last night, but still, it just didn't feel right for some reason, so neither said anything.
They hugged goodbye in the car and smiled at each other, and Minho told her he's going to come home after New Year's Eve, because training would resume on January 3rd, since the game itself would be on January 15th.
He was going to have a busy time.
Chapter 17 | Chapter 19
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kyokiou · 3 years
Train Station | I: The Inebriating Perfume.
Summary: After a feel weeks, Cho Sang-woo could forget everything; except that sweet scent of her.
Information: Hello, my lovely readers! First of all, I'm so sorry it took so long. I've been so busy and didn't had time for writing. Hope you haven't given up on me. 🥺 Anyway, have fun! This chapter was made with a lot of love. 💖
Texts in italics are memories or thoughts!
Warnings: Slight smut (sexual tension and abstinence); fluffy. A bit of angst. | This fanfiction will have some dark content in the future chapters. Read at your own risk. +18 only, please.
Tag list: @xiernia; @thefanficmonster; @theclassycandy.
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The shower water was pouring above his head as he incessantly thought about Y/N. Was almost time to work, and Sang-Woo wasn’t totally awake yet. The warm water ran down on his naked body, his muscles relaxing slowly, not even noticing the time passing. With his mouth slight open and his closed eyes, there was him, remembering that uncommon end of the day.
“Thank you for the conversation, Mr. Cho”, she said, a bit shy, but never stopping that beautiful smile of hers. “You made me happier today”
Why can’t he simply forget about her, a strange woman he met on a train station? For an unknown reason, she had been on his thoughts since last weekend – suddenly, because on the other days he could barely remember her name, although the good sensations were unforgettable. Already passed three weeks since the first and last time he saw her.
But was the way her words touched him. The way her smile made something burn in his chest, the way her scent made him inebriate.
These pretty, sweet lips.
“Y/N...”, he said in a whisper. He could be in negation, but probably was missing her. Sometimes, he was startled by the sudden memory of her scent, as if she were beside him. He has a funny thought about it – which is ironic, because he's not into these types of belief. But thinking she was a ghost, spirit or even an illusion makes sense. He's so much lonely. Maybe was going crazy. At least, is what his mother would say.
He smiled, finally opening his pretty eyes. Turned off the shower and began to dry his body, first on his abdomen and slowly lowered his hand until he reached that part he had not touched for a while. Fuck, how he wanted to be stimulated right now. He didn't had sex was few months, because he's too busy with work to go out on a date with someone. Now, he's certain feeling the symptoms of it.
Well, but he couldn't jerk-off right now. He must be presentable to teach for more than ten hours. And remembering it just pisssed him off. He sighed, while looking at the mirror. Gently, he passed the hand through his wet hair; and then, went to his room. Sang-Woo was dressed properly: the traditional and formal suit. This style of dressing is one of his outstanding features.
Looked at the clock. 6 AM. Already ready, was time to go working.
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“Sometimes I feel like... The time is passing too fast, Mr. Cho”, Y/N told him. “Do you understand me?”
“Yes, I do. There’s something in particular that bothers you?”, he asked. She looked a bit startled because of his question. Sang-Woo was going to apologize, then she spoke first.
“Uhn, uhn... People says that I-I'm too much... quiet. It interferes with my... relationships.”
She said nervously. And then he understood what she was trying to say. But, of course, pretending not to. Smiling, just said:
“It’s okay, girl. Everything in its time. But never stop being yourself, you’re lovely.”
He could even remember the way she lowered her head, adorably shy with the compliment. This gesture happens frequently, he noticed. And loved it.
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After a few hours of class, it was finally time for lunch. Being a professor is not so easy. Fortunately, Cho Sang-Woo is incredibly patient, intelligent and exceptional in everything he does. His intelligence, elegance and gentle personality draws a lot of attention, that's undeniable. Frequently, even the women working at the university flirted with him. And always, like a busy man, he politely declined the many filthy invitations.
Walking through the university corridors during his break, there were so many students that it was impossible not to bump into each other. With apologizes here and there, a familiar silhouette passed briefly by his side, like a flash of light. Sang-Woo saw its hair moving from the wind and the movement. And then, he smelled that scent.
His heart raced. Y/N’s scent. Couldn’t be just a remembrance now, could it?
He looked around, and saw nothing that he could recognize.
Jesus, I’m going crazy.
Again, he stood still because of her, staring at nothing. He was in a cold sweat, with a strange anxiety, his eyes wide open. Sang-Woo might never understand why he has been feeling these things due to a stranger. Maybe he truly believed now she's a ghost.
“Professor Cho, are you okay?”, his student asked when saw Cho Sang-Woo acting unusually. He snapped back to reality, realizing that he was yet on the corridor.
“Y-Yes, I am. Thank you.”
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“Miss Y/L/N, how your project is going?”, Y/N’s teacher asked her. “Is everything okay with it?”
“Yes. Everything perfect, as expected.”
Y/N is the student who represents her class. Despite taking people's opinions into consideration, she chose to study something she really loves. And she dedicated herself to that, as joining the SNU was not easy. Society is very competitive and after many sleepless nights of hard study, she finally managed to enter the university of her dreams.
“So, please, give me the report at the end of class.”
Y/N assented, paying attention at the clock. Her class were organizing a debate and it will be presented on the yard of the college. Y/N barely started to organize and was already tired. These events always drain her energy. Fortunately, the weekend is coming and she will have time to rest. She was intending to visit someone who’s special for her, too.
But the days are always looking the same. Oh, she deluded herself when thought meeting that man of a train could change her life. Because she felt different emotions at that day. And God forgive it, but Y/N really thinks that Sang-Woo is hot as hell.
And she blushed because of thinking about it. What a perverted! He’s probably the same age as my father!
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The day was almost ending and was possible to notice the twilight through the large windows of the college. Y/N hurried to get to the staff room, hoping that at least one of her teachers would there. Her small boots heels were tinkling as she walked quickly, starting to feel desperate. It is an important document.
Finally, she arrived to the staffroom. Y/N sighed and she bowed respectfully, not even checking who was there or not.
“Here’s the report. I’m sorry I deliver it so late”.
When she returned to posture, she saw him. She almost dropped the documents. It was him. Cho Sang-Woo. She couldn't believe her eyes. What was he doing there? He was supposed to be one of those people you see once and never again.
And Sang-Woo got shocked too. He blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating at all. They looked at each other for long seconds, in silence. He was sitting next to her teacher at a table, enjoying a coffee.
“Hello, Ms. Y/N?”, the voice of the teacher woke her up from her shock. Y/N not even noticed her before, but gave to her the document and said goodbye quickly.
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She ran to the university exit gate, still in shock. Stopped for a while to take a deep breath, and then she felt a hand on her shoulder.
She turned around, and it really was him. Y/N didn't know what she was feeling at the moment, but felt a strange urge to hug him tightly. Of course, she controlled herself not to do it.
“M-Mr. Cho... What you’re doing in h-”
“I work here, Miss Y/N. I’m a professor”, he said, with an evident anxiety. They both were nervous and scared by the situation. “And you are a student... right?”
“Yes, Mr. Cho.”
“I didn't know that. I’m surprised with that... weird fate.”
“Me too, Mr. Cho.” Y/N said, and they were again on that familiar silence. They wanted to tell a lot of things to each other, but no one had enough courage. Sang-Woo couldn’t stop admiring her innocent eyes. She seems so sweet like that.
“I’m going to the train station. Will you join me, Miss Y/N?”, Sang-Woo finally asked, already disturbed by the silence.
“Y-Yes! Yes. I’m going too. Will be nice!”
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And they walked together to their destination. They took a train, but haven’t talked so much this time. Weren’t uncomfortable, although. Both were a good company to each other.
Well, but he really wanted to make her laugh, saying he just abandoned his car at the parking lot today.
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thatsgay-writes · 3 years
Korra x She-ra!Reader Part 2
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You looked at Swift Wind in confusion, "Vaatu? Who is that?" "Back in Adora's time, their was a great evil that went around the universe and would take over plants... After a long struggle over Etheria, She-ra managed to defeat Vaatu, or Horde Prime as he was called in our time, but some of his dark power was left and has been regenerating itself ever since. Growing stronger each day." You sit and consider what to do with this type of information.
"So if he's out now, that means he had to bond with someone... Who would want that type of power?" Swift Wind shook his head, "Someone crazy but we need to speed up your training, you need to be able to change to She-ra if you want a chance to defeat Vaatu."
So you worked hard, day and night. Mastering the sword and its other forms and trying to turn into She-ra. "The time is coming..." Swift Wind said to you as you walked up for your daily training. "I can feel Vaatu's power growing... It's almost time for you to return, your friend will need you help." You felt your heart drop to your stomach with dread. You had been trying to push Korra to the back of your mind since you left the South Pole. You felt terrible for ghosting Korra, not even at least telling her you were okay. You gathered yourself and pulled out your sword, "Let's do this."
You were woken from your slumber, feeling Swift Wind's horn poke you repeatedly in the back. "Hmmm... What?" You mumble trying to shake yourself awake. "It's time, y/n." "What? Five more minutes?" Swift just continues to poke you, harder this time. "It is time y/n!" You sit up immediately, letting the blankets fall off your body. "What but I haven't even been able to transform yet!?" You said worriedly as you scrambled around to dress yourself, hopping on one foot as you try and put on a boot and follow Swift Wind. "Well..." Swift Wind shrugged, "You're just going to have to use what you know. Who knows maybe you'll transform once your in the heat of battle?" "In the heat of battle!?" You gaped at Swift Wind, who in turn rolled his eyes. "Duh."
You ride Swift Wind towards where he felt movement and were surprised to see 6 benders fighting against an army of evil spirits. "Fly me over and drop me!" You say to Swift Wind as you get closer. "You sure?" "Yeah... It's what you've been training me for right?" Swift Wind nods his head and speeds up over the spirit army. You take a deep breath and let yourself slide off of Swift Wind. "For the honor of grayskull!" You yell and almost laugh out of joy for finally being able to transform.
"Who is that!?" A earth bender below you yells as he watches your form fall from the sky, a bright light surrounding the body for a few seconds before hitting the ground. The benders stop for a second, to catch their breath, as all the spirits turn on you as you slam into the ground. You spend the next 5 minutes cutting through the spirits, gaining only a few cuts and scratches, none of them fazing you.
You cut through the last one and let yourself take a breath and look at your new form. Your hair was super long and blonde while your body was covered in a white and gold body suit with a gold crown. "This is so cool!" You exclaim before looking at the benders that you had helped. "Are you guys okay?" A boy dressed in green nodded his head as a bald man seemed to be in a more defensive stance. "Great... Swifty!" You yell out and feel the alicorn land behind you. "Okay, now we need to find Korra... You guys don't happen to know where she is, do you?" This time, before the boy in green could speak, the bald guy spoke. "And what business do you have with the Avatar?" You give the bald guy a fake pout, "Come on Tenzin, I know we only met a handful of times but I'm not one to be forgotten." You transform and watch as recognition shows in Tenzin's eyes. "Y/n?" You smile, "The one and only."
After greeting Tenzin and getting a brief rundown of what was happening, you and Swift Wind were flying above Republic City, watching a giant Korra and Vaatu fight. "You know this it not what I imagined the city to look like." Swift Wind commented and you rolled your eyes. "I haven't been here before but I am sure it isn't usually covered in vines." "Yeah, well-" Whatever Swift Wind was about to say was cut off by a bright yellow light. "What is that?" You ask as Swift Wind flies closer to the source of light. "It looks like a girl..." "Holy shit is that Jinora!? Aww, she's so pretty."
"Y/n, focus." "Yes, right, focus. What is she doing?" You ask as you finally collect yourself. "By the spirits, she's holding Raava!" Swift Wind yells out and you look confused, "I really should have payed attention." "She is trying to put Raava into Vaatu but it seems like she can't get through." "Well that's were we come in." You say, confident in your ability as She-ra after transforming the first time. "Fly me over and drop me" Swift Wind looks concerned, you were pretty high up. "And then catch me before I hit the ground." Swift nods in confirmation and flies above Vaatu, where Jinora is still trying to insert Raava into Vaatu's body. "Lets do this." You say as you let yourself slide off of Swift Wind's back again, kind of wishing you could fly. "Incoming!" You yell to get Jinora's attention so you don't accidently stab her or something. Jinora's eyes widen as she watches you seemingly fall from the sky. "For the honor of grayskull!" You transform and stab your sword into Vaatu's chest, letting your momentum carry you and cut through the spirits body.
You didn't return to the spirt world with Korra and Jinora, instead you had Swift Wind drop you off at Air Temple Island with Pema, Ikki, Meelo, and Rohan. Swift Wind had deemed that you were ready to be She-ra on your own and that he could finally move on and be with his She-ra. You would miss Swift Wind. You spent the time until Korra returned, catching up with Pema and getting to know Rohan. You almost cried the first night catching up with Pema, seeing how motherly she was towards her children made you miss your own mother.
"Now Korra, I do have a surprise for you when we get to the island." Tenzin announces as they get closer to Air Temple Island. Bolin and Mako both holding small smiles as they remember how sad Korra was when she learned that you had disappeared and how happy she will be when the two of you get reunited.
Everyone got off of the bison as soon as they got to the island. Some of the people were confused as they saw you in your She-ra form, playing with Tenzin's children. You stopped playing with the children when you felt eyes on you and turned around. You gained a huge smile when you saw Korra and turned back to normal. Korra's eyes went wide when she saw you transform and she immediately ran towards you.
You let out a laugh as she wrapped you in a hug and swung you around. "Spirits! You're here and you were blonde! Wait, were you that person from the battle? That doesn't matter, where have you been? Why didn't you tell me your mother passed?" Korra rambled out as she held you and you laughed into her shoulder. "I missed you so much." You tell her as you pull back from the hug some to make eye contact with her.
You expect Korra to repeat the sentiment but instead she just holds eye contact with you quietly. "Korra I-" You get cut off as Korra presses her lips to yours. Your eyes widen for a second before letting yourself relax and return the affection. You both pull away when you hear someone clear their throat and you then remember that everyone was still around and watching your reunion. You blush heavily and pull away from Korra. "I... Um..." Korra on the other hand, ignores the fact that people are there and pulls you in for another kiss.
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martsonmars · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Thanks @urban-sith @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @johnwgrey @fatalfangirl for the tags!
You've heard of Six Sentence Sunday, but what about Six WIPs Sunday???
Under the cut because it's going to be a long ride.
1. I'm still on my Daphne bullshit, so here's a sequel that idk when will see the light.
Her husband had taken the receiver and listened to his son say, The Mage is dead. He had just nodded, and she didn't know if she was more happy that he hadn't burst into tears, or more disappointed by the lack of reaction – because if this didn't shake him, she had no hope of affecting him ever again.
2. For COC Day 2 - Wings, that I'll probably finish for next year's COC. (A bit NSFW.)
I push him off me – barely containing a whine when his fingers slip out of me and leave me even emptier than usual – and kneel on the floor. It’s hard and cold against my skin, and it feels like the right punishment for the kind of person I am. My father would probably laugh if he saw me now, naked and almost begging at the feet of a passionate socialist. (Then his laugh would turn into a mask of almost dissimulated disgust.) (Then he’d kick me out of my mother’s house and never let me see my siblings again.)
3. For COC Day 10 - Body Swap. Thanks Christina for suggesting gossip material.
He snorts, and I know I’m not the only one reliving the conversation we had last week – he’s seriously convinced Miss Possibelf and nurse Christy are shagging, but he’s just wrong. (It’s Possibelf and Professor Mino, of course. I even sold twelve Minobelf pins since the start of the school year. I know I’m right.)
“Well, let’s avoid teacher talk then,” I concede. “Do you think Gareth thrusts his hips in private too, or he does it only for our enjoyment?”
4. Specky Baz chapter 3! It's fully outlined but between writing crises and exams idk when I'll have time to write it.
But we're always touching anyway. Holding hands in the classes we share (I've never been more glad that I'm right-handed and he's not) and during meals, even when our friends start making gagging sounds and call us disgusting. (The teachers don't say anything. Mr Benedict tried to say we were disrupting the classroom's atmosphere, but when Baz quietly complained with Miss Possibelf she told the professor to shut up, because holding hands is not a crime and he did not comment when Elspeth basically sat in her boyfriend's lap half of the time last year.)
5. Goblin!Baz. I haven't forgotten about it. After COC and server exchange are over I'll pick it up again because I miss it.
“Magic doesn’t want you dead,” I say. It’s true. I don’t think magic is sentient, and even if it were it probably couldn’t be arsed to worry about stupid fights. This is a stupid fight. The Mage never even told me why it started. When he began teaching me about dark creatures he just told me the goblins were evil and dangerous for Normals and mages and any other poor creature. He told me they were bloodthirsty monsters feeding on the flesh of their victims. Then he brought me to a meeting I don’t remember a word of, and he took me to that club and made me kill them. Like you’d kill a mosquito that’s bothering you in the middle of the night.
I don’t think the Mage ever stops to wonder if these creatures have a life.
6. Snippet of exchange fic that I've written right now here on Tumblr just to share it.
"So? Are you going to stand all day in the middle of the room like a proper numpty?" she asks, waving her broom in the air so threateningly that my (sometimes awake by miracle) self-preservation instinct makes me duck my head. I'm cowering in fear in front of a woman who's a whole head shorter than me, and this is probably how the world should work.
I realise I still haven't moved, so I pick up my bag and look at her helplessly.
"You really have no idea how to be in the world, do you?" she says, something that dangerously looks like a smile softening her face. I shake my head and she pushes her glasses up her nose. "Alright. Let's start over. I'm Penelope. Penelope Bunce."
If you've made it this far, I love you. If you haven't, I love you anyway.
Tagging @wellbelesbian @tea-brigade @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @forabeatofadrum @bazzybelle @prettylightsbigcity @dragoneggo if you have anything to share or just to say hi <3
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Night of the Wedding and Day 1
Honeymoon fic part 1
A/n* they had the wedding in Bunny's hometown
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He can't stop smiling. Even as the night winds down and people start saying their goodbyes. The DJ starts playing slow songs again and he has his face buried in Bunny's hair as they sway together on the dancefloor. He feels her sigh and lean into him and his arms tighten around her.
"You ready to go?" He mutters against her temple, pulling away to look down at her.
"Our flight isn't until almost 10 am tomorrow," She pouts, trying to snuggle back into him.
"Jack pulled some strings and got us a private jet, we could leave within the next hour," He says, "Says that's his present."
She hums and he can tell she's tired.
"It'll be late by the time we get to the hotel, but you can sleep on the plane, and when we get up we can go to the pool," He tries, and she can hear the grin in his voice, "Or we can spend the day in our room... Having our own fun?"
She tilts her head up to look at him, "I'd rather have a pool day than wake up early to catch a plane."
"Alright then," He pulls her in for a quick kiss, "I'll go call our pilot, you should go change."
She whines slightly when he pulls away and his step falters.
"I'll be right back," He chuckles.
By the time they make it onto the jet it's 10 pm. Bunny had been up since 6 am, and she's basically falling asleep standing up.
Once they take off she's out, it doesn't take long before he's asleep too, her tucked under under his arm, head leaning on hers.
Daniel is admittedly a little lost when they arrive in Orlando, but thankfully Bunny used to have a yearly trip to Universal with her mom and brother when she was younger and knows exactly where to go and how to get there.
Her excitement is keeping her awake on the ride to the hotel, it's 1 am and they're the only ones on the bus, thankfully they run at all hours. Daniel on the other hand is basically clinging to her in their seats, half asleep, trying to get a few more snuggles.
Once they get to the hotel and she finally manages to persuade him off the bus with cuddles in bed, they shuffle inside. She's incredibly happy Daniel called ahead to tell them they would be checking in at such an unusual time.
"Welcome to the Royal Pacifc Dr. And Mrs.- No!" The man behind the desk gaps, "No, that's impossible, you can't possibly be one of our honeymooners, dear Alberta we haven't seen you in ages!"
"Raleigh!" Daniel flinches slightly when his wife squeals and scurries up to the desk, "I've missed you! I didn't know you still worked here!"
"And where else would I be?" He smiles, taking her hands, "You're married?"
"I'm married!"
"Oh my god, it seems like just yesterday you were here for the first time for your 16th birthday."
Daniel watches the two chat for a while before smiling at the ground and hugging Bunny from behind.
"And affectionate," Raleigh comments with a little smirk, "You two must be exhausted after such a big day."
He types away at the keyboard before grabbing their room keys, "Why don't I show you to your room?"
They follow him into one of the Tower 1 elevators, "I don't know what you two do for work, but someone very high up in the government called and upgraded your room."
Before he has time to answer their standing in front of the double doors leading to the Presidential Suite.
He gives them a brief tour of their accommodations before leaving them to their own.
Daniel all but collapses onto the sectional, reaching for his wife, "Cuddle time?"
"Not here baby, let's go to the bed." She says softly and he groans when she tries to pull him to his feet, "I know, I'm a mean, awful witch. C'mon."
When he finally has her wrapped in his arms, snuggled in the king bed, he's not letting her go. He clings to her in his sleep, burying his nose into the crook of her neck.
It's well past noon by the time they wake up, neither willing to move, completely content in each other's arms.
"Good morning, Mrs. Jackson," he smiles, moving her hair out of her face and pressing his lips to hers.
"Afternoon," she smiles back, fingers lightly stroking the side of his face.
"Mrs. Jackson," he mutters again, there are stars in his eyes, "My wife... I'm married to you."
"Yep," she pops the 'p' and leans in to kiss him, "You're stuck with me."
"There's no one else I would rather be stuck with," he murmurs against her lips, "Everything about you just makes me wanna-"
She squeaks, laughing when he pulls her on top of him, "Maybe now, my beloved Alberta, we can start on the fun parts? Get this honeymoon started?"
"I could think of no better way to-..." He frowns when her smile fades and she whispers the words, "Oh no."
"Bunny?" He watches her hurry to the bathroom, "Bunny?!"
"Oh- fuck me!" She groans, followed by a timid, "Daniel...?"
"What's wrong, dove?" He's outside the bathroom door, worry lacing his voice.
"Could you..." she clears her throat, "Could you get me my toiletries bag from my suitcase?"
"Uh... yeah," he starts rummaging through her things until he finds it, handing it to her through the cracked door, "Are you okay?"
"I um... I'm fine," she sounds upset.
"Do you need me to come in or-"
"No no, I'm okay, I'll be out in a minute."
The moment she steps out of the bathroom Daniel's hands are on her shoulders and he's looking her over, "What happened?"
"I-..." she sighs, leaning into him. She buries her face in his chest, "I got my period."
"Is that all?" He let's out an exasperated chuckle, wrapping his arms around her, "You scared me there."
"'M Sorry."
"It's okay Bunny-"
"No," she pulls away, looking up at him, "I'm sorry."
"Don't-... Don't do that," he shakes his head and cups her face, lightly kissing her nose, "You have nothing to apologize for."
"Yeah well it's our honeymoon, and I tried to plan around this," she steps away, arms waving as she talks, "but now I'm early, so we can't-"
"That's enough," he groans, grasping her arms and shutting her up with a kiss, "Come on now, you know I don't care about that. So what if we don't have sex for a few days? As long as you're okay, I'm okay."
She nods, resting her forehead in the crook of his neck.
"That's my girl," he hugs her tight before leaning back, "Pain meds, pizza, and movies?"
"Only if I get cuddles too," she pouts.
"What my princess wants," he lifts her into his arms bridal style, "My princess will get."
"Okay Romeo," she laughs, "As perfect as this sounds I need to change."
He hesitantly sets her down and gestures towards the living room, "I'll go order room service."
He moves to leave, but stops in the doorway, before turning back, striding towards her and kissing her forehead, "I'll go uh... I'll go call for food."
He gives her space to change, calling the room service line and ordering way too much food, pizza, champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, the works.
"There you are, beautiful," he motions her over to the couch with open arms when she shuffles out of the bedrooms in a pair of fluffy pajama pants and one of his sweaters, "Come here and let me kiss it better."
"There we go, nice and close," he pulls her against his chest, "Food should be here soon."
"Yay! Oo-" She smiles, wincing at cramp, "... Ow..."
"Aww, Bunny," He kisses her head and rubs her back, "Let's watch Addams Family, huh?"
"That sounds nice," she mutters against his neck.
"Mmmm- wait! One more thing."
She whines when he slides her off him and stands, heading back into the bedroom, she hears shuffling and a zipper before he comes back out holding the extra comforter.
He wiggles his way back under her, throwing the blanket over them and holding her close, "Much better."
She hums happily, wrapped in his arms and the plush feel of the blanket.
They're nearly finished with the first episode of the day when there's a knock at the door.
"That'll be the food," he says as he tries to get up.
"Nooo," she whines, pulling him back into her arms, "'m comfy."
There's another knock, followed by a muffled 'Room Service'.
"I'm just getting the door Bunny," he laughs when she doesn't let go, "Don't you want food?"
She pouts up at him and he rolls his eyes, moving to pick her up, letting her wrap around him, comforter and all.
He opens the door after the third knock, the man on the otherside looking slightly confused at them.
"She's fine," he assures him, motioning him to come into the room, following behind, being careful to not trip on the blanket.
"Where would you like me to..."
"The coffee table, please," Daniel's eyes flicker to the mass in his arms when he feels her lips against his neck, a light, lingering kiss that made his face heat up, "Thanks."
He slumps back on the couch, her legs on either side of his when they're alone again, his hands softly tracing the curve of her ass.
"Clingy much?" He teases lightly, wrapping a bit of her hair around his finger and looking up at her with those bright blue eyes.
"I'm on my honeymoon," she pouts, leaning in to capture his lips, "I'm allowed to be clingy."
"Mm," he hums against her lips, squeezing her waist, "I like when you're clingy."
"Good, now what did you get?"
Daniel reaches for the remote, turning off the movie they had switched to, looking to where his wife- His Wife, god is his heart gonna do that everytime he thinks about her like that? Anyways, where his wife lay with her head in his lap, her cheeks pink from the champagne. He runs his fingers across the flushed skin, freezing when she stirs slightly, her hand gripping his pant leg, the bright silver ring on her left ring finger catching the light.
As gently as he can, he slides her off him and starts cleaning up the living area. When he's done he gathers her in his arms and brings her to the bedroom.
Daniel Jackson taglist: @mysg1spacemonkey @sgcprometheus @i-am-morrigans-apprentice @malcolm-reeds-pineapple @witching-things @reeseykins @abnormalvampire64 @girl-obsessed-with-things @gatez @just-a-si-fi-nerd @ghostlyfanparadise @mysweetlittledesire @pleasantfankingdom @yungdoki @sun-ni-day @lilyevans1 @witchybitchy-7
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babyen-ami · 3 years
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Lee Heeseung/reader | childhood best friends to lovers | fluff & angst.
Word count: 6.9k
Warnings: depictions of violence, minor character death, alcohol abuse, ideas of self-harm and worthlessness, running away from problems.
Synopsis: Heeseung has always been your best friend. the person that has always supported you through thick and thin. the person with the most beautiful smile, that could light up your whole life. how could you not fall for him?
Notes: This is also published on AO3 under hapenguin. hope you like it!
ⓒ babyen-ami 2021. Do not repost or modify.
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The first memory you had of Heeseung was when You were 4 years old. It was an amazingly simple memory, only him smiling at you, with a big, beautiful smile that Made his eyes crease. It was a bright, sunny day. Hence why you were outside playing. You had been chasing him around the garden when he stopped abruptly making you stumble into him and land on top of him. You held out your hand to prevent any injuries, but that only made the situation first because you put all the weight of the fall on your hand that encountered a branch and fresh blood sprung out. Heeseung looked at you with a sheepish smile while you cried your eyes out. He kept repeating how sorry he was and even through your tears you were able to give him a small smile and tell him it was all forgiven. That was enough for the little boy because he was suddenly offering you the most beautiful and grand smile in the world while he held your other hand. His smile distracted you, it calmed you down. and just like that, tears that had been flowing freely came to a sudden halt. He always had a way of calming you. He was the person that kept you grounded even when you were only 4 years old. And His smiles would always be the reason for your smiles. That specific memory was your favorite image in the world.
When You were fourteen your mother died and even though Heeseung's smile made you feel a bit better at the funeral, it could not make up for what you would have to live from there on out. after that, your father had never been the same. At that age you had to start doing whatever work you could only to pay for the bills, so your drunk of a father could keep up with his habits.
After two weeks of you working your ass off and not being able to hang out with Heeseung, he found out. He had walked to your house only to find your dad passed out on the sofa surrounded by bottles of whiskey. Heeseung waited for you to come home on your porch. You finally made it by nine and the moment he looked at you, you saw in his eyes that he knew everything. "How long?" He asked softly. You grimaced but answered, nonetheless. "He's been drinking since my mom died but I've only been working a few weeks."
He did not say a word after that, only stood up and hugged you. Nobody had hugged you since the funeral, and it was like your mind came to accept the reality all at once. Tears started to slip from your eyes, and you murmured "I'm exhausted."
Two years later, you and Heeseung were a well-oiled machine. He was your rock, the person you could always trust and lean on. While you worked 2 part-time jobs and got home to make dinner for your father, he helped by doing your homework and making sure your father didn't kill himself or break something when he got home smelling like alcohol and drugs. You loved your dad, but you also knew that you shouldn't be forced to deal with all of this. You were only 16 for crying out loud. You also loved Heeseung. He had always been a pretty boy in your eyes. even when you were 6 years old and "boys had cooties" you thought that he was pretty and that his smile could light every aspect of your being. But now... You had no words to explain what he meant to you. Sometimes you would get home and he would be there having tucked your dad into bed and waiting for you with a bowl of ramen. In those moments, the only thing that could cross your mind was how beautiful he was, and how thankful you were for having him, and how much you wanted to kiss him. And then he would follow you to bed and he would smile at you and everything would feel better, all your worries dissipated just by looking at his beautiful smile. Then, he would wait until you fell asleep because he knew that if he left before you fell asleep you would stay up all night worried about a hundred different things. And he would sing for you, and each time that he did, you fought to stay awake wanting to hear his voice forever.
It was the first Saturday you had off in weeks and you woke up early deciding that for one day, you would just forget all of it. You walked to Heeseung's house and were received by his mom. She welcomed you with a big smile and a hug and you asked her if you could go wake up Heeseung. She nodded. "But before you go up, could I talk with you?" She asked. "Oh yeah of course"
She led you into the kitchen and offered you coffee which you gladly accepted. "Heeseung has been getting home very late" she started. "Oh, it's all my fault. I'm so sorry" you said hurriedly. "Oh, no honey don't worry I'm not mad. I talked with him 3 days ago and he explained the situation." Your eyes widened and your gut tightened. You wanted to run back to your house. "H-he told you?" You stammered. "Don't worry and please don't be mad at him. I want to help." "You want to help?" You repeated. "Are you going to repeat everything I say?" She said with a smile. "You are always welcome here, and you can ask me for whatever you need," she added. "That's extremely kind of you. Thank you so much" you said quickly because you could feel the heaviness of tears at the bottom of your throat. "You are like a daughter to me so don't even worry about it, now go wake Heeseung up," she said patting your leg in a motherly fashion.
You landed beside Heeseung's body that was currently sprawled on the bed and he grunted. "Wake up," you said in a sing-song tone. He mumbled something like go away but you kept on insisting until he grabbed you by the waist and tugged you so you were lying beside him and then he did something that made your heartbeat so fast you were scared you would have a heart attack. He held you against him. "No, no Heeseung" you whined "it's my only day off and I am not spending it trying to wake you up" you added. He grunted but let you go. He then proceeded to rub his eyes, sit up and smile the sleepiest smile he could muster.
It was 3 in the afternoon and you were laying on the grass of the park near your house. Heeseung was beside you leaning against a tree. Heeseung had been talking about BigHit entertainment, which was a big company right now in the kpop industry thanks to BTS. Heeseung has always adored music. Even when you were he would always be singing and dancing. It was something he was truly passionate about and you could see it in his eyes every time the topic was brought up. "I mean it's just an idea, they're holding auditions, and well..." He was saying nervously as he looked at your blank face. The words in question brought you out of your reverie. "You should totally do it," you said, frankly. "But that means I would have to move to Seoul and it's..." He trailed off. "First make sure you pass the audition. Seungie let's take this one step at a time." You were sure he would pass the audition. He was incredibly talented, and any company would be lucky to have him. You had to tell him to chase his dreams no matter how much it hurt you to see him leave. "Yeah, you're right. Wait! Did you just call me Seungie?" He asked and you just smiled sheepishly at him. "You haven't called me that since we were like ten," he said with a smile.
The auditions passed and the results came. Of course, Heeseung had made it, he was incredibly talented. He came running all the way to your house to tell you that he had passed, only to find you picking up pieces of glass that were scattered all over the living room. "What happened?" He asked forgetting all about the audition. "He hadn't been home in a couple of days and when he got here, I told him that he couldn't just disappear and that I was worried. He started fighting with me and threw the bottle of whiskey against the wall" you answered and carried on with picking up the pieces of the bottle. Heeseung knew it wasn't the best time to tell you, but he had to. "I got in. I'm gonna be a trainee for BigHit" he said quietly. The statement caught you so off base that a piece of glass slipped from your hands and in your reflex to catch it, you cut your hand. "Ow!" You gasped.
You were both in the bathroom. You were sitting on the edge of the sink while he tended to your cut. "I'm not gonna go to Seoul," he said. "What, why not?" You asked immediately. "I can't leave you..." He almost whispered. But you heard him loud and clear. "Don't worry about me. I mean, of course, having your help has been a gift, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I stopped you from following your dream" you said firmly "I'm a big girl now, I can take care of myself. Plus, I'm not alone, I have your mom" you added looking him in the eyes. He had just finished putting a band-aid over the cut and his fingers moved up to grab your wrist and pull you down from the sink, while he kept on looking into your eyes. You had always been short. But right now, looking in his eyes, you had to tilt your chin up to be able to do it. He leaned his head down and all the alarms in your mind started going off like crazy. Was he going to kiss you? he was looking at you so heavily and his eyes would drift quickly to your lips and then back up to your eyes. This was it; you were finally going to kiss Heeseung. But before anything else could happen you heard your father yell your name making the both of you jump apart.
The chatter of passenger's surrounded you while you walked next to Heeseung and his family to the gate of the train in which your best friend would be going off to achieve his dream. Your mind was cluttered, and your heartfelt heavy with all of the emotions you were feeling. You were unbelievably proud of him and sure that he would prove just how talented he was. But at the same time, you couldn't help but think about how hard it was going to be without him. Not only were you going to miss him helping you out with all your problems, but you were also going to miss him as your best friend.
After the almost-kiss-incident in the bathroom the other day, you had decided that you were gonna kiss him goodbye today. You couldn’t live with yourself if he left without knowing how you felt for him. plus, you were a hundred percent sure that he would debut, and he would become famous, so you were also a hundred percent sure that you would probably not be seeing much of Heeseung again. It was now or never.
He suddenly stopped and you crashed lightly into him. You were in front of his gate. Heeseung said his goodbyes to his family and his mother started crying softly, so he hugged her again and whispered soothing words in her ear. He then turned to you. There were already unshed tears filling your eyes and he grimaced, grabbing your hand. He hugged you and whispered in your ear "what if I don't leave?" when he said those words, you felt a chill run through you. What if you kissed him and that just increases his desire to not leave? It was only a what-if, but you couldn’t risk making that what if come true. So, you refrained from kissing him.
You pushed him lightly so you could look into his eyes. "If you don't leave, I'm gonna drag you there by your ear," you said sternly. "But... I'm going to miss you" he said sheepishly. "And I'm going to miss you, but we'll talk every chance we get," you said but he still looked torn on whether to get on the waiting train or not. "I'm gonna be fine," you said and shoved him subtly in the direction of the train "go," you told him softly, but he didn't move. He just kept looking at you. So, you shoved him harder "go," you said louder this time. He gave you one last glance and then turned around to get on the train.
It was difficult talking with Heeseung, he was always rehearsing or extremely tired, and you were always working or taking care of your father. But even though it was hard, your chat could show just how much you told each other about your day-to-day. He would talk to you about the song he was currently practicing, and you would tell him about the weird customer that came into the restaurant that day.
two whole years passed this way. dying to see each other but never really having the time or energy. You knew Heeseung called his mother at least once a week, but you were never there when he did. So that's why you considered it extremely weird to have him calling you while he knew you were at work. You chanced a glance at your boss only to see she was busy, so you answered the video call. You were met with his beautiful smiling face. You had seen many pictures that he normally sent to his mom but seeing him smiling in real-time even if it was through a screen made your heart flutter. He had gotten even more handsome if that was possible. "It's been way too long," he said "I've missed your ugly face," he added teasingly. you rolled your eyes but smiled, nonetheless. "I'm at work, can we talk later?" you whispered. "right sorry, it's just something really quick," he told you and then added, "you know the series Big hit and Belift are making to see who the next band to debut will be?" you hummed in agreement and he continued "well I got in." A huge smile made its way onto your face "Seungie that's amazing!" you all but screamed and your boss turned to look at you with a scowl. "Does your mom know? she's going to be so excited." He laughed looking at you fondly "no, you're the first person I wanted to tell" his eyes showed a certain softness that you couldn't quite pinpoint but made you feel giddy. "you're gonna do amazing," you said. "thanks" A weird silence settled over the both of you before he blurted out "I miss you" at the same time your boss grabbed your phone and hung up the call.
Once I-land was announced and the schedule was set for each Friday, you negotiated working extra hours on other days just so you could see Heeseung and feel proud of him. it was the first Friday I-land would be airing and you were currently sitting on the floor of Heeseung's house. His mother and father were both on the couch and his brother was on the individual sofa. "I can't believe my little brother is going to be in a series," His brother said, and you smiled openly proud. "shush it's starting," Mrs. Lee said patting her son's leg.
I-land was a beautiful place, and you were almost jealous of Heeseung. It was surreal seeing him on TV, and he looked so handsome. It was also funny seeing all the other boys fawn over their Hyung. You weren't even surprised when he got into I-land. He was that talented. Seeing him, looking so happy made you happy too. As it had always been, His smile made you smile too. You hadn't felt your heart so light since he had left. It was the best day you had in a while, but that only lasted until you got home. You had stayed at the Lee's household way longer than you would have stayed at work, and for that reason, you weren't home to pick your dad from the stairs and get him into bed.
When you stepped into the house, it was deadly quiet, but your father was sitting calmly in the living room. When he saw you walk in, he spoke. "Where have you been?" "At Heeseung's house," you said. You didn't understand, he didn't seem drunk, but you still couldn't remember the last time he had not been drunk. "Oh, so while you whore around I have to starve to death?" He asked hotly. you walked closer to your father and sniffed him. He reeked of alcohol. "and here I was thinking you could actually be sober" you murmured walking over to the kitchen to make him some dinner.
When you walked to the living room with a hot plate of food, you found your dad sprawled out drinking directly from a bottle. You grabbed his wrist and took the bottle away from him. "no, if I'm going to make you dinner and keep on looking after you, you have to at least drink less!" you exclaimed filled with rage. "you're just a little bitch" he growled and pushed you, making the hot soup land on your arm. Your father grabs the bottle and leaves you to clean up.
Heeseung was sitting eating breakfast while everybody talked cheerfully. "What's wrong Heeseung Hyung?" Jungwon asked and almost everyone turned to look at him. "What do you mean?" "Well, you seem kind of quiet" Geonu chirped. "It's just because I miss my family, I wish I could call them" Heeseung answered simply. "But that's not it," K Hyung said "I mean, we all miss our family" he added looking firmly at Heeseung. "There's a girl!" K exclaimed after a while. It was as if all hell had broken loose. "Tell us about her" somebody yelled and Heeseung felt himself blush. "No, no there's no girl”. "Then why are you blushing?" K asked. Heeseung groaned loudly and said, "her name is y/n, she's my best friend and she has no idea that I like her."
It was the Fourth Friday the show had been airing, and you were currently sprawled on the couch in the Lee's living room. You had now learned to leave food on the table for your dad, and to hide every alcohol bottle in the house. But it seemed you hadn't hidden them well enough because when you walked into your house you found your dad sitting on the living room floor drunk out of his mind and crying over a picture of your mom. All the lights in the house were off and the only light was in the form of a candle surrounding your father. you went to turn on some lights but even if you moved the switch, it wouldn’t turn on. You had forgotten to pay the electric bill. You walked clutching the wall all the way to the bathroom and looked under the loose floorboard where you kept the emergency money. It would all be fine. You would go first thing tomorrow and pay the bill. Except it wasn’t going to be okay. There was no money.
“Dad… did you take the money?” you asked. “yeah! bought some whiskey” he murmured happily and that was your limit for today. You felt tears slip down your cheeks as you ran all the way to the familiar door. The door where Heeseung had always waited for you with open arms. The only difference was that this time, the door opened to reveal a Lee that wasn’t the Lee you wanted. But you still let him envelop you in his open arms…
The next day you sold your phone to be able to pay for the electricity bill, and also save up a little bit. A month ago, the idea of selling your cell phone was completely out of the picture, because it was the only thing that kept you connected to Heeseung. But now… he was busy, and would probably be busy from here on, so you wouldn’t need to keep in contact with him.
Once Heeseung got hold of his phone again, the first person he called, to tell that he had made it to the second part of I-land, was you. But you didn’t answer, all he heard was a beep and a mechanical voice informing him the line had been disconnected. He felt himself grow worried immediately. He called his mom. She answered after two rings. “I got into the second part of the show,” he said almost breathlessly, and his mom screamed in joy. “I knew you would make it; you are so talented. my boy,” she said happily and they both spoke for a while before Heeseung asked. “What happened to y/n’s phone?” “she sold it” was his mother’s short answer “she is probably coming by later if you want to talk to her” she added. “Yeah, I’ll call later,” he said. But he didn’t call. It felt weird not knowing everything that was going on in his best friend’s life. Was this how it was going to be from now on? he hated to think that way, but it seemed as if you didn’t need him anymore.
The second part of I-land started and although you wanted to support Heeseung so badly, you just couldn’t because you were working extra shifts, saving up money, finding ways to stop your father from drinking, and trying to hold yourself up by putting together the pieces of your heart with tape. You had been sleeping at Heeseung’s family house to avoid interactions with your father, but you needed to get some clothes and things from the house. You gathered your courage and opened the door to the house and stepped inside. The house was completely quiet and the sight that greeted you made your blood run cold.
your father was passed out drunk in the middle of the living room. You swore loudly and dropped to the floor beside him to take his pulse. his heart was beating as strong as ever. You knew the best option was to take him to the emergency room, but you didn’t have a car, you didn’t have the money and you didn’t have the will to answer all the questions that were bound to be thrown your way in the hospital. So, gathering all your strength, you dragged your dad to the couch and then proceeded to tuck him in comfortably with a blanket. You decided to take his pulse every few minutes to make sure everything was okay; you also grabbed a bucket to put beside his face for when he started throwing up.
After about an hour you were starting to get extremely worried. tears were streaming down your face and your heart filled with so many emotions you couldn’t understand anything. You were angry at him because he was supposed to be your father, he should be taking care of you, making you happy, but here he was making you grow up before you had to. It wasn’t fair that you had to live through all of this. You were sad and worried because you didn’t want anything to happen to him. Yes, he was horrible with you, and most of the time you hated him, but he was still your father. You were also angry at yourself for feeling sorry for the person who had made your life miserable. Your dad suddenly grunted and stirred on the couch. You felt like oxygen could finally enter your lungs.
You had already grabbed everything you needed and put it into a backpack. Seeing as you had nothing else to do while he woke up, you let anger overtake you. Angry tears streamed down your face as you raided the house looking for every bottle of alcohol you could find. gathering everything in the kitchen, you started opening them and emptying them in the sink not caring about how much noise you were making, and that was your mistake. You were down to the last bottle when you heard a loud cry behind you, and a pair of hands grabbed you, flinging you to the other side of the kitchen.
Your cheek impacted against the oven and you felt something hot trickle down and mingle with your tears. “WHAT DID YOU DO!?” your father asked, and you looked at him blabbering like a fish out of the water “since you decided to be a bitch, give me money to buy more” he added firmly, and although you were shaking with all your might, you said “no” “What did you say?” he said, approaching you and you scrambled to your feet. “I said no!” you screamed “I deserve a father, not this poor attempt you’ve been giving me. You always talk about how YOU lost her, how YOU miss her, how YOU don’t know how to live without her. But let me tell you that I LOST HER TOO!” you continued “and not only did I lose her, but I also lost you too” you finished only to feel a hard slap against your bleeding cheek.
You could see so much anger in his eyes, you immediately started backing up until your back hit the wall. He walked to you and clasped his hand around your throat. “Don’t you fucking dare talk about her” he said through clenched teeth. You were trying but failing miserably at getting air in your system and he seemed to notice you were becoming purple because he let go. You dropped to the ground panting wildly trying to compose your erratic breathing and he kicked you. You grunted in pain. “leave and don’t ever come back,” he said “I don’t even want to see you in this town. If you stay here I’ll know where to find you and not only will I hurt you, but I will also hurt your precious boyfriend’s family” He finished menacingly and you ran grabbing the backpack on your way out. It was already getting dark, so you knew you would have to wait until tomorrow to be able to do something. You decided to go to the people that had treated you better than your own family.
Mrs. Lee heard a knock on the door and went to open it, knowing she would find y/n on the other side. But what she couldn’t have known was that she would find y/n crying, with blood all over her face and the beginning of bruises on her neck. “God! what happened?” she asked worriedly ushering you in. you could barely talk, but in between your sobs, you managed to choke out “my dad” and Mrs. Lee didn’t need any more information to understand what had happened.
Heeseung had no way of knowing that while he was celebrating having obtained second place in the test for that week, you were having the worst day of your life. His prize for obtaining second place was the right to make one phone call. He immediately thought of you, but then remembered you didn’t have a phone anymore. He settled with calling his brother who answered on the fifth ring. “Hello?” “Hyung” Heeseung greeted happily.
You were standing in the kitchen with Heeseung’s brother talking about what had happened when his phone rang. After picking it up a giant smile spread on his face. “Heeseung-ah!” he exclaimed, “what’s going on?” you could hear Heeseung’s giggles through the phone, so when his brother looked at you asking for permission to tell him what had happened, you softly shook your head.
Heeseung laughed loudly as his brother made fun of him and told him that Jay was more handsome than him. He then spoke with his mom, who gave him encouraging words and told him how much she missed and loved him. All this while he knew the cameras were on him, but to speak with the person he wanted to speak to, he wanted to be truly alone. So, he headed to the bathroom. “Mom is y/n there?” he asked softly before his mother could hang up.
what Heeseung didn’t know was that he was on speaker mode and you had heard everything. you nodded softly at Heeseung’s mom and she handed you the phone. “hi” you breathed and Heeseung felt as if his heart wanted to leave his body and find yours. “I’ve missed you,” he said, and you told him that you had also missed him. “I know you probably don’t have much time so I’ll be quick” you started “you are doing amazing on the show and I know for sure that you will debut, and you will be a great idol, and you will help thousands of people to be better just like you did with me.” “Why are you speaking like this?” he asked. “let me finish,” you said, and he kept quiet so you continued “just promise me you won’t forget who you are, and whenever you feel like you can’t, remember all the times you helped me achieve something and believe I am right there with you helping you achieve it” you exhaled and he whispered, “I promise.” “Seungie” you also whispered. “yeah?” “I like you, as more than a friend. I have for a while now” you told him “and don’t say anything, go win the competition and then we’ll talk.” you said your goodbyes and you both stared at the phone similarly, except that the emotions for both of you were completely different.
He was looking at the phone with the biggest smile he could muster. He was genuinely happy. You liked him and he liked you. And once he got to debut and everything, he would help you leave your father’s house, and you would both be happy. He couldn’t wait for what tomorrow would bring. You were looking at the phone while tears dripped down your face, knowing that that was the last time you would speak to him because the next day you would be leaving and not looking back. You dreaded what tomorrow would bring.
Heeseung was picked through the global vote, to debut as a member of Enhypen. Once he was backstage getting ready for a photoshoot after the results had been announced, Heeseung called his mom. He was begging that you were there with her. "Mom!" He said happily. "Honey we just saw it all live. We are so proud of you" she said and after a couple of questions from her, Heeseung was finally able to ask the question that he had been dying to ask since his mom had picked up. "Is y/n there?" he asked. “Heeseung… Uhm...she left.” “oh, isn’t it late for her to be working?” “No Heeseung-ah, things hadn’t been great between y/n and her father, she was basically living here. The day you called, she had gone home to get some things and she came back beaten black and blue. He almost killed her. You called but she didn’t want to worry or distract you with her problems, we didn’t think much of it because we assumed, she would eventually tell you everything. But the next day, we woke up and she was gone with all her things, and we haven’t heard anything from her… that was weeks ago” His mom said. A heavy silence settled between them. “Are you okay honey?” his mother asked worriedly. “I-I am mom… C-can I call you lat-ter?” he stuttered quickly into the phone and before she could give an affirmative, he was already hanging up.
Heeseung thought he was gonna be sick. Fuck, fuck you were gone, and he had no idea what to do to find you. He couldn’t call you; you had no phone. He couldn’t ask your father… because well he was a bastard. They couldn’t report you as a missing person because you were an adult, and they weren’t your family. He felt the beginning of a panic attack. He couldn’t breathe knowing that he might never see you again, never hug you again, he would never be able to kiss you, and that hurt. Jungwon noticed his Hyung was looking pale and having trouble breathing on the car ride to their new dorm. “are you okay?” he asked but Heeseung was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t seem to hear him. all the boys looked at Heeseung waiting for his answer, but nothing came. Sunoo shoved his elder lightly and Heeseung snapped out of it looking at them with an almost scared look on his face. The other boys were worried, but they also knew that they were being recorded for “Enhypen & Hi” so when Heeseung said he would tell them later, they all agreed quietly. Once they were all in the comfort of their own beds and the cameras had been turned off, Heeseung told them everything. From the death of your mother, his feelings for you, your feelings for him, your abusive father, and the fact you had run away, and he would never see you again. None of the boys knew what to say. They understood why you had run away, but they could also see how much it was hurting their Hyung. They couldn’t do much more than telling Heeseung that everything would be fine, even when they had no idea if that was true.
Heeseung debuted. Of course, he debuted. He was talented, kind-hearted, and drop-dead gorgeous. You felt proud.
But you also felt broken...
You were currently working cleaning tables and washing dishes in a run-down restaurant. The pay wasn’t the best, but it was what you could get. It kept you alive, fed... with a roof over your head, but most importantly safe and away from your dad. You missed the Lee’s, missed Heeseung’s mom’s delightful cooking and their warm house. You missed their stories and their affection. But most of all you missed Heeseung. And seeing him on tv doing interviews, talking about his inspirations, and looking the happiest you had ever seen him, or on billboards looking fantastic modeling some new item of clothing or announcing some brand, was a bittersweet pill. It was bitter because you were selfish. And you wanted to be with him, you wanted his beautiful smiles to be only for you like they always had been. You were also jealous of the girls who now got to hear him sing, and you wished that things were different. But they weren’t different and there was nothing you could do about it. But it was sweet because you loved him, and he was happy. He had achieved his goals and the band had now been going for two years strong. He was a fan favorite, he had money, he was surrounded by friends, and still had a good relationship with his family. And at the end of the day, you really couldn’t ask for more. If he was happy, so were you.
It had been almost four years since you had run away. You were sharing an apartment in a neighborhood where you finally didn’t have to worry about somebody breaking and entering in the middle of the night. Your roommate was your co-worker at one of the finest restaurants in Seoul. You were a waitress, and the pay was good. you finally felt financially and emotionally stable. Your life finally felt okay. Of course, you still missed Heeseung, he was the love of your life. But you didn’t think about him as often. You knew he was still a part of Enhypen because you saw him in ads and interviews, but you didn’t try to know much about him because it didn’t do you any good to still be pining after him. You had to move on.
The two maknaes had been yapping Heeseung’s ears off for about a week, constantly talking about the new hip restaurant in Seoul and how they were really dying to go try it. He wasn’t surprised when their manager told them that everything had been arranged and they would be going to dinner at that restaurant. supposedly, the restaurant had really good food and a very hip theme, but he really hadn’t paid much attention to what Sunoo had been saying.
you arrived for your shift at the restaurant and your boss Mina called you to the side before you could start. “Y/n-shi, I just wanted to ask if you could handle a couple of VIP customers that are coming at seven,” she said. “Uhm yeah of course” “Great, the hostess will guide them to their separate table and tell you so you can serve them. Is that alright?” Mina asked. “Yeah, it’s fine,” you said, and she reminded you to be on your best behavior before leaving you to work.
The hostess guided them to a separate room with a courteous smile and Heeseung sat in between jake and jay. They were handed menus and told their waitress would be with them in a bit. The boys were talking loudly while Heeseung had his head stuck in the menu reading over what he wanted to eat.
The hostess of the restaurant told you that the VIP customers were waiting at their private table, so you started walking there while you redid your high ponytail. once you got to the table you cleared your throat and grabbed your notepad and your pen. “Hello, my name is y/n and I will be your server tonight,” you said without looking up. And you did not look up until you heard an interested sound. In front of you were the boys from Enhypen and a very pale-looking Heeseung.
“Oh! you have the same name as the girl Hyung used to love” The one you recognized as Niki said looking at Heeseung and then back at you. Niki noticed you were both looking at each other with your eyes wide open and pale in the face and immediately shut up. Heeseung was here. sitting right in front of you. He looked so grown up, and so handsome. seeing him there made you want to just go up to him and hug him. “it’s really you?” Heeseung said almost in a whisper “I’m not dreaming?” he added and that snapped you out of your thoughts. “I-can get-t someone else to waiter you if-f it’s too uncomfortable” you rushed out tripping over your words. You turned hastily around ready to bolt out of the room before you had to face further embarrassment. “wait!” a voice called, but it wasn’t Heeseung’s. You turned back to them “you’re really Heeseung’s y/n?” Jungwon added. your heart fluttered wildly at the thought of being Heeseung’s. You were lost for words, so you nodded softly playing with your hands. Jay suddenly spoke up “uhm… let’s all go to the bathroom,” he said awkwardly shoving all of the members in the direction of the bathroom so you and Heeseung could talk in private.
Heeseung could feel his hands sweating. He no longer knew how to talk to you, or at least he didn’t know how to start this conversation. “I missed you” he suddenly blurted out and saw how your cheeks filled with color. “I missed you too,” you said, and he felt his heart start to thump at a crazy pace. During the last few years, he had told his members many times that he was over you, but that just wasn’t true. He decided to stand up because it felt weird having this conversation when you were both in different levels of height. “Why didn’t you tell me about what happened with your dad?” he asked, “or why didn’t you stay and let my family help you?” he added. “he threatened me, that if I stayed, he would not only harm me but also your family and I...” you let silence overtake the room while you put your ideas in order. “I just couldn’t let that happen.” Your eyes showed so much emotion that he took a step closer and you took a shaky intake of breath. “And I didn’t tell you because you would’ve wanted to help, but I couldn’t ask for your help when you were that close to achieving your dreams,” you said looking at the wall on your left. Heeseung suddenly invaded your personal space and engulfed you in a hug. you were frozen to the spot for a couple of seconds, but then you hugged him back. “I am so glad you are okay. I was so worried” he whispered into the hug and you felt tears start to sting at your eyes. “You told me the night I called you that you liked me, do you still like me?” he asked, and you gave a shy nod. His eyes lit up and he grabbed your chin. “That night, you also told me not to say anything until I debuted, and I finally debuted. So here it is I love you, I have for a while now” he said and let his hand engulf your cheek while his lips came onto yours in a kiss.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Turn for the Better
Someone To Stay Ch. 1
Spencer x fem!reader
Spencer POV:
I open my eyes and glance around the room. It's darker than I remember. I must have fallen asleep reading on the couch again. I glance down and see a pile of books on the rug. Oh yeah...I only made it through about four books this time before I nodded off. I sigh in frustration that I'm awake. Might as well get up I suppose.
I wander into the kitchen and pull open the fridge only to be met with a jar of peanut butter, week old left overs, and a half empty jug of juice. Next.
I try again with the pantry. Almost completely bare. I guess this is what happens when you stop going to the grocery store. I settle on a cup of apple juice and a bag of chips... better than nothing right?
I slump back down onto the couch and pull my green wool blanket over me. As I stare up at my ceiling, as I begin to let my mind wander. But this was dangerous territory. I have to keep my mind occupied, I just have to. So I quickly sit back up and turn the TV to one of my favorite Dr. Who episodes. They say that anxious people re-watch the same shows because they find the familiarity comforting. I could definitely understand the feeling.
It was the weekend, which meant I wasn't called into work. Cases had been slow lately, as we spent quite a bit of time doing paperwork back at the office. Unfortunately for me, this meant less distractions. Distractions were good. Distractions were necessary. They are the only way I make it through the days anymore.
Things had finally returned to normal for me back at work. I was going into the field, and it felt like my coworkers were no longer tiptoeing around me. I hate when they do that, and it bothers me more than any amount of teasing ever could. I'm not so delicate, so easily breakable. Look at everything I have been through, everything I have endured. Yet here I am, still alive, still doing my job. I didn't need to be babied. So it was a relief when I felt the regular rapport I shared with my friends return. They had gone back to the sarcastic remarks and silly nicknames. I was grateful for it. They did, however, continue to check up on me. This was something that I did appreciate. They've seen me go down a dark road once before. I have no intentions of ever returning. I was stronger than that... I think. All I know is I have held on this long without resorting to any unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Coping mechanisms...oh how I wish I had something to make the healing process easier. Having a fairly empty social calendar left me alone often. Normally I would find comfort in the peace and quiet of my solitary apartment, but not quite so much lately. I couldn't very well make plans to go out, and I wouldn't even know how to begin to do that. Who would want to hang out with me right now anyways? I'd be a damper on the fun, and everyone knows it. That's probably why my friends stopped inviting me to the nights at the bar.
There I go again, letting my mind slip into a dark hole of anxiety. Its not a safe place to be. I quickly turn my attention back to the show in front of me, letting it drown out all other thoughts.
The ring of my phone quickly draws my attention away. Finally...another case! I jump up to answer, seeing the name on my screen: Derek Morgan. That's odd. Usually Hotch or Garcia call to notify us of a new case.
"Hello?" I answer, confusion lacing my voice.
"Pretty Boy! Buzz me up!"
Well now I'm even more confused. Derek never comes to my apartment. I quickly press the button letting him into the building and opening my apartment door, waiting for him to arrive.
As he comes up the stairs, he gives me a grin shouting, "Come on man! Get dressed. We're goin' out!"
I roll my eyes and retreat back into the apartment, Derek close behind me.
I sink back onto the couch, my eyes glued to the television as I tune him out.
"Aw c'mon. Don't be like that. How long have you been sitting there watching TV? Have you done anything else today, at all?"
I don't answer, I don't even look at him.
"Oh, let me guess. You've been reading all day, huh?"
"Wow, can't get anything past you huh?" I say dryly, regretting my tone as soon as the words left my mouth.
"Alright that it. You've been cooped up in here too long. Like I said before, we're going out. And I'm not taking no for an answer" he says sternly, raising an eyebrow at me.
I finally look up at him as I roll my eyes.
"You know I can kick your ass right?" Derek smirks.
"Fine" I concede. "Well...where are we going? I don't know what to wear unless you tell me what our plans are."
"Don't pretend you don't wear the same fancy button ups no matter where you end up going."
I let out a small laugh...he's got me there.
"Dinner at Rossi's. I know pretty boys are high maintenance but, hurry up or you'll make us late!" I smile at the nickname. Same old Derek.
You let out a sigh of relief as you watched your coworker approach you, ready to receive report. It had been a particularly busy shift, and you were ready to get some much-needed rest. You walked to each patient room, giving Clementine summary of the day and the latest updates on labs and vital signs. You stepped into each room with her, checking one last time to make sure each of your patients was doing well and didn't need anything else before you left. Normally you and Clem would spend some time catching up and making jokes, but she could tell you were tired and needed to be home more than anything. You wished her good luck on her shift as you made your way to the break room. After putting away your stethoscope and the large collection of pens, pencils, and markers you kept in your pockets, you finally headed towards the elevator to leave for the day.
You opened the door to your apartment to be greeted by your dog, Juneau. She was a rescue you adopted a few months back. She still needed to make progress, but she had really warmed up to you and your friends and seemed much more comfortable in her new home. After feeding her dinner and taking her for a short walk, you heated up a quick frozen dinner and sunk into your couch.  Curling up in your blanket, you spent a few minutes browsing through different streaming services only to land on The Office, as usual.  Your mind drifts to what your next few days might consist off. You just so happened to land 4 days off in a row, but you had no idea how you would spend your time. You glanced down at your phone as it lit up.  It was your Uncle Will.
"Hey, whats up!" you chimed, glad to hear from your favorite uncle.
"Hey, (Y/N). I'm actually calling to invite you to a dinner some friends of mine are having tomorrow night. I know your schedule is real busy. But I haven't seen you much since you moved up here to Virginia! I know you haven't met many people here yet, but I think I can help you make a start. "
The kind gesture made you smile. You had always been fairly close with your father's side of the family. He had grown up in Louisiana and met your mother at a college in Texas. You spent your childhood in Houston but frequently visited the Cajun half of your family. Uncle Will had moved away once he fell in love with Jenifer Jareau, his now wife, and you hadn't seem much of him the past few years. But as luck would have it, your nursing career had lead you to a hospital in Fredericksburg, VA. You felt extremely lucky to have family nearby, or else you would have been completely alone. But sometimes you still felt that way, which is why you were so grateful for his offer.
"That actually sounds great! I am off for the next four days, and I didn't really have anything planned. Who will I be meeting at this dinner?"
"Well it's some of JJ's coworkers. They're like a second family to us, and I know they'll be just as welcoming to you. I already told them you moved up here, and they've been begging to meet you."
"Aww I can't wait to see Aunt JJ and my sweet little cousin, Henry! Its been so long since I came to visit you guys. I think Henry was barely two years old the last time I saw him."
"Well we all hope to see you a lot more now that you're here. You're like a daughter to us, Y/N. You are welcome to visit any time you like. I know nursing is a stressful job, and it can take a toll. Its important to have family and friends around you when things get tough." You could hear that this was a genuine offer and you fully planned to take him up on it in the future. Being alone in a new state was taking its toll.
"So where and when should I plan to meet for dinner?"
"I'll text you the address real quick. Everyone is planning to meet around 6. It shouldn't be too far of a drive. It's one of JJ's coworker's houses. David Rossi. He's a real easygoing guy, and he loves cooking for everyone. He loves meeting new people even more, so you should feel right at home!"
"Sounds like a fun time. Thank you again for thinking to invite me. I'm really looking forward to it!"
"Alright boo, talk to you later."
You smiled at the pet name used by the entire Louisiana side of your family. I guess the north had yet to steal his southern roots. You hung up the phone. You finally had plans. It would be nice to talk to someone who wasn't a coworker.  It would also be your first excuse to dress up since moving and starting your new job. Too excited to wait, you jumped up from the couch and began to rifle through your closet for something to wear. You didn't want to be too over or underdressed. You grabbed a black spaghetti strap fit and flare dress and throw it on with some black panty hose, a lightweight maroon cardigan, and some black heels. You snapped a quick photo in the mirror and shoot a text to Aunt JJ.
Y/N: Apparently I'm joining y'all for dinner tomorrow night...is this too much???
Aunt JJ: I heard! I can't wait!
And oh my goodness, no! You look gorgeous! It will be perfect.
Also...Henry is so excited to see you!
You smiled, more confident in your choice. Aunt JJ had great taste. You had only had the chance to meet her in person a couple times, but the two of you had clicked right away and stayed in touch over text and Facetime. Sometimes she felt more like the sister you never had.
Starting to feel the effects of your particularly difficult shift, you start to get ready for bed. You wanted to be well rested for tomorrow. You say goodnight to Juneau and crawl into bed, snuggled under all the blankets. You fall asleep with a smile on your face, with the feeling that things in your life are about to take a turn for the better. You couldn't explain it...but somehow you just knew.
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gentlemancrow · 3 years
Tagged by both @pocketsizedquasar and @distortingbones!!
1- Why did you choose your url?
I absolutely ADORE crows/ravens/corvids in general and my usernames/urls have had something to do with crows/corvids since UHHH like college-ish?? My primary one used to be "TheCrowsFeather" but then I eventually decided I liked the image of a dapper lil Crow in like... a lil top hat with a monocle and spats on his feet and GentlemanCrow sounded really cute?? Also with the added benefit of people being able to shorten it to just call me "Crow" online and I liked that too!
2- Any side blogs?
Nooooot really? I have one set aside for my original works of fiction but since I don't have too terribly much written I don't actually use it?? AKSJhfajsf
3- How long have you been on tumblr?
OH crap uhhh I think I made this blog originally in summer 2011?? I used it pretty extensively/primarily until about 2016ish when most of my friends gravitated toward Tw*tter instead. So there's a gap there! I picked it back up this past summer to ravenously consume TMA content and post my fan fics since this seemed to be the place where the most fan content for that series lived, so here I am again! :>
4- Do you have a queue tag?
5- Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Honestly my friends bullied me into it I had literally no idea what it was or what to post BUT I GOT THE HANG OF IT AKJHFSKS.
6- Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
OH THAT UHHHH. Shit I've had that for literal YEARS now it was a cute little simplified face picrew type thing and my best friend and I made matching birbs! They don't use tumblr anymore, but it's still cute so I just haven't bothered to change it lmao!
7- Why did you choose your header?
I will forever laugh at the joke/pun of two crows together being an attempted murder, so I just found a picture with the text already on it and slapped it up there ffffft
8-What’s your post with the most notes?
I have 2 that INEXPLICABLY BLEW UP back in the day This one about Big Hero 6 And this one about getting a refund on adulthood
Both of which were typed up on a whim when I was having emotions and I still have no clue why they blew up the way they did :T
9- How many mutuals do you have?
Wait this is a thing you can know?? Like is there a way to find out other than counting the lil green icon dealies?? CAUSE YEAH NO CLUE
10- How many followers do you have?
UM 681 but that list is inaccurate due to my VERY long absence from tumblr I'm ABSOLUTELY certain at least half of those blogs have been abandoned/don't exist anymore ahah >> It's probably closer to like... 50-100 or so given the count I have accrued posting TMA stuff and ones that are still active?
11- How many people do you follow?
691! But again a LOT of those are probably dead!
12- Have you ever made a shitpost?
Maybe? What counts as a shitpost these days anyway :T
13- How often do you use Tumblr each day?
I have a very reliable scroll through my dash at about 5:50 am after my alarm clock goes off and I'm trying to be awake enough to actually leave bed! Then usually I'll scroll through a little on my prep period at work, then I'll just casually have it open in the BG in the evening while I write/watch TV etc
14- Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No?? I am neither important nor influential enough to have quarreled with anyone on the tumblr dot coms
15- How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
NEXT. Tho honestly I don't see them like ever except to mention how shitty they are? I must follow the right people fffft
16- Do you like tag games?
OH YES! I almost NEVER get tagged in them though so this was absolutely a treat ; w ;
17- Do you like ask games?
18-Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
UHHHH... I honestly have no clue? Maybe not Tumblr famous but maybe a few of them are fandom famous?? AGAIN I AM BUT A SMOL AND HUMBLE BIRB WITH A TINY FOLLOWING AKSJHFDKAS
19- Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Oh balls um this is the hard part tagging someone IF YOU WERE ALREADY TAGGED SO SORRY but maybe @bowtiesandfireflies @clarionglass @lucky-numberme and also just if you see this on your dash and you wanna do it consider yourself also tagged by me! ; w ;
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You And I
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Words: 3000ish
Warnings: Mentions of alcoholism, implies smut
Summary: It’s been 6 years since Y/N left town, 6 years since she broke Sweet Pea’s heart and they’re about to come face to face once again. Will she be able to win him back?
Notes: A request by @sleepingintheconstellations based on the song You and I by Lady Gaga, I hope I did it justice!
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You ride into town the same way you left, alone on a motorcycle and a serpent jacket on your back.
Jaw clenched, fists tight, you ignore the feelings bubbling at the pit of your stomach.
You pass the welcoming sign, 'Riverdale the town with prep!' and scoffs at the thought.
There's no turning back now.
The bike slows naturally until it's stopped at the road side. You tells yourself it's just to think, a brief pause in your journey and not because you're so nervous your heartbeat is almost as loud as the engine.
You think about heading to the trailer park, but you aren't sure if the others even live there anymore. You wonder about the White Wyrm and the kind of greeting you'd get if you just walked through the doors. You eventually decide on heading to Pop's Chocklit Shoppe, the diner always being a safe haven amongst the chaos of the town and the idea of a strawberry milkshake helps cement your decision.
You roll into the car park with a lump in your throat and a weird sense of nostalgia. You’re surprised to see nothings changed, it’s oddly comforting and terrifying at the same time.
You inhale sharply, push back your shoulders and walk inside. Pop Tate’s smile is wide as he greets you and tells you he’s glad to see you back in town. Your walls start to come down at his familiar face but then he points to a booth a few rows back and suddenly your knees feel weak.
You can make out the flash of pink hair that she still hasn’t changed and his laugh is just as warm as ever as it fills the restaurant. Your first few steps are shaky but as you draw closer you gain more confidence, enough to slide into the booth next to a confused Toni Topaz with a smirk on your face.
“Hey strangers.” Fangs drops the fry that’s half way to his mouth, jaw hanging open while Toni looks like she doesn’t know whether to hug you or kick you off the seat. “Did you miss me?”
You stare at your cold burger, a meal you had craved so many times while you were half way across the world and now you had it, it sat barely touched. You’d started to drowned the pair out, they couldn’t stop talking yet they avoided the one thing you wanted to hear about most.
Once they’d gotten over their initial shock and Toni had thankful chosen to embrace you rather than push you away, they’d dove into all the things you’d missed while you’d been away.
You try to wait it out, wondering how long it would be before the bell above the door rings and it’s him walking through.
Because he must be coming.
Where ever Fangs and Toni were, Sweet Pea always followed. You hadn’t been in Riverdale for six years but if you were to pick one thing that hadn’t changed, it would be that fact.
But one hour turns into two and there’s only so much of listening about Serpent business and Cheryl Blossom you take before you get impatient and crack.
"So where is he?" You don’t need to say his name for them to instantly know who you’re talking about.
"Pea? Probably at the Wyrm." Toni shrugs like it’s obvious, and you knew you should have guessed.
"I see he still spends all his time drinking beer and playing pool." You roll your eyes, but there’s a lingering glint at the mention of your old hang out.
"You haven't heard?" Fangs shares a look with Toni before deciding to go ahead. “He owns it now."
Hands balled up into fists, your right foot bounces up and down while your mind races with endless possibilities.
Would he be as welcoming as Toni and Fangs? Doubtful.
Would he throw you out without a second thought? Possibly.
Thankfully when you'd eventually reached the bar the car park was more deserted than you'd anticipated but that hadn't stopped you from keeping your head low. You didn't need anyone recognising you. Not yet.
You stared at the old battered door, another thing that hadn't changed , and your stomach did somersaults.
You thought about just driving away, he would never even know, but that's not what you'd come here for.
You count to three, brace yourself whatever's about to come and walk inside.
The smell of alcohol hits you instantly and you recognise the faces of the stragglers hunched at the bar but their too drunk to even notice you.
You find him in the corner, back to you as he wipes over a table but he immediately senses your presence, his head lifting as the door swings closed behind you.
"We're closed!" He calls out but the sight of him steals all air from your lungs and it takes you a minute to recover.
"Even for me?" He recognised your voice instantly and the glass he's holding drops to the table with a thud.
He turns to you at an agonisingly slow place, like he doesn't want to see if you're really there and it makes your heart hurt. When his eyes finally reach yours they're full of shock until it dissolves into coldness. "Especially for you."
"That's harsh Pea." You're half joking, half serious but he just flinches when he hears his name fall from your lips. "You aren't even going to say hi?"
"Why are you here Y/N?" He stares dead at you, almost as if he's looking straight through you and it leaves you feeling unnerved.
"I thought we could talk." You offer, wringing your hands. Your voice is so fragile you're afraid it might crack, you'd never felt so vulnerable.
"I have nothing to say to you." He crosses his arms across his chest like an over grown defiant child and if it wasn't for the current situation you might have laughed at his stubbornness.
You hadn't expected this to be easy but he was making it unbelievable difficult.
"Then maybe we don't have to talk." Your voice drops a level as you revert to defence mode. You narrow your eyes at him, remember how this worked when ever he got mad at you before. "Remember that one time we closed down in this exact booth."
But that was six years ago and Sweet Pea wasn't in the mood for games tonight.
He lets out a deep sigh. It's loud and annoyed, and you realise he's quickly losing his patience. "No."
"I think you're lying." You tiptoe slowly around him, fingertips dancing along his shoulders and the back of his neck. "Maybe you need reminding-"
He grips your arm cutting you off, hand tight around your wrist and you swallow down the thick tension. You see a quick flash of temptation in his eyes but it's gone just as fast and they turn back to black.
He's pulling you towards the door before you can say anything else but you don't even bother to put up a fight. "You need to leave."
You stumble back into the darkness without another word, cheeks burning red as he slams the door shut behind you, the sound of the lock turning echoing throughout the car park.
"Well that went well." You mumble to yourself, kicking an empty beer can before finding your way back to your bike.
You stare up at the diner front from where you're sat on your bike. The giant neon 'P' flickers on and off now and then but your mind is too far away to even notice.
Toni had let you stay with her and Cheryl for the night and where you'd been thankful, you'd slipped out early without a single goodbye.
You'd need coffee to keep you awake but it had long gone cold as you watched the sun rise, the sky illuminated in oranges and yellows. You knew you should have already left but there was something calming about the quietness of Pop's at this time of day that kept you there.
Ever the night owl, Jughead Jones had passed by with a smile, happy to see you and you were grateful that he still hated small talk just as much as you when he disappeared inside minutes later leaving you alone once more with you lingering thoughts.
"So that's that then?" Toni's voice makes you jump, and you turn to find her frowning in disappointment.
"There's nothing here for me anymore T." You shrug your shoulders, obviously deflated at the thought. "I shouldn't have come back."
"I don't know how you expected him to react." Her eyes narrow as she gets straight to the point. You'd told her about your encounter with Sweet Pea the night before but you hadn't expected her to be so blunt when talking about it.
You look down in silence, fiddling with the zip on your leather jacket. "Guess I was just trying to be hopeful."
"So what now? You disappear for another six years?" Her blatant honestly catches you off guard, the harshness in her tone throwing you off. "How long are you going to keep running for?"
"What else am I suppose to do?" Your voice sounds louder in the vacant car park, more desperate as you throw your hands up in despair. You can feel your eyes start to prickle with tears and you bite down hard on your tongue. You weren't about to cry, not here, not now. Even if you were quickly losing all hope.
"Stay?" She suggests, as if the answer is so simple. "Show him you're serious about this."
Your heart rate quickens at the thought, and Toni watches you consider it. But she knows better than to push you into something and retreats, softening her take on tough love. "Fangs and I have a ‪Friday night‬ tradition of getting wasted at the Wyrm. There's still some of your old stuff at Thistle House if you wanted to join us. It's your choice."
She gives you one last look, a small sympathetic smile on her lips as she turns to leave without another word.
There's no need to say goodbye, she knows she'll see you later tonight. At least she hopes so anyway.
He senses your presence the minute you walk into the bar, the same way he had the night before.
Even after all this time, he's still drawn to you like a magnet and it terrifies him.
The first thing he noticed are the red fishnets. They ride high up your thighs, disappearing underneath your shorts before they appear again on your hips.
He remembers you owning an exact pair that he'd playfully ripped apart with his bare hands and briefly thinks about what it would be like to do it again.
He blinks away the thoughts.
You stride over to Toni and Fangs sat in their usual booth, your booth, without looking at anyone else, not even him, but plenty of people stare at you.
And it infuriates him.
He watches you for the rest of the night, high heels dangling over the edge of the seat, never once coming to the bar yourself, never giving him an ounce of attention.
He feels the corners of his lips automatically pulling up into a smile every time he hears your laugh and it makes him want to kick himself for being so stupid.
He watches you until you’re no longer there, disappearing while he’s too distracted to notice where you’ve gone and he tells himself he’s relieved but he can’t shake the disappointment manifesting deep down.
He doesn't see you again until he's kicked everyone out and the doors been locked. He's about to turn the lights off and call it a night when he catches a glimpse of red. His body tenses, ready to defend himself from whoever is lurking in the corner until he realises it's you and he's even more panicked than before.
“You shouldn’t be in here.” He lets go of a long, shaky breath. His voice is flat and you feel your hands go numb.
“I thought maybe you’d got sick of staring and wanted to talk?” You step into the light, drawing closer to him. He feels a flicker of anger, of course you had noticed. He doesn't know if he's more annoyed at himself for still showing interest or you for using it against him.
“I still have nothing to say to you.” He swallows. You're too close now. So close he can smell your perfume and it makes him want to forget why he's even mad at you in the first place. But his memory quickly reminds him of the heart break and he takes a step back.
“That’s fine, I have to plenty to say.” There's a hopeful smile on your lips but it falters as he stares back emotionless.
“I’m not exactly in a listening mood.” He turns away, eager for you to leave, for this situation to be over but you're not ready to give up yet.
“How about a bet?” You suggest, pointing towards the table behind him. "One game of pool. You win, I leave and I never come back.”
“And if you win?” He quirks an eyebrow at your suggested, slightly baffled at the idea.
“You hear me out, even if it’s just for five minutes.” You wait for his answer, heart slamming against your chest.
His eyes dart between you and pool cue leaning against the wall. There's a smug, annoyed part of him that knows he could win this easily and have you out of his life in minutes, but there's also a part of him that what's to let you win just to spend a little longer with you. "Deal.”
He doesn't know how he wants to play it yet.
“I win!” You drop the cue in triumphant, spinning around in some sort of victory dance before turning to face him and clearing your throat in embarrassment.
He huffs, trying to hid a smile. "You have five minutes.”
He watches your face fall and he notices how tired you look. "I hate that you’re so mad at me.”
“You have no idea.” He lets out a small laugh, it's humourless and empty but he can't help it. Your eyes meet his and you regret it the minute you see something broken hidden behind them
“I really am sorry.” The knot in your stomach tightens, you feel pathetic at your own words but you had nothing else to offer him.
“You think that fixes it? You just left without even telling me!” His voice is louder now, harsher than before. The rage in his eyes makes you flinch, years of pent up feelings spewing out. "I had to find out from Fangs!”
“I wanted to go travel, get out of town for a while.” You don't know why you said it, it sounds stupid even to you.
“It’s been six years Y/N!” He's livid with you, that you put the two of you in this situation, that you destroyed the relationship. He stares at you, the girl he once loved with everything he had, with so much confusion, so much pain that he automatically brings you to tears. "You didn’t even say goodbye!”
“Because it would have been too hard!” You scream at him with everything you have, the truth finally coming out. Sweet Pea would never leave Riverdale, you never would have stayed. Two people who had meant the world to each other but were destined for conflicting paths.
You couldn't bring yourself to say goodbye to him so you didn't. It was as simple as that. Only six years later the brown eyed serpent still plagued your thoughts and you knew you had to come home.
That you had to try and win him back.
You wait for him to reply but he says nothing, just stares again like he's looking straight into your soul. And then somethings clicks, and he moves so fast you don't have time to react.
His lips are warm, familiar but the impact of his mouth on yours knocks you off guard and leaves your lungs feeling empty of breath.
Once your lips meet it’s like he can’t get enough. He has one hand on the nape of your neck, the other gripping onto your hip pushing you back until your legs brush up against the pool table.
And as he lifts you up, tugging your legs around his waist you can’t help the moan that escapes. You grip fist fulls of his shirt, pulling him into you until he can’t get any closer but you arch your back anyway.
You can feel yourself coming apart underneath him, his face buried in your neck. He mumbles something you can’t make out before his tongue trails along your collarbone and your hands quickly find the hem of his shirt so you can scratch bare skin.
“I can’t stop thinking about you- and I hate it.” But there’s something lingering in his voice that tells you actually he doesn’t hate it at all.
“Sweets...” His name is more of a sigh than a word, you’re almost breathless, chest raising harshly up and down. “Less talking.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, his hand twisting in your hair so he can tilt your head back and attack your neck again.
He watches you carefully as button your shorts up, pulling his own shirt over his head. "Are you gonna leave again?”
“Not unless you tell me too.” You answer honestly.
“I don’t think I could go through it again.” His head dips from where he's still sat on the pool table, his bare legs swinging slightly as he plays with his hands.
“Does this mean you forgive me?” You cover his fingers with your own, holding on tight like you're scared he might disappear.
He thinks his answer over, rubbing circles on your skin with his thumb. "It means I’m willing to try.”
And that’s all you need to hear for your lips to find his again.
Sweet Pea Masterlist
Forever Taglist: @p-marie-sp
Sweet Pea Taglist: @80sand90simagine @wildberryyyy @hopelesslylosttheway
You And I Taglist: @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff. THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER
6 months later
"Oi Hanji! Give her something for the pain and do something fucking useful for once!" Levi growled as (Y/N) almost sprained his hand with a squeeze as she held his hand during another contraction. Levi deeply regretted teaching her those exercises to improve her strength all those months back. "Calm down Levi. I'm not the doctor here and I am not using some experimental pain killer that I made without any human testing on my best friend." Hanji replied to him calmly. Levi was loosing his grip as he wasn't ready for it.
When (Y/N) told him that her water broke at dawn, he panicked more than he ever did in his entire life. More than when Kenny taught him how to use knives by almost killing him. "Sir, we can't allow you to stay here... She will have her delivery soon..." a nurse meekly told the fuming captain, only to receive a deadly glare from him. If looks could kill, the nurse would've been dead by now. "Levi, listen to them. They delivered more babies than most of the survey corps’ titan kills." Hanji tried to reason with him. However, that seemed to stop working for the last 8 hours, after (Y/N)'s contractions began. "Levi, as the commander of the survey corps, I command you to get the fuck out of this room." Hanji told him in a commanding tone as she lost all patience with him. He was testing her like a spoilt child for the last 8 hours about almost everything.
Levi fell asleep on the chair in the waiting room. Hanji was sitting beside him, quiet sleepy herself. At least she took an afternoon nap yesterday and she felt immensely guilty for giving a huge pile of paperwork to Levi the same day. He had been working all day and wasn't able to sleep at night too as (Y/N)'s contractions started at dawn. Buying their home at Trost was a great decision as the hospital was nearby as (Y/N) had a hard time riding a horse to get there. Both Levi squad and (Y/N) squad was there except Marie, who apparently had a headache.
Hanji personally never liked Marie either and she agreed with Levi about the fact that this girl was trying to double cross (Y/N). However, Hanji saw why (Y/N) refused to let her go. If she only cooperated, she could've been a good asset to the team. It had been 2 more hours since Hanji got Levi to get out of the delivery room, 10 hours since (Y/N)'s water broke. After these agonising two hours, a nurse entered the waiting room with a pained look but a smile while rubbing her hands. It didn't take long for Hanji to figure out that she offered (Y/N) to hold her hand, given that her hand looked red. Watching the nurse, Hanji was barely able to tap Levi's shoulder twice as he jerked awake and asked the nurse in panic.
"Is (Y/N) okay?". Hanji realised that Levi took the pained look on the nurse's face as a signal to something is wrong other than the fact that (Y/N) squeezed the soul out the poor woman's hand. "Yes they both are fine. They are cleaning the baby as we speak. Congratulations Mr Ackerman. It's a boy. Would you like to see them?" The nurse asked with a smile. Hanji noticed that Levi looked paler than usual. His hands were shaking a bit too. "Yes." Levi answered after getting a grip on himself.
Levi followed the nurse into the cabin where (Y/N) had been transferred. Everyone else followed too. They were made to wait till (Y/N) was transferred into the cabin but that didn't take too long. As the nurse opened the door and walked in, Levi saw a scene that he, even in his wildest dreams never imagined. There on the bed right opposite to the door laid (Y/N), a small white bundle in her arms. She looked tired, almost as if she would pass out but there was a slight smile on her face as her eyes were filled with curiosity and love as she looked at the small bundle. "She doesn't look like herself at all..." Levi internally thought.
Yes, (Y/N) didn't have the look of a ruthless killer anymore. She looked different. "She's giving off the same expression that my mother used to have..." Levi thought curiously as he stepped towards (Y/N). That's when he realised why (Y/N) had such a sudden change. That's because what he saw affected him too. Almost as greatly as it did to (Y/N). Inside the small, there was this small baby, with raven hair, eyes the exact copy of Levi, only they were (E/C) instead of the steel grey that Levi's eyes hold. "He even got that constipated look" Hanji muttered as she followed Levi towards (Y/N).
At this point, Levi sat down abruptly on the chair right in front of the bed. His legs were shaking. There was no balance in his body. Years of training, his unbreakable balance, his extreme reflexes, all gone after looking at this sight. "I have a kid..." Levi's voice croaked out suddenly. Both his squad, (Y/N)'s squad, Hanji and (Y/N) herself looked at him as if they just saw something extremely unexpected happen. It was unexpected after all. Levi, the person who never got his guard down after meeting Kenny, was weak, vulnerable and he didn't bother hiding it.
"Levi, are you okay?" Hanji asked Levi before anyone else as everyone was extremely taken aback by Levi's actions. Even (Y/N) was taken aback as she never saw Levi like this. "Levi... " (Y/N) tried to say but her voice was raspy as her throat was dry. Without saying any more, (Y/N), extended a hand towards his, held his hand gently, trying to make him feel better. "Can I hold...it?" Levi muttered, as he got some grip on himself after (Y/N) held his hand. "Oi Levi! Don't call your own son it!" Hanji exclaimed. "Hanji, let him be. I'm sure he's having a hard time processing it all. I am too." (Y/N) told Hanji, her voice still raspy. The nurse helped to take the baby from (Y/N)'s arms and gave it to Levi, teaching how to hold the baby.
The baby simply stared at Levi, as if he was hugely disappointed with the fact that he was taken from his mother. Levi just stared at the baby for a few moments. He had a family now. He found someone who gave him the reason to live on and now he has a child, someone who he could give the good childhood he never got. Hesitantly, Levi placed a light kiss on the baby's forehead, surprising the whole group of people in the room, not surprising (Y/N) too much as she saw Levi showing emotions before. (Y/N) just smiled, knowing that the man before her was at peace.
They both were at peace. Her dreams came true. She now has a family. The both of them finally found happiness. "You guys, I'll contact the Reeves company and get meat for you all. Sasha, you will be cooking and arranging everything at my house. I'll pay for everything." Levi told everyone, looking at them with a small smile on his face. "M-meat? You will buy meat for us?" Sasha stammered before shouting out, "HEICHOU! YOU ARE THE BEST SQUAD LEADER ANYONE CAN POSSIBLY GET!" while crying like a maniac. Everyone else looked happy and thanked Levi for the treat.
"Guys, get out now. I need some rest" (Y/N) stated after a while. Everyone already took turns to hold the baby and Levi proved to be an overprotective father, as he inspected everyone as they took the baby and snapped at Connie when he made a mistake trying to hold the baby. No one wanted to leave though, as the baby was just too cute to leave alone. After some groans of disappointment, they all left. All except Levi.
"What will we name him?" (Y/N) asked him. She didn't want to bring the topic up in front of the others as she didn't want their contribution in this matter. "What about Farlan?" Levi answered after thinking for a moment. "Sure. It's a nice name. Farlan Ackerman sounds good." (Y/N) answered with a smile. The baby was asleep on the cot beside the bed. Levi looked at him and sighed. "Yeah. It sounds nice" He answered, a small smile forming on his face. He then walked towards (Y/N), patted her head gently and said, "Take some rest. I'll be back soon. I'll have to take a nap myself.". That's when (Y/N) noticed how tired he looked. Levi was used to being sleep deprived. That's not what tired him. What tired him was the amount of tension he went through for the last 11 hours. He very much needed a nap.
(Y/N) was woken by the sound of the door of the cabin opening. She had a sound sleep as the nurses took care of Farlan except for the times when he had to be fed. (Y/N) noticed that it was already evening as she saw the orange light coming from the window into the room. It was Pixis who just entered the room. Of course, it didn't surprise (Y/N). After what he did on her wedding, she came to acknowledge the fact that Pixis was completely unpredictable.
"I see that I have a grandchild now." Pixis stated with a smirk. "Yes. That part was obvious." (Y/N) replied with a stoic expression. "Don't be so bland (Y/N). I'm just here to see the baby. I haven't seen many new-borns in my lifetime." Pixis answered as he walked towards the cot. "Did you ever see me when I was a baby?" (Y/N) asked in return. Pixis stopped in front of the cot and answered, "No. I didn't.". He tried to hide it but his voice showed some remorse and so, (Y/N) didn't further question him. "His eyes look a lot like Levi. What's his name?" Pixis asked (Y/N), as he looked at the sleeping baby. "Farlan" (Y/N) answered. "Ah I see." Pixis answered. Before he could say anything more, Levi entered the room.
He just came back after getting the best sleep of his life as he felt like the happiest person on earth. However, seeing Pixis there worried him. That guy abandoned (Y/N) after all. "Should I give you some privacy?" he asked (Y/N) as he figured that (Y/N) would like to talk to Pixis alone. After all, their relationship was worse than just shaky and Levi thought that him being there would just make things more awkward. "No it's fine. You can stay" (Y/N) answered. After Levi entered the room, Pixis told him, "Congratulations on being a father" with a smile.
"Thank you." Levi answered curtly. The baby was awake by now as Pixis picked him up. "So, we all will pretend as if we are one big happy family?" Levi asked Pixis, raising an eyebrow. After all, the last thing Levi expected was that he would see Pixis holding his son. "Whatever helps him sleep at night" (Y/N) scoffed. To that Pixis let out a brief laugh before saying, "No wonder you're my daughter. However, you've got the sharp tongue of your mother...". At that, (Y/N) stopped him and said, "Don't compare me to that foul woman." with a frown.
"Okay. I won't. Anyway, I will have to take my leave now. And Levi, everyone likes to play family at some point. I won't deny that I'm the reason for which (Y/N) had a horrible life but we can't change that now can we?" Pixis answered before keeping Farlan in the cot and leaving the room. "Are you okay (Y/N)?" Levi asked (Y/N) as he didn't know how (Y/N) felt about the whole thing. "Yeah I'm fine. I personally don't accept him as my father but I'm glad that Farlan will probably have a grandfather. At this point, the only thing I care about is Farlan's happiness as I already found mine" (Y/N) told him with a smile.
1 month and a week later
(Y/N) made certain errors in her prediction from 6 months ago. She had her delivery a week before it was predicted. Farlan however, was healthier than ever. She also took more than a month to recover. A month and half to be exact. Thus, the expedition had to be delayed for a week. Levi didn't even have to push Hanji about it because Hanji figured out how long (Y/N) would actually take to recover a few weeks after she gave birth. She made all the arrangements for the delay of the expeditions by then much to (Y/N)'s disappointment. She however couldn't complain later when she really took a week more to recover. That gave them two weeks to eradicate all titans left in Wall Maria.
Hundreds of titans were killed using the executioner from hell before winter. The plan was that there would be two expeditions. Each with 3 days worth of supply. The survey corps would be divided into two groups. One would be travelling from Trost, eastwards, facing every titan on the way and travelling in groups, 2 squads in each, to attract the titans till they reach Utopia. The other would be travelling from Utopia, westwards till they reach Trost. The only two strategists capable of leading a team if something went terribly wrong were Hanji and (Y/N), with Hanji clearly being better than (Y/N) due to her longer experience in battle. Thus, it was decided that (Y/N), along with Levi's experience, would lead the group from Trost while Hanji would lead the group from Utopia.
The Survey corps had 201 members by now, Levi squad having an extra. The usual squad had 5 members including the squad leader. 20 squads would be there on each group. The formation would be such that every group of two squads would be 10 km apart from eachother. If something went wrong with the formation, red smoke signals would be used. (Y/N) squad and Levi squad, partnered with two other squads, would be positioned in the middle of the formation so that they could immediately run to help if any other squad is harmed. It would, however, take about an hour to get the formation done as the distance between wall Maria and Wall Rose is 100 km and survey corps horses could run at a speed of 80km/hr. Levi squad will give Armin to Hanji squad so that the other team could use the strength they are lacking due to the absence of either one of Levi, (Y/N) or a titan shifter, given that, Armin was the most powerful titan shifter on the team.
Thus, the team from Trost would have a hundred members while the team from Utopia would have a hundred and one. The survival rate this time, would only be a 50% however as everyone is expected to charge straight at the titans instead of running.
"You all will be using your 3DMG to go and get all the dummies cut. However, from today till the expedition, you'll all be competing against (Y/N) here. If any of you can get around the forest before her, congratulations, you stand a chance against her if she just got out of a delivery. If any of you gets tangled in your own wire again, I swear I'll kick you out of the survey corps." Levi lectured all the cadets. (Y/N) joined them as planned today, so that she can brush up her training. The last night, Levi personally took (Y/N) to check if she can use 3DMG, and (Y/N) surprised him.
She was almost as good as before her pregnancy leave. Sure, she was still rough around some edges, her movements weren't as flawless as it was before, her speed decreased noticeably too but she still was better than all recruits combined. All the cadets were greatly interested in watching (Y/N) in action. (Y/N) was the only person in the entire Survey corps who's 3DMG skills were comparable to Levi's. Everyone knew that and as the new recruits never saw (Y/N) in action, competing her seemed like a very good sport to them. Defeating (Y/N) meant coming second to the strongest in humanity. Levi squad and (Y/N) squad however knew that it wasn't possible. "Everyone, assume positions!" Levi commanded and everyone ran to the line drawn in front of the forest. They all stood in line, ready to take off. "And go!" Levi instructed and everyone took off.
The new recruits were surprised to see (Y/N) getting way ahead of everyone at a speed that was impossible for them to reach. "What the hell? She isn't even using too much gas..." one of the recruits exclaimed. (Y/N) was out of their sight in no time and as they found the dummies, every one of them had a perfect slice cut off it's nape. There were 16 dummies in total. It took the others 30 minutes to find and cut down every single one of them and getting out while (Y/N) did the same in 13 minutes. Levi squad and (Y/N) squad took 25 minutes while Mikasa took 18. "Good work out there." Levi told (Y/N) as she flew out of the forest. "Well, I usually am faster than that." (Y/N) answered, as she got her blades in the sheathes in the 3DMG. "Yes. I know that. If you didn't just have a delivery last month, I'd have been disappointed." Levi answered to that. (Y/N) just gave a "mhhm" for reply before she spoke again.
"I'm not so sure if leaving Farlan with Hanji was a good idea..." (Y/N) muttered. "Well, he'll be fine." Levi answered casually. "Are you sure about that? Hanji did try to make him walk at the age of three weeks for her experiments... " (Y/N) muttered remembering the time when Hanji tried to test if Levi's genetics had something that made them become physically developed more easily than others given that all the other known ackermans, Kenny and Mikasa, had good fighting abilities. Of course, Hanji's experiments didn't work and Farlan got hurt and cried, which sounded more angry than pained, thus scaring Hanji to death as Levi gave Hanji a death glare once it happened. After all, Levi did try to kill a commander before.
5 days later
"Hanji, the milk is in the cupboard in the kitchen with the bottle. Boil the bottle before feeding Farlan. The nappies, shirts and blankets are in the third drawer in the wardrobe of mine and Levi's room. If Farlan wets himself, just take anything from there. I kept everything packed in a bag which is also in the wardrobe so that you can bring it when you come to the headquarters. And Hanji, don't try to do any experiments. I'm trusting you on this." (Y/N) explained Hanji. "You explained all of that to me every single day of this week you know." Hanji mentioned in a flat tone. "Well, I was just reminding you..." (Y/N) started before Hanji stopped her and said in a light tone, "Come on (Y/N)! I literally lead the survey corps! Farlan will be fine. Don't worry so much.". "Yeah... I guess I'm a bit too paranoid... Thanks for all the help Hanji." (Y/N) answered with a smile. "Yeah yeah I know. You'll be late for training if you keep trying to remind me stuff now. So, get out." Hanji pushed (Y/N) out of the house.
When I reached the survey corps headquarter and walked in the training grounds, Levi was already there. "You're late. You're doing 50 laps after training." he told me with a frown. Yes, I obviously never got special treatment from him in case of work related matters. I appreciated it though as our personal lives shouldn't interfere with work. The female cadets looked happy with the fact that I got laps. Well, it doesn't matter. It isn't like they have the guts to make a move on Levi. "Well, assume positions now. I'll be following you all." Levi commanded everyone. I joined everyone in front of the starting line. "And go!" Levi instructed as we all shot forward.
"Make as less moves as possible. Preserve gas. Find the locations of the dummies and cut them." my mind kept repeating as I sped towards the forest. The slightest movements caught my attention as some recruits were left to move the dummies. One, two, three... My mind counted as I kept making perfect cuts on every dummy. Just as I landed outside the forest, I found no one. Of course, Levi mentioned that he will be following us in the next training exercise. He probably is with the other recruits.
After about 20 more minutes, everyone else appeared with Levi. Levi looked at me, his eyes showing appreciation. "You reached your previous records. Your moves are as good as before now. Good job." he complimented before turning to the new recruits and saying, "You all couldn't improve any more than 30 minutes in six fucking months and she did the same fucking job in 11 minutes by a week after having a delivery about a month and half ago. This is why I don't train brats like you all. I don't know how Shadis keeps his cool with you all.". He said all of that calmly with a stoic expression but the girls in the group almost started crying already. Levi then turned to my squad and his own squad and said, "You all did okay. There's still room for improvement though.". They all saluted and Levi motioned them to be at ease before looking at me and saying, "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get the laps done."
2 hours and 30 minutes later
I finally was done with the laps. Hanji came by with Farlan and saw me doing laps in the training grounds. 400 meters each lap. About 20 km. "And here I thought shorty was getting soft..." Hanji shook her head as she ran beside me carrying Farlan when she found me. "Well, he honestly got softer than before. I remember him shouting at me back when I took a minute to get a dummy down. Now he's saying his squad that they did a good job after they took 25 minutes to get 16 dummies." I answered. No wonder they weren't improving.
I went to my office to get the extra uniform I usually keep there incase if the one I'm wearing gets dirty. With that, I went to the female bathrooms and took a bath, changed my uniform, went to my office to grab the stack of paperwork Hanji told me that she would leave in my office and went for Levi's office. I knocked on his door and heard his voice saying, "State your name and business.". "It's (Y/N)." I answered. "Come in" I heard his voice, now sounding softer and went in his office. His table had three stacks of paperwork, his face showing the stress that he was on. I sat down with my own stack and started working silently, helping Levi with his paperwork sometimes while he helped me with mine. When I was done, he still had two stacks to complete. I looked at him, he looked tired. Thus, I got up, walked towards his chair and went under the table.
Back when I was about 6 months pregnant, I had this phase when I was horny all the time and that's when I found out that getting a blowjob while he's working calms Levi down when he has to do a lot of paperwork. Thus, this little tradition started where I helped him out every time I saw him struggling with work. I heard a sigh of content from him as I took his dick in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it's tip. I felt his hand on my hair, gently pushing me on his length. I didn't give him the chance to guide me as I started going all out on him, taking all of his length in my mouth and bobbing my head on it, my tongue working at it's tip the entire time. The gentle touch on my hair turned into a harsh grab as Levi took control, making my movements even faster.
I heard Levi's breathing getting disoriented and suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I stopped my assault on his dick so that he could answer the door without having any distractions. "State name and business" I heard him say with a flat monotone voice. He had this way of keeping his body entirely under control, which fascinated me to bits. "It's Cadet Schwarz. I need to talk to you, heichou." I heard Marie's voice. What is that girl upto? "Come in" Levi answered as I heard the door open and her footsteps coming into the room.
"Schwarz, the last time you were in my office, as much as I can recall, (Y/N) gave you a warning about your attire. Why are you violating the dress code again?" I heard Levi ask her. That's it. I know very well what she's trying to do. I'd have to write a report against her and probably give her a talk about backing off from my husband. "Heichou, I will get straight into point. I only joined the survey corps for you. When I heard that they were taking members in the Special operations squad, I thought it was your squad. However, I wasn't lucky enough and ended up in hers. Heichou, I can keep you much happier than she ever can. Just..." Levi stopped her before she said anything more.
"Listen, what you're doing is highly inappropriate. I'm a married man and I'm in a happy marriage. I even have a kid. Even if I wasn't married, I would never leave (Y/N) for anyone. So, I'll tell this to you for the last time, stop embarrassing yourself." Levi answered, in a stoic voice. "Is that right heichou? Then why does your face look so flustered? You know what heichou? You can be with your wife. She doesn't have to know what happens behind closed doors..." Marie continued. I quietly stuffed Levi's penis in his pants and started buttoning him up when I heard Levi's surprised and slightly disgusted voice saying, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?". To that, Marie replied, "I'm just trying to show you exactly what got you so flustered. Isn't that what you...".
"Enough" I spoke up, stopping Marie. I got up from under the table and Marie clearly understood why Levi was flustered after seeing my messy hair. "Marie, go to my office. We need to discuss your expulsion from the survey corps." I told her with a cold tone. "Expulsion? But I haven't broken any rules. By the way, isn't the commander the only person who can expel someone from the survey corps? You can't do that!" Marie scoffed. It was time to put her in her place. "Well, if you don't trust me on this, you can ask Levi if I was nominated to be the commander of the survey corps only a few months ago." I told her, my tone getting colder by the second.
Marie looked at Levi and Levi simply answered, "She's right. See, I told you to stop this bullshit. Even if (Y/N) didn't take actions, I would have.". "Actions? But I haven't broken any rule!.." I stopped her at that and told her, "Marie, five buttons of your shirt are opened. You just ignored a direct warning from a superior. If you think I didn’t write a report on you violating the dress code before, you are wrong. Of course, that alone can't get you kicked out of the survey corps but I also have further complains against you, which we will discuss in my office. So, go.". "No! I refuse to go!" Marie made a bitch face at me.
"You refuse to go? Well, you see, unfortunately as long as you are a survey corps soldier, I will be your superior. You will have to follow my orders or else the consequences would be severe." I told her in a commanding voice as she retreated from the office. "Thanks for having my back, Levi." I told him as he looked at me with worry. "No, it's fine. Just don't kill her." he told me, his eyes showing suspicion. "Don't worry. I won't kill her. I'll just ruin her career." I answered before getting out of Levi's office and going to mine.
Marie was already in the office. "Well, let's discuss your insubordination." I told her before sitting on my chair. "Sit down. You'd prefer not to fall on the floor after I tell you the few things I'm about to say." I told her, motioning to the chair in front of me. She sat and I started. "Do you know what happened to the last person who tried to take Levi from me?" I asked her. She looked uncomfortable at this point as she knew that I had her cornered. "No?" she answered.
"Her name was Petra Ral. She died on the 57th expedition. The female titan stomped on her. Surprisingly, the female titan was able to do that in my presence. The next expedition is coming soon and who knows, maybe you would be eaten by a titan too and I wouldn't be able to save you." I stopped. I saw her face losing colours. Just the reaction I wanted to see.
"You see, as your superior, I had to report every time you almost got the squad killed to the commander. The commander herself questioned your worth and I have been defending you for the whole time. However, it seems like you aren't fit to be in the survey corps anyway, even if I don't consider the fact that you tried to fuck my husband. Honestly, I shouldn't be telling you all these. I should just let you die on the next expedition. You just proved to me how worthless you are today.
However, ever since Farlan was born, I couldn't shake this feeling off me. I don't want to make your family suffer. I know how your mother would feel if you die. So, I would give you a second option. If I talk to the commander and expel you from the survey corps, that would be the end of your career in the military. If I don't do anything, you will die. If you give me a letter asking for a transfer to the Garrison or the Military police, your career would be saved, you would live and I could keep you out of my relationship. Now, go back to your room and decide what you want. I will be expecting a letter from you. You're dismissed." I explained to her in my monotone voice. With that, she left the room without a word. I rested my head on the head rest of the chair. "Fuck.. Farlan really changed everything..." I wondered. After all, I didn't feel like the cold hearted person I was anymore.
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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mrs-maximoff-kenner · 3 years
So, shout out to @xoxo-nikki-xoxo for putting up with the fact that I am posting this ridiculously late 😭😭😭 Ilysm! Thank you for understanding! ❤
This is a song fic inspired by My Immortal and its Jackson x OC x Kinda Klaus
Please enjoy!
Wounds That Won't Heal
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I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone
It had been a year since Jackson had been killed. One full year of living without him. Of walking through my life as an empty shell. No light, no purpose. That was until he started to visit me. Klaus. He would come to the house once a week. Then every other day. And then every day. I thought at first it was a trick. That he needed something from me, Mikaelsons always do. But… 4 months passed and he never asked. Never wanted anything from me. So is it any wonder that I started to fall for him? But of course, things could never be that simple. 
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase.
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
I wanted to move on. It had been almost 2 full years since I lost Jack. I wanted to be happy. But it was like I couldn't. There was a part of me that still belonged to him. A part that wouldn't let go and let me move forward. I suppose that's why after I began speaking to Klaus I started to see Jack again...
You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind.
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me
I haven't slept in weeks. Haven't eaten in almost as long. He always watches me. Speaks to me just like he did when he was alive. I haven't seen anyone and I've ignored their efforts to reach out. I smashed my phone yesterday. I just can't… handle them anymore. They wouldn't understand. They would try to take him away from me. And I… I don't know if that's what I want.
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along.
I think they finally gave up on me. I shouldn't be surprised. 6 months of no contact does that. I don't know what to do anymore. What to believe anymore. Jack just seems so real. Sometimes I forget that he died. But then I fall asleep and I see his death so vividly that I am forced to remember that he's gone. I startle awake and he's there again. The same soothing words he used to whisper to me when he was alive. But I can't… I can't touch him! I can't feel him! I'm alone… I've been alone this whole time… 
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
You still have all of me...
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ohemgeeitscoley · 4 years
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The love lasts so long (1/1)
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Rey/Ben Solo (Reylo)
Note: Written for the Reylo/Folklore Drabble Collection. I am in love with all of the songs on Folklore and have been super inspired to write by the album. I’m super happy I got to be a part of this collaboration and I can’t wait to see what everyone else puts together.
@andyouweremine​ is hands down one of the best betas and friends in the world. Thanks for jumping in and adding all of the commas for me. You’re the best and I love you a lot. 
Read below or on AO3
"You're home late," Rey mutters softly as she feels the bed shift under Ben's weight. She’s not quite awake; she couldn't open her eyes fully if she tried. 
"I know," Ben pulls her into his arms, pressing a kiss against the slope of her neck. "I tried to leave, I really did. There's just so much to do, and that promotion… Rey if I can get that promotion it'll be so good for us—”
Rey shakes her head, slowly moving away from Ben so she can sit up, glance at the clock, and look down at him. There's tears burning in her eyes and her stomach is in knots. 
She's angry. 
She's so, so angry.
"It's almost 3 am, Ben. You haven't been home before midnight in months. It's like living with a ghost." Rey bites down on her lower lip. "I don't want to hear about your job or a promotion. It's just another reminder that you'll somehow need to be there more than you already are and I'll just be here alone waiting for you."
Ben looks hurt for a moment. But then Rey watches as he controls his face, and then his face is the calm and cool mask that he used to never put on around her.
"I'm doing this for us," Ben says. There's no emotion or passion in his voice. It's the same voice she hears in the mornings before he goes to work when he’s practicing his arguments in the bathroom. It's calm and precise and meant for a courtroom. "For our future. I know I have been gone more than usual, but I hardly think it's fair to compare me to a ghost. Once I get the promotion things are going to be different, I'll be home more. We can really start planning the wedding—"
Rey snorts, getting out of bed. "Stop, Ben, just stop," Rey begs, wiping her hands against her face to push away the tears that have started falling. "That's what you said before you got promoted to senior associate. This is what I've been hearing for the last eighteen months. And you know what? Nothing has changed. Nothing is better. And I can't keep doing this."
Ben's face cracks, and Rey can see for a moment just how scared he is by what she's saying. He scrambles to get out of the bed, reaching his hand out to touch her. Rey steps out of his reach, shaking her head as she wraps her arms around her stomach. 
"What are you saying, Rey?" Ben asks, and his voice sounds defeated.  
"I don't, I don't know," Rey admits, staring at the ground. "It's late. I'm going to go sleep in the guest room. You should go to bed. You have court in the morning."
Rey waits just a moment for Ben to stop her, to pull her back into bed and his arms like he used to do when they fought, but Ben remains still on the bed. So she walks out of the room, closes the door and goes to the other room without pause.
A part of her still believes that Ben will come get her, that she'll wake up with him beside her at least. 
But she wakes up alone at 6:45 am and Ben is already gone. 
Rey finds Ben sitting on his favorite bench in the park down the street from their home. It's early. The sun is just starting to paint the sky as it begins to rise. 
They still haven't talked about the fight from the week before. If anything, Ben had been coming home even later and leaving even earlier since then. Rey wasn't even positive he came home at all some nights.
She'd slept in the guest room every night since anyway.
Rey sits down next to him, holding her hand out for him to take. 
He doesn't. 
"I've thought about what you said," Ben says after a few minutes, circling his thumbs while he talks. "And I think you're right, this isn't working anymore."
For a second Rey is filled with hope, believing that Ben finally sees how toxic his job is and that he's finally, finally going to quit, but then-
"I can move out, obviously. It'll be easier for me to find a new place, and the firm has places for witnesses that we fly in that I can stay at for a while."
Rey's heart plummets as she panics. He's breaking up with her. That's not what she wants. It's not what she meant when she said she couldn't do this anymore.
She's going to be sick.
"Ben, stop," Rey stands up, pacing in front of him as she tries to process what he's saying. "I don't, I don't want this. I love you. I didn't mean I couldn't do this." She moves her index finger back and forth between them. "I meant your job. Your job is ruining us."
"I can't leave my job, Rey," he sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I have nothing without my job."
"You have me."
"No, I don't." Ben shrugs, as if he's stating a common truth and not the biggest lie that he's ever said to her. "You're miserable at home. I'm never there and you're right, that's not something that's going to get better. I can't balance our relationship and my job, and it's hurting you. It has been hurting you. I already lost you, Rey. This is just me admitting it. And setting you free."
"I'm standing right here Ben," Rey points out, placing her hands on his shoulders. "You haven't lost me. I'm right here."
"For now, maybe," Ben keeps his head down and pulls away from Rey's touch. "But you're not sleeping in our room anymore Rey. You pulled away from us too. You have been for months. I think this is what you want, you're just too scared to admit it."
"No," Rey gets out between gritted teeth. "You do not get to do this. You do not get to sit there and attempt to blame this on me. I am not the one doing this. If you do this Ben, if you walk away from us, that is on you. It is not on me."
"You're the one—" Ben starts but Rey is hardly listening, shaking her head.
"No. No, I am not," Rey interrupts him. "Snoke is doing this. And you just are in denial if you can't see that, Ben. He has you so convinced that I'm a distraction or that you are, what, unworthy of my love?"
Rey waits, but Ben says nothing. He keeps his eyes glued to the floor and that just further fuels Rey's anger. The acid in her throat burns as he remains silent.
"Well, here's a secret," Rey sighs, reaching out to grab Ben's hand. "I've been in love with you since I was seven years old, Ben Solo. And if you think I'm just going to stop loving you because you are being an idiot and because you have let some asshole get into your head and convince you that you aren't worthy of that and that I am holding you back… you're just wrong."
Tears start to escape Rey's eyes when Ben looks up at her. His eyes are full of disbelief and it kills a part of her. The idea that somehow he could even begin to doubt how she feels about him, how much she needs him, after all of these years hurts her more than anything.
"There is nothing, nothing you can do, Ben, to change how I feel about you," Rey squeezes Ben's hand. "I love you today. I loved you yesterday. I'll love you tomorrow. I loved you when we were ten playing pirates in your tree house. I loved you when we were thirteen and you wore braids in your hair and you liked to first practice new braids on me. I loved you when you were haunted by the emptiness and ghosts in your home when we were sixteen. Ben, I have loved you my entire life and I'm not just going to stop."
"Rey," Ben chokes out and Rey realizes that he is crying too. "I can't give you the life you deserve and the only way I can is to keep this job that you hate—"
"Stop," Rey breathes, kneeling down until she is eye level with Ben. "I hate your job, Ben. I hate what it does to you. I hate that you have somehow convinced yourself that leaving me is the best option. That you have it on your head that a world without you is somehow better for me is something I can't understand. And you are good enough. My love isn't something that you can deserve, it's something that I chose to give and you don't have any say in that anymore, Ben. I don't care about your job, or the money, or whatever material things you buy me. I care about you. All I want is you."
Ben says nothing again. Rey's leg is cramping from the way she is squatting. The morning dew is shining on the grass underneath the bench Ben is sitting on. 
"So leave me. Keep working for Snoke and being miserable and working too late and waiting for your big break when you finally get everything you want," Rey drops his hand. "But I won't be there, Ben. If that's what you want, if that's what will make you happy… a future without me. Then okay. I can live with that," Rey's voice breaks and she reaches up to wipe the tears off her cheeks. "I'll learn to live with that. But you don't have to. You can take my hand and our love can last. Ben, our love can last so long."
Rey swallows while Ben remains quiet. She waits for him to say something, to say anything. She waits, and she waits, and she waits. It feels like her heart is actually splitting in half the longer that she waits and the longer Ben remains silent.
Choking back a sob, Rey nods to herself since Ben hasn't looked up from the ground since he told her it was over. 
Over. Over. Over. Over.
Rey takes a step back, her vision blurring as new tears flood to the service. 
"Okay," she whispers, taking another step away from him. "I love you. I hope, I hope some part of you always knows that. And I'll wait for you. I can't—" Rey takes a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady. "I can't promise that I'll wait forever? But when you decide that enough is enough and you leave Snoke, because you will, Ben. You will leave one day. If maybe then you still think of me…"
Rey's sentence trails off while she looks up at the morning sky. "Right," she whispers, mostly to herself. And she turns. She turns away from Ben and begins to walk away and each step is harder than last. 
She's halfway through the park when she hears someone run up behind her. Then she feels his hand grab into hers as he turns her around to face him. 
"I'll quit," he says quietly and his voice is raw. His face is red and blotchy and he's still crying when he pulls her into his arms. Rey doesn't fight him, she buries her head into his chest and sobs. "On Monday, first thing. I'll quit."
Rey nods, wrapping her arms around his neck and tries to pull him closer to her.
"I have no idea how to fix this, babe," Ben whispers, pressing a faint kiss into her hair, his arms squeezing her tightly. "I don't know where to start, I'm so scared that I can't. That it's too late. That I've ruined us—"
"We'll figure it out together," Rey promises, kissing his shirt just above his heart.
"You really still believe our love can last?"
"So long," Rey answers. "Our love will last so long."
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