#it's all incredibly damaging in the long run
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Lumi Plays Pokémon: White 2 Bug Monotype Run- The Elite 4 Team
So we're finally here! Before the final update (later today hopefully) I wanted to show you all the team as it stands going into the league. I've picked out movesets, items, and used up all my rare candies, so we're as ready as we'll ever be!
Before that though, I just wanted to thank you all for reading and all your kind comments and enthusiasm. It's been a long journey, but I wouldn't have gotten to the end without your support! I also want to thank everyone who suggested nicknames, but particular shout out to those whose names I picked: @haveyouusedthispokemon, @latyus, @gloomy-gores-world, @formlesschromatic, and @joltiksforbrains (who also made the incredible fanart for this project which I'll never get over!)
I also have been considering, once this is over, moving the team up to modern games and sending the team member's random eggs to followers that want them! If you're interested in having your own bug baby from our team, let me know!
Okay, with all that said, here's the team.

Teabag's been with us from the beginning, and he's been a very reliable starter! Hitting hard and decently fast with good defenses, he'll be able to help clean up opponents that the rest of the team may struggle with. He's also carrying Swords Dance in case we get the chance to sweep!

Gumball, my beloved Scolipede, has probably been the most all over the place of the team! When he hits that Megahorn, it's big damage, but when he misses it's pretty devastating. He's got blistering speed though, and can come in quickly to get done what he needs to. I've gone with Toxic for this reason, a quick poison can sometimes change the battle in the right circumstance!

Candy's here to sweep, and he can do it like no-one else if he gets the chance. He's gonna be extremely useful in multiple of these fights, relying on Sturdy to let me guarantee a Shell Smash, and hitting extremely hard before healing with the Shell Bell! It's gonna be hard for anyone to get past Candy.

Lava Cake has been arguably our biggest consistent damage dealer, and when you look at the moves it's easy to see why! That coverage will be vital in the League, being boosted by the Expert Belt when we can get a super effective hit, and hopefully getting burns on foolish physical attackers.

Drumstick is the backbone of the team for sure. Absurd defenses and a Steel Type to balance some of Bug's weaknesses makes Drumstick an easy switch in! With the Leftovers to heal off damage, and Swords Dance to boost the already ridiculous attack, Drumstick will take no prisoners.

And finally, Lemondrop, whose amazing sweep against Boot got us here. Fast, guaranteed damage is the name of the game, especially when that damage is Thunder! Coverage is nice too, but we'll mostly be blasting opponents out of the sky, and then Volt Switching when things get scary!
And that's the team! They've all been so good and so fun, and I can't wait for them all to take their rightful place as champions. Special mention to our Vespiquen, Nectarine, who was helpful in getting here even if she wasn't on the team too long! This victory will be yours too!
Okay, see you all later for the final part.
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Cisco as Killer Frost AU for the 5+ headcanons :D
That seems like an interesting idea, thank you for that one, there's a few points that could happen? Post Flashpoint it's the fall out from Dante's death? Or maybe...
The Cold Gun core was never intended to be a weapon. It was a fast-acting super-cooling mechanism meant to be part of the accelerator's failsafe measures. Hartley had been the one to give Cisco the task of improving the existing cooling method and Cisco was pretty sure this was meant to be a test, so he was definitely using it to make Hartley eat his words.
2. It's not a test, though Hartley's not going to trust Cisco with that. He managed to weasel back into Harrison's good graces about the accelerator once already- clearly it was his own calculations that were wrong, he'd only been inside to check and of course that was what happened, of course Harrison Wells couldn't possibly be wrong, of course he knew so much more than Hartley- but he knows it won't happen again. He knows no one else will take his word over Harrison's, he knows his job is already on thin ice. But he also knows if Harrison won't listen to him, it's better for him to be at S.T.A.R. Labs where he can sneak his own additional failsafes into the accelerator to at least mitigate the damage Harrison is about to unleash on the city.
3. Eobard is distracted in the few days before. Barry Allen decides to choose now to run off to Starling City, where he's away from Eobard's cameras for the first time in a long time, where Eobard tracking his phone shows he's at Queen Consolidated, and now Eobard has to at the very last minute find a way to make sure Barry Allen of all people actually gets to where he needs him to be on time. He can't run and get him himself, not yet, he can't get there and back himself, why is Barry so frustrating all the time. And because Barry has been causing problems yet again, now he only has a few hours to undo whatever it was Hartley just slipped into his accelerator under the guise of doing his final checks on the mechanics. This is all Barry's fault.
4. Ronnie Raymond isn't a physicist. He's a structural engineer. His job isn't to make the accelerator work, that's Doctor Wells and Hartley, his job is to make sure that whatever happens, the building stays standing. That everyone in that building is as safe as they can possibly be from any failures within the accelerator. Ronnie Raymond does his job that night. But he can do more, he knows every failsafe, he knows how to shut the accelerator down manually if every other system fails, except he brought Cisco down with him and now Cisco's saying something about something he made and gave to Hartley and, before Ronnie can stop him, Cisco is the one running into the Pipeline that night. Cisco is the one who doesn't make it out the Pipeline that night.
5. There are parts in the accelerator that were not on Eobard's original plans. Cisco told Ronnie Hartley put at least one of them there. Jax, Hartley's new intern- meant to keep him occupied and out the accelerator, so much for that plan- has disappeared, Hartley has some figures that line up with what the accelerator did instead of Eobard's calculations he made sure would show it working, and Hartley trusted no one with his suspicions and now seems to be lying low, he makes it so easy for Eobard to pin the failure on him.
6. The first thing Cisco feels when he wakes up is cold. He doesn't know where he is, doesn't know what happened, all he can feel is this incredible cold.
7. There's a man next to him, shivering, and Cisco reaches a hand to help him up and watches him cry out and pull back, away from Cisco, away from where Cisco sees ice forming as he draws the man's body temperature into himself. He pushes himself back, falls off the table he seems to be lying on, out the room he's in, the morgue he's been put in, and Cisco runs.
And he doesn't stop.
8. Barry Allen wakes up in S.T.A.R. Labs nine months after he was struck by lightning, right on schedule. He wakes up to two people standing over him, Doctor Caitlin Snow, and her fiancé, Ronnie Raymond.
9. The first time Barry hears Cisco Ramon's name, it's the first day he wakes up. Caitlin gives him the suit Cisco made, designed for firefighters, never finished, and by some miracle (or rather, by Eobard's interference), it fits Barry perfectly. Barry has a few ideas, and Caitlin doesn't think Cisco would mind at all.
10. The second time Barry hears Cisco Ramon's name, it's the day he faces Leonard Snart and the Cold Gun. Ronnie recognises the device Cisco designed, the one meant to protect and the one that killed him. It could only have killed him, the body they pulled from the Pipeline was frozen solid, and part of Ronnie still thinks it should have been him.
11. The first time Barry meets the man they call Killer Frost he doesn't find out his name. He runs Bette's body out onto the water, watches her sink and glow, and runs back to shore. Eiling is leaving, packing his soldiers up like nothing had happened, and Barry plans on confronting him there and then, but before he can get close a blast of ice freezes his feet to the floor. He recognises him- the short, spiked white hair like frost, Barry saw him with Eiling earlier. He braces himself for a fight, but the man just warns him to stay away from Eiling and a circus, and leaves him trapped just out of sight while he heads back to the soldiers.
12. Frost is the codename of one of A.R.G.U.S.'s agents. Barry finds that one out in Starling City after the Captain Boomerang adventure. They call him Killer Frost because, well. He's very good at his job.
13. He shows up a few other times too, usually to offer a hand at a moment Barry needed it. There's no Pipeline this time around, something was already happening at Iron Heights, and Barry finds Frost there too. He doesn't trust Frost's employers, but something about the man himself seems sad, and just seems to draw Barry in.
14. Without a Pipeline, Hartley has to break into the lab the old-fashioned way. He's met with anger from Caitlin and Ronnie, who blame him for their friend's death, and curiosity from Barry.
15. Hartley was telling the truth- they find Jefferson Jackson merged with Professor Stein. They manage to separate them, Jax doesn't think Hartley would have sabotaged anything, and Hartley tells Barry he needs to be careful of something called the Circus, just like Frost did.
16. And Jax has something else to tell Barry- just Barry, he doesn't know if anyone else would believe him- but Frost was there when Eiling took Professor Stein. Frost helped them get away again. And Jax just got a glimpse, but he's certain Killer Frost is Cisco Ramon.
17. Barry has spent over half his life with people not believing him. He knows what it's like for no one to listen to you, even when you're right. Jax he knows he can trust. He's already asked Felicity and she's found a file about an A.R.G.U.S. project called the Circus, and she's working on getting him more about what that is. But if Barry can trust Hartley, then he can't trust Doctor Wells.
18. He's pretty sure he can trust Caitlin and Ronnie. They're his friends. He's been given a wedding invitation now they've finally set a date. But Cisco is their friend and Barry followed up on Jax's theory by tracking down Dante Ramon who is adamant his brother is still out there somewhere, that they never got given his body and there was a reason, he's so sure he's seen Cisco, but he's still not sure about telling them, not until he's got proof. Joe is Joe, Barry knows he's had some doubts about Wells before, and there's one person Barry knows without a shadow of a doubt he can trust with everything, one person who will believe him without question.
19. Iris is not impressed it's taken Barry this long to confess he's the Flash, but she does know her mentor at Picture News is working on something about Wells, and she might be able to ask him some questions. And Eddie- Barry reasoned he probably shouldn't ask Iris to keep a secret like this from her boyfriend, and Eddie's his friend, he trusts him too- admits Joe asked him to sneak around Wells' house after Hartley smashed that skylight to see if there was anything suspicious.
20. Eddie also has a politician for a father. He might be able to get Barry some more answers about what exactly the Circus is too.
21. Caitlin keeps getting these weird dreams about Doctor Wells murdering her. And also about Cisco trying to save her.
22. The Circus is where A.R.G.U.S. keeps dangerous metahumans and aliens. And ones they can use. And when they found Cisco, running and scared and alone, they thought they could use him. His powers hurt people, that's all he can do now, but if he stays loyal, if he acts like one of them, if he only hurts the people they want him to, then he stays out of those cells. He can do that. He can follow all the orders Agent Gunn gives him.
23. Cisco knows why they're interested in the Flash. He could either be very dangerous, or very useful, or both. He could be another agent just like him, and he doesn't deserve that. The Flash seems so earnest about wanting to help people, he seems so good, and his new orders to bring him in feel wrong. But someone with the Flash's powers made Eiling disappear, someone with the Flash's powers is behind Simon Stagg's disappearance, and it was only a matter of time before they found an excuse to bring him in, and it was always going to be down to Cisco, he's the only one with the powers to do that. He can't stall forever. But he could disobey an order. His first one. He could talk to the Flash, get his own answers.
24. Barry Allen first meets Cisco Ramon at Jitters. He has some questions, ones Barry can only answer by telling him about the Man in Yellow. He's less forthcoming about his own answers, but Barry has his friends, he's managed to piece together enough, and Cisco denies none of it. He just goes to leave, leaving Barry with a coffee and a faint smile, and Barry grabs his hand and tells him one last thing before he goes.
25. Cisco disobeyed an order. He's still refusing to bring the Flash in. He knew what that would mean. He knew they've had a cell ready for him since the moment he arrived here. Maybe before. He knows no one has ever left the Circus, not alive. He knows no one knows where it is, and everyone he loves thinks he's dead, they would never know to look for him. He should be scared of this. Six hours ago, he was. He's not now though. The metal closes closes in front of him and Cisco just closes his eyes and remembers what Barry told him.
"I'll save you, Cisco. I promise."
And Cisco, without hesitation, believes him.
[5+ headcanons for an AU]
#i may have got carried away again#and i stole a bit from jla's vibe again#replies#starstruckpurpledragon#dc tv universe#dc#cisco ramon#barry allen#i have a few more ideas#(mostly that dante will be going to find his brother and in jla's vibe fashion will be threatening whoever he needs to with a football)#but it feels like a good place to leave this off?#kind of tempted to come back and write a snippet but i'm not sure yet#*
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Listen I love Ellen and Oscar but
June Claremont-Diaz 🫱🏽🫲🏻 Princess Bea
✨ Parentification Trauma ✨
#listen I know there's many reasons this happens even with loving parents#but it's incredibly psychologically damaging to have to fill a parent's shoes for a sibling even if you're legally an adult#because your brain doesnt give a shit how legal you are#it just knows you're prioritizing playing a parental role when you need to be focusing on yourself#my most intense parentification trauma years was between 17–22#it broke my heart that June left her boyfriend to be with Alex because she knew she's the only one who would prioritise him#and Bea pumping the brakes on her mental health spiral because her baby brother didnt have a functional parent left#granted that may have saved her but having to claw yourself back to sanity bc you have to take care of someone else is seriously non-ideal#and yeah I know that their brothers were worth it and they dont regret it#but they have so much reason to be burnt out and hold their mothers to account good god#women arent caretakers and protectors because we're just built naturally kind. it's because we get left to do the nurturing and caretaking#until it becomes second nature#for my part being a big sister is fundamental part of me and caretaking and protecting and nurturing is who I am now#but the inability to ever put myself first and take space when someone needs me#the inability to turn off the kindness tap even when it's running blood#the instinct to fix things and take responsibility for everyone#it's all incredibly damaging in the long run#''southern goodness'' baby that's the gender conditioning ideal#do you know how much repressed pain it takes to be that kind and gentle#firstprince#june claremont diaz#bea fox mountchristen windsor#parentification#child neglect#emotional neglect#feminism#gender conditioning#knee of huss#rwrb#red white & royal blue
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I have been playing beastieball and first of all very good game second of all smth smth Olivia Broussard
#rat rambles#oni posting#the second I heard the basic concept I knew I had to make my player character olivia#Ive also been ofc doing an oni naming theme but thats a given#important context in my hcs olivia was a pretty sportsy teenager#but yeah Im also enjoying the endless sense of dread I get anytime I make story progress in this game#I need that guy dead NOW#also I forget their name but yeah rpedictably the nonbinary scientist is my favorite npc currently#but yeah I feel like Im at a weird point game progression wise where Im strong enough to take every fight I know of but I don't know how to#access most of the side content I want to do first so Ive mostly just been further training#dont get me wrong I was still underleveled for the last star coach match I did but they were like level 50 so y'know#I won btw because Im a hashtag gamer (I got my ass kicked the first time but the second time I barely scraped by)#ok I say barely but Im pretty sure I only lost one round most of my party was just on deaths door the whole time#I recently decided to rework my team since I wasn't having a lot of fun with my old one#I might end up mixing and matching my old and new teams a bit eventually but I rly like my current team#Im definitely still learning how to use it well tho and I can definitely feel that offensively it could be better#well actually more like it needs better defense to be more offensive#all my guys have good bulk in at least one damage type but only two are all around capable of taking hits#the other three are incredibly fragile in different stats and as such a lot of my gameplay at higher levels involved baiting and switching#which has been working out well enough so far but it definitely means my battles run slower than Id like#in particular because I only have one beastie capable of healing itself so its easy to back myself into a corner if I take too long#I also definitely need to look into redoing the stats for my dragonfly beastie as while shes fairly bulky she rly needs a bit more bulk#I also super need to look into getting some friendship skills for her since she just doesn't have the tools she needs rn to truly flourish#I believe in her tho she was the main inspiration for my current team and how I wanted it to play#which unfortunately we aren't quite able to do yet due to the fragility of everyone#again they Are quite bulky in certain areas but extremely fragile in others#the exception is my boy joshua who can tank most hits but is noy particularly helpful outside of that rn#which I also want to remedy#now the main question for me rn is if I considered switching out one of my more offensive units for someone with more utility#because a certain nikola may be a needed pivot currently but he was also supposed to be far more offensively useful than he can be atm
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SUMMARY: How the cast of Poppy Playtime would protect the player. PAIRINGS: The Doctor, Doey, Kissy, Dogday x Reader.
✮ This man has eyes everywhere. His multiple feeds through the darkened hallways, due to his high tech security cameras and monitors. Although, he would 100% prefer to accompany you. This man is tall and strong. Harley Sawyer isn’t afraid of a fight.
✮ But, if Harley can’t be with you for some reason (working on a classified and undisclosed project with the prototype), he will send Yarnaby to protect you. Some protection is better than none at all, right? He’s still spying through the cams though…
✮ Kissy is a lover not a fighter, which is one of the reasons she was so damaged in the first place. Unlike many of the angry, animalistic, and monstrous toy experiments roaming the abandoned factory, Kissy hasn’t killed anyone—and never will.
✮ However, if you’re in danger? She will pick you up with those long fuzzy arms of hers and run away as fast as she possibly can, her feet squeaking with every step she takes. It would be incredibly cute if you weren’t seconds away from death.
✮ Dogday doesn’t like fighting, but will if he has to. In the past, he wouldn’t waste a second before attacking if he or someone he had grown to care about was in danger. But now that he’s lost all his limbs from the torso down, he can’t.
✮ It annoys him more than anything, especially now, since Poppy practically forces you to run a bunch of ‘mindless’ and ‘pointless’ (as he would say) tasks that risk your life—and he can’t be there to protect you, which scares him more than he’d care to admit.
✮ When Poppy asks you to do her bidding and do small tasks for her, it deeply frustrates and infuriates him (specifically kevin, lol). Doesn’t she know how dangerous the factory is for a human? It’s dangerous enough for a toy already, and being a ‘fragile’ human isn’t much better.
✮ Doey understands your limits—which is one of the reasons he insists on going with you. What if the prototype attacks you, and you’re too exhausted to fight back? Doey is a very laid back guy, but as seen in chapter four, he can and will attack threats.
#poppy playtime x you#poppy playtime x reader#dogday x reader#dogday x player#securityangel#doey x reader#doey x player#kissy x player#kissy missy x reader#the doctor x reader#the doctor x you#doctor harley sawyer x reader#harley sawyer x reader#harley sawyer x player#dr harley sawyer x reader#harley sawyer x oc
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Had an idea for a video game reverse transmigration AU so here goes:
There’s a popular online cultivation game called Proud Immortal Demon Way that’s been making the rounds recently due to a new encounter players might run into that was unlike anything they’d ever experienced in other games.
In this encounter, the atmosphere would dim out of nowhere and from a distance, a boss character would start approaching them. Suddenly, their character would be grabbed out of nowhere by the incredibly handsome and imposing figure with red and black robes, a black sword and a full mane of hair. The man would look at their character before dropping it while clicking his tongue, usually saying something like, “Another empty husk…” before turning to the player’s screen and staring at them for a few moments. Even if the player tried to attack the boss character, it would ignore the attacks, hardly gaining any damage at all.
Then the character would furrow their brows and turn away. “You’re not the one.” he would say, and he would leave through a portal made with his sword.
The encounter happened only once per account, and the only hint that it was about to happen was a small voice calling out “Shizun?” from off-screen.
One day while Shen Yuan, under his somewhat popular streaming name PeerlessCucumber, was grinding enemies before a big raid, he heard the iconic and long-awaited “Shizun?”.
Rather than run away or attack like most players did, Shen Yuan was excited to finally, FINALLY get to see this legendarily unbeatable and good-looking NPC for himself and happily ran up, chattering happily to his viewers as he wanted to show them what usually happened when one encountered this particular boss.
The boss started his usual routine, picking the player character up and tossing it aside with an annoyed mumble before turning to the screen— no, to Shen Yuan.
His head tilted then and that— that wasn’t part of the routine.
A somewhat unsettling smile made its way onto the character’s face as he approached the screen, seemingly getting closer to Shen Yuan.
“Found you, Shizun.” he said.
That was the last time anyone saw the boss in-game. There was a video clip roaming around of PeerlessCucumber’s facecam, where an arm reached from off-screen into his room, strangely from about where the man’s screen should have been.
Then the stream cut and PeerlessCucumber hadn’t streamed for over a year.
When he came back, however, he introduced his new husband, Luo Binghe to his viewers. His new husband looked strangely familiar to anyone who'd played Proud Immortal Demon Way.
If anyone feels like expanding on the fic feel free, this brainworm was stuck in my head and I have too much homework to write anything longer than this 😅
#svsss#mxtx svsss#svsss au#shen yuan#scum villain#luo binghe#luo bingge#video game au#streamer au#reverse transmigration#bingqiu#bingyuan
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yoncé speaks: more scripting ideas !! and there’s a lot too lol
and this is part 1
✶ im not underestimated for my talents and abilities
✶ people don't think im "boring"
✶ i don't get overly tired during long performances
✶ always have the best concepts
✶ my performances are considered 100% worth it to go to because i am one of the best performers the industry as seen
✶ i’m always in sync
✶ people become mesmerized by my uniqueness
✶ i have amazing stage presence and facial expressions
✶ no rookie mistakes (bumping into into other dancers, singing other lines etc. etc.)
✶ i learn choreography and lyrics fast
✶ i have my own style musically, dance, and clothing that is hard to copy but easy to recognize
✶ fans never get tired of my music
✶ people love and support me even if they're not a fan of me
✶ never mess up during interviews
✶ no one mispronounces my name
✶ everyone thinks i deserve my fame
✶ i can come up with songs and beats easily
✶ my teasers are good and don’t spoil too much
✶ poses come naturally during photo shoots
✶ all my stage outfits are iconic
✶ no scandals i get in are serious (e.g., accusations, bullying etc. etc.)
✶ all my songs sound good in any language
✶ my voice sounds the same from the studio version to the live version
✶ despite my immense success, i remain down-to-earthand approacable, endering myself to fans through genunie humility
✶ nothing ruins my reputation
✶ my fan cams are always good and in 4k
✶ i have time to breathe after each lyric/line
✶ my outfits are always unique
✶ i win every award i’m nominated for
✶ i never have ugly stage outfits
✶ never gets a black ocean
✶ i can sing, rap, and dance stable on stage even with hard choreography
✶ my stylist knows how style me
✶ i never strain my voice
✶ i can belt effortlessly
✶ i don't get infection / damage to my vocal cords
✶ i have a connected head voice
✶ i can support a large range of notes
✶ i sound good when singing high and low registers
✶ switching pitches isn't hard for me
✶ my high notes aren't strained
✶ can't hear my breathing / huffing through my mics when singing
✶ i have smooth runs
✶ my voice fit every style/ theme
✶ i know have to hit whistle notes
✶ i can hit any note with ease
✶ my voice is never boring to listen to
✶ my voice is supported / resonated
✶ my vocal cords are healthy
✶ singing isn’t hard for me but the opposite
✶ doesn’t take long to finish vocal warm up, because of how controlled my voice already is
✶ i have good stamina and breath control while singing and dancing
✶ i don’t nastily when we sing
✶ my words rhyme easily
✶ i write and produce my own music
✶ my pronunciation when rapping is easy to understand
✶ my raps aren’t weird
✶ i am allowed to cuss in my songs
✶ i don’t slip on our words
✶ my rap lines fit very well in my songs
✶ i have perfect word play
✶ i’m good at freestyle rapping
✶ i can rap in any genre and tone
✶ i have natural raw rapping talent
✶ i have a captivating and distinctive voice full of energy, emphasis and swag
✶ i have incredible flow, speed, and delivery
✶ rapping, singing, and dancing comes easily
✶ i can rap without break for a long time
✶ i can do every singing, rapping, and dance style
✶ my lyrics aren’t cringe
✶ i never stutter
✶ my dancing is satisfying to watch because our moves are smooth, sharp, and fluid
✶ i’m not stiff when dancing
✶ i’m good at dance breakdancing
✶ i don’t feel pressured
✶ i’m comfortable with talking to crowds etc.
✶ i always look gorgeous while dancing and after dancing
✶ i have good footwork
✶ i have good coordination
✶ i never look sloppy when preforming
✶ i have perfect body control
✶ i’m confident when i dance, rap, sing, and preform
✶ i can dance in any clothes and shoes
✶ freestyle dancing come easy to me
✶ i have perfect balance
✶ i’m are never off beat
✶ i don’t have sickled feet
✶ i never hurt myself while dancing
✶ my choreo is always unique
✶ my music videos are always enjoyable, and people love to watch them
✶ my music videos never look cheap, and have great quality
✶ my nerves never get to me
✶ im truly admired as an idol , and its not just a label - theres a genuine reason behind it. among idols, i stand out as someone who geuinely deserves the title
yoncé speaks 2: also sorry for late night post lol, i be bored
#yonce ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏★#my dr things 𓈒 𑁯 ⁀ ִ ۫#things to script#dr scripting#scripting ideas#shifting script#shiftblr#reality shifting#shifting community#shifting#shifters#desired reality#shifting motivation#kpop shifting#fame dr
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Part One
The loft is sadly undecorated. He'd tried, is the thing. Gone to the same novelty store they'd found on a random walk after a date, in late September, where Tommy had spent twenty minutes worrying a foam pumpkin in his hands while Buck tried to decide what sort of decor would fit his utilitarian loft.
They'd spent so long lingering over the sculpted white candles, Buck thrilled because Tommy's straight face broke every time Buck pointed out which ones looked like incredibly expensive dildos, that he'd felt bad enough to buy a whole set of them just to appease the girl at the counter who'd been watching them with a half annoyed, half wistful expression while Buck made a comment about dragons that had had Tommy biting his lip so hard he'd actually gone red in the face trying to hold the laughter in.
But every time he'd picked up a glass tree and thought how much fun it'd be to try to make Tommy go full Tik Tok Paramedic on him, every time he'd found something soft or plush enough that Tommy wouldn't have been able to resist running his fingers over it, plucking it up to toss it between his palms - well.
It wasn't like there'd be anyone in his loft long enough to really appreciate his decorations.
"Why'd you kiss me?" he asks, rounding on Tommy as Tommy takes a tentative step towards the kitchen.
"You were being annoying." At Buck's look, he elaborates. "Force of habit."
The finger comes up without any input from Buck, his voice tipping into that same flirty, bickering rapport he'd always pushed as far as he could. "I knew you did it to shut me up."
Tommy expression shutters. He recognizes Buck's tone. A few months ago that tone would start with a round of banter that usually ended with at least one of them with their pants around their ankles.
He looks spooked. He's staring at the island stool closest to the door like he's replaying the last conversation they had here, and Buck feels all his ire rear back up.
"You promised me clarity, Tommy." It's an accusation, and they both know it, because he looks ready to fucking bolt.
Slowly, he steps in. Half a yard closer to Buck, close enough to curl his hand over the island, and Buck is struck again by how goddamn unfair it is that Tommy looks this goddamn good in a suit.
"I did."
Buck's pretty sure he has some muffins he hasn't frozen yet that wouldn't actually damage Tommy, if he threw them at him.
"Can we...?" He gestures, vague as his half a question, and Buck wants to throttle him. Or kiss him again, which is -
"I need a beer. You?"
Tommy sighs. His grip on the corner of the island makes his knuckles go white. "Evan."
"No beer, got it." He swings the door open and doesn't wait for the reaction to either his snippy little rejoinder or the stacks and stacks of baked goods filling up the shelves of his fridge. He pops the cap with his back still turned, let's the fridge door fall closed. "Not like you drove here, but sure. One of us should be sober, I guess."
The switch back to Evan doesn't do anything for him at all.
Buck leans back against the counter and tries not to think about how he'd had this half formed idea of getting a real tree this year, finding some novelty kiosk that made those hokey ornaments for people to mark the years they'd been a family. He'd thought -
Tommy blinks guiltily when Buck catches him eyeing the way he fills out his slacks, a toe to groin drift of his gaze that makes Buck ache for when he could respond to that by dropping to his knees.
"That's a lot of bread," Tommy notes, eyes focused somewhere over Buck's shoulder.
"Why'd you break up with me, Tommy?"
Tommy freezes. Shifts from foot to foot. Sighs, and takes a few steps to the fridge, swings it open to grab a beer of his own. It's still the stuff Tommy likes. Buck's not picky, really, and it'd been habit to grab the six pack he always kept for Tommy.
The last five times he'd restocked.
Tommy takes half a step back to lean against the island, just off center from Buck, so they both have to twist their necks just a little to actually look at each other.
"You terrify me," Tommy murmurs, a few swigs in, when the silence is just starting to make Buck's skin itch. "Evan, I'm not -." He grimaces, frustrated. "I'm not some Super Gay who fights for justice and equality and the ability to make horrible television with Hummel doll sopranists."
"I don't know what that means."
Tommy's smile is wry. He'd had a running list of movies Buck's never seen on a note on his phone - every time Buck missed a reference, he'd added it to the list. They'd gotten through maybe twenty before -
"I led on a good woman for years because I convinced myself I could live my life ignoring a huge piece of myself. I hurled slurs with my buddies just to make sure no one noticed me. I fed into every toxic stereotype I could just to avoid anyone realizing I wasn't one of them. I'm not - I'm not some Gold Star Gay, paragon of the community. I didn't do shit. And even when I made the decision to let myself just be who I always was, I waited until no one in my life was close enough to me to question that I hadn't always been this way. I -." He winces. Shakes his head. "I run instead of fighting. I hide every time someone tries to see me. I'm not - this comfort you're so convinced I have I took at the cost of other people who were braver and stronger than I could ever be. Do you - is that an admirable quality, to you?"
Buck wishes they'd sat, like Tommy seemed to have been hinting at. He wishes he'd spent the ride over preparing himself for this, instead of stopping himself from crawling into Tommy's lap and getting a horrible rider rating for his trouble. He wishes -
"Do you think I don't already know all those things about you?"
It's - actually, it makes him a little furious, to think that Tommy spent six months thinking he'd successfully hid all those things from Buck. And - sure, he hadn't exactly been forthcoming about more than a few of those things, but like -
It wasn't like Buck didn't actively find ways to pry stories from Howie and Hen, even Bobby on occasion. It wasn't like Buck hadn't noticed the clipped way Tommy spoke of his past, his family, always tucking away more than he revealed. It wasn't like Buck wasn't well aware that Tommy Kinard had the capacity to be a total fucking asshole, if he wanted. Just because he'd kept it cool around Buck, made it just flirty enough for plausible deniability -
"You deserve better than that. Than me."
"Then be better than that, Tommy." It's not the best way to get his point across, but... "I've had multiple serious relationships, Tommy. I'm - I've been in love, before, and I've had my heart broken before, and I've had my trust broken before, and I've made people I love feel like shit. You weren't new and exciting, Tommy, we were - we were boring and domestic and it was the best six months of my life. It was what I -."
And this, of course, is where the words start to crest over, too many at once while his mouth tries to keep up and his throat is too tight to -
He swallows. Stares at his toes until his vision swims. Maybe those are tears, or maybe he's just stared long enough to go cross-eyed. His throat feels like he might be able to scrape a few words out
"I go too fast sometimes. I - I get scared I'm falling behind and so I clear a few hurdles too fast to catch back up and it -." Frustration rises through him as he remembers the way Tommy had levered himself up, spun away, broken things off without even a hint of the careful consideration Buck had grown so used to. "And you just - you tell me you want more than anything to be my last but you can't even give me the closure of a clean break! What the hell was that about?"
"Evan, I -."
"No! Okay, no. It's my turn to - it's my turn to be mad. It's my turn to - do you know how lonely I've been? How - how much I'm in my own head about where I went wrong, and what I could have done differently, and why you won't just fucking text me when you clearly want to? Do you know - do you know what it's like to think you've finally found something worth the humiliation of being known and then have it vanish in a single night? Over - you never talked to me about any of the shit you brought up that night, Tommy! You never - if you were so scared of not being enough to keep me interested, or so sure you weren't a good enough man, or so sure I couldn't possibly know what I wanted out of this, you could have saved us a hell of a lot of time and - and hurt by not being exactly the person I thought I could spend the rest of my life with! If that was all a - a smokescreen, some act, then why did you - are you actually so cruel that you convinced me we were falling in love while you had one foot out the door the whole time?"
Tommy's grip on the bottle looks painful.
"It's your turn to talk," Buck snipes, and he takes a little satisfaction in the way Tommy blanches. Just a little. Just enough to ignore how much he wants to rip Tommy's suit jacket at the straining shoulder seams and bite a bruise into that spot below his collarbone that even Tommy's undershirts hid well enough to keep the team at Harbor from putting him on blast for coming to work covered in hickeys.
"Six months with you was more devastating than two decades of hiding who I was, Evan," Tommy says, and it's a horrible opening that makes Buck feel like he's being drawn and quartered but he'd given Tommy the floor, so -
Tommy's eyes are a little too misty to call them anything but welling, and Buck hates it as much as it satisfies the pieces of himself he's spent weeks trying to pick up and glue back together.
"Evan, I lived with Abby for years and I don't think I saw her as much as I saw you. You -." He swipes a hand through his hair, and rustles one of his Superman curls loose to drape tauntingly over his forehead. Buck wants to bite him. He wants it to hurt. "You burrowed in and you just kept digging and I didn't take a second to question it until it was too late."
"Too late for what?"
"For me to take the cowards way out and leave before it hurt."
"Maybe I should have dug further," Buck snaps, and Tommy's gaze flits to his. Holds, for the first time all night. He's breathtaking in the best and worst way possible. He's spent weeks now trying to imagine anyone else ever making him feel the way prolonged eye contact with this man makes him feel.
"You did," Tommy admits, a confession that sounds like it's been gut punched right out of him. "You still -." Another grimace, Tommy pulling back, pulling away, hiding, running, and Buck can't -
"So what is this, Tommy? Is this - are you -?" He shakes his head to clear the cobwebs. Rears up, pushes off the counter, and Tommy's eyes widen like he's just now realized he doesn't have an easy exit. Buck just stands there, though. "If this is it, let this be it. If you don't want - if you're not willing to fight for this with me, tell me now. I know I'm - I know I'm a lot. I know I push for more when I'm scared. I know I'm overwhelming, and I sometimes can't stop talking to save my life, and I know I'm jealous and petty and - I know I'm not perfect."
Tommy sets his bottle on the counter beside him. Worries his lip between his teeth and rolls his jaw.
"You snore. You're a bitch sometimes and every once in a while it's not even charming. You hog all the covers and then you complain that it's too hot. You're vague about every single thing in your past that you think makes you seem like a bad person. You always think food needs more garlic and sometimes you're wrong. Sometimes when I spiral you just give me that stupid indulgent smile of yours and I know you stopped listening two reddit threads ago. When you're grumpy sometimes it takes everything in me not to pick a fight because you're such an asshole. You get cagey every time I pick at a thread you don't want to unravel and I - I hate it. I wanted a life with you and you couldn't stick around long enough to tell me why you were too afraid to go for it. So if - if you think I'm seeing you with rose colored glasses, or whatever. If you think I'm not - if you think being the first guy makes you too special for this to be real then just..." He sucks in a breath. Blows it out through his nose and feels the ache in his chest that's half remnants of his earlier panic attack and half fear that Tommy will actually turn and walk out at the end of this. "If you don't wanna fight for this I'll fill in the hole I dug as best I can and I'll leave you alone, okay?"
The look on Tommy's face is one he's never seen before. They've done this dance, or parts of it, at least. Tommy'd left him outside Micelli's, breathless and confused and aching, before he ever knew what it was like to hold his hand, to press his nose into the join of his neck and shoulder, to curl a hand in his hair or be filled by him - with attention, with affection, with the weight of his body and the stretch of his cock. Even then, this had felt different. Real, in a way the misty edges of his time with Abby, or the way Buck's puzzle pieces had never quite fit with Taylor's had never been. Even then, he'd just wanted so desperately to know and be known by Tommy that he'd taken his second chance and run with it.
"I don't snore," Tommy says, when the silence gets too heavy, and Buck - god, Buck has missed that tone, the snappy little tilt of his head, the blatant lie that passes over Tommy's lips so smoothly it's hard to tell sometimes that he's not being serious.
"I have audio proof," Buck says, and then doesn't immediately admit that he'd played it on a loop two nights into the breakup when he'd wrapped his entire body around the spare pillows on his bed and still hadn't been able to sleep alone in his bed.
"It bugs me that you spent days following scraps of information about a dead outlaw you convinced yourself cursed you, but you didn't even know what a Kinsey scale was."
This is - progress. This is... not Tommy bolting.
"I'm a two. If that's - is that, like, gay enough for you, or...?"
"You go too fast for me, Buckley," he says, and Buck knows that's a fucking reference to something he doesn't have context for just as well as he knows he's willing to spend the next decade waiting for the reference to pop up on Tommy's list. It's a terrifying, exhilarating thought and it's probably exactly what Tommy means.
"I can slow down," Buck says, and he tries to mean it. Nothing about how he feels about Tommy is slow.
"I don't want you to," Tommy admits, and then lets the silence stretch. They're two and a half feet away from each other and the distance feels like the farthest he's ever been from Tommy and the closest he may ever be again. "Living together, making a life together..." He swallows. "Marriage." That stops him short just long enough to recall how he'd blazed right past the I love you and straight into how he could keep Tommy. "You scare the shit out of me every goddamn minute of every goddamn day and I've never missed being terrified as much as I have since I walked out that door."
"I'm in love with you," Buck tells him, and Tommy blinks back tears. Takes a shaky breath and nods.
"That's what scares me. It's never - it's never been enough, before."
He'd sort of expected this to end with either the echo of his KitchenAid or a frantic rush up the stairs, but when Tommy meets him halfway all he does is sink his nose into the curls behind Buck's ear and breathe.
His arms drag Buck closer, his feet shuffle beneath them, his chin hooks over Buck's shoulder and he breathes, and breathes, and breathes.
"Your morning breath is rancid," Tommy tells him, palm centered on Buck's nose when he leans in for a kiss, pads of his fingers curled just slightly so that his hand is nearly encasing Buck's entire face. He wants to be annoyed but it's mind numbingly hot and Buck has missed it. Missed the snark, and the comfortable way Tommy will shoot him down when his head is in the clouds, and exactly how fucking large Tommy is.
"I'm so tired of avocado toast," Buck bats back, and Tommy is distracted enough by his need to make a face at that for Buck to swoop in and press a kiss to his cheek. He makes sure to make it a little wet just to watch Tommy's face crinkle in mock disgust.
He's in one of Buck's hoodies, is wearing the pair of his own sweats Buck had buried in the back of his closet in a fit of pique three days post breakup. He still looks properly debauched and Buck wants to drag him right back to bed.
Except -
"You don't have to go," Buck repeats, for the fifth time since he brought it up somewhere between peeling Tommy out of his suit pants and rolling out of bed to warm a hand towel under the sink so that Tommy could clean the cum off his abs. "But I need to shower and leave in like - twenty-seven minutes."
Tommy catches him by the waist and drags him in. "I won't be able to stay. You baked and I took as much holiday overtime as I could, but if you seriously want me there -."
"I seriously want you everywhere."
Tommy raises a brow.
"I mean that in a horny way and a codependent way."
Tommy snorts. "Good to know we're approaching this in a healthy manner."
"You told me not to slow down," Buck reminds him, and he gets a smack to his ass for his trouble.
"When Maddie pulls me aside, do you think she'll just slip me a poisoned glass of wine, or is she gonna get up on a step stool and make me stand there while she strangles me to death?"
"She won't do that." Buck leans in again, rolls a loose curl between two fingers. "She'll just stab you in the middle of the kitchen and warn my parents not to step in the blood."
"That's comforting."
Tommy takes a utilitarian shower in the downstairs bathroom and doesn't let Buck join him, and then rifles through Buck's closet until he finds all three of his button downs Buck had tucked away.
He has to borrow a pair of Buck's slacks and Buck absolutely does not mind that his ass is definitely gonna stretch them out.
With about seventy seconds to spare, Tommy presses Buck to his front door and kisses him just long enough to screw up Buck's meticulous timing - by the time he pulls back and gives Buck enough room to glance at the time on his stove, Buck knows they're gonna hit just enough red lights to make them late.
"I love you too, by the way," Tommy murmurs, and just this once, Buck decides not to be a brat about being five minutes late.
#bucktommy#bucktommy fic#tevan fic#tommy six months later: so when i told you not to slow down i was actually assuming you'd just move into my house in like two weeks#buck: at least we're arguing about communication instead of ghosting each other this time#tommy: are you gonna move in with me or what you fucking brat#buck: i'd like to talk about how many kids you want first
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fuck it, bg3 companions shower routine
Shadowheart: Shar hates self-care, but a Shadowheart does take pride in her hair, and a Shadowheart who has learned to be kind to herself can indulge. Long, complicated hair routine, very specific water temperature, and a tendency toward long-ass depression showers. LOVES a bubble bath and will make a whole event of it with flower petals and candles just for her. Will bring a book with a little book tray and a glass of wine.
Astarion: Similarly complicated hair routine. Gotta hydrate the curls, and being dead does not do nice things to your hair. Less prone to standing there staring at nothing while the horrors set in, but prone to scrubbing too hard. Similarly fond of a bubble bath, although without the book or flowers, although he will fuck with an essential oil heater and likes to make his own blends.
Lae'zel: Queen of the 4 minute shower. She has been accused of not even waiting for the water to heat up, but she likes it blistering. Does not actually use 3-in-1, thank you. Having fairly short hair helps. She finds the other companions baffling. Would get bored in a bubble bath unless she had company (rubber duck counts).
Wyll: Sings. If someone called him on it, he would be embarrassed, the first time, for about a minute. Neither wildly efficient nor inclined to standing there for ages and ages and prefers to shower in the morning. Washing his hair is a chance to relax and take care of himself, although before he has his family back, it can be a bit melancholy. He has fallen asleep in the bath before. I feel like he'd love a bath bomb and he'd love the full romantic evening with candles and flowers and music.
Karlach: Please, please someone boil her. Once she gets her engine fixed all the way, she tries a cold shower just to remember what it feels like and keeps up a running commentary about how much it sucks while also not turning up the temperature. Absolutely loves sharing a shower with someone and will also sing. Should not attempt her little jig on wet tiles. May try anyway. Someone should introduce her to proper hair/skin care because if anyone is using 3-in-1, I'm sorry, it's Karlach. Genuinely cannot sit still for a bubble bath unless she has company to cuddle.
Gale: Voted Faerun's Most Likely to Relitigate Arguments in the Shower, Even if He Won Originally. Loves to pamper himself, canonically, loves a spa day, also canonically. You simply are not getting the bathroom back for a good hour, although not all that time involves running water. Plays around with different products and researches the living hell out of everything. Loves a long soak. The only person with a feline in their house to ever bathe in peace. Constantly torn between wanting a book with him when he has a bath and not wanting to get the pages steamy and damp, much less actually wet.
Minthara: Her ideal hair wash involves someone else doing it for her while also having the utmost certainty that the person will not attempt to murder her. If her partner washes her hair for her, she turns into a puddle. She has an incredibly specific lineup of products. If she shares, understand that she has bestowed upon you a great gift. More about bath salts than bubbles and could be persuaded to a sufficiently elegant bath bomb (it would not be a difficult check).
Halsin: Low-flow showerhead user. Hell, he might be the kind of person to turn the water off entirely when not soaking/rinsing out his hair... However, he is not immune to the "shower together to save water" line even though he KNOWS it doesn't work that way. He needs low-scent soaps/etc considering his heightened sense of smell. And listen, this man does not fit in a bathtub unless he goes somewhere special or finds a particularly large one. He made everyone floaty ducks, properly sealed against water damage, and he has one for himself that holds his soap.
Jaheira: Understands that having a chair in the shower is just being kind to yourself and proceeds accordingly. Will revisit arguments she had that day, but despite that has a quick and fairly simple routine. She needs the water pressure to pound the everloving hell out of her back. Loofa on a stick user. Like Wyll, she has fallen asleep in a bathtub, in part thanks to having and using a bath cushion. Truly, the expert on bath-based comfort.
Minsc: Also sings in the shower. LOUDLY. Boo is allowed to sit a shelf out of the way. The best way to get him to use lotion is to give him something that smells yummy. He has similar problems to Halsin regarding fitting in bathtubs. He tries anyway. He has been banned from at least one hotspring for doing a cannonball.
#text#bg3#wyll ravengard#Shadowheart#Astarion#Karlach#Lae'zel#Jaheira#Minsc#Minthara#Halsin#Wyll#tadfools
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could you do one with the creepy pasta boys where maybe a victim somehow manages to catch them off guard and the reader sees and without thinking nd just out on instinct they end up killing the victim and saving the creepy pasta boys and how they would react to that and seeing the reader covered in blood for the very first time? i’m sorry this is really long😭😭🙏
Wow very cool ask 😮 sorry this took me a bit, I started writing this as headcanons and then I realized that it functioned better as mini ficlets so that’s what I did
Creepypasta boys seeing reader covered in blood for the first time ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, BEN drowned, X Virus, Tim/Masky, Brian/Hoodie
You had been seeing Jeff for a while, and though you had an inkling about the type of work he did, you’d never pressed too much for details. Knowing what you did about Jeff, even if you had pressed he probably wouldn’t tell you much. But the curiosity was killing you, so you went against your best judgment and followed him, desperate to know the life he led when he wasn’t with you.
He had just corned his victim, starting with a few slashes to get them riled up before he went in for the kill. You weren’t the best at hiding. Very quickly, you caught his eye and he was completely thrown off. You weren’t supposed to see this.
Taking the distraction as a chance to escape with their life, the victim attacks Jeff, knocking his knife out of his hand and tackling him.
Oh no.
This was all your fault, you shouldn’t have came but… now you needed to do something. In a flash, you had picked up his weapon without thinking, guttural screams erupting from you as you stabbed it into the victims back, over and over until they weren’t moving anymore. Jeff was stunned, seeing your face covered in blood as you panted. The adrenaline wore off and you crumpled to your knees. He pushed the body off of him, not knowing what to think as he looked at you.
In a way, he almost felt… emasculated. He totally could’ve handled it if you hadn’t interfered. Did you think he was weak?
On the other hand, seeing how far you’d go for him only filled him with more adoration for you. He never wants you to do it again, but it was endearing that you’d do it at all.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t… I wasn’t trying to interfere.” You were stumbling over your words, feeling so panicked.
“Didn’t realize you were so stuck on me.” He said smugly, drawing you out of your head. He pulled your body close to him, lifting your chin. “I can’t lie though, you look pretty hot like this.”
Now your heart was racing for a different reason.
“You’re not mad at me?” You asked in a small voice.
God, he loved you to death. You’d just witnessed him about to murder someone for the first time and you were worried about him being mad at you.
“Of course not.” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “But don’t ever do that again. I can handle myself just fine, sweetheart.”
Toby didn’t mind bringing you on missions. In fact, he kind of loved it.
As long as you didn’t get too close.
He’d never want anything to happen to you, so he made sure you’d maintain distance if you came with him. Which was never really an issue. You had an incredible ability to just block out what Toby was doing.
He could just pop some headphones on you and leave you in the car and you’d sit there patiently until he was finished. Other times, you were allowed to watch from a short distance, so long as you were out of the way.
Today, you were perched up in a tree, watching from above as Toby took care of his victim down below.
Toby was the type to “play with his food” so to speak. He would often chase his victims around, making gashes and cuts in their arms and legs until it got too hard for them to run.
This victim was particularly vigorous, despite the extensive damage to their body, they were still fighting tooth and nail for their life. Toby didn’t mind that really, he couldn’t feel any of the pain they were inflicting on him, so it was all the same.
It wasn’t uncommon for Toby to sustain a bit of damage after a mission… but this time it was getting bad. They were really getting some hits on Toby, and while he wasn’t flinching at the damage, you were. An anxious feeling was rising in your chest. You knew Toby had no way to gauge when the damage was too bad.
After a particularly harsh blow, you couldn’t take it anymore. You dropped down from the tree, grabbing one of his hatchets that he dropped earlier in the encounter.
In a flash you had bolted toward the victim, swinging the hatchet at their throat. The blood spattered all over you, and yet you felt nothing as their body sunk to the ground, finally lifeless.
“Why -fuck- did you do that?” Toby eyed you with giddy curiosity.
“They were hurting you.” You said simply, tossing the hatchet to the ground. The weight of your actions hadn’t reached you yet.
He bit his lip, grabbing your body and trapping you in a bear hug. “This is almost better than seeing you covered in my cum.”
Your face went red at his vulgar comment, but you couldn’t help but just sigh, sinking into his hold.
Needless to say, he was obsessed with you, even more than before. While he had no problem taking care of his own kills, he’d definitely need to see you do that again.
Eyeless Jack
Murder was a sin you’d never even think to commit. You hated the idea of it all together, and anyone who would do something like that.
But ever since you met Jack, you understood that sometimes it could be a necessity.
He was so gentle to you, so loving. It wasn’t his fault that his body could only survive off organs. You’d come to accept long ago that, in order for this man you loved dearly to live, others must die.
But you never thought you’d be fully confronted with that reality.
Jack came to you one day, horribly injured, barely clinging to life. You were shocked and horrified. He was a demon. How could anyone even inflict this much damage on him?
Slenderman had found out about his relationship with you, and as such Jack was punished. The evil entity had harshly reminded him that proxies weren’t allowed to find love outside the mansion.
Your eyes filled with tears, holding him in your arms. “Jack I’m sorry…. I shouldn’t have…. I don’t know…” you were at a loss of what to say.
He lifted his hand, gently cupping your face. “Don’t be. I’ll never regret loving you.”
“What can I do…? I… how should I help you?” You asked.
He’d already bandaged up the wounds, using his knowledge to stop the bleeding, but there was another problem.
How would Jack hunt?
You could never kill someone, but what could you do in this situation? This time it was necessary. Jack needed to eat. You couldn’t watch him writhe in agony like this. He’d never heal if he was starving.
You didn’t even dare raise the question. You knew he’d just tell you it would be fine. But you knew it wouldn’t be.
So you did what needed to be done.
When you came back, covered in blood, Jack couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“I brought you something…” you said in a small voice.
His jaw was dropped open. “How did you…” he trailed off, knowing he already knew the answer.
He was so unbelievably grateful, but he was almost in tears. He never wanted you to have to do that for him.
He was so conflicted by the sight of you covered in blood. You were so delicate, so gorgeous. His heart swelled with adoration for you, knowing you were more important to him than anything else in this world.
However, at the same time, he etched the image into his mind. He’d make sure he never saw you like that again.
BEN drowned
Ben loved you. He truly did. That’s why he liked to push you sometimes.
“If you really love me, you’ll kill for me.”
Your jaw dropped when you heard the words he’d said.
This wasn’t the first time Ben had tested your love for him. All the other times you didn’t mind to do as he asked. He needed the reassurance, and you didn’t mind providing it to him.
But this was…
He wanted to see how far you’d go. He wanted to see if you were truly as devoted to him as you claimed to be.
Would you throw away your humanity for him?
You swallowed hard, finally directing your eyes to the person tied up in the corner of the room. Their body was completely bound and their eyes were blindfolded. You could only hear muffled whimpers coming from their duct taped mouth.
You felt sick. You couldn’t imagine how scared they must be.
“Ben, I-I-I just can’t.” Your voice shook as you stumbled over your words.
His face fell, his expression looking so deeply hurt. It made your heart twist, but the thought of doing what he was worse.
“I’m already making this so easy for you. I’m not asking you to hunt someone down and dismember them. All you have to do is slit their throat.” The knife is his hand gleamed in the light.
Your body just shook. What the fuck were you supposed to do?
“Fine. I’ll help you do it.” He pushed your body closer to your victim, handing you the knife.
You whimpered as he grabbed your hand, guiding it towards the person’s neck. It was so much quicker than you’d expected. Your knife sliced through their skin, blood splattered all over you, and in just a matter of seconds they were dead on the floor in front of you.
You couldn’t believe you’d actually done it. You were horrified, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, covered in blood. You felt so disgusted, trying not to puke at the sight.
But Ben had never seen you look prettier.
X Virus
The lab was such an intriguing place to you. Not only because Cody was there, but because of the type of work he did in there.
You could never really understand all the stuff he talked about, but you were learning little by little, and you were fascinated by all he taught you.
You were perched up on top of one of the lab tables when Cody came in, the newest victim slung over his shoulder. He put them down on the table, their chest still rising and falling.
This one was just asleep, not dead yet. He was patient today.
If you were lucky, like today, you actually got to see Cody test new viruses. It was an experience like no other, seeing all the effects on a persons body. It exhilarated you. Well, for the most part. Just up until the death.
You didn’t love that part but… it was a necessary sacrifice. The work he was doing was so important. He needed subjects to test on, so you’d long accepted that this was part of the process.
“You contained yourself today.” You smiled.
He set his bat down, coming over to pat you on the head. “I really wanted you to see this one.”
You were already buzzing with excitement. “Well let’s see it.”
“Just one second. This formulation has to be kept at a very specific temperature.” He went to go retrieve the mixture while you tried to wait patiently.
You eyed the victim, noticing them start to stir a bit. They weren’t bound at all, completely free, lying on the table.
“Cody…?” You called.
There was no answer.
Suddenly the victim jolted up, fully alert and awake. They screamed until their eyes settled on you, and then they immediately lunged for you.
You dodged quickly, your heart racing. The adrenaline had you acting quickly, picking up Cody’s bat.
You swung and swung, and by the time you were done the lab was covered in red. You panted, sinking down to the floor.
Cody finally returned, almost dropping the vial when he saw the state of the lab. But then he saw you, and he immediately set it aside and dropped to the floor, holding your body.
“What happened?”
“They just suddenly got up and started attacking me. I didn’t know what to do.” Your voice was panicked. “I’m sorry… the experiment…” you trailed off.
“Hey, it’s okay. You did the right thing.” He shushed you, gently petting your hair. “I’d never want any harm to come your way.”
He was shocked honestly, he didn’t think you were capable of doing that. At the same time, he was so impressed with you. You were so much stronger than he thought.
Tim always wanted his lives to remain separate. Masky’s existence made that pretty easy for him.
That was until you became a part of his life.
He loved you. He couldn’t stand being away from you, even when he wasn’t himself. It seemed Masky had grown pretty fond of you too.
But like all good things in his life, everything became tainted by that vile entity. It loved finding new ways to torture Tim.
A mission right in the area you live in? Great. Just great.
He had his victim in an alleyway, hoping to get this over quickly. Having you see him do this was his worst nightmare.
He was filled with dread to see you stopped right in front of the alley, just as he was about to off his victim. Your eyes went wide and his stomach dropped.
He froze, completely unable to move. You quickly regained your senses after the shock, flying over to Tim, holding his face in your hands. “Tim…! Tim….!”
You were trying to get him to respond to you, but he was stuck. You heard a groan and looked over to the victim that was still lying on the ground next to you two.
You were at a loss of what to do. You needed to get Tim out of here, but suddenly something he had told you in the past had popped into your head.
If Tim didn’t finish out his jobs, he would be killed.
Your stomach dropped. You grabbed Tim’s shoulders, shaking him a bit. “Tim… please….!”
It was no use. You realized what you had to do. You grabbed the metal pipe that Tim had dropped earlier, hoping you could make this quick.
Tears streamed down your face as you finished Tim’s job, crumpling to your knees as soon as it was over.
Tim watched you in shock, trapped inside his own body, helpless to stop you but forced to watch.
After that night, you hadn’t seen Tim.
He couldn’t bring himself to be near you after that. The image of just how much he had tainted you haunting him. He wasn’t worthy of being around you, not after what he forced you to do.
You wondered if it was your fault. Endlessly reaching out to him with no answer.
After weeks without hearing from him, you started to feel restless. You didn’t know how you were feeling, unable to discern what was bringing you back to the alley where you’d bludgeoned someone to death.
But it was the last place you saw Tim.
You walked into it, just a plain old alley. You scoffed, not even sure why you had come here. Until you looked up and saw him.
“Tim…?” You almost didn’t believe your eyes.
He wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry…. I shouldn’t…. But I missed you too much.”
“It wasn’t your fault just… please don’t ever leave again…” your voice was choked up with tears.
“I won’t.” His voice was certain as he held you close to him.
Brian was never afraid to show his true nature to you. He’d long accepted that Hoodie was a part of him and that murder was a part of his life.
Which is why he knew it had to be you.
From the moment he’d met you, he could see it. Just something different about the way you carried yourself or maybe it was that look in your eyes.
Something told him you wouldn’t flinch at the graphic displays you’d surely witness if you were around him often enough.
Sure enough, he was right. You didn’t seem to mind the nature of his work, even to the point where he could bring you while he did it.
You’d take any excuse to be with Brian anyways and Hoodie was pretty exciting to be around too. Overtime, as your adoration of Brian grew, so did your interest in his work.
You’d never had these urges before, but something about seeing Brian do it just made it seem appealing almost.
You tried to keep it under control. What would Brian think? I mean yeah, he did it, but he was also kind of inescapably bound to an evil entity that was forcing him to do so. You didn’t have a reason. Maybe he would be disgusted with you. There was no way you could tell him how you were feeling.
Although you thought you were good at concealing your interest, Brian had started to notice it pretty early on. He wondered when you’d get the guts to ask him, but months had passed without a word from you.
One day he had brought you on a mission. It was a fairly easy kill, the victim would be easy to take out.
Just as he was going in for the kill, he stopped, turning to you.
“Wanna give it a go?” He asked, extending his arm out to you, holding a knife.
“What…?” You were so thrown off. Had you heard him right?
“I said, wanna give it a go?” He reemphasized his words.
You hesitantly took the knife, still unsure if he was playing a joke on you. But when you looked at his face it seemed like he was serious.
You hesitantly stepped forward, looking over the victim before swinging the knife down quickly, stabbing them.
You loved the feeling, repeating the action over and over until you were covered in blood, panting from the exertion. You were so hyper fixated on the kill that Brian’s voice startled you.
“Wow, I didn’t know you had it in ya.” He chuckled, ruffling your hair.
“I…” you were embarrassed about how into it you had gotten.
“You look very cute like this.” He smiled, taking your hand and helping you up.
Your heart fluttered. He accepted you. You couldn’t believe it.
“Alright, now let’s take care of this junk.” He joked, lightly kicking the body.
Hope you enjoyed!!!! :3 sorry if this doesn’t fit the prompt exactly, I wanted to switch up the scenarios to make it fit the characters a bit better
#creepypasta#crp fandom#ticci toby#ticci toby x reader#toby rogers#ben drowned#ben drowned x reader#creepypasta headcanon#jeff the killer#jeff the killer x reader#jeffrey woods#eyeless jack x reader#eyeless jack#x virus x reader#x virus creepypasta#masky x reader#masky and hoody#masky marble hornets#hoody x reader#hoody marble hornets#marble hornets headcanons#marble hornets#brian marble hornets#tim marble hornets
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love island !
✎ᝰ — hcs on how the bat boys (and wally :p) would act on love island
♡⃕ — bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, wally west x reader
♡⃕ — genre + warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff <3
♡⃕ — a/n: who do yall think would be the best male islander ? I’m voting wally or jason 🧏🏽♀️
Ꮺ bruce is here for one goal and one goal only, to find true love and he’ll use love island as his opportunity !!!
Ꮺ at first bruce thought it was a silly idea to go on a reality show to find love but then watching a season (or two), he realized that it might be just what he needs. a vacation in fiji where there’s no communication to the outside world and the only thing to focus on is the villa
Ꮺ I would see bruce as the bombshell everyone and I mean everyone is in love or jealous with. his introduction is smooth, his manners compliment him well, and the eye contact he makes with the girls have them heating up in the face. he would be an early on bombshell, maybe the end of week one so a lot of people consider him as an honorary og islander
Ꮺ bruce usually ends up making connections and then they wither away. he doesn’t understand why and it does start to frustrate him, he tries his best to grow a connection but he genuinely can’t seem to do it
Ꮺ thankfully, he’s grown some friendships that keeps him motivated and reminds him that there is a potential someone out there for him :)
Ꮺ buttt once he does, he’s stuck to his couple like glue and rarely leaves their side. he is there giggling and chatting with the person day in and day out, his experience in the villa swiftly changes once this person comes in
Ꮺ now casa amor…bruce is nawt playing any and I mean ANY games with casa !!! yes the reason for casa kind of makes sense but he doesn’t wanna indulge in the idea of hurting his couple or potentially damaging what he has built
Ꮺ bruce is someone who makes it to the final four and either wins or is definitely runner up. the results doesn’t phase him really since he feels like he found his person and someone he can grow to love <3
Ꮺ oh baby dick is here to have FUNNNNNNN. of course make some new connections but who is he to turn down a nice vacation on an island? with his busy and stressful schedule, he needs this vacation more than ever
Ꮺ dick would be an og islander and his path with finding love is what reeled in viewers. he’s done damn near every trope but oddly they don’t work in his favor :/
Ꮺ he realizes that most of the girls only get with him cause of his looks and his appeal which excited him at first but soon made him realize that these aren’t the connections he wanted. he wanted something genuine, something he could enjoy for the long run
Ꮺ I would think that he finds his love with one of the og members that he didn’t invest time in until later in the show. all his connections failed him except one and it was only labeled as a friendship until it sparked into something deeper in the last few weeks of his time in the villa
Ꮺ casa amor is what dick anticipated the most ngl, he was so ready to pack his bags and skip to casa. he wasn’t stressed about what was going on in the villa only cause he didn’t have any strong connections. I mean he brought a girl back but that didn’t last long
Ꮺ sadly dick didn’t make it to the final four and it kinda hurt him a little bit but he enjoyed the time while it lasted. also his connection with his person became stronger outside the villa and they eventually grew into a beautiful couple :)
Ꮺ in jason’s head, he is here for a good time, not a long time. it became the complete opposite but that’s neither here nor there !!
Ꮺ jason just did it cause production reached out to him. how? the world may never know. however, he doesn’t regret accepting the offer cause he enjoyed it more than he thought and he met some incredible people who helped him grow as a person
Ꮺ I would say jason was a bombshell that came in about a week after the season started. He’s like an honorary og cast to the other islanders
Ꮺ sadly, jason was almost always at the bottom or vulnerable cause he couldn’t find the right connection. every girl or bombshell he connected with, something was missing, something that could complete him. though he did find it halfway through the season
Ꮺ a bombshell came through just last minute and he’s been stuck by their hip since. he was still open to new connections but this bombshell always reeled him back in, made him see what he was missing from his past connection. they’re kind to others, always laughing, and bring a soft yet joyful energy to the villa
Ꮺ now casa…ooo casa. at first jason did it only to see what the hype was about it but oh how he instantly regrets it. he acknowledged himself and made his presence with the casa girls but he instantly got the feeling that they were nothing like his connection back in the villa
Ꮺ did he do some things? ….sadly yes but immediately regret it the day after. in a “why the fuck did i do this? what is wrong with me?” type of regret. he felt even more regret when he returned to the villa and saw his couple feeling low and silently infuriated during the recoupling
Ꮺ he did own up to his actions and told them the entire thing that went down, not sugarcoating anything. also apologizing almost every time he saw them until they forgave him
Ꮺ he got into the final four and won :). viewers loved his storyline and loved the amount of growth he had throughout the show + the amount of fangirls he collected
Ꮺ thee actual lover boy in this villa and it’s so cute :(. he really came to love island for the right reasons and it’s so beautiful watching him fall in love and become a lovesick puppy around his couple
Ꮺ wally would be either an og member or a bombshell that came in after the third recoupling
Ꮺ he didn’t really think too much into it when he applied for the show. he wanted to have fun for the summer and see what this show could teach him, what didn’t expect was to have one of the most beautiful love stories everrr
Ꮺ wally’s connection weren’t too bad but for some reason he kept gravitating towards someone (you) and it would unintentional, he genuinely doesn’t know how it happens. he could be getting to know other people but still find himself under your arms, at ease and with his cheeks blushing red
Ꮺ not only that, he would always end up recoupling with them. he doesn’t understand why but he enjoys knowing how much you like him and how much he likes you
Ꮺ as time went on, he slowly stopped being interested in other people and only kept his attention on his couple. he realized after talking to the boys how he feels and they all joked about he might be falling in love, they were joking but wally felt a ping of nervousness about this “falling in love” but he couldn’t deny it to himself, even if he tried
Ꮺ wherever his couple is, there he is as well. even not in their absence, he leaves a small pout until they come back, he pretends that he wasn’t pouting beforehand but the entire villa snitched that he def was (he was so red, it was so cute but so embarrassing LMAO). he’s always smiling when talking about them, describing them with such beautiful adjectives, and all his recoupling speeches about them have the villa feeling like he was a yearning poet in his past life
Ꮺ casa….casa amor. he wasn’t too excited on the idea but the boys convinced him and he instantly regrets listening to them. the casa girls just didn’t feel right and he tried to keep all interactions on a friendship level, no matter how much the girls push themselves onto wally
Ꮺ he got all sappy and sort of become sad of not being with his couple. while his friends enjoyed, he kept them in the back of his head and wondered what they were doing in the villa. a lot of “I miss y/n” and “I wanna be with y/n”, he missed them so much to the point where he started counting down how many hours left in this casa
Ꮺ viewers loved how much wally has grown to love their couple and has showed more than minimum to be with them. even if he did had a few screw ups, he was more than sure to fix it and get back into their good graces, he can’t see them being hurt and he doesn’t wanna hurt them in anyway, shape, or form
Ꮺ I would say wally def came in second or third place. the prize really didn’t matter to him so he’s not phase by it, he’s just happy to meet someone this incredible on the island. after the show, him and his couple officially got together and ended up married years later <3
♡⃕ hey im looking for a girl in the villa. personality, any height, mrs right 😜
♡⃕ ngl, the only reason it took me song to get these out cause i was hooked on love island 🥸 (#TEAM SORDELL & TEAM KANA 🤞🏽)
♡⃕ who was yall fav islander ? yall better not say rob or aaron…
♡⃕ there is def gonna be a part two !!! I wanted to add kaldur and roy but I’m way too tired and my brain hurts rn :/
𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐏 💗: psalm 27:14
© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟦 𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽𝗂. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
#⁎˚ ໒ 🎧🫧 ( a piece from mia ) ˚ ⁎#bruce wayne x reader#bruce wayne x y/n#bruce wayne x fem!reader#bruce wayne x black reader#batman x reader#dick grayson x reader#dick grayson x y/n#dick grayson x black reader#nightwing x reader#nightwing x black reader#jason todd x reader#jason todd x y/n#jason todd x black!reader#red hood x reader#red hood x black reader#wally west x reader#wally west x y/n#wally west x black reader#bruce wayne fluff#dick grayson fluff#jason todd fluff#wally west fluff
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Waking Up.
Hey so remember that DPxDC prompt I wrote awhile back? I've been writing it! Here's a brand new chunk.
Ghost in a Box: Danny experiences extreme sensory deprivation after getting trapped in a coffin like box his parents invented. His box is opened on the JL watchtower after being found in an underground bunker. Humans can't do sensory deprivation for too long. Apparently neither can Danny.
Original Ghost in a Box prompt here.
Black bat was waiting. She was quite good at waiting. Sometimes on a mission you had to be patient. Still and silent. Waiting.
The boy that had come out of the box had been in the intensive care unit for days. He had been dehydrated and was terribly emaciated. He had been starving. How long had he been in the box?
They couldn’t ask him until he woke up. So she had been waiting.
Cass sighed and walked silently down the hall to the ICU. After they had gotten the boy into the medical wing, she’d gotten the whole “that was incredibly dangerous” spiel from her dad Batman. He was proud of her though. She could tell. It spoke through the lines of his shoulders and the tilt of his head. The softness of his hands. Hopefully that softness would be given to the boy from the box.
There had been multiple debriefs and meetings to discuss how to proceed with the boy. The majority of heroes were loath to continue opening boxes. What if they were full of creatures much like the boy? Capable of so much damage and danger. They didn’t even know what he was.
The documents they had uncovered called the boy a ghost. But after checking his vital signs, they found he had a pulse. He had a heart, breath, and blood. He was human.
But he was in the box. So he wasn’t. The members of Justice league dark had been contacted and were due to arrive any day now. They had been on assignment somewhere else. Cass hadn’t bothered to find out where they’d been.
None of that mattered anyway.
What had mattered, truly, was that the boy from the box was afraid. Afraid and unable to communicate. And Cass understood him. He was terrified and desperate. And Cass saw him beyond the horrors.
He was a child and he needed help.
So he was hers now. No matter what anyone else said. She reached out to him first and he was her new brother/son/child. Bruce would have to deal with it.
She had stayed on the watchtower, with Bruce’s blessing, since the box had been opened. She barely left the boy’s side much to Bruce’s chagrin. He was not pleased with the possibility of her being in danger. But Tim had pointed out that she was plenty dangerous herself.
She loved her brothers.
She stayed on the watchtower all the time now. Staying with the boy and only leaving the observation room to shower and eat on her own. The doctors had insisted, gently, that she should take some time to herself after those first few days. So she does. Today she took a hot shower and attended a few meetings to keep up as to what they planned to do with her new brother. She also got to spend some time with Spoiler who had just so happened to be on the watchtower that day (she sent a thank you message to Tim over the family chat).
She looked through the observational window, a frown hidden behind her mask. The boy was hooked up to various machines to monitor his vitals. His eyes were still covered and the headphones were still firmly on his head. He looked so small and frail against the bed linens. There wasn’t much more they could do until the JLD members arrived.
The doctors inside the room were gently cleaning the boy. Running a warm soft wipe down his arms and legs, checking his vital signs, laying a warm blanket over him for comfort. She watched impassively at first, then with intense interest as some of the monitors showed brain activity.
Signs of waking. Her new brother was waking up.
She was the first one in the room when the boy jerked awake with a gasp.
The air tastes funny. His arm itches. His legs feel heavy.
Danny floated on the edge of wakefulness. Or at least what he thought was consciousness. It was hard to tell anymore. Everything was a cycle of dreaming and waking, or was it dreaming and dreaming? It was hard to find reality. Nothing changed except the hallucinations his mind conjured. And even his mind had started to get things wrong.
He couldn’t trust his memories anymore. He couldn’t remember what life was like. If he saw his mother in the box with him, he couldn’t make out the details of her face. Or His father’s laugh. Or his sister’s hair. Everything was fuzzy. Distant. Faded from his memories.
Did he even have a family? Was that something he made up?
He couldn’t remember.
How long had he been in here? He’d stopped counting the days when his eyes ceased to glow. Recycled ectoplasm was good at sustaining a ghost, but not good at feeding a ghost. And him being only a few years dead, he was still developing powers. Well he would be if he wasn’t essentially being purposefully stunted in this stupid box.
What a stupid box. Can’t even sit up in it. It was more like a coffin than a box. It would figure that he finally got put in a coffin. Specially since he died all the way but not quite once already. How lame. Someone somewhere was probably laughing about this.
What was he thinking about? Oh yeah. His eyes stopped glowing. Made it harder to see what was real. He couldn’t see the shadows of his real hands and the lack of them on the images his mind conjured. It was hard to tell the difference. If he could even tell the difference anymore.
He probably couldn’t tell at all anymore really.
He floated beyond consciousness for a moment more, resisting the press upon his mind to wake. Better to sleep. After all, there wasn’t anyone coming to get him. The whispers were silent when he wasn’t in his mind. The voices stopped. The hands didn’t pull at his mouth and eyes. It was the only chance at peace he got.
Something touched him.
Something, no, someone was touching him. Moving his itchy arm. He felt hands on his legs, moving them under the heaviness.
The hands were touching him.
Danny jolted to full consciousness with a gasp. He violently jerked away from the hands and scrambled back. They’d never moved him before! They’d only tried to! He had always fought them off! They were just hallucinations!! His mind only thought he was being touched!! What happened?! How?! WHY?!
His breath came in larger gasps of air as he spiraled into panic. The hands, glowing and green, decayed and skeletal reached out of the darkness. Whispered words filled his ears, static and chiming all at once. He flailed out at them frantically, touching nothing. He whimpered. They weren’t real they weren’t real they weren’t real.
One of the hands grabbed his arm.
He cried out at the contact. The weak and raspy sound pulling painfully from this throat as he lashed out at the hand and fell back. The ectoplasm felt firm and plush beneath him.
Wait, was that really ectoplasm? Was this real?
Somehow in his retreat, he reached an edge. He slipped.
He fell.
He hit a hard surface and felt the air whoosh from his lungs. He choked on the strange air and grasped blindly around himself. There was no ectoplasm, nothing swishing around him as he moved. He struggled to breathe and reached frantically out to his sides.
There were no walls.
No walls, no ceiling, no swishing stale ectoplasm.
He… he wasn’t in the box.
This couldn’t be real.
He scrambled back along what he felt was the floor until he hit something hard. A wall? He didn’t care. This wasn’t real, but it felt real enough to use as an anchor, so at the wall he stayed.
Danny grasped at his arms. Nails dug into muscle, piercing the skin and drawing ectoplasm. He felt the pain and it grounded him. He was real. He was still real. His breathing was still harsh, the panic still real. The hands still reaching for him weren’t real. The floor and wall weren’t real. He was just trapped in another hallucination.
He just needed to calm down and wait until he came out of it naturally or hurt himself into reality. Either way he would still be in the box.
Abandoned in the box.
He dragged his nails down his arms, leaving behind gashes that wept. He wasn’t concerned though. His ghost form would heal fast enough that it wouldn’t make a difference. All he needed was to stop seeing things that weren’t real. He’d shed enough tears over illusions of his friends and family. Been through enough terrors and memories to doubt his mind. He knew he was in the box. Once he found the box again he could try to go back to sleep.
He’d lost the will to do anything more what felt like a lifetime ago. All he had left to his obsession was protection. Self protection. Survival. Keep his human half alive. By staying a ghost and surviving the horrors of his mind.
It was all he had left.
He ran his hands up his arms to start tearing at his skin again and found… wetness? He hadn’t healed yet? He lifted a hand to his face and licked the wetness on his fingers.
Copper tang. The faintest taste of ectoplasm.
It tasted like… blood?
Danny’s heart stopped in his chest. Wrong. His heart stuttered in his chest and he scrabbled at his neck. He fingers found his pulse.
Oh no.
He had a pulse. He was human again!
The darkness surrounding him was suddenly suffocating, pulling at his breath and stealing his rational thought. He was real, but he was going to die. Humans can’t survive as long as he had without food and water and air! He couldn’t keep control of his ghost form and his human half was going to die! He had to change back or he would fail at doing the only thing he had left!!
He started hyperventilating and desperately grabbed at his ghost core. An immediate searing pain shot through his chest. The sound he made was akin to someone tearing paper and he fell over on his side. He began trembling all over.
That hurt so bad. That hurt so bad.
He couldn’t think. He could breathe but that just brought him closer to death. Tears welled from his eyes and caught on something just beyond his eyelashes, turning the blackness somehow darker. He was going to die and the recycled ecto had failed and he was going to die and the static wouldn’t stop and the hands wouldn’t let him go and he was going to die alone and forgotten he was going to die again nopleasenopleasenotagain-
Something touched his hands.
Danny jerked back and away, nausea surging up his throat. He pushed himself up only to vomit stomach acid. The only thing in his system. It burned as it came and went. His stomach clenched so hard that he curled over on himself. His muscles shook with strain as he hyperventilated. He couldn’t get enough air. He couldn’t see. Couldn’t hear. Couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t move…
Something touched him again. A gentle pressure on his back. Warm and soft.
He tensed beyond what he thought he was able. Rigid, but shaking in fear. He had no thoughts beyond the sheer terror of what he thought was unreality becoming reality.
Moments passed. And nothing happened.
The pressure on his back stayed. It did not grasp at him like the hands did. It remained gentle and soft. A warmth. It was different. It was scary.
It felt nice.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Danny’s breathing calmed. Slowly, he felt things around him. He felt the blood trickling down his arms. The cold floor under his legs. The soft, long shirt on his body didn’t close in the back or reach down past his knees. He was warmer than the floor which was strange, but made sense. He was human again. He couldn’t even remember the last time he turned back human. It was his greatest fear. To turn human in the box and die alone and small in the dark enclosed space.
But he wasn’t dying. He was breathing. The air was fresh. It tasted strange. His hands fluttered along the wounds on his arms. He felt pain and knew it was real. And the pressure on his back felt real.
Did… did someone open the box?
Hope hit him so hard that he began to cry softly. He couldn’t let himself hope, but he couldn’t deny it. Not when this all seemed so real. His crying grew harder. Harsh stuttering breaths that he couldn’t even hear. Which was kind of odd. Why couldn’t he hear himself? Did he still have ears? He slowly reached up and felt where his ears should be. There was something covering them. A hard plastic thing that went up over his head. Slowly his hands moved in front of his face. He found his nose and his mouth. They were still there. Then he touched the places where his eyes should be. He felt cloth.
His eyes and ears were covered?
Another hand touched his own and he jolted. It was as gentle and warm as the other hand. He could finally hear his ragged cries as the hand took his gently and intertwined the fingers. A gentle squeeze had the tears coming hard and fast. From fear or hope? There was no telling. A sheer outpouring of emotion.
Someone had opened the box.
And they were holding his hand.
He desperately hoped this was real.
That's it for now! Honestly I'm just writing snippets of story beats and then stringing them together when the anxiety has quieted. I have an AO3 account now, but I'm still posting everything here first!
Nyeeeh keep an eye out for more I guess.
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I'm going to a post full details under the cut, but a short run down:
I've sort of vaguely mentioned this here and there but this year I'm forcing myself to go on a long hiatus. Its been something in the plans for years now, but I can't put it off any longer because 2024 was the worst wrist pain I've dealt with and I don't want to risk permanently damaging myself if I haven't already.
If you're waiting on a comm, don't worry! My hiatus won't officially start until I've finished them all up (estimating April-May to finish up everything), so just bare with me!
Character Sheet comms are staying open
If you're able and willing to support me during this break, please check out my shops or my Patreon!
Ko-Fi - Physical/Digital Merch + Donations
INPRNT - Physical Prints
Patreon - Process Videos and WiPs
Full details and extra info under the cut
So this has been a long time coming but this year I’ll be taking a long hiatus. This is something I’ve wanted to do for years but I can’t put it off any longer due to how bad my wrist pain was in 2024. I’m feeling incredibly burnt out as well and my turn around times growing longer and longer is a very clear sign of it. It also means I’ve had a growing anxiety that if I continue at this pace I will end up doing permanent damage to my body, if I haven’t already. Creating art is the one thing I know I want to do for the rest of my life, be that drawing for myself or helping other people see their visions come to life, and I don’t want to put that at risk.
So I can’t put my hiatus off any longer and I’m making this year the start. If you are still waiting on a commission from me, don’t worry! I am going to keep working on them and my official hiatus time won’t start until everything has been finished up. I’m estimating April to May to get everything cleared off the table since I’m going to work at a steady pace. Character sheet commissions are going to remain open, they are not in high demand and I can put them in a queue and so should anyone have interest in one during my hiatus, it could be something I pick up when I need the extra cash. However all other types of commissions are going to be unavailable for the foreseeable future.
I am aiming for a 6 month long hiatus at the least. If I can go longer I will aim for a full year break. Freelance and commission work has been my main source of income for over 10 years now, so during this time I may also look into getting a part time job so I don't have to rely so heavily on art, which will also affect how much I’ll be able to take on in the future. I’m not quitting art during this hiatus, I do want to keep drawing and creating! But I will be working at a slower pace, creating for myself, experimenting and trying other projects. I also have more merch ideas on the list to work on! I’ve got some plush designs I want to have made,namely a new Zenos plush that will have doll fiber hair that can be brushed and styled.

I will also design more tag style keychains with more XIV characters (like the Scions and other major NPCs), since people have really liked those a lot! I’ll also plan out some other ideas and maybe design some original design plushies or other merch. We’ll see!
If anyone enjoys my work and wants to help support me during my hiatus, please check out my available merch. I have prints on INPRNT, and a variety of items on Ko-Fi (limited prints, artbooks both physical and digital, keychains, stickers, etc.), I also have a patreon where I post process videos of illustrations. You can also drop donations of my Ko-Fi. I will be adding a goal that I’ll set at a high amount I don't expect to reach, just because I personally want a visual of donations or purchases during my break. Even small donations would mean a lot. If only 10% of my followers on twitter or tumblr bought a single Ko-Fi donation, it would be a substantial amount of money. I say this not to guilt folks into donating, but to point out small donations can still have a lot of power. And so I appreciate any support at all!
Thank you so much if you read this entire message. It means a lot to me and I hope a good long break means when I’m able to get back to commission and freelance I’ll approach them with much more vigor and skill!
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about saiki kusuo...
he's a leo.
he's incredibly tidy. if his parents leave the house in a mess, he'll complain but proceed to deep-clean it anyways.
he's a stickler for other people's safety. if he notices someone's shoelace is untied, he'll tie it for them, regardless of the circumstances (ie. smack-dab in the middle of a sports game)
on another note, he seems to have a fixation with tying people's shoelaces for them.
he's weak for sweets in general, not just coffee jelly. sweet tooth saiki!
he has a huge soft spot for kids. this probably stems from his failed childhood friendship with akechi.
he's scared of bugs because he can't read their minds. this implies that powerless!saiki might be a lot shyer, more anxious, and even pricklier, since he doesn't know what anybody's thinking.
he's totally a mama's boy. he learned his moral compass from her, does whatever she wants, believes he was born an esper to protect her, etc.
also, the notorious zebra print blazer was because of his mom.
he's so much of a people-pleaser that he'll sacrifice his desire for anonymity and normalcy; he'll insert himself into situations, stalk people, and use his powers even if it means the spotlight will fall on him.
not only is he a people-pleaser, he's a drama queen. he'd rather concoct elaborate plans to avoid somebody instead of simply rejecting them.
he's a one piece fan.
his favorite arcade game used to be whack-a-mole, and he thought destroying all the moles meant he'd won. he was banned because of this.
his glasses are colored glasses from his childhood toy box. wording implies that he's been wearing this same pair his whole life.
he likes baking/cooking, mostly because he gets to eat the sweets that he made. (househusband saiki... heh.)
he smiled a lot more freely as a kid. when he wasn't wearing a dazed expression, he looked like quite the cheerful child.

he helps kaido out with classwork by simply handing him his own work.
he rarely gets sick, and when he does he can cure himself by turning his body into an inferno through pyrokinesis. however, this means he knows next to nothing about medicine.
similarly, he's tragically naïve about the internet.
he's good at singing and likes karaoke (preferably singing by himself).
like kaido, he gets seasick. however, he fervently denies this. he seems to think himself impervious of the maladies regular people suffer from.
he has a bit of a girly run.
he likes using takahashi as a joke. "it's everyone's favorite, takahashi." he also hates takahashi because of his strong resemblance to akechi's childhood bully, takashi.
he likes hot baths.
when he walks home from school, he follows this routine: he stops at the convenience store, picks up coffee jelly, puts it back on the shelf, then continues home. ...incredible. he seems incapable of not staring at any nearby coffee jelly.
he may be willing to downplay his smarts/talents to avoid trouble, but he'll get competitive when he's with akechi or kusuke.
he's hesitant to cause his friends any harm, but will freely maim toritsuka, so long as the damage is immediately reversed.
he won't hesitate with kusuke, though.

lastly, and most importantly:
he's a cutie patootie <3

#last pic courtesy of saikbot on twitter!!!!#had to clear this outta my notes app#source: i divined it in a dream#just kidding this is all random tidbits i picked up while blazing through the manga#enjoy saiki stans#saiki k#saiki kusuo#the disastrous life of saiki k#saiki kusou no psi nan
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I was wondering if you can do a Deadpool x reader x Wolverine fic where reader is like very shy. They find her in the void with the other hero’s from the resistance. They both are immediately smitten but since they both are pretty loud and bickering a lot, it makes the reader nervous. Maybe once they win the fight against Cassandra Nova, the two of them confess to her at Wade’s apartment.
Hope you having a wonderful day/night
No pressure or rush
-W.P 💚
Founded Love
Deadpool X Reader X Wolverine
Content: Some cursing, Deadpool’s humor, Wolverine being so done with Wade lol, Self-conscious Deadpool
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Spoilers for Deadpool 3
a/n: First request done! Hopefully, you like it, I tried following the best I could. The reader may seem a little more timid than shy, however.
You were walking around the ruins of The Void, kicking away the dirt and small rocks that lay in your path. Despite always being on edge, you’ve found yourself at peace with your life in The Void. As long as you stayed away from Cassandra Nova and kept to yourself things were just fine. You had even found a family of your own in The Void, superheroes like yourself who were forgotten with time. It wasn’t the life you had imagined for yourself as a child, but you were happy all things considered. As you stumbled around the woods not looking for anything in particular when your eyes spot a blue minivan in the distance.
You hum to yourself in confusion, taking in the state of the vehicle. It was battered and bloody, the liquid still visibly fresh. It looked a hell of a lot like Nicepool’s car, another trashed variant that lived in The Void. You hoped it wasn’t his car, he always seemed kind enough, hence his not-so-creative name, and you didn’t want any trouble finding the man. Besides, Nicepool was one of the only other people in The Void besides your family you could comfortably talk to. You have always been the shy type, even back in your everyday life in the real world. Casual conversation didn’t come naturally to you, leading you to feel incredibly awkward most times. You were never fond of most other people anyway, so your reserved nature didn’t bother you.
As you shuffled closer to Betsy, you remember Nicepool always insisting you call the car by her name, you catch a glimpse of two people. The first was notably tied up in various seatbelts, seemingly asleep. He was another Deadpool variant, thankfully not your befriended one, and was bloodied similar to the car. The second man was a Wolverine variant, something that isn’t usually seen in The Void and was also quite beaten. By the looks of it, they had a pretty hefty fight and weren’t going to join consciousness anytime soon. Making a swift decision on what to do with the newfound characters you sigh and try to start up the car, planning on taking them back to your crew.
Much to your surprise, the car runs quite well considering the damage it’s withheld. The drive back to your hideout was quiet with some soft snoring from the back seat. Some music would have been nice but you didn’t want the pair waking up before you got them to the rest of your family. You could handle the transportation, but the questioning was something better fitted for Elektra or Eric. Eventually, you turn the car and park it next to the house you have been calling home for almost a year now. You debated bringing the two men inside by yourself before quickly realizing there was no way in hell you’d be able to move their large figures.
“Guys, I’m back.” You quietly announced walking through the door. You saw Remy and Laura sitting at a table playing cards while Elektra was making some sort of food in the kitchen.
“Hey, glad to see you made it back ok.” Elektra smiled, plating five portions of her cooking. “Did you see Johnny while you were out there?”
“Nah, unfortunately not. But, I did find some new guys. A Deadpool and a Wolverine.” That caught everyone’s attention, especially Laura’s. You and her were quite close which led her to entrust you with her past, most importantly the bits of Logan. You felt uneasy with all the attention now suddenly on you, but continue your thoughts with fiddling fingers. “They’re, um, in a car unconscious just outside the house. I drove them here. I probably can’t move them inside so…” You let your stream of thoughts trail off, noticing Remy stand up from his space at the table.
“I’ll go get them, eh?” His accent never failed to amuse you, causing you to smile and nod at the man as he went out the door. Blade soon entered the room and began talking with the others, speculating what the hell was going on with the two men outside. You took this as an opportunity to hide away in your room, allowing yourself to decompress after everything.
After some rustling outside your room, it eventually quieted, likely meaning the two men were still asleep and the others wanted to give them space. You took this as an opportunity to sneak around to the kitchen, the starvation of not eating all day finally catching up to you. As you tiptoe down the hallway and past the living room you hear an inaudible grumble. Turning your head slightly you see the Wolverine stir. Not realizing you had completely stopped to stare at the man, his narrow eyes met yours with a questioning glance.
“What the hell are you looking at? Where are we?” His accusatory tone and spew of questions caused you to become flustered. You begin to tap your foot on the floor, a nervous tick you’ve developed over time.
Realizing you have yet to answer his questions you spoke up, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were awake. Or I guess you just kinda woke up, huh?” You get out an awkward laugh, avoiding eye contact. You hated this with everything in your body. “I, uh, found you guys in that old banged-up car so I called for backup to take you here just to make sure you guys were alright.” When you didn’t get a response you turned back to the Wolverine who was previously throwing questions at you to find him much calmer now. Maybe he finally gauged that you weren’t a threat to him, and even if you were he could easily take you down. You find his eyes scanning your body and finally meet your eyes, causing you to shrink. His frown lines were less prominent than before, adorning a more relaxed expression.
“Mhm, well thanks for that then.” It wasn’t the kindest thank you in the world, but it was nice he was at least a little grateful for your efforts. As you watched him examine the room you took in his appearance. He adorned the iconic Wolverine suit, the one that Laura insisted her Logan never wore, so it’s likely that this isn’t her Logan, but you figured that much considering ghosts didn’t make it to The Void. He seemed to have a permanent frown on his face, which oddly suited him. There were small tufts of hair on the top of his head, ones that resembled ears. It was cute. Little did you know, when you finally turned away from admiring the man he took his own turn to take you in. You could tell there wasn’t a version of you in his world, but he still felt comforted by your presence in an odd way. Perhaps it was because you saved him and his stupid sidekick. No matter the reason, the gentle look on your face when you hadn’t realized he was awake yet was enough to draw him towards you.
“What’s your name?” He wanted the conversation to continue and was becoming increasingly interested in you.
“Y/N. I already know yours, you’re the notorious Wolverine. Also known as Logan.” He seemed shocked you knew his real name, especially by the disregard of how you said it. Noticing his reaction you hastily begin explaining yourself. “Well uh, it’s just Laura told me, if you even know who that is, um I’m not sure if you have her in your universe.” Your speech comes out in an anxious jumble, before deciding just to shut your mouth altogether, wanting to hide away. Wolverine chuckled to himself slightly, finding your skittish behavior quite endearing.
You felt yourself blushing, wanting to hide from the strong eyes following your figure. Just as you were about to mumble out an excuse to leave the room Logan responded to your earlier ramble, “I’m not sure what all that means bub, but thanks for letting us crash here.” You watched him take in the room, mostly staring at Remy’s impressive stash of alcohol. He stood up from his place and chose a bottle of booze to open and take a swig. You knew Remy wouldn’t appreciate this action, but you were too shy to speak up about it.
“Yeah, of course.” You rocked back and forth on your feet, something Wolverine took notice of. The whole time you spoke to him he picked up on your small fidgets and mannerisms. Despite finding them precious he didn’t want you to feel so nervous while talking to him, he wasn’t all that scary. Besides, he doesn’t hurt people without reason. “Was that Nicepool’s car you were in?” Before Wolverine had the chance to open his mouth a loud gasp followed by “Thor!” is heard from the bed. Upon seeing the Deadpool variant spring up from his sleeping position you hide yourself half behind the wall. Other than Nicepool all of the other Deadpools you have encountered were aggressive to say the least. But if this one was traveling with the nice Wolverine then maybe he couldn’t be so bad?
Noticing your caution Wolverine decided to speak up, “Morning, jackass.”
“Well, good morning to you too, honey bear.” Deadpool took in their surroundings before settling his gaze on you. “I see a beautiful woman has kidnapped us. Not how I was planning for this trip to go, but this could be a pretty hot porn set-up.” You could practically hear the smirk oozing from his speech. Maybe not an aggressive Deadpool, but it didn’t make him any less intimidating.
You didn’t know what to say, so Wolverine said what you were practically thinking. “Shut the fuck up, asshole. She helped us here and now you’re creeping her out.” He took a swig before slightly positioning himself between you and the Deadpool.
“I’m not the one with a permanent scowl! You look like the stereotypical villain of every cartoon.” Deadpool stands up before sauntering his way over to you. “What’s your name, pretty little thing.”
“Y/N.” You managed to squeak out, ready to go lock yourself in your room forever. All of the sudden attention made you increasingly nervous. Deadpool just patted your head and looked over at Wolverine.
“Dibs on this lovely lady.” He began smushing your cheeks like you were a child. He was quite the character, oddly charming in his weird ways, although you were getting overwhelmed with the physical touch. “I would be okay with sharing with you though Wolvie. Maybe divorced parents' style, I get weekdays and you every other weekend, hm?”
Wolverine growled, “She’s not an object, dipshit.” He pulled Deadpool off of you, clutching the fabric of his suit in his hand. As they begin to argue over you, you feel yourself shrink. Their booming voices and increasingly violent demeanors made you nervous, wanting to flee from the scene as soon as possible. Noticing their attentions were solely on each other you took the chance to sneak out of the room and back into the oasis that is your bedroom. You enjoyed the conversation you had with Logan, but once Deadpool woke up it was clear the two characters didn’t seem to mix well. Once they were caught in each other’s warpath it was like you weren’t even there anymore.
You heard them eventually quiet, likely realizing you had left the scene a while ago. The arguing also caught the attention of the rest of your roommates, who were all very curious to see what the deal of the two new arrivals was. You opted to stay in your bedroom and listen to some music to help calm you down. As much as you loved your found family, large crowds were still unnerving. As it got later in the night you quickly realized that you couldn’t hide out forever, needing to eat as humans do, so you snuck out of your room. Luckily it seemed everyone had retired for the night early. It was odd considering the new arrivals but maybe they all wore each other out.
Walking into the kitchen you notice another figure already standing at the toaster, patiently waiting for his food to pop up. “Hey, cutie.” The man in red purred, wiggling his fingers in your direction.
“Is your whole personality just being a creep?” You half-joked, grabbing a box of cereal. You typically wouldn’t say things like this is strangers, but you could tell that this was certainly Deadpool’s type of humor. He seemed to appreciate the joke as he only giggled at the comment.
“Maybe.” He said, playfully dragging out the E at the end. You just roll your eyes in return before fixing yourself a bowl of cereal and sitting at the counter, back turned towards him. Realizing that the conversation was over you heard an uncharacteristic sigh from the mercenary. “Sorry for kind of ambushing you there earlier. It’s just fun to watch Wolverine get his panties in a twist. He was sooo flirting with you back there.” It seemed he genuinely felt bad for making you uncomfortable back there, which was sweet. However, his one comment stuck about flirting. There was no way, right?
“I don’t know, it seemed like a normal conversation to me.” You shrugged despite feeling your entire body heat up at the suggestion.
“Maybe he wasn’t flirting with his words, but he was definitely flirting with his eyes.” Deadpool moved back into your line of vision, waving his hand in front of your eyes. “Just know I’m batting my eyelashes under the mask right now.” You must say, despite the sheer amount of annoyance this man can bring, he is quite funny.
Giving in to the stupidity you don’t hold back your small laugh, which plainly pleased Deadpool across from you. “Where is Wolverine now anyway?” It was strange to see the two apart seeing as you found them together.
“He’s talking to your feisty friend out there.” You could tell right away he was referring to Laura. It made sense why they would be talking. You wonder if he had a Laura in his timeline. Suddenly you heard the pop of a toaster and Deadpool’s demeanor pop up. “Oh, fuck yes!” He clapped vigorously before reaching into the toaster and pulling out a freshly made Pop-Tart.
“Hey! Is that my last Pop-tart?” You question, eyeing the familiar-looking treat.
“How mad would you be if I said yes?” Deadpool looked at you with fake innocence.
“Then, no.” He patted your head once more before situating himself across from you, Pop-tart on a plate. You rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance. It was strange to find yourself so comfortable with the man in such a short amount of time. Admittedly, you felt this way about both of the new arrivals. They were quite friendly, to you at least, and were easy to talk to. You were grateful you stumbled upon them in those woods, and they seemed to feel the same way.
“Did you hear about the plan for tomorrow?” Deadpool questioned. Your downcasted eyes looked up in confusion.
“Yup, we’re gonna rock Cassandra’s shit tomorrow,” Deadpool said with a grin. “Can’t wait to see the look on that egghead’s face when she realizes she got fucked by a Looney Toons squad.” You just shook your head, smiling a bit before noticing the plate still soundly sat in front of the man.
“Hey, your Poptart is getting cold.”
“Shit! Cold Pop-tarts are the worst.” He groaned, throwing his head back. “I guess I was just too distracted by your beauty to notice, among other things.” He makes motions with his hands around his chest. He’s talking about your boobs, classy.
“Yeah, yeah.” You just giggled. “Eat you idiot.” Deadpool grinned under his mask before looking down at the plate. He seemed hesitant about something, but you didn’t know what. It was only a Pop-tart, all he had to do was lift his mask and eat it. Speaking of which, you actually can’t recall ever seeing him without his mask.
“I might actually take this one to go, baby girl. Don’t wanna ruin your appetite.” He motions to his mask before nodding his head and turning to skip out of the room.
“Hey, wait!” You’ve seen some pretty nasty stuff in The Void, surely it couldn’t be that bad. “Eat here, with me. I’d appreciate the company.” Seeing you want him to stay Deadpool couldn’t just dent you, so he conceded and sat himself back down. Tentative fingers made their way to his mask, pulling it up only slightly. Under you get a glimpse of scar tissue, textured and wrinkled. After taking notice of your lack of reaction he continues slowly, his prominent cheekbones revealed, and then his dark brown eyes. Finally, his mask is completely off, revealing a bald head underneath. You admit it wasn’t what you were expecting, but it wasn’t horrible in the slightest.
“You grossed out yet?” He asked with a forced-sounding laugh. His appearance was clearly a sore subject for him.
“Not at all.” You smiled at him. “You made it seem like your face was going to be melting off or something.”
“Eh, it kinda is.” By the tone of his voice, you assumed you put the man in much better spirits.
“Well, I still think you look quite charming.” Surprise painted Deadpool’s face, and then a face of appreciation. Not many people thought he was good-looking with his deformation, he constantly got berated for it, joking and not. He ended up using his humor to seal the pain, it was a nice break to have someone see him other than his skin. “Besides, I know it’s not the same but I had like major acne as a teen, so my skin was basically as bad as yours.”
“Probably worse if I had to guess, them hormones be crazy girl.” Deadpool had a wide smile before biting into the, now freezing cold, Pop-tart. Gross. You two sat and talked, picking away at your respective meals before Deadpool, who you learned was named Wade, suggested you both head to bed. Claiming you need your energy for tomorrow because he’d hate to see you skinned and popped like a bloody zit, his words, not yours.
He already ran off somewhere when you were taking the trash out. As you hauled the giant trash bag behind you, a person grazed your shoulder. “You know tomorrow is a suicide mission, right?” The gruff voice from earlier, Wolverine. He sounded concerned.
“We’ve been her prisoners for so long, it’s about time we did something for ourselves.” Wolverine seemed to accept your answer with a curt nod, turning away so you couldn’t see the worry etched in his face.
“Just be careful, bub.” That was all he said before walking inside, leaving the door slightly open for you once you’re done.
To put it bluntly, the mission was a success. Logan did end up assisting you and your family in effectively taking down Cassandra. This was not surprising to you, despite his rough demeanor you could tell he’s a caring person on the inside, he just doesn’t know how to verbalize it well. What you didn’t expect, however, was to be pulled into the portal with Logan and Wade, transporting you back to Wade’s dimension. This was where you took down Cassandra for good this time, watching Wade and Logan heroically sacrifice themselves for Wade’s loved ones. It was heartwarmingly sweet and incredibly anxiety-inducing. But you all made it, not without a few scratches but regeneration came in clutch. What you were most grateful for was learning the rest of your family got to return to their timelines, something you had all longed for for so long.
After the chaos, you and Logan figured you had nothing in your old worlds and decided to stay in Wade’s timeline. He graciously offered you a place in his apartment and, after sleeping on a not-so-comfortable couch for months, you finally saved enough money to rent your own apartment which was conveniently next door. This meant the three of you hung out all the time, whether it was an ambush hang-out or a planned movie night. Wade’s family became yours and you were happy.
“Wade! Don’t burn the popcorn this time!” You yelled from across the room, feeling entirely comfortable in the company of your peers.
“Please. I can’t handle the burnt smell any longer. It’s a miracle you haven’t burned this place to the ground yet.” Logan grumbled, resting his arm around you.
“I’m wounded, you guys think I’m that horrible at making such a simple dish.” As if on cue, smoke begins to ooze out of the microwave. “No! Not towards the smoke alarm not again!” He rushed over, hastily fishing the bag out, and dropped it as it burnt his hand. Quickly putting it in a bowl he hops over the back of the couch you settle on your other side, offering the bowl to Logan.
“I’m not eating your fucking popcorn ash.” Logan mumbles, still looking for a suitable movie.
“More for me and cutie over here then.” Wade smiles, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth and instantly regretting it, resisting the urge to spit out the popcorn. “Mhm, delicious.”
“You’re an idiot.” Logan berates as you just giggle. After much bickering, mostly between Logan and Wade, you finally settle on a movie, The Proposal. Halfway through Wade unexpectedly turns in your direction.
“You know, I’m really happy you found us gutted in that shitty excuse for a car.” It was sweet, in Wade’s own way.
“Me too, bub,” Logan says, squeezing your shoulder where his arm still rests around you. You look between the both of them and smile brightly.
“I’m the happiest, I got to meet you guys. You really broke me out of my shell, you know that?” You squeezed Wade’s hand while patting Logan’s thigh. You truly were grateful for them, the other group may have been your family but these two felt different, even closer in a way. “I don’t think I ever want to leave.”
“We’re glad,” Wade says sweetly before frantically shushing both you and Logan as his favorite part of the movie begins your play. The rest of the night is spent in comfortable silence, much to your surprise with Wade, as the three of you cuddle closely on the couch, thanking the universe for connecting you.
#deadpool x reader#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool 3#deadpool movie#deadpool#deadpool x wolverine#wade wilson#wolverine x you#wolverine x reader#wolverpool#wolverine#logan howlett#james howlett#x men#marvel#mcu#marvel mcu#mavrel jesus#x reader#fanfic#honda odyssey#love how thats a popular tag now
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(Behold what happens when I have ideas that far surpass my skill level... ^^; Here we have tall-ish Lunar, roughly Bloodmoon height, only taller if his hat gets counted. And this universes versions of the Gemini twins)
Okay so this needs some explaining; this here is Asylum AU's version of Lunar and the Gemini twins. I didn't put their information on my last post about this AU because:
A. I genuinely enjoy these guys little side tale so much I wanted to attempt to give a good visual to go along with their bit.
B. I thought it was long enough already.
So I'm gonna write their whole little bit below, as with everything I write it's gonna be LONG, but hopefully a fun read.
Enjoy ^_^
Lunar: As with all this universe's characters, he started off life built by Eclipse to assist him... But the main difference was that this Lunar was treated infinitely better than our Canon Lunar was right from the get go. Not to mention that he had his Star Power right from the beginning as well...
How did he have that you may ask?
Simple... Doc Eclipse acquired some meteorites that contained an unknown alloy. And he genuinely went 'What the hell, why not?' and used it to build Lunar's body. Which apparently contained some residual Star Power and thus, this Lunar has his powers.
Right from the beginning, Lunar didn't want to fight with Sun and Moon and he began trying desperately to get everyone to stop fighting. So to make a very long story short, eventually, he was successful in getting the fighting to actually stop because Sun and Moon grew to care about Lunar like a brother. Although the fighting didn't stop until there was significant damage done to the motor control of Eclipse's left leg... There's an uneasy peace between the two halves of Lunar's family as the result of this.
Free to choose what he wanted to do with his life, Lunar took his love for games to the next level and started a gaming company. (But also made Beanbag chairs as well) Lunar's commitment and genuine love of the games that the company made reflected in their products and it didn't take long before Lunar's company not only became successful, but a MAJOR name in gaming.
By the time Asylum AU starts, Lunar's gaming company, Starfall Games, (The logo being the blue star emblem Lunar is creating and has on his clothes) is considered the number one gaming company in the world. Their claim to fame is their games quality. As they have never once released a game with any major bugs. Lunar is a very good boss and although he demands a great deal from his employees, but he is never unreasonable. And he regularly rewards his staff who go above and beyond.
He's a tough, but fair boss.
Lunar owns a huge tower in the middle of the city, which he lives in. It's so advanced it would make Tony Stark jealous. He lives in the penthouse on the upper stories while the lower stories contain the main headquarters for his gaming company. His tower is seemingly crafted from obsidian, with neon blue lights running throughout it. The dress code for the staff actually follows a similar theme, with everyone wearing bright seemingly neon colors. Or have some sort of celestial, space or star theming.
Lunar's powers in this area also 98% mastered, with the problem 2% to be addressed in a bit. Like Canon Lunar, he has electricity. But this version, rather than weather powers, his focuses on electricity, lightning and electro plasma. He actually powers his entire tower with his abilities and is in negotiations with the city to possibly power the entirety of that as well in the near future. His lightning powers are incredibly deadly if used in combat, but fortunately he next to never needs to use them offensively. In the rare instances he does need to fight, he is skilled enough to actually manipulate the electrical currents in a human body and essentially short-circuit a human temporarily. It's even more potent against animatronics.
But it's his plasma powers that he is actually the most fond of, as he's so skilled with wielding them that he can literally craft various things out of the plasma and then dissolve them on a whim. He can literally create tiles or stairs that allow him to walk in the sky. It's not uncommon to see him stroll across the sky near his tower at any given time...
But his favorite thing by far to create is his Plasma Cycle. Essentially a futuristic Tron-esque motorcycle that can reach nearly unfathomable speeds and drive over every type of terrain and even drive in the sky with him creating a plasma road below and in front of the bike to drive on.
(Essentially like this but in a brilliant blue)
Ultimately this Lunar has a very good grasp on things, but there are still some... Drawbacks...
Lunar didn't get to where he is in life without having to deal with A LOT of shit. With the one thing he has grown to value THE MOST in people is loyalty and honesty. He has endured many betrayals and been in the midst of liars and he finds people who partake in these negative things to be the lowest of the low.
He's not crazy and understands small lies and fibs can be understandable, even necessary. As he regularly lies about how good his Suns homemade 'Mint Sugar Cookies' are... They're damn near inedible, have the texture of a mix of toothpaste and sand, but nobody has the heart to tell Sun.
Aaaand then there's his family and that often deeply uncomfortable situation...
The thing Lunar loves the most, more than his company or anything else, is his family. His deepest wish and desire is for them all to stop hating each other and get along. Which is the one thing he wishes for every year on his birthday, when he invites everyone to either his home, or another location to spend the day together...
And every year without fail...
It's a total disaster...
It would seem Moon and Eclipse, in spite of their love of Lunar... They can't not fight for even a single frickin hour. They will fight, Sun will cry, Solar Flare will try to make peace, Bloodmoon stays the hell out of it, aaaand things proceed to fall apart before they can even have dinner. Let alone cake...
Every year Lunar just endures this. His heart breaking a little more each time... A tiny part of him wondering if he means so little to his siblings that they can't just get along for him for just a few hours. But, he just buries it and smiles and says that next year will be different. The stress of his family fighting is the only thing that can cause him to lose a grip on his powers. Sometimes leading him to short out an area and have to pay a hefty bill to repair the place he accidentally wrecks.
...fortunately he has his best friends, Castor and Pollux, by his side whenever these nightmares happen...
...the two people he trusts most of all...
Castor and Pollux: In this dimension, the Gemini twins were drawn to the bizarre Star Power usage on this planet, eventually tracking it to Lunar when he was at his company. And they came with literal perfect timing, as Lunar had just started wandering through some of the floors of his company and they just appeared there.
One thing about this Lunar is that he is more than a little... Oblivious...
So oblivious in fact that he didn't notice the two clearly inhuman beings in his presence. But, to be fair, his companies dress code could have allowed a normal person to make such a mistake for maybe the first time... Not consistently every day for several years.
Now Lunar was in work mode, so he was wandering through the halls and checking in while being flanked by these two who were trying to talk to him. All while he initially thought they were just trying to pitch an idea to him, something that happens a lot. But as they continued to dog him, (And growing more frustrated at Lunar brushing them off) It finally occurred to Lunar that their behavior wasn't like someone trying to pitch a game idea... And then it dawned on him...
They had to be the new assistant the agency sent over...
Although why would the agency send two people and not just one?
Castor, decently annoyed by everything going on and seeing the opportunity to at least get the information that they need, doesn't exactly lie pre say... he merely says that they are there to 'Observe and offer help as need be.' And how they were a two-for-one deal.
Lunar just shrugged and went with it...
So over the course of the next few years, Castor and Pollux are by Lunar's side nearly constantly. They had to learn a fair bit about games and paperwork, but fortunately they are incredibly fast at learning and adapting. So they went from just being the assistants that Lunar admittedly went through fairly quickly... As a lot of them got too comfortable and got a bit powermad having access to the bosses attention. The two Astrals not only became invaluable in helping Lunar with his day to day responsibilities, but also became his closest companions and friends. To the point that they literally moved into his penthouse with him, updated their respective wardrobes with more human-esque clothes (Lunar actually crocheted them their scarves and added the star logos) and they are even so joined at the hip to him that he now instinctively manifests a pair of sidecars onto his Plasma Cycle which allows his companions to join him on his fun high speed insanity.
...at first they were just doing their jobs, observing Lunar and assessing if he was a threat or not...
But after a while things drastically began to change...
Lunar had a very good handle on his abilities. Had the good sense of when to use them. But more than that... He was giving, kind and just overall a nice guy who did everything he could to bring joy and happiness to the people around him.
And he succeeded in ways he couldn't imagine...
Lunar had somehow, made Castor and Pollux feel overwhelming joy and happiness. Given that Astrals don't feel emotions like mere mortals can... It was a jarring experience when Lunar somehow brought these emotions out in them and it made them realize that they actually, genuinely, cared about Lunar. A LOT...
But given everything...
They were now stuck in a bad spot...
While they never 'technically' lied to Lunar, they sure as hell know that they haven't been honest. Telling him the truth about themselves, about the Astrals in general, star power, his powers, everything... Given how Lunar values honesty and loyalty...
Oh yeah, they know they are in deep shit...
Not just with Lunar either. As they have been deliberately misleading what involvement is required of them to the other Astrals. While stating the situation is under control, but being extremely vague about what it even is. Aaaand even doing a few things to keep their fellow Astrals distracted from asking too many questions...
...like sending Scorpio an entire industrial roll of bubble wrap for them to stab with their tail...
...Giving Aries multiple wool pillows for them to rest comfortably on while meditating and using their dream powers...
...and last but certainly not least, sending Leo a beanbag chair completely packed full of catnip...
Courtesy of these little distractions, they have managed to avert deeper questions regarding what they have been up too. Except for Taurus who is getting suspicious about what exactly is going on down on earth. The only thing that has prevented him from heading down there to see for himself is with how busy he's been trying to track Rez.
But back to things on earth; given the closeness that the siblings have with Lunar it is now understood that in the company, they now wield as much power as Lunar himself. Referred to as Lunar's right and left hands respectively. They do, subtly, lead Lunar to occasionally have days where he takes some time off to just trains his powers. Pointing out one can never have too much control over such powerful abilities... They usually convince him to do this with the promise of having a picnic and just having a day to chill and unplug from everything. They have made an effort to do this every few months ever since they witnessed one of the hellish fiascos that Lunar's birthday turned into...
That was a horror show...
Made worse by how having his whole family together for a day was the only thing Lunar could talk about for a whole week...
Pollux: (Her hands clamped over her mouth as everything just spiraled out of control. So completely stunned still)
Castor: (In disbelief and his eye twitching) What is happening here?
Bloodmoon: (Surprisingly staying out of it) Not sure. But we're about a minute away from stuffing our pockets full of shrimp and getting the hell outta here...
Everything was over in under an hour, leaving Lunar heartbroken and usually a venue wrecked. The Bloodtwins at least making sure that Lunar got home alright, to which the Gemini twins then took it upon themselves to cheer Lunar up, always being sure to have a little 'Backup Party' ready to cheer him up.
And this has just become a solemn tradition...
Lunar gets his hopes up for a happy time with all the people he loves the most, it gets ruined, the twins take him back home. They handle the incoming apologetic phone calls that follow, Castor swears at them... a lot... Then they watch movies, play games and have some ice cream cake.
And Lunar asks how he got so lucky to have them in his life...
And they feel that knife of deception twist in their proverbial hearts...
#tsams#the sun and moon show#tsams au#sun and moon show#fnaf#fnaf au#dca au#dca#tsams bloodmoon#laes tsams#tsams lunar#lunar laes#the lunar and earth show#lunar and earth show#AU Lunar#AU Gemini#tsams gemini#laes gemini#sams gemini#tsams castor#laes castor#tsams pollux#laes pollux#I actually had fun drawing this#I like how the Gemini twins turned out#Not TOO BAD for someone with minimal drawing skills#:)#nexus asylum au#asylum au
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