#it's adorable but he's so hot
maxsix · 6 months
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#No No It’s Not
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blgls · 1 month
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1mm4d13 · 15 days
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How dad’s be when you touch the thermostat
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peachesandcreames · 4 months
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I mean this with complete love and affection: Whore 🥵🔥
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russellius · 3 months
George making dumplings | via
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togaki-kun · 9 months
Gojo “No one is allowed to take youth from young people” Satoru and Nanami “Being a child is not a sin” Kento can actually be so personal.
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dreamboykeery · 2 months
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happy birthday dreamboy ♡
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da-proti-toku-grem · 1 month
Happy birthday to this beautiful kitty and absolute sunshine of my life 😸☀
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robstarsupremacy · 2 months
hes so hot
nightwing appreciation bc yes
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httpiastri · 5 months
did i really just write a full smut about oscar based on the hilton video, even though i’m supposed to get up for work in about 4 hours?….
yes but it’s not my fault he looks this good :/
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ofmd-ann · 5 months
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Taika Waititi - Ladies Night
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You know, I can't ever get over the scene where V and Urizen merge. And it's not what you're thinking. It's not cause I was shell-shocked by it (I had it spoiled before playing tee-hee). It's not cause V and Urizen are (basically) never gonna show up again- IT'S BECAUSE VERGIL LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING NURSING HOME PATIENT THAT IS SUFFERING MEMORY LOSS.
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THIS IS THE FACE OF A MAN WHO IS CONFUSED AND UNSURE OF WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. Vergil was out here thinking he was gonna die but fate said, for the 8000nth time, "Fuck you bitch; live goddamnit~✨!"
Tell me I'm not the only one who just dies laughing every time I see this.
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"What- Where am I? Huh, our house looks a lot different than I remember... Why do I remember being dressed like an emo stripper- what is happening---- Oh hey, Dante and *probably* Dante's son." (100% believe that Vergil thought Nero was Dante's)
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herewegobebe · 5 months
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TAEMIN | Metamorph ♡♡♡
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etheral-moon · 11 days
Evan Peters with glasses omg (not including the Dahmer ones)
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peachesandcreames · 3 months
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That Jawline, Tho 🥵🔥
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