#it's about sakura starting to trust nirei to protect himself too
beanghostprincess · 3 months
Nirei and Sakura are NOT beating the "unconditionally in love" allegations. In fact, they're just proving to be in love over and over again with each chapter
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bellowbear · 3 months
My Random Analysis about Muteki Song Meaning (Part 1)
Part 2 Part 3
Yeah 3 parts because I'm lazy as fuck.
Warning : MANGA SPOILERS, My grammar is bad, My Japanese is also bad, don't trust my analysis perfectly, typos
Oke, soo. Let's analysis the title song first
無敵 (Muteki)
To make this short, it's literally this (I already told you guys I'm not good at grammar and Japanese right?)
Invincible; unrivaled; unrivaled
無 (mu)
From Romanjidesu (English - Japanese dictionary)
(Mu) is clearly means as :
nothing; naught; nought; nil; zero
un-; non-
敵 (teki) means as :
opponent; rival; adversary
menace; danger; threat; enemy
So, if we put together, 無敵 (muteki) means Invincible. This honestly makes sense to Sakura's character, he is invincible, he so strong that he almost becomes undefeatable. Wtf am I saying?
Btw, the kanji have another meaning, because you know... hiragana etc.
Back to the topic, and then we go to the first lyrics.
“I'm other half (fragment) like a light I'll protect you”
“I'm invincible My heart hurts so much that it breaks”
This can be interpreted as how Sakura sees Furin, his friends, and the people at Makochi (Furin territory). 
From chapter 145 Sakura says “It’s because of them… that I started wanting… to be here. It’s warm, it smells so nice. … I’ve never been to a place… where I could stand so easily before. That’s why… I wanted to protect it.”
Sakura wants to protect the fragment of light he has. But, we know that Sakura is invincible, that ‘invincible’ also makes him suffer, it also makes his heart hurt. From what we know (from the anime and the manga) Sakura is always alone before he meets Furin and the others. 
From my interpretation, Sakura doesn’t want to be ‘invincible’, he becomes what he is because of the past itselft. Because of the rejection he got, it broke his heart, but he tried to hide it. And so, this makes sense to the next lyrics.
“I don’t want it, don’t come near me, even though you pretend to understand”
“I brushed away the hand you reached out because I’m a devil”
Son, the anime did a good job for showing Nirei in the first part, and then Suo for the next part (I know they also show Tsugeura, but it's not the main point okay).
We know that Nirei always wants to be helpful for Sakura, for showing Sakura the way to the top. 
“So, at the very least, I hope that when he’s lost, or when he’s in trouble…I can help him. I… want to be helpful to him! at least a little!” Nirei to Suo at chapter 57.
Nirei and Suo may not know what Sakura's past is, but they don’t pretend to understand. They are confused, yes, but they still want to understand Sakura, and want Sakura to rely on them more.
But, to protect himself, Sakura rejected it. Because he doesn't know how to handle it. This is literally what Suo said to Nirei after visiting sick Sakura.
“If you're given something you don’t know how to use when you’re in bind… it’s just going to make things worse, right?”
“As for Sakura-kun, I don’t think he even knew about smartphones… let alone know how to use one. This also applies… to friendship too, I think.” Suo to Nirei at chapter 57.
Sakura views himself as a ‘devil’ because of what people think he is, what people say about him, once again just because of his appearance. (Why the fuck men). Sakura refuses to admit that he can’t do this alone, he is scared of once again being rejected.
“If you smile for me, even my unbearable past”
“I’ll think it’s all worthless”
“Alone, I crouched down”
“I won’t forget that you pulled out my heart”
At first I’m confused about what these lyrics meant, so I searched for another translation, and I found this.
“As long as you smile for me, I can overcome my shameful past”
“I don’t think everything is worth it”
“Alone, I crouched down”
“I’ll never forget you pulling out my heart”
And I go back to chapter 58, when Sakura asks Kaji how to rely more on his friends. And I found this interesting, in the manga when Sakura monologues about not supposed to care about what the others see about him. 
But, all of his classmates are smiling at him (minus Sugishita), they’re seeing Sakura as who he is, and accepting who Sakura is. 
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“... not a single one of them… chose… to reject you.” Kaji to Sakura at chapter 59.
Because of that, the ‘shameful or the unbearable past’ manages Sakura to overcome it, even though Sakura thinks it’s all worthless (because once again, he still ‘scared for no reason’ just like what Kaji said to him).
So, when he ‘crouched down alone’ in the darkness, he could never forget everyone who ‘pulled out his heart’. This literally means Sakura who is always alone, scared of being rejected, scared to accept everyone, scared for seeing who they’re, but now he finally can jump out from the tightrope.
(God damn… I’m very happy for this boy :’’’))
Anyway... end of part 1
I want to eat my oranges now
Bye :)
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