#it's about both of them having strong bonds with their pokemon
clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
So i hope its okay... Can i request arven penny nemona and kieran Meeting a pokemon Trainer that is basiclly Pokemon sword/shield MC and maybe hop or marni come to visit? Or it can just be Just the Trainer i wouldn't mind anyway here's the team
A inteleon is kinda like a big brother to the team but still is Sometimes mischevous
Zamazenta who May look cold but is essentialy a big puppy
Gerdevoir who kinda has a sibling like rivaly with with salazle on who's stronger
Salazle who is a little diva but both her or gardevoir will beat you up if you insult the other
And a sylveon and glaceon who are like peas in a pod and will go out to defend the other if something happend
Anyway you don't have to write it if you don't want to since its kinda long and have a good day/night 💜💛
Apparently saving a region from an ecological crisis wasn't your first rodeo..as you've done this in Galar too.
After sharing stories of how you became champion, prevented Chairman Rose from causing a second "Darkest Day" with Eternatus, revived the Hero Duo (with Zamazenta being living proof), etc...Arven's fully convinced you need a vacation.
Funny enough, Paldea was meant to be your fresh start and a way to begin your studies like a normal kid.
But of course that didn't happen.
Facing the Titan Pokémon together reminds you of the Dynamaxed ones, but you thanked Arceus they weren't that gigantic nor have any brutal G-Max moves.
When it comes to food, Arven learns you can make a mean curry dish, often trading each other recipes.
In fact, you've made so many types that your team is just happy to eat whatever you've cooked up.
Speaking of which..your current team is the same one from Galar. You decided they were ready for a new adventure in a new region by your side.
Inteleon, once a timid Sobble, tended to sneak bites of curry/sandwiches from the others, but otherwise acts like a cool older brother to your team.
His Snipe Shot is deadly and he lowkey missed being able to Gigantamax, although he likes how flashy he becomes when terastalized.
Zamazenta actually enjoys belly rubs, discovering this only after witnessing Arven give Mabosstiff pets on the stomach.
Gardevoir and Salazzle have been rivals since they were a Ralts and Salandit, having a few sparring matches during camps/picnics.
But trust they will BOTH go on the offense if anyone dared hurt the other. Arven witnessed this firsthand down in Area Zero when an Iron Hands attacked Salazzle with a ground move, and Gardevoir's Moonblast absolutely destroyed it.
Finally, Sylveon and Glaceon were two inseparable Eevees. You couldn't catch one without taking the other with you, and ever since then they've stuck together like glue, even evolving at the same time.
When Hop and Marni visited you in Paldea (whether to just travel or study abroad), Arven gets a little jealous that they were your friends before he was..but learns to get along with them.
Assuming she was studying abroad in Galar (after ditching Team Star) when the events of SWSH took place, she definitely would have seen your face around social media and on nearly ever TV station.
She knew you defeated Leon in the championship.
But she NEVER would've guessed it was you who also stopped the second Darkest Day from happening--and quelled Eternatus, of all things.
It was like you were the protagonist of some epic anime, doing all this heroic stuff yet being so casual when talking about it to her, Arven, and Nemona.
But she wants to hear all about your adventures!
Even though she was a little jealous you did all these cool things while she had to continue her studies.
She's thrilled to meet your Sylveon and Glaceon, finding their strong bond to be sweet and similar to her own Eeveelutions.
If you went to Crown Tundra, she immediately asks if you met her father and apologizes on his behalf if he was too overbearing.
But you amuse her with the story of how Calyrex kept temporarily possessing his body to speak to you.
The first time you brought out Zamazenta, Penny was a little intimidated by the way it looked at her menacingly...
Until it does the same thing Miraidon/Koraidon did to her during Operation Starfall:
And that is tackle her in kisses and icky wolf slobber.
She wonders why all your Legendaries do this to her..
Underneath the gruff, tough, and battle-hardened appearance, it turns out that it's really just a giant puppy longing to be spoiled like a Growlithe.
Right from the get-go, she knew you were Galar's most recent champion and wanted to see how you fight.
Of course, that meant you had to adapt from the Dynamaxed battles you were so accustomed to and get used to Terastalized battles instead.
But you're a quick learner.
In fact your Inteleon, despite being at a disadvantage against her Pawmot, still managed to sweep half her team.
Sometimes you'll have your Paldea starter in your party in place of Zamazenta, but when you brought the shield wolf out for the first time during a picnic...Nemona was in awe.
"So THIS is one of the legendary heroes that Ms. Raifort taught us about????" She gawks, especially as you bring out the rusted shield and let it transform.
Penny made a good point: you may as well be a modern-day hero of Galar yourself!
She also wanted to hear all about your trials and tribulations with the gym challenge, having seen your battle on television and how Leon congratulated you for winning the championship.
Ngl it made her tear up the first time she rewatches it with you, proud of how you were still eager to finish it even though the Second Darkest Day interrupted the match and almost destroyed the whole region.
It lowkey made her feel bad when you, her, and the others had to go down to Area Zero and prevent another disaster that would've also unleashed dangerous Pokémon all across the region...
Yeah, you definitely needed a break and a chance to feel like a normal trainer.
And what better way to do that than to battle Nemona again and again?
When you first met in Kitakami, you never struck him as the type to be Galar's Champion (as well as its savior from the second Darkest Day--the first one being an event he read about in books).
It's not something you liked to brag about anyways. So you downplayed your experiences while talking to him during the signboard project.
All he knew was that you lived in Galar and participated in the gym challenge. That's it.
Only when you show up to BB Academy does he overhear people talking about you like you're some celebrity, and he realizes you've been keeping even more secrets from him...
"Did you hear?? The Galar Champion is joining the league club!"
"I heard they reawakened Zacian and Zamazenta! They brought the heroes of Galar back to life!"
He refuses to believe it up until the moment you two battle, where Gardevoir and Salazzle worked incredibly well together, before you sent out Zamazenta near the very end.
Ofc Kieran is FURIOUS, screaming about how you lied to him yet again and "never changed".
"You told me you were just a normal kid from Galar...WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU BEEN KEEPING FROM ME?!!"
It's so unfair. You're hailed as a hero in a different region, you held two (and eventually three) champion titles, AND you have Zamazenta on your side...while he's a nobody from Kitakami who gave up so much and worked so hard--only to realize he'll never be even half as great as you.
How could he ever be like you with so many achievements under your belt?
But after you two become friends again (with you apologizing for not fully telling him the truth about yourself), Hop called you in hopes of visiting the academy's Terarium to research the Pokémon there.
You introduce him to Kieran, and they have a long chat about their rivalry with you.
Things get a little awkward when Hop rambles about his constant losses against you and his desires to become stronger (plus his struggle to step out of Leon's shadow), only to find his true calling as a professor in the end.....before asking Kieran how he coped.
"...oh um...I-I didn't really cope that well. I got jealous and bitter and..let's just say I wasn't very nice to [y/n]." He mutters, feeling ashamed.
"Awh really? But you seem like a nice chap now!" Your Galarian rival/friend tries cheering him up, although he understood his pain and felt that same humiliation several times before.
But Kieran did learn a thing or two from him, just like he did from Nemona. Battling was still his calling, but he forgot how to have fun with it, and he needed that reminder.
He mentions trading you an Applin, and Hop does a spit-take, asking if he knew what that meant (or if you told him).
If so, then he congratulates you both on your new relationship.
If not, then you let Kieran google it on your rotomphone...
Before he buries his face into Zamazenta's fur a few seconds later, trying to hide his worsening blush while you and Hop just laugh.
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
How would the elite four and the Kitakami siblings interact with the Paldean group (with the MC) on an exchange program to Paldea?
Oooo, super fun prompt!! I love writing character interactions :D
There's no romance in this one, it's just them meeting each other! Enjoy :3c
BBA League and Kitakami siblings meet Arven, Nemona, and Penny!
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Unsurprisingly, Amarys and Lacey are the ones who have to handle flight details and travel preparations. Amarys is SCARY good at organization-- she makes sure everyone arrives on time, even Drayton. (Though it was quite a struggle to get him out of bed.)
Drayton and Arven are like your older brother figures, in a sense. They're both protective of you in their own ways. So when they meet, there's tension in the air as they both realize they care for you in that way. They shake hands, though you could swear their smiles are a bit more strained than usual... Must be your imagination though.
Crispin and Arven get along really well! They both love making food, so they instantly bond over that. Crispin lets Arven try some of his food, to which Arven nearly dies on the spot from how spicy it is-- but Arven gives Crispin a shaky thumbs-up, and Crispin is overjoyed!
Lacey is ALL over Penny, fawning over Penny's cute clothing, especially that adorable Eevee backpack!! Penny is a bit surprised and taken aback at first, but they get along well enough and they share a taste in cute fashion.
Kieran and Nemona have this uh... weird standoff. "So, you're Y/N's first rival? You must be pretty strong then." Kieran says, his expression unreadable. His hand is already clutching his pokeball.
Nemona goes from nervous to excited IMMEDIATELY. "NO WAY!! You're the one Y/N keeps talking about?! We have GOT to battle. Let's go to the battle court now!!" She grabs his hand and instantly runs off with him.
Arven raises an eyebrow as he watches them run off. "Typical Nemona." He sighs. Suddenly, Carmine shoves him out of the way with a determined look on her face. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go watch!" She exclaims. Penny just gives a small shrug and grabs a snack from her bag. "Snacks are on me."
Amarys, whose face is usually quite still-- watches the battle nervously. "I have not seen Kieran this fired up in a while." She comments quietly, pushing up her glasses. "I cannot help feeling a bit excited and nervous myself. The outcome of this battle will be interesting."
Kieran manages to pull off a win, though it's definitely a close battle. He's breathing heavily by the end of it, looking exhausted yet determined. To his surprise, Nemona walks up to him and offers her hand. "That was an awesome battle, dude! Kitakami trainers sure are something else!" She says with a smile.
Kieran hesitantly shakes her hand. "...Thanks." is all he says before he walks off and excuses himself to go to the Pokemon Center. Nemona laughs it off-- "I guess he's just a quiet kid!" She says.
Drayton cheers in the background. "Woo-hoo, let's go Kieran! He wasn't our former champ of BBA for nothing!" He exclaims before Carmine swiftly elbows him in the stomach.
Overall, it's an enjoyable trip! And of course, it wouldn't be a trip without Miraidon/Koraidon there to steal some of the food.
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rainybyday · 2 months
ok so before I go on and start posting about my flower au I need to put this out there about my Jazz Witch au.
oh boy
So Jazz is a Witch au was not something I thought I would make a fic about but that seems to be the case based on how long and how much time I'm dedicating to write about it. Go figure.
As of right now, I have a few concepts of what I want to make Jazz as a Witch of. Because let us face it, she has to have some sort of theme so I can make it seem more connected to the Ghost and how they have their own themes based on their deaths or ambitions as they die. I want Jazz to connect to something grand or small, something that makes her uniquely Jazz.
So first - Elements
I can make Jazz focus on an element as her theme, just like how Danny has Ice powers. I can make Jazz have fire or even lighting powers.
Fire would be fun to play around with, making her hair light on fire or connecting her fire with the Victorian ghost girls who got burned at the stake because they were all accused of being witches. If I also remember right, one of her ancestors was also a Witch hunter so I see a bunch of potential there.
But if she were to have something like Lighting then I play around with the trauma of Danny getting electrocuted to death and have some sibling angst with it all because while Danny may love Jazz he will not get over his death that easily. Especially if one of the causes of his death is also a power that his sister, who he sees as safe, has as her element.
Secondly - Minor Concepts
Yet I can play around with minor concepts as well. Concepts that are like healing or guiding, remembered or bonds. Like, think of minor gods kind of concepts where the concepts are not that big but are still universally used.
If you're still confused, think of mystical pokemon vs legendary pokemon. You have pokemon of music, victory, and wishes while there are other pokemon that are of land, space, and sea.
Minor concepts seem both overpowering yet just the right amount of power as well since a lot of au's do have Danny as Ghost King or Ruler over Death and such, so it would be fun to have Jazz as the sister of the Ghost King and being titled the Witch of Remembrance or of Shadows.
Like a smaller domain that Jazz rules over.
Third - Major Concepts
While unlike the minors these are the ones you would definitely think of as "strong". Major concepts, and I have a smaller post about them here, are Space, Death, Time, Fate, Life, and Universe. Or at least the ones I wrote about back then. Of course, I can expand it to things like Knowledge or Justice and all sorts of Major Concepts that she can connect to. But at the same time, they seem to be very overpowering and it is a whole other journey to process and such. I mean, I want to write a short fic but making Jazz a major concept and only writing 8 chapters might seem lackluster for the power she was given.
So? Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas?
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Misplaced Super Train is absolutely AMAZING and is for some reason scratching a bit of my brain so if you don't mind I had some possible thoughts that could maybe be incorperated for like. AU World Building, if that's alright
what if the Super Train "Clan" end up building their camp around the ruins of the battle train, both for the easy shelter it offers but also to keep any other people from poking around and finding Future Stuff
bouncing back and forth between teaching Ingo about who they are and where they came from but also stuff about Hisui and trying to differentiate the two so his "past" and "future" knowledge won't get muddled
the STC's giving the other Clan's/Galaxy Team a HEART ATTACK with just how calm and relaxed they are with their pokemon becuase they've all seen how strong they are
they do bond with Laventon tho since he's very interested in all these new, seemingly domesticated pokemon as well as how powerful they are
I was actually going on the assumption that their camp is where their totaled train is! I still don't know where exactly I'd want them to crash at, I don't want them in either Pearl or Diamond territory, and I don't want them near Jubilife Village. So it just leaves the coastlands and the highlands, I think. And, if Ingo still becomes Lady Sneasler's warden, it makes more sense for the train to have crashed in the highlands.
So I suppose they're, like, the new official Highlands Clan. On account of the fact that they can't live anywhere else. They don't know how to build tents. Have to stick with the train cars.
(Okay I guess I now know where I want them to crash at.)
As for teaching Ingo, he may be able to understand what these people are saying, but despite knowing he has a brother and a family and works with trains etc, he doesn't remember any of it. It becomes clear to the depot agents that telling him these things aren't actually helping his memory at all, just forcing him to feel pressured into remembering, so they stop trying altogether. They'll tell Ingo things if he asks, but otherwise, they're not going to try and force remembrance of certain things anymore.
Akari's own amnesia and the fact that she has no expectations of Ingo or knew him previously is actually part of the reason why Ingo is so comfortable with her, and why he finds it so much easier to remember things around her.
Anyways, I don't think the clans are all too alarmed by being close to Pokémon so much as the Galaxy Team are, honestly speaking. I mean, they all seem to have Pokémon partners? I think it's more normal for the clans than the Galaxy Team, but understandably EVERYONE is very wary of the fact that their Pokémon are just. So insanely strong in comparison to everyone else. Because these crazy people battle for FUN. Nobody else does that! Battling is for survival, judging someone's character, asserting authority, or proving a point. It is NOT for enjoyment!
Every time a Clan or Galaxy Team member passes by them while they're battling, they sort of just skirt the edge and stare wide-eyed at them like they're absolutely insane. Because by native standards, they are.
As for Laventon, he's literally the kind of guy to just run up to a stranger and start a conversation, so I imagine he does actually get along with the depot agents and Ingo quite well. Even if he does ask enough questions to remind them all of reporters.
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theresattrpgforthat · 3 months
Is there a tabletop for those who like the Monster Hunter Stories series? Like befriending and riding various monsters to fight alongside them?
THEME: Monster Hunter Stories
Hello there, so I found a few games that feel like they incorporate some of the same themes as Monster Hunter Stories, although nothing hits what you’re looking for exactly. I tried to look for games that were either inspired by the Monster Hunter franchise, or emphasized positive, co-operative relationships with monsters for this recommendation.
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Animon Story, by Zak Barouh.
Jump into the world of Animon with this original tabletop roleplaying game inspired by beloved anime and video games. You'll take on the role of Kids who team up with their very own monster buddies called Animon. Together you'll go on adventures, grow as friends, and maybe even save the world!
This book contains everything you need to create unique characters and tell your own stories, with rules designed to encourage and support your creativity.
If you’re looking for monster companions in a cute animation style, Animon Story is right for you. It’s more inspired by Digimon and Pokemon, but one thing that looks similar to Monster Hunter Stories is the importance of a relationship with you and your monster friend. Animon Story calls this the Bond of Friendship, and it is intrinsically tied to your monster friend’s evolution and abilities. Animon Story is also full of adorable art, with a strong anime-like aesthetic, and the creator has released a number of supplements for the game, including an additional character option and an anthology of adventures to play through with your friends.
If you want to try before you buy, you can also take look at the Intro Playkit on Itch.io.
Fatal Familiar, by MC Griffin.
Befriend or tame deadly powerful living thought forms called figments in an apocalyptic dream world. Stories of a human world blighted by a dream. Living thought forms called figments roam the world- some humans yearn to coexist and break down the divisions between themselves and the figments, others labor to control them, and the rest just try to get by without shit getting too weird.
Play in any setting or genre you'd like, or in the official Elseware setting! If your story involves befriending supernatural beings and gettin' in fights, it can work for this setting.
Fatal Familiar is decidedly separate in tone and genre from Monster Hunter Stories, with trainable companions that are creatures of the mind in a dream world, rather than physical creatures of many monster-collecting games. The story is also less kid-friendly, with the apocalypse much more present (or at least, that’s what I get from both the art and the game page). However, there’s still some pieces that seem to resonate - particularly the theme of some kind of blight spreading that needs to be stopped, and conflicting viewpoints about the nature of figments and whether people can life alongside them.
Because this game advertises itself as something that can be hacked, I’m curious about if you could re-write the setting to more accurately represent the world of Monster Hunter Stories instead.
Monster Care Squad, by Sandy Pug Games.
Long after the crowns have fallen, long after greed has had it's day, long after war, poverty, hunger, and tyranny passed into memory, Ald-Amura's peace is broken by The False Gold, a terrible sickness spreading through its greatest guardians and most beautiful Monsters. Unified by community and driven by a love for the planet and each other, The Monster Care Squad rises. Do you heed their call?
Monster Care Squad is a tabletop roleplaying game set in the tranquil world of Ald-Amura. The peaceful state of the world is threatened when a mysterious poison known as The False Gold finds its way into the veins of the world's Monsters, causing terrible, maddening Wounds, which drive these incredible beings into uncontrollable rages. The once unbreakable bond of harmony and respect between Humans and Monsters is on the brink of collapse, and it's up to you and your allies to set things right.
Similar to the blight harming the monsters of Monster Hunter Stories, The False Gold of Monster Care Squad is turning many monsters hostile, as well as causing them to fall sick. Your job is to find a way to subdue the monsters long enough to administer care, but not to kill them - monsters are highly respected, sentient creatures that can grant magical gifts to those they love. Monster Care Squad gives you a concrete goal to work towards, although it doesn’t allow creatures to fight alongside you, as far as I can tell. However, the gifts from monsters that allow you to level up, making you more powerful while also changing something about you to indicate that you’ve been blessed by a monster.
Monster Guts, by Wheels Within Wheels Publishing.
Welcome to MONSTER GUTS, a tabletop roleplaying game, Illuminated by LUMEN, that draws from your favorite monster-hunting video games.
This book has rules to build your scavenger, pick a starting weapon and friendly companion critter, and then go out hunting giant monsters! Each hunt takes approximately 90 minutes.
Set in a post-capitalism world where monsters bio-engineered to extract resources have destroyed much of the world, you must hunt these creatures to sustain your village, one of the few settlements in the Pacific Northwest to have survived. You'll also harvest tags that you can slot into your weapons and garb to power up your scavenger.
One thing that sets the Monster Hunter series apart from games like Pokemon and Digimon is the inventory system, and the way the game uses the pieces of monsters you defeat to upgrade your personal gear. Monster Guts is directly inspired by the Monster Hunter franchise, and is incredibly focused on using the spoils of combat to upgrade your personal gear. The game also has a section called Companion, which I am assuming is a creature companion of some sort who can aide you as you hunt.
You might also be interested in…
Monster Adoption Centre, by TavernStories.
A Monsters Tail, by Five Points Games.
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onestepbackwards · 5 months
saw the anon ask about what were to happen if the self-aware pla ancestors left their own documentations of the player and passing it down to their predecessors and it was so cool that i wanted to conjure some what-if scenarios if rowan and cyrus DID end up meeting the player.
rowan is pretty ecstatic to meet you, as you could've imagined. a person with such abilities and trainer capability is a sight that is rare to behold outside of high ranking trainers and whatnot, so it's fair to say he's excited. while he could somewhat understand why kamado believed you to be some devil in disguise back then, you didn't even seem to harbor a singular ill intent within you.
cyrus on the other hand.. yeah, he's something else. when he finally pieces together just what and where you are, his perfect plan is in motion. a person with such abilities and knowledge like no other, and with access to pokemon with earth shattering properties.. his interest is piqued. as the plotline progresses all the way to mt. coronet's top, cyrus gathers dialga and palkia to do his usual bargain. but this time, he has a different goal in mind.
He is going to use you to create his perfect universe for him. And those of compassionate spirit who will try to stop you will cease to exist. While cyrus's ramblings and prophecies are complete lunacy filled with sadness and desperation, you can't help but feel a bit tempted to help him. Who could blame you? If such power could be at your access, would you not utilize it for your own desires? Maybe kamado was right about you.
Oooh Imagine Rowan becomes increadibly protective.
He sees you for the first time, and its when you first become a trainer, and it clicks.
You are younger than the hardened, fierce, 'devil' trainer his ancestor spoke about. In this moment, as you and your friend apologize for using the starter pokemon without permission, he recognizes you.
The two of you are nothing but bright-eyed, bushy tailed trainers, but he sees it. That spark that all strong trainers have. That spark that no doubt would become that fierce, determined, fiery expression that his ancestor was very wary of.
Of course, after meeting you, he immediately realizes the odd talk in his ancestor's journals must have been paranoid nonsense. You are a talented trainer who is very good with pokemon, but to Kamado, it must have been something unheard of. Especially after the horrible things his ancestor endured before creating Jubilife village.
He decides to root for you both, and to support you as much as he can. You'll definitely need it if you are the exact same trainer from the future that was sent to Kamado's era. Rowan couldn't even imagine being in your shoes, especially after reading how cold most the village will treat you.
Cyrus though definitely changes his plans around the idea of meeting you.
Someone who could strong-arm gods after losing everything. A trainer who was strong, yet compassionate. Someone who didn't give up, and saved the world despite facing the end.
If you really were from his time, he wanted you on his side.
Sure, he didn't care much for pesky feelings, but he would be a fool to ignore the power of them after what he had read about you. How you used your bonds with pokemon to defeat gods and catch them, all in an era where that was primarily unheard of if you weren't from the local clans.
All it would take is a bit of fibbing, and he is sure he can sway you to his side. Surely, you'll believe that creating a new universe is the perfect plan, no?
No more suffering, no more hardships. No one would ever have to suffer ever again. And you'd have anything you wanted at your finger tips.
Won't you hear him out?
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colorful-bees · 2 months
When Volo talked to Cynthia about Pokemon who haven't fought out of desperation aren't as strong as the ones who have, I wonder exactly what he's referring to with that statement. He talks about how bonds forged in those life or death situations create Pokemon that can serve their wielders better and he's talking from personal experience.
Referencing exactly what he says, his words are, "You lack desperation. In this place, Pokemon battles are treated as friendly competition. You could never hope to win against people and Pokemon who have battled through harsh environments with their lives at stake. As a Pokemon wielder, I give my own Pokemon orders so that we can survive. Pokemon honed through life-or-death situations can better serve as swords and shields for people!"
I want to point out his use of "Pokemon and people," and "I give my own Pokemon orders so that we can survive." He's not only talking about Pokemon fighting through harsh conditions, he's referring to both people and Pokemon in those situations; the human is also in life threatening danger in this scenario. Even more interestingly, he uses a personal anecdote. He's talking about himself, at least partially.
In P:LA, we never see Volo fighting in a desperate, life threatening situation. The only time I can think of is Spear Pillar but not even that really matches up with the way he chooses to phrase this, nor would I exactly call him desperate in that moment. He's talking about "harsh environments" and "surviving" and "life-or-death." So whatever he's referring to here, it was before P:LA and I'm willing to bet it relates back to whatever vague, horrible event(s) that happened in his past that's occasionally alluded to and I'm once again curious about what exactly that could be.
If he's being truthful, this is actually such a big insight into how he got into this mindset of "Pokemon are tools to be wielded, I'm not friends with them ect." We obviously don't know the specifics of what happened to him in the past but we have more clarification than we once did. Survival is now introduced as another factor into why he treats his Pokemon the way he does and it honestly makes a lot of sense with Hisui being the region it is but the question still remains of what specifically happened to him that caused this world view to form?
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sataara · 10 months
Fanfic Recs! pt. 1
Hello hello! For yall that don't know me, I'm Billy or Sataara, either is fine, and I read a lot of submas fics so I decided to make a list of some recommendations that I have! A few things about me is that I can't deal with unhappy endings, heavy angst and/or any pairings where both brothers are with someone else (also no bl/nkship), so if you're looking for any of these types of fics, I'm sorry but you won't find it here :/
That aside, I'll make more than one post since this was getting kind of long, this first one are just multi-chapter fics! Most of these are either reunion fics or Ingo living after getting back from Hisui, with some exceptions! Gonna leave the actual description under the link with small personal notes on my opinion about them!
edit: added a few more!
Combūrere by Anonymous
Emmet doesn’t appreciate hearing his brother is dead. But if it takes everyone treating him like glass to let him fistfight a god, so be it. He’s an over-pressured steam boiler, waiting to explode. He’s already set up all the pieces, lined all his matchsticks one by one. The only thing left to do is set himself ablaze. In which Emmet becomes a vengeful spirit, reunites with Ingo, travels to an alternate universe, and fights a god. Just. Not in that order.
Words: 140,000 Chapters: 28/28
This fic got me hooked from start to finish, I was up until 5am at one point because I just couldn't put it down. Reunion with a lot of bumps in the road that only make the story more interesting and flashbacks that only add context making the fic more robust.
Last Train Home by StellarCoachman
Ingo arrived in Hisui far too early, settling in and making a life for himself there. Akari, his daughter, grows up alongside him and Lady Sneasler in the Highlands, developing a strong bond with Pokemon that serves her well when she decides to join the Galaxy Team Survey Corp. There, she meets an odd boy named Rei and takes part in the events that shape the history of the region itself. An unexpected encounter leaves her lost in an unfamiliar world. Meanwhile, Emmet has long since grown to accept his brother's presumed death, but still struggles on occasion. When he gets proof that his brother may actually be alive, he rushes off to see for himself, but he's not prepared for what he finds instead.
Words: 90,307 Chapters: 12/12
One of the many fics I'll share from this author, love their works very much and I really enjoy their different takes on their reunion! As a warning, though, this one can be very sad and it made me cry a few times too </3
Legends, ponderances, and then some. by An_Ephemeral_Walk
Of all the lands, all the regions, all the timelines, it was Unova that was chosen. It was Unova that was the first to lose someone to a mythical being outside the domain of Truth and Ideals. It was Unova that fell victim to the being already tormenting both the Sinnoh of now, and the Hisui of then. While it wouldn't be Truth or Ideals that would ultimately lead Giratina to regretting going along with Volo, it would learn the taste of regret and defeat all the same in many flavors. Stealing the partner of a fiery ghost is a lesson not learned yet, but it will be. Oh, it will be.
Words: 85,049 Chapters: 10/10
This one is a very interesting and enjoyable read, a lot of introspection, different hcs for how the characters met, just, really nice all around.
Elevated Railways by FluentInFangirl12
I'm a sucker for wingfics and I'm surprised that in all my submas fics, I haven't written one yet. This was inspired by @manchasma's wing au on tumble dot com and this specific post by @fang-tasmal (https://fang-tasmal.tumblr.com/post/682901862855426048/wing-au-time-i-like-the-traditional-wings-on-back) but im changing the lore and stuff a bit.
Words: 71,987 Chapters: 28/28
Wingfic! This one has a lot of uncle Ingo content, it's a really fun read and nice exploration of the setting with the "but what if wings?" trope added to that <3 Also, another author that has a bunch of fics I enjoy!
Ingo in Wonderland by PerpetuallySleepy
Falling for the second time, Ingo finds himself in a strange land… a strange wonderland. Well, it appears that there’s quite an adventure ahead of him. A weird and wacky one! All aboard!
Words: 71,058 Chapters: 30/30
This one I actually avoided for sometime thinking it wouldn't be something I enjoyed, but oh, I'm so glad I gave it a chance! What a fascinating and fun story! Its heart wrenching and different, I loved it all the way through!
Give Not In To Sorrow by Hare_Brained_Scheme
Something strange is going on in Hisui. There are reports of a man in white roaming the wildlands while leading a pack of Pokemon . Some say they're a mix of Pokemon, some claim they're a pack of zoroarks. Some swear that the man is none other than the amnesiac warden of the Pearl Clan. One thing is certain. Those who meet the man in white all report the same thing: He is looking for his brother. And he will not rest until he finds him.
Words: 70,551 Chapters: 12/12
This one I can not recommend enough, beautifully crafted story, completely gut wrenching, I've read it twice not counting the times I reread my favorite parts and cried a lot, mind the tags but do read it if you haven't already.
We Are Derailing by william_pkmn
Lucas is sent on a mission to investigate a sacred site to the Diamond clan. As added backup, he takes Ingo with and inadvertently unlocks his memories, deepening the mystery they have to solve together.
Words: 49,451 Chapters: 10/10
Another really interesting one! Following Ingo and Lucas as they look for clues about Ingo's past, the promise that things will work out by the end, the road to get there, it's worth the read!
A Rather Dramatic Displacement by NanixErka
Arceus grants the wish of the two heroes displaced in time However, perhaps they should have consulted Dialga with the time portion of this 10 years isn't too far off for humans, right? the scowling 5 year old didn't think so.
Words: 44,258 Chapters: 12/12
Really fun fic with Ingo and Akari being de aged and sent to the wrong time! Tons of shenanigans and also cute moments with dad Ingo <3
Autistic Elopement (if it sucks, hit the bricks) by Alienea, Juan_Pujol_Garcia
Stuck in the past? Textures suck? Tastes bad? Horribly understimulated? Just walk out! Hit the bricks! Leave through a portal with a kid you met a few months ago! What could go wrong?
Words: 42,008 Chapters: 6/6
Loooooove this one! Ingo relearning and slowly remembering his present time, while Emmet has to deal with everything that comes with Ingo being back but with no memories.
to the rift that tore us apart (and brought us together again) by Gibberish_Sorcerer
A distortion appears at a certain Unovan subway station, taking away Ingo to a different land. Emmet sees everything firsthand. (Emmet goes through a rift to Hisui, keeps his memories, and just sorta hangs out with Ingo. Also the entire plot of PLA happens with the twins going along for the ride.)
Words: 31,911 Chapters: 15/15
This one is really good! Such an interesting idea to explore with Emmet also in Hisui and now everyone has to deal with the fact that there's two of them kjdbsjakbvkjb
I Came Back For You by Elithesia_Autem_Danguarde
Upon experiencing a mysterious connection to another time and space, Warden Ingo regains his memories and makes the choice to return home to Unova where he belongs. However, he has to deal with not only his own emotions about being in Hisui for over a year, but how his absence impacted those that loved him. Settling back home isn't easy, but there are always people who stand behind him, particularly his precious little brother who missed him so dearly.
Words: 30,295 Chapters: 5/5
The care and love in this fic is so heartwarming but also a bit sad at times, I really enjoyed the concept and how the different conflicts were worked through!
A Change in Conductors by CuzReasons
Warden Ingo wakes up in a place he doesn't recognize. Subway Boss Ingo wakes up in a place he's only read about. Neither are where they should be.
Words: 23,654 Chapters: 9/9
This author is currently my favorite and I love their concepts and how they work through their stories and ideas, I recommend looking through their entire pokemon tag if you're looking for reunions and sibling antics! But talking about this fic in specific, the concept uses a common trope but the way it's used is fresh and so intriguing! I kept reading each chapter as soon as I got the notification, I cried happy tears reading it.
I am not there, I do not sleep. by digitalpen
How does it feel to be a dead man walking? The Pearl Clan found the body of a man in the icelands. His lips were blue and he had no pulse. When no one else in Hisui could identify him, his body was given to a blessed pokemon in lieu of a funeral. And yet, his spirit is seen walking about days later. Ingo haunts the highlands as a ghost. He has no home, no family, no memories, no life. What comes next?
Words: 20,249 Chapters: 5/5
This one messed me up and made me happy all over again, mind the tags and don't forget the promised happy ending!
The Warden, The Girl, & The Fox by Elithesia_Autem_Danguarde
While freely roaming Hisui, Akari stumbles upon a mysterious man in the Alabaster Icelands with a familiar face. As the two begin to form a friendship, Akari begins to realize there might be much more to this new man's presence than what it initially seems, as well as being the key to unlocking the lost memories of her friend, Warden Ingo.
Words: 68,621 Chapters: 15/15
Another one by Elithesia! I do love this one and their reunion is bittersweet at first but so comforting as it goes! The focus on this one is way more on Akari, but the brothers are the main point of the story!
Let It Simmer by EVTrainingUniversity
Having returned to the future, Ingo finds himself stumped on just who he was before Hisui as his memories still haven't returned. As such, until he can find his way back to his home station he must spend some time in the modern-day Sinnoh. Left sitting around for the most part while the investigators do their work, he decides to put a gift given to him by his friends in the past to good use by making a food recipe blog of traditional Hisuian dishes. It's by complete happenstance that Emmet stumbles upon his blog, having taken on cooking as a hobby during Ingo's absence.
Words: 6,538 Chapters: 4/4
This one is very special to me, food as a love language, as a healing tool, as a bonding experience, it's everything to me
Fear Not the Descent by ImpossibleJedi4
Some coping mechanisms formed in wake of a tragedy are healthy, some are unhealthy, and some are a mixture of the two. Emmet finds peace when he travels far below the surface of the earth, but then, at long last, someone finds him in return.
Words: 2,316 Chapters: 2/2
Very short one but it's so touching... Please do mind the tags if any of those concepts might make you uncomfortable, better safe than sorry
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enha-hirose · 10 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Personal Information:
Stage Name: Artemis
Birth Name: Kai Hirose (히로세)
Date of Birth: April 17, 2001
Position: FOTG, Main Rapper, Lead Vocal, and Main Dancer.
Nicknames: Riri, Ari, Rosey, Hiro, and Kai
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: Korean-Japanese
Training Period: 2 and a half year
Blood Type: B
Facts about her:
Hirose was born in Tokyo, Japan but her family also maintains a residence in Seoungbukdong Village, Seoul, Korea, thus, allowing them to be able to travel back and forth between two countries.
Hirose's father holds the position of CEO at a prominent Japanese multinational investment holding company while her mother is a renowned chef. In addition, Hirose has an older brother who is two years older than her and who is also actively engaged in the business world.
Kai is a proud cat mom to two feline companions, Tsuki (Moon) and Hoshi (Star), who undoubtedly hold a special place in her heart.
She has a passion for baking pastries, using it as her love language to express affection.
Not only does Hirose demonstrate proficiency in classical instruments such as the violin, piano, and cello, but she has also delved into the realm of martial arts, having learned taekwondo and honed her equestrian skills through horseback riding.
She has a driving license and a pokemon collection (mostly pikachu).
However, it's Hirose's early fascination with archery that truly sets her apart. Starting at a young age, she dedicated herself to the sport, mastering the art to such an extent that she was able to compete at prestigious events like the Tokyo Olympics and the SEA Games, making her nation proud as she won gold medals in both events.
She is a huge fan of Red Velvet and BTS.
She was casted by Big Hit Entertainment when Hirose caught the eye of BANG PD himself during a BTS concert in Japan who recognize her overflowing potential.
She made a surprising lovely appearance in the BTS Highlight Reel, assuming the roles of J-Hope and Jimin's partner. Her exposure made her earn a substantial and passionate fanbase. From then, J-hope and Jimin immediately took her under their wing and treated her as their little sister.
She had a cameo and acted in the movie "The King" in her pre-debut.
She spent 2 years of intensive training with TXT which solidified the bond between Hirose and the members. The boys were actually hoping and looking forward for Hirose to be their female member.
She ranked 1st in the final episode of I-Land.
Hirose is often described as a tsundere, displaying a mix of a tough exterior and a warm, caring interior, revealing her softer side to those close to her. Despite her initial aloofness, her actions and gestures speak volumes about the genuine affection she holds for her friends and loved ones.
The I-Land trainees affectionately nicknamed Hirose as "Archer Siren" due to her exceptional talents, combining her mastery in archery with a voice so enchanting it's reminiscent of a siren's call. The trainees also acknowledge her as an all-rounder.
In the 1st episode of I-Land, Hirose and Heeseung were in a powerful sub-unit that left everyone in awe. Their synergy and breathtaking performance not only earned them full votes and set a high standard for the competition right from the start.
Hirose has forged strong bonds with all ITZY members, fostering particularly close friendships with Ryujin and Yeji, Aespa's Karina, IVE's Yujin and Gaeul, StayC's Isa, Viviz's SinB, and Red Velvet's Wendy and Irene.
Hirose has endeared herself to fans not just for her artistic talents but also for her pure and compassionate heart. Demonstrating her commitment to philanthropy, she donated 50 million won to aid the victims of a devastating forest fire in Gangwondo. On February 14th, 2023, she extended her generosity further, contributing another 50 million won to support those affected by the earthquake in Turkey.
Likes: classical music, mocha bread, rose tteokbokki, spicy and savory flavors, Harry Potter series, baking, traveling, coffee, photography, color green and blue, archery, and painting.
Dislikes: dust (she is allergic), tapping noises, injustice, unreliable and arrogant people, mint choco (she can tolerate it), loud crowds, disorganization, crying, invasive paparazzi or fans, and selfishness.
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thenixkat · 5 months
Hi sorry for asking im just genuinely curious, what are all the changes you'd make to the sun/ moon anime? Stuff like lusamine, guzma, etc. I love seeing you pop up in the guzma tag to rant abt how they butchered my guy, and im curious of all the stuff you'd personally change abt the anime bc it. It has problems. Sorry again for asking i just love disecting my fav media and discussing its flaws and how to better them!!!!
The biggest change would be letting Lusamine be a villain which in turn would let just about every character that got shafted actually get to have their stories.
Not shying away from her abuse which caused both Gladion and Lillie to runaway from home taking pokemon that were tortured by Lusamine with them. (Hell, you could even hint at some of the issues in Alolan society with overlooking/not talking about or helping with abuse)
Getting rid of the pokemon school angle since, the trial captains literally have only approximately an 8 year that they can be trial captains if the age cut-off is twenty and folks are expected to start their island challenge at 11. Those kids don't have the time to be dicking around at school, especially not the older ones like Kiawe and Mallow. Like, being a trial captain is a huge fucking honor in their society and they'd likely prioritize it over other stuff. Also, I don't care for nerfing characters for no good reason.
Storywise, I think using a combination of the story from the Sun/Moon game with some of the stuff from the Manga version of the story that managed to use stuff from Ultra without downplaying Lusamine's shit could make for the best adaption of the story with a few tweaks. -> Instead of the pokemon school plot, why not have Ash try his hand at being a research assistant? It'd be something new to do with him, give him a reason to be around and work with the professors, give him extra reason to explore Alola, and interact with Aether Foundation, and come in conflict with Team Skull. -> I can also see him trying his hand at the Island Challenge b/c of course, he's the protag. Hell, he can even make friends with the trial captains along the way.
-> Let Lillie be the deuteraganist proper! Let her be an actual trainer to Nebby! I hate some much that the games want us to have her pokemon just cause its the fucking box legendary, that's her pokemon and by all rights it would make more sense for her to catch it b/c that would be safer for Nebby in the long run. -> Not putting Hau on a damn bus for 97 episodes! He's the game *rival*, he's a major fucking character. Let this boy be present from jump and be both Lillie and Ash's rival. Explore his feelings about being stuck in Hala's shadow, the MC's shadow, and his sympathies with Team Skull.
-> ( A complaint I have with the games is I don't think Team Skull should be as rude or distant to Gladion as they are. Like, why would they make fun of him for being homeless if they're squatting in a rundown building? If Team Skull are supposed to be a group of homies and found family against the world, why wouldn't they adopt Gladion's prickly ass and tease him for being an edgelord? Also, just while Guzma acknowledges and respects Gladion for also escaping from and abusive household and wanting to get as strong as he can, I want more to be done with that than just paying lip service. Let them bond. ) -> Ah, yes, where was I? Gladion as a member of Team Skull. Not just hired help/an enforcer like in the games but an actual member. Let him bond with them damnit. And also keep him in a rival role to Ash while being a bad guy. Hell, its been a long time since I've watched the older pokemon seasons but it'd be fun to have a bad guy who keeps a long-running win streak over Ash. Let him keep his anime win streak and be a 'bad' guy.
-> Let Guzma have his role as the decoy big bad! Don't nerf him, don't slander him. Have folks mention him and have him show up at several points and have those eps be fucking heavy for one reason or another. He is a problem of a trainer and knows strategy and covers his team's weaknesses. -> While I hate everything the anime did slandering my guy making him the 'Undefeated' b/c he's a chicken that only targets weaklings, I wanna see Guzma being called the 'Undefeated' for serious, like folks thinking he's a chicken b/c of his ace and not taking every challenge sent his way but no he's actually good like that. I wanna see him beat Ash multiple times, yes Ash needs to beat him at some point to kickstart Guzma's character development but I wanna see him struggle to get that victory. -> You have no idea how much I want to see Guzma interrupt anyone who tries to use a Z move in a battle with him out of pure spite instead of just standing around doing fuck all while folks chant and do the poses. It would make so much more sense if he had his golisopod just sucker punch a pokemon in the middle of the z move stuff. It would be a good way to show that he's ruthless and very intent on bucking tradition. -> After I realized that like Guzma got possessed by a nihiligo in the of games and the manga and we were denied a perfectly good opportunity for a monster!Guzma rampage and opportunity to show how much Team Skull cares about each other that a 'I know yer in there come back to us Boss' and a 'help us save our Boss' could have added, I feel a bit miffed. Like I even commissioned fic to have just that and its good and everyone should read it and share with their friends. -> I do like that Team Skull didn't disband at the end of the anime. Them breaking up is one of the things I don't like about the games. Like, the can reform and stay together. (I also commissioned fic for Team Skull reforming while staying together and its good and everyone should read it and share with their friends)
-> Plumeria would have more things to do if Team Skull in general had more things to do and were taken a lil more seriously than they are in the anime. I do like the idea of her scouting and scoping and infiltrating in disguise. Also, I think she should make it farther in the pokemon league conference than she did b/c she's also a good trainer, and smart, and ruthless too. -> I think if she did make it further in the pokemon league conference and had to fight Guzma then that would be a great opportunity to show that the two characters are actually really good friends and know each other well. Certainly, I'd have Guzma win that fight, I'd also have that fight be the only one where he actually shows good sportsmanship towards his opponent. B/c he likes and respects Plumeria.
When it was on Netflix a few years ago I do remember watching some of the Pokemon Sun/Moon eps. And I remember how strange it felt that the ultra beast stuff had like a goofy Power Rangers type bend with folks suiting up as like a task force to deal with the things and just... idk maybe we should play the aggressive and fearful pokemon from another dimension more seriously. Darker at least. Cause like... ultra beasts kill people, they're a lot more dangerous than pokemon, they can do a good number on the environment more so than the invasives that are native to the dimension that the series takes place in.
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okiroash · 5 months
Thinking about how, Red is considered one of the strongest trainer in his world, people depend on him, he goes alone (because nobody else would)
but when it comes to smash bros.. he's... definitely someone who shouldn't be in the middle of a battle field, being unable to defend himself (at best is swiftly dodging incoming attacks.. gameplay-wise, they would just put him behind a barrier..) if you think about it.. he was in a pretty risky spot with only having squirtle in the team. Having his position switched from "He's strong, he can handle it" to "Frail compared to the rest of the cast" due to the differences of both worlds' situation is.. kind of fascinating ?? From where he came from people hailed him as a legend, to this world- he is simply a nameless boy with powerful magical animals.. (and the thing is, that's what he is)
now, It would be a great idea if he has someone else to team with.. (not that he can't be on his own, it's simply too dangerous) what Red first did was waving goodbye at Lucas immediately after the battle's over..... LOL it was so quick.. like he really didn't plan to stay any longer he's used to traveling with no other human companion, so the thought to stick with another doesn't come across.. (he have accomplished many things already together with just his pokemon, so why? people never offered to accompany him either, even then he prefer to do things alone.. it's what he's familiar with)
Lucas asking if he could come with him was sweet.. after all they're both looking for someone too (Ness, Ivysaur and Charizard !!)
and they both work together SO well. to be able to bond over so many things.., quiet people with a love and understanding for animals, a past experience with fighting a dangerous organization (THAT. BY THE WAY. has also experimented on living beings), having a neglectful dad, the loneliness that comes from being different than everyone else, being put up with so much responsibilities while still being!! kids!!
you have to wonder, what are the chances of meeting someone you understand so well and they too, understand you as much? in a whole different world
traversing tricky planes as foes tries to get them, beating the shit out of Wario 💥💥 THE!! Galleom fight!! Lucas hugging Red close to him as they fall to their supposed doom… none of these could be achieved if they don't got each other's back!!
Red shook his hand!!! For once, and after years of isolation, he has someone that he can truly rely, that he can depend on !! 😭😭
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Ahh I'm so excited to see another person writing x readers for Pokémon SV!! Could you write something where the reader jokingly "proposes" to Arven with the line "Will you make me sandwiches every day for the rest of my life?" Thank you!
The weather in Paldea was quite nice this evening. Fitting for a picnic.
So you and Arven decided to settle down on a grassy field near the base of Glaseado Mountain. It was usually quite cold and windy, but the weather decided to be generous today with a light breeze.
After all you’ve been through together, from hunting Titans to journeying through Area Zero, this was a much needed break for you both. Plus since you were a Champion, you had to step back from the spotlight for a while.
As Arven fixed up some sandwiches, you watched your Pokémon frolic about, smiling fondly at your pride and joy of a team.
Even the Paradox Pokémon you recently caught seemed to be getting along with them perfectly fine. You worried they’d have a hard time fitting in with the present..but it's great to see them becoming the best of friends.
Hearing quiet squeaks, you turned your attention to your Tandemaus...who now had two smaller mice at their hips.
You stared down at them, perplexed as to where they came from, so you consulted the Pokedex for any clues.
“Oh! So you’re...Maushold now? Huh.." This was especially surprising; under normal circumstances, you'll immediately notice whenever a Pokemon of yours evolves.
Instead Tandemaus somehow evolved behind your back and...apparently spawning children is all that changed about them.
"...oh well, glad to meet the new family members." You chuckled softly.
Maushold nodded, before shifting their focus to the picnic table. They skipped over to Arven as their children held onto their parents’ tails.
How adorable.
“Hey hun?” You called out. “You’re gonna have two more mouths to feed!”
“What...oh.” Looking up, he blinked as Maushold stopped in front of him, apparently seeing a cheese sandwich he was making. They squeaked loudly in demand, the little ones tugging on his pant legs.
"Ah! Hey!!" He stumbled back a little and threw his hands up in surprise. “Okay, okay! I'll feed you and your uhh..kids. Hang on.”
Once he was released from their hold, he hastily cut the sandwich into little bite-sized pieces, before kneeling down to give it to them on a plate. “Here you go fellas. A meal for a family of four.”
Nodding in gratitude, the mice ran back to you and [Koraidon/Miraidon], deciding to eat their food with you. The parents made sure their kids ate first before helping themselves.
You smiled sweetly, seeing how much your boyfriend cared for your own Pokémon. Whenever you faltered in the art of sandwich-making, he’s there to save you all from an abhorrent meal. It's just a few of the many reasons why you loved him.
After Maushold was done eating, the parents let their children go play with your Legendary, while they sat comfortably in the grass, keeping a close eye on them. They held each other’s hands, turning to nuzzle noses lovingly.
Such a display warmed your heart, reminding you of all the dates you’ve been on with Arven.
In the beginning, he shyed away from giving affection (even when there’s only wild Pokémon around). But after everything that's happened, especially after learning the fate of his parents...he’s never held you closer.
He only then realized you truly did love him and wanted to stay with him.
It’s fair to say your bond was as strong as a Tandemaus'.
Though since they’re actually a married couple..you wondered if you'd have that kind of love with him in the distant future..
Maushold suddenly perked up and gestured for you to come closer with a sense of urgency And you kneeled down, curious as to what they wanted to say.
“Uh huh....what..? I-I..I mean yes we are, but we’re not--” Sighing, your smiled awkwardly, shaking your head. “We’re just not ready for that yet. With trainers, couples are different.”
They knew how much you loved Arven, but didn’t realize there was a “dating” process for humans; their species simply goes straight to the married life, so they didn’t know what you were waiting for.
While you weren’t entirely opposed to the idea of marrying him, now was simply not the best time. Maybe once you both graduated will it be something to consider.
But as you looked back and saw him splitting a sandwich with Mabosstiff, an idea popped in your mind. 
It may be extremely corny--and might end with you begging one of your Pokémon to use Amnesia on you--though it could prove to him that you’re fully committed to this relationship.
Besides, it’d be an interesting way to dance around the subject.
So after telling the plush mice your plan, you stood back up and headed to the picnic table, sitting across from Arven. “Hey, so um..there’s something I wanna ask you.” You attempted to stay serious.
“Hm?” Blinking, he finished his food and tilted his head. “What’s up?”
His face looked blank.
“....[y/n]...I love you, but you’re gonna have to speak way slower than-”
Suddenly, you grasped his hands and stared deeply into his eyes; he was taken aback and didn't know what you were doing, but kept his gaze on yours.
Despite feeling flushed, you took a deep breath before continuing.
“Arven, I-I..can see the future. Not that kind of future with robot Pokémon running around, but a future with us being together, enjoying sandwiches just like we are now. So basically what I’m trying to say is um...would you--will you make me sandwiches every day for the rest of my life?” A bashful smile overtook your face. You rushed through the last line still, though nowhere near as fast as before.
Both of you could feel the stares of all your Pokémon as they stopped playing, confused and amused at the moment their trainers were sharing.
Arven’s face flared up at the “proposal”. Normally he’d hide it with his hands, but unfortunately that was impossible, so he just huffed and looked down, thinking.
“You..don’t mind being with me forever? I mean...I-I know I’m not a strong trainer like you or smart like Penny..” He muttered. “Is being a “sandwich artist” even a-?”
“Of course it's a redeeming quality.” You chuckled. “They say the best way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. But obviously I love you for, well, you. Whether you make great food or not.”
“....hah, thank you. So to answer your question....”
For a few moments he remained silent, before looking back up at you with the warmest of smiles and sparkles in his eyes.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind doing that for the rest of my life. Whatever sandwich you want, whenever you want it!”
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wholesome-cryptid · 26 days
I would absolutely love to read that if you posted it ^^
-Okay so a lot of this directly ties to my boyfriend @plushegutzz's oc Blaine and their lore so be prepared to see their name a lot. Also I'm not gonna include Bug in this because as much as I love her she's mostly just a silly little fankid i have for fun domestic fluff stuff so she doesn't really have a concrete timeline. Anyway i'll try my best to go through this chronologically.-
TWs for: gambling and gambling addiction, trauma, vague references to childhood abuse, Grimsley just generally being severely mentally ill
Grimsley Gore (birth name Gabriel Gore) was born into a wealthy Unovian family alongside his twin brother Garry. Being born into a rich family the two brothers had a lot of really strong expectations placed onto them from a very young age, with the two basically expected to be perfect all the time. Because of this stress growing up the two brothers developed a very strong bond as they really only felt like they had each other.
The mother of the Gore household was a very controlling and manipulative figure putting a lot of pressure onto the twins to be perfectly behaved golden children. Their father meanwhile was very emotionally distant towards his family and the rare times he did interact with his two sons he was generally pretty abusive. Growing up Grimsley/Gabriel tries his best to keep the uglier side of his home life away from public eyes, instead bragging to his friends about how cool and spoiled he is instead.
Grimsley's first pokémon was his Liepard (nicknamed Violet) who he met at around 8 years old, he spotted a wild Purrlion with an injured foot wandering his family's estate and immediately dropped everything to go check on the kitty. He got in a lot of trouble with his mother for doing so as his outfit ended up covered in dirt during his rescue of the pokémon but he was mostly just excited over having a pokemon of his own. He ended up nursing Violet back to help and it caused the two to develop a very close bond. Even as an adult Grimsley is super attached to his Liepard and basically treats her like his baby.
It's shortly after catching Violet that Grimsley meets Blaine A. Platinum the child of another wealthy Unova family with the twos parents pairing the two together in hopes of them getting married in adulthood. Both children absolutely hate this idea and don't initially get along with each other, but after a while of being forced to spend time together they start to realize that they're stuck in similar situations of shitty home lives and form a friendship over their shared struggle.
During his teen years Grimsley views his life as “going pretty good” in his eyes, he's still dealing with an actively abusive home life but he's kind of repressing all of his emotions about that. Instead he's clinging onto the bonds he formed with Blaine and his brother Garry. His dynamic with his brother is very “we've only got eachother” meanwhile he and Blaine are in this mess of “kinda dating but also kinda not dating we're 16 years old and it's complicated.” and both relationships are kinda overly dependent on Grimsley's end. Overall during this point of his life Grimsley just kinda acts like a spoiled brat rich kid who's better than everybody else because it's easier for him to accept than look inwards and try and process the trauma he very clearly is struggling with. (Grimsley spends a large chunk of his life running away from his trauma.)
Grimsley putting all his emotional stability on two people unsurprisingly ends up shooting him in the foot as his life kinda ends up falling apart at 19 years old. It starts with Blaine, They've personally had enough of the stress of their home life and now that they're an adult they're planning to run away and had been hoping that Grimsley would join them. Unfortunately Grimsley can't bring himself to abandon the only life he's ever known, a part of him knows deep down that he's not happy in his current situation but he can't bring himself to admit that. His life with his rich family being the only sense of stability he knows and he turns Blaine down. This turns into a huge fight between the two with Blaine basically accusing him of choosing his spoiled rich kid life over them and storms off.
Unsurprisingly, Grimsley takes Blaine leaving very badly with his emotions about the situation eventually starting to turn bitter with him viewing it as though Blaine abandoned him.
Things only get worse for poor Grims as not too long after he loses his brother too. Unlike Grimsley, Garry has been processing his emotions about their home life and also has decided he doesn't want to put up with it anymore. He informs Grimsley that he's intending to move away to Paldea to be with his fiancé, and much like Blaine offers his brother resources to get out himself but Grimsley isn't in the headspace to hear it and denies all of it feeling like his brother is abandoning him too.
Needless to say, Grimsley is in a pretty bad headspace at this point due to losing the two people he put all of his emotional stability into. (Even if it was a large part his own fault and refusal to process his emotional issues that caused him to lose them.) And things only get worse when his family falls into debt.
Grimsley's father was a gambler, it was a well known fact even if everyone in the family pretended it wasn't, and the kinds of casinos he was associating himself with weren't exactly the most legal ones. His father found himself owing quite a lot of money to Team Rocket causing the family to go bankrupt.
This all just sent Grimsley into a mental spiral with him basically having a full on episode. Not being able to let go of the spoiled rich life he was living because it was his only sense of stability was the reason he had lost his connections with Blaine and Garry in the first place and now he didn't even have that. Gambling was the reason he had lost everything, and in his state of mental instability he rationalized that gambling would be the thing to get his life back. It was during this episode that he decided to abandon his birth name is Gabriel and start going by Grimsley feeling as though he needed to abandon the “pathetic” person he used to be and reinvent himself.
Thrusting himself into casinos run by Team Rocket didn't exactly go well for Grimsley, with him getting roughed up for lacking proper funds on more than one occasion. But it was enough to get Grimsley addicted to the thrill of gambling. The rush of adrenaline it gave him distracted him from all the bad things going around in his he was already trying so hard to repress, it was something to make him feel ALIVE in his depressive state.
Still though hanging around these shady casinos and just getting pushed deeper into debt wasn't doing much good for him, and the only reason he was able to escape falling deeper into the organization was him meeting Nanu. Nanu was still working for the international police at this point and had been working undercover on a job related to Team Rocket and pretty quickly noticed that Grimsley was out of place. He gave him an out noticing that he actually had some really impressive pokémon battling skills and put him down the route of becoming a professional dark type pokémon trainer.
It didn't take Grimsley too long to rise up as an up and coming pokémon trainer and he definitely loved the attention and success that came with being a big name trainer. Eventually he ended up grabbing the attention of the champion of the region Alder, who saw potential in him to be successful as an Elite Four trainer and wanted to train him for the job.
His dynamic with Alder was, complicated, with Alder being a very mentorly almost father-like figure which made Grimsley and his repressed daddy issues panic. This only being furthered by Grimsley being close in age to Alder’s actual children and Alder being very aware of the fact that Grimsley was a very troubled young man who needed guidance. Grimsley did still accept the offer of the Elite Four job from Alder and did let him help out when it came to improving his pokémon battling, he did end up telling Alder to “watch it old timer” more than a couple times when it came to his personal life.
Despite his current success Grimsley still kept his gambling habits from before though and the thrill seeking that came from it although he was spending his time at more legal casinos this time. It was spending his time going out gambling that he found himself bumping into Blaine of all people again.
The two reuniting was fully by chance, Blaine finding a very hungover Grimsley passed out next to a casino with his Liepard Violet protectively coiled around him. Blaine was still fairly upset about their fight from a couple years ago at this point but could also tell that Grimsley wasn't exactly in a great state at the moment and decided to make sure he got home safe because a part of them still cared a lot for him. The two ended up catching up and while things were still very awkward between the two they decided to try and be friends to some degree again.
It was through Blaine that Grimsley ended up befriending Burgh as well, with Blaine having befriended the man through their shared passion for art. Grimsley being deathly afraid of bugs from a very young age wasn't the biggest fan of Burgh’s choice in type speciality he thought the man was fun to hang around with and so he had no choice but to put up with it, especially since Burgh was determined to help Grimsley get over his fears.
Burgh found Grimsley rather endearing in general, in fact he found himself kind of crushing on the man. Blaine, rather heavily protested this crush, pointing out that Grimsley was rather obviously very emotionally unavailable. But Burgh couldn't really help it, he could tell that underneath all the facade he put on all the time he had a softer side underneath it all and he just needed help getting it all out.
For once in his life Grimsley found himself genuinely doing pretty good, he was successful in his job in the Elite Four, he had friends in his life that genuinely cared about him, he was even starting to reconnect with his brother and get to know his nephew Giacomo (the young Giacomo really looking up to his uncle.) Unfortunately for Grimsley having people that genuinely loved and cared about him in his adulthood meant that he couldn't keep getting away with an unchecked gambling addiction and repressing all his negative emotions and pretending they didn't exist anymore. He had people that wanted him to get better and he basically got dragged kicking and screaming into therapy and working through his issues by Blaine, Garry, Alder and Burgh.
Grimsley hated working through his big pile of traumas and mental issues at first, it made him feel vulnerable and exposed and he didn't like that. But slowly over time he started to make progress and allow himself to be emotionally open with other people and starts dating Burgh during this time with the man encouraging him to be more open to being his genuine self. He also is a bit more willing to accept Alder as a father figure at this point. (Also diversity win! Grimsley realizes he's nonbinary at this point! yay! This is why you'll occasionally see me talk about headcanoning Grimsley as Bigender and using He/She/Any pronouns.) He even starts allowing people to call him Gabriel again on rare occasions, although this permission is really only given to Burgh, Blaine and Garry it's a huge sign of progress for him.
He eventually fully talks his emotions out with Blaine as hard as that is for him to do, and the two of them finally get over the fight they had all those years ago and start dating as well because I think Grimsley deserves two partners actually.
Aloan Grimsley is him taking a much needed mental health vacation after everything he's been through and allowing himself some rest and relaxation. Besides what's better than surfing on a Sharpedo in order to cope with your repressed emotional issues? He chose to hang out in Alola due to his previous connection with Nanu.
My version of Grimsley is just generally very special to me and is something that is very very dear to me so hopefully y'all enjoyed this big wall of text as well haha! i do have some vague additional headcanons but those aren't as heavily fleshed out and i wanted to just include the fully concrete stuff!!!
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Yes, I know what day it is. No, this isn't a joke post.
I was inspired to attempt designing a Mega Mew. It turned out to be a lot of fun, thinking about what would make sense. Now, this is my first concept, so any and all parts of it are open to reworking, but I like this enough to show and explain my process!
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I'll go in-depth about my choices below, but I'll warn there's potential religious implication--I kinda leaned into a connection to Arceus, but I don't know how much it counts as religion. It's mostly just the canon lore with a sprinkling of widely accepted head-canons and theories. (Religion may play more of a role if I decide to add this Mega to my story.)
As a disclaimer, this is all just for my own fun and I'm not claiming it to be canon in the slightest. I just felt like it would be more fun to weave the canon into it. :)
Without further ado, on with the word wall!
The Type: Psychic/Fairy--Connected with the choice of the chest decoration/gem. A few Pokedex entries state that Mew will only appear to those who are "pure of heart". Mega evolution is said to happen when the Pokemon has a strong bond with the trainer. Considering that, for a trainer to have SEEN a Mew, let alone catch it and have a bond strong enough to Mega evolve would be, in my humble opinion, the ultimate feat for a trainer. So I wanted to put in a symbolic representation of Mew opening its heart, showcasing its full trust in its trainer. It's also the center of Mew's powers, thus the wispy ribbony things. I felt that the Fairy type best fits with the whole bond thing. (The mischievous side of fairies also fits Mew, but maybe not so much in its Mega form, as I'll explain below.)
Body Shape/The Crown: It's probably obvious that I leaned into Mega Mewtwo Y for the general shape, and the head crest thing. But I took the crest in a different direction--As a connection to Arceus. This is where potential religion comes in, but again, it's mostly just canon Pokemon lore. Within the lore, Arceus is considered to be the first Pokemon/being. Mew is widely accepted to be among the first Pokemon created by Arceus, and many see Mew as the one to create the rest of Pokemon life. (Barring the Creation Trio and possibly the Lake Spirits--I don't know where the latter stand in the general lore.) So I took it in the direction of Mew being an Heir, giving it a crest that resembles both Arceus' head shape and a crown. In a way, I feel this Mega could also count as an Origin form (or a peek at it), if we were to see the Creation Trio and Mew as direct siblings. (Megas are theorized to be them tapping into their primal power, so I think it works.) If there is a reason other than Mega Mewtwo Y for the body, it would be that Mew is more "mature", and takes on a more grown-up and "regal" appearance.
The Colors: The main body of course is Mew's natural body color, while the white (gold on the shiny) accents are taken from Arceus. The purple is meant to be an "overflow stain" of its Psychic power, but also bleeds into...
A Connection to Mewtwo: Mewtwo was created to be the worlds most powerful Pokemon, and as such it makes sense to me that Mew's Mega form would be brought into the mix. For normal Mewtwo it mostly shows in the colors (although the chest bump could be a smaller-scale version of the heart gem), but where it really shows is in Mewtwo's Y form. Again, tapping into its primal power, but taking a slightly altered form.
HOO boy! HUGE thank you to anyone who read all that! This has been a very fun project! ^w^
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heartless-curr · 5 months
OKAY SO this dynamic was gifted upon me by divine prophecy (/silly) so this is my propaganda about why silver and moon should be half siblings and why their dynamic would fuck severely in an interesting way.
- both silver and moon have, on account of circumstances, been forced into a position where they have to be strong. moon, after nearly dying and getting saved by a legendary pokemon, is pushed by the adults around them into being strong and a protector on account of them viewing moon as being "chosen" by tapu koko. silver, on the other hand, is pushed into being strong by his lack of adult support — he's left homeless and abandoned by his own fucking father and so he has no choice but to get stronger, mentally and with pokemon.
- it's an interesting juxtaposition how moon, despite being literally pushed into everything (example: guzma trying to fight prof. kukuu only for the professor to turn around and force moon to fight him instead), canonically treats their pokemon with love and care and has this series of winning and winning and winning. they get pushed into becoming the champion against their will by circumstances out of their control and they get stronger at a rate so rapid that they can't properly handle it and they're always winning and beating people. because they have to. silver on the other hand, despite actively seeking out strength, struggles to gain it on account of not having any support or love or knowing how to care for others (even if he starts to learn) both human and pokemon wise — and he loses. he loses consistently against ethan/lyra/kris. he loses against lance. both of them have been put into a position where they have to be strong but despite silver actively seeking to be strong on his own, he can't do it to the same amount of success.
- i think it'd make silver so Much Worse to have a little sibling. it'd definitely take him a while to find out about moon for like. Obvious reasons. but finding out about them would cause a like massive internal conflict. about. the desire (though suppressed) to have a family and how even if he has lance and ethan and kris and lyra there still is that *ache* over being abandoned and wishing that his bio family was good and he didn't have to go through that. i could see him finding out about moon when he's around the age of like. 16. the alola protagonist was originally from kanto and is like significantly younger than blue, who's only around 2-3 years younger than silver. so they'd probably be a Small Child. also it'd made silver worse by making him absolutely Terrified of accidentally mistreating moon because Small Defenselesss Child and him who has a History with mistreatment of others
- despite that it'd be. kinda good. for silver. to have to decide if he wants to try to have a relationship with this Child so is only related to him via the man who so badly harmed him. he's learning to bond with his pokemon and others, however, bonding with a child requires a lot of patience and things silver struggles with. if he Wants to pursue a relationship with the only link he has to his bio family, it'd force him to have a completely different dynamic and figure out how to Deal with that.
- also this is a sillier reason but lance gets yet another kid to adopt. win for the serial adopter !
- also THEY WOULD HAVE SIMILAR ISSUES WITH ABANDONMENT. lillie fucked off and left alola and tried not to say goodbye but moon found them at the last second — and giovanni fucked off and left silver and tried not to say goodbye and silver only caught him at the last second.
- also moon moving to alola would like destroy a small part of silver. even if his reaction would be to just go "i'm fine it's fine it's fine i'm an adult i can handle this. i can handle it."
- but also. if silver is aware of lillie because of moon, when she goes to kanto (he'd be an adult at this time) he can bring the serial adopter lance around and help lillie properly heal. because even if she's been healing she still feels a sense of obligation towards lusamine that they could help her shake off.
- aside from the temptation of angst. the dynamic would also be kinda funny. moon giving silver (and by extension lance ethan kris and lyra) 10 000 heart attacks whenever they tell him about their pokemon journey because what do you MEAN you fell off a bridge what the FUCK moon— don't even get me started on rainbow rocket. the way moon would text silver "hey team rocket's in alola ????" and silver would find a way to literally teleport there that Second to kill a bitch (giovanni)
oh also there's this:
silver, looking at moon: .....what do you.... what the....
moon, who has lunala and zygarde: these are nebby and ziggy !!! :DD
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
Yuma and Eevee
You Heard of Detective Pikachu... Get ready for Detective Eevee!
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Yuma's Eevee is also a top detective. (it also strongly resembles him) Raised in the WDO all it's life, it has a lot of strong insight and can usually tell if a culprit has malicious intent behind them. (but since it only senses malicious intent it isn't always right on the culprit) It's also very helpful during investigations. (its had lots of experience) With Yuma having amnesia, Eevee is very helpful to him during crime scene investigations. It has a serious nature and it has a strong will.
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Of course, because of this, it does not get along with Shinigami. Because of Eevee's strong insight, it can sense her. (and pokemon and human are bound in this world by a link, so whatever yuma can see, eevee can usually see too) Being the jealous type, she calls it a “rat” constantly telling Yuma that it would just get in his way. With both of them being Yuma's partner, they became rivals. They fight and argue a lot (shinigami can understand pokemon speech) causing poor Yuma to get a headache. Yuma also has Shinigami translate what Eevee says during investigations. (tho she almost never complies unless yuma says "please" or begs her, causing eevee to get annoyed with her again) The fighting never ends with them.
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Eevee does get along fairly well with the rest of the nocturnal detective agency’s Pokémon partners. It becomes best friends with Desuhiko’s partner, it has a fellow kinship with Halara’s partner since both are oddly colored, when it later meets Fubuki’s partner for the short time it comes to their aid it gets along pretty okay with it, its a little wary of Vivia’s partner, but it doesn’t hate it. And it likes to hang and take naps with the chief's partner when its at the agency (though it isn’t often) Outside of the agency, the only other Pokémon it knows personally is Kurumi’s partner. It actually has a huge crush on Eevee and loves following it around whenever Yuma and Kurumi are together. And it eventually meets Makoto’s partner, though it isn’t until MUCH later. Makoto lies saying he doesn’t have a partner when he first meets it and Yuma. But in reality, he's hiding it from sight.
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Eevee can join in the Mystery Laybrinth as a guest due to the Coalescence ability since it is usually on Yuma's shoulder. Meaning it does sadly forget the case it helped it's master investigate. But it helps in other ways. When in a Mystery Labyrinth, Eevee holds onto the Solution Keys until Yuma asks for them. It carries them in a little keyring. After the mystery is solved it forgets the event like any other guest. But it makes Yuma bond with it more, since he remembers.
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Being the partner of Number One of the WDO, Eevee completely objected to his master using the Book Of Death to erase his memory for the Kanai Ward Mystery. (so it already didn't like shinigami) But he told Eevee to look after him and always be by his side to help Shinigami form him into a detective using the skills they both learned in their journey becoming Number One, together.
Since this was a command from it's master, Eevee obliged. It cared deeply for him and made sure to keep a watchful eye on him.
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Through Yuma's amnesiac journey, Eevee remained by his side. Despite Yuma forgetting about it, he still allowed it to stay with him no matter how much Shinigami protested. It proved helpful in every case and even in the Mystery Labyrinth. And is even a good source of comfort for Yuma whenever he gets anxious. (he gives it hugs :3) It was always cheering for him, even if he lost his memory.
Though the memory loss does cause a bit of friction in their relationship. It even causes them to fight in Chapter 4. Due to it having the same worry as Vivia, because Eevee knew who the culprit was from the start. (Sensing the murderous and malicious intent from the culprit when he rescued Yuma) It felt conflicted and caused it to be distant from Yuma. It was both disappointed in his reluctance and worried for his feelings. Even though it knew feelings had to be discarded in these situations, with the methods of the WDO (and Number One himself) it knew for so long.
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Though after Yuma got stronger from the ordeal and before the final battle, the two were practically inseparable. Shinigami even earned a bit of respect for it (though she still calls it a rat)
Up until they reach the ugly truth and Makoto reveals himself behind the mask, as well as the partner he's kept hidden all this time.
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Shinigami and Eevee finally make attempts to team up to help Yuma get through the last laybrinth and final battle with his homunculus. Helping him out of the despair he feels losing who he is when both of them remember who he truly is and that he shouldn't give up. Because they're both by his side.
Once he snaps out of it the final battle between the two begin. Eevee fights Mimikyu while Yuma fights Makoto.
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In the end they are both defeated. And they find the solution for Kanai Ward's mystery. Eevee comforts Mimikyu the whole time Yuma is talking to Makoto.
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In the end, Shinigami acknowledges Yuma's partner and admits defeat. Allowing Yuma to leave from the emergency exit. Telling him he already has a great partner. Though the goodbye was still tearful and emotional. Even Eevee shed a few tears. It had began to get used to Shinigami's company. But it knew this would happen, but she would be missed. Eevee comforted Yuma until the fated goodbye kiss from her, as both of them left through the emergency exit.
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Upon the Epilogue of the story, the final labyrinth, and Yuma getting his memory back after parting ways with Shinigami, he embraces his beloved partner as Eevee squeals in joy with it's beloved master's memory returned.
"Thank you, Eevee. Good work."
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Eventually with his resign from the WDO and journey through the world to erase all unsolved mysteries, his Eevee eventually evolves into Umbreon during a case at night. Becoming ESPECIALLY more useful in night investigations. Using it's glowing rings to help navigate through the dark, AND it can now produce ultraviolet light to help investigate in crime scenes (in a way it became its own forte although its rings are blue it can also produce purple light) The duo was stronger than ever now that they've both evolved from the Kanai Ward experience, together.
The Noir Detective and his Partner of the Night~🔎
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(Yuma and Eevee were more like business partners when he was Number One with it as his partner, but the journey through Kanai Ward made Yuma love and care for Eevee as a friend, and thus post game when Yuma appreciates Eevee more with his memories back from the experience, the friendship evolution finally happens. The Journey helped them both grow as individuals, and as friends)
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