#it's a whirlwind
snixx · 3 months
the philosophy of engineering college is really to work you so hard and homogenize the people you're around so much you forget you ever had other goals and dreams completely unrelated to stem in life lmfao
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dumbegglife · 3 months
losing my mind over fruits basket bc it really sincerely makes me want to think the best of everyone and just be as cheery as possible because the thought of someone returning that energy and sentiment and becoming a friend is so compelling, makes me want it so bad that i believe in it
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Putting the finishing touches on my first Fives x reader fic! I'm super excited about this one, guys. I really went out on a limb and tried a different style, and it's so unhinged, I absolutely love it. I laughed and cried. I'm trying hard not to post it too early because it still needs more editing, but asdlfkfhshakskakdhdj 🙃 I'm going to bite my keyboard.
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fiasco95 · 9 days
Barty, barging into the Gryffindor common room: What’s up losers!
Sirius: Wh—
Barty: I actually don’t care, don’t answer that!
Remus: That—
Barty: Anywhoo! Am just here to collect my bitches!
James: Hey—!
Barty, looking at Pandora & Dorcas: Respectfully.
Barty, turning to Regulus: Disrespectfully.
Marauders & Friends:
Barty: Alright, great talk! Let’s go bitches!
Pandora, Regulus & Dorcas kissing their respective partners and following Barty out of the common room.
Marlene: …What the fuck just happened?
Lily: No fucking clue.
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darkmothsy · 1 year
My heart isn't in my chest anymore.
My heart now runs around destroying my house and I feed it peanut butter toast so it stops biting me
I wouldn't change it for anything
Honestly I don't think it was ever my heart to begin with, maybe it was theirs all along
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starry-nightflyer · 2 years
I think what I adored most about nope is how jeanjacket, as a predator animal, functions in a way that makes sense for a creature designed the way she is. She spends most of her time dormant in a cloud, only leaving her camouflage to hunt, and she doesn’t ever attack without reason, and I think the most brilliant thing about the eye contact being what makes her go berserk is that that makes a shit ton of sense for a creature like her.
With her being shaped the way she is, the only way she Can attack someone is while making eye contact— and if another one of her species was to do that? That would be a declaration of all out war. That’s a clear sign of aggression, and the fact that the movie plays into that— the fact that the stadium Jupe built is shaped like an eye, the fact that she flares up at the balloon at first in a clear show of aggression, of fear, trying to scare off what she presumes to be a threat…
And of course, the fact that it just plays into the theme that not everything is a spectacle to be stared at, that people can be destroyed by seeking fame or fortune, that tragedy can’t be tamed and that the past will eat you alive if you’re not careful— and that it all fucking fits flawlessly into her design as a creature. It just. Nope is The Movie Ever.
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pop-punklouis · 19 days
gonna be honest. if we’re talking simon cowell. one of the funniest things a 1d member has done in relation to him is when liam randomly showed up at the brits that one year after the band went on hiatus and snatched that award away from him and leaned into the mic like “one direction forever bye” and left the venue.
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cleric4vampire · 20 days
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bluerosefox · 5 months
Mystery Spouse
Danny and [insert any of the Batfam here] enter a whirlwind romance. (Danny on vacation while the Batfam member was on a forced too)
It's fast, it's chaotic, it's passionate. There is Oscar winning romance scenes (kissing in the rain after confessing deep feelings), miscommunication and heavy makeups. Etc etc.
In the middle of this romantic whirlwind, the two get drunk and get hitched.
When the morning after their wedding greets them they of course freak out but after talking it over they discover the pros outweigh the cons and decide to keep their marital status (and they maybe forgot due to reasons)
then the time for them to go home happens, the two keep in touch, sometimes finding time to go have dates but understand the other is normally busy with their jobs (and night jobs too, they talked about their hero personas so there is no misunderstandings)
It isn't until one of them gets hurt that their doctor gets in contact with their 'spouse' that their families discover they're married.
Cue shenanigans as their families try to dig up things on the mystery spouse.
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dyke-pollinator · 11 months
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Anyway hows yalls month going
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cellgatinbo · 9 months
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obsessed with him
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topicaltropic · 2 months
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Senior year sillies w/ terry & taylor. The T team
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some-pers0n · 3 months
I think so much about the tragedy of Arctic and Foeslayer. They were both young, newly adults who were sick and tired of living under the oppressive rule of their mother's. They wanted freedom and peace from it. When Foeslayer and Arctic found each other and found common ground with their desires to escape their lives, they fell in love; both with each other and with the idea of running away from their family. That the other was their way out of their pre-determined life. That they had some control and now's the chance to run.
They weren't thinking and were running off of blind admiration and a dream of no longer being bossed around. They didn't know that their actions would bring forth a war. I think when the initial euphoria of being free wore off and the reality of the situation sunk in is when they realized they weren't so much in love with the other as they were with the concept of escaping their miserable lives.
But, here they are together. Dragons are dying because of their impulsive actions. They have two dragonets they have to raise. Each passing day they can't stand each other more and more. It was doomed to fail. A tragedy in every sense of the word
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thecasualauthor · 1 year
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Honorable Mentions:
Chloe Becoming a dictator
LB and CN becoming outlaws
Andre overriding the French govt. and banishing Chloe out of the country
Felix putting on a contemporary simplistic play (complete with cowboy hat and mustache)
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moodlesmain · 1 year
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I am THIS close to going full conspiracy board trying to piece together the components of my favourite genre "spooky, mystery solving, coming of age adventures that involve a clash of the mundane and the supernatural"
EDIT: I went full conspiracy board mode
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moominsuki · 7 months
bakugou being shy while simultaneously being a hopeless romantic despite all the shoujo and romance he’s watched and consumed in media is exactly the reason why you initiated your first kiss together. when you break apart the kiss, his face is a mixture of shock, content and furrowed, annoyed brows.
when you ask him why he looks like that, he grumbles under his breath and you soon realise that he wanted to kiss you first!! and you can’t help but laugh at his expression, kissing it straight off his face and he can’t be mad for too long.
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