#this is just a snippet of my whirlwind thoughts on this topic
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moodlesmain ¡ 2 years ago
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I am THIS close to going full conspiracy board trying to piece together the components of my favourite genre "spooky, mystery solving, coming of age adventures that involve a clash of the mundane and the supernatural"
EDIT: I went full conspiracy board mode
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tomaytow ¡ 2 years ago
i have seen your tags! so i must say: how about making that another time about jealous venti rn time? only if you're up for it though!
again i am very sorry for this late response but here’s a snippet from a fic (that’s actually all abt jealous venti in a modern setting LOL <3) said fic is 5/6 done so here’s a preview in case i won’t get it finished; 
cw: a lil suggestive. (i should calm down honestly.)
Drowning in your reviewers and notebooks, you bump your forehead on your study table. 
This. Is. Too. Much.
They can’t expect us to memorize this all! You glare at the piece of note card you made. You wrote acronyms for this stupid topic just so your brain can get familiar with it, but unfortunately, there are so many! And it’s not even a major subject!
“Hi, my Windblume,” There are arms that encircle your waist, and you take a deep breath. Venti’s voice during this time is able to calm your nerves. He presses his front to your backside. “You seem frustrated! Take a break—just for twenty minutes will suffice.”
You glance by your shoulder with a sly smirk. “You just want me to kiss you, don’t you?”
Venti lets out his signature giggle, “Bingo. Now come on—“ He yanks your hand forcefully, and you topple over with a shriek. Venti’s so strong, sometimes it scares (and amazes) you. For someone his own size, who knew that this delicate looking man can generate so much strength and power?
(Oh, isn’t he part of the archery team or whatever…?)
You return to reality when Venti pokes your waist, making you squeak. “Ah! Venti! Don’t do that!”
“Thinking about other people rather than me?” Venti pinches your cheeks, “I’m hurt~ aren’t I supposed to be your distraction?”
You remove his hands on your face, but you still keep holding it with yours. “I was not thinking of other people. I was thinking about you.” Then, you find out where you’re sitting now—on his lap. “Venti, aren’t I heavy? I should get off.”
Venti firmly squeezes your waist. The way his fingers dip on your skin makes you blush a little. He puffs his cheeks, “No, stay! I want you here. Please, love?”
How can you say no to his puppy eyes? With a defeated sigh, you forfeit. “Okay.”
“Yay!” Venti smiles joyfully. “Kiss me? I will be your stress–reliever! Let it all out to me, Windblume—your frustrations, your irritations, the whirlwind inside of you. Tell me all about it.”
You’re really thankful that you have Venti as a lover. He’s just so sweet, understanding, and supportive. He’s one of the main reasons why you can withstand college.
You’re not reluctant to tilt your head and latch your lips with his. It’s so soft. But instead of sweet candy, there’s a taste of the bitterness of the black coffee he consumed. “I hate my professors.” You kiss him again. He kisses you back this time. “I hate them so much—they’re giving us so many projects when they’re aware that it’s midterms week.”
Venti’s eyelids flutter in content. “Have you talked to your professors about it? Aah, mm—windblume...—“ He murmurs, “If… if there are any problems such as this, it’s better to talk it out with them…hmm…”
“I–It’s futile,” you say, and you kiss Venti again and again. “There’s nothing I— I can do anymore when they’ve already made up their mind…” 
You add with a small pant, “Even Albedo can’t negotiate with them…”
You continue your slow pace when Venti suddenly deepens the kiss. Your toes curl and your heart skips from the abruptness. When you detach away from him, you muster up the courage to say something. Your chest heaves up and down as you whisper a “V–Venti…?” 
He opens his eyelids midway.
What you are witnessing right now—it’s a flushed Venti.
And his eyes… they’re filled with want.
You feel like a prey under a predator’s gaze.
It takes him a while to respond. Both of you are catching your breaths. You’re not sure of what’s happening right now. The way Venti looked at you, surely, he’s not…
The room is so hot right now.
You’re disturbed from your thoughts when Venti buries his whole face on your chest. You can hear his muffled voice— Windblume… 
He sounds a little upset, you think as you feel his hold on you tightens.
“What’s wrong?” You dip your head down to thread your fingers on his hair. You scratch his scalp tenderly, “H-hey. What’s wrong, my needy distraction? Are you finally realizing that I’m stopping the circulation of your blood flow, and that I must get off?”
He makes a noise akin to a scoff. As if, he probably wants to say. Venti clutches you closer. “Stay.”
A demand?
“A–alright.” You smile. “I will. But only for like, sixteen minutes.”
Venti lifts his head a little to reveal his beautiful eyes. He still has his nose and lips dug to your sternum as he speaks. “Thirty minutes.” Though subdued, you manage to understand. 
“I have to study,” you gulp nervously. “Midterms will kill me.”
“But I’m your boyfriend,” Venti nuzzles into you. Archons, he is so needy. “And isn’t it your responsibility to cater my needs?”
You narrow your eyes at him. Very needy indeed. “Amazing. What should I do next, then?”
“Ahaha, kiss me.”
“You really are distracting me from my studies. Do you want me to fail?”
“Of course not. But kiss me. Please?”
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ghostofbambifanfiction ¡ 4 years ago
Just reading the mystery fic snippet I can tell you’re going for a different writing style- more like Agatha Christie. Just want to say I’m floored at your talent Madame Wordsmith Extraordinaire! (Pardon the French but ya know... Poirot!)
Since I am struggling to finish the n00b chapter by today and it’s Lily’s birthday, I’mma drop another snippet from my murder fic. Did I ever tell you guys its actual title, I wonder???
"Don't you fear that such a thing would drive him directly into her arms in a fit of rebellion?"
"It might, but she'll hardly stick about if she knows there won't be money in it for her—"
"...thought she was dying if she hadn't shooed me out the door," came another voice, floating up from the garden. It was a man's voice, a voice that was young and animated and clear, carrying easily across the terrace and diverting Poirot's attention from the somewhat mundane topic of unsuitable, fortune-hunting brides. It was then that he noticed the young couple who were making their way up from the lake. 
They were embroiled in a playful argument of some kind; he was feigning indignation while she laughed blithely at his theatrics, and neither appeared to have eyes for anything but the other. The young woman in the blue dress was very pretty indeed, with a pale, sweet face, and red hair that burned brilliantly in the sunlight, but even her beauty was no match for the sheer exuberance that radiated from her person. She moved through the air with the lightness of youth, Poirot noted, watching her scamper up the terrace steps and spin to face her sweetheart, bouncing on her toes, skirt fanning out as she twirled. She looked like a woman who had never known a care in the world, a woman whose happiness might have reached out to extend its hand to rescue the more encumbered souls of those around her, a postcard snap of simple, undiluted joy.
This playful sprite could not have been the Hodge girl, Poirot knew. One so calculating could not have been so uninhibited.
Besides which, her young man was most certainly not Lady Trelawney's nephew, for Poirot recognised him immediately. Fleamont Potter was an eminent scientist of great repute, and Poirot had considered him a friend for long enough to recognise the whirlwind of untidy black hair that sat atop the head of his only son. Such disarray was an affront to Poirot's fashionable sensibilities. Long had he harangued the elder Potter for his own dishevelled hair, but to no avail. It simply could not, or would not, lie flat, which was a terribly unfortunate trait to pass down to one's offspring. The son was a good deal taller than the father, had inherited his mother’s complexion, and would have been a very handsome fellow, if it wasn't for the crookedness of his spectacles, or that awful, utterly anarchic hair.
His pretty companion did not appear to share Poirot's disdain for scruff, however, for as he observed their conversation, he saw her reach out and give the offending hair a sympathetic ruffle.
That girl was very much in love with the Potter boy, Poirot silently concluded, very much in love with him indeed. He was very rarely wrong about such things.
But he had no idea of the danger she was in.
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razieltwelve ¡ 5 years ago
Babysitters (RWBY AU Snippet)
Myrtenaster took a moment to admire her reflection in the mirror-like waters of the lake. At a good one hundred and seventy feet in length, she was still as perfectly proportioned as ever. From her gleaming white scales to the slender, graceful elegance of her neck and limbs, she was the very picture of draconic beauty and poise.
The dragon turned her head and winced. Her rider’s oldest daughter was running toward her at full speed. Normally, she would have been happy to indulge Luna’s antics, but the child was currently absolutely covered in mud.
Luna… Myrtenaster used her magic to gently pick the child up before she could climb all over her. Why are you covered in mud?
The girl giggled, silver eyes gleaming with mirth. “I was jumping in puddles with Crescent Rose.”
I… see. Myrtensaster’s lips curled. The other dragon had no problems whatsoever about getting into mischief with Luna. It was unbecoming of such a powerful dragon, but Crescent Rose had never been one to conduct herself with the proper level of draconic majesty.
And speaking of Crescent Rose…
An immense shadow fell over the hillside, and Luna looked up and waved. Crescent Rose was no longer the smallest dragon out of the four of them. Indeed, the red dragon had grown to two hundred and twenty feet in length. True, Ember Celica was still bigger than her, but she’d outgrown both Gambol Shroud and Myrtenaster.
The crimson-scale dragon swooped past at breakneck speed and then banked sharply to bleed off some speed before she landed beside them with a thud that shook the mountainside. Luna laughed in delight and reached out to the larger dragon. Myrtenaster obliged and use another jolt of magic to drop the girl into Crescent Rose’s outstretched claw.
Show off. Myrtenaster rolled her eyes.
You’re just jealous because I can fly faster than you. Crescent Rose’s scales were covered in dried mud, no doubt from the puddles she’d been jumping into. She lifted Luna up to sit on her head. There you go, kiddo. Enjoy the view.
Luna giggled and struck a pose. “Look out cookies of the world… I have a dragon!”
Myrtenaster uncoiled from her supine position and sat on her haunches. It was mildly irking to admit that Crescent Rose was right. In terms of pure speed, there probably wasn’t a dragon in the world that could match her. Still, Myrtenaster was no slouch in the flight department, and she could give Crescent Rose a real run for her money if she used her magic. Shouldn’t you be with Ruby?
Crescent Rose bared her teeth in a draconic smile. Shouldn’t you be with Weiss?
Myrtenaster huffed, and the air grew bitterly cold for a moment. She was very clear on wanting ‘alone time’ with Ruby since our mission took longer than I expected. I suppose they are… busy.
Why do you think they asked me to watch Luna for today? And they’ve got Taiyang watching Blume since she’s still a little young to be flying with one of us.
Luna’s eyes narrowed. “Are you two talking to each other without me again?” She gave Crescent Rose a chop over the head. “Don’t do that.”
Do you really think chopping a dragon on the head is a good idea? Crescent Rose asked with amusement.
“Mommy said she used to chop you over the head all the time when you were fighting over cookies,” Luna replied.
I was a lot smaller then. Crescent Rose reached up to hold Luna in one of her claws, so she could stretch into a more comfortable position. Besides, if you’re not careful, you could break your hand hitting my scales. I’m not exactly squishy.
Luna cracked her knuckles. “I’m pretty tough.”
Myrtenaster bit back a smile. A dragon of Crescent Rose’s size and breed had scales capable of withstanding direct hits from even the most powerful ballistas. The only things that stood a chance of harming her were other dragons, magics of the highest order, or the foul claws and powers of truly titanic Grimm. Not compared to a dragon.
“Yes, I am.” Luna drew her foot back. “Take this!” She kicked Crescent Rose’s claw. “Ouch!” She clutched at her foot. “I think I broke my foot! Myrtenaster, help!”
The white-scaled dragon sighed. She gets this from your rider, you know, not mine. Weiss wouldn’t be silly enough to kick a dragon.
Crescent Rose chuckled as Myrtenaster used a spell to heal Luna. No, but she would be silly enough to throw a fireball at one. True, I was tiny back then, but throwing a fireball at a dragon? That’s not exactly a genius move.
“Hey,” Luna said, patting Crescent Rose’s claw. “Can we set something on fire?”
Crescent Rose laughed. No. But I suppose I can breathe some fire for you. She took a moment to check the skies were clear before she drew her head back and unleashed her attack.
Myrtenaster watched intently as a massive whirlwind of fire erupted in the skies above them. The searing flames were a bright orange tinged with streaks of blue and white. The red dragon’s eyes gleamed teasingly, and the fire became plasma, a scorching tide of pure devastation that could easily have melted the mountainside if she wanted.
Show off. Myrtenaster repeated. All dragons could breathe fire, but only certain breeds were capable of generating plasma. Of course, it wasn’t like she could complain. Myrtenaster was a blizzard dragon. Her breath could freeze things solid or even create storms of ice and snow that could bury the landscape. Not that she bothered all that often. Her magic was, in many ways, even more potent and far less one-dimensional.
“I wonder if I could roast marshmallows in plasma,” Luna murmured as Crescent Rose’s breath attack tapered off.
The dragon shook her head. You can’t. Believe me, your mom has tried on multiple occasions. She stretched her wings. Do you want to go fishing? It’s been a while since i ate a whale, and I did see a pod of them of them earlier.
“A whale?” Luna rubbed her hands together. “I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a whale before.”
They’re delicious. Myrtenaster flared her wings. We should definitely go.
Crescent Rose bared her teeth. You’re drooling.
I am not. Myrtenaster scowled and used a quick spell to ensure that any drool - not that she’d been drooling - was taken care of. 
Sure, you’re not. Crescent Rose tightened one enormous claw around Luna just enough to hold her securely. Hold on tight, Luna. She smirked back at Myrtenaster. I’ll race you to the ocean.
What? Myrtenaster growled as Crescent Rose took to the air. That’s not fair! You took off first!
Then you’d better hurry up. Crescent Rose cackled. Slow poke.
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
More dragons. Yay. This one is set considerably in the future, and as you can see, Ruby and Weiss aren’t above using their dragons as babysitters. In fairness, Luna is perfectly safe. There aren’t many things in the world that can fight one dragon, never mind two.
And speaking of babysitters, Gambol Shroud is low-key the best at it. With the ability to manipulate and transport herself through shadows, she’s perfect for keeping the kids safe and amused. She can even tuck them in too, even if it does look a bit ridiculous having one of her fingers reach through the shadows to adjust the blankets.
Incidentally, the dragons are much more different in size as they get older due to the difference between breeds and personal inclinations. It goes like this:
Ember Celica => 270 ft
Crescent Rose => 220 ft
Gambol Shroud => 200 ft
Myrtenaster => 170 ft
Ember Celica belongs to a breed of dragon known for its size and physical power, and she is an an especially large and powerful example. In contrast, Myrtenaster is a small dragon from a breed known for being fairly average in size to begin with. 
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
You can find my original fiction on Amazon here.
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xinyixan ¡ 4 years ago
dearest windy city,
Today I depart from Chicago after 5 weeks of a whirlwind of 10k+ steps/days, trudging through every imaginable spectrum of bone-chilling rainstorms to sweltering hot summers, fanatic sprinting to catch trains and buses, arranging hangouts with newfound friends, and nursing my sore throat post one too many indulgently deep and thought provoking conversations while hopelessly losing track of time… and I feel so much joy and so much hope, I could almost stay… almost.
But I’m a neophiliac, and I’m drawn to change. Having been fortunate enough to travel as much as I have, I’ve come to accept that most cities are more or less the same — what makes them special and memorable are the people I meet. So here are just a few, in the order that I met them:
Lin, my sister creative chimera from Salt Lake City, who happened to be visiting Chi Town with her friend Sharon, was the first person I caught up with after my first week of solo exploration to familiarize myself with all the neighborhoods. Although Lin was only passing through, it was so comforting to feel as if I already knew someone else in the city. I’m forever grateful that meeting Lin, whom I regard as a nexus of friendship and connection, has enabled me to meet so many good people (one of whom I’ll mention below). @_linhuang / @linhuang.psd
Lisa was my first local friend and she introduced me to tapas at Boqueria! It was fun to connect with another digital illustrator and model who has an intense interest in travel (we both share the mindset that our our careers fund our vacations)! It’s been really fun stumbling upon Lisa’s collaborations with other photographers in the locale (via instagram) and feeding off her open-ness & willingness to make friends! @lisahzhu
I remember being keenly intrigued in meeting Arthur because of everyone I had met thus far, he appeared to be the most deeply involved in the fine arts. I had noticed that he had released a course on Domestika teaching Expressive Watercolor Portraits and instantly felt a respect for his dedication to his craft. After all, it is one thing to explore the arts as a hobby but another to have a developed styled and enough experience to design an entire course to share your skill. We met in Boystown and trekked for over an hour while swapping travel stories (such as his solo extended stay in Japan) and philosophies on creating art, making friends, and cultivating meaningful relationships. I was incredibly thankful that despite his packed schedule working as a full-time photographer, interior consultant, painter, and everything in-between, he invited me to Art Institute of Chicago where we continued our conversations as inspired by chronology of Monet’s works. @artybraud / @itsme.artyb / @artybphotography
Tou Ger graciously drove all the way down from the Northern suburbs to meet me for lunch in Wicker Park where we spent 3 hours bonding over as fellow entrepreneurial spirits. A professional dancer turned life coach, Tou Ger is radiantly optimistic but balanced with a practicality for the bigger picture of life. I’m naturally drawn to people with philanthropic ideals (probably because I’m constantly seeking for more compassion without myself) and Tou Ger no doubt fits this bill. @_tougerlee
Vishal and I first met downtown at Mojo Coffee (where I had a super delicious New Zealand style flat white) and I learned his story of how he turned his burn out from his first consulting job in India into inspiration to travel to Japan and Hong Kong solo. He moved to Chicago for his masters and just graduated as I was arriving to town. Between his job hunting grind, Vishal escaped with me for a mid-week serendipitous street photography shoot and another follow up coffee date at the largest Starbucks Reserve Roastery in the world. I was incredibly touched by his warmth and was so grateful that the timing worked out such that we could hang out as often we did. @vishalshriram
Jess was actually another friend I met through Lin (who had a birthday brunch at Bar Takito at which we were both invited)! A copyeditor by day but a writer/poet at heart, Jess started several passion projects over the course of the quarantine including an account to document her baking/cooking adventures as well as a tiktok to capture snippets of her everyday life in vlog format. I adore that she was immediately vulnerable with me in conversation and her emotional maturity/self awareness made me feel comfortable to readily open up to her in return. Our follow up hangout brought us to Hello Jasmine for some delicious Taiwanese street food which we devoured at Ping Tom park while walking barefoot (grounding) on the grass, listening to lo-fi, and journaling together like the big kids we were. I couldn’t have ask for a more wholesome picnic date! @jess.sung / @bohaeats / @marigoldthebun
Abhas was perhaps the only friend whom I had intended to meet up with prior to landing in Chicago. Every so often I try to reach out directly to people watching my instagram stories (via dm) as an attempt to break the social media disconnect that ironically arises from social platforms. I’m so please that I said ‘hi’ to Abhas because as soon as I realized that he was also a creative chimera who happened to live in Chicago (aka — someone whom I could have the opportunity to meet up with), I couldn’t contain my excitement. Just a gander through Abhas’s digital gallery will give you a sense of the full spectrum of his skillset. As we have mutually expressed to each other, knowing that someone else exists with such curiosity for all mediums is very validating to our own existence. It’s no wonder that we ended up losing our voices over conversation while eagerly sharing our parallel artists’ journeys. @abhasmisraraj / @abhas.art
I’m actually not positive how I met Suri — I suspect it was through an Asian Creative Network mutual, Nathan — but I’m sure glad we connected regardless. In my last week, we met up at Ground Up Coffee Co. where I got to hear her rite of passage as a singer/songwriter and trying to make it in the world of performing arts. She confided in me her aspirations as a fellow multi-disciplinary creative: pursing her master’s in creative writing, dreams of producing music for film, and creating a community where she could give back. It was absolutely heartwarming and affirming to hear from a fellow artist that because I’ve chosen to safeguard my art as a hobby, I have been able to preserve its purity. And once again, I’m reminded that I have this gift that shouldn’t be left to go to waste. @surimusings
I met Amy on my second to last night at SweetGreen, and was so elated to find someone who could practice some Mandarin with me! We had some time to connect via text prior to meeting in person, so I already knew that (1) she was skilled in illustration and (2) had recently pivoted from a career as a business analyst to consulting for non-profits. Our friendly chat developed quite rapidly, and I appreciated how Amy didn’t hold back from delving into interesting questions which allowed us to explore topics like my aromanticism or my perspective on my friendships as influenced by the quarantine. I had brought a sketchbook along in wishful thinking that we could perhaps create a collaboration in person over our conversation. To my delight, Amy took to the idea without hesitation! I had such a blast, I regretted having met with her so late such that there was no time to reunite before I left. @ajin.arts
I had not expected to actually meet Kris (due to lack of time and my now strained social stamina) but when he suggested to collab — I could not resist! So, on the very last night of my stay, I made my way out to Pilsen (the last unexplored area of the map which had been described to me as the SF Mission District of Chicago) where I met up Kris with a little piece of plastic1, and he, his camera. We ended up obsessing over this little plastic cap, and the best part? Kris even agreed to allow me to play photographer and modeled for me! We playful energy of the shoot rivaled the playdates from my childhood, and I’m already daydreaming of the day we can collaborate together again! @kr.evangelista
And of course, special shout out to the hubs for coming through at the end of the 3rd week so that we could do all the typical tourism things one normally does in Chi town together (the Cloud Gate/Bean at Millennium Park, the Riverwalk and Navy Pier, Lincoln Park Zoo, North Beach for views of the skyline, strolling the 606…). Chicago felt comfortable before his arrival, but having his company made Chicago feel, at last, like home.
So, thank you, Chicago; thank you for a series of unexpectedly good weather (the weatherman kept promising gloomy and overcast skies but your unpredictability continually surprised me with sunny afternoons), a continually wholesome conversations, and scars around my ankles from endless urban hikes. I won’t miss how how you dried out my eyes with your blustery forecast nor the shady night rides home on the train, but I’ll still miss you all the same.
nowhere girl in Colorado
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lenaglittleus ¡ 7 years ago
Is Blogging Dead? And A Few Other Nuggets of Wisdom For New Bloggers
How’s that for a dramatic title? Enough years in the blogging space and you’ll learn the very definition of “click-bait” but truthfully, I do want to answer the question “Is Blogging Dead?” since I’ve been hearing it so often lately.
5 years ago today (well actually 2 days ago but I don’t post on Saturdays, so close enough!) I started a little blog called The Healthy Maven. I sat down at the desk in my bedroom in my parents basement and after months of trying to get the perfect name, perfect theme, perfect logo I hit “publish” on my first post. From there I’d begin a love affair with this space that would grow from a deep passion project to my career.
Many of you would join me as I celebrated my 100th post, quit my full-time job, moved across the country and got engaged. I’d talk about my struggles with body image, exercise addiction and how I’m finding balance in my work and personal life. It’s been a whirlwind to say the least but what I know for certain is that hitting publish was single-handedly the best decision I made for my life.
So when I get asked the question “is blogging dead?”, you better bet I’m giving it a lot of thought! To be fair, this is usually coming from my non-blogger friends though I have heard it happen in blogger groups too. There are certainly a lot of takes on the argument, but today I’ll be giving you mine.
Yes and no.  Blogging what it was 5 years ago is dead. It’s no longer about just posting your weekend recap and daily escapades. Those things are fun and still valuable but it’s increasingly hard to sustain your passion AND business with this model. Not because people aren’t interested (trust me- our creepy need to stalk other people’s lives isn’t going anywhere!) but because there are other platforms to do that. If you still love doing that, do it – but it will be challenging if you decide to turn this passion into a business. But from a personal standpoint, if you just want to share your creative passion with the world, please please do it!
Now let’s discuss it from a business perspective. If you want to turn your passion into a career, it can’t just be about what makes you happy (though that matters a fair deal!), it also matters what makes other people happy and brings value to their lives. When it comes to creating valuable long-form content: things like recipes, nutrition information, DIYs, self-care tips and well beyond the scope of the wellness space, this stuff is becoming increasingly important. The barrier to entry these days is that there’s a baseline level of quality that needs to be met before you can gain any kind of community. This is a good thing. This weeds out people who are simply producing content for views but don’t do their research or have poorly tested recipes. Bad blogging is dead…hopefully!
From my personal perspective, I haven’t seen huge number drops or anything like that. I’ve seen my audience diversify in how they take in their media. Some prefer video, others prefer podcasts and some people, like you, read the blog. Does this mean blogging is dead? Definitely not. It just means you need to be aware that people use different platforms to take in their information…because there are so many different platforms out there! Blogging isn’t going anywhere – people are just picking and choosing their preferred mediums to take in media and I think this is a good thing!
Oh my god yes. YES YES YES. I can’t even tell you how many people have asked me if it’s still worth starting a blog. When I started THM I didn’t in a million years think it would ever make money, let alone become my career. In many ways I think that’s why it was successful. I had zero expectations of it having any success. I truly believe that because I wasn’t grasping for something and instead found joy in each moment of the process it manifested into a career. This is what is so hard for new bloggers now – there’s just so much comparison of where you are to where you want to be. Blogging has taught me so many life skills, professional skills and become my creative outlet. It’s also connected me to the most incredible people around the world. If your sole goal is to make money or gain ‘followers’, I’m sure you could do it, but truthfully you need a level of passion and commitment to blogging even when you feel like no one is reading and you definitely aren’t making any money…because you won’t….for a long time.
So should you still start a blog? Yes! But do it for you. Allow yourself to explore and learn the ropes. Don’t expect you can do everything off the bat or that you need a perfectly designed website before you can share. It took me 4 years to get the web design of my dreams! Be patient, work hard and love what you do.
Sure, why not! I’m not here to tell you what you can and cannot do. But if I had to be honest with you, I would say that social media should be second in command to your blog. One of the benefits of being a blogger before social media got as big as it is (Instagram especially) is that I learned how to build long-form content that is valuable to my readers (all of you). I learned not only how to use this place as my own personal form of therapy, but also how to provide useful tips, tricks, recipes and DIYs that could help you guys lead a healthier lifestyle. Social media was simply a marketing tool to get the word out.
As more and more people start Instagram accounts, I sadly watch as they complain about the algorithm and beg people to turn on notifications. Sure, I’d love for the stupid algorithms to be gone, but my business and my passion doesn’t live in those places. I need marketing to promote my content, but I’ve spent years building up valuable posts that can be found without social media at all. SEO, email lists, those things are SO important and have a shelf-life that lasts longer than a single Instagram image. Any blogger will say the same. So does that mean you should ignore social media? No way. But really figure out what your priorities are. Do you want to share random snippets of your life to inspire people? Instagram might be your jam. Do you want to give long-form nutrition tips or recipes? Blog your heart out. Different goals require different means. Figure out what yours are and then determine how you should be spending your time.
I asked you guys on Instagram (a great use of social media!) to share some questions you have about blogging. I thought I’d tackle them here today.
How do I start a blog?
The #1 question I got and I won’t be answering it here! Some of you may remember that a couple of years ago Lee and I started The Blogger Project to help answer beginner blogger questions like “how do I start a blog?”, “how do I pick a theme?” etc… so head over there and start here if you’re just beginning.
How do you set yourself apart in an increasingly saturated market?
BE YOURSELF. I know it’s so cliche, but trust me you will attract the tribe you’re meant to attract if you present yourself exactly as you are. Don’t second guess everything or constantly be trying to emulate someone else. Don’t compare. The world is big enough for all of its abundance and that includes your blog and the blogger behind it. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that people just want to connect with people. So be that person to someone. And eventually that someone will be a lot of people.
Do you need a niche?
Yes and no. For your first year of blogging, I’d be open to exploring a lot of different topics. You don’t want to corner yourself into an idea where 6 months later you hate it and give up blogging entirely. Sometimes it’s the topic that’s challenging and not blogging itself. Give yourself permission to explore and find what you’re passionate about. That being said, from a business perspective it’s helpful to be known for something. I became known as a food blogger, which helped get my business off the ground but didn’t necessarily attract the audience I really wanted – i.e. the people who care about healthy food and all other aspects of health as well! What I didn’t realize was that health and wellness is a niche in and of itself. Don’t feel like your niche has to be super narrow. I just wouldn’t necessarily start a blog that is about cat bonnet knitting and dehydrated foods. It’s a little too all over the place!
Where do you find new inspiration?
GO OUT AND LIVE! I always tell people “I blog about my life but I don’t live for the blog”. THM is a big piece of my life, but it isn’t everything. It took me a while to get there but I now see so much value in not working. It gives me space to breathe, allows for fresh ideas to flow and brings inspiration to my blog simply from living in the world around me. Also, go with the flow. If you’re working on something that isn’t inspiring you, switch to something else. I used to do a ton of seasonal/holiday recipes but I realized that what inspires me most is the everyday, easy-to-make recipes that don’t require strange ingredients. It’s fun to get creative but sometimes simple is best.
How do I transition from a hobby to a business?
This is a loaded question but my first piece of advice is that “no one will tell you that you’ve officially become a business”. If you want to run a business, run a business. It’s as simple as flipping that switch in your mind. You’re as legitimate as you believe you are so don’t seek others permission for your success. Beyond this, make sure you understand your value. Even if you don’t have huge numbers, perhaps your strong suit is photography or you’re an expert in a certain area and you consult. Think outside the box when it comes to your business.
How do you gain readership, followers and viewers?
If I had a dollar for every skype chat/consulting sessions/DM I received about this topic I would be rich. Truthfully, I don’t think there’s a secret sauce. The blogging industry and everything that goes with it is changing constantly and with that you need to have a deep understanding of the needs of your audience, no matter what size it is. My main message to you is to focus less on how many but who they are. How can you best serve them? What kind of community are you building? More numbers doesn’t mean more business. Most of my brand work comes in before they’ve even seen my numbers. What is visible to them is how much I care about my audience and ensuring they receive valuable and helpful information. Focus less on the pretty picture and more on what your message is. Be honest with that message and let people connect with you.
Do I need to do video? What about podcasting?
I think this is up to you! When I first started out you were a blogger or a youtuber or maybe a podcaster. You weren’t all three! These days, the game is different and there’s obvious advantages to tapping into each. That being said, what resonates most with you? If you’re not comfortable in front of the camera, try “tasty-style” videos. If you don’t have the time to produce video, focus on blogging. If photography is not your thing, try podcasting! I don’t think you need to do everything and especially if it means sacrificing quality. Focus on what you love and what you WANT to learn more about. Not what you feel you HAVE to learn more about.
For more blogging tips, check out these posts:
What I Wish Everyone Knew About Sponsored Posts
My #1 Piece of Business Advice
How I Found a Better Work-Life Balance
* * * * *
Lastly, thank you to EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.OF.YOU who has come along for this journey this past 5 years. I’m eternally grateful for your support and I hope I’ve done you proud in the privilege you’ve given me to have this platform. Whether my business disappeared tomorrow, I know I’d still keep doing it because I absolutely love it. The past 5 years have blown by because of this passion and my only wish is that all of you have found or will find something that you care this much about. So much love to you all!
Did I miss any of your questions? Do you think blogging is dead?
Photos courtesy of Bettina Bogar
The post Is Blogging Dead? And A Few Other Nuggets of Wisdom For New Bloggers appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health https://www.thehealthymaven.com/2018/02/is-blogging-dead.html
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