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Finally at least a little bit figured out the composition for my new phone lock screeeeeeeen though I remain... Unthrilled. With it overall. Ultimately this sketch isn't going to matter too much because I'm doing this in the same style I did the playlist picture in and everything will be colour blocked, but hhhhhhhh
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erzvolnes · 3 months
doctor wants me to eat more bc im losing weight too quickly like dude im TRYING. im eating as much as i CAN without making myself sick!!! help me!!!!
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calmmyfears · 7 months
I can't go on like this, I think to myself 50 times a day. And guess what, I just keep going anyway.
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transgender-catboy · 8 months
I need to go to the store... I wanna buy snacks
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It's important to accept that your favourite work is flawed but also you don't have to do penance for liking it, actually. Idk maybe it's the "raised catholic and mad abt it" in me but I see ppl apologizing for having the GALL to enjoy their favourite thing, for blocking the tags dedicated to not liking their favourite thing, for not comprehensively listing every single counterargument to the point they're making and every flaw in the source material in a post that's like. Literally unrelated to critically analysing the work.
Point being if you like a thing and mainly want to talk about the thing you like and why, don't feel like. Bad or stupid or anything about it. I can say from experience (again, catholic) it sucks. Go eat a flower. Find joy
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My shoulder has, if anything, gotten worse ;;-;: I'm limited in how I can move my head and I'm getting a migraine. The muscles on my left side are massive bricks. I managed to sleep last night but it was difficult and I got up early bc the pain was too much to keep laying down.
So yeah. Looks like I'll be resting today. If anyone wants to send in asks, I'd appreciate the distraction
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taibhsearachd · 2 years
Hey, if you’re ever going off a med (usually antidepressants and anxiety meds) that gives you brain zaps from withdrawal... I’m not saying this is The Best solution, but in my experience, getting very drunk does seem to interfere with whatever neurological process causes the brain zaps. You’re still going to be dizzy and easily disoriented, but it is far less unpleasant (at least to me), and it’s consistent, not set off by changes in position or moving your head the wrong way or sometimes just lying horizontally the way that brain zaps can be.
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dustydaydreamer · 1 year
"being a lifeguard is fun" they said, chlorine dripping from their nostrils
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cimeriansparrow · 9 months
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Sewing is horrible
People should commission me
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kapbird · 1 year
every now and then i'll see gideon the ninth fanart where harrow is white and it's the most miserable thing. like what are we even doing here at this point. why would you do that to her. why would you do that to gideon
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I'm having so many physical stress reactions to things, and for a second when it happens I'll think "Why is this happening?" And then I remember that I'm incredibly fucking stressed at all times
#for example: i had a seizure a few weeks ago#focal aware seizure#in the past ive gotten them if ive suddenly gone off of my meds#but the other week i had one and i have to completely attribute it to stress because i cant think of any other reason#i also havent had my period in... almost a year#i saw a gyno about it and she gave me progesterone#if you take progesterone for a bit and then go off of it itll cause a period#and it did but i havent had one since#my ovaries and uterus are working fine so again. i have to attribute it to stress#im also exhausted but cant sleep#it's miserable#the other night i had a dream that ny staff kept coming into my room to ask me questions so i couldnt sleep#the stress is making its way into my dreams#seriously im unbelievably exhausted but whenever i lay down to try to sleep i just cant#i hsve many many reasons to be stressed and it just keeps going#the week that i had a seizure was what i call 'breakdown week'#every year theres a single week in which everyone. every staff in the area will have a breakdown#they cant spread the breakdowns over the course of the summer. no. everyone breaks during a singular week#of course i was concerned about my staff so i had a breakdown that week too but i hid it#i dont blame my staff for breakdown week btw. i know its difficult. i get it. its just not super easy when it all hsppens at the same time#and the general stress of breakdown week caused a seizure#but seriously my body is under so much stress rn i dont know how i havent had another seizure or completely collapsed and died#the transition from camp to home is always hard. im recovering from bronchitis. i have no money. bad depressive episode.#am dodging like 15 bills. havent spoken to another person in days. exhausted but cant fucking sleep!! thats taking a huge toll on me#this year's breakdowns were bigger than normal and i fear theyre gonna continue being a problem so im trying to keep an eye on those people#i worry about them. the people that were my staff are no longer my staff theyre just my friends and i worry about them. i love them so much#i am under so much stress and its taking such a toll on me and i dont know how to deal with it#gonna try to nap. tomorrow i have to go back to my real job and i wont last an eight hour shift on the amount of sleep ive been getting#god i think i might die
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elliespectacular · 26 days
Happy 24-6-01!
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canisbeanz · 8 months
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Silly doodle bc it was the first thing I thought of when I saw Pomni.
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revretch · 2 months
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Maybe it's just miserable
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bananonbinary · 4 months
for ages i thought i didnt like drag because of internalized homophobia but it turned out i just don't like bright lights and loud music and really visually complicated things
spd is homophobic i guess is what im saying
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trashpidgeon48 · 6 months
Leitmotifs drive me insane, like I hear *repeated melody that has an association with a person, idea, or situation* and I go *tears up the fucking rug like a dog*
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