#it’s the same with his feeling towards them??
nenoname · 2 days
Details in Stan's letter that still haunt me
(how long will I continue thinking about a two page letter that's technically not even that long because Stan's handwriting is fricking large? .....you don't need to worry about that.)
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The bro code only shows up in the Lost Journal pages, and to me Stan's message feels like it purposely echoes Ford's "miss you" in the college photo (and for some reason the message doesn't appear in the website version of the photo?) ....or alternatively Stan simply noticed how distressed Ford was about this entire thing and wanted to support him in a way so he can be sappy but without the kids knowing, or both!
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Stan's claim about the Oregon lottery contradicts what the Lost Legends website said about Tate McGucket's ability to predict the winning numbers!! ...but also breaking into the Lottery HQ is definitely a very Stan thing to do and it's not the first time small gags have been retconned
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Despite spending most of his letter nonchalantly destroying him, the taunt about ripping a dollar bill in half is the only part where Stan is directly responding to Bill. Maybe it's the two of them having similar ways of thinking but it's rather specific considering Bill taunts the reader about it...
And after Bill spends an entire book calling Ford Sixer despite normally using a pretty wide range of nicknames for him, Stan then spends his letter mainly referring to Ford as Sixer, even though post-Weirdmageddon he tends to use a mix of nicknames. And it's not like he'd gotten to see Bill himself for long, let alone see him steal that childhood nickname (that is only used twice in the actual show btw!). Did Ford tell him what happened or...?
With all this and the website's "still on your mind" message, what I'm getting at is my tinfoil hat theory of Stan somehow seeing some of the pages the irl readers saw, even when it should be personalised to the specific reader, and he's been lying about it for some reason. Considering that the book flat out doesn't make an attempt at convincing Soos, I find it a stretch that whatever Bill was telling Stan via the book was an attempt to convince him either.
Wouldn't be the first time Stan's skimmed through a book and lied about what it meant to him.
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(...Now I kinda wanna see a story about the family reading their versions of the book and making fun of it while Stan is improvising every single one of his pages and blatantly ignoring Bill's attempts to mock and taunt him)
But also I'm fascinated by the letters that only showed up on the website (aka the Soos+Wendy+McGucket+Pacifica ones). I'm assuming that Mabel had stuck them on after Stan's letter... but they were basically eaten by the book itself because seeing Stan's letter kick-started Bill's breakdown which takes up the rest of the book
#im wearing this tinfoil hat with pride i know something is up!!!!#like three things in one letter??? ...i mean the handwriting is another thing but for another reason that i already mentioned elsewhere#(of course i also love the idea of same coin theory being flat out the reason why stan's perceiving the book differently)#gf meta#stanley pines#stan pines#ford pines#book of bill#bill cipher#also i'm still kinda annoyed that pacifica got a letter over candy and grenda cos like.... she didn't really do anything in w3 lmao#meanwhile grenda literally ripped bill's eye out and the girls were the main ones holding him off!!! give them respect hirsch!!!!#they helped with the unicorn spell!!!! they're an extended part of the group!!!! they saved stan before!! give my girls respect!!!!!!#also some folks are assuming that the 'miss you' message was directed at mcgucket but if it was for him#i feel like it'd be scribbled on the page itself and not be part of college ford notes in the bg (and ford would use a different cipher)#mind you the photo itself is a day after he met mcgucket so there's no reason why ford would direct it at him#they literally just became besties!!!#and this is a ford recently estranged from his brother and is still trying to convince himself he only feels anger towards him#(i saw some saying that ford shared the bro code with mcgucket too and im ??? theres an entire page about him hiding his childhood stuff#i get there's the 'oh disney!!!' easter egg now but ford at that time was pretty touchy about anything regarding stan#(alex saying that if mcgucket had found his stan o war photo ford wouldve lied and#brushed it off as an inspiration to his career in science instead admitting that he's holding onto it cos he misses his twin)#plus he'd show another recent code that wasn't made by literally kids if he really wanted to share one imo#but also j3 is him using them to hide info from mcgucket!!!)#two sides of the same dollar bill#thisisnotawebsitedotcom
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punkshort · 2 days
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Swept Away | Chapter 8: Line in the Sand
Pairing: sugardaddy!Joel Miller x f!reader
Chapter Summary: For your last few days on the island, you and Joel spend as much time together as possible. Glenn announces the winner of the land at dinner on the last day and new secrets come to light about Joel's past.
Chapter Warnings: language, sugar baby/daddy dynamics, mentions and discussions of prior violence against reader and OC, descriptions of healing wounds, reader has long-ish hair, fluff, angst, smut (18+ MDNI), shower sex, unprotected piv sex, possessive behavior, fingering, oral sex (f!receiving), alcohol consumption, verbal altercation with the woman we all love to hate
WC: 10.1K
Series Masterlist
It's starting. It's just the beginning. Soon, you'll see.
You'll see the kind of man he really is. And then you'll want nothing to do with him.
He told Glenn to come up to the room while you both scrambled to get decent, his heart thudding wildly in his chest but not because of Glenn and what he anticipated to be a very difficult conversation. No, he was terrified because when you heard what he was capable of, you would never look at him the same again.
You slipped your hand into his when you left his bedroom, your free hand fidgeting nervously with your hair, trying to conceal the brutal marks left on your face when a loud knock came at the door.
Joel let you go and motioned towards the couch before taking a deep breath and jogging lightly up the three steps from the sunken living room to answer the door.
Glenn's face was unreadable when Joel first laid eyes on him. He looked tired and worn out, but it was impossible to tell much else. His usual jovial spirit was long gone and replaced with a stony expression when he solemnly nodded to Joel in greeting before stepping into the foyer and sliding his shoes off.
"Got someplace where we can talk?" he asked.
"Yeah, 'course," Joel replied, ushering him towards the living room where you sat waiting and anxiously fiddling with the edge of a soft white blanket. Glenn locked eyes with you, his gaze sweeping around your face, clocking the bruise under your eye and the nasty gash on your lip but also the terrified look in your face, swollen from your tears and injuries alike.
"Jesus, honey," Glenn breathed, shaking his head and dropping his chin. He pinched the bridge of his nose before looking back up at you. "Do you need anything? You need a doc? I got someone who'll make house calls within the hour."
You shook your head and tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "I'm okay. Looks worse than it feels by now."
Joel stepped past Glenn to join you on the couch, placing a protective hand on your leg before motioning for Glenn to have a seat across from you, bracing himself for what was to come.
Glenn settled into the couch with the deep groan of a man who had been up all night. Joel could see more in his face now that he had help from the sunlight. Glenn was tired, sure, but he was also... scared?
"Well, no use in beating around the bush," Glenn began, brushing his palms on his khaki shorts. "Been a long night for everyone."
Joel nodded and you dropped your gaze to the floor. Here we go.
Glenn's eyes darted to Joel's hand, the one placed on your leg, the one that sported red scrapes on the knuckles like a badge of honor. He didn't flinch. Didn't try to hide it. Joel stood by what he did, regardless of how deranged he felt doing it.
Then, Glenn's voice cut through the fog settling around Joel's brain, the one readying all his excuses and arguments.
"I'm sorry."
Joel blinked and stared at Glenn, waiting for him to finish his thought, but it never came. So, Joel did it for him.
"Sorry for... takin' back the land?"
He felt you stiffen beside him and then your eyes were burning holes into the side of his head.
Glenn scoffed and shook his head.
"I ain't taking back the land, Joel. Christ."
Your eyes were now bouncing back and forth between them both, remaining silent while trying to keep up. Joel couldn't blame you because he himself was having trouble and you knew even less than him.
"Are you - y'mean -"
Glenn gave him a look of disbelief and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees while Joel began to rub nervous circles over your knee with the pad of his thumb.
"Joel, I didn't come here to go back on my word. The spot's yours. Hell, it was yours less than a week in. Knew it from the first night you were here. At dinner. Remember?"
He pointed a finger at you both, gaze sliding back and forth at your dumbstruck faces.
"You're different now, Joel. Different from the man I knew, and I mean that in the best way," Glenn continued, giving you a pointed look. Your cheeks warmed at the implication you had anything to do with it and you focused on your hands fidgeting in your lap. "And you said you'd hire locals for construction and design. That means a lot to me. This place means a lot to me. I want to see it thrive, I don't want to see someone take that land and make it just another source of revenue." Glenn scratched at the stubble on his jaw when he paused for a moment, his eyes still bouncing between you both. "I believe you'll treat this land and its people with respect. That's why you're gettin' the spot, Joel."
Joel nodded, glancing quickly at you before looking back at Glenn. "Thank you. Then, uh, what're you sorry for?"
Glenn's eyes dropped to his hands, fingers laced together tightly between his knees. His jaw tensed and brow furrowed when he finally said, "I'm sorry for what my boy did."
You looked at Joel, waiting for him to reply, but he just sat back and put his arm around your shoulders, deferring to you.
Clearing your throat, you met Glenn's eye and gave him a soft smile.
"Thank you. I don't think he meant to take it as far as he did-"
"No need to make excuses for him, honey," Glenn said sadly. "He's been struggling with substance abuse for some time. Combined with his short temper and... well... he's been difficult to deal with the past few years. Been giving him chance after chance to prove himself but I'm afraid this time is unforgivable."
You fell silent and looked to Joel again. He tightened his fingers around your shoulder and shifted a bit in his seat.
"'M sorry, too," he said, his tone somber. "Shouldn'tve done what I did. Came home from the boat last night and saw her," Joel nodded to you, eyes locking with yours before continuing, "and I just lost it. Shoulda called you or somethin' first."
Glenn shook his head and waved Joel off.
"I'm not looking for an apology. He deserved to be put in his place. Never in my life thought he'd do something like this to a woman, made me and Mary sick to our stomachs."
Joel ticked his jaw to the side before awkwardly asking, "He outta the hospital?"
You whipped your head in Joel's direction, eyes widened with shock.
"Yeah. Cops came to speak to him around five this morning. Don't worry, he didn't say a word 'bout you."
"Wouldn't blame either of you if you did," Joel countered, flexing and stretching the fingers on his right hand.
"Was sorta hoping we leave the cops out of the whole situation, for both our sakes," Glenn explained, guilt lacing his voice as he sidestepped the obvious request: please don't call the cops on my son.
Once again, Joel deferred to you. You were still reeling from the fact Joel put Brooks in the fucking hospital, and now both men were looking for you to make the ultimate decision.
"It- it's fine," you stammered, "I don't want either of you to get in trouble," you added, looking at Joel now.
Both men appeared visibly relieved.
"I appreciate that more than you know," Glenn told you, drawing your gaze off Joel. "I promise you, he'll be dealt with. Mary and I had a tough conversation this morning but we've both agreed to leave the business solely with Trevor and focus on getting Brooks the help he needs."
"That's probably for the best," Joel replied.
Glenn gave you each a sad smile before taking a deep breath and standing with a groan.
"I'll get outta your hair now. Been a long night for everyone, but I'm still hoping I'll see you Friday night for dinner. Not much time left now to enjoy the island and I'd like to announce my decision to the group."
Joel stood while you remained curled up on the couch.
"'Course. Well, dependin' on how she feels," he said, glancing down at you. You gave him a small smile in agreement before he stepped forward to walk Glenn to the door. You could hear the two men talking quietly in the foyer, something about Mary finding a good rehab facility on a neighboring island, but your head was beginning to pound from a combination of what you just learned and the bruise under your eye to really pay much attention.
"Are you okay?" Joel asked the moment the door clicked shut behind Glenn. You looked up to see him crossing the room with a concerned look on his face. "That was a lot. I-I'm sorry, I could tell you were overwhelmed-"
"Why didn't you tell me about the land?"
He stopped a few feet away from you and looked over his shoulder where your phone and purse remained on the dining room table.
"I did. I texted you last night, but," he turned back around, guilt flashing across his face. "Couldn't tell you in person after what happened. Thought I lost it and didn't wanna upset you."
"Oh," you said softly, blinking slowly a few times before standing. "You... he had to go to the hospital?"
Joel chewed his lower lip nervously and nodded, fingers fidgeting at his sides while he tried to read your expression. He wanted to go to you. He wanted to pull you close and explain everything, but he was terrified of scaring you off. Now that he had a taste of you, he knew deep down if he lost you, he would never recover.
Now you'll understand the type of man he is. The type of man that stops at nothing to get what he wants. The type of man who hurts people if he has to, regardless of who they are.
But then, to his surprise, you closed the gap between you and wrapped your arms around him, wordlessly burying your face against his chest. He immediately responded, exhaling loudly and cocooning you in his arms. A few strands of your hair fluttered when he pressed his mouth against the top of your head and closed his eyes.
It was bliss, having you tucked into him. Your perfect, soft body pressed against his made him wonder why the hell he resisted you for so long. You didn't run when you learned what he was capable of, maybe you wouldn't run if you learned the rest.
"It's almost noon," you mumbled, pulling your head back to gaze up at him. "What do you want to do today?"
He grinned and planted a kiss on your forehead.
"Anything you want."
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The Holi Festival was a colorful and beautiful celebration of love and good over evil. You learned this very quickly when you were strolling the streets hand in hand after lunch, drawn to the noise and music in the center of the little town.
You let out a squeal of excitement and squeezed Joel's hand when you turned the corner and saw the festival in full swing. Rich scents of sweet and savory foods filled the air and vibrant colors of powder paint were tossed around, coating everybody and everything in vivid bright pinks, yellows, greens and blues. It took your breath away. Never in your life had you ever seen something so unique and beautiful. Smiling faces filled the town square with buckets of colorful powder scattered around. Hands dipped into jars and bowls, scooping up the paint to brush against loved one's faces, decorating everybody in the most beautiful colors.
You tried to hang back and just observe, but the Indo-Fijians were such a lovely people that they ushered you over, excited to include you even if you didn't fully understand the meaning behind the festival. Initially, you expected Joel to pull you back, to say you should keep walking, but shockingly he was just as intrigued as you. A sweet young woman named Lia brought you over to a covered area where her family had set up chairs and tables filled with plates and food and a small speaker blaring Indian music.
"May I?" she asked, pointing to the powders on the curb. You grinned and looked up at Joel, practically bouncing from excitement. And how could he say no? After what you had been through, anything that made you smile that much was worth it.
You nodded and dropped his hand so you could sit down and let Lia apply the paints as she saw fit. Initially, you thought the colors were random, that it was more of an aesthetic thing, but she paused and contemplated her choices, her dark brown eyes shifting back and forth between you and Joel before smiling and scooping up a handful of red paint and smearing it carefully over your face, avoiding your injuries and not asking any questions.
"What does the red symbolize?" you asked when you stood to look at your reflection in a small hand mirror. She only laughed and said, "You'll see."
She applied a lime green paint to Joel's cheeks, telling him the same thing when he asked the meaning, then offered you each a plate of food. You declined, explaining you just ate, and thanked her for her hospitality before venturing back out onto the street. Live music was starting two blocks down and an area was being cleared for dancing. You both found a bench just outside of the main area to sit together and enjoy the festivities, commenting on the outfits, the music, the dancing, the overall beauty of the festival with your legs slung across his lap until the sun began to dip below the trees and the children were ushered home to bed.
"We oughta get outta here before the real fun starts," Joel joked, standing from the bench and holding out his hand. You took it and let him help you up, then walked slowly back in the general direction of your hotel.
"I'm so happy you won the land," you told him, hand wrapping around his bicep and head tilting to rest against his arm. "These people and this island are so lovely. I can see why Glenn cares about it so much."
"Was thinkin' of offerin' that artist you liked a job," Joel said, "if they want to, I could commission 'em to paint for the hotel. Everythin' from the lobby to the rooms."
"Really?" you said excitedly. He nodded and grinned, pleased he could make you so happy.
You stopped in the middle of the street and turned to stretch up on your tiptoes, pressing your lips gently against his.
"Careful," he murmured, yet made no move to pull away, the taste of your lips so sweet and still coated in sugar from the pastry-type dessert he bought from a street vendor.
"It doesn't hurt so much now," you told him, looking up at him through your lashes. Joel swallowed tightly, his eyes roaming all over your face, still painted bright red. He brought a hand up to cup your jaw, his thumb gliding slowly over your cheek, swiping through the paint and leaving a trail up towards your ear, up where his hand got lost in your hair and his mouth hungrily found yours again. People in a nearby cafe were laughing and across the street, two dogs were barking at one another while their owners tried to break them apart but as far as either one of you were concerned, you were completely alone.
Joel leaned into the kiss, fingers threading through your hair, clutching you to him as he struggled to be gentle. He had to be careful with you. You were still fragile, despite what you might say. But god, did he want you. Every single thing about you drove him wild. Your taste, your smell, your laugh, the little crease between your eyebrows when you were worried, the strands of hair that were too short to tuck behind your ear and frequently dangled in front of your eyes. Your entire presence cocooned around him to the point where it drove him insane.
"We should celebrate," you panted, tipping your head back to break the kiss. He dragged in deep breaths, fighting for air and staring down into your lust filled eyes, no doubt mirroring his own. "You got what you came here for."
"Then let's celebrate," he mumbled, brain wrapped in a rosy haze, drunk from your kiss alone.
He leaned in again, uncaring of any pedestrians passing by and doing a double take at your very public display of affection, but you giggled and dodged him, making his lips curve up into a playful smile right before he pressed a kiss behind your ear.
"W-what do you want to do to celebrate?" you asked, eyes sliding closed, body melting into his hold as he continued to kiss your neck. "Do you want to get a drink somewhere, or - shit," you moaned softly when his hands pulled your hips against his to feel his erection through his jeans. "Or maybe we can find that place that has fire dancers."
"I wanna go back to the room," he whispered in your ear, "and I wanna take a shower."
"Okay," you breathed, eyelids fluttering as you continued to fall under his spell.
"And I want you to shower with me."
"Yes, that's a great idea," you breathlessly agreed, breaking away and swiveling around in his arms to practically drag him the remaining few blocks to your hotel.
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You felt like you were floating.
Soap mixed with red and green circled the drain. Steam swirled around you, the warmth from the shower making your sticky skin even hotter. You felt boneless, mouth agape and fingers shaky from the way Joel knelt before you, licking and sucking ruthlessly at your center. Knowing he wouldn't be able to kiss you the way he really wanted, he was taking out all his frustration right between your legs, and you were helpless to do anything about it. You were weak. So weak in every possible way for him that if you had a choice, you would succumb and slink to the shower floor. But his broad shoulders hoisted you up, his big hands gripped your hip and thigh, and you knew he wouldn't let you fall.
Rivulets of water dripped down your neck, arms, and stomach, leaving trails down your overly sensitive skin, making you shudder and gasp. The build up was too intense that it was ruining you and he hadn't even fucked you yet. The walk back to the hotel was interrupted when Joel couldn't wait a second longer and he tugged you into a narrow alley. He dragged his mouth as lightly as he could over yours while his hand found its way between your legs, two fingers rubbing firm circles over the damp fabric of your panties until neither of you could stand it any longer. He tugged your underwear to the side and sunk both fingers inside you, his body blocking you from being seen by anyone who might have caught a glimpse from the street.
Your fingers clutched desperately at his shirt, one of the shirts you had picked out for him on your first day on the island, and you whimpered against his lips or throat, anywhere you could find to try and stabilize yourself while he tore you apart. His name fell from your lips over and over, your face scrunched up in concentration and jaw clenched tightly until your climax washed over you and every muscle relaxed, every word dying on your tongue until you nearly collapsed.
The ache between your legs was soothed, but it only served to make Joel hungrier and more desperate.
You figured that out when he rushed you into the shower, pushing you up against the glass wall and falling to his knees before the water was even warm. Streaks of green dripped down his face and stained his beard while his tongue swirled and sucked at your clit with a deep groan, which was the same position you found yourself ten minutes later on the brink of your second orgasm that threatened to destroy you from the inside out.
And you were almost there, teetering on the edge when his eyes flashed open and locked onto yours. He looked different, then. Like he was finally letting down those walls and showing you everything. You saw a myriad of emotions behind his eyes: longing and lust mixing with adoration and warmth. It sent you careening into your next orgasm, shouting his name so loud your throat fucking hurt, your voice bouncing and echoing inside the glass walls.
He pulled away looking pleased, mouth and beard all shiny and slick, eyes never leaving yours as you struggled to come back to earth.
Carefully, he set you down on wobbly legs, giving you a smug smirk before angling his face towards the luxurious rainfall shower head. He rinsed off the rest of the green paint before wetting a washcloth and turning back to you. With all the care in the world, he tipped your chin up, his thumb pressing gently into the soft flesh between your jaw while he worked on cleaning your face next. You gazed up at him with a soft, stupid expression, but you couldn't help yourself. You'd never felt more relaxed and at peace in your life, and it was all because of him.
Him. This man you once deemed haughty, conceited, rude, and brash you now viewed with so much affection that it would have rattled you if he gave you a chance to come up for air.
Joel ushered you forward, rinsing your hair and warming you up under the steady stream of water before squirting some citrusy smelling shampoo in his palm and gently combing it through your hair. You sighed and tipped your head back, body betraying your still very desperate need for him. His thick fingers gingerly rinsing the soap from your hair was so relaxing, you thought you might fall asleep standing up. That is, until you felt his cock, still hanging hard and heavy between his legs, nudge against your hip and your eyelids snapped open.
"We don't gotta," he assured you, voice deep and soft behind you. "Been a long day."
You snaked your hand behind you and wrapped your fist around him. He hissed and his fingers in your hair faltered for a moment as you slowly stroked him up and down.
"I want it," you begged, voice still raw. His cock twitched in your palm and you heard his breath stutter before he leaned down to press a wet kiss against the crook of your neck.
"You sure?"
"Mhmm," you hummed, working your hand a little faster. The glass had steamed up but you could still see his reflection, his brows pinched and jaw hung open, allowing himself to enjoy your hand on him for just another moment more before gripping your shoulder and walking you towards the wall. He took both your wrists, shushing your whine when you were forced to let him go, and placed your open palms against the glass.
A thrill of excitement shot through you when he knocked your ankle to the side with his foot. You immediately widened your stance and arched your back, anticipating exactly what he wanted.
"So pretty," he murmured behind you, his palm sliding down your shoulder, over your back and wrapping around your hip. You tried to peer at him in the reflection of the glass but your own nervous exhale was clouding your limited view.
You jumped a little when the tip of his cock slid through your folds, coating himself in your arousal. He chuckled before leaning down and biting playfully at your earlobe.
You nodded and closed your eyes when he notched himself at your entrance. And somehow, your cunt still ached for him despite the two orgasms he already gave you in the past hour.
You lifted yourself onto the tips of your toes and gasped when he pushed inside, the stretch burning yet it still felt so fucking good. You moaned and pressed your wet forehead to the foggy glass wall, relishing in the way he filled you so perfectly when he sunk the rest of the way inside you.
"Fuck, so tight," Joel groaned into your hair. "So tight, 'n so fuckin' good," he added, voice a little shaky when he first dragged his hips back just to slam them into you again. He set a steady pace right away, his need for you way too fucking high after watching you come on his fingers and tongue.
"Oh, god," you whimpered, fingers clawing fruitlessly against the slippery wall as he fucked you, knocking your cheek and shoulders into the glass over and over and over again with each impossibly deep thrust.
"You're the most beautiful fuckin' thing," he growled in your ear, the fast puffs of exhale leaving his pursed lips sending goosebumps over your skin. "Drive me crazy, you got no idea. No idea how bad I want this, want you."
You whined and squirmed in his grasp, cock reaching a place so deep inside you that it had your mind going blank and your vision going blurry with tears.
"Yeah, you like that, huh?" he rasped, teeth scraping delicately over your skin, hands roaming freely over your body, claiming every inch of you as his. "Take it so fuckin' good, baby, shit," he ground his molars together, pounding into you harder now while your fingers curled into tight fists against the steamy glass. "That's my girl, so good f'me. So fuckin' good f'me," he rambled like a mad man, unable to stop himself now from selfishly chasing his high when he was so close. But he wasn't that selfish. He needed to make sure you came, too.
He snaked his arms around your front, one hand finding your nipple, pinching and rolling it between two fingers while his other dropped past your waist to rub tight circles over your clit. You cried out, face twisting as you did your best to give him what he wanted, but you were so sensitive that the pleasure bordered on pain.
"Tell me what you need," he demanded, sensing the tension in your muscles. When you struggled to answer, he slowed his hips and your eyes flew open.
"Don't stop."
"Then talk to me," he pleaded, "tell me-"
"Say it again," you groaned, pushing your ass back.
"Say what?" he panted, grinding his hips against you.
"Say..." you cursed under your breath, eyelids fluttering when the finger he had over your clit added the slightest bit more pressure. "Say... I'm your girl," you told him, embarrassment flooding your cheeks the moment you asked.
He grinned and descended upon your neck, sucking and biting at the tender spot behind your ear so when he lifted his mouth and whispered, "You're my girl," there was no way you could miss it over the splashing of water against the tile and glass. Almost as if it were a command, your muscles stiffened and you moaned softly, too tired and too spent to offer much else as your orgasm slowly rolled through you, clenching down around his aching cock, practically milking him with each pulse and flutter of your cunt.
"Fuck, that's it," he muttered, pulling back so he could watch himself disappear inside you over and over. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! You- you like that? Hm? That's all it took?"
He could feel the liquid heat pooling low in his belly and creeping up his spine, seconds away from his own release.
"Shit, baby, y'know you're mine. All - fuckin' - mine," he grunted, punctuating each word with a harsh snap of his hips. Your body was so soft now that he made you come for a third time, so tired and pliant, but still eager to give him what he needed. "My girl... all mine... my girl..." he muttered over and over when his grip on your ribs suddenly tightened and he spilled inside you with a deep groan, hips jolting into you haphazardly as he emptied himself into your waiting pussy, thrusting upwards until he felt his spend leak out of you and back down his shaft.
"Fuck, baby," he gasped, breath shaky and uneven against the back of your head. His vision was a little wobbly but he blinked it away. He could feel you were beginning to slip, all your strength having been sapped, and if he wasn't so exhausted himself, he might have felt a flash of pride.
"Ah," he grunted softly when he slipped out of your wet clutch, and sure enough your hips immediately dropped and your legs trembled so he tightened his hold around your middle and pulled you up, pressing your back against his chest.
"I gotcha, c'mon," he murmured, leading you to the opposite side of the shower where a built in bench sat with only a few toiletries on top. You slumped down, resting your cheek against the cool tile wall and wrapping your arms around yourself while he found a fresh washcloth and soaked it under the spray of the shower so he could clean you up.
"You're cold," he remarked when he noticed your goosebumps. Your tired, glazed over eyes found his but you didn't respond, so he scooped you up by your underarms and held you against him under the warm water until you came alive again.
"You did so good," he praised, closing his eyes as the water cascaded down both your bodies.
"'M s'tired," you mumbled, and he nodded before shutting off the water and leading you to the glass door. He grabbed a pristine white robe and wrapped it around your shoulders, cinching the tie tight before getting one for himself and helping you to his bed.
"What'dya need? I got water right here," he told you, pointing to the bottle of cold water on the nightstand. Your nightstand.
"Nothing. Just you," you said sleepily, reaching feeble little arms out underneath the covers for him. He grinned and shed his robe before climbing into bed and curling around you, tugging you close and keeping you warm.
"You got me," he said when your eyelids began to droop and your body melted into his. Only when your breathing slowed and he was fairly confident you were on the brink of sleep did he softly add, "You've always had me," then nuzzled his face against the back of your neck and closed his eyes.
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Only a few more days! I know you're just overjoyed to leave paradise and come back home to me
You grinned at your text from Celine, Joel's heavy arm still draped protectively around your waist and snoring softly next to you in the morning light.
I miss you so much!! But I'll miss this place, too. I have sooooo much to tell you
You watched as the three little dots appeared and disappeared a few times before her next text appeared.
Tell me now!! You slept with him, didn't you?
You chewed on your lip and glanced quickly at Joel, confirming he was still asleep before answering.
You stifled a giggle but Joel felt the muscles in your stomach jump. You dropped your phone to your chest when he inhaled deeply and stretched a bit under the covers. When you determined he was still fast asleep, you lifted your phone back up to answer, only to find another text from Celine waiting for you.
What does this mean then? Is he paying you more? He fucking better
You knew she didn't mean it, but her text was like a punch in the gut. You didn't want money for sleeping with him. What you really wanted was him, but you had no idea what the past few days meant to him. And you definitely didn't know how to ask him if your relationship would continue after you left the island.
Based on your previous conversations, he didn't seem like a 'relationship guy', so that left two options: him saying no, or him offering to keep you employed as a sugar baby. Both made your stomach churn.
Suddenly, the thought of him paying you for anything made you feel sick. You signed a contract and he was very generous: three months of rent and utilities plus twenty grand, not to mention whatever tip money he had given you that was still buried and unopened in the bottom of your bag. But in that moment, lying next to him in bed surrounded by his warmth and a dull soreness between your legs, you realized you didn't want a single cent. You only wanted one thing and you were terrified he couldn't, or wouldn't, give it to you.
He's paying me way more than he should - I gtg but I'll let you know when I'm on my way home <3
Love you! Enjoy the last piece of paradise for me!
"You're up early," he mumbled with his eyes still closed. His voice was so gravelly and thick with sleep that it had you wilting in a mere moment.
You should have known right then and there that you were in too deep, that you stood a very real chance at getting hurt, but you were too wrapped up in the little bubble you found yourselves in to see it.
"It's actually not that early," you teased, turning on your side to face him, his hands sliding around your waist and then lower to cup your ass. He kept his eyes closed but the corners of his mouth curled up into a smirk. Fuck, he looked so good in the morning, all bare chested with tangled, messy hair. You didn't stand a chance. "It's just past nine," you added, tugging your lower lip between your teeth to try and tamper the huge, dopey grin that threatened to stretch across your face.
Joel hummed and cracked an eyelid open to peer at you.
"I got a call at ten."
"Okay," you whispered, eyes drifting over his face, eager to memorize every little detail in the soft morning light. He grinned and opened his eyes all the way, looking at you like he was studying you in the exact same way.
"We have almost an hour," you said suggestively, then giggled when he barked out an incredulous laugh.
"Christ, you're insatiable," he chuckled before rolling onto his back and dragging a palm roughly over his face.
"I never said that! You're assuming something dirty when I was simply pointing out a fact."
"Oh, s'that it?" Joel asked, dropping his hand to his chest so he could look at you with a crooked smile.
"Mhmm," you hummed before resting the side of your head on his shoulder and wrapping an arm around his middle. He was so warm and it felt so nice to just lay with him, his hand soothingly drifting up and down your back while your finger traced invisible circles over his bare chest. Your thoughts inevitably wandered back to your brief conversation with Celine, wondering how you could bring up the elephant in the room.
Did he really expect this to end in a few short days? Was he just treating you like a sugar baby this whole time? You had nothing to compare it to, you had no idea what a typical sugar daddy relationship was like.
When you really thought about it, there wasn't much you truly knew about Joel. He never told you about his family, friends or exes. In fact, the only personal relationship you did know about was the one he had with Tammy.
Well, it was a start.
You cleared your throat nervously and he could immediately tell something was off.
"Somethin' on your mind?" he asked, offering you an opening.
It was now or never.
"Can I ask you something?" you began timidly. His fingers drifting aimlessly over your skin paused and he took a moment before answering.
"Sure," he replied slowly. Hesitantly.
You couldn't bring yourself to meet his eye, so you focused on tracing a small, old scar on his chest.
"Why did you... what made you... and Tammy..."
You cringed when you heard how stupid you sounded but he just sighed and resumed his soft strokes over your arm.
"Why was I fuckin' her?"
"Yeah," you confirmed sheepishly, bracing yourself for yet another non-answer.
"You ain't gonna like it," he warned, and at that you had to lift your chin to look at him.
His eyes dropped to meet your gaze and you could see him struggling to respond.
"I told you. I ain't a good man," he told you quietly, his tone laced with guilt.
This was it. You were finally going to find out what had been holding Joel back all this time. You swallowed and wordlessly urged him to continue.
"Y'know what the LHW Awards are?"
You shook your head and his eyes drifted to the ceiling.
"Every year, hotels 'round the world get nominated for these awards. There's different categories, it's very competitive and they ain't easy to win," he continued. "Two years ago, I got my first nomination: best hotel in North America."
Joel paused as you tried to piece together how this related to Tammy. Then he added, "Scott was also nominated, same category," and the gears in your head began to turn.
"You didn't win," you said matter-of-factly. Joel shook his head.
"No, I didn't."
"But Scott did."
You took a deep breath, finally connecting the dots.
"So you were pissed..." you began.
"And I fucked his wife."
"Oh," you replied, surprised at his bluntness.
"Told you," he reminded you. "It was stupid, I was angry and knew she always had a thing for me. It was only supposed to be one time, but..." he trailed off, still avoiding your eye. "I don't know. Was a lot easier bein' with someone when it was convenient, someone who had their all their cards on the table and I didn't have to worry 'bout takin' advantage of me for my money. Not when she had so much to lose."
"Oh," you said again, unable to come up with anything else to say. And you tried, you really did, not to draw a comparison between your relationship with Joel and his relationship with Tammy, but it was hard not to notice the similarities. A relationship of convenience, a contract in place to protect his wealth... but what you had together was different. Right? There was no possible way he cared for Tammy as affectionately the way he did with you.
"What're you thinkin'?" he asked, and you swore he sounded a little nervous.
"Did... did you love her?"
"No," he said immediately, "never been in love, remember?"
"Right," you whispered, vaguely remembering that day in the pool. Ain't sure it's in the cards for me. You rubbed your eyes and slipped out of his hold, sitting up in bed with the sheet loosely covering your upper body. "Did she love you?"
Joel hesitated and you tore your gaze away from your tangled fingers to look at his shame filled face.
"Maybe. She never said but I had a feelin'."
You nodded and let your eyes drift towards the glass doors facing the ocean, watching as small waves crashed on the shore.
"Is that why you broke things off?" you asked bravely, already knowing the answer.
Feeling bad for Tammy was definitely not something you expected to feel, but now having learned more about her relationship with Joel, her actions began to make a little more sense. She was hurt.
"I broke it off 'cause I was tryin' to protect her," Joel explained when he saw the look on your face. "I knew I couldn't give her what she wanted and I didn't wanna lead her on."
"Yeah, I get it," you told him. You felt uneasy but you pushed it away, vowing to deal with it another time. The important thing was Joel opened up to you. He told you something he very clearly didn't plan on sharing, something that he carried with great guilt and shame. Maybe now that he got it off his chest, he would stop thinking he was such a bad man and let you in. You reached for his hand and he looked up at you in surprise.
"I understand," you told him, giving his fingers a reassuring squeeze.
"You think any less of me now?" he asked sarcastically with a smirk, but you could see the truth behind his eyes. He tried to pass it off as a joke, but he needed to hear you say it.
"No," you whispered, leaning down to press a tender kiss against his lips. He hummed under his breath and stole one more kiss before you straightened back up. "Thank you for being honest with me."
He grinned and stared down at your fingers still interlaced with his, wondering if this time might actually be different.
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Despite the lingering apprehension that clung to you after Joel's confession, the last few days spent on the island were nothing short of perfect. So much so that it had you foolishly forgetting your arrangement together.
Joel did have to work during the days, but he found pockets of time between meetings to find you by the pool if you weren't out spending time with Zoe. And it was hardly your fault, really, for allowing yourself to lean into those fantasies when Joel's hands or lips always found your skin whenever he was around.
In the evenings, he took you to restaurants. Now that Glenn's decision was made, Joel had plenty of time for you. He even took you to a restaurant that had fire dancers perform on the beach, remembering you had mentioned wanting to see them days prior.
And once dinner was over, he always took you back to his bed. The only reason you stepped foot into your old room was to grab some clothes or a book. Some nights he fucked you, some nights he just held you close while you tried not to think about your trip coming to an end. If it weighed heavily on Joel's mind, he didn't show it. He remained laser focused on his goal right up until the end.
"What are you so nervous for?" you asked him as you leaned over one of the two sinks in his bathroom to apply your makeup. It was the night Glenn planned on announcing Joel as his pick, and his nerves were showing. His fidgeting in the mirror over the second sink was distracting. "He told you the land is yours."
"Yeah but until I got a contract, it ain't real," he told you, grumbling when he realized the buttons on his linen shirt were mismatched and he had to start over.
You put the last of your makeup into your bag and turned to him with a sigh, slapping his hands away so you could redo his buttons for him.
"You and your contracts," you teased, gaze focused on his shirt so you didn't have to look him in the eye when you made the first real reference to your arrangement in over a week.
Either Joel wasn't thinking about it the way you were or it went right over his head because he just tugged you closer with a seductive smile and murmured, "Can y'blame me? You woulda left the first week if I didn't have you sign that piece of paper."
Okay, so maybe you needed to leave stronger hints.
"How do you know?" you countered, still slowly buttoning his shirt.
Joel chuckled. "You didn't like me all that much when we got here."
You grinned and shrugged before lightly replying, "That's not true. I liked you," then nervously cleared your throat before adding, "Maybe not as much as I do now, but I liked you."
"Yeah? Y'liked me enough to stay here a whole month without me promisin' you twenty grand?" he asked playfully, still smirking to himself in the mirror as he fixed a few stray pieces of hair and you finished your work on his buttons.
When he heard the serious tone in your voice, his hands fell to his sides and his eyes dropped to meet yours, the smile slowly fading from his face when he confirmed you weren't joking.
You held your breath as the implication of what you said settled in. You could see him struggling with what to say and you fought the urge to fill the silence with your own nervous babbling. Instead, you watched him scan your face for any sign of insincerity, only to find none.
Your heart plummeted when you both heard his phone chirp loudly on the white quartz countertop, ending the moment when he reached for it to announce your car was waiting downstairs.
But just when you thought you lost your chance and you began to gather a few things to shove into your purse, Joel stopped you with a gentle pinch to your chin.
"We'll talk 'bout this later, okay?"
You gave him a little smile and nodded before he released you to tuck in his shirt, walking out of the bathroom.
It wasn't a surprise that it was all you were thinking about the entire evening. You made sure to only have one drink, just enough to calm your nerves but keep your mind clear.
"Your lip looks really good. You can hardly tell anything happened," Zoe said quietly from the chair next to you at the long dinner table set up on the patio. Glenn and Mary had decided to host dinner at their house for everyone's last night on the island and it was the perfect night to be outside, the weather was gorgeous.
"Thanks. I got pretty creative with makeup," you joked, looking away from the empty chair at the other end of the table that no doubt was meant for Brooks, who had not shown up for dinner. You couldn't be sure if it was by choice or if he was still bedridden from whatever Joel did to him, but either way you were relieved not to have to face him again.
"I still have so much to pack," Zoe groaned, pushing around some scallops on her plate. "I'm gonna be up all night. What about you?"
"Yeah, same," you admitted, "I haven't even started yet."
"Guess that's the beauty of flying private... we can afford to be a little late!" she giggled, and you laughed with her, grateful for the brief distraction.
After dinner was cleared and dessert was about to be served, Glenn stood with a warm smile and tapped the side of his wine glass with a spoon, pulling everyone's attention within seconds.
"Oh, shit, here we go," Zoe muttered on your right side while Joel's hand found yours on the left, his thumb nervously fiddling with your ring.
"Mary and I wanted to thank each and every one of you for spending the last month on our little island," Glenn began, glancing lovingly down at his wife. "It's been wonderful getting to know all of you better, and we've loved sharing this slice of paradise with you."
His gaze drifted around the table, looking everyone in the eye before taking a deep breath.
"But this place is more than just paradise to us. This place is home. We love it here, we love the people and the culture and it's always been our top priority to make sure anybody who buys a plot of land here is the right fit." Glenn linked his fingers together to emphasize his point before continuing.
"We think of the locals here as our family, and it's no secret how important family is to us. So, when we made our decision on who should get this last piece of land, me and Mary took into consideration who would represent these core values of family and community. And I'll tell you all, it was not an easy decision," Glenn said with a soft laugh. "You all are wonderful people and I know any one of you would do wonderful things with this land, but unfortunately we can't fit five resorts into that plot."
A ripple of nervous laughter swept through the group. Joel squeezed your hand, his eyes still glued to Glenn standing at the head of the table. Then Glenn's gaze landed on Joel and he smiled while raising his glass.
"Joel... spot's all yours, buddy."
The table erupted into polite applause and Joel instantly turned to cup your face, pressing a soft kiss against your lips, then stood. He rounded the table to shake Glenn's hand and give Mary a hug while Zoe excitedly pinched your side.
"You better invite me to your wedding, I'm already dying for an excuse to come back here."
"Huh?" you asked, sounded delirious with all the commotion. By that point, everyone was standing to congratulate Joel and exchange polite words with Glenn and Mary, thanking them for their consideration and hospitality.
"Didn't you say you'd get married at the new hotel?" Zoe asked, tilting your head to the side. Then you remembered what you had said on the yacht and jokingly knocked the heel of your hand against your head.
"Yeah, duh. Of course you'll be invited, sorry, I think I forgot for a second," you laughed. Then you noticed Tammy down the table and you froze. She and Lynne were clearly pissed off, whispering angrily to one another with their faces all flushed and their perfectly manicured nails pointing in your direction and you frowned.
"What the hell's their problem?"
Zoe swiveled around then shrugged before turning back to you.
"Probably jealous Joel won."
Then Mary came bustling over to give you a hug, pulling your attention away from the other women and telling you she was so excited to spend more time together before lowering her voice and tearfully apologizing for her son's behavior.
"We sent him over to a facility this morning," she told you, her fingers wrapping around your wrists. You could see the despair in her eye and you couldn't help but feel sorry for her. At the end of the day, she was a mother worried for her son and for that, you couldn't fault her.
"I really hope he gets the help he needs," you told her sincerely.
"He went willingly. It took some convincing, but he came around and agreed he needed to get some help. I don't know where we went wrong..." she began, but you quickly shook your head.
"Oh, it's not your fault," you told her. "Everyone makes their own decisions and you just do the best you can to support the ones you love."
Mary smiled shakily at you and blinked back her tears.
"You'll make a wonderful mother one day, dear," she said. You laughed nervously and shook your head.
"Maybe in a few years," you told her.
One of the caterers gently tapped Mary's elbow, diverting her attention from you with an apologetic smile. You turned back to Zoe and glanced down at her empty glass.
What the hell. Two drinks wouldn't make much of a difference. Besides, you were celebrating.
"Want to pop inside real quick and raid the bar?" you asked her with a wink. She giggled and nodded before trotting after you.
"I know they have caterers, but I always thought I'd make a good bartender," you joked, sliding behind the wet bar attached to their dining room. "What can I get you, Miss?" you asked, giving yourself a fake accent as you pretended to polish an already spotless glass. Zoe laughed and hopped up onto a barstool.
"How about a mojito?"
Your hands paused on the glass and you narrowed your eyes at her, knowing full well she was messing with you and not expecting you to muddle mint and lime.
"Try again."
She tipped her head back and laughed louder this time, covering up the sharp rap of expensive high heels echoing off the marble floors, heading your way.
"Umm... do you have any white wine?"
You glanced down at the mini fridge and grinned.
"That I can do."
You pulled out a bottle and studied the label, having no idea if it was expensive or not but it was already opened so you figured it was fair game. Right when you popped the cork, Lynne and Tammy rounded the corner looking like they were on a mission.
You and Zoe exchanged confused looks before turning back to the two women.
"Me?" you asked, pointing at your chest even though it was fairly obvious.
"Yes," Tammy hissed, coming closer to lean over the bar. Zoe scowled when Lynne squeezed her way in, encroaching on her personal space in the process.
"This is bullshit," Tammy snapped. "They only picked Joel because of Brooks and what he did. You probably encouraged it, didn't you? Tried to make something happen so Glenn would feel guilty and give Joel the land!"
You were so shocked, you lost your voice for a moment, only remembering to look at Zoe in disbelief.
"How the hell did you know about that?" Zoe argued, a good question that hadn't even occurred to you yet.
"Oh, please," Lynne said, waving her off as if she were an annoying fly. "We were right there in the restaurant, remember? The wait staff heard what happened and told us before you had even gotten into the car."
"I didn't do anything wrong!" you exclaimed, your brain finally catching up. "I certainly didn't ask for him to shove my face into the sink, what kind of fucked up question is that?"
Tammy snorted and crossed her arms. "I wouldn't put it past you. I wouldn't put it past either of you."
"Excuse me?" Zoe asked, standing up.
"Not you," Tammy said with a roll of her eyes. "Her and Joel."
You frowned, confused, until you remembered how Joel ending things with her and then it started to make sense.
"Listen," you said calmly, "I know you might still need some closure or something-"
"W-what?" Tammy sputtered, anxiously looking between you and the other women. It was clear she didn't think they knew, and maybe Lynne didn't, so you changed course.
"We can talk about what happened in private, if you prefer-"
"I have nothing to say to you," she spat. "Both of you are fucked in the head, you know that? Misleading poor Glenn like this, pretending like Joel is this sweet, caring family man. You know damn well if I tell Glenn the truth about Joel's daughter and brother, he never would get that land."
Tammy kept talking but all you could hear was a high pitched ringing in your ears. Brother? Daughter? Joel has a fucking daughter? Not once did Joel ever allude anything about his family when he was with you, but somehow Tammy knew?
"Shut the hell up!" you finally yelled. Surprisingly, Tammy's mouth clamped shut. "You think you're any better? Pretending to have this perfect marriage with your college sweetheart when two weeks ago you were trying to get my fiancé to fuck you in the bathroom of an art gallery?"
Lynne gasped and Zoe cackled into the palm of her hand while Tammy remained frozen.
"You could run out there right now and tell Glenn whatever it is you think you know, but if you do that, I'll be sure to tell Scott everything I know," you seethed, gripping the edge of the bar so tightly your fingers were beginning to hurt. "Would it be worth it? Hm? Because if Joel doesn't get that land, guess what? He'll be just fine. But you won't," you said, voice dropping to a threatening level. "Your marriage would be over. You'd have fucking nothing. So why don't you think real hard about what you want to say next."
Tammy's mouth opened and closed, her eyes darting around the room anxiously. It was clear you had her cornered. She finally scoffed and fixed a piece of hair before backing away from the bar.
"You're a bitch," she said lowly before turning on her heel to leave.
"Better than being a washed up old hag," Zoe called after her as Lynne hurriedly joined her side, disappearing down the hallway. Zoe turned back to you and burst out laughing.
"Maybe we need a couple shots instead," she said, shaking her head in shock. "I didn't know Joel had a daughter. How old is she?"
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Can we talk about it another time?" you asked weakly, leaning against the bar and hanging your head between your shoulders. It felt like you had just went twelve rounds and you were exhausted. Why wouldn't Joel tell you he had a daughter? Or a brother? And what the hell happened?
"Of course, yeah," Zoe said, quickly standing up to rub your back. "Want me to go get Joel?"
"Uh, no, that's okay," you said, rubbing your temples aggressively. "I think I'm getting a migraine, I'll find Joel myself so we can leave."
"God, I'm sorry. What a couple of bitches," Zoe said, wrapping an arm around you so she could lead you back outside. "You kicked ass, though. I'm proud of you, girl."
You laughed weakly as you both stepped through the glass doors, scanning the crowd of guests. "Thanks. And thanks for jumping in, too."
"No problem. Been waiting for my chance to knock that one down a peg," she said, giving you a kiss on your cheek when Joel spotted you and began to make his way over. "Hope you can at least celebrate," she added with a wink before disappearing to find Zachary.
"Hey," Joel said breathlessly with a huge smile. "Everythin' alright? Where'd you go?"
"Uh, actually I'm getting a bad headache," you told him, wincing when your fingertips pressed against your temple.
"Shit, alright, lemme say good night and we can go."
"Are you sure?"
He nodded and gave you a quick kiss, cursing your body for still having a reaction to him when you knew you should be mad.
After you had each said your good byes, which were mercifully quick, Joel led you to the car with one hand placed lightly on your lower back and the other clutching his phone.
"I gotta make a quick call," he told you once you were settled in and on your way back to the hotel. You nodded and gazed out the window while Joel spoke to someone, presumably his lawyer, about drawing up a contract for the land. All the while, his free hand held yours, his thumb absentmindedly stroking your knuckles while he spoke, the excitement in his voice palpable.
You decided by the time you got back to the hotel, you would give him one chance to come clean. You swore to yourself you wouldn't hold it against him, that you wouldn't care how or why Tammy would know something so personal about him, just as long as he told you the truth.
He took you to his bedroom, like usual, and brought you water with some extra strength Tylenol. You stared at the two little pills sitting on your nightstand while he washed up in the bathroom. It was undeniable how happy he made you now, and with that came a great risk of getting hurt if he wasn't honest with you.
"Need anythin' else? I can call the front desk for whatever you want," Joel said when he exited the bathroom. You shook your head and slipped underneath the covers, blankly staring at the ceiling while he took off his watch and plugged in his phone. You could feel your heart beating loudly in your chest as you mentally psyched yourself up to ask him the question that had been on your mind for the past hour.
His hand, which hovered over the switch on his lamp, pulled back when he turned to face you.
"When you told me you thought you weren't a good man," you began, fingers twisting the sheets nervously, "did you say that because of what you told me about you and Tammy, or is there... anything else?"
He paused and you closed your eyes, waiting for his answer.
Please. Please don't lie.
"No, that was it."
Tears immediately burned behind your eyes, like they were just lying in wait, knowing he would disappoint you.
"Are you sure?" you asked quietly. He cleared his throat and turned off his light before sliding between the sheets.
You nodded in the darkness and turned onto your side, away from him.
Meaning of Holi Festival Colors
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belovedcloud · 2 days
One Bed
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pairing: leon kennedy x fem! agent! reader
✎ synopsis: who knew saving the president's daughter was so tiring? only you and leon knew the treacherous steps towards the hotel room that was supposed to rejuvenate you both. only for him to open the door and to see one bed.
✎ notes: omg hey everyone. it has been months since my last post and thank you so much for the love on 'such a sweetheart'. i needed a hiatus from writing and i hope you guys love this one bed trope! it's not proofread so sorry if there are mistakes but i am way too lazy to read over it all. love you guys.
➤ WC: 5K
➤ CW: you helped leon save ashley, one bed trope duh, touch starved leon, kisses, petnames, cowgirl, tired sex, p in v, unprotected sex, leon cums on you.
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Who knew saving the president's daughter would be so exhausting? The whole ordeal was strenuous to your muscles and mental state. A good nights rest was what you needed after the catastrophe you just encountered. Luckily, you were able to squeeze a shower before getting to the hotel. The idea of mud, bodily fluids and blood was too much to handle for any longer than necessary. Though, if it wasn't for Leon - you probably wouldn't be around currently. Being mission partners with him allowed you to understand his perspective on bioweapons and whatnot.
Without a doubt, he hated them. Despised even. This was a common viewpoint, but his hate went far beyond the normal eye.
It was best not to pry. You couldn't class yourselves as friends, just work partners. Agents who fought the living dead and anything else that came in your way. The undead was a sensitive topic to Leon. What could he have went through?
Leon's life was one of pure terror ever since he was victimised to Raccoon City. The first day on the job completely different to others who joined for the first time. Unlocking padlocks were for survival, not for fun. Reading notes left from other officers who already found their fate was disturbing. The scribbles on the paper led him out. To safety he had hoped. No. Safety was not an option that day - his welfare was tarnished every second.
Now being forced into the workforce of the government wasn't any better. Probably even worse. Time and time again Leon would feel the cold metal pressed against his temple, shakily holding the gun to his head. The index finger aching to snap the trigger to blast his brains out. Yet the same reasoning withheld him from doing so. What if another incident like Raccoon City happened in the near future? He was hired to help others - to dispose of the horrors of the world without alarming the population.
Having you as his partner was a struggle and a blessing.
His communicative state from when he was 21 was now gone. A rookie turned agent against his will led him to be colder than others. Leon kept to himself most of the time, here and there giving you a few pointers on how you can effective pop a flash grenade or what to do in a sticky situation. You reflected how he was 6 years ago. A 21 year old who was excited to start at a police department - you were an agent who was motivated to save others. Your actions held such kindness to him. No prying or none of those snickering comments he would get from the other agents at base.
Just peace.
So mentally speaking, he didn't mind having to share a room with you in this crammed hotel. It was a Saturday so it was expected. Though, other patrons would be coming here to have a one night stand or a relaxing time away from their family... you both just needed rest.
Sluggish movements paved their way to the door number, 012. You and him clinging onto your duffel bags silently. It was an awkward silence, a silence that hung below you both as he fumbled with the key card in his hand. Scanning it through to unlock the barrier between you both and the comfort of the beds that laid inside.
Beds. Or... bed?
Your eyes scan the room. Continuously trying to seek out the other bed that should be here. You examine the footing of it, seeing that it's a double bed instead of 2 singles. Great. The dumbfounded look on your face is almost laughable as the situation dawns on you. You were in a room with Leon and it only consisted of one bed for the both of you.
There were a few ways to go about this. You either both sleep in the same bed together or one takes the bed and the other finds another place to rest. Looking around, it appears that the only viable option would be the cracked leather arm chair, resting solo in the corner. Thinking about it, you were willing to give yourself a crick in your neck to save yourself from the embarrassment of sharing the bed with the other agent.
Leon thought otherwise. The brisk movement of the gear belt slung over the armchair with his duffel bag smacked down in the centre. He was tired, over the bullshit that he just fought - he couldn't care less if he had to share a bed.
"Looks like they forgot a bed huh?" He joked sarcastically, stretching his limbs. The strain of his muscles was visible, undoubtably attractive. Leon carried himself enchantingly, you wanted to learn more about him as every second passed. A sigh leaves his throat whilst he sat down on the bed, continuously stretching. The shirt riding up slightly, giving you a chance to avert your eyes to the uncovered skin. His v-line was on show, the dip down soon stopped by the fabric of his cargos. The shirt he was wearing was a tight fit, letting the muscles of his biceps become visible to the naked eye and the shape of his pecs becoming more noticeable the more you looked.
At least you had a bed in the room? That was the only positive you could find from this when removing your gear off your body. Slinging it into the corner of the room alongside your bag. You both are exhausted from the long day, so you were thankful there's at least a bed to share.
"I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick..." His movements are swift, already gripping onto his shirt he reveals his back to you - throwing the shirt on the floor beforehand. Multiple scars are littered faintly around the skin but the more distinguishable thing is his muscles. Leon's toned body calls out to you as his shoulder to waist ratio is insane. A slim waist, broad shoulders, it all speaks to you. You can feel your body speaking back as you look at him a little longer than expected.
Your little fangirling sesh is over when he shuts the bathroom door behind him - you let a breath you didn't know you withheld. Well, all you could do was wait for him to finish his shower before you could have one. The pitter patter of the water hitting the shower floor is heard before it dies down - giving you a mental note that Leon was now cleaning himself. Why are you even thinking about this?
Leon lets out a sigh once the hot water hits his body. An instant relieving feeling flowing through him as he just stands there for a minute. Soaking in the greatness of water before grabbing the washcloth and shower gel nicely provided by the hotel staff. Squeezing the bottle, a dollop of soap smothers the cloth before he runs it across his body.
Humming can be heard whilst he cleanses his body, ensuring to dispose of all the sweat and dirt from their recent mission. Reflecting back on the situation, he started to feel a bit nervous having to share a bed with you tonight. You were pretty, very pretty to him. He mentally scolded himself whilst he ran the cloth down his chest - his mind returning back to you. A soft moan elicited out of his lips made his hand smack his face. Leon wasn't sure why he was feeling this way. Instinctive movements of him washing himself in motion, his fingers manoeuvring the washcloth on autopilot as his mind focused on you. He can't help but think about you some more, remembering your cute smile when you would hand him a cup of coffee at base. Or your simple gestures of making sure he was comfortable and how you reserved yourself around him made his heart skip a beat.
It had been a while since he thought about someone romantically, his job stripping him of any personal life as the thought of the multitude of viruses around the world was increasing each day. But now, deep down... he could feel an attraction to you. Leon wasn't sure if it was sexual or genuine love - it would be too soon to tell. However, this feeling was deep rooted within, his mind wanted to show you love. His heart longing for someone.
A sentiment he had not felt in a while.
Trying to calm his heart down from going into cardiac arrest, giving himself a mental pep talk - trying not to think about you too much. He shuts off the water soon after and grabs the white towel neatly folded on top of the counter cabinet. Rubbing himself dry and wrapping it around his waist - tightening it slightly. He doesn't want an accident to happen.
Your mind shuts off as you hear footsteps in the bathroom. He was out. Okay. Do you look away when he opens the door? Leon doesn't give you time to think as the door creaks open, revealing himself into the main room. His bare chest and hair still damp for show. Jesus Christ. His damped skin looks good in the dim light, as if he had displayed himself just for you. He notices you sitting tensely on the bed, his body approached you. Blue eyes instantly drifting to your body and lingering for a second before he snaps out of it.
"I needed that..." He groans out, sitting beside you. You mentally slap yourself as you snap your thoughts back to the present.
"Yeah I bet, I already had a shower before we got here so I'm alright." Your response is meek, but at least you had something to respond with.
The man next to you raises his eyebrows at you in slight surprise, he wasn't expecting you to have already taken a shower - but by the look of it, you did look super clean compared to him before. Perhaps you had it when he was getting questioned at base for the report of the mission. Leon tries to keep his eyes focused on your face and not your body. "Oh lucky you," he replied with a smirk.
"I couldn't stand all the random liquids on me, it was disgusting." A chuckle leaves you when you remember looking at yourself in the mirror. Gross... but at least you could laugh at yourself for getting in such a mess? "You were subjected to most of the mess to be honest." Leon chortled out, reminiscing on your reaction when you had novistador blood all over you.
Your conversation with him was cut short when you both recalled the situation laid opened to the two of you. One bed, two agents. It seemed childish that you couldn't think the both of you could share a bed - it was just awkward. Really awkward.
"I can take the floor if you want?" The sound of your voice cuts through the silence, Leon replayed the question in his head before shaking his head. "Don't be ridiculous, I'm not letting you sleep on this cold ass floor." His eyes averted to the hardwood floor, indicating that your question was out of order.
"You want to share the bed then?" This question to Leon was better, he really didn't mind another person next to him whilst he slept. Recalling past moments, he's slept through worse. "We're both adults here. We can share the bed, it won't be bad." A calm response from the agent. What more could you expect?
Your reluctant nod allows him to get back up to look through the wardrobe in the hotel room. A couple extra blankets stored alongside some pyjamas that the workforce provided for both of you. You two were granted a pair of sweatpants and black top - your eyes brightened up, realising you weren't having to sleep in fresh gear wear.
"I'll go in the bathroom to change, you can change here." An authoritative tone left him, not giving you a chance to speak back before he returned back into the bathroom. Scurrying over to the open wardrobe, you hand picked your pyjamas - undressing yourself from the imprisonment of your current clothes to something a lot more baggy and comfortable. A sigh let loose from you, your body mindlessly walking over to the bed and plopping down on the edge. The mattress aiding in soothing your back from the hellish ride you attuned escaping the island.
A yawn seeped through your lips, hazily looking at your phone screen at the time, 01:24... It really was time to rest. Though, the thought of Leon couldn't leave your mind. He plagued your brain - a part of you didn't complain.
A sound of a door creaking open embarked into your ears, Leon had changed into his nightclothes. The tank top fit snugly on his body however, the pair of sweatpants seemed a little baggy. Clearly a little too big for him since they were hanging dangerously low on his hips. He was plain exhausted. His limbs gradually moved him to the bed that you two were about to share. Sinking his body into the mattress as the sheets hugged his frame.
Minutes passed, a silence rose in the room. Leon's back laid restfully whilst scrolling through countless media apps to pass the time. His mind wandering back to you. The heat emanating his body contradicted with the cold expression on his face. Why was he so hard to read? You couldn't tell if he was even comfortable with the idea of sharing a bed with you. Your body laid on it's side, staring at him brazenly. Forgetting that your eyes were peering at his body, Leon's gaze averted to you - an eyebrow raised on his face.
"You alright?" His question caught you off guard; no you weren't okay. Not when he was so close to you, the faint smell of him seeping into your senses. You genuinely couldn't be okay in this situation.
"Mhm, m'alright. Just tired." Leon's eyes glanced at you and his eyes shamelessly roamed over your body before he forced himself to look back down at the device in his hand. 'What the hell are you doing?' The question rung in his mind over and over again as he thought about you. There was no denying the fact that he found you incredibly attractive - but for you to be his work partner... It was unprofessional for such thoughts to occur in his mind. Shakily putting down the phone in his grasp he spoke. "You should get some rest, it's getting late."
Like rest was an option. Turning your head towards him, a twinge of irritation was mixed in with your voice. "I know, it's just.. it's hard to sleep right now." The idea of you and him so close was making your head foggy, especially now since he rolled onto his side - discarding his phone on the bedside table. He now faced you, noticing the tone of your voice. Was there something bothering you?
"Why's it hard?" It was starting to click in Leon's head that them sharing a bed may have made you nervous. Scared perhaps. Analysing your expression, he was observant in your body language. A hint of worry trespassed his vision whilst he watched you silently - waiting for you to continue. His head in his hand, inaudibly taking notice of how pretty you look. Completely captivated from your features, he shook his head to clear his mind.
"We're sharing a bed, now I know there's nothing between us but it's just... weird? No offence! Like you're not weird you know that I just-" Realising you were rambling, a heavy sigh left your lips. It was hard trying to compose yourself, particularly because Leon was looking at you. He didn't look confused nor grossed out.. just enamoured. Lovesick eyes boring into yours when he heard you ramble for a moment.
A slight chuckle was brought out from him when you mentioned the closeness between the two of you, a small idea crossed his mind about how your body was mere inches away from his. He swallowed before speaking. "None taken, I get it. Sharing a bed can be kinda intimate huh?" He found it rather cute that you were so antsy. "But I'm glad we have a bed..."
Leon was right, you convinced yourself nothing was weird - staring at the cream coloured ceiling. A light huff was let out of Leon's nose. "Just try and relax," he mumbled, unsure on how to comfort you. Watching you snuggle under the covers, a slight smile spread across his face.
Leon surprised himself that he mumbled it out loud, his body tensing from the fear that reigned his body. Mentally face palming himself, rapidly looking away from you. Reprimanding himself for being so stupid to let it slip out.
After a moment, a lower voice was heard from him. "I mean- Ugh, sorry I didn't mean to make this so awkward." Shifting himself further from you, feeling ashamed of himself - you stop him from almost falling off the bed. "No no, it's fine!" Your efforts of comforting him didn't help him as it was clear he was still embarrassed. Leon's mind kept recalling the scene, shouldered with how attractive you were.
"I meant it." He stated. Leon had no clue where this confidence in him was coming from, but he hoped it wouldn't run out any time soon. The look on your face made him feel less nervous. A shocked expression plastered all over you - stuttering not knowing what to say. He found you to be the prettiest woman he had ever seen, the kindest too. Looking back at it all, he registered all along he had a little thing for you. You respected him, valued his need for privacy and want to be unjudged. Not many knew of his situation and Leon's involvement in Raccoon City. You didn't even know, you never pried.
Shamelessly, a fat smile shone on your face. Leon's expression softened as he found himself in awe. His body itched, craving your touch. Your love. This renowned love blossomed within him.
"You're cute too." That one sentence could make his heart stop if he really went into deep thought about it. Leon never really found himself to be that attractive, yeah his muscles were good in some aspect in his eyes. He did train well, he gave himself that. After all, he was the one many depended on to save the abundance of sick problems this once calm world faced.
Another silence was shared between the two of you - not one of awkwardness but one of solace. Leon didn't feel distressed, he felt calm. You brought out a side of him which he believed was gone. The side being the young man who wasn't scared of the future. A time where he was happy within himself and oblivious. All he could picture was you. You and him happily being each other's bridge.
Each other's home.
"I'm glad we got that out of the way." A breathless voice cut you both out of your trances. Leon flickering his view on you. Your face, those beautiful eyes staring into his own. The soft lips of yours calling out to him. Your bare neck, a blank canvas for his kisses and bites. His eyes then averted to the base of your neck, your chest covered by the black shirt you wore. Feeling his stare, the burning sensation in your cheeks rose. "What... what now?" The scary question was imprinted in your mind. It was obvious you both had a thing for each other, yet what were you going to do about it? Perhaps a relationship could happen between the both of you; would you both just stay work partners?
"Can I.. can I hold you?" Vulnerability was present in Leon's voice. He craved to touch your skin, his fingers twitching slightly from the excitement. Touch starved. That was the true definition of Leon's love life right now. He hadn't involved himself in relationship matters for years and now that the chance popped up with you, he would take what he could get.
You didn't even say yes, your body spoke for you. Wrapping your arms around his chest - you could feel his heartbeat. Rapid pumps thudded into your ear. Strong arms hugged you back clearly stating silently that Leon couldn't let you go. You'd be surprised if his shirt didn't have an imprint of your face since you were so close against him. Breaking free slightly, your head popped up - looking up at him. You were presented with his Adam's apple, slowly bobbing up and down as he swallowed looking down at you. The rough bump alluring you in whilst your hazy eyes lingered on the skin of his neck. Moles sparsely speckled all over his skin. God had crafted Leon himself, you were sure of it.
Moreover, the heat from his body lingered around you. Creating an invisible fortress of affection and love as both of you stared at each other.
A shaky hand pressed against the skin of your cheek, calloused pads caressing you. "You're so pretty." Leon mumbled, shifting a bit. Your touch to him granted him a sense of warmth, he even leaned into it a little - subconsciously seeking comfort. You brought out the 'weak' side of him, it felt nice for him to let down his guard and be himself around you. He let out a pleased hum as he cuddled you, the hold over you was tight. To you, it seemed like he was starved for physical contact and was finally getting the human touch he deserved.
What happened next was a blur, to both of you anyway. The stare-off between his blue eyes and your own turned into your faces being so close together; guaranteed to kiss. An eskimo kiss shared with him, the tips of both your noses touching. Lips hovering over his, your whisper snaps him out of his daze. "Thank you..." Your gratitude granted you a chuckle from Leon but his mind seemed to be elsewhere.
Leon continued to stare at you but to pinpoint, he was eying at your lips. They looked so soft, the mere sight of them making his heart race more. He swallowed hard, his mind clouded with the vision of kissing you. An overwhelming sense of desire passing through him - it was need. But at the same time, he knew he couldn't just go in for a kiss; not without consent. Yet he craved to feel his lips against yours.
"Can I kiss you?" His mumbled whisper echoed through your ears. Were you hearing him correctly?
Kiss? You?
Besides, it's not like you were going to straight out reject him. That wasn't even possible in this situation with him; pressed so close against you that you could feel his rock hard boner pressing against your thigh. A nimble nod from you responding to his question was all he needed.
Leon's lips are soft, softer than you would expect. Sweet little kisses are shared, melting you into him. His hands now run down your back, rubbing your skin through the cotton shirt. He hums, tilting your head slightly back to get a better angle. It feels messy as saliva is shared between the two of you. A soft whine escaping you when Leon breaks away. Reining you back in, he gives you another kiss. Pure passion and love interweaved in it.
Kisses soon turn into touches as your fingers manoeuvre around his torso, slowly digging your fingers into him - eliciting a groan out his mouth. His touch on you becomes possessive, kneading your skin in his hands. Leon holds you close and after a few minutes, you find yourself on his lap. His hands automatically went to your hips, gripping you tight as his eyes locked onto yours. Those blue eyes of his roamed your body shamelessly whilst he held you against him, taking in the view of your straddling his hips.
You could feel the hard-on beneath you, begging for some friction. Subconsciously, your hips start to rock slightly, Leon takes full control as he guides you. There was no way he could stop right now, not with how his body was aching so badly and having you on his lap like this. "Can we take this slow? We're both... really tired." A yawn escapes you mid sentence, you can feel yourself getting tired and wet.
"Yeah, we can take this slow. Anything you want love." The nickname shoots desire right into your veins, the rasp in his voice concocted with a tired sigh as he watches you grind on him is heavenly. Shuddering from his touch, Leon brings you down to lay on him - adjusting you on his lap. Your foreheads touch, all you can see is love in his eyes. Leon's fingers tug on your shirt, a breathless chuckle leaving him before he asks the question. "Can I take this off?" He can't help but want to see you, feel you - caress the smoothness of your skin on the pads of his fingers. Hearing you say the word "yes" made his hands work in a fast fashion as your torso was soon left bare.
"So beautiful..." He sat you back up, feeling your flesh mould in-between his fingers. Leon ached for you, he wanted to have more energy to give you the proper fucking you deserved. However, the past mission and the strain it had on both of your bodies exempted him from treating you the way he wanted. So he had to settle for soft, gentle sex. Just like you wanted.
Rapid breathing contradicted the mellow touches shared between you both, your hips continuously rocking slowly before he lifts you up slightly - removing the same sweatpants that were already dangerously low. You're face to face with his boxers, a clear wet patch showcasing the pre-cum that leaked out of his tip.
"See what you do to me?" Leon groaned out, palming himself slowly - your eyes following his every movement. He was enchanting nonetheless, alluring you in with every pump he did to himself. Leon's mind was fogged with you, the view of you turning every cell in his brain insane. He seriously couldn't get enough of your watchful eyes scanning his hand; viewing the pornographic sight in front of you.
Although once again he did think to make this the best sex he's had in a while, it was obvious you both were too tired to even do anything remotely crazy that night. So plain ole cowgirl it is.
Quick work was made for your sweatpants as they were easily tossed to the floor, your panties being the the second piece of protection between you and Leon's boxers straining his dick in place. His hands guided you still, the subtle movements rocking back on forth bringing both of you a sense of release you both needed. Silken kisses bringing out a wave of passion. Playing with the band of his boxers - a dark look appeared in his gaze.
"Impatient?" The mere one word question could've left you astonished if you weren't so hazy from being aroused. Of course you were impatient. He was the embodiment of seduction. "Well, yeah." A laugh escaped both Leon and you, your eyes boring into his.
"Shouldn't keep you waiting should I?"
Sliding your panties to the side; pulling his boxers down, it was easy for his cock to slide in. Eliciting a deep moan from the both of you as kisses were shared once again. Leon couldn't believe how good you felt, he already felt pussy drunk. The two of you shared tired eyes and low whimpers whilst your hips rocked back and forth.
"You're so pretty..." Leon mumbled out, dazed out of his mind looking at how your body synchronised with his. The way his dick was slipping in and out of you, pressing into that sweet spot of yours. How were you so pretty? And how did you already make such a mess? Glancing down, his eyes followed to the feeling of wetness coating the base of his cock - your inner thighs glistening from how wet you were. Completely mesmerised, Leon looked up at you with pure love and lust.
You couldn't talk, not when all your throat could conjure was the moans and low screams as his hips started to jerk up slightly - thrusting himself further in you. Holding onto the bedframe keeping you both afloat, your mumbles tried to alert him from the upcoming orgasm reaching you. "Mmph... L-Leon, I..." was all you could muster. It was the only coherent thing he could understand before feeling you tighten up.
"That's it baby, keep going." The softness in his voice juxtaposed the way his hips were snapping up and down, Leon couldn't help it. Your pussy felt too good wrapped around him. He had to put in the last of his energy to making you feel good at least. Lazily, his hand slowly reached your clothed clit - his fingers slowly rubbing the fabric of your panties. The perfect amount of friction to make your bundle of nerves become overstimulated whilst being stuffed full.
Your tired eyes locked with his, feeling yourself getting closer to seventh heaven. A small smirk plastered on Leon's face, watching you breathlessly whilst his dick twitched too.
"Gotta pull out..." He murmured, his fingers making you reach the pinnacle of your orgasm. "L-Leon!" All you could do was shudder on-top of him, feeling the remaining energy in you seep out alongside your orgasm. Collapsing onto him, Leon subtly slipped himself out, painting your clit and lower stomach with his cum. A low hum leaving him as he kissed the nape of your neck. "You did so well."
Panting heavily, your moan responded to his words. Chuckling to himself, Leon held you close whilst sitting up. Grabbing a few tissues in the box to wipe your tummy.
"Come on, let's get cleaned up."
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 days
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katsuki hates black coffee. it's so obvious it's almost painful. the face he makes when it's done brewing, the way it takes him taking a deep breath and chugging the entire thing in one go to finish and the deep, deep sigh he let's out afterwards.
it's obvious, too obvious. you know it, he knows it.
but he insists on drinking it every single day.
every morning he makes it exactly the same and you just cannot understand why. and you're determined to find out.
today you're both off work. it's been happening less frequently and you couldn't be happier to spend time with your man today. he must've been dead tired, because you woke up before him and his alarm, that he has even though he always manages to wake up before it rings, so you sneakily turn it off and escape from his bear like grip to sneak to the kitchen.
like the great, amazing, loving partner you are, you decide to make him breakfast in bed. you know that despite him not liking overly sweet foods, he still likes him some sugar. you make him pancakes like you know he likes, a family recipe you still haven't told him. you know it's a bit petty, but if he found out he'd probably be able to replicate them to a t immediately and you like taking care of him, and you like the feeling that bubbles in your chest when he groans happily when the food hits his tastebuds and he gobbles it up.
your secret stays safe with you for now.
tray in hand and returning to your bedroom, you're surprised but definitely happy to see him still asleep when you're done. you smile, he truly does deserve the rest after all the work he'd done. you place the tray onto your night stand, running your hands over his eyebrows and slowly running over his messed up hair, thumbing at his hairline. his eyebrows slowly furrow as he tries to lean into it, cheek smudged against the pillow.
"baby.." you sing, katsuki grumbles, shoving his head into his pillow.
"katsuki.." you giggle, running your hand over his back to ease him into waking up. he flips around in an instant, raising an arm up and stretching, his other arm reaches for yours. you give it to him, he squeezes your hand and runs his other one through his hair.
"hi.." you chirp sweetly, katsuki grunts in response, squeezing your hand again in greeting.
"..how long've you been up ?" he asks, voice still deep and gruff from just waking up.
"about an hour.." you respond quietly, easily talking and not in a rush for once. katsuki's eyebrows furrow in confusion and his head whips towards his phone, grabbing it and checking his alarm that had been mysteriously turned off. he turns to squint at you and you giggle, he pinches your thigh and mutters out a "dummy.."
he sniffs the air when he registers the smell of pancakes, and his head quickly zips over to the tray you'd placed there for him. his ears turn pink "you didn't have to do this." you notice how he refrains from adding an affectionate insult towards the end of his sentence, you laugh.
"i know, but i wanted to. now eat up before it gets cold !" you grinned. katsuki sighs, a soft smile pulling at his face before he ducks his head, grabbing the tray and placing it in his lap. his eyes close the moment he gets a bite and your heart beats hard against your chest.
"you seem to be enjoying that." you say cheekily.
" 'm gonna get that recipe outta you one day." he vowed, pointing his fork at you, he groans when he gets another bite "so fuckin' good.." he mutters to himself between bites. you chortle.
after swallowing a few bites in silence, katsuki smacks his lips before he talks again "you just gonna watch me eat ?"
"i'm liking this view," you respond, leaning against your hand and sighing dramatically. katsuki rolls his eyes, an unmistakable blush crosses his cheeks before he's beckoning you over with a 'come here' motion, picking a piece of pancake onto his fork and placing a hand underneath the other as he brings it closer to your lips. "open up," he orders, and you do, tasting your work. you hum happily, and he watches you intently as you do. his eyes drift over to the mug still untouched on the nightstand.
a mug of coffee. black.
he frowns almost immediately, you don't need to look away to know why. you see how he tries to fix his face immediately, you assume so as not to hurt your feelings, your heart warms just a bit more. but you can't help but tease him.
"better drink it before it gets cold.." you sing, trying to sound unbothered. katsuki's grunt borders on a whine as he places his tray to the side. he picks up the mug, making sure to scowl at the black liquid inside, he inhales, before gulping it up quickly.
only to stop, eyebrows furrowing curiously at the flavour.
"good ?" you smile knowingly, you lean back a bit, pressing your legs to your chest and wrapping your arms around your legs. you swing slightly side to side.
katsuki slowly blinks at you "what d'you.."
"i put some sugar in it." you admit, you see how katsuki's face drops, eyebrows flying to his hairline. "katsuki, we both know you don't like it plain black. i don't see why you can't just have some sugar in it." you shrug "i know you've got your diet, but it won't kill you."
he leans back, shrinking into the headboard like he'd been caught committing a crime. his lips pull up into a frown.
"i know that, that's not the problem.." he downs the rest of his drink and he sighs afterwards, it almost sounds like a sigh of relief. it makes you snort. "then what is ?"
"i dunno..hadn't had it in a while and figured i'd try it again, see if i like it."
"but you clearly don't."
"i'd get used to it then." he shrugs.
"katsuki.." you sigh, "you don't have to, you know. nothin' wrong with a little sugar." you tease. honestly, you found it cute. you know he's stubborn and he doesn't give up, even against his own body. you'd seen it happen multiple times, but with something so simple as black coffee was pretty funny.
you think, maybe, he's trying to be more grown up. you remember he tried black coffee back in high school and hated it so bad it ruined his mood for the entire day. maybe, he thought he should like it now since he's graduated and he's an adult. it was sweet, just like how he liked his coffee. and it was so him. you want him to know he doesn't have to change a thing, he's perfectly okay and adult as he is now, coffee plain or sugary. with cream or without or with a sweet treat from the bakery next door.
"course i know that." he mutters after a while, smacking his lips when the taste of his coffee still lingers on his tongue. he places it and the tray back on the nightstand. he grabs your hand, pulling you closer to have you sit in his lap. "so come give me some." he smirks at your flustered expression. one hand reaches the back of your neck to pull you closer, his other hand at the small of your back for the same purpose.
"you just ate and you still haven't brushed your teeth, mister." you run your finger in circles over his chest. he gets hot quickly in the night so he likes to sleep shirtless, your hand runs over the shape of the scar on his shoulder. katsuki snorts, sharp teeth on display as he smirks.
"so ? you know you always wanna kiss me." and he smirks because he knows he's right. you huff, but lean down to kiss him anyway, muttering a quick "shut up," before silencing him. he snickers against your mouth and it doesn't take him long to deepen the kiss, you squeal when he flips you over, laying you right back in bed.
"thanks for breakfast." he says against your lips, leaning back in before you could respond "you're not gettin' away anymore, though. you're gonna spend the day here with me, where you're supposed to be." he drops onto you and you let out an "oof !" at the pro hero mass dropped onto you. you grip his shoulders as he kisses from your cheek to your ear.
"d'you like breakfast ?" you breathe out.
"you know i did, don't make me say it again." he grunts out, biting your cheek when you giggle "now i'd like to spend some time with my girl." he mumbles against your shoulders, voice muffled. you giggle, bring his head up to press your lips to his again.
and they taste sweet, just how you like them.
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taglist (finally!!) if your name is pink i unfortunately couldnt tag you :((( : @napbatata @andysdrafts @queenpiranhadon @jastoo46 @cecelia77
@katszumi @m-inluv @monchurie @the-hangry-otter @starlostlaiba
@moonshuul @erenstitanweave @katsus-mistress @dondeh-zedonutqueen @liluvtojineteyam
@aspiringwriter1111 @sugurusmoon @redvelvetstan1
@niktwazny303 @nemisimp @kit-katsukii @alphasage @milktea-academia
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genshinluvr · 2 days
The Nation of War
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: Upon stepping foot in the Nation of War, Aether and Paimon offers to give you and the men a tour around the beautiful nation. However, during the exploration/tour of the nation, you all meet Aether and Paimon's friends from the Pyro Nation. One friend in particular captures your attention— and it is not human. Also, are you allowed to have... pets (?) at the abode?
Note: Since the little Tepetlisaur Whelp we meet in Genshin doesn't have a specific given name, I decided to name the Saurian "Dakarai" for this fic and any future fics he makes an appearance in. I named my Saurian companion because it's fitting, and I don't have the heart to change it to something else. If you're not a fan of the name I picked for this fic (and future fics if he makes an appearance), then feel free to change it! :> Anyway! I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr), Ko-Fi (also Genshinluvr/Aaliah_exo), and AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: None that I know of 🤔 Natlan characters are probably out of character. Zhongli and Neuvillette being jealous again (hehehe)
Word Count: 5.4k
“Remember to stick close to us so you won’t get lost. We’ve been to Natlan many times and would hate for you to get lost.” Paimon says, looping her arms around yours as you, Paimon, Aether, and the others enter the Nation of War. 
Is Paimon referring to the time when you got lost in Fontaine and Wriothesley and Neuvillette were the ones who found you? If so, she didn’t need to call you out like that. Sometimes, your sense of direction is great! Other times… not so much, but not once has it gotten you killed!
You look at your surroundings in awe. Natlan is a beautiful nation— wait, is that a dinosaur? You snap your neck to look at the others, pointing at the tall creature with eyes the size of saucers. Aether chuckles and pats your head. “I had the same reaction when I first saw the long-necked rhino,” Aether says.
“Is there a reason why you brought us to Natlan? Not that I’m complaining, I’m rather curious.” Diluc says, crossing his arms over his chest as he takes a step closer to you in case a Fatui Agent decides to attack.
You rub the back of your neck before raising your hand. “It’s my idea to go to Natlan, actually.” After hearing countless stories about Natlan from Aether and Paimon, it makes you want to visit the nation. A nation that has roaming dragons— also known as Saurians, how can you not want to visit?
“What are we going to do in Natlan aside from exploring?” Gorou mutters, looking at his surroundings curiously, his ears twitching at the littlest unfamiliar sounds around him. 
Aether and Paimon shrug while you continue to look at the wild Saurians with excitement. There are so many of them roaming around! And some of them have human companions by their sides! From a distance, a small roar pulls you out of your thoughts. You turn to see a small Rex Lapis-looking creature charging at your group at full speed.
Itto stretches his arm out in front of everyone, glaring at the approaching creature. “Don’t worry, everyone! I’ll protect us all from this tiny menace!” Itto announces.
In the blink of an eye, the creature burrows into the ground, disappearing from sight. Itto blinks and lets his arm fall at his side, confused about where the little creature has disappeared off to. The small creature hops from the ground, roaring almost cutely. It waddles towards Aether and Paimon, bouncing with excitement.
You cover your mouth, suppressing a squeal. “Who is this cutie?!” You coo.
Paimon props her hands on her hips and floats beside the adorable creature. “[Y/N], everyone else, meet Dakarai! He is our,” she gestures to her and Aether, “traveling companion! He’s a Tepetlisaur Whelp.”
Dakarai, the Tepetlisaur Whelp, looks at you curiously, tilting his head to the side. You quietly squeal, taking a few steps toward the Saurian and holding your hand out for him to sniff. Is that what you’re supposed to do when introducing yourself to a creature? Dakarai leans toward your hand, sniffing your hand while gazing at you curiously.
“You’re so cute, Dakarai,” you whisper, continuing to examine the adorable Tepetlisaur Whelp. “Can I bring you home with me?” You pet the adorable Saurian as he excitedly roars.
Your heart feels like it can burst at any second because of how cute Dakarai is. He’s half your size, so you don’t think you can sneak him back to the abode if you did try to bring him back. Are you even allowed to take Saurians out of Natlan? It’s not a crime, is it?
Thoma sighs, crossing his arms over his chest while shaking his head, pouting. “I can’t believe that I’m jealous of a Saurian,” Thoma mutters, chuckling to himself.
Ayato chuckles, watching you and Dakarai interact with each other. The Tepetlisaur Whelp examines you from head to toe curiously, shuffling from side to side to get a 360 view of you. You did the same, cooing over the littlest thing Dakarai does. You’re almost in tears over how cute the Tepetlisaur Welp is, holding back the urge to bring him into a crushing hug and take him back to the abode. 
Ayato leans towards Thoma, not taking his eyes off you and Dakarai, whispering, “We should keep an eye on [Y/N] in case they try to Saurian-nap Dakarai.”
Thoma hums, nodding in agreement with the Kamisato Heir. Dakarai turns around, wiggling his tail, when you notice the orange-yellow handkerchief wrapped around it. Paimon and Aether tell you the backstory of the said handkerchief. 
After explaining the backstory, the journey to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame continues. Of course, Dakarai tags along. Instead of being by Aether and Paimon’s side, Dakarai sticks by you while you continue to fight the urge to snatch him up.
Kaeya chuckles, shaking his head while he watches you pet the top of Dakarai’s head. “It looks like another dragon has captured [Y/N]’s heart,” Kaeya comments, glancing at Zhongli and Neuvillette from the corner of his eyes (eye?) with a teasing smile.
Zhongli and Neuvillette huff, looking away from Kaeya’s teasing gaze. Dakarai is adorable, yes, but is he powerful enough to protect you from harm's way? Probably, but Zhongli and Neuvillette digress! There’s a dark aura surrounding both Zhongli and Neuvillette as they watch you fawn over Dakarai. You stop in your tracks and snuggle the Tepetlisaur Whelp after getting approval from Dakarai. Dakarai is more than happy to be on the receiving end of your affection, wrapping his arms around your waist while you hug him tightly. 
Thunder cracks in the distance as dark, ominous clouds roll in, replacing the once-sunny sky. Everyone freezes while Dakarai tilts his head, trying to process where the sound is coming from. 
You slowly release the Tepetlisaur Whelp, looking at your beloved boyfriends worriedly. “I didn’t know it was going to rain today,” you say, propping your hands on your hips as you listen to thunder clapping in the distance. 
Rain has yet to pour, thank the Archons, but you and everyone else still have a long way to go. You turn to Neuvillette, who has a stoic look on his face. You two make eye contact, and he quickly diverts his attention elsewhere. You frown and look at Zhongli, who shakes his head with disapproval before walking towards you.
Zhongli sighs, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “No need to fret, dearest. I came prepared for situations like this,” Zhongli says, pulling out an umbrella.
Dakarai roars softly, staring at the umbrella curiously. Zhongli holds the umbrella towards Dakarai’s direction, watching the Tepetlisaur Whelp sniff and analyze the contraption. After sniffing and analyzing the contraption, Dakarai takes a step back and looks up at Zhongli. Zhongli smiles and presses his hand on Dakarai’s head, gently petting the creature. You squeal, pulling a Kamera out of your satchel, and quickly snap a photo of Zhongli and Dakarai together. Zhongli and Dakarai freeze when the light flashes, blinking at you.
Childe clears his throat, wraps his arms around your waist, and rests his chin on your shoulders. “Snookums~! I understand you love taking pictures of things that make you smile, but I think we should continue our journey to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, or else we’ll get rained on,” Childe says, gesturing to the even darker sky. 
Scaramouche rolls his eyes, muttering, “For once, I agree with this idiot.”
Childe ignores Scaramouche’s comment and proceeds to drag you towards the Stadium of the Sacred Flame. Everyone follows closely behind, and of course, Dakarai is by your side. Occasionally, you will bring your Kamera out to snap pictures of nearby Saurians from a safe distance. As much as you want to run up to one and snatch one up for yourself, seeing the fully grown Tepetlisaurs scares you, and you don’t want to be tossed around in front of your beloveds and the Tepetlisaur Whelps.
“Aether! Paimon! Is that you!?” A girl hollers from a distance.
Aether stops in his tracks and turns to see two girls and a boy barrelling toward him and your group. The two girls stop in front of Aether and Paimon, tackling them into a hug. Aether and Paimon greet the two girls while you and the other men awkwardly stand there.
An obnoxious voice interrupts the sweet reunion, “Aw, how sweet! A reunion between friends from afar! Barf!” You turn to see a small floating creature— what is he exactly?— approaching your group with a bluish-black-haired male following behind. 
The man rolls his eyes, giving your group an almost sympathetic look. “Ignore Ajaw. This is how he usually is,” the man says, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh? I’m surprised you have this many friends, Aether. Is it hard to tolerate someone as annoying as him?” Ajaw asks, snickering.
Everyone stares at Ajaw, unsure of what to say. You, on the other hand, look at Ajaw from head to toe. For someone as small as him, he sure is bold. You’re not sure how the man beside the small creature tolerates that much annoyance. Noticing your stare, Ajaw flies towards you, floating really close to your face.
“Hey, you! You look interesting out of the bunch— or should I say, you look boring compared to the rest of the group! Ha! What makes you so special, huh?” Ajaw asks, flying around you like an annoying fly. “Everyone has a vision, minus yourself! Heh, I bet you’re not—” 
“Alright, that’s enough, Ajaw,” the bluish-black-haired man interrupts the creature. 
The creature— Ajaw, gapes at the man before sputtering incoherent nonsense, thrashing his tiny arms around. Without a single word, the man brushes Ajaw away, sending him into the air before disappearing. Everyone shields their eyes, searching for the flying menace, only to no avail. 
The man sighs, shaking his head. “I apologize for Ajaw’s behavior. I would say that he wouldn’t do it next time, but…” he trails off, rolling his eyes. 
Paimon clears her throat, nervously laughing. “Let me introduce you all to each other! This can take some time.”
Both Aether and Paimon take turns introducing each person to their friends from Natlan. Ajaw definitely doesn’t need an introduction, and thankfully, he’s not present throughout the entire introduction. The introduction itself doesn’t take as long as you thought it would. However, after the introduction, Ajaw did return, much to your dismay.
“We can show you around Natlan if you’d like! Although I’m not sure where you guys are headed to…” Mualani trails off, stroking her chin.
Venti shrugs his shoulders. “We’re okay with going anywhere! We initially plan on going straight to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame! But we’re open to going anywhere since Windblume has been taking a lot of pictures!” Venti says, throwing his arm over your shoulders.
Kachina’s eyes light up, excitedly running up to you. “Oooh! What did you take pictures of? Can I see?” Kachina enthusiastically asks, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. 
You smile and happily show the collection of images you took while exploring the Pyro Nation. Most of the pictures are of Saurians— Tepetlisaur Whelps, to be more specific. They’re just so cute that you couldn’t resist taking photos of them from a safe distance. One photo that stands out from the rest (your favorite photo) is a selfie of you and Dakarai. 
Kinich looks up only to see you attempting to carry the Tepetlisaur Whelp. Dakarai squirms in your arms, looking around quizzically. You place Dakarai on the ground, panting. Archons, it’s like holding a mini boulder. 
Mualani giggles and covers her mouth. “It looks like you’re incredibly fond of Tepetlisaurs! If you’d like, I can show you a spot where many of them are usually gathered,” Mualani offers, nudging you lightly with her elbow. “The skies have cleared up, so they should be around!” 
Your eyes light up. “Ooh! Can you?” You squeal.
Mualani and Kachina giggle, grabbing hold of your wrist before dragging you in the opposite direction with the others watching. Xiao looks over at Zhongli and Neuvillette from the corner of his eyes; the two men look displeased. The once-gray skies have cleared up, but it looks like the rain clouds will be showing up in a moment.
The group follows you, Mualani, and Kachina to where the Tepetlisaur site is located. Once everyone arrives at the site, there’s a lot of Tepetlisaur and Tepetlisaur Whelps roaming the area, minding their business and not knowing what’s to come. 
Mualani turns to you. “You can admire them from a distance! I don’t recommend getting close to them because they can and will attack you if you come any closer,” Mualani instructs.
You nod, pull your Kamera out, and start taking pictures of the Tepetlisaur and their Whelps. Neuvillette watches you take pictures of the Saurians, crossing his arms over his chest with a sigh. The light gray skies gradually become darker as time goes by. Wriothesley clears his throat, patting the Iudex’s shoulders.
“It’s alright, Monsieur Neuvillette. I’m sure [Y/N] doesn’t love the Tepetlisaurs as much as they love you,” Wriothesley reassures the Chief Justice of Fontaine. 
Neuvillette ignores Wriothesley’s comment and continues to watch you fawn over the Saurians. Neuvillette glances at Zhongli, who seems content compared to himself. Zhongli looks at the sky, then at Neuvillette. The two of them stare at each other, communicating through body language. 
You squat on the ground, taking various images of the Tepetlisaurs. While you’re distracted with capturing images of the adorable Saurians, you fail to notice one Tepetlisaur Whelp approach you from behind. The small creature tilts its head to the side, looking at you from head to toe with curiosity. 
The Tepetlisaur Whelp lets out a small roar, startling you. You turn to see the Tepetlisaur Whelp gaze at you, waddling from side to side to get a better look at you. You’re not sure if you should be afraid or coo at the Whelp. The small roar of the Tepetlisaur Whelp catches the attention of other nearby Whelps. They slowly migrate towards you, making you a little anxious. It’s not that you’re afraid of them potentially attacking you, but you’re more worried about the adult Tepetlisaurs charging at you for being in the same vicinity as their babies. 
Tighnari’s ears perk up with alertness, looking at the others worriedly. “Oh, dear. We need to get them out of there, or else they’ll become an easy target for the adult Tepetlisaurs,” Tighnari says.
“I think it’s a bit too late for that,” Cyno mutters, gesturing towards your direction.
Everyone’s heads snap in your direction only to see a hoard of Tepetlisaur Whelps surrounding you. Thankfully, none of the Whelps are attacking you or charging at you. They stare at you curiously, some roaring cutely and others shuffling around you. Dakarai waddles toward you, only for you to realize that Dakarai is a bit bigger than the other Whelps. 
You squat, holding your hand out. The Tepetlisaur Whelps sniff your hand, blinking at you. One Tepetlisaur Whelp, in particular, nudges its head against your leg. You stare at the Saurian, wondering if it's trying to attack you. It didn’t seem hostile— or, at least to you, it seems harmless. 
You randomly pick up one Tepetlisaur Whelp, holding it out in front of you. You and the Whelp stare at each other without saying a word. The Tepetlisaur Whelp blinks at you, tilting its head to the side curiously. You softly squeal, refraining from hugging the adorable Saurian. The Tepetlisaur Whelp tilts its head back and lets out a soft roar. 
You turn to look at the others, nearly dropping the Saurian in your hands. Everyone has their weapons drawn, and you realize you have a shield around you— thanks to Zhongli. You place the Tepetlisaur Whelp back on the ground, unsure of what to do next. Do you continue taking pictures of the Tepetlisaur Whelps, or do you run for your life in case the adult Tepetlisaur charges toward you? 
Kaveh clears his throat, cupping his hand around his mouth, shouting, “[Y/N], darling, slowly make your way towards us. Try not to draw attention to yourself!”
“Since you decided to become a megaphone, I highly doubt the Tepetlisaurs will be paying attention to [Y/N] after that,” Al Haitham comments, shaking his head.
You slowly walk toward your beloveds and new friends without looking back to see if the Whelps are watching you. Dear Archons above, you sure hope the adult Tepetlisaurs didn’t notice the swarm of Whelps around you. Who knows what will happen if the Whelp’s parents notice their babies being so close to a human?
Once you stand in front of your beloveds, Paimon, and new friends, you notice they’re not looking at you anymore. In fact, they’re looking behind you and at the ground. The shield around you disappears, and you feel something nudge at your legs. Just as you’re about to look down, Mualani launches at you.
“I don’t recommend looking down! While the Saurian is nudging at your legs, it’s completely harmless! However, our time is up! I want to show you another area that has two other types of Saurians! Have you ever heard of Koholasaurs and Yumkasaurs?” Mualani asks, looping her arms around yours as she quickly pulls you in the opposite direction.
You shake your head, allowing Mualani and Kachina to pull you wherever they desire. They both lead you to the top of the mountain, showing you the beautiful landscapes Natlan has to offer. While being able to view almost the entirety of Natlan is a wonderful opportunity, you can’t help but feel nauseous after seeing how high up you all are. 
This new area is different from where you were prior. There’s a sizeable body of water where the Koholasaurs and Yumkasaurs are roaming around, living in harmony. There are a couple of Whelps scattered in some areas of the Teticpac Peak, though you hardly see any of the Koholasaur Whelps. The Koholasaurs remind you of sharks but with arms and legs and are oddly muscular. 
“Are you sure it’s safe to be in this area?” Baizhu asks, pulling out his first aid kit just in case.
Kachina giggles and nods. “Of course it is, Doctor Baizhu! As long as we keep our distance and don’t come too close to the Whelps, we should be safe here!”
“That doesn’t sound as reassuring as you want to make it,” Heizou laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
Capitano sighs, shaking his head. “I’ll keep watch of [Y/N] as they take pictures of the landscape and creatures.” Capitano doesn’t leave room for protests as you nod, grabbing hold of Capitano’s hands and pulling him to an area where you can take pictures of the Saurians without disturbing them. Capitano stands close to you, scanning the surrounding area.
Kinich eyes Capitano before turning to look at everyone, who seems to also be on edge, while the other three look pretty content with the Harbinger being so close to you. Kinich sighs, eyeing the Harbinger from head to toe.
“You don’t have to worry over anything, boy. With Capitano around, [Y/N] is safe.” Pierro says gruffly. 
Kinich analyzes each man in the group— every man has their eyes glued on you and nothing else. Of course, they will check the surroundings to make sure nothing is creeping up on you and Capitano (mainly you), but Kinich can’t put his fingers on it. Kinich clears his throat to grab the group’s attention but to no avail. These men are not taking their eyes off you at all, and seeing how they immediately drew their weapons when the Tepetlisaur Whelps surrounded you says so much without being blatantly obvious. 
“What is [Y/N] to all of you?” Kinich asks, finally grabbing everyone’s attention.
Kazuha chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest. “[Y/N] is someone very precious to us all. We love and cherish them and will protect them at all costs,” says Kazuha, the apples of his cheeks turning bright pink.
Kinich raises his eyebrows at Kazuha’s answer. Kinich understands what Kazuha is implying, but he doesn’t want to make an assumption out of an innocent answer. But he is right, though, right? 
Noticing the strange look on Kinich’s face, Dainsleif sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “[Y/N] is our partner,” Dainsleif says, almost rolling his eyes.
Ajaw’s jaws drop at Dainsleif’s response, eyes nearly bugging out of his head. It’s almost comical to everyone. Mualani and Kachina glance at each other, shrugging their shoulders. Hey, if it works, it works. Who are they to judge? 
Kinich strokes his chin. “How does that work? Aren’t there issues with sharing a partner?” Kinich mutters, raising his eyebrows at the men before him.
Albedo shakes his head in response to Kinich’s question. “We learn to make it work between us all. There are many things to learn and get used to, but it works. We all share something in common aside from our love for [Y/N],” Albedo explains, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“What’s so appealing about someone so… bland? There’s nothing special about them at all!” Ajaw snarks.
Pantalone chuckles, smiling at Ajaw. If people look closely, there’s a dark aura surrounding Pantalone as he tries to remain calm and polite. How much longer can he keep up his facade with a little shithead like Ajaw around? The little floating menace to society constantly insulting you just for existing has been getting on everyone’s nerves since the meeting. 
“I would keep my comments to myself if I were you, Ajaw. You disrespecting someone important to us will get you nowhere,” Pantalone says, clenching his jaws.
Ajaw bursts out laughing, relishing the fact that he manages to get on every person’s nerves. All he has to do is insult you and question these men’s choices. Kinich sighs and apologizes to the men for Ajaw’s behavior before temporarily banishing Ajaw.
“If you cannot keep your companion’s mouth shut, I think it’s best for you to keep your distance from [Y/N]. We wouldn’t want someone like Ajaw near them,” Xiao states, crossing his arms over his chest while staring at Kinich with disapproval. 
The tension is cut by the sound of you gasping. Everyone’s heads snap in your direction to see you and Capitano surrounded by Koholasaur and Yumkasaur Whelps. You look at the others with wide eyes; they can’t tell whether it’s from fear or excitement. You mouth something to them, but they can’t decipher what you’re trying to communicate. 
“Can someone tell me if I’m hallucinating? Those creatures behind [Y/N] are Tepetlisaur Whelps, correct?” Lyney asks, turning to the men.
Dottore turns to Mualani and Kachina, raising his eyebrows at the two girls. “I thought Tepetlisaurs aren’t in this particular area,” He says, crossing his arms over his chest.
You and Capitano are surrounded by Tepetlisaur, Koholasaur, and Yumakasaur Whelps— though the Tepetlisaur Whelps outnumbers the other Saurians. The Tepetlisaur Whelps roars around you, waddling and gazing at you curiously. So far, none of them have yet to attack you and Capitano. If they were to try to attack, you know Capitano would not spare any of the Whelps, no matter how cute they are. 
Paimon strokes her chin, scrutinizing the Tepetlisaur Whelps. “That’s odd. If this area doesn’t have Tepetlisaurs around, then how did these little guys end up on the Teticpac Peak?” Paimon exclaims, propping her hands on her hips as she bobs up and down in the air.
Capitano looks down at you after feeling you lightly poke his arm. “Yes, what is it, [Y/N]?”
You clear your throat. “You’re not going to attack the Whelps, are you? They’re little babies, and I don’t think they can cause that much bodily harm, right?”
Capitano sighs. “I will not harm them, [Y/N]. However, if they inflict harm on you, I have no other choice but to protect and defend you from any harm heading your way,” Capitano replies.
While you want to protest against hurting the Whelps, you can’t help but feel giddy over the fact that Capitano is devoted to protecting you. Heat rushes to your cheeks as you look away from Capitano, feeling his eyes burn holes into the back of your head. Dakarai roars softly, tugging on your pants while looking up at you with curiosity. Now that you have Dakarai beside you, you realize that he’s a little bit bigger than the other Tepetlisaur Whelps. 
Dakarai roars again, almost like he’s asking you if you’re okay. You smile and squat in front of him, gently petting his head. Dakarai nuzzles into your hands, closing his eyes with contentment. 
“I’m alright, Dakarai. There’s no need to worry about me, little fella.” You reassure the Tepetlisaur Whelp.
Dakarai roars softly, flapping his arms around. The other Saurian Whelps around you watch the interaction between you and Dakarai curiously. To them, it’s strange to see a species like them interact with a human— one they are not companions with— so effortlessly. A human such as yourself interacting with an overgrown Tepetlisaur Whelp is foreign to them. Usually, a human with no vision or Saurian companions steer clear. 
A much smaller Tepetlisaur Whelp waddles up to you and stands beside Dakarai, softly roaring to get your attention. The Whelp tilts its head at you, blinking. You and Dakarai trade looks with each other before you slowly reach forward to pet the Tepetlisaur Whelp. The Saurian closes its eyes and leans into your touch. You lightly scratch behind the ears, watching it start kicking its feet— almost like you found the perfect spot to itch. You hold back a squeal, watching the feet kick become faster before it tips over and stumbles into your arms. 
Zhongli hums, stroking his chin. “The Tepetlisaur Whelps must have followed us to the Teticpac Peak by burrowing under the ground the entire way here from the previous location,” Zhongli murmurs, watching you interact with the Whelps that surround you and Capitano. 
Kachina giggles, clapping her hands. “That’s correct, Mister Zhongli! And given by the body language and expressions of the Whelps, they seem to really like [Y/N]!” Kachina squeals, grinning from ear to ear. 
The Whelps that surrounds you and Capitano ignores the towering figure of the Harbinger. Their focus is on you, staring at you expectantly. You make sure to give each Saurian Whelps attention, not wanting any of them to feel left out. The Yumkasaur Whelp purrs as you pet its head, rubbing its body against your arms, reminding you of kittens. Kittens do that, and so do dogs. As for Yumkasaur Whelps, they remind you of kittens with their mannerisms. They hiss when they see something unfamiliar or try to intimidate something they deem a threat to their safety. 
While most are hesitant to be around you (who can blame them?), their worries are quelled when you respect their space after one of them hissed at you. Capitano isn’t too pleased that you’re friendly with the Whelps, but hey, as long as they don’t hurt you, he will tolerate the (admittedly) cute interaction between you and the Whelps. 
“Do you guys have any pets by any chance?” Mualani asks, not taking her eyes off you.
Aether shakes his head. “We don’t, but we do have a Paimon,” Aether replies, gesturing to the floating girl beside him.
Paimon gasps and exclaims, “Hey!” She stomps her feet in midair, glaring at her blond companion, “Paimon is not a pet!”
“That’s why he said ‘a Paimon,’” Venti interjects, chuckling at the fuming girl.
Rapid footsteps approach the group, grabbing their attention. You stand before them with one Tepetlisaur Whelp dangling from one arm and a Yumkasaur Whelp on the other, smiling at them eagerly. The Koholasaur Whelp is draping around your neck, resting on your shoulders while gazing at familiar faces with curiosity.
You hold up the Whelps, gazing at your beloveds with sparkles in your eyes. “Can we keep them?” 
“Absolutely not,” Neuvillette immediately shoots down your question. Neuvillette stares down at the Whelps in your arms (and around your shoulders), a dark aura surrounding him.
The once blue skies in the Teticpac Peak gradually turn into an ominous dark gray, thunder cracking in the distance. Mualani, Kachina, and Kinich rub the back of their necks as they watch the scene in silence. You pout and hold them close to your face, giving Neuvillette and the other men puppy dog eyes.
Wriothesley chuckles, rubbing your head affectionately. “I don’t know about that, dollface. Do we have the space for Saurians to roam in the abode?” Wriothesley asks, propping his hands on his hips and raising his eyebrows at you.
“But they’re so cute!! Look at their little faces!” You coo, snuggling up against the Saurian Whelps. “How can you say no to them?” You pout.
Childe hums, stroking his chin. While the Saurian Whelps are adorable, letting them reside in the abode isn’t the best idea. It’s not like Childe doesn’t want to deal with dragons— he already has to deal with Zhongli and Neuvillette. What’s the difference?— he doesn’t want those little scaled creatures to steal your attention away from him! 
“They are adorable, but…” Childe trails off, reaching forward to pet your head. “If we let them live with us, the other two dragons will become jealous and territorial.” Childe gestures to both Zhongli and Neuvillette behind him. 
“If Zhongli represents Tepetlisaurs and Neuvillette represents Koholasaurs, then who represents the Yumkasaurs?” Lyney asks, scanning the crowd of men around him while stroking his chin and tapping his right foot on the ground.
Cyno points at Tighnari. “I believe Tighnari is the perfect representation of Yumkasaurs if you ask me.”
Tighnari sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Tighnari’s not one to play into this shenanigan, but he can see it. Mualani clears her throat, gesturing to Kinich without making it obvious (she failed; Kinich notices her gestures almost immediately). Kinich rolls his eyes, shaking his head. Kinich’s not sure if he wants to get involved after seeing how overprotective these men can become when it comes to you. Besides, he doesn’t see you in the same light as the other. 
“A dragon would never explode, but a dino might…” Cyno mutters, pressing his lips into a thin line to suppress the shit-eating grin slowly appearing on his face. 
Tighnari groans, shaking his head. “Cyno, please, let’s not joke about this right now,” Tighnari pleads. 
You look at Zhongli and Neuvillette, giving them puppy dog eyes as you continue to get the Whelps cling to you. Zhongli and Neuvillette scrutinize the creatures surrounding you, their arms crossing over their chests— their chests puffing out, almost to assert dominance over the Saurians. 
“Dearest, as much as I hate to decline your requests, I believe it is not a good idea to take Saurians outside of Natlan,” Zhongli says, hesitantly reaching forward to pet the Tepetlisaur Whelp in your arms.
Your eyes water for a dramatic effect, forcing your bottom lips to quiver. “But Zhongli, look how cute they are! They even followed us here!” You’re not hurt or offended over the fact that you’re not allowed to bring Saurians back to the abode. You’re only sad because the Whelps are incredibly adorable, and you can’t bring them back because they’re wild creatures, and you can’t have them as a companion.
Neuvillette huffs, looking away. “You have us. Why would you need another draconic companion?” Neuvillette mutters.
Dakarai roars, almost agreeing with Neuvillette. You place the Whelps on the ground, making sure to pet Dakarai’s head before turning to Neuvillette and Zhongli— both visibly pouting. You grab both their hands and gently squeeze their hands, giving them a reassuring smile.
“I’ve never seen them this pouty before,” Thoma mutters to Xiao.
Xiao rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “You should see those three alone. It’s almost pathetic.”
Neuvillette and Zhongli glare at Xiao and Thoma, shutting the two up. Zhongli and Neuvillette proceed to drag you away, with Dakarai and the rest of the men trailing after you three. So much for getting a tour around the Nation of War. Maybe next time, the tour won’t be interrupted by Saurian Whelps crowning you as their leader (and you trying to bribe the men to let you bring Saurians to the abode). 
Note: Before I typed this fanfic out, I was planning on having the reader be the creator, but I ended up changing my mind. For those who have been asking me in the inbox about Kinich being part of the harem, here is your somewhat answer! He made an appearance! However, I'm not too sure if I'll add him to the harem. As long as he's an adult, then yes, there's a chance he will be added to the harem. The only issue is my portrayal of Ajaw because I don't have Kinich, so there's a possibility of him and Ajaw being out of character. Anywho! To all my new and returning readers, keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr), Ko-Fi (Genshinluvr/Aaliah_exo), and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
I'm doing taglists again! If you don't want to be on the taglist, please let me know so I can remove you from the list :) Taglist: @chirikoheina, @yoru-trash, @kaoyamamegami, @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @toobytub, @ins4nebish, @exhaustedcommunist, @jadedist, @rubyninja1, @thelost-in-time, @ventisweetheart, @hispasian-otaku, @juuuuuj101010, @samarill, @lunarapple, @emilymikado, @mabie, @vinnie-w, @n8mareee, @heyimkay, @eliciana, @blesstosuisen, @goldeneclipsedragon, @jjvr4yxc, @vox34, @skyyyyackerman, @undecidingfate, @nightlysunn, @faeryminnyx, @simpcreator, @thelovebuggs, @urlocalheizousimp, @sunlightstarr
Read more of my works on my Masterlist / Masterlist 2 | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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icarusredwings · 3 days
Thinking about how in xmen animated series episode 6, season 1, Logan is rescued by an inuit tribe. They don't know who he is or rather what he is, and they still treat him with the same respect they would a tribe member. They cook for him and let him heal there, and the elder is surprised by logan's quick healing, and the guys are impressed with his net fishing skills while the girls giggle at his strengh.
While the inuit is celebrating he tells the cheif that he feels at peace here and he is glad that the tribe is so accepting of him. The cheif says a man who seeks peace in his heart is a man who has none. A girl runs up and tells him its his turn to celebrate. He declines and says he gets airsick but she pulls him there anyway. They cheer for him and throw him multiple times to the point Logan is smiling.
A man who was just left for dead by his own brother, taken in within an instant by people that call him a stranger yet treats him as family.
This. This right here proves that Logan needs his pack. A pack that doesn't question him but is grateful for his time with them none the less, a pack that is communital based. A pack where everyone does equal work to contribute and yet still is thanked and is heavily greatful/affectionate towards one another.
This pack is his daughters, an ugly dog, a cocaine addict grandma, and a chronically ill bald idiot.
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jaylalolz · 2 days
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ROCKSTAR!nicholas x FAN!reader 𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚
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SUMMARY, in the crowd, Nicholas spots a girl and can’t take his mind off of her. he invites her to the back when the show is over.
A/N, thank you all for the support, angels!! have fun reading🪽
WARNINGS, smuttyyyy
The lights were dimmed just enough to cast a seductive haze over the room, while the pulsing energy of the crowd throbbed in sync with the music. Nicholas stood at the center of the stage, his guitar slung low across his body, microphone in hand, as he belted out the final verse of the song. The sweat on his brow shimmered under the spotlights, his voice raw and electric, sending waves through the tightly packed audience.
But despite the roaring energy of the crowd, Nicholas's focus had narrowed down to one girl standing near the front, her wide eyes fixed on him. From the moment he'd stepped on stage, he’d noticed her—a striking beauty, lost in the music, swaying with the rhythm like she belonged in the heat of the moment. Their eyes met, and Nicholas couldn’t look away. He liked the way she held his gaze, unblinking, as if she were daring him to come closer.
Throughout the set, he made a point to lock eyes with her, teasing her with subtle winks as he growled the lyrics into the mic. Each time, he saw her blush slightly, a coy smile tugging at her lips as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He could feel the magnetic pull between them, a silent promise written in the glances they exchanged. Nicholas had felt the rush of a live show a thousand times before, but tonight, the game was different. The girl had him hooked.
As the song reached its climax, Nicholas stepped back from the mic, his chest heaving, the applause deafening. With a sly grin, he grabbed a cigarette from his pocket, slid it between his lips, and flicked the lighter open. The flame danced for a moment before igniting the end of the cigarette. He took a long, slow drag, exhaling the smoke in a way that seemed designed to draw her attention even more. His eyes never left hers.
Bending forward, he hopped down from the stage in one smooth motion, the cigarette dangling from his fingers. The crowd parted slightly, curious but not interfering, as Nicholas made his way toward her, his presence commanding the room. When he reached the girl, he leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear, the scent of smoke and sweat swirling around them.
"Meet me in the back when the show’s over," he whispered, his voice low and rough, sending shivers down her spine.
He pressed the cigarette into her mouth, his fingers brushing against lips for a brief second. she then blows the smoke into his face. She could feel the heat radiating off him, her heart skipping a beat as his lips barely grazed the shell of her ear. Before she could react, he pulled away, winking at her once more with that signature smirk, before turning back toward the stage, leaving her standing there breathless, cigarette in hand, her pulse racing as she watched him walk away.
The rest of the set felt like a blur, but every time she looked up, there he was—his eyes finding her again, that same dangerous gleam in his gaze. The music hit harder, the lights flashed brighter, but the only thing she could focus on was the promise of what was waiting for her once the show was over.
Nicholas knew she’d come. He could see it in the way she held onto the cigarette like it was something sacred, her cheeks flushed, her breath uneven. The game had been set, and the night was only just beginning.
rusning the door open, she stepped into the dimly lit hallway. The noise from the stage area grew fainter as she walked deeper into the back, the scent of sweat, smoke, and something intoxicating filling the narrow space. A few crew members passed by, giving her quick glances but saying nothing. It felt like time had slowed, the air thick with tension.
Then she saw him.
Nicholas stood leaning casually against the wall, his leather jacket hanging off his shoulders, one boot propped against the brick, a cigarette once again dangling between his lips. He looked up as soon as she appeared, a slow, knowing smile spreading across his face. He looked exactly like he had on stage-dangerous, confident, and every bit the rockstar.
"You came," he said, his voice low and gravelly as he pushed off the wall and moved toward her.
Her breath caught in her throat as he approached, his eyes locked on hers like she was the only thing in the room.
When he stopped in front of her, he plucked the cigarette from her fingers, taking a slow drag before flicking it to the side. The heat from his body was close now, intoxicating, and she felt her pulse quicken as he reached up to brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"You kept it," he murmured, his voice dripping with satisfaction as he tilted his head, his lips just inches from hers.
"Good girl."
She swallowed hard, her heart hammering against her ribcage as his fingers grazed the side of her face, sending waves of warmth through her skin. The dim lighting made his features even sharper, his eyes dark with something that made her knees feel weak. She could hardly breathe.
Without another word, Nicholas leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear in a whisper. "I've been thinking about you all night."
Her body reacted before her mind could catch up. The thrill of his closeness, the heat of his breath against her skin-it was too much. She turned her head slightly, her lips just barely grazing his, and that was all the invitation he needed.
In an instant, he closed the space between them, his mouth crashing against hers in a kiss that was hungry, reckless, and full of everything they hadn't said. His hands gripped her waist, pulling her flush against him as he deepened the kiss, his body pressing hers back against the cool wall. The contrast of the hard brick and his warm, demanding touch sent her head spinning.
The kiss was wild, unrestrained.
When they finally broke apart, both breathless, Nicholas's lips curled into that signature smirk of his. He ran a thumb along her swollen bottom lip, his voice low and dangerous as he spoke.
"Let's see if you can keep up."
In a dimly lit room, she found herself on top of him in a couch.
Nicholas wasn't holding back, and neither was she. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, and when she opened her mouth for him, the taste of smoke and desire mingled, setting her senses on fire. His hands roamed her body, exploring her curves with a confidence that sent shivers down her spine.
They both pant for dear life as he unzips his pants. “Tell me you want this” he says.
“I want it”
He bunches up her clothes with one hand and grips his dick with the other. He places his tip against her, keeping his gaze fixed on the touch. Feeling him drive into her was a moment of joy, she holds the side of his neck and lowers herself slowly. She sinks as far as she can, her lungs whimpering; he clenches his teeth and takes both her hips with brutality. She throws her head back as his tongue grazes her throat and her hips begin a steady, grinding bounce. They both groan quietly. She desperately rocks her body and grabs the back of his head.
"Fuck…just like that." His hands gripping her ass and supporting her as she rocks, he pants into her jaw. Breathing near his ear, he roughly tugged at the hair at the back of her head. Ecstatic nerves tingle through her body.
With a weak jaw, she pulls away from his side and stares down at him. He grips her face to keep her staring down at him. His gaze lingers on her features, noting her growing vulnerability.
A arrogant grin slides down his mouth. "You should see how pretty you are right now..." He kisses on her cheekbones while exhaling deeply. "Desperately riding me in slutty dress,"
Her hands move down his chest, causing his gaze to flicker before focusing on his pronounced abs. He scowls, gritting his teeth, and tosses his head back in a grunt. She tightened her hold on his sides and gazed down at his well sculpted body. His appearance is surreal.
they groan and pant at one another. Despite the hurry of it all, their bodies function flawlessly together in the middle of this chaos. "Fuck, Nicholas I'm going to," she says as she grinds her hips once more and grabs his bare side and back of his neck. "Yeah?" Breathing out, he looks up at her and asks, "You're gonna cum this quick?"
As her orgasm consumes her, she almost lets out a pleasurable shout. She violently rocks her hips, feeling the thick build suffocate her until she lets out a harsh breath. She breaks eye contact and gets up from his lap, flipping her panties back and settling into the chair across from him. Refitting his boxers, he slides his hips up to button his formal pants and tucks his shirt back in.
“Here is my number, sweetheart. Call me anytime”
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hiii i was just reminded of this song & thought it was v angsty rafe coded so if you’re still accepting requests for your 5k celebration (congrats sm again btw!!!) may i req a 🍪 with sober by elita?
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₊˚⊹ᰔ 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫
pairing: dark!rafe x bambi!reader
summary: ❝when i'm with you i float on a cloud, but you cover my mouth and leave my legs bound. i'm scared that i gave you all of the control. i can't get up, i've dug myself into a hole.❞ — a back and forth match about rafe’s sobriety ends with him between your thighs.
warnings: dark themes, drug use, mentions of addiction and sobriety, arguing, yelling, rafe drugs you, dubcon (?), rough sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, slapping, choking, crying, dacryphilia, no aftercare whatsoever :(
word count: 1.2k
a/n: this is out of the norm for me to write, pls read warnings carefully and don’t read any further if you’re not comfortable <3 participate in this poll if you’d like!
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“what are you doing?” you froze, eyes puffy and red from crying. rafe looked up from the small bag of blow between his fingers, his eyebrows knitting in irritation. “what the fuck does it look like?” he sneered, his knee bouncing as he itched for his next bump. you watched him take the white powder on his finger, wasting no time in rubbing the substance on his gums. your heart broke for him. “you said you were going to stop..” you stepped closer to him, the tears flowing once again.
“yeah? well, what else can i do?” he pushed you back, your hands catching onto his arm. “you promised me, rafe! you said it!” you cried, your boyfriend getting up before slamming you down on your shared bed. you released a breath, his manic eyes burning into yours. “look at you.” you whispered, his hand wrapped tightly around your throat. “how did we get here?” you croaked, panic settling in the pit of your stomach. rafe gritted his teeth, squeezing you tighter.
you started struggling against him, only being able to get out of his grip when you raked your nails down his chest. “you did this to yourself!” he shouted, punching the wall. “you choose to stay here, so i don’t ‘wanna hear shit.” rafe spat, turning around to shoot daggers at your crying form. “i just want you to be healthy. ‘n not high all the time.” you whispered the last part, your heart dropping when he narrowed his eyes at you. “what did you just say?” rafe stalked towards you.
“you know it’s true.” you scooted further up the bed, your heart hammering in your chest when he started laughing. “your eyes get so big, you scare me.” you flinched when he gripped the bedsheets, pulling them so he could get you close. “i scare you?” he laughed harder, “i’ll really give you something to be scared about.” you attempted to run, but he ultimately had the upper hand in caging you between his arms. “where the fuck do you think you’re going, huh?”
you shook your head, cupping his face. he looked like he was on the verge of going off the deep end. “no where! no where..” you were panting, afraid of what he might do. you had to be careful and watch your every move when rafe wasn’t in his right mind. any slip of tongue or the wrong movement would send him spiraling. “you trying to leave me?” his voice dropped a few octaves, his fingers shaking against your skin. “no. i could never leave you, remember?”
the fear in your eyes were as clear as day, and rafe knew you were lying out of instinct to stay on his good side. that only pissed him off more. swallowing thickly, rafe sat back on his heels, taking the small bag out of his pocket. “i didn’t want to do this to you, baby..” he took the tip of his finger and dipped it in. “but i promise you’ll feel so good.” with the powdery drug on his index finger, you started thrashing against him as he forced his digit inside of your mouth.
“no!” you screamed, but it was too late. rafe wore a wicked smile, popping the same finger in his mouth to get off the residue that didn’t smear against your tongue and gums. you stayed frozen underneath him, looking up at the ceiling as rafe got up from on top of you. not knowing where he went, or what he went to do, you laid there until you found it impossible to be still. getting up from the bed, you walked into the bathroom where you stared at your reflection.
your pupils were absolutely blown, a pang of hurt pulling at your heartstrings. you had given rafe so much control, that he did the unthinkable to you. speaking of the devil, you looked up at him as he emerged from behind the door, his eyes meeting your matching ones. he wore a smug look on his face, like he was proud of himself for corrupting you. “feel like you could run a marathon?” you were breathing fast, a thin sheen of sweat adorning your skin.
“how could you?” you turned around, his hands planting themselves on your hips. he felt hot, like his flesh was on fire. “don’t worry, bambi, you’ll be fine.” he kissed you, his taste just as intoxicating. if it wasn’t for the endorphins running through your veins at a million miles per minute, you would’ve pushed rafe away. instead, you felt like you needed to move, and fast. you kissed him back, the fervor between the two of you growing until he picked you up and carried you to your room.
nipping your bottom lip, you whimpered, the stinging sensation only making you cling onto rafe with more desperation. “gonna fuck you so good, baby. ‘have you coming down from that high around my cock.” he pinned you to the mattress, forcing your legs open as he slipped his shirt off in one swift movement. you gasped when he held both of your ankles in one hand, pushing down so your knees met your chest.
the sound of rafe’s zipper was the last thing you heard before he thrusted into you without warning, eliciting a piercing scream from your lips. he hadn’t got you ‘ready’ for him the way he normally did, your walls fluttering around the intrusion that was his throbbing cock. your back arched off of the sheets, your eyes watering as rafe merely used you to get himself off. he worked with precision, having no regard for you as he relentlessly slammed his hips into your own.
your nails dug into your skin, forming crescents as you cried underneath him. “rafe!” you tapped on his arm, which only agitated him. “shut the fuck up.” he said through gritted teeth, landing a slap to your cheek. holding your face, rafe looked down and groaned. he knew it was wrong to get off on you crying, but with lust and blow running through his system, he didn’t care. “you’re so mean.” you whined, your muscles aching as he started toying with your clit.
“i’m not mean. i’m the one who fuckin’ takes care of you,” he pressed a kiss to your calf, “so just lay there and take what i give you.” your eyes rolled back, your thighs trembling when his thrusts became sloppy. you hated yourself for falling into his ministrations, your orgasm ripping through you as rafe collapsed on top of you with a moan. “oh, shit.” he spilled inside of you, the thick ropes of his cum coating your velvety walls. he wiped your eyes before kissing your cheek.
you were coming down from both highs when he left you, the sound of the shower turning on in the nearby bathroom. you felt scared, not knowing what to think of your reaction to the drug you grew to hate so much. when rafe got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, he didn’t spare you a glance before changing and plopping down on the edge of the bed. “you make me lose my temper when you wanna argue about shit like that. keep your mouth shut next time.”
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star-suh · 3 days
Product Testing
Park Jisung x Male Reader
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cw: top jisung, bottom reader, cheating, yn has a girlfriend, straight to bi ig, rimjob, fingering, blowjob, handjob, face sitting, breeding, shower sex, they almost get caught, ripped clothes.
“i'm so happy you can finally meet my family” yn's new girlfriend give little cute happy hops. the newly made couple was walking towards the girl’s house. yn was nervous, rumors said that she has a very serious brother, someone that would make even the devil himself would run away from him. even though he knows that's just bullshit he still was scared of meeting him.
the door opened, a lovely lady and a man were there behind the door. they smiled and greeted yn and he did the same. seeing only the two of them yn felt relieved maybe he wasn't home ‘what a lucky day’ he said in his head.
he was exploring the house when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs, they were heavy and loud, each one of them echoing in the empty walls of the house as if they were in some kind of movie. “so you're yn, right?” he said with not a single emotion in his face nor his voice. “y-yes i am”.
“why are you stuttering” jisung smirks, “are you that nervous of meeting me?” he trailed his index finger on yn’s arm “hmm?”. “n-no no” yn tried to brush it off and disguise the embarrassment “i’m just so happy that i can finally meet you all”. “you're very happy then. you did it again” he rubs the other's back and leaves towards the kitchen.
“what the fuck” yn whispers, there's something in jisung’s aura that makes him feel weak.
the hours passed and yn felt as if he was being teased by jisung, he always sits manspreading in front of yn, grabs his bulge whenever he is looking at him. yn can swear that he is not wearing any type of underwear under his shorts. the night came, “oh shoot it's already night, i have to go” yn was getting prepared to leave when his mother-in-law stops him, “sweetie it's too late why don't you sleep here with us?”; “but not in my daughter's room” the father adds.
“no, it's ok. i can take a taxi” he said; “i insist” the woman said, showing a smile. she was so cute that he couldn't decline the offer. “ok, i'll stay. the sofa looks comfy”; “if you want you can sleep on jisung's room” jisung's dad tells yn who turn his head to look at the other male, he was smirking at him and saying “i don't mind sharing my room”...
seeing that there wasn't a futon for yn to sleep on the floor he has to share the bed with jisung. “good night” yn blurted out, throwing the sheets on top of his body. “good night” jisung replied. yn side eyed at him seeing he was shirtless and the bulge on his pajama shorts was more visible, he indeed wasn't wearing underwear. “like what you see?” jisung laughs and jumps onto the bed “don't act as if you weren't checking me out a few seconds ago” he said that with his mouth inches away from the other's ear, “it looks like you came here for me and not my sister”.
11 pm and yn can't sleep, jisung was breathing against his neck, it sent shivers down his spine. and not to talk that his bulge was being pressed against his ass. ‘he must be having a wet dream’ he thought ‘there's no other explanation for this’. but then he hears something, “guess you're liking it, seeing how you're not doing anything about it” jisung starts kissing his neck. “w-why are you doing this ji-jisung” his words coming out like whispered whimpers. “take it like a product testing, you know?, like when you have to try something to see if it’s good for other people” his tongue leaving a wet stripe on yn’s ear, “i have to see if you're good enough for my sister. you get it?”. yn nodded, he just gave in into the pleasure jisung was offering.
he pulled down yn's shorts and ripped his underwear so he could have easy access to his hole. yn grabbed jisung's bulge and massaged it later pulling it out from a side through a sleeve of the shorts “you're indeed not wearing underwear.. perv” he stated.
jisung smeared the pre-cum coming out of his tip on his brother-in-law's hole. “you're writhing” jisung uttered, “you want my cock that much?” his warm breath caressing the back of his neck and ears. yn was a completely mess, he was in a fucked up state, he didn't know what to say or how to act just letting jisung guide him into the forbidden pleasures. “wanna suck me, pretty boy?”, yn nodded trying to hide his flushed face. he went under the sheets and went straight to the action, leaving a trail of kisses from the tip, down the shaft and finally his balls. jisung moaned quietly, remembering how they're not alone in the house, “for a beginner you're doing pretty good” he heaved. yn licked and sucked on the other's dick trying to put it all the way down his throat, savoring the salty clear liquid that comes out of it. “how is it?” yn asked still under the sheets, tears pooling on his eyes and hair sticking out on his forehead because of the sweat. jisung licked two of his fingers to introduce them in yn's tight ring of muscles, slowly they were going in and out “look at your filthy hole, so inviting” he pulls out his digits and looks how the hole clenches into air “look at it, it's winking at me” he jokes. they were so focused on pleasuring each other that they didn't hear anyone knocking at the door.
“i'm coming in” yn's girlfriend opened the door, both guys got scared but thanks to jisung quick reaction he managed to hide yn under the sheets and the latter did the same hiding jisung's dick with the short sleeve. “oh hey dear sister, what brings you here?” jisung asks with surprise laced in his tone, “nothing, i went to the kitchen for a glass of water and came here.. to see how you two were” she stated. jisung's heart was beating fast he felt like at some moment it would come out of his chest “we're good, but your boyfriend here is quite the bad bed companion” he signals towards yn and lifts just a bit of the sheet to show her he was sleeping “he moves too much in bed” he jokes and his sister just laughs "so cute. goodnight see you tomorrow”, she waves goodbye and closes the door.
“holy fuck that was close” jisung wipes the sweat on his forehead with his hand. “we're almost got caught” yn says, concerned. “no shit sherlock. i felt like i would just faint at some point of the conversation” jisung lets out the sighest sigh he ever sighed.
resuming with his “product testing” jisung made yn sit on his face and ride his tongue. the wet muscle going inside of him, “so tasty” jisung murmurs. yn masturbated and spits on his brother-in-law's dick while the latter keeps on eating him out. “let's go to the bathroom” jisung proposes “it’s safer there, we don't want someone else sneaking on the room”. “you know we can just lock the door?” yn commented with a serious face and a sarcastic tone, “shut up and let's fuck” jisung guide him towards the bathroom while kissing him.
in the shower jisung railed yn against the glass, his sweaty body shape being imprinted on it, his breaths fogging the clear surface. “fuck jisung slow down. you're gonna rip me” he whimpers, his legs trembling due to the pleasure. “i can't, you're so tight. it feels too good” he responded. jisung lifted yn's left leg with his left hand to have a better access to his puckered hole. his dick going in and out in a fast pace, his balls slapping against it. with his right hand jisung pushes yn's head against the glass and proceeded to lick his cheek and then making eye contact with their hooded eyes “you're taking me so well yn. what if i want to keep tasting this product?” he said while gripping his ass cheeks, “i wouldn't mind” the other whispered. the top laughs “that's my yn” he mutters.
“i'm gonna fucking cum, where do you want it” jisung asked with a hurry, his dick already throbbing. “in me ji-jisung fill me up. i want my brother-in-law's semen”. jisung cupped his face with his right hand so yn can face him and kiss him. as he does so, his dick was filling him up with loads and loads of semen. after that jisung knelt and sucked yn not stopping until he milked the last drop out of his dick.
after their steamy sex session jisung helped yn clean himself in the shower, introducing his fingers on his hole toh help him push out all the cum, “this is the hottest thing i've seen in my life” he says with emotion, licking his lips.
next day they woke up, had breakfast and spend the morning as if nothing happened last night. he was saying goodbye to his girlfriend, her parents and lastly her brother, the both hugged and jisung whispered something on his ear “hope i can taste that ass more like a deeper inspection”, yn laughed and wave goodbye but not before winking at him and mouthing a yes.
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zephyrchama · 8 hours
Lord Diavolo and Barbatos are so kind. Charismatic, thoughtful, all-around generally sweet people towards MC. (Everyone in OM! is, but perhaps these two feel gentler most of the time because you don't live with them.) On a day-to-day basis, it must be easy to forget what powerful demons they are.
Seeing a fraction of their true power gets a little jarring when you're used to them acting so normal. You could be chatting with Barbatos about something trivial when he reaches out and a severe gust of wind sends you tumbling backwards. He apologies and rushes to help, he just wanted to take care of the fly buzzing around your head. He didn't even use any magic. It's easy to forget how fragile humans are. He should have held back more.
You stumble a little in the hallway after accidentally putting one foot too close to the other. No big deal, you go to correct your stride without even thinking about it. Except, you're not touching the ground anymore. Lord Diavolo already has you in his arms. He saw you from all the way down the hall, how you made one misstep, and came running to catch you before you fell. You hadn't seen or heard him, had no idea he was even in the same building, didn't register he had picked you up. It happened so fast. You're still processing the fact that you even stumbled in the first place.
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julietsf1 · 2 days
From Raya to Rivalry - Franco Colapinto x Sainz!Reader
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Summary: Carlos Sainz's little sister is pushed to the limit when rookie Franco Colapinto, who stood her up after a flirtatious encounter on Raya, re-enters her life—without any sign he remembers her at all. Between race weekends and time with friends the tension between them becomes impossible to ignore. Will Franco finally remember why she’s been driving him mad all along?
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, Charles wearing those hideous pants again. Possibly wrong Spanish?
AN: Sup sweeties!! Another one! 9k words oh my days... inspired after seeing him on Raya last weekend, help me manifest a match pls lmaooo
The Singapore paddock was buzzing with its usual mix of high-speed energy and humidity so thick you could practically swim in it. Most people hated the sticky heat, but I loved the chaos of it all—the lights, the fans, the noise. Normally, I’d be soaking it all in, grinning from ear to ear, but today… well, today was different.
Because today, I was about to meet Franco Colapinto. Or rather, remeet him.
“Y/N!” Carlos’s voice called out to me as I made my way through the maze of hospitality suites. I spotted him standing with a guy I hadn’t seen in months—but who I recognized immediately. Short brown hair, that annoyingly perfect face, and a grin that screamed trouble.
“Come here!” Carlos waved me over, looking way too pleased with himself.
I made my way toward them, my mind racing. Franco Colapinto. Of all the people Carlos could’ve become friends with, it had to be him.
“This is Franco,” Carlos said, introducing the rookie driver standing next to him, completely unaware of the history. “He’s the one I’ve been telling you about.”
Franco extended his hand, that infuriating smirk plastered on his face like we hadn’t met before. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
I hesitated for a split second, surprised he didn’t seem to remember me. I forced a smile, shaking his hand. “You too,” I said, keeping my tone neutral even though irritation bubbled under the surface.
He didn’t remember. Seriously?
Carlos, oblivious as ever, kept the introductions going. “I’m showing him around first time in Singapore—helping him settle in.”
Franco’s smirk only grew as he glanced at me. “Carlos told me a lot about you.”
I narrowed my eyes. “All good things, I hope?”
“Of course,” he replied, his tone smooth. “Apparently, you’re always by his side, keeping him in check.”
I forced an awkward laugh. “Someone has to.”
Franco chuckled, and I hated how casual he was, how easy this all seemed for him. How could he not remember?
Carlos nudged Franco. “She’s tough. But you’ll get used to her.”
“Yeah, I’ve got a feeling we’ll get along just fine,” Franco said, his eyes glinting with amusement.
I forced a tight smile. “Sure. We’ll see about that.”
The second we’d been introduced, I knew this weekend was going to be hell. Not only did Franco seem every bit as cocky as I remembered, but the fact that he didn’t even recognize me? That stung more than I cared to admit.
"Look at us! Latinos taking care of Latinos!" Carlos proclaimed, slinging an arm around Franco’s shoulders like they were long-lost brothers. 
“We’re Spanish, Carlos. Not Latinos,” I corrected him for what had to be the hundredth time.
Carlos just waved me off. “Same difference, hermana.”
I shrugged; it was no use. Carlos had it in his head that he and Franco were kindred spirits, bonded by heritage and brought together by fate.
Franco didn’t even seem to care though. He’d just grin at Carlos, play along, and occasionally throw in a “sí, jefe” for good measure, which, for some reason, made Carlos beam with pride. And every time he did it, I swear, a small part of my sanity chipped away.
It wasn’t just that Franco was arrogant—plenty of the guys on the grid had egos to match their talent. No, my problem with Franco was that I knew him. And not just in the “we’ve crossed paths a few times” way. No, this was personal.
We’d met on Raya a while back. You know, that exclusive dating app for “famous” people. I’d been curious—mostly out of boredom—and swiped right when his profile popped up. It wasn’t that he wasn’t my type; he was cute, in that annoyingly perfect way. But there was something about his bio, some sarcastic line about how he was “not just here for friends,” that made me pause. Still, I swiped.
We’d exchanged messages for a week or so. Flirty, teasing. Nothing too deep. He was funny, I’ll give him that. And then we’d made plans to meet up. Dinner at a rooftop restaurant in Monaco. Classic.
Except… he never showed up.
No text. No call. Just nothing.
I’d waited for over an hour, feeling like a complete idiot, checking my phone every few minutes as people around me gave me sympathetic looks. I left that night swearing off drivers for good.
And now here he was, strolling around the paddock with Carlos like he hadn’t completely ghosted me months ago. Worse still, he didn’t even seem to recognize me. The same smirk, the same cocky attitude, but no flicker of recognition.
The audacity.
I mean, sure, I wasn’t about to bring up a failed Raya date in the middle of race weekend, but still. A part of me wanted to shake him and scream, “Seriously? You don’t remember me?!”
But instead, I kept my cool. Sort of.
“Franco’s a quick learner,” Carlos said, turning to Lando, who’d just wandered over with his usual laid-back grin. “Picked up on everything in no time.”
Franco gave a modest shrug, but the look in his eyes was anything but humble. “I’ve got a good teacher.”
Lando raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “I don’t know if Carlos is the best person to be learning from, mate.”
“Hey!” Carlos protested, but his grin showed he didn’t mind the teasing. “Just watch—you’ll see Franco out there killing it this weekend.”
I rolled my eyes, hanging back as the boys bantered. Franco was already fitting in too easily, blending into the group like he’d been there all along. Normally, I’d be cracking jokes, joining in on the fun, but every time I looked at Franco, that old irritation flared up. I couldn’t help it. The guy brought out the worst in me.
“So, Y/N,” Lando said, turning his attention to me. “What’s the verdict on the new rookie?”
Before I could answer, Franco cut in with a grin. “I think she likes me. She just doesn’t know it yet.”
I blinked at him. “I’m sorry, what?”
“You know,” Franco said, leaning in slightly, that smirk never leaving his face. “It wouldn’t surprise me.”
“How can someone be so full of themselves?” I looked at Franco in disbelief. 
Lando burst out laughing, clapping Franco on the shoulder. “Mate, I think you’ve met your match.”
Franco chuckled, completely unfazed. “Glad her brother is fun at least.”
Carlos, completely missing half of the conversation, tuned in again. “See? Latinos taking care of Latinos.”
I shot Franco a glare. “We are not Latino, Carlos.”
“Details,” Carlos waved dismissively, already walking ahead toward the press conference room. “Come on, we’ve got a schedule.”
As we made our way through the paddock, I kept a few steps behind, watching Franco saunter beside Carlos like he owned the place. Every time he laughed or tossed his hair back, my hands itched to strangle him. How could someone be so infuriatingly charming? And why did everyone seem to love him?
Because he’s a flirt. That’s why. He charms his way out of everything.
Like that time he charmed me into thinking he was actually interested.
By the time we reached the press conference room, I was already dreading what was about to happen. Franco, armed with a microphone and an audience? This was going to be a disaster.
Carlos took his seat beside Franco, and I hung back by the entrance, watching the chaos unfold.
It didn’t take long for Franco to work his magic. The first question was simple: “Franco, you’re new to the grid. How’s the experience treating you so far?”
He smiled, leaning toward the mic. “It’s been... quite the ride,” he said, his voice dripping with that smooth, confident tone. “But I like rides. The faster, the better.”
I felt my eye twitch.
The reporters chuckled, but Franco wasn’t done.
“Any nerves going into your first race here in Singapore?” another reporter asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
Franco’s grin widened. “Nerves? No. Excitement, maybe. A first ride is always a fun challenge! Can’t wait to get familiar with all the curves of the circuit.”
I groaned, quietly enough so only the people nearby could hear. I caught a few knowing glances from the journalists around me, and I was tempted to yell, “I’m not with him!” but held my tongue.
“He’s unbelievable,” I muttered under my breath.
Unfortunately, Franco’s hearing was sharper than I’d anticipated. He turned his head, locking eyes with me for a split second, and that smirk—God, that smirk—widened as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.
“Handling the heat well, Franco?” another reporter asked, her tone light and teasing.
Franco leaned back, grinning. “Heat’s never been a problem for me. I like it hot actually.”
I wanted to crawl into a hole. Or possibly throw something at him. How could one person be this insufferable?
“And what’s been the highlight of your time in Singapore so far?” one of the female reporters asked, her tone more flirtatious than professional.
Franco grinned, locking eyes with her. “The highlight? Let’s just say there’s been plenty to... keep me entertained.”
I wanted to crawl into a hole. Or possibly throw something at him. How could one person be this insufferable.
By the time the press conference wrapped up, I was practically vibrating with irritation. Carlos was chatting with a few reporters when Franco sauntered over, his confidence turned up to eleven.
“Enjoy the show?” he asked, his voice low and teasing.
I forced a smile, my tone dripping with sarcasm. “It was... enlightening.”
He chuckled. “You seem tense. Maybe you should try smiling once in a while.”
I blinked, narrowing my eyes at him. “I’ll smile when you stop talking.”
His grin widened, clearly enjoying this way too much. “So, never then?”
Before I could respond, Carlos reappeared, blissfully unaware of the tension brewing between us. “Ready to head to dinner?”
Franco gave me one last smirk before turning to Carlos with a casual, “Let’s go.”
As they walked away, I stood there, fuming.
This weekend was going to be hell.
The city lights of Singapore sparkled in the background as we arrived at the restaurant, one of Carlos’s favorite spots. It was tucked away, hidden from the main buzz of the city, the kind of place that only locals and celebrities knew about. Naturally, Carlos acted like he was both.
The rest of the group was already there when we walked in. Charles, Lando, George, and Alexandra were scattered around the table, mid-conversation. They waved us over, and I took a seat between Alexandra and Lando, leaving Carlos and Franco on the other side of the table.
“About time,” Lando grinned, motioning to the drinks. “We’ve already started, and George is on his second story about the ‘importance of a good cravat.’”
George shot Lando a withering look. “I do not recall making that remark. Besides, I would never subject these fine people to a lecture on cravats—unless they specifically requested it.”
Lando snickered. “Sure, mate. I’m sure everyone here was just dying to know how to tie the perfect Windsor knot.”
George adjusted the nonexistent collar on his shirt, sitting up straighter. “Actually, it’s the Prince Albert knot. Very distinguished.”
Charles rolled his eyes. “Please, no more knot talk, George. I’m still recovering from the last fashion seminar you gave us.”
I grinned, watching as George tried to defend his sartorial wisdom, while Lando and Charles tag-teamed to poke fun. It was typical—Lando being the class clown, George being... well, George.
Franco slipped into his seat beside Carlos, flashing that smug grin as if he was the star of the night. I immediately braced myself, knowing where this dinner was going to head.
I was happy to be seated next to Alexandra. Over the past year, we had grown really close after watching each race together in the Ferrari motorhome. She was one of the kindest and most intelligent girls I had ever met, and also one of the only friends I had confided in about the whole Franco mess. 
Alex sent me a beaming smile as I sat down, subtly grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. “So glad you could make it tonight!”
I smiled back, tension slowly falling off my shoulders. “Missed you loads, Alex!”
The waiter came around, taking our drink orders, and for a moment, the chatter filled the space, making it easy for me to avoid engaging with Franco. Lando was still on about FP2, sharing exaggerated stories about his heroic saves during the practice session.
“And then—just as I thought I was gonna bin it—bam! I pulled off the most insane save. I’m telling you, pure Norris finesse,” Lando said, throwing in dramatic hand gestures.
George raised an eyebrow, sipping his drink like an English lord. “Oh yes, the Norris magic... or, as the rest of the world calls it, ‘sheer dumb luck..’”
Lando gasped, clutching his chest theatrically. “Dumb luck? I’ll have you know that the precision with which I operate is unparalleled.”
“Uh-huh,” Charles smirked, leaning back in his chair. “If by finesse you mean nearly crashing into the barriers, then yeah—spot on.”
Lando threw up his hands in mock defeat. “You know, I don’t have to sit here and take this kind of abuse. I could be at karaoke right now, stealing the show with my rendition of ‘Wonderwall.’”
I laughed. “Karaoke? Again? I still haven’t recovered from your ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ performance at Fewtrell’s birthday party.”
Lando winked. “It was legendary, and you know it.”
George smirked. “Legendary for all the wrong reasons. I’m still wondering how you managed to be both off-key and out of sync at the same time.”
Alex leaned in, grinning. “I think we should all be grateful Lando isn’t a professional singer.”
Lando pouted. “Fine, fine. Take away a man’s dreams. Just for that, I’m definitely doing ‘Wonderwall’ next.”
The banter was light and fun, and for a while, it felt like a typical dinner with friends. But then, of course, Franco had to open his mouth.
“So, Y/N,” Franco said, leaning forward slightly, his eyes glinting with amusement. “You’ve been traveling with Carlos for a while now, haven’t you?”
I tensed slightly, not sure where he was going with this. “Yeah, a few seasons.”
“Must be nice,” Franco continued, that smirk never leaving his face. “Traveling the world, living the F1 life...”
I felt the undertone of his comment, but I stayed neutral. “It has its perks, I guess.”
Lando, sensing the shift in tone, jumped in. “Y/N’s basically our paddock princess at this point. She runs this place better than half the team bosses.”
Carlos grinned, clearly loving the banter. “Y/N’s like my second team principal. Only scarier.”
Alex nudged me gently, her voice soft. “I don’t know how you handle them all, Y/N.”
I smiled, feeling a bit more at ease with my friends supporting me. But then Franco, never one to let things rest, spoke up again.
“Yeah, it must be nice,” he said, his tone sharper now, though still laced with that smug charm. “Getting to enjoy the F1 life without actually having to work for it.”
I froze, my grip tightening around my glass. There it was. He’d been building up to that jab all night.
Before I could respond, I felt a light touch on my arm. Alex, sensing the shift in my mood, shot me a concerned glance. “You okay?” she whispered, her eyes searching mine.
I gave her a small, tight nod. “Yeah. It’s fine.”
She squeezed my arm gently, a silent reminder that she had my back.
“Already upset by that? Thought you’d have a thicker skin than that, Y/N.” he smirked. 
I shot Franco a tight smile, my patience wearing thin. “Oh, I’m definitely enjoying it here, Franco. What’s it like by the way, being the rookie who’s all ego but without a seat for next year?”
Lando choked on his drink, turning it into a cough to cover his laugh. George raised an eyebrow, clearly amused, while Carlos looked mildly concerned but didn’t intervene.
Franco, though? He loved it. He grinned like he’d just won the verbal sparring round. “Touché. But at least I’m doing something with my life.”
My eyes narrowed. “And what exactly is that? Besides trying to flirt with every reporter in sight?”
He leaned back, his eyes flashing with amusement. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did I miss you swooning? Or were you too busy hanging onto Carlos’s wallet?”
The table went quiet for a beat, the playful banter coming to an abrupt halt.
George immediately jumped in, waving his hands. “Whoa, whoa, let’s calm down, people. No need to escalate. We’re all friends here. Except maybe you two. You two seem like... frenemies? Enemies with benefits? I’m not really sure anymore.”
Lando snickered, jumping on George’s bandwagon. “Enemies with benefits—that’s a movie I’d watch. Maybe we should take bets on how long it’ll be before you two—”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Norris,” I warned, cutting him off.
Lando just grinned wider. “You know me too well.”
Franco, ever the instigator, leaned back in his chair, clearly enjoying the way George and Lando were trying to ease the tension. “I think George is onto something. Maybe frenemies is the right word.”
I shot Franco a look. “More like enemies, full stop.”
Charles nodded dramatically, ignoring my pointed glare. “Yep, definitely frenemies. A modern romance in the making.”
Alexandra elbowed me gently under the table, shooting me a knowing look, but I ignored her. The banter between Franco and me had always been sharp, but tonight it felt like something was shifting. The sarcasm was still there, but there was a new edge to it—one that I wasn’t liking too much.
The rest of dinner passed in a blur of conversations and laughter, with George and Lando regularly cutting in whenever the tension between Franco and me threatened to boil over. Every so often, Franco would throw another sly remark my way, and I’d respond with one just as cutting. It was like a game neither of us could resist playing, even though it was obvious that everyone else at the table was growing increasingly uncomfortable with the tension.
By the time dessert arrived, the atmosphere had cooled slightly, but I was still on edge. Franco hadn’t let up the entire night, and I could feel his eyes on me even as I pretended to focus on my crème brûlée.
“So,” Lando said, trying to break the awkwardness again, “who’s ready for some karaoke after this?”
George immediately perked up, always the entertainer. “Oh, I’m in. I’ve been working on my acapella version of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody.’”
Charles groaned, “Please, not again.”
Everyone laughed, and for a moment, the mood lightened. But as the night drew to a close, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the dynamic between Franco and me was shifting into dangerous territory. The sarcastic comments were becoming more personal.
Carlos stood, stretching and pulling out his phone. “Alright, we should call it a night. Big day tomorrow.”
The group began to gather their things, preparing to leave, but Franco lingered by the door, his eyes catching mine for the hundredth time that evening.
“Good night, Y/N,” he said, voice dripping with faux sweetness.
I shot him a tight smile. “Night, Franco. Try not to let all that charm go to your head.”
He grinned. “Too late.”
With that, we all parted ways. Carlos walked beside me, completely oblivious to the storm brewing inside me.
I exhaled sharply, shaking my head. This was only going to get worse.
One thing about Carlos is that he is a man of habits. Every race, we either play padel or golf the morning before the qualification. Just us two, to get his head clear and stuff, a peaceful moment. So when Carlos invited Franco and me to play golf with Lando, I could already sense how this was going to go.
“I hope you’re ready,” Carlos said, swinging his club dramatically as we arrived at the pristine green course. The morning sun glinted off the lush landscape, and birds chirped in the background like we were about to film a serene nature documentary. Definitely at odds with how my lovely company was making me feel. 
Lando was already halfway through his first practice swing, clearly just happy to be outside and away from the track for a bit. “You guys know I’m going to win, right?” he said, flashing his signature mischievous grin.
I rolled my eyes. “Please. The last time we played, you couldn’t even make it past the windmill at the mini-golf course.”
“Hey!” Lando protested. “That windmill was rigged. I swear it wasn’t regulation size.”
“Uh-huh. Sure Go call the stewards to whine about it.”
He laughed and jokingly rolled his eyes at me. 
Carlos tapped Franco on the shoulder, handing him a golf club. “Franco. Focus. You might be a rookie on the grid, but you can’t afford to be a rookie here.”
Franco smirked, clearly unfazed by the competition. “I don’t know, Carlos. I think I’ll be just fine.”
The vibes were good at first, as we each took turns at the tee. Lando, predictably, spent more time making jokes than actually playing, which was a nice distraction—until Franco started making subtle digs.
“You sure you don’t just want to be our caddy, Y/N?” Franco asked, adjusting his own stance. “It might be easier for you to handle.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, gripping my club tighter. “I’m fine, thanks.”
He grinned. “Just checking. I wouldn’t want you to feel left out.”
I lined up my shot, trying to focus, but it was impossible not to notice Franco standing a few feet away. His white shirt made his tan even more striking under the morning sun, and his hair, still slightly messy, added to that infuriating, effortless charm. My eyes kept drifting back to him—how the fabric clung to his broad shoulders, the casual confidence in every move. Just as I was about to swing, he caught me looking. That smug grin appeared, and I immediately looked away, gripping the club tighter. The nerves in my stomach went crazy suddenly. I swung too hard, sending the ball off into the trees, nowhere near the hole.
Lando snorted. “Wow. Impressive.”
I shot him a glare. “Shut up, Norris.”
Franco chuckled, his voice annoyingly smooth. “Need me to fetch that for you?”
“I’d rather fetch it myself than owe you any favors,” I snapped, heading off in the direction of the lost ball.
As I disappeared into the trees, I heard Lando muttering behind me, “They’re like an old married couple. It’s wild.”
I rolled my eyes, but the comment stayed with me as I searched for the ball. An old married couple? More like two neighbours in a judge judy episode. At least, that’s what I told myself.
When I finally returned, ball in hand, I noticed Franco lining up his shot, a smug look on his face. And of course, he hit it perfectly—right toward the hole, as if to rub salt in the wound.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered, tossing my ball back onto the course.
“You’ll get it next time,” Franco said, his tone dripping with fake encouragement. “Maybe just... aim a little better.”
My jaw clenched. “I swear, if you say one more thing—”
“What? You’ll beat me with your superior golf skills?” He flashed that infuriating grin again, and something in me snapped.
“I’ll beat you with this club if you give me any more reason to,” I shot back. 
Lando, who was clearly enjoying the show, whistled. “Oh man, this is getting spicy. Should I grab popcorn for us Carlos?”
Carlos shook his head, finally sensing the rising tension. “Let’s keep it civil, guys.”
But that ship had already sailed. Franco and I were now locked in a full-blown competition, every swing of the club feeling like a personal challenge. My frustration grew with each passing round, especially as Franco continued to hit one perfect shot after another, all while making snide comments under his breath.
As Franco lined up for his next shot, he muttered something in Spanish, just loud enough for me to hear. “¿Cómo es posible que siempre estés tan enojada?” How is it possible that you're always so angry?
I stopped mid-swing, narrowing my eyes at him. “¿Perdón?” Excuse me?
“Digo, si te relajaras un poco, tal vez serías... soportable,” Franco replied with a shrug. “Dudo que sea posible, pero quién sabe.” I’m saying, if you relaxed a little, you might actually be... tolerable. I doubt it’s possible, but who knows.
I stepped closer, my voice dropping. “¿Soportable? No creo que tengas ningún derecho de hablar de soportar nada cuando eres el ser humano más insoportable que existe.” Tolerable? I don’t think you have any right to talk about tolerating anything when you’re the most insufferable human being that exists.
Franco chuckled, completely unfazed by my insult. “¿Ah sí? ¿Insoportable, yo?” Oh yeah? Insufferable, me?
“Sí, tú. ¿Te sorprende?” I shot back. “Porque honestamente no entiendo cómo alguien puede soportarte.” Yes, you. Does that surprise you? Because honestly, I don’t understand how anyone can stand you.
“Qué drama, Y/N. Si no sabías que te caía tan mal, tal vez me habría ahorrado el esfuerzo,” he replied, his tone mocking. What drama, Y/N. If I had known you hated me this much, maybe I would have saved myself the effort.
I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Eso sería genial.” That would be great.
Lando, hearing the rapid switch to Spanish, looked between us with raised eyebrows. “Whoa, what’s happening? Can we switch back to English? I’m missing all the tea.”
Carlos sighed, trying to keep the peace. “They’re just... passionate.”
Lando grinned. “Yeah, passionate about killing each other, maybe.”
Franco, still smirking, leaned in a little closer. “¿Sabes qué? Tal vez no te caigo tan mal como dices. Creo que te encanta pelear conmigo.” You know what? Maybe you don’t hate me as much as you say. I think you love fighting with me.
My frustration flared even more. “Me encantaría no tener que verte nunca más.” I’d love to never see you again.
“No creo que sea cierto,” Franco teased. I don’t think that’s true.
“¡Cállate!” I practically growled, my patience officially worn thin. Shut up!
Lando, now fully entertained, clapped his hands together. “Alright, alright. You two seriously need to cool off. This is golf, not a soap opera.”
Franco finally backed off, still grinning like he’d won the argument. I was fuming, and it didn’t help that every time I looked at him, he seemed so... calm. It was infuriating.
The rest of the game was a blur of snide comments, sarcastic remarks, and way too much tension for what was supposed to be a friendly game. By the end, I was ready to hurl my golf club into the nearest lake.
Lando, of course, took the whole thing in stride, wrapping an arm around both me and Franco as we finished up. “Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? We should do this again sometime. Maybe next time without the whole ‘I want to strangle you’ vibe.”
Franco chuckled, giving me a sideways glance. “I don’t know, I think the tension added something.”
I rolled my eyes, pulling away from Lando’s arm. “You would think that.”
Carlos, still oblivious to the volcanic-level tension, checked his phone. “Alright, let’s head back. We’ve got a busy schedule.”
Franco shot me one last smirk before following Carlos to the car. I stood there for a moment, watching him walk away, the frustration boiling over again.
Lando leaned in, his voice low. “You know, this whole enemies-to-lovers vibe you two have going on is a real treat for me.”
I shot him a glare. “There is no ‘lovers’ anything.”
He grinned. “Not yet, darling.”
With that, he jogged off after Carlos and Franco, leaving me standing there, shaking my head.
This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.
After the hectic race weekend it was time to go home again, in Carlos’s case home was a beautiful country between France and Italy. Monaco was every bit as picturesque as people said—yachts dotting the harbor, luxury cars roaring through the narrow streets, and the smell of the sea mingling with high-end perfume in the air. It was the kind of place where the rich and famous went to flaunt what they had, and Carlos loved it. Naturally, he always loved inviting me for a visit. This time along with a certain Argentine unfortunately.
“Come on, Y/N,” Carlos had said when I tried to protest. “It’ll be fun! The weather’s perfect, we’ll explore the city, and we’ve got clubbing plans tonight. What could go wrong?”
So here I was, walking down the sun-drenched streets of Monaco with Franco striding a few steps ahead, Carlos chatting away beside him. The group had grown since we’d arrived—Alex Albon had joined us since he lived next door to Carlos, and Lando and Charles, both Monaco residents, decided to tag along as well.
“Alright, Carlos, I’ll admit it,” I said as we strolled through the streets. “Monaco’s got charm.”
Carlos grinned, clearly pleased with himself. “See? I told you. Best place in the world.”
I chuckled. “I’m not going that far, but I’m willing to appreciate it. I’d have more fun though if I didn’t have to watch Franco pretend he’s king of Monaco.”
Carlos rolled his eyes. “Relax. He’s not taking that title from Charles any time soon. He’s just enjoying Monte Carlo.”
“Yeah, enjoy it with every girl who crosses his path,” I muttered, watching as Franco winked at a passing woman who giggled in response.
Lando, catching my glare, sidled up beside me, grinning. “Ah, the drama is back. The sole reason why I’m here.”
“Oh, shut up,” I said, though a smile tugged at my lips despite myself.
I was trying, really. The sun was shining, the atmosphere was relaxed, and even though Franco was a few steps ahead of me, I figured I could let it slide—for now. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my day in this beautiful place.
As we meandered through the harbor, I nudged Lando, who was soaking in the views with his usual enthusiasm. “Bet you wish you had a yacht like one of these.”
Lando flashed a grin. “Give me a couple more wins, and you’ll see me with the biggest one in the harbor.”
“Oh, you’ll name it after yourself, I’m sure,” I teased.
“Obviously. It’ll be called Seao,” he joked, striking a ridiculous pose.
“The what now?” I asked confused.
“Get it? Like Land-o, Sea-o?” he said with the proudest face ever. 
I laughed, shaking my head. “I’ll be sure to stay far, far away from it.”
Lando gasped dramatically, clutching his chest. “You wound me, Y/N. I was going to offer you the best cabin!”
The lighthearted banter was helping to keep my mood up, and even as Franco joined the conversation with that usual swagger, I managed to stay upbeat. For now.
“You know, Y/N,” Franco said, giving me that infuriating grin, “you’d look great on one of those yachts. You’ve got the whole ‘Monaco gold digger vibe’ down.”
I rolled my eyes, but the smile lingered on my face. “Nice try, Franco. Flattery’s not going to work on me.”
“Who said I was flattering you?” he shot back with a wink.
Before I could respond, Charles chimed in, proudly displaying his fashion choices for the evening. “What do you think of these pants?” he asked, clearly fishing for compliments on his intersting patchwork denim.
Lando snorted. “I think it’s a crime against fashion.”
I giggled, taking in the ridiculousness of Charles’s outfit. “It’s... bold, Charles. Very bold.”
Charles looked pleased. “It’s couture.”
“You keep telling yourself that,” I said with a laugh, earning an approving look from Lando.
The day continued on with playful banter and an easygoing atmosphere. We explored the city, enjoyed lunch at a café with an incredible view of the sea, and even though Franco occasionally made snide comments, I let them roll off my back. I wasn’t going to let him get under my skin today.
As the sun dipped behind the Monaco skyline, the group started getting ready for the night out. The air buzzed with excitement—everyone still riding the high from Lando’s win last week—but I couldn’t shake the unease settling in my stomach. I knew exactly what was coming. Franco, who looked like he’d just stepped out of some annoyingly perfect cologne ad, would be in full flirt mode, and I was not going to enjoy his little display. 
Lando, ever the showman, stretched dramatically as we gathered at Carlos’s apartment. “Monaco nightlife, everyone. Prepare yourselves for the full Norris experience.”
Charles raised an eyebrow. “The Norris experience? What’s that? Getting involved in drama you didn’t start but somehow make worse?”
Lando smirked, undeterred. “Hey, the drama just follows me. I’m an innocent bystander.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Sure, innocent. I’m still trying to figure out how those girls at the last afterparty got into a massive fight about you and you walked away untouched.”
Charles snickered, nodding. “Lando’s like a magnet for girl drama. He’s always in the middle of the mess but always forgiven somehow.”
Lando shrugged with a grin. “What can I say? Some people just have that natural charm.”
Charles snickered. “No amount of charm can compete with Franco’s... well, Franco-ness.”
I sighed, already dreading the inevitable. “Yeah, lucky us. Another night watching him do his thing.”
We arrived at the club, neon lights flashing, music already pounding through the air. And, of course, Franco didn’t waste any time. Within minutes, he was at the bar, leaning in close to two women, his signature smirk on full display. The worst part? He looked effortlessly good. Hair perfectly tousled, his shirt just tight enough to show off his broad shoulders... it was annoying how well he pulled it off.
I slid into the booth next to Lando, my drink in hand, trying to ignore how damn good Franco looked tonight. “How long do you think it’ll take before he’s flirted with every girl in here?” I muttered.
Lando glanced over at Franco, then back at me, a grin already forming. “Hmm... five minutes, tops. He’s like a sniper. Quick, precise.”
Charles chuckled, leaning in. “Make that four. You look like you’re about to march over there and take him out yourself.”
I rolled my eyes. “Please. I couldn’t care less who he’s talking to.”
Lando raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. “Oh, really? Because that death stare you’re giving those girls suggests otherwise.”
“I am not giving them a death stare,” I shot back, probably a bit too defensively.
Charles smirked. “Sure you’re not. You’re just... monitoring the situation. Very closely.”
I scoffed, trying to keep my cool. “I just don’t understand how someone can be that... shallow.”
Lando shrugged, barely suppressing his laughter. “Or maybe he’s just really, really good-looking. I mean, come on, Y/N, you’ve noticed.”
I shot Lando a glare, but my cheeks felt hot. “Not helping, Lando.”
Lando leaned back in the booth, looking smug. “What? It’s okay to admit it. Franco’s got that whole ‘sexy and Spanish speaking’ thing going for him. You’re allowed to be jealous.”
I groaned, taking a bigger sip of my drink. “I’m not jealous. I just don’t get why people fall for that whole act.”
Charles raised an eyebrow, his grin only growing. “Oh, so it’s the act you’re mad at. Not the fact that he’s talking to those girls?”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Exactly. It’s the act. He’s a walking cliché.”
Lando exchanged a glance with Charles, the two of them clearly enjoying my frustration. “Right, right, it’s the act. Not the fact that every time he smiles at them, you look like you want to burn this place down,” Lando teased.
I groaned, leaning further back into the booth. “You two are impossible.”
“Impossible, but not wrong,” Charles said, smirking as he raised his glass to toast. “To Franco’s charm—and Y/N’s growing annoyance.”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s not about the charm. It’s the fact that—”
“—he’s ridiculously good-looking, and it’s pissing you off?” Lando finished for me.
I opened my mouth to argue, but nothing came out. I hated that they weren’t entirely wrong. Franco was annoyingly good-looking. And watching him flash that stupid grin at anyone within a five-foot radius was making me grind my teeth.
“You’re so totally jealous,” Lando declared with a triumphant grin.
“I am not jealous,” I protested, feeling the heat rise in my face. “I just think it’s ridiculous that he’s—”
“—charming the entire club while he should be talking with you?” Charles added, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
I glared at them both, trying to keep my composure. “I don’t care who he talks to.”
“Right,” Lando said, winking. “That’s why you haven’t stopped looking at him since we sat down.”
I groaned, shaking my head. “I’m not doing this tonight.”
Lando raised his glass in mock toast. “Famous last words, Y/N. Famous last words.”
Charles chuckled, leaning in with a mischievous grin. “You know, if you suddenly get the urge to go over there and throw a drink in his face, I’ll cover the next round.”
I shot him a look. “I’m not throwing drinks at anyone. But if he flirts with one more girl, I might reconsider.”
Lando burst out laughing, nudging me. “I’ll be ready with the camera. Would make a killer lando.jpg comeback post.’”
I sighed, swirling my drink as Franco’s laughter drifted over from the bar. His stupid, perfect laugh. This was going to be a long night.
After ordering his drink, Franco sauntered back to the table, his usual cocky grin in place. “Having fun, Y/N?” he asked, his tone dripping with faux innocence.
“Oh, absolutely,” I replied sarcastically. “Watching you work your charm on half the club is just... delightful.”
Franco chuckled, sliding into the booth across from me. “You know, Y/N, you should try it sometime. Flirting. It might make you less... uptight.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Uptight?”
“You heard me.” He leaned back, smirking. “You’re always so... tense. Maybe if you loosened up, you’d have a bit more fun.”
I could feel my annoyance rising, but I forced a smile. “Right. Because flirting with strangers is the key to happiness.”
Franco shrugged. “It’s a start.”
“You are so sad.” I shot back. “Getting your validation from strangers, never taking anything seriously.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I take plenty of things seriously.”
“Really? Because it sure seems like all you care about is attention. Who you can charm next. Who’s going to fall for your dumb act.”
Franco’s smile faltered for just a second before he recovered. “And what exactly is your problem, Y/N? You act like you’re so above it all.”
“Maybe because I don’t need to rely on shallow charm to get by,” I retorted. “Some of us actually have depth.”
“Oh, right,” Franco said, his voice laced with sarcasm. “What is it exactly you rely on then? Besides your brother’s finances, of course.”
Switching to Spanish, I snapped, “¿Sabes qué? Estoy harta de tu actitud de sabelotodo.” You know what? I’m sick of your know-it-all attitude.
“¿Y qué vas a hacer al respecto?” Franco replied, his voice low and challenging. And what are you going to do about it?
“Voy a ignorarte, como debería haberlo hecho desde el principio,” I hissed. I’m going to ignore you, like I should have done from the start.
“Claro, porque ignorar las cosas es lo tuyo, ¿verdad?” Franco shot back. Of course, because ignoring things is what you do best, right?
Lando, who had been watching the exchange with wide eyes, suddenly jumped in. “Okay, hold up! Time-out. We’re not turning this club into a fight club, alright? I’ve seen Brad Pitt way too many times already this season.”
Carlos, still deep in conversation with Alex, remained blissfully unaware, but the tension at the table was palpable.
Franco leaned back, his smirk returning. “Whatever you say, Y/N. Keep telling yourself you’ve got it all figured out.”
I stood up, glaring at him. “You’re not worth this argument.”
“Good to know,” Franco replied with a shrug, as if the whole conversation had barely affected him.
I turned on my heel, heading straight for the bar to get another drink. As I left, I could still feel Franco’s eyes on me, that smug grin probably plastered on his pretty face. 
The night had that strange Monaco mix of high-energy and quiet tension. The streets were buzzing after our time at the club, but beneath the neon lights and laughter, something more was brewing. I could feel it in the air between Franco and me, unspoken but undeniable.
We all stood by the curb as Carlos waved down a taxi. My mood was already on edge after the club, and I just wanted to get home and forget about the whole night. Franco had been in his element—flirting, chatting, showing off—and I was done.
“Alright, taxi’s here!” Carlos called, gesturing for us to pile in.
I moved to follow, but then Lando, who had been suspiciously quiet, suddenly stepped in. “Actually, Carlos, Y/N and Franco are gonna hang back for a bit,” Lando said, his voice way too casual for someone who clearly had mischief on his mind.
Carlos blinked. “What? Why?”
“Yeah, why?” I echoed, shooting Lando a look.
Lando waved it off with a dismissive hand. “They need some air. Clear their heads. We’ll see you at the apartment.”
Before I could argue, Carlos shrugged and got into the taxi with Alex and Charles, the door closing behind them. In a flash, the car was gone, leaving Franco and me standing on the empty sidewalk, bathed in the glow of the streetlights.
“What the hell was that about?” I muttered, pulling out my phone.
As if on cue, it buzzed with a message from Lando:
Enjoy your walk ;)
I rolled my eyes, showing Franco the text. “Of course. He’s messing with us.”
Franco chuckled beside me, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Well, looks like we’re walking.”
I sighed, my frustration already simmering beneath the surface. “Great.”
We started walking in silence, the noise of Monaco nightlife fading behind us as we wound through the quieter streets. Franco was close, but not too close, keeping that distance we’d both grown used to. I could feel his green eyes burning on me occasionally, lingering a bit too long.
After a few minutes of walking, Franco finally spoke. “You know, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
“Oh yeah?” I replied, my voice laced with sarcasm. “About what? How great you are?”
He sighed, clearly realizing I wasn’t in the mood for jokes. “About our date.”
I stopped walking, turning to face him. Dumb shock written over my face. The mention of our failed date had been hanging over us since we met again, but I thought he had forgotten me. “So you remember?”
Franco hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t ghost you on purpose, Y/N.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Then why didn’t you show up?”
He looked down at the ground, taking a deep breath. “I crashed during testing.”
That caught me off guard. “Wait, what?”
“I had a pretty bad crash during testing with my team,” Franco explained, lifting the sleeve of his shirt to show me a faint scar on his shoulder. “I was out for a while. It happened the morning before we were supposed to meet.”
I stared at the scar, my mind racing. “You crashed? That’s your excuse?”
“Yeah,” he said quietly, pulling out his phone. “I’ve got footage of it if you don’t believe me. It wasn’t pretty.”
He handed me his phone, and I watched the video of the crash—his car spinning out of control, hitting the barrier, the wreckage that followed. My stomach twisted as I handed the phone back to him.
“I didn’t know,” I muttered, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me.
“I know,” Franco said, pocketing his phone. “By the time I was back on my feet, our chat on Raya was gone. I couldn’t reach you. Didn’t even know you were Carlos’s sister.”
I swallowed hard. Of course I deleted him first thing when I got home. “I figured you just... stood me up.”
Franco shook his head. “I never wanted to. I wanted to explain, but I didn’t know how and honestly... I didn’t want to make it worse. Honestly, I am so sorry Y/N. I did not handle this well at all.”
I stared at him, the anger and hurt I’d held onto for so long starting to unravel. “I just thought you were another guy playing games.”
“I wasn’t playing games,” Franco said, his voice soft but serious. 
I exhaled sharply, shaking my head. “If we are having a heart to heart, there is something I have to get off my chest as well.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
I took a deep breath, deciding it was time to tell the whole truth. “I’ve been traveling with Carlos because... well, because I didn’t really have a choice. I used to be a tennis player. A good one. But I had an injury—tore my ACL. It ended my career.”
Franco’s eyes softened as he listened.
“I’ve been a bit lost ever since. Carlos thought taking me to races would cheer me up, keep me busy,” I continued. “But that’s why I’m here. Not because I want to profit off of him.”
Franco’s expression shifted, guilt flickering across his face. “I didn’t know, Y/N. I... I’m sorry. I’ve been a jerk.”
“Yeah,” I said, my voice catching slightly. “You kind of have.”
There was a heavy silence between us as everything settled. The frustration, the misunderstandings, all the things we hadn’t said to each other. It felt like we were standing at the edge of something, ready to fall.
Franco’s voice was low when he finally spoke. “You think I don’t take anything seriously, but... I do. I’ve worked my ass off to get here, and I am trying so hard to make it to next year. But you keep talking like you’ve got me all figured out. Like I’m some shallow, cocky guy who just flirts his way through life.”
“Isn’t flirting your way through life exactly what you do, though?” I shot back, my frustration flaring again.
Franco’s eyes darkened. “No. But you wouldn’t know that because you never gave me a chance. You just made up your mind about me from the start.”
“Because all you’ve shown me is that side of you!” I snapped. “You literally flirted with every girl at the club tonight. How was I supposed to think otherwise?”
“Instead of judging me, you could just admit that you're jealous,” Franco fired back, his voice rising.
“Judging you? You’re the one who’s been making up stuff about me from the moment we met!” I shouted, the anger boiling over now. “While you don’t know anything about me!”
“¡Porque no me dejas conocerte!” Franco shouted back in Spanish, his voice raw. Because you won’t let me get to know you!
“¡No hay nada que conocer!” I yelled, my heart pounding. There’s nothing to get to know!
Franco stepped even closer, his eyes blazing. “¡No digas eso! Sé que hay más en ti. Lo he visto, pero siempre estás empujándome lejos.” Don’t say that! I know there’s more to you. I’ve seen it, but you keep pushing me away.
I clenched my fists, trying to hold back the flood of emotions. “¡No quiero que te acerques!” I don’t want you to get close!
“¿Por qué? ¿Porque te asusta?” Franco asked, his voice softer but still intense. Why? Because it scares you?
“¡Porque no confío en ti!” I shot back. Because I don’t trust you!
There was a beat of silence, both of us standing there, breathing heavily. The street was quiet around us, but the energy between us was electric, almost unbearable.
My breath caught in my throat.
“¡Eres tan... frustrante!” I yelled, my voice cracking. You’re so... frustrating!
“¿Sabes qué más eres?” Franco said, his voice lowering, his eyes burning into mine. “Eres tan sexy cuando te enojas.” You know what else you are? You’re so sexy when you’re angry.
The words hit me like a shockwave, and for a moment, I was too stunned to respond. Before I could even think, Franco closed the gap between us and kissed me.
It wasn’t just any kiss—it was fiery, intense, and filled with all the pent-up emotion we’d been holding back for what felt like weeks. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me closer, and I didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, all the frustration and tension melting away in that single moment.
His lips were soft. I melted into him, my hands instinctively reaching up to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened.
When we finally broke apart, we were both breathing heavily, the weight of everything we hadn’t said hanging between us.
I stared at him, my mind racing. “Franco...”
He smiled, his hand still resting on my waist. “Finally.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, shaking my head. “You’re insufferable.”
“And you like it,” he said with a grin.
I didn’t argue.
We walked the rest of the way home in silence, but this time, the tension between us had shifted. There was no more anger, no more resentment—just something new, something that hadn’t been there before. My hand was still in Franco’s, and I hadn’t even thought about pulling it away.
The soft hum of the Monaco streets accompanied us as we approached Carlos’s apartment. The usual quiet after a night out seemed louder now, like it was filling the space where our words had been. My heart was still racing from the kiss, and every time Franco’s shoulder brushed mine, that warmth spread through me again.
I glanced over at him, catching him looking at me out of the corner of his eye. He smiled—a small, almost shy one—and I couldn’t help but smile back. That smug smirk he’d worn all night was gone, replaced with something softer. It was the first time I’d seen him look... real.
As we reached the entrance to the building, Franco opened the door for me, his hand gently resting on the small of my back as I stepped inside. The gesture was subtle, but it sent a wave of warmth through me.
Inside, the familiar scent of Carlos’s apartment hit me—clean, with a hint of cologne that always lingered in the air. The place was quiet, save for the faint sound of the ocean outside. It felt surreal, like everything that had happened tonight had been part of some strange dream.
Lando was, of course, sprawled out on the couch, his feet up, his phone in hand. The second we walked in, he glanced up, grinning like the Cheshire cat.
“Well, well, well,” he said, his voice dripping with amusement. “Look who finally made it home.”
I rolled my eyes, though I couldn’t stop the smile from tugging at my lips. “Shut it, Norris.”
“Awww look at you, Y/N!” Lando replied, wiggling his eyebrows. “Blushing. Don’t think I didn’t notice.”
Franco chuckled beside me, his hand still resting lightly on my lower back. “Nice work, Lando,” he called over his shoulder as we walked past Lando toward the hallway.
Lando just winked, not missing a beat. “What can I say? I have a gift.”
As we walked down the hallway toward the guest rooms, I felt the tension ease from my body, replaced by a strange kind of peace. Franco’s presence beside me didn’t feel overwhelming anymore. It felt... comforting.
“Do you want to go back to that rooftop restaurant?” Franco’s voice was soft, a whisper just between us as we stopped in front of my door.
I turned to face him, my heart doing a little flip at the thought. “Are you asking me on a second first date?”
He grinned, but it was different now. Less cocky, more sincere. “Yeah. A real one. No crashes, I promise.”
I smiled, leaning against the doorframe. “I’d like that.”
For a moment, neither of us moved, the weight of everything unsaid still lingering in the air. But instead of more words, Franco leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead before pulling back and meeting my eyes.
“Buenas noches, hermosa,” he whispered, his voice like a warm caress.
“Buenas noches, Franco,” I replied, my voice equally soft.
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honeybeedewdrops · 1 day
"Just Friends..." | L.Norris
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Summary: You and Lando have told everyone you are just friends. Until you let it slip you have made out with him a couple of times, as just friends of course.
You and Lando have been best friends for... well since forever. As one of Lando's best friends you of course get to pick and choose what races you want to go to. Luck was just on your side and you were able to get next week off for Miami.
You: Hey Lan do you by chance have any spare tickets for Miami I would love to come.
Lando: I in fact do
You: Great I would love to come out I got that weekend off
Lando: I'll have McLaren send one right over
You smiled happy to be able to support him.
People would always tease you and Lando about dating it started with your parents and both of you would just laugh it off. Then your friends started teasing you too. Some days it just got so annoying until one drunk night when you and Lando had a moment. You started to develop feelings for him after that night but you always pushed them away afraid of rejection and ruining such a great friendship.
You finally made it to Miami and walked into the paddock ready to take on the world. You walked down the paddock towards the McLaren Garage when two hands wrap around your waist and spin you around. "ahhh Lan put me down" You squeal, he sets you down and you turn around hugging him. "It's so good to see you" "you too Y/n" you smile at him one last time before spotting Ria and Aarava a short way behind him. "Ria, Aarava hey I haven't seen you guys in such a long time" you say pulling both into a hug.
"hey I got media but i'll see you guys later" Lando said giving you a side hug and leaving. "I'm also going to go i'm going to scout our our place Ria" Aarav said leaving just the two girls "and then there was just us" You say. You and Ria chat about work and how living in Ibiza was for her and making your way to the hospitality. " Now tell me girl what is going on with you and Lando" "Nothing i've said this thousands of times we are just friends" Ria shook her head "oh come. He spun you around like some romantic comedy. Not to mention you were the only one he hugged when he left" you rolled your eyes. "Your being dramatic" "Y/n it's right in front of your eyes" "what is?" "Girl Lando is in love with you and has been for quite some time now" "What no he hasn't" Ria sighed. "You are very smart Y/n but so dumb when it comes to Lando he looks at you the same way you look at him" "and how is that" "your in love" "pffff... no i'm not" you denied "You are such a bad liar" Ria said. "I am not" "ok fine but I know there is definitely something going on between you too"
When Lando won you had tears streaming down your face. All his hard work, all of McLaren's hard work he had done it he had finally done he won his first race ever. After he celebrated with his team he made his way to you bringing you into a hug. "I did it" He says making you cry harder "You did" he pulls away "don't cry" He says bring his had up to your cheek to wipe the tears away. You pulled him in for another hug before pushing him to go do media.
To Celebrate Lando's first win you all went out and hit the clubs. You were a few drinks in before going to sit on the couch where you saw Oscar and his girlfriend sitting on the couch. "Hey Oscar good job today" Oscar smiled "Thank you Y/n this is my girlfriend Lily" You smiled "Nice to meet you" "yeah you too I love your dress by the way" Lily compliments. "Thank you I love your outfit too" you say taking a sip of your drink. It was silent for a bit before Lily spoke up. "So are you and Lando dating" "No we're just friends" Oscar makes a face "what was that face for Osc" "Nothing" he says "Oscar seriously what" "I just don't believe you when you say your just friends" "we are gosh no one believes us" "I mean come on there's just no way" "We are just friends even if we did make out a few times" Oscar chokes on his drink "what was that" He asks "we are just friends?" "No after that" Oscar says "what did I say after that?" Oscar rolled his eyes knowing your playing with him "You and Lando have made out" "oh yeah that only like once or twice actually no it was three times" "friends don't just randomly make out" Oscar says "what you don't kiss the homies' you joke. Oscar spoke once again but you drowned him out after seeing Lando dancing. As if he felt eyes in him he looked around and found your eyes making you suck in a break. He really did have this post race glow. Fuck it you thought and stood up handing someone your drink before walking over to him.
You tapped him, he turned and you pulled him in for a kiss. Sparks were practically flying you were on top of the world. You pulled away for air and putting your head against his. "Woah" Lando said making you chuckle. "I like you Lando, a lot and I have for a while" He smile got wider "I like you too Y/n" he then pulled you in for another kiss making everyone around you cheer finally you two confessed.
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nadvs · 3 days
push and pull (part one)
pairing twin!rafe x female reader x twin!zach
summary life felt complicated enough when you started falling for zach. then you meet rafe. he’s the complete opposite of his twin brother, but he captures your attention just the same.
author’s note finally wrote the zach/rafe twin au!! i won’t be making this a series but it was so fun to write as a one-shot (that had to turn into a two-shot because i ran out of post space lol)
tags college au set in the obx universe. mutual pining. angst. love triangle. miscommunication. no smut. rafe endgame (s2 bangs supremacy) (sorry to my zach girlies)
content warnings alcohol use, mental illness, mentions of parental abandonment
» intro post
» masterlist
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Everyone can tell the Cameron twins apart by their hair.
Zach’s is short and unkept, always looking like he just ran off the soccer field, while Rafe keeps his a little longer, soft strands hanging over his forehead, every edge neat and clean.
From the moment you first see them together, you can tell that the two couldn’t be more different. And you don’t need to rely on any tricks like looking at their hair to know who’s who.
It’s their eyes that give them away. While they’re the same captivating shade of blue, Zach has a sense of hope in his eyes that Rafe doesn’t.
Your father has been coaching your college’s men’s soccer team for most of his career. When the directors of the athletic department kept pestering him about the team needing a social media presence for the school’s PR, he asked you if you’d be interested.
As a freshman, the part-time job seemed like a fun way to get to know people, so you accepted the position and made a TikTok account for the team.
Since the start of the season, of all the soccer players, Zach has been the most welcoming. He goes along with whatever you need for work, humoring you when you hold up your phone and ask him trending questions for videos, like what his lockscreen is or what superstitions he follows before a game.
As time went on, you felt yourself gravitating more and more towards him, watching him in awe whenever you came by the field during practices and games.
Eventually, he started inviting you to the close-knit team’s hangouts. You quickly and seamlessly joined the friend group within a few weeks.
Before you knew it, you had a serious crush on him. He’s handsome and funny and a total sweetheart. What makes it so complicated is that you can’t read him at all.
He’s nice to you, but he’s nice to everyone. Maybe your feelings are unrequited, but you hold onto hope that he looks at you the same way you look at him.
It’s a Friday night when you visit Zach’s place for the first time. You’re sitting in the living room with a few of his teammates and their girlfriends, your empty takeout containers scattered over the coffee table, the sound of the autumn wind rushing past the windows reduced to a whisper beneath your loud conversation.
Zach had already told you he had a twin brother that he lived with in a loft off-campus, but when you rest your eyes on Rafe for the first time as he comes through the front door, it’s surprisingly jarring to see someone identical to Zach.
The chatter continues around you as you watch Rafe toss his keys onto the end table, drop a duffle bag, and silently walk into the open-concept kitchen. He swings open the fridge, keeping his head down.
His hair is damp, sweat glistening on his skin. His shirt is plastered to his torso, the planes of his muscles angular and sharp, not leaving much to the imagination.
“You haven’t met my less handsome brother yet,” Zach jokes to you. He points to Rafe, then to you, introducing you to each other.
“Hi,” you say kindly.
When Rafe meets your gaze, he stills for a moment, eyes almost imperceptibly widening. A couple seconds of silence pass.
“Hey,” he finally offers with a quick, tense nod.
“How was your workout?” Zach asks.
Rafe pulls a protein shake out of the fridge and swings the door closed.
“It’s so fucking busy in that gym,” Rafe replies, stepping away. He turns the corner and paces up the stairs towards his bedroom.
He and his brother have always lived in different worlds. They host parties sometimes, but that’s usually as close as their social circles overlap.
Right now, though, it’s like his aching muscles are willing him to turn around and keep talking to the pretty girl sitting in his living room. But while he’s never been good at ignoring his impulses, he’s not about to flirt with his brother’s guest, knowing how much it bothers him.
Before Rafe reaches his bedroom to get ready for a shower, he hears Zach come upstairs to stop him in the hallway.
“I’ll make sure they’re out by nine,” he says quietly. “That cool?”
Zach has always enjoyed having people over and surrounding himself with friends. But he’s aware of how much it annoys his moody brother when he just wants to chill at home. Despite how much Rafe parties and hooks up, when he wants quiet, he wants quiet.
Because Zach naturally wants to keep the peace, when they moved out of Tannyhill, he set ground rules. One of them is that they’ll check in with each other to make sure they don’t let guests overstay.
Rafe looks at his watch to see it’s nearly eight and says, “Sure. Whatever. I’m having a girl over later anyway.”
As soon as Zach left the living room, you heard one of the other soccer players, Chance, quietly make a joke about how that was the most words he’s ever heard Rafe say.
It makes Rafe all the more intriguing to you. Everyone here has some sort of history with him, albeit small and meaningless. But you’re still fairly new to the friend group. You know nothing about Rafe. For some reason, you want that to change.
Zach’s eyes meet yours when he comes back into the living room.
“Still a warm and fuzzy guy, isn’t he?” Chance says.
“Like always,” Zach quips with a shrug. And that’s that. Nobody brings up Rafe for the rest of the night.
When the hangout comes to an end about an hour later, Zach trails you all out through the front door. You bump into a girl you recognize from one of your classes.
“Hey,” she says. “I know you.”
“Hi,” you say with a laugh, holding the door open for her when you realize she’s coming into the loft.
Rafe appears behind Zach and by the way his eyes hungrily travel down her body, you quickly surmise she’s here for him.
And for some reason, it stings that she’s physically the complete opposite of you. If that’s Rafe’s type, you definitely don’t measure up.
You’re not sure why your mind is running away from you so fast. Why do you care about Rafe’s type? It’s his brother you’ve been pining over for the last month.
“How’d you do on that quiz?” she asks you.
“The grades are already up?” you reply.
“On time for once,” she laughs.
“Let’s go,” Rafe mumbles to her, his hand finding the small of her back.
You know it isn’t personal. He clearly just wants to hang out with her, not entertain any small talk. But the way he’s acting like you’re not even in the room hurts.
You say bye to Zach one last time before you follow your friends down the hallway towards the elevator. Your shoes are padding over the tiles when you hear your name half-whispered.
Zach stands with a foot out his door, beckoning you. Butterflies swirl in your stomach as you scurry back to close the distance between you. You look up at his warm eyes expectantly.
“Sorry. Don’t take it personally,” he murmurs with a gentle smile. “Rafe’s like that with everyone.”
You’re sure he’s not like that with the girl he just led upstairs. But you don’t know why you even care that much.
Zach’s the one you like. Obviously if you find him attractive, you’ll find his twin brother attractive, too. You figure your brain is just getting used to it.
You return his smile, appreciative. Stuff like this is why you like him; he cares enough to try to comfort you after his brother brushed you off.
“It’s okay,” you reply. Your friends call your name, urging you to get to the elevator before the doors close. “Thanks. I’ll see you.”
Zach watches you rush away, hoping he managed to make you feel better. He loves his brother. He understands why he is the way he is. But he doesn’t like that he made a girl who was nothing but nice to him feel bad.
As he tidies up the mess in the living room, thinking about how sweetly you had offered to help clear the table, Zach realizes that he enjoys not having housekeepers.
He never liked watching people have to clean up after him. Getting used to cleaning took some time after he and Rafe settled in here when the school year began, but now, it feels good.
Moving out was the best thing they could’ve done. Even though Zach’s only minutes older, he always felt protective of his brother, and being at home with their dad and stepmom just messed with Rafe, bringing out his self-destructive tendencies.
About an hour later, Zach’s doing schoolwork at the kitchen island when he hears the front door shut. He’s used to his brother’s habits, having random girls over, never letting them spend the night.
“She’s new,” Zach says when Rafe saunters into the kitchen.
“Yeah,” Rafe says, ducking into the fridge. “Do we have any food?”
“I saved some takeout for you.” Zach points to the container by the oven.
“What’s she like?” Zach asks.
Rafe shrugs. Thankfully, his hook-up wasn’t interested in getting to know him, either. She just wanted to be physical. Losing himself in the feeling of a girl’s legs wrapped around him, melting into emotionless pleasure, shutting his mind up, is Rafe’s comfort zone.
“She’s cool,” he mumbles. “It’s nothing serious.”
Zach watches his brother pick at his dinner at the counter, not bothering to sit down.
He never understood how he could have these meaningless hook-ups. Zach can’t imagine sharing a bed with a girl he has no connection with. Or never talking to her again after.
He shuts his laptop, pinching the bridge of his nose before he speaks.
“Hey, you think you could be a little nicer to my guests?” he asks. Rafe tenses up.
“This again?” It isn’t the first time Zach is giving him shit for how he talks to his friends.
“It makes them feel unwelcome when you act like that,” Zach replies. Rafe’s temper flares.
“Did they tell you that?” he snips.
“They don’t have to. Just… be decent, okay?”
“I am. You care too much about what people think,” Rafe mutters.
“Maybe you don’t care enough.” Zach’s lips firm into a thin line. “I don’t want to have to apologize for you.”
“Oh, come on,” he chuckles. “Who’d you have to apologize to? For what?”
Zach mentions your name and how sad you looked as you were leaving. Rafe sighs, but a hint of anxiety pricks at his skin. This happens a lot. He thinks things are fine, and then he finds out later that apparently, he was rude.
“I hope you’re at least nicer to the girls you bring over,” Zach says.
“Not every girl wants a nice guy,” he jokes with a snort. “Can we skip the lecture?”
“Dude,” he sighs in exasperation.
Rafe rolls his eyes. Zach never got that Rafe doesn’t have the ability to read people all that well, that he doesn’t know when he’s expected to tiptoe around feelings. Rafe wishes everyone was just upfront like he is.
Despite the frustration rolling through his body, he hates to lose his temper on his brother. He always regrets it after if he does. So, he relents.
“Fine. I’ll be nicer,” Rafe sighs. He thinks back to the way you looked sitting in the living room earlier tonight, your voice sweet, your smile pretty.
“She’s cute,” Rafe mumbles. “New girlfriend?”
He wonders if Rafe’s mocking him. Or maybe Zach’s just being overly sensitive. His younger brother has teased him in the past for how he’s hardly ever single for very long.
Zach does prefer to be in a relationship, to live in a promise of commitment with someone who wants to love him. But is that so bad?
They deal with their trauma in different ways. Zach runs towards comfort and connection, while Rafe would rather die than be vulnerable with a girl.
Zach would never say it, but he believes he copes much better than Rafe does. But then again, Zach is pretty sure Rafe has mental health issues that he refuses to acknowledge.
“Just a friend. Her dad’s my coach,” Zach replies flatly. “She does social media for the team. She’s off limits.”
“Off limits?” Rafe echoes. “Why? You like her?”
“No,” Zach lies on impulse. It’s not just his brother he considers you off limits to. He can’t pursue you, either. Although he wants to.
But if he admits to not wanting to date the coach’s daughter because it could end badly and leave things awkward for everybody, Rafe’ll whine about how stupid it is to be living life like that, always afraid to upset people.
They’ve had this exact conversation so many times. Zach would say that it’s not stupid to be considerate. Rafe would tell him to be selfish for once. And they’d get nowhere.
“I already told you that you can’t hook up with my friends,” Zach states.
Rafe sighs. He’s done it in the past, had flings with girls Zach befriends, then caught shit for not calling back, even though he’s always clear that he’s not looking for a relationship. Zach hates losing friends as a result of Rafe’s impulses.
“I know,” he finally says. “Relax.”
It frustrates Zach how much his brother acts like he’s high-strung. In reality, he is relaxed. Among his friends, he has a reputation for being chill and fun.
But with Rafe, he has to play this role. He’s had to since they were kids.
Zach stands, taking his laptop with him as he paces towards his bedroom. It’d be nice to talk to his brother about how much he likes you, about how excited he gets when he sees you coming to talk to him, even when it’s just to film a video.
It’s not like he can tell any of the guys on his team. As close as he is with them, he’s sure it’d spread and get back to you.
Rafe’s the only person he’d gush to, but he’d rather not listen to him whine about how Zach needs to stop giving a fuck about consequences. Because that’s who Rafe is.
“Night,” Zach says curtly.
“Hey, I’m sorry, alright? I don’t try to be a dick,” Rafe says. “You don’t want any more of this?”
Zach looks at the food.
“I’m good.”
It’s another lie. He still has an appetite, but he’d rather let someone else eat if they’re hungry. Because that’s who Zach is.
“Whoa,” you say, scrolling through your notifications.
“What’s up?” Zach asks, leaning closer to you.
You’re sitting in a loud and overcrowded on-campus bar with your friends. It’s been a few days since you hung out at Zach’s, being pulled out of the conversation from your phone buzzing incessantly.
Zach’s chin is almost touching your shoulder as you drag your thumb over your phone screen. He smells like soap and warmth, making your heart race.
“This one video randomly blew up,” you say. “From like, two weeks ago. It has almost ten thousand likes.”
“Which one?” Chance asks, sitting across the table from you.
“The one where I asked you guys what’s on your lockscreens,” you tell them. “I’ll send the link.”
Your friends gaze at their phones around the table after you share the video in the group chat, but Zach stays in his spot, preferring to watch over your shoulder, closer than he’s ever been to you.
It’s stuff like this that makes you think he’s crushing on you, too.
“Well, that’s good, right?” Zach offers. “Makes you look good if you get us viral.”
You breathe a chuckle as you read through the comments.
“I don’t know,” you say. “You’re all kind of getting objectified.”
“What?” Kacey, Chance’s girlfriend half-shouts.
“Oh, that explains why I’m getting all these random follow requests,” Chance laughs. He looks at his girlfriend. “I’m not accepting them. Don’t worry.”
“Sunrise guy is so pure,” Roy, the goalie, reads a comment aloud in a teasing tone. “102 likes. Jesus.”
“Am I sunrise guy?” Zach mumbles to you.
You smirk, finally turning your head to meet his eyes. In the video, Zach said his lockscreen was ‘a cool picture he took of a sunrise.’
“I think you are,” you reply. Admittedly, he looked adorable in the video, just coming out of the locker room after a game, his hair messy and his skin flushed.
“Pure,” he repeats, his lips twisting. “Is that good?”
“I’d say it’s good,” you shrug.
“Sunrise guy is fine as hell,” Roy reads, laughing. “And there’s a whole thread under trying to find your Instagram.”
You swear you notice Zach blush as he shuffles to take his phone out of his pocket.
“What are they saying about you, huh, Roy?” Zach teases. “Share with the class.”
“Nobody’s saying shit about Roy,” Chance laughs, scrolling.
“Shut up,” Roy says, punching Chance’s shoulder.
Your stomach twists with unease when you see Zach open Instagram, the red message bubble mocking you.
Sure enough, a few girls dm’d him. He opens a message from a girl with a pretty profile photo.
Hiiii :) please don’t think I’m a stalker lol I just saw you on tiktok and I’m wondering how I haven’t seen you around campus?
You look away, feeling guilty for snooping. It’s a girl who goes to the same college. A girl he could very easily meet and date.
He’s not your boyfriend. You have to remind yourself that he owes you nothing. But jealousy doesn’t care if you’ve claimed someone as yours or not. It still finds a way to seep in.
You shift in your seat, pretending to continue to read comments while your heart squeezes in a vice.
The next weekend, Zach and Rafe are hosting a party. As you get ready, you put extra time into getting pretty. You wonder if you haven’t been obvious enough.
You’ve been flirting with Zach like always, but he might think you’re just being nice, so if the air feels right tonight, you’ll try to make it more clear that you’re interested.
You arrive at the loft, trying to act unfazed when Zach pulls you in for a quick hug. He does it with everyone, though, so you’re not sure if you’re special to him at all.
Rafe notices you walk in. He’s standing just outside the kitchen, a cold beer bottle in his hand. You’re even prettier than he remembers.
Zach leads you to the kitchen where drinks are laid out on the counter, then quickly gets pulled away by the doorbell ringing again.
You pace into the bright space, gazing over the ridiculously large array of alcohol. Ever since you saw the size of this place, you’ve wondered if Zach comes from a wealthy family.
Regular college students couldn’t afford a home like this. And they wouldn’t so generously buy all the many drinks scattered atop the counter.
You meet sharp blue eyes. Rafe raises his beer bottle slightly in greeting. You offer a smile in return, your body numbing.
You notice yet another difference between them. Zach dresses like most other guys on campus, while Rafe is in a crisp button-up, a small logo stitched on the front. You know that brand isn’t cheap. Neither is his watch.
They must be well off. Zach doesn’t seem to want to show it. Rafe does.
You find a drink you can stomach, picking up the cold glass bottle and looking around for an opener.
“Apparently, I was rude to you the other day?” Rafe’s voice cuts over the music.
You look up to see him stepping a bit closer, putting his beer down on the marble with a clack and gripping a metallic bottle opener. You take his silent invitation, handing him your drink.
“You weren’t not rude,” you reply.
Rafe’s dimples cave into his cheeks when he chuckles, looking down, popping the lid off with ease. He likes that you call him out on it, instead of appeasing him.
“My bad.” His voice is husky, his words said with a drawl. He hands your drink back to you. “Zach’s always giving me shit about my manners.”
“He’s right to,” you joke.
You take a small sip from the bottle, your face pinching with a hint of distaste, and Rafe finds it ridiculously cute.
“Don’t like it?” he asks, eyes glinting.
“Just a little bitter,” you admit. You look out at the crowd, some faces familiar, some faces not.
You’re not close enough to the girl in your class, the one you saw Rafe with, to have asked her what their deal is. The curiosity has oddly been gnawing at you.
It’d be weird to mention it to her. Or to him. But you do notice that she’s not here. You take another drag from the bottle, tapping your nails against the counter to the familiar song.
Rafe can’t tear his eyes off of you, noticing the way you’re slightly mouthing the lyrics. If he wasn’t this close, he wouldn’t be able to tell.
“You know this song?” Rafe asks.
“You do, too?” you say, looking up at him again as he towers over you.
“It’s my playlist.”
“Oh,” you laugh, surprised that you have something in common with him, that you both like this fairly unknown artist. “Yeah. This whole album is good.”
Rafe nods. You try not to stare. He has a magnetizing pull that you can’t really make sense of. There’s something so naturally dominating about him, like he’s silently demanding your attention.
The night Zach mentioned your job, Rafe looked through the account you run for his soccer team. Truthfully, he wished you were in the videos instead of behind the camera, but at least he could hear your voice.
You intrigue him. There’s no way to ignore it. His brother doesn’t want him hooking up with his friends, but what’s the harm in talking?
“So, you do TikTok stuff for my brother’s team?” Rafe asks. Zach has obviously talked about you to him. You wonder what else he said.
“My job description technically says ‘content creation’,” you reply. “But I guess ‘TikTok stuff’ works.”
Rafe can’t stifle his smile. He thinks Zach’s an idiot not to like you.
Maybe he’s lying. But it’s unlike him to lie when it comes to girls. He always wears his heart on his sleeve, so much so that it confuses Rafe why, after growing up around so much instability, he’s still so open to being hurt.
“You’re not into soccer?” you ask. He shakes his head no. “Do you play something else?”
“Nah,” Rafe says. “I golf sometimes, but that’s it.”
You can’t help but breathe a chuckle. Of course a rich guy like him would play golf of all sports.
“What?” he asks.
“Nothing,” you say.
“What’s funny?” he teases, his stare penetrating.
You have to look away, heat flushing through you. Everything about him, about his appeal, is overwhelming.
“Come on,” he beckons, teasing.
“I was going to say that I’m not surprised.” Your eyes dart down to the small logo on his shirt. “You would play golf.”
Rafe’s amused. Zach never liked making it obvious that they come from money because he says it’s in ‘bad taste.’ It’s another thing about his brother that never made sense to Rafe.
“Really? Who’s being rude now?” he asks.
You look up at him with doe eyes. Right now, it’s really hard for Rafe to give a fuck about you being off limits.
“Still you,” you reply. He laughs.
It’s a surprise, the way Rafe’s not as cold as you first thought. He has a guard up and he doesn’t smile much, but he has his own type of charm.
You continue to chat with him about music and school and even your dad being the soccer coach. Zach must have mentioned that, too.
Thankfully, you’re not quite drunk yet, because if you were, you might ask him what else Zach has said about you, and that could be a giveaway of your feelings for him. And if you show interest in Zach, that would probably kill your chances with Rafe.
Uncomfortable realization pools your senses. While these men are complete contradictions of each other, unalike in so many ways, you like them. Both of them. Shit.
You down the tiny bit left of your drink, a sign of just how long you’ve been standing here talking to Rafe. Time with him has a way of slipping.
You gaze out at the party again, noticing that the living room has gotten much more crowded. And then you see Zach, sitting on the couch, beaming brightly as he talks to a girl.
Rafe catches the way your face falls. When he sees your eyes on his brother, he’s sure of it. You like him. And here you are, making conversation with him while you’re pining over Zach.
He thought you were having fun together. He felt a spark. The sting of rejection tears into him. His gut reaction is to be spiteful. To say you should just go talk to Zach if he’s boring you. Or to really make it hurt, to tell you Zach said he doesn’t like you like that.
Truthfully, as much as he loves Zach, he’s always been a little jealous of him. Everything just seems so easy for him, while every minute of Rafe’s life feels like a fight he’s losing.
Instead of hurting you, he swallows down his words with a swig of beer. Maybe all of Zach’s scolding for his lack of manners is finally working.
“Enjoy the party, yeah?” Rafe says to you. He steps away before you can reply.
Later on, you’re chatting with Kacey when you feel rhythmic buzzes in your pocket. You pull your phone out to see Zach’s name on your screen.
“Hello?” you answer.
“Finally,” he laughs. “Can you open the front door for me? I got locked out.”
A moment later, you meet Zach on the first floor, wishing your heart didn’t skip the way it does when he smiles at you through the glass door.
“I’m an idiot,” he says once you let him in. “I forgot my keys. Thanks.”
“Sure,” you laugh.
“You know, you’re the fourth person I called.” Zach puts an arm around your shoulders as you walk through the lobby. He’s never touched you like this and it’s comforting, but then again, everything about Zach is comforting. “Nobody else answered.”
By the way he’s being more affectionate than usual and slurring his words, you can tell he’s drunk.
“Why were you outside?” you ask.
“I walked someone down,” he answers. “Actually, a girl I met because of that video you posted.”
Likely the girl you saw messaging him just a few nights ago. He must have replied and liked her so much that he invited her tonight. Your heart aches.
“How’d it go?” you ask, feigning indifference.
“Good,” Zach replies. “I think she had fun.”
Of course he answers selflessly, more concerned about what she thought of him. You enter the elevator and he parts from you, pressing the button.
“Was Rafe being nice?” he asks. He obviously noticed you talking to his brother.
“He was actually telling me to leave,” you reply. Zach’s eyes widen and you laugh. “Wow, you’re gullible. I’m kidding. Yes, he was nice.”
He did leave your conversation pretty abruptly, but you’d rather not tell Zach in case he feels the need to apologize for his brother’s behavior again.
“Okay. Good.” Zach looks up at the changing numbers on the screen, smiling proudly as he leans back against the elevator wall.
His younger brother can be brash and reckless, but Zach knows it’s all because his feelings overwhelm him. He sees right through Rafe’s attempts to hide it from everyone, including himself.
Everyone thinks Zach is the emotional one. He isn’t. He doesn’t even come close to how sensitive and unstable Rafe can be.
“He’s a good guy,” he says. “I love him to death. We’ve been through a lot together and when our mom left, he…”
You look over at Zach’s profile, his lips curved into a frown.
“He took it hard and I don’t think he ever really got over any of it,” he finishes his sentence.
His inhibitions have clearly been silenced by alcohol, and you’d ask for more information if it didn’t feel like you were taking advantage of his drunken state.
The elevator dings. The doors slide open. Rafe’s standing in the hallway, holding his phone, having just caught up with Zach’s missed notifications.
“Where were you?” Zach says, mocking offense. “Do you even care that I was left out in the cold? You know I don’t like being alone.”
“Alright, come on,” Rafe says, shaking his head in disapproval as he pulls Zach forward by the shoulder. He meets your eyes for a second. “How much did you drink?”
“Relax,” Zach says, then laughs. “Wow. For once, I’m telling you that.”
The three of you walk down the hallway towards the loft. Your arms are crossed, still confused about your feelings for Rafe, still hurt that Zach doesn’t see anything worth pursuing in you.
“I love you, you know?” Zach mumbles to his brother. “I was just saying how much we’ve been through and how much I love you.”
Rafe’s body goes cold. He glares at you.
“What did he say?” he asks you, tense.
“I could barely understand him,” you fib. You don’t want to embarrass either one of them.
“You’re not gonna say you love me back?” Zach says to Rafe.
“Dude,” Rafe scoffs. “You cannot hold your booze. You’re going to bed.”
“Never,” Zach murmurs.
After everything that’s happened tonight, you feel too disoriented to be able to laugh.
(part two)
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tarotofhope · 2 days
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PAC: ❤︎ Your Couple Dynamic as Anime/Ghibli characters ❤︎
( Sorry I couldn't post a reading on Friday and this is a late post but I hope you like it ! )
(Please Read My Pinned post *IMPORTANT NOTE* before selecting a Pile)
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Pick an Image by meditating and selecting the image you feel called to. You can be attracted towards more than 1 image. If you are not able to select maybe this reading isn't for you.
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⚹Pile 1
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Welcome to your reading, Pile 1.
Right Person, Wrong Time, eh? In both of these couples' cases, there is a point of separation between them because of misunderstanding or late realisation of things. For some of you, you guys might not get together again just like in Shou and Arrietty's case, they get separated in the end but at good terms because Arrietty has to go and live with her parents for her safety(and also because she belongs to a different species of people), but this connection will be unforgettable for both of you, while for the others of you, you'll get back again and things will get really well just like how Hatori and Mayuko gets separated because Hatori has the Seahorse(dragon) curse by the Zodiac God Akito and the curse forbids him to be in romantic connections with the opposite gender but still he gets engaged to his assistant Kana, so the zodiac God Akito goes on to attack Kana but instead of her, Hatori gets hurt in the eye in order to save Kana and becomes partially blind. This devastates Kana and she blames herself. Hatori can't see her like that so he requests Akito to wipe down her memory so that she can live happily, but he remembers her and he's also good at hiding his pain and emotions. He misses Kana a lot. Then after many years, he meets Mayuko who is also Kana's(Kana has totally forgotten Hatori) best friend. Hatori and Mayuko get along well but Hatori only consider her as a good friend, he's happy with her but somehow he always restricts himself, tries to control his emotions, but then Mayuko confronts him one day and says to him that he should live his life, be happy and let loose a bit, then Hatori starts to eventually go with the flow, they rekindle their friendship and start meeting often. Hatori slowly lets down his boundaries. After the curse ends, they both get married. So, I can see that one of you could be holding back emotions and the other one is very good at expressing them. One is very mature and adventurous and the other one likes their comfort zone and doesn't like changes much(could even appear a bit sad). When you guys meet, the one who holds back will eventually open up. There will be mutual respect and understanding from both sides. You both will help and heal each other. It will be a very balanced and fulfilling relationship.
If you haven't watched these anime yet, please go watch them to better understand these couples.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 1.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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⚹Pile 2
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Welcome to your reading, Pile 2.
You guys seem very adventurous or you travel a lot either for work or it could just be a hobby. You both are very strong individuals and one of you could be at a good position at work or you both could meet at school, work or while travelling. You guys are so similar, your thought patterns are mostly similar. You could be completing each other's sentences. Your work ethics are the same. I'm getting scholar, topper vibes from some of you. One of you would definitely help the other a lot in polishing their skills but it is clear that both of you have a lot of potential for reaching great heights. Together, you could become a great team. One of you is very bold, brave, mature and responsible while the other one could just be a step ahead but when they see a leader like potential in the former one, they train them, guide and help them almost similar to Shun and Umi. You both can reach your desired goals. You believe in equal gender roles and equal efforts. Like Itsuomi and Yuki, you both could have the desire to travel different places together, learn different languages and know about different cultures. One of you could be good at sports or has an athletic body. One could be more organised and structured than the other partner. There is this energy of not giving a chance to previous romantic proposals because they didn't feel right, so one of you could be labelled as a player or a heartbreaker but in reality are not like that.
Some of you might not have good relations with your own family or friends, they don't understand you well, so you always do your own thing and avoid bs. I can see that this relationship slowly and steadily develops because one of you doesn't want to take any risks. You guys are a goal-oriented and ambitious couple who also know how to make a relationship work in the long run. You could also be a couple who express their love quietly, maybe without actually saying those three magical words.
If you haven't watched these anime yet, please go watch them to better understand these couples.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 2.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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⚹Pile 3
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TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of death, loss of loved ones, heartbreak. Please continue only if you're okay with reading about it.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 3.
It seems as though the major focus in your relationship would be healing and growing. One of you guys could be coming out of a major breakup or divorce, there is a major ending and beginning before this relationship or in this relationship. It could also be that one of you didn't have a good relationship with your parents/guardian, so this partner comes as a blessing, as a fresh start in your life just like how Katsuya came as a blessing for Kyoko because Kyoko was different from other girls(she is very rebellious and brave, very masculine also, the queen of swords kind of energy) and her parents do not like that, so one day they kick her out of the house but Katsuya stands as a pillar of support for her because even he was forced to become a teacher by his grandfather and father. Katsuya totally understands her from the beginning itself. If there is somebody here in my audience who has lost their partner/spouse/bf/gf, please accept my heartfelt condolences. You are very strong. I'm mentioning this, because I've come across such cases 2-3 times where one of the partners d*es at a young age. This part is not for everybody. So, please don't take any offense. De*th could also be a huge transformation, endings and beginnings as I've mentioned earlier. See, I'm also saying this because Katsuya d*es after they get married and after when Kyoko gives birth to a baby girl. Even in Violet Evergarden, Gilbert d*es(it was assumed that way) and then much time later, Violet gets to know that he's alive. Katsuya and Kyoko meet in the afterlife when Kyoko also d*es in a road accident one day, Gilbert and Violet too, finally confess their love to each other, in the end. Whoever you guys are, you have such an unbreakable bond. You are the 'made for each other' couple. One of you has been through a lot and the other one has helped in uplifting their spirits and healing their wounds. Both of you are very strong, physically as well as emotionally. There is a heavily sad energy in this pile and also a lot of pain, the pain of a heartbreak or the pain of actually losing someone but you will come out even more stronger. The stuck energy or hopelessness will go away because everything will be a blessing in disguise. You will find your happiness again. Stay blessed.
If you haven't watched these anime yet, please go watch them to better understand these couples.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 3.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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⚹Pile 4
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Welcome to your reading, Pile 4.
I think one of you is very popular, famous, good looking and handsome/beautiful. So, one of you has a lot of sexual appeal here just like Yuki and Jinshi. You guys could even meet through a third party. One of you is either very intelligent and smart or has some kind of a trauma or both. Either of you could be into some kind of healing professions or customer service jobs. There will be a lot of challenges and confusion in the beginning of this relationship but with time, things will start getting better. In the beginning, one of you who is more reserved might not be interested in the other, doubting the connection. The popular one/the good looking one is going to be so invested in the shy and reserved one. One scenario could be that, just because the good looking one is so used to getting attention all the time, he/she might expect the same from the other, but the other person puts them in their shoes(they are not bad though) just like Jinshi and Maomao while for others of you, the good looking/popular one might be very sweet, gentle and kind just like Yuki. There could also be a lack of confidence or self esteem issues in one of you, but the other person will really cheer them up and uplift their spirits. You both could either be very different from each other or will have very similar values. You guys not only respect each other's differences but are also in awe of each other's mindsets, talents and abilities. There could be a lot of jealous people who would try to bring this relationship down, but you guys will stand strong with each other. Both of the couples who are mentioned here, have a similar kind of love dynamic which is surprising in most of the piles because both the cards jumped out together in all the piles. One extra information, if you relate with the character Maomao, then you can listen to the song 'Be A Flower' by Ryokuoushoku Shakai from The Apothecary Diaries, it's really good and is based on the character Maomao herself..💖
If you haven't watched these anime yet, please go watch them to better understand these couples.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 4.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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⚹Pile 5
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Welcome to your reading, Pile 5.
This pile is somewhat similar to Pile 4. One of you could be very bold and outspoken, I'm seeing that the masculine energy could be more feminine while the feminine energy could be more masculine. Very Venusian and Mercurian qualities here. There could be something so simple yet extraordinary about one of you and the other person loves this about you. One of you could be into fashion designing or has a great sense of fashion. In the beginning, this relationship could be hot and cold or there could be a problem in your personal lives(this could also be due to a person) which keeps you from being with each other. You both could keep this relationship a secret, in the beginning. This could also be a love at first sight situation for a few of you. The female in this relationship could be clumsy and tomboyish and somebody also has commitment issues or trust issues. One of you has a great sense of humor but must be hiding some pain deep inside. I'm also getting that one of you likes the other person just as they are, I'm getting insecurities related to the physical body, that's why this came up. There is also a lot of straightforwardness here, very direct and assertive approach by one person, and the other person appreciates this because maybe they're tired of people pleasers. There's a lot of playful banter in this pile, lot of fun and teasing one another. There's also an 18+ message here, but let's not go there. Overall, there is a bit of push and pull in the beginning but when you get clarity on this connection, you'll be great together.
If you haven't watched these anime yet, please go watch them to better understand these couples.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 5.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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Thank you so much for being here. I post PAC readings every Tuesday and Friday. Do love and support by reblogging, liking or following.
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rqnarok · 7 hours
HOUSE OF BALLOONS | pervy!worst wolverine x fem!reader
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summary: logan and you finally resolved some tension after pining at each other for months.  
wcs/tags: smut! mdni. porn with little plot. worst wolverine!logan. fem!reader. slight dumbification. pervy!logan!!! kinda obsessed!logan. belly bulge. pining. size kink. dom!logan. sub!reader. mentions of cheating. wade is a cupid. pet names (princess, pretty, kiddo, etc). unprotected p in v. not proofread. wc:3,3k 
In the beginning, it’s you, Logan, and Wade—watching some well-known sitcom at night, you teaching them how to bake, and going out somewhere–all platonic and casual. 
Now that Wade’s back with Vanessa, you and Logan get to spend more time just in a pair.
And it turns out not to be so casual. 
What used to be a friendly watch-together revolved to his hands on your sides as he kept you still on his lap. Wet strings of salvia appear every time both of you pull away from the kiss to catch a breath.
“Such a pretty thing.” He breathes as he pampers kisses around your collarbones, leaving little love bites he knows will make you blush the next time you look at yourself in the mirror. 
Logan thinks you’re the cutest thing he has ever seen in God knows how long. Maybe it’s because he’s a perverted old man but who can blame him? He has been lonely for a prolonged time—nothing wrong with craving a sweet treat for himself, right?
“L-Logan…” You’d mewl and whimper out his name—asking for more, “Can I suck your cock, Lo? Please—”
But no matter how hard you try, he never gives in, “Shh. No, honey. Y’re gonna hurt yourself - you don’t know how to do it. Next time, alright?’” 
So that’s it, not-so-innocent kisses as the lights are dimmed. The kisses that linger around you for the next few days. The kisses that make you wander in anguish because they remind you of his hesitancy. Was it just a casual thing for Logan?
For Logan, he knows his nights were plagued with endless nightmares that kept playing over his mistakes—he too knows that the horrific images cease to the ground in your presence. 
Always taking care of him with your sweet smiles that are merely too good for this world, too good for him.
Still, Logan could not fathom what he did to deserve having you by his side, feeding him treats as if he were a dog. Doesn’t matter because he feels like one, already. An old dog who’d gnaw at anything their master gave, an old dog who’s afraid to hurt their master—the same way that he is with you. 
Fuck. He still remembers the first time he saw you. 
The clock on the coffee table shows the time: 11 o’clock. Logan was still snoring lightly against the cushion, which smelled like the earthy-flavored beer he drank beforehand; his ears perked up at the sound of knocking on the front apartment door.   
Logan cursed under his breath as he tried to ignore the noise. Expecting whoever stands at the front door to leave him the fuck alone. Since Wade is out for the day, he hopes the apartment gives out a vacant vibe of fuck off, no one’s here.
But the knocking won’t stop. Logan had no choice apart from waking up at the fervid sound and muttered grumpily “Fuck this shit” as he composes himself to grab another bottle of beer and walks wobbly towards the front door.
Truthfully, Logan expects to find some mail-boy or another insurance agent, or even the old lady down the street who keeps giving him yoga brochures.  
But boy, was he wrong. 
What he found instead when he opened the door was you. 
A pretty girl who is standing before him in your neatly prettified hairstyle, your plain tight top paired with a white skirt that rests just below your knees, and with a smile that warms the entire gloomy hallway.
Logan felt his cheeks heat up. (He convinced himself that it was merely the intoxicating effect of the alcohol he drank.) 
You were there to deliver the cookies that Wade had ordered from the bakery two days ago. He can still recall how the tabs of your fingers grip the pink carton box a little too tightly before hesitantly handing it to his upper body, showing him a glimpse of the freshly baked cookies that you made earlier today.
He’ll be damned. How your sweet voice sounded like honey. How you utter your name and how you utter his. How you glance back at him one or two times before completely disappearing from his view. 
And how he did not even notice the slight bulge in his pants until he returned to the living room couch, still holding your box of cookies in his palm.  
Logan remembers it all.
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For some time, Logan manages to ignore this fluttering fondness on his chest and make up ‘logical’ excuses after excuses of why he wants to be with you all the damn time. 
But now, when you are going on a one-week trip with your friends in the middle of the month, he can’t run away from his feelings anymore.
Every little shit Wade does, pisses him off more than usual that he actually has a great urge to throw the big-mouthed guy out of the window. He began to drown himself back into cigars and alcohol—his unhealthy coping mechanisms which he successfully maintained to ease down while you were around. His throat started to hurt again and he feels bad the entire fucking time he was awake. He begins to dig his own dirty grave again. 
When it’s his turn to do the laundry chores downstairs, he does it crabbily with his brows furrowed and an almost finished cigar in between his furrowing lips. That is until he sees your pile of clothing that just happened to be there in your section in the laundry room. Maybe you intend to wash it all together with your staycation garments—Logan’s not sure.
But he’s sure that he caught a glimpse at your pink panties which is laid out prominently somewhere below your other outfits. Logan curses a voiceless fuck while hanging his head low, ashamed of his own self for what he’s about to do. And before he can compose himself, he steps forward and reaches out for the lacey undies. Bringing the fabric to his nose—inhaling your scent through his nostrils. 
He’s now sure that he misses you. That this is no casual thing. 
Logan grumbles “Fuck it” under his breath and slips the fabric into his pockets—thanking the heavens that there’s no other person in the laundry room to witness his perverted act. 
When he gets back to his shared apartment, he also thanks the heavens that Wade left a ‘Out for the night :3 See ya’ tomorrow grandpa!” sticky note on the refrigerator. By this, he can continue smelling you throughout the lace that he stole earlier—now with his other hand moving rapidly up and down on his hard length as strings of your name are grunted out. 
When Wade goes back the day after, he keeps rumbling thoughtlessly about so much shit until he utters Logan a question with his mouth still full of your cookies. 
The older man had to groan a mindless ‘What?’ because he cannot grasp what the fuck Wade just asked him amidst eating.
“I said, peanut, do ya’ have a crush on her or something?” 
Logan clenches his jaw and sips another taste of his sour drink, “On who?” He knows who.
“Don’t play stupid with me, old man. Y’know damn well who!” Wade splays a stupid eating grin as he takes another crunchy bite, looking at Logan funnily. 
“Don’t know what the fuck you’re talking ‘bout, bub.” It’s been 6 days without you and Logan is going insane. He knows damn well what Wade is talking about.
“Holy shit! Look, Mr. Sunshine, I gotta admit, you two would be such a cutie-looking little beauty and the beast couple if she doesn’t already have a boyfriend.”
Logan feels his organ actually stops beating for a minute there, 
A boyfriend? You have a fuckin’ boyfriend?
Wade slaps his own hand to his mouth when he catches a drastic change in Logan’s expression, “Oh, she hasn't told you yet, Wolvie? Upsie.” 
Who? Since when? Why didn’t you tell him? Is he not enough for you? Various questions loom over his already clouded head and he had to swig the liquor in five gulps to calm himself down.
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Logan has his eyes opened the entire night. Can’t sleep and ridiculously drunk in alcohol–and jealousy. 
Still, he feels an utter excitement in the morning since he remembers that you’re returning today. Pulling himself together by getting up from the old leather couch to get a nice shower, trimming his beard, and fixing his appearance for you. 
Hell, he did not even remember the last time he tried this hard for someone. Possibly never. All this is just in case you want to see him today. 
You did.
When the clock on the wall ticks at 7 p.m., you knock on the door whilst bringing a bag of souvenirs. Looking soft in your pajamas and more beautiful than the last time he saw you.   
“Hey, kid—” Before he gets to greet you, your figure already latches to him in desperation. The souvenirs drop mindlessly to the ground as your arms drape around his broad shoulders - kissing him so eagerly. 
He pulls away to lock the door behind you before latching his lips onto yours again, sensually thrusting his tongue inside and gaining dominance with ease. 
“L-Logan… I’ve missed you.” 
A small shriek went out of your red-kissed lips when he hauled your body up onto his hips, “Fuckin’ missed you too, pretty.” 
When you both came down to the couch with a loud thud, Logan’s already muttering strings of I miss you’s in between kisses. Inside the apartment, the world felt far away - his large palms all over your body - crowding you with his presence.  
It’s not long before the pads of your fingers play around the hem of his sweatpants, “W-would you show how much you’ve missed me, Logan?” You seduce him - looking at him as you bite your bottom lip.
And he groans. This is wrong. You have a boyfriend and he’s taking advantage of you. Fuck.
“F-fuck, sweetheart. This is wrong—” He breathes out on your hair - his logical thinking tries to get ahead of his heart, his desires, “This is so wrong.” 
You look up at him from the crook of his neck, “W-why?” Steadying yourself on his thick thighs - the movements are all to a halt as the both of you stare at each other in silence. 
“Y’know why, pretty girl.”
“I don’t care... I- I want this, I want you.” A tear began to well up in your eyes, “You said you missed me…” Showing your utter neediness by kissing his stubble - each kiss takes your time as you do it without hurrying, “I thought about you all the time I was away..” 
What kind of man Logan is if he refuses your sweet pleas? 
When you beg him as if he’s everything you ever need?
Logan doesn’t care anymore if you have a boyfriend. He’ll just pretend he doesn’t know shit. 
Fuck. If this is his last time seein’ you, he’ll make sure it’s something, alright. He’ll make sure your insides are molded into the shape of this cock. 
His ‘last time’ ? Logan is a fucking liar.
Logan losing a battle with his own self leads to you sprawled bare on his sheets. You could feel his piercing gaze on you, sending a pulse of arousal straight through your pussy.
His fingertips grazing your bare skin - his touch draws electricity on your vulnerable figure, “Been wanting to do this for months, y’know that, baby?” He murmures as he pinches your peaked nipple, luring a soft moan out, “So beautiful for your old man. So fuckin’ perfect.” 
Your cheeks warm up at his words and before you have the chance to respond, his lips are on yours. Each kiss is filled with neediness and desires. 
He trails his mouth down down down until he’s meet with your mound - and his mouth is on you. 
The first lick of his tongue was soft but it was enough to make you whine out a high-pitched noise in desperation. ”Such a pretty pussy, baby.” He groans out before tasting you again. Calloused hands holding your thighs in place as he laps up and down on your slicked core, “Fuck. Tastes sweeter than any of your sweet treats.” 
Every flick of his tongue only pushes you closer to the edge, your body trembling at the need to let go. 
“L-Logan…, please.” You whimper out as a tear falls into your flushed cheeks - as far as you’re loving this, you need more. You need him inside. 
And Logan understands, he looks up at you from where he is, his stubble glistening in your slick under the strips of moonlight, “What’s that? Y’want more, sweetheart?” He questions you in a low growl as he rubs circles on your thigh.
“Yesyesyes, please-e.” You nod your head erratically to show him how much you need him and he fucking eats it all up. That you’re begging for him. Not for anyone else. 
When he stands straight before you, you can see his large girth that bobs into his stomach. The sight of the flushed tips and the visible vein makes you feel warmer and hotter. 
The sculpted muscle on his lightly-haired chest, the firmness of his abs, the long vein that leads lower—all of it exists to drive you insane.
Logan tilts your face so that you are forced to meet his stare, “My eyes are up here, baby.” He chuckles darkly, breath ghosting over your spit-licked lips and you blush in embarrassment. 
“G’nna fuck you slow, alright? Make you feel so good.” Make you forget about anyone else than him. 
Your breath hitches at his words - only managed to nod as a way to respond, too breathless to speak. Letting him have the upper hand.
He kisses you again before shifting himself between your thighs and you can feel the hardness of his member gazing against your entrance. The anticipation was unbearable for the both of you and when he kissed you again, it was filled with tenderness and the raw need that he had kept these past months.
The tension finally shatters to the floor when he takes you, “F-fuck. Atta girl.” You both moan in unison when he pushes in. 
Logan feels giddy because he finally gets you. Not your panties nor not his lewd thoughts about you. He gets the real you. 
With one more deliberate thrust, Logan sank himself into you, the stretch of him filling you completely, sending a euphoric feeling into you, “H-ah, Logan..!” Your mouth gape in a broken gasp, your nail digging into his large back. He’s big—but at the same time it’s everything you ever need.
In some tawdry bar he was in, he concluded that the rest of his life is meaningless. Until some dickhead in a silly red suit takes him to this place and Logan’s sure his life is more meaningful than ever now that he knows you. 
“I know, baby. I know. Y’can take it, you’re my girl, aren’t you?” Logan groans, finding a paradox within his own sentence, knowing that it isn’t true but at the same time it is—confirmed by your drunken rambles, “Yeahyea-, yours, ‘m yours.” 
The noises he makes are deep and rough as he buries himself into the hilt, hitting your gummy spot while pressing his hips against yours. Making you let out strings of ah ah ah’s onto his mouth. 
“Feels good, huh, princess?” When you open your eyes, he’s already watching you. Watching your eyes flicker lower and lower until you catch an obscene sight.
You stare at the prodding bulge with a childlike fascination.   
Managing to move your hands over your flat stomach - your trembling fingers pressing down gently and you gasp. Logan hits so deep you could feel it on your soft skin, stretching your limits. 
You have no idea that your action drives Logan fucking insane. Turning him into some kind of wild animal that hunts for its prey. Encouraging him to move faster, his thigh muscles slap against your skin.     
“Yeah, kiddo, y’feel me there?” The bed creaks beneath as he starts thrusting at a cruel pace. 
You whine out as you watch him slide in and out, throwing your head back when you feel him against your palms that still rest above your stomach—the constant nudging drives you crazy, “S-so big…ah-”
“-S’that so? Hmm?” The sensation is nothing you could ever feel, making you see stars as your eyes roll back. His large hands drift away from your breast to join your hand, his palm pressing down hard - forcing you to feel more of him through your soft skin.
Hammering you with fervor, you both struggle to breathe as the air seems to be sucked out, “Gonna cum, L-Lo.” He’s melting at the sight of you: your mouth wide open, saliva gathering in the corners, some already dripping down to your chin.
Fuck. Can anyone else make you feel this good, huh?
“C-come f’me, sweetheart. Come f’your old man, yeah?” You’re already in another world, but then his hand leaves your stomach to tease your swollen clit. His rough thumb rubs fast circles as he keeps pounding at you. The sound of skin slapping against skin and the obscene squelches make your head spin even more. 
“A-ah!” You shriek out as you come undone, your tight walls clamping down on him. Visible tears roll down from your face as you arch your back, causing him to sink deeper. 
Logan watches as the bulge gets even bigger and he stills his movements; animalistic growls leaving his lips as his hips twitch to follow you over the edge. ”Fuckin’ Christ.” With his balls tight and pumping, he reaches for your hand and places it on your stomach again—making you feel how he fills you up to the brim with his hot cum.
You gasped as he fell above you, crushing you with his body weight and bulky figure. With your eyes met, a light you both laugh breathlessly at the scene. Then Logan hovers forward to latch his warm lips into yours in a tender kiss, calming you after the rough encounter, “I love you.” He lowly mutters against your skin, almost voiceless but you heard it. You did. 
His body rolls beside you in tiredness. Who knows his age is showing more during these moments, huh? 
Then the tips of his fingers gently stroke your hair when you move closer and rest your head on the crook of his neck. Logan’s heart sank when he remembered that you’re not his. That you have someone else in your heart. That possibly after this you’d be gone in the morning. 
Before he even realized it, his nostrils fumed and the words just came out of his mouth, unfiltered, “What would your boyfriend think of this, huh?” 
He hoped the sentence would come out as a biting satire, a dark comedy to cover up the hurtIng feeling but your eyes look at him with nothing but utter confusion.
“Shit.” Logan curses and closes his eyes, one of his palms draping roughly on his face in regret, should not fucking say that so soon, “Y-yeah. Wade told me - you got a boyfriend.” 
“Logan…” You lift yourself up from the mattress to gently cradle his face, “I-I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Sweetheart, don’t—”
You shake your head erratically, “No, Logan, I’ve— I don’t…like anyone beside you. I don’t have a boyfriend.” The voice that you let out sounded so fragile but at the same time, convincing. Especially when you put on those big eyes to assure him—he knows you’re telling the truth.
Oh, what the fuck? 
The two of you stare at each other in perplexion, too much information is given at once - too many things to address. 
But the baffling thinking stops at one name. Wade Wilson.
Let’s just say Wade was getting tired of you and Logan playing the mouse and cat game then. He needs you both to resolve the tension already in a way… or two. 
And he may or may not want to kick Logan out of the apartment. 
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hxney-lemcn · 1 day
More Than Friends — Jade Leech x gn! reader
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summery: you thought you and Jade were only friends, but there are some signs that are starting to point out otherwise...
tw: suggestive at the end (?) nothing happens tho, reader wears jewelry (cus people gift them it)
a/n: not my best work, not my worst. Idk how to feel about this one. Jade's kinda hard to write for.
wc: 2.9k
Master List
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You wouldn’t call yourself oblivious. You picked up on social cues and people’s intentions…most of the time. But you did find yourself looking back at a moment and realizing that someone was trying to flirt with you a bit too late and more often than not. It keeps you up at night how oblivious you may come off as. Either that or rude, as your responses would be a straight up rejection. 
Though this time was different.
You had no idea how you got close to Jade Leech. One moment you barely saw him, the next he kept popping up! Being friends with Azul was probably the catalyst. You both were study partners, and over time you found yourself at the Mostro Lounge more likely than not after your study sessions. It had become a respite after a hard day, ordering a drink, maybe some food if you wanted to spoil yourself. It was after you became close to Azul when you noticed the Leech twins would appear seemingly out of thin air at school. 
“My, my~” Jade hummed, appearing from around the corner. “You’ve been popping up more and more. Are you stalking me?”
You blinked, your anxiousness clouded by suspicion, “Last time I checked I was heading to class like I do everyday. Are you projecting?” 
He merely sent you a close eyed smile, “I assure you I’m not. Since we seem to be heading the same way, shall I accompany you?” Before you could point out that he came the way you were headed, Jade was already walking, leaving you to catch up. 
It didn’t only happen at school, but also at the Mostro Lounge. Of course you expected to find him there, it was where he worked. What surprised you is when he placed an amazing smelling plate of food in front of you that you hadn’t ordered. 
“Oh, I-I didn’t order anything,” You spoke up awkwardly. 
“Of course,” Jade only smiled politely, like always. “It’s a special recipe of mine, and I thought you’d be willing to try it.” You weren’t a fool, you heard Floyd groan and moan about Jade putting mushrooms into his food. Not just any mushrooms, hand picked mushrooms from the wild. A terribly dangerous hobby, even if you were a mushroom expert, and you’re pretty sure Jade doesn’t have a phd in mycology. 
Carefully, you picked at the pasta dish, noticing spinach, parsley…and mushrooms. Your eyes shift back up to the eel who watches you like a predator watching its prey.
“Did you grow these mushrooms?” You asked, trying to act natural, like you were only making small talk. 
“Fufufu~ Would it make any difference?” He asked, amused. 
“No,” You replied back, pushing all the mushrooms to one side of the plate. “I’m not a big fan of eating mushrooms either way.”
“A shame,” Jade sighed. Although his smile didn’t waver, you noticed the hint of disappointment shone in his heterochromic eyes. 
Not wanting to fully disappoint the mer, you piped up, “Your mushrooms look just like the ones from the grocery store though. Did you manage to find wild Agaricus bisporus?” You seemed to grab his attention once again with that question. 
“Yes, in fact I found a small colony,” He replied, watching as you took your first bite. 
The flavors burst on your tongue, and you found yourself holding back from wolfing the whole dish down. Instead, you picked some mushrooms from the small pile you procured and held it towards Jade. “I don’t want anything to go to waste, do you want the mushrooms?” 
Such an innocent question, and one you didn’t think about twice had managed to shock Jade. A feat really. You were used to sharing food, if you didn’t like something, you’d find someone else who would. It was like a sin to throw away food. Though in the deep, it wasn’t common at all to share food. Food was rare, people died whether it be fighting or starving. Sharing food was a deeply intimate action, reserved for only those you care about the most. Jade wasn’t a fool though, he knew you land dwellers didn’t think that way, but he couldn’t help but feel…flattered. Oh, you were such an interesting specimen and you didn’t even realize. 
And so, like the gentleman he was, who was he to deny you? Leaning down, he captured the fork between his lips, letting the savory flavor of the mushrooms hit his tongue. And as he stared at you the entire time, he found himself surprised once more. He thought you would be easy to fluster (and in a sense you were), but instead of a shy look, you merely smiled. You twirled some more pasta and ate merrily, like nothing had happened. Every so often offering Jade some more mushrooms you managed to find. It was…oddly domestic. At least to Jade, you on the other hand, were completely oblivious to the possibility of the scenario being intimate. To you, it was just like sharing food with a friend (in a sense that was true). 
It was that day that Jade decided he’d try to see how far he could get away with being intimate with you. At first he just started with cooking for you, letting you feed him mushrooms he’d ‘accidently’ put in. It was just a bit of fun really, walking you to class, watching the horror on your friend's face when he’d come to greet you. You just thought you were friends, hanging out and looking at his terrariums, talking about different mushroom species and their different properties. Walking to class, something you did with your other friends, so you didn’t question why he’d go out of his way when his classes were on the other side of campus. 
No, it wasn’t until a certain incident that made you start questioning your relationship with Jade. Kalim had gifted you a bracelet (forcefully…he wouldn’t take no for an answer), so of course you were going to wear it. And as you accompanied Azul while he was doing some checks around the lounge, he couldn’t help but eye the shiny metal that adorned your wrist. You clearly couldn’t afford such jewelry, so he couldn’t help but ask.
“Where did you get that bracelet?”
Looking from your phone to your wrist, you fidgeted with the jewelry, gems enlaced the silver metal, “Kalim gave it to me.” You didn’t see how Jade side eyed you, or how Floyd’s grin sharpened. Instead, you watched as Azul studied the jewelry, bringing your wrist close to his face. 
“I believe those are real gems.”
You felt your stomach drop, the only reason why you ended up taking it was under the hope it wasn’t real. You weren’t sure what you were expecting though, this was Kalim we’re talking about.
That was the only incident you could recall that led to…this. It was a normal day, studying with Azul after classes, which led to you both going to the Mostro Lounge in the evening. Jade hadn’t been following you around like you got used to, but you weren’t put off, just assuming he was busy with something else. You sat at the bar like you usually did, watching Jade make some customer’s drinks before bringing you your usual. After a while he brought you some food you didn’t order, and felt yourself relax. You stayed till close, then Jade would walk you to the mirror and wish you goodnight. But before any of that, when people were leaving the lounge, Jade placed a small box in front of you. One of those fancy jewelry ones. Your gaze rose to the eel, unsure what this meant. 
“Oooo, looks like Jade’s got a crush~” Floyd sang with a giggle, running away as Jade sent him a deadly glare (y’know, where he’s still smiling…terrifying). You felt your heart jump, watching Jade turn back to you with a slightly strained grin (you wouldn’t be able to tell if you didn’t know him). 
“Don’t mind Floyd,” Jade waved off his brother's earlier statements. “He likes stirring up trouble. But this is for you.” He pushed the velvet box towards you. Nerves hit you like a truck, feeling a mix of excitement, anxiety and guilt. 
“A-are you sure?” You asked, looking up at Jade with wide, anxious eyes. 
“Well, if you don’t want it…” Jade muttered, a fake pout shaping his lips. “And with all the trouble I went through to make it…”
Now it’s your turn to pout, “It's not that I don’t want it, it just…feels wrong.” You carefully opened the box, eyes widening even more at the sight of a pearl necklace…real pearls. “Oh gosh I really don’t deserve this…”
“Hm,” Jade merely hummed, sharp eyes taking in your reaction. “I thought you humans like shiny things.”
“You’re thinking of crows,” You replied back seamlessly. “Well…I guess humans too. But it's more for the idea of wealth than its actual beauty.” 
“Then perhaps it’s not expensive enough for your tastes,” Jade teased, that mischievous grin resting on his lips.
“Wh-what! No! That’s not what I meant,” You fumbled. “I-it’s just that it's too expensive! A-and, wait, did you say you made it? Jade, are you crazy? That’s way too much…” 
‘Way too much for me,’ is what you wanted to say, but the way Jade was watching you, it felt like you’d be stepping on a trap if you were to finish that thought. No, he liked you far too much (for his own good) to let you go thinking like that. So, you decided to make him something in return. It would only be fair. With some yarn (and a lot of time/patience), you had first crafted a little jellyfish plush. You then realized you totally missed a golden opportunity and decided to make a mushroom plush as well. In comparison to Jade’s gift, it was nothing, but you hoped he’d enjoy it nonetheless. 
You brought the plushies with you on one of your hangouts with Jade. You were going to try making your own terrarium this time with his guidance (you hadn’t planted mushrooms before). And so, before you could start, you brought the plushies out of your bag and quickly handed them to the eel. 
“It’s a thank you, for the necklace,” You explained as Jade stared at the squishy plushies in his hands. “I-I made the jellyfish first ‘cus I knew I could…but then I realized a mushroom would’ve been better, so I decided why not both?”
“Fufu~ How thoughtful,” Jade chuckled. “I’ll cherish these with my life.” You merely rolled your eyes, he was clearly exaggerating, but little did you know that he actually meant his words. Carefully placing your little creations away neatly to take to his room later. 
 You’d find Floyd teasing you (but mostly Jade) after he found out you made the plushies (it wasn’t every day that his brother had a childrens toy…or was so protective of it). Even your friends were questioning things when you mentioned that the necklace was crafted by Jade Leech, the mer who was infamous in the school.
“He made you that?”
“Are you sure he didn’t just propose to you?”
“I’ve been telling you he likes you this entire time!”
You felt dumbfounded. Were you actually, truly oblivious? Had he been hinting at his feelings this entire time? But everything seemed 100% platonic! At least on his end, as you had found yourself falling for the mer over time. You thought you were being clouded by your personal feelings, and that he didn’t mean anything by his actions…had you been the fool this entire time? 
The final nail in the coffin was when you both were hanging out in his room. Floyd was at basketball practice (for once), Azul busy with filing his contracts, so it was just the two of you. You were on your phone, sitting on Jade's bed as Jade did school work at his desk. It was peaceful…except for your mind. You hated not knowing what was happening, what was friendly or what was romantic. Was any of it romantic? Was all of it romantic? Did he actually like you or was he messing with you? All your worries and anxieties bubbled up to the point of your insecurities spilling past your lips.
“Jade…Do you like me?” 
It was silent for a second as he stopped his writing, slowly turning to face you with an ‘innocent’ look, “Why of course. Have I done something to make you think I don’t?”
“N-no, I mean,” You let out a frustrated sigh, fiddling with the pearl necklace he gifted you, he made you, that laid across your neck. “Like…romantically.” You had hoped he couldn’t hear the end of your sentence, feeling like you were being conceited. But that sly smile on his face told you otherwise. You shrunk down as he paced closer, sitting next to you as he spoke.
“What gave it away?”
“H-huh?” You squeaked. Barely able to comprehend how fast the whole ordeal was going, the situation going from one to a hundred real quick. 
“Was it the food I provided you?” Jade questioned cheekily, tapping his chin in fake thought. “Perhaps it was the handcrafted jewelry? Have you finally read up on mer courtship?” You felt your mind reeling, courtship?? 
“You have been reciprocating, so I assumed you knew.” He knew damn well you didn’t. 
You were absolutely flabbergasted. Mouth agape, staring wide eyed. Was he serious? You wanted to bash your head into a wall. What does he mean you were reciprocating? You don’t recall doing anything that could be counted as romantic. 
“How bold of you to feed me,” Jade continued to tease, brushing his finger along your jaw. “How sweet of you to make me something from scratch. Hm, now there’s only one thing left to do to seal the deal~”
“Wh-wha?” You stammered. What the hell was happening. Seal the deal? What the hell did that mean? It was so hard to think when he touched you so gently. But then he released your face, holding your wrist and bringing it up to his face. 
“Don’t you understand, pearl?” Jade asked, lips quirked up as he trailed his lips up your forearm, ending near the junction of your elbow. “The last step is to mark your mate, or as you humans call it, your partner.” He nibbled gently at your skin, causing your breath to hitch, and your entire body felt like it was bursting into flames. 
“A-are you being serious right now?” You asked. Jade was an enigma, and even you found yourself wondering if he would like you romantically.
“I wouldn’t offer to mark just anyone,” He whispered, his eyes seeming to soften just the slightest. “At least not so gently.”
“Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?” Instead of replying, he merely smiled at you, amused with your conversation. 
“I suppose for humans this might be a bit far,” Jade murmured, letting his lips linger on your skin, eyes longingly staring at where his mark could’ve been. You felt your heart pounding, not sure how to say that you were a bit…that you didn’t mind. 
“W-we’ve already got this far…” You trailed off, not able to meet his piercing gaze. In a flash, Jade’s lips were back at your upper forearm, giving a light kiss before he bit you. You winced in pain, forgetting the eel had sharp teeth that could easily tear you apart. But instead of causing you to bleed, he only bit down hard enough to bruise your skin to match the shape of his teeth. Then, he kissed the tender skin, but his eyes showed he didn’t feel an ounce of guilt. 
“You reciprocate, no?” Jade then asked, eyes shining brightly. 
“I…yeah,” You nod, feeling like you were going to explode. 
Without a word, Jade started to loosen his tie, unbuttoning the first few buttons on his shirt. You felt like your face was on fire as Jade showed you his neck.
“N-not there!” You exclaimed. “P-people will get the wrong idea!” 
“No?” Jade pouted.
Biting your lip anxiously, you scooted closer. Taking his white button up, you pulled the collar over one shoulder. Jade was left astonished as you took the lead, rising up and biting his shoulder in a place others wouldn’t see. And as he felt his heart jump, he knew he made the right choice. You were such an odd human, and you found ways to surprise him every time he tried to fluster you. He never thought he’d be interested in romance, but you found a way to catch his eye. 
It was an impossibly warm day, and you found the long sleeves of your uniform to be your enemy. Completely forgetting about the mark on your inner arm, you rolled your sleeves up, fanning yourself as you sweat. 
“O. M. G.” Cater gasped. “Whose lunch did you become? #nsfw.”
“Huh?!” You shouted startled. Looking down at your arm your eyes widened, the purplish red bruise had faded to a lighter color, but it was still clearly a bite mark. “N-no it’s not like that.”
“Uhuh,” Cater said, eyeing you with a grin. “Like we all don’t know Jade’s been wanting to pounce on you for #forever.”
Unfortunately, there was no way of convincing him otherwise…not like the truth was much better.
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